HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/05/1969 -'-~-"_. ~"- ,.,. " 111111l1li111,_11 1111 - '-.~~".r::ii"':-'f''': ;'t, ;.~. - Iii I t' - ,." -'," - - "." . Fishers Island Ferry District .Dktrtct C-Zt~J B, S,..n.al Mo( 'J"1v N. Y..sr.u l..,qU.Io:II..n iLaUf of N. Y., 1047. Chaptrr tw' FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06390 WILFRED C. SINCLAIR MANAGER. SECRET....RY TELEPHONE 788.7.463 ....REA CODE 516 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE FISHEilS ISL,\ ND FERRY DISTRI CT Sept. S, 1969 ,,_...~....~>..,...--~ . BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS LAWRENCE 9. BALDWIN, LtuIRM...N POLLY EDMONDS ~- ~AYMOND L DOYEN RICHARD V. FOYLE "tep]len Morell A .peolal meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Ferry District was .alled by the Chairman and held in the o~fice of the Ferry District, Sept. i' 1969 at 5:30 P.M. Present were Comm. L. Baldwin, P. Edmonds, S. Morell, . Deyen, and W. C. Sinclair, Mgr.-Sec. The Manager read the Minutes of the "ar1ng hdld Aug. 18, il969 on the estimated revenues and expenditures for 1970. Motion by Comm. Doyen and seconded by Comm. Morell that the Minutes be acoepted as read. Motion unan1mously carried. Motion by Cemm. Morell and ..-ended by Comm. Edmonds that vo~chers #51211 through #51246 inclusive in the ...unt er $18,12&.05 representinp the outstanding obligations of ,the Ferry Di.trlot for August 1969 be paid. Motion unanimously carried. lieneral dlleulllion enllued on ramp. Chairman Baldwin spoke on the dock work and getting an engIneer to draw up the s~K1I specificat'nns for hoth docks. General <<i.cuIllion ensued on the New London Dock relocation. The Manager was directed t. contac' John Appelt for a meeting next Wednesday at 1:00 P.M. on the .v London Dock. The Board of Commissiorers directed the Electric Corporation \e lnltall the Wind Tee at the airport. Mo nr made to adjourn and ~lmou8ly carried at 6:40 P.M. //" nc at r, Manager-Secretary r4/~//u~ / ./ Baldwin, Chairman of Commissioners } r ~. .: ll;