HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/26/1969 I,~ .. Fishers Island Ferry District [)Wta ~ s, ~ At:! J "Iv N. Y."" ~u..n cI N. Y., tw. ~",,6w) FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK 06390 WILF"RED C. SINCLAIR MANAGER ~ SECRETARY TEL.EPHONE 711..7.....63 A.REA CODE S16 BOARD OF" COMMISSIONERS LAWRENCE So BAL.DWIN. CH....."U........ IIICIi..LY EDMONDS ~~1tN~~EN RICHARD V. f'DYLE Stephen Morell MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DIS'l'RICT Nov. 26, 1969 A Ipecia1 meeting of the Board of Commissioners was ea11ed by the Chai~an and held in the office of the Ferry District, Nov. 26, 1969 at 7:00 P.M. Present were Commissioners Baldwin, Edmonds, Foyle, Morell and Doyen. Cemm. Btaonds acted as Secretary. Discussion enlued on airport property which hY been requested by Union Free Scho.". _The Commissionerl agreed that the .~eol ceu1d have a ptece or property but the property they picked out i~==- a4vantageouI to the airport therefore the Commissioners agreed that a piece et prcperty adjacent to the Band Barracks running west to below the Island Leunge would he the better piece of proper~y. The Commissionerl agreed te .eet with School Boa~ if they were interested in our propole' property. 'fu Beard-or vommissioners were of the opinion that the first parcel et land picked by the Scheol weuld iIl,~Jlr!...JiLth the future expansion et that runway tor which there ~ri-a necessity. General 'iscussion ensued on~'m-'ting c.urtesy pas.el. AI of January 1, 1970 all euoh p..ses will be discontinued. A motion by Comm. Foylo and secon'e' by Cemm. Morell that all lubject courtesy passel will be dilcontinue'. Motion unanimously .arrie'. It was also deoided that any employee of the Distriot traveling i. . on junc ti on with his joh ehall submit a voucher tor his transportation. . personal letter sheuld go to the Priest, Minister, the Doctor and all persenl ..oerne'. A letter Ihould also go to the purler advieing him of th1e. ~ra1 'lsculllon eneue' regarding increases in salaries. Motion by '~r.,-1.. and seconded by Cemm. Morell that all employeee be given an increment ." fit,. Motlen unanimously carried. Motion made to "journ and unanimouelY terrlecl at 9:00 P.M. ,i ~! t, JI ;"'~~~' -~~~ \f~,- ~~ pellRdmondS Acting Secretary ~f".pp.....,ed:';;(..J ti3~ I".,.:.,~.,:r L. 5. Bal4lVin, Chairman 40; Beard efC..s...lonerl ,.~