HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-1972 7 j- 72- ~ ,~,' ." . ."\ \).... "'\ _f.' - '- ~ , ,_ , I , J' ... FtS\-1ERS ISLAND ,J~ C\VIC ASSOC\ATION AN\\IUAl REPORT ~ ,,--.,r- ~ - MEE. T \ NG To 13E. AT T4 ~ .. L..EG (0 /"l o N - .Tv L Y 18 AT- 8 PM ,.,-.---- ------ ~ ~ ___ '_..r ~ -------- --- - ----- -.......... ..---- ... ,-- =--- ---- ------ -~:-- ---- ,.-. --- '~-_-=:. -,,'--'--'" -- ---.--' --...--- - ~- -- ---- . TA.BLE OF CONTENTS CALENDl\R OF EVENTS. . ....... ... .. .. . .... . ... . .. ..... FISHERS ISLAND CIVIC ASSOCIATION, INC.............. ~EASURER · S REPOR TS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FISHERS ISLAND FIRE DEPJffiTMENT..................... JUSTICE OF THE PEACE............,.................. FISHERS ISLAND FIRE DISTRICT....................... INSECT AND RODENT CONTROL.......................... FISHERS ISLJI.ND FERRY DISTRICT. .. . . .. .. .. . ... . .. . . .. FISHERS ISLJI.ND GJffiBAGE AND REFUSE DISTRICT......... FISHERS ISLAND COMMUNITY HEALTH FUND... ...... . ..... VILLAGE GREEN COlJIlVIITTEE............................ FISHERS ISLAND MEDICAL COMlVIITTEE................... BLUE CRoss/eMS........ I . ... ... . .... . .. ... . . .. . I .. .. PAGE NO. 1 2-4 4-5 6-7 7 8-9 9 10 11 12 12 13 14 , CALENDAR OF EVENTS EVENT DATE TIME PLACE Civic Association Annual Meeting July 18 8.00 p.m. Legion Hall F.I. Fire Dept. Open House August 6 11.00 a.m. Fire House Dedication of New SChool August 20 * Town Fathers Annual Meeting August 24 * New School * Time to be announced at a later date. Any change in meetings will be posted on the bulletin board at the Post Office. - 1 - The Fishers the results for FISHERS ISLAND CIVIC ASS'N.. INC. Island Civic Association reports to the year 1971-72. its members. In October, vice-president. Board. Mr. L~~s Field replaced Mr. Richard schiliro as Mr. James Peishoff became a new member of the The House Tour was reported a great success. Over $2.000 was raised and generous donations were given to the x-ray fund, in- cluding the Gaillard's contribution in the fall from the sale of the furnishings of their house. The Tour Committee thanked ~trs. Albert Gordon for graciously allowing the luncheon to be held at her home and numerous other contributions. Appreciation also was shown to those who offered their homes to be viewed and the ex- cellent co~nittee who directed the tour should be commended. The House Tour will be repeated this year in August. Many of the former members of the committee will serve again. A selection of new houses is now chosen and proceeds will go to the most needed cause on Fishers Island. Names of new members of the Civic Association, donors to the General Fund and Recreation Program were read at the October Quarterly Meeting. Names of this years contributors will be read at the Annual Meeting. More mailings have been sent after the quarterly meetings to inform the off-Island members of high:lights of these meetings. '_l" Gun Clubs were asked to post rules on the Post Office Bulletin Board and on the ferries. The Annual Halloween Party for the children was held under the supervision of !\trs. James peishoff and Mr. Lars Field at the Legion Hall. $75 was donated by the Civic Ass~n. for prizes and refreshments. Since South Beach is the only Fishers Island beach on Long Island Sound not privately owned. it is therefore available to all Islanders. Its proximity to the Ferry Dock and airport makes it accessible to an increasing number of off-Island people. Islanders have found many undesirables there and the condition of the beach has become deplorable. The Civic Bo~~d is unanimously in favor of South Beach becoming a Town Beach. In order for this to be achieved, money must be appropriated at the August budget meeting. The Civic Ass'n.. Fire Dept. and any other interested parties should send letters requesting this. Once in effect, the Town will place signs on the beach, permits will be given to Islanders and admission will be charged to non-residents. All Islanders are expecting to have South Beach a Town Beach by next surruner. - 2 - The following is a treasurer's report for the General Fund for the Fishers Island Civic Association. Balance On Hand June 1, 1971 Total Deposits Total Bank Balance and Deposits EXPENSES postage Printing Co. (includes Blue Cross) Office Supplies Qtly. Meeting Refreshments Blue Cross Custodian Salary Of Of Tel. and Postage York Chemical (warfarin) Civic secretary Salary Painting of Dr. 