HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-59.-3-19 PLANNING BOARD MEMBA �
ONES �C� • Town Hall, 53095 Main Road
Chairman Southold, New York 11971
WILLIAM J. CREMERS w = Fax (516) 765-3136
KENNETH L.EDWARDS • �� Telephone (516) 765-1938
November 17, 1998
Robert C. Leonard
S & L Irrigation
Cox Lane Industrial Park - Unit 13
Cutchogue, NY 11935
Re: Request for site plan waiver for Robert C. Leonard
Rt. 48 and Kenney's Rd.
SCTM# 1000-59-3-19
Dear Mr. Leonard:
The following resolution was adopted by the Southold Town Planning Board at a
meeting held on Monday, November 16, 1998:
The final public hearing was closed.
WHEREAS, Robert C. Leonard is the owner of the property known and
designated as SCTM# 1000-59-3-19 located on Rt. 48 and Kenny's Rd. in
Southold; and
WHEREAS, the moratorium does not apply to this application because it
involves: an improved parcel and no Zoning Board of Appeals approvals are
required and because the proposed use is not "a change of use" from the
previous use. The previous use was a use permitted in the Limited Business
(LB) zone pursuant to Section 100-81 A.2 (f) and the proposed use is a
permitted use under Section 100-81 A.2 (f).
WHEREAS, an examination has been made of all uses and the existing parking
was determined to be adequate for all uses; and
WHEREAS, a twenty foot wide buffer consisting of a six foot stockade fence, off-
set from the property line, and six foot evergreens, ten feet on center will be
placed on the north and east side of the property to screen storage vehicles and
equipment from neighboring residential property; and
Page 2
Sffe plan waver for S&L Irrigation
November 17, 1998
WHEREAS, a handicapped parking space will be provided; and
WHEREAS, any violation of the conditions of this resolution may be grounds for
rescinding this waiver; be it therefore
RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board grant a waiver of site plan
Please contact this office if you have any questions regarding the above.
Bennett Orlowski, Jr.
cc: Ed Forrestor, Director of Code Enforcement
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November 16, 1998
Present were: Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman
Richard G. Ward
G. Ritchie Latham
Kenneth Edwards
William Cremers
Melissa Spiro, Planner
Martha Jones, Secretary
Town Hall, 53095 Main Road
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971
Telephone (516) 765-1935
Absent: Valerie Scopaz, Town Planner
Robert G. Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer
Mr. Orlowski: Good evening. I'd like to call this meeting to order. The first
order of business, Board to set Monday, December 14, 1998 at 6:00 p.m. at
Southold Town Hall, Main Rd., Southold, as the time and place for the next
regular Planning Board meeting.
Mr. Cremers: So moved.
Mr. Edwards: Second.
Mr. Orlowski: Motion made and seconded. All those in favor?
Ayes: Mr. Orlowski, Mr. Ward, Mr. Latham, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Cremers.
Mr. Orlowski: Opposed? Motion carried.
Hearings Held Over From Previous Meetings:
Mr. Orlowski: S&L Irrigation - This site plan waiver is for a 1,000 sq. ft. office
building and a 2,500 sq. ft. storage and warehouse, for an irrigation
business, in an existing building. SCTM# 1 . Since it's
held open I'll ask if there are any comments on this application?
0 0
Southold Town Planning Board 2 November 16, 1998
Robert Leonard: Good evening. My name is Robert Leonard and I'm
representing S&L Irrigation here this evening. As I stated to the Board
previously and as we discussed in the work session, we're all in favor of
planting the 20 foot buffer, in fact it has already been planted. It was
planted a couple of weeks ago. It's in place. The local residents as well as
the Board also requested that we use stockade fence instead of chain link
fence. We're in favor of that also, we agreed to that. We have no problems
with that. Other than that, because we've pretty much done everything
everybody's asked us to do I really don't have too much more to say here
this evening.
It did come to my attention earlier this week that some of the neighbors
stopped by with some photographs of our building and what we've been
doing up there, and I add with this Board's approval, as well as the Code
Enforcer's approval - I don't know what the pictures were supposed to
represent but I brought some of my own pictures of the building prior to
our purchasing it. Some of the neighbors have led everybody to believe that
there was always what I would call a natural buffer there. This Board as well
as the town code does not require us to have a natural buffer. It is a
landscape buffer which according to the town code, must be a maintained
This building, as my photos will show, was far from maintained before myself
and my partners purchased it. The work that we've done there is basically
bringing the building up to town code and no more than that. I'll give you
these (submitted pictures). As those photos will show you - I've got one
more here for you - the single photo I handed you is the building in the
summertime prior to me buying it. The other photos are pictures of the
building in the wintertime prior to me buying it. You can obviously see the
neighboring houses in those pictures. The evergreen buffer -20 foot
evergreen buffer - in which the town's required me to plant, and that I
planted, will by all means produce a better screen once they've grown in
than what they've ever had there.
I understand that the neighbors to the east purchased that house 19 years
ago. I don't think they've ever had anything better to look at in the past 19
years than what we're trying to produce there. The neighbors to the north,
it's a newer house, it's been there for two or three years. There was, again
what I would call a dilapidated buffer there, which again, we're not trying to
do anything more than upgrade that buffer and bring it up to town codes.
The placement of the fence has also come into question. According to the
town code a fence can be in lieu of a buffer - an approved fence I might
Southold Town Planning Board 3 November 16, 1998
add. We are proposing to put up the fence and the buffer. We can't ask for
too much more. I don't think anybody can ask for too much more. I will only
put the fence on the property line as is allowed in LB as well as residential
zoning. Both zones allow for fences on your property line. Should any
neighbor choose to put in a swimming pool, they will be required to fence it
in. If they do fence it in and they put their fence on the property line, that is
leaving a little slough of land about 20 feet wide between what the
neighbors want me , or wherever they want me to put the fence, and where
they will be putting their fence.
Some of the neighbors may say they will never do that. It's come to my
attention recently that one of the neighbors is recently gone to contract on
their house. They may be able to speak for themselves; I wonder if they can
speak for the new owners? I wonder if the new owners are here this
evening? Potential owners I should say. I happen to know and be
acquainted with the people that have gone to contract to purchase the
house. Although they are not here this evening, as far as I know they are not
in any way, shape or form, unhappy with what we've been doing with the
building. Unless anybody here has got any questions for me this evening,
I've pretty much said what I've wanted to say.
Mr. Orlowski: Any other comments?
Ellen Latson: My name is Ellen Latson. I'm an adjacent property owner to the
east. I think the major issues that were in question here was that on the
property to the west, on the S&L property, was that it was a change in use.
For approximately the time that I've lived there, which is 19 years, there was
no activity on the property. We received a notice from Mr. Leonard for a
waiver on the site plan. At that time we came to the first public hearing.
Everyone stated their comments. The zoning code calls for a 20 foot
setback on the buffer from the adjacent residential properties. Mr. Leonard
stated from the beginning that he had no intent of putting a vegetative
buffer in front of a fence. In fact, he had said, if I am required to put in a
vegetative buffer, then I am going to be the one to enjoy it.
So my question was, if there is a vegetative buffer on the line facing the
North Rd. and a vegetative buffer on the line facing Kenny's Rd. where all
the commercial traffic and residential traffic passes, why should the adjacent
property owners not have the same benefit with the 20 foot setback? Mr.
