HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-56.-4-22RECEIVED BY DATE J APPROVED DY ~ PLANNING BOA ~D TOWN OF SOUTHoL~) ? L~ b Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 April 16, 1985 Mr. and Mrs. Larry Tuminello 955 Ships Drive Southold, NY 11971 Re: Site Plan Larry and Violet Tuminello Dear Mr. and Mrs. Tuminello: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board, Monday, April 15, 1985. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board approve the site plan for Larry and Violet Tuminello for the construction of an addition to an existing building for an 80-seat restaurant, located at Arshamomaque, plans dated March 12, 1985; subject to a one-year review. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. truly yours, A- BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. , CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary cc: Building Department  D T ~LD Y Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 June 11, 1986 Mr. and Mrs. Larry Tuminello 955 Ships Drive Southold, NY 11971 Re: Site Plan for Larry and Violet Tuminello Dear Mr. and Mrs. Tuminello: The ~ollowing action was taken by the~Southold Planning Board, Monday,June 9, 1986 at the regular meeting. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board, having made a field inspection of the site, recommend to the Building Department that a certificate of occupancy be issued for the restaurant of Larry and Violet Tuminello located at Main Toad, Arshamomaque subject to: 1. Removing the existing asphalt in front of the building. This must completed prior to opening. 2. Completing the required landscaping. This is subject to a six-month review. Please contact this office if you have any questions. Very truly yours, ~ NNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. , CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary cc: Building Department TOWN OF $OUTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR P.O. BOX 728 TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 eTEL. ~765-1802 April 5,1985 Planning Board Town of Southold Main Rd. Southold, N.Y. 11971 Subject: Larry & Violet Tuminello site plan. 3/12/85 Gentlemen: This will certify, this site plan in meeting Zoning regulations for the "B" Light Business District. Yours Truly, Edward Hindermann Building Inspector EH:dsm ' OF SO 8outhold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 April 3, 1985 Mr. and Mrs. Larry Tuminello 955 Ships Drive Southold, NY 1~.971 Re: Site Plan for Larry and Violet Tuminello located at Arshamomaque Dear Mr. And Mrs. Tuninello: Please let this confirm the action taken by the Southold Town Planning Board, Monday, April 1, 1985. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board refer the site plan of Larry and Violet Tuminello for the construction of an addition to an existinq building for a restaurant to seat 80 people, to the building department for certification. This project is located at Arshamomaque. The Board will also make a field inspection. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR., CHAIRMAN B~UTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Diane M. Schultze, S~retary cc: Building Department ~OWN OF SOUTHOLD ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT - PART P~OJECT INFOR~aAT ION , Agriculture , O:qer 3. Total acreage o~ ~ject a~a: ~,~ ac~s~ : ........ , ..... '-- Water Sure, ca Presently After CcmoleCion ~, 1S~ or ~. Approximate percentage of proposed projec~ site with slopes: 0-10~ /~; 10-15~__ greater _~- 7. Is project contiguous, t~, or contain a building or site listed on the National Register of Historic Places? . Fas 8. What is the depth to the water table? ~eet . . ' g. ~ hunting or fishing opportunities presently exist in the project area? ~es 10. Does project site contain an~ species o¢ plant or animal life that is identified as ·threatened or endzn~ered - Yes ~,Io, according to - Identify each species ll. Are there any unique or un,ual land forms on the project site? {i.e. cliffs, dunes, other gemlogical formations - ~Yes ~o..(Oescrihe 1L Is the prOject site ~resently used by the co,unit7 or neighborhood as an open space or'recreation area- Yes .~o ........ :.. i.- .- 13. Does' Ehe present ~tte offer or.include scenic views or vistas known to be Important ta.th~ c~A~unlty? 