HomeMy WebLinkAboutBrewer Yacht Yard - File 3 of 4 r I DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. " . . .... .. "r 11.. ... .. .. ..... . .... ...... . .. .. .... . - .. .. .. ... .. ... ..... .. .... . . .. ............... ...... . L" .. ...... . . .... ... .. .. Oliice of the President Supervisor Frank J. Murphy & Soulhold Town Board Members Town Hall 53095 Main Road (P. O. Box 728J Soulhold, New York 11971 RECEIVED SEP 3 1986 Suite 11 00 555 Aida Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543.4002 (914) 698.5678 T-.. ('I","" ~"'lfIIold Augusl 28, 1986 A tin: Ms. Judi th T. Terry, Soulhold Town Clerk RE: BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. APPROVAL of SOil REMOVAL PERMIT AMENDMENTS for PROPOSED EXCAVATION. RELOCATION of a TRAVEL 1FT WEll. BUlKHEADING. MAINTENANCE-DREDGING. and RECONFIGURATION of FLOATING PIER ASSEMBLY PROJECTCSJ Deaf SIJp~rYI~or Murphy & Town Board Members: We have been asked by BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC, (herelnaftur BREWER), to assist them in obtaining the necessary SOl J Removal Perml t to undertake the above-referenced revised Modi f!cations to previously approved Master Plan ProjectCs) ThIs letler wl I I supplement our most recent letter to you of 04/22/86 Indicating that we W 0 U 1 d b e see kin g a n Am end men t toy 0 u r pre v j 0 U S S 0 j IRe m 0 v diP e r m i t Approval dated 02/05/85. BHEWEti r~]I~ently received Permits from tht~ Army Corps (NQ. 1:3490), a Modi fjed P~rml t from the New York State Departm~nt of Envlronmentdl ConSBrvatlofl (NI). 10-84-0766), a New Yor:~ State Department of Statd C0nsistancy Cartl ficate (No. F-85-254J, as w~l i as the approvals from b1lth It),~ Town of Southold Town Board on 2/5/85 and Southold Pl.]onin,] SOdr~ on 12: 17/34 d~ wel I as approvals from the Vi: I~ge of Grd0nport. wllle!l w~r~ or :gln11 Iy requested to enabl~ BREWER to expand and upgrade their "larina. Howaver, sinc~ th~ s~bmlSSIQn of the orjglnal AppJ IC~tIOfl(1) for tfl~ propo$ed ProjectCs) over two plus years ago and raC~ipt of at 1 the ne~essary reguJatr,ry approval3 earlier th!5 y~ar. ,.;conO:TlIC .:!.ilrj IOr]i:;tlG fJ.ct,)::-; make it n'~cl~s:'.,J;j to !j:~~~i;, f~rnl:~ndlfl(~nt(;;) II) the pr~~luu~ly app!'ov~d rroject(j) Th0 req'J,]sted Amen,imentCs) D~ln~ ~O~gtl~ by BREWER consi~t at a modi fiod de~lgn of the oflgtnJt proj~c whr~h BREWEn bet ieves IS Inor~ loq.stlca! ly and economically f,'~a:':'lb;'" t,) Gun,tru';t ann opera.te BREWER IS now seeKing a revised Soi J Removal Permi t Craplacing the proviously-expir~d approvalJ 10 excavate a tolal of approximately thirty-nine tnousand nine hundred thirty cubic yards (39,930 Yds.3) from an area of approximately sev~nty-ei9ht thousand five hundred SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR & TOWN BOARD MEMBERS - BREWER GREENPORT - REVISED SOIL REMOVAL PERMIT - 08/28/86 sixty-five square feet 178,565 Ft.-) [see SHEET NO.6 - PROPOSED EXCAVATION & DOCK REMOVAL!. BREWER is seeking approval to excavate a boat basin [somewhat smaller than previously approved Isee SHEET NO.5 PROPOSED EXCAVATION & DOCK REMOVAL, Comparison of Previously Approved Plan & Current Proposal)! and instal I a 25' x 45' in-ground swimming pool. IThis is a reduction of approximately 30% in area and 25% in c~bic yards over the previous approval by your Board.) We would like to bring to the Board's attention that the one year time limit associated with the Soil Removal Permit can interrupt this Project at a critical stage or can expire just as BREWER receives the final approvals from all regulatory agencies. In many cases, a Project such as this can take up to 1.5 to 2 years to construct from the time all approvals are received from all necessary regulatory agencies. Further, it can take up to 1 year or more to receive al I the documentation for all of the approvals. Therefore, we respectfully request that the Soi I Removal Permi t be approved by your Board with the condition that the effective date of the Permit to be on the dav the Proiectls) receives all necessary reaulatory approvals and construction actually beains. Therefore, the one II) year Permit will COmmence on said effective date of the actual construction. We would also request that two (2) six (6) month extensions be approved at this time, which would allow BREWER to complete the Project Is) in a timely manner. Enclosed, please find two (2) copies of our Specific Request for Town Board Approval of a permit for the Excavation and Relocation of the Topsoil and Other Materials to the Same Lot and Adjacent Sites, as Specified in Chapter 81-4 ID and G); "Soil Removal" as required by the Town Code. It is important to note that the previously approved ProjectCs) were given a negative declaration from all environmental regulatory agencies including the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation on September 26, 1984, stating: "The proposed action will not have a significant effect on the environment... the proposed project wi I I not significantly affect the freshwater aquifer of the peninsula. The peninsula periodically floods with tidal waters there by el iminating the freshwater aquifer from consideration as a source of potable freshwater to this area. II < The revised excavation and bulkheading aspects of the ProjectCs) wi I I not cut into the upland Cin a northerly direction) as far as the previously approved ProjectCs). Previously, the excavation plan was to create a deep "U" shaped basin Cextending approximately 400' upland from the existing bulkhead) and now BREWER proposes a "trapezoidal" shaped boat basin which parallels the shorel ine and extends upland only approximately 220' from the existing bulkhead at its deepest <Page 2> , - SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR & TOWN BOARD MEMBERS - BREWER GREENPORT - REVISED SOIL REMOVAL PERMIT - 08/28/86 point (or an approximate forty-five percent [45%] decrease in the excavation distance from the existing bulkheadl. This comparison is shown on SHEET NO.5 - PROPOSED EXCAVATION & DOCK REMOVAL. Deposition of the excavated and dredged material(s) [which will be approximately 20% less than the originally approved ProjectCs)] will sti I I be at the previously approved sites at BREWER's upland, at St. Agnes Cemetery immediately west and adjacent to BREWER's property, and at St. Agnes Cemetery adjacent to BREWER's on the north side of Manhanset Avenue. [See SHEET NO. 12 - PROPOSED EXCAVATION & OFF-SITE DISPOSAL AREAS Existing Topography; SHEET NO. 13 PROPOSED TOPOGRAPHY of RELOCATION SITES, and SHEET NO. 15 - ON-SITE DISPOSAL & GRADING PLAN.] For your further information, we have enclosed copies of documentation as well as copies of BREWER's ApplicationCs) as specified below, 1 ) Support and including' background information on the ProjectCs), a) Comparison of Previously Approved Modi fied Proposed ProjectCs), vs. Revised b) Project Description within the Town of Southold, c) Supporting Information i) Impact on Fresh Water Supply i i) Impact on Marsh Area i i i) Upland Relocation Ma t e ria I C s ) of Excavated and Dredged 2) Southold Board of Town Trustees as required by Chapter 97 of the Town Code - Wet lands; 3 ) Southold required from the Planning Board Site Plan by Chapter 100-130, "Zoning" Code of the Town of Southold, Approval, as - Article XIII 4) Army Corps of Engineers; 5) N.Y.S. Department of Environmental Conservation; 6 ) N.Y.S. and Department of State - Coastal Management Program; 7) Vi I lage of Greenport. We also specifically cal I your attention to our joint detai led Letter of Support to the Army Corps of Engineers, the N.Y.S.D.E.C. and the N.Y.S.D.O.S. dated 08/27/86. This letter discusses the background of <Page 3> SOUTHOlD SUPERVISOR & ~N BOARD MEMBERS _ BREWER GREEN PORT - REVISED SOil . REMOVAL PERMIT - 08/28/86 the marina, aspects of the Project(sl within both the Town of Southold and the Vi I lage of Greenport, the need for the amended Project(sl, and the alternatives considered. We would welcome convenience. If ca I I us. the opportunity to discuss this appl ication at your you have any questions, please do not hesitate to Sincerely, DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES. Inc. 4~///./~/-- /V4 ~,~ "' President By' DSN/j I j Enclosures cc, Army Corps of Engineers N.Y.S.D.O.S. N.Y.S.D.E.C. V i II age of Greenpor t Southold Planning Board Southold Board of Trustees BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, I NC. <Page 4> . . SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR & TOWN BOARD MEMBERS - BREWER GREENPORT - REVISED SOIL REMOVAL PERMIT - 08/28/86 Comparison of Previouslv Approved vs. Revised Modified Proposed Proiect(s) There are several differences and approved Master Plan Project(.) f 0 I low i n 9 c h art at temp t s top r 0 v ide similarities between the previously and the proposed Amendment(s). The a summary of these: AMENDED MASTER PLAN PROJECT( S) in TOWN OF SOUTHOLD I I "0'000' Previously Approved Net Expansion Changers) Mo d I f I cat Ion ( s ) Maximum Number Boats - Southold 65 90 -28% (Boats - Total Pro j e c t) ( 180) ( 180) 0% Total Excavat ion I Cu. Yd.. 39,660 52,950 -25% I Sq. Ft. 77,440 111,275 -30% Maximum Depth -8.0'MLW -8.0'MLW 0% Total Dredg i ng I Cu. Yds. 450 450 0% II Sq. Ft. 2,625 2,625 0% Maximum Depth -8.0'MLW -8.0'MLW 0% Total Lineal Ft. Bulkhead 990 1 , 130 -12% Main Dock(s) 750 425 +43% F i ng e r Pier(s) 1,080 1.360 -20% Ramps 48 288 -83% Total Pi les 65 4 1 +37 'Travelifts' 2 I 1 I + 1 II Swimming Pool 1 0 + 1 Excava t ion: Cu. Yd.. 270 0 +270 Sq. F t _ 1.125 0 + 1.125 Boat Buildings 3 2 + 1 Clubhouse Building 1 1 0 <Page 5> . . SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR & TOWN BOARD MEMBERS - BREWER GREENPORT - REVISED SOIL REMOVAL PERMIT - 08128/86 The basic differences affecting Removal Permit are as follows: the granting of the Soi I 1) The previously approved "UN shaped boat basin extended upland from the existing bulkhead approximately Four Hundred Feet C400'). The proposed AmendmentCs) for thi s aspect of the ProjectCs) proposes a 'trapezoid' ex ten din g up I and from the ex i s tin g b u I k h e a d approximately Two Hundred Twenty Feet (220'). This represents an approximate 45% decrease over the previously approved ProjectCs) in the distance of excavation into the upland from the current shorel ine. I twas prev i ous I y determi ned that the area to be excavated is on a peninsula which is not considered to be a source of fresh water for other areas therefore the previously approved excavation of 645' upland would not interfere with any sourceCs) of fresh water for the area. 2) The v 0 I ume 0 f ma t e ria I to bee x c a vat e d to - 8 MS L' from the approved "UN shaped boat basin was a total of approximately Fifty-Two Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty Cubic Yards C52,950 Yds.S) whereas the proposed Amendment for the 'trapezoidal' excavat ion to -8 MLW' requires the removal of a total of approximately Thirty-Nine Thousand Six Hundred Sixty Cubic Yards C39,660 Yds.S), or a reduction of Thirteen Thousand Two Hundred Ninety Cubic Yards (13,290 Yds.S), or approximately Twenty-Five Percent C25%) less than the original Project(s) volume. The reduction in the volume of material to be excavated wi I I provide a savings to B R EWE R 0 v e r the i nit i a I Pro j e c t ( s) co s t for ex c a vat i n g , t ran s p 0 r tin g and d i s p 0 s a I 0 f the ma t e ria Is. I n add i t ion, i t wi I I mo des t I Y red u c e the time n e c e s s a r y to complete this aspect of the Project(s), and the overal I time necessary to finish the upgrading and reconfiguration of BREWER's facility. 3) Two travel ifts wi I I be provided as opposed to one previously approved. One (1) in-ground swimming pool, one (1) boat building and one Cl) club house [relocated] wi I I be constructed which were not covered in the previously approved project. PROJECT DESCRIPTION WITHIN THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BREWER is seeking approval to Amend the proposal previously approved by the Southold Town Board to expand and upgrade their marina, as follows: CNote: The following description only includes those portions of the overal I project which are in the Town of Southold. The project site lies partially within the Incorporated Village of Greenport and the Town of Southold. The project is contingent upon receiving approvals from both entities. as wel I as the other governing <Page 6> SOUTHOLD . SUPERVISOR & TOWN BOARD MEMBERS - BREWER GREENPORT - REVISED SOIL . REMOVAL PERMIT - 08/28/86 regulatory agencies. For attached joint Letter of Engineers, the N.Y.S.D.E.C., the complete Project Support dated 8/27/86 to and the N.Y.S.D.O.S.) Description, see the Army Corps of 1 ) Excavate a "Trapezoid shaped" approximately 39,660 cu. yds. of area of approximately 77,440 sq. PROPOSED EXCAVATION & DOCK REMOVAL]. boat basin and ma t e ria I from an ft. [see SHEET remove ove r a I I NO. 6 - 2) Remove approximately 225 lineal feet of existing timber pile bulkhead that extends from Dock *2 to the lift wel I and is located along the south end of the proposed boat basin. The excavated bulkhead wi I I be disposed of upland by a local carting company [see SHEET NO.6 - PROPOSED EXCAVATION & DOCK REMOVAL) . 3) Construct and maintain a timber bulkhead totalling approximately 990 I ineal feet [approximately 955 I ineal feet of which is along the west. north, and east perimeter of the proposed boat bas i n and Ii f t we II, and approx imate I y 35 I ineal feet is a wood subterranean bulkhead on the southeast shorelinel. The wood bulkhead will consist of approximately 3" to 4" thick timber sheeting and approximately 14" diameter p i I e s d r i v e nap pro x i ma tel y 14 . 3 fee t below Me a n Low Wa t e r into firm bottom materials to provide an adequate base. In addition, there wi I I be a sufficient tie-back system consisting of vertical anchor piles that will be attached to each timber pile along the bulkhead with 2" diameter tie-rods. No tie-back system is envisioned in the area of the subterranean bulkhead. The subterranean bulkhead wi I I tie into nearby sections of the proposed bulkhead which forms the east side of the proposed basin [see SHEET NO.3 - SITE PLAN MAP]. 4) Relocate and exoand a travel ift wel I by removing the existing travel ift consisting of one (1) runway extension approximately 40' in length located between Dock *3 and Dock *4. The proposed combined travel ift well (approximately 50' x 40') wi I I be excavated along the north side of the proposed boat basin and wi I I be able to accommodate a 20-ton and a 60-ton travel ift [see SHEET NO.3 - SITE PLAN MAP]. 5) Construct, Instal I. and maintain a series of new floating pier (dock) assemblies [see SHEET NO.3 - SITE PLAN MAP and SHEET NO. 9 RECONFIGURATION of DOCKS, Comparison of Existing Conditions & Current Proposall. as follows: DOCK A located along the west perimeter of the proposed basin consisting of a) approximately 190' x 6' of main float; b) five (5) finger piers approximately 40' x 4' located along the east side of the main float; c) one (1) timber ramp approximately 12' x 3' located along the <Page 7> . . SOUTHOlD SUPERVISOR & TOWN BOARD MEMBERS - BREWER GREENPORT - REVISED SOil REMOVAL PERMIT - 08/28/86 at the north end of the main fl. d) eight (8) timber pi les approximately 12" in diameter and 40' in length located at the ends of each finger pier, adding stabi I ity to the structures. DOCK B located in the center of the proposed boat basin, consisting of: a) One (1) main I ine of floats a p pro x i ma tel y 1 85 ' x 6 ' , b ) 0 n e ( 1 ) t i mb err amp approximately 12' x 3' located at the north end of the ma i n f loa t , c) Six (6) fin g e r pie r sap pro x i ma tel y 35' x 4' located along the east side of the main float; d) six (6) finger piers, approximately 40' x 4' located along the west side of the main float; and e) Seventeen (17) t i mb e r p i I e sap pro x i ma tel y 12" i n d i ame t era n d 40' i n length located at the ends of each finger pier, adding stabi I ity to the structure. DOCK C located in the center of the proposed boat basin, consisting of: a) one (1) main I ine of floats approximately 180' x 6', b) one (1) timber ramp approximately 12' x 3' located at the north end of the main float, c) five (5) finger piers approximately 35' x 4' located along the west side of the main float, d) and seven (7) finger piers approximately 30' x 4' along the east side of the main float, e) twenty (20) timber pi les approximately 12" in diameter and 40' in length located at the ends of each finger pier, adding stabi I ity to the s t r u c t u r e . DOCK D located on the east side of the proposed boat basin consisting of a) one (1) main I ine of floats approximately 195' x 6', b) one (1) timber ramp approximately 12' x 3' located at the north end of the main float, c) seven (7) finger piers approximately 30' x 4' along the west side of the main float, d) eleven (11) timber pi les approximately 12" in diameter and 40' in length, located at the end of each finger pier, adding stabi I ity to the structure. 6) Maintenance-dredae a triangular-shaped area approximately 2,625 sq. ft. to an average depth of 8' below Mean low Water, and remove approximately 450 cu. yds. of material as measured IN PLACE [see SHEET NO. 11 - MAINTENANCE-DREDGING MAP]. The area within the Town of Southold to receive maintenance-dredging, is located throughout the existing docking facility. All maintenance-dredging activities will be undertaken by clam shell and barge andlor dragl ine ope rat ion s . The ma t e ria I be i n g d red g e d wi I I be p I ace don BREWER's upland property, semi-dried, and then relocated as described (in #7) below. <Page 8> . . SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR & TOWN BOARD MEMBERS - BREWER GREEN PORT - REVISED SOIL REMOVAL PERMIT - 08/28/86 7) Ueland Relocation of the Excavated and Dredaed Material: Approximately 44,090 cu. yds. of material wi I I be excavated from the pro p 0 sed boa t bas i n wit h a n add I t ion a I 10,500 cu. yds. of material removed by the maintenance-dredging operations in both the Town of Southold and the Vi Ilage of Greenpor t. All of the dredged mater i a I s wi II be mi xed wi th the ma t e ria I s be i n g ex c a vat e d and de p 0 sit e d up I and at t h r e e different locations. The proposed disposal sites are: 1) On-site disposal of approximately 2,500 - 3,500 cu. yds. 2) St. Agnes Cemetery located adjacent to BREWER MARINA on the North side of Manhanset Avenue. Approximately 42,100 cu. yds. wi I I be deposited on this undeveloped 11.8 acre site [see SHEET NO. 12 - PROPOSED EXCAVATION & OFF-SITE DISPOSAL AREAS, Existing Topography; SHEET NO. 13 PROPOSED TOPOGRAPHY of RELOCATION SITES; and SHEET NO. 15 - ON-SITE DISPOSAL & GRADING PLAN]. 8 ) RELOCATE an existing 35' plus additional bulkhead approximately bulkhead [see SHEET NO. upland club house approximately 30' x decking 20 feet from the existing 70 feet from the to-be-constructed 3 - SITE PLAN MAPJ. 9) CONSTRUCT an upland in-ground swimming pool approximately 25' x 45' plus accompanying 10' cement apron, fencing, and, screening approximately 40 feet from the proposed new bulkheading [see SHEET NO.3 - SITE PLAN MAP]. 10) CONSTRUCT an upland boat maintenance and storage bui Iding, mast shed and bathroom faci I ities total ing approximately 110' x 120' located approximately 75 feet from the new proposed bulkhead [see SHEET NO.3 - SITE PLAN MAPJ. 11) CONTINUATION of a Reconfiauration Perimeter Condition which would allow BREWER to continually change only the location[s), widthCs), and numberCs) of pileCs), dockCs) and ramp ( s ) wit h i nth e R e con f i au rat ion Per i me t e rile n vel 0 p ell [shown on SHEET NO. 10 RECONFIGURATION PERIMETER dated 07/29/86 prepared by DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc.J provided that the number of boats would not exceed one hundred eighty (180) and no additional bulkheading, dredging, excavation or filling could take place without the prior required regulatory approvalCs). 12) A PERMIT CONSTRUCTION PERIOD ending 06/30/92. SUPPORTING INFORMATION Impact on Fresh Water Supply A I I age n c i e s pre v i 0 u sly e x am i n e din de p t h the po S sib I e adverse impactCs) on the fresh water supply and concluded that the previously approved end more extensive ProjectCs) wi I I have little, if any, effect on the fresh water supply. <Page 9> . . SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR & TOWN BOARD MEMBERS - BREWER GREENPORT - REVISED SOIL REMOVAL PERMIT - 08/28/86 The proposed of an ef.fect ProjectCsl. revised modified projectCsl will have even because of the difference in size of less the According to Robert A. Vi I la, P.E., Chief Engineer for the Suffolk County Division of Environmental Health, professional hydrologists from the Suffolk County Health Department conducted a field inspection and reviewed the previously approved projectCsl which extended into the upland Forty-Eight and Two-Tenths Percent C48.2%l further than the presently proposed AmendmentCsl. Their conclusion is, that: "Since the peninsula where the Project is i s not rea I I Y a sou r ceo f the V i I I age wa t e r we CSuffolk Countyl have no objections proposal.. .11 located supply, to the In order to maintain the integrity of the fresh water/salt water interface, BREWER proposes to undertake the ProjectCsl with the use of tight interlocking wood sheeting for the bulkhead. The bulkhead wi I I be constructed around the entire area being excavated and wi I I extend from a height of approximately Six Feet above Mean Seal Level C+6' MSLl, to approximately Ten Feet below Mean Sea Level C-l0' MSLl. Imoact on Marsh Area A recent site investigation indicated that a section of the marsh, from its south west corner back to an existing deteriorated subterranean bulkhead, had begun to wash away. The amendments to the previously approved projectCsl include replacing the deteriorated existing subterranean bulkhead and extending the new subterranean bulkhead to stabi I ize the southern edge of the existing marsh area. The proposed subterranean bulkhead wi I I be a protective barrier to prevent further erosion of the marsh due to storms, natural tidal action, backwash from boats passing through Stirl ing Basin and activities at the publ ic boat launch directly east of the marsh. Upland Relocation of Excavated and Dredged MaterialCsl The proposed upland relocation of excavated and dredged materialCs) wi I I be identical to that previously approved but will be Twenty Percent C20%) less than the previously approved excavation ProjectCsJ. Excavated materialCs) from the boat basin, 'travel ift' wet I, and al I maintenance-dredged materialCs) wi I I total approximately Fifty-Four Thousand Five Hundred Ninety Cubic Yards C54,590 Yds.3) to be removed from the projectCsl site. Of this, approximately Ten Tho usa n d F i f t Y Cub icY a r d s C 10,050 Y d s . 3 ) wi I I be from maintenance-dredging within the Village of Greenport; Four Hundred Fifty Cubic Yards C450 Yds.3) from maintenance <Page 10> . . SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR & TOWN BOARD MEMBERS - BREWER GREENPORT - REVISED SOIL REMOVAL PERMIT - 08/28/86 dredging within the Town of Southold; Thirty Nine Thousand Six Hundred Sixty Cubic Yards (39,660 Yds.~) from upland excavation within the Town of Southold; and Four Thousand Four Hundred Thirty Cubic Yards (4,430 Yds.~) from upland ex c a vat ion wit h i nth e V i I I age 0 f G r e e n p 0 r t . A P pro x i ma tel y Two Thousand Five Hundred to Three Thousand Five Hundred Cubic Yards (2,500 Yds.~ to 3,500 Yds.~) of these material(s) will be relocated on-site in order to attain the proper elevation(s) and contour(s) for improving the drainage patterns and for accommodating the additional related activities such as automobile parking, boat storage, boat repair and maintenance services. There wi I I be approximately Twelve Thousand to Fifteen Thousand Cubic Yards (12,000 Yds.~ to 15,000 Yds.~) of material(s) deposited on-si te and along the east side of SI. Agnes Cemetery which is contiguous to the area that needs to be fi I led along the west side of BREWER. A small section of tidal marsh grass (SDartina ~.) located in the east side towards the southern corner of the site has been identified; NO FILL WILL BE PLACED ON OR WITHIN TWENTY-FIVE FEET (25') OF THE MHW LINE IN THIS AREA. This special condition will help insure the productivity of this sensitive intertidal marsh zone. Most of the material being removed [approximately Forty One Thousand Cubic Yards (41,000 Yds.~)l. wi II be transported a c r 0 s s Ma n h a n set A v e n u e to a sit e 10 cat e d d ire c t I Y a c r 0 s s from BREWER. All of the materialCs) will be trucked into the p rima r y rei 0 cat ion sit eat a poi n t d ire c t I Y a c r 0 s s from BREWER's entrance drive on Manhanset Avenue. This undeveloped Eleven and Eight-Tenths (11.8) acre site is owned and maintained by St. Agnes Church and wi I I be used as a future cemetery once the area has been upgraded and improved. There has been further discussion between BREWER's and Saint Agnes Church regarding the grading and landscaping of St. Agnes' property. To the extent possible the evergreens that presently exist Cwhich are relatively young) wi I I be preserved and replanted on ei ther the Church's or BREWER's property. The grading wi I I be as shown on the attached Map. The surface wi I I be protected with straw mulch seeded with a hear ty grass in a manner s imi lar to that in wh i ch road beds or other irregular slopes are planted in highway or other construction projects_ In addition. swales will be graded around many portions of the property to insure that there wi I I be no surface runoffs onto the roads and adjacent pro per tie s . The r e wi I I be a nap pro x i ma t e 25' b u f fer are a between the existing three wetlands areas and the placement of the excavated materials. The mature trees which are on the easterly side of the property and along parts of the berm of the old disposal area wi I I be preserved. (Page 11) . . . SOUTHOlD SUPERVISOR & TOWN BOARD MEMBERS - BREWER GREENPORT - REVISED SOil REMOVAL PERMIT - 08/28/86 In short. the primary relocation site does not represent a significant or critical environmental habitat. In addition. because of its proximity to BREWER [approximately Fifty Feet ( 50' ) sou t h . a c r 0 s s Ma n h a n set A v en u e I, a I I t r u c kin g operations to and from the area wi I I not cause any disturbance to any of the nearby residents. A temporary a c c e s s d r i ve i n tot he sit e wi I I ex ten d d ire c t I y a c r 0 s s from the existing entrance drive at BREWER. There are no o b s t r u c t ion s 0 r t i g h t cur v e sat t his poi n t a Ion g Ma n h a n set Avenue. A mo red eta I led des c rip t ion 0 f i s sue s rei ate d tot he pro j e c t ( s) can be found in the attached joint letter of Support dated 08/27/86 to the Army Corps of Engineers. the N.Y.S. Department of Environmental Conservation. and the N.Y.S. Department of State. DSNI j I j <Page 12> (File in' Du~iicat~ ..l.v..l,., VJ.' ~........ ...u..........., . Fee__ Paid Tm'~~ CLE?J(' S OFFICE SQUTHOLD, NEtV YOfLl\. APPLlCA TION FOR PERMIT FOR SAND AND GRAVEL PIT OR OTHER EXCAVATION PURPOSES 1. Name of Applicant BrS-:.''2r Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. 2. Address of Applicant Manhaset Ave. Village of Greenport TcMn of southold LOUIU::y 01. ~u.rlul:h. ~UJ.Lt:;: u[ Hew ..l.u.Lk 3. Detailed statement of proposed operations Excavate a trapezoid shaped boat basin within an area of approxirrately 77,440 sq. ft. to a depth of 8' below MLW and rerrove approxima.tely 39,660 cu. yds. of rraterial. Excavate an area approximately ., 1125 sq. ft. to install a 25' x 45' pcxJl ranging fran three to ten feet deep, rerrovino approximately 270 cu. yds. of material. All materials being rerroved total of 40,380 cu. yds. fran all excavation and maintenance dredging operat:ions will be relocated upland at 3 locations. SEE IEI'I'ER FR()M DANIEL S. NA'lUIEZ and AS~TJ'\'T'R~ TNr. datF-d 4. Names and addressee of all property owners of record within 200 feet of the outside boundaries of the premises within which operations are proposed to. be performed. . West - St. Agnes Church Greenport, New York 11944 East - 'Down of Southold North - St. Agnes Church - Greenport, New York 11944 5. The following must accompany this application unless waived by the Town Board. If applicant requests a waiver of any of the following items, applicant should insert at the end of application subdivisions for which a waiver is requested. A. Detailed statement of the proposed operation together with a plan of the area proposed for excavation or for removal of top soil which shall show condition of the plot or premises before operations and the proposed condition of the same after operations are completed, such plan to be prepared by a duly licensed engineer or land surveyor and drawn to scale showing all adjoining streets, location and dimensions of premises, the location, size and use of any existing buildings. B. A topographic survey of the premises prepared by a duly licensed engineer or land surveyor showing contours at 10 foot intervals, using Coast and Geodetic Survey datum. C. Duly acknowledged consents of the owner of the premises and. mortgagees, if any. . . D. Receipted tax bills or photostatic copies thereof or other proof showing payment of all taxes and assessments against premises for which an application is requested. E. A proposed comprehensive plan for the rehabilitation of the premises together with a schedule of progress therefor. Such plan to Bet forth the ultimate contour and grade of the area upon completion of work, describing the area to be refilled, top Boiled and seeded and specifying the amQunt and extent thereof to be performed before December 31st of the year for which permit is being applied for. F. Estimate prepared by a duly licensed engineer or land surveyor of the total number of cubic yards of material to be removed from the property during the permit period. 6. Applicant hereby requests a waiver of the requirements of paragraph 5, sub- divisions , , , , , . :Ject:"" 5 ;paragraphs Ta1i1l aas-we= Section ll. Dated: August 28, 1986 ~~Plicant Brewer Yacht Yard at GreenfX)rt, Inc. Corporation By ~~,.~~ i ature of Offi er Sworn to before me this 28th day of /?st, /) lJ1~' <i;~~ / . " ,/; iLl<-' , Notary I['blic LESUE J. MILlER -ry PubIIo. Stat. of N__ No, 4831506 QualifiMi in Westchester County" c z.. Commission Expire. March 30. 19"'-T -2- ~ '.. -;!': ....I.,.,::... ," ~". " . . TCWN OF SOUTHOLD SU""OLK COUNTY. N Y MAI<EALL FUNDS P....,....BLf '0 51&-7M-t&oJ SWIS':'413801 'ROlL'SEC':-1 Cl$:510 ACRES: .25 -I "A"HUSET' AVE :TAX"CODE:: :148 . ..: RECEIVER OF TAXES GEORGE MELLAS TOWN HALL SOUTl-tOlO. N Y 11;11 '"'ON TO 1'''', 1100...... TQ400PU CLOSED ALL LEGAL HOUOAYS CLOSeQ.SAT 1983 - 1984 TAX LEVY TAXES BECOME A LIEN ON DEe 1ST .1".,. '",,,, ..."t:AA$ .. ......._ 'Y_ OL ""-,... _..... -... 0.,. o"".~" C.............. r........... C~"......C_."'"-_.... ~~~~..:;-'_':':..l;.:= ! TAXA8LE \l'MoUE ' TAXES BILL NO. 291 COUNT..... TOWN . . ~3;200 ,3,iOO - __~;.200 '101..8 70..9 718..8 SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP NUMBER 3.....6....1 .~. -' SCHOOL SP OISTRICT- 3200 ~-'-- "- --"'--"'-"'- f-- . '::;';;:~ -- BREWER"S YACH'll Y1\:RDi\.T GREENPORT I MANHANSET AVENuE GREENPORT, N. '{. -"- . ~. .<<:."~~,-:- LAND VALUE AsseSSED VALUATION .1000 .,Tl:iER , VET EXEMPT AGED EXEJolPT OTH. EXEMPT TOTAL TAX 891..6 11944 CODE SCHOOL DISTRICT , - - -- --~ -,--.- PENALTY 473810 . TOTAL RECEIVED PAYI.4ENT FIRST HALF TAX RECEIVED PAYMENT SECOND HALF OR TOTAL TAX RECE,PT NC 17691 OA TE PAID 05-31-84 AMOUNT PAID 445.81 REC~'9f% 6 o 1-fd;:~~ .~~~:~ "2~E T"'xE5 .....E P"'...A8LE e... CHECK CASH OR MONEY ORDER. CHECKS W~L~ Be A.CCEPTED SUBJECT TO COLLECTION ~OR WHICH THIS O~~ICE ASSUMES Nt; <lE~CaI>;5IS'L1T'" "-C ::AS'" BY ~"'IL NO 31'10 P"'RTY eMfCK POSTAGE ST...""PS "''':'~ .:.t;CEcTED "0 POST D"'TED CHEC,",S A,CCePTED NOTICe SECOND HALF TAX M"'Y SE 1'>\10 AT THE SAME TIME THE ~IRST HALF IS DUE AND PAYABLE SECOND HALF CAN se: ~AIO A.T ANY TIME UNTIL MAY JI~l. WITHOUT PENALTY PLEASE READ THE REVERSE SIDE ORIGINAL '5l:F~O:..>( COUNT'" NY MAKE ALL FUNDS PAYABLE '" RECEIVER OF TAXES GEORGE MELLAS SWIS : '473889 ROLL CLS: 570 ACRES: IlANHAHSET AVE TAX-CODE: 145 TOWN I-4ALL SQUTHDLD. NY 11971 MON TOFl'll iOOA.M. TO~OOPM CLOSED ALL LEGAL HOLlO"'YS CLOS~ SAT 516-76~laoJ 1983 - 1984 TAX LEVY Ti"WN OF SOUTHOLD ~ SEC : 9.50 1 TAXABLE VALUE I I I 27,9001 27,9001 21,9001 21,9001 I i 888.03 1,699.56 6,261.26 253.25 ,.~ _~'. . u..... .... .:.:::..:-~.:. . -"." ,.. . ........_-,...... I BILL NO,- sur;:QI..K COUNTY TAX MAP NUMBER 4396 COUNTY TOWN SCHOOL SP DISTRICT 43.-3-2 :""':"NC '",l.V.:E I ASSESSED VALUA TlON 1R40C i 27900 e:J.~-.lP": i ..GEe EXEl.lPT! OTH EXEI.tPT j Brewer's Yacht Yard Greenport, Inc. Manhanset Aven:.le Greenport, N.Y. At "!o1Ei=l i , , '0'" ,^, I -9,108.10 I I ,E7 11944 I i PENALTY t :::,")::E I SCI'<OOL DISTRICT I TOTAL 473810 I RECEIVED PAYMENT SECOND HALF OR TOTAL TAX RECEIVED PAYl.lENT FIRST HAL~ TA)( DATE PAID ...MOUNT PAID RECEIPT ~o DATE PAID "MOUN T PAID ;; ~ .:::.i'T "".: 3341~ 05-31-~4 -~ r - f ,.4,554,,-0), " 29165 01-10-64 4,554.05 "':'~E ~AtES .HIE PAYABLE BY CI-4ECK. C"'SI-4 OR ""ONEY OROER. CHECKS NonCE ,\O_~ E;E "'C:EP~E:J SL:BJECT TO COLLECTION FOR WHICH THIS O~FlCE: ASSUMes SECOND HALF TAX l,.lAY BE PAID AT THE SAl.lE TIME THE FIRST HALF IS DUE "'NO PAYABLE I '-J 'lESC'::"S.I'''LITY 1\,;0 C"'SH BY M""L NO 3RQ P...FI'N' CHECK POST"'GE ST......PS SECOND HALF C"'N SE PAID AT ANY TIME UNTIL MAY 31M. WIT",ouT PENALTY ...0' ..C'::~"~EJ "'IQ peST OA.TEO CHEC,",S ...ccePTED t PLEASE READ THE REVERSE SIDE ORIGINAL; ! ... ;-:--'. .~, .',"-- ~. .L'.. - ~. ~ . tj , ..~ - ~... ... ---0i(.Q~----'~Q:Y\-~~_~Ic_tlkillOii~=-JfiC,ii'i~QE':~~lcL-==~=__--~___ -. -,'-- --_S;-ee__~kL_->>d,_C9.___________ __ _______ -. - 2 -- ~ 3 -.. - 4 - --- 5 6 --- - 7 - 8 =_ ---.----- ------- Ae~2."J = ________ _ _u_ ------ fiB_ -- cp~k---- ...*t~thv:;- ~.:~ CU'fd-s.--- I 'I- ,.... L I' I: ~- I ..- iOE I , p..;- m'l I: 1 : TZU2:1- 3 'I' 't 4ti'- -L I I 5 (- 7 8 ~ -- - .~..~. _-1_ .-'--___ ':WI' 'I I I~. J-I-'':_+~l.~~~-L~h-J --;- Lt.- :1} la L~_~f-Jj_.:z ,r? 1.'i:;'_j..t: I I!: ~, I ~ i !, ' 1 r! . i i 'I! 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 , 22 2 23 24 i . I ,i -I~'+- 2 .-f - 2 2 . LI ST of DRAWl NGS . . for BREWER'S YACHT YARD at GREENPORT, In c . August 28, 1986 SHEET NO. TITLE DATE 1 GENERAL VICINITY MAP 05/19/84 2 LOCAL VICINITY MAP 05/19/84 3 SITE PLAN MAP Rev. 07/29/86 4 EXISTING CONDITIONS 05/19/84 5 PROPOSED EXCAVATION & DOCK REMOVAL Comparison of Previously Approved Plan & Cu r r en t Proposal Rev. 07/29/86 6 PROPOSED EXCAVATION & DOCK REMOVAL Rev. 07/29/86 7 SITE PLAN MAP Comparison of Previously Approved Plan & Current Proposal Rev. 07/29/86 I 8 SITE PLAN MAP I Comparison of Existing Conditions, Previously Approved Plan & Current Proposal Rev. 07/29/86 9 RECONFIGURATION of DOCKS Comparison of Existing Conditions & Current Proposal Rev. 07/29/86 1 0 RECONFIGURATION PERIMETER Rev. 07/29/86 11 MAINTENANCE-DREDGING MAP II Proposed Dock Conf igurat ion OS/29/86 12 PROPOSED EXCAVATION & OFF-SITE DISPOSAL AREAS Existing Topography Rev. 07/29/86 13 PROPOSED TOPOGRAPHY of RELOCATION SITES Rev. 07/29/86 1 4 LOCATION of SITES for SOUTHOLD WETLANDS PERMIT Rev. 07/29/86 15 ON-SITE DISPOSAL & GRADING PLAN Rev. 07/29/86 <Sheet 1 of 2> DRAWING LIST - BREWER 4IFENPORT - 08/28/86 . SHEET NO. T I HE DATE 16 AREA NAVIGATION MAP Rev. 05/29/86 1 7 RECONFIGURATION of DOCKS & MOORINGS Proposed v s . Existing Conditions Rev. 07/29/86 18 AREA UNDERWATER LAND GRANT MAP Rev. 05/29/86 19 SECTION A & SECTION B Proposed Grading Pro f i Ie s St. Agnes Sit e. North of Manhanset Avenue Rev. 05/29/86 20 SECTION 0-0 Proposed Typical Section East of Boat Basin Rev. 05/29/86 21 SECTION E-E Proposed Typical Section Adjacent to Manhanset Avenue Rev. 05/19/84 22 SECTION F Typical Maintenance-Dredging Rev. 05/29/86 23 SECTION G Typical Subterranean Bulkhead Rev. 07/29/86 24 SECTION H Proposed Typical Section West of Boat Basin Rev. 07/29/86 25 APPROXIMATE LOCATION of TEST BORINGS Rev. 05/29/86 <Sheet 2 of 2> . . I SHEET NO. 1 - GENERAL VICINITY MAP /J \J V. \) SO '\ '. ~ II v.\) \>- ,S"" ~0 ",,0 /~ J.nnin9' PI / / ,OUTB.OLD \ '''. B A Y"-." \ \ i i i . \ ( .. COEI (:>';g,,;'.:~ Plu"tJJiu Pomt S.~.hollf 'c. VICINITY MAP 10,000' I U'''[I T"~~T ,up .l! Gl[fN~QIT. llle. nULING UUN eUllIPOIt ""UOI 1,u1l1l"IIH1,tY[HU[ Y1tt"Gt or "IUHro., lOliNors.ollTIlOLD (:Ol,lHU Of 'urrOLI o I 2500' 5000' ~m?J~~~~~~I~~~l:~~Drlla mrT!:UUllu_ 1,)' 'LU"'I~e -nITAmTInrn-o~ DANIEl. 8. NATCHEI AliD AIlBcerATES, INC. ~~5 UP'" lOAD W.uU.'OH~.c_I... ~~~ _~~~l IPSt3 . . SHEET NO. 2 LOCAL VICINITY MAP 24 10 o jl '0 9 .R o L 13 13 57 -...... ...... "- "- ........ '- 3. BREWER YACHT YARD .. 2> 39 Youngs Pt 2 67 2 Light. 5 24 I , I ftLights i5'Ohne , / .' , Fannmg PI GoII Couf~ . e o C "0 . 8 " ./ /" /' / / f VICINITY BREWER YACHT 'tARO AT GREEN rOil!, INC. o I 1250' 2500' I I 5000' I ST1RlItlG BASIN GREENPOIlT HAREOR \.!ANHANSETAVEt.:UE VILLAGE or GREENPOIlT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY or SUFfOLK Dated: 05/19/84 PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BULKHEAU1NG M^IHIt;N"'M_l:.~l.lHt.Ul>JNG, ANIl IITCONtlGUHAIION 01- ,LOAIING p Ilk A~~l:.~llIL Y I'Hllll:.Lll> DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 ALtlA /10...0 MAI'lAROIH::CK. NEW YOI1K IOs.\J l!lIL) 698-567t ST AGNES CHURCH CEMETERY PAOPOSE D DISPOSAL SITE ~l~ --.::-..--'.;.".;........ I, MAA'~ .:'" .... ...........:.:, ...:-..""'v'H4I\1SET '\ ) "; ". .....-::.:. .--:.~!~ 4VF .... \ ,'. "" "'- .....// (~......... ........ .............' .....--..---..:.:..... \. t... EXISTING ............. .........., .......... ..~................ \ \ ......... CONTOURS .,..........,.., "', kl.,. \ \ \ \ ....\ "'''.. ...... D..........:::::::.. \'t. .... .........., , \ .... ......8._....-..-.... .... \ \ ".. \ '" \ \ "'" \ PARKING ~ND WINTEr{ \ \\ '''\ '\.... BOAT l"l)f{AGE \ .. .. " \ fT\ I .. ...... .................., \'..\ ~ I \ ", .. ....._ ,\ . . \ '. '....... \1 ....... ':1:. , . '.. TRANSFORMER .....PROVEo " .. VAULT \ \ ('H2-e4) .... .. ..: ...,..S., ., .... f ~ , " \ ~ \.,:' ",,\ ~ '-Sm-r '" - ';\) NO. 3 SITE PLAN MAP . - f h] ~ -N_ \ s: 1....:::86. DOCK',4 , , ". ". . , '. , , , , .. , , , , , , , SERVrCE AREA " " <1&0..........., ......, ....... .............. '. 35~ 'mLW~ 70' 6i' T. 36 ' ..L 34' 32' J.:::.8 t' ' /:' DOC/( E;I ~q ,.00 <"~ DO If; 7d '--.t PROPOSED RECONFIGURATION OF FlDATING PIER ASSEMBLIES USED UPON SURVEY BY YOUIH.. . YOUtlG 1l.LS. LICEHSlD UHtl SURVEYORS SURVEY DJ.TED JULY 21>, 19B3 ttV\S[O SEPl. I. 1983 Ind DECEI-lB[~ 27, 19B3 DATlIlol1 /.lEAN SEA LEYEl. (IlGYDI SCALE o 25' 50' 100' f.:....... 1 l!RE'o1EIl 'rACHT YUD .AT GlltENPOn, INC. STIRliNG BAS1H GREENPORT \lARGOR UANIIAHSCT AVENUE VILLAGE or GREENPORT tOWN OF s.oUtllOLD COUIlTY or sUrrOLK ~~fi~~~~~~~g~K~;~D1NG fl'Ct1llTTr;Ufl,l1'ON Ut tlUAllHG rl~1l "'~~HI~Lr r~u~ --...-.. ;j::;~j::;-- ::::-:.:N'='T..:.....:-..... ..~..-.,,",......... -.-...........- SITE PLAN MAP DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INO 555 UP'" ROAD I WAlotAtOIli:CK. HEW l'OIlK IOS.U 19141698.561& . ihy 19. 19B4 Aevlsed: 07/29/86 'Hlll U'OlO WIVU" 'OUN.;;t'OUNC t,',li, ~ICIHSIP LAwp su.vnon 5U~Vn DAlEO IU~' ;IIi, 19a1 .nlnc SErf, I. IgBl and C[CUUER n, 1M) CUUNl ..UN SH LlV[~ 11lCVPI \ -"'- \ . ,. SHEET NO. 4 EXISTING CONDITIONS \ -Y, EXISTING CONDITIONS Cl Cl ,- fT\ '" " ~ "i , --=:- -:"---<::::::.:~ "'0<.4I\1H.4I\1SEJ '-. -. -'-" .... ...::",;,..........--:-..-.~....4lt'c.____. ....\ ) :'. ~.~~-~. ...~:::::---.~-. ,(............... ............... ~................ '.... ~--_::::.~......... \ \ ..... .... ...... ~\ \ .... .......---. ......' 10 .., I \ -"- -""'" " 9 ---- -.. ~ \, \ ---""'\ ',.,--_:::~ -~--~~~~:-,""" \~._.. \ \ \.. \ , ~\ \ \ ", .. EXISTING \', \ \ "" \ CONTOURS '" \" , '. .. .. ~\ m I \ .. . '. f"T'\ \1 \, '........... .....--.. -... 7 "'" \ ~ : -------- ~ I .. .....,: ..... ...:t: I \ '. \ ", \ \ \. ...... \ " \ '" '........ \ "... ~\ '...." ...-..... ....'A"l \...);.... 6 ~ ..... "'r-- "'\ U \ t\ ..;:' ~: \ \~. 0' / -:. \5' \.. /1.... ~..~_. """ \, \ ...._'~ C) '\ "'.. \, '( '\ "', .. ~,,-". . 0........',., I,'" ~ \ - /! \ \ " , ~ tx-... '. '\... "", f! . ~.-..~\ .... /...--.., \ : I: !'1''''\'.\~ '.. , '\ \ :.l I" \,.. ---.. \ \ I ~ U!, ~J' '\'\\ ..: " : : ,'//1 7, , \ , ,I', .. \,. / '/:; -~, ....J' I,' f,',:, 7 " ,',/ I I" I ' ;"'/ \ 1........,/'" ;J:: "'- j",;, id~ OF "~-...... -","ll" '<. " ---------- If ~ SOUTH OLD /'y ::t!J , ," \" ""/",';/:;j)r ,....... " 7/ ~ . ~ ---~ -.- "~1:-" J!~tGitWJtw 15' DOCK 5 ST AGNES CEMETERY , . '. ........., , , . , , . \ '. ~ . , , I , , I , ! . , , , , , , . , .....' .......... ..... ............. " WOOD BULKHEAD .................. -. " ,l. 1 DOCK 4 SilRLING BASIN F~L~ IUVU TACH,,.Utl AT Gt[!II'OIT, IlIe, STIILlIICIASIN GU[lI'OPT loIAnOt kAlINA-NilT ..V[~UE 'IUACEOrCIE[HrO.T 'OWN or ~UTHO~C COOHTY or surro~[ "O~05[fl nC"'YAno~. .UtlNUtllNG IHI~11N~N~<.I>.11l~lh~. "N~ U~Uhtl"lIUII.J~ ," tlUAilh.. ~IH "~:U.nT HJll~1> SCALE o 25' 50' ~ 100' , - DANtEl S, HATCHEZ ANO ASSOcrATE"S, INC, 5SS..w....O...c IolAMA.OH[CC loll. TO.I ICS.U li).1 b91>-~7b ",,';;.19<0' . . PRCPOSED 9.JW~~AD A UNO BOA BASIN "'(l ~ \ ~ h1l) "'(l\ [!l ~ffi ~ o-lcn ~ ",m -i .';Uno{ ~-<e ~ 2 ;;j prilo~ft~D Ee~~~gH 1SPOSA l Y . \" S/Tt ----~..". . '. ~"""":"'" .. M41\tH. ". .... .. ~:-'-'.....:-.. :4I\tSE.( " '\ ..... .....-....._:..:.. Avr ..... :.. .... ..~ c..... \:" ...... ...... ..-....... .".--.-:.... .",/ \ (.... ....... .................. ....... ....-.:~..:..:~. \ '..... ....................... -.. ...... ~\" ..... \ \ ........... ...., .... 10... " \ \ ....... ...... ........-D .........-.... \ \ ..', .... .......---...... \'..... \ \" ........ ...... '. '" \ '" \ EXtsTING ........8........----..... . \ ..... \ COHTOJ~ \ \ ......... \ \ \ '.. \ \ .. , .. .. \ \ \ \PREVIO'lJSLY '. '\ to \ ' .... .. . f1"\ I ",PPROVE'G, t......--?---__ ".' 1> \ EXCAVATION'", I .n..... . ~S \ '\ '. \ \.. \ ..... .... '\ \ \. \ ..... \ I ... ~\ .. ..___..:.:~. ::. :.:....t~.~-::..... .. I ..... , " .. '" "K-- ,..., ~ "i SHEET NO. 5 - PROPOSED EXCAVAtION & DOCK REMOVAL Comparison of Previously Approved Plan & Current Proposal -- ,,- \ c\ z '. m ...... , , . \ , PROPOSED NEW EXCAVATION ........ ~oc {o ~~ -- __001__ ~;:;::;;/r.:.;-- =:.:.:;::.-,..:-..... ::::.::.-=:~;.J:~~:.:.... PROPOSED AND DOCK EXCAVATION REMOVAL BR!\lER HCNT YARn AT CREENPORT. INC. STlRllNC BASIN CREENPORT HARBOR ~IA}/HANSET AVENUE VlllA~E OF CREEHPORT TO....1l OF SOUTBOlD COUNTY or SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION. BUlKHEAD1NC --,;t^HnENANU.~LlMt.lll>ING, ANLl Ifl~RAIIUNUr~L15AT1ll't; ---vn:J< A~~l:.~IULT ~~U\l:.(,.I~ SCALE o 25' 50' lod ,..... . COMPARISON OF PREVIOUSLY APPROVED PLAN a CURRENT PROPOSAL BASED UPON SURVEY BY YOUlIG " YOUNG N,Y.S. L1CEUSEO lMiD SURVEYORS SURVEY DATED JULY 26, 19BJ REVISED 5[1"1. l. 196) uld DECEMBER 27. 195) OAfUI.I: \.lEAN SEA u;vtL ltlGVO} DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, IN[ 555 AlOA ROAD I MUIAllONECJt, NEW YOMI( losn 191L1696.S676 ~hy -19. 198L RevIsed: 07/29/86 ~ "''''- \ "tl ~ \ ~h1G) "tl m$:zfl omm ;Ii o-!cn!8 ~9J(') ~ R-<IC"C\ So: z.... ~ fi m ....\ ~:r: \ \ I I \ . ~~lt~o~ Ee~Y~ROf; ~POSAL y . '" ~IIE ----;..":.~... ...... \ tf1 '. ..'"-...... ". i4NH4N. ". .... ..-..,.... '. 'SEr \ ) \ ". .....-:-... -:':~.: AVE " ,t~- ._......... ........ ....-.....~.....- ......... -" ." ". ..-'_..:-:..".,,~ \ t '. .......... . " .... ...... ........... ......'0 . - "p. ............. " ,\ .............. .' . \ ...... . "'.. .....".. ............--.. \ \ \ ". ........ ...D.................. \,.... \\ \\" \\ EXlSTtOO .................8..................... ........ '.. '" \ ...... \ COUTOORS \ \.... \ '" \ ',,\ \" \'. \'- \ \ ...... \\ '""'-I .. .. .. '. fT\ I .. ..... ..-- .... ... -- " \ ..... t" - -- 7 -____ . ~ ('\ : --......:r... \ " "', \ .~.. \'. \.. " , .... ..........- " \ .... ........ \ I '" .." I ", ,'" " '\ . . \ \ . & DOCK REMOVAL "- ~ "i -- . ", . , \ / ~?;) ... . 0.' ~ ........ ")> \ 'u ~ Cl ... \ .. \. , .\..... ,oO-- , : \ ~ (-:~.~. I I /"~-' .~.. I I , f .. ~ : // '\ I ! ,'..1 ,\ I l:t:,' .}"'\ . I'l,. l ,',','/I...:t' I' .,',' /U7f.:!)' !u ' .' 0/:) ~/i J &J --- AJ I /f~;<t:c II,. ::J I Q J.:: . ,.-;",; 4' Ilfh::.)~ ........ /.; r.' Q. (;j ~...",',; ) . . ~ ." ,l' -. ....><1 I --- \ .-.".,-~'"'-,J. ~-....... . ~i~t.C{:i'%y 12~1 -n.,,EJISTIIiG IV Giiet'Jjf,.,iJ:______ 'j ULI\J/tAO 000 '-+(T _ REMOVED To BE DOCK ' srIRUN~ DoOK ~ BASIN .--6. f , \/:' .. ADJACENT COfIJ~fi~\WAAL " oc.;~1.N , ~600' 60 .it 001(1 6 . I . \ , . PRCPOS ED BJW~~AD A UNO BOA BASIN '. '. ~.::;. '~"-'1 U1" . ~""'" --' SOALE o 25' 50' 100' ,...-- , ~o( '0 <"~ -....-. 'j;:,jj;:';-- v 1/ -"'''-'-. --...... .."........................ -.-......,........ PROPOSED EXCAVATION AND DOCK REMOVAL BREWER YACHT YARD AT GRrENPORT. INC. STlRLH1G BASIN CREENPORl HARBOR ltAHllANSET "VEI/Uf: VILLAGE or GREEHPORT TO....II or 50U1110LO COUNTY or SUFfOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BUlKHEADING ~IlRn1:r;J:m=r=mrrD"IN", ANIi ,fl'tmrrn:nIf.l;TIT.ilr-m--r11:5rrllRi ---pn:~ A~~.~I~Ll I'HUllCl!> BASED Uf'OH SURVEY BY YOUIIG .. YOUt<G tI.Y.S. lICEUH.O l^,W SURVEYORS SURVEY DAHD JULY 20, 19aJ IlEVI5ED SHT. l. ISBJ and PECEhlBO 27. OATUl~; ME^,~ SEA LEVEL lIleVDl 198] OANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, IN' 555 ALDA ROAD lotA~IARON[CK. HEW YaNK 10543 19141696.5578 '.hy'19.1984 RevIsed; 07/2g/86 u.UO uroll suvn IT 'l'OUII(l''I'OUIIG 11.'1'.5, llClIIHO LAlit. s\JunolS SUlvn D},J[O IULY a, 19d] ItYIUtI 1EP!. I, IU] ."d llttElISU 21. UI3 DATUI!, )ltAlI UA llYn IHeVlll . ~ -"'- \ . ~4_ ..... \.... -SlIF ""--:::: ......,",..:::::."" \M41\1IiA:::::- .... ...... ""v~cr "\ .") .)... .....-...,.-::,......... 4VF 1 ,..- .' .... ................:...-."1__.........1/ .................. ". ----. \ t ...... ........, _---.::.-:._ \ ......EXISTING ............. ..... "" ~....._ I \ .... CONTDU~ '. '. -0 . \ \ ...... ......... I \ \ \ "\ '.. "'...." .........-... \ I ... '.. ..._........-. \~. \ \ \" ........... ...... '. ..... " \. \ ....8._.............. "\ ".. \ " ~\ \ \, . PARKING AND WINTER \. \ '. '\ '.... IlOAT STORAGE . \'~' " '..... '\ ~ ~ ' .... .......-........., '. 1. "'bo \ \. ......'\ 1 ....-...... ~ Il , oslO.. \ ...... PeP.Il~~O\~~.'-d "" .. ....1'01. ""~ \_ 0JRJlm1' PmPa;ED lUJ/\rS \\ fC SHEET NO. 1 - Compar I son of Approved Plan Proposal SITE PLAN MAP Previously & Current = = - PREVIOOSLY APPPCM.D flLl&.TS ST AGNES CHURCH CEMETERY PI1CiPoSEb DISPOSAL SITE 'mCW '" ...,co ,0'1 <"~ PROPOSED RECONFIGURATlON Q' FUAATiNG PIER ASSEMBLIES COMPARISON OF PREVIOUSLY APPROVED PLAN a CURRENT PROPOSAL U[IIU YACHT YAtD AT GH[HrORT,ll1C:. 'TULING IASII' GR!lIIrOn IIUSOI ~UJlIl.l.IIStT .I.ytllUE YILLAGl Of GHEHrORT TDIIHOf f,QUTIIOlD tOUllfl or IUrfOL/: ~NMfij~~~~ t1:tOlmmJ.1TOli Of ~ Lu~ I IHli -nu A~>l~IHl rKuJTtj;;-- -_.,,-~ j:=;jr;-- :;-::.:=l~":"",.. =':.-:'::':::::l~:'::':'- SITE PLAN MAP SCALE o 25'50' roo' r-I , DANIEl. 8. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC, 555 ALDol. .O~D I )lAl.u.10HtCI,HEIIYOWr ID5J.J lil(l U'.56H . 10101' n. I9U Revised: 07/29/86 lAUD Urol! IIUnT If TOII~C , 'DUNG II.T.5. Llc:tIlUD lAMDSUJVUOU . Sll~YU DAtU JIILT n. "13 atvllto U1T. I. nlJ """ DICUUU n. nu lIATI/Jolt UlAM ItA LlYlL UtGTDI . ." ;:, '" r '" '" "- ~ SHEET NO. S - SITE PLAN MAP Comparleon of Exlatlng Condl- tlona. Prevloualy Approved Plan & Current Proposal ~~~m&y '-"'~. -" .M4:"H4NScr ....--.. \ '",- \ "- BREWER YACHT YARD AI GREENPOR,T, INC. PREVIOUSLY o APPROVED CONFIGURATION ~-~-- EXISTING I...___J FLOATS NtS ClIUIlC" SO c~~,^E1EIlY ~,tO P~o<>-L. SI1E IlISP .~ · ~h8k~SERND $~",." tl;o'" '0 ~ T "<" ~ CJ o Q QJ ~ o Q SCALE o 25' 50' 100' r-- , (@)~. ~ -~ Q ~ o Q IUllE. TACH' TA.OI,T CUtHrOH. IHC. nUltIlC UUII CUtNrou HAUO. J.lAHIlAIIHT AYI/IUt YlLLAGIor GIUllrou TO\fNor SOUHOLD C:OI/NrTor lurrOLl 'IO:~:tO tXCAUTlOH. lUUIIHlIIHl; ATti~rucTli~zr- }:!ttI1rmU'U1'U~ VI ILVAliHI;; L..!.i!!....tll1l1.1 nVIh,,) ---.. j::ij.f,::-- . . -.'--'---" ::::.:..':;,':.~~:::.:.- SilF/l..ltvG ';~..o( ~O ~\ 8,t.,SIIy DANIEl. 8. NATCHEZ AND AlISOCIATES, INe 555 ...lOA ~OAD N..........OII~Cl, HtY TOil IlIf>'J ItlU 1"."16 ".J' I'. lilt Revised: 07/29/86 lASED UPON SURVn 1IY YOUNC' YOUNG N,1'.S. LICENSED LAHO SURVEYORS SURVEY DATED JULY 26. 1983 REVISED Sr.'T. I. 1,83 ..,d OECEMBtR 17. 1983 DATUMl ~EAN SEA LEVEL (NCVOI , -",- \ S C\\URC\\ 51 ~~~1ER~ ~flct'OSE~IiE O\SPoS~\.. ............ . '" frii. vi ~~;:.;:-~ llot. ~.~ -~ -- ---- j;::;~.r:.:-- ::::.:_-=.:'-....:...- ., -..-...........-.- -..-......-..- . ~~~~y~ --. .. - . .M4:VH4t\1ScT ....--.. ,., C> C> r '" :>) SHEET NO.9 - RECONFIGURATION 01 DOCKS Comparl.on of Exl.tlng Con- dl lion. & Current Propo..' .lc: <:.l o Q " ~ "i BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPOR,T, INC. ,....--:-... L..___J EXISTING FLOATS · ~Wlr~SERND ... '. -. , -- , . j./-:'::J ,,..:::~ ,',. ~..J' ...{. ~""" -, . s~~^' iitO~ ~ -<- " <.... T 'l: .lc: <:.l o Q " ,. C..:~t__. Q:J if o Q SCALE o 25' 50' 100' P""'"'"'I . <:.l tf o Q BREWER YACHT TARO AT CREENPOIfT, IHC. STIRLING IASIH GIlEEHPORT HUIOIt NAHHAHSET AVENUE VILLACE or GREtHPORT TO....N or SOUTHOLD COUNTY or surrOLl PIlOPOSED EXCAVATION. JULIOIEADING "'A INI ~N"NI..~-UH~Ul..lNl.., "NU J.l"UNtll..Uk"IIDH Ut ,LUAIINt.. t'1~k A!:I~UllIl.T I'HUlb..l!:l Q .lc: <:.l o Q S "Rv IVG ~o( ~o ~ BA.S,IV DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, IN( 555 ALOA ROAD N....~A110NECK. HEll YORK JDs,l:J 1910698_5676 "hy 19. 19!! Revised: 07/29/86 . ~ -\0.1_ \ ST AGNES OHUROH CEMETERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL SITE :12&367,98 N. 2"$2766,4" E. LAT 4,"06''''',61138'' LONti. T2"21'Z~.096-f.6" -........... '- 326124.94 N Z4$Z709.47E. .. LAT. 4,"06'J2..,2103 .. LONG, TZ "2(' 2$.89990 ... ~q "0,, <"~ -- -_.,,-- ;j'::;j,:C;"- :::-:'IM';J~":".... ~.-=-~~:~l~''::'':''- lASED UPON SURVEY BY YOUNG l YOU!JG N.l,S. LICt1l5ttl LMII.l SUIlVtyORS 5UMVEY DAHn JULY ~6., 19d] ltVlSED SEPT. I. 1!l!J ....d DEC.E~I9ER 27, 1951 D1.TUloh IlEMI SEA LEVU. IIlGVOI - \\ :Q ~ SHEET NO. 10 RECONFIGURATION PERIMETER RECONFIGURATION PERIMETER E2Z3 fJ!~ !.!0 ~h r. >r, ( ( L1flr: I I J b .............. :IZ$966.ZJN. I "Q -- Z"$.JZJ8.66C " ~::::. ~ LAT. 4'''06'''013509. ~ ~O",q.7Z"ZI"90Z7l8' J260&1 58 N. Z45SZ9l'./lJE. LAT. 4'''06'.11.68616'' LONG.}'Z" 21"8.24063" If?' -_y<5)> 325919.26N. ) ~~5l~cr:jY7 '~O.29L60" LONG. 72~1'19.'1105. ~[R YACHT YAwn AT GRE[HPORT, tHe. STIRLING IASIN OIlEENPOIIT llARBOR LU,Il'lIANSET AYENUE Y1LLAGt or ORErNPolIT TO'll" or SOUTlIOLD COUNTY Of suFFOLK ~ZM~~~m-J~~~r~;~D'NO fi:c:tmrTCU1J,Tltm Ot t LOA liNG --vTLk A~HIIHLT nu~ SOALE o 2S'SO' 100' f _ 1 DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. INt: 555 "LDA ROAD I Ll,l,I.lARO}/~Clt, HE.... YO~X IO~3 19U1 698~Sh'" . ~hy 191 19U Revised: 07/29/86 . ~ . <::> r '" :l) SHEET NO. 11 - MAINTENANCE-DREDGING MAP Proposed Dock Configuration ~ ,,(J, 1~ENES CHU ~-D1S iii- -- .... -...._. M41\1,uAA. '-. ..::,""'';SET -.. --..-- " ~ "i E 280' E .eVE .-'--::::--- -~ ; ~ ~ !WI. W0~~c: rlLb:i DREDGING SOUNDINGS ARE IN FEET AND TENTHS DATUM: MEAN SEA LEVEL \ '-1-1_ \ tES ClIURC\\ 5T'l2\./.E.\~ ~S\"tE . O\S...V~ o 1; s~OIy41 l""oQ:- 'I..D SCALE o 25' 50' 100' ~ , ---- j~j~;-- _._Ii . =--::::.=.:~==- P 600' ROPoseD DoCk CONFIGU RATION STIRLING BASIN A -..... .....EBB FLDOD .,. '.OP~~D []CAVATI0N. IUlrHEADlwG """10' I t.,.........t._l.l~t.l".U..... ",Iou ......Vlo. '"Uk"', h.J~ vi , ..';"'1 ,..... I'll. "'l>l>t.~I~L\ ~~...,I~...Il> lASED UPON SU'YET I' YOUNG.. YOUNG ....,..5. LICEWSED u.wD su....nclS SURVEY DATtD JULY 2/:., 195J IEVISED SEPl". 1. 1981 and OECtl,tB[J1 27, 19n DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ,~S ALOA 101.1' ! ".UUllOHlCJ:. HEW rO~( JOSCJ 191"1 695_S67h Iol.y 19.1961 . . SHEET NO. 12 - PROPOSED EXCAVATION & OFF~SITE DISPOSAL AREAS Existing Topography . 4.0 p\ J?Ev/OUs s, t~/SPDs-tl. 12 U> ,. z o -< STIRLING BASIN ~ ....<0 \'& ~'- -I 110' _ J--........ UPLAND "-- EXCAVATION AND OFF - SITE DISPOSAL AREAS EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY SCALE o 50' Dd ~ PROPOSED UEWE~ YACHT HAll AT GUEHI'On. It/C. B~5ED UI'OIl 10r(x;~^I"HC 1ool~1' fiVE [A~HRII to"'H5 511rfCl~ COUIITY. II. T. 511r(1 NO. tll'.LO surraH [OUNn DHUn'[~l or PlILllC ,",OU5 D~lUf.l, I-llAlI HA LlV[l HIRllIICR..,Sll1 GRHHPon HARBOR ......"'IMIHT },"[Hut VILLAGE or CNHHPORT lOllI/Of SOUT!IOLD COUNTY or 5urrou; I'ROI'OSro nCA"'AnON, BUUHEAUlHG ""'INllH"Hll.unu"IHr... ....u fi':tll/TTi::lhAlhJII W lLuAIIIR. rllk"";lll~~ DI\NIEL 5. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ~~~ U1M ROAO "UMNONI.C~. HLW Jon JO,~J 1911 I ~9b.~Ll~ NOr l~, 19h Revised: 07129/66 .' . STIRLING BASIN \g \~ uuo urol! TOrOOUI'tllCI-IAI' rl~E usn.1I TolllIl IUfrOl~ COUNfY. II. Y. SUHT 110. Ull-~D lurrOLKCOUIlTt lIHUUllHT OF i'U~L1C WORU PATU)h ~1~AH itA u:vn ilJFrOU ~"""n To> w" ""W"... '.,n .0... Cuoml (0<_,,,'" : ::::~ ::: ~::::::::: :::: ...".. '>c", U'. U O"'.'OIl. Loc. _ <J..J.l. .".H. -".'-10. . SHEET NO. 13 - PROPOSED TOPOGRAPHY of RELOCATION SITES 4,0 9,0 GRCly /0 PJ?Op~1d'ACHr CONr&ig Co., 'I',("/~ ~1"IO,y 1&0' u~~~~ ,oJjlO,oa 'to llOOk' ~ N PROPOSED TOPOGRAPHY OF RELOCATION SITES ,.""011.'...0<>...." or ULOCU'OI< II,n- ocnu " ~~j;~{i1:~~=\~!fj;~~~i~':X.~~;~~;~~1.~i~~~~~[~.t~~~ ....."y.1L1.kn.'...4.. .._._ilrl ..... I, g:t;~[:,~~:~~':j);;:::~~::::~~~:ii~r;.~.:~f:~:~:i.:::.;~ ,~:F~ JI 0...... ....,,,,, will" ..... ~". .p'''. .."....~ ."..1".. .. _".n ,..." .",,,., ...,"" u... vI" .. .....".. ~,.... .......... l.~:.:.:::::....w."."........."...."....."...."."....'" 41~..'''....Iw.\.."'''..............,''".. Ul )> Z "" OJ [ o ...... SCALE o SO' 'Cd = IHIIER YAellTVHO UOUfllrOlT. lIIe, nULlll(llUlll G,HWrOlT lIARUal IUIIUAUHT I.VEIWE V!LUGE afGHEUrOlT TOl/II Of ~OUTlIOLD COUIUV or SUHOL~ r'OPO~ED UCAYAT10IIl...IULKUEAIlIIIG --lm~rnu~r:UtrnGl~C~ m:rtmWll1llt1Tllln"tUAIIIIli n-n:rrnml'RlJrn:n- DANIEL 8. NATCtifZ AND ASSOOIATfB, 1/10, 555J.LllA'OU IUIlHOII~CK. 1/[\1 ya~K 105'3 IgILl(1I-5GU Ih~ IS. 19U IlLV'5LD 1O-IS-8_, "EVP8~l> Rellleed: 07/29/86 . . SHEET NO. 14 LOCATION of SITES for SOUTHOLD TOWN WETLANDS PERMIT '~ ~ ~,J ~ ~ .It. ' ~ ~ \ Jt:. / Pt. ~ \..,,,,<:,... JL~I..Q" .... '5- c,'\~~t~--- "'?r-- - c.~)l .. . 4.0 '" l> Z o -< STIRLING PROPOSED AREA TO BE DREDGED BASIN ~ ~~ ~~ UPL:~:~. SCALE o 50' cd = LOCATION OF SITES FOR WETLANDS PERMIT !HIo'[llAClIl IUD AT GU(II'OJT, INC. USED UI'OM 10~0<,;~~,nIC l-lAI' rlH ["~lUII rO~'1I5 iLlHCH !.:Dlllln, II. T. ~IH[l II:). nll.LO surrou COUNT I O(PA'lllf~l O. ~UL~IC "';'1110 11"111'" ~l"'H HI. L'~H loTl.\.INC HUll C.([II'O'll<,.,UOI ,UIIIlI,..HT AV[NU~ VllL"lOl or GHUI'OIl 10Io'NOFlOUTl,OlO COullTY or iUFrOU ,.oPOStD (ICAVATIOII, IUIKIlUllllIC -"lil~rrnl~C[:-Oli~C;:-A1.Ii-- n>:i1lfl'TI;1Jn;nmrurTl"Gffillt ~~TI'rnll~I' DANIEL 5. NATCHEZ AHO AS'SOCIATES. INC. loSS HUA 'OAO "UII"~OI<ICK. 11110' 'OH IO!.:) " III ~'i.~bJ~ Iht I~. UII Revised: 07/29/86 . . SHEET NO. 15 - ON-SITE DISPOSAL & GRADING PLAN ~_ ~i';i.~R.NES c SECT. ~:OJSmTI!~ 7 .sLtt_ I -------.... M.A...,-r-- -.... - .... ~:'1i4NScr '" I ON-SITE DISPOSAL AND GRADING PLAN " ~ "i \ ~...- \ AREA TO BE FILLED NATURAL SCREENING tll'.S CIIURC~ s1lr"t1~6 ~S\1E O\SPV' s~Oij.", r"oCl> 'i.<:J SCAlf o 25'50' 100' ,......., '----. ~ ~ ~(o ~o ~).. .nvu Hell' 'rAn AT CllltH'On, IHe. STUtlNG .HIII liR[[II~On "~uo. IHIIH~HHl AHllut V1UAC.( 01 11l[[N~On 10O'1I015.0UlIWUI [DUlin or 5UJrOU '.orr'SUI tlCAl/AlIOH, IUUIIIAhlllC -.hl~JIIIA~LI.UKIU"fN~ frrm:rTr.lhAllUh I" "U'"I1~ ----,.TI~ A~.I.U~ll I~,'f~ ---" ;j:'::;:'T":;"'- ~::S.~J~':1:.:;.. UHh urN. 5111nr n lClll"~ . 'UI'IIt; 11.1.5. L'Cl~~l1' LAN" ~U~VIlOII~ 5U~1/l' U., 11. Jill T )'" I~~.' : ltV1UI' Slrl. I. 19~) oftd 1'lfl'lUl" n, ,,~) PA1UI', MU.' U. L1TlI III',VI.. STIRLI NG BASIN DANIE:l S. N...TCHCZ. AND ASSOC,ATES, INf ~~~ All" lOA!- MAMHOIlICL 11111 H'H 1t'~O I~tll ~9..~(.J. "or I~. I~h Revised: 07/29/86 SHEET NO. .- AREA NAVIGATION MAP] . 'OWn '.'1 o 250' 500' 1000' ~ AREA NAVIGATION MAP BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. STIRLING BASIN GREENPORT HARBOR MANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BULKHEADING MAIN1ENANCE-DREDGING. AND RlCONFIGURATION OF FLOA11NG PIER ASSEMBLY PROJECTS BASED UPON DEVELOPMENT PLAN VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, N. Y. JUNE, 1967 DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 ALDA ROAD MAMARONECK, NEW YORK 10543 (914) 698-5678 May 19. 1984 REVISED MAY 29, 1986 . . SHEET NO, 17 - ~~. ~ -~ ~~~~~lf\a.t --. .. - , ,M4:VH4NSCT ....-.. "- ~ o o .- '" '" "- ~ "l RECONFIGURATION of DOCKS & MOORINGS Proposed va. Existing Conditions r--1IDITIONAL I I ~~~OR L__.J i"'SOCKS 8 ~~O~~~10 ~---~ EXISTING L.. - - _J FLOATS · ~WlT~SERND \ -"'- \ BREWER YACHT YARD AI GREEN PO RT, INC. S ClluRCII Si t~::tiERi I'RcROSE~\'lE Il\Sl'os/.\. '-- . ". .::N"'" , " s~Qy", r",oQ<, '<b ,,...::~ '. ":,..t, r- -l.' I I I ~/ --. - T-- -- -, o"l: ~ () o Q o A 2.2 CO ~Ci'/Es o ~ () o Q o () f5 o 0 Q SCALE o 25'50' 100' ~ . ---.. 'i~~r:.;-- =!:s.;.:u~:: ::.:- o o JASEn UPON su~vn BY YOUHC .. YOUNG N. r .5. LICEHSED LAHD SU~VEYOA5 SUPVEY DAlLD JULY 2/'. 1~IlJ REVISED SF-PT. I, 198) .nd DECEMBIR 21, 19B3 D,\YUI.\, "'[hi! SEA L['HL (NGVOI Sf/RUNG ~o( ~o ~~ BAS/N IIREWER neHT YARD AT ClttNPORT, 'IlC. ST11lL1NG 1"'51N GRE[NrOn HARHOI M,o,NHAMS[T "VENUE VILLAGE or CUBlPORT TOliN or saUTllOlD COUNTY or surrOll 'ROPOSED EXCAVATION, aULKHEAU1NC; -rnHIUIoI.IILr._UMLU("INl>. MW IltLUHfll>Uk"IIOH Uf fLUAIlHl; PIt k A~~l~IIIL T I' ~Olt....l!> DANIEL S. N^TCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. INC 555 "LD" .OAD NU'''RON[CIC. HEll YORk IOSt3 191(1 '98-5"" ....y 19.196' Revised: 07/29/86 (!) ~ --~ -J__ 0::Cf) i::-<r Cf) l1J .\i ~1S~"T. Phr~rolV b' ~'9" ae7S1;yrt: I ~ '~"""'Ep. CO} I ~~~ a '<.: . I I I o I 125' 250' SHEET NO. 18 - AREA~DERWATER LAND GRANT MAP I?oOE"l?r I-l __ /I' ',.,'E"SnJ,v I.tt(;hAIt/[) "'" h. CHAPAiAtV ,"U, B.)~..,.... ~/ CNJ8..r,,:c <t1~c/ . .:.... . ~ ~ ~. .. $V- . .!.JIY~" I' . ,. '''~.JO It' I.S0' 'OR~\~S) it>-C,\\"'\ AREA UNDERWATER GRANT MAP LAND .l'k'l'.!7En'T h Aj'7 /~ /9.J~ d "."t;JLJr//J/J~ fi',.o.:;:>,.c~,::.) #d ~ .rS4, d~,? c. . #!J 'Y' BASED ON A COpy OF WATER GRANT INDEX MAP 119 Of SUFFOLK COUNTY . ~ , /~. ~ti'lll'~ J tfr1'tss 10' OC/ATION /tclI,'.S! s^"pY' BE OI"r N. V. n F 306 O~ G"llr:~9J76 'J. (I .~ ~tlg 7, /9) t#'"' f 1)' BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. STIRLING BASIN GHEENPORT HARBOR lolf,NIlANSETAVENUE VILLAGE Of GREENPORT TOWN Of SOUTllOlO COUNTY OF SUfrOlK PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BUlKHEADINC; ~XT"Rrrm::~rm;TRlo, AtlU rrcnm'l"C1TllJ.TTCiN m ~LO^IING - I'II:.H ^~::.!j;IIlLr I'RDjl:.LI ~ 500' DANIEL S. N....TCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 ALOA ROAD ~^).l^Rmn:Cli:. NEW YOIIK IOs.LJ 191"69B-56711 ....y 19,198' RS~SED MAY 29, 1986 PREVIOUS ,~ SPOILS ~ AREA . EXISTING BERM PREVIOUS SPOILS ___ AREA EXISTING BERM . P~POSED G OUND PR FILE SHEET NO. 19 - SECTION A & SECTION B Proposed Grading Profi les - St. Agnes Site North of Manhenset Ave. SECTION A PROPOSED FILL .......:o'!'.. '". _~... SECTION B SCALE o 25' 50' I I FRESH WATER MANHANSET AVENUE . N...~ ,'~~ tgq. POND MANHANSET !IS' AVENUE 10. S" o BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREEHPORT. INC. STIRLING BASIN GREENPORT "ARBOR ~^NHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFfOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BULKHEADING MAIN I t.NANCt.-DRl;.P{jIHG. ANU Rl;;CONFlGUIlA liON 01' F LOA liNG rille ^~St.Mlll.l I'ROll...15 DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 ALOA ROAD MAMARONECK, liEW YORK JOS4J 19W 698-5678 Revised: OS/29/86 . S1. AGNES CEMETERY .'" . . . s~tJ~~~~ ACCESS DRIVE SHEET NO. 20 - SECTION 0-0 Proposed Typical Sect Ion East of Boat Basin SECTION D-D PLANTERS (CURB STOPS) PARKING o WALK PILE FLOAT BULKHEAD BOTTOM SCALE o 5' la' o 20' , BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. STIRLING BASIN GREENPQRT HARBOR WANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT tOWN OF SQUTHOLO COUNTY OF SUfFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION. BULKHEAOING M^INI~HANC~-DR~DGlNG. AND Rt:<.:OHfLGURAIIUN O~ ~LO^llNG i'1J:::R ^!l~UII:lLl t'ROII::Cl!l DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 ALOA ROAD ~^M^RONECK. NEW YORK 105l.3 (9141698-5678 Revised: OS/29/86 . MANHANSET AVENUE . . SHEET NO. 21 - SECTION E-E Proposed Typical Section Adjacent to Manhanset Ave. SECTION E-E NATURAL SCREENING FENCE BOAT STORAGE SCALE o 5' 10' 20' , . TRAVELlFT BOAT STORAGE " BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. tNC. STIRLING EASIN GREENPORT HARBOR NANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION. BULKHEADIHG MAIN II::NANCl:.