HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/18/1969 . . Fishers Island Ferry District .....QoaooIB,............ ....N. y._~U-.N. y.......a........ I . ~ WILFRED C. SINCLAIR MANAClE.R . SECRETARY TELEPHDNE 78.-7....63 AlllEA CaDE 5UI SOARD OF COMMISSIONERS LAWRENCE S. BALDWIN. aHA........M ..aLLY EDMONDa - -----... ... "AYMDND ,.. caVEN RICHARe V. "OYLI: Stephen Morell I I I ! ! FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK 06390 i I t i,$ i> If if;' ;1;;, MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT OF THE BOARD OF COMMrSSIONERS Deo. 18, 1969 A ape.ial meoting of the Bear. of Commissioners of the Ferry Distriot vas oalle4 by the Chairman and held in the ottice ot the Ferry District Dec. 18, 1969 at $:30 P.M.. Present w~re Commissioners Baltwin, Morell, 'amon.s, >>eyo. and W. C. Sinolair~ Mgr._Seo..Chai#rman Baldwin rea. letter from Mr. Burfta et the Union ~'ree ~chool District 4 relative to aoquiring a long 'ora lease for a portion ot airport property. General disoussion ensue.. Metlon by Comm. Doyen and seoon.ed by Comm. Morell that the School Distri.t have that parcel of land they want surveyed and then present this to the F.rry District tor further transmittal to the Town or Southo1. and the P...raa1 Aviation Agenoy. Pending this survey the Boar. ot Commissioners are intormally agreed thattall members are in ravor or leasing ,hiS land t. the Sobool. The Manager suggested that we should lease Battery Marc' .. tbe Fire Department tor a training area. It this vas .one then the 'iro Department could tence it in and relieve ua of the liability. Comm. Doyen also suggested that the Mo*tar Pits be leased to the F.I. Garbaae and Refuse District. The Bear. .irected the Manager to write a 1ett~ ~. .a.h of thes. ersa*izations relative to same. General .iscussien ~ tun ensued on the increment granted to the Ferry District employees", ~ jat the meeting or the Boar. held Nov. 26, 1969. The Manager stated ',thi't. !Iv to his illne.. he had been unable to att...nd this aeeting. H!..-e~I>"aiJ!'. \he ~.!'fl1, Plan for their employeea. He atatecl that woul" be in every~.~{_ tater.st to ad:opt this plan and it vould also provide a policy gove '" ',' , .~loy..s. The tollowing resolution waa introduced by Cemm. Morell ~ .....ni.. by Comm. Doyen and was unanimously adopted by the Board of C.-missioners present as follows: Commissioner Baldwin Commissioner E4monds Commissioner Morell Commissioner Doyen Commi..ioner Foyle - Yes -Yes - Yes - Y.s _ ... 1I.sttt1' ~ The Boar. of C.mmissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry Distriot are ~unan1mous opinion that it is in the best interest of the Ferry Distrio' ... their employees to ostab1ish a policy ~overning wages, vaoations, longeyity, .l.k leaye, retirement and paid vacations ~ WR~ theTovn or Southeld haa an agreement with their employees Goverin; '" .' er above mentiene. items an" vhich the Board of CO!lll1iuioners are 18 ~.ement that the items in suhject agreement are compatible to thi. Distri.' ~.~"'". . _.......,_...._^.-'l"'.-.--".~......-.-r';."",.......".,.~,..... "' .... .......... T T' ,. - ~- -.' - -~~.... - "" - '1 , . . . , 'Fishers Island Ferry District """"''''''''''''''_....01 ,....N. y,_~a-oI N, Y., ...,..~6ool FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06390 WILFRED C, SINCLAIR M....NAGER - SECRET...."V TELEPHONE 7B8-7-463 AREA CeOE 516 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS LAWRENCE .. .....LDWIN. CHAIRMAN POL.L V EDMi.iilk 'J"~~ RAYMDND f'. DOYEN RICH.....O V. FOYLE Stephen Morell -2- (Dec. 18, 1969) THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that this the Fishers Islan' Ferry Uiatrict toea hereby adopt for the period January 1, 1970 through and inclu(1ng December 31, 1970 thoae iteMs of aubject agreeMent dated January 2, 1969 as between the Town of Southold ant the employees of the Town ef Seuthold as the guide fer this District's eMployees. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that if there are any changes in subject agreeMent the Town of Southol' haa with their employees in 1970 thon suoh changes will be incorporated in the Fishers Island Ferry Vistrict's eaployee poliey and will be effective for the peried January 1, 1971 tbe..sa~iiRI1..~nteye~rwill Jl,hI8Ue..an_1e~.raffeCjed thereafter in followmg years will be haDdled in this manner. a.mm. Doyen mentioned that due to Mr. Chaplaski illness that the Boar' eon.ider Charles Morgan as a relief pur.er. The Board 'ireote' the Manager to draw up a bid for the removal of trees at the airport. The Manager reporte' on an emer~enoy plan application for the airport which he was filling out and whioh would be sent to Supervis~ Martocchia for further tranamittal. The Board agreed that the airport property should be burned. P~rmi8sion was granted Cemm. Morell to clear the brush on Whi.tler A.venue near hi. house. The Boar' a~reed that the Olind.a will make a noon trip on Dec. 24. 1969. Motion made to d. unan~US1Y carriet at 6:30 P.M. ~ r.-Sec. " A.pproveV~ t3.1JA~-\. L. S. Baltwin. Chairman Beard of Commis.ioners :.&..; \, \; \ '., ~. \ -.-