Leonard has done an excellent job. There is no question in planting the
trees. They are six foot trees, Apparently the Planning Board has been very
impressed by the six foot trees from the work sessions that we've come to,
but the code calls for six foot trees. Whether anybody else ever plants
Southold Town Planning Board 4 November 16, 1998
them, I don't know, but that's what your code calls for, a six foot buffer. So
everybody should be doing it. If not, you'd better get after them and make
sure that they do it.
The other question was the stockade fence, and I'm happy to see that Mr.
Leonard is going to put the stockade fence in. But the point is, if there is a
vegetative buffer and if the code calls for a vegetative buffer in between a
residential and a commercial property, that's what the issue here is. It's a
residential vs. a commercial property. The residential property owners
should benefit from the buffer. If somebody puts a pool in 15 years from
now or next week, that has nothing to do with it. It's that if its a residential
property next to a commercial zone the code calls for a vegetative buffer
and/or a fence. And I understand it is in the discretion of the Planning Board
to do that. You can make the determination of where you want to put it,
and you will.
I have paid taxes on that property for 19 or 20 years and have lived on that
property for 19 or 20 years. Mr. Leonard made the rude comment that it
never looked so good. Well that's in his judgement. But I'd like to have Mr.
Leonard know that for many of those years I was a single mother raising
three children and I'm sorry that I don't have it vegetated to a landscapers
capability, but it is a nice looking yard with lilac bushes and rose of Sharon
and privet hedges and many bulbs in the spring, so that is a very rude
comment to make.
Mr. Leonard: I was referring to my building, not to the neighboring buildings.
I apologize if you misunderstood what I was saying.
Ms. Latson: Excuse me, I misinterpreted that wrong. And really that's all I
have to say. I would almost rather see it go for the 10 foot setback and the
stockade fence in behind as the original plan went, than to have a stockade
fence right on the property line. He does have 15 feet of plantings so he has
left himself room one way or the other to put the fence on the inside or the
outside because it's only 15 feet from the property line to the last of the
And one other thing that I have to just say because I don't really quite
understand this. The public hearing was open all of this time and I've been
to 2 work sessions, Mr. Leonard has been to 1. We've never, as well as other
neighbors, and we've never ended up at the same work session where
everyone could sit down and talk together. But I was told by Bob Kassner
and members of the Planning Board that he could not even turn a spade of
dirt until he had the Planning Board's approval or a waiver on the site plan
0 0
Southold Town Planning Board 5 November 16, 1998
and the hearing was left open. And when Town Hall closed on the 12th of
October, Mr. Leonard was out there with the bulldozer. He has put all of his
plantings in. None of the permits have been issued. Apparently he was
given the OK at a work session, so I'd really just like an explanation on how all
this can occur when a public hearing is still open and really nobody knows
what is going on. I don't think it was fair to the adjacent neighbors for him
to be told -- I was told that he was told, I wasn't there -- at a work session
that he could go ahead and plant. When I was at a prior work session, I sat
very quietly while the Planning Board said he has to meet that 20 foot
setback. So it's really been an unnerving experience all the way around,
never knowing what's going on. I was just wondering if anybody from the
Planning Board has a comment on that?
Mr. Orlowski: The 20 foot buffer, or planting, when Mr. Leonard talked to this
Board at the work session, he said he was going to go out and plant a six
foot evergreen, and that's by code, so the Board had no problem in planting
trees on your property especially since, as you said at the start of your
statement, that it looks very nice now. So he was told he could do that.
Ms. Latson: But why would he be told he could do that when the public
hearing is still open and he's still under a site plan review? That's what I
Mr. Orlowski: Because the code asks for a 20 foot buffer and he said he had
the trees there and he asked if he could plant them, and we see no problem
with planting those trees. And you seem to say it looks very nice now.
Ms. Latson: Yeah, it does look nice, but I'm just saying what if it didn't
Mr. Orlowski: Well, if they were 2 foot trees and they were 10 foot on center,
I don't think we would have said that, but we did say that...
Ms. Latson: Yeah, but I don't think a public hearing should be open. Close it
and tell everybody what's going on.
Mr. Orlowski: We didn't feel it was fair to hold him up with six foot trees
sitting there, so we did say that.
Ms. Latson: OK, thank you.
Mr. Orlowski: Anyone else have a comment?
Southold Town Planning Board 6 November 16, 1998
Tom Hamlin: I'm the neighbor to the north of S&L Irrigation. I must say that
Mr. Leonard and S&L Irrigation did do a real good job planting the trees.
There's just one question about the lighting. The lighting is on all night long.
To me, it's not a high crime area. Do we need the lighting on all night long?
That's just something that my neighbor who couldn't be here tonight told
me to bring up at the meeting.
Also about the fencing, does it have to be on the property line? Or will it be
setback like Ellen said with the 10 feet or the 20 feet back on the property?
Mr. Orlowski: Are those your two questions right now?
Mr. Hamlin: Yes.
Mr. Orlowski: The question on the lighting?
Mr. Leonard: The lighting issue, I was asked originally if I was going to be
adding any lights or doing anything. The lights on the building are original
lights. I did change the fixtures, but there were always fixtures there.
Whether the previous people used them or not, I have no idea. At my own
personal home, a very quiet street, I always usually do leave a door light on.
I'd be more than willing, if it offends the neighbors, to put them on a timer
and shut them off. It's not a high crime area, however, I am a new business
there. I can't say the neighbors have been overly friendly to me. I'm not
saying anybody is going to do anything. I'm not saying even with the lights
on or off that anything is going to happen.
The lights are definitely directed down and not shining off the property and
I'd be more than happy once again ... I wave to you every morning, you
wave back to me. If you say, Rob, these lights are bothering me, can you
please turn them off at 10 o'clock, I would shut them off.
Mr. Hamlin: They're not bothering me personally...
Mr. Orlowski: Please address the Board so it doesn't become a debate.
Mr. Leonard: I don't believe that should be an issue for the Board to really
consider this evening.
Mr. Hamlin: There's a few different types of lighting that can be installed.
One is a motion light that only pop on when you cross the beam and they
stay on for a certain amount of time. Also, there are the lights that only
come on at night but they stay on all night long. Either one way or the
Southold Town Planning Board 7 November 16, 1998
Mr. Orlowski: I think Mr. Leonard talked about a timer.
Mr. Leonard: Right now it's on a switch. I turn it on when I leave and I shut if
off when I come in.
Mr. Hamlin: Or a motion light. If somebody breaks the zone the lights pop
on and then they go out after a while. It's trivial but...
Mr. Orlowski: I guess the only other question is the fence, whether it's
stockade or chain link or on the line or in the middle. Do you have any
comment on that?
Mr. Leonard: In regards to the fence, after discussing it with my attorneys,
my insurance agents and other people, the only place I'm willing to put a
fence is on the property line. Should this Board decide the fence is not
acceptable on the property line, and it needs to be placed in on the
property, I will withdraw my application for a fence permit and no fence will
be erected. This is not a mandatory item. The buffer zone is, the fence is
not. I truly would like to have a fence, but after operating out of the
building for three months now, I question myself why I even need the fence.
My equipment fits fine right inside the building. I moved from a 1700 square
foot office to a 3500 square foot building and I don't necessarily need the
space outside. The stockade fence at this point in time is for the neighbors
benefits and not for mine.
Mr. Ward: I'd just like to ask a question, being that it is I think we all agree
that the buffer is for the neighbors, would the neighbors rather see, if
you're going to put a fence up on the property line, a chain link fence like a
black vinyl or something, rather than stockade so you would see the
landscaping rather than see a stockade fence.
Mr. Leonard: That was my original offer.
Mr. Ward: I understand that.