-Uil.I:.L1l".ING. ANU IfI::CuNl'luUHAllUN or i'LUAliNG I'ltR ^~:,dII:lLY I'ROjl::l...l:, DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 ALOA ROAD MAMARONECK, NEW YORK 10543 191.') 698-5678 May 19, 19B1. . EXISTI NG BULKHEAD . . SHEET NO. 22 - SECTION F Typ i ca I Ma i ntenance-Dredg i ng SECTION - F TYPICAL MAINTENANCE DREDGING 255' SCALE: 10~ VERITICLEO U5 EXISTING BOTTOM PROFILE ---MHWtI.2' -- - --MLW-1.2' PROPOSED BOTTOM PROFILE - 9.2' MSL "l >k- 25' HORI ZONTAL BREWER YACIlT TARO AT CiREENPORT. INC. STIRLING BASIN GREEHPORT !IARDOR ~^HJI^".SET AVEllUE VILLAGE OF GRE[HPORT TOWN OF SOUTIIOlO COUNTY OF' SUffOLK . o 10 20 PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BUlKIHAD1NG --pJ:;TliTrRxm:r:mlW(jIHG, AIll> flLnHtIGURAIIU/l U~ HOAtlNG rll:.H ^S~UlI1U i'RUlt:.CI~ DANIEL ;I. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. INC. 555 ALO.... 1l0AD ).4A"'AROHECIt, HEW YOlO; JOSLJ 191.(1696.567& May 19. 196' REVISED MAY 29, 1986 SHEET NO. 23 - SECTION Typical G Subterranean Bulkhead SECTION - G TYPICAL SUBTERRANEAN BULKHEAD ANCHOR PILE 5JTO 101 c-c \ +2.01 GUIDE PILES FOR FLOATS . EXISTING UPLAND PROFILE PROPOSE D FLOATS -MHW+I.2' 3" TO 4" THICK TIMBER SHEETING - -MSL 00 --MLW - 1.2' PROPOSED BOTTOM PROFILE - 9.2 MSL EL. -11.5 MSL . , o 5' , 10' BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. tNC. ST1 RlING BASIN GREENPORT HARBOR IolAHHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREEHPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLO COUNTY OF SUrFOLI\: PROPOSED EXCAVATlall. "SULKMEA01NG ",AINll:.IU,Hl,;I:.-l)IU:.l)l.II;(". AtlU !fELUHtIGURAJluN Ut tLOAJlNG ..a.1l A!>:,UlijU t'RU[i:.CI5 SCALE DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 ALOA ROAD IolAMARotfEClC, HE.... YORK lOSl,3 (91..:J 696-5678 ~a)' 19. 198L Revised: 07/29/86 . . . . . PROPOSED BOTTOM PROFILE -9.2' MSL _ ~FiY'_ +J..?~ MLW -1.2' ~ Q ~ SECTION - H 100' INTERTIDAL MARSH 100' !35' '15'--1 ENCE PROPOSED POOL "TIE 25' 911_1211 TlM8ER SHEETiNG SCALE, , o SHEET NO. 24 - SECTION H Proposed Typical Section West of Boat Basin 1 ~--MSL 0.0 FENCE INTERTIDAL MARSH CONCRETE PAD _uMS L 0.0 BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. STI RLlNG BASIN G.EENPORT HARBOR . MANHANSET A VENUE VILLAGE OF G.EENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PROPOSZD EXCAVA.TION. 'BULXHEADING MAINI t,,"IANLt.-OIH.lKiJNG. Aku JfE<-:~Nr Ic...URAt JUN OJ- i-LOAJ ING Ylt.~ ^~~e.I~Lr PRUI~CJ~ 10' 20.' DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 ALDA ROA D MAMARONECX. NE. YORX 1054J (9H J 69B-5678 ~'Y 19. 198'" Revised: 07/29/86 . --::--. -:"-"""::::::":'~ \.~f.4t1W.4IVSET .,.< ') ') "'::.~'--,"-::::'::::::'~:~:::.'::, ". l : '.'~ ..-~.. ~"_.. '__.. ___:~"" \ -.......... ...... ...... ~\ .... \ """ ....----.. .... . ~O ... I \ '.. . ..'...9 ".- '" \ ".. .... ....... - \~ \ \ --.. -----.-...... .... \ 'I... .... 8 . \ \ \. -"-"-- ------.... .. ~ .. \ " \ .. \'" . \ ...... \ ~'. '\ ............ \ \\ .~. en \ ... '...... \ ... rT) , \.... 7 ", ~ 1> : \ ................... (.....--- "- --------.. " \ \t t \ 8.1 .. \ ......... ~\. \. \..... "'~ .J :'<6., .'.....~\ "\ "\ 1",\ \./ 'X,',' '. \ ". .' .. '., / \ \, ~ ~~ \ 0', \ /~...._ .~_~.. X> \'\.,. ~ \ h"~ C) '( \ ,- \~... \ \. : t>c--. ,'. : ,";},..G., ! ;:f"~""~ \ l} fl\' "\:\ ,II, /11;' 111,'/ ~ '1',' 1 111/1 ;'" ~ /I:Y ~ ,/\:; o!-II TOWN OF /:/ ~/; SOUTHOLD '-'!J ~ "" /) r )....,... .... ../;.' / ( ~ -::... -../ -..--........ - " ".J(J[L 1.../ ii/$Gc .' \ -N.. \ ST AGNES CEMETERY ........... " /i rnhvJ/ : _-.:.--- ;t I .:t. -' '-mcvi ~..~~, ---- ,...-.........-,...~..,..... J""uJ,,I{n-,. =-:':.=: a~_ ..:__.. ......_.u.,.......,.... ---.-.......-....... IHtl> I,lpoo. UIR~H n YOU~~ . Y.JO~:; Ii.W.'. ll(IWH~ LA~L ~U~VlYOR~ ~U\.VEY toATED JULY 1<>. 199J HV1H~ ~EH. l. J~~J .na DEa>lSU 27, DH."" "lA~ ~lA nVH (WCVDI EET NO. 25 APPROXIMATE L CATION of TEST BORINGS APPROXIMATE LOCAilON OF TEST BORINGS + "- ~ ">) nST BO~l"~~ CO!,"LJU:HLJ n: SLA~KE n~T b~'~I~;, I~':, Wb:.l.oHA':l 5.:.IL~ At-D FOl'~!J'.Tlul; lXfL.:,~,qlUt-S DAHl- FhHHI' 21, l!t~~ \ , , I , , ". .......... '.... . , , , , , , --} , , , , / , I , : , , , , , , , , : , . . .. , , '. . "---' \ , ) ~,,/' , . . \..... ~...._-...- 8-4 .... ............ ......- MHW' STIR.LlNG EXISTING DOCKS ... - FLOOD BASIN ~ IHWEI YACHT VARI'> At CR[[WP;:'R". I"C. ~T1 ~Ll.;; 1IA~1 ~ GHL~r':'.l HAk~~R "A~H'H~E 1 AVflo:l'! VILlACE Of CHf~P;:'RT 10'0'. Of 5.OU1HJUI CD~Hn OF ~UHOH. PlIoro~tlo [JCAVAlIO.. IULUIUPI"C; ..AI.II~^..[_""u'\.,j"w. H. Il._;~/l.h"~::l ~.I;~\ '~"~I'l(~~ ~lli.. SCALE o 25'50' - 100' 1 DANIEL 6. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCl4res, INC. ss~ HilA .O"D "AIUoW"L:l, NfW YO~l I()~J I~j.' H~.:>d<> ".yI9.196" 198) REVISED MAY 29, 1986 . . , ':.NIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIA TES, Inc. .. ..... .. ..... ... .. ... .. .. ....... .... . .. ... .. .... ...... ... ... .. ... .. . . .. . ... ... .. .. """"-- upervisor Frank J. Murphy Southold Town Board Members own Ha I I 3095 Main Road (P. oulhold, New York RECEIVED ~ 1986 Suite 1100 555 Aida Road Mamaroneck. New York 10543.' (914) 698.5678 ce of the President SEP August 28, 1986 O. Box 728) T_~ (".".1. c:",,+!,oId 11971 U-'l: Ms. J u d i I h T. T e rr y . Southold Town Clerk RE: BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. APPROVAL 0 f SO IL REMOVAL PERlolll AMENDMENTl3~ r PROPOSED EXCAVATION. RELOCATION of a TRAVElIF WelL. BULKHEAD I NG. MAII!I~",ANCE-DREDG_IN~-,._n RECONFIGURATION of FLOATING~IER _ASSEMBL PROJECHS) ear Supervisor Murphy & Town Board Members: e have been asked by BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC hereInafter BREWER), to assist them in obtaining the neces~ary Soi emaval Permi t to unddrtake the abo~e-referenced reVIsed Modi flcation o previously approved Master Plan ProjecICs). This letter wi I upplement our most recent letter to you of 04/22/86 indicating tha e would be seeking an Amendment to your previous Soi I Removal Permi pproval dated 02/05/85. REWER recently received Permi t. from the Army Corps CNo. 13490). odified Permit from th~ New York SLJte D~partment of Envlronmenta onserv3tlon (No. 10-8~-0766). a New Yor1{ State Department of Stat onsistcncy Certi ficate (No. F-85-254), a~ wel I as the approvals fro oth th~ Town of Southold Town B03rd O!l 2/5/85 and Southol,j Plannin Odrd on 12/17/84 dS wel I as appl'ovals from the Vi I j~q~ of Greenport 111ch wur~ origln11 Iy requested to enable BREWER to expand and upgrad he~r marina. Howev~r, 5inc~ the submlS510fi or the origina ppl Ic~ttOn(s) for th! propos~d Projecl(3) ovar two plus years ago an d c eo I p t 0 f iLLL the n ~ C C $ sa r y r e IJ :J 1 d t () r 'j J. P P r () val.;, ear 1 I e r t his yea r G () 11 orr: I can II I:) lj , ;; t i G f;, c t ,~! f " rn" ~i.. -:~ n'~ <; ,);).';.J r 01 t G s:~ t'l k A!r.~ n drne n t ( :.) :) the prevIously appr0v0d r(oJect:~) Th~ req~Jsted Amen,)ment(~ 9Jng SOUgilt by BREWER con~!:;t of ~ mod! i ij)d deslJn of th~ orlglna "'oJcct whIch 8REWEf1 be:ievcs 15 mOi\: 1<J'j.stlr;all'1 and e,;uflomicall' J')slbrl~ to con'itru'.:t and operate_ 4EWER IS now seei<ing a revised Soil Removal Permit (raplacing th~ - e v i 0 U s I 'J'- e x p ire d a p pro val toe:::: c a vat eat 0 t a I 0 f a p p (0 x j ma tel} lirty-nine thou3and nine hundred thirty cubic yards (39.930 Yds.3_ om a n are a 0 f a p pro x i ma tel 'I s eve" t y - e j 9 h t tho usa n d f i '/!~ h u n d reI SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR & ~WN BOARD MEMBERS - BREWER GREENPORT - REVISED SOIL . REMOVAL PERMIT - 08/28/86 sixty-five square feet (78,565 Ft.-) Isee SHEET NO.6 - PROPOSED EXCAVATION & DOCK REMOVAL!. BREWER is seeking approval to excavate a boat basin Isomewhat smaller than previously approved (see SHEET NO.5 PROPOSED EXCAVATION & DOCK REMOVAL, Comparison of Previously Approved Plan & Current Proposal)! and install a 25' x 45' in-ground swimming pool. (This is a reduction of approximately 30% in area and 25% in cubic yards over the previous approval by your Board.) We would like to bring to the Board's attention that the one year time limit associated with the Soil Removal Permit can interrupt this Project at a critical stage or can expire just as BREWER receives the final approvals from al I regulatory agencies. In many cases, a Project such as this can take up to 1.5 to 2 years to construct from the time al I approvals are received from al I necessary regulatory agencies. Further, it can take up to 1 year or more to receive al I the documentation for all of the approvals. Therefore, we respectfully request that the Soi I Removal Permi t be approved by your Board with the condition that the effective date of the Permit to be on the day the Proiect(s) receives al I necessary reGulatory aDDrovals and construction actually beains. Therefore, the one (1) year Permit wi I I commence on said effective date of the actual construction. We would also request that two (2) six (6) month extensions be approved at this time, which would allow BREWER to complete the Project(s) in a time I y ma n n e r . Enclosed, please find two (2) copies of our Specific Request for Town Board Approval of a permit for the Excavation and Relocation of the Topsoil and Other Materials to the Same Lot and Adjacent Sites, as Specified in Chapter 81-4 (D and G); "Soil Removal" as required by the Town Code. It is important to note that the previously approved Project(s) were g i v e n a n e gat i ve de c I a rat ion from a II en vir 0 nme n t a Ire g u I at 0 r y agencies including the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation on September 26, 1984, stating: "The proposed action wi II not have a significant effect on the environment... the proposed project wi I I not significantly affect the freshwater aquifer of the peninsula. The peninsula periodically floods with tidal waters there by el iminating the freshwater aquifer from consideration as a source of potable freshwater to this area. II The revised excavation and bulkheading aspects of the Project(s) wi I I not cut into the upland (in a northerly direction) as far as the previously approved Project(s). Previously, the excavation plan was to create a deep "U" shaped basin (extending approximately 400' upland from the existing bulkhead) and now BREWER proposes a "trapezoidal" shaped boat basin which paral leis the shorel ine and extends upland only approximately 220' from the existing bulkhead at its deepest <Page 2> SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR & ~WN BOARD MEMBERS - BREWER GREENPORT - REVISED SOIL . REMOVAL PERMIT - 08/28/86 point Cor an approximate forty-five percent [45%] decrease in the excavation distance from the existing bulkheadl. This comparison is shown on SHEET NO.5 - PROPOSED EXCAVATION & DOCK REMOVAL. Deposition of the excavated and dredged materialCs) [which wi I I be approximately 20% less than the originally approved ProjectCs)] wi I I sti I I be at the previously approved sites at BREWER's upland, at St. Agnes Cemetery immediately west and adjacent to BREWER's property, and at St. Agnes Cemetery adjacent to BREWER's on the north side of Manhanset Avenue. [See SHEET NO. 12 - PROPOSED EXCAVATION & OFF-SITE DISPOSAL AREAS Existing Topography, SHEET NO. 13 PROPOSED TOPOGRAPHY of RELOCATION SITES; and SHEET NO. 15 - ON-SITE DISPOSAL & GRADING PLAN.] For your further information, we have enclosed copies of documentation as well as copies of BREWER's ApplicationCs) as specified below: 1 ) Support and including: background information o nth e Pro j e c t C s ) , a) Comparison of Previously Approved Modified Proposed ProjectCs); vs. Revised b) Project Description within the Town of Southold, c) Supporting Information i) Impact on Fresh Water Supply i i) Impact on Marsh Area ii) Upland Relocation Ma t e ria I C s ) of Excavated and Dredged 2) Southold Board of Town Trustees as required by Chapter 97 of the Town Code - Wetlands, 3 ) Southold required from the Planning Board Site Plan by Chapter 100-130; "Zoning" Code of the Town of Southold, Approva I, as - Article XIII 4) Army Corps of Engineers, 5) N.Y.S. Department of Environmental Conservation: 6 ) N.Y.S. and Department of State - Coastal Management Program, 7) VI I lage of Greenport. We also specifically cal I your attention to our joint detal led Letter of Support to the Army Corps of Engineers, the N.Y.S.D.E.C. and the N.Y.S.D.O.S. dated 08/27/86. This letter discusses the background of <Page 3> . . SOUTHOlD SUPERVISOR & TOWN BOARD MEMBERS - BREWER GREENPORT - REVISED SOil REMOVAL PERMIT - 08/28/86 the marina, aspects of the Project(s) within both the Town of Southold and the Vi I lage of Greenport, the need for the amended Project(s), and the alternatives considered. We would welcome convenience. If ca I Ius. the opportunity to discuss this appl ication at your you have any questions, please do not hesitate to Sincerely, DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. ~..../. ,.f "" .,/." President By: DSNI j I j Enclosures cc: Army Corps of Engineers N.Y.S.D.O.S. N.Y.S.D.E.C. Vi llage of Greenport Southold Planning Board Southold Board of Trustees BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. I NC. <Page 4> SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR & fRlN BOARD MEMBERS - BREWER GREENPORT - REVISED SOIL . REMOVAL PERMIT - 08/28/86 Comparison of Previouslv Approved vs. Revised Modified Proposed ProiectCs) There are several differences and approved Master Plan ProjectCs) following chart attempts to provide similarities between the previously and the proposed AmendmentCs). The a summary of these: AMENDED MASTER PLAN PROJECTCS) i n TOWN OF SOUTHOLD I I "...... Previously Approved Net Expansion ChangeCs) Mo d I f I cat Ion C S ) Maximum Number Boats - Southold 65 90 -28% CBoats - Total Project) C 180) C 180) 0% Total Excavat ion Cu. Yd s . 39,660 52,950 -25% Sq. Ft. 77,440 1 1 1 ,275 -30% Maximum Depth -8.0'MLW -8.0'MLW 0% Total Dredging I Cu. Yds. 450 450 0% I Sq. Ft. 2,625 2,625 0% Maximum Depth -8.0'MLW -8.0'MLW 0% Total Lineal Ft. Bulkhead 990 1,130 -12% Main DockCs) 750 425 +43% Finger Pie r C s ) 1,080 1,360 -20% Ramps 48 288 -83% Total Pi les 65 41 +37 'Travelifts' 2 I 1 I + 1 II Swimmi n9 Pool 1 0 + 1 Excava t ion: Cu. Yds. 270 0 +270 Sq. Ft. 1,125 0 + 1.125 Boat Buildings 3 2 + 1 Clubhouse Building 1 1 0 <Page 5> . . SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR & TOWN BOARD MEMBERS - BREWER GREENPORT - REVISED SOIL REMOVAL PERMIT - 08/28/86 The basic differences affecting Removal Permit are as follows: the granting of the Soil 1) The previously approved "un shaped boat basin extended upland from the existing bulkhead approximately Four Hundred Feet (400'). The proposed Amendment(s) for this aspect of the Project(s) proposes a 'trapezoid' extending upland from the existing bulkhead approximately Two Hundred Twenty Feet (220'). This represents an approximate 45% decrease over the previously approved Project(s) in the distance of excavation into the upland from the current shorel ine. It was previously determined that the area to be excavated is on a peninsula which is not considered to be a source of fresh water for other areas therefore the previously approved excavation of 645' upland would not interfere with any source(s) of fresh water for the area. 2) The volume of material to be excavated to -8 MSL' from the approved "un shaped boat basin was a total of approximately Fifty-Two Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty Cubic Yards (52,950 Yds.a) whereas the proposed Amendment for the 'trapezoidal' excavation to -8 MLW' requires the removal of a total of approximately Thirty-Nine Thousand Six Hundred Sixty Cubic Yards (39,660 Yds.a), or a reduction of Thirteen Thousand Two Hundred Ninety Cubic Yards (13,290 Yds.a), or approximately Twenty-Five Percent (25%) less than the or i gin a I Pro j e c t ( s) v 0 I ume . The red u c t ion i nth e v 0 I ume of material to be excavated wi I I provide a savings to BREWER over the initial Project(s) cost for excavating, t ran s p 0 r tin g and d i s P 0 s a I 0 f the ma t e ria Is. I n add i t ion, i t wi I I mo des t I Y red u c e the time n e c e s s a r y to complete this aspect of the Project(s), and the overal I time necessary to finish the upgrading and reconfiguration of BREWER's facility. 3) Two t r a vel i f t s will be pro v ide d as 0 p p 0 sed too n e previously approved. One (1) in-ground swimming pool, one (ll boat building and one (ll club house [relocated) wi I I be constructed which were not covered in the previously approved project. PROJECT DESCRIPTION WITHIN THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BREWER is seeking approval to Amend the proposal previously approved by the Southold Town Board to expand and upgrade their marina, as follows: (Note: The following description only includes those portions of the overal I project which are in the Town of Southold. The project site lies partially within the Incorporated Village of Greenport and the Town of Southold. The project is contingent upon receiving approvals from both entities, as well as the other governing <Page 6> . . SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR & TOWN BOARD MEMBERS - BREWER GREENPORT - REVISED SOIL REMOVAL PERMIT - 08/28/86 regulatory agencies. For attached joint Letter of Engineers, the N.Y.S.D.E.C., the complete Project Description, see Support dated 8/27/86 to the Army Corps of and the N.Y.S.D.O.S.) 1) Excavate a "Trapezoid shaped" approximately 39,660 cu. yds. of area of approximately 77,440 sq. PROPOSED EXCAVATION & DOCK REMOVALl. boat basin and ma t e ria I from an ft. [see SHEET remove overall NO. 6 - 2 ) R emo v e a p pro x i ma tel y 225 I i n e a I fee t 0 f ex i s tin g t 1mb e r p i I e bu I khead that extends f rom Dock #2 to the Ii f t we II and is located along the south end of the proposed boat basin. The excavated bulkhead wi I I be disposed of upland by a local carting company [see SHEET NO.6 - PROPOSED EXCAVATION & DOCK REMOVAL 1 . 3) Construct and maintain a timber bulkhead totalling approximately 990 lineal feet [approximately 955 lineal feet of which is along the west, north, and east perimeter of the proposed boat basin and lift well, and approximately 35 I ineal feet is a wood subterranean bulkhead on the southeast shorelinel. The wood bulkhead will consist of approximately 3" to 4" thick timber sheeting and approximately 14" diameter pi les driven approximately 14.3 feet below Mean Low Water into firm bottom materials to provide an adequate base. In addition, there will be a sufficient tie-back system consisting of vertical anchor piles that will be attached to each timber pile along the bulkhead with 2" diameter tie-rods. No tie-back system is envisioned in the area of the subterranean bulkhead. The subterranean bulkhead wi I I tie into nearby sections of the proposed bulkhead which forms the east side of the proposed basin [see SHEET NO.3 - SITE PLANMAPl. 4) Relocate and expand a travelift well by removing the existing travelift consisting of one (1) runway extension approximately 40' In length located between Dock #3 and Dock #4. The proposed combined travel ift well (approximately 50' x 40') wi I I be excavated along the north side of the proposed boat basin and wi I I be able to accommodate a 20-ton and a 60-ton travelift [see SHEET NO.3 - SITE PLAN MAPl. 5) Construct, Instal I, and maintain a series of new floating pier (dock) assembl ies [see SHEET NO.3 - SITE PLAN MAP and SHEET NO. 9 RECONFIGURATION of DOCKS, Comparison of Existing Conditions & Current Proposall, as follows: DOCK A located along the west perimeter of the proposed bas i n con s i s tin g 0 fa) a P pro x i ma tel y 190' x 6' 0 f ma i n float; b) five (5) finger piers approximately 40' x 4' located along the east side of the main float; c) one (1) timber ramp approximately 12' x 3' located along the <Page 7> . . SOUTHOlD SUPERVISOR & TOWN BOARD MEMBERS - BREWER GREENPORT - REVISED SOil REMOVAL PERMIT - 08/28/86 at the nor the n d 0 f the ma i n fl. d) eight (8) timber pi les approximately 12" in diameter and 40' in length located at the ends of each finger pier, adding stabi I ity to the structures. DOCK B located in the center of the proposed boat basin, consisting of: a) One (1) main I ine of floats approximately 185' x 6', b) One (1) timber ramp approximately 12' x 3' located at the north end of the main float; c) Six (6) finger piers approximately 35' x 4 ' 10 cat e d a Ion g the e a s t 5 ide 0 f the ma i n f loa t; d) six (6) finger piers, approximately 40' x 4' located along the west side of the main float; and e) Seventeen (17) t i mb e r p i I e 5 a p pro x i ma tel y 12" i n d i ame t era n d 40' i n length located at the ends of each finger pier, adding stabi I ity to the structure. DOCK C located in the center of the proposed boat basin, consisting of: a) one (1) main I ine of floats a p pro x i ma tel y 180' x 6'; b) 0 n e ( 1 ) t i mb err amp approximately 12' x 3' located at the north end of the main float, c) five (5) finger piers approximately 35' x 4' located along the west side of the main float; d) and seven (7) finger piers approximately 30' x 4' along the east side of the main float; e) twenty (20) timber pi les approximately 12" in diameter and 40' in length located at the ends of each finger pier, adding stabi I i ty to the 5 t r u c t u r e . DOCK D located on the east side of the proposed boat basin consisting of a) one (1) main I ine of floats approximately 195' x 6'; b) one (1) timber ramp approximately 12' x 3' located at the north end of the ma i n f loa t ; c) s eve n (7) fin g e r pie r sap pro x i ma tel y 30' x 4' along the west side of the main float; d) eleven (11) timber pi les approximately 12" in diameter and 40' in length, located at the end of each finger pier, adding stabi I ity to the structure. 6) Maintenance-dredoe a triangular-shaped area approximately 2,625 sq. ft. to an average depth of 8' below Mean low Water, and remove approximately 450 cu. yds. of material as measured IN PLACE [see SHEET NO. 11 - MAINTENANCE-DREDGING MAPl. The area within the Town of Southold to receive maintenance-dredging, is located throughout the existing docking facility. All maintenance-dredging activities will be undertaken by clam shel I and barge and/or dragl ine ope rat ion s . The ma t e ria I be i n g d red g e d wi I I be p I ace don BREWER's upland property, semi-dried, and then relocated as described (in #7) below. <Page 8> . . SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR & TOWN BOARD MEMBERS - BREWER GREENPORT - REVISED SOIL REMOVAL PERMIT - 08/28/86 7) Upland Relocation of the Excavated and Dredaed Material: Approximately 44,090 cu. yds. of material wi I I be excavated from the proposed boat basin with an additional 10.500 cu. yds. of material removed by the maintenance-dredging operations in both the Town of Southold and the Vi I lage of G r e e n p 0 r t . A I I 0 f the d red g e d ma t e ria I s wi I I be mix e d wit h the materials being excavated and deposited upland at three different locations. The proposed disposal sites are: 1) On-site disposal of approximately 2.500 - 3.500 cu. yds. 2) St. Agnes Cemetery located adjacent to BREWER MARINA on the North side of Manhanset Avenue. Approximately 42.100 cu. yds. wi I I be deposited on this undeveloped 11.8 acre site [see SHEET NO. 12 - PROPOSED EXCAVATION & OFF-SITE DISPOSAL AREAS, Existing Topography; SHEET NO. 13 PROPOSED TOPOGRAPHY of RELOCATION SITES; and SHEET NO. 15 - ON-SITE DISPOSAL & GRADING PLAN]. 8) RELOCATE an existing 35' plus additional bulkhead approximately bulkhead [see SHEET NO. upland club house approximately 30' x de c kin g 20 fee t from the ex i s tin g 70 feet from the to-be-constructed 3 - SITE PLAN MAPJ. 9) CONSTRUCT an upland in-ground swimming pool approximately 25' x 45' plus accompanying 10' cement apron. fencing, and, screening approximately 40 feet from the proposed new bulkheading [see SHEET NO.3 - SITE PLAN MAP]. 10) CONSTRUCT an upland boat maintenance and storage bui Iding, mast shed and bathroom faci I ities total ing approximately 110' x 120' located approximately 75 feet from the new proposed bulkhead [see SHEET NO.3 - SITE PLAN MAPJ. 11) CONTINUATION of a Reconfiauration Perimeter Condition which would allow BREWER to continually change only the location(s). width[s). and number(s) of pile(s), dock(s) and ramp(s) within the Reconfiauration Perimeter "envelope" [shown on SHEET NO. 10 RECONFIGURATION PERIMETER dated 07/29/86 prepared by DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc.] provided that the number of boats would not exceed one hundred eighty (180) and no additional bulkheading, dredging, excavation or filling could take place without the prior required regulatory approval(s). 12) A PERMIT CONSTRUCTION PERIOD ending 06/30/92. SUPPORTING INFORMATION Impact on Fresh Water Supply AI I agencies previously examined in depth the possible adverse impact(s) on the fresh water supply and concluded that the previously approved and more extensive ProjectCs) wi I I have little. if any. effect on the fresh water supply. <Page 9> . . SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR & TOWN BOARD MEMBERS - BREWER GREENPORT - REVISED SOIL REMOVAL PERMIT - 08/28/86 The proposed of an effect Project(sl. revised modified Project(sJ wi I I because of the difference in have even less size of the According to Robert A. Villa, P.E., Chief Engineer for the Suffolk County Division of Environmental Health, professional hydrologists from the Suffolk County Health Department conducted a field inspection and reviewed the previously approved Project(sJ which extended into the upland Forty-Eight and Two-Tenths Percent (48.2%J further than the presently proposed AmendmenlCsl. Their conclusion is, that: IISince the is not real we (Suffolk proposal..." peninsula where the Project is Iy a source of the Vi I lage water CountyJ have no objections located supply, to the In order to maintain the integrity of the fresh water/salt water interface, BREWER proposes to undertake the Project(sJ with the use of tight interlocking wood sheeting for the bulkhead. The bulkhead wi I I be constructed around the entire area being excavated and wi I I extend from a height of a p pro x i ma tel y Six Fee tab 0 v e Me an Sea I Level (+ 6' MS L J, to approximately Ten Feet below Mean Sea Level (-10' MSLJ. Impact on Marsh Area A recent site investigation indicated that a section of the ma r S h , from its sou t h we s t cor n e r b a c k to an ex i s tin g deteriorated subterranean bulkhead, had begun to wash away. The amendments to the previously approved Project(sJ include replacing the deteriorated existing subterranean bulkhead and extending the new subterranean bulkhead to stabi I ize the southern edge of the existing marsh area. The proposed subterranean bulkhead wi I I be a protective barrier to prevent further erosion of the marsh due to storms, natural tidal action, backwash from boats passing through Stirl ing Basin and activities at the public boat launch directly east of the marsh. Upland Relocation of Excavated and Dredged Material(sJ The proposed upland relocation of excavated and dredged material(sJ wi I I be identical to that previously approved but wi I I be Twenty Percent (20%J less than the previously approved excavation ProjectCs). Excavated materialCs) from the boat basin, 'travelift' well, and all maintenance-dredged mater ial (s) wi II total approximately Fi fty-Four Thousand Five Hundred Ninety Cubic Yards (54,590 Yds.3) to be removed from the Project(s) site. Of this, approximately Ten Tho usa n d F i f t Y Cub icY a r d s ( 10,050 Y d s . 3 ) wi I I be from maintenance-dredging within the Village of Greenport; Four Hundred Fifty Cubic Yards (450 Yds.3) from maintenance <Page 10> . . SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR & TOWN BOARD MEMBERS - BREWER GREENPORT - REVISED SOIL REMOVAL PERMIT - 08/28/86 dredging within the Town of Southold, Thirty Nine Thousand Six Hundred Sixty Cubic Yards C39,660 Yds.3) from upland excavation within the Town of Southold, and Four Thousand Four Hundred Thirty Cubic Yards C4,430 Yds.3) from upland ex c a vat ion wit h i nth e V i I I age 0 f G r e en p 0 r t . A p pro x i ma tel y Two Thousand Five Hundred to Three Thousand Five Hundred Cubic Yards C2,500 Yds.3 to 3,500 Yds.3) of these materialCs) will be relocated on-site in order to attain the proper elevationCs) and contourCs) for improving the drainage pat t ern san d for ace ommo d at i n g the add i t ion a Ire I ate d activities such as automobile parking, boat storage, boat repair and maintenance services. There wi I I be approximately Twelve Thousand to Fifteen Thousand Cubic Ya r d s C 12,000 Y d s . 3 to 15,000 Y d s .3) 0 f ma t e ria I C s ) de p 0 sit e d on-site and along the east side of St. Agnes Cemetery which is contiguous to the area that needs to be fi I led along the west side of BREWER. A smal section of tidal marsh grass CSDartina A.U.) located in the east side towards the southern corner of the site has been identified, NO FILL WILL BE PLACED ON OR WITHIN TWENTY-FIVE FEET C25') OF THE MHW LINE IN THIS AREA. This special condition will help insure the productivity of this s ens i t i ve i n t e r t i d a I ma r s h Z 0 n e . Most of the material being removed (approximately Forty One Thousand Cubic Yards C41,OOO Yds.3)], wi I I be transported across Manhanset Avenue to a site located directly across from BREWER. All of the materialCs) will be trucked into the primary relocation site at a point directly across from BREWER's entrance drive on Manhanset Avenue. This undeveloped Eleven and Eight-Tenths Cll.8) acre site is owned and maintained by St. Agnes Church and wi I I be used as a future cemetery once the area has been upgraded and improved. There has been further discussion between BREWER's and Saint Agnes Church regarding the grading and landscaping of St. Agnes' property. To the extent possible the evergreens that presently exist Cwhich are relatively young) will be preserved and replanted on either the Church's or BREWER's property. The grading wi I I be as shown on the attached Map. The surface wi I I be protected with straw mulch seeded with a hearty grass in a manner simi lar to that in which road beds or other irregular slopes are planted in highway or other construction projects. In addition, swales will be graded around many portions of the property to insure that there wi I I be no surface runoffs onto the roads and adjacent properties. There wi I I be an approximate 25' buffer area between the existing three wetlands areas and the placement of the excavated materials. The mature trees which are on the easterly side of the property and along parts of the berm of the old disposal area wi I I be preserved. <Page II> . . SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR & TOWN BOARD MEMBERS - BREWER GREENPORT - REVISED SOIL REMOVAL PERMIT - 08/28/86 In short, the primary relocation site does not represent a significant or critical environmental habitat. In addition, because of its proximity to BREWER [approximately Fifty Feet C50') south, across Manhanset Avenue), al I trucking operations to and from the area wi I I not cause any disturbance to any of the nearby residents. A temporary access drive into the site wi I I extend directly across from the existing entrance drive at BREWER. There are no obstructions or tight curves at this point along Manhanset Avenue. A more detai led description of issues related to the projectCs) can be found in the attached joint Letter of Support dated 08/27/86 to the Army Corps of Engineers, the N.Y.S. Department of Environmental Conservation, and the N.Y.S. Department of State. DSN/jlj <Page 12> (File in' Du~iica te) . ..I....... "Li v.!." ...11......... ...~~......._u..' Tm',:,:; CL~ili<' S OFFICE . Fee__ paid_ _ SQUTI-!OLD, NEH YORK . APPUCA TION FOR PERMIT FOR SAND AND GRAVEL PIT OR OTHER EXCAVATION PURPOSES 1. Name of Applicant Br-::;;.ter Yacht Yard at GreenpJrt, Inc. 2. Address of Applicant Manhaset Ave. Village of GreenpJrt Town of Southold '-OW1cy UL .::>ullu.ik. .;Jl..o.L.t:: u[ Hew ..I.v....k 3. Detailed statement of proposed operations Excavate a trapezoid shaped boat basin within an area of approximately 77,440 sq. ft. to a depth of 8' below MLW and rerrove approximately 39,660 cu. yds. of IlE.terial. Excavate an area approxirnately ., 1125 sq. ft. to install a 25' x 45' p::ol ranging frem three to ten feet deep, rerrovino approximately 270 cu. yds. of material. All materials being rerroved total of 40,380 cu. yds. fran all excavation and maintenance dredging operations will be relocated upland at 3 locations. SEE LEITER FRCM DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSCCTA'T'RS. TNr dat:P.d 4. Names and addresses of all property owners of record within 200 feet of the outside boundaries of the premises within which operations are proposed to . be performed. . West - St. Agnes Church GreenfOrt, New York 11944 East - ToNn of southo1d North - St. Agnes Church - GreenfOrt, New York 11944 5. The following must accompany this application unless waived by the Town Board. If applicant requests a waiver of any of the following items, applicant should insert at the end of application subdivisions for which a waiver 1s requested. A. Detailed statement of the proposed operation together with a plan of the area proposed for excavation or for removal of top soil which shall show condition of the plot or premises before operations and the proposed condition of the same after operations are completed, such plan to be prepared by a duly licensed engineer or land surveyor and drawn to Bcale showing all adjoining streets, location and dimensions of premises, the location, size .and use of any existing buildings. B. A topographic survey of the premises prepared by a duly licensed engineer or land surveyor showing contours at 10 foot intervals, using Coast and Geodetic Survey datum. C. Duly acknowledged COnsents of the owner of the premises and. mortgagees, if any. .' . . D. Receipted tax bills or photostatic copies thereof or other proof showing payment of all taxes and assessments against premises for which an application is requested. E. A proposed comprehensive plan for the rehabilitation of the premises together with a schedule of progress therefor. Such plan to set forth the ultimate contour and grade of the area upon completion of work, describing the area to be refilled, top Boiled and seeded and apecifying the amount and extent thereof to be performed before December 31st of the year for which permit is being applied for. F. Estimate prepared by a duly licensed engineer or land surveyor of the total number of cubic yards of material to be removed from the property during the permit period. 6. Applicant hereby requests a waiver of the requirements of paragraph 5, sub- divisions , , . , , . sect. S;paragraphs Ta1iQ aaswe= Section 11. Dated: August 28, 1986 dt~Plicant Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenp:Jrt, Inc. Corporation By ~ 'R,.. _~ i ature of OHi er Sworn to before me this 28th day 0> ~~st~ /2 1jJ~' /~( I_~ij~ - Notary l(',blic LESUE J, MILlER -.. Public. Statoaf N_York No, 483' 506 Qualified in Westchester County '7. Commiaaion Expire. Mtlrch 30, 19..L/ -2- ~ ,;~ .- ~':J;,'~~_ . '. .'.~ . . TC'WN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, N. V ......I<E...LL FLiNDS PA'I'''6LE TO RECEIVER OF TAXES GEORGE MELLAS TOWN MALL SOUTMDLO, N Y 111171 MON TOI"Al 1100...... T0400P", CLOSEO AlllfGAt. I-lOLIOAYS CLOS~ SAT :516-76S-1&a;J 1983.1984 TAX LEVY TAXES BECOMe A LIEN ON DEe 1: BILL NO. 291 SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP NUM&A 3';"'6-1 SWIS: '473801. 'ROll'SEC':-1 ClS: 570 ACRES: .25 """"ASSn' AVE :TAX...CODE:: ;148 ,.: TAXABLE V.M.UE TAXES "..... ..,,,. ...."..LvI" .. ........_ 'Y_""""~''''''''", --.... 00' ''''''""C"""..,.,_,... Co~"",C___... I""................__co_ r,_.....~...,_...._ COUNTY TOWN . ~3; 20f.J ,3,iOO . _~~;_20~ -101.; 70,;~ 718..~ .~ .' SCHOOL SP DISTRICT_ ....ET. EXE,",PT AGED EXEMPT OTH. EXEUPT - -~--'- '" --''.. r- - ---- ....c..;.~.. BREWER"S YACH'll 71rn:D"A"T GREENPORT I MANHANSET AVErtJE GREENPORT, N.Y. 11944 ... _. .":'~.:-(~~~~:'-c LAND VALUE ASSESSED VALUATION .1000 3200 ')T~R , r TOTAl. TAX 891';6 coDe SCHOOL DISTRICT , - -- -- .-- .......-- PENAL TV 473810 . TOTAL RECEIVED PAYI.4ENT "lRST MALI' TAX RECEIVED PAYMENT SECOND HALF OR TOTAL TAX REeE,"T NC 17891 OA TE PAID 05-31-84 AMOUNT PAID 445.81 REC~9f% 6 o 1-~(j;:~'~ A1;~~='ll'2 N2~E TAl.ES ..;:IE ~"YA6LE BY CHEC,< CASH OR MONEY DRDER CHECKS W'l~ BE ACCE~TED SUS.JECT TO COLLECTION ~OR WHICH THIS OFFICE ASSUMES .....C <lE~OO"'S'S'lITY "0 ::ASH BY \AAJl NO JRD ~ARTY CHECK POSTAGE STAMPS ....::~ ~C,:!:OTEO "'0 "OST 0'" TED CHEC'<S ACCEPTED PLEASE READ THE REVERSE SIDE NOTICE SECOND HALF TAX MAY SE P"'IO AT THE SAME Tl'-4E THE FIRST HALF IS QUE AND ~AYA8L seCONQ HAL!'" CAN Be "'Ala A T AN'!' TIME UNTIL '-4A'!' Jhl. WITHOl.!T PENAL TY ORIGINA Ti"WN OF SOUTH OLD Y UAKE ALL. FUNDS PA'!'ABLE RECEIVER OF TAXES GEORGE MELLAS TOWN HALL SOUTHQLD, NY 11971 MON TO~"" 900"''''' TO.OO~M CLOSED ALL LEGAl... HOllOA'!'S CLOSeQ SA T 56-16s.-SOJ 1983.1984 TAX LEVY SL:F~C:..O( COUNTY, N TO , , - SWIS . '473889 ROll SEt . t TAXA8LE VALUE TAXES ,~~,,~~ . . - , -- .. " ClS: 570 AC RE S: 9.50 -~'. .......' " ... - ....".~': .., "'ANHANSET AVE COUNTY 27,900 888.03! '. ~:~..:- ;::' :~""'''':-:.:::~ r 4396 TAX-CODE: 145 TOWN 27,900 1,699.56, BILL NO. SCHOOL 27,900 6,267.26 SUF!'"OUC: COUNTY TAX ""AP NUMBER 43.-3-2 SP DISTRICT 27,900 253.25 :..A.N2 '.AL:..:E I ASSESSED VAlUA nON Brewer's Yacht Yard 'HER At tR40Ci 27900 Greenport, Inc. - - , T-.TAL ,~x , TAXES 8ECOME A lIEN ON OEC. 1ST -,,-~ i ,l.GEC EXEMPT! OTH EXEI.1PT 1 Ii' I Manhanset Aven:le Greenport, N.Y. 9,108.10 .':.:7 E:l<::".H': 11944 SCI-100l DIS TRICT ","ALTY I TOTAL RECEivED PAYMENT FIAST HALF TAX I I -, 473810 J:lECE:IVED PAYMENT-SECOND HALF 01'1 TOTAL TAX ;:;:-"'P"'..'"' -'-'3341~ DATE PAID AMOUNT I"AIO 05-31-a4--c r-, _.4,554..0c~", RECEIPT ~o 29165 DATE PAID AMOUNT PAID 01-10-84 4,554.05 ",-'~E ......ES .l."E p...YABlE BY CHECK, CASH OR MaNE'!' OI'lOER, CHECKS .~;~~ 6E "'C:Eo~E:J 5~B.JECT TO COLLEcnON FOR WHICH THIS OFFICE: ASSUMES >.0 <lES"O"'S,E!'lITY NO C"'S'" BY ......'l NO JRO PARTY CHECI< POSTAGE STAMPS ".J~ "'::::~:>-E:l ....0 peST DATED Cf_ECKS ACCE~Teo PLEASE READ THE REVERSE SIDE ""OTlCE SECOND HALF TAl( l.AA'I' BE PAID AT THE SAl.AE" TIME THE FII'IST HAL!'" IS CUE AND PAYABLE I SECOND HALF CAN Sf PAID AT ANV TIME UNTIL J.AAV 31", WITHOUT PENALTV I ORIGINALj ! -. - -'- ~,:,-,. ..,t_:..... ':-._ ~, ~ . t) .~... '--", c. .,f;. .. ':r:-;- -~- -~- - -r-' t-:-~tJr~~--~~~ eO(: 0; - d _T./~ CC! ~ '<YD ___ U),JCtlm1_dY1~-=J~WV1 _~.rt~~[ _ ___~_ ,__~e,__~L__NO_,__C9__ (" ..-.-.--1 -..----.- 2 3 --=4 5 6 7 ------.------:i; 'c;;;.---.---iiiJj2--7-=--~:~~-.- FKI",Lk::. " "C7VJ__ IVI'~k--- vU~ fj)t.#! ;;~H,--= (C!__jd5.= I ) I ---ri, j i iJ_ 1 i' ii, __ ~.LlI . i i. ! i I 2 (rAlf~ lA, A r-~)' J ~ I,IL/ I ...., 1=" . e --- ,+-' · I 2 T In.i -, H~j- 1--- JIll ;: ! I: i I~ -+ I . I r Iti. - - 3 4 -.L., _ __ __ _, 1 -W- . 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",'~ tV :: ~.~p- -Il~ ~ i: / r T ':J: U Ii i + --:14 i ;' I: t: i j ~' - ,4, - I, ,. -~4 II " 23 -h!:, 'A.l' i I r- 1_: , '__ :"I' tA-:f'1. LLJ IT' Ill";' 'UlI}ifl= T j2: 24 '! i_ ._U: Xrc: 1[I~q-E'. "'. ::: ' !~~"~:'L r "JjJro~lJ '.' __ 2, 251' i ' , '+_ I . [F", .CCA .....f'\! ' ~'7,(o\::::>-I:i,V"; I 2 26 -- , , H l' l1JJilQ, 1G?""~~~~' -. ',;," 'h .' ' 2, 271 -~-~ --1 'I f . 1 ~-.;-}-t~I~. '-J~ ( . I J ~~ tqst ~1 !DID,", i'C:--~ 2 ~: .-'~~ i- tl \-! ~ 'r ','.. \~Ri;;i.;jJjf7I-: i~F -. : ,e I i::...:.:.r! ' I ;- f\ .",,-;,;;;;r'~~fAft~'Y ,j , H ~~It-\T1E~A ~_r=_ll?~~Dg ~; ~i't~j~(_' '. r-"~-~ ~~\-t _ ~ 34: I . LX' P~l WtLW, , L ev/~1:Jj P.f'[.' :' Ct: i 1 ,c&, 1" ., I ,J. 351 _-..L-~_I-J __+- II ! I ' , ii, ,i v! I~- ~~I 2Ce25 11 -t-~n- 3,.5' 1 I --1- ~.L__~,: I -'lO.7~' - _n'l~2:+_!, i -1- i __,n --; -or' - ---j~ I! " . --1- '" 'r-'--:' I' 381 I I, 'J . j Iii .. I 3 39 i _'n.' ; l-c' - -, -;- ~-'-,-- -- 1---C-1 -,. Ti '.-- '" " · i " lc-r' j I ; ~- 1 ! . 1- T -: ,-1--- '.,'--1-- -------.,' 1- i '- i '. ;~;-: '" 40 ~~___~__ I t--~, I I 1_1 I I ~ ! i. --.----LLJ .~f I _~~~ ' J~~ n~--I--~c~___i_--=oJ_~'=~=."~_.~~l=h===.L__...J_ _I_.l_=' J:.JJ 8 ,,~ 3 5 . LIST of DRAWINGS . for BREWER'S YACHT YARD at GREENPORT, Inc. August 28, 1986 I I I I SHEET NO. T I HE DATE 1 GENERAL VICINITY MAP 05/19/84 2 LOCAL VICINITY MAP 05/19/84 I 3 SITE PLAN MAP Rev. 07/29/86 4 EXISTING CONDITIONS 05/19/84 5 PROPOSED EXCAVATION & DOCK REMOVAL Comparison of Previously Approved Plan & Current Proposal Rev. 07/29/86 6 PROPOSED EXCAVATION & DOCK REMOVAL Rev. 07/29/86 7 SITE PLAN MAP Comparison of Praviously Approved Plan & Cu r r en t Proposal Rev. 07/29/86 I 8 SITE PLAN MAP I I Comparison of Existing Conditions, Previously Approved Plan & Current Proposal Rev. 07/29/86 9 RECONFIGURATION of DOCKS Comparison of Existing Conditions & Current Proposal Rev. 07/29/86 10 RECONFIGURATION PER I METER Rev. 07/29/86 11 MAINTENANCE-DREDGING MAP II Proposed Dock Conf i gurat ion OS/29/86 12 PROPOSED EXCAVATION & OFF-SITE DISPOSAL AREAS Existing Topography Rev. 07/29/86 1 3 PROPOSED TOPOGRAPHY of RELOCATION SITES Rev. 07/29/86 14 LOCATION of SITES for SOUTHOLD WETLANDS PERMIT Rev. 07/29/86 1 5 ON-SITE DISPOSAL & GRADING PLAN Rev. 07/29/86 <Sheet 1 of 2> DR~WING LIST - BREWER~EENPORT - 08/28/86 .. SHEET NO. T I HE DATE 16 AREA NAVIGATION MAP Rev. OS/29/86 17 RECONFIGURATION of DOCKS & MOORINGS Proposed v s . Existing Conditions Rev. 07/29/86 18 AREA UNDERWATER LAND GRANT MAP Rev. OS/29/86 19 SECTION A & SECTION B Proposed Grading Profiles St. Agnes Sit e. North of Manhanset Avanue Rev. OS/29/86 20 SECTION D-D Proposed Typical Section East of Boat Basin Rev. OS/29/86 21 SECTION E-E Proposed Typical Section Adjacent to Manhanset Avenue Rev. 05/19/84 22 SECTION F Typical Maintenance-Dred9ing Rev. OS/29/86 23 SECTION G Typical Subterranean Bulkhead Rev. 07/29/86 24 SECTION H Proposed Typical Section West of Boat Basin Rev. 07/29/86 25 APPROXIMATE LOCATION of TEST BORINGS Rev. OS/29/86 <Sheet 2 of 2> . . I SHEET NO. 1 - GENERAL VICINITY MAP !l 0v..\) SO v..'V \>- \S" v..(:) ,,0 .-~--....... -.- .-- 'Hay BfruA rt ~"~. . i~' / \ I /~ J,""i.",. If / { 5'0 UTHOLD \ '" BAY'-........ \ \ i i i \ COf' (";i':'.;~ D VICINITY MAP 10,000' I JUIIU He"T HIP n (;ltI~~OIT. INC. HIIlINC; UUN I"Hllton llAue. I.lANIlANHT "UNUt 'lLlA!;l or laUllron TOVNOf50U1tlClll eOl/lIuor 5UrfOll o I 2500' 5000' I ~~~?J:~~~~::~~~I~~~I:~~D1NG nLl1lImlJ'^lllJ~ 1Il 'LUAJ'h~ --nn:-1:mI1itff'l'Olr::n-- DANIEL. II. N^TCHEZ AND "BaOerATetl, INC. ~~~ 'ullA 10Al) WAW.'ON!:~:. ~~~ .~~~l 11I5,t] . . SHEET NO. 2 LOCAL VICINITY MAP Goll Coun.e 2 2+ 33 LONG ISLAND 10 3' o 31 10 9 .H o L ~ 13 II /' /' /' / I I Beach Clu Shelter Island Heights 57 -....... ....... ....... ....... '-... '-. 3' BREWER YACHT YARD <6 22 39 '7 2 5 24 . 8 Dering Harbor CheQuit t 13 " VICINITY BREWER YACHT YARD AT GRrtNPORT. INC. o I 1250' 2500' I 5000' I STlRlll<G BASI" GREEHPORT HARBOR ~ANHAHSET AVEHUE VIl.lAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SQUTHOLD COUNTY Of SUffOLK PROPOSED EXCAYATlON, BULKH[At.llNG MAINI IN^'',-l-l)lIl11,,I/<H.., ANI.! IIT"ONfIGUKAI10N Of ,LUAIIN[... PIllI ^~~H'nl !'Huller!! Dated: 05/19/84 DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 ALUA ROAD M.......ARONlCK, NEW YDkl( 10543 '!II' l 69B~S67b . . ST AGNES CHURCH CEMETERY PAOPOSE D DISPOSAL SITE ~l~ ~"-"" ....... I u ~ --,.....I'I~". . fy//fA'LJ .:'" "'~ ...:-..""'v'i.4NScT ", "', \. ....'-... ..-:" .4VE" ,"" .' '"'''' .....-.. ~.'l._ ..........,' C (..~~ISTING ......... ...........: .::~..~.~'~...... , ......... CONTDU~ ............ .... "1\) ... \ \ .......\ ............ ......... D....:_.:::::-.... ~. \\ \, \\.. '\ ..................8._-..---....:.......... '.,~...... \.... \. \ . . , \ \ ". '. PARKING AND WINTER ,\ \ '''', \ BOAT ST'ORAGE .. \', \ " \. \ ~\ OJ . , '. '" I \ .. ...... ..--....... 7 . ..." \ \ .... /" . .... ". .~ ~ \ .. ......,.. \' ...-....... .. TRANSFORMER \ (:~f20~~~ \ "..... .. VAULT'. - 6 '11 . .. ',: ""-", " ". f i . ., 'RESTROOMS' :' \ l .' (; \t.... ",,\ is <::> \- '" ?:l SHEET NO. 3 SITE PLAN MAP f 1)] ~ -10{_ \ ----. '. , , '. '. '\ , , , , , . , . , , . . . , , , SERVrCE AREA .... mh0 J ~_ c-- .. ri1 CW TCWN a' SOUTHOLO ~40' T. 36 -L 34' .: >":::::86" DOCK;( /.::::8J' . /> DOCi'( E3' -...!q ,0" <"~ Do~7d'-.,( PROPOSED RECDNFIGURATlON a' FLOATING PIER ASSEMBLIES -=:'.':._- ~::';jr::.;~ - =o.rH';1~ ~..... ::::..':~~::~J~:'::':'- SITE PLAN MAP SCALE o 25' 50' 100' f _ 1 BR[~[R Y~CHT YARD AT GRE[NPORT, lHC. STIRLING BASIN GREENPORT IlARBOR l.l....I-IllANSET AVENUE VillAGE OF GRE[HrDRT TOWN OF SOUTHOlD ~ouHrY Of SUffOLK PROPOSED UCAVATIQ&...aULKIIEADIHG ~XTRmAR1:t=nll~DG1RC:, MW lfl.'tOlltTCUl1;TTl:I'f.l Or rlOAllNli rl~k A~~HlIlLY r~u~ lASED UPON SURVEY BY YOUNG' YOUNG N.Y,S, LICENSED hUll SURVEYORS SURVEY DJ.TED IULY2f..,1geJ ltVlSEo SEP1. I, 19B) In!! DECEI-lBER :Z7, 1983 DATUl." ~EA.~ SE.^ LEVEL (NGVD) PANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. SSS ALDA ROAD I UAIolAROH[CK, NE.W YONK lO~J (SUI 69B-Sb7b lollY 19. J9B' Revised: 07/29/86 lAUIlU'tlW suun n YOUW" l TOU~C; II.Y,S. LIC[~~[~ U.~D Sll.VnOIS SUNVn DAHD JULY l!.. 19&1 .EValD SEPT. I, 19<11 ud O(ClIoUU 21, 1911 PATillO, WIA_ SEA llHL INC;VDI , -"'- \ . 4 EXISTING CONDITIONS NO EXISTING CONDITIONS " ~ I'fj , '. . M. ~ -=~"'-""'::':::.:~ ..... :4NH.4NSET ..... ~.. ~~~.... "'-. '..~.~.....-..~.~-~. ....-4VE '\ ,..' ,\. ..... '.. . .--.- . "'-. --.,:::;-_::::.~~~. 1 ((....... """'" ..---......., ...... ~\ ...... \ ~~-...-.... "-.._--~....'" .......... /0 "'_____. \ \ \ ....~....... .... ........9 ------ - \.,..... \ '" ....,\ -................- 8 ....--...... ........ " '.. \ "', ... EXISTING \ \ '.. \ \ \ "'" \, CONTOURS '\ I \ .. . ~ "" \, \, ....... ...-.." 7 ..... \~\'; . :" -------. "'. ~ I , .. .... .~04. I \ ...._ \ ..... \ \ '\ ....~. . . ," ~ .... .... ........- ~~: 6 .... , ......... -.. ........c"\ .....):.....~ ....-.I:\.r.- ....\ u\ '\;/ \ \ \ 'to .... ,/ \ '\5'. I." /(..~\~.. ....\ \. \ ~ C) "\ '\.... \, '( \ "', ". ~ .... \.. r-\ ....."" ,/ ( \. \ ~..~ I ~ tx--... \. ....: : -'\..'-..~. "',_ ,/..-.-..,"\ :: i :1l~'':'\''\'' -___.. '. " :.~ I/'f ',.. \ \ : ~ : //, ~J \ ,\,\\ ,: \ : : ,'/,'1 7, " " I Itl!1 I " 11/'1 _\l.J /" ,,' :,',/' 7 , ,',,' 1II1 : ' i"'J \.... '.....' /I~ i!i ..'-..--. _--<~',.: ci-Ii OF' --.h___ ;?ft ~ II SOUTH OLD /'l'/ ~!J , , \.. ".....-../,'.~~ ~r , ..... '/ T/ ( . '~~r~j)/~'?t~l-tw 15' DOCK 5 \ . \ . , ST AGNES CEMETERY , " .......... , , , , , , . , '. ~ , . . . . o o , ! . , , o , . , . , ".-' .......... .~.... ............. " WOOD BULKHEAD -- .......... -. " ,h' 1 DOCK 4 STIRLING BASIN F~~ L&e ~ Jtrvn TACIlT 'HRD AT "1[[N'On, IIIC. STULl"C; US1N G_HIiPOPT kAUO. WAN"~_S[J AV[IiUE YILLAGt or GUEI/POlT TOWII Of 5oOUTHOLD CPl!wn or surrOLl .'01'05[0 UCAVATIOto. IULIHEUoI_C; IoIAI.lt~AIiL<.I>.I1)~!.~ It.LU.'I...UHII"'~ w' HUh),"" '11' .'~U.H' HUll~" SCALE o 25' 50' ~ 100' , DANIEL 8. HATCHEZ ANO A850ClATES, INC. 555 AU", 'OAD 1oII.HLUOO;ECI. HIi lO~1 105-1.3 1!iI.lb9b.!>t>lb 'Ioy I.. J~' . . ffiCPOS ED B.J Wrrm AD A UNO BOA BAS IN '" !:!1 \ ~ hi~ '" rn3::Z~ omm o-lCJ> -m '-{ VI ;:0 () -< "'-<I ~ c ~ 2 ;;j pjl~1t&~~~v~~~ . I,. OSAl SITE" ___-;..~~~ ..... \ 11 ..... "'--....:':..,." ..~~/4NH4NSE. ....., ..... "'. t':" .. ..... '{ \ } '," -::-.'. _::" AVE ,.... 0' '. ...... ~."._......... I r .............. ......... ........ --..:.//..... \ t., ........... ............. .......... -"~~'" -" \ -'.. ......--...... ......~ ""0. '" \ \ ........-.... "," . ,'. ""~' ......._-.. \ \ ... ", .......,,, \ \. \ ,.........8_~.~~~._~:....... ,>.. \ ....... \ EXtsTING '\ \ ........ \ CONTC1l~ \ \", ... .. \ ~ \ \ ~..~ \ \fREVIOiJ_~LY . ',tT\ I <t\PPROVE'9, t~'-'---7--___ .... \ ~ \. E): CAVATI ON"., : ----."_. "\:.,'';1: \ '\ '. \ \. ...... .... \\ \ '.. \, '..... \ : ...... ~\ .. ... .. , " ',~-- " ~ t'l) SHEET NO. 5 - PROPOSED EXCAVATION & DOCK REMOVAL Comparison of Previously Approved Plan & Current Proposal -- ~ "'- \ r\ Z ...... rn ..... . , , \ \ PROPOSED NEW EXCAVATION '. ~c X'O ('~ -- -...--- 'j::;;~T::':--- -.-'" ~ ::"'..~~.::::~:::':':':':..- -..-........-..... SCALE o 25' 50' 100' "...... , COMPARISON OF PREVIOUSLY APPROVED PLAN e. CURRENT PROPOSAL PROPOSED EXCAVATION AND DOCK REMOVAL BRE....ER 'tACH! YARn AT CRtEIl'PORT, lWC. STIRLING BASIN CIlEEIl'POlll HARBOR ~lAWllANSET AVENUE VILLAGE or CREEIl'PORT TOWIl OF SOUTIlOLO COUNTY or SUffOLK PROPOSEO EXCAVATION. JlUlKHEAOIHC ----un~HN^NC\:._UlltDloIHl.o, ANU lll't"OH'rTIitJR^llUNU~ rl.~ -p-n:1< ^~:'\:.~IIlLY ~RU)l(..l!> B.UtO UPON SURVEY BY YOUllG . YOUNG ll.l.S. LlCEIl~EO tAIHl SURVEYORS SURVEY OHEO IUlY 26, l'.l~J HVISEO SErT. I, 1563 and DECEM!H:1l 27. 196) DAtU....; \.lEAN SO. LEVEL lIJGVDI DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. IN 5S5 ALPA ROAO f NA~IAROHECK. HEW YORK 105~3 19141 69~-5678 l-lay'19.IS8L RevIled, 01129/86 ~ .",- \ "U ~ ' ~~l) "U n1~Z~ omm o--Jcn -m -{ !(; ;0 (") -< ~-<J:r\ C-' z " r ;rJ rn .... t,/lI () \ - J: , nl \ \ , , , ~ . ~~lt~D' Ee~~~ROH ~POSAl y . '" ~1T1: ___-~...~.. ..... \ J ~ ........ ". '''"41v, ", "'" " ~::",.,.::-...~4NSE.( \.) ) ", -:::... -:.:,..~ AVe-.. \:' ~......., ...... .....-. .".--.-.::......../1... It...... ........... Ow \ \. .......... ...... ....... , .. .............." 1 \ . ............. ...... "0 . l \ ...... .....,.. ....".. ............-.... \ \ \ '\ ........ ..~............. \,.. \ \, \ EXISTING ........8.....__....:::'.. "'~'-- \ ...... \ CONTOORS ~\ \.... \ \ ~.. \ ", \ \, \"- \ '. '\, \\ VJ I \ .... .. ',t"T'\ I '\ .............. (~,...---.... 7......_..____... "".. \~ ~ \ \ ""\ .. .~.';r. \, \.. " I .... ............ '. \ .... ........ '. I .. .." I ...... ,". " '\ , , \ \ , ..,., t:, <:> r ~ :I) . SHEET NO.6 - PROPOSED EXCAVATION & DOCK REMOVAL r-.. # h) -- , ", . .-~. ( ~ \ .:/ " , , ./ '~~ ..:..... \ C)... II .......\.1:> \. ~<::l ... '\ ;, \--- : ,..-- ; . ,/ \ \. ! \ ,..--. \ : l: .....l.,. I I I /..~... ,~.. I I" f .. , ~: // '\ I ".,1 ,.... I 1!/';' 4', \\ I j",. ,/ //,','/-=t' "'//jj/!/ ~;, 5&S ' --- ::~) $ //t~!;! /.:,. ~ /;, !Pes, J::. /,;1 4'. Jh!~ ~. '" (,J ~ iJj . " " '~ '_.1. . l \ ......'-~~----\..... . ~ilf0'.t.cfi'~y ""..EJIPLTlNG WoC:tf'fj[;,~-.......... D<" lUitAD T 0 "'{r __ n<:MOVfD 0 Be PRCPOS ED fJJW~~"'D A UNO BOA BAS IN ~ . , . , , , ." PROPOSED LIFTWELLS "'<1n ~,...\ lJQ" o. ". \ \ " '. '. SCALE o 25' 50' 100' ~ .:~...o( {" <"~ BAS~r ~ -- _004__ 'j::;';/J':;-- =~:~;:'J~1:::::'" PROPOSED EXCAVATION AND DOCK REMOVAL BRE....EIl YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. STIRLING BASil" eRE-EHrORT HARBOR It....HllANSET ......[llut V1LLAGE or GREENPOIlT TO\{U Of SOUTllOl.D COUIIT,Y OT SUffOLK BASED UPON SURVEY BY YOUl1e; . YOUHG H,Y.S. lICEU~[D t....:o SURVEYORS S\lIIVEY D},TEO 11ILY 20, 19a] R[V1S[O 5l::PT. 1, IS,BJ ln~ DECEhleEll 27, OAlUl~; l.lEAN SEA LEVEL OlGVDI PIlOPOSED EXCAVATION, BUlKHEADING --,:f:x:TFlTrnxm:-r=trrrE'DG1IIG, AND lIl'tl:5lIF'TWlrrrrrilr1rrTt"'O'J:TTm;; ""'""'"""""Pl1'w A~~U.lllLl I'RUIt.CI~ 198) DANIEL S. N....TCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. SSS ALOA ROAD MAllARD/H:CK, HEW YOIIII I05l3 l~l' I 696.5676 MIY 19. 1~8' Revised: 07/29/86 USED uroll IU~Yn IT lOUN"'YIlUIIG N.'.I, LlCIIIHIl LAlit. IU.ynOn Iu.vn DAUD JULY 26, 19dJ UVUID snl. I, 19JJ ...~ D[CUliU Z1, lU3 DATUIol, MUll ItA LULL !IlGVDI ~ -"'- \ \\ . ~c . ~1~ --::':"-';."~"......: '. "A ~ .... "'-.. ...::, '(W-.NIi4" .... ..... " .;.... ..... 'vscr \) )... -::::...-.:,.~ 4vC \ t. ..' '" ...... "'0-.. .......// ....~~~. ...... ..... .--- '.. II '. ". ". ~'~. \ .... EXISTING .......... ............, ~\l\.......... \ \ ....... CONTOU~ .......... ",'k> .. \ I.... .., .. I 1\ ". '. ......C .......-.. \ \ \, ~.. ....-.--_ \'1:. \ .... ......... ..... ...... .. '.... ...8.__..._, . ~~ '\ ........\\. \\...:A~p t~:.~~:TE71l \\ \~ .... l ..... . \_ . I -"__ '.~\n \ ~SE.O ....,. \ ...... ':t. ...... ~~~O\~~.1.d \ . ",,"'" .~. .' ..... .... SHEET NO. 7 - Comparison of Approved Plan Proposal SITE PLAN MAP Previously & Current 'mM \ \ \ ....." = - f'REVIClJSLY APf'PCMJ) fl.O\TS c:tJRRE:ttPKPC:GEJ)FLOI'JS ST AGNES CHURCH CEMETERY PAOPosEb DISPOSAL SITE ............... rnh0 .I ~~ ... 't.!q ,0" <"~ PROPOSED RECONFIGURATlON OF FlDATlNG PIER ASSEMBLIES COMPARISON OF PREVIOUSLY APPROVED PLAN 8 CURRENT PROPOSAL lUll!. Y.!.CIfTYUoAT GUlllrOlf, IIIC. STULIIIO U51H GRHHPORT !lUROR IoIA1UlAIISlTAVfIlU! YILLAGlOF GRHNrOU TOVIIOfSOIlTllOlD tOUNTYOf lurrou; ~~M~~~mJ~~ fi"tClrnr:rrJll.Tlllll UI tI.U^IIJ/G --"t~ A~HI\UT r~urrtir- -_.,,-- d~j.r:;-- _.r~":::1:"''':''.... :':':::='::::~l~~:':'''' SITE PLAN MAP SCALE o 25t50' 100' r-- , DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ~5~ "LDA tOAD , IoIAW,lOlltCl, NEll YOU IO~J 19U1 691.~U. . w.~ I'. I9U Revised: 07/29/66 lAUD UtoHlllnn n lOU~C; I IOUNG II.I.S. L1ClHUI LAND 511"'nOIl . SLl~nl DAHD lUll n, IUJ InlSED Ut,. I, Itl)..." IIlCUUU 17. Inl lIAnUlI UUII ItA LlYlL IJlGYDI . . SHEET NO.8 - SITE PLAN MAP Comparison of ExIsting Condl- tlona. Previously Approved Plan & Current Proposal \ ~...- \ ~~~~~ --. " -, M4A1 . . :';Y4-VScr ....-.. BREWER YACHT YARD AI GREENPORT, INC. PREVIOUSLY o APPROVED CONFIGURATION ~-~-- EXISTING '-___J FLOATS · EWk~SE..PND HE; mIURC\! s1 tEG"E1ER1 '~'EO P"",,;:1.. SI1E OI;PO'~ I:. " -r,-, "., i: I , , , , L.. --- ,-~- ":'" -~ C"~"'. iJ '. ~~:;:'~ li.1' . "".- -= Q1 iJ o Cl Cl iJ o Cl IUVU 'ACIlT TUDA' CUlHPOJt, IHC, JTlkllllC Utili CUUPOIT IIAual "'AIIHAIlIU AvrllUE "nAcra, CHlH'au 'OI(HOTSOUTllaLII C:OIlIHTOTlurrOLI rlo:~:tD UCAUTlOIl, ILlLUlrAlllHC IITIlr~E1lI:TIlI;;"""D~ l.~\UIH:~I(,AY~'~~~I~:1 u;~~I~~ ~lllr,; SCALE o 25'50' 100' ~ , (J iJ o Cl -- ---.. j.=i;j~:- ggg-?:~~::a~ S'/Al../tvG ~O, ~"o ~ 8/iSltv DANIEl. 8. NATCHEZ. AND ASSOCIATES, IHe !n ALIIA lOAD I,MM'uOKlCl, IIlV 10'& IO~ ItUI u._su. N'r II, IfU Revised: 07/29/86 %. r '" :u "- ~ '1 . ~~~~~ --, ", - , ,M4:VH4Nscr ....-.. \ -...- \ S C\lURC\I 5i />..?~if-R'( C~Sf-O l'''''''";:-l. sliE O\Sl'oS~ ~~. ~ -"-" -- ---- -;;::;'j,r.:.;-- =:.:_-=.:.......:..._.. =..=.::~--..:::.:::.:.- T " ~ Q o Q lASED UPON SURVEY IT YOUNG l YOUNG N.T.S. L1CEHSED LAND SU~VE'l'OR5 SURVEY DATED JIlLY 16, 1911J '[VISED SEPT. I. 198) ...d OECE/04B[1 27, 1983 DATUMl NE"" SEA LEVEL (HGVOI SHEET NO, 9 - RECONFIGURATION of DOCKS Comparison of Exl.tlng Con- ditions & Current Proposal "- _ 4VE _."-".,_._-_.~ ~ BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREEN PO R,T, INC. --....-... L- _ __J EXISTING FLOATS · Eh8lT~SEJ?ND ClJ ~ Q o Q SCALE o 25' 50' 100' P"""""I . Q tf o Q .RE....ER YACHT YARD AT GUENPORT. IMC. STIRLING '''SIN GRtEMI'ORT HARBOR M"MNANSET AVENUE VilLAGE or G:I[ENPORT TOWN or $OUTHOLD COUNTY or SUFFOLK PROrOSED EXCAVATlON, aULlCHEAD1NC 1olA.INI ~N"N\...t-llM.tU~IN", MW Iltl.UNtllolJk"IlUN Ut ,LUAllNl,o I' Ilk ^.!I.!Il~IBLJ !'NUll....l:' Si'Rl..'tvG ~~..o( ~o ~ BA.S,tv DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INe 555 ALlIA lOAD NAHAROHECX, HEW YO'K IOs..:3 1911.1699-5676 th)' 19. 19li.t. Revised: 07/29/86 3~6124,94N f~:2::~~;r3~',<I210J" .. LONG. 72"2" 2$.89990 . SHEET NO. 10 RECONFIGURATION PERIMETER ~ ~ -N_ \ ST AGNES CHUROH CEMETERY PROPoSE.D DISPOSAl. SITE RECONFIGURATION PERIMETER EZZ3 "26"61'.98 N. 24$2766.4" E. tAT. 4,"OG'''4811.)8- tONG.T2"21'2",09646" '--. -. ~ ,yh (( (1"'0 I ............ : WJrI? /:J ........ "2~9GG./!J N. I " .......... 24$JZ-'8.66E, " _::::" ~ tAT. 41.06';S01S50g" ~ tONG,7Z"z,',g02TJS' -'260CI 58 N. 2453J!9?1<.I E. tA7 '''''06'''1.68616'' LONG,72"2"'8.2406"- ... "":'0 ,00 "'~ If?' -_y/R J25919.26N. ) ~~V~rr:l~7 .EJO.29'60. LONG. 72~1'19.'1105. ~E1l YACHT YARD AT GREEH!ORT" IH~. STIRLING IASIH GREEHPORT llARBOR ~u,IIIlANSET AVENUE VILLAGE or GREEHrORT TOWIl or SOUTlIOLO COUll TV OF SUFFOLK ~~?J~~~~g~~~K~I;tDIIIG rt'C:mrrrmn1TUlll 01- t LOA IlliG --r-rn-.n-nmTJfJDrrrrr-- DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATE'S, IN 555 ALOA lOAD I J.l^W.RONECK, IIrw YO~K I05-L3 19HI698.561& . I-hy 19, 19B' Revised: 07/29/86 -. --."-. 'j~j,r:.:"- II . ::-:.r_'=1__..... :::..:.: :';=.~ ~ :~J ~ ~ :;..- SOAl.E. o 25' 50' 100' r.=.. '1 lASED UPOH SURVEY BY YOUNG' YOUNG N.Y .5. LIClN~to L~N[J SURVEYORS SURVEY DAlEO JULY ~I:.. 19aJ ltV1SED 5[1'1. I, 19!J _lid DECnlBEII 27. 198] DATUl.h liEU SEA LIv[l WGVDI , - --. '" -....._. M41Vf.'AA' '-. . .::",,",'vSe-T "--.. E -n CJ CJ r <T\ ";t) SHEET NO. 11 - MAINTENANCE-OREOGING MAP Proposed Dock Conf Igurat Ion " ~ '1 \ "1-1_ \ AVe- -'- =--- ~ ~ 280' I E ~ VPI. D~RERp0~~CE tlLLI.i DGING ~~~~D~6 f8JtHkN DAruM:MEAN SEA LEVEL ~tES ClIURC\\ ST. cE~Ei~ ~S\'tE OIS"v-" / / / D .s:~~ OJ;if Q:- "0(0 SCALE o 25'50' 100' ~ I PROPOSED 600' DoCk ---- j:=;j~;-- _._11 . --_0__.. =--=---=..-.:::::=-- CONFIGURATION STIRLING BASIN E88 ..... ? '.O~~~D [XCAVAT10W, IUlXH[ADINC ~"'Ilil LN......~-UItLI,l".j...... ",,1..1 .L...U".ll.oU~"".J~ Ut ,L-.1All"" I'HI< "'""l~I~Ll rlt..,It....I:> ....SED U'ON SURVEY IT 1'OUw~ , TOUNG M." .5. LICEwsEO LAWO SURVEYORS SURVEY OATtD JULT 26 I!I~J .[VISED SEI'T. I, 1953 and D[c[WBU :n. naJ .A ~ FLOOD CANIEl S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIA.TES, INC. 555 A.LDA ICAII ! .....WAROHlCJ:. W[1o{ YOItK ICs.tJ I!IILI6911-507b Nay 19. 196'- . . SHEET NO. 12 - PROPOSED EXCAVATION & OFF-SITE DISPOSAL AREAS Existing Topography \ 4.0 P l?E'v'OUS SJr~fS.oOs-il. Ul l> Z o -< STIRLING BASIN '" "';0 \'1, ~~ SCALE o 50" od == PROPOSED EXCAVATION AND OFF - SITE DISPOSAL AREAS EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY U[IIH UCHT YARD AT GREEHI'ORT. IHC. 5TIRLIJ/CU.5111 GUrHPORT KUDOR IolAHIIAHHT AVEHU~ VillAGE Of GHIIIPOn TOI/II Of ~OUTflOLO COUHTY Of SUffOlK PIOP05UlEXCAVATlOH, BUlKHu'lllHG ..^IHllHAHLl_~WlU"IHL... ""II tr::mm<:1JHlluN..n ,LIIAI'"" rllk II~,U~~LI PKU~ lASED UPON tOHl(;HPltlC 1011.' fiVE EA51 EIII TO~'HS surrell. COUf/n, H. Y. SUED NO. 111'_(0 surraH CDUlln DHAUllIHl Of PU~LIC ,",ORH. DA1II\.l: IHMI SU LlVU DANIEl. S. N"TCHEZ "NO ^S-SOCIATES, INC. ~~5 ALIIA RDAIl looAloMWOH!.(t, HlII YOH~ 1O~:J 191' I b96_5~7" . "'r U. J9H Revl,ed: 07/29/86 . STIRLING BASIN .. l(o \'6 \~ UIEll uroll toroourlllC MAl' 'IVCUSTUIl TOlo'HI 'UrrOL~ COUNTY. N. Y. 'IIEET NO. Illl-~O SUffOlk CDUNn P!rAnlllHT OF Pll~LlC ,,"OUI IMTUIII ~ltAH itA U:VtL ,~"ou C",,"n H' ~.. ."w...., ....T .~.u e,,",," (OEwm", : =::~ ::: ~::::::::: :::. : ~~ .1':1. ...... lA'''T .... AT ~.....o". ..c. _ 1),-)-), . SHEET NO_ 13 - PROPOSED TOPOGRAPHY of RELOCATION SITES 9.0 ~~€"we /0 J?ClPo1e64CHr CONr2:ftg Co.. "~IGU ~}'"IO..v 1&0' U~~-A~ /".J'iO/Jo 'eo ODe-\, ~ N PROPOSED TOPOGRAPHY OP RELOCATION SITES "<>0'011","'0<:....., or '''''''",'00 i'l" _ IOOTn " lli:~:~{:I.:~~Ji~'jg;~~~i::::.~I;'~t~'~~:~~f:t;~:~~;:~;~; 1I.~lt To. lop ,.,/.., .r ,''v", ..." .... .. ~"'""'" ..<.. ...,.....vUl................._..rr'LO., II :::::;,'~:,,:' ;,...,:::..,.:.:"~'::' :.'~:. .~"~:,,:~l. "::..... t~:::: <....""',,... ..... I,,,,, (0< .(.,..".,1 .m b, .'.... 1\ r,.. 01 lb. ..... ..... ,. .~."" ..~.".,,,.~ ....'".... l'............'.h."'........."...,......,..."......,.". .,~Ih."...."..."...."'..."........".,~."..... lJ ~:.;~.::;::~. n' w...". ...... M.... I"" .n" .."... "... .'1' "....." ........ 'nl.. .,,,.. ........ ......,... VI " Z o -< o L <9; SCALE o SO' 'CO == IUVU VACIIT fUll AT OH(UrOIT, IIlC, nllllllClIUlll IlAHH~OIT UHUQI UAllllAHStt AVEllut V!lUGt Of ORUtlfOAT TOIIllOf SDUTllOlII COUIITY Of SUHOl~ rROpOS[D UCAVATlOIIL..llllkIlUIl,"O --anAf!Al~rr:tllrO~IAC:~ ~mmmT11lTron'LllAIIIItI rr-nmTIlTn'ROrrn'-- D"NlEI. 8. tlATCljEZ MlD ASSOCIATEll, triO. 5~5 AlDA ROAD UHIUOllrc~. N[\'/ vo.e IUS" 191t1t94-SGJ! Nor l~. I~U R~ V'S[O 10- '._84. R.""aED AevllSfld: 07/29/86 . . SHEET NO. 14 LOCATION of SITES for SOUTHOLD TOWN WETLANDS PERMIT ~'1--" __./ ~ ",1 -'-../ -~ .It. ' , ~ \ ~ " f't ~ ,,,-c,-{ Jl..~I.O'" p" ~ ~~~t~_---~ "Yf\---(,t,1 .. . <.0 12 9~ 9.0 A ~1,J;AO"" PQ~r ~<qo .INe. U1 ,. z o -< a l 1 STIRLING PROPOSED AREA TO BE DREDGED BASIN ~ \\ ~~ UPL~~:~ SCALE o 50' od = LOCATION OF SITES FOR WETLANDS PERMIT !U\I[J Utili TUD U GH[HPOIT. IlIe, UIUIIIG IHIII C;UEHPORl IlAUOI "AHIIANHT.V[Nut YILLAla Of c,Hu,pon 10\0'11 or il)UTlIOLD caulITT or SurfOLK UUD UPOII TO,oc;~APllIC loll" fiVE [AST L." TO~'HS IUHCl5 COllNn. II. T. SUlCI 11::1.1111_'0 SUffOLI'COUNIY Dlr.n'111l1 01 '''~LIC ":lUr. III lUll, WLl" ~l. LLY(l 'lorOHO (.CAVAllD'I, IUl~HUl>tNCi -UnArrlURcr=1llirr;;;TI:C:-U;'!i-- lfl"Ull1ITi':1Jn.l1U1rurt1-c;mJR. -"'n-rniun"..rnlrm- DANIEL S. to,TCHEZ AND As'saCIAlES, INC. sss AU.. lOA" loIAlo4AIOllI c_. 1111/ 'O~l IO~:J It III o".~~l" 'ht l~, uu Revised: 07/29/86 EDGE OF MARSH (APPROX.J \ ''''- \ . . SHEET NO. 15 - ON-SITE DISPOSAL & GRADING PLAN ON-SITE DISPOSAL AND GRADING PLAN _. ~i'I,.