HomeMy WebLinkAboutBrewer Yacht Yard - File 1 of 4 " . . DAN I E L S. N ATe H E Z and ASS 0 C I ATE S, Inc. Office of the President Suite 1100 555 Aida Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543.4002 (914) 698.5678 June 18, 1984 RECEIVED Planning Board Town of Southo1d ~lain Road Southold, NY 11971 JUN 2: 0 1984 Town Clerk Soufhold Attn: Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman RE: BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. PROPOSED RELOCATION ~\A I NTENANCE OF FLOATING EXCAVATION, OF TRAVEL DREDGING & PIER ASSEMBLY BULKHUDING. Ll FT i~ EL L , RECONFIGURATlON PROJECTS Dear Board Members: We have been asked by BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC., to assist them in obtaining the necessary regulatory approvals to undertake the above-referenced projects. These projects are designed to upgrade and enlarge the present marina in order to better accom",odate the publlC need for access to the waterfront. Enclosed, please fwd three(J) copies of our appl1cation to the Southold Town Planmng Board together with the required $25.00 fil1ng fee. We are hereby requesting a presubmission conference to be scheduled as reqUlred by Chapter 100-130; Zoning - Article XI II, "Site Plan A;:>proval" from the Code of the Town of Southold. For your review.. w.e have enclosed copies of our appl1catlOns to the following agencies: I) Southold Town Board: A) Specific Request for Town Board Approval for the Excavation and Relocation of Topsoil and Other Materials to the Same Lot and Adjacent Sites, as Specified in Chapter 81-4 (D and G); "Soil Removal" from the Code of the Town of Southold. B) Appl1cation for Wetlands Permit Chapter 97; "Wetlands" from the Code of the Town of Southold. 2) Southo1d Board of Town Trustees: A) Appl1cation Form A/2 - ApplicatlOn for Fixed andlor Floating Docks. Chapter 32: "Boats. Docks and Wharves" from the Code of the Town of Southo1d. . . . B) Application Form A/3 - Application for a Bulkhead, Dike, or Jetty Chapter 32; "Boats, Docks and Wharves" from the Code of the Town of Southold. C) Application Form A/I. Application to Dredge and/or Fill Chapter 32; "Boats, Docks and Wharves" from the Code of the Town of Southold., 3) Village of Greenport 4) Army Corps of Engineers 51 New York Conservation. State Department of Environmental 6) New York State Department of State If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to the upcoming meeting with the Planning Board to discuss the proposed projects at BREWER YACHT Y ARD AT GREENPORT, INC. Sincerely, DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATE, Inc. BY: /' / / ,/ ,A // ' '. c:' \ DSN/dst Enclosu res cc: Army Corps of Engineers N.Y.S.D.O.S. N.Y.S.D.E.C. Southold Town Board Southold Board of Trustees Village of Greenport BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. . . BRE~ER YACHT YARD AT GREE~PORT, INC. PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BULKHEADING, MAINTENANCE AND RECONFIGURATIO~ OF FLOATING PIER ASSEMBLY JUNE Ib, 19b4 PROJECT DESCRIPTION WITHIN THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DREDGING P RuJ ECTS BRE"\\ERS is seekmg approval to expand and upgrade their manna, as follows: \ Note: The following description only includes those portions of the overall project which are in the Town of Southold. The project sIte lies part1ally wIthm the Incorporated Village of Greenport and the Town of Southold. The project is contingent ui'.:m receiving approvals from both entities, as well as the other governing regulatory agenc1es. For tfle complete Project Description, see attached letter dated June 15, 1984 to the Army Corps of Engineers.) 1 ) Excavate a 52, ~50 cu. approximately "V-shaped" yds. of 111,275 boat basin and material from sq. ft. remove approximately an overall area of 2) Remove approximately 225 lineal feet of existing timber p1le bulkhead that extends from Dock #2 to the lift well and 1S located along the south end of the proposed boat basin. The excavated bulkhead will be d1sposed of upland by a local carting company. 3) Construct and maintain a timber bulkhead approximately 1,130 lineal feet along the west, north, and east perimeter of the proposed boat basin and lift well. The wood bulkhead ,>'ill consist of approximately 3" x 12" timber sheeting and 14" d1ameter piles driven approximately 14.3 feet below Mean Low Water into firm bottom materials to provide an adequate base. In addItion, there will be a sufficient tie-back systeln cons1sting of continuous (reinforced concrete) "deadma n" anchors that w111 be attached to each timber pile along the bulkhead wIth 2" d1ameter tie-rods. The proposed bulkhead will tie into the existing timber bulkhead that runs from east to west along the south shoreline of the ~Iarina. 4) Relocate and expand a travelift well by removing the exist1ng travelift consisting of one( 1) runway extension approximately 40' in length located between Dock #3 and Dock #4. The proposed 60' x 24' lift well will be excavated along the west side of the proposed boat basin and will be able to accommodate a 60-ton travelift 5) Construct, Install, and ma inta in a series of new floating pier (dock) assemblies, as follows: Twenty-two(22l finger piers approximately 40' x 4' located along the east, north, and west perimeter of the proposed boat basin; Twenty-two(22) timber ramps approximately 12' x 4' located along the bulkhead and attached to each finger pier; and 22 timber piles approximately 12" in diameter and 40' in length located at the ends of each finger pier, adding stability to the structures. . . Dock B located in the center of the proposed boat basin, consisting of: a) One(l) main line of floats approximatelv 425' x 8'; b) One(l) timber ramp approximately 12' x 6-' located at the north end of the proposed boat basin and attached to the main float; c) Twenty-one finger piers approximately 30' x 4' located along the east and west sides of the main float; and d) Twenty-foud24) timber plles approximately 12" in diameter and 40' in length located at the ends of each finger pier, adding stability to the structure. "L-shaped" floating service dock located on the east side of the proposed boat basin and adjacent to the proposed lift well, consisting of: a) One(l) float approximately 34' x 5' located perpendicular to the proposed bulkhead; b) One (I) float approximately 25' x 6' located parallel to the pro;.>osed bulkhead; c) One\]) timber ramp approximately 12' x 4'; and d) Three(3) timber plles approximately 12" in diameter and 40' in length located at the ends ana along the side of the "L-shaped" service float, adding stability to the structure. b j ~la lntenance-dredge a triangular-sha ped area a pproxllna tely 2,(2) sq. ft. to an average depth of 8' below ~.Iean Low Water. and remove approximately 450 cu. yds. of material as measured IN PLACE. The area within the Town of Southold to recei ve ma intenance-dredg ing, is located throughout the existing docking facility. All maintenance-dredging activities will be undertaken by clam shell and barge and/or dragline operations. The material being dredged .>'ill be placed on BREWERS upland property, semi-dried, and then relocated as described (in #7l below. 7l U land Relocation of the Excavated and Dred ed Material: Approximate y cu. y s. 0 materia wi be excavated from the proposed boat basin with an additional 10,500 cu. yds. of material removed by the maintenance-dredging operations in both the Town of Southold and the V1l1age of Greenport. All of the dredged materials w1l1 be mixed with the materials being excavated and deposited upland at three different locations. The proposed disposal sites are: I) On-site disposal of approximately 2.500 - 3,500 cu. yds. 2) St. Agnes Cemetery located immediately west and adjacent to BREv. ER' S property. Approximnately 10,000 11,500 cu. yds. will be deposited at this location to increase the average ground elevation by approximately 2 - 4'; and 3) St. Agnes Cemetery located adjacent to BREWER MARINA on the North side of Manhanset Avenue. Approximately 52,000 cu. yds. will be deposited on this undeveloped 11.& acre site. . . , . TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM INSTRUCTIONS: (a) In order to answer the questions in this short EAF it is assume that the preparer will use currently available information concerning the project and the likely impacts of the action. It is not expected that additional studies, research or other investigations will be undertaken. (b) If any question has been answered Yes the project may be significant and a campleted Environmental Assessment Form is necessary. (c) If all questions have been answered Na it is likely that this project is not significant. (d) Environmental Assessment 1. Will project result in a large physical change to the project site or phrSiCally altex more th 10 f 1 d? Pro ect will enhance area. x Y an acres 0 an. .,. .................... es 2. Will there be a major change to any unique ar --- unusual land form found on the site?......... Yes x No 3. Will project alter or have a large effect on --- --- existina. b~dYwof wate~r?'iI~:'tl). ~1"'1c~r;e!,!,<: .w.a~"'r;f.r??~ .a;:;ax Yes No , W' 11 axar.Lao 8 r recrelit na. pu access. . t --- --- ... .L proJe 1; ave a p en a .Large .Lmpac . on groundwater quality?...................... Yes x No 5. Will project significantly effect drainage --- ----- flow on adjacent sites? .I:~oj~..t. ~~n .ipq)];qv.e.~r;a.i?~gex Yes No 6. Will project affect any threatened or --- endangered plant or animal species?.......... Yes x No 7. Will project result in a major adverse effect --- on air quality?............................... Yes x No 8. Will project have a major effect on visual --- character of the community ar scenic views or vistas known to be important to the community? Yes x No 9. Will project adversely impact any site or --- structure of historic, prehistoric or paleontological importance or any site designated as a critical environmental area by a local agency?.............~..................___Yes x No 10. Will project have a major effect On existing a: futUrE; q',flriiJj.q.Qeha't~~'I."tun..bUtfu\H~~~!'~t; ~g~Yes___No 11. VI.Lll proJect resul.! 1n maJor 'tI'rafhc problems or cause a majar effect to existing transpartation systems?...................... 12. Will project regularly cause objectionable odors, noise, glare, vibration, or electrical disturbance as a result of the project's operation?...... ..... .................. ...... Yes x No 13. Will project have any impact on public health --- --- or saf et y?f.qj~,,~ .w.i;L!!~rQxe. ~\I~l"ihge.r).~Q .by. pt;o.~~:....x....Y e s No 14. Will project affect th~j~~stl~~ ~b~~unity by --- directly causing a growth in permanent population of more than 5 percent over 0 ane year period ~ have a major negative effect on the character of the community or neighborhood? .. .. .. .... ... ...... ... ........ . . Yes x No 15. Is there public controversy concerning the --- --- project?...... Yes x No N::> Yes x No PREPARER'S SIGNATURE NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, . on behalf of REPRESENTING BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. , President, DANIEL S. .' DA T E June 18, 1984 . TO"::: OF SOrTHOLD . EAf fJo1'fli\J;P"E~TAl ASS~SShlEl<ii 'PA~T 1 p~~~::~ I,.,f:.-...;t~:ln ~OTrC[; T~,s oOCu~~~ .~ oes'~"'~d t~ assist In d!te~~;ninQ .~ether the a :~on ,rc~osed may hay! a si;~~lica~~ effect on t..l' E"'.vl":''"'Io,>nt. r~f'H~ c:-r--.:::1ete t"e e,.,t~re ~hta S"':eet. Al'Is.....e s :~ VeSt :'Jest1::l'"!~ .,]; :;~ ::;~s'~el"ec IS C..,.t of t~e "'D1~::a~~on for aC":"cv/ll ano l'r'o!y be sut'Ject tc fu,.t~er vel" f~::.1J,:;on aM Dutdic reV1h. Pr-ov1oe an)' .ddltl,,.,,l In(=~Gtlon you tlell!v! ...ill be neede" to co~=letP PAI;:7$ Z anC 2. ' It is e.c!ctea ~~~t CC-:i~t~~~ of t~. 'A' .,11 . ~e deDe~=e~t on 'r.)~~t'o~ c~""e~t~y a.ai~a~'~ a~o 1nvolve new st~Ole~. "esP~"r~ ~,. ~I".~~"".'~~ '; . ." 'r"::-~t>:;~ "e"l,j':-1nc suer, aCdltion"l WOro.: 1S UM'.ol~!...;1l>.. so 1ndl:.te an: spec1.j ~6C~ lnStanc!. - ~ :IA.[ or "~:[:7,BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT INC.-Proposed Excavation Bulkheail1ng, Maintenance-urectpn6 and Reconfiguration of Floating Pler Asse~b1) i'roJects. NAW: A~Q ~::~~s~ 0= Agent "'............ "wJi.l:M-':;-;.;u: ~....,., --., DPSIEL S.'~ATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, {"'a-ei Inc. .l:::;l[~~ ,!,.,:; .,A....E~= .!.;;~'_': ~'i...: 555 AIda Road (S:re~!. BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREEKPORT, IKC. {J.,a.'l'l!) Manhanset Avenue & Beach Road {Str'!HJ Mamaroneck, ~ \r.y./ ( . ~ ;:; I B~S'l~:SS PHO~E: New York ($t!te) (914) 698-56i8 10543 Greenport {'. J. I KY 11944 \ L ~ ~} l~t! ~e i t'~5:Q:n::., cr :::J':EC':'. (S!"'ief1r d!scr1~! ty~e of ~l""Oj!ct or action) See Attached Letter 'by D&\IEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc., dated June 15, 1984. (P~E~SE CC~PLETE E~:~ 0~ES7:n~j - Indicate N.A. if not a~plic3bie) A. S17E ~ESC~:~T:C~ (P~ys;cal se~t~n; of overail project, botn develoned and undeyelooed areas) 1. G.en!ral cnaracter of tr.e land: r,enerally unHor-m slope ~ G.!nerally uneyen and rollino or irr!l)ular 2. Pr-esent land use: L!rOi\n , Indust!"';al _____, Agrlculture _____.~r 70tal acreage of orOJe:t a~a;12.07acres. COlT1"'oerc.,a I x -' Suour:lln Rural F"~reH J. Aogrox'~att acreage: Presently A~~er Co~~let;on Presentl) ~fter :c~~letlcn Meaco_ or 9rusnland . ~.cr.. ~.cr.s Uater Surface Area 2.30.cr.s 4.95 ___ac"~s Fortsted ______acres Aorl::ultural acre~ __acres Unv!getated (rOCl, e"rtn or f;11) 8..:~~.ms ~~3acres _acres Roads. buildinos and otl'ier ;:lhed surf.llces ~~w.s .354C..es 'I~tidro {~re"ih~ate" or 71dd] AS l"Ier ~rt'cles '4. :~ or '. C. L. ' . ~~.cr.. .35 _acres ('ltl'ier (inc:l~cHe ty"e) _acres _a:"e~ Coarse to fine brown sand & gravel, some silt ---.--.- --- -- -- o_u - -- --SeeXftachea Keport. '(~s __X_ "le 4 .ln~ l! .....~doml"i'I...t so;i t.'lOt:'(S) on '"lr('~!ct Site' 5. · ~! ~ner~ ~pOro:~ outcr010'nC$ c~ ~r'"llP:t Sltg~ 9: 1.';6 r. ~"a:~; CPJ~" ~c ~ed"ccl~ N/A -------.- ('" .eet . . 6. A;orOI1r"a~f' ;erce~tace of ~rO;losed OI"OJfCt site wl~h slo':lfs: J-11J~lOO~~~; 1"-1~. _1. 15: or greater ______1. 7. Is prc~e:~ :~~:\guous to, or contaln a ou;ldin~ or site listed on the ~at~onal Re;ister of H'stor~: Places? _____yes ~No 8. Varies: 3'8"_6'5" table7 _____feet below ground surface. See Attached Lt: t t ~ r What is t~e Ce:t~ to the water 9. Do ~untlng or flShl~S o~portunities presently !X'st in the prOject area? _____yes ~NO 10. Does pro~ect site cont!}f any speC1es of plant or a~imal life that is identlfied as threatened or e~:a~~~re~ - _____yes _____:10. accordln; to . Ident'~Y eacn S?eClfS 11. A,..e thfrl!' any uni~:.Je or unusual land faMl"s on t"'!e projec":. sHe? (Le. c~;ffs. dunes. other geological fOn"'U1ons ~ _Yes ~~IO. (:'escri~e 12. I, 1'0 O'OJOCI '110 O'O,oo.lly .v'od by.tno comvnlty 0' no,,<bo"ood as on .0Bo, ,o>cof' '~E'O"ic' area. X Yes No.l'rO]ect S1.te prOVloes pUOllC access [ 1,..al:er ron - - for recreational boating. DO~5 ~~e pre5e~t site offer or include sce~ic views or vistas kno.~ to be ;mpor:ant to t~e co~un1tj? _'0' _No Waterfront views of Stirling Basin will be enhanced. Strea~s witrin or contiguous to proJect area: 13. 14. iL ~a.'"'Ie cf strea:"l c'1d r.ane of ,..i"er to ","11C", it is trltlutar-y Stirling Basin 15. lakes, Ponds. ~etland areas within or contiguous to pro~ect area: a. :;a"'" Stirling Basin +35 : b. Size (in acres) 1:. .r-H is t"'~ d~~inant land use and zoning classif~cat'ol'\ wit!'!in a 1/: M"11e radius of U'lf...p!"'o;ect (~.9. . "'0'0 1o"ly '0\'~ont1.11R-2)d.nd the ,,,,,10 0' ~"b.,..,.t (o,p. 1 "0,,"1 2-storv ({A-llo"daeo~c,\. family resldentla an agr1.CUla~Ura.l, \\Iv IL - ",,'dterrrortt commerCla an 1.1.6" ~ industrial - Boat Yards and Marlnas. B. P~~~~:7 ~ES:~:P71:~ si:1t;le 1. P~j~~cal dl~~SlO~S Ino scale of p~oJect (fill in d~~e~s'ons !S a~o~co~iate) . Total :O~t1;~O~S acreage owned by oroject s~onsor ~ro:e=t acreage de....eloped: 9.42acres initially; 9.77 acres upland. b. 9. ~2 1 1 acres u timate y. tidal wetlands c. P~ject acreage to remain undeveloped .35 d. lerr;tll of project, ;1'1 mihs: N/A (if aopropriate) o. :f =~~ect is an exoansion of existing, indicate cercent of exoa~s;on proposed: building square foot- ag! ; developed acreage . See Attached. f. 90-95 160+ ~Iu"t:er of off-s:"E:Pt oarKing spaces !lnstHlO ; pr-oaosee g. /"!aXll"1Um ve~icular trios generated Der hour 5-10 (uoon completion of project) h, !f resld:ont;al- NUr'lber and type of houslnQ ur'1itS: N/A :ne F"al"l; 1y Two Family Multiple Family Condominium Inl t la' Ul~irrate 1. :f' N/A Estlmated Emoloy~ent rJr1en~ation 'e';~~ornooo-Clty-Regjonal Cor-rerCl a 1 InC;Js:r141 J. Tctal l'e19>;t cf talJe.H "lro")oseO structure _Nj~__.feet. ~ 2 ~ . . z. Ho..l'T'vC" natul""'] materlal (Le. roc~. eart~. etc.) will be rel"'()ved from tt1e s.He Total excavation and maintenance-dredging, apprcximately NIA 65,750 cw,,- -- . j~r:s tons 3. Ho_ !"'!I"Y !!ocres Of \/!>ae':.~':.'c~ {tr-ees, s~r;..;:s. groul'1d coven.:; ~':1 be 1"et"C\le::! +'1"'''' S1t~ . ~~:..~: .. MHure fores':. (ove~ _'es ~NC lJO years Old) or other 'c:ai1y.'~oorta~t vegetat10n ~e re~\/e: ~j W,11 a"" pro~ e:':.' S. Are t~PI'"I" a":" pla!"s for re-\l~?etat'on to reolace that re""Cved dunng CQns!p'u::tion' ~y,=,~> ',,: 6. If s1r"gie O"i!'i(' ~..:~~':t. Ar'lt1c'oated oer'od cf :0"StI"U::t1011 _mor.t~s. (lnc1uc1nc de"c' ~:'::" 7. If ~ult'."'hcHec cro~ec:' a. Tota1 l'1Uf"!ber of "has!!. !i"ltlc,pated 3-4 No. b. A"ti:ioated date 0' co~el'1:e~ent ;~ase ~ Oct~or.t~ ~~eal" (in:' ..:' del"lC1 i t 1 O!"l) , A::-":li-i!:e c::-:~e:':1'1 d!:e .r'ra' ,"He May '89 '"'C~+:''''__..e:!'' d, Is ~hase 1 financia11! de~e~cel'1t 01'1 su~seoue..t ~~ases' _____rei X,: 8. Will b)astl~g occur dur'~g construction? _____yes ~No 9. NlT't-e" Of Jobs ge"'eratec' dur~~c: constructia".l.2.- afte" era;!:t ;s co!""olete 1..2..... 10. "r~e..::f ~'::;s e' '~\natec ~'.' t~.:; pro.:ec~ None. 11. Wnl DI"O.:ect "eCJlre relocation of !T'lY prOJect:; or fac~1ities? 2-.Yes '"'0. If yes, ex:~a'~. Existing Floating Pier Assemblies and Travelift will be constructed and relocated 1 Z. I. I, surface or subsurface 1; Qui d "'aste di s,csa 1 involved? _____y!S ~~o. ,. If yes, indicate type of \IIr!s~e (se"'age. ;1'1~Jit"i!l . etc. ) N/A c. If s..-"ace dls~csa: nll!"'e of st"ea:"' il"tto ...,.,iC"l e""'l :Jel'1t w111 be di sCr".,sn;ed NIl< 13. .',11 s.Jr"ace area 0" uistil'lQ 1a~es. cc"~s, strea"'s. ba.',s 0" ot;,!r surface "'ate~a....s be iT'l:"~ase~ '" cec-ease~ ~j or:o:sal? ~Ye~ _____~c. 14. :s :r:Je:~ 01'" ary pcr':.i~., of c"oject locateo in t"e laC year f~ccc olain? ~ves _____~: l' dredged materials a. ~:es :rc;ec~ involve d~s~:sal of sol'c ",as~e' ~ves _____~~ b. If yes. \IIi 11 dis10sal fac,l;ty be used" Yes x ~jc materials and adjacent St. Agne~emeterY-properties. : 10C4':.10r. ~/A placed an exis~ing so1ij waste upland; QIlsi te name: NIP. c. If yes. gi ve d. ~lill any wastes not go into a SE"wag! dis:osal s.vste'" or into a sanitary 'a~i:"'lP _Yes x ..... 15. will ornJect use herbicides or p~stic'des" 'e, X ~o - \oj i ~ ~ p":;e:t routinel)' o"odJce ooon (~re than on. 1'10u" 'e' daj)? 'e, X ~o - Wi]; prOject preduce o~e"atil"lg nOl se !lceedlng ~he 1 oca ~ arr=:lence no,se leoveols? _Yes x ~: 17. lB. 19. \oj'" result 11"1 an increase 1M energy use' c":Ject 'e' ~~o. If yes. ;l"ld1cate tyoe's; ZOo Zl. Z2. N/A gals/""I"lute We-Waterfront Commercial-Village of C-Light Industrial DistV1tt~P~~~~ of Southola If _a!e" supoly is fr~~ wellS il"ldlcate ou~o'~g caoacity Total ant~:1T'\ated ....a~~r usa9'~ :oe" da_" _Nl~ _cals/dav. Zon, r.;' l1l'1a~ 1 S Zo~~ng c1as~~f~:4tlon 0" site' d~rtnaf't . b. Cur"!'I'1: s:e::1f~: zcr''''Q c:13SS1"':.!tlOI' 0" s'te C=.1i.iht._InlLugrial ~s or::"o;erl use::"'s'stP"-: .nto. :-r!'se"lt :01"1''':' Yes d. If no. lI'C1cat!' ::les~re::l ::''''~O J1L. ___ _______ 26. A;:;I1"'o.,.,h: Is any 'eder.' perm'~"red' .. ...ll..-YeS NO . b. Doe!:> :lrOJe::t involve State or f'f"deral ~:.JndH\; or f~nanClng? Yes _~~o . c. loca~ a"o R.eg,onal aODr':'\la1s' ,,~~ Town. -\Li-1-4~~ Boa rod '+-1-;', Town, J,I.~'It~ Plar."1ing Board ~~. Tcwr. :c".~~ B~a~d ~~~ Cou~ty ~ealt" Ot~art~~t Ot"'er- 1c:al aoel"\:'esTown Trustees O~her reg'onal agencies State AQencies Federal Agen::1ts Village sf ~f~~~Eg~t Board C. INFOR."..ITIONAL C[TAILS Aool'"o.a1 ~~~vlred (Yes, No) (TYDe) ~ ~8s ~ Vli :::fuL ~ ~ Yes Permi t _Ap.l?Lo-Y.il.1_ Let<;r of Appv. Perclt NYSDOS /KYSDEC Armv Corps Permi t SU:i'"'i ttal (Jate) A==1"0:;'.1I1 (Date) Pe:1dir:~ -~-~ J/1L/84 Pf'f>,...li:1~ ~g~ PeSGinb Att!C~ a.,y I!.::::it'onal ir:~c~tion as rrlay be needed to chrify your DP'oject. If t"1!'''"e are 0" r:-;ay be a~..... beverSf 1i'"'ca:ts assoc'ate~ .lth t~e pro~osa1, ole~se aisc~ss s~cn '~~acts a~c t~e ~!SJres wnicn car. ~e Ua,en to r:'i1t1;llte Or av01j tf'lerTl. // , /// P=~:'A:~P'S $JG....:....~:~~ -' / '" i -/ /'" TITLE: President, DANIEL S. NAT BRn-ER YACHT YARD AT G~ Juroe IS, 1984 JiE?~ES~.~7:~G : or, : Z and ASSOClATES, Inc., on behalf 2f INC. -4- , . . EAF . ENV!i\J\"'~';:AL ASSE:SIolPi: ~ Pt.~T n PrC'ie:~ !"'::JJC~S ~nd ThO'''' ~aQ,.,1tJ,;oe ~r".."~' !..(--.!: l:~ '''':~'_ ':""'~.:,;~ 1y) In co-:1~:,~~ :~( been re~s:~~~:~~ fc- ~~e rev' ewer sho~1c be g;1~e~ :j t'f cuestl0n. ~a~e my decis~~ns arc ce:f~'~dt':~s ~he re~lewer is not eXOected to be an ex~e~t en~'ron~ental analyst. Identi.Y1ng tl-:.!t u effect ...;11 be Dotent;ally large (colwl"'ln 2) does "ct ~ean tl'1at it s;C~''''':3~t ':'r\f ;l!"o" pffe:t !'!':ust be ~'o'~llJa:e:: 1r: ~ART 3 t: de:eM"'lne slg:-,l';':ance. rflec: 1n c.~lu;TJn' 2 slI"oly asks that it be looked at furtner. ~ s :)1 ~ J "',e.: e <; s dr' ; ! Ry lee"': -, i''', an The Exa-:1es prOviOec are to assist the reVlewer by showlng types of effects and whe"~ver Oossl:'e t,e t~res"~' of mag~l:~=e tnat wc~'d tr;ocer a res~onse in colu~~ Z. The e~3~~les Ire Qe~era'~v a~:'i:3~le ~~~~~:~:J: ~~e State and fer r."Ost Slt;,;at1oriS:. But. for any s~eclfic prCJ~ct or site other e.la:"":les al'1d/or lo..er t"':~esnc1cs may ~e mere aD~ro~riate for a Potential large Imoact rating. - Eac'" P'''CJect, on fa.:~ site, in eac~ bcality, ..ill vary. Therefore, the exa~:::les r.a'o'e beer. of.ere: as g~lca"<f They ~o net cor.sti~;,;te an ex~austive list of imoacts and tnresnolds to ans"er eac~ nues:~on. The n~.~er of e~a~~:es ~er ~ue5~~Dn dO~5 not ~ncicat~ t~e '~:ort3I'1ce cf ea=h c~est~on. INS7~~CT:~~$ (~ead Caref~11y) I. Answer eac~ of the 18 Questions in PA:(T 2. Ans..er ~ if thE"~e will tle n. eHe:t. b. ~ answers Should be considered as Yes ans~ers. c. If answering Yes to a ouestion then check the !porooriate box (colu~~ 1 or 2) to ;~d~cate t-e ~cte~tial s~ze of tr"1e Hl'::nct. If lft'.oact tnreshoic eowals 01'" exceeds any exa~pie prov'~ec, c!"\e::k ::CliJ~"': 2. :f i~~a:~ ~;11 occur out thresnold is lo..er t~an examole. check co1~~n 1. d. If re....ie....er ~as dor..:~<;: about the size of tt':e ilT':oact ~~e" cons,der t~e ;r-,oact as l)otential1y lar;e a"1d o~::eeo <;:0 PA~7 3. e. If a ~ote~~ial'y lar~e ;~oac~ or effect ca"1 ~e red~ced by a change in the project to a less t~a~ ~a~;e ma9~'::';':;l:', tia.:e il. 'es ;"1 CO'i"i:'":n 3. A ~o reS:lOMSe indH:ates that SUCh a redJctlon 1S ne: ~cS!.':;ie 1 2. 3 IlO YeS S~ALL TO PDTtNTI AL C;.~ !~,P:'CT BE ~DJE;<ATE LARGE J::Cr'I"'":-''' BY ....... ..-.,.I I-PACT !,.PACT PRCJE:7 CHA~S~ - - - - - - - - - - - - x - - - x - - - - - - i""p~C. (ll,j ~t.~;J 1. ", III...... -~:-=::- ::;, . - --. :~ ~t"t"E:- 's 4 RES0LT OF A PHYSICA~ CHA~~E 10 There will be an increase in public access to the waterfront. WOU1~ ~rolj' to [olumM Z 00 PR0JE ':7 S; T [? Ex.!!~,l~S tha~ ;""Y ::~"'StrU:tl"", ::I" ~l::oes of 15: or greater, (15 foot rise ner lOC' foct of leng':'~:, ~,. whe!"'t' trte general slooes in the project area eJl.ceej 10"",. Ccr.s~r~ct~o~ on land ~herp' the de~th to the ...ater table is less tha~ 3 feet. rcr:str~ctlon of niwed nari..iI1Q are~ ""'1" 1 ,"''''' or more vehlcles. V;rl~:f'"uctHi~ 0" 13~: whe"e ~edl'"oo lS eJ')osed 01'" Cf'fleraJ 1.'0' wlt~ln 3 feet of ex'st~ng grcu~d Surface. ...1i. ~c~s'~r:J-:~''''''' V'i'!" will c.0l'1t1nue for mo"e t~dr' 1 Veal" or- ,n'Jol'Je r.'IQ"'e tl'1ar:<r.!:, "'~a:::'(' ('II" ~tage. X [.r:~'J'-~,on ~Ol' -'''''1'1<; 'U~:loses t!'la~ would ~e'"'lO'o'e More than l,uOC ;o~s sf ~~:~"a) ~:te"lal (j,e. rOCk Or SO,l) per- wear. For recreational boating purposes. Cc~Str~C:10'" Of ~,..y new san'ta"'y 1andl-11. -5- . .1 1. 2.. 3. "...., .') pnrE~: ::"1. C:'1'l ) 'l~;'C ~ '" '"';~~;[ "' l"PG: P[=,~C(: Bv 'w::,a-" IW1"'t.~'" po,::(:'" >,':'I;~: - - - - - - x v,s - - - - - - - - - 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - v::s Q ,. - - - - - - - - - x C - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . CO"S:~~ctlon 1M I eeSl~na~ed flooOw.!. X O,^<, '"""" Topography of Proj _e.~ :i~.: wi~be improved & church properties will be enhanced -----11' \JIll ;""':(;([ st' "" [f'rr::r TI') A.SY UN:O'JE I)R UN~JSUAl l'Nf'l F,jQ:~S ~ FC..;'J C~ THE s:7t' (ce. cJ1ff.. dUr'les. ceelo~'cal fOnl\l- ~ !t(Yls. etc.) z. S~eclflC lano fe~s: f"O':'C" :"i lo.:..::;. 3. "'L~ r:::-~';ECT AFf'Ecr A'iY WAiE:P BODY O(S~';~A'!"ED AS r;~.(:.~:' ~_~e!~ Art1cles 15, 2~. 25 of t~e E~~ir. o"'-.e~,:a~ Conse"~dtl0n law, LC.L.) El<!J-:leos t".at ""oull:! .401'1)' to COhlM 2 Dre~~'~= I"'Clre t~an 1(;'1 cu~ic yards of mater1a1 from c~ar"el of a ~rote'ted stream. ro"'str~ctjon 1M a deS1;~tted fres"water or tidal wet1and. C't~er --oacts. ~n "0 Co~st~u:tion of a bOdy of ~ate~ tnat exceecs In acres Of surfa::e aru. Project will enhance recreational Ot.'1tr lfl'lfHICt"S: . !!n.!' 1..._~.........t> opportun1tl..~ by ~h'n;;""--..r--s=f"O"'~~ basin approximately 115,825 sq. ft. ~ (9 4. ~!LL P~~~E:T ArFE:- AN' NON-P~OTEtTEO Ex:sr!,~ QR ~FY 8:0'1' OF t'.nt:~? ....................................... [l~~=les tnat .o~lo Ace11 to Colu~n 2 A 1::1 il'lcr"!as! 0" d~creas! in th! surf!C! lr!a 0' any OOCY of wa:er or '"(ire tr,an I 10 ac!"e increase or deer!H!. 'I. ~:LL ~~O:E:~ ~rrt:T ~L'~r:.cC" ~i:! r,~1)l,I~DI.JAiER nlIAL:;Y' [l.!l"':':~5 t/",at ~"oulc! Ap~Jy t.o Colum Z Pr"'~ect will rt'lulre a discharge permit. ~O o P!"':~E":! "eeulres use of a sO:.s"ce of wattr that does not nave ap~"'~al to serve ,ropostd prOJect. P~;e:~ reeUlr!s ~ater supply from ~elJs ~;th ~re6ttr t~an ~S cllJo~5 per "1nute ~umolng capac1ty. CJnstr~ctlon or oc~ratjon cauS1ng any ContaMinatIon of a ;:~:.llC ",ate'" Su=~ll s.....stem. PrOjeCt .111 adversely affect groundwater. ll:;:U1C eHlwent wll1 be conveyed off the site to f"~:.!1tles .r'llCr. oresently do not eX1St Or ha...e l~a~e~~ate ca~a::lt/. P"oJe:: r!Ou1r,ng a faci 111y that would use water 1l'1 tlCe~s of 2r,~00 ;allons per da.... p~~~e':t. ,.111 "kel! caus~ siltatlon 0" o:ne" d1scnarQe '''~O a., !l'S~ln:; ~:::y of wlte,. to tl'le eJ:t~nt that t"!re w,11 ~e an ~O~10VS Ylsual contrast to natural cO,.,a,t1ons. .,. . ;~"'l,... I~::lH:s See Attached Letters from H2M dated the Co~nty -;'f Suff~lk dat-ed- 3/12/84 1/31/84 & i. ',': L ~ p ~'" :::- :.;.:.. : 1.;: ";F ~.. 'I" , :-~"'n"'i( :--~ ::..,"':':~.t 'A""[: ~n YES ....................OQ ,,~ . :. ~t.."t~~ P [xd......lp :"a: ':ol,;ld holy to Colu~ 2 Prt")fct IW!'l.de- 'Il'''lede floo(' _!tel" 11('1"'5. P"':\tC!. 15 Hre:_, ~o cause su~s:antlal ~""Os\on. O~:t:t 15 lncO~Pllt1blt .ith eX1st1"g dra;neot patterns. X r:",e" ;...:,<!::s Project ",.rill improve drainage pa~tern and Il.QWS. I"P~~'" ...~ '!Ii 110 'l'FS ..... ............~ <:::> 7. 1-:.... ;;;::t::- A:;::~ .AlP O..:AL:~!~. Fl~"o~es t"e: hCl.:ld Apply to Colur"TI Z Proje:! will induce 1.~~O or ~r! venicl! tri,s in II'IY given J'\ou!" . ""'OJ!:t _i11 reSlOlt in t~e ;I'l,ineratjol'l o~ I'!'Clre t"'An 1 ton rf re"l,ise ,er Mour. P"'Cjec! p.1SS10rl rate 01 all cor:l~il"lI"!S .'11 fXC,.e!'1 5 ltls. ~e" "'Ou" 01" /I "'ea: Sl'lurce "1""O:.J"n9 ,.,,.. t"lan l~ mi '.1'0" Il':'L" S tltr .'lOur. O~"t~ ;~a~ts. !"'c...... ':'~ P: A','." A"'~ ~~''''~ a. ~ YES GO ~ll~ P?C~ECT AFFE:~ A~Y THREA-E~ED :P E~OANr,EREJ S~EC:ES: Ela~~ltS th.~ Would ADoly to Column 2 Cll'!euct,o" of O"t or no~ SOtc:;es 1; stpd 0" tht Nt... York o~ ~~dtral list. us'''g tnt sitt, ovtr or "par 51te or f::.md 01'1 tl"le SHt. R.e:':'Oval o~ any "or~'o'" of a critical or Siontfica"t ...11d. l'f~ ,.....b.Wt.. 6.:l-'~'cat.r"r'! o~ Ptst,cide o~ "Ip''bici,jL' Ovtr I!t:Ire th.n t. 'C~ III vea" O~"tr ttu" for ~~:'."t.u"..1 l).I1"'f'O'.?S. "~'.r i:'7"oacts; 9. ,'j~L ~=':J":E:'7' SL'~S.:':;TlA.llY MFTCT r~:'I"'.';'HR.E~TC~D E~JA~~E~E~ SPEC1ES' . ......,.."...... 0, NO YES . .... ......<:;:) <:::> ~ ~"at ~oul~ Apply to Colu~ ~ rrOl~ct ...ould substa,.,t,a11y lnttr'tre ...It" an:' rtSl~~nt or ~1~ratory f1S~ or ...lldl1f~ soeC1~s. P"01t::: reOUlres t"t r"l"'()val of Mort Ulall 1" ac:~E'S ...~ ~a:~rt '~r~st (over l0~ ve~rs 11'1 anel or Ot"pr ::~allv l~~orta1'1t vegetatlO~. .)- . 1. 2., ~ '\Ill " pniE"I''7' j",~ ~ A', : ~ ~,? ..:. : . .. {JOE ~.ATE LHG~ ~~:w:~: :. ; .~;;.:.:-:' !'."tC. .. .. .' . -- ,~: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - ~ ..., ~ -- .' -. 1;. :':'.:" "ur ::.... 'r~- .:.r:-~:" ',: ~ ~. "~~..:.: ,--., ., ,:..;:;.:.:-::: :~ T'; _',:-;>:-:-"'1:: :,r :~...., .:,..,,~ 00 EI~-"'~~ ~-~~ :rou'~ ':';;-'.., :0 ::-l;.;..,n ; t., 1r.:"'-:"3:'~~e ...~..d; d~~e:: :~'~>e::::. :"e ,,,:,,~A_:~....._ of 'l[>W r"oI:(!"\al'i>, co1c"s a";::,'2r ~:::"r-~ 1(' c,:,r.:ra,: :.... t'e s~rro~~c~~'" larCS:d~e. J, o"',:e:: ~B.l.. ~'S':-~'? "'~: ,?~~"i s:ree"":,:'la: ~s 0:"'0..., c~f.eier": fro- ..t~,..:..S dr:.": ._ t "":):~: t .1 1! re'it J': ; r t ",e F ~ ~ -, 'la t 1:" ::.. -a.':::" s,:re!'''l''~ of s::er.~::: ....1e...'5 or ....1St!':. I;n~\.." :: De '~:,rtd": :: :"e ar-ea. ~:"f''' '~;d:tS' l~C':'''. C~ ~.~_..:.~ ::-0::"':":-:-<: - - . - - ~ ., ". "~':' ". ~.. :":;'::- ;."... S :-~ :.:: S'7;:'J:":~'':l ~ : ~ ...': S "':.;l:: , 'j:} VEt "00 H:'_'; <:;..,:;: ~p ~.:.:..r;';78"::':~ P':"~~"A',:E? rl~-:l~ES :..~: .:...'c .:.~,o~.. :, :::.J-:~' : D "'C' 1 e ::: ::::;;... '" c .. ...:: t 1.. 0 I'" "1 a .. ':. ' a ' :.' ..' t:- ~" C" c: ... ~ ~ :: '''; c..; s to 111"_1' 4"~:,1,:... cr $'te ]is':.ec on t~e "!t~:l"al ~e~';:er cf 111$ ':.Orl c ,1 aces. :.,..1' 1~oa:: ':.0 ar. a":"'e:ic::~co!li site or f~H;l t~c ~:::a:ec ...i!:'l1r: :"',e pro:e::: s~:e. i') t "'er ~ -::ac t5 : JUD:~. ~~ ~o~, 5P~:r ~ prC:E~.:~': 12. WIll ~~E P:~JE:T O~~E:T TWE O~:"~7:7Y O~ C~~L~7Y O~ [X:S~:~iG NO yr~ OR Fl,;71.i~t OPL': SPACES CR REC~E"';IO~;Al OPP'JRTU'1I7IES?..... 0 r\ EJ~-,les that ~loulj A:olv to ColJMr: 2 ~ T":e :>err1o!lnt.,t foreclosure of o!l futwre r!'cre,Hiol'1al oooortunlt". A r14Jor l"'f'dJc:t;on of an ooen SOllca '"'Dor-tant to tJ,t comunlty. Will increase public access to water- I')t"!!r '~!:a::~: front, and recreational boating opportuniti7s. JlolOe.:. "'j T;'::~ISD,:,=.~.!:,'~ ; 3. ~'ILl T"t;~ :~ :O'l UFECT TO DISTtlC rRA~;SP:I;!;"";T""'1 SVS.~u5' ..................................,.... "10 YES GO r.a"'c'es ~r:o!l':. ....auld O,,"lv to Colur1r'l 2 Al':.eratlo~ Of :>resen':. =a':.ter~s Of nove~ent ~f ~eo~le ar.c/or 1;:)CCS. ~"o'e:t ~~1 I ~esult lr sev~~e traff1c ,roele~s. _ ~t"er l"':acts: ------~--- -.. ---_. "~ . 1. 2.. ~ '^ ." . . .~ . ; , : " ; '. ". , ~~-~~~ . . . , . l , , ~ . . . . . . . .. u:-:. . - . ,,' , . , " , . . : . , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - . . IYD::~ ~~ r"~~sY 14. ~!IL~ P~2~EC~ ~r~ECT THE CJ~~U~I~IES S~u~CES QF FJEL OR ESERr;v S~ir:t'L Y? ..........................................(uO fxa-~l~s tMat ~ould t~oly to Column 2 PrOject causing oreater than 5: ;r.cre~se in a~y fo~ of enerqy usee 1n ~unlcl~dl'tj. P~'e:t r~o~'~'~: tre cr!3~'O~ or exte~s;cn of an enpI"9Y tra~s~'ss10n or sUPoly syste~ to serve more than sn s;nQle or two fa~ily res'ce~ces. Ot"ler 1r:pacts: pl't'~~... ~'l ~~~SE 15. WI ~l TIJ[;[ 5E or ElEC7RIC:'l D5JECT:nNASLE ODORS. NOISE. r,L44E. VIB~TlnN ~O YES ~:S"RSA~CE AS A RESULT 0, TH:S ,ROJECT? ... 'I?O llou1~ Aoo1y to Co1_ Z \.!;) Ex~-,les tr:at Slast;ng ....it~'n l.5r')~ fHt of is hospital, school or oHler sensltive facility. ndo~s ....'11 Occur routj~ely (more than one nour per day). P~~ect ~i'l ~~oduce ooer~ting noise exceed;n~ t~e leca] a~tI'ent nO'5e levels for noise o~ts;ce of structures. Pr<:'~e:t ,,"-;1'1 rel"t)ve na~;Jra1 barr;l!I"S that would i!lct as tlI nen.e screen. nther In;1acts: Il-fPACT O~! HEAL TIJ & I-lA.ZAIl:"lS 15. ~n HS .............00 ';:~~ PROJECT H"CT PUBLIC ilEAL TH AND SA,[Ty? Eu"'olps t;,at l~ould flpply to Column Z Project ~ill cause a risk of e~,losion or release of hazardous substances (i.e. 011, Destic;dr.s. Chemicals, rarliatl0n. etc.) 1" t~e event of acciOent or uoset conditlons, or there will he a ChronIC 101'1 level discharge or en1ssion. x Proj~ct t~at ~111 result in the burial of "hazardnu5 wastes" (1.!. toxle, onisonous. hi~hl~ reactive. radioactive, irritating. i"fectlOUs. etc., ;nclU~lnl1 ...aste-s that Are solid. sel"1;asol1d, liQuid or contain qase!..) Storaoe facilltips for one million or more callnns of liouified natural ;as or ot~er liouids. n ProJ'ect will allow safer navigation at .t"el'" lr-:;acts' low tides by restoring pre;iously~~;isting depths for aeep- dla.fl.. bVdl..b. -. _____u --.-- _.____ _ _,' Project will help protect public health by providing needed pumpout facilities. ^. . 1 2. ~ NO S"ALL T~ pnTE~Tl~L CA;l ....:~:~ .. '~c~~rt lAr>GE RE2 r ~ ~ a, l~r~CT l'~P~C7 I"ll~~ -- ~I..i':'l; :~ . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x - - - x - - - YES . . S.'.....;,.L .. ODE<lTE I!'P;'~":' UIH;E I '~D to C i L"', ,1oI...M. :It lfEDl;Cr: By l:'~,)":ECi (o...A"Gr ... -' ~"....... I'.Itl,,~. ~': :;:'....~....... ~...~ C-:":l).C.~c ....c C......'''..;:.y ":l ',r'-:..:"tl..l""" 17. WIll Ptl:J;r~":' .UFEC" T,..~ C..;A.~.''\:':'E:l I'\C' TI-'[ rx:s":':',:-; CC.."t..:\l ":''f'~ .. El.ai""=l~ ~",at ',;::lule A:l::lh to Col~~n Z :1'1~ oO;:ul.s:1ol"1 of tl'\e C,:y. To...n or Village 1'1 ""'lie'". ~",e ~!"C'_'e"t 1~ lo':~~ecl is likely to gro..... ty MOre tna., 5~ ~F reS10ent nUMi!ln :o~ula~jcn. liO YES ..00 T~! ~ul"licl:~l ~~dge!S fc~ ca:ital eX::leI"lC'!~":es or o~erd- t11"19 se.....H:es .,11 \ncrea~~ :: l'"()re :"4" 5~ :le'" .veillr iH a res:..1 t of t"ll S :;rOJec:. Will l"vo"..~ .!I"V ~~-!"e": ~aci:1t, ~~ ill I"Icl"-a:..i':u~t~"al use 11'1 .~ a;l"lcultOJra\ dlstr"t or' re"'CI....e "rl~,e illg?"'lcultural lines tr"Cl!\ ciJltivat,on. Tnt CI"'O'ect ..ill re:>lace or el1l""'il"late ex;s~'~:: <I"!,:;';~'es. str-....:~~.;:~S 0" ar-eas Of "115::"': ,-;:~:!.._~,: tc't~e C;:HT'ur-1~J' ~~"'e1::,~..~ ..i~1 ''",=.=F a'" ,...<I"1l.;.1:f i! :>3r-':.~::~~p /Ice g~...:;::: .: tn s;le::l~l l"eecs. Pr-;::ec~ .111 set an ;~;c!"'ti!n-:. pr-ecede"-:, for future prciects. :r-o:e:t .li1 relocate 15 or mor-e e~~loyees in one or ~r-e OJSlneHes. Ctl'1l!'l" 1'""=acts: 18. IS ~~[~E PLe~i: C:~~~:ir~SY C~SCERN:~~ T~E :;~;E:-' .. NO V:S E~!~~1~S ~~at ~ouic Ao~l! t: ;olu~ : GO E~~~er ;o"'er~~..':. 0" cit~zenS of adji!ce~t C:~u...l:'es f'he eJ;"esse: :::CS1 t~on or r-e]ecte: t"e ;"")'ec: coo ~i!"'e n:: :ee... c:":!::ec. C~le:::10'1s t:l ~"e ~r:Je:t from within the CO"'rlU"itv, IF ",~Y ACTIC," If: '4RT 2 IS IDE~ITIFIED AS A p~T[;m4l lARr,E I.PACT 0, IF YOU CANNOT DET[~lfjE THE /'tAG~Hii.!D[ O~ I IoIPA C'r . PROCEED TO PART 3. P~RiIONS OF EAF COMPLE7ED FOR THIS PRC~ECi: :E~E?"j":"'T)N PART I _ PART II _ P^RT l_ U~on reY1~ ~f tr.e inf:~at;on recorded on this EAr (Parts'. Z a~: j) /I~O ::~s'~er-I~Q ~otn tke ~aonltuce and jm~ortanCt 0<1" tach 1rrpa::':.. it H r"uonaol v dtttl"mintd tnat: PRE'^RE A "Er.ATIVE DECLARATION CV SEE ATTACHED. A. TI-oe or"'OJec~ "'111 result 1n no ma)or ir'10/!c'::S and. tt'ltrtf:;:lre. 1S one .nlch ~ay not cause s;gniflcant damaot to tn~ enYll"Onment. B. ~lthouon t~e cr-o~ect could nav~ a significant effect on the en~lr'OI'!'"le"':, ~"~"e ..-i11 net be a signiflcant offect 'In this case teC!use tne ~1t'~at~on measures described ,n PAR: 3 hay~ been lnclvCed as ;~rt of tne nrOPosed prOJect. rd~e PREflA;E :.. ",[(,.HIvE n~CLAii:ATlor, o PREP.\RE 'c~ITIIE ORATIe" 'ROCEED WITH EIS C. T~e prOject w111 r-esult 1n one or more ~a)or adyer-se imOdcts that cannot 'e reduced and may cause s'~n,flcant da~age to t~e en..., ror.~e~t. ~lgr/!tvr-e at ~re~ar-er- (If Clff~rent fr-om resnons,ol~ Of;'cer) S"i"Onat-;;:-e-O'f O(Ds;::-ns,tle OH1C1ai In l..eaj Agency Pr-Int or :j=e na-e OT r-eSDpnS1pie orflela1 1n leac:l Agenc... -/(.'" . . . [I' [!i~:P1'i~E~7'L tSSESS'~~~T PA;\i Ii I [~;. :.'~', ~~ .~~ 'u~~~.:';:E nr I~~::-S I .jr:;:;....~ ';' r :-::J Part 3 is ;Jre:dred 'f :..,:: -:... "'ler\? 1~::!.:: :.. e"C4e:o. ~s :,::,,::'~e"ed ~:) b~ ~ote"\tidlly larae. The ancunt of Wr'!1nc neceSSary to answer Part 3 ~av b~ deter~;n~d by answeri"\g t~e ouestic~: r~ ~"'~~'. com~ltt;~n ~~e ins~ruc:'ors teiow M!ve ! nlacec 1~ !~is re:ord s~f~i:~e~t 'rf:~atlon to in~':ate ~ reasona~:e~ess o. ~v ce:1s'a~s? INSTK::CTIC'/S Co~lete t~e folJo.l~q f~r !3Cn imoact Or effect ide":'&'ec in C:lu~r 2 or Part Z: J. Briefly cescr'~e t~e l~'act. z. Jesc!"ite (.;f ap::hca:le: no... the il'"':oact 1"':19"t be IT'i~.;gated or reduc!'d to a less !'li!l" li""~e ~!"''''a:: :.0' ~ _..:. He! c"an::;e. 3. ~asec O~ t~e ;nfo~atic"\ availa:le, dec~:e if it lS re!s:~!~le t~ ccnci~~e trat this i~~~C~ ;s ~_~~~:~~: to t~-e 1"'1111ci:ality {C:1ty, to....'"I or v111a,;eJ 1n \"''''c.'1 ti'le proJect is locate::l. To anS~er the oUest~on of i~~or~!n:e. c~n!'~er: The proba~ility of the impact Or ~~fect Cc:~rrinq Tne d~ration of t~e im~a~t or effect its ;rreverSibility, including pe~ane~tly lost resources or values ~~et~er the j~~act or effect can be c~ntr~lled T~e reg;~nal consequence cf the i~~act or eff~ct :ts ~ote.,tial diver~ence fro~ local ne!'cs al'l~ goals ~'1ether ~I'lo~n o~je:tions to t.,e prnJe:: a~~ly tc this i~Dact or effect. DEiERWP'l,qJf)N OF SIG,"jF'!CA';CE ^n actlcn is consicered to b~ significant if. nne (Ol'" r'()re', i-::;ilct above, is l~~or:a"t. is dete~lned to both ~ and its (t~eir) conseouence. based On the revie~ PA~j 111 Si~7E~~\jS (Cnrt1r.ue on f~ta:h~ents. as needed) " . . BRE~ER YACHT YARD AT GREE~PORT, INC. PHOPOSED EX~AVATION, B~LKHEAU1~G, RELO~AT]O~ OF TRAVELIFT ~ELL, ~AI~TENANCE-DREDGING, AND RECONFIGURATION OF FLOATING PIER ASSEMbLY PROJECTS ATTACHj\IE~T 2 ENVIHO~ME~TAL ASSESS~,iENT TOWi, OF SOl'THOLD NEGATIVE DECLARATION The proposed projects at BREv.ER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, I,\~., ,,111 have NO adverse environmental in;pacts or effects upon; the appLca,.:' s property belng excavated, the area bemg maintenanced-dredged, tc.e pro;.>osed relocation s1tes, or the surroundlng upland and water area5. -,)ulte the contrary, the proposed projects ,,"'ill have a slgnlflcJrt pOSltlve impact by; increasing recreational activlties and o?portur.lt:es. allo,,'ing safer utllization of the existIng ,,'ater,,'ays, "ro\'lc;c,~ addltlOnal job opportunltles, and imprOVIng the overall aesthetlc qual:!. of tne manna and nelghbonng propertles. / / .~. /:> _. //)/. ( I ~ UANIEL S. ~ATCHEZ and ASSO A ES, On Behalf of BRE~ER ACHT GREENPORT, INC. , ",,-, at DA~IEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSO~IATES, INC., 555 AIda Hoad Mamaroneck, New York 1051.3 (911.i 69ti5b76 . VICINI. MAP NO.7 Ro,lr..v Pt h \.. '. ~ ~~Q c,0 ~Q '" ,c, " ~~ ,,0 -.------... !. \~ " PaT"tJdJst Pomt S~jd " , .1-,"-- ~~ !, (~ IQood I .uwn ,,"eHl lUD AT Guupon, tllC ITIIL111C; lA5UI G'Ullron )lAltot .AIlIUlIUT A"E!lU( YlLUGt or G_UllrOll TOWN Of" IOUtltOLD covnT OIF surrOLl VICINITY MAP o r 2500' 5000' I I P'~~ L~;~~~J:i*IIiI:~~I::~DlI1G ........... I..u~"'l"'" U' '~U'" ,,," ..It.. ,.~LII...' ".UIL'-',. DANIEL S. NATCHEZ NUl AHOCtATEI, INC. 5!5!lALDA_D IUllUlltOfllCI.1I1WTOIllI05043 1'141 698-5oli7b . . VICINITY MAP NO. 2 33 LONG ISLAND , 10 ,< 31 o 10 . .H o L 13 13 " -........ ........ ........ ....... ....... ...... 3. 8y~~R YARD ,. " 3' 67 , 5 x I , I ftllilhts at'Ol'n~ , , ,- , Fannmg PI . D'ering Harbor CheQUlt t " ./ .....- .....- / I I VICINITY o . 1250' 2500' I I 5000' I H[VEIl YACHT YAItD -.1 C;ltttNPORT, tNC. STULINe; l"stN GIt[[NPORT KAtIO. W,I,NIt.\NSn AY[Io'U[ VILl.AGE OF CiR[[NPORT TO"1t Of $OUT/tOLD COUNTY OF surrOll 'IO'05[D EXCAVATION. IULKMEADINCi ."I..IUII..,..t..PIlLUt"I"..... "'Nil 1t.I..UN~I~UIl""1UN O~ fI.OATI"'l.o rail A:':'l.,IlLI "Ihllll.';:. DANiEl S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 ALUA 1l0AO WAMAItONiCIC. NEw YOIl~ IO~3 19H.1 698-567~ .~ ~1 j /1 ~~~ ---j/ ....K .;":;; ~ ~ ,~,~",.. "'<0 / '" " ,~ ,< /;If, '<:'-. <::~' '~~!, -'.':'~" ~. ~~,~ " ~"''' -'.. ~ " I /' " -~,~"., ~ u/'<,,:; -..~ ~ ~;", _:~. . "Z ~I -....~ . ;) .' ~G' Jr~ ~- "4,..~-...... ~) ...... ~I ~.~ :t" i ........::..~-.-ll.. ~~~~~...;.. ~"-<:.. b;:~,.;.. <---~~:J(, ~~~~ ~ 6'4S'/~ SuRvE Y FOR _ BReWeR YACHT YARD ~::" :., . AT GReeNPOI/T, INC "C, '.<?,:)\ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ,I ~ . J SUFFOLK COUNTY, NY c... SCALe 1"'40' .:;, . JULY26,1983 _.. <~~. '. '.J ~~:-=..:....<__ ~ T ~'lt, , . . " , '. -" .~ '=> ,r-- ie" ,\ 4:J "- # "" , . 