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July 1, 1973
Blue Cross
F.I. Civic Association presidents Report
F.I. Civic Assooiation Treasurer's Report
.Ii'.I. Fire DepartlT'.ent
F.I. Ferry District
F.I Garbage Distriot
Island Peoples Project
Medical Committee
H.L. Ferguson Museum
H. Lee Ferguson Jr. sanctuary
Rodent Control
School District
Town Justice and South old Town Board Member
Village Green
As of July 1,19'73 there Ell'S )64 members of "the Civic
Association. It is our hope that eVGry Island resident and/or
family will join the Association for our very nominal dues
of:j;J and ,.
The Island Peoples Project has ~bsorbed the Recrtation
Program with two exceptions, the H",~ loween p':1,rty and the
Easter Egg hunt which the Civic Ass0ciaticn orgnn'zed and
financed. I must say I hope they will tak' these on also.
The Civic A&sociation ,al thougi1 a non-pro.tlt organization
has twice in the past been refused 'tax doducti ble status but
we are applying again for this. As I reported at the April
quarterly meeting" f<)1" some rcaSOl" the Civic Ap'lociation has
not filed any ff'ms with 'Ghe int.-n .d' rav'mue f."vice since
1964. I have ii,,'-j a ferm 9-' :for '972/-"~ ciS ree '.l.L."ed a'1d will
do so for 73/7... clt I bd,i"ve \'lv11 have tc.. pay a fim).
Mr. Williams of ,Johnson and Willis,ms i.s trying to strighten us
Wi th the sC"aration of ii.1iI l>:"dical C':'mmi tto" and the Re-
creation program'the responsibilHiea of the Civic Association
are conlliderabl:: hlSS. While we rn'e on no serne a part of the
town government and have no pow~..', we d., ee:cve as a watch dog
on civic aff;,irs, ar. a sort of to'(m meeting and a place where
agreemen*_ on community action ca, bu r-eache(. As ;,C::h, I believe
the Association wtlCuld continu"J to exist but in a r,,,:~e informal
manner. I have suggosted a siGuplific::ation of our By-laws
which ha;; bean approved by the :'(';)"0 ,This 'd 11 1:; read and
voted on at.he Annual Meeting, N:tu:~.1.1:r, in '). ."r to have a
Blue Gross prog?-_~Ja. it i '; neCeBSa!~y to have SUCh a membership
Last W,','lte" "'0 held thres "wIie c,H"<J-~il1(;s b tho Board
met eight ':imes. At ~he (;.'~ging of tilO local cO'1stable we voted
to support u pctiticn sigrled 1'Jy all,'ut 1)(' L'ssidentn rEquesting
a year-round trvopm:'.We ;filrW,'1r(1" retition to the proper
authorities but "';:)!'e turn00 down. ~I" plan to tc:," ",gal;', and hope
that some of tho Bummer 1'0' ident5 ' i th clout in Albany will help.
At the M,.-'ll'ch 3o'lrd iOseting, Lv [':adien1 Cl,," rctttee produced
the doed to the d 0ctor' u house &nd !1 j'e0ord of its being turned
over to the Hee.l th C:);.mi tt<"i1 ',n,. 959. A Ir.aj ori ';y of the Board felt
that this was adequ+'J pI'M { r;1' t1,ei'" ,)wner';'1ip. Two members
questioned thi '"" ho;:ov.sr, <Hi in F)') :-'1e Health (""mmi ttee was
part of the Civic Associat?n. WI? ',II:, try to eet some legal help
to clear this up. In a,,;" el'se t:.e ;iedlcal C(;wr.littea has assumed
responsibility for its mcd.ntemu:c!C!,in.".'.rance,,,';c.
During the wlnte1" w~ tried "0 'foV'1 ',ll(''''ll.l' the plans of the
Navy and the Army gng1..1eet' CO"'pa f " (. edfing :'le" london Harbor.
Ifu arc '1'Iainly Cc:;cer;<:!d with two <;,-" ,,.:,ons' l}the ,Usposition
of the E:.tud~et and 2J adequate r(.gulation:::",~ and when thuy
begin bringlng in the huge oil t.anlC'I"Sd. hearir:g scheduled by the
Navy in June was sudd~nly ~&ncelled and we understand that the
Army will hold:>ni. soon.If possible we will,send a representative..
