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1873 ~ 74
JUly 1. 1974
Blue Cross
F.I. Civic Association President's Report
F.I. Civio Association Treawurer's Report
F.I. Fire Department
F.I. Ferry District
F.I. Garbage District
Island Peoples' Projeot
Medical Committee
H.L. Ferguson Museum & H. Lee Ferguson, Jr. Sanctuary
Rouemt Control
School District
Town Justice and Southold Town Board Member
Fishers Island Civic Association Conservation Report
HOUSE TOUR: We,L:C;[3day,
July 2~, 1974 - 10:30 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Tuesday, August 13, 1974
As of July 12. 1974. the funds in our checkbook are $3417.32.
The Savings Account has been closed as o! June 1974.
On January 1. 1974 the Blue CrosB was increased due to their
paying out more money than what we put in. Also in November of
1973. the CMS was also inoreased.
As of the present date. we have 167 Blue Cross members and
16) CMS members.
Husband-Wi!e not 65
(lor more children)
Over 65
$44.19 CMS&:BC
Norma Thibodeau
i<O. of rr!~mt~('s - 40C
Num...1:er of Hee,ings per year - i;
This h"" b",m a lJU&j iCc..olthaugh looking ba'"k ov?r our minut"&, it is
hard to see very !!'..:'my accomplif.hments. ~re have "looked into" and "given away",
shifted inten'st and reorganized. As tor giving away, we have given away our annual
llallowe' "n p"rty ard the Easter Egg hu.-it to the Island People's Project, for they
became more recre"t:!.ou oriented as we became leos. \\e have g'.vcn our backing to
the Fishers Islaad Volur,taer Fice Departmc,nt 5 year ~"pital fund raising drive to
help ass:\ml.1ate cos~ of Lnr ,!Iatc:ly necessary lCqu1.pment.
~ie are givL1l the lle<'':'cal Cc.nmitte€, "'.wteve~ profits ..e make from th1.s year's
Hoese Tour July 24tl', and We gi"I" ocr bleB~,.n,;s to CuokIe Ecwards, and Elsie Parsons
and Alice Cary Lyons-Brown for rup~iug the Tour.
We hO:ITe glven the Village Greens Conunittee its own bank book to handle but
maintain it "8 a cmnmitt"" of the Civic Association. Plec"se note the fine p>ogr',ss
of the tre~s growing along the fort area and the screening along the garbage dump.
We are trying benches by the pl;.one at the Post Office and on the triangle for one
more year, but due to vandalism we have lost two and two to go? Please help to
keep them intact.
We g~ve Judee Doyen our support against the Dominick Gommisaion which w1.shed
cO dissolve our local judgeship system. It works well here for us economically and
i9 a grea; comanience~ jury triills may be held on the Is:!.?nd from the jurisdiction
spectrum of violation area through Class A misdemeanor including vehiculsr and
traffic cases.
We gave a "ig:;ed p"Ution to the navy ""king to k"e;:> i:'le Coast Guard here
ct"d Washington arsmec us that that' will be, and we will have a year-round staff
and boat and six families housed on the Island. Cases for sea rescue have jumped
from 237 - 368. The men uork well with our Island boat men and we have an arrange-
ment in the winteoc with the aux1.1iary use of a Fishers Island boat and crew for
For the summer we have been "iven twe New York State Trocpers to patrol
with our Island Sherif,s, Otis Horu and Dick Gre~e,to add strength and authority
to our law enforcment. I have been told we have the only New York State resident
State Troopers all""ed whieh is sone comfort, for the fact 1.s that your Clvic Asso-
eiation has had no luck in requesU.ng year-round t.:ooper protec.tion.
Incidentally, Otis Horn has grave CClocern foc the health of our Dog population
on the Island. Island Heart Worm cases have jumpe" so be sure to have your dog
checked and use a preventat1.ve medicine suggested by your veterinarian.