14. Streams within or contiguous to project area: ........... &. Name of stream and name of river to which it is tributary '16. n. Lakes, Ponds, Wetland areas within or contiguous to project area: a. Ram~ ; b. Size (in acres) Vhat is the dominant lanJ use end zoning classification within a I/4 mile radius of the project (e.g~ single family residential, R-Z) and ~e scale of development (e.g. Z story). PROJECT OESCRIPTIO~i 1. Physical dimensions and scale of project (fill in dimensions as appropriate) . &. Iotal contiguous acreage o~ned by project sponsor ~'~ ' acres. ., ' '" : . b. project acreage developed: ~ .acres initially; ,~acres ultimately. -~ .: . Project acreage ~ remain undeveloped ~ building'square fo, Length of project, in miles: -~- (if appropKiate) if prelect is an ~Pansion of existing, ~dicate percent of expansion proposed: age 7~; developed acreage ,! .. Iltm!~er of off-st~t parking spaces existing proposed ~ .- Maxi~ vehicular trips generated per hour ~..{upon completion of p~ject) If ~sidential: ~er and ~pe of housing units: .. One'P~il¥ ?we F~ily Multiple F~ily Condominium Initial Ultimate i. If: Orientation ~etghborhood-Cit¥-~egional £atimated Employment Industrial -- J. Total height of t~Ilest prOposed structure /~ / feet. · 8. g. 10. 11. much natural material {i.e. rock, earth, etc.) will be removed From the site - ~ tans cubic ya~ How many acres of vegetation {trees. shrubs, g~ound covers) will be removed from site - 0 acres. Will any mature forest {over 100 years old) or other locally-im:ortant vegetation be removed by this project? Yes ~/No ' ' Are there any plans for re-vegetation to replace that removed during construction? /Yes If single phase project: Anticipated period of construction ~months. {including demolition). If multi-phased project: a. Total number of phases anticipated ] No. , '.~_' _ . - ....... b. Anticipated date of commencement phase 1 year {including --, demolition) c. Approximate completion date final phase nth ~year. .. . . ' d. Is phase 1 financially deppdent on subsequent phases? Will blas.ing occur during construction? Yes ~?No .' ,~ber of jobs generated: during constroctio. /g)~ after p~ject is complete j'. Nu~er of jobs eliminated by this project _.~. Will project requir~ relocation of any projects or facilities? 1~. a. Is surface or subsurface liquid waste disGosal involved? 13. 14. 15. '16. 17. 18. · 19. Yes /Yes b. If yes. indicate type of waste (sewage, industrial, etc.).. ~(.(~:~.~:;~_.. ' If Will surface area of existing lakes, pgnds streams, bays or other surface wa~em~ays be increased or decreased by propose ? Yes ~/No. Is p[oject, or any portion of project.located in the lOyear r-load plain? Yes o a. noes project involve disposal of solid waste? V' Yes b. If yes, will an ~xisting solid waste disposal facility be used? Yes c. If yes, give name: ~ ; location d. m.'Hll any wastes not go into a sewage disposal system or into a sanitary landfill? Will project use herbicides or pesticides? .. Yes . V/ ,~o Will project routinely produce odors' (~ora than one hour per day)? Yes ~/'/~o ' Will project produce operating noise exceeding the local ~J~,bience noise levels? Yes , Will project ~esult in an increase in energy use? Yes ~//~No. If yes, indicate type{s) Yes /) 20. If water supply is from we]ls indicate pumping capacity 21. Total anticipated water usage ~er day _~_~Z~:~ qals/da¥. ~. Zoning: a. ~hat is dcminant'=cning classification of site? b. Current s;eclFic zoning classification of site d. IF no. indicate desired zoning gals/minute. Approvals: a. b. ¢o / Is any Federal per. it required? Yes ~/ ~o ODes project involve State er Federal funding or financing? Lo~al and Regional approvals: Approval Required (ins, ~lo) (Type) City, Town, Village Board City, Town, Village Planning $oard City, Town, Zoning Board City, County Health Oepartment Other local agencies Other regional agencies State Agencies Federal Agencies ,yes ~? Ho Submittal Approval (Date) (Oate) I~FQ~ATIG~L DETAILS .. ' Attach any additional info~tionas m~y be needed to clari~ your project. If there am or may be any adve~e imoacts associated with the' p~posal, pleasejLi~cuss s~h impacts and the measures ~hich can be PR~PARER"S SI~ATUR£: ~ · REPgESE"TIHG: ~?~-'~-~ I '-%