Mr. Hamlin: He went out of his way to plant all those nice trees, all the trees
will be inside the fence.
Mr, Leonard: I would like to say, if I may interrupt you, I went to school for
two years for ornamental horticulture. I've been in the irrigation business for
16 years, irrigating plant material and around plant material I've worked with
Southold Town Planning Board 8 November 16, 1998
many landscapers. Evergreens especially as well as any other kind of plant
material enjoy a southern and a western exposure here in the northeast. A
northern exposure or on the north side of a building, plants are stressed,
especially in the wintertime. An eastern exposure, the only time the plants
get sunlight is in the early morning hours when the sun is weak. Placing the
fence on, for intents and purposes, the inside of the buffer or my side of the
buffer is going to shade this plant material from its southern on the northern
property line and its western sun exposures on the eastern property line.
These plants will not grow as well with a fence blocking the sunlight from
Mr. Orlowski: So right not, you don't care if you have a fence or not, and
you've planted your 20 foot buffer?
Mr. Leonard: Our original plans, my partners and mine, were to have a
fenced in yard. I would still like to have a fenced in yard, but I will not be
forced to fence 20 foot in or 10 foot in off my property. I believe the Town
code book allows for a fence to go on the property line and I have conceded
to a 20 foot buffer when we've gone from 5 to 10 to 20. I've conceded
from chain link to stockade. I will not concede on this issue. If a fence is to
go up, it will go up on the property line only. Thank you.
Mr. Orlowski: Is chain link OK?
Mr. Leonard: Chain link is OK with me. Green or black vinyl?
Mr. Orlowski: Black vinyl.
Mr. Leonard: Black? I prefer green.
Mr. Orlowski: You've got it.
Mr. Hamlin: Both neighbors agreed on the stockade. Thank you.
Mr. Orlowski: Any other comments?
Donna Dzugas-Smith: Tuckers Lane. I have a large property opposite S&L.
This as you know goes a long way back, and I'm in the process of the
Planning process, so I know what everyone goes through here. And business
is a tough thing out here. There's something I think the neighbors are
saying, there's a big difference between light business and residential. We
have a problem in this town of what light business is. That was a building --
yes it may not have looked great from the outside, but it was hardly used,
Southold Town Planning Board 9 November 16, 1998
and it was being used, and we've got to consider that. Now that it's going
to be used more, we do need that buffer. That buffer is definitely needed
love the way it looks from the front. You have those great greens. We get
the wonderful view (inaudible) residents, and we're going to have a winery
opposite so I appreciate that view. But I think that's the kind of view they
need too, they need those tall nice greens going down. Greens look a lot
better than any fence.
And I think the other thing which I've mentioned at many meetings, both
Town Board meetings and here is that the thing about Southold is that you
need to be neighborly. And there's two things that can be accomplished
here. Number 1 that you have to follow the code and do what's best
according to the code, but also think of it as being in your back yard. That'E
the big secret about all these hearings. If you can think of it as if you're
living next door and what would you think looks the best too. Then you can
kind of listen to everybody and say ah, that's what they're trying to say.
Mr. Leonard: Just one final thing, it was mentioned that the plantings are 15
feet in allowing space from either side of our fence. Just to let the
neighbors know how the plantings arrived where they're at, it's actually 16
feet 8 inches from the property line to the inside row of trees. The trees are
spaced at 6 foot 8 inch intervals off the property line which is 1/3 of a 20
foot area. That was recommended by Ed Forrester in the Building
Department. The first row is 6 foot, 8 inches; the second row is 6 foot, 8
inches and then there's a 6 foot, 8 inches for growth into the property.
Mr. Orlowski: Any other comments? I'll entertain a motion to close the
Mr. Latham: So moved.
Mr. Cremers: Second,
Mr. Orlowski: Motion made and seconded. Any questions on the motion? All
those in favor?
Ayes: Mr. Orlowski, Mr. Ward, Mr. Latham, Mr. Edwards, Mr, Cremers.
Mr. Orlowski: Opposed? Motion carried.
Mr. Ward: Mr. Chairman, I'd like to offer the following resolution.
WHEREAS, Robert C. Leonard is the owner of the property known and
0 0
Southold Town Planning Board 10 November 16, 1998
designated as SCTM# 1000-59-3-19 located on Rt. 48 and Kenny's Rd. in
Southold; and
WHEREAS, the moratorium does not apply to this application because it
involves: an improved parcel and no Zoning Board of Appeals approvals are
required and because the proposed use is not "a change of use" from the
previous use. The previous use was a use permitted in the Limited Business
(LB) zone pursuant to Section 100-81 A.2 (f) and the proposed use is a
permitted use under Section 100-81 A.2 (f).
WHEREAS, an examination has been made of all uses and the existing parking
was determined to be adequate for all uses; and
WHEREAS, a twenty foot wide buffer consisting of a six foot stockade fence,
off -set from the property line, and six foot evergreens, ten feet on center
will be placed on the north and east side of the property to screen storage
vehicles and equipment from neighboring residential property; and
WHEREAS, a handicapped parking space will be provided; and
WHEREAS, any violation of the conditions of this resolution may be grounds
for rescinding this waiver; be it therefore
RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board grant a waiver of site plan
Mr. Latham: Second.
Mr. Orlowski: Motion made and seconded. Any questions on the motion? All
those in favor?
Ayes: Mr. Orlowski, Mr. Ward, Mr. Latham, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Cremers.
Mr. Orlowski: Opposed? Motion carried.
Setting of Final
Richard Reinhardt - This minor subdivisio-P1'1�L3 lots on
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o��SUFFOIk�, ,e (C
Town Hall, 53095 Main Road 0 T Fax (516) 765-1823
P.O. Box 1179 .y �� Telephone (516) 765-1802
Southold, New York 11971
TO: Planning Board
FROM: Edward Forrester, Building Department �L
DATE: November 4, 1998
RE: S&L Irrigation
SCTM# 1000-59-3-19
The use of the above referenced property has not changed from that of the prior
occupant. It was previously used for office, storage and fabrication and will be
used for office, storage and fabrication. This use is listed in the use category 100-
81A2(f) of Town Code. The property for this reason is not governed by the
moratorium. It is my opinion that the intensity of the operation may trigger the
need for review and approval by the Board.
Southold Town
Planning Board
11425 County Road 48
P.O. Box 414
Southold, NY 11071
15161765-6860 (fam 765-4725
Robert G. Kassner
Site Plan Reviewer
Town Of Southold - Planning Board Office
53095 Main Rd.
Southold, NY 11971
Re: Waiver Request
41425 County Rd 48, Southold
SCM# 1000-59-3-19
Dear Mr. Kassner.
November 5, 1998
Enclosed, please find an updated site plan showing a twenty foot buffer with G arborvitae, 10' on
center with two staggered rows. Mr. Forrester in the Building Dept. advised me to place the rows
6'8" spacing (1I3 of the buffer).
This site plan also shows the requested stockade fence to the outside of the buffer, with the good
side out to the neighbors, as discussed at the Oct. 26 Planning Board work session.
I am requesting a 6' chain link fence within our property from the north-east comer of the building
to the north property line to enclose our rear yard.
If you, or any Board member have any comments or questions that need to be addressed prior to
the Nov. 16 Public Hearing, please do not hesitate to contact me at the above phone number.
Robert C. Leonard
Treasurer & Secretary
S&L Irrigation, Inc.