Congressman Pike has requested a public hearing in the town of
CIVIC ASSN. - continued
At our request, the Town of South old held a hearing here on
two requests for zoning variances. TMis hearing had been originally
scheduled for an evening in Southold making it virtually impossible
for any Islander to attend. There was no objection to one request
but the other, actually concerning the size of a building in an area
already industrially zoned, caused concern to some. It related to
building a supermarket near West Harbor. The Civic Association, as
such, took no position but pointed out that the proximity to Dock
Beach and the fact that traffic would have to be carefully regulated.
We have not heard the final verdict.
We have been investigating a rumor that the U.S. Coast Guard
station might close rext winter leaving no way for Islanders to
reach the mainland in an emergency. A letter from Congressman Pike
says that he would automatically be notified and, at this moment,
no such action is contemplated.
At last summer's annual meeting, the question of turning South
Beach into a Town Beach was discussed. Further investigation
determined that this would place too many restrictions on local
residents' use of the beach so the matter was dropped. There is
a town ordinance against camping which is being enforced and more
trash cans have been placed near the beach.
At the request of the Civic Association, a representative of
FIDCO, Mr. Steve McPherson came to the school for a few hours one
weekend in May and answered questions about the road and road fees.
This was greatly appreciated and we hope that we Can have more com
communication with FIDCO.
We have for several years pressed for reservations on the ferry
on Sundays leaving the Inland and ~ce very grateful to Ray Doyen
and other members of the Ferry District for this.
A Eoardmember is investibating what. if anything, can be done
about raw sewage pouring into Silver Eol Pond. We are also concerned
about the water situation (see Fire Department Report) and hope the
utili ty Co. and FIDCO will work to improve this.
Please plan to attend the Town Fathers meeting on August 16th.
We have requested a breakdown of how our taxes are spent. If you
have any matters to bring up that require preparation for answers,
please give htem to Frannio DOY'ln, our now Town Justice and
Represenllative. Incidentally, the chairman of the Southold Democratic
party has moved that l"isherl1 Island no~ be represented on the Board
claiming that he "is unfamiliar with 95% of the problems." A call
to the Town Supervisor. indicated that there was no danger of this
Mr. Vincent Spinella is again our Harbor Master. Please cooperate
with him on matters pertaining to safety in our waters.
I cannot close this report without noting the deep sorrow of the
~ivic Association and all the Islanders at the deaths of Dr. William
H. Gallaher and John ~. Pickett. Fishers Island has lost two devoted
and able citizens.
Respectfully sUbmittod,
Mrs, Thomas W. Russell Jr. President.
Financial Report Fishers Island Civic Assn. 1972/73
Balance on Hand July 1 1972
Total Deposi ts*
$ 558.52
$ 52.13
Telephone (trDoper and other)
Printing, Postage
clerical supplies
$ 769.18
Totail. Expenses
Blue Cross,custodian and misc.
Civic Assn Sec'y Patty Faulkner
Youth Entertainment
Rodent Control
Village Green reimbursement
Harbor Master gas
Balance on Hand July 1 1973
$ 1101.58
* Includes dues .reimbursements and
cash belonging to Village Green Committee.
Due to the resignation of our Secretary/Treasurer, this has
been prepared by the President with her assistance. It will
be audited and possibly corrected later by the accounting
firm of Johnson and Williams.
BI ue C>:oss
As of JunP. 19. 19731
111. 91
Checkbook Balance
Savings Account
Total CMS memoors 155
Total Bbe Cross 16)
As of July 1973 tIn OMS cOJnlJl\l1llty plan has been ohanged over to the
CentlrrY Plan. In the very near future all Blue Cross membership numbers
win be ohanged to SocLI Security numbers. new cards will be issued by
the New Haven office and mailed to all members.
Note I It was voted to put an $11,900 refund toward the first payment
on the new plan.
Your Fire Department is pleased to report to the Civic Association
concerning the past year's activities.
A total of eleven alarms were answered for fire calls and thirty two
!IlIIbulance calls were run. The worst fire loss fen: the year, as we all know,
118.8 the Gerry residence which burned on Labcn: Day weekend.
Drills both with the fire service and ambulance service are held frequently.
An instructor from t.he Suffolk County Vocational Fire Sohool cOllIes here on a
once per month basis to instruct.
