HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/16/1969 .. -.-------.-~~~...---,-....,.---_.~-"""".._~--~... ""': r ~. f t . . OiJrrierC-uul &y $1><""1' ":. Ferry District $rur, l....ilL.u-...~ ,lAWlJ~ N.Y" !94r.~ 6Q9) F. h [' 'I 15 ers Standi FISHERS iSLAND, NEW YORK 06390 WILFRED C SINCLAIR "'''NAGER .. SECFolf.:TAR'! TELEPHONE '188-"".63 ARF.:A CUDF ~'f, BOARO OF COMMISSIONERS LAWRENCE S. BALDWIN, CHAIRMAN PDLLY EDMONDS ALFRED R. GREBE RAYMOND F'. DOYEN RICHARD V. FOYLE " . M:NUT',S OF 'l'HE MEErING IF 'rHE BOARD JF COMMISSIONERS OF 'l'HE FUllERS ISLAND FERRY DIS'l'HICT April 16, 1969 , A special meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry Distr1ct was called by the Chairman and held in the office of the Fishers Island Ferry District April Ib, 1969 at 1:00 P.M.. Present were ~1s81oners Baldwin, Grehe, Foyle, Edmonds, Doyen and W. Sinclair, Mgr.- Se~. A1sr,.present ~s Captain Alfred S.Bicknell. General discus.ion enaued on th~ IlUmmer .chedulinp: of the Mystic Isle and the M/V Olinda w'th rellll~d to peak trafric days and consideration of railroad schedules. Mot l:m h" COMl'!. Foyle end seconded by COMl'!. Grebe that the SUllll1ler schedule be adopted. Motion unani~usly carried. The Doard apreed that a Notice should he inserted on tne sChed,les stating that the schedule was made up to "c'nform wi th the present railroad schedule and if there should be any sl~lftcant cnanges then our schedule would he revised accord1ngly. The '~ager discussed the neftd to paint out the M/V Olinda pointing out there wa~ a ~reat quantitv or ail scale on it which would have to be removed. ~. Board of Co~mi.sinners authorized Capt. Bicknell to have this done. The Hoer'~ a15('o ~tnorized Capt. Bicknell to purchase a nl'lW sofa for the M7at1c Is e. The Board also apre~d to run a late trip trom New London ..eh Frida" at b: 00 P.M. anel from Fishers Island at 9:00 P.M. durinp: May. o.a.ra1 discussion en.ued on tariff chanp:es. It was approved that the _""1" tariff would coyer the period Mav 1. - Oct. 15, 1969. Other changes were made therein. Motion by COlllI'1. Grehe ana secum....w "J 80IllI'l. Doyen that the fre1~ht and passenger tariff. be accepted as amended. Motion ,~.fti~ualy carried. The Manager stat~d that the proposed tariffs have to 10 to the Town Board 'or approval. The M.anager read a letter from Marah & MeLennan relat1ve to the proposed cancellation of liability coverages on th~ bunkers. The matter was discussed at length. Motion by Comm. Foyle a'ld seconded by Comm. Gre.,e that '- J. Gada be awarded a contract to furn1sh labor and material to construct a storage cabinet in the Ferry Diatr1ct orfice for the sum or $196.00. Motion unanimously carried. M.tion _de tn adjourn and unanimously carried at 3: 0 P.M. . f ~: L. , ., Approyed: \.c