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P.O. Box 414, 41425 County Road 48
Southold, New York 11971
October 27. 1998
Robert C. Leonard
S & L Irrigation
Cox Lane Industrial Park - Unit 13
Cutchogue, NY 11935
Re: Request for site plan waiver for Robert C. Leonard
Rt. 48 and Kenney's Rd.
SCTM# 1000-59-3-19
Dear Mr. Leonard:
Town Hall, 53095 Main Road
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971
Telephone (516) 765-1935
The following took place at a meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board
which was held on Monday, October 26, 1998:
BE IT RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board hold the hearing
open, pending receipt of a revised site plan.
The next Planning Board meeting is scheduled for November 16, 1998 at 7:30
Please contact this office if you have any questions regarding the above.
Bennett Orlowski, Jr.
cc: Ed Forrestor, Director of Code Enforcement
October 6, 1998
Robert C. Leonard
�W 1Jq• �
S & L Irrigation
Cox Lane Industrial Park - Unit 13
Cutchogue, NY 11935
Re: Request for site plan waiver for Robert C. Leonard
Rt. 48 and Kenney's Rd.
SCTM# 1000-59-3-19
Dear Mr. Leonard:
Town Hall, 53095 Main Road
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971
The following resolution was adopted by the Southold Town Planning Board at a
meeting held on Monday, October 5, 1998:
BE IT RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board hold the hearing
open. The next Planning Board meeting is scheduled for October 26, 1998 at
7:30 p.m.
Please contact this office if you have any questions regarding the above.
(L Bennett Orlowski, Jr. ��
cc: Ed Forrestor, Director of Code Enforcement
41425 Coiauy Road 42
P.O. Box 414
Southold, NY 11971
(316)765-6860 (fax)765-4'125
Town of Southold Planning Board
P.O. Boz 1179
Southold, N.Y. 11971
Re: Waiver request
4142.5 County Road 48, southold
SLIM 1000-59-3-19
Dear Mr. Kessner,
October 2, 1999
I have received your letter dated September 29 requesting a 20 foot buffer on the north, &
east sides of our property and the fence put to the interior of the buffer. My partners and I do not
agree with your proposed plan -
At the September 29th Town board meeting, Supervisor Cochran suggested I meet with
Town attorney, W. Yakaboski and Mr. Forister regarding the change of use of the property and
Until this meeting takes place I would like to posupone the public hearing regarding our
waiver request In the mean time, we are having our consultant review the entire situation -
Please advise me of the next available date for a public hearing, as well as when I may
meet with the board to go over our differences.
Thank you
X-`7 ly,
Robert C. Leonard
Secretary & Treasure
S & L Irrigation, Inc.
ai,T 0 5 1yyf3
Fol-lil-ip19 Sloalu
Town Hall, 53095 Main Road
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971
ti 2 Fax (516)765-1823
Dy N: Telephone (516) 765-1802
dol � dao
TO: Robert Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer
FROM: Edward Forrester, Building Department i V
DATE: September 24, 1998
RE: Pre -Certification of Use
S&L Irrigation, SCTM# 1000-59-3-19
Please be advised that the above referenced project has been reviewed by the
Building Department to certify the proposed use in the LB Zone. It has been
determined that the proposed use is a permitted use pursuant to Section 100-
81 A2(f).
SEP 2 5 1998
Southold Town
Planning Board
Town Hall, 53095 Main Road
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971
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TO: Robert Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer
FROM: Edward Forrester, Building Department
DATE: September 24, 1998
RE: Pre -Certification of Use
S&L Irrigation, SCTM# 1000-59-3-19
Fax (516) 765-1823
Telephone (516) 765-1802
Please be advised that the above referenced project has been reviewed by the
Building Department to certify the proposed use in the LB Zone. It has been
determined that the proposed use is a permitted use pursuant to Section 100-
81 A2(f).
�4 do
B 44
� Icy
SEP 2 5 1998
Southold Town
Planning Board
September 29, 1998
Robert Leonard
S & L Irrigation
P.O. Box 414
Southold, NY 11971
Town Hall, 53095 Main Road
oho Gy` P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971
C* Z Fax(516)765-3136
Telephone (516) 765-1938
dol � dao
RE: Waiver Request
41425 Route 48, Southold
SCTM# 1000-59-3-19
Dear Mr Leonard,
The Planning Board has received your waiver request regarding the
above referenced property.
The Board requests that you place a twenty foot wide evergreen buffer
consisting of six foot evergreens staggered ten foot on center across the
entire rear (north) side of the property and on the east side to the end
of your building.
Please place your fence (stockade) on the inside of the vegetative buffer,
ie. twenty feet from the property lines.
Please inform the Board if you agree to the conditions of the waiver.
If you have any questions, or require further information, please contact
this office.
Robert+ G. Kassner
Site Plan Reviewer
cc: Edward Forrester, Director of Code Enforcement
TO: Edward Forester, Building Department
FROM: Robert G. Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer
RE: Pre -certification of use
DATE: September 15, 1998
Town Hall, 53095 Main Road
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971
The following waiver requests are submitted for pre -certification of use.
Please specify the nature of the use in each case.
Attached for your use are the draft minutes of the hearing for S & L
Irrigation in which the applicant explains the nature of his business.
S & L Irrigation
Route 48, Southold
SCTM# 1000-59-3-19
Jubilee Outlet
Route 25, Southold
SCTM# 1000-62-3-8
Albertson Realty
Route 25, Southold
SCTM# 1000-61-4-22
A prompt response would be appreciated.
cc: Gregory Yakaboski, Town Attorney
Encls .
Southold Town Planning Board 3 September 14, 1998
to an existing office; and
WHEREAS, all the requirements of the Site Plan Regulations of the Town of
Southold have been met, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board approve and authorize
the Chairman to endorse the final surveys dated August 6, 1998, subject to a
one year review from date of building permit.
Mr. Cremers: Second the motion.
Mr. Orlowski: Motion made and seconded. Any questions on the motion? All
those in favor?
Ayes: Mr. Orlowski, Mr. Ward, Mr. Latham, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Cremers.
Mr. Orlowski: Opposed? Motion carried.
Mr. Orlowski: 7:35 p.m. - S&L Irrigation - This site plan waiver is for a 1,000
sq. ft. office building and a 2,500 sq. ft. storage and warehouse, for an
irrigation business, in an existing building. SCTM# 1 5
I'll ask if there are any comments on this site plan?
Rob Leonard: Good evening. My name is Rob Leonard. I'm here representing
S&L Irrigation. I talked to most of my neighbors and some of them had some
resistance. Others were more than happy to see the building that we
purchased cleaned up and fixed up. I'd like to start out by saying that what
we're here for this evening is, as you folks know, is a waiver of site plan
review just because the building has been there and we don't want to do
anything major to it. We'd asked to put up a fence, and this is how this has
all started.
As I understand the code, for LB zoning and business properties up there on
that corridor, I am entitled to put up a six foot fence, 360 degrees around
the building, In question came the buffer, which is again in question. As I
have been reading through the Town code books which were written well
after that building was built, as far as buffers are concerned, and is in my
feelings and interpretations is really geared more to the larger parcels of
property that are available out there now with the two acre zoning.
