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R�i• . ♦ off, M.' a f +aaad ' � � ' -- � �ltlltuutuuiunuuu � � I illlll �= •� s.aJ 4 d s d I� t 1- 1 f i z z i 11 e LM a • illl�!III Will, ow } � �, 'A"aF Y�4• �� -•.. ��� Y i��1� 1�.•I�� ,. �.h111�_� IIII MVIA Ma RVID um a y k 6�` ..,ram { .�r� r - � •z. ' odyl�fib O 7 HOMES REMO VED/ DEMOLISHED for a MULLEN MOTORS .r COLOR TRIM Xn ^_ .�•- �� t� •s1 t .- • .1 1•'� .11•j T Colonial 1 • Street Tree (Demolished on Cottage PI • Z . • • ate: ATTORNEY AT LAW a' A" ' � ' gam•, - HAMPTON Early Colonial Home (Removed from Mainf • . --M . Sanford M � f Colonial Saltbox I O / A r i La i -STiP - • e_ � - y ✓f -a id y_ . i 1 )� w HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICT MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD s ATTORNEY S, Federalist Inn & Restaurant Converted Greek Revival Home a., n (Flower Shop) i 1 ti r * II rt. ConvertedGreek - - - i (Prof. Building) Family Style Restaurant a • _, -=.�-',,^ •,`ram "" ,• MAIN R • SOUTHOLD HAMLET BUSINESS DISTIRCT CAROLYN A.ZENK ATFORNEY converted Federalist ■ • r -a at•0�(y�Y Q � Ii rvrrr- Colonial Mansard Roofed I � fi Y A olonial Saltbox converted Colonial Home 11/97--M . Sanford BUSINESSMA-IN ROAD, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HAMLET DISTRICT i_ EXHIBIT 4 e QATTORNEY mom • Pop Store 1 I� 7 _ Converted Federalist & g f Colonial (ice Cream Parlor • Antiques) i f yam. �d 1 . An m 10, YY�I'' 1 F9' 1i� Vim. \• T`�� ..t,�' Pic, ANK `f i - f r 1 I 11 1 I 1 roMME., 1 i NOW. 1, 1 �1�CLEANEHs ) — 9'SMq # Grass # Trees # Picket Fence # Jay 1 y y _ c t. a, pedestrian I ' Ail y � � � 7 w , �61 A . J�. .4 I •� •`t. •���-., „�^�« .e,e.. - -. � - _ .q 'i'` �`t,,' •jib_ .--- T If 142 Alp ir\ .. _ •t ' 111 • � � � ■ j MULLEN MOTORS CAR DEALERSHIP Southside, Rte. 25 Fx µ�e)�r 95 CAROLYN A.ZENK ATTORNEY AT LAW 121PON000GUEAVENUE HAMPTON SAYS.NY 11 W. GENERAL BUSINESS Embedded in HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICT Bubble Showroom SCTM# 1000-62-3-20, NE-- W 11/97-4. Sanford No Grass ♦ No Curbing♦ No Sidewalk SCTM# 1000-62-3- 10.3 & 11 .rly y T' 1 NW--►E --►E 3/98--B. Adams 4/98--M. Sanford Monontonous Rows of: Chainlink Fence ♦ Cars ♦ Macadam ♦ Plastic Signs t NW--►E --►E , 3/98--R_ Adams 4/98--M. Sanford MULLEN MOTORS CAR DEALERSHIP COTTAGE PLACE EXH , � GENERAL BUSINESS Embedded in RESIDENTIAL, R-40 Repair Activity in Street SCTM# 1000-62-3- 19, N--►S 7/97--M . Sanford s� OCAROLYN A.ZENK ATTORNEY AT LAW 121PON000GUEAVENUE MAIAPTON BAYS.Nv Car lot & Storage Bay with _ J Evergreen "Buffer" SCTM# 1000-62-3- 19, W--►NE how 11/97--M . Sanford Car lot with Evergreen "Buffer" SCTM# 1000-62-3- 19, W--►SE 11/9 --M . Sanford x , ! • 12/97--M . Sanford Chainlink fence w/ Hemlock "Buffer MAIN ROAD EXAMPLE OF USE INTENSIVE GENERAL BUSINESS 'Plop CAROLYN A.ZENK ATTORNEY AT LAW AVENUE ' 121PONOU000E e 0 WAWTON M A Car Dealership--Riverhead 2 Story Warehouse/Storage Riverhead Aw - - � �_, dr. -•i Y4 Car Wash--Riverhead Gas Station/Convenience Store Mattituck 7- 11 Convenience Store M © ! • c a T ,�1 �Yi$�� y-�• 1 � STOP • I • / I MULLEN MOTOR CAR CARRIERS on Cottage Place, Korn Rd & Locust Lane GENERAL BUSINESS Embedded in RESIDENTIAL, R-40 Sim i . Blind & unsafe driveway exit on --� Cottage 9/30/97--D. Liss w w Car Carrier Unloading on Cottage Placer ` 12/2/97--D. Liss I 1 I _ Pe Traffic detouring into on-coming lane on Cottage 9/30/97--D. Liss Car Carrier on Korn Road making way to Locust Lane 8/5/97--D. Sherman !_r'• - I CAROLYN A.ZENK ATTORNEY AT LAW 121PON000GUEAVENUE ■ HAMPTON BAYS.NV 11946 Car Carrier on Locust Laneu Swinging onto Rte. 25 i MULLEN MOTORS CAR DEALERSHIP wa )T A Southside Rte. 25 �X µ 0 OAROLYN A.ZENK ATTORNEY AT LAW 121PON0000UEAVENUE HAMPTON BAYS,NY 11946 Y 9 GENERAL BUSINESS Embedded in HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICT a x Car Lot with Halogen Flood Lights, 11:45 Pm SCTM# 1000-62-3- 10.3 & 111 NE--oW 1/8/98-- J. Sanford F tl Nov 2 6 199 Southold TOW r Planning Soarrt Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Locust Lane Southold, NY 11971 November 26, 1999 Re: Reexamination of Southold Town Planning Board's recommendation of proposed Mullen Motors downzone in context of Town's Comprehensive Plan To Ben Orlowski & Valerie Scopaz & Planning Board Members: We are glad that the Planning Board recommendation has been sent back to be revised IN THE CONTEXT OF OUR TOWN'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. Mullen Motors is one of the most misplaced businesses in the whole of Southold. It is turning this portion of our hamlet into a trucking and industrial center, replete with noise, traffic congestion, glaring halogen lights, chain link fences, and suburban bubble window architecture. Mullen Motors is destroying our town's unique historic identity. In addition, the destruction of Colonial Corners is not only an architectural loss to our town history but a devastation to the whole area. A CAR DEALERSHIP SHOULD NOT BE THE CENTERPIECE OF AN HISTORIC VILLAGE -- or any village for that matter. Like most people, our homes are our principle investment. To allow the Mullen Motors operation to systematically devalue and destroy our properties when there are other viable options is totally unnecessary and unfair.* Our homes are much more than financial investments. They are the center of our lives. There is an unspoken sanctity and sacredness to be observed about home and family that should not be disrespectfully passed over -- certainly not for a Car Dealership. I hope the Town Board noticed that at both hearings, neither the Mullens nor those in support of this downzone application -- businessmen, Mullen employees, customers (family men themselves) -- showed any concern for the families whose properties and living conditions are so adversely affected by this operation. Without shame or embarrassment they all came forward to champion the Mullen Motors proposal to put a noisy, dirty, car service/repair operation right next to homes and families. Their only concern was business -- and their cars. It is a town disgrace. One of the most vocal Mullen Motors supporters, a Nassau Point businessman /customer was in fact opposed to a B & B (permitted in residential zones) in HIS own community. The contradiction in this type of thinking is most troubling. One I hope you take note of. Our objections to a General Business expanding into OUR residential community are legitimate and well grounded. It is a well known fact that the Harbor Lights community in Southold was successful in defeating commercial encroachment into their community by stopping a proposed B&B. We believe our community deserves the same consideration for the even greater commercial intrusion of a car dealership. There is no benefit, whatsoever, to the town, hamlet or surrounding neighborhood to grant Mullen Motors additional Main Road frontage in our hamlet, destroy Colonial Corners or to industrialize this area of town. No Comprehensive Town Plan would sanction this and area residents anticipate that these evident fundamental concepts will be incorporated into your final recommendation. Thank you for your time and consideration. Yours truly, J__e� y�ec fJ�2 Jean Sanford (/ *Lucus Ford has been located most appropriately and considerately -- most of all for their customers' convenience but also for the safety and well-being of the community. cc: Town Board Town Clerk Zoning Code, Article 1, General Provisions Our concern is entirely with our rights as citizens and property owners. The General Provisions of our Zoning Ordinance protects these rights. It's fundamental purpose is to protect and promote "the public health, safety and welfare" and includes the following: 1W10 Purposes c...privacy for families d... prevention and reduction of traffic congestion a ... maximum protection of residential areas a ... enhancement for the appearance of the Town of Southold 100-11 Conflicts A. "Where a provision ...conflicts with —any other provision... the provision or requirement which is more restrictive or which establishes the higher standard shall govern." The higher standard of a residential neighborhood should come before that of a commercial car dealership. ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD September 30, 1999 Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-6145 Telephone (516) 765-1800 Transmitted herewith is change of zone petition of Richard F. Mullen, III and William Mullen which has been set for a public hearing at 8:20 P.M., on Tuesday, October 12, 1999. Please prepare an official report defining the Planning Board's recommendations with regard to this proposed change of zone and forward same to me. Thank you. Very truly yours, Eliza�Nevillle� Southold Town Clerk Attachments ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER f�o��gUF F O(�-CoGr�� y< w x W - OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax(516) 765-6145 Telephone (516) 765-1800 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD HELD ON SEPTEMBER 28, 1999: RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold that the Town Board will hold a public hearing on October 12, 1999 at 8_20 P.M. at the Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York on the question of an amendment to the zoning map on petition from Richard F. Mullen III and William Mullen for the parcels identified as SCTM# 1000-62-03-22.1, and SCTM 41000-62-03-24.1 . The proposed zone change for the parcel identified as SCTM #1000-62-03-22.1 is from Hamlet Business (HB) to General Business (B) and the proposed zone change for the parcel identified as SCTM# 1000-62-03-24.1 is Low -Density Residential (R-40) to General Business (B), be it further RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold that this petition for an amendment to zoning map be referred to the Town of Southold Planning Department and the Suffolk County Planning Department for review and recommendations. Ih A. Neville Southold Town Clerk September 28, 1999 PETITION NO. &/ai STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD RECEIVED JUN 5 1997 Southold Town Clerk PETITION IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III and WILLIAM H. MULLEN FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: Richard J. Mullen III and residin at 1. We, William Mullen g c/o Mullen Mntnrc p_(1_Rnv 1[.nR Petitioner Southold, NY 11971 Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, naff� the ewwer of certain real property are contract vendees situated at Main Road, Southold, NY I and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Property is presently owned by Albert W. Albertson, Jr. and Donald B. Katz. SCTM Vs 1000-062.00-03.00-022.001 & 024.001. See attached Schedule A for metes and bounds description of premises. 2. We do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: change of zone of the above described premises from Hamlet Business District (HB) and R-40 district to General Business District (B) 3. Such request is made for the following reasons: Change of zone to General Business District (B) with Special Exception would permit use of premises by Mullen Motors, Inc an automobile dealership and service center, which presently operates on an adjacent parcel. Richard F. Mullen, III tt Signature William H. Mullen STATE OF NEW YORK)ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) Richard F. Mullen III and William R. Mullen BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that We ln�4ua- that he has read e foregoing Petition and the wI's the i petition in the within action; knows the contents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and a that as to those matters he believe$ it to be true. Signature Sworn to before me this 2 day of vta— , 191 .r�i R �TWA i- otary JENMFFR B. GM0 Wary Public, State of New Yak No. 02GO5M4640 Oual#W In SuNA County Commisclon Ezgna Match 14.199� 14-16-2 (2/87)-7c 617.21 S EO R Appendix A State Environmental Quality Review FULL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM Purpose: The full EAF is designed to help applicants and agencies determine, in an orderly manner, whether a project or action may be significant. The question of whether an action may be significant is not always easy to answer. Frequent- ly, there are aspects of a project that are subjective or unmeasureable. It is also understood that those who determine significance may have little or no formal knowledge of the environment or may be technically expert in environmental analysis. In addition, many who have knowledge in one particular area may not be aware of the broader concerns affecting the question of significance. The full EAF is intended to provide a method whereby applicants and agencies can be assured that the determination process has been orderly, comprehensive in nature, yet flexible to allow introduction of information to fit a project or action. Full EAF Components: The full EAF is comprised of three parts: Part 1: Provides objective data and information about a given project and its site. By identifying basic project data, it assists a reviewer in the analysis that takes place in Parts 2 and 3. Part 2: Focuses on identifying the range of possible impacts that may occur from a project or action. It provides guidance as to whether an impact is likely to be considered small to moderate or whether it is a potentially - large impact. The form also identifies whether an impact can be mitigated or reduced. Part 3: If any impact in Part 2 is identified as potentially -large, then Part 3 is used to evaluate whether or not the impact is actually important. DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE —Type 1 and Unlisted Actions Identify the Portions of EAF completed for this project: ❑ Part 1 ❑ Part 2 ❑Part 3 Upon review of the information recorded on this EAF (Parts 1 and 2 and 3 if appropriate), and any other supporting information, and considering both the magitude and importance of each impact, it is reasonably determined by the lead agency that: ❑ A. The project will not result in any large and important impact(s) and, therefore, is one which will not have a significant impact on the environment, therefore a negative declaration will be prepared. ❑ B. Although the project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect for this Unlist6d Action because the mitigation measures described in PART 3 have been required, therefore a CONDITIONED negative declaration will be prepared.` ❑ C. The project may result in one or more large and important impacts that may have a significant impact on the environment, therefore a positive declaration will be prepared. A Conditioned Negative Declaration is only valid for Unlisted Actions Name of Action Name of Lead Agency Print or Type Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Title of Responsible Officer Signature of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Signature of Preparer(If different from responsible officer) Date 1 SCHEDULE A ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Southold, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known arid designated on a diagram of lots belonging to Jane A. Cochran, dated October 1867 and duly filed in the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk as Lots 1 & 2 and lots 26, 27 & 28 and described property, more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point at the intersection formed by the southerly line of Main Road (NYS Rt. 25) and the westerly line of Locust Avenue; RUNNING THENCE from said point and place of beginning along the westerly line of Locust Avenue South 22 degrees 21 minutes 20 seconds East a distance of 285.39 feet to a point and the northerly line of lands now or formerly of David & Janice J. Szczesny; THENCE along said lands of David & Janice J. Szczesny and lands now or formerly of William Corbett South 73 degrees 21 minutes 50 seconds West a distance of. 162.66 feet to a point and lands now or formerly of Barbara S. Adams; THENCE along said lands of Barbara S. Adams and lands now or formerly of Richard F. Mullen, Jr. North 17 degrees 10 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 48.95 feet to a point; THENCE North 18 degrees 05 minutes 50 seconds West a distance of 109.47 feet to a point; THENCE South 71 degrees 55 minutes 40 seconds West a distance of 59.69 feet to a point; THENCE North 15 degrees 32 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 171.74 feet to a point and the southerly line of Main Road (NYS Rt 25); THENCE along the southerly line of Main Road (NYS Rt 25) North 87 degrees 02 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 100.00 feet to a point; THENCE North 85 degrees 37 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 98.92 feet to the point and place of BEGINNING: PART 1—PROJECT INFOR ATION Prepared by Project Sponsor NOTICE: This document is designed to assist in determining whether the action proposed may have a significant efff on the environment. Please complete the entire form, Parts A through E. Answers to these questions will be consider as part of the application for approval and may be subject to further verification and public review. Provide any additior information you believe will be needed to complete Parts 2 and 3. It is expected that completion of the full EAF will be dependent on information currently available and will not invol new studies, research or investigation. If information requiring such additional work is unavailable, so indicate and spec each instance. NAME OF ACTION Richard F. Mullen III & William N. Mullen Zone Change Application LOCATION OF ACTION (Include Street Address, Municipality and County) SCTM V s 1000-62-3-22. 1&24. 1 Main Road, Southold, NY 11971 Town of Southold, County of Suffolk NAME OF APPLICANT/SPONSOR BUSINESS TELEPHONE Richard F. Mullen III & William V. Mullen (516)765-3564 ADDRESS _ c/o Mullen Motors, Inc. P.O. Box 1408 CITY/PO STATE ZIP CODE Southold, NAME OF OWNER (If different) BUSINESS TELEPHONE Albert W. Albertson, Jr. and Donald B. Katz (Silo -o l4s ADDRESS 23275 Water Circle, Boca Raton FL 33486 AWA CITY/Po STATE ZIP CODE Ferry Road , Sag Harbor ,NY 11963 DBK DESCRIPTION OF ACTION - Applicants request zone change of subject premises from HB and R-/ to B to permit use of said premises by Mullen Motors, Inc., an automobile dealership and service center. Please Complete Each Question —Indicate N.A. if not applicable A. Site Description Physical setting of overall project, both developed and undeveloped areas. 1. Present land use: ❑Urban ❑Industrial KlCommercial ❑Residential (suburban) ❑Forest ❑Agriculture ❑Other 2. Total acreage of project area: 1,2484 acres. APPROXIMATE ACREAGE Meadow or Brushland (Non-agricultural) Forested Agricultural (Includes orchards, cropland, pasture, etc.) Wetland (Freshwater or tidal as per Articles 24, 25 of ECL) Water Surface Area Unvegetated (Rock, earth or fill) Roads, buildings and other paved surfaces Other (Indicate type) ❑Rural (non-fai PRESENTLY AFTER COMPLETION acres acres acres acres acres acres acres approx .9 acres — acres acres acres acres acres acres .9 acres acres 3. What is predominant soil type(s) on project site? .agnhnlr nraval and rngsoil a. Soil drainage: [3Well drained 100 % of site ❑Moderately well drained % of site ❑Poorly drained % of site b. If any agricultural land is involved, how many acres of soil are classified within soil group 1 through 4 of the Land Classification System? acres. (See 1 NYCRR 370). 4. Are there bedrock outcroppings on project site? ❑Yes U No a. What is depth to bedrock? (in feet) 2 5. Approximate percentage of proposed project site with slopes: K10-10% 0 % ❑10-15% ❑15% or greater % 6. Is project substantially contiguous to, or contain a building, site, or district, listed on the State or the National Registers of Historic Places? ❑Yes @No 7. Is project substantially contiguous to a site listed on the Register of National Natural Landmarks? ❑Yes >)No 8. What is the depth of the water table? (in feet) unknown —water provided by Greenport municipal 9. Is site located over a primary, principal, or sole source aquifer? ❑Yes k7No 10. Do hunting, fishing or shell fishing opportunities presently exist in the project area? ❑Yes GNo 11 Does project site contain any species of plant or animal ❑Yes ONO According to Identify each species life that is identified as threatened or endangered? 12. Are there any unique or unusual land forms on the project site? (i.e., cliffs, dunes, other geological formations) ❑Yes ONO Describe 13. Is the project site presently used by the community or neighborhood as an open space or recreation' area? ❑Yes ONo If yes, explain 14. Does the present site include scenic views known to be important to the community? ❑Yes 1!lNo 15. Streams within or contiguous to project area: none a. Name of Stream and name of River to which it is tributary 16. Lakes, ponds, wetland areas within or contiguous to project area: a. Name none b. Size (In acres) 17. Is the site served by existing public utilities? C3Yes ONO a) If Yes, does sufficient capacity exist to allow connection? ZYes ONo b) If Yes, will improvements be necessary to allow connection? ❑Yes ®No 18. Is the site located in an agricultural district certified pursuant to Agriculture and Markets Law, Article 25-AA, Section 303 and 304?❑Yes C3No 19. Is the site located in or substantially contiguous to a Critical Environmental Area designated pursuant to Article 8 of the ECL, and 6 NYCRR 6172 ❑Yes ®No 20. Has the site ever been used for the disposal of solid or hazardous wastes? ❑Yes J7No B. Project Description — no immediate changes to site, see attached sheet —Informational Deta 1. Physical dimensions and scale of project (fill in dimensions as appropriate) a. Total contiguous acreage owned or controlled by project sponsor acres. b. Project acreage to be developed: acres initially; acres ultimately. c. Project acreage to remain undeveloped acres. d. Length of project, in miles: (If appropriate) e. If the project is an expansion, indicate percent of expansion proposed %; I. Number of off-street parking spaces existing proposed g. Maximum vehicular trips generated per hour (upon completion of project)? h. If residential: Number and type of housing units: One Family Two Family Multiple Family Condominium Initially Ultimately I. Dimensions (in feet) of largest proposed structure height; width; j. Linear feet of frontage along a public thoroughfare project will occupy is? f t. length. 3 2. How much natural material (i.e., rock, earth, etc.) will be removed fro,. the site? tons/cubic yards 3. Will disturbed areas be reclaimed? ❑Yes ONO ❑NIA a. If yes, for what intend_- purpose is the site being reclaimed? b. Will topsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? ❑Yes ❑No c. Will upper subsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? ❑Yes ONO 4. How many acres of vegetation (trees, shrubs, ground covers) will be removed from site? acres. 5. Will any mature forest (over 100 years old) or other locally -important vegetation be removed by this project? ❑Yes ONO 6. If single phase project: Anticipated period of construction months, (including demolition). 7. If multi -phased: a. Total number of phases anticipated (number). b. Anticipated date of commencement phase 1 month year, (including demolition). c. Approximate completion date of final phase month year. d. Is phase 1 functionally dependent on subsequent phases? ❑Yes ❑No 8. Will blasting occur during construction? ❑Yes ❑No 9. Number of jobs generated: during construction after project is complete 10. Number of jobs eliminated by this project 11. Will project require relocation of any projects or facilities? ❑Yes ❑No If yes, explain 12. Is surface liquid waste disposal involved? OYes ❑NO a. If yes, indicate type of waste (sewage, industrial, etc.) and amount b. Name of water body into which effluent will be discharged 13. Is subsurface liquid waste disposal involved? ❑Yes ❑No Type 14. Will surface area of an existing water body increase or decrease by proposal? ❑Yes Explain 15. Is project or any portion of project located in a 100 year flood plain? ❑Yes 16. Will the project generate solid waste? ❑Yes ❑No a. If yes, what is the amount per month tons b. If yes, will an existing solid waste facility be used? ❑Yes ❑No c. If yes, give name ; location d. Will any wastes not go into a sewage disposal system or into a sanitary landfill? e. If Yes, explain ❑No ❑No ❑Yes ❑No 17. Will the project involve the disposal of solid waste? ❑Yes ❑No a. If yes, what is the anticipated rate of disposal? tons/month. b. If yes, what is the anticipated site life? years. 18. Will project use herbicides or pesticides? ❑Yes ❑No 19. Will project routinely produce odors (more than one hour per day)? ❑Yes ❑No 20. Will project produce operating noise exceeding the local ambient noise levels? ❑Yes ❑NO 21. Will project result in an increase in energy use? ❑Yes ❑No If yes , indicate type(s) 22. If water supply is from wells, indicate pumping capacity gallons/minute. 23. Total anticipated water usage per day gallons/day. 24. Does project involve Local, State or Federal funding? ❑Yes ❑No If Yes, explain 4 25. Approvals Required: Type Submittal Date City, Town, Village Board ❑Yes ❑No City, Town, Village Planning Board 0-Yes ❑No City, Town Zoning Board ❑Yes ONO City, County Health Department ❑Yes ❑No Other Local Agencies ❑Yes ❑No Other Regional Agencies ❑Yes ❑No State Agencies ❑Yes ❑No Federal Agencies ❑Yes ❑No C. Zoning and Planning Information 1 . Does proposed action involve a planning or zoning decision? ®Yes ONO If Yes, indicate decision required: 13zoning amendment ❑zoning variance ❑special use permit ❑subdivision ❑site plan ❑new/revision of master plan ❑resource management plan $]other special axrap tirm 2. What is the zoning classification(s)of the site? HB and R-40 3. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the present zoning? construction of three (3) addi tonal single family dwellings nn varnnr R-40 lnts 4. What is the proposed zoning of the site? General Business District 5. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the proposed zoning? no additional development planned with the exception of possible improvement of existing parking lot on vacant lot 24 1 6. Is the proposed action consistent with the recommended uses in adopted local land use plans? )�7Yes ❑Nc 7. What are the predominant land use(s) and zoning classifications within a Y mile radius of proposed action? General Business District, Hamlet Business District, R-40 District 8 Is the proposed action compatible with adjoining/surrounding land uses within a 'A mile? Eyes ONO 9. If the proposed action is the subdivision of land, how many lots are proposed? n/a a. What is the minimum lot size proposed? 10. Will proposed action require any authorization(s) for the formation of sewer or water districts? ❑Yes IDNc 11. Will the proposed action create a demand for any community provided services (recreation, education, police, fire protection)? ❑Yes QNo a. If yes, is existing capacity sufficient to handle projected demand? Dyes ❑No 12. Will the proposed action result in the generation of traffic significantly above present levels? ❑Yes QNo a. If yes, is the existing road network adequate to handle the additional traffic? Dyes ❑No - D. Informational Details Attach any additional information as may be needed to clarify your project. If there are or may be any adverse impacts associated with your proposal, please discuss such impacts and the measures which you propose to mitigate or avoid them. See attached. E. Verification I certify that the information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge. Applicant/Sponsor Name Richard F. Milllen TTT & William g M„l ton Date ( -2,—Ci Signature ��Q /A S 1A"0—a —� It ��—�`'�Trtle awl'-Cu-qf . If the action is in the Coastal Area, and you are a stale agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment. 5 Addendum to Full Environmental Assessment Form - Application of Richard F. Mullen, III and William F. Mullen's Application for Zone Change (SCTM #'s 1000-62-3-22.1 &24.1) D. Informational Details As stated in their petition, applicants seek a zone change from BB and R-40 Districts to B District in order to permit use of the subject premises by Mullen Motors, Inc., an automobile dealership and service center, presently operating on adjoining premises. Applicants have no plans to change the configuration of existing buildings on the site. In the future, Mullen Motors may use one or more of the buildings on tax map lot 22.1 (commonly known as "Colonial Comers") as additional office space for its sales, clerical and inventory control operations. The subject premises also includes vacant land, identified on the tax map as lot 24.1. While the existing zoning of this lot is R-40, the property has been used as an overflow parking lot for Colonial Corners patrons and employees for many years. In the future, Mullen Motors may seek to screen and improve the parking facilities on this lot. TOWN BOARD TOWN OFSOUTHOLD In the Matter of the Petition of Richard F. Mullen III & William A. Mullen to the Town Board of the Town of Southold. TO: RICHARD MULLEN, JR. ALBERT ALBERTSON, JR. GERTRUDE KATZ SOUTHLAND CORP. — ATTN: AD VALOREM TAX ANTHONY SOTO AND DEBRA L. SOTO JANET RYAN ESTHER M. PILLES CHARLES W. WITZKE DONALD B. KATZ BARBARA S. ADAMS 1 request a YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: NOTICE TO ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS WILLIAM CORBETT DAVID SZCZESNY AND ANOTHER DORIS ZITO That it is the intention of the undersigned to petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to change of zone and special exception to permit use of premises by Mullen r 2. That the property which is the subject of the Petition is located adjacent to your property and is des- cribed as follows: Main Road Southold New YOrk and designated on Suffolk County Tax Man Number as 1000 — 062.00 — 03.00 — 022.001 and 024.001 3. That the property which is the subject of such Petition is located in the following zoning district: Hamlet Business District (HB) and;R,40 District 4. That by such Petition, the undersigned will request that the above -described property be placed in the following zone district classification: General Business District (B) S. That within five days from the date hereof, a written Petition requesting the relief specified above will be filed in the Southold Town Clerk's Office at Main Road, Southold, New York and you may then and there examine the same during regular office hours. 6. That before the relief sought may be granted, a public hearing must be held on the matter by the Town Board; that a notice of such hearing must be published at least ten days prior to the date of such hearing in the Suffolk Times or in the Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watchman, newspapers published in the Town of Southold and designated for the publication of such notices; that you or your representative have the right to ap- pear and be heard at such hearing. Dated: June 4, 1997 Richard F. Mullen III and William %. Mullen Petitioners Post Office Address: r /,S,,,W1gn,SQoLor s . Inc. 1 Mi? tow c wrfoN SqaBox 1408, Southold, NY 11971 Feet t PROOF OF MAILING OF NOTICE NAME ADDRESS Richard F. Mullen, Jr. No # Main Road, Southold, NY 11971 (as to lots 22.1 and 24.1) Albert W. Albertson, Jr. Colonial Corners, Main Road, Southold, NY 11971 (as to lots 22.1 and 24.1) Gertrude Katz Colonial Corners, Main Road, Southold, NY 11971 (as to lot 22.1) Southland Corp. Attn: Ad Valorem Tax (as to lots 22.1 and 24.1) P.O. Box 711, Dallas, TX 75221-9867 Anthony and Debra L. Soto 560 Sterling Road (as to lots 22.1 and 24.1) Cutchogue, NY 11935 Janet Ryan Main Road, Southold, NY 11971 (as to lot 22.1) Esther M. Pilles Briedstadt Ct., Southold, NY 11971 (as to lot 22.1) Charles W. Witzke 56215 Main Road, Southold, NY 11971 (as to lot 22.1) lonald B. Katz Colonial Corners, Main Road, Southold, NY 11971 s to lot 24.1) Tara S. Adams P.O. Box 1074, Shelter Island Heights, NY 11965 as to lot 24.1) illiam Cor ttt P.O. Box 551, Southold, NY 11971 as to lot 4tb David Szczesny and another 9 Sandpiper Lane, East Quogue, NY 11942 (as to lot 24.1) Doris Zito 295 Locust Lane, P.O. Box 181, Southold, NY 11971 (as to lot 24.1) STATE OF NEW YORK : COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: ss.: Lend a #0 • TO Ayfs. residing at 609 F)?%i Sf. 6-4yw p o, ml being duly sworn, deposes and says that on the qh ti day of 'ltu.o 19 q-2deponent mailed a true copy of the �lodce set forth on the reverse side hereof, directed to each of the abov..•named persons at the addresses set opposite their respective names; that the addresses set opposite the names of said persons are the addresses of said persons as shown on the cur- rent assessment roll of the Town of Southold; that said Notices were mailed at the United States Post Office at _r22 ✓��ef� uy ; that said Notices were mailed to each of said persons by (certified) (reg4;ece4) mail. Sworn to me thisk' day of JuKo 19 7 Notary Public BGOUO NdVyPAk8WdNWYWk GwifNd h CDM°WWM Elq*n Much U,191 - Y. y TAX MAP NO.. L000-62-03- 7 NARY ELIZABETH GILBERT 3630 EUGETiES ROAD 8 -. CLFFORO SAI.NDERS. JR. BUNGALOW LA. AWTTITL /Z 13 14 I Is, 16 t 171 181 191 20 Y. N.Y. I1971 11971 SAD W. WADM RIVER, N.Y. 11971 11971 SOUTHOLD. N.Y. 11971 7LD N.Y. 11911 FE)t;IITS: NY. 11965 a lf- TO� G �� go 9 t ,4 22I DONALD B KATZ i ALBERT W ALBERTSOIV, FERRY ROAD SAG HARBOR N Y o 'y v 11963 LOCATION 24.1 ALBERT W. ALBERTSON, JR. d KATZ G. At BERTSON HORTONS LA.,SOUTHOLD, MAP ' 1 NY, 11971 J1 25 WILLIAM M. CORBETT KORN ROAD SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 26 DAVD d JANICE SZCZ£SNY 9 SANtAZ;ER CT EAST OUOGUE N Y 11942 27 GEORGE d KALLIOPE KASSA"TES 86 91 /88At ST. HOLLIS, WY.'I1423 28 GEORGr d KALLIOPE KASSW TES 29 PALX J d C! AFFORD BERRY 5106 36M AVENUE DRIVE WEST, BRADENTON, FL. 34202 30 PAUL J. d CLIFFORD BERRY 31 HARRY J. MITCHELL, LOCUST LA. SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 32 STEPHANO PICCMCH 46 ALADDdV AVE: DIAIONT, N.J. 07628 '3 HOWARD J. FRAUENBERG ARE BOX 60 HAWLEY, PA. 18428 34 ROY A. SCHELIN LOCUST LA. SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 35 DOR/S ZITO 295 LOCUST LA. SOUTHOLD NY. 11971 3f ANTHONY d DEBRA L.. SOTO 560 STERLNG ROAD CUTCHOGU E, NY. 11977 37 SOUTHLAND CORP. 2828 N HASKELL AVE. DALLAS TEXAS 75204 38 JOHN ✓ d RMA HOTTER 56600 MAIN RD. SOUTHOLD, NY. 11971 CIO SOUTHOLD SAVINGS BANK 39 NICOLO d DOMENCA MATTESSICH 907 WILLOW AVE. HOBOKEN, N.J. 0703 40 NICHOLAS JOHN d AAWA MORN 443 NELSON AVE. CLA=FS" PARK, N.J. 07010 4/ GALE A d ✓IILA ANN ALEXAhDER MEETIG HOUSE HILL CIRCLE, NEW FAIRFIELD, CT. 068 l000-63-03- 8 BLIS CORPORATION 82 TOPPING MVE R/VERHEAD, NY. 11901 9 BLIS CORPORATION 10 LEST£R M ALBERTSON P.O. BOX 695 56125 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 12 ESTHER M. PLL£S BREDSTADT CT., SOUTHOLD, N.Y. J7971 ;3 JANET RYAN MAN RD. SOUTHOLD, NY. 11971 14 ✓OHN d AWRY PETRODANGELO P.O. BOX N6 AMN RD. SOUTHOLD NY 11971 15 ALBERT d RITA C. COHEN 56655 AMN ROAD SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 119� 1 16 JOHN J. SCOPAZ CIO VALERE SCOPAZ P.O. BOX 1655 SOUTHOLD NY. 11971 17.2 ANTHONY ZUSTOVK H P.O. BOX 869 PLAADOYE STA noN MANHASLSET, N. Y. 1I030 26 EDMUND PRFS.SLER GROVE DRIVE SOUTHOLD, NDY. 11977 281 CHARLFS W. WITZKE 56215 AWN RD. SOUTHOLD, MY 11971 1000 - 63-ppqq I DAVD E ROBINSON 5B850 MAN RD. SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 6 PALL R.,,,R. d ELIZABETH N BUa11S 273 TOWN HARBOR LANE SOUTHOLD, N.Y 11971 1000-64- 02- 1 DONALD d DONNA S. BRENVAN 128 LAKEWOOD AVE. NO HO KUS N.J. 2 KEITH R. d TERRY A..ENSEN 112 KNE AVE. NORTH BABYLppµµ AY. 1/70J MV 3 RICHARD A. d JOAN It BECKMA8523 HUNTER CREEK TRAL POTOMAC MD. 4 RICHARD A. d JOAN R. BECKMANV 23 24 DAVD B.SHERAIAN d ROBERTO 1. BENTEZ 101 CLARK ST. BROOKLYN N.Y. 11Z01 25 JUDITH E BARYAN 78 I/ 351h AVE JACKSON NE*Hr4 N.Y. APT. 2? 27.01 FRANK P. d BETSY WDRSTKY FOUNDERS PATH, SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 - = ZONING DISTRICT LINE TAX MAP BLOCK AND OR SECTION LINE B -BUSINESS CHANGE ZONE FROM .HB d R40 TO B D - DWELLING U - GARAGE OR, SHED 1000-64-02- 29.1 DARLEIE WDIRSTKY 250 KORN ROAD SOUTIADLD N.Y. I1971 30 JOHN d MARTHA OHLMA/1/N 1/8 48 ZEC Sr. CAABl�IA HEIGHTS , N.Y. 31 JOHN B. d ELIZABETH MMCIK SOTHOLO, AY 11971 54 JOAN ARNISTEN /0 DOWNING ST. NEW ORK N.Y. APT.ZX 10014 55 MICHEL WAL TER d WAL TER NA MAW 44i Rb LOCUST LA. SOUTHOLD N.Y. 11971 32 BERRY B. d SANDRA K. NOV/CK 1680 YORK AVE., N Y. N. Y. APT I E. MAP PREPARED FOR ZONE CHANGE AT SOUTHOLD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK GOtNrY, N Y. woo-e4-03-221&241 Scale: 1" = 200" May 7, 1997 APPLICANTS RICHARD F. MULLEN ill WILLIAM F. MULLEN CIO MULLEN MOTORS MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, N.Y 11971 97-173 MAIN ROAD (N.YS. N 87.02'00' E. 100.00' r Q4 A" ,o ^ iV rM c o ' N i y P O> {no--. 6--vo- 0' W. z �0 'T 8 /. S. 11S59.69 0 2 SOT 33 ?� o 27 LO 1t a o OT L mom. AREA = 1.2484 Acres N. 85*37*00' E. 0 Rte. 25) 98.92' m e m O V . gr.5 s 26 m? �� T �62:66ged) 16Z'9) O Ce �. OT 3 O o \ & jani T moo may 50• W. David S' 13 225 Nl $ZC OT ZesnY i g N`010� td' Uf \ G �a C N ADDITIONALLY TO COAPLY WITH SAD LAW THE TERM ALTERED BY' AAJBT BE USED BY ANY AND ALL "VEYORS UTILIZAW6 A COPY OF AA00IP*R S(ATVFYOli'S AAAP. r0mS SUCH AS WSPECTED' AND /PtosP¢ 95-21-97 zi SURVEY OF PROPER T Y AT SOUTHOLD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, N. Y. 1000 - 62 - 03 - 22.1 & 24.1 Scale: 1" = 40' May 6, 1997 CERTIFIED TO, RICHARD F. MULLEN III WILLIAM F. MULLEN LOT NUMBERS ARE REFERENCED TO MAP OF PROPERTY OF JENAW A. COCHRAN" FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK AS MAP NO. 399. OF S/SE NF\ 'ONTT. MFTr P. 0. BOX 909 1230 TRAVELI SOUTHOLD, N. '.S. LIC. NO. 49618 P.C. STREET 11971 Ms, Betty Neville, Town Clerk Southold Town Board Town Hall, 53095 Main Road PO Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Dear Ms. Neville: NELSON. POPE & VOORHIS, LLC C N V - O N M E N T A L - F I-< N N ING - C O N P IJ L T I N G CHARLES J. VOORHIS. CEP, AICP - ARTHUR J. KOERBER, PE. - VINCENT G, OONNELLY, PE. •VICTOR BEERRT. PE. • JOSEPH R. EPIFANIA, RE. • ROBERT G. NELSON, JR, P E. May 24, 1999 CHRISTOPHER W ROBINSON. P.E RECEIVED C `3 ; Ssf Jn` MAY 2 4 1999 Southold Town CIE& Re, Review of EAF Part III Richard F. Mullen III and William Mullen Zone Change Application SCTM No. 1000-61-03-22,1 & 24.1. NP&V Job No. 97208 As per the request of the Southold Town Board, (as SEQRA-designated Lead Agency) we have completed a review of the above -referenced document. This review is intended to: 1) examine the EAF Part III for completeness with respect to the items presented in the September 10, 1998 review (attached); 2) comment on. the responses; provided by the Applicant, and; 3) provide recommendations to the Board regarding environmental issues and compliance. It should be noted that as this application has been classified as a Type I action, a Conditioned Negative Declaration (CND) is not allowed. - That is, it is not possible for the Lead Agency to issue a Negative Declaration on the application, with an accompanying, list of conditions which the Applicant must first satisfy. As a result, only a Negative Declaration or Positive Declaration is allowed. The EAF Part III generally addresses those items referenced in the September 10, 1998 correspondence from this office with respect to visual impacts, cutting of trees on the property, land use conflicts and traffic. However, the document leaves some questions incompletely addressed in regard to growth -inducing aspects, traffic (parking), and aesthetic impacts (lighting). The traffic engineering examination prepared for the EAF Part III by Dunn Engineering Associates P.C. clearly demonstrates that the Mullen Motors dealership has a deficit of parking. The on -site parking supply occasionally does. not. meet the demand for, customer and employee parking, vehicle storage and cars stored prior to servicing. The study indicates that there are times when vehicles are parked on the adjacent site. Increasing on -site parking will address this existing demand. There is no •increase in the parking demand and no additional outdoor storage and sales area as a result of this application. 