's house (paid back by Medical Committee Tennis rackets purchased from Hay Harbor printing of Annual Report S&S Arts and Crafts and Olympic Sporting Goods Telephone, freight chg's.. benches repaired, etc. Long Island Traveler Total Expenses Balance On Hand June 1. 1972 - 5 - $1,637.06 1. 5~0. 75 $3.2 7.81 104.20 225.95 70.63 32.78 300.00 14.12 100.42 500.00 197.00 43.00 50.00 136.90 274.81 5.00 2.054.81 $1.153.00 FISHERS ISLAND l"IIlli DEPJ\.RT1VlENT CHIEF................................................. ........ .. ................ .Robert E. Wall FIRST ASSISTANT CHIEF. ........................ .Ernest Middleton III SECOND ASSISTANT CHIEF........................ .A. Richard Grebe, Jr. SECRETARY.. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. Albert D. Dawson TREASURER.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. George King During the fiscal year the Department answered 9 fire alarms and )1 ambulance calls. The Department also conducted a search for a missing person and attempted to locate a downed plane. your Department has been active with training and drills. Along with our own drills during the month, an instructor comes from Long Island to conduct specific drills and review fire prob- lems. At our Open House, to be held August 6, 1972 beginning at 11100 a.m., we will display our equipment and show how it is used. The public is urged to attend. Refreshments will be served. The Ambulance Squad, under the leadership of Kenneth Edwards and A. John Gada, Jr., has been very active. A First Aid Course was given during the winter to ladies on the Island. The instruct- ors were members of the Squad and 17 ladies successfully completed the course. Members of the Squad have been attending special courses at Lawrence and Memorial Hospital and observing emergency procedures in the hospital's emergency room. 4 members were sent to New york for a course in Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured. In order to identify Ambulance Squad members, when they are answering an emergency call, their personal cars have been equipped with blue emergency lights. Whenever you see such lights in operation, please give the car the right of way. The Department has lost one pumper due to a comJ;llete engine fai.lure. Because of the age of the pumper ()O years), a new engine will not be installed and the truck will be used for spare parts to supply another old pumper which is almost identical. The New York Fire Insur,mce and Rating Board is scheduled to be here June 20, 1972 for a couple of days, with) engineers. to make an inspection of the Department, equipment and hydrants. The last inspection was in 1961. Basically, there were ) recommendations 1 1. a new fire house (completed) 2. a new pumper (completed) and ) was updating the water mains and automation of the pumping plant to carry proper flow and pressure to the mains (this phase has not been done by the individual water companies nor have any known improvements been made to help alleviate the water supply problem to the fire hydrants). - 6 - To help those who may not understand the water problem on Fishers Island. I might say "It is critical from a fire fighters stand point". Individual home owners fire insurance rates are a serious problem. The Fire Rating Board accepted very few hydrants in 1961 and it would be a safe assumption that they will probably accept less at this time. The Fire Rating Board does not accept drafting from ponds. streams. ocean. etc. We are able to obtain our water in many cases from such sources but this takes time and time is of utmost importance in fire fighting. We believe Fishers Island has a very effective volunteer fire fighting force but improvements in the water distribution system would aid the fire fighters. water consumers and home owners (for insurance purposes). Past Chiefs have worked with the Fire Commissioners of the District in attempting to persuade the water companies to l~~ke the necessary improvements. This has shown no success to date. We urge the members of the Civic Association to seriously consider