As I met with your Board last month I agreed to put in the buffer as it stated
Southold Town Planning Board 4 September 14, 1998
and we agreed to minimalize it I guess to 10 foot rather than the 20 foot
that's written there because of the fact that I only have a half acre of land
up there. I don't have five acres or ten acres or even two acres. There was
in fact at one time some kind of evergreen hedgerow. There were some
black pines that were well dead and removed. Again, to read into the codes
any buffer that was there or plant material dies, I'm responsible to replace it,
which again I have no problem. As I told the Board, I'm in the yard
beautification business and we'd really like our building to be beautiful. I
don't really want to do anything that's unsightly. We don't really have much
stuff out there that creates dust or excessive heat, which we don't really
produce in my business, beings that we're not even in the office throughout
the work day. Glare, the building is a lot brighter than it was before we
moved in but I think that just enhances the neighborhood.
Accumulation of dust, we don't want to accumulate dust any more than
anybody else does. I'm just looking to put up a fence. To provide privacy,
again, more the reason to put up the fence because I'd like to have my
neighbors have their privacy back.
To prevent erosion, I'm pretty flat there I don't think I have a problem there.
And I am reading right from the code book. Most of these things that are in
the code book and the reason for a buffer zone don't even entail me and
what I'm looking to do up there. I guess that's really about all I've got to
Mr. Orlowski: Mr. Leonard, do you have the certified mail receipts and the
affidavit of posting?
Mr. Leonard: Yes I do. ( Mail receipts and affidavit of posting submitted to
Mr. Orlowski: Are there any other comments on this site plan?
Tom Hamlin: Good evening. My name is Tom Hamlin and I own the property
just north of S&L warehouse. My problem is with the buffer zone. S&L
removed a large 20 foot section of buffer zone from the end of Kenny's
Road all the way back to beyond my house. It's all gone now. Now I can see
his building and according to this drawing here, he's only going to put trees
up until about 10 feet just past my house. And if 1 look out my door, I'm still
going to see his loading dock, I'm going to see his garage, I'm going to see
the parking. The whole front of the thing is just going to be nothing but
lawn. I just need a buffer zone or something. He said something about
privacy. I'm not going to have privacy over there with just the lawn.
Southold Town Planning Board 5 September 14, 1998
Another thing about the noise, I was cleaning out my garage the other day,
the garage door was open, it was about 7:00 at night. I'm cleaning out the
garage and I hear a lot of obscenities coming out of that garage door. I
don't know who said it ... I don't mind them saying it as long as the door is
closed. Close the door if you're going to use obscenities. I have three
children. That's about it, I just need a buffer zone to the front of the
property, which was there when I first moved in two years ago. Thank you.
Mr. Orlowski: Any other comments?
Ellen Latson: Good evening members of the Planning Board. My name is
Ellen Latson and I am an adjacent property owner to the east. I've owned
my home there for the past 19 years and the use has remained the same. It
was a very low key operation with several - one or two employees - you
wouldn't even know that they were there.
Clearly this new use is a change of use and an intensified use. In researching
the recent application that was submitted to the Planning Board by Mr.
Leonard I see that he is asking for a 10 foot buffer zone. The code as I
understand it clearly asks for a 20 foot buffer zone between a business zone
and a residential zone and to my way of thinking, this 20 foot buffer is put
there to protect the adjacent residential use of the property. Without the
20 foot buffer it would increase the value of the business property and
decrease the value of the residential property.
When Mr. Leonard purchased the property he bought it as is, without a
waiver. So clearly he cannot come before this Board and justify a hardship
because he is a new owner of the land. He could have made the buffer a
contingent of sale.
Mr. Leonard just stated that larger parcels with two acres, he feels that this
20 foot setback would be more applicable. I beg to differ. In smaller lots
such as his and ours, the impact is much greater on a residential lot without
the 20 foot buffer. If you have a two acre lot you have a lot more space on
your side yards and your back yards between a residential and commercial
area. Most of the areas where there is going to be a business zone against a
residential zone, you're not going to have these size lots, they're all going to
be before 2 acres.
I have several other questions as well. There was always very few employees
there, as I stated. And looking at the map, Mr. Leonard says he employees
about 12 people seasonally - I believe that's what he told me, it was just a
conversation that we had out in our yard. And from the parking, it looks like
Southold Town Planning Board 6 September 14, 1998
there's only parking for about 7 or 8 people. So question number one is
where are these people going to park when they come to work? And what
kind of equipment does he propose for the storage area on the side. Is it
going to be equipment that's going to be started at 6:30 in the morning and
run at 9:00 at night? And what kind of security will there be in terms of
lighting? I want my residential home - our bedrooms just border his
property so I don't want any light shining in our bedrooms at night.
Is there any other intended occupancy of the building? This is a large
warehouse. Does he intend any other use to come out of there? All I'd like
to say is that the code was enacted with a lot of forethought on protecting
obviously a residential home from a light business use and I'd just like to see
that the setback is kept in place and that there's no precedence set,
because there's really not a lot of residential homes that border commercial
properties except on the North Road and the Main Road, and so if there is
going to be an increase in use, and this is obviously an intensified use, I'd just
like to see the buffer zone remain intact. That's about it. Thank you.
Mr. Orlowski: Any other comments or questions?
Bernard Heinisch: My name is Bernard Heinisch, I live on 48. My property
adjourns Mr. and Mrs. Latson. When this building was originally built about
1957 it was built on a smaller parcel which was subdivided from the Donahue
farmland. This was sold as a machine shop and since its sale it really hasn't
been kept up to date. I will say that the new owners have improved the
outside of the building, that made attempts to make it look worthwhile,
which they've done. But this buffer zone is really needed in this area. I
would ask that each and every one of you should look at this area because if
you stand on 48 and you look at the Latson's monument, where her
property starts, her property actually starts inside the overhang of the trees
that adjourns her property.
Now if you were to grant a 10 foot buffer zone, you would see that that 10
foot is still under the overhanging branches. If you were to plant evergreens
along there, I doubt very much they would even grow. Especially on a
staggered system, it will take forever to fill out. If you hole the 20 foot, it
will give more of an area in between the residential and the business section.
When you do put the evergreens, they will get more sun and have more of a
chance of living and growing. And I would hope rather than a staggered
system, they would go in a straight line. These evergreens will eventually
grow high enough to give more shielding than what you have now.
There has never been any parking along side of that building since it's been
Southold Town Planning Board 7 September 14, 1998
built, adjacent to the Latsons. There's never been any parking to the rear
since that building's been built. The parking has always been on Kenny's
Road in front of the building. To my recollection, going back to when that
building was built there was never any more than four cars there at a time.
Occasionally they would have shipments. Shipments coming in and
shipments coming out, to the rear of the property. At the present time I
understand this is going to be used for all this equipment storage. We can't
stop that but we would like to stop this 20 foot buffer. It's not going to do
any of us any good.
If you look at that property and looking at the map, I see where there is only
going to be a hedge line in front of the fence line. That fence is going to be
six foot high. If you put evergreens in front, then you won't even be able to
see what's parked in the back because he's coming much closer to 48 then
anything else that's ever been there.
I thought originally he was just going to have parking in the back but now I
see it's wrapping around the building. You can still move the vehicles in the
back. From what I see, most of the vehicles are half ton pick up trucks.
Even if they're pulling a trailer, you can back a trailer into that site. No, you
probably won't be able to make a U-turn, but he undoubtedly knew this
when he bought the property. Thank you.
Mr. Orlowski: OK, any other comments?
Steve Latson: I'm Ellen's husband and live next door to the east. I really
don't have anything to add other than what I think which has already been
said. The code is right, it should be 20 feet. We only have a third of an acre,
this 20 foot is critical to us. A third of an acre, we have a tiny little property
and without the 20 feet there's just no way. Bernie's 100% correct about the
overhanging of trees. The only way you're going to get evergreens to grow
in there is if you do go the full 20 feet.