The New York Fire Rating Board came here in June of 1972 to inspect the
Department and the Hydrant system on Fishers Island. In their report that followed,
the largest item fen: correction of deficiencies 118.8 the water systeJII and the
need for updating it. To date we have seen no improvements ( noticeable to the
Fire Service) in the hydrant and water supply. We urge the Civic Association to "
help us in our endeavor to have the water system updated.
The water system on Fishers Island is not a new problem, but; the continuation
of an old one. The situation is rapidly deteriorating. To help prevent fire
loss your Fire Department desparately needs adequate water to do their job.
Without; the proper water flow the hydrants our hands are semi tied.
The following is a list of the Department Officers and their titles I
Robert E. Wall, Chief
Richard Grebe, 1st Asst. Chief
Donald Edwards, 2nd Asst. Chief
A.D. DalfSon, Secretary
Geen:ge King, Treasurer
William J. Faulkner, Ambulance CoOl.'dinator
Open House - August 12th 1hOO A.M. to 1.00 P.M. Refreshments
FIRE CALL...................... )33
At the request of the Fishers Island Civic Association, your Board of
Commissioners will sUllllllarize some of the high lights of the operation of
this District for 1972 and up to this date. Last fall when the new Fishers
Island School opened its doors for the fall term, we were made aware of
the danger to the pupils by hunters shooting in and around the area. To
eliminate this hazard, the Board of Commissioners held a duly constituted
hearing on the posting of subject properties as a prohibited area for
hunting. As no serious objections were raised the area was then posted to
eliminate this hazard. A hearing was also held to provide for the leasing
of building #383 to a local contractor. As no objections were raised the
1loard of Commissioners executed subject lease with the approval of the Town
of Southhold and the Federal AviatlolJ Aeenc~'. Funds received from this
lease, by law, must be applied to improvemsn.ts and renovations of the
Airport Property. In 1972 the Airport Office was renovated providing a
more attractive waiting room and office.
To improve the handling of freight and also provide more supervision
over same, we have constructed a new freight agent's office at our Fishers
Island Terminal. Due to the death of John Pickett on June 1, 1973 our new
agent is Dick Hoch. John had been with us for a considerable length of
time and we know he is sorely missed by all those who came into contact with
We have had the M/V Olinda and the M/V Mystic Isle hauled this past
winter. While the M/V Mystic Isle was in the shipyard, the U. S. Coast Guard
Inspectors made it a requirement that we replace some steel decking on the
freight deokandalso some supporting beams under the decking where you board
the vessel. While the M/V Mystic Isle was in the shipyard we arranged for an
electronic measurement of the hull thickness. Much to our surprise, we found
that the hull was in excellent oondition with little or no deterloation. In
fact the thickness of the hull forward was much thicker then we were led to
believe. On the basis of this the Board Ullll.nimously agreed that subject vessel
should be repowered as there were many more useful years left in the vessel.
Invitations for bids were sent out and the Thames Shipyard and Repair Company
was the successful bidder. We had planned. to do this work early in the spring,
however late delivery of the two engines made it necessary to change ours plans
andschedule it for some time this month. We had planned to charter a new
vessel just oon.'ltructed by the Thames Shipyard to pick up the Mystic Isle's
schedule, while it was out of service. Unfortunately this charter vessel had
to be placed on the Bloclt Island run. Our pl3.!ls as of this date are to
reschedule the repowe:r1ng of the l'lystic Isle to some time this fall.
We have also i;nproved our terminal at Fishers Island by paving those areas
where rain water accU;'lulated and also in and around the freight house. We also
wish to bring to your attentlon that we have inaugurated a reservation system
for all automobiles leaving Fishers Island on Sundays only. Any person who
wishes to make a reservation for any Sunday may do so in person during the
fullowing days and times as li5ted below.
Every Friday from 3,00 P.M. to 5,00 P.M.
Every Saturday frOlll 8,00 A.M. to 12,00 Noon
Every Sunday frOlll 1130 P.M. to 5'30 P.M.
We are charging $1.00 as an a.dJninistrative charge for this service. Anyone
wishing a reservation please contact Mrs. McCloskey during the above days and
hours specified, at the Fishers Island Ferry District. All Reservations must be
made in person and wUl not be accepted by telephone.
We trust that this informal report wUl be of interest to you and wUl
keep you abreast of what has transpired during the past year and to date.
