HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/31/1969 . . Fishers Island Ferry District ~ c.-d B, s"ecla.1 Ace a( <fM N. Y. Staff u,ulah.n :lAWS a( N. y" ,,,.17. ChaPtrt' 60xll FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06390 WILFRED C, SINCLAIR MANAGER ~ SECRETARY TELEPHDNE 78S-7-463 AREA CeDE 516 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS' LAWRENCE 9. 8ALDWIN, CHAIRHAN POLLY EOMONO~~ ALrRED R. GREar- :;;lAYMOND r. ..!C1YE"-' RjCHA.~t-) V re-']" MINUTES OF en". H' OF r:-}f,.;: BOARD OF cnwT'.' (;' :1 " FISHERS ISLAND FE"!rY DISTRICT Jul..,. 31. 1969 A 8P.elal m~~tIng ~r the Beard ~f Comml..ion.r. of the Fish~r~ Island '.1"1"1' I11at..let wa. _lled by tho> Chairman anr! held in Ih.. office (If th.. Pe'l'ry Di.trIct Jul..,. 31. 1969 at 12:~0 P.M.. Prl'l~entwer. COl11Jl1issinn..rll 1!Ieldw1n. ....,.1.. Gr. be , Edmond. ano ". C. Sincl..1r, Mgr.';'Sec. 'l'h. en.'r-ml" ..ked C.Mr'. Grabe it he planned to r'm for th", D"lIitInr> of Comm1s."" ,""/11' at the Al'lI'lual loleetlM w'1ich will he h.ld AlJp'lJllt 12, 1969 in.sml1ch all "llS tl1'lll win ",,.,>1re at that t~me, COT!n1'i~~~.(")ner Gre"e erat",d that he \Fl111d ...;, T'.-.lec.t~ en. The Manlver th"n ,.,~.",~..,..t...., 'c"" nY" 'n~..d rq,i"..t fm' 1970 and exola1,ned th.t it was up to the Bo~rd of C91'1'Juinn..rs to re",:1ew .__ and add th"~e Hems whtth the:' felt would be reqllired In 1970 aad ~'lch hiS n"t already been listed. The Manager .tated that a new a.M. D.troi t D1.....l ia alread'!' in the ,,"dg.t. The ChaI rtflan stated th,. t the EN rd .hOllld add another enpl nl'l ulus a n.w intI. table lif.raft. !h. d1ard a~eed with this. The M.nlg",r IItated that Mr. Richard Jennlen ~. a.ked him if h./ eould get ..me flooring out of building #8 inum\lch u the building i. Itched\Jled fer demoliUon. General discssion "nsued .. t"'i. and 1t wa. the teeling of th.. Board ~f C.mmlI18iener~ that it ".'lld Il.t be In .rder t. .ll.w anyone to do this at thi. time. The Manager wa. t,., I".otify .Mr. Jenl!~en en this. The Minute. of th., MeetiIV .t the Board .f' C.l'!lIlli.~ione:'. held Jnlv 10, 1969 were read and approved a. read. M.tion mad. to adj.urn and llnanimous1y carried at 1:15 P.M, \ \ . w. C .3~nehir.r1g1".-SI'le. Apl'l'o.,.ed: L. S. Ba]d win. ChaIrman ~eard .t C.l'!lIlll8s1onera Certified C'O-py :::..