HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/27/1969 ,I!II!I.... III .. 1..11111- . r..~..~ ~. ~r~', . . Fishers Island Ferry District Dtm1ct c.u..,d By ~ Acto! Iflw N. Y. St.at.r Lqidarwl'f (LAWI of N, Y., J\)47. Ch4pcn 6Qpl FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK 06390 WILF"RED C. SINCLAIR MANAGER ~ SECRETARY TELEPHONE 788-7-463 AREA CeDE 516 BOARD OF" COMMISSIONERS LAWRENCE S. BALDWIN, CH....I"""....... POLLY EDMONDS ~:JU-- RAYMOND r. COYEN RICHARD V. FOYLE Stephen "lorell l1INUTES OF' THE MEErING l'lF THE BOARD OF COM1-lISSIONERS 0]<' THE FISHEHS ISL,~ND FERRY DIS'rRICT Oct. 27, 1969 A speci al m"etinp: of the Boal'd of Cornr~issi oners was held Oct!'lber 27, 1969 at 10:00 A.M., October 27,1969 in the offjcl'l of the Ferry Districts Present were C.mmissioners Edmonds, Doyen, r'~rell and W. C. Sir:cJRir, Mgr.- ec. Alse present were representatives of Marsh & McLennan Inc., insurance brekeJ's fer the Ferry Di s tric t as follews: Marshall Dedp:e, Peter Hetzler, Graham Platt and an Engineer of the eOMnany. Discussion ensued en the bunkers en land ef the Ferry District and the liability of same. The Engin"er, Mr. Brie Gabrielson suggested three methods of diSPosing ef this liability, ie: Demolition, Land Fill and Fencinp: the area in. He felt that fencing was the answer and that one bunker sr:onld };e done in the near future to show the intemt of the Dis trict in elim~ nil. ti np: thi ~ liability. General di scnssion ensued en this. Mr. Peter Het71er ti en spoke on tlie mari ne cO'llll'ages ef the District. Mr. Dodge then sneke on tl:e relationship between the insurance broker and the insUJ'anc" cO~Dany. It was apparent that insofar as tht'\ liabilJ.ty coverap'es were concerned that there weuld be little or ne change in the renewals of thnse pOli7ie ; General discussJ.on then ensued on all aspects of our ins11rance .everage. Moti0tl made to adjourn and unanJ.mously carried at 11:20 A.M. (/J&J~~~ W. C.Sinclair, Manager-Secre~ary ~" Approved: y'fl/l-,/:i4 ''-'' :<, ~ ~ ~ L. S. Baldwin, Chairman Beard of Cemmissioners ."" >: 'yJ " f ; >'~. " i ,. ~ t