572 WA).T WHI TMAN ROOD, MELV ILLS. NY 11747-Z18a (518) 4H7-5Ei55 FAX (0151 4a7.56eO Mullen Mown EAF Part III Review NIP&V No. 97208 After review of the balance of the EAF Part M provided by the Applicant, this office recommends that acceptance of the document be held in abeyance pending provision of additional details in the below -listed areas. The reviewer acknowledges the effort taken by and on the behalf of the Applicant to provide the Lead Agency with specific information in regard to the planned project, as well as to provide mitigation measures, which will alleviate impacts. However, in consideration of the quality of life issues involved in this application, we recommend that the Board consider obtaining specific details in certain matters, as follows-. What, if anything, is the Applicant planning to do about the reduction in parking space available for Colonial Comer patrons? At present, the lot to be converted to Mullen Motors parking is presently used for overflow parking for Colonial Comers, as Colonial corners has insufficient parking. • Specify the planned height of the new lighting poles, as well as any design or operation measures taken in this matter which would reduce or eliminate potential impacts to the adjacent residences from fugitive lighting. (e.g., reduced lighting intensity, reduced number of lighting fixtures, reduced hours of lighting, shrouds, reoriented lighting direction). Specify the minimum height and/or diameter at breast height (dbh) for the 5 new street trees on Locust Avenue, to replace the 5 large trees that were cut down. Is the Applicant willing to agree to a number of Covenants and Restrictions (C&R's) in regard to the traffic and operation of the facility? If so, following are suggested C&Ws: 1. No access to Locust Avenue from the new parking lot. 2. No Certificate of occupancy for the new parking lot until all landscaping, lighting, drainage systems, etc. are completed, for both parking lots. I Cessation of the existing auto storage, parking, and outdoor repair work along west side of the Mullen Motors building. 4. No test driving by Mullen employees on residential side streets in the vicinity. 5. No parking, unloading/loading, or use of side streets in the vicinity by trucks related to Mullen Motors. 6. Limitations on the hours when such deliveries are allowed, to SAM-5PM, weekdays. To provide additional parking mitigation in the vicinity, and to further protect the "rural feel" of the Town, the Town could install `No Parking" signs on Cottage Place along the Mullen Motors property, as well as on the south side of Main Road along the frontage of site. In regard to the potential for impact if the Colonial Comers site is redeveloped, the BAF Part III states' The applicant acknowledges that there has been speculation that Mullen Motors' intention is to expand onto the Colonial Corners property. However, Mullen Motors has Page 2 be • d -ieioi Mullen Motors EAF Part III Review NP&V No. 97208 no current plans for expansion. If, at sometime in the future, business demands were such that an expansion was contemplated, the applicant would be required to file the appropriate applications with the Town of Southold and would be subject to environmental review pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 6127. As indicated in The SEQ 4 Handbook (NYSDEC 1992, page 22), review of the impacts of future actions are not required if such actions are speculative, may not occur, and are functionally independent of each other (pg. 22). The Applicant is not contemplating redevelopment of the Colonial Corners site at this time. When and if such action is taken, the required application would be based upon a specific Site Plan and would require a separate, full review under SEQRA. As a CND is not an option, the proposed C&R's must be incorporated into the actual project, if a Negative Declaration is to be supported. In this way, the concerns of the community will be addressed, while the community and Applicant will benefit from the improved operations on the project site. The project will address the current insufficiency of parking on the adjacent Mullen Motors property, while the proposed landscaping and prohibition of access to Locust Avenue will mitigate aesthetic impacts for the adjacent and nearby residences. If implemented in conformance with Town standards and the accompanying C&R's, the proposed lighting would not significantly impact the adjacent residences. Therefore, the proposed project is not anticipated to result in significant adverse environmental impacts, and in fact would represent a significant improvement in the overall environmental quality of the operation now present on the site. If there are any new or unsatisfied concerns of the Town Board, the option to issue a Positive Declaration remains, followed by the preparation of a Draft EIS. However, as indicated above, the EAF Part III adequately addresses the majority of the environmental and plinning concerns of the Town, requiring only a small amount of specificity in regard to certain issues to be deemed complete. Please advise if you wish further assistance in the preparation of a Determination of Significance. Thank you for the opportunity to provide you with this review, and please call if you have any questions. Very truly yours, VC is, CaEP AICP att Page 3 CAR LYN ENK ATTORNEY A. ZLAW D ] D ATTORNEY AT LAW � v 121 Ponquogue Avenue Hampton Bays, New York 11946 516-723-2341 SEP 2 1999 Southold Town Board c/o Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk $oVthow Town 53095 Main Road Planning Board Southold, New York 11971 Re: Mullen Motors Change of Zone request/Environmental assessment of the wrong action and requirement for an environmental impact statement as a matter of law. August 27th, 1999 Dear Members of the Southold Town Board, I am the attorney representing a number of homeowners in Founders Estates, a residential community surrounding the Mullen Motors car dealership, located south of New York State Route 25, near Locust Lane and Cottage Place. I have reviewed the Part III Environmental Assessment Form submitted by Freudenthal and Elkowitz Consulting Group, dated April 1999, prepared for the Mullen Motors Corporation. I have also reviewed the May 24th, 1999 letter from Southold's Town consultants- Nelson, Pope and Voorhis- which constitutes a review of the Part III EAF. I) THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM PART III IS LEGALLY INSUFFICIENT AS A MATTER OF LAW BECAUSE IT EVALUATES THE WRONG ACTION. The PART III EAF submitted by the applicant is legally insufficient as a matter of law. Quite simply, it is deficient because it evaluates the wrong action. The action at issue is a change of zone for the existing Colonial Corners shopping center' from Hamlet Business to General Business, as well as a change -of- zone for the lot immediately south thereof, from Residential-40 to General Business. The EAF evaluates only a proposed site plan for a parking lot. According to the applicant, the alleged need for the change -of- zone is to enable the contract vendee2 to expand a pre-existing nonconforming use by establishing an additional 36 car parking lot in an already 'Colonial Corners is located at the corner of County Route 25 and Locust Lane. 2It bears emphasis that the Mullen Motors Corporation does not even own the land at issue, and yet seeks a zone change upon it. page 2 blighted area. If this were in fact correct, why is the applicant seeking a change of zone for colonial Corners itself, when this is not necessary for the establishment of a parking lot? I submit that the applicants are less than forthcoming. If this was truly the applicant's intent, why take the windfall approach of changing the zoning on two separate parcels of land to a more intense, commercial use? While the applicant verbally assures the Southold Town Board that it does not seek any of the uses that the change -of -zone would permit once the zone is changed, these uses are permitted as a matter of law. In addition, there are no legal documents on record that would ensure that Colonial Corners would not be destroyed or the applicant would limit himself to a parking lot. The applicant states in his EAF Part III, "As no changes to the northern segment of the property housing the Colonial Corners development are proposed, no further discussion of this section of the property will be provided in this Part III EAF." (p. 1 EAF Part III) This is ridiculous. The applicant cannot fail to study the very topic at issue, namely a change -of -zone. At page 3 of the Environmental Assessment Form Part III, the applicant states: Consideration of the impacts of changes to Colonial Corners or expansion to Mullen Motors is not appropriate at this time as: There is no proposed plan for changes to the Colonial Corners development nor is an expansion of Mullen Motors to the Colonial Corners property proposed. Thus, such actions are, at best, speculative; Changes to Colonial Corners and/or the expansion of Mullen Motors may never occur; and Any changes that may be proposed to Colonial Corners or Mullen Motors in the future are functionally independent of the proposed action. Furthermore, any future actions that may be proposed would require environmental review pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 617. The Town's consultants seek to reassure the Town that there would be some control over the project through future site plan review and State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) analysis. However, once these uses are allowed as a matter of right, site plan review and SEQRA will only be able to mitigate harm to the neighborhood, not prevent it. To make an analogy, even if you dress a mule up in a silk skirt, it is still a mule. once the zone change is passed, you will only be able to minimize the damage to the neighborhood by way of conditions. A change -of -zone clearly constitutes an "action" within the meaning of the SEQRA regulations and must be evaluated as such. page 3 "Actions" are defined regulations at 6 N.Y., (1) projects or other activities use, appearance, structure, that: in the State Environmental Quality Review Act .R.R. 617.2b) thus: physical activities, such as construction or that may affect the environment by changing the or condition of any natural resource or iii) require one or more new or modified approvals from an agency or agencies; 3)•adoption of agency rules, regulations and procedures, including local laws, codes, ordinances, executive orders and resolutions that may affect the environment;,and 4) any combinations of the above. e) "Approval" means a discretionary decision by an agency to issue a permit, certificate, license, lease or other entitlement or to otherwise authorize a proposed project or activity. A change- of- zone constitutes an action within the meaning of SEQR. Since the change -of -zone enables intense commercial uses that are currently prohibited at the site, the new commercial uses must be evaluated as a matter of law. II) THE RECORD ESTABLISHES THAT THE PROPOSED CHANGE -OF -ZONE WOULD CONTRIBUTE TO SUBURBAN SPRAWL, HURT LOCAL BUSINESSES AND THE RESORT - BASED ECONOMY, BE DETRIMENTAL TO THE RURAL AND HISTORIC CHARACTER OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD AND TOWN, AND POSE TRAFFIC SAFETY HAZARDS. The record establishes that the expansion of Mullen Motors Inc. and the change of zone would have the following undesirable impacts on the neighborhood: 1) The change -of -zone would increase the suburban sprawl already encroaching on the area, by expanding an automotive use, one of the uses most at odds with the rural, residential character of the neighborhood; 2) The change -of -zone would be detrimental to local small Mom and Pop businesses as it would injure the resort -based economy by detracting further from Southold's small Town charm. It bears emphasis that to be successful, Southold's business community must be able to successfully compete. Obviously, we can never compete with the low prices that up - island vendors can provide. Our success lies in our small town charm. Nothing detracts faster from the rural quality of the hamlet than automotive uses. Their chain link fences, halogen lights, sprawling parking lots, metallic cars, and used car signs are the very symbol of suburban and urban blight; page 4 3) The change -of -zone would detract from the rural qualities of Southold by allowing general business uses which are much more intense than residential uses and hamlet business uses. For example, while residential zoning allows such uses as farms, horse farms, churches, and residences, the general business zone allows fast food marts, gas stations, car washes, bars, and warehouses; 4) The change -of -zone would detract from the historic qualities of Southold; 5) The change -of -zone would introduce additional traffic hazards into a residential neighborhood with small children, such as those posed by huge tractor trailers; 6) The change -of -zone would reduce neighborhood property values; These impacts are illustrated by the photographic exhibits enclosed with this letter. The first set of photographs (Exhibits 1A, 1B, and 1C) depict the character of the surrounding neighborhood, with the exception of the Mullen Motors Car Dealership. As you can see, there are some quaint historic homes in the R-40 zone, including salt box houses with picket fences. Exhibit 1C depicts the charming houses that existed in this area before Mullen Motors built its current parking lot. A number of beautiful, early colonial homes were destroyed or removed to accommodate this business to the detriment of Southold's historic character. Exhibits 2A, 2B, 2C, and 2D depict some of the existing businesses near Locust Lane that are consistent with the historic character and charm of Southold. They include the Colonial Presbyterian Church, the Currie Bell House Museum, the Thomas Moore House Museum, a Colonial Bed and Breakfast, the Federalist Inn and Restaurant, and others. Exhibit 3A depicts Colonial Corners. Colonial style homes, converted into shops, blend nicely with the existing character of the residential neighborhood. The architecture is consistent with the colonial style of Southold. The buildings are to -scale and nicely landscaped. The change -of -zone could allow the destruction of this entire development for `such intense uses as fast food restaurants and gas stations. Exhibit 4A, 4B, and 4C depict the existing Mullen Motors car dealership. This development is in sharp contrast to those depicted in the prior photographs. The corporate building is modern, flat, and ugly. Plastic signs mark the site. An ugly chain link fence surrounds the building. There are cars parked everywhere. There is little, if any, landscaping to buffer the ugly view. Exhibit 4C depicts some of the buildings of Mullen Motors. Note the lack of landscaping and the wall-to-wall pavement. Exhibit number 4B depicts the dealership once page 5 again. The cars, chain -link fencing, halogen lights, and the sign hung from what appears to be a pipe are all ugly and highly visible. Exhibit 5A depicts some of the very intense uses that the change of zone would allow. These uses should be contrasted with Exhibits 1 through 3. Among these uses are a car dealership, a warehouse, a car wash, a gas station, and a fast food mart. Exhibit 6A and 6B depict some of the safety concerns already associated with the existing Mullen Motors Inc., which include concerns about oversized car carriers roaring through pedestrian - oriented hamlets. The carriers pose traffic dangers on the very narrow, overcrowded County Route 25. They rumble down residential streets creating noise and fumes. They endanger small children in the neighborhood. Allowing the Mullen Motors Corporation to expand further would pose additional, similar problems. Exhibit 7A depicts the bright, obnoxious halogen lights already associated with the facility. These lights glare into the neighbors' eyes at night. Additional bright, glaring lights would be needed to illuminate the cars, increasing this nuisance further. Exhibit 8 depicts the damage already inflicted to the area proposed for a parking lot. Majestic trees, over one half century old were cut down, some three feet across. Note that these trees were cut before the developers received permission from the Town of Southold to construct a parking lot. Note also, that a lush, vegetative canopy still remains which continues to help buffer the residential neighborhood. The buffer lessens noise from County Route 25 and helps screen residential properties from commercial properties. II) AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT MUST BE PREPARED AS A MATTER OF LAW BECAUSE THE PROPOSED ACTION "MAY" HAVE A SIGNIFICANT IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. The record makes it clear that the proposed action "may" have a significant effect on the environment. Thus, an environmental impact statement is required as a matter of law. The State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) regulations make it clear that an environmental impact statement is required for the proposed action. 6 N.Y.C.R.R. 617.1 d) states: The basic purpose of SEQR is to incorporate the consideration of environmental factors into the existing planning, review and decision -making processes of state, regional and local government agencies at the earliest possible time. To accomplish this goal, SEQR requires that all agencies determine whether the actions they directly undertake, fund or approve may have a significant impact on the environment, and if it is determined that the page 6 6 N.Y.C.R.R. 617.7 b) requires that, for all Type i and Unlisted actions the lead agency making a determination of significance must: 3) thoroughly analyze the identified relevant areas of environmental concern to determine if the action may have a significant adverse impact on the environment; ... 6 N.Y.C.R.R. 617.7 c) sets forth the test for making this determination: Criteria for determining significance. 1) To determine whether a proposed Type i or Unlisted action may have a significant adverse impact on the environment, the impacts that may be reasonably expected to result from the proposed action must be compared against the criteria in this subdivision. The following list is illustrative, not exhaustive. These criteria are considered indicators of significant adverse impacts on the environment: i) a substantial adverse change in existing... traffic or noise levels:...; ii) the removal or destruction of large quantities of vegetation... v) the impairment of the character or quality of important historical,...architectural, or aesthetic resources or of existing community or neighborhood character; vii) the creation of a hazard to human health; x) the creation of a material demand for other actions that would result in one of the above consequences; Also See 6 N.Y.C.R.R. 617.2 for the definition of environment. The record clearly establishes that the change -of -zone would substantially increase existing traffic or noise levels, thus triggering criteria Ii). The record establishes that the historic, rural, aesthetic, and residential quality of the neighborhood would be detrimentally affected by the expansion of the Mullen Motors Corporation; thus triggering criteria # v). The record establishes that oversized car carriers rolling through residential neighborhoods and pedestrian -oriented hamlets are already creating a serious traffic hazard. Expanding Mullen Motors would exacerbate this condition more, thus triggering criteria Ivii). Finally, the record establishes that a change -of -zone would create a "material demand" for more intense commercial development that would result in all of the above consequences, thus triggering criteria x. page 7 In sum, an environmental impact statement is required as a matter of law. It bears emphasis, that to pass a negative declaration, the board must determine that the project will not have any significant environmental impacts. 6 N.Y.C.R. R. 617.2 y) provides: Negative declaration" means a written determination by a lead agency that the implementation of the action, as proposed, will not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts... (Emphasis added). It is clear from this record, that such a determination would defy the facts of the case. CONCLUSION There is no advantage to the Town of Southold what -so -ever in allowing this change of zone. Indeed, there are substantial detriments from both an economic and quality -of -life point of view. The record makes it perfectly clear that the proposed action will definitely have a negative and significant impact on the environment. Therefore, if the Board wishes to continue with this project, it must issue a positive declaration under SEQRA. We would recommend that the change -of -zone simply be denied based upon the clear evidence already in the record. Sincerely, Carolyn rtLa Attorney cc: Town Clerk Town Attorneys Planning Board Town Planner Zoning Board of Appeals Trustees Code Enforcement Officer/Chairman of the Building Department Nelson, Pope, and Voorhis Suffolk Times Times Review Suffolk Life Traveler Watchman JEAN W.COCHRAN K O��gQFFO(,�-cQ � GREGORY F. YAKABOSKI h'Z` Gy supervisor TOWN ATTORNEY p Town Hall, 53095 Main Road h x P.O. Box 1179 1 Southold, New York 11971 A � �� Telephone (516) 765-1889 'JiQl �a0 Fax (516) 765-1823 s OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM TO: BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD FROM: GREGORY F. YAKABOSKI, ESQ., TOWN ATTORNEY MARY C. WILSON, ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY — DATE: JULY 15, 1999 SUBJECT: MULLEN REZONING PROPOSAL I understand the Planning Board has addressed the above referenced petition for rezoning but had additional issues regarding parking which had to be addressed prior to the Planning Board issuing its report and recommendation. Kindly advise our office when the outstanding issue regarding parking has been addressed and when a complete report can be expected as the County Planning Department will not review this proposal until the Town Planning Board has rendered its report. Thank you for your attention to this matter. �`I Owl °'t f CAROLYN A. ZENR ATTORNEY AT LAW 121 Poaquoque Avenue Hampton Bays, New York 11946 516-723-2341 Southold Town Board Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, New York 11971 a July 9th, 1998 RE: PETITION AGAINST A CHANGE OF ZONE FOR MULLEN MOTORS CAR DEALERSHIP. Dear Members of the Southold Town Board, I represent a number of Southold property owners and residents in the vicinity of the Mullen Motors car dealership. As you know, William and Richard Mullen have applied to your board to down grade a 1.25 acre parcel of land located at the southwest corner of NYS Route 25 and Locust Lane from a Hamlet Business and Residential zone to an intense commercial zone known as General Business. Numerous Southold residents and business owners have vigorously protested this down -zoning. Attached you will find two separate petitions urging you to reject this change of zone request. (See Exhibits A and B). In total, 1060 citizens have objected to this change of zone. Recently, I forwarded another protest petition to you, wherein adjoining property owners and property owners opposite the Mullen Motors site, objected to this change of zone. Under Town Law section 265, a super majority (five affirmative votes) of the Town Board is now required to change the zone. I opposed this change of September 1997 based upo experience in the Towns Island as a Planner and South Fork. The Group fo environmental protection zone by sworn affirmation on the 29th day of n fifteen years of land use planning of Southampton, East Hampton, and Shelter Environmental Attorney with the Group for the r the South Fork is the East End's leading organization. I emphasized that officials had assessed the wrong action under the State Environmental Quality Review Act, namely a parking lot proposal", when in fact the application before the board is for a comprehensive change of zone, which would run with the land and allow numerous uses. These uses, if allowed, would downgrade this neighborhood, create suburban sprawl, hurt local businesses that depend on small down town charm to survive, and invite tacky automobile -intensive and other page 2 highly intensive uses. This change of zone would restrict neither Mullen Motors or future property owners to one use. I also emphasized that residential zones are far less commercial and more attractive zones, allowing for such uses as farms, horse farms, vineyards, churches, libraries, art galleries, and museums. These uses contrast sharply with the uses allowed in the General Business zone like fast food restaurants, (7-11s, McDonalds etc.) warehouses, gas stations, car washes, bars, and food processing plants. I informed you that the change of zone would allow "Colonial Corners" to be torn down and converted to intense, unattractive commercial uses since there is no legal guarantee that the developer would stick to casual verbal representations that the property would only be used for a parking lot and not for other uses. Sprawling suburban parking lots have bright flood lights that disturb residents, degrade neighborhoods, and reduce property values. They have no place in historic Southold. PLEASE REJECT THIS CHANGE OF ZONE REQUEST consistent with the will of your constituency, and preserve the rural charm of Southold and local business interests. Sincerely, -A-4Carol Ze Atto ey a Law cc: Town Attorney Planning Board Zoning Board of Appeals Nelson, Pope, and Voorhis Code Enforcement/Building Department Code Committee Press P E T I T I O N SAVE COLONIAL CORNERS STOP SUBURBAN SPRAWL PROTECT LOCAL BUSINESSES SAFEGUARD PROPERTY VALUES WHEREAS, we are proud to be residents of Southold Town, a town rich in history, steeped in colonial tradition, blessed with lush green farm fields, breath -taking water -front views, beaches, and charming hamlet centers which provide us with one of the highest qualities of life in America; WHEREAS, we are disgusted by the sprawling development in western Suffolk, characterized by strip malls, car dealerships, gas stations, sprawling parking lots, and neon lights; development which has ruined the quality of life, replaced Mom and Pop businesses with national chains, and wrecked property values; WHEREAS, the Mullen Motors Corporation resembles this up island development pattern with its sprawling parking lot filled with cars, chain -linked fences, lack of a sidewalk, and sparse landscaping; WHEREAS, William and Richard Mullen have applied to expand this car dealership further, erect another parking lot, and chop down old trees and vegetation which would mean more suburban sprawl; WHEREAS, the Corporation requests a change of zone for Colonial Corners to the General Business zone which would allow it to be leveled for a parking lot, developed as a fast food restaurant strip, and allow ugly gas stations, car washes, and warehouses there; WHEREAS, this zone change would destroy the character of the neighborhood, lower property values, and harm the tourist -based economy and local business which depend heavily on their charm and appearance to attract customers; THEREFORE, we the undersigned, business persons and residents of Southold, request that THE TOWN BOARD VOTE NO TO THIS CHANGE OF ZONE: NAME ADDRESS PHONE SIGNATURE 3) t)1h9-9/r 3� -71 -7b5 - s '�-/ WITNESS-. PHa Thf V pl DATE S - ACiE.0 P E T I T I O N / SAVE COLONIAL CORNERS STOP SUBURBAN SPRAWL PROTECT LOCAL BUSINESSES SAFEGUARD PROPERTY VALUES WHEREAS, we are proud to be residents of Southold Town, a town rich in history, steeped in colonial tradition, blessed with lush green farm fields, breath -taking water -front views, beaches, and charming hamlet centers which provide us with one of the highest qualities of life in America; WHEREAS, we are disgusted by the sprawling development in western Suffolk, characterized by strip malls, car dealerships, gas stations, sprawling parking lots, and neon lights; development which has ruined the quality of life, replaced Mom and P,�,p businesses with national chains, and wrecked property values; WHEREAS, the Mullen Motors Corporation resembles this up island development pattern with its sprawling parking lot filled with cars, chain -linked fences,. lack of a sidewalk, and sparse landscaping; WHEREAS, William and Richard Mullen have applied to expand this car dealership further, erect another parking lot, and chop down old trees and vegetation which would mean more suburban sprawl; WHEREAS, the Corporation requests a change of zone for Colonial Corners to the General Business zone which would allow it tc: be leveled for a parking lot, developed as a fast food restaurant strip, and allow ugly gas stations, car washes, and warehouses there; WHEREAS, this zone change would destroy the character of the neighborhood, lower property values, and harm the tourist -based economy and local business which depend heavily on their charm and appearance to attract customers; THEREFORE, we the undersigned, business persons and residents of Southold, request that THE TOWN BOARD VOTE NO TO THIS CHANGE OF ZONE: ADDRESS rA PHONE r y�3 V . SIGNATURE ---------------------- wirNESS: PHd DATE /,. ' o PAGE H P E T I T I O N SAVE COLONIAL CORNERS STOP SUBURBAN SPRAWL PROTECT LOCAL BUSINESSES SAFEGUARD PROPERTY VALUES WHEREAS, we are proud to be residents of Southold Town, a town rich in history, steeped in colonial tradition, blessed with lush green farm fields, breath -taking water -front views, beaches, and charming hamlet centers which provide us with one of the highest qualities of life in America; WHEREAS, we are disgusted by the sprawling development in western Suffolk, characterized by strip malls, car dealerships, gas stations, sprawling parking lots, and neon lights; development which has ruined the quality of life, replaced Mom and Pop businesses with national chains, and wrecked property values; WHEREAS, the Mullen Motors Corporation resembles this up island development pattern with its sprawling parking lot filled with cars, chain -linked fences, lack of a sidewalk, and sparse landscaping; WHEREAS, William and Richard Mullen have applied to expand this car dealership further, erect another parking lot, and chop down old trees and vegetation which would mean more suburban sprawl; WHEREAS, the Corporation requests a change of zone for Colonial Corners to the General Business zone which would allow it to be leveled for a parking lot, developed as a fast food restaurant strip, and allow ugly gas stations, car washes, and warehouses there; WHEREAS, this zone change would destroy the character of the neighborhood, lower property values, and harm the tourist -based economy and local business which depend heavily on their charm and appearance to attract customers; THEREFORE, we the undersigned, business persons and residents of Southold, request that THE TOWN BOARD VOTE NO TO THIS CHANGE OF ZONE: MY WN WITNESS: ✓L tc r Sr c /n PII# 7(cS-ti l.) to DATE G' 13 5 S PACE# 3 P E T I T I O N SAVE COLONIAL CORNERS STOP SUBURBAN SPRAWL PROTECT LOCAL BUSINESSES SAFEGUARD PROPERTY VALUES WHEREAS, we are proud to be residents of Southold Town, a town rich in history, steeped in colonial tradition, blessed with lush green farm fields, breath -taking water -front views, beaches, and charming hamlet centers which provide us with one of the highest qualities of life in America; WHEREAS, we are disgusted by the sprawling development in western Suffolk, characterized by strip malls, car dealerships, gas stations, sprawling parking lots, and neon lights; development which has ruined the quality of life, replaced Mom and Pop businesses with national chains, and wrecked property values; WHEREAS, the Mullen Motors Corporation resembles this up island development pattern with its sprawling parking lot filled with cars, chain -linked fences, lack of a sidewalk, and sparse landscaping; WHEREAS, William and Richard Mullen have applied to expand this car dealership further, erect another parking lot, and chop down old trees and vegetation which would mean more suburban sprawl; WHEREAS, the Corporation requests a change of zone for Colonial Corners to the General Business zone which would allow it to be leveled for a parking lot, developed as a fast food restaurant strip, and allow ugly gas stations, car washes, and warehouses there; WHEREAS, this zone change would destroy the character of the neighborhood, lower property values, and harm the tourist -based economy and local business which depend heavily on their charm and appearance to attract customers; THEREFORE,, we the undersigned, business persons and residents of Southold, request that THE TOWN BOARD VOTE NO TO THIS CHANGE OF ZONE: I � r r POP WIMMMMINNEWME IPAIi+�-K'' I fM KIP"111M C'Jcs:= n�►r�61.{l��pn����I�...� R 14� / `� MOM= t/y(�.]j�►�1}, WITNESS: vt , PYIH 765i -Sf,�L- DAT �ACEH f P E T I T I O N SAVE COLONIAL CORNERS STOP SUBURBAN SPRAWL PROTECT LOCAL BUSINESSES SAFEGUARD PROPERTY VALUES WHEREAS, we are proud to be residents of Southold Town, a town rich in history, steeped in colonial tradition, blessed with lush green farm fields, breath -taking water -front views, beaches, and charming hamlet centers which provide us with one of the highest qualities of life in America; WHEREAS, we are disgusted by the sprawling development in western Suffolk, characterized by strip malls, car dealerships, gas stations, sprawling parking lots, and neon lights; development which has ruined the quality of life, replaced Mom and Pop businesses with national chains, and wrecked property values; WHEREAS, the Mullen Motors Corporation resembles this up island development pattern with its sprawling parking lot filled with cars, chain -linked fences, lack of a sidewalk, and sparse landscaping; WHEREAS, William and Richard Mullen have applied to expand this car dealership further, erect another parking lot, and chop down old trees and vegetation which would mean more suburban sprawl; WHEREAS, the Corporation requests a change of zone for Colonial Corners to the General Business zone which would allow it to be leveled for a parking lot, developed as a fast food restaurant strip, and allow ugly gas stations, car washes, and warehouses there; WHEREAS, this zone change would destroy the character of the neighborhood, lower property values, and harm the tourist -based economy and local business which depend heavily on their charm and appearance to attract customers; THEREFORE, we the undersigned, business persons and residents of Southold, request that THE TOWN BOARD VOTE NO TO THIS CHANGE OF ZONE: NFIRM 0.=Rmffi/. W4 M01MIU !>161A9�1 R e� n�i I / ' �I lmll �I I., �e�: VOWMIFIFIE PH#�( DATE 7 f�9� PAGE# 5 TO SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD PETITION WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS (HB) AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL OF LAND (R-40) (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP 1000-062.00-03.00- 022.001 AND 024.001) TO A GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE. FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT BE PERMITTED TO EXPAND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL AREAS. IT WOULD ADVERSELY AFFECT THE INTEGRITY AND VALUE OF IMMEDIATE AND SURROUNDING HOMES AND BUSINESSES NOT TO MENTION QUALITY OF LIFE AND SAFETY DUE TO INCREASED USAGE. ONCE THE PROPERTY IS DOWNGRADED ANYTHING CAN AND MAY HAPPEN. A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS, AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS. MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE. HOWEVER, FURTHER COMMERCIAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VIA THE LOCAL PAPERS i.e. TRAVELER WATCHMAN/SUFFOLK TIMES. THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD F. MULLEN IN OR WILLIAM H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND MAINTAIN THE RURAL CHARACTER OF OUR COMMUNITY. Tv SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD PETITION WE TIIE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS (HB) AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL OF LAND (R40) (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP 1000-062.00-03.00-022.001 AND 024.001) TO A GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE. FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT BE PERMITTED TO EXPAND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL AREAS. IT WOULD ADVERSELY AFFECT THE INTEGRITY A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS, AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS. MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE. HOWEVER, FURTHER COMMERCIAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VIA THE LOCAL PAPERS Le. TRAVELER WATCHMAN/SUFFOLK TIMES. THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD R MULLEN III OR WTLLIA:M H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND MAINTAIN THE RURAL CHARACTER OF OUR COMMUNITY. PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET I 'PTA FRED I M , � 11 l� In ''M 1 �� [L�C�1G� V P ._ ., f 1 M rfr U. ..Tim u • - .�� ' 'e,6 • 4rl CAM%f lIml VAN VAM WITNESS: / PH#�(Oj >���(rDATE A q PAGE#—L— TO SOUTHOLD OWN BOARD 11 PETITION WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS (HB) AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL OF LAND (R-40) (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP 1000- 662,00-03.00-022.001 AND 024.001) TO A GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE. FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT BE PERMITTED TO EXPAND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL AREAS. IT WOULD ADVERSELY AFFECT THE INTEGRITY A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS, AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS. MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE HOWEVER FURTHER COMMERCIAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTLAL PROPERTIES. WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VIA THE LOCAL PAPERS Le. TRAVELER WATCHNIAN/SUFFOLK TIMES. THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD F. MULLEN III OR WILLIAM H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND MAINTAIN THE RURAL CHARACTER OF OUR COMMUNITY. PETITION SIGNATURESHEET Ell WWI Ulm= ' Dd to rFJ PROM IPA MWOM117A 60 � IN, MINOR MY t —MI W . � WITNESS'j/)aq+TJp 4," PH#��LL��ATE I AGE#� TO SOUTHOL ) TOWN BOARD PETITION WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS (HB) AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL OF LAND (R-40) (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP 1000-062.00-03.00-022.001 AND 024.001) TO A GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT BE PERMITTED ND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL AREAS. IT WOULD ADVERSELY AFFECT THE INTEGRITY A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS, AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS. MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE HOWEVER FURTHER COMMERCIAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VIA THE LOCAL PAPERS Le. TRAVELER WATCHMANISUFFOLK TIMES. THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD F. MULLEN III OR WILLIAM H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND MAINTAIN THE RURAL CHARACTER OF OUR COMMUNITY. PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET # PRINT NAME ADDRESS SIGNATURE PHONE DArz si Tag a Tmj NV &S = 3i71 v �y/ 30 y o or �✓ 7CnS-/l7& �` o ) �c1rz/ 163� owh 4C&t 4A `� Crnh 17 S1 ?C(S-J� 8/a E' Mm"'w . 1 Ru;.'gffizA 146D-° - /16 i 3 AI 0 0 - 1 5 ) I nt fit' (a ,4mgkL4Nt ' - 3 WITNESS: PH#:7 nDATEPAGE#=f�,_ TO SOUTEOLD TOWN BOL.:J PETITION WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS (HB) AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL OF LAND (R40) (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP 1000-062.00-03.00-022.001 AND 024.001) TO A GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE. FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT BE PERMITTED TO EXPAND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL AREAS. IT WOULD ADVERSELY AFFECT THE INTEGRITY A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS, AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS. MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE. HOWEVER, FURTHER COMMERCIAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VIA THE LOCAL PAPERS Lc. TRAVELER WATCHMAN/SUFFOLK TIMES. THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD F. MULLEN III OR WILLIAM II. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND MAINTAIN THE RURAL CHARACTER OF OUR CODIMUNITY. PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET # PRINT NAME4rol' ADDRESS SIG NA PHONE or E �j 6 Vdiet-5', 1O4S leWn �f3/ cos - 3j 7i S-- 3 ) y -3- s 2 l f - 7 Y L (,-( V,a.. al ��1, � J c eI.l Et, ;'L7_� Rd • � iZL -, y 1 kKPWL L;f PL-ccwrc- ?:A" 6`r0 rE n tkkl luk- ' oka ' ykl -d Ch C" ll IOIG ) 1 i� d � E asp t_(Rt r b All ]0 I .S.Lud; � -,d� z " IZ qa 5 -7bS- II /�/ L A, �� l -zDe- m WITNESS: PH# 7rP5��F DATE�PAGE#* TO SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD PETITION WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS (HBI AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL OF LAND (R4 (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP 1000-062.00-03.00-022.001 AND 024.001) TO A GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE. FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT BE TO EXPAND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTL4LL AREAS. IT WOULD ADVERSELY AFFECT THI A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS, AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE. HOWEVER, FURTHER COMMERCIAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VIA THE LOCAL PAPERS Le. TRAVELER WATCHMAN/SUFFOLK TIMES THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD F. MULLEN III OR WILLIAM H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND MAINTAIN THE RURAL CHARACTER OF OUR COMMUNITY. PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET ©��_ ter.:: ��cn!J�1 a �,. � - � �• .�. s-" r .. IQ IWA M11111111 MIM11 CAI MMI111=11MIM wm/ / r mil•%C/vA �i' ` IV WITNESS: DATE �' - PAGE# S TG SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD PETITION WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS (HB) AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL OF LAND (R-40) (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP 1000-062.00-03.00-022.001 AND 024.001) TO A GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE. FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT BE PERMITTED TO EXPAND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL AREAS. IT WOULD ADVERSELY AFFECT THE INTEGRITY A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS, AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS. MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE. HOWEVER, FURTHER COMMERCIAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. 10 E 70 V U LD LIKE TO AUTHORIZED 711E CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LU CE 1 FROPER T Y AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VIA THE LOCAL PAPERS I.e. TRAVELER WATCHMAN/SUFFOLK TIMES. THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD F. MULLEN III OR WILLIAM H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND MAINTAIN THE RURAL CHARACTER OF OL R COMMUNITY. PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET # PRINT NAME ADDRESS SIGNATURE PHONE DAM 6j t� �.t/ ",. 'C� mho r �i i 7G s"•�'�i 3 �TAN;cE - o. SZ CZEIN N 601.17e //__ ✓ sJJL'U+/{1tgr ./LO//i U "� ��r� —J7-6Q /7/Y DPru, D SZCZcs v S al dove z )-- o l lr — �f LA R ENE d C 1• �� �— -1 6 ao loco 4 gy, J : /v Ho rrcR s6600 nlx'� 12� ?Es- /c72- /_- s. S 114k } ovH� 771 f J o�,+� / �� tl ZGZ WITNESS: In?rlo.uu &; <;/c Lr% PH# DATE PAGE# ri ' TO SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD PETITION WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM 11. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS (LIB) AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL OF LAND (R-40) (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX AfAP 1000-062.00-0J.00-022.001 AND 024.001) TO A GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT BE PERMITTED TO EXPAND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL AREAS. IT WOULD ADVERSELY AFFECT TIIE INTEGRITY A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE HOWEVER FURTHER COMMERCIAL. EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VIA THE LOCAL PAPERS Le. TRAVELER WATCHAEA,N/SUFFOLK TIMES. THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD F. MULLEN III OR WILLIAM H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLLAAI It. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND MAINTAIN THE RURAL CHARACTER OF OUR COMMUNITY. PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET # PRINT NAME ADDRESS, SIGNATURE PHONE DAB 1/a 3 00 PGA teWD SrtgX-3Y71 i3 3,- - _; f Z S G.✓I A M. �1 f 1 Wcci Q i►� ELF— [! iI Po -,ace 1 i b; Part S- -�3Od 6 �� 4`�-Lf tx ...t) l YG h � Ui-G`. ej VL �� �— / 1. a �1nG� _'LNa'."• ' �w'14 73_�— � �-b ?�% , z Z1/7 - -� l/ a errL-t-_ u— z 'lc) L.owsr L.P. r NamR T� oah� w ue C(9 '765_ -'3oo s �1 Ala gs oakiacon Ave,. o 14 G Lo ,� --- L� -1,,,7k - Hli//33YV' ,�6rti WITNESS: n , PH# -7&s-sy2G DATE Z�PACE# I 1 -- SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD PETITION 11 WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS (HR) AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL OF LAND (R-40) (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP 1000-062.00-03.00-022.001 AND 024.001) TO A GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE. FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT BE PER.YIITTED TO EXPAND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL AREAS. IT WOULD ADVERSELY AFFECT THE INTEGRITY A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS, AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE. HOWEVER, FURTHER COMMERCIAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VIA THE LOCAL PAPERS i.e. TRAVELER WATCHMAN/SUFFOLK TIMES. THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD F. MULLEN III OR WILLIAM H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND MAINTAIN TILE RURAL CHARACTER OF OUR CONIMUNITY. PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET # PRINT NAME ADDRESS SIGNATURE PHONE DAM 0� f �'� �� u T : ��ry ✓� ; ( u vi -v 1 7 L fd 4� „ / v��.i; F Lam, cicL — C � - E st vra%< lja C /a5 lawc� u�c '�'�- 517- fi g W;nL4red rl�i P.v-/fix asa c.aw�/ a9�-soda Sim oKI,+ICY1 r W 1 —!i try 2 c� /o CR+2oL r_ f 3 r. G �' iLl � c G P' d 13 A�meSV � bti 14 N2 1`(Ut-t(u `es- AJ.6*d000 1 Aure 'Arf'5� 4S7 `f ' ti 1I 'c 42� 6a4 &V ' aue a�oD �✓ `r�r - 32-3-14S�5- Nj 1 - S- i� Frc .J Rc ii /9 \l c n, I WITNESS: (� v PH# DATE-6&YfFAGE#I TO SOUiHOLD TOWN }BOARD PETITION WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS (HB) AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL OF LARD (R4 (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP 1000-062.00-03.00-022.001 AND 024.001) TO A GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE. - FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT BE PERMITTED TO EXPAND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL AREAS. IT WOULD ADVERSELY AFFECT THE INTEGRITY A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS, AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS. MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAhIE AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE HOWEVER, FURTHER COMMERCIAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VIA THE LOCAL PAPERS Le. TRAVELER WATCHMAN/SUFFOLK TIMES. THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICIIARD F. MULLEN III OR WILLIAM H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND MAINTAIN THE RURAL CHARACTER OF OUR COMMUNITY. PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET . � M E • �� � Flip Jr Ila .. , ..:_ . _ MICR M071 IRA EvAlmll""NoR . MEMO roml.!i7 i �riiLl�I: — m . r W. :, � , VI M021 WITNESS: TO SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD PETITION WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS (HB) AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL OF LAND (R-JO) (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAR MAP 1000-062.00-03.00-022.003 AND 024.001) TO A GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT BE PERMITTED TO EXPAND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL AREAS IT WOULD ADVERSELY AFFECT THE INTEGRITY A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS, AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE HOWEVER FURTHER COMMERCIAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE WOULD LihM TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VIA THE LOCAL PAPERS Le. TRAVELER WATCH JLN/SUFFOLK TIMES. THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD F. MULLEN III OR WILLIAM H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND M AINTAIN THE RURAL CHARACTER OF OUR CONINIUNITY. PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET PRINT NA_N1E ADDRESS SIGNATURE PHONE SAT 3 Y LIIUC 4-rffh<fl' 7 11 Ist 7 ! 2�Z1 Lr E j'0 G// !� /Z 4 ,�. 122 172, 3 "f-v%A Afj IA (L- CN-cA 44 04 fcL o s a A f P / YCc - d OR1:4wo -S'LT mac, f : a"6 /6ae-q A d AW C. '17 -oSo !! tss i 2 /W DN �Ic�,✓ A ��� �T.2 ��Yce s�! /� --ram / 1) _ 5 / 5 S3 l3r-rN GiLcC-N js ffrl4oCO cry 77 6%6a /,,, N ti-77 e9 G S n//s WITNESS: 0 nlf r/� ak- PH# 7!,<=-,5 ,:',DATE / �/� AGE#�✓'_ G TO SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD PETITION WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIA.M H. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS (HB) AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL OF LAND (R-401 (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP 1000-062.00-03.00,022.001 AND 024.001) TO A GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE. FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT BE PERMITTED TO EXPAND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL AREAS IT WOULD ADVERSELY AFFECT THE. INTECRITV A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS, AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS. MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE. HOWEVER, FURTHER COMMERCIAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BF %UTIFUL HISTORIC 1610 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. • WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE.. WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VIA THE LOCAL PAPERS I.e. TRAVELLER WATCHMANISUFFOLK TIMES. THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE. TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC.. RICHARD F. MULLEN HI OR WILLIAM H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM II. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND MAINTAIN THE RURAL CHARACTER OF OUR COMMUNITY. PETITION SIGNATUR-E S$EET # PRINT NAIVIE ADDRESS SIGNA i PHONE DAre \6' G(L,4 �u�LV n/,LZ r/L�r� /�.^ �(�:, 1^ _ �y �/ / z i. %' rr•l(,. �q 5CAlcl-Le421c 1, )4 5ct, 1 !ZE - -- --- - , - r I 1riYi 1�c�n co ICNA �' ' ( _ � 3 -7 -c, .6 7 cC. A; �•�� 7- 7c -e i[C r7l1 ty >l .3� ; -�cjIr E � ;4L`,e. - l /7-/Cr;'3 /� / y^ i� �r « -'W Dn i'o ) l6 67 C)hcLvL�/uy�Py nC18lY: t7 Aateeoj4i �`!"L/y•�� ,jilla ILl11.,2 %%5* �r�/ 7o �L1,� 'i" 4JS .4fi.r�" /,5'C Gt,Y'(� _ 7- , -4--- -- ^�3AViq4 is P /Je.}� aj�r I J- y-7-2-; y5/S ��( c r l" 1 f' WITNESS: r �i� r� c ��i� PH# 7!=.�JiDATE rl % c F'%7PAGE# L G/ TO SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD PETITION WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS OLB) AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL. OF LAND (R-40) (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP 1000-062.00-03.0"22.001 AND 024.001)'IO A GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE (B) FORTHE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT BE PERMITTED TO EXPAND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL AREAS. R WOULD ADVERSELY AFFECT THE INTEGRITY A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC ILAZARDS, VIGIL NOISE INFRACTIONS, AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS. MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE. HOWEVER FURTHER COMMERCIAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL, HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION, WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORNIF.R LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE: AN ANSWER VIA THE LOCAL. PAPERS i.e. TRAVELER WATCHMAN/SUFFOLK TIMES. THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD F. MULLEN III OR WILLIAM II. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIANI ILMULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND MAINTAIN THE RURAL CHARACTER OF OUR COMMUNITY. PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET # PRINT NAME ADDRESS SIGNATURE PHONE o re -74 )cc ILC._ _ e�Gc �`/77-0�Z(/S `177 3 r '171i s+.I,;raenm f �tvnj�C� (n yr— CIS / i, lb r S ,sr �� � 07 �� ,TZyi �%17 q , ,z L. s r 'c,rC' < ct 5Dr . 6re'-; v `1 -,L—tL z> Z ,L 1 �� " lE ltr lcir?s �%77A qc ,„ . xj?- ifc ilyr�/Z TO t 56 W 7 7-1cf /Ili WITNESS: �Al �F3 rL7. PH# a.z (DATE (/�ha E%?AGE# L L� J ` TO SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD 11 PETITION WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS (HB) AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL OF LAND (R40) (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAR MAP 1000-062.00-03.00-022.001 AND 024.001) TO A GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE FOR OBVIOUS REASONS A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT BE PERMITTED TO EXPAND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL AREAS. IT WOULD ADVERSELY AFFECT THE INTEGRITY A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS, AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS. MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE HOWEVER, FURTHER COMMERCIAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VIA THE LOCAL PAPERS Le. TRAVELER WATCHMAN/SUFFOLK TIMES. THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD F. MULLEN III OR WILLIAM H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLLAM H. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND MAINTAIN THE RURAL CHARACTER OF OUR COMMUNITY. PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET # PRINT NAME ADDRESS SIGNATURE PHONE DAM ( r• 2 561 a -70S 5 it i' EL ��. a 250 (7L5 5 fQ 4L A•9. MARKA *-s ;5 l ouNDcKS q V169M. XIW,,. -75 T-kae2`S `1lv 3 S 1r 12=q fi c°/ d4ce l� 6r z-�y° , Al`- BYo !u3 .l�,IAr� �rS-mir754"p A-& la K r a I o �S !o(- -mN A. a foF-a L-ocq 6-HNe E-5-gzto LL, 09 MELANIE 5A3.E LOC. ST L-NE —5 109 TVuE Nf:6R D I 1,00USE WA T-, S-qa(, � WITNESS: ��PH# jGS --7'13o DATE -AGE#, TO SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD PETITION WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS (HB) AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL OF LAND (R40) (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP 1000-062.00-03.00-022.001 AND 024.001) TO A GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT TO EXPAND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTLIL AREAS. IT WOULD ADVERSELY AFFECT A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS, AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS. MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE HOWEVER, FURTHER COMMERCIAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VIA THE LOCAL PAPERS Le. TRAVELER WATCHNLANISUFFOLK TIMES. THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD F. MULLEN III OR WILLIAM H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES A.ND MAINTAIN THE RURAL CHARACTER OF OUR COMMUNITY. PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET # PRINT NAME ADDRESS SIGNATURE PHONE DATE 2. r 3 3. 11 < _ d (�.I oLcA Jauk -4f -�?y!y a t F , deq �h S'f• C4EE�1'pl� : .e h�7 "�`i6J «Go U J A Y77—l?I"3 allo �'- AM ruses e P��.oFs<. o N GS��7`�3 •1 7 lS JoSEPrI t?Rsp 4o✓+oti Lamc 5-7Z_Z �Z ��• �LlZA d "P.0 ��• Gl-l�I�ivO 4'cd4u JWITNESS: `%( —j �/ Z� DATE_�PAGE# TO'SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD PETITION WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN IH AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS (HB) AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL OF LAND (R4A0) (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP 10W4)62.0(j-03.00-022.001 AND 024.001) TO A GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT BE PERMITTED TO EXPAND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL AREAS IT WOULD ADVERSELY AFFECT THE INTEGRITY A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS, AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE HOWEVER FURTHER COMMERCIAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE WOULD LIKE. TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VIA THE LOCAL PAPERS Le. TRAVELER WATCHMANISUFFOLK TIMES THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD F. MULLEN III OR WILLIAMM H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAMM H. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND MAINTAIN THE RURAL CHARACTER OF OUR COMMUNITY. PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET # PRINT NAME ADDRESS o SIGNATURE PHONE DAIS �S'Slneclleuia5 S �• E. �� L8 q9 aC �I. lu Meca$iJrC,hy IcrSEb36 lLL) k- v 2 )j hres �� aNfc ` ?&s STlsS Z121 ALQprooL U40 Pl-chatnjC LC -tl w ('o & &/z/L r-,Ib 3 rJ(�kr( , zi J' dws�S ±71 3�' 1;71, a er h) tj VF' -5(, N 1'L►- J �` �'3 l TO'SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD 11 PETITION WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS (HB) AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL OF LAND (R40) (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP 1000-062.00-03.00A22.001 AND 024.001) TO A GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE. FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT BE PERMITTED TO EXPAND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL AREAS. IT WOULD ADVERSELY AFFECT THE INTEGRITY A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS. MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE. HOWEVER FURTHER COMMERCIAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VIA THE LOCAL PAPERS Le. TRAVELER WATCHMAN/SUFFOLK TIMES. THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD F. MULLEN III OR WILLIAM H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND MAINTAIN THE RURAL CHARACTER OF OUR COMMUNITY. PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET WOMAN �l NMI '" ! 0 m m -MM�mff MV� - 1=111 !VA _ _ i -.. FE WITNESS: DATE f PAGE# TO SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD PETITION WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS (HB) AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL OF LAND (140) (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP 1000-062.00-03.00-022.001 AND 024.001) TO A GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE. FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT BE PERMITTED TO EXPAND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL AREAS. IT WOULD ADVERSELY AFFECT THE INTEGRITY A COMMERCIAL. BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS, AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE. HOWEVER FURTHER COMMERCIAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VIA THE LOCAL PAPERS Le. TRAVELER WATCHMAN/SUFFOLK TIMES. THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD F. MULLEN III OR WILLIAM H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND MAINTAIN THE RURAL CHARACTER OF OUR COMMUNITY. PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET �'�Ci—ir:L•!4)1�%74e ? - %i_1�)a�L'�• �I t'f��.�J, ��i9:i�1'+fwt. � r ,■ ALL �G�Y�R�r,�Cr}S�(+}.1�1� ' � : Ui7u TO SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD PETITION WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM IL MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS (HB) AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL OF LAND (R-40) (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX 514P 1000-062.00-03.00-022.001 AND 024.001) TO A GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT BE PERMITTED TO EXPAND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL ARRAR IT Wnnr n ................ .......— ____ A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS. h1ULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE HOWEVER, FURTHER COMMERCIAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VIA THE LOCAL PAPERS Le. TRAVELER WATCHMAN/SUFFOLK TIMES. THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD F. MULLEN III OR WILLL(,M H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND ALIINTAIN THE RURAL CHARACTER OF OUR COMMUNITY. PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET TE // 7PAGE#_L TO SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD PETITION WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS (HB) AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL OF LAND (R40) (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP 1000-062.00-03.00-022.001 AND 024.001) TO A GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE. FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT BE PERMITTED TO EXPAND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL AREAS. IT WOULD ADVERSELY AFFECT THE INTEGRITY A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS, AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS. MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE. HOWEVER, FURTHER COMMERCIAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VLA THE LOCAL PAPERS Le. TRAVELER WATCHNLAN/SUFFOLK TIMES. THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD F. MULLEN III OR WILLIANI H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND MAINTAIN THE RUR*lI. CHARACTER OF OUR COMMUNITY. - - PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET # PRINT NAME ADDRESS SIGNATURE PHONE DAM , o To t N 641,) t<--k T4 4, Z 6 \i 1 �0 1 a xz �� 77 - 6-3 sad' "S ��v\ M ue h (GIs'! tii Law x�r'n c 73 • ���3 q � 1, f' a 2ci 6� ti _ 73 y- y rQ D 'er < �C - aw 1 112 c(� 6 73/�l ,� a { , •iIllniz& 7411Aod761'52157 / my avl Lvc 1 . S� N 14 141 l/r _.. i �t 0 > A v)zIG/VT A 1 54,s WITNESS:_ /H U PA# C (nDATEPAGE# - TO SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD PETITION WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS (HB) AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL OF LAND (R40) (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP I9W4 62.00-U3.00-022.001 AND 024.001) TO A GENERAL, BUSINESS ZONE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT BE PERMITTED TO EXPAND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL AREAS. IT WOULD ADVERSELY AFFECT THE INTEGRITY A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS, AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS. MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE HOWEVER FURTHER COMMERCIAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VIA THE LOCAL PAPERS Le. TRAVELER WATCHALANISUFFOLK TIMES. THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD F. MULLEN III OR WILLUA,M H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLL\M H. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND MAINTAIN THE RURAL CHARACTER OF OUR COMMUNITY. PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET 93W, WE rlom �' Y grilli Im //�� frT.] �� �: �t+lrifly�Jl�l�i�►`f�. ram-. ' �iL&'4f►� ' / �s■�u�� WITNESS: 'a-e � �_ PH# 7Q,1�--Sg&ro DATE / $ AGE# 3 TO SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD PETITION WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS (HB) AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL OF LAND (R40) (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP 1000.062.00-03.00-022.001 .AND 02J.001) TO A GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE. FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCIAL. ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT TO EXPAND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL AREAS. IT WOULD ADVERSELY AFFECT A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS, AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS. MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE HOWEVER. FURTHER COMMERCIAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VIA THE LOCAL PAPERS Le. TRAVELER WATCHMAN/SUFFOLK TIMES. THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD F. MULLEN III OR WILLL,M H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND MAINTAIN THE RURAL CHARACTER OF OUR COMMUNITY. PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET Ila r AffilliMil ��,, �,� 1 0►,� err11111 1 u� m WE 4 r/ffi- Fro Wm/ 11104 im c c a,1.. ; , ." Ivy ► J iii�1►- ' TrT� ,:, . • rV .. . . jirow �So�- I L 7.--!::Qs_ia�� 77- - - - MT_ --n-�..� MANI �- - - WITNESS: � VLz S., r � a-L /bz % PH# 7 6 5 =5 �l d(c DATE /; �'9. PAGE#___q TO SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD PETITION WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS (HB) AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL OF LAND (R-40) (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX h1AP 1000-062.00-03.00-022.001 AND 024.001) TO A GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE FOR OBVIOUS REASONS A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT BE PERMITTED TO EXPAND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL. AREAS. IT WOULD ADVERSELY AFFECT THE INTEGRITY A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS, AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS. MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE HOWEVER FURTHER COMMERCIAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VIA THE LOCAL PAPERS Le. TRAVELER WATCHMANISUFFOLK TIMES. THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD F. MULLEN III OR WILLIAM H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND MAINTAIN THE RURAL CHARACTER OF OUR COMMUNITY. PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET „ ... . w I ���/ Im k will m/� IMINES ll `�'� �MINE'! W',� , �J I ; A- I .tom /1� � �_-=�•_.'/ ;,a.L���� ,c -� !!�i . Vol �' 2m la�,�M! -1t//.L WITN SS:� ��1�Lt : G C 1! r PH# 7(v� '.S �fi fy DA4 J _ PAGE# TO SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD PETITION WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS (HB) AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL OF LAND (R4 (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP 1000-062.00-U3.00-022.001 AND 024.001) TO A GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE. FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT BE PERMITTED TO EXPAND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL AREAS. IT WOULD ADVERSELY AFFECT THE INTEGRITY A COMMERCLAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS. MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE. HOWEVER, FURTHER COMMERCIAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VIA THE LOCAL PAPERS Le. TRAVELER WATCHMAN/SUFFOLK TIMES. THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD R MULLEN III OR WILLIAM H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM IL MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND MAINTAIN THE RURAL CHARACTER OF OUR COMMUNITY. PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET 3,n _ r/© IWAS plWo l -4�A. 1 ■ ��//1 �� ���� i ��� ��►..LG/.Za� IN - J W NESS: , r /ri aAA ; j� �1 �U+J f PH#. ? &! -5 -/— E I iLjDjPAGE# TO SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD PETITION WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS (Hp ) AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL OF LAND (11 40) (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP 1000-062.00-03.00-022.001 AND 024.001) TO A GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT TO EXPAND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL AREAS IT WOULD ADVERSELY AFFECT' A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE. HOWEVER FURTHER COMMERCIAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VIA THE LOCAL PAPERS Le. TRAVELER WATCHM?uN/SUFFOLK TIMES. THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD F. MULLEN III OR WILLIAM H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND MAINTAIN THE RURAL CHARACTER OF OUR COMMUNITY. PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET # PRINT NAME ADDRESS SIGNATURE PHONE o n OG. l)eiboro-A 205a s c n Q! LQk Niu 11 7 - Z--3 11-f Pio-L 1/ S 08, e -7S &LN i-.. ( date I Qr> t C�r'a+n -7t l� sgu & iz� i '. 4- ' /".1 J , �I6MA4 MCI EN? J5 IS-4 -197 7l�Z f QVj- r/esr(�: Lc�p�l t 7 )ft?'dICIAA L2Ld( 1�Awo CiA��'/( <L -/ //S11 // ,-t` (� J /a'�4c'` ld-�'^'l�d t�z3 nl? ��tk m 4.LLA `{Sbc OL��J�i LN e%-rrcl, Ill,le WITNESS: PH# 74,5- Y X(o DATE L PAGE# 7 TO SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD PETITION WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS (HB) AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL OF LAND (R-40) (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP 1000-062.00-03.00-022.001 AND 024.001) TO A GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE. FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT BE PERMITTED TO EXPAND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL AREAS. IT WOULD ADVERSELY AFFECT THE INTEGRITY A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS. MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE HOWEVER, FURTHER COMMERCIAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTAU. PROPERTIES. WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VIA THE LOCAL PAPERS Le. TRAVELER WATCHMAN/SUFFOLK TIMES. THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD F. MULLEN III OR WILLIAM H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND MAINTAIN THE RURAL CHARACTER OF OUR COMMUNITY. PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET # PRINT NAME ADDRESS SIGNATURE PHONE ogre !'2 J, riodt a %. kc i3S M.dHl . �t — 0 � - IL1 i 1`c. OiD PUIL J04 - r�, J }fv// I r-a - t3 . D O -e STU'rek&-A . G 34(-f l 3 32 �i J-174; I �</6 �,2� �5 ,acry Ike Id. , r -9sZ I aL /:ei lfj&tllx vV4"��� IL„ -S171 Z45 1(1 stq (11�r I-Lt �►l� � WITNESS: C PH# ! =S4? C DATE L - PAGE# Y I TO SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD PETITION WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS (HB) AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL OF LAND (R-40) (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP 1000-062.00-03.00-022.001 AND 024.001) TO A GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE. FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT BE PERMITTED TO EXPAND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL AREAS. IT WOULD ADVERSELY AFFECT THE INTEGRITY A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS, AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE. HOWEVER FURTHER COMMERCIAL. EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VIA THE LOCAL PAPERS Le. TRAVELER WATCHMAN/SUFFOLK TIMES. THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD F. MULLEN III OR WILLIAM H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND MAINTAIN THE RURAL CHARACTER OF OUR COMbIUNITY. PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET �i �'- I �e , e .�� ►.� '1� �� Fm � I / 4 �IC�\V!A11 l�� , I r � ..� I mow! ®gym e . Y' ll �E rZ WITNESS: �22aaPH# i(oS-Su7.(_ DA E Uq PAGE#� TO SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD PETITION WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS (HB) AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL OF LAND (R40) (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP 1000-062.00-03.00-022.001 AND 024.001) TO A GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE. FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT BE PERMITTED TO EXPAND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL AREAS. IT WOULD ADVERSELY AFFECT THE INTEGRITY A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS, AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS. MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE. HOWEVER, FURTHER COMMERCIAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VIA THE LOCAL PAPERS Le. TRAVELER WATCHMANISUFFOLK TIMES. THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD F. MULLEN III OR WILLIAM H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND MAINTAIN THE RURAL CHARACTER OF OUR COMMUNITY. PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET .. Lei g 1 0 .rm in iaf%/ died V�.RIM II�IL AYI NiA,WrOw I d .• . ����-h •� ��i� I �,�,I WITNESS: PH#74�,r-326 DATE//' 7PAGE# �U TO SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD 11 PETITION WE THE UNDERSIGNED, _ AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS (HB) AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL OF LAND (R-40) (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP ]000_062.00-03.00-022.001 AND 024.001) TO A GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE. FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT BE PERMITTED ND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL AREAS. IT WOULD ADVERSELY AFFECT THE INTEGRITY A COMMERCIAL. BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS, AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS. MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE HOWEVER, FURTHER COMMERCIAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VIA THE LOCAL PAPERS Le. TRAVELER WATCHNLANISUFFOLK TIMES. THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD F. MULLEN III OR WILLIAM H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND MAINTAIN THE RURAL CHARACTER OF OUR COMMUNITY. PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET rip �p//�A IN ► s? . ,.W, low r h!7 II WA l r/r _ , �'/ ° rI . �S�t/i"f ie�ti-• Vim] (//��I�C� • �rJ _ VA A/rrl ';�IFS// _ � FIN On Il�i]F���,,��.7�fI//al��F% rims i���I�Iitf'/,/.!/_,�. IfiZ�� WITNESS: PH# 7G --C;o1 A 7E / Q PAGE# %� TO SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD PETITION WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS (HB) AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL OF LAND (R-00) (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP 1000-062.00-03.00-022.001 AND 024.001) TO A GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT BE PERMITTED TO EXPAND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL AREAS IT WOULD ADVERSELY AFFECT THE INTEGRITY A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS, AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS. MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE HOWEVER, FURTHER COMMERCIAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VIA THE LOCAL PAPERS Le. TRAVELER WATCHMAN/SUFFOLK TIMES THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD F. MULLEN III OR WILLIAM H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND MAINTAIN THE RURAL CHARACTER OF OUR COMMUNITY. PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET rill : r - • m ►iirslUl Iva ,\ 1 • �I WMAN OR My= JFdI OF �iL'SII /F (Fri WNM1:i MR: .. / C&rChbf— 1 WITNESS:�a_PH#—�66DATE_17/9%97PAGE# /r% TO'SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD 11 PETITION 11 WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS MR) AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL OF LAND (R-407 (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP 1000-062.00-03.00-022.001 AND 024.001) TO A GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE. FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT BE PERMITTED TO EXPAND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL AREAS. IT WOULD ADVERSELY AFFECT THE TNTF.GRITV A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS. MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE. HOWEVER FURTHER COMMERCIAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VIA THE LOCAL PAPERS Le. TRAVELER WATCHMAN/SUFFOLK TIMES. THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD F. MULLEN III OR WILLIAM H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND MAINTAIN THE RURAL CHARACTER OF OUR COMMUNITY. PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET # PRINT NAME ADDRESS SIGNATURE PHONE DAM e�tn eu 6 �r� Cu% a1 1tn�I3tc� I ( r4 IDL 4 0VA (�, s 6— (- - C o > 73 GAc P&RMPE 3s dreHA2ll 51. ►rsuxracr �e�-----� 7� 60 9� i , 7 3 y -" a6 Ij i -Z"0/ /r P a.�ss C'ccruy k'd4 S- ) It 3oJ2S �r°d WITNESS: i.0�1 (� / PH# 9L, C -'a36DATE �/ PAGE# 13 TO'SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD PETITION WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS OIBI AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL OF LAND (R40) (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP 1000-062.00-03.00A22.001 AND 024.001) TO A GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCLU. ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT BE PERMITTED TO EXPAND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL AREAS. IT WOULD ADVERSELY AFFECT THE INTEGRTTV A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS, AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS. MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE. HOWEVER, FURTHER COMMERCIAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VIA THE LOCAL PAPERS Le. TRAVELER WATCHMAN/SUFFOLK TIMES. THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD F. MULLEN III OR WILLL4,M H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIA.M H. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND MAINTAIN THE RURAL CHARACTER OF OUR COMMUNITY. PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET �J .. MIN NOR Ilf%� M • ��N NOVA ter;, �-FA ]MIklq.1 r ,r,��1111Ri1.��./. .•► �:� 17 ( 7 W TNESS: '! 3LL[ PH# 7 4S - S1I ZL. DATE ! 1 < < PAGE# TO'SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD PETITION WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS (HR) AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL OF LAND (R40) (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP 1000-062.00-03.00-022.001 AND 024.001) TO A GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE. FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT BE PERMITTED TO EXPAND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL AREAS. IT WOULD ADVERSELY AFFECT THE INTEGRITY A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS, AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS. MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE. HOWEVER, FURTHER COMMERCIAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VIA THE LOCAL PAPERS Le. TRAVELER WATCHMe4NISUFFOLK TIMES. THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD F. MULLEN III OR WILLIAMM H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLLAM H. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND MAINTAIN THE RURAL CHARACTER OF OUR COMMUNITY. PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET •%:; A ! n i l7I�J1!II _Ni MA II 7 it —/ .r. �`�1�rLi! 1 p rfii . W r I • l • i �. IS V D I M! TANN M, W ivyiIi�. ILa 2m Al WIFIAmi", �;N7i1 • � 1 � ' � I , i'lill-iLS1 . � � r , < � .� ��� � L.� � - INf% : .. ►, ..a Mmol •� is ,�� I��,, , .. :. , ram,' ,�►, � WITNESS: a PH# 7(o' --S-Lil�c DATE t /1 ! PAGE# I L' i TO SOUTHO;sU TOWN BOAR_ PETITION WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM ILMULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS (HE) AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL OF LAND (R-40) (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP 1000-062.00-03.00-022.001 AND 024.001) TO A GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE. FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT BE TO EXPAND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL AREAS. IT WOULD AIn'FUSHi v a V W V r mm A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS, AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS. MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE. HOWEVER, FURTHER COMMERCIAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VIA THE LOCAL PAPERS i.e. TRAVELER WATCH AN/SUFFOLK TIMES. THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD F. MULLEN III OR W ILLIAM H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICIIARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND MAINTAIN THE RUR4L CHARACTER OF OUR COMMUNITY. PETITION SIGNATURE �uFFT . 1 ..• . Z. i AW MIMI n KINWIT/ ' 'I mmulmmul pm VA wa "10 RM v WITNESS:_ PH# �(�S - ��' DATE N 9 PAGE# 16 TO S UTHOLD TOWf{ BOARD 11 PETITION WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS (HB) AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL OF LAND (R-10) (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAR MAP 1000-062.00-03.00-022.001 AND 02a.001) TO A GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE. - FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT BE PERMITTED TO EXPAND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL AREAS. IT WOULD ADVF.RSFI V AFVRr TWV wTFCD.mv A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS, AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS. MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE. HOWEVER, FURTHER COMMERCIAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VIA THE LOCAL PAPERS Le. TRAVELER WATCHMAN/SUFFOLK TIMES. THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD F. MULLEN III OR WILLLVNI H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND MAINTAIN THE RURAL CHARACTER OF OUR COMMUNITY. PETITION SIGNATURE 414FFT t%EW, � FF �Morl �. 