our water status and to endorse the Fire Departments concern with this ~~tter. Any questions concerning the above or anything to do with the Department ~~y be directed to any of the officers listed on the previous page. FIRE CALL.......................DIAL 333 AMBULANCE EIVIERGENCmS.......... .DIAL 811 Robert E. Wall Chief *********************** JUSTICE OF THE PEACE For Year 1971 Motor Vehicle Violations Criminal Cases Civil Cases (9) (0) (3) 19.00 Total Paid to State Comptroller 202.50 221.50 221.50 E. Perry Edwards Justice of the Peace - 7 - FISHERS ISLAND F'IRE DISTRICT The following is the treasurer's report for the year ending December )1, 1971: RECEIPTS: Tax Revenue Rentals Sale of Truck Bond Reserve Fund Sale of Fire Truck Check #12)6 Void (Pyre Eq. Co.) Total Receipts Bank Balance Beginning of year Total Receipts and Balance DISBURSEMENTS: Current Expenses: Personal Services Hydrant Rentals Insurance Social Security Nledinal Expense Other Expenses (list attached) Total Current Expenses $)8,579.74 600.00 19,000.00 )0,000.00 670.00 65.00 $88,914.74 2,278.41 $91,19).15 $2,086.50 7,)45.56 2,607.00 87.50 50.00 8,655.10 $20,8)1.66 Purchase of Equipment and apparatus Debt Service: Redemption of Bonds Interest on Bonds Total Debt Service Transferred to Reserve Fund Total Payments, General l''und Bank Balance Dec. )1, 1971 Total Payments and Balance $5,000.00 1,90,.65 RESERVE FUND, Balance Jan. 1, 1971 Transferred from General Fund Interest Income Transferred to Gen. Fund (Fire Truck) Reserve Fund Balance Dec. )1, 1971 Sale of Fire Truck Bond Transferred to General Fund Total Payment and Balance - 8 - 46,879.)5 6,90).65 5,000.00 $79,614.66 n, 578 .49 $91,19).15 $27,254.06 5,000.00 469.42 -,0,000.00 $19,000.00 -19,000.00 $2,723.h8 -0- .Fire District cont...... D ISBUR SElVIENTS I other Expensesl Itemized I Conventions, Inspections and Fire School Electric Service and Fuel Telephone and Alarm System Gasoline and oil M&R Equipment and Apparatus M&R Building and property Dues Advertising Election Expense 1reasurer's Bond Total Other Current Expenses E. Perry Edwards Treasurer *********************** INSECT AND RODENT CONTROL 50).18 1,89).44 68).97 )55.85 1,924.49 2,8)4.74 94.00 191. 4) 99.00 ___75.?0 (J'.' 't . $8,655.10 Since taking over this work in November 1971, )0 rodent feeder stations have been distributed and 225# of warfarin "bait" has been given out. Our school Industrial Arts Class assisted in cutting out and assembling 20 of the feeders. The price of the feeders is $4.00 and the "bait" is available without charge. Please call me at 526. Last December, the Garbage District engaged a professional to treat the dump ,~ea. They have also arranged to have the garbage area covered at frequent intervals. In addition to these stel?s, 10 feeder stations were installed in January and have been ma~n- tained at weekly intervals. All of this has resulted in a definite decrease in the population of rats in the dump area. Control of rodents on an island such as ours must be a con- tinuing program to be effective. It is urged that more people enter into this program and maintain feeder stations. Government pamphlets on the subject of rodent control have been ordered but have not yet been received. When these are available, they will be distributed with the "bait" and stations. JI.lbert D. Dawson - 9 - FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT AS we have done in the past. we will try to bring the member- ship of the Fishers Island Civic Ass'n. up to date on the status of this District for 1971. In February and March (1971). the pier at Fishers Island was completely re-decked and new fender and cap logs were installed for $24.725.00. The successful bidder for this work was John G. Holbrook & Son. i.larine Contractors. of Westbrook. Conn. In January. the Mystic Isle suffered shaft and wheel damage which was repaired at a cost of 4>8,904.17."" ., On March 23. 