HomeMy WebLinkAboutBrewer Yacht Yard - File 2 of 4 . '. aPt.. ..... DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIA TES. Inc. . . ....... ....... ... ....... ...... ....... ..... ...... ...... ~..&.... ...... .. ....... ...... ... .. ...... ...... ..... .... .. A.a. ............... ....... ....... ... .... ..... Suite 1100 555 A/da Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543-4002 (914) 698-5678 Office of the President Supervisor Frank Murphy & Town Board Members TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hal I - 53095 Main Road P. O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 Ap r i I 22, 1986 APh 25 ,co RE: BREWER YACHT YARD at GREENPORT. Inc. Proposed Excavation, Relocation of a Travellft Wel I, Bulkheadlng, Maintenance-Dredging, and Reconflguration of Floating Pier Assembly Projects SOIL REMOVAL PERMIT Dear Supervisor Murphy & Town Board Members: This letter is being written on behalf of our and will supplement our last letter to Judith T above-referenced cl ient Terry of 11/14/85. Please be adVised that It has taken until thiS month to receive all of our regulatory approvals for the above-referenced ProJect!s). Because of the delay In haVing all I 's dotted and t's crossed, we tlave lost a year's construction time and Indeed no construction could now take place untl I the early fal I of 1986 -- at the earl iest. As you are also aware, the Town Board's approval (which was for a one (1) year time period] has expired during thiS time. In the Interim, BREWER has changed managers and we have been Involved In rethinking certain aspects of the proposed ProJect!s). We are presently revIsing parts of the ProJect Is) to provide a more effiCient use of the land and water areas and to rearrange the excavation approach. We hope to cons I derat ion assured that per i me t e r san d be in a pOSI t.on to present revised plans for the Town's Within the next couple of months. However, please be the ProJect!s) WI I I remain within the same baSIC concepts that have already been approved by tne Town. BREWER Ie k e s In Improving up-to-date on With you in the pride In the accomplishments that have been made to date and upgrading the boat yard. BREWER Wishes to keep you .ts thinking and approach and looks torward to meet.ng future to diSCUSS tne specltlcs of ItS proposals. WIth warm regards... Sincerely, /' ~ !A~tf! !!:fj/~' ",:'.". ""'~ 'JoJ.J./'rt, DSN/I jm cc: Mr_ Bennett Orlowski, Chairman . . copy f8I .. tNfORIAlIII DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES. Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RfCEMD Suite 1100 555 A/da Road Mamaroneck. New York 10543.4002 (914) 698.5678 November 14. 1985 NOV15m5 Office of the President 't'lfII Clerlr 5euIhaW Ms. Judi th T. Terry. Southold Town Clerk TOWN or SOUTHOLD TaWIl Hal I - 53095 Main Road POBox 728 Southold, New York 11971 RE: BREWER YACHT YARD al GREENPORT. Inc. Proposed Excavation. We", Bu1kheaaadlng, Reconfigurat1on of Float Relaeat Ion of a Travellft MaIntenance-Dredging. and ing Pier Assembly Projects SOIL REMOVAL PERMIT Dea r M" Terry' On behalf of our abclve-referenced cl ~ent and their desIred Projects. we wistl 10 thank YOll for your letter of November 8, 1985. which arrived on a tImely basIs. We apprecIate your cal ling to our attention the SOl I Removal Perml eXpiration dale of February ~, 1986. We are Indeed aware of the expIration date of this Soi I Removal Permit However, prior to receiving thjs Permit we also had to obtain all other necessary Perml Is and documentat Ion from the variOUS regulatory agencies to undertake thA Projects Unfortunately, as you well know, the regulatory process can, at time!:',. flln Into unforeseen delays. On June 5, 1985, advised SLlpervisor Murphy of delays that we were running Into In terms of technically correct language on the Permits fr(lm the var lOLlS regulatory f~gencies also Indicated that the Project GOUld not be (:ompleted within a one-year per lod ! indicAted to Supervisor Murphy that we w()uld need an extension on the Permit and sought hiS advice and counl~el as to whether we should apply to the Town for an extenoion at that time A copy of my memorandum on thIS subject IS enclosed for your informatlon_ We are happy necessary Perml agencIes Within Permits, we had the end of this So I I Remova I Perml t to say tllat we anI icipate receiv1r1g the 18;5t of the t5. In thei r proper form. from th~ other regulatory the next two (2) weeks. Upon receipt of these planned to be In conta(;t With the Town Board Ctoward month) wi th a f i I iog requestIng arl extension on the and project 109 ttle ant Icipated construct Ion dates. . . SOUTHOLD - BREWER GREENPORT SOIL REMOVAL PERMIT - 11/14/85 - Page 2 We W I I I be appraised of f I I ing shortly WI th the the status of the Project Town We hope the above IS informative continuing to work with you t 0 you With warm regards Sincerely, Board and Will keep you and we look forward to DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES. Inc. fJMt ,C!A~ 41< Daniel S Natchez DSN/l Jm Enclosure cc: Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenpor t, lnt . . M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: Files RE: Brewer's Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. ~", 11I"Il,ll' FROM: Daniel S. Natchez DATE: June 5, 1985 At approximately 11:10 p.m. on today's date I spoke with Superviser Frank Murphy of the Town of Southold relaying to him the problems that we have been having getting the permits from D.E.C. and tne Corps to be technically correct. I indicated to him that the permits, as originally issued, would not allow the technical construction of the project from an engineering vantage point because of the order in which they had required work to be done. All agencies are in the process of finalizing their technical approvals in a manner that is consistant with the original Application that will allow the project to proceed. I further relayed to Superviser Murphy that, as such, we have missed this year's construction season and that the earliest we will be starting this fall and probably not until the middle of this coming winter. I further told him that the excavation period would be approximately 18 to 21 months and therefore we would need an extension to the expiration date of their permit which is stated as February 5, 1986. Supervisor Murphy suggested that it might be premature for us to request such an extension because work has not commenced. I indicated to him that I could not advise our client to let a contract for work to commence when we knowingly would be in default on a permit without an extension. We then agreed to wait until all the permits with the technical corrections are in hand and then apply to the Town Board for a extension. I indicated that the excavation project would take approximately 18 to 21 months and as such, we would need an extension to July I, 1987. Superviser Murphy indicated that the Town Board would review the request when they received it. He will advise the Town Board of the situation and keep them up to date. We therefore hope to be in a position to apply in the not too distant future for an extension. DSN/ljm cc: Brewer's Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. . . JUDITH T TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD November 8, 1985 Daniel S. Natchez, President Daniel S. Natchez and Associates, Inc. Suite 1100 - 555 Aida Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543-4002 Dear Mr. Natchez: As you are aware, the Southold Town Board on February 5, 1985, granted Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. a Soil Removal Permit. This permit expires on February 5, 1986. On February 8, 1985 I sent you a letter advising of the authorization to issue the permit upon receipt of the fee for removal of excavated material in the amount of $1070.00, and a $5,000.00 surety bond covering the term of the permit. I wish to make you aware of the fact that, as stated above, this permit expires on February 5, 1986, and a new application, filing fee, and public hearing must be held in order that you may secure another permit. If you have any questions do not hestitate to contact me. Very truly yours, A<c&:~~7----_ Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk . . , . JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR 01" VITAL STATISTICS Dear Mr. Natchez: '. , . OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 21, 1985 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 Per your telephone request of this date I am enclosing herewith a certified copy of resolution of the Southold Town Board adopted on February 5, 1985 grant- ing the Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. Soil Removal Permit. Enclosure ~.,-_/~ '{-t:'L.-Y-/Ah~ udith T. TerrC Southold Town Clerk , . .. . . . JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REC;ISTRAR 01" VITAL ST.\ IlSTICS Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON FEBRUARY 5,1985: WHEREAS, Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. by application dated June 20, 1984 applied to the Southold Town Board for a permit to excavate a "U" shaped boat basin within an area of approximately 111,275 sq. ft. to a depth of 8 ft. below MLW and remove approximately 52,950 cubic yards of upland material and 450 cubic yards of dredged material from premises located on the south side of Manhanset Avenue, Greenport, generally bounded north by St. Agnes Church future cemetery, east by Town of Southold and Sandy Beach Road, south by Stirling Basin, and west by St. Agnes Church Cemetery, and WHEREAS, the Town Board held a public hearing on said application on the 9th day of October, 1984, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and she hereby is authorized and directed to issue a permit to Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. for the aforesaid excavation of sand, gravel, stone or other materials from the above described premises, subject, however, to the following terms and conditions: 1. The material to be used on the Brewer Yacht Yard Project site for elevation and grading purposes will be course grain material from the area being excavated and will be finished with a minimum 2 inches of stone blend. 2. That Brewer indemnify the Town of Southold for any damage to that portion of Manhanset Avenue where trucks are crossing from Brewer's property to St. Agnes Church property by posting a bond of $5,000.00. 3. A berme and swale must be constructed along Manhanset Avenue and around the pond at St. Agnes Church property at the beginning of the transferring of material to said property. No fill will be placed around the mature trees on the east side of the property. Property will be graded with acceptable material and seeded upon com- pletion of material being deposited on said property. 4. The Town of Southold specifically waives the requirements of the "Soil Removal" Chapter 81, Section 5, Paragraphs 7 and 8, and any other provisions therein, to allow the Project as applied for with a set-back of 50 feet and excavation on the Brewer Property which is less than 20 acres. 5. This permit shall expire on February 5, 1986. /d~L~~- jL/:Judith T. Terry {7 Southold Town Clerk \ Iii /l . . JUDITH T. TERRY To~ CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765.1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 8, 1985 Daniel S. Natchez, President Daniel S. Natchez and Associates, Inc. Suite 1100 - 555 Aida Road Mamaroneck, New York 105113-.1I002 Dear Mr. Natchez: As you are aware the Southold Town Board at their regular meeting held on February 5, 1985 authorized the issuance of the Soil Removal Permot for Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. The fee for the abovementioned permit is $1070.00, based upon the computation of $10.00 for each 500 cubic yards of material excavated, or fraction thereof (52,950 cu. yd. upland, 1I50 cu. yd. dredging = 53,1I00 cu yd.). Upon receipt of the permit fee and the required $5,000.00 surety bond covering the term of this permit, which is until February 5, 1986. I will be happy to foward your permit to you. Very truly yours, /.4 :/ /"~ ;r-7?d'c.C:Z L//Y'~ Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk . . DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. A.' .. .. .... .... .... .... A'A ..... -- A'A A'A ... .... ..... .. ... .... A" - ..... .. .. .. A'A .... . ..... ..' .. .. .. A'A RECEIVED. F EB 81985 Suite 11 00 555 AIda Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543-4002 (914) 698-5678 Office of the President town 0..'" s...oM...Id February 6, 1985 Supervisor Frank J. Murphy and Members of the Southo1d Town Board Town Hall iviaul Road Southo1d, NY 11971 Attn: Judith T. Terry Southo1d Town Clerk RE: BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. Dear Board Members; On behalf of my associate, Mark Taormina, and myself, as well as our above referenced Client, we want to thank you for the warm courtesy that you afforded us last night by moving the BREWER's resolution to an early spot on the agenda. Thanks to your efforts our trip back was relatively pleasant considering all the mess that one had to contend with. It also meant that we were able to arrive at a somewhat reasonable time as opposed to a few minutes before our next meeting. We look forward to working with you in the months ahead. ~ With warm regards.,. Sinc,<;reIy, , ~.. I DSN:bg , t COUNCILMEN Joseph L. Townsend. Jr. Ra)'llllHld W. Edwards Paul Stoutenburgh hmcs A. Schondcbalc Jean Cochran TELEPHONE (516) 765-1891 COUNcr LMEN TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New Yark 11971 January 28, 1985 Jack Davis Sterl ing Road Cutchogue, New York 11935 Dear Mr. Davis: The Town Board at its last work services would be needed in reviewing the for a dredging permit. session felt that your application of Brewer Yacht "'" " The Board would request that you review the Town Code and the application on file in the Town Clerk's Office and insure that the applica- tion complies with the code. The Code allows the Town Board to wai~e any of the requirements contained therein but, of course, we must first know where the discrepanices exist, e.g., I believe the Code requires a minimum of twenty (20) acres and the project is less than the required acreage. After you have a chance to review the Code, I would request you contact my office to set up a meeting between yourself, Councilman Stoutenburgh and Mr. Lessard of the Building Department. The matter on February 5, 1985. to call. will again appear at the next Town If you have any questions, please Board meeting do not hestiate . . JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR or VITAL ST.\IISTICS Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 25,1985: To: Mr. Jack Davis From: Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Re: Brewer Yacht Yard Soil Removal Application Please stop at my office at your earliest convenience to review the abovementioned file. Thank you. ve"cr/ I . IE... ' Id"-cu,ci, Yfat'h:/?;.r;,-!'?...-&(~ /c; (/ . 1/ ,<~fi J(,z h'C~.^T?1. CW'"", DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIA TES. Inc. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A..... ...... .. ..... ......~ .. ... RECEIVED. 'JAN 14 :~ Suite 1100 555 Aida Road Mamaroneck. New York 10543.4002 (914) 698.5678 Office of the President Town Clerk Southalcl January 12, 1985 Supervisor Frank J. Murphy and Members of the Southold Town Board Town Hall j:~H:t.ili i\UdU Southold, N.Y. 11971 Attn: Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk RE: BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. PROPOSED EXCAVAT10N, RELOCATION OF A TRAVEL L1FT WELL, BULKHEAD lNG, MA1NTENANCE DREDG1NG, AND RECONFIGURAT10N OF FLOAT1NG P1ER ASSEMBLY PROJECTS. SOlL REMOVAL PERM1T Dear Board Members: On behalf of our above referenced Client and their desired Project and m response to Judith Terry's letter of January 11,1985, we are pleased to provide the following information: The amount of upland excavation to take place within the Town of Southold is approximately 52,950 cubic yards. The amount of dredging to take place within the Town of Southold is approximatply 450 cuhir y~r<is. The total amount of dredged and excavated materials to be relocated within the Town of Southold will also include part of the rcaterials to be dredged and excavated from the Project area withm the Village of Greeenport. Therefore the total amount of materials to be relocated within the Town of Southold will be somewhat less than 65,750 cubic yards; of which up to approximately 52,000 cubic yards will be placed on St. Agnes Church's Property directly accross Manhanset Avenue, approximately 10,000-15,000 cubic yards on St. Agnes Church's ["roperty immediately west of the Project, and approximately 2,500-3,500 cubic yards on the Project Site. SOUTHOLD TOWN . BOARD-BREWER-SOIL REJVIOVAL PERMIT!12/85-page 2. . We hope that the above information will be of assistance to you in your considering the Soil and Removal Permit at your January 22,1985 meeting. We again respectfully request that the SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ~nt approval for the SOIL REMOVAL PERMIT in its totality as requested in BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC' s Application dated ~n_e 14,1984. [f you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the unders 19ned. With warm regards ... Sincerely, By: S. "NA'[('~tZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. / yu # " / " /:4: /;?/ ~~-A. , '. -~.....<.--- -"c../ .;....--- President DANIEL l.' DSN/bl cc: BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. -,..., . . JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR or VITAL STATISTICS Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 11,1985 Daniel S. Natchez" President Daniel S. Natchez and Associates, Inc. Suite 1100, 555 AIda Road Mamaroneck, New York 105113-11002 Dear Mr. Natchez;. The Southold Town Board will be considering a resolution for a decision on your Soil Removal Application at their .January 22nd Town Board meeting. Whereas there seems to be some confusion as to the estimated amount of cubic yards of fill. from within the boundaries of the Town of Southold, please submit such an estimate to me, indicating how you have arrived at same. Very truly yours, ~d~r- Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk . ~~'V~~--t~J jP;/P.s- r DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES. Inc. ...... ..... . .... ....... ...... ....... .. .. a.a ...... ~ . .. .. ... ...... -- .. .. .. ..... ....... .... ... RECEIVED , JAN 11185 Suite 1100 555 Aida Road Mamaroneck. New York 10543-4002 (914) 698-5678 Decem ber 28, 1984 Office of the President ,... a.t !_,-I' dj Supervisor Frank J- Murphy and Members of the Southold Town Board Town Hall Main Road Southold, N.Y. 11971 Atlll; j uuiLh T. TeclY Southold Town Clerk RE: BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. PROPOSED EXCAVATION, RELOCATION OF A TRAVEL LIFT WELL, BULKHEADlNG, MAINTENANCE DREDGING, AND RECONFIGURATION OF FLOATING PIER ASSEMBLY PROJECTS. SOIL REMOVAL PERMIT Dear Board Members: On behalf of our above referenced Client and their desired Project, we want to respectfully request the Town Board to act on our Client's Soil Removal Permit pending before you. This letter will also serve to supplement our letter to you of October 16th which dicussed in depth the areas of concern expressed at your Public Hearing on this subject. On Monday, December 17,1984, the Town of Southhold' s Planning Board gave their formal Site Plan Approval to this Project. (Copy Attached). Under separate cover you should have already received copies of the other regulatory approvals including: N . Y . S. Dep a rtmen t of En vironmen tal Con serv a tion , N . Y . S. Dep artmen t of State - COAstal ivlanaapmpnt PrOprAnl, Thp. Villi10P of Grf'f'!lTlort's Planninp Board - Sitp Plan Approval, :i:nd the Village'" of Greenport's Board ~f Trustees Board Approval. We have also previously submitted to you letters from Saint Agnes' Church supporting this Project as well as favorable opinions regarding the excavation aspect of this Project from other experts including: The Village of Greenport's Water Utility, H2M - Consultant to the Village Of Greenport's Water Utility, Malcome Pirnie, Inc., Suffolk County's Department of Health Services, and N.Y.S.D.E.C. as lead agency under S.E.Q.R.A. The only approvals that have not as yet been received are from the Army Corps of Engineers and your Board. The Army Corps Permit is in the process of being issued. With the above in mind, we respectfully request that the SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD grant approval for the SOIL REMOVAL PERMIT in it5 totality as re uested in BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. 's a lication dated June 14,19 4. We further respectfully request that the Board render itS. determination at its earliest convenience - hopefully at the next Board Meeting. . . SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD-BREWER-SOIL REMOVAL PERMIT-I2/28/84-Page 2. With warm regards DSN/bl cc: BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. , . T Southold. N. Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 . . December 18, 1984 Mr. Daniel Natchez Suite 1100 555 AIda Road Mamaroneck, NY 10543-4002 Re: Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. Dear Mr. Natchez: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board, Monday, December 17, 1984. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board approve the site plan of Brewer Yacht Yard located at Greenport, plans dated as Est amended November 21, 1984 for construction of a boat basin which will include bUlkheading, relocation of travel lift well, reconfiguration of floating pier assembly projects, proposed excavation and maintenance dredging~ If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR., CHAIRMAN ~UTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BO~D \S5R.....L~ 0 / Lr::JNo1Li) cJ../u> By Diane M. Schultze, Sec etary cc: Building Department '. '=".. ~ ., . . . , . . . . I" ! IUL: DEe, 41984 1..._.... ,.... ~..... 'l; 'j 'il,' :J' , DAN I E L 5. N ATe H E Z and A 5 5 0 C I ATE 5, Inc. ffi\~l :: Dr...... \\; CiJ 4 :084 \U",' TC',. c.";!, L--__ ,_.__..~_'H_'____ .;\ ') l 'i' II :1 .' , I UWi~ c.,O SOUTHOL.O Suite 1100 555 Aida Road Mamaroneck, New York 15043.4002 (914) 698.5678 --' .~u December 12, 1984 M E M 0 RAN DUM To: Army Corps of Engineers - New York District, Attn: Mario Paula N.Y.S.D.O.S. - Coastal Consistency, Attn: Kevin Cross Village of Greenport, Attn: Mayor George Hubbard Town of Southold, Attn: Frank J. Murphy, Supervisor, Town Board Town of Southold Planning Board, Attn: Bennett Orlowski, Chairman Town of Southold Building Department, Attn: Mr. Ed Hinderman From: Dan Natchez Re: BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. Attached please find a copy of the New York State D.E.C. Permit which has finally been received granting regulatory approvals for the Project in its entirety. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Enclosure cc: BREWER's YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. (Mr. Ed Vianney) O;i~.- . / CC~'.:-; _---'~:'. --(.. ~'1.,-. ~ i " ....., \'J;:,. 'L'.;J."" -- file elt /? JJ~ -p/9 . I PERMIT NO. ., , . . N.RK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CO.ATlON 10-84-0766 PERMIT Ej . . UNDER THE ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION LAW ARTICLE 15. (Pro'eclion of Water) IRJ ARTICLE 25. (Tidal Wetlands) xWater Quality ARTICLE 24, (Freshwater Wetlands) 0 ARTICLE 36. (Construction in FloOd Hazard Areas) BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT ADDRESS OF PERMITTEE C/O Ed Vanney, Manager, Manhasset Ave. LOCATION OF PROJECT (Section of stream, tidal wetland, dam, building) North side of Sterlina Basin in Village of Greenport, south of Manhasset Rd. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Construction of a 86 slip marina by excavating "Unshaped boat basin to depth-of 8' below mean low water from 115,825 sq.tt. area, remov1ng 4U~ ~.t.ot eX1s~1ng bulkhead, relocating a travel lift well, constructing 1,195 l.f. of wooden bulk- head, 1,450 l.f. main dock, 90 finger piers.Maintenance dredge ~U,~UU cu.yas. 01 material from 120.000 sa.ft. area to 8' below mean-low water. All spoil will_be' COMMUNITY NAME (City, Town, Village) I TOWN Greenoort Southold COUNTY [FIA COMMUNITY NO. : lOAM NO. Suffolk GENERAL CONDITIONS PERMIT ISSUED TO 1. The permittee shall file in the office of the appropriate Regional Permit Administrator, a notice of intention to commence work at least 48 hours in advance of the time of commencement and shall also notify him promptly in writing of the completion of the work. 2. The permitted work shall be subject to inspection by an authorized representative of the Department of Environmental Conservation who may order the work suspended if the public interest so requires. 3. As a condition of the issuance of this permit, the applicant has ac.. cepted expressly, by the execution of the application, the full legal respon. sibility for all damages, direct or indirect. of whatever nature, and by whom- ever suffered, arising out of the project described herein and has agreed to indemnify and save harmless the State from suits, actions, damages and costs of every name and description resulting from the said project. 4. Any material dredged in the prosecution of the work herein permitted shall be removed evenly, without leaving large refuse piles, ridges across the bed of the waterway or flood plain or deep holes that may have a tendency to cause injury to navigable channels or to the banks of the waterway. S. Any material to be deposited or dumped under this permit, either in the waterway or on shore above high.water mark. shall be deposited or dumped at the locality shown on the drawing hereto attached, and, if so prescribed thereon, within or behind a good and substantial bulkhead or bulkheads, such as will prevent escape of the material into the ~aterway. 6. There shall be- no unreasonable interference with navigation by the work herein authorized. i. That if future operations by the State of New York require an alteration in the position of the structure or work herein authorized, or if, in the opinion of the Department of Environmental Conservation it shall cause unreasonable obstruction to the free navigation of said waters or flood .ffows or endanger the health, safety or welfare of the people of the State, or loss or' destruction of the natural resources of the State, the owner may be ordered by the Depart. ment to remove or alter the structural work, obstructions, or hazards caused thereby without expense to the State; and if, upon the expiration or revocation of this permit, the structure, fill, excavation, or other modification of the watercourse hereby authorized shall not be completed. the owners shall, without expense to the Stale, and to such extent and in such time and manner as the Departm~nt of Environmental Conservation may require, remove all or any portion of the uncompleted structure or fill and restore to its former condition the navigable and flood capacity of the watercourse. No claim shall be made against the Stale of New York on account of any such removal or alteration. 95-20-4 (9I7S) Greenport, N. Y. 11944 TPERMIT EXPIRATION DATE 12/31/89 8. That the State of New York shall in no case be liable for any damage or injury to the structure or work herein authorized which may be caused by Or result from future operations undertaken by the State for the conservation or improvement of navigation, or for other purposes, and no claim or right te compensation shall accrue from any such damage. 9. That if the display of lights and signals on any work hereby authorize. is not otherwise provided for by law, such lights and signals as may be pre scribed by the United States Coast Guard shall be installed and maintained by and at the expense of the owner. 10. All work carried out under this permit shall be performed in accorc dance with establish~d engineering practice and in a workmanlike manner. 11. If granted under Articles 24 or 25, the Department reserves the righi to reconsider this approval at any time and after due notice and hearing t( continue, rescind or modify this permit in such a manner as may be found t( be just and equitable. If upon the expiration or revocation of this permil, th{ modification of the wetland hereby authorized has not been completed, Ihi._ applicant shall, without expense to the State, and to such extent and in suci time and manner as the Department of Environmental Conservation may require remove all or any portion of the uncompleted structure or fiJl and restore th, sile to its former condition. No claim shall be made against the State of Ne\' York on account of any such removal or alteration. 12. This permit shall not be construed as conveying to the applicant an: right to trespass upon the lands or interfere with the riparian rights of other~ to perform the permitted work or as authorizing the impairment of any rilhts title or interest in real or personal property held or vested in a per~on 90t - party to the permit. 13. The permittee is responsible for obtaining any other permits. ap provals, lands, easements "and rights.of.way which may be required for thi: project. 14. If granted under Article 36, this permit is granted solely on the basi- of the requirements of Article 36 of the Environmental Conservation Law an. Part 500 of 6 NYCRR (Constr,uctian_ in' Flood Plain Areas having Special Floo. Hazards - Building Permitst and in no way signifies that the project will b: free from flooding. 15. By acceptance of this permit the permittee agrees that Ihe permi is contingent upon strict compliance with the special conditions on th reverse side. (SEE REVERSE SIDE) " SPECIAL CONDITIONS **placed in three locations approx. 10,000 cu. yds immediately west and 52,000 cu. yds north of Manhasset Avenue (both owned by St. Agnes Cemetary) and 3,500 cu. yds placed on site. A through J and K,. ~l, N,' P attached: No dredging is to occur closer than 30' from existing tidal wetland vegetation and all a gradual 1:3' slope shall be established along the areas to be dredged The new interlocking bulkhead is to be installed prior to the excavation of the upland areas, and the existing bulkheading is to be removed only after all up- land excavation is. completed. . All dredging shall occur from Sept. 15 and May 15 in any calendar year. Snow fencing is to be installed 25' from existing freshwater pond and tidal wet- land areas directly across the street and along Stirling Cemetary to insure that all dredged spoil will be kept a minimum of 25' from water areas. ~~l areas must be vegetatively stabilized within 6 months of completion of this project. If dredging is to occur hydraulically all dredged spoil disposal areas must be contained within bermed areas. There is to be NO disturbance to the existing tidal wetlands from any phase of : this project. Upon completion of this project 5 MPH Speed Limit signs must be installed along the Marina and Main Channel. All work is to occur in accordance with the plans and specifications which accompanied the application for this Permit except where they specifically contravene these special conditions. CTH:cg c.c. File attachments P.fRMIT ISWE DA TfoO 198 December .1, , PERMIT ~DMJNI'IRATO. .. ~YDR.f.SS40 SUNY St B k N Y Ci " ..... ~. .~. / n .La',) ., , 0 ry roo, .. ~ I.J I .:' 'u' I- .. c,uh-r-, t..-/=!-if."J 11", (.1 [. LH___...-ll1-!U.______ ,. . . r" _t.. . , ~,.....~.-' . The following conditions shall apply tf'checked' as-,~pplicable by the ,.Regional Permit Administrator: x K. All dredging ahall be conducted ao as to leave a unifoxm bottom elevation free of mounds or holes. L. All spoil material shall be disposed of either in the Atlantic Ocean or at an approved U.S. Government Dumping Ground, as directed by the District Engineer, u. S. Department of the Arr:ry. Corps of Engineers. Any spoil material not intended for such water dis- posal shall be removed from the site and disposed of at an approved upland site. ( , I , . .......... i\;. x M. --x- All fill and. spoil material shall be suitably contained at the work site so as to prevent its eroding. leaching or otherwise entering into ,.adjacent wetlands and waterways. ..2.... N. All peripheral rip-rap berms, cofferdams. rock revetmentS. gabions. bulkheads. etc. shall be completed prior to placement of any fill material behind such strtlctures. O. .. All.. repairs to existing structures shall be confined to replacement. . of existing structural elements with no change in design....rlim"ndnn.- or materials. unless specifically authorized herein. .~.P.._ The 'following Water Quality Certification shall'apply'-tfre<lUired - by one or more agencies of the United States Government and if ..checked as applicable by the Regional Permit Administrators: In accordance with Section 401 (a)(1) of the Cleon ~laters. .Ace--of . . 1977 (PL 95-217) the New York State Department of Environmental .,Conservation hereby certifies that the subject project proposal will not contravene effluent limitations or other limitationS' or. standards... , .under Sections 301. 302. 303. 306 or 307 or the Act. DATE., December 10' 1984 ~T~ ./ ". ''--tmcQ 10-84-0766 Daniel J. Larkin. P.E. RegionaLPerrnit.J>.rlmini sttator..., . Division of Regulatory Affairs NYS Department" oLEnvironmental, Conservation '-Building 40 ,sml'Y-Room' 21<)' Stony Brook, NY 11794 (516) 751-7900 .,-,- '.' . '-'---._~ ... ~ , SUPI'L[i:;::FTi.!'.Y sprcII..!.. Cm:clITIOrrS The follo\lin[; conditions apply to all pen::its: A. If any of the permit conditions are unclear, t~e permittee shall contact the Divi"ion of Regulatory Affairs at the address and telephone noted belml. B. A copy of this perwit or approval and approved pro:ect plans and supple~ent- ary conditions shall be available at the project site '7henever authorized work is in progress. C. The permit sign enclosed with the permit or a copy of approval letter shall be protected from the weather and posted in a conspicious location at the work site until completion of authorized work. D. At least 48 hours prior to comwenceoent of the project, the permitt~e sh~ll complete and return the top portion of the enclosed receipt form certifyine that he is fully aware of and understands all provisions and conditions of this pemit:. Uithin one week of completion of tt:e pemitted Hork the bottoo portion of that form shall also be completed and returned. E. For projects involving activities to be accowplished over a period or more than one year, the per~ittee shall notify the Regional ~emit Adoinistr~tcr in writing at least 48 hours to the commencement of resumption of work each year. F. If project design modifications take place after peroit issuance, thE permittee shall submit th~ appropriate plan changes for approval by the Regional Permit Adoinistrator prior to undertaking any such modifications. The permittee is advised that substantial modification may require submiss- ion of a new application for permit. G. All necessary prec~utions shall be taken to preclude contamination of any wetlands or waterway by suspended solids, sediment, fuels, solvents, lubricants, epoxy coatine, paints, concrete, leachate or any other environmentally deleterious materials associated with the project \lork. ll. Any failure to comply precisely with all of the terms and conditions of this pemit; unless authorized in-writing, shall be treated as a violation of the Environmental Conservation Law. I. The permittee is advised to obtain any pero,its or approvals that may be required from the U.S. Department of Ar~y Corps cf Engineers, New York District, 26 Pederal Plaza, Ee\l York VY 10C07, (Attention Regulatory Functions Branch), prior to cOI:unencing work authorized herein. J. The grantine of this pe~it does not relieve the pe~ittee of the responsib- ility of obtai~ing a r,~ant, ease~ent, or other necessary approval fro~ the Division of Land Utilization, Office of General Services~ TO~ler Building} Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 12242, "hich may be requi:"eG for any encroach~ent upon State-owned lands under water. r.egion;}l remit Adninistrator NYS Department of Cuviro:1menttil Cons. Eldg. 40, SUlrY--Room 219 StO'1Y Broole, NY 11794 (SIC) 751-7900 DEe Ii 10-84-0766 ~_, .<, "~"-"""'''__~_~.~~.-..,_~".~_._, ,.._"_...,_.",._',._,.',"n..,..._"~_"""""""__ ..,'< .'~' - .L/~ ."",,\ Officers 4)' . _JL~~:J TRUSTEES WILLIAM D. ALLEN DAVID E. KAPELL SAMUEL KATZ WILLIAM H. L1EBLEIN MiLage 0/ !lreenport INCO.."'OIllATEP '13' NEW INCOIIIl"OllATIOfill ""'"l\. 1. 1'" F![-I"'COIIIPO"ATION UNDUI GENEJIl"L LAW MoIIIY 21, "... TELEPHONE (516)477-2385 MAYOR CI.OORt;L W. HUBBARD CLERK NANCY W. COOK RECEIVED 4l"" .,. .. ...... ..... .>. .~ ~ ~ . ~NG~~'O~ (.... ,""" . .. ~ . ":;:,A.;; ... ........... ... 236 THIRD STREET GREENPORT. SUFFOLK COUNTY NEW YORK 11944 TREASURER JOHN F. COUGHLIN OCT 3 1 '004 To_ Cleft SouthoId NOTICE OF RESCHEDULED PUBLIC HEA RING Please take notice that the Public Hearing to be held by the Village of Greenport Board of Trustees on November 1, 1984 has been rescheduled for Thursday, November 29, 1984 at 7:00 p.m. at the Third Street Fire House, Third Street, Greenport, New York. This Hearing is with regard to Chapter 82 of the Code of the Village of Greenport, entitled "Wetlands, Floodplains & Drainage". The Board of Trustees will hear all persons who wish to be heard concerning the application of Brewer Yacht Yard Inc. for their proposed excavation, bulkheading, maint- enance dredging and reconfiguration of floating pier assembly. The project is located in a portion of the Village of Greenport bordered by Manhanset Avenue to the east and Stirling Basin to the west. Part of the subject property lies within the Town of Southold. The portion located within the Village of Greenport is further identified on the Suffblk County Tax Map as District 1001, Section 003, Block 01, Lot 003 and Block 06, Lot 01. By Order of The Village of Greenport Board of Trustees Nancy Cook, Village Clerk 2T Oct. 25 & Nov. 1 . , ~# RECEIVED. OCT 22W, lflwh 0eI1< SoutMhl STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF STATE ALBANY. N.Y. 12231 GA'~ S_ SHAFFER SECRETARY OF STATE October 16, 19B4 Mr. Oaniel S. Natchez, President Daniel S. Natchez & Associates, Inc. 555 Alda Road, Suite 1100 Mamaroneck, NY 10543-4002 Re: F-B4-366 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers/NY District Permit #B4-441-L2 (Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc.) Dear Mr. Natchez: The Department of State has completed its evaluation of your Federal Consis- tency Assessment Form and certification that the above proposed permit activity complies with New York State's approved Coastal Management Program, and will be conducted in a manner consistent with this program. Pursuant to 15 CFR Section 930.63, and based upon the project information submitted, the Department of State concurs with your consistency certification subject to the condition that the bulkhead will be removed during the final phase of excavation, in order to minimize the water quality impacts of excava- tion. This concurrence is without prejudice to, and does not obviate the need to obtain all other applicable licenses, permits, and approvals required under existing State statutes. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is being notified of this decision by copy of thi s 1 etter. Sincerely, "o~~ X-~ Coastal Programs Administrator GRS: KJC: dl b cc: New York District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers "'I . . DAN I E L S. N ATe H E Z and ASS 0 C I ATE S, Inc. ~ RECEIVEQ OCT 1 8 934 Suite 1100 555 Aida Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543-4002 (914) 698-5678 Office of the President Town Clerk Southold October 16, 1984 Supervisor Frank J. Murphy and Members of the Southold Town Board Town Hall Main Road Southold, N.Y. 11971 Attn: Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk RE: BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. PROPOSED EXCAVATION, RELOCATION OF A TRAVEL LIFT WELL, BULKHEADING, MAINTENANCE DREDGING, AND RECONFIGURATION OF FLOATING PIER ASSEMBLY PROJECTS. Dear Board Members: On behalf of our above referenced client and their desired Project, we want to thank the Board for your time at the Public Hearing last week on BREWER's application for a Soil Removal Permit. We have reviewed the discussions at your hearing and would like to submit this letter to supplement those discussions. NOTICE TO SANDY BEACH RESIDENTS The Village of Greenport Planning Board advertised their hearings in the newspaper and mailed notices to ALL property owners within 200 feet of both the BREWER's and St. Agnes Church's properties. A certified list of those to whom notice was served is attached for your review as well as a copy of the Legal Notice which was published in the newspaper. At the Planning Board's hearing three(3) neighbors from the Sandy Beach area appeared, asked questions and after they received assurances that a hotel complex was not being built, were supportive of the proposal. No member in the audience raised objections on this Project to the Planning Board either in person or subsequently in writing. At the request of your Clerk, Judith Terry, we sent certified letters to all property owners within 200' of the BREWER' 5 and St. Agnes' Church Properties. A certified copy of those residents is attached hereto. SURFACE RUNOFF AT BREWERS We have reviewed the questions of surface runoff into Stirling Basin from the BREWER's property as a result of the proposed expansion and regrading. We commend the Board for its concern. However, the proposed project will DECREASE the amount of surface runoff into Stirling Basin. SOUTHOLD BOARD-BREW.SUPPLEMENT TO HEARING ON .L REMOVAL PERMIT 10/16/84-page 2. As can be seen from the attached Site Plan Maps (SHEETS 2 & 3), the existing elevations range from 10' down to 4' for the majority of the property or an elevation difference of approximately 6', with a relative average slope of approximately 1.0% 1.5%. After completion of the project, the elevations on most of the Project Site will remain relatively flat and uniform. Upon completion of the Project, the surface of the BREWER Property will consist of a grass border around the perimeter of the yard, with a sand and gravel mixture through most of the yard (with the exception of the existing concrete pads in front of the existing two large buildings and around the to-be-constructed lift-well and service area). The travel lift operations require Steeper slope areas present safety loads the travel lifts can withstand. a flat or relatively nominal grade. problems and restrict the types of As previously submitted to you, the dominant on-site surface material will be a mixture of sand and gravel. Because of its natural properties and characteristics, this type of mixture has proven to be a major benefit to these types of projects both from a safety and an environmental standpoint. The material allows for a solid base for both tra vel lift operations and boat storage. 1 n addition, the porous nature of the material allows for maximum absorption of rain. The characteristics of this material are as follows: a) lt is free draining and has a rela ti vely minimal capillary rise; b) lts compressibility is relatively small if not negligible; c) lts workability as a constuction material to achieve and maintain project specifications is excellent; and d) lt has a substantial ability to withstand erosion forces. Other types of surfacing materials were considered, including concrete slab, asphalt pavement and bituminous macadam. From a structural standpoint, all three of these alternatives are probably more durable and suitable for a boat yard than is a natural sand and gravel mixture. However, the major reason for abandoning these alternative surface materials was their significant problem of not being able to absorb excess storm water runoff, as illustrated below. An average rain storm is characterized as having up to 1" of precipitation over a four(4) hour period. Our engineering staff has analyzed the borings from the Project site and has concluded that the sand and gravel mixture will have an absorption rate of nearly 100% 1Clr up to 1" of precipitation over a four-hour period. Because of this, the amount of surface runoff that can be expected to enter Stirling Basin is negligible. By contrast, under the same conditions an asphalt (or similar) surface will have an absorption rate of only 5-10%, resulting in a 90-95% runoff rate. The maximum rate of runoff can be quantified using the following formula: Q=AlR, where Q = the maximum rate of runoff in cubic feet per second; A = the surface area or watershed in acres; R = the rate of rainfall on the watershed in inches per hour; SOUTHOLD BOARD-BREWE~SUPPLEMENT TO HEARING ON ~L REMOVAL PERMIT IO/I6/84-page 3. and I ~ the imperviousness ratio. Using the above formula. it can be determined that an asphalt or similar surface would have a runoff rate of approximately 45.6 gallons of water per second, assuming the maximum rate of runoff is 6.1 cubic feet per second. This translates to approximately 2,737.6 gallons per minute, 164,260 gallons per hour or 657,043 gallons over a four-hour period. Stated another way, assuming an average street width of 30', the amount of runoff as a result of paving the site would be equal to the amount of runoff from approximately 1.86 lineal miles of road surface. In order to control storm water runoff, we have further looked at the possibility of using concrete or other types of catch basins, runoff pits, gravel trenches or porous sewer conduits. In all cases, our professional engineering analysis has led us to the same conclusions. SUCH APP ROACHES WOULD BE UNSAFE AT BEST AND EXTREMELY HAZARDOUS. It must be remembered that the upland of BREWER's property will continue to be used as a boatyard. The yard will utilize a travel lift that has the capacity to haul and move boats up to 70 tons. This does not include the actual weight of the travel lift which is approximately 30 tons. When combined, up to approximately 100 tons of weight will be centered on the four(4) wheels of the travel lift (or approximately 25 tons per wheel). Without constructing a 'massive superstructure,' any normal and economically reasonable approach to a catchment or sewer line system would almost certainly result in cave-ins or other types of property damage if a wheel were to go over a catch basin, gravel trench or sewer line. The owners of BREWERs have already had such a problem take place at another one of their yards. They will not under- take any of these approaches without the Town of Southold' s assuming all liability and indemnifying BREWER should an accident occur from such an approach. We do not feel that either the Town of Southold or BREWERS should have to undertake that unreasonable safety risk. Aound the perimeter of the proposed boat basin, the new bulkhead will rise above the finished grade by approximately 4"-6". This 'barrier' will help prevent other possible runoffs into Sterling Basin. SEEDING OF ST. AGNES CHURCH PROPERTY We have had further discussion with Saint Agnes Church, and they have agreed to have the church property seeded with a hardy type of grass such as wild rye immediately upon completion of moving the excavated ma terials and grading of the property. BREWER's APPROACH TO THE APPROVAL PROCESS Lastly, there was a question raised about whether BREWERs was approaching this application on a 'piece-meal' approach. BREWERs has sought all regulatory approvals for the ENTIRE PROJECT at the same time. Because of the overlapping jurisdictions and the need for numerous regulatory approvals, BREWERs undertook the very costly process of submitting copies of every application for regulatory approval to every agency involved. If anything, BREWERs has gone to great lengths to keep all agencies informed about all aspects of the Project. . . SOUTHOLD BOARD-BREWER-SUPPLEMENT TO HEARING ON SOIL REMOVAL PERMIT 10/16/84- page 4. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL With the above in mind, we respectfully request that the SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD grant their approval for a SOIL REMOVAL PERMIT as requested in our application to the Board dated June 14,1984 and submitted with our cover letter to you dated June 18,1984. We further respectfully request that the Board render its determination at its earliest convenience - hopefully at the next Board Meeting. With warm regards ... Sincerely, DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, lnc. DSN/bl \ cc: BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. ." i' . . Officers Tl:LI'I'IU)NI: ()I(,j-I":,\i'>) ~I \YOK \,IIIJ{l,1 \\ IHlliUAKLJ 0!/{~'l'(' oj' ,,9reenf7orl CLtH,K NANCY W \-(lOI\ 'NCO,.,.O"'''''l> 1.~. ..I W ,..co",.OIll",'O.. ,,"'"l , .... T1U:.ASUREK JUliN I. ('OUI;IIUN I'KUSTElS WIL L1AM 0_ AlliN (1,\\'1111 !l:.AI'11.L ~M.t1JH. KA I /. WILl.IAM II. L1UJLUN "'(""l"""O"'''''O'' ...N,a" "'I..