1MWE VIA WITNESS: <;�3- PH# G DATE fi AGE#-L-L TO SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD PETITION WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS (HB) AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL OF LAND (R-40) (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX , JAP 1000-062.00-03.00-022.001 AND 024.001) TO A GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE SHOULD TO EXPAND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL AREAS. IT WOULD ADVERSELY AFI A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS. MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE. HOWEVER, FURTHER COMMERCIAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VIA THE LOCAL PAPERS Le. TRAVELER WATCHMAN(SUFFOLK TIMES. THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD F. MULLEN III OR WILLL4,M H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND MAINTAIN THE RURAL CHARACTER OF OUR COMMUNITY. PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET ©�� .. �Q ma % i �_ 4w r ' �i ILA PIi A� l M Leh sIi bm %' mrLWl AUM ,•2. R i I y� tit ��► �'m Pro �3a1 •��� "A ♦ligm1m WITNESS:61 PH# fly-"fQ,S==a2' DATE �� AGE#-LQ-- TO SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD PETITION WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN Ili AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS (HB) AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL OF LAND (R-40) (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP 1000-062.00-03.00-022.001 AND 024.001) TO A GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE. FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT BE TO EXPAND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL AREAS. IT WOULD ADVERSELY AFFECT THI A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS, AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS. MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE HOWEVER FURTHER COMMERCIAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VIA THE LOCAL PAPERS i.e. TRAVELER WATCHMANISUFFOLK TIMES. THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD F. MULLEN III OR WILLAM H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLAM H. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND MAINTAIN THE RURAL CHARACTER OF OUR COMMUNITY. PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET RAI Ms a RUN•'.ate{�{� - -i.rai.���l'�� �_ ��' � r�ss��, ( lI�r/ ��� u� TNESS: �i� O t_f.J_ �/ PH# ' - DATE !/�AGE# TO SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD PETITION WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS (HB) AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL OF LAND (R-40) (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP 3000-062.00-03.00-022.001 AND 024.001) TO A GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE FOR OBVIOUS REASONS A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT BE PERMITTED TO EXPAND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL AREAS. IT WOULD ADVERSELY AFFF('I' TDF Tn WP_DTI A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS, AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS. MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE HOWEVER, FURTHER COMMERCIAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VIA THE LOCAL PAPERS Le. TRAVELER WATCHMAN/SUFFOLK TIMES. THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC.. RICHARD F. MULLEN III OR WILLIAM H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND MAINTAIN THE RURAL CHARACTER OF OUR COMMUNITY. PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET PRINT NAME ADDRESS !�GNATURE _ PHONE,/ DAV q /� 0 ` 0 �AI�eT' SWRNSo (i to 4.-7o , L s L✓K 1-5 7- 7 -7 1/ FI L L�l 1 dL\. A n t=1' ' t fps• r�,h �� �r V Y-R l<C' CY 4 l'' SSN1/ // ,p'IA rn/5T -f-) � 77, �1 31 Imo' A Ll rZ%SI Ell F2si to 'f77—o?i85' AF�a Sc ho44 S, wcoki St G! r l/iE�:NOR7 3dor � � �a -. � ..� -.� 7y-��i� /•lS p1c�,ar� 3Ua,r�ww, dW� V�II�i P bhp arlrhtr rl 323 —1Zzl Ali WITNESS: n, . ✓ Q� PH# 7&-s SZ4 DATE ? AGE# � U TO $OUTHOLD TOWN BOARD PETITION WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS (HR) AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL OF LAND (R4 (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAR MAP 100(1-062.00-05.00-022.001 AND 024.001) TO A GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE. FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT BE PERMITTED TO EXPAND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL AREAS IT WOULD ADVERSELY AFFECT THE INTEGRITY A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS, AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE HOWEVER, FURTHER COMMERCIAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VIA THE LOCAL PAPERS Le. TRAVELER WATCHNLIN/SUFFOLK TIMES. THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD F. MULLEN III OR WILLIAM H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLLLM H. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND MAINTAIN THE RURAL CHARACTER OF OUR COMMUNITY. PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET # PRINT NAME ADDRESS SIGNATURE PHONE o t ItM r l� C 01 < 4 Gvcc' a 44 i— 1 I.L Lc. v.t _ If� ` _ C � Sl. L SL C. LIL ---- •x� o:^I 1 o It 1,- 4q-� L/c-✓ qv. C. /I%LLti(w�bL `(,ct...� G(�..vtlts.._ i//� � z CN �,�pi ITV Q I a n u f F c o�A'-,�oKI�� !Ja VS (a I r5 �t�✓� 'I 2 I / ✓ // _ )7 _l�u�am( rCti 77)24pc+� ���7/'Ll c./ '-_1 \llC _ ty�_I�b ,ZC rlt 6 Or, d:JN n"r % —` 4 S I -1 _ „r�_� Plod,- A �, ///' - WITNESS: C PH# DATE Ill d� 9'-)PAGE# ( TO SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD IL PETITION WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS (HB) AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL OF LAND (R-40) (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP 1000-062.00-03.00-022.001 AND 024.001) TO A GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE. FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCLIL ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT BE ND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL AREAS. IT WOULD ADVERSELY AFFECT Tut A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS, AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS. MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE HOWEVER, FURTHER COMMERCIAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VIA THE LOCAL PAPERS Le. TRAVELER WATCHMAPUSUFFOLK TIMES. THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD F. MULLEN III OR N4TLL1,4AI H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND MAINT.4ILN THE RUR-kL CHARACTER OF OUR COMMUNITY. PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET # PRINT NAzzME ADDRESS SIGNATURE PHONE ont a n 7� Lt-7 ZZI;% r! Sf<ui %�cICU( /-i71-S 1 la mo�b// �a1I.3 al'lY'Ir�+- 1 J'L er too /�L-C y 77 a Ce,ne,m(:Ln) 3 e 7 �� r_ 77 K WITNESS: VYI Qr:_.., =Lk�n _PFI# 7GS SW7_(r DATE YJS— f7PAGE# ZZ TO SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD PETITION WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TO1Wi WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS (HB) AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL OF LAND (R-40) (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP 1000-062.00-03.00-022.001 AND 024.001) TO A GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE. FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCLAL ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT BE PERMITTED TO EXPAND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL AREAS. IT WOULD ADVERSELY AFFECT THE TNTHORITV A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS, AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS. MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE. HOWEVER, FURTHER COMMERCIAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VIA THE LOCAL PAPERS Le. TRAVELER WATCHMANISUFFOLK TIMES. THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD F. MULLEN III OR WILLIAM H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND MAINTAIN THE RURAL CHARACTER OF OUR COMMUNITY. PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET i PRINT NAME SIGNATURE PHONE n Y Illi !l, S y)ADDRESS ) J -,-1 J�W ko-[Qj (ROAD -2 erZ7 N/A i 3 d •�-4� 33- ,- Of- r4- 7 7 _ /3_/ - LCrc� iI f,11.2 Ijc G a3 -beILI WITNESS:MO.7(eS2bDATE*zPAGE# �3 TO SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD PETITION WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT TIIE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS (HB) AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL OF LAND (R 40) (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX NIAP 1000-062.00-03.00-022.001 AND 024.001) TO A GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE. FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT BE PERMITTED TO EXPAND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL AREAS. IT WOULD ADVERSELY AFFECT THE INTEGRITY A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS, AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS. MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE HOWEVER, FURTHER COMMERCIAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER `TA THE LOCAL PAPERS Le. TRAVELER WATCHMAN/SUFFOLK TIMES. THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD F. MULLEN III OR WILLIAM H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLL-kM H. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND MAINTAIN THE RUPULL CHARACTER OF OUR COMMUNITY. PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET n PRINT NAME ADDRESS SIGNATURE PHONE DAB Rbi��t 3A I ' 4 q�I 77—I 3 HT, % - yX y JHPa2.� 34a L1 JCS T N ST . yl C 5( t( 77 13a ii 1s 6vo. Vsclti i w e U m o - VL -Y U a 77 ZNs� -' 4� LwNN bt'crz� S 7 7' S &67✓a r27' i% 'K 7 < /< �,AL `1 L i S 3 !! WITNESS: i./ �I�i.>, r+.0 _ PH# DATE�j�PAGE#� TO SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD PETITION WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS (HB) AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL OF LAND (R-40) (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP 3000-062.00-03.00-022.001 AND 024.001) TO A GENERaI. BUSINESS ZONE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT BE ND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL AREAS. IT WOULD ADVERSELY AFFECT THI A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS, AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS. MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE. HOWEVER, FURTHER COMMERCIAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VIA THE LOCAL PAPERS Le. TRAVELER WATCHMAN/SUFFOLK TIMES. THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD F. MULLEN III OR WILLLA:NI H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLLAJI H. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES .AND MAINTAIN THE RURAL CHARACTER OF OUR COMMUNITY. PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET i n PRINT NAME ADDRESS SIGNATURE PHONE DAM 71 LLf3 - r nor FAN ii55LE. I (I q ISLoR5.4 (2-A) s= J a k N clin �JL .:YamZ27 - L c j lr7fi 0,4 N Kra _ LI``�yIJ�i J"✓.L(r T (/ �I GL � � � b/4 LLG'l� /YL' ;VI '� 3L1 �C7� i�✓ Lr �� /� 'fin / 1/ �� \o hn Fi r,�r Z4 C �' /�r.c L„ e L',-: e,7 WITNESS: PH4DATE J ( AGE9�S' TO SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD i PETITION WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM 11. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE. COLONIAL CORNERS OIB) AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL OF LAND -40) (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP 1000-062.00-03.00-022.001 AND 024.001) TO A GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE (B) FORTHE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT BE PERMITTED TO EXPAND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL AREAS IT WOULD ADVFRSELY AFFECT THE INTEGRITY ONCE A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS, AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS MULLEN 11IOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE HOWEVER, FURTHER COMMERCIAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1610 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTIAL. PROPERTIES. . WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW NVHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN.ANSVV"ER VIA TIIE. LOCAL PAPERS i.e. TRAVELER WATCHMAN/SUFFOLK TIDIES. THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD F. MULLEN Hi OR WILLIAM H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND MAINTAIN THE RURAL CIL-kRACTER OF OUR CODIDIUNITY. PE'iITION SIGNATURE SHEET # PRINT NAME �i7/k'�ld✓ /i1i0GV ADDRESS l •� =l7 1`1 '�J I SIGNATURE 77-74 c-c'.'�;cti PHONE re 1}{ �ILs• <` (�t � �.,� L`_ `t i cI77'.i .i _)i I)LI ilk 1 J �^ �:'»C_:,•ZG� 'r:'U— Lcfsc,vC cr f'=�i. K� —'r-i�r'�L'C --_:i C,.F-'�/G �_.___ �� i i Ak 4 37 6 If 77 Q t, 41Aa 3 r �/ rie v;'z x ( ��El�@Ar j✓ a '— 3 3 3cgal, 11 l�r fy, is < � •i-[-ct- .z,.. '�✓c eV '1 -; c�; 4' % . .. i L I; v-L. A) o A- ) 3� 3 ti S y 7 �— �� 9 3 E- E61_C- ' A / 1 WITNESS: �i.DT GL PH#�(a{'"SC/,?/o/,?/o DATE41 ' AGE#�iA TO SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD PETITION WF, THE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM 11. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS (HB) AND THE ADJACENT RESiDENT1.4L PARCEL, OF LAND (R-40) (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP 1000-062.00-03.00-022.001 AND 024.001) TO A GENERAL BUSINESS •LONE, (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE. FOR OBVIOUS REASONS. A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT BE PERMITTED TO EXPAND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL AREAS. IT WOULD ADVERSELY AFFECT THE INTEGRITY A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS, AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE HOWEVER, FURTHER COMMERCIAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NO"1IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE WOULD LIKE. TO KNOW WTIO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VIA THE LOCAL. PAPERS i.e. TRAVELER WATCII\IAN/SUFFOLK TIMES. THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICIIARD F. MULLEN III OR WILLIAM H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE, THE PETITION OF RICIIARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE, VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND MAINTAIN THE RURAL. CHARACTER OF OUR COMMUNITY. PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET # PRINT NAME ADDRESS SIGNATURE PHONE DAM ill 5-3 �`ry'Sr _ 1��;}L C•."C•ti/j�.i/`c ������`/�Y �I� kit r f r/ N / .Y.7�—;).'):')J Rix k70 5 7r`'5 �17/ �,; � LL 7 xl�yC/ l�N1 ti" �:�ir �V)tl,,'t•t�1� 3s3 is'ed %i��• ' A .CcJ)'dkiCC w f1 LCCti `,G[.�. 47 011 t 9 3z St C /,t �� • �� i� /// ��6 •7 �• 1. c ;Z( t./-Azr y p-7 4L4f c v L 7 / 'es q t7C44,4 > o •- S 7Lo,VT s r (/7 _ 075 / A,g N 41,YS ?Lc�Q L) �� z/ "f qq 10. (la 114e I I5o LL 1e E S vl l2 et✓ Ll 77'/72( N/� PH# -Z WITNESS: �''r IrS S�L�G DATE /r 4 PAGEN�_3 �� TO SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD PETITION WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS (HB) AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL OF LAND (R-JO) (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP 1000-062.00-03.00-022.001 AND 024.001) TO A GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE. FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT BE TO EXPAND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL AREAS. IT WniT/.n AnVFRCFi.V ARV V r V., A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS, AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE. HOWEVER, FURTHER COMMERCIAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VIA THE LOCAL PAPERS I.e. TRAVELER WATCHMAN/SUFFOLK TIMES THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD F. MULLEN III OR WILLIAM H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICILIRD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND MAINTAIN THE RURAL CHARACTER OF OUR COMMUNITY. PETITION SIGNATURF. SHF.F.T Rp ♦ _ME I M _I mac, I , _ I 1 J Imo, ♦ ��� r I ,:V rim, WITNESS: Wu e PH# %GAG-G�{7_!a DATE i� 7_ " AGE# zg TO SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD 11 PETITION WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAMM H. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS (HB) AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL OF LAND (R-40) (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP 1000-062.00-03.00-022.001 AND 024.001) TO A GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT BE PERMITTED TO EXPAND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL AREAS. IT WOULD ADVERSELY AFFRfT TUP T* Vr_nrry A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS, AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS. MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE HOWEVER, FURTHER COMMERCIAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VIA THE LOCAL PAPERS Le. TRAVELER WATCHMANISUFFOLK TIMES. THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO NLALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD F. MULLEN III OR WILLLIM H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND MAINTAIN THE RURAL CHARACTER OF OUR COMMUNITY. PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET PRINT NAME ADDRESS SIGNATURE PHONE ogre i -NA Lti( (2 _ // r cry° Sh - 9 'y s>, c. r ��-r " � N� Y 7 v� /,: 3S-Y bU10 .i r Au'E K�zziL_ N' Tb bc7,97 M rR 4 "Z( bv� I""^ 73c 513 JL Fi �� 19 ys' :tic Z fd'- 9 I�z I r o 4 I/ l ly/ I� clAY`A 1c4km nCS. tAA 1; i __ %/ AGE# TO SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD PETITION WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS (HBl AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL OF LAND (R40) (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TA-X NIAP 1000-062.00-03.W-022.001 AND 024.001) TO A GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE. FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCLV, ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT BE PERMITTED TO EXPAND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL AREAS IT WOULD ADVERSELY AFFECT THE INTEGRITY A COMMERCLAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS, AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS. MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE HOWEVER, FURTHER COMMERCIAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. W'E WOULD LII-M TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VIA THE LOCAL PAPERS Le. TRAVELER WATCHMANISUFFOLK TIMES. THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD F. MULLEN III OR WILLIAM H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLLAM H. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND NLAINTAIN THE RURAL CHARACTER OF OUR COMNIUNITY. PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET �s11,�� ! JW ��.4. (L., � � !i ! ice. • --e �.�. !" 1��._ - ��L//�i.tii��ar�.���1'�.�� ._ _:uLH•�] �lI/.'� fII'.�I57a � 1 ��� fL•r / + �. , --n� �, c am, . -. - WA 'MINOR ual WITNESS:lPH9 Zlt�'--,94DATE_4Ll#AGE# 30 TO SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD PETITION WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS (HB) AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL OF LAND (R-JOl (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAY 1000-062.00-03.00-022.001 AND 024.001) TO A GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT BE PERMITTED TO EXPAND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL AREAS. IT WOULD ADVERSELY AFPFCT Tur T w rr_nrry A CONIMERCLAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS, AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS. MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE HOWEVER FURTHER COMMERCIAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTLAL PROPERTIES. WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VIA THE LOCAL PAPERS Le. TRAVELER WATCHNIANISUFFOLK TINIES. THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO bLALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD F. MULLEN III OR WILLLAM H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLLA.AI H. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND NLAINTAIN THE RURAL CHARACTER OF OUR COMNIUNITY. PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET ■ RM. �3� Imo! ..��: _. . _. � / .�1�►I'; . _ ./l.. r �, �' . - _ 03 TE*7kGE#_ZL TO SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD PETITION WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIA.M H. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS !HB) AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL OF LAND (R-40) (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAN 6IAP 1000-062.00-03.00-022.001 AND 024.001) TO A GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE. FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT BE TO EXPAND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL AREAS. IT WOULD ADVFRSFI.V A VWF TAl A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS, AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE. HOWEVER, FURTHER CONINIERCLAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VIA THE LOCAL PAPERS Le. TRAVELER WATCHMANISUFFOLK TIDES. THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD F. MULLEN III OR RTLLIA:AI H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND MAINTAIN THE RURAL CHARACTER OF OUR COMMUNITY. PETITION STGNATIMF SHFFT MPAI Fri 11r�. T �% c��. r ►I 'f/�111//.Ili/,, �' �_•��' FA TO SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD PETITION WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS (HBl AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL OF LAND (R-401 (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP 1000-062.00-03.00-022.001 AND 024.001) TO A GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE. FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT BE ND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL AREAS. IT WOULD ADVF.RSRT.V AVFVr rwT A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS, AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS. MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE HOWEVER, FURTHER COMNIERCLAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VIA THE LOCAL PAPERS Le. TRAVELER WATCHMANISUFFOLK TIMES. THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD F. MULLEN III OR WILLIAM H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES A.ND M AINTAIN THE RURAL CHARACTER OF OUR COMMUNITY. PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET .. • �, .. I p a� Lcwo -ImOwl 1-_ %/. PAINNOM .. ,,-, u WITNESS:�PHA j4o5 (2G DATE l 2 Cl PAGEB To SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD PETITION WE'THF. UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F.MULLEN ULLEN ❑I AND WILLIAJI It. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL. CORNERS (Flfll AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL P.ARC•EI, r7F LAND (R_40) (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTAM Y TX AP IOW_062.00-03.00-012.001 AND 024.001) TO A GENERAL BUSENF.SS 'LONE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT BE PERMITTFD TO EXPAND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL AREAS. IT WOULD ADVERSELY AFFECT TILE INTEG:R Gr V A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC (LIZARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS, AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS. MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE HOWEVER, FURTHER COMMERCIAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING: WITH OUR RF IIITIFIll, HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE. AND OI1R RESIDENTIAL, PROPERTIES. WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE WOULD LIKE: TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VIATHE LOCAL PAPERS Le. TR,%VF,LF.R WATCIIMIAN/SUFFOLK TIMES. THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD F. MULLEN III OR WILLIAM H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM( IL MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND MAINTAIN THE RURAL, CHAPACTER OF OUR COMMUNITY. PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET # PRINT NAME ADDRESS SIGNATURE PHONE DAA, -gZ Lx)-sue,;1 a�yS , �� ���� s Frei �. c. f 7� Z Z-3 S_9 Z / 1 � p�"^• ���',9 'R z17�so 2G�rl•,.c�'zx e-"oj r 5 1 (z II Qh �Q r 5C� klei rsl I G �( (( E J z Ro fris7 L (// V< I 6k1i-'1A.1 Pp " X l . , Ljort2l Zd�(^15C-1 o �7 /NSA/ ✓G%G•C �i1.viG I `L-v-Z /c•ti(i � E /' •� : � o . �� i .. �/U U 7� r -• c s7 - �, WICK�` WITNESS: ` : 6 d PH# /6c: f , DATE PAGE# TO SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD PETITION WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM IL MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS OIB) AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL OF LAND (R-40) (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX h1AP 1000-062.00-03.00-022.001 AND 024.001) TO A GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE FOR OBVIOUS REASONS A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT BE TO EXPAND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL AREAS IT WOULD ADVERSELY AFFECT Till A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS, AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE HOWEVER, FURTHER COMMERCIAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VIA THE LOCAL PAPERS Le. TRAVELER WATCHNIAMSUFFOLK TIMES THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD F. MULLEN III OR WILLIAM H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM 11. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND MAINTAIN THE RURAL CHARACTER OF OUR COMMUNITY. PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET # PRINT NAME ADDRESS ) SIGNATURE PHONE DATE 523 zf ui S i CG z ys� / z. (I I '1 %S Ol D NIcYJ Wi/ �ti ) �s7S , QA I-z _57S 571 N - Ma x -72) i 579 J , .J. 4 1. rr i li 5°ar 39h E - u5 ' ✓P �r ' ss�t 1 k LL4s 4 13 S_ 4. i v'0 k xv sw Am F ( .570 �(as�� � _ Y'' i/ 7 ,7S � ru �� E i S'�SI � H < i 14 5� i o we N �n2 Z �3-�a� (r 1 io1_ i3�60 �3�2A� pU c5e-•uJ,vF.�-1~ IJ$ i12 WITNESS: lI(ili-�-� 1 �� PH# Z6 DATE 1 7 47 PAGE# r TO SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD PETITION WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN 111 AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS (11B) AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL OF LAND (R-40) (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP 1000-062.00-03.004122.001 AND 024.001) TO A GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE. - FOR OBVIOUS REASONS A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT BE PERMITTED TO EXPAND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL AREAS. IT WOULD ADVERSELY AFFECT THE INTEGRITY A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS, AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE. HOWEVER, FURTHER COMMERCIAL. EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF TIIE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VIA THE LOCAL PAPERS i.e. TRAVELER WATCHMAN/SUFFOLK TIMES THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD F. MULLEN III OR W ILLIAM H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICH ARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM 11. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND MAINTAIN THE RURAL CHARACTER OF OUR COMMUNITY. PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET # PRINT NAME ADDRESS SIGNATURE PHONE DATE 54 e S O!�� -�- E ,�/is/2� — I Mat nanatJt3 b m�� /- 6 L y L cry, v S A Ia An/� /" f i8� 6 If3in i l LGC /J S /tea CLn .... __.. . _.... l CA u r Yam- J�StZ�J?- 47 ELL ool 534ShmDa 22`lh F��l�leek, � N tn<�= okilvla 1A91i q111 4lLz�! "ib5 19C� �2z� o05 d i M-A I + 1690 I-'L14TTtl'L� °-W)m y P WITNESS: PH#DATE eL-VAGE#3`Z r TO SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD PETITION WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM 11. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS (HB) AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL OF LAND (R-40) (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAR MAP 1000-062.00-03.00-022.001 AND 024.001) TO A GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT BE PERMITTED TO EXPAND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTLIL AREAS. IT WOULD ADVERSELY AFFECT THE INTEGRITY A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS, AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS. MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE HOWEVER, FURTHER COMMERCIAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1610 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. , WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VIA THE LOCAL PAPERS Le. TRAVELER WATCHMANISUFFOLK TIMES THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD F. MULLEN Ill OR WILLIAM H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM 11. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND MAINTAIN THE RURAL CHARACTER OF OUR COMMUNITY. PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET # PRINT NAME ADDRESS SIGNATURE PHONE DAn C n (LCL riwu.( ,lo ; io &I i o LoPv:i3,� 5 -s Ii 712. 'c' l 78 " 4, _ J'�F 4-15 z7" ►°� - Q Load o ' P �--- �z .71 -900 tip: ,,:'' r... � � 3�,/ _ '�{� 31 y 0 rllr IVPJ'//^� 63i cue/,bS LiT MtrTf 0 - 1 ` k.. / o M c'C4 ��� 3S _y8-lo3aS TE I/ AGENy TO SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD PETITION WE THE. UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICH ARD F. MULLEN HI AND AA'ILLLAM II. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL, CORNERS (IIRI AND TILE A.D.fAC'F VT RF,SIDENTIAT, P:ARCEI. OF LAND (R-40) (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX AIAP 1000-062.00-03.00-022.001 AND 024.001) TO A GENERAL BUSINFgS 'M NE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE. FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT BE PERMITTED TO EXPAND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL AREAS. IT WOULD ADVERSELY AFFECT THE INTEGRITY A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC ILALARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS, AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS, MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE. HOWEVER FURTHER COMMERCIAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE. AND OUR RESIDENTIAL. PROPERTIES. ' WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WI: WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHO AUTIIORILF.D THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORNIFT, LUCEY PROPFRI'1' AND AA"ERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC HIGH T OF WAY. W'E TILE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER A"IA THE LOCAL RAPERS Le. TRAVELER WATCHMANISUFFOLK TIMES. THIS PETITION IS GENERATED NVITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD F. NIULLEN III OR W'ILLIAM H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LA" To oPPOSF, I'm PETITION OF RICIIARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLI AM IL MULLEN TO PROTECT THE. VALUES OF PROPERTIES :%NU VL\IN"T.AIN THE RURAL CHARACTER OF OUR COMMUNITY. PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET # PRINT NAME ADDRESS SIGNATURE PHONE t At.b C, 11141-4 Y4o EJAC&M •,Ur u l� •1� �;:� Fr ! e2tR1'C77,[�z� y 7G�7: O�% ^ t ALL !AI L44y,& T/ Ll �� l /,- OZ b S D / % /(c' 5— el < C/ / r Z- t I.Aue 370 i reW o- uA a9g9515 i( r� )-, - n 2 yy pap . , orw SID C F s 4 ;7 0/0 4 17 N 6r =2 12 - o. r IL t l tt 0 �„ as A!a f fi u�t cc � „ S y rr 7qq WITNESS: ice_ �_PH#?L/� DATE-AGE#_L-L TO SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD L PETITION WE THFF, UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND NN ILLIAM H. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS QIBI AND THE ADJACENT RCSIDENTI:IL PARCEL OF LAND 02-JO) (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP IOW.062.00-03.00-022.001 AND 024.001; TO A GENERAL BUSINEM ZONE. (U) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE. FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE SHOULD NOT BE TO EXPAND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTIAL AREAS. IT WOULD ADVERSELY AFFECT TIJI A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS, HIGH NOISE. INFRACTIONS, AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS. MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE HOWEVER, FURTHER COMMERCIAL EXPANSION INTO SAID STIES 1S NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE AND OUR RESIDENTIAL. PROPERTIES. ' WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE WOULD LIKE. TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED TILE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. YVE THE PETIT TONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VIA IIII: LOCAL PIPERS i.e. TRAVELER WATCHMANISUFFOLK TIMES. THIS PETITION IS GENERATED RTTH NO MALICE TONVARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD F. MULLEN III OR lN'ILLIANI ILMULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPnSE THE PF1 IIJON OP RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND MAINTAIN TILE RVR 1%L CHARACTER OF OUR COMMUNITY. PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET # PRINT NAME ADDRESS SIGNATURE PHONE OA `JS;A Jel—iveS i gLcUZL i. �s rr v �2 �— 1 , '�:,, 6 P /3S ate G �£s tt ;> 72G AJ/) J'tfxw 1%p)2t' J 2'iP,(,-i'3 f �� i �' �T;�,�.J1,. r I c j i.�•1lbr _ '�ifta Ii 2 sic- o gxt i ~�"` e� - /1S%11 gsuzak ,1 / d o L - rig Pu e L, W 720 i w C, !l Z L'l floc i WITNESS:PH#_-7f DATE 4#7AGE#_��% TO SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD 11 PETITION AVE THE UNDERSIGNED, AS RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM 11. MULLEN TO DOWN ZONE COLONIAL CORNERS (HB) AND THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PARCEL OF LAND (R-40) (DESIGNATED ON SUFFOLK COUNTY TAR MAP 1000-062.00-03.00422.001 AND 024.001) TO A GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE (B) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THEIR PARKING AND STORAGE. FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, A CAR DEALERSHIP OR ANY TO EXPAND INTO HAMLET BUSINESS DISTRICTS OR RESIDENTL A COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SETTING. IT CREATES TRAFFIC HAZARDS, HIGH NOISE INFRACTIONS, AND INVASION OF PRIVACY INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS MULLEN MOTORS HAS A GOOD NAME AND ENOUGH VISIBILITY AS THINGS ARE HOWEVER FURTHER COMMERCIAL EXPANSION INTO SAID SITES IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC 1640 VILLAGE AND OUR RFSIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. WE ASK THE BOARD TO REJECT THIS APPLICATION. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHO AUTHORIZED THE CUTTING OF THE TREES ON THE FORMER LUCEY PROPERTY AND WERE ANY OF THE TREES ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. WE THE PETITIONERS WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER VIA THE LOCAL PAPERS I.e. TRAVELER WATCHMANISUFFOLK TIMES. THIS PETITION IS GENERATED WITH NO MALICE TOWARD MULLEN MOTORS INC., RICHARD F. MULLEN III OR WTLLIANI H. MULLEN. THIS PETITION IS ONLY IN RESPONSE TO OUR GIVEN RIGHT BY LAW TO OPPOSE THE PETITION OF RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM H. MULLEN TO PROTECT THE VALUES OF PROPERTIES AND MAINTAIN THE RUR\L CHMIACTER OF OUR COMMUNITY. .. PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET # PRINT NAME ADDRESS SIGNATURE PHONE DAM ,02 milts eu h C�-�c 31 i r�;hwt�c ,� «>u a i - /V 3 7 f ii r, ; `a— 06 et2 3 j -7zz0 -N l;" ;>- +77-1 Co(vs :Ian �5 =yin �� ..5�. • ' � �. i ) 7 h �"i'-. 