We are "looking into" the new wet lands laws and looked into the possibility
ot a new county formed ',lith the East e"d of Long Islanc last fall, but it appeared
expeasive and impractlcal at the time c,d was later voted down. We draw your
attention to the existence of a very informative pamphlet put out by the Riverhead-
Southhold LW1. $ 1 at Se.G~ Doyen's Liquor Store and at the Drug Store. We also
urge you to call on ou!' elec~ed Con....1ssioners and appointed Committeemen for informa-
tion for thlOY h.we a Mrect pipe-line to Southhold and Suffolk County officials.
Mr. Fred Grebe, Planning Board and Commissioner of the Fire District; Mr.
Raymond Doyen , Commissioner of the Ferry District and the Garbage District;
Mr. Serge Doyen, Zoning Board and Judge Doyen, our Town representative.
Our greatest amount of time and effort have been given to the direction
of Conservation and looking into protecting our natural resources and our
thanks to everyone on the Island for joining in. Mary Russell, Chairman of our
Conservation Advisory Committee, includes a report on the New London Dredging
project. At the same time we are looking into the Long Island Refinery and
Nuclear Plants. We have recently been questioned on our feeling about dumping
Mycelial residues 5 miles South East of Fishers Island, but at this time we feel
we must rely on the proper EPA organization to protect our interest.
No one can visualize how much time, thought and effort our Advisory Com-
mittee headed by Mary Russell have had to expend. Other members are Matty Matheis-
sen, lAw Thatcher and Tom Parrot. I strongly rec01lDllend the need for such a group
of the Civic Association appointed as a committee to the Civic Association depend-
ing on the problem at hand.
This year we are working under new amendments to our by laws - a smaller
board of seven which is more flexible but adds to the job criteria of the Board.
Another change is more flexibility in meeting dates and the number of required
meetings of the Board were cut to four.
This was extremely timely and useful in view of the Energy Crisis. This
winter, we were able to hold meetings weekends in Union Chapel and week nights
at the school which ~oincided with the planned, activities, thus hopefully saving
of fuel and overhead. The Civic Association contribution to the cause.
We urge you to make suggestions and ask questions and attend all public
meetings - Town, School and Civic for it is a tremendous help to know what you
are thinking.
Respectfully submitted,
Cherry Rafferty, President
Fishers Island Civic Association
Board Members
Mrs. R. Ahman
Mr. S. Doyen
Mr.. R. Doyen
Mrs. H.L. Ferguson
Mrs. Wm. Gallaher
Mrs. B. Rafferty
Mr. T. Stedman
Mr. E. White
Balance on Hand ae of July 1. 1973
Total Depoeits
(Dues end Contributione)
Total Expensee 12195.89
Printing, Postege
Clgrical Supplies 1647.26
Blue Croes Cuetodian $200.00
Secretary Carole Antis $233.36
Youth Entertainment
(Moviea) $100.90
Rodent Control 1137.94
Miscellaneous I 83.00
Town Fathers $ 69.90
Savinge Account 1720.00
Service Charge $ 3.53
Balance on Hand July, 1, 1974 $2438.57
Savings Account as of July $
Mrs. WII. Gallaher
The pa.t year'ha. been .n important one for your
Fire Department. Thank. to our renerou. friendl and the
proaeed. from vlrious fUnd raising aotivities, we heve
purahllled a new ATTACK TRUCK. Thie purah...e will relul t
in no inerea.e in the tax rate of the Fire Diatriot.
Thenew eQuipment 11 a rurged truck thst add. a grent deal
of fire fighting power to the Department. It reneratel
very high pre..urea and therefor uses ccmparatively
amall quanitiea of water. The truGk i. a powerful four
wheel drive vehide that will ['0 over rough terrain it
need be.
During the yelr we Ilao acquired a surplus Army
vehicle. Thia wn without'coat. This vehiole will be
modified at a OOlt of a few thouaand dollara to fit ~le
needa of the Department.
We feel that we are ahead of Ichedule in workinr,
out our plan for ourrent:and future equipment needs.