* * * * * * *
The cooperation of the residents of Fishers Island,
according to FIUCD President David Henkel,in the resurfacing
of the road project has been extremely gratifying.All those
who have,or will, participate by contributing to its cost
should have a great feeling of satisfaction for their part
in making possible such an important improvement to the
Island facilities.
~Jf': j:U* ~~ ....~..
The Garbage Distric)', 1:1 the past year h"" '"atad the dlsposal area aM
made keys available to local contractors, Home -,.;mers may obtain a key from
any commissioner, Keeping the area restricted Is being done to effect a better
appearance, Recept"',cles are placed outside the gate for the use of weekend
visitors. Other th~'l this concession no one should take gartage into the
area. This is the responsibility of the Garbage Contractor, who will then
land-fill the garbage. A cleaner and neater disposal area can only be
achieved with ever;rone's coo'pcratien.
The present contract for the collection and disposal of garbage by
landfill will be rebid this coming December for 1974 through 1979. It is
anticipated that the present site is adequate for an indefinite period with
the proper use. Twenty acres are under lease and if properly rotated will
accomplish this goal. A highly successful rodent control program is in
continuous operation.
The suggestion of a:, additional pIck-up of garbago auring the winter
schedule would increase the district buiget approximatel:; ten to twelve
thousand dollars. At this time a mandate from th.. Civic Association would
help guide the cOlilmissio.,ers in this decision,
I;a:,'1l1~:md Doyen
R '''E'' ','P (",hr"'L COI','U'/iI""r"'"'
~::,-.:.,J~~~~1 . .... .IJ~
During thetnc,t year I ,)re than two hundred p.;unds of Wararin
-'Bai tIt has :.>oe1. dis'l;,~,i. buted. togother with a quanti ty of Rodent
Control booklets. It is hoped that more in1ividuals will ob:tain
,'ceder Stations and put them to use. Rodents are a continuing
problem on an isl<l.nd end must be treatc,J constantly.
We have bee:, treating and ob:..m:'ving the situation in the dumping
area and it app,:ars that the rodant p,";pulation has been held in
careful check. This 'Nas mede possible by the ma"nor in which the area
has been maintained an.... the constant "baitingQ of ten feeder stations.
A.D. Dawson
Ail .....
On January 2, 1973, Francis Doyen was sworn in as Town Justice, replacing
retiring E. Perry Edwa.l:'is. Along with being a Town Justice, the position
incltdes being a member of the Town Boa:rd.
Since being sworn in JusHoe, Doyen reports that his activities have
inclmed the following events. Atteniance in early February at a three day
series of meetings in Nell York City sponsored by the New York State Association
of Towns. Attendance in April at All:wly Law School which is a required pre-
requisite for becoming a certified Town Justice. Since January 2, atteniance
at least once a month at SoU'~hhold Town Board Meetings.
The projects now being processed b'/ the Town Boa:rd inclme more adequate street
lighting in the nerr school areal maJcing Greenwood Ave. next to the proposed
tennis court facility on a large cement slab that has been leased frOl1l the
Since March, the Justice, Court on Fishers Island has handled approximately
fifteen cases, mostly in the nature of traffic violations. Justice Doyen
wishes to state that he is available anytime at his offioe to assj,t anyone or
any group in matters pertaining to Town or Justice Court matters.
The Village Green COllll1littee to date is seeking new members. We have one,
Mrs. &l.na Stracllan, and plan to ask oih<crs.
We also plan to plant a memoriaJ. tree for IC. Gallaher on the Fixe House
lawn this fall. The kind has not yet been decided on. It will be given by
the Village Green Cor..mittee.
Kandi Sanger
July 31, 1972 thru June 30, 1973
Bank Balance July 1, 1972
Donations - Appeal
Contributions - Smith-Gallaher Memorial
Total Receipts
Clinic Improvements
Equipment - X-Ray
M&R Clinic and Quarters
Plane service - Legal
Secretarial Expense
Fuel Oil
Freight on X-Ray equipment
Office expense
Total Disbursements
Bank Balance July 1, 1973
$ 8,397.57
$ 1,977.98
E. Perry Edwards, Treasurer
We rejoice, as this summer starts, that we now have an
adequate home for the Henry L. Ferguson MuselUll. It is located
in the Sanctuary, which was established in memory of H. Lee
Ferguson. The new building was made pOSsible by a generous
gift from Jansen Noyes. It was dedicated on September 9 th,
1972, in memory of Agnes Blancke Noyes.
