HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/20/1969 ''''.''''~'- _,' ._._.,._ '-"_'""'_~_'~" _~''''',r,'___'_'' .~""'..._-_r'__"_<'_7~ '''--''_'''_':'''''''""__~'__'''_''~''' . Fishers Island Ferry District - ~ II> ~ he., .,.'" N. Y. _.......... a-., N. Y.. 'Hr. cr..,......, . FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06390 .1 1 WILF"RED C. SINCLAIR MANA.Eit .. seCRETARY TELEPHDNE "..a"-463 AAEA CaDE SUi BOARO OF" COMMISSIONERS LAWRENCE S. BALDWIN, CHAIRMAN PDLLY EDMDND. ALF'lIiIIED R. GREBE "AYMDND ,.. DOVEN "'CHARe V. P'OYLE ., , mNUTES OF THE l.:EETING OF THE i30ARD OF' G01.UUS;rONERS OF' THE nSHF.:R3 ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT FEBRUARY 20, 1969 A speoial meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Ferry Distriot was oalled by the Chairman and held in the offioe of the ",'erry Distriot. February 20, 196(} at 7:00 P.H. Present were Commissioners B~ldwin, Grebe, Foyle, and Edmonds. The minutes of the mee tin,:';;s held Deoember1 7, 1968, January 8, January 15, anci February 6, 1969 were a;))rovod as read. i.;inutes of the meetins 0:' ~"ebruQry 6th should read that Cnairmc.n si::;ned the document for Penn Central. Chairman julu;dn read and the Bea rd disoussed three bids received for ork speoific~tions on M.V. Mystio Isle. '1'11e bids from newport Shipyard and Greenport Yacht and 3hipbuildin; lIere incomplete. l.lotion made by Comm. ."oyle and seoond",q. by GOIlll11. Grebe that tho l'hames 3hi,.yarci get bid for ;ork on MystiorSle. Communioation was read from looal oontr'cotJr, A. John Gaels., regardins':torase of Ycr".onD.l property in faci]~itiei.:) of r;lerry 1)j.strict. GenBra.l d5.SCU8Si'.:;11 ensued. Hoti::n lo1aue to adjourn and '.tnanimouoly c[~rried at G:h5 P.I~;. Cf~ <t:~I~~. ~~_ Polly -E~nds, Aoting ~eoretary Approved: L. .s. Baldvlin, .~h3irm:"n Board of ;~Ol:"'uli.l s s ioners ';;"~'.J""'"", '.....-'..'. ~L,-. I" ";;',,,' . "',: ' .'1. . . .t., . .'f( , .~,~......-" """""'~;""_'~"_~