HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-57.-1-38.3 T LD Southold, N.Y. 11971 HENRY E. RAYNOR, Jr. , Chairman JAMES WALL DENNETI ORLOWSKI, Jr. GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, Jr. WILUAM F. MULLEN, Jr. TELEPHONE 765 - 1938 February 17, 1984 Mr. Howard Zehner Young's Boatyard and Marina P.O. Box 250 Greenport, NY 11971 Re: Young's Boatyard and Marina Site Plan Dear Mr. Zehner: The fOllowing action was taken by the Southold Tewn Planning Board at the regular meeting of February 13,1984. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board approve the site plan "Young's Boat Yarn "nrl '4~riI].a" loca'f:eaat Southold to construct 2 additional tennis courts subject to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a set back. If you have any questions, please contact this office. Very truly YOU~ ~R:E~OR' JR., CHAIR~fJt-.~ SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M. SchUltze, Secretary cc: Zoning Board of Appeals Building Department T D Southold, N.Y. 11971 HENRY E. RAYNOR, Jr., Chairman JAMES WALL BENNETT ORLOWSKI, Jr. GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, Jr. WILUAM F. MULLEN, Jr. TELEPHONE 765 - 1938 October 13, 1983 Mr. Howard Zehner Young's Boatyard & Marina P.O. Box 250, Sage Blvd. Greenport, New York 11971 Re: Young's Boatyard & Marina Site Plan Dear Mr. Zehner: The fOllowing action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board, Tuesday, October 11, 1983. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board approve the site plan "Young's Boaryard & Marina" to construct two (2) additional tennis courts subject to certification from the Building Department and a one year review. Kindly forward the application fee in the amount of $25 to our office at your earliest convenience. Thank you. Very truly yours, HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Susan E. Long, Secretary cc: Building Department (with attachments) TEL. 765-1802 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR P.O. BOX 728 TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 January 24, 1984 Planning Board Town of Southold Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Subject: Young's Boatyard & Marina Certification Site Plan - tennis courts Gentlemen: The subject premises is located in the 'C' Light Industrial Zoned District and the present boat yard and marina use is per- mitted as regulated under Art. VIII, Sec. 100-80 B (9), (14) & ( 15) . On July 22, 1976, under appeal 1/2161, the Board of Appeals granted a Special Exception to Mr. Zehner to organize a membership club that included the existing two tennis courts and an inground swimming pool. This Special Exception was subject to a review which was made by Board of Appeals on March 23, 1978. According to the minutes of these hearings, the concern was focused on the number of members and accessory parking facilities. The proposed additional tennis courts are for the membership use under this Special Exception. To increase the facilities of this use would require approval by the Board of Appeals, Art. VIII, Sec. 100-80 B (17). The proposed location of the additional two tennis courts re- duces the front yard set back to 45'-0". A front yard set back of 50'-0" is required for buildings in the front yard for this 'C' Zoned District, Art. VIII, Sec. 100-81 Bulk Schedule; a variance is required. This certification is made in accordance with Art. XIII, Sec. 100-133 C. The proposed additional tennis courts do not meet the requirements of Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 100. Also, the site plan does not show parking facilities for the membership, marina, and boat yard use. .~Q'~ Edward F. Hindermann Building & Housing Inspector .!, EFH:ec AttC11. ," j, ~ '" '\' v 1 .