~RNf5 eN SECT. -=!'Q.0F..o1\mTI!~ T .5lIr_ I ...MA"!HANS;;- '" I "0---.. AvE. " ~ "1 AREA TO BE FILLED NATURAL SCREENING lIES C\lURCI1 s1 ~"'E1€R~ "~EO ~~l. S\1E o\SPU' .... slvCl;o", r"oc-" <0 SCALE o 25' 50' 100' ~ , '-------.... ~ ~ ut\lU YACHT HIli AT CUUIPOIl IHC. nUL,wG 'HIN GRUIIPOll K~"O' IoUIIHAHHT AHHUl '1'UM:'[ or CH[lI~On 10...1101 SOUlIlOLII tOUHTYor 5UrlOLJ ~(o ~o ~ ---- ~=;jf"::-- ?:~~~=F.?.;~-:;:.:'~ noPC\S[1'I tl(~VAlrOIl, IUUHIA"lwll ~^lhllh;'h~I_I'~LU"'lH~ '~~AllUhl"llU"'lh~ ---rlrr;-J~".IIHI"."~ STIRLING BASIN O....NIEL S. NATCHel ....ND ASSOCIATES, INI ....Ul_ IIrtl!o; wnn" l(ll'H~ . I"\'~L II."~' LlClHHI' lUll W~'"0H~ ~UHI Y IlAlll' IUL I 1(., I~~.l : ltVIUI' 51rl. \, 19~) .n~ "\rtlll"~ 71, ,,~) DII1U", IHb ~LA LlYll II/',VI', ~',~ AU';' 'L'41' IUIol410NICl, 11111 HI.r 1~~O I'll I ~~h.~t.lh '" ~ ,~. ,~t-. Revised: 07/29/86 SHEET NO. .- . AREA NAVIGATION MAP )....., "'t, o 250' 500' I }; 1000' ~ ..,," ~ ~~ h ~ AREA NAVIGATION MAP BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. STIRLING BASIN GREENPORT HARBOR MANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BULKHEADING MAINTENANCE-DREDGING. AND RlCONF1GURATION OF FLOATING PIER ASSEMBLY PROJECTS BASED UPON DEVELOPMENT PLAN VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, N. Y. JUNE, 1967 DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 ALDA ROAD MAMARONECK, NEW YORK 10543 (914) 698-5678 May 19. 1984 REVISED MAY 29, 1986 . . ~~~mlf\L1l: "-'" -- M4:VH.4NScT "'--.. __ .4v" -"'-..-. , -"'- \ BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPOR,T1 INC. S CIIURCII S1 ".?~1I'.Ri C~SI'.O I'KVC~\. sliE O\SI'OS~ ,,...::::, " "':. ~I , ~" ~-... -" . ,. r.. ~~ ~': I 1 I -- -1 -- -- -- 0<(" ~ CJ o o o . <!.<! co MOl/os o ~ CJ o o o SiIA/..JtvG ~o( ~() ~. ~~;:~.~ ll.T. ~'- -= o -- ---- 'J~~r:.;-- =!E.;.....:~::~- lASED UPON SURVtT BY lOUNe a YOUNG N.T.S. LICENSED lAND SURVEYORS sUllvn DAHD JULY 26. 198J REVISED SF.PT. I. 1'183 .nd DEC[lolB[R ]7, 1983 DklUM, IolEMI ~tA LEVEL CHGVDI . SHEET NO. 17- RECONFIGURATION 0' DOCKS & MOORINGS Proposed V!i. Exist Ing Conditions r--l iDITIONftL : I ~~~OR L..__J ;-"B061<5 8 ~~O~'b~10 ~- -- - EXIS TING L- - - _J FLOATS . gW&-~SERND S6vo.vAl 'ltoQ<, ~ SCALE o 25' 50' 100' P""'"""'I , o B-4Sltv BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREtWPORT. IHC. 5lULING IASIN GRtEHron HAUOR MANHANSET AnNU[ VILLAGE Dr CREtNPORT TOWN or 5OUTHOlD COUNTY or surrOll I'ROPOSEO EXCAVATION. BULI(HEAtllNC ---p:x-fNllHANLl-llHLUl"IHl",ANr- KlLWHIl>llilAIION 01 ILUAIINl:; rail A!>!>l~IHLI rHUIl...l!> DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC 555 "LOA lOAD IoCMIAION~CI(. NEW YO~k IOSl3 1910698.5,611> "hy 19, 196' Revised: _lULl_91BB ^ I f I <!l ~ -~ -'- Q:lr) /::"'t lr) (]J SHEET NO. 18 - AREA UNDERWATER LAND GRANT MAP I?oOE"Rr H. -. " "n'E"Srrw l.V(;RANo ,,~ J~'~ ~~~~N ~/ .~ ~~~':!;,;r. PhC~roN t' ~...,'.9"H. ",p7S1;yrr. I~ '. '-Ep. I ~v, 4 ~ o I 125' 250' .cllt......~~.~ ~"'>o' , '. . ~ ~ ~. ...~~. ;..J~ U'.Jb' ~ !.$o' 500' tlR~~~Q i~C~~ AREA UNDERWATER GRANT MAP LAND ~ '~ -. ~. . 1.1I ,~ :-I.... t: t:tO \'~ \ fi: ~\t.. IA !\~ t. "?;S .:~ ,-..: .//.e-9'.!7.e "'T t:r /,,-! /9.J~ fJ'h'Or//J/J? I ~.-D~rC<:'6) d ~ .....$1. d~./? ~ . "!i ?J. BASED ON A COPY OF YATER GRANT INDEX MAP 'l9 OF SUFFOLK COUNTY BREWER YACIlT YARD AT GREf:NPORT. INC. :s ~ I) "",?' ;rJ'tll'~ -' ~l"l,SS '" ,,"SJoe/AT/oN S"Ii"Y IIEIl;~r N. V.~'7 1'.106 O~ G/lL~f' '9316 'j, (/ . /log 7, 19 tI~" f 1)' STIRLING B^SH~ GREENPORT HARIIOR t.t...NIlANSET AVENUE VILLAGE Of GREENPORT TOWN OF SQUTllOLP COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BUlKNEAD1NG ---PX1RTlNANCl_OW~G, AkU 1fi.'CrlllrTClfll1.TITitl Ut HUAIINl. - PIlW ^~~nlllLl rRUltCI:. DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 ALDA ROAD ~A"'^RONI::CIC. NEW YaNK IO~J r9UI698-567& /.I.)' 19,196' REVTSED MAY 29, 1986 PREVIOUS , ~ SPOILS ~ AREA . EXISTING BERM SHEET NO. 19 - SECT ION A & SECT ION B Proposed Grading Profiles - St. Agnes Site North of Manhanset Ave. SECTION A ~ l ,~.. ,. .,.. SECTION B PROPOSED FILL PREVIOUS SPOILS ___ AREA EXISTING BERM . EXISTING GROUND PROFILE SCALE o 25' 50' I I MANHANSET AVENUE FRESH WATER POND tlO' 5' D ~....-- .,~ T -- MANHANSET f 15' AVENUE 10' Y D BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. STlRllNG BASIN GREEHPORT HARBOR MAHHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF CREENPORT TOWN Of SOUTHOlO COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION. BULKHEAOING M^INTlNANCe_DRlU~IHG. AND Rl::CDNHGURAIIUN 01- HUAIIHG I'It:fl A!::l!::lt.MIlU I'ROlll..IS DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 ALOII ROAD JolAMARONECK, NE'" YORK J05.(3 {91Ll 698-5676 Revised: OS/29/86 . . ST. AGNES CE METERY ,'ot s~~l~~~~ ACCESS DRIVE SHEET NO. 20 - SECTION D-D Proposed Typical Section East of Boat Basin SECTION D-D PLANTERS (CURB STO PS) PARKING ." WALK " PILE FLOAT BULKHEAD BOTTOM SCALE o 5' 10' o 20' , BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREEHPORT. INC. STIRLING BASIN GREEN PORT HARBOR loIANHAHSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLO COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION. BULKHEADING MI\INIt:.NANI..r.-DREDGING, AND 1fI:.LUN~Il.iUR^IION m ~LU^llNG I'll:.tl ^~:>I:.MIlLY I'ROJt::U~ DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. INC. 555 ALOA ROAD )IlAMARONECK. NEW YORK 105/.3 {SILl 698-5678 Revised: OS/29/86 . MANHANSET AVENUE . . SHEET NO. 21 - SECTION E-E Proposed Typical Section Adjacent to Manhanset Ave. SECTION E-E NATURAL SCREENING FENCE BOAT STORAGE SCALE o 5' 10' 20' , TRAVELlFT BOAT STORAGE ~ BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. STIRL.ING BASIN GREENPORT HARBOR MANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREEtlPQRT TOWN OF SOUTHOlD COUNTY Of SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BULKHEADING MAINI~NANC~-DR~uuINu. AND IftUJNI-IGUIiAJIUN U~ ~l.O^,INl" l'it.1< ^:,:,t.!.Il:lL~ rROII::.....15 DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. INC. 555 ALOA ROAD MAMARONECK, NEW 'fORK 1050 (914) 698-5676 May 19. 198'- . EXISTING BULKHEAD . . TO BE REMOVED t SHEET NO. 22 - SECTION F Typical Maintenance-Dredging SECTION - F TYPICAL MAINTENANCE DREDGING FLOATS B PILES - - -MHW t 1.2' -- - --Ml W-I.2' EXISTING BOTTOM PROFILE PROPOSED BOTTOM PROFILE -9.2'MSl '4.. 255' >/<E- 25' SCALE: BREWER YACHT lARD AT GR[ENPORT. INC. STIRLING BASIN GRE[NPORT HARPOR MANUM/SET AVENUE VILLAGE Of GR[ENPORT TOWN Of sour HOLD COUNTY or sur fOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION, 8UlKIlEADING --R'-~.nITEN^Nl,;l-OIlI:.U(jING. ANU IfICUNtlGIJRAllUl1 U~ tLOAIING filII AS~UIIlLr t'IIUJlUS- 10 ~ VERITICLEo U 5 HORIZONTAL . o 10 20 DANIEL ~. NATCHEZ AND ASSDCIATES, INC. 555 ALO.... ROAD MAIolARONECK, NEW VOIII( 10S-tJ (91.:1 6911-56]8 May 19. 198.( REVISED MAY 29, 1986 SHEET NO. 23 - SECTION Typical G Subterranean Bulkhead SECTION - G TYPICAL SUBTERRANEAN BULKHEAD ANCHOR PILE 51TO 101 c-c \ +2..0' GUIDE PILES FOR FLOATS EXISTING UPLAND PROFILE 3" TO 4" THICK TIMBER SHEETING PROPOSE D FLOATS - M HW + 1.2' . - ---- ---- - -MSL 0.0 - - --MLW - 1.2' PROPOSED BOTTOM PROFILE -9.2 MSL EL.-11.5 MSL , o 5' , 10' !REllER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. tNC. sT1 RUNG BASH~ GREENPORT HARilOR MAHHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE Of CREEHPORT TOWN Of SOUlHOLD COUNTY OF surrOtlC PROPOSED EXCAVAT10N, .BULKHEAOIHG M^INllN^H~l-PNl~~IN~. ANU IITCUN~IGUIl^rION ur rl..UAllNG 1'11:.11 ^~~l:.MIlLY rRUII:.Cl~ . SCALE OANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 ALOA ROAD IolAW,ROHECK, HE.... YOIlK J05-(3 19).t;) 696-5678 1.I..y 19. 1518L Revised: 07/29/86 . . . . SECTION - H PROPOSED BOTTOM PROFILE -9.2' MSL :!3S' FENCE MHW_ +l.2~ "TIE MLW -1.2' 9U_rz" TIMBER f-- SHEETING ~ ~ Q 100' INTERTIDAL MARSH 100' l5'-1 PROPOSED POOL 25' , a SCALE, SHEET NO, 24 - SECTION H Proposed Typical Sect ion West of Boat Basin 1 ~--MSL 0.0. FENCE INTERTIDAL MARSH CONCRETE PAD ___MS L 0.0. BREYER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. STIRLING BASlII GREENPORT HARBOR ~ANHANSET AVENUE VIllAGE Of GREENPORT TOWN Of SOUTHOlD COUNTY Of SUffOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION. -BUlKHEADING M^JHI~H^HL~-DWtUGIN~. Aku IfECONrlGUil:AIWN OJ- rLUA,lNG 1"11::.11 A':'~I::.MtlLt t'ROI!:.CD la' 20.' DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. INC. 555 AlDA ROA 0 MAMARONECK. NE..... YOflX 1054:3 C91,J 698-5678 M.y 19. 198,- Revised: 07/29/86 . ~ -:=-".,.2.:::>, '..~1.4I\W4IVSF ., <~, ") '::;-"'::.~':--."'~::~:::"~:,~._.-....- " ..,,' ". . -....~'--~ ' ',.'.-._-.._- .'.... "'" ~ ............ ...... ...... .. -'" \ ....-----.... ..... ....;, ", \ \ -....\ .......... .....'..90.__...._ \ \ \\ \\.. \ ....--....-- 8 -~~~~~~~~,........ : \ .. .. \ ~\ \ '\ .......... '\ \\ ~~'" \ ........ \...... .... ~\ m \ '\ ....~ ~..\~ 1 \ ~\...~ \ ... B-1 \'" ,...+ '. , ....'\. "".. . .. . , . , , , \ , '0' \ , , , , , , .. . \ -N_ \ ST AGNES CEMETERY "-. " /t rnhvJ/ : -_.:.:....--- ::1L I .oJ: ' , '''rfi[-N ---.n'. --~"----- 16.-_...,...._",,~..'_ Jf)o1...vJ.j~~n-1. v ... -...,..-.....-....-.... ~~~"=-.~:'.;;~ ~:.:,- u~u.. U~UN 5U~VH n YQUWulY')U":';' ~.Y.', Llctk~Ll, L.~L ~UIV[yOR~ .u~.V[ r ~~l ED JUt Y 2<0. 19.3 lIVIHli son. I, 1~6J .n~ PEa.un 27. 19S3 0.11,.., IolH.. ~LA lHH (11(;"'01 HEET NO. 25 APPROXIMATE LOCATION of TEST BORINGS APPROXIMATE LOCAtiON OF TEST BORINGS + r-. h ~ nST BO~I"~~ cOt>[JU::UI.J ey; ~L.(H THT I>~'hl"-=' II.;:. ~UbSl,jkrhCl ~IL~ 'AM> FCl'f\r..~.TIUI~ l;(FLC'kATlO"S !JAHL H;,~lAf\' 21. l,..::~ '. '. ..... . \............. , . , . , . \ . ,...\""6.... . . , , . : , : '. .," .' J;>- 6' , , .. " '. . "'---' , . , I I . I I I ! , , I , , , , , : , , , / 8-4 \ , ,.: ",/' , , , , '. ...~--- ". " I I , , ~ tx---. : ........G. i ! t!'.~l..\ I'" \.\ ',:::' \1/ \'\ '''/' 7 , ,I', 11'/1 f,',l :1J '1" /"" ,';':; ::t: ---,XI ip,h TOWN OF _m_ ::/ ~// SOUTHOLD ,..;:) ~/; ./ /.: (( .. '.... J/ \. '..f ---........ - -' ...J!;LL LlivtG~ '. ". -- ...-....... ST/~LJNG ~ .... fLOOD EXISTING DOCKS BASIN ~ aRHlE1 Hr~T lUll J,T GREtNP;;lH. INC. 5TIH1N':> U51N GRU"P;:',T HJ,~~::O' W^NH",HlT AVr"l'\ VIU"c;t Of c;U[.oIP;;lU TO;;N Of s.oUTH;;lUI COUHTY Of !>UffOll SCALE o 25' 50' - PlOPOS[lJ[lCAVAIIO".IUlKHEUI".C. --.nTI:l"r'll"n.t_ll'lh..t~~, ,,~, J.~l'~tt...llUtl.,~ ,'I tlU^.I~.. nil. "~~U.bll ~~Ulld~ 100' 1 DANIEl S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555J,lD^'O^D w"w.HOtHCK. 'olE" TORk IOSon (~t.., (,~;._!>.1~ ...,19.1906. REVISED MAY 29, 1986 . DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. . ....... ....... .. . .. ... .. ... .. .... .. . . .. .. ... . .... . .- ... . ... .. ... ... ... .... .. -- .... .. . .. ...... .... ... .. ..... ...... ... RECEIVED Suite 1100 555 Aida Road Mamaroneck. New York 10543-4002 (914) 698-5678 Qlfice of the President Supervisor Frank J. Murphy & Southold Town Board Members Town Ha I I 53095 Main Road (P. Southold. New York SEP 3 lY86 1....... rl".I. ",,"thold August 28, 1986 O. Box 11971 728) A It n: Ms. Judith T. Terry, Southold Town Clerk RE: BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. APPROVAL of SOIL REMOVAL PERMIT AMENDMENTS for PROPOSED EXCAVATION. RELOCATION of a TRAVEL 1FT WELL. BULKHEADING. MAINTENANCE-DREDGING. and RECONFIGURATION of FLOATING PIER ASSEMBLY PROJECT( S) Oedr SIJp~rVISor Murphy & Town Board Member3: We have been asked by BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. (hereinafter BREWER), to assist them In obtaining the necessary SOl I Relnoval Permi t to undertake the abo~e-referenced reVised Modi flcations to previously approved Master Plan ProjectCs) ThiS letter wi I I supplement our most recent letter to you of 04/22/86 ~ndlcatjng that we would be seeking an Amendment to your previous Soi I Removal Permi t Approval dated 02/05/35. BREWER recently received Permit;;. from th~~ Army Corps (No. 13490), a Modified Perml t frOtn the New Yl)rk State Department of Environmental ConservJtlon (No. 10-84-0766), a New Yor\ State Department of Stat~ Consistancy Certi flcate (No_ F-85-254J, as we! I as the appr4lvals from both th:; Town of S!)uthold Town Board on ~/5/85 and Southold Planning BOdra all '~!1!/84 d.i wet I as apprOV31s from the VI l ~a1~ of Greenport. Wlllch wur~ or iglnJI I; requested to enable BREWER to expdnd and upgrade their mar Ina. Howev~r. sinc~ th~ 5~bmisSlon ot the original Appl JCJt lon(s) for tll~ proposad Project(3) ovor two plus years ago anlj r ~ eel p t 0 f ..!'!....L.L the nee e ~ s a r y r t1 9 IJ ! J. tor '/ .J P pro val:5 e ,} :- I ! e r t his y,~ a r . ~c()nGml G and I O(J;:; t i G fac t.jf:3 m,li\e I ~ il':';!j:3sar j S'~\'~\ /.....In!~ndrn(-;n t (::.) [t) th~ previously approv~d ?roJect(~~ Th0 req'J~zted Amendment(~) bSlng sought by BREWER cunsl~t of ~ modi fled deSign of th~ or igin3i prOj~C~ which BRENEn bel jgves IS mor~ 10<]:sttca! iy and Bconomical Iy (.J,J.::.iblt:: ti) con.'itruct and op~r_1te. BREWER IS now seeking a revised Soil Removal Permit Cr;}placing the pre v i 0 u sly - e x p j red a p p (0 val toe:x c a vat eat 0 t a I 0 f a p pro x i ma tel y thirty-nine thou3and nine hundred thirty cubic y.:trds (39.930 Yd.s.3) f rom an area of approx ima te I y sevl'tn ty.-e i gh t thousand f i '.Ie hundred SOUTHOLD . SUPERVISOR & TOWN BOARD MEMBERS - BREWER GREENPORT - REVISED SOIL . REMOVAL PERMIT - 08/28/86 sixty-five square feet (78,565 Ft.R) [see SHEET NO.6 - PROPOSED EXCAVATION & DOCK REMOVAL!. BREWER is seeking approval to excavate a boat basin [somewhat smaller than previously approved (see SHEET NO.5 PROPOSED EXCAVATION & DOCK REMOVAL, Comparison of Previously Approved Plan & Current Proposal)! and install a 25' x 45' in-ground swimming pool. (This is a reduction of approximately 30% in area and 25% in cubic yards over the previous approval by your Board.) We wo u I d I i k e to b r i n g tot h e Boa r d's at ten t ion t hat the 0 n eye art i me limit associated with the Soil Removal Permit can interrupt this Project at a critical stage or can expire just as BREWER receives the final approvals from al I regulatory agencies. In many cases, a Project such as this can take up to 1.5 to 2 years to construct from the time al I approvals are received from al I necessary regulatory agencies. Further, it can take up to 1 year or more to receive el I the documentation for all of the approvals. Therefore, we respectfully request that the Soi I Removal Permi t be approved by your Board with the condition that the effective date of the Permit to be on the dav the Proiect(s) receives all necessary reaulatory aDDrovals and construction actuallY beains. Therefore. the one (1) year Permit wi II commence on said effectiye date of the actual construction. We would also request that two (2) six (6) month extensions be approved at this time, which would allow BREWER to complete the Project(s) in a timely manner. Enclosed, please find two (2) copies of our Specific Request for Town Board Approval of a permit for the Excavation and Relocation of the Topsoil and Other Materials to the Same Lot and Adjacent Sites, as Specified in Chapter 81-4 (D and G); "Soil Removal" as required by the Town Code. It is important to note that the previously approved Project(s) were given a negative declaration from all environmental regulatory agencies including the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation on September 26, 1984, stating: "The proposed action will not have a significant effect on the environment... the proposed project wi I I not significantly affect the freshwater aquifer of the peninsula. The peninsula periodically floods with tidal wa t e r s the r e bye I i m i n at i n g the f res hwa t era qui fer from consideration as a source of potable freshwater to this area. II The revised excavation and bulkheading aspects of the Project(s) wi II not cut into the upland (in a northerly direction) as far as the previously approved Projecl(s). Previously, Ihe excavalion plan was 10 ere a I e a de e p "U" s hap e d bas i n (e x ten din gap pro x i ma tel y 400' up I and from Ihe existing bulkhead) and now BREWER proposes a "trapezoidal" shaped boat basin which parallels the shoreline and ex lends upland only approximately 220' from the exisling bulkhead at its deepest <Page 2> . . SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR & TOWN BOARD MEMBERS - BREWER GREENPORT - REVISED SOIL REMOVAL PERMIT - 08/28/86 point (or an approximate forty-five percent [45%) decrease in the ex c a vat ion d i s tan c e from the ex i s tin g b u I k he a d 1. T his c omp a r i son i s shown on SHEET NO.5 - PROPOSED EXCAVATION & DOCK REMOVAL. De p 0 sit ion 0 f the ex c a vat e d and d red g e d ma t e ria I ( s) [wh i c h wi I I be approximately 20% less than the originally approved ProjecHs)) will sti I I be at the previously approved sites at BREWER's upland, at St. Agnes Cemetery immediately west and adjacent to BREWER's property, and at St. Agnes Cemetery adjacent to BREWER's on the north side of Manhanset Avenue. [See SHEET NO. 12 - PROPOSED EXCAVATION & OFF-SITE DISPOSAL AREAS Existing Topography, SHEET NO. 13 PROPOSED TOPOGRAPHY of RELOCATION SITES; and SHEET NO. 15 - ON-SITE DISPOSAL & GRADING PLAN.) For your further information, we have enclosed copies of documentation a s we I I a s cop i e s 0 f B R EWE R 's A P P I i cat ion ( s) ass p e c i fie d below, 1 ) Suppor t and including' background i n for ma t ion on the ProjectCs), a) Comparison of Previously Approved Modified Proposed ProjectCs); vs. Revised b) Project Description within the Town of Southold; c) Supporting Information i) Impact on Fresh Water Supply i) Impact on Marsh Area iii) Upland Relocation Ma t e ria I C s ) of Excavated and Dredged 2) Southold Board of Town Trustees as required by Chapter 97 of the Town Code - Wet lands, 3 ) Southold required from the Planning Board Site Plan by Chapter 100-130; "Zoning" Code of the Town of Southold; Approval, as - Article XIII 4) Army Corps of Engineers, 5) N.Y.S. Department of Environmental Conservation, 6) N.Y.S. and Department of State - Coastal Management Program; 7) Vi I lage of Greenport. We also specifically cal I your attention to our joint detai led Letter of Support to the Army Corps of Engineers. the N.Y.S.D.E.C. and the N.Y.S.D.O.S. dated 08/27/86. This letter discusses the background of <Page 3> SOUTHOLD . SUPERVISOR & TOWN BOARD MEMBERS - BREWER GREENPORT - REVISED SOIL . REMOVAL PERMIT - 08/28/86 the marina, aspects of the ProjectCs) within both the Town of Southold and the Vi I lage of Greenport, the need for the amended ProjectCs), and the alternatives considered. We would welcome convenience. If ca I I us. the opportunity to discuss this application at your you have any questions, please do not hesitate to Sincerely, DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES. Inc. By: ,/ President DSNI j I j Enclosures cc: Army Corps of Engineers N.Y.S.D.O.S. N.Y.S.D.E.C. Vi Ilage of Greenport Southold Planning Board Southold Board of Trustees BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, I NC. <Page 4> . . SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR & TOWN BOARD MEMBERS - BREWER GREENPORT - REVISED SOIL REMOVAL PERMIT - 08/28/86 Compar i son of PreviouslY Approyed vs. Revised Modified Proposed ProiectCs) There are several differences and approved Master Plan ProjectCs) f 0 I I ow i n g c h art at temp t s top r 0 v ide similarities between the previously and the proposed AmendmentCs). The a summary of these: AMENDED MA S TE R PLAN PROJECTCS) in TOWN OF SOUTHOLD I I ""0000 Previously Approved Net Expansion ChangeCs) Mod,f,cat,onCs) Maximum Number Boats - Soulhold 65 90 -28% CBoats - Tolal Pro j e c t) C 180) C 180) 0% Tolal Excava t ion Cu. Yds. 39,660 52,950 -25% Sq. Fl. 77,440 111,275 -30% Maximum Deplh -8.0'MLW -8.0'MLW 0% Total Dredging I Cu. Yds. 450 450 0% I Sq. Ft. 2,625 2,625 0% Maximum Depth -8.0'MLW -8.0'MLW 0% Total Lineal Ft. Bulkhead 990 1 , 130 -12% Main DockCs) 750 425 +43% Finger Pie r C s ) 1,080 1,360 -20% Ramps 48 288 -83% Total Pi les 65 4 1 +37 'Travelifts' 2 1 I + 1 II Pool Swimmi ng 1 0 + 1 Excava t ion: Cu. Yds. 270 0 +270 Sq. Ft. 1,125 0 +1. 125 Boat Buildings 3 2 + 1 CI ubhouse Building 1 1 0 <Page 5> . . SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR & TOWN BOARD MEMBERS - BREWER GREENPORT - REVISED SOIL REMOVAL PERMIT - 08/28/86 The basic differences affecting Removal Permit are as follows: the granting of the Soi I 1) The previously approved "un shaped boat basin extended upland from the existing bulkhead approximately Four Hundred Feet 1400'). The proposed Amendmentls) for this aspect of the Projectls) proposes a 'trapezoid' extending upland from the existing bulkhead approximately Two Hundred Twenty Feet 1220'). This represents an approximate 45% decrease over the previously approved Project Is) in the distance of excavation into the upland from the current shorel ine. It was previously determined that the area to be excavated is on a peninsula which is not considered to be a source of fresh water for other areas therefore the previously approved excavation of 645' upland would not interfere with any sourcels) of fresh water for the area. 2) The volume of material to be excavated to -8 MSL' from the approved "un shaped boat basin was a total of approximately Fifty-Two Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty Cubic Yards 152,950 Yds.3) whereas the proposed Amendment for the 'trapezoidal' excavation to -8 MLW' requires the removal of a total of approximately Thirty-Nine Thousand Six Hundred Sixty Cubic Yards 139,660 Yds.3), or a reduction of Thirteen Thousand Two Hundred Ninety Cubic Yards 113,290 Yds.3), or approximately Twenty-Five Percent 125%) less than the or i gin a I Pro j e c tIs) v 0 I ume . The red u c t ion i nth e v 0 I ume of material to be excavated wi I I provide a savings to BREWER over the initial Projectls) cost for excavating, t ran s p 0 r tin g and d i s P 0 s a I 0 f the ma t e ria Is. I n addition, it will modestly reduce the time necessary to complete this aspect of the Projectls), and the overal I time necessary to finish the upgrading and reconfiguration of BREWER's faci I ity. 3) Two travel ifts wi I I be provided as opposed to one previously approved. One II) in-ground swimming pool, one II) boat building and one II) club house [relocated] wi I I be constructed which were not covered in the previously approved project. PROJECT DESCRIPTION WITHIN THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BREWER is seeking approval to Amend the proposal previously approved by the Southold Town Board to expand and upgrade their marina, as follows: INote: The following description only includes those portions of the overall project which are in the Town of Southold. The project site lies partially within the Incorporated Village of Greenport and the Town of Southold. The project is contingent upon receiving approvals from both entities, as wel I as the other governing <Page 6> . . SOUTHOlD SUPERVISOR & TOWN BOARD MEMBERS - BREWER GREENPORT - REVISED SOil REMOVAL PERMIT - 08128186 regulatory agencies. For attached joint letter of Engineers, the N.Y.S.D.E.C., the complete Project Support dated 8/27/86 to and the N.Y.S.D.O.S.) Description, see the Army Corps of 1 ) Excavate a "Trapezoid shaped" approximately 39,660 cu. yds. of area of approximately 77,440 sq. PROPOSED EXCAVATION & DOCK REMOVAll. boat basin and ma t e ria I from an ft. [see SHEET remove ove r a I I NO. 6 - 2 ) R emo v e a p pro x i ma tel y 225 I i n e a I fee t 0 f ex i s tin g t i mb e r p i I e bulkhead that extends from Dock #2 to the lift wel I and is located along the south end of the proposed boat basin. The excavated bulkhead wi I I be disposed of upland by a local carting company [see SHEET NO.6 - PROPOSED EXCAVATION & DOCK REMOVAll. 3) Construct and maintain a timber bulkhead total ling approximately 990 I ineal feet [approximately 955 I ineal feet of which is along the west, north, and east perimeter of the proposed boat basin and lift wel I, and approximately 35 I ineal feet is a wood subterranean bulkhead on the southeast s h 0 rei i n e 1. The wo 0 d b u I k h e a d wi I I con s i s t 0 f a p pro x i ma tel y 3" to 4" thick timber sheeting and approximately 14" diameter pi les driven approximately 14.3 feet below Mean low Water i n to fir m bot tom ma t e ria 1st 0 pro v ide a n ad e qua t e bas e . I n add i t ion, the r e wi I I be a s u f f i c i en t tie - b a c k s Y stem consisting of vertical anchor piles that will be attached to each timber pile along the bulkhead with 2" diameter tie-rods. No tie-back system is envisioned in the area of the subterranean bulkhead. The subterranean bulkhead wi I I tie into nearby sections of the proposed bulkhead which forms the east side of the proposed basin [see SHEET NO.3 - SITE PLAN MAP 1 . 4) Relocate and exoand a travel ift wel I by removing the existing travel ift consisting of one (1) runway extension approximately 40' in length located between Dock #3 and Dock #4. The proposed combined travel i ft well (approximately 50' x 40') wi I I be excavated along the north side of the proposed boat basin and wi I I be able to accommodate a 20-ton and a 60-ton travellft [see SHEET NO.3 - SITE PLAN MAP1. 5) Construct. Instal I, and maintain a series of new floating pier (dock) assembl ies [see SHEET NO.3 - SITE PLAN MAP and SHEET NO. 9 RECONFIGURATION of DOCKS, Comparison of Existing Conditions & Current Proposal], as follows; DOCK A located along the west perimeter of the proposed basin consisting of a) approximately 190' x 6' of main float, b) five (5) finger piers approximately 40' x 4' located along the east side of the main float, c) one (1) timber ramp approximately 12' x 3' located along the <Page 7> SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR & TOWN BOARD MEMBERS - BREWER GREENPORT - REVISED SOIL REMOVAL PERMIT - 08/28/86 at the north end of the main flo d) eight (8) timber piles approximately 12" in diameter and 40' In length located at the ends of each finger pier, adding stabi I ity to the structures. DOCK B located in the center of the proposed boat basin, consisting of, a) One (1) main I ine of floats approximately 185' x 6'; b) One (1) timber ramp approximately 12' x 3' located at the north end of the ma i n f loa t ; c) Six (6) fin g e r pie r sap pro x i ma tel y 35' x 4' located along the east side of the main float; d) six (6) finger piers, approximately 40' x 4' located along the west side of the main float; and e) Seventeen (17) t i mb e r p i I e sap pro x i ma tel y 12" i n d lame t era n d 40' i n length located at the ends of each finger pier, adding stabl I ity to the structure. DOCK C located in the center of the proposed boat basin, consisting of, a) one (1) main I ine of floats approximately 180' x 6'; b) one (1) timber ramp approximately 12' x 3' located at the north end of the main float; c) five (5) finger piers approximately 35' x 4 ' I 0 cat e d a Ion g the we s t sid e 0 f the ma i n f loa t; d) and seven (7) finger piers approximately 30' x 4' along the east side of the main fioat; e) twenty (20) timber piles approximately 12" in diameter and 40' in length located at the ends of each finger pier, adding stabi I ity to the structure. DOCK D located on the east side of the proposed boat basin consisting of a) one (1) main line of floats approximately 195' x 6'; b) one (1) timber ramp approximately 12' x 3' located at the north end of the main float; c) seven (7) finger piers approximately 30' x 4' along the west side of the main float; d) eleven (11) timber pi les approximately 12" in diameter and 40' in length, located at the end of each finger pier, adding stabi I ity to the ~tructure. 6) Maintenance-dredoe a triangular-shaped area approximately 2,625 sq. ft. to an average depth of 8' below Mean Low Water, and remove approximately 450 cu. yds. of material as measured IN PLACE [see S'HEET NO. 11 - MAINTENANCE-DREDGING MAPl. The area within the Town of Southold to receive maintenance-dredging, is located throughout the existing docking facility. All maintenance-dredging activities will be undertaken by clam shell and barge and/or dragl ine operations. The material being dredged wi I I be placed on BREWER's upland property, semi-dried, and then relocated as described [in #7) below. <Page 8> . . SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR & TOWN BOARD MEMBERS - BREWER GREENPORT - REVISED SOIL REMOVAL PERMIT - 08/28/86 7) Upland Relocation of the Excavated and Dredaed Material: Approximately 44,090 cu. yds. of material wi I I be excavated from the pro p 0 sed boa t bas i n wit h a n add i t ion a I 10,500 cu. yds. of material removed by the maintenance-dredging operat ions in both the Town of Southold and the Vi Ilage of G r e e n p 0 r t . A I I 0 f the d red g e d ma t e ria I s wi I I be mix e d wit h the materials being excavated and deposited upland at three different locations. The proposed disposal sites are: 1) On-site disposal of approximately 2,500 - 3,500 cu. yds. 2) St. Agnes Cemetery located adjacent to BREWER MARINA on the North side of Manhanset Avenue. Approximately 42,100 cu. yds. wi I I be deposited on this undeveloped 11.8 acre site lsee SHEET NO. 12 - PROPOSED EXCAVATION & OFF-SITE DISPOSAL AREAS, Existing Topography; SHEET NO. 13 PROPOSED TOPOGRAPHY of RELOCATION SITES; and SHEET NO. 15 - ON-SITE DISPOSAL & GRADING PLANl. 8) RELOCATE an existing 35' plus additional bulkhead approximately bulkhead lsee SHEET NO. upland club house approximalely 30' x de c kin g 20 fee t from the ex i s tin g 70 feet from the to-be-constructed 3 - SITE PLAN MAP]. 9) CONSTRUCT an upland in-ground swimming pool approximately 25' x 45' plus accompanying 10' cement apron, fencing, and, screening approximately 40 feet from the proposed new bulkheading lsee SHEET NO.3 - SITE PLAN MAP]. 10) CONSTRUCT an upland boat maintenance and storage bui Iding, mast shed and bathroom faci I ities total ing approximately 110' x 120' I 0 cat e d a p pro x i ma tel y 75 fee t from the new pro p 0 sed bulkhead lsee SHEET NO.3 - SITE PLAN MAP]. 11) CONTINUATION of a Reconfiauration Perimeter Condition which wo u I d a II ow B R EWE R to con tin u a II y c h a n g eon I y the locationes), widthCs), and numberCs) of pileCs), dockCs) and ramp(s) within the Reconfiauration Perimeter "envelopell lshown on SHEET NO. 10 RECONFIGURATION PERIMETER dated 07/29/86 prepared by DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc.] provided that the number of boats would not exceed one hundred eighty (180) and no additional bulkheading, dredging, excavation or filling could take place without the prior required regulatory approvaICs). 12) A PERMIT CONSTRUCTION PERIOD ending 06/30/92. SUPPORTING INFORMATION Impact on Fresh Water Supply All agencies previously examined in depth the possible adverse impactCs) on the fresh water supply and concluded that the previously approved and more extensive ProjectCs) wi I I have little, if any, effect on the fresh water supply. <Page 9> . . SOUTHOlD SUPERVISOR & TOWN BOARD MEMBERS - BREWER GREENPORT - REVISED SOil REMOVAL PERMIT - 08/28/86 The proposed of an effect ProjectCsL revised modified ProjectCs) wi I I have even less because of the d if ference ins i ze of the According to Robert A. Villa, P.E., Chief Engineer for the Suffolk County Division of Environmental Health, professional hydrologists from the Suffolk County Health Department conducted a field inspection and reviewed the previously approved ProjectCs) which extended into the upland Forty-Eight and Two-Tenths Percent C48.2%) further than the presently proposed AmendmentCs). Their conclusion is, that: "Since the is not real we CSuffolk proposal...1I peninsula where the Project is Iy a source of the Vi I lage water County) have no objections located supply, to the In order to maintain the integrity of the fresh water/salt water interface, BREWER proposes to undertake the ProjectCs) with the use of tight interlocking wood sheeting for the bulkhead. The bulkhead wi I I be constructed around the entire are a be i n g ex c a vat e d and wi I I ex ten d from a he i g h t 0 f a p pro x i ma tel y Six Fee tab 0 v e Me an Sea I level C + 6' MS ll, to approximately Ten Feet below Mean Sea level C-l0' MSl). Impact on Marsh Area A recent site investigation indicated that a section of the marsh, from its south west corner back to an existing deteriorated subterranean bulkhead, had begun to wash away. The amendments to the previously approved ProjectCs) include replacing the deteriorated existing subterranean bulkhead and extending the new subterranean bulkhead to stabi I ize the southern edge of the existing marsh area. The proposed subterranean bulkhead wi I I be a protective barrier to prevent further erosion of the marsh due to storms, natural tidal action, backwash from boats passing through Stirl ing Basin and activities at the public boat launch directly east of the marsh. Upland Relocation of Excavated and Dredged MaterialCs) The proposed upland relocation of excavated and dredged materialCs) wi I I be identical to that previously approved but will be Twenty Percent C20%) less than the previously approved excavation ProjectCs). Excavated materialCs) from the boat basin, 'travel ift' wel I, and al I maintenance-dredged materialCs) will total approximately Fifty-Four Thousand Five Hundred Ninety Cubic Yards C54,590 Yds.3) to be removed from the ProjectCs) site. Of this, approximately Ten Tho usa n d F i f t Y Cub icY a r d s C 10,050 Y d s .3) wi I I be from maintenance-dredging within the Vi I lage of Greenport; Four Hundred Fifty Cubic Yards C450 Yds.3) from maintenance <Page 10> . . SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR & TOWN BOARD MEMBERS - BREWER GREENPORT - REVISED SOIL REMOVAL PERMIT - 08/28/86 dredging within the Town of Southold, Thirty Nine Thousand Six Hundred Sixty Cubic Yards (39,660 Yds.a) from upland excavation within the Town of Southold, and Four Thousand Four Hundred Thirty Cubic Yards (4,430 Yds.a) from upland excavation within the Village of Greenporl. Approximately Two Thousand Five Hundred to Three Thousand Five Hundred Cubic Yards (2,500 Yds.a to 3,500 Yds.a) of these ma t e ria I ( s ) wi I I be rei 0 cat e don - sit e i nor de r to at t a i nth e proper elevation(s) and contour(s) for improving the drainage patterns and for accommodating the additional related activities such as automobile parking, boat storage, boat repair and maintenance services. There wi I I be approximately Twelve Thousand to Fifteen Thousand Cubic Yards (12,000 Yds.a to 15,000 Yds.a) of material(s) deposited on-site and along the east side of SI. Agnes Cemetery which is contiguous to the area that needs to be fi I led along the west side of BREWER. A sma I s e c t ion 0 f t i d a I ma r s h g r ass (S D art i n a ~.) I 0 cat e d in the east side towards the southern corner of the site has been identified, NO FILL WILL BE PLACED ON OR WITHIN TWENTY-FIVE FEET (25') OF THE MHW LINE IN THIS AREA. This special condition will help insure the productivity of this sensitive intertidal marsh zone. Most of the material being removed [approximately Forty One Thousand Cubic Yards (41,000 Yds.a)), will be transported across Manhanset Avenue to a site located directly across from BREWER. All of the mater ial (s) wi II be trucked into the primary relocation site at a point directly across from BREWER's entrance drive on Manhanset Avenue. This undeveloped Eleven and Eight-Tenths (11.8) acre site is owned and maintained by St. Agnes Church and wi I I be used as a future cemetery once the area has been upgraded and improved. There has been further discussion between BREWER's and Saint Agnes Church regarding the grading and landscaping of St. Agnes' property. To the extent possible the evergreens that presently exist (which are relatively young) will be preserved and replanted on either the Church's or BREWER's property. The grading wi I I be as shown on the attached Map. The surface wi I I be protected with straw mulch seeded with a hearty grass in a manner simi lar to that in which road beds or other irregular slopes are planted in highway or other construction projects. In addition. swales will be graded around many portions of the property to insure that there wi I I be no surface runoffs onto the roads and adjacent pro per tie s . The r e wi I I be a nap pro x i ma t e 25' b u f fer are a between the existing three wetlands areas and the placement of the excavated materials. The mature trees which are on the easterly side of the property and along parts of the berm of the old disposal area wi I I be preserved. <Page II> . . SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR & TOWN BOARD MEMBERS - BREWER GREENPORT - REVISED SOIL REMOVAL PERMIT - 08/28/86 In short, the primary relocation site does not represent a significant or critical environmental habitat. In addition, because of its proximity to BREWER [approximately Fifty Feet (50') south, across Manhanset AvenueJ, al I trucking operations to and from the area wi I I not cause any disturbance to any of the nearby residents. A temporary ace e s s d r i ve i n tot he sit e wi I I ex ten d d ire c t I Y a c r 0 s s from the existing entrance drive at BREWER. There are no obstructions or tight curves at this point along Manhanset Avenue. A mo red eta i led des c rip t ion 0 f i s sue s rei ate d tot he pro j e c t ( s) can be found in the attached joint Letter of Support dated 08/27/86 to the Army Corps of Engineers, the N.Y.S. Department of Environmental Conservation, and the N.Y.S. Department of State. DSN/ j I j <Page 12> .........".... VJ: .........."..U............... . (File in' Du~lica te) . . Tm'~~ CLE?-i<' S OFFICE . Fee__~ Paic_ ~ . SOUTEOLD, NEI; YORK APPUCA TION FOR PERMIT FOR SAND AND GRAVEL PIT OR OTHER EXCAVATION PURPOSES 1. Name of Applicant Br~'rer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. 2. Address of Applicant Manhaset Ave. Village of GreenpJrt Town of Southold LOunt.y OL .::>uliutk. .:;>LaL~ vi Hew ';uJ..h. 3. Detailed statement of proposed operations Excavate a trapezoid shaped boat basin within an area of approximately 77,440 sq. ft. to a depth of 81 belCl'oll MI.W' and rerrove approximately 39,660 cu. yds. of material. Excavate an area approxin-ately ., 1125 sq. ft. to install a 251 x 45' p::ol ranging fran three to ten feet deep, rerrovinq approximately 270 cu. yds. of material. All materials being rerroved total of 40,380 cu. yds. fran all excavation and maintenance dredging cpera1:ions will be relocated upland at 3 locations. SEE LEITER FR.CM DANIEL S. NA'!'ClIEZ and ASscc.TA'T'F.~ TNr dAted 4. Names and addressee of all property ovmers of record within 200 feet of the outside boundaries of the premises within which operations are proposed to. be performed. . West - St. Agnes Church - Greenport, New York 11944 East - Town of southold North - St. Agnes Church - Greenport, New York 11944 5. The following must accompany this application unless waived by the Town Board. If applicant requests a waiver of any of the following items, applicant should insert at the end of application subdivisions for which a waiver is requested. A. Detailed statement of the proposed operation together with a plan of the area proposed for excavation or for removal of top soil which shall show condition of the plot or premises before operations and the proposed condition of the same after operations are completed, such plan to be prepared by a duly licensed engineer or land surveyor and drawn to Bcale showing all adjoining streets, location and dimensions of premises, the location, size .and use of any existing buildings. B. A topographic survey of the premises prepared by a duly licensed engineer or land surveyor showing contours at 10 foot intervals, using Coast and Geodetic Survey datum. C. Duly acknowledged consents of the owner of the premises and. mortgagees, if any. . . D. Receipted tax bills or photostatic copies thereof or other proof showing payment of all taxes and assessments against premises for which an ctpplication is requested. E. A proposed comprehensive plan for the rehabilitation of the premises together with a schedule of progreaB therefor. Such plan to set forth the ultimate contour and grade of the area upon completion of work, describing the area to be refilled, top Boiled and seeded and specifying the amount and extent thereof to be performed before December 31st of the year for which permit is being applied for. F. Estimate prepared by a duly licensed engineer or land surveyor of the total number of cubic yards of material to be removed from the property during the permit period. 6. Applicant hereby requests a waiver of the requirements of paragraph 5, sub- divisions , , . , , . sea:.- S;-paragTIipliS ra:na !r"aS"weIIall'Section 11. Dated: August 28, 1986 ~~Plicant Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. Corporation By ~ g,. _~ i ature of aHi er Sworn to before me this 28th day of /Auaust / ~ :Ji&' /~-~2( I /j c -~ I-Nota ry 7~~lic LESUE J. MII.l.ER -ry Public. Stat. of N__ No. 4831506 Quaml" In Westchester Countv '? Commiaaion Expire.. March 30. 19..Er -2- ~ .. ....., '.. ~:!: "''''''>'-:''' SUFFOLK COU....TY. NY ......KE...LL FUNDS PA.,....BLE '0 RECEIVER OF TAXES GEORGE MELLAS TOw". M"'LL SOUTMOLD, HY lli7l MaN TOFRI 900...... T04ooP", CLOSED ALLI.EG"'L MOLIO....,.S CLOSl!'Q SA T 51&.1~lllO3 1983 . 1984 TAX LEVY TAXES BECO"'E A LIEN ON OEe 1ST TC'iNN OF SOUTHOLD BIll NO.- SW IS" : . 4138 01 . 'ROLL' Set . : . 1 Cl$: 510 ACRES: .25 IIAllflASSn" AVE :TAX~CODE:; :14,~ TAXABLE \l'M..UE TAXES Jt ..... .0'. ....Au.IIS .. .'"""_ "1_01'.....,......,_ -.... &<l' <OO'.~"c""......'_,... Cc~......c_"'_.... 100p.amcu......__r;o_ T._........,......_....._! 291 ,,- COUNTY ", ~ 3;2IW TOWN ,3,iOO . SCHOOL .,:3;200 I ,SP .~I~TR~~ ~~.~,;~k.:..; .' ')T!..ER I : '101;'8~ 7D~9~ 718..8~ SUFfOLK COUNTY TAX MAP NUMBER 3~"'6"'"1 ..;. ~~ VET. EXEMPT "'GED EXEMPT OTk. EXEMPT . _"-.0... c.;. -'""--.=-= f-- ,:~',~ .. BREWER"S YACH'll 'Y1ffiD7.T GREENPORT I MANHANSET AVENuE GREENPORT, N.Y. 11944 TOTAL TAX 891~6~ LAND VALUE ASSeSSED VALUATION '1000 3200 CODE SCHOOL DISTRICT , __ H_ '_'_ PENAL TV 473810 fOUL RECEIVED PAYIrolENT SECOND HALF OR TOTAL TAX RECEIVED PAYMENT FIRST HALF TAX i=lECE,PT NC 171191 DATE PAID 05-31-84 AMOUNT P"'IO 445.81 AEC~'9f% 6 o 1-f"d~~~ '~~'g:1l'2 N2~E TAXES A;:lE P....,....SlE BY Cl-ieCl(, C"'S,", OR MONE'" ORDER. CMECKS W'L~ BE "'CCEPTED SUSJEC'T TO COLLECTION FOR WMICM TMI$ OFFICE: ASSU....ES "'Co <lE~"''.JNSIS'LlT'l' "0 ::"'5.... SY '-'AIL NO JRO PAi=lTY CHECK POST"'GE ST...l.APS ....::~ ':'C':!:."'TED "'0 POST D"'TEO Cl-iECKS ACCEPTED NOTICE SECOND M"'LF TAX MAY SE PAID AT T""E SAME TIME TME FIRST M"'LF IS DUE AND PAYABLE SECOND MALF CAN SE ~AID"'T ANY TIME UNTIL MAY 31s1. WITHOUT PENAL TY PLEASE READ THE REVERSE SIDE ORIGINAL - TOWN H"'LI. SOUTHOLD. I'll'" 11911 ......KE ALL RECEIVER OF TAXES "'ON TOFi=l. too...... TO"oo"M 1983 - 1984 TAX lEVY Ti"WN OF SOUTHOLD FUNDS CLOSED ALL lEGAl. MaUD'" 'IS PAYAeLE GEORGE MELLAS CLOSetl SAT TAXES BECOME A LIEN ON DEe 1ST SLF,,"O~'< COUNTY. NY TO 516-16!l-ISC3 SWIS . '4738g9 ROLL set : 1 TAX...BlE VALl:E T"'XES . . - ,.' "'c~ ", --- CLS: 570 AC RE S: 9.50 " -~'. .....,..... . .M......M.:;:..' COUNTY 27,900 888.03 ! . ~'........ ",', IlANHANSET AVE ""." ,..' .."..-....,.... I 4396 TAX-CODE: 145 TOWN 27,900 1,699.56 BILL NO. 5U~FO!..1( COuNTY TAX Io4...P NUMBER SCHOOL ",90; 6,261.26 43.-3-2 SP DISTRICT 21,90 253.25 :......../'-,;;) '..AL:.:E ! ASSESSED VALUA TlON Brewer's Yacht Yard 'HER At 11\40('; 27900 Greenport, Inc. I . . . . .. , 'rOTAL T,l,.X , ~ .E7 ,,:l:;''.l'" i "'...,EC E)(EMPTI OTM EXEJ.,IPT ! Manhanset Aven:.le Greenport, N.Y; 11944 9,108.10 I I PENALTY I ::::-::€ I SC,..OOL DISHIICT I TOTAL 473810 I RECEiVED PA.,.MENT SECOND HALF OR TOTAL TAX RECEivED PAYMENT FIRST MALI' TAX ::;=..:::';::-."': C"'TE P...ID AMOUNT P"'iD RECEIPT NO O"'TE PAlO "'MOUNT PAID 3341 ;; 05-31-~t,.-~ r - , ,.4 ,554.. O)i' " 29165 01-10-84 4,554.05 ,,"~E -.UES :.<lE P"''l''''SLE BY CMECK CAS.... Oi=l MONEy ORDER. CMECKS NOTICE '''~CL 6E "'C:EP~E:J Sl..'8JECT TO COLLECTiON FOR W,",ICH THIS OFFICE: ASSU"'ES SECOND HALF TAX M"'Y BE PAID AT TME SAYE TIME TME FIRST HALF IS DUE "'NO PAY"'BLE. I ..Q OlES"'0"'lS.E:!'UT'l' "l0 C"'SM BY MAil NO Ji=lD P"'RTY CHECK POS1:'GE ST......PS SECONO MALF C"'N 9E PAIO"'T ANY TIME UNTIL y",y )151, WITHOUT PENAL TY ....). ",,::,:~o-EO "0 pes'r o...rED CHECKS "'CCE"'TEO I PLEASE READ THE REVERSE SIDE ORIGINAL; ! ," .L...... ~. .' t,; -" ..... .......-..... " r .._._-~.~ r. I . ..... ' " . __-~T;xc:Civ(dlCiYl----~G_tc~!CJr0is~~0:VJ-~Qf~~ih;ld .:_=~__ _________S"ee__'bkt . NO.(.J} ----- _ -- _ /.. F I 2 " 4 5 6~~.=7...--... 8 II-=-~~-- -- . - rii#27.-=---::J;-:;- --~-T~----~ ------- $d1(7Y1 .... - -- .Ai riB ---- 0F'f4k-- -~~~J b~~ f'I~jiL (u_.1cls._. 211L~-rt-~t. ..~u, II "~l'l AI, L :1i~,h, i ~~ 'I ,Lt- I 3 lif;--r- . r~TI I I . *n 1 I"'! P-;-li I ,j I 1-1 . I I .:q. .- :- : 41 r'-i.. fttrr-- i I ; i I I I' f-- " I ,,-i "I ! .. 4 5 ,~) 7l5ft" f'-]O .:TI~J =). .! ;1j/~Li!' i i If',~o ,il ~i~&tf'/,.O I' '<f"~~-;:- . 6 ~L. I" i · I " I', U i I I, ! 1 t. 7 ~+ --t-- ~: ."'r . -:::- ,nrt-- " ,.en ,-. u. j~~ 7 8 I! ! 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II\J, ~ r.. .~, ,Jrrr. _ . i H ,i I ',II:CI i IT:,.,..." ho,(~(ko ,.! -j/.:? d 2 21 .J-/. I. " !! I Y './.I! ',J!L U . I I. i Ii! , !. I! I I' 2 22 "-rTF' -- t'-.lT- 'I . I;, _. -.x ._ --I ': ]" i .~ i, u~ 2 231 I~l"--' .' 1-, I A .;. i' ! I I ' ':'"'11 cti:\-1 n. L IT'/l (J,6:JB ~,4~ 4'[ED: l2' 2411 ! I Let If (.. l'I\cY1'j~ ::_~" L ~ tt~ jto~'S.,r . I "..J n_~n~L_ 2 25 f-- . i ii, . i . i' . 4<<;~Ai~;;'~ '\. ~~irPS;o. ',f) .. ! 2 26 I I .'. '71dlt[), i ,jfC;;-ii"~ '5~, '~'l.. . " "hT111 2 27-t-r-lIi-f-,d- ...........:}\.;~ 1--ic:t.Q~. '. lf~i-i'tl)ti~1CDlDv"-rL.i- 1: ~: il:r'..~. ....=I'lil. ' .. ". '. inll~.. '.. ". rl-,.' I' ..L.~--,~.#.P~.ifJ.'(! ;1,:: 4~1--c-TI' 30 ~ .. . i' I-rt~*:.. i : 1 In~o~~;;~;~fyV?tft {/L/0: .:. I.. ; ~:!I~...-. ~~~mE.,..~.f~. IT.reElCD. ..~...LP.. {.:~~rr ;~.. ~ i.-.ff:.j..~.].l:'N......i=~.EI~~.!.1 ;:~JI'Z~ 11::t=:!~~IW:} ,',.. prE0'~i;":~II!ltf~blfnF;;~ .1-:n111~ 37 '1 Il__ _L-,L.. i ! I I! r-I, ' . ' lld1~;t{'l. . !!.J,-IILULJJi'.: ,Fir , . LIS'!' of DRAWINGS . lor BREWER'S YACHT YARD at GREENPORT. Inc. August 28, 1986 SHEET NO. TITLE DATE 1 GENERAL VICINITY MAP 05/19/84 2 LOCAL VICINITY MAP 05/19/84 I 3 SITE PLAN MAP Rev. 07/29/86 4 EXISTING CONDITIONS 05/19/84 5 PROPOSED EXCAVATION & DOCK REMOVAL Comparison 01 Previously Approved Plan & Current Proposal Rev. 07/29/86 6 PROPOSED EXCAVATION & DOCK REMOVAL Rev. 07/29/86 7 SITE PLAN MAP Comparison 01 Previously Approved Plan & Current Proposal Rev. 07/29/86 I 8 SITE PLAN MAP I Comparison 01 Existing Conditions, Previously Approved Plan & Current Proposal Rev. 07/29/86 9 RECONFIGURATION 01 DOCKS Comparison 01 Existing Conditions & Current Proposal Rev. 07/29/86 1 0 RECONFIGURATION PERIMETER Rev. 07/29/86 11 MAINTENANCE-DREDGING MAP II Proposed Dock ConI igurat ion OS/29/86 12 PROPOSED EXCAVATION & OFF-SITE DISPOSAL AREAS Existing Topography Rev. 07/29/86 1 3 PROPOSED TOPOGRAPHY 01 RELOCATION SITES Rev. 07/29/86 1 4 LOCATION 01 SITES lor SOUTHOLD WETLANDS PERMIT Rev. 07/29/86 1 5 ON-S I TE DISPOSAL & GRADING PLAN Rev. 07/29/86 <Sheet 1 of 2> DRAWIN~ LIST - BREWER 4IJENPORT - 08/28/86 . SHEET NO. T I HE DATE ~ 16 AREA NAVIGATION MAP Rev. OS/29/86 I 17 RECONFIGURATION of DOCKS & MOORINGS Proposed v s . Existing Conditions Rev. 07/29/86 18 AREA UNDERWATER LAND GRANT MAP Rev. OS/29/86 19 SECTION A & SECTION B Proposed Grading Profiles St. Agnes Sit e. North of Manhanset Avenue Rev. OS/29/86 20 SECTION D-D Proposed Typical Section East of Boat Basin Rev. OS/29/86 21 SECTION E-E Proposed Typical Section Adjacent to Manhanset Avenue Rev. 05/19/84 22 SECTION F Typical Maintenance-Dredging Rev. OS/29/86 23 SECTION G Typical Subterranean Bulkhead Rev. 07/29/86 24 SECTION H Proposed Typical Section West of Boat Basin Rev. 07/29/86 25 APPROXIMATE LOCATION of TEST BORINGS Rev. OS/29/86 <Sheet 2 of 2> . . I SHEET NO. 1 - GENERAL VICINITY MAP " 0~\) SO ~\) ~ \S'v ~0 'v0 r ,0 UTHOLD \ '" BAy.........." \ \ i , I I , \ COEI (:."~;!}c'".:, MAP o I 2500' 5000' I 10,000' I .Hllt, YACHT HIP AT C"n[~~on. 11iC.. nlUI~e USIII C'Hllrou ItAlIot ~UIIIIAHSET ,\HHlIf Yln.!;! or CUlliton 101/11 or SOIlTIIOLD COlllITT of iurrou ~mh{:~gJ~~~~I~~~I:~~Il!IIG fiLmlffill."jIUH U~ IlU~llwt --p-;~. ..".ITnTI'TCl!'rrn--- DANIEl. fl. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ~~s ALD.. 'DAD W."W.IOllf;~"l ~~~_<~~:l 11l5.l.3 . . I SHEET NO. 2 LOCAL VICINITY MAP u 33 LONG ISLAND 10 o 31 10 . sH o L /3 , / , / ,lights a70lloe , ,. ,. ,. Fanning PI ...-- - / ---- 57 /...... / ......, / 3. , / /53 /' /' / / / / / / / / / / __ /" 80 -1,;- / / I I , I II (90 /J /}.,/ / ~/ /" ~: /'95 :, , BREWER YACHT YARD ~6 2> 13 3' 67 ~ 5 u . s Dering Harbor Chequit t 11 /' ...-...- / / I VICINITY o I 1250' 2500' I I 5000' \ B~EWER VACHT YARD AT GIlEENPORT. INC. STIIlLING BASIN GREENPORT HARBOR MANHAN5ET AVENUE VILLAGE or GREEN PORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY or surrOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BUlKHEAlI1NG MAINIl:.N..."ll:.-LJI!I:.l)(,IM.... ANI) lllLONtl"U~^rIUN 0. ,LOAlINl" t'IU, ^~~HI~LY I'HdILLll> Dated: 05/19/84 DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 ALlIA ROAD UAMARONI::CK. NE.... YOIlK 10543 (!I10 69B~567b . NO. 3 - SITE PLAN MAP ST AGNES CHURCH CEMETERY PAOPOSE D DISPOSAL SITE -41_ '. \, -Sl.!E --'.;."" ........ \ M4" . ""'" ........::, "':-" ,vH4NSET .... .... '. \ ) '). .....-::.:......:..~ 4VF '" \,,, ..... "~.. "\:'- ....// f ........... ......... ............' ..-.__.._..--:.:......... \. t.. EXISTING ................. .......... .......... ~.............. \ .... CO NTOU De "" .... '. . '" , \ \ ........... '""" ..... ....... .u..... \ \ \.... ........ ....---.... \ \ \ ", ", ..1J................. \\. \ \ \ ........... .......... ". ...... '\ . .... "...8._....., . .~ ' .. \ '.. \ ...... '. " \ \ ". .. PARKING AND WINTER \ '.\ \ ". \ BOAT STORAGE \ \' \ \ . . II to \ ...... \. \ t"T'\ I ' ...... .....----... ., '\ " "b \ \ ......:' ..-.----- '. ~. 'l , . ". \ ". \.. TRANSFORMER \ (~~f2~~~~ . ."0.. ..~ VAULT'.. I ...,..6 .. ..... f '\ . , . ., RESTAOOMS \ . ~ ....t..: f Nj ~ -....- \ '-. " . . . " ....\ . . . . . , , . . , . . , , , , SERVrCE AREA '. '. '1&0....."..... ........ " " mh0 J ~--- 'mM TCWN a' SOUTHOLD >':::::86' DOC~ /.::::8r . ,to DOCKs-' ~q ,0" <"~ OO7;;7d'--./ PROPOSED RECONFIGURATION a' Fl!lATING PIER ASSEMBLIES -. -.....-.. ;i:::;~,jC:"- ~r~'=l~":'.... :::'::.~~~:'J~'.::l.- SITE PLAN MAP SCALE o 25' 50' 100' f ~ 1 unlER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, lHC, STIRLING BASIN GlUENPORT HARBOR UANllANS[T AVENUE VILLAGE or ORHNPORT TOWN or SOUTIIOLD COUNTY or surfOL~ PROPOSED EXCAVAT1~DULKHrADUIC lir~~~tT&t --n~1I A~~UI~lf rHu~ UUD UPON SURVEY BY YOUNCi . YOUNG N.Y,S. LICE-NSED UNLJ SURVEYORS SURVEY DATED JULY 21>, 19dJ UVISEtl SEPlo I, 1983 Ind PECBl8ER 21. 1963 DATUM I l.lUN SEh lEVEL !}IGVD) DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC, 5S5 ALPA ROAD I UAWoRotHCl, NEW YORI 10543 19141698-561& WIY 19j 198i Revised: 07/29/86 uno U'l)II SUIVU If TOU~'; I lOUWG I.T.s. LlCt~stD L.,uo su.vnou suwvn DAltO lUll 2lI. 1981 .lYli[D up," I. 19BJ ud DEClWB(1 n. 1M} DATU", wuw SU LEVU II/GVOI \ -"'- \ . . SHEET NO. 4 EXISTING CONDITIONS EXISTING CONDITIONS " ~ "1 , - -=.:.-..<:::.:---,.. '-.M4J\1H4J\1SET . ~..-..:\-' -,-.'.) "':~.":" ".::~::r-,.-.~ .....-.::~:~::-_~~. ::~-4lt'c:__~..... ~ ....::::;----:--:::::... ,: ,#.#..... ~"".~ ................ ..... ~.. ~~~~-. I' .... .... ~\ " ". ...... ........ ...__n___. .' /0 \ I \ .-......... "'" """ 9 "'-". ~ \ \>'" \\\ g\~lIJb~~'-- 8:='~<\, m \ \ ~... \ ~~ \, \, "" ,..,-.- '. 7 .... '~1; .. : -------. '. '" " \ .. .... , .. ;..- .. \ .... \ '\ ........ . . \.... ~ .... ........ ..-...--...... \.....: :~ 6,..... ...... \ "\ '6'.. \./ .~ y-- \ \ 'to 0' \.... I," ./ ~\.~_- v"" \. '( '--.- ~ C, '\ '.... \... .( \ ..,'.... ; ,..-- ~(... \ 0 ~""""'''' ,i \ \ . I . \ .... I 1 tx---" \\ ........! : ''':>....~~. \, ,..-....\ \ :: ! f.I'..~\~......\.. '.. ,/ '. , I.l ," \,.. ---.. ,.,1 \ i \ i Ij 'f', ,:\,\\ . ' , ,II, " ,. I 'f'l _~J ,,/ 1," :/,:. 7 .' '," '11" , :" i"'1 " '.../ ,''' ;J:: '. i/.,!):j~ OF ................... ""., """'" II ----------:';? ~ SOUTH OLD ,/j ~/i \.............../:';.'1 ~~ . "7:.;~J.J(~~l/4ltw 15' DOCK 5 ST AGNES CEMETERY . . '. .......... . , , , , . , '. ~ . . \ I . . , , ! , , , , I , I . I ....... '. ........~ WOOD BULKHEAD ................ -~"" STIRLING BASIN F~~L~ "''In neKT UID n GIHKI'On IHC. STlItlwc; ....UH GU[~'OPT IIAUO' IHHIIAWHT Avr~UE VillAGE or G'EEW~on TOW~ or IoOUTIIJlD COU~JT or surrOll I"O'OS[~ nCAYnlO~. .ULlIIUllIHG "~I~'lN."~<.U"D~'~~ U~U"t ,,,u.., '.J~ ..." ..u., ,"" ~b\.'H""~" SCALE o 25' 50' r-- 100' , DANIEl a. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 5SSALlMIOAP W~WA'OHICl. ~E~. YOH Ie5./.3 !9'';1 ~....Si>7b ..., h. 1\lO.l, PRCPOS ED 8JAW~~AD UNO BOA BAS IN . . ,.... ~ "l SHEET NO. 5 - PROPOSED EXCAVATION & DOCK REMOVAL ComparIson of Previously Approved Plan & Current Proposal ". ", \ \ I -- 1 '<- \ ." ~ \ ~~G) ." rn3'::Z ~ omm o-lC/l -m '-l !G Xl () -< ~-<~ ~ 2 ;;j c\ z " m ". , , , \ \ PROPOSED NEW EXCAVATION '~.... I" ~( {o ~~ -- _001_. d~../J::.:--- ~;.=.:...~';':-:~.... -.-................. SCALE o 25' 50' 100' ~ . COMPARISON OF PREVIOUSLY APPROVED PLAN e. CURRENT PROPOSAL EXCAVATION REMOVAL PROPOSED AND DOCK BREWER YACHT YARD AT GIlEEWPORT, INC. STlRL\NG BASIN GREEHPQRT HARBOR ),tAlWAHSET AVENUE V1LLAGE or GREENPORT TOWIl OF SOUTllOLO COUNTY OT SUFfOlX PROPOSED EXCAVATION. aUlKHEA01NG ---UXlRTEHAHCt.~HtOuING, ANO n~= ----p:n:k "'::'::'U.I~Ll r ~ullC I::' BAstC UPON SUIlVEY BY YOUl/G II YOUNG N.Y.S. LICEl1SEO l.A1W SURVEYORS SURVEY DATED lULY 26, 1963 !lEVISED SHT. l. IS63 and DECEMBER 27. 1951 DAtUM; lHAN SEA lEVEL IIlGVOI DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, lNr 555 AlDA ROAD r t.lUtARONECIt, NE~ YORK 105U HilL I 696-56711 ~.Y '1'.1. 1911t Revised: 07/29/86 ~ -"'- \ "ll ~ \ ~ Frl G) " ITI:1::Ztl omm ;R ",-Jcn!1l !(i~() ~ Q -<Ie' r- .. ~ z ...... ~ 2 rn ....\ n1 \ \ \ , \ . ~~ft~D' Ee~Y~gfi ~POSAlY "" ~ITF: ----;...-::>... ...... \ Ai .:. "'. ......... ~:~.,,>..'1I\1H4I\1SE.(' " " .... .....-... .'" A"c- _." :" .... -..~~ Vc _'. , :' .... ...... .......... .,.._-.-.:........//... I I ........ ...... ......."" ..-.':.~~, \ '.. ........ ....... ........ ~\.-.-. I ". ............ "".. '/, \ \ ............. ........ ........, 0..... \ \ .. ........ ......D .....-... \\ \\ \\ '. .........................8_....~~~.._~.~............. '.~..... \ ...... \ EXISTING ", \', ,CDNTOORS .. \.... ~ \ \' , , ~ .. .. \' \ \, ........... '. \\ tn \ \ '.. '. ~ fT\ I \ " t'------. 7 ___.. '-. \ '\0> I ......: --....... ~\ ~ \ \. .....,. " :" \ \ " .. .. .. .. .... ........... '\ \ "'''' ........ \..} , ' " " , , \ \ , SHEET NO. 6 - PROPOSED EXCAVATION & DOCK REMOVAL r-.. ~ I'l) -- PRCPOSED 9JW~~AD A UNO BOA BASIN (--6,,\ \ .// .. , '. / \~?;) ..... . 0.- t ......-... "p \. h." ~ t:J ... .~ , \ 0" ,-' " \ \ \. \ ,..--. \ : ; .....1.'\. I I / ".:.,z, .~.. : 1/:1 '\'~ ,t,' :,'J \.... I I::;' _" ,\\ . . . ',J ." . ,",. " /,'//1 ~ I' .,',' //iJ :,'//' , ... g i/J >V 3:Q 9. "1 ~;, U>I _'h. ':':~ ~ lit;:: u /:;! $ h!f~i!: "-:,;J 4'. 'j;:::.)~ ~' '" r) bj ,.... ,',,; I 1 ,~."\, , t ' . .-.~,-~ ~.....,,--. . i/itrJ.t.cfb ~y EXISTING Gii<~E' c'k........... " e~l(JitA~OPO ~r "'" MOVED D eE -', . 6 . , . \ , , ." PROPOSED LIFT WELLS ""'<In ,.... "'0' Q, .. , \ " 195' / .l DOck. SCALE o 25' 50' 100' ,.....- , I' ~O( ~O <"~ __04__ "u';:';;/;::';"'- If ~ BAS~CI<. ~ -..,..-.-.--.... "................."........ _4_................. PROPOSED EXCAVATION AND DOCK REMOVAL BREVER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. IWC. STIRLING BASIN OREEHPORT HARBOR l.lAHlIAHSET AVEtlUE VILLAGE Of GRE(HPORT TOWII OF SOUTllOLD COUNTY or SUffOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BUlKHEAD1HG --,:.{IHlmx-m:-r-1r!l:rDGIN(.,. AWL! 1flTIWl'TmJlfXTIT,i'fl'-m--rt1:rrrT1R; ---pn:~ A~5HjBLY I'WllllCIl> BAStD UPON SURVEY BY YOUUG " YOUNG H.Y.S. L1CEt/SED lAUD SURVEYORS SURVEY DATED IULY 26, 1911J REVISED StPT. 1, l~aJ and DECEh\8ER 27. DAlUI~; ~EAN SEA LEVEL lIlGVDl 1953 DA.NIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCI....TES. INr 555 ALDA ROAD UAllAROHlCX, HEW tONK IOSU (91'1698.5&78 "lay'I'J, 196' RllV lied: 07/29/66 ~ -N_ \ . ~1~ -...::..-'-:.,'~:::::...~ '. M4M~ ..:---... ....,::, ''':-'' WANser " ", .)... .....-.....-:.. 4"~ ..- . -.. ~~ "t- \,. ....... .... ....... "':--... .......,/ \ t.... ....... ........"1 --.---:.:..,:;. , ", EXISTING ..... .... ". ~....,_ I \ ........... CONTOURS ................ ..........t.. \ \ '''.. ,.... 'U. \ \ \ \ .... ".. ......1'1 ..........-... \ l '.. '.. ............_......... \h \ \ \" ........ ...... ',..... \ \. \ ......8_................ ... \ \\ ...... \, PARKING AND WINTER \~.. \ \ BCl.I.r smJ:V.GE \ .~.. " ..... " :.~ '\ '. -.-----1 . . 't> \ ' ..........\" --------- ". ~: ';i, 'p05~O ~ . ',~~'-O\t<~.td " ". ..,..... :::::;ti:', .. '...... ""'~ % ,- ~ iC ST AGNES CHURCH CEMETERY POOPosEb DISPOSAL SITE I rnh~/ 'r!\M- . SHEET NO.7 - Campar i son of Approved Plan Proposal SITE PLAN MAP Previously & Current """"" = - PREm:CUSLY APPPOJUl F'l.ClM'S 0JRRENr PKlPOSED FImTS ~''''hJ,rl~~.yI'' . f.,~ .. ~q ,00 <"~ PROPOSED RECONFIGURATlON OF FlW.TING PIER ASSEMBLIES COMPARISON OF PREVIOUSLY APPROVED PLAN 8 CURRENT PROPOSAL --"'-" j~j,r.:.:-- :=-:'IM~~"':"_" :::'::.-:::'::::~l:::': :.:,... ....UO UPON su,vn IT YDU~" . YLlUIl(l N,l,S, LltlNS(P uue.. SUIVElclS IUlvn DAT!O JULY 26, 19dJ nVI5lP SEPT. I, I"J on. OtCUIBU 27, lUJ PA!UIlIItUH SU LtvtL IHIiVPI SITE PLAN MAP SCALE o 25'50' 100' ,......, , "E\lU YAel/TlUD AT GUlI/POn,IHC. STULINQ USIN CIUHrcn llAno. 1,u'III1AMSETAVtHUE YILLAlil Of GREEHrOH TDIINDISOUTllDtD tOUNTY01 $urroU ~~M:i~mJ~~ tl'ttlJrnt1Tnl1nli UI I ~u~ II HI;; rlt~ A~H)llllJ rRUrrrrr- DANIEL 8. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 5SSALPA'OAO , llil.l.u.10N~CX. NEil TOU IOSl.J lilt! 691.S~H . Ilor Ig, 191{ Revised: 07/29/86 aUIlI uroll 1\I~yt' If "O\l~Ci I fOVNCi ..f.S. LIl:tHJUlUIlD nJnnOIl . slInu DAUD JULY Z'. IUJ UYlSlD urr. I, ItlJ lI.d lItclIatJ 17.1113 DATUM, lolEA-1I SUI UYlL IN!;lYIII . ." o Cl r '" ." SHEET NO. S - SITE PLAN MAP Comparison of Existing Condl- tlona. Previously Approved Plan & Current Proposal \ -"'- \ ~~~~5m\m: --. MA '. - -. '. ~:"'f;4NS.:r ....-.. "- "- ~ BREWER YACHT YARD Ar GREENPOR,Tj INC. PREVIOUSLY o APPROVED CONFIGURATION ~---- EXISTING '-___J FLOATS ",-S CIIURCII s1 t~"EW1.t pR<:J;<l;t~IiE DISPOSJ-\.. I;ROPOSED · ~~TS AND .~ ..!V"", t"o9> ~ t. ~"". iJ '. T " tf o Q llJ tf o Q SCALE o 25'50' lOa' 1""'-1 . CJ ti o Q ~~:;:'\ m- . ~'- -= Q tf o Q UtVu "'CKT fAUU CH[HPOJt. IHe.. ITULIWC IUIII CHENPOIt IIAUOI IolAHH""lttAYlHlI[ YILUG[OPGIHIlPOAf TOIIHorSOUTHlILlI c;OUIlU or nrroLl l'o~~~u UC"UTIOH. IUUIJnllIH(j HllH"'Hl.l.U~[U!;11i~~ ~lL~ILlHurrlu"'ljHtl rlhlJ HUJh.J~ ---.. j;::;j,?:,:- ~iZ.:~".:~:::;.~ S"/IRI.//y(j ~o( ,,'>0 ~ fJ,d,SI/y DANIEl.. a. N^TCHU ANO ASSOCIATES,IHC S55ALDAKOAD J4A.MUOlllCl, 11[11 TO'I IDSQ 1I1e! "1-5". Mol' It, 1111 Revised: 07/29/86 lASED UPON SURVEY IT YOUNG.II YOUNG N.T.5. LICENSED LAND SU"VEYORS SURVEY DATED JULY 26. 198J REVISED SEPT. I. 1983 ....d DECEIolB[1I 21. 19113 DATU"', WEAN SEA LEVEL (HeVDI . ~~~~~ --. '. - -. . .MA:VHANSCT ".-.. "- -" o o .- '" '" SHEET NO. 9 - RECONFIGURATION of DOCKS Comparlaon 01 Exl.tlng Con- dl tlona & Current Proposal . "- ~ '1 \ -"'- \ BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPOR,T/ INC. r_--_... L- _ __J EXISTING FLOATS · ~Wk~SERND S CIIURCIl S1 ~~:;€1ER'( ~\<Cfi'OSE~IiE tlISPOS.A.L ,,..~:;, .',. '::...... S~~1v 'ltor:" ~ -I....... "'1', . T " ~ (.) o Cl l%) is o Cl SCALE o 25'50' 100' P"""""'l . (.) ~ o Cl 8Ilt'lol'ElI ,,,CKT YARD AT Glt[NPOIIT. THC. STIIlLIHG IASHI GUtNI'Oll NARlO. NANHMISET AVtHUE VILLAGE or CUtHrOll TO'lol'II or SOUTHOLD COUIITY or surrOLl ,101'05Eo EXCAVATION. JULXHEAOING .......NIt.N...N...t._UHt.Ul.oINl.o. ANU 1t....UIHll.oUUIlIUN Ut rLU....lli'llo !'It.k "'~~HIIlLJ I'MUIL..I~ Cl tJ o Cl ~~. ~ -""' ---. j;:;j.y-;-- .. . SiIRl.!lyG ~O( ~O ~~ DANIEL S. NATCHEZ ANO ASSOCIATES. IN' 555 "LDA 1I0...D Io4...MAIIOHl::CIt. HEll TOIPI{ lD5-4J 191J.'698-5676 "h)' 19. 195! ---.- ---. =-'";;:..~:-.."':::::::':'- BAS/Iy Revised: 07/29/86 . . SHEET NO. 10 RECONFIGURATION PERIMETER ~ ~J (( (1"'0 I ~ : -4(,yIf/ / ~ ....... !1Z~~~IS.Z!1 N. ! "Q .......... Z45:J2J(1.66E " .:::::' ~ tAr. 41.06':]01$509" ~ LONG.7'Z"ZI'/!JO;?71tJ' ~l~ --.....,....". M4N.~ .-..... ,,:.:4Nscr -....a f ~ -"'- \ ST AGNES OHURCH CEMETERY PAOP:lSE b DISPOSAL SITE /' ./ :12&-'67'.98 N. Z452T66.4J E. tAT. 4,"Q6',]48113(1" LONG.1'Z"ZI'Z5.0fUH/S" e /[Jj 326124.94 H f~:'2:,o..