HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-55.-2-20,0 RECEIVED SEP__2 5 DATE ~l~ ALE: ~N TGIYL~ l~. C. Page 8 3/4/85 Mr. William and Mrs. Mary Coster and Attorney Dick Lark were present to discuss the site plan to construct a funeral home located at the corner of Main road and Harbor Lane, Cutchogue. The Planning Board was to make recommendation to the Zoning Board of ~ppeals were an application was pending for a special exception_ Mr. Lark said that the plan was changed from the original since the premises was not properly subdivided, therefore, they could not show the seperate parcel. Therefore, they had increased the land to include the who parcel. Mr.Lark said there was presently a barn on the property which the Costers could use for storage, therefore it was included on the plan. The increased size of the land give expanded off-street parking for employees. The Board noted that the main parking lot would be asphalt and the back would be dust-free surface. Mr. Ward had some questions regarding the landscaping and was concerned with the buffering on the residential property. Mr. Coster said the area on Harbor Lane would be low shrubs. Mr. Coster presented a rendering noting the building is similar to the one Mr. Olsen owns across the street. Since the Board requested more time to revi~ the plan it was the consensus of the Board to hold over any recommendations until a further site review could be made. Mr. John Bertani was present for a presubmission conference on the site plan of P~dge Corp~ for construction of an addition to the existing office building located at Main Road, Southold. Mr. Gray, owner, was also present and explained that the addition was basically needed to handle the files for the office. Mr. Bertain said the addition would be finished off as part of the exdsting structure, and no asphalt parking will be taken away since the site is presently grass, and no employees will be added so there will not be any need for increased parking. The metal building currenty there will be removed and the new building will be wood frame. On a motion made by Mr. MUllen, seconded by Mr. Edwards it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board refer the site plan of P~dge Corp. for the construction of an addition on the existing building for office space to the buildinq deparm~nt~ for certification. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski,Mullen, Ward, Edwards It was the consensus of the Board that a field inspection will also be made. On a motion made by Mr. Mullen, seconded by Mr. Edwards it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board approve the~si%~ plan of Alexander Koke and John Bertani for the construction of a shopping center witha maximum of four (4)establishments located at Southold, plan dated September 21, 1984 and certified by the Building Department; subject to a one-year review. Vote of the Board:AYes: Orlowski, Mullen, Ward, Edwards Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 February 6, 1986 Mr. John Bertani Colonial Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Site Plan for Bertani and Koke located at Southold Dear Mr. Bertani: Reference is made to the Planning Board's resolution of October 21, 1985 recommending that the above mentioned site plan be given a certificate of occupancy subject to striping the parking area and a six-month review. (a copy of this resolution is enclosed ) It was noted that the condition of striping the parking area has not been met, and the Board requests compliance with this condition. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. enc. cc: Building Department Very truly yours, BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M.Schultze, Secretary FEB 28 1986 John Bertani Builder Inc. Route 1, Box 336C Colonial Road Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1594 c~./Io~¢c,:::L ,...,.._a' .ko d~ Southold, N.Y. 11971 ($16) 765-1938 October 22, 1985 Mr. Victor Lessard Building Department Town Hall Southold, NY 11971 Re: Site Plan for Bertani and Koke Dear Mr. Lessard: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board,Monday, October 21, 1985. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board, following a site inspection, recommend to the Building Department that the certificate'of occupancy be issued for the site plan of Bertani and Koke subject to: .~ 1. Striping of the parking~area 2. A six-month review. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary cc: John Bertani Southold. N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 March 6, 1985 Mr. John Bertani Route 1, Box 336C Southold, NY 11971 Re: Site Plan for Alexander Koke and John Bertani Dear Mr. Bertani: Please let this confirm the action of the Southold Town Planning Board, Monday, March 4, 1985. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board approve the site plan of Alexander Koke and John Bertani for the construction of a shopping center with a maximum of four (4) establishments located at Southold, plan dated September 21, 1984 and certified by the Building Department; subject to a one-year review. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Very truly ~ours, ~ ~ ~ BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR., C~AIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary cc: Building Department fA~HArJ,K NEW YO~K .' ~ /~.PPLICA[,JT_ ' ~ - --- , RAMP ADJACENT TO^C. (~X~ST,.~ SHOULOER) ! I j) 'J'O PROPERTY LINE · ,, /VALLEY GUT i E ~ ,~./. ~ .....____., mTC~ ~/4 P~ Fr.--~ ---- ~=~=~r~ ~ ~:~.~ '--- ~///~~~~~_.__ .~_~__..~.. ..... .~.. ~. :~__ KISTING PAVEMENT~ ' -~-=~' I I ~ BUILD PAVE~:I ENT= ~ ~"mru~lNous ~AC~CX~.B~[/ / ~ SECTION THROUGH RAMP RO,,-* OR TO P,~TC H D ...... - .... ':.:,?~,,~?."~5" :.' ~'/[~.rzD: 3-10'~7 ........ Permit No....~ .~.. ...... PERMIT UNDER SECTION 136 of ARTICLE VI of HIGHWAY LAW Whereas, Section 136 of Article VI Of the Highway Law provides: Permits for work within the county rOad right of way, Except in connection with the construction, reconstruction, maintenance or improvement of a county road or operations of a corporation pursuant to the provisions of section twenty-seven of the transportation corporations law or sections twenty-one, e]ghty-nine, ninety-one, ninety-three, ninety-th ree-a a nd ninety-three-b of the railroad law, no pereoll, firm, corporation or munlcipality shall construct or i m prove, within the cOunty road right of way an entrance or connection to such road, o¢ construct within the county road right Of way any works, structure or obstruction, or any overhead or underground crossltlg thereof, or lay Or maintain therein underground wires or conduits Or drainage, sewer or water pipes, except in accordance with the terms a nd conditions Of a work permit issued by the county superintendent or his duly designated agent, notwithstanding any consent or franchise granted by any town superintendent, or by any other municipal authority. Any municipal corporation may e~iter upon any country road for the purpose of widening the pavement or for any Other purpose authorized by this section, but only alter securing a permit as provided pereln. Notwithstanding the limitations in any general or special Jaw, seedy municipal corporation shah have and is hereby given a ~thority to deposit with the county superintendent such a aurfl of money or a security bond aa may be required as a condition precedent to the g ranting of the permit provided in this section. The county superintendent shall estaPllsh regulations governing the issuance of highway work permits, including the fees to Pe charged therefor, a system of deposits o! money or bonds g~lrenteelng the performance of the work end requirements of insuranoe to protect the interests Of the county during performance of the work pursuant to a highway work permit. With respect to driveway entrarlce ~ermits, the regulations shall take i~1~o consideration the prospective character Of the development, the trelfic which wltl be generated by the facility within the ~easonably foreseeable future, the design and frequency of access to the facility, the effect of the facility upon drainage as related to existing drainage systems, the extent to which such facility may Jm pair the safety and traffic oarrying capacity of ~e existing county road and any proposed improvement thereto within the reasonably foreseeable tutu re, and any standards governing access, nonaccess or limlted access which ha'~ been estaPlished by the county superintendent. Upon completion Of the work within the county road right of way, authorized by the work permit, the parser1, firm corporation, municipality, and his or ~ts SUCCeSSOrS in interest, shall Pe responsible for the maintana~ce and repair of SUCh work or portion of s~Ch work as set forth within the terms and corldifions Of the work permit. An advertising sigrl, display or device, or any pert thereof, erected in violation of this section shall be f~moved from the county road right of way by the owner Or the party responsible for its erection, The county superintendent shall make a demand Py mail, to the last known address of the OWner, apparent owner or party responsible for the erection of such advertising sig n, disp(ay or device, for its removal a nd, if it is not removed within twenty (20) days from the date of the maili~tg of such demand, the county superintendent WHEREAS, a certain highway known as the Jf:Ldd'lo Road Cede NO. 48 has been improved and is on the Suffolk County Road System and WHEREAS, CO1.OIL~~1 Road. Routho1.do Hms York 11.971. btt~ld (1.) 2.