't O�bA li&igN, 6a k4d ��-i1�2�u� "SOUK �v'e —► j r � e-�-�5`P6 J.S i7 ;Donna A. Fo 1135Ce Pell ivuLG,. v i -L oy...1�l9 i W1"^N SS: Y<� - llisLPH# /F'J DATES - AT S�'_/0 P A GE K CAROLYN A. ZENK ATTORNEY AT LAW 121 Ponquogue Avenue Hampton Bays, New York 11946 516-723-2341 Southold Town Board Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, New York 11971 June 29th, 1998 RE: Super majority or five votes from the Southold Town Board are now needed to change the zone on the Mullen Motors parcel pursuant to the authority vested in Town Law section 265 and a properly executed protest petition. Dear Members of the Southold Town Board, I represent a number of Southold residents who own property or reside near the Mullen Motors car dealership. As you know, Richard and William Mullen applied for a change of zone from hamlet business and residential to general business, allegedly to expand their parking. Numerous residents have respectfully requested that the Town Board not down zone this neighborhood to allow for the expansion of the Mullen Motors car dealership and have submitted a petition to that effect under separate cover. Enclosed you will find a protest petition made pursuant to Town Law section 265. Town Law section 265 changes the usual requirement for a change of zone from a mere majority of a town board to a super majority. once a properly executed protest petition is filed in the Town of Southold, five affirmative votes of the Town Board rather than merely four would be needed to change the zone on the Mullen property. Enclosed, you will also find an affidavit from Marc E. Charest, a licensed land surveyor, which proves that the prerequisites of the Town Law section 265 have been met as well as an illustrative map. Thus, the Town Board must now have five affirmative votes, rather than four to effect a change of zone on the Mullen Motors parcel. Abstentions would not count toward same. Town Law section 265 requires either the signatures of the owners of 20% of the land within 100 feet of the area proposed for a zone change, or the signatures of the owners of 20% of the land located directly opposite the land proposed for a zone change and located 100 feet from the street frontage to effect a change in the votes required. page 2 Specifically, Town Law section 265 provides: 1. Such regulations, restrictions and boundaries may from time to time be amended. Such amendment shall be effected by a simple majority vote of the town board, except that any such amendment shall require the approval of at least three -fourths of the members of the town board in the event such amendment is the subject of a written protest, presented to the town board and signed by: (b) the owners of twenty percent or more of the area of land immediately adjacent to that land included in such proposed change, extending one hundred feet therefrom; or (c) the owners of twenty percent or more of the directly opposite thereto, extending one hundred street frontage of such opposite land. (Emphasis area of land feet from the added). The commentaries by Terry Rice contained in McKinney's explains, A proposed amendment to a zoning law possesses the potential of affecting property owners in the immediate vicinity to a greater degree than the community at large. Consequently, section 265(1) provides for the filing of a protest petition which requires approval of a zoning amendment by more than a simple majority of the town board, that is, by the affirmative vote of three -fourths of the members of a town board. The purpose of the greater than majority vote is to provide additional protection to those property owners who would be most affected by a zoning change... Determining the validity of a protest petition involves a computation of the total area of land, the owners of which are eligible to sign a protest petition and, second, an assessment of the percentage of the applicable area represented by the signers of a petition ... the second and third categories require a computation of the area within a 100 foot perimeter adjacent to or across the street from such property. Although those computations generally also are relatively simple, specific, peculiar scenarios may raise difficult factual issues. For example, the area of land lying in the street immediately adjacent to land which is the subject of a proposed zoning amendment has been excluded in calculating the total area immediately adjacent to the property. See Biedermann v. Town of Orangetown, 125 A.D.2d 465, 509 N.Y.S.2d 394 (2d Dept. 1986). p 56 and 57. (Emphasis added). For an illustration, of how the calculation is made, your counsel may wish to consult Iannarone v Town Board of the Town of Hempstead, 59 Misc. 2d 212, 298 N.Y.S.2d 350 at pages 352 and 353. For additional information regarding Town Law section 265, counsel may also wish to consult Hey v Town Board of the Town of Potter, 117 A.D.2d 989, which holds that a three to one vote, (where a board had five members) with one member abstaining was not enough to pass a zoning amendment where page 3 a proper protest petition had been filed. Note that abstentions cut against rather than for a zoning amendment. In an Informal Opinion No. 85-6 of the Attorney General, the Attorney General determined that where a municipality consisted of seven members, and a protest petition was properly executed pursuant to Village law section 7-708(1), which is similar to Town Law section 265, six affirmative votes of the board was required for the zone change. The Attorney General reasoned thus, Since your board of trustees has seven members, it is required that action be taken by three -fourths of the "whole number" of the board (Village Law, section 7-708(1); General Construction Law section 41) Three fourths of your seven member board comes to 5.25, thus requiring the vote of at least six members to take action on a proposed zoning change. p. 66 of opinion. Since your board consists of six members and a three quarters vote of the board is necessary for a change of zone comes to 4.5, four affirmative votes are insufficient to constitute the super majority needed. As confirmed by your counsel during the week of April 6th, five votes are necessary when an appropriate petition is filed. As I explained in a legal affirmation submitted September 29th, 1997, the proposed down zoning is unnecessary and will down -grade this neighborhood. The zone change is unnecessary because the purported goal of the Mullens' is to accommodate additional parking. From this perspective, the zone change is excessive because it would not only permit a parking lot, but numerous undesirable uses "as of right" or by special exception, including fast food restaurants, gas stations, car washes, and industrial uses among others. It constitutes the proverbial "overkill.', As the Group for the South Fork's General Counsel, a leading East End environmental protection and planning organization, I have worked extensively in the Towns of East Hampton, Southampton, and Shelter Island since 1980. I have served as a professional Land Use Planner for five years. I am acquainted with the Comprehensive Plans of these three towns and the South Fork villages. Many of these municipalities have come to realize that a quaint, rural atmosphere, consisting of modestly -scaled, charming, pedestrian -oriented businesses, is fundamental not only to a high quality of life for residents, but to small business owners who depend upon a tourist -based economy for their income. It is abundantly clear that given the abundance, location, and overwhelming size of "up -island" businesses, that the only way that East End businesses can draw business and compete is to offer what the western areas of Long Island cannot -small town charm. page 4 An expansion of Mullen Motors, a highly commercial, automobile - centered business is at odds with sound planning and the environmental and business interests of Southold. We have confidence that the Town Board can find more imaginative, less destructive means to accommodate the Mullen's need for parking than contributing to destructive commercial sprawl in hamlet centers and residential neighborhoods. Sprawling parking lots, with bright flood lights that disturb residents and reduce property values, have no place in historic Southold. Please confer with counsel regarding the impact of this protest petition upon any vote taken by the Town Board with respect to the Mullen Motors change of zone application. Thank you for your consideration in this matter which is of utmost importance to my clients, as well as to the community at large. Sincerely, Caroly A.tnk Attorney atw� cc: Town Clerk Southold Town Attorney Planning Board The Zoning Committee Nelson, Pope, and Voorhis Adam Grossman, Esq. PROTEST PETITION REQUIRING A SUPER MAJORITY FOR MULLEN CHANGE OF ZONE APPLICATION WHEREAS, Town Law, section 265, mandates that upon the presentation of a properly executed protest petition, the vote required for a zoning amendment changes from a simple majority of the Town Board to a super majority; WHEREAS, Town Law section 265(1) provides: Such regulations, restrictions and boundaries may from time to time be amended. Such amendment shall be effected by a simple majority vote of the town board, except that any such amendment shall require the approval of at least three -fourths of the members of the town board in the event such amendment is the subject of a written protest, presented to the town board and signed by: (b) the owners of twenty percent or more of the area of land immediately adjacent to that land included in such proposed change, extending one hundred feet therefrom; or (c) the owners of twenty percent or more of the area of land directly opposite thereto, extending one hundred feet from the street frontage of such opposite land. (Emphasis added); WHEREAS, William and Richard Mullen have petitioned the Town Board for a change of zone for a 1.25 acre parcel in the hamlet of Southold, located at the southwest corner of NYS Route 25 and Locust Lane, from Hamlet Business and Residential to General Business, in order to expand the Mullen Motors car dealership; WHEREAS, this change would allow inappropriate, overly commercial uses in this neighborhood including fast food restaurants like 7-11, Arbys, and McDonalds(SE), warehouses(P), gas stations (SE), car washes (SE), bars (SE), wholesale beverage distributors(P), and industrial uses; WHEREAS, the existing residential zoning category is less impactful, allowing such uses as farms(P), horse farms(P), churches(SE), and residences, and the hamlet business zone also allows less impactful commercial uses, both of which are more consistent with the downtown charm of Southold and less destructive of existing small businesses, many of which depend upon rural charm to be successful; WHEREAS, the zone change is unnecessary in that the alleged problem experienced by Mullen Motors is a parking problem which could be solved through more imaginative solutions than a down zoning; WHEREAS, the undersigned are all property owners within 100 feet of the area proposed for the zone change: WHEREAS, the undersigned collectively own more than 20% of the land immediately adjacent to the land included in the proposed zoning change; page 2 of 2 of PETITION WHEREAS, three fourths, or 75% of the six member Southold Town Board would be 4.5, and 4 votes would not constitute the super majority needed; THEREFORE, we the undersigned protest the change of zone, and by law, five affirmative votes in favor of the proposed change of zone, rather than four are now required as the result of filing this protest petition with the Town Board: NAME:(Print) ADDRESS: SIGNATURE: L s ? PzAc e J)Prvin K, SZCZeSAJY 340 40 004�r Lkn/E '-G+T, ( )c ;L4-FP1-P-9 if-Fke:bET2LuX- 3�S G ki TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK In the Matter of William and Richard Mullen's Change of zone Application from Hamlet Business and Residential to General Business State of New York) )ss: County of Suffolk) Marc E. Charest, being duly sworn, deposes and says: AFFIDAVIT MARC E. CHAREST 1. I am a land surveyor, licensed in the State of New York. My New York State license number is 050149. I own Northstar Surveying, P.C. located at 94.West Montauk Highway, Hampton Bays, New York 11946. My phone number is 516-728-5330. 2. I make this affidavit in support of a protest petition regarding Mullen Motors made pursuant to Town.Law section 265. Town Law section 265 changes the number of votes needed to change the zone on a piece of property in New York State from a majority of town board members to a super majority. 3. Richard Mullen and William Mullen applied to the Southold Town Board to change the zoning on a piece of property located on the southwest corner of NYS Route 25 and Locust Lane from Hamlet Business and Residential to General Business, in order to expand the Mullen Motors car dealership. Adjoining property owners protested. 4. ordinarily, a majority of the six member Town Board would be needed to change the zone on the property, which would be four affirmative votes. However, a properly executed petition under Town Law section 265 changes the vote required to a super majority. Thus, five affirmative votes would be needed from the Town Board, not four, to change the zone. 5. I have been retained by a number of Southold residents who own property in the vicinity of the Mullen Motors car dealership to ascertain whether the requirements for Town Law section 265 have been met. 6. I have fifteen years experience surveying residential and commercial properties for both public and private clients in the County of Suffolk. As a licensed land surveyor, my duties include, among other things, determining the location of property boundaries, the area of properties, and calculations derived therefrom. Thus, I am qualified to ascertain whether Town Law section 265 has been met. 7. I am familiar with the subject site in question. I am also familiar with the provisions of the Town Law section 265. Town Law section 265 specifically provides: Such (zoning) regulations, restrictions and boundaries may from time to time be amended. Such amendment shall be effected by a simple majority vote of the town board, except that any such. amendment shall require the approval of at least three -fourths of the members of the town board in the event such amendment is the subject of a written protest, presented to the town board and signed by: (b) the owners of twenty percent or more of the area of land immediately adjacent to that land included in such proposed change, extending one hundred feet therefrom; or (c) the owners of twenty percent or more of the area of land directly opposite thereto, extending one hundred feet from the street frontage of such opposite land. (Emphasis added); 8. I have reviewed the protest petition entitled, "PROTEST PETITION REQUIRING A SUPER MAJORITY FOR MULLEN CHANGE OF ZONE APPLICATION." This petition was signed by Doris Zito, 295 Locust Lane, Barbara J. Adams, 315 Cottage Place, Janice J. Szczesny 340 Locust Lane, David R. Szczeny, 340 Locust Lane, Richard H. Frederick, 385 Cottage Place, Debra Soto, 165 Locust Lane, Anthony Soto, 165 Locust Lane, Rita Costello Cohen, 56655 Main Road, and Albert Cohen, 56655 Main Road, nearby residents. 9. I have located the property of the petitioners by tax map and calculated the areas of their properties in relation to Town Law . section 265 to determine whether or not the requirements for Town. Law section 265 are met. Depending upon the interpretation of Town.Law section 265, lot number 17 may or may not be included. I have calculated lot areas, including lot 17 and excluding lot 17. My conclusions are as follows. 10. Under Town Law 265(b), the calculation of the percentage of land of those "immediately adjacent" land owners that protested and that lies within a 100 foot radius of the proposed rezoning, including lot 17, is 36.7% This is greater than the 20% required. That calculation was derived by calculating the total area within the 100 foot radius of the property that is subject to the rezoning, which is 62,471 square feet; then calculating the total lot area contained in the lots of immediately adjacent property owners who are protesting (Lots 17, 18, and 26) which is 22,943 square feet; and finally calculating what percentage 22,943 is of 62,471, which is 36.7%. The first test under Town Law section 265 (b) is met. Thus, a three fourth or super majority or five votes of the Town Board is now required to change the zone. 11. Assuming that lot 17 is not included in the term "immediately adjacent", 30.4% of the lot area of "immediately adjacent" land owners is within 100 feet. This exceeds the 20% figure required. Thus, the test is met again. That calculation was derived as follows. First the total area within the 100 foot radius surrounding the area proposed for a zone change was calculated at 56,775 square feet. Then the total area of land for those who signed the protest petition was calculated (lots 18 and 26) at 17,247 square feet. Then, it was determined what percentage 17,247 was of 56,775, which is 30.4%. This exceeds the 20% figure required. Thus, the first test under Town Law section 265 (b) would be met. Once again, a three.fourth majority or five votes of the Town Board is now required to change the zone. 12. Under Town Law section 265 (c), the calculation of the area of land for those who signed the protest petition who are "directly opposite" the property proposed to be rezoned is 31.1% which is in. excess of the 20% needed for a proper protest petition. That figure was derived as follows. First the total area within the 100 foot radius of land opposite the subject site was calculated, which is 70,392 square feet. Then, the total area of land owned by property owners who signed the protest petition and were directly opposite the land to be rezoned was calculated including lots 15, 35, and 36 which was 21,890 square feet. Then, it was determined what percentage 21,890 was of 70,392, which is 31.1%. 13. As shown in the above calculation, Town Law section 265 (c) is met. As such, a three -fourths majority of the Town Board members, which would be 5, is required to change the zone. 14. In summary, both tests for compelling a three -fourths majority of the Town Board to change the zone for Mullen Motors are met. Five affirmative votes of the Town Board are now needed to change the zone. Abstentions do not count toward this figure. A certain map entitled, "Radius Map of Property Surrounding Mullen Property Showing Areas of Lots to Compel a Super Majority" dated June 18th, 1998 prepared by Northstar Surveying, PC is made a part hereof for illustration purposes. Respectfully Submitted, Marc E. Charest, LS t� K Sworn to before me this day of June, 1998. Notary Public FRANKUN 0. BUTZ NOTARY No. 62 S \ Yo c i bf QmlMiW In Suffolk CountVc� CammhsbnExWntsp � 30. 4a ., Ms. Betty Neville, Town Clerk Southold Town Board Town Hall, 53095 Main Road PO Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Dear Ms. Neville: BSub; 1�� NELSON, POPE &. VOORHIS, LLC E IV IS ON MEN T A L P L ANN ING •- C ON S U LT I N G CHARLES JVOORHIS, CEP, AICP • ARTHUR J. KOERBER, P.E. • VINCENT G. DONNELLY, PE. • VICTOR BERT. P.E. • JOSEPH R. EPIFANIA, PE • ROBERT G. NELSON JR, PE May24, 1999 CHRISTOPHERW,BQ5114 ,Rfi,' ' gim.�VTl& k "- RECEIVED MAY 2 6 1999 MAY 2 7 1999 Southold Town Clerk i'Iawi-iilj LJ-" Re: Review of EAF Part III Richard F. Mullen III and William Mullen Zone Change Application SCTM No. 1000-62-03-22.1 & 24.1 NP&V Job No. 97208 As per the request of the Southold Town Board, (as SEQRA-designated Lead Agency) we have completed a review of the above -referenced document. This review is intended to: 1) examine the EAF Part III for completeness with respect to the items presented in the September 10, 1998 review (attached); 2) comment on the responses,provided by the Applicant, and; 3) provide recommendations to the Board regarding environmental issues and compliance. It should be noted that as this application has been classified as a Type I action, a Conditioned Negative Declaration (CND) is not allowed. • That is, it is not possible for the Lead Agency I to issue a Negative Declaration on the application, with an 1' t oIrconditions which -the Applicant must first satisfy. As a result, only accompanying is a Negative Declaration or Positive Declaration is allowed. The EAF Part III: generally addresses those: items referenced .in the September 10, 1998 correspondence from this office with respect to visual impacts, cutting'& trees on the property, land use conflicts and traffic. However, the document leaves some questions incompletely addressed in regard to growth -inducing aspects, traffic (parking); and aesthetic impacts (lighting). The traffic engineering examination prepared for the EAF Part III by Dunn Engineering Associates P.C. clearly demonstrates that the Mullen Motors dealership has a deficit of parking.. The on -site parking supply occasionally does not meet the demand for customer and employee parking, vehicle storage and cars stored prior to servicing. The study indicates that there are times when vehicles are parked on the adjacent site.. Increasing on -site parking will. address this existing demand. There is no increase in the parking demand and no additional outdoor storage and sales area as a result of this application. 15712 WALT WHITMAN ROAD. MELVI FAX NY I 747-2i88 C51 81 427-5866 0 Mullen Motors EAF Part III Review NP&V No. 97208 After review of the balance of the EAF Part III provided by the Applicant, this office recommends that acceptance of the document be held in abeyance pending provision of additional details in the below -listed areas. The reviewer acknowledges the effort taken by and on the behalf of the Applicant to information in regard to the planned project, which will alleviate impacts. However, in involved in this application, we recommend details in certain matters, as follows: provide the Lead Agency with specific as well as to provide mitigation measures, consideration of the quality of life issues that the Board consider obtaining specific • What, if anything, is the Applicant planning to do about the reduction in parking space available for Colonial Comer patrons? At present, the lot to be converted to Mullen Motors parking is presently used for overflow parking for Colonial Comers, as Colonial comers has insufficient parking. • Specify the planned height of the new lighting poles, as well as any design or operation measures taken in this matter which would reduce or eliminate potential impacts to the adjacent residences from fugitive lighting. (e.g., reduced lighting intensity, reduced number of lighting fixtures, reduced hours of lighting, shrouds, reoriented lighting direction). • Specify the minimum height and/or diameter at breast height (dbh) for the 5 new street trees on Locust Avenue, to replace the 5 large trees that were cut down. • Is the Applicant willing to agree to a number of Covenants and Restrictions (C&R's) in regard to the traffic and operation of the facility? If so, following are suggested C&R's: 1. No access to Locust Avenue from the new parking lot. 2. No Certificate of Occupancy for the new parking lot until all landscaping, lighting, drainage systems, etc. are completed, for both parking lots. 3. Cessation of the existing auto storage, parking, and outdoor repair work along west side of the Mullen Motors building. 4: No test driving by Mullen employees on residential side streets in the vicinity. 5. No parking,- unloading/loading, or use of side streets in the vicinity by trucks related to Mullen Motors. 6. Limitations on the hours when such deliveries are allowed, to 8AM-5PM, weekdays. To provide additional parking mitigation in the vicinity, and to further protect the "rural feel" of the Town, the Town could install "No Parking" signs on Cottage Place along the Mullen Motors property, as well as on the south side of Main Road along the frontage of site. In regard to the potential for impact if the Colonial Corners site is redeveloped, the EAF Part III states: The applicant acknowledges that there has been speculation that Mullen Motors' intention is to expand onto the Colonial Comers property. However, Mullen Motors has Page 2 Mullen Motors EAF Part III Review NP&V No. 97208 no current plans for expansion. If, at sometime in the future, business demands were such that an expansion was contemplated, the applicant would be required to file the appropriate applications with the Town of Southold and would be subject to environmental review pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 6127. As indicated in The SEQRA Handbook (NYSDEC 1992, page 22), review of the impacts of future actions are not required if such actions are speculative, may not occur, and are functionally independent of each other (pg. 22). The Applicant is not contemplating redevelopment of the Colonial Corners site at this time. When and if such action is taken, the required application would be based upon a specific Site Plan and would require a separate, full review under SEQRA. As a CND is not an option, the proposed C&R's must be incorporated into the actual project, if a Negative Declaration is to be supported. In this way, the concerns of the community will be addressed, while the community and Applicant will benefit from the improved operations on the project site. The project will address the current insufficiency of parking on the adjacent Mullen Motors property, while the proposed landscaping and prohibition of access to Locust Avenue will mitigate aesthetic impacts for the adjacent and nearby residences. If implemented in conformance with Town standards and the accompanying C&R's, the proposed lighting would not significantly impact the adjacent residences. Therefore, the proposed project is not anticipated to result in significant adverse environmental impacts, and in fact would represent a significant improvement in the overall environmental quality of the operation now present on the site. If there are any new or unsatisfied concerns of the Town Board; the option to issue a Positive Declaration remains, followed by the preparation of a Draft EIS. However, as indicated above, the EAF Part III adequately addresses the majority of the environmental and planning concerns of the Town, requiring only a small amount of specificity in regard to certain issues to be deemed complete. Please advise if you wish further assistance in the preparation of a Determination of Significance. Thank you for the opportunity to provide you with this review, and please call if you have any questions. Very truly yours, N: C arles J oorhis, CEP AICP att Page 3 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER FFO(/-c G o - y ze d • o�it, OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD May 12, 1999 Stephen R. Angel, Esq. Esseks, Hefter & Angel Counselors At Law 108 East Main Street Post Office Box 279 Riverhead, New York 11901 Dear Mr. Angel: Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax(516) 765-6145 Telephone (516) 765-1800 In accordance with Chapter 44, Environmental Quality Review, of the Code of the Town of Southold, the Town Board has engaged the services of Nelson, Pope, & Voorhis Consultants to review the EAF Part III submitted by you on behalf of Richard F. Mullen, III and William Mullen with respect to their petition for a change of zone. The cost of this review is $1,400.00 and must be paid prior to the consultant commencing their work. Please send a check in the amount of $1,400.00, payable to the Southold Town Clerk, at your earliest convenience so we may proceed with processing the petition. Very truly yours, eZ? Elizabeth A. Southold Tov Enclosures C/);)L/Z Neville m Clerk 0 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, TOWN CLERK Town of Southold Southold, New York 11971 Phone: 516-765-1800 RECEIVED ❑ CASH P-CHECK j 1 TOTAL OF INVOICES LERR 96 D,RCOUNT LEER FREIO,T L7 TOTAL DEDUCTION: AMOUNT OF CHECK RECEIPT 073957 DATE_ 19-T7- $ oQ_ 66 BY: MULLEN MOTORS, INC. RT. 25 SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 PAY TO Tl NOFrrH FORK J- BAIkNK SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 ll■04i9211P-1:0214079i21:11'L32411100064g"311' 41921 50-791/214 DATE cn DOLLARS 8.. Scuff GREGORY F. YAKABOSKI TOWN ATTORNEY 0 �O��gUFFO(�-Co o Gy< C& x �W*1n • OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: BOB KASSNER, PLANNING s oq� JEAN W.COCHRAN Supervisor Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1889 Fax (516) 765-1823 FROM: GREGORY F. YAKABOSKI, ESQ., TOWN ATTORNEY MARY C. WILSON, ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY. DATE: MAY 18, 1999 RE: MULLEN REZONING: PLANNING BD RECOMMENDATIONS I spoke with Betty Neville and I reviewed the clerk's Tile on the above and there is no Planning Board report or recommendation on the Mullen rezoning in the file. As you suggested, this application could be placed on the work session agenda for next week. Enclosed you will find the EAF Part III performed by Mr. Mullen's consultants and related correspondence which may helpful in the review if not already in possession of the Planning Department. Kindly note that the Part III EAF is our only copy. Thank you for you help with this matter. D MAY 19 199b Southold Town Planning Board Gvc2�k PAS PART III - ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM MULLEN MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK Prepared for: Messrs. Richard F. Mullen III and William Mullen c/o Esseks, Hefter & Angel 108 East Main Street Riverhead, New York 11901 Prepared by: Freudenthal & Elkowitz Consulting Group, Inc. 368 Veterans Memorial Highway Commack, New York 11725 (516)499-2222 April 1999 tiC 5 i k s Id,f' MAY 2 7 1999 s Southold Town Planning Board APR 2 3 1999 s&AWd Town Clerk PART III - ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM MULLEN MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK PROJECT LOCATION: 02 911 [40►Y IA LEAD AGENCY: PREPARER & CONTACT: Approximately 1.2484 acre parcel Southwest comer of Main Road (NYS Rt. 25) and Locust Avenue, Town of Southold Suffolk County, New York Messrs. Richard F. Mullen III and William Mullen c/o Esseks, Hefter & Angel 108 East Main Street Riverhead, New York 11901 Contact: Stephen R. Angel, Esq. (516)369-1700 Town Board of the Town of Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Contact: Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk (516) 765-1800 This Part III Environmental Assessment Form was prepared by: Freudenthal & Elkowitz Consulting Group, Inc. 368 Veterans Memorial Highway Commack, New York 11725 Contact: Theresa Elkowitz (516) 499-2222 and Araiys Design, L.A., P.C. 33 Main Street Southampton, New York 11968 and Dunn Engineering Associates 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, New York 11978 DATE OF PREPARATION: April 1999 PART III - LONG ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM MULLEN MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 0 Introduction ................................................ 1 Project Description ........................................... 5 Land Use Conflicts and Growth Inducing Impacts within the Area ..... 8 Visual Impacts ............................................. 12 Cutting of Trees ............................................ 14 Traffic Impacts ............................................. 15 Aesthetic and Noise Impacts ................................... 16 Figure 1 - Site Location Map ............................... 4 Appendix A - Proposed Site Plan Appendix B - September 10, 1997 Correspondence from Nelson, Pope & Voorhis, LLC Appendix C - Photographs Appendix D - Renderings Appendix E - Traffic Study This document is a Part III - Environmental Assessment Form (EAF) that has been prepared to evaluate the environmental impacts associated with the proposed change of zone of a 1.2484 acre parcel from Hamlet Business (HB) and Low Density Residential (R-40) to General Business (B). The subject property is situated on the southwest corner of New York State Route 25 (Rt. 25) and Locust Avenue, hamlet of Southold, Town of Southold, New York (see Figure 1 - Site Location Map). The application for a change of zone has been filed by Richard F. Mullen III and William Mullen who are contract vendees of the subject property which abuts the existing Mullen Motors car dealership. The northern portion of the subject property, zoned HB, is developed with five buildings comprising Colonial Comers (see Site Plan in Appendix A). Although the proposed action will change the zoning on this parcel from HB to B, no changes to Colonial Corners are proposed. In fact, the only physical changes proposed to the subject property consist of the development of a paved and landscaped parking area on the vacant southern portion of the property (zoned R-40) to address the parking needs of Mullen Motors. Thus, this Part III - EAF will address the proposed change of zone and development of a paved and landscaped parking area at the southern segment of the subject property. As no changes to the northern segment of the property housing the Colonial Comers development are proposed, no further discussion of this section of the property will be provided in this Part III - EAF. The applicant acknowledges that there has been speculation that Mullen Motors' intention is to expand onto the Colonial Comers property. However, Mullen Motors has no current plans for expansion. If, at sometime in the future, business demands were such that an expansion was contemplated, the applicant would be required to file the appropriate applications with the Town of Southold and would be subject to environmental review pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 617. As indicated in The SEQR Handbook (NYSDEC 1992, page 22), review of the impacts of future actions are not required if such actions are speculative, may not occur and are functionally independent of each other (p. 22). Consideration of the impacts of changes to Colonial Comers or expansion to Mullen Motors is not appropriate at this time as: • There is no proposed plan for changes to the Colonial Comers development nor is an expansion of Mullen Motors to the Colonial Corners property proposed. Thus, such actions are, at best, speculative; Changes to Colonial Corners and/or the expansion of Mullen Motors may never occur; and • Any changes that may be proposed to Colonial Comers or Mullen Motors in the future are functionally independent of the proposed action. Furthermore, any future actions that may be proposed would require environmental review pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 617. 2 With the above understanding, this Part III - EAF will specifically address those environmental issues raised by the Town of Southold, via correspondence from its consultant, Nelson, Pope & Voorhis, LLC (NPV) dated September 10, 1997 (see Appendix B). These issues are as follows: • Project Description; • Land Use Conflicts and Growth Inducing Impacts within the Area; • Visual Impacts; • Cutting of Trees; • Traffic Impacts; and • Aesthetic Impacts including Noise. 3 I Town Cmd Mag 15.00 Tue Apr 06 15:02 1999 — Local Road Population Center Seale 1:15.625 (at center) Primary State Route Lake 1000 Feet _.. - Railroad Land 500 Meters 0 Geographic Feature Water Figure 1 Woodland Site Location oundm Landing Park sameB, As described in the Introduction of this Part III - EAF, the project sponsor is proposing a change of zone of a 1.2484 acre parcel from Hamlet Business (HB) and Low Density Residential (R-40) to General Business (B). The northern segment of the subject property will remain as it currently exists (i.e., with the Colonial Corners office/retail development in tact). Thus, the only physical alterations planned are to the southern portion of the property where the applicant is proposing to construct a paved and landscaped parking area. As previously described, the subject change of zone application has been made by Messrs. Richard and William Mullen, operators of Mullen Motors, which is situated immediately to the west of the subject property. Messrs. Mullen are proposing this action as Mullen Motors has been experiencing parking problems at its dealership which has caused patrons and others to park their cars on the street, particularly on Cottage Place. To address the existing parking demands, Messrs. Mullen have entered into a contract to purchase the adjoining property to the east so that the vacant southern portion can be improved as a parking lot which will adjoin its existing parking lot. As indicated on the site plan included in Appendix A, the new parking area will provide 36 parking spaces for Mullen Motors. In addition to developing an additional parking area to address the needs of Mullen Motors, the applicants are also proposing to enhance aesthetic conditions through the installation of landscaping at both the new and the existing parking areas. It is important to note that no expansion of the actual Mullen Motors buildings or operations associated therewith are proposed. The new parking area is being planned solely to address an existing parking problem and to ensure that adequate employee, patron and automotive inventory parking is provided such that those destined to Mullen Motors will not be forced to park on the street. Currently, Mullen Motors has a 41 space parking lot to the south of its buildings which is not sufficient to meet existing parking demands. Approximately 0.87 acres of the subject site are developed with approximately 0.6 acres consisting of roads and buildings and approximately 0.27 acres comprised of landscape vegetation. The remaining approximately 0.38 acres are vegetated with trees (some of the mature trees have been cut, which will be discussed later in this Part III - EAF), grasses and weedy species. Construction of the proposed parking lot will result in a modification of approximately 0.31 acres of vegetated area to paved parking area. Leaching pools will be installed in the new parking lot to handle runoff from the paved area. Lighting will be installed for security purposes, however, the fixtures will have sharp cut-off angles to prevent intrusion into the residential areas. As part of the parking lot development, significant landscaping is proposed, especially on the southern segment where the parking area will adjoin residential dwellings. As indicated on the plan included in Appendix A, a 25 foot buffer is proposed along the south side of the parking area. A berm of approximately three feet in height will be constructed within this buffer, and the area will be planted with evergreens ranging from approximately 7 to 8 feet in height. Shrubs will also be planted. This landscaped buffer and berm will continue along the east side of the proposed parking area and will be planted with trees and shrubs. The buffer and berm will also continue along the southwestern property line, and landscaped islands will be installed at the interior of the proposed parking lot. As the proposed parking lot will have access to the existing parking area to the south of the Mullen Motors facility (i.e., Suffolk County Tax Map No. 1000-62-03-19 containing 41 spaces), landscaping is also proposed along the southern property line of the existing parking area. Specifically, a row of evergreen trees ranging from 7 to 8 feet in height will be installed, and evergreen groundcover will be planted at the southwest corner of this parking lot. A landscaped island (evergreen groundcover) will also be installed at the west side of the existing parking lot along Cottage Place. Thus, the proposed action will not only include landscaping for the parking area to be constructed but planting will also be installed in the existing parking area. Ci The only access to the new parking lot will be from the existing parking area to the south of Mullen Motors. No ingress or egress will be permitted to or from Locust Avenue. Furthermore, a six foot stockade fence will be maintained between Colonial Corners and the proposed parking area. Thus, implementation of the proposed action will increase the amount of off-street parking available to Mullen Motors and its patrons from 41 spaces to 75 spaces thereby addressing the shortage of parking. In addition, to maintain and improve aesthetic quality, substantial buffer landscaping and landscaped islands will be installed. The buffer landscaping will screen the view of the parking area from proximate residential dwellings. In its September 10,1997 correspondence, NPV indicated that, "the primary concern associated with the proposed project is the potential for land use conflicts between the proposed project and adjacent residential uses." However, NPV's letter goes on to state that "the potential conflicts of the proposed project can be minimized through limitations on signage and lighting, appropriate setbacks, buffers and landscaping, and use of traditional building design for any new structures." The subject property is situated within two zoning districts: the northern segment is zoned HB, and the southern segment is zoned R-40. The northern portion of the property is developed with five retail/office buildings comprising Colonial Corners, and the southern portion is undeveloped. Immediately adjoining the subject property to the west are Mullen Motors and it associated parking. The property on which the Mullen Motors buildings are situated is zoned B, and the parking lot to the south is zoned R-40. Further to the west along Main Road (across Cottage Place) is a parking lot utilized by Mullen Motors that is zoned B followed by a property zoned HB. To the east of the Colonial Corners property across Locust Avenue is a parcel housing a 7-Eleven which is zoned B followed by a parcel with HB zoning. On the north side of Main Road across from Mullen Motors and Colonial Corners are various properties zoned HB. Thus, zoning along Main Road in the vicinity of Mullen Motors is a mix of B and HB with property to the south thereof zoned R-40. The utilization of R-40 zoned property as a parking area for Mullen Motors has previously been considered and approved by the Town of Southold. Specifically, on April 2, 1997, the Town of Southold Board of Appeals granted a variance to permit the area immediately to the south of the Mullen Motors buildings (i.e., Suffolk County Tax Map No. 1000-62-03-19) be used as a parking lot for Mullen Motors and determined that: (a) the use proposed [i.e., parking in an R-40 zone to serve the Mullen Motors facility] is not inconsistent with the general purposes of the intent of zoning; (b) the circumstances are unique; (c) the accessory use applied for will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood; (d) the use will not prevent the orderly and reasonable use of this district or adjacent use districts; (e) the safety, health, welfare, comfort, convenience and order of the town will not be adversely affected by this use; (n the interests ofjustice will be served by allowing the variance, as conditionally noted below. The conditions set forth in the variance approval include: 1. Fence must meet current code restrictions for a maximum height offour feet along the front yard property lines, unless application is made separately for additional relief. 2. The approved parking area is restricted only to the residentially zoned portion. 3. Planning Board site plan approval.. . Thus, the Town of Southold, through its Board of Appeals, previously determined that the use of R-40 zoned property, adjoining residentially -developed R-40 zoned property, would not result in significant adverse impacts. 0 Regarding the current application, NPV indicated that because the subject property borders residential properties and there are several narrow side streets in the immediate area, potential land use conflicts between residential and commercial uses exist. There are several factors inherent to this application that address these concerns and mitigate the potential for such conflicts. Although the application consists of a change of zone for the Colonial Corners property, the only physical modification associated with this application is the development of a parking area to the south of Colonial Comers. No building demolition or alteration is proposed to the structures comprising Colonial Comers. Second, the proposed action is not an expansion of the Mullen Motors car dealership, and no new structures are proposed. The main purpose of this action is to create an additional off-street parking area to address the existing parking needs of the dealership so that patrons will not be forced to park on the street. Additionally, as discussed in the Project Description section of this Part III - EAF, bemring and substantial landscaping are proposed to screen the view of the parking area from proximate residential uses. Landscaping is also proposed along the southern border of the existing parking lot to enhance aesthetic quality. Lighting to be installed will have sharp cut-off angles to prevent intrusion onto adjoining residential properties. Furthermore, no additional access to area roadways are proposed. The only access from the new parking area will be from the existing parking area to the south of the Mullen Motors dealership. IN With regard to growth inducement (i.e., the potential for granting of the change of zone to encourage additional requests for B zoning), the granting of this action would not be precedent setting nor is it likely to encourage requests for additional zone changes from HB and/or R-40 to B. The primary reason for this change of zone request is to allow for additional parking for an existing car dealership that has been in this area of the Town of Southold for over 70 years. With regard to the HB parcel on which Colonial Corners is situated, the change of zone to B would conform with the existing developed parcels to the east and west which are already zoned B. Furthermore, the existing use of the Colonial Corners site is permitted in the B zone, thus, the proposed action would not result in the creation of non -conforming uses. With regard to the southern segment of the property which is zoned R-40, while the property to the west is also zoned R-40, a variance was previously granted that allows the parcel to be used for parking for Mullen Motors. Review of the zoning map and inspections of properties along Main Road do not indicate that there are sites/uses with analogous circumstances (i.e., a change zone on a property along Main Road that is zoned HB and is situated between two properties zoned B; a change of zone on a property zoned R-40 for use as parking for an established commercial use with a shortage of parking which adjoins a parcel zoned R-40 approved and used for parking for the established commercial use). Thus, the proposed action conforms with the established character of the immediate area. Furthermore, the project has been designed to minimize the potential for land use conflicts through the implementation of mitigation measures including, but not limited to, berming and substantial landscaping; limited access; and sharp cut-off angles on light fixtures. In addition, the granting of the requested change of zone and development of a parking area will not be growth inducing or precedent setting as it does not appear that there are other properties along Main Road in Southold with the same circumstances. 