~;rJ~'_of210J- .. l.ONG. TZ" 2"25,89990 ... ~O ",0" I"~ Iff' -_yG9 J25919.26N. ) ~~5rD<fiY7 '~O.29~60- LONG. n9f;I'19.'IIOS" -- -....-.. :i:':;;:ijC;-- Er:~~::~J~~~" ....SED UPON SURVEY BY YOUI-h. . YOUNG ll. 'r .~. Lie lWstD L~Hu SURVEYORS 5URVEY nAHD JULY 21:0, 19~J ItV\SEn SEP1. I, IS!) Irld PEC.HIHR :1:1. 1953 D,l,TUJ.1L IHAH SEA LEVEL IHGYDJ SCALE o 25' 50' 100' r.:-. 1 RECONFIGURATION PERIMETER ELZ3 :1260(;158 IV. 245529/'./l) E. LAr 4,006',)/.68616" LONG. 1'2" ZI'J8,Z406J. !.!!.'1ER YACHT YARD AT GREtNPOllT, lNe:, STIRLING BASIN CR[ENPORT HARBOR laNIlANStT AVENUE VILLAGE or GREEHPORT TOWN or SOUTllOLD COUNTY OF SUffOLK ~~~~ij~mJ~~~X~;tD'HG IIl'Crnrrrrmnnnll Ut t LUA lIIo'G I'ltk A~)~lTBtTl'Jtl~ DANIEl. S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, rNe 555 ALDA ROAD I UAa.u.ROH~CK, NEW YONI( IOSLJ 19UI698_S67h . ~.Y 19, 19B, Revised: 07/29/86 280' . . - ~AMfiENES CHu ~-D~ il1- SHEET NO. 11 - MAINTENANCE-OREOGING MAP Proposed Dock Conf 19urat Ion ---- '. -....._. Af4/VI-'A., '-. . '7""vSc.-r -..~.. E " ~ "i \ -,..!- \ E V%7i. DlW~~~c !'lL.u.:i REDGING SOUNDINGS ARE r~ FEET AND TENTHS DAJUM:MEAN SEA LEVEL ,s;tES Cl\URC\\ 5'\'. cE\.Ir.iER'l' ~~rt~ . OIS"". o s~C\y,y 'lfaCl:> ~ SCALE o 25'50' 100' P""-- I ---- ;;:;jr:;-- _._11 . ::.::-===::::::-:.'::- ------...- PRop 600' 05ED Do Ok IUEO UP'ON SUIVEl' IT YOUNG .II YOU..." liI.r.s. LIC[W5ED UUO SUIV[TOlfS SUIIVEY DATED JULY 26 l'3eJ '[VISCO 5t1'T. I, 19n and DECtl.lBU n. 1983 CONFIGUl'lA 'II-lTION STIRLING BASIN EBB ...... ? PIOPOSt:D EXCAVATION, IUlXH[ADlilG ......HI U....Io...t~I.lIlLU...jlo.... ..hI.> .~...Ulo; lr..l.I..,AlloJlo ..H ,L\.JAlllo" ,. It. Alol>t ~l b l.. I I' ~.....l t'- j l> A _ FLDOD DANIEL s. NATCHEZ AND ....SSOCIATES. INC. 555 ALDol. IOAt' : WAIUROi'lLCI, HE\( 10111( J05.l.J 1'31.1:16911-5-671> May 151. 196" . . SHEET NO. 12 - PROPOSED EXCAVATION & OFF~SITE DISPOSAL AREAS Existing Topography ..--~~ -,,,J ~ ~.li:. Jt. " '1- ~ ..lk.. \",G~ JL~I..9/ .... 1-- ~,:~~Q;. --- 'VU>---~~~ ; . \ '.0 ~ ~IOl!s Slr~'SPOs~1. 8fr'; 9.0 - (f,,~tt-CH7' PORe "-RD . 'Nt '" ,. z a -< OJ l STIRLING BASIN '" '<[0 \~ ~~ SCALE o 50' nd ~ PROPOSED EXCAVATION AND OFF -SITE DISPOSAL AREAS EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY UtWH Utili HRD AT ,"'Hllron. 'He. STUlING BASIN GRHHrOn H^R~O' l<AHIlMISH AV[Hlll VILLAGE or GAUI/POn lOl.'Nor SOUlIlOtD COUIITY or svrrOL~ IASEDurOH TO~O(;~APIIIC !.lA' FIVE HSHRN TO.'IIS 5UHCl~ CQUIIH, H. Y. SlIiET NO. 111!.~O sunOL~ COUIITY OHARHnn 01 rU~llC "OHS, [lAlliI-<. "LAII HA lLV[L 'ROPOSED[XCAVATlOII. BVLKH[AIlING IHIHlt.liANLt_(JlIlU"IHl.. Ahlj lfl-:TIllIH,U'..lluH 01 1l-UXTlll't r1U.^"UIllLl~KU~ DANIEl. 5. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, lNC. ~~~ ^Ll.IA RDAIl W"MkOH1.~K. lit" lON. IO~~l (910 "96.~~)~ . Iol. ~ l~, 19h Revised: 01/29/86 . . STIRLING BASIN .. <0 ,'6 ~\. IUEP UPON TO,OOU.tllC HAP rl~~ EASTEIH TOIl"E IlIrrOLX eoullTY. II. ~. InHT 1I0.1II1-tD IUftOLIlCOUIIH IltrUUllNT OF I'U~I.IC lIORIlI PATU)h ~IUIl HA ll:vn '""g,. COII"T11.. .,. .u......, "'v, 00"" C11""" KllI"'U, : ~:~ ::: ~:::::~::: :::: : ~L~:lo. "'v.. YACHT ".0., o,,..ron, ,.<. _ 4l..J.I. SHEET NO. 13 - PROPOSED TOPOGRAPHY of RELOCATION SITES 9.0 ~qE1yf "'0 J?DP01E'64CHr CONr~ Co.. '''I:,Gu ~"IO..v 100' u;~~~ hliotJo "eo ODo~ ~ N PROPOSED TOPOGRAPHY Of RELOCATION SITES "01'0I'. ,OPOO"'"' U, "UXOT'''" .".. - octn " ~~~I:,::;.:.:,:;:::::~~,::~::-,.~'~,:.~".w.~~ ,~.';.v~'~:.r;::;:;:,':;i::i~':: :~~...1':~~:1 "':;~:,,"::' .';;.,r,\~"~~'.\~. 'o::..:::,,~::":"..~~. "'I:~~ 1I.I"t h...' ,.,r... o! ,,,.,, To." ,,,I AI ."......... I.,.. ......... w"'....",..........w....... "'.. I' g~~~}~~~.:~:?:ll;;if:~;:~K~:ii;~:;.~.:~f:~~:':.:::.~ ,~:F~ "....... .......h will... .1... ..,," .p'''' oon..... .......,._ "~,....,,.......,,"...w",..p'............,......... " ::';:..~~:::. "n' W.h,n' ,..... w"," .,n. .", w.II,n' ..... will ,,~l.!!'............,..w"'..........'n........ '" )> Z o -< 0] [ B SCALE o 50' Kld == IUIIEr YACHt rAIP At GHfll~tIlT, lilt. STULllla lAlli' CUlllrOIt UUDO. IHIIllAIlHT AHllllE VIllAGE orclHIIPOIt 101111 or ,OllTWlllI COUflH or 5UHOLI, ,ROPOSEII 'XCAVAT!OUL..IUUlffADIIlG -..nQf[RI~rr:m[lIGfRC~ ~mrunnnJrnnl:OAllfm l'r.f!;mTm-vlll~ DANIEl. B. )IATC/fEI AND ABSOCIATEB. It/O, ~~S ALClA ROAD IUHHOfIL'Cl, lUll YO~l 10SU 19'( I t~I.~t,a Iby 1~. 19~' R[ VI5EO 10 -1'-84, R~vI8[O Revised: 07129/86 . . SHEET NO. 14 LOCATION of SITES for SOUTHOLD TOWN WETLANDS PERMIT '~ ~ ",1 ~ " .... ' ~ ~ \ Jt. " "1 ~ \~c,-( JL~1.0'" ~, ~ ~~~t~----- ':')1-- - c.t\1 .. 4.0 IZ .~ 9.0 · ~1Ek.O'" Poq, "4qo . life '" >- z o -< a> "'" >- n :I: STIRLING PROPOSED AREA TO BE DREDGED BASIN ~ ~'b ~'- UPL~~:~ SCALE o 50' pd = LOCATION OF SITES FOR WETLANDS PERMIT !HNH UOlT fUll At GHTw'On, INC. STilLING .~SlN GU[N~OJl IIAUOI "'^NlIANHl AY[NU( VILlAGl or GH(tI'OIT 101lNorlOlITI,DLIl tOUNTY or sunDLl ,.0'0\[11 (lOVATIOtl, IUIU!tA\llN(i -oJOIIITIUllcr:nl<n;;;n;t;:-n;r;-- ll17nl!l1l':un;nmrurn"G.(TJ1'" ~1it....-ml!...!:....!1 DANIEL S. HATCHEZ AHO AS'SOCI...TES, INC. SS)AlI.IAIOAl> IIUIHONI(~. HIli YO~1 IO~a It! (I ~"_~1,1" Ih, I~, lih usn urON TOrtx;.""IIICIol^, rl~C [^~ll.N 10""115 5unCH COUN". II. Y. ~llt(J NO. tIll_IO 5\HrOL~ tOUN1T IIHAI1111'II01 rULlIC W;JUs. \lUU": IolLAH SI.A lL'iU Revised: 07/29/86 EDGE OF MARSH (APPROX.J . . SHEET NO. 15 - ON SITE DISPOSAL & GRADING PLAN ~_ riR~R.NES c SECT. -'''iQ8i~IF.D~tbi1f~ T --- ~+- .... -... M4NH4N~ "h. .... oJ-c:r ":---'-,.4VE; ON-SITE DISPOSAL AND GRADING PLAN , ~t-l_ \ AREA TO BE FILLED NATURAL SCREENING tIES Cl\URC" Sl ~"'E1~6 ~>\lE OISPu, oS' s!v~", '''oCr. 1.iJ SCALE o 25' 50' 100' P"""""I . ............ e..... .~'~\ ~. ...."..:~ ..t\ltJ Hell' fUll AT GUtHrOIl llle, 51lUl11G US111 CR tElI~O" liAR .0. ~AII~~IIH' AVEI/Ill VlllH.t Of (';U[lIrOI1 10..11 01 SOUHIOLll coulln or 5UI10L~ r(o ~o ~ -....-.. j::;;I,;C:-- ~:=~~.:?:::l~ "orflstfl t1CUH10Il, IULKIIIAlollI('; ---,:I^'~IIH~ll_I'Hl>"'~~ f~.AlIU~ ell '~W.II~~ -"11 II A~.I.I'~ll 1..'1rnr- STIRLI NG BASIN OANIE:L s. ,.."TCH[l. AND ASSOCIATES, INt ~',~ AlI'A UIA" IolUIA'OIlI,~. 11111 H'"' 11':'0 t~lj 1 ~~~.~l.l~ ~'Y I~. 1~1,. Revised: 07/29/86 IHtl' url\/. WU'l" n '[\l'"~ I .,)1.'111; 101.1,5. LlC,.HI_ LUll. ~1l"VI'u~!. 5U.WI' \!A Ill' lllll 11., l'~.l . UV1Hll 51rl. " 19~) .~d IJlrlluOlI- 77, n~} DA' u", llt~. ~L ~ L" L I I M'.'"I', . SHEET NO. ~ - AREA NAVIGATION MAP ] l.." l..., o 250' 500' 1000' ~ AREA NAVIGATION MAP BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. STIRLING BASIN GREENPORT HARBOR MANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION. BULKHEADING MAINTENANCE-DREDGING, AND RlCONFIGURArlON OF FLOA11NG PIER ASSEMBLY PROIECrS BASED UPON DEVELOPMENT PLAN VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, N. Y. JUNE, 1967 DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 ALDA ROAD MAMARONECK, NEW YORK 10543 (914) 698-5678 May 19. 1984 REVISED MAY 29, 1986 . . SHEET NO. 17 - ~~':.;:'~ W' ~'~ -~ ~~~~m\ll~ --... - . M4:"'HANSCT ....--.. ~ '" '" .- '" ':1.l " !t "l RECONFIGURATION 01 DOCKS & MOORINGS Proposed VI. Existing Conditions r - -1 ~~9F'ON.AL L__Jj~JOR 8 ~~O~~~10 ~---~ EXISTING L- - - _J FLOATS · ~Wk~SERND , -....- \ BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPOF\T, INC. llE.S C\\URC\\ Si ~~I.\"iE.R'( C~SE.D p~;:\. sl1E O\Spo, ~~, ..... -, , .- s~.... iito{t r... 4.- ~,~, I I --_ I - T-- ---- o<{' < () o Q (flyf o . :!,:! ClJ ~CRE:s o a o Q o () tf o 0 Q SCALE o 25' 50' 100' P"""""'! , o "'='.::.-.. J;::;jJ,:.;-- =!~.;.."'..:~:::.::- s I/Rl..! tvo ~o( ~o ~. BA,S/tv IIR[W[R y....CIlT YAJ:O AT GR[[NP01!.T. INC. STlllLlNG '''SIN GREEllrORT HUBOI ~"'IIH^NSET "VEliUE VILLAGE or CIlUNPOtT TOIo'N or SOUTHOLO COUNrT or surrOlk 'IO,.OSEO nc....vATION. IUUHEAllUIC --w:tRT!11111tI':lrRlll(,j 1 Ill., ANIl Il.lLUlHlloUko'.llUN or tlUAIINl" rllk ^~~HIULJ I'NU!ll-l~ ....SEO UP'OH SURVEY IT YOUNG a YOUNG N.Y.S. LICENSEO lAND SUIlVtyoRS SURVEY OAHD JUtY lit. 1963 REVISED SF-PT. I, 198) Ind DECEMBER 27. 19BJ DATUMl I-lU.M SE.A LtVrL CNCVDI OANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INe SSS AlOA 1101.0 W.....IAIIO,..~O:. WE'll YORk IOSl,] 1911169B.S6?b "'.y 19. 195' Rev ISluL~ 07/29/66 o I 125' 250' (!) <- --<- -./-- ~Cf) I::-<r U) {[J I?AtlW T. P. 06., P~8' 'heSroN ~h'~,,8. ":;:;!o:!rr. .E~. ,~ NO << ~ <,; CN-'4'..rJ~.tIcaOI . .' , . ~ ~ J.ctf~it-l$J". I.so' 500' SHEET NO. 18 - AREA UNDERWATER LAND GRANT MAP no8E"~r H -.. ,,' ~rr'E"$ro.v ltrCIiAA/D '-'" I? C/(APAt4N . '.", 8_1~.Q.... ~/ AREA UNDERWATER GRANT MAP LAND '{ ...... //.c"l'.!7.c-'i'T A ~:;- /~ /9J,L d l'hJLJr/.-1/I1' I ~..D..?rC",,".-s) ~ ..p #flf. d~,,? C. . ~!J 'Y' ~ .[,; ~;>~.':~(l /.~I!t \ ~. .y% <. " ~" I :;'.)1 '"'.. I ~.~ -:c r.\t,S'~' :t ',In' 00( \~" ........~ ~'~ ,.j/;~ ",~-;"~,J.. t.. 2'\:'<.~ .b .~ """"'-/4-: -- ~ 4,~/.b ~ r ~<Ti~ 1 co",''' /d'~J. 0-':, 0~ ~ "f.>-"" '~ ,..~ ~ .-I':~/..r l.\ "'/ < /'; ...,\.I'/,y (/ ~ ........... ;.to', ~/ \...... ...~'~ (- ~ ~/,~ l- It. ~~I 1/ I '" n"'.... . \to . ..;{ .:: ~. ~.. . ~ . r... ~ri'tII~. J ~til,SS ~ ASIOCIATION S~NO'1' PfA~~r N.I-\n 1'306 O~ G"L~f /9376 'j, II . /1119 7, 19 O~"" f 1)' :s ~ I' DASED ON A COPY OF ~^TER GRANT INDEX !.lAP 119 Of SUffOLK COUNTY 8REWER HClIT YARD AT GREENPORT, 1NC. STlRllNG BASI!: GRHNPORT "ARBOR l.tAlHlANSETAVEtJUE VILLAGE OF GREEtJPORT TO....N OF SOUTllOlD COUNTY OF surFOlK PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BUlKHEADING ---;;JJ\1RTrlTAHTI::lTIlrm:T11",. AI<O Irrtn\.trTliUlI1:ntlu m ~ LOA I !fiG 1'11:.11 ^~~n:\IILY t'IIUII:.Cf~ DANIEL s. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 AlPA ROAD ~^M^RON(CI(, NEW rOil I( IO~3 1910696-567& I-l.)' 19, 1981. RE.VISED MAY 29, 1986 PREVIOUS .~ SPOILS ~ Ap,EA . EXISTING 8Ep,M SHEET NO. 19 - SECTION A & SECTION B Proposed Grading Profiles St. Agnes Site North of Manhanset Ave. SECTION A PREVIOUS SPOILS ___ A~EA EXISTING BERM . SCALE o 25' 50' I I '~,:o":'.. .' .,.~... SECTION B MANHANSET AVENUE FRESH ~'O' 5' o WATER POND .N....-:..'~ MANHANSET !'5' AVENUE 10' Y o BREWER YACHT rARD AT GREEHPORT. INC. STIRLING BASIN GREEN PORT HARBOR NANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE or GREENPORT TOWN Of SOUTHOtO COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BULKHEAD1NG M^INjeN^NC~-UHeUGIHG. AND Ilt.:CONFlGURAIIUN 01- HUAIING 1'1l:.1C ^~St.!>IJ:jU t'ROIl:.1..l5 DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. INC. 555 ...LOA ROAD WAMAROHECK. NEV YORK 1054J 191Ll698-S678 Revised: OS/29/86 . . ST. AGNES CE METERY ,',f s~t~~~~ ACCESS DRIVE SHEET NO. 20 - SECTION D-D Proposed Typ i cs i Sec t ion East of Boat Basin SECTION D-D PLANTERS (CURB STOPS) PARKING o WALK PILE FLOAT BULKHEAD BOT TOM SCALE o 5' 10' o 20' . BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. tHe. STIRLING BASIN GREENPOR! HARBOR WANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREEHPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFfOLK PROPOSEO EXCAVATION, BULKHEADING MAIN I i::JiANl.:.t.-l)HI:.I.lc..INl>-, AND 1lJ::l:ON~LGURAIIUN O~ tlOAILNG 1'11::11 A~:>l:.MIH.l I'ROtt:CI.!> DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 "LOA ROAD MAMARONECK, NEW' YORK 10543 {9141 698-5678 Revised: OS/29/86 . MANHANSET AVENUE . SHEET NO. 21 - SECTION E-E Proposed Typ I ca I Sect Ion Adjacent to Manhanset AVe. SECTION E-E NATURAL SOREENING FENOE BOAT STORAGE SCALE o 5' 10' 20' . . TRAVELlFT BOAT STORAGE ~ BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. STIRLING BASIN GREEN PORT HARBOR NANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOlD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BULKHEAOING MAINllNAN~l-OKlOvlN~. "NU R""!c,:,mi'lGURAI1UN m ~LUAIING !'llK ^~;j..:.UjLl I'RUjl:.,-IS DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 HDA ROAD MAMARONECK. NEW YORK 1050 (914)698-5678 May 19, 19Bt. . EXISTING BULKHEAD . . TO BE REMOVED t SHEET NO. 22 - SECTION F Typical Maintenance-Dredging SECTION - F TYPICAL MAINTENANCE DREDGING FLOATS 8 PILES EXISTING BOTTOM PROFILE -- - -MHW + 1.2' h - --MlW-1.2' PROPOSED BOTTOM PROFILE - 9.2' MSl 'il.. 255' >k- 25' SCALE: BREWER YACHT YARD AT CR[EHPORT, INC. STI RL lNG BASIN CREEHPORT BARPOR I-lANIlAHSET AVENUE VILLAGE Of GREEHPORT TOIo'N OF SOUTllOLD COUNTY or SUffOl~ PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BULKHEAD1HG MA1HTt.NMjU..DItI:.UGIIH., }o/iU IfrCOIrrEURAllUH U~ tLOAJIHG YILt! ^l>~I:.~IIll.Y PROllClr-- 10 ~ VERI TIC LEO U 5 HORllONTAL , o 10 20 DANIEL ~. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 ALOA ROAD WAMARONECK, HEW YOlO; 10~J {9aI698-567& 1.1&1 19. 196L REVISED MAY 29, 1986 SHEET NO. 23 - SECTION Typical G Subterranean Bulkhead SECTION - G TYPICAL SUBTERRANEAN BULKHEAD ANCHOR PILE 5ITOI01C-C \ +2.0' GUIDE PILES FOR FLOATS EXISTING UPLAND PROFILE . 3" TO 4" THI CK TIM B E R SHEETING PROPOSED FLOATS -MHW+1.2' - -MSL 0.0 __ __ _________MLW-1.2" PROPOSED BOTTOM PROFILE - 9.2 MSL EL. -11.5 MSL , o 5' , 10' BREWER YACHT YARD ;.T GREENPORT. INC. STIRLING BASIN GREEt/PORT HUBOR MAHHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SQUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVAT10N. .gUUOlEADINC lolAJt<lI:.HANLt.-DIIl:.utd/'H... ANU fiCON; lGURAllON U~ HU^IIH~ t'lt.1I ^!>!>I:.MilLY t'ROII:.l...lll . SCALE DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. INC. 555 ALOA ROAD W,MAROHECK, HEW YOIIK 105"3 {9J,U 698-567b May 19. 198' Revised: 07/29/86 . . . SECTION - H 100' PROPOSED BOTTOM PROFILE -9.2' MSL MHW +1.2~ MLW -1.2' ~ ~ Q !3Si FENCE rTIE ROD 9"_/2l! TIMBER SHEETING 100' l5'-1 PROPOSED POOL 25' ANCHOR PI LING ~~SYSTEM seA LE, SHEET NO., 24 - SECTlo.N H Proposed Typical Section West of Boat Basin 'I INTERTIDAL MARSH ~--MSL 0.0 FENCE INTERTIDAL MARSH CONCRETE PAD ___MS L 0.0. BRE~ER YACHT YARD AT GREEHPORT. INC. STI RUNG BASIN G.EENPORT HARBOR 'J.<ANHANSET A VENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOlD COUNTY OF SUF,OlK , o I a' 20.' PROPOSED EXC.A.VAilON, .BUlXHEADING MAJN1~HANC~-DW~UGJHG. Aku If'ECUNrIGUh!AtJUN Ot- t-LUAI1NG PI.t.~ A~~dl!:lLt PRU/J::CJ:::I DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC, 555 ALDA ROA 0 ).(AMARONECX. HE'''' YONX 1054:.J (9J~ J 69B-5678 J.<'Y 19. 1981 Revised: 07/29/86 .. . NO. 25 APPROXIMATE LOCATION of TEST BORINGS ST AGNES CEMETERY , ~ ....:c:.'.....::.:::::.>, \.~f.4J\1H4I\1SE. '. <: ',) ...:)"'::'~~""---:-::::~::::'~:,~':.::.:...:.:. ..- ~~~ It: ...... ........... \ ......----...... \ \, ......----.... ................. , ' , \ \ .. " \. ' '-" \ ...... , . ...... \, \ ...... \ "\ ............. ~ '\ .... , , \ ... B-1 \" \,'+ '. , , , . , \.\ '\ , . , \ , , , \ , "<" \ v, , , , , ", "- JE "i + APPROXIMATE LOCAtiON OF TEST BORINGS HST IiORIN':;~ COl;lJU:Hl.J er; SLACH n~T b~'~l"':', I";:. !:.l!bl,jkfhCl s.:.IL~ Atoll FDl't.!.o1.TIUJ; EXF1.0kATlulloS 1I1IH1> fhhlHY 21, l!l:~ , \............. , '- , , , , , "..----.7. : -------.. , '. I ~ , '. , . \ \ 1 .... \\ " ,6 ' .. , ,'" " .. .... r .. ....~ , - . ' \ ;: \ .: .. / ,<-...n. \ -N_ \ ", \ , , I , , " , , ! , , , , , , ..~) , , " , , " . ....--... \ , ,.: / / , - , , " '. ..--....... " , , , , , . , \><"" : ,........\\.. \ ! tr"~l"\ , /1, ,.... ',I::' '-lJ \.\ ,II,' 7 I ,1'. /,,/1 Ifl,/ ~ ./', ,.11/ ;"'/ -,'\1 ~ /;W Q!,;' TOWN OF 'm_ ,.;.'/ ",<:// SOUTHOLD ,';,/ ~~ ,..' /, ........ ,',/, ',r /1 _'~.;c' , , .' , 1 , , , , , , , , , , , : , , , / J;> 6' '. ........... 8-4 -- -........... '. " MHW' ~- fc___~ ...l;!Lt.. I..!N'tGt ~"""" / - , -'''''' __",,-.-....t.. ".-_...'...L...........'_ In.1...PJ..ljn-r- 1.1 " ~ - fLOOD BASIN ~ EXISTING DOCKS STlf1L1NG UfWEI YACHT YAU' AT GH[Nr0J:T. t~C. SlIHU:';; 'A~l~ GHt...r..;t IIA~~~. "ANItA"! L1 Avr~\"1 VILLAGl Of GntllP0U lO~'1i Of SOUTII.)L[l (OUNTT or SUHOl~ -..,..-............-.... ....._.u.......""._ --..",.-.......--- SCALE o 25'50' - 100' I '.O'O~[I' nCAYATIOI;. Ull~IIH[lING ~TTl1l"I:_i_l>.li',"I~w.A~. Il"('~lj,,"P II.." ,'I tt()AII~.. rH' ~,~",Hl r~Ulhl~ 'ASH. UPON 5UJ:VH IT TOUN~ . T..>U";':; ~.'"S. lIC1N!ll.- LAt.L SUIlVt101l~ W'VHloAHD/Ul1~. 19o} .iEVl1t~ srn. I. l~t} .nd DraNBER l1. liB} DAlVN, NH. HA llV[l lWGVlIl DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 55~ AlllA lOAD wuu.IOWI':_, NUl TO.~ 105.43 l~l~' ~...!>t7.. Nay Ii. 196. REVISED MAY 29, 1986 . DANIEL S. NA TCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. . . ... ....... .... ....... ...... .. ..... .... .. ..... . ...... ~.. . . .. .... .. ... ... ..... ..' ... ..... . .... .. - .. ..... ... . .. ... . .. ..- . . . . ... .. ... RECEIVED Suite 1100 555 A/da Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543.4002 (914) 698.5678 Office of the President Supervisor Frank J. Murphy & Southold Town Board Members Town Hall 53095 Main Road (P. O. Box 728) Southold, New York 11971 SEP 3 )~~6 August 28, 1986 T",,- C'~", C;",.tItold A.l.11!. : Ms. Judith T. Terry, Southold Town Clerk RE: BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. APPROVAL of SOIL REMOVAL PERMIT AMENDMENTS for PROPOSED EXCAVATION. RELOCATION of a TRAVEL 1FT WELL. BULKHEADING. MAINTENANCE-DREDGING. and RECONFIGURATION of FLOATING PIER ASSEMBLY PROJECHS) Dear Supervisor Murphy & Town Board Members: We have been asked by BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. (hereinafter BREWER), to assist them In obtaining the necessary SOl I Removal P~rml t to undertake the above-referenced revised Modifications to previously approved Master Plan Project(s). This letter wi I I supplement our most recent letter to you of 04/22/86 indicating that we would be seeking an Amendment to your previous Soi I Removal Permi t Approval dated 02/05/85. BREWER rel:ently received Perml ts from the Army Corps (No. 13490), a Modified Permit froln the New York State Department of Envlronment...,,1 Conservation (No. 10-8~-0766), a New Ycr!, State Department of Stat~ Consi5t~nGY Certl ficate (No. F-85-254), as wel I as the approvdls frOln b"th the Town of S(Juthold Town BOJ.rd on 2/5/85 and Southold Planning Board on 12/1(/84 dj wel I as approvals from the V~ I lage of Greenport. Wh1~h wur,~ orlglnl! Iy requested to enable BREWER to e~pdnd and upgrade their marrna However, since the submi5S~Ofi of the oriyinal Appl II~Jt Il)n(~) for ttl~ prop0sed ProjectCs) ov~r two plus Y~Jrs ago and rdc~lpt of ~ th~ nl:cQ~~;iJry rt)'Julatory approval~) earli~r thl:i y'~a(. ~c()notnl c and 10']! '; t, C f,lC t'.Jr_~ make I ~ "'::I;\;::..").J( '/ to s:~t_~X Aif1enl11llcn t C:3-; Amen,jmen t (:; 1 prevlou~lj approv0d ProJect(3) Th'~ (equ~sted sought by BREWER con51~t of a modl f'l)d de~lgn of whIch BRE'NEn b<JI'8VCS IS more lot)Lstically an,j th;~ origin-.11 e(;l)n(lmi ca II y t () the being p (,) j to' C r f d as i 0 J I': toe:) n :, t r 1j '; ~ J.nd o p ~ r 3. ~ (: _ BREWER IS now seeking a revised Soil Removal Permit (replacing the previously-expired approval to excavate a total of approximately thirty-nine thcu3and nine hundred thirty cubic yards (39,930 Yd.'5_3) from an area of approximately seventy-eight thousand tive hundred . . SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR & TOWN BOARD MEMBERS _ BREWER GREEN PORT - REVISED SOIL REMOVAL PERMIT - 08/28/86 sixty-five square feet 178,565 Ft..) lsee SHEET NO.6 - PROPOSED EXCAVATION & DOCK REMOVAL]. BREWER is seeking approval to excavate a boat basin lsomewhat smaller than previously approved Isee SHEET NO.5 PROPOSED EXCAVATION & DOCK REMOVAL, Comparison of Previously Approved Plan & Current Proposal)] and install a 25' x 45' in-ground swimming pool. IThis is a reduction of approximately 30% in area and 25% in cubic yards over the previous approval by your Board.) We would I ike to bring to the Board's attention that the one year time I i m ita s s 0 cia t e d wit h the So i I R emo val Per m i tea n i n t err up t t his Project at a critical stage or can expire just as BREWER receives the fin a I a p pro val s from a I Ire g u I at 0 r y age n c i e s . I n ma n yea s e s, a Project such as this can take up to 1.5 to 2 years to construct from the time all approvals are received from all necessary regulatory agencies. Further, it can take up to 1 year or more to receive al I the documentation for all of the approvals. Therefore, we respectfully request that the Soi I Removal Permit be approved by your Board with the condition that the effective date of the Permit to be on the dav the Proiectls) receives all necessary reaulatory approvals and construction actually beains. Therefore, the one II) year Permit will commence on said effective date of the actual construction. We would also request that two (2) six (6) month extensions be approved at this time, which would allow BREWER to complete the Project Is) in a timely manner. Enclosed, please find two (2) copies of our Specific Request for Town Board Approval of a permit for the Excavation and Relocation of the Topsoil and Other Materials to the Same Lot and Adjacent Sites, as Specified in Chapter 81-4 10 and G); "Soi I Removal" as required by the Town Code. It is important to note that the previously approved Project Is) were given a negative declaration from all environmental regulatory agencies including the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation on September 26, 1984, stating: "The proposed action wi I I not have a significant effect on the environment... the proposed project wi I I not significantly affect the freshwater aquifer of the peninsula. The peninsula periodically floods with tidal waters there by eliminating the freshwater aquifer from consideration as a source of potable freshwater to this area. It The revised excavation and bulkheading aspects of the Project Is) wi II not cut into the upland (in a northerly direction) as far as the previously approved Projectlsl. Previously. the excavation plan was to create a deep "U" shaped basin lextending approximately 400' upland from the existing bulkhead) and now BREWER proposes a "trapezoidal" shaped boat basin which paral leis the shorel ine and extends upland only approximately 220' from the existing bulkhead at its deepest <Page 2> . . SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR & TOWN BOARD MEMBERS - BREWER GREENPORT - REVISED SOIL REMOVAL PERMIT - 08/28/86 point (or an approximate forty-five percent [45%] decrease in the ex c a vat ion d i s tan c e from the ex i s tin g b u I k h e ad) . T his c omp a r i son i s shown on SHEET NO.5 - PROPOSED EXCAVATION & DOCK REMOVAL. Deposition of the excavated and dredged material(s) [which wi I I be approximately 20% less than the originally approved Project(s)] will sti I I be at the previously approved sites at BREWER's upland, at St. Agnes Cemetery immediately west and adjacent to BREWER's property, and at St. Agnes Cemetery adjacent to BREWER's on the north side of Manhanset Avenue. [See SHEET NO. 12 - PROPOSED EXCAVATION & OFF-SITE DISPOSAL AREAS Existing Topography; SHEET NO. 13 PROPOSED TOPOGRAPHY of RELOCATION SITES; and SHEET NO. 15 - ON-SITE DISPOSAL & GRADING PLAN.] For your further information, we have enclosed copies of documentation a s well a s cop i e s 0 f B R EWE R 's A P P I i cat ion C s) ass p e c i fie d below: 1 ) Support and background including: information on the ProjectCs), a) Comparison of Previously Approved vs. Revised Modi f ied Proposed Project(s); b) Project Description within the Town of Southold: c) Supporting Information i) Impact on Fresh Water Supply i i) Impact on Marsh Area i i i) Upland Relocation of Excavated and Dredged Ma t e ria I C s ) 2) Southold Board of Town Trustees as required by Chapter 97 of the Town Code - Wet lands; 3 ) Southold required from the Planning Board Site Plan by Chapter 100-130; "Zoning" Code of the Town of Southold; Approval, as - Article XIII 4) Army Corps of Engineers: 5) N.Y.S. Department of Environmental Conservation; 6 ) N.Y.S. and Department of State - Coastal Management Program; 7) Vi I lage of Greenport. We also specifically cal I your attention to our joint detai led Letter of Support to the Army Corps of Engineers, the N.Y.S.D.E.C. and the NY.S.DO.S. dated 08/27/86. This letter discusses the background of <Page 3> . . SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR & TOWN BOARD MEMBERS - BREWER GREENPORT - REVISED SOIL REMOVAL PERMIT - 08/28/86 the ma r i n a, asp e c t s 0 f the Pro j e c t C s) wit h i n bot h the Tow n 0 f Sou tho I d and the Vi I lage of Greenport, the need for the amended ProjectCs), and the alternatives considered. We would welcome conven i ence. If ca I Ius. the opportunity to discuss this application at your you have any questions, please do not hesitate to Sincerely, DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES. Inc. By, /' President OSN/jl j Enclosures cc, Army Corps of Engineers N.Y.S.O.O.S. N.Y.S.O.E.C. Vi Ilage of Greenport Southold Planning Board Southold Board of Trustees BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, I NC. <Page 4> . . SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR & TOWN BOARD MEMBERS - BREWER GREENPORT - REVISED SOIL REMOVAL PERMIT - 08/28/86 Comparison of Previouslv Approved vs. Revised Modified Proposed ProiectCsl There are several differences and approved Master Plan ProjectCsl f 0 I I ow i n g c h art at temp t s top r 0 v ide similarities between the previously and the proposed AmendmentCsl. The a summary of these: AMENDED MA S TE R PLAN PROJECTCS) in TOWN OF SOUTHOLD I I ."".., Previously Approved Net Expansion ChangeCsl Modificat ionCs) Maximum Number Boats - Southold 65 90 -28% CBoats - Total Project) C 180 l C 180) 0% Total Excavat ion Cu. Yds. 39,660 52,950 -25% Sq. Ft. 77,440 1 11 ,275 -30% Maximum Depth -8.0'MLW -8.0'MLW 0% Total Dredging I Cu. Yds. 450 450 0% I Sq. Ft. 2,625 2,625 0% Maximum Depth -8.0'MLW -8.0'MLW 0% Total Lineal Ft. Bulkhead 990 1,130 -12% Main DockCs) 750 425 +43% Finger Pie r C s) 1,080 1,360 -20% Ramps 48 288 -83% Total Pi les 65 4 1 +37 'Travelifts' 2 1 I + 1 II Swimming Pool 1 0 + 1 Excava t ion: Cu. Yds. 270 0 +270 Sq. Ft. 1,125 0 +1.125 Boat Buildings 3 2 + 1 Clubhouse Bui Iding 1 1 0 <Page 5> . . SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR & TOWN BOARD MEMBERS - BREWER GREENPORT - REVISED SOIL REMOVAL PERMIT - 08/28/86 The basic differences affecting Removal Permit are as follows: the granting of the Soil 1) The previously approved "UN shaped boat basin extended upland from the existing bulkhead approximately Four Hundred Feet C400'). The proposed AmendmentCs) for this aspect of the ProjectCs) proposes a 'trapezoid' extending upland from the existing bulkhead approximately Two Hundred Twenty Feet C220'). This represents an approximate 45% decrease over the previously approved ProjectCs) in the distance of ex c a vat ion i n tot he up I and from the cur r en t s h 0 rei i n e . It was previously determined that the area to be excavated is on a pen i nsu I a wh i ch is not cons i dered to be a source of fresh water for other areas therefore the previously approved excavation of 645' upland would not interfere with any sourceCs) of fresh water for the area. 2) The volume of material to be excavated to -8 MSL' from the approved "UN shaped boat basin was a total of approximately Fifty-Two Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty Cubic Yards C52,950 Yds.3) whereas the proposed Amendment for the 'trapezoidal' excavation to -8 MLW' r e qui res the r emo val 0 fat 0 t a I 0 f a p pro x i ma tel y Thirty-Nine Thousand Six Hundred Sixty Cubic Yards C39,660 Yds.3), or a reduction of Thirteen Thousand Two Hundred Ninety Cubic Yards C13,290 Yds.3), or approximately Twenty-Five Percent C25%) less than the original Project(s) volume. The reduction in the volume of material to be excavated wi I I provide a savings to BREWER over the initial ProjectCs) cost for excavating, t ran s po r tin g and d i s P 0 s a I 0 f the ma t e ria Is. I n add i t ion, i t wi I I mo des t I Y red u c e the time n e c e s s a r y to complete this aspect of the ProjectCs), and the overal I time necessary to finish the upgrading and r e con fig u rat ion 0 f B R EWE R 's fa c i lit Y . 3) Two travel ifts wi I I be provided as opposed to one previously approved. One (1) in-ground swimming pool, one Cl) boat building and one (1) club house [relocated] wi I I be constructed which were not covered in the previously approved project. PROJECT DESCRIPTION WITHIN THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BREWER is seeking approval to Amend the proposal previously approved by the Southold Town Board to expand and upgrade their marina, as follows: CNote: The following description only includes those portions of the overal I project which are in the Town of Southold. The project site lies partially within the Incorporated Village of Greenport and the Town of Southold. The project is contingent upon receiving approvals from both entities, as well as the other governing <Page 6> . . SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR & TOWN BOARD MEMBERS - BREWER GREENPORT - REVISED SOIL REMOVAL PERMIT - 08/28/86 regulatory agencies. For attached joint Letter of Engineers, the N.Y.S.D.E.C., the complete Project Support dated 8/27/86 to and the N.Y.S.D.O.S.) Description, see the Army Corps of 1) Excavate a "Trapezoid shaped" approximately 39,660 cu. yds. of area of approximately 77,440 sq. PROPOSED EXCAVATION & DOCK REMOVAL). boat basin and ma t e ria I from an ft. [see SHEET remove overall NO. 6 - 2 ) R emo v e a p pro x i ma tel y 225 I i n e a I fee t 0 f ex i s tin g t i mb e r p i I e bulkhead that extends from Dock *2 to the lift wel I and is located along the south end of the proposed boat basin. The excavated bulkhead wi I I be disposed of upland by a local carting company [see SHEET NO.6 - PROPOSED EXCAVATION & DOCK REMOVAL J . 3 ) Co n s t r u c tan d ma i n t a i n a t i mb e r b u I k h e a d tot a II I n g approximately 990 I ineal feet [approximately 955 I ineal feet of which is along the west, north, and east perimeter of the proposed boat basin and lift wel I, and approximately 35 lineal feet is a wood subterranean bulkhead on the southeast shorel inel. The wood bulkhead wi II consist of approximately 3" to 4" thick timber sheeting and approximately 14" diameter pi les driven approximately 14.3 feet below Mean Low Water into firm bottom materials to provide an adequate base. In addition, there will be a sufficient tie-back system consisting of vertical anchor piles that will be attached to each timber pile along the bulkhead with 2" diameter tie - rod s . Not i e - b a c k s Y stem i s en vis ion e din the are a 0 f the subterranean bulkhead. The subterranean bulkhead wi I I tie into nearby sections of the proposed bulkhead which forms the east side of the proposed basin [see SHEET NO.3 - SITE PLAN MAP J . 4) Re locate and eXDand a t rave Ii f t we II by remov i ng the ex i st i ng travel ift consisting of one (1) runway extension approximately 40' in length located between Dock *3 and Dock *4. The proposed combined travelift well (approximately 50' x 40') wi I I be excavated along the north side of the proposed boat basin and wi I I be able to accommodate a 20-ton and a 60-ton t rave Ii f t [see SHEET NO. 3 - SITE PLAN MAPl. 5) Construct. Inslal I. and maintain a series of new floating pier (dock) assembl ies [see SHEET NO.3 - SITE PLAN MAP and SHEET NO. 9 RECONFIGURATION of DOCKS, Comparison of Existing Conditions & Current Proposal], as follows: DOCK A located along the wesl perimeter of the proposed bas I n con 5 1st i n g 0 fa) a p pro x I ma tel y 190' x 6' 0 f ma i n float; b) five (5) finger piers approximately 40' x 4' I 0 cat e d a Ion 9 the e a 5 t sid e 0 f the ma i n f loa t; c) 0 n e (1) limber ramp approximately 12' x 3' located along the <Page 7> SOUTHOLD - BREWER GREENPORT - REVISED . SUPERVISOR ~OWN BOARD MEMBERS SOIL REMOVAL PERMIT - 08/28/86 at the nor the n d 0 f the ma i n f I 0 d) eight (8) timber piles approximately 12" in diameter and 40' in length located at the ends of each finger pier, adding stabi I ity to the structures. DOCK B located in the center of the proposed boat basin, consisting of: a) One (1) main I ine of floats a p pro x i ma tel y 1 85 ' x 6 '; b ) 0 n e ( 1 ) t i mb err amp approximately 12' x 3' located at the north end of the main float; c) Six (6) finger piers approximately 35' x 4' located along the east side of the main float; d) six (6) finger piers, approximately 40' x 4' located along the west side of the main float; and e) Seventeen (17) t i mb e r p i I e sap pro x i ma tel y 12" i n d i ame t era n d 40' i n length located at the ends of each finger pier, adding stabi I ity to the structure. DOCK C located in the center of the proposed boat basin, consisting of: a) one (1) main I ine of floats approximately 180' x 6'; b) one (1) timber ramp approximately 12' x 3' located at the north end of the main float; c) five (5) finger piers approximately 35' x 4' located along the west side of the main float; d) and seven (7) finger piers approximately 30' x 4' along the east side of the main float; e) twenty (20) timber pi les a p pro x i ma tel y 12" i n d i ame t era n d 40' i n I en g t h I 0 cat e d at the ends of each finger pier, adding stabi I ity to the s t r u c t u r e . DOCK D located on the east side of the proposed boat basin consisting of a) one (1) main line of floats approximately 195' x 6'; b) one (1) timber ramp approximately 12' x 3' located at the north end of the ma i n f loa t ; c) s eve n (7) fin g e r pie r sap pro x i ma tel y 30' x 4' along the west side of the main float; d) eleven Ill) timber pi les approximately 12" in diameter and 40' in length, located at the end of each finger pier, adding stabi I ity to the structure. 6) Maintenance-dredae a triangular-shaped area approximately 2,625 sq. ft. to an average depth of 8' below Mean Low Water, and remove approximately 450 cu. yds. of material as measured IN PLACE [see SHEET NO. 11 - MAINTENANCE-DREDGING MAPl. The area within the Town of Southold to receive maintenance-dredging, is located throughout the existing docking facility. All maintenance-dredging activities will be undertaken by clam shel' and barge andlor dragl ine operations. The material being dredged wi I I be placed on BREWER's upland property, semi-dried, and then relocated as described (in #7) below. <Page 8> . . SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR & TOWN BOARD MEMBERS - BREWER GREENPORT - REVISED SOIL REMOVAL PERMIT - 08/28/86 7) Uoland Relocation of the Excavated and Dredaed Material: Approximately 44,090 cu. yds. of material wi I I be excavated from the proposed boat basin with an additional 10,500 cu. yds. of material removed by the maintenance-dredging operat ions in both the Town of Southold and the Vi Ilage of G r e e n p 0 r t . A I I 0 f the d red g e d ma t e ria I s wi I I be mix e d wit h the materials being excavated and deposited upland at three different locations. The proposed disposal sites are: 1) On-site disposal of approximately 2,500 - 3,500 cu. yds. 2) St. Agnes Cemetery located adjacent to BREWER MARINA on the North side of Manhanset Avenue. Approximately 42,100 cu. yds. wi II be deposi ted on this undeveloped 11.8 acre si te lsee SHEET NO. 12 - PROPOSED EXCAVATION & OFF-SITE DISPOSAL AREAS, Existing Topography; SHEET NO. 13 PROPOSED TOPOGRAPHY of RELOCATION SITES; and SHEET NO. 15 - ON-SITE DISPOSAL & GRADING PLAN]. 8 ) RELOCATE an existing 35' plus additional bulkhead approximately bulkhead lsee SHEET NO. upland club house approximately 30' x decking 20 feet from the existing 70 feet from the to-be-constructed 3 - SITE PLAN MAP]. 9) CONSTRUCT an upland in-ground swimming pool approximately 25' x 45' plus accompanying 10' cement apron, fencing, and, screening approximately 40 feet from the proposed new bulkheading lsee SHEET NO.3 - SITE PLAN MAP]. 10) CONSTRUCT an upland boat maintenance and storage bui Iding, mast shed and bathroom faci I ities total ing approximately 110' x 120' located approximately 75 feet from the new proposed bulkhead lsee SHEET NO.3 - SITE PLAN MAP]. 11) CONTINUATION of a Reconfiauration Perimeter Condition which would allow BREWER to continually change only the 10cationCs), widthCs), and numberCs) of pi leCs), dockCs) and ramp(s) within the Reconfiouration Perimeter lIenvelopell [shown on SHEET NO. 10 RECONFIGURATION PERIMETER dated 07/29/86 prepared by DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc.] provided that the number of boats would not exceed one hundred eighty (180) and no additional bUlkheading, dredging, excavation or filling could take place without the prior required regulatory approvaICs). 12) A PERMIT CONSTRUCTION PERIOD ending 06/30/92. SUPPORTING INFORMATION Impact on Fresh Water Supply All agencies previously examined in depth the possible adverse impactCs) on the fresh water supply and concluded that the previously approved and more extensive ProjectCs) wi I I have little, if any, effect on the fresh water supply. <Page 9> . . SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR & TOWN BOARD MEMBERS - BREWER GREENPORT - REVISED SOIL REMOVAL PERMIT - 08/28/86 The proposed of an effect Projectcsl. revised modified ProjectCsJ will have even less because of the difference in size of the According to Robert A. Villa, P.E., Chief Engineer for the Suffolk County Division of Environmental Health, professional hydrologists from the Suffolk County Health Department conducted a field inspection and reviewed the previously approved ProjectcsJ which extended into the upland Forty-Eight and Two-Tenths Percent C48.2%J further than the presently proposed AmendmentCsl. Their conclusion is, that: "Since the peninsula where the Project is is not really a source of the Vi Ilage water we CSuffolk CountyJ have no objections proposal.. .11 located supply, to the In order to maintain the integrity of the fresh water/salt water interface, BREWER proposes to undertake the ProjectCsJ with the use of tight interlocking wood sheeting for the bulkhead. The bulkhead wi I I be constructed around the entire area being excavated and wi I I extend from a height of approximately Six Feet above Mean Seal Level C+6' MSLJ, to approximately Ten Feet below Mean Sea Level C-l0' MSLJ. Impact on Marsh Area A recent site investigation indicated that a section of the marsh, from its south west corner back to an existing deteriorated subterranean bulkhead, had begun to wash away. The amendments to the previously approved ProjectCsJ include replacing the deteriorated existing subterranean bulkhead and extending the new subterranean bulkhead to stabi I ize the southern edge of the existing marsh area. The proposed subterranean bulkhead wi I I be a protective barrier to prevent further erosion of the marsh due to storms, natural tidal action, backwash from boats passing through Stirl ing Basin and activities at the publ ic boat launch directly east of the marsh. Upland Relocation of Excavated and Dredged Material(sJ The proposed upland relocation of excavated and dredged materialCs) wi I I be identical to that previously approved but wi I I be Twenty Percent C20%) less than the previously approved excavation ProjectCs). Excavated materialCs) from the boat basin, 'travel ift' wel I, and al I maintenance-dredged materialCs) will total approximately Fifty-Four Thousand Five Hundred Ninety Cubic Yards C54,590 Yds.3) to be removed from the ProjectCs) site. Of this, approximately Ten Thousand Fifty Cubic Yards C10,050 Yds.3) wi I I be from maintenance-dredging within the Village of Greenport; Four Hun d red F i f t Y Cub icY a r d s C 450 Y d s . 3 J from ma i n ten an c e <Page 10> . . SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR & TOWN BOARD MEMBERS - BREWER GREENPORT - REVISED SOIL REMOVAL PERMIT - 08/28/86 dredging within the Town of Southold; Thirty Nine Thousand Six Hundred Sixty Cubic Yards 139,660 Yds.3) from upland excavation within the Town of Southold; and Four Thousand Four Hundred Thirty Cubic Yards 14,430 Yds.3) from upland excavation within the Village of Greenport. Approximately Two Thousand Five Hundred to Three Thousand Five Hundred Cubic Yards 12,500 Yds.3 to 3,500 Yds.3) of these ma t e ria lIs) wi I I be rei 0 cat e don - sit e i nor de r to at t a i nth e proper elevationls) and contourls) for improving the drainage pat t ern san d for ace ommo d at i n g the add i t ion a Ire I ate d activities such as automobile parking, boat storage, boat repair and maintenance services. There wi I I be approximately Twelve Thousand to Fifteen Thousand Cubic Ya r d s 1 12,000 Y d s . 3 to 15,000 Y d s .3) 0 f ma t e ria I ( s ) de p 0 sit e d on-site and along the east side of St. Agnes Cemetery which is contiguous to the area that needs to be fi I led along the west side of BREWER. A small section of tidal marsh grass (Soartina Al..!..) located in the east side towards the southern corner of the site has been identified; NO FILL WILL BE PLACED ON OR WITHIN TWENTY-FIVE FEET (25') OF THE MHW LINE IN THIS AREA. This special condition will help insure the productivity of this sensi tive intertidal marsh zone. Most of the material being removed [approximately Forty One Thousand Cubic Yards (41,000 Yds.3)], will be transported across Manhanset Avenue to a site located directly across from BREWER. All of the mater ial (s) wi II be trucked into the primary relocation site at a point directly across from BREWER's entrance drive on Manhanset Avenue. This un d eve I oped E I even and E i g h t -Ten t h s (11. 8) a ere sit e i s owned and maintained by St. Agnes Church and wi I I be used as a future cemetery once the area has been upgraded and improved. There has been further discussion between BREWER's and Saint Agnes Church regarding the grading and landscaping of St. Agnes' property. To the extent possible the evergreens that presently exist (which are relatively young) wi I I be preserved and replanted on either the Church's or BREWER's property. The grading wi I I be as shown on the attached Map. The surface wi I I be protected with straw mulch seeded with a hearty grass in a manner simi lar to that in which road beds or other irregular slopes are planted in highway or other construction projects. In addition, swales will be graded around many portions of the property to insure that there wi I I be no surface runoffs onto the roads and adjacent pro per tie s . The r e wi I I be a nap pro x i ma t e 25' b u f fer are a between the existing three wetlands areas and the placement of the excavated materials. The mature trees which are on the easterly side of the property and along parts of the berm of the old disposal area wi II be preserved. <Page II> . . . SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR & TOWN BOARD MEMBERS - BREWER GREENPORT - REVISED SOIL REMOVAL PERMIT - 08/28/86 In short, the primary relocation site does not represent a significant or critical environmental habitat. In addition, because of its proximity to BREWER [approximately Fifty Feet (50') south, across Manhanset Avenue], al I trucking operations to and from the area wi I I not cause any disturbance to any of the nearby residents. A temporary a c c e s s d r i ve i n tot he sit e wi I I ex ten d d ire c t I Y a c r 0 s s from the existing entrance drive at BREWER. There are no obstructions or tight curves at this point along Manhanset Avenue. A more detai led description of issues related to the project(s) can be found in the attached joint Letter of Support dated 08/27/86 to the Army Corps of Engineers, the N.Y.S. Department of Environmental Conservation, and the N.Y.S. Department of State. DSNI j I j <Page 12> << (File i~' Du~iiC.) "''-'''~; u..: o,)u,", ......"".....J,.I . TO:';:~ CLE?..K t S OFFICE Fee__ paid__ . SQUTHOLD, NEN YOR..v\ APPLICA TION FOR PERMIT FOR SAND AND GRAVEL PIT OR OTHER EXCAVATION PURPOSES 1. Name of Applicant Br'2':'rer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. 2. Address of Applicant Manhaset Ave. Village of Greenport To.-m of Southold UJUI1C.Y OL ;:'U.L.LU!k. 3 LclU:~ vI l~w ~tU.LJ.... 3. Detailed statement of proposed operations Excavate a trapezoid shaped boat basin within an area of approxirrately 77 ,440 sq. ft. to a depth of 8' below MLW and renove approximately 39,660 cu. yds. of naterial. Excavate an area approximately ., 1125 sq. ft. to install a 25' x 45' p::>ol ranging fran three to ten feet deep, rerrovinq approximately 270 cu. yds. of material. All materials being rerroved total of 40,380 cu. yds. fran all excavation and maintenance dredging operations will be relocated upland at 3 locations. SEE IEITER FRCM DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCTA'l'F.C; TN\.. dated 4. Names and addresses of all property owners of record within 200 feet of the outside boundaries of the premises wtthin which operations are proposed to . be performed. . West - St. Agnes Church - Greenp:::>rt, New- York 11944 EaSt - 'Down of Southold North - St. Agnes Church - Greenp:::>rt, New York 11944 5. The following must accompany this application unless waived by the Town Board. If applicant requests a waiver of any of the following itema, applicant should insert at the end of application subdivisions for which a waiver is requested. A. Detailed statement of the proposed operation together with a plan of the area proposed for excavation or for removal of top soil which shall show condition of the plot or premises before operations and the proposed condition of the same after operations are completed, such plan to be prepared by a duly licensed engineer or land surveyor and drawn to Bcale showing all adjoining streets, location and dimensions of premises, the location, size and use of any existing buildings. B. A topographic survey of the premises prepared by a duly licensed engineer or land surveyor showing contours at 10 foot intervals, using Coast and Geodetic Survey datum. C. Duly acknowledged COnsents of the owner of the premises and. mortgagees, if any. .' - . . D. Receipted tax bills or photostatic copies thereof or other proof showing payment of all taxes and assessments against premises [or which an application is requested. E. A proposed comprehensive plan for the rehabilitation of the premises together with a schedule of progress therefor. Such plan to set forth the ultimate contour and grade of the area upon completion of work, describing the area to be refilled, top Boiled and seeded and specifying the amount and extent thereof to be performed before December 31st of the year for which permit is being applied for. F. Estimate prepared by a duly licensed engineer or land surveyor of the total number of cubic yards of material to be removed from the property during the permit period. 6. Applicant hereby requests a waiver of the requirements of paragraph 5, sub- divisions , , , , , . seer.- 5 ;-paragraphs Tana aas-wel"I"im Section 11. Dated: August 28, 1986 ~~Plicant Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenp:>rt, Inc. Corporation By ~R,.. ~ i ature of aHi er Sworn to before me this 28th day of /' Aiiqust /~d, ~ -/..-Ntitary 7,~lic ' ~ 1986 " /l/l1?l LESUE J. MIUER -ry Public. Stat. 01 N..._ No. 4831606 Ou.llfied in Westchester County C' 7_ Commiaaion Expir.. March 30. 19.<L..r -2- .' ~ <!: ~.':j.",~,- . ..-- . TC'WN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, N.Y MAKE ALL FUNDS PAYABLE TO RECEIVER OF TAXES GEORGE MELLAS TOWN HALL SOUTHOlO. N Y l1lJ1T t.lQN TQFl'l1 gooAU TO~OOPW ClOSEO ALL LEGAL HOLlOAYS CLOSffi SAT 516-1e.5-1llro 1983.1984 TAX LEVY TAXES BECOME A l.IEN ON DEe 1ST BILL NO.- SWIS: '413801. 'ROll'SEC' :'1 ClS: 510 ACRES: .25 IlA"HASSEl'AVE :TAX-CODE:; :148 ..: TAXABLE VA.I.,.UE 291 TOWN '~3;200 ;3,~OO ' ,3,200 , .':',' ~' -~:.-~-~~~~:;- TAXES -- '101.. 8 70;. 9 718.. 8 ~ ,.,. ..,,'. ....."LAAS .. ,'-_ 'Y_ or ",-,..,... ,_ -... ~, ..,....u"c""~,_,... COu....,c____... ~':'.=".~=-..:~::..~= 1 COUNTY .~ SCHOOL SP DISTRICT. SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX. MAP NUMBER 3';-6-1 ..- ',. "'ET EXEMPT AGED EXEI.4PT QlH. EXEMPT -""~ "" -''''''_0",",,-- f- ~ . ~.~.- BREWER"S YACH'll Y1\lID"'A'T GREENPORT I MANHANSET AVENuE GREENPORT, N.Y. 11944 ')THER I LANO VALUE ASSESSED YA.l..UATION ,1000 3200 TOTAl.. TAX C 891;'6 CODe SCHOOL DISTRICT - _. ..-- "-- '"'--- PatAlTY 473810 TOT"'L RECEIVED PAYMENT SECOND HALF OR TOTAL TAX RECEIVED PAYMENT FIRST HALF TAX Reee,!'>T NC 17691 DATE !'>Alo 05-31-64 AMOUNT PAID 445.81 R'C~9f%6 o 1-~"d;:~~ A4"~rg:1fz N::'~E T.\.;o.ES ....E P"Y"BLE BY C"'ECl{ CAS'" OR MONEY ORDfR_ CHECl{S WI~~ BE "CCEPTED SU9JECT TO COLLECTION "-OR WHICH TH1$ OF,,"ICE ASSUMES ....c ;IE~o:)r-;SI9'LlTY ..c ::.o,S>< 81' "'AIL NO JRD PARTY C""Eel< POSTAGE STAMPS ..~; ~c.;:E"TEC "0 POST DA,EO CfiECl{S ACCEPT EO NOTICE. SECOND HALF TAX MAY 9E PAID AT THE SAME TIME THE FIRST HALF IS Due AND PAYABLE SECOND HALF CAN Be: ;:>.1.10 AT ANY TIME UNTIL MAY J1st. WIThOUT PENAL TY PLEASE READ THE REVERSE SIDE ORIGINA - TOWN fiALL SOUTHOLC. N 'I' 11971 MAI<E ALL RECEIVER OF TAXES "'ON TO FRI 900 A ... TO. 00 P'" 1983. 1984 TAX LEVY Ti"WN OF SOUTHOLD FUNDS CLOSEO All lEGAl.. ""OUCAYS PAYABLE GEORGE MELLAS ClOSeQ SAT TAXES BECOME A LIEN ON DEC. 1ST '31.. 1= FO:"I{ COUNTY NY TO 51f).165-1MJ SWIS . '473889 ROll SEt : 1 TAXABLE \lAlI:E TAXES '=~"~~ . ...-.....-....,' - ClS: 570 ~C RE S: 9.50 . 0 _"'. o.~...~. --....-...;... "ANHANSET ~VE COUNTY 27,900 888.03 ! '. '.:;'.:. ;~ ..~~'::-:,:::~ I 4396 TAX-CODE: 145 TOWN 27,900 1,699.56, BILL NO,- SCHOOL 27,900 6,267.26 SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP NUMBER 43.-3-2 SP DISTRICT 27,900 253.25 :"~Nc:' ';AL'--'= ! ASSESSED VALUATION Brewer's Yacht Yard At .HER 1R40Ci 27900 Greenport, Inc. " , - ,- , 'fe.TAL ~,l.X , -9 108.10 ,E. ,,).:\A"'. i ,.."EC EXEMPTI OTH EXEMPT I Manhanset Aven,.le Greenport, N.Y; 11944 , I i PENALTY ::J::E I SCI-<OOL DISTRICT TOTAL 473810 ;::IRS1' HAL~ TAX - RECEIVED PAYMENT SECOND HALF OR TOTAL TAX RECEiVED PAYMENT DATE PAID "MOUNT PAID RECEIPT NO DATE PAlO "MOUNT PAID :;:~:::.i'T i'o: 33 41 ~ 05-31-Q-Ir~s r - r ,.4 . 5 5 4.. 0,,, ''l. 29165 01-10-84 4,554.05 "'-'~E ....~ES ...r::E P.o,Y"BlE BY CHECl{ CASI-I OR ...ONEY OROER. CI"IECKS NOTICE ,,,;c:' oE "'C:E"''''-E.J SI..;BJECT TO COLLECTioN FOR WHIC"" TtHS OFFICE ASSUMES SECOND HALF TAX MAY BE PAID AT TI-!E SAl,IlE TIME THE FIRST HALF IS OUE AND PAYABLE "'.:J "lEsoG..s.E!ILln NO C"'SI-I BY UAIL NO JRQ PARTY CHECK POSTAGE ST......PS SECOND HALF CAN 9E PAID AT ANY TIME U"'TlL MAY Jl". WITHOUT PEN"'LTY .....0. ":::~"-E:J "'0 "'CST DATED CfiECl{S ACCEPTED PLEASE READ THE REVERSE SIDE I I ORIGINAL I ! . .;.".. ._'oL"'. ~. ~ - ~ .~.' ."..,-,'..-'. ~, -" "CU~~o:D=__co=tc;JJc4kr0-~-=l(\~n~QE~~~lJ' ._~~~~~=-~~ ~~- _un ___n_n____Se~~LJ,l()-~--(p------------- ------- _~u =1_____~m_2___ 3--------4= --5-------6--- -=7-- -8---- ____ ri.ijj2.:7-=- Efl____ b1-'f4/r- II , O!'J___ ___Co-Jf~~ cv ids.- ( 19 20 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 4 , , 9 10 ' II 12 13 14 15 2 , .' iT" 1)< T -- , II Ii, ___._......L _ '-L-+- ' ;L'--t- " I i 1--[ I 40; i -l-,- >: ~-:t~1 I , I --~-~~ 38 39 , , . LIST of DRAWINGS . for BREWER'S YACHT YARD at GREENPORT. Inc. Augus t 28. 1986 SHEET NO. T I HE DATE 1 GENERAL VICINITY MAP 05/19/84 2 LOCAL VICINITY MAP 05/19/84 I 3 SITE PLAN MAP Rev. 07129186 4 EXISTING CONDITIONS 05/19/84 5 PROPOSED EXCAVATION & DOCK REMOVAL Comparison of Previously Approved Plan & Current Proposal Rev. 07129186 6 PROPOSED EXCAVATION & DOCK REMOVAL Rev. 07/29/86 7 SITE PLAN MAP Comparison of Previously Approved Plan & Current Proposal Rev. 07/29/86 8 SITE PLAN MAP I I Comparison of Existing Conditions, Previously Approved Plan & Cur ren t Proposal Rev. 07/29/86 9 RECONFIGURATION of DOCKS Compa r i son of Existing Conditions & Current Proposal Rev. 07/29/86 10 RECONFIGURATION PER IMETER Rev. 07/29/86 11 MAINTENANCE-DREDGING MAP II Proposed Dock Configuration 05/29/86 12 PROPOSED EXCAVATION & OFF-SITE DISPOSAL AREAS Existing Topography Rev. 07/29/86 1 3 PROPOSED TOPOGRAPHY of RELOCATION SITES Rev. 07/29/86 14 LOCATION of SITES for SOUTHOLD WETLANDS PERMIT Rev. 07/29/86 1 5 ON-SITE DISPOSAL & GRADING PLAN Rev. 07/29/86 <Sheel 1 of 2> DRAWI~G LIST - BREWER ~ENPORT - 08/28/86 , ~ ... . SHEET NO. T I HE DATE I 16 AREA NAVIGATION MAP Rev. OS/29/86 I 1 7 RECONFIGURATION of DOCKS & MOORINGS Proposed v s . Existing Conditions Rev. 07/29/86 18 AREA UNDERWATER LAND GRANT MAP Rev. OS/29/86 19 SECTION A & SECTION B Proposed Grading Pro f i I es St. Agnes Sit e. North of Manhanset Avenue Rev. OS/29/86 20 SECTION D-D Proposed Typical Section East of Boat Basin Rev. OS/29/86 21 SECTION E-E Proposed Typical Section Adjacent to Manhanset Avenue Rev. 05/19/84 22 SECTION F Typical Maintenance-Dredging Rev. OS/29/86 23 SECTION G Typical Subterranean Bulkhead Rev. 07/29/86 24 SECTION H Proposed Typical Section West of Boat Basin Rev. 07/29/86 25 APPROXIMATE LOCATION of TEST BORINGS Rev. OS/29/86 <Sheet 2 of 2> . . I SHEET NO. 1 - GENERAL VICINITY MAP 11 \J~\J cp ~\J \>- ,C;'v ~0 'vO --~--....... -.- I ,0 UTHOLD \ '''. BAy.........." \ \ i , I . I . \ I .. \ COEI 'ar(Jau~ }OU1t $oulhoold Y.C. MAP IQood I ~[I T~CIIT rHO AT GH[~'on. lHC. JtlUll1G 1~51N ~"UNron lI~"OI IUNUAHsn UINut 'flLl""t Dr CUIWrOIT TOIINOf50U1HOlll COUNTY Of iurfOLl o I 2500' 5000' I 'Iorouo nCAVATION, 'Ul~HUD1HlI --graTT1lnrr<-ll~.U~IH~. "NU fttUIImD"^IIU~ U~ ILU'IIHCi til. "~;l-nITr7Tlllr::rr- DANIEl.!. NATCHEZ: AND ASBOCIATES, INC. ~)~ AlIlA 'DAD loIA~(.uOH:;,K,'l ~~~_.~~:l IOS.U . , . . SHEET NO. 2 LOCAL VICINITY MAP Golt Cou~ 2 .. 10 34 o 31 10 . BH o L 13 / , / ftlights 170hnt! , ,- ,. ,- Fanning PI 57 ~ --.. ....... ....... ....... ....... " 34 BREWER YACHT YARD 26 22 3' 67 2 5 "" . . B Dering Harbor Chequit I 13 11 /' /....... / I I Beach Clu Shelter _- Island Heights " VICINITY BREWER YACHT Y....RD AT GREUIPORT. INC. o I 1250' 2500' I I 5000' I STIRLING BASIN GREEHPORT HARBOR MANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPDRT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUfFOLK Dated, 05/19/84 PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BUlKHEADING J.1AJNlt.NI\t>(.;t.-LlIlt.U"ltH., ANLJ llt...UNtIGlJIIAIlllN OJ- tLUAlIN!;; rill! ^~~Hlnl rHOll!.:l!> DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 AllM ROAD IoIAIIIAWNlCCK. NEW YORK I05LJ 1\lIL) 69B-S1>7b . , . NO. 3 SITE PLAN MAP 5T AGNES CHURCH CEMETERY PROPOSE D DISPOSAL SITE --4~_ '. \. ..su:r -~'.,," ........ \ M4" .:'" '"-"'::" "':'" 'v'HANSer '. ...) .. ""'- .liVE' 'I' ) .... ':;~~'.:"~...- .......// ( C..~~ISTING............. ...........~ .::~:-.---.::.,~......_ \ \ ...~......_.... CONTOURS ............... ......... 'k> \ \ ,........ ....... ........ ......~_..-.... \ \ \ " D........._...... \'t. \ \ ~\ .......... ........... ". ....... '\ \ \..' ........8._.......--...... ... \ .... \ .. \ \ .... ... PARKING AND WINTER \ \ ...., \ BOAT STOR,AGE .. , \ \'0 '\ \ fT\ I '. .. .. '--- .. ...... ,......-..--...., . ....- \ \ ". : -....-.- ". ~\"l '" TRAN::;RMER \ ~(I'PROVe:D ... .... .. VAUL T \ \ ~-12-84) ...... .. '. I "',-6... " .... f '"i . ., RESTROOMS' :- ~ l ./ . ,.. ~ ~ -....- \ .............. '- . , . ". '. . . . , , , . , .. , , , , , . , 5ERVI'CE AREA '. " mh0 J ~--- -mLW >':::::86' DocKi R81' . ... DOCK? ~q ,00 I"~ Do 'c;7 d '-.i PROPOSED RECONFIGURATlON OF FLJ)ATING PIER ASSEMBLIES -. ~-""_. ~::;~,~:-- :;;,rN";J~":".... ::::'::.~~~:'.1~~:":'- SITE PLAN MAP SCALE o 25' 50' 100' r _ "1 uno'ER YACHT YARD AT OREEHPORT. IIlC. STiRlING BASIN GR[[WPORT 1l^/lBOR 1.o,IlIlANSrt AVENUE VILLAGE Of GREENPORT t01l1l or r.oUTlIOLD COUNTY Of surfOL~ PROPOSED nCAVAT1~BULI(IlEAD1NG ---gXTATrRXRtt=U]lDGIAC, ANU fl:tmrnrmnTlnll or ~LO^lINCi l'llk A~SU1IlLr t'RU~ hSED UPO>> SUIIVEV BY YOUNG' YOUNG H.Y.S. LICENSED LANtl SURVEYORS SURVEY DAltO JULY 2f1. 19~3 UVlStO SErl. 1, 19ft) .,.d DEC.EMBU 27, 1983 DA1Ulotl l.IUH SEA LEnL (NGVD! DANIEl. S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. s~s ALDA JlO...D I l.IAMARONIiCK, HEll' YOIIl( IOSJ.3 19UI698.567& tot.)' 19,1964 Revised: 07/29/86 ....iED 11'011 &\lnn n VOU~"; a VOuwc I.V.5, LlClNHD L.UD SlIlvnon SUWYlT I>~UD JlllY 2lb, 1~1) lnolnD SHT. I, 1911l u4 DEtUlItl n, 1911) DAhlW, WiAH SU LtVlL IWGYDl , -"'- \ , . -4 NO. EXISTING CONDITIONS SHEET EXISTING CONDITIONS "- ~ "1 , --==- -:~'.<::::::.:::.:.::. \.~.4I\1H.4I\1SEr "<:, '.,~~) ......) .:::.:.....--::::..:0.... ..:::~~..::::::"--:::.~.~ ~~~~"'''''..-.'' .......-. \ :" ............ ~~ ...... \ '. ..........-..-..... ....,.. '/,O \ ," ...,..... "'" "'-.. 9 --.. '" ~ " \ ......... .... .....----.... '.'-.... \ \:>.... \\ EXISTING .,.......8.........<... .~.:.. , \ "'" ... CONTOURS '\ ~'m \ \ .... .... \ t'T\ \ ' ...... .. .)::. I \ """ (""-'- 7 -______.. ". \ ~ I , .... I .... ~\:-...' t '-, ........ \ ..... \ .. '.. '. .... .... ...... .... I .. ...... ....--....... ..... : 6.'.., '.... \ ...... '(;'... (" "-.I; '1r.- "'\, ,,\ ;:' \. \ 't .... ./ \ ~ '4' / ~?:) '.s, \ /-:-.. \.~-' ','o \,. ~._- \ 0 " '. \\ '\ '..,.... \, '( \', '\ ~_... '\ 0"",.". i (-- \ '- .. " ~ \ \ .. I ~tx-~... '.... ....: : 0"\.....3,. , ',I I: J"'::';;",:..\ , .....--.... .... : I I '.-1 "\.~ '..._--"",/ \ \ ;.\ : hI .\ ',\ ...,: \ : '.:::,' '0/ \'\ , I ,/I, , \ I ,II, ..' \,. "f'/ _~J I / :,',:, 7 I I I "II :' :,' ill'l '. ',J /,')1 Ji TOWN "'-",-" ~/,;:: ~/i OF' --.-.-.- ill ~II SOUTH OLD /'!/ /1 ...' /J I-. /--',.(.'f:,y,f' : .., >-.._./1 I ~ ~ -..-..~ ..................... "1' Yf!-h~GiA1IiW 15' DOCK 5 ST AGNES CEMETERY , , '. ........ , , , , , , \ '. ~ . . , I , , , , ! , , , , , , , . , ..~.' ................. WOOD BULKHEAD ..... .-.......... -....- DOCk, 2 Il, 1 DOCK 4 S"RLING BASIN F%~L~ nEwn YACHT VUD AT CiU[II'On IIIC. HULINCi lU11I GUEti,OPT 11.....0. W"'NII~HHl "'H~UE 'fILLAGEotCI([N'OIT TowllotloOUTItOLD COONn or surroLl ".o,onD [le"VATION, IVUIIUltlNG 1,IAIN I tN~IIL<_lJ.il.l~'Nv. "'N~ '<\"UNII"U"II.J~ oJ, Ilu... 'IN... ~Hln-'Ild. SCALE o 25' 50' ~ 100' , DANIEL a. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 55SALIM.OAD IU.lU.ON[Cl, Hti '0._ IDS/.] lil.lt,ojl>.!>bJo W.ylji.l~ . C} <:> <:> , '" "J:l . PR<POS EO afFfmAD A UNO BOA BAS IN "- ~ "i SHEET NO. 5 - PROPOSED EXCAVATION & DOCK REMOVAL Comparison of Previously Approved Plan & Current Proposal -- ~ "'- \ "'ll ~ ~~l) "'ll m~z~ omm o-lcn -m ~ !il;:o () -< ~-<e ~ 2 ;;1 r\ Z ...... m '. . , , , \ , PROPOSED NEW EXCAVATION '. ". ~c {o <'~ -- _ou__. ~;::jJ.r:.:-- ?.1;.=:.:.;;;.-;:-:...... -.-.........-..... SCALE o 25' 50' 100' . - . COMPARISON OF PRE VIOUSL Y APPROVED PL A N e. CURRENT PROPOSAL PROPOSED EXCAVATION AND DOCK REMOVAL i!Rf:....Efl Y1.CHT YARD AT GR[[MI'ORT, INC. STlRLlNG IlAS1H GR[ENPOIlT HARIIOR ),tAHIIAHSET .......EllUE V1LlAGE or ORE[HPORT To....n Of SOUTlIOLD COUNTY Of surfOLX PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BULKllEA01HG --UXHITEHAHLt.-URll.Il"IHI.o. ANU 1fl~1lXT\1lO ----mil ;.!>!>HIIILT rHUILLl:. USED UI'ON SUllVEY BY YOUUG . YOUNG H,Y.S. L\C[llSEO lo'.l>D SURVEYORS SUIlVEY D^ TED JULY 26. 19~J REVISED 5EI'T. I, 1963 and DECEMBER 27. 1963 DATUk: MEAN SEA LEVEL !tlGVDI DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, IN 555 ALOA ROAD I "'A"'ARONECK, NE\! YO~K IO$U l'3ltI6'3S-5678 1-1''1'1'3. 1911L Reviled: 07/29/66 "U ~ ~ ~6) "U ",S:zfl omm ;Ii o-1cn!8 -m .., lG :v () -< ~-<E ~ 2 ;;l . prilo~1trgo Ee~~~gfl ISPOSAl" y . '" SIT! ---;..".. ...... .. M .... ...........~. ". "1NH4"<'" ". .... '. ..,...... 'y"~-:r \~) .} \ .....-:-::.:' -:.::.:-~ AVE' ~". ,:' ~..._..., "~"" ........... .".--.--.:.... './1... \ ( ........ ...... ..... I " ........ .......... \ .. ........... ....... \ \ .............. " I .. ....... "'.. \ \'\ ...... , ' , , ' , \ ..... \ \ ...... '\ \.... .. \.... .. , " \ \ '. '.... I \ ....... I \ .... /',......._-... 7 -"_..._ I ".: -,.. \ \ "'I " \.. " , '. ..........- \ \ .... ........ \ , , .." I " ,'" " " , , \ , , "" is <::> r '" :l:l SHEET NO.6 - PROPOSED EXCAVATION & DOCK REMOVAL " ~ "1 -. ~ .",- \ ..., , ~ ./ "~":Xl ,':,... \0.- '. ......... \"1> \. ~<::l ... .~ , \ .,' ,-- , " , \ \. : (..~~.~. , I ,',". .~.. : : /:J""'\' .~ t :.','1 ',\ I I::;' ... ,\\ I "',1 .." . ,I',. " / ///1 -t' I' j",' /~ Pi !<J ' .' t.l!/::} ~/i J &3 'h /~:t; /1f~J! /.'.: ::; //t 15. J..:. /,;/ 4'. 'fJ:::.)~ L' 'I' (,) C/j ,.... /'l" .~. '\, I l \ . ........~ !bJ ---"'-. . vi~t.cfi.-%I- 12~1 ""~E&ISTlNG IV Wl<~!~--.......... j UL/(}ltAO 000 '-'(r _ REMOVED TO BE DOC!( , sr'RUN~ DoCK ~ BA.SIN 6 . . . \ '. (-~..~ \. ..,/ .. EXISTING CONTOJRS PRCPOSED 9JW~~.l.D A UNO BOA BAS IN ,'. Z '.... rn ...... , , , , , \ , , \ ". . SCALE o 25' 50' 100' ~ , ~O( {o ~~ -- ---.,;-- d:::;';;!::;-- .. ~ -.....-.-.--.... ......._...........c..._ -.-.......,........ PROPOSED AND DOCK EXCAVATION REMOVAL BRt:\lER YACHT YARO AT GREENPORT. INC. STIRLING BASIN CR[ENPORl HARBOR 'tAHllAIISET AVEIlU[ VILLAGE or GREENPORT TO.....1l or SQUTllOLD COUNT,Y or SUffOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BULKHEADIHC --,:{ATflTtllA1R:r:ml'rllGlh'u, AND JI1.~I11:TlU~l5XTTl/C -mil A~SHlil\.Y t'ROIL(.:H BASED UPON SURVEY BY yaUUG 1 YOUNG H.Y.S. LIC[J~~[D lAND SURVEYORS 5URVEY Duro JULY 2a, 19dJ REVISED SHT. I, IS83 IlId DECEMBER 21, DATUI~: MEArl SEA LEVEL llIGVDI 1953 DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, IN 555 ALOA ROAD I.lA~tAROIl1::CK. HEW YOHK 105'3 19ILI6911-567B lollY -J9. 