~0 mmpknlt: ~¢888 r;llBlpo pm 8ho~L~,d~r sEu, reotoro I,O,;;, ~e~r~.s~.~n~ & Type. col hctlmm. Ou tho u/ifa Ktddlo Road, G.i. 48s 920t.' cfa bLtroad AvenUes aspersketchormspattached. HO~1.&C Of Sot~ho1.dg TOVO of ~ootho'ldo NOW. THEREFORE, permission is hereby granted to said A1.e:lr~rt' ROb & Job Rortm~ to do said work upon the following conditions: CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS 1. When concrete is removed, cut concrete with concrete saw two feet outside the limits of the proposed excavation and for the full panel width. When the cut ts made In pavement within 10 feet of the panel joint, the pavement shall be ~emoved for full panel width from the cut on the tar side of the excavetlo~ to the panel Joint. 2. Backfill and thoroughly compact fill using POWER TAMPER, piecing soils so that vinous typos of soil are In same relative position as before excavating. Grade to odglnal surface. 3. Rep4ece pavement, sidewalk or surface same as existing; if concrete, replace using 1:1 3/4:3 1/2 mix stone mix concrete; If bituminous material, replace using same type ss removed. 4. Jf concrete curb la removed, replace with similar curb 1:1 3/4:3 1/2 mix. 5. Edge of Jacking Pits or any other excavation shall be not less than 5 feet from Edge of Pavement. No undemuttlng allowed Jn Pit. 6. Notify the Department at Yaphank 924-3451 when the work Is to begin so that an Inspection can be made of the operation. This permit shall not be assigned or transferred without the written consent of the Commissioner of Public Works. The work authorized by this permit shall be performed under the supervision and to the setistaction of the Commissioner of Public Works or his representative. Particular attention is called to the necessity of thoroughly compacting the back fill, which will bo required by th~ Commissioner of Public Works. The Commissioner of Public Works shall be given one week's notice by said applicant of the date when it intends to begin the work authorized by this permit, and prompt notice of its completion. The said applicant hereby agrees to hold the State. County and Town harmless on account of damages of any kind which may arise dudng the progress of the work authorized by this permit or by reason thereof. Applicant certifies all persons concerned with actua; work under this permit are duly covered by Workmen's Compensation Insurance and the State, County and Town shall be held harmless on account thereof. The Commissioner of Public Works reserves the right to at any time revoke or annul this permit should the said applicant fail to comply with the terms and conditions upon which it is granted. The applicant agrees to pay all necessary expenses incident to supervision and inspection by reason of the g ranting of such permit as certified by the Commissioner of Public Works, such payment to be made within ten days from the rendering of the certified account. Work under this permit to be commenced within thirty days from the date of permit and continued in an expeditious manner. The applicant shall submit a detailed plan of structure to be built, with a description of proposed method of construction. It is understood that should future changes in the alignment or grade of the highway require changes in the work covered by this application and permit, the applicant shall on reasonable notice from the Commissioner of Public Works make such necessary changes at his own expense within the time so specified in notice. Traffic shall be maintained by the applicant on this section of the highway while the work is in progress and until its final completion. A ~Certified Check in the sum of $ ...~s.(~q*.~0 ........................ payable to the County Treasurer of Suffolk County is on file as security that the highway will be restored to its original condition where disturbed at the expense of the applicant, as soon as deposited the work has been completed, a nd the said Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to ex pend all or as much of such deposit as may be necessary for that purpose, should the said applicant neglect or refuse to perform the work. In consideration of granting this permit the undersigned accepts it subject to conditions described. TO AVOID SERIOUS DAMAGE TO VITAL UNDERGROUND FACILITIES, PLEASE CALL LONG ISLAND LIGHTING COMPANY AT JUNIPER 2-9000 OR FOR TELEPHONE FACILITIES CALL N.Y. TEL. CO. FLORAL PARK 2-OFFICIAL 25 BEFORE STARTING THE WORK AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT. CCi Tram of Sour. hold Form P-136 4~-~07:~/83 APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS GERARD P.'GOEHRINGER, CHAIRMAN CHARLES GRIGONIS, JR. SERGE DOYEN, JR. ROBERT J. DOUGLASS JOSEPH H. SAWICKI FEB Southold Town Board of Appeals MAIN ROAD- STATE ROAD 25 SnUTHOLD, L.I., N.Y. 