HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/05/1969 r"~~~-",.,,__... . Fishers Island Ferry District --.._....~ ....H. y._~a-~H. T._.~,,", . > ....SHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 08390 WILF"RED C. BINCLAIR _"" - B.,CllaAAY nUE:"HDNE 7..-7....:1 AREA CaDE .,. BDARD OF" COMMISBIONERS LAWRENCE: a. BALDWIN. CH......... ~aLLY EDMDNDa ALP'RI:D II. BREat: RAYMOND 1". DDYEN RICHAItQ V. F'CYLE MIJru'l'ES OF THE MEETIJfG OF THE ~OARDOF COMMISSIONERS m'THE PISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT Ma1"ch 5. 1'6' A e.eeial .eetin~ of th~ ~a&l"a ot Cammi..ioner. ef the Fi.her. Ielan. Fer1"Y Dlat1"icll wu heli March 5. 1'6' at the orfice ot the F81"1")' Dhtrlct. Marsh S. 1'6' at 1:" P.M. Pre.ent were Cam~i..ioner. G1"ebe. E..~ni.. Feyle. W. Sinclair, ~1".-Seo. Abeent were Co~.. ~aliw1n. Co~. Dayen Mation wa. maie by C~. Fe)'le and .ecenaed by Co~l..lone1" G1"ebe that vouche1". #5114' th1"outh #51173 inc1u.ive in th~ am~unt ef $1127'.53 rel'resentlnl' the ..,utatanitn~ obli,atinn. ot the Fer1"Y District tor the month ef Februar)' 1'6' be oai.. Motion unaniaouely .a1"rie<<. The Mana,;e1" 1"ea<< lette1" iate. Feb1"ua1"Y .2~, 1'6' f1"OI'l\ Supervi.o1" Martocchla explainin~ Why the Town ~ea1"a ot the Town ot Seullholi 1"ejectei all bii. ter .hi.yari work for the My.tic I.le. Gene~al ii.Gu..ion enluei. ~hl. ..tter will be taken up later at a Town Meetins. Ce~. Grebe .ug~eltei ,hat Jua,e Eiwar.. attena eU1" .e.ti~ .0 that he wauli b. in a position to uni.r.tani our preble.. ani e.ul. take theM to the T~ 8e&1"i Meetin~.. General aileullinnl then en.uei on .atte1"1 in ~en.1"al. Th..e Minut.. .... .... t. tho h.... ... .....t.. .. ...~~ . . nc a r, K<<r.~... ApP1"ovei: '.lly Ajaonal, Aetin~ Chairman cp~ _ii ~ I . ',;!