11 NPV's September 10, 1997 correspondence raises the potential for adverse visual impacts ..particularly if the property is used for the expansion of Mullen Motors as proposed." First, the proposed action does not include the expansion of the Mullen Motors dealership. The only physical alteration associated with the proposed action is the construction of a parking area to address current parking needs. No structures are proposed, and no bright lights, banners, pennants or additional signs are contemplated as part of this action. To assess visual impacts associated with the development of the new parking lot, it is important to review the existing visual condition. (As no changes are proposed to Colonial Corners, no assessment of the visual character of this segment of the parcel is conducted). The area to be physically modified is characterized by trees, cut trees and grassy/weedy species. The view of the site from Cottage Place is from across the existing Mullen Motors parking lot. Only glimpses of the area to be modified can be seen (see Photograph No. 1 in Appendix Q. The view from Locust. Avenue is of a vacant lot where many mature trees have been cut; this area is not pristine and exhibits signs of disturbance (see Photograph Nos. 2 and 3 in Appendix Q. The view from the residences to the south is also of a vegetated lot that is not pristine. 12 To minimize potential adverse visual impacts associated with the activities proposed, berming and landscaping will be installed (see site plan in Appendix A). Specifically, a 25 foot buffer is proposed along the south side of the parking area. A berm of approximately three feet in height will be constructed within this buffer, and the area will be planted with evergreens ranging from approximately 7 to 8 feet in height. Shrubs will also be planted. This landscaped buffer and berm will continue along the east side of the proposed parking area and will be planted with trees and shrubs. The buffer and berm will also continue along the southwestern property line, and landscaped islands will be installed at the interior of the proposed parking lot. Landscaping is also proposed along the southern property line of the existing parking area. Specifically, a row of evergreen trees ranging from 7 to 8 feet in height will be installed, and evergreen groundcover will be planted at the southwest corner of this parking lot. A landscaped island (evergreen groundcover) will also be installed at the west side of the existing parking lot along Cottage Place. To determine the effectiveness of the proposed mitigation upon project implementation, renderings have been prepared by ARAIYS Design, L.A., P.C. (see Appendix D). As indicated on these renderings, the view from Cottage Place will be similar to the existing view except that landscaping will be enhanced on the south and west sides of the existing Mullen Motors parking lot. The view from Locust Avenue is expected to improve as a vegetated berm will be constructed to help screen the proposed lot. As shown in the renderings in Appendix D, the view from the south is also expected to improve as a result of the proposed berming and landscaping. Thus, the proposed action incorporates measures to preserve and enhance the visual quality in the area. As such, the proposed action is not expected to result in significant adverse visual impacts. 13 As indicated in the Photographs in Appendix C, several large trees on the site have been cut. The applicant did not cut these trees or engage any other party to cut the trees. As previously discussed and indicated in Appendix A, substantial landscaping will be planted as part of the proposed action. The evergreens to be installed will not be seedlings; they will be 7 to 8 feet in height. Street trees will also be planted. Thus, while the project sponsor did not cut or remove trees, the landscaping proposed as part of this action will help to mitigate visual impacts caused by the cutting of trees. 14 As the proposed action does not include an expansion of the Mullen Motors dealership, no additional traffic will be generated. Mullen Motors has indicated that test driving is done on Main Road and patrons are advised not to test drive in the residential neighborhood. As the proposed action includes the development of a parking lot that will help address the shortage of parking which results in parking along Cottage Place, impacts are expected to be positive. To evaluate the traffic issue, a traffic and parking study was conducted by Dunn Engineering Associates which is included in Appendix E. This study concluded, in pertinent part: Based on the analysis and observations of the existing traffic and parking conditions at the proposed site it is expected that the construction of the new parking field to the southeast of the Mullen Motors property will not cause any adverse traffic impacts. From a traffic engineering standpoint, the parking area will provide for optimum safety of vehicles entering and exiting the new parking lot. After the new parking lot is completed, the vehicles parked on Cottage Place, as well as several of the vehicles parked between the existing Mullen Motors building and Cottage Place will be moved to the newly constructed parking area. This will help to increase safety and roadway efficiency in the area since less vehicles will be parked on Cottage Place after the construction of the parking lot. In addition, the vehicles between the existing Mullen Motors building and Cottage Place will no longer be forced to back out onto Cottage Place which possibly could cause an accident hazard. Based on our findings, it is concluded that, the proposed construction of the 36 car parking area will have no traffic impact on the roadway network and therefore should be approved. 15 AESTHETIC AND NOISE IMPACTS As explained throughout this Part III - EAF, the only physical changes proposed are associated with the construction of a new parking area to the south of Colonial Comers. Such action will bring vehicles closer to some residences on Locust Avenue and on the north side of Korn Road (i.e., those living closer to Locust Avenue). However, this area will be used for parking only - no service will be performed in this lot. As previously described, to minimize potential adverse aesthetic and noise impacts, berming and landscaping are proposed and lights to be installed will have sharp cut-off angles (see site plan in Appendix A). Furthermore, as the proposed action, if granted, will change the zoning of the parcel to B, the vegetated buffer will be 25 feet which is 10 feet greater than the buffer required for the HB district. As the Colonial Corners property is not proposed to be changed, no adverse aesthetic or noise impacts will be associated with this area. Also, as the Mullen Motors dealership is not proposed to be expanded, no aesthetic or noise impact will result. 16 BIBLIOGRAPHY Nelson, Pope & Voorhis, LLC, Correspondence of September 10, 1997. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, The SEQR Handbook. 1992. Town of Southold Zoning Code and Map. 17 APPENDIX A FREUDENTHAL & ELKOWTTZ CONSULTING GROUP. INC. Z c Q k J n FREUDENTHAL & ELKOPIITZ CONSULTING GROUP, INC. NELSON, POPE & VOORHIS, LLC e N V 1 A ON MEN T A L P L ANN ING CON $ y L T 1 N G CHARLES 1 VOORHIS. CEP. AICP • ARTHUR 4 NOEABER, RE . VINCENT G. DONNELLY. P.E. • VICTOR BEAT, PE • JOSEPH A. EPIPANIA, PE.- ROBERT G. NELSON. JR. PE • CHAISTOPHEA 'N. ROBINSON. RE September 10, 1997 Ms. Judith Terry, Town Clerk Southold Town Board Town Hall, 53095 Main Road PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 RECEIVED SEP 1 6 1997 Southold Town Clerk Re: Supplemental Review ofEAF Richard F. Mullen III and William Mullen Zone Change Application SCUM No. 1000-62-03-22.1 & 24.1 N&P Job No. 97208 Dear ivfs. Terry: As per the request of the Southold Town Board, we have completed a supplementary review of the above referenced zone change. This review is intended to examine current site conditions as a result of tree clearing activity, and the review and analyze these conditions, community concerns, and potential impacts in the context of the proposed zone change and subsequent use of the subject site as an expansion of Mullen Motors. We have completed a second field inspection, with particular emphasis on assessing the impact of the recent cutting of trees along Locust Avenue. In addition, we have reviewed available material concerning community concerns. The primary issues raised by local residents are: 1) visual impacts; 2) cutting of trees on the property; 3) land use conflicts and growth inducing impacts within the area; 4) traffic impacts; and; aesthetic impacts including noise. This letter will provide a brief discussion of each of these impacts; however, we believe that the burden should be placed on the applicant to address in detail issues concerning the proposed use of the intended zone change parcel. In addition, local residents have stated that conditions at the existing Mullen Motors to the west violate past site plan approval for buffering and use of the employee parking areas. These issues are separate from the current application, but the Town may wish to address these issues in the context of the requested expansion of vfullen Motors to the subject parcel. The Board may also wish to have the appropriate branch of Town government iurther investieate these claims as a separate action. One difficulty in reviewing the action is the lack of specificity with regard to future use of the site. While we understand that the project is for a change of zoning to General Business (B), the Mullen Change of Zone EAF Review proximity of the site to the residential neighborhood is such that many uses allowed in General Business may be incompatible with the neighboring community. In addition, the specific aspects of site design including design and layout, setbacks, buffering and landscaping, play a major role in impacts and mitigation. Many Long Island Towns require conceptual site plans and often get into the level of detail more appropriate for a site plan review, at the time of a change of zone application.. While exact use and design may not be binding at the time of the zone change, detailed review generally results in conditions, or covenants and restrictions regarding use, setbacks, design and buffering that help to minimize impacts. This approach seems appropriate for this project in order to fully understand the potential impacts and mitigation available, particularly in view of the potential land use conflicts. Accordingly, it is suggested that a concept plan be submitted with supplemental information outlined in this review The following project summary and summary of issues is provided: Project Summary The project site is a 1.2484 acre parcel in the hamlet of Southold, and is located at the southwest corner of NYS Route 25 and Locust Avenue. The northern portion of the site fronting on NYS Route 25 is zoned Hamlet Business (HB), and the southern portion of the site zoned is Low Density Residential (R-40). The current application is for a change of zoning designation on these two lots to General Business (B). The existing site conditions and zoning are discussed in greater detail in the NP&V review dated July 8, 1997. bfuilen Motors, the project sponsor, operates an existing car dealership on the two parcels to the west of the site. The southern R-40 portion of The site is currently vacant, although the vegetation is partially cleared. The sponsor intends to expand the parking facilities for the existing business onto the southern parcel, as the current parking is inadequate. Auto sales are not permitted within Hamlet Business or Residential zoning . districts, and thus rezoning to a General Business designation would be necessary for the proposed use. There are five existing retail structures on the northern HB portion of the site which are collectively known as "Colonial Comers". It is believed that these structures would remain under the current proposal, although the change of zone could permit future removal of the retail buildings and further expansion of the dealership. Land Use Issues As was stated in the preliminary review of the EAF Part I, the primary concern associated with the proposed project is the potential for land use conflicts between the proposed project and adjacent residential uses. The project site has frontaee on i IYS Route 25, a primary route through the Town of Southold. Commercial development has occurred within individual hamlets along the NYS 25 corridor, and the subject property is located on the eastern border of the hamlet of Southold. The predominant commercial zoning category within the area is Hamlet Business, and the existing Mullen Motors parcels are Elie only properties in the area which are zoned for General Business. The Hamlet Business zoning on the north side ofNYS 25 is fairly deep, without side streets, and thus the residential lands further to the north are well buffered. The residential lands to the ,,Ea_SCN. PCP£ V"CCFHIS. l-= ewaclw+Eivr>c _�. arna _ tintr.c page Mullen Change of Zone EAF Review south of NYS Route 25 are not as well buffered from the commercial uses. The commercially zoned properties along the south side of the road are only 100 to 300 feet in depth, with residential development abutting immediately to the south. In addition, there are several narrow side streets in this area, which help create the potential for land use conflicts between the residential and commercial uses. Local residents have expressed concern that the, change of zone will "compromise the rural character of the area", and might result in subsequent requests for zoning changes on surrounding properties. Limited land use conflicts might be expected to occur with any commercial use, even under the existing Hamlet Business. zoning. The proposed expansion of the car dealership will present a conflict, particularly if the existing Colonial Comers Center were to be removed in the future. The center is traditional in design and is occupied by several small businesses, and would offer a visual buffer as long as it remains. There are relatively few properties within the Town with a General Business zoning designation. If additional areas for General Business development are needed within the Town, it is preferable to locate them adjacent to existing General Business parcels as proposed. However, due to the depth of the change of zone parcel which encompasses the R-40 parcel south of the HB frontage, the encroachment of this zoning into residential use areas indicates that the proposed change of zone is generally not consistent with the surrounding zoning (with the exception of the existing General Business zoned Mullen Motors property to the west). The potential conflicts of the proposed project can be minimized through limitations on signaae and lighting, appropriate setbacks, buffers and landscaping, and use of traditional building design for any new structures. Mitigation as well as alternatives should be explored in order to ensure that land use incompatibility is minimized. Visual Impacts The preliminary review also discussed the visual impacts of the proposed rezoning as potentially significant, particularly if the property is used for the expansion of Mullen Motors as proposed. Car dealerships are typically characterized by. bright lights, banners, pennants and other advertising methods, as high visibility is preferred. The expanse of pavement which is generally necessary for a car lot may also detract from the visual quality of an area. These impacts can be partially mitigated through the use of landscape islands, retention of vegetated buffers and lighting restrictions, as suggested in the initial r�IP&V review. Town code already prohibits the use of pennants, canvas banners and most temporary signs, and lighting within the General Business district is restricted to the front third of a lot with poles of no more than 14 feet. The required vegetative buffer within the General Business zoning category is 25 feet, which is greater than the 15 foot buffer required within the Hamlet Business district. Covenants could also be placed on the number of cars which could be stored on the site and building design for any new structures. These measures should minimize the visual impact of the proposed project. NE .SCN. PCPS 6 4CCPNIS. LLC i*N1PCMrFj�ri'�L. . a�,V,n•G CAbLJ{.T'C' Page 3 Mullen Change of Zone EAF Review Traffic Issues Several traffic issues have been raised by local residents in response to the proposed change of zone, although these issues are largely the result of existing land uses in the area and are only indirectly related to the current proposal. Some of the problems identified include test driving by Mullen's Motors customers within adjacent neighborhoods and the partial obstruction of Cottage Place by can awaiting service at Mullen Motors. Use of local roadways by large trucks has also been cited as a problem, although the .majority of trucks probably originate from the existing Hamlet Business uses, particularly the adjacent 7-11 store. Mitigation of existing traffic problems on.the Mullen Motors property can. be explored by the Town in conjunction with the applicant;. however, the focus of impact analysis should be on any additional traffic impacts which result from the change of zone. In fact, it is likely that the proposed expansion would improve conditions along Cottage Place by providing additional parking areas on the property. A traffic/parking study would be useful in conjunction with the current application to address these issues. Cutting of Trees The preliminary review prepared by NP&V recommended that the existing street trees be retained in the southwestern portion of the site. Some of these trees, including large Norway spruce trees, were cut without authorization in July 1997. Although these trees were not 300 years old as stated by some local residents, they did provide an important visual buffer between the residential area to the south and the commercial strip along NYS Route 25. A subsequent site visit by NP&V staff showed that the large spruce were approximately 60 to 80 years in age, based on the number of growth rings present, with a maximum diameter of 32 inches at breast height. It is unclear whether the project sponsor is culpable, but the Town may wish to take action in response to the removal of the trees. Such an action would be separate from the SEQRA process; however, replanting of a vegetated buffer in this area should be made a condition of any site plan approval for a new commercial use. Use of transplanted older trees, rather than seedlings, would be preferable in order to provide immediate screening. Aesthetics and Noise The increase in intensity of use of the subject parcel would be expected to result in certain cultural impacts including aesthetics issues, light and noise. It is noted however, that many of these impacts are already present or cound be altered through commercial use of the HB zoned portion of the site. The operation of the facility will determine the level of impact, and the ability to control or limit such impacts. Barriers are effective in reducing off site transmission of noise, and site plan and zoning controls would be expected to limit impacts due to lighting. The general increase in activity may compromise aesthetic qualities of the nearby residential areas, if site use is not properly designed and controlled. Accordingly, operational as well as design issues are important considerations at this stage of review. .VF.LSCN. W_'PE .9 vCcr_ +,S. LL= L•�vwcrlv.Ei�r, .� l: r.uyc ��-....VR,,-: c Page 4 Mullen Change of Zone EAF Review Other issues raised by local residents include noise from car alarms and from the service area, and the possibility of toxic smells from the proposed project. These concerns relate to the proper management of the existing dealership, and would exist regardless of the intended use of the subject property. The change of zone review should address the potential for these impacts to increase or decrease with the expansion of the facility. The Town consideration of the pending zone change and the desire of the applicant to expand the subject facility to the adjacent site provides an opportunity to review the overall operations. Both Mullen Motors and the Town may be able to use this as an opportunity to improve compatibility with the existing operation, in an effort to have Mullen Motors "be a good neighbor". Based on this review it is clear that the issues involving the pending zone change'are complex and should be carefully considered by the Town Board. As a result, additional environmental documentation is appropriate to explore these issues and provide a basis for a Determination of Significance under the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) as well as to assist in reaching an informed decision on the zone change. This should be in the form of a detailed Full Environmental Assessment Form (EAF) Part III Narrative to analyze key issues of the project" The Full EAF Part III (if required) should provide a detailed project description including project construction and operation. The Part III should be accompanied by a conceptual site plan that would depict the intended use of the change of zone parcel. The topics outlined in this correspondence should be used as a basis for further analysis in the Part III Narrative. The document can also serve as a means to seek input from groups or individuals as provided for under SEQRA Part 617.14(c) prior to issuance of a Determination. If Mullen Motors intends to expand the existing building onto demolish the existing center as well as add additional parking, these actions should be considered as part of the current application rather than under a separate SEQRA review. The EAF would then provide a basis for either a Negative Declaration if potential impacts are either not significant or are mitigated, or a Positive Declaration to require an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) if there are outstanding impacts that can not be mitigated. As an alternative, the Board could consider requiring an EIS at this time. Such a document could be scoped to include only those key impacts of the project, and would include discussion of mitigation and alternatives. In conclusion, the Town Board has three options for action on the proposed project. The Board could deny the project based on currently available information. The decision to deny the zone change should be subject to a Negative Declaration, allowing the Board to fulfill their legislative decision on the zone change. The Board could choose to issue a positive declaration and require additional environmental documentation through a Draft EIS with a limited scope addressing the potential traffic, visual, cultural and noise, and land use impacts of the proposed change of zone and expansion of Mullen Motors. Mitigation of these potential impacts should be discussed in detail, and alternative sites explored. Finally, the Board could require a Full EAF Pan III Narrative to analyze key issues, and then utilize this as a basis for a Determination of Significance and/or decision on the zone change. The use of Pan III EAF is our favored option, as this Ma.=N. PCPS 6 vCCPHIS. LLC SNwCe�L .—=.^rt:t.L-re Poye = Mullen Change or Zone EAF Review provides the applicant with the opportunity to address key issues and impacts. The document can be used to solicit public input, and will provide a sound basis for the determination of significance. If there are one or more key impacts that are not mitigated, the Board would retain the option to seek a complete Draft EIS. If you have any questions or wish. any further input with regard to this matter, please do not hesitate to call. Very truly yours, r' VOORHIS, LLC Charles J.'Voorhis. CEP. AICP NELSON. PCP£ S �,CCPI-05. LLC 21wll'CMnF AL . �_ It CMG . Page 6 APPENDIX C FREUDENTHAL & ELKOWITZ CONSULTING GROUP, INC. Photograph No. 1: View of proposed parking lot area from Cottage Place looking across existing Mullen Motors parking lot. Photograph� No. 2: View of proposed parking lot area (right of photograph) looking south along Locust Avenue. FREUDENTHAL & ELKOWITZ CONSULTING GROUP, INC. ' R 1 APPENDIX D FREUDENTHAL & ELKOWITZ CONSULTING GROUP, INC. 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I PAM", ,�5 .C: i•1I l.T, .� � � � '� 1' 4 r j f�i 1 ��� /' 11 1: / � •- a -..ra 1' .I I'�.q ,r \. �� :�:/r.:l.r:� o' ' s 4a. �.sg � i 1 ' �-.�Zf �/�"'�► .•�'�'�` " � ,�r' ; �' is • � IF ' c 17 _ %} arPIP i r � T * r Y r f r t f �.. y j A•, - � j. � ` r i:'���� � `' '� a '�"•� i +��+ems .� yJ' o `• �' - ��q��„ #,. fy . A , I ell 41 4 , T!i I. Lao, fi OF 41' APPENDIX E FREUDENTHAL & ELKOVVTTZ CONSULTING GROUP, INC. CON March 29, 1999 Dunn Engineering Associates, P.C. Consulting Engineers 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, N.Y. 11978 516-288-2480 516-288-2544 Fax Ms. Theresa Elkowitz Freudenthal & Elkowitz Consulting Group, Inc. 368 Veterans Memorial Highway Commack, New York 11725 I In Dear Ms. Elkowitz: Mullen Motors Parking Field Expansion S/E Comer Main Road at Cottage Place Town of Southold, New York As requested, we have completed our Traffic Engineering Examination of the proposed parking lot expansion of Mullen Motors located on the southeast corner of Main Road (NYS Route 25) and Cottage Place in the Town of Southold, New York. The proposed parking lot will provide 36 additional spaces on the southeast comer of the Mullen Motors properties. It should be pointed out that no plans are being made for an increase in the vehicle stock or in the amount of service done by Mullen Motors. The parking lot expansion is merely to alleviate some of the existing parking problems in the vicinity of the existing Mullen Motors operation. The following sections describe our findings and recommendations. Proposed Parking Lot Expansion It is proposed to construct a 36 car parking lot to the southeast of the existing Mullen Motors facility which is located on the southeast corner of Main Road and Cottage Place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. The property is currently vacant and the Suffolk County Tax Map No. is 1000-62-03-24.1. In addition to the proposed parking lot construction, as part of this project, the zoning of the entire property including the existing Colonial Comers area located north of the proposed parking lot, will be changed. Colonial Comers will remain in its existing state and no modifications are planned for the property. Therefore, no additional traffic will be generated by the change of zone of the Colonial Corners property. In addition, the zoning change will not increase the parking requirements for Colonial Comers. At present, a parking lot exists on the south side of the Mullen Motors building and can be seen in Figure 1, Parking Locations. This parking lot is designated Section 2 in Figure 1 and is located to the west of the proposed parking lot expansion. This parking area is utilized by service vehicles as well as employees of Mullen Motors. 0 L - - w U a w 0 U MAIN ROAD �--- kw. --40- O PROPOSED PAR�IT G EXPANSION FIGURE 1 PARKING LOCATIONS Ms. Theresa Elkowitz March 29, 1999 Page 3 In addition to the parking area located south of the Mullen Motors building an additional parking area is located west of the building on the west side of Cottage Place (Section 1). This parking area contains new and used cars for sale. This parking lot is also used by visitors as well as vehicles that are scheduled for service. In addition to these two main parking areas, vehicles may park on both the east and west side of Cottage Place (Section 4), as well as to the immediate west of the existing Mullen Motors building between the building and Cottage Place (Section 3). Garage doors are present on the west side of this building and vehicles for service or visitors may park facing these garage doors on the west side of the building. In addition to these two parking areas, vehicles may also park on either the north or south side of Main Road (Section 5). Existing Roadways The proposed parking lot expansion will become part of the existing Mullen Motors property which is located on the southeast comer of Main Road and Cottage Place. Main Road is a major east/west New York State Highway facility designated New York State Route 25. In this area, Main Road provides two lanes in each direction with parking lanes on both sides of the road. The average annual daily traffic on Main Road in the vicinity of the site was 8,100 vehicles per day in August 1996. Cottage Place is a north/south local roadway facility. Cottage Place provides one lane in each direction. The intersection of Main Road and Cottage Place is controlled by a stop sign on the northbound Cottage Place approach. Cottage Place terminates at Main Road and continues to the south. Traffic and pedestrian activities at the proposed site were observed during the peak weekday afternoon hours as well as the peak Saturday hours. During these time periods the traffic activity on both Main Road and Cottage Place was moderate and no disruptions to traffic were seen in the vicinity of the site. Proposed Parking Lot Construction As stated earlier, it is proposed that a 36 car parking lot southeast of the existing Mullen Motors property be constructed. The purpose of this parking area is to accommodate existing employees as well as vehicles that are about to be serviced by the Mullen Motors Service Center. There is to be no expansion of the existing building or increase in the service area which would generate new demand for parking. If should also be pointed out that no additional traffic will be generated due to the construction of this proposed parking area. No plans are being made for an increase in inventory or for an increase in the amount of vehicles being serviced by the site. Therefore, the parking lot is Ms. Theresa Elkowitz March 29, 1999 Page 4 being built in order to optimize the traffic and safety operations in the vicinity of the site by removing vehicles associated with Mullen Motors that currently park off -site or near the roadways in the area. Capacity Analysis Capacity analyses were performed at the unsignalized intersection of Main Road and Cottage Place. The Highway Capacity Manual "Transportation Research Board Special Report 209, 1994" was utilized. A summary of the intersection capacity analyses for this intersection is contained in Table 1, Capacity Analyses Results. The time periods analyzed were the weekday P.M. peak hour of traffic as well as the Saturday afternoon peak hour of traffic. These capacity analyses were performed for the existing 1999 traffic conditions. • Al P 0 d $' • . ems; i i $. .b. ark YP �� t d � • 4 A 1 [� � If .1 • ®®MEN WB to SB Left Turn From Main Road Table 1 Capacity Analyses Results Mein Road at Cottage Place It can be seen from Table I that either a Level of Service (LOS) A or B exists for the intersection approaches. These levels of service show that the intersection of Main Road and Cottage Place is currently operating under more than adequate conditions. No disruptions to traffic were found on Main Road and no problems are expected for vehicles entering and exiting Cottage Place. It should also be pointed out that no increase in traffic is expected due to the parking lot construction. Ms. Theresa Elkowitz March 29, 1999 Page 5 Parking Occupancy Study As part of this study, a parking occupancy survey was done on a Saturday between 10:00 A.M. and 2:00 P.M. and on a weekday between 12 Noon and 6:00 P.M. The parking occupancy study was divided into five (5) separate areas that translate to the areas found in the previous Figure 1, Parking Locations. It should be noted that vehicles for sale in the parking lots were also counted as part of the parking study. The results of the parking occupancy for a Saturday afternoon revealed that the peak occupancy occurred at 11:30 A.M. when 161 vehicles were present on the site. A breakdown of the number of vehicles parked in each specific section for each half hour time period between 10:00 A.M. and 2:00 P.M. for a Saturday afternoon can be found in Table 2, Saturday Afternoon Parking Occupancy and is graphically represented in Figure 2, Saturday Afternoon Parking Occupancy. s r 5 3i,f p �cyit..: x , ak r Total 10:00 A.M. 90 55 9 4 1 159 10:30 A.M. 91 54 8 5 1 159 11:00 A.M. 86 53 8 5 1 153 11:30 A.M. 85 56 12 5 3 161 12:00 Noon 86 51 12 7 2 158 12:30 P.M. 85 47 10 3 0 145 1:00 P.M. 81 49 1 11 2 0 143 1:30 P.M. 84 47 9 4 0 144 2:00 P.M. 85 44 8 3 1 141 Table 2 Saturday Parking Occupancy It can be seen from Table 2 that up to 7 vehicles were parked on Cottage Place in the vicinity of Mullen Motors. In addition, there were up to 12 vehicles parked in Section 3, which is the section between the existing Mullen Motors building and Cottage Place. Ms. Theresa Elkowitz March 29, 1999 Page 7 The results of the parking occupancy for a weekday afternoon revealed that the peak occupancy occurred at 12:00 Noon when 165 vehicles were present on the site. A breakdown of the number of vehicles parked in each specific section for each half hour time period between 12 Noon and 6:00 P.M. for a weekday afternoon can be found in Table 3, Weekday Parking Occupancy and is graphically represented in Figure 3, Weekday Parking Occupancy. 'I..dtet 12:00 Noon 94 53 9 6 3 165 12:30 P.M. 92 44 9 3 0 148 1:00 P.M. 93 49 10 5 2 159 1:30 P.M. 95 49 8 7 1 160 2:00 P.M. 94 50 9 6 1 160 2:30 P.M. 90 51 10 7 0 158 3:00 P.M. 89 49 9 4 1 152 3:30 P.M. 86 50 1 9 5 0 150 4:00 P.M. 84 48 10 5 0 147 4:30 P.M. 87 49 7 3 1 147 5:00 P.M. 88 48 7 2 1 146 5:30 P.M. 85 36 10 0 2 133 6:00 P.M. 89 51 7 1 1 149 Table 3 Weekday Parking Occupancy It can be seen from Table 3 that up to 7 vehicles were parked on Cottage Place in the vicinity of Mullen Motors. In addition, there were up to 10 vehicles parked in Section 3. With the construction of the new parking lot, the vehicles parked on Cottage Place as well as several of the vehicles parked in Section 3 will be moved to the newly constructed parking area. This will help to increase safety and roadway efficiency in the area since less vehicles will be parked on Cottage Place after the construction of the parking lot. In addition, the vehicles in Section 3 of the parking lot currently are forced to back out onto Cottage Place. If these vehicles are moved to the new parking lot they will not be forced to make this maneuver which possibly could cause an accident hazard. I Ms. Theresa Elkowitz March 29, 1999 Page 9 Therefore, from a traffic engineering standpoint, the construction of the new parking lot should greatly increase the safety and efficiency of the roadways in the vicinity of the site. It should be pointed out that access to the proposed parking area will be provided through the existing parking area located on the south side of the property. Therefore, no additional access drives will have to be constructed onto either Cottage Place or Main Road. Sight Distance Measurements Main Road, in the vicinity of site, is essentially level and no appreciable horizontal curves exist. No sight distance restrictions exist in the vicinity of the intersection of Main Road at Cottage Place. Specifically, the sight distance available to the east of the intersection is approximately 990 feet and the sight distance to the west of the intersection is approximately 620 feet. According to "A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets", 1990, a report published by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, the recommended sight distance for a 45 mile per hour design speed road such as Main Road is 400 feet. Therefore, more than adequate sight distance is available to service vehicles at the proposed intersection of Main Road at Cottage Place. Conclusions The proposed parking area will accommodate existing employees as well as vehicles that are about to be serviced by the Mullen Motors Service Center. There is to be no expansion of the existing building or increase in the service area which would generate new demand for parking. Therefore, no additional traffic will be generated due to the construction of this proposed parking area. Based on the analysis and observations of the existing traffic and parking conditions at the proposed site it is expected that the construction of the new parking field to the southeast of the Mullen Motors property will not cause any adverse traffic impacts. From a traffic engineering standpoint, the parking area will provide for optimum safety of vehicles entering and exiting the new parking lot. After the new parking lot is completed, the vehicles parked on Cottage Place, as well as several of the vehicles parked between the existing Mullen Motors building and Cottage Place will be moved to the newly constructed parking area. This will help to increase safety and roadway efficiency in the area since less vehicles will be parked on Cottage Place after the construction of the parking lot. In addition, the vehicles between the existing Mullen Motors building and Cottage Place will no longer be forced to back out onto Cottage Place which possibly could cause an accident hazard. Based on our findings, it is concluded that, the proposed construction of the 36 car parking area will have no traffic impact on the roadway network and therefore should be approved. Ms. Theresa Elkowitz March 29, 1999 Page 10 If you have any questions or need any further information, please call me. Sincerely, ,.Strang, P. RAS:as L990269 Encl. NEW YORK STATE DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION AVERAGE WEEKDAY HOURLY REPORT ROUTE 25 TUCKER LANE SOUTHOLD ROUTE 114 GREENPORT AUGUST 1996 AM EASTBOUND WESTBOUND FILE NAME 12-1 26 28 RT25 070500896 1-2 16 13 2-3 10 11 3-4 7 8 4-5 11 9 5-6 32 24 6-7 110 86 7-8 209 160 DAILY TOTAL 8-9 246 220 9,547 9-10 288 259 10-11 356 297 EST. AADT 11-12 399 338 8,100 PM 12-1 428 ** 328 1-2 389 362 2-3 376 386 3-4 357 414 ** 4-5 356 393 5-6 328 337 6-7 262 268 7-8 222 225 8-9 159 196 9-10 128 158 ** DENOTES 10-11 86 114 PEAK HOUR 11-12 53 59 TOTALS 4,854 4,693 DUNN ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES PAGE: 1 Site Code : 98129 N-S Street: Cottage Place FILE: roucotpm E-W Street: Route 25 DAY OF WE : Tuesday Movements by: Primary DATE: 2/09/99 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time From North From East From South From West Vehicle Begin RT THRU LT RT THRU LT RT THRU LT RT THRU LT Total 4:00 PM 0 0 0 0 97 2 3 0 11 5 76 0 194 0 89 1 3 0 11 8 76 0 188 4:15 0 0 0 0 89 0 2 0 9 7 74 1 163 4:30 1 0 0 0 82 1 4 0 4 3 79 2 176 4:45 0 0 1 MR TOTAL 1 0 1 0 357 4 12 0 35 23 305 3 741 5:00 PM 0 1 2 0 74 2 4 0 15 4 82 0 184 5:15 1 0 0 1 68 2 7 1 5 8 62 1 156 5:30 1 0 0 0 49 1 2 0 9 3 52 1 Ila 5:45 0 0 0 0 56 0 0 0 6 5 54 0 121 HR TOTAL 2 1 2 1 247 5 13 1 35 20 250 2 579 DAY TOTAL 3 1 3 1 604 9 25 1 70 43 555 5 1320 PEAR PERIOD ANALYSIS FOR THE PERIOD: 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM DIRECTION START PEAK MR ........ VOLUMES ........ .... PERCENTS ... FROM PEAK HOUR FACTOR Right Thru Left Total Right Thru Left ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- North 4:30 PM 0.50 2 1 3 6 33 17 50 East 4:00 PM 0.91 0 357 4 361 0 99 1 South 4:15 PM 0.68 13 0 39 52 25 0 75 West 4:15 PM 0.98 22 311 3 336 7 93 1 Entire Intersection North 4:00 PM 0.50 1 0 1 2 50 0 50 East 0.91 0 357 4 361 0 99 1 South 0.84 12 0 35 47 26 0 74 West 0.99 23 305 3 331 7 92 1 DUNN ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES Sitt Code : 95129 PAGE: I N-S Street: Cottage Place FILE: roucotpm E-W Street: Route 25 DAY OF WR : Tueaday Movements by: Primary DATE: 2/09/99 ----- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Route 25 Total Turning Volumea for the Period: 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Cottage Place 1 0 1 2 3 305 331 23 J F 0 361 357 L 4 F477 35 0 1 12 Place Route 25 DUNN ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES PAGE: 1 Site Code 98129 N-S Street: Cottage Place FILE: roucotsa E-W Street: Route 25 DAY OF WK : Saturday Movements by: Primary DATE: 2/27/99 _________________________________________ Time From North From East From South From West Vehicle Begin RT THRU LT RT THRU LT RT THRU LT RT THRU LT Total ------------------------------------" 11:00 AM 0 0 0 0 93 0 1 0 7 0 79 0 180 11:15 2 0 0 0 86 2 1 0 4 1 94 0 190 11:30 0 0 0 0 76 0 4 0 12 6 91 0 189 11:45 0 0 0 0 88 0 4 1 6 3 99 1 202 RR TOTAL 2 0 0 0 343 2 10 1 29 30 363 1 761 12:00 PM 1 0 0 0 109 1 3 0 9 2 96 1 222 12:15 1 0 0 0 87 2 6 0 6 7 91 0 200 12:30 0 0 0 0 106 1 1 0 4 4 79 2 197 12:45 1 0 0 0 91 2 3 0 8 3 83 0 191 MR TOTAL 3 0 0 0 393 6 13 0 27 16 349 3 810 1:00 PM 1 0 0 0 86 0 3 0 3 5 106 1 205 1:15 0 0 0 0 66 1 2 0 9 5 108 2 193 1:30 2 0 0 1 73 1 4 0 5 0 97 0 183 1:45 2 0 1 0 93 0 0 0 5 4 114 0 219 RR TOTAL 5 0 1 1 318 2 9 0 22 14 425 3 800 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DAY TOTAL 10 0 1 1 1054 10 32 1 78 40 1137 7 2371 PEAK PERIOD ANALYSIS FOR THE PERIOD: 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM DIRECTION START PEAK HR ........ VOLUMES ........ .... PERCENTS ... FROM PEAK HOUR FACTOR Right Thru Left Total Right Thru Left ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- North 1:00 PM 0.50 5 0 1 6 83 0 17 East 12:00 PM 0.91 0 393 6 399 0 98 2 South 11:30 AM 0.80 17 1 33 51 33 2 65 West 1:00 PM 0.94 14 425 3 442 3 96 1 Entire Intersection North 11:45 AM 0.50 2 0 0 2 4100 0 0 East 0.90 0 390 4 394 0 99 1 South 0.83 14 1 25 40 35 2 62 West 0.93 16 365 4 385 4 95 1 DUNN ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES S ith Code 98129 PACE: 1 N-S Street: Cottage Place FILE: roucotsa E-W Street: Route 25 DAY OF WK : Saturday Movements by: Primary DATE: 2/27/99 Route 25 Total Turning Volumes for the Period: 11:45 AM - 12:45 PM Cottage Place 2 0 I 0 2 J 4 365 385 16 J F 0 394 390 L 4 r 40 -7 25 1 1 14 Place N W+E S Route 25 liCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 2.1g PMO.HCO Page Center For Microcomputers In Transportation University of Florida 512 Weil Hall Gainesville, FL 32611-6585 Ph: (352) 392-0378 Streets: (N-S) COTTAGE PLACE (E-W) ROUTE 25 Major Street Direction.... EW Length of Time Analyzed... 60 (min) Analyst ................... DEA/AFY Date of Analysis.......... 3/23/99 Other Information ......... 1999 EXISTING CONDITION (PM PEAK HOUR) Two-way Stop -controlled Intersection Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound L T R I L I L T R L T R No. Lanes 1 0 1 < 0 1 0 > 1 0 1 0 > 0 < 0 1 0 0 0 Stop/Yield Volumes PHF Grade MC's W SU/RVIs M CVIs W PCEIs N 305 23 .99 .99 0 4 357 91 .91 0 1.10 N 35 .84 0 1.10 Adjustment Factors 12 84 1.10 Vehicle Critical Follow-up Maneuver Gap (tg) Time (tf) ------------------------------------------------------------------ Left Turn Major Road 5.00 2.10 Right Turn Minor Road 5.50 2.60 Through Traffic Minor Road 6.00 3.30 Left Turn Minor Road 6.50 3.40 HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 2.ig PMO.HCO Page 2 Worksheet for TWSC Intersection -------------------------------------------------------- Step 1: RT from Minor Street NB SB Conflicting Flows: (vph) 320 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 953 Movement Capacity: (pcph) 953 Prob. of Queue -Free State: 0.98 -------------------------------------------------------- Step 2: LT from Major Street WB EB -------------------------------------------------------- Conflicting Flows: (vph) 331 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 1192 Movement Capacity: (pcph) 1192 Prob. of Queue -Free State: 1.00 TH Saturation Flow Rate: (pcphpl) 1700 RT Saturation Flow Rate: (pcphpl) Major LT Shared Lane Prob. of Queue -Free State: 1.00 -------------------------------------------------------- Step 4: LT from Minor Street NB SB -------------------------------------------------------- Conflicting Flows: (vph) 716 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 408 Major LT, Minor TH Impedance Factor: 1.00 Adjusted Impedance Factor: 1.00 Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding Movements 1.00 Movement Capacity: (pcph) -------------------------------------------------------- 406 Intersection Performance Summary Avg. 95% Flow Move Shared Total Queue Approach Rate Cap Cap Delay Length LOS Delay Movement (pcph) (pcph) (pcph)(sec/veh) ------- (veh) ------- ----- (sec/veh) --------- -------- NB L ------ 46 ------ 406 ------ > 473 8.7 0.5 B 8.7 NB R 15 953 > WB L 4 1192 3.0 0.0 A 0.0 Intersection Delay = 0.6 sec/veh hcs : Unsignalized Intersections Release 2.lg SATO.HCO Page 1 Center For Microcomputers In Transportation University of Florida 512 Weil Hall Gainesville, FL 32611-6585 Ph: (352) 392-0378 Streets: (N-S) COTTAGE PLACE (E-W) ROUTE 25 Major Street Direction.... EW Length of Time Analyzed... 60 (min) Analyst ................... DEA/AFY Date of Analysis.......... 3/23/99 Other Information......... 1999 EXISTING CONDITION (SAT PEAK HOUR Two-way Stop -controlled Intersection Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound -L-- T R L T R L T R L T R ----I---- ---- ----I---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- No. Lanes Stop/Yield Volumes PHF Grade MC's W SU/RV's M CV's M PCEIs ------------ 0 1 < 0 N 365 16 .99 .99 0 0 > 1 O N 4 390 .91 .91 0 1.10 ---------------- 0 > 0 < 0 25 14 .84 .84 0 1.10 1.10 ---------------- Adjustment Factors 0 0 O Vehicle Critical Follow-up Maneuver Gap (tg) Time (tf) ------------------------------------------------------------------ Left Turn Major Road 5.00 2.10 Right Turn Minor Road 5.50 2.60 Through Traffic Minor Road 6.00 3.30 Left Turn Minor Road 6.50 3.40 HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 2.1g SATO.HCO Page 2 Worksheet for TWSC Intersection -------------------------------------------------------- Step 1: RT from Minor Street NB SB Conflicting Flows: (vph) 377 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 892 Movement Capacity: (pcph) 892 Prob. of Queue -Free State: 0.98 -------------------------------------------------------- Step 2: LT from Major Street WB EB -------------------------------------------------------- Conflicting Flows: (vph) 385 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 1124 Movement Capacity: (pcph) 1124 Prob. of Queue -Free State: 1.00 TH Saturation Flow Rate: (pcphpl) 1700 RT Saturation Flow Rate: (pcphpl) Major LT Shared Lane Prob. of Queue -Free State: 1.00 -------------------------------------------------------- Step 4: LT from Minor Street NB SB -------------------------------------------------------- Conflicting Flows: (vph) 810 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 360 Major LT, Minor TH Impedance Factor: 1.00 Adjusted Impedance Factor: 1.00 Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding Movements 1.00 Movement Capacity: (pcph) -------------------------------------------------------- 358 Intersection Performance Summary Avg. 95% Flow Move Shared Total Queue Approach Rate Cap Cap Delay Length LOS Delay Movement (pcph) (pcph) (pcph)(sec/veh) (veh) ------- (sec/veh) ----- --------- -------- NB L ------ 33 ------ 358 ------ > ------- 458 8.9 0.4 B 8.9 NB R 19 892 > WB L 4 1124 3.2 0.0 A 0.0 Intersection Delay = 0.4 sec/veh PART III - ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM MULLEN MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK Prepared for: Messrs. Richard F. Mullen III and William Mullen c/o Esseks, Hefter & Angel 108 East Main Street Riverhead, New York 11901 Prepared by: Freudenthal & Elkowitz Consulting Group, Inc. 368 Veterans Memorial Highway Commack, New York 11725 (516)499-2222 April 1999 RECEIVED APR 2 3 1999 Soutlwld Town Clerk PART III - ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM MULLEN MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK PROJECT LOCATION: Approximately 1.2484 acre parcel Southwest corner of Main Road (NYS Rt. 25) and Locust Avenue, Town of Southold Suffolk County, New York APPLICANT: Messrs. Richard F. Mullen III and William Mullen c/o Esseks, Hefter & Angel 108 East Main Street Riverhead, New York 11901 Contact: Stephen R. Angel, Esq. (516) 369-1700 LEAD AGENCY: Town Board of the Town of Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Contact: Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk (516) 765-1800 PREPARER & CONTACT: This Part III Environmental Assessment Form was prepared by: Freudenthal & Elkowitz Consulting Group, Inc. 368 Veterans Memorial Highway Commack, New York 11725 Contact: Theresa Elkowitz (516)499-2222 Araiys Design, L.A., P.C. 33 Main Street Southampton, New York 11968 and Dunn Engineering Associates 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, New York 11978 DATE OF PREPARATION: April 1999 PART III - LONG ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM RICHARD F. MULLEN III AND WILLIAM MULLEN MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK M.- Introduction ................................................ 1 Project Description ........................................... 5 Land Use Conflicts and Growth Inducing Impacts within the Area ..... 8 Visual Impacts ............................................. 12 Cutting of Trees ............................................ 14 Traffic Impacts ............................................. 15 Aesthetic and Noise Impacts ................................... 16 Figure 1 - Site Location Map ............................... 4 Appendix A - Proposed Site Plan Appendix B - September 10, 1997 Correspondence from Nelson, Pope & Voorhis, LLC Appendix C - Photographs Appendix D - Renderings Appendix E - Traffic Study This document is a Part III - Environmental Assessment Form (EAF) that has been prepared to evaluate the environmental impacts associated with the proposed change of zone of a 1.2484 acre parcel from Hamlet Business (HB) and Low Density Residential (R-40) to General Business (B). The subject property is situated on the southwest comer of New York State Route 25 (Rt. 25) and Locust Avenue, hamlet of Southold, Town of Southold, New York (see Figure 1 - Site Location Map). The application for a change of zone has been filed by Richard F. Mullen III and William Mullen who are contract vendees of the subject property which abuts the existing Mullen Motors car dealership. The northern portion of the subject property, zoned HB, is developed with five buildings comprising Colonial Comers (see Site Plan in Appendix A). Although the proposed action will change the zoning on this parcel from HB to B, no changes to Colonial Corners are proposed. In fact, the only physical changes proposed to the subject property consist of the development of a paved and landscaped parking area on the vacant southern portion of the property (zoned R-40) to address the parking needs of Mullen Motors. Thus, this Part III - EAF will address the proposed change of zone and development of a paved and landscaped parking area at the southern segment of the subject property. As no changes to the northern segment of the property housing the Colonial Comers development are proposed, no further discussion of this section of the property will be provided in this Part III - EAR The applicant acknowledges that there has been speculation that Mullen Motors' intention is to expand onto the Colonial Corners property. However, Mullen Motors has no current plans for expansion. If, at sometime in the future, business demands were such that an expansion was contemplated, the applicant would be required to file the appropriate applications with the Town of Southold and would be subject to environmental review pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 617. As indicated in The SEQR Handbook (NYSDEC 1992, page 22), review of the impacts of future actions are not required if such actions are speculative, may not occur and are functionally independent of each other (p. 22). Consideration of the impacts of changes to Colonial Corners or expansion to Mullen Motors is not appropriate at this time as: • There is no proposed plan for changes to the Colonial Corners development nor is an expansion of Mullen Motors to the Colonial Corners property proposed. Thus, such actions are, at best, speculative; • Changes to Colonial Corners and/or the expansion of Mullen Motors may never occur; and • Any changes that may be proposed to Colonial Comers or Mullen Motors in the future are functionally independent of the proposed action. Furthermore, any future actions that may be proposed would require environmental review pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 617. 2 With the above understanding, this Part III - EAF will specifically address those environmental issues raised by the Town of Southold, via correspondence from its consultant, Nelson, Pope & Voorhis, LLC (NPV) dated September 10, 1997 (see Appendix B). These issues are as follows: • Project Description; • Land Use Conflicts and Growth Inducing Impacts within the Area; • Visual Impacts; • Cutting of Trees; • Traffic Impacts; and • Aesthetic Impacts including Noise. M Mag 15.00 Tue Apr 06 15:02 1999 Scale 1:15,625 (at center) 1000 Feet 500 Meters "Cole Local Road Primary State Route Railroad V Geographic Feature * Park/Reservation Figure 1 �iaroers Pont Population Center Lake Land Water Woodland .Founder; Landing Park Site Location S Ihdd B, As described in the Introduction of this Part III - EAF, the project sponsor is proposing a change of zone of a 1.2484 acre parcel from Hamlet Business (HB) and Low Density Residential (R-40) to General Business (B). The northern segment of the subject property will remain as it currently exists (i.e., with the Colonial Comers office/retail development in tact). Thus, the only physical alterations planned are to the southern portion of the property where the applicant is proposing to construct a paved and landscaped parking area. As previously described, the subject change of zone application has been made by Messrs. Richard and William Mullen, operators of Mullen Motors, which is situated immediately to the west of the subject property. Messrs. Mullen are proposing this action as Mullen Motors has been experiencing parking problems at its dealership which has caused patrons and others to park their cars on the street, particularly on Cottage Place. To address the existing parking demands, Messrs. Mullen have entered into a contract to purchase the adjoining property to the east so that the vacant southern portion can be improved as a parking lot which will adjoin its existing parking lot. As indicated on the site plan included in Appendix A, the new parking area will provide 36 parking spaces for Mullen Motors. In addition to developing an additional parking area to address the needs of Mullen Motors, the applicants are also proposing to enhance aesthetic conditions through the installation of landscaping at both the new and the existing parking areas. It is important to note that no expansion of the actual Mullen Motors buildings or operations associated therewith are proposed. The new parking area is being planned solely to address an existing parking problem and to ensure that adequate employee, patron and automotive inventory parking is provided such that those destined to Mullen Motors will not be forced to park on the street. Currently, Mullen Motors has a 41 space parking lot to the south of its buildings which is not sufficient to meet existing parking demands. Approximately 0.87 acres of the subject site are developed with approximately 0.6 acres consisting of roads and buildings and approximately 0.27 acres comprised of landscape vegetation. The remaining approximately 0.38 acres are vegetated with trees (some of the mature trees have been cut, which will be discussed later in this Part III - EAF), grasses and weedy species. Construction of the proposed parking lot will result in a modification of approximately 0.31 acres of vegetated area to paved parking area. Leaching pools will be installed in the new parking lot to handle runoff from the paved area. Lighting will be installed for security purposes, however, the fixtures will have sharp cut-off angles to prevent intrusion into the residential areas. As part of the parking lot development, significant landscaping is proposed, especially on the southern segment where the parking area will adjoin residential dwellings. As indicated on the plan included in Appendix A, a 25 foot buffer is proposed along the south side of the parking area. A berm of approximately three feet in height will be constructed within this buffer, and the area will be planted with evergreens ranging from approximately 7 to 8 feet in height. Shrubs will also be planted. This landscaped buffer and berm will continue along the east side of the proposed parking area and will be planted with trees and shrubs. The buffer and berm will also continue along the southwestern property line, and landscaped islands will be installed at the interior of the proposed parking lot. As the proposed parking lot will have access to the existing parking area to the south of the Mullen Motors facility (i.e., Suffolk County Tax Map No. 1000-62-03-19 containing 41 spaces), landscaping is also proposed along the southern property line of the existing parking area. Specifically, a row of evergreen trees ranging from 7 to 8 feet in height will be installed, and evergreen groundcover will be planted at the southwest comer of this parking lot. A landscaped island (evergreen groundcover) will also be installed at the west side of the existing parking lot along Cottage Place. Thus, the proposed action will not only include landscaping for the parking area to be constructed but planting will also be installed in the existing parking area. [7 The only access to the new parking lot will be from the existing parking area to the south of Mullen Motors. No ingress or egress will be permitted to or from Locust Avenue. Furthermore, a six foot stockade fence will be maintained between Colonial Corners and the proposed parking area. Thus, implementation of the proposed action will increase the amount of off-street parking available to Mullen Motors and its patrons from 41 spaces to 75 spaces thereby addressing the shortage of parking. In addition, to maintain and improve aesthetic quality, substantial buffer landscaping and landscaped islands will be installed. The buffer landscaping will screen the view of the parking area from proximate residential dwellings. LAND USE. CONFLICTS AND GROWTH INDUCING IMPACTS WITHIN THE AREA In its September 10, 1997 correspondence, NPV indicated that, "the primary concern associated with the proposed project is the potential for land use conflicts between the proposed project and adjacent residential uses." However, NPV's letter goes on to state that "the potential conflicts of the proposed project can be minimized through limitations on signage and lighting, appropriate setbacks, buffers and landscaping, and use of traditional building design for any new structures." The subject property is situated within two zoning districts: the northern segment is zoned HB, and the southern segment is zoned R-40. The northern portion of the property is developed with five retail/office buildings comprising Colonial Comers, and the southern portion is undeveloped.„ Immediately adjoining the subject property to the west are Mullen Motors and it associated parking. The property on which the Mullen Motors buildings are situated is zoned B, and the parking lot to ,. the south is zoned R-40. Further to the west along Main Road (across Cottage Place) is a parking lot utilized by Mullen Motors that is zoned B followed by a property zoned HB. To the east of the Colonial Comers property across Locust Avenue is a parcel housing a 7-Eleven which is zoned B followed by a parcel with HB zoning. On the north side of Main Road across from Mullen Motors and Colonial Corners are various properties zoned HB. Thus, zoning along Main Road in the vicinity of Mullen Motors is a mix of B and HB with property to the south thereof zoned R-40. The utilization of R-40 zoned property as a parking area for Mullen Motors has previously been considered and approved by the Town of Southold. Specifically, on April 2, 1997, the Town of Southold Board of Appeals granted a variance to permit the area immediately to the south of the Mullen Motors buildings (i.e., Suffolk County Tax Map No. 1000-62-03-19) be used as a parking lot for Mullen Motors and determined that: (a) the use proposed [i.e., parking in an R-40 zone to serve the Mullen Motors facility] is not inconsistent with the general purposes of the intent ofzoning; (b) the circumstances are unique; (c) the accessory use applied for will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood; (d) the use will not prevent the orderly and reasonable use of this district or adjacent use districts; (e) the safety, health, welfare, comfort, convenience and order of the town will not be adversely affected by this use; (n the interests ofjustice will be served by allowing the variance, as conditionally noted below. The conditions set forth in the variance approval include: 1. Fence must meet current code restrictions for a maximum height offour feet along the front yard property lines, unless application is made separately for additional relief. 2. The approved parking area is restricted only to the residentially zoned portion. 3. Planning Board site plan approval.. . Thus, the Town of Southold, through its Board of Appeals, previously determined that the use of R-40 zoned property, adjoining residentially -developed R-40 zoned property, would not result in significant adverse impacts. E Regarding the current application, NPV indicated that because the subject property borders residential properties and there are several narrow side streets in the immediate area, potential land use conflicts between residential and commercial uses exist. There are several factors inherent to this application that address these concerns and mitigate the potential for such conflicts. Although the application consists of a change of zone for the Colonial Corners property, the only physical modification associated with this application is the development of a parking area to the south of Colonial Corners. No building demolition or alteration is proposed to the structures comprising Colonial Comers. Second, the proposed action is not an expansion of the Mullen Motors car dealership, and no new structures are proposed. The main purpose of this action is to create an additional off-street parking area to address the existing parking needs of the dealership so that patrons will not be forced to park on the street. Additionally, as discussed in the Project Description section of this Part III - EAF, berming and substantial landscaping are proposed to screen the view of the parking area from proximate residential uses. Landscaping is also proposed along the southern border of the existing parking lot to enhance aesthetic quality. Lighting to be installed will have sharp cut-off angles to prevent intrusion onto adjoining residential properties. Furthermore, no additional access to area roadways are proposed. The only access from the new parking area will be from the existing parking area to the south of the Mullen Motors dealership. 10 With regard to growth inducement (i.e., the potential for granting of the change of zone to encourage additional requests for B zoning), the granting of this action would not be precedent setting nor is it likely to encourage requests for additional zone changes from HB and/or R-40 to B. The primary reason for this change of zone request is to allow for additional parking for an existing car dealership that has been in this area of the Town of Southold for over 70 years. With regard to the HB parcel on which Colonial Comers is situated, the change of zone to B would conform with the existing developed parcels to the east and west which are already zoned B. Furthermore, the existing use of the Colonial Comers site is permitted in the B zone, thus, the proposed action would not result in the creation of non -conforming uses. With regard to the southern segment of the property which is zoned R-40, while the property to the west is also zoned R-40, a variance was previously granted that allows the parcel to be used for parking for Mullen Motors. Review of the zoning map and inspections of properties along Main Road do not indicate that there are sites/uses with analogous circumstances (i.e., a change zone on a property along Main Road that is zoned HB and is situated between two properties zoned B; a change of zone on a property zoned R-40 for use as parking for an established commercial use with a shortage of parking which adjoins a parcel zoned R-40 approved and used for parking for the established commercial use). Thus, the proposed action conforms with the established character of the immediate area. Furthermore, the project has been designed to minimize the potential for land use conflicts through the implementation of mitigation measures including, but not limited to, berming and substantial landscaping; limited access; and sharp cut-off angles on light fixtures. In addition, the granting of the requested change of zone and development of a parking area will not be growth inducing or precedent setting as it does not appear that there are other properties along Main Road in Southold with the same circumstances. 11 NPV's September 10, 1997 correspondence raises the potential for adverse visual impacts "...particularly if the property is used for the expansion of Mullen Motors as proposed." First, the proposed action does not include the expansion of the Mullen Motors dealership. The only physical alteration associated with the proposed action is the construction of a parking area to address current parking needs. No structures are proposed, and no bright lights, banners, pennants or additional signs are contemplated as part of this action. To assess visual impacts associated with the development of the new parking lot, it is important to review the existing visual condition. (As no changes are proposed to Colonial Corners, no assessment of the visual character of this segment of the parcel is conducted). The area to be physically modified is characterized by trees, cut trees and grassy/weedy species. The view of the site from Cottage Place is from across the existing Mullen Motors parking lot. Only glimpses of the area to be modified can be seen (see Photograph No. 1 in Appendix Q. The view from Locust Avenue is of a vacant lot where many mature trees have been cut; this area is not pristine and exhibits signs of disturbance (see Photograph Nos. 2 and 3 in Appendix Q. The view from the residences to the south is also of a vegetated lot that is not pristine. 12 To minimize potential adverse visual impacts associated with the activities proposed, berming and landscaping will be installed (see site plan in Appendix A). Specifically, a 25 foot buffer is proposed along the south side of the parking area. A berm of approximately three feet in height will be constructed within this buffer, and the area will be planted with evergreens ranging from approximately 7 to 8 feet in height. Shrubs will also be planted. This landscaped buffer and berm will continue along the east side of the proposed parking area and will be planted with trees and shrubs. The buffer and berm will also continue along the southwestern property line, and landscaped islands will be installed at the interior of the proposed parking lot. Landscaping is also proposed along the southern property line of the existing parking area. Specifically, a row of evergreen trees ranging from 7 to 8 feet in height will be installed, and evergreen groundcover will be planted at the southwest corner of this parking lot. A landscaped island (evergreen groundcover) will also be installed at the west side of the existing parking lot along Cottage Place. To determine the effectiveness of the proposed mitigation upon project implementation, renderings have been prepared by ARAIYS Design, L.A., P.C. (see Appendix D). As indicated on these renderings, the view from Cottage Place will be similar to the existing view except that landscaping will be enhanced on the south and west sides of the existing Mullen Motors parking lot. The view from Locust Avenue is expected to improve as a vegetated berm will be constructed to help screen the proposed lot. As shown in the renderings in Appendix D, the view from the south is also expected to improve as a result of the proposed berming and landscaping. Thus, the proposed action incorporates measures to preserve and enhance the visual quality in the area. As such, the proposed action is not expected to result in significant adverse visual impacts. 13 As indicated in the Photographs in Appendix C, several large trees on the site have been cut. The applicant did not cut these trees or engage any other party to cut the trees. As previously discussed and indicated in Appendix A, substantial landscaping will be planted as part of the proposed action. The evergreens to be installed will not be seedlings; they will be 7 to 8 feet in height. Street trees will also be planted. Thus, while the project sponsor did not cut or remove trees, the landscaping proposed as part of this action will help to mitigate visual impacts caused by the cutting of trees. 14 As the proposed action does not include an expansion of the Mullen Motors dealership, no additional traffic will be generated. Mullen Motors has indicated that test driving is done on Main Road and patrons are advised not to test drive in the residential neighborhood. As the proposed action includes the development of a parking lot that will help address the shortage of parking which results in parking along Cottage Place, impacts are expected to be positive. To evaluate the traffic issue, a traffic and parking study was conducted by Dunn Engineering Associates which is included in Appendix E. This study concluded, in pertinent part: Based on the analysis and observations of the existing traffic and parking conditions at the proposed site it is expected that the construction of the new parking field to the southeast of the Mullen Motors property will not cause any adverse traffic impacts. From a traffic engineering standpoint, the parking area will provide for optimum safety of vehicles entering and exiting the new parking lot. After the new parking lot is completed, the vehicles parked on Cottage Place, as well as several of the vehicles parked between the existing Mullen Motors building and Cottage Place will be moved to the newly constructed parking area. This will help to increase safety and roadway efficiency in the area since less vehicles will be parked on Cottage Place after the construction of the parking lot. In addition, the vehicles between the existing Mullen Motors building and Cottage Place will no longer be forced to back out onto Cottage Place which possibly could cause an accident hazard. Based on our findings, it is concluded that, the proposed construction of the 36 car parking area will have no traffic impact on the roadway network and therefore should be approved. 15 AESTHETIC AND NOISE IMPACTS As explained throughout this Part III - EAF, the only physical changes proposed are associated with the construction of a new parking area to the south of Colonial Corners. Such action will bring vehicles closer to some residences on Locust Avenue and on the north side of Korn Road (i.e., those living closer to Locust Avenue). However, this area will be used for parking only - no service will be performed in this lot. As previously described, to minimize potential adverse aesthetic and noise impacts, berming and landscaping are proposed and lights to be installed will have sharp cut-off angles (see site plan in Appendix A). Furthermore, as the proposed action, if granted, will change the zoning of the parcel to B, the vegetated buffer will be 25 feet which is 10 feet greater than the buffer required for the HB district. As the Colonial Corners property is not proposed to be changed, no adverse aesthetic or noise impacts will be associated with this area. Also, as the Mullen Motors dealership is not proposed to be expanded, no aesthetic or noise impact will result. T V3" a Coil" AMU" Nelson, Pope & Voorhis, LLC, Correspondence of September 10, 1997. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, The SEQR Handbook. 1992. Town of Southold Zoning Code and Map. 17 APPENDIX A FREUDENTHAL & ELKOWITZ CONSULTING GROUP. INC. FREUDENTHAL & ELKOWITZ CONSULTING GROUP, INC. NELSON, POPE & VOORHIS, LLC 2 N V 1 R O N M 2 N T A. I. N N 1 N G • C ON S U L T I NO CHARLES 1 VOORHIS, CEP. AICP • ARTHUR 1 KOERSER. PE • VINCENT G. DONNELLY. P.E. • VICTOR BEAT. PE • JOSEPH R.EPIPANIA.P.E.• AOSERI G.NELSON. JR. PE • CHRISTOPHER 'N. ROBINSON. PE. September 10, 1997 Ms. Judith Terry, Town Clerk Southold Town Board Town Hall, 53095 Main Road PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 RECEIVED SEP 16 1997 Southold To.lm Clerk Re: Supplemental Review ofEAF Richard F. Mullen III and William Mullen Zone Change Application SCTM No. 1000-62-03-22.1 & 24.1 N&P Job No. 97208 Dear Ms. Terry: As per the request of the Southold Town Board, we have completed a supplementary review of the above referenced zone change. This review is intended to examine current site conditions as a result of tree clearing activity, and the review and analyze these conditions, community concerns, and potential impacts in the context of the proposed zone change and subsequent use of the subject site as an expansion of Mullen Motors. We have completed a second field inspection, with particular emphasis on assessing the impact of the recent cutting of trees along Locust Avenue. In addition, we have reviewed available material concerning community concerns. The primary issues raised by local residents are: 1) visual impacts; 2) cutting of trees on the property; 3) land use conflicts and growth inducing impacts within the area; 4) traffic impacts; and, aesthetic impacts including noise. This letter will provide a brief discussion of each of these impacts; however, we believe that the burden should be placed on the applicant to address in detail issues concerning the proposed use of the intended zone change parcel. In addition, local residents have stated that conditions at the existing Mullen Motors to the west violate past site plan approval for buffering and use of the employee parking areas. These issues are separate from the current application, but the Town may wish to address these issues in the context of the requested expansion of Mullen Motors to the subject parcel. The Board may also wish to have the appropriate branch of Town government further investieate these claims as a separate action. One difficulty in reviewing the action is the lack of specificity with regard to future use of the site. While we understand that the project is for a change or zoning to General Business (B), the Pv-e 1 Mullen Change of Zone EAF Review proximity of the site to the residential neighborhood is such that many uses allowed in General Business may be incompatible with the neighboring community. In addition, the specific aspects of site design including design and layout, setbacks, buffering and landscaping, play a major role in impacts and mitigation. Many Long Island Towns require conceptual site plans and often get into the level of detail more appropriate for a site plan review, at the time of a change of zone application.. While exact use and design may not be binding at the time of the zone change, detailed review generally results in conditions, or covenants and restrictions regarding use, setbacks, design and buffering that help to minimize impacts. This approach seems appropriate for this project in order to fully understand the potential impacts and mitigation available, particularly in view of the potential land use conflicts. Accordingly, it is suggested that a concept plan be submitted with supplemental information outlined in this review The following project summary and summary of issues is provided: Project Summary The project site is a 1.2484 acre parcel in the hamlet of Southold, and is located at the southwest corner of NYS Route 25 and Locust Avenue. The northern portion of the site fronting on NYS Route 25 is zoned Hamlet Business (HB), and the southern portion of the site zoned is Low Density Residential (R-40). The current application is for a change of zoning designation on these two lots to General Business (B). The existing site conditions and zoning are discussed in greater detail in the NP&V review dated July 3, 1997. Mullen Nfotors, the project sponsor, operates an existing car dealership on the two parcels to the west of the site. The southern R-40 portion of the site is currently vacant, although the vegetation is partially cleared. The sponsor intends to expand the parking facilities for the existing business onto the southern parcel, as the current parking is inadequate. Auto sales are not permined within Hamlet Business or Residential zoning districts, and thus rezoning to a General Business designation would be necessary for the proposed use. There are five existing retail structures on the northern HB portion of the site which are collectively known as "Colonial Corners". It is believed that these structures would remain under the current proposal, although the change of zone could permit future removal of the retail buildings and further expansion of the dealership. Land Use Issues As was stated in the preliminary review of the EAF Part I, the primary concern associated with the proposed project is the potential for land use conflicts between the proposed project and adjacent residential uses. The project site has Frontage on NYS Route 25, a primary route through the Town of Southold. Commercial development has occurred within individual hamlets along the NYS 25 corridor, and the subject property is located on the eastern border of the hamlet of Southold. The predominant commercial zoning category within the area is Hamlet Business, and the existing Mullen Motors parcels are the only properties in the area which are zoned for General Business. The Hamlet Business zoning on the north side of t fYS 25 is fairly deep, without side streets, and thus the residential lands further to the north are well buffered. The residential lands to the N -SCN. PCPS 5 VCCP�-IS. LL= Page 2 Mullen Change of Zone EAF Review south of NYS Route 25 are not as well buffered from the commercial uses. The commercially zoned properties along the south side of the road are only 100 to 300 feet in depth, with residential development abutting immediately to the south. In addition, there are several narrow side streets in this area, which help create the potential for land use conflicts between the residential and commercial uses. Local residents have expressed concern that the. change of zone will "compromise the rural character of the area", and might result in subsequent requests for zoning changes on surrounding properties. Limited land use conflicts might be expected to occur with any commercial use, even under the existing Hamlet Business zoning. The proposed expansion of the car dealership will present a conflict, particularly if the existing Colonial Corners Center were to be removed in the future. The center is traditional in design and is occupied by several small businesses, and would offer a visual buffer as long as it remains. There are relatively few properties within the Town with a General Business zoning designation. If additional areas for General Business development are needed within the Town, it is preferable to locate them adjacent to existing General Business parcels as proposed. However, due to the depth of the change of zone parcel which encompasses the R-40 parcel south of the HB frontage, the encroachment of this zoning into residential use areas indicates that the proposed change of zone is generally not consistent with the surrounding zoning (with the exception of the existing General Business zoned Mullen Motors property to the west). The potential conflicts of the proposed project can be minimized through limitations on signage and lighting, appropriate setbacks, buffers and landscaping, and use of traditional building design for any new structures. Mitigation as well as alternatives should be explored in order to ensure that land use incompatibility is minimized. Visual Impacts The preliminary review also discussed the visual impacts of the proposed rezoning as potentially significant, particularly if the property is used for the expansion of Mullen Motors as proposed. Car dealerships are typically characterized by. bright lights, banners, pennants and other advertising methods, as high visibility is preferred. The expanse of pavement which is generally necessary for a car lot may also detract from the visual quality of an area. These impacts can be partially mitigated through the use of landscape islands, retention of vegetated buffers and lighting restrictions, as suggested in the initial NP&V review. Town codeualready prohibits the use of pennants, canvas banners and most temporary signs, and lighting within the General Business district is restricted to the front third of a lot with poles of no more than 14 feet. The required vegetative buffer within the General Business zoning category is 25 feet, which is greater than the 15 foot buffer required within the Hamler Business district. Covenants could also be placed on the number of cars which could be stored on the site and building design for any new structures. These measures should minimize the visual impact of the proposed project. NE-SCM PCP6 -. 