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1809 TO: Victor Lessard, Building Inspector-Administrator FROM: Jerry Goehrin§er, C~airman~ DATE: February 28, i985 SUBJECT: Z.B.A. ~/24/85 Decision in Appeal No. 3300 Bertani-Koke Shopping Center Proposal N/s County Road 48, $outhold This memorandum is in response to your inquiry today and we hope that it will help to answer a-few questions relevant to Building Inspector Hindermann's letter of February 26th. Although paragraph 3 of the letter is true in that the board's requirements under Condition No. 1 is more stringent than the N.Y.S. Fire Prevention-Building Code, it is a requirement to be interpreted under the Town Zoning Code, which may be more restrictive than any other code. It has been the opinion and concern of this board that handicapped provisions have not been emphasized under Article VI, Section 100-62(G) or 100-112, and that vehicles have been forced to be parked in these areas where a variety of business uses, such as shopping centers, exist. It is the board's opinion that handicapped parking facilities were not meant to be included into the regular parking~ but rather were meant to be extra or additional facilities. - · Page 2 - February 28, 1985 Zo: Victor Lessard, Building Inspector-Administrator Re: Z.B.A. 1/24/85 Decision.in Appeal No. 3300 (Bertani/Koke) Shopping Center Proposal - C.R. 48, Southold Article VI, Section 100-62(G) requires for shopping centers a minimum, in this case, of seven parking spaces for each 700~sq. ft. of office floor or sales area; and since this project is for a variety of businesses with 2,800 sq. ft. of office'floor or sales area, there shall be a total minimum of 28 regular parking spaces. It is also-the opinion of the board that it was not'the intent of the zoning code to require one-half parking space for each business for handicapped (which would be the two spaces for four businesses in this case). Accordingly, one handicapped space for each business in addition to the spaces required by 100-62(G) should be provided. If only one business were to be established total, it would appear that the more stringent requirement for handicapped parking then falls under the N.Y~S. Building Code-for a minimum of two spaces. It is my understanding that recently the project may involve occupancy of not more than two business establishments, and the handicapped parking requirement of Condition No. 1 could be adjusted to provide one for each. Also, with reference to the last paragraph of the letter, it would not appear that Section lO0-112(K) would-apply in this case since {a) the business district extends beyond the'rear and side lines and the property does not directly abut a residence district; and (b) there will not be over five-spaces within 15' of an abutting residence district. § 100-112 ZONING § 100-112 (4) No service of any kind shall be Permitted to be ex- tended to Users of the lot, including automobile ser- vice, repair or fueling, and no gasoline, oil, grease or .other supplies shall be stored or sold in any such lot or m any garage on such lot. (5) Parking areas shall be screened by a substantial wall, fence or thick hedge, approved by the Planning Board. Generally, such screening shall not be less than three (3) feet nor more than eight (8) feet in height. K. Regulations for Parking spaces adjacent to lots in any residence district. (1) Wherever a parking area of over five (5) spaces abuts or is within fifteen (15) feet of the side or rear lot line of a lot in any residence district, the said parking lot shall be screened from such adjoining lot by a sub- stantial wall, fence or thick hedge, approved by the Planning Board. Generally, such screen shall be not less than three (3) feet nor more than eight (8) feet in height. (2) Whenever a parking area of over five (5) spaces is located across the street from other land in any residence district, it shall be screened from the View of such land by a thick hedge, wall or fence, approved by the Planning Board, located along a line drawn parallel to the street and a distance of twenty (20) feet therefrom, such screening to be interrupted only at points of ingress and egress. Generally, no such screening shall be less than three (3) feet nor more than six (6) feet in height. The oPen area between such screening and the street shall be landscaped in bar. mony with the landscaping prevailing on neighboring properties fronting on the Same street. Two (2) identification and directional signs located on the street side of such screening shall be Permitted; however, they shall not exceed an area of three (3) square feet each. L. Driveways. No driveway shall proVide access to a lot located in another district, which lot is used for any use prohibited in the district in which such driveway is located. 