198L Revised: 07/29/86 ....UD UPOJI lunn IT ,"ouw.:;a YOUIIG Il.l.5, LltlllHII LUlt/ sunIYOU allnn IIH!1l JULY a, 19dJ nVlStD un. I, 19JJ..,d DtCE\I8U n, UIl IIHUWIIUAllliE.\UYEt. IIIGYIII ~ -N_ \ . \> ~}~ ~) ~-';.""\::::::.:~.:.:, \M41\1, ~ f C -'. ..... . ,...... ;.<,'.4NScr \ ' ').. .....--:; -:,.~. .4VE' \ (~..~ ~~~...'~ ........ ':':-~~.~"--::--'''I~'':::.'.'II. \ (. EXISTING .............. ........... 'i..,.. ---....:.':.:::w.....~.... \" ........~... CONTOURS ...~.......... ........Ib \ \ \ ........ ..... ....... .. -.~~~-.. \ \ \ \. "\.. "lJ..___.~_ l\. \ \ "', ......~. ...... ". ".- '.. ..... \ ....8_...-...." ... \ \\ .....,. \. PARKING tND WINTER \~.. \ \ OOA.T TORAGE \ \'.. " ....... '\ \\ OJ , '. ...---.. 7 .. \ ~ l \ .... l -- ----_ ". .~..~ \... PROP~~e.~ ....l.\. \' -.... .... B~'-,~........1.d ~ '.. ~ . .... '..~ SHEET NO. 7 - Compar i son of Approved Plan Proposal SITE PLAN MAP Previously & Current = = - PREVICUSLY ;,pproJEO f1.ClIl.TS 0JRRENr l'AJPaim Fl..OI\TS ST AGNl'S CHURCH CEMETERY PRoPosED DISPOSAL SITE 'meW' ,to ~q ,00 <"~ PROPOSED RECONFIGURATlON OF FLOATING PIER ASSEMBLIES COMPARISON OF PREVIOUSLY APPROVED PLAN a CURRENT PROPOSAL 'Hilt) 'l'ACIlTYAlDAT eR[[IIPOIY.1IIC. STIRLIIlO 'HIH CUll/POn llAno. LlAllltAIISn AVEI/UE VllLAGI 0' elUIIPoRT TOil II Of 5OUTUOLll tOUl/ry or SUr'Oll: ~~MI~~m~~:~ n"tOlm~J.TlUIi UI ILlMllllCi ---ntJo A~H)lnT rluITCTS-- --...-.. ~::;j:C;--- ~r_'::1':"'''':''~.. ~:;::'::::~I~:::':''''' ,SITE PLAN MAP SCALE o 25' 50' 100' ~ , DANIEL 8. NATCHEZ AND ASaOCIATES, INC, 5~5 ALOA lOAD , IoIAlUlOllrCl, NEil TO~' loSl.J UIO 69'_561. 'Mor 19. 19U Revised: 07/29/86 UUD UrOlll\llYlrn 'fOUNllITOVNG I,T.5. LlC:lNHIl LAIlD JIIAVlTalS . 5U~Vn DAUIl IIILt n, "13 IUIStD n/'T. I. IU] .IId I!lCClollU 17. UIl DATUM. loI1.u itA LUlL IIIG"II . " c, o r '" '" SHEET NO.8 - SITE PLAN MAP Comparleon of ExIsting Condi- tIons. Previously Approved Plan & Current Proposal \ ''''- \ -Ea&~Mt~~~ ~"'-, M'4..v. -. . . . ;<(.4NScr ""-.. "- ~ BREWER YACHT YARD Ar GREENPOR,T, INC. PREVIOUSLY o APPROVED CONFIGURATION ~-~-, EXISTING '-___J FLOATS . !;~POSED /:lmTS AND He' CIIURCIl ST t!;"E1ER1 '~,EO P><-;,\. sl1E lJ\'PO'~ 'i-:- &ci'"", '!toEt '-:~ .~ c-._""_ li T " ~ CJ o Q co iJ o Q SCALE o 25'50' 100' ~ , Q iJ o Q JUlin 'fACKTTA_DAT llllENrOn, IIIC, STIHllle 1AU/1 C~[EIl'OIT HAUOR IolAIlKAIIHT"YIIIUl YILlAGt or ll_u"rOlT TOIIII or SOUHIO~1I eOl/IITTOrll/nOLi 'IO~~~[1l [JCAUTlON. 11IlIH[ADINC 1!ITlrntr-tn'["[lC11l~U- .!~~~t:~Ir,,:~k~~~I~:1 u;~01~~~ ~ lilt; ~~. ~ -= ---- j'::;:;,f,::- :=-:.:__...:.....:...~.. =.-::.:~~.::;:.::::.:.- S IfR.!../ tvB ~..o( ~O ~ BAS/tv DANIEL 8. HATCHEZ AHD ASSOCIATES, INe S55 "~IIA 10AII ...."MA.OlllCt. 11[11 TOil IDSJ.J !l11I "1-5511 ,..,II,1I1t Revised: 07/29/86 JASED UP'ON SURVEY IT YOUNG l YOUNG N.Y.S. L1CENSED lAND SURVEYORS SURVEY DAHDJULT 26.1963 REVISED Sr.I'T. I. 1983 .nd DECEMBER 27, 1963 DATUIolI MEAN SEA LEVEL INCYOI \ -"'- \ S C\\\lRC\\ S1 "~~1ER~ ~Rci?OSE~Iit. Q\SPOS"\. ............ . ". ~~~.~.~ ti,t. &'~ -'" -- ---- J;:;:;jr:.;-- =.:.-::::~;..-.:~::::.:.~ . ~~~~m\Ln: -... - -. . .M4:VH4Nscr ....-.. '.- SHEET NO. 9 - RECONFIGURATION of DOCKS ComparIson of Existing Con- dl t Ions & Current Proposal "" CO CO r '" ." " A ~ BREWER YACHT YARD Ai GREENPOR,T, INC. EXISTING FLOATS · ~Wk~SERND '-------. l- _ __J t- ~ () o c . -~::.~.. . ,', ~.:J &~'" 'ito"" ~ 'f-:::~ .'" ":..../. "" ~..... ...,", . ..E.~ ~:. . --. T "<:" ~ () o c " .. C~~L._. l1J if o c SCALE o 25' 50' 100' ,....... , () if o c BREWER TACKT YAllD AT GRt:ENPORT. INC. STlRLlNGJASIN GREENP'ORT MARIOll WANHAHSET AYENUE VILLAGE OF CREEHI'OllT TOWK or SOUTHOtD COUNTT or surreLl PROP'OSED EXCAVATION. II,lUHEADING )oIAINllNANl..l_llNlll"IH", ANIl IlLUNt ILL/kAIIUN Ur ,LUAIIN" !'Ilk A~~HIBLf !'RUILd:' c if o c Si/RL./tvG ~O( ~O ~ BA.S/tv DANIEL S. NATCHEZ ANO ASSOCIATES, INC 555 AlOA lOAD "'^"ARON~CIC, HEll YO.lK IDs.L3 191"698-567& J"-y 19.195( Revised: 07/29/86 , . . SHEET NO. 10 RECONFIGURATION PERIMETER ~ ~~ (( (INo 1 ~ : 'I/-t.yIV /:J ...... S~S966.ZS N. I v .......... Z~$SZJ6 fiSC' " .::::" ~ LAr. 41.06'JO]$$O~. ~ LO/ll6. 72 02/"9 02716' - f ~ -N_ \ ST AGNES OHURCH CEMETERY P!1OFOSE b DISPOSAL SITE "26.167.96 N. 24$2766.4.1 E. LAr4'''06'J4BIISII'' LONG. 7Z"21'2~.09646" ............ '. it!! .126124,94/11 2452709,''': E. ~ LAT. 4/"06 32.42/0.1 " LO;'I(;, 72 "2"2$.89990 ,.. ~O ,0" I"~ I?' --y~ 325919.26H. ) ~~V:~iR7 ';0.29460" LONG. 72~1'19.'1105. -- --.,,-- :i::;;j:C;-- ~!:=:~:~l~''::!'" SCALE 025'50' 100' r.:-. '1 lAnD UI'OIl SURVEY IlY YOIlWG . YOUflG ".'t.!.. LICtNHD l~Ht. SUIIVEYORS SURVEY PAlED JULY 2b, 19BJ nV\!.[tl St1'l. I, IS!) uld DECHIBER '27. I9!3 DkTUl.l. l.lE/..N SH Lt'ltl IHGYDI RECONFIGURATION PERIMETER EZZ2 .'1260el 58 /II. 24:IJ.?9l'./vC'. LAr 4/D06'.JJ.68616~ LONG.1'2. Z,'/8.2406,J" ~ER YACHT YAIID AT GREENPORT. lNc, STULlHO BASIN GR[[NPORT lIARBOR ~ANIlANSET AVtNUE VILLAGE or GREEHPORT 'lOWH or sou'lllOLD COUNTY OF SUfFOLK PROPOSED [XC^VATI~UlKHE^DIHG ---uhlAirRXArr:n1lDGIH~, AHU tyC:~T1!lll Ot rLUAlltlG -nrrrnrlTDtr1'lfll~ DANIEL 9, NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INr SSS ALoA ao...o I ~^\'u'ROII[CK, HEW YOMI( IO~4J 19U1 6~8-567b . J.l.)' 19, 19a, Revised: 07/29/86 ~tES ~\lRC\l 5'1". cE~E1ER6 ~S\"tE tl\St'~- . . . ~FfJ.1R!f€s CHu ~"-o9i i{i. SHEET NO. 11 - MAINTENANCE-DREDGING MAP Proposed Dock Cont Igurat ion E I'- -'" ~ --- ~, ... -....._. ~f41\1~AA, .-. . '7"'''IScr -..--.. \ "'l-l- \ E PROPOSED MAINTENANCE DREDGING - ~~~~D~6 f~1HkN DA1UM: .MEAN SEA LEVEL WJ D s~Q:yJ\l rlto9:> ~ SCALE o 25'50' 100' ......-- I PROPOSED 600' DoCk ---. j:=;:J~;-- '::"'--.:=~~~. =.-=...-=..-.:::::=-- CONFIGU RATION STIRLING BASIN A ~ ...EB~ FLOOD. '.O~~[D [%CAVAT10N, IUlKW[ADINC ....INILl...'h...t.UWtl,l..j"... ,u..u .L....O..; IL.UW"', l;')l> ,jt .Lu...llh... 1'1 L_ ...l>~U.l~Ll 1'~..,IL,-Il> IA5EO UP'OIoI SURVEY 11' YOUNG . YOUNG ".1'.5. LICUl5ED UNO !>UIIIETOIfS 5UllVn DATtD JULY ~ 19"1 ![VISED Si:!'T. 1. 19"3 and DECtWBtR 21, US] CAHIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 5SS ALDA 'OAt' ! NANARONlC.l. N[1o' YOWl" JOS<:J (91.1:1695-5076 'hy 19.196.1. . . SHEET NO. 12 - PROPOSED EXCAVATION & OFF-SITE DISPOSAL AREAS Existing Topography p\ ~/OUs SIT~ISJ)OS",l. ..0 12 .~ 9.0 A :fq1,h'ACIq Pdq, Y.qo , 1He. u> '" z o -< '" '" " n :J: STIRLING BASIN ~ t9J ~~ -" SCALE o 50' IOd = PROPOSED OFF-SITE DISPOSAL EXISTING EXCAVATION AND AREAS TOPOGRAPHY HEliER Hetty fUll AT C;~[[IIPO.T. INC. STUlING 8~5111 G~HNPOKT HH80~ IotANI1ANSET AV[HU~ VILLAG[ orCU(NPOAT TOIo'NOFSOUlIlOltl CO\WH OF surrOLK BASEDurOH TOr(l(;~APl(lC MAP riVe [^SH~N TO",'1I5 5UrfCU COlllln. II. Y. 511rE1 11:1. HIl_W S.UHOU eDlIlln lltHKHllNT or rUkoLIC ....J~~s UA1UI" "'l"'fSI.A LLVEL '.0'05[[1 nCAVATION, BUUHrAUIHC II'" I II II.H^Hl.l-U~ ell" I 11(.. A"I) n~l"I"'U~^lh.lH <.It tl-urnm-.. rll.~A"UI~LlrNU~ OANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND AS'SOCIATES, INC. sssuu. 'OAO "."'WQHICK. Ill'" TOH lC;.~J 19H I o~r._SLJ~ lol,y l~, 19" Revl sed: 07/29/86 . 4' STIRLING BASIN \g \\. UUD U~ON toroauPlIlc J.{AP 'IV&USTUIl TOIIII' lurrOLXCOUIlTr,Il,Y. EIlUT IHI, 1l1l-tQ 5urtOLKCOUIlT1 IltrUUltllT OF rll~L1C WCRIlI PATU)II)Iu'IlIiULtVtL ",nou cou.n TU ~.. ".11"". ..,..,. 'Go" <""'cu <"N"'''' : =.:~ :: ~::::::::: :::. : il :~::~. ....u,^'""...PUG....WIT. '"',_"._1-> . SHEET NO. 13 - PROPOSED TOPOGRAPHY of RELOCATION SITES <.0 '.0 ~I?Elyf /0 ~opo~d"4CHr CO}tr~ CO..v,e- 'Gv ~rION 160' U~~'A~ P-90..o0 "0 000~ ~ N PROPOSED TOPOGRAPHY OF RELOCATION SITES ',OPOIIO "'.00""" ot nc",,""" "Tn_"CTn " ~f~~~;~{:~::j~;:~~J/]~~k~':W~;:::~:~~;~~~y'~;~~~[i~~~ .....", ~"'... 1>.,...... ..ow. _ .'" ..... 11 ~g~t;:]~~~.:~~':!1;;;f:;:::~~ii:r;5.:~!:~:~:':.~..: ,~~F~ )l ....... ........" ~m.. .'u' w". _,l..d .."..... ~....,.". "."w,.',,," ."..,..............w"'...mu...w.".,.."..... SO ~:.;~.:;::~. n. w.".." ...." w.". .".. '.' w."... ..... _oil "~'.TO'.....v.'..wlll..........,...<".. Ul )> Z ~ E5 l is> SCALE o 50' nd = JUIIEI VJ,CUTYAlD n ljRtlllPOIT. IWC. UlRtlllo BUill GIELI/POIl lIA~UD. I.uUUAII~ET AHtlUt VILLAGt Of OAHII,on TO....fIOfSoulIiOLO CoulltyorsuHOLl r,O'OUO[ICAVITloflL..IULKlIUOII/Il --Rl:TIlTnXCer;o'Rr~GTPc~ ~mWnTTtJTrnn-rOllffltl rr-nmTmI'Rorrrrr- DANIEl. a. t!ATCtlEZ AND ABSOCIATE8. IIl0. 3~5 ,uPI lOAD ..UW....OllfCK, 1101 YOU 10513 l~fll tll_~~l! ~I)' IS. IS6~ lIeVISElJ W.I~'94. ll~vIS~O Revised: 07/29/66 . . SHEET NO. 14 LOCATION of SITES for SOUTHOLD TOWN WETLANDS PERMIT ...- _______ / .'lL / :;::.~ -It Jt.,,' ~\.Jt. " \~(j-{ .JtJ.g~..... :\~~t'Vl-__--#- . '.0 U> ,. z o -< STIRLING PROPOSED AREA TO BE DREDGED BASIN ~ ~o \'b ~'- UPL;~:~ SCALE o 50' pd = LOCATION OF SITES FOR WETLANDS PERMIT !IlWU ucnT THD U C;U[N'OH, IIIC. HIHIIlG HHI< GUll/rORT It....uo. ~....HIIAIIStt AV(NUE VlllAla or eHll/roll lO\o'lIorSOUlI,OlO COllIHf or SUHOU usn urON torll(;_A'lIlC ~Ar rlH U~HkN 10,"'11$ 5UHc:n CUUIUl. II. Y. SIlHI II~. IIII_AO SUrrOl\;COUII1Y IllPU11111l101 l'ulollC W:lUS IIA1U.., MlAN !oLio LLVU. "OPOHP[ICAYATIOII, .UIKllrAlllllG --U;nRrrrnflCr:y,~~C;-Xk(j -- tlu1llnnJnTl"J1nrrTl'Gml~ ~IltTl'IffiI'''I~ D,l,N1EL S. NATCHEZ MW o\S'SOCIATES. IHC. SSS ALUA 'OAP NAIoIA~O"1 ~l. Ill" 'O"l IO~!l I'll I b9'.~b1" . l.tor l~, 1!l1I Revised: 07/29/86 EDGE OF MARSH (APPROX.J . . SHEET NO. 15 ON-SITE DISPOSAL & GRADING PLAN ':':' <::> <::> .- '" '" ON-SITE DISPOSAL AND GRADING PLAN \ ~,..- \ __ ri;,\.jR.NES eN SECT. ~:nJSm1f~ ~ SllJ::_ I M41\1}f. -,--.. .... . '.4I\1SCT '.. I ..~.. ~Vl: '.'- .::-", '.' AREA TO BE FilLED ,... ~ "i ~ t:% ~ NATURAL SCREENING tttS C\lURC~ S1 ~"'E.1~6 ~S\1E O\SPU' oJ' sfvC#", r"oc:" '-b SCALE o 25' so' 100' ~ , ~ ---" J;::;tr.:.:-- ---_.- --.., _.._.w~..,._._ -.-.......--. ~o <<&\. " ,.rYE' HtHT fUll U CUlllron IHt. nUlllIC 'A~lH CU[l/rOIl IIAUO. I,UNIIAIIHl AV[IIU[ V1LLAGl Of cunwon lO,",1I011.OU11l0lD (Olllln or ~urlOL~ '.O'l'lSU' UCAVATIOII, IUtnIlAl'IIlC ~AI~lII1A~Ll_~nll...rll~ ~~:~~ ~;~tll~1 ~:,irrW~ STIRLING BASIN UUI' url\l; '\'11'1'1 n 1(11'11';'. hll'''L 11.1.'. lltlHU' tOllh W.VllUW~ ~UHl' U'lU' lULl )1., lq~.l . nVIHI' ~1r\. I. I~~) ORd lllrllll"~ n. "~l OA1UI/, ..[.~ ~l' UHI IN',\"I', Olo.NI(L S. N,I.,TCHU. AND ",SSOCIATES, INI ~~~ ALl.. lOA I' 1ol'1ol'IO~1 (l, ~I II YI>H Ir~L.l I ~ll' L~~.~I.J~ "" ~ l~, '~I-. Revised: 07/a9/86 . I SHEET NO - . - AREA NAV I GAT ION MAP '"'' h-" o 250' 500' I 1000' ~ ~f!# h ~ AREA NAVIGATION MAP BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. STIRLING BASIN GREENPORT HARBOR MANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BULKHEADING MAINIENANCE-DREDGING. AND RtCONFIGURAIION OF FLOATING PIER ASSEMBLY PROJECTS BASED UPON DEVELOPMENT PLAN VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. N. Y. JUNE. 1967 DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 ALDA ROAD MAMARONECK, NEW YORK ID543 19141 698-5678 May 19. 1984 REVISED MAY 29, 1986 . . . SHEET NO. 17 - RECONFIGURATION of DOCKS & MOORINGS Proposed VI. Existing Conditione ~~. ~ -~ ~~iS~m\n: --. '. -. -. . M4NH.4NScr .....--.. "- "'" D D r '''' ";1> "- ~ "l r--l iDITION.AL. : I ~~~OR l..__.J "I BOCKS 0) ~~o~~~10 ~---- EXISTING L- - - _J FLOATS , -""- \ BREWER YACHT YARD Ai GREEN PO R,Tj INC. S CI1URCI1 51 ~~~lER~ ~flcii'OSE.~ 11t. O\SPOS~1. gROPOSEDND Ie Ph:itsTS At ~" ~,~... ..., . ,. s~~,... iftO[t .r-::::t " ~~I , " -' --. -- - T -- ---- 0"" ~ (J o c - - o A ~.~ en CRos o lJ o c o SCALE o 25'50' 100' .....-.! , o o c ~ (J o c BREWER HCIIT YAIlD AT GRtEHI'ORT. IHC. STIRLING US1N CREENI'OU HUle. J.I...N\I....IlSETAVENUE YILL^GE or GR[[NrORT TOWN or SOUTHOlD COUNfY or surrOLl I'ROPOSEO [XC....VAT\ON. .UUHE....01NG ---.rAIIH IN,o.NCl-DRlU(,INl,,, ANU- HLUHtl<..UhI\IIUIl UI tlU"IING I'!t.k A~~HI~l..I t'~UJL...llo ---.. 'j;::;-..r.:-;-- ~:-=:.;.:-.:~:: :.:.~ o o ....!iED UPON 5URVty BY YOUNG 1 YOUNG N.T.S. LICENSED LANO 5URvnoRS SURvn DAltD jUlY 21>. 1983 REVISED SF.PT. I. 1963 tnd DECEMBER 17. 1983 01.TUI-I, I-lE^N SE^ LEV[l INGVDI s I{ RU No ~~.o( ~o "'\ . 0'0>"'- 8~SIN DANIEl. S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, IHe 5SS^LDA ROAD W.\lo(ARON1Cll.. N(" lORt IOSl;3 19"1 698-Sb7l> Iohy 19. 196' Revised: OU2JU86 (!) ~ --~ -1__ CJ:U) J::':t CI) l1J .Ii '1~;~"T. PhCrTrJN .t Ahn:1;'.9"~ 6E7P;!yTt: I~ ,. ~E:l" 90} I ~v~ .a <,; . o I 125' 250' . SHEET NO. 18 - AREA UNDERWATER LAND GRANT MAP I?OOFf:?r I-l __ (J' ',.,'FSnw I.VGRAA/[) "'" f:? CHAPMAN . "'1 b.t~,Q't. I I I ~/ c-N"'..r.J::''''~O' '" .:.1. . t., ~ ~. ....r~. "",,,, . " . ~-J(J If' 1.so. 'i>R~~~O il>-C\\~ AREA UNDERWATER GRANT MAP LAND '//.c---9'BEn>T Fi t~ /"i /9u d /.'..-9LJI/.rj/11 '....,D.=>rcO!,/.:.) ~ .". #"$1, dt:"~ Co . "!J 71. BASED ON A COPY OF WATER GRAWT INDEX MAP 119 OF SUffOLK COUNTY jr,tt/l'~- -' Ifr1't.fS ",' ;A.SJOCIA110N SAJlDY' PfAC~r N. V. (71'306 01' GlfLl\,':9J76 1. (I .~ /\/19 7, 19) L!~'" f V' BREWER YAClI! YARD AT GREENPORT. HIC. STIRLING IlASltl GREENPORT tlAR1!OR t-l"NllANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN Of SOUTltOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BUlKHEAD1NG ---,;rXT'RTtll~rnr:TI1G.AI<D IITcn~TmN m ,LUAIING -~5nlllLY rHllIl:J.:I~ 500' DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 ALOA ROAD ~^M^RONt:CI(. HEW YOHI( lDStJ 191'1698-567& I.hy 19. 19B' ~v~SED MAY 29, 1986 PREVIOUS ,~ SPOILS ~ AREA . EXISTING BERM P~POSED G OUND PR FILE PREVIOUS SPOILS ___ AREA EXISTING BERM . SCALE o 25' 50' I ' SHEET NO. 19 - SECTION A & SECTION B Proposed Grading Prof! les - SI. Agnes Site North of Manhanset Ave. SECTION A PROPOSED FILL ~ .~~.. " ...~.... SECTION B MANHANSET AVENUE FRESH WATER ~'O' 5' o POND .N....~.'~ MANHANSET t15' AVENUE 10' Y o 7 -- BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. STIRLING BASIN GREENPORT HARBOR MANHAHSET AVENUE VilLAGE OF GREENPORT tOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BUlKHEADIHG M^INT~NANLe-UR~D~IN~. AND Rl::COIHIGURAIIOH OF HUAIING i"lJ::fl ^5~t.MIlLY t'ROII:.I..fS DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. INC. 555 ALOA ROAD MAMAROHECK, IiEW YORK 105.1;3 [914)698-5678 Revised: OS/29/86 . . ST. AGNES CEMETERY -", s~~l~~~~ SHEET NO. 20 - SECTION 0-0 Proposed Typ I ea I See t Ion East of Boat Basin SECTION 0-0 PLANTERS (CURB STO PS) PARKING ACCESS DRIVE .'" WALK o PILE FLOAT BULKHEAD SCALE o S' la' . BOT TOM 2d BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. STIRLING BASIN GREENPORT HARBOR WANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT towN OF SOUTH01.D COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BU1.KHEADING MAIN I eNANC.t.-lJlI.l:.DGING, ANI.l RI::\.':UNt IGUIlAIIUN Ot t-LUAIING I'tl::ii: ^~:>I:.MKLY I'IIOII:.l..15 DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 AL.OA ROAD MAMARONECK. NE\lI YORK lOSl.J (914) 698-5678 Revised: OS/29/86 . MANHANSET AVENUE . SHEET NO. 21 - SECTION E-E Proposed Typicel Sect Ion Adjacent to Manhanaet Ave. SECTION E-E NATURAL SCREENING FENCE BOAT STORAGE SCALE o S' 10' 20' . , TRAVELlFT BOAT STORAGE ~ BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPQRT. INC. STIRLING BASIN GREENPORT HARBOR WANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUlHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BULKHEAOING MAINII:.NANLz:.-l.lRI:.Ul.!NG, ANU lfrCiJN~luUR^IION Or i'LUAllNG I'II:.R AS5t.Mt)LY I'ROIl:.I...IS DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 ALDA ROAD MAMARONECK, NEW YORK 105l.3 19J4) 69B-5678 MilY 19. 1984 . EXISTING BULKHEAD . c' SHEET NO. 22 - SECTION F Typ i ca I Ma I nlenance-Dredg i ng SECTION - F TYPICAL MAINTENANCE DREDGING FLOATS B PILES TO BE REMOVED t PROPOSED BOTTOM PROFILE - 9.2' MSl '-l!. 255' SCALE: 10 ~ VERITICLEO U5 HORr ZONTAL . o 10 20 EXISTING BOTTOM PROFILE - - -MHW + 1.2' ---MlW-1.2' )1~251 IIREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. STIRLING BASIN CREtNPORT IiARBOR }./ANllMfSET AVENUE VILLAGE or CREEHPORT TOWN Of SOUTlIOLD COUHTY or surFOl~ PROPOSED EXCAVATION. BUlKJlEADltiG I-lAIHTElI'Xll'Lr:mlTU?;TJ1G. }'fllI If1LnHtlGURAllOlj U~ I-LOAJIHC Pllll ASSUlIll..r 1'1l01EC1~ DANIEL ;I. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 AlDA ROAD J.lAMARONECK. HEV YOIIK 10s..:3 {91J.1698-S67& May 19, 198L REVISED MAY 29, 1986 SHEET NO. 23 - SECTION Typical G Subterranean Bulkhead SECTION - G TYPICAL SUBTERRANEAN BULKHEAD ANCHOR PILE 51TO 101 c-c \ ...2..0' GUIDE PILES FOR FLOATS EXISTING UPLAND PROFILE . 3" TO 4" THI CK TIM B E R SHEETING PROPOSED FLOATS - - M H W + 1.2' - -MSL 0.0 - - --MLW - 1.2' ------- PROPOSED BOTTOM PROFILE - 9.2 MSL EL. -11,5 MSL , o 5' , 10' IIREWER ,,,eMT YARD AT GREENPORT. lNC. STIRLtNG BAsn~ GREEHPORT HARBOR ~AHHAHSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREEN PORT TOWN OF SQUTHOLD COUNTY or SUFfOLl PROPOSED EXCAVATION. .BULKMEADIHG MAIHII:.t<AHL.I:.-L>NlLluIHu. ~tl~ fiCUN ~ IGURA l JON UI' t LUA liNG PitH ^!l!>HlllL.Y 1'1I011:.L.1~ . SCALE DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 ALOA ROAD UAMAROtfECK, NE'oi YORK 10543 {9141696-567& ~.l&y 19. 1984 Revised: 07/29/86 . . SHEET NO. 24 - SECTION H Proposed Typ I ea I Seet Ion West of Boat Basin SECTION - H 100' PROPOSED BOTTOM PROFILE -9.2' MSL _ _ ~~_ +J.3~ - MLW _1~2o ~ ~ g !3S' 9"_1211 TIMBER SHEETING 100' FENCE '15'-1 ".--TIE PROPOSED POOL 25' , o 'I INTERTIDAL MARSH ~--MSL 0.0 FENCE INTERTIDAL MARSH CONCRETE PAD ___MS L 0.0 BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. SCALE, STIRLING BASIN G~EENPORT "ARBOR . J.<ANHANSET A VENUE VILLAGE Of GREENPORT TOWN Of SOUTNOLD COUNTY Of SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION, .BULKHHDIHG ~AJH.~NANL~-DWtDGJNG. Aku IfECONrlGURA1JON Of t-LOAlING t'Lt.rl A~~dIHL1 t'RUI!::Ci::I 10' 20' DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 ALOA ROAD J.l'!.MARONEO::. NE" YOflX 10s..c:.J f9Hl 698-56)B ....y 19. ]98<. Revised: 07/29/86 , . EET NO. 25 APPROXIMATE CATION of TEST BORINGS ST AGNES CEMETERY , ___ -:'C'....::::::..,., ....M.4I\W.4NSE. <:: ':):)"'~:.""~::~::::'~:.~..:::..:.:.~:~, , L ~ : ~",_ .......... ...... ~......... \ ........... ......-..--.- ........... ...... '/0 .... 1\ ". . ". 9 'hoh. \ , \ ......,. '. II \ ,\.. ............ ----.---....... ..... \ '." --.. 8 ....--... , \ .... '. " ~\ \ ...... \" \ ",\ , '. " '~" \ ", .. " \ ", ........ .. m I .. .. .. ~ \T'\ I " 7 ", ~ -- : \ ................... ,..-.---..... '. \ c; : \ B-1 .! --------- ..... ~\._:r. , \ '. . \........\,..... \..+" \ \ ,-,6 ............ --...... ,,'.,' i ~ ......~ \ '\ \.. \ ,,/ \ \ \ ~ \ '\ ~ '4'. \ "-~ \ \ V, \ , \ '.... 6' . "- J,. ~ + APPROXIMATE LOCAtiON OF TEST BORINGS aST BO~l"';~ COt>t!U:HlJ ey: SLACn HH b~'~I~':'. I"C, SUbSLOHhC:l s.:.IL~ 11"0 FDL:"'-!J~.T lOt, [XFL:'~AT \0"'5 linU, n"HHY 21. l!l:~ , -N_ \ ". .l;> \ , , I . . ~"""'/ , . ,- , I I , . ; t....--' :" : ~ .....~. , ;"J-~.~;..\ , .. : : /./ '\ : I:: J';'" I:::,' -J/ \.\ '''I 7 I ,", 11'/1 I f/,'/ :y '1'" "',1 ':~ :t:: _/~,'/ !p,h TOWN OF m._ ;,'/ '<{"II SOUTHOLD // ~h --<l (l ~ ' -- '., -- ...J;iLt.. t..IN~G~ .. . . . , , " , I , I , , , , I , , , : , , , ,/ ". ....... , , . . . , '. , '---'" \ . ) ",/' I , , '. '. '.- "", "'. " 8-4 .... ....... STIR.LlNG ... -- fLOOD BASIN ~ EXISTING DOCKS IU'oIU Unl! Tun AT GRHIIP.JH. I~C. --.n., ~_h..--.u_ ,..._...'..~"..wol'.... , JJ.n.'!uJJ.Jj;n-f. ::-:.~.::;:..~- ..:_.... ~.""::':;~:',;;~:: ~... U1HI~:; U~lI; GRH~P':';.l H"W~:O' W"IIH""~ll "'Vr~l'l vnlA(.L or C;HEIIP;;JRT '0..-11 or s,oUlH.;110 (QlIlln Of 5lIHOll IA~Il> UPOH SUltv[J n YOUII~ . YJu":;; ".Y.S. LlCEIIHIi LAllI- SUItVlYOItS su~V[y IiA TED jUll 2<.. IS~) IIVISEIi HPI. I. 1~~J ud PIaM.E. 21. tMHII' ...1.... SU LHiL ll/GVP) SCALE o 25'50' - 100' 1 PROPO~tl' HCHATIOti, lutnUU111G ------.n:TI:TTJl'l;1:. I _I'~' l....l k~. Ak. '".(lllf,..I'P,'..k ." Il"""h." flU. "'"n,H' ~H)II." l~!) DANIEL 6. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. tHe. 555"LI>"'0"1I WAMA'OIlI~l. H!:" Ton IO~3 I~hl H~.,.7b ",.,. ,~. 19C>~ REVISED MAY 29, 1986 . .-.~ . DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIA TES, Inc. ..- . . . .. .. . COpy FOR YOUR _n~ -..- .. '...... 1.l.UJUUUD11~ .. ..... . .. .. .... ... ... , . .. - . .. .. . . .... .... . . . .. . .. Suite 11 00 555 Alda Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543.4002 (914) 698-5678 Office of the President RECEMD Cha i rman Bennet Or I owsk i, Jr. & Planning Board Members TOWN of SOUTHOLD Town Hall 53095 Main Road (P. O. Box 728) Southold, New York 11971 SEP :3 l~db August 28, 1986 '1- ,.1".1. c""o+!lold RE: BREWER YACHT YARD at GREENPORT. INC. SITE PLAN APPROVAL for PROPOSED EXCAVATION. RELOCATION OF A TRAVEL 1FT WELL. BULKHEADING. MAINTENANCE-DREDGING. and RECONFIGURATION OF FLOATING PIER ASSEMBLY PROJECTCS) Dear Chairman Orlowski & Planning Board Members: We have been asked by BREWER YACHT YARD at GREENPORT, INC. (hereinafter BREWER), to assist them in obtaining the necessary Amendment(s) for Site Plan Approval [see SHEET NO.3 - SITE PLAN MAPl to undertake the above-referenced revised modi flcations to the previously approved SI te Plan and Project(s) your Board granted on 12/ 1 7 / 84. Enclosed, please find three (3) copies of BREWER's Application to the Southold Town Planning Board together wi th the required .25.00 fl I 'n9 fee. We are hereby requesting a presubmission conference to be scheduled as requi red by Chapter 100-130; Zoning - ArtIcle XI I I. "SI Ie Plan Aparoval" from the Code of the Town of Southold. The requested AmendmentCsJ 12/17/84 would allow BREWER's to your previous Si te Plan approval to: dated 1) Excavate approximately thirty-nine thousand six hundred sixty cubic yards (39.660 Yds.3) from an approximate sev~ntY-5euen thousand four hundred forty squarJ foot (77,440 Ft.~) area [see SHEET NO. 5 - PROPOSED EXCAVATION & DOCK REMOVAL, Comparison of Previously Approved Plap & Current Proposal and SHEET NO_ 6 PROPOSED EXCAVATION & DOCK REMOVAL] 2) Bulkhead approximately nine hundred ninety (990) lIneal feet (IncludIng approximately thirty-five (35) lineal feet of subterranean bulkht}ad) tsee SHEET NO.3 - Slrc: PLAN MAP}. . -' . BREWER GREENPORT - SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD - SITE PLAN APPROVAL - 08/28/86 3) Instal I approximately seven hundred fifty (750) I ineal feet of main dock, approximately one thousand eighty (1,080) lineal feet of finger piers, approximately sixty-five (65) pi 18S, and approximately ninety-six (96) ramps [see SHEET NO. 3 - SITE PLAN MAP]; 4 ) Construct two PLAN MAP]; ( 2 ) travelift wells [see SHEET NO.3 - SITE 5 ) Construct 45' wit h MAP] ; one (1) in-ground swimming pool approximately 25' x associated decking [see SHEET NO.3 - SITE PLAN 6 ) Construct one approximately and (1) boat maintenance and storage building 110' x 120'; [see SHEET NO.3 - SITE PLAN MAP]; 7) Relocate one (1) clubhouse building approximately 30' x 35' with associated decking [see SHEET NO.3 - SITE PLAN MAP]. BREWER recen t I Y rece i ved Permi ts f rom the Army Corps (No. 13490), a Modified Permit from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (No. 10-84-0766), a New York State Department of State Consistency Certificate (No. F-85-254), as wet I as the approvals from both the Town of Southold Town Board on 2/5/85 and Southold Planning Board on 12/17/84 as wel I as approvals from the Vi I lage of Greenport, w hie h we reo rig i n a I I Y r e que s t e d toe nab I e B R EWE R toe x pan d and up g r a d e the Irma r i n a . However. proposed necessary necessary since the submission of the original Application(s) for the Project(s) over two plus years ago and receipt of ~ the regulatory approvals, economic and logistic factors make it to seek Amendment(s) to the previously approved Project(s). The requested Amendment(s) being modified design of the original believes is more logistically and and operate. sought by BREWER consist of a Master Plan Project which BREWER economically feasible to construct It is important to note that the previously approved Project(s) were given a negative declaration from af I environmental regulatory agencies including the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation on September 26, 1984, stating: "The proposed action will not have a significant effect on the environment... the proposed Project wi I I not significantly affect the freshwater aquifer of the peninsula. The peninsula periodically floods with tidal waters there by eliminating the freshwater aquifer from consideration as a source of potable freshwater to this area. .. <Page 2> . ~ . BREWER GREEN PORT - SOUTHOlD PLANNING BOARD - SITE PLAN APPROVAL - 08/28/86 ComDa r i son of PreviouslY ADD roved vs. Revised Modified ProDosed Proiect(s) There are previously Amendment(s). of these: several differences and similarities between the approved Project(s) and the proposed The following chart tries to provide a summary AMENDED MASTER PLAN PROJECHS) in TOWN OF SOUTHOLD I I "0"'" Previously Approved Net Expansion Change(s) Mo d I f I cat Ion ( s ) Maximum Number Boats - Southold 65 90 -28% (Boats - Total Project ( 180) ( 180) ( 0%) To ta I Excava t ion Cu. Yds. 39,660 52,950 -25% Sq_ Ft. 77,440 111,275 -30% Maximum Depth -8.0'MLW -8_0'MLW 0% Total Dredging Cu. Yds. 450 450 I 0% II Sq_ Ft. 2,625 2,625 0% Maximum Depth -8_0'MLW -8.0'MlW 0% Total lineal Ft. Bulkhead 990 1,130 -12% Main DocUs) 750 425 +43% Fin ge r Pier(s) 1,080 1,360 -20% Ramp(s) 48 300 -84% Total Pi Ie 5 65 41 +37% 'Travelifts' II 2 I 1 + 1 I Swimmi ng Pool I 1 I 0 I + 1 II Excava t ion: I I II Cu. Yds. I 270 . 0 +270 I Sq_ F I_ I 1,125 I 0 + 1.125 Soal Sui Idings I 3 I 2 I + 1 ]\ Clubhouse Sui Iding I 1 1 0 I <Page 3> . .-' . BREWER GREENPORT - SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD - SITE PLAN APPROVAL - 08/28/86 The basic differences affecting the granting of the Site Plan Approval are as follows: 1l The previously approved "U" shaped boat basin extended upland from the existing bulkhead approximately Four Hundred Feet C400'l. The proposed AmendmentCsl for this aspect of the ProjectCsl proposes a 'trapezoid' extending upland from the existing bulkhead approximately Two Hundred Twenty Feet C220'l. This represents an approximate 45% decrease over the previously approved ProjectCsl in the distance of excavation into the upland from the current shorel ine. [see SHEET NO.5 - PROPOSED EXCAVATION AND DOCK REMOVALl It was previously determined that the area to be excavated is on a peninsula which is not considered to be a source of fresh water for other areas therefore the previously approved excavation of 400' upland would not interfere with any sourceCsl of fresh water for the area [see SHEET NO.5 - PROPOSED EXCAVATION & DOCK REMOVAL, Comparison of Previously Approved Plan & Current ProposalJ. 2l The volume of material to be excavated to -8 MSL' from the approved "U" shaped boat basin was a total of approximately Fifty-Two Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty Cubic Yards C52,950 Yds.3l whereas the proposed Amendment for the 'trapezoidal' excavation to -8 MLW' requi res the removal of a total of approximately Thirty-Nine Thousand Six Hundred Sixty Cubic Yards C39,660 Yds.3l, or a reduction of Thirteen Thousand Two Hundred Ninety Cubic Yards C13,290 Yds.3l, or approximately Twenty-Five Percent C25%l less than the original ProjectCsl volume. The upland relocation of the excavated and dredged materialCsl wi I I sti I I be on-site at BREWER's and at St. Agnes Cemetery located adjacent to BREWER's and on the north side of Manhanset Avenue. [SEE SHEET NO. 12 PROPOSED EXCAVATION & OFF-SITE DISPOSAL AREA - EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY; SHEET NO. 13 PROPOSED TOPOGRAPHY of RELOCATION SITE; and SHEET NO. 14 ON-SITE DISPOSAL & GRADING PLAN] The reduction in the volume of material to be excavated wi I I provide a savings to BREWER over the initial ProjectCsl cost for excavating, transporting and disposal of the materials. In addl tion, it wi I I modestly <Page 4> . ._~" . BREWER GREENPORT - SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD - SITE PLAN APPROVAL - 08/28/86 reduce the time necessary to complete aspect of the Projectls), and the overal I necessary to fin i sh the upgrad i ng reconfiguration of BREWER's facility. this time and 3) The layout at the floating dock assemblies will be slightly modified, but tll.. docks and piles will be within the previously approved Reconstruction Perimeter. The total number of boats for the entire Projectls) wi I I not increase [see SHEET NO. 3 - SITE PLAN MAP; SHEET NO. 7 SITE PLAN MAP, Comparison of Previously Approved Plan & Current Proposal; SHEET NO. 9 RECONFIGURATION of DOCKS, Comparison of Existing Conditions & Current Proposal; and SHEET NO. 10 - RECONFIGURATION PER I METER J . 4) Two travel ifts wi I I be provided as opposed to one previously approved. One in-ground swimming pool wi I I be constructed which was not covered in the previously approved Projectls). An addi tional (1) upland boat bui Iding wi II be constructed and one (1) clubhouse building will be relocated [see SHEET NO.3 - SITE PLAN MAP). The applicable fees for the net additional marine structures and/or activities undertaken within the Town of Southold. are as follows: i) Net new docks approximately 8,370 sq. ft. @ SO.25/sq. ft. = $2.092.50 i) Net new bulkhead approximately 765 lin. ft. @ $3.00/lin. ft. = 2,295.00 i) Net new pi les approximately 62 pi les @ $5.00/pi Ie = 310.00 i v) Maintenance Dredging 450 cu. yds. @. $2.00/cu. yd. = + 900.00 TOTAL Mar i ne Project FEES $5.597.50 LESS minimum fee Ipreviously paid) 5.00 TOTAL ADDITIONAL FEES to be paid to Town aft era D 0 r 0 val but 0 r i 0 r toe omme n c erne n t 0 f Pro i e c tIs ) $4,305.00 <Page 5> . -' . BREWER GREENPORT - SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD - SITE PLAN APPROVAL - 08/28/86 For your information supplementary information, and review, including: we have enclosed copies of 1) Prolect Description within the Town of Southold i) Supporting Information a) Impact on Fresh Water Supply b) Impact on Marsh Area i) Upland Relocation of Excavated and Dredged Material(s) as well as copies regulatory agencies: of BREWER's Application(s) to the fo II owi ng 1) Southold Town Board - Soil Removal Application; 2) Southold Board of Town Trustees - Appl ication as required by Chapter 97 of the Town Code - "Wetlands"; 3) Army Corps of Engineers; 4) N.Y.S. Department of Environmental Conservation; 5) N.Y.S. Department of State - COASTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM; and 6) Vi II age of Greenpor t. We also specifically call your attention to our enclosed Project Description in Town of Southold and a detailed joint Letter of Support dated 08/27/86 to the Army Corps of Engineers, the N.Y.S.D.E.C. and the N.Y.S.D.O.S. This letter discusses the background of the marina, aspects of the Project within both the Town of Southold and the Vi I lage of Greenport, the need for the amended Project(s), and the alternatives considered. We would welcome convenience. If call us. the opportunity to discuss this application at your you have any questions, please do not hesitate to Sincerely, DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES. Inc. By: DSN/jl j Enclosures President cc: Army Corps of Engineers N.Y.S.D.O.S. N.Y.S.D.E.C. Vi Ilage of Greenport Southold Planning Board Southold Board of Trustees Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. <Page 6> . . BREWER GREENPORT - SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD - SITE PLAN APPROVAL - 08/28/86 PROJECTCS) DESCRIPTION WITHIN THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BREWER is seeking approval to amend a proposal previously approved by the Southold Town Board to expand and upgrade their marina, as follows: (Note: The following description only includes those portions of the overal I Project which are in the Town of Southold. The Project site lies partially within the Incorporated Village of Greenport and the Town of Southold. The Project is contingent upon receiving approvals from both entities, as wel I as the other governing reg u I at 0 r y age n c i e s . For the c omp let e Pro j e c t Des c rip t ion, see attached letter dated 8/27/86 to the Army Corps of Engineers.) 1 ) Excavate a "Trapezoid shaped" approximately 39,660 cu. yds. of area of approximately 77,440 sq. ft. boat basin and remove mater i a I f rom an overa II 2) Remove approximately 225 lineal feet of existing timber pile bulkhead that extends from Dock #2 to the lift wel I and is located along the south end of the proposed boat basin. The excavated bulkhead wi I I be disposed of upland by a local carting company [see SHEET NO 6 - PROPOSED EXCAVATION & DOCK REMOVAL J . 3) Construct and maintain a timber bulkhead totaling approximately 990 I ineal feet with approximately 955 lineal feet being alon9 the west. north, and east perimeter of the proposed boat basin and lift wel I, and approximately 35 lineal feet being timber subterranean bulkhead on the southeast shorel ine. The wood bulkhead wi I I consist of approximately 3" to 4" thick timber sheeting and 14" diameter pi les driven approximately 14.3 feet below Mean Low Water into firm bottom materials to provide an adequate base. In addition, there will be a sufficient tie-back system consisting of vertical anchor piles that will be attached to each timber pile along the bulkhead with 2" diameter tie-rods. No tie-back system is envisioned in the area of the subterranean bulkhead. The subterranean bulkhead wi I I tie into nearby sections of the proposed bulkhead which forms the east side of the proposed basin [see SHEET NO.3 - SITE PLAN MAP J . 4) Relocate and expand a travel ift wel I by removing the existing travel ift consisting of one (1) runway extension approximately 40' in length located between Dock #3 and Dock #4. The proposed combined travelift well (approximately 50' x 40') wi I I be excavated along the north side of the proposed boat basin and wi I I be able to accommodate a 20-ton and a 60-ton travel ift [see SHEET NO.3 - SITE PLAN MAP. and SHEET NO. 9 RECONFIGURATION of DOCKS, Comparison of Existing Conditions & Current ProposalL <Page 7> . -.: . BREWER GREEN PORT - SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD - SITE PLAN APPROVAL - 08/28/86 5) Co n s t r u c to Ins t a I I. and ma i n t a i n a s e r i e s 0 f new f loa tin g pier (dock) assembl ies, as follows [see SHEET NO.3 - SITE PLAN MAP and SHEET NO. 9 RECONFIGURATION of DOCKS, Comparison of Existing Conditions & Current Proposal]: DOCK A located along the west perimeter of the proposed basin consisting of a) approximately 190' x 6' of main float, b) five (5) finger piers approximately 40' x 4' located along the east side of the main float,c) one (1) timber ramp approximately 12' x 3' located along the at the north end of the main float, and d) eight (8) t i mb e r p i I e sap pro x i ma tel y 12" i n d i ame t era n d 40' i n length located at the ends of each finger pier, adding stabi I ity to the structures. DOCK B located in the center of the proposed boat basin, consisting of: a) One (1) main line of floats approximately 185' x 6', b) One (1) timber ramp approximately 12' x 3' located at the north end of the main float, c) Six (6) finger piers approximately 35' x 4' I 0 cat e d a r 0 n g the e a s t sid e 0 f the ma i n f loa t, d) six (6) finger piers, approximately 40' x 4' located along the west side of the main float, and e) seventeen (17) timber pi les approximately 12" in diameter and 40' in length located at the ends of each finger pier, adding stabi I ity to the structure. DOCK C located in the center of the proposed boat basin, con s i s tin g 0 f : a) 0 n e ( 1 ) ma i n I i n e 0 f f loa t s approximately 180' x 6', b) one (1) timber ramp approximately 12' x 3' located at the north end of the main float, c) five (5) finger piers approximately 35' x 4' located along the west side of the main float, d) and seven (7) finger piers approximately 30' x 4' along the east side of the main float, e) twenty (20) timber piles a p pro x i ma tel y 12" i n d i ame t era n d 40' i n I en g t h I 0 cat e d at the ends of each finger pier, adding stabi I ity to the s t r u c t u r e . DOCK D located on the east side of the proposed boat bas i n con s i s tin g 0 fa) 0 n e ( 1 ) ma i n I i n e 0 f f loa t s approximately 195' x 6', b) one (1) timber ramp approximately 12' x 3' located at the north end of the main float, c) seven (7) finger piers approximately 30' x 4' along the west side of the main float, d) eleven (11) timber pi les approximately 12" in diameter and 40' in length, located at the end of each finger pier, adding stabi I ity to the structure. 6) Maintenance-dredoe a triangular-shaped area approximately 2,625 sq. ft. to an average depth of 8' below Mean Low Water, and remove approximately 450 cu. yd5- of mater ial as measured IN PLACE [see SHEET NO. 11 - MAINTENANCE-DREDGING MAP]. The <Page 8> . -" . BREWER GREEN PORT - SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD - SITE PLAN APPROVAL - 08/28/86 area within the Town of Southold to receive maintenance d red gin g act i v i tie s wi I I be un d e r t a ken by clams h e I I and bar g e and/or dragline operations. The materialls) being dredged wi I I be placed on BREWER'S upland property, semi-dried, and then relocated as described lin #7) below. 7) UP I and Re I ocat i on of the Excavated and Dredaed Mater i a I: Approximately 44,090 cu. yds. of material wi I I be excavated from the proposed boat basin, approximately 270 cu. yds. of ma t e r I a I wi I I bee x c a vat e d for the i n - g r 0 u n d pool. and approximately 10,500 cu. yds. of mater ial wi II be removed by the maintenance-dredging operations in both the Town of Southold and the Vi Ilage of Greenport. All of the dredged materials wi I I be mixed with the materials being excavated and deposited upland at three different locations. The proposed disposal sites are: 1) On-site disposal of approximately 2.500 3,500 cu. yds. 2) St. Agnes Cemetery located adjacent to BREWER MARINA on the North side of Manhanset Avenue. Approximately 42.100 cu. yds. wi I I be deposited on this undeveloped 11.8 acre site [see SHEET NO. 12 PROPOSED EXCAVATION & OFF-SITE DISPOSAL AREAS. Existing Topography; SHEET NO. 13 - PROPOSED TOPOGRAPHY of RELOCATION SITES; and SHEET NO. 15 - ON-SITE DISPOSAL & GRADING PLAN). 8 ) RELOCATE an existing 35' plus additional bulkhead approximately bulkhead [see SHEET NO. upland club house approximately 30' x de c kin g 20 fee t from the ex i 5 tin g 70 feet from the to-be-constructed 3 - SITE PLAN MAPl. 9) CONSTRUCT an upland in-ground swimming pool approximately 25' x 45' plus accompanying 10' cement apron. fencing, and, screening approximately 40 feet from the proposed new bulkheading [see SHEET NO.3 - SITE PLAN MAPl. 10) CONSTRUCT an upland boat maintenance and storage bui Iding, ma s t she d and bat h room fa c i lit i est 0 t a I i n gap pro x i ma tel y 110' x 120' located approximately 75 feet from the new proposed bulkhead [see SHEET NO.3 - SITE PLAN MAPl. 11) CONTINUATION of a Reconfiauration Perimeter Condition which would allow BREWER to continually change only the locationls), widthls), and numberls) of pi leIs), dockls) and ramp(s) within the Reconfiauration Per~meter llenvelopell [shown on SHEET NO. 10 - RECONFIGURATION PERIMETER. dated 07/29/86 prepared by DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES. Inc.] provided that the number of boats would not exceed one hundred eighty (180) and no additional bulkheading, dredging, excavation or filling could take place without.the prior required regulatory approvalls). 12) A PERMIT CONSTRUCTION PERIOD expiring on 06/30/92. <Page 9> . . BREWER GREEN PORT - SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD - SITE PLAN APPROVAL - 08/28/86 SUPPORTING INFORMATION Impact on Fresh Water Supply All agencies previously examined in depth the possible adverse impactCs) on the fresh water supply and concluded that the previously approved and more extensive ProjectCs) wi I I have I ittle. if any. effect on the fresh water supply. The proposed revised modified ProjectCs) wi I I have even less of an effect because of the difference in size of the Pro j e c t C s ) . According to Robert A. Villa. P.E.. Chief Engineer for the Suffolk County Division of Environmental Health. professional hydr.ologists from the Suffolk County Health Department conducted a field inspection and reviewed the previously approved ProjectCs) which extended into the upland Forty-Eight and Two-Tenths Percent C48.2%) further than the presently proposed AmendmentCsl. Their conclusion is. that: "Since the peninsula where the Project is located i s not rea I I Y a sou r ceo f the V i I I age wa t e r 5 u p ply. we CSuffolk County) have no objections to the proposal.. ." In order to maintain the integrity of the fresh water/salt water interface. BREWER proposes to undertake the ProjectCs) with the use of tight interlocking wood sheeting for the bulkhead. The bulkhead wi I I be constructed around the entire area being excavated and wi I I extend from a height of a p pro x i ma tel y Six Fee tab 0 v e Me a n Sea I Level C + 6' MS L ). to approximately Ten Feet below Mean Sea level C-10' MSl). Impact on Marsh Area A recent site investigation indicated that a section of the marsh. from its south west corner back to an existing deteriorated subterranean bulkhead. had begun to wash away. The amendments to the previously approved ProjectCs) include replacing the deteriorated existing subterranean bulkhead and extending the new subterranean bulkhead to stabi I ize the southern edge of the existing marsh area. The proposed subterranean bulkhead wi II be a protective barr ier to prevent further erosion ()f the marsh due to storms. natural tidal action. backwash from boats passing through Stirl ing Basin and activities at the public boat launch directly east of the marsh. <Page 10> . . BREWER GREENPORT - SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD - SITE PLAN APPROVAL - 08/28/86 The proposed subterranean bulkhead wi I I not involve any excavation or fi I I ing of areas near the marsh. The timber sheet i ng wi II be suppor ted by a ser i es of pi I es and the subterranean bulkhead wil I be anchored to the bulkhead that forms the east wal I of the proposed boat basin. Therefore, none of the upland Marsh area wi I I be disturbed for bulkhead anchoring purposes and the proposed subterranean bulkhead wi I I he I p top res e r vet he ma r s h i nit s pre s e n t con d i t ion. Upland Relocation of Excavated and DredQed Material(s) The proposed upland relocation of excavated and dredged material(s) will be identical to that previously approved but wi I I be Twenty Percent (20%) less than the previously approved excavation Project(s). Excavated material(s) from the boat basin, 'travelift' well, in-ground pool and all maintenance-dredged material(s) will total approximately Fifty-Four Thousand Eight Hundred Sixty Cubic Yards (54,860 Yds.3) to be removed from the Project(s) site. Of this, approximately Ten Thousand Fifty Cubic Yards (10,050 Yds.3) will be from maintenance-dredging within the Village of Greenport; Four Hundred Fifty Cubic Yards (450 Yds.3) from maintenance-dredging within the Town of Southold; Thirty Nine Thousand Nine Hundred Thirty Cubic Yards (39,930 Yds.3) from upland excavation within the Town of Southold; and Four Thousand Four Hundred Thirty Cubic Yards (4,430 Yds.3) from upland excavation .within the Village of Greenport. Approximately Two Thousand Five Hundred to Three Thousand Five Hundred Cubic Yards (2,500 Yds.3 to 3,500 Yds.3) of these material(s) will be relocated on-site in order to attain the proper elevation(s) and contour(s) for improving the d r a i nag e p a II ern san d for ace ommo d at i n g the add i t ion a I related activities such as automobile parking, boat storage, boat repair and maintenance .services. There wi I I be approximately Twelve Thousand to Fifteen Thousand Cubic Yards (12,000 Yds.3 to 15,000 Yds.3) of material(s) deposited on-site and along the east side of St. Agnes Cemetery which is contiguous to the area that needs to be fi I led along the west side of BREWER. A small section of tidal marsh grass (Spartina ~.) located in the east side towards the southern corner of the site has been identified; NO FILL WILL BE PLACED ON OR WITHIN TWENTY-FIVE FEET (25') OF THE MHW LINE IN THIS AREA. This special condi tion wi I I help insure the productivity of this sensitive intertidal marsh zone. Most of the material being removed [approximately Forty One Thousand Cubic Yards (41.000 Yds.3)1, wi II be transported across Manhanset Avenue to a site located directly across from BREWER. All of the material(s) will be trucked into the primary relocation site at a point directly across from <Page 11> . -- . BREWER GREENPORT - SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD - SITE PLAN APPROVAL - 08/28/86 BREWER's entrance drive on Manhanset Avenue. This undeveloped Eleven and Eight-Tenths 111.8) acre site is owned and maintained by st. Agnes Church and wi I I be used as a future cemetery once the area has been upgraded and improved. There has been further discussion between BREWER's and Saint Agnes Church regarding the grading and landscaping of St. Agnes' property. To the extent possible the evergreens that presently exist Iwhich are relatively young) wi I I be preserved and replanted on either the Church's or BREWER's property. The grading wi I I be as shown on the attached Map. The surface wi I I be protected with straw mulch seeded with a hearty grass in a manner simi lar to that in which road beds or other irregular slopes are planted in highway or other construction Projects. In addition, swales wi I I be graded around many portions of the property to insure that there wi I I be no surface runoffs onto the roads and adjacent properties. There wi II be an approximate 25' buffer area between the existing three wetlands areas and the placement of the excavated materials. The mature trees which are on the easterly side of the property and along parts of the berm of the old disposal area wi I I be preserved. In short, the primary relocation site does not represent a significant or critical environmental habitat. In addition, because of its proximity to BREWER [approximately Fifty Feet ISO') south, across Manhanset Avenue), al I trucking operations to and from the area wi I I not cause any disturbance to any of the nearby residents. A temporary access drive into the site wi I I extend directly across from the existing entrance drive at BREWER. There are no obstructions or light curves at this point along Manhanset Avenue. A more detai led description of issues related to the Projectls) can be found in the attached joint letter to the Army Corps of Engineers, N.Y.S. Department of State and N.Y.S. Department of Environmental Conservation dated 8/27/86. DSN/jl j <Page 12> . ....: ~.f' .,.',' . > - ':.,." FORM NO.1...., '. . TOWN OF SOUTHOlD BUilDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HAll SQUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 TEL.: 765.1802 ',,', . '. Examined. . . . . . . . . . . .. . ." 19 . . . Received.......... .,19... Approved ... . . . . . . . . . . . . ". 19 . . . Pennit No. . . . . . . . . . . . Disapproved ale ..................................... (Building Inspector) APPLICATION FOR BUilDING PERMIT Dale. A1.1CJl\S.t, .2.8. . . . . . . ., 1!)8.6. . INSTRUCTIONS a. This application must be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted to the Building Inspector, with 3 sets of plans, accurate plot plan to scale. Fee according to schedule. b. Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises, relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and giving a detailed df:Scription of layout of property must be drawn on the diagram which is part of this appli- cation. '.,". .; . "-'.'" ,',_ _):.-';, ..: c. ,:The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Pennit. i;.' ,:~, d. Upon approval of this application, the Building Inspector will issued a Building Pennit to the applicant. Such permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the work. e. No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose whatever until a Certificate of Occupancy shall have been granted by the Building Inspector. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Departmertt for the issuance of a Building Penn it pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions or alterations, or for removal or demolition, as herein described. The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, building code, housing code, and regulations, and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building for necessary inspections. ~'.S. .~~:t.AfP. .a.t. ~.~.r. ~~.'......... (Signature of applicant, or name, if a corporation) ~.~~ l'~v.e...&:i'1=ft.ch .R:3.'.'. .qr~.€!lf?F:t.'.~. .1.1~~P.. (Mailing address of applicant) State whether applicant is own,:r, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, plumber or builder. Applicant is the avner and ~~~ .~.. .~~~.~ .~S.CPA~,. .lA~.. A~ AP'p'~~~~I.S. .~9.~~...............................~..... Name of owner of premises . .~~.Y:~ .Y:~ .~~ .q~~,. .~C:'. .. . . ...... . .. .. .. . . . ..... ........ ... (as on the tax roll or latest deed) If applicant is a ~ration, signature of duly authorized officer. . . . d~~~'ti'ti~ ~i. . ;;~r~i~ ~ffi~;;)" . . . ... . John Brewer, Jr. - Presl. mt Builder's License No. ......................... Plumber's License No. ...,.................... ,I.' Electrician's License No. ....................... Other Trade's License No. 1. Location ofland on which proposed work will be done. Co.rner. Manhanset:. A.venue. &. Beach. Rd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . House Number ............'.............................................................................. Street Hamlet County Tax Map No. 1000 Section ...Q..4.:l............ Block... D3. . . . . . . .. . . .. Lot. D2. . . . . . . . Subdivision. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Filed Map No. .............. Lot....... . (Name) 2. State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy of proposed construction: a. Existing use and occupancy ...Boat.Yar.d.and.cameci.cal Mad..n.a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., b. Intended use and occupancy ..Boat.Yau:1.and.Q::mreJ:c..i...MaI:iJ1.a................................... 3. Nature of work (check WhiaPIiCable): New Building" .X:'-~'~"~..',. 'Addition.._ -... Alter~~edd 'c1rtdLocks Repair .............. . val .'.:!....~...... Demolition .............. OtherWork........ ...... SWinming Pook & Travelifts " .'. t..'. (Description) $2B4,766 . 4. Estimated Cost. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fee. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . ._. . . . . . . . . . . "- (to be paid on filing this application) 5. If dwelling, number of dwelling units . .t:l'I.~. . . . . . . . .. Number of dwelling units on each floor. . . .. . . . . " . . . . . . If garage, number of cars .................................................................... '.' . . 6. If business, commercial or mixl:d occupancy. specify nature and extent of each type of use 2.00%. COHJneJ;"ci:a,l,. . . . . . 7. Dimensions of existing structures, if any: FrontW/A:... ,. ....... Rear..........., ,. Depth,....,... Height ".,.,.,..,..,. NUlnber of Stories. . . , . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . , .. . . , . , . . . , . . . . . , . .. . . . . . . Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front . ~/{\. . . . . . . , , . . " Rear,.........,,,...... Depth.. ,'. , , ..... , .... , , , '.. Height, , ..... ...., ....., '. ,. Number of Stories.,.. .... , ., ... "...... 8. Dimensions of entire new construction: Front, J.,}..9,'....,...., Rear . ~~9.'....,..... Depth J.f9.',....,."" HeightApprox.., 35.'.,., . Numher of Stories .. ~"',........................,...,....,....,..,.,.... 9. Size of lot: Front See. att.ached Sunrey. .. Rear,..................... Depth .............."...... 1 0, Date of Purchase "...,.,...",.....,."...... Name of Former Owner ....................."...... II. Zone or use district in which premises are situated. . W2.":". Waterfront.Cannercia,l. . .. . . . , . . . , . , . . . . , , . . . . . 12, Does proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation: tJO. . . . , .. . . . . . . . . . , , . , , . . . . . . . , . 13. Will lot be regraded . -yY-at, , , .... .........,. ,.. , Will excess fill be removed from premises: Yes No 14. Name of Owner of premises Bl1Imro= :tARlII . Address~et AY-e.,.&.E'.E>i\ctl'~e No.. .B.J.6J..4.7J.-959.4. . Name of Architect. , ... ,.~~ , , ' , , , . ,~>, ,J?:c:',... Address., ......... ..... ... Phone No, ......, . .'.. , ., . Name of Contractor. . . . . . . , . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . Address. . .. . . . .. .. ... '. . . . . Phone No. ....... , . . . . . .. PLOT DIAGRAM Locate clearly and distinctly all buildings, whether existing or proposed, and. indicate all set.back dimensions from property lines. Give street and block. number or description according to deed, and show street names and indicate whether interior or corner lot. . SEE> ATIACHED MAPS and SITE PLANS ..,1-; I' . ."! ",I.,;l(,',;i\;.. :S,.'" ,J ,;...l~' ..': I' .1;;.. STA TE OF NEW YORK. S.S COUNTY OF Westchester' . . . . . , . . Jol1f1, ~;r~~/..;:rr ~, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . ., being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract) above named. He is the . rf:"~J5~9.~:t. . . . . , . . . , . . , , . . . . , , . , . . . . . , . , , . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . , . . , , . . . , . , , . . . . . . . . . . , . , , , . . . , . . (Contractor, agent, corporate officer, e'tc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have perfonned the said work and to make and file this application; that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application filed therewith. Swom to before me this I U:~ A ~1)--" . '" ....."..... do"~A..... ..day of.. t:;J!.~'"''''''''", 19 ..N- ,...---: ,:/ N t P bl' .. .,". , C o ary u Ie, "..Wes~i:.ef' ;'0;. ,-/ ~;;,-~y:......... ounty ...<=. . I. // // ,/, -1..-..%....>: c..c.,J .' c<:C:.A:...C,,- -- {..f~,~/ Notary ~~:tc~~i8~~~NRIM'Yort . , J6bji/~~~,~j'Jt:~). .. . . (Si.g~~t~~. ~i ~~~li~a.n't) No. 483'506 . "- . QusHfied in Westchester County r :2. CommISSIon ExpIres March 30,19>.:-/ . . COpy f'~R VC INfUI\",iIIUI~ DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. . . A" . ... . .. . . ........~ .. . ... .. .......... .. ... . .... ..... , . . -- A" ....... .. .... Office of the President RECEIVED Suite 11 00 555 Aida Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543.4002 (914) 698.5678 SEP 3 1ge6 Mr. Henry P. Smith, President & Board of Town Trustees Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road (P. Southold, New York Augus t 28, 1986 T...._ !'"I~." <.....tl,old O. Box 11971 728) RE: BREWER YACHT YARD at GREENPORT, INC. WETLANDS PERMIT for PROPOSED EXCAVATION. BULKHEADING. MAINTENANCE-DREDGING. and RECONFIGURATION of FLOATING PIER ASSEMBLY PROJECTS Dear Pre.sld~nt Smith & Town Trust~':!'s: We have been retained by BREWER YACHT YARD at after BREWER), to assist them In obtaining the Perm; t to under take Amendmen ts to the a boo v e - r d fer e il c e d Ma s t e r P I do n Pro i ~ c t ( 5) I 0 cat e d GREENPORT. INC. (her.,n newly required Wetlands prevIously approved in St i rl ing Basin. We havd talked With the Town's CorporatIon Counsel, Robert W. Tasker who has informed us that under chaptef 97 of the Town Coue, A Wet lands Perml t from your Board probably 1$ not required for those aspe~ts of tll" Pro)"ct In the Town of Southold 13e" SHEET NO. 14 - LOCATION of SITES for SOIJTHOLD WETLANOS PERMI i] d"" Ii n'J Wi t h, I) Dr2dglng of appro<lmat~lf a p p r I) ~ I ma tel y 2 . f) 2. 5 s q U iJ r d a~or0verl by Southoi'j); )'':;1) o , C Ij b I i":; y u r d!: for I n 9 8,) oS 1 :1 .1 n are cl 0 f (;)r~Vlou:)J/ f '! ~ : l;l :.]t I r i I T ;1'~ r'~p:J.c~:neil~ dild (; ~i "~ I , ~. . '/ n f a t u t ,J I 0 f t {-I I .- ~ j -.; n; I 1 :~ ~ r! j '-1 ~J B ,j :';: 1; ( j ; ) Ill';; .J.) t.~ e:: \); ';; iJ ~ : ~ l. n .; ,; :1 i, I ~ i1 '~ ,-I i; : :1:~ ~: : ~ J ,J, 2,) c! ";' j\: 'fI t:,! "I ,.:: .J ;' ;na r :;. 11 d. r J 1):1 ,';, . " :":::"" l' ;::;1 I v) R I; Cl r ,''I (~ In,:; d P ~ ~ () xi;';", ,1 t i~ I T h r ~ ':. r <-I ,) U S ,J. fl (; C 1) J I ,; J ;~ :~ Y Jr....., l':r' :3, n ".c' ';'1 b; olJ';;~U ap.pr:):' in~t~:! '( ;::.; .'1': 0 f <'J, (;~" v ~1 t .: j ;) l d dl';_~d],~d c : ,) i e i m.l ~ .J .- i a ! 'N l :1. d ..; ~ 'J '7 t :"'I.J ,1 t '.\I;~ rl t ~J ': ,~ ' , " , .' ,~ , , , . .. ~ ,. - - 0 '\ '. ..: .0 b u: I)') < 1 ;1" d ...:: J :,.\ ' P ') >l 'J ;', 'J ,'l .~ .c. ,1 I;; d <);, 1 :~ I :\ -)' d ! \~N;1 .;.j b J c ~ <J ~ ,_~ ij ~ '. ;<'''.1 , "" .~ ,] , .) "..; . / - ,j:, ~ 'j -'!j .;, n ,: ;I , """ o !l,'C.! Y 'J.j . ;j ,}/,::.j'J,l t .;::1 ",1 n d d ;' c' ,J ) i:~ I~ .] C "):~ -j. t :1 : .3 .n,,:;, ;' , ,j i) ,~ r .'~ ; ) c-.. t:.J J r- 7i1-: f ,. ')i11 3::: :::"'!r::i I 5 0 ~ ';;.: 1:- ,':' '.j~ :1 :; '; :' .J. c ) ,.