4CCPHIS. IlC 1MFC;�MEY��L=�:(.aVnM1G . C._.'IRJL'K. Page 3 Mullen Change of Zone EAF Review Traffic Issues Several traffic issues have been raised by local residents in response to the proposed change of zone, although these issues are largely the result of existing land uses in the area and are only indirectly related to the current proposal. Some of the problems identified include test driving by Mullen's Motors customers within adjacent neighborhoods and the partial obstruction of Cottage Place by cars awaiting service at Mullen Motors. Use of local roadways by large trucks has also been cited as a problem, although the majority of trucks probably originate from the existing Hamlet Business uses, particularly the adjacent 7-11 store. Mitigation of existing traffic problems on.the Mullen Motors property can. be explored by the Town in conjunction with the applicant;. however, the focus of impact analysis should be on any additional traffic impacts which result from the change of zone. In fact, it is likely that the proposed expansion would improve conditions along Cottage Place by providing additional parking areas on the property. A traffic/parking study would be useful in conjunction with the current application to address these issues. Cutting of Trees The preliminary review prepared by NP&V recommended that the existing street trees be retained in the southwestern portion of the site. Some of these trees, including large Norway spruce trees, were cut without authorization in July 1997. Although these trees were not 300 years old as stated by some local residents, they did provide an important visual buffer between the residential area to the south and the commercial strip along i`fYS Route 25. A subsequent site visit by NP&V staff' showed that the large spruce were approximately 60 to 80 years in age, based on the number of growth rings present, with a maximum diameter of 32 inches at breast height. It is unclear whether the project sponsor is culpable, but the Town may wish to take action in response to the removal of the trees. Such an action would be separate from the SEQR4 process; however, replanting of a vegetated buffer in this area should be made a condition of any site plan approval for a new commercial use. Use of transplanted older trees, rather than seedlings, would be preferable in order to provide immediate screening. Aesthetics and Noise The increase in intensity of use of the subject parcel would be expected to result in certain cultural impacts including aesthetics issues, light and noise. It is noted however, that many of these impacts are already present or cound be altered through commercial use of the HB zoned portion of the site. The operation of the facility will determine the level of impact, and the ability to control or limit such impacts. Barriers are effective in reducing off site transmission of noise, and site plan and zoning controls would be expected to limit impacts due to lighting. The general increase in activity may compromise aesthetic qualities of the nearby residential areas, if site use is not properly designed and controlled. Accordinely, operational as well as design issues are important considerations at this stage of review. N • .VF__SCN. Pci--5 S vcCFHIS. lLc Page 4 Mullen Change of Zone EAF Review Other issues raised by local residents include noise from car alarms and from the service area, and the possibility of toxic smells from the proposed project. These concerns relate to the proper management of the existing dealership, and would exist regardless of the intended use of the subject property. The change of zone review should address the potential for these impacts to increase or decrease with the expansion of the facility. The Town consideration of the pending zone change and the desire of the applicant to expand the subject facility to the adjacent site provides an opportunity to review the overall operations. Both Mullen Motors and the Town may be able to use this as an opportunity to improve compatibility with the existing operation, in an effort to have Mullen Motors "be a good neighbor". Based on this review it is clear that the issues involving the pending zone change'are complex and should be carefully considered by the Town Board. As a result, additional environmental documentation is appropriate to explore these issues and provide a basis for a Determination of Significance under the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) as well as to assist in reaching an informed decision on the zone change. This should be in the form of a detailed Full Environmental Assessment Form (EAF) Part III Narrative to analyze key issues of the project. The Full EAF Part III (if required) should provide a detailed project description including project construction and operation. The Part III should be accompanied by a conceptual site plan that would depict the intended use of the change of zone parcel. The topics outlined in this correspondence should be used as a basis for further analysis in the Part III Narrative. The document can also serve as a means to seek input from groups or individuals as provided for under SEQRA Part 617.14(c) prior to issuance of a Determination. If Mullen Motors intends to expand the existing building or to demolish the existing center as well as add additional parking, these actions should be considered as part of the current application rather than under a separate SEQRA review. The EAF would then provide a basis for either a Negative Declaration if potential impacts are either not significant or are mitigated, or a Positive Declaration to require an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) if there are outstanding impacts that can not be mitigated. As an alternative, the Board could consider requiring an EIS at this time. Such a document could be scoped to include only those key impacts of the project, and would include discussion of mitigation and alternatives. In conclusion, the Town Board has three options for action on the proposed project. The Board could deny the project based on currently available information. The decision to deny the zone change should be subject to a Negative Declaration, allowing the Board to fulfill their legislative decision on the zone change. The Board could choose to issue a positive declaration and require additional environmental documentation through a Draft EIS with a limited scope addressing the potential traffic, visual, cultural and noise, and land use impacts of the proposed change of zone and expansion of Mullen Motors. Mitigation of these potential impacts should be discussed in detail, and alternative sites explored. Finally, the Board could require a Full EAF Part III Narrative to analyze key issues, and then utilize this as a basis for a Determination of Significance and/or decision on the zone change. The use of Pats III EAF is our favored option, as this Rpm NESCN. PCPE o'. VCCPHIS. --LC ivIPCMME^G�.l_=�PNIp� _ YZ,I-rG Page 9 Mullen Change of Zone EAF Review provides the applicant with the opportunity to address key issues and impacts. The document can be used to solicit public input, and will provide a sound basis for the determination of significance. If there are one or more key impacts that are not mitigated, the Board would retain the option to seek a complete Draft EIS. If you have any questions or wish. any further input with regard to this matter, please do not hesitate to call. • N NE -SON. POPS i VCCPHIS. _C =wir cNnnEr:.L ?��..vNirvG _-�.Rt-rG Very truly yours, NELSON POPE_& VOORHIS, LLC Charles 7.`Voorhis, CEP, AICP Page 6 41 APPENDIX C FREUDENTHAL & ELKOWITZ CONSULTING GROUP, INC. Photograph No. 1: View of proposed parking lot area from Cottage Place looking across existing Mullen Motors parking lot. Photograph No. 2: View of proposed parking lot area (right of photograph) looking south along Locust Avenue. FREUDENTHAL & ELKOWITZ CONSULTING GROUP, INC. uposeu parking lot area (right of _ ^s a�T ^,• � tg Locust Avenue. photograph) looking south aloe THAL & ELKOWITZ CONSULTING GROUP, INC. FREUDEN IN IN Photograph No. : View of proposed parking area from Locust Avenue. Neighboring properties to the south are visible through vegetation. FREUDENTHAL & ELKOWITZ CONSULTING GROUP, INC. APPENDIX D FREUDENTHAL & ELKOWITZ CONSULTING GROUP, INC. e YJ J as s.J� l .T�b'Q T .1 1 AM _—_ _ ♦.• '� j J9 � t : � ;F.�t�"�l'w6� y s e � 1 l"�,r '�'.. \ �'f sv _. - RIB a$� �� i- �] _ - • '�` 3 ti. � � . ' . _ L i 1 T' ^..a. p its - ''"a�in{� ►r �.: �.$?��' ..�3' �� .1 ��/ raa �r _.� � y ♦ •a;. s �,� � `�.. * s 1 rt�+ . C ate. ei� ` , (y L- J +, `a V J♦� � , � _ 'i 1 Sys •� K ,eJ` y r � a. < MOIR' 1y I � � �ilh 3f i w ��� `I �/ �� •5 Ii,J 1! we WIN l 'fir. r / atISki ' ►r VI I'n ,I . � 1 C �JAA "7' n1 APPENDIX E PREUDENTHAL & ELKOWITZ CONSULTING GROUP, INC. Dunn Engineering Associates, P.C. Consulting Engineers 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, N.Y. 11978 516-288-2480 516-288-2544 Fax March 29, 1999 Ms. Theresa Elkowitz Freudenthal & Elkowitz Consulting Group, Inc. 368 Veterans Memorial Highway Commack, New York 11725 Re: Mullen Motors Parking Field Expansion S/E Corner Main Road at Cottage Place Town of Southold, New York Dear Ms. Elkowitz: As requested, we have completed our Traffic Engineering Examination of the proposed parking lot expansion of Mullen Motors located on the southeast corner of Main Road (NYS Route 25) and Cottage Place in the Town of Southold, New York. The proposed parking lot will provide 36 additional spaces on the southeast corner of the Mullen Motors properties. It should be pointed out that no plans are being made for an increase in the vehicle stock or in the amount of service done by Mullen Motors. The parking lot expansion is merely to alleviate some of the existing parking problems in the vicinity of the existing Mullen Motors operation. The following sections describe our findings and recommendations. Proposed Parking Lot Expansion It is proposed to construct a 36 car parking lot to the southeast of the existing Mullen Motors facility which is located on the southeast corner of Main Road and Cottage Place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. The property is currently vacant and the Suffolk County Tax Map No. is 1000-62-03-24.1. In addition to the proposed parking lot construction, as part of this project, the zoning of the entire property including the existing Colonial Comers area located north of the proposed parking lot, will be changed. Colonial Comers will remain in its existing state and no modifications are planned for the property. Therefore, no additional traffic will be generated by the change of zone of the Colonial Corners property. In addition, the zoning change will not increase the parking requirements for Colonial Corners. At present, a parking lot exists on the south side of the Mullen Motors building and can be seen in Figure 1, Parking Locations. This parking lot is designated Section 2 in Figure 1 and is located to the west of the proposed parking lot expansion. This parking area is utilized by service vehicles as well as employees of Mullen Motors. I z a 30b1d 30Vi-L00 e z wo 0 to z O_ cn OR J d W Ln z 0 U W 0 0f U _Z LE Y X Q d 6ZL96 Ms. Theresa Elkowitz March 29, 1999 Page 3 In addition to the parking area located south of the Mullen Motors building an additional parking area is located west of the building on the west side of Cottage Place (Section 1). This parking area contains new and used cars for sale. This parking lot is also used by visitors as well as vehicles that are scheduled for service. In addition to these two main parking areas, vehicles may park on both the east and west side of Cottage Place (Section 4), as well as to the immediate west of the existing Mullen Motors building between the building and Cottage Place (Section 3). Garage doors are present on the west side of this building and vehicles for service or visitors may park facing these garage doors on the west side of the building. In addition to these two parking areas, vehicles may also park on either the north or south side of Main Road (Section 5). Existing Roadways The proposed parking lot expansion will become part of the existing Mullen Motors property which is located on the southeast corner of Main Road and Cottage Place. Main Road is a major east/west New York State Highway facility designated New York State Route 25. In this area, Main Road provides two lanes in each direction with parking lanes on both sides of the road. The average annual daily traffic on Main Road in the vicinity of the site was 8,100 vehicles per day in August 1996. Cottage Place is a north/south local roadway facility. Cottage Place provides one lane in each direction. The intersection of Main Road and Cottage Place is controlled by a stop sign on the northbound Cottage Place approach. Cottage Place terminates at Main Road and continues to the south. Traffic and pedestrian activities at the proposed site were observed during the peak weekday afternoon hours as well as the peak Saturday hours. During these time periods the traffic activity on both Main Road and Cottage Place was moderate and no disruptions to traffic were seen in the vicinity of the site. Proposed Parking Lot Construction As stated earlier, it is proposed that a 36 car parking lot southeast of the existing Mullen Motors property be constructed. The purpose of this parking area is to accommodate existing employees as well as vehicles that are about to be serviced by the Mullen Motors Service Center. There is to be no expansion of the existing building or increase in the service area which would generate new demand for parking. It should also be pointed out that no additional traffic will be generated due to the construction of this proposed parking area. No plans are being made for an increase in inventory or for an increase in the amount of vehicles being serviced by the site. Therefore, the parking lot is Ms. Theresa Elkowitz March 29, 1999 Page 4 being built in order to optimize the traffic and safety operations in the vicinity of the site by removing vehicles associated with Mullen Motors that currently park off -site or near the roadways in the area. Capacity Analysis Capacity analyses were performed at the unsignalized intersection of Main Road and Cottage Place. The Highway Capacity Manual "Transportation Research Board Special Report 209, 1994" was utilized. A summary of the intersection capacity analyses for this intersection is contained in Table 1, Capacity Analyses Results. The time periods analyzed were the weekday P.M. peak hour of traffic as well as the Saturday afternoon peak hour of traffic. These capacity analyses were performed for the existing 1999 traffic conditions. Critical Flow lusts. Movemarrt Average Level Location/Movement Gap ipophi Capacity Total Delay of Iseconda? ' iPgphl (Seconds) Service NB to WB Left Turn 6.5 46 33 406 358 From Cottage Place NB to EB Right Turn 5.5 15 19 953 892 From Cottage Place Combined NB Approach 61 52 473 458 8.7 8.9 B B WB to SB Left Turn 5.0 4 4 1192 1124 3.0 3.2 A A From Main Road Table 1 Capacity Analyses Results Main Road at Cottage Place It can be seen from Table 1 that either a Level of Service (LOS) A or B exists for the intersection approaches. These levels of service show that the intersection of Main Road and Cottage Place is currently operating under more=than adequate conditions. No disruptions to traffic were found on Main Road and no problems are expected for vehicles entering and exiting Cottage Place. It should also be pointed out that no increase in traffic is expected due to the parking lot construction. Ms. Theresa Elkowitz March 29, 1999 Page 5 Parking Occupancy Study As part of this study, a parking occupancy survey was done on a Saturday between 10:00 A.M. and 2:00 P.M. and on a weekday between 12 Noon and 6:00 P.M. The parking occupancy study was divided into five (5) separate areas that translate to the areas found in the previous Figure 1, Parking Locations. It should be noted that vehicles for sale in the parking lots were also counted as part of the parking study. The results of the parking occupancy for a Saturday afternoon revealed that the peak occupancy occurred at 11:30 A.M. when 161 vehicles were present on the site. A breakdown of the number of vehicles parked in each specific section for each half hour time period between 10:00 A.M. and 2:00 P.M. for a Saturday afternoon can be found in Table 2, Saturday Afternoon Parking Occupancy and is graphically represented in Figure 2, Saturday Afternoon Parking Occupancy. Time Zane.. Total 9 2 8 4 5 10:00 A.M. 90 55 9 4 1 159 10:30 A.M. 91 54 8 5 1 159 11:00 A.M. 86 53 8 5 1 153 11:30 A.M. 85 56 12 5 3 161 12:00 Noon 86 51 12 7 2 158 12:30 P.M. 85 47 10 3 0 145 1:00 P.M. 81 49 11 2 0 143 1:30 P.M. 84 47 9 4 0 144 2:00 P.M. 85 44 8 3 1 141 Table 2 Saturday Parking Occupancy It can be seen from Table 2 that up to 7 vehicles were parked on Cottage Place in the vicinity of Mullen Motors. In addition, there were up to 12 vehicles parked in Section 3, which is the section between the existing Mullen Motors building and Cottage Place. a //, Ms. Theresa Elkowitz March 29, 1999 Page 7 The results of the parking occupancy for a weekday afternoon revealed that the peak occupancy occurred at 12:00 Noon when 165 vehicles were present on the site. A breakdown of the number of vehicles parked in each specific section for each half hour time period between 12 Noon and 6:00 P.M. for a weekday afternoon can be found in Table 3, Weekday Parking Occupancy and is graphically represented in Figure 3, Weekday Parking Occupancy. Time 1 Z 3, 4 5 Total 12:00 Noon 94 53 9 6 3 165 12:30 P.M. 92 44 9 3 0 148 1:00 P.M. 93 49 10 5 2 159 1:30 P.M. 95 49 8 7 1 160 2:00 P.M. 94 50 9 6 1 160 2:30 P.M. 90 51 10 7 0 158 3:00 P.M. 89 49 9 4 1 152 3:30 P.M. 86 50 9 5 0 150 4:00 P.M. 84 48 10 5 0 147 4:30 P.M. 87 49 7 3 1 147 5:00 RM. 88 48 7 2 1 146 5:30 P.M. 85 36 10 0 2 133 6:00 P.M. 89 51 7 1 1 149 Table 3 Weekday Parking Occupancy It can be seen from Table 3 that up to 7 vehicles were parked on Cottage Place in the vicinity of Mullen Motors. In addition, there were up to 10 vehicles parked in Section 3. With the construction of the new parking lot, the vehicles parked on Cottage Place as well as several of the vehicles parked in Section 3 will be moved to the newly constructed parking area. This will help to increase safety and roadway efficiency in the area since less vehicles will be parked on Cottage Place after the construction of the parking lot. In addition, the vehicles in Section 3 of the parking lot currently are forced to back out onto Cottage Place. If these vehicles are moved to the new parking lot they will not be forced to make this maneuver which possibly could cause an accident hazard. j j % % j j j % j % j s Ms. Theresa Elkowitz March 29, 1999 Page 9 Therefore, from a traffic engineering standpoint, the construction of the new parking lot should greatly increase the safety and efficiency of the roadways in the vicinity of the site. It should be pointed out that access to the proposed parking area will be provided through the existing parking area located on the south side of the property. Therefore, no additional access drives will have to be constructed onto either Cottage Place or Main Road. Sight Distance Measurements Main Road, in the vicinity of site, is essentially level and no appreciable horizontal curves exist. No sight distance restrictions exist in the vicinity of the intersection of Main Road at Cottage Place. Specifically, the sight distance available to the east of the intersection is approximately 990 feet and the sight distance to the west of the intersection is approximately 620 feet. According to "A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets", 1990, a report published by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, the recommended sight distance for a 45 mile per hour design speed road such as Main Road is 400 feet. Therefore, more than adequate sight distance is available to service vehicles at the proposed intersection of Main Road at Cottage Place. Conclusions The proposed parking area will accommodate existing employees as well as vehicles that are about to be serviced by the Mullen Motors Service Center. There is to be no expansion of the existing building or increase in the service area which would generate new demand for parking. Therefore, no additional traffic will be generated due to the construction of this proposed parking area. Based on the analysis and observations of the existing traffic and parking conditions at the proposed site it is expected that the construction of the new parking field to the southeast of the Mullen Motors property will not cause any adverse traffic impacts. From a traffic engineering standpoint, the parking area will provide for optimum safety of vehicles entering and exiting the new parking lot. After the new parking lot is completed, the vehicles parked on Cottage Place, as well as several of the vehicles parked between the existing Mullen Motors building and Cottage Place will be moved to the newly constructed parkin area. This will help to increase safety and roadway efficiency in the area since less vehicles will 6e parked on Cottage Place after the construction of the parking lot. In addition, the vehicles between the existing Mullen Motors building and Cottage Place will no longer be forced to back out onto Cottage Place which possibly could cause an accident hazard. Based on our findings, it is concluded that, the proposed construction of the 36 car parking area will have no traffic impact on the roadway network and therefore should be approved. Ms. Theresa Elkowitz March 29, 1999 Page 10 If you have any questions or need any further information, please call me. Sincerely, \Richard A. Strang P. Associate RAS:as L990269 Encl. NEW YORK STATE DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION AVERAGE WEEKDAY HOURLY REPORT AM 12-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-11 11-12 PM 12-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-11 11-12 EASTBOUND 26 16 10 7 11 32 110 209 246 288 356 399 428 ** 389 376 357 356 328 262 222 159 128 86 53 WESTBOUND 28 13 11 8 9 24 86 160 220 259 297 338 328 362 386 414 ** 393 337 268 225 196 158 114 59 TOTALS 4,854 4,693 ROUTE 25 TUCKER LANE SOUTHOLD ROUTE 114 GREENPORT AUGUST 1996 FILE NAME RT25 070500896 DAILY TOTAL 9,547 EST. AADT 8,100 ** DENOTES PEAK HOUR DUNN ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES Site Code : 98129 PAGE: 1 N-S Street: Cottage Place FILE: roucotpm E-W SCreet: Route 25 DAY OF WK : __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tuesday Movements by: Primary DATE: 2/09/99 Time From North From East From South From West Vehicle Begin _.. ------- RT THRU LT RT THRU LT RT THRU LT RT THRU LT Total 4 :00 PM 0 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 0 0 0 97 2 3 0 11 5 76 0 194 4:15 0 0 0 0 89 1 3 0 11 8 76 0 188 4:30 1 0 0 0 89 0 2 0 9 9 94 1 183 4:45 0 0 1 0 82 1 4 0 4 3 79 2 176 HR TOTAL 1 0 1 0 357 4 12 0 35 23 305 3 741 5:00 PM 0 1 2 0 74 2 4 0 15 4 82 0 184 5115 1 0 0 1 68 2 7 1 5 8 62 1 156 5 : 3 0 1 0 0 0 49 1 2 0 9 3 52 1 118 5:45 0 0 0 0 56 0 0 0 6 5 54 0 121 HR TOTAL 2 1 2 1 247 5 13 1 35 20 250 2 579 ________-------------------------- DAY TOTAL 3 ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 3 1 604 9 25 1 70 43 555 5 1320 PEAK PERIOD ANALYSIS FOR THE PERIOD: 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM DIRECTION START PEAK HR ........ VOLUMES ........ .... PERCENTS ... FROM ____________________________________________________________________________________________ PEAK HOUR FACTOR Right Thru Left Total Right Thru Left North 4:30 PM 0.50 2 1 3 6 33 17 SO East 4:00 PM 0.91 0 357 4 361 0 99 1 South 4:15 PM 0.68 13 0 39 52 25 0 75 West 4:15 PM 0.98 22 311 3 336 9 93 1 Entire Intersection North 4:00 PM 0.50 1 0 1 2 50 0 50 East 0.91 0 357 4 361 0 99 1 South 0.84 12 0 35 47 26 0 74 West 0.99 23 305 3 331 V 92 1 r_ DUNN ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES Site Code : 98129 PAGE: 1 N-S Street: Cottage Place FILE: roucotpm E-W Street Route 25 DAY OF WK : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"""------------------------------------ Tuesday Movements by: Primary DATE: 2/09/99 Route 2S Total Turning Volumes for the Period: 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Cottage Place 1 0 1 2 31 305 331 23 1 3 F 0 361 357 L 4 r 47 -7 35 0 1 12 Place N W+E S Route 25 DUNN ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES Site Code : 98129 PAGE: 1 N-S Street: Cottage Place FILE: roucotsa E-W Street: Route 25 DAY OF WK : Saturday Movements by: Primary DATE: 2/27/99 Time From North From East From South From West Vehicle Begin RT THRU LT RT THRU LT RT THRU LT AT THRU LT Total 11.00 AM 0 0 0 0 93 0 1 0 7 0 79 0 ISO 11: 15 2 0 0 0 86 2 1 0 4 1 94 0 190 11:30 0 0 0 0 76 0 4 0 12 6 91 0 189 11 :45 0 0 0 0 88 0 4 1 6 3 99 1 202 HR TOTAL 2 0 0 0 343 2 30 1 29 10 363 1 761 12:00 PM 1 0 0 0 109 1 3 0 9 2 96 1 222 12:15 1 0 0 0 87 2 6 0 6 7 91 0 200 12:30 0 0 0 0 106 1 1 0 4 4 79 2 197 12:45 1 0 0 0 91 2 3 0 8 3 83 0 191 HR TOTAL 3 0 0 0 393 6 13 0 27 16 349 3 810 1:00 PM 1 0 0 0 86 0 3 0 3 5 106 1 205 1 15 0 0 0 0 66 1 2 0 9 5 108 2 193 1130 2 0 0 1 73 1 4 0 5 0 97 0 183 1:45 2 0 1 0 93 0 0 0 5 4 114 0 219 HR TOTAL 5 0 1 1 318 2 9 0 22 14 425 3 800 DAY TOTAL 10 0 1 1 1054 10 32 1 78 40 1137 7 2371 PEAR PERIOD ANALYSIS FOR THE PERIOD: 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM DIRECTION START PEAK ER ........ VOLUMES ........ .... PERCENTS ... FROM PEAK HOUR FACTOR Right Thru Left Total Right Thru Left -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- North 1:00 PM 0.50 5 0 1 6 83 0 17 East 12:00 PM 0.91 0 393 6 399 0 98 2 South 11:30 AM 0.80 17 1 33 51 33 2 65 West 1:00 PM 0.94 14 425 3 442 3 96 1 Entire Intersection North 11:45 AM 0.50 2 0 0 2 6100 0 0 East 0.90 0 390 4 394 0 99 1 South 0.83 14 1 25 40 35 2 62 West 0.93 116 365 4 385 4 95 1 GUNN ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES Site Code : 90129 PAGE: 1 N-S Street: Cottage Place FILE: roucotsa E-W Street: Route 25 DAY OF WR : Saturday Movements by: Primary DATE: 2/27/99 Route 25 Total Turning Volumes for the Period: 11:45 AM - 12:45 PM Cottage Place 2 0 I 0 2 J 41 365 385 16 J F 0 394 390 L 4 6 40 6 25 1 1 14 Place N W---E S Route 25 HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 2.lg PMO.HCO Page 1 Center For Microcomputers In Transportation University of Florida 512 Weil Hall Gainesville, FL 32611-6585 Ph: (352) 392-0378 Streets: (N-S) COTTAGE PLACE (E-W) ROUTE 25 Major Street Direction.... EW Length of Time Analyzed... 60 (min) Analyst ................... DEA/AFY Date of Analysis.......... 3/23/99 Other Information ......... 1999 EXISTING CONDITION (PM PEAK HOUR) Two-way Stop -controlled Intersection Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound L T R L T -R- I -L T R I -L T R ---- ---- ---- ---- --- ---- ---- --- ---- ---- No. Lanes Stop/Yield Volumes PHF Grade MC's M SU/RV's (%) CV's M PCE's ------------ 0 1 < 0 N 305 23 .99 .99 0 0 > 1 0 N 4 357 .91 .91 0 1.10 --------------- 0 > 0 < 0 35 12 .84 .84 0 1.10 1.10 --------------- Adjustment Factors Vehicle Critical Follow-up Maneuver ------------------------------------------------------------------ Gap (tg) Time (tf) Left Turn Major Road 5.00 2.10 Right Turn Minor Road 5.50 2.60 Through Traffic Minor Road 6.00 3.30 Left Turn Minor Road 6.50 3.40 HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 2.1g PMO.HCO Page 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Worksheet for TWSC Intersection -------------------------------------------------------- Step 1: RT from Minor Street NB SB -------------------------------------------------------- Conflicting Flows: (vph) 320 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 953 Movement Capacity: (pcph) 953 Prob. of Queue -Free State: 0.98 -------------------------------------------------------- Step 2: LT from Major Street WB EB -------------------------------------------------------- Conflicting Flows: (vph) 331 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 1192 Movement Capacity: (pcph) 1192 Prob. of Queue -Free State: 1.00 TH Saturation Flow Rate: (pcphpl) 1700 RT Saturation Flow Rate: (pcphpl) Major LT Shared Lane Prob. of Queue -Free State: 1.00 -------------------------------------------------------- Step 4: LT from Minor Street -------------------------------------------------------- NB SB Conflicting Flows: (vph) 716 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 408 Major LT, Minor TH Impedance Factor: 1.00 Adjusted Impedance Factor: 1.00 Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding Movements 1.00 Movement Capacity: (pcph) -------------------------------------------------------- 406 Intersection Performance Summary Avg. 95% Flow Move Shared Total Queue Approach Rate Cap Cap Delay Length LOS Delay Movement (pcph) (pcph) (pcph)(sec/veh) -------- ------ ------ ------------- (veh) (sec/veh) NB L 46 406 > ------- ----- --------- 473 8.7 0.5 B 8.7 NB R 15 953 > WS L 4 1192, 3.0 0.0 A 0.0 Intersection Delay = 0.6 sec/veh HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 2.1g SATO.HCO Page 1 Center For Microcomputers In Transportation University of Florida 512 Weil Hall Gainesville, FL 32611-6585 Ph: (352) 392-0378 Streets: (N-S) COTTAGE PLACE (E-W) ROUTE 25 Major Street Direction.... EW Length of Time Analyzed... 60 (min) Analyst ................... DEA/AFY Date of Analysis.......... 3/23/99 Other Information......... 1999 EXISTING CONDITION (SAT PEAK HOUR Two-way Stop -controlled Intersection Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound -L-- -T---R--I-L-- -T---R--I-L-- -T---R--I-L-- ---- -R-- No. Lanes Stop/Yield Volumes PHF Grade MC's (%) SU/RV's (%) CV's (%) PCE's ------------ 0 1 < 0 N 365 16 .99 .99 0 0 > 1 0 N 4 390 .91 .91 0 1.10 ---------------- 0 > 0 < 0 25 14 .84 .84 0 1.10 1.10 --------------- Adjustment Factors Vehicle Critical Follow-up Maneuver ------------------------------------------------------------------ Gap (tg) Time (tf) Left Turn Major Road 5.00 2.10 Right Turn Minor Road 5.50 2.60 Through Traffic Minor Road 6.00 3.30 Left Turn Minor Road 6.50 3.40 HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 2.1g SATO.HCO Page 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Worksheet for TWSC Intersection -------------------------------------------------------- Step 1: RT from Minor Street NB SB Conflicting Flows: (vph) 377 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 892 Movement Capacity: (pcph) 892 Prob. of Queue -Free State: 0.98 -------------------------------------------------------- Step 2: LT from Major Street WB EB -------------------------------------------------------- Conflicting Flows: (vph) 385 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 1124 Movement Capacity: (pcph) 1124 Prob. of Queue -Free State: 1.00 TH Saturation Flow Rate: (pcphpl) 1700 RT Saturation Flow Rate: (pcphpl) Major LT Shared Lane Prob. of Queue -Free State: 1.00 -------------------------------------------------------- Step 4: LT from Minor Street NB SB -------------------------------------------------------- Conflicting Flows: (vph) 810 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 360 Major LT, Minor TH Impedance Factor: 1.00 Adjusted Impedance Factor: 1.00 Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding Movements 1.00 Movement Capacity: (pcph) -------------------------------------------------------- 358 Movement NB L NB R WB L Intersection Performance Summary Avg. 95% Flow Move Shared Total Queue Approach Rate Cap Cap Delay Length LOS Delay (pcph) ------ (pcph) ------ (pcph)(sec/veh) ------ (veh) (sec/veh) 33 358 > ------- ------- ----- --------- 458 8.9 0.4 B 8.9 19 892 > 4 1124, 3.2 0.0 A 0.0 Intersection Delay = 0.4 sec/veh 9 I 26 'I /0 I 28.1•. 1 15 cJ / 4 12 13 u N85. 3979 -- MAIN,RD. a>z6.M�N.Y.S. IDDD-6303 00� 7 8 '- - - (. o i �u � 2z. 9 /0.3 1> m w 10.2 14 D 9 R40 �\ n al 8 < 15 r- I 16 ,, 1 + RpA0 0 -62 O- KORN I/ -61 p2 29.1 c 2 2 , A 61/7B Rle 25 \� 36 36 V �� \• s.i�� \p 3 D D 34\ �i i 27 fir, so 33 0- 30 32 30 55 i 31 3 25 � 32 q 2 Z- 23 � ZONING DISTRICT L'NE -A;X MAP BLOCK AND OR SECTION LINE TAX AAP NO. /000-62-03- 7 MARY ELIZABETH GILBERT 3650 EUGENES ROAD CUTCHOGUE, N.Y. :1971 8 - CLIFFORD SAUNDERS, W. BUNGALOW LA. MATTITUCK N.. 11952 -N.Y. 9 MELISSA d DANIEL WILC£NSK/ 475 PACIFIC ST. MA TTITI/CK, 11952 v 10.1 CHARLES d EILEEN UR/B£ 2621 PALLISADE AVE. RIVERDALE N.Y1047/ 10.2 STEVE 8 VAL£RIA BEUCH 31 It 74/h ST., JACIfSON HE/GHfS, N.Y.. M' N \✓ 10.3 RICHARD J. MULLEN, JR. MLL CREEK DRIVE WEST, SOUTHOLD, MY 11971 - Il RICHARD J. MULLEN, JR. MAW ROAD SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 c�� ' 12 JOOSEPH AKSTEN COTTAGE PLACE, SOUTHOLD NY 11971 13 EMERSON C. HASBROUCK, JR. MARY LEE RRI 7ARM ROAD W. WADING RIVER, 11764 14 DANIEL POL/WODA COTTAGE PLACE. SOUTHOLD. N.Y. 11971 15 JOHN PULVER 471 COTTAGE PLACE SOUTHOLD N.Y. 11971 PLACE. 16 GLADYS ZIMMER)WAN d HELEN FNNVE COTTAGE SOUTHOI.D. N.Y. 11971 \, 7 RICHARD H. FREDERICK 385 COTTAGE PLACE SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 l8 BARBARA S. ADAMS P.O. BOX 1074 SHEL TER ISLAND HEIGHTS N.Y. I1965 \ I 19 RICHARD F. MULLEN, JR. MVLL CREEK OR., SOUTHOLO„N.Y. 11971 20 RICHARD F. MULLEN, JR. 22.1 DONALD B. KA TZ 8 ALBERT W ALBERTSON, FERRY ROAD SAG HARBOR, N.Y. 11963 L OCA -lO '03- 24.1 ALBERT W. ALBERTSON, JR. 8 KATZ G. ALBERTSON HORTONS LA.,SOI "HOLD, MAY NY. 11971 25 WILUAM M. CORBETT KORN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 26 DAVID d JANICE SZCZESNY 9 SANDPIPER CL, EAST OUOGU£, N.Y. 11942 1 27 GEORGE d KALLIOPE KASSIMA TES 86 91 /881h ST. HOLLIS, N.Y. 11423 28 GEORG� d KAI.L IOPE KA SSIMA TES 29 PAUL J 8 ri.FFORD BERRY 5106 361h A✓ENUE DRIVE WFS r, BRAOFVTON, =L. 3420? o \ D 30 PAUL J. d CL IFFORD BERRY 31 HARRY J. MITCHELL, LOCUST LA. SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 1I97; 32 STEPHANO PICCINICH 46 ALADD/N AVE. D1I0WONT, V..0 07628 33 HOWARD J. FRAUENBFRG RR2 BOX 60 HAWLEY, PA. !842R - O,p 34 ROY A. SCHFI_IN LOCUST LA. SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 6 35 DORIS ZITO 295 LOCUST LA. SOUTHOLD NY. 11971 r JE ANTHONY 8 DEBRA L. SOTO 560 STERLING ROAD CUTCHOGUF, NY. 11971 . 37 SOUTHLAND CORP. 2828 N. HASKELL AVE. DALLAS _ FXA' - 204 38 JOHN J 8 1RMA NUTTER 56600 MAIN RD. SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 CIO SOUTHOLP SAVINGS BANK 39 N1COLO 8 DOMENICA MA TTESSICH 907 WILLOW AVE. HOBOKEN, N.J. 0703 40 NICHOLAS JOHN d ANNA MORIN 443 NELSON AVE. CLIFFSIDE PARK, N.J. 07010 / 41 GALE D. 8 JULIA ANN ALEXANDFR MFFTIG HOUSE HILL CFi'CLE, NEW FAIRFIELD, CT. 068 1000-63-03- AO B BL1S CORPORATION 8." TOPPING DRIVE RIVERHEAD, NY. 11901 9 BL IS CORPORATION /0 LESTER M. ALBERTSON P.O. BOX 695 56125 MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11i1,' 12 ESTHER M. PLLES BWEDSTADT cr., SOUTHOLD, NY.-11971 13 JANE- RYAN MAW RD. SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 14 JOHN d MARY PETRODANGELO P.O. BOX 516 MAW RD. SOr1TH0:_D, V. AI 15 ALBERT 8 RITA C. COhEN 56655 MAW ROAD SOUTHOI_D, N.Y. 11971 16 JOHN L SCOPAZ CIO VALERE SCOPAZ P.O. BOX 1655 SOU THOLD N.Y. 1197- 17.2 AN, HONY Z%J9TOVICH P.O. BOX 869 PLANOOME STATION MANNA SSET, N.Y. 11030 26 EDMUND FRt,'3LER GROVE DRIVE SOUTHOLD NY. 11971 28.1 CHARLF W. WITZKE 56215 MAW RD. SOUTHIILD, N.Y 11971 000 63 APPLICAN`S 1 DA VID E. ROBINSON' 56850 MAIN .RD. SOUTHOLD, N.Y. !1971 RICHARD F. M...- 5 6 PAUL R.,,.IR d ELIZABETH H. BURNS 075 TOWN HARBOR LANE SOUTHOLD, KY 11971 WILLIAM c 1000-64- 02- C/G MULLEN MO`Jn? I DONALD d DONNA S BRENNAN 128 LAKEWOOD AVE. HO HC KUS, NJ. MAIN ROAD 2 KEITH R'. 8 TFRRY A. JENSEN 112 KI E AVE. NORTH BABYLON, N.Y. 11703 SOUTHOLD, N.Y 1/9. 3 RICHARP A. 8 JOAN R. BECKMANN 8523 HUNTER CRFEK TRAIL POTOMAC MP. 4 RICHARD A. 8 JOAN R. BFCKMANN 23 24 OA V10 B.SHERMAN 9 ROBERTO 1. BENITEZ 101 CLARK ST. BROOKL YN, N.Y. 1120I 25 JUDITH E. BARKAN 78 11 351h AVE JACKSON HEIGHTS N.Y. APT. 2F 27.01 FRANK P. 8 BETSY W/DIRSTKY FOUNDERS PATH, SIC✓?,40L,-, N.Y. !1971 MAP PREPARED FOR ZONE CHANGE B -BUSINESS ��ANGF ZONF FROM i9 d R40 AT SOUTHOLD D DWELLING U GARAGE OR SHF_'J 29d DARLENE W / q KY C R^ hOAD SOUTHOLD N) 1a, 1 t dN S MAR HA 'HL MA .h - -: � 22C ST. CAMB.Ar� HFr�ti c , h _ `OtiN B. Z E 1ZAB "H SrMC/K •'O 1 HOLD, MY ' 19 ' 9AN ARMS E1N r 9 T, NEW YORK N Y AP a 10014 WAL`ER 8 i:'•el R NATF N SANjORb SOU TH:)La N: Y. 1'J7.r 32 cARHY B. d SAnJRd K. /OVICK 1680 YORK AVE, N.Y. N.1. APT. IF TOWN OLK COUNTY, N. S NLD f 1. M SUF�\ O 1000-62-03-22.1&24.1 rQF�'t Scale: 1" = 200' o May 7, 1997 PECO Iry C S RS4 P 5 P, 0. 8 71 97-173 III �� TOWN LAW SECTION 265(I) PROVIDESi SUCH REGULATIONS, RESTRICTIONS AND BOUNDARIES MAY FROM TIME TO TIME BE AMENDED. SUCH AMENDMENT SHALL BE EFFECTED BY A SIMPLE MAJORITY VOTE OF THE TOWN BOARD, EXCEPT THAT ANY SUCH AMENDMENT SHALL REQUIRE THE APPROVAL OF AT LEAST THREE'FOURTHS OF THE MEMBERS OF THE TOWN BOARD IN THE EVENT SUCH AMENDMENT IS THE SUBJECT OF A WRITTEN PROTEST PRESENTED TO THE TOWN BOARD AND SIGNED BY: (b) THE OWNERS OF TWENTY PERCENT OR MORE OF THE AREA OF LAND IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT TO THAT LAND INCLUDED IN SUCH CHANGE, EXTENDING ONE HUNDRED FEET THEREFROM! OR (c) THE OWNERS OF TWENTY PERCENT OR MORE OF THE AREA OF LAND DIRECTLY OPPOSITE THERETO, EXTENDING ONE HUNDRED FEET FROM THE STREET FRONTAGE OF SUCH OPPOSI7c LAND, CALCULATIONS UNDER ITEM (b) ABOVE; INCLUDING LOTS 17, 18, 19, 20, 25 & 26. TOTAL AREA WITHIN 100' RADIUS = 62,471 S.F. AREA OF LOTS IN PROTEST (LOTS 17 18, 26) = ei?,943 S.F = 36.77 IF LOT 17 IS NOT INCLUDED- TOTAL AREA WITHIN 100' RADIUS = 55,775 S.F. AREA OF LOTS IN PROTEST (LOTS 16 & 26) = 17,247 S.F. = 30.4% CALCULATIONS UNDER ITEM (c) ABOV=l AREA OF LOTS WITHIN 100 FEET = 0,392 S.F. AREA OF LOTS IN PROTEST (LOTS 15 35 & 36) = 21,890 S,F. = 31.1 — — 100 FOOT R4DIUS AS IN ITEM (b) 100 FOOT RADIUS AS IN ITEM (c) 0 NOTES •TH15 PLAN HA5 BEEN PREPARED FROM; •SURVEYS PREPARED BY PECONIC SURVEYORS. P.G. P.O-BOX 909. 1230 TRAVELER STREET SOUTHOLD. NY 11971 PREPARED ON JULY G. 1987. MAY G. 1997. MAY 7. 1997 AND 5EPTEMBER2. 1997. •FIELD INSPECTION BY ARAIY5 DESIGN. L.A.. P.G. ON JUNE 23. 1999. •S.G.T.M.# 3000-G2-03-22.1 MAN ,04D CNei'_Se fi LAN SCALE 1'=10' %ULATIONS USE REQUIRED PARKING 5PAGE5 2.5 5PAGE5/SERVICE CHAIR 5 2.5 5PAGE5/5ERVICE CHAIR 5 1 SPACE/ 100 S.F. OF OFFICE SPACE 8 1 SPACE/EMPLOYEE-PLUS 2 SPACES 3 1 SPAGE/200 S.F. GROSS FLOOR AREA 3 5 SPACES 5 1 SPACE/200 S.F. GRO55 FLOOR AREA 3 1 SPAGE/200 S.F. GROSS FLOOR AREA 3 1 SPACE/EMPLOYEE PLUS 1/200 S.F. OF SERVICE AREA 3 38 SPACES PARKING 5PAGES 28 SPACES