(....l l..... ....T I. jj;;j ,',""0 NG ',\. :;::.:: , -~""",..I .......... .o" ~...,.... ,.#. ...... hw_. <.~. 5 t';;: .~. o.J1i:'-J -::T l.lh IIIIIHJ STH.I-'LI (;lU_".NI'Ol{T, SUI.TOLt..:. COUNTY NI-:W YOHK 111)44 NOTI CE (W -- PUBLIC HEA RING Please take notice that a Public Hearing will be held by the Village of Greenport Planning r\o'1ro1 on Monday, August n, 1084 at '(:30 p.m. at the Village Hall, 236 Third Street, r~r~enport, N~w York. In acowrdance with ChElpter 82 of tht= Code oC ttlt:~ Vi118.ge of Greenport entitled "Wetlands, Floodplains & Drainage", ttw Planning Board will hear <:1,11 persons who wish to be h<:arJ regarding the application of Brewer Yacht Y:tl'l! Inc. for thei r proposed excavation. bulkheading t maintenance dredging and reconfiguration of floating pIer assembiy. The project is located in a port i on of the Village of Grer-npor t, bordered by Manhanset A venue to the east and Stirling Basin to the west. Part or the ~ubJect property lies Within the Town of Southold. The portion lODated within the Village of Greellport is rurther ident i fled on the Surfolk County Tax Map as District IDOL, Section 003, Block 06, Lot 01. By Order or The Village of Greenport PLanning I\oard Nancy Cook, Village Clerk IT .July 26 ., . " NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Please take notice that a Public Hearing w.ll be held by the Village 01 Green~~t , g Board on MOD"'"V, Plannm t 7'30 p m at August 13, 19114 a, ", d the Village Hall, 236 Thrk.r Greenport New Yo, Street, ' 'th Chapter In accordance w\. f 82 f the Code of the V.lIage 0 G~nporl entitled :'we~n~~ Floodplains &. Dra',nage, II Planning Boardhw~l ~~~rd persons who w.s I ding the application 0 ~er~~er Yacht Yard Inc',lor h' proposed excavation, t elf dOn maintenance ~~~~~i~~ ~n1~econ{iguratThion , g pier assembly, e 01 Iloatm ted in a portion project IS loca t I the Village 01 Greenpor , ~ordered by Manh~n~et A venue to the east and St.rhng Basin to the west. Part 01 the bject property hes wlthm ~~c Town of Southold, The LOon located wlthm the V~~a'ge 01 Green~~~ is J~~~~~ ~o~u~~~~l~~ax O;~PB~S ~~tr~i 1001, Section 003. oc . at. By Order 01 The Village 01 Greenport Planning Board Nancy Cook, Village Clerk lTJy26-462ll N 'He"" Yurk CUllnf1 I 19.;,J.. . i'...' (' \ f-r.., n CLl.lf"1.V . STATEOFNEWYORK I I SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK I SUSAN W. ALLAN of Greenport. in said County, being duly sworn. says that he/sha is Principal Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a Weekly Newspapar. publiahad at Graenport. in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York. and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy. haa baen regularly published in said Nawspaper onca each week for one weaks succassively. commancing on the 7fi th day of July 19~ ~'" "j) . \', \, / ,l . '--l'h(-o,~___ -ilVC.., Principal Clark Sworn to before me this 2fi th 19-5-4 day of J1111' ,- District 1001 SIJ L 1011 003 fllock 06 Lot 001 Section 003 Block 01 Lot 003 Block 01 Lot 001 Block 01 Lo t 002 Block 02 Lot 001 Block 02 Lot 1'()2 Block 02 Lo L UU3 fllock 02 Lot 004 . . APPLICATION OF flREWER YACHT YARD PLANNING BOARD HEARING - 8/13/84 LIST OF PROPERTY OWN[RS & PERSONS NOTIFIED OF HEARING OF AUGUST 13, 1984 Notices sent July 30, 1984 flrewer Yacht Yard, Inc. (appI icant) Manhanset Avenue Greenport, NY 11944 Brewer Yacht Yard, Ine. (applicant) Manhanset Avenue Greenport, NY 11944 Sterling Harbor Marina, Inc. Manhanset Avenue Gn'cll!,urt, NY 11944 St. Agnes Catholic CemeLery Manhanset Avenue Greenport, NY 11944 TOWIl of Southo 1 d Town Ha II Southold, NY 11971 George F. Sullivan & Wf. 57 Larch Road Briarcliff Manor, NY Richard H. & Elsie Pollett 163 Marcus Avenue New Hyde Park, NY Mar'liJret Haley 86 Beach Road Greellport, NY 11944 Page I of 2 . . APPLICATION OF BREWER YACHT YARD PlannIng Board Hearing - 8/13/84 PERSONS NOTIFIED IN SOUTHOLO TOWN Marcus, Leon c/o Booth, Lipton & Lipton 405 Park Avenue New York, NY 10022 Pi ttas, George 144-66 37th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 Sdybay Construction Corp. 347 McConnell Avenue Bayport, NY 11705 Grafas, Gus 40 Prospect Street Summit, NJ 07901 Peconic Holding Company, Inc. 925 Sleepy Hollow Lane Southold, New York 11971 Holevas, George 22-17 19th Street Long Island City, NY 11105 Gillman, George 83 Roeckel Street Valley Stream, NY 11580 Gariassa, Charles 19 22nd Street Jericho, NY 11753 Kelim, William 415 Fiddler's Lane Greenport, NY 11944 Pantages, William 21-51 46th Street Long Island City, NY 11105 Alias, Julia 376 95th Street Brooklyn, NY 11209 I Zl f J", Tryfon 23-76 32nd Street Astoria, NY 11105 Satriano, Michael 763 Norman Drive North Bellmore, NY 11710 Moraitis, Emanuel 60-28 55th Drive Ma,peth, NY 11378 Sadove, Aron 330 E. 46th St., Apt. 50 New York, NY 10017 Bitsakis, George 144-49 37th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 Tsakos, Chris 145 Terrace Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07306 Hartofilis, Sessina 24-08 37th Street Long Island City, NY 11103 lJuynock, Rudolph 220 Fiddler Lane Greenpnrt, NY 11944 Oourmas, Costas 24-08 37th Street Long Island City, NY 11105 Shivickas, Albert 59-74 68th Street Maspeth, NY 11378 Papoutsidakis, John 116 74tl1 Street Brooklyn, NY 11209 QU] nter i, Henr'y 29-05 I71st Street Flushing, NY 11300 Page 2 of 2 , . . . PUBLIC HEARING SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD October 9,1984 8: 05 P.M. IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT FOR A PERMIT UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 81 OF THE CODE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD - SOIL REMOVAL. Present: Supervisor Francis J. Murphy Councilman Joseph L. Townsend, Jr. Councilman Paul Stoutenburgh Councilman James A. Schondebare Councilwoman Jean W. Cochran * * * Town Clerk Judith T. Terry Town Attorney Robert W. Tasker Absent: Justice Raymond W. Edwards SUPERVISOR MURPHY: This hearing is on the application of, Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport for a permit under the provisions of Chapter 81 of the Town Code, Soil Removal, to remove approximately 65,750 cubic yards on Manhanset Avenue in Greenport. I'd ask Councilman Townsend to read the official notice. COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: The following legal notice appeared in the two papers: "Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Southold at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York at 8:05 P.M., Tuesday, October 9, 1984, in the matter of the application of Brewer Yacht Yard At Greenport for a permit under the provisions of Chapter 81 of the Code of the Town of Southold, SiI Removal, to remove a total of approximately 65,750 cubic yards of sand, gravel, stone or other materials from premises located on the south side of Manhanset Avenue, Greenport, generally bounded north by St. Agnes Church future cemetery, east by Town of Southold and Sandy Beach Road, south by Stirling Basin, and west by St. Agnes Church Cemetery. The application for said permit is on file in the Town Clerk's Office, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York and may be inspected by any interested person. Any person desiring to be heard on the above matter should appear at the time and place above specified. Dated: September 11, 1984, Judith T. Terry, Southold Town Clerk." We have affidavit of publication from The Suffolk Times and from The Long Island Traveler-Watchman. We have an affidavit that it was posted on the Town Clerk's Bulletin Board by the Town Clerk. The only attachment to the file is a petition of residents who I gather live nearby, in opposition to the issuance of this permit, or in opposition to the proposal. I think at this moment it would be appropriate--is Bob down there--might comment on the types of things that are appropriate to discuss in Soil Removal Application. It's not a zoning change or--- , Page 2 - Brewer Yacht ~ - Soil Removal . TOWN ATTORNEY TASKER: This is an application for a permit to excavate materials. It isn't zoning, it doesn't do anything else. It's just an application for a permit to excavate some 60,000 cubic yards of material. We do have an excavating ordinance which requires a permit. SUPERVISOR MURPHY; Thank you, Bob. Is there anyone here who would like to speak on behalf of this application? DANIEL S. NATCHEZ, President, Daniel S. Natchez & Associates, Inc. Mamaroneck, New York: Mr. Supervisor, members of the Town Board. My name is Dan Natchez, I am President of Daniel S. Natchez & Associates. We are an environmental water- front design consulting company that has been retained by the owners of Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport to help in the design of this project and have been so involved for well over a year to this date. With me tonight is Mark Taromina from my office who is the Senior Project Manager, Edmond Vianney, who is the Manager of the Yacht Yard. Anthony Taromina who is our Senior Environmental Analyst on this project, unfortunately could not be with us tonight, but all of our filings that have had and had copies of, his comments are included. Before we begin I would like to submit a petition in favor signed by 52 residents of the community, as well as a letter from the Stirling Harbor Shipyard & Marina, if I may. We also have, if you would like, larger copies of the 8t by 11 maps that you have been provided with, which are a requirement that we must make with the Army Corps of Engineers and New York DEC. We also have copies of some resolutions from the Village of Greenport that I do not think have been submitted to you for the record and at this time I would like copies handed to each one of you. One of them is from the Village Board itself that specifically goes on record in relation to the concept of the excavation approving same. Another is from the Planning Board giving specific site plan approval to the entire project, even though part of their project is not in their jurisdiction and their resolution is reserved only to the Village of Greenport's area, as well as a resolution to the Village of Greenport for the Trustees, recommend- i ng approval of our Wetlands Application that is pendi ng in front of them. And the other filings that you have with you, there are at least five other regulatory agencies that have to approve this project and this project is somewhat unique in that it has overlapping jurisdiction by the local communities, and we will be happy to respect the Board's desire to confine itself solely to the excavation process. If there are other questions that any members of the Board have, we can respond to clarify any issue, we would be happy to do so because there have been a lot of, I think, misconstrued facts. Basically what your hearing is about is to remove or to excavate 52,950 cubic yards of material from that area within the Town of Southold and an additional 450 cubic yards of maintenance dredging. Those materials will be disposed of with other materials that are excavated from adjacent areas of the Village of Greenport in the Town of Southold in three specific areas. And if I may, I'd like to go up to the map, I think it's easier to follow. This basically is the project site of Brewers Yacht Yard, which was formerly the Pierce Yacht Basin. The area that is outlined in red is the area to be excavated down to approximately 8 feet below mean low water. That is the current--that is the depth of the Army Corps of Engineers authorization project for both dredging of the anchorage area and the channel, which is 100 feet wide coming into the basin. The material when excavated-- the dredged material--will be placed on land and semi-dried. This material, which is basically fill--this area, or most of it, used to be water at one time or water covered at one time and it's been filled over the past several years going back to a date I cannot specify. That is confirmed by the boring samples that you have copies of that were provided as an attachment to our application. Basically you have organic silt, gravel, sand and other similar type materials. The materials will be placed approximately 2500 to 3500 cubic yards will be spread out on the site proper. It Page 3 - Brewer Yacht. '- Soil Removal . will be so done to an elevation of ten, ranging down to three over here. It will be graded in such a way as that the water flow will flow both into this basin and down towards the wetland areas. Wetland areas are both here and on this site, which we will talk about in a minute, will not be raised or have any fill placed within ten to twenty-five feet depending on which particular area we're talking about. The wetlands will not be encroached upon or touched, as a matter of fact they will be enhanced due to this process. The additional ten to fifteen thousand cubic yards will be placed on the church property on this side or adjacent to the Brewers property, raising the elevation so that it can be used as a cemetery site. A lot of that land right now is so low that when this area floods from time to time the land gets covered and it's not usable presently as a cemetery site. Again no wetlands will be touched, encroached upon or come in contact with. The bulk of the material is going to be placed on the cemetery property on this side, right across the avenue and I assume--- COUNCILMAN STOUTENBURGH: Would you just show me where that would be exactly. MR. NATCHEZ: Where on the cemetery property? COUNCILMAN STOUTENBURGH: Yes. MR. NATCHEZ: I can do better than that, I can refer you--it's going to be in this area over--inside my pen area. It will go up to behind these areas here, up to this berm area here, which was a previous disposal site for, we believe, a hydraulic type of dredging--up to and stopping short of the cemetery on this side of the property. And that is shown very specifically on sheet number 5 that is in front of you. It also shows an estimated or approximate grading plan. The church is very desirous and has been, we are told, for some time of improving both this area and this area for use as a cemetery site. This area is fairly low, has been laying barren--as a matter of fact we did a site review again today to confirm certain elevations and topography and found that a lot of recent dumping has gone on there as well, which in point of fact creates an area that I think is undesirable for any community and you were talking about landfills and things they were filling it with which you would not like it filled with. But in either case what would be done--and there is no mature growth in this area that is going to be filled. There are some trees. There are some evergreens. Those which can be preserved by being removed before hand we will try and do so. The mature trees are along here and along the berm which will not be disturbed in the back. We have three drainage areas, if you will, over here which will be drained to and we have a salt water wetlands, you have a fresh water wetlands in the old disposal area--this problem area--over here. Drainage will be--grading will be done in such a way as to be a rolling topography very similar and almost identical to the Stirling Cemetery, which is over here, which has two wetlands. I believe one salt water and one fresh water. The fresh water is at the middle of their cemetery and this will be graded in a very similar manner and if I can use the dramatic, a rolling hill effect. It will not be flat. It will be some- what of a rolli ng topography. I f we were to grade everything on a flat basis to give you some idea when you say there are some fifty or sixty thousand cubic yards being moved, that sounds Ii ke a lot of material, but if you were to grade everything on a flat basis it would be somewhere between two and three feet that you would be raising the elevation if you did it on a flat basis, if you took out the wetlands areas which we will not fill nor desecrate or in any way encroach upon, that might raise it somewhere between three plus to slightly less than four, somewhere in that area:" depending on where you are., The highest area elevation would be basically I would say seven to nine feet approximately from the highest point on Manhanset Avenue-- that would be somewhere over here and here--that would be a couple of different points where you would roll up--that is about the same height, or maybe even less " ., Page 4 - Brewer Yacht. - Soil Removal . than that height which you presently find the Stirling Cemetery over here. Very similar type topography and we would try and continue that aspect. This has been reviewed by the Army Corps of Engineers and Department of Environmental Conservation. You have the Army Corps of Engineers is pending as you well know. Their public notice period is past. The comments period is closed. They are in the process of reviewing. We have been told to date that they have not done any- thing that is of undue concern, but they're still reviewing and going through their process and they have to wait until certain other things are completed. New York State DEC, as you are well aware of, was the lead agency under SEQR which included among other things a question on whether or: not there would be any problem by this excavation in terms of the fresh water table of this area as used for fresh water or any other activities similar to that, as well as other environmental effects, and they iussued, on August 31,' their declaration for all State and municipal agencies, that this is considered a Type I action and will not have a significant effect on the environment, therefore a Negative Declaration has been issued. I would like to file this again also for the record. . .. . . . who managed that program, which Councilman Stoutenburgh was talking about earlier, something that we've had a vast amount of experience with. They have approximately 44 regulations that you have to go through and determine the significance and whether it is contrary to the policies of the State of New York or whether they are consistent with the policies. They issued on Sept- ember 19th, 1984 a statement saying that they have completed their evaluation of our application for coastal management consistency and they have certified that it is consistent and I will also file that with the record. The U. S. Department of Environ- mental Protection reviewed this application as required under NEPA, which is the federal equivalent to the State SEQR process in relation to the Army Corps permit. They issued their statement to the Army Corps of Engineers dated August 31 indicating that they had no problem with the entire project, which goes further than the applica- tion in front of you, with the only exception that they wish to have a ten foot buffer between any of the wetlands areas and the areas to be dredged. The applicant has already consented to it and indeed have a larger buffer than that. The U. S. Department of Interior. Fish and Wildlife Service on September 12th also issued their comments under NEPA and they also said that they would have no objection of the issuance of the permit. Again assuming that we stayed the 10 feet away, which we are more than that in all circumstances. Regarding the question of salt water, fresh water intrusion, we have to point out that this is a peninsula, the entire area is served by the Village of Greenport Water Utility, it's piped water. it's fresh water. The area has been--it is not considered a significant area for fresh water reservoir. The excavation is not considered to be anything that will intrude or...inland excavation in terms of the 1960'--there was a report done in the late 1960's that has served as the Bible for the Southold area in terms of excavation projects. That report was prepared by Malcolm Pernie. We went one step further, since we are very environ- mentally concerned and want to make sure that this project was indeed environmentally consistent--we went back to Malcolm Pernie to ask them--after everything else, after the County of Suffolk had said there was no problem, and after H2M, the consultant to the Village Greenport, had said there was no problem, and our internal people had said there were no problems, we went back to Malcolm Pernie and said, "Listen, are we all wet," no pun intended, "or is there a problem that they indeed review the project specifically regarding the fresh water question, which is the question of the excavation." And they issued their letter on August 2nd which you previously were provided with, that I'll make again part of the record, indicating that this would not have any problem on the area and as a matter of fact they were very intrigued with the project. They felt that this was a very innovative and creative project that would enhance a lot of the areas around here. Certainly would be very beneficial to the community. We have a lot of other things to say, but I know you have other hearings tonight and there are a lot of other people here to talk. Rather than going Page 5 - Brewer Yacht "d - Soil Removal . on we would like to suggest that we would be happy to answer any questions that you have or respond to any comments that anybody from the public has and ask if we could respectfully reserve that right towards the end or whatever, at your pleasure. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Is there anyone else would like to speak on behalf of this application? Mr. Vail. CARL VAIL, Wells Avenue, Southold: Supervisor Murphy, Town Board, I would like to say that I am an ardent yachtsman and I would like to outline a few problems we have. A few years back the government saw fit to ban all open toilets on any boat except commercial and ferries, so you have to have a toilet on board that contains everything and, of course, it's only good for a couple weeks and the result is you have to pump it out. Now I believe the regulation is that you might pump it out three to five miles off shore. The net result is that a very few people are going to do that, with the result that they either have to cart it up to their own cesspool, which is a very messy job, or they take it out some foggy day and dump it right off our shores. Now I contend that a pump out station which this outfit is willing to put up is very necessary in this area and will cut down on considerable pollution and as far as I know now the nearest pump out station is in Nantucket. Now, I further know that there is a definite shortage of space to park your boats. Now, the Town Board is approving these condominiums and these people would come out and a certain per- centage of them want boats. Now, are we going to deprive them of the privilege of having a place to have their boat just because we got here first? I'd like to report that years ago when I first started the automobile business it was pretty rough when I was discharged from World War I, temporary total disabled and told I couldn't do anything and I said well, the automobile business is as near nothing as I can do, so I thought I could ride around and get my health back. Well, things got pretty complicated and I used to get these terrible pains over my left eye and I went down to Dr. Stokes, who was at the time one of the best doctors that every come in these parts. "Hey, Doc, it's pretty rough." And he leaned back in his chair, and says, "Why the hell don't you get a boat and get away from that G.D. business." And even though it was 1933 and of course the depression, why I bought a boat for $1800 and gave the fellow a note for it and when I got one of those headaches coming on I got on the boat and got out and the net result I feel that having the recreation of the boat I'm here to talk to you at 89 and I think maybe some of these people are coming out want to do the same. Thank you very much. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you, Mr. Vail, it's good to have you here at 89. Anyone else like to speak in favor? Sir? JAMES PRESTON, Southold: Mr. Murphy, Town Board, my name is Jim Preston and I'm the Vice Commodore of the Eastern Sailing Club and I'd like to speak a few words on behalf of the Brewer organization. We represent 75 families and roughly 225 related participants in boating, three quarters of which are Southold Town residents, and the remainder quarter are commuters. We consider the advance of seamanship, yacht racing and just general awareness of maritime surroundings. When Brewer took over the yard about a year and a half ago and on it's own--of it's own decision replaced the docks, replaced much of the machinery and replaced an aging motor crane which was a safety hazard to the employees, replacing it with a hand-operated spar tripod for both the safety and the convenience of the neighbors. We're faced with a "limited availability of creek side waterfront for development. There are only two areas left on Stirling Creek, I prefer the one that's owned by Brewers, rather than the one that's owned by the Greenport Catholic Church, St. Agnes, I'm not ready for that one yet. The existing Town moorings in Stirling Creek aren't avail- able for long-term moorings of local water craft. Stirling Creek is the best deepwater Page 6 - Brewer Yacht va - Soil Removal . access creek for ocean going--sea going boats and most of them draw in excess of 5 feet. The impact of the expansion would certainly create new boating traffic, however, the weekend traffic right now is less than twenty to thirty percent of the boats are out, If you go by the marina most of the slips are filled, even on the busy summer weekends. The traffic that one notes going through the inlet next to the oyster company would be from visiting watercraft, the transients that are served both by the moorings and Stirling, Harbor Marina. We consider the need for mooring space can only be filled by proprietary interests and we seem to think that Brewer would be a responsible developer of the property. I need only refer to the Norman Klipp Marine Park, which was developed by the government and it's not available for the Town's people for the use of moorings. The Town marins in Falmouth Massachusetts and East Hampton, Long Island are excellent examples of municipal marinas that run at a positive cash flow, but we haven't had them made available to us so we'd like to thank Brewer for filling what could be a good need. SUPERVISOR MURPHY; Thank you. Anyone else have any comments in favor? Jim? JAMES H. RICH, JR., Wells Avenue, Southold: Ladies and gentlemen of the Town Board, my name is Jim Rich. I'm a resident of Southold and I heard about this and I wanted to come down and ask the Town Board if they wouldn't use thei r. good judgment and vote favorably on this and I only have several brief reasons. One of the reasons is that I have a boat now and I do not keep it at Brewers, I keep it at Goldsmiths in Town Creek in Southold, but it's nearly impossible for the boat that draws five or six or a little more feet of water, which is what many 35 to 40 foot sailboats draw now, nearly impossible to get in and out of any of the creeks. Stirling Harbor is about the only place on the Peconic Bay that I know out this way where you can get to Gardiners Bay in a hurry and places like that, that you can keep a boat that draws this much water. The creeks have been dredged years ago, but they are now filling in. No other marinas seem to take on the responsibility and want to do this kind of a thing. One boat like I have, you know, the definition of a boat is a "hole in the water surrounded by wood or fiberglass now, that you throw money into," and a lot of the money that gets thrown into this hole in the water stays in the Town. I know there are people that work at Brewers or people that work at Goldsmiths and I feel that as you fellows are charged, you fellows and ladies are charged with the orderly growth of the Town of Southold, orderly growth of industry and commerce, this is one application that you could approve that would enhance orderly growth and that would be the orderly growth of the marine business. I urge you to think very carefully about this and I certainly hope that you will pass it. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you, Jim. Anyone else like to speak in favor of this applicant? In the back. JACK TABER: I'm from Taber Yacht Sales. I have a business at Stirling Harbor Marina and I would just like to go on record as saying that I am in favor of the Brewer expansion and I think everybody else has covered all the reasons why. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you, Jack. Anyone else like to speak in favor? (No response.) Anyone like to speak in opposition to this application? Sir? MELVI N SHENGOLD, 20 Sandy Beach, Greenport: Supervisor Murphy, ladies and gentlemen of the Board, ladies and gentlemen who are here tonight, my name is Melvin Shengold, I'm a homeowner at 20 Sandy Beach. I would like to point out where my house is located, if I may. I am the fifth house from Brewers Yard, here. If Brewer is intending to gouge out--I don't know the gentleman, Dan, didn't tell--how many acres of parts of acres are being pulled out of that property with this landfill removal? Page 7 - Brewer Yacht. - Soil Removal . MR. NATCHEZ: I'm not sure I understand your question, sir. MR. SHENGOLD: How much of property is being pulled away and letting the water come into that area? MR. NATCHEZ: It's about two acres, about--it's 111,000 plus square feet. MR. SCHENGOLD: If I may, sir, I would like to announce that we have submitted a petition to deny this application and we have listed on it 89 taxpayers of this community. And if I may, I would like to describe why we are against this. We are not opposed to Brewers Yard. I think it's a great thing for the community that Brewers has come in here and has done the job it has done and I think the investment that Brewers has made in this yard will pay them many times over in the years to come. I have lived on Long Island for 30 years and I've seen the harbors of Huntington and Northport become so crowded that you could walk from boat to boat from one side of the land to the other, with the accumulation of boats as people have moved into the area, and this accumulation of boating is not going to be restricted to that area alone, but I'm sure because of our God given endowment Greenport will have a tremendous growth of boating. Brewers is one of five marinas in the area. We have Brewers and Stirling. We have Champlain, we have the Stirling Cove that is being opened, we have the marina next to Pells, we have the marina next to the yacht club. These marinas will grow also and I think it will enhance the Town to have this distribution of growth among the many marinas that are there rather than in one marina. I al,so would like to compliment Brewers on the excellent job and the excellent presentation that they made this evening. I regret that the homeowners and taxpayers who live in the area were not aware of this going on for the last year and only found out about it in the announcement which was in the newspapers two weeks ago and I represent these 89 families who come out here every summer and have been taxpayers since Sandy Beach has been developed and handed down from family to family and this area was dredged out by the County so that these people would have facilities for the use of boats themselves, and you see the problem that we are faced with in the accumulation of many boats is that this now isthmus, which opposes this yard, is going to be taxed very heavily with the accumulation of boats that are here. Also, the fish factory that is here now has a boat called the Enterprise, whiCh lies on the dock next to it and occupies space going out from this point. In 1975 this Board,in it's wisdom and judgment, turned down Henry Pierce's application for a similar change that he wished to have made at that time. Since that time, even though this Board denied that application, Henry Pierce made additional finger slips on the waters edge. The other marinas along the way have added additional marinas there as well, so that it is not stagnant. We are developing this harbor and the development is going out among many, not in the few. I think with the talking of waste that are accumulated, I think the fact that this area is so enclosed in itself, one has only to live here to see what the effect of additional boats has been. The amount of garbage and the amount of waste that have accumulated in the summer months when the boats are active in that area is cleared up in a relatively short time in the fall when they are gone because the garbage comes from the boats that are there and if we do too much too soon, without proper thought to the development of our community because just now the Stirling Cove will be adding Ll9 more slips to that entrance way and let's see the effect of that. Brewers is here for a long haul, it's jot here for just a moment. I think if we delay this, see how the effects are, the new Stirling Marina is, see how the development goes along, we can have them come back and then our objections will be removed because the growth will be not too fast and not too soon and I hope you will consider this. Thank you. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you, sir. Is there anyone else in the audience would like to speak in opposition to this application? Frank? Page 8 - Brewer Yacht .d - Soil Removal . FRANKLIN BEAR, Southold: Jean Tiedke wrote this statement today while she was home sick with a cold and she asked me to read it to you here tonight. There are, of course, some figures in here which have been changed a little bit by the gentleman who made the original presentation, but basically I think that the points she has made in here are things that should be taken into consideration. "The entire proposal made by thel Brewer Yacht Yard owners to enlarge their boast basin appears to present several problems which, in our opinion, should be addressed before any soil removal permit is granted by the Town of Southold." and I emphasize that word, "before." "A full Environmental Impact Statement for a project involving removal of," he said 52,000 some, intsteadiof the 65,000 they talked about..."yards of soil, ancillary buildings, and a large increase in docking facilities is essential to decision-making. It cannot be addressed in increments. Some of the items which we believe should be addressed in detail follow. 1. How will the removal of this quantity of soil affect the natural drainage patterns in the surround areas? Will the cemeteries flood? Will Manhanset Avenue flood? What will prevent the changed run-off from polluting Sterling Harbor? 2. Since the flow of groundwater will also be affected by this extensive soil removal and eventual bulkheading, a sophisticated groundwater map should indicate present and future groundwater table levels and locations, out to some distance - perhaps 1/2 mile. Salt intrusion must be prevented. The Greenport water system is quite vulnerable. 3. An extensive archeological study of the site should be undertaken to determine whether there are Indian or early settler artifacts on the site, as is required for all major undertakings such as this. 4. Provisions should be made to protect the taxpayer from footing the bill for damage to Town, County and State roads over which this tonnage of fill will trave to the Town landfill." The figures that she wrote here are based on the 65,000.. she said, "With65, 750 cubic yards to be moved, and at 5 cubic yards per truck (an outside estimate, probably), there would be more than 13 thousand truck trips to the landfill-unless a huge quantity is used for landfill nearby." That, of course, the gentleman reduced, but there still would be a tremendous amount of fill taken over the roads. "5. Further down the road, the increase in berthing densities in Sterling Harbor must be con- sidered - but perhaps that should be addressed first. I f the crowding would be such as to produce dangerous situations, the dredging would have been unnecessary. We believe that the total plan must be addressed for segments of the plan are approved.' Thank you. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you, Frank. Is there anyone else in the audience would like to speak in opposition to this application? Ruth? RUTH OLIVA, President, North Fork Environmental Council: This is not really in opposition. I would just like to back up the statement that Jean Tiedke made, that this application here is for the excavation of this material. We feel that this project is so large that just the application for a soil removal should not be taken just at one time. There are too many areas and too many questions to be answered here that we feel that the whole project shouldl be taken as a whole and not something just piece by piece. Because if you say you're for a soil removal, well then supposedly you're for the whole project. And we would like to have questions answered as were brought up as far as the water, as far as drainage are concerned, as far as what the arrangements will be for pump out stations, which I really believe is probably the most critical issue in this whole area, because I've heard too many boaters complain about the sewerage that's floating around in that creek in the summer- time, and some ways to enforce this in the creek. I don't know how it could be done, but this is an area that is most important. So, therefore, I really say the whole project--if you could just recess this and wait until the whole project comes in, because that's the way the DEC is going to handle this. This is the way--well, the Army Corps will just do it also as a whole project, and I think this Town should do the whole project as a whole. Thank you. Page 9 - Brewer Yacht ad - $oil Removal . SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you, speak in opposition? (No response.) at all? Sir. Ruth. Is there anyone else would like to Anyone like to make any further comments MR. NATCHEZ: Mr. Supervisor, with the Counsel's indulgence, even though a lot of the questions that have been raised go probably far beyond the scope of what Counsel has indicated is the scope of this hearing, perhaps with your indulgence I can answer some of the questions and address some of the questions that have been raised, since I think it is important enough, is on everybody's mind and maybe can now be considered totally, you know, irrespective of that. Let me first talk- about the drainage, if we can, of the sites. The drainage that will take place after this excavation project takes place will be probably no different than what is presently existing. I say probably, I can't channel the water directly the say way, but the area basically now drain into the same areas that we have high lighted, i.e. those are your lowest points--the lowest points are your wetlands areas. You have the berm area up here, the salt water marsh down here, the fresh water marsh over here and all three will be--the topography, which is explained in our application in the filing that has been open to the public for some time and is in front of you on the large scale maps as well as the small scale, indicate that that's how it will be landscaped--how it will be so landscaped so that the water will drain over here. The same thing is true in here except that the drainage on the Brewer property will drain better than it presently exists. Presently some drainage goes down towards Manhanset Avenue because that's how the present topography is and some goes this way and some goes that way and some goes into the church property. The way it is proposed, all the water will flow either down here into the basin by going this way, this way and that way. I don't know if you all can see. And the water will also come this way into the wetlands area. I also point out that unfortunately the Town, for whatever reasons, built their own.... .around the wetlands over here by filling part of the wetlands with some of the spoils from your sand from the roads from the winter which prevents drainage from your area over here into the wetlands area. That's a Town problem, not Brewers problem. That will not be done. There will be no berm in front of the wetlands, the water will drain directly down into it. Let's talk about the navigation problem, because I think that is a question that every- body is concerned with, density in navigation, which is really what this whole project is about and a lot of the fears are. You have, coming into this harbor, a 100 foot wide channel. That is wider than most federal channels coming into the harbors that contain as much water acreage as you all have, which is about 42 to 43 acres in this area and you only have approximately 559 boats today. Many harbors that have over 2000 boats or over --somewhere between 1500 to 2000 boats only have federal channels-- this is a federal channel now--maintained by--or allegedly maintained--they're supposed to maintain it--the Army Corps of Engineers is supposed to maintain your channel. Most of those channels are between 50 and 80 feet wide. Very few are 100 feet wide. Part of that is because this area originally was a shipbuilding area, is also a commercial fishing area. That is one of the reasons why you have it. Unfortunately the Army Corps of Engineers says that the traffic density in this area as. exists is too low to economically warrant their redredging the area at this time, which means that you have a very wide channel, an 8 foot depth--by the way we did soundings out there today and on the 100 foot wide channel you have an 8 foot depth for 106 feet and 114 feet total of 6 feet or more, so you have excess width on either side and you also have room for the fishing boat over here. In terms of the new project, which is Stirling Cove, which is over in this corner over here--we sort of ran out on our aerial photo--this green line here represents the permanent activities that have been granted for this. When that is built, which it is now, the long pier is all the way out, there is a 50 feet--a minimum of a 50 foot distance between that and the federal channel, therefore there should be no interference with navigation. That's an unsually wide distance between the two. The Army Corps of Engineers, in their Page 10 - Brewer Yacht .rd - Soil Removal . planning for these types of activites, recommends a distance of at least 15 feet, so you have at least three times that distance, so that should not interfere with the congestion. On a 100 foot wide channel, on most recreational boats, which means boats that range in width between 8 and 12 feet on average, with the exception of the fishing boats, you can have boats passing in either direction and another boat passing in between with no difficulty in navigation. I must admit perception, i.e. when you look at to the eye, it might not look quite like that but it was actually physically measured to make sure the physical measurements and the channel measurements were indeed the same, or as close to the same as possible, and they are verified and you gentlemen and ladies can verify them yourselves if you so desire. A more important question is whether the density of adding the additional boats in this area would create a pollution problem. It has been stated already that in your harbor there is no pump out facilities anywhere. When we originally started on this project we met informally with the previous Supervisor, informally with the Town Board of Trustees of the Town, we also did the same with other officials in the Village of Greenport and the other regulatory agencies involved. It was almost unanimous that the biggest concern in this area was pollution and one of the areas that Brewers is also very concerned about. It is stated in writing, in black and white and subject to any violation or act of violations that you all come up with that Brewers fully intends and has made a part of the applications and is willing to make part of the wetlands application permit, even though it's not part of it, that they will be placing pump out facilities at their yard. We have investigated several different types of approaches for this particular facility, including trying to run them through the docks which we find to be environmentally haza'rdous and they will not be run through the docks. At this time we can see that there will probably be one pump out facility--fixed pump out facility on land and at least one portable pump out facility to be able to go from boat to boat. We have had long discussions with the New York State Department of State, Coast Consistency. One of the biggest requirements for any project for the State, and that would be required as part of any local plan, is public access, which is one of--if not biggest priority, but in the first two biggest priorities--pollution being a second one. They have reviewed this in depth, both in terms of the pump out facility approach that we plan to install and as well as the public access. This application has been found and in terms of the letter that is on file with you and our application to 'them, which is also on file with you, which goes into those points specifically and we have been judged by New York State Coastal Management to be fully consistent. The other points that was let's wait a little and delay. Unfortunately a delay probably will mean that this project will not go foward. I f we would believe what we read in The New York Times inflation is only at a 4 per- cent rate. I doubt anybody who goes into the supermarket and looks at the price of food or is in construction could agree with those figures. Inflation is going at a much more rapid pace in terms of what the costs of this project would be. It would take some time to develop this project. It is not something that is going to be done, you know, over one month or one season for that matter. It is a well planned approach from the vantage point--from an environmental vantage point--that the boats are not crowded, they are not--Iike many of the marinas that you will find on your coastline-- with the boats arm pit to arm pit, excuse my expression, but they have been spread very spaciously. It is going to be done with grading and a great deal of aesthetic taste, all of which are explained in our filings under the different applications, some to the Town. The Town has already taken, through the Town Attorney, the position that they're only activity in this entire application is the soil removal permit. We were not sure what the Town's position would be and so we filed every conceivable permit. All those permits, with the exception of this--or those applications, with the exception of this, have been returned and those letters are also on file and make part of this record. I think I've answered all the other questions that were raised. The biggest one, I'm sorry. How could I miss this. This was one of the key designs of this project. Brewers presently has 11 plus moorings. There are 11 moorings in there today. We are told that there are 14 or plus anchors. But today, as of tonight Page 11 - Brewer Yacht trd - Soil Removal . there are 11 moorings that are in this area. There are only eight that are shown on here because when we originally started the project that's all we were told belonged to Brewers. We found out later, since we started the application process, that there were substantially more. Those moorings, the 11 plus moorings, take on a single anchor spread mooring, take on over a 3 plus acre water coverage area, i.e. the boats swing, they cover over 3 plus acres. These red circles mean-- it's on one of your large maps that you can see--they only have eight--map number 9 it clearly shows those moorings. As part of the application both to the Village of Greenport, to you, the Army Corps of Engineers, the DEC and every other regulatory agency that we have to go to, we have stated, In writing, and as a matter of fact we went a little further to the Village of Greenport and said not only will we take the moorings out, but Brewers will go on record and as part of the site plan approval resolution, that Brewers will never put back a mooring into this area by right or other without going and seeking the proper regulatory approvals and the specific approval from the Village of Greenport, whether or not they have the authority to do so. That will give you a clear fairway to this area over here. I f you go there you will find that the boats have to go in and out of these lines, these moorings, in a way somewhat block access and egress both to the Town launching facility, which is over here, as well as the homeowners over here. These moorings will come out, they will not be placed back in. If the Village of Greenport wishes to do so, to place moorings there, we have no control over. There is a question as to who has legal jurisdiCtion over these waters. The Army Corps of Engineers claims it does, the State of New York Claims it does, the Village of Greenport claims it does, and I don't know what the Town of Southold's position is. Brewers simply say!> we don't really care, we want to get our blessing from everybody. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Is there anyone would like to make a comment, further comment? Sir? MR. SHENGOLD: I don't wish to belabor this, but I'm not an expert, but I am a boatman, and I have waited on the outside of this entrance-way when large boats have come in and out of this entrance into this and it maybe 100 feet across, but the sand comes out to almost the middle of this and there is only room for an out- board motor that is not too long. The other thing is the Town is aware that there is a 5 mile marker posted in very large letters and there is a need for that marker all the time, because anybody comes storming in here, throws up a wake and that causes the swell of the water to go beyond the bulkhead into the windows of the homeowners who live there and the turn-around here, where these boats have been, is an area of great traffic boats go into Townsend, goes up to Champlain, goes up to Stirling and goes into Brewers. Thank you. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you, sir. Fred? FRED RUDOLPH, Mattituck: I keep my boat on a mooring at Brewers Yacht Basin, which you just gave away. So really I should be on the other side of the fence. I'd like to answer this gentleman's--". couple of his questions. I have sailed out of Henry's yard and Brewer's yard now for approximately seven or eight years. One of the things I noticed he said something about the many boats. Whether Brewers opens up or closes up, we're still going to have many boats, unfortunately. The mouth that you had. to wait for, I have successfully, although heart in mouth, sailed in twice under sail with a north wind. It is possible to get in there, there's plenty of room if you play it right. The wetlands that I think that you were talking about, that Henry Pierce was turned down in 1975, were wetlands. The property adjacent to what he's got now and what Brewer may still own and be able to do nothing with. I don't think that should have any inference to the whole thing. Page 12 - Brewer Yacht ad - Soil Removal . As for waste in the harbor, I think it's a hell of a lot easier to go poop in Brewer's heads than it is to use your own boat. I think most of the pollution and the cans that come from are transients and I don't think that having Brewers or more boats at Brewers is going to have anything to do with that, The problem with the Cove--Stirling Cove--their slip out there--as a boatman I figure the first nor'easter is either going to take it out or detract from anybody wanting to keep a boat there. I don't think we're really going to see an awful lot of boats there. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you, Fred. Anyone else? Sir, in the back. MR. TABER: Just one quick one setting the record straight on the number of pump out facilities. There already is one in Stirling Harbor Marina that is functional and so Brewers pump out facilities will add to the current facilities that are available. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you. Anyone else like to make a comment? Any member of the Town Board "like to ask any questions? COUNCILMAN SCHONDEBARE: Yes, I do, Frank. I'm a little confused. We're talking about pump out stations and channels and things of this nature, none of this is before us. All you're asking for is a dredging permit. As far as I can see in this file you have not even gone before the Planning Board for the site plan, have you? MR. MATCHEZ: Yes, sir, we have. COUNCILMAN SCHONDEBARE: When did you do that? MR. NATCHEZ: We went there two months ago. At the last meeting we asked us to submit the site plan with--their only question was where the trees were going to be and where the location of the gradings were going to be, which are shown on the filings that you have and the profiles, were not shown totally on a single site planning map, they were shown on a series of site plan maps. As we understand what they've requested is to be reduced to one and we are happy with that and will be doing so. COUNCILMAN SCHONDEBARE: All right, so you've submitted to the Planning Board? MR. NATCHEZ: Yes, sir, it's been to the Planning Board and they've already held their hearings on--their meetings on that. COUNCILMAN SCHONDEBARE: And all you want from us is the dredging permit. That's the only application you have before us. MR. NATCHEZ: The soil removal permit, yes, sir. That's all we have in front of you. COUNCILMAN SCHONDEBARE: So the pump out stations and all this other stuff has nothing to do with your application that's before us. MR. NATCHEZ: I agree, sir, but in deference to those people who have taken their time to come out to express their feelings one way or the other I felt it was important to give them as much information, and yourselves as much information to any extent that it might..... Board member of another Board in another Community I can tell you that my interpretation would be that I would confine myself solely to the sort of rural aspects, but that's up to you all to make your interpretation. Page 13 - Brewer Yacht .rd - Soil Removal . COUNCILMAN SCHONDEBARE: Are you going to do this piece meal. these applica- tions to us? MR. NATCHEZ: No. sir. We made an application--the filing is about seven inches thick that we have done. We did them simultaneously. as opposed to piece meal. with the following regulatory agencies: With the Town of Southold we did it with the Town Board. the Town Board of Trustees and as a footnote your Town Counsel responded to an inquiry from that Board. who in turn the present President has responded to us with a letter that was resubmitted to you again tonight. it's on file. saying that they have no jurisdiction. That the only jurisdiction within the Town of Southold.is the soil removal permit. which is in front of you. COUNCILMAN SCHONDEBARE: You don't need the wetlands permit? MR. NATCHEZ: That is correct. COUNCILMAN SCHONDEBARE: There's no wetlands? MR. NATCHEZ: That is what they have told us in writing. COUNCILMAN SCHONDEBARE: They already have. there's no wetlands. so we won't do that. MR. NATCHEZ: The other permits that were applied fur was from the Village of Greenport. both a Wetlands permit as well as a site plan approval. The Planning Board has held their hearings. they've given us site plan approval--their Planning Board, and recommended to the Village Trustees the granting of approval on their wetlands permit. We filed with the Army Corps of Engineers on the entire project. we have filed with New York State DEC on the entire project, we have filed with New York State Department of State on the entire project. All those agencies have-- are reviewing them--Hle Department of State has already granted their approval. the DEC and the Corps have finished their public notice period. they have closed it for public comments. they are in process of reviewing same and our discussions with both agencies in the last seventy-two hours or so--Iet's see. Friday--yesterday or today--they have indicated that there has been nothing--no other arguments or questions raised other than those that they have already addressed to us. which we have answered to them to the best of our satisfaction and they have reached their determination. We are expecting a favorable determination. but until we get a permit I would not be one to say that we will or will not. COUNCILMAN SCHONDEBARE: What about the SEQR process? MR. NATCHEZ: The SEQR process was something that was duly notified and published. We have a filing with SEQR from New York State DEC. they became the lead agency. Every agency. including the Town of Southold. the Village of Greenport were appraised of it. of their determination--of their request to be the lead agency. They reviewed every--- COUNCILMAN SCHONDEBARE: Was this a coordinated review? MR. NATCHEZ: Yes. sir. and I must admit that we spent an exorbitant amount of time in that review process with them. They have reached a decision. Their decision. under SEQR. has been that it is a Negative Declaration and that is duly filed with you as well. So the environmental aspects. if you will. I think have been covered. and if that's true. and if the only question is soil removal. I'm not really sure if you have much before you gentlemen and ladies tonight. but let it not be said that we would tell anybody how to act. Page 14 - Brewer Yacht .rd - Soil Removal . COUNCILMAN SCHONDEBARE: I have to agree you on what you've said so far, it's coordinated and they've already done it. We can't declare lead agency because they've already declared lead agency and they've already done the whole thing. MR. NATCHEZ: That's correct. COUNCILMAN SCHONDEBARE: So all there is before us is the dredging permit. MR. NATCHEZ: No, the excavation permit. Soil removal permit, whatever that entails. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: When do you anticipate Planning Board approval of Southold Town? MR. NATCHEZ: We would hope--well, your process is a complicated one. We're not quite sure how the action--but we expect within sixty to ninty days that the Town of Southold's Planning approval process would be finalized. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Your site plan approval. MR. NATCHEZ: That's correct. What happens is they have to give it back to the Building Department, as we understand it, for making sure that it complies with Code, the Building Department reviews it, which they already have done by the way, but they must do it again for the record, then they will return it back to the Planning Board. None of that can take place until we submit the single site plan that has all elements that are on the myriad of plans. You only have part of them on the blow-ups. Since it was a project that covered a lot of aspects we took the liberty, unfortunately, I guess for us, to make approximately eleven site plans that had covered each aspect separately. They've asked for everything to be put on one, which it will be done. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Paul, you had a question? COUNCILMAN STOUTENBURGH: Yes, I had a question. As you heard in the very beginning, one of the concerns of this Town is road run-off. To me this is probably one of the biggest problems this Town is going to face in the future as far as polluting its creeks and bays and what have you. And when I see an elevation such as you've proposed for the main area--this is the building area, the storage area, that runs into our creeks, it seems to go against everything that we're trying to prevent. In other words, you're having somewheres around nine inches in the back ,r'unning down to two inches towards the basin, and if I have the plan drawn correctly, and I used your terms when you raised your hand there, all this rain water run-off will go right into here or into this area to the side. To me I think this is possibly the wrong approach and I would like to see if we could eliminate some of this problem so that we would capture some of this, put it back into the ground and keep the pollutant, which I as a boat owner know the scrapings and the painting and the sand blasting and what have you, that would go--eventually wash off into our waters. Now, you can say that it's going to be approximately as it is today, as Pierces is and I'm not condemning Pierce, but I'm saying that if we can do anything to enhance while w'ere doing this this is the time to do it, and I really think this is the ideal time for you to give us a plan, an elevation plan of that so we do not get any run-off into that Stirling Harbor. MR. NATCHEZ: Well, Councilman, I think under the most idealistic of circumstances that's a very laudable approach. The area of Pierce's Yacht Yard is going to be Page 15 - Brewer Yacht ad - Soil Removal . gravel or sand or open surfaces, it's not going to be paved, which is what you get from most developments that are presented to you. If you had a paved parking lot, if you will, it would all--every inch or every drop of water that comes down from rain would run off somewhere into, as you would put it, into the bay or the stream or whatever. That is not going to be the case here. You will only get excess run-off, but you're going to get excess run-off no matter what happens, and if you were to build a "retainage basin", which is another approach, the property is not large enough, and if you did so it would take away from the boat yard, because the way you would have to do it is you'd have to build like a swimming pool effect. There will be, around the basin however, just for your information, there will be-- the sheeting will come up around here and there will be, if you will, a slight wall. It will not be a significant wall in terms of height, but if you look at the profile I think you will see that it is slightly above the ground level and to the extent that you do not have a major flood rain, very little will go into your streams and when you have a major flood rain no matter what you do you're going to have the run-off and it's going to have to go somewhere--- COUNCI L1v1AN STOUTENBURGH: They'd have to do a better job than that to convince me of that. I really think this is something you should think about and I wish you would. MR. NATCHEZ: We'll be happy to review it and we'll look at other approaches that have been utilized. I must admit at the moment I'm at a loss for any--- COUNCIL1v1AN STOUTENBURGH: It's something I want you to consider. We have time to consider it and you have time to consider it. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: You definitely don't have to give up land. it with a series of drainage basins. I can see not wanting to put a property. You could do sump on the COUNCIL1v1AN STOUTENBURGH: No, I don't believe you have to put a sump, that's not what I'm asking. MR. NATCHEZ: No, understand what you're asking, but I'm--- COUNCIL1v1AN STOUTENBURGH: We put in a parking lot in Mattituck and we put a series of drains in there. MR. NATCHEZ: You will have a series of drains within the entire area, but the more drains you put in the more you're--the more those drains are going to have to drain someplace. COUNCIL1v1AN STOUTENBURGH: Into a catch basin. MR. TAROMINA: Which there are natural catch basins with regard to the wetlands area to the south corner of the site and the disposal area on the northern edge. COUNCIL1v1AN STOUTENBURGH: I'm not an expert, but I do know that they make these things that look these cement cast cesspool type things with a manhole at the top. We have them in every parking at IGA and everywheres else, and this the kind of thing I'm proposing that you use to return the water and keep anything that is on the surface from going into our creek. This is one of the major problems of this Town. MR. NATCHEZ: This is one of the reasons, Councilman, that we do not want to pave the area, and my point is that if you note in the site plan and overwhelming Page 16 - Brewer Yacht trd - Soil Removal . amount--and it's one of the problems that we have had with other agencies, that we've had to explain to them is what it is not being paved, why it is being kept open from that vantage point. I f it were paved the catch basin approach would be better, but it's not when you have gravel and sand and topping which is going to be in most of the area, because that will flow into the catch basin while the catch basin may work for a little while it will not work for very long. That's part of the problem, you have to balance the two. We've brought it to this problem in other developments in other areas. I wish we had a better solution. We will be happy to go back and review it. COUNCILMAN STOUTENBURGH: That's all we're asking. MR. NATCHEZ: We're delighted to go back and do it, sir, and I have to tell you that we have considered it at length and we would be delighted to have any ideas that you have that, you know, might work or any of your colleagues might have that would work in this type of area, but you have the problem that you're not dealing with a paved surface, which is what you deal with in a parking lot. Where you have parking lot type of approach there is an easier way to arrange a catch basin that works without having it clogged very rapidly. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: What type of surface you going to have? MR. NATCHEZ: You're going to have gravel and sand. Basically a similar type of surface that you have there at present with grass areas around the fringes to try and hold back--that's one of the reasons why you're going to have grass, but the water is not going to flow to the flows, the water is not flowing out to Manhanset Avenue from any of the areas. Most of the water, except as I say in major flood rains, is going to be kept within the area, no differently--or, excuse me, it will be differently than it is today in that you will have less of a rush, if you will, down, which is what you have in many areas. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Okay, this is not what we're here for, but it's suggestions and it's something that we could do. We are going to have to identify this. We just had two of the creeks closed int he Town, very good shellfishing area, basically because of road run-off and this is not your problem but if we could start solving the problem in one spot. MR. NATCHEZ: We would be happy to review it. I'm not sure if it's relevant to what you have in front of you today, but we will review and we will be happy to have any specific suggestions that anybody else has either here or later on. We are delighted to work with you on that. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Okay. Is there anyone else here who would like to make some comments? Joe? COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: Yes, a couple of things about--that were raised earlier-- where you're going to put the excavated material across the road. It's not very far from the site of the excavation, but there was comment about the road damage and since it is a secondary road and a Town road and the equipment, I gather, is going to be rather large, in all probability there will be some damage to the road and I was wondering if you had made any plans to either reimburse the Town for the damage to the roads or to insure that that wouldn't happen or what your plans were in that area. Page 17 - Brewer Yacht .rd - Soil Removal . MR. NATCHEZ: We don't believe any damage will take place. The equipment coming over to the site will be unloaded and should be able--the road should be able to withstand the load unless the road should be posted otherwise. The only loaded equipment is literally going to go out the front gate of Brewers and literally across the street. It is not turning left, it's not turning right, it's going literally across the street. COUNCI LMAN TOWNSEND: That's what I'm concerned about, that area there. MR, NATCHEZ: If the concern of the Town is that area, Brewers would be happy to idemnify the Town for any damage that is tracable to the excavation activities and the transport of the fill. material itself from the Brewer's Yard across the road. COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: What I'd like to propose is we inspect that area of the road prior to the start of the excavation and then at the end of the excavation there be some agreement that if there's damage to the road that the Highway Department be reimbursed for its work there. MR. NATCHEZ: happy to do so, extent--- For the width of one truck load or for one truck we would be even though we're convinced there will be no damage, but to that COUNCI LMAN TOWNSEND: I've been watching excavation of a similar nature else- where and seen that that it has had an affect on the road. MR. NATCHEZ: Brewers is happy to consent to that to the extent of, as I say, going right across the road, not going to the right--- COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: For the extent of the traffic, basically. The other question I had: where you're going to be placing the excavated fill, what kind of planting are you going to be doing on that to prevent the run-off silt and so forth, Are you planning to do planting or top soil or anything to eliminate potential either dust or planting on that area? MR. NATCHEZ: In terms of on-site, yes, there will be plantings. In terms of off-site, i. e. we have to distinguish between the applicant--the applicant has made a request--the applicant is Brewers--to excavate its materials from its Yard, and to remove them from the Yard. The way your regulations read, I leave it you--better minds than I, to tell me what that covers. In terms of where it is placed, it will be place on St. Agnes Cemetery, or future use cemetery properties. It would be up to St. Agnes Church to determine how they wish to, you know, finish--plant it if they so desire. COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: I think it's a function of your application that that is where the filris going to be placed or the excavated fill is going to be placed, and if it creates a problem for the neighbors or for the Town, there's going to be a problem MR. NATCHEZ: If it creates a problem you would go so far as to say, well we think it's up to the church to decide what they want to do and for them to take care of that. I f there was a real problem that has not been address otherwise to the extent of planting rye grass or something like that, that would be done. COUNCI LMAN TOWNSEND: The only thing is there is going to be sand and is it going to be a material that will stand planting? MR. NATCHEZ: Yes, the material that is presently there, which is growing things Page 18 - Brewer Yacht trd - Soil Removal . rapidly on both sides of the street and will be the same material, so we have no reason to believe that it would not be. COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: My only concern is that you say it's going to be placed in a rolling configuration--rolling hill configuration, so that also means that there will be water running down the hills and possible-- MR. NATCHEZ: I'm aware of what you're saying. COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: ---erosion problems, the silt runing into the existing salt water marsh. Perhaps we ought to address that with a planting or keep that from contaminating the marsh. MR. NATCHEZ: It won't contaminate the marsh, because we're going to stay away from it and make sure that there is a swell around it so that it will not. There will be swells all the way around all the properties here to prevent that type of degradation. That's part of our filings. COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: Those are the only two areas that I have concern with, Frank. I'd just like to see the roads--maybe some sort of guarantee--if right across the street, where they take the main route, there be some sort of protection to the Town road and two, that that area that the fill is being dumped on be planted so that we don't have problems. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Sure. Okay, Jean? COUNCI LWOMAN COCHRAN: Nothing, thank you. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Paul, anything further? COUNCILMAN STOUTENBURGH: Nothing more. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Bob, you have any questions? TOWN ATTORNEY TASKER: No. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Bob, tell me, we close the hearing and is there a time limit? TOWN ATTORNEY TASKER: don't think so, no time limit. COUNCI LMAN SCHONDEBARE: Frank, just let me as a question. The gentleman who opposed this--did you go before the Village of Greenport opposing their application when they were there? MR. SHENGOLD: No, as I said to start with it seems to me that Brewers had done an enormous amount of work during the last year, but we did not know anything about it until we read it in the newspapers two weeks ago. COUNCILMAN SCHONDEBARE: You read about this public hearing tonight and you didn't know any of the DEC hearings, you didn't know any of the Village of Greenport hearings? MR. SHENGOLD: No, we had no knowledge of the whole thing. -. Page 19 - Brewer Yacht .rd - Soil Removal . SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Okay, is there anyone else here would like to make a final comment? (No response.) I f not, we'll close this hearing. * * * ~;/~~~~ Judith T. Terry C7 Southold Town Clerk .' . ..~ ~F LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS OF RIVER HEAD / SOUTHOLD C.:'ctobcr , 1 ~'n4 'i'O: SU??:R.\TIS01\. FrU\::'J}~ !!lJEPhY A' ID IiEI.Tr~En~:; OF frr~E T Qin.; T3CJ,.-\HD FLC i: J rJ:1IED~"E /3:D FEP.T-IV 13EAE re: B}{E1l,'L,:n YACLT YAftD I-IEAftIUG The entire ~rOl)Osa]. I~ade the '3rewer Y~cht Yard owners to enlar,r:e their boat be.Gin 2::'~::;e8.r:;:; to ';.rc,::-:ent ,c;ever21 i ,roblens ,;,'"y,j.cli, t,n our oninion, shoulc4 be a.(!cref:;[;eci 'he fore 3n-'f solI re~'~'!ovo:l r:errni t . i.~3 '":"r8Tjted the TOI/Tn of' SOl.l,tr101c:. /, full Environmental Impact Statement for 8 projccct involvj_n~ removAl of 65,750 cu. y(~S of solJ., ancil],n,rv buil(:in~s, nnr1 8 lRr~e incrcnse in dockinr' fAcilities, isessentinl to (ecision-nnkin~. It c8.nnot 1)8 8_C;(~reE;Scd in incrementr:~. ~:;OF:C of tYle i ter:~ls v.']";ich 'vrc he1 teve shouJ.( t,c rr~drcsse(l in detAil follovr. l. HO~_'I >",.'11] t1-i8 renova] of tllis ,~Iuanti t""" of soi.1 ~:ff'ec t the nntur'8] (lra,in8~e ~atterns in the 2tlrroun~j.n~ areas? ~~ill t118 cereteries floorl? :,"i11 j'-,3nhRE;set !\venue floor]? '_'hnt "/.'ill '~__;revent the ch8n'":'cc1_ rUfl-ofr 'frnm olll]tin~ SteI'lin0 flarhor? ~~. ~:)ince therIo'/! of (rroun(",I8ter \"'.'ill 8lso l',e affccte(~_ l'~I tIlis extenE:ivc 2.oil rE~f'lo\pl anc' eventu:?,} bu_lkhe2dinr.,., a 2,o))histictlter~ 0f'Ol.JE(lyrater m2~; ::'~;]')oul',-'~ indicate T:resent 2.ne} :i:'uture '~r()unc!\'T2_tcr t,;_:;10 If~~ICI;~, 8DO loc9t:io:1~::;, out l:o SO;,';::') ."i~:)t:::~nce - T)er]:iaT';[; II;? rrj_le. :32_1t intrusion '.Tst ~'e 'r)re'ventl:';( '-,~'>]e ':"'r'ec;r;~'~:ort '.".'2.ter f:.;~r:::ter:l is nui to vulnerp,':)le. ?J. 1m extenr_..;:Lve 8.rcheolor::r:.i.c8.1 sttlC:'~J of tIlG site should }":e 1~_nc~ert8ken to cteteI"JT~inc ','.r]-lcther there pre Irri,?n or eerl~,r settler 8rtif~,cts. 0(1 the site, ?_~) j_f": recuircr' for nIl or un(e.rt8_k:br~,gs such 3,:~; tx-:is. 4. Provision ~~houl(' be rno..d,e to r:'rotect the tax::2.~1Cr :f.'ror'; footin,,; the bill for ('sr-o.8.rTc to lLovIn, Count~J and ::3tate r08.rls over -:,'Ihicll thi~~ tonn2.r"e oi'fill 1:.'111 travel to the T01::n 18.nc<fill. 1<'i t:-j 0,~;, 7:J() cu. ~,rr:s to be r:lDrec], 2nrl at 5 cu. ~.rClf; ~.~,er truc1,: (an outr-;i<:e e0tiY~19tn, nro"':'2_")1\T~, '1:::11ore 1'.'oulc1 he rn.orc thEu) 13 th 01...1 S 2_11 (I truclc tri')~s to th2 Inndftll. - lJnle,r:,r::', ~, hur-re cu~ntit~r i~:; l...:_f;CC :for 12n(:~filJ ncar"-:,~'.". 5. _ Further (~o~:n tl:e roa~, the incrpase in hcrthin~ ~'en8ities in Sterlin~ 7-~2r>or i:11J?,t :,'2 con::_~~,idf:'['ed - b11t ')CrJ---::~lls tr-12-t", ::::;Jioulr tie ,?(:c~r()sse( :f:Lr~"t. Ii:"' tr,c; cro',;,irtrt .:Ioulr'l l)e ~;:;1).ch r;,,:3 to :~ro::-'tlcC' rJ;?_n"erou~-) f,itu;:'tioIlP" t}lr:;~ c:rer]C"in ":.',~OlI1C: 1,8ve ~:)eer". unneces~:;8r~/'. ':'c '~elievc th2t the toto,1 of V';e -'; J.p:.n 2,1'"'0 :JJ'Y~ rovec. J.an must ")c 2d~r(~sse~ '~cfore ~~C-Gcnts cc. I~'o"..-In or ~;CD:1t~1l01(: _?l8.:r:.n "_',onTe 'i'Ol"rn of E;Ollthol( Zonin'" <~02..rr~ of ~rO~{2r YACliT Ynrc' calf; P'- -~cd~#~ ~ /cy~./~ (j '-n_:c: :-:1.i..:;tr.,~. Cnuc";- L8.Tnil tor~ f (, C. \ .' c. " UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR FISH AND WILDLIFE; SERVICE 100 Grange Plafe Roan 202 . Cortland, New York 13045 . p~ }'\~ I I September 12, 1984 Colonel Fletcher Griffis District Engineer, NY District U.S. Anr!Y Corps of Engineers 26 Federal Plaza New York, NY 10278 Dear Colonel Griffis: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has reviewed Public N:Jtice 11796-<>A~ of August 22, 1984. The applicant, Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, ~~ applied for a Department of the Army permit to expand and upgrade tiieir existing marina in Stirling Basin, Shelter Islam Sound at Greenport, Suffolk County, New York. This constitutes the report of the Service and Department of the Interior on the application submitted in accordance with provisions of the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 661 et seq.). We would have no objection to the issuance of this permit provided a minimum ten foot buffer be maintained between the existing marsh and the head of slope of the proposed dredging. Sincerely, 7T~rj<-~ Thomas H. McCartney I Acting Field Supervisor cc: NYSDEC, Albany, NY NYSDEC, Stony Brook, NY EPA, NY, NY N1FS, Gloucester, MA N1FS, Milford, cr ;(!CJe't'J< c';J a7 ;Zt-kf; Y;;;d4:.t~if /t:/ 7;// RECEIVED SfP 1 7 1!lA4 ( ce -' (e , ,#'1f.DS1'..."ot". i ^ '1i s~~ \ i ~'PRCJfi-tJ UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTA~ PROTEc:TION AGENCY REGION II 26 FEDERAL PLAZA NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10278 3 1 AUG 1984 Colonel F .R. Griffis District Engineer U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 26 Federal Plaza New York, New York 10278 Dear Colonel Griffis: The U.S. Environmental Protectionllgency (EPA) has reviewed Public Notice No. 11796-84-441-12 concerning an application by Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc., to expand an existing marina in Stirling Basin (Shelter Island Sound) at Greenport, Suffolk County, New York. ' As we indicated at the Federal Interagency Coordination Meeting conducted on August 27, 1984, the EPA would have no objection to the issuance of a permit for the subject activity provided that there is a 10 foot buffer between the marsh and the head of the dredge slope and that the dredge slope is 1 on 3 or less. These restrictions =uld help preserve the salt marsh habitat at the project site. If you disagree with any of EPA's recommendations, or intend to issue a permit over EPA's objections, please notify us in accordance with the 404(q) Memorandum of lIgreement. Should there be any further questions concerning this matter, please contact Mr. Warren Black of my staff at (212) 264-5170. Thank you for the opportmity to comment. Sincerely yours, l~ (J:-'-'1WI-.- Robert F. Vaughn, Chief Marine & Wetlands Protection Section cc: USFWS, Upton, NY N1FS, Milford, cr. ~/~ './J fi-.t.P/t ///C'4dU'r/q/p/r/ ,eY" f.c>x.e?A: ~v/ r -< 1"" , ' , / ' ,'~' ( ';--- . .' . - STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF STATE ALBANY. N.Y. 12231 I I GAIL S. SHAFFER SECRETARY OF STATE September 19,1984 Mr. Daniel S. Natchez, President Daniel S. Natchez & Associates, 555 Alda Road, Suite 1100 Mamaroneck, NY 15043-4002 Inc. Dear Mr. Natchez: Re: F-84-233 U.S. Army CO~S~Engineers/NY District Permit #84-3o~Brewer Marina [ftC~) The Department of State has completed its evaluation of your Federal Consis- tency Assessment Form and certification that the above proposed permit acti.vity 'compl i es with New York State I s approved Coastal Management Program, and ",in be conducted in a manner consistent with this program. Pursuant to 15 CFR Section 930.63, and based upon the project infonlation submitted, the Department of State concurs with your consistencY'certification. This concurrence is without prejudice to, and does not obviate the need to obtain all other applicable licenses, permits, and approvals required under existing State statutes. . The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is being notified of this decision 'y copy of this letter. Sincerely, ~~~ i? "f!qJrI George R. Stafford. .t Coastal Programs Administrator . GRS:KJC:dlb ~ cc: New York District U.S. Arqy Corps of Engineers /l? ee t;U:~ ,:l/T ~t kJ c' V;'kd-i? "j_ /C/1'/~';/ . . -- ~ MALCOLM PIRNIE, INC, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS, SCIENTISTS & PLANNERS August 2, 1984 Mr. Daniel S. Natchez Daniel S. Natchez and Associates, Inc. 555 AIda Road, Suite 1100 Mamaroneck, New York 10543-4002 Re: Proposed Marina Basin Excavation Town of Southo1d County of Suffolk State of New York Dear Dan: Reference is made to your letter of July 30, 1984, with enclosures. . We have briefly reviewed the information you sent, our report of June 30, 1967, and various other published and unpublished reports. Among the consultants reports we have examined, is an April 1983 document entitled "North Fork Water Supply Plan, Suffolk County, New York," another dated April 1977 called "Assessment of Geohydro1ogic Conditions, North Fork and Shelter Island, Long Island, New York" and still another for a extensive county-wide public water supply study dated June 1970. Additionally, we are presently participating in a Comprehensive Water Resources Management Study for the SuffOlk Department of Health Services (SCDHS), which includes an evaluation of the water quality and hydro- geology of the project area. '. Based on our evaluation of existing data, we feel that your proposed project will have minimal negative impact on the fresh water resources of the peninsula where the marina basin is to be sited. We are also of the opinion that the proposed project would not cause salt water encroachment to major fresh water resources of the North Fork and should not threaten public water supply sources. The project does not constitute an "inland excavation" and we concur with Robert A. villa, Chief Engineer of the Division of Environmental Health, SCDHS that there should be no objection to the proposal. In accordance with your request, we are herewith returning the large-scale aerial photo and the color pictures. 100 EISENHOWER DR. P.O. BOX 36 PARAMUS, NJ 07652 20H145.{)400 TELEX 137364 {~" LLJL{'~( ahPati~ct:::' ,x,k>Ld:bif- / {~h/fY . . . . ~ Mr. D. S. Natchez:JCH -2- . r August 2, 1984 I \ Please feel free to call us if you have further questions regarding the project or other matters. Very truly yours, PIRNIE, INC. SIS:dc Enclosures 743 ~..-..- . ......--.....' ...... .~--- .--- -,.-' - - . .. NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRC?NMENTAl CONSERVATION *"<4';,~<",,. ..NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION '7 Applicant: -Br~;ei"Ya~ht Yard, c/o Ed Vianney, Manager .'is"~;A,;:::~~;~:.:'::~'\'' - - ,-. ;:<..-io"'~~".-...~~...._., Address:Wtanhasset Avenue . . 7~ '~,' W"'/.:;""', Date: August 31, 1984 ".' ',,: . 'e;reenport ,'NY - 11944 . .... -' ...... ,-)., . Permits app/iea for ancJ ~pp'ication number(s) Water Quality 10-84-0766, Tidal Wetlands, Protection of Waters. Project description and location. Town/City of Southold County of Suffolk Construction ofa 86 slip marina by excavating a "U" shaped boat basin to a depth of 8' below mean' low water from a 115,825 square foot area, removing 405 linear feet of existing bulkhead, relocating a travel lift well, constructing 1,195 linear feet of wooden bulkhead, 1,450 linear feet of main dock,' 90 finger piers. Maintenance dredge 10,500 cubic yards of material from a 120,000 square foot area to 8' below mean low water. All spoil will be placed in three locations approximately 10,000 cubic yards immediately west and 52,000 cubic yards north of Manhasset Avenue (both owned by St. Agnes Cemetary) and 3,500 cubic yards placed on site. The project is located on the north side of Sterling Basin in the Village of Greenport, south of Manhasset Road primarily in the Town of Southold. SEQR DETERMINATION: (check appropriate box) D SEQR-l Project is not s~bject to SEQR because it is an exempt, excluded or a Type II action_ IXI SEQR-2 Project is a Type I action; it has been determined that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment. A Negative Declaration has been prepared and is on file. D SEQR-3 Project is an unlisted action; it has been determined that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment. D SEQR-4 A draft e~vironmental impact statement has been prepared on this project and is on file_ D SEQR-5.f final'env'irorimental impact statement has been prepared on this project and is on file SEQR LEAD AGENCY New York State DEC AVAILABILITY FOR PUBLIC COMMENT: Applications may be reviewed at the address listed below. Comments on the project must be submitted to the Contact Person indicated below by no later than September 28, 1984 CONTACT PERSON: Dennis W. Cole NYSDEC, Bldg. 40, SUNY--Room 219 (516) 751-7900 Stony Brook, NY 11794 TO THE APPLICANT: 1. THIS IS NOT A PERMIT ,~. . 2. This is to advise you tti~lt your application is complete and a review has commenced. Additional information may be requested fram you at a future date, if deemed necessary, in order to reach a decision on your application. 3. Your project is classified MAJOR. Accordingly, a decision will be made within 90 days of the date of this Notice. If a public hearing is necessary, you will be notified within 60 days and the hearing will commence within 90 days of the date of this notice. If a hearing is held, the final decision will be made within 60 days after the hearing is completed. 4. Publication of this Notice in a newspaper is: ~ required 0 not required If required, please consult the accompanying transmittal fetter for further instructions. Southold Town Supervisor CC: Chief Executive Officer Environmental Notice Bulletin, Room 509, SO Wolf Road, Albany, N.Y. 12233.0001 Ere J - -.9 // // iCtl-('j'C1Ud' aT/-iC-?I'-UC K/ea f""'J- U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service /o/9/f,y , Supenntendent Franl<A Murphy and Members of Towz9loard Southold Town Board Town Ilall ;"iain Road Southold, New York 1l'!71 . . l):'ttc ILl t'(trJ~c.d~ ~a.};~ ~ /o/tf;J'I (J RE: Public Hearing on Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. on Tuesday, October 9, 1984 "-~ '\ Gentlemen: We have received a copy of your Notice on the above-referenced Public Hearing for a soil relflOval permit in connection with the excavation, bulkheading and reconfiguration of the floating pier assemblies Project at BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, lNC. Ive are writing this letter IN SUPPORT of the proposed Project which is the subject of a Public Hearing before your Board. BREWERS proposes to excavate a boat basin and reconfigure their docking facility. They are also proposing to maintenance-dredge around their existing waterfront area in order to restore the previously existing water depths of up to 8.0' below MLW. We further understand that most of the excavated and dredged materials will be placed on the two St. Agnes Church properties located immediately west and north of BREWERS. 11e support the Project because we feel that it will allow for better navigation, as well as a more efficient use of the waterfront area and Harbor. BRElvERS will be removing their swing anc!'lOr moorings from the area which will open up an unobstructed 'fairway' to the northeast corner of the Basin. In addition, the Project will help enhance and beautify BREWERS, as well as the church property, part of which has been abused by others and has become an eyesore. This not only effects the church property and BREWERS, but also has a negative impact on the other neighboring properties which includes Sterling Harbor Marina. While the Project allows for an there will be no navigational expansion. There is a despera te and around Greenport Harbor. increase or other need for of approximately 80-90 boats, hazards as a result of this additional docking facilities in The proposed expansion is being done in an aesthetic and spacious manner, and the addition of a pump-out facility will be a first for our Harbor. Also, the BREWER Project will help satisfy the needs of additional residents and neighbors by providing additional summer slips for their boats as well as help meet the needs for transient boats. The I;roposed Project will provide additional economic benefits to the Southold/Greenport area. First of all, the number of' employees should increase by up to 400%. Secondly, there will be a major economic benefit to other marine and satellite businesses which comprise a large begment of the Southold/Greenport economy. Most importantly, this improvement Project will generate additlonal revenues to the local cOlllfnunity IVlTHOUT any increase in Town services. The Southold/Greenport communities will benefit from increased taxes as well as fees, but will not incur any additional services or costs such as for schools, sanitation, etc. We strongly support the Project regulatory approvals. to/q/<6A- and urge the Town to grant their Sincerely ~ ^' ~ . STIRLING HARBOR SHIJ:.~iGNA, INC. ,c-' . . Officers II'tCOIIPORAT[O U:Ja TELEPHONE (516)477-2385 CLERK NANCY W. COOK MAYOR GEORGE W. HUBBARD Vii/aye of .9reenflort TRUSTEES WILLIAM D. ALLEN DAVID E. KAPELL SAMUEL KATZ WILLIAM H. L1EBLEIN 'UW lNCOlllPOIU,TION "'''''UL 7. U" II[-INCOIIIPOJlUTION VNO[R G[N[IIIAl lAW M"" 2a, ...<1 TREASURER JOHN F. COUGHLIN L ",>", "" ~ .,.......... .\ . ..- ~ ~ . z . __ ~ ~NG. I 5 L"A'~~ .\. .,,~, ~ '-t I , '. _~ '7 - ..."'....,.. ...~'" 236 THIRD STREET GREENPORT, SUFFOLK COUNTY NEW YORK 11944 At a meeting of the Village of Greenport Board of Trustees held on July 19, 1984 at the Village Hall, 236 Third Street, Greenport, N. Y. the following resolution was adopted: A motion was made by Trustee Samuel Katz, seconded by Trustee David Kapell and carried to adopt the following resolution regarding Brewer's Yacht Yard: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Village of Greenport has received plans from Brewer Yacht Yard regarding their plans to excavate, bulkhead, maintenance dredge and construct a reconfiguration of floating pier assembly on the site located on Stirling Harbor in Greenport, and WHEREAS, Brewer Yacht Yard and Marina was asked to have tests taken to determine whether said project would pose a problem to the fresh water table, and WHEREAS, such a test and study was made by H2M Corp., upon their advice the Village of Greenport takes the position that they have no objection to the type of work to be performed with regard to its effects on the water table provided the applicant, Brewer Yacht Yard & Marina, conforms to the constraints set forth in the report of H2M Corp., dated January 31, 1984 and that the spoils from the dredging be deposited in accordance with the representation made to the Village of Greenport Board of Trustees. * * * * * * * * * * * * (~cu utl a/tl:(t-6.tf~~ xf.Eaft,,-,.i<0 /() / c;/(:; () . . - 2 - CERTIfICA TION OF RESOLUTION STATE OF NEW YORK 53. : COUNTY OF SUFFOLK THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT I, Nancy W. Cook, Clerk of the Village of Greenport of the County of Suffolk, have compared the foregoing resolution with the original resolution now on file in this office, and which was adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Greenport of said County on July 19, 1984; and that the same is a true and correct transcript of said resolution and of the whole thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the official seal of the Village of Greenport of the County of Suffolk. October 9, 1984 Da ted '}(""'l ?d Nancy W.! oOk, Village Clerk Vill ge of Greenport ~~ SEAL . . VILLAGE OF GRFENPORT PLANNING BOARD Resolution dated September 17, 1984 RE: Applicaticn of Brewer Yacht Yard for Maintenance Dredging and Dock Building A motion was made by Jeanne Cooper and seconded by Louis Black to adopt the following Resolution: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, an application was submitted to the Village of Greenport Board of Trustees on June 18, 1984 by Daniel Natchez and Associates on behalf of Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. for proposed excavation, bulkheading, maintenance dredging and reconfiguration of floating pier assembly projects for Brewer's Yacht Yard located in Sterling Harbor. and WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held by the Planning Board on August 13, 1984 at 7:30 p.m. in accordance wil.h Chapter 82 of the Code of the Village of Greenport entitled "Wetlands, Floodplains & Drainage" at which time all inter- ested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and WHEREAS, this Board has received notification from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation that it has assumed Lead Agency status with regard to environmental issues concerning this project, and WHEREAS. this Board has received a copy of the action taken by the D.E.C. witt1 a Notice of Complete Appl ication dated August 31. 1984 with a determina- tion listed as SEQR-2 with a finding that the project is d Type 1 action; that it has been determined by the D.E.C. that the project will not have a signifi- cant effect on the environment and that a Negative Declaration has been pre- pared and is on file. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village of Greenport Planning Board recommend to the Village of Greenport Board of Trustees that the application . . -2- Planning Board Resolution RE: Brewer Yacht Yard Dated: 9/17/84 dated June 18, 1984 for maintenance dredging and dock building of that portion of the Brewer Yacht Yard that is in the Village of Greenport limits be ap- proved as per the applications and representations made during the Planning Board hearing and that the applications and representations speak for them- selves. That it be noted that the representative (Daniel Natchez) for Brewer Yacht Yard Inc. had stated for the record that applicant will be willing to put in writing to the effect that if Brewer Yacht Yard ever wishes to replace the moorings in the Village of Greenport Harbor that will be removed, that they would com~ back specifically to the Village of Greenport Board of Trustees for approval. The question of the adoption of the foregoing motion was duly put to a vote which was carried unanimously. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * A motion was made by Louis Black and seconded by Jeanne Cooper to adopt the following Resolution: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED, that the application before the Village of Greenport Board of Trustees for approval to reconstruct docks and perform dredging by Brewer Yacht Yard Inc. in Greenport Harbor be deemed a site plan application and that the application be granted as per the site plan recommendations . . -3- . Planning Board Resolution RE: Brewer Yacht Yard Dated: 9/17/84 made to the Vi llage Board of Trustees at the Planning Board Meeting of September 17. 1984. The question of the adoption of the foregoing motion was duly put to a vote which was carried unanimously. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Village Clerk Nancy Cook was instructed to submit the Planning Board's report to the Board of Trustees. - , NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Please take notice thatba Public Hearing will be held Y the Village 01 GreenS'lft Planning B~Id tf.:~':n~t August 13, 1..... a, h' d h V'Uage HaU, 236 T If tel rl New York, Street, Greenpo "th Chapter In accordance WI. I 82 of the Code 01 the Vil1ag~ Greenport entitled :'Wel\~ th~ Floodplains "Dra~na~e ~ aU Planning Boa~w~l be~eard persons who 't' I d' ng the appbca 10n 0 ~!e~e~ Yacht Yard Inc" lor h. proposed excavatlOn, 1 elf . t ance b Ikheading, malO en , d~cdglng an~ reconhgUlryatTloh~ , g pier a550mb ' 01 f10atm ted in a portion project IS loca t I the Village 01 Greenpor , o b Manhanset bordered y t and Stirling A venue to the eas th Basin to the west. Part o! e bject property bes wlthm ~~c Town of Southold. The . located wlthm the port ton . I th Village 01 Greenportls ur er . T d on lhe Suflolk ~~:~:/~~XOO3 m~PB~~~~tr~~ 1001, Section. . 01. By Order 01 The Village 01 Greenport Planning Board Nancy Cook, Village Clerk ITJ~ . N '~e... York ClJlJO!~ 119~ ic..:,I, ff, (r, C(,ti?,),v' . STATE OF NEW YORK I 188: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) SUSAN W. ALLAN . of Greenport. in said County, being duly sworn. says that he/she is Principal Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a Weekly Newspaper. published at Greenport. in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York. end that the Notice of which the annexed i. a printed copy. has been regularly published in said Newspaper once each week for One weeks successively. commencing on the /h th day of July 19~ ~.. "i) / \ \ / . . " t'L\.(""ll .... \.' J ,'R i VCl. '_ Principal Clerk Sworn to before me this day of full' 2hth lLg.4 , . . .- Tl:ll-I'1I0NI", OIlICers o Il>ll' ~ll'>) t1/I{~~c OJ' ,-Cy~eenp{)rt rUKK t'>OAN{''r Yo (001<,: 'I \YUK (,1 ('1<1 I II 11l1!UlAI{[J ,,,COIll,.OIU,Tll.> .1lJ. IKUSll-:lS WU!.IAM D. Al UN \1'\\"1111 1\./\I'IIL ~'\M\JLl. t.;:,\] l WILLIAM II. LlFBUIN ..I w ,"'0""0,....,,0" Al'fIllL I. .... IH_,..<:0""0''''"0'' .....U{.. GtN(IIl...l LAW "".T ~.. ..to. TKb\SllKfH JUliN I- COUl;III.1N ~""" jj;;j ", .- .,~. .._~.. '~. 'J ~' ~ ..... /-1'f'-J . : ,,',0 '"L'? I 5 l'.;':': .... 0""".-:', -~;....." 