} ; ,~ ;f i (,), .;'/ i ..1'::,:) ')iJ ",j'), .j T~) 'JV 11 . BREWER GREENPORT 08/28/86 . SOUTHOLD BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES This aspect of the Project(sl is unchanged from the previous approvals and retains the N.V.S.D.E.C.'s previous Permit conditions requiring instal I ing a snow fence around the freshwater wetland at the St. Agnes site north of Mentioned Avenue and no fill to be placed within 25' of the edge of the wetland. Mr. Tasker has further informed us that all or some of the aspects of the Project(sl are subject to reapproval from Southold's Town Board, Planning Board, and Building Department. As you wi I I recal I, Attorney Tasker wrote to the Town Board of Trustees on May 12, 1982, (copy enclosed) rendering an opinion that the Town Board of Trustees does not have jurisdiction in Sterl ing Basin. In order to insure that BREWER's is in compliance with Town Law, BREWER's is hereby requesting an updated determination as to whether you have jurisdiction over any aspects of the Project Amendment(s). (Vou previously wrote us on 07/03/84 stating that your Board did not have jurisdiction over the original Project(s). We are writing and advising you of the proposed Amendment(s) to the original Project(s) and are seeking your determination of jurisdi~tion. In the event that the Town Board of Trustees has j u r i s die t ion, B R EWE R ' s ish ere i n en c I 0 sin g a We t I and sAp P Ii cat ion together with a $50.00 Application Fee. Should your Board not have jurisdiction over this Project(s), we would appreciate your returning the Application Fee and voiding the Application. The rest of perspecti ve on Southold and the this letter wi II attempt to provide some background and the Project(s) which are located both in the Town of Vi Ilage of Greenport. BREWER recently received Permits from the Army Corps (No. 13490), a Modified Permit from the New Vork State Department of Environmental Conservation (No. 10-84-0766), a New York State Department of State Consistency Certificate (No. f-85-254), as well as the appropriate approvals from both the Town of Southold and the Vi lIage of Greenport. w hie h we reo rig i n a I I Y r e que s t e d toe nab I e B R EWE R toe x pan d and up g r ad e their marina. However, since the submission of the original Appl ication(s) for the proposed Project(s) over two plus years ago and receipt of ~ the necessary regulatory approvals this year, economic and logistic factors now make it necessary to seek Amendment(s) to the previously approved Projecl(s). The requested Amendment(s) being sought by BREWER consist of a modified design of the original Master Plan Project(s) which BREWER believes is more logistically and economically feasible to construct and operate. I t is important to note that Changes. and Amendment(s) thereto oreviously aooroved waterside al I of the proposed Modifications. are designed to be whollv within the Reconfiauration Perimeter. The <Page 2> . . BREWER GREENPORT - SOUTHOLD BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES - 08/28/86 reconfiguration of the docks for the proposed Amendmentls) will not exceed the previously approved Ninety (90) boats, will not encroach or interfere with navigation in Stirling Basin or in the Federal Channel, and will not extend further from shore than the previously approved RECONFIGURATION PERIMETER which is also the southern most boundary of the existing floats. The proposed dredging MAINTENANCE-DREDGING.] Project is UNCHANGED. [See SHEET NO. 11- There will be pumpout facilities at the reconstructed marina. Deposition of the excavated and dredged materialls) [which will be approximately 20% less than the originally approved Projectls)] will sti I I be at the previously approved sites at BREWER's upland, at St. Agnes Cemetery immediately west and adjacent to BREWER's property, and at st. Agnes Cemetery adjacent to BREWER's on the north side of Manhanset Avenue. [See SHEET NO. 12 - PROPOSED EXCAVATION & OFF-SITE DISPOSAL AREAS, Existing Topography; SHEET NO. 13 PROPOSED TOPOGRAPHY of RELOCATION SITES; and SHEET NO. 15 - ON-SITE DISPOSAL & GRADING PLAN.] Attached for your information are Applicationls), as detailed below. copylies) documents and BREWER's 1) Further information on the Prolectls), including: a) Comparison of Previously Approved Modif ied Propos~d Projectls); v s . Revised b) Project Description within the Town of Southold; c) Supporting Information i) i i) i i i) Impact on Fresh Water Impact on Marsh Areas Upland Relocation Ma t" ria I l s) Supply of Excavated & Dredged 2) Application to the Southold Town Board for Soil Removal Permit as required in Chapter 81-4 "Soil Removal"; and 3) Appl ication to the Southold Planning Board for approval of the overal I site development plan as required by Chapter 100 130; "Zoning" - Article XIII; Site Plan Approval from the Code of the Town of Southold. We specifically call your Support dated 08/21/86 N.Y.S.D.E.C. and the N background of BREWER, the approved Projectls), and the attention to our detai led jOint letter of to the Army Corps of Engineers, the .Y.S.D.O.S. This letter discusses the need for the proposed Amendmentl.) to the alternatives considered. <Page 3> BREWER GREEN PORT . SOUTHOLD BOARD OF TOWN . TRUSTEES - 06/26/66 For your further information. we have enclosed a Application(sl for these Amendment(sl to the Army Corps New York Department of State. New York Department of Conservation, and the Incorporated Vi Ilage of Greenport. copy of our of Engineers. Env i ronmen ta I We would welcome convenience. If c a I Ius. the opportunity to discuss this application at your you have any questions. please do not hesitate to With warm regards__. Sincerely. DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES. Inc. By: DSN/j I j Enclosures cc: Army Corps of Engineers N.Y.S.D.O.S. N.Y.S.D.E.C. Vi Ilage of Greenpor t Southold Planning Board Southold Board of Trustees BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. I NC. <Page 4> . . BREWER GREENPORT - SOUTtiOlD BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES - 08/28/86 Comparison of Previouslv Approved vs. Revised Modified Proposed ProiectCs) There are several differences and similarities between approved Project(s) and the proposed Amendment(s). chart tries to provide a summary of these: the previously The f 0 I I ow i n g I AMENDED MASTER PLAN PROJECTCS) in TOWN OF SOUTHOLD I ] Previously Proposed Approved Net Modi f icat ion(s) Expansion Change(s) I Maximum Number Boats - Southold 65 90 -28% (Boats - To ta I Project C 180) ( 180) ( 0%) Total Excavat ion Cu. Yds. 39,660 52,950 -25% Sq. Ft. 77,440 111,275 -30% Maximum Depth -8.0'MLW -8.0'MlW 0% Tota I Dredging Cu. Yds. 450 450 0% Sq. Ft. 2.625 2.625 0% Maximum Depth -8.0'MLW -8.0'MlW 0% Total lineal Ft. Bulkhead 990 1.130 -12% Main Dock(s) 750 425 +43% F i nge r Pie r (s) 1.080 1,360 -20% Ramp(s) 48 288 -83% Total Pi Ie s 65 4 1 I +37% . T r a vel i f t s ' 2 1 + 1 Swimming Pool 1 0 + 1 Excavation: Cu. Yds. 270 0 +270 Sq. Ft. 1, 125 0 + 1.125 Boat Buildings 3 2 + 1 Clubhouse Building I 1 I 1 I 0 II <Page 5> . BREWER GREEN PORT 08/28/86 . SOUTHOLD BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES The basic di'fferences are approved would be as in the Project(s) follows: i f the Amendment(s) 1) The previously approved .U. shaped boat basin required 1 , 130 I i 11 . ft. 0 far 0 u n d the per i me t e r The pro p 0 sed Amendment of a 'trapezoid' basin requires only Nine Hundred Fifty-Five feet (955') of bulkheading around the perimeter of the boat basin. Additionally Thirty-Five (35') of subterranean bulkhead wi I I be placed along the southern edge of the existing marsh area to prevent that edge of the marsh form washing away [see SHEET NO.5 - PROPOSED EXCAVATION & DOCK REMOVAL, Comparison of Previously Approved Plan & Current Proposal J. 2) Ins t a I I at ion 0 f the i n - g r 0 u n d pool bet we e nth e e a s t wa I I of the proposed basin and the existing marsh [see SHEET NO. 3 SITE PLAN MAPJ. The alternative to siting of the swimmi ng poo I in the proposed I ocat ion, is not to have a swimming pool or to place same on the north side of the boat sheds. Placing the pool on the north side of the boat sheds wi I I prevent interference with automobile parking during the summer and boat storage during the winter. Not having a sWimming pool would deprive the patrons of BREWERS of an esthetic enhancement which has been proven to be a desirable asset to other marinas in the area. 3) The layout at the floating dock assemblies will be s I i g h t I Y mo d i fie d . The tot a I I i n e a I fee t 0 f doc k s wi I I increase approximately 43% and the total number of pi les to support the docks wi I I increase approximately 28%. However, llJ. docks and piles will be within the previously approved reconstruction perimeter. The total number of boats wi I I not increase [see SHEET NO.3 - SITE PLAN MAP; SHEET NO.7 - SITE PLAN MAP, Comparison of Previously Approved Plan & Current Proposal; SHEET NO. 9 - RECONFIGURATION of DOCKS, Comparison of Existing Conditions & Current Proposal; and SHEET NO. 10 RECONFIGURATION PERIMETERJ. PROJECT DESCRIPTION WITHIN THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BREWER is seeking approval to amend a proposal previously approved by the Southold Town Board to expand and upgrade their marina, as follows: (Note: The following description only includes those portions of the overall Project which are in the Town of Southold. The Project site lies partially within the Incorporated Village of Greenport and the Town of Southold. The Project is contingent upon receiving approvals from both entities. as wel I as the other governing regulatory agencies_ For the complete Project Description. see attached joint Letter of Support dated 08/27/86 to the Army Corps of Engineers, the N.Y.S.D.E.C. and the N.Y.S.D.O.S. <Page 6> . BREWER GREEN PORT 08/28/86 . SOUTHOLD BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES 1 ) Excavate a "Trapezoid shaped" approximately 39,660 cu. yds. of area of approximately 77,440 sq. PROPOSED EXCAVATION & DOCK REMOVAL] boat bas i nand ma t e ria I from an ft. [see SHEET remove over a I I NO. 6 - 2) Remove approximately 225 lineal feet of existing timber pile bulkhead that extends from Dock #2 to the lift well and is located along the south end of the proposed boat basin. The excavated bulkhead wi I I be disposed of upland by a local carting company [see SHEET NO.6 - PROPOSED EXCAVATION & DOCK REMOVAL] . 3) Construct and maintain a timber bulkhead approximately 955 I ineal feet along the west, north, and east perimeter of the proposed boat basin and lift wel I, and 35' of subterranean bulkhead on the southeast shorel ine. The wood bulkhead wi I I consist of approximately 3" to 4" thick timber sheeting and 14" diameter piles driven approximately 14.3 feet below Mean Low Water into firm bottom materials to provide an adequate base. In addition, there will be a sufficient tie-back system consisting of vertical anchor piles that will be at t a c h e d toe a c h t i mb e r p i I e a Ion g the b u I k he a d wit h 2" diameter tie-rods. No tie-back system is envisioned in the area of the subterranean bulkhead. The subterranean bulkhead will tie into nearby sections of the proposed bulkhead which forms the east side of the proposed basin [see SHEET NO.3 - SITE PLAN MAP!. 4) Relocate and exoand a travel ift wel I by removing the existing travel ift consisting of one (1) runway extension approximately 40' in length located between Dock #3 and Dock #4. The proposed combined travel ift wel I (approximately 50' x 40') wi I I be excavated along the north side of the proposed boat basin and wi I I be able to accommodate a 20-ton and a 60-ton travel ift [see SHEET NO.3 - SITE PLAN MAP and SHEET NO. 9 RECONFIGURATION of DOCKS, Comparison of Existing Conditions & Current Proposal!. 5) Construct, Instal I, and maintain a series of new floating pier (dock) assemblies, as follows [see SHEET NO.3 - SITE PLAN MAP and SHEET NO. 9 RECONFIGURATION of DOCKS, Comparison of Existing Condi tions & Cur~ent Proposal]' DOCK A located along the west perimeter of the proposed basin consisting of a) approximately 190' x 6' of main float; b) five (5) finger piers approximately 40' x 4' located along the east side of the main float, c) one (1) timber ramp approximately 12' x 3' located at the north end of the main float, and d) eight (8) timber p i I e sap pro x i ma tel y 12" i n d i ame t era n d 40' i n I en g t h located at the ends of each finger pier, adding stabi I ity to the structures. <Page 7> . BREWER GREEN PORT 08/28/86 SOUTHOLD . BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES - DOCK B located in the center of the proposed boat basin, consisting of: a) One (1) main I ine of floats a p pro x i ma tel y 1 85 ' x 6 '; b ) 0 n e ( 1 ) t i mb err amp approximately 12' x 3' located at the north end of the main float; c) Six (6) finger piers approximately 35' x 4' located along the east side of the main float; d) six (6) finger piers, approximately 40' x 4' located along the west side of the main float; and e) seventeen (17) t i mb e r p i I e sap pro x i ma tel y 12" i n d i ame t era n d 40' i n length located at the ends of each finger pier. adding stabi I ity to the structure. DOCK C located in the center of the proposed boat basin, consisting of: a) one (1) main I ine of floats approximately 180' x 6'; b) one (1) timber ramp approximately 12' x 3' located at the north end of the main float; c) five (5) finger piers approximately 35' x 4' located along the west side of the main float; dJ and seven (7) finger piers approximately 30' x 4' along the east side of the main float, eJ twenty (20) timber piles approximately 12" in diameter and 40' in length located at the ends of each finger pier, adding stabi I ity to the structure. DOCK D located on the east side of the proposed boat basin consisting of a) one (1) main I ine of floats approximately 195' x 6'; b) one (1) timber ramp approximately 12' x 3' located at the north end of the main float; c) seven (7) finger piers approximately 30' x 4' along the west side of the main float; d) eleven ( 1 1 ) t 1mb e r p i I e sap pro x i ma tel y 12" I n d i ame t era n d 40' in length, located at the end of each finger pier, adding stabi I ity to the structure. 6) Maintenance-dredoe a triangular-shaped area approximately 2,625 sq. ft. to an average depth of 8' below Mean Low Water, and remove approximately 450 cu. yds. of material as measured IN PLACE (see SHEET NO. 11 - MAINTENANCE-DREDGING MAPJ. The area within the Town of Southold to receive maintenance-dredging, is located throughout the existing docking facility. All maintenance-dredging activities will be undertaken by clam shell and barge and/or dragllne operations. The material being dredged wi I I be placed on BREWER's upland property, semi-dried, and then relocated as des c rib e d (i n # 7) below. 7) Uoland Relocation of the Excavated and Dredoed.Material: Approximately 44,090 cu. yds. of material will be excavated from the proposed boat basin with an additional 10,500 cu. yds. of material removed by the maintenance-dredging operat ions in both the Town of Southold and the Vi Ilage of Greenport. All of the dredged materials will be mixed with the materials being excavated and deposited upland at three <Page 8> . BREWER GREENPORT 08/28/86 . SOUTHOLD BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES different locations. The proposed disposal sites are: 1) On-site disposal of approximately 2,500 - 3,500 cu. yds. 2) St. Agnes Cemetery located adjacent to BREWER MARINA on the North side of Manhanset Avenue. Approximately 42,100 cu. yds. wi II be deposi ted on this undeveloped 11.8 acre si te [see SHEET NO. 12 - PROPOSED EXCAVATION & OFF-SITE DISPOSAL AREAS, Existing Topography: SHEET NO. 13 PROPOSED TOPOGRAPHY of RELOCATION SITES: and SHEET NO. 15 - ON-SITE DISPOSAL & GRADING PLANI. 8) RELOCATE an existing 35' plus additional bulkhead approximately bulkhead [see SHEET NO. upland club house approximately 30' x decking 20 feet from the existing 70 feet from the to-be-constructed 3 - SITE PLAN MAPI. 9) CONSTRUCT an upland in-ground swimming pool approximately 25' x 45' plus accompanying 10' cement apron, fencing, and, screening approximately 40 feet from the proposed new bulkheading [see SHEET NO.3 - SITE PLAN MAPI. 10) CONSTRUCT an upland boat maintenance and storage bui Iding, mast shed and bathroom faci I ities total ing approximately 110' x 120' located approximately 75 feet from the new proposed bulkhead [see SHEET NO.3 - SITE PLAN MAPI. III CONTINUATION of a ReconfiQuration Perimeter Condition which would allow BREWER to continually change only the 10cationCs), widthCs), and numberCs) of pi leCs), dockCs) and rampCs) within the ReconfiQuration Perimeter "envelope" [shown on the SHEET NO. 10 - RECONFIGURATION PERIMETER, dated 07/29/86 prepared by DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc.1 provided that the number of boats would not exceed one hundred eighty (180) and no additional bulkheading, dredging, excavation or filling could take place without the prior required regulatory approvaICs). 12) A PERMIT CONSTRUCTION PERIOD expiring on 06/30/92. SUPPORTING INFORMATION Impact on Fresh Water Supply AI I agencies previously examined in depth the possible adverse impactCs) on the fresh water supply and concluded that the previously approved and more extensive ProjectCs) wi I I have little, if any. effect on the fresh water supply_ The proposed revised modified ProjectCs) WI I I have even less of an effect because of the difference in size of the Pro j e c t C s ) . According to Robert A. Villa, P.E., Chief Engineer for the Suffolk County Division of Environmental Health, professional hydrologists from the Suffolk County Health Department <Page 9> . . BREWER GREENPORT - SOUTHOLD BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES - 08/28/86 conducted a field inspection and reviewed the previously approved projectCs) which extended into the upland Forty-Eight and Two-Tenths Percent C48.2%) further than the presently proposed AmendmentCs). Their conclusion is, that: "Since the is not real we CSuffolk proposal.. ." peninsula where the Project is Iy a source of the Vi I lage water County) have no objections located supply, to the In order to maintain the integrity of the fresh water/salt water interface, BREWER proposes to undertake the ProjectCs) with the use of tight interlocking wood sheeting for the bulkhead. The bulkhead wi I I be constructed around the entire area being excavated and wi I I extend from a height of approximately Six Feet above Mean Seal Level C+6' MSLJ. to approximately Ten Feet below Mean Sea Level C-l0' MSL). ImDact on Marsh Area A recent site investigation indicated that a section of the marsh, from its south west corner back to an existing deteriorated subterranean bulkhead. had begun to wash away. The amendments to the previously approved ProjectCs) include replacing the deteriorated existing subterranean bulkhead and extending the new subterranean bulkhead to stabi I ize the southern edge of the existing marsh area. The proposed subterranean bulkhead wi I I be a protective barrier to prevent further erosion of the marsh due to storms, natural tidal action, backwash from boats passing through Stirl ing Basin and activities at the public boat launch directly east of the marsh. The proposed subterranean bulkhead wi I I not involve any ex c a vat ion 0 r fill i n g 0 far e a s n ear the ma r s h . The t i mb e r sheet i ng wi II be suppor ted by a ser i es of pi I es and the subterranean bulkhead wi I I be anchored to the bulkhead that forms the east wal I of the proposed boat basin. Therefore. none of the upland Marsh area wi I I be disturbed for bulkhead anchoring purposes and the proposed subterranean bulkhead will help to preserve the marsh in its present condition. UDland Relocation of Excavated and Dredaed Material(s) The proposed upland relocation of excavated and dredged materialCs) will be identical to that previously approved but wi I I be Twenty Percent C20%) less than the previously a p pro v e d ex c a vat i () n Pro j e c t C s ) . Ex c a vat e d ma t e ria I C s) from the boat basin, 'travel ift' wel I, and al I maintenance-dredged materialCs) will total approximately Fifty-Four Thousand Five Hundred Ninety Cubic Yards C54,590 Yds.3) to be removed <Page 10> . . BREWER GREENPORT - :SOUTHOLD BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES - 08/28/86 from the Project Is) site. Of this, approximately Ten Thousand Fifty Cubic Yards 110,050 Yds.3) wi I I be from maintenance-dredging within the Vi I lage of Greenport, Four Hundred Fifty Cubic Yards 1450 Yds.3) from maintenance-dredging within the Town of Southold, Thirty Nine Thousand Six Hundred Sixty Cubic Yards 139,660 Yds.3) from upland excavation within the Town of Southold, and Four Thousand Four Hundred Thirty Cubic Yards 14,430 Yds.3) from upland excavation within the Village of Greenport. Approximately Two Thousand Five Hundred to Three Thousand Five Hundred Cubic Yards 12,500 Yds.3 to 3,500 Yds.3) of the s e ma t e ria lIs) wi I I be rei 0 cat e don - sit e i nor de r to attain the proper elevationls) and contourls) for improving the drainage patterns and for accommodating the additional related activities such as automobile parking, boat storage, boat repair and maintenance services. There wi I I be approximately Twelve Thousand to Fifteen Thousand Cubic Ya r d s 1 12 , 000 Y d s .3 to 15,000 Y d s .3) 0 f ma t e ria lIs) de p 0 sit e d on-site and along the east side of St. Agnes Cemetery which is contiguous to the area that needs to be fi I led along the west side of BREWER. A smal section of tidal marsh grass ISpartina lLU..) located in the east side towards the southern corner of the site has been identified, NO FILL WILL BE PLACED ON OR WITHIN TWENTY-FIVE FEET 125') OF THE MHW LINE IN THIS AREA. This special condition will help insure the productivity of this s ens i t i ve i n t e r t i d a I ma r s h Z 0 n e . Most of the material being removed (approximately Forty One Thousand Cubic Yards 141,000 Yds.3)), wi I I be transported across Manhanset Avenue to a site located directly across from BREWER. All of the mater ialls) wi II be trucked into the primary relocation site at a point directly across from BREWER's entrance drive on Manhanset Avenue. This undeveloped Eleven and Eight-Tenths 111.8) acre site is owned and maintained by St. Agnes Church and wi I I be used as a future cemetery once the area has been upgraded and improved. There has been further discussion between BREWER's and Saint Agnes Church regarding the grading and landscaping of St. Agnes' property. To the extent possible the evergreens that presently exist Iwhich are relatively young) will be preserved and replanted on either the Church's or BREWER's property. The grading wi I I be as shown on the attached Map. The surface wi II be protected with straw mulch seeded with a hearty grass in a manner similar to that in which road.beds or other irregular slopes are planted in highway or other construction Projectls). In addition, swales wi I I be graded around many portions of the property to insure that there wi I I be no surface runoffs onto the roads and adjacent properties_ There wi I I be an approximate 25' buffer area <Page II> . . BREWER GREENPORT - SOUTHOLD BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES - 08/28/86 between the existing three wetlands areas and the placement of the excavated materials. The mature trees which are on the easterly side of the property and along parts of the berm of the old disposal area wi I I be preserved. In short, the primary relocation site does not represent a significant or critical environmental habitat. In addition. because of its proximity to BREWER [approximately Fifty Feet ( 50' 1 sou t h . a c r 0 s s Ma n h a n set A v e n u e] . a I I t r u c kin g operations to and from the area wi I I not cause any disturbance to any of the nearby residents. A temporary a c c e s s d r i ve i n t 0, the sit e wi I I ex ten d d ire c t I Y a c r 0 s s from the existing entrance drive at BREWER. There are no obstructions or tight curves at this point along Manhanset Avenue. A more detai led description of issues related to the Project(sl can be found in the attached joint Letter of Support dated 08/27/86 to the Army Corps of Engineers. the N.Y.S.D.E.C.. and the N.Y.S.D.O.S. DSN/KW/ j I j <Page 12> . . . _.........." IT ,- ~ TELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRlSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 July 3, 1984 Mr. Daniel S. Natchez Daniel S. Natchez and Associates, Inc. Suite HOO 555 AIda Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543 Re: Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport Dear Mr. Natchez: Attached herewith is your check in the amount of $5.00. Please be advised that the Trustees have no jurisdiction in regard to the project referenced above. Very yo~~~ ~ Henry P. Smith, President Board of Town Trustees HPS:ip Attachment . . . ROBERT W. TASKER Town Attorney TELEPHONE . ~ ~ ~:' (516) 477.1400 RNEY. 425 MAIN ST. GREENPORT, L.I., NEW YORK 11944 ,. '.~' ,"~' .~', - May 19, 1982 ...1 ,"'.,'" . :~:. -"f: ;". To: Town Board of Trustees Re: Sterling Creek or Basin , Dear Sirs: :;"";": From time to time in the past, and most recently in the case of the wetland application of Farr, the question has aris~ as to whether or not Sterling Creek is within the boundaries of the lands granted to the Town of Southold under the Andros Patent, dated October 30, 1676, and thus under the juris'- . diction of the Town Trustees. I believe that it will assist the trustees if I reviewed the court decisions involving the language of this Patent. -.-.; It would appear'that in the early years of this century, the town claimed that ..' ~~~;~dt~~l:o~n t~~~:::c:rd:~ ~~i::~:r:j~~tG:e~;;~~~ ~:;~:i~~a~~~r~_A~;~;t{~~,; from a 64 1/2 acre tract of land in "Town Harbor" or "Southold, Bay"..The ....._.:.,,:;,.~. defendants claimed title by virtue of a conveyance from Suffolk County pursuant \.;,;t..:~:. to an act of the State Legislature passed in 1884, which act ceded to Suffolk;i~Si:F#.? County certain lands under Peconic Bay for purposes of oyster culture. >:.':'/:/ :"~.: ~.-~~~;~;i.;;~~~ The town's position in this lawsuit was thatPeconic Bay was within the lands '. .... . granted under the Andros Patent and therefore owned by the town. The;?,.:"j{J'L defendants claimed that Peconic Bay was not within the lands granted under '. ; .. ..p the Patent and were therefore owned by the State of New York. The Supreme/';::.~.<J";' Court of Suffolk County held that the Patent did not convey Gardiners and '".,:~.><;,~,}; Peconic Bays to the town(41 Misc. 456, 84 N. Y.S. 1078). This decision was"'>::.:].';":' affirmed by the Appellate Division (97-Aj)j):-fiiv. 636, 90 N. Y.S. 1116) and by':~';~:\, the Court of Appeals (183 N. Y. 513). In essence, the court held that the Patent.X/;i',Kii. described the north boundary as "bounded... on the north with the sound...; If, .,x;~;:;r!~:g - ._.-.,.-,...~...I and that since it described the south boundary as "bounded. . . on the south with. ' ~r',:.:& arme of the sea or rive!' which runneth up between Southampton land... ", that :::;2',(~:(~:; )- t -.. . ~ the intent was to exclude Long Island Sound on the north and Peconic Bay on the .:;,';;f';i:.C - .,;;*;~l.(~~;.~,. - -. . ,'.-(". ,"- ~.~ .~.', -.-.< . . ,,-. . . Town Board of Trustees -2- May 19, 1982 ..t.. south. For your information, I am enclosing a copy of the decision in the Park's case. ,. In 1929, the State made a grant of land under Sterling Creek to Ralph T. Preston. The Town' of Southold brought an action against the. State of New York and Preston and asked the court to adjudge that the Town of So.uthold was the owner of the lands under the waters of Sterling Creek, and to declare the State grant null and " void. The court held that Sterling Creek constituted a part of Greenport Harbor, . which is part of the "arme of the sea" mentioned in the Andros Patent as the southerly boundary of Southold Town, and that therefore, Sterling Creek is not' within the limits of the land granted under the Andros Patent and that title thereto was vested in the State of New York. The Preston case was appealed to the Appellate Division and aifirmed (252 N. Y. S. 957). A motion for leave to appeal to the Court of Appeals was denied (253 N. Y.S. 1002). r For the information of the Trustees, I am enclosing a copy of the Case on Appeal in the Preston Case, among other documents, which include the trial testimony; findings of fact and conclusions of Law; Opinion; Judgement; and Order of Affirmance by the Appellate Division. c". . ,~, .... ,'. Yours very truly, ; ~ ROBERT W. TASKER RWT :aa encs. " :'},"" ... ~. ;.- '.-.';. '-:'":c' ~: " '., .. . . TELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRl'STEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE TO THE TOWN TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A PERMIT PURSUANT TO THE I.AWS. ORD I NANCES AND REGULAT IONS GOVERN I NG THE COASTAL AND INTERIOR WETLANDS, FLOOD PLAINS AND DRAINAGE AREAS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, AND THE ISSUANCE OF PERMITS PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 32 OF THE CODES OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. APPLICATION NO._~______________DATE OF APPLICATION__~~~2~_1986 ___ (516) 477-959 I DENT I TY OF APPL I CANT BREWER YACHT YARD at GREENPORI', Inc. PHONE NO -- ADDRESS OF APPL I CANT _~pnllP F" RP".cbJlQad~-.<_NY 11940______ TAX MAP NO. - - 043.,.3-2 AGENT __DANIEL S, NA~Z and ASSOCIATES, Inc. (914) 698-5678 PHONE NO. PERMIT REQUESTED TO M"int:PJ1an~$, installation of EQQ.l within 75' of ____ __ ;n1_p>::+-in;;' m;;ro;h, ilpposit [iJl ~ial within 75' of freshwater wetland LOCAT I ON OF PROPERTY FOR WH I CH PERM I T WANTED BREWER YA,CHT YARD at GREENPORI',_. T"r' .n" Stirling Ba.:in; St. Agnes property north of Manhanset Avenue. AGENT HOME ADDRESS OF PERMIT ~ IF DIFFERENT FROM AFORESAID LOCATION 555 Alda Road, Marnaroneck, NY 10543-4002 CREEK, BAY OR HARBOR FRONTING PROPERTY ~t-;rl;n9 'R..=lc:::;n SIZE OF PROPOSED WORK_Mairlt-p"A"r.P-r1rPiigp 4~n r;, y"" rr"" 75-!~4S-!,-~-4-- fill located 25' fra:n. existing freshwater wetland. ' LENGTH_~ - Seo......at-t-Ar'hpo J.eJ::t.eLnf ~'ll"'rt. ,_1;;1_"'" nR 1?7/ZG_____________~ f ( WI DTH__ VARIES--=_fi~~tachedJ.eJ::t.eL.o.f~ ,_1;;1_"'" OR,f?7,1.B.6___________________ HEIGHT ABOVE HIGH WATER~"'"'_See..;;1-1-;;r'hp,-1 T"'1-1-pr..of-~-datc~7f86_, . . DEPTH BELOW LOW WATER Maintenance dredge to -8 'MLW TO BE EXCAVATED Appro:>:,. 270 CU. Yds. for in-ground p004 450 CU. Yds. for y ARDS -~€fo------------------._---,---------~ Regrading approx. 1.82 acres by placing 3,000 CU. Yds of materia YARDS TO BE F" I LLE:Dlolithin 7~' but not_cJoser _thaI:l ?5...'. ot_a :!:.l...ill'.re_t:@13h,!>,:~~L..BQnd area. WIDTH OF CANAL. CREEK OR BAY FRONT I NG PROPERTY VARIES - See attached Letter 0 ------support dateall1l727,7B DEPTH AT LOW T I DE: VARIES - See attached maps AVERAGE RISE IN TIDE 2.5' DISTANCE TO THE NEAREST CHANNEL__~__FT. DISTANCE PROJECT EXTENDS BEYOND SIMILAR PROJECTS IN THE AREA__~~___F"T IS THIS F"OR PRIVATE OR BUSINESS USE? Business - Boat Yard & Carmerial Marina AREA ZONING Gree..'lport - Southold - WC (Waterfront Corrmercial) C (Light Industrial MANNER IN WHICH MATERIAL WILL BE REMOVED OR DEPOSITEDnrPrlging~baJkIDe~ ,,-l~l:!~ll ~_Q.W..SI~U!DIU9Ldragline o~illQ!h._.EilLt.Q....be...iI:~.r:t.ed..b:>, t-n]cokisL___~ I NTENDED USE OF" PROPERTY __ Full.13~rvicELBoat Yard .ill),;Ll1ilrinil.___________ DESCRIBE ANY KNOWN PRIOR OPERATIONS CONDUCTED ON THE PREMISE Pierce Marina - Cc:mnercial Boat Yard AND WHETHER ANY PRIOR LICENSE OR PERMITS HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO ERRECT STRUCTURES OR TO DREDGE OR DEPOSIT F"ILL ON SAID PREMISES AND WHETHER ANY PERMITS OR LICENSES WERE EVER SUSPENDED OR REVOKED BY A GOVERNMENTAl AGENCY--P,...~jo,....+_(c) ~.7~ .::lrp cOAlr-i~..to.....mcd..if..Y-...was---PJ::elTi'""'l1c:::ly ~[i['rnuM ry .::Ill reryl1.::lt-f"'lry_ authorities in T<Mn of Southold, Village of Greenport, Anny Corps of Engineers (Permit !l349DJ.-......N..Y..s..n..E r Mrv1i ri Prl Pprmi t- JUi)-R4-n7h6.;....amLN..Y....5. n () ~ rrmc:i "t-pnqL__._ Certificate #F-85-254. DESCRIBE F"ULLY THE REHABILITATION AND PROPOSED CONDITION OF THE PREMISES AF"TER THE WORK IS COMPLETED INCLUDE AN ADDITIONAL SURVEY OF THE PROJECT SITE IF" NECESSARY (;rrlning..oL.s~.sbc&zn..nn rlt-t-riconPrlllJaPS- so as to prevent runoff into roads and adjacent property. Surface of filled area will be...p=t-prt-Prl wi t-n stJ::aN. mlll con "PPrlPrl wi t-n nprirty ']rri"" /--=is-Hn'] ynlln'J e.=greens...._._ will be preserved. For JOClre detailed information see attached Letter of Support nrit-pn nR/?7,LB.6.....fr.cmJ1/1NTF:T. S~ N/I'1'rHR7. ..aDcLASSa::ms.......Iru::-.______._________ WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY. IF NOT THE SAME AS THE APPLICANT. ARE THERE ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS IN YOUR DEED THAT WOULD PROHIBIT THIS PRO.JECT? NO . . COUNTY OF WESTCHESTER.) STATE .OF NEW YORK )55: .Jack Brewer I Jr. I P]~esident BEING DULY SWORN DEPOSES AND SAYS THAT HE IS THE APPLICANT FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMITS, AND THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, THAT THE WORK WILL BE DONE IN THE MANNER SET FORTH IN THIS APPLICATION AND AS MAY BE APPROVED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO HOLD THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND THE TOWN TRUSTEES HARMLESS AND .REE .ROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES AND CLAIMS ARISING UNDER OR BY VIRTUE O. SAID PERMIT, IF GRANTED. In completing this application I hereby authorize the Trustees/ agent or representatlve to enter onto my property to inspect tne premises in conjunction with review~o,f thiS/~PPli\cation. K..I.--' SIG~ U E ~F APPL (:;ANT.ri t ~ ;/;"ewer r J;/;". ( K;Ij~4em BREWER'S YACHT YARD at GREENPORl', INC. SWORN TO BE.ORE ME THIS 28th ~- AUEjUGt / -ie-V 7 k. ,,/ I ,. ///7 fT (, ,/ //_'0 / ~~--C-'i / ~./ NOTARY PUBLIC , 19Sa DAY O. (/ I' // -,,, //1/--C..I LESUE J. MIU.ER NGwy Public. Stm!lf.... 'AIrIc No. 48311i08 0ualIfled in West~ Caunly L>/)_ Commiaaion Expires Men:h 30. 1ll!r EXAMINED APPROVED "WETLANDS" PERMIT (CHAPTER 97) APPROVED "S0AT, DOCKS, WHARVES" PERMIT (CHAPTER 32) DISAPPROVED "WETLANDS PERMIT" (CHAPTER 97) DISAPPROVED II BOATS ,DOCKS, WHARVES" PERMIT (CHAPTER 32) CONDITIONS, IF ANY EXAMINING BODY SIGNATURE OF CHAIRMAN COMPUTATION OF FEES Approved 2/27/85 . . BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM " Project Information (T" be completed by Applicant or Project sponsor) 1. Applicant/sponsor BREWER YACHT YARD at GREENPORI', Inc. 12. Project Name BREWER'fACHT YARD at GREENPORT, Inc.' 3. Project location:. Manhanset ,Ave. & Beach Rd. Municipality ...,.~ , 1 ,.c ........ - r 4. Is proposed action: o New 0 Expansion .rounty 1t- o Modification!alteration s. D",,,bopcoi'" b",jlv' Maintenance-dredge approx. 450 Cu.Yds. of material(sl from approx. 2,625 Sq.Ft. triangular area within existing boat basin, depositing dredged materiaHs) at sites described in attached letter, with fill being placed no closer than 25' to outenrost edge of freshwater wetland; Construct 990 lineal feet of bulkheading, indue; 35 lineal feet of sub1:erranean bulkhead; Install 25 'x45' pool with 3' to 10 depth. 6. Precise location (ruad intersections, prominent landmarks. etc. or pro~ide milp) See attached maps. 7. ^maunl 01 land affected; Initiallv t; acres Ultimately 5 acres for all Project(sl 8. WJLProposed action comply With existing lOning or other existing land use restrictionsl ~ Yes 0 No It No, dl~scribe brlefly 9. What is present land use in vicinity of prolecO o Residential 0 Industrial KX Commercial Describe: o Agriculture o Parkland/open space o Other Waterfront Ccmrercial - Full servioe boat yard and marina. 10 Does a.ctlOn involve a. permit/approval, or funding, now or ultimately, from any other governmental agency {Federal, state or locaJH 26a Yes 0 No If yes, list agency{s) and permit/approvals Anny CorpS of Engineers, N.Y.S.D.E.C., N.Y.S.D.O.S., Village of Greenport's Town Board and Planning Board; and Town of Southold's 11. Does any aspect of the action have a currently valid permit or approvaU " l0 y 0 N.Y.S.D.E.C. Modified Pernut HO-84-0766 es No If yes, list agency name and permit/approval type valid l2/l0/84 thru l2/3l/89; Anny Corps Modified permit H3490 valid 02/14/85 thru 02/l4/90; and N.Y.S.D.O.S. Consistency ~~~"ficate #F 85-254. 12. ~rl"sult of proposed actiOn will existing permit/approval require modificationl yIy:J Yes 0 No Appllc3nt/sponsor I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED AOOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE John Brewer, Jr., President ",m, BREWER YACHT YARD at GREENPORr, Inc. -><t-L':;]:" ---I / "") \ Date: Cl8/28/86 Signature: ~ --2 . TCWN of SOUTHOm . EAF El!vIRO;lHElfTAL ASSESSHE/fT - PART Project Information NOTICE; This dacume~t is desicned :0 assist in determining wnethe~ the action proposed may have a significant effect on the envf~r.ment. P~e~se co~lete the entire Da~a She:t. Answers to these Questions will be consicered as Dart of the appli;:ation for apprcval and may be subject to fur:her verification and public: revie'W. Provide any additional infonmation you believe will be needed to comolet~ PA~TS Z and 3. !t is expec:ea tnat ccmolot;cn of ~~e EAF will be dependent an infa~ation cu"ently available and will not 'nva1ve new stud'es. 'esed'~i.a' investiaation. If infonmation ,"~ui,in9 suco additional wo,. is unavJ'~ole. so f"d1ca~e and specify each lns~ance. R~E OF PROJECT: AGENT !fAME A~O AODRESS 01Xllli/OC~ (I f Diff..ent) P.PlO\"TIO'O Yn("'qlTl VZ'1DD ~t ro'!:Tl\WQRr, "tr:J.C" DANIEL S. NAlalEz and ASSOCIATES, Inc. (Name) ADDRESS ANO NAME OF APPLICANT; ~~5 '\lea Thnd ( reet: ~~ vn.~ Vtlpn ::If- t":Olf'l:i'I\TD("'IP"l' ame , Tn,... Marnaroneck. (P.~. ) Manhanset Avenue & Beach Road (St,"""t) Greenport NY 11944 (P.o. i (State) (L1p) BUS":~:SS P~ONE; NY (State) (914) 698-5678 10543-4002 (Zlp) OESCRIPTIO~ OF pqOJECT, (Bdefly desc,ibe type of projeo: 0' at:ion) Amendment (s) to previOUSly-approved Master Plan Project(s) of excavation, bulkheading, maintenance-dredging and recOnfigurati, of floaLb~~ pier as6~~1} rrejcct(3). Also see attached Letter of SUPPOrt dated 08/27/86 by DANIEL S. NAlalEz and ASSOC., Inc. (PL-SlSE CO~PLETE EACH ryUES,Iml - Indicat. N.~. If not applicable). A. SiIE DESCRIPTION (Physical setti~9 of Dverail project. both deveioned and un~eveloo~d areas) 1. Gon..a1 ch..act., of tne land: r.en."l1y unifor.1l slope --X-- ".n..ally uneven and f'0111n9 0' i".~ul", 2. Present land use: ~ro~n . Industrial _, Agriculture _:"'iJ""ther 3. Total acreage of ~roject area:JL2.Q~cres. Commercial ~. Subu~an _____I Rural F')rest .' Acproximate acreage: Pr"esently After Complet.ion .3~acres 0.,0 acres Presently After ~ornpletion Meadow or Brushland Hater Surface Area 2.30 aC":5 4,.95"." Forested _acres __acres Unvegetated (rock. ."Ul 0' fill ) 8.67 _ac-es 6.42 ~ac,es AClricultural __a.cres _acres ~etland (Freshwater or Tidal ~s Der Ar:icles 24. ~~ o~ ~.C.l_) ." 35 acres ~ 35 acres ~oadsl buildinos and other ;:laved: sur7'rlC!!S .40 . ~acres 35 ~ac:-es 4. ~-lhat is 'Jredcminant soil t;.-pe(s) on Ot!'ler (ind~cate ty"'e) _ac:-es acres of'O;eot sit.? Coarse to fine brown sand & gravel, some silt. o:>..c::....t.. fi.l.l...t:I..\....nu.J .tU:..t"uRI' ~ 5_ i. .:'re tl1en~ ~pdrod outcl""'O;lo1ncs on "\rnjPC: sit~? _Yf'S -X--_~o t:. ~hc1: is de:Jth to 1:ledrod::? T\1/~ (~n ""e~t) 9/1/-:8 . 6. A;:pra.:r.i.....J.te :;JercentJ.ge of ~ra.PClsed orojeo::~ .s_~.te with slaoes: O-lr)l..~~['i";1~;; _:; l~: Cr gredtl~r _1.. , . Is pnJject contiguous to. or c:.clntain a bu:idin~ or site listed on the National Resister of Histc:.ric Places? ______yes ~Na 7. B. 9. Variee~_: 3' 8" to 6' 5" below ground surface. What is the depth to the water table? fe.~ 00 hunting or fishing opportunities presently exist in the project area? _Yes ~No SEE A'lTACHED LET 10. Does project site conta1r any $pecies of plant or animal life that is identified as thr~atened or endanoered - _Yes ~lo" according tc - Identify each species 11. Are there any unique or unusual land forms on t~e project site? (i.e. c~;ffs, dunes, other geological formations - ______yes ~No. (Describe 12. Is the prpject site p"esently \lSed by ~he cOlm1unitydo" neiqhiorhood as an om ~Eeffroot:'aR9f recreational be, area - ~Yes _No. Pro]ect sJ.te prOVl es poo J.C access 13. in~ Does the present site offer or inc1u,de seeni" vie"'ls Qr. v;s~s known to, be~~~etre cOlm'lunity? X Yes No Waterfront VJ.ews pI: Stir.nng J:\aSJ.n WJ..L.L . -, - j 14. Streams within or contiguous tel project area: a. Name of stream and name of river to whiCh it ;s tributary Stirling Basin 15. lakes, Ponds, 'r!etland areas within or contiguous to project area: Stirling Basin +35 a. flame Size (in acres) ; b. 16. What is the dominant land use a,nd zoning classification within a 1/4 mile radius of the ~roject (e.g_ single family "esidential, R-2l and the scale of develooment (e.9. 2 story). 2-story RA-low denisty single family residential and agricultural; w:::.7 - Waterfront cannercial and light industrial B. PROJECT DESCRIPTION boat yards and marinas. 1. Physical dimensions and scale of project (fill in dimensions as a;Jpropriate) a. Total contiguous acreage Qwne,d by project Sponsor 9.77 acres. b. Project acreage develooed: ~.42 ac"", initially: 9_.4:1:"es ultimately. .35. tida,l we.tlMds c. Project acreage to remain unc:eveloped d. lengtll of project, in miles: N(!A. (i f aopropri a te) e. If project is an expansion of existing. indicate percent of excansion proposed: building square foot- age ; developed acr'eage . SEE ATrACHED: f. Humber of off-strEP.t parking spaces existina 90-95 ; proposed '2:.160- g. Maximum vehicul aT" trips gene:"'ated per hour li-10 (uoon cexnpletian of projec':.) h. If resid~ntial: Number and type of housing units: ~ne Fami 1y N/A Multiple Family Condominium Two Famil.v Initial U1 timate i. If: Ol"'ienta':.ion ( :!ei ghbarhood-Ci ty-Regi on~ A Estimated Emcloyment Corrrnerd a t Industrial j. Total height of tallest "reposed structure _W~_}eet. .2- 2. How much natural materi~.e. rOCk.~.~r:h, Approx. Total e.-xcavation & rnaintenance-dredg. etc.) will be re!T'Cved .the site _ N/I\ . .54,860 tons cubic yards. 3. How many acres of vegetation (tree:s. shrubs. ground covers} w111 be ref"lQved fro~ site _ --.3.5..acres. 4. Will any mat;,;re forest (ovler l!:O years old) or other locally-important vegetation be removed by this project? _Yes X-NIJ 5. Are thpre any plans for re.-vegetation to I"'eplace: that relT'Oved dudng construction? 4-Yes _:10 6. If single ohase ;lroject: ~~nticipated period of construC":';on _months, (including dementian). 7. rf m~l~;-~n'!sec! oreject: il. Total number of phases an~icfoated ~No. b. An:icicated dat.e of ::oll'lTlencement wMase 1 lr--month, -86-vear (including d2:'l'Olition) (:. Acproximate cc::mcletion date final :Jhase 06 IT'(l:'ltl''l...9.2..Jea''. d. Is phase 1 financially dependent on Subseauent ohases? ______yes _NO x 8~ Wi11 blas:ing occur during construction? _____yes ~~a 9. Number of jobs generated: during ccnstruc:icn ~: after project ;s comoTete 15 . 10. Number of jobs eliminated tlY this project None.. 11. Will project require reloca:tion of any proje,:!s or facilities? .x Yes No. If yes. exolain: Existing floating pier assemblies & travelift rill be constJ;ucted i>pdlZelOC~ted, 12. a. Is surface or subsurface liquid waste disposal involved? _Yes ~!io. b. If yes. indicate type of 'Waste (sewage. industrial. etc.) N/i\ discharged N/li'; c. If surface disoosal na~~ of stream into which effluent will be 13. Will surface area of existing lakes. ponds. streams. bays or other surface 'Waterways be inc~eased or decreased by crooosal? ~__Yes ~o. 1-1. Is project or any portion of project located in the 100 year flood plain? ~Yes _No 15. a. Does project involve disoosa! of solid waste? -:*-oYes _Ho Dredged IlJi'\te.rip,lCSL If yes, will an existi~g solid waste dis"osal facility be used? _Yes ~~'lo l1a,teri?,1{sLl?l~ced upland, on-site and adjacent St, Agnes CerTletery I?lZO~ If yes. give name: U,^ : locatlon n/1J,' . I Vil1 any wastes not go into a sewage disoosal system or-into a sanitary landfill? ______yes __~~o b. c. d. 16. 17. Will g~nject use herbicides or p~sticides? _____yes ~~o ~ill project routinely produce odors (~re than one hour oer day)? ______yes ~No 18. Will project produce ooerating noise exceeding the local ambience noise levels? ______yes ~No 19. Lli11 project resuit in an ilrlc~ease in energy use? _Yes ~No. If yes. indicate type~s) 20. If wate~ sucoly is from wells indicate oumoing caoacity ~/l\ gal s/fIlinute. 21. Total anticioated water usage per day _N(A_Qals/day. 22. Zoning: a. I'Shat is dcninant zoning classification of site? b. Cun-ent soedf'ic zoning c1ass~fica,tion of site c. !s orooosed USl~ CO"lsi'stp.nt '<fitI'! present zoning? d. If no. indicate desired zoning N/A WC-Naterfront CClllJl)erci:al-Green)?Ort C-oLigfit: Industdal ..,. Southold r-T, i gJ>t. Ihdu.s-trial Yes -J- 26. Is any Fedeapenni t reQui red? --1L-Yes No . b. Does projec~volve State~or Federal funding or financing? Approvals: A. c. Local and Re9~ional approvals: Approval Required (Ves, No) (Type) AMENDED City, Town, V111a~}e Board Yes..- P~:rmi-t- City, Town, Vl1lage Planning Board Yes- l\ppro'olli City. Town, Zonin~; Board b1o-- City, County Heal':h Department Ne- Other local agendes Town Tnustees Yes- Pp1'm;+- Other regional a91~nc'es No-- State Agencies ............. m~c: Federal Agencies Yes- II Greenport-Brd. of Trustees Yes Pe:rltu.t C. INFORMATIONAL DETAILS Yes -x--No Submittal (Date) Approva 1 (Date) ..o..aL2BL86 PeJlding 0\1/2\1/86 " 08128;186 , , 1m86 86 86 " 1\ .. Attach any additional infonnatiol' as may be needed to clarify your project. If there are Dr may be any adverse impacts associated with 'the proposal. please discuss such impacts and the measures which can be taken to mitigate Or avoid them. __ r-- PREPARER'S SIGNATURE: ~-k--G .l.n--/\ /" Jo Bre~I Jr. I TITLE: '______ -President REPRESENTING: BREWER. YACHT YARD at GHEENPORr, Inc. 08/28/86 DATE: " -4_ .- . . .- TCX\IN of SOUTHOLD EAF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT - PART II Project Impacts and Their Maqnitude General Information (Read Carefully) - In completing the fenn the rE!viewer should be guided by the question: Have my decisions and deter'!Tlinations been reasonable? The reviewer is not expected to be an expert environmental analyst. - Identifying that an effect will be potentially large (column 2) does not mean that it sionificant. Any large effect must be evaluated in PART 3 to determine significance. 'effect in column 2 simply asks that It be looked at further. is also necessari1}l By identifying an - The Examoles provided are to assist the reviewer by showing types of effects and wherever possible the threshold of magnltude that would trigger a response in column 2. The examples are generally applicable throughout the State and for most situations. But~ for any specific project or site other examples and/or lower thresholds may be more appropriate for a Potential Large Impact rating. - Each project. on each site. in each locality, will vary. Therefore. the examples have been offered as guidance. They do not constitute an exhaustive list of impacts and thresholds to answer each question. ~ The number of examples per question does not indicate the importance of each question. INSTRUCTIONS (Read Carefully) a. Answer each of the 18 questions in PART 2. Answer Ves if there will be !!!.'I. effect. b. Maybe answers should be considered as Yes answers. c. If answering Yes to a auestion then check the appropriate box (column 1 or Z) to indicate the potential size of the imcact. If impact threshold equals or exceeds any example provided, check column 2. If impact will occur but threshold is lower than example, check column 1. d. If reviewer has doubt about the size of the impact tt)en consider the imoact as potentially large and proceed to PART 3. e. If a potentially large impact or effect can be reduced by a change in the project to a less than large magnitude, place a Yes in l:01ur.'IO 3. A No response indicates that such a reduction is not possible. 12.3 1. WILL THERE BE AN EFFECT AS A RESULT OF A PHVSICAL CHAnGE TO PROJECT SITE? NO VES 08 . . . SMALL TO POTENTIAL CAN IMPACT BE MODERATE LARGE REDUCED BV IMPACT ''''PACT PROJECT CHANGE - - - - - - - - - - - - -*- - - ----1L - - - - - IMPACT ON LANO <xamoles that Would Acply to Column 2 Any construction on slopes of lS: or greater, (15 foot rise per 100 foot of length), Or where the general slopes in the project area exceed 10:. Construction on land where the depth to the water table is less than 3 feet. ronstruction of oaved aark.inc:r are.. f'(lr 1, ~')~ or more vehicles. , Construction on land where bedrock is ex~osed or generally within,3 feet of existing ground surface. L Construction that will contirlue for more than year or involve mare than one ~hase or stage. x Excavation far mining purposes that would remove more than 1,000 tons of natural material (i.e. rock or soil) per vear. For re=eational boating purposes . Construction of any new sanitary landfill. -5- . .- . Construction tn a designated fioodway. ..x. Other lmpacts:TO!X)oraohv of ProiectCs) Site will improved & church properties will be enhanced If.) 2. WILL THERE BE AN EFFECT TO ANY UNIOUE qR UNUSUAL lJI.Nq roRllS IX\r\ FOUND ON THE SITE? (I.e. cliffs, dunes, ~eolog1ca1 fo"",- VV Uons, etc.) Specific land forms: IflPACT ON WATER NO 3. WILL PROJECT AFFECT ANY WATER BODY DESIGNATED AS ..........r'::\ PROTECTED? (Under Articles 15, 24, 25 of the Envlr- \2Y onmental Conservation law, E.C.L.) Examoles that Would Apply to Column 2 Dredging rrt]re than 101) cubic yards of material fn::cn channel of a protected stream. Construction 1n a designated fres~ater or tidal wetland. Other impacts: 4. WILL PROJECT AFFECT ANY NON-PROTECTED EXISTING OR NFH NO BODY OF HATER? .............................. ..............0 Examoles that Would Apply to Column 2 A 10: increase or decrease tn the surface area of any body of water or mor-e than a 10 acre increase or decrease. Construction of I body of water that exceeds 1n acres of surface area. X Other inmacts: Project(s) will enhance recreationa - opportUnities by Creating a trapizoidal shaped heaL bftgiI. Elt'l'-LOX. 77,440 Oq. rL. NO 5. WILL PROJECT AFFECT SURFACF OR GROU'ID"ATER nIlALlTY? 0 Examoles that Hould Ap~ly to Column 2 Project will require a discharge permit. Project requires use of a source of water that does not have aporoval to serve ,reposed project. Project requires water sUDply from wells with "reater than 45 gallons per minute ,umping capacity. . Construction or operation causing any contamination of a public water suoply system. Project wilt adversely affect groundwater. Liquid effluent will be conveyed off the s1te to faciltties which presently do not exist or have inadequate capacity. Project reQutring a facility that would use water in excess of zn,nao gallons per day. _ Pt'"Oject will likely cause siltation or other discharge . into an exfsting b::::!y of water to the extent that there will be an obvious visual contrast to natural conditions. -,- . 1. 2.. 3. ~~.ALL TO PDTE.'lTIAL CAN I~PACT BE ~DE~~E l~RGE REDUCED BY lMPA IMPACT P~OJECT CHANGE - - - be X - - . YES - - - - - - - - - YES C - - - - - - - - - - - - YES 0 - - - - - - 1 X - - - YES - - - C - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '. . .~ -i. 3. .~ ,'2.. 6. '\ALL Te POTENTIAL CArl IIIPACT BE "IOE;lATE LARGE REOUCEiJ CY ~:",Y~C:- I....CT PR~JECT CHArlGE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -X.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - -- - - - - ~th.r I"'Dacts: See previously suhnitted letters f H2M dated 01/31/84 & Suffolk County dated r'6l\ 0'll12/R4 :4ILL PRnJECT ALTER ORAI"M;, FL~". PATTE~'IS OR SIIRfAr.1: !'lATE1(~o YES RVNaFF? ................................................... 00 Exam!)le that ~ould ~,"ply to Colunn Z , Project would lnMede flood water flows. Project is likely to cause substantial erosion. Project ;5 incolT'patible "'lith existing drainage patterns. ..x.. Other Impacts: PrQject [B) wi 11 iTllPrClv<" patten1s and flCMS. IMPACT ~N AIR c1r~iT'lrlgp 7. 110 YES WILL PROJECT AFFECT AIR QUALlTY?..........................0 0 F.xamDles that Would Apply to Column 2 Project will fl'Jduce 1.~mO or IOOre vehtc1e trips in any given hour. Project will result in the incineration of more than 1 ten ~f refuse per hour. Project emission rate of all conta~inants will excp.eri 5 lbs. Del'" hour or a heat source ~roduc;ng mor~ than l~ million BTU's p~r hour. Other imoacts: I~D~C7 ON DlANTS AND ANr~AlS 8. wrLL PROJECT AFFECT ANY THREATENED OR ENOANr"REO SPECIES? NO YES' GO Examcles that Would Apoly to Column 2 Rp.duction of one ar more species listed on the New York or Federal list, using the site. over or near site or found on the site. Removal of anv ~or:ion of a critical or sianificant wild~ Ii f. t>.bi ut. Ao"lication of P~sticide or !'terl:lici de over mo~ than b';c~ a yea!. ocher thdn fDr ll9'...~~..ut.t,p."'"l pOlTJ'O"i~S. Qt.:,.'!:r ir.:oacts: 9. SILL PROJECT SUBSTA::nALL Y AFFECT r~ON- THREATE:1EO OR NO YES E~IOANr,EREO SPECIES? .......................................0 0 Examole that Would Apoly to Colu~n 2 , rroject would substantially inte"'fere with an~' resident or migrat.ory fish or ....ildt ire species. Project reouires the rp.moval of r=lore than 111 ac!"es of mature forest (over l~n ye3rs in ane) or other locallY im~or~ant veget2tion. -7- .- . . Examnles that llouid A;:lply tel Column 2 m y 00 2.. 3. ~ALL T~ DeTE/!TlAL eMl n~PACT BE O~ERA TE LARGE REDUCED ~Y r"'po.cr ro.r.o-CT PRflJECT Oto.UGE ., < - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 - - - - - - X - - - - - - - - .- - - - - - - - - - I~'''ACT (I:: ':IS~'''L ~~S~l~RCE 1~.. \!ILl THE PtlOJfCT ~Frt:c: VIF::II~. vISTAS C:l T!lr Vl$tl4L C!-IAq:ACTER OF THE :1F.IGHBI'lR;JtXIO or. CO"''''''t!HTV1 .............. An .jncomNtible visual affect caused by the introduction of ne\-I materials. colors and/or fonr.s in contrast to the surroundin~ landsca~e. A oreject easily visible. not easily screened, that is obviously different fror.l nth~rs ar-ound it. Project will result in the el;~;nation or ~ajor screening of scenic views or vistas kno\'ln to be important to the area. Other impacts: IMPACT ON HI"ORIC RESOURCES 11. WILL PROJECT WPACT ANY SlOE OR STRUCTURE OF HISTORIC, NO YE PRE-lmTno IC nR PALE~rlTOr.rCAL Ir'r~PTA~CE? .................<::) 0 Examoles that l~ould Aool.v to ColUl"':n 2 Prt'.lect accurina wholly or nartially within Qr conticuous to any facilitv or site listed on the National Reoister of historic ;:llaces. Any impact to an archeological site or fossil b~d located within the project site. Other im:;lacts: I"PACT ON OPEN SPACE & RECREATlD/: 12. I/ILL THE PRnJECT AFFECT THE OUAllTlTY OR QUALITY OF EXISTltIG NO YE OR FUTURE OPEII SPACES OR RECRLATlO/lAL OPPORTU~IITlES?..... 0 €) Examoles that ~Iould Aopl.v to C:olumn 2 rt,e pemanent foreclosure of a future recreational oooortunit:'. A major reduction of an open spac!! important to the cotJT.1unity. X Other imoacts; Will increase public access to water- trenE, ana recrcatiOfii:U B6atir,'l' epfOOl. LtlldLies. I"oocr ON TRANSFORTATlO~ 13. I'ILL THERE BE All EFFECT TO EXISTIIIG TRANSPORTATrON SYSTE""S? ............................................... Examoles that Would 4,1J!"ly to CCllumn 2 Alteration of present j:latterns of r.1Qvel"1ent of reople' and/or goods. NO YES 00 Project will result in severe traffic :Jrcb1ems. Other irr.pacts; -R- .- " . '- I~PACT ON ENERGY 14. IHLl PROJECT AFFECT THE COMMUNITIES SOURCES DF FUEL OR NO Y ENERr,y SUPPLY? . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. . . .. .. .. . . .. . . - "e) 0 Examoles that Would Apoly to Column 2 Project causing qreater ttlan 5: increase in any fonn of energy used in municipality. Project requiring the crea,tic" or extension of an energy transmission or supoly system to serve more than 50 sinQle or two family residences. Other impacts: IMPACT ON NOISE 15. WILL THERE BE OBJECTIONABLE OOORS, NOISE. GLARE, VIBRATIO~ NO Y or ELECTRICAL DISTURBANCE ,IS A RESULT OF THIS PROJECT? ....00 Examoles that Would Aooly to Column 2 Blasting wi thin 1 ,50!) feet of a hospital I school or other sensitive facility. Odors ~ill occur routinely (more than One hour per day). Projec~ will oroduce ooerating noise exceedinn the local ambient noise levels for noise outside of structures. PiOject will re~ve natural bar~iers that would act as a noise Screen. nther ir.1pacts: I~PAC O~! HEALTH & HAZARDS 110 YF ~6 . HILL PPO.JECT AFFECT PUBl!e ilEAL TH AND SAFETY? .............00) Exampl,::os that li'ou1d 8,pply to Column 2 Pr~je<;t will cause a risk of eX'Jlcsion or release of hazardous substances {i .e. oil, pesticidr.s, chemicals. ra(fiation, etc.} in the event of accident or uoset conditions. or there will ~e a chronic low level discharge Or e~ission. Proj~ct that will result in the burial of "hazardous wastes" (i .2. toxic, poisonous, highly reactive. radioactive. irritating. infectious. etc.. inc1udinf'l wastes that are solid. semi-solid. liquid or contain gases.) Storace faciht"ips for one million or more 9al1oflS of liouified n~tural gas or othe~ liouids. 1L ".the" ;",oacts: Proiect(s) will allow safPI navigation i'\ low tides by restoring previously--existing depths [UL Llc"'<' <.h.ctf L LuaL". E' LU j=..;L GL wIll Ittodp pLULect public health by providing needed punpout facilities. + . 1 2. ~ . SMAll TO P".TENTIAl CAil IMPACT CE rmOERPTE lA~GE REDUCED BY IMPACT I'lPACT PROJECT CHANGE ES . - - - - - - - - - - - - ES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - S - - - - - - - - - ---X.. - - - - - .- powmAL LARGE !IIP~CT CAN (MPACT BE REDUCEO BY PROJECT CHANGE . . . .-. IMPACT orl GROWTH AND CHARACTJ'R Ill' CollllUNITY OR ~IElr,HAOR~nQo 17. WILL PROJECT AFFECT THE CHAP^CTE' OF THE EXISTING NO YES Co~MUNITY? .. .... ............ ...... ....... ........ ..........<:) 0 Example that Would ApoTy to Clllumn 2 The population of the City, TtlWn or Village in which the project is located is likely .~o 9row by more than 51 or resident human population. The municipal budgets for cap'itaT expenditures or opera- ting services will increase b~f more than 5% per ~"ear as a result of this project. Will involve any ::Jermanent fadlity of a non-agricultural use in an agricultural distric:t or remo....e "rime agricultural lands from cultivation. The: project will replace or e'liminate existing facilities. structures or areas of histor"ic importance to the corrmunity. Development will induce an influx of a particular age group with special needs. Project will set an important precedent for future proiects. Project will relocate 15 or ~Jre em~loyees in one or ~re businesses. Other imoacts: ~O YES 18. IS THERE PUBLIC CONTRCVeRSY CIlNCERNrNG THE PR~JECT? .......<:) 0 Examoles that \.lould Apply to Column 2 Ei ther government or ci ti zens of adj acent COlTmun; ties have expressed ooposition or rejected the project or have not been contact.ed. Objections to the oroject from within the corrmunitv. IF ANY ACTION It: P.~RT 2 IS loEllTIFlEO AS A pOmmAL LARGE IMPACT DR IF YOU CANNOT OETERMrNE THE MAGlIITUOE OF IMPACT. PROCEED TO PART 3. PORTIONS OF EAF C0I1PLETEO FOR THIS PROJECT: DETERMINATION PART I _ PART II _ PnRT 3 _ Upon review of the fnformation recorded on this EAF (Parts 1. 2 ..and 3) and considerinq both the maonitude and irnnortance of each impact. it is reasonably determined that: PREP^RE A ~IEr.~TIVE OECLARI.TION A. The proj ect ~i 11 result in no major impacts and. therefore. ~ SEE ATI'l\CllED, is one which may not cause significant dama~e to the environment. B. Although the project could have- a significant effect Q!l the ~nvironment. there will not be a significant f!:Uect in this case PREPARE A NEr~TIVE nECLARATIOH because the mitigation measures described in PART 3 have been 0 included as part of the oroposed project. C. The project will result in one or more major adverse impacts PREP.~RE PCSITIVE OECLARATIO~I PROCEED ~ITH EIS that cannot be reducec and may cause significant damage to 0 the en v i ronmen t. Oate Signature-of R~spons;ble Official in Lead Agency Signature of Prenarer (if different from responsible officer) Pr1"n t cr :'y~e nare of responsibie official in Lead I\gerlcv . , ,. BREWER YACHT YARD at GREENPORT. INC. Town of Southold Vi Ilage of Greenport PROPOSED EXCAVATION. BULKHEADING. RELOCATION OF TRAVELIFT WELL, MAINTENANCE-DREDGING. and RECONFIGURATION of FLOATING PIER ASSEMBLY PROJECTCSl ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Town of Southold NEGATIVE DECLARATION The proposed ProjectCsl at BREWER YACHT YARD at GREENPORT, INC., previously approved on 03/22/85, wi I I have NO adverse environmental impacts of effects on: the Appl icant's property being excavated, the area being maintenance-dredged; the proposed relocation siteCsl; or the surrounding upland, wetlandCsl, and water areas. In fact, the proposed Project(sl 'will have a significant positive impact by: i n c rea sin g r e c rea t ion a I act i v i tie san d 0 P P 0 r tun i tie s; a I I ow i n g sa fer utilization of the existing waterways; protecting existing wetlandCsl; providing additional job opportunities; and improving the overall aesthetic quality of the marina and neighboring propertyCiesl. ~~~ ~.....:... -~ ohn rewer, Jr J, Pres i dent BREW YACHT YARD at GREENPORT, In c. Date: U8/28/86 .. '. . .COPY FOR YOUR INFORMATiON DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIA TES, Inc. . ... -, ... ... ... ." .. ..... ........ . ... ..... .... .... ........... ... ..... ~ ... .. ... .... ... .. .. .. ... .... .. ... RECEMD Suite 11 00 555 Aida Road Mamaroneck. New York 10543.4002 (914) 698.5678 SEP 31986 Office of the President T_ ('I"..l, C;"..