~..._--- T" . l - ~~- YOUNG'~ BOATYARD & MARINA P. O. BOX 250, SAGE BLVD. GREE,NPORT, N. Y. 11944 August 2L, 1983 Chairman Henry Raynor To~n Planning Board Southold Town Hall Main Road, Southold, N.Y. 11971 RE: Sage Pro~ertv One Acre Zoning Dear Henry, I am acting as spokesman for 8 group of local investors interested in purchasing the Sage property. This property surro4nds my property, is somewhat isolated, and could be con- sidered in Southold Town's Master Plan. We have made a written offer to the Sage Estate owners, but that offer is contingent upon 1 acre residential zoning remaining rather than 2 acre. " Our plan, with your permission, is to cluster dwellings on the bayfront and basin front, using the 62.5 acres upland percel (of approximately 80 acres total) as a basis, and leaving the non-clustered land undevelGped and pristine. Specifically, I believe that 1 acre zoning for the Sage property is warranted for three (3) reasons: (1) Non-conforming use: The Sage property was operated as a brickyard and cement block plant from approximately 1890 to 1950, at which time Fred W. Young purchased my present Young's Boatyard .and Marina from the Sage's. Not only my Marina, zoned C Light .Industrial, but the Sage basin. (from which clay was dredged for bricks)and the surrounding Sage property,was actually a part of that brickyard business. Workers homes on small plots, horse stables, actual Clay pits (now basins and ponds), brick drying racks, briCk storage sheds, a L.I. railroad spur, Sage narrow gauge Clay cart tracks, and many other business features were present on existing Sage property. Presently 24 cottages on very small plots (formerly workers residences), and 2 homes on small plots, occupy part of this property. Would you please consider this property to be zoned "C" Light Industrial or at least "1 acre residential" due to "non-conformin~ use. (2) The West Greenport Water District was established through (not around) the Sage property in 1972. Jim Monsell, Greenport Utility Superintendent, agrees that suffi~ient water is available for Sage Property development. (3) My letter of August 18, 1983 to you)requested consideration by you and others, of a W~st Greenport Sewer District, for the same ~_"~""""""~"_'''''''~~~--''''''~"l'''.-:_~~--r-m'~;,~',-''';''''' ",7~~1"""'~~>::"'~~;'':':'''l>''iW''~'?''':t''':''',W1:'"1'",';:''1'I\\'r.'';--'~''T:~:7'::''~7r''''',.~'_~'?,~,"1::?~.~~~ , YOUNG'S BOA TY tl.RD & MAIt.,INA P. O. BOX 250, SAGE BlW. GREENPORT, N. Y. 11944 AUG 25 REC'O August 2h, 1983 ._, /j T\ "', 'l-. i('<-' Che:lrmsn Henry Raynor Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall Main Road, Southold, N.Y. 11971 RE: Sa~e Prooertv One Acre Zonin~ Dear Henry, I am acting as spokesman for a group of local investors interested in purchasing the Sage property. This property surrounds my property, is somewhat isolated, and could be con- ~ sidered in South old Town's Master Plan. We have mane a written offer to the Sage Estate owners, but that offer is contingent upon 1 acre residential zoning remaining rather than 2 acre. Our plan, with your permission, is to cluster dwellings on the bayfront and basin front, using the 62.5 acres upland parcel (of approximately 80 acres total) as a basis, and leaving the non-clustered land undeveloped and pristine. Specificaliy~ I believe that 1 acre zoning for the Sage property is warranted for. three (J.) reasons: (1) Non-conformin~ use: The Sage property was operated as a brickyard and cement block plant from approximately 1890 to 1950, at which time Fred W. Youilg purchased/my present Young's Boatyard and Marina from the Sage' s ~ Not .only my Marina, zoned e Light Industrial, but the Sage basins (from which clay was dredged for bricks)and the ~urroun~ing 'Sage propertYlwas actually a part of that brickyard btisines~. Workers homes on small plot s, horse stables, actual Clay pits (now basins and ponds), brick drying racks, brick