2.11> 1'lljltU STl{I;j-.1 l;JUTNPOH.T, SUI.TOt,1\. COUNTY NI.W YORio.: II ")44 NOTICE OF -- PUBLIC HEA Hl NG Please take notice that a Public Hearing will be held by the Village or Greenport Planning Hoard on Mondc,y, August n, 1984 at '{:30 p.m. at the Village Hall, 236 Thir'u ~)trt:t::t, r:r(:enport, New York. In acowrdance witn Chdpt(~r' e? of th~ Code or Lhe Village of Greenport entitled "Wetlands, Floodplains & Drainage!', ttle Planning Board will hear all persons who wish to be tll:ard regarding the applicatiorl of Brewer Yacht Y;ir'd Inc. for their propOSed excavation, bulkheading, maintenance dredging and reconfiguration of floating pier assembly. The proJect is located in a portion or the Village or Gre~nport, bordered by Manhanset Avenue to the east and Stirling Basin to the west. Part or the ~ubject property lies within the Town of Southold. The portion lor.ated within the Village of Grc""port is rurther identified on the Surrolk County Tax Map as District 1001, Section 003, Block 06, Lot 01. By Order of The Village of Greenport PLanning Iloard Nancy Cook, Village Clerk lT July 26 .' , District 1001 ~'.'LLiofl 003 Glock 06 Lot 001 Section 003 ~lock 01 Lot 003 Slock 01 Lot 001 lJlock 01 Lo t 002 lJlock 02 Lot DO I lJlock 02 Lnt !'02 Block 02 LOL 003 Glock 02 Lot 004 . . APPLICATION OF GREWER YACHT YARD ~_._-----_.- PLANNING BOARD HEARING - 8/13/84 LIST OF PROPERTY OWNERS & PERSONS NOTIFIED OF HEARING OF AUGUST 13, 1984 Notices sent July 30, 1984 Grewer Yacht Yard, Inc. (appl icant) Manhanset Avenue Greenport, NY 11944 Brewer Yacirt Yard, Inc. (applicant) Manhanset Avenue Greenport, NY 11944 Sterling Harbor Marina, Inc. Manhanset Avenue Gn"'1 'i,urt, NY I 1944 St. Agnes Catholic Cemetery Manhanset Avenue Greenport, NY 11944 TaWil of Southold Town Hall SouLhold, NY 11971 George F. Sullivan & Wf. 57 Larctl Road Briarcliff Manor, NY Richard H. & Elsie Pollett 163 Marcus Avenue New Hyde Park, NY Marq.,rrt Haley eo Ueach Road Greellport, NY 11944 Page I of 2 - . APPLICATION OF Planning Board PERSONS NOTIFIED IN . BREWER YACHT YARD Hearing - 8/13/84 SOUTHOLD TOWN Marcus, Leon c/o Booth, Lipton & Lipton 405 Park Avenue New York, NY 10022 Sdybay Construction Corp. 347 McConnell Avenue Bayport, NY 11705 Peconic Holding Company, Inc. 925 Sleepy Hollow Lane Southold, New York 11971 Gillman, George 83 Roeckel Street Valley Stream, NY 11580 Kelim, William 415 Fiddler's Lane Greenport, NY 11944 IzifJo, Tryfon 23-76 32nd Street Astoria, NY 11105 Satriano, Michael 763 Norman Drive North Bellmore, NY 11710 Sadove, Aron 330 E. 46th St., Apt. 50 New York, NY 10017 Tsakos, Chris 145 T~r'race Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07306 Btrynock, Rudolph 220 Fiddler Lane Greenport, NY 11944 Papoutsidakis, Jolln 116 74th Street Brooklyn, NY 11209 QUlnteri, Henry 29-05 171st Street Flushing, NY 11300 Pi ttas, George 144-66 37th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 Grafas, Gus 40 Prospect Street Summit, NJ 07901 Holevas, George 22-17 19th Street Long Island City, NY 11105 Gariassa, Charles 19 22nd Street Jericho, NY 11753 Pantages, William 21-51 46th Street Long Island City, NY 11105 AlIas, Julia 376 95th Street Brooklyn, NY 11209 Moraitis, Emanuel 60-28 55th Drive Ma,~eth, NY 11378 Bitsakis, George 144-49 37th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 Hartofilis, Sessina 24-08 37th Street Long Island City, NY 11\03 Dourmas, Costas 24-08 37th Street Long Island City, NY 11105 Shivlckas, Albert 59-74 68th Street Maspeth, NY 11378 Page 2 of 2 . . ~ ,:,,"a{~l tel kSld/tc-~ti-/ur'-:J ,,- /o/1/:lif <} PETITION FOR SUPPORT WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, ARE IN SUPPORT OF BREWER YACHT YARD IN THEIR APPLICATION FOR PERMITS TO EXCAVATE A "u" SHAPED BASIN, RELOCATE A TRAVEL LIFT WELL, INSTALL TIMBER BULKHEADING MAINTENANCE DREDGE, AND RECONFIGURE THE FLOATING PIER ASSEMBLY. WE ARE IN FAVOR BECAUSE WE FEEL THIS PROJECT WILL BE A MAJOR IMPROVEMENT IN THE AREA AND A BENEFIT TO THE COMMUNITY. WE FEEL THIS PROJECT WON'T HURT EXISTING WETLANDS, NAVIGATION IN THE AREA, OR POSE ANY HAZARD TO THE COMMUNITY. ~3". '~,_ :M~__ ~f_~~ ~~~ /1fr:;;::t ctp rl0J)2) - [;". jf/.x.o:x\ tf f2t- - 'rtiel''l''LJ 7. ---;1J/?' ___ ~7'~Al/ 9' ~_ ~ C aCt Crhc-(;:-vi.-/-<--'-$.., ')( ~ '!vu:~. r--'~,y/ u/ 9 /tJO ~UL-/6uLJMI B~,ij?~ ,/3,[ . /0 '-. /r~#/"" My"g"v&, / /-P4l////r.-c/; // ~ I/o ~ ~Ff;..c~\...... tt'ltU(; 5+- I!I~ luFf<j/f-, ,.uy (2. . '1t6 Ct>f.4. ~r. ~~\J., NY 13.t_rh<---C!.t~ /z}/c.k'; (( C::/l2~:)-J,"f, 4/ II??! N. '~t"-f.~ ~ 'YL::1 IS. -~/<'k<r8:C~~~ 1O",de. ro",~ CX;1~ 0M~~ lb. '~j.~'))<;-,c,\->-;--) ''-''1'"0_'"'' '~,",1 H,"i".,;-., c-.' (-1''.),,,>(.' /7. G4>$ f~-' II '. -, 18.~. >to r; 1'1~~.i.\ ~(t"c ~-~ (/,,-,,-"_7': ?/. ('l 1'1. . . r.w....--r '--j' a~lh t(ex: :[>,,, (\~LL'~- ;c"- ~-qt ~ I ~\.Y liS<! '7./ ,. '-r' '-. ", .7-.0;)/' /}~0' ,/)",.;"~./J //,1\,) ,,7. 7"-', """~ (./~~.... '--- r- // / ZI. rVi.u~ t~~'--.~~ '* ~. Lj d--<-' ,.~( Ice. (,~L_.. D</\ f . 2-2. Utz. 'J ~G_,-",--_LC:( 'I~ (. '\!.:.(\ov~c.l \~ ;..::y (----, ) 23. '-9 (\\\"~'h"" ~~~\.-.,..,-, J;\ ~\A.-" 4x,--LL-</~ It( ,.c'GiLt'"2~..e' ..k1'<i."-"I.I2~ . ~/t.ii.('-i::;:( ~'./#;U'-"/,~~1Z .-t!-"Y' zs. i/ ~ ~0~ VJ Ik'Uv '-Sf. ,So;9 !;L/fr~Y, !J1 'I . . < ~ _ fjdf::;.:"vt~ r~:l~d~cI ;fcV~:::{1 >LI : -?;~~~7?!$~' ~;:;.,; r. .. . ~~ :N~V<T ". iJ...J:; Clvf?;z. 3'>.c- ..... ct.... , ?7. .", st. 'R..~ {" U.3<<8'-' C:flllf/1IIJ/..'tlY I2d S"'::t-./tY::,/A1JO f.JY :124~~ 13,,1. '1Vr 1i~/,~...~'1' 1? (!, u-k,~-e.. tt3. a~ R6~' ;~~.~ ~~)~~~it A, , ?6. -- ~ J ~~ ~~'e{u..-.I P~/Sh;;.,/.-.. -J yW/ ],7 ~f'cil ;t;tPJl"~ w<-. <:6-/'42~~;,r / 1~. M.u.. r-~~ ~. ~) IJY. ~. \Y\~ '\f\& ~'cR- ~t ~tropc~, t\J'1 '10. ~ O~ . 3f A(t7t7~>1/ /2.{ C;e"N/~f (I/,y 'II. /2.. rJd.( 3J'/~d/'m <.r C~/"~,r, AI/: <f2'(J~//~/r- tV~~'1 4~/Y)tf ~.' ~ ~~I 4:i ~ ~Jv:tf '17.' ~r &-t... '"Ul!f . '~-{'O~. iff 'If'. f f' ,"r~c:?,) cr-:~"t~ 6/, /. rcr. ~ ~1C I J/.UV-( h<.l //J <, 1/-< (c A. ~ ;;. ~r~ ~~. ~'Jtl~~~7/ S'z. ()~ ~ ~ Mvd- ~f)~.II?'T''7' S's. ~ ~i S~ 5'6. $l .$"'8. e1. (;0. 61. 6'2.. . . . ~l~y "'-. - _.M4:"'HANScr --. __ _. 4VE ~ -..- \ """ "0 <:::> .... '" ~ . " ~ "l RECONFIGURATlON OF DOCKS AND MOORINGS r--' RON.6L I I I OR '-__.J KS 0) ~~O~<6~bO ~---- EXISTING .... - - _J R.OATS II ~~SERND BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREEN PO R,TI INC. sr'Rl..ltvG ~o( ~() ~ Si t1.::'~$du~C\I ~~liE OIS"v'" o ;,-...., ., " I ~ I I I I I l't.__ r::::/~ . " -:.:I t::-..... "-...... ,r-_ t:.:J' I " . " r::,: o ~~" ~ -'"" -- ---- j,:;,jr.:-- -.-" .. --'-.-'" -.-.-..........- ----....-- lASED UPOtI SUIVEY IT YOUNG' YOUNG N.Y.S. LIC.USED UND sutvEYO.S SU'VEY DATED JULY Z6, lte3 REVISED 5[1"T. 1. J"3 and'DECt..IU 27. lie3 DATU..: M[A.. SEA LEVEL (HGVDI / I / ~ of ............... / n . -~~/{ '- "'~::~::;/"5 ...-t..."r.' - . , "CIl. I --.:(.~ , , I S6v~tv "~CF: ~ -- -. -" -J..!! o BREWEI 'ACKT '....D AT CIEEN'ORT, INC. $TillING IASlto CREEN'ORi KUIOR .....NKAM5ET AYlNUE VILLAGE or CREEN'ORT T01Il'N Of SOUTHOI.D COUNTY OF SUFFOlk "OI"O$ED EXCAVATION, IUUHEADING ../lll'Ilt'....''''I..t.-IHlt.lK>I..1" "'I'OIJ llt.l,.UNtluUIII\IIUfOI VI tL'OIlIING pa.1I 1l101lUUILT I'IIUJt...Il> --. SCALE o 25"50' 100' - o o BA.S,tv DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. INC 555 ALDA tOAC MANA tOHECK. NEW !Olll( IOSlo3 191.1:169&-5676 /11&)' 19.196.L .~.. , .. RECEIVW \ ' .\'IF""' OCT ,.) . J ;e; 5t~r;a<!.bt,}~~ %: If S- r'll{: lown Clem Southold October 5, 1984 TO: Southold ~own Board Southold, New "ark Vi 11 afte IJo arri 1illag" of r,l"eenP<1~t ~A und"l"sil1nwl liv" on n~ ~loR" tn S+;ir1inr Harbnr awl. object stronp-ly to the proposal of B"'"wer "acht "ard to add HO-lQ boat slips tn i+;s larg" existimr boat :ra"'d in S+;irlinft Earbnr. ''Ie object to the pl"oposal becausA: 1. It will add to ~nl1estion in S+;irlinl1 Harbor eSDAcial1y around the na"'rnw Antrance wherA 34 nAW sliDs a"''' alr"BJly beinp- built and represents an increased haza",d +;0 navil1ation. 2. It will "istu~b on" of thA few rAmaininp- areas in t->,,, Harbor that is a habi+;at of aquatic bi",ds such as tnA H:17"',,+; and Heron and to which blu" c~abs a~A slowly bAp-inninl1 to return. 3. It will add to oo11ution in thA Harbor which is in- crAasinglv bAing litterAd with refuse from boats usinp- existinp- facilitiAs. 4. It will add substantially to aUtomobilA traffic in a quiet r"sidential arAa. ',lIlA, th~r~f()!'A, T'P.qUARt +-;hat ;TOU riisapprove the R':)Dlica~i()n of Srew"r "acnt "arei. Sil1nature Add.rARs _~Cl.~OA j)~ { l'i~ RD~(2..l.~~rlq':tL__ . ~ ~ ti-~>>1A5~(AcJ /rj - (/ ~~j~ cJo (>~ i3,"U I, '1i&:-~ - 11'1'+ u d;"j~ ~< 1JJ J~I C0 Jh;YT~ ~~:.:; 1 I I 'f <} (/ (~1C2"':<:~~_~ ~2..\ i\U--u,^ ~3t;YkA ~~Mr ,,'d ___~~-:7~ _ "" //'1'1'7 If'l'l II4c.jtJ . ,./~} Kj) (Ij - ~~V--, n.y. ;12) 9 ~ - (I;~z.t/;O#J-. h p~ . - I ._1> '<'"__ / / /'f !J("Ji./ f- /,7, i ~-}-'/~LE' '...U ..-''/ ~ Il.J Pa",n ? it. PETITION '.'0 DISAPPROVE BRElVER EXPANSlol PROPOSAL (Continufld) Addr98~ .. SillnatuJ'9 ~r~L( 8~ ~I ~~/ ~~ , , ~7 - ~. .~. ~~'~ -.;va- )~~~ /Z '-~-J ,}'u- '" I~-''' .-.~ . ~-----_.._~.__...._--_. ~'7~ ~~"t~_. / ~ 1 / ' , ~Ccv{!' / ~'>~(j - ,'-.---"" <,,' / " 7 ,_ ,,,. i/ ----- , .. /V'--' u_,llli~ ~ )~-~~~ &~~/ ffa IJ..JJi.<--._, j) .!.-k d-d~LCi~:- / --,,',.- '. l.r<;t I- (,~r-, /~\i--?--r--c: i.!.-td~;i / --r/ZL~ ff6~> J,J' ~I5.NjJ'y.1.f.4et1f!;_ GJi'3,-,;-.j'.uI!F ____ I & (} O) ,0, V '; ~~ 'ZOC~,~~CJl~! ",. /;J ;<<8 ~.rc ob rfJl ~J' .. '.!ift . /1> h0c-<f /cV/..rO .- c:::::;,.roo11'r,/~/" , ' .Jift! '/ ~ 7 fiU(}Oj} ,j;~, f)7Y{i'(/ fJ, c-' I':S b'" . ~ /;J , !'i,:~___tl.,,-~.J:-.~(c:J C;yP"-~C";"LI7 --:. v' rc 60 ,7 LJ. /,<' l ,"CO /.:2,R. <2-c.-k , /Lcf.-/U;7<.<?a..":;~,,--<:/ ~ 0.':/ ~( ...L? ~5~, ,t; ~. ...."'l.. ;f:~7~/JI I CI 'I, J ,/2 / /; / C' II Cf i 'f. I,)-. , '''''>'....0'('1 ,:<.:..k.,<~ c..tv.f\v"'! i'\.~'fJ" 'L'r /;' / (J ~ u ~,' '.~_. <2(... 2~~E~ r~A,~~~"_u y;: ~d~L /(k46~ // A~~r,,;r;t/r:,'y? !Jh' -:;6 V ~ . ./ l / I ~ / , (\'-' (0...,- ~ c"' '\----'> /. \ Ie) L II... ~ ~--,,-'- -of O~~ ?7,('t.l.j)61( lULl Ii 1~+ , ';) JJ. Sa..u. &1 ~o c> (,t e rfl _G:: \J.C-l) kB\:oL ~ ~J 1.j,.-z..r.~~_J1q~~r/ ,. . ! / ) 7 '/1 ,,2j/ ,J4:>'dicr/;l<-'."c.", L_l (cf.-""~,:""'~0T"",d- c2S y~ ~~ /1,{ .' !:i-~_ 'cI~" t f " 1.' (: jJ d 1117.1 f /..ff,,-J/ Ilt'c,j __..L-<!.1f"t-<-f~-z. ' l /(J3.:;_ (. (,; 'j? 1~.e___,1~7),~/ E'La.f",{J-llj 1.!.2.:../<i LJ ' ")j - t / &a fA ,,k<< r;'r"~;o~;0.)/ J/ . ''''p ~f' ~",~;// ~;?tf,>t~ /f </)'1, , / ,/ . . r Page 3 , i J PETITION TO DISAPPROVE BR~VER EXPANSION PROPOSAL (Contlnu~d ) ~ Si~nRtu~~ AQ1~RSS ;:.~ j 0~--. . /.rYflJ~PJ{JL~J;~!/jl14 ~<Z ~k-fjl~_____ L5_~~,~I2d,~fff; f 4- --_!~-~..- -L2.,( .-J+!~t- L~it C; n_ ~..- "~-")" ./ ./,- - 2.1-7 1,<;+ '7/:J:~rj) R- - " .' :;1i:2!i~!iA:~{_'-"'t!e; _f2~?U(~'S~. ,/ " /J /) .\.- I .' , .' 7.{ ,F,I ; t.} ( \.- -~- . '.-- L4-__ ..;. ___..__.-=----t.:..-:!'- ',._.c- " , , //( .----- -fl):-' n': :(.' ~._~~ f:3:.a;~ (I; )'L.cLc /_j;:.__ _-it CL--f{-tf Cc/ '-~ j 71 171 'j' i J-LL1L~/ t i ~'t t - . _____. .~ .h f/J .' '_, .&f~~~~~ / /lJaA~,fI4,~~. - _ (j . 1- -'.' ;, ~. cC-'-_:__mfJ-!~.,::~ I ,,--<{ ch {{J) Q i -r; 1~~; ~~ft _LL_____LC__O__--t' '--- /H'~ . C_g;._r z: j ... f:4 .~~~J~._ ;~<-<A. Li-.~~_~. ....-C.- ------------..--.....------ y--- u ___ .'-:--_ _ _--7 ~ ,".1 1 ~ [1-' +i/Bfiy;yL.1/1J:L ?--__.~m~i J-;/ffi~lj ! 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(r;~dC1. . . l Pa,," 5 PE~IrrON 1'0 DISAPPllOIE BRE"/ER IU?ANSloN P.iO?OSAL (Continul'ld) Signa tU1'A i\.r"I-jY'''ss .~~!_~/~__\f-' \ U'~"/:':"::2.\. \ ,)' 1- S C.: {IJ\ (A.,. ~:,}:"'(:' " ..'--\'\. _ '-r\~' t:-:'.,-.'-:-'A, \J C-}Ct-\ t_k...- "-t\....-.L( 1'/ '-__~- _---lo..._~____ I '-'-g 0 J!!}~~ I~_L_ { 'I ,~ L-\;;o-"j........-~ " ~ " .~'L{Lk -......c... , {(' ~/ _~ -.Lt," ('./l-. -- -----..---' ._~ .'7isir: S l//) /-.J.__-::- .1, .... ,:'" i (. I /1, ,~ . ~ ~"'-rt C~1~/',~ I,:' :>"7 ." , ~''\;,\ /~:C:?--;7'::1 ~ / n , i" '/1, ~1 ''-, .- , , ,,.'l-'...,- ,',' '-, 7 -- _~l.~~_....i_-.-':":...:::.-.-_.o.-.....>- _ (__ ./_~ /; "H ~ /,~ l"''Y'J~ ----'- ------,-.---------.. -.. . --...-"", .~. , - .:; / '" _'1,l ---___~_ L_-z.-....../""-...~~~~ /' , . -.---, ~~ { _,/( t--Y:: _.-........._-..._-.,_.~.- --." ~ ~C___-L______:_l_ ,_~ !. .,.,' /,} . __ ',.J,.... .\ . J 'j '1 ,1.)"1/. V C' ~,~~ -J ' ~. .:;::-. i /j./v0 -, i~. -~.-.._- --"- } I c) } C, ( !- ,A ( ~....:.._-..~_^(__ t t\. /" I '- -~ "-- ,.-( " -,' ,.. ... -,---,.J , ,~.,-/(, l.. " I .\ i-\.. I. ':::1.. "' ". <-l...~ /' ___L~'_Lt.,.:......~,---,..- _ C(.r:;/'~ j C ':,.~ ....:.L..:......:-:{_ " /( ....' < ~'~- . / ----.-----,- /}, ~// .- V ""'/ ('~~J -.~====) ._---=::;~~:_----' _. t-~; ( "< " .~ _, if // <Jr' \~0/~. ~.~ \ I'.' : / r ~ "', , \ . t-:'~'=~-~~'':\L>~"tJ~ (~/.&.~ i!<C~u.J ~ ! /?/ / --~ (~!Y .L\~4-f ~~3';/fd7i"<:: f, C,~ ,/ , ~ 1 h~ JV4 ),(1 {' (..WI.) C \ /d~T~'~~A--~-L I?tL~r:Jf- f ~ l/ G:j :/~',- . . * . RECIMD 1Ktl' 0 4 1984 Town CIIIIi SaulIIoId STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF STATE ALBANY. N.Y. 12231 GAIL S SHAFFER SECRETARY OF STATE October 1, 1984 Ms. Judith Terry Southold Town Clerk Town Ha 11 I~ain Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. Dear Ms. Terry: Per my phone conversation with Mrs. Neville on 9/26/84, I am writing to ask whether the Southold Town Planning Board has approved the proposed Site Plan,and whether the Southold Town Board has approved the request for the "Soil Removal" and "Wetlands" permits submitted by Daniel S. Natchez and Associates, Inc. on behalf of Brewer Yacht Yart at Greenport, Inc. As part of our federal consis- tency review process, we in the Coastal Management Program staff contact local governments when a project under review is complex and potentially controversial to see if there exist local concerns which we should consider. Should you prefer to respond to this letter with a phone call, you may reach me at (518) 474-3642. Thank you. Si ncerely, ~~~:~i:;=:,t JWM:dlb r ----- ._--~._- ~ LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- EN that a public hearing will be held by the TOWII'Board of' the Town of Southold at the Southold 'f0lrD HaD, Mala _Old. !__II.uN, New York, at 8:05 P.M., Tuesday, October 9, 1984, in the matter of the application of Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport for a permit under the provisions of Chap- ter 81 of the Code of the Town of Southold, Soil Removal, to remove a total of approximate- ly 65,7S0 cUbic yards of sand, gravel, stone or other mater- ials from premises located on the south side of Manhasset Avenue, Greenport, generally bounded north by SI. Agnes Church future cemetery, east by Town of Southold and Sandy Beach Road, south by Stirling Basin, and west by St. Agnes Church Cemetery. The application for said permit is on file iJ:l the Town Clerk's Office, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New Yark and may be inspected by any interested person. Any person de,siring to be heard on the above matter should appear at the time and place above specified. DATED: Se~ember II, 1984 JUDITHT. TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK IT-9/27/84(21) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK 55: STATE OF NEW YORK Patricia Wood, being duly swam, says that she is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, o public newspaper printed at Southald, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Watch- /' man once each week for ........................................weeks v( '1 . th ,.37 successive y, commencing on e.................................... , /;,.. {d~.~~ 19 ,W coy C \..Q.......~y..~....................G ........ ( ..\<..~r".'.~;=-::.:.:;;;;....................;~...:1::-::'........ V-;' me this ............~.>J.?............. day of Sworn to before ..........~~~':?6......., 19...f.?:':' ..............A.~:~'!!-:.=...t::-:':;4::..................... Notary Public BARBARA FORBES Notary Public, 8Utte of New York No. 4800846 Qualified in Suffolk County CommiOlsion Expires March :!;J, 1 ~ ~- LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS Hr~H.EBY crVEN that a public hl'aring will be held bv th(' Town H(.:nd of the Town of Soul hold at Ih,. Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, at K:05 PM" Tuesday, Oc- tober J, 1984, in the matter of the application of Brewer Yaeht Yard At Greenport lur a permit under the provi:sions of Chapter HI of the Code of the Town of Southold, Soil Removal, to re- move a total of approximately 65,750 cubic yards of sand, gravel, stone or other materials from premises located on the south side of Manhasset A yen ue. Greenport, generally bounded north by St. Agnes Church future te) cemetery, east by Town of South- old and Sandy Beach Road, south' by Stirling Basin, and west by St. Agnes Church Cemetery The application for said permit is on file in the Town Clerk's Of- fice, Town Hall. Main Road, Southold, New York and may be inspeeted by an\! interested per- son. Any person desiring to be heard on the above matter should appear at the time and place above specified_ DATED: September 11, t HH4. JUDITH T. TERHY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK 11'827 -4669 IUDlTH A. CHIEN NOTAW,' PUBLIC. State uf New Yorio; Nn. 4.796 L:! 1. ~u!:o:~ C()l:nl) T(~rm ~-~~111<!~ M~I::~I 30 l~!~ . \ - .: STATE OF NEW YORK I I SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK I :z'..l\1MA T.F.KK:z'..~ of Greenport, in said County, being duly sworn, says that he/she is Principal Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a Weekly Newspaper, published at Greenport, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly published in said Newspaper once each week for ONE weeks successively, commencing on the 27th day of Spptf'mber 19---BA (-, _L~ ) V) ), -, .J1J.t;jLJ Principal Clerk Sworn to before me this day of September 27th 19~ i)lI(~A<h, C( Ullt1-. . . STATE OF NEW YOFK: SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: JUDITH T. TERRY, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, New York, being duly sworn, says that she is over the age of twen ty-one years; that on the 13th day of September 1984 she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and suhstantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit:- Town Clerk Bulletin Board, Town Clerk Office, Main Road, Southold, Now York 11971 Notice of Hearing - application of Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. for a Soil Removal Permit - 8:05 P.M., Tuesday, October 9, 19134, Southold Town Hall. /" . 'i'~//' .,,/, <->'f~f:;!._ i> lldit11"T: Ter<ry ". (/ Southold Town Clerk Sworn to be before me this 13th day of September - t" -/ "\1 ,.. ,/ .1 '\ (. '. ';' . l/ ('/ 1/7 //..r77'4,- .. / /~I;__. f <' Notary 1>uhlic EUZABETH ANN NEVILLE NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New Yor!I No. 52-8125850, Suffolk Cou~tr Term Expires March 30, 1~ , 19 84 -\ ---; ) /: /} /..{ .L - I I " . . LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Southold at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, at 8: 05 P.M., Tuesday, October 9, 1984, in the matter of the application of Brewer Yacht Yard At Greenport for a permit under the provisions of Chapter 81 of the Code of the Town of Southold, Soil Removal, to remove a total of approximately 65,750 cubic yards of sand, ~Jravel, stone or other materials from premises located on the south side of Manhasset Avenue, Greenport, generally bounded north by St. Agnes Church future cemetery, east by Town of Southold and Sandy Beach Road, south by Stirling Basin, and west by St. Agnes Church Cemetery. The application for said permit is on file in the Town Clerk's Office, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York and may be inspected by any interested person. Any person desiring to be heard on the above matter should appear at the time and place above specified. DATED: September 11, 1984. JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK * * * PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, SEPTEMBER 27, 1984, AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO JUDITH T. TERRY,. TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971. Copies to the following: The Long I sland Traveler-Watchman The Suffolk Times Town Board Members Village of Greenport Town Clerk's Bulletin Board / ,(, (( t l-'~ (f . . (/ ~ . '",,\. / ,~J (f LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Southold at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, at 8:05 P.M., Tuesday, October 9, 1984, in the matter of the application of Brewer Yacht Yard At Greenport for a permit under the provisions of Chapter 81 of the Code of the Town of Southold, Soil Removal, to remove a total of approximately 65,750 cubic yards of sand, grravel, stone or other materials from premises located on the south side of Manhasset Avenue, Greenport, generally bounded north by St. Agnes Church future cemetery, east by Town of Southold and Sandy Beach Road, south by Stirling Basin, and west by St. Agnes Church Cemetery. The application for said permit is on file in the Town Clerk's Office, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York and may be inspected by any interested person. Any person desiring to be heard on the above matter should appear at the time and place above specified. DATED: September 11, 1984. JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK * * * PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, SEPTEMBER 27, 1984, AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO JUDITH T. TERRY, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971. Copies to the following: The Long I sland Traveler-Watchman The Suffolk Times Town Board Members Village of Greenport Town Clerk's Bulletin Board /;. /f'1 c / ~i1 ({ir . ~-' . ".. ,.,' /~- , .' , LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Southold at the Southord Town Hall,. Main Road, Southold, New York, at 8:05 P.M., Tuesday, October 9, 1984, in the matter of the application of Brewer Yacht Yard At Greenport for a permit under the provisions of Chapter 81 of the Code of the Town of Southold, Soil Removal, to remove a total of approximately 65,750 cubic yards of sand, gravel, stone or other materials from premises located on the south side of Manhasset Avenue, GreenpOI"t, generally bounded north by S1. Agnes Church future cemetery, east by Town of Southold and Sandy Beach Road, south by Stirling Basin, and west by S1. Agnes Church Cemetery. The application for said permit is on file in the Town Clerk's Office, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York and may be inspected by any interested person. Any person desiring to be heard on the above matter should appear at the time and place above specified. DATED: September 11, 1984. JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK * * * PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, SEPTEMBER 27, 1984, AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO JUDITH T. TERRY, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971. Copies to the following: The Long Island Traveler-Watchman The Suffolk Times Town Board Members Village of Greenport Town Clerk's Bulletin Board 9 81.10 SOUTH OLD CODE 9 81.12 premises will become necessary as a result of the proposed operations, or upon any application pertaining to an operation in existence at the time of enactment of this chapter. or whenever the applicant shall satisfy the Board that unusual hardship shall exist, the Town Board, in its discretion, may waive any or all of the requirements or this chapter by resolution of the Board, and the Town Clerk shall then issue the penn it at the direction of the Town Board. .~ 81.11. Fees. [Amended 11.9.71] Before a permit shall be issued or renewed,' the applicant shall pay to the Town Clerk the following fees: A filing fee of fifty dollars 1$50.) shall be paid with the filing of an application for a pennit required by this chapter. In addition to the foregoing, an additional fee often dollars 1$10.) for each five hundred 15001 cubic yards or fraction thereof of material to be excavated shall be paid upon the issuance of the pennit. ~ 81.12. Public hearing. A. Except as set forth in 9 81.10, no pennit authorizing operations regulated by this chapter shall be issued for the first time under this chapter until after a public hearing by the Town Board in relation thereto, at which parties in interest and citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard. B. Public hearings need not be held on renewals of penn its previously issued under this chapter, provided that the area covered by the renewal does not extend beyond the area of operations previously authorized. At least ten 1101 days' notice of the time and place of such hearing shall be published in one 111 newspaper designated for official town notices, and a written notice of any application for a pennit shall be mailed by the applicant to the owners of record, as set forth in the application, of properties within two hundred (200) feet of the outside boundaries of the premises within which operations regulated by this chapter are proposed to be perfonned. . 8112 10. 2/S - 76 . V 1 9 81.5 SOIL REMOVAL 9 81.6 v (3) The circumstances of the location and the terrain are such that conditions and safeguards may feasibly be inlposed to aSSlire that the premises will not constitute an attractive nuisance to nor endanger the safety of children. (4) The use will not cause undue traffic hazards. 15) The use will not cause undue vibration, noise or windblown dust or sand. (6) The use will not change the established character of the neighborhood nor depress the value of other lands generally in such neighborhood. (7) The proposed operations are set back at least two hundred (200) feet from any road. street. avenue or highway and are set back at least one hundred fifty (150) feet from any property line; provided, however, that in the case of operations in existence at the ef. fective date of this chapter, where the present front, side or rear setbacks of such operations are less than the requirements hereof, such operations shall not be extended beyond such present front, side or rear setback lines. 18) The proposed operations are to be conducted upon premises having an area of not less than twenty 120) acres; provided, however, that the provisions of this subsection shall not apply in the case of operations in existence at the effective date of this chapter upon premises having an area of less than twenty 120) acres. v .' . V ~ 81-6. Application for permit. A. Before any excavation is commenced for any purpose other than those excepted in 9 81.4 of this chapter, or before topsoil, earth, sand, gravel. stone or other minerals are removed from the ground, the owner, lessee or agent of the premises shall obtain a written permit therefor from the Town Board. For that purpose, such applicant shall file with the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold an ap- Q.1(V; " (File in , , DJplicate) RECti Ii :cr;, . TO~'IN OF SOUTECl:...D ../~(,! .~ -'" ,;~, t) ",,--' '1.' TO~iN CI..S?JZ' S OFFICE J" ;;j N ~) i,,'; ~IV~Lt- _. , ,... _ ",..I, 5 OU TH OLD , NE\'I YORK oro',";:-, C':'rk SO~; h...,ld SPECIFIC REQUEST BY BREWEk YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. FOR EXCAVATION AND RELOCATION OF TOPSOIL AND OTHER MATERIALS WITHIN SAME LOT AND TO ADJACENT SITES. 1. Name of Applicant_ BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. 2. Address of Applicant Manhanset Ave. ~~Mailf g~ugfi~I)lport ~~~~~Yo~[N~~[fg~~ 3. Detailed statement of proposed operations Excavate a "U" shaped boat basin within an area of approximately 111,275 sq. ft. to a depth of 8. below ~~W and remove approximately 52,950 cu. yd. of material. All materials being ren~ved - a total of approximately 65,750 cu. yds. from all excavation and maintenance-dredging operations,will be relocated upland at three locations. SEE LETTER FROM DAi'UEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. dated June 15, 1984. 4. Names and addresses of all property owners of record within 200 feet of the outside boundaries of the premises within which operations are proposed to be performed. . West - St. Agnes Church - Greenport, New York 11944 East - Town of Southold North - St. Agnes Church, Greenport, New York 11944 5. The following must accompany this application unless waived by the To~ Board. If applicant requests a waiver of any of the following items, applicant should insert at the end of application subdivisions for which a waiver is requested. A. Detailed statement of the proposed operation together with a plan of the area proposed for excavation or for removal of top soil which shall show condition of the plot or premises before operations and the proposed condition of the same after operations are completed, such plan to be prepared by a duly licensed engineer or land surveyor and drawn to scale showing all adjoining streets, location and dimensions of premises, the location, size and use of any existing buildings. B. A topographic survey of the premises prepared by a duly licensed engineer or land surveyor showing contours at 10 foot intervals, using Coast and Geodetic Survey datum. C. Duly acknowledged consents of the owner of the premises and mortgagees, if any. There are no financial institutions holding any mortgages on the property. . . .r D. Receipted tax bills or photostatic copies thereof or other proof showing payment of all taxes and assessments against premises for which an application is requested. E. A proposed comprehensive plan for the rehabilitation of the premises together with a schedule of progress therefor. Such plan to set forth the ultimate contour and grade of the area upon completion of work, describing the area to be refilled, top soiled and seeded and specifying the amount and extent thereof to be performed before December 31st of the year- for which permit is being applied for. F. Estimate prepared by a duly licensed engineer or land surveyor of the total number of cubic yards of material to be removed from the property during the permit period. 6. Applicant hereby requests a waiver of the requirements of "SOIL REMOVAL" Chapter 81 - Section 5 Paragraphs (7) & (8) as well as Section 11. Dated: b -(c(-W Applicant INC. . o _v~ Sworn to before me this ;d,z;{ /~--......\ day of '-.~/~'''--. 19Y1-; (; ]:Qtt~- Pu~:CU:}/~M' -~- v .1C,:-:lT ;F~ NOTAR)' Re,'j,'j,'" ('!.", . Myc.omrni~;,; ,'(W,.\Z!.I'i'i t.-,.r ","vYorl< .. '" ,~'n IV !.; r?l '"-,,rdl'.,.\l'}L."'. -2- ." ,.,,', . . , TOWN BOARD. TOWN OF sOUTHOlD In the Matter of the Petition of BREWER YACWr YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. to the Town Board of the Town of southold. NOTICE TO: :)Upervlsor Frank J. Murphy and :.,eILbers of the Sou thold Town Board l'own Ilall i\.'iain Hoad ,;outhold. New York 11':J71 Attn: Judith T. Terry SouthoId Town Clerk YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: 1. That it is the intention of the undersigned to petition the Town Board of the Town of South old to request a Soil Removal Permit for the excavation of RpproximRtPly 52,950 cu. yds. from BREWER YACHT YARD T G ENPO T INC nd th reI c 65 750 cu. ds. of clean , s an c ay 0 s proper y an tea Jacent t. gnes ure emeteries 2. That the property which is the subject of the Petition is located adjacent to your property and is des- cribed as follows: BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. (Formerly the Pierce Yacht Yard)-SuUolk County Tax Map Number - 43.-3-2. St. Agnes Cemetery (South on Manhanset Ave.)-3uffolk County Tax Map Number -43.-3-1 gnes emetery Nort on Manhanset Ave. -Suffolk County Tax Map Number-35.-3-l0 3. That the property which is the subject of such Petition is located in the following zoning district: BREWER YACHT YARD-C(Light Industrial) St. A nes Cemeter (South)-A (Residential/Agricult.ural) . t. gnes Cemetery North)-A (Residential/Agricultural) Mai 4. That by su.ch Petition. the u"dersi~ned will re\luest that the above-described property be: . nta1nea as a boat yarer and 1mprove the ad] acent church properties for cemetery use. 5. That within five days from the date hereof. a written Petition requesting the relief specified above will be filed in the South old Town Clerk's Office at Main Road, southold, New York and you may then and there examine the same during regular office hours. 6. That before the relief sought may be granted, a public hearing must be held on the matter by the Town Board; that a notice of such hearing must be published at least ten days prior to the date of such hearing in the Suffolk Times and in the long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watchman, newspapers published in the Town of Southold and designated for the publication of such notices; that you or your representative have the right to ap- pear and be heard at such hearing. Oa ted: July 3. 1984 BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREEN PORT , INC. Petitioner BY: DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES. Inc. Post Office Address: Manhanse! Avenue and Beach Road Greenport. New York 11944 NAME Marcus, Leon c/o Booth, Lipton & Lipton 405 Park Avenue New York, NY 10022 Saybay Construction Corp. 347 McConnell Avenue Bayport, NY 11705 Peconic Holding Company, Inc. 925 Sleepy Hollow Lane Southold, New York 11971 Gillman, George 81 :~oeckel Street Valley Stream, N. Y. 11580 Kelim, William 415 Fiddler 0 sLane Greenport, New York 1I944 Tzifas 0 Tryfon 23-76 32nd Street Astoria, NY 11I05 Satriano, Michael 763 Norman Drive North Bellmore, NY 1I710 Sadove, Aron 330 Eo 46th Street, Apt. 5D New York, New York 10017 TS.2ko:,. Chris 145 Terrace Avenue Jersey City, N. J. 07306 PROOF OF MAILING OF NOTICE ADDRESS Buynoch, Rudolph 220 Fiddler Lane Greenport, NY 11944 Moraitis, Emanuel 60-28 55th Drive Maspeth, NY 1I378 Papoutsidakis, John 116 74th Street Brooklyn, NY 11209 Bitsakis, George 144-49 37th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 Quinteri. Henry 2~,,05 171 st Street Flushing, N. Y. 11300 Hartofilis, Sessina 24-08 37th Street Long ls1. City, NY 11103 Pittas, George 144-66 37th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 Oourmas, Costas 24-08 37th Street Long I s1. City, NY 11I05 Grafas, Gus 40 Prospect Street Summit, N. J. 07901 Shivickas, Albert 59-74 68th Street Maspeth, NY 11378 Ho1evas. George U-'-17 19th Str.eet Long ls1. City, NY m05 Gariassa, Charles 19 22nd Street Jericho, New York 11753 Pantages, William 21-51 46th Street Long Island City, NY 11105 A11as, Julia 376 95th Street Brooklyn, New York li.W~ STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SU~rOLJ<: \-tJ 7t4t-.. T---- DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Ine l\y' n~nipl s N~trhez .' .residingat 555 Aida Road; Mamaroneek, New York 10')41 . being duly sworn, deposes and says that on the 3rd day of TlIly ,19 R4 ,deponent mailed a true copy of the Notice set f('rth on the reverse side hereof, directed to each of the above-named persons at the addresses set opposite their respective names; that the addresses set opposite the names of said persons are the addresses of said persons as shown on the cur- rent assessment roll of the Town of Southold; that said Notices were mailed at the United States Post Office at M~m~ronprk, Npw York (0543) ; that said Notices were mailed to each of said persons by (certified) (:f~~1l1i) mail. . Sworn to me this day af Julv :07/ - / / . ./ /1 .1 3rd __.19~. ~ sS.: [~) . . 4.0 ~\ 'lEv'0Vs s,If's~Os - ~( ( / e~ 9.0 ~~~ Qi1E{-IC1fr ~ &,~EO POi?r, i~p en. EXn. -..r "~V~r, '""S'II 011 5 (f) "" z " -< L CD '" l> n :t STIRLING BASIN "" ~o \'b ~, ........ SCALE o fXJ' IO(J' ~ PROPOSED EXCAVA TlON AND DISPOSAL SITES EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY IlREWER YACHT YARD AT GIlEENPORT. l~ STIRLING BASH. GREENPORT HARBOR ~^NH^NS[T AVENUE ~lll^G[ or GREEHPORT TOWN or SOUTHOLD COUNTY Of surrOl~ PROPOSED [XCilIV.o.T10t<. BUlKHEADING M"I"'I ~N"''''L~_llR~DLI'''''', "'''1] - fllUN, i"URATIUN Ur FTOAll".... I';lk A~~H\IILY 1'1l0)l,-l~ BASED UPON TOPQGIi....'HIC WH FIVE EASTERN TOWNS SUrreLl{ COUNTY, N. Y. SHEET N:). HH~LO surraH COUNT'!' DEPAnlol[NT or PUbLIC WOIIK$ DATUW' WE^~ SEA Ll~EL DANIEL S. N",TCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, tNe 5S5 ALVA ROAD """'ARONleK, HEIi YOkK 105-:J (91'1696-5676 w.Y 19. 1964 ~~--~-------_._-- I (,ECflVFll oAVMF"Jr fiRST HALF TA) I I INOTICE . ..,---,~---- I SECOND "ALE TAi: 1.1-','( PAl:) AT Ir-j!; SAME TIME THE FIHSl ,jALF IS DUE AND PAYABLE I SECOND HAL F CAr\; "'[ AT ,",,"Y liME UNTIL MAY 31~\ WITHOl.'l PENAL TY _1-_ PLEASE READ THE REVERSE SIDE or TC'INN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOl.K COUNTY, NY ,I .~. ",)." 4"'''LAA'; '. "....p.., 'Yl"~ [j' ,,,'n,.J." ""'" --.... Df", ~on,u" C-~un'Y Jru.",.' C')o"t~ r:~'''ef R..~,.......d. .." 10' ~.fl",u;." S... "'0 C,,~"" T'e."'f~,'.I>IOI'C'C>f"""""""<loO BILL NO.- 291 SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP NUMBER 3.-6-1 LAND VALUE ASSESSED VALUATION 1000 3200 VET EXEMPT ! AGED EXEMPT OTH eXEMPT CODE J:=SCHOOL DISTRICT 473810 -'~---'-" . . MAKE ALL FUNDS PAYABLE 00 TO......N HALL SOUTHOlD, NY. 11971 MON TOFR' 90010.'-4 TO 40QP_M CLOSED ALL lEGAL HOLIDAYS CLOSeQ SAT 5167651803 1A)'E3 BECOME A LIEN ON DEe 1ST RECEIVER OF TAXES GEORGE MELLAS 1983 - 1984 TAX LEV" SWIS . 473801 -ROll see : 1 TAXABLE VALUE TAXES . ~- CLS: 510 ACRES: .25 "ANHASSET lIVE COUNTy 3..200 101 ..85 TAX....CODE: 148 TOWN 3,200 70 .95 SCHOOL 3,200 718 ..83 SP DISTRICT BREWER"S YACH'lJ YARDA'r GREEN PORT MANHANSET AVENuE GREENPORT, N.Y. 11944 )THER TOTA,_ TAX 891.,63 PENALTY TOTAL RECFlf'l NC' 17 891 DATE PAID 05-31-84 RECEIVED PAYMENT-SECOND HALF OR TOTAL TAX A~~~:"8'2 AMOUNT PAID 445.81 REC~9f%6 o 1-rd::~'4 N('~lA"'xT', ARf PA\AB~l:: BY CHECK, CASH OR MONEY ORDER, CHECKS Wn c 1'1- ACCEPTEr) :"UiLf,Cl TO COllECTION fOR WHICH THIS OFFICE ASSUMES NO Rf,~I'Or\~-,i!3I'lrV_r-.;() ::ASr-< BY MAIL NO 3RO PARTY CHECK. I'OSTAG~ STAMPS r-,.,)T ,.CC!::PT[[) r.o I'OSI OA~[[) 01ECKS ACCEPTED -----'_.,_._-----".._._~- T0WN OF SOUTHOLD MAKE ALL FUNDS PAYABLE W "I :1"" C:':" '-~<):,JNT'r" NY ,-;~--~ BILL NO. - 4396 n"~~lJFf()LK COUN--:-Y ,AX MAP NUMBER 43.-3-2 -. ,;~Jf;VALi.~,----- -j ASSfSS'E=.-O VAlUATION1 1 . . ! 1R40C; 27900 i ..-------~El it;X;.-" :;;:'lE' ~-;l=-iJi:,-trc:1H-Fxr"'~ t r:;');"Ji:-- , ---1-+\,:(:;1.1 r)I~;;'~.----! ORIGINAL RECEIVER OF TAXES GEORGE MELLAS SWIS : 4738~9 ROLL CLS: 570 ACRES: MANHANSET AVE TAX-CODE: 145 TOWN HAL L SOUTHOLD. N Y 11;)71 MON TOFRI 900A.M T0400PiV Cl_OSED ALL LEGAL HOliDAYS 9.~~-~~~}8~; TAXES BECOME A LIEN ON OEe : 1 ~-.~;~X-~8l~..':.Au:[ ._~____ TAXES 1ST 1983.1984 TAX LEVY SEC 9.50 CCUN:-\ 21,900 888.03 TOWN 27,900 1,699.56 "';" SCHOO.. 21,900 6,267.26 SP DISTRICT 21,900 253.25 Brewer's Yacht Yard At Greenport:, Inc. Manhanset Aven:Je Greenport, N.Y. 11944 -',ER --- +--- CM"I -9,108.10 L____ ~"AC,':\ ~~. _L-.___ ,___ L , , 473810 _ ___L f'':;Y-;-;f'~r-..~-----sr. CONr_; H....L F Of< lOT Al TAX REef \if 0 '.AY....'E.Nl _ i__291~5__...tl.!-10:_~__ 4.554.05 .~-;:-;x.:'S-A;i~-~:;:_;;fTL.l: HY CHECK. CASH OR MONEY ORDER, CHE.CKS 1 NOTICE Wll BE:: AC'E>'TfD SU[3JECT ~o COU_ECTION FOR WHICH THIS OFFICE ASSUMES ::,ECOND HALf T,\X MAY ,~, ~'AI'~: ,\1 lrlE:: ""Vlt- 11Mr ~H,_ fH<~l -jA[ ~ ,e IE AN~' ~'AYABLE NO RESh)N~;18ILI\Y NO CASH BY MAIL NO 3RO PARTY CHEC.. POSTAGE STAl,.lPS I ~;ECOND HAL F CAr. BE f'A.ID AT. "-NY TIM!.. '.II\1TII MI.' )1s' \\'ITY;]UT I-'ENAL TY NOT'>'CCf.i-'TfD NO POST DATED CI-IECKS ACCEPTED ! - ~_.._-_.._~- PLEASE READ THE REVERSE SIDE '''-I,illiUi HE~~;:II' r N..-. 33412 DATE PAU) 05-31-1}!,.-, r. _I ORIGINAL J ; ".._-~-~---'-'~ , 1 iL~ HAL'. 'A~ AMOUNl f'AID . '. , 5 5 4. O~- : RECEIP; NO 'JA"[ JA:C:, AMOUN I PAID ~. t. , New York State Depaaent of Environmental Conservat'-- JA-Z . ... ...... - RECEIVE!) "'UG 3 0 '834 SEQR Negative Declaration Notice of Determination of Non-Significance 11 Town eler'" :;ouihoki Project # 10-84-0766 Date August 24, 1984 This notice is issued pursuant to Part 617 of the implementing regulations pertaining to ArtIcle 8 (State Environmental Quality Review) of the Environmental ConservatIon Law. The Department of Environmental Conservation, as lead agency, has determined that the proposed action described below will not have a significant effect on the environment. Title of Action: Brewer Yacht Yard, Tidal Wetlands and Protection of Waters Permit SEQR Status: Type I [K] Unlisted 0 Description of Action: Construction of a 86' slip Marina by excavating a "u" shaped boat basin to a depth of 8' below mean low water from a 115,825 square foot area, removing 405 lin~al feet of existing bulkhead, relocating a travel lift well, construct- ing 1,195 linear feet of wooden bulkhead, 1450 lineal feet of main dock 90 finger piers. Maintenance dredge 10,500 cubic yards of material from a 120,000 square foot area to 8' below mean low water. All spoil will be placed in three locations approximately 10,000 cubic yards immediately west and 52,000 cubic yards north of Manhasset Avenue (both owned by St. Agnes Cemetery) ,and 3,500 cubic yards placed on site. Location:'(lnclude the name of the county and town. A location map of appropriate scale is also recommended) The project is located on the north side of Sterling Basin in the Village of Greenport south of Manhasset Road primarily in the Town of Southold. II . ..~'~. .!ft~1!f"i'!r!l,~~~k-"t~t~:~(II~ 1ll1-1 ~ 1- "\ .. . . SEC~R Negative Declaration , "hVage 2 Reasons Supporting This Determination: The applicant has adequately demonostrated that the proposed p~oj'i!Et '.<'/01'1 'rid\: ;:-::'""'7 n" ,....~:.~ significantly affect the freshwater aquifer of this peninsula, The l>eninsula periodically floods with tidal waters thereby eliminating the freshwater aquifer from consideration as a source of potable fresh water to this area. Additionally we find that there are no known private wells in this area. We concur with the findings of the Suffolk County Department of Health, The Greenport Water Utility, H2M and Malcom Pirnie and the Greenport Board of Trustees. ! For Further Information: Contact Person: Address: Dennis Cole NYSDEC Stony Brook Phone No.: (516)751-7900 Copies of this Notice Sent to: Commissioner. Department of Environmental Conservation, 50 Wolf Road, Albany, New York 12233.0001 Appropriate Regional Office of the Department of Environmental Conservation Office of the Chief Executive Officer of the political subdivision in which the action will be principally located Applicant (if any) Other involved agencies (if any) NYSDOS Southold Town Board v/ . USACE Inc. Village of Greenport Southold Town Board of Trustees - ' " 'I: . . ROBERT W. TASKER OFFICE OFToWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TELEPHONE (516) 477-1400 Town Attorney RECEii.'i:.D :: I >,i ,) Q 1984 ,I. '_l.l \, 425 MAIN ST. GREENPORT, Lt, NEW YORK II944 T<,\, '. ,,:,'~k S:;J;Jthold June 28, 1984 Hon. Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Town Hall Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Bruer Yacht Yard Dear Judy: You have transmitted to me the application of Bruer Yacht Yard at Greenport to the Town of Southold for a Wetland Permit and Soil Removal Permit. You have also sent me all of the documents annexed to the application and asked that I review the same before you begin to process the matter. J have the following comments: The application indicates that the applicant will excavate approximately 21 acres of upland to construct a new boat basin and that the excavated materials will be deposited on lands of St. Agnes Church on both the north and south sides of Manhanset Avenue. In reviewing the attached maps, etc. it would appear that the spoil areas, together with the excavated, area will exceed 10 acres of land. Under 617.12(b) (6) (i) of the SEQR Rules, an action which involves the physical alteration of 10 acres or more is a Type I action. The application and attached exhibits indicate that '!':!Y, wetlands to be affected by the project are within the incor~.!a!.e~Jimi!.~. oX..1..h!,_ Yill~ge ()f G.!e"!:lp~~,Iherefore, __!.!.._n~<>,ul[l_s~!'1_!hall)Q, wetl,ami_permiL w,qyld.. be _~lJired .E.Y__ th~I,()",,_':'._Bo,,-:.9_' Although the application indicates that the Town Board of Trustees is an involved agency, I do not believe that the Town Trustees have jurisdiction in Sterling Harbor. (See my May 19, 1982 letter to the Trustees attached hereto). It is apparent to me that an excavation permit will be reauir~d under ChapteL !!L2Lnceexc~yated, material_ wi~1 be" re!"oved_frpm lhe~l.Ibj"'cL pxelllises . It is also apparent that the Southold Town Planning Board must grant site plan approval for the project, . . Hon. Judith T. Terry -2- June 28, 1984 Considering all of the above, it would seem.. that. either the NYSDEC and lor the Village of Greenport will be--theag-encies havhig -- the most involvement in this project, and either one or t~__~1!i_~ ~h_o"lJjd:bedesignatea-as - the:- fead-- agency.: If you have any further questions on this matter, please call me. Yours very truly, ROBERT W. TASKER RWT :aa enc. " ~ , . . Town Att01!\~Y {<"tJ;!.LLlh.q<:.. (ji~\C\;Ulk ~<:.~ {V \_d,).1 L [I 'I~'.J ......,~"~' ,\ ~. -~.'i?:y'~ " ....:: // A;,' ,:''fry'~~~i1r t~' ,,,,~ ~. OFFICliJ.' .,ru,:,,'II',:; RNEY ~ ~ :111 ';', '"" TQW" S~" ';'(.? '~'i;::," ~<-.(1' 1-'(> 425 MAIN ST. GREENPORT, L.t. NEW YORK 11944 TELEPHONE (516) 477.1400 ROBERT W. TASKI.:R May 19, 1982 To: Town Board of Trustees Re: Sterling Creek or Basin , Dear Sirs: From time to time in the past, and most recently in the case of the wetland application of Farr, the question has aris~ as to whether or not Sterling Creek is within the 'Joundaries of the lands granted to the Town of Southold under the Andt'os Patent, dated October 30, 1676, and thus under the juris- diction of the Town Trustees. I believe that it will assist the trustees if I reviewed the court deeisions involving the language of this Patent. It would appear that in the early years of this century, the town claimed that it held title to the lands under the waters of Gardiners and Peconic Bays. In 1903, the town commenced an action to eject one, Francis Parks and others, from a 64 1/2 acre tract of land in "Town Harbor" or "Southold Bay". The defendants claimed title by virtue of a conveyance from Suffolk County pursuant to an act of the State Legislature passed in 1884, which act ceded to Suffolk County certain lands under Peconic Bay for purposes of oyster culture. The town's position in this law suit was that Peconic Bay was within the lands granted under the Andros Patent and therefore owned by the town. The def'2Dc'ants claimed that Peconic Bay was not within the lands granted under the Patent and were therefore owned by the State of New York. The Supreme Court of Suffolk County held that the Patent did not convey Gardiners and Peconic Bays to the town(41 Misc. 456, 84 N. Y.S. 1078). This decision was affirmed by the Appellate Division (97-App:-:6iv: 636, 90 N. Y. S. 11113) and by the Court of Appeals (183 N. Y. 513). In essence, the court held that the Patent described the north boundary as "bounded... on the north with the sound.... ", ana t"u,': since it described the south boundary as "boundea:-:-:on the south with arme of the sea or ri',,~C' which runneth up between Southampton land... ", ~ the intent was to exclude Long Island Sound on the north and Peconic Bay on the I.... , . . . Town Board of Trust""" -2- May 19, 1982 south. For your information, I am enclosing a copy of the decision in the Park's case. In 1929, the State made a grant of land under Sterling Creek to Ralph T. Preston. The Town'of Southo1d brought an action against the State of New York and Preston and asked the court to adjudge that the Town of Southold was the owner of the lands under the waters of Sterling Creek, and to declare the State grant null and void. The court held that Sterling Creek constituted a part of Greenport Harbor, which is part of the" arme of the sea" mentioned in the Andros Patent as the southerly boundary of Southold Town, and that therefore, Sterling Creek is not within the limits of the land granted under the Andros Patent and that title thereto was vested in the State of New York. The Preston case was appealed to the Appellate Division and affirmed (252 N. Y. S. 957). A motion for leaye to appeal to the Court of Appeals was denied (253 N. ":.. s. 1002). For the information of the Trustees, I am enclosing a copy of the Case on Appeal in the Preston Case, among other documents, which include the trial testimony; findings of fact and conclusions of Law; Opinion; Judgement; and Order of Affirmance by the Appellate Division. Yours very truly, ROBERT W. TASKER RWT:aa encs. ~- . 1m ~:;~(aVED ~S E~~J.;~ AU G 2 7 1984 New York District 26 Federal Plaza Town C!er~ Southold New York. N.Y. 10278 AnN' REGULATORY BRANCH ---;-;?": :;.~ . ~~'/;~f Public Notice In replying refer to: Public Notice No. 11796-84-441-L2 Published: 22 AUG 84 Expires: 21 SEP 84 To Whom It May Concern: This District has received an application for a Department of the Army permit pursuant to IX] Section 10 of the River and Harbor Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. 