1 ! :l I I I I .1?4~ ""'4A. ..;':SC7' ~-.~ "-. " - ~ . J , , . . i .\., .....: :'1 OJ e" . b- " " .Ii 1:: .\\ 'I~ ,1\ ~ t ~, ~ "~". ~ ICl b- Cl ..\ :.\,' I' .,1,. ,- ,. , I, ..,.... r==-l Lr-J ~ ",~....:.. -- j 1''' I ! -- ,\ "l -.- '. L=-l. \ \ .' ~'.._- .-........... .-.....-:e-:r if.:: SCALE 40' 11:>' 160' , o , -.- -.....-.-.-...... _..-...;.~...,..._- . . EXISTING CONDITIONS ST AGNES CEMETERY , - -::"':..:::::""-, \,M.4NH.4NSET ~..---- ........, ~.:~...-.~._..- .. ..AVE" ", ) :- ..... .._..~:~-:::..... -':":._ 4:;~._........... \ ,~. ... ... -=- -.... \ : .........- ............ ............ ...... \ . .... ....... ....... \ ..... ......---.... ........ ""0 \ \ \ ......................." ...,...... ..........-9 ---. ~ \ \ ....-..... -_.-............~... \, \.... \ -.... 8 ....--'.... \, """'" \\ ~~ \\ IJ:l , \ .... .. ", tT\ \ '\ ............. ,.....-..---7 .......... \. ~ \.. \" .,',...",., l\ ----. """" l\.."" \....., .,...... ""'-, ""6', \J C 6'1 "'-. .. \ .., ,i \ \ \ ~ ,. .." I .... '\ ' \ ".s-.. \ '. .... \ ~ ...... \ \ '\ '\'\, . , ' , , ... , , ... , . 0 ' . '. f \ " . , , , . , , . ' , \ : "', ......./ '.. ,/ ---'" ,.. ~ "1 WOOD BULKHEAD .-. . , . . \ , "J / , ; . , '. -'. ~.. ...... \ -..- \ \ , , I . . LIFTWE1..L , , ! , , '. . .... : '. ' , ' , , . , , I \ . . , . , I , \ i I " : " . , 1.../ ,'- , . , , , , , , : I ",,",\~.". ~ : :'1' '\ '\ .1 II. . ," ..' \:::,' '"' \'\ ,II, " ,I., ,':? ~ tN. 7 "'II i"" :/)t~~ -.. ..'/,'~ ~ ........ __' ", ()f= -.-..-.- ,Ill ~ SOUTH OLD ,/II ~h / ,I, .- ". {( ""_ /,.... ,/:fI ---' .',>-.~~' ~ .....~ .... " y~ ". ........... -............. .......... ST/~/NG BASIN F~ .f&& ~ IL, 1 DoCK 4 DOCK 5 a""1I "'CIIT !A'D AT lOUr-PO", Il.e 1T1J~I";;; 14511; GlUI;PO'l uno. "'''1<''''5[1 AVh~1 YlUIlC;( 0IC;I((IIP0I1 tOW" Of IOCTMiCLt aMltt or ",nOLI .~~ ~~::~~~~~~~I~~U:~~t'\.c .~~.....' I..." ,'l ~." Uf ,..'II, ,.. '"U. ,.~n"'n' l"'_I~~I~ MUDII~Rl'vt:,., YOU... 1 YOl,II.'; ..Y.I. UCU5tD UlilD ",nUOI5 "'....llD...UDJULTJ6.I.,J KVlle 101". 1. 1113...01 DICUIIU 17. I~ DATUM: .lAJI 111I uvn UtGVPI SCALE o 25'SO' , 100' , D~ .. .....TCHEZ MID aaaoca.TES, IHe 55SIlLDlICl#.t' _1Qtl(e._u.'~~ los,u 111~! ..~~~ .. ~ I;, I,.... . . ~ -"'- \ i ~ \ ~~~ inf~ ~ !~~r ;;I ,qTVAj}r~E2~V~r: PllOPo$Eb O/SPO$Al SITe . \........ \M.4I\1H.4N....r,~ A"z- -~"'''- .... .'. "''''< "Co ..... "" ~ .... -',. '-" ~.~,._--~.~. , -., ....... ............. \II "', .} .: ..... .... ..... . \ .... ..... ...... ..... 10....... 0", \ ': ..... .....,........... II..... \ \ ~ ' ....................... 1\ "', \ \ \ \ '\ " "'.. '. \ ........ '" ',........ '\ \ '.. '.... ' "\ .... \ .. ............. I \ ". I .. 218' r.. ". '. ,.., ~ - "$' j 'b' ooc/{ l Door J /1$' I EXISTIMj DOCkS TO BE REAlOVEO :.J 1 AND RElOC4TEO 0Cj( C 01( STIRLING BASIN ~c ~~ EXlSTb~TCURS ................1....._....._........ ' ~ . '. ' '. ' '. " " PROPOSED EXCAVATICHI JeO ED ..... ~D '. eoAT~IN ........ ~i2~bS~L ~ ~~x. fa -100' 001(1 , ~~. ~ ~-"" -.:._-._- J-i:ii-. '" ~ .. =-=~-;;-:..- -.- SCALE o 25' 50' 100' - PROPOSEDK AND DOC EXCAVATION REMOVAL GUtHrOI!. INC. . TAeHY YARt) AT 'REVE AS1N STIIL1NC ~1I0R GlEENPOn VENUE MANKANS:TC:[ENPORT YlLLAGE 0 SOUTHOLD tOWN orOF surreLl aMlMTT IHEADINC VAT lOtI. IUL ANIl 'ROPOSED ~~~~I;."lllCt.lXol"t\;o~UA 1111" "A~~~t"IVU~"'IIUN, g:Il\JIt.I.I~ .I;.l"...... A:t:IUIIL . FII:II 0 ASSOCIATES. IN ... TCHEZ AN DANIEL S. N 555 ALDt'll'~~K 105'-3 MAMA'OHICK,) ~9&-S67& l:~~ 19, 198'" VPOIl SUIVIY 11 IAS~DOUMG . Ll:"trIYEYOU '.T,Sjvi~C~:;~ JU~TD~E~::~ 27. 1"3 .EVISED :rt. 1.'I~:'~:ft1.IVEL (lIGYDI DATUM; / ~~ /r . <:::> ~'''.'''.h-'' t> \ \ 0 \ ~\ \ ~. \ i---~ . { ~ , " : ,~-~. ~ I : ,O'-: " I I, ;~' , , "1' '\\ I ". I", 1"1 \:,',', "',' ,", ,,'i/ "~"~I "', "'.'1 i/l., I'" ,','/1 ..'/"/' .:t'j) -."":5 ..----....-'" ,',i IP "} ~ ,'/l,' ~~ n, i',',! JJ ,,' ., 'T, I,. ,... /;/. r, ~ ..,..~_ ~ " I t A'',.:':'~''l " 20S' "'~E' ~J. ...~ 2s' ". PROPOSED DOCKS I TOWN OF SOUTHOLD . ~ <:> <:> .... '" ';I;) ...... ~ t'ij ~ -"'- \ " ~1_1~ -...., \ -::-- -""""'::':'" ..M4NH.4A'''' .... .. ..... :--......... 't'..JeT .... ") \ ....-:-.. --::~ . .4VE' \., .' .... ~ '.. \:' ....... .-.......... .....~-_.--..::.,I... \ ('''EXISTING' ...,........ ....... "".. -~~...... ,\ ....... CONTOURS ......... "'. 1\:). ' I \ .........., .......... _....__.... \ \ I , '.. .....8---..---__ ~,. , .. .....-... ,\ '. '-"8" \ ...... -.... .-..--.... .. '\ ...... \. \ '\ ..... \ PARKING AND WINTE~ \ \ ", .. ~T SlORAGE . \' \ \ '\. \ ~\ Ul , \ ...... '.. .~ tT\ ! '\ ............,. ,"'------- 7 ....._.. '...... ..~~ ..' ..........- \ \ '\ .......... :t. , \. ......., '\ '....... ...... "', \ \'.. .. ~ \ I ,....-6.... .. ........ ....-. p.. .... , .. '. , , ~ ~ " .' .....~. . I \ \ ST AGNES CHURCH CEMETB;!' PROPOSED DISPOSAL SITE .............- 8' '"' . Jd.f 4t~' '. . , , , , , , I , , '. ~R~)C'-: \S t..W:--~ : '" . . , , , . , \ : \ , : /' l../ .50' '--1"'" '. , 245 --........ '. t20' JI. g ~c .1 PROPOSED RECONFIGUR,f.T10N OF FLOAT ING PIER ,t.SSEMBlIES k..:::96'~ ~~A k.:.68'~ " CQ::I( B ~o, ,0" <"~ -=-.::._- j;;:;;j;::';- - ::"'...-=~..:....... =.';.~~"".:~;:=-- SCALE o 25'50' 100' - USED UPON SURVEY IY YOUNG., YOUNG N.Y.S. LIC.ENSED LAtH> SURVEYORS SUIVU DATED JULY 26. 1983 IlEVISED SEPT. I. 1983 and DECEMBER 27. DATUM: WlAN SEA LEVEL (NevOI "" .. VIIIIIII. I~sm IN F~HE N 0 OUTHOLD ~~S~~D &~r . TCM'N OF SOUTHOLD U[WEIl YACHT JAlO AT GREENPOIlT. INC. STilLING I"SIN CRE[NPORT HARBOR W"NHANSEl AVENUE VILLAGE OF CIEEHPORT TOWN or SOUTHOLO COUNTY or SUFFOLK 'IO'OSEO [ICAVATI~. JUlKHEADING MAIN1L"AN~~_UHLU~lh~. AhU .t.\,.UtI~I\oUIlAIIUfi 0. tLUAI1NG rlLII A~~UIIILT I'IIUIt.,-I~ DANIEL S. HATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 5SS "LOA lOAD M"fotAIlONECK, MtW r01l1 lO~3 19lLl 69&-567& May 19. 19S4 . ~ o o .... tTI ~ . MAINTENANCE DREDGING MAP TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~~~i!fy --. M4~ .. -... -'" ~H4NSE r ." :---. ..... ~ "l ~~~f ~CE TOWN OF SOUTHOlD PROPOSED MAINTENANCE DFf:DGING ~W~D~ fEWTH~N DAruM: ~Rl.OW 280' ~'_.. r--l I I L__J , -...&- \ WJ IE!> CI'IURCI'I St. ~'E~ER'! ~~O ~C' Sltt OIS...... '-... 4.6 3.4 5,4 5.6' 6.1 7-1 SCALE o 25'50' 100' - . 6'.1 -- ---- ;;;:;;j~:- - .. .. ---.-.. -.--.........- -.--.....-- '~~ED [XC~yATIO~, 'ULCH[AD1~C ""IIIIILIIIA"IoL_i1l1l:.l1\,ojP;"., A"l.l .1.1..1,)"" I..UIIAII.:lh ut tLUlO..I1P;,- "IL~ AM,Ll.:llU 1'1l')1r.\.1l> lASED UPON $U'VEl at TOUNe; . YOUNG M.T.S. LICENSED UNO SURVEYORS WRVEY DAHD JULY>>. 1M3 aEVISEO SE'''. 1. IM~ .'ul OECIIIlIU 27, lMJ DATUM, NEAN stA LEVEL (NCVDI 44 _ FlOOD DANIEL S. NATCHEZ ANO ASSOCIATES, INC. SSS "LOA lOAD M"lit.UON'lCK. liE'" TOIIIl. IOS-:J 19l41698--!l676 ".Y 19.1%.. . r . . \ 4.0 " ~'OlJs s, ~lSt:>os~{ 12 ~ 9.0 t:>~ ~E~1i:1fr t ""~O .~ i~o 8Q'.ir E;t~~_rIO ....S,1/ 1/ IJ1 ... z ~ 5 STIRLING SWING MOORINGS TO BE R,EMO'iEO BASIN "" <9 \'b ~, 1- 110' --~--......... UPLAND "'--- PROPOSED EXCAVATION AND DISPOSAL SITES EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY SCALE o ~. ocI =- UEWER YACHT fARO AT (;JlEtNPOn. INC. lASED UPON TOPOORAPHIC NAP FIVE EASTERN TOWM~ SUfrClk COUNTY, W. Y. SI1.EtT "0. HH-LO surrell, COUNTY DEPt.nwt"T Of PUbliC "'OIlK~ DATUI;.; WEA'" SEA llVEL STIRLING lASH. (;RHNPQIIT HAUOR .."NHANSE! ,.VENUE VILLAGE or CREENPORT TOWN Of' SOUTKOl-O CQUtlTY Of SUFTOU PROPOSED ElC,.VATION, 'UUHEADING tU,INlt.i<j"'H..t.-l}IIt.LK.oINl". A'tIJ n,-OlHI"l'k"lIUN o. ~LUlUl"l.> rlll1 ...~~l:.k\IILl rllvlh.l~ DANIEL S. HATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. SSS AlllA 'OAO "'At.lAROHlCK. N[ll TOIlK 105.:.3 !9J~) t.96-St>7fl ..ay 19, l'.lb~ . . 4.0 \ PI/E~IO!is SITE "0110ISP~4L Alio DtiDGgCA""'EO Al.41tIl14L 2.$ P%Es Gg~~EltIlY - """"G Puv, '0 I Cb I /t ,....... Ii '0\- J J,' I " I) / II It II U . II U . h'7.0 1/ / II II CEMETERY II .. liSt II IIPRO"'G~"ES: II 11 COI'TOIj ~ II II '~ q,;...-f.L // 0- \.... "" ~". II ~ . 3.5 '..... \___~ I ~"_..~--s ..., ':00' 9.0 '0 Ill/EWE P~EI~r&,AIJg STIRLING " 0] l '1'/ '<Y/~lY" f'/SOV~OLO .._~, ~C~ \ 1Gu~'/O" r _......... 1&0' U~~'A~ 'ND~ '!He. T GIEENl"OR . ACHT YAID A InVu 1 LING I"SIN STII KAllOt G.EtN~O.i AVENUE WANKANSE GlttMl'OIT '1ILLA-CEorOr SOUTH01.t1 TOWN $urF01.l COUNn or IU\.lHUtlINC CA'IAT1OM. "'" "Ml.l ..OPostD t~"'...t._IJU.L"-'1 t~U"lllI(" ""INU.I~\lII"I'1JfI U;.UILl,.Il> IlL\..UI'I:1l "'l>l>t..UIl..l ES IN' rI 0 ASSOCIAT . S NA. TCHU AN OIoD OANIEL. 555 AlDA" I YOU 10543 ONEelC NE 5678 KAMU (914) 696-19k Wf,V 19.__ SCAi-L IOd o~ BASIN ,(<0 \~ \'- ~ " TOPOGRAPHY PROPOSED AT/ON SITES OF RELOC ....SED UPON WAr TOPOG'A'E~~ TO"'JriiS FIVE EAST IrITY. to. Y. FrOu. COU HH-LO 5U SHUT NO. DUNTY . KS 5UTFO~~ ~UilLIC':E~R DIP^IT"'I::.NT~EAN SEA U: DATU~. , -""- \ . ~~l'- - -_. '_ ..M4~H4I\1SET ....-.. j ( ~ ( , 8/lfWER YACHT 'f4IID ' \, AT GREENPORT. INC. 8___ S CI'IIlRCI'I Si ~GNEiER'( <<~EO ~:,,- SliE OISPOS~\.. ~ o 25' SO' 100' J"""""'q , I'ROPOSEO /llJl.K HEAD , €I' " <.:'q i' ~.!i@ FLoo~ AND PILES ..~ STIRL.ING BASIN GRADING -. -~_. ~:/r~.:-- v . -.- ---.-.. ~-"=-~"!~~~~- . """ o <:::> r t'\ :t) " ~ "i --- PLAN IIIWII UCIfI 'UO AT aUllron. INC. ST\I~lIlC ....5111 ..UEN'OrTUllOI; IllAIlHAIlUt"YUUt ,.ILLAGEOf Ci'UIl'OIT TOWII OF 5OlJTIIO~tl (.OU1ITfQflUrFOLI ..0000!;tDlJ.C.........TlOll.IUllKUDIIIC; :~~~;:I::~:I~?;;:~:~X~~~I~N~ DANIEL .. NATCHEZ MO ASSOCIATES, lNe 55SALD,\IOA,D ."MAtoIIECI. IlU, fOU ICSU 19141 "!I6n .....~ ,... ,"'-<. . PARKING~ND CIRCULATION ~A~ ~ -SUE: I _.~~,!HANSCT ''''-..(.- J62 PARKING STALLS UNMARKED --.--......-.... ..... ~ tl) I G~VEL ~'VE FclA I E BOAT ST~~ _ _.h~VC ---"=': \ -"'- \ III ~ a: o Ii; ST AGNES CH~CH CEMETERY PROI'OSED OISPOSAL SITE !c o m 'fiAU(:tiR( WITH PLANTINGS 0--- - - --0 ~'- MAST CRANE LIFTWELL s~o~ SCALE o 25'50' 100' - . 0~~~. ~ -"'" Fi.90 ~O ~ PROPOSED RECONFIGURATION OF FlDA1ING PIER ASSEMBLIES -=-.:.-- ---,..-- =:..J!-: --_.-- -.-.-.........-- ----...--- STIRLING BASIN ,1["'[1 YA-CMf TAID AT GIUNP'ORT. 1"" STIlliNG I"Stlrl GatEM'Olr MAI'O' MAMKAM511 AVtMUt YILLAGE OF GlttMP'Oli TOWN Of $OUTtI01.D COUNTY or surFOLK nOP'OStD UCAUTION. IU!.KMtADING :t.:~tt.;"'''l,I"';''^~''I':I"t.~llIt'''~I.I:~~NI.. FIt-II M.:>U.UILT I'IIUI~,-I:' lASED UI'OIl .un iT IT YOUNG . YOUNG ..Y.S. LICENSED LAWD sunlTOIS SUlvn DAtED IUU 26. 1913 .c-vu:rn UP". 1. 1913 and DlCE~.~!~_~7. 1913 OANlEl 8. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. S5S UtlA lOAD W"MAIONECIL MEW YOu. 105J.J 191L I 696-567& ~__.,.. l~ o 250' 500' 7000' . ~ AREA BASED UPON DEVELOPMENT PLAN VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. N. Y. JUNE. 1967 . . J; ~". : '"" ~., JI .... - BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. STIRLING BASIN GREEN PORT HARBOR MANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BULKHEADING MAINTENANC~-DREDUINUt AND ftCONFIGURATION OF FLOATING PIER ASSEMBLY PROJECTS DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. INC. 555 ALDA ROAD MAMARONECK, NEW YORK 10543 (914) 698-5678 May 19. 1984 . ~~2s~y --. - '114:VHANScr ..--. , -..- \ C\\\lIlCl\ ..'t t~~~EIl~ ~..\'t~ O,.....v. --...... '. BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREEN PO R,T, INC. - ~/:., " u C"...-__ ~n-..':1-- I"'::~ ......<oJ' , '" -oJ . ...11:....,:, " " <". r::;~' ..;:, c;;-'. . '- ""- .1s--'L.. AC~ ---- ;'=;;jr.:-- -.-" . =:=.;:-.:~==- ------ ---- o o z.z AcqtS o t.~:J =~ ;':--?r'" " I :: , I I I I L'"l__ C:.:::I~__~ " C':'__ L.._ :,,,-~ f::.:./ ' ,r _ .. r=::: "'" o C> .... '" ~ ,... ~ "l . RECONFIGURATlON OF DOCKS AND MOORINGS r - -, NTION.bL l I I ~OR L..__.J KS 8 ~~O~<6~10 ::: :::'j ~&l~G . ~~SE.&D -. co.:.. ~ -...:.J --I -:u --. 0 0 0 o 'ASEO UPON SUIlVEY IT YOUNe. . YOUNG N.Y.S. llCEWSED LAND SUIlVElOaS SURVn DATED JUlY Z6. 1983 IEVISED SEPT. 1. 1983 .nd DECUIIEI 27. 1983 DATUN; NEAN SEA LEVEL tNeVDI o Sf/RUNG ~( ~o ~ BA.S/N s~(),y'V r'tr; c" 1.<:1 SCAlE o 25'50' 100" - 'REVEll YACHT 'tAlO AT GREENrOIl!, INC. STllL1NCi 11,51" GI[EN'Otl KAIl.OR """HAMSon AVENUE VILLAGE OF CREENrOlll TOWN or SOUTMOLO COUNTY Of' surFOLl "orOSED UCAYATIOH. IUUHEAD1NG MlI.INIt.N/lNI,.t..'UIt.ix./'"Ioo. /1,,"1.1 Ktl.UNtllool.lllAllUK Ut .LUA/IN" "ltlC /l,lo=oUIIlLl rlllllt....llo DANIEL S. NATCHEZ A.NO ASSOCIATES. INC 5SS ALOA lCAO WM4AItONECII., ME" YORk 100000J tSlILI 6'j&-~1b ....y 151, 196' h"L""I'9L",;-r FI1h'O;</",.-u- Af.;-'~/9.J~ 4--6~~S'..~, ~.J''''C'/.s} 4~" ~?i . t ., ...../f:..... .'"1 , .' ~ ~ ... , , .J.~ \...,~' ....~... ........... l.'"...~"'" . ... I S ~ ~. . /.~ i ~~ ...- ,~~ ~~~/' : . \ o~/; , '\ " \I I, f;,. \ ~~ l ': ,/~" I " ..~ ..... ~ -.;:: ....J_ ct'CI) - ~ 1-.ll:J CI) I I ~I ~I Cl ~ :II >, "'c;~~ S~..~\:,~ C\:,.... . RIIl./"N To '/IUro1V .IU 6H~.t1 '~~r(' ~ -~...~ _c,.. I~ I ~~,,.1.. ~I ~~~,;;' (,-*1~ .... ..' I r.",\ ., oS-. .~ . . . < '- ~) ~"., -4 ~ 1tt""'l:Jc 4IOQD. -., , ~ .... "'-"";""-k" ,"", .$4' ~~~~~ i"'C~ ~ "" ~ c..... '4'",6' ~q.... ~ .Y ~I II I ~ , ~ . ~~ ~:i: .. .... :to... -."" - , .ss'" ;,. ~"',,, JIll' ..-AI ',~. (JCIIlT~ AS' .LIlCII r N. 'f'..07I'Ji16 liD'/' II' pfllt (I u SA Glflt~ ,,,?I/%.. 0' 7 ,9J) "'~ ':J ,11'9 ' .. ~ ~. \~ ~. \" ~ \~. .. \.. ;. 1C:'1I 'f:"". "I: r ' o , 125' 250 500' . RoIICI/7 J( ~C$1'ON " I.'GI1M/D 11. CIiAPMAN I'.. ',,; '.'t .'{ p.... ~/ AREA UNDERWATER GRANT MAP LAND con OF VATER C."Wl IAKD ~..~tJt MA"~:T~ surro!. AT GIUNPORT. INC. 'ItV[1 YACHT YARD STilLING '~I:OR G'[[M~~:i ~tNUt MANKA OF CltENPORT VILLAGE OF SOlJTHOLD to..." T or surrOLl COUNT G IUlJ(H[Atlllrl ED EXCAVATION, IN'" ""Il "CPOS ""NI..t.-LlIU.LK.o 'U"'lll'''' ."Hllt. UN Ut tl. .t.I..U'UIl"U.."lIIlLI I'IIUIC.\..I:r "It-II A~Uol ASSOCIATES, INC. HA TCttEZ AND DANIEL S. 55S ALDA '~~K IO:.LJ MANAIlOtriECl. "....E.. 5676 19a1 ~ a..Y 19. 19 . PREVIOUS ~ S~R~~ . EXISTING BERM SECTION A P~POSED G OUND PR FILE 1 ~. EXISTING GROUND PROFILE SECTION B PREVIOUS SPOILS ~ AREA PROPOSED FILL EXIS TlNG BERM . SCALE o 25' 50' MANHANSET AVENUE ~IO' 5' o . FRESH WATER POND MANHANSET ~15' AVENUE 10' 5' o BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC, STIRLING BASIN GREENPORT HARBOR MANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATIONe BULKHEADING M^IN1~N^NC~-DRED lNG, AND RECONflGU!lATlON Of HOAIING PIER ASSEMBLY PROII::CTS DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. INC. 555 ALDA ROAD MAMARQHECK. NEW YORK 105L3 191') 696-5678 May 19. 198" . . SECTION C AREA TO BE FILLED Illftf~iB -- BUILDING TO BE R,EMOVED BOTTOM EL.- 8.0' BELOW MLW ST. AGNES CEMETERY Per" PROPOSED FLOATS AND PILE~ 288' 68' 30~ 8'~30' >!< 70'_~40~ ~40~_70' MHW +1.2' ------------------ ----- -MLVi._U,-m )1< ACCESS DRIVE PARKING WALKWAY WITH PLANTINGS ~22'~19'~8' '/ o I 25' I SCALE 50' . 100' I -=-.:.-.. ;;:;jr:.;-- :-..:.:: If .":"...a. :::..~.-=.~.:t:~~:.:.- ....UDUf'OllsulYnIT TOVIlG . TOUll" ..,.s. lIClNUD UNO luuno,s s.unn DA'tDJlll'26. 1981 tEYIS[DU'T. I. 19l11 ..... O[([weu 11. 1'0\] O"TUM, IflA.suunllN{,vDI BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. STIRLING BASIN GREEN PORT HARBOR NANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE or GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY or surrOLK PROPOSED EICAVATIONe BULKHEAOING MAIN1~NANLE-DR~U ING. AND RECQNFIGURAIION ot' HOAIING PitH ASSBttlLY t'ROlt:l,;T5 DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 "LDA ROAD MAMARONECK, NEW YORK 10543 (9IG) 698-5678 MIl.Y 19. I~Bi. s6W~~~~ . ST. AGNES CE METERY .. . SECTION 0-0 PLANTERS (CURB STOPS) PARKING ACCESS DRIVE o SCALE o 5' 10' . 20' . BULKHEAD PILE FLOAT BOT TOM 8RE~ER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. STIRLING BASIN GREENPQRT HARBOR NANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOliN Of SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION. BULKHEAVING MAINI~NANC[-DREPGING. AND RECONFIGURA1ION Of FLOA1ING t'IER ^S~UIBLY I'KOIt.:CTS DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 ALDA ROAD MAMARONECK. NEW yaNK 1051;3 (91' J 698-5678 M~y 19. 1951. . MANHANSET AVENUE . FENCE SECTION E-E NATURAL SCREENING BOAT STORAGE SCALE o 5' 10' o 20' . TRAVELlFT j BOAT STORAGE BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. STIRLING BASIN GREENPORT HARBOR NANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN Of SOUTHOLD COUNTY or SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION, 8ULKHEADING M^INT~N^NCE-DREDGING. AND IU:;CONfIGURATlUN Ut FLOAIIHG PIt::X A5SBIHLY PROIECIS DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. INC. 555 ALOA ROAD MAMARONECK, NEW YORK 10543 {91O 698-5678 May 19. J984 SECTION - F TYPICAL MAINTENANCE DREDGING tN/STING FI.QjlJS "'1Wl PILES . EXII5T'NG IlLUCHEAO - - - h __ --"'HW+2'" ------h-"'lW 0.0 EX/STlNII BOTTllII P_'LE P~D BOTTOA/ P_,LE -8.0' BELOW _ r 125' + 25' PROPOI5€D FLOATS AND PILES EXISTING fllJLKHEAD -.. ...... ... ... ... .... -- --- - - - -AIHW +2."~ -------h"'LW 0.0 PROPOI5€D BOTTO'" P/tOF/lE .... ... D , SCAlE 5' 10' :zd . , n[lIE1 lACHT ,.nD AT Gtlrlll'OtT, HIe. STIILIII(;USIH GrlEIl,on ilUIOJ lI~IIHAIlSn U(NUl ,ILLAGEOfC;IUN,on TO'olNOfKlV'W.>LD COI.INTY Of SUHOU PlO:~:~ l ~=~~:~ ~:~~I :~~I::~O 1 IIG nL(J'<tI"II~^rl(.'N {/I ILVIl'I".... ~ 1l~..UIH' '.(..ItL'~ DANIEL .. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. INC. ~'.' HI" '('11.1 NlI.l.lA~[1"1 .. NI W "". I~'./,l ,~, " " ".> hi'" , - -'''-''',.::':'::'"", ....M4NH4NSE. <~; '::::~::~. .. :')"-';""..-:::::~;:'~:~~':::...:.::~...... \ ~-- ~'- ............... ~O .... ~ \ ".. -', '.......9 "-.- '" ~ \ \>'" '... '....... 8 .~~~~~..~::...: I ,", \ (\\ \ \ ..... '\ \, ..:~... .. " .. " \ " """ '. m \ '. . .. ; \T\ " \, " .~'--.. 7 ....\ ~ \.. \.. B-1 ,........... ( '-------. ~\.:i """" . " \'.) ~ . . , -"'- \ ST AGNES CEMETERY ..............., ~ ............. . , , , , , , , ! , , , , , , . 8-4 '. MHW -- _.'V__ ~~:/J:::.<- ___" "' =:::~.:~:.::- a,UtDll'C>>lI4lJVEY IT 'ou~... . 'O\I~~ ".'.5. LlCUlSLIl U~~ su.vno.s 5U'Vn DAltO JULY.. IMJ UVIUD U.l. I, 1M3 .,,<1 DL:UIIER n. DATuM. IllA~ IoU LnH UICVD, STIRLING .4 _ fLOOD "" / ~:::) ~ 0.. /~'" ~'1:> \ -m.~ co ( ('~\\" , . , . : ~---~ . :"::>;;~~\ : : /,1 \\ '\ : : /,'1 '~. "". f"\'\ 1'1, t ,11,1 , ,I', " it',l I "', 1 ,!~ ~l ._._ _./;:/ (PI! TOWN OF --..- If;J~/;/ SOUTHOLD 'I')' ~ " ,', \..,/~,/:{;f f( . ;'':""'''(l%#G. EXISTING DOCKS . ..... co co ,... fT\ ';l;) I'-. ~ I'>j \ '.s. " . . tS' ""'\ " B-3 + , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . . , '.. .' "---" .--. . , , . , , / , , , , . . . , , , . , , , , , , . , , ,.' / , .-' . , , '. '. ...-....... -- ............ BASIN ~ SCALE o 25'50' - 100' . . + APPROXIMATE LOCAilON OF TEST BORINGS HS. 'O~l"';', ~:l~~_ S~~: ~; H::- il:O "_ s. ~". ";- ;. ~ ~ ,,: +, ro_,~r:~', p. r;.~' ::. r ~, ' t-' ,': :'" .~:- , . , I .' , I , : , , , , I , , , : , '.HoE! l~C"~ fA': r Gl[EV :.,~ I': nIHI..':; Ui:' GH!";'~ ~Hl':' .....~..;,: AH'. _l~l"';;'! or GI[[,"::'O: TD~" ::>f s,.:>,.~~:~~ cou~ Tl or S~, f< :.. J '''I'O<otr ~I,H~~I:>>'_ .~.n~[~: "~ :L~~~~t:,:::;.:;:,' ';.~-':.:', DANIEL I. JfATCH(l AND ASSOCIATES, IHC. 5~; "~N K': ,,"MA'O"!;_. 101.. ,,~,. lC':...:: I... H<--,.-' 101') Iii. loft. . . SLACKE TEST BORING, INC, y~y~~g~6~ 4 MAIN STREET, PO. BOX 64, KINGS PARK, L.I., NEW YORK 11754 . (516) 544-0404 I Mrs.1 Sally Ann Slacka, Pra,;danl Boring No. 1 Job No 2945-84 Date: February 21, 1984 Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Beach Road & Manhasset Avenue, Greeport, N.' Job location Datum Ground Surface Elevation 6.0 Water level IS 6' 5" 10:20 A.M. - probable Tidal DEPTH :10" 110., ".notr.tion CLASSIFICATION Of SOil h"'pl. .f Spoon CASING aLOWS fro", To Sp.O" I" '"ch.. Ground brown Silty DRILLED IN CASING S...rface I' FI LL - Coarse to Fine USED (HSA) Sand, some Gravel I' 2'6" Brown & gray Silt, trace Gravel 2'6" 9' Coarse to Fine brown Sand & Gravel trace Silt Sample #1 @ 2'6" to 4' 7-7- 8 18" WATER SAMPLES Sample #1 - 1 0' casin~ Sample #2 @ 4' to 5'6" 10- 1 0- 1 2 18" in ground 9' 20' Coarse to Fine brown Sand, trace Sample #2 - 18'6" Fine Gravel casing in Sample #3 @ 9' to 10'6" 5-1-2 18" ground Sample #4 @ 14' to 15'6" 8- 6-1 0 18" Sample #5 @ 18'6" to 20' 8- 8- 9 18" below Ground Surface . . SLACKE TEST BORING, INC. y~y~ gt'g~g~ 4 MAIN STREET, P.O. BOX 64, KINGS PARK, L.I., NEW YORK 11754. (516) 544-0404 I Mrs.1 S.IIy Ann SI.cke, President Boring No. 2 Job No. 2945- 84 Date: February 21, 1984 Job Location Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Beach Road & Manhasset Avenue, Greenport, N. Datum Ground Surface Elevation 5.8 Water Level IS 5' 1" below Ground Surface 11 :45 A.M. - orobable Tidal DU'TH 30" II0wI Ponet,.tio" CLASSIFICATION Of SOIL h"'PM .f Spoon CASING BLOWS f,o", T. Sp.on In Inch.. (,rOv"d Dark brown Silt, trace Gravel DRILLED IN CASING Surface 3" FILL - USED (HSA) 3" 2' Brown Silt, some Medium to Fine Gravel, trace Medium to Fine brown Sand WATER SAMPLES 2' 4' Medium to Fine brown Sand, trace Sample #1 10' casir Fine Gravel - in groun Sample #1 @ 2' 6" to 4' 4- 5-6 18" Sample #2 18'6" - 4' 9' Coarse to Fine brown Sand & Gravel casing ir trace Silt ground Sample #2 @ 4' to 5'6" 8-9-12 18" Sample #3 @ 5' 6" to 7' 1 2-1 3-1 3 18" 9' 14' Coarse to Fine brown Sand, trace Fine Gravel Sample #4 @ 9' to 10'6" 3-4-4 18" 14' 20' Medium to Fine brown Sand Sample #5 @ 14' to 15'6" 6- 7- 7 18" Sample #6 @ 18'6" to 20' 8-8-8 18" --- . . SLACKE TEST BORING, INC. y~y~ lVjl~6~ 4 MAIN STREET, PO. BOX 64, KINGS PARK, L.I., NEW YORK 11754 . (516) 544-0404 I Mrs.' S.lIy Ann SI.cke, Pres;d.nt Boring No. Job locafion Datum * 3 2945- 84 Date: February 22, 1984 Job No Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Beach Road & Manhasset Avenue, Greenport, N 4.5 3' 8" Ground Surface Elevation DE'TH fro", To Ground Surf.,e 2'6" 2'611 4' 4' 5'6" 516" 9' 9' 14' 14' 20' Water level is 1 n. In A M robable Ti lal below Ground Surface CLASSIFICATION OF SOIL 30" 110.. 5.lmp" Spoon !tofl.fr..i.n of 5poo" 1ft Iflcho. PROBABLE FILL - Medium to Fine brown Sand, some Gravel, some Silt Dark gray Organic Silt Sample #1 @ 2'6" to 4' 2- 2- 3 18" Brown & gray Silt Sample #2 @ 4' to 5'6" 4-4-5 18" Brown Silt, some Gravel, some Medium to Fine brown Sand Sample #3 @ 5'6" to 7' 7- 8- 8 18" Coarse to Fine brown Sand, trace Fine Gravel Sample #4 @ 9' to 10'6" 7- 7 - 8 18" Coarse to Fine brown Sand, some Fine Gravel Sample #5 @ 14' to 15'6" 13-11-13 18" Sample #6 @ 18'6" to 20' 9-11-13 18" CASING BLOWS *boring was relocate as indicated on print DRILLED IN CASING USED (HSAl WA TER SAMPLES Sample #1 - 10' casir in ground Sample #2 - 18'6" casing in ground . . SLACKE TEST BORING, INC. y~y~~g~g~ 4 MAIN STREET, P.O. BOX 64, KINGS PARK, L.I., NEW YORK 117540 (516) 544-0404 I Mrs. I S.lIy Ann SI.cko, Prosidont Boring No. * 4 2945- 84 Date: February 21, 1984 Job No. Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Beach Road & Manhasset Avenue, Greenport, N.' Job location Datum 4.6 4' 8" Water level is below Ground Surface 2: 00 P.M. - probable Tidal Ground Surface Elevation DEPT" Fr.... To Ground Surf.c~ '161i 1'6" 5'6" 5'6" 19' 19' 3D' CLASSIFICATION OF SOIL 30" IlowI SOIlllP" Spoerl CASING 'LOWS 'onolr.,io.. .f Spoo" In Incho. FILL - Coarse to Fine brown Silty Sand, some Gravel *relocated 13 feet west (as indicated on Print) Coarse to Fine brown Sand, some Medium to Fine Gravel, trace Silt DRILLED IN CASING USED (HSA) Sample #1 @ 2'6" to 4' Sample #2 @ 4' to 5'6" Dark gray Organic Silt Sample #3 @ 5'6" to 7' Sample #4 @ 9' to 14' 4- 2- 2 18" 2- 2- 2 18" WATER SAMPLE Sample #1 - 24 feet of casing in grounc 1-1-1 18" No other sample take due to Silty soil. pushed 5 feet with weight Of rods Sample #5 @ 14' to 18' pushed 4 feet with weight 01 rods Coarse to Fine brown Sand, trace Fine Gravel Sample #6 @ 19' to 20'6" Sample #7 @ 24' to 25'6" Sample #8 @ 28'6" to 3D' 11-12-16 18" 8-10-11 18" 9-9-10 18" - .. .~ . r~~~ n !"13 " . II... -. ....... A ;i it '. .~l~ I .!, '1 '. ~~ -. ~WS II .. '11 ~ < ~. o J o. ) n .1 , . .! ~ r " ~ .1. r-;. ,0 '.1"1 r T ~.I~ ' . -IE. .\'~. , , ~:': '. " . " ~ . . ;...1, ~::;. ,'~( 8 '" Q 0:'- ~I~ I~i : I" .- . II :;g ~ . ~ .. ~.! .. ~; : .- !. . r . r'~ ,I' OJ F1i c . i r- I~ I~ "- ... :I: r~ ~ ", , ~ = . - . :b. ~. 0 \:) _: z _f n 0 L/1o , . \:) 'n ~ , ~ ", ~ ~ ~ en r . - i (;) . r ~ ~ u . ^ .: i':; .; "':I~ ~;:. . = ,. II,. g.li= ,. ~!t~~.,l~o,~~ z:: )>." ,.. .I! t % 'i - ;;;)> ~..... Ii o. l..~ S" ih:" ...; II, ,J.,;~jir~" ~ )0.... .. ,... ;a 1$ '" J,IJ,. ,. ..... ..;'" f.... E: Sf" .'" I '~.rJE!J tJ :i=;~Lg ~ ~~;;J;:I=. o ~jt~!Aii I ,. - < I .. : :" i ~ "i ~ vg~~: :0 ~ ~.~..~: :: . :. ~ i. :! .. 1:!.J: t l 'Ii ::; 2 I) 0 Jt ~" '" 8" a: .. .. f o:e" I !;~!; ~ ;~i ;::;;:~ '.. ~~:::: . :~.. . . . ~~~ ~ -. _~C> ~, . ~ . . ~~ 0 . z . r I,J~ I . 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". ~ ' , , :> r ;;: " ~ ~o ~ ...r: ; ~ . r . . . . r D" ..- 3 ! . .. ~ . .~' ~ ~ o . ~ , ~ , ~ r ~ ;l; r ~ ~ .. ~l . i . ., S ,..D.t..... 1,.'10' '- ... \1 \. \. ~ <:. i '% I~ ~ . . , '. ~~ ,. 4'.C' ~.. - r'il l ~ ~ o . :1 r , ; ~,~. ~ 0,;0. i ;,~ ' "",", I ~:::' ::! t~ ~ I~tf ., ~ :>.. 1, . , , . s . .. ,. 'I; :.:: ...1 , "'f' i ~lo, r-;-- : . -J- .. ... ..... i' ~~ ~~~i ;1 -it ~ I fi El ~i - " . ,...~ .1 ~l "t _ :;. 4...~. .; ~ ~.r I Jo ;. ~1~,ill J l! '1 I.' : 1". -.- ,. ;. dh,1;11 --: ~ ~ ~t , . i . . CAVID CARBEN, P.C. (20fUu.iUn., E 119'f1LU 713 MUNRO AVENUE ""AMARQNte", N. Y. 10543 '114 - QWEN. .-D138 DESIGN CRITERIA The bulkhead for this project was designed on subsoil infor~ation taken from Borings B1 thru B4 Incl, taken by Slacke Test Boring Inc. Because of the extremely wet and poor surface condi tions, no borings '''.'ere taken along the west edge of the proposed bulkhead. However, a sounding was made to determine the depth of the soft material. The underlayment below this level was arrived at by interpolation from known subsoil data. It should be noted that portions of the existing bulkhead at the southeast and southwest extremities are not to be replaced. Should it be desired to increase the water depth at these areas, the bulkhead should be carefully checked and any changes that involve an increase of water depth of more than two feet will probably require additional strengthening. . . I P:J re oN eo r Yo ~ I-.- I Yo.-d (Q) Gree" .0 0.-1- I Rei CO~/rocl /jor;~9S S'IQck(2 ~sl- ;':'0'-1":9 ~ c !)G!S<9--- /';)as l'..r Gracie t/(2v; w <::::,1(2".. C: I (l. v " ..f"v6gra cI~ e/'2Y' PIle 7i ~ (;/CZv ; j);'/rr Tc:>~ t:/<zv 0'0 0'6 - 9, '2 106e c;.o' .,6,... desl7" q'e Ie,;"h- I;" lie a/ JOil ab ove ./Z.; I:> - '3 rQ c/ ~ ~ .:ld6 t:p:. ~7 ({;: //Ojct' 't'";- {; 0 ~ c ~ 1('1 : IQ"s (4':>' ~~) :. 0''2;; So'-; be/oJ;J fu6 -~r-oc/e. f~ .3 <;., s . 0- - c;~ I cf! - }!= - 0,4- P, ," G. t:.3. ~lf " - 0, 4 Cl kq' ~ - 0.':26 k/-Irq' :. (~. 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I. let" h J...~;~/...I. ,.. vfoc''';3 p.; I/) of V12r;$c.al /J;/es~ ~.o/ 30sx G~ 8 =- /Bl~ #-~I' i:..',',- 3 "x /2 " 7;';"'oer ../Aee. .tr_', ,.--. ....: ?~ Moc/... /2 K .3 ~ :. ~ 1 t9 /;.., j I 1373 l< 12 . 18 ::.. :;JIS j.sl 1 10110 It( ;. 2000 ~st' . . Des ,~q^ 0/ 7;;""6 E!r /X. eel-"':7 (VerI-. 'co I) / 8 f' f2Q; ./'/.,,:; f.or Ufe jc.. u, EL, f-I 0 -L--l-./L ' 0 a'/,....:(Z ""0 /0 '" o'G?.? EL So ~///;/I/. . ----- p , 154. 0. :1, ~ '''4 -., .- " ~ -- ./' /Y), :. /oac:/;^J cll'q'rQ,.,... Co~ C/lea' h- 77';"6~,r ../Z.eflh~ (M:Jrl'Y UJQ .//"f/e ~ Q" 6~Nefb,. lower -hi(i I-r IO'''/- elM:1 1':'fr:rh\eoI"a~ (;f"cJ..o"'J ~ e- 1<2 V .. T- /'0 '1= O.Gtfl3' lJes/g" J'fo",= 9'1-1'(>(;.'6'.3: /O"f~'. p, /St/.x 1/. /29 ll.r,t S- r u.r!2 uni/ loor/:. 1St/.... ~/ ~ ~ao;.sl :;. ~ ~ C? ~ 230x/o"f3 8 ~.",: 3 2 8 I I rf, / ,c;,. u J'Q; 4 "x /~ 'I r;,.;., 6(2,. ./J,e<zf.I"j @-,. V IG>l, 4 2 ~ 42. 7 I;' 3. C;; /!;.HJ:- 3291 )< ~ :. f/ 3 75 I- /Fr j>er- n":'6er. 12 +t ~ if37~x /2 ':. 1:;3 0 t~; '12'7 1.6 01/0 _ :- .:2000 }..rt' O.A,: . . 1J~=1'5^ of 9 Wole. ReacA:O,. @ Wo/rc :::2.30 l< 10.64.3" a.S"=- /229 tf. /=1'. P,/er @ , " ~ -0 cjC' 1:>. N) U"e I':' Wo/t&. = /22!J,It ,2- ~ S-S3/ #- ,cl-- 8 <1'1)( /2" lIo/a. G "VerI.) jecl h/od. /2X!a.~ .3 -3 :2 ,,, . I SS3/.l\ /2 = 20 7~ AI',' Ok b 32 , . . COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PETER F. COHALAN SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES DAVID HARRIS. M.D.. M.F.H. COMMISSIONER March 12, 1984 Mr. Daniel S. Natchez Daniel S. ~atchez and Associates, Inc. Suite 11 0 555 AIda Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543 Dear Mr. Natchez: Dr. David Harris, Commissioner of the Department of Health Services, has asked me to reply to your letter of January 24, 1984. I apologize for the delay in answering your letter. However, there were certain aspects of the proposal that had to be checked and verified. A field inspection of the site by members of the staff, plus a review of site data by the department's hydrogeologist, indicate that, with certain precautions, the effect on the freshwater-saltwater interface will be minimal. The use of proper sheet piling or bulkheading, as proposed, should m1n1m1ze the impact to the freshwater supply in the area. Since the peninsula where the project is located is not really a source of the village water supply, we have no objections to the proposal as outlined in your letter. Very truly yours, /--??~ C\ ul~ Robert A. Villa, P.E. Chief Engineer Division of Environmental Health RAV/lst cc David Harris, M.D., M.P.H. 2ZS RAlBRO DRIVE EAST HAU"PAUGE. N.Y. 11788 1!51 el 3"8-2817 --. . .~/- ti~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON and MURRELL, PC . CONSULTING ENGINEERS, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS and PLANNERS 125 BAYLIS ROAD. SUITE 1.0. MELVILLE. N.Y. 117.7 . 51H52.l106O January 31, 1984 Mayor George Hubbard Inc. Village of Greenport 236 Third Street Greenport, New York 11944 Re: Inc. Village of Greenport Proposed Marina Brewer Yacht Yard GRPT 84-50 Dear M'Yor Hubbard: In accordance with your request, we have reviewed the proposed Brewer Yacht Yard Marina as shown on Young , Young Drawing No. 83-549 (December 1982). An excavation for a marina such as that proposed by Brewer Yacht Yard can have a substantial impact on the fresh groundwater in an area. It removes fresh water from storage which lies in the ground within the area of the excavation. More importantly, it increases the area from which fresh water can flow into salt water, causing a continuous drain on the fresh water in the area. This permanently reduces the thick- ness of the fresh water layer in the vicinity of the excavation, making effective use of this resource difficult. Since the proposed excavation is on a peninsula and for most purposes can be considered to be hydraulically isolated from the Greenport Water Supply's existing wells, the develop- ment of the marina does not threaten these wells or any that might be conceived in the future. As a matter of good planning, it is always desirable to maintain and protect whatever fresh water resource that is available. To reduce the fresh water underflow caused by the excavation, we recommend that the Village require that tight sheathing be used as bulkheading material. This should be used around the perimeter of the basin and, if properly installed, should maintain the fresh water layer very close to its existing condition. Depending on /'14tPrt. J.I. U OI.J/H1.() - .ALI. /avsree-s ~2/f'f I~ . . Mayor George Hubbard Inc. Village of Greenport -2- January 31, 1984 existing soil/water interface permeability, the sheathing may even increase slightly the water elevation in the immediate vicinity. We return your folder with the letter and plan. Please send us a copy of the plan when beyond "preliminary" stage. If you need.us further in this matter, please advise. Very truly yours, seMI' . ,J J .. Enclosure & MURRELL, P.C. cc: James I. Monsell Supt. of Utilities t . . ST. AGNES R. C. CHURCH . FRONT STREET GREENPORT, NEW YORK 11944 (5161477-0048 June 15, 1984 Mr. Ed Vianney, Manager BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. Manhanset Ave. & Beach Rd., Greenport, NY 11944 RE: Proposed Redevelopment of Marina and Relocation of Excavated and Dredged Materials Dear Mr. Vianney: On behalf of St. Agnes Church, we are confirming the Church's desire and need for approximately 63,000 cu. yds. of fill mat- erial from your property which will be used to help improve the two cemetery properties located along Manhanset Avenue. Our proposes, including; enhancing the overall scenic ~uality of both our waterfront and upland areas, insuring adequate space for future cemetery needs, and increasing public access to the waterfront for recreational purposes. For quite some time now, St. Agnes has been looking for a large quantity of fill to be used for increasing the elevations of several low spots on both properties. As you know, the Church property located on the south side of Manhanset Avenue and ad- jacent to your marina, is currently being used as a cemetery. There is however, a substantial portion of this site that cannot be used as a cemetery, unless and until the area is built up to an elevation that is at least equal to the remainder of the cemetery. On the other hand, the Church property located on the north side of Manhanset Avenue is not yet being used as a cemetery. This site however, has been reserved for use as a future cemetery. Unfortunately, this property has been illegally used by others as a dump site, which we have been unable to prevent. St. Agnes would like to upgrade and improve this area by cleaning up the refuse and increasing the overall elevation of the site. The site would then be landscaped with "rolling hills" and the nat- ural pond and marsh areas would be enhanced as major focal points. To preserve as much open space as possible, St. Agnes would like to develop mausoleum structures on this property rather than using the standard cemetery plots which require a much larger amount of space. We have specifically reviewed the proposed projects at BREWER YACHT YARD, including the proposed Site Plan and Topographic Maps for both of the Church sites " . . ST. AGNES R. C. CHURCH . . , FRONT STREET GREENPORT. NEW YORK 11944 (516) 477-0048 and for the relocation of the fill. We feel these maps accur- ately depict the Church's future plans for these areas. In addition, we have reviewed the plans for the excavation of the boat basin adjacent to St. Agnes Cemetery, and have no objections with the propoesed 55' setback from our property which will be used for an access drive and one row of 900 parking. In fact, we believe that your proposed development will be a positive addition to the area and we strongly support it. We fully endorse the proposed plan of BREWER YACHT YARD and by this letter, formally request the use of the excavated and dredged materials. Reverend Rocco Gallitelli IC"'\ ~ fi l~r- I' . '-2> '-<<.-. ~-<-c-" .-i-f- .. .. . . ~ TELEPHO'E 15161765-1892 BOARD OF TO'" TRl qEE:, TOWN OF SOlJTHOLD Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O Box 728 Southold. New York 11971 December 20, 1983 Mr. Daniel S. Natchez and Associates Suite 1100 555 Alda Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543 Dear Mr. Natchez: At our monthly meeting the Southold Board of Trustees again reviewed your proposal and look forward to seeing your finalized plan, in the near future. We are glad you are open to comments and recommendations from this board. We hope you will incorporate the suggested pump out facilities we spoke about at our first meeting. This will be a major asset to the area and will go a long way in correcting some of the problems caused by heavy boating in Sterling Creek. Looking forward to hearing from you in the near future. Very truly yours, Board of Town Trustees Rzd ~J:t~-uLi-r~~_~, of' Paul Stoutenburgh President PS:ip cc: Planning Board/ Building Dept./ Town Board / Trustees ,/ ( , . . . DAN I E L 5. N ATe H E Z and ASS 0 C I ATE 5, Inc. Office of the President RECEIVED JUN 201984 Suite 1100 555 Aide Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543.4002 (914) 698.5678 Town Clerk Southold June 18, 1984 Army Corps of Engineers New York District 19th Floor 20 Federal Plaza \ew York, t-iY 10278 ;,ttn: Richard L. Tomer Chief, Construction Permits East RE: BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. PROPOSED EXCA V A nON, RELOCA nON OF A TRAVELlFT WELL, BULKHEADlNG, MAINTENANCE-DREDGING, AND RECONFlGURAnON OF FLOATING PIER ASSEMBLY PROJECTS. Stirling Basin Greenport Harbor Village of Greenport Town of Southold County of Suffolk State of New York Gentlemen: ',,'e have been asked by BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREF\PORT. I\C.. to assist them in their desire to undertake the above-referenced proJects. Attached, please fInd a copy of the following items: I) The Army Corps of Englneers' ApplicaUon Et-iG Form 4345. 2) The Army Corps of Engineers' NANY Form - 201, supplementing Form 4345. 3) Our letter dated June IS, 1984 supplementing the above application. 4) A copy of our applications to N.Y.S.D.E.C. and N.Y.S.D.O.S. - Federal Consistency CertificatlOn Form. 5) A copy of our applications to the Village of Greenport. . . BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC.-6/18/8L.-Page 2 6) A copy of our appl1cations to the Town of Southold, including: a) Southold Town Board, b) Southold Board of Town Trustees, and c) Southold Planning Board We would be happy to discuss this appltcation and answer an\' qJestions you may have. Sincerely, DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. ,-----) ?' BY: / / (/>~ DSN/dst Enclosures cc: BREWEWR YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. N. Y .S.D.E.C. N.Y.S.D.O.S. Village of Greenport Southold Planning Board Southold Town Board Southold Board of Town Trustees . APPLICATION FOR DEPARTM.OF THE ARMY PERMIT ~B APPROVAL NO. 0702.0036 (33 CFR 325) Expires 30 Ju.ne 1986 ..The Department of the Army permit program is authorized by Section 10 of the River and Harbor Act of 1899, Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Section 103 of the Marine, Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act. These laws require permits authorizing activities in or affecting navigable waters of the United States, the discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States, and the transportation of dredged material for the purpose of dumping it into ocean waters. Information provided on this form will be used in evaluating the application for a permit. Information in this application is made a matter of public record through issuance of a public notice. Disclosure of the information requested is voluntary; however, the data requested are necessary in order to communicate with the applicant and to evaluate the permit application. If necessary information is not provided, the permit application cannot be processed nor can a permit be issu~d. One set of original drawings or good reproducible copies which show the location and character of the proposed activity must be attached to this application (see sample drawings and instructions) and be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity, An application that is not completed in full will be returned. 1. APPLICATION NUMBER (To beas.i,ned by Corp., 3. NAME, ADDRESS, AND TITLE OF AUTHORIZED AGENT DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. 555 AIda Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543 2. "'AME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT TellJphone no. during busine.. hours BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT , INC. Manhanset Avenue and Beach Road Ale (914) 698-5678 (Re.tdence) Greenport, New York 11944 kC ( ) (Office) Statement of Authorization: I hareby designata and authorize to act in my bahalf as my Telephone no. during business hours agant in the processing of this parmit application and to furnish, upon request, supplemental information in support of the application, A,C ( 516, 477-9594 (Residence) SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE AIC ( , (Office) FRVe" , 6 - I ~( -''is,"! 4 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED ACTIVITY I 4, ACTIVITY The projects covered by this application. include: 1) Excavation of a "U" shaped boat basin down to a depth of S' below Mean Low Water. with the removal of approximately 55,250 cu. yds. from an overall area of approximately 115,825 sq. ft. ; 2) Removal of approximately 405 lineal feet of existing timber pile bulkhead; 3) Re loc a tion of a travel lift well; 4) Construction of approximately 1,195 lineal feet of interlocking wood sheeting bulkhead around the perimeter of the proposed boat basin and travel lift well; 5) Removal of the existing docking facility SEE ATTACHED SUPPLEMENT. 4b PURPOSE - Upgrade the quality of the local recreational docking facilities, while providing an increase in the amount of pu b lic access to the waterfront; - Increase boat-hauling and launch ing capacities by providing a lift well that can accommodate a 60 ton tra velift; - Improve the efficiency of on-site boat storage; - Improve the efficiency of on-site automobile parking and circulation: < SEE ATTACHED SUPPLEMENT. 