HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/11/1969 .' "...... . Fishers Island Ferry District 0Utrict Or.:tud 0, SI*'i<&I Act: of If"" N. Y. ScAuII ~LII"'" (lAwr 01 N. Y., 1\).f7. Chapct'l' lSw1 FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06390 WILFRED C. SINCLAIR MANAGER - SECRETARY TELEPHONE 78B-7-463 AREA. CODE $16 ~\"'<. . SOARD OF COMMISSIONERS LAWRENCE B. BALDWIN, CH-.tRM"N POLLY EDMONDS ~ RAYMOND F. DOYEN RICHARD V. FOYLE Stephen Morell MrNUTBS OF THF MEETING OF 'lli} BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF TKE FISliERS ISLAND FERRY DIS1~ICT Nov. 11, 1969 A special meeting of the Board of Commissioners was called by the Chairman and held in the office of the Ferry District, November 11, 1969 at 1:30 P.M~. Present were Commissioners Baldwin, Edmonds, Morell and W. C. Sinclair, Mgr. Secretary. The Minutes of th~ Meetings held Sept. 5, and Oct. 2, 1969 were read and approved as read. The Board then read bids received for supplying 30,000 board feet of Douglas Fir dock Material for Fishers Island Terminal, Cepies of which are herewith attached. Motion hy Commissioner Morell and seconded by Corom. Edmonds that the Dis~rict accent the low bid of Miner Alexander Lumber Company in the amount of $268.00 per MBM for a total of $8,040.00. Motion unanimously carried. Motion by Corom. Edmonds ann sec~nded by Corom. Morell that veuchers #51277 through #51311 inclusi.ve in the lU'lount ef $12,987.50 representing the outstRnding obligations of the Ferry District fer Octoher 1969 be paid. Motion unanimously carried. The Board directed the Manaper to purchase a photo cell for the lights at the airport. Chairman Baldwin is to specify the type and model req'lired. General dis cussion ensued en the airport operation. Corom. Morell reported that a Mr. Peter Nelson of 133-14 Atlantic Avenue, Richmond Hill, New York City, N.Y. who operates an air service at Flushing Airnort is interested in the Ferry District Airport. He stated that Mr. Nelson would like to meet with the Beard and discuss this further. Chairman Baldwin stated that all the Captains of the ferries sheuld look-at the or.posed dock plans and gIve their sugp"estions prior to S&llll! going out to bid. The BORrd d:.rected the Manager to' g~t a price from E. Rolfe relative to moving the rock and stot.le 1 i' the New Lor.dnn Dock parking lot. Motion made to adjourn and unani '1 IfBrr1 ",d at 2:15 P.M. / ) \lu U? t;;[A----------- ,__" .. Sinclair, Mgr.-Sec. Approved: J!~ ()3ai!f~~- L. S. Baldwin, Chairman Board of Cemmissioners ,- , ~. ... . ~ ' '<" .~:':..- -:-~ /'