10047 TO]lrN OF SOU~OLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR P.O. BOX 728 TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 TEL. 765-1802 TO: Bennett Orlowski Planning Board Chairman From: Victor Lessard Exec. Admin. Building Dept. Subject: Bertani-Koke Shopping Center Ref. to: Z.B.A. decision Appeal # 3300 In the memo to me from the Z.B.A. dated Feb. 28,1985 with reference to the above subject. I had inquired with reference to paragraph 3, Z.B.A. determination in reference to parking. It is my opinion from th&s communication that the Z.B.A. would be satisfied with 1-handicap parking space for each business. Trusting this will clarify this matter. Yours truly, Victor Lessard Exec. Admin. Building Dept. VL;dsm TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR · P.O. BOX 728 TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 Feb. 27,1985 TEL. 765-1802 Planning Board Town of Southold Main Rd. Southold, N.Y. 11971 Subject: Alexander Koke & John Bertani site plan dated 9/21/84 Gentlemen: This is a follow up of my letter dated Feb.26, 1985 containing comments of review of site plan for the above dated Feb.22,1985. The site plan with amendment date of Sept. 21, 1985 submitted to this office today can be certif- ied in meeting zoning requirements. Edward Hindermann Building Inspector EH:dsm TO~VN OF SOUTHOI,r~ OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR P.O. BOX 728 TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 Feb.26,1985 TEL. 765-1802 Planning Board Town of Southold Main Rd. Southold,N.Y. 11971 Subject: Alexander Koke & John Bertani site plan Gentlemen: The subject property is located in a B-1 Zoned district. The proposed use as a shopping center is a permitted use in accordance with Art VII, Sec 100-70 A. (1) (d) with refer- ence to Sec 100-62 retail shopping centers. An area variance was granted under appeal #3300 dated Jan. 24,1985 for this use. The proposed retail sales area of 700 sq. feet for each store sets a minimum parking area requirement of 28 spaces (Art VI Sec 100-62.) The New York State Uniform Fire Pre- vention and Building Code, Part 1102, Sec 1102.4 requires parking spaces for Physically Handicapped People in acc- ordance with table 1-1102. As per table, where required spaces total 26-50 a minimum of 2 accessible spaces are re- quired. This does not imply that parking requirements are over and above those required under zoning. Under Appeal #3300, condition #1, a minimum of 32 parking spaces were set, 28 regular and 4 spaces for the handicapped. Based on the foregoing, this is a more strin- gent requirement than set by the statute. The property to'the north of this site is in a resident- ial zone. Where a parking area of 5 spaces or more is within 15'-0,' of a rear lot line abutting a residential district the lot shall be screened as required by Art XI, Sec 100-112 K (1.) The parking requirements as set by the Board of Appeals exceed those required by law. By removing the parking spaces that fall within 15'-0" of the rear yard property line, no screening would be required and this site plan would qualify for certification. Yo~s t~y/. I/ , Edward~qi~dermann Building Inspector EH:dsm Southold Town Board of Appeals ACTION OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Appeal No. 3300 Application Dated 0ct0ber 23, 1984 TO: Rudolph H. Bruer, Esq. as Attorney for JOHN BERTANI AND ALEXANDER KOKE Main Road Southold, NY l1971', [Appellant(s)] At a Meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals held on Januars24,11.985, the above appeal was considered, and the action indicated below was taken on your [ ] Request for Variance Due to Lac~ of Access to Property New York Town Law, Section 280-a [ ] Request for Special Exception under the Zoning Ordinance Article , Section [×] Request for Variance to the Zoning Ordinance Article VI, Section ]00-62(B) [ ] Request for Application of JOHN BERTANI, Colonial Road, Southold, NY for a Varianc: to the Zoning Ordinance, Article VI, Section 100-62(B) for permission to establish building containing more than one retail store, offices or simila' establishments in this "B-I" General Business Zoning District, at premises located on the north side of C.R. 48, Southold, NY; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-55-02-20; ·containing 31,024 sq. ft~ i.n area. . The board made the following findings and determination: This is an appeal from Article VI, Section 100.62(B) of the Zoning Code requesting a variance from the 40,000 square-foot area requirement for a building containing retail stores, merchantile establishments, offices in this "B-l" General Business Zoning District. It is applicants' propo'Sal to construct an 80' by 55' commercial building with setbacks of: (a) 60± feet from the front property line; (b) 