4, D;SCHARGE OF DREDGED OR FILL MATERIAL The dredged materials (approximately 10,500 cu. yds.) , will be placed on the applicant's property, semi-dried, mixed with the materia 1 being excavated, and then deposited upland at three locations: 1) On-site disposal of a pproxima tely 2,500 - 3.500 cu. yds. 2) St. Agnes Cemetery located immediately west of the applicant's property. This 95,000+ sq. ft. area will accommodate approximately 10,000 - 11 , 500 cu. yds. The existing ground elevation is approximately 2' - 4' above Mean Sea Level, and will be raised to an average of approximately 5' - 7' SEE ATTACHED SUPPLEMENT. - =NG FORM 4345, Apr 83 EDITION OF 1 OCT 77 IS OBSOLETE (Proponant: OAEN.CWO-N) . 5. NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS, LESSEES, ETC., WHOSE PROPERTY ALSO ADJOINS THE WATERWAY West - St. Agnes Cemetery St. Agnes Church, Greenport, NY 11944 East - Town of Southold Main Road Southold, NY 11971 6 WATERBODY AND LOCATION ON WATERBODY WHERE ACTIVITY eXISTS OR IS PROPOSED Greenport Harbor - Stirling Basin 7. LOCATION ON LAND WHERE ACTIVITY EXISTS OR IS PAOPOSED ADDRESS: Manhanset Avenue and Beach Road STPEET, RCAC, ROUTE OR OTHER DESCRIPTIVE LOCATION Suffolk COUNTY New York STATE 11944 ZIP CODE Village of Greenport Town of Southold LOCAL GOVERNING BODY WITH JURISDICTION OVER SITE 8. Is any portion of tne activity for which authorization is sought now complete? 0 YES [XNO It answer is "Yes" give reasons, month and veef tMe acti"dty IIIIIIS completed. Indicate the existing work on tn. drawings. 9 List all aporovals or certifications and denials received from other federal, interstate, state or local agencies for any structures, construction, J.s.:harges or Otner activities described in this application. ISSUING AGENCY N.Y.S.D.E.C. II.Y.S.D.O.S. Village of GreenQort Town or Southold Planning Board Town Board of Trustees Town Board TYPE APPROVAL IDENTIFICATION NO. Permit Consistency Cert. Permit Site Plan Approval Permit Permit DATE OF APPLICATION DATE OF APPROVAL Pending " DATE OF DENIAL " " " " ~ 0 Appl icatlon is hereby made for II permit or permits to authorize the activities described herein, I certify that I am familiar with the information contllined in this application, end that to the best of my knowledge end belief such informatiOn is true, complete, and accurete, I further certify that I pOS$8ss the authority to undertake the proposed activities or I am .cting as the duly authorized agent of the applicant. (,-''''/-1;<-) DATE . 7 lll'/;" DATE The application must be signed by the person who desires to undertake the proposed actiLrity (applicant) or it may be signed by a duly authorized agent if the statement in Block 3 has been filled out and signed. 18 LT,S.C, Section 1001 provides that: Whoever, in any manner within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of The United States knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals, or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact or makes any false, fictitious or fr:l.Udulent statements or representations or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing same to contain any false~fictitious or fraudulent statement or entry, shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than five years, or both. Do not send a permit processing fee with this application. The appropriate fee will be assessed when a permit is issued. . . BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. PROPOSED EXCAVATION. BULKHEADING. MAINTENANCE DREDGING AND RECONFIGURATION OF FLOATING PIER ASSEMBLY PROJECTS JUNE Hi. 19B4 SUPPLEMENT TO ARMY CORPS FORM 4345 4. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED ACTIVITY 4a. Activity (cont.) consisting of approximately 655 lineal feet of main dock. 51 finger piers. and 42 piles; 6) Construction of ne.... floating pier (dock) assemblies consisting of a total of 1.450 lineal feet of main dock. 90 finger piers. and 95 piles; 7l ~laintenance-dredging by clam shell and barge and/or drag line of an irregularly-shaped area of approximately 120.800 sq. ft. and the removal of approximately 10.500 cu. yds. of material. 8) Upland relocation of approximately 65,750 cu. yds. of dredged and excavated materials. 4b. Purpose (cont.) Increase the Provide St. upgrade and llIlprove the properties. quality and quantity of boat maintenance and repair services; Agnes Church ....ith a majority of the fill material needed to improve their properties for use as cemeteries; overall aesthetic quality of the marina and neighboring church 4c. Discharge of Dredged or Fill Material (cont.) upon completion of the filling project. 3) St. Agnes Cemetery located along the north side of Manhanset Ave.. and directly across from the applicant's property. Tins undeveloped 11.8 acre site ....ill accommodate approximately 52.000 cu. yds. of matenal. The existing elevation of this site ranges from approximately 2.0 to 8.0 feet above :dean Sea Level. Upon completion of the filling project. the average elevation of the site ....ill be approximately 10.0' feet above Mean Sea Level. . SUPPLEMENT TO ENe FOIM-4345 - Complete and .ubmit. alODg vith material. requ..t.d below .nd .xecut.d ENe FOT\ll-4345. "Application for a OA pat'lllit". If DlC....TY. continue ttem on In additional .heet. Identify eatTY by item aumber. CEK!\l.AL 1. Period of time required to complete the propo.ed _rk. loth actual _rk time and duration of the project are re~uired (i.e.. three weeks of _rk t~ oYer a ~- month "eriod), Oct.I984-May 198 Actual construction time - 25 to 30 months. 2. Information char.cteristic of neighborhood (i.e.. high. medium. or low density; residential. commercial. or industrial). Low density residential and waterfront commercial - marinas, boat yards, etc. 3. Types of .djacent marine structures and approximate distance fron the project site. Adjacent boat basin (bulkhead and pile anchored floats)-approximately 600' west Swing moorings maintained by BREWERS and being removed - approximately 50-90' south of existing docking facility. 4. Distance to noise sensitive areas !i.e.. .choola. ho.pitals, ete). Hospital - approximately 1,200' southwest (across Stirling Basin) School - approximately 5,000' south (across Stirling Basin) School - approximately 8,000' north 5. Types of constrUction equipment to be used during constructinn and number of each type (i.e. , '>ulldozers. trucks. cran~s, etc). Backhoe, 2 - 3 trucks, piledriver, clamshell and barge and/or dragline dredge operation. 6. Submit representative photographs, color.if possible. of the project area. Ident~!: ~ictures (i.e.. view from north. ~~~t.. etc.. time and da te 1" ken). Out- . .__ ...& ...: - ..._l. __ ... See Attac ed. 7. Iadicate on your project plans and nn photographs of the li~.(I} the Incatinn nf any wetlands vegetation (such as cordgras~, reedgrass and cattails) in the construction area. Identifv ohoto2raohs as indicated in box 6. SEE ATTACHED. 8. Indicate the locallon ~~ known historical or archaenlogieal site(.) within the one 0 . project limits. 'I. Submit enpy of any completed environmental .tudies or reports on the prol'osetl project. See Attached Letter by DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. dated 6/15/84 10. Di.cu.s .Iternative. to the propo.ed project which were investigated including alternative locatinn.. disposal areas. construction techniques etc. and why they were relected See Attached Letter by DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. dated _ . 6/15/84 . . NANY F0Rl1-201 Feb 78 ", . 11. DRlDGI!lC - UPt.AllD DISPOSAL Submit s~cific 10~tion. and photol~aph.. c010~ if possib1.{ sit.(s} fo~ the depo!ktion of a~edged mate~ia1. Identify a1 of the p~opo..d photographs as : --.I '.hi...~' E ATTACHED. , 12. ~sMH'E'e ~;\fNfll.t c\M,~rnl1 oka~f~ d!~l?:tlOl~ ite (s). , 2) St. Agnes West - existing cemetery 3) St. Agnes North - future cemetery (currently undeveloped) 13. Indicatr. physical MA>ure of d~edged mAte~ial (i.e. . sllnd. sl1 t. clay ~ tc). Give pe~cent'ges of the ~arious f~actions. if available. sandy, with some silt and small percentage of clay, gravel. 14. For maintenance ~~edging. DA permits a~e generally issced f~~ a 10 year perl~d. Indicate the number of times dredging is anticipated over a 10 year period and the totAl capacity (cubic yards) of the proposed disposal sire(.) which will he used to accommodate the dredged material. Maintenance-dredging will be undertaken 3-4 times over a ten-ye~r period. Capacity of disposal site - N/A. Dredged material will be mixed with upland excavated materials and used as fill. SEE ATTACHED. 15. Describ~ !l1ethod of dredged material containment ({.e.. emban~~ent. bulkhead. etc). earth embankment - dredged material will be deposited onsite, semi-dried, mixed with excavated material and then relocated. SEE ATTACHED. DREDGING - O~EN WATER DISPOSAL 16. Por maintenance dredging. DA Permits are generally issued for a In y".r pe~icd. Indicate the number of times dredging is anticipated over a In year period. 17. Submit required testine data (testing criteria wi 11 be furnished upon reqcest). 18. Discuss alternatives to open wster disposal of dredged material and why they were rejected. MOORING FACILITIES . 19. Number of water craft using the present marina facility. Are pumpout facilities available? Approximately 90-94 recreational boats. No pumpout facilities are currently provided. 20. Numb.r and type of water craft which will utilize the proposed marina or docking facility. Will pumpout facilities be provided for? Approximately 170-180 recreational boats. Pumpout facilities will be provided. LAND FILL . 2l. Indicate type of structur.s to b. built 0" the proposed l_f!~-' ~Is '-'eme~e~_~'?~t~ fl1 . Ma 0 eum struc ures graves. 22. Type of fill to be used (i.... sand. stone. rubble. earth. etc). gravel, sand, silt and some clay. 23. Method of fill plscement. ; Dump truck. 24. Describe any proposed methods for control line turbidity during filling operatio". J.)f A -,,+1 ,materials- will be placed upland solutely no fill will be placed on or within 25' of ~ny MHW line. SEE ATTACHED. NAN'! FORM-201 F.." 18 (back) . . DAN I E L S. N ATe H E Z and ASS 0 C I ATE S, Inc. Office of the President Suite 1100 555 Aida Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543-4002 (914) 698-5678 June 15. 1984 Army Corps of Engineers New York District 26 Federal Plaza New York, New York Attn: Richard L. Tomer Chief, Construction Permits East RE: BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BULKHEADING MAINTENANCE-DREDGING, AND RECONFIGURATION OF FLOATING PIER ASSE~BLY PROJECTS Gentlemen: BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC., (hereinafter referred to as - BREWERS) has asked us to assist them in obtaining the necessary regulatory approvals for undertaking the above-referenced projects. This letter provides additional information supporting the proposed proJects, and is dlvided into the following sections: 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 11. BACKGROUND ON BREWERS AND THE NEED FOR UPGRADING AND EXPANDING THEIR MARINA Ill. ADDITIONAL SUPPORTING INFOR~ATION IV. ALTERNATIVES I. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT: BREWERS is seeking approval to expand and upgrade their marina. as follows: 1) Excavate a "U" shaped boat basin and travelift well within an overall area of 115,825 sq. ft. , and remove a total of 55,250 cu. yds. of material. a 24' x 60' approximately approximately 2) Remove approximately 405 lineal feet pile bulkhead that extends from Dock is located along the south end of basin. The excavated bulkhead will be by a local carting company. of existing timber #1 to Dock #5 and the proposed boat disposed of upland . . BYY AG-Corps-Letter of Support-6/l5/84, Page 2. 3) Construct and Maintain a new timber bulkhead approximately 1,195 lineal feet along the entire west, north, and east perimeter of the proposed boat basin and lift well. The wood bulkhead will consist of 3" x 12" interlocking timber sheeting and 14" diameter piles driven down to a depth approximately 14.3 feet below Mean Low Water into firm bottom materials to provide an adequate base. In addition, there will be a sufficient tie-back system consisting uf continuous (reinforced concrete) "deadman" anchors that will be attached to each timber pile along the bulkhead with 2" diameter tie rods. The proposed bulkhead will tie into the existing timber bulkhead that runs from east to west along the south shoreline of the ~larina. 4) Relocate and expand a travelift by removing one runway extension approximately 40' in length located between Dock #3 and Dock #4. The proposed travelift well (approximately 60' x 24'), will be excavated along the east side of the proposed boat basin and will be able to accommodate an approximate 60-ton travelift. 5) Remove the existing floating pier assemblies as follows: Dock "1 located on consisting of: a! approximately 60' pile located on the the west side of the marina, One(l) main line of floats x 8'; and b) One (1 ) timber south end of the dock. Dock #2 located on the west side of the manna, consisting of: a) One( 1) main line of floats approximately lSL' x 6'; b) One liT" head fleat approximately 60' x 6' located perpendicular to the south end of the main float line; cJ Eleven( 11) finger piers approximately 25' xl.' located along the east and west sides of the main float; d) One(l) float approximately 45' x 5' located perpendicular to the north end of the main float; and e) 13 timber piles located at the ends of each finger pier and "T" head float. Dock #3 located on the west side of the marina, consisting of: a) One!.lJ main line of floats a pproxima tely 140' x 6'; b) One ( 1 ) "T" head float approxima tely 60' x 6' loca ted perpendicular to the south end of the main float line; cJ Ten( 10) finger piers approximately 25' xl.' located along the east and west sides of the main float; d! Twol2:' finger piers approximately 35' xl.' located perpendicular to . . BYY AG-Corps-Letter of Support-6/15/84, Page 3. the "T" head float; e) One(1) float approximately 45' x 5' located perpendicular to the north end of the main float; and fi 12 timber piles located at the ends of each finger pier and "T" head no at. Dock #4 located on the east side of the marina, consisting of: a) One(l) main line of floats approximately 114' x 6'; b) One(IJ "T" head float approximately 60' x 6' located perpendicular to the south end of the main float line; c) Six(6) finger piers approximately 28' x 4' located along the east and west sides of the main float; di C;-,ei,l/ float approximately L5' x 5' located perpendicular to the north end of the main float; and e) 8 timber piles located at the ends of each finger pier and "T" head float. Dock #5 located on the east side of the marina, consisting of: aJ One( 1) main line of floats approximately 114' x 6'; b) One (1) "T" head float approximately 60' x 6' located perpendicular to the south end of the main float line; cJ Six(6) finger piers approximately 28' x 4' located along the east and west sides of the main float; d) One( I) float approximately 45' x 5' located perpendicular to the north end of the main float; and e) 8 timber piles located at the ends of each finger pier and "T" heat float. 6) Construct, Install and Maintain a series of new floating pier (dock) assemblies as follows: Dock A located on the ','est slde of the proposed boat basin and in the vicinity where Docks #1 and #2 are currently in place, consisting of: a) Onell) main line of floats approximately 245' x 6'; b) One(l) timber ramp approximately 12' x 4' located at the north end of the main float; cJ SiX(bJ finger piers approXimately 50' xl,' located along the west side of the main float; d) One(l) finger pier approximately 35' x 40 located along the west side of the main float; e) Six(6) finger piers approximately 40' x 4' located along the east side of the main float; and f) 13 timber piles approximately 12" in diameter and 40' in length located at the ends of each finger pier and main float line, adding stability to the structure. . . BYY AG-Corps-Letter of Support-6/15/84, Page 4. Dock B located in the center of the proposed boat basin and in the vicinity where Dock #3 is currently in place, consisting of: a) One( 1) main line of floats approximately 645' x 8'; b) One(l) timber ramp approximately 12' x 4' located at the north end of the main float; c) 36 finger piers approximately 30' x 4' located along the east and west sides of the main float; and e) 40 timber piles approximately 12" in diameter and 40' in length, located at the ends of each fi:1ger pier and the main float line, adding stability to the structure. Dock C located on tne east side of tne proposed boat basin and in the vicinity where Docks #4 and ,;5 are currently in place, consisting of: a) One( 1) primary line of main floats approximately 125' x 6'; b) OneIl) timber ramp approximately 12' x 4' located at the north end of the primary float and connected to the eXIsting timber bulkhead; c) Three(3) finger piers approximately 40' x 4' located along the west side of the primary float; d) Two(2) secondary main floats approximately 205' x 6' located parallel to one another and extending perpendicular from the east side of the primary float; e) Eight(8) finger piers approximately 25' x 4' located along the north side of the southern-most secondary float; f) Fi ve (5) finger piers approximately 50' x 4' located along the south side of the southern-most secondary float; and gl 15 timber piles approximately 12" in diameter and 40' in length located at the ends of each finger pier and along the primary and secondary float lines, adding stability to the structure. Twenty-foud24) finger piers approximately W' X 4' located along the east, north, and west perimeter of the proposed boat basin with twenty-fourr 24) timber ramps approximately 12' x [.' located along the proposed boat basin and connected to each finger pier; and 24 timber piles approximately 12" in diameter and 40' in length located at the ends of each finger pier. adding stability to the structures. One(l) "L" shaped floating service dock located on the east side of the proposed boat basin and immediately north of the proposed lift well, consisting of: a) One(l) line of floats approximately 25' X 6' located parallel to the . ., BYY AG-Corps-Letter of Support-6/l5/84, Page 5. proposed bulkhead; b) One (1 ) line of floats approximately 34' x 6' located perpendicular to the proposed bulkhead; and c) 3 timber piles approxImately 12" in diameter and 40' in length located at the end and along the side of the service float, adding stability to the structure. 7) Maintenance-dredge an irregularly-shaped area approximately 120,800 sq. ft. to an average depth of 8' below Mean Low Water and remove approximately 10,500 cubic yards of material as measured IN PLACE, (Approximately 10,050 cu. yds. from an area within the Village of Greenport, and L.50 cu. yds. from within the Town of Southold) . The area to recei ve maintenance-dredging is located throughout the existing docking facility and includes the additional water areas (approximately 23,960 sq, ft.) that are required for the proposed pier configuration. All maintenance-dredging activities will be undertaken by clamshell and barge and/or drag line operations. The material being dredged will be placed on BREWER'S upland property, semi-dried, and then relocated as part of No. 8 below. 8) Upland Relocation of the Excavated and Dredged \laterial: There will be a total of approximately 65,750 cu. yds. of material removed from the project site. This includes approximately 55,250 cubic yards of material being excavated from the proposed boat basin, and approximately 10,500 cubic yards of material removed by the maintenance-dredging operations. All of the dredged materials will be mixed with the materials being excavated and deposited upland at three different locations. The proposed disposal sites are: 1) On-site disposal of approximately 2,500 - 3,500 cubic yards; 2) St. Agnes Cemetery located immediately west and adjacent to BREWER'S property. Approximately 10,000 - 11,500 cubic yards will be deposited in this location to Increase the average ground elevation by approxImately 2 - 4'; and 3) St. Agnes Cemetery located adjacent to BREWER MARINA on the North side of Manhanset Avenue. Approximately 52,000 cubic yards will be deposited on this undeveloped 11.8 acre site. 11. BACKGROUND ON BREWER YACHT YARD AND NEED FOR THE PROJECTS BREWERS is a recreationally-oriented commercial marina located on the north side of Stirling Basin, in Greenport Harbor. BREWERS is located in both the Town of Southold and the Incorporated Village of Greenport, County of Suffolk, :\ew York. The exact location of BRE\'JERS is shown en the vicinity maps that are attached to this application. . . BYY AG-Corps-Letter of Support-6/15/84, Page 6, BREWERS is the home for approximately 90-95 recreational boats which range in lengths up to 50+'. BREWERS provides additional related marina services including: boat repair and maintenance operations, a 20-ton travelift, and wet and dry boat storage facilities. All of these support services are designed to enhance recreational boating activities and provide a means for public access to Stirling Basin, Greenport Harbor, Long Island Sound, and the Atlantic Ocean. For the past several years, pleasure boating has represented one of New York's fastest growing recreational activities. In order to help accommodate this increasing demand for recreational boats, there will have to be a proportional increase in the amount of docking facilities and related services such as repair and launching operations. The Stirling Basin and Greenport Harbor area is no exception to this increasing demand for public access to the waterfront. There are several reasons for this, some of which include: 1) The Village of Greenport' s and the Town of Southold' s proximity to the New York metropolitan area - approximately 80-90 miles east; 2) The nearby location of a deep water channel that provides easy access to the Atlantic Ocean through Gardiners Bay: 31 Naturally-protected harbors and bays; and [.) A steady increase in the amount of tourism throughout the area because of Greenport' s small town atmosphere, seaport ambience, and historic architecture. The Village of Greenport and Town of Southold have always relied greatly on the water for their primary economic base. Long ago, this took the form of ship-building and commercial fishmg cperatlOns. Unfortunately, the area is now experiencing some economic and employment problems. To help broaden and expand the local economic base, the area has been supporting and enhancing a variety of recrea tion and tourist activities. Over the years, the demand for public access to recreational facilities has grown to acute proportions, while the amount of available space for these facilities has decreased significantly. Since boating represents one of New York's fastest growing recreational activities, one very effective way to help accomplish the goal of providing additional docking facilities, is to upgrade and expand the limited number of existing marinas. In short, the proposed marina redesign projects at BREWERS will help restore and revitalize this waterfront area for marine-related recreational uses. The proposed projects will help strengthen the economic base of the Greenport Harbor area by developing and enhancing boating-related activities which are in the spirit of Greenport's unique maritime identity. In addition, by providing pur;:pout facilities, the project will help encourage the use of an important and sought-after sanitary waste system. . . BYY AG-Corps-Letter of Support-6/15/84, Page 7. 111. ADD1T10NAL SUPPORTI~G INFORMATION lmpact on Fresh Water Supply Any excavation project in this region of Long lsland, must be undertaken in a manner that will insure that the project will not deplete and/or endanger the area's fresh water supply. The availability of fresh water throughout the region has become the subject of recent concern, and several reports and analyses have shown that future development in the Greenport/Southold area should only be allowed if there will not be any danger to the local fresh water supply. BREWERS shares these concerns and has conducted various tests and consulted ,...'ith notable pI'ofessi0nals to maKe sure that there ....;,ill be no adverse impacts as a result of the proposed excavation projects. As can be seen from the attached vicinity maps, BREWERS is located on a peninsula that was created as a result of major excavation projects that were undertaken over time. These existing canals and boat basins "cut" much farther inland than the proposed "U-shaped" excavation at BRE\~ERS. Thus, in several areas, the existing salt-water/fresh water mterface protrudes inland a greater distance than the proposed excavation project at BREWERS. In addition, the peninsula is almost entirely served by the Village of Greenport Water Uhlity's plped water. There are no public wells or public well fields within 4500' of the project site. The peninsula is considered by many to have been e:i;];lnatec as a source of fresh water supply for other areas because of the previous excavations and the low water table contours. For these reasons, the proposed excavation project at BREWERS, cannot be considered as "inland" excavation. According to Robert A. Villa, P. E., Chief Engineer for the Suffolk County DlVision of Environmental Health, professional hydrologists from the Suffolk County Hea:th Dept. conducted a field inspecti:cn and reviewed the proposed projects. Their conclusion is, that: "Since the peninsula where the project is located is not really a source of the Village water supply, we (Suffolk County) have no objections to the proposaL.." A summary of their report is attached to the application. Furthermore, H2M which is the Consulting Engineering Firm for the Village of Greenport and the Vlllage of Greenport Water Utillty, has determined that the proposed excavation project will not have a substantive impact on the fresh ground water storage. Again, the primary reason for this is that the project site is located on a peninsula and is completely isolated from the Village of Greenport water supply's existing wells. The H2M report is included as part of the application. ln order to maintain the lntegrity of the fresh water/salt water interface, BREIIERS pr:cposes to undertake the project with the use of tight interlocking wood sheeting for the bulkhead. The bulkhead will be constructed around the entire area bemg excavated and will extend from a height of approximately 6' above Mean Sea Level, to approximately 10' below ~Iean Sea Level. . . BYY AG-Corps-Letter of Support-6/1S/84, Page 8. Impact on Navigation The proposed reconfiguration of the floating pier assemblies will not encroach on or interfere with navigation in Stirling Basin. This includes the Federal Basin located an average of approximately 60' from the south end of the proposed docking facility and the Federal Channel located approx1mately 300' - 400' south of the proposed floating pier assemblies. The reconfiguration of Dock C on the east side of the manna, will not extend any farther into Stirling Basm than the overall lengths of the two existing docks (Dock #4 and #5) currently located in this area. Upon completion, the west side of the marina (Dock A and Dock B), w111 . be extended approximately 45', and will cover an additional water area of approximately one-quarter of an acre. It should be noted however, that boats being 1T,00red along the southwest end of the proposed docking facility (Dock A and Dock B), will still be farther away from the north slde of the Federal Basin than the existing and authorized lengths of Docks #4 and #5 located on the east side of the marina. In addition, the proposed lengths of Dock A and Dock B on the west side of the marina, will be increased to the point where they form a straight line wlth the ends of docks on the east side of the property, (Dock C) and wah the docks located at Stirling Harbor Marina located approximately 600' west of BREWERS. BRE\\ERS is aware of the fact that there are several underwater land grants within Stirling Basin. Upon completion of the reconfiguration projects, the new dockmg facility will be an average of approximately 50' shoreward of the 293,370 sq. ft. parcel of underwater land that was granted to Herbert Fordham on May 18, 1934. ln addition, the new docks will range from approximately 40' 100' shoreward of the Pier and Bulkhead Line that was apnroved by the Secretary of War back on January 5, 1894. As can be seen from the attached maps, the Pier and Bulkhead Line appears to be in the same relative location as the Federal Basin line. In return for the expansion on the west side of the marina, BREWERS will remove eight (8) eleven (11) swing moorings located 1mmediately south of the existing docking facility. These eight(8) - eleven! II) swing moorings currently occupy a water area of approximately 2.25 acres. Furthermore, since only .25 acres of water space will be required for the extension of the docks on the west side of the marina, once the swing moorings are removed, there will be an additional 2.0 acres of water space available for navigation m this area. Upland Relocation of the Excavated and Dredged Material Includmg the boat basin, the travelift well, and all mamtenance-dredging activities, there will be approximately 65,750 cubic yards of material removed from the project site. Of this, approximately 10,050 cu. yds. will be from maintenance-dredging within the Village of . . . BYY AG-Corps-Letter of Support-6/15/84, Page 9. Greenport; 450 cu. yds. from maintenance-dredging within the Town of Southold; 52.950 cu. yds. from upland excavation within the Town of Southold; and 2,300 cu. yds. from upland excavation within the Village of Greenport. Approximately 2,500 - 3,500 cubic yards of this material will be relocated on-site, in order to attain the proper elevations and contours for improving the drainage patterns and for accommodating the additional related activities such as automobile parking, boat storage, boat repair, and maintenance services. Currently, there is a difference of approximately:).) feet in elevation from Manhanset Ave. to the water'b edge. Unfortunately, there are a few "low" areas throughout the site that have created minor drainage problems during periods of heavy rainfall. The most apparent "low" area IS approximately 120,000 sq. ft. located along the west side of the property and mcludes the east side of St. Agnes Cemetery. The average elevatIOns throughout this area range from approXImately 2' - 4' above Mean Sea Level. This area will be built up to an average ground elevation of approximately 5' - 7' above '.l.S.L. It is desired to have the entire site at a relatively flat elevation' so there will be no major constrain ts for parking and winter boat-storage purposes. Altogether, there Will be approximately 12,000 15,000 cu. yds. of material deposited on-site and along the east side of St. Agnes Cemetery which is contiguous to the area that needs to be filled along the west side of BRE'.~i:.RS. In addition, there is a sty,all section of tidal marsh grass iSpartina) locatec' in tree southeast corner of the site. NO FlLL WILL BE PLACED ON OR WlTHIN 25' OF THE M.H.W. UNE IN TH1S AREA. This special condition will help to insure the productivity of this sensitive intertidal marsh zone. "tost of the material being removed (approximately 52,000 cubic yards), w111 be transported across ~Ianhanset Avenue to a site located directly acress free, BREWER YACHT YARD. All of the rr.aterial "..ill be trucked mto the primary relocation site at a point directly across from BREWERS entrance drive located on Manhanset Avenue. This undeveloped 11.8 acre site is owned and maintained by St. Agnes Church, and will be used as a future cemetery once the area has been upgraded and improved. In order for this site to be used as a future cemetery, however, a large amount of fill will first be needed to increase the average elevation throughout the property. As can be seen from the attached Topographic "lap, there is an extensive low area throughout the site which is approximately 195,000 sq. ft. or 4.5 acres in size. The site is primarily an old field which is becoming overgrown with diverse vegetation. The most distinguishable environmental feature is a small fresh-water pond -- approximately two to three acres in size, depending on the amount of rainfall and subsequent ground water elevation. The pond is located on the south edge of the site and along ;,lanhanset Avenue. St. Agnes Church realizes the environmental and aesthetic value of this pond, and Wishes to accentuate this area as a major focal point around which the cemetery will be developed. Absolutely NO FILL MATERIAL WILL BE PLACED ON OR WlTHIN 25 feet of this pond. Thus, the pond will be completely protected and even enhanced. . . BYY AG-Corps-Letter of Support-6/15/84, Page 10. The northern boundary of the primary disposal site is comprised of a earth dike that was constructed several years ago to retain a large quantity of dredged spoils. This previous disposal site is currently undeveloped, and has an average elevation of approximately 2.5 - 4.0 feet above Mean Sea Level. This area will serve as the primary drainage basin for the northwest section of the proposed relocation site, The western edge of the primary disposal site is delineated by a tidal marsh that forms a natural and scenic boundary between ::1. Agnes Cemetery and the already-developed Stirling Cemetery. Similar to the fresh water pond, S1. Agnes Church is aware of the significance of this lntertidal marsh zone. ln order to protect thiS area, no matenal ".111 be deposited within 25' from the edge of the hlghwater l1ne. The remaining 8+ acres of upland are gradually becoming overgrown with small trees, shrubs. and various plants that are common broughout Eastern Long lsland. The vegetation includes; black locust, black cherry, red maple. red cedar, grey birch and oak. The more open sectlOns of the field are dominated by: bay berry, poison lVy, golden rod, and switchgrass. ln addition, the site is frequently used as a dumping ground for all kinds of rubbish, including old tires, furniture, etc. As can be seen from the attached Grading Plan, the new topography of the primary relocation site will not exceed an elevation of approximately 15' above ;'iSL. ln addition, the site will be graded to an apprOX1IT,ate 6% slope. The resulting drainage pattern has been designed to channel runoff towards the following areas: 1) The previous spoils area located cn the north side of the site; 2) The fresh water pond located on the south edge of the site; and 3) the salt marsh located on the east side of the site. The fresh and salt water ponds as well as the previOUS spoils area, will act as retention basins for the anticipated runoff from the disposal site. Drainage swales will be gn.ded to help channel the runoff toward these natural retention areas. ln addition, the drainage s".ales Will be revegetated with grass to help protect against erosion and sedimentation by reducing the velocity of flow. Also, vegetative measures will be used to provide a temporary cover to help control erosion during construction, The temporary vegetation will consist of mulch and/or perennial rye grass WhlCh are frequently used to protect recently-constructed slopes. These types of protective ground cover will help reduce runoff by allowing more water to infiltrate the soil. ln addition, mulch and other forms of temporary cover are essential for establ1shing good stands of grasses by reducing the loss of soil mOisture by evaporation, holding seeds and fertilizer in place, and reducing seedling damage from the heaving of the soil caused by freezing and thaws. During constructlOn, fill material will only be placed in one area at a time to avoid having a lar,;e area bare and unprotected. As construction is completed in one area, grading will then proceed to another. . . BYY AG-Corps- Letter of Su pport-6/15/84, Page 11. In short, the primary relocation site does not represent a significant or critical environmental habitat. In addition, because of its proximity to B REWE R YACHT YARD (approximately 50 feet south across Manhanset Avenue), all trucking operations to and from this area will not cause any disturbance to any of the nearby residents. A temporary access drive into the site will extend directly across from the existing entrance drive at BREWER's. There are no obstructions or tight curves at this point along Manhasset A venue. Ill. ALTERNATIVES Upon investigation, it is clear that the proposed project as outlined above. is the only practical and economically-viable approach available to BREWERS to help satisfy the increaslDg demand for public access to the waterfront. Given the existing design and configuration of the ~,!arina. there are no other reasonable solutions to increase the amount of docking facilities, unless the existing docks were extended into the FEDERAL BASIN. This alternative is completely unacceptable since the docks would interfere with the navigation in Stirling Basin. Another unacceptable alternative would be to extend the existing docking facility along the east and/or west shorelines of Stirling Basin - beyond the ripanan boundries of the marina's property and directly in front of their neighboring property owners. Another alternative that was considered was to undertake a smaller project, either by cutting back the excavation of the boat baslD to onlv one-half or one-third the total distance that 1S currently proposed, or by reducing the extensions of Piers A and B by 45'. At the present time, there are long waiting lists for slips at the manna. In fact, the proposed increase in the number of slips upon completion of the project \approXlmately 80), will actually be less than the current demand. In short, the scale of the proposed project is at a point where there would not be a reasonable economic payback or Justification if there was anv reduction in the Size of the proposed boat baslD and/or the number of boat slips. The alternatives to bulkheading around the proposed boat basin would be stone rip-rapping. or leaving the slopes bare and unprotected. These alternatives are impractible for several reasons. By using stone rip-rap or leaving the banks unprotected, a much larger basin would have to be excavated in order to construct the same number of boat slips that are currently proposed. The reason for this is that bulkheading allows full use of the adjacent waterfront, whereas rip-rap would have to be placed along a sloping bank which results in additional space that cannot be used for boat-mooring purposes. An unprotected shoreline would erode quickly, resulting in increased siltation and maintenance costs. The accumulation of silt that is caused by eroding banks, reduces the effecti veness of floating docks. Also, protection of the fresh water-salt water interface would be much less effective as compared With the proposed bulkhead. . . BYY AG-Corps-Letter of Support-6/1S/S4, Page 12. Finally, the only other alternative available to BREWERS, would be to not expand and upgrade their marina doing nothing at all. This alternative is completely unacceptable if one of our major goals is to help satisfy the increasing demand for public access to the waterfront. In addition, from the standpoint of the local economy, this alternative would be unfortunate. The inability of a commercial marina to upgrade, expand and increase the amount of docking facilities as demand for them increases, would force the recreational-boaters to look elsewhere for available docking space. This would result in the loss of what could have been a substantial gain for the local economy. BREWERS has estimated that approximately 15 temporary jobs will be created during the construction phase of the project, and approximately 15 20 full-tl:o,e Jobs \ an increase of 300;;) will be created upon cOfT.pletioCl of the proJect. The local economy will also receive additional gains as a result of the spinoff effect of the increased public activity generated by the proposed expansion. I n short, the proposed projects at BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREEN PORT , lNC., have been designed to enhance the aesthetic and economic value of the waterfront, and to prevent these areas from decaying and/or being used for other purposes which result in a loss of public access to the waterfront. \'Ie respectfullv request the Army Corps' prompt review and processing of this application and issuance of the necessary regulatory approvals. We would be pleased to meet with you and answer any questions you may have. WUh warm regards... Sincerely yours, DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. - DSN/dst /' / ::: '7 /~/- BY ?f;~n ,,0;:1.:.1-;;:,,) / . 