HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/10/1969 , . . Fishers Island Ferry District DUtrict arr..c.d B, s,..cw Ad at .-hI N. Y. s..u ~ (1.GwJ 0/ N. y" (9047. C~rr 6001 FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06390 WILFREO C. SINCLAIR MANAGER - SECRETARY TELEPHONE 7811-7-463 AREA CaDI: 516 SOARD OF COMMISSIONERS LAWRENCE S. BALDWIN, CHAIRMAN POLLY EDMONDS ....Lf"REO R. GREBE RAYMOND F. DOYEN RICHARD V. FOYLE MiJlUt.. ef th" Meeting CIIf the Beard .f C.romla~lonera of th... Flah.ra I-eland Ferr"T IJ1 ~t',rlct July 10, 1969 , '1L A .pecla1 meeting .f the Board ef C.roml.s1onera of th... Ferr~ Dilltrlet wu .a11.d by the Cha~rman and held in the e~fice of the F.rr~ Di.trlct July 10, 1969 at 6:00 P.~. Pre..nt w.re qem~laaion~r. Baldwin, Greb., Fe~le, Deyen Bdaend. and w. C. 51.nelair, Mgr._Sec. The MiJlUt.ea of the MeetiJ1f held Jmp, 9. 1969 were read and apProved aa read. Metisn by Oemmi.llioner Grebe and ..c.nded by Corom. EdMenda that Tnuchera No. 51151 through 51176 incluaiTe 1a the amount ef $17,131.16 r.pre.entinf eutatanding e'hllgat'ona of the terry Dht"rict ror the mnnth of June 1969 he paid. MGtion unanimGualy sarri.d. The Board dir.cted the Manager t. contaot the Cust Guard Inapectnr 1a ..w L.nd.n r.gardinf the change of.r in .n~inea and dete~'ne 'f w. ~ .... ..w engine hed plan. for appreTa1 hefor. inata11i~ .ame. General .- 4i..u..ion enaued en the Olinda. The Manager reported that Kernan Allen .. Mc..Wft weuld like to servey insurance .... McMann & Price weuld like to d. ..... ,The Beard agreed te thi.. Metion by Corom. Deyen and .ec.nded by . Cemm. Edm.nd. that the Board .eek a bid to demoliah tho Band Barracka, - 1_: Bui1din~ #8. Motien uananimou.1y carried. The Manager waa directed _. .entaet Mr. Miohae1 Lauph1in in regard tc operating the airpert. General t1aeu..ioD en.ued on re.ervation. for the July to Augu.t rental ch_rveoTer. Cemm. Edm.nda .aid that ahe did not think it was neeesaary_ The Manager wa. direct.d te contact Mr. rtobert ~aaker relative to hiring Conatab1e Jena..e. .. ...kend. to pelice the pier area and keepinp the boat. eff which interere. with our rerry ep~rat1on.. The Manager was a1ao directed te g.t .ign. lIIade up which would atate "Ne Docking - ....n:rttm.... General 'iacua.~en eJlllu.d en budget matters. Motion J8IIJl "t_d. te adjourn and Uftantmeu.l~ sarried at 7:25 P.M. , .~ ~ . Sinclair, Mgr. _Sec. 1 , , C .~ );r," ~ t~ ft.'".: .- ~;! ~ f I Appr.ved: ~~~~~ L. S. Baldwin, Chairman Beard .r Commi..ioner. "._,::c.'--,