The Department's Truok Committee and the Diltrict Com-
millioner. have worked out pllns that will bring eur
Deplrtment to I full complement of modern equipment
wi thin a five year I,ertod.
In addition to the ~bove purchalea, the DepC'rt""mt
"co edded v.rious tools, ~afety devices, spccid onuip-
mont for reaGue work and routine replaoements of hOle,
persons1 foar, ..tc. N"w rnd improved aupplies have ~lao
been added to the emhuh,nae.
Durinr: the year our nin.. man Jlmbulence Squed ha..
been very busy an.werinl' many call., ett"ndinl' off'-the-
blend treininp' couroeo rnd joiltin!" .Ii th full D"pHtment
in drill probl""s.
The Annual Open House of the Departmnnt will be held
Au!~st 11,1974 from 10100 A M to 1100 PM .nd we hope to
meet all of' our Fi.ahera blond friend. at that time. Cur
new equipment will be on displey with exhibit. end per-
.onnel .veilahle to "xplein the varioua new item..
Robert E. W~ll, Chief
At the request of the Fishers Isl.nd Civic Association your Board
of Commissioners will sUMmarize some of the high lights of this District
from January 1, 1'74 to the ~reseRt. In December of 1'73 this District
suffered the loss of CommissiDner Baldwin who had served on the Board
from the day of iRce~tion of this Di~trict. His mechanical knowledge
aad "know how" made cOJlltribut:l.oll.lIl to this District which call never be
duplicated. On February 20, 1'74 Richard B.ker w.s .~,ointed to the
Bo.rd of Commissioners to fill the position held by Larry. On January
1, 1'74 we lost another friend, Jack Bowles. Jack after serving as
purser for twenty two years retired uJllder the N~w York State RetireMeat
System. To replace a lIIal'l of Jack's calibre all.d.,.integri ty l'roved to be
quite a job. After going through over thirty ap,lication. the Board
of Commissioners selected Arnold Toivenon. Arnold is a retired Navy
Chief and is doing an excellent job in filling the Purser position.
III the last quarter of 1'73 the 50ard of Commissioners held lIIallY Meetings
relative to our Marine Insurance Coverages. It was felt at that tillle
that we should seek bids for this particular coverage with the idea that
cOMl'etitive biddiag might produce better quotations and effect substantial
saviRgs over l'ast ex,erience. When all bids were received it wa. noted
that AdaMS & Porter Inc. of New York was the appareat low bidder aad
substaintial saviags were realized. In March of 1'7~ the Board of
COMMissioners held a hearing on a pro~osed lease between the Fishers Island
Ferry District and Richard Grebe of Fishers Is1ollv1 for the oIJeration
of Elizabeth Air,ort for the period A,ril 1, 1'74 ~nd ending March 31,
1'7'. As there were no objections raised the ~oard of CONMissioners
approved of this lease wtth Mr. Grebe. By direction of the Board
of Co~is.ioners the Manager was directed to go thrcugb to legally
sto, all touch and go laftdings at.Bliz;!lbeth Airptort for the period
June 1 through and including Se,tember 30th each year. The District
has also beeR eMpowered by the Fed~ral Aviation Administration and by
the Town of Southold to s~ll fill from th(! ^ir~ort Property to local
Cofttractors and or iftdividua15 ~o aesiring same. Iftformation on buying
fill may be obtained from the F~rry Di~trict Office during regular
business hours.
We trust that this informal rerort will be of interest to you
and will keel' you abreast of what has tr.ns~ired during this ,eriod.
Report of F.I. Garba~e pnd Refuse District
On January 1, IS74, the Uistrict entered into contract
with Quinn and Co. for tne C'''llectlol1 and hmd-fill disposal
of garbai'e and refuse. 'r!.ib includes tlou;.,ellol.J f'or-llRve,
car-dboar'd boxes, bottl,,"s, newspapers, cans etc. w',ich sijould
he reedied for' pick up in sllitable conLainers. Quinn and Co.
hLG a telephone recoI'ding servioe for residellts to call when
service is desired. The tele;hone numi,er' .is 211.