0" !' "President cc: BREWER YACHT Y ARD AT GREENPORT, INC. N.Y.S.D.E.C. N.Y.S.D.O.S. Village of Greenport Town of Southold Army Corps of Engineers . . VICINITY MAP NO.1 ~~() ,,0 -\ -. ~ (J ~ 'L~ 11939 ~ EAST .....AION ~ , " ~: ._~ l~ __ ,<--;.-~~~ :;'"-:. --=::;:::::::-- , )'~. ",:, i' "/ ~,r- -, '*": " <,/'/) \ '~r~/-: ;,);", ~~, 8REv.:E~ YACHT YARD' ff'" ~I~-"'" 'l-~"'I _r' . '_ -'U ':r:!~_~\L"::)', u..::.' ;; -~;'.. \Pl'i 11"~ ~...~.<~~:;';-,;y .' . . r.-. ( '~ n.. .n. "!~'~F. " /! \JL:J' . @7,..:F~-~)!I~~'<":::;" '-'-~ _~"" \ ~t .':':R.k,.~.~Qt~._ ~ I .--.--- =::-. ' ~___ .Jb ~:'f!,.:::'L:-;i':Y'~f!3!' 0/ /" 'N W . , '. ,', .,'- '- '. "'a'.(" GR5ENPORT, Hor Boa, . . -.::\v~; -'97 I: ""J::- /[/'''::' - ':if;}!t1tw:.o" ,0' 1:>'" ! ~':\ ~~"'/- lO A: "'~, .i';;;~ yc:illltl tl"'~ ) /., 4'-~' \ "'. . /"'/;:' - r-,:.. (,1' <<<0.. ~""'i .,,_..' -:;:;;; .......-.!;J:: .___" ..n;<; ':C' ," ."\ .." ",' , , '~- . : /' ~ k t PIPES COVE '. .<~ 'j)tTm9P~. .~~..~~~, _:~r>_ Fa'llnl"lg1't :\' #/ -<Il'",,~rl"~A"C."'F; ~ ~ V ',,~":' ~ ". ~ _---# ~(j '::'::. 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PlL_ "~L..LT P.UIL~I~ DANIEl .. NATCHEZ ANC A.aoelATEI, INC. S5SAUl...IOloD KAMU'OIIEe<<. NE~ TOU IOSO 191.1696-!I07b . . VICINITY MAP NO.2 3J LONG ISLAND Goo1","~ > 10 ,. ,. o " 10 . .R o L --fr " " 51 -........ ........ ........ ....... ....... " ,. PI 8y~~R YARD >6 >> 3' 67 > 5 ,. Cornell PI I I ft llihtS atol.ne , , ..- , Fannmg Pt . . Dering Harbor CheQurt I /I ./ ./ ..-- / I I VICINITY UEWER ,,,eHf yAltD AT GRHW'ORT. INC. o I 1250' 2500' I I 5000' I 5TIlLINc,; 1"511' GR[EN'ORT KAliOR WANKAHSET AVENUE VILLAGE Of GRE[NPORT TOWN Of SOUTHOLD COUNTY Of surrOLk PROPOSED UCAVATlON, IULKHEAtllNG ..AIIOlt.N""..t.-UItLUl.>I"'.... A"U lIlt...vIHIr..U~"'IlU\li u, n.OAII".. f'ILk A~~H\IILT f'1I.J1~~I:' DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 5~5 Uti" 'OAO WAMARONtoCK, NEW YOII~ IOSl.J (!tl,J 69&-~7b , _...:~-:..::,:::,--~. "'.M4NH4NSET .:,:~~ ';)_.-_.:.~)"'::'~"'~~:~-:::.~:'~~--::'~ \ : ............ .... ........ \ .... ..... ...........'0 \ , ".. ... 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'1 I" ..' , "I, :,',',', ,1', ,,';/~ ",,1 .t',' I"N r" :o:}! i!; '''. n.t~ OF --- ,"'. ...... -"----.,----/~. ~ SOUTH OLD 4; ~h /.. .. n. f( .... I' r._..... ,'./" ~ "'>'<!b"j --'-- ----..'. y~ , , o . o I " . " : , , " , , , , , , , , . , , , , , , \ ,. , " : " . , '...." o WOOD BULKHEAD ..-.... .,," '. . , , . ,/ / , ; , , " " ,L, 1 DoCI<. 4 l 5' STIRLING +-- BASIN F%~ .[&8 ~ IA5C vrc- lU.nl .., ,.ou~" . 'DUll.. '.'.1. L1Cllil5LD UJlIl MlIVUOU ilItvn ~no Jll~' 36. 1"3 UY1UD II:PT. I. 1.1.... blCI.ln n. 1~ DUliN: lUAJl $U LlYU UIGYDJ DOCK 5 ....1. TAM 'UO Af "It.rOl!. IIIC, 1T1'~11l;-' "'Sl~ Gl1t~pCWT Ii./lUO~ MAIII"Ust~ A'i'bllf YIU"" Of'c'((II,on nwlll Of IOI.'T~~O COo*n Of ""HOLI PaoPOItD UCAUflOto. 'IIUIIIAt-I.~ :..:'if/'....~;-..., ',~~' ~ I.~.. V:,":.. U A.",. , I.l.l, SCALE o 25'50' 100' - D...... '.IiIATQtU AND ....aoc.ATU, ItfC. S5~ ALO. 'CAD '''''''It()lIlCI,IIt~'OI. l~ 4'1.1 .......!Jt>;~ Ilo~ I~. 1\11Io. . .,., o 'i2- ~ . ,QTlJ"Nr~Ee~~~~ ~oS~b OISPOS"l Silt ,.... ~ \ "V ~ \ I~U ~mo ~ r~ ~ i" ;;I \ \ , ') ..... .'- ,\.. (............... \ \ \ \ \ '\ I \ \.. '. \ .... .. ...... \ \ ...... .. \ \", \, I .. ...... \ \ ....... 1 '\ ..... I '218' It.. ........ ....'\.. -- ................. ", ....... ....... ". '. '. ", ~ ...- \ ". '. " , .. \ . , \..... '~...-...-7......___..._....... ' , ' , ' '. , " '. PROPOSED EXCAVATION F'IlCI"OS ED ext'J;D BOATBASIN '. ........ ~~~L . ~~ Rio' _600 08.it el<;1 I~S' j OOCI<; 2 00QI( oJ EXISTING DOCKS TO SE ~E/,jOVEO "NO ~ELOc..TED ~o ("~ 12S' JS1 OClOK 4 CI( S SilRLlNG BASIN -.::.-..-- ~jf,:s 0' . .. =~-r""J~:::'- -' SCALE . o 2S'5O' 100 - PROPOSEDK AND DOC EXCAVATION REMOVAL CiRtENPOIfT, INC. YACHT Y ARt> AT IREVU SUi - STilliNG :RBOR CREENPORT AVENUE WANHANSETC1[ENPORT VILLAC[ O~F SOUTHCll> TOWN OF surrOll COUIiTY IULJCH[AD1NC ElC4VA'tlON, 1;0 1.1'11.1 'ROI'OSEO AJoII.t.oDIILPl.oI'"fLUAI HH.. M'" IfIINlft.l~iJIIIl.IION O:1I0Jt.\"I~ IEl;;O A~~Ull'l.T !'nlt ASSOCIATES, IN. TCHEZ AND DANIEL S. NA "LDA lOAD 1~3 555 NEW YORk NAMA.OHf;ll,:') 69&-S:;: /Ill)' 19. I SUIVEY IV IAS~OUU:~1 ~~~iURVEYOIS tt.y.s'viic::~i~ JULY.~i:~::i 27. 1963 SUI 1983 U' (IiICVDI "vl5tD SEPT. ~'EAH SEA LEVEl. DATU/Il: . . IT AGNES CHURCH ceMETERY ~t> DISPOSAL SITE -,_.~l_~ _-..." ..... \ M. - .:.. .,'~ ".::;" .>..I4NHANscr " ',', ".. ___. ~ A,,,- , ,'. - -~'~"''''E \ ",- ...' .. \.... ....-.... ....=--. .......". i (.-- EXISTING ..... .....,.. ....:--.-:::::::::-....__ \, ......................... ...... .......... ~\ .... ......-.. CONTOU~ ., v \,.... .....,.. ........ ..--.... , \. "'\ ...... ..... 0................-." " \" ..,.... ....... \ ...... ~....8.___--..... .. .. '-, '. \ ....... " \ "'" \"Nf ~:~NTER '. \ \ .... \ 1 \ ........ ", , " ............ /~_............. '1.... '\" , .......-..-.. " \\ ............ \ '.. .... ", \ .... ..... .. , ....... ~ \t .. ...... , ,.. ~ ~ -- \ 145' . I \ 8' ~3cSf ~P6'-:--t1 ctEl("I ~66'--tI ... Q:IC)( II ~q ,00 f'~ i 125' 17 ~ 50 llOcl( C --* PROPOSED RECONFIGURATION OF FlOAT ING ~IER ASSEM8~IES ---- j::;:/r:::;- :-.:.=.:.... .. =:.":."':..J~ SITE PLAN MAP SCALE o t5'SO' 100' - ..IVEI 'ACNT '.'D AT GI[EMPOlr, I~~, STIlLING IASI"" GIE[NPOIl KAIlO. MAMHAMSIT AVENUE YILLAGE Of G'E["PO.T TOWN Of iOUTHOLD COUVTY OF SUFFOLk '.O'05(1) [XCA~ATI~. IULIH[APING .~I~ltNAN~t-U.tPVI.w, A.~ .t....VIl~I..U.IITIOl'l l,lt ~LVA'I"'.. rlt.~ Aloll&.~llll T rll",l~ I:' lAUD U"OIl RlJVEY IY 'oolle. . YOONG 11.'1'.'. LICENSED L..UlD survEYORS IlIlYl'I' DATtD JULY 216. 1983 EV1SlD 5tl"!. 1. 1M3 and Dti;EW'U 27. 1M3 DATUM: MEAII SEA LtVEL (>>GYP) DANIEL .. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 ALDA lOAD IIlAWARONECK. W[1o YOu. 105043 t9a) 69B-St7b ".Y 19. 19h . . MAINTENANCE DREDGING MAP _ ~%CHU ~ ~ '0 ~ .... '" ~ --. '- -. .....A(...~H4IVS.:T '.'-. ..... !l "l "- ~ AVE -....-- -- ---~ ~ fWt. P.~~~~CE r1LL1 ~DGING ~W~D~6 f@f-rHkN DAlUM: ~~RL.OW , 1'01_ \ 280' SCALE o 25'50' 100' - . .r:.I€'O ~ "''''':.'E~ ~O ~CS\~ 01'0""" -=-.:.-- j~jr::;- _._lr . :..-:=:=.~~ -.--......-- p - 600' qOPOSED Doc/( IASEO UPON IUlVn IY lOUftG . YOUNG II." .1. LlCttlUll LAND IUIYUOli SoUlvn DATED JULY 26. 1M3 ItVISED SEPT. 1, 1913.... OEChllU %1. .113 CoNFIGURA TtON STIRLING BASIN ......EBB Y PaQPOSEO tlCAYATIO\lI. IULIHUDII;G ."IJiiIL.AIlo..t-PIiLI.I...I..... A"'" .L\..U'" I..UWIl.I h.... ~H .~O"J Ih.... rlt~ ,,~l>lla~' "~.':Il~....l" ~ - FlOOD DANIEL I. NATCHEZ AND AS$OCI4TES, INC. 5!l5 ALDA tOAt' KANAtQtllCI. 1rI[~ Ton 10>:.3 19."1 M6-~lb ...) 19. 196. . . , ~ :t. " '.Jt, Jt.,' ~ \....~'\ ..iL..!,g~" ~\~~~--- ~/ . \ 4.0 " 'El-'OCts $/ri11St>0s~( ~ 9.0 ",:, ~<k1P1/J" r. OF~O .~ ,~O &Q;r ~~~~r,O -.$,,, " 5 VI .. Z o -< '" '" ~ ~ STIRLING BASIN ".. ~<;> \'?:> ~~ SCALE o 50' cd ~ PROPOSED EXCAVATION AND DISPOSAL SITES EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY "[WER YACHT YARD AT (;IEENI"011. INC. I"SED UPON TOPOGU.PHIC MI.' FIVE tASTE'N TOWH~ SUrfCl~ COUNTY, N. Y. SHEEt NO. "H...O surrOLK COUNTY DIl'"nW[NT or poU.Lle WOIIKS DAtuw, WEAN SEA Ll~EL STIRLING IASIJrl GREEIiPOrn HAUOR WANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE or C.[["'OIT ':l"OWJrj Of SOllTlKllD COUNTY or SUFFOLK '.OPOSEO UCAVATIOtoI, IULKHEAO\NC ""IJlII:.NAN..t._UIlt.l1I..oINIo. ""ll n...UNtlGUNAlIUfIi u.. tLlJAIU..... f'lt.~ "~:'H\lIl.l PIl..JIH.Il> DANIEL S. HATCHEZ AND ASSOCI....TES. 'Ne. SS) ALUA ROllO """MAROHlC". N[1Ii YO~1 10St.3 (91.. I b9S-5b7~ M.y 19. l'Jb~ . . ~.O \ Pl'/fV/O/Js S/Yf FOllISPOS~t <llio O<lf'oc;[:,t:.lV.TfO Al.41t~l.4t 2.$ P~fS Gg~'!.f7f~y . ""'ING Pu.N 7.5 / 9.0 . , /0 8~fl'/ P"-OSE6~r6u~ <.n .. Z ~ ~ 0] L BASIN '" \% \\.. ~ N ,,/ , t'/ ToWN i';7sovO~Oto '" '......'" ;-~.:~ 160' u~~~~ G1t[[WPOIlT, 11<1C. 'UCKT JAIn AT IlEWER SUI STlllUI(O ~~UOR CIE[NrOll AVENUE WANHAN5tTCRttWPOll YlLLAct ~r SOUTHOLD TOYM or surreLl. COUNTY IUl.HEADING EXCAVATION, H~ ~HU 'ROPOSED "hI.L.I.lIlLlXol t~U"'IINv lIII"IN\\"uU~"] IV" V:IlUlt.l..I:' 1l.1..0" j( A:.:.LUIIL.l INC riC. SSOCIATES. A. TCHEZ AND A DANIEL S. N us ALOA 'TOAO~1. 105ol.3 ~ NEW "AW.UOll~;t"'1 698-S6l: lot." 19.19 SCAf-E 00 O~ STIRLING TOPOGRAPHY PROPOSED TION SITES OF RELOCA '"SED UPON..", TorOCRA'~l~ TOWtriS FIVE UST~NTY. N. Y. surro",; c~o HH-I.O :~~6~~ ~~b~;~ )'E~RK~ Dtl'AllT"'~N1EAN SEA l..1:: DATUIrol. SECT. ~~i-~L I :---" M4NH4NSCT ---= . -.... , / ( i I '8 E \ ~~ :.:..~_. "" o 0;:, r- '" :l;) . . , 6' "- ~ "i 4vC ~ \ , C\lIlRC\\ tEe; S1 ~~e.1~ ~SI~ OIS SECT. D---- - ---D "'... ~ MHW~ S~~fv ~ ....0(0 SCALE . o 25'50' 100 - UIVEY BY .ASED UPON 5 'NG YOUNG . y~ SUIlV[YOIlS LlCE,;SEO LA 2t> 1953 tr"~USriVE\' DATEp JU;YpECEMBEIl 27. 1 198...n ("(;'1'01 JlEVlSED SEPT: .'EM! SEA LEVEL DATUM. STIRLI NG BASIN GRADING REEHPOIIT. 1101<:. T URO AT G 'IlIWEIl v"eM STIRL1~~ :~~I:OIl GREEHPO AVENUE .....NHAMSETG.[[NPORi VI1.LAGE ~f SOUTMOlD TOWN Oor surrOLK COUNTY IUUHEADINC; EXCAVATION. ",,,.. PROPOSED LJrI"hl...t-IlNt.~\',d"t"'L'U"'ll"" tolfdPiI OJ" Ot OJOt 1(,;111111 II I'lIo,Jlt.~ I ~ "'"" "',.,,, C ASSOCIATES, IN . NATCHEZ AND DANIEL S. 555 ALOA 1l~~~K 10>43 ""MAROHlC':,) ~56'& I~~~ 19. 1%': PLAN ~o ~ -=:-.:.-::::.:.._- ;;::;j.5-~ - :.~~...;~==-~ 19" . . : .~, ::: " o 250' 500' 7000' . ~ AREA NAVIGATION MAP BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. STIRLING BASIN GREEN PORT HARBOR MANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION. BULKHEADING MAINTENANCE-DREDGING. AND flCONFIGURATION OF FLOA1ING PIH ASSEMBLY PROJECTS BASED UPON DEVELOPMENT PLAN VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SQUTHOLD. N. Y. JUNE. 1967 DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. INC. 555 ALDA ROAD MAMARONECK. NEW YORK 10543 (914) 698-5678 Ilay 19. 1984 . --4~.&~y ~'._ M4 . ~1T41\1sa -. ~ -"'- \ -.- __ 4VE "'- BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREEN PO R,TI INC. GlE.S C\lUllCII 'lit tE~EiEll~ ~~\iE O\s..v.~ ............. '. ( ;:-- ~./f C"...~__ ,7.....';]-- - .. ,,,,::~ ,to.....' .> -J' ..,f:....;:, "'",. .,-' " I :; I I I I I LL__ co " 1:::::, to... ::-,:) .~ tOo " -~,t""_..:: r-...L.. ......;,..:,;, r:::~/' .' . " r::: o "-cZ,z o ~E:S o -- ---- ;:;jr:::-- ___" w =~...,:,..::....:~=- Sf/RUNG ~o( ~o ~ lASED UPC* SURVEY IV YOUNG" YOUNG H.Y.S. LlCtMSttl LAND SURVEYORS SURVEY DATED JULY 26. 1983 REVISED SEPT. 1. 1983 and DECEMBER 27 1983 DATUM: ..tU SU LEVEL IIlCVDJ . . I"- ~ "l RECONFIGURATION OF DOCKS AND MOORINGS r- -, ~nON.6l. : I I ~OR L..__.J OCKS (0 ~~O~<6~bO ~--- - EXISTING L- - - _J R.OATS . ~~SERND $~o.v~ "f.to~ ~ SCALE o 25'50' lod - 8A.S/N nEWEl YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. STIRLING IA51N GlEENPOfIT MAUOR NAMHANSEl A\'IHut VILLAGE OF CRE[NPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF surrou. PROPOSED [XCAYATlOJrrl, BUUHEA.tJ1NG MAINIt.NAN...t.-UIlt.LII.oINl> Ahl) .t.!"'UN~II"UIl"IIU" U~ l'~UAII"'" I'IU' A~"t.NtlL1 I'IlUIt....,~ OANIEL B. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. IN 555 "LDA lOAD WAWAROfrltCl(, NE'Ji YOIlI( lOS4J 19a1 69&-!161~ "'&"...1.!l__1~ . . 1f08E"11r J( ~E"$~ . I.'GIIM/D Ii, CHA.qjuN "" .". "'1 ..~I>.... -~ -..1_ ct"CI) - "'1 I-IlJ CI) / -S- . ""'/IN T."~ .'i tJ64P.6 iI~~r~ t --!"'<< _E,.. I~ I ,.~ ~O <( ,($ ~ N""nc ~D' ~~\~~ i"C~ AREA UNDERWATER GRANT MAP LAND ~~ . "%- >': .. ~ w. \;;. \' ~ \~. .. \.. t .~.i .!:.... i-~ r J ..../~9E...r Fl1h'.oJ'/.-1/j?' "f~/I,/,.J~ 4'8~~f"" (}'p"'C'/.sj 4~,> ~71: or VATEll CIAMl ,. cory Of IAStD ~MDtx WAP 'l:n 5U'FOLIt COU o . . 125' 250 500' . AT CIUNI'OlT. INC:. YACHT YAlD "EVEI IN 51llUNC ~'OR GIEEMI'O'T AVINUE MANHAN5ITCIEEN'ORT YILLAGE: SOUTMOLO TOli'M or surroLl COUNTY IUUM[,I.01NG EXCAVATIOfrl. Mi) "OP-OSID ""N\..t.."ItI:.UI"I""~UAII"\.> "'\IN 1 I:. .. U~ r UtI~It;,UI""IIU rIlUIt.\..I) .1:.1.. A>>U,II:ILl rit.1ll ASSOCIATES. INC. N" TCHEZ AND DANIEL S. 555 AUlA 1,000~1t 10S43 .,. "'ANARON~~lK4'1 69&-5676 iIla)' 19.19610 .a !'REVIOUS ~ S~~t'i EXISTING BE~M P~POSED G OUND PR FILE SECTION A PROPOSED FILL MANHANSET AVENUE ~IO' 5' o EXISTING G~OUND P~OFILE I ~. '. FRESH WATER POND SECTION B PROPOSED FILL PREVIOUS SPOILS ~ A~EA EXISTING BERM . . SCALE o 25' 50' MANHANSET ~15' AVENUE 10' Y o BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPQRT. INC. STIRLING BASIN GREEHPORT HARBOR NAHHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE or GREENPORT TOWN OF' SOUTHOLO COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PROPOSEO EXCAVAIIONe BULKHEAUING MAINltNANC~-DReD lNG, AND RECONFIGURA1IQN OF FLOA1ING PIER ASSHI8LY PROJECTS DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 ALOA ROA 0 MAMARONI::CK. NEW YORK JOSJ;J (91L) 698-5676 May 19. 198t, . . SECTION C A~EA TO BE FILLED ~~~iB -- BUILDING TO BE ~MOVED BOTTOM EL.- 8.0' BELOW MLW S1: AGNES CEMETE~Y rr". PROPOSED FLOATS AND l>ILES 288' 68' 3048'j(-30' ~40~-70' MHW +1.2' ---------- --- - ---- ----uMlWu_U,-m )1< ACCESS D~IVE PA~KING WALKWAY WITH PLANTINGS ~22'~19'~8' II o I 25' , SCALE 50' , (G)~. ~ -"" 100' I ---- -;::;jJ;:.;-- ~,~";'~:E::.'" IASlDllPOIlWnUIY '0I,IIl(ia 'OUIIC ..'.1. lICllIUD LANb !oulVtton IWnEY DAHDJlIlfJi. I'" InlSlD un. I. 191' .".. DECU.IU 21. 191} nUIIN. MUN IIIl LEVllllIIGVDI >f< 70'~40~ BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, IHC. STIRLING BASIN GREEN PORT HARBOR MANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREEHPORT TOWN or SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUffOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATIONe BULKHEADING MAINTlNANCt-DKED lNG, AND RlCONfl~URATION Of fLOATING PIU ASSEMBLY PROJECTS DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 ALDA ROAD MAMARONECK, NEW YORK 10543 19W 698-5678 May 19. 1984 . . s6W~~~~ ST. AGNES CE METERY .. ACCESS DRIVE SECTION D-D o PLANTERS (CURB STOPS) PARKING o 20' BULKHEAD PILE FLOAT BOTTOM BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. STIRLING BA.S1N GREEN PORT HARBOR MANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BULKHEADING MAIN1ENANCt-DREDGING. AND IftCONtlGURATION ot tLOAllNG PIER ^!:l:>I::MHLY t'KOII::C1S DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. INC. 555 "LDA ROAD M....MARONECK. NEW YOI(K 10543 (914) 698-5678 !>h.y 19, J9Bl. . . MANHANSET AVENUE SECTION E-E NATURAL SCREENING FENCE BOAT STORAGE SCALE o 5' 10' 20' . TRAVELlFT BOAT STORAGE BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. STIRLING BAStN GREENPORT HARBOR NANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION, 9ULKHEADING MAINTENANCE-DREDGING. AND flCONUGURA. nON Ut HOAllHG FlU ASSEMBLY rRO)ECTS DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 ALDA ROAD MAMARONECK, NEW YORK J0543 (914) 696-5676 May 19. 1984 SECTION - F TYPICAL MAINTENANCE DREDGING . - - - - - - - - - AfHW +2..' mST,NO ---------WlW 0.0 /IIJl.KIEAO ~ EXIST/NIt ~TlQlI 'L. III" "_/lE 111//1 '11111 'II, 1111111, 10 fir "/IOI'OSEO ~T TOM.-/' , RrIllCNfD "_/lE -e.o' BELOW _ , , , , , ... '- ... rx'STIHG fllMTS AIID "'lES . I'IlOPOSEO FlQ04TS ANa "IlES ----- ----1MtW +2.... EX'S TINO ---------AlLW 0.0 BULKHEAD I- _0 BOTTOM ,./IOF,LE , ~ 0 S' 10' ld ... , , . . r 12S' + 2S' 'UWU YACHT lAID AT GUUrolT. IMe. SHUIII.., ....SlN GUlN'On KU'O. 1l~IlKANSn AnNUl VILLAGE Of CIUllrOIT TOWNOf!oOl!tNOtD CDUIITY Of SUFfOLK , .o=~~~ ~ :::;~ :~~:~ul.I:~ ~l::~D 'lOG IlLLUlot't.VUTION OJ tl.U~]IJ'" !"1l1I ~~UIBL' I".,"~ O""El I. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. INC. ~'.~ All'" .o~(, IolAI......ONI~k. N[W fOH IO~J r~I.' f,</f..''#>7r 101.,- I~_ I~. '. . --::--- -':"-""~::>, ",~:.4NH.4NSE. '. <: ") ...:)"':,~q~:::;~~~:,~-.:::.::::. '. ; '. ". -.~, ~ (,'. ", ..........", .... ~\...- , "" ", I '. \ 1\ -" ......."" ........ ........... 99_::::::- \~." , \ ........ ; \'\\'" ..............8...-.-........, " \ \ .. '.. \. \ ~\ \ '. ...... '. \. ":\'" \ -"'.. \'" '\ ~\ m I .. .. ; t'T"\ ~ \ '. ..--.... 7 \ ~. "::> i \ B-1" i ------.. "'" ' ~S \ '\ \, '.... '...... .. \ ", '\' , }':\\'~ " ,. c.' /~-- >~ 6' \. .....~ 0 , , '.( .. \ " , , I / , I , , , , , , , I , , : ; ~ ."'. \ ST AGNES CEMETERY -..........., '. MHW -- -""'-" ~~':/J::.;., - :-..:..-::..;:.....:....... =::;=..~:'...:::~:.:.- ...u~ ,,,0tI sulvn n '0II1o~ . ,,~~: .." .5. L1CUltEl' L.."t 5.U'VlYO'~ lU.vn bAru jClT 2i>. I')8J UVIUP UFl. 1. 1M3 aM DIalll'U 27. DATulol IIll.." HI. LlHI. IliGYP, , , l;> , , , , , , , , ! ............, , , , , , , , ...-' B-4 ". STIRLING ftoOD "" ~-"" "-:,"V-' \ : ~ '1;"'\~~."'" : :,',' ". \ , '" ~ ' ': i:::" f;', \' \ ,II, //:,'1 ,;~~J .--________----;~,! QJ-j TOWN OF if 1~/;' SOUTHOLD "; ~ " /, \', /,........'/,) r : :--_'_~.JI ( ---L ,.--.'> . II --....... ".1t'h#Gf . "" CO o r "" "" "- ~ "i , '.s, , , , , , , '. , , , , , , , , 8-3 + " , , , , , , , , , , , \ , " . .......... ,~--..\ , , , ,.: , , " , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,.' / , , , " '. "--.. , ............ BASIN ~ SCALE o 25' 50' , 100- . . -+ APPROXIMATE LOCAtiON OF TEST 80RINGS T l ,-' 8:.: ~.:. ::J~:,: 7 ~ ~ i' SI..A~', Ho.: &:,.~ .<. ~,';,:."<' ". roo ~:r .~' :,".: t.,..: ,>, "',' ...~, .~:. ~,/ EXISTING DOCKS luwn "C~T u,: .' C;H~~<:'" I~: ST1.l1.~ h~:. (;HE~.:"~ II^H:~ IU.~h;,-: ,,,_. Vl~.A~l Of C;IHV:~' TO'" or s.Jl'~,,:, r. cou.n Of S\'H;~J """OHr (lCH'1j~. 'l'I.III(~rl.G :l:~_::':..:~:.....~: ' DANIEL'. N"'CHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, IHC. 35: ALP. 'OA~ ..........OH1:., HE_ 'N. Itl500J L~..' w.,..~, 110) 19.1.... . . SLACKE TEST BORING, INC. Y~Y~W-g~6~ 4 MAIN STREET, P.O. BOX 64, KINGS PARK, L.I., NEW YORK 11754. (516) 544-0404 I Mrs. J Sally Ann Slacke, President Boring No. 1 29115- 811 Date: February 21, 19811 Job No Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Beach Road & Manhasset Avenue, Greeport, N," Job location Datum Ground Surface Elevation 6,0 6' 5" Water level IS below Ground Surface A M b bl T'd I 10:20 , - oro a e I a DEP'YH 30" 1'0.. Ponotr.tion CLASSIFICATION OF SOIL Sample .f Spoon CASING SLOWS fr.," T. Sp.on In Inch.. Grovnd DRILLED IN CASING Svrf6Ct' l' FI LL - Coarse to Fine brown Silty USED (HSA) Sand, some Gravel l' 21611 Brown & gray Silt, trace Gravel 2'6" 9' Coarse to Fine brown Sand & Gravel trace Silt Sample #1 @ 2'6" to lI' 7-7-8 18" WATER SAMPLES Sample #1 - 10' casin< Sample #2 @ lI' to 5'6" 10-10-12 18" in grounc 9' 20' Coarse to Fine brown Sand, trace Sample #2 - 18'6" Fine Gravel casing in Sample #3 @ 9' to 1 0' 6" 5-1-2 18" ground Sample #1I @ 111' to 15'6" 8- 6-1 0 18" Sample #5 @ 18'6" to 20' 8-8-9 18" . . SLACKE TEST BORING, INC. g~g~~g~G~ 4 MAIN STREET, P.O. BOX 64, KINGS PARK, L.I., NEW YORK 11754. (516) 544-0404 I Mrs.l Sally Ann Slacke, Pr.,;dent Boring No. 2 Job No. 2945- 84 Date: February 21, 1984 Job location Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Beach Road & Manhasset Avenue, Greenport, N. Datum Ground Surface Elevation 5.8 Water Level IS 51 1" below Ground Surface 11 :45 A.M. - probable Tidal DE"YH CLASSIFICATION Of SOil 30" lIowI S.",pl, Spoon "on.fr.tion of Spoon III Inch.. CASING !LOWS from To Ground Svrfac~ 3" FI LL - Dark brown Silt, trace Gravel DRILLED IN CASING USED (HSA) 3" 2' Brown Silt, some Medium to Fine Gravel, trace Medium to Fine brown Sand WATER SAMPLES 2' 4' Medium to Fine brown Sand, trace Fine Gravel Sample #1 - 10' casi, in groun Sample #1 @ 2'6" to 4' 4-5-6 18" Sample #2 - 18'6" casing i ground 4' 9' Coarse to Fine brown Sand & Gravel trace Silt Sample #2 @ 4' to 5'6" 8- 9- 1 2 18" Sample #3 @ 5'6" to 7' 1 2- 1 3- 1 3 18" 9' 14' Coarse to Fine brown Sand, trace Fine Gravel Sample #4 @ 9' to 10'6" 3- 4- 4 18" 14' 20' Medium to Fine brown Sand Sample #5 @ 14' to 15'6" 6- 7- 7 18" Sample #6 @ 18'6" to 20' 8-8-8 18" . . . SLACKE TEST BORING, INC. Y~y~W"y~g~ 4 MAIN STREET. PO. BOX 64. KINGS PARK, L.I.. NEW YORK 11754. (516) 544-0404 I Mrs. ) Selly Ann Slecke, Pre.iden! Boring No. Job location Datum * 3 2945-84 Date: February 22, 1984 Job No Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Beach Road & Manhasset Avenue, Greenport, N. 4.5 Wafer Level is 3' 8" In.nn A M - rnhahl" T;~"I below Ground Surface CLASSIFICATION OF SOil 30" 110.1 S.mp~ Spoon Pon_tr.tion .f Spoon 'n Inch.. Ground Surface Elevation DEPTH f,o"" To Grour"\d 5vrface 2'6" 216" 4' 4' 5'6" 5'611 9' 9' 14' 14' 20' PROBABLE FILL - Medium to Fine brown Sand, some Gravel, some Silt Dark gray Organic Silt Sample #1 @ 2'6" to 4' 2- 2- 3 18" Brown & gray Silt Sample #2 @ 4' to 5'6" 4-4-5 18" Brown Silt, some Gravel, some Medium to Fine brown Sand Sample #3 @ 5'6" to 7' 7-8-8 18" Coarse to Fine brown Sand, trace Fine Gravel Sample #4 @ 9' to 10'6" 7-7- 8 18" Coarse to Fine brown Sand, some Fine Gravel Sample #5 @ 14' to 15'6" 13-11-13 18" Sample #6 @ 18'6" to 20' 9-11-13 18" CASING BLOWS *boring was relocate( as indicated on print DRILLED IN CASING USED (HSA) WA TER SAMPLES Sample #1 - 10' casin in ground Sample #2 - 18'6" casing in ground . . SLACKE TEST BORING, INC. y~y~ g.cg~g~ 4 MAIN STREET, P.O. BOX 64, KINGS PARK, L.I., NEW YORK 11754 . (516) 544-0404 I Mrs.) Sally Ann Slacke, Pr.sident Boring No. * 4 2945-84 Date: February 21, 1984 Job No. Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Beach Road & Manhasset Avenue, Greenport, N.' Job location Datum 4.6 4' 811 Water level is below Ground Surface 2:00 P.M. - probable Tidal Ground Surface Elevafion Df'TH h.", To Ground Surflce 1'61; 1'611 5'611 5' 611 19' 19' 3D' CLASSifiCATION Of SOIL 30" l'oWl h"".. I,.... '-..o".ti... .f Spoon I.. Incho, FILL - Coarse to Fine brown Silty Sand, some Gravel Coarse to Fine brown Sand, some Medium to Fine Gravel, trace Silt Sample #1 @ 2' 6" to 4' Sample #2 @ 4' to 5'6" Dark gray Organic Silt Sample #3 @ 5'6" to 7' Sample #4 @ 9' to 14' 4- 2- 2 18" 2- 2- 2 18" 1-1-1 18" pushed 5 feet with weight 0 rods Sample #5 @ 14' to 18' pushed 4 feet with weight of rods Coarse to Fine brown Sand, trace Fine Gravel Sample #6 @ 19' to 20'6" Sample #7 @ 24' to 25'6" Sample #8 @ 28'6" to 30' 11-12-16 18" 8-1(}-11 18" 9-9-10 18" CASING BLOWS *relocated 13 feet west (as indicated on Print) DRILLED IN CASING USED (HSA) WA TER SAMPLE Sample #1 - 24 feet of casing in groun< No other sample take due to Silty soil. . ~'~ ~ T . f i . , ""'C I :: ~,ll" I ,I :::~,If D, , ,) ~': . 8:. . ~I" . I. , ~ ~ Do ~ . 1 . . ! . "'''' . m'" , ~ ~ nr> .'.0" I~O' ~... , ] 00 t.... r' zz , " . >> ! . o )> "'. I ~: >>. "i J ~ -43t:l:. L r il . . , . . , ~li " 0 i. .,. II" .' Ii' . . .. ." >~-;'~ n ~13 ' . j.....f.... -. 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CAVID CARSE:N, P.C. Co,uu.l.ting E l1gl11Lt.'l 713 MUN~C AVE....UE MAMARCNECK, N. Y. 1 C 5.3 91. .. aWItNe 8-0138 DESIGN CRITERIA The bulkhead for this project was designed on subsoil infor~ation taken from Borings Bl thru B4 Incl, taken by Slacke Test Boring Inc. Because of the extremely wet and poor surface condi tions, no borings '.':ere taken along the west edge of the p~oposed bulkhead. However, a sounding was made to determine the depth of the soft material. The underlayrnent below this level was arrived at by interpolation from known subsoil data. It should be noted that portions of the existing bulkhead at the southeast and southwest extremities are not to be replaced. Should it be desired to increase the water depth at these areas, the bulkhead should be carefully checked and any changes that involve an increase of water depth of more than two feet will probably require additional strengthening. . . I P:; r(?' IN po r- Y 0 e t.. f Yard (Q) Gree,... D o,-f I Rei CO~frocl /30 r;~ 9 SO slQc.t-Q ~sl- ~o'-I":9 Z-. c l)e~~<9" to:> Qs I '.r Gracie clr<.v' J,;.j Of f r2 -r C: I (l. v .. ..Jvo gr"O clf2 e l/2y . PIle 7if> C:/rzv , P//<Z' Tal t:lrzv 0-0 0'0 - 9. '2 70 oe G.o. ,(;;,- des I']> " q'e lerho I':" e 01 foll ab ove ...!Z.t 6 - ~ r-Q ~ e ;.. .:0.....6 c:p~ ~7' '({:: //OIJc /' ~'';.- '" 0 ~ c ,c Irq : IQ^~ (4~~- ~1-) :. o.2a Sot'/ 6 ~ /OJ;<.l L6 -'Jrac/e. f ~ .3 1-. S . 1": r;;~-Ic~ <;;/f:: - Q. 4- ~." G. C.3. <; If" - 0- 40 k q' ':.. .. 0, ':16 k;:/ . " q I :: (~. <: 3 _ (). '2 to): , :;? Horiz..- r;:....~ e,.. fJ.e~ II";'~ : I'Jo .r~rr-I..or-,~ IOCtJ ".",// .6~ v/'Qc/ h" cla/I'y", . . 2. ct,'.o ~/:S, ...., ~/~/~///~I/ '.If! ~ .. C c " '" . , '" , T " yW.L tl,o -0 ':t' ... ~ 8 0 I/o IeI' . ~~ '" ., '" I ~I , Go Jet I Yo. I <1\ -- ICV I, Q. "I ?~ 3 <;-" I'{ 'I I ~I :;. O' 1 ()-- " .kQa O. 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EL'.f-1 0 ..:1-j,../L . 0 , ____.P, IS4- .fJ\'J" II.,,,, ~ --- .I/Y) :. loa c:Ii"j cfl'qJrQ", Conof u/eQ' ~ 77,;..6 ~I' J2.e~h~ (4Ior/v Uf'(2 ..//~/e ,?Q" 6~Nero.. lower .,L,'~i7 )01" ~ Q^cI /,.:. frrh\eo/,'Q ~ a r.c/.. 0,. J e ~ la V . -I-- /'0 '1= o.t;~~' lJes,'9^ -J60" = 9 'f" I ~ () . 6!.3 = /O'6e~ " p, IS<tx..!.. /25 ;b.r/. 5' t../.J''2 Unil looq:. IS4'" I.:€../ ~ ~~o fsl 2- ~ (\I Q ~ ~aox/o"f3 8 ~.11?: 328/ /. N./;:;. U J'e 4 ")( /~ " Ti~ 6~r .I/.ee.J/"J 0-1":) /t; l( 4::l L C; 42. 7 /;" 3. ~,H):. 328/ )< 1.; :. ~ 3 7S I- /Ff- /Jcr 7ln:. I> er. /2 -ft ~ 137,sx. /2 :: /230 1.$; ~21 f6 0//0""- :. .2000 "A.r,' O.A,: . . f)es"5" of q Wo/e, Reocf,'c,~ (1J Wo/'2 :230 x /0.68.:1 '" <,.S';:. /22;] ~ /=r P,' IeI' @ I " <;; - 0 9c- ~. t'/) Life (/"X/2" #ola /22:J,ll ,2- ~ SS3 I #. ,tl-~ 8 G ~Vc,l) ,,:,, WO/r:&:. :;ecl /YJoQ'. /2)( 12. .< .:3 .~ :2 I" . / SSBIJ<. /2 = 20 7~ ,6,rt' ok. /.; 32 I . . COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PETER F. COHA.LAN SUFFOL.K COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES DAVID HARRtS. M.o" M.P.H COMMISSIONER March 12, 1984 Mr. Daniel S. Natchez Daniel s. ~atchez and Associates, Inc. Suite 11 0 555 AIda Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543 Dear Mr. Natchez: Dr. David Harris, Commissioner of the Department of Health Services, has asked me to reply to your letter of January 24, 1984. I apologize for the delay in answering your letter. However, there were certain aspects of the proposal that had to be checked and verified. A field inspection of the site by members of the staff, plus a review of site data by the department's hydrogeologist, indicate that, with certain precautions, the effect on the freshwater-saltwater interface will be minimal. The use of proper sheet piling or bulkheading, as proposed, should minimize the impact to the freshwater supply in the area. Since the peninsula where the project is located is not really a source of the village water supply, we have no objections to the proposal as outlined in your letter. Very truly yours, /--;(~ G ul~ Robert A. Villa, P.E. Chief Engineer Division of Environmental Health RAV/lst cc David Harris, M.D., M.P.H. 225 RABRO DRIVE EAST H...UP......UGE. N.Y '1788 f5 I &) 348.ze 17 -. -- /- ti~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON and MURRELL, P.C.' CONSULTING ENGINEERS, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS and PLANNERS 125 BAYLIS ROAD, SUITE 140, MELVILLE, N.Y. 117H. 516-752.9060 January 31, 1984 Mayor George Hubbard Inc. Village of Greenport 236 Third Street Greenport, New York 11944 Re: Inc. Village of Greenport Proposed Marina Brewer Yacht Yard GRPT 84-50 Dear M~or Hubbard: In accordance with your request, we have reviewed the proposed Brewer Yacht Yard Marina as shown on Young & Young Drawing No. 83-549 (December 1982). An excavation for a marina such as that proposed by Brewer Yacht Yard can have a substantial impact on the fresh groundwater in an area. It removes fresh water from storage which lies in the ground within the area of the excavation. More importantly, it increases the area from which fresh water can flow into salt water, causing a continuous drain on the fresh water in the area. This permanently reduces the thick- ness of the fresh water layer in the vicinity of the excavation, making effective use of this resource difficult. Since the proposed excavation is on a peninsula and for most purposes can be considered to be hydraulically isolated from the Greenport Water Supply's existing wells, the develop- ment of the marina does not threaten these wells or any that might be conceived in the future. As a matter .of good planning, it is always desirable to maintain and protect whatever fresh water resource that is available. To reduce the fresh water underflow caused by the excavation, we recommend that the Village require that tight sheathing be used as bulkheading material. This should be used around the perimeter of the basin and, if properly installed, should maintain the fresh water layer very close to its existing condition. Depending on /'14tn'l. J.I. U O./J,4(1.() . .ALI. rlZv$refiS J./2 Ii I( I"" . . Mayor George Hubbard Inc. Village of Greenport -2- January 31, 1984 existing soil/water interface permeability, the sheathing may even increase slightly the water elevation in the immediate vicinity. We return your folder with the letter and plan. Please send us a copy of the plan when beyond "preliminary" stage. If you need.us further in this matter, please advise. Very truly yours, & MURRELL, P.C. SCM/. . ,J J III Enclosure cc: James I. Monsell Supt. of Utilities . . ST. AGNES R. C. CHURCH FRONT STREET GREENPORT, NEW YORK 11944 (5161477-0048 June 15, 1984 Mr. Ed Vianney, Manager BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. Manhanset Ave. & Beach Rd., Greenport, NY 11944 RE: Proposed Redevelopment of Marina and Relocation of Excavated and Dredged Materials Dear Mr. Vianney: On behalf of St. Agnes Church, we are confirming the Church's desire and need for approximately 63,000 cu. yds. of fill mat- erial from your property which will be used to help improve the two cemetery properties located along Manhanset Avenue. Our proposes, including; enhancing the overall scenic ~uality of both our waterfront and upland areas, insuring adequate space for future cemetery needs, and increasing public access to the waterfront for recreational purposes. For quite some time now, St. Agnes has been looking for a large quantity of fill to be used for increasing the elevations of several low spots on both properties. As you know, the Church property located on the south side of Manhanset Avenue and ad- jacent to your marina, is currently being used as a cereetery. There is however, a substantial portion of this site that cannot be used as a cemetery, unless and until the area is built up to an elevation that is at least equal to the remainder of the cemetery. On the other hand, the Church property located on the north side of Manhanset Avenue is not yet being used as a cemetery. This site however, has been reserved for use as a future cemetery. Unfortunately, this property has been illegally used by others as a dump site, which we have been unable to prevent. St. Agnes would like to upgrade and improve this area by cleaning up the refuse and increasing the overall elevation of the site. The site would then be landscaped with "rolling hills" and the nat- ural pond and marsh areas would be enhanced as major focal points. To preserve as much open space as possible, St. Agnes would like to develop mausoleum structures on this property rather than using the standard cemetery plots which require a much larger amount of space. We have specifically reviewed the proposed projects at BREWER YACHT YARD, including the proposed Site Plan and Topographic Maps for both of the Church sites . . ST. AGNES R. C. CHURCH FRONT STREET GREENPORT, NEW YORK 11944 (516) 477-0048 and for the relocation of the fill. We feel these maps accur- ately depict the Church's future plans for these areas. In addition, we have reviewed the plans for the excavation of the boat basin adjacent to St. Agnes Cemetery, and have no objections with the propoesed 55' setback from our property which will be used for an access drive and one row of 90' parking. In fact, we believe that your proposed development will be a positive addition to the area and we strongly support it. We fully endorse the proposed plan of BREWER YACHT YARD and by this letter, formally request the use of the excavated and dredged materials. Reverend Rocco Gallitelli ~ ~ 8"4rl' "-2> l<<-. ~-<-c-" . ". -t.t... . . . TfLfPHO'if 15161765.1892 BOARD OF TOW' TRl~TEE~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 7:8 Southold. New York 11971 December 20, 1983 Mr. Daniel S. Natchez and Associates Suite 11 0 0 555 Alda Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543 Dear Mr. Natchez: At our monthly meeting the Southold Board of Trustees again reviewed your proposal and look forward to seeing your finalized plan, in the near future. We are glad you are open to comments and recommendations from this board. We hope you will incorporate the suggested pump out facilities we spoke about at our first meeting. This will be a major asset to the area and will go a long way in correcting some of the problems caused by heavy boating in Sterling Creek. Looking forward to hearing from you in the near future. Very truly yours, Board of Town Trustees -Hzd )j~~J;i~~~ ~,f' Paul Stoutenburgh President PS:ip cc: Planning Board/ Building Dept./ Town Board / Trustees ./ J~ "0 r ~ -- ",,\ - ~-~\] STIRLING BASIN ~ \~ ~, 0.0 ~'''''' tirflS<oos." COLOR PICTURES PAGE ..L OF ll. 8~ ..0 · ~€~:l"1ft t"" ~/#iC.O V> .. z ~ IASEtlU'o.; T~oc;U'KICIIAI' fin: IASTUI! TOlOJo:S SUrrOH COUNTY, Ill. Y. ,"UTIIO.II~ iUtFOLI COUNTY DUAllIdlil' Of I'",auc .OUS DAT\lIoI,= 1Il1U SU Ll'U CJ \ J w. r. '" ~ER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. STI RLING BASIN GREENPORT HARBOR NAHHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLk PROPOSED EXCAVATION. BULKHEADING MAINT~NANCe-DH~DvING. AND ~eCONFIGUHATION OF tLOATING riEl< ASSEMBLY J'RO)t:Crs SC.6.L( o !)O' od !!!!Iiiiiil DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC 555 ALDA ROAD WAMARONECK. NEW YOkK IOSLJ 19W 698-5678 May 19. 1984 ---~ l EL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC 555 ALDA ROAD WAMARONECK. NEW YOkK IOSLJ 19W 698-5678 May 19. 1984 SC.6.L( o !)O' od !!!!Iiiiiil ;-~] DANI \~ SC.6olE o !)O' od !!!!Iiiiiil ~, : AND ASSOCIATES, IHC ALOA ROAD . NEW YOkK 105/.3 ,) 698-5678 , 19. 198' ~.. ." ------ SCbH o ~'oo' !!!!Iiiiiil TES, IHC 1.3 ~ \~ ~, DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, IHC 555 ALDA ROAD IlI"MAROHECK. NEW YOkK IOSLJ 19W 698-5678 ~.Y 19. 1984 ~ \~ SC.6.L( o !)(l' od !!!!Iiiiiil ~, b 'f \ . '. " ---~ l ~ \~ SC.6H ~, o !)O' 00' !!!!Iiiiiil DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, IHC 555 ALDA ROAD WAMARONECK. NEW YOkK IOSLJ 1911.) 698-5678 ~.Y 19. 1984 ;-~] k DANIEL S. NATCHEl 555 WAMARONECI( 191, ~. 'f DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, IHC 555 ALDA ROAD WAMARONECK. NEW YOkK 105/.3 1911.) 698-5678 ~.Y 19, 1984 ] '" ~---~ k 'f \~ SC.6H o ~'oo' !!!!Iiiiiil ~'. ~ -------.... DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, IHC 555 ALDA ROAD WAMARONECK. NEW YOHK 105/.3 1911.) 698-5678 ~.Y 19. 1984 \~ ~'. \~ ] '" ~---~ I \..:j 'f DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIA 555 ALDA ROAD WAMARONECK. NEW YOHK I~ 1911.) 698-5678 ~.Y 19. 1984 ~'. SCbH o ~. 00' !!!!Iiiiiil DANIEL S. NATC~:Z.~,N.D _~~~OCIATES, IHC I 'f ,(q. .... . ... .r ,A B - ~ ...;~.....----- '.0 ... ,,~ ''''f,rf''''os..( COLOR PICTURES PAGE 2 OF 72 12 '" .. z ~ ,,,sttlUPOt; ~CCiUI'K1CII'" 'In lASTtu TO"""$ surrOLlCOUNTl.... .,. ,"ElT NO. IItw,O wrrOLI COUNTY Ot,,,nlllUIl OF rUlLlC WOIIU DAT\lJooI,' lil~.'" '!:II LUlL j BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. STIRLING BASIN GREENPORT HARBOR MANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BULKH[ADING MAINTlNANCt-DH~DvING. AND RECOHrlGURATION Or rLUATIN~ Pilt< A~!:lt.MULY rRO]ECI~ STIRLING BASIN ~~ ~, $Clll[ o 5(' 00 ~ ---~ DANIEL 8. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. IN 555 ALDA ROAD WANARONECK, NEW YORK 1050'3 191() 698-5678 May 19. 198.4 - ..~.,-_.- BASIN ...... \' .ND ASSOCIATES, I~ lJA ROAD UW YONK IOSi.J 698-5b7" l~. 198[. ~ '<t \0 '-r DANIEL 8. NATCHEZ j 555 Al MAMA RON E( K. (9)' ) M.y ~'. SCAlf o !Io.' (.Y.! """'- ~---~ "'j--'- BASIN --- ,. \ t ANIEL 8. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. IN ')SS AL{)A 1I0AI) 1ol^~^RC)"'ld;, NHoi Yl'f'i'; 1OS.:.1 '-) 1 t... b(_j~ -',/..J7e. Mil, 14 I'/t." \ 1 , '6,\.. !>C J G ... r -- , - \.. A ..0 ,,~ '~rflS"os.( STIRLING BASIN \% SCALE o !i(",' 00' """"'"'" ~~ , -. a 12 COLOR PICTURES PAGE ~ OF g '" ,. z o "" I"-Ut/UP"" 1'OP'a:oU.'HIC",," fin USfU~ to"IoIS IIJfT:lLl C:0IJ1oI'fY.~. ,. WlEET 1iI0. HH-40 a.urrou COUNTY OUAlTil[IIIT Of rUlLlC "OU' DATWoi,' ilUlIlUUvt:L ~ER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. STIRLING BASIN GREEN PORT HARBOR MANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE or GREEN PORT TOWN OF SOUtHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BULKHEADING MAINTlNANCE-DHU(,,;ING. AND RECON~IGURATION OF ~LOATINv Plt~ A~~lM8LY PROJELIS " DANIEL 8. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. INe 555 ALOA ROAD MAMARONECK. NEW YOf(K 10543 (9141 698-5676 Wa.y 19. 1984 I...JM,.J1l1f ---~ IATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. INC 555 ALOA ROAD ~,A,,'UNi..~,... ,K~ ,mlhlf .If'ft.~.'' 191') 698-Sb7e May l~, 1981. I ~% f' ~~ \,.~ I DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. IHC 555 AL[)A ROAD UJ.,"".I. Dr.joJ~'r;Io'. ,)o!t"..lol ....nLllo' ,In}i.'" 'I! i. 6'j~,-,h !t'. l"l a... I' I ;-I,~.;, J I " "' DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES tNe ,I>. 'I'< I< \ ~"htl. o ~_'u) ~ \,.~ ...... DANIEL 8. I ----~- ~M""II~ I , \(c1 C, _ c, ~~~. " rd.\.. c '" , .-..... - ~ , ~ A 0.0 ,,~ ''''p,,flS<>os.., STIRLING BASIN \"t, SC.6l[ o !l(l' 00 ~ ~, ,... ~ I B 12 COLOR PICTURES PAGE ..i.. OF l..?. V> ,. z Sl aAUtoupOto; 1'OI'OC;UP..IC iliAI' flV[ 1.0\$1111:," TO,""!> SUfFOU C.OUNTY, .. Y. ~U1110. MH-.40 SUFFOLK COUNn OEPAITIlI[II1OF PUILlCIrOJlU DATIUIl;: IlIUIIUAUVEL ~ER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. STIRLING BASIN GREEN PORT HARBOR NANHAN$ET AVENUE VILLAGE or GREENPORT TOWN or SOUl HOLD COUNTY Of SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION. BULKHEADING MAINTEN^N~~-DH~DGING. AND <<lLUN~IGURATION U~ fLOATING flt,t( ASHWBLl PRUIt:LfS DANIEL 8. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. INe 555 ALDA ROAD WAMARONECK. NEW YORK 105043 (9"> 698-~,6)8 May 19. 1984 ....... \- ---~ -.~ -.- tiASIN \"t, ...... DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. INe 555 ALDA ROAD MAMARONECK. NEW YORK 105-43 (9" I 698-5678 May 19. 198.l. SC.4Lr o !l(' 00 ~ - ------------ -,-- \- DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. INe 5~5 ALl'A ROAD MM.!ARONfCK, NEW YQHK 105'3 (91L.1 698-5678 May 19. 198.4 "> ~ . bASIN S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. INe 5')5 ALOA POA!! MAMARONlCK, Nl'" YOt;!( lO~J lljU.) 698<Jt,n M~,' 1':J. lijb4 , \ ."-. .(' ~~ ~, tiASIN ....... "<0 ,~ o SCAlf o !l(' Ul ......... ~'-'- r ~, ....... \- DANIEL "> SCt ! o ~. r, ~ ----~ c "~l - A 8 0.0 ,,~ ''''p,rf''''''''l COLOR PICTURES PAGE ~ OF g '" ,. z o ~ IASEllUPOJo; TOP'OGU.PHIC M,V Fin J;.uno TO~~S surrou COIJNTT, 1;, I. 5HHT 110. M........O a.urrOLK toUlITY H'''I'tMEliIT Of rUlLlC 111011'1$ DATU/oI., liiLAN U:... LUll STIRLING ~ER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. STIRLING BASIN GREENPQRT HARBOR WANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BASIN \'% PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BULKHEADING MAINT~NANCl-DNlDGING. AND RELQNtlGURATION Ot tLUATINv PIt-I( A~~lMHLY l'R01E~r~ ~, SC6.l[ o ~'oo ~ ---~ DANIEL 8. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC 555 ALDA ROAD WAMARONECK, NEW YORK lOSL3 19") 698-5678 ft,lay 19, 19B4 \ . LJ""~IfV ...... DANIEL 8. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, IHe 555 A LDA ROAD MAMAROHECK. NEW VOkK lOS4J 19'" 698-5678 May 19. 198/, "<0 o Q ~'. SCALf o !l(.'ui ~ ~- -f TES. IHe. L , " DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCI} \ \... -, All!A p, 'A M."M" ~~.,'" j(. Nt \II' l' jl " , . '""""- () I~ ,I ". I '- . ;, . , A 0.0 ~/"'" S;~ISI>O$.L . STIRLING BASIN \~ SoCALf o~ - - ------------- ~~ "-' e " ,. COLOR PICTURES PAGE -1.. OF 72 '" .. z o '" lAstDVPpt; 1'Of'ClGUPHICW.AP rlVl tAS'U~ TOlill5 IUTr::lLICOI.INTY.",Y, WlUTItO.MH-J.O IUrFOU COUNTY IKPAlTliIEll' OF PUILIC wOlIn N.tlDl., "UII ItA L[VIL BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. STIRLING BASIN GREEN PORT HARBOR NANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION. BULKHEADtNG MAINT~NANC~.DREDvINv. AND ~ECON~lGURAIION OF FLOATING flEW A5Si::MBLY t'ROJEC:l5 DANIEL 8. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATE8. ,"C 555 ALDA ROAD "AMAROHECK. NEW YORK 105L3 191() 698-5678 W.Y 19. 196' - - ... .. ~) A COLOR PICTURES PAGE .JL OF 12 12 IASEtlUPOti TCWOGU.'IlIC"",' Fin t:AITU" TO.llS IUrFOLlCOVNTY...'. 514HT NO. 1lK-.W wrroLl COUNTY DE"'ITW[IIT Of PUILIC WOtlS I>ATI!M.' IIIIL,U NA LEVU '" .. z c ... BREWER YACHT YARD AT GR[ENPOIT. INC. STIRLING BASIN GREEN PORT HARBOR NANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BULKHEADING WAlNl~NANCl-DRED~INv. AN~ KlCOHflGURAllON Uf fLOATl~G flU/. ASSEMBLY F'RUIt:CTS STIRLING BASIN DANIEL 8. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INe 555 ALDA ROAD "AWARONECK. NEW YOHK IOSLJ (9") 698-5678 May 19, 1984 ~ \% SCALE o ~'oo ......... ~~ ---~ ~:;'IIV \' "" L DANIEL 8. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC 555 ALDA ROAD .....WARONECK. NEW YOHK IOSLJ (9") 698-5678 May 19, 1984 ~ \% SCALE o ~'oo ......... ~~ ---~ ] ~---~..." \' ~':>IIV DANIEL 8. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC 555 ...LOA ROAD WAWARONECK. NEW YOHK IOSL3 (9") 698-5678 May 19. 1984 -<0 \'b ~~ SCbH o ~'J I!!!!'5iiii .0 ~':>IIV DANIEL 8. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC 555 ALllA ROAD WANARONI::CK. NEW YOWK IOSL3 (9") 698-5678 May 19. 1964 -<0 \'b ~~ " SC.6.LE o ~. pci ........ ~ "l':>IIV \ . DANIEL 8. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC 555 ALllA ROAD WAMARONI::CK, NEW YOHK IOSL3 (9") 698-5678 May 19. 1964 \~(o o o ~~ " SCALE o !Ie' JXi ........ .--~ A:;JIIV \ . DANIEL 8. NATCI iEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC i55 ALllA ROAD I::CK. NEW YOHK IOSL3 <9<') 698-5b76 May 19. 1981, ~~(o o o ~'-. " WAMARON SCALE o !l(' JXi ~ .--~ A::>IIV \ . DANIEL 8. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATEl 555 ALDA ROAD WAMARONI::CK. NEW YQHK <9'" 698-5b76 May 19. 19B1. ).INC ~~(o o o ~'. " 10543 SCALf o !l(' ui ~ .--~ l'l A::>I/V b DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, IHC 555 ALOA ROAD MAMARONI::CK. NEW YQHK 10543 (9li.) 698-567B May 19. 1913l. ~~(o o o SCALf o ~. ui ~ ~'. ~ ..--........... :1 . o . ~ f' A . . r . 0.0 "~ '''';,,f,. 12 COLOR PICTURES PAGE .2-. OF 72 . '" ... z o '" a.\!.[[lUPOI<i TClf"OCiUPHIC alA' Fin USTU~ to~..!o IlJF'~LI COUNTY. ... Y. I14Ut.O.H~ 5IJFtoU COUNTY DlPUrM[n OF PUILIC 1I0US Dl<TJ.!".' _LAN UIl LEVU ~ ~ " BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. STIRLING BASIN GREEN PORT HARBOR MANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BULKHEADING MA1NT~N^NCl-DWeDGING. AND <<E~UN~IGURATION U~ tLOATlNG t'1t.H AS5lW8LY rRO)t.C1S STIRLING BASIN ~, SCALE o ~. JXl' .......... ---~ DANIEL 8. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. IHC 555 ALDA ROAD MAMARONECK. NEW YORK 10543 19IL) 698-5678 M.y 19. 1984 ~ ,~ ---~ ~-~] ~ IANIEL 8. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. !HC 555 ALDA ROAD WANARONECK. HEW YOHK IOSLJ (91" 698-5678 May 19. 1981, , , .. A STIRLING ~ ,",0 \'1, ~~ SCALE o 5(" Pd ~ D ASSOCIATES. !HC \ ROAD :w YORK IOSLJ 18-5678 , 198' ~ r . roo I' 13 12 COLOR PICTURES PAGE 1Q OF l? "tro; '.0 · ~r~~ ~o '" ,.. z <::l 1tA5EIIUPOt> TOPO::;UPKIC III.' rivE USTUI> TO.I'o'$ surrOLl COUIITl. Ii. ,. ,"En 110. WII-i,O 5UrFOLI COUllty Dll'''ltMUT or I'UILlC WOIIU ~T\lIol.1 IIlLA.II SEA LUU ~ER YACHT YARD AT GREENPOIT. INC. STIRLING BASIN GREEN PORT HARBOR WANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE or GREEN PORT TOWN or SOUTHOLD COUNTY or surrOLk BASIN PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BULKHEAD1NG MAINT~NAN~~-UHlDvING. AND RlCONFluUNATION or tLOATING t'IEtI: ^~~UIBLY t'ROlt:l:TS ~ ,",0 \'1, ~~ DANIEL 8. HATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. !HC 555 ALDA ROAD WANARONECK. NEW YOkK IOSLJ (91') 698-5678 May 19. 1981, SCALE o 5(" Pd ~ ---~ DANIEL 8. HATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. !HC 555 ALDA ROAD WANARONECK. NEW YOkK IOSLJ (91') 698-5678 May 19. 1981, ~ ....., DANIEL 8. HATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. !HC 555 ALDA ROAD WANARONECK. NEW YOkK IOSLJ (91') 698-5678 May 19. 1981, ~ ,",0 \'1, ~~ SCALE o 5(" pc) ~ DANIEL 8. HATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. !HC 555 ALDA ROAD WANARONECK. NEW YOkK IOSLJ (91" 698-5678 May 19. 1981, ~ SCALE o 5(" Pd ~ ,",0 \'1, ~~ ~ ~------ ~-~] ~-~] '] ........, ~---~ \ ~ t ~ ,",0 \'1, ~~ SCALE o 50' Pd ~ ~ ,",0 \'1, ~~ SCALE o 50' Pd ~ DANIEL 8. HATCHEZ A~ 555 ALD, WANARONECK. HI (9141 &. May 19 ~ ,",0 \'1, ~~ DANIEL 8. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. !HC 555 ALDA ROAD WANARONECK. HEW YORK IOSLJ (914) 698-5678 May 19. 19BL. SCALE o 50' Pd ~ ~ ,",0 \'1, ~~ SCALE o ~,' 00' ~ ....., DANIEL 8. HATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. !HC 555 AlDA ROAD WANARONECK. HEW YORK IOSLJ (914) 698-5678 May 19. 19BL. ~ ---~ \..~ DANIEL 8. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. !HC I 555 AlDA ROAD "ANA RONECK. HEW YOHK IOSLJ k ~ ~~ SCA~[ ,- ~ - " , A 0.0 ,,~ ''''t,fIS>>os., STIRLING - BASIN ~~ ~, SC6H o ~'od ~ ---~ r'" ". DANIEL 8. NATCHEZ AND A8S0CIATE8, INC 555 ALDA ROAD MAMARONECK. NEW YORK 105<3 19") 698-5678 May 19. 1984 -- - - -- f3 12 COLOR PICTURES PAGE II OF g V> .. z o -< ....nIlUf'OIO TOI"OGUPM1CtI..., FIWl EA5tU~ to~"'!o svnOLlCOIJNTY,lIi.'. IHUT.O.M~ ""f'OLI COUNTY DE'.u"IlU'T Of" PUILle IIDUS IIAT~~, IllU 'U LlVIL BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPOIT. tNC. STIRLING BASIN GREEN PORT HARBOR MANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE Of GREENPORT TOWN Of SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION. BULKHEADING WAINT~NANC~-DREDyIN~. AND RlLONflGURATION Uf FLOATI~G 1'U:.tt ASSEMBLY t'KOlt:cT5 DANIEL 8. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INe 555 ALDA ROAD MAMARONECK. NEW YORK 105<3 19") 698-5678 May 19. 1984 ...-...-- ~~ ~, SC6H o~ ---~ DANIEL 8. NATCHEZ AND A880ClATE8, IHC 55S ALDA ROAD MAMARONECK, NEW YORK 105<3 19") 698-5678 May 19. 1984 KALE ~ ( l ~ '- rr; >J A "~ '~~'l STIRLING BASIN ~ ~\ SCALE O~ ~, ~ SCALE o 50' 00 ~ ~ UI\NII:.L 6. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, !NC. 555 ALOA ROAO WAMARONECK. NEW YORK l0S4J (914) 698-5678 M.y 19. 1984 ,Z AND ASSOCIATES, !NC. i ALDA. ROAD K, NEW YORK lQS(J 14) 698-5678 .Y 19. 1984 hr ~ ~\ ~, hr ~ ~\ SCALE O~ ~, .. SCALE o 5(>' 00 ~ UI\NII:.L 6. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, !NC 555 ALOA ROAO MAMARONECK. NEW YORK l0S4J (914) 698-5678 M.y 19. 1984 0.0 , ---~ r' ....., B COLOR PICTURES PAGE g OF g 12 '" .. z o "" IAstDUI'OOi TOI'OGUI'IlIC MAl' rivE UST1U TO~"5 sunou COUMT'f, 10". Y. MItt 110. 1111-<<I surFOU COUNTY DEPUTMEIftClf I'UILlC .,0<<15 DAT~~, IlLAIl U:,. LUIL ~ER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. STIRLtNG BASIN GREENPORT HAR80R NANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFfOLK PROPOSEO EXC.V.TION, SULKHEAOING MAINTENAN(':l-DIlEUGINli. AND ME\.:UNt'IGURA liON OF FLUAT IlliG rl~R ASSEMBLY ~1l0JECI~ DANIEL 8. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, !NC 555 ALO. RO'O W'WARONECK, NEW YORK lQS(J (914) 698-5678 M.y 19. 1984 UI\NII:.L 6. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, !NC. 555 ALO. RO'O W'WARONECK, NEW YORK lQS(J (914) 698-5678 M.y 19. 1984 hr SCALE o 50' 00 ~ hr / ~-~\l hr ~ ~\ ~, ~--~\l \ l UI\NII:.L 6. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, !NC. ......., 555 ALO. RO'O . MAMARONECK. NEW YORK l0S4J (914) 698-5678 ----~ M.y 19. 1984 I ~---~ '] '......., ~---~ \ l UI\NII:.L 6. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, !NC. ......., 555 ALO. RO'O . MAMARONECK. NEW YORK l0S4J (914) 698-5678 ~---~ M.y 19. 1981. \ l UI\NII:.L 6. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, !NC ......., 555 ALO. RO'O MAMARONECK. NEW YORK I0S4J 19") 698-5678 ~---~ M.y 19. 1981. '. l UI\NII:.L 6. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, !NC ~ ......., 555 ALO. RO'O MAMARONECK. NEW YORK I0S4J 19") 698-5678 , ----~ M.y 19. 1981. _ ~ ~\ SCALE o 50' 00 ~ ~, ~ ~\ ~, ~ ~\ ~, SCALE o ",' 00 ~ I, ~ ~ SCALE O~ /' , '. ..... ....., UI\NII:.L 6. NATCHI S~~ MAMA RONE( 19 W ~ ~~ -.,' .. SCALE o ",' 00 ~ r , . I . DAN I E L S. N ATe H E Z and ASS 0 C I ATE S, Inc. RECEiVED Suite 1100 555 Aida Road Mamaroneck. New York 10543.4002 (914) 698.5678 .JUN 201984 Office of the President Town Clerk Southold June 18, 1984 ~lavor George Hubbard and Board of Trustees Village of Greenport Village Hall 236 Third Street Greenport, New York 11944 Attn: Oiancv Cock RE: BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREE~PORT, 10iC. PROPOSED EXCA V A nON, BULKHEAD 1 ~G, \lA 1 HENANCE DREDGING AND RECONFIGURATION OF FLOATING PIER ASSP-!BLY PROJECTS. Dear Mayor and Board Members: IVe have been retained by BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. (hereinafter referred to as BREWER), to assist them in obtaining the necessarv reguliltory approvals for undertaking the above-referenced projects. The project site is located in both the Incorporated Village of Greenport and Town of Southold. BREWER proposes to upgraae and enlarge the present marina, in order to help satisfy the public demand for access to the waterfront. In com[Jliance with the Village of Greenport' s regulations, we are enclosing the original and three(3) copies of BREWER's application including a Building Permit Form necessary to obtain permission for unaertaklng the above-referenced projects as required by Chapter 82 - "Coastal and Freshwater Wetlands, Floodplain and Drainage Law of the Village of Greenport". The estimated fee for the dredging is: 10,050 cu. yds. x $1.05/cu. yd. x .05 (5% of estimated cost) ~ $527.63. This estimate is in compliance with Section 82-6 B. 3) of the Village Code. Upon approval by the Board and prior to the issuance of the permit and/or commencement of the project, said fee shall be paid to the Village by BREWER unless 'waived or red uced by the Board. he specifIcally call your attention to our detailed letter of support to the Army Corps of Engineers dated June 15, 1984. This letter discusses the background of BREWER, the need for the proposed projects, and the alterna ti ves considered. . . BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC.-June 18, 1984-Page 2 In addition, we are providing a copy of BREWER's applications to the other regulatory agencies having jurisdiction over these projects, including; the Town of Southold's various bodies, the Army Corps of Engineers, the New York State Department of State, and the New York Department of Environmental Conservation. These filings with the Board supplement our preliminary meeting with you of April 12, 1984 and our letters filed with you dated April 17, 1984 and May 3, 1984. We would welcome the opportunity to further discuss these a pp lic a tions at your convenience. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us. Sincerely, DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. - '" " / BY: "./' DSN/dst Enclosures cc: Army Corps of Engineers ~.Y.S.D.J.S. N.Y.S.D.E.C. Southold Planning Board Southold Town Board BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, I~C. , . . Officers MAYOR GEORGE W. HUBBARD TRUSTEES W1LUAM D. ALLEN SAMUEL KATZ W1LUAM H UEBLElN David E. Kapell l1LLage of .9reenport TELEPHONE 516-4'17 -2385 INCOIIIH,..TIO ,.311 CLERK NANCY W. COOK "I:W .MCOll"'.O""TIO" ".111110. t. ,... III._.MCO.,.O...TIO" "'''OUI GlN.fI"'" "". fill'" II, ..... TREASURER JOHN F. COUGHUN - .. ..-...- 236 THIRD STREET GIlEENPORT, SUFFOLK COUNTY NEW YORK 11944 STATE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REVIEW ACT The following information is required under the State Environmental Quality Review Act, Part 617. Should further information be required, you will be contacted. SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM A. THIS PROJECT IS CURRENTLY PENDING BEFORE: Greenport Building Department Greenport Planning Board Greenport Zoning Board of Appeals x Greenport Village Board of Trustees B. STREET LOCATION AND TAX MAP NUMBER: Manhanset Avenue and Beach Road District No.-1001 Se~rinn _ 001 Rlnrk~ _ , ~nn ~ Tn~Q _ 3 and 1 C. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. (Name) Manhanset Avenue and Beach Road (Street) Greenport (P. O. ) New York (State) 11944 (Zip Code) (516) 477-9594 (Business Phone) different) : (Home Phone) AGENT D. NAME AND ADDRESS OF :ewNER (If DANIEL S. NATCHEZ (Name) 555 A1da Road (street) Mamaroneck (P.O. ) and ASSOCIATES, Inc. New York (:>tate) 10543 (Z~p Code) (914) 698-5678 (Business Phone) (Home Phone) . ~ . . .' E. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: or action) (Briefly describe tyne of project , See Attached Supplement. . , II. 1, Will project result in a large physical change to the project site or physically alter more than 10 acres of land?,."" Project will enhance area. 2, Will there be a major change to any unique or unusual land form found on the site?,...."'.""'.........., , . , ,. x Yes No Ii Yes x No 3. Will the project alter or have a large .effect. on .an existing body of water? . . . x Yes No Project wll~ lncrease.waterfront area availabl~ for recreat10nal pub11C access. 4. Will oroject Have a potentially large impact on groundwater qualitv?"..... Yes ~No 5, Will nroject significantly effect drainage flow on adjacent sites?....... ~Yes No Project will improve drainage patterns and flows. 6. Will project affect any threatened or endangered plant or animal species?.... Yes x No 7, Will project result in a major adverse effect on air quality?..,........,' 8. Will project have a major effect on visual character of the cummunity ur scenic views or vistas known to be important to the community?.....,.,.... Yes x No Yes x No 9. Will project adversely impact any site or structure of historic, prehistoric, or paleontological importance or any site designated as a critical environmental area by a logical agency?.. Yes x No 10. Will project have a major effect on existing or future recreational t . t' ? X Yes Proj eOlt?o,hfr\n~cele'a's'e' 'r'e'c'r'e'a't'i'on'a'1' 'o'p'p'o'r't'un'i't i"". 11. Will project result in major traffic problems or cause a major effect to existing transportation systems?, Yes No x "0 2. . . . ! 12, Will project regularly cause objectionable odors, noise, glare, vibration, or electrical disturbance as a result of the . I .? project s operat1on, c".".."..,........ Yes x No { ~ ~ , 13, Will project have any impact on public Proi~Etl-5~.\frh~fle.f;tJicive' 'p'ubTfc' h'e'a'1"th' b'y' 'p'r'o'v'i'd'iu~ pomp-out aci 1ties. 14, Will project affect the existing community by directly causing a growth in peroanent population of more than 5 percent over a one-year period or have a major negative effect on the character of the community or neighborhood?, , , . . , , , , , , ' . , , , , . , , , , , . , . . . Yes No I Yes -1L-No , 15, Is there public controversy concerning the oroject?"",.".".,...""""",.,....,., , Yes ~No PREPARER'S SIGNATURE: ~~ REPRESENTING: ?rl2.8AJ~ '(;~ TITLE: /'1h..JM".d<.. DATE: 6-lY.'~~ AFFIDAVIT ~t:- C-~>t!/ 0L~___~ says that all of the inf~mation State of ) ) ss: County of beins dul? sworn, deooses and contained in the aforementioned form is true to my knowledge. fl~ Sworn to before me this /~day ofy_ , '. 19ry-' 9= '~_L-- {~off -, . ~tary Public JOSEPH]~F. CORAZZTNl NOTARY PU3L1C <:.t;1te0fNewVod: Residing 1n Sl,,;,ffolk County Clks. :--;0. 5::-58144i5 I'//. Mic;om:mission Expires March30.19.1l1? . . BuikliINJ Department VILLAGE OF GREENPORT 236THIRD STREET. GREENPORT, L.I" N. Y.11944 Tel. (516) 477.0248 Examined ... Approved Disapproved ale 19..... 19......... Permit No. D New Building o Demolition o Alteration o Extension DOth" Building Inspector Application for Building Permit Date .............. J~~...~.~...... ..................... 19..~.~... INSTRUCTIONS a. This application must be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted in duplicate to the Building Inspector. b. A Plot plan and survey showing location of lot and of buildings on premises, relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and giving a detailed description of layout of prope"y must be drawn on the diagram which is part of this application. c. This application must be accompanied by two complete sets of plam showing proposed construction and twO complete sets of specifications. Plans and specifications shall describe the nature of the work to be performed, the materials and equipment to be used and installed and details of structural, mechanical, electrical and plumbing installations. d. The work covered by this application may not be commenced before the issuance of Building Permit. e, Upon approval of this application, the Building Department will issue a Building Permit to the applicant together with ap- proved, duplicate set of plans and specifications. Such permit and approved plans and specifications shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the progress of the work. f. No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose whatever until a Certificate of Occupancy shall have been granted by the Building Department. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the New York State Building Construction Code, the Village of Greenport Zoning Ordinance and other appli- cable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions or alterations, or for removal or demolition, as herein described. The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances and regulations. BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. . ... . ...... "(Si'~~~;~~~' ~j ~p~li~ ~;: .~~. ~~.;;~: 'j'f'~' ~;;:;~;~;;~.~;........ . 11944 Manhanset Avenue, Greenport, NY .................................h................. IAddre~~ of Applicant) State whether applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, plumber or bu i Ider. ...9.~~.~.!....... .:... .:.... ..BiE~iiR..YACiIT..y~d~e; G~~aO\;~'\N1~i-~ ~.~~.t,a; Phone ~.~.~.~.~.~??:.~.~.~.~. Narne of owner of premises. ................................................................................................................................ If applicant is a corporation, signature of duly authorized officer. ........................................................................ lName and title of corporate officer) 1. Location of land on which proposed INOrk will be done. Dist. No. ..)QQ~................ Section ..9.~}............ Block ......~..~~~..?........... Lot ..~...~~?..~........ Street and Nu mber ....... .~.ry..~.<:~.~.7.~...':.'!.~.r:.~~.. ."!-.r:.~.. .~~.~.~.~ ..~?~~........................... .......... ............. ............ 2. State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy of proposed construction: a. Existing use and occupancy .~~~.~.~.~.~.~..~.~,~.~............................................................................. b. Intended use and occupancy ..~:?~.~.~.~.~.~..~.:.~.r:.<:............................................................................. c. Elev. of property corners ..~~~..~.~.~.:..!.?,\l.'?$.~.~.l?~.~.~...~.l? Elev..' of St. ~.~.~...~H.:...~.?R.'?a~.~p.i?-.~.~. Map 3. Nature of work (check which applicable): New Building .............. Addition ............. Alteration 4. Repair ................ Estimated Cost Removal................ Demolition ................................................. Fee ................ Other Work {Descrihe\ ~.~.et..~~.~.~~.h.ed Projec ucscription ......... "'l~~';;';'~~i;';'~~'iij;~'~t;i~'~~pii'~~;~'~j""" ............... Cons tor the work described in the Application for Building Permit in. clude the cost of all of tl'1e con~UUClion and otl'1er work done in connec- tion tl'1erewith, excl\lsi~ of tl'1e cOst of Il'1e land. If final cost ~hall ex. ceed estirT\8led cost, an additional f~ may be required before the issu- ance of Certificate of Occupancv FEES: lBasedonestimltltdcostl Up to $1.000 Eacl'1 add'l $1.0Cl0 or part 10 and including $1 5.000 Eacl'1 add'l $1.000 or part to and including $50.000 Each add'l $1.000 or part over $50,000 $10.00 7.50 5.00 '.00 5. If dwelling, number of dwelling units .....'J;i/..ft.... Number of dwelling units on each floor .......... If garage, number of cars ...................... Number avail. Parking spaces ...................... 6. If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each type of use .................. ........................................~.rJ.~..,....J.9.9.~..................................................................................................... 7. Dimensions of existing structures. if any: Number of Stories ...................... Front ..... . .... Rear ............ Depth ............ Height .................... N/A . . See Attached Maps and Plans 8. Dimensions of entire new construction: Front ............ Rear ............ Depth ............ Height. Number of Stories ...................... See Project Description Size of lot: Front ............ Rear ............ Depth ............ or see survey Zone or use district in which premises are situated .,~~:-:~~~!:::~::l?~~...~?~~!.~.;~l Does proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation? ..........~?.................. Name of Compensation Insurance C.arrier .L'aJ.l'/~77'-'...T~{).r.8NCL:...eat:1RI.f.I.!.,e...................... / 'lr 1.7 6~ ~ i F<> HIIIDBoJ ",. N:!I. /IN IOD~' Number at Policy ~E&.k." .,~. ,rlfN. ... O.te of ExpIr.tlon .../lLi..JJ,.t9Rt............................. Eng neer D 1\.1. :z' an 555 (914)698-5678 Name of ;C\FOOiWGt . S ES.,... c........ Addr~ ...'Y...~AArMli~..MalMt:cme.ckPhone No. ................... N.me of Contr.ctorA~~M~..t~.. AddrTo~~~.'~..fi~44..G"..n".. Phone No.<?~.6E?.1.7.9594 Electrical work to be inspected by, and a Certificate of Approvaf obtamed from the New York Board of Fire Underwriters. S. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. PLOT DIAGRAM Locate clearly and distinctly all buildings. whether existing or proposed, and indicate all set-back dimensions from property tines. Give street and block numbers or description according to deed, and show street names and indicate whether interior or comer lot. See Attached Plans [iI STATE OF NEW YO~~/~ I ss.: COUNTY OF -;;........;,Z.kl_~ ......... ) ...............~...R....~. ......':!:.. _' . 0.............................................. being duly SWr" deposes and says that he is (Name 01 tnrl'Vld ~19r"ngllPpIICllt'on) the applicant above named. He is e ................................~~~~~ ................................................ (Contractor. ..-nt. corpO~tt officer. ~c.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application; that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his knowledge and belief, and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application and in the plans and specifications filed therewith. Swo rn to before me thi'...!/ft.. d'~ of .......9<f.M-=...:.. ISh!.. 9J;... . r:L..A<k.......e ....~...."..~ ... .............. .' I. F.....:.['w.;:F...f~V~l..::::.:...... // 'OT;"I,YP' ;:.'C; ,,~<'.,I~cwYodl Notary Publ~, ..R.........._~:~,~,:;..~.~\I....I.X....... County MfGom""~::.~~,:~~;,:c~',"i~~4r;c~;0. 19~ .................ff... ....... .. ........................ Sill' (Sillnatureofap icanl) . HT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC PROPOSED EXCAVATI . BULKHEADING, MAINTENANCE AND RECONFIGURATION OF FLOATING PIER ASSEMBLY JUNE 15, 1954 PROJECT DESCRIPTION WITHIN THE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT BREWERS is seeking approval to expand and upgrade their Marina as follows: (Note: The following description only includes those portions of the overall project which are in the Village of Greenport. The project lies partially within the Incorporated Village of Greenport and the Town of Southold, and is contingent upon receiving approvals from both entities. as well as the other governing regulatory agencies. For the complete Project Description. see the attached letter dated June 15. 1984 to the Army Corps of Engineers. 1) Excavate a rectangular-shaped area approximately 4.550 sq. fto, and remove approximately 2.300 cu. yds. of material. 2) Remove approximately 180 lineal feet of existing timber bulkhead located between the existing lift well and Dock #4. The excavated bulkhead will be disposed of upland by a local carting company. 3) Construct and Maintain a timber bulkhead approximately 65 lineal feet along the east side of the proposed "U-shaped" boat basin between Dock #4 and Dock #5. The wood bulkhead wIll consist of approximately 3" x 12" timber sheeting and 14" diameter piles driven approximately 14.3 feet below Mean Low Water into firm bottom materials to provide an adequate base. In addition, there will be a sufficient tie-back system consisting of continuous (reinforced concrete) "deadman" anchors that will be attached to each timber pile along the bulkhead with 2" diameter tie-rods. The proposed bulkhead will tie into the existing timber bulkhead that runs from east to west along the south shoreline of the Marina. 4) Remove one(l) travelift runway extension approximately 40' in length located between Dock #3 and Dock #4. 5) Remove the existing docking facility consisting of approximately 655 lineal feet of main docks, 51 finger piers and 42 piles. Currently. there are five(5} floating pier assemblies that range in length from 60' 195' and can accommodate approximately 90-94 boats. 6) Construct, Install, and Maintain new floating pier (dock) assemblies, as follows: Dock A located on the west side of the proposed boat basin and in the vicinity where Dock #1 and Dock #2 are currently in place. consisting of: a) One(lJ main line of floats approximately 245' x 6'; b) One(1) timber ramp approximately 12' x 4' located at the north end of the main float; c) Six(6) finger piers approximately 50' x 4' located along the west side of the main float; d) One(1) finger pier approximately 35' . . . x 4' located along the west side of the main float: e) Six(6) finger piers approximately 40' x 4' located along the east side of the main float: f) Fourteen(l4) timber piles approximately 12" in diameter and 40' in length located at the ends of each finger pier and the main float line, adding stability to the structure. Dock B located in the center of the proposed boat basin and in the vicinity where Dock #3 is currently in place, consisting of: a) One(l) main line of floats approximately 220' x 8'; b) Fifteen(l5) finger piers approximately 30' x 4' located along the east and west sides of the main float: c) Sixteen(l6) timber piles approximately 12" in diameter and 40' in length located at the ends of each finger pier and main float, adding stability to the structure . Dock C located on the east side of the proposed boat basin and in the vicinity where Dock #4 and Dock #5 are currently in place, consisting of: a) One(l) primary line of main floats approximately 125' x 6': b) One(l) timber ramp approximately 12' x 4' located at the north end of the main float and connected to the existing timber bulkhead: c) Three(3) finger piers approximately 40' x 4' located along the west side of the main float. d) Two(2) secondary main float lines approximately 205' x 6' parallel to each other and extending perpendicular from the east side of the primary floa t line; e) Eight (8) fi r:ger piers approximately 25' x 4' located along the north side of the southern-most secondary float line: f) Five(5) finger piers approximately 50' x 4' located along the south side of the southern-most secondary float line; and g) Fifteen ( 15) timber piles approximately 12" in diameter and 40' in length located at the ends of each finger pier and along the primary and secondary float lines, adding stability to the structure. Two(2) Finger Fiers approximately 40' x 4' located along the east slde of the proposed boat basin; Two(2) timber ramps approximately 12' x 4' located along the east side of the proposed boat basin and connected to the two (2) finger piers: and two( 2) timber piles approximately 12" in diameter and 40' in length located at the ends of each finger pier, adding stability to the structures. 7l Maintenance-Dredge an irregularly-shaped Tltl,l75 sq. ft. to an average depth of Water and remove approximately 10,050 cu. measured IN PLACE. The area within the area approximately 8' Below Mean Low yds. of material as Village of Greenport . . to receive maintenance-dredglng is located throughout the existing docking facility and includes the additional areas (approximately 23.960 sq. ft.) for the proposed pier configuration. All maintenance-dredging activities will be undertaken by clamshell and barge and/or drag line operations. The dredged materials will be placed on BREWER' 5 upland property. semi-dried. mixed with the materials being excavated. and relocated upland at three different locations within the Town of Southold. . .. MAP NO. 1 V/C/'1f!fry Ro'l.;.y Pt ~Q O~ ':l ;i~:1 ~ 1f"" . 1193::; :r~ \ 1 '~I \\~ H" \\..-1 -"-": -," '\ " ~ /J - ~ "\-- ~ STI ALIIlI G "'''"~~\~WER YAC:~ ':.o~~. "'0 ',';'l;;: f1'1 ~'~ - '~~bi~'}l~ (' . . i:l r~:i~''''~~~W /~~"." '~:i~~~;~;..<':" '/. /-.0,-,8,,'" . 'IJ' ~ "",, ,r .....{~.'",~~.::7'"' .' ~ ,/ "/ . 'J!Jt "~ '-"':':'_'_',";= PORT \ ;~ "9, - "'r ""'C GREEH I /( ~-< ,"". . .. '" . ..,; " , ~< ~'~ =-~2'E~:::=f.~ < 1:>>', ';,=. ,- , ...'~ :''''"'''I'''''~'-,.-..!- o~\ all / ;" a=-~~. \ ~ . :. "7 \ ""'. ,. e,:._ ,,' .' '''"' '.. .' "" " , ; , .' -'-' ,'';''',' ~ !';'", "", ,.' . j'.. ~ t ~ ~'_":---, r. _ ,-~ , "'. ~""7f" _'_ "~. ~t'971'" . 80:/" J' ~"c~-::;;~f) ; /' '~' '<"'''-~~.r." '~.~~~\ /,', %' ~'.:r;/'l~nr.5'--<f('''~~'A:R' ,.--"".= , . , v, ,.. n ~ <'.. . '\\. ;i:'~): . . "<,~ mfS co> Fa""".!,! .;.... ,\:;,'", .~. lDERl,N G cd;f; , , . '.", e '", ". "..... "'" - q,,~ 1, \S\M~/ . \\5f.o"~'-;' . ~ - ~~:)'~:.:.r \~: ~~ --' ~ ~ /" It. 'It<-t<, "'" ( ~:.) ~,,,...C". '~_ ,~ \.\.'" . -""-'1 , ~~,_ .~-, ~~, U "'A._o,,", ~', """,., :::/t;~~,;~' '~~r ~ /' "~f':",~~ "'-- ,/')~ Q,~< \ ./R",;, .,..re, ~- ~ 965 c- ,( 'u~ '..,,-., _ <=~ , "I '. ' - .' oQ j if t:--;~- ~"e;, i'I ;f/j,,' " ~ /. ....... ~ Pi. ) ~ ~'~ ~WnTIR ~. .? ' ' " ,..,,", ./ - f 'M' " , " ,.. / "'. . 7.', .,"'MTS. oF. " 'C', /' J.ll'llflgS Pf~-=~ - ~~"2~ i"" '""". _.' 'oF' >:'", ,q,:i, ------~~ -., I I , --= f""-" . C' ",,~-.'"~"// , - ~ ,. --" / '~~5? u...". -,~, , . _~'. , ' ....,0:-- f. ~t /.', ; I-L ';:-'1':;:;: ~ ~~ :::::::......;..\ I HOLD '~\(j/'" ",\;"'-~H;" ~~",;:::' ",C ;;:"\C- o U\T <~"p~, " 01' f':-:;:-" .. ',r-~' 1"1t : ~ '?; "r..Q"p '~___ -=r?'> '\ ' \J\"" '''.w... /~~__~=.~~, _, " U - "" ~"H_ _ ~'.. SA y'-." f~h...' ;'~~:, b ~1%..rTh'~64 7/~ ' ",,~, ~ r~1 ".." h,. 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VICINITY o I 1250' 2500' 1 5000' I IRE'lrlEII YACHT YAIO AT GREtNPORT. 1W.e. 5TIJlLI~G ....SH; GREEWPORT KARiOR WANKANSET AVE"UE VILLAGE OF Clt[NPORT TOWN or SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUfrOll PROPOSEO EXCAVATION, IU;'KHEAD1W.G NAIH] t."""~t.-IIMt.Uc;,I""" "Nil 1It....UNtll..VIIAllvN Ut tLOAll...... I'n~ A))Hlnl I'M;;l]~...I:' DANIEL $. NA.TCHEZ AND A.SSOCIATES. INC. 555 AUI" 1I0AO Iol"MAJlONI::CIt. NEIr YOMI'; IO~3 (9141 696-567~ . . EXISTING CONDITIONS -,., "" "" .-- '" ." . sT AGNES CEMETERY , --:- ",:=,-,',::'::::..-.- ....~.4NH.4NSE.r ~~:~ ....) .~.: "'::.~.' ._..-:::.~_.:::... 2:.;~IIC:......... .................. .. '.. ----.::...... '( ~........... ............. .......... ........ ~.....- " ...... .... ....... "/'0 \ , \ "'" .... '---""". "'-- 9 '"-''' ~ " \ ....'\. ...... -----.. ........ .. ".. "'---.-. 8 ..--..... ". ..~ \,>..... \.. m~~ \\km \ ......\ '........... '" "', \T'\ \ \, '.. "-"- 7 '. . 1> ~, \" .............. C -- ----. ......,...~S \...... ........, ....--.,.6' ..J C 6.~ ..... .. \ ,,\ .' \ \ \~. .' \ \ ~.. \ ..S'. \ " '. " \ , , , , \ , , , , , , , , , , " " '. --.... ,... ~ "1 '-. '. WOOD BULKHEAD ..--.. . , / '. , , ) / , ; , , '...... "'--.. , , , , , . , , , ' '.. : , , .. , , , , , , , , . , . , . ~ : , , , ,- : " . . , . ..' .- . , , , , , , . , , . , t "I, ::,','1 ,/I, 1 ,,:, t' ,,1,' '/',' 11111 ;"'1 :/)1 ?i /::. ~~ OF ...... ;-' ". ,"",", -.,----- /:/ ~ SOUTH OLD //1 ~h .-- /.' {( .... ,. '." ./~ : '"'; :-..-...., {, ""'-L ~~-- :.-4.... L.1t~ , -..- \ \ , , , , , 1;> '. '. ...... . \ , , . , , , ! , , , . , . . , .....' ""'\. , "- , . '....... o - ............ -...... DOC/{ 2 ,Is, 1 DoCK 4 DOCK 5 .111111 YAel!'! 'ARC .., ~Inll""~ 111(. STIRLING ........ BASIN F~ .E&& .. nU.IIl" &ASI~ GIHIl'~1 .....". "'1l".USt~ ,"Y[IlUI .1~VIGI Of (;..UM'OJT Ton Of I04:T~~D COI/IITT 011 M1rro~1. PIOI"OI[D [lCAV~Tloo., I~LI.MU~'I~, ."IMl ~.....,.".,,,,,,,,~. ,,_. ......~~':...:~.~~~;:.. O:.~,~~.,'.l~, IIoUOVl'OlllUlnllY 10l)M":'I lOUNCi ..1.S. LICIII$LD l.UD IWIVUOU 1oU."'IT PAtED lll~T JIO. 1913 "liP UPT. 1. 1.3.... DI.::.tIlUI n. "TUII: IlLU IlA LtVlL 11lG1PI SCALE o 2S'5O' - 100' . o-...a I. UTCMU AND AIIOCtATES, INC. S!.~ ALD~ 'GAr _I.'OIIIC."I.T""KI~ I'i. .....!Ii> ~ ~ II. ~ I., I.... ... . "" % r- ~ . F'l'lCPOSED BJ.t~D BOATBASIH , ~ ~ \ i~~B gnlC/) ~ ~;O(') , -<:r ,.. , c- ~ ~~ ;;l ,qnlif~.e~~~r; ~oS~b DISPOSAL SIT! , . -- _....:;....,~::..~.. ~.:~4t\'H4t\'SE(. AVE" "'" "//" .:.:-- "', "', ...... "'-co:..:::.~_,~__._", \ .... .... '" ". ..... ''10 . \. ..... .... '. ....... "" ~ ': :' ............, "'" ,............ ..... \ '. ....... ". ~ .. ............ ........8._.... .... I "~" . " . .. .\ ' .. .. EXISTINGOHTCJJRS .. \ . .. .. ... C \ ~\ 1:1) . ". , ...... "'. '. \ : b .. .... \. ". \ n \ " ". r ---- - , _____ '___ '. ." \ .. ....; ". . I '\ ...... ". ir, '. 2aa' .... ..... \ \. \. ............. '. ......... ,... ~ . ~ ....- \ PROPOSED EXCAVATION , UO '. ........ Ip$" j .n' DOC/( 2 000( /2$' I EXISTING DOC/(S TO 8E RE"':VED "j 1 AND RELOOJ. TED DOCi( . 0001( $ I> STIRLING BASIN ~o ~~ -.:._-._- ~jJ;:, " . =.-=..-::''''..:~::::- SCALE . 25"50' 100 o . ~ PROPOSEDK AND DOC EXCAVATION REMOVAL CR[INPORT, HIe. YACHT YARD AT "EYER "SIN Snll.lNG ~..o. CIUNPon AVENUE WANKANSITC1[[NPORT VI LLACI or 5O\/T"01.0 TO../II O~T surroLl. COUNTY 'ULKH[AOING EXCAYAT10tl, " ""D '10'051D "U'I\..L-DIII:'Ul.-l".~gAllli(" "IIoIL" Ufo! Of :t~U"tll.'U""~lllLT rKUIL\,.l); rail A>>L elATES, INC EZ AND ASSO I NATCH DANIEL. 555 ALD"w I~~~k 10Sl.,3 MAMARONECK" ~S616 l:~~ I', 1961. OM iUlVEY IY IAS~~:C . Y~N~U'YEYORS LICENSED LA J6 1983 1963 M.T.S;ViY DATE!) JUiYOECtW,U 11. SU 1 1983 An J. (HCY!)) 'iY1SED Stry: W'U.N SEA LiYE DATUW. '_ ~1_1~ - :;;;'-" ...... \ 414 .:'-. ..:.,..... :-':':"''>'' NH4NSEr ", .) \....-:-.. .-.::.~_ 4VE II. ..... __---. _. \ .. '-. ~'o---.. .....// ,: ~............ .............. .__N:---::.:..... \ \. EXISTING ......... ...... ...... .~.....-. ,\ .............. CONTOU~ .......-........... ..........~ '" . . -". ..... . '''--.-.. \ , \ \ ..... .......... .... ,....--........-.. ~': '" , \" ............ ....... . -.. \ ...... \ .....8._..-~.. .. \ ....... ... \ \ ". " PARKING AND WINTER \ \ "" \ DI"\.a'T ewv>'GE \ \ ...., .... U'WP' ,",I-v" \ t \ ...... ... 1 " ....... .."- -.. 7 ". I \ ..... .' -- - ..._ .... I .. .... I ---"-... , " .....\ ......... \ \ , '... ".. ", \ ....\ ......... ..... -- \\ ~ '...... "', ~ ......' f......6.~ ....... . , ~ ~ . , , . ........ T 125' II IXt:It C ..i PROPOSED RECONFIGURATION OF FlDAT ING PIER ASSEMBLIES . . ~ .....- \ . . , \ Sf AGNES CllURCH ceMETERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL SITE '. ........ '. '--.... "'T- . 245 -- 6' k-.:: 96 '--.,/ Q:6( A k.:..68'~ ". CClo\ a ~q ,00 <"~ -- ---- j=:;j;:::'-;- ;-.:.=.:.....:..... -.-............-- -.--...--- aUtD U'ON SURVEY .T TOUNG . YOUNG N.T.S. LICENSED LAMD SURVtlOIS SURVEY DAnD JULY 26. 1983 lEVISED SEPT. 1. 1913 .nd DECtMIER 27. 1913 DATU..: MtAN SEA LEVEL tNGVDJ . '" o '" r- '" ~ IPOSfD rSIN NIfHE W~ROf ,... ~ "l rllllll. ~~~~E ~tlio~ 4l!.' . / ~~ ..~_ ,0 ~. "-..--. . . \ \ . , , , ! , , , . , " ~R'l)C~: \S ..~~ : ... I . , , I . , \ : \ , . , : " . , ',-/' uo' \ \ ~ \ . ,-"\ ". { \ , '. . . : (...... ~ I I ,..-: " : : ,'1'-~' , f I, , ," t ", \,',','1 1",1 ,", "','I "'1{ "', ;/,'1 ,'//!i /,'/,t "-..- __,'I/! S ----.' '~ " " ". 'l- ":'J ...,'., ~, " ".- (( \-. " /e-' ) '......' .... . ,'...~-~/ .' .~'';'':L I "- -,,:,~,, 20S' - A~ ~..L (~ 25' PROPOSED VILLAGE OF DOCKS GREENPORT SCALE o 25'50' 100' - . IIEWER YACHT TARO AT CIEENPOIT. INC. STilLING '''SUo CIE[NPORT KARBOR MA"HANSEl AVENUE VllLAGI or CRE[WPORT TOWN or SOUTHOl.t1 COUNTY OF SUrFOL~ PlOPOSEO UCA.ATlON, IUUHEAtllflC MA1Nlt.NAPh.t.-UHl:.Ul.oI"'v. Ml:; 1t...U"UI..UIIA110f0 0. tLU^1 I"" ,.Illl A!>>UolIILT !'IUll!.l:' DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. INC. 555 AlOA ROAD "AWARONtC... NEW TONK JOs.J 19a 1 698-567b Nay 19. 19&.. . - ~}it4 --. - M4:--- ". -. ..... . ,14NScT "'-. MAIN TaNCE VILL~E OF DREDGING MAP GREENPORT ..... ~ "i ~ ~~~~Jt ~J. MAINTENA~E r/LL1 D~DGING SOUNDINGS ARE IN FEET AND TENTHS DAlUM: HRLOW 280' '.- -. 4Vl: -...._--._--~ ~ , "1'01_ \ ~lESCl\IJRC'I St cElAE~ ~fo\'tE O\S""'~ .s~~1V ,.~~ SCALE o 25'50' 100' - -- ---- ;;-'::;j-.'-:-- v . Po 600' n.OPos€D Doc#( --.-.-.. -.-.-......-...- -.--......-- CONJ:/G(J RATION STIRLING BASIN .A _ ,",,-EB~ FlOOD ,.oPOSED UCAVATlOIrj, 'ULl"HE"'OI"~ ""'I" I t."'''''~t.lJM~..."I''.... """ .t.",U"~I...y~A,I.,)'" ("." ~I..U"'ll"v ,...toIl A~:'llo:ll" rli.Jll"I:O laSED VPOtI SU'V" IT YOUNG " YOUNG M.' .5. L1Cttl5E.D U.llt> SUIYUOU ~.vn DATED JULY 26, 1983 ItvlSEIl 5tH. I. J"J and DECEW.E11 n. 1M3 DATU'" MUIiI Ill. LEVEL UIC;YDI DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 "LOA .OAD MAM!<.OtIlCI" IOU, '-ON~ 105.:.) t'!.LI 69S-St>7b W.Y 19. 195~ . \ ~.o " ~/"'" S/~IS.oOS~( 12 ~ 9.0 ,,:0 ~Et~ ~~ ",,"oseO . INCO ~r E!S<lY~rIO ....S,N N (/l .. Z ~ '" IT' ~ :xc STIRLING BASIN ... ~Q \'b \, 1- "0' _ _ J-........... UPLAND "---- PROPOSED EXCAVATION AND DISPOSAL SITES EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY -" SCALE o ~'od ~ IIlEVER 'ACIiT YARD AT GUtHroRT, INC. ....SED UPCMI TO'OGUPHIC ....., fiVE EASTERN TOWM~ SUFfOLl COUNTY. M. Y. S+!EE'T "0. KH_LO SUFfOLK COUNTY DEf'AaTlol[JlT or PU..LIC WORKS DATU.., "EA~ SEA LlvEL STIRlING IASIN GREEN PORT HARBOR WANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE or "tIMPORT TOWN Of SOUTHOLD COUNTY Of surFOlk PROPOSED [1;'''V''1]0,". 'UUHEAOING MAINI t.NAN~l.DWlD"I"", "Poll fI...Uflltl(",UIIA1IUfrl Ut ti.I.MIINI.> "ll~ A:.~t.~IIlL1 ,"!lUll...l!:> DANIEl. S. NATCHEZ ANO ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 ALllA lOAD W...MAIlONlCK. NElli TOIll J0S4J 19JLI~5676 ".'119.196':' . .Jt/ / ~ "'" " , -'It \"c; ~ ~1.0/ ' 9,.\.. R"< _'" v S~\~~t _--- -.:; i;f.Wo __ , 1- ____- __ ", /" ~ ~5 ____ ~ 4.0 \ PIlEVIO!Js 0 SIYE FO/Jo/SPOSA L AJ;O D<iDGg~~TEO ....1!:'IlL4L ~.S Sr .".. P~Es Cf"4Ic1!:'1ll' GIWiiIVG ~ '0 I I c:;b I ,1\ ..............., II '\'\ " '\ " I, /I 11 " /I " " h/7.O l / I II CE~ETERY II 'f liST. II II P!iO~ES : II II COItTOiJt-~ II II I ... '1 o,.:.,"-.!. '" C~ ,~, -' t,,_ II ". 3.5 ", \,_.~~ '-- , '0 8~EIl P.'-OSf"6~~r6u'1g 5 " OJ [ '1',- , ../ 7oiV/y f;/SOUO~OLO "" ...", ...~'" 'lfATIOIV r --', 160. u;~~ R[[NPon. IMC. ACMT YUtl AT G IlEVU ,. AStlf STIII.lMG ~"Ol. CIIEWPOli AVENUE "AMHANst GlEtNPOIT YlLU.CI Of SOUTtIOLD TOVN or or surfOLI. COUIITY IUlICH[At/ltoC CAVATlON. ""Il ,1l0PostD [~......t.~DU.IX"oI"'tl,o~UAIINl.I MAINlt.:'UMAIIOfl UtICU1t.1..1:' ",,)On: ""W'" . .NC rlt. ASSOCIATES, A. TCHEZ AND OANIE1. S. N SSS AL~:w '~~K 10S00 ""M.UON~iI14') 69!--~ M.)' 19,1 SCA!-E od O~ STIRLING BASIN "" t'6 \~ ~ IV TOPOGRAPHY PROPOSED AT/ON SITES OF RELOC '''SEO UPON..", TOPOCIA"H~C TO"'~S FIVE tASU:TY. III. Y. surrOlKTc~. HH~O .... CoohlY,.KS SUFFOLK UkLIC \li0 DEPART"'l:.N~~:N Psu, Ll:VEL DA1ULl. / ( i I '8 E \ ~~ ~;~-. . SECT. --4~ii1t~~ I :--. M4NH4NSET ----= -. .... . "'_. I ~ \ ()\uRC\I IE-S St ~\.IE"f~ ~SI"tE OIS?OS SECT. D---- , , 6' -'::'--.._- ~j;::c ~,,-:.~:"~~:;::::- SURVEY BY ....SED UI'ON triG YOUNG . y~ SURVEYOIS LICENSED LAN 26 19l1J tc'''uSiVEY OATEp JUL'10ECEMBER 27. 5 1198".nd (NC;VOl .EVISED SEP": NEA,. SEA LEVEL DATUW. STIRLING "" "" C, <::> r- ~ :>:l . ..... ~ "1 4VE - _....__._-----~ " ".....~_.~ ..........g . .........., s~'1tv q,. ~O~ SCALE . o 25' SO' 100 . - ~o ~ ill PLAN GRADING . YA'D AT CIEENPORT, tNC. BREWER U.CHT STU:LIN~ :~~IBNOR GREENI'D<< VENUE MANKANS:"C:EEHPORT VILLAGE ~ SOI,lTKOLO TOW' Y or SUFFOLK COUNT IULltNEAOlNG ED EXCAVATION. N.... AN", PItOPOS'1 LNI\IIII\,.L-I.II1Ll1\ol 'lUA, I"", ."1 10," Ut IIh.ONfl...l.JIIAllILl..IlUIL...I:' "1t.1I AllllU tHe AND ASSOCIATES,' . S NATCHEZ DANIEL. !aSS ALOA IOO",D~ IOs.:J N[W Y WAMARONt.CI(, 69&-5676 (~~~) 19. 190.1. BASIN : .~, ::: , o 250' 500' , 7000' . ~ AREA NAVIGATION MAP BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. STIRLING BASIN GREENPORT HARBOR MANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BULKHEADING MAINTENANCE-DREDGING, AND <<ECONFIGURATION OF FLOATING PIER ASSEMBLY PROJECTS BASED UPON DEVELOPMENT PLAN VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. N. Y. JUNE. 1967 DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. INC. 555 ALDA ROAD MAMARONECK, NEW YORK 10543 (914) 698-5678 Way 19. 1984 . . RECONFIGURATION OF DOCKS AND MOORINGS r---' RTION.6L I I I OR L.__.J OCKS 8 ~~O~<6~10 ~:::'J ~&l~G . ~~S~D ~~.&~y --. - _M4:"'H.4t\1scr --. " ~ "i .4VE - -. ~ -..- \ BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREEN PO RTI INC. ~ :{ -.GlIES C\I\JRcll S cE\A~iE.R~ O\~~\",[E ............ '. ~;:.. /I U C"...~_... ,7....."j-- ,"':::' .......11 " ::.J' , f:-~.~ .I, e: ~It::::~ "',. .,-' " , ~ f I I I I '1.__ / $ / ~/; ..y ......, / (;1 .~ 1:'....1.. .. ~/(( " --'0'::1.6 "ell .