Besides that, on the side I wouldn't mind 10 feet of evergreen and then
maybe more open area, because if you put the evergreens right up against
our property, we have some deciduous trees that will suffer from planting, if
you plant the full 20 feet in that area. We'd kind of like to work out an
arrangement. We haven't really talked to the people at S&L except one day I
saw him hanging out in the back yard and I went over and introduced
myself, otherwise we haven't communicated whatsoever.
They actually came on our property and cut some tree limbs off our trees I
understood they were going to cut some of the limbs, but I would like to
Southold Town Planning Board 8 September 14, 1998
have been notified that they were going to go 4 feet onto our property
instead of on our property line. It just seems normal to me, that's the way I
do business. And as far as Tom's buffer, that buffer should extend within
15-20 feet of Kenny's Road, the evergreen buffer. Because as it sits now
with the buffer right at the gate area, Tom is still fully exposed. So that
buffer has to go down 15-20 feet. All you have to do is go out there with a
tape measure, Tom can meet with the people and say, right here, and
everybody will all agree, yeah this is it, this is the spot.
The only other thing I would say is when we did talk to the people at S&L,
this side area that they want to fence in, they kind of indicated would be
about 30 feet further to the north than it is now. This is a really deep area.
measured the area. If they have a 20 foot buffer, you know, put a fence up
and then a 20 foot buffer area. Like I said, I would prefer maybe 10 feet of
evergreen and then an open space because in part of that area you're not
going to be able to grow your evergreens and if you do grow them further
down to the south, you're just going to kill our deciduous bushes. In other
words, I'd like to work with these people and do it right, that's all I'm saying.
They still have 40 feet to park, to store, to do whatever they want. I just
think, they bought and they should be real happy with it. As Ellen said,
otherwise they're just expanding their property which would increase their
value and it's certainly going to decrease the values of the two residents
next door.
One last thing, lighting. Ellen mentioned it. We really, really don't want to
see security lights on all night long. If they need a light in the yard that they
can turn on to go find something, to move things around, or in the fall when
it gets dark early, great. But permanent, full time lighting there would really
impact our property dramatically, and I'm sure Tom feels the same way.
That's it, this is so simple. We'd really like a little more communication. We'd
like to get the 20 foot buffer and then even then just discuss the plantings
and all that kind of stuff, that's all. Thank you.
Mr. Orlowski: Any other comments?
Donna Dzugas-Smith: I'm the neighbor across the street that's going to be
having a winery across the street so of course people coming and entering
are going to see this building, this business. As you know, the North Road is
a mixture of everything. The moratorium, I don't totally understand the
status of it, whether it's in effect, is it a law, is it not. I understand it's an
existing building. I don't know where that plays into this particular site plan.
I'd like that considered.
0 0
Southold Town Planning Board 9 September 14, 1998
I find him to try to be a friendly neighbor. He explained to me very well what
his plan was. I received in the mail, I walked over there, I spoke with him, we
spoke about it. I have a concern about chain link fences. I feel that totally
detracts from the country look and if that's what we're looking for on the
North Road, I have a problem with that. So I appreciate the fact that you're
going to try to hide it with trees.
I'd like something in, what's it called, Covenants and Restrictions that when
businesses are so close to residential ... I know when I just put a lot line
around my lot, and I have 29 acres, and putting a lot line around an existing
house I have a Covenant and Restriction that I cannot have any other access
for certain uses off the North Road, and I have 29 acres and I'm right across
that. So, here you're talking about a little piece of acreage with an existing
business building. I'd like to work with him, I think he's very workable, I think
his ideas are good. But, I think you have to look at all the residents next
door and you have to say, how is this going to be covered? One of the
concerns I expressed to him was, OK this is what you want now, but get real
successful and two years down the road, three years down the road, he
wants to cover it to protect... he says, no I won't. I'd like something in there
saying that's not going to happen, it's not going to expand.
Look at all our communities west of us. How does it start out? It starts out
like this, with the spaces that we have now. They slowly become fenced in,
residential or business, everyone wants their privacy, their trees, their
fences, etc. Then the next thing you know, there's awnings, and then all of
a sudden those awnings become enclosed, and the next thing you know
these buildings are bigger and everything is real close together. And this is
going to spread out to Southold. This is why we have our code. This is why
we have people like you. This is why we have Boards. And this is why we're
having this public hearing, something is planned for. So let's hope that this
is not a step to lead into other things.
I have a problem with site plan waivers, especially now since I know what I'm
going through. When you buy a place ... I know D&D Cycle building is another
problem. It's going to break down the road. I don't want them using this as
an example. I don't want them saying, "hey, he got a site plan waiver. He
bought that building, it was an existing building." D&D Cycles - an existing
building - I don't want a site plan waiver. That's right in front of my vineyard.
I'm thinking ahead, I want you guys to think ahead.
You're one of the most dependable departments in the Town Hall. You're
very thorough, you're quite professional, and I appreciate that and I'd like
you to look to all this. I think a lot of good points have been brought up
Southold Town Planning Board 10 September 14, 1998
tonight. I think this is a very workable neighbor. I think we can definitely
come to some compromise here. And I disagree that you can't see ... I never
knew this neighbor, and I've lived here four years. Now that those trees are
down, I met this neighbor, and he's across the road. So yes, that buffer did
make a difference. I never saw his house, I never saw him. I see him coming
and going now. So these are things that we do need to plan and doesn't
need to be spelled out, and this is our chance to bring it all up.
The other problem, which you've told us over and over we've got to bring
this up to the Town Board, is Light Business zone. When I spoke to Bob,
irrigation in a Light Business zone - I have a question about that, but he says
irrigation is in Agricultural zone, that this business is irrigation in agricultural
land. This is something we need to bring up to the Town Board for a code
zone. Because if this is something being brought to you as a light business
use that is acceptable, that's something that needs to be better planned for
and doesn't always need to fall on your shoulders. Because it's a business,
no matter how you look at it, it's a business. So we need to plan well. Thank
you. (Change tape).
Rob Leonard: A few good points came up, some that I think are bad points,
From Mr. Latson, we did speak one evening out on the side yard of the
building and we did give him our plans that we wanted to re -plant a hedge
before I even knew that it was mandated. It's always been my intentions to
re -plant a hedgerow. I've always wanted that. At that time, I did ask if we
could trim some limbs off the tree, that he said we came onto his property
and cut back four foot into his property. His one comment to me at that
time was so long as you don't make it look like a straight wall, we have no
problem with that.
The man that actually trimmed the tree does actually work for me. He spent
about ten years working for Shamrock Tree Service prior to coming to my
employment. He's very knowledgeable on trimming trees. Steve's wife
actually came out at the time and worked with the man, am I mistaken in
As far as lighting is concerned on the site as I discussed with the Planning
Board, we have no intentions of putting up any additional lighting to the
building other than what is there right now.
As far as how far the buffer is running at this point in time, that was the
Board's discretion or recommendation to me in the letter that you sent me
it was the length of the proposed fence. I really don't have a problem with
extending that. I would like, and I really don't know with the staggered
Southold Town Planning Board 11 September 14, 1998
spacing and the way it's written and wanted, I think I can give my neighbors
more privacy with a solid hedgerow, which is what I would prefer and
wanted to do in the first place. I will definitely work with my neighbors on
that aspect. I really do believe, although it is a Town ordinance and Town
code with these buffers and what not, but I think it's more between Steve
and his family and Tom and his family, and us more so than a lot of the other
Bernie, and I'm sorry, but I don't know your last name, but he was upset
with how far forward we were putting the fence. Again, that was the
recommendation of your Board since we didn't fence in the back area to
move the fence forward.