Because of state Lnd county restrictions on solid waste
methods of diB[JOCiEl, all residents are asV",d not to take any
waste of ony kind to the land-fill site. This oreR is now
kept locked and is solely for t,\e use of Quinn and Co.
In order to serve the communi ty wi tll r,n area that 'IlOuld
allow burnin:' of brush, stumps [Jlld demolition matel'ial, the
district has leased :5attery "utterfiel(:, also known as
"gun pi ts" locatec~ at Hace Foint. This locked nnd rated
area will be manned during certain t~ours of the day. Strict
state requirements necessitate this.:',urning, which will not
occur during the summer months, will conform to state El'A
rep;ulations. These facilities will be made accessible to
all residents and contractors during hours to he announced.
Residents wishing to dispose of old stoves, refrigerators,
bed spI'inl~s etc. may contDct Dick :;rebe of Dick's Garage at
Eliu,heth l'ielci fer UOie of tLe aute' disposal "gun pits."
Hefrige"ators wi11 b" eUI':ined for door removal iilHl ct",.r
noticeable safety hn~erds.
It is the hope of tbe commissioners that every resident
will cooper'ate by usin{T tlle P"OI"'.1' areas 'nentioned CiO tttat
no violations to Ltate and county laws will occur. These
fncilitieH nre unw unejer constnnt lJU1'vejl1ance by the New York
~.;tate ]Jel'artrnent of r~onnf'rvntion flJ,r1 the Suffolk County
Uoard of H"alth.
Board of Commissioners
Raymond Doyen,
GOl'don f\hmun,
1\ 1'1.1'1u1' '. al sh ,
MI~Dlr;AL liEVt:
We would like to, at this time, thAnk Dr. Ralph Hoch for his
"return to duty" giving the Island residents exoellent medioAl
services this wintor.
From Juno 15th to June 30th, we hAv~ had the services of Dr.
Peter Beuler and D::'. Jolm Grl'mt. On July 1, Dr. Fred Burdett
moved to the 181 and with his ,.life And tr,lO children Dnd he will
practice here giving us medicAl covernge throughout the summer.
Dr. Burdett was at Roosevelt Hospital before coming to the
Island. These Doctors are here on a fee for service basis.
As yeu all !mow, the Hedic 8.1 Commi t'l;oe has been searching
diligently for a perrflanent Doctor for FiIJhers. After inter-
viewing coveral Doctors, the Medical Committee determined that
a subsidy would have to be forthcom:l.ng to attract someone here.
We sent you all letters and to data :pl'( ,220.00 has bAen pledged.
'1'he response was gratifying, however, there are some of you
who have not retnrnec1 their pledge. May we hear from you?
Mr. He;nry King of Davis, Polk, 11ardwell is s.ctively trying to
obtain tax-deductible status for our clinic. His efforts in
this area are certA:lnly appreciated by the Medical Committee.
Maintenance has boen continuing at the Medical hOlIse. The back
porch Has repaired, living room floor sanded and finished and
painting completed. Several people were responsible for furni8h-
Ltg the honse for tho summer. Our th9.W{S to these volunteers.
The Insurn.n!\iJ cO'\Ol'rg6 H;\O :!.lJerensecl on the bouse Rnd the house
was pl'otectec1 all winter by a heat and burglar ala.rm.
Furni "Cure for the Hai ti.ng room and some aCIni pmant for the
Doctor's offictl vlere pure hased this yeAr.
It is wi 'ell regret tha.t vie accepted tho resignAtion of E. Perry
Edwards as 'l'reasuror effective June }O, 197).J.?el'ry has been
'rreasnrer for 25 yeArs and we .,ill miiHl him but f'ully under-
stand his Hish to retire. '.t'hank you, Perry, for :rOlu> serv:lce
to this Oommittee.
'fhe Hedical Committee vlelcowH' any oOlrments ,or sur;p;eoti onsyou
may hnve. lrh Hould like to heal' fl'om you.