403); IX] Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344). APPLICANT: Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. Manhanset Avenue and Beach Road Greenport, NY 11944 ACTIVITY: Expansion of existing marina WATERWAY: Stirling Basin, Shelter Island Sound LOCATION: Manhanset Avenue and Beach Road, Greenport, Suffolk County, New York A detailed description and plans of the applicant's activity are inclosed to assist in your review. The decision whether to issue a permit will be based on an evaluation of the probable impact including cumulative impacts of the activity on the public interest. That decision will reflect the national concern for both protection and utilization of important resources. The benefit which reasonably may be expected to accrue from the activity must be balanced against its reasonably foreseeable detriments. All factors which may be relevant to the activity will be considered including the cumulative effects thereof; among those are conservation, economics, aesthetics, general environmental concerns, wetlands, cultural values, fish ilnd wildlife values, flood hazards, flood plain values, land use, navigation, shoreline erosion and accretion, recreation, water supply and conservation, water quality, energy needs, safety, food production and, in general, the needs and welfare of the people. ALL COMMENTS REGARDING THE PERMIT APPLICATION MUST BE PREPARED IN WRITING AND MAILED TO REACH THIS OFFICE BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE OF THIS NOTICE, otherwise it will be presumed that there are no objections to the activity. Any person may request, in writing to the district engineer, before this public notice ;~xpires, that a public hearing be held to collect information necessary to consider this application. Requests for public hearings shall state, with particularity, the reasons why a public hearing should be held. It should be noted that information submitted by mail is considered just as carf'fully in the permit decision process and bears the same weight as that furnished at a public hearing. NANY FL-129 May 8] r--"- Regulatory Branch Public Notice No. Pursuant to Section 70t the Endangered Species, ACl (10 tJ.S.C. 1~.'I) Lind based upon a review of the latest published version of the threatened and endangered species listing. a preliminary determination is that the activity under consideration will not affect those species listed or their critical habitat. Based upon a review of the latest published version of the National Register of Historic Places. there are no known sites eligible for or included in the Register within the permit srea. Presently unknown archeological, scientific, prehistorical or historical data may be lost by work accomplished under the required permit. Reviews of activities pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act will include application of the guidelines promulgated by the Administrator, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, under authority of Section 404(b) of the Clean Water Act and the applicant will obtain a water quality certificate or waiver from the appropriate state agency 1n accordance with Section 401 of the Clean Water Act prior-to a permit decision. Pursuant to Section 307(c) of the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 as amended (16 U.S.C. 1456(c)), for activities under consideration that are located within the coastal zone of a state which has a federally approved coastal zone management program, the applicant has certified 1n the permit application that the activity complle~ with and will be conducted in a manner that 1s consistent with the approved state coas tal zone management program. By this p~blic notice, we are requesting the state's concurrence with, objection to, or waiver of the applicant's certification. No permit decision will be made until one of these actions occur. For activities within the coastal zone of New York State, the applicant's certification and accompanying information 1s available from, and any comments on, should be addressed to the New York State Department of State, Division of Local Government and Communi ty Services, Coastal Managemen t Program, 162 Washington Avenue, Albany, New York 12231 Telephone (518) 474-5063. In addition to any required water quality certificate and coastal zone management program concurrence, the applicant haa obtained or requested the following governmental authorizations for the activity under consideration: Appropriate STate and local authorizations as required It is requested that you communicate the foregoing information concerning the activity to any persons known by you to be interested and who did not recei ve a copy of this notice. If you have any questions concerning this application, you may contact this office at t.' "ph>ne (212) 264-3912 and ask for Mr. MarlO Paula. " 2 Inch: I. DescriptJ0n of Work 2. Drawing(s) F.R. Griffis Colonel, Corps of Engineers District Engineer NANY F'L-129-1 May 83 2 + . . NANOP-E APPLICATION NO. 84-441-L2 PUBLIC NOTICE NO. DESCRIPTION OF WORK The applicant, Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc., proposes to expand and upgrade their existing marina in Stirling Basin, Shelter Island Sound at Manhasset Avenue and Beach Road, Greenport, Suffolk County, New York. Approximately 90-94 recreational vessels up to 50 feet in length use the present facil ity. The proposed ma ri na wi 11 accomoda te approxima te I y 170-180 vessels. The proposed work entails the following: 1. The excavation of a "U" shaped boat basin and a 24 foot by 60 foot travel lift well within an overall area of approximately 115,825 square feet with the removal of approximately 55,250 cubic yards of material. The boat basin would be excavated to 8 feet below mean low water. 2. The removal of approximately 405 linear feet of an existing timber bulkhead located along the south end of proposed boat basin and the construction of approximately 1195 linear feet of timber bulkhead along.Jhe entire perimeter of the proposed boat basin and lift well. The proposed bulkhead would tie into an existing bulkhead that runs east to west along the south shoreline of the marina. 3. The relocation and expansion of a travel lift by removing one I^Unway extens i on approximate I y 40 feet in I ength I oca ted on the southeas tern shore of the marina. The proposed travel lift well would be excavated on the east side of the proposed'basin. 4. The removal of existing floating pier assemblies consisting of five docks with associated pilings, floats and finger piers. Also, II swing moorings approximately 50-90 feet south of existing docking facility would be removed. 5. The construction of a series of new floating pier assemblies (shown on the attached drawings) as follows: (a) Dock A, on the west side of the proposed boat basin, consisting of a main 245 foot by 6 foot section with six 50 foot by 4 foot finger piers, six 35 foot by 4 foot finger piers, and one 35 foot by 4 foot finger pier,with a timber pile at the end of each pier. (b) Dock B, located at the center of the proposed boat basin, consisting of a main 645 foot by 8 foot section and 36-30 foot by 4 foot finger piers, with a mooring pile located at the end of each finger pier and 3 at the end of the main pier. , . . NANOP-E APPLICATION NO. 84-441-L2 PUBLIC NOTICE NO. PAGE 2 c. Dock C, located on the east side of the proposed boat basin, consisting of one main 125 foot by 6 foot section with three 40 foot by 4 foot finger -piers; two secondary piers each 205 feet by 6 feet, located parallel to one another and extending perpendicular from the east side of the ma in float. The southern-most secondary pi er woul d have ei ght 25 foot by 4 footfinger pi ers and fi ve 50 foot by 4 foot fi nger pi ers with pil es at the end of each finger pier and along the primary and secondary piers. (d) Twenty-four (24) 40 foot by 4 foot pi ers to be located along the entire perimeter of the proposed boat basin, each with a hinged ramp connecting to the bulkhead and a pile located at the end of each pier. (e) One "L" shaped floating service dock, located on east side of proposed boat basin and north of proposed lift well, consisting of a 25 foot by 6 foot section located parallel to the bulkhead a 34 foot by 6 foot section located perpendicular to the proposed bulkhead, and 3 timber piles located at the end and along the side of the floats. 6. The maintenance dredging of the existing marina area, approximately 120,800 square feet, to an average depth of 8 feet below the plane of mean low water with the removal of approximately 10,500 cubic yards of material. This area has previously been dredged to a depth of 6 feet below mean low water. 7. The relocation of the material from the excavation of the proposed boat basin, and the material removed by dredging operations, which will be mixed together and placed as follows: (a) On-site disposal of 2,500 - 3,500 cubic yards of material, a portion of which would be used to backfill the proposed boat basin bul khead. There is a small section of marsh grass (Spartina alterniflora) on the southeast and southwest corner of the proposed work site. No fi 11 materi a 1 will be pl aced on or withi n 25 feet from the 1 andward edge of these ti da 1 wetl ands areas. Also, the wetlands area on the southeast corner of the project site is separated from the on-site disposal area by a zone of mature trees and shrubs. (b) Approximately 10,000-11,500 cubic yards of material would be placed on a vacant upland site at St. Agnes Cemetary immediately west and adjacent to the project site. No material would be placed on or within 25 feet from the landward edge of tidal wetlands existing near this area. .. (c) Approximately 52,000 cubic yards of material would be deposited on the continuation of St. Agnes Cemetary located to the north of the project site, across Manhanset Avenue. This 11.8 acre site contains a 2-3 acre fresh- water pond with associated wetlands vegetation. . . NANOP-E APPLICATION NO. 84-441-L2 PUBLIC NOTICE NO. PAGE 3 All dredged and fill material wculd be placed on upland areas a mlnlmum of 25 feet landward of the pond and wetlands on or bordering the site. The applicant states that the proposed project would be undertaken over a five year time period. The applicant has also requested authorization to maintain the proposed depth in the areas that would be dredged and excavated, by dredging as needed over a 10 year period. All material from maintenance dredging operations would be placed on the previously mentioned disposal sites. ~ VICINITY I MAP NO.2 CorICou~ , 10 ,. o /0 9 sH o L 13 ....-----............ ./ "- 57 / ...... / ......, / 3' "- 8~EWER L-A-r_/sL.f'/OOb' ~/I ~A~~T !?~.1)6')191 ~c>" / / / / / / / / / . __.-' 80 - /-68 / I I Z> '7 , .S ... . Fanning PI 13 " ./ ./ ,- / / I - 1""'" VICINITY < o L , , 1250 2500 .. 5000' , ~. 1 ore , ~ BJlEW!!.1l YACHT YAaD AT CREEMPOIIT. INC. STIRLING BASIN CREEHPORT HARBOR ~ANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GIlHHPOIlT TOWN or SOUTHOLO COUNTT OF $UFfOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BUlKHEAUING MAIN Il~~"~t.-"~..Ur..l;.,,. AhU Illl_v~.I"U~,~II..JN ur rlUAII"C; rll:.w A~~:.~I"L 1 ,. WoJl:....I:> DANIEL S. NATCHEZ .\NO ASSOCIATES. INC. 555 "tUA ROAD M"MARONICI:. HEv TOIlIt 105-'3 19UJ 6:j8-561h ....no UI'OM SoUnu n ,ou",,;"'ouJO(; .".~. I.ICU\UI U.liO w....uon ~UJYn lIAHD Jill' 16, 1'1] .nalD HI". I. 1..1 aad DlC;U'.(1 11. 1M.) D""'''' IIl"'~ SI:" Ll"'U. Oo.c;....D' \ -""- \ . EXISTING CONDITIONS . ~ Cl Cl \- '" ":<l "- ~ "1 ~ \~~~. --- --:- -':"'.C^--'::::.:>_ '..!!"4I\1H4I\1SET . ". "" '::-':-'~""-"', ..... ".-4//c: .....\\ ", .. ~~ ~ ---.:.:~ ~~--~ \ (#~~~#~---~.~.: ""~~~~..~..~ ~-~._~~~"'--""~........-~:~-~.~~... \' .. .. ~\ \ "'" '....-... "'.,' /'0 '.~ I \ -..----.. ..........._ '__ n -----.. I \ ............ '. ;:;1-----.. "- \ ' \ .... . ...... . \ '\ \... ~~--~-- 8 -----......~ .. ~ i " ". \ EXISTING \.. \ \ "'. \, CONTOURS \ \'. \ ...... .. .. ~\ to ... '\- ......_. ..... ': \T\ \ ... - ... ',1:::- I \ "~"........ ...... \ ("") ~, \" ....,..... ~\:,-:I: ........ ....----.. ... 6 "'. ..... .. .:.... ~ \. '(5'1... \.; ... ... \ l \ \ \: . \ ~ ....f ".s.. \ , , , ..... \ \\ '.......... , , . "- , , . '0 ' , . '. , , , , , '. ", ..-.. '.. ,/' '\ ---... ..., . ,j / .' . . , ", ----..-- ST AGNES CEMETERY , . ............ . , . . , , \ '. ~ -..............- "- / ~,~.. ~,. ..~..-- ': "1:::- :.. ~Cl \ ,. ~,;--- ~ \ ; t<-"" . ~__i:\. : i '!;",\~,\"., 1 :,'/ '\, \ "" I.... \ :/:,' 'l, \'\ '''1 7, . "{ ,", ~ "", . 01" '''If ;"'1 :/} ,:::; _ _.....<J?: Ci! I OF -.---- /:'/ ~~ SOUTHOLD /}; ::iiJ . ". /........~/:1 ~)r . . -.. '1 7/ ( ~ . , >-.,- - !/-..,j --- ~ '.- "):-. .'If)fttGtlft~ 15' DOC/<. 5 ~ . . , , . , , , ! . , , , , , , .....1 , I I , I f . , , . , , '. . , . , , . . , , , . . , . . , : \ , , " : " . , . , -' " ......... ". ~, '. WOOD BULKHEAD ,l, 1 Doc/<. 4 STIRLING A 8ASIN F~ .,[88 . a..:...u hon- 'UO ~, CU1"1'01l. l.c, SlIlLl"" lAM. c;.nu,polT ....10. ...II......UI AH~...I nUAC;I 0' CUI"I'OU TOW_ 0' ~r""ltl COU_" O'Wf(OU p",3-'l- d-of'- \ ~ ""Ol'OSfll tlCAUTtoo., 'UUwt.M~ W."I~~'''~~_~''J~..,. A'~ .~""""'I_wU".' v' ,~_., ,Lv 'IH "''''''.L' r'oJ,~_h SCALE o 25'50' r-- 100" . DAHlEl,. s. NATCHU AHD AaSOCl~Tt"s. IHe ~s AUlA JOAtI II."."'O"IC.. lilt.. YO'. IO!>U Itl..I~";. 1Ia~ ..., 1_ .' r I II -"'- \ i .i i FflTlJ1;ElicgE8HUIlCH PqopOs'ED DISPgr~~~,T'E" . . " -=- -:;.<..::::::..::....:::~~4~::~SE(__ AVE ..... ..// ..... .. ......... ". -_...~.."._---.---:........~ '. ". ....................... .... ""'. ' ....:: - \ ..... .1\, ..,......-... ............... ..--.......,.. ' ......-......... \ \ ""\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \, \\.. " \ ".. " \ ...... .. \ \'\ '\, ' .. ...... \ \ ....... ! \ .......... \~ . \...~~. r". ", " r- ~ Ii) -- , "t'J ~ \ ~ ~G1 " '"~Z~ omm o-fcn ~m() ~ ,,;0 . R-<Ir-, s: C z r- e5 '" !!! I ;;j EXlSTg~TaJRS " . " , \ . ....} PROPOSED EXCAVATION . 360 PRCPOSED ,... 8.JW~~AD A UNO BOA BASIN ....... 1!):5' j ",- DOc/( 2 DoCl( 12:51 EXISTING DOC/(s TO BE IlEI.I:V60 J AND RELOCATED DOCR 4 DOc/( " />( SItRUNG BASIN ~o <"~ ~~. ~ :0..:_-" "='.':.-....-- j;::;j.;': J ~::=:~:~~::~~ T CREENPORT. INC. III[\I'ER TACHI YAIlD A 5T1 n tMG ~~I:OIt CIlEEWI'OU VEMUE NANlIANSETC:UNPOIlT VILLAGE or SOUTHOLD P ":) of \ ~ i~~~To~,. surrOLl "'--'It ~ IUL1(lIE,I,D1NG ,- ED EXCAVATION, Nlo 11"'0 '~O~~NllN"'''l..L_():l';:;;l t ~Ullo 1110\.0 IIL!"U"tlt.UMAIJULT "MUlt.l..I:. rat. "'~:'Ullj ASSOClATES.INe NATCHEZ .\NO DANIEL S. lOAD S55 AL::w Tau. 1~ NAM^.ON~;IIl"1 ~S61a ..,,.1,.,,,, SCALE o 25'50' 100' . 1""""""1 PROPOSED AND DOCK EXCAVATION REMOVAL 1"5[D UrON 5URYEci aT YOUNG · J.:" SUaVElORS M'~u~'v~C~::i~ JU;YD~tMI::~ 27. 196J I[VISEO SEPT. ~'[1:a~[:\IY[l (NeVOI DATUM, '0 . . Sf AGNES CHURCH CElo,lETERY PI1a'OSE 0 DISPOSAL SITE ~2smm -.::..--".;... "-..- \ U ~ .... ...'......>.::., "" :4NH.4I\tSET ........ ...... '......., ....- \.) ). ...:.-~.~ .4l/F '. \ " -'. ~':--... '-'. I : .~--~~_.. ........., ............. .... --~-~~. \ \ EXISTING ........... ............ ""... -~\.-........._ . .....--.. CONTOU~ ..-.-..-. '. 'Jb \ \..... ......... ........ .. " \ "..... ..... ...... n_.. --------. II \ " ..... ." ----..-.. .-'.. \ \." ....-.. ....... '"- \ \. \. ......-8_..__. .. " ..... '\ '\ ..... .. PARKING AND WINTER. \ ....\ \ BQ4.T ~GE \. \ .. \ '.. '......... \ ~\ ttl I ' .... '. t'T\ : \ "'-" ,'..-----. ., ._-. .... '~ ~ \ \ ..,.... i --..... :t:.. "'. '.... " \ "-- \. 1 .......... ~ ....-. , C} o o r- t'T\ :>0 " # I>j .. '0 . .,,"'4_ \ \ . . \ \ ,-'''6... r ~ . , , , \.,/ 6' K96~ O::tK'l k-:.68'~ Cbi; 8 /" ~q ,00 <"~ 50 --k PROPOSED RECONFIGURATlON ao Fl.OATlNG PIER ASSEMBLIES -- --..-- ;'::;':;.;:;-- " . ------.. _._-_.~--- -.--...--- SITE PLAN MAP SCALE o 25" SO" 100' ~ . P<>-''J'l4 of' I~ 11["'[1 'UCKT YARD AT Cl[[NI'OltT. INC. STULlI\IC IASIM COUUif'OU H"'U10lt ....."'MANsEr AVENUE 'tILLACE OF CIlUMP-oar TOWN or SOUTltOlO COUNTY Of' sur roll. ....!oED U~ SU'VEY lIT TOUIOe.. YOUNG N.T.S. LICENSED u'HD SUI'VETOIS !>U''''U DATED JULY 26. 1911J .i:VISE!) SEP'Y. I. 1983....' DECEM BEll :no 1'}8.:'- DATU~: WEAN SEA LEVEL (NeVDI 'IOl'05[D nCAYATION. aUU"EAD1NG MA1NIt.NANI,.t._UlIt.Ul,.lh", AN" 1t."UN~I"llllAII.!h U. tLUl\l,h" FilII A~!>~.lI1L 1 1'1I.!!l..l!> DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCI4 TES. INC. 555 ALDA lQAD MAMAIOftECIt. IiIE" YOU I05J.J "14169&-~76 ll.yJ'i. J96L lASED UI'OW SUI"U n TOUNC . TOU~ II. T .5. LICENSE!) UN!) SUI.,tTOIS ~ SUItVU DATED JUU 26. I'll 1['115EO 5r.I'T. I. Ita3 &nd tlECUllU Z7. OATUW: NiAll SU llVU. I""'VO) . ~~~~m\ax --'.. - . .M4I\1H4I\1Scr ~ C> C> , fT\ ";1.) "- !t "'I RECONFIGURATlON OF DOCKS AND MOORINGS r--1IQDITIONftL l I 'A I A~m~ L__J OCKS 8 ~~O~~~IP ~---- EXISTING L..___J FLOATS · W~SERND -.. -'- ...:...:.... .LIVE" ...- , -N_ \ BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREEN PO R,T, _ JNC. N'C.S CIII.lRC\\ S\ tfuvm P'SI:L 5\1.. OISI'O .............. " C"_--_ -rr-...'J-- ,r=:o:) .=:--..1 , " " :::t~_-~ ~l'r_ .. , .. , :: I c~~ f I I , l"t.___ ,"0-,. ""h,_ .. , "'- .'1s--f!..-lJ ACRE . t::'- " -~ .t-_-~ / ! " / :/j " /!? ..........J /, \ . -~t/(( ........_~ ""~'tP==J .11 AcnE ~f, ~Iv " ": -.~ , , / &~~'" 1"""09::- ~ -" C' -/t::~~ =", .....-. to- SCALE o 25'50' 100' ~ . c ',_::::::, . r.:::.:::::,' -.:r ------ -- -- o Ac2.2 o liEs -oJ -:u o --- o o o o o IllEWEIl TACMT TAlD AT GtEEH'OIT. 1)1;;. STlIlIN(; L\51N GI[[)lPolT HAiIOR MANHAHUT "V[NUl YILlAC[ or CIlU'OU A r \ '"l TOWW 0' TOUTWOL. (j.. ~ 0 p. ~ COUNTT or SlItf'OL'I ~ '101'05[0 UCAYATIOfII. 'VUMUotlfC "'AI"'I.."'.r."'Ll:._u~UX.I".... ANU ......u"'~,...\j..r.IlUN l,H .LU.r.IlH... I'U.1o "':':'LllIIL' r~UIl:...." -- ---- j::;:/f.:.~-- =-..:.=~ -=-.. _.._-~_._.._- -.----...- S'/Rl./tvG ~o( ~O ~ 84S/tv DANIEL s. HA TCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, ... 55S ALDA lOAD MAMAlI(ItllCI. .[111 10.. IOSU "lu.....S67' .. ... ._. 191' + .' . . 280' J ~~~CHU ~ c MAINTENANCE DREDGING MAP ._....M4:,,"T4I\1SEr ".'--. 'k \ . . ~ \ Glf2.S ClIIlRCtI ~ ~\.lETER1' ~~\1E O\SI"'-'- VJ7} WP~~~CE fjilij DREDGING SOUNDINGS ARE IN FEET AND TENTHS DATUM: MEAN SEA LEVEL SCALE o 25'50' 100' r _ 1 ---. ;'::;:'.5:::;-- ~ . P 600' ROPOSED DoCk CONFIGUn. 'ViTION STIRLING BASIN .A ~ .....E88 FLOOD ~ Y" f;! ISo' . / / m.u uc", "" " "",",0",. ..c. J'.j G::::~~~i :~~'.NO' 1ol4NItI\N!o[T AV[NUE "!LUGt or G.t[/jpon TOWN Of $OUTfIOLD COONn or :SUI'rOU ~ "1l0P'o-.EO trC"VATlOIII. aULltMEADINC I ^ I" ,....I..IL../I......._..Wul........ ....... ~ DOt- ~ .l..U...h.......'hJ.. \Jt '~'U"ll~" t'lllo ...10"0.....1 rw......,-,,, --'--.. =:.::::...-=..-.:::.::=-- ..\S[O UP"OoI SVtVET aT YOUNG.. rOUNG ..T.5. lIC[NS[D LAWD SUIVno.s ~'Y(T PATED JULY 26 I'M) HVI$[O 5t'T. I, 1~3 ...4 OEci...u n, 1'81 DA.NIEl S. HATCHEl AND ASSOCIA.TES, IN~. 5~S ALDA 'OA('- 1Uo""'IQ.llkCl. Nt\; YO,.& 10000J "'H6096-~n ...~.o ..,~. . 4.0 ~\ 'In-10US s,r2ISJ:)os;11. 12 8~ 9.0 ~I?: ~1cZ~Hr ~ CJFI>oscO 1?7; I~O 8n. CXn. ...r o,...v~r, ~S"v 0,., 5 '" "" z <) -< STIRLING SWING MOORtNGS TO BE R,EMOvED BASIN '" ,~ ~\.. .,. flO' __J-........... UPLAND "-- EXCAVATION AND OFF -SITE DISPOSAL AREAS EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY SCALE 05000 = " PROPOSED U[WU TACMT TAll:> AT CIlUHPClIlT. I,..C. lASED UPON TOP'CX;IlAPHIC "'AI" riVE [ASTUN TOWN!> SUHCU COUMTT. N. Y. SHEn MO. "".1,0 surrOLl; COUNTY D[rAlTIolUIT Of P'UltlLIC 1010111.5 DATUW, MEAN SEA Ll~(L ST1RlING ''''SIN CUEliPOU HAUDR MAtH'AHS[T AV[NU( VILLAGE or Ct[["'''OU D () I 'l TOWN or !.OUTttQLO (o..~ l ot ~ COUNTT or surrou. 'IO'05'1:D nCIIVAYIOH. IUUH[AOIWC ......iNI~NA,.r...l.....U)...,Io"'. ,,10,. Ilh.vN.I",UIoAII...N Ur ~Lv"lllo... I'lL. A:nt.I"LI (1l,Jllo.,'>> .. DA.NIEl S. HATCHEZ ANO ASSOCIATES. INe S~'!. Al...... '0"'0 ",A,...lIlO'HC.. IlOl.. '10". 10""':'3 191'ltI96-'iob11o ..... l'i. 1'1b':' . . EDGE OF MARSH \PPROX.) \ -N_ \ ~t:~_~ ---- ~ -- . - . M4 - ". ~H4NSU '. -":::--'" 4vE. .._----::.._._~ "- ON-SITE DISPOSAL AND GRADING PLAN S C\-IURCII S1lf::'1~6 ~..\1t. DISP'" ~ diJ." W AREA TO BE FILL.ED NATURAL SCREENING APPROX. EDGE OF FILL . - 6' s~~~ rl;o~ "<:J ==> SCALE o 25050' 100' r"""""! I F(O ~o ";?\.. 0> luwr. YACHT 'l'.UD AT entHrOIl. IlOe ...~tr. 1.1'01oo ~l'hlT aT TOt....... .. TLIl'IH.; ".,.~. lICl~\ll' LUll \,r~v.",J"~ !>V"~l 'I' DATlI. JUt 'I' :!'t., ,q~,\ IlVIS[L' Slrl. I. IV; ...01 l.>'el.'j'll n ""J 11...,1.1" "'CAI<> !ol'" L1wtl l~l.q., . STIRLING BASIN StUUfIIC; ....\1.. I;R[(...,OU II....BO. 1ol"'''''''"5[1 "'II[NUL _1t.LACt Of C:IUNI'O.l o.,uO y /) ~ 11.. '0" 0' "'",,0<0 r b r V COUNTY or SUfi au ,.orOlo{1l [1(AVAnO", lIUlu~I"'l'I"(; """'"'''.......,.l.oWll,...I,....... "''''1. .l..O.."..l.o....,IUI, c'! ILlJ,,"I"... Ill~ ...~~H'H' lh'll..l\ ---- ;::;';jt:::;- - =::..;~.;..-.:~:.:~:.... DANtEL S. HAl CHeZ AND ASSOCIATES. I \'.~ All'" ,(>.0.,. ...........(I..tCl "'" H'H 1["":',' I'IU'I t."".~J'" ".J 1'1. 1'1... ,~ .!(;/ -'It ~ -"'. / v: :t\RL'~;'( ~ l.oj ..... ~ ~ 6t~~:_____~ "'?P----- ..... U'j.~5 ~ 4.0 9.0 ElI/fivE: "0 P'lClP01d'4CHr ~ CONr&tg l/I ". Z o -< '1',' , 'Xn 7bWN i'; SOU%O' __~' cO Co,.,." , IGv'l4rION r ,-~ 1&0. '- u~~~~ STIRLING BASIN '" \g ~~ ~ 1/ SCALE o5dr:xJ = < PROPOSED TOPOGRAPHY RELOCATION SITES OF BREWER YACHT TUn AT CRHM"ORT. IWC. STtlLlMG BASIN CI[[MPOU HAIlIOI WAIoIItAM$I:T AVENUE YlllAGE OF CU[NP'OJT . P '" TOIIII 01 SOUTHOLO f-(w q ~ P- l ~ COURlT OF SUfrOL~ 1- UOPOStD nOVATION, IUlIl:M[AQIHC ..."I..,lHAJ.....L_UoILLX.UIf... "ioU JlLI..U,.,I\,.UoIAIIUH 0, tLUAllH(O rlt.~ A~)UIIIL' nUll..l:' BAS!:D UI'O~ TOPOGRAPHIC "'AI' FIVE (ASHliN TOWtiS SUrrOlk COUNTY, H. Y. SHEET NO. HM_~O surrou: COUNTY DEPA.HlUH or PUbLIC ~'aIlKS DAruu: UEAN SEA LLVEl OANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. INC. m AlOA lOA 0 MAMAIlOllfC... ~[W Yon: '*J ""'~~1' -.y 19. 19440 PREVIOUS ~ S~~~~S EXISTING BERM MANHANSET AVENUE _........ .'_ tsIO.' . '. FRESH WATER POND_ .. r r. SECTION A P~POSED G OUND P R FILE ~ .~., " ,-.. EXISTING GROUND PROFILE SECTION Q PREVIOUS SPOILS ~ AREA PROPOSED FILL EXISTING BERM ~ SCALE o 25' 50' f--'~-{. ~ -..'" () .>> .'- I "'')0 iud' I 'J... MANHANSET flS' AVENUE !O' Y o BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. STIRLING BASIN GREENPORT HARBOR MANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREEN PORT TOWN OF SQUTlIOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION. BULKHEA01NG M^INJ~N^NC~-DR~UGING. AND Ifl.Wl'H1GURAT1UN Of- ~LOATI"G --PIEk AS~U~HY PROJECTS DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. INC. 555 ALDA ROAD MAMARONECK. NEW YORK 1050 (91t;) 698-5675 Y!!;j 19. 198[. . . SECTION C wr~~~~B -- BUILDING TO BE REMOVED AREA TO BE FILLED BOTTOM EL.- 8.0' BELOW MLW (-9.2' BELOW MSLJ ST. AGNES CEMETERY PROPERTY "Cr-" PROPOSED FLOATS AND PILES )~40~- 70' MHW +1.2' -----_._-~-_._---- 'n. - 'MLV,i":'U"-" >1< 288' 68' JO~ 8'rJO' ~( 70'->f-40~ ----MSL 00 ~ .:::r u ACCESS DRIVE PARKING WALKWAY WITH PLANTINGS ~22'-*-19'~8' II ., BREWER YACI1T "tAitt} .:"i GREEtlPORT, !~lC, lOa' - .4 ~~. ~ .= 0~Q 1101'-11. STIRLING BASIN GREENPORT IIARBOR MANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREEHPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY Of SUFFOLK SCALE 25' 50' -. -""'-. 'j::J~J::':-- _._v. =:S:7.rd'~~:~:- PROPOSED EXCAVATION. eULKHEADING MAINl UIANU:-URET5'CTNG. ANLl n~RATlml 01- HOAIING ---n1::R ASSEMBLY I'IW]I:.c..:T!l IAltD VPD~ 5\llVn IT 'O\lIla a TOOWe> .,1,1. Llc(~~n UND SUlvtYOlS !~ntl PAtID JULf 16. 1913 UV1UD srr1. 1. 1911 .~d tittEl/It. 27. 19~' OAtulol, ..tA~ HA ltvt~ lwaVill DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 }.LDA ROAD MAMARONECK. NEW YORK 10543 (91~) 698-5678 May 19. 1954 SECTION - F TYPICAL MAINTENANCE DREDGING . ! , ------- --MHW + 7.2 (X/STING ---------MLW -7.2' WlKIlEAD /flC/ST/HlJ IIOT~ ~ 'iI/" 1/7//, PIIO~ILf '111111 1III TO /lE PROPOS(D IlOTTOM/ , R(lI(}IeD PROFIle "- -9.2' MSL ... , ... , ... , ... ... ... ... ... <X/STING ~L~TS AND PIleS . r 125" + 25' PIIOPOseD FLOATS AND PIUS MHW+7.2' MSL --------- (XIS TING :~:CW::-7.'2~ -6.6- 9JlKHCAD f- PIIOPOSCD BOTTOM PROFIle -9.2' MSL , .leAle 0 s' 10' zo' ... ... , . , , ... . A~ IdCF-/ ~ ~tt 'Atilt un u Glnll~OIT. 'lie. U1UIW; US1~ GIHN'OH WUI,U WUHI.IIH'l'I'tIlUl 'l'HLA(;.[ or clu"pon IOU at loOUlIIOlD c.oulon or 5urraLl Plop~n UCAflTtOll. 'UU.I~tJl.G --vmmA~~l_Il'L~"'IM~ rrrmll 1t.-ll1A1 I.'. 01 'UJAllllw ---rn.-xmtrn, rl..llhl~ ". aANIEL. S. ...,uCHEl AND ASSOCI"TES. rfiolc. ~s~ Al~A I.JAto WAIol..uOlllO. Ill_ fOH !0i0I) 19111 .~i>-!>t " 101., l~, IIOU . . DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. Office of the President {n'j f}~] If-'= (:'7 ~i' ~,r;o f'.~ I i 1~!1~2' ~ ~,.:..J."'LY/J\'ii11 '/ ~ ~ ~ t: I ~ ~ 0 ~ 0 a d :iii ,UG- giC PA .!. M am aro nec k, New York 15043.4002 uUJ .!' (914) 698.5678 -.........4-__~_ 1 TOWiiJ G:: :,";";--' . ~ I ~V,-):,. ) f _..c,.' N.Y.S.D.E.C. Regulatory Affairs Unit Building 40 SUNY - Room 219 Stony Brook, N.Y. 11794 August 7, 1984 Olig. Copies T.e. ~/ ~ttydUr--CJ Mg. Dale Attn: Dennis Cole File" RE: BREWER YACHT YARD at GREENPORT, INC. PROPOSED EXCAVATION, RELOCATION OF A TRAVEL-LIFT WELL, BULKHEADING, MAINTENANCE DREDGING, AND RECONFIGURATION OF FLOATING PIER ASSEMBLY PROJECTS. Application # 10-84-0766 Gentlemen: This letter will supplement our letter to you of June 26,1984 regarding the above referenced application. On behalf of our above referenced client and their desired project, and in light of the concerns within the N. Y .S. D. I.C. because of the 1967 Malcome Pirnie report regarding "inland excavation projects in Southold", we took the liberty of directly contacting Malcome Pirnie regarding the above referenced project. It should be noted that Malcome Pirnie is presently involved in other studies of the area which focus on the preservation and management of the fresh water ground supply. Attached please find a copy of our letter to Malcome Pirnie together with Malcome Pirnie's letter to us dated August 2,1984. Malcome Pirnie's review of the proposed project states that the ".. .proposed project will have minimal negative impact on the fresh water resources of the peninsula where the marina basin is to sited. We are also of the opinion that the proposed project would not cause salt water encroachment to maJor fresh water resouces of the North Fork and should not threaten public water supply sources. The project does not constitute an "inland excavation" and "there should be no objection to the proposal". We should point out that Malcome Pirnie has not been nor are they emp loyed by either the a pp licant or ourselves. While their comments were solicited by the undersigned, their comments are strictly as an independent expert firm who prepared the 1967 report concerning excavations in the area and are currently working on similar studies in the area. N.Y.S.D.E.e. - BRE~~R GREENPORT - EXCAVATION We believe that this additional lnforrnati.cn -t;hc:ti J..CCe of the Department of Health of Suffolk (ounty. H2:,'1-Ccn~ultant~-; L:: 1 vii lage of Greenports Water Utility, and the VJllage oj ree'l;,nr' Trustees should put this project in its proper perspecl1 'fl'., We further believe that the L\talcome F)irnle comments shaul,'_r cor:iU!t",C tn N.Y..S.D.E.C. file for this applicatlon. Vie therefore respecfulJ c;;" that N..Y.D.E..C.. give a "negative declaration" te' U-l1 !Jri_,;._:J,.,~t_ 'ur the project out for public notice. With warm regards SincereL v. DANIEL ~ ,A'['CHE2 and ASSC;!;\ / J. /. '/ // /~ 4/. , t { / ,,/! ttl / Pxesident B DSN/bl cc: Board of Trustees - Village of '-_Jreenport Greenport Water Utility Board of Trustees - Town of Southold Tow'n Board - Town of 5outholci Planning Board - Town of Southolc Planning Board - Village of Greenport Army Corps of Engineers N.Y.S.D.O.S. Brewer Y ach t Yard at Green port, I nc. . . ~ MALCOLM PIRNIE, INC, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS, SCIENTISTS & PLANNERS August 2, 1984 " Mr. Daniel S. Natchez Daniel S. Natchez and Associates, 555 AIda Road, Suite 1100 Mamaroneck, New York 10543-4002 Re: Proposed Marina Basin Excavation Town of Southold County of Suffolk State of New York Dear Dan: Reference is made to your letter of July 30, 1984, with enclosures. We have briefly reviewed the information you sent, our report of June 30, 1967, and various other published and unpublished reports. Among the consultants reports we have examined, is an April 1983 document entitled "North Fork Water Supply Plan, Suffolk County, New York," another dated April 1977 called "Assessment of Geohydrologic Conditions, North Fork and Shelter Island, Long Island, New York" and still another for a extensive county-wide public water supply study dated June 1970. Additionally, we are presently participating in a Comprehensive Water Resources Management Study for the Suffolk Department of Health Services (SCDHS), which includes an evaluation of the water quality and hydro- geology of the project area. Based on our evaluation of existing data, we feel that your proposed project will have minimal negative impact on the fresh water resources of the peninsula where the marina basin is to be sited. We are also of the opinion that the proposed project would not cause salt water encroachment to major fresh water resources of the North Fork and should not threaten public water supply sources. The project does not constitute an "inland excavation" and we concur with Robert A. Villa, Chief Engineer of the Division of Environmental Health, SCDHS that there should be no objection to the proposal. In accordance with your request, we are herewith returning the large-scale aerial photo and the color pictures. 100 EISENHOWER DR. P.o. BOX 36 PARAMUS, NJ 07652 201-845-Q400 TELEX 137364 ~ Mr. D. S. Natchez:JCH -2- August: 984 Please feel free to call us if you have further ques bOIL regarding the project or other matters. Very truly yours, ~CO~ PIRNI~,INC Ij~~-=~m",on \idce Pres~dent SIS:dc Enclosures 743 -.-------------- - DAN' E L S. N ATe H E Z and ASS 0 C , ATE S, Inc. Office of the President Suite 1100 555 AIda Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543-4002 (914) 698-5678 Mr. ]ohn C. Henningson Vice-President Malcome Pirnie, Inc. 100 Eisenhower Drive P.O. Box 36 Paramus, N .]. 07652 ]uly 30,1984 RE: PROPOSED MARINA BASIN EXCAVATION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK Dear ]ohn: As per our telephone conversation today, We are writing you regarding part of a proposed marina redesign Project in Southold, N. Y. The marina, Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc, formerly the Pierce Boat Yard, has retained our firm to assist them in expanding the boat yard. As part of this Project, a basin measuring approximately 288' x 360' is proposed to be excavated (down to a depth of approximately -8.0' below .'.1. L. W.) into the peninsula which is on the north side of Sterling Basin. We have examined the question of possible salt-water intrusion and believe that the proposed Project will not compromise the fresh-water storage of the peninsula. The reasons for this are because of the limited scope of the Project; the nature and configuration of the peninsula upon which the Project is located; the tight Wood sheeting that will be used for bulkheading (down to refusal depths) around the perimeter of the proposed boat basin; and the fact that the area is occasionaly flooded during storms. Borings taken from the proposed Project area suggest that most of the proposed excavation area was underwater at one time and was backfilled several years ago. The peninsula is relatively small in nature, is completely served by the Village of Greenport's Water Utility with piped fresh drinking water, and has major existing salt-water excavated channels and/or basins su bstantially longer and deeper into the peninsula on either side of the ProJect. Further, the closest fresh-water well fields are approximately 4,500 feet away. (See enclosed copies of the Town of Southold Plate A Base Map by Raymond and May). I j l'ie are also enclosing: a copy of the N. Y.S.D.E.C. application Project description, an excerpt from OUr letter of support to the Army Corps of Engineers on the impact on the fresh-water supply, large and small f , i , I ilf, ~ I r Henningson - Malcome Pirnie - Greenport - 7/30/84 _ page 2. scale aeral photos of the peninsula, vicinity and topographical maps of the area, proposed site plan maps, and a color picture of the flooding in the area of the proposed basin- during a recent storm. We have discussed this Project in detail with the Village of Greenport' s Water Utility, the Village Board (who acts as the Utility's board of directors) and their consultant, H2M. Enclosed for your review is the report by H2M. Last week, the Village of Greenport' s Board of Trustees voted in favor of the excavation Project. In addition, we have discussed the Project with the Suffolk County Department of Health. The Department has reviewed the Project in relation to your 1967 report and believes that the Project is not an "INLAND" excavation. We have enclosed a copy of their report as well. The N.Y.S.D.I.C. has raised some concern about the "cumulative impact" of this Project, and in particular, your firms report of 1967 _ copies of the appropriate sections are also included. We concur with the Malcom Pirnie general recommendation of discouraging "INLAND" excavations and development which could compromise the fresh-water supply. However, in this case, we do not believe that the area where the Project is proposed should be considered as an "inland" area. We would appreciate your reviewing this material and proposed Project. We are hopeful that Malcome Pirnie will find that this project is consistent with the spirit of the 1967 report and will not compromise those findings. With warm regards Sincerely, and ASSOCIATES, Inc. DSN/bl. P .S. We would appreciateL your returning both the large scale aerial photo as well as the color pictures upon completion of your review. . .. I ':----"- /~, .' /'~ ,/ Officers MA "-OR CEOIHd. \I/,lIlJBBARD 0!La,ge of'Slreenport TELEPHONE (516)477-2385 'NCOFl..OR....TEO '''3e CLERK NANCY ""'i. COOK TRUSTEES WILLIAM D. ALLEN DAVID E. KAPELL SAMUEL KATZ WILLIAM II L1EBLEIN NI:W INCORPo..,o,TION ""'"L r, lBIIIB R[-INCORPOfU.TION UNOER o;;rr\lERAL L,",W MAY 28, '8\!. TREASURER JOHN I' _ COUGHLIN ~ <;"* ~ ">, ,- .... ,..... ..... .. "\t "I . .. .0___' --A' ;..5,,1 . ';..'0 N GIS L'A t-' 0</.. \\., ,'"'''' ~ ~~~" RECEIVED ~(~j::4 \,,./\! 2 36 THI RD STlUTT GREENPOKT, SUFH1LK COUNTY NEW YORK 11944 Town C'nrk S("J~,~tho!d Non CE OF PUBLIC HEA RING Please take notice that a Public: Hearing will be held by the Village of Greenport Planning Board on Monday, August 13, 1984 at 7:30 p.m. at the Village Hall, 236 Third Street, Greenport, New York. In ac~rdance with Chapter 82 of the Code of the Village of Greenport entitled "Wetlands, Floodplains & Drai.nage", the Planning Board will hear all persons who wish to be heard regarding the application of Brewer Yacht Yard Inc. for their proposed excavation, bulkheading, maintenance dredging and reconfiguration of floating pier assembly. The project is located in a portion of the Village of Greenport, bordered by Manhanset Avenue to the east and Stirling Basin to the west. Part of the subject property lies within the Town of Southold. The portion located within the Village of Greenport is further identified on the Suffolk County Tax Map as District 1001, Section 003, Block 06, Lot 01. By Order of The Village of Greenport PLanning Board Nancy Cook, Village Clerk IT July 26 . JUDITH T TERRY TOWN C LLR '" RH;IS rRAR 01 VITAL S! AllS']]('S To: 50uthold Town Board From: OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 5, 1984 Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Re: Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport . Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (5]6) 765-1801 So you may be kept informed of the pending application of Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport for a Soil Removal Permit, I am attaching hereto all pertinent data concerning same, as well as the various letters to other agencies for certain permits. As you remember, Resolution No. 22 of July 3rd determined that the N.Y.5.-D.E.C. should assume Lead Agency in the matter of these various petitions by Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport. cAnd'y----- .11: . . JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR 01: VITAL STATISTICS Town Hall, 53095 Main Road PO. Box 728 Southolcl, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 5, 1984 Dennis W. Cole Environmental Analyst New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Regulatory Affairs Unit Building 40 - SUNY - Room 219 Stony Brook, New York 11794 Dear Mr. Cole: The Southold Town Board as their. regular meeting held on July 3, 1984 adopted a resolution determining that the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation should assume Lead Agency in the matter of the various petitions of Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, DEC Project Number .llr84-0766. This includes your assuming Lead Agency in the matter of a Soil Removal Application to the Town Board. I am enclosing herewith a copy of the petition filed with this office which includes the Soil Removal Application. It has been determined by our Town Attorney Robert W. Tasker that any wetlands to be affected by the project are within the incorporated limits of the Village of Greenport, therefore, no wetland permit is required by the Town. Furthermore, he has also has determined that the Town Trustees do not have jurisdiction in Sterling Harbor, therefore a Trustee Permit is not required. A copy of Mr. Tasker's letter is also enclosed herewith. The Town Board requests a copy of any pertinent information filed by Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport with your office. Very truly yours, c2hh ~ t/"'~.~ -'" .?-rcr--- Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Enclosures . or . . de ~ New York State DeDartment of Environmental Conservation Regulatory Affairs Unit Bldg. 40, SUNY--Room 219 Stony Brook, NY 11794 (516) 751-7900 Henry G. Williams Commissioner June 25, 1984 ~ I? 17:? D wr'~ ,--' · o 1.5 t6 lEs ~:i Ii., I" . r -'=';:1[,; .: >>-2. .if L ..'i ," , -..j".- TOVIiN OF SOUTHOLD Southold Town Board c/o Supervisor 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 RE: Lead Agency Coordination Request Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport Dear Sir: The purpose of this request is to determine under Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review - SEQR) of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6NYCRR, Part 617: 1. your jurisdiction in the action described below; 2. your interest in assuming the responsibilities of lead agency; and 3. issues of concern which you believe should be evaluated. I have enclosed a copy of the permit application and a completed Environmental Assessment Form to assist you in responding to assist you in responding. DEC PROJECT NUMBER: 10-84-0766 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Expand an existing marina in Sterling Basin by removing approximately 55,250 cubic yards of upland for approximately 405 linear feet of shoreline. Construct 1,195' of wood bulkhead, 655' of main dock, 51 finger piers and maintenance dredge 10,500 cubic yards of material from a 120,800 square foot area. LOCATION (including a location map of appropriate scale, if available) Address: South side of Manhasset Avenue in the vicinity of Fiddler Lane and Beach Road Town: Southold in the Vilage of Greenport County: Suffolk DEC PERMITS: Tidal Wetlands, Protection of Waters SEQR CLASSIFICATION: Unlisted DEC CONTACT PERSON: Dennis W. Cole . . PAGE TWO DEC POSITION: DEC wishes to assume lead agency status for this action. COMMENTS: This project may have significant effects on the groundwater in the area and is inconsistent with the 208 Study conducted several years ago. Please advise us of your specific concerns with this project. The lead agency will determine the need for an Environmental Impact Statement eElS) ont this project. If you have an interest in being lead agency, then please contact this office within 15 days of receipt of this letter. If no response if received, it will be assumed that your agency has no interest in being lead agency. Please feel free to contact this office for further information or discussion. Very truly yours, t)~w.~ Dennis W. Cole Environmental Analyst DWC:co's , _,....T OF E"'VIFU\ \l..SERVATlON APPLICATION fOR pllIT j! l~ I v !\PPlICATIO\, ~o. r' , -I,) ( '1/ ' .j, i' ; .' ,..[ions on back before completin.'l this applicatIOn. Pleas(' type or print ell'arly in ink. Use separate ~d and exhibib fa provide all required data and explanations for ....hich space on the form is in.adequale. ARTICLE 15, TITLE 3 (CONTROL OF AQUATIC INSECTS, WEED). OR UNDESIRABLE FISH) ,^RTlCU 15, TITlE 5 (PROTECTIOr\ OF WATERS) ~ For the construclion, fPconstruction, or repair of a 0:\,'1 or other impoundment sfruClure, -- For Ihe {-cnstruOian, rNonstruclion, or repair of any p!.-'rmanenl DOC", .pier, or wharf; and any dOCk, pier, or wharf, bui It 011 openwork supports, which has a lop surface Mea of more Ihan 200 sqU.:l,re feel. ,-~i For the disturbance of a STREAM BED Of ~'xcavatioo in Of fill of naYigabre walers. ARTICLE 15, TITLE 15 :--: WATER SLiPPlY _.~ lOr-..lG ISLA.'-.iD "Ell ARTICLE 24 (FRESHWATER WETlA~DS) Pe7mil - Leifer of Permission ARTICLE 25 (TIDAL WETlA~DS) 1. '\A.\lE or APPLlCMH: BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, N. Y. '\PPLlC'\~T IS A/A"J ._, IndiYidu.11 ~ Partnership ~ Association 'X (orporalinn '=! Municipality ~I Governmenlal AgE'ncy l. \'\\1E 10;. TITLf or ()FFit IAl SILI\.jr-.C. ,\PPlICATIO\; SlREET ADDRESS (IR P. O. BOX Edward Vianney - Manager Manhanset Avenue POST OFFICF Greenport PHONE (516) 477-9594 STATE N.Y. ZIP CODE 11944 PH()~E (914) 698-5678 - - STATE N.Y. ZIP CODE 10543 >. Will PROJECT CTllIZE STATE OW\:ED L.'\~DI Agent ,. '''IE & ADDRESS UF ao=x DANIEL S NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. (it nolappllClnt J . q){EET ADDRESS !,f.,: fl. n. BOX ___. 555 Alda Road POST OFFICE Mamaroneck '. !11\()JFt-T i:()('\..Ti(~> Greenport el) (11'1 or \ 111,,>;\ of _____.______._._______._~__~__._ To\\n 01 _~._~~uthOld__~~__________ Suffolk Stirling Basin Counly of _ hi 'Spec tlie prawn <llr or art'd i", marked on l~.S.G.S. or pqulvalent map, <,ltMhed Js Exhibit \jo. \",.\IE OF STRE\.\! UR OTHER \\\TER BODY: (If appropriate; if un-named, show on mdp - See II{'m Sb) ~ Yf'~; -~- \0 I)K'i)'()~lD: Sf: , ("'rl,alp i'u~)II( XCnr:,r:c'r, idi H. PR.OPUSED STARTl~G D:\TE: October, 1984 9. .-\PPROXL\\,ATE COMPLET10,~ DATE May, 1989 10. FEE OF $ )U...!. [\CLOSED \ I. i'j\( IIEeT Dbl RIPTI()\: (Feet of rip-fan nl'w rh,lnr1('I; rublc yards of nlatrridl 10 bf' removed, draining, dred~jnjoJ, l:llln~, ,Ir!d l!:eJllon 01 dISPOS,ll StIes; lype of slructure to be instdlied; h','ighlll! dam; SlIP oi Impoundment; (,lr'Mitil'S (It propOSl'd Willer SQUf({'S; rxl('nl of distribution systf'm; etc.) SEE ATTACHED SUPPLEMENT pr"II'\ 1 \\:!I t":;Ulrp lht' lollr)\\ ing JdditlOlldl D(,fmits, dppliedtions lor \\!ll(h Me Ihf' ft'spnn'ldllllty of otht'rs: 1).'\\\ ~~ DOCK -= STREAM DISTURBANCE ~J SPDES/NPDES =. WATER SLPPLY ~ L. l. WELLS ~~ FRESHWATER \\iETLA~DS =:J TIDAL WETLA~DS 1. " \'.1l \\,1) ,-\fHJKESS OF OFFICi-\l \U\'SPAPER OF lOCALITY WHERE PROPOSED WORKS -\RE LOCATED: "SUFFOLK TIMES" Main_~treetNY Gfeenuort l..L I~ \\'Y l'IJRTr(), or- TII[ -\CTIVITY FOR I',fJiCH A PERMIT IS SOLLHT "'0\\ REeL'" OR CO\jPlFTE? Yes lL \0 !f "n~", f'xplain in addenda, giving reasons and dales, and show existing wOIk on drawinRs or map. ......1;:.. ..,' , 1-" '. ff.:T:r:l.\Ti('i...: 1 herpby affirm undN penalty of pprJury that information providf'd on fhis form and all alfachmenls submitted here. \\i!h is trur tc ~hf:' best of my knowledgt> and belief. FJlse "(alemen!s made herein are punishahle as d Class ,4, f1lsdf'me.\nor pursudnl to Secllon 210.45 of thf' Penal Law. As a Condition fa thl' issuance of a permit, the applicanl ,11 (f'pts tuli I,'g,ll r('sponsibilily for all dama!!:f', direct or indirect, of whate\ier naturl", and by whomever sufferf'd, Mlsinlo1 out of tile prOject described herein "nd agrees to indemnify and save harmless the State from suits, a(tlons~-. ,~, rL!""hL~I'S ,md cn',/s of t'\'ery nar:1l' Jnll desrription resulting trom the sdid pro)E'Cl. -' ~.1 . ""-':1 1'.1,.'",. -', I :.w.. ~ _____b -l':L-~<-I___ . D:, TE -t FR. v1A/~' ~ fiIG\ATLRE i" "'+'1101 -:JEE RE\ERSE SIDE- , ~ ,~ ,,_., ~'-"'''''''''',. ,~~ ""':.. "m.:ot~~.~::",_~,,,,,. " Bh"'\'iEaACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, I' PROPOSED EXCAVA~!~N, ~U~KHEADING, MAINTENANCE DREDGING AND RECONFIGURATION OF FLOATING PIER ASSEMBLY PROJ~ JUNE 18, 1984 J SUPPLEMENT TO THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION APPLICATION FOR PERMIT AND ~ECT PERMIT REQUIRE~ENT QUESTIONNAIRE DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION The projects covered by this application, include: I) Excavation of a "U" shaped boat basin down to a depth of 8' below Mean Low Water, with the removal of approximately 55,250 cu. yds. from an overall area of approximately 115,825 sq. ft.; 2) Removal of approximately 405 lineal feet of existing timber pile bulkhead; 3) Relocation of a travelift well; 4J Construction of approximately 1,195 lineal feet of interlocking wood sheeting bulkhead around the perimeter of the proposed boat basin and travelift well; 5) Removal of the existing docking facility consisting of approximately 655 lineal feet of main dock, 51 finger piers, and 42 piles; 6) Construction of new floating pier (dock) assemblies consisting of a total of 1,450 lineal feet of main dock, 90 finger piers, and ~5 piles; 7J Maintenance-dredging by clamshell and barge and/or drag line of an irregularly-shaped area of approximately 120,800 sq. ft. and the removal of approximately 10,500 cu. yds. of material. 8) Upland relocation of approximately 65,750 cu. yds. of dredged and excavated material at three locations - a) Approximately 10,000 _ 11,500 cu. yds. on St. Agnes Cemetery located immediately west of the applicant's property; b) Approximately 52,000 cu. yds. on St. Agnes Cemetery located along the north side of Manhanset Ave., directly across from the applicant's property; and c) On-site disposal of approximately 2.500 _ 3,500 cu. yds. .f';(L _..--.~.~,,--,,"., .\: . ~ . ,/ EI"i'JI;;:J.j"'EI,H;'~ ASS~SS"'E"'i 'Ft.;\T I EAf P'~'l":~ It'~'::-.a~':n NOTICE; T',. eec","" ., OP,'on.d to ,s"st 1n dptpr"nlng .'Pt,pr t,p .'~'en c"Oco.pd ~.y "'. , S';""c.r~ ptfp;~ on ~'. ..,".:......"L r;p". "~:Ipt. tnp pn,,". ~". :'..:. An....'~' t'.,. "Jes~;'"; 0:1 " "'s.".,, IS C""t of t~e ""(l!'=at~c" fOr' aC'~oaCv,l .nd ""'y bt" Sut'Ject tc fUft",;!!'''" ve!"'1f~~~~'ion and Out-lie re'V1~.. P~""el' "\~ .dd':l:l''I'] 1""::l~odt10'" you cel'eve ..ill ~t" ripe cleo to co~:letP PA'&:~S 2 "nc J. J: IS .IpeCttO, t~~t CC~~I~:'~~ of t~t tA~ lI'il1 be ceoe~~e~t on 'r.J~~~.;~~ ~"'''''...t:y ......~l~. 11'\'101..e ,.,~ S~;,;O'1!'5 "eStP'C''' ~r ,,, Q.... 6q ',. _ _ ., _ !"j' .... , d- '" . ~ ~~.- .~- ...:c. 'r":-!t:cr- ,.P....""rl"o suer. aeCl~10",,1 .0.....: lS ur"J'''J'~:'t. SO "l=it.t....,,~ sce::1fj t"6C", lnstar'lce. :"~f Cf "~:f:7'BRE'.'ER YACHT YARD AT G~PORr INC.-Proposed Excavation BUIKbe~d1ng,.Maintenance7uredgln6.and Reconfl~urat1on of Float1ng PIer risse~bly I'ro]ects. A::~r~~ :''''C "'A....~ ':':' "';)~.~ ':~'i"': BRE~ER YACHT YARD AT GREE~PORT, I~C. {"4.~) Manhanset Avenue & Beach Road (S':.~!tJ Greenport {? .J. } KY 11944 \ L ~ ~ I I ~ t~ ~e i ~!!:C:'T::~ c' ::~~rc~' ~Alol:: l,l.iJ Agent ~~uJ:.Al~l:,;w _.. .~ .:.::::~~: ~=- D~_'\IEL S. NATCHeZ and ASSOClP.;[". {"ta"'ei 555 AIda Road ~ :~ '-- . (S:reO?: Mamaroneck, Tr:.1 B~~~:SS PHO~E; New York (5~.!:e " (914) 698-56i8 lC)S.:. 3 ''''00', D~'\IEL S. NATCHEZ (e~'efly d!Scr1~~ ty~e Of ~~Jec~ or actj~n) and ASSOCIATES, Inc., dated June IS, See Attached Letter 1984. (P:"!J.SE CC"'PLETE E.\CH 01.:~$7:rPI - I"d1clt! N.A. 1f not a::lphC3bie) .. Si7i O(S(~!'~rO~ (P~1s;cal se~tin; of oVfrail project, botn develoned and undevtloofd areas) I. Gon."1 cn"actor ef Ve land; r..nPr.ll} unHe,,", sloPt ~ G,'nprolly "ntv.n .nd roll;no or ,"r.~ul., z. Prt'sen: land use: 1.1..-,.." . Jndustr;al _____, Agr1cultur, _____I 0tr.er iot.l IC~.'9f 0' DrOJe:t .rea:12.07.cres. J. ADDrOX1~ate Icre'9': PreSently After Cc~~let;on ~taco. O~ 9~usnland . 35 acres - ~aCl"t5 ForeS':!d __acrps __ACrtS .40r1 :ul tL;ra 1 aCrtll _acres '~!ldro (~rp;~wat~r or jla~l ~S npr ~rt'clp~ ~4,'~ rr '.c.l. \ '~~_"r.. . 35 _acres 4 '4"'~: I~ ""~dOf!'t1""~t sOli t'/Ot'(S) 01'1 ..,r("pct S\t~" \. · rp :~tr_ ~.arO:l oulCrC,Olncs c~ ""l')l_:t S~t.~ 9:1:;& t. ~~a: ~i e~J~" ~c ~ed~CCl' _._.Nj!>-._ CO~rC1al x -' Subur~an _.t Rura 1 ~l)re5t Pr!St'n~l~. :J~er ::-::le:'c-" IIIt!r Surf,,! Arta 2.30 .".s 4.95 _ _ _"::,,,~s Un\l!9!ta ted (rock. tutn or f; 11 J 8.67.cr., 6 4" . -4c"'es Ro~ds. bUlldi~~s end otl'\er ;'lhpd surfAces ~~w.\ 1'=" . ........;! ~ r~ S ~tner find:c"te ty~e) ~Cres a~rD< Coarse to fine brown sand & gravel, some stIr. --..--- '-'-------"---See-mached Keport. 't'l"S __~_ 'ir {'" .eet \' .... 'w ., ~ ~ 6. A;DrO.ln.:~ :t~~e~t,oe of ~ra~osed orOJe,: SIte w1:~ s1o~es: sreater _1. O.IQ~100;,~. 10.11" _t. 15: 0' :~ :~::t:= ::~::;UJ~S to, or Pl.c~~) _____~es ~No contll1'l a :'1.I11d1M or Sl[e lIsted 0" t~e ~at1onal Re;'ster of H'stor~: 8. Varies: 3'8'1-6'5" tabh'J _.hoet ..\-. ~ -' L~lcw gr0und surfac~. St~ Att~~~ WM.t 1S t~e Ce::~ to t~e .a~er 9. 