storage sheds, a L.I. railroad spur, Sage narrow gauge clay cart tracks, and many other business features were present on existing Sage property. Presently 24 cottages on very small plots (formerly workers residences), and 2 homes on small plots, occupy part of this property. Would you please consider this property to be zoned "e" Light Industrial or at least "1 acre residential" due to "non-conformin~ use. (2) The West Greenport Water District was established through (not around) the Sage property in 1972. Jim Monsell, Greenport Utility Superintendent, agrees that sufficient water is available for Sage Property development. (3) My letter of August 18, 1983 to you,requested consideration by you and others, of a West Greenport Sewer District, for the same "M " ,1"': '1'), l~ n ,1 i i:{~ ". ! ,--'"::-:~:''''::~~:~:,r''T:' - "-.I~:'~;:~;"":' ~..~- "'--"''I\l)l'.'-:'!.'~'f'T:'~;f'''>:,~:-'.::~~'';-;:'r'~__,___,.,.'~~'~F~')l""'~<''''''''!'9;.-~,'~''-~~;!f.):'-;, .- .., reasons a water district was required in this clay belt in 1972. Municipal sewerage would further justify reasonable development of the Sage property. In line with our Sage Property development thoughts, we local investors would like to consider building a pure marina, not a boatyard, on the Sage property underwater land owned and taxed. Our only land requirement would be for boater access, parking, and toilets. Additional boat dockage facilities are much needed in our area. We also, would reroute Sage Boulevard (a private road), and in conjunction with the next door "Anesthesia Group P.C." property owners present consent pnd land donation, would connect Sage Boule- vard to Island View Lane to end the present right-of-way end land own,ership dispute there and provide a loop for emergency access and Highway Department takeover of an established road. Please consider the 1 acre zoning, instead of 2 acres, at thi:s time. If I can supply further information please contact me :!lnd advise me on your thoughts. Thank you. Very truly yours, ~H.4ze~ cc: William Pell, Township !3upe'rvisor Jim ~~ahon, Township Communi~y Vevelopment Director Jim Monsel1,..Superintendent of Public Utilities, Greenport Miss Chiml~tteS8ge Irving L. Price, Jr., Attny. -:..t .if: :t .- ___",~_",,~ .' ___.~_;"~_,", "",,--,-,-~~"iIlr.< ;,,,..,. .,,:,' c!;-~n.'?'E'J""~~"iii;" ~W"""""l"-':::''"''''::'~!i,.:I.~'f,,_:::<,':7'''''''~- ~c'__T ,~____'__'::-,'''_' "--':"""'i"':";'" ::,T':,~'~~ , ~ YOUNG'S BOA.TYARD & MARINA P. O. BOX 250, SAGE BLVD. GREEN PORT, N. Y. 11944 Sfp 1 tj REC'(J September 13, 1983 Chairman Henry Raynor Town Planning Board Southo1d Town Hall Main Road, Southo1d, N.Y. 11971 Subiect: Permit for additional tennis courts. Dear Henry, I would like to construct 2 additional tennis courts with fencing adjacent to the 2 existing courts, this Octo- ber 1ge3. My site plan of July 9, 1976 shows the location of the proposed additional 2 courts. The dimensions are the ssme as the existing 2 courts, 108' x 120' and they butt against the existing courts. Attached for your reference are 3 copies of the July 9, 1976 site plan, one copy of your site plan ap- proval letter of July 16, 1976, one copy of a~pea1 No.2161 , of July 22, 1976 permitting a membership club, one copy of building permit No. 8749 of July 23, 1976 and one copy of survey of property of Howard H. Zehner amended on Octo- ber 11, 1982. Security lighting and a dust free drive were installed in 1976. I would appreciate your early consideration of this Matter. Thank you. Very truly yours, t: H~'Z~ towner - Young's Boatyard & Marina) ,1+\ . ,;.-, 'V, _\f'\ ~J" -., ../1 \ -' e." ' -',\ \ ;re-- i- --"~. 0-?~,c_ ~,rtJ(~ i' (~~;::i.q/76 J '-. .) ---..- -f--'.~"-'. ~..-.-._... -'F --'- ,- ,..r-'''_~iiI ~'~Vt;) SITtf' (C;?.-jjIM.rC-l'/.;7))' IJ' .:J.;',l/", 3t.;';.:. Cjf2.i.'t.,-"C:., I. -------..-. ,.