Medical Committee:
Mrs. R. S. Balcer, Gh&irn1!3Tl
Mrs. H. L. Bogort
Mr. Serge Doyon Jr.
Mr. '.illiam Feullmer
Mrg. R. A. Hovmrd
Mr. George Lord
Mr. Stephen O'Neil
Mr. James Peishoff
Mr. Arthur \Jalsh
Mr. lrl:l.lliam Wood Jr.
Mrs. Cutherine Jenssen, Secretary
'liUt; IfEr:RY jJ/t FERGUSON I,'lUSEUf'/'J
'rHl-:: H. Jj:;E liiRGUSON. ,JR. BIRD SANCTUlI.kY
Those two rcl,,-;;(!d instj.tutIons Sh8XO in pl"oviding important and
unique additions to the many privileges which thos" who live on Fishers
Ialancl enjoy. Tho hlUS/lUm has ~. very finG display of birds, most of
which were collClcte,d by Harry Ferguson. Leo l".rguson, and othl'irf'l, add-
/td to this colloction. It also has a large colloction of Indian arti-
facts mostly found by thos'" who hit'!::' dug in the Indian mounds and shell
hoaps on the Island. 'rJu !'IIUS')Um is in thlll proc9ss of providing histor-
ical material which will give much infor:mation about Fishers Island
through the years since it was first discovered. The opportunity to
presorve these exhibits, and make! thorn available to all on the Island,
was furthered by tho gift of th", Musoum building by r.Jr. Jansen Noyes
L, m<ilmory of his wiI., Agn~Hl Blanc!,.. Noyes. -
Two recent gifts to th<B Musflum have addll!d much to its interest
and appearance. ~Jrs. Stephan T. Kels~y, Jr. gave a Diorama in memory
of her Aunt, l>lary Chapin Glenn. The painting, and other work in con-
nection with this display is b"ing don!) by Charles B. l"orguson. A
very boautiful sculptur", of an Ospray in flight has bun placed in
front of the Museum. This was dosigned and oculptured by Dr. Willla.m
H. Gallaher shortlY2.Ili'or" the tragic acr; id,~l1t in which ho died, and
is the gift of his wif", , G:lrol Gallah.n'.
'rhe Bire: S:u.ctuai:y was ,I[:r~ablishod in memory of H. Lee Forguson,
,Jr. who had s"'l'vod ns Prosidlilnt fmd Curator of thll ;.ius0um which bears
his father 's namo. It is 10c& tod on sQveral aCrA!) just back of the
Museum with its main entrance on West street. Fishers Island is one of
the few placGs which has a bird sanctusTY locntr.ld at the center of its
communi ty lif0, and thi~, h~',.' proven to b~ not only a plac. for the pre-
f'(~rvation and nurturing of birds, bll", ;l.h,o an area to b. used by
t>lIlople who want It qlli~t and dfll15{';htful place to <lmjoy nature.
The ll,uscum i~ ope!. on '1':\):0" d';lYG bot":I\J"n 10 Ilnd 12 a.m. Those
who want to makti an appointlw~t; to visit :\.t at other times may do so
by calling the Curator, Edwin H, HorninC';-T-'l. 293.,
Contributions ,)f l.1orJY or ,u..;icl/H'! (cGp"ci.nll~r historical
material) are always .:~o6t wolcom~, and may bll Illl,de through N"lTs. H.Lee
Ferguson, Charles B. Forguson, E. Perry Edwards, b~ Henry W. Hobson.
Hsnry W. Hobson
Rodent Control Committee
DurinlC the ye.r the Civio Anooi.etion, throurh
the oommi ttee, dietributed three hundred pound. of
"b.it" for rodent feeder .totiOllS. Rolient. .re .till
. problem on the Il1.nd and prob.bly alwaYI will be,
but it is felt with the exoellent manner th.t the
f.rbefe .re. il beinr h.ndled, that they are being
w'll oontrolled.