00 huntIng or f'Sl'1'~) O::o:ortUrlities preHntly tXlS! In the pre]ect area? _.Yes ~NO 10. Does Dro:ec: Site c:nta>r 4My speCIes Of olant ~~ a~i~a~ 11ft [Mat 15 ident1f'ed as t~reate~ed or e~=ar~~rp~ - _____yes _____10, aCCOrdln~ to _ Jde":l'~ each S~eCles 11. Are there any unl:~e or unusual fO~4tl0ns ~ _Yes ~~IO. land fo~s on t~e ,roject site' {:'escn::e (i.e. c~iffs. dunes. ot~er geological 1 Z. 13. h t~! tH'OJfct Slit P!"'~Sta.t16v .us~O bY.tM CO:T1unH,.. or "el~t:bcr"'oo~d ts an ,OBt'1 ,S.C1IC!:f~ ~"t"'!"'e~! ;c'" area. X Yes No..pr Jf:ct SIte prOVlaes pUO.1l.C a"':CeSS ( .....a-r:er ror! - - for recreational boating. DO~s ~~e ~rese'1t So'!!: Offer or incl~de seenle Vle~s or .,..1stas know~ to be lmpor:a"~ to t,,!: corr.unlti~ _'.S _No Waterfront vie",s of Stirling Basin ",ill be enhanced. 14. Strea~s wit~in or c:nti~uous to P~,~ect area: a. 'a~ cf strea~ and nane o~ rlver to .~1:h it is trl~~tary Stirling Basin 15. Lakes, Pon~s. ~etlanc areas within or contiguous to ~ro:ec! area: .. :ia~ Stirling Basin : b. Sile (in acres) +35 15. "'i"'H is t~~ ~:::~inolln~ l""d use an: Zonin9 ChS$14'.ca~10"' w~P'in a 1,.': IT'lle "ad'u5 of t"'e C'-C'!C: (1::.;. . !iH1:1e far"'llf re~';le,..t"11~-2)dand the 5~le O. r:t....e~E'1[t (er,Q. ? B~r_Y)t2-storv RA-110\,;,,j~U5~;> si~~~~,:: family resldentla an agrlcula~ura~. jl.... - ",,"aterrrort commerClc1 a.lL -".:i..i... industrial - Boat Yards and Marlnas. e. P~~~~:7 :J[S:~:P7J:;'i 1. Pnjs'c~1 d'~nS10~S anc scale of p~oJect (fill in c'~e~S1cns as a~=~~~~late; , Total ::Or'Itl~...O~S. acreage o..ned by or=,ject s;::onSor 9.77 acres upland. 9 42 9.:'2 ~ro'e:t acrea;e oevelooed: --.:..-. acres 11"1tial1y. acres ultHI'.ate1y. .35 tidal ",et1ands b. , P~;ect acreage to remain undeveloped d. ler~th of o~oject. in miles: N/A (if aDpro~riate) .. :r c~~ect is an ex~anS'on of ex;st1ng, ind1cate percent of ex~a~sion proPosed' buildIng souare foot- agt ; developed acreage . See Attached. f. ,'Ii,;""C:el" of off-s:'"'E1't :larking spaces Uist,na 90-95 160+ ; pr'Joo:;ed ;. /'I.Axll"\iJ'" ve'iicl..I1ar t~ios generated en nour 5-10 (UOO" complet1on of prOJect) ..,. !f r~Slderlt'41: NUl"1ber and type of I'IOLlS;"':: UM\tS: N/A :;One Fa,.,ny Two FaiT'i 1.,. Multiple F'amily COndO~1rium Inn 141 Ul t liT'ate ,. If: Ol"1!ntation 'e~~~~orMOOd.Cl~y.Rtglonal N/A Est'~ated Emo1cy~ent Co~erC1al I nc,JS: t1 d 1 J. Tctal ~e'g''lt cf tallest "'rO"105.eCl st"lJctl.jre _Nj~_._feet. -z- ~l" z, HO.. "'1.11:" natl.ll"" 1 oat,,' (1., 'OC>, "'<'. He) .ill b, '''''''''d!' <" "t, _ Total excavation and maintenance-dredging, approximately N/A tons ,,' J. Ho_ ro-!"y acr~') of \I~Cf'~!~'cr: (trees, s~r;,;:~. grOUl'\d eaVflrS: 1oI'~1 be I"l""'Cve::! fr')~ S1t~.. -....:2.?~:..~: .. W,ll a~v Matur~ f~res! ~over lJO years 01dl or ~t~er loca;ir.1r'"~orta~~ vegetat'on ~~ re~~~: ~j :~' prOJe:t' _____yes ~Nc 5. Are t"P,.,. any 01!..s for "e.v~~e':H'::ln to reolace that r-e'"I(Jved dl.lnng con!otl"uC':ion" __~,!~S '. 65,750 '1,;~)1 C it,..::) 6. If s'l"91e o"aH' :..:~!c!.. AntH;:';)!':ed 'e'-'od cf :O"l!otrUC:l0n _1"101': t 1'15 , (lncl\,;~lnc ~t~"':"~ 7. If ~l!~-~l'1aseo ,r~~ec':' a. Tota~ nUM~er of ~~ases a~t~cipated 3-4 No. b, Al"t;:~Oated date o~ co~e"l:e~ent ;~ase ~ ()ct~o~t~ ~'ear del"lCl . t 1 ':I") ',11": r:" t.:':''':l''.T~,e c:-:'e:'cn dat~ ~'r,a' o"ase May . co "'C":"'.~'~~" d. Is p~as! 1 f;~ancial1y de~e~de~t O~ s~~seowe..t '~ases' _____yes X~: 8. Wi11 blas~l~g occ~r dU~'~9 const~uctlon? _____yes ~No 9. ~~~e" of jObS g!"!ra:ec dJr~~; CC~5:~UC:l0"~; illte'" cl"o;e::t is co"'01e:! l.2...... 10. ~..I-.ee":;' :~s e~':""'ndtec :) :'"';, ;ll'"O;ec: ~ne. 11. Will PI"'O;ect "eColl!""! re1ocat1on of any orOj!cts 01'" facilities? ~""es "'0. If yes. e:r=~! Existing Floating Pier Assemblies and Travelift will be constructed and relocated lZ, .. rs surface or SUbsurface liQuid ..as:! di s;lcsal involved? Yas -L~o, - b, If yes. '''diCit! type of ....es:e (se_age. indJS:";,l. He, ) t;/A e, lf s....lace d1s::csa1 nl'"'e of st..ea'" ,,.,to Wl'llC~ e~"lJent ....'ill b, disc:~"n;ed N/A 13. .,11 s,.lr/a~e aru of eJllstll'lg la..es, OC"1~s, stru"'s. ba.....s 0'" ot'1!" surface _ater-.aY5 be '''c''ease:: ~ Oec"e!se~ :y ;lr:ocsal? ~Ye! _____~o. 14. !s :!"":)e:: 01'" ."Y ocr:,," of o~oJec! locate~ 1n !~e lOC yeer f1c:~ olain' ~ve5 ~~ I, a. ~:;!!s :rc:!c~ in'Vol'V~ C's:'':'sa1 of solic ~Hte' ~"es ..." dredged materials b, r f yes. wil t an exis:ing So1ij ~aste upland; o.nsi te name: N/A dis10sal faC11itv be usee' Yes x ~'c materials and adjacent .St. Agne~emeterY-properties. : 10cI:10", N/A placed e, H .'ies. g; 'Ie 15, I:, d. :Jil1 any wastes not go into a s~age dis,csal s.vstl!'" or into a Un1tary laM"ll? _Yes x "':- w; 11 or")ect "s. ;,er'oicides or p~stic;des' _Yes -L~o w 11 ~ i:'r:~e:t r'outH';el,. O"OCJce ooon. (n:)re than on, hOur' 0.' caj ): 'os x '0 -- wn~ or'oject prC:uet O:le~atir'lg n01Se elceed'''g the locai !1I':='1ence nOl se 1 ~"el 5' Yes x - 18, ....:- 19. \,hll o":)ect result 'n an lr:cr-ease in energy use' _Yes ~~o. If yes, indicate t.v:Je's; If wate" suOo1y is 4"ro~ wells lnd,catt ourrol"9 capaeit.v N/A g.1s/Il'l'''ute WC-~aterfront Commercial-Village of Total ant';:11'lted w!~!!,r usage :;e" dB." _N_/A__oals/dav. C r.l"eenpirt f -Light Industrial Distr1C1:_ Q"n 0 Southo d Zon1,.;: a. Ill'la: 15 dO'"'1nan: 1~~1"g c1as~~f':1Hl::)n 0' si~e' ______ ZOo 21- n b. Cur~~"~ s::e:1f,.:: z:'~...~ Cl!SS,I':~~lO" ~l s':e C.=1i.&ht.~lndPgrial IS orJ=o~e~ use ::"S'S:P":~l~~ ~r~Se"! :on1":' Yes d. If no, '''~~ca~~ Ol's'''ea ::''''~O _N.LLq__ _____ .- ..-.---- ~l.. , 26. AP:H'''OV' h' I. I. Iny r.d.. P.""" '.Qu!r.d' ....1'.-'.. .' . N, . c. local a~d Reglonal aDD~ovals' b. Dot~ DI":)Je:t involve State Or J:'pd~rI31 ~:.md"'1; or f1ranc'ng? __ _YE'S _~_~o ,.....,.,. Town. 1'~'Ilft- S:Jd rCl ,.....,.. Town, 1'~..~ Pla~~lI''1t; 9oal"d ~~. Tcw~. :c~;~c 3~a~c ~itr~ COu~ty ~~alth O!~art~~t Ot~er lc:a~ doen:::'tsTown Trustees O:ner reg1ona) agencies Staa AaenC1es ~ederal Agenc1es Village sf rfG~pg~rt Board t. INrcR.'lATlOI<AL tHAILS ADoro~al R~:ulr~d (Yes. ~o) (Ty:el ves -W ~ -S~ ....lliL ~ ~ P e rrni t _Ap..ll.IP~I_ -Le.t~r of Appv. ----.Een:ll t Yes NYSDOS/KYSDEC Armv CorDS Pe rr.>.i t Sutl,..j ~:a 1 (:.!! te} A::>.-Ofl!1 (Ga:e; Pe:1cir.;: ----rT--- ~ ~f~1 ),1l-'::: ' ~'... .....P.er. ,~1 i 71 c-' ~gt Pe:-:.:inr; A~a::~ '''1 ace;t~on.l In.c~tlon as l'Ti!,v be needed to Chrlfy your '''eject. If t~~"e are :... 1':'":,, b~ a........ ,everse 1~oe:ts .5SoC'att: .1~~ t~! pro~osal, ollIS! cisc~ss s~cn 1~~a,~s ar= ~~e ~!sJres .~icn c~~ :e ta~~~ to ~1tl;ate Or aVOlj the~. ~_ ~ //~ P::-:':'::="S S:~"':""'~'::~ ~. / /'" _/___ n:Lt: President, DANIEL S. NAT BRn:ER YACHT YARD AT GR1: Ju"e 16, 198~ ~~:;;;:S~"'7:SG: or, : Z and ASSOCIATES, IKC. -4- Inc., on beha.l~- \ .- . . JUDITH T TERRY TOW\' CLFRK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STYliSTIC'S OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765.1801 June 25, 1984 Daniel S. Natchez, President Daniel S. Natchez and Associates, Inc. Suite 1100, 555 Aida Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543-4002 Re: Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. Dear Mr. Natchez: In reviewing your application for a Soil Removal Permit for the above referenced project, I find that you did not notify the adjoin- ing property owners. Chapter 81-12(B) reads as follows: "..and a written notice of any application for a permit shall be mailed by the applicant to the owners of record, as set forth in the application, of properties within two hundred (200) feet of the outside boundaries of the premises within which operations regulated by this chapter are proposed to be performed. II I am enclosing herewith notice to adjoin- ing property owner forms for this purpose. One copy must be filed wifh me following notification, with the reverse side completed. Further, I am referring your complete application to our Town Attorney for review before proceeding with processing same. Very truly yours, .Ll. ./~~ ~(ik.z;(,- 'l '. y,,;..!~ Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Enclosures . . , .. r Town Of Sonthold Town Clerk's Office Sonthold, N. Y. APPLICATION FOR WETLANDS PERMIT RECEIVED A I. " N c:('{l3 pp ICC,lon O. ............:10.................. Date of Appl icotion ,JUN 201984 ................................................ Identity of Applicant Town Clerk Soutnold .llMWJ::JJ...Xh-st/:!-J. . Xgp..!!-I. .~~~~P.~~:r:.'... ~~~:.. .... ...'f.Z7..:...'f./!..'l.Y:.. ..:... ........... Stirling Basin Village of Greenport Manhanset Ave. & Beach Rd. Town of Southold ....... ............... ....... ..... .... .................. "C~;';;;ty" ~r s;';ii~i:k"'" ...... ..... ............ ...... State of New York Address-of Applicant INSTRUCTIONS FOR PERMIT A. This application is to be completely filled in by typewriter or ink and submitted to the Town Clerk in quadruplicate, accompanied by writter permission from the owner of the property if not the SOme as the applicant. B. Pilot Plan must be drawn to scale on the reverse ,ide of this application shOWing the location of property, the names and locations of owners of adjOining properties, and a detailed description of proposed project. (Note; Copies of the Pilot Plan may be made by a copy machine and attached 10 the Permit Applicatian.J C. No operotion shall be initiated by the applicant until all permits that are required are issued. D. A detailed statement of the rehabilitation and prvposed condition of the premises after the work i~ completed must be given, including a survey if required. E. It permit is being sought far a more sizeable excavation than the construction of a private single dock or jetty, then this application must be accompanied by a survey and topographical map certified by a registered land surveyor Professional Engineer. The horizontal control of survey shall be based upon an approval local coordinate system. The vertical control for elevation and sound- ings shall be based upon United States Coast and Geodetic Survey and/or United States Geological Survey datum. F. A statement must accompany the application describing any known prior operations conducted an the premises in question and whether any prior licenses or permits have been issued to erect structures or to dredge or deposit fill on said premises and whether any such permits or licenses were ever revoked or suspended by a governmental agency. G. A filing fee of $25.00 shall accompany the application. This filing fee includes one inspection there is a $5.00 fee for each additional inspection. H. The Town Board upon request9'f;j)' applicant for a permit, may waive in whole or in part, the provisicns of Article II, Section ,subdivisions (b and (6}- where it finds that nature of the rropos"'d operations are such that the requiremerts of such provisions ore not necessary for 0 proper consideration of a permit application. .. . I. Upon approval of this application the Town Clerk will issue a permit to the applicant. Such ;:ermit shall be available for inspection at any time, upon request. . . .- ." Examined .................................................. 19....... App raved .............. .................................................. Disapp roved ........................................................... C,...~.,,-1ition"r if an'} ....... . ...........,""...""<.,-)~.,....,...',. - .... . .'_...............~., .~.... ..... .00'.. ~. ....... ,_ ......"~ ._.............., ........... .................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................. Examining Body ..................................................................................................................................... Signature of Chairman ......................................................................................................................... ... ... 1:1 * APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to t~e Town Board of the Town of Sauthald, Suffolk County, New York, for the ISsuance of a permit pursuant to the Laws, Ordinances and Regulations govern- ing the Coastal and Interior Wetlands, Flood Pia ins and Drainage Areas of the Town of Sauthold: Permit requested to Proposed Excavation, Bulkheading, Maintenance-dredging and ................................................................................................................................. Recanfiguration of floating pier Assembly Projects - SEE ATTACHED LETTER FROM . jjANny:' 'S':" ~A't'Cm:'2" aii'a' iI.'S'S'O'CTA'fE'S'; "lii'i:':';" aa te a";; / 15/84.:...... No t e'! "N"6"~(; 't1'AWc1'S' . Wi'}:l' be touched, encroached up~n or i~terfered with. Manhanset Ave. and Beach Road Location of property for which permit wanted.................................................................................... Village of Greenpart, Town of Southold, New York 11944 .................................................................................,................................................................................ m.,,,=..~g,.~~~~~~~~~~-mrr~,,, ,[ MM"""~oj~ .......~~~~~..~.:..~~~.~~~.~..... and ASSOCIATES, Inc., 555 AIda Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543 (914)698-5678 .............,...................................................,................................................................................................ Creek, Bay or Harbor fronting property .......................~~~!:~~!:!\..~~?~!:............................................. .....................................................,.........................."................................................................................ Size of proposed work: Length ..................................................................................................................................................... Varies- See Attached Maps Width ..................................................................."................................................................................ Varies - See Attached Maps Height Above High Water Varies - See Attached Maps ..................................................................................................................... Depth Below Low Water Area to be excavated and all maintenance-dredging to 8 ' below }~W ......................................................................................................................... Yards to be Excavated See Attached Letter from DSN&A, Inc., dated June 15,1984 ........................................................................................................................... Yards to be Fi lied . .?~.~..A~.~.?~.~\'\~..~\'\~.~.\'\!:..~!:~!'!..T!.~~.M.,. ..~!}.".:.!...~.~.~.~.~.. ~.':'!!-~...~.~.~...~.?~.~............... Width of canal, creek or bay fronting property........Y..~...~.~.~...7...~.':'."'...p,...~.~.?sJ.1.':'.~...~p.~.:................... Depth at Low Tide Varies - See Attached Maps ................................................................................................................................. Average Rise in Tide Approximately 30" ............................................................................................................................. ,-- - ..' , Is this lor private or business use~ ...!!!!R~!!~RR::!e9.'!\I!1\!,l;'.s:.:j.."'J.):!'H::j..Q?..9.I'.!'.E?.~J9.Q............................. . Greenport-Southold - WC (Waterfront Commercial) - C (Light Industrial) Area Zon 'ng ... ... ......... ... .... ........ .... .... ..... ...... ...... ................. ... ........ ............ ... ..... ................... .... ........ ....... . h' h ., '11 b d d . d See Attached Letter from Manner In W Ie materra WI e remove or epos/te ................................................................... DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc., dated June 15,1984 ..................................................................................................................................................... Full Service Boatyard. I ntended use 01 property ...... ....... ............ ......................................... ................. ............. ....... .................. ....". ..... -,.. ... ............... ... .... .... ......... .............. .... .... ....... ....... "~'" ....... ....... .... ..,...........,. ..... ............. ....... ......... Written consent of owner of property, if not the Some os the applicant .....Nl.h............................. .................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................... COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) STATE OF NEW YORK ) 55: ............ .&.(11 .9..N.o..R. VtA:N.NE/.... .... .... ...... .... ....... .... ...... ... .......... being duly SWorn deposes and says that he is the applicant for the above described permit, and that 011 statements contained herein ore true to the best of his knowledge and belief; that the work will be done in the manner set larch in this application and os may be approved by the Town Boord of the Town of Sautha!d. The applicant agrees to hold the Town 01 South old and the Town Boord harmless and free from any and 011 damages and claims arising under or by virtue of said permit, if granted. ............................................ Sworn to before me this ....!~............... day of ..............~?'.~................, 19r.t::. 9~~;~~..p~~~~,:.. JOSEPHTNF: c;ON.AZZINI NOTARY PUBLIC, Stllte of New Y9l'\ Residing ill Suffolk Gauntt elks, No. 52-5814475 t:i' lMiD>ifinissian Expiles March30, 19f!.;,~ SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM Appendix B Pert 617 BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT INC. Proposed Excavation, BUlkheadirig, Relocation of Travel Lift Well Project Tille: Maintenance-Dredging and Reconfiguration of Floatin~ Pier Assembiv Projects Stirling Basin Village of Greenport County of Suffolk Manhanset Avenue Town of Southold State of New York 14-16-3 (3/81) Replaces 14- 16- 3 . . .. Location: I 0 Number: INSTRUCTIONS: ( a) In order to answer the questions in this short EAF it is assumed that the preparer will use currently available information concerning the project and the likely impacts of the action. It is not expected that additional studies, research or other investigations will be undertaken. ( b) If any question has been answered Yes, the project may have a significant effect and the full Environmental Assessment Form is necessary. Maybe or Unknown answers should be considered as Yes answers. ( c) If all questions have been answered No it is likely that this project will not have a significant effect. ( d ) If additional space is needed to answer the questions, please use the back of the sheet or provide at- tachments as required. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 1. Will project result In a.large phy~ij:al change to the project site or physically alter more than 10 acres of land? Project wl11 enhance area. [Xl 2. Will there be a major change to any unique or unusual land form found on the site? 0 3 Will project alter or have a large effect on an existing body of water? Proj ect will increa~e KI . wp!erfront area ~vall- 4. Will project have an adverse impact on groundwater quality? g.b e. for recreatlonaI 0 pu .11C access. 5. Will project significantly effect drainage fiow on adjacent sites? Will improve drainag.. flow~ 6. Will project affect any threatened or endangered plant or animal species? 0 7. Will project result in a major adverse effect on air quality? 0 8. Will project have a major effect on the visual character of the community or scenic views or vistas known to be important to the community? 9. Will project adversely Impact any site or structure of historic, prehistoric, or paleontological im- portance or any site designated as a Critical Environmental Area by a local agency? 10. . WHI project have a n;l~jor adve~e effect on e.l'istlng or future recrEtationil opportunities? ~roj ec t wlll nave a PO~lLlve e teet on tuture recreatlonal opportunlt~es. 11. Will project resDlt In major tra ic problems or cause a major effect to existing transportation systems? 12. Is project non-farm related and located within a certified agricultural district? 13. Will project regularly cause objectionable odors, noise, glare, vibration, or electrical disturbance as a result of the project's operation? 0 14. Will project have any adverse Impact on public health or safety? p'ij€lr~ thlfHh iW~~~t6Yi _ 0 15. Will project affect the existing community by directly causing a grow~i}'i'~JflfillWe'l,'fEotu'rSronltles. of more than 5 percent over a one-year period or have a major negative effect on the character of the community or neighborhood? 16. Is there public controversy concerning any potential impact of the project? o o YES NO o iii o ~ o [1j [1J o iii o o g IXI o o iii ~ iii ~ ~ ['S , FOR AGENCY USE ONLY / ,./ ,/ /. . ./~ / LL Date: June 18, 1984 Preparer's Signature: < /' / <~<- ,~/ /-' ~ .1";-:-/' Preparer's Title: President, Agency: DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc., on behalf of BREWER YACHT YARD,AT GM-"Nl'UKI INC. I , . TO~X OF SOCTHOLD . EAf E11VI~O:I"'ENTAL ASS:SShlHiT 'p,e.;n I P~1ec~ InfSl"'!'T1.i.tion NOTICE: T~'5 oocu~~~ .. Ofs'~n~d t~ aSslst in determining w~ether the action ~ro~osed may nav!~ sig~;~icant effect on t"!' 1'"yj"',::",:--.on:... rif'3Se conclete tne entire Data Sr-.eet Ars.....er-s tJ tt-.ese ouest,ons. 00,1; ~e C:l~s':::e"'e: as DHt of tl'1e a,Jo1'.:ation fol'" apo"cval and m.!y be sur-Jeet to further verific~tiM aM public rf.'Vlew. ;:'rovlde In~v addltl:Jn41 ',r:.r:-f""TIdtlon you believe wi11 be needEd to comoletp PARTS 2 anc 3. J: is t'xDectea t."IH CCr-:lI~t~r;~ of t":e EAr ..111 Involve new studIes, I"'esej"~~ ~r in~~s~ ::~t'cn. SO 1ndl:ate anc SP€C,fj ~~c~ lnstance. be deDendent on lnfOrmatic~, r:.Ir"'ent:y avai1abl", and .."; ~<;t If ~f'Jfc""""~:"~o~ re'1U11"'1!'!Q suer-, QdC:l~lon~l wor;; 1S urH'''u~~::1'2, :.A,"f Of PPDJf:T ,BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT INC.-Proposed Excav~tion BuIKheadlfig, Maintenance-ureagln5 and Reconfiguration of Floating Pler Assembly ProJects. NAM[ A~O AJ:~E55 OF Agent ~Jl"':~ ., _ ;1"",.~ A:~~ESS A~O ~~~E 0; APPlIC~~T: D&~IEL So' NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. (Na~eJ 555 AIda Road (Street! BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. (,,"" ) Manhanset Avenue & Beach Road (St~!t) Mamaroneck, ~ BUS'!~:SS PHO~E, New York (S"te) (914) 698-5678 10543 (.::.; ~; Greenport (Po J. ) l>'Y 11944 IZ, P I l~t~ ~e) ~~5:tlr?i::" C'r ;::-OJE(i' (Briefly describe type of oroject or action) See Attached Letter by DANIEL So NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc., dated June 15, 1984. (P~fASE COMPLETE EACH 0UESTrnN - Ind1cate N.A. if not applicable) A. SITE DESC~rPTrO~ (Physical setting of overail project. both develoned and undevelooed areas) 1. ~neral character of tt':e land: r,enerall.v uniform slope ~ Generally uneyen and ro1'lino or irre']ular 2. Prtsent land use: l!rO~n . Industr;al _____, Agriculture _____, 0ther ,ota] acreage of oroject area:1Z.07acres. , COlTmercia] x -' Subur:;,an Rural Forest 3. AODrOki~ate acreage" PreSently After Com~1etion Meadow or 9ru~hland . ~acres ~acres Ilater Surface Area Presently After :o~pletion 2030.cre, 40 95.cro, Fores ted ~_acres __acre~ Unyegetated (rock, e~rth or flll) 8.67 acr-e~ 6.42acr-es AoricuJ tura 1 acres _acres '/Ptland (rre;hwater or 71d.:11 -'IS I"ler Ar!lcles :4, -~ ~,.. ".C.L,) 035 acres 035 _acre~ Roads. buildinns and other ;-laved surfl!.ces .40 dc"es . 35ac..es S. 're ::ierp ~Pdr0::l OUICrO?01nOS o~ "rr')lPcr Sltp" Otner (indicate ty~e) _____dCreS acre~ Coarse to fine brown sand & gravel, some si.lt _n .--.- _Un -- '--...- -"ee7IT1ached Keport. 'r'ps _~_ ~C' 4. '~"'i1: l~ ""edolll\""~t soii t."De{si Of'! r')r0~ect site>' 9:!:~S .....a: ;; Cf"J':11 tc tledrcn" ____~~__ (f" "eet .. . . O-IQ~lOO;,~; 10.I\r _%. 15: 0' 6. A;proxll"'"He ~erce~taoe of prc;:,osed oroJect site with slo:J€s: greater 1. 7. Is ~rCJe:t CO~~lguouS to, or Places7 _____yes ~No contain a buildin~ or site 11sted on the National ~eg'ster of Hlstoric B. Varies: ]'811-6'511 table? _____feet below ground surface. See Attached Letter What is the ce~t~ to the water 9. 00 hunting Or fishl~g opportunities presently exist in the preJect area? _____yes ~No 10. Does prOject site conta~ any species of plant or animal life that is identified as threatened or enCd"'co:-r-eJ - _Yes ~,tJ. according to _ Identlf\l each speCles 11. Are there any uniQue or unusual fom.:niDr1s - _Yes ~No. land forms on t~e pr8ject site? (Describe (i.e. c1iffs, dunes. other geOlogical 12. 13. Is the p'aJect sHe preseo.tly.used by.the ca",",unit. or ne\Qobarhaad as an.agen saattf' ifE"ot'an area - X Yes No,l'rOJect s~te prOVl.aes PUU.11c access [ waTe ro - - for recreational boating. . Do~s the present site Offer or include scenic views or vistas known to be important to tMe community? ____yes ____No Waterfront views of Stirling Basin will be enhanced. Strea~s w;t~in or contiguous to project area: 14. a. Nd~ of stream and name of river to which it is tr1butary Stirling Basin 15. lakes. Ponds, ~etland areas within or Contiguous to prOject area: a. Ilarne Stirling Basin : b. Size (in acres) +35 1E. \oIM,H 'is the d~minant land use and Zoning classification within a 1/4 Illile radius of theyroiect :e:..g. . 51051e faml1y relldentl~11R-2)dand the sCille of OeYe"'_t (e,n.t? ,.ar~\t2-storv 1;{A-1I01C,deo1sHY single family resldentla an agrlcuia~ura-L, Vh-'/L - v..'a errrort cornmeTCla anCI 1 gl,~ industrial - Boat Yards and Marlnas. B. PROJE:7 DES:RIP7:C~ 1. Pnj5~c~1 d1nen51ons and scale of project (f~11 in dimenSions as a~propriate: .. Total cont'r;;uo'JS acreage owned by project sponsor 9.77 acres Project acreage developed: 9.42acres initially; 9.42acres ultimately. .35 tidal wetlands upland. b. c P~ject acreage to remain undeveloped d. length of project, in mi1es: N/A (if appropriate) e. If project is an expansion of existing, indicate percent of e~oaasion proposed: age ; developed acreage . See AttaChe building square foot- f. Nul'!"ber of off-strE:iF't oarking spaces existino 90-95 160+ ; prOPosed g. Haxlmum vehicular trios generated per hour 5-10 (upon completion of project) h. If residentjdl. Number and type of housinq units: N/A :)ne Family Two Family Multiple Family Condominium InH ial Ultimate 1. If: nri entation . e1gnbornOOd-City-Regional N/A Estimated Emoloyment COI"'FE>rCldl InO:.JS.J1dl J. Total helg"1t cf tallest "lrorJosed structure _Nj!2_.feet. '. . . 2. HO... I'r'ucn natuf'r'll material (i.e. roc~. earth, flte.) ...ill be rel'!'Cl'fed from the Total excavation and maintenance-dredging, approximately s~te - N/A tons 3. Ho... ~3"'Y acres of 'feqeta!:lor: {trees. shruts. g":Ju"d covers.l 101111 te !"~ved fro'" ~750 cubiC Slt~ .. ~~:~~: j~"GS " 4. Will d~y mature ferest (Ov~, l~O years old) or other lOCdI1Y-ln~orta~t vegetat10n ~e remove: ~f prOJect? Yes X Nc . "' , 5. Are thpr" (lny 01il~S for re-v2getilt1on to rer-lace that removed during cor:stru::tion? _~'(es '': 6. 1f s1ngle O":!Sf ;:-""c]ect" AntlC:Dilted period Of construction months, (lncludlng de"',ol~+:.~o~ 7. If I'T1Vltl-'''d'~sea oro.;e(:- a. Total n~ber of ~hases a~ticiDated 3-4 No. b. o '8' l.~t~:iDated date Of co~e~:e~ent ;~ase ~ ~month _____year demo1 j tion) " 1~: c. Aproximate co~oletion date final ph~se May , ,39 r!'lOn~'" ..~ve~r d. Is phase 1 finanCially deDendent on subseoue~t D'ases~ _____yfS ~~c 8. Will blaHi",C; Occur dun":: cons~ruction? _Yes X No 9. NlJ'T'ber of jobs gE'''erated. durir:g construction ~ a.ter oro;ect is c0l'"101ete .1...2....- 10. Nul"ber of ~C'bs el1~1nated by this project None. 11. Will oroJect require relocation of ~ny orojects or facilities? ~Yes _No. If yes, eX~li!ln. Existing Floating Pier Assemblies and Travelift will be constructed and relocated 12. I. Is sudace Or subsurf~cf liquid Waste disposal involved? _Yes -L~o. b. If yes, indicate type of waste (sewage, industrial. etc.) K/A c. If s~,face dlsPcsal nilfT'e of strea.'" into whiCh ef<l'luent ....ill be discr:arged N/A 13. 1.';11 sur"a:e area 0'" e,l:isting la~es, Donds. streams, ba)'s or ot;,er surface waterways be increased ::Jr dec~easea by proposal? ~Yes _No. 14. Is pr2Je:t or any portion of project located in the 10C year flood plain? ~Yes ~o 15. d. 80es project involve d'sDosal of solid ....aste? ~Yes No dredged materials b. r f yes, ....i 11 aI", existing solid w~ste upland; Wlsi te name: NfA disiosal faci1ity be usec~ Yes x "Ie materials and adjacent St. Agne!3'remeterY-prcperties. : 10cHlon N/A placed c. !f ye~, give d. :li11 any wastes not go into a sewage disDDsal System or into a sanitary lanofill? _Yes _~....o 16. Will prOJect use herbicides or P~st;cides? _____yes ~~o 17. Will prOject routinely ~roduce Doors (IT'Ore than one hour eel'" day)? Yes ~~o 18. Will project produce o=,erating nOlse exceeding ~he local a~~lence noise levels" Ye!. x 11':) 19. l./i11 prOject result 1n an increase in energy use? Yes ~~o. If .ves, indicate type.'s) 20. 21. If water sucoly is fro~ wells indicate ou~o1ng capacity 22. ZOnll"i~: d. I/hat 1S dOr';lnant Zonl119 classifica~10n 0'" site~ N/A gals/1'T11nute We-Waterfront Commercial-Village of C-Light Industrial Dist~1rt~P~6'sn of Southold Total art':inate::1 l<<J:~r- JSC3g€' :Jer da,1I _Ni6.._oals/dall. b. Cur-rer'1t SOeCifl( Z~~1nc class1.1cat1or of s'te C-Li~ht_Industrial ;5 orO::lO'>ei1 use ce"'s'stp~~ ,.n!" ;-l""ese'1t zonln,,;' Yes d. lf no. i"d1ca~e desire::! zr""rq _NiL. -,- ~ 26. Approv~ls' a. Is any Federal pern.it reQuired' ~Yes No . . 0" b. Does prOject involve State or- FedHdl funding or flnanClng? Yes _~~o c. local and Rel~'onal approvals' Aooroval RpQUlr-ed (Yes, No) (Tyee) Submit~al (Date) A;:loroval (Date; of..,.,..., Town. ~~-l....hr~ Boa rod Jes Permit Pending "'+-~, Town, -\I+J....lil"ef Plar.nH'S Beard _ t.R pr~oval -- '---rr--- tiFf;, To"n, :onin9 Board ~6s .c~"T County Health Deoa rt~nt --J\lO- letter of Appv. j/l~/bit Other 1 eea 1 agenc i esTown Trustees ...ses Permit ~ Penrli ni-', Other reg1or.al agencies J:llL State Aoencies ~ NYSDOS/KYSDcC ~n Feder-a 1 Agencies ~ Armv Corps _ en~ln~ Village sf freer~ort Board Yes Permit Pending rU5 es C. IN FOR..AT IONAL C,TAILS AttdC~ any acditional inl"cr'!"lation as ma..... be needed to clarify your project. If there are 0" ria..... be ar:y adverse 1mo~cts associated with the proposa1, olease ciscuss SUCh impacts and t~e ~e~sures wnicn (~r te taJ.en to mitigate or avoid them, // , l //..- ',... / /1 PRE~A~[R'S S!~~ATU?E: "J~/ Z and ASSOCIATES, Inc., on behalf 2f TITlE: President, DANIEL S. NAT ~E?KESE,IH:NG: BREWER YACHT YARD AT GRE June 18, 1984 INC. DAi[: \ .,. . EM ." . ENvrRD~~E~TAl ASSE~S~ENT _ PA~~ II Gt>n~"Jl T"":-"-3~1,)-' ,c':'-!': :,,;e+"ul1y) PrOJect !~DJcts and Ire'" Hdo~ltude In co-,Io"", ,-, 'r~ t'-e 'e"e.e' should b, guided bv th, ouest'on; Have my deei"ons and Ce:e"""nat"" been re~scr:z.D;f' The reVlewer 1S not expected to be an eXDert €'nvlronr!'!ental ar:alyst. Identi"'Y1ng th;.'~ U f'ffer!: Ior'ill be Dotentiall.' large (column 2) does r"ct :tIean ~hd! it SlCI'\1.~co")t. ..r'v ~t'ro~ effect must be ~valuated in PART 3 to deterT"'1ne ~lgr,iflcance. eftect in c:'lu~' 2 Sl~Dly asks that 'it be looked at fur-ther. is 31 SJ ne.: e~ sa r' i l' Ry 1(1er;.'.j'~";; u, The EX3~v1es provided are to assist the revlewer by showlng types of effects and wherever 00551:'e :~e tnres~G Of magn1t:.JJe that would trigger a res~onse 1n column 2. The examples are generally ap:J'ic:able t~rOJ;;":Jt t~,e State and fer r.'Ost s1tJations. But, for any specific project or site other exar'1='les dnd/or loW'er t""'esnclds may ,e ~re ao~ro2r1ate for a Potential Large Imoact rating. Eac~ ~rvject, on fa::.") site, in eae". locality, will vary. Therefore, the exar:1:.1es hove teer: offe"e:= as gwic:l~;ce They Co not constit~te an exhau5t1ve list of impacts and thresnolds to ans~er eac~ nuest1on. The nU~er of eAa~~~es pe" question does not indicate the 'm~ortance of each auestion. INSiRUCTIOSS (Read Carefully) a. Answer tach of the 18 questions in PART 2. Answer ~ if there will be ~ effect, b. ~ anSwers should be considered as ~ answers. c. If answerir:g Yes to a Question then check the appropriate box (column 1 or 2) to i~d"cate t~e ~otential size of the lmcact. If imoact threshold ea;,;als or exceeds ar.y exaT"tpie orovldec', cneck. cclu:,:,~ 2. If i~pact will occur but thresnold is lower tnan examole, check coj~~n 1. d, If rpvie~er has dou~t about the size of the imoact ;~e" consider tne imoact as ~otentiallj large a~d prc:eea to PA~~ 3. e. If a coten~ially larae imoact Or effect can be reduced by a change in the oroject to a less than large magn1tUGl:', ciace tl ~es i~ C01u::in 3. A No response indicates' that such a red:.Jction is not poss1:Jle. 1 2.. 3. !MPAC'" ON ~M;D 1. NO yeS 00 ~ILl T~EPE SE A~ ~~FEC~ AS A RESULT OF A PHYSICAL CHA~GE T0 PRJ0ECT S:;TE? There will be an increase in public access to the waterfront. fx~~ales that wou,~ ADol~' to Column 2 A~y ~~~stru:tio~ on !looes of 15% or greater, '15 foot rise oer lJu foe!. of len9t'~:, :or where the general slooes in the prOject area exceed lO~. CCnst~uct~~n on land wher~ the denth to the water table 1S less than 3 feet. /"onstruction cof fJflved fJario:.ina dre;:!, f('\r 1,""'1"\ or more vehicles. V:ln5tructio~ on 131"j where bedroo: lS eXl')osed or Qenerally ..it!"ln 3 feet of ex'st;ng grOu:'ld surface, ~ CC~S-J:lctl'l'" !nil' will contlnue for more than 1 vear or ,nvo1Ye I':'lo"e !.har, .')r:~ ......c5~ (lr 'Stage. X [.o:::i'v?:~;Jn ""01- 1"""I";nr:; ~Ur:loses that 'would remove r710re than l,ClOC ~c.r,s sf r,il~:.J"al r'1:.te''101 (i.e. rock or 5011) rer vear, For recreational boating purposes. Co~Str:.JC~lor of ~nv ne~ san1ta"y landT; 11, -5- SMALL TO POTE NT! AL CAN IMPACT SE MODE~T[ LARGE R.r'llirr" SI ...'-'".......... IMPACT !~PACT PQOJ EC; CHA~.~~ - - - - - - - - - - - - x - - - x - - - - - - . : (ons:r~(t'on In a deSl~na:ed floo0~ay. X Topography of ProJ. ect Site will be Other H";:.!!::~S: -"------ . 1. 2. 3. <':"-" , 70 ~n:E.'f: rAL CA, '1~JA C: 6, ~, RtTE lflPG:: P(0l.:([D By r" A,-"" I~"~r'" :>O':;Jr,:T C ~'': '.S:- - - - - - - X YES - - - - - - - - - <3 - - - - - - - - - - - - YES Q - - - - - - - - - X C - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . I z. improved & church properties will be enhanced -l/~ ""ILL Ti-:D<E Sf tJ~ UfTCT Tf) A!oiY UNIOUE 0R U"lI'S:":Al l~Nn F,1RI"l:S ~ FCU'1J DN THE Si7[? (l.e. C11ff... dunes. aeolocl("1I1 forTT'll- U\J tlOflS, etc. ) S..,ec1flC lano fc~s: I'~P':'CT i';'i I.': i[ ~ 3. WIll rp~JECT AFFECT A~Y wATEP BODY DES!~~AT[D AS PPC;-EC.[':" (under Ar-ticles 15, 2~, 25 of the Envir- Onr-oental ConServdtlon La.... [.C.l.) NO "(~) txa-:les t':at "'culd ~:)Dly to Column 2 Dredgino ~re thlln lOt) cubic yards of material fro.iI channel of /I protected stream. Co"structicn HI a deslgnHed frE'snwater or tidal wet~a,"d. Other l"'::lactS: 4. WILL D~~JECT AFFEC~ ANY NON-PROTECTE~ EXrSrr~~ OR ~f4 BODY :JF liAT[R? ............................ " . . .. . . . NO o Ex~~~les tMat _auld ADOl! to Colu~n 2 A T~1 incr-ease or d~crease in the surface area of an,. bOdy of ..ater Or rrore tnan a 10 acre increase or decrease. -5. Co~struct10n of a bOdy of water that exceeds Tn acres of surface area. Project will enhance recreational Otner imnact,s: ." II t...._~ opportunlt.it::::;. by ""CT'e'a~~.l.l{f!-Snttp=u-..:;r~ basin approximately 115,825 sq. ft. ----.w o l.i:lL D:(':\H::r ~ rFr:T ~l!RFAU 'JR r;RQlI~DI./ATER nllAUTY' [U...~l",S tr.at "'ould A,?,?ly 1:0 ColulT1I'l 2 ~r(1]ect ....i11 re"lulre a diSCharge pemit. Prc]e::: reCul res use of a Source of wHer that does not have 4p:>rQ..al to serve 'reposed prOject. Dr'OJect requlreS water sUDPly from wells with I}reater :~an ~5 callons per mlnute ~umolng capaclty. CJnStr~Ct10n or oceratlon causlng any ContaMinatlon of a ;UCllC ~ater suc~lj System. PrOject ~il1 adversely affect groundwater. l'Ou1d effluent ..ill be cOnveyed off the site to fac'11tles ..rJicn oresently do not exist or have lnd~e~~ate C~~d::lty. PrOject requ1nng a facility that would use water in Pxcess of 2r,000 gallons per day. PrOjeCt ~111 l1kelj cause siltation or other dlscharQe l~~O a~ ellS:1ng t:jy of watpr to tne extent t~at t~ere ..ill be an ~b\"ous visual contrast to natural CondltlonL _h. . . 1. 2.. ~ B. ~Ill PP.C~tCT AFFE:7 ANY THREATENED 8~ E~DANr,ERE~ SPECIES~ '<<) YES GO '1ALL :-r pnT["''7"jf.L CA j !':J;.: ~ -- ~JEP..ATE lAt(G: , '-'" ',. ~~ '. ; '~;;~,.. ':' r"ptC'" " -00 >;',~: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I - - - ':t'1p.. Jr<1:JHts See Attached Letters from H2M dated the Cou"nty ~fS~ff~lk dat-ed- 3/12/84 1/31/84 & -------- i. 'J lL; p ~~,~' ~: 7 :(:~"'/'J~ F' ,,~ ' " ",,',G[ 'l;" r'~"'TP'i~ ~ SdRF V.E 'IA itc ~I'J YES q"OQ ~'"~r!:: . ~OIJ 1 d '~":p]~ ,." C::;) LI'"m 2 P"'['\;ect WI');Jlcl imryede floor' wHer fl('1Ws. Prc:lect 15 1He;j ~c- cause sut:>stantial e!"OSlon. Pro:ect 15 inco~pat;ble with ~xlsting drainaoe patterns. X n"" iC""" Project will improve drainage pattern ane! 11-0\0..'::'". I. I"':P:"CT"~ AlP. PILL ;:R~JEC- AFFE:-:- AIR OUAlny?, riD Y[S ............00 Fn"'pl~s t"1at ~Jould Apply to (alum 2 Project will induce 1."100 or mo~ vel'11cle trips 1n any given !'lour. Project wi11 I"esult in tr,e ;ncinerat~on of r'l:l'"'t tJ'l,tln 1 ton C'f refuse ;J~r hour. DT"Oject e"'lss1o~ ,.at~ of all co~ta"';nal'lts will exc..e!'! 5 105. 'e" ~0!Jr or ! ~eat snurce "'T"OCUC1nc; 1"(Jr" t_~an 1~ mf~1101'1 S.U's per hour. Ot"'~r 1moacts' 1"010;';...... r"\"( 0: ~ '{T'<::; ~ I-.i"; t l.f!"'~ S [la~Dles tha: Would Apoly to Column 2 C~duct;or' of one or rro~ Species listed on the tlew York or ~ede"al liS:, using the site, over or near sIte or fcuM on tne site. Rer!'O 0' a 1 o~ any l)ort1C~ of II critical or Sicnif;cant wild- l1f~ "'Plb'Wt.. A.D"l icatiM of Pesticide or "e,.tici ctl' over l'Dre than t,'Ice d yea>" otr'ler ~n for~... ".J,tu"..l Pw'f'O'io'!s. 0t',.,,. i~oacts: 9. ','JLL ?OOJE:T SU9S7~:,iIALlY AFFECT r!ON-THREATClE:l E~JA~~E~E~ SPECIES' . .... ................... EI~~J)~ that ~ould Applv to ColUMn 2 - . DR NO YES . . . . . . . . . . .~ <:::> r"Ol~ct would substantlally Interfere with an:' resirfent or ~19ratO,.y f1S~ or wlldllfC soec'!!.. r..OJec: r-eCU1res trle rpmQva) of nore th311 )1'1 acres n#' ~ature fC'rest !over 19D ve~rs In aOe) or otrler locally ln~o,.tant vegetatIon. -1- . . : 1. 2.. ~ :.:-; G":'":~ - '.:D Ilr :~...."'" ~'n <DO ....t; .c p c_ , , -. c' "r;.', . , , . . ~., ". l ~;iG P E:J.;: "- ". , "' t./'" - , ." p:-r, , , .. , " , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ "",. ~~ ~ , ;;"".,'2-:-- 1':. ! '. ~ ... u ~ ::::~, _~ F:. Cr"~Q.";:7E:: :'F hr ~ r r:-...... . :. '1'" :5.':: ,-? :': El.~--''?5 :~j~ 'Ioul,~ ':';:;'..' ::J Cr.L..'"'r, 2 An .nC::r""n:~:.>;:- ",,,dl affect Ccj5E'C ~v t"e In:r:'''''~'C'',-,r, of r'1e-'~ fl"dtC''',(!ls, (::;1c"" ~'1;J/C'r #"C'~T5 1'1 enntr:s:.: ~, t 'f' ~...rrou,,:::, "1" 1.'!nC5 cc:e :. O":l~ec: f':ss11"'5~~ '"' r;::: "'~:'~_i sc"'ee'1~::I;'ldt 15 Otlv1ousl.1' dlfferent 'ro~ (\1.~'c..'''S ,~"2-,n,~ 1t Project ,...,11 res",: 'r t'1e p1n""'liH1Cr or "1ilJC"" screp"l' '1:) of See'll C yle..s :::r ';1 stas k:no\.''1 tc De l~~ortdr: t: t~e drea, C:"er j;-;:acts: I....P:~- I]', ~!~"'~~.,: :'::~'1I,!:;-:~S 11. \.I!L:" ~Rr;:~CT :"P~C- ';'11' 51-:: :)R STPr.JC'7"0?[ :}F HIS,:"")R;.:, ~PE.i~!q:~,~:: ;'!p P':'LE!)~;"TCr::C:~ I";'~~T:";CE:? [),a~Clles U':~~ '~o..i1d AC'oh to Cclur.n 2 llO YES GO Prrlec~ ~cc:.;"~"c ""0:1,1- 0" nartia".' '...,t~~.. Or CO"t10:JOUS to u-" J"acl:it.. Or s'tt' lis:ec on t'e "'dt1ol'1al ~el''1ster of "i star1e :llaces. t.I'1V ir:-.N,ct to an a"c"ec:c;lca1 site or fossil bpc lc:cHed ..itrllr: the pro~ect s1te. Ijger i:"'?dCtS' J~PlrT r~ 00~' SC~:E & PEC~'::~.:~': 12. IHlL T,~~ p;mJECT AFrt:T T4E CUANTITY OR OUALIiY OF EX:ST!~~G NO YfS OR F,TUFE OPE~: SPACES OR RECPE'TlO"Al OPPORTU'IITIES?..... 0 0 En-:-les that ',lou1d Aoplv to Column 2 Tl;e per-r'1i!ne"lt fore:l0St.;rt of a fl>ture recre"'tional ODDortunit". A r'1dJO~ rp.ductlon of an Open spac~ 1mpo..tant to t"e co~unity. Will increase public access to water- I')t/'ler l'T'.C'dCt'3: front, and recreational boating opportuniti~s. r~p~~'" 'HJ T:;':'~SO'~O"'~.!,,,~ 13. \'!LL T"'r:;.:: SV$':'EUS' ::E ;','/ UFECi '70 EX!STI:IC TRA'''SP~RT,"1'Tln~' "iQ '!'ES GO Exa~oles trat ~ould A.,.,iv to Colu~n 2 Alteratlo~ of present o~tter~s of MOve~ent of neeple dnC/er t;~oas. Pr-Olect w~]l result in severe traffle "}roblems. 'Jt'1e" '~::a(ts --~------_. ---- ----. "R . . . 1 2. ~ 16. 'iILL PROJECT AFFECT PUBLIC ilEAL TH AND SAFETY? N~ YfS S"ALL Tn P0TE~Tl'.L CAil ~c~:T v_ ?~Ofi(t IE LATlGE REO ,~;: ..., By I~FACT !'1PACT PRO": -- CJ..;;',,;,::;r "' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X - - - X - - - r~Dt:T ~~ ['![~GV 11. WILL PFOJECT IFFECT THE CO~MUNITIES SOURCES OF FUEL nR NO YES :::~:;.:U::~:?~o~;~.;~~;;~~ '~~;~m~'~"""""""""'" (2) 0 Project cdusing oreater than 5: increilse in any fom of energy used In munlcipa1ity. < Project reOuirl~g the creation or extension of an enprgy trdnS~lSs10n Or supcly system to serve more than sn s!nQle or two fa~ily residences. Other H.,pactS: IMP~C. mJ NOrSE 15. WIll T"'ERE BE Or ELECTRICAL OSJECTInNABLE ODORS. NOISE. GLARE. VIB~TInN NO YES O:STURSANCE AS A RESULT OF THIS PROJECT? ... '/?'o tlculrl Acoly to Colurm 2 \.!;) Exa:""'ol es tr.at Siasting \o(it~ln 1,50:") feet Of a hospital, school or other senS1tiye facilitv. Odors will OCCur routinely (more than One hour per day). Pro~ect .,il1 nr'oduce coertHing noise ex.ceediM the local a~oient noise levels for noise outsiae of structures. PrcJect \1/111 rer"(lve natural barriers that would act as ~ nOlse Screen. nther irlracts: !"'P~CT O~I HEAL Tu & HAZARDS Ex.a'1'101ps that \~ould J\pply to Column 2 .............00 PrOject will cause a riSk. of eX'Jlosion or release of hazardous substances (i.e. oil, pesticid~s, chemicals. rarliation, etc.) 1n tne event of accldent or uoset conditions, or there ~ill he a chronlC 101.1 level discharge Or enlssion. Proj,=,ct tl-l.at will result in the burial of "hazardous wastes" (l.-e. tOX.1C, poisonous. highl.... reactive, radioactive, irritating, infectious. etc., inclwjinQ wastes that are solid, seMi-solid, liquid or Contain gases.) x Storace facilltips for one mill10n or more oallnns of liouified natural gas or other liouids. Project will allow safer navigation at !')t~er l~Dacts' low tides by restoring pre;iously~~;isting-aepihs tor aeep- d.rafl bUdL.::'. -. ----._____._~ _____. _._. Project will help protect publlc health by providing needed pumpout facilities. n. . ; ~'PAi'7 ?:~ ~;, '7": "'- lARGE !'~P~CT (""~, : "" ~ '" ~ jt RtDUCES By PP,)JEC Cf'AI-.Gr IWP~(:'" (l'! C;O;:"'.."'I'"I-< t'i~ C:..:.~Ci:-P ['r C".....~";;";"" "0 "r'~\.JP"O\.J"V'" '-, - 17. WILL PP~![C7 ~FFECT THE CO..."1t;~liY? ............ C~A~^CTEO ~F THE rX:ST:'~G "18 YfS ~ ~~a~ ~~uld A~Dlv to Column 2 00 The Dopulatlon or the City, To~n or Vil1aqe in which t~e proJe::.t l~ loc~~ed is likely to grow ty More thd'1 5~ G~ reS10ent hUMan ~C~w~aticn. T~e Municipal tudget5 for ca:ita: elce~ditures or D"'pra_ tinQ Sl!'n"ces ., 11 l!;crea~,; ~: 1"'"Ql"e ~~,;r, :~ ;,)~,.. .VeiH as a resL;l t of thl S project:. Will l"volve a"y C)",r"'"tre"";. faci:Hj o. a "'c"'.d::"'~cJ1t:.nal use 1n a~ agr1cu\t;...'ral j1stnct or re'"'()ve r,ri~e ag:lcultural lands fN;;i"'I CultlvatlOIL The ~r-o_'e':t .<ill re::ilace or elj"';'1ate exis~'~~ "~r,1'hes, strL::::~ur-es 0" areas of nis~:""~C ';':':"'~a",:,: tc"tr.e ::D:T\J" :y. ~ev!'lc:''''l'?'lt will i~.:::.;cp ar: il"flu;l.. of a PiHt~cula.- age grol,.~ ..1tM specj~11 neecs. ProJect .'ill se~ an i~Dortant precede~t fo'" future p"'c~ects. Pro.!e:~ will reloc.:l~e 15 Or more em')loyees in one or mre b:.Jslnesses. Ctl'1er 1~ac~s: 18. IS ~~ERE PUBLiC C:~T~C;r~sy C~NCERNrSG THE p~0JEC:' NO yeS E)~~al~s that ~ould Apply to ~o;u~ 2 GO net ~een c:::~tactea. [it~er gover.,~,..t 0" citizens of adjace'lt CO~ur:1t'es nave elpressec c:'~osit'cn Or reJected t!;e C'!""J,ect or have C~]e:::tlons to tre nrc)ect from witl'1in the co~njt,. I F ,~,NY ACT I O'j n: P.e,RT 2 IS IDE~lTIFIED AS A Pf)TEiHIAL LARGE I"PACT on IF you CANNDT DETERMlt<E THE MAG1HnJDE OF IJ-lPACT, PROCEED 70 PART 3. PORTIONS OF EAF COMPLETED FOR THIS PROJECT, DEHPt.lINA7'II)N PART 1_ PART II_ PMT 3_ U~on reV1e~ ~f the idol"T"atiol'l reCorded On this EAF (Parts 1, 1 and 3) and CO~SlderinQ both the m~Qnitude and imnortance of each impact, 1t is rp!sonably determined that: PREPM~E A liEr.'TIVE DECLARATION A. T~e P~Ject will result in no major imD~cts and, therefore. G SEE ATTACHED. is one ..1'11CI'1 "y not cause signif1cant damaoe to th.. en\l1ronment. B. Althouol'l t~e orO]t"ct could have a significant effect on the ,?"I/1r"Ol'1r"1ent. tr>erl" ..'ill not be a signiflcant ",(feet in this case PRErARE ;., NEr~!JTIVE nrCLARAiION because tne ~itlQat.on measures described 1n PAR; 3 have been 0 'included as p~rt of the prOPosed prOJect. . C. The croject ~i 11 res.ulr " on. or more major adl/~rse lmOacts PREF-'R[ POSITIVE DE"CL~RATIu~1 PROCEED WITH [IS that cannot be reduce~ and may cause si~nlflcant damage to 0 the env] !"'Or,rr.ent. ndte ~atiJre-of ~os~onSltle OfflClai 1'1 Leacl "'gencv S1gnature or Pre~arer (1f dlffprent frorr. resronSlo1e Ofi1cer) Prlnt or ty~e na-e O' resDOnSl0ie Offl,tal in lead Agencv . L - 1(' . . f~F Erl\'lPO~l~[NTAl t.SSESSH~riT PART III E',':':"~~r'::1 r:r .,.u~ f'JP,",:'T:,';:,r nr I""P;':::, I .iFOP....:. i I :")~\ Part 3 is :l...e:J~red .f ':~,~ ,..... ~r(> . ";;2::~ ;;r e'<(e:: 1;' ccr,~>~ered :~ be Dotentially laroe. TO. ''''unt of w"tJOe n.c.ssary to answ.r rar~ 3 CaY bp d.t.r"ined '," answ.ring the ow.stio" In ,,,,'1, Com~l~tin~ t~e instructio~s below have I nlacec in t~is reCord sufficient information to ind1cate t~ reasonabJe"'ess of ~v aeclsions? I NSTK~ICi Ie,'IS Co~lete the folJowinq for each iW.Pdct or effect identified in Cclumn 2 0' Part 2: 1. oriefly descr;be the im~act. {, Jescrib. ('f .polleabl.) how the i~Dact ~ioht b. mitigat.d or r.duc.d to a I.ss ~h" luoo 1m"" by a ,re- ject ('lange. 3. Ras.d on t'e infcm.~ion "aila:le. decide if it is reasona'le to conclude that th" 1~nact ;5 ,""."" to the min1c~~a]jty (CHy, tOwn or villaqe) in 1.,.11;(.'1 the project is located. To anSwer the Question of importance, consider: T~e probability of the impact or p.ffect occ~rr'nQ T~e d~ration of t~e imract or effect Its irreverSibility, including per;nanen~l} lost reSources or values ~'et~er the im~act Dr effect can be contrOlled The regional consequence of the imnact or eff~ct I~s potentia] divergence from local needs and goals ~~ether ,nown Objections to the project a~Dly to this iMpact or effect. OETERlolINATIf)N OF SIG"IFICA"iCE ^n actien is consioered to b~ significant if: ()ne {or TMre\ ;l'T'!oact is deremined to both ~ and its (t~eir) conseouence, hased on the revie"" above, is i~~ortant. PAPT Il! STATE~~~TS (Co~tinue on ^ttachments, as needed) .11- '- _,'<iT OF f.~\IR(j\" '.,L 5ERVATION APPLICATION FOR n~MIT r', ' "~'" .-1,1 , v I APPLlCATIO.... \jO. I. -'7/ r fl 'v j '. ...tions on buck before (ompletin~ this applicatIOn. pleasf' type or print (f(.arly in ink. Use separate ~d and exhibits 10 provide all required data and explanations lor v.hich space on the form is in.adequate. ARTICLE 15, TITLE 3 (CONTROL OF AQUATIC INSECTS, WEED~, OR UNDESIRABLE FISH) -\RTlCU 15, TITlE 5 (PROTECTIOr-. OF W'\ rERS) -~~ For the construction, reconstruction. or repair of d DAM or other impoundment strUCfure. -- For the construction. reconstruction, or repair of .lny permanent DOC 1\, _pier, or wharf; and any dock, pier, or wharf, built on openwork supports, which has a lOp surface area of more than 200 square feet. =:: For the disturbance of a STREAM BED or excavation in or fill of navigable waters. ARTICLE 15, TITLE 15 =: W..\TER SUPPLY ~ LONG ISLA~.iD "ELL A.RTlClE 24 (FRESHWATER WETLA~D.':l) ~ Permit - Letler of Permission ARTICLE 2S (TIDAL WETLANDS) -' . 1. ~A,"'\E Of APPLICANT: BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, N. Y. , '\PI'LlCA"iT IS A/-\"J '-I Individual G Partnership ~ Association 'X Corporation rJ Municipality '"J Governmental Agency I. ".\ \1E & TITLE or Edward Vianney - Manager (516) 477-9594 ilFFiI. I!\l SIGNING APPlICA nu\, PHONE STREE r ADDRESS Manhanset Avenue Greenport N.Y. 11944 OR P. O. BOX POST OFFICf STATE ZIP CODE A~t ,. '.."'E & A(JOKESS UF O<l DANIEL S NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. (914) 698-5678 l!lnotappllcJnfj _____--.-:....,_ PHONE -,-- ~TREET ADDRESS 555 Alda Road Mamaroneck N.Y. 10543 (Ji-{P,f).BO\ -"- - POST OFFICE -. -- STATE - ZIP CODE 6. WilL PROJECT L'TllIZE l>'l.I))ECT tOe -'TI(I\: STATE OW-..;EO L."~DI ,1) lilY nr Vi I I-Jl;(: of _C:r-"en~ort_.__. \A,,\1E OF STREA,"'! OR OTHER \\.\TER L,ODY: - -- lit <lppropriate; if un-named, show on Yrs - \'0 To'.\n of Southold map - See ItE'm 5b) .-------- lounly at Suffolk Stirling Basin --'-~~-~ 01 Specific prown ~Ilf' or ,}t('C; is marked on L.S.C.S. or equivalent mJp, attached as Exhibit No, - I'!\II!'(!S[[)\.SE: !'rl,Jlp H. PROP()SED 5T ART!\;G DA TE: 9. APPRO>.I,\\ATE COMPLETION DATE 10. FEE OF $~~ [\CLOSED i'Lltlll( X(()mml'f(I,11 October, 1984 May, 1989 Ii. 1'1\( 'He r DESCRIPTIO\: {Feel of rijH,lp nt''.