+llClld August 27, 1986 ARMY CORPS of ENGINEERS New York District 26 Federal Plaza - 19th Floor New York, New York 10017 CERTIFIED MAil. P 447 711 915 .iU.11l : Mr. James Mansky, Chief Regulatory Branch New York State CERTIFIED MAil. P 447 711 916 DEPT. of ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Region 1 S.U.N.Y. - Building 40 Stony Brook, New York 11794 .iU.11l : Mr. Robert Green. Perml t Admi n i s t rator New York State Department of State COASTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 162 Washington Avenue Albany, New York 12231 CERTIFIED MAil. P 447 711 918 .iU.11l : Mr. Kev inCross RE: BREWER YACHT YARD at GREENPORT. INC. PROPOSED EXCAVATION. BULKHEADING. MAINTENANCE DREDGING. and RECONFIGURATION of FLOATING PIER ASSEMBLY PROJECT(Sl AMENDMENT(S) to: Corps' Modified Permit No. 13490 N.Y.S.D.E.C. Modified Permit .10-84-0766 N.Y.S.D.O.S. Consistency Cert. .F-85-254 Gen t Il~men: BREWER YACHT YARD at GREENPORT. INC.. (hereinafter BREWERl has asked us to assist them in obtaining the necessary AmendmentCs) [see SHEET NO. 3 - SirE PLAN MAP] to the respective prevIous regulatory approvals to undertake the above-referenced Modifications to the previously approved Master Plan ProJect(sl [see SHEET NO.5 - PROPOSED EXCAVATION & DOCK REMOVAL, Comparison of Previously Approved Plan & Current Proposal and SHEET NO. 3 SITE PLAN MAP, Comparison of EXisting Condi tions, Previously Approved Plan & Current Proposal]. Whi Ie we believe that separate new Application forms are not required. we have completed and enclosed same should any regulatory agency subsequently , ~REWER GREENPORT -CORP~YSDEC~NYSDOS-PERMIT AMEN~TCSl -08/27/86 require same. This letter wi I I provide the necessary information on BREWER's proposed AmendmentCsl to undertake the revised Modified Master Plan ProjectCs) as fol lows: I. BACKGROUND of PREVIOUS APPROVALS and PROPOSED AMENDMENTCSl the NEED for the II. COMPARISON PROJECTCS) of PREVIOUSLY APPROVED vs. PROPOSED MODIFIED I I I PROPOSED AMENDMENTCS) to CORPS and NYSDEC PERMITCS) IV. PROJECT DESCRIPTION a) Proposed AmendmentCs) bJ Presently Existing Faci ityCies) v. BACKGROUND on THEIR MARINA BREWERS and NEED for UPGRADING and EXPANDING VI ADDITIONAL SUPPORTING INFORMATION V II ALTERNAT I VES I. BACKGROUND of AMENDMENTCS) PREVIOUS APPROVALS and the NEED for the PROPOSED BREWER recently received Permits from the Army Corps CNo. 13490), a Modified Permit from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation CNo. 10-84-0766), a New York State Department of State Consistency Certificate CNo. F-85-254), as wet I as the appropriate approvals from bo~h the Town of Southold and the Village of Greenport. which were originally requested to enable BREWER to expand and upgrade their marina in a Master Plan Approach. Howe'ver. since the submission of the original Appl icationCs) for the proposed ProjectCs) over two plus years ago and receipt of J!..!..l. the necessary regulatory approvals this year, economic and logistic factors make it necessary to seek AmendmentCs) to the previously approved ProjectCs). The requested AmendmentCs) being sought by BREWER consist of a modified design of the original project which BREWER believes is more logistically and ecoflomical Iy feasible to construct and operate. I t is important to note that al I of the proposed modifications, changes, and AmendmentCs) thereto are designed to be wholly within th~:} previously atloroved waterside Reconfiauration Perimeter. The reGontlguration ot the docks for the proposed AmendmentCs) will not exceed the previously approved One Hundred Eighty (180) boat slips; will not encroach or interfere with navigation in Stirl ing Basin or in the Federal Channel; and wi' I not extend <Page 2> . '. BREWER GREENPO'" -08/27/86 -C~RPS/NYSDEC/NYSDOS-~IT AMENDMENTCS) further from shore than the previously approved RECONFIGURATION PERIMETER which is also the southern most boundary of the existing f loa t s. The revised excavation and bulkheading aspects of the ProjectCs) wi I I n~t cut into the upland Cin a northerly direction) as far as the previously approved ProjectCs). Previously, the excavation plan was to create a deep "U" shaped basin Cextending 400' upland from the existing bulkhead) and now BREWER proposes a "trapezoidal" shaped boat basin which parallels the shoreline and extends upland only approximately 220' from the existing bulkhead. This comparison is shown on SHEET NO.5 - PROPOSED EXCAVATION & DOCK REMOVAL, Comparison of Previously Approved Plan & Current Proposal. The proposed dredging Project is UNCHANGED. [See SHEET NO. 11 - MAINTENANCE DREDGING MAP, Proposed Dock Configuration. In addl tion, deposition of the excavated and dredged materialCs) [ w hie h w i I I be a p pro x i ma tel y 20% I e s s t h ant he 0 rig I n a I I yap pro v e d ProjectCs)] wi I I sti I I be at the previously approved sites at BREWER's upland, at St. Agnes Cemetery immediately west and adjacent to BREWER's property, and at St. Agnes Cemetery adjacent to BREWER's on the north side of Manhanset Avenue. [See SHEET NO. 12 - PROPOSED EXCAVATION & OFF-SITE DISPOSAL AREAS - Existing Topography; SHEET NO. 13 PROPOSED TOPOGRAPHY of RELOCATION SITES; SHEET NO. 15 - ON-SITE DISPOSAL & GRADING PLAN.] <Page 3> BREWER GREE~RT -08/27/86 :CORPS/NYSDEC/NYSDOS~RMIT AMENDMENTCS) I I. COMPARISON OF PREVIOUSLY APPROVED vs. REVISED MODIFIED PROPOSED PROJECTCS) There are severa I d if ferences and s imi I ar i ties between the previously approved Master Plan Project(s) and the proposed Amendmenl(sl. The following chart tries to provide a summary of lhese: I AMENDED PLAN PROJECHS) II MASTER I , I ] Previously Proposed Approved Net Mo d i f i cat ion ( s ) Expans ion ChangeCs) I Maximum Number Boats 180 180 0% Total Excavat ion Cu. Yds. 44,090 I 55,250 -20% I Sq. Ft. 86,365 115,825 -25% I Maximum Deplh -8.0'MLW -8.0'MLW 0% I Tolal Dredging I I II Cu. Yds. 10,500 10,500 0% I Sq. Ft. 120,800 120,800 0% Maximum Depth -8.0'MLW -8.0'MLW 0% Total lineal Ft. Bulkhead 1,135 1. 195 -5% Main Dock(s) 1 ,735 1,425 + 18% Fin ge r Pie r (s) 2,840 2,955 -4% Ramps 84 324 I -74% II P I Ie s Total 173 95 +45% I 'Travelifts' 2 1 + 1 , II Swimming Pool 1 0 + 1 II Excava t ion: Cu. Yds. 270 0 +270 I Sq. Ft. 1 , 125 0 + 1 , 125 I I Boat Buildings 3 2 + 1 II Clubhouse Sui I din 9 1 I 1 0 'I I . I, <Page 4> BREWER GREENPORT -CORP~YSDEC~NYSDOS-PERMIT AMEND~TCSJ -08/27/86 The basIc differences are as follows: 1) The previously approved "un shaped boat basin extended upland from the eXisting bulkhead approximately Four Hundred Feet (400'). The proposed AmendmentCs) for this aspect of the ProjectCs) proposes a 'trapezoid' extending upland from the existing bulkhead only approximately Two Hundred Twenty Feet C220'). This represents an approximate 45% decrease in the distance o f up I and ex c a vat ion from the cur r en t s h 0 rei i n e 0 v e r the previously approved Project(s) It was previously determined that the area to be excavated is on a peninsula which is not considered to be a source of fresh water for other areas therefore the previously approved excavation of 400' upland would not interfere wi th any source(s) of fresh water for the area. 2) The volume of material to be excavated to -8 MSL' from the approved "un shaped boat basin was a total of approximately Fifty-Five Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Cubic Yards C55,250 Yds.3) whereas the proposed Amendment for the 'trapezoidal' excavation to -8 MLW' r e qUI res the r emo val 0 fat 0 t a I 0 f a p pro x i ma tel y Forty-Four Thousand Ninety Cubic Yards (44,090 Yds.3), or a reduction of Eleven Thousand One Hundred Sixty Cubic Yards (11,160 Yds.3J, or approximately Twenty Percent (20%) less than the original Project(s) volume. 'The reduction in the volume of material to be excavated wi I I provide a savings to BREWER over the ini tial ProjectCs) cost for excavating, transporting and disposal of the materials. In addition, it wi I I modestly reduce the time necessary to complete this aspect of the Project(s), and the overal I time necessary to finish the upgrading and reconfiguration of BREWER's facility. 3) The I a you t 0 f the f loa tin g doc k ass emb Ii e s will be 51 ightly modified, but ~ docks and pi les wi I I be within the previously approved Reconfiauration Perimeter.. The total number of boats wi I I not increase. 4) Two (2) travellfts wi I I be provided as opposed to one previously approved. One (1) in-ground swimming pool wi I I be constructed which was not covered in the previously approved Project(s). An additional upland building will be constructed and a club house building wi I I be relocated. <Page 5> B~EWER GREENPORT -CORP~YSDEC~NYSDOS-PERMIT AMEN~TIS) -08/27/86 I I I .PROPOSED AMENDMENTIS) to ARMY CORPS and N.Y.S.D.E.C. PERMITS To Amend Army Corps' CertifIcation #F-85-254 fa I lows: Permit #13490, N.Y.S.D.O.S. Consistency and N.Y.S.D.E.C. Permit #10-84-0766 as i) To Amend the approved One Thousand One Hundred Ninety Five 11,195) I ineal feet of bulkheadinQ to approximately One Thousand One Hundred Thirty Five 11.135) lineal feet of bulkhead,ng. including One Hundred Ten (110) I ineal feet of subterranean bulkhead; i i) To Amend the approved Fifty Five Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Cubic Yards 155,250 Yds.3) of excavation for One Hundred Fi fteen Thousand Eight Hundred Twenty Five Square Feet (115,825 Ft.~) to approximately Forty Four Thousand Ninety Cubic Yards 144,090 Yds.3) of excavatIon for Eighty SIX Thousand Three Hundred Sixty Five Square Feet 186,365 Ft."), and Iii) To Amend the epproved One Thousand Four Hundred Twenty Five I 1. 425) I I n e ad fee t 0 f ma i n doc k san d Two Tho usa n d N i n e Hundred Fifty Five 12,955) I ineal feet of finger piers lin varying widths from 4' to 6'), with Three Hundred Twenty Four (324) I ineal feet of adjustable ramps and Ninety Five (95) p I I es to One Thousand Seven Hundred Th I r ty Five 11.735) I ineal feet of main ducks and Two Thousand EiQht Hundred Forty 12.840J I ineal feet of finQer piers lin varyinQ widths from 4' to 6'), wi th EiQhty-four (84) I ineal feet of adiustable ramps and One Hundred Seventy Three (173) piles. iv) To Amend the approved relocation of a single travelift wel to construct a wel I that accommodates two (2) travel ifts; v) To Amend the expiration date for construction of the proposed Proiectls) to 06/30/92. vj) To continue the Reconfiauration Perimeter as shown on attached SHEET NO. 10 - RECONFIGURATION PERIMETER which would allow BREWER only to reconfiQure the docks. piles and ramps w j t h i nth i 3 II ~~ n vel oDe ,. . Add i! ion a Ire que s t e dAme n dme n t s tot heN. Y . S . 0 . E . C. Per m i t V I I) To relocate approximately for t y fee t bulkhead. an 30' x ( 40' ) exist ing 35' plus from upland club house facility wood decking to be approximately the proposed to-be-constructed <Page 6> BREWER GREEeRT -08/27/86 ~CORPS/NYSDEC/NYSDO~"'RMIT AMENDMENT(S) VI I I) To construct a new upland in-ground swimming pool approximately 25' x 45' together with associated decking, fencing and screening approximately 40 feet from the proposed new bulkhead and 110 feet from the subterranean bulkhead. ix) To construct a new boat building approximately 110' x 120' approximately 70 feet north of the proposed bulkhead. IV BACKGROUND on BREWERS and NEED for UPGRADING and EXPANDING THEIR MARINA. As discussed in our 06/15/84 Letter of Support for the original Appl ication(s) for the Project(s) BREWER is a recreationally oriented commercial marina located on the north side of Stirl ing Basin, in Greenport Harbor. BREWER is located in both the Town of Southold and the Incorporated Village of Greenport, County of Suffolk, New York. The exact location of BREWER is shown on SHEET NO.1 - GENERAL VICINITY MAP that is attached to the Application. BREWER has been the home for approximately One Hundred Four to One Hundred Nine (104 to 109) recreational Iy oriented boats [fourteen (14) on moorings plus ninety to ninety-five (90 to 95) at docks] which range in lengths up to fifty plus feet (50+'). BREWER recently received al I regulatory approvals to expand to approximately one hundred eighty (180) boats [see first paragraph of 'I.' aboveJ. BREWER provides additional related marina services including: boat repair and maintenance operations; a 20-ton travel 1ft, and wet and dry boat storage faci I ities. AI I of these support services are designed to enhance recreational boating actlv; ties and provide a means for publ ic access to Stirl ing Basin, Greenport Harbor, Long Island Sound and the Atlantic Ocean. For the past several years, pleasure boating has represented one of New York's fastest growing recreational activities. In order to help accommodate this increasing demand for recreational boats, there wi I I have to be a proportional increase in the amount of docking faci I j ties and related services such as repair and launching operations. The Stirl ing Basin and Greenport Harbor are a j s no ex c e p t ion tot his i n ere as i n 9 d ema n d for pub lie ace e 5 5 to the waterfront. There are several reasons for this. some of which include: 1 ) The V I II age of Greenpor t' sand prox imi ty to the New York approximately eighty to ninety (80 the Town of Southold's metropol i tan area to 901 mi les east; 2 ) Th~ nearby provides easy GardIner's Bay; location access o f to a deep water the Atlantic channel that Ocean thfough 31 Naturally-protected harbors and bays, and <Page 7> BREWER GREE~RT -08/27/86 ~CORPS/NYSDEC/NYSDOS"'RMIT AMENDMENT(S) 4) A steady increase in the amount of tourism throughout the area because of Greenport's smal I town atmosphere, seaport ambience. and historic architecture. The Village of Greenport and Town of Southold have always relied greatly on the water for their primary economic base. Long ago t his too k the for m 0 f s hip b u i I din g and c omme r cia I f ish i n g operat ions. Unfortunately, the area is now exper iencing some economic and employment problems. To help broaden and expand the local economic base, the area has been supporting and enhancing a variety of recreation and tourist activi ties. Over the years the demand for publ ic access to recreational faci I ities has grown to acute proportions, whi Ie the avai lable space for these faci I i ties has decreased significantly. Since boating represents one of New York's fastest growing recreational activi ties, the most effective way to meet the demand. of additional docking facilities is to up 9 r ad e and ex pan d the I i m i t e d numb e r 0 f ex j 5 tin 9 ma r j n as. T his approach was supported by the approvals of all of the requi red regulatory bodies for the previously approved Project(s). In short, the proposed. modified marina redesign Project(s) at BREWER wi I I continue to help restore and revital ize this waterfront area for marine-related recreational uses. The proposed Project(s) wi I I help strengthen the economic base of the Greenport Harbor area by developing and enhancing boating-related activi tIes which are in the spirit of Greenport's unique mari time identl ty. In addition, including pumpout facl I ities wi th the Project(s) will help encourage the use of an important and sought-after sanitary waste system V. PROJECT DESCRIPTION a) Summary and Proieet(s) Description 1) EXCAVATE and remove a total of approximately Forty-four Thousand Ninety Cubic Yards (44,090 Yds.3) of materialCs) from an irregular "trapezoidal" shaped boat basin and a fifty foot by forty foot (50' x 40') combination 'travel ift' wel I wi thin an overal I area of approximately Eighty-six Thousand Three Hundred Sixty Five square feet (86,365 Ft.2) [see SHEET NO 6 PROPOSED EXCAVATION & DOCK REMOVAL]; 2) REMOVE approximately Four Hundred Five (405) I ineal feet of eXisting timber pi Ie bulkhead that extends from existing DOCK #1 to DOCK #5, located along the present shorel ine which wi I I be the south end of the proposed boat basin In addi tion. approximately 46 feet of deteriorating subterranean bulkhead wi I I be removed and replanted as described in 113)'1 below. The excavated bulkhead will be disposed of upland by a local carting company at an approved location [see SHEET NO 6- PROPOSED EXCAVATION & DOCK REMOVAL]. <Page 8> BREWER . GREENPORT AMENDMEN ) -081-27/86 -CORPS~YSDEC/NYSDOS-PERMIT 3) CONSTRUCT and MAINTAIN approximately One Thousand Twenty-five (1,025) I ineal feet of new, interlocking timber bulkhead along the entire west, north and east perimeter of the proposed boat basin and lift wel I, including approximately one hundred ten (110') lineal feet of subterranean bulkheading on the southeast shoreline. The wood bulkhead will consist of three inch to four inch (3" to 4") thick interlocking timber sheeting and up to fourteen inches (14") diameter pi les driven down to a depth of approximately fourteen and three-tenths feet below Mean Low Water (-14.3' MLW) into firm bottom materials to provide an adequate base. In addi tion, there wi I I be a sufficient tie-back system, consisting of vertical anchor pi les that wi I I be a t t a c h e d toe a c h t 1mb e r p i I e a Ion g the b u I k he a d wit h 0 n e inch to two inch (11. to 211) diameter tie rods. No tie-back system is envisioned in the area of the subterranean bulkhead. The proposed subterranean bulkhead wi I I tie into nearby sections of the proposed bulkhead which forms the east side of the proposed basin [see SHEET NO.3 - SITE PLAN MAP] 4) RELOCATE and EXPAND a 'travel ift' by removing one (1) runway extension approximately Forty Feet (40') in length, located between eXisting DOCK #3 and DOCK #4. The proposed combined 'travelift' well (approximately 50' x 40'), wi I I be excavated along the north side of the proposed boat baSin and WI I I be able to accommodate both a twenty (20) ton and a sixty (60) ton' travel ift' [see SHEET NO. 3 SITE PLAN MAP and SHEET NO.9 - RECONFIGURATION of DOCKS, Comparison of Existing Condi tlons & Current Proposall. 5) CONSTRUCT, INSTALL and MAINTAIN a series of new floating pier (dock) assembl ies total ing approximately One Thousand Seven Hundred Thirty Five (1,735) I ineal feet of floating main pier; With al ternating Widths of between Four feet (4') and S'x feet (6'); and One Hundred Seventy Three (173) piles as follows [see SHEET NO 3 - SITE PLAN MAP and SHEET NO.9 - RECONFIGURATION of DOCKS, Comparison of Existing Condi tions & Current ProposalL DOCK A located on the west side of the proposed boat basin and in the vicini ty of existing DOCKS #1 AND #2, consisting of: a) Two (2) main lines of floats a p pro x i ma tel y 1 gO' x 6' and 245' x 6': b) Two (2) t i mb e r ramps approximately 12' x 3' located at the north end of each main float: c) Six (6) finger piers approximately 40' x 4' located along the west side of the second main float: dl One (1) dingy dock approximately 20' x 15' located along the west side of the second main float: e) A total of Twelve (12) finger piers approximately 40' x <Page 9> BREWER . GREENPORT AMENDMEN ) -08r27/86 -CORPS~SDEC/NYSDOS-PERMIT 4 ' I 0 cat ,e d a Ion g the e a s t sid e 0 f the ma i n f loa t s, f) Twenty Nine (29) timber piles approximately 12" in diameter and 40' in length located at the ends of each finger pier and main float I ines, adding stabi I ity to the structures, g) Twenty-two (22) timber pi les approximately 12" in diameter and 40' in length located between finger piers to provide safe docking for larger boats, and h) One triangular shaped walkway approximately 6' x 20' connecting the southern edge of the first main float to the north east edge of the second main float; DOCK B located in the center of the proposed boat basin and in the vicinity of existing DOCK #3, consisting of, a) One (1) main I,ne of floats approximately 395' x 6'; b) One (1) timber ramp a p pro x i ma tel y 12' x 3' 10 cat e d at the nor the n d 0 f the main float; c) Thirteen (13) finger piers approximately 40' x 4' located along the east side of the main float; d) Thirteen (13) finger piers approximately 35' x 4' located along the west side of the main float; and e) Forty (40) timber piles approximately 12" in diameter and 40' in length, located at the ends of each finger pier and the main float I ine, adding stabi I i ty to the s t rue t u r e ; DOCK C located in the center of the proposed boat basin and in the vicinity of existing DOCK #4, consisting of, a) One (1) primary I ine of main floats approximately 360' x 6', b) One (1) timber ramp approximately 12' x 3' located at the north end of the primary float; c) Twelve (12) finger piers approximately 35' x 4' located along the east side of the primary float; d) Thirteen (13) finger piers approximately 30' x 4' located along the west side of the primary float, e) Thirty Nine (39) timber piles approximately 12" in diameter and 40' in length, located at the ends of each finger pier and the main float I ine, adding stabi I i ty to the s t r u c t u r e ; DOCK D located on the east side of the proposed boat basin and in the vicinity of existing DOCK !IS, consisting of: a) One (1) main I ine of floats approximately 345' x 6', b) One (1) timber ramp approximately 12' x 3' located at the north end of the main float; c) Two timber ramps approximately 2' 6" x 11' extending north and south off a fixed deck located approximately 15' north of the ilL" shaped service dock. d) Twelve (12) finger piers approximately '30' x 4' located along the east side of the main float; e) Two (2) secondary main floats approximately 100' x 6' located paral lei to one another and extending from the east side of the primary float, f) Three (3) finger piers approximately 25' x 4' located on the north side of the <Page 10> BREWER ~ GREENPORT AMENDME~S) -08127/86 -CORP.YSDEC/NYSDOS-PERMIT southernmost secondary float; g) Two (2) finger piers approximately 40' x 4' located on the south side of the southernmost secondary float; and h) Thirty One (31) timber pi les approximately 12" in diameter and 40' ih length located at the ends of each finger pier and along the primary and secondary float I ines, adding stab. I Ity to the sltructures, and ONE Cl) "L" SHAPED FLOATING SERVICE DOCK located on the easl side of the proposed boat basin and immediately south 01 the proposed subterranean bulkhead consisting of: alOne Cl) I ine of floats approximately 25' x 6' located parallel to the proposed bulkhead, and b) Seven (7) timber pi les approximately 12" in diameter and 40' in length located at the end and along the side of the service Iloat, adding stability to the structure 6) MAINTENANCE DREDGE the irregularly-shaped area, as previously approved, which is approximately One Hundred Twenty Thousand Eight Hundred Square Feet 1120,800 Ft.-) to an average depth of eight feet below Mean Low Water 1-8' MLWl and remove approximately Ten Thousand Five Hundred Cubic Yards 110,500 Yds.3) of material, AS MEASURED IN PLACE, lapproximately 10.050 Yds.3 from an area within the Village of Greenport and 450 Yds.3 from within the Town of Southoldl [see SHEET NO. 11 - MAINTENANCE-DREDGING MAP, Proposed Dock Configuration]. The area. to receive maintenance-dredging is located throughout the existing docking faci I Ity and includes the additional water areas lapproximately 23,960 Ft..) that are required for the proposed pier configuration. All maintenance-dredging act.vities will be undertaken by clamshell and barge and/or drag line operations. The material being dredged wi I I be placed on BREWER's upland property, semi-dried and then relocated as part of No.8 below; and 7) UPLAND RELOCATION of the EXCAVATED and DREDGED MATERIALlS): There wi II be a total of approximately Fifty-Four Thousand Six Hundred Cubic Yards 154,600 Yds.3) of material removed from the ProjectCs) site. T his i n c Iud e sap pro x i ma t e i y For t y - F 0 u r Tho u. and N i net y Cubic Yards C44,090 Yds.3) of material being excavated from the proposed boat basin, and approximately Ten Thousand Five Hundred Cubic Yards 110,500 Yds.3) of mater.al removed by the maintenance-dredging ope rat. 0 n S . A I I 0 f the d red g e d ma t e ria I s w I I I be mix e d with thl~ materials being excavated and deposited upland at three (3) di fferent locations. The proposed disposal sites a,'e: 1) On-site disposal of approximately 2,500 to 3,500 Cu. Yds., 21 Approximately 10,000 to 11,500 Cu. Yds. wi I I be deposi ted in St. Agnes Cemetery located Immedlat"ly west and adjacent to BREWER's property to <Page 11> BREWER GREENPORT AMENDMEN~) -08r27/86 -CORPS~YSDEC/NYSDOS-PERMIT increase the average ground elevation by approximately 2' to 4'; and 3) Approximately 42,100 Cu. Yds. will be deposited on an undeveloped 11.8 acre site in St. Agnes Cemetery, adjacent to BREWER's on the north side of Manhanset Avenue. No fi I I wi I I be placed within twenty-five feet C25') of any freshwater wetlandCs) and a snow fence wi I I be placed during construction to delineate such wetlandCs) [see SHEET NO. 12 - PROPOSED EXCAVATION & OFF-SITE DISPOSAL AREAS, Existing Topography; SHEET NO. 13 PROPOSED TOPOGRAPHY of RELOCATION SITES; and SHEET NO. 15 - ON-SITE DISPOSAL & GRADING PLAN]. 8) RELOCATE an existing upland club house x 35' plus additional decking 20 feet bulkhead to approximately 70 to-be-constructed bulkhead [see SHEET MAP] . approximately 30' from the existing feet from the NO.3 - SITE PLAN 9) CONSTRUCT an upland in-ground swimming pool approximately 25' x 45' plus accompanying 10' cement apron, fencing, and, screening approximately 40 feet from the proposed new bulkheading [see SHEET NO.3 - SITE PLAN MAP!. 10) CONSTRUCT an b u i I din g , ma s t a p pro x i ma tel y from the new PLAN MAP!. upland boat maintenance and storage shed and bathroom faci I itles total ing 110' x 120' located approximately 75 feet proposed bulkhead [see SHEET NO.3 - SITE 11) CONTINUATION of a Reconfiauration Perimeter Condition which would allow BREWER to continually change only the location(s), width(s), and number(s) of pi le(s), dockCs) and rarnpCs) wi thin the Recenf iauration Per imeter "envelope" [shown on the SHEET NO. 10 - RECONFIGURATION PERIMETER dated 07/29/86 prepared by DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc.] provided that the number of boats would not exceed one hundred eighty (180) and no additional bulkheading, dredging, excavation or filling could take place without the prior required regulatory approval(s). 12) A PERMIT CONSTRUCTION PERIOD expiring 06/30/92. b) Presentlv Existina FacilitvCies) REMOVE the existing floating pier assemblies as follows: i) DOCK .1 located on the consisting of: a) One approximately 60' x 8'; located on the south end of west side (1) ma i n and b) One the dock; oft he ma r i n a . I ine of floats ( 1) t i mb e r p I I e <Page 12> BREWER GREENPORT AMENDMEN.l -081'27/86 -CORPS~YSDEC/NYSDOS-PERMIT i 1 DOCK #2 located on the west side of the marina, consisting of: a 1 One (1 ) ma i n line of floats approximately 184 ' x 6' ; b) One (1 ) II T" head float approximately 60' x 6 ' located perpendicular to the south end of the main f loa t I In e i c) Eleven (11 ) finger pie r s approximately 25' x 4 ' located along the east and west sid e s of the main f loa t ; d) One ( 1 1 float approximately 45 ' x 5 ' located perpendicular to the no r t h end of the main f loa t ; and e) Thirteen ( 13) t imbe r pi Ie s located at the ends of each finger pie r and "T" head f loa t ; i il DOCK #3 located on the west side of the marina, consisting of: a) One (1) main I ine of floats approximately 140' x 6'; b) One (1) "T" head float approximately 60' x 6' located perpendicular to the south end of the main float I ine; c) Ten (10) finger piers approximately 25' x 4' located along the east and west sides of the main float; d) Two (2) finger piers approximately 35' x 4' located perpendicular to the "T" head float; e) One (1) float approximately 45' x 5' located perpendicular to the north end of the main float; and fl Fourteen (14) timber piles located at the ends of each finger pier and IIT.I head float; ivl DOCK #4 located on the east side of the marina consisting of: a) One (1) main line of floats approximately 114' x 6'; b) One (1) "T" head float a p pro x i ma tel y 60 ' x 6' 10 cat e d per pen d I cui art 0 the south end of the main float I ine; c) S'x (6) finger pie r sap pro x i ma tel y 28' x 4' 10 cat e d a Ion g the e a s tan d west sides of the main float; d) One (1) float approximately 45' x 5' located perpendicular to the north end of the main float; and e) Eight (8) timber pi les located at the ends of each finger pier and "T" head float; and vl DOCK #5 located on the east side of the marina, consisting of: a) One (1) main I ine of floats approximately 114~ x 6'; b) One (1) "T" head float approximately 60' x 6' located perpendicular to the south end of the main float I Ine; c) Six (6) finger piers approximately 28' x 4' located along the east and west sides of the main float; dl One (1) float approximately 45' x 5' located perpendicular to the nor the n d 0 f the ma I n f loa t; and e lEi g h t (8) t 1mb e r pi les located at the ends of each finger pier and IITII head float. <Page 13> BREWER GREENPORT -CORP~YSDEC~NYSDOS-PERMIT AMEND~TCSJ -08/27/86 VI. ADDITIONAL SUPPORTING INFORMATION Impact on Fresh Water Supply A I I age n c i e s pre v i 0 us lye x am i n e din de p t h the po s sib I e a d v e r s e impactCsJ on the fresh water supply and concluded that the previously approved and more extensive ProjectCsJ wi I I have I ittle, if any, effect on the fresh water supply. The proposed revised modified ProjectCsJ wi I I have even less of an effect because of the difference in size of the ProjectCsJ. Any excavation Project in this region of Long Island must be undertaken in a manner that WI I I insure that the Project wi I I not deplete and/or endanger the area's fresh water supply. The avai labi I i ty of fresh water throughout the region has become the subject of recent concern. and several reports and analyses have shown that future development in the Greenport/Southold area s h 0 u I don I y be a I I owe d i f the r e wi I I not be any d a n g e r tot he local fresh water supply. BREWER shares these concerns and has conducted various tests and consul ted with notable professionals to make sure that there wi I I be no adverse impacts as a result of the proposed excavation ProjectCs). As can be seen from the attached SHEET NO.1 - GENERAL VICINITY MAP, BREWER is located on a peninsula that was created as a resul t of major excavation Project(s) that were undertaken over time. These existing canals and boat basins "culll much further inland than the proposed "t rapezo i da I" ex cava t i on proposed a t BREWER. Thus, in several are~sr the existing sal t water/fresh water interface protrudes Inland a greater distance than the proposed excavation ProjectCsJ at BREWER. In addition, the peninsula is almost entirely served by the V, I lage of Greenport Water Uti I ity's piped water. There are no public wells or publiC well fields within Four Thousand Five Hundred Feet C4,500'J of the ProjectCs) si Ie. The peninsula is considered by many to have been el iminated as a source of fresh water supply for other areas because of the previOUS excavations and the low water table contours. For these reasons, the proposed ex cava t i on Pro j ec t (s) a t BREWER cannot be considered as "inland" excavation. According to Robert A. Villa. P.E. Chief Engineer for the Suffolk County Division of Environmental Heal th, professional hydrologists from the Suffolk County Health Department conducted a field inspection and reviewed the previously approved ProjectCsJ which extended into the upland Forty-Eight and Two-Tenths Percent C48.2%) further than the presently proposed Amendment!s) Their conclusion is. that: II Sin c e rea I I Y Coun tyJ the peninsula where a source of the Vi have no objections to the Project is located is not I I age wa t e r sup ply, we (S u f f 0 I k the proposa I..." 'Page 14> BREWER -08/27/86 GREENPO. -C~RPS /NYSDEC/NYSDOS'-WM IT AMENDMENTCS) A summary of their report was attached to the Application. Furthermore, H2M which is the consulting engineering firm for t h" V i I I age 0 f G r e e n par tan d the V i I I age 0 f G r e e n po r t Wa t e r Ut, I ity has determined that the proposed excavation Project(s) wi I I not have a substantive impact on the fresh ground water storage. Again. the primary reason for this is that the Project(s) site is located on a peninsula and is completely isolated from thE> Village of Greenport water supply's existing wel Is. The H2M report is included as part of the original Application. In addition, Malcome Pirnie, which was the major author of the 1967 study of the Southold and Greenport areas for fresh water resources has been taking part in other current studies updating their knowledge of the demands of the area. In their letter of August 2, 1984 (copy ~reviously suppl ied), they state II. _ .Based on our evaluation of existina data. we feel t hat _ . the II _ .J:> rOD os e d Pro i e c t ( 5) wi I I h a v e ami n j ma I n e a at i ve impact on the fresh water resources of the oeninsula where the marina basin is to be si ted. We are also of the opinion that the .Q..!_.oposed Proiect's) would not cause sal t water encroachment to maior fregh water resources of the North Folk and should not threaten publ ic water supply sources The Project(s) does not constitute an lIinland excavation" and we concur with Robert A. Villa, Chief EnQineer of the Division of Environmental SCDHS that there should be no obiection to the proposal II In recent years some of the tidal creeks and coastal areas have be., n par t I a I I Y f !I I led wit h d red g e d a n oj 0 the r ma t e ria Is, I n c Iud I n g most of the area of the proposed excavation ProjectCs). Other areas 01 the peninsula on al I Sides 01 the Project(s) were excavated further into the peninsula than the proposed Project(s). These excavations al lowed the salt/fresh water interlace to be significantly further into the peninsula than (and on al I sides of! the proposed Pro)ect(s!. Consequently, the peninSUla has not been, and the ProjectCs) area has never been, a dependable resource for fresh ground water because of the natural configuration. In order to maintain the integri ty of the fresh water/salt water Interface, BREWER proposes to undertake the Project(s) with the Ug" of tight interlocking wood sheeting for the bulkhead. The bulkhead wi I I be constructed around the entire area being ex c a vat e d and will I ex ten d I r om a he I g h tal a p pro x i ma tel y Six Fee t above Mean Seal Level (+6' MSLJ, to approximately Ten Feet below Mean Sea Level (-la' MSLJ. Imoact on Marsh Area A recent 5i te inve$tigation indicated that a section of the marsh, from its south west corner back to an existing deteriorated subterranean bulkhead, had begun to wash away. The amendments to the previously approved project(sJ include replacing the deteriorated existing subterranean bulkhead and extending the new subterranean bulkhead to stabi I jze the southern edge of the 'Page 15> BREWER -08/27/86 GREEN PORe -C~RPS/NYSDEC/NYSDOS-P~IT AMENDMENT(S) existing marsh area. The proposed subterranean bulkhead wi I I be a protective barr,er to prevent further erosion of the marsh due to storms, natural tidal action, backwash from boats passing through Stirl ing Basin and act.vi ties at the publ ic boat launch directly east of the marsh. The proposed subterranean bulkhead wi II not Involve any ex"avation or filling of ar,.as near the marsh. The t,mber sheeting will be supported by a series of pi les and the subterranean bulkhead WI I I be anchored to the bulkhead that forms the east wall of the proposed boat basin. Therefore, none of the upland Marsh area wi I I be disturbed for bulkhead anchoring purposes and the proposed subterranean bulkhead wi I I help to preserve the marsh in its present condi tion. Impact on Naviaation All regulatory ,agencies previously examined the navigation and determined that the previously approved would not interfere with navigation in the area. impact on Project(s) The proposed revised modified Project(s) does NOT extend past the previously approved RECONFIGURATION PERIMETER boundaries for the floating pier assembl ies and the proposed changes wi II not encroach on or interfere with navigation in Stirling Basin. This Includes the Federal Basin located an average of approximately Sixty Feet (60') from the south end of the proposed docking faci I i ty and the Federal Channel located approximately Three Hundred to Four Hundred Feet (300' to 400') south of the proposed floating pIer assemblies. The reconfiguration of DOCK C on the east side of the marina, wi I I not extend any farther into Stirl ing Basin than the overall lengths of the two (2) existing docks (DOCK #4 AND #5) currently located in this area. Upon completion, the west side of the marina (DOCK A and DOCK B) wi II be extended approximately Forty-Five Feet (45') and wi II cover an additional water area of approximately One-Quarter (1/4) acre. It should be noted, however, that boats being moored along the southwest end of the proposed docking faci I ,ty(ies) [DOCK A and DOCK BJ, will still be further away from the north side of the Federal BasIn than the existIng and authorized lengths of DOCKS #4 and #5 located on the east side of the marina. In addi tion, the proposed lengths of DOCK A and DOCK B on the west side of the marina, wi I I be increased to the point where they form a straight I ine with the ends of docks on the east side of the property (DOCK C) and wi th the docks located at Stirl ing Harbor Marina located approximately SIX Hundred Feet (600') west of BREWER. BREWER IS aware of the fact that there are several under water land grants withIn Stirling Basin. Upon completion of the reconflguration Project(s), the new docking faci I i ty wi I I be an average of approximately Fifty Feet (50') shoreward of the Two Hundred Ninety-Three Thousand Three Hundred Seventy Square Foot <Page 16> BREWER -08/27/86 GR'EENPO_ -C~RPS/NYSDEC/NYSDOS-P'lrIT AMENDMENTCS) C293,370 Ft..) parcel of under water land that was granted to Herbert Fordham on May 18,1934. In addition, the new docks will range from approximately Forty Feet to One Hundred Feet C40' to 100') shoreward of the Pier and Bulkhead Line that was approved by the Secretary of War on January 5, 1894, As can be seen from the attached maps CSHEETS 15 and 17), the Pier and Bulkhead Line appears to be in the same relative location as the Feder,al Basin Line. In return for the previously approved expansion on the west side of the marina, BREWER has already removed al I Eleven Cll) single-swing moorings located immediately south of the existing docking faci I i ty, returning the area to the Vi I lage of Greenport. These Eleven Cll) single-swing moorings previously occupied a water area of approximately Two and One-Quarter C2.25) acres. Furthermore, since only One-Quarter C.25) acres of water space Will be required for the extension of the docks on the west side of the marina, the removal of the single-SWing moorings has provided an additional Two (2) acres of water space available for navigation in this area. Upland Relocation of Excavated and Dredaed MaterialCs) The proposed upland relocation of excavated and dredged materialCs) wi I I be identical to that previously approved but wi I I be Twenty Percent C20%) less than the previously approved excavation ProjectCs). Excavated materialCs) from the boat basin, 'travel ift' wel I, and al I maintenance-dredged materialCs) wi I I total approximately Fifty-Four Thousand Five Hundred Ninety Cubic Yards C54,590 Yds.3) to be removed from the ProjectCs) site. Of this, approximately Ten Thousand Fifty Cubic Yards Cl0,050 Y d s .3) wi I I be from ma i n ten a n c e - d red gin g wit h i nth e V i I I age 0 f Greenport, Four Hundred Fifty Cubic Yards C450 Yds.3) from maintenance-dredging within the Town of Southold, Thirty Nine Thousand Six Hundred Sixty Cubic Yards C39,660 Yds.3) from upland excavation within the Town of Southold, and Four Thousand Four Hundred Thirty Cub.c Yards C4,430 Yds.3) from upland excavation within the Village of Greenport. Approximately Two Thousand Five Hundred to Three Thousand Five Hundred Cubic Yards C2,500 Yds.3 to 3,500 Yds.3) of these materialCs) will be relocated on-site in order to attain the proper elevationCs) and contourCs) for improving the drainage patterns and for accommodating the additional related activities such as automobile parking, boat storage, boat repair and maintenance services. Currently there is a difference of approximately Five and One-Half Feet C5.5') in elevation from Manhanset Avenue to the water's edge. Unfortunately. there are a few "Iow" areas throughout the site that have created minor drainage problems dUring periods of heavy rainfal I _ The most apparent "Iowll area is approximately One Hundred Twenty Thousand Square Feet C120,000 Ft..) located along the west side of the property and includes the east side of St. Agnes Cemetery. The average elevationCs) throughout this area <Page 17> BREWER -08/27/86 GREENPO. -C~RPS/NYSDEC/NYSDOS-P~MIT AMENOMENTCS) range from approximately Two to Four Feet above Mean Sea Level (+2' to +4' MSL) This areawillbebuiltuptoanaverage ground elevation of approximately Five to Seven Feet above MSL (+5' to +7' MSL). It is desired to have the entire site at a relatively flat elevation so there wi I I be no major constraints for parking and winter boat storage purposes. AI together there wi II be approximately Twelve Thousand to Fi fteen Thousand Cubic Yards (12,000 Yds.' to 15,000 Yds.') of material(s) deposited on-si te and along the east side of St. Agnes Cemetery which is contIguous to the area that needs to be fi I led along the west side of BREWER. In addition, there is a smal I (Spartina ~.) located in the corner of the si te. NO FILL TWENTY-FIVE FEET (25') OF THE MHW condition wi 1 I help insure the intertidal marsh zone. section of tidal east side towards WILL BE PLACED LINE IN TH I S AREA. productivity of marsh grass the southern ON OR WITHIN ThiS special this sensi live Most of the material being removed [approximately Forty One Thousand Cubic Yards (41,000 Yds.')], wi I I be transported across Manhanset Avenue to a site located directly across from BREWER. AI I of the material(s) Wi I I be trucked into the primary relocation Sl te at a point directly across from BREWER's entrance drive on Manhanset Avenue. ThiS undeveloped Eleven and Eight-Tenths (11.81 acre si te is owned and maintained by St Agnes Church and wi I I be used as a future cemetery once the area has been upgraded and improved. In order for this site to be used as a future cemetery, however, a larg~ amount of fi I I wi I I first be needed to increase the average elevation(s) throughout the property. As can be seen from the attached TOPOGRAPHIC MAP, there is an extensive low area throughout the site which is approximately One Hundred Ninety-Five Thousand Square Feet (195,000 Ft.2), or Four and One-Half (4.5) acres in size. The site is primarily an old field which is bee om i n g 0 v erg row n wit h d i ve r s eve get a t ion. The mo s t distinguishable environmental feature is a smal I fresh water pond approximately Two to Three (2 to 3) acres in size, depending on the amount of ralnfat I and subsequent ground water elevation. The pond is located on the south edge of the si te and along Manhanset Avenue. St Agnes Church real jzes the environmental and aesthetic value of this pond, and wishes to accentuate this area as a major focal point around which the cemetery wi I I be developed. Absolutely NO FILL MATERIAL WILL BE PLACED ON OR WITHIN TWENTY-FIVE FEET (25') of this pond. Thus, the pond wi I I be completely protected and even enhanced. The northern boundary of the primary disposal si Ie is comprised of d earth dike that was constructed several years ago to retain a large quantity of dredged spoi Is. This previous disposal sl te is currently undeveloped. and has an average elevation of approximately Two and One-Half to Four Feet above MSL (+2.5' to <Page 18> BREWER -08/27/86 GREENPOit -C~RPS/NYSDEC/NYSDOS-P~MIT AMENOMENTCSI +4' MSLI. This area wi I I serve as the pr imary drainage basin for the northwest section of the proposed relocation site. The western edge of the primary disposal site is delineated by a tidal marsh that forms a natural and scenic boundary between St Agnes Cemetery and the already developed Stirl ing Cemetery. Similar to the fresh water pond, St Agnes Church is aware of the significance of this intertidal marsh zone. In order to protect this area. NO MATERIAL WILL BE DEPOSITED WITHIN TWENTY-FIVE FEET (25'1 OF THE EDGE OF THE HIGH WATER LINE. The remaining Eight plus (8+1 acres of upland are gradually becoming overgrown with small trees, shrubs and various plants that are common throughout Eastern Long Island. The vegetation includes: black locust, black cherry. red maple, red cedar. grey birch and oak. The more open sections of the field are dominated by: bay berry. poison ivy, golden rod and switchgrass. In addi tion, the site is frequently used as a dumping ground for al I kinds of rubbish. including old tires. furniture, etc. As can be seen from the attached SHEET NO. 13. PROPOSED TOPOGRAPHY of RELOCATION SITES. the new topography of the primary relocation site will not exceed an elevation of approximately Fifteen Feet above MSL (+15' MSLI. In addi tion, the si te wi I I be graded to an approximate Six Percent (6%1 slope. The resul ting drainage pattern has been designed to channel runoff towards the fol lowing areas: II The previous spoils area located on the north side of the si tel 21 The fresh water pond located on the south edge of the site; and 31 The salt marsh located on the east side of the sit e . The fresh and salt water ponds as wel I as the previous spoi Is area wi I I act as retention basins for the anticipated runoff from the disposal site. Drainage swales will be graded to help channel the runoff toward these natural retention areas. In addi tion. the drainage swales WI I I be revegetated wi th grass to help protect against erosion and sedimentation by reducing the velocity of flow. Also. vegetative measures will be used to provide a temporary cover to help control erosion during construction. The temporary vegetation wi I I consist of mulch and/or perennial rye grass which are frequently used to protect recently constructed slopes. These types of protective ground cover wi I I help reduce runoff by allowing' more water to infiltrate the sOil. In addi tion, mulch and other forms of temporary cover are essential for establ ishlng good stands of grasses by reducing the loss of soil moisture by evaporation, holding seeds and fertilizer in place. and reducing seedl ing damage from the heaving of the soi I caused by freezing and thaws. During construction fi I I material <Page 19> , BREWER -08/27/86 GREENPO~ -C~RPS/NYSDEC/NYSDOS-P4IrIT AMENDMENTISJ wi I I only be placed in one area at a time to avoid having a large area bare and unprotected. As construction is completed in one area, grading wi I 1 then proceed to another. In short, the primary relocation site does not represent a significant or critical environmental habi tat. In addi tion, because of its prox.mi ty to BREWER (approximately Fifty Feet ISO') south, across Manhanset Avenue], al I trucking operations to and from the area wi I I not cause any disturbance to any of the nearby residents. A temporary access drive into the site wi I I extend directly across from the existing entrance drive at BREWER's. There are no obstructions or tight curves at this point along Manhanset Avenue. VI I .ALTERNATIVES Upon investigation, it IS clear that the proposed Amendmentls) to the previously approved Projectls) offer the most practical and economically viable approach for BREWER to meet the increasing demand for publ ic access to the waterfront. Given the existing design and marina configuration, we find the proposed Amendmentls) to the previously approved Project(s) is a more practical and economical plan for upgrading BREWER's docking faci I ities and provide 51 ip space for the recreational Iy-oriented boats in the area which are increasingly .n demand by the publ ic. Several al ternatives were considered and found to be unacceptable. If no excavation or dredging takes place, the only way to increase the amount of docking faci I ities would be to extend existing docks into the Federal Basin. This alternative is completeiy unacceptable since the docks would interfere with navigation in the Stirl iog Basin. Another docking Basin property owners. unacceptable alternative would be to extend the existing faci I ity along the east and/or west shorel ines of Stirl ing beyond the littoral Iriparian) boundaries of the marina's and directly in front of their neighboring property Another alternative that was considered was to undertake a smaller Projectls), ei ther by cutting back the excavation of the boat basin to only one-half or one-third 11/2 or 1/3) the total distance that is currently proposed, or by reducing the extensions of DOCKS A and B by Forty-Five feet 145') At the present time there are long wai ling lists for 51 ips at the marina. In fact. the proposed increase In the number of sl ips upon compietion of the ProJect Is) [approximately Eighty 180lJ, wi I I actually be les. than the current demand. In short. the scale of the proposed Project Is) is at a point where there would not be a reasonable economic payback or justification jf there was any reduction in the size of the proposed boat basin and/or the number of boat 31 ~ps. <Page 20> BREWER -08/27/86 GREENPO_ -C~RPS/NYSDEC/NYSDOS-P~IT AMENDMENTCS) The alternatives to bulkheadlng around the proposed boat basin would be stone riprapping. or leaving the slopes bare and unprotected. These al ternatives are impractical for several reasons. By using stone riprap or leaving the banks unprotected. a much larger basin would have to be excavated in order to construct the same number of boat 51 ips that are currently proposed. The reason for this is that bulkheading allows full use of the adjacent waterfront. whereas rlprap would have to be placed along a sloping bank which results in additional space that cannot be used for boat mooring purposes. An unprotected shorel ine would erode quickly. resul ting in increased si Itation and maintenance costs The accumulation of si I t that is caused by eroding banks reduces the effectiveness of floating docks. AI50, protection of the fresh water/salt water interface would be much less effective as c omp are d wit h the pro p 0 5 e d b u I k he ad. Alternat,ves to the proposed subterranean bulkhead along the South east corner of the proposed boat basin would include, stone riprap. dredging the edge of the area to bui Id a typical bulkhead or leaving the South west corner of the marsh unprotected and let the existing subterranean bulkhead continue to deteriorate. Using stone riprap would affect a larger area of land both above and below the water resulting in less available space for docks. A t Y piC a I b u I k h e a d b u i I t a Ion g sid e the ma r 5 his not a c c e p tab I e because the dredging and anchoring systems required for the structure would greatly disturb the marsh. If BREWER leaves the marsh edge unprotected. and falls to repair or extend the eXisting subterranean bulkhead the entire southern edge of the marsh wi I I continue to erode due to tidal action, storms backwash from boats and activity at the publ ic boat launch directly east of the marsh. The al ternative for the siting of the swimming pool in the proposed location, is not to have a swimming pool or to place same on the north side of the boat sheds. Placing the pool on the north side of the boat sheds wi I I prevent interference with automobile parking during the summer and boat storage during the win t e r . No I h a v i n gas w i mm i n g pool w 0 u I d de p r i vet he p a I r 0 n 5 0 f BREWERS of an esthetic enhancement which has been proven to be a desi rable asset to other marinas in the area. The al ternatlve to the siting of the new proposed boat bui Iding would be to place same in a different location. Any other location would not be conducive to efficient operations of the new proposed travel lifts and would also create problems in both the s umme r t r a f f j c f Iowan d par kin gas we I I as win t e r s tor age. Finally. the only other al ternatlve avai lable 10 BREWER would be to not expand and upgrade their marina doing nothing at al I ThiS alternative is completely unacceptable if one of our major goals is to help satisfy the increasing demand for public access to the waterfront In addl tion, from the standpoint of the local economy, this alternative would be unfortunate. The inabi I i ty of a commercial marIna to upgrade, expand and increase <Page 21) BREWER -08/27/86 GREENPOit -CORPS/NYSDEC/NYSDOS-P~MIT AMENDMENTCS) the amount of docking fac~ I I t le5 as demand for them Increases. would force the recreational boaters to look elsewhere for avai lable docking space Ttlis would resul t ~n the [OS5 of whdt could have been a substantial gain for the local economy. BREWER has estimated that approximately Fifteen (15) temporary jobs will be created during the construction phase of the ProJectCs), and approximately Fifteen to Twenty C15 to 20) full-time jobs ran increase of Three Hundred Percent (300%)] WI I I be created on camplet Ion of the ProjectCs) In short we bel ieve the proposed AmendmentCs) to the previously approved Projectes) WI I I I as or Iglnal Iy proposed and previously approved, enhance the aesthetic and economic value of the waterfront. These ProJectCs) WI I prevent the area from decaYing and/or being used for purposes which would resul t In a loss of pub! ic access to the waterfront Wi: would excavated Firs t , Second. i t It W I I I Pro J e G t C s ) I i k e mater to emphasize ialCs) woulo I I reduce reduGp. the the averal the reductIon In the volume of the resul In a three-fold posi tive impact: the area of envl ronmental disturbance; In! t ial cost of the Project(s); and, Thi rd logistical complexi ty to completd the I t wi WI I I reduce Therefore. we AmendmentCs) approval of que5t ions you Amendmen t (s)_ respectfully request a prompt review of the proposed to the previously approved Projectes) and a prompt same_ We would be pleased to meet WI th you to answer any may have or to dIscuss in greater detai I the proposed W, th warm regards. Sincerely. DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES. Inc. By: DSN/ I Jm Enclosures cc: Brewer Yacht Yard at Grdenport. Inc. Town of Southold Vi I lage of Greenport <Page 22> . NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT or STATE COASTAL MANAGEHENT PROGRAM . Federal Con~i$tency Assessment Form cOpy FOR YOUR INFORMATION An applicant. seeking a permit, license, ".her. certification or similar type of approval from II fedenll IgeFlcy ""lch is subject to the New York State Coastal Management Progf8m (OHP). sha'1 complete this assessment form for any proposed activity that Rill occur within and/or directly affect the State'. Coastal Area. Th1, form 1s intended to assist an applicant in certifying that the proposed activity is consistent with New York State's CMP 15 required by U.S. DepartJnent of COImIcrce regulatfof'ls (15 eFR 930.57). It should be completed at the time .men the federal appHclItion is prepared. The l:lepartment of State "ill use the completed form a"d accompanying information in It:!> review of the applicant':. certlfication of con:.lltency. A. APPLICANT 1. Name: BREWER YAa-rr YARD at GREENPORI', Inc. (plene print) 2. Address: Hanhanset Avenue & Beach Road, Greenport, NY 11944 3. Telephone: Area Code (51p 477-9594 B. PROPOSED ACTIVITY 1. Brief description of activity: Amendina N.Y.S.D.D.S. Consistencv r.F!rt ~F-RS-2S4 CYlvp.rinn previous lv-approved excavation. bulkheadincr. rna.intp.naI1ce-dred.oi no. and rF!r.nnfi \}llri'lti nn of floating pier assanbly Project (5) . 2. Purpose of activity: To AMEND oreviouslv-aooroved M:::xlified Ma!';tp-r Plan Prn-;F!r.tl!';) 3. location of activity: Village of Greenportl 'ITS':::R sf f:8~lei City, Tow" or Village Manhanset l\ye. & Beach 1'4. GL"::"'l~ fu...... " St.ree ~ Site Description ~1,f'f',....11.- County .. Type of federal permft/licel1:.e required: Aurrr Corps. of Enoineers Permit 5. Federal~nlJ'llber, if know,,: M::xli:f;ied pennit .#~3490 6. If a state permit/lice~'se Wll:. issued or is required provide the application or permit number, if kn~n: for the proposed Ictivity, identify the state agency and N.Y.S.D.F. r.. MnnifiAn Pprm;r iln-Ad-n7~~ c. COASTAL ASSESSMENT Check e"lther ''Yes'' or "No" for each of the following questions. question refer to the po1ic:ie5 described in the CMP document (see footnote on page the propo:.ed activity. The number:. f0110"ing each 2) fthi ch may be affected by 1. Will the proposed Ictivity ~ t" a"y of the following: e. large phY5ical change to a site within the coastll area Which "ill require the preparation of In environmental impact statement? (11.22,25.32.37,38,41, _3)........... b. Phy~lcal alterltion of more than two Icres of llnd alo"g the shoreline, land under water or coastal waters? (2, 11, 12, 20, 28, 35, .4NmDING-G::EHP:.~5-Z5~.......... ~ c. Revitalization/redevelopment of e deteriorlted or underutilized wlterfront site? (1)........ ~ d. Reduction of existing or potential public Iccess to or along coastal waters? (19. 20)....... e. Adverse effect upon the commercial or recreationll use of coastal fish resources? (9, 10)... f. Siting of a flcility e5sentiaf to the explorltion, development and production of energy resources in coastal waters or on the Outer Continental Shelf? (29)......................... g. Siting of I flcflity essential to the generation or transmission of energy? (27)............ h. Hining, exclvation. or dredging activities. or the pllcement of dredged or fill materials in cOllstal "aters? (15, 35)..~;LNG.Q;RI'.....#.i'rS5...264................................ ~ t. Discharge of toxics. hazardous substances or other pollutlnts into coastal waters? (15, 35). j. Draining of stormwater runoff or le"er overflows into coastal ,,"ters? (33).................. k. Trllnsport. storlge. treatment, or disposal of solid wastes or hlzardous materills? (36, 39). 1. Adverse effect upon. land or "ater uses within the Stlte's small harbors? (4)............... 2. .'11 the proposed activity affect or be located in, on. or Idjacent to any of the following: e. b. State designated freshwater or tidal wetland? (44).......................................... Federl1ly designated flood and/or stlte designlted erosion hazard area? ('1, 12, 17)........ Stllte designated significant fish and/or wildlife habitat? (7).............................: State designated significant scenic resource or Irea? (21t}.................................. State designated inlportllnt Igricultural lands? (26)......................................... Beach, dune or barrier island? (12)......................................................... Major ports of Alb~ny, Buffalo. Ogdensburg, Oswego or Ne" York? (3)......................... State, county, or local park? (19. 20)...................................................... Historic resource listed on the Hationll or State Register of Historic Place5? (23)........ o. d. e. f. g. h. 1. -, - YES !!Q. -4- -*- -*- -*- '"*- ""*- ""*- ""*- *"' --- --- -7!- -7!- - - - - --- . . . !Q !!9. 3. Will the propo~ed activity rec.uire any of the fo11Of1'in9: iI. Weterfl"'ont lite? (2, 21. 221.....W33:iE..~............................................ ~ b. Provision of new public services or infrastructure in undeveloped or sparlely populated sections of the coutal .reeT (S)..ffltIN!~.mTIl.~Rcnr.~ce.<Al.......... X c. Construction or reconstruction of II flood or erosion control structure? (13, 14, 16)........ X d. State wlIter qUIIHty permit or certification? {30, 38, ,.0)................................... X e. State air quality permit or certification? (41, _3)......................................... ~ ,.. .ill the proposed activity occur .lthfn lind/or affect 11/'1 Irell covered by II State approved local waterfront revitalization program? (see policies in local program document.).... - .JL D. ADDITIONAL STEPS 1. If all of the questions in Section C are answered "No". then the applicant or agent shall complete Section E and lubmit the documentation required by Section F. 2. If any of the question:s in Section C are answered "Yes". then the applicant or agent 11 adldled to consult the CHP or. where appropriate. the local waterfront revitalization program document.. The proposed activity mUlt be analyzed in more detail wi~ respect to the applicable state or local coastal policies. In the space provided belo" or on a separate page(s), the applical'lt or agent Ihall: (a) identify. by their policy numbers. which coastal policies are effected by the activity, (b) briefly assess the effects of the activity upon the policYi and, (cl state ho" the activity is consistent "ith each p01lcy. Following the completion of this "ritten assessme~lt. the applicant or agent Ihall complete Section E a,..d submit the doclnentatio'" required by Section F. E. CERTIFICATION The applicant or agent must certify that the proposed activity is consistent "fth the State's CMP or the approved local "aterfront revitalization program, as approprhte. If thh certification cannot be made, the proposed activity Ihall not be undertaken, If thil certification can be made, complete this Section. '~he proposed activity complies "ith New York State's approved Coastal Management Program, or "ith the applicable approved local waterfront revitalization program, and ,,111 be conducted in a manner consistent with such program." Applicant/~Name: BREWER YACHT YARD at GREENPORI', Inc. Addreu: M;;t*3RS9t ?L~'QA,yQ [ QS21SFJ P.s218., ~FeeHp8a. ~TY 111H1. Telephone: Area Code 616) .477_Qt:;Q.1 Appllc'"t~Si,"ot"", .~-;~_- =+ J~ " Jr" P:tesident Date: nR/?R/R~ F. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS 1. The applicant or agent shall submit the following documents to the New York State Departme~t of State, Office of Local Government Services, Coastal Management Program. 162 Washington Avenue, Albany, New York 12231. eo Original sig~ed form. b. Copy of the completed federal agency application, c. Other available information which would lupport the certification of consistency. 2. The applicant or agent shall also $ubmi~ e copy of this completed form along "ith his/her application to the federal agency. 