-~-.. , . .. ~ fA \ S"'cill.. . ~ <; 0'" - ,~~- .' - 1.: --- \ 5.67.41'40"~~ ~-.. 4Z8,73 _--- \ ---' .~., , . -'. " . 2 0 -I 0 ......_---.. ':/. \0 N '~ \ \.._- I.,' I: . ----;;: I,' \ \ \ .\ , .:.~ t::: ! , ---r- -~ r<.l!' . w ~_.._L_ . .. <t (1\' ) ,~ . )..-. . .J <l ~~ ::t.~ ,I o ... '.1 t ! '~-1_ . " ~t', i-o_,_ l;O'O" ~ . ~ >-.. j " I brl<1Io I \i\~$' \ ... , ,,:,"~". ..4'. ~--3i;o' ~ .1\ " I " #' . -'~ -, : Ju':\<:I 1....:.:.1 .. o I \ .. ,; \ \ J, '" )> '" .. .;.: ""~-~ :"./" --~--_.--I-- ~"_'.; ~l--~~';::-'~.-:;l~,- . j \ .~ \ :U J :J 0, ,A d~ ; '2~ ~.~~ ___--;.:::;::::-.. ~~-:l c:-:::-r-'-'\ 'Z I, \ U . ....- ~l t- ,oo~- / rLI>nJJt-. - SIf> w.(<'< I'-f .....\t;"'\1 , ", ~ ~ N . '-~ ~ Y0,~..ej '!I~i::h.:1:'~) , 1< , t; o ,-_. ':...-- e;MArV '1",,,.,,.,1. , S", W<;t.s k~J ~1!. "'.. ~,,""'K n~< :; c.:--SS Aa Co /714' Cfli:4hN':~ . L~ij ~ " o o ;. , 350'" : . ;~~~--' -==.:;. -:;:-.:fi.;,~C=::: ,0 :::..: ::.:-:::l! .' ,., . <$ J '" '.,." /~ r VC-IVIWJ C~v,t-/J /)le.E- CUSI"<I.A~:5'p~ \!f"r>,<ler i &~'N~ S'l.sTl:.....,,{c,,'-"'.c~"D) J .', ,..let '1 ' .? I _, ~ o/)"1v/Li-'W P.l'9VI#\It- ~\,,;::;".:_, .: >' -,' I ,(~. ~K'S~~I\J/ CoNT'(.::-) " ,,:'__, -,\ .' ~__~ ,c:<iJVCI"-".-- 12. ,""r ,/7,,,,/ -' ",,,-Ro> ,'..v"',>; c.- ,',:!.T.>;' J \ ... j /" i.....~~--.~ ' _ J : \~', )/. ~~ '. 1\1.'60 ~ 6 . ~o;;-w--- - l.___ . '. I ~"..- , 0" '.' -. $ - I ~ _. ~ ,/c-"/'b' ,'. '. ., I -r8/.S6 (.,> .:;::..y:' ...' ,,\<\',1 WdtC" M.:>ri<, . ~LJ-'r '\,. ' ./, o~ .J ,l}L.'L ICt:D r'ld:::"i<//\/Z';'..s: . / '~.. ,/' '.' \t... . '", ~."~_.::-"" .",~,:).. ~ -' <,\0, i!>o.{0 I . /" V , ....' ~~" , '" '" r ~-:::/---- - ,_-...~' .J" .......~. "'~-';"" '.-;- . -,' , ...~....f " " / r: 9~c.;.()i.J !- /lz-- ..r,:,;. ~!, .S et:- : /'J7rrJ-t:./~1"1t."Nr /} - PL", ,;,,--- /:',:-;)., ,''',T - ,,<'-J"'Y..../}.,....,(,:, r .., 1.:-- ~ .'" -:1....-, .' "'~""'O!f,....,.,~~-, :'.... .. ,-- -,---' JOHN WICKHAM, Chairman AI-FRED GRLBE FRAJ'..'K COYLE HENRY RAYNOR FREDERICK E GoRDON l~" july 16, 1976 '~\~. :..- ~ TELEPHONE 765-1313 Mr. Howard Zehner Youngs Boatyard & Marina 1670 Sage ~oulevard Greenport, New York 11944 Dear Mr. Zehner: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning ,Board at a regular meeting held July 12, 1976. RESOLVED to grant site plan approval of map of property of Howard H. Zehner situate at Arshamomaque, said map dated 7/9/76, subject to final inspection by the chairman to be accomplished July 13, 1976. On July 13? Mr. Wickham and I visited your property and he approved of your project. As you recall from t:p.e meeting, it was recommended that security lights be provided and seventy or eighty feet to the south be cleared of underbrush to increase visibility on the curve. It was 'also recommended that a dustfree driveway should be maintained. '" YOU;S trulY~' ~7 <-<-d' ~(./ Mur~S . S,er,tary SEP14 REC'D '-\:...........,;-- ,.,-.--. ..- ~' TOWN OF SOUTIIOLD. NEW YORK DATE .J~l'y..~2., 1976 '. . ACTION OF TIlE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Appea~, No. 2161 Dated June 24, 1976 ACTION OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To Howard H. Zehner Young's Boatyard and Marina Sage Boulevard, Greenj:Jor~ N. Y._____ Appellant at a rr.eding of the Zoning Board of Appeals on w:":s cC'l1sicicred and the action indicated below was taken on your Hequest for variance due to lack of acccss to property X) Eequest for a special excepiion under the Zoning Ordinance ) Eequest for a variance to the Zoning Ordinance ) the appeal 1. SPECIAL EXCEPTION. By resolution of the Board it was determined that a special exception ) be granted ( ) be denied pursuant to Article . Section Subsection paragraph of the Zoning Ordinance and the decision of the Building Inspector ( be reversed ( ) h(' confirmed because 8: 00 P. M. upon appl ica tion of Howard H. Zehner, Young 0 S Boatyard & Marina, Sage Boulevard, Greenport, New York for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-30 B (6) & Article III, Section 100-35 for permission to organize a Membership Club. Location of property: Sage Boulevard, Greenport, New York, bounded on north by Sage Boulevard; east by Land of Sage; south by peconic Bay; west by Boat Basin & Killian. Fee paid $15.00. 