HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/09/1969 '" -----,--....,.~'--.-c,,,,.:'~""W'~"';Lf ,,-~'_.."" r ~~.: ,.-"~~""",.~,,.~r-- . "-,'-":";-0~':"77~"Tf,~~':"""""'-:~'~--:,~'CC;--- --."-''''',--'---''-''''''''_,'''"''7-'-~~i'!'''''",'':~~:_-__'''"':''.-'::'''''fO~?'''''''~ . . Fishers Island Ferry District Dimia c.....d s, S/><daI...... .-1>< N. Y. Sw. l.qO"""" a...... N. Y.. 'l>f7, a..,p,,, 600l FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK 06390 WILFRED C, SINCLAIR MANAE3ER - SECRETARY TEL-EPHeNE 788-7-463 AREA CeDE 516 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS LAWRENCE S. BAL-DWIN. CHAIRMAN PDL-L-V EDMDNDS AL-FRED R. BREBE RAYMDND F. DDYEN RICHARD V. FDYL-E Excerpt trom the Minute. ot the Meeting ot the Board ot Commissioners ot the Ferry District held JUDe 9, 1969 at 1:00 P.M. in the ottice ot the Ferry District. All Cemmissioners were pre.ent at thi. meeting. The to1lowing re.olution was introduced by the Chairman and adopted by the lU1A",i"lou. attirmative vote ot the Board ot Commi.sioners as toll.. : Commi..ionor " It It It Baldwin Grebe Foyle Do,.en Edmond. Yes Ye. Ye. Ye. Yes WHEREAS THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS require the .ervices a part,. to .en' in the capaoi ty at the New London Terminal ot the Fh her. I~nd Perry Di.triot as a watchman AND WHEREAS Gary Nioholas Btanowicz, ot 32 Godfrey Street, Groton, Commeoticut ba. applied tor this po.ition tor the .~r .eason ot 1969 BE IT RESOLVED that Gary Nicholas Stanowicze be engaged in the oapa*1t,. ot watohman AlID BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that subject appointment .hall be etfeotive June 20~ 1969 &ad o~...atdpm .~~~ be $8~.00 per week payable .emi monthly. I certity that the above .ubjeot excerpt from the Minutes ot the Meeting ot the Board ot CClIID1I1..ione f the Fishers Island Ferry District is true and oorr..t in e. r..pect.