Again, according to Town code, I am entitled to fence in the entire property
and I don't have to put any hedge on the south facing fence. However, I
would like to screen that fence. I don't want the fence to be seen. The
whole idea of it is to keep it a secure area, that's why I don't necessarily
need the lighting, I have the fence. If I don't have the fence, then I'll have
to do the lighting and we'll be back here again to go through it over again.
As far as the overhang of the trees are concerned, and that is a concern.
And I'm trying to work with the nurseries to find a variety of evergreen that
will grow well in the shade. There are some out there. There are some
shady spots on the property. Again, I do believe I'm entitled to trim any
trees that hang over my property. Not that I want to butcher any trees,
that's not my intention.
The 20 foot buffer, if I'm mandated to do that, what can I say, what can I
do? However, I will guarantee the Board that the fence will not go 10 foot
off the property line should I be mandated to make a 20 foot buffer. I don't
have a problem with changing the chain link to stockade if that would please
the Board and the neighbors.
I would like to work with everybody. I guess if everybody was at the work
session that we sat down at we could have worked this through before this
point. But I also have my concerns with the moratorium. I don't want my
permit applications to expire prior to settling this whole matter. I guess
that's all I really have to say at this point in time. Thank you.
Bernard Heinisch: Again, my name is Heinisch, I live on 48. In reference to
my piece of property, my back yard I can see the entire rear yard of this
gentlemen's property. I can see the entire side yard from this gentlemen's
property. I can see the garbage containers. I can see all the vehicles. I
Southold Town Planning Board 12 September 14, 1998
don't have to live right next door. I live adjacent to Latsons. Our back yards
are open.
As far as the lighting is concerned, I believe that the Town code states that
no lighting will shine in the evening after a certain time. So lighting is out
after a certain time, for security purposes on commercial property, that's to
my recollection. As far as the moratorium goes, isn't the moratorium in
effect now for fencing, that no permit will be granted - for 9 months. Is
that correct?
Mr. Kassner: Who are you addressing your question to?
Mr. Heinisch: To the Board.
Mr. Orlowski: We'll have to investigate that.
Mr. Heinisch: Thank you.
Donna Dzugas-Smith: Can I just add something. I don't know if you guys did
go past my property and see it staked out. I think one of the problems with
the Town, people need to - as these plans are being made, and maybe it
makes your job too involved - you just need to see it. One of the things
Bernie pointed out to me, he has that doctors office right next to him, and
ten years ago - I didn't know the building was that old, actually it's a very
messy building - ten years ago he was asked to put evergreens in order to
have that business next to a residence. Do you know those evergreens are
this high, and they were built ten years ago, and they're straggly. So the
best laid plans sometimes don't work out. So sometimes if you go and look
at the site and say, hey, you know what, on paper it looks like this. Stand on
his property and look at my property and see how it's going to look, what
I'm doing. Stand on my property and look at this property. I don't know
how involved we can get on this but, it's just something for thought.
Mr. Orlowski: Some of those are enforcement issues that have to be
addressed by the building department. OK does the Board have any
comments or questions?
Mr. Edwards: The only comment I have is that there have been a lot of good
issues presented tonight and I think we need to research it.
Mr. Orlowski: Does the rest of the Board feel that way?
Mr. Cremers: I think we hold the hearing open.
0 •
Southold Town Planning Board 13 September 14, 1998
Mr. Orlowski: Hold it open? OK. There were a lot of good comments
brought up, one of them being the moratorium, and the 20 foot buffer and
I have some notes here. We will take a look at it. The Board at this time will
hold the hearing open and I'll entertain that motion.
Mr. Latham: So moved.
Mr. Ward: Second.
Mr. Orlowski: Motion made and seconded to hold the hearing open. All
those in favor?
Ayes: Mr. Orlowski, Mr. Ward, Mr. Latham, Mr. Edwards, Mr, Cremers.
Mr, Orlowski: Opposed? Motion carried.
Mr. Latham: One good thing that all the principles are here and I think that's
very important.
Mr. Latson: Could I ask a question? Could we all just meet, I mean when
you're going to come over there? I'm painting our house right now, I'm
available any time for the next week and a half, then I start fishing.
Mr. Orlowski: Well, I have a small list here so when we get to that point, we'll
let you know.
Mr. Latson: I'm just saying the communication has been really non-existent.
The only time we've talked to the people was late in the evening, they were
drinking beers and I just thought I'd go over and introduce myself and we
just had a brief discussion, this is what we're going to do, and I said OK, well
we'd like to work with you and we'll discuss this and blah, blah, blah, and
that was it, we never talked to them since.
Mr. Orlowski: Well, maybe you should go over with a cup of coffee and...
Mr. Latson: I'm willing to talk to these guys anytime.
Mr. Orlowski: I'm going to move on right now.
Hearings Held Over From Previous Meetings:
September 15, 1998
Robert C. Leonard
S & L Irrigation
Cox Lane Industrial Park - Unit 13
Cutchogue, NY 11935
Re: Request for site plan waiver for Robert C. Leonard
Rt. 48 and Kenney's Rd.
SCTM# 1000-59-3-19
Dear Mr. Leonard:
Town Hall, 53095 Main Road
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971
Telephone (516) 765-1938
The following resolution was adopted by the Southold Town Planning Board at a
meeting held on Monday, September 14, 1998:
BE IT RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board hold the hearing
open. The next Planning Board meeting is scheduled for October 5, 1998 at
7:30 p.m.
Please contact this office if you have any questions regarding the above.
Bennett Orlowski, Jr.
cc: Ed Forrestor, Director of Code Enforcement
0 9
This is to serve notice that I personally posted the property known as
41425 County road 48, Southold (S & L Irrigation, Inc.)
by placing the Town's official poster notices(s) within 10 feet of the front property
line facing the street(s) where it can be easily seen, and that I have checked to be
sure the poster has remained in place for seven days prior to the date of the public
hearing on September 14, 1998.
1 have sent notices, by certified mail, the receipts of which are attached, to the
owners of record of every property which abuts and every property which is across
from any public or private street from the above mentioned property
on September 10 1998.
Robert C. Leonard
YoLlr.-rran9e (pri
41425 County Road 48, Southold, N.Y. 119
ber 14, 1998
Notary Public
UL 4VO� ON*a
�MAvg 13, SO
Re: SO
Date of Hearing: qIttiqg
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I.EGALNOTICE Patricia C. Lollot, being duly sworn, says that
Notice of Public Hearing she is the Production Coordinator, of the TRAV-
that pursuant of theArticle own of, at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the no -
the code of the Town of,
Southold, a public hearing will' tice of which the annexed is a printed copy,
be held by the Southold Town has been published in said Traveler Watchman
Planningl3oard attheTownHall, once each week for
Main Road, Southold, New York
in said Town on the 14th day of ..................................... /............................... weeks
September, 1998 on the question
of the following: successively, co encing on he ...�U..........
7:35 P.M. Public hearing for
the proposed site plan waiver for224�
S & L Irrigation, m Southold, day of .......N,:; ..'y ................ .. ,19.....
Town of Southold, Countyof
folkState ax M York.uf- ..:•!/...................
folk County Tax Map Number...............�""" ""
The property is bordered on
the north by land now or formerly Sworn to befor e this.......1 ............day of
of Ellen Larsen; on the east by
County Rt. 48; on the south by > �2 (tz 1 y„��
Kenney's Rd.; and on the west ...... """"”" "' ""'
by land now or formerly of Tho-
mas and Noreen Hamlin.