~c . _ ' E, '..(,,,,, , 'Z I , , $~o..,tv '!toc" 'i.b t:.::, 1:'_"" ::',:) . ........' ~~ ",,:~ .. c,;....L . -- c:...,l -~~--.:J t":-.....~:~ . ~- ~I' --or _ " r::1: '4 ':J..!! SCALE o 25'50' 100' - --. o o o o o ,'[WE' YACHT 'AltD AT GRrENPOn, INC. STIlliNG 11.51" GREENPOIlT KAuOR .....NKAMSn AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TO.-N OF SOUTMOl.D COUNn or surrOl.K 'ROPOSED EXCAVATION BlJLKH[ADlllC .....INI t.NI",r;..t.-UIlt.LK.I"~ ,,!'tv U.\..UfU l'-'UIlIII ION U' tL'UAllNi.. r It. II ">>l~IBLI t'1lL;,l..l::' ---- ;;:;".11-;-- -.-.. . =:-:--=':-'?:"ii":1:- srI Rl.! NG ~o( 8A.SIN ~o ~ '''S[D UPON SU'VEY IT YOUNG' YOUNG II, T .5. LlCEtlSED LAND SURVEYORS SURVEY DATED JULY l6 19SJ a[Y1StD SE'T. 1, J9IJ .nd DECEMBER 27 DATUM, ..tAtI SEA LEVEL fNc;VOI . DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INe 555 ALOA 'OAt:: ""MARCHECK. tiE. YOP~ IOSLJ 19141696-5676 W.)' 19. I~.. "OJ .It.... t ''I.JI ""'. "'l \ .' ..1~. '- .~,it ...!'\ ~... -11\ \.Ii'~"~ .... "OF "~IO" !. I :s " ~. .... !'l..' ,. ". ".. \ ~<< " 't. ~) . .. " \ ;; ~ f"-...- ; ,. . O'~I 7"~.. " " " I, .... " ~ ~ (' ': ~ti:. . \ /~.. I , ',~ . ~8E"'f71(~E"$~ " 1.'6!iA/e Ii. C~1i ""',,; '.1, .,-:.~. -~ -..J_ Q:'CI) - "< I-llJ CI) / 'So . /ill'", r...~ .'-i 66.#~.ItM .~ ~ r,: t -~..,"". _e-~ I~ I &} <<-V" -4 ~ ~),; ....~"....I ~'~-;... /.I'.k .,. ~.. .i "~ I ~.\ .~ . lV"n~~(J' .... , ~ ... .s.r:,JW~.I.StJ' '. .k' ~~~o ~C:'\~ ,<1>1 . l\) ~ .\1 ~ (J" ~ ll. -tc;.j.... .\ ?)> "!'; .,~ .J""',o.,." ~.,....,,':'"J-:r.' <'.... .- '. AREA UNDERWATER GRANT MAP LAND .. ~ ". \~ \ ~ \~. .. \.. t. Il?~ .~: .... ~~ r' h"4QE.;-r ;.11..9.0'/'/,,1/11' A'7-,~ /9~~ 4'8 ~ 'S.f, ." ~P"'~"4} 81!'" t!"'!I: VATEIl GIANT " copy Of lASED oe:"DEX MA'~:T~ IU"OU o . 500' . D AT GltENPORT, lwe. I.EWEI YACHT TAl STUL1MG IA~I:OR GIE[NPOIT ::ENUE MUItAMSlTG1nll'ORT '1ILLA-Gt 0' SOUTMOLD TOWN OFoo 5U'TOl.k COUNTY IULlKEADING UC"'I"T1ON, ...~~ '~~:~ t.'Uurl\,.t.-UIlt.~I"t""L'i,M., I..... .t....UNf ItoUil"IIU~, rlfult.[..l~ PIt.1I A>>t.W. He ASSOCIATES, 1 . NATCHEZ AND OANIEL S. 555 ALDA 10A0 JO!>O (W YOIII ItANAIOIilECIt, ~56'6 (~;~J 19. 19& PREVIOUS ~ S~~~~ . EXISTING BERM P~POSED G OUND PR FILE SECTION A EXISTING GRoUND PROFILE SECTION B PROPOSED FILL PREVIOUS SPOILS ~ AREA . EXISTING BERM SCALE o 25' 50' . . FRESH WATER POND MANHANSET AVENUE ...., . t~q' MANHANSET ~IS' AVE NUE 10' 5. o BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. STIRLING BASIN GREENPORT HARBOR MANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE or GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUlHQtD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BULKHEAUING M^INT~HANCE-DREDGIHG. AND R[CONFIGURA.TION OF HOAIING PIER ^~SHI8LY PROJECTS DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. INC. 555 ALDA ROA D MAMARONECK. NEW YORK J0543 19W 69B-5678 May 19. 1984 . . SECTION C AF~EA TO BE FILLED we~~iB - BUILDING TO BE REMOVED BOTTOM EL.- 8.0' BELOW MLW S1: AGNES CEMETERY p(r". PROPOSED FLOATS AND PILES 288' 68' 30~ 8'1<-30' ~40~70' MHW +1.2' -----------------. -----'MLW'-H'---- >t< ACCESS DR.IVE PARKING WALKWAY WITH PLANTlNGS 1--22'~19'~8' II o I 25' I SCALE 50' I ~~. ~ ."" 100' I -- ---- ;;:;j;:';- - v .. -...-.-.-..... =.-=:=:"J:::'~::':'- IAstllu",*sunun ~OUIO(l . TOVIIG ..Y.I. lICUUD UNO SUnnOlS fU..n DATlDJULT16. 1'JIlI) _nino SHr. I. "" ...d o[cn..u n. 191) J)ATUM, MU" KA Lun tllC"1I1 >t< 70'~40~ BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. tNC. STIRLING BASIN GREENPORT HARBOR MANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATIONC BULKHEAD)NG MAINTlNANCE-DRED (NG. AND RECQNFIGURATION or FLOAIING ..IlK ASSEMBLY PROJECTS DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 AlDA ROAD MAMARONECK, NEW YORK 10543 (91<1 698-567B May 19. 1984 s6W~~~b ST. AGNES . CE METERY . SECTION D-D ACCESS DRIVE SCALE 5' 10' PLANTERS (CURB STO PS) PARKING o 2(f . BULKHEAD PILE FLOAT BOT TOM BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. STIRLING BASIN GREEN PORT HARBOR MANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GRE[NPORT TOWN or SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATIO~ BULKHEADING MAINT~N^NCl-DHt ING. AND RECONflGURA1ION OF . LUA1ING PllM A~:JI:.MBLY t'ROIt::US DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. INC. 555 ALOA ROAD MAMARONECK, NEW YORK 10543 19'41 696-5676 May 19. 198" . . MANHANSET AVENUE SECTION E-E NATURAL SCREENING TRAVELlFT FENCE BOAT STORAGE SCALE o 5' 10' 20' . I BOAT STORAGE BREWi::H: YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. STI RLING BASIN GREENPORT HARBOR NANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY or SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BULKHEADING MAINTENANCE-DREDGING. AND frCONtlGURATION Ot FLOA11NG f"llR ASSUIHLY PROIECTS DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. INC. 555 ALOA ROAD MAMARONI::CK, NEW YORK 105"3 19") 698-5618 Nay 19. 198' SECTION - F TYPICAL MAINTENANCE DREDGING . ---------ItfHW+Z... txlsnMl ---------AllW 0.0 9lAJ(HfAO ~ ~~)(ISr/N8 8OrT'Olll '/// ~_'L~ '// '///////f///// f/ ro lit ~IfOPOSED 8OrlUAl/ . IlnIOI/~D P_'L~ -r.o' lIELOW _ " .... .... .... .... ....: ...... ... ..... ...... " f)(ISrwo flQol~ AM> PILES . P/IOI'OSED FLOATS MID PILES ----- - - - -IIHW +2.... EX'S rING ---------MLW 0.0 B/JLKHfAD PIlOPOIlfO 80rlUAl PROFILE .... ~ 0 " 10' Zf1 " .... .... , . " " r IZ" + Z,' IUllE. YACHT 'UD U GutllP'otT. lllC. SHnlllG IASIIl GIUN'O.T uno. III~NHAlfsn "'~UlUt YILtAGf Of GUEN'OU TOWN Of SOVTlIOlO COUNTY or SUHOLll , 'C:~~~ ~ ~:~~:~~:~Pl.I~~I:~:DI MG llLLlJIIII Il>U.~' IUJO Uf I LV"" un.. ~~t,~ DAMEl S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. -.c. ~~., AL"" 'UAt. MAM,Uotlin. Hill lOH 10'>'3 1~1.' 6~~. <,f,1~ lot., I~. 1'>11. . ----..:: ". , -...- \ ST AGNES CEMETERY ............. '. MH'N -. -.........-. J:;j7::';-'- , . =-~..."::':- -..... =:."=..~;~:-::~:':'- MU.. ~0I0 sunu n TOUII.. . 'Ot,'~: ..T.'. LICU$~~ L"U s~.vnol~ 'VUlT DArt.. l~lY :11>. 196:J InIU.. un. 1. 1M;) .nG Dt:IttIU 27, 196J 11"'11111, IlU.. 11.11 UVH UIC.VllJ . . C} o o r '" "'" -+ APPROXIMATE LOCAilON OF TEST BORINGS ~"'" -'::'-.~,--- "- ~ "1 Tt;:: B:.';;:..~: :::..; . c. 5l....;'~ TU: 1:>.._ ":. 5~'~,.'''.':1 !,.:: +, '" f:;....:~,: : ~', ~):. ~ ,,- r,.+;:: '00' :,:.:o..>~:4NH4/VSET "::. ....~.....-::-.'::~:=:~:~:~-.::~:.~:.: ". -'.. --~.. ....... ". \""" ". .~O ... ...... "'--'9 .-----. ~ .......... 8 .~._~~..~~::...~.. \:;-. .... \1m \ "', \Tl .... '. 't:J. '.\ C"\ ~\..~ \. : ". .) ,.,# .,:. (. '. \ , . , \ , \ \ , \ , , , \ \ ' \ '. . , \ . , , , '. \ '." . . , '. , . , . , . , '. , \ , . , . , '. , . '........ . .......-.... '. ". , . , . '. \.... B-1 '. ..... ",--. -. 7 :' -------.. . '. . . . \ ...... \ ....: "'\\~-- .l.. /~~" i(-....-.. ~~~ , . \" .~\_., I ..-- ~ I I ". ': \ " , I I ;. I i ~~'"'' ", :: ......s". \ \ : I; -.J>~-\"" , ,': : /.r ,\\. \ , ' I, , \ : ~ :.'/, ~)- \ \ : :,',':' */\\ I I rl', \ \ ,. ,,1,'1 \ ' , 111,1 =t' " . ,'" VJ ;,/ /.'/,~I......./1 \ '..../,rv ~-, ...... 11'1- ~ '-.---.-- ..,<,;:; ct; TOWN OF --..---- ,,;/ ~// SOUTHOLD /:'1 ~/; ~..,///>,~ f( , '.>--:- V --\..... ,- -. ,', ,...~GGt EXISTING DOCKS , , . '. , , . . , . \ \ ~ ~ \ ',s. , , '. . ........ ". '. . , , , , , , , , , , , , , ..~/ ....-..\ .. , . . . , B-3 + .. , '. , . , \ , \ , , , ... , '- , "-.." 8-4 ". / ".~ , ....... ", MHV'/' STIRLING ~ - FLOOD BASIN ~ 111"0 l~,~~ u.;: .' C;JlE.P:l~~. 1...: HI" I.~ ..;~, ~'H":'~ ,,'H~~ 1O........";.'f'. Vl~,.;:.[ or CU! 'c~.,'~ '"0.' ::IF Io:ll'l,,~~r cow.n Of Sl"f:l._ SCALE 025'50' 100' 'IO!'OHr [lCOH'I:-<O. 1.1.l..'-.:....~ :I~~~.~.:,::::::: :-:":'. ~ -'c':": " DANIEl .. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. INe SS,AL1"IJ': II.III,O''''',:~. .,. Y"h I~J 1....'to9i'..,..;, 110) 1;'.19'6. . . SLACKE TEST BORING, INC. y~y~\V~~g~ 4 MAIN STREET, P.O. BOX 64, KINGS PARK, L.I., NEW YORK 11754 . (516) 544-0404 I Mrs.' Solly Ann Slacke, Pr.sident Boring No. 1 2945- 84 Date: February 21, 1984 Job No. Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Beach Road & Manhasset Avenue, Greeport, N.' Job Location Datum Ground Surface Elevation 6.0 6' 5" Water Level is below Ground Surface 10 20 A M b bl T'd I : . . - pro a e I a DE"TH 30" 110... 'en.tr.tion CLASSIFICATION OF SOIL Sa",p!. of 5pooII CASING ILOWS fro", 10 Spoon III lr"ho. Grou"d brown Silty DRILLED IN CASING Surf.ce I' FI LL - Coarse to Fine USED (HSA) Sand, some Gravel I' 2'6" Brown & gray Silt, trace Gravel 2'611 9' Coarse to Fine brown Sand & Gravel trace Silt Sample #1 @ 2'6" to 4' 7-7- 8 18" WATER SAMPLES 18" Sample #1 - 10' casin Sample #2 @ 4' to 5' 6" 10- 1 0- 1 2 in ground 9' 20' Coarse to Fine brown Sand, trace Sample #2 - 18'6" Fine Gravel casing in Sample #3 @ 9' to 10' 6" 5-1-2 18" ground Sample #4 @ 14' to 15'6" 8- 6-1 0 18" Sample #5 @ 18'6" to 20' 8-8-9 18" ----- c . . SLACKE TEST BORING, INC. Y~Y~~~~.0~ 4 MAIN STREET, PO. BOX 64, KINGS PARK, L.I.. NEW YORK 11754. (516) 544-0404 I Mrs.' Sally Ann Slacko, Pr.,;denl Boring No. 2 Job No 29QS- SQ Date: February 21, 19SQ Job Location Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Beach Road & Manhasset Avenue, Greenport, N. Datum -- . . SLACKE TEST BORING, INC. y~y~~g~6~ 4 MAIN STREET, PO. BOX 64, KINGS PARK, L.I., NEW YORK 11754. (516) 544-0404 I Mrs. , Sally Ann Slacka, Prasident * Boring No. 3 Job No 2945-84 Date: February 22, 1984 Job Location Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Beach Road & Manhasset Avenue, Greenport, N Datum Ground Surface Elevafion 4.5 Water level is 31 8" belaw Ground Surface In.nn A M. - rnhahl" Tin,,1 DU'TH Fro", To CLASSIFICATION OF SOIL 30" a1ow, Semple SpMn It.nlttratio... of Spoon In Inche, CASING BLOWS Groul'ld Surface 2'6" PROBABLE FILL - Medium to Fine brown Sand, some Gravel, some Silt *bori ng was relocate( as indicated on print 21611 4' Dark gray Organic Silt Sample #1 @ 2'6" to 4' 2- 2- 3 18" DRILLED IN CASING USED (HSA) 4' 5'6" Brown & gray Silt Sample #2 @ 4' to 5' 6" 4- 4- 5 18" WA TER SAMPLES 5'6" 9' Brown Silt, some Gravel, some Medium to Fine brown Sand Sample #1 - 10' casin in ground Sample #3 @ 5'6" to 7' 7- 8- 8 18" Sample #2 - 18'6" casing in ground 9' 14' Coarse to Fine brown Sand, trace Fine Gravel Sample #4 @ 9' to 10'6" 7-7- 8 18" , 4' 20' Coarse to Fine brown Sand, some Fine Gravel Sample #5 @ 14' to 15'6" 13-11-13 18" Sample #6 @ 18' 6" to 20' 9-11-13 18" . . SLACKE TEST BORING, INC. Y~Y~W~~6~ 4 MAIN STREET, PO. BOX 64, KINGS PARK, Lt., NEW YORK 11754 . (516) 544-0404 IMrs,} Silly Ann Srlckl, Pr.,;dent Boring No. " 4 2945-84 Date: February 21, 1984 Job No. Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Beach Road & Manhasset Avenue, Greenport, N.' Job locafion Datum 4.6 41 8" Water level is below Ground Surface 2:00 P.M. - probable Tidal Ground Surface Elevafion DE'TH f,.Ift To Ground Surf.ce l'61i 1'6" 5'6" 5'611 19' 19' 30' CLASSIFICATION OF SOIL 30" 1I0wI b",p5e SPH" CASING aLOWS '.n.tr.tion .f Spoon III Inch.. FILL - Coarse to Fine brown Silty Sand, some Gravel "relocated 13 feet west (as indicated on Print) Coarse to Fine brown Sand, some Medium to Fine Gravel, trace Silt DRILLED IN CASING USED (HSA) Sample #1 @ 2'6" to 4' 4- 2- 2 18" Sample #2 @ 4' to 5'6" WATER SAMPLE 2- 2- 2 18" Dark gray Organic Silt Sample #1 - 24 feet of casing in grounc Sample #3 @ 5'6" to 7' 1-1-1 18" No other sample take due to Silty soil. Sample #4 @ 9' to 14' pushed 5 feet with weight 0 rods Sample #5 @ 14' to 18' pushed 4 feet with weight 04 rods Coarse to Fine brown Sand, trace Fine Gravel Sample #6 @ 19' to 20'6" 11-1 2- 1 6 18" Sample #7 @ 24' to 25'6" 8-1 ()- 11 18" Sample #8 @ 28'6" to 30' 9-9-10 18" lit ,...,'.0' I. '~D.I".. \.,"'. ! ~ ","lIT. 011 ..UIOfll......... ~ : . ,. .. ~~'"ii'~ .. ~ 0, tla %' ., ;. ,: ;: ..... A ;l ill ~~l~ I . iI ," ~~ , ..J I..'~.~_'~!~"!~).. "~ '. ::1" 5 i ~ ... "1 ~ I .......01....... ...~u ~ vi & , ] Ii .. > n ~I . >> ~ ~ r .:.g ,I. ~ [I T ~I~ ' . 'x " , V;j" . . .. 8 , 0''- I' , , , ,j , ,. ~ .. . '. ~ ; . . I ;: I . r. : O~':; .; .J:I~ :: _>> ~ ~ 0.. 0:,;: ,. S l~: J 1:0 8. .. UI ': ~." ,. r r :t 'i" ~~...sCo!:p,l;: t\" . i'" 11. I.~~l'l!j,. ~ ~." .. t\,. .<<' ..1I.1~EG~.iF ~.!~lI~lt;1 o 1.. == ;;l~ ~ 12 ~ :!;;Z.u~ ~ ~oO..I~Et I )oZ f I'd A", r. - t;!" : f" i ~ "i " 0 g r .." ""0 f t. !: g.: ~.. .. ~ ~ .. '; :" :;,.- .. 'i': :2 Z p,.1 .~ -J: .Ii! go 11 ~.,. ." Q ~ '/ ~J !J tl ; ~ ;. 111'.0. '-'oo" " MCtlOOol ..,t: . '. '. J '''~o. . , ~ l ~ ! ~ . ~ ! ~ ~'P "',c ::~;l" ':~i! '. 01. ,,' .~ . . 'Ii I ;,I ; ~!;I ~ 0'.- I. In.! ~ ~ . ",<1> % "'''' t ~ ~ ~ .] foe r' ~r~5 00 ~; r l ....r I~O' ,d: 0' f:! . ~i : o ., , .. .. ~C.~ " ... I - _,0 ,. z .~ N' ,"01 . . '" ,..... o . . :.1:-. " p :1. 'I" :/: , . r- i, . '0 ..;;~~ "'<::1:> ;Ei~i 0" ..,..>,." :';:....;" ~:::;::l:. :Ifi">~ < ,r ::!C:~:O . ..-..... -..... ~~r:>_ ~~;~~ ng::'" ~ f . . ' 'n . .. If ; 02 I' o~ ..: fl~ to ; i ;; ;'ji ,f I~ ::0:: .. Ii :J: r~~ ~ ' ... = < ~~ 5 . 0 . z --;, , iJ;~ \' ~ , 0 '" . , 0 ,." ~ ~ Ctl f . - i , C'l . ~ ~ <: u ~ 0 > . ~ ~ . ~ . ~ ~ n . ~ - < ,. > ;;;; . 0 -y<. , ~ '. 0 0 0 n 6 ~ . ." f ~ , IJH =l.... " "" '''''~ :~- ~ :I~H .-J-'i1 -:11. ~H I~'i < 0" .> ,,~ gg ~~ ~i og .' I!i ; I ir: " I .~ , - .........:;; ~ '1.. ~ ~o 0 H fr~l ~; :;1 ---'L i ~ 5 J i :> ~ ;;: ;0 ~ ~o ; ~ ~ f . ~ . , . . ~ ! ~ .-. 5 , ~ ';'. 0 e 0 .D o . ;$ , ~ , ;; >> ~ .. ~ ~ j. ----=' %- rt,'l.~j! I ~ l,_I{ i .' , 5 ~ ~ " r~cr )0 ~ ~ ~t: ~ , . i '. ~r ',' IF ~ ...1 , "'II It -;:0- > T r--!.': -, I I - J" '" .. a." ;: l .,' I' ','" -. ~i.+nl ;i It nt J Fi €l~~: ,. , _. ..I~ ~.I ,.,t. ~ ;i --I'ij ]~ :g -', ~ ~ '1 ~t-'li - ;' all~ _.: - ~ !: j . ~ . . CAVID CARSEN. P.C. e.ofuulting E nginLt.'t 7' 3 MUNRO AVENUE MA""....RCN[CIC. N. Y. 1 C 5 4:1 "4 - OWIlN. ..013. DESIGN CRITERIA The bulkhead for this ~roject was designed on subsoil infor~ation taken from Borings B1 thru B4 Incl, taken by Slacke Test Boring Inc. Because of the extremely wet and poor surface condi tions, no borings ',':ere taken along the west edge of the proposed bulkhead. However, a sounding was made to determine the depth of the soft material. The underlayment below this level was arrived at by interpolation from known subsoil data. It should be noted that portions of the existing bulkhead at the southeast and southwest extremities are not to be replaced. Should it be desired to increase the water depth at these areas, the bulkhead should be carefully checked and any changes that involve an increase of water depth of more than two feet will probably req~ire additional strengthening. . . I P:Jr~Wf"'r Ycul-..f Yo,....d (Q) G"'e2" ~o,.f / Rei CO~/rocl ;30 N'; 9 r .s-/QCk~ ~s,L /.60"-1":9 z,.,c. Oes&,... ~QS I"" Gracie c/~v' WC1ff2". E/Q..v " J"v6:Jr<:l drc e/'2Y' PIle Ti;,o ('=/~v , P//<Z' To; r:/(Zv 0'0 0'0 - 9, 2 70 6e c;. o. .,b,.- dres 17" qe fcrho. I;'" eo aI JOI/ a60ve .!2t6-~r-Qc/e ;.. 3"'~ 7'~ 7" "({ =- 110 /J c ~ ~'-:- ~ 0 ~ Co ~ kq : IQ"S (4~- ~~) =- o.2a So'-/ b I2!OJ-<J fu6 - 'jroc/e f" .3 <f.. S . 0": G ~ I C I' <;;/f=- -0,4- kp, ," G. ~3, <;1,.. -o.qC) k q'.. .. 0 '')G *// ./iq' ::. (~. G;3 - t). '2')' (.3? !-/or'-z.- 7;';""~ (l,.... fJ..ef2 '/;,.~, : ,/0 ./'c.n'''c-J...a,..'1~ IO(;(J ".,,// 6~ v/tJ ~ Ie r c/ ~./I'yl'\. . . . 2. eL., "0 Gl.S. A, ~H/~///~I/ ~IE . ~ -? c ~ , , Ii) T .. yW.L _0 ~ !t.O ..:.. ~ 8 0 110 IeI' - ~~ 'l:I- -, ~ I~ , Go Jet I r~ v. .' I<V " 0: \I <1= 3'1-. IT 'I I ~ I 0-- L, o' 1/ JE:Oa 0.'2& :t IE L. - ,9. <:0 I ///.;/'II..!"///.://E///: .' . ';;S'rc kp'= :;. G3 r' 345~ r-,;.... - 0 1- It'; I'q._ 0.'2': ~ : }: =I '; (; G 3 - O. '2 ~) = ,"..37 & 0l i ~ or!, /(q = 110)( S-x 0-'28 "" IS'-;.. p~1 Pc = I ~ -t , ~flwkq = 1S'4-+ ~o)t9ltt).tS :. /54~/S/= 30$";6sl' PC2 = [?JII,-t '('lIwJkq': f'OXS-I- ~O)<9}XO''Zb:' 233 fSI'. p(';- = '6r(IJ/-~)()/ .. ~~" ~. 37....f) r ~ 4/4D I !-Ie SvrcA.or'j~ -'I''':C~ /Jqr~/~ r<Z......ovC2'Q' ..,?0,....,7)::~ QreQ. , /380;3 .t-2211 0/2 1:)1 =- 2. 28' . /3118 Oe i er"", I~ ~ Ro c:I le,...,..io" . T ,. A c f ,. ve T :Z~4f 1.0 co ';'0" 0/ 385 -f /~4 .::.:: ~ /1 ,- d'",,;c + I!)'t ;l[ ~~ PaSS;V(2 I07~ /'YJo)C. ~. 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'.2R,..0 '6,f3 2.9~3 JOj' , 3'0' Ac-/..,Q/ c1elft.. h-./" ~ :a >< /'110: 4.2' J'ay 4-5' -c'o/ ~I/e ie~*, c II,.. S I ~ ::;'+ <1,6- ~ 1;).5' ~/~ r~7 q OlG. c/ @ I T /Jo/;"/ 01 /r.a>< _ ~. ">7 \----.-..----- ';. ":;. "- \r) " , I d;. , 14" fOG + /0" 1/.4~ / :: s .. I I. ~ S /,..' . -:) -', .' -""- ~ iLYJ I i I ' I !d ...r kc I tvJoc/",- J; 1 7T >. II. ~ S" J2 /ss ;:.,3. ~ /(_ f:- 16= '2 <7. 078 ... /2 IS'S = 1'8e K3/. -< 2.0 ks-/ a/low. I.../.re 1 4 . d,'Q ~/'/Q ~ I . . . :::es,'c" nf:1 Co,-..,cr2fe -4'-"'ChOr l3/oe.t: w' G - ~/'1S, 0 - 11=111; /II; 111..= ///",-11/51115/1/.:/11~;t1/=:' . , , ' cr= 89-"; 'S/,. -0- 9- . 0; T: ISoQ jI)7- (i~ /'4. .3) r" 110;cl/' ('= Go jJc I, k2>-;:.. O. za o ~ \Jl"~ ' \J \g II 'I" ~..... T "Ill.. - ~ -{.C\ ..... r", '< .. ~ ~ 1-1. 5'0 I W- 10" J , w -, " ~ _ ~€I06 hlJ = 0 (Boll 0/ Q,.,J.or(?:i W, L , / 10 . W , " I . tl: 1-0 , ; , J S-o $"d)' 4(34). 1.5'~; ;'&',0' ?~~. ( US'S .rr:ee/ ./J..eer P;~'j tOes,'g" !YJQnvQJ Ro ' K ~ - ~ Q = S- 0 - 0 . 'Z @ ~ <:/' 7z j,r;r, F,'g q G C , / I- 2 01-/ - ~ ('!'- 'r')),(/ : .!><IIOx.S.o~ :. 1375PSF/FI ~ 1 J;'u ous ~,...c ~J...o..- f.b/oc.k .::> (= L ( 11:. t. /'0 - *' t.. r :2 5' H: 5'0 b :. Z:J " 0.5 L = b'O = 2.'1, ) ) / It S.O " 2'5 j' . /,/9 R. 4072"" /./9 a S'b2 k(l r C7 I" ~(J.f- O.S-I.) = 110" (t.O - o.~)( Z.s-) . Cjhj ~ R (1) :: 4/31< -:;'Sx $"'~? )( /'0 "/ S 10$1 58>0.3 # /,c~ :: 7u.'i- ~_ I . - /edl r :. .5"803 ISO 0 "' 9.87 > 2.0. Ok . O~S/9^ . CJ / Ar..c: /""0,.. k'o <:I. . /. Life 2'~ ,4 - 3b .fleel Ro c/. Rool- Ar-cq " 2. 30 /,.:. ~ /h....cJ...or- Roel ~OC/"'j . . ~' . ",,-0 lofQI k,......,. io" r; 15"00 )( Ga. , 00f) ~ ia:^-'c; /Ie .;lye./'/, : gOOo 2.-30 :. a9/3/,~; < 2'2;000)..['1' 0'2:/ ~;.'" ./ 01 ~. J., II"..,. t2r .fA. ee -h~ ( hbr;zo^fC?/J / ',;.::::>" . e al' Ii.. p/'fZss~rrz. :.. 1St;. + 1051= :305"'}. /. / ler Pf J..rz.;:JA./. r vroc1r:.3 01 V12r;$cal /Jiles = ~,o' p..; II} 30sx c:;~ 8 =- 137; #-FI' :"'.-. 3 "x /2 " Tr:..oer .fl...ee h,..:~ r' ... ?"-: Moq'... /2>e ~ lI. ... C I';> /;" j / /373 l< 12 . 18 ::. ::J IS J sl , I~I/ow ~ 2000 ~z,' . . . lJesl3^ 0/ 7:;"'Oe,- /Xe.e!-/'''::J (Vq:,-,L,'ca~) 8 r e~ fA.:2 for r..../:e aln,'<2 ""'0 /0 '" /0 a q/^g ckq!lrQno.. Co~ "leel h 7/';"0 ~r 4e~h~ (M;;r,.V UFe .//"f/e /So", 6~Ne~ /oJ-Ver ';;';(/7 )0'''' I- Q"c:I I':' frrn-. eel/a Ie. a"cJ..Or J (I!!J e- /Q V .. +- /'0 yo- c.G?.; :.c EI. s. 0 ~///;.~ - tI . :J ^ i,. 1,0-" - , " ~ , ~p, '5. -~ ~ ~ &1 'f'" O'G!~' EL'.rl 0 ~""LO'O IJes/9" -/60",.. '9 f- / ~" . 6f J '" /0., i~ '. p, IS~x.5.. /29 j>.r,c S LI.J(2 Un;/ /oor/", IS.,..,. ~/ ... '~o;-Sf .2. I:>.h?: ~ 230)(/0";3 8 328/ J N.I;:/-. ~ .1M U fe 4 "x If; 'I r;~ 0<2,- ./J.~I-/~ ~~r 9 It; >t .tJ""'- 4 2 ' 7 1:".5. C; = ~.HJ:. 329, )< I' .:. ~37s ~/F/- /Jer 77":'6er. /2 -f, ~ if 3 7S x. /2 : 1230 t,S; &12'7 I" 0//0 W' :. .2000 }J',. O,k . . . . . fJes"5" 0/ /,c/o/e. q Reac 1,'0,.. @ Wo/~ :2 30 x 10. 64.3" d '5":. /22;J ~ /=f P,leI' @ , H <;; -0 ~. P.:>. N') ,.::. WO/e&:. Ufe 4 'IX /2" IIola /22 !J,Il C ~ _ S S 3 I ~ ,cr- - - 8 G. VCI'l) r-ecl /YJocl'. /2 x ! 2- 3:2 .~ ~ '" , I S S3 /J<. /2 .:: 20 ttt ~[",' Ok b 32 , . . . COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PETER F. COHALAN SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES OAVIO HARRIS. M.D.. M.P.H COMMISSIONER March 12, 1984 Mr. Daniel S. Natchez Daniel S. Natchez and Associates, Inc. Suite 11 0 555 AIda Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543 Dear Mr. Natchez: Dr. David Harris, Commissioner of the Department of Health Services, has asked me to reply to your letter of January 24, 1984. I apologize for the delay in answering your letter. However, there were certain aspects of the proposal that had to be checked and verified. A field inspection of the site by members of the staff, plus a review of site data by the department's hydrogeologist, indicate that, with certain precautions, the effect on the freshwater-saltwater interface will be minimal. The use of proper sheet piling or bulkheading, as proposed, should mini~ize the impact to the freshwater supply in the area. Since the peninsula where the project is located is not really a source of the village water supply, we have no objections to the proposal as outlined in your letter. Very truly yours, ../??~ (j ul~ Robert A. Villa, P.E. Chief Engineer Division of Environmental Health RAV/lst cc David Harris, M.D., M.P.H. 22!5 RAIIRO DRIVE EAST HAUPP....UGE. NY. 1178., 1:!51l!iJ 34.8-2i' I 7 -- ---e . " . ...,...,- ", / Il~ HOLZMACHER.McLENDON and MURRELL. PC.' CONSULTING ENGINEERS. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS and PLANNERS 125 BAVLIS ROAD. SUITE 1.0. MELVILLE, N.V. 11747. 516-752.llO6O January 31, 1984 Mayor George Hubbard Inc. Village of Greenport 236 Third Street Greenport, New York 11944 Re: Inc. Village of Greenport Proposed Marina Brewer Yacht Yard GRPT 84-50 Dear M~or Hubbard: In accordance with your request, we have reviewed the proposed Brewer Yacht Yard Marina as shown on Young & Young Drawing No. 83-549 (December 1982). An excavation for a marina such as that proposed by Brewer Yacht Yard can have a substantial impact on the fresh groundwater in an area. It removes fresh water from storage which lies in the ground within the area of the excavation. More importantly, it increases the area from which fresh water can flow into salt water, causing a continuous drain on the fresh water in the area. This permanently reduces the thick- ness of the fresh water layer in the vicinity of the excavation, making effective use of this resource difficult. Since the proposed excavation is on a peninsula and for most purposes can be considered to be hydraulically isolated from the Greenport Water Supply's existing wells, the develop- ment of the marina does not threaten these wells or any that might be conceived in the future. As a matter of good planning, it is always desirable to maineain and protect whatever fresh water resource that is available. To reduce the fresh water underflow caused by the excavation, we recommend that the Village require that tight sheathing be used as bulkheading material. This should be used around the perimeter of the basin and, if properly installed, should maintain the fresh water layer very close to its existing condition. Depending on /'14tPtt. J.I. U OIJ,4fl.(;) . .ALl. r/2"$r~,;s ;J.j2/ f 'f _1"# '. . . . Mayor George Hubbard Inc. Village of Greenport -2- January 31, 1984 existing soil/water interface permeability, the sheathing may even increase slightly the water elevation in the immediate vicinity. We return your folder with the letter and plan. Please send us a copy of the plan when beyond "preliminary" stage. If you need ,us further in this matter, please advise. Very truly yours, seMI' , ,J J '" Enclosure , MURRELL, P.C. cc: James I. Monsell Supt. of Utilities ~ . . ST. AGNES R. C. CHURCH . . . FRONT STREET GREENPORT. NEW YORK 11944 (516) 477-0048 June 15, 1984 Mr. Ed Vianney, Manager BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. Manhanset Ave. & Beach Rd., Greenport, NY 11944 RE: Proposed Redevelopment of Marina and Relocation of Excavated and Dredged Materials Dear Mr. Vianney: On behalf of St. Agnes Church, we are confirming the Church's desire and need for approximately 63,000 cu. yds. of fill mat- erial from your property which will be used to help improve the two cemetery properties located along Manhanset Avenue. Our proposes, including; enhancing the overall scenic ~uality of both our waterfront and upland areas, insuring adequate space for future cemetery needs, and increasing public access to the waterfront for recreational purposes. For quite some time now, St. Agnes has been looking for a large quantity of fill to be used for increasing the elevations of several low spots on both properties. As you know, the Church property located on the south side of Manhanset Avenue and ad- jacent to your marina, is currently being used as a cemetery. There is however, a substantial portion of this site that cannot be used as a cemetery, unless and until the area is built up to an elevation that is at least equal to the remainder of the cemetery. On the other hand, the Church property located on the north side of Manhanset Avenue is not yet being used as a cemetery. This site however, has been reserved for use as a future cemetery. Unfortunately, this property has been illegally used by others as a dump site, which we have been unable to prevent. St. Agnes would like to upgrade and improve this area by cleaning up the refuse and increasing the overall elevation of the site. The site would then be landscaped with "rolling hills" and the nat- ural pond and marsh areas would be enhanced as major focal points. To preserve as much open space as possible, St. Agnes would like to develop mausoleum structures on this property rather than using the standard cemetery plots which require a much larger amount of space. We have specifically reviewed the proposed projects at BREWER YACHT YARD, including the proposed Site Plan and Topographic Maps for both of the Church sites ... . . ST. AGNES R. C. CHURCH . . . FRONT STREET GREENPORT, NEW YORK 11944 (5161477-0048 and for the relocation of the fill. We feel these maps accur- ately depict the Church's future plans for these areas. In addition, we have reviewed the plans for the excavation of the boat basin adjacent to St. Agnes Cemetery, and have no objections with the propoesed 55' setback from our property which will be used for an access drive and one row of 900 parking. In fact, we believe that your proposed development will be a positive addition to the area and we strongly support it. We fully endorse the proposed plan of BREWER YACHT YARD and by this letter, formally request the use of the excavated and dredged materials. Reverend Rocco Gallitelli ~ ~ A~ f'F~'L \.....::)4"'-. ~-<-c- , ~-L- . . . . . '. TrLEPHO~,E (516) 765-1892 BOARD OF TO\"(":\ TRt ~TEE~ TOWN OF SOlITHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main ROJU PO, Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 December 20, 1983 Mr. Daniel S. Natchez and Associates Suite 1100 555 Alda Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543 Dear Mr. Natchez: At our monthly meeting the Southold Board of Trustees again reviewed your proposal and look forward to seeing your finalized plan, in the near future. We are glad you are open to comments and recommendations from this board. ,We hope you will incorporate the suggested pump out facilities we spoke about at our first meeting. This will be a major asset to the area and will go a long way in correcting some of the problems caused by heavy boating in Sterling Creek. Looking forward to hearing from you in the near future. Very truly yours, Board of Town Trustees ,/) " y -r -r- / / ~r-(ld YjAG(,.L-0U'Y'JJ-1.-L-~ ,-,I Paul Stoutenburgh President PS:ip cc: Planning Board/ Building Dept./ Town Board.-' Trustees ,/ I . .. , DAN I E L S. N ATe H E Z and ASS 0 C I ATE S, Inc. RECEIVED Suite 1100 555 Aida Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543.4002 (914) 698.5678 Office of the President JUN 201984 Town Clerk Soufhold June 18, 1984 Southold Board of Town Trustees Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Attn: Henry P. Smith President RE: BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. PROPOSED EXCAVATlOt\, BULKHEADl~G, ).lAINTENANCE DREDGING, AND RECONFIGURATlON OF FLOATING PIER ASSEMBLY PROJECTS. Dear Board Members: We have been retained by BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC., to assist them in obtaining the necessary regulatory approvals for undertaking the above-referenced proJects. The projects have been designed to upgrade and enlarge the marina in order to better accommodate the public demand for access to the waterfront. In addltion, pumpout facilities will be provided as suggested by members of the Board of Trustees in a previous "informal" presentation and discussion of the project in December of 1983. Attached, please find a check in the amount of $5.00 covering the :Ollmn;um fee together with a copy of our applications for each of the following ltems as required by Chapter 32: "Boats, Docks and Wharves" from the Code of the Town of Southold: I) Application Form A/2 FLOATING DOCKS. APPLICATION FOR FIXED AND/OR 2) Application Form A/3 - APPLICATION FOR A BULKHEAD, DIKE, OR JETTY. 3) Application Form A/4 - APPLICATION TO DREDGE AND/OR FILL. The applicable fees for the net additional structures and/or activities j . . , SOUTHOLD BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES-BREWER YACHT YARD-June 18. 1984- Page 2 undertaken within the Town of Southold. are as follows: i) A/2 Net new docks a pproxima tely 1.920 ' @ $0.25 = $ ii) A/3 Net new bulkhead approximately 90S' @ $3.00 iii) A/4 Net new piles approximately 43 @ $5.00 - ~viaintenance Dredging 450 yds. @ $2.00 = 480.00 2.715.00 215.ClO 900.00 TOTAL PROJECT FEES $4.310.00 LESS previously-paid minimum fee of 5.00 TOTAL ADD1TlONAL FEES to be paid to Town after approval but prior to commencement of project $4.305.00 The following regulatory approvals are also required from the Southold Town Board. and copies of these applications are enclosed: AJ Specific Request for Town Board Approval for the Excavation and Relocation of Topsoil and Other Materials to the Same Lot and Adjacent Sites; as specified in Chapter 81-4 (D and G); "Soil Removal" from the Code of the Town of Southold. B) Application for Wetlands Permit Chapter 97; "Wetlands" from the Code of the Town of Southold. ln addition, we are providing a copy of our application to the Southold Planning Board for approval of the overall site development plan as required by Chapter 100 130; "Zoning" Article Xlll; Site Plan Approval from the Code of the Town of Southold. We specifically call your attention to our detailed letter of support to the Army Corps of Engineers dated June 15. 1984. This letter discusses the background of BREWER, the need for the proposed proJects. and the alternatives considered. I . . . SOUTHOLD BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES-BREWER YACHT YARD~une 18, 19B4-Page 3 For your further information, we have enclosed a copy of our applications for these projects to the Army Corps of Engineers, New York State Department of State, New York Department of Environmental Conservation, and the Incorporated Village of Greenport. We would welcome the opportunity to discuss this application at your convenience. if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us. Sincerely, DANIEL S. ~ATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. BY: '/' ./ / .-//../ .-' i.//"'''_./, A///" -:/'--) '/ ,,/ / - /-- /'.' . . /. ,/ - President DSNI dst Enclosures cc: Army Corps of Engineers N.Y.S.D.O.S. :.r.Y.S.D.LC. Village of Greenport Southold Planning Board Southold Town Board BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, lNC. I' . . . BRE~ER YACHT YAHD AT GHEENPOkT. INC. PROPOSED EXCAVATION. BULKHEADING, MAINTENANCE DREDGING AND kECONFIGUkATION OF FLuATING PIEH ASSEMBLY PROJECTS JUNE Ib, 19b4 PROJECT DESCRIPTION WITHIN THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BREWERS is seeking approval to expand and upgrade their marina, as follows: (Note: The following description only includes those portions of the overall project which are in the Town of Southold. The project sIte lies partially within the I ncorporated Village of Greenport and the Town of Southold. The project is contingent ui'0n receiving approvals from both entities, as well as the other governing regulatory agencies. For the complete Project Description, see attached letter dated June 15, 1984 to the Army Corps of Engineers.) 1) Excavate a 52 . Y50 cu. approximately "U-sha ped" yds. of llI,275 boat basin and material from sq. ft. remove approxImately an overall area of 2) Remove approximately 225 lineal feet of existing timber pile bulkhead that extends from Dock #2 to the lift well and is located along the south end of the proposed boat basin. The excavated bulkhead will be disposed of upland by a bcal carting company. 3) Construct and maIntain a timber bulkhead approximately 1.130 lineal feet along the west, north, and east perimeter of the proposed boat basin and lift well. The WOOd bulkhead will consist of approximately 3" x 12" timber sheetIng and 14" dIameter piles driven approximately 14.3 feet below ~:ean Low Water into firm bottom materials to provide an adequate base. In additIon, there will be a sufficient tie-back system consisting of continuous (reinforced concrete) "deadman" anchors that will be attached to each timber pile along the bulkhead with 2" dIameter tie-rods. The proposed bulkhead will tie into the existing timber bulkhead that runs from east to west along the south shoreline of the ~larina. 4) Relocate and expand a travelift well by removing the existIng travelift consisting of one(l) runway extension approximately 40' in length located between Dock #3 and Dock #4. The proposed 60' x 24' lift well will be excavated along the west side of the proposed boat basin and will be able to accommodate a 60-ton travelift 5) Construct, Install. and maintain a series of new floating pier (dock) assemblies, as follows: Twenty-two(22) finger piers approximately 40' x 4' located along the east, north, and west perimeter of the proposed boat basin; Twenty-two( 22) timber ramps approximately 12' x 4' located along the bulkhead and attached to each finger pier; and 22 timber piles approximately 12" in diameter and 40' in length located at the ends of each finger pier, adding stability to the structures. I . . . Dock B located in the center of the proposed boat basin, consisting of: a) One( 1) main line of floats approximately 425' x 8'; b) One(l) timber ramp approximately 12' x 6' located at the north end of the proposed boat basin and attached to the main float; cl Twenty-one finger piers approximately 30' x 4' located along the east and west sIdes of the ma in float; and d) Twenty-foud 24) timber piles approximately 12" in diameter and 40' in length located at the ends of each finger pier, adding stability to the structure. "L-shaped" floatinil service dock located on the east sIde of the proposed boat basin and adjacent to the proposed lift well, consisting of: a) One(]) float approximately 34' x 5' located perpendicular to the proposed bulkhead; b) One(!) float approximately 25' x 6' located parallel to the proposed bulkhead; c) One(l) tirr.ber ramp approximately I::' x 4'; and d) Three(3) timber piles approximately 12" in diameter and 40' in length located at the ends and along the SIde of the "L-shaped" service float, adding stability to the structure. b) ~la lntenance-dredge a triangular-sha ped area a pproxilna tely 2, 625 sq. ft. to an average depth of 8' be low ;'!ea n Lo,," vlater, and remove approximately 450 cu. yds. of matenal as measured IN PLACE. The area within the Town of 50uthold to recei ve ma intenance-dredging, is located throughout the existing docking facility. All maintenance-dredging activities will be undertaken by clam shell and barge and/or dragl1ne operations. The material being dredged will be placed on BREVIER5 upland property, semi-dried, and then relocated as described (in #7J below. 7) U land Relocation of the Excavated and Dred ed Material: Approximate y 0 cu. yds. of materia wi be excavated from the proposed boat basin with an additional 10,500 cu. yds. of material removed by the maintenance-dredging operations in both the Town of 50uthold and the Village of Greenport. All of the dredged materials will be mixed with the materials being excavated and deposited upland at three different locations. The proposed disposal sites are: 1) On-site disposal of approximately 2,500 - 3,500 cu. yds. 2) 51. Agnes Cemetery located Immediately west and adjacent to BREII ER' 5 property. Approximnately 10,000 11,500 cu. yds. will be deposited at this location to increase the average ground elevation by approximately 2 - 4'; and 3) 51. Agnes Cemetery located adjacent to BREWER MARINA on the North side of Manhanset Avenue. Approximately 52,000 cu. yds. will be deposited on this undeveloped 11.8 acre site. r . . . ll';:.LZ CF C?.:::~:{ Stirling Basin ALL OOC:(S AND BULKHEADS MUST OISPLA Y VISIBLE PERMIT NUMBERS nOArw OF TO\i"i'1' Tf,C.sT;:::.s Town Of 5outholJ lIbin Rood Southord. New York 119il APPLICATIO:, FOR FIXED .nel/or FLO.HEG DOG;:S . . BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, . INC. I. A;:pllcent s neme ond eddress: ...................~.....................................................(~loJ.................. Manhanset Avenue, Greenport, New York . "'01 477-9594 ................................................................................................................................................................... Agent's DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. 2. -E:'l:Tr.=~r'S' no,,". end ec:!,ess: ......................................_............................................................. 555 AIda Road, Mamaroneck, New York 10543 m01 (9~~~_5678 .................................................................................-................................................-:...-:..0:-.:........................... 3. 8rdiy eXj::lein the pu'=:::se of t;,;, e;:~!i:=ticn: .f~!!~~;:~:.~.!...~~~.~.~.~.~...?..~~.?:~.:~~..~...~.~.:.~es of new pile-anchored floats consisting of approximately 485 lineal ft. of main doc! and ~~..~~:;;~~..;~~~:~...~~~:..~~~~~~~..~~..~~~..~~~;~.~.~.d...d~.~ki~~..f~~ility..,;;ill..~~~;;;;,;;,;;dat'e...... ...~~~;~~;:~~~;..~~..;~~;~~~~~~~.~..~~~~~..~d..~.~~~..;~~~~~..f~~ility..~ill..be..pr.~.vrde.ci.: _..s~.~..ATTACHElj.LEITER..f.~~;;,..DAN'iEi..s.:..NATciiEi:..aii:(r.A~~n~IArES.;..riic:...aifrt!Il..:riiiie..T5.;..L 9 8' 4 .'~-~---- l.'ss~a~=e o~ a Do__~~ wo-~ ~t'~- ~p c~--'o~ec- w~-~:~ o~o .~O~_ . ~ - .. __..L_,-, -.............. o.J_ ........::--- -_ __"_.. ~'-:t .___ L.:"?GZ 5. Sec",c ~he correct Are" Mo" from the Cl,;=:.: of thi, ~:ord. or.:! by us;r.; al X Vllin!N A CiRC!...= jncj:::~e cs c1c~~ly as ;:cs~;bic the rc:.:~:i=:1 of this ccek. On the r~'/t:':s~ :ic~ or thIs mop, provice 0 SCALE DRAV'/I,'lG Wilich will show Ordinery Hig;, 'Not~, /vi:::'>:, thc ,;,o=e cr..: si;;:~ of the d:::k. end any sup~ler.;~n~ol pjJjn~5 which ere need~d to hold c f!C":;ir.= dC:k or ti~.uo :1 bCr'2t. Gi....e oil dil"'l"lp.nsions n':?-=~::iSCr'/ fn d~te~~ir:~ tl--:e cr"~,: ,:;f th~ ~:,,-:l: r.-:':ri::~ \',:,::::": E:':':'~::DS OFFS:-:C?2 fro,," tr.e O. H. W. M. I;: adJac(:n1:' pro?e~y CWllers h;;ve docksl spcc~=y loc~~~o~ a~d lens~~ to sc~l~. 6. \Vill ony portie., cr this const"'L.:ction ex ten:: . 0.1 f$h':lrc into Town \Vc~~~s ceycnd en i:":"\C;S' fine or bound:::ry fcr~,:;! DV olher similor ,t,uctures ol:::ng the 0"0" shc'clin~? YES 0' NO If it do.s eXle"" ceyend .his ,o-cel'ed cod. I,n" indicate ty how ter, e;:pr=ximc~,ly, .......... . 7. P,:vicc Ih, follcwing do:"m.nr,: (0) A Ljc~n!:~6 2ngir.ecr'~ Surve'l ot th~ prc::crty invoive:d. Cb) A ccpy of rh~ Cc.nac::t::;r's Pkn-; end :p~:jfj::J~lons, Ccl ShCr- ~"'/;--~~.,~-~l ~r'~n~r'~~nt ro-:n (d~ \'letla~,2s' )\p(;rl'~;{tion .....~-'-...._...~ _.1. \',,,1 "1<' ccnsrr"O',cn' r'q",,~ In~ Fillmg <.;f en? lo...,! c'b'ore 01 the C'-cir.ar',' Hi;;' V/erer Mark or Ihe Dre:JcJnJ or enymcler'ol from T"w" L~"d: un:;!"r w,,'er' YES er NO. Ii 't coos. Fer:r. .-'oj.: ('\~;J/;:O"C.~ for Dr.,e\Jina/Filiing: mu't ~e c,~rcp,"rec: .,nd"'eoned 0: po:! or lhi:; c;:,:llc=ricn. 8. 9. In r"'l"esrin'J e;;'o.,=I .of ,hi, e~;kc"r..., I 'ubnlt th::" th., In;or": '''0n "r"ont.,:! ;,ere;n is t.u.." cnu corr~~. t:) ~r..' ce": CT IT\'..' ~'r.a" J...c-,.., cr.d l-.eli...f' J ....r.'l the ~.H~"'_ ----..-r-....'c ;or fL." .~;:ri.~rmcr':..c ;'i r;-,'" ..,:o~:.." -in c::cc....r~:.n. "c' -w,;r-l ft':. ....I-~~ :'r~-l .....:..'...'T',.~:. ~;:'e~:~:r.-:':';~-' L.-L'C r.. 1-. - . - ". -... ..... '.. ,_ ... "." ...... ..... ......__. .... ....,. "_.. '..;.J. c.... rc~= cr em r=mlllCt 'Nlt~ (;.~ :::)r~'.'I:.iIC:'l':. :1 .;Jr:y :;';'J:::.);d T~....f1' C:.:.n:.:r::~ =~rrJr::.:'.~H' t= r-:.~ WOti<. i.~volved: end lur:....er. I .nron" to ee;,"r. to one ~:;,JO =y Ihe Terre., cr.'; C';.~:::ItI:::~.S of tr. Permit, \'W;,en cr.c if ;~':.ucd t~ me. Ie. To e~pcci=c fi~din~ S9cci:ic b1 using a tempor3ry ma=~n=~ ... 1- _ .. loc~t_~~S:CC=ion. ir.:::icate ,'. -. .... "-. --.." ..... . ..... Y' . . . . TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM , . INSTRUCTIONS: (a) In arder ta answer the questions in this short EAF it is aSSume that the pre parer will use currently available information concerning the project and the likely impacts of the action. It is not expected that additianal studies, research or other investigations will be undertaken. (b) If any question has been answered Yes the project may be significant and a completed Environmental Assessment Form is necessary. (c) If all questions have been answered No it is likely that this project is not significant. (d) Environmental Assessment 1. Will project result in a large physical chonoe ta the praject site or physically alteI more than 10 acres of land? rf'~~e.cL'!i.ll-.