\' rh,mnE'l; ruble yards of mJtpridl to br> removed; drJining, dredging, !'llln~, ,inti IO(dllon of dlSPOSdJ ~i1e~; type of structure to be inSldllf'd; height o! dam; SIlt' oi Impoundmenl; (JpdCitll'S oj proposrd Willer sourCf"s, pxlvnt of di<;tribulion system; etc.} SEE ATTACHED SUPPLEMENT Illr,i'(! ',',Ill ff':;Ulf(' lht' tollo\\ing ddditlondl permits, dppli(.ition~ ior \\hl(h,He the rpsDor1~iblllty of others; fJ,\\\ =- oOCI\ -= STRtAM DISTURBANCE '=-! SPDES/NPDES C. \\ATER SUPPLY ::=I L. 1. WELLS =: FRESHWA TER WETLANDS ~ TIDAL WETLANDS , 1 \ \\\c. \\fJ MJORESS OF OFFICI'\L ~EWSPAPER OF LOCALITY WHERE PROPOSED WORKS ARE LOCATED: "SUFFOLK TIMES" ~in ,g~reet reen art NY < ii. I' \'\,\ rr If\TIO\ m- THE -\CTI\'ITY FOR \\HICH A PERMIT IS SOLLHT .....em REel \ OR (O,...IPLETP Yes K... \0 . If ")1)", rxplain in addend,), 1l;ivin1l; redsons and dates, and show exisfing work on draWings or map, <...~. .',' , ,.. 1" Fi\TiFI,..\Tln.....: , , I - II I hf'rr>by affirm undE"r penalty of pl'rJury that information providpd on Ihis torm dnd all <ltlachmenls submilted here- , ~j ~ , '.',llh is truE" to thf:' be"t of r:1y ~!')o'.\'ledg(' and belie!. fdlse '>latements mildl:' herein are punishable <15 a CrdSS A r;w;dert"lp('nor pursuant to Section 210.45 of the Penal Law, "\s a condItion to IhE" issuance of a permit, the applicant , I MU'n!" full Il'g,ll rrsponslbilily fOf Jlt damage, direct or indirect, of Whdlever ndture, and by whomever suffered, '. -, : 1 Mlsing out of the project described herein and agrees to indemnify and save hdrmless Ihe Stale from suits, aClions~-";'-':"" :~; u t,;'- I 1-',1,' ~. ,I,.i., - d<l!n,H'f'S ,lnd cl)<.,lf' of I'veri' nUne dnd dpsrription resulling from the said project. I FRv1k I ---~-~-=-lti1---.- Ii -- -- pG'.ATLRE . D:1H 'J>lq. ' '4,dO) -SEE REVERSE SIDE- f - - r .../' bKLWE~ .ACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INL. PROPOSED EXCAVA~~ON, BULKHEADING, MAINTENANCE AND RECONFIGURATION OF FLOATING PIER ASSEMBLY JUNE Il:l, 19l:l4 DREDGING P ROj~ SUPPLEMENT TO THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION APPLICATION FOR PERMIT AND PROJECT PERMIT REQUIREMENT QUESTIONNAIRE DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION J i I I I J J J The projects covered by this application, include: 1) Excavation of a "U" shaped boat basin down to a depth of 8' below Mean Low Water, with the removal of approximately 55.250 cu. yds. from an overall area of approximately 115,825 sq. ft.; 2) Removal of approximately 405 lineal feet of existing timber pile bulkhead; 3} Relocation of a travelift well; 4) Construction of approximately 1,195 lineal feet of interlocking wood sheeting bulkhead around the perimeter of the proposed boat basin and travelift well; 5) Removal of the existing docking facility consisting of approximately 655 lineal feet of main dock, 51 finger piers, and 42 piles; 6) Construction of new floating pier (dock) assemblies consisting of a total of 1,450 lineal feet of main dock, 90 finger piers, and 95 piles; 7) Maintenance-dredging by clamshell and barge and/or drag line of an irregularly-shaped area of approximately 120,800 sq. ft. and the removal of approximately 10,500 cu. yds. of material. 8) Upland relocation of approximately 65,750 cu. yds. of dredged and excavated material at three locations - a) Approximately 10,000 _ 11,500 cu. yds. on St. Agnes Cemetery located immediately west of the applicant's property; b) Approximately 52,000 cu. yds. on St. Agnes Cemetery located along the north side of Manhanset Ave., directly across from the apphcant's property; and c) On-site disposal of approximately 2,500 _ 3,500 cu. yds. < ~. ,/ EAf [HVI~J.jWE~!AL ASS~SS~E~7 -P~~T I P~.~:~ I~~~"""..;t.=~ ~OT!C[; Tnts OOCu~~~ .~ o~s'~n~d to 'S51St '" d@ter~ln1n~ w~fthf~ tne ac~~on ,rc~os~d may haw! ~ $l;~'#~cart ef'fpct on t..f' f1.,vlr.:.......nt. "~~j~!, c,""::let~ t"p eP'l!'re Dj':. S"eet. A"sloIe"s to: tl"tSe ~'Jest~:i,.:; .;1 :e ::~$..:~.....: IS t;oU't of tr:e ."ol';i1t~cl'1 fol'" al:'~"cv!l and ""ow be $Ur'Jfct tc furt"t,.. \lerit~~.,t'io" anc OUblic "tllle_, Pr"C\f'ce ,,,y.ddlt,,",1 In'of'''l'r'..tt1on you tlel,!v! will :'P ne!'dej to co:-~letp PARTS 2 anc 3. It IS e'Oec:eo ~~~t cc~ot~t~(~ of t~e E~~ ",;11 Il"ivol.,.! n~ st:.,;::llPS. "'tSf'~"c"~" ''''y~,",,!.:,:~ so 1"dl:.'t.eAn~ sc;e:1'1 He", \~stanc;~' t>e dp~er"~e"';t on 1"''',--aticr. C'.J'."e..,t~y l!"d;~a~l" 'f '''~'::-!t;c!'' "'p"",1rlno suet'! tlCdltl0n~1 ..oro: ,..... " . . 1 So ur-\"J '~:.' -:. :'~.f or ..~;E:7.BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT INC.-Proposed Excavation BuIKhead1ng,.Maintenance~uredg1n5.and ReconfiRuratlon of F1oat1ng P,er rlsse8bly ProJects. ~4W~ .:.",,:) .:..:::~~: ~~ Agen t W.t~'tiJ:AJ:hi;':;.;;u ~ '. '~ D~~IEL S.~ATCHEZ and ASSOCIA:Ec, {"'4...ei .....<..-. A::~~~~ !"'C \~~~ ~: !~~~.:~\~: 555 AIda Road (S.:ie'!~ BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREE~PORT, I~C. ("a~J Manhanset Avenue & Beach Road (S:'r"ttt) Mamaroneck, New York (F.:.) (St!te} B~~~:SS .HO~E: (914) 698-56i8 105':'3 \ ~ '.. , Greenport pl.J. J KY 11944 ~:>a:.tj \ L ~ = I =,~~:O:'T;:"l ct :::..:~~~. (S?"'1efly desc:r1~@ tY;l! of Or"OJt-:~ or act!cn) See Attached Letter .." D~~IEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc., dated June 15, 1984. (P:..E'.\SC: CCMPlETr E.\CH i')',:~$7rn~1 ~ Ind1clte N.A. 1f not a~pliC3Dlel A. S17E D(SC~!'~rC~ (PnysiCll se~t~n; of overlil p~ject. both devtloned and undevelooed Ireas) 1. General c~.rlctfr of t~f land: r~nerllly unlfo~ slope ~ Generllly uneven and rol1ino or 'rre~u1ar 2. PreHn: land use: L'~"n , Jndu5t!"illl _, Agrlculturt _.~r iOl.l .CPI.g. af oroje:t '~1:12.07a'~ts. CO~l'c1al x -' SUbUr:lln _~. Rura 1 F')re5t 3. AOOI'OX1~lt@ acreage. "tICO. 01' 9rushland Pl'!~ently A~ter Co~~l~t;on . ~.cr.' ~."., PreH'n!l} l.,(:~... :::-:-le:'.:" IIIUI' SurflC! Arra 2.30 ocr., 4.95 _ _ _'r"~s Forested _z--Icres __Icres Unvegetated (rOCk. t4rth or fi 11 ) 8.67 ac!"'~s 6 '0 -":~:~cre) Aarl:U 1 t ~"a 1 aCrts _'cres Ro~ds, buildinns and otl'\er ;-:lhed Surf~ces . 40 ac"~s . 3~,~c ..~s 'J"t 1'1"0 (I=rPi~water or r'd~l ..s net" .rt1cle$ ~4, ..~ ri r.c.l. ~ . ~~ac,., ~ac,.es ~thet" (ind:c,!! ty~e) _____acres a:"e~ Coarse to fine brown sand & gravel, some silt --- .--.- .U._ --'---"---SeeAnachea Keport. y~s __X_ *fc . '4n: I! ""~dOl'l'llfl..~t son t.'lot'(s) 01'1 r")!"'('nect Slte<" 5. · re :~er" ~"oro:, OUlCrCjOlncs c~ ~rr"),,.:t S1t.~ 9: 1.';5 t. ~"a:~:i c,.~~,., ~c ::'ed"Ccl" ___.Nj~__ {'I'I Oet! . . BRE~ER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. PROPOSED EXCAVATION. BULKHEAUING. RELOCATION OF TRAVELIFT ~ELL. ~AI~TENANCE-DREDGING. AND RECONFIGURATION OF FLOATING PIER ASSEMBLY PROJECTS ATTACHi\IE1.1 2 ENV IRONMENT AL ASSESS:,.t:XT TOW;, OF SOUTH01LLJ NEGATIVE DECLARATION Tile proposed projects at BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, I ~C.. \<'1:: have t\0 adverse environmental in:pacts or effects upon; the applicar.t' s property belng excavated, the area being ma intenanced-dredgeo, the prolJosed relocation sites, or the surrounding upland and water areas. ~ulte the contrary, the proposed projects will have a slgmflur,t pOSltlve lll,pact by; increasing recreational activlties and opportur,ltles, a:lc\>;ing safer utilization of the existlng y:aterv.'ays, ~rovl(jlL;::, aUGltlonal job opportunities, and improving the overall aesthetIC qUiillt_; of Hie Inarlna and neighbonng propertles. ~' c;> ,/;//I~" ' , ~ ANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSO IATES. ]:\0. On Behalf of BRE~'ER ACHT YARD at GREENPORT, INC. DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC., 555 AIda Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543 (914) 69b5b 76 . ANITY MAP NO.7 ~~<v ,,:>0 RockJPt .~~ "~ ~; ~~i '\, "Jr ~"'. ~ ,r[ . II"Q7,C> '0 _ yJ t I ~ ~ ~\ [;1'=1 EAST ~ '\\ ;....~. ~ . .........-\. ,\ ,,~ :)~ ~<v ~ \,,:>" ~\:) ,,0 --.------.. "uB If', i__ , ::=:;' "--., ,(':.::-. .'1" 'I' " '. " . " '- '~-- ~. .. Paradise Pomt o I 2500' 5000' I I IQood I IIl:EWER YACHT YUD Ai GREEIII'ORT, Hie. STIRLUICIASIH GREEIlPOn llARIlO. MAItH.AIISn",VENur YU.LAGE or GREtNPOItT TOWN OF SQUTKOLD COUHTl or SUFFOlk ,.OI'05[D UCAVATlON. BUlKHE...D1HG l1li11 I" I t.......I..._PUlX.I......, ANP .t.\.:Utltll"UN^IIUl' u. tLUAIIN'" ~l.~ ...>>~..nT t'NUI.U~ VICINITY MAP DANIEL e. NATCHEZ AND ",SSOCIATE8. INC. 555ALtlAROJ.D MAMARONECK, NEil YORK 1054J (Sl~) 69ll--Sb7b . MAP NO.2 33 LONG ISLAND GoIICour\e ? 10 ? 34 o 31 10 9 .H o L * ! 13 " /' /' /' / / { Island Heights 57 - -- ""- ""- "'- '" "'- , 3. BREWER YACHT YARD ?6 ?2 39 67 ? 5 x . Deri~ 30 13 . VICINITY BRE.....ER YACHT Y"'RD U GREtNPORT, INC. o I 1250' 2500' I I 5000' I STIRLING BASI" GREENPORT HARBOR WANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TO.....,.. OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BUl.KHEA\.lING IoIAINllNAN...t-lIl1t.U!"l"'"', ANV flCONFlloUIt^IIUN 01' I'LOAIII<(., "Ill! ^:'~H\IlI.Y I'NUllUl> DANIEL S. NA.TCHEZ AND ASSOCIA.TES. INC. 555 AL\.lA ROAD ."...MAROHECK, NEW Valllr; lO~J (911.1 69B-567~ ......, ) ", r , I I I I I I' I' , ' , ' , \ , , , ' , " , " , , I ' I '. I . I . I . I \ , , , , I ' I \ , . , . , '- """'" -"--... , I I , , , 'S., ''''', , , , I I , I I I , , , \ " " '- ---" SilRLING BASIN F~~ .ges -..- -::::. -.:..-.:-.:.::.::~:.:7"'''' '- '\ \ I '. .-... (:.... '" , -N_ \ \ I , I I I ST AGNES CEMETERY I "~I ""'" , " , , \ I ". '. "'" . I , I I , I , ! , , , , , , , , '..;' ~SEDll"OfIill..YEYn 'OUIiCI'OUIiG ..'.5. LIC:EN~ED LANP sunuo.~ 5ll,vEYDATEDlllL'rJ6.1983 UVlSED SEPT. 1.1983 an<lIlECENBU 27. DATllN, MUN 51A LEVEL UIGVDJ "" . . EXISTING CONDITIONS " ~ "l .'::~4NH4NSET .,.,......,.....- '" ",-4J/C; \.... ". ....::~~-::,~'-...--.~~:..:::.....::,~.....- -'" '/0 \ "" "-,_ n '--' -., \ .........,\ '::J~' \\ mi&~"n8~~~;:~~,~ ~ """'. ' ~~ --' ,,--'- -- 7 .... \ 1'; ............ ( ----,-"~, .....,., . <\.."J: . . .' 6 ' , ' ...... '...':'" '':0. .. \ ..' \ , \ . . . .' -', ~ ....'6', , I I . , I I , " '. "'" , .. , , "- , I , , I , , I I , , : , , \ ' \ : , , \ , , , I , I , \ ,. , / : " , , , ' --' .'- , , I , , . I , , , , , .1 ~ "', :,'::, ,", /':,7 _~ :/,:. 7 "'II i"'f ',_ At j;; OF ---------/~. ~ II SOUTH OLD ".r ~/ //y I) /,; ,.._/"/:,,.) ~r; . e:::':;4--Jv.~ o ..--.. , , ../ \ \ , /l / , ; I " ......---- -........... -. '- Ib' L DoCK 4 I 5' DOCK 5 .UWU YACHT TARIl A1 G.UIiPon, '1iC- 5TlR..IIi~ "o!.Sl~ GUUiPon ll"'U"~ "ANllo!.NH~ Avt~\!I 'tILLAGE or GIUNPOn TOWN Of SOL'TItOLD COllIiTl or WHOLl P'OP'05tDUCAYAllOlo, 'ULllltAt'l';:; .IIINII-NII".l-DNI U~I'~. IIN, ...<..:.-::,,~:~....~;~, O:N~I'l~/;'-' SCALE o 25' SO' . 100' . D....EL t. NATCHEZ AND ASaoCIATES, INC.. 55S ALIJ~ ~O"'D tlAllAlIOlnCK, ~u, 'rOH IOSoL~ 191~! tI9O-~7~ N.) 19. I""'" . .... % r- '" ");) . ~ .",- \ , "0 ~ \ !~U ~m(") =<1 i~:I: r" c- ~ ~ ~ ;;I ~TlI~r~Ee1Y~0~ PI:lOPos'Eb D/SPOSA ~ SIT! ---:::: .;.,...;.:.::::..... \f4NH4NSt'{ AVE ..... "11 ~"''''.I '.:-".)'" ..-:::.::~~~:::-...-:~~_-:..,.~: ......,\ ". ". '., . .... . . ,,.. \ .,' ..... '" v"""'_'" ~ ' : . ....,........., ..... g............ . \ .::.'.'........ . '. \ \ ...... ............8....... ."\ . ~ \ .. .. ' \... \. ."nJ:J1.""" \ '('m ' ... """ " ,~ .. .... .. .... .,~~ ", '. . ..':1:. \ ", ". ,""'-" 1...._....... \ .. ......: '\ I \ .... ". I '288' "'. .... -r.. ......... "- ~ -. Ig~' j ,~' DOC/( 2 00Ql( 121J' I EXISTING 000/(5 TO SE ~EM:VED "j 1 AND ~ELOCATED DOOR . DOc/( IJ " SitRLlNG BASIN ~o ~~ , UO PROPOSED EXCAVATION ~EO ~~D BOATBASIN ........ ~~~~L . ~~~: SO' +-600 OC~ '. , , , . , I TO: . , , I I , I , \ I . I \ : . , / , , , , , , , , ~~. ~ "-=-< -=..----.- J::;;i"J,: , _v...:........ =-"':.~~:::.~::.:r- SCAlf . 25'50' 100 o . P"""""'q PROPOSED AND DOCK EXCAVATION REMOVAL GREENPORT, INC. ACHT YARD AT BREWERl BASil. - STIRLING HARBOR GREEMPORT AVENUE WANHANSETGREENPORT VllL.AGE ~F SOUTHOl..D TOWN 0 or surrOLK COUNTY BULKHEADING XCAVATION, G AND PROPOSED E NCI:.-DRt.D{"IN 'U"'II~" l"'I:.~~~~".~^UK"'~ll~~, O:R~Jt.\';I~ .,11:.1( A!>!>I:. ASSOCIA.TES, IN ATCHEZ AND DANIEL S. N 555 ALOA R~~I\ 105./.:> CI\ NEW "'''MARONE .) 696-5675 (~~~ 19. 1984 OH SURVEY IIY 'AS~O~:C; I: YO~NiURVEYORS tI..Y,s.vi;C~:;ig t~~YD~i:J::i 27. 19&3 SUR 1983 and INGVDl 'EVISED SEPT: ~'E"'. SEA LEVEL DATU..... ST AGNES CHUIlCH CEMETERY PROPoSED DISPOSAL SITE ~l_y -.::.:....~-.,:....... \ M. ~ .:'" _._"-" .-.:..:.,.,':-..:41\11i4I\1SET '\ 'J \ '''-;:-''---.:." _ 4VF \ ,...... -..-- ~.'I;;'- ...... II , \ C..~~ISTIHG ......, .-....'..< <:~'-"-::."~-..-.__ \.. "-"'-', COHTOU~ ''.--.-..... '",. k> , I \ ........." ..........~ ..... ..........._... \ \ \ ... ..... S--....---..._.. \,__. \ \ \. "'.. ....... . . \ ....... -......8._...._. .. \ " ... \ .... \ \ ............. '\ PARKING AND WINTE~ \ \ ", \ ~ T S1tlI'tAGE '. \ ' , \. \'.. '. ~\ m , .. -.. .. . fT\ I \ ........ ..- -7 '\.\l:> ; \ .........:' .---.. -------- .... ~. c:;:. " \, ......, \ -.........." . " " ...... ''', . . ...... \ ..... ............, \.....: '........ ~ o o r '" ~ . . ,... ~ "i I%'~~HE N OF OUTHOLD VIIII/IIIe ~ -"'- \ Ie ~~S~~D &~~, 42.5' \ \\ ,'---~ \. { \ , . : ,'-- ~ ' ' I : ..-' .. , - .. : : /1"~' t I I. I I" I'" \ ,','/, "',' r", ,"il "'1/ I"~, 1/::; ,'/:'/1 ,'/,'t< --__ ..._,"//1 .5 ------ II) "I "" Ou u, ,'/,f ,.. ... .f. A' ".' ft 'a. "..... // ) ~ ...,........_- ~,' '-~ ~ 2~~~'-':'l ~ t!~~ ~J. ...~ 25' t . .. .. . , , , ! , , , , '\ t=R'4)C~ f ,S<-..Il.t-" I '" I . , , , . , \ : \ , , ' , .. , , \/ '-'1'-...:_-. . 245 8' 1'"3:$ W1 / ~~ ":,,,_.._ . C) ~, h.. , , \ If-SO' '---.. k-:::. 96 ~ a::c" A k-:.68'~ "'" a::c/( B ~q ,00 ...~ 50 DOcK C ...t PROPOSED RECOHFIGURATION OF FLOATING PIER ASSEMElLIES PROPOSED DOCKS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD -- -.....-- ;;;:;:/j::';-- :"'..:.:=" .....:....... -..-,............-.- _._.01........_ SCALE o 25'50' 100' ,......., . BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREUIPORT, INC. STIRLING BASIN GREENPORT HARBOR WANKANSET AVENUE VILLAGE or GREENPQRT TOWN or SOUTHOLD COUNTY Of SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION. BULKHEAD1NG .....,NII:.N..."'l..:I:.-DlIl:.lJ"It.;", ",NlJ IlI:.l.:lJIHlI,;UIl...I!U'" Ot tLO...'INI,; I'II:.~ A!:o!:oH1HLY PIIUI!..I.-I!:o BASED UPON SURVEY BY YOUNG' YOUNG N.Y.S. LICENSED LAND SURVEYORS SURVEY DATED JULY 26, 1983 REVISED SEPT. I. J983 and DECEtotBER 27. DATUW, MEAN SEA LEVEL (NGVDl 1963 DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 ALDA ROAD MAMA RONECK , NElli '(OI1K 10543 19lLl698-567b M.y 19. 19lU . ---4~~~r ---'- il(4?-- -.... :r'H4NSc r ""-. -:- C> C> ,... fTI ~ MA.ENANCE DREDGING TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MAP 280' ..... ~ "l r--l I I L__J ~~g-r ~CE "--. , -..l- \ IE!. CIIURC\\ ST. ~'ETER"< ~~O ~CS\TE O\syv~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD fT~Z PROPOSED V'/I MAINTENANCE :J DREDGING SOUNDINGS ARE IN FEET AND TENTHS DAlUM: ~~RL.OW 3,4 '-" \ r ,~.k\' I . ,-. ',\ ;,~.1~"~ "./ ' ,,. '... ",.' ",1 ",. ,',',r .', .':{ If/{ f y':' ~ I,' ~!J ,~ ~ ~ //:. ~1. SQ;qylV ,/ :) II rlto$ " /,~ rf. , ," I ( -~~-~~~X I \ """"-~!' " "!"'-4G ' 2.9 ."S(llo\: 4.6'1 rz - - - 6'.4 It.e:..... ---_ I~' -- -....?-4 ~ 8.6' U P 600" ... 4.. _ .... _ /!'J I nEVER YACHT YARD ~T GREENPORT, INC., ~opos€ - - - J STlRLIN'::; US1H D - GREEWPORT KARBOll Doct( NANHANSET AVENUE Co V1LLAGE or CiREENPORT A~ T~N~~T~D 'YrJGupA COUNTY or SUffOlK ~rION PItO~~:~l~=;~:~~~~~~I~~~K~~~DIHG 11t.1..U"~ll.l.Il!"IIC\" iJt ~I.U"'IJNv STIRLING BASIN PH.I! ...~~UltlLl Ylh)llll~ .A _ ~B~ FlOOD 4.6 5.6' 5.4 6.7 6.1 SCALE o 25'50' 100' - . -- ---- ;:;jr::;-- v OF --'-.--' =.-=-~...,:~==-- ....SED UPQtI SURVEl IY JOUNIj. JotlNIj N.J.S. LICENSED UND SURVEYORS SURVEY DATED JULY ZEi. 1963 REVISED SEPT. 1. )983 and DEC[WBER 27. 1983 DATUM, WEAN SEA LEVEL {NGVDI DANIEL S. HAT CHEZ ANO ASSOCIATES, INC. S5S HDA RO...D NANARONlCI(, NE" YOWl( (91"698-5676 Nay 19. 196' I0S43 . 4.0 p\ ~tOUs StlflSPCJs < ~( 12 8~ 9.0 1>:0 ~1t~1l:1iT y, OFt>osto ''"0117; ;1f6.0 8~r E",1~v~r/O Ul ""5/1( 1( S; o -< <Xl '" j; :to STIRLING SWING MOORINGS TO BE REMOVED BASIN ~o \'6 \'-. 1- 110' --~-.......... UPLAND "--- PROPOSED EXCAVATION AND DISPOSAL SITES EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY ........, SCALE o 50' IOd = BREWER HoCHT YARD AT GREEtIPOllT, INC. B^SED UPON TOPOGRAPHIC MAP F1Vr EASTERN TOWNS SUfrOlK COUNT~. N. Y. SHEET WO. HH_l.O SUffOLK COUNTY DtPA.I1TIolUH Of PUbLIC WDRKS DATUM: W[AN SEA LEVEL STIRLING BASIN GREEN PORT HARBOR ""NHANSEl AVENUE VILLAGE Of GREENPORT TOWN Of SOUTHOLD COUNTY Of surfOLK PIlOPOSEll [XU,VATlO.., BULKHEADING WAlNIlN....NLt._UIU.[)t..INt... ANI! nCONtll,U~A[IUN U~ tLUAIIN... I' Ilk ^!>!>I:.~llll Y 1'1I011:.'-I!> DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIA.TES, INC. 555 AUlA RO^D NAMARONrCK. NUl YOl/K IOS4J (9J~ I 696-5t>7f> 1ol8Y 19. 19b~ . 4.0 Jl./ / ~ -'" l _ -'It ,\Ie; ~ ~1.0/ _ ?,\.. R'< _.... " S~\<.'<' _--- ~ C~.... __ _ -$0 __ _ ",--- /. ~ ).5 ____ ~ c:b I .... I '~I /, ./~ "'... Ii,\, II " " I) II II II II " /I h'7.0 I~' / CE~bERY /,' i i /1ST. AGI/Es' II // to~f&J~f' II II II 0 II o'<-'i-f:-...... II _ \\ -' I '--- \-~ ~'5~~~~-5 ~e: ~:oo, .lIl ". ..' 2.0/1..'. . . .:Jf/ . . >-:~,O'.!l. \ PREVIOUS 0 SIYE I'O/?'!SPOSAL AND ~OGgC-4I1ATED 'U.Ttf/IAL ~.5 P~Es Gg~'tE1tf/Y ''''UING Pf..A.1/ I 10 , , / /0 Elf/ElvER Pf/OPOS~OY4C/fT ~Af/o .. OONTOUf/S STIRLING " OJ l Pf/oPoSED 0001( 'J'/ ''i'/rolVl; i';/SOUO~OLD ~p~~,,, '^"''VlTIOI/ / --', 1&0' U~~~~ 'ND~ ,INC. AT cutHrOIl . eHf YARD BREWER YA ASIN STIRLING ~ARBOR GR[[NPORl AV[.WUE MANKANSETCREENPORT VILLAGE or SOUTHOLD 10",101 or SUFFOLK COUNTY OF KHEAD1NG "VAllON. BUL ANV 1"1I01'05[D E~~'-t.-Dllt.I)l...IN~"LU"llNG ~""lNl"'~UR"III)N U:j(Olll..l~ ltl.\..UIH A:>,:>U\1I1.1 IN !'Ilk SOCIATES, AND AS NATCHEZ 0 OANIEL S. 555 ALDA R~IlK 10~3 lUCK. NE'o/567B ......"-'110 19lLI 6!lB-19aL Iol.y 19. BASIN '" ~o ,'6 \~ ~ N SCA~ixI o 50 = TOPOGRAPHY PROPOSED TlON SITES OF RELOCA BASEO UPONN"p TOPOGIlAPH,I.f TOWhS . EASTE N Y. FIVE COUNTY. LO SUfFOLK NO HH- SHEE1u COUhTY \l:ORKS sun OF PUl>l..ICl::VEL DEPARTIII~lrIltEAN SEA t. DATUIol. --., c:, I::> r '" :u . . .sECT. . ^_Iflr,1R~Eg ~~ f ~.J)i~-!- I --"'- M4NH4NSET : 8____.~__ \ "'""'.. G"'~__ " ~ "i 4VE -- -.. .__._..._--~ ".....In .. --. I '.......... II II.........., ~ -\ ~uRCtl tES.-No/ SI" ~~t.1"O ~S\1t. OIS\>OS SECT. D---- - - --D --, I ) 1 , \ , I " I 5 :4-:_~. (' I 3,~-. .\ : : ,'1' \' lit '\\\ ' l,'/! ~ I ",I , /::1' ~ "', 1",:; I /~ f A~::j$!J ' "'1 ~ '//:" ~1. /,.. II '/1 .>I " ~. '. ;:/ ,~;;<. {( ,'_.......~::': '-- . ':..0:.- .~ V/~1 A. '.14"-'1.. ...~C 'TJ-y .-.~ , I Eo' I ,\, '_.~) c..... .............. s MHW~ S~~f\o~ ;'-0'0 SCALE . o 25'50' 100 . - GRADING T GREENPORT. INe.;. BREWER YACHT YARD A - STIRLING ~~~lBNOR CREENPORT AVENUE MANHANSETGREENPORT VILLAGE OF SQUTHOlD TOWN OF or SUFFOLK CotINTY BUU:HEADING EXCAVATION, ANU PROPOSEDINANCl_U~tU~lNYI~AIING MAlNI Uti 0. r 1U..l..:ONr ICUR" ~lleLY t'ROllLl ~ I'lll( A~~l C ASSOCIATES, IN . NI\TCHEZ AND DANIEL S. 555 Al~:,<< R~~~K IO~;J M^MAIIONI::C~,) 698-561& '~~y 19, 1951. PLAN ~o ~~ ~ -.::.._-.- ~j~, :";.:;2..~~~~::- SURVEY BY BASED UPQH NG YOUNG. YOU SURVEYORS lCENSED LMW 1963 N. ',uSiviy DATED JU~ Y D~EMBER 27. J 1963 an L (NGVDI 'EVISED SEPT. MEAN SEA LEVI:: DATUM, STIRLING BASIN 1983 o 250' 500' 7000' , ~ ~ "...~J I " .... - ... J 'V,/4 H AREA NAVIGATION MAP BASED UPON DEVELOPMENT PLAN VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SQUTHOLD, N. Y. JUNE, 1967 BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. STIRLING BASIN GREEN PORT HARBOR MANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BULKHEADING MAINIENANCE-DREDGING, AND R!CONFIGURATION OF FLOATING PIER ASSEMBLY PROJECTS DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. INC. 555 ALDA ROAD MAMARONECK. NEW YORK 10543 (9141 698-5678 May 19. 1984 / $ ~ / ~~ of " / {( ':-'..l I~ l '" , ~.I(( , ~....,~ ". -4G --'r:,,).$ '-en ~c l -" "c t ...~ I I I . -... <::> <::> .- '" :>:l ~~~~~W'~ :--'M4:VH.4NSCT ""--. " ~ "l ~ -"'- \ '-- ~ .liVE" -"'-..- BREWER YACHT YARD Ai GREEN PO R,TI INC. C\lURC\\ 51 ~:'~ER"( ~~I1E IlISPv, cd '--. '. " o '-1 ':u --. 0 0 0 0 0 o ---. ;;:;;/J:.;-- _~_v .. ="'E~.::E""::- S 'I RUNG ~o( ~o ~ SA.SIN BASED UPOH SURVEY BY YOUN" . YOUNG N.Y.S. LlCENSED UNO SURVEYORS SURVEY DATED JULY 26. 1983 REVISED SEPT. 1. 1983 and DECEMBER 27, 1983 DUUN: NEAW SEA LEVEL (NGVO) . RECONFIGURATlON OF DOCKS AND MOORINGS r - -1 ~noN.AL : I I ~OR L. - - .J DOCKS 8 ~~O~~~tP ~---- EXISTING L.. - - _J FLOATS · ~W~~SERND / ,/ s{f}vtv tl1Q C#> ~ SCALE 025"50" lod - . lIREWER YACHT YARD AT GR[[NPORT, INC. STIRLING BASIN CREENPORT HARIlOR MANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GRE[NPORT TOWN Of SOUTHOll> COUNTY or surrOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATiON, BULKHEAOING MAINIt.NAN\....-DRll)(;[NG, AND 1lJ:;I..UN~ I"DRAlION or rLOAllNG t' 1t.1l ...~~t.~lI1LY I'IIO]L....I ~ DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INe 555 ALOA ROAD NAMARONECK. HE'" YORK 10S43 (91.1;)698-5616 M.y 19. 195.1; . > I -- ,; -~ ~. SJl'-.rI~60D'--';' A ",Ii 2:r 0:1 .. ~~ &j~ Q.::> 1> CI:l I~ . ,~ ~1f; .\ .. ." i;; i t$ -'J.~ I ~ as'IE- G'A'C.S s~. '~'C.~~ e'C.'" (!) <- -<- -I_ Q:'CI) ;:~ CI) ([) .'1 II"",., T. P_--- ... 86-#p'",~ "-'UN .~ ~~~b. 6~7>>~rr. I~ . ",","E~. 90') <<.V-' 4 ~ ~~1,; ~~'~ .'i; .~~. I (1~ ~.. ,:!\;.If I :;. \.~ . ... ~ . ~ . 1V.II.hC ~()' ,., , ~ ....J'~. "If'lS,SD" .Slr 1I'o8FRT J( JIl9: " ~s~ 1.'(;I1MiD ..., 11. CN~N "'-"'~, .'#;b.,. ~/ AREA UNDERWATER GRANT MAP .&".e-i'OE.;- t~ /~ /9U r /J!N.o"/-'lM f~~~C~4) "4 ~ ~S." 4~" ~ . "!J 4'!J. . .. \~ t .tf?i .t:.... '; ~ I' ,...;"',;~,~.~ ~"11S5A:1 A"tJC,ATIDIV SA""'" ~:~;~T N,'yiJ 011' Jb6 0' G/f 3 19376 'j, "',-g 7, /93 o'~ E 'J. LAND BASED OH A copy OF WATER GRAHT INDEX MAP 119 OF SUfFOLK COUNTY BREWER YACHT YARD AT c;REENPORT, INC. STIRLiNG IASHi GREENPORT KARBOR MANHAHSET AVENUE ViLLAGE OF CREINPORT TOWN OF SOUTtIOLD COUNTY or SUFFOL~ PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BUlkHEA01NG MAINlI:.N"Nl:I:._1.llU:.Uc..INl", Ar.l.I IlI:.l..utoItlloUII^IIl.>N Ot tl.OAllNG YIt.R ^:'::'UIIII.1 YI(UIt.,-I~ o . 125' 250' 500' . DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. INC. 555 ALD^ ROAD "A.MARONECK. NEW YOItK 105>'3 1911;1 !>9&-5676 May 19. 195<. PREVIOUS ~ S~~~~ EXISTING BERM P~POSED G OUND PR FILE SECTION A ! .~,. . '. FRESH WATER POND MANHANSET AVENUE "",' ~gq' EXISTING GROUND PROFILE SECTION B PROPOSED FILL PREVIOUS SPOILS ~ AREA EXISTING . BERM SCALE o 25' 50' PROPOSED GROUND PROFILE MANHANSET ~IS' AVENUE 10' 5' o BREWER lACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. 511 RUNG BASIN GREENPORT HARBOR to4ANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE Of GREENPORT tOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY or SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION, 8ULKHEADING M^INTEN^NC~-DRI::DGING. AND HeQHt ICUR... liON OF HOA1ING t'1J::R A5SJ::MijLY PROJECTS DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. INC, 555 ALOA ROAD MAMARONECK. NEW YORK 1051.3 (9141 698-5678 May 19. 198' . . SECTION C AREA TO BE FILLED ~~R~~B -- BUILDING TO BE REMOVED BOTTOM EL.- 8.0' BELOW MLW ST. AGNES CEMETER.Y PR.OPERTY Cr-" PROPOSED FLOATS AND PILES 288' 68' JO~ 8'j('-JO' ~40~-70' MHW +1,2' ------------------ ---- - -Mi:.W--'i~2'---- )1< ACCESS DRIVE PARKING WALKWAY WITH PLANTlNGS ~22'~19'?!8' II o I 25' I SCALE 50' I ~~. ~ -"'" 100' I ---- ;;:;:/j::';-- v ~ --.-.-.... =::=-~:.:'J~~:.:.- IAUO UPOIl WlVn IT TOUNG . TO'JNG N.T.S. LICENSE!) LAND SYIVnORS SURVEY DAl"lDJULT26.19U tEVlSED SErlo I. 1983 ...d DECUI'U 27.1983 DATUM. IIIUN SUO LEVEL (NOVO) >j< 70'_~40~ BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. STIRLING BASIN GREENPQRT HARBOR NANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVAT10N. BULKHEADING MAINleNANCE-DRlDGING, AND RECONFIGURAIION OF ~LO^11NG PieR ASSEMBLY t'RO}ECrS DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 ALDA ROAD MAMARONECK, NEW YORK 10543 19141 698-5678 May 19. 1984 s6W~~~~ ST. AGNES . CE METERY " . ACCESS DRIVE SECTION D-D PLANTERS (CURB STO PS) PARKING o 20' BULKHEAD PILE FLOAT BOT TOM BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPQRT I INC. STIRLING BASIN GREENPORT "ARBOR MANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOlD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BULKHEADING MAIN1ENANCc-DREDGING, AND ~CONF1GUR^TION OF FLOA1ING PII::R AS:::.BlBLY PIWJI::<.:I!:i DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 AlDA ROAD MAMARONECK. NEW YORK 105.1;3 19'" 696-5676 May 19, 198[, . MANHANSET AVENUE . '. SECTION E-E NATURAL SCREENING FENCE BOAT STORAGE SCALE o 5' 10' 20' . . TRAVELlFT BOAT STORAGE BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. STIRLING BASIN GREENPORT HARBOR MANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BULKHEADING M^INrcNANCc-D~eDGINv. AND iftCONFIGURAllON m fLOAI1NG PIER ASSBIHLY PRO]I::CTS DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. INC. 555 ALDA ROAD MAMARONECK, NEW YORK 10543 19W 696-5678 May 19. 1984 SECTION - F TYPICAL MAINTENANCE DREDGING . - - - - - - - - - MHW +2.... f)(/~TlNG - - - - -- h-MLW 0.0 9JLKHEAO I; / E)(IaT/HIt IIDTTDM '/////11////// / / / / P/IOP'LE '11111 I/J c: "-.. ro lIE PIIOPOMO IIDT roM.-/' , ~MOIfO P_'LE -8-0' BELOW "'LW , , , , , , " " f)(I~TING FI.Qo\TS At<<> P'LE~ . PROPOSED PLa.l TS AND PILE~ ----- -- - -MHW +2.4' E)('~TlNG -u------"'LW 0.0 /lIJLKHEAD I-- P/IOI>DSEO SDTro", P/IOP'LE , 5CAI.f " 0 5' 10' zd , , , , "- , r 125 + 25' BREWER YACHT Y....O AT GREEIlPOn. IHC. ST1RtlNG8AS1!1 GRHIIPOn ~"'RBOR "'ANH.o.NSETAVENUE VILL...GE OFCHENf'ORT TOWN Of !oOUTIIOLD (OUNTY Of SUffOLK no:~~~ ~~~;(~~~:~~Ll:~~K:;~1J1NG U.Ll/fHI("UNAllUN LJ~ ILO...IIN(, PIH "'~H~I~LY PNllltll~ " DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 HD^ ROH' W"'IU.RON~CK. NEW YOH 10""3 (9).1 69b-~7f ""j' )~. 196;. ~ -....- \ ST AGNES CEMETERY ............. '. MHW -=:"~:,-- ~::;:/J::::_r- ~~.=.~n;:;~~:o<: _._..........o:...~ ....su.. I,IPOII su~vn BY YOl,IIIG . YOlJ~,. I.Y.S. LICEIISEV LA.hl. SURVEYORS SURVEYDATEDJUlY2b.l9l!J I.!YISED 5EP1. 1. 19/1,3 and DECEMBER 27. DA'-UIoL IilEA.1I H.A LEVEe (11"'0'01 :::..o.,\::t::4/VH4/VSET .. ~ "- -::':'-. '~~-4VE: ". "-.'---'~"'--."---'._" --'" " ", .'''' '/0 ' ...... "'.. 9.--:::- --. ~. --=:-:: -: ~ -.~,~::::. \ ; '. J (; \ , , , , , , \ \ \ 1\ , , \ , \ . \ ' , " , . , , , " '- ''', , . , " , , , ' , ' , " , \ , , , ' \ " , , , , ""- ....... '" ~ , , \ , , , , ! ............., , , , , , , .;) B-4 '. ST/~LING .Ill __ FLOOD "" . , , , '. ... , , '....,-. \ 'S, , , '. B-3 + . "" <::J <::J ,.- '" 'J;) + APPROXIMATE LOCAtiON OF TEST BORINGS ,.., h ;;; nST B:);;]..~, ~~~: SLE1, h:~ b;' SL' ~': ~"'; _ t ,,~ FD.'),: ~ -; :." !. f' _ ,." [, ~ ' f ~ ; L C ' ;,:. \' i': J.',: '. '" '. .......--8.-----..,'. '. , " '- '. \1'\ " '. '!> ". " " ~\.::t: ._u.. 7 : "'---.---. B-1 , , , .. , " - , - , , , , , , , , , 6' ., , . , , , , , , \ , , , , , , , , , - '....._-_../' '. \ , I ,...-- , , / ' , , I ' ... I : t>c--.,' '-, !: ,.....-,'\'.. \ '\ ! ~ j /!;"\\~ \ : : :,'/, '\j" \ , III, \Jj,\\ \ I ,/II' 7" \ I / : [//1 / \ ~ ' , /1,/ ~I \. : // ,'f,',; { \ :.../ /~ ~ '... 1/'" ~ ....-.... ----;';:'f!/' TOWN OF -------- /f ~/;// SOUTHOLD II!! ~ ", k/-<i (( , ,:~>::-:A-,,J.. V "'\....., '1:f/;#Gc ,,,--...\ , , , ,.: / '- .............. EXISTING DOCKS BASIN ~ .uw.~ 'ACOIT 'An AT GH.~P0" l~;. SCALE 025'50' . ST]~Ll~~ IlE:~ GRn~p;,;; HH~~. "Hh~~;ll HI', VILLAr.< OF G-HE~F~F: TOli~ Of S..:ll'T~;'d COU~TY or Sllrf0H P.OPO~r!' UCA\'~T]O~', .\.'nH[~I"~;:; IIAI~.t~A'd_l)n.'c'I'~. A~ .~~,"ll~.'" 1 1,'.' " 'cU'., 1 '. Pll~ A~~H.o.l n" c, lo 100' . DANIEL 8. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. INC. 55" AlD>. RO.; "A/U>.RC~.~K. ~l. H"'~ IOo.oJ 191.11>9;'->>7< 1>10\ 19. l~. . . SLACKE TEST BORING, INC. y~ ,~od ~ :#cundaAOn g~M 4 MAIN STREET, P.O. BOX 64, KINGS PARK, L.I., NEW YORK 11754. (516) 544-0404 I Mrs.1 Sally Ann Slacke, President Boring No. Job No 2945- 84 Date: February 21, 1984 Job location Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Beach Road & Manhasset Avenue, Greeport, N.' Datum Ground Surface Elevation 6.0 61 5" Water level is below Ground Surface 10 20 A M b bl T'd I : - :>ro a e I a DEI'TH 30" Blows Penlttr.tion ClA5SlflCA TlON OF SOIL S.mpl. of Spoon CASING SLOWS from T. Spoon In Inch.. Ground brown Silty DRILLED IN CASIN 5vrface l' FI LL - Coarse to Fine USED IHSA) Sand, some Gravel l' 216" Brown & gray Silt, trace Gravel 2'6" 9' Coarse to Fine brown Sand & Gravel trace Silt Sample #1 @ 2' 6" to 4' 7-7- 8 18" WATER SAMPLES 4' to 5' 6" 10- 1 0- 1 2 18" Sample #1 - 10' casi Sample #2 @ in grou 9' 20' Coarse to Fine brown Sand, trace Sample #2 - 18'6" Fine Gravel casing i Sample #3 @ 9' to 10'6" 5-1-2 18" ground Sample #4 @ 14' to 15'6" 8- 6-1 0 18" Sample #5 @ 18'6" to 20' 8-8-9 18" -- G n, nc, n . . SLACKE TEST BORING, INC. y~ !;Jmk ~ ,'#oundahln g~ 4 MAIN STREET, PO. BOX 64, KINGS PARK, LI., NEW YORK 11754. (516) 544-0404 I Mrs. J Sally Ann SI.cke, President Boring No. 2 Job No 2945- 84 Date: February 21, 1984 Job Locat,on Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Beach Road & Manhasset Avenue, Greenport, N. Datum Ground Surface Elevation 5.8 11 :45 A.M. - probable Tidal DEPTH 30" Blows Pen..tr.tion CLASSifiCATION Of SOIL S.mpl. of Spoon CASING BLOWS from To Spoon In Inch., Ground FI LL - Dark brown Silt, trace Gravel DRILLED IN CASING s,urface 3" USED (HSA) 3" 2' Brown Silt, some Medium to Fine Gravel, trace Medium to Fine brown Sand WATER SAMPLES 2' 4' Medium to Fine brown Sand, trace Sample #1 10' casi Fine Gravel - in grou Sample #1 @ 2' 6" to 4' 4- 5-6 18" Sample #2 18'6" - 4' 9' Coa rse to Fine brown Sand & Gravel casing i trace Silt ground Sample #2 @ 4' to 5'6" 8-9-12 18" Sample #3 @ 5' 6" to 7' 12-13-13 18" 9' 14' Coarse to Fine brown Sand, trace Fine Gravel Sample #4 @ 9' to 10'6" 3-4-4 18" 14' 20' Medium to Fine brown Sand Sample #5 @ 14' to 15'6" 6- 7- 7 18" Sample #6 @ 1 8' 6" to 20' 8-8-8 18" ---- - ------ Water level 15 S' 1" below Ground Surface r n . . SLACKE TEST BORING, INC. y~ <sP~ tJC $lound~ g~ 4 MAIN STREET. P.O. BOX 64, KINGS PARK, U, NEW YORK 11754. (516) 544-0404 I Mrs.) Sally Ann Slacke, Pre,iden! Boring No. Job Location Datum * 3 2945- 84 Date: February 22, 1984 Job No Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Beach Road & Manhasset Avenue, Greenport, N 4.5 3' 8" Ground Surface Elevation DEPTH from To Ground Surface 2'611 216" 4' 4' 51611 5'6" 9' 9' 14' 14' 20' Water level is below Ground Surface In. In A M. - rohabl.. Tirl"r CLASSIFICATION Of SOIL 30" Blow, hmple Spoon CASING BLOWS P."..fr..ion of Spoon In I"(h., PROBABLE FILL - Medium to Fine brown Sand, some Gravel, some Silt *boring was relocate( as indicated on print Dark gray Organic Silt Sample #1 @ 2'6" to 4' 18" DRILLED IN CASING USED (HSA) 2- 2- 3 Brown & gray Silt Sample #2 @ 4' to 5'6" 18" WA TER SAMPLES 4-4-5 Brown Silt, some Gravel, some Medium to Fine brown Sand Sample #1 - 10' cas in. in ground Sample #3 @ 5'6" to 7' 18" Sample #2 - 18'6" casing in ground 7- 8- 8 Coarse to Fine brown Sand, trace Fine Gravel Sample #4 @ 9' to 10'6" 7-7- 8 18" Coarse to Fine brown Sand, some Fine Gravel Sample #5 @ 14' to 15'6" 13-11-13 18" Sample #6 @ 18'6" to 20' 9-11-13 18" . . SLACKE TEST BORING, INC. Y~Y~w~~g~ 4 MAIN STREET, PO. BOX 64, KINGS PARK, L.I., NEW YORK 11754. (516) 544-0404 IMrs.) S.IIy Ann SI.cke, President * Boring No. 4 Job No 2945-84 Date: February 21, 1984 Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Beach Road & Manhasset Avenue, Greenport, N.' Job Location Datum Ground Surface Elevation 4.6 4' 8" Water level is below Ground Surface 2: 00 P.M. - probable Tidal DE'TH 30" Ilows Penlltr.,ion CLASSIFICATION OF SOil bmpl. of Spoon CASING BLOWS fr.m T. Spoon 'n "Iche, Ground *relocated 1 3 feet Surface 1'61; FILL - Coarse to Fine brown Silty west (as indicated Sand, some Gravel on Print) 1'6" 5'6" Coarse to Fine brown Sand, some DRILLED IN CASING Medium to Fine Gravel, trace Silt USED (HSA) Sample #1 @ 2' 6" to 4' 4- 2- 2 18" Sample #2 @ 4' to 5'6" 2- 2- 2 18" WA TER SAMPLE 5'6" 19' Dark gray Organic Silt Sample #1 - 24 feet of casing in groun Sample #3 @ 5'6" to 7' 1-1-1 18" No other sample take Sample #4 @ 9' to 14' pushed 5 feet with due to Silty soil. weight 0 rods Sample #5 @ 14' to 18' pushed 4 feet with weight 0 rods 19' 30' Coarse to Fine brown Sand, trace Fine Gravel Sample #6 @ 19' to 20'6" 11-12- 16 18" Sample #7 @ 24' to 25'6" 8- 1 ()- 11 18" Sample #8 @ 28'6" to 30' 9- 9-1 0 18" . - --- ( . .. ." ~.~~~~ 'f .~ " .. ;;; ....0. )0 r! 011 '+i .. " .' -< o,i q .~ . .' .I~ '. .Wi o' ~~ < ~ .0 . , v. i > ;; .. . > ~l " r ? "'-,0' . C r + c' 0" ~ , . " '. ~ !--'O ~I~ . Ei; o~ ; . .J: 0 ~I~ , o,c 8 Ii .0 , sg . " Z : ~ ~ . ~ ...'! ., ~,;;; , . , . " C1' s . . ... ~ . -Iz ~~~.~~~~.,~~ r" S:... r I- OJ:.... '" :~ ~::~ 3' r~ &:": III _... ....... ,.. z J: ~ ~ i * p:~ ='"S Ii ~. Z~,II: ~Jt'~ot ;lrl~ .. ) -<: ~ 'il: r ...., i. J;j... :: ~ t ;a: ~ f; ," . ~,... .,F , .~. I' i: 6 J:.. 11 "f'<: ~ "J-:: ~.. )0 19 ~ ~g;~;:~~ ~ ~~~n!A~~ ~ ::fli~~..;! ~ tI g J:.." ..- f ~', ~ 8; ~~ . ...........zc ... t: !;,..... i-=' :g 1.! :I. i ~ "~ ~5~~~ ~i ,~ o:g~~ ~~ci~ GS~~i~i~ ... ",...""""< ~~~~:i~E ,.,., l( '" ... "," >"'''' ~~~~~~~~ )e~~~~ '" 0g~'"' c . . ~ . ~ : ~c ~ ",)0 ~ 0' - , 0 ,,-"'V>::t c - '" ;m ~ ~.IJ '" ",' .. 8 ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 _1.Il ~ Z o < g"'~rC\ ~~~~~:g -< "'> "'" > c;:~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~@. " ""O~...'" ... ~ ,f . ,'I ~J !J ?I . , i . . . ~ . . ~ . . . . ~ l . . ~ 1.."'lIf '" M(flOftl ...t.: 1.'(.0. i: '" ~C>.~ " -l ~ - _,0 " z ." N' ~ '" QI 0, ''" " OJ ~ IE " ~ :I: f1l < ), D ~D' ~ " n ~ -< LJI': 5 ~,z ;---!' n /.110. 'n 1 ~ i , D f1l (/) - G'l ~ r:--J ~ rJ ! ~ F i G IJ ~:p ':;~I~. E;II ~I~ "1 _. ~ N.I")1',O'.. I.I~lf' 01' .~~l'IO'" ....... , ...Jl"'::o:_t/t(n'.} ....uwi..i,o;,iii . . " ...o..t...., ~l1~ 1.1"1 ; ,- :1 I It...ll'.O'fl(,........-''I'~ \ \ \ 2..J\- ....J- ., 11)"0. ~ . .. ~ . I . 'i . "1< " , I 'I 0, ',. o. ... Ii ~ "'''' ~m fO" ~-< \ \(1, \. \" ~ '" o % Z i!- : ;Q" , 0, ~-z:. ". ~; r /l""l'~~ :j' "'" g . r~ =. ,. ffif ~ . F' ~ "r. ~ ~ i !5~" ~ ~ ;,. Q 'l~I..;;;, ~ ~ f ~~~ 2 l~~ L~~ ll~ 0: M} '~F-! t ~~ ~: e ~ j' i ; o ~ ;. :; . & 1 , > " " 'If "]' . . , ~ , . ;_ l.l "I-I~ .. ,.., \,.i~o 0 f\'" . ,-. - 6.~ : i 2 :i ' . ~ i , s , ~ . < ~ ~i~. ~ qi~' ~ ~':~ ~ ..,: " 5;0 r ,la" ;i~ .. I~j~ -. ~ : ~ . l , , ..'.0" ... I"." I~O' ~ ~ . I:~ .~~g kc:;--I- .' n~;; ~ J I'! H lit i. . Q 11" . '! --- ~~ . , , . .i > r ~ '" ~ ~ . ~ " " ~ ~f ! J 3f ~:I! -I. ~. .::. ,,:'" r~ ,; .. -.fti ,9 "'1,0. " ~ ~ ~ ~! Ig OJ f :i ...1 :OJ ---;~ ...... ....~.:.;r: f'l ~ ~ :it I~" ,,~ ~~:; ~J~ f,a ~f' l~ 1 i 01.111 : ~ I' ;~ j ~ .' . & . . '" ~ ~ , " c - ~ I ..- 3 7 ti 0'" '~ ~ r. . r ~ ~ -< z " . . CAVID CARSEN, P.C. Comu.ltin'j E nginu'f. 713 MUNRO "V[NUE MAMARCNECK. N. Y. 10S43 9\4 - CW~N. e-O\38 DESIGN CRITERIA The bulkhead for this nroject was designed on subsoil information taken from Borings Bl thru B4 Incl, taken by Slacke Test Boring Inc. Because of the extremely wet and poor surface condi tions, no borings '.'.'ere taken along the west edge of the proposed bulkhead. However, a sounding was made to determine the depth of the soft material. The underlayment below this level was arrived at by interpolation from known subsoil data. It should be noted that portions of the existing bulkhead at the southeast and southwest extremities are not to be replaced. Should it be desired to increase the water depth at these areas, the bulkhead should be carefully checked and any changes that involve an increase of water depth of more than two feet will probably req~ire additional strengthening. . . I P)rew?r Yea J...I Y CJ r-d (.i) Gr-e2^ b orf I Re ( CO,Jrocl ;3 0 r; ~ 9 S" s1QckQ ~sl- ~o"'I":9 z., c. D(2.o~<9"" !JJ as l'..r Gracie t/e:v' Wc,fe:r clQ:.v .' ..Jv6gro drc e!<2Y' j);/e 7i /J E/~v ; j)//~ Tol' t=!(Zv 0'0 0'0 - 9. '2 /0 be c; - o. .,br des/7'\ q'e fer"" I;" e 01 JOI/ 060ve ..fZ.- 6 - ~ r-Q c/ 2 ;.. .3",," cp~ T ({" 110 jJ c /' if'",,- Co /:e,c kq ~ Iq^~ (4J:r- ~~) ::. 0' 2a So'-/ be !O/AI .fu6 - ':J'roc/e r,. .3 ~, 5 0 -r ~ r;;S-1 cl' ~/f=- -0.4 kP. ," G.es, <; If" - 0- q 0 kq' ':- ... 0''')6 *,b' -/\q' :. (~. G3 - O. '2t;)= (.3? 1-/01"/2-- r;:""'h er- fie~ f/r:.J : ,)0 ./'~rc./...a.r-'1~ IOCtJ W'// 6(& vIa d I::, r c/ a/'Y" . . . 2, EL~.o A ~H"~///~// ~ o . '" ~1'S, ~~ ,W,L !{,o ~ ~ -, V) " T~ , -Q ... € L, -,9. 0 I ///-"/11_""///':;7;;:/1/- :: ' 0S';c kp'= c;. G3 1, 3 <+ 50 '/7:=-04 . , I"q ,- Q'2b' '}' ):q'= ~G3- O. 7!~)= (",,37 " H ~ o -, I ~, 'I ~Ol "'I' - , ::x: 0- ~ =- I/o }c-l , r~ Go}cl' ?: 3~" 6. o. ,kq,. 0 '2& d I I<V , "" "" 'i> - " ::t ~ qJ 1 ~ 0' ~ K:q '" 110 )( S-x 0-'28 ~ IS<?- I>sl Pc= I ~ -t , ~ II"" *9 = /54 + rOo>< 9>1 0- <?B :. /5<:;+ /5/= 80s;Os! PC2 :. [6H,-t d"lIwJk,/~ {/OXS... ~o~:JXO''Zb:' 283I"sl, Pf;- = 6'(IJ/-kq}fJ/ " <(i S l< 1;, 37'" f) I '" 4/t/- D I t/", StJrc:J:.ortJQ: ./'/'-:CIC ;6qrl:l~ re........OV12Q' fron-. ~~ qreQ, . 1'3643 -"1-2211 -0;:Z /3118 01 ~ 2, 28' Oe fer,.,....,,;' ~ Ro d 7~".r;o". To- Acf / V'2 PQSS,'V(2 T :z S4? I07C: La co 1,6", 0 I' I'Y7Qx. ~. 0 335 -f /54.::.:. l -+ 1".5':lC :2. :3 q ::c. ;J- + 1:'-- '7 ~ - /0 8; - () .;):2 -t Ie,. 33::c - 129. (Jo o. A: ~ .,. lit. 33 ~ T 4 x /2J"?!o 2 - 18.33 . 3. 1472#/Ff I S-C?:t / S-oo "-fl. / <1- 72 #- = $.44' /1c x P."IVJ 38 S- x 7. II = 27~7 IS4- \( s-: 4- ~ 2- '" 2279 2- II';. B .3 4f)/ )< S'4-~ ... <0 1472 )( '"' <;-<1- ::- of , 1-80 .40/3 -fill N, . . <1 LO~Q/~ ~ Y<- pc.... d' /kp'-kq) 2&'3 C;~" <C. 37 O' (;83' Re.sG/lq.,....I o~ 1'1YZ.r.rvrrz:.S.' D o.~ x S-. 0 " 15- ." j8S- I / ; :. ;:; ~ :J '0 '" /~4. e /3 86 1'3 = iJS '" '30", /S/ =- C;80 f4 ~ r ~... o'<;~3" 283 = 97 Ps - O.S" 1)/ ~ = " 41 'I ,0/ - 207 0 / r'1 0 r,-- e,",", f s Cf60vf A"cJ...or 385 )( - 0 'G67 - - :25] /386 x S.$' - 7t;23 ~60 )c 7'0 = 47Go '37 .x /0-2z8 - 992 - 2070 % (~O, .,/o.,e3) -(13a~a+ 22111)/ ~ I )( - U .re (~ . '1 7;,:/ P'/rGl' :. . . s- f;) \. ,- , ~ ... -0 c/c. 4.0/3 x ~ '" 2~, 07; kl=l-. 1'2" I /Ie 6v If c:/,'a""e./-t2,... Etr-.6edc;/cCl ,t, c. -Iv cd ~ e'p ft., "" I "- -0/0/ ~,I,<: !.e"'7 ~ : O,'G. +---. T-- , "'- \::j. " to " , I ~).- i' " '-Il, . I~L! :1 II ~- -T PILE- d' @ ! II I I I lid .1 ,r Tip cI,'q.: 8" deffl., 7/....eOrehc..al/)o (; ~ 2'2~;l-O'b<f3 :). 9~ 3 JOy , 3. o' ... 3 x /'40= 4 . 2' J'a'i <t . 5 ' I' of- S I -I- :31 T 4. 5-. I;) ,5' m I"; r~7 cI /JO/~.f 01 /"r..ax. A. h'J d;. 14xJ'>oG'+/O><//44' ...11.bS/,,', / :: 5 kc I lYloc/-;.. J; 1 71 >< II. ~ S" 32 :3 /5'5,:.. . {:. '2<7.078 " /2 155 /. B c: Ks/. <: 2.0 ks,' Q /Iow. Uf'e 1 CJ. . d/Q tJ,'/Q. ~ I .Ces/'c.. ...cl COr"\cr!e .,., ~r"\cj..,Or (3/0e.~ . co iEI'iS.o - /1:/11': II/~ III~ 111.=-111.5111.511/5/11"/1/2 , . > 0, ~'~l" ~ .. II ,~ ,~ t\li' T . "I.. -....... .' " --l: ' tJ-j ~ ";,' , T: I~Oo j!..cr. (J &c ./1,. .3) cpo Bc;." i Sir: -0.9- o:.IIOjJcf,;J": Gole!. ka. =- 0.28 .. ~ > 1-1= $'0 I W" IO~ IN -, " \, _ ~ €I(J'~ h" = 0 (Boll 0/ Q"<kir(p:J w. L . / " 10 IN I " I . ?: I -0 !;rl' F;'g q G C ( uS's .Jr-ee/ ~d)'4(3?)= 1,3,&; Iy&', O"~9. f/...eel- P;~rj ;()es;'~,..., !YJQ"r.n::1j I S-o , Ro' K~ - ~q = S-O-O''U1 412 I' - '" .. / I 2 ~ (~_ '!')hu II ~ t. /375 PSF IFI {-; I '01-1 - l x 1/0><. $'0 =- f - ::; I 2 " i ~vous 4;,...c. 1rv:J.... 0,.- AJ1oc.k .::::> (= L t. e I I 5 H= 50 b ~ o. S r :2 = =- ) J Ii S.O j-; . 119 R: <1-72", /. /9 #. 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'000 ~ T<2~r'/e J'lyu.r =- g 000 '2.-30 :. 391.3 )>$'; < 2 ~ OOD J.[',' fJ Q.: / '3 :, 01 ~. /-, // n... t2r .fA ee h~ ( IIor/z0,..., fQ/J / /'/)C)" . eo!'l/., p~ss,-,rrz. :. /5'4 +1.51= 50S}./ rIel' Pf J...~;:J.i...1. r JfOCI";J 01 VerAcol /J;les = c:, 01 f',; I/} 30s x G:L- a :. 137'3 #-,c";- I . -. 3 "x / 2 " ~ "- rY /, -'. . //';"oer ~""ee1'7~:J I'" v' "7'", Mocl~ /2 x 3 ~ =- ~ 18 I;" S / 1373 lc /2 . 18 ::. :J /S .4 sl I lal/o IF{ .:. 2000 ;6~t' . . lJesl3A of 7;;""be.r '/xee!-/"::J (V~r,L,'ca~) 8 .fee fA,::2 for L./..' e d;n-,'(2 ^'O /a /'\ 'i~ 6,Gf.J loa c;/;^5' cI/q~rQ".., COn-.jJ C/lecl ~ 77,.;,6 ~r 4e~hr:; (~r";) Uf'Q .//'l/e J5q" 6dN(2(Q... /OJV12r 7'4'l<";"" )0/'" I- Q^c:/ I":' frrh\ ecIt'Q ~ ar.cJ...o,. J <!? ~ lov .. -f- /'0 I': L, EL: So ~///;.~- - O'~~3' EL,-fl 0 .JLINL 0.0 , ~p. IS4- tI ':;'0 1,'4 -, "'. ~ -- -1M, " ']" IJes"9" .lfQ,,:. 9"1-/ ~c' 6~.3= /O.6fd/, p, /54x "_ /29 jJ.s,c S- - LI.rQ Un;1' 10cIII:. IS4~ /,;2,/ :.. ;ao;.sl :J- ~ (\/ Q ,. 2S0x/O-6$'3 8 ~.M: 328/ II N,/;:/. U J'~ 4 "x Ir; 'I r;,.;., 0(2,. ./'Aetzl-/"J @-r~) / .A:2 Gx.z _ r;; 4 2 . 7 /.:.. 3, ~.ff):- 3281 )< 1$ :. ~ 3 7s J- /F/- ~ftr 7l,..',6er, /2 -ft '" {375'x /2 :. /230 is; <12'7 16 al/o..... :- .2000 }.I't' (),k . IJesl'5^- 01 Wole, Reocf,Or @ Wo/'2 P;ler @ G:'o"~. 1:,. N} I':" Wo/~.:. Lire '1'IX/211 #0/<2 :)ecl hJod. . q 230 x /0, 6~.3" a,s=. /229 tI- /1' 12x f/2 . ~ - s ~3 I " /2 32 / " /22!} x (;'2- =- SS3/ ~,cr- 8 o ~ V~r/) 3:2 I;'" 3. .:: 20 7f!. ~.['t' I Ok, . . COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ;1,"OO<1l:~,'I".~. ~-). f:. ;, 'i.!. ~ Ji' '''I ~< ",' " .,-' ~",",..~..d"k;;l "'-<i:'i;F'1f~ PETER F. COHALAN SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES DAVID HARRIS. M.D.. M,P.H. COMMISSIONER March 12, 1984 Mr. Daniel S. Natchez Daniel S. Natchez and Associates, Inc. Suite 11 0 555 AIda Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543 Dear Mr. Natchez: Dr. David Harris, Commissioner of the Department of Health Services, has asked me to reply to your letter of January 24, 1984. I apologize for the delay in answering your letter. However, there were certain aspects of the proposal that had to be checked and verified. A field inspection of the site by members of the staff, plus a review of site data by the department's hydrogeologist, indicate that, with certain precautions, the effect on the freshwater-saltwater interface will be minimal. The use of proper sheet piling or bulkheading, as proposed, should minimize the impact to the freshwater supply in the area. Since the peninsula where the project is located is not really a source of the village water supply, we have no objections to the proposal as outlined in your letter. Very truly yours, /;;?~ U ul.Q,_ Robert A. Villa, P.E. Chief Engineer Division of Environmental Health RAV/lst cc David Harris, M.D., M.P.H. 225 RABRO DRI....E EAST HAUPPAUGE, N. Y. , 1788 (5115J 348.2917 .,.-'-- 1./ t-iZ't . . : HOLZMACHER, McLENDON and MURRELL, P.C.' CONSULTING ENGINEERS, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS and PLANNERS 12~ BAYLIS ROAD, SUITE 1.0, MELVILLE, N.Y. 11747. ~16.7~2.9060 January 31, 1984 Mayor George Hubbard Inc. Village of Greenport 236 Third Street Greenport, New York 11944 Re: Inc. Village of Greenport Proposed Marina Brewer Yacht Yard GRPT 84-50 Dear M~yor Hubbard: In accordance with your request, we have reviewed the proposed Brewer Yacht Yard Marina as shown on Young & Young Drawing No. 83-549 (December 1982). An excavation for a marina such as that proposed by Brewer Yacht Yard can have a substantial impact on the fresh groundwater in an area. It removes fresh water from storage which lies in the ground within the area of the excavation. More importantly, it increases the area from which fresh water can flow into salt water, causing a continuous drain on the fresh water in the area. This permanently reduces the thick- ness of the fresh water layer in the vicinity of the excavation, making effective use of this resource difficult. Since the proposed excavation is on a peninsula and for most purposes can be considered to be hydraulically isolated from the Greenport Water Supply's existing wells, the develop- ment of the marina does not threaten these wells or any that might be conceived in the future. As a matter of good planning, it is always desirable to maintain and protect whatever fresh water resource that is available. To reduce the fresh water underflow caused by the excavation, we recommend that the Village require that tight sheathing be used as bulkheading material. This should be used around the perimeter of the basin and, if properly installed, should maintain the fresh water layer very close to its existing condition. Depending on 1'14tfJ It. J.I. U 1).1J~(l.O . ..ALl. r/2t1>r~cS :V2/ f If IIJf Mal_wille. New Yor1l. ~ Fe'mII'lQdale. ~..... York. R.....rh..d, New YOlk . . . Mayor George Hubbard Inc. Village of Greenport -2- January 31, 1984 existing soil/water interface permeability, the sheathing may even increase slightly the water elevation in the immediate vicinity. We return your folder with the letter and plan. Please send us a copy of the plan when beyond "preliminary. stage. If you need.us further in this matter, please advise. Very truly yours, SCM/' . ,J J ~ Enclosure & MURRELL, P.C. ce: James I. Monsell Supt. of Utilities . . ST. AGNES R. C. CHURCH . FRONT STREET GREENPORT, NEW YORK 11944 (516) 477-0048 . June 15, 1984 Mr. Ed Vianney, Manager BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. Manhanset Ave. & Beach Rd., Greenport, NY 11944 RE: Proposed Redevelopment of Marina and Relocation of Excavated and Dredged Materials Dear Mr. Vianney: On behalf of St. Agnes Church, we are confirming the Church's desire and need for approximately 63,000 cu. yds. of fill mat- erial from your property which will be used to help improve the two cemetery properties located along Manhanset Avenue. Our proposes, including; enhancing the overall scenic ~uality of both our waterfront and upland areas, insuring adequate space for future cemetery needs, and increasing public access to the waterfront for recreational purposes. For quite some time now, St. Agnes has been looking for a large quantity of fill to be used for increasing the elevations of several low spots on both properties. As you know, the Church property located on the south side of Manhanset Avenue and ad- jacent to your marina, is currently being used as a cemetery. There is however, a substantial portion of this site that cannot be used as a cemetery, unless and until the area is built up to an elevation that is at least equal to the remainder of the cemetery. On the other hand, the Church property located on the north side of Manhanset Avenue is not yet being used as a cemetery. This site however, has been reserved for use as a future cemetery. Unfortunately, this property has been illegally used by others as a dump site, which we have been unable to prevent. St. Agnes would like to upgrade and improve this area by cleaning up the refuse and increasing the overall elevation of the site. The site would then be landscaped with "rolling hills" and the nat- ural pond and marsh areas would be enhanced as major focal points. To preserve as much open space as possible, St. Agnes would like to develop mausoleum structures on this property rather than using the standard cemetery plots which require a much larger amount of space. We have specifically reviewed the proposed projects at BREWER YACHT YARD, including the proposed Site Plan and Topographic Maps for both of the Church sites . . ST. AGNES R. C. CHURCH . . FRONT STREET GREENPORT. NEW YORK 11944 (516) 477-0048 4t and for the relocation of the fill. We feel these maps accur- ately depict the Church's future plans for these areas. In addition, we have reviewed the plans for the excavation of the boat basin adjacent to St. Agnes Cemetery, and have no objections with the propoesed 55' setback from our property which will be used for an access drive and one row of 90" parking. In fact, we believe that your proposed development will be a positive addition to the area and we strongly support it. We fully endorse the proposed plan of BREWER YACHT YARD and by this letter, formally request the use of the excavated and dredged materials. Reverend Rocco Gallitelli <Slu.... ~"<'- knt.. . . , .. .... . BOARD OF TOWN TRl ~TEE~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town HaiL 53095 Main Road PO. Box ns Southold. New York 11971 TFLfPHUM (516) 765-1892 December 20, 1983 Mr. Daniel S. Natchez and Associates Suite 1100 555 Alda Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543 Dear Mr. Natchez: At our monthly meeting the Southold Board of Trustees again reviewed your proposal and look forward to seeing your finalized plan, in the near future. We are glad you are open to comments and recommendations from this board. We hope you will incorporate the suggested pump out facilities we spoke about at our first meeting. This will be a major asset to the area and will go a long way in correcting some of the problems caused by heavy boating in Sterling Creek. Looking forward to hearing from you in the near future. Very truly yours, Board of Town Trustees Hzul ~h~[0-nl~G04 / Paul Stoutenburgh President ~\ -I' PS:ip cc: Planning Board/ Building Dept./ Town Board / Trustees ./ .t . . ~k-;a DAN I E L S. N ATe H E Z and ASS 0 C I ATE S, Inc. Office of the President Suite 1100 555 Aida Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543-4002 (914) 698-5678 July 13, 1984 Army Corps of Engineers New York District 19th Floor 26 Federal Plaza New York, NY 10278 RECEiVED JUll 6 1984 Attn: lVlario A. Paula Area Manager Eastern Permit Section Tow" CI"rk Southold RE: BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. APPLICATlON NUMBER 84-44l-L2 PROPOSED EXCAVATION, RELOCATION OF A TRAVELIFT WELL, BULKHEADING, MAINTENANCE DREDGING AND RECONFlGURA TlON OF - FLOA TlNG Pl ER ASSEMBLY PROJECTS. Gentlemen: This will acknowledge Mario A. Paula's letter of July 3, 1984, regarding the above-referenced application dated June 14, 1984 submitted on behalf of BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREEN PORT , INC., hereinafter referred to as BREWERS. Enclosed, please find the revised drawings that conform to the Corps' request for additional information regarding BREWER'S application. It should be noted that the exact location of the on-site disposal area is shown on the revised drawing entitled, "ON-SITE DISPOSAL AND GRADING PLAN," (Sheet No.9), In your letter of July 3, 1984, it was requested that this information be provided on the previously submitted map entitled, "P ROPOSED EXCA V A TlON AND DISPOSAL SITES." It was our opinion, however, that it would be more a ppropria te to provide this information on the BREWER survey since this map shows the project site on a larger scale and, therefore,_ shows greater site details including the adjacent wetland areas. As can be seen from the attached map entitled, "ON-SITE DISPOSAL AND GRADING PLAN," (Sheet No.9), the adjacent fringe marsh areas located on the southeast and southwest corners of the site will not be encroached upon or endangered by the proposed filling operations. It was previously mentioned in our Letter of Support dated June 15, 1984, that no fill material would be placed on or within 25' of the Mean High .. . . Water Line in those areas located alongside wetlands. It is we II known that Spartina (alt. ) is most productive throughout the zone most commonly referred to as, "Intertidal Marsh." As you know, this zone is delineated along the shoreline between the Mean Low Water line and the Mean High Water line. Even though Spartina (alt.) is most productive within this zone, a small amount of marsh grass may flourish a few feet beyond the common Mean High Water line, especially in low lying areas that are frequently flooded or inundated during extremely high tides or storms. This uppermost tidal wetland zone is known as, "High Marsh" or "Salt Meadow." In those areas on and adjacent to BREWERS, there is only a small amount of Spartina located a couple of feet above the average High Water Line. Therefore, Pages 9 and 10 of our Letter of Support dated June 15, 1984, should be amended to read: "NO FILL MATERIAL WILL BE PLACED ON OR WITHIN 25' FROM THE LANDWARD EDGE OF ANY TIDAL WETLANDS AREA [SPARTINA (ALT.)]