2. V.'\RIANCE. By rf'solution of the Board it was determined that fa) Stricl application of the Ordinance (would) (would not) produce practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship b(,C'~lUse SEE REVERSE (b) The hardship created (is) (is not) unique and (would) (would not) be shared by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in the same use district because SEE REVERSE (c) The \"ariance (does) (does not) obsep,e the spirit of the Ordinance and (would) (would not) change the character of the district because SEP 1 ~-' i,:~'O SEE REVERSE and ther('fore, it was further ddennined that the rcq uested variance ) be grJ.nted ) be denied and th.:1t the prl"..ious decisions of the Building Inspector ( ) be confirmed ( be reversed. SEE REVERSE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FORM ZB4 ~ \':)1)/'/ - f.'" ~ -~ After investigation and inspection the Board finds that the applicant requests permission to organize a membership club, Young's Boatyard and Marina, Sage Boulevard, Greenport, New York. The findings of the Board are that the Board is in agreement with the reasoning of the applicant. The Board finds that the public convenience arid welfare and justice will be served and the legally estabiished Or per- mitted use of neighborhood property and adjoining use districts will not be permanently or substantially injured and the spirit of the Ordinance will be observed. THEREFORE IT WAS RESOLVED, Howard H. Zehner, Young's Boat- yard and Marina, Sage Boulevard, Greenport, New York be GRANTED permission to organize a membership club as applied for, subject to the following condition: The Board will review the applicant's operation by August 1, 1977, to insure that the parking facilities are adequate. Vote of the Board: Ayes: - Messrs: Gillispie, Bergen, Hulse, Doyen. ~,~~J V [ d]S ... - "..,.'" -~...,-,. V' ~ .-'C'1rr'r- -- ......, . FORM NO. 2 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTH OLD, N. Y. SEP 14 REC'D ",'.'. BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) N? 8749 z Date July 23 ......................................................." 76 19........ Permission is here,by granted to; HOvlard Zehner & Hife . ................................................................................ . ..... ... .i?~E;f1...j:!ly;g........ .g.:r.f1.E;'.np,'?rJ....... N.~. X.~. Install s1vil1lI:Jing pool build addition on existing I'ltructu1'e, altera.tio to -.....................................................J.....................................................................1,................................ ,A . .~.o... .~.,,'l. ~~ ... .~J!:.\~~ .t.1!:r:.~.2. .... t;.'f.~.9.~r..g.. J:~.r... :l<!'!.wJ ~.. .9..9."\-l:r:J ~.,...~ ..P..?R 1. .~.'?).!..:r. {c.. .f~.l}~!,!.. at premises located. at ... ..YF?...~.r:: ~~.. .~.~::.~... s.:~:Y.~.. .!'!-.?~.~. I....... ..~!:.~.~~.~:?~~ 9..C:~. ......................... . Greennort ,.............,.......................................................,1:.. ~... ...... ................................................................................ .........................................;......,.................................. .....................................:........................................... ................,..:.............................................;.............. pursuant to application dated ......................'!.~qy.............g.3.:......, 19...7.~., and approved by the BLJilding Inspector. 