The feader .t.tion. have been modified to
keep bird. from anterinf. One of our oitizen. noted
thet birdl were anterinr: the It.tionl. They are nClW
fitted with a cloth oaffl. th.t the rodent. will pe'l
but the birds will not.
We .rain urr.& all peorlA on the Island to be nlert
to the rodent problem .nd to take edvantafe of the
Ci vie Aesociation' a free diatrJbuti on of "b"i t" for
feeder .tationa.
A. D. Dewson, Chairman
Th~ 60ttow~ng ~hatl hop~6utty po~t~ay, anatyz~, and d~aw eon-
etu~~on~ ~n ~~tat~on to ~dueat~onat p~og~amm~ng eonduct~d th~~
pMt y~aJt.
In ~t~ ~~eond yeaJt 06 opeJtation a~ an "op~n ~paee" ~ehoot,
many ~hoJtteom~ng~ to b~ 60und ~n the "otd 6ehoot" hav~ not
onty b~~n eoJtJteeted, but 6uJtth~Jt, pJtogJtam~ have been ~mpte-
mented on a ~ound edueat~onat ba~~~. A ~ound 6~~eat budget
6Jtom wh~ch to opeJtate undeJt, good educat~onat eq~pment and
~uppt~~ ~nventoJty, cuJt~eulum eont~nu~ty, a ~ound and eompJte-
h~n6~ve pup~t te6t~ng pJtogJtam, a new tunch and tJtan~poJttat~on
pJtogJtam, the ~mpt~mentat~on 06 an expanded Phy~ieat Edueat~on
pJtogJtam d~~igned to ea~e 60Jt the nee~ 06 ouJt 6emate ~tud~nt~,
and ineJtea~ed paJttie~pation ~n Fed~Jtat and State 6unded pJtogJtam~
de6igned to ea~e the toeat taxat~on bUJtden.
The new buitding ha~ been put to the te~t 06 "~e" and ~~ a.~
~mmacutat~ a~ ~h~ ~tood on the eve 06 ouJt open~ng day d~dica.tion
c~Jt~mony. An expanded Adutt ~ducat~on pJtogJtam, coupted to an
~v~n~ng open Jteclteationat aetiv~ty pltogJtam, 0.6 wett a~ b~tding
~ag~ by out6ide ~choot-eommunity oJtganizat~oM 60Jt me~ting
~it~~ have att g~v~n Jtea~on to bet~eve that the 6ehoot ~~
Iteaching out to att.
A comptete ehange 06 educationat pJtog~amm~ng at the etementaJty
6choot t~vet enabt~d Jteading and math ~eoJte~ to Jtoc~et upwaJtd
6JtOm a d~~ appo~nt~ng 20th peJteenUte to an 85th peJteentUe
~at~ng on State t~~t~ d~~igned to 6e~~ out accountabi~ty 06
both ~tudent~ and ~tCl.66.
The plte~ent M~cat ~Y6t~m 06 the d~~t~~et pJtov~de~ 6M auto-
mated 06 Mee pltO eeduJtef> cotlpted to eomputeJt~zed ban~~ng ~ e~v~ce
and th~ attow~ng nOJt a b~oad ~peet~um 06 Jound 6~nane~at
~eJtviee ~xeeution. F~nane~at dee~6~on~ have been di66~eutt,
but w~th a dual obt~gat~on both to the eh~tdJten 06 the ~~tand
M w~tt 0.6 the tCl.xpaye~6 who r.1UJ..t 6houtde~ the e06,t 06 educat~on,
~ueh deci~~on6 weJte (tI(_~~ved at th~ough eOM-eJ.ent,(,OU6 e660Jtt
de6~gned to pJtov~de quatlty educatlon.
In 6ummaJty, ~t'~ been a yea~ 06 J.nnovat~on, h~gh edueat~onat
p~oductiv~ty and 6ttcee66 nut budgetoJty management.
The Fi6helt6 I6tand Schoot Di~t~ct i~ on a paJt with any
~ucce~~6ut ma~ntand 6ehoot d~6tlt~et.