~~h:,!,<;~ .a;;'!.... x Yes No 2. Will there be a major change to any unique or --- unusual land form found on the site?......... Yes x No 3. Will project alter or have a large effect on --- --- 4 . ~ ~ g ~~~f~~( y~8 ~~lc~~i~~~~~lf~~;fr;~~:;ti~:;; t;a~ Ye s ___No on groundwater quality?...................... Yes x No 5. Will project significantly effect drainage --- flow on adjacent sites? .J:~oj~..t;. )o7~:p, .iplPJ:qv~.g~a.i!'~gex Yes No 6. Will project affect any threatened ar endangered plant or animal species?.......... Yes x No 7. Will project result in a major odverse effect --- on air quality?............................... Yes x No 8. \'/ill project have a major effect on visual --- character of the community or scenic views or vistas knawn to be important to the community? Yes x No 9. Will project adversely impact any site or --- structure of historic, prehistoric or paleontological importance or any site designated as a critical environmental area by a local agency?..........."..........,... Yes x No 10. Will project have 0 major effect on existing 0: futur!: qW&i!iJ-Jq.~ehaH&t~1t~JI.,bl~,M..H~~~Ht; :-"H~_~...ves___No 11. W~ll project resu~{ 1n major ~ratf1c problems or cause a major effect to existing transpartatian systems?...................... Yes x No 12. Will project regularly cause objectionable --- odors, noise, glare, vibration, ar electrical disturbance as a result of the project's operation?.................................... Yes x No 13. Will project have any impact on public health --- --- or saf et y? f.oj.el't .w,iJ.!r1.W'.q'(e. pv~l,ih?e11~l) .by. PX;o.v1-g:....x.....Y e s I~o 14. Vlill project affect t'tH!'~~$t1'},cg cb~riiunity by --- directly causing a growth in permanent population of more than 5 percent over a one year period or have a majar negative effect on the charaCTer of the community or neighborhood?................................ Yes x No 15. Is there public controversy concerning the project?......... ............ ... ............ .___Yes~No PREPARER'S SIGNATURE NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES. on behalf of REPRESENTING BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, lNC. . President, DANIEL S. DA T E June 18. 1984 ! . '. ;--.-'-'--". -- . ~"_,_,,.'..'c- ~ VILLAGt- ~ 0 GreenpQ.rl Harbor fl/l /b . . .;... 1 ::,'Ii.LI: at CREEK StirlieBaSin . . DO.\I:D Of TO\'i'i\' Tr.L'STr:SS Town Of SOlltlwlt! Soulhold, i\'cw York 119i1 ~bin Ho.lt! APPLICATION FOR. A BULKHEAD, DIKE. 01: JETTY I. Dces this project involve the us. of WETLAHDS os defined in the SOClfhold Tewn Wetlands Ord'nonce? YES or ~;O. If it coes, you mu,t filc thrOUJh the Town Clcrk'o Office. 2. /s Ihe preposed werk enti,o/, wit;,in t~e bound'ories of your c.wn property es substor.tioted by your Dced or Survey' YES Qr NO. If if is, a Permit is NOT required from Inis Beard, but the Town Buildir.g Inspcc.tJr ~hould be contccted (or full details. 3. Applicant's name ar.d address: .~~~..!~~.I!:~..~~..~~...~~~~~~!.~..~~~............................... Manhasset Avenue, Greenport, New York 11944 Tel (516)477-9594 .................................................................................................................................... ....:'....................... Agent's .: ~-~ name ar.d crrdre,s: DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. .........................................................,.......,................................... 5 ....5,5. 5.. .~~~. .~?~~~.. .~r.~.',l.~~.~~.. .~~~. .~.o.~.~. ...~~s.~ ~.. ........... ........ ....... ........ .:r~..~. J~f:~>.~?~::5,~?. 8 Explain briefly the purpcoe of this o~plicoticn: Excavate a "u" shaped boat basin with an ...................................,......,............................. .. ... .;u::~;l,..9.f...!\p.p.r.9.gl'li\t.~J.Y...+.n,.? 7.~.. .l'qH".r.~. .J~~!; ..;m!l..r.~I!!9.y.~..".P.P.~!?<<;!.!!!'1-J.~.+:l!...??~.. ,1,.~~~~,1, feet '.. .. .~t .=..~~t.~!l;~.. ~.~.~e.!:..~.?~\<:~~~~~.. .~~.~~.~.~'f.".~.. ~.. !l;~~. .~~~~..b.~\<:~~~~. .a.I?I?7.'?:ct~.~.:.~r. .~.~.~.~O line .... fU'"3 i\~~lI~tf~ge'~~~i~~U.frg;~..s.~.,=-..!'.~.'?Il!?~~<!-.. ~~~ '". .~~~~!l;.. ~~~. .~i.~~...w.~.~.~.~. ..c:.'?'.'.~.~.s.~.~.'?-g 0 f : (2.)14" diameter piles driven approx. 14.3' below MLW into firm bottom JlIaf~fia;l;K (3)Continuaus (reinforced C~ ~J:ete) "deadman" anchor syst:em. SE;;:' ATT. LE t'7f578!7D .~..ftc:t:" i.::;suanr:e of Permit,~~vL~( ~:t..lst "i"'1'O.L~ted ..."i.:hjn one year. ...... ..,....E - ....l....":...l,;a S:'CUfC rhe cc.rr!:ct Area Mc.p f:-~~.... tIe (.,' J.:...:.. r~ i'nis BCG~j ':;r,d tJy U:"Ir.J a/ X ','/;-:1-1 I N A CI:\C:"'5 C:i a ".,. :; indicate (J'O; c10~C!Y 05 j.J,:<:.'.+le tl-'.,! Icc:aticn of this proJect. On the reye,~se 5'~!', ~HC''':'~> :.: SCr\LE DR.A'-NING which WI'; shc;'"" Ordinary Hig~ WO'c:" ty~\ark cs well a~ tI'E' si;:e and shcpr;- cf tl-.~ !:tructure or ,.'ork to ce dcne. Also induJc all dim"rl':.iL..'1: for ~c,tiCf1s which extend oifshore from th~ O. H. W. M. State Adjilcc"t prcpcrty o....'r.e::s. c 7. E Pr':-'dd.] the foflow;ng documer:i 5: (a) A Licensed Engineer's Survey of ti,e ~roperty involved. (b) A cooy of the Contractor's Pion ond $pecificGtions. (el Sl:ort Environmental Assessment I"orm. CQ=~ this project extend into Town vV-::Itcrs beyond on i,naqincry fine ~cL'n~cry formed b,. exdi~g works ci a similar n~turc olong this ar"~', sh~, elme' YES or~ I f it dees, st=te the opp'oximate di,:ence beyond, ............ ft. 9. Ie Vlill fhis con5tru:tion require the Fillinq or an,' Iur:d offshor~ of the~.rl'Jry H:Ch V,'cter Nlort< or the urcdglr:g .Jt any materral frem Tuwn Lon,js under wcr::.r) YE r r..JO, If it docs. Form A/-i (.;ppliootion for Drodging/Fillin;;) must be completed and elt '0 ed os pert of this o~pi'c="on. SEE ATTACHED. 1 i. In requesting cp~ro\ul of this cpp!ic:Jtion, I s~bmj~ that: th,. mfc;,ncti.:n r,rc':.~ntt:'~! ~It'rein is tn.':c and correct to the best of my knowledge and belIef; I am t~l~ person a::col..mta':ll~ for n~e ~erform"J::ce of the work in cccorcanc~ wi',h thc pkr.':, end s:),~::j;i:::J'I~ns otrc:hcr:f; I h::'/~ rC2d or Or, familIar with the proYisior,s of on,' SOl..l11101r,J Town Or:::nance p~rtinE"r.t t;:) the wsrk involved; end furt!--er, I intcnd to adhere ta and abid:: by the Term~ cr.d Ccnd;tjon~ ot tn~ Perrr:it. \";-'~n .-;r::.::1 If iS3l.ed to me, 12. TO EXPEDITE FINDING SPECIFIC LOCATION FOR INSPECTION, INDICATE A/3 R:::. UD:i A TE"IPOP.ARY NARKER~ \S ........~....... ........................ 1 . TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT . . . SHORT FORM . . INSTRUCTIONS: (a) In arder ta answer the questions in this short EAF it is assume that the preparer will use currently available information concerning the project and the likely impacts of the action. It is not expected thot additional studies, research or other investigations will be undertaken. (b) If any question has been answered Yes the project may be significant and a completed Environmental Assessment Form is necessary. (c) If all questions have been answered No it is likely that this praject is not significant. (d) Environmental Assessment 1. Will project result in a large physical change to the project site or phfsically alte~ more th 10 f 1 d? Pro ect will enhance area. x Y an ceres 0 on .... .................... es 2. Will there be a major change to any unique or --- unusual land form found on the site?......... Yes x No 3. Will project alter ar have a large effect on --- --- . t. h d f t ? Will increase waterfront area Y N 4. ~~ii ~~~j'~hy~8v~e~~ei{ifg~JifgHV:" f~'ie~~: i~~~~t..~ es___ 0 an groundwat~r quality?...................... Yes x No 5. Will project significantly effect drainage --- ----- flow on adjacent sites? .~t:oj~c;t.l"Hl, .iI"P,o.v~.~r;a.i!''!gex Yes No 6. Will project affect any threatened or endangered plant or animal species?.......... Yes x No 7. Will project result in a major adverse effect --- on air quality?.............................. Yes x No 8. \'iill project have a major effect on visual --- character of the community or scenic views or vistas known to be important to the community? Yes x No 9. Will project adversely impoct any site or --- structure of historic, prehistoric or poleontological importance or any site designated as a critical environmental area by a local agency?..........."..,..,...~,... Yes x No 10. Will project have a major effect on existing --- --- a~ futur: q\rlr~RJj.q.lleha't!'~9.1.tun..bH.1hifl~~~!'~t; ;Wg~Yes_No 11. W~ll proJect resu~{ ~n maJor ~ratr~c problems or cause a major effect to existing transportation systems?...................... Yes x No 12. Will project regularly cause objectionable --- adors, noise, glare, vibration, or electrical disturbance as a result of the project's operation?.................................... Yes x No 13. Will project have any impact on public health --- --- ar . saf ety? f.oj$!i't .w.i;1.h1.~rQxe. ~\I~l.ih?~~.ltQ .by. P,o.v~~:.....x.... Ye s No 14. Will project affect t'tH!'~'f'stl'},cg cb""rllunity by --- directly causing a growth in permanent populatian of mare than 5 percent over a one year period or have a major negative effect on the character of the community or neighborhood? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15. Is there public controversy concerning the project?.................................... . No Yes x No Yes x No PREPARER'S SIGNATURE NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, REPRESENTING BREWER YACHT , President, DANIEL S. DATE June 18, 1984 , . . . o VILLAGt- G 0 G ree (l pQ.r t Harbor /1/1 /b ., i'M.IE OF CREEK Stirlingesin . BO.\H.D Of TO\\"N TRUSTEES Town or SOlllholJ lIIain Road SOlllholJ, "ew York 11971 APPLICATIO:\ TO DREDGE anJ or FILL 1. Dces this project involve the use of WETL.A,i'lDS a~ defined in the Southold Tcwn Ord:nar.c~ in Wetlanes' Y~S or NO. If it docs, your a;;plicoticn must be filed throush the Town Cler.'s Office. 2. f.rplicent's name and aceress: .!l~f!...~~~?:..:t~..~?:..~g:~~~~~"...~l<~:............................ Manhasset Avenue, Greenport, New York ... 1 (516) 477-9594 ...................................................................................................................................e .............. ......... A ' . 3. ~_i~'"~nome and address: I?~.~.~.~...~.:. .!!~~0.i~~..::!~~..~~~~~~~~~~.'...~~~:........................ 555 A1da Road, Mamaroneck, New York 10543 Tel. (914)698-5678 ................................................................................................................................................................ 4. Explain brielly the purpose of this opplicaticn: .~~!!l:~!!~~~::~!:~~~~..~L~~:':~~~~~..~~~. barge and/or drag1ine operations, total area of approximately 120,800 sq. ft. (2,625 sq. ft. M~~..~~~~ii~tawn~~l~f~i~h~.gj.a~~f~~~e~~i~.~~.e.~~.~..if~f~~'iUh~.t'~iift~'d5M~';'i~xI~84. ................................................................................................................................................................ 5. Afrer is;uance of Permit, wor~< must be completed within one year. LARGE 6. Secure the correct Area MoO; tr,'m the Clerk of this Boord, and by using a/X WiTHIN A Cl KCLE cs 0 m:Jrk, mdlccte as clo:e!y I~S possIble the location or thJ::l work. en the rever:e sice 01 this map, provlee a SCALE DRAvVING which will show the Ordinor, High We,e, tlc:rk and tb.e size ond 5hcpe of th:-- ;),.ucture 8r work. All dimensions offshore of tr.c O. H. W. M. shau:d also be shown and include cny free standing pilings which will re"1~in at comeletion. State adj acent property owners. 7. Provice the fallowing documents: (a) A Licensed Engineer's Survey al the properry involved. ((::-)) ,-\ cr:")v of the Ccntrc::torls P!~ns anrl SSl~cificctionc:: c Short Environmental Assessment Statement. 8. Has C:1Y previous application for this wor:<. bt2en denied by cny ether government cgency? NO Y::S or NO. If it hcs been, name the c~~r,cy. .......................................................................... De~e of denial ..............:-:........................ 9. If dredging is contemplated, give your estimolte of the lollowing. (0) Average depth 01 water at M. L. 'N.where dredging, ~~:::~~~..f.!:?'!'..~:.?:.::?:.~.~~I<. ft. (b) MaxiMum depth of drecging belaw the bottam, .(~,.9..'...!>.~J'?~..~W.L......................... It. k) Maximum length of dredged area ...?~.9.~..::....~.'?~~.l,1,.?~.<!:..~.~.??:...~.':'.~.~.~.~.~.~.......... It. (d) Maximum width of dredged area ...~5.~..::-...S.O.\lt.l:\Q.1.1i...(f.~.Q.~..!?:Y.e...~J.p............ ft. 450 cu.yd.-Southo1d (e) /.\oximum amount 01 material to b~ .dred~eal().'~q{)...cll.~)"<i.....~~..:r,,~~.,.. c. yes (f.), Hethod and locatl.on of Ql.sposal or dredge materlal SEE ATTACHED. ir rdl:i1g IS expecred, give your estimate or"" tne iollowtng: . lG. (a) Iv\aximwm amount of mater:al reqUired,...i?"'.I'....M:J.".\'.\:1.lj!.<;l...L.t.r.:...f.r.o.~~~N.~/r~~~; ye;. (b) Explci:1 how fill will b~ obtained and -..vnere it will be placed. See Attached Letter from DANIEL S.NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. dated 6/15/84. ....................................................... ...... ................................................... ................ 11. In req~~sting Opproval of thi':i o~plic.ati,l., I _ " ". I. , ~erb(mcn'-c cf -r ,,'_.-" ~ ~Lnml' r 10r ! am r:':(' p~rscn Gc::cunrlJble for t!-e h . , ,C war:"". rll G.....Or,1 '....rtn tr. > pl"'ns :Jr l' f I uve reed or Om iomiljc.:- 'oVlrn the P(O'/isio~~ ... <:', "~')~c: ~caricn<.:; :::rrccnt::d ;,ererc; I trc work involved' ....nd :L..:rther I 'n-'" d t .?f ony __utn....ld To'sn Ordinance ,ce:-t:r:el1': to J;f H~(> P,~r"r"lim ,...., ,I, ,_n 0 aOI:cre to and cL Ide by th~ Terms ar.d Ccr.dirions 12. 'l~sr~~~ a I~~m~;~~~~G m;~~~;~ICL ~()t~.~~~n.s.~~.~~.~.~~.:...~~.~~.c.~~e by f . . TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM INSTRUCTIONS: (a) In order to answer the questions in this short EAF it is assume, that the preparer will use currently available information concerning the project and the likely impacts of the action. It is not expected that additional studies, research or other investigations will be undertaken. (b) If any question has been answered Yes the project may be significant and 0 completed Environmental Assessment Form is necessary. (c) If all questions have been answered No it is likely that this project is not significant. (d) E;vrronmental Assessment 1. Will project result in 0 large physical change to the praject site or phrsically alte~ more th 10 f 1 d? Pro eet will enhance area. x Y on acres 0 on .... .................... es 2. Will there be 0 major change to any unique or --- unusual land form found on the site?......... Yes x No 3. Will project alter or hove 0 large effect on --- --- existina. h~dl'Wof waterlf?l"~ltV. ~1I}\ci>:e~!l<; .w.a~<;~f.r!'~~ .a;:;ax Yes No 4 \',. 11 a,yar.lao Ii r recre<l.t na fU c access. . t --- --- .,.l praJe, ave a ~o en 0 y .large .lmpac . on groundwat~r quality?...................... Yes x No 5. Will project significantly effect drainage --- flow on adjacent si tes? .~r.oj~c;t. l4H .ilDNo.v~. ~>:a.i!1,!ge" Yes 6. Will project affect any threatened or endangered plant or animal species?.......... Yes x No 7. Will project result in a major adverse effect --- an air quality?............................... Yes x No 8. Will project hove a major effect on visual --- character of the community or scenic views or vistas known to be important to the community? Yes x No 9. Will project adversely impact any site or --- structure of historic, prehistoric or paleontological importance or any site designated as a critical environmental area by 0 local agency?.............................___Yes x No 10. Will project have 0 major effect an existing 0: futur: qWlri!lJj.q.lleha~F~ca1td'p'l-.bHt1h\H~~~I"~t; ~n~Yes___No 11. W.lll project resu~f .In major ~rarr.lC problems or couse 0 major effect to existing transportation systems?...................... 12. Will project regularly cause objectionable odors, noise, glare, vibration, ar electrical disturbance os 0 result af the project's operation?..... ............................ .. Yes x No 13. Will praject hove any impact on public health --- --- or safety?!"oj,el'. .w,i).h.i.~.Q,!e. ~y~l,ih?e'r.l~Q .by. "':o.vH::.....x...Yes No 14. Will praject affect t'tN~~st1"Cg c~""r!lunity by --- directly causing a growth in permonent papulatian af mare than 5 percent over a one year period ~ have a major negative effect on the character of the community or neighborhood? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15. Is there public controversy concerning the project?..... No No Yes x No Yes x No PREPARER'S SIGNATURE NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, . on behalf of REPRESENTING BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. Yes x No , President, DANIEL S. ./ DA T E June 18, 1984 r . . __h.____....'.~__T___. i ~ ~<'\ 0 x " C ,/ VILLAGt- C 0 GreenpQ.rl Harbor IV1 16 "," , . . TO":!': OF SOLTHOLD EAF E~V I i\:J;P'~[ST AL ASS~SS~t:"T PART Pr-J~e:~ lnfc""'.<a~on NOTICE: Tn,s oocu~~~ .r oe~'~ned t~ assist in dete~m;n1nry w~ether the action ,reposed may hav~ a S;;~~'ic~~~ etf~ct on t~~ e!lvl,.:.,~nt. ~IPasp Co~:lete tne enti~e D"-ta Sr;eet. Answtl'"S~.:l tr.ese ouestjons ..11; :le O~S":ere:' as p,.,.t Of the ~D1i=ation fo~ apOl'"'cval and lTlay be subject to furthel'"' verificl!~ion and ,Public ,.ev'e... P~v1ee Iny addHl:>nal In.~rmatlon you believe will be needeo to c0r.'101etF' PARTS Z and 3. It is exCectea t~~t CC~~J~~~c~ of t~e tAF will be deoendent on lnformation cUl'"'~ent~y ava11ablp and ~il; n~. lnvolv~ new S~ud)ts..reH~l'"'c":,Cr inl(est'n~t'on. If infOn:"'Hl0r. rel'7l.J1rl1'O such additloMl ...or~ ! so 'ndl::ate and soec1(y Her, lnstanc!. 1S unol~~~ii!;le. :I~,"E OF PROJECT :BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPOR! INC.7Proposed Excav~tion BuIKheao1fig, Ma1ntenanCe-tiredg1ng and Reconfiguration of Floating P1er Assembly !'roJects. NA"E AND AO:,ESE OF Agent ~ . . - ~ A~~~ESS A~D ~(~E o~ Ape~!cas~: DANIEL S..~ATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. {Name} 555 AIda Road (Stre~t ' BRE.~R YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, ("....) Manhanset Avenue & Beach Road (Str".t) INC. Mamaroneck, TP.Cl (lij:) i BU~N:SS PHO:lE: New York (State) (914) 698-5678 10543 Greenport (Po 0. J NY \~t~':.e I 11944 IiI? ) OESC~I?TIC~ C' "OJECT. (Br'efly describe type of project or act,on) See Attached Letter by DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc., dated June 15, 1984. (PLEASE COMPLETE E~CH QUESTlnN - Indi,.te N.A. if not .??I"'ble) A. SITE DESCRIPTION (Phys;cal set.tin; of Qve,.ail project, botn develoned and undevelooed areas) 1. General cnaracter of troe land: rM!nerally unifo~ slope ~ Generally uneven and rol1ino or il'"'re9uiar 2. Prt!>ent land use: L!rtlMl . Industrial _____, Agriculture _____, ~th~r iotal acreage of oroject area:12.07acres. . COlT'JT'Iercul x -' Subur~an Rural F':lrest J. ADgroxlmate Icreage: PreSently After Comnlet1on Pl'"'ese~~ly t~~er ~:-:l€t~c~ Meadow or Srushland . ~acres O.Oacres I-fater Surface Area 2.30 .cres 4.95 ___aC'''~s Fores ted __acres __acres Unvegetated (rock, euth Or 1111) 8...: ~ i acres 6 42 -":'__.!cl'"'es Aoricultural acres _acres Roads, buildinns end at"'er ;')aved surtlloces ~9-ac!"es _~ac"es '/pt 1 and (Fre'ih.....ner or Tldal ~s ner A,.t1cles :4, :": ('lr '".C.l.) .~~acre5 ~acres ('It''er (indicate ty"e) _acres ._acre~ Coarse to fine brown sand & gravel, some silt --_._-- - --~.. -- _u_ --- --SeeAfiachea Keport. Yll's __X_ _~r '. 'lra: l! .....!'domln""':t soij t.'/Ot'{S) 01'1 ~r('\;ect Site" 5. C re ~nerp ~pdroc, OUlCl'"'C101ncs o~ ~rl'llPct s1t-: r. ......a: ~:;. cP.J ~n tc ~edrccl.:" .__ uNJ A __ ('1'1 "eet 9,'1::6 ,. 6. prOPO~DrOject site 0_lQ~100%~; .\. _:.15:0' A;proxlNte :If'rc:entaoe of greater _1. with s looes: 7. Is prcje:! t~n~iguous to. or contain a bu;ldin~ or site listed on the ~at;onal Re~;ster of HlstcrlC Places? _____yes ~No 8. Varies: 318 "-6' 511 table' _____feet below ground surface. See Attached Letter What is the de=~~ to tne ~ater 9. Do huntlng or fishing opportunities presently exist in the project area? _____yes ~No 10. Does project site conta~ any speCies of plant or an~mal life tha~ is identified as threatened or endanaerea ~ _Yes _,lo. aCCOrding to _ ldentlf." eact'! speCles 11, Are there any unioue or unusual land fo~s on t~e project site? (i.e. c1;1f5. dunes. other geological fomat;ons - _Yts ~No. (Describe 12. 13. Is the prOject site preSeo.tlYjUSed by.the co","unit. or neiabborhood as an DBe" saaeef' r"r..tion area. X Yes No..t'ro ect Sl.te provl.aes pUD'l.lC access r: wa-c:er ron[ - - for recreational boating. Oois t~e present site offe~ or include scenic views or vistas known to be important to the community? _Yes _No Waterfront views of Stirling Basin will be enhanced. Streams within or contiguous to proJect area: 14. a. Nal'le of stream and name of river to which it is tributary Stirling Basin 15. lakes, Ponds, ~etland areas within or contiguous to project area: a. I/a"", Stirling Basin +35 : b. Size (in acres) 1e. WhoH 1S the dominant land use and zoning classification w;tnin a 1/4 mne radius of theJl!"oiect (t.g. . s;ncle fam'ly rel'dent;jl'1R-2)dand the scole of d<'ve~_t (e_ll. / ston\t2-story l{A-llowdc1eus~t\. single family resldentla an agrlcu~a~ura~, ~/L - W3t~rrrcrt ccmmerCla an l.lght industrial - Boat Yards and Marlnas. B. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1. Physical dimenSlons and scale of project (fill in dime~sions as appropriate) a. Total contiguous acre~ge owned by project sponsor 9.77 acres upland. PrOject acreage developed: 9.42acres initiall....; 9.42acres ultimately. .35 tidal wetlands b. c. Project acreage to remain undeveloped d. length of project. in miles: N/A (if aopropr;ate) e. If project is an expansion of existing. indicate percent of ex~a~sion proposed: building sQuare foot- age ; developed acreage . See Attached f. 90-95 l60:+::, tlul':'tler of off-stl"f:P.t ollrkin9 spaces ex;stino ; proposed g. Maximum vehicular trios generated pel" hour 5-10 (upon completion of project) h. If residential: Number and type of housinq units: N/A ~ne Family Two Fami ly Multiple Family Condominium Initial Ultimate i. If: Orientation "e1gnbornOOd-City-Regional N/A Estimated Emoloyment Co~el"cla I Inau!; ~ r,! 1 j. Total he19"lt cf tallest "IrOrlosed structure _Nl!2_.feet. -:- 2. Ho... "'vch natu,..,,' m.teri~i.e. roc'. eorth, etc.) will be re"",ed _ the Total excavation and maintenance-dredging, approximately sHe. N/A tons .. ~750 cubic j~r~~. 3. Ho... ~~~y ~cres of ~eoeta~;o~ (trees, s~ruts, grou~d covers) ~,11 be r~ved fro~ s'te. . 35~:r~: 4. Will any mature ferest (over 100 years old) or other 10c!j'y-'~oorta~t v€getat,on be remove= 2j t~.s prOJect' _____yes ~Nc S. Are thPr"~ an~ plans for re.vegetauon to "'eolace that relnClved during construction: ~Yes '<:; 6. If s,ngle D"aSe oro~ect: Anticipated period Of construction _____months. (;nclud1ng de~o:~~1~~i 7. If rr1ult'i.~hased oroject: a. Total number of phases anticipated 3-4 No. b. Anti.:;oated date Of co",.,encer.'lent ;thase Octll'lOnth ~~ear (in:'..::' de~l;tion) c. Approximate COMpletion date final phase May Pl'tln~1\ ~~vea". d. Is phase 1 financially dependent on subseoue".t O"5SeS' _____YtS X ~c 8. Will blasting Occur during construction? Yes ~No 9. Number of jobs generated: during construction~; after project is complete ~. 10. Nul'tler of jets eliminated by this project None. 11. Will project reQuire relocation of any projects or facilities? ~Yes _____No. If yes, explaln: Existing Floating Pier Assemblies and Travelift will be constructed and relocated 12. .. Is surface or SUbsurface liQuid waste disposal involved? _YtS --L ~o. b. If yes, indicate type of waste (sewage, industrial, etc.) N!A c. If surface dispcsal naT"'f of strea~ into whiCh effluent will be di scnarged N!A 13. Will surface area of existing lakes, ponds, streams, bays or other surface water.ays be inc..eased 0" decreased by proposal? ~Ves _____No. 14. Is project or any Dcrtion of oroject located in the laC year flccd plain? ~Yes ~o 15. a. Does project involve disoosal of solid waste? 2.-Yes _No dredged materials b. I f yes. ....ill an e;ds~ing solid waste upland; W\si te name: N/A dis")osal facility be usee!" Yes x Jjo materials and adjacent St. Agne~emeterY-properties. : location N/A placed c. If yes. give d. ~jill any wastes not go into a sewage disposal system or into a sanitary landfill? _Yes _Ji......."'o 16. Wi 11 project use herbicides or p~sticides? _Yes x ~o Wi 11 project routinely ;Jr'odwce ooors (~re tt'lan OMe hour oer day)' _Yes X ~o Wi 1 ~ project produce ooe..ating no'se exceeding ~I'le 10ca~ arrbience no'se levels? Yes X N' - - 17. 16. 19. !.Ii" project result in an increase in energy use? _Yes -!......"lo. If yes. indicate type(s) 20. 21. 22. If wate" supoly 15 fro~ .....el15 indicate oUlf.o,ng caoacity N/A gals/l'!\lnute We-Waterfront Commercial-Village of Total anticinated water usage pe" day _N_!A__QalS/d!_v. Greenpirt C-Light Industrial Distr~c[- Qlm of Southo d Zon1r,~: a. Ut'lat lS dOr1inant zon1ng c1!S,>ific:at,;:,n Of site~ b. Curre"~ sDec:i4"lC: ZO"H':~ c:lassifH:a'::lOr" of site C-Liaht _lnd.11llrial ~s OrO:lo..er1 use C:O"S's:p": ,.nt". rrese.,t :on1n::' Yes d. If no. i"d1cate desired :::-"'''0 J1L_ ___ _______ -.'- . . 26. Ap=,rova 1 s: a. I s any Federa 1 pe~; t reQu; red? -X.-.Yes No b. Does prOject involve State or Federal fundir;g or f1nanclng? Yes _~No c. loca~ a~d Reg10nal apprcwals: c, -G4-t-;'-t Town. J,l.~-e-,e- Boa rd "'~"". To~n. ~-H4'll~ Planning Board ~1=f;. Town, Zoning Board ~~~ County Health Department Other 10::al aoenc1esTown Trustees Other reg,onai agencies State Agencies Federal Agencies Village 8f ff~~rgg~t Board INFORMATIONAL DETAILS Acoroval R~Quired (Y.s, No) (Typ.) ~ ~5S --blO- -S~ ....!ill... =ili Permit _AP2Lo"y;!'l_ I.ett~r of Appv. PermH Sub!";itti!1 (D.t.) A;:;:rO'ial (Date) Pending -,.-- j/1L/84 Pf"ncling Yes NYSTlOS/NYSDEC Armv CorDS Permit ~g~ Pending AtUcn any addit10nal info"Tldtion as may be needed to clarify your project. If tlre!"e are or r:-.ay be llr:y adverse imcacts associated with the proposal, please discuss sucn ;mD!cts and tne ~asures whiCh can be taktn to mitigate or avoid 'them, /,,~ / /' ( ~,' - " . -.. "/ /? , . .r...-".......... /'","- ~ J _ PRrRARER'S SI~~ATURr: TITLE: REPRESrNT; NG: President, DANIEL S. OAT[: BRE~ER YACHT YARD AT G June 18, 1984 INC. Z and ASSOCIATES, Inc., on behalf of -4- , . . EAf ENV!RON~[NTAL ASSESS~[NT . PART II Project J~~Jcts and Thei~ Mao~'tude ~ne"J1 !.,4"~-3~1,:;'" "c,,:~': C~re.ully) In co'!!ple~':'lC t~.( for;".. the reviewer should be gu1ded by the Question; liave my decis,of1S and Cftf.-!'''r.atio!''s been redSC~~bit: The revle~er is not expected to be an eXDe~t environmental analyst. Ident;~y;ng t~~t ar effect ~ill be potentially large (column 2) does ~ct mean that it 5;On'''~CEi:;t. ~r:v il!rlJ~ pffe::t must be evaluated in PART 3 to deterrn;ne <;ignTficance. !ftect 10 c~l~- 2 s'~oly asks that it be looked at further. is al~o ~e(essa~'ij By lder.,,~f'j'''; dr, - The Exa~~les provided are to assist the reviewer by showing types of effects and wherever POSS1~1e t~e thres~r,' Of magnltuoe that would trigger a resPonse in column 2. The examples are generally ao:licable t~r~~;~:J~ ~~f State and fer most situations. But, for any specific project or site other examples and/or lower t~re5n:1cs ~y ~e more aD~ro~riate for a Potential Large Impact rating. - Each ~roject, on fa;:h site. in each locality, will vary. Therefore. the exa!':'l:;les halle been offere: as gL;iC::C1~,::f They do not constitute an exhaustive list of impacts and thresholds to answer each nues~ion. - The number of examples per Question does not indicate the importance of each Question. INSTRUCTIONS (Read Carefully) I. Answer each of the 18 questions in PART 2. Answer ~ if there will be!!!r effect. b. ~ answers should be considered as Yes answers. c. If answering Yes to a ouestion then check the approoriate box (column 1 or 2) to i~d~cate t~e cote~tia' siZe of the lrrloact. if imoact threshold equals or exceeds al"',y exampie provided. ctle::k. co1;.J~" 2. If i~pact will occur but threshold is lower than example, check col~n 1. d. If reviewer nas doubt about the size of the impact ;~en consider tne imoact as r)otentially large ~"d prcc:eec to PART 3. e. If a potent;~lly laro~ imoact or effect can be reduced by a cn~nge in tne project to a less tha~ ~arge magr,ituot:'. ~ia.:.e n les i., cO~I."n 3. A No resoonse indicates' that SUCh a reduction is not POSS,bie" 1 ~ 3 NQ yes SMALL TO POTENTIAL CAN IHP:'CT BE MODERATE LARGE RED'JCD B' IMPACT !fo(PACT PRDJ"- CHA'S, - - - - - - - - - - - - x - - - x - - - - - - r""PAC'" O~ LAN:) 1. "'"Ill il-'EP~ 5E PROJECT S;TE? A\ ~FtE:~ AS A RESULT O~ A PHYSICAL CHA~GE T0 There will be an increase in public access to the waterfront. Wou1C1~I'olj' to Column 2 00 Ex~~oles tnat A.,y :~"stru:t;o~ on 5l~pes of 1St or greater, (15 foot rise Der 100 foot of lenQt'~:. cor ~here the general slooes in the project are~ e~ceed 10:. Cc~struct~o" on land where the denth to the water table is less theP" 3 feet. rcnstruction cf oilved oaridnq arei' f"r 1, ..."'" or more vehicles. ~n~!ruct;o~ on 1!~1 where bedrock lS ex~osed or Qenerally .lt~ln 3 feet of ex'st1ng 9rou~d surface. .....!.. ~onS'J:lct'~~ t~il' will contlnue for more thaf'l 1 vear 0'" 1nvolve me"e !har; ":-r.!." "",asc or ~tage. x E...::~Y?!~on fa" ",;,,'nc; ~urooses that would ~e'l'lOve r.tore tnan l,OOC tor,s c..f r,at:J"aJ M:.ter,al (Le. roO; or 5011) rer year. For recreational boatin~ purposes. Co~str~ctlor of anv np~ sanita y landfill. -5- . z. Con~tr~ctlon 1" a des'~nated flo0dway. 0"" ,m,,,,,; Topography of Proj _e.~ ~".:': wi~be improved & church properties will be enhanced 11' ""Ill Tl-!EJl.E Bt A~ ErF"ECT TO ANY UNIQUE ')R UNllSUAl UNf) F,'RMS t::'\r'\ FOU~O ON THE SITE? (i.e. cl1ff~. dunes. O~loolcal fo~- ~ tloos. etc.} x Sf'JI!Ci fic lano foms: r~,p"n ON ~AT[t< 3. NO WIll PROJECT AffECT ANY WATEP BODY DESIGNATED AS ,..... ....1'"'\ PROTECiE~? (Under Artlcles 15, 24, 25 of t~e [nvir. \Q) onment., ConservatIon law, [.C.l.) Exa~~les that ~ould A,ply to Column 2 Oredg1no ~re than lOry cubic yards of material 'rom cnannel Of a protected stream. Co~struction in a designeted fresnwater or tidal wetland. OthH i~oacts: 4. WIll PROJECT AFFECT ANY NON, PROTECTED EXISTlNr. OR NF" NO SOOY OF I'ATER? ............................................0 Exa~oles that Would Apply to Column 2 A 101: incr-else or decrease in the surhce area of any body of ~ate" or more than a 10 ac~e ;nc~ea5e o~ decrease. '\. Co~~truct1on of a body of wate~ that exceed) In acres of su~face a~ea. Project will enhance recreational Other 1mnact"s:. . IInll 1..._~~... opportunit"'''b by 1:TE!'ari:Tr!;-a-.."...-tl=~~ basin approximately 115,825 sq. ft. ~ o LJIll p~OJE:i ArFECT SURFACr: ~R liROUllDIJATER nlfALITP ha"'~le~ tf',at 1.iould Ap~Jy t.o Colu~ Z P~nJect will re~uire a d;scha~ge permit. PrcJ~ct ~ecuires use of a source of water that does not have ap,roval to serve 'reposed project. Pr"'JJ(":: rec.W1rfS ..ater su~;:ly frolT' wells wHn ~~eater than ~5 oallons pe~ minute ?Umolng capacity. Construct1on or ooeration caus,ng any conta~;nation of a putT1C water suc~Jy system. PrOject wiTl adversely affect groundwater. l1CUld ("ffluent will be conveyed off the sHe to fa:'!lues whiCl"l o~esentIy do not eX1S! o~ have tnadeQuate ca~aclty. PrOJe:t requirIng a faCility that would use water 1n excess of 2~.~OO gallons per dav. _ PrOject 1'0111 11kel, cause siltaUon or otner d1Scnarqe l~tO an eX1st1ng t:~y of water to tne extent that there WIll be an ~bvlOoJS visual contrast to natural COnalt1onL .'. . 1. ~. 3. <."" ,~ PME.'1'':':Al c.:..,.. 1"'1' ~... " "c_ """, ,",~ERATE l^RGE PEDUCED By . w::t.~,. J"'~:'~'" po:;~:'" :~;", ~ ~ - - - - - - x YES - - - - - - - - - YES 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - YES Q - - - - - - - - - X YES - - - C - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . 1. 2.. ~. B. Will PPC~ECT AFFECT ANT THREATENED OR ENOANr,EREO SPECIES? !OO YES GO r;'\A l TO pnH~i1f< rA~, lnp.:.:" ~~ (); "."~ l A=G~ w(:;;C~: " ~,' ; .~ .,- ;"PL.C" ~..." ,~.. :"';', ~~ ,~ , .... .J~. ~ ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - S - - - - - - "Jt"'H II"\':lHts See Attached Letters from H2M dated the Co;nty ~f Suff~lk dat-~- 3/12/84 1/31/84 & ----------- 6. '~!ll P...~~'CCi Al,.i[1; :):;:!..:/oIf.r.r Fll", PUTPl'l~ ~l<. SlIRFV.E llATE~ ~('J YES q~N~FF' ..................... ..............OQ ~ ~ha~ '!ould ~"lDly to Colu1"'1r1 2 Pr'('l)ec:t WI"l,s1(1 im"lede flooc' water fl(lws. Prolect is lii:ely to cause su~stantial eroslon. p~Ject 15 ;nco~pat;ble witn existing drl;na~e patterns. X 0"., 1m"",,: Project will improve drainage pattern and I10WS. 7, 110 HS "Ill PROJECT AFFECT AIR OUAlITY?...........................0 0 Fxa~oles that Would Apply to Column 2 I,""PACT ,,~ 4!~ Project ..111 induce 1,'1"0 or 1l'Cr-e vtl'l1c1e trips in Iny given l'Iour. PT"'Oject wil, result in the incineration of r!l)r-e tl'llln 1 ton C'f ref..,!.! per hour. PT"'Oject ~~1ss1on rat! of a" co~ti~1nants will ~xc,~n 5 10s. 'e~ hou~ or a htat snurc! ~roducin9 ~r_ tha~ l~ million BTU's p~r hour. Other 1mollcts: l..tl..~... "'" tlL"'fl'(: A'll t'i''''~' iii Ela~~l~s that Would A~oly to Column 2 Q~dUCt10r'l of onf' or 1'T'Cl~ soec;es listed on thf' 'If''''' York or Fed!ra1 list. uS1ng the 51te. OVf'r or near site or found o~ tMe site. Rem"'" 1 o~ lIn" !:Iortic" of ill critical or siQnificaMt wild. 1 i f~ ""'\b~Wt.. A.o"licatiM of Pesticide or "lertlici..;l' Over 1I'(l~ thin t\";c~ CI vea" other 't't\.!n for.alJ~:c..uto".., Pi,lrpoi.?s. 0~',." ir.loacts: 9. :ilLL pClOJE:T SU9SjA:lTIALLY AFFECT r~nN.THREATDE::J OR NO YE E')A'CERE) SPEClES' . ............ ........ ........ .... ......~ <:::) ~ that .ould Apoly to COlUMn 2 r"'O,lect \ltould substintlilll." interfere with an:' r~siti~l'lt or fII1liratO,.y f1S'" or ",,'ldl He 5;JeC1!$. P"o]ect reeuires tl'le r~moval of l"Iore than l~ acres n~ ~ature fc~est (over la~ vears In ane) or ot"e~ locallv l~~ortant vegE'tatlol'l_ -7- . . 1. 2.. 3 1'). \'!!.l T'-I[ :::''"\]fC'" .:.rr~:'" '::~'~, "!S....:.S "''? T 'f "'(,:'t,,- Cr-;q:':7E~ :'F T'i~ ::::G"S,;;:.!"I'JD Ill"', CC'''''''''::'''''''I W"\ T' ~ ~ " " "''''!' ~". '- - . . " .- , , ',' ~ - 0::[;;:;' " l:';(C[ PfD:..::r:;, ~y ..."t. -- !,." , -- po, ,..... . " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X - - - - - - S - - - - - - - - - - - - !""..- .,; '::5" ore....:":- b~""'les :+at '.IOlJ'~ .4;:;1.'0' to Cclu~n 2 80 An lnc:nr"ratitle ,\)ual affect cau:.~c: ~v t"le lntrc"',,:::'(1r'. of new ~ate~lals. colcrs and/Or forrs In c~ntrast :n t:'e surrounCln~ landsCd?e. A oro]ec: easjl~ visjtle. ~ot easl1y screen~d,tl,at 15 oov1ously different fro~ nt"~rs arO~~d 't. Project ....111 result in the plil"in!tl0n or MaJer scref'."nQ of seen1' ""e'"s or ...1sta:. kn(>I.'r1 tc be i~~ortan: to the area. Ct~er i~~acts: I~P~C- 0', I-I!(,;'C::C :l::sn'.II:!CfS 11. WILL PR')J~C"j' !!,P~CT ANY SIT[ OR. STRUCiUKE FP_E.j~rq;j~!: np p;'LE')~nor.:C:'L H'i'i)?TA'tCE? OF HISiQRIC, im YE~ .. '" ........ ....~ ~ E:..aM:lles tnH '"auld Aoolv to Colur-:n 2 PT"C'lec: ::c....nnc ...'lolly or nartially wHr~1'l or COl'1tio;;ous to any l'acilitv or s~tl' listed on t'1e Ili!ltiona1 Rel'1iSter of historic :llaces. A~v inca:t to an arc~eclc;ical site or fossil b~e located ~dtnin the prOject SHe. 0ther i:""acts: IMPt~T ~~ 0P~~ $D~~E ~ O~C~E!T!~I: 12. 1HlL THE ppnJECT ArFECT TI.lE QUANTITY OR OUALITY or n:STr1lG NO nil OR F,~o?E OPE,': SPACES CR RECPE'~IO':Al OPPORTU':I~!ES'...... 00 Eta~~les that ~Iould Aoolv to Columr. 2 T~e pernane"1t foreclosure of a future recre"tlo!'1ill oDOortun;t". A major r~d;;ction of an open space important to t~e co~unity. Will increase public access to water- t')ther l"'~a:::ts: front, and recreational boating opportunities. rupec. I'Hj Tt..:,'spc'p""t,...rc'.., 13. \'ILL Tur~~ ::E .A'/ FrECT '1'0 EX:SiI:IC TRM;Sp~,:n:\'iT"\.., SY$7EU5' ...... ....... ..................... ......... .... NO yr txa"oles t~at Would ~~.,iv to Colunn 2 00 Alteration of present ~atterns of MQvenent cf neople anO/or gaoos. P~olect will result in severe traffic ,robJems. _ 8t"le.. 11"'"::Jact~: --------.- --- ----.---- .~ , . . 1 2. 'a. 16. I~PACT O'! HEAL T~ & HAZARDS 'iILL PROJECT AFFECT PUBLlC ilEAL TH AND SAFETY, Nn HS -. S"ALl Tn P~TE~Ti'.L CAii' WO~:T .- co ~~DfR.tH lA%E Rr2~C~D ay IMFAC I'1PAC7 I'I<O.;[:i CU~~GE . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X - - - X - - - Ivpt:T C~ (O;EQGY 14. IIlLL PROJECT 'FFECT THE COMMUNITIES SOURCES OF FUEL nR NO YES :::::~.:U::~:' WO~;~' ~~~;~. ~~. ~~; ~~~. ~..................... (y 0 Project causing areater than 5% increase in any fo~ of energy used in muniCipality. < Project reQuiring the creation or extension of an enprgy trans~isslon or supply system to serve more than SO sinqle or two far.1il.v residences. Other impacts: IM~AC' ml NOrSE 15. WILL THERE BE OBJECTlnNABLE ODORS, NOISE, GLARE, VIBRATInN NO YES or ELECTRICAL DISTURBANCE AS A RESULT OF THIS PROJECT: .., '/"i'0 Exa~o'es that Wculrl Aooly to Column 2 ~ Bhsting with;n 1.SI')!') fe!t of a hospital. school or other sensitive facility. Odors w;11 Occur routinely (more than One hour per day). Project w;11 nreduce oDer~t;n9 noise exceedin~ tne local a~bient noise levels for noise outside of structures. Project \11;11 rel"l:Jve natural barri'!l"'s that would act as II nOlse screen. Other ;r:l~acts: Examolps that Would ~pply to Column Z .............00 Project \IIil1 cause a risk of ex~los;on or release of hazardous substances (i.e. oil, pesticid~s, chemicals, rarliation, etc.) in the event of accident or uoset conditions, or there ~ill he a chronic low level discharge or enission. Proj'!ct that will result in the burial of "hazardous wastes" (i.~. tOX1C, poisonous, hi~hly reactive, radioactive, irritating, infectious. ete.. inclu::lino wastE's that al"'e solid. semi.solid, liqUid or contain gases.) Storace facilitips for one million or more Qalln~s of liouified natural gas or other liouids. X ProJ' ect will allow safer navigation at I')ther lrrOacts: low tides by restoring previously~~~isting depths tor aeep- dl.i:lIL bUd.L~. -..---------.-- ----__.___.. Project will help protect public health by providing needed pumpout faCilities. . ~. . ~,' . . ".. (",,', J ~~.. ~, ~t I?fD:""C~:' B't' PPj.:tC:'" CIiAf\~~ a'pt.\~ t.,::/IjE !'1NCT twp~c; 0') GP""..'TI-I t~:) c~:'>IJ,cr'c or C""''''-'';:~''' "',;) .;r"."L.lc....O~....,"" 17. WIll pO'J.'fCi AFF"EC' Ti-'[ C"iA,PI'1C";F ,.,~ TrE D:57:',;'; CO~"tJ~ITY? ,............................... Exa~~le t~at ~ould A~~ly to Col~mn 2 The population of the City, TOwn 01" Vilhge in w.,icn the prOject is lOC!ted 15 lHely to grow ty r.'IOre troa., 5~ of reS10ent human gOPuJation. ~a YES 0000 The municipal budgets for ca~jtal exoendltures or o~era- t1ng S!1"'V1CeS ..ill ;roereas.e b)' mre tf'an 5': per vein as a result of th1S project. - Will involve arlV ~eM",ar'lert facility of a nOI'l.aoricu1tural use HI an agricultural dlstrict or re~....e "dme ag:r-icultural lands f~m cultivit1on. Tne p"o)ect will replace or elil""inate ex;st~)"; .t'a:n;:1€S. st~uctur~s or areas of histo~ic im~o~t!nce to the ComnU~lty. OeveloD!T'Ilent wnl 1nc:.:cf' an inf1u;l of a part1cuhr age group wi th sp~ci a 1 needs. Project wi 11 set an impo~tant p~ecedl!'M for future prejects. PrOJe~t wil, reloca~e 15 or more em~loyees in one or ~re bwslness.es. Other il'!!:lacB: lB. IS THERE PUBi..IC CGt;i'~CYfRSY CONCERNISG. THE PIlr')..iC:c;? . NO yeS ,0GO E~a~oles that Would Aoply to rolu~ 2 Either ~overn~rt or citizens of adjace~t co~unities have e;lpressed o~~osition or rejectec the o~~ect or have not oeen cc~tactea. C~Jectlons to t~e "reject from within the co~nit,. IF My ACTION P: P~PT 2 IS IDENTIFIED AS A PI'JTEin I Al lARt;t II"PACT Or: IF you CAN~OT DETERMINE THE MAGNITUDE OF IMPACT. PPOCEEO TO PART 3. POPTIONS OF EAF COMPLETED FOP THIS PRO:,CT: OETEP~rNt,TII)N PART 1_ PART 11- PMT3_ Upon revi~ ~f tr.e infc~ation recorded or. this EAr (P"" 1. 2 and 3) and conSlderinQ bot" the maonitude and imnortance of each impact. 