55± feet from the Westerly side property line; (c) 54± feet from the easterly side property line; (d) a minimum of 35 feet from the rear property line. It is the understanding of the board that there will be a maximum of four establishments within this building, each having a maXimum of 700 sq. ft..of sales area, and will be those uses permitted under Article VII of the zoning ordinance. · The site plan amended September 21, 1984 indicates 26 regular parking spaces and two handicapped parking spaces for all four of the proposed establishments. Article VI, Section ]00-62(G) requires a mi.nimum of one parking space for each lO0 sq. ft. of sales floor area or office floor area, which Would be a minimum of 28. parking spaces, w~thout provisions for the handicapped. Therefore, an additional one handicapped parking space for each'establishment must be provided in this board's·conditions. In considering this appeal, the board·has found: (1) that the variation is not substantial being 22± percent·of the requirements; (2) there will be no effect, if.the variance i~ allowed, of increased population density thus produced on available governmental facilities; (3) that there w~ll be ~o substantial change in the character of the neighborhood or.a substantial detriment to adjoining properties ,(CONTiNuED ON PAGE TWO) DATED: January 31, 1985. Form ZB4 (rev. 12/81) CHAIRMAN, SOUTHOLD TOWN ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Page 2 Appeal No. 3300 Matter of JOHN BERTANI AND ALEXANDER KOKE Decision Rendered January 24, 1985 since the premises will be utilized as required under Article VII, in this zoning district; (4) that the difficulty cannot be obviated by some method, feasible for the applicants to pursue, other than a variance; (5) that in view of the manner in which the difficulty arose, justice will be served by allowing the variance, as indicated below, by reasons of the foregoing. Accordingly, on motion by Mr. Goehringer, seconded by Grigonis, it was RESOLVED, that the relief requested under'ApPeal No. 3300 in the Matter of JOHN BERTANI for permission to estab)ish up to four "B-I" Business Uses, each having a maximum of 700 sq. ft. in retail sales or office floor area, BE AND HEREBY IS APPROVED~ SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: spaces; A minimum of 32 parking spaces, 28 regular and 4 handicapped 2. A minimum planting area of 7,750 sq. ft. as requested and shown on the subject site plan; 3. A maximUm of 2,800·sq. ft. of retail sales or office area, as requested and shown on the subject site plan; 4. Changes which would increase the maximum 700 sq. ft. sales or office floor area for each establishment will require resubmission by formal application for reconsideration. Location of Property:- North Side of C.R. 48, Southold, NY; Tax Map Parcel No.. 1000-55-02-20. Vote of the BOard: Ayes: Messrs. Goehringer, Doyen, Grigonis and Douglass. (Member Sawicki was absent.) This resolution was adopted by unanimous vote of the members present. floor of retail County lk january.. 31., 1985 Southold Town Board of Appeals HAIN ROAD- BTATE ROAD 2,5 BOUTHnLD, L.I,, N.Y. 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1809 APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS GERARD P. GOEHRINGER, CHAIRMAN CHARLES GRIGONIS, JR. SERGE DOYEN, JR. ROBERT J. DOUGLASS JOSEPH H. SAWICKI January 15, 1985 Mr. David Emilita, Planner Southold Town Planning Board Town Hall Southold, NY 11971 Re: Appeal No. 3300 John Bertani and A1 Koke Location of Property: N/S C.R. 48, Southold Gentlemen: As you may be aware, a public hearing was held in the above matter on December 13, 1984 for permission to establish multiple uses (four) on a parcel of land located in the B-1 General Business District. It is the applicants' position that the parking and site plan elements are sufficient, and that once we have rendered a decision, certification and approval by you would be in order. May we have your comments on the site plan, which we understand has been reviewed in detail, and recommendations as to whether or not a parcel in a business or commercial zoning district should be restricted as to a number of uses if all other site plan and parking requirements have been met? If possible, please reply before February 5th. Yours very truly, cc: Building Department GERARD P. GOEHRINGER , OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR P.O. BOX 728 TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 Planning Board Town of Southold in Rd. uthold,N.Y. 11971 Subject: Site Plan Koke & Bertani Southold,N.Y. TEL. 765-1802 0ct.16,1984 Gentlemen: The subject property is located in a B-1 Zone and the proposed use is permitted for this Zone. The building as proposed shows a possible tenancy of four stores. Under Art VI see 100-62 