Re~peet6utty 6ubmltted,
V~ncent S. Sp~netta
VL\t~.(_et PJt-i.ne~pat
In the past year Justice Doyen attended 3 training
sessions to become fully qualified to preside in the jus-
tice courte of the Town of Southo1d. During 1973, thirty
eix motor vehicle caees, twelve criminal ceses and one
civil ection were handled by the Court on Fishers Island.
As a Town Board membar, Justice Doyen attended one meet-
ing esch month at Greenport, New York. With regard to
Fishers Island matters, the tennis court adjacent to the
school wae completed; buoye have been installed in West
Harbor; and changes in street layouts in the vicinity of
the achoo1 and ferry dock are under study by the Highway
Superintendant and the town attorney. Your Town Justice
and Town Board representative is available B houra each
day at his office in the Mobil Station for any assistance
requested by Island residents.
Respectfu,lJv sUb~ed,
-i~ty:n ~
T o~," Just i ce
. .
. .
Since spring of 1972, the Civic Association has been following
the project of dredgingth~ ThamoB River to allow the new 688 class
submarines to go up to tho Navy baew. Noone at any time has opposed
the dredging but we hav0 been d~op1y concernod with the problem of
disposal of the sludge. Civic Asscciation advisory conservation
committee was appointed in th<l wintQc of 1973 consisting of Mattie
Matthiessen, IAlw Thatch\lr, Chris Roosl:lvelt. In the summer, Tom
Parrott, Cherry Rafforty and myself were addid to make up the com-
mi ttee. We a'ttended all public hearings and voiced our opposition
to the use of the New London dumping area (approximately 1t miles
SW of Fishers Island) at every opportunity.
We alerted the N.Y. Stat. Dept. ?f Conservation who had not
been consulted. W. rounded up all sppropriate politicians includ-
ing Otis Pike, Perry Duryea and Sonators BUckley and Javits, all of
whom went on record as opposing this. The Connecticut politicians
lined up aleo. Summor residents from ov~r 15 states wrote to their
representatives and the response was good. Scientists, conservation
groups, fisherman, civic groups and concerned individuals all op-
posed the use of this site.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers paid no ntt.ntion and issued
a permit to the Navy to dump here. The only concossion being a
requiremont that the operation ~3 monitored by the National Oceanic
and Atmosphoric Administration (NOAA).
Not wanting to oppose this alone. W~ approached the Natural
Resources Defense Council of IS ~~st 94th st. to see if they
would assist us. They wero recommanded to us as the best non-
profit organization in this fiald, consisting mostly of lawyers
with environmental liIxperience. ThQ)Y have agreed to take the first
legal step and are sending a "d.~~d letter" giVing several legal
reasons why the n.s. Corps of Engineers should, revoko the permit.
If, as is liklllly, this is ignored, they (tmd we) will decide
if trying for an injunction will accomplish our objective, i.e.
persuade the Navy to takl'l the sludge much farther out to sea.
In both the lett3r and an injunction suit, tho Civic Association
would be only one of several plaintiffs in whose name the suit
would be brough't by the Natura), Reeourcea Defcms('l Council.
After thi injunction WE> would hav" to round U;l all the poli-
tical actioi1 we could get. Tho NRDC f"flls that an injunction of
this type strenthena t:1G of the politicians and we could
expect action by then.
. .
According to Dr. John Pearce of NOAA the secondary site is
to be an area 5 miles SE of East Pt. Fishors Island. He expects
to define the criteria which would make them move to this site
before July 16th. In our opinion this sit. also is unsatiSfactory
but would probably not disturb the Connecticut groups who are
protesting the use of the New London area.
To get an injunction would probably cost between $10.000 and
$15.000. which would be in the form of tax-deductible contribu-
tions to the NRDC. We may not need this much. we might need more.
We hope you will pledge what you Can for this if and when a member
of the Board of the C.A. or their Conservation Committee calls on
A more detailed report, copies of correspondence with poli-
ticians and others as well as the Environmental statements are all
on file in the C.A."s files.
Mary Russell