1t is rill sot'latll y de terll'li !'led tha t: PREPME A I1Er.ATIVE DECLARATION A. Th~ p~ject will result in no major impacts and. therefore. G SEE ATTACHED. is one .nlch nay not cause signiflcant damaoe to thp env;ronment. B. Altheuol'l the pro}ect could have a significant effect on the ~nvlronr"lent. there wi 11 not be a significant "Hect in thi!. cue PRE~ARE A NEe'TIVE nEClARATION because the ~itt~atlon measure!. described in PART 3 have been 0 included a~ p~rt of the nroposed project. . C. The Dreject will result '" one or more major adverse imoacts PREP^PE POSITIVE DECLARATION PROCEED WITH EIS tnat cannot be reduce~ and may cause S1~nlflcant da~age to 0 th~ env\ron~e~t. Oate S19nature- of ~osponslole OfflCldi In Lead A.gencv Slgn!ture of Pre~arer (,f di ffprent from resnonSlo1e o'flcer) Jii=int or ty:le na"'e of reSDonsl0ie off,,'al i1l lead Agencv , . 1'-' . . . fU [!iVIR0~~ENTAl ~SS[SS'~E~T PA~T III E''':'~'_':'~I:;,'! ~.~ "'1.': !UP'l'::"\CE (')F rMp!,CTS PIFOR~TI:'i:, Part 3 1S pre~arEd if o~e ~~ ~re l~~d~~ or effec~ lS con~:Cered to be Dotentially larae. The amount at writinc necessary to answer ~art 3 may b~ determin~d by answering t"E ouestion: In :r1~~:~ comnletin~ tne instructions below have r nlaced in t~is record sufficient information to ind'cate ~ reasonanle~ess of My oecisions? INST~~CTIO~IS , Co~lete the foJlowlnq for each impact or effect identified in Column 2 o~ Part 2: 1. Briefly describe the impact. Z. ~e5crfbe (if apolicable) how the imoact might be mitigated or reduced to a less than 1~rge imnact by a nro~ jett c"ange. 3. Rased on tne info~ation available. decice if it is re!sonahle to conclude t~at t~;s i~ract is '~~~r~~~~ to the minici~ality (City. town Or villaqe) 1n w~;cn t~e project is located. To answer the Question of importance, consider: Tne probability of the impact or p.ffect occurrinq T~e duration of the imract or effect Its irreversibility, including permanen~ly lost resources or values ~netner the impact or effect can be controlled Tne regional consequence of the in~act or eff~ct Its potential divergence from local needs and goals ~hetner ~nown Objections to tne prnject a~oly to this i~Dact or effect. DfTfR."INATl0N Of SIG~fIFICA'fC, An action is considered to b~ significant if: One (or ITlOrf'\ il"iDact is deteM"'ined to both larne and its (t~e;r) conseauence, hased on the re"ieiol above, ;s ~~~cr~2~t. PAPT III STATf~,~TS (Continue on Attachments, as needed) -11. . . BRE~ER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BULKHEADING, RELOCATION OF TRAVELIFT WELL, MAINTENANCE-DREDGING, AND RECONFIGURATION OF FLOATING PIER ASSEMBLY PROJECTS ATTACHMENT 2 ENVI RONMHT AL ASSESS~iENT TOWl, OF SOUTHOLD NEGATIVE DECLARATION The proposed projects at BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC., ..'ill have NO adverse environmental impacts or effects upon; the applJcant' s property being excavated, the area being maintenanced-dredged, the proposed relocation sites, or the surrounding upland and water areas. Quite the contrary, the' proposed projects will have a signifIcant posltlve ilr.pact by; increasing recreational activities and o?portunll1es, allo,,'ing safer utilization of the existing waterways, provldln;; additional job opportunitIes, and improving the overall aesthetic qUol1l:; of the marina and neighbonng properties. at DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC., 555 AIda Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543 (914) 69b5678 VI ITY MAP NO. 1 ~<::> ~ \,,:>" ~~<::> ,,:>0 s (AST MA PlOW , ~ ~ ~: ._- h //~.- - ---.- ---. ---- J."lr!Pl ----==:1,--'-- ~~ STIRLIHG ----~.1 ' " \ -- - '- ~~ ,,0 =-;;-. \ , ,\ ---*_.--- ~~ '~:::'f~':';':'=~{r~1' ~'-' .. '_ ,_'_ = 'i.~..~. GREENPOAT. Hay Bfa: ~ Pi , '~~"_<~"_:::.E..::' / r,' ~___/,J~ ~~ ~r<J.~ "::?-W~I; ~ b.,,, ~ "" e~ .. /ifJ.t.;.,J;...rs";~"~OPeO' ", /1---=-~'-~-:.\ ./ . . .J?",':ilt;r ".~"" .... / ,I':,},~.c \. .-,.1-:-- ...(f: _ _~ ~; i4" - ,"'''':To \ '~:r-~ : /'. ,- ~ (. d:'<- PIPES COVE .:\;~ .J}rnngPt _2:::;-';'-~..'~' r ..;,~:~,-:'~(;.~ FlI.""'t"'9'~ ""./ ',_~""c~-"~~"'~""'''f'C-'') /_'i<;':'~ 'A- .__1--- _--- I,~(: O<r- '-:": ~DE'RIHG c~",O' ~>. ~ .C11 ~tt Pi tlt..~ ""~" \. ~ ,~"'R80R WJt' ( ,-~, :::;-:': e::'-(--?I. ~ ~ r, \: I #t\~t '.' =::':.,-;,..~ I ~ C:" \ & \~ 'j~" '~''-F- . ,.' ','~ 1.-::0 \' ./'-', i:~ ~,,,,,,~~}!:~,~,, ~~:"" I ' <P':"'=0.:"'" / " / ~I ~-'_~"".' k' /j .~ " .~",.;Pt, ,,/,:,< ,l';feo, ,',;" '/'1965"=~,',,, /')' _ "'", / Jon"",, Pt ":"'-=-~. ./. ,,;' , ,""<'1.:;" :_~" ./ ~ ,','J' , -- ~ "...../=- ' ;; ISLAND ,02: /tnrr ~.<:- ------.... /' _~" ~~~/ ~ NI'&MT~:;' Y v l ~</ ~~~-~---I ,.....,. -,"',.~-,-.- f 7!"~'1- ,..... . '-1.rZ: \ i: c. .,:'};t":cj"":<;;2 o U, THO L D ~~'~~),(<; ~~ 1/~':";:, ~ I':"L -=- c-,i,",~ "[: '''', ~"~l ~ " '0/ '0:"~Ji .....:"": 'F ': '"", - ~' ~ .... \'~, '../7( :-=--, !:;;:p- ~ ...;", ::: BA V'-... '''S.~\.J .'''.w." /!1~~~'1>':'_ - ,:-:::,--..::,,~ "'. \ Ii! "'1 '" ::' 1&~h;",:'- ':f."-;.':;_-' ";::,;'" \ ~ 1'5: _ "~~n"'1~', -':::::------",n --. ~'~~1;~,\=-- ~1~~JQ ~l /~~..\ ::- \ 0 ~w'ES'T' ~_., \. ", r-''''~ 11964 1:;;<" I . \\ ~ ' \ ~1. .... l-t:,.-i-~, U ------------ " 'c.""), , 0, "'. -, r~ jw..,.. ", C? '-~ C..at ~\' S r C K _ 1 . '/jjJ , ~"I "'A"'.', ~' ,---- I' r....'" \~. ~ 1 ~.-I \ . 4: . I 1".=- ~ ,/, - ' . \'._~'-;.R.' 1 ..x' 0'" 1/ s";;{, '-A / r\ D . ~ \' I\;-' 1 ,~ ''''V' ~r=''''~' l I . . \ . '& " i <#"::;.:=p-":. I .....~ I:~ 'I /----=:' -. 'r ... \ ". :\ ", ~. _J'_~'';C_ ~< ~.;... 1~~ ~ I. /;:,~ " " ~'VJ,'9! r, \. ", "".. '0 ... '. "'n hf'tJdLU Potrlf ......., " o I 2500' 5000' I I IQood ~ .RElfEl ,,,en YU[) AT GUEIlJ>on. l"~. IT1U\lIG ~Sl" Gattll,.on ,"no. IlAllKo\IIU1 AnllUl WlU,AC;;tor c;;utllPon TOWII or IOCTMOLD alUIITTOI'l4IrrOLl VICINITY MAP p,,:~~~ ~~~:~~~~~~~I:~LI:~t!)lIlG ._UIIrl...lI.~II~ ur r~""'IIH" ,.n~ A>>Uln, ".UIL~I~ DANIEl.. I. NATCHEZ AND AIIOCtATU, INC. ~~ ALD~ .a.'IL UMAIOIIECl, IIh' YOfl~ 1050Q 191.1 "'~1b . VI'V/TY MAP NO.2 ...c...~ 10 2' . 3' o 31 10 . oR o L " I , I ftL1li:t'lts 1IK1I.ne , / ,. I 51 -...... -- ...... "'- '-. " ,. 8y~~R YARD ... >? 3. 67 2 o~ ~"O ~c. 5 ". . " . Dering Harbor Cheqult t If /' ~ ~ / I ( Btach Clu IU. Shelter )I,~ Island Heights " " VICINITY o I 1250' 2500' , I 5000' I '.[WER YACHT YAID AT Glt[NPORT. INC. STllLH"; 'ASU': GI[[MPORl H".'O' ..AMHANSEl AV[~U[ YlLLAGt or '.[[MPORT TO~N OF SOUTHOLl> COUNTY Of SUffOLK PROPOSED EXCI.VAltO/ri. 'llLKHEAOIN(, .All'jlt."'A"'..t.-IIIlt.L1~I""', AHLJ _"I..UflltII.>UIlA1IOtri C~ tLCAllN(, ..It" Alo)uaLl P'1I0IH,l) DANIEL I. NATCHEZ AND A.SSOCIATES. INC. 5S5 ALDA 101.0 ""MARONECtl:, Nt. TOilK 1050C.3 151]') 69&-56n . . EXISTING CONDITIONS "T\ \ - \ Cl Cl ,- TTI ." ST AGNES CEMETERY . --=;:.-...,.::::;----. ....M4NH4NSFr ................ ...:.~,.-.~..... '-~.(. ".. '. '.' -.... '" .41/':; "'\, (.);.,........) .......... ........:~::;:::::~~-:....~_....:::.:.:-::....- ""'. . ". .... ~...- I ............._........ '. \ "" ". /0 ; " ........ ..'.... ""_ n '--- -'- ~ '. \ ....\.. _.. ;:;1......---..... .... \ \ .. -.....-- 8 ..--". '. ~ .. \." '\ \ ' . \, EXISTING . , \.. ......." \, CONTOURS '\, .:~. <:!l \, " .......... "\" .... ~ \ "\ ~ .................,.." to---- -- 7 _____.".. .... ~.~ I \ t, ........ \ \" - "'. ....-... \ ...... --. , . ~ ~ '. .......... .......6' "-':_ 1;1'1 .. \ \ \;: \ '., \....'.. \ ".s-.. \ . , , '\ '. \ ........ \ ..... , .... , .... , '~. \,~ .... , , , , , '''---'' " ~ "1 , -"'- \ WOOD BULKHEAD .-. . , / , , \ : . , . . / , ; . , '. ........----.... , , , . . { '. . '.. : . , .. , , , , , , I \ . , , , . \ : , , , .- : ;' , . ....-' .'- , , , , , , . , , , , . ., 1", ""'1''>\1\ 1"1 ' "I, ",'ij~ ". '1'/' "'11 j"' :.~ it ". .,.'~ OF 'II' -" II. Q= --'u_' .-:f ~ SOUTHOLD /if ~h ,... .' n. {( .... ,- "'...../ ,,:,Y ~ . e:-:~ f y-<<.~"""""'. l..wf':;t , , ............. , . . , , , , , ~ '. ........... , , , . , , I ! . , , , , . , . , ......' - -'. -... -. " DOC/( 2 Il, 1 DoCK 4 I 5' SilRLING .6-... BASIN F~ .f&& ... 0001<. 5 allVI' "AC," 'fUt .., c;'UII':;U:. I..: lAIC ."". ....I' 'T 'QIUI;" I 'OUIIl:; ..'.J. L1CtllJtlll.AlfP ""nnOts IllIWrY 'l1n J~U.. 1M) IIYlUP IlPT. I. 1.3"" DlellUU n. II&) "'TU'" Mu..IU uYll CIIGYDI SCALE o 25'~' . 100' o nll.l~~ usa GlUn;w1.....:-' ....1I11....SI~ lWIH'l ytLUl:;1 Of'ln.'N1 TOW. Ol' lon...,.p COUll" Clf"IUHC-U '~[t> UCUlTICJI.. '\I~IIlU~'.: jffjJjf';;::: ~i;;;',':~:" DANEL a. ."TCtCZ AND AaaoClATu, tNe 55S lUll 100r 1ilAltA1OIl1:1 ~h 'OJ'J I~~ IlIa' .....!lt~, 11.0_1...1,... . . ,qnl~r~Ee~y~~ ~o$?b DISPOSAL SIT! "- ~ ........ ....,\ \ , , J ", , , , . . , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ , , , \ '''.. , " \ ...... \ "'.. . , \ .. I \ It" '.., " ". -- ~ t-.. , " ", ". " \ 'V ~ \ SFrle; e~rn imo ~ ~~~ i" ;if ........... ......... .. , .. , , , '\. " ....... ", " ". ................... .......... ", ", ...- \ .....,. EXlSTb~TCURS 2h' PROPOSED EXCAVATION . ONO ED '." PRCPOS " ~~~D ' 8OAT'~IN 112. ~~~: 50' -100 0 :.:J Ci(1 /IJJ' j OOC/( 2 00Qi( .l EXISTING DOCKS TO 8E ~E/,fOVED AND ~ELO~TED ~O ~~ , 12S' 151 OCI< 4 OIq STIRLING BASIN -'::'-...-- ~j;::, _.-..:...--::.~ ==.-:....:~~- SCALE . o 25'50' 100 - PROPOSEDK AND DOC EXCAVATION REMOVAL CREENPORT. 1~:::. M1 TARP AT IIEVIIl YAC SIt<: STIlLING :..011: GJEENPORT AVENUE MANMANSETCIEENPORT VILLAGE or SOUTHOl.O TOWN Ofor surFOLl DUI1TY C IULIHEA01"G EXCAVATION. Nlo AND ,.OP05ED tJII"'H...L.PU~1 t~OAlIJliCi .'~'~J111~ luUJl"II.U~1 rault....lll I.. tIl 0\>>1.101 ru. ASSOCIATES. IN NATCHEZ AND ClANIEL S. 555 Al.::w .~~K IOSLS "AMAJlONfil~'J 696-567: W.)' 19. J98 U'OIl IUIVEY IT IAS\DOUNG . ~:N~U.VEYOI5 ".Y.I. E',IC;::~~~ JULY J6ci:~::i z" 1M3 lV.v 983 .ut DE GYJ)1 REYISED SEPT: ~'El" 51: LtVEL IN DIr.TUW. ~}-~ ~~""""'" \ M. ~ .:-.- ...'--" ..:.,....':,..:4NHANSET . . , " ) \ -..-:-...-:..~~&..:...._ AVE ~'. --~. ______ ~a \ ~ ...... , -. --'" ~:~ --.-.,/ ' \ C' EXISTING ....... .......... ...:---~~~....__ I \ --'''a__a_ COHTOU~ -.....-......... ............. ...~.. - I ,.......... ........ _.. _..____... \ , \', .... ....8-...-_...._.._ \\. , " \.. ........... ........ . \ ,\.. ---8.____... ... \ \ ...... \ '\ I \ ", '. PARKING AND WINTER '. \ "'\. ..\.... BOAT SlORAGE \ \ \ \ '1 \ ".. 't, \ t'Y\ \ . ,'.....---..... 7 _.... . ~l> . . . .... . ".. n . ----- \ \ "'\ ........-:L \ '\ ....... \ , '" \ .....\ ...... ........... '.. \ ..... .... ~ \ t ,.....-6... .. ....., ......' t' ~ ......... . , , ~ . . \~... 220' J!. U OQ:,.;c .j, PROPOSED RECONFIGURATION OF FlDAT ING PIER ASSEMBliES ~ ~ .",- \ ST .-GNES CtlURCH CEMETERY PROPOSEo DISPOSAL SITE 8' " ' 3cf.j 4?5' ----.. k-5O' '--1 I~" , 245 "'-" 6' k..::96'-t! 'ttl\, A ~~. ~ ..., k-.:..6(J',* ", ~I( B ~q ,00 <"~ -. ---. ;:;j;::';- - =:.=.::......:........ -,-,_...~_..- -..--....-- lASED urOtl sulVn BY YOUNG . YOUNG It." .5. LICENSED .......D SURVEYORS SURVEY DATED JULY 26. 1983 1YISEIl SEPT. 1. 1983 .ncl DECEMBER 27, D~TUM: KE~N 5[~ LEVEL CN~VDl "" ~ ~ ~ 'V r- tT\ ";Q 105m TS1N fHE N OF OUTHOLD " ~ "l 1////////. ~~5~~D W?Io;or . / ~";Q ":.. ,,0 J' I ..~-.~, . . .. \ \ \ \ . ,~--~ , ! \ I '. : .-" ~ ' ' I : _I. . : : :1:'-~-- :.\\ I I'. 1", 1'" \.',',', "',' ''', "," ""/ "', ll,'f :;//1 ///tr '1,1 ."-.5 ~_.. tit __n__ /,/ "" "- '" "/1 ", ., ~. . n, f( \.. ..._tlt,,' ) ,........' ',(- . , ~.......- '!,' .'- .~ -~'1 I \.. '-""~I- ..... 20s' . ',(%E" ~J. ...~ 2S' i' . . I . , , , , , I , , , , '\\ E~~)ct i ,'!l o..?t-'" , . r , , I \ , . , \ : \ , , ' , .' l/ PROPOSED DOCKS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SCALE o 25'50' 100' - '~EWE' Y~CHT YARD AT GREEHPORT, STIlliNG 1,1,5\1<1 GIEENPORT H~RBOF KANttA"SET AVENUE YILLACE or CIEENPO'T TOWIl or SOUTHOl.O COVIlTY or SUFFOLr. 'IlOl'OSEtl UCAVAiIOti, IUl.KHHtllNC MAlfiIILNAJlh..l_PKLlXolhl.., A"l, _Ll.:UHtl"UIlAII""" Ut tLVAllh" rlL~ A:>l>l.lIlL 1 "'II();~~ I ~ 1"=, DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. INC, 555 ALVA IO,.P MAMAJlOHECK. NEW Yak' J05-:.3 19a) 696-!lE>7b .....yI9.1~ . -.:- o o .... '" ';Q MAINAANCE DREDGING MAP TOW"'" OF SOUTHOLD -4~~~r ---" - M4:-- "" -. ..... . r74I\tSE T '.'--. ..... ~ "i r--, I I L__J ~WMo~-r _~CE lES OIIlRCtI $1. ~'ElER'l ~o ~CS\~ O\syv~ '.- __ 4vC -....--. -~-- ---:::m TOWN OF SQUTHOLD PROPOSED MAINTENANCE DREDGING SOUNDINGS ARE IN FEET AND TENTHS DAlUM: ~~RLDW ~J , "- \ ,-.. \ r '''.1\' : ::f""\\ :.'.~ ~ ~ !,',', ", ,',','i ~ I "" ,'/" t ", .':f l//; f ':} ~ ':1 ~!J 1i -' I:' ~/, SQ.;o,y", ,/ /j II '''0[$ " /,~ r~' ....... ,,' I~l' I ( .{:':'~::; / ~ .....,,~"I ........... "\(,041: . Co!; ,~f.olllv. 4.6'1 rz _ _ 6'04 : 1$0' ;;0-:- - -?~.E - _ ~ 8.6' '1 .'[W[lt 'U.CM'T JUt' At GnUlI'OtT. 1"'= PrlO'''''OS€D - - .:! STIlL'" "51' '"l .,-, - _ J GIuwI'on KUIO' DooI( WAWItAMSn AV[lilJl YILLACi[ OF G'[[HfOIlT ~ TOVIi or 5OllTHOLtl JGuI?ATlON '~:;;;;r~:;;,r~~LL"::~"" al.L.Uf;tII.oV."II.." L!t fLU...Il...., rltk ~~~L~~~l ""v'/,."l~ STIRLING BASIN . __ ...EB~ FlOOD 7.7 SCALE o 25'50' 100' - . -=-.:._- J.::;j~:-- ---" . ---.--. =.':.."':.-.:::.::..- lASED V~ SUIYEY IY \'~C I YOUalG IiI.Y.S. L1CEtlUD LAtlD 5U'VlYO'50 SoU,VlY DATte J\lLY ~. IMJ IEVISED 5nT. I. IM~ and DEC.EMIt. 17. 1.3 DATU", _[AN SU Ll"VEL Ulc;.vel DANtEL I. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. S!>5 ALD... 'OA.t' KA......ON'LC..., 11[... YOw" los.:,3 C'I"Ii96--SC1~ liar 19. I~b~ . . \ 41.0 " 'lfv/"<;s S'ri1IS1:>OsA( 12 (Il l> Z o -< ~ l> r> ~ STIRLING BASIN ... ~9 \'6 \\.. PROPOSED EXCAVATION AND DISPOSAL SITES EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY SCALE o SO. 00 ~ lltEWU YACHT yAftD AT C;R[[HI'ORt, 11'::. I,uED UPON TOPOCOUPHIC MAP 'IY[ [AS'l'It'" TOWM~ IUJ'FCUi COUNlY. trio '1'. $MEt'! NO. HH-'O SUFrOL\l( COUNTY DEPAnWUT or 'UIIL Ie ...ons DATUM: WEAN SEA LL~tL STllLUIG IASltri GREtWP~7 HARBOR MANHANSET AVENUE YILLAGE or GIlE[NPQRT TOWN Of SOUTHOLP COUNTY OF 5UFfOu:. .IOPOSEO EXCAVATION. IUlllHtAD1NG IIAIJIIIt.NAN~t._IlKt.U\,olfi". "\Iol! f1\.Utitl~UIl"lIU" U~ tI,.U,o\ll"" rail AloloUllll.l rll,JIL,-ll> OANIEL $. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. INC. 555 ALVI. 10"D ""MAROHler;, IIEI/ TOkt 10>:.3 191.0 6%-5t>n ....y I~. 19b. . .>l;/ ~ """ " ) " ~ ,II" ~ ~'.O, ' ~\. R"< _"" v ~~, ~~~ __ "'" ce.>A __-- , 1-- ____- __ ~- ~)-5 ~ I .I~ ~'... Ii ~'\ II \\ II I) " II II II . II H . h'r.o I~I / II /I CEMETERY II ii HsT. -"GN€S' II 11&')f~~' II II h C II O":'...-J..!. II ~ 5\~'" /'\"'--.~ . ~=~"-. <' 1;00' '0 ~~€I/ l'o4Citr ~ "-o.sEb coNr&lg <Jl '" z ~ STIRLING '" "'0 ,'6 \~ ~ N 'J'/ , "/7011''' i';/sovoh;OLD "'" ..... .--~'...... ~rlOI; r ......... IfO' u;~~~ UE""OR'T, Iii':. )IT TAltI AT G IlEWU lAC ING IASI" STIlL KAUO~ :~~~~~~~C:~::~~'T VILLACE OF SOUTHOttl TOWN or r surrOl.l COUNTY 0 IUUMUtllJlG VATIOtl, A".... oposto IICeA "-IlIlt.I.I'I..I!'I.., "'1110" PI ""llili.II"'''II'';.IIlJf' ut ~11.t.~1:> UI..~~::U:~um.l n SOCIATES. INC AND AS NATCHEZ OAD DANIEL S. 5SS ALOA "Olll 1~ I:Ck.INE1II5676 NAIilAI0tI19141693-196L lIII.yI9. SCAl-Eod O~ BASIN TOPOGRAPHY PROPOSED TION SITES OF RELOCA lASED UPO"MAP TOPoc;RA.P~llrlC TO'lrHi5 FIVE USTEflTY, N. Y. FFOl-k COO HtI-'O IV :~~1L~O~:L~~ ~ORKS tWtllT or itA LEVEL DEP:A'TUa.l: YEA-II -SECT. ~ ,a1R~E~ ~~~~ f ~.D~~~-!- I --. M4:v.H~Sq , \ IJRCI\ lE.S~ S11toG1.lt:l~ ~Sl'tt OISPOS SECT. D---- '---.... !> MHW~ .." c:, o .... '" :x:l . " ~ "i ! ( (.. , I '8 E \ ~~~~.. , , (,' --, , ) , , '" -.:.-....-- ;;~jt=J ::E:.';'-.:~===- SUIVU n lASED UPON He; YOUNG · y~ SU_VETORS leENSED LA'" 1M3 Wol'oSivi, DATED JUlYD~E"8[1 27. 1913 5U 1 1!Ml~ ."d INC;VD) IEVISED SEPl. .iEA.N SEA UVEL DATUM: 4VE - _...__._.__._~ -...to....... ..-----~ . .... -. I ,I~\ '--F:) c.. s~'t.tv q.. irO,:; SCALE . o 25'50' 100 . - PLAN ~o ~ GRADING ,. GRHtI,on. Hi;: YACHT YAlIO A IUWU 1ft STIlliNG :~BOR GIEENPORT AV[Nut MANIiAHSETC;UENPOllT VILLAGE ~r 5OIJTKOLD to..tl 0__ surrou COUNTY VT ,_ 0tI. IUUHUOll<i" to tXCAVAT! N... ^I<iLJ PIC:~l'Illt.1'IAl'Ill..t.-~t.~1 ~LU"'II"... UN. II.oUIIJl.l I ""vllL I~ _to\,.. It... A~U.u:lI.' ,. ASSOCIATES. INC. A TCHEZ AND DANIEL S. N 555 ALtM .~~~~ I(}5.:J NAMARONlCl,) :;:"5076 (:~~ 19. I9DL STIRLING BASIN ~ ~,,"" J I .... - o 250' 500' 7000' , ~ AREA NAVIGATION MAP BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. STIRLING BASIN GREEN PORT HARBOR MANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BULKHEADING MAINTENANCE-DREDGING. AND ftCONFIGURATION OF FLOATING PIER ASSEMBLY PROJECTS BASED UPON DEVELOPMENT PLAN VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, N. Y. JUNE, 1967 DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. INC. 555 ALDA ROAD MAMARONECK, NEW YORK 10543 (9W 698-5678 Way 19. 198k __ ~r~i:iNES ~[.LfJ~Y 0-- SUl: . _M4~1i4NScr -. ~ -..- \ 51 ~GlIt" C\\URCII ClII.~i~~ O~S\iE ............. --. ~;:'- /I U ---- j:.;jr.:-- ___\I W ==..~~=- lASED UPON SURVEY BY TOUtIG . YOUNG N.Y.S. L.1CENSED LAND SURVEYORS SU.VEY DAltO JULY:z6 J983 .IVISED SEPT. 1. 19113 a",d DECEIIl8U 27 1983 DATUM: MEAN SEA LEVEL INGVDI . . "" C:> C:> ,- '" ~ . RECONFIGURATlON OF DOCKS AND MOORINGS ;---1 ~TION.AL I I I ~oR L. - - .J OCKS 8 ~eO~'b~tP ~_u_ EXISTING ~ -- _J FLOATS . ~~SERND .... ~ "i ..- - 4//(" -"'-..- .,-"~ ~ BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREEN PO R,T, INC. 1:'"..:;__ ,-r-..:J-- "',"'::.::t ......11 , .:> ~it:.-::J ,J< C' I~:::::, t';::., ":.::':,' -:;J / ! /~ .... / rJ '- ,t ....J ~ \ t..' ~~V/t .............. -=:~::I .6 "''-LAG' , , '-Cllf ,~f, - , ..~ , I , t.;:;, ~... :::;, s!f7", tl109:- Q> c,;::'4 44 . - :.1~-1!.-u "CI/f -- -- -- --- o ACZ.Z o ~fS .~ ':J.!! o SCALE o 25'50' 100' .,.....-.:a . --~ o o o o o BREWER 1"1:"''' YARD AT GREENPORT, IN:::. STilLING lA511i GUENPORi IM.nOR MANMAN~tT AVEliUi. VILLAGE or GR[[friPORT TOWIi or SOU1HOl.O COUNTY or SUFfOLK P.OPOSED EXCAY#..lIOt'. 'UUHEAOllolr "'''INI~N"",..t_UI(U.x..lh..... ""'" " 1lt.I..Uflit I,"U"1I1 1Llh. 0; I..O~, Ih." rltk ...~t.lJI:IU rll..IL...I~ SI'RL.IIVG ~, ~O ~ 04NIEL 8. HATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, IN( 555 AI.OA .o...~ IiI"MAIlONEel';' NE_ yon 10:":') 191i.1698-561b Ill.)' 19. 1ge~ BASIN . RoSEIfr H. _ ~E$To.tI l.'(;RM/D · "., 6,. R. C'!APMA~ . .." . r~ 4> "'. ~ (!) ~ -~ -.J_ Cl:'CI) - I- ..q CI) /1J " IfIll.#'JN - - N ,,,... '" '. ,...._--- ~ ..,,, --'UN' . ~.I1."a .~~rt: I" -'_c. :; ~. ~/ I &~ ~V" ,($ Ii:.: ~~ 1.. ~."" ~.~."~!.I /.I'~ l'" " .i ~ ~. -.. " I :.,~ ~ ~ ;. j l., N..",C ~()' . . , , ~ ....1:..:..". " ~ls..s()' If' .k,. AREA UNDERWATER GRANT MAP LAND .. ~ ", \~ \ ~ \" ... \.. t .-=.~ .:~ ~ '-1\ r' ~ ~-& ~.'" , "":.' ,~",.,~ ' ~ ',I"E.SS"" cff A,.DCIIITtDI'I SAIII1'1' IL~~r N. ~ ~ pP 0' OlfUr",,6 ~ (I " 11''9 7, ,9' "'~ E?J' lASED C* " caPT OF WATER CRAto! INDEX WAP 'J~ or 5UffOU: COUNTY .lEVU YACHT TAID AT CttENPORT. IN::, STIlliNG USIJrl GIE[NPOIT MAtlOR KAWKANSET AVENUE .11.L.C[ or GIEE.rOIl! TOVN OF SOUTHOltl COUNTY or SUFFOLr; '~OStD EJ,CAVATlOti. IULl.HUDINC .AIJlILI'tAJIIl.....~IIt.IAoIJj.., ""'"' .1.I..UtltluUIlAIIU.. U~ t..O",lh" rlLtc A~Ullll.l I'IIUIll..I: 500' . DANIEL S. N"TCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. INC. 55S "LDA tOAD MANAIONECI. NE.... TONI( 10543 (,ILl 698-S67b ".)' 19. 196<, PREVIOUS . S~~t~ EXISTING BERM SECTION A P~POSED G OUND PR FILE . l ~. EXISTING GROUND PROFILE SECTION B PREVIOUS SPOILS ~ AREA PROPOSED FILL EXISTING BERM SCALE o 25' 50' MANHANSET AVENUE ~IO' 5' o FRESH WATER POND MANHANSET flS' AVENUE la' 5' o BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREEHPORT. INC. STIRLING BASIN GREENPORT NARBOR WANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTNOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BULKHEADING MAINTlHANCE-DR~DGING. AND RECaNt IGUflATlOH 01' HOA1ING PIi::K "'~~UIBLT PROJECTS DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC, 555 ALDA ROAD MAMARONECK. NEW YORK 105-'3 191" 6911-5b76 Nay 19. 1964 . Ie AREA TO BE FILLED SECTION C ll6e~R{lB - ~22'+19'~8' 'I S1: AGNES CEMETERY PROPERTY Cr" ACCESS DRIVE PARKING WALKWAY WITH PLANTlNGS o I 25' I SCALE 50' I 100' I BOTTOM EL,-8.0' BELOW MLW PROPOSED FLOATS AND PILES ~40~-70' MHW +1,2' ------------------ __n - -Mi.W:.I~2'-m 288' 68' JO~ 8'~JO' 70'-'f-40~ >t< >i< BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. STIRLING BASIN GREEN PORT NARBOR MANHANSET AVENUE YILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOL~ PROPOSED EXCAVATIONe BULKHEADING MAINTlNANCE-DREO INv. AND KECOHtlvURATION Uf FLOA1ING I"It:R A55UIBLT "RUIECT5 -- ---- ;~jr:.:-- v . --'-.--' -..-.-..........- -.-.........- DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. INC. 555 ALDA ROAD MAMARONEC~. NEW YORK 10543 1914l 69B-567B May 19. 1984 .,,51DVPOllWIYnay tQUlllC II tOIl.. lI.t.l. LlCtllllD LAIfD swinton wnll DATU IULY., '91' I..UID un. I. 11Ib..... DI(l:MIU 21. I!IIJ DATUM. IU.. KA Llyn UIGYDI sM~~~~ . S1. AGNES CE METERY " . ACCESS DRIVE SECTION D-D PLANTERS (CURB STOPS) PARKING WALK o SCALE o 5' 10' o 20' o BULKHEAD PILE FLOAT BOTTOM BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. STIRLING BASIN GREEN PORT HARBOR WANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN Of SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BULKHEADING MAINTENANC~-DREDGING. AND fiCONf IGURA1ION Of" FLOAT ING PIER AS~EMULY ..KO)EelS DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. INC. 555 ALDA ROAD MAMARONECK. NEW YO~K 10543 19141 696-5676 '"y 19. 1964 . MANHANSET AVENUE I. SECTION E-E NATURAL SCREENING FENCE BOAT STORAGE SCALE o 5' 10' 20' . TRAVELlFT BOAT STORAGE BREW~R YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. STIRLING BASIN GREENPOaT HARBOR WANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTKOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION. BULK HEADING M^INT~N^NCE-DR~~IN~. AND fECONflGURATION OF fLOATING FIER A55[UBLT FKOIECT5 DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. INC. 555 ALDA ROAD ""MARONECK, NEW YORK 10543 19141 696-5678 M.y 19. 1984 - - - - - - - --AfHW+2.... ---------AfLW 0.0 " TlNO HEAD / fJC'8T'He BOTTOM (jfJ{iJ II III ''_'If BOTnMI/ '--,m /If P/lOPOaED . Iff_D P_,lf -..0' IIflOW _ ... , ... ... , . .... "- "- "- .... PROPOSED FlCloolTa AND P'lES ___u -____ +2..' EX'S TlNO ---------MlW 0.0 BUlKHEAD "- PROPOSED SOTrow PROFILE ... acAU' ... 0 " 10' zd ... ... ... , . .... "- ... ~ . SECTION - F TYPICAL MAINTENANCE DREDGING fJClSTING FlCloolTa "'~ PILES r + '2" 2" IIlIIIU "'ClIl lAID lIT (;Olll.P0II1. UK. S1UlINC JUIIII (;,UEIIPon MAlIOI lil~jIIHAjII5n UtlilU[ VlLUGE OF cutliIPon lOWII Of iOlIlllOLP COUlIlY OF MlHOLl PIO=~~~ t~:~~:~ ~:~DL, ~~I::~P ljllC n.I,;UII"ti""~f'ON Uf tLUAf11l1" rlt' .>>UtU, r'U'tL'~ DANIS. .. NATCHEZ AND A880CIATEI, M:. !l'J~ ALVA Ill~lJ MIoMAIOlIlCI, IOIll1 YOU IP5.I.3 49'" 6ge-~7~ 101.) 1<;. 1\llI4 ~ -"'- \ ST AGNES CEMETERY ............ "- MHW -. :::-:-..:..v__ ,;....;/'./1:::., - ___v 1/ =::=.~.~":;~~ .........-- Mltt- 1"_0iI1U'V(' aT ..t,'. 1.1~'::.1o.. . 'OV~(- .VIS, lU'VEt w.~~g )~t; ..lou.vn~l~ Dun 1 III' .196, OJ.rv.: IliA_ ..~ .,,111 tllC.lMIE~ 27 II LlYEI. UIC;VtlJ . . . e'-' S~ iL+ < . F:~_"': t.,",' APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF TEST BORINGS ~-~:..-.~,>~. :.:..... ....t:1.4/~~"7:.:; "'---'-,.. IVSE.r ". '. -'-.::~--~:_~--.- - t ~ c' Ti' B.... ~:..~ -' ; , \ , " .' , , , , , , , , , , , , ' \ \ , ' , , \\ .........,\ , , ' , ' , ' , , , ' , ' " , " '. .....,.,. '/0 "'-'9...::::'-- '. ....... '. \ , \ , , , , , , . , , . .......... ,,--.. 7 " -. : -------- , ' , " . . ....... '- 8-1 , , . \ , , --6 ' , . . , . \ , \ 7 \ .' . " .' ..,. , .S, , " , , "" B-2 " , , , , , 6' ............... , , , , , , , , ! , , , , , , , , ..' ...-.. , , , , \ : , , , \ , , , , , , , , , . . , , '........--..... B-3 + /( \ ", !: t>c...\.. .. ,: .#'\..._S""\, \\ ,f: i /~rt"'\\'\\' \ ' ,/, ,. \ i \!/:: ..v 0'> \ " ' ,111/ 7" ~ ,/ /:,','1 l : ,/ /I:;:':y j ...' rv -~f . :,., .":::-/,1 __....... ,'1,'. ::!'~ /, ------------::-:IZ TOWN OF ..// ~ SOUTHOLD r..........'........ /.'/' r . /,.>-......:'! I [ -- -- -;'1-.".1 "~ ..J;'tL . (/~~Gt EXISTING DOCKS 8-4 / .. , , , "" STIRLING ~ BASIN FlPOD ~ JU"!I U.:~~ 'H;- J~ (;HfU.c'~ l~: ;:H~:~-1~ ;~~:;:; 'ILLACl 01 "HI ,~....~. TO",~ O' 5-:ll'7"- : C:OU~n ot il'H~-~" "o;;;;",~~~~\'.,:)I. ',l~~!~:l' U~;~;.' '~::tl:.~:< -:;: :\',~:" SCALE 025'50' 100' DANIE.J.. S. NATCHEZ AND ".SOC._US. IHe "'AJU.,oo;5[~~.~L::.. .~~;. (~..; ....._!><', l~, ".l l~. lie. "" . . SLACKE TEST BORING, INC. !/~!/~ we!#~ g~/.l 4 MAIN STREET. PO. BOX 64. KINGS PARK. LI.. NEW YORK 11754. (516) 544-0404 I Mrs.1 S.IIy Ann SI.cke. Pr..ident Boring No. 1 Job No 2945-84 Date: February 21, 1984 Job location Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Beach Road & Manhasset Avenue, Greeport, N.' Datum Ground Surface Elevation 6.0 6' 5" Water level IS below Ground Surface 10: 20 A.M. - probable Tidal 9' 20' I 30" IlowI 'o..o".,ion J CLASSIFICATION OF SOil h",pl. .f Spoon CASING alOwS Spoon 1ft Inch.. FI LL - Coarse to Fine brown Silty DRILLED IN CASING USED (HSA) Sand, some Gravel Brown & gray Silt, trace Gravel Coarse to Fine brown Sand & Gravel trace Silt Sample #1 @ 2'6" to 4' 7-7- 8 18" WATER SAMPLES Sample #1 - 10' casin, Sample #2 @ 4' to 5' 6" 10- 1 0- 12 18" in ground Coarse to Fine brown Sand, trace Sample #2 - 18'6" Fine Gravel casing in Sample #3 @ 9' to 10'6" 5-1- 2 18" ground Sample #4 @ 14' to 15'6" 8- 6-1 0 18" Sample #5 @ 18'6" to 20' 8-8-9 18" DE'TH h.... T. Ground Surf.Cf l' l' 2'6" 2'6" 9' . . SLACKE TEST BORING, INC. y~y~ W" g~6~UJ 4 MAIN STREET, P.O. BOX 64, KINGS PARK, L.I.. NEW YORK 11754. (516) 544-0404 I Mrs.1 Sally Ann Slacke. P,.,;denl Boring No. 2 Job No 2945- 84 Date: February 21, 1984 Job Location Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Beach Road & Manhasset Avenue, Greenport, N. Datum Ground Surface Elevation 5.8 Water level is 5' 1" below Ground Surface fr.", 11 :45 A.M. - robable Tidal -- DEPTH I 30" IlowI '."..retion j CLASSIFICATION Of SOIL Semple of 5poo" CASING BLOWS to Spoon In huh., d FI LL - Dark brown Silt, trace Gravel DRILLED IN CASING , 3" USED (HSA) 2' Brown Silt, some Medium to Fine Gravel, trace Medium to Fine brown Sand WATER SAMPLES 4' Medium to Fine brown Sand, trace Sample #1 10' casi - Fine Gravel in grou Sample #1 @ 2' 6" to 4' 4- 5- 6 18" Sample #2 18'6" - 9' Coa rse to Fine brown Sand & Gravel casing i trace Silt ground Sample #2 @ 4' to 5'6" 8-9-12 18" Sample #3 @ 5'6" to 7' 12-13-1 3 18" 14' Coarse to Fine brown Sand, trace Fine Gravel Sample #4 @ 9' to 10' 6" 3-4-4 18" 20' Medium to Fine brown Sand Sample #5 @ 14' to 15'6" 6- 7- 7 18" Sample #6 @ 18'6" to 20' 8-8-8 18" r n Groul'l Surfe, 3" 2' 4' 9' 14' . . SLACKE TEST BORING, INC. ,9~Y~ y;c .9~V1" 6~ 4 MAIN STREET. PO. BOX 64, KINGS PARK. L.I.. NEW YORK 11754 . (516) 544-0404 I Mrs.1 Sally Ann Slack.. Pr.,:denl Boring No. Job location Datum * 2945- 84 Date: February 22, 1984 3 Job No Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Beach Road & Manhasset Avenue, Greenport, N, 4.5 3' 8" below Ground Su'face rnhablp Tirl;,1 Ground Surface Elevation D('T~~-~- - ~-~_-:~~ __J_ Ground Surl'.c~ 2'6" 2'611 4' 4' 5'6" 5'6" 9' 9' 14' 14' 20' Water level IS JO:OJl A,M. - CLASSIFICATION Of SOil 3D" 110...... S."'pl. Spoon '....tr.tion .f Spoon I.. Ifllth., CASING BLOWS PROBABLE FILL - Medium to Fine brown Sand, some Gravel, some Silt Dark gray Organic Silt Sample #1 @ 2'6" to 4' 2- 2- 3 18" Brown & gray Silt Sample #2 @ 4' to 5'6" 4- 4- 5 18" Brown Silt, some Gravel, some Medium to Fine brown Sand Sample #3 @ 5'6" to 7' 7- 8- 8 18" Coarse to Fine brown Sand, trace Fine Gravel Sample #4 @ 9' to 10'6" 7-7- 8 18" Coarse to Fine brown Sand, some Fine Gravel Sample #5 @ 14' to 15'6" Sample #6 @ 18'6" to 20' 13-11-13 18" 9-11-13 18" . *boring was relocatec as indicated on print DRILLED IN CASING USED (HSA) WATER SAMPLES Sample #1 - 10' casin in ground Sample #2 - 18'6" casing in ground . . SLACKE TEST BORING, INC. Y~Y~W"Y~6~ 4 MAIN STREET, P.O. BOX 64, KINGS PARK, L.I., NEW YORK 11754. (516) 544-0404 I Mrs.l Selly Ann Slecke, President * Boring No. 4 Job No 2945-84 Date: February 21, 1984 Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Beach Road & Manhasset Avenue, Greenport, N.. Job Location Datum Ground Surface Elevation 4.6 4' 8" Water level is below Ground Surface 2:00 P.M. - probable Tidal DE"" 30" 110.1 h..."..i." - J ClASSifICATION Of SOil 5....'.. .f Spoon CASING ILOWS fr.", T. Spoo" 'n I..che, Ground *relocated 13 feet $urf.[e 1'6'; FILL - Coarse to Fine brown Silty west (as indicated Sand, some Gravel on Print) "6" 51611 Coarse to Fine brown Sand, some DRILLED IN CASING Medium to Fine Gravel, trace Silt USED (HSA) Sample #1 @ 2'6" to 4' 4- 2- 2 18" Sample #2 @ 4' to 5'6" 2- 2- 2 18" WATER SAMPLE 5'6" 19' Dark gray Organic Silt Sample #1 - 24 feet of casing in grounc Sample #3 @ 5'6" to 7' 1-1-1 18" No other sample take Sample #4 @ 9' to 14' pushed 5 feet with due to Silty soil. weight 01 rods Sample #5 @ 14' to 18' pushed 4 feet with weight 01 rods 19' 30' Coarse to Fine brown Sand, trace Fine Gravel Sample #6 @ 19' to 20'6" 11-12-16 18" Sample #7 @ 24' to 25'6" 8-10-11 18" Sample #8 @ 28'6" to 30' 9-9-10 18" H~.::!"'_~____. ~Vl"l"A.L"''''_'''l.' s~:n' 1~'T'O" A....) - - -..-.O.-U;lCf'O..-..'.....} ... ....~.."IA,D "'l.~ I """_0. ~ \ JL;;,;;,~, 1[;- '--- ~k. ............ -; " ).It" "I......'" ....1"''<4 ----~- I Go'..z. (~I"UOU!r.""""" ~U!>( ~'.O. lVt'VD<<W "'''1I ""0 I.JI'OI"'V ("'I.",) E_ - ---: -~,....- -. - . ~ - 1.'."11l.<liD ,..':-.0,,,,( o . f.\' ~ '. . '. . ~ ". t u . . '. ~I ,. a ;; -'. t '2 t;i i ~ -I. , ~:3 ;, ] ".. .0'. . ~l ".D- , .. J:.:!'>, a ....,.,."'" ........AoD " 2," ~.'I 1110118ol'' SKU'''''4 . k1l.l(M'.-.o ,,",Lt. . ~Oo ~ G.l.L....Os..U'...., 0", ,"L~"l'~"''' lTn.) ~ .L....DO ..~J . ..'~ . o ~o' f/J' "LA'" SCAol..I. ,....rI t! ~ !: . .. << . ~~ !I L.~"_.'" " ~ c.OOIIT~ua."w'" "'""'. ,,""'... aJ..OC' ..... ~_IiIUT ". " .Iel ....'.~Dc.. ~ LtL....oo ~.......D CoIllADt .1......- ~~~.':.:'-<' "" -- aJ!'IlTlNl1 .....tCAP ~~~D l~ .I.QO (::: ::~.~~"I A....;" ...) ~'~~~ .. ....aL.Q.O -...:...---.....""""""'- ~~'..!.~...:J,.l!I -"' --- SECTION &.e .'AoL" \"_.~O' o " 2' , ,.'r'IM."" ~"'I""'G :~i ..1~1L..'t. '. , ~_ 'S UI NOTE5' I. "'~L n.-ell ......1I. .. 00.,........ II.Il Oil &OUflft._ ..... ""Yo'" _'........... ...u.ow..__ .T..... PI' ,QoQ l"Ou"O" "" aa-". """.. . .. ~L ,......" s.ol'~u. _"1 .....,..._ ...111_1lO0oI OJ I. _"010 "" LIll.:)t.D~ ,..... c.....c ".or t:W' WPOD. , Al.L ""LU _LL... "1"ID....fl1 "'UAL ~.. . DAVID CAl~lll '.C. COlISUlTlIlCOlllGllIlU 7U..UII.OAnIlIlE IlAMAltOIIlCl, 1I(1l fon 100000J DUUN: "[AN su LUll lNCVDI 'ASlD 11'011 A fEST ilOWlll(; nron aT ~UCU THUll(; _lilt;;. 'IIC. IIUUI rUIVAn 21.19& ~E.UCMT'U..AtCO.HMPOl:T.INC. ~'''ll~" 1lA~11l CO.Hllrou MAno. MAIIIlAN5U AnNul VlllACI Of COU(NPOn lO\jHorKlUTlIOLD COVNnOf51lffOLJ .D"_~_~ ....-:-:'..00 ........ '. "," D'''' "..0. IIILI.& .-...:o.-../c.ln"c.....j T., 0" P'lLI IoMO, ~.!lo~ioO-- ..'nit 'I,n.O" '" I.LI"""'Oo.I. Go 00 ""L ~'I..f" SI\A....l. al "'TU~ ...".. 0..........'.1.1" $...'IT ""'fAoL 0" "-"'~TU; ,..... & ...".. "'I''''~ _Il'. _ .....ItD_1U. ......LL U Q,oU.......,IILD. Tl'''''(oI\,L. ~ULI(Mf"O ....'~b ,.,' et' 1o<A..L. r; "T" .no""') G-'o' C I ~"....",.. '::::["i I ';;:::'._w..,u.~::::...o ':,~. .' '.'IIl'''l, I . ~) - tJ~~~::r=T~'~:;::-L-;;i=:15-='9 c41...Ot,.....L. -.'_... ".ow... .....1''"'" i.......oc.... V'''''''''..ll''111) 4"'."_1 (fTr,) "LTE~P'oi...:~t "~~"'NCO(""l"l' 'Oq, Vf~TIC"'L S,f1UTINCi .t....... . I."I~O' o . 't' 8' '-_.....D"l.I. ".... G""o.t. L",.~.':.J~ ;;v;z-.-.;.... .. ...t__eo << IL. ..... .........""'. """"C:"_U:l (1&L.' 1.0 ~~~~ r.... -II_~ T~ -...0. ~ECTtO'" C.e. O.....~~ 'i'-t:s' - - BULKHEAD DESIGN ,aorouo lIC~VdlOOO. 'UUIlUllI"C Jol...U.ll~~~.!.LI.HJl.lJol.. "'~LI .ll.O~"...V~"'I',... 01 ,~u~,.." ~HTr."lh_'~ ..<.-.., DANiEl 8. HATCHEl AND IlSSOCIATES. IHC. S~~ HO~ .o~o JlM'tAaO'Hel. "fll rOH IOSO 19'" 69&-'.>b7~ ''OJ 19.'\16.4 . . CAVID C:A"'SEN. P.C:. c:.ofuultin5 E n5inu'C ., 13 MUNRO AVENUE hlI"'''''''RCNECI(. N. Y. 1C5"3 "4 . QW&.... .-0138 DESIGN CRITERIA The bulkhead for this ~roject was designed on subsoil infor~ation taken from Borings Bl thru B4 Incl, taken by Slacke Test Boring Inc. Because of the extremely wet and poor surface condi tions, no borings ',':ere taken along the west edge of the proposed bulkhead. However, a sounding was made to determine the depth of the soft material. The underlayment below this level was arrived at by interpolation from known subsoil data. It should be noted that ~ortions of the existing bulkhead at the southeast and southwest extremities are not to be replaced. Should it be desired to increase the water depth at these areas, the bulkhead should be carefully checked and any changes that involve an increase of water depth of more than two feet will probably req~re additional strengthening. . . ! /);:,r<?wpr YCHJ-! Y CI .-d (;;) Gr-ee" .0 o,-f I Ref CO~/rocl ;30 N,..: 9 so sieck" ~sl- ~or''''':9 .z... c O(2S<9'" ~QS ,'..r Gracie t/(2.v' Wc,{rz:." c/Q..v .' ..)'-'0 gro c/~ e/(2y. 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L 0 O"~3' "/: EL.-fl 0 p, ~INL .0 lJes /9" 10,", ~ 9f-1.,.().'tJ: IO"f~ " IS4. p: IS~x~ .. /25 /J.!'~ S LI.J'rz un;1 IOQq' : IS4- ~ ISI :.. ~~o fS I - '- J- III , ~ ~ 328/ /. N./L;. U':1o 1/,'4 Q ~.m: 230 x /0' 'f 3 -', -- - " 8 ~ .- - UJ'~ ~ "x If; " r;';"6~1" .IAerzl"" c?~r ~) .1M. " /G lot 4:1. c- 42 . 7 I;" 3. ~ ~.HJ:. 3281 )< /e :. ~ 3 75 I- IFf- ~Er n";'6er. /2 +, \:- 137~x. /2 : /230 fS; <12'7 16 a/lo _ :. .2000,/J..t'(. (),k . . !)e=,''3^ of Wole. Reo(;l,or @ Wo/~ . q :<30 x /0.6<1$" a.S'=- /229" /1' P,/er @ , " G; -0 cje- W cdQ;. =- ~. r-/} , I" U/"e <;'IX 12" /oIa/a !)ecl h/oc7. I b /2x t/2. . ~ - S 5":3/)f, /2 = 32 /22!J.JI ,2- =- SS3/ #. J:r- 8 o ~ VerI, ) 3:2 I;'" $. 20 7~ ~rt' , Ok. . .OUNTY OF SUFFOLK . . PETER F. COHALAN SUFFOLK COUNT.,.. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES DAVID HARRIS. M.D.. M.P.H. COMMISSIONER March 12, 1984 Mr. Daniel S. Natchez Daniel S. Natchez and Associates, Inc. Suite 110 555 AIda Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543 Dear Mr. Natchez: Dr. David Harris, Commissioner of the Department of Health Services, has asked me to reply to your letter of January 24, 1984. I apologize for the delay in answering your letter. However, there were certain aspects of the proposal that had to be checked and verified. A field inspection of the site by members of the staff, plus a review of site data by the department's hydrogeologist, indicate that, with certain precautions, the effect on the freshwater-saltwater interface will be minimal. The use of proper sheet piling or bulkheading, as proposed, should mlnlmlze the impact to the freshwater supply in the area. Since the peninsula where the project is located is not really a source of the village water supply, we have no objections to the proposal as outlined in your letter. Very truly yours, /~??~ C\ uft Robert A. Villa, P.E. Chief Engineer Division of Environmental Health RAV/lst cc David Harris, M.D., M.P.H. 22S ""'."O DIltIVE EAST HAU~PAUGE. N.Y. 1 178. (!I1813....Z817 . ',~/- , 11~ . . HOLZMACHER, MClENDON and MURRELl, P.C . CONSUL liNG ENGINEERS, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS ano PlANNERS 125 BAVllS ROAO, SUITE 1<10, MELVilLE, N.V. 117~7' 516.752.9060 January 31, 1984 Mayor George Hubbard Inc. Village of Greenport 236 Third Street Greenport, New York 11944 Re: Inc. Village of Greenport Proposed Marina Brewer Yacht Yard GRPT 84-50 Dear Mdyor Hubbard: In accordance with your request, we have reviewed the proposed Brewer Yacht Yard Marina as shown on Young , Young Drawing No. 83-549 (December 1982). An excavation for a marina such as that proposed by Brewer Yacht Yard can have a substantial impact on the fresh groundwater in an area. It removes fresh water from storage which lies in the ground within the area of the excavation. More importantly, it increases the area from which fresh water can flow into salt water, causing a continuous drain on the fresh water in the area. This permanently reduces the thick- ness of the fresh water layer in the vicinity of the excavation, making effective use of this resource difficult. Since the proposed excavation is on a peninsula and for most purposes can be considered to be hydraulically isolated from the Greenport Water Supply's existing wells, the develop- ment of the marina does not threaten these wells or any that might be conceived in the future. As a matter of good planning, it is always desirable to maintain and protect whatever fresh water resource that is available. To reduce the fresh water underflow caused by the excavation, we recommend that the Village require that tight sheathing be used as bulkheading material. This should be used around the perimeter of the basin and, if properly installed, should maintain the fresh water layer very close to its existing condition. Depending on /'14t#rt. J4. U O/J,4.fl.{) - .ALl. rlZvsre~> :V2!fl( ,,,, Mel...lle. N..... yortl . '.rml"g".'e. H.. Yor" . ",..mead He. YOlk . . Mayor George Hubbard Inc. Village of Greenport -2- January 31, 1984 existing soil/water interface permeability, the sheathing may even increase slightly the water elevation in the immediate vicinity. We return your folder with the letter and plan. Please send us a copy of the plan when beyond "preliminary" stage. If you need.us further in this matter, please advise. Very truly yours, SCM/' . ,J J ~ Enclosure & HURRELL, P.C. cc: James I. Honsell Supt. of Utilities . . . ST. AGNES R. C. CHURCH , . FRONT STREET GREENPORT, NEW YORK 11944 (5161 477-0048 June 15, 1984 Mr. Ed Vianney, Manager BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. Manhanset Ave. & Beach Rd., Greenport, NY 11944 RE: Proposed Redevelopment of Marina and Relocation of Excavated and Dredged Materials Dear Mr. Vianney: On behalf of St. Agnes Church, we are confirming the Church's desire and need for approximately 63,000 cu. yds. of fill mat- erial from your property which will be used to help improve the two cemetery properties located along Manhanset Avenue. Our proposes, including; enhancing the overall scenic ~uality of both our waterfront and upland areas, insuring adequate space for future cemetery needs, and increasing public access to the waterfront for recreational purposes. For quite some time now, St. Agnes has been looking for a large quantity of fill to be used for increasing the elevations of several low spots on both properties. As you know, the Church property located on the south side of Manhanset Avenue and ad- jacent to your marina, is currently being used as a cemetery. There is however, a substantial portion of this site that cannot be used as a cemetery, unless and until the area is built up to an elevation that is at least equal to the remainder of the cemetery. On the other hand, the Church property located on the north side of Manhanset Avenue is not yet being used as a cemetery. This site however, has been reserved for use as a future cemetery. Unfortunately, this property has been illegally used by others as a dump site, which we have been unable to prevent. St. Agnes would like to upgrade and improve this area by cleaning up the refuse and increasing the overall elevation of the site. The site would then be landscaped with "rolling hills" and the nat- ural pond and marsh areas would be enhanced as major focal points. To preserve as much open space as possible, St. Agnes would like to develop mausoleum structures on this property rather than using the standard cemetery plots which require a much larger amount of space. We have specifically reviewed the proposed projects at BREWER YACHT YARD, including the proposed Site Plan and Topographic Maps for both of the Church Site5 . . . ST. AGNES R. C. CHURCH 1 . FRONT STREET GREENPORT, NEW YORK 11944 (516) 477-0048 and for the relocation of the fill. We feel these maps accur- ately depict the Church's future plans for these areas. In addition, we have reviewed the plans for the excavation of the boat basin adjacent to St. Agnes Cemetery, and have no objections with the propoesed 55' setback from our property which will be used for an access drive and one row of 900 parking. In fact, we believe that your proposed development will be a positive addition to the area and we strongly support it. We fully endorse the proposed plan of BREWER YACHT YARD and by this letter, formally request the use of the excavated and dredged materials. Reverend Rocco Gallitelli ~. ~- ~f~nL' .. , . . "" .i\ii:: ~ ~ ~ :'0 . i-~~ , I TFLFPHO'1 IS16' 76S-189, BOARD OF TOW:\ TRlSTEE~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall. 53095 Main Roau P.O. Box 7:8 SouthoJd_ New York 11971 December 20, 1983 Mr. Daniel S. Natchez and Associates Suite 1100 555 Alda Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543 Dear Mr. Natchez: At our monthly meeting the Southold Board of Trustees again reviewed your proposal and look forward to seeing your finalized plan, in the near future. We are glad you are open to comments and recommendations from this board. We hope you will incorporate the suggested pump out facilities we spoke about at our first meeting. This will be a major asset to the area and will go a long way in correcting some of the problems caused by heavy boating in Sterling Creek. Looking forward to hearing from you in the near future. Very truly yours, Board of Town Trustees Hzd ~~~-aj;.~~-~, -f Paul Stoutenburgh President PS:ip cc: Planning Board/ Building Dept./ Town Board / Trustee!! .r .