4-c.oo F~e $.........,.............. , ,: ~ ~ , Cv-~l~ 6- . iB;,idi;;;;;~;;;;;;~l / 'IQUNG'S ,JOA TV ARD & MARINA P. O. lOX 250, SAGE BLVD. CiNENPORr, N. Y. 11Nt 477-0830 AUG ,2 2 REClJ August ItJ, 1983 Chairman Henry Raynor Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall Main Road, Southold, N.Y. 11971 Dear Henry, Enclosed is a copy of a letter to Bill Pell concerning a possible West Greenport Sewer District similar to the ~xisting Greenport Water District. As Mr. Jim Wiggin. noted in the letter copies were sent to McMahon, Mr. Jim Monsell, and Mr. Merlon A copy should have been sent to you also. Please write or call in reference to your thoughts on this matter. Thank you very much. ;::u;, ;;;S' ) Howard H. z~ (owner) , e-o,g \ ('C'\ <r\:l-C\\<,) ~ .... Township of Southold Planning Board Main Rd., Southold, N.Y. 11971 June 26, 1976 Greenport, N.Y. Ladies and Gentlemens I would like to establish a pool and tennis membership club as soon as possible. On June 22, 1976, I discussed this project with Mr. George Fisher, Mr. Ed Hinder- mann, Miss Muriel Brush, and Mrs. Elizabeth Neville of the Town Olerk's Offioe. Per their suggestions I have submitted the following I 1- Oopy each with receipt of 2 Neighbors Notification Forms. 1- Original plus 2- Oopies of Applioation for Special Exception to the Board of Appeals. 1- Original plus 2- Oopies of a Plot Diagram of the Pool & Tennis Olub. ~- Oopies of Attachment A to the above, Plot Diagram of Pool. ~- Oopies of Attaohment B to the above, Report of Elevations. The above material is being submitted on June 28, 1976 so that it may be studied prior to the July 12, 1976 Planning Board Meeting, and in turn the July 22, 1976 Board of Appeals meeting. Any other information required will be gladly submitted. Mr. Kenneth Reiter of the Suffolk 00. Board of Health- Pools ( works for Mr. Robert Joule ), ,and Mr. Don Gallarani of the Suffolk 00. Health Dept. visi- ted my facility on June 24, 1976 for the purpose of making an on-site inspection of the proposed pool. Both gave ,a verbal OK and found no faults in the plans proposed. No paper work is required during the initial on-site inspection. However, they were given ,the same set of plans as are submitted to you today. In addition the Suffolk 00. Board of Health will require detailed pool drawings, to be submitted by Skinny Dip Pools Inc., showing plumbing, filtering, and all pool mechanics at the pool proper. This is in the prooess of being submitted. It is understood that South old Town Building Dept. will not give final Oertifioate of Ocoupancy until final Board of Health approval. It is hoped that a deoision of the Planning Board and Board of Appeals may be favorable pending that final Board of Health approval at comp~etton. Expeoted completion of the Pool and Tennis Club is on or before August 1, 1976. 1- would like to state that Young~s Boatyard and Marina has been operating as a membership olub ( as do most Marinas) since at least October, 1970 when I pur- ohased this facility. Boaters oommit themselves to a summer season (dockage) or a winter season (storage) with signed agreements for specified periods of time. The planned Pool and Tennis Olub is only an extension of this assumed right on property zoned Li~t Industrial Distriot, O'%oning. To satisfy any inquir~a ~t was thought better'~ prooeed with the enclosed information and plans in any~case. Thank you. .Jz~ tr_uly' y';/.s 'Co f} . \ Howa;;! ~Zehn~r~ Young's Boatyard & Marina -.. _. _.._~- ---_._~__~______..__'_..=c...._.__'______'___ " .~,.,.._.- "-, -~--- --- "- ""-, "- ''''- - .... "'- ....... 5.67'4"40" 2 o ..l o iii N e ~ ~ '3-1 !~ ! - ..-""--. ..------- --.... '-, "'- 3"50' ~-~l .~ (J\' \DIE tl -1: ~ n ~~....;:.... .----,- --.-- rr-. -I' . ..- -, l. -,' '-' .. 1:.=-..:t=~ c_:; .=:::l / i 1..- ;.._: ~1 o dOG\(5 t- r '-\:00. . 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