The fine and Unique collection of birds is now on display.
Cases are being constructed for the display of the lOOian artifacts
which were part of Harry ferguson's collection, and were mostly founi
by him in his excavations on the Island. Also, soon to be
completed is a Diorama given by Mrs. S-;,ephen T. Kelsey, Jr. in
memory of her aunt Mary Chapin Glenn, and being painted by
Charles B. Ferguson.
A collection of historical 1T1aterial about Fishers Island
has been started which will 'be incluled as part of the Museum's
exhibits. A new project will be the collection of Fishers
Island wild flowers, geological material, shells, fish, reptiles,
butterflies and moths for display In the MusslDII.
Both the year round, and summer residents on Fishers Islan:i
can help the MuseUlll and Sanc'~ual."Y greatly in two waysl
1. By becoming"FrieOOs of the Henry L. Ferguson MuselDll."
This can be do!;" by makin!'" a contribution for the
development and r.laintemnce of the. "rogram. There are six
classes of "Friends I Life Fried $1000 or morel Sustaining
Friend $.5001 Contributing Frieml $100; Family Friend $2.5 to $991
Individual Friend $10 to $24, anti Junior Fritnd (unier 18)'$1 to $9.
2. By donating historical material (pictures, books, pamphlets,
letters, etc.) to be added to the collections which
will make available interes"ting information about the history of,
and life on, F'1,shers Island.
Those who hcJp in ei+h3r way piil do a great deal to provide
Fishers Island whh a Museum aTJd Sanctuary which will be of
great value to thew" who Uve her", now P,nd to future generations.
Henry W. Hoooc',
.' . ~
June 22nd ma~ked the end 06 the new F~~he~ I~tand Schoot'~ 6~~t
yea~ 06 ope~at~on. It ha~ been a 6~u~t6ut yea~, a g~ow~ng yea~,
a tea~n~ng yea~. We have been det~ghted w~th the ~e~pon~e 06 the
commun~ty to o~ e660~t~ and w~h the ~uppo~t ~o many 06 you have
g~ven in ou~ d~ve to bu~td ou~ open ~choot p~og~am into the 60~e-
6~ont 06 pubt~c educat~on in New Yo~k State.
Vu~ing the 1912-13 ~choot yea~, an ent~~ety d~66e~ent expe~~ence
6~om teaching in a t~adit~onat ~ett~ng wa~ witne~~ed by att ---
teache~ wo~~hop~ ptann~ng cu~~~cutum and expto~~ng new ~otution~
to otd p~obtem~; the devetopment 06 a ~choot t~an~p04tation
6ac~t~ty to ca~e 60~ a comptete umb~etta 06 ~choot activ~ti~;
the initiation 06 a ~choot tunch p~og~am coupted to the State
ch~td~en'~ m~lk p~og~am; meeting~ with ~ep~e~entative~ 06 the
State Education Vepa~tment; Fede~at g~ant~ totatt~ng $30,000;
a~ound the ctock u~age 06 the ~choot buitd~ng by community g40up~
and Adutt Education p~og~am~; cuttu~at and ente4ta~nment g~oup~
pe~60~mance~, The Connecticut Coltege S~nge~~, The U. S. Navy
Band, The Ha~tem W~za~d~, and the ca~t 06 God~pett; a 6ietd t~ip
p~og~am that b~ought ou~ ch~ld~en to the hill~ 06 Ve~mont, to the
~ho~e~ 06 Long l~tand, the ~~ght~ 06 Spa~n, the co~po~ate cave4n~
06 Ptea~antvitle, and the annual 6un t~~p to Roge~ W~ll~am~ Pa~k.
Th~~ yea~'~ g~aduat~ng cla~~ ~ent ~even 06 ~t~ nine membe~4 to
coltege~ ac~o~~ the count~y.
R~ght noW we'~e plann~ng a numbe~ 06 ~tep~ to make ou~ ~choot
even bette~ and mo~e u~e6ut to you att. It ~~ not ju~t l~p
~e~v~ce to ~ay that the H~heJl~ I~tand School ~~ rJou~ ~choot.
We hope you'lt take advantage 06 ou~ 6ac~t~t~e~, p~og~amm~ng
and ~ta66 du~~ng the com~ng 1913-14 ~chool yea~.
V~ncent S. Sp~netta
V~~t4~ct P~inc~pal