HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969 '~r""T":"'T'Jr,Y'''''?'J'''-'''"'-' ;',:::~:-:,;i""'J'--- , -. ...'..... ~----_.- ., . . CERTIFICATE ()F OF THE FISHERS WE (]~~.I~-'u~C' cflrtc .t-Tzc: d' ~l--- INSPEC'"ORS OF EL~TION IS LAND FERRY DIS'C'RICT , 't 4u..p-h~._--t.~~ AND /:: as Inspectors or tho E10ction of ~h. Pi.hors Island Fo~ry Vistriet, DO HEREBY CERTIFY as re110w.: On the 12th day et AUFu~t 1969, th~ Annual Meeting rer the E10ctlon or C~i.sioner .r the Fishers Island Forry Di.trict was held at tho Fish~rs I.1and Firo House, Fish~r. 1.1 and, New York at 2:00 P.M.. Said Meeting was duly called by Notiee, a o~py of whlch i. heroto annexed, .tating tho tiMo, place and purpo.o of the Mooting. Copie. or .aid Notico woro pe.ted .on.picuou.1y ln at l~a.t five puh1lc pl.... 1ft aaid Di.trlct, at least ten day. prior to the dato ot the Meeting, to wit on Ausust 1, 1969 a. tollowa: 0.0 on th~ Bu110tin Board, Fi.her. Island CiYie A.soeiation, Fi.hers I.1and, New Yerk One on the deor of the Fi.her. Island Forry Di.triet Theatre, Fi.hor. I.1and, New York On. on the Bulletin Board er the Fi.hers Island Forry District, Fi.hera Island, New Yerk Ono on the Hangar Deor c€ Elizaboth Airnort, Fl.hers I!lland, New York Ono on the doer or Union Freo Scheo1 Di.trict #4, Fishers Island, Now York. At~'~ P.M. Arter the ooll.'had reMalned epen tor rour heur., .aid Inspector. or ~ion canva.sod the voto and WE the aroresaid Inspecter. of Election, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the resulh W/lre as to11ow.: '-fo Votes wero cut ror 1'/;"''''""",47);111//1/ tor C01llmluiener rer a t~rM ~ ./J k ot fho Tears 30 Vot.. wero cut r(}I' ())I.J deL I\~ ..~k ;~r ff::m~::;:ner ror a term -LVot.. were cut fer ~./:;/i.' " t:L ;;r rf~~::;:ner for a term ~Vote. wero east for __ __~__ ___~_____ ,ror C01llmi.sioner for a term / 4. I ..... . I 'ef f1 ve Toar. _Votes woro out for J'j}{J.{IAli1J0J1.. for Cemmiu1ener ror a terM or fl ye J"l!Iar. ter Comml.sloner for a term er rive year. ter Commissloner for a term -or fi YO yoar. tor Commi..ioner tor a term of tlye yoar. tor Commi.sioner ror a terM of rive year. rer C01ll!'l1.aie.ner for a term or rive year. ____Voto. were oa.t ror Vote. wero .a.t fer - Voto. wero oa.t for - Voto. were east ror - Vote. - w~re ca.t ror VOID VOTES BlANK VOTES / ~::~-.,~~~-..,-. . ""'!" \'-, -~.,--..-----,--,------~~...............-- - .. . . . August 12, 1969 Fhhers Island Surfolk County Now Y"rk INSPECTORS OF ELECTION IlIJ; f);!J. d/p fib:rvU Cha1l'!11an o " /O-<</k #~j:/~ i> Telfer \~~~~~~ o or STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) SS: DB th1. da~ or Au~st /.~ th, 1969 horore me th~ subsor1ner, personally appearod ( {~jc(x Lf.IXc!-Lu -/ziA~ , ;;:;.,: ~v['cU]f_LatL __ and ~aiC;/ /U~T , to me peruna-ily known and known tEl me to he e same p~r.ons de.cr~ln and who exeouted the above 1nstrument and they severa11~ duly aeknGwledped to me that they executed th~ same as INSPECTOHS OF ELECTION ef t.h.. FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRI CT Ju~~L{l;;~~~;:u;:: .f Southold Sufrolk County, New York I l -~,r~':',&72l:";'?'t'i~;;'1~W::.\'];:",""!;:'~'''7'~ -~,::r~'":- .''1'' ""-'W::~""" '~::"':7~~J.' .~. r'", ~ ~ ~~"..:~,....~. . . CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION TO THE OFFICE OF FERRY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER OF THE FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT SUFFOLK COUNTY NEW YORK was duly elected by the eltgible yeters of Ferry District C~iaaioner of the Fishers er rive years. ANNUAL ELECTION held in and for the FISHERS Island, County or Surrelk, New Yerk. ~AA> tt J/MJ/idL the District to the of rice of Island Ferry D1atrict ror a term THIS IS TO CERTIFY that at the ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT, Fishers en the 12th day ef August 1969 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto aet our hand a and aeals on this th day or August 1969. INSPECTORS OF ELECTION tY/l/ / 61P.' 1.idt..:Z '4'1 ~ : a 1. rman 2i~-v*/ b/C-- :../ . er , 7.j:;,U.ikU.~{I~<, f . Teller Subacribed and befere !II" th1a day .r Aurust sworn to /z.-/. at 1969 ..-- . ..~ .<-c L/~ . erry Fishera Is New York