Dated: September 4, 1998
BYORDEROFTHE ...............' ` ......
NOTARY PUBUC, State of New York
No. 4806846
Qualified in Suffolk Coi
Commission Expires ?/3 1/.1060
3bl.tbold Town
Plartfiiig Board.
0 0
Southold Town Planning Board
Notice to Adiacent Property Owners
You are hereby given notice:
1. That the undersigned has applied to the Planning Board of the Town
of Southold for a site plan waiver.
2. That the property which is the subject of the application is located
adjacent to your property and is described as follows: Proposed
site plan waiver for S & L Irrigation, SCTM#1000-59-3-19, located on
the corner of Kenny's Rd. and County Rt. 48.
3. That the property which is the subject of this application is located in
the LB zone.
4. That the application is for a 1000 sq, ft. office building and a 2,500 sq,
ft. storage and warehouse, for an irrigation business, in an existing
building. (See enclosed plan.)
5. That the files pertaining to this application are open for your
information during normal business days between the hours of 8 a.m.
and 4 p.m. Or, if you have any questions, you can call the Planning
Board office at (516) 765-1938.
6. That a public hearing will be held on the matter by the Planning Board
on Monday, September 14, 1998 at 7:35 p.m. in the meeting hall at
Southold Town Hall, Main Rd., Southold; that a notice of such hearing
will be published at least five days prior to the date of such hearing in
the Traveler Watchman published in the Town of Southold; that you or
your representative have the right to appear and be heard at such
Notice of Hearing
A public hearing will be
held by the Southold
Town Planning
Board at Town
Hall, 53095 Main Road,
Southold, New York,
concerning this
NAME OF APPLICATION: Site plan waiver for S & L Irrigation
REFERENCE/TAX MAP #: 1000-59-3-19
SUBJECT OF HEARING: the application is for a 1000 sq. ft. office building
and a 2,500 sq. ft. storage and warehouse, in an existing building.
TIME & DATE HEARING: Monday, September 14, 1998 at 7:35 p.m.
If you have an interest in this project, you are invited to view the Town file(s)
which are available for inspection prior to the hearing during normal business
days between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.
September 2, 1998
Robert Leonard
S & L Irrigation
P.O. Box 414
Southold, NY 11971
RE: Waiver Request
41425 Route 48, Southold
SCTM# 1000-59-3-19
Dear Mr Leonard,
Town Hall, 53095 Main Road
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971
Fax (516) 765-3136
Telephone (516) 765-1938
The Planning Board has received your waiver request regarding the
above referenced property. The Board will review it at their September
14, 1998, public meeting.
As discussed with you at the Board's work session on August 31, 1998,
you will place a ten foot wide evergreen buffer consisting of six foot
evergreens staggered ten foot on center across the rear (north) side of
the property and on the east side to the end of your proposed fence.
Please show parking calculations and parking spaces in addition to the
above mentioned buffer on a survey of the property. A copy of this
survey containing the above information should be brought to this office
by noon on Friday September 4th.
0 0
If you have any questions, or require further information, please contact
this office.
✓ o ert G. Kassner
Site Plan Reviewer
cc: Edward Forrester, Director of Code Enforcement
��ev r2K
' O e
Cox Lane Industrial Park, Unit 13
Cutchogue, NY 11935
516- 4 • FAX 516-76*0559
7c, S -6 XIro
Sept. 4, 1998
Planning Board
Town Hall
53095 Main Rd.
Southold, N.Y. 11971
Re: Waiver Request
41425 Route 48, Southold
SCTM # 1000-59-3-19
Dear Members,
Enclosed, please find a copy of our survey showing the ten foot
wide evergreen buffer, the proposed fence and the parking spaces
as we discussed at the Board's work session on Aug. 31, 1998.
Robert C. Leonard
Secretary & Treasurer
S&L Irrigation
P r
�Lr „4 1998
L,outhold Town
Planning Board
Dateyk% -i h Y
Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman
Southold Town Planning Board
P.O. Box 1179
AUG 27 1998
Southold, NY 11971 Southold Town
Dear Mr. Orlowski: Planning Board
I would like to request a waiver of site plan requirements. The following data is
provided for your review:
Tax Map # 1000- 'meq - 2> " 19
Location of Project (street address and distance, E,S,N,W, relative to nearest intersection, hamlet)
Brief Description of project and reason for waiver request (square footage of existing
building area and how it will be used; e.g. 4,000 sq. ft. total, 2500 retail, 500 storage, 1000 office
space). - - - - - I 1 -
Existing and proposed uses dirc�i �r_�are�.dys� . .i
Lot are
Zoning District -�Parking required
anter/Owner? c -Ai ,2 r If renter, attach owners permission to pursue this inquiry).
Address P, 0 -
Phone -)&T- & `r&
Please attach a survey or sketch of the property, at a 1' to 20' scale, showing the location of all
existing and proposed buildings and required parking spaces, for all uses proposed and existing on site.
Show which buildings will have which use. ff you need any additional information, or have any questions,
Please contact Robert G. Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer, at (51 6) 765-1938
iLast name, first name, middle initial, unless
you are applyinq In the name of someone else or
other entity, such as a company. If so, indicate
the other person's or company's name.)
NATURE OF APPLICATION: (Check all that apply.)
'Pax grievance
Change of zone
Approval of plat
Exemption from plat or official map
(If "other," name the activity.)
Do you personally (or through your company, spouse, sibling,
parent, or child) have a relationship with any officer or
employee of the Town of Southold? -Relationship" includes
by blood, marriage, or business interest. "Business
interest" means a business, including a partnership, in
which the town officer or employee has even a partial
ownership of (or employment by) a corporation in which
the town officer or employee owns more than 5% of the
If you answered "YES," complete the balance of this form and
date and aign where indicated.
Name of person employed by the Town of Southold
Title or position of that person
Describe the relationship between yourself (the applicant)
and the town officer or employee. Either check the
appropriate line A) through D) and/or describe in the space
The town officer or employee or his or her spouse, sibling,
parent, or child is (check all that apply),
A) the owner of greater than 5% of the shares of the
corporate stock of the applicant (when the applicant
Is a corporation);
B) the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a
noncorporate entity (when the applicant Is not a
C) an officer, director, parl,ner, or employee of the
applicant; or
D) the actual applicant.
Submitted LILLs .2(R day f:K�l gq d
SiUna t.0 re �� A _ TIMI ff
1`rl nl; name_ 6 �'C /—G O rAc"rJ
SUFE CO.TAX MAP DATA :10(X -59-3-f9
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P.O. Box 414, 41425 Camty Road 48
Southold, New YQ* 11971
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Thomas J.
Real Estate, Inc.
46520 Route 48, Southold, New York 11971
(516) 765-5815 (5 16) 765-5816 FAX
Southold Town Attorney
Southold Town Hall
Route 25
Southold, NY 11971
September 12, 1997
Please let this letter serve as a request for a written clarification of the Town
Code in relation to a specific use. .
I represent a local irrigation company that is Iooking to relocate their operation. I
would like to know what specific Zones that they can relocate to, and construct a
building in which to operate their business legally in the eyes of The Town.
If they were to diversify and go into the nursery business and/ or landscaping
business, would this have an effect on the required zoning?
I am available at your convenience to discuss any of the details that you feel are
pertinent to this issue.
Your speedy reply is appreciated.
Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.
Thomas 7. McCarthy
I —