this is class- ified as a shopping center. Under sub-section B of this article an acre of land is required for this purpose. This site contains an area of 31,024 sq. feet. In view of this; this site plan can not be certified in meeting Zoning violations. Yours Truly Edward F. Hindermann Building Inspector EFH/dsm ITEM SATISF~ED SITE i~AN REVIEW North arrow, scale, date, tax map number property boundary, dimensions, and angles, key map easements and'deed restrictions names, locations, and widths of adjacent streets land use proposed, zoning, ownership, certificate of disclosu~ conformity with comprehensive plan Impact on environment: land use transportation community services and facilities environmental as to air, Water, noise energy conservation historic preservation environmental impact statement existing, on-site physical improvements Proposed development: grading, and drainage plan buildings and other structures proposed improvements such as parking, storage, loading areas "vehicular and pedestrian ways including ingress and egress outdoor lighting and public address system outdoor signs landscaping plans ; 25 % of lot coverage architectural plans buffering Natura~ features: location of wetlands and areas subject to flooding existing contours at intervals of 5' or less location, of trees with a diameter of 8" or more measured 3' above the base of the trunk Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 August 21, 1984 Mr. John Bertani Colonial Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: site plan of Bertani and Koke located at SouthOld Dear Mr. Bertanl: Please let this confirm the action of the Planning Board, Monday, August 20, 1984. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board refer the site plan of Alexander Koke and John Bertani located at Southold for retail establishments to the Building Depratment for certification subject to receipt of six (6) copies of the site plan with the indicated changes made. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, cc: Building d~partment Alexander Koke BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR., CHAIRMAN __S~)UTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BgARD By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 July 11, 1984 Mr. John Bertani Colonial Road Southold, NY 11971 Mr. Alexander KOke 145 Schooner Drive Southold , NY 11971 Dear Mr. Bertani and Mr. Koke: Foll°w~ng a field inspection and review of the site plan proposal at the Planning Board meeting of July 9, 1984 the foll'OWing request was made. , It.~was the consensus of the Planning Board to request that the following information be indicated On the site plan in addition to the information already on the p lan. 1. type of curbing 2. type of driveway and parking surface 3. sign location 4. outdoor lighting 5. one or two handicapped"'~arking spaces It was also noted that one or two drainage basins may be required to handle storm water run-off if there is no substantial change in grade. If this is unacceptable, then the Board requests drainage computations and proposed gra~ to show the ~easibility of one basin. Please submit six (6) copies of the survey to include the following information. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR., CHAIRMAN~ SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Southold, N.Y. 11971 (616) 765-1938 May 22, 1984 Mr. John Bertani Colonial Road Southold, NY 11971 Mr. Alexander Koke 145 Schooner Drive Southold, NY 11971 Dear Mr. Bertani and Mr. Koke: Please let this confirm the request of the Board at the regular meeting of May 21, 1984. It was the concensus of the Planning Board to request that you submit three copies of a site plan containing the following information. 1. Key map 2. Indication as to. tthe specific type of business proposed 3. Curb cut as per the Department of Transport~ion approval 4. Drainage plan and grading plan 5. Adjacent property owners ' 6. Indication of existing easements 7. Adaquate parking for sales area, present plan will Require 16 additional parking spaces 8. Landscaping, 25% of area, after additional parking is added 9. Building set backs 10. Exact lot dimensions When this is submitted, the Board will proceed with the application. Please note, the Board also requests that this site pla~ be drawn by a surveyor. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD y Diane M. Schultze, ~Wretary 1.3 $OUTHOL~ 314 A (~) Leqend LtNC '1¸ ;l. // RECEIVED HAY g i ~984 BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE QUANTITY CONDITION ,1' ,~"xv 7- : o--:/:-/- 8,,/ /.,.../ O/d.E ,F~ E I~ T /q /'J l A/. ~OU T;~IOL D, ~,~ L.~-: Z,O '= t'' RECBYED BY \- , ~ . ./ .-- ~0 ,~1 ~' '~ ~. .....,...~ ~ ~ ~. ~ 0 .,50UT 40LD,Al. y'. -/ PL.. ,,,q /M/ SEP ~ ~ DATE amet~ded ~ otto, Al.)/. TO YL,, P. ¢.