1971, the Board of COlmnissioners held a hearing at the l"ishers Island l"ire House on the matter of leasing Elizabeth Airport to lvlr. Richard Grebe. As no objections were raised by the some 30 people present, the Board of Commissioners. with the authority and the approval of the Town Board of the Town of Southold and the Federal Aviation Agency. executed subject lease with Mr. Grebe. Many of you may have noticed the vibration problem on the M/V Olinda. This problem was eliminated in April, 1971, when the Olinda was hauled at Blount Marine Corporation of Warren, Rhode Island. In addition to the regular haul out work. two five bladed propellers were installed on the Olinda and the problem was elim- inated without any loss of openating speed or maneuverability. At the election for cOlmnissioner of the Ferry District held August 10. 1971. Mr. R. V. Foyle was elected for his second five year term. On August 19. 1971. the Board of Commissioners held a hearing on the District's Report of Estimated Revenues and Expenditures for the period Janu,~y 1. 1972 through December 31. 1972. which indicated excess expenses over income in the amount of $34,495.00 to which was to be added by the Town Board of southold the sum' of ;plO.OOO.OO to be applied against the payment due for the M/V Olinda. On December 13. 1971. the M/V Mystic Isle was delivered: to tho Thames Shipy,~d and Repair Company, Farnsworth st.. New London. Conn. i'or engine repairs. sandblasting of the hull ,md superstructure down to bare metal. piping repairs and replacement of wasted steel on various parts of the hull and superstructure. It was in the shipyard approximately 70 days and was the first major overhaul for the Mystic Isle in many years. We believe the M/V Olinda did a terrific job during this 70 day period. In spite of this. we realize there were inevitable inconveniences due to the limited carrying capacity of the Olinda for which we sincerely apologize. We also wish to thank you. our patrons. for the spirit in which you co- operated during this period. W. C. Sinclair Manager - 10 - FISHERS ISLAND Gi\R,BAGE AND REFUSE DISTRICT The Fishers Island Garbage and Refuse District is operating on a budget of $)0.776.)1 for the year 1972. All residents are asked to comply with the following regulations. 1. All g,~bage and refuse must be placed in appropriate con- tainers. If paper boxes-are used. they must not be allowed to become water soaked. Plastic bags are urgently rec- Olnmended. 2. Anyone desiring to dispose of metallic objects such as old refrigerators. stoves. water tanks. etc.. must use the area known as the automobile disposal pit. A key to this ,~ea may be obtained from Dick' s Garage to unlock the gated section. Refrigerator doors MUST BE REMOVED. ). The area known as the garbage land fill site will be kept gated and locked at all times. permission and key to enter may be obtained from the Commissioners. An area is pro- vided for the sole purpose of accomodating brush and scrap building materials that can be burned. No scrap metal is to be included. 4. No one - at any time - is to bring in household garbage. Household garbage is to be collected and land-fill buried by the A. J. Gada Contracting Company. 5. No one at any time is allowed to enter either area of disposal without specific permission from the Commissioners. A Rodent Control program is in continuous operation and therefore could be haz,~dous to s~~ll children and pets. of be These simple but necessary rules are being enforced because the urging of the Village Green Committee to help Fishers Island as neat and clean as possible. Commissioners 1~s. Elizabeth McCloskey Mr. W. Gordon Ahman Mr. Raymond F. Doyen - 11 - FISHERS ISLAND COMI\lUNITY HEALTH FUND. INC. June 30. 1971 thru June 1. 1972 FINANCIAL STATEMENT RECEIPTS. Bank Balance July 1. 1971 Fall and Spring Appeal Gaillard Sale Memorial Donations Total Balance and Receipts DISBURSENlENTS I Maintenance of Clinic Bldg. Insurance Freight and delivery chg's. Fuel oil Office supplies and advertising Clinic equipment Substitute doctor Total Disbursements Bank Balance June 1. 1972 Total Disbursements and Balance ~ 2.012.57 14.570.66 526.27 40.00 $17.149.50 $1.935.07 92.00 14.70 444.45 164.15 1,243.70 200.00 $ 4.094.07 l3.0a5.43 $17.1 9.50 E. Perry Edwards Treasurer ********** ~(o****-r.'**************** VILLAGE GREEN COMMITTEE Our committee is fairly new to the Civic Ass'n. and we are trying our best to preserve and add to the beauty of the Island. The pine trees pl,mted in the dump area by George Antiuk and John Chestnut will camouflage the terrible view in a few years. 