3. If there are any quelitio,..s regarding the submission of, this form. contact the Department of State at (518) 474-3642. )!'OI\ FtJR['!!EF. INPORW\TIO\ 01\ AW QUESTllNS I\ELA;l'rNG TO THIS CERrIFICATrCN, PLEASE CCNTAC!' ~ A,GENT: DANIEL S '. NA'ICHEZ and ASSOCIATES r Inc t 555 lIlda I\Oad Mam3.roneck, NY l0543-4 J02 c/o Daniel S. N~tchez, ~"esident (914) 698-5678 SEE ATrACHED INFORMilTICN *These state and local documents are available for i",spection at the offices of many federal agenCies, Department of Environmental ConservatIon and Department of State regional offices, a,..d the approprhte regional and county planning agencies. Local program docunents are aho available for inspection at the offices of the appropriate local government. - 2 - FCAF Revised 8/8~ SUPPLE~T TO fEDERAL CONSISTENCY"'RM BREWER'S YACHT YARD at GREENPORT, INC. AMENDMENTCS) to N.Y.S.D.O.S. CONSISTENCY CERTIFICATE .F-85-254 for BULKHEADING and MAINTENANCE-DREDGING PROJECTCS) The following information is being supplied in Sections If) and Ig) of the Federal Consistency Form: c omp I i an c e wit h The pol icies of the State of New York Coastal Management Program that could be viewed as being appl icable to the above-referenced Projectls) at BREWER'S YACHT YARD at GREENPORT, INC. include Policy Numbers (1), (2) , (4) , (6) , (9) , 111), (13), (14), (15), I 19), (21), (22), (35), and 144l. The proposed Projectls) Is consistent with the New York State Coastal Management Program andl all impacts as a result of this Project Is) will be consistent and positive with such policies. The Project Is) will not adversely affect, interfere with, or contradict either the stated policies, their intent, or philosophy. The Projectls) is an amendina of Excavation. Shorel ine Protection. Bulkheadina and Constructina of Bui Idinals) Prolectls) at BREWER'S YACHT YARD at GREENPORT, INC., in Stirling Basin. The Project Is) is located in the Village of Greenport, the Town of Southold, and the County of Suffolk, which are the governing bodies of the upland and water areas and charged with water safety and pol ice protection. The Projectls) is designed to excavate a smaller boat basin, replace deteriorating bulkheadls), construct two (2) travelifts, one II) boat maintenance and storage bui Iding, one III in-ground swimming pool, and relocate one clubhouse as shown on the Projectls) maps attached to the en c I 0 sed A p p lie at ion s . The Pro j e c tIs) Ame n dme n tIs) r e qui re sAme n d e d Permits from the N.Y.S.D.E.C. as wel I as the Army Corps of Engineers. Copies of these Appl ications are enclosed. The Projectls) is consistent with the above-referenced policies of the State of New York Coastal Management Program as follows: The Project Is) will revitalize what is becoming an under utilized waterfront area III and help faci I itate more water dependent recreational uses by expanding access to the waterfront (21, 191, (19), and (21). In addition, these Projectls)s wi I I help preserve and enhance the tidal flows of the area (15), 1351, and 1441. It is important that this Projectlsl consistency certification receive a prompt review 161 in order for the Projectlsl to take place in the reasonable future. Bulkheading rehabi I itation 1131 and 1141 and dredging are processes that normally have to be undertaken every 15-30 years depending on the elements and degree of si Itation in the area. Without the new bulkheading, the deter iorat ing bul~~head would collapse into the water creat ing a significant erosion and l'fi I I ing", further preventing use of the area for recreational boating. The buildinglsl have been located to faci I i tate recreational boating and other recreational activities consistent with waterfront activities 1111 and 1221. In short, the Projectlsl is fully consistent with the State of New York Coastal Zone Management Program. Ene I 0 sed pie a s e Ii n d cop Y lie s I 0 f the Am end e d A P P lie a t ion I sIt 0 the Army Corps of Engineer. and the N.Y.S.D.E.C. APPLICATION FOR DEPA ENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT . OMB APPROVAL NO. 0702.0036 Expires 3 I (3~1 CFR 325) The Department of the Army permit progrllm is authorized by Section 10 of the River and Harbor Act of 18991 'ftMftlf.WTcl,..e Clean Water Act and Section 103 of the Marine, Protection. Research and Sanctuaries Act. These laws require perm~tr aUlmH.Ki\\ activities in or affecting navigable waters of' the United States, the discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States, and the transportation of dredged "llaterial for the purpose of dumping it into ocean waters. Information provided on this form will be used in evaluating the application for a permit. Information in this application is made a matter of public record through issuance of a public notice. Disclosure of the information requested is voluntary; however, the data requested are necessary in order to communicate with the applicant and to evaluate the permit application. If necessary information is not provided, the permit application cannot be processed nor can a permit be i.ssu~d. One set of original drawings or good reproducible copies which show the location and character ot the proposed activity must be attached to this application (see sample drawings and instructions) and be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. An application that is not completed in full will be returned. 1. APPLICATION NUMBER (To be a..iined by Cor']'" 3. NAME, ADDRESS, AND TITLE OF AUTHORIZED AGENT_ M:xJ.ified pennit #13490 - AMENDED DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. 555 Alda Road Marraroneck, NY 10543-4002 2. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT BREWER YACHT YARD at GREENPOIIT, Inc. Manhanset Avenue & Beach Road Greenport, NY 11944 Telephone no. during business hours A/C 914 I A/C 914 I I';qR ~1';7R 698-t:;t::7R (Re.idenee) (Office) Statement of AutMoriution: I hereby designate and authorize DAN'IEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES , InC. to act In my beM.1f a. mV TelepMon. no. during business Mours agent in tMe processing of tMis permit application and to furnish, upon r~ulI$t. supplemental information in support of the appllC81tlon. AlC ( 5161 477-9594 AIC ( ). (Re.idence) SIG~ATURE OF ~T ~ L:~- DATE (Office] 08/28/86 4. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED ACTIVITY ., 4.. ACTIVITY SEE A'ITACllED SUPPLEMENT and Letter of Support dated 08/27/86 by DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. 4b. PURPOSE SEE A'ITACHED SUPPLEMENT and Letter of Support dated 08/27/86 by DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. 4c. DISCHARGE OF DREDGED OR FILL MATERIAL SEE ATI'ACHED SUPPLEMENT and Letter of Support dated 08/27/86 by DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. ENG FORM 4345, Apr 83 EDITION OF 1 OCT 77 IS OBSOLETE (Proponent: DAEN-CWO.NI APPletlon ___SUPPLEMENT to . for Department of the Army P. (33 CFR 325) ENG FORM 4345 BREWER'S YACHT YARD at GREENPORT. INC. 4. DETAILED DESCRIPTION of PRoposeo ACTIVITY 4&. ACTIVITY I) To Amend the approved One Thousand One Hundred Ninety Five (1,195) lineal feet of bulkheadino to aooroximatelv One Thousand One Hundred Thirtv Five (1.135) lineal feet of bulkheadlng, Including One Hundred Ten (110) lIneal feet of lubterranean bulkheadl I i) To Amend the approved Fifty Five Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Cubic Yards (55,250 Yds.~) of excavation for One Hundred Fifteen Thousand Eight Hundred Twenty Five Square Feet (115,825 Ft.-) to aooroximatelv Fortv Four Thousand Ninety Cubic Yards (44.090 Yds.S) of excavation for Eighty Six Thousand Three Hundred Sixty Five Square Feet (86,365 Ft.-)I and I I I) To Amend the approved One Thousand Four Hundred Twenty Five (1,425) lineal feet of main docks and Two Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty Five (2,955) lineal feet of finger piers (in varying widths from 4' to 6'), with Three Hundred Twenty Four (324) I ineal feet of adjultable ramps and Ninety Five (95) piles to One Thousand Seven Hundred Thlrtv Five C1.735) lineal feet of main docks and Two Thousand Eioht Hundred Fortv (2.840) lineal feet of . inaer Diers C in varvlna widths from 4' to 6'). with EiohtY-four (84) lineal feet of adiustable ramos and One Hundred Seven tv Three (173) Diles. Iv) To Amend the approved relocation of a lingle travell.t wel to construct a wel I that accommodates two (2) travel iftsl v) To Amend the eXDl rat Ion date for construct Ion of the Drooosed ProiectCs) to 06/30/92. vi) To continue the Reconfiauration Perimeter as shown on attached SHEET NO. 10 - RECONFIGURATION PERIMETER which would allow BREWER onlv to reconfloure the docks. Diles and ramDS within this "envelooe". 4b. PURPOSE AmendmentCs) to previously-approved Master Plan ProjectCs) for upgrading and expanding BREWER'S facility, Including Excavation, Bulkheading. Maintenance-Dredging and Reconflguratlon of Floating Pier Assembly ProjectCs), to provide lafer navlgat lon, prevent erosion and provide more access to the public to the waterfront for recreational boating and other recreational waterfront activi ties. 4c. DISCHARGE of DREDGED or Fill NATERIAl There will be a total of approxImately Fifty-Four Thousand Six Hundred Cubic Yards (54,600 Yds..) of material removed from the Project(s) lite. ThIs Includes approximately Forty-Four Thousand Ninety Cubic Yards C44,090 Yds..) of mater ial being excavated from tha proposed boat basin, and approximately Ten Thousand Five Hundred Cubic Yards (10,500 Yds.a) of material removed by the maintenance-dredging operations. All of the dredged materials w I I I be m I xed wit h the ma t e r I a I s bel n g ex c a vat e d and de p 0 sit e d upland at three (3) different locations. The proposed disposal sItes are: t) On-site disposal of approximately 2,500 to 3,600 Cu. Yds., 2) Approximately 10,000 to 11.500 Cu. Yds. wi I I ~e deposited in St. Agnes Cemetery located Immediately west and adjacent to BREWER's property to Increase the average ground elevation by approximately 2' to 4', and 3) Approximately 42,100 Cu. Yds. wi II be deposl ted on an undeveloped 11.8 acre sl te in St. Agnes Cemet~ry, adjacent to BREWER's on the north side of Manhanset AVE/nue. No fill wIll be placed within twenty-five feet C25') of any freshwater wetlandCs) and a snow fence wi I I be placed during construction to delIneate luch wetlandCs) [see SHEET NO. 12 PROPOSED EXCAVATION & OFF-SITE DISPOSAL AREAS, Existing Topography; SHEET NO. 13 PROPOSED TOPOGRAPHY of RELOCATION SITES, and SHEET NO. 15 - ON-SITE DISPOSAL & GRADING PLAN]. .- 5. NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF ADJOINING PI~OPERTY OWNERS, LESSEES, ETC., WHOSE PAQPE ALSO ADJOINS THE WATERWAY West - St. Agnes Cemetery St. Agnes Church Greenport, NY 11944 East - Town of Southold 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 6. WATERBOOY AND LOCATION ON WATERBODY WHERE ACTIVITY EXISTS OR IS PROPOSED Greenport Harbor - Stirling Basin 7. LOCATION ON LAND WHERE ACTIVITY E);ISTS OR IS PROPOSED ADDRESS: Manhanset Avenue & Beach Road STREET, ROAD, ROUTE OR OTHER DESCRIPTIVE LOCATION Suffolk COUNTY New York STATE 11944 ZIP CODE Vi11aoe of Greenoort/l'own of Southold LOCAL GOVERNING BODY WITH JURISDICTION OVER SITE 8. II any portion of tn. activity for which authorization is sought now complete? 0 YES xes NO If answar il "Va," give re..onl, month and yeer the activity W.$ completed. Indicate the 811lining work on the drawings. 9. List all approval, or certification. and danials rllceived from other federal, inter,tete, state or local agenciel for any ,tructurel, construction, discharges or other actlvitie, de,crlbed in thil application. ISSUING AGENCY N.Y.S.D.E.C. N.Y.S.D.O.S. Greenport Southold Planning Brd. Site Plan Ap.Amend. Brd.of Trustees pennit Amend. Town Board penni t Amend. TYPE APPROVAL pennit Amend" Con; Cert.Amend. pennit Amend. IDENTIFICATION NO. DATE OF APPLICATION 08/28/86 08/28/86 08/28/86 OATE OF APPROVAL Pending Pending Pending DATE OF DENIAL 08/28/86 08/28/86 Pending Pending 10. ApplicatIon I. hereby made for a permit or pflrmlt, to authorize the activltie, delcribed herein. I certify that I am familiar with the InformatIon contained In this application, and that to tne best of my knowledge and belief ,ucn information II true, complete, and accurate. I further certify that I po.... the authority to undertake the pro pOled 8ctlvltle'l or I am acting al the duly authorized agent of the epplicant. ~ / '~ / /~/L ~,c;?________ oe 126 leg ;/~4"'J~U7Z,_'1// QIl 1:611 Ilia J'i:lfillAB'i-W,gf-~Pj1L:~NPresident ' DAtE /.!Danie"iG~Tm't~~~Nhesi~ent DhE ' BREWER YACHT YARD at GREENPORT, Inc. DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and f'SS~, Inc. The application must be signed by the person who desires to undertake the proposed actiuity (applicant) or it mq-y be $igned by a duly authorized agent if the statement in Block 3 has been {Illed out and signed. '..J 18 D.S.C. Section 1001 provides that; Whoever, in any manner within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of The United States knowingly and willfully falsifies, concea.ls, or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact or makes any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or representation:s or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing same to contain any false..fiditious or fraudulent statement or entry, shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than five years, or both. Do not send a permit processing fee with this application. The appropriate fee will be assessed when a permit is issued. . - . SUPPLEMENT TO ENG FORH-4345 , - Complete and submit, along with materials requested below arid executed ENG Fonn-4345, "Application for a oA permit". If necessary, continue item on an additional sheet. Identify entry by item number. GENERAL : 1. Period of time .required to complete the proposed work. Both actual work time and duration of the project are required (i.e., three weeks of work time over a two- month neriod). - M"" ,aa~ - +-;~. ~<; +-~ 'l() 2. Information characteristIc of neighborhood (i.e., high, medium, or low density; . . res iden t is 1, commercial, or industrial). IDw density residential & Waterfront eomrercial - marinas I boat yards, tec. 3. Types of adjacent marine structures and approximate distance f rOr.l the project si te. Adjacent bOat basin (bulkhead and pile anchored floa1:-"l - approx. 600' west. . 4. ois tance to noise sensitive areas !i.e., schools, hospitals, etc ). Hospital - approx. 1,200' wouthwest (across Stirling Basin) School - approx. 5,000' south (across Stirling Basin) Sch=l - approx. 8,000' north 5. Types of constrUction equipment to be used during constructinn and number of each type (i. e.. bulldozers, trucks, cra1lp.s. etc) . , Backhoe ; 2-3 trucks; piledriver; clamshell and barge and/or drageline dredge operation. I 6. Submit representative photographs, color.if possible, of the project area. Ident~tv pictures ~~.e., view from north, east, etc., time and date taken). Out- ,,__ '; ..,__ _ ,h -. .._~" ._ .h. _ h SEE ATI'ACHED 7. Indicate on your project plans and nn photographs of the si~~(s} the 1 nca Hnn nf any we tlands vege ta tian (such as cordgrass, reed grass and ca t ta i1 s) in the construction area. Identifv ohotoEraohs as indicated in box 6. SEE ATI'ACHED 8. Indica t~ t;,e location of' any known historical or archaeological site(s) within the project limits. . . None known. . - q. Submit cn~y of any completed environmental studies or reports on the~os~d project. ee attaChed Letter of Support dated 08/27/86 by DANIEL S. NA Z and ASSCC., fn " . - - ':.' . -". ~.. . 10. Discuss ~lt~rnatives to the proposed"pro jec t whicl. we re investiga te-d' including -, a 1 te"rna t lve locations, disposal areas, construction techniques etc. and why they were rejected. See attached Letter ~f Support dated 08/27/86 by DAIDEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES I, Inc. . , j ! . c 1 NANY FOP)"- 201 . . ~ 12. l} 2) 3} DREDGING - UPLAND DISPOSAL Submit specific locations and photographs, color if possible ~~~~~:~A~oint~~yd~po~~;ion of dredged material. Identify all Describ~ the present land use of the d~spo.al site(s). On-site disposal - boat yard and corrmercial marina operation St. Agnes West - exist:ing cemetery St. Agnes. North- future cerretery (currently undeveloped) of the proposed photograph. as 11. 13. Indicatr. physical n,'ure of dredged material (i.e., sand, silt, clay etc). Give percent'ges of the ~ari~us fractions, if available. Sandy with some silt and small percentage of clay and gravel. 14. Fpr maintenance rlredging, DA permits are generally issued f"r a 10 year period. Indicate the nu~ber of times dredging is anticipated over a 10 year period and the totAl capacity (cubic yards) of the prnp~sed disposal ~lte(~l w~c~~e used to accor.1l1loda te the dreqged ma terl~ 1. MaJ.ll::enance-~edgJ.llg W1. 1 S; 3-4 times over a ten-year penOd. Capac~t:y of disposal s~te - N/A. Dredged matenaH~} will be mixed with uPland excavated materiaHs) and used as fill. SEE ATI'ACHED. 15. Describ~ ~ethod "f dredged material containment (i.e., embank~ent, bulkhead, etc). Earth embankment: Dredqed material will be deposited on~site, semi-dried, mixed with excavated materiaHs) and then relocated. SEE ATl'ACHED. DREDGING - OPEN WATER DISPOSAL L6. For maintenance dredging, DA Pennits are generally issued for a In yp,r period. Indicate the number of times dredging is anticipated over a 10 year period. 17. Submit required testing data (testing criteria will be furnished upon request). 18. Discuss alternatives to open water disposal of dredged material and ~hy they were rejected. I MOORING FACILITIES 19. Number of water craft using the present marina facility. Are pumpout facilities available? Approx. 90-94 recreational boats. No purnpout facilities currently provide. 20. Number and type of water craft which will utilize the proposed marina or docking facility. Will purnpout facilities be .provided for? APprox. ~70-J.80 recreat~onal boats. Pumpout facilities will be prov~ded. LAND FILL tl 21. u~. .". '1 Indicate type of structures to be built on the proposed fillMausoleum structures , " . Type of fill to be used (Le., sand, stone, rubble, earth, etc).Gravel, sand, silt - ~'~H Method of fill placement. I Dump truck (s) . 22. 23. 24. Describe any proposed methods for controlling turbidity during filling operation. N/A - All material (s) will be placed upland Absolutely no fill will be placed on or within 25' of any MHW Line.. SEE A'l'I'ACHED. \.I~"'rv C'l"\nu "'1"1 \ . '-. . BREWER'S YACHT YARD at GREENPORT, INC_ PROPOSED AMENDMENTCS) to PERMIT _13490 for EXCAVATION. BULKHEADING. MAINTENANCE-DREDGING and RECONFIGURATION of FLOATING PIER ASSEMBLY PROJECTCS) Stirling Basin Village of Greenport Town of Southold County of Suffolk State of New York COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT BREWER'S YACHT YARD at GREENPORT, INC. hereby certifies that where a p p lie a b I e and tot he be s t 0 f the i r a b i lit Y and know led g e, the proposed modified activities contained in the ApplicationCs) dated August 28, 1986, together wi th all subsequent f i I ings wi th the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation covering the PROPOSED AMENDMENTCS) to PERMIT lI13490 complies with and will be conducted in a manner consistent with the State of New York's approved Coastal Zone Management Program. The issuance of a new Letter of Certification and/or AmendmentCs) to Certificate lIF-85-254 from the State of New York's Department of State wi I I constitute concurrence by the State of New York with this Statement of Consistency. BREWER'S YACHT YARD at GREENPORT, I NC. .~~ J ~ ewe r, Jr., 'f res ide n t <Sheet 1 of 1> . \ 95 19.2 (11-83\ .i" YOR~;;~;~~;~~ E~V~;;;~~O~VATION APPUCA TlON NUMBER M:xlified Pennit lflO-R4-071i1i Read Instructions on back before completing this application. Please type 0' pnnt cle.Jrly ,n ink. Use separate addenda and exhibits to provide all data and explan,iJtions for which space on this form is inadequate. o ARTICLE 15, TiTlE 3 (CONTROl OF AQUATIC INSECTS, WEEDS" OR UNDESIRABLE FISH) ('DPY FOR YOUR eg ARTICLE 15, TITlE 5 (PROTECTION OF WATERS) 0 For the construction, reconstrucrion, or repair of a DAM or other impoundment structure. INFORMAnOJW 0 For the disturbance of a STREAM BED or excavation in or fill of navigable waters. 0 ARTICLE 15, TITlE 15 0 WATER SU PPL Y 0 LONG ISLAND WELL IKJ ARTICLE 24 (FRESHWATER WETLANDS) o Per~it 0 letter of Permission IXI ARTICLE 25 (Tidal Wetlands) 1. NAME OF APPLICANT: . BREWER YACHT YARD at GREENPORT, Inc. 2. APPLICANT IS NAN o Individual o Partnership 0 Association XX Corporation 0 Municipality [] Governmental Agency J. NAME AND TITlE OF OFFICIAL SIGNING AP,DlICATlON I PHONE John Brewer. Jr.. President (516J 477-9594 STREET ADDRESS/POST OFFICE ManhansRt Avenue & !3P13ch R"",,, POST Off ICE STATE I ZIP CODE NY 11944 4. NAME AND ADDRESS OF~ (If not appiicantl I PHONE DJINTm". S N/I'lrR"P.7. ~nn /IS,' Tn,.. (914) I>qR-~1>78 STREET ADDRESS/POST OFFICE 'i'i'i /llrli'l Rnrlrl POST OFFICE STATE ~~: CODE -, NV 543-4002 5. PROJECT LOCATION NAME OF STREAM OR OTHER WATER BODY. 6. WILL PROJECT al City or VillaF\e If appropr:ate; ir un-named. show on map-See UTILIZE STATE. lIem 5b! OWNED LAND? Town Stirling Basin DYes 0 No County Snffol'" bl Spe<:ifk proiect site or area is marked on U.S.G.5 or equivalent map. at'acht'd as Exhibit Number' SHEE'rS NO.. ~ and NO. 2 7. PROPOSED USE: o Privale B. PROPOSED STARTING DATE: 9. APPROXIMATE COMPLETION DA IE: 10 FEE OF o Publi<: ~ Commercial ASAP May ~992 s 50.00 Enclosed II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Feet of rip-rap new channel; cubic yards of malt'flal to be removed: draining. dredging. filling. ,u~d location of disposal sites; type of structure to be installed: height of dam; size oi impoundent; capacities of propsed water sources: extent or distribution system: ete. SEE ATI'AOlED SUPPLEMENT and Letter of Support dated 08/27/86 oy DANIEL S. ~ and ASSOCIA'IES, Inc. 12 THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRE ADDITIONAL PERMITS. APPLICATIONS FOR WHICH ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF OTHERS: o Dam OE\lH'.!II"'l o Stream Disturbance o 5PDES/NPDE5 o Water Supply o l.1.WelJs o Freshwater Wetland o Tidal Wetlands Fdl 13 NAME AND ADDRESS OF OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF LOCALITY WHERE PROPOSED WORKS ARE lOCA TEO: "SUFFOLK TIMES" Main Street Green~Y'i- NY 14. IS ANY PORTION OF THE ACTIVITY FOR WHICH A PERMIT IS SOUGHT NOW BEGUN OR COMPLETED! DYes XlQ No If YES. e)(plain in addenda. giving reasons and dates. and show existing work on drawings or mJp. 15 CERTIFICATION. I hereby aHirm that under penalily of perjury th~t information provided on this form and JII anachments submitted herewith IS true to the best of my knowll:'dge and belief. False statements m.lde herein are puni';hable as a Class A misdemeanor purSU,lnt 10 Section 210.45 of thl:' Pen.lIL.lw. As a condition to the issuancE' of a permit, the applicant accepts full responsibility for all damage. direct or indirE'CI. of whatever nature. and by whomever suffered, arising out of the proiect deSCribed herein and agrees to indemnify and save harmless Ihe State from suits. anions. damages and costs of every name and description resulting from said project 08/28/86 ~<Cl~____ DATE oJ er, Jr., PreS;i~TuRE -SEE REVERSE SIDE- PE;::iMIT AC:'JJli'J:STR:"iCR . . SUPPLEMENT to New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Application for Permit to AMEND N.Y.S.D.E.C. Modified Permit .10-84-0188 BREWER'S YACHT YARD at GREENPORT, INC. 11. PROJ€CT DESCRIPTION i) To Amend the approved One Thousand One Hundred Ninety Five (1,195) I ineal feet of bulkheadino to aooroximatelv One Thousand One Hundred Thirtv Five (1.135) I ineal feet of bulkheading, including One Hundred Ten (110) I ineal feet of subterranean bulkhead; i) To Amend the approved Fifty Five Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Cubic Yards (55,250 Yds.a) of excavation for One Hundred Fifteen Thousand Eight Hundred Twenty Five Square Feet (115,825 Ft.2) to aooroximatelv Fortv Four Thousand Ninetv Cubic Yards (44,090 Yds.a) of excavation for Eighty Six Thousand Three Hundred Sixty Five Square Feet (86,365 Ft .2); and i) To Amend the approved One Thousand Four Hundred Twenty Five (1,425) I ineal feet of main docks and Two Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty Five (2.955) I ineal feet of finger piers (in varying widths from 4' to 6'), with Three Hundred Twenty Four (324) I ineal feet of adjustable ramps and Ninety Five (95) piles to One Thousand Seven Hundred Thirtv Five (1.735) I ineal feet of main docks and Two Thousand Eioht Hundred Fortv (2,840) I ineal feet of finoer Diers (in varvino widths from 4 ' to 6'), wit h E i 0 h t v - f 0 u r ( 84) I i n e a I fee t 0 f adiustable ramos and One Hundred Seven tv Three (173) oi les. iv) To Amend the approved relocation of a single travel ift wel to construct a wel I that accommodates two (2) travel ifts; v ) To Ame n d the ex 0 i rat ion d ate for con s t rue t ion 0 f the 0 roo 0 sed Prolect(s) to 06/30/92. vi) To continue the Aeconfiouration Perimeter as shown on attached SHEET NO_ 10 - AECONFIGURATION PERIMETER which would a " ow B R EWE A 0 n I v tor e con f i 0 u r e the doc k s. 0 i I e san d r amo s within this "envelooetl. vii) To relocate approximately forty feet bulkhead. an 30' x (40' ) existing 35' plus from upland club house faci I ity wood decking to be approximately the proposed to-be-constructed vi i i) To construct a new upland in-ground swimming pool approximately 25' x 45' together with associated decking, fencing and screening approximately 40 feet from the proposed new bulkhead and 110 feet from the subterranean bulkhead. i x) To construct a approximately 70 new boat building approximately 110' x feet north of the proposed bulkhead_ <Sheet 1 of 1> 120' NEll YORK STATE DEPARTIlENT OF EllVIRONllEllTAL CONSERVATION .OJECT PER}IIT REQUIREllENT QUESTIONNAIRE. The purpose of this questionnaire Is to assist the applicant 1n determining what, if any, Department Permit or approvals must be obtained before starting work on a proposed project. If you are not sure if the action proposed Is a regulated ac- tivity or Is within a:o. area subject to Department regulations (tidal wetlands, freshwater wetlands. etc.) contact our regional office for clarification. A pre- application conference with our staff to obtain guidance in the Department's permit application re'vlew process can be arranged. ANSWER IiLL QUESTIONS NAME OF APPLIcANT: BHEWER yAQfl' YAFD at GREENPORl', Inc. DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION & LOCATION: R=king ~nArrv>nr (I'd Tn N. Y .S.D F. r. llrixlified Permit #10-:34-0766. SEE ATIAOfED SUPPLEMENT. 1. Realty Subdivision Approvals in Nassau County Does project involve subdivision of land into 5 or more reaidential lots that will be served by a public or community sewage disposal system? 2. Minin~ Permits Does project involve the tnininr. and cotmnercial sale or off-site use of 1.000 tons of material within 12 calendar months (excepting excavation or grading in connection with on site construction or farming)? 3. Air Contamination Permits a) New or !wdifled sources: Does project involve the coustruction. modification or operation of a boiler greater than 1 million BTU/hr rated heat input, an incinerator or an in- dustrial process. b) Indirect Source: Does project involve construction or modification of a highway, airport or a parking facUity with 250 or more spaces? 4. Solid Waste Management Permit Does project involve the storage. transfer, processing or disposal of solid wastes? 5. WUd. Scenic & Recreational Rivers Permit Only applies to certain lands within a ~ mile of the Carmans River. Consult D.E.C. Regional Office for exact determination. 6. Water Supply Perm!! Does project involve the acquisition of land or con- struction of facilities for water supply or distri- bution purposes? 7. Lon~ Island Well Permit a) Does project involve the construction of a new well or deepening or increasing the capacity of an existing well to withdraw water at a rate greater than 4S gallons a minute? b) Will project require the temporary lowering of groundwater lev'els for construction purposes? 8. Protection of Waters Permit a) Will project change, modify or otherwise disturb the course. chs,unel or bed of any stream class- ified C(T) or higher? (Conou1t the Regional Office for Classifications). b) Does project in,valve the temporary or per- manent artif1c1,al obstruction of a natural stream or wate~'course? c) Does project iD.volve the construction or re- pair of a perma.nent dock. pier or wharf havit1Jl; a top surface a,rea more than 200-square feet? d) Does project iD.volve any excavation or placing of fill 1n the navigable waters of the State and adjacent wEitlands? NOT ~ ~ !!Q. x x x x x x x x x x x x , :! , \ [ \ " , \\ ',.' I , ) 'J . -2- d) Does project: involve any e."tcavatlon or placing of fill in the navigable waters of the Statel and adjacent wetlands? 9. Tidal Wetlands Permit 1. Will projec:t be located: a) in tidal waters? b) within 300 feet of either the land- ward edge of a tidal wetland boundary or a tidal body of water? II. Will there be any subdivision of land or physical alterations of land or water? Exemptions to the above regulation location if: 1) Project will be located at a ground elevaticlO of 10 feet or higher above mean Se.!:L level (excepting on the face of a bluff or cliff). 2) A 8ub8t~tntlalt man-made structure (such Sf! a paved street or bulkhead) 100 feet or longer exists between the project site and tidal wetlands or tidal water. (Consult D.E.C. Regional Office If unsure). 10. Freshwater Wetlands Permit a) Will project area be within, or within 100 feet of a freshwater wetland or freshwater body of 12.l. acres or larger? b) Will project involve draining, dredging, filling, exl:avating, erecting structures. roads, util:lties or other alterations or placing any form of pollution in a wetland? (Consult D.g.C. Regional Office if unsure). . 11. Section 401--~111ter Quality Certification Letter Does project 01[." activity require a Federal Permit or License? I;E so, this State certification may be required pr:Lor to Fedet:al approval. 12. State Pol1utanlt Dlscharste"'El1mination Svstem-- (SPDES) Pernit Does Project 111volve: a) A proposed l:IUbdlvislon of five or more units? b) A proposed IJr existing discharge of 1,000 gallons per day of sewage or any discharge of industria.l or other wastea to ground waters? c) Any dlscharl~e of sewage, industrial or other wastes to surface water? d) Any disposal of stormwater containing sewage industrial or other wastes? e) Any storage and disposal of potentially toxic or hazardoul!I wastes? 13. The following ildditional required D.E.C.permfts have been appl:1ed for: Type of Appli<:ation Permi t Number . YES NOT KNOWN ~ x x x x x x x x x x ---i{ X X X Application PilinR Date Applicant's Name (if different on application now being submitted) 14. List all other government: Type of Permit or approval Penni t llrrendnent Certification .Amendment penni t Arrendrrent Penni t Arrendment- Permit ~y that the above Site Plan Approval Arrenclment permits, licenses or approvals required by other agencies of Governmental A~ency Anny Corps Pending N.Y.S.D.O.S. Pending GreenPJrt Pending Southold - Town Board Pending information ia. ~to~~t ~~owledge. - Planning Board Pending ~~ " SIGNA ~1. ~F-'f~~~R AUTHORIzED-REPRESENT AT: - IV ohn Brewer, Jr., President BREWER YACHT YARD at GREENPORI', Inc. {)~?R/Rh DTE Status . . C:)"PLr:7J: ,\PPl.IC.\Tlil'! CEEC:LI:"1' S~:[IT FU'Tl r"J:~i;l:A-r.:1 1'FTI..A'{n~" TIDAL f':1'I..A.:!!)S & Pi10T::r'!'I0'T OF 1I.^TI:'1S M'rl1.rc...i!'.....L To avoid delay be sure all inforr'...atlon indicated belo\i able) Wit!l your !Jubmittal. If you have cueations call 1s included (~.rt"l.ere applic- (516) 751-7000. f'TJ~~rI!'ITD : ~ust include pro- specific ~lrnensions~ 11..- 1. IIAPJ.tICATIO~: FOR:ts" (in triplicate) Instructions on reverse; ject descri?tlon--9t~te t~e of atructure(~) or work pro~o8ed & areas, amount8, etc:. involved. It also !'lust be signed. 2. "NA:1E flY P!',ZV!OUS WID OlJ"lTF.~" 1\1/n 3. "P~':'T"""'T P::'"III It,-- 'IIl8!~'n' ",uIl.,,-.......,d'P'D-n 4. "AUTI!OTl.IZA':'ION LE'I"I'LRII (if applicant 1s other than owner) 5. "tOCA'r'IO:J :LA....ull (in triplicate) map of general location of project site suffic- ient to t.::lcate the site; name roads, bodies of water, landmarks, telephone: !lole f;, stre~. address, etc:. Copy of tax section !'lAp Is usually clearest. X-- 9,",,~Tt n~ ENVrRO~tLNTAL ASSESSHEN'I FOIU.1'trf you're aware: your project is a Type r action as defined in snqn, Art. 8, Part 617 request 10" form, complete P3rt r & submit with application. This may be reQuired on such tnlisted actions .s Subdiv- isions, Condominiums\. CO'!l:lllercial Development, ~{a.jor Beach Control t'!ork. )ta.jor Dred- K1n~, r~ads, Brid~e8.J ~ 1. "PLAl~Sn (in triplicate) (five sets for pro1ects listed In Of. above). Plans need to show area of wetland/waterway directly affected. Attach a statement as to feas- able alternatives. Provide as cuch data as possible to clearly delineate project. Show: dim,ensions, distances from fixed objects (oonuments, adjoin..1n.g structures, centerlin,e of road, etc.) F.levations (existin~ & proposed); distances from rerulat- ed wetlands & watercourses, mean high water (:nrv.). Additional data needed accord- ing to tyre of structure(s), work or action proposed as listed below: S~ ~~~~ A. Cf)NSTRUCTIOlf!l'lOt:tK in adjacent area e.~. buildings, accessory structures such as pools, decks, tennis courts, etc., fl1linr., excavation (for excavation below ~J see dredgin~ below) gradin~, c1earcuttin~, roads, subdivisions, condominiums. On a recent plan you must show: (1) :';:Z~ line and/or uetland line, state hov this was determined. **(2) SpE!cific location 1n outline of proposed. structure(s), work area(s) proposed subdivisions line, etc. --X-- **(3) ShclW on plan: sanitary syatem(s) & dry yell location with recent test hole & distance to ,~~t: or ~letland edlle; data to show ~roundwater level. **(4) If fill1n~ (a) amount in cubic yards; type of material & source. (b) ey.istinp. & proposed elevation must be shown on plan. (5) ThE~ lot on plans has been in 8io9.1e & separate ownership since: (DATE) (6) Submit flood zone desiROAtion; name, number and date of map. B. BULKHEAD. REVETNE~rr. RETAI~nHG ~!.ALL O'P. GABIO!ol show on a recent survey: ~ **(1) Lo<:atioo of proposed structure(s), ~r:: or wetland ed~e; state distances to existlnp, structure(s) e.p'. house, road, property line, mon~cnt. ~ (2) Cr()ss-sect. & Plan view of structure(s); type of material; MmI, existing & pr()posed elevations seaward & landward of proposed structure according to USGVD. Show construction detail, state specific dirleosions. ..x.....- (3) Outline of excavation &/or fill. State amt., type & source of fill. ~ C. DOCK. CATHALK. PIZP.. SnIDGt:. !'I.CAD ~TRUCTU!tES on site plan or survey: **(1) Location of proposed 8tructure(s) in relation to HE}!--or wetland edge, dis- tances to exi8tin~ structure(s) i.e. house, road, property line. X (2) CrIJs.-sect. &: planvil!'l:/, show dimensions & elev. above ~4Jnl & wetland. -X-- D. DREXING (reooval of material f.elov tiHW to establish or increase water depth) (1) On plan: licits of dredging referenced to lands adjacent to waterway. ~ **(2) On plan: outline limits of proposed spoil site. ~ (3) Sp<oil site owner's authorization if different from applicant. X- (4) Cr,OSS-8ect. view of area to be dred"ed & spoil area with dimensions & elev- ations of exi8t1n~ & pro~osed depths referenced to USGVD. (5) Amount in cu. yd.. type of material to be dredged (sand, sIlt, ~ck) (6) ;fean8 of dredg1n~ (hydraulic, bucket, etc.) _____ E. JETTIES, GaDr:13, nREAKlIATERS, FILLED !lOcy_~ N)A (1) Plan view showing location of structure(s), dimeo.ions & distances to MHG ad- jacent land areas & existing structures within 100' of mean hi~h uater._ (2) Cross-sect. view of structure: dmensions, elev., !'fl!U, MLW,.luterials _ (3) Profile elev. of structure relative to ey.lstlnR landform8 usin~ USG~ _ r.. "~.mC:::{T PHOTOS OF PROJECT .t'..nE.Au are required (label with ovner's naMe) ~ x -X...- ~ .JL... * ~ **?TOTE: LL'"1ITS OF 'ffi1.K ~ST 1\E ST:U:IJ), LABEL SEAtTA~D STft...KES AT SITI: rRIon. Tn n~'P,!,' 81 FIELD nl'SPECTIOH: I~rCATE 8ELOU nIAT SITE '!AS 'l\EE:N Qt'. NOT BF.E:'-T ~TAFT.1J_ /t. FIEL"'l I:'l'SPECTlot! ~lILL HOT lE '!ADE UN'IIL t,j'1:I.ITI'EN ~lOTICE IS RECEIVlID. SIIO-! STAKt LOCATIO:: O~I r'lXiS._ STAfr) i:IOT STAK.!:l>, t::tIT'!'EN NOTICE SENT AT LATE:t DATY. APPLICA1'IO~i IS Ii.IC"~E1'E ut,rrIL STAl~I:iG IS oo:m & WRITrE;:i ~TICE :a:Cr.IVED. J / ~_ JOhn J:\rewer( r. P~P.\ItC;~ SIG<!ATt:RJ: >~-<(:- ~~ TI'!'LE President ;u:rllEsz:m';G BREWER__YACh'T YARD at GREIENPO~l' , liA<Pl OH/2H/H6 . APP::~DlX A EAF EHVIRD;IME.~TAl ASS!':SSMEIlT - PART I . Profect Information NOTICE: This document is desicned to assist in detenmining whether the action proposed may have a significant effect on the envf~r,ment. P1e3se co~lete the entire Data She~t. Answers to these questions will be considered as Dart of the appli.:ation for apprcval and may be subject to further verification and public review. Provide any additional information you believe will be ne~ded to comolet~ PARTS 2 and 3. !t is expec~ed tnat ccmeloticn of t~e EAF will be dependent on information currently available and will not lnvolve n:w stud'es, research. or investiqation. If information requirin~ sucp additional war. is unav"~ole, so 1l'1dica..e and specify each lnsta,nce. ~ANE OF PROJECT: AGENT NAME A"D ADDRESS O~ (If Different) RRJ<'rAn:o''O vn~ vZ\'Qn at CF]'l<'I\TDr\~, 1I1C" DANIEL S. NATCHEz and ASSOCIATES, Inc. (Name) ADORESS AND NANE OF APPLICANT: (~~r~ett-Gb FiB3.d B'R~ VZ:..rwP V'n.pn ~+- r:Dli'f:i'1\lOn"R'"fl T'rl,..... tHa~ . Mamaroneck. NY (P.~.) (State) 10543-4002 (Zlp) Manhanset Avenue (St,."et) Greenport (P.O.) & Beach Road BUS"!":SS P~DNE: (914) 698-5678 NY 11944 (Z,p I (State) DESCRIPTlO~ OF pqOJECT, (Brien), describe type of project or action) Amendment (s) to previously-approved Master Plan Project (s) of excavation, bulkheading, ffi3.intenance-dredging and reconfiguratioj of floa.tiI~':1 pier ZtSef:11ll31}" I":r:6jcct (s) . Also see attached Letter of Support dated 08/27/86 by DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOC., Inc. (PL;:AS~ CD~PLITE EACH nUES,lnl/ - Indicate N.A. if not applicable)' A. SiTE DESCRIPTIO" (Physical settbg of over-ail ,project. both deveioned and unj'eveloo~d areas) 1.. Ge:neral character of the h.nd: Generally unffor:n slope -1L- r;eneral1y uneven and rol1fn~ or irre'Jular 2. Present land use: :!rool" . Industrial _' Agriculture _,l)ther J. Total acreage of oroject area:12.0~cres. Ccmnerdal ~. Subunan _~. Rural F"lrest Aoproximate acreage: Pn~sently After Comj.lletion Meadow or B~shland .3~~acres ~acres Presently After Completion Hater Surface Area 2,3U acres 4,95ac.05 Forested __acres __acres Unvegetated (rock, e~rth or fi 11) 8,67 6.42 ______ac~es ~acres AQricultural ___a.cres _acres Yetland (Freshwater Or Tidal ~s Oer Articles 24. ,5 O~ f.C.l.) ~ 35 acres ~ 35 acres ~oads. buildinas and other ;Ja....ed sUrfac~s ,40 _acres 35 ~ac~es 4. ~hat is ~redominant soil type{s) on Other (indicate ty~e) ______acres ______acT~s oro;e~t site' Coarse to fine brown sand & gravel, some silt. .::J..c....t:.. RJ. J...i-il...t1l::J.) ~uRI'. Yps ~ .~C' s. a.. .!.re theil~ bpdrock outcro?oincs on "rnjp~t sit~? 9.'1/7B L ~hat is de:Jth to bed:-ock? 1\T/~ (!n feet) .6. A;PtoxiNte p:ercentage of ;JraPZ orojec:' site ....ith slaoes: O-lO\-e-fr%-':':.lS:':; _:'; 15: Or greater~. . Is project contiguous to. or contain a building or site listed on the National Register of Historic Places? ______yes ~No 7: 8. Varies: 3' 8" to 6' 5" below ground surface. SEE ATI'ACHED LETI' What is the depth to the water table? _teet g. 00 hunting or fishing opportunities presently exist in the project area? Yes X No - - 10. Does project site contaip any species of plant or animal life that is identified as thr'!atened or endancered - _Yes ~Io. according tc - Identify each species 11. Are t~ere any unique or unusual land forms on t~e project site? {i.e. c;iffs. dunes. other geological formations - _____yes ~No. {Describe Is the prpject site presently ~sed by the cOllTTlunity or neiqhbc:u-hood as an o~~ ~EE,x'frOfi'E'arm recreational area - ~Yes _No. ProJect slte prOVlaes pl1DllC access 13. Does the present site offer or inc1u,de seeni.c: views .or. vistas k.nown to. be.JlI!Po~b1~etre c:omnur.;ty? -2L-l.es _No Waterfroni: VleWS pI: Stlrllng l:laSill WlJ.l 0<= . 12. boa ing 14. Streams within or contiguous to project area: a. Name of stream and name of r"iver to which it is tributary Stirling Basin 15. lak.es~ Ponds, lJetland areas wittl;" or contiguous to project area: Stirling Basin flame ; b. Size (in acres) +35 a. 16. What is the dominant land use arid zoning c1assificatian within a 1/4 mile radius of the j:lroject (e.g. single family residential, R-2) and the scale of develooment (e.g. 2 story). 2-story RA-low denisty single family residential and asrricultural; WC7 - Waterfront ccxrmercial and light industrial _ 8. PROJECT DESCRIPilON boat yards and marinas. 1. Physical dimensions and scale of project {fill in dimensions as a~propriate} a. Total contiguous acreage o....ned by project sponsor 9.77 acres. b. Project acreage develooed: 9.42 acres initially; ~lcres ultimately. ,35 tida,l wetlands c. Project acreage to remain und~~veloped d. Length of project. in miles: _ N(~ (if acprcpf"'iate) e. If project is an expansion of existing. indicate percent~!~~ion proposed: age ; develoced acn!age . SEE. JU".L:t\CI:i.tD! Number of off-strEP.t park.ing ~ipaces existina 90-95 ; proposed :::-=!:.160 building square foot- f. g. Maximum vehicular trips gene:"'clted per hour S-lO (uoan completion of pr-ojec:) h. If resid:ntial: Number and tyee of housing units: ~ne Family Two Family N!A Mul tiple Family Condominium Initial Ul timate i. If: Orienta~'ion ( :!ei ghbornood-Ci ty-Regi onW A Estimated Emoloyment COl7l11erci a 1 Industrial j. Total height of tallest "ronosed structure _W...h_Jeet. -2- 2. How much natural material~. rOCK. ~arth, etc.} ~il1 be removed f~e site _ Approx. Total excavation & rnaintenance-dredg. N/I\ , 720 tons cubic yards. 3. How many acres of vegetation {tre~s. shrubs, ground covers} will be r"e!"1Qved frol'" site. Q!p.9acres. Will any mat~re forest (aver l~O years old) or other locally-important vegetation be removed by this project'? _Yes ~No 4. 5. Are thprr. any plans far re-v~getatian to replace that removed during construction? ~Yes _____~o 6. If single ohase ~roject: Anticipated period of canstruc-:ion _monthS. (including demolition]. 7. :f mul~i-::,hi!.sec ol"'oject: a. Total number of ;:lhases antic~oated ~No. b. An:icioated date of commencement phase 1 ~month ~vear (including de~lit;cn) c. Aoproximate ccmolet;on date final =,nase Q6 IT'():1th ..12.......vea,.. d. Is phase 1 financially de~endent on subseouent o~ases? _____yes _NO x 8. Wil! blas:ing Occur during construction? _____yes ~~o 9. Number of jobs generated: during construction ~: after project is comole~e 15 . 10. Number of jobs eliminated b.y this project None.. 11. Will project require relocation of any projects or facilities? X Yes No. If yes. exolain: Existing floating pier assemblies & travelift will be constructed apdrelOC'\ted, 12. !. Is surface or subsurfac:,e liquid waste discosal involved? _Yes ~!io. boo If yes. indicate type of waste (sewage. industrial. etc.) N/l'" c. If surface discosal "a~ of stream into which effluent will be discharged N/~ 13. Will surface area of existing Takes, ponds, streams. bays or other surface waterways be increased or decreased by crooosal? ~_Yes _No. U. Is project or any cortian of project located in the 100 year flood clain? ~Yes _Ho 15. a. Does project involve di:\oosal of solid .aste? -c*-Yes _No Dredged rna,teria,lCSL waste di soosa1 facil i ty be used? Yes X ,'10 -"Ja,teria,J..CSL placed upland;. on-site and adjC\cent St-;- Agnes Cemetery properti, . locatlon N/A . sewage disoosa1 system or into a sanitary landfill? _____yes __~~o 16. Will prnject use herbicides or p~sticides? _____yes ~~o 17. Will project routinely produce odors (r.r:Ire than one hour oer day)? _Yes ~~o b, If j'es, ""i 11 an existi!19 sol id c, If yes, give name: N/A d, !Jill any was tes not go into a 18. Will project produce ooerat'ing noise exce~ding the local ambience noise levels? _Yes .x..-No 19. Uill project resuit in an inc:-ease in energy use? _Yes 2-~o. If yes, indicate tY::le~s) 20. 21. If wate!'" sueoly is from weT 'Is indicate pumoing caoacity N!A Total anticinated water usage per day _N!A_Qals/day. Zoning: a. Hhat is dC:1inant zoning classification of site? ga1s/l'T\inute. 22. WC-WC\terfront CartJlJerc:tC\l---Green)?Ort C-,Ligfit Industrial .". Soutbold b. Cur~ent Soe~if'ic zoning classificwtion of site c. !s orooosed USE! cO'1sisVnt ,,,ith oresent zoning? C-Li 9'111- Tndustrial Yes d. If no, indicate! desired zoning N/A -J- 26. A~prova 1 s: !. Is any Feder,enmlt required? ~Yes No ~ b. Does project valve State or Federal funding or financing? _____yes -X...- No C. local and Regional approvals: Approval Requi",d (Yes, No) (Type) AMENDED City. Town. Village Boan:! Ye.s.- Ppnnit- City, Town, Village Planning Board Yes- }"ppro';al City. Town. Zoning Board No-- City, County Health Department Ne- Other local agencies Town Tnustees Ye.s..- P1=lol'TT'lir Other regional agencles ~~ State Agencies ~ ~~ Federal Agencies ~ 'A. Greenport-Brd. of Trustees Yes Penrut C. INFORMATIONAL DETAILS Submittal Approval (Date) (Date) 08/28L86 Pending gll/Jll/86 n 08128)86 , , 086 -,,-- 86 .. 86-~ II Attach any additional information as may be needed to clarify yeur project. If there are or may be any adverse impacts associated with the proposal, please discuss such impacts and the measures which can be taken to mitigate Qr avoid them. PREPARER'S SIGNATURE: (~~~~, TITLE: ~-~s~dent REPRESENTING: RRF.WF.R YACHT YARD at G~ORl', Ine. 08/28/86 DATE: '. -4- . . EAF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT - PART II Proiect Impacts and Their Maqnitude General Information (Read Carefully) In completing the form the reviewer should be guided by the question: Have my decisions and determinations been reasonable? The reviewer is not expected to be an expert environmental analyst. Identifying that an effect will be potentially large (column 2) does not mean that it Sij"ificant. Any large effect must be evaluated in PART 3 to detennine significance. oef act in column 2 simply asks that it be looked at further. - The Examoles provided are to assist the reviewer by showing types of effects and wherever possible the threshold of magnltude that would tri9ger a response in column 2. The examples are generally applicable throughout the State and for most situations. But. for any specific project or site other examples and/or lower thresholds may be more appropriate for <I Potential large Impact rating. is also necessarily By identifying an - Each project. on each site. in each locality. will vary. Therefore. the examples have been offered as guidance. They do not constitute an exhaustive list of impacts and thresholds to answer each question. - The number of examples per question does not indicate the importance of each question. INSTRUCTIONS (Read Carefully) a. Answer each of the 18 questions in PART 2. Answer Yes if there will be ~ effect. b. Maybe answers should be considered as Yes answers. c. If answering Yes to a auestion then check the appropriate box (column 1 or 2) to indicate the potential size of the imoact. If impact threshold equals or exceeds any example provided. check: column 2. If impact will occur but threshold is lower than example. check column 1. d. If reviewer has doubt about the size of the imoact tl)en consider the imoact as !,otentially large and proceed to PART 3. e. If a potentially large imlJact or effect can be reduced by a change in the project to a less than large magnitude, place a Yes in col~n 3. A No response indicates that such a reduction is not possible. 1. 2.. 3. NO YES SMALL TO POTENTIAL CAN IMPACT BE MOOERATE LARGE REDUCED BY IMPACT I"PACT PROJECT CHANGE - - - - - - - - - - - - -*- - - ---1L - - - - - IMPACT ON LAND 1. WILL THERE BE AN EFFECT AS A RESULT OF A PHYS I CAl CHAllGE TO 0 €) PROJECT SITE? 'Examoles that Would ADply to Column 2 Any construction on slopes of 15: or greater, (15 foot rise per 100 foot of length). or where the general slopes in the project area exceed 10'.:. Construction on Land where the depth to the water table is less than 3 feet. ronstruction of oaved oarkino are.. ft:lr l~~,,)~ or more vehicles. , Genstruction on land where bedrock is eXlJosed or generally within,3 feet of existing gl~ound surface. L Construction that will continue for more than 1 .'''ear or involve more than one ~hase or stage. x Excavation for mining ~urposes that would remove mare than 1,000 tons of natural mat~rial (i.e. rock or sail) per year. For recreationa~ boating purposes . Construction of any new sanitary landfill. -5- . -X. Construction in a designated floodway. Other irnpacts:Torxxrraohv of Prolect(s) Site will improved & church properties will be enhanced N'J WILL THERE BE AN EFFECT TO ANY UNIQUE ~R UNUSUAL Lft.N~ FnRMS IX\r"\ FOUND ON THE SITE? (i.e. cl1ffs, dunes, qeo10qica1 fo.....- V\...J t~s, etc.) . . Specific land forms: 2. mPACT ON WATER' 3. NO WILL PROJECT AFFECT ANY WATER BODY DESIGNATED AS ..........~ PROTECTED? (Under Articles 15, 24, 25 of the Envir- 0 onmental Conservation law, E.C.l.) EXAmoles that Would Apply to Column 2 Dredging more than 100 cubic yards of material from channel of a protected stream. Construction in a designated fres~ater or tidal wetland. Other impacts: 4. WILL PROJECT AFFECT ANY NON-PROTECTED EXISTINr. OR NFH NO BOOY OF tIATER? .......................................:....0 Examoles that Would Apply to Column 2 A 10% increase or decrease 1n the :5urface area of Iny body of water or more than is 10 acre fnl:rease or decrease. Construction of a body of water thilt exceeds 10 acres of surface area. X Other impacts: Project Cs) will enhance recreation opportunities by creating a trapizoidal shaped heal b!3..!lir, at'FJ::6X. 77 ,440 0(';. rl. NO WILL PROJECT AFFECT SURFACE OR r,ROlJND"ATER nIlALlTY? G) Examcles that Would Ap~ly t.o Column Z 5. Project will require a discharge p~rmit. Project requires use of a source of water that does not have aporoval to serve ~roposed project. Project requires water supply from wells with greater than ~5 gallons per minute ~umping capacity. Construction or operation causing any contamination of a public water sUDply system. Project will adversely affect groundwater. Liquid effluent will be conveyed off the sfte tc facilities which presently do not exist or have inadequate capacity. Project re~ufring a facility that would use water 1n excess of 2".1100 gallons pel'" day. Project will l1kely cause siltation or other discharge ----: into an existing b~::ly of water to the extent that there will be an obvious visual contrast tlJ natural conditions. -<- . 1. 2.. 3. ~~ALL TO POTE:tTIAL CAN I~PACT BE '"'DERATE L~RGE REDUCED BY !"PArT IMPACT P~OJECT CHANGE - - - be X - - - . YES - - - - - - - - - YES 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - YES () - - - - - - al X - - - YES - - - 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . 1. '2. 3. Examoles that Would Apoly to Column 2 ~ YES GO f\ALL Tr POTENTIAL CArl II1PACT BE '1DEilATE LARGE REDUCEiJ or ::J.;nc:' IUPACT PR~J ECT CHAr'GE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -X.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - -- - - - - 6. ~th.r Imoacts: See previously submitted letters f H2M dated 01/31/84 & Suffolk County dated rem 01/12/R4 NILL PROJECT ALTER DR~I~AGi' FL~I!. P~TTE'~IS OR SlIR;At:1: 1ATEJl'~O YES RUNOFF? ............. .... .............................. ...... 00 bam"te that. "!ould JI,"ply to Celum 2 I Project wnuld im.,ede flood water flo.....s. Project is likely to CaUSl! substantial erosion. Project is incorl'patible wan existing drainage patterns. ..x. Other Impacts: Project (s) wi 11 in:provp patterns and flows. IMPACl" "N ~IR nr;:l;T1?jgp 7. 110 YES IHLL PROJECT AFFECT AIR OUALITY?...........................0 0 F.xamoles that Hould Apply 1:0 Colum 2 Project will foduce 11~nO or more vehicle trips in any given hour. Project w;l1 result in thE~ incineration of more thM 1 ton ~f refuse p!!r hour. Project emission rate of ~11 conta~ina"ts w;11 excp.eri 5 lbs. cer hour or a heat S~IUl"'ce ~roducin9 mol"'~ tnan l~ million BTU's per hour. Othl!1'" imoacts: I,.PACi ON oLANTS AND ANr~Al S 8. WILL PROJECT AFFECT ANY THREATENED OR ENDANG,RED SPECIES? Reduction of one or mor-e s;oecies listed on the New York or Federal list. using the~ site. over 01'" near site 01'" found on the site. Removal of anv Dor:ion of a critical or si~nificant wild- 1 if. /l.b1 Wt.. Aorylicatinn of Pesticide o~ ~erhicide over mote than t",'ice a yea!' other- than f(lrbj"':C;Jlwr~l p;.l:"'f'O'i..~s. IJt:'~r ir.loacts: 9. HILL PROJECT SU8STA:lTIAlLY A'FECT !~ON-THREATE;lED OR NO YES PIOANGER,D SPECIES? .......................................00 Examole that Would Apoly tel Colu~n Z I rroject would substantially inte~fel"'e with an:' ~esident 01'" migratory fis~ or wildlife species. Project reot.:ires the I"p.ma\'al of r.'lore than 1'1 ac~es of mature forest (over Em ye~3rs in ane) or other locally im~or:~nt vegetaticn. -7- . . 1. 2.. ;; EXJmnles that Hculd Apply to Column 2 W! y 00 b"ALL T~ Dcn/mAL eMl n~p^CT RE ~CDERATE LARGE REDUCED ~Y Ir-lPn.cr Y"lrn,CT PRnJECT CH.l\r~GE "< ,. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - S - - - - - - - - - - - - S - - - - - - X - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - P'f\!\CT 0'; ':lS~I"L !:;ls:.s~:~RCE l~.. IHLl THE pO(1JfCT ~FrEC" VI~~IS. ItISTAS ~~ T!IF VT~J1I\L CJ-Ift,qACTER OF THE ;SFIGH8~R;.J~IQD f)r! CO"'~'I!jITV? .............. An -incompatible visual affect caused by the introc'uctinn of ne\~ materials, colors and/or forms in contrast to the surroundin9 landsca~e. A oreject easily visible. n,:>t easily screened,t!lat is obviously di fferent fror.l "th~rs around it. Project will result in the l~lil"ination or Major screening of scenic views 0]" vistas knOl"Jn to be important to the area. Other impacts: IMPACT ON HI'TCi~IC RESOURcES 11. WILL PROJECT n'PACT ANY SITE OR STRUCTURE OF HISTORIC, 1lO YE PRE.III"no IC OR PALE~rITDr.rCAL II'r~PTANCE? .................<:) 0 Examoles that t%uld Acolv to ::olurn 2 Prt".lect occ::urino wholly or nal"'tially within or contiouous to any facility or site listed on the National Reoister of historic ~laces. Any impact to an archeologic,al site or fossil b~d located withl" the project site. I)ther im:Jacts: IMPACT ON OPEN SPACE & RECREATIO~ 12. lHLL THE PROJECT AFFECT THE CiUAtlTrTY OR OUALITY OF EXISTHlG NO y, OR FUTURE OPEII SPACES OR RECP(~TrOtlAL OPPORTU~I!TrES?..... 0 €) Examoles that Would Aoply to Column 2 The pernanent foreclosure of a future recre"tional ODoortunit~l. A major l"'p.duction of an open spac~ important to the community. X Other imoacts: Will increase public access to water- fl"'efrt, afld n:creatiooal !:>eating epjOOL LtllliLies. r~p~CT tlN rAANS?ORTATIO~ 13. I'ILL THERE BE AN EFFECT TO EXISTl/lC TRANSPQRTATrON SYSTEMS? ....._............ ........... ....... .........,. NO YES 00 Examoles that Would ~~~ly to Colu~n 2 Alteration of present ;latterns of r.1Qve1"!ent of reople' and/or goods. Project wi 11 result in severe tra ffi c .')rob 1 ems. Other irr.pacts: .R. . I~PACT O~ E~ERGY 14. W[LL PROJECT AFFECT THE COMMUNITIES SOURCES OF FUEL OR NO Y ENERr,y SUPPLY? .......... . . . .. .. ................... .......e:> 0 Examoles that Would Apoly to Column 2 Project causing qreater tnan 5: increase in any form of energy used in municioality. Project reoui ring the creation or extension of an energy transmission or supoly system to serve more than 50 sinqle or two far.l'ily residences. Other impacts: IMPACT ON NOISE 15. WILL THERE BE OBJECTIONABLE ODORS. NOISE, GLARE, VIBRATION NO YE or ELECTRICAL DISTURBANCE AS A RESULT OF THIS PROJECT? ... (90 Examoles that Houlc1 Aooly tel Column 2 Blasting within l.SOn feet (If a hospital, school or other sensitive facility. Odors .....;11 Occur routinely (roore than One hour per day). Projec~ will oroduce ooer~ting noise exceedi"" the local ambient noise levels for noise outside of structures. Project will r"err(lve natural bar!"'i~rs that would act itS ~ noise Screen. Other il':1pac~s: ~ 6. I~PAC O'! HEALTH & HAZARDS 'Hce PPO~ECT AFFECT PUBLIC ilEAL TH AND SAFETY? .............O~ NO YF ExamOlPS that Wou:d ~pply to Column 2 Pr~~e~t will caus~ a risk of ex~losion or release of hazardous sub~tances (i.e. ~il. pesticidr.s, chemicals, rapiation, etc.) in the event of accident or Lioset conditions, or there will ~e c chron~c low level dischcrge or e~ission. Proj'=!ct that will result in the burial of "hazardous wastes" (i.2. toxic. poisonous, nighly reactive, radioactive, irritating. infectious. etc.. inc1u::!inn wastes that are solid. semi-solid. liquid or contain gases.) Storaoe f~c~lit;.,..s far one million or mOre 93110)15 of liQuified natural gas or ~ther liauids. 1L cthe" imoacts: Pro"iect(sl will allow safer navigation a low tides by restoring previously-existing depths [UL J",,", ilict[L LuctL". :~Luj,,<.;LC>;l wIll hell.> pLutect public health by providing needed pumpout facilities. -9- . 1 2. ~ S'lALL TO PcTENTlAL CArl IMPACT CE r~OOERATE LA~GE REDUCED ay IMPACT 1'1PACT PROJECT CHANGE ES - - - - - - - - - - - - S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - S - - - - - - - - - .t ---X.. - - - - - . POWITIAL LARGE JIlP.~CT C N IMPA BE REDUCED BY PROJECT CHANGE IMPACT Or! GROWTH AND CHARACTeR OF CO/ltlUNlTY OR 'lEIGHR~R"noO 17. WILL PROJECT AFFECT THE CHAP~CTE' OF THE EXISTING ND YES CO~MUNlTY? ...................................... ........ ..~ 0 Example that Would Apoly to Column Z The population of the City, Town or Village in which the project is located is likely to grow by more than 5% or resident human population. The municipal budgets for C!;lital expenditures or opera- ting services will increase I~y more than 5% per ....ear as a result of this project. Will involve any :Jermanent f;!c;lity of a non-agricultural use in an agricultural district or remove nr~me agricultural lands from cultivation. The project will replace or eliminate existing facilities, structures or areas of nistol'";C importance to the cOlTJ'lunity. Development will induce an influx of a particular age group with special needs. Project will set an importan,: precedent for future proiects. Project will relocate 15 or more eml'lloyees in one or ~re businesses. Other imoacts: ~O YES lB. IS THERE PUBLIC CONTROV",SY CONCERNI~G THE PR~JECT? ......60 Examoles that Would Apply to Column 2 Either government or citizen~; of adjacent carrmunities have expressed oopasition or rejected the proiect or have not been contacted. Objections to the nroject frclm within the COlTlTlunity. IF ANY ACTION II: PART 2 IS IDE~lTIFlED AS A POTEilTlAL LARGE IMPACT OR IF YOU CANNOT DETERMINE THE MAGNITUDE OF IMPACT, PROCEED TO PART J. PORTIONS OF EAF COMPLETED FOR THIS PROJECT: DETERMINATION PART I _ PART " _ PMT 3_ Upon review of the information recorded on this EAF (Parts 1, 2 .-.and 3) and considerinq both the maanitude and iml'lortance of each impact. it is rp.asonably determined that: PREP^RE A tIEr::"'TIVE DSCLARATION A. The project \oiill result in no major impacts and. therefore. <9 SEE ATI'AOJED. is one which may not cause significant dama~e to the environment. B. Althou9h the project could have a significant effect on the ~nvironment. there will not be a significant effect in this case PREPARE A NEGATIVE DECLARATIOH because the mitigation measures described in PART 3 have been 0 included as part of the oroposed project. C. The project will result in one or more major adverse impacts PREP:'R( pos r iIVE DECLARA T rO~1 PROCESO .ITH EIS that cannot be reduced and may cause significant damage to 0 the environment. nate Signature-of R~sponsible Official in lead _~genc.v Signature of Prenarer (i f di fferent from responsible officer) Pr"lnt cr Z-)'ae naFe of "'espo:1sibie official in lead!\ge:'lcv . . . BREWER YACHT YARD at GREENPORT. INC. Town of Southold Vi Ilage of Greenport PROPOSED EXCAVATION. BULKHEADING. RELOCATION OF TRAVELIFT WELL, MAINTENANCE-DREDGING. and RECONFIGURATION of FLOATING PIER ASSEMBLY PROJECTCS) ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT New York State Department of Environmental Conservation NEGATIVE DECLARATION The proposed ProjectCs) at BREWER YACHT YARD at GREENPORT, INC., previously approved on 03/22/85, wi I I have NO adverse environmental impacts of effects on: the Appl icant's property being excavated, the area being maintenance-dredged; the proposed relocation siteCs), or the surrounding upland, wetlandCs), and water areas. In fact, the proposed ProjectCs) wi I I have a significant positive impact by: i n ere a sin g r e ere at ion a I act i v i tie san d 0 P P 0 r tun i tie s, a I I ow i n g sa fer uti I i z at ion 0 f the ex i s tin g wa t e r wa y s; pro tee tin g ex i s tin g we t I and C s ) ; providing additional job opportunities, and improving the overall aesthetic quality of the marina and neighboring propertyCies). ~'~ BR~:n~~~~e~~R~\~; President GREENPORT, In c. Date: 08/28/86