3 Norway maple trees have been pl<mted across from the new school on Military Road. These were the result of one person's most generous contribution. In May, we sent out an appeal letter hoping to encourage families to join in contributing toward a tree. 'rotal cost would be $85.00. which includes transportation. labor and dedication plaque. Smaller donations are also appreciated from individual parties. We sincerely hope our efforts are worthwhile and that you appreciate our endeavors as much as we enjoy doing them for Fishers Island. - 12 - FISHERS ISLAND COMMUNITY HEALTH FUND. INC. The The Fishers Island COlnmunity Health Fund has spent an ex- tremely busy year since our last report. Most of our efforts were in some way related to bringing a long awaited x-ray machine to the Island. We are happy to fUIDounce that plans are proceeding on schedule and the x-ray should be in operation this su~ner. Our committee has re-organized under a Board of Directors, who are Mr. Steven O'Neil, Mr. j~thur Walsh and Mr. William Wood. In addition, we welcome 2 new cOlnmittee members, Mrs. Richard Howf~d and Mr. George Lord. The Health Fund wishes to extend its heartfelt thanks to our physician Dr. William Gallaher and to relief physician Dr. Ralph Hoch for the long hours and hard work each has given the cOlnmunity in the past year. We would also like to mention the excellent emergency and back-up care provided by the Fishers Island Fire Dept. a~bu[ance Squad. We are fortunate to have such well qualified medical personnel available to us. The following is a report of our major activities during 1971-72: 1. Fund Raising - Fund raising efforts began last summer with the House Tour and a Tag Sale at the Gaillard home. Both efforts were successful and encouraging. We continued with a ~jor fund raising appeal in April. To date, approximately $8,500.00 has been collected as a result of this recent campaign. We wish to express our sincere gratitude to those who have supported us through donations. 2. Renovation of Medical Bldg. - The Fishers Island Contractors Ass'n. generously offered to provide, on a cost basis, all con- tracting necessary to prepf~e the medical building to house an x-ray unit. Construction is expected to be completed by July so that we may have the x-ray in operation for the busy su~ner season. In addition, a bid for interior painting and repair work in the medical house was awarded to Bouton Services, Inc. This work was done in April. ). Tax-Exempt status - The Health Fund is currently concentrating on the preparation of our final application for tax-exempt status for donations. Application is being made to both the Internal Revenue Service and the N. Y. State Dept. of Health. We are being advised in this matter by the firm of Bergman and Barth, Attorneys at Law, New Haven, Connecticut. The COImnuni ty Health Fund believes that great strides have been made in improving the quality of medical services available to Fishers Island residents. We welcome any suggestions or co~nents which would increase our awareness of community health needs. Board of Directors Mr. Steven O'Neil !I'lr. Arthur Walsh Mr. William Wood COlnmittee Members Mrs. Richard Baker Mr. Serge Doyen Mrs. RiChard Howard Mr. George Lord Mrs. Lars Field - I) - . . ." BLUE CROSS/COOS PROGRAM Blue Cross Coverage for members over 651 3a 39 individual family members Blue Cross regular members I 42 individual 70 family 112 members 40 individual 32 individual 31 subscribers and 1 dependent 12 family 102 members Connecticut Medical Service, Inc. For Members Over 65 COOS regular members TOTAL MEMBERS BLUE CROSS - 151 TOTAL MEMBERS COOS - 142 TOI FISHERS ISLAND CIVIC ASS'N. AND MEMBERS OF THE BLUE CROSS AND CONN. MEDICAL SERVICE, INC.: We are very proud of the friendly feeling between our members and ourselves. It is evident that they, as well as we, find the relationship both pleasant and beneficial. But it is an obligation to each and everyone to get their payment in before the 1st of each month. If all payments are not in by the 1st of each month, it will mean they will have to be cancelled from Blue Cross/COOS. This must be strictly enforced by the custodian and Fishers Island Civic Association as of July 1, 1972. Respectfully submitted, GEORGE T. KING Custodian - 14 -