. For your review, the enclosed drawings have been revised to show the a pproxima te limits of these wetland areas. As can be seen from the attached maps, the outside limits of the areas to be filled are a minimum distance of 25' from the edge of the marsh areas. In addition, it should be mentioned that there are several mature trees and shrubs located along the southeast corner of the site, between the area to be filled and the tidal wetlands. This stand of trees will remain in place to help maintain a proper buffer between the boatyard and this sensiti ve marsh area. In addition, as per Mr. Paula's request, Section C, Section F and the Maintenance Dredging Map of the original application drawings have been revised to help standardize the datum on all of the drawings. All of the maps and profiles now refer to the datum of Mean Sea Level. If there are any additional questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our office at: (914) 698-5678. Sincerely, DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. Jfy;&?t?i~ - MT/ dst Enclosed cc: NYSDEC NYSDOS Southold Town Board Southold Planning Board Village of Greenport BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. ,. SHEE T 7 . vaNITY MAP NO.7 Rock... p~ ~~\) ~ ~O 1/ ~~ " , ~\) \~ ,- \~'v~ ~\:J ,I ,., 'v0 PIPES COVE WEST VICINITY MAP o I 2500' 5000' I I 10,ood I "' UEWER YACHT URD ATGREENI'ORT. INC. STlRL1NGIl..."IN GR[ENPORTliARBOR Vl~t:iJ:lIg;T AVENUE TOWN OF ~~~~~~RT COUNTY OF SUffOLK PROPOSED EXCAV Mil I ~ I ~~^N\..t ^~~~II. BULI(IIEA01NG J(1)\..~lN:HI''~:~''t~:~:' ~::~~~~~~IUN(' DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES lHe M^MARQNSiz/L~:\o R~~~K .. {91~) 698-5670 105.43 . . . SHEET 2 VICINITY MAP NO. 2 GoII Cours.e .. /0 0 3/ /0 9 -H o L 13 57 ~--- --- "- "- '-.. " 3. leaves Pt BREWER YACHT YARD <6 << 39 67 < 5 .. / . / ft Lights a!lOllne . / , Fanning PI - --6_ /' I I I . /3 _ Dering Harbor Chequit t . .0" L,'C,'::, th:'-~\' 3 ". ~~'oO '~r~. J , ---> 't.', , - " ./ ./ --- /' I I Beach Clu Shelter Island Heights VICINITY BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. o I 1250' 2500' , 5000' I STIRLING BASIN GREENPORT HARBOR MANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE Of GREEN PORT TOWN Of SOUTHOLD COUNTY Of SUFfOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BULKHEAD1NG /oIAINlkN"hl.t._UK""H.,j/;v, MILl lft.l.vN~H.;LlI!^IIUN U~ l-LUAllN(.; 1'11:.11 ^~~t.MklLY I'RUI!:.Ll!> DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 ALIlA ROAD MA.......WNECI<. NEW YOlll< IOSt.3 191/') 698-567b " SHEET .3 . . \ EXISTING CONDITIONS "- ~ "1 ST AGNES CEMETERY , - -:.:....,,:::.::---,.-- \.~41\1174I\1SET ...-..:'" .......... _.:~'::.~....._..~.~..-4vc;._. \, ,#.J .) .....,.. ......._........... _'~:::;::---.::__' __"::'::.' 'f...-.... ............ ........... .......... ~-..._... \ " .........-----.. ................ "0 \ , -'---- ""-." -.----- \ \ \ ...... .. ......... f) _u__.. _ ~t.... \ \. '''\ ........:.. .......... \. '-- \ \ .. \ ....-.. 8 .....-........ ~ 1\\ '\ ~\ \ \ .... \" EXISTING ... ':'. \ \ ""\, \...~._ONTOURS \" ~: W- I, .-------7 '. \ ~ ~ "\ ...................." :' --------. "" .. ~\_..':J: \ \ i ~ . \.. \ .. '\'" .......... \ '\., ...... --... ......) ;.... 6,"':. .........;! ....... .......6' I 1--- , .. ~./ \\ \ \ \, \ \ ~ / \ I.. ".$'.. \ " '. \', '. , , , , , , , , , , , , , , '. , , " ---'" , .............. , , , , , , \ , , -"'- \ -. ................. -. , , I, ! I I ' I : . , , , " " :: /....-.\ \ :: , \ :.1 \ \ I ~ "1, ,} \ : : :/,'1 .. ' , ,1', ,/ \,/ !/~,? ~ ~ I,' "/11 j :, ;"'1 \, \_/ /I~ ,.~ .... JIll' Nt .---------------<l ~h ,/::'; II '?ff$~,,~ 15' DOCK 5 .' ~..~.. /r...._u_"':-~ ~\ ~ Q TOWN OF SOUTH OLD ~ .......... ......... , , , , I I I , ! , , , , I I , , ..~.' '~...... , ... ... o ........... '- WOOD BULKHEAD DOCk Z Ih' 1 DOCK 4 S/fRLING ~ BASIN F~L~ llE'IIER Y.\CHT 'rUD AT GIEO'ORT, llle. STUttllG ....SII1 GIEE~'OPT KAMIOR "l\II~"'lIsn AVEIiUE 'ILUGEor G'HIIPon TOWN or SOUTKOLlI COUNTY or surrOLK lASED 1.1'011 SURVEY BY '1'01.111(; . TOUIIG ..T.S. I.ICtl/Stll U,IID 5unnOR!o SURVEY DAUD JUtI~. I~l UVIUO SEPT. I, ]':163 .n~ DECEMBER 27. 1M3 DUU.l,h IlEAII SEA LEVEl (IIGVD! SCALE o 25'50' 100' ..--- "'O'OSEO UCAVH10~, IULAHEAtJhG 1ol""~1 t"~II~t.~..,,~.~~. "'''L .,>.."lIt '''LOA, .~,~ vt 'LU" ,h" nu ..."U.:HLT r.u,t,-l~ DAMEL 8. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. INC. SSSAI.OA'OAO M...'....HONECK. "E~ TONK lOW (91~i O9O-'>tI7b .... l~. 19t>L '- SHEE T 4 . "" % r- ~ . ~ .",- \ , ~ 5q \ ~~e; " "'~Z fl o~rn ~ li(m,.... ~ ";0,, , ~-<:r .... , Cz ~ ~", iil "- ,f,\,,1\'I"/'&"ii'''' ~ PRoPoS'to DISPOS~nlT! "1 \ . -- ..... """"" ",(I144'H44'5E< . AVe- ~ -:::;~ '~":":"-cc:..:,,::::.:-_-:.:::::' CC'''''''il \., .... """ ""',l \ ( ........ "'" .... 0....... .... ~ ' . ............, "'" fI..__...__.. ..... \ "'" .... ..... \ \ ..~._.........,.. ....................8.......--....." ~ ' . , ,~\ . " "" .. \ \ \ EXISTC"~TClJRS '. I . .. '. "..., " II \D '. ". ... , , '. '" \ ........ .. \ ...... \" I .. .... It \\, 2~:....... '. \..... ........ ,,.....---.... 7 ......_..____......... . , o , o . '. '. ". PROPOSED EXCAVATION . 360 I'RCJ'OSEC ~t~D BOATBASIN '. ., I " '0 , I . . , ", . I " I I t.lETAL'.wILOING TO! : BE RIHoIOVEO : : ::~~11 \, j \ /:/1 ~', ~\ L1FTWEl \ : , II,. I " / /:0 ~ , . , \, ":. ... r ; / f.;':}':1I ~Q " 60'~ .... Ai i'I: ~1/ oc! '. .'" !oj /t.~:r:: txBU'~riiiG WooD' m." /f j' I rJ. ~>g~ "),,.";JjtAD To B" ,'..... /!.OJ::;, """'OVED "//of.:t'. f{ It..' ,':'; (;> ...../ ,\,'\0 . t \ . :->-"'~'A. / 7>-...--""'" .::;...-....~"--,L...~!I: 0"" ~~,~ -V:E'I(~""'" ......... ~~/lCdmL . MARINA ~~~:N 60' ~600 .J, OC/(1 ISIS' j DOC/( 2 125' DoC/( J 125' I exISTING DOCKS TO BE REMOVED "J 1 AND RELOCATED DOC!( 4 DoCK 5 I': STiRLING B4S/N ~o ~~ -.::.-.......- ;;;";jf_, ~S;:<.:~~:z- SCALE . 25' 50' 100 o . P""""""Il PROPOSED AND DOCK EXCAVATION REMOVAL T GREENPORT, INC. YACHT YARD A BRE"'ER SIN - STIRLING ~~RBOR GREENPORT AVENUE WANHANSETGREENPORT VILLAGE ~F SOUTHOLO TO"'N 0 OF SUFFOLK. COUNTY BULKHEAD1NG XCAVAT10N, AND PROPOSED l~ANI..I:.-I)I(I:.I)"INI'''LUA liNt; RMI:.~~NI~I"UI(A~II~~T U:j(OII;:\.:I~ 1'11:.1( ^~~1:. ASSOCIATES, IN A TCHEZ AND DANIEL S. N 555 ALOA ROOA~K lOSL,) NEW Y MAMARON~it,') 698-56l1 May 19, 19 UPON SURVEY BY BAS;DOUNG . Y~UN~URVEYORS LICENSED LAND 26 1983 N.Y,SR'VEY DATED lU,LYDEcEMBER 27. SU 19B3 an L (NGVO) 'EVISED SEPT. ~'EAN SEA LEVE DATUM: 1953 . . -mt."W ~~-~ -:::::....:.;."'..:::::.:.~ \M-. 'AN/iAA'", '. ". ...... """~Cr "\ ", \ . ."-... ._~~ 4VE \ .,,' .:. ". ......-. ~""':--" ...... II \ C..~~ISTING ........ .......,< ..~.-"-.:.:~~....... \ \ ......... CONTOU~ ...... ......,. "" ..'\:). , , ',,, .......~ ........---.. ~ \ '. ". ' \ ..... -------,,-". \ \ \ ............. .. ......... . "-. \ '..." -..-8._..----..... .. \. ' .. \ "'.. ~\ \ "'" ... PARKING AND WINTER \.. \ '\ \, IlClI.T SlORAGE \ ~'OJ I ' ..... ... ,'" ; \, ............ :'..~----...- 7 ...._____.... '\'" \ ~ , .. .... \ ..........,. ~\"X. \, \, .. \, .. '\ ........ .......... .. 1 '\. , .. t ~ ~ ...... " ~ ,.. ~ SHEE T 5 ~ -..- \ / ~":I:l .,:,,-_ .0 ~. ..-...... , . .. . . \ \ ST AGNES CHURCH CEMETERY PRa>osEO DISPOSAL SITE mhw / -- . .. \ , , , ! , , , . , , "'\ t~"JC~ f ., '" ..W:-" , '.. , , , \ I , , \ ' \ ' : , , ' , .' . , 1..,1 \ ~ \ .t ,.- ~ .., ! \ \ '. : ,_.. ~ I ' I : .-.. , : : ,'1:"~" ' , . I, 1'/ I'" \,'/,'1 ''',1 ''', "','I "'1/ II', [,1.'1 '''., li~1 ///,. '. -' ",' lP~iJ "_...R' ..... II ... ..--., ,ij ,'f ~ "" "'Ii I'" ~ '" -'II ., ,,/,'.~ (('T' ,.. ...... ,:l ) , "'>':>...._ '!J I "". :'.~'';'1 / \.. '''~.h ......... 20S,______ ~..~E' 4,,-yf1,- /j " . ~ ...{flvE: 1. "Z 25' k-..::. 96 '-::--i cti:K'l k-.:.68'--t{ '" lbQ( a ~q ,00 t<'~ 50 ..i PROPOSED RECONFIGURATION OF FlD<\T ING PIER ASSEMBLIES ~~, ~ ~"" ---- ;;;:;j.r:.;-- 5.:::;"""J5~ SITE PLAN MAP SCALE o 25'50' 100' - BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, tNe. STIRLING BASIN GREEMPORT HARBOR MANHANStT AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY Of SUFFOLK lASED UPON SURVEY BY YOUNG a YOUNG N.Y.S. LICENSED UNO SURVEYORS SURVEY DATED lULY 26. 1983 REVISED SEPT. 1. 1983 and DECEMBER 27. 1983 DATUM, MEAN SEA LEVEL (NGVOl PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BULKKEAD1NG M^INleN^NLL_DHtU~IN~, ANU 11I:.....UN~I...UIl...IIUI'i Ut ~l..U^JlNu !'Hell ^~~t.~IIlLY t'IlUIt.L.l~ DANIEL s. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 ALOA ROAD >>"MAROHECK. HE'oII YO~K lOS4J (9]'l 698-S67~ Way 19. 198L SHEET 6 . M'-TENANCE DREDGING MAP 280' I ~ Cl Cl r fT\ ~ ---..... -_....M4~!f4NScr ....--.. ,.... !! '>) ..-.. , ~- \ ~tES ~URC\\ ST. CElAE.~ ~S\'tE O\S""~ ~J. ~~~~CE rlLt1 DREDGING SOUNDINGS ARE IN FEE T AND TENTHS DATUM: MEAN SEA LEVEL SCALE o 25'50' 100' ~ , ---.. :i':;~"?::::-- ~-:r~';'-':~===- P 600' ROPOSED Dock CoNFIGUOAT 'V'\ ION STIRLING BASIN .. E88 FLOOD...... ? fj,I$o' ;:' ;' ..tv,. "CHT "'0 .T C"'H'O'T. "c. J'j G:i~:~b~~ ~~~I:OIl MANHANSET AVENUE YILLAGE OF GR[[NPORT TOWN or SOUTHOll) COUNTY OF SurtoL~ PROPOStn EXCAVATION, IULKHEADINC ..Allo;it.NAh...I:._UN..U...,"'.... "Iou .t.'-lJh~luUNAII'-l~ ..J; ~Lu"'III"'.. I' Lt.k A~:.t."'I;IL 1 t'~,JI~..., ~ ."SEI) UI"OH SURVEY IT YOUNG ... YOUNG N. Y .5. L1CEHSEO LAHD SURV[YDIIS SURVEY DATED JULy 211, 1983 IEVISED SEPT. 1. 1963 and DECEWIlEl1 27. 19113 DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 ALOA 1I0AL' MAMAIIONlCK. H[.... YONK lOSJ,J 19141 696-5076 W.Y 19. 1964 SHEET 7 . . . 4.0 p\ 'lEv/Ou,; s/~/spos , ~t Ul 1> Z o -< STIRLING SWING MOORINGS TO BE R.EMOVED BASIN '" ~O \'b ~, -'-J PROPOSED OFF - SITE DISPOSAL EXISTING EXCAVATION AND AREAS TOPOGRAPHY 12 OJ '" 1> n ~ SCALE osdlOd = BREWER YACHT YARD AT CRE[NPORT, INC- BASED UPON TOPOGHAPHIC ),fAP FIVE: EASTERN TO....NS SUiFCLK COUNTY. N. Y. SHEET NO. HH-LO surrou; COUNTY DEPI',RTl.ltNT Of PUbLIC ....ORr.S DATUM: ME^~ SEA L~VEL STlRLINC BASIN CR[[NPORT HARBOR MANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE or GR[ENPQRT TO....N or SOUlMOLO COUNTY Of SUffOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION. BUll(H[ADING MIIlNllNANLl_UltlIK,'fOl... Mw lIT"'UN'Il..U~^lluN..n .I.UII"",.... ~llK ^~~t.~llILl I'I(Ull<...,~ DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. IN 55') All!... ROAD M,o,MAHONt,CK. H[W YOltK IO'~~3 191Ll b9o-SbJI> 101...... 1<J. 1904 . 4': It:""'- ~/~ LI"G) v, , ~ S~\R tR'( -< 1.0" -- ~ ~~~---------~ ~------ ,/ /" Ul ~5 - -" . SHEE T 8 4.0 . . / . . 9.0 ~f/EW<: /0 1?OP01c64CHr ~ COIVr&Jg VI ... Z o -< ~ CJ [ 1 '1" , ''i'/1lJIVIV _ _ _' ~/SOu'if,OLD COJvf'IGu ~ , ~rIOIV i \_~ 1<0' "- u;~~~ SCALE o 5d rxI == STIRLING BASIN '" Y{O \'6 ~\. ~ IV PROPOSED TOPOGRAPHY OF RELOCATION SITES BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, lNC. STlRLINCBASIN GREENPORT HARBOR WANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF CREENPORT TOWN OF SOU1NOte COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION. BUlKHEAOING MAINll:.NA/;\...l_llll.l:.11liINt., ^"W RL\..OIHIl;UIlAIIUN U~ i'LUAIING I' Ill( A~:.l:.~lllLf I'IlUIt.LI" BASED UPON TOPOGRAPHIC MAP FIVE EASTERN TOWNS SUFFOLK COUNTY, N. Y. SHEET NO. HH_40 SUfFOLK COUNTY DEP^RTM~NT OF PUBLIC WORKS DATUM: ~IE^N SEA Ll::VEL DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. INC. 555 AlOA ROAD IolAMARONECK. NEW YONK IO~J (9141698-5676 Iol.y 19. 1984 . . Nf-S C\\llRC\\ s1~6 ~:-.-Sl~ OISPoS"'" ~~~~&i1f~ .sur_ --. M4 ~ ". :VH4NSC T " '. -"':0--- 4VE: "-'-~~-----=w. .....10....... _ . ~ D D r '" :>cJ SHEET 9 ON-SITE DISPOSAL AND GRADING PLAN " 1:, ~ , -N_ \ ~ ~'" - " ,. AREA TO BE FILLED NA TURAL SCREENING APPROX. EDGE OF FILL EDGE OF MARSH ~.PPROX.) S6vC>,y,y rita q., ~ SCALE o 25'50' 100' P""'"""'II , "(0 ~o ~~ ~ BREWER YACHT YARD AT CR[[h'PORT. INt ---- 'j=;jr:~'" - ~-::~.~;"..:~::~- STIRLING ."SIN CIl[[NPORl HARBOR ""h'HANSEl A\/ENU[ VILl...GE or CRUNf'QIlT TOWN 0' SOUTHOlD COUNty or 5UrfOL~ IlASH' UI'C'l~ 51\11\11 BY YOl'''" . YtJl'h'{; N.Y.S. llClt;Hll LANIl W~VIYOII', 5V~HY D"ltl' JULY 2(', lq~., . IlEVISU' 5r rl. I. 191\; .n<l brCI ~H<I~' n, 191>3 D^TU~: ~["'h HA Ll\'ll (10(,\,1" STIRLING BASIN PRorOStf! UCAv"TION, BULJl:HHI'UIG .."I"li."..."LI....NlU"Uh.. ""l IlL...Ot.II<.Uk/\IIUh III ILU...III',-, Illk "'~~l~I~L T I h'lt... D DANIEL S. NAtCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, !>"..."ll.... 1l0AI' 1ol..."'...1l0.HC.... NIN yo., Ir...~~' l~lt. (,1j.._~t,7" a.l_l l':l. 191.. . SHEET 70 SECT. . ~- ~1R~€~ ~'j,~~% f ~..D~~"~-!- I :--'. - M4NH4NSCT ~ /7~-, (\ : . : 8_____~__ \ """"'" ,..,,~-. ~ ~ ~ r ~ . "- ~ "l ~ \ 4VE -- -.. ._-_.~._---~ '......10........_ , '............ ~............ '- C\\URC\\ t.GNES ER'I' Sl CE\.IE1 EO ~ SIll:. OISPOS SECT. 0---- I ,\, '~) C ----0 --, I ) , , , , Eo' "-., !> >l'! e>)t .:Ie -mLV" / ~:I;) /t-- " C) , ) : , I I' 5, : 4.~~_~., I ~ ~ '" I 1""'1""\\ ' . 'f )1::: '\\" 6 J,'/! ~ \ I ",I , "" /,','! .:f, "', I,11'1 I "" ;y A/;7~:'!J ~ I ,,' "'/; '. ~ ",, ~ "'" "~ //:: .... ./ // #. " ,;.; f)' ,;' ':{ I ( '. ,~-;: \ '-"~. ----.. .'---;;.-.-" "/{I A_ '41/."._ '-'~f' .'l-y .-.~ S~~4f! ~o ~ <s> -..-.. JSjJ,:~- =.~.:::~~;--.:~:::::- UPON SURVEY BY B^S~DOUNG_ & Y~~N~URVEYORS LICENSED LA 26 ]9B3 83 N.V.SR.VEY DATED JUL\ECEMBER 27, 19 5U 1983 and (NGVDl REVISED SEPMT: ~'E^N SEA LEVEL DATU. STIRLING BASIN SCALE . o 25'50' 100 . ,....., GRADING T GREENPORT. tNC. YACHT YARD ^ BREWER IN - STIRLING ~~~BOR GREENPORT AVENUE MANHANSETGREENPORT V1LLAGE ~F SOUTHOLD TOWN 0 OF SUFFOL" COUNTY BULKHEADING XCAVATION. ANU PROPOSED. E'^N'-l:.-UIIl:.IJVIN~'VAI1N'-' M^ IN 1... N U~ ~~ l UNl"ll.lJlI^IIU l I'RUIl(..,:, . '",. ^~,..." C AND ASSOCIATES, IN . NATCHEZ DANIEL S. 555 ALDA ROAD" I05t.J NEW YOII MAMA 1I0NI::Cl~') 698-561& (~.y 19. 198i. PLAN SHEE T 77 o 250' 500' . 1000' ~ 'Ir" <I.t1.., ....., 9:: IJ?~ h AREA NAVIGATION MAP BASED UPON DEVELOPMENT PLAN VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, N. Y. JUNE, 1967 BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. STIRLING BASIN GREENPORT HARBOR MANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION. BULKHEADING MAINIENANCE-DREDGING. AND RECONflGURATION Of FLOATING PIER ASSEMBLY PROJECrS DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 ALDA ROAD MAMARONECK. NEW YORK 10543 (914) 698-5678 May 19. 1984 . . 9HEU. 72 ~~~~y~ --... - . M4:VH4Nscr ....-.. ".- ......:.. ...... "" "" r fT\ :>> " ~ "'i RECONFIGURATlON OF DOCKS AND MOORINGS r--11\iITlONPL : JI ~ I ~O~ L.. - - OCKS 8 ~~O~'6~10 ~--- ~ EXISTING ....___J FLOATS 4//E -"'- , -..- \ BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPOR,T,. JNC. S C\\\lRC\\ !;j'[ J..?~iER~ C~EO ?~l.. Sli~ OIS?V. · ~Wir~SERND C"'_--_ "rr-...";J-- ,r::~ .t--..J f . '" -J' -7 ~.-~ ." C' -'c:.:~ t-._ s~'" rlto~ c: '...::.~ , I::=~'::'_-.=:l .. ------ --- t..:-.._, ,'.:::.:J . C=.::J' ' ,r. .. r::-:.: o o A 2.2 C.qEs o o SCALE o 25'50' 100' - ---.. ;i;;:;j,r:.:--- =~.=.;..--.:~..::::..- o 1983 S II RU /YG ~o( ,Do ~ 8A,SI/y BREWER TACH~ YARD AT GRttMPOR~. tMe STIRLUIG BASIN GREENPORT HARBOR MANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF CREENPORT TOWN or SOUTMOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLI PROPOSED EXCAYATION, IULKHEADING MAINII:.NANI..t.-l.lMt.lK.lN<... AND Kt.\...UN~I..U~AIIUN ut ,I.UAIIN(" 1"1l:.~ ^~;,t.)ltlLT I'IIUI....I;, JASED UPON SURVEY BY YOUNG. YOUNG N.Y.S. LICENSED LAND SURVEYORS SURVEY DATED JULY 26. 1983 REVISED SEPT. 1. 1983 ..nd DECEMBER 27. DATUM: WEAN SEA LEVEL (NGVD) DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. 555 All)A ROAD WAMARONECK. HEW YORK 10543 19ILI698-567b .....y 19. 19b'- t .~, i' 'I( ~ , . " ~ -~.. .J ~ \ .,.i ~ ~ . "", rr'f .,..11 ~e..;~ ~ , lit., a..... ..... ".~>:'-< ". ,"" SO" ,,,,.... \ \) ,.. ." ...t" ~ .~~ ... " 1 ~ . > \ .' . \. 'Oo.::!f"-.....l . "" t)/ : tl ~ ~ " ~ : /~~ (, ~ '- /~'" I , ryi If!; I I . -" ~ s .=:---:. -- ~ - ;;r.l~6"Q.~ l I') W~ .2: J.." ~F ~~ ~~ 0.5 ~ '" I~ . I~ ~~ ~l~ .~ ~ .'" ~ ' -? tE(b,5 I ~ as'tE- '. <!> ~ :;~ -- Q-CI) -- I- "l CI) C() !oj HAl.,." T. P__ t 8...,,.,.~,,, "-,uN . ~.9"b1.. 6e7P~rr. I~ " _c~. I ~~1~ ~" . . >!Ct'... I ~ ."'... I ~ <" (d',~ ...,. t1 r; I :i'\~ ~ 90~ <t,V-, 4 ~ t, N."..S':$;r. ~o' ~ , , ~ , ,J'~J' ''Jf'~i's.s~' .SO' o . 125' 250' 500' . . 1 ; ~I ..J w/ C> ... :::1 :; 1 G~'i.S s"i. '~'i.~~ c'C:'" ~?~\~Q itoC~ SHEE T 7.3 IfoSFRr J( ~ 41 4!'s~ 1.1T(;I1AA/t) "'" 11. CH~.. .<9" 8,t~D~.. "r ~/ AREA UNDERWATER GRANT MAP {{L'<9'8L',:;-r Fi (2"" /~ /9U d f'-9.o,/o'////j' ~.!:1rc~.6) _~ -% fl'.s"-1, v~" E. . "!I '?J. .. .~t. .'~ .:~ "'. "' '1l"E..J'S A)" J ~$.fOCI"'TIO" BEIICn " 0/ SAI'''Y pf)/PT N.,. 07 1'306 O~ G,.E3f 19F6 "I fl B /1"9 7, /9 tJ~.., f"!J. s~ [" LAND BASED ON A COPY OF WATER GRANT INDEX MAP 119 OF SUFFOLK COUNTY BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. STIRLING BASIN GREEN PORT HARBOR WANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPOR! TOWN OF saUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOL~ PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BULKHEADING MAINllNAN~l-U~lUuIHu. AhU IIl~UN~IGUIIAllUN U~ 1-1..0AIING I'lll/ ^~~UltlLl YIIUlll..l!> DANiEl S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 ALDA ROAD MAMARONECK. NEW' YOIlK IOS4J (91"698-567& May 19. 1984 SHEET 74 PREVIOUS ~ S~~Mx . EXISTING BERM SECTION A . :,,",:<':. ~, SECTION B PREVIOUS SPOILS ~ AREA PROPOSED FILL . EXISTING BERM SCALE o 25' 50' . " FRESH MANHANSET AVENUE POND . ",'.,. ...... tlO' 5' o WATER MANHANSET f'S' AVENUE 10' 5' o BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. STIRLING BASIN GREENPORT HARBOR MANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT tOWN Of' SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION. BULKHEADING MAINIENANCE-UREDGING. AND iITCONFIGURAllON OF HOAIING PIER ASSBIHLY t'ROJI::CrS DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. INC, 555 ALDA ROAD MAMARONECK, NEW YORK 10543 1914) 698-5678 May 19. 198,( SHEET 75 SECTION C . ~~~~~B --->- BUILDING TO BE REMOVED AREA TO BE FILLED BOTTOM EL.- 8.0' BELOW MLW (-9.2' BELOW MSU ST. AGNES CEMETERY Pq~:" PROPOSED FLOATS AND PILES )~40~- 70' MHW +1.2' -------- -~ --- - ---- m_ - -MLWu_.I:i'--.. >j< 288' 68' JO~ 8'~JO' >j< 70'->f-40~ u---MSL 0.0 . ACCESS DRIVE PARKING WALKWAY WITH PLANTINGS ~22'f 19'7/ 8' 1/ o I 25' SCALE 50' I 100' I BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. STIRLING BASIN GREENPORT HARBOR MANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE Of GREENPORT TOWN or SOUTHQLD COUNTY OF SUFfOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BULKHEADING MAINJtNANCE-DREDGING. AND IftCONFlGURATlON m HOAllNG PIEH ASsEMBl.Y PROJECTs -.. --..,-. ~;::;:/f::';-- ffi::E~;':u~1::.::- DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 ALDA ROAD MAMARONECK, NEW YORK 10543 19W 69B-567B May 19, 1984 .' USED urON SURVEY BY TOUNI;; . YOUIIG N.T,5.L1CENSEDLAIIlISURVEYORS SURVEY DArUJULY26.1983 UVlstD SEPT. I. ItllJud DECUIBU 27. 1983 DATUM, 101[,0.11 su LEVEL lNGYlll . . .' SHEET 76 ST. AGNES CE METERY '" s6lf~~~~ ~ ACCESS DRIVE SECTION D-D PLANTERS (CURB STO PS) PARKING ,~I o SCALE o 5' 10' 20' I BULKHEAD PILE FLOAT BOT TOM BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT I INC. STIRLING BASIN GREENPQRT HARBOR MANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREEN PORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BULKHEAD1NG MAINI~NANCE-UR~UG1NG. AND RECQNtlGURAllON OF FLOATING PIER AS~EMBLY PROJECIS DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 ALDA ROAD MAMARONECK. NEW YORK 10543 19W 698-5678 May 19. 1984 . . . SHEET 77 MANHANSET AVENUE SECTION E-E NATURAL SCREENING FENCE BOAT STORAGE SCALE o 5' 10' 20' , , TRAVELlFT BOAT STORAGE ~ BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. STIRLING BASIN GREENPORT HARBOR MANHANSET AVENUE ViLLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATiON, BULKHEADING MAINIENANC~-DREDGING. AND RECONFIGURAIION OF HOAIING PiER ASSEMBLY PROJECTS DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. INC. 555 ALDA ROAD MAMARONECK, NEW YORK 10543 19W 698-5678 May 19, 1984 '>1'1:1: I 1 Ii eXls TtNG BULKHEAD . eXls TING 8JLKHEAD . . . SECT/ON - F TYPICAL MAINTENANCE DREDGING EXISTING FLClol7ll AND PILES EXISTI~ lIOTTt\\I PRO"LE PROPOSED BOTTO'" PROFILE -9.2' MSL ~ IZS' PROPOSED FLClol TS AND PILES PROPOSED BOTTO'" PROFilE 9.2' MSL , " , .... , " h-u-h-MHW+7.2' ------u-MLW -7.2' + zs' MHW+l2' _hh__h MSL ::~==:_--:. - -do- MLW -12' '" o . .!CAlE s' 10' ZOO o IUIIE' TACHT YUD AT "lllttPOIl. ll1e. STlIllllli IUlli c'[(lIpon HU~'" M'MHU~tT AHItUI YILtAc.lorCH[IIPORT TOloMOfr.oUTItOLD COUlIlT or II/HOl. "O'OSED He.VAtIOf!, IlILlH(AtdIlC M.I~I~II.H~t_I1HD...IH~. HID 'tl..UIOfl",U_.'l<,JN U' !lO.IIIl.. rlL_ A~Hllll' r'Jlt~ I~ DANIEL S. HATCHEl "''''0 ASSOCIATES, 'NC. 555 UlIA t':MD ......uOM~n. IIh YOU 105.1.3 191.1 '%-~i~ "or 1",191>4 , ~ -:"-""::':'::::.:~ ....~.4NH.4NSET ..<; ',) ..) <"::':."~--:::~:~~'~:~~..::,--::,~,...--. 1 ( ..... ...... ~\ \, .........._ ..----- "', "'" '10 'n_ __. \ \ ',- "0 ......-9~----.- \h. -...... -. '" \ \. .......... ........ \. '. \ \, \ ....~-.. 8 ...---....... \ , .. \ .. ~\ \ '\'" '. \ ..~, '\ ........ '\ \, .~.. \ ...... \ \.. . ~ \ \\ .............. \", "\ 1=; 1 '\ (..--- -- 7 ------... .. ~\. ':r. : '\ B-1: .... " . 'I." .. \ ..', .. . ....,.., '. "" \,.! , . . '. . . . . , 5' ,..-.. , I , , , , , : I ...'"\.t\.... ~ : 1'1' '\" I'" , I I', \' '''', '\'\ ::::' ,", II'," tll/! :}' .,', '''II "'1/ ,;cv r~ /1,// c'f-,/i TOWN OF '..-._.u._- :ip' ~// SOUTHOLD ~/!j ~h \'.. ...~//;,:; r : ";'>-"'-'01 C __\....... :~:. :'; . ...t'j;$G~ ", . SHEET 19 ~ C> C> r '" ':<) "- ~ I">j \ -...- \ \ , , 1 1 1 ST AGNES CEMETERY , '.......... ", , .. . , , .. " .' ,. . \ . \ '0', . , . .. '. ", , ~ ........ .......... . , . , , , . , ! , , , . . . , ...) ..--, - , , , , , ,.: .. . , . '. , , . , . , , '. , , " - '---' B-2 B-3 + '. , . , , , , \ . , . , , , . , . . , ,." ----- ", B-4 / ". ; , , '...... ---.. -'" -- ", MHW' STIRLING ~ - FLOOD BASIN ~ --~ ---".....-- ~::;:/J::.:-<- ___V" --...-.- -_..' __._..u........,._".... -.-..,........-- SCALE o 25"50' . 100' . NoSED UPON SU~VEY BY TO\JNG . TOUNG N.T .5. LICENSED LAht. SU~VEYO~S SURVn DATED jUll 26.19113 t[Y1SEtlSEPT. I. 19113.nd DECE...iER 27, DUU"', ...EAI. SEA LEVEl UIGVDl "" . -+ APPROXIMATE LOCAtiON OF TEST BORINGS TEST IlO~HIGS COSDU:::TED BY: SLACKE TEST 1l0Rl!l.~> IhC- SUB5l.iRfACE S:::::lSMO FOUSO....T1QII." EXPl0R....Tl0l-;5 O....T EO rt:"RlARY 21, 196~ '. . , , , I / , I . . , , , I . I , . . : , , , / EXISTING DOCKS lREIIER TACHT YARD AT GRIENPOH. INe. STIRL\NGilASIN GR[E!;PORT IlAR~':>~ "'AN HAil SO A V EN L'~. VILLAGE OF GRIENPORT TOliN or SOUTllvLD COUNTY or surrOLK '.OPOSED txCAYATlOl;. IULUIEAPtllG :~::~::I:~::~l~i?~:~: :~~l~~~:; ~,. DANIEl. S. NATCHEZ ANO ASSOCIATES. INC. 555....I.D^.OAD IitA.......ONECK. liEN YOH IO~3 191~1 6-9&+:;t>7b ....yI9.196. 1 , .I " . . DAN I E L S. N ATe H E Z and ASS 0 C I ATE S, Inc. RECEIVED Suite 1100 555 Aida Road M a m a ro n e c k, New Yo r k 10543.4002 (914) 698.5678 JilL 2 Ql4 Office of the President Town Clerk Southold June 26, 1984 N.Y.S.D.E.C. Regulatory Affairs Unit Building 40 SUNY - Room 219 Stony Brook, N.Y. 11794 Attn: Dennis Cole RE: BREWER YACHT YARD at GREENPORT, INC. A P P lic a tion # 10-84-0766 Gentlemen: This letter will acknowledge your Notice of Incomplete Application dated June 21, 1984 (copy attached). Please be advised that the proposed Boat Basin has had some stakes placed in position by the surveyor and is available for a site inspection by the N. Y. S. D. LC. or any other agency. However, the area is being actively used as a boat yard and, as such, we respectfully request that prior to any person making a site inspection, that. such person (s) contact: Mr. Edward Vianney - General Manager of the Yard. Telephone Number: 516-477-9594 Mr. Vianney will be happy to take the time from his schedule to show any interested person(s) the proposed project area, the proposed basin to be excavated and its staked outline, and answer any site inspection questions. On behalf of the Applicant, we hereby receive copies of any and all notices, other communications sent by or received formally request that our office requests, correspondence and/or by your office under SEQRA. Please be further advised that the Applicant believes the project to be rela ti vely straight forward and does not require an Environmental Impact Statement. The only possible area for concern may be the question of the salt/fresh-water interface. Please be advised that the Application specIfically addresses this area on Page 7 of our Letter of Support to the Army Corps of Engineers', a copy of which was sent to you as part of BREWER's Application to the N.Y.S.D.E.C. This matter was reviewed by the Village of Greenport's Water Utility, the Village i ~ ~ I r " . . Board of the Village of Greenport, H2M Greenport's technical consultant, and the County of Suffolk. All have found that the project will have no adverse impact to the area provided that "tight sheeting be used as bulkheading material" and driven to adequate depths. H2M went on to say ".. .Since the proposed excavation is on a penInsula and for most purposes can be considered isolated from the Greenport Water Supply's existing wells, the development of the marina does not threaten these wells or any that might be conceived in the future. ..." (We also informally reviewed this project with representatives of N. Y.S.D.LC. and we believe that all issues have been adequately addressed.) A review of the engineering of the project will reveal that the Applicant has gone farther than requested in meeting these safeguards. More importantly, it should be noted that the project area is on a peninsula surrounded on all three sides by salt water going farther landward than the proposed project. In addition, the area is already served by piped water and there are no public fresh water fields within 4,500' of the project site. In short, the project will not have any significant affect upon the fresh water supply on the North Fork of Eastern Long Island. We hope that this information is of assistance to you in your review process. With warm regards ... Sincerely, DANI~CHEZ BY~~ Inc. DSN/bl cc: Jim Monsell-Greenport Water Utility Mayor Hubbard-Village of Greenport Henry P. Smith-President of Southold Town Board Frank J. Murphy-Supervisor, Town of Southhold Ed Vianney-Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. '~ J f' " . . NEU YORK STATE DEI' .'.:tor: :E~'lT OF E',lVI:'.lU,IE:lTt.L Rep,ulatory Affairs Unit BId? 40, SUlrl--Room 219 Stony Brook, tlY 11794 (51i)l751-')(YJO CO:1SE7'.VATIO'1 TO: Associates, Inc. .I /{j ,', :' ~// I '-" '( I, / June 21, 1 ')84 ,,' .. i , ) Z:" lei ",-, ') !~/0.._ "'Z, dUN . 'l ~ ~ " .. ,(96'~ , I ,I NOTICE OF INCQ!:I'LETE APPLICATION Daniel S. Natchez s.nd 555 :\1da 30'ld M'lmaroneck, NY 10543 3E: gre~er Yacht Yard at GreenD~rt ecti::m of "aters Permit hpplied', for: Tidal {.ietlands, ?rot-Location: Sterling 3'ls1 Yl, 'i~oeYl')ort !lpplication Number: 10-84-0766 (Please refer to this number in all your correspondence) YOUR APPL1.CA1'ION----FOR TIllS PElU-llT IS INCOHPLETE UNTIL TIlE REOUESTED IHFORJ'IATIO',1 -MSTIm BELOW IS SUBMITTED TO mIS OFFICE. You did not include with your application the full anount of the required fee. Please submit a check or money order in the amount of $ payable to the Department of Environmental Conservation. xx Pleaoo submit the follmdnr. data: {.ie cannJt field inspect t~is project UYltil all asryects of this orcjoct are staked and labled. Please notify this office in wxxx writing when t~is is c~~oloted. XX It has been determined that your project is subject to Article 3 of ti,e Environmental Conservation Law, the State Environmental Quality Revie~ Act (S~~R). Your applica~ion will be considered complete when: A Leq~ AgeYlcy 1S est'lolished, a det?rmin3t1~n of si~nificance is m'lde 'lnd a Final EIS is ftled (ir necessary). For further information, contact this office. Project }!anager:,--D"~nnis_~. en1 p_. A-\I-&l~~_~,lQ,.),:....$..Jh j ] V If you wish to withdraw your application rather t~an complete it, please notify t:'e Permit" Agent for refund of application fee. YOUR APPLlCATI'1t! HILL LAPSE (BE DilEllED WITHD'U.WN) IF YOU DO NOT RO:PLY ,HTIlIil 90 DhYS OF TH!: D/,Tr: OF TI!IS NOTICE. ! . . DAN I E L S. N ATe H E Z and ASS 0 C I ATE S, Inc. f . Office of the President Suite 1100 555 Aida Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543-4002 (914) 698-5678 June 18, 1984 Supervisor Frank J. Murphy and Members of the ~;outhold Town Board Town Hall Main Road Southold, NY 11971 RECEIVED ,JUN 2 0 ~ Attn: Judith T. Terry 50uthold Town Clerk T ow~ Clerk Southold RE: BREWER YACHT YARD AT GIlEENPClRT, INC. PIlClPOSED EXCAVATlON, IlELClCATlClN OF A TIlAVELIFT WELL, BULKHEADING, MAINTENANCE DREDGING, AND RECClNFIGURATION OF FLOATlNG PIEIl ASSEMBLY PROJECTS. Dear Boa rd Members: We have been asked by BIlEWEIl YACHT YAIW AT GfiEENPOln, INC., to assist them in their desire to undertake the above-referenced projects. These projects are designed to upgrade and enlarge the present marina in order to better accommodate the public need for access to the waterfront. In addition, BREWERS is willing to provide pumpout facilities as recommended by the 50uthold Board of Trustees. Enclosed, please find our applications for the following items as required by the Town Code: 1) Two copies of our Specific Request for Town Board Approval for the Excavation and Ilelocation of Topsoil and Other Mat.eria!; to the Same Lot and Adjacent Sites, as.._.?1'~c.ified1in Chapter 81-4 (D and G); "Soil Remova!." _f SO. ~c,Jc(,'(:y>~cc 2) Four copies of the Application for Wetlands Permit -- Chapter 97; "Wetlands," together with the required 52-5;00 filing fee. .-;..JO. CO have enclosed a copy of our applications to the In addition, we follow; ng agencies: I) Southold Board of Town Trustees as required by Chapter 32 of the Town Code - "Boats, Docks and Wharves": A) Application for Fixed and/or Floating Docks. B) Application for a Bulkhead, Dike, or Jetty. C) Application to Dredge and/or Fil!. ~ ~ . . .. 2) Southold Planning Board - Site Plan Approval, as requirp.d by Chapter 100-130; "Zoning" - Article XIl I from the Code of the Town of Southold. 3) Army Corps of Engineers. 4) New York Dept. of Environmental Conservation. 5) New York State Dept. of State. 6) Village of Greenport. We also specifically call your attention to our detailed letter of support to the Army Corps of Engineers dated June IS, 1984. This letter discusses the background of the marina, the need for the project, and the alternatives considered. We would welcome the opportunity to discuss this convenience. If you have any questions, please do us. a pp lica tior at your not hesitate to call Sincerely, DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. BY: /' 1/' ~ t!>.u// . "d.- o Presid",nt ~;"~ ,. \ / DSN/dst Enclosures cc: Army Corps of Engineers N.Y.S.D.O.S. N.Y.S.D.E.C. Village of Greenport Southold Planning Board Southold Board of Trustees BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. .. I>RE. YACHT YARD AT GREEN PORT ,_c. PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BULKHEADING, MAINTENANCE DREDGING AND RECONFIGURATION OF FLOATING PIER ASSEMBLY PROJECTS JUNE Ib, 1904 PROJECT DESCRIPTION WITHIN THE TOWN OF sOUTHOLD BREWERS is seeking approval to expand and upgrade their manna, as follows: (Note: The following descriptiOn only includes those portions of the overall project which are in the Town of Southold. The project site lies partially within the Incorporated Village of Greenport and the Town of southold. The project is contingent ui'cn recelving approvals frolrl both entities, as well as the other governing regulatory agencies. For the complete Project Description, see attached letter dated june IS, 1984 to the Arm y Corps of Eng ineers. ) I) Exc a v ate a 52,':150 cu. approximately "U-shaped't yds. of 111,275 boat basin and material from sq. fl. remove approximately an overall area of 2) Remove approximately 225 lineal feet of existing timber pile bulkhead that extends from Dock #2 to the lift well and is located along the south end of the proposed boat basin. The excavated bulkhead will be disposed of upland by a local carting company. 3) Construct and maintain a timber bulkhead approximately 1,130 lineal feet along the west, north, and east perimeter of the proposed boat basin and lift well. The wood bulkhead will consist of approximately 3" x 12" timber sheetlng and 14" diameter piles driven approximately 14.3 feet below Mean Low Water into firm bottom materials to provide an adequate base. In addition, there will be a sufficient tie-back system consisting of continuous (reinforced concrete) "deadman" anchors that will be attached to each timber pile along the bulkhead with 2" diameter tie-rods. The proposed bulkhead will tie into the eXIsting timber bulkhead Ihat runs frol[, east to west along the south shoreline of the Manna. 4) Relocate and expand a travelift well by removing the existing travelift consisting of one(l) runway extension approXlmately 40' in length located between Dock #3 and Dock #4. The proposed 60' x 24' lift well will be excavated along the west side of the proposed boat basin and will be able to accommodate a 60-ton travelift 5) Construct, Install, and maintain a series of new floating pier ( dock) assemblies, as follows: Twenty-two(22) finger piers approximately 40' x 4' located along the east, north, and west perimeter of the proposed boat basin; Twenty-two( 22) timber ramps approximately 12' x 4' located along the bulkhead and attached to each finger pier; and 22 timber piles approximately 12" in diameter and 40' in length located at the ends of each finger pier, adding sta bility to the structures. . . J Dock B located in the center of the proposed boat basin, consisting of: a) One(lJ main line of floats approximately 425' x 8'; b) One(l) timber ramp approximately 12' x 6-' located at the north end of the proposed boat basin and attached to the main float; c) Twenty-one finger piers approximately 30' x 4' located along the east and west sIdes of the main float; and d) Twenty-foud24) timber pIles approximately 12" in diameter and 40' in length located at the ends of each finger pier, adding stability to the structure. "L-shaped" floating service dock located on the east SIde of the proposed boat basin and adjacent to the proposed lIft well, consisting of: a) One(l) float approximately 34' x :;' located perpendicular to the proposed bulkhead; b) One(l) float approximately 25' x 6' located parallel to the proposed bulkhead; c) One(]) timber ramp approximately 12' x 4'; and d) Three(J) timber piles approximately 12" in dIameter and 40' in length located at the ends and along the side of the "L-shaped" service float, adding stability to the struct ure. 6) Ma intenance-dredge a triangular-sha ped area a pprOXlIfla tely 2,625 sq. ft. to an average depth of S' below Mean Low Vlater, and remove approximately 450 cu. yds. of matenal as measured IN PLACE. The area within the Town of Southold to receive maintenance-dredging, IS located throughout the existing docking facility. All maintenance-dredging activities will be undertaken by clam shell and barge and/or draglIne operations. The material being dredged will be placed on BREWERS upland property, semi-dried, and then relocated as described (in #7) below. 7! U land Relocation of the Excavated and Dred ed Material: A pproxima te y ,2 0 cu. yds. of ma teria wi I be exca v a ted from the proposed boat basin with an additional 10,500 cu. yds. of material removed by the maintenance-dredging operations in both the Town of Southold and the Village of Greenport. All of the dredged materials will be mixed with the materials being excavated and deposited upland at three different locations. The proposed disposal sites are: 1) On-site disposal of approximately 2,500 - 3,500 cu. yds. 2) 5t. Agnes Cemetery located immediately west and adjacent to BRE\\ER '5 property. Approximnately 10,000 11,500 cu. yds. will be deposited at this location to increase the average ground elevation by approximately 2 - 4'; and 3) St. Agnes Cemetery located adjacent to BREWER MARINA on the North SIde of Manhanset Avenue. Approximately 52,000 cu. yds. will be deposited on this undeveloped 11.5 acre site. . . .. DAN I E L S. N ATe H E Z and ASS 0 C I ATE S, Inc. RECEIVED Suite 1100 555 Aida Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543.4002 (914) 698.5678 Office of the President JUN 201984 Town Clerk Southold June 18, 1984 State of New York Department of State 162 Washington Avenue A:bany, NY 12231 Attn: "lr. KeVIn Cross Coastal Management Program RE: BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. PROPOSED EXCAVATION, RELOCATION OF A TRAVELIFT WELL, BULKHEADING, ,1AINTENANCE-DREDGING & RECONFIGURATION OF FLOATING PIER ASSE~BLY PROJECTS. Stirling Basin Greenport Harbor Village of Greenport Town of Southold County of Suffolk State of t\ew York Gentlemen: We have been asked to assist BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC., In obtaining the necessary regulatory approvals for the above-referenced projects. As part of the requirements, permits from the Army Corps of Engineers, N.Y.S.D.E.C., Vtllage of Greenport, and the Town of Southold are necessary. Before the Army Corps' permit can be effective, the State of New York must certify the consistency pursuant to 15 CFR & 930.57. Enclosed, plea se together with one the Army Corps, 5outhold. find the original of the Federal Consistency Form attachment, as well as copies of our applications to t\.Y.S.D.E.C., Village of Greenport, and the Town of _~_--lr. . . . BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC.-6/18/84-Page 2 We are respectfully asking for a prompt review and submission for public notice. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us. Sincerely, DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. BY: / . / tZ.l . ./;:1;-:;; "_ ":;///,~ /: oct?] /' I reSloent J DSN/ dst Enclosures cc: Army Corps of Engineers N.Y.S.D.E.C. T own of Southold VIllage of Greenport BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. ~ Federal Consistency Asse~sment FO~ NEW YORa.TE DEPARlMENT O!lllfATE Applicants for permits from any Federal agency shall complete this assessment form for actions which are located in New York's Coastal Area. This assessment form is intended to assist applicants in arriving at their decision as to certi- fication as required by 15 CFR ~ 930.57. , lal Ib) Description of Action 1. Permit{s), pursuant 2. Location of Action, Suffolk Countyllesl 3. Anticipated Start to: BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. fill in blank Is I , as applicable. Southold Village of Greenport Townls) Clty(ies),Vlllagels) Date of Action: 10 1 84 month/day/year Stirling Basin Slte I c I Coastal AssesSI:1ent 1. Will the action result in a large physical change tc coastal site or physically alter more than two acres of land, land lmder water, or coastal waters, if located adjacent tc the shore, or five acres if elsewhere with- in the coastal area? Project will enhance the area. 2. Will the action be located in or Significantly affect the viability of any known significant fish or wildlife resources? 3. Will the action have a significant effect on the ccmnercial or rec- reational use of fish a~d wildlife resources? 4. Will the action be located in or have a significant effect upon a scenic resource of statewide significance? 5. 1\'ill the action have any significa~t visual effect Upal a natural or ~ade resource which contributes to the scenic quality of the coastal area? 6. \-:ill the action be located on or significantly affect the conser- vation of important agricu1 tural lands? 7. will the action significantly affect existing or the development of future water dependent uses? Project will increase water-dependent recreational facilities. 8. Will the action have a significant effect upon the operatioo of the State's major ports? 9. 1\'ill the actior. significantly affect land or water uses in and adjacent to the State's small harbors? 10. Will the action require new or expansion of public services or infrastructure into undeveloped or low density areas of the coast? 11. Does the action involve an energy facility? 12. Hill the action be located in or significantly affect development in designated flood or erosion hazard areas or on a beach, dune, barrier island, or other feature that functions as a natural protection feature against erosion or flooding? Project is located in 100 year flood zone. 13. Does the action involve mining, excavation or dredging within coastal waters and require a DEe permit? 14. Will the action result in a reductioo of existing or potential public access to or along the shore? Project will increase public access to wat..front. 15. Will the actioo affect existing or potentlS! recreation oppor- tunities? Project will increase recreational water-dependent activities. 16. Will the actiCfl affect any stMJctures, districts, areas, or sites of historic, archeological or cultural Significance listed on the National or State Registers of Histcric Places. 17. ,Till the action be located in the New York City approved local waterfront revitalization area? Yes No x x x 2- x x x ...L. x x .2L- .2L- x ...L. ...L. ......... x (d) If you answered no to all questions other than #17 in section (c) on this form, then sign at the space indicated in Ih) below, and forward as indicated with all re- quired ~terial. Ie) If you answered yes tc question #17 and to one or more additional questions in section (c) above, tllen the aetien must be analyzed in more detail against the policies of the New York City Waterfront Revitalizaticn Program. Copies of the New York City Program are available by contacting the Department of City Planning. If) If you answered yes to one or more questions in secticn (c) al this form, and no to question #17, the action must be analyzed in more detail against the poli- cies of the New York State Coastal Management Program and, if necessary, modified prior to making a certificatioo of consistency pursuant tc 15 ern ~ 930.57. If . . . an action cannot be certified as consistent with the coastal policies, it shall · not be undertaken. Copies of the N.Y.S. program document, caltaining a full state- ment of the policies as well as guidelines and illustrative examples, are avail- able at N.Y.S. Department of Envil'allllental Calservation regialal offices, county and regional planning agency offices, and at the offices of the clerk of each ci ty r town and village in the coastal Zone. (g) Applicants who have answered yes to one or more questions in section (c) above, and shall therefore have reviewed in greater detail the coastal policies of either New York State's Coastal Managenent Program or the City of New York Waterfront Revitalization Program, shall below, or on a separate pagels): Ii) identify which of the policies are affected, (ii) briefly assess the effects of their proposal on the coastal policies identified in (1) above, and I Hi) make a brief statement indicating::!lr the proposal is consistent with each of the policies identified in Ii) as bemg affected. SEE ATTACHED SUPPLEMENT Ih) This proposed activity canplies with N.Y. State's approved coastal management program and will be con in a manner coosistent with such program. Preparer's Name: Ed Via n y,Mgr. WER YACHT YAHDrelephooe #: (.516)477-9594 Address: Manhanset Avenue Date: Greennort N Y llQ44 Subrni t a signecr copy of this form wi th your parmi t applicatioo to the Federal agency. Submit the original along with the cc:rnpleted application and all material required for the Federal license or pennit to the Division of Local Government and Ccmnunity Services, N.Y.S. Department of State, 162 Washington Avenue, Albany, New York, 12231. If you have any questions regarding this fonn, contact the Department of Sta'te at (518) 474-6000. NOTE: This cc:rnpleted form and accompanying infonnation will be used by the Department of State in its evaluation of the consistency of the proposed action with the State's Coastal Management Program. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION OR ANY QUESTIONS RELATING TO THIS CERTIFICATION, PLEASE CONTACT OUR AGENT: DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. 555 AIda Avenue Mamaroneck, New York 10543 c/o Daniel S. Natchez President (914) 698-5678 SEE ATTACHED INFORMATION . . 'I' Dated: June 18, 1984 Supplement to Federal Consistency Form BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. Proposed Marina Redesign Projects The follo'Wing information is being supplied in compliance 'With Sections (fl and (g) of the NYSDOS Federal Consistency Assessment Form. The policies of the State of Ne'W York Coastal Management Program that could be viewed as being applicable to the proposed projects at BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC., include Policy Numbers: (11,(2),(4),(6),(9),(151,(191,(211,(321,(351,(381 and (441. The proposed projects are consistent 'With the Ne'W York State Coastal Management Program, and all of the impacts as a result of these projects, will be positive and beneficial. The proposed projects 'Will not adversely affect, interfere with, or contradict any of the stated policies:- In short, the projects at BREWER Y ACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC., wHl involve the following: 1) Excavate a "U" shaped boat basin and a 24' x 60' travelift 'Well with an overall area of approximately 115,825 square feet, and remove approximately 55,250 cubic yards of ma teria 1. 21 Construct and :.laintain 1,195 lineal feet around basin and travelift 'Well. a timber bulkhead approximately the perimeter of the proposed boat 31 Maintenance-dredge an l20,BOO square feet to Lo'W Water throughout remove approximately PLACE. irregular-shaped area approximately an average depth of 8.0' Below Mean the proposed docking facHity, and 10,500 cubic yards as measured IN 4 I Upland Relocation of approximately 65,750 cubic yards of the excavated and dredged material (gravel, sand, sHt and clayl. The disposal sites are: (1) On-site disposal of approximately 2,500 - 3,500 cubic yards; (21 Approximately 10,000 - 11,500 cubic yards will be deposited at St. Agnes Cemetery located adjacent to the 'West side of BREWER; and (3) Approximately 52,000 cubic yards will be deposited at St. Agnes Cemetery located directly across from BREWER, just north of Manhasset Avenue. 51 Removal of the existing docking floatmg pier (dockl assemblies approximately 60' 195'; and 90-94 boat slips. facHity consisting of five (5) tha t range in length from accommodate approximately . . . 6) Install and Maintain a new clocking facility consisting of: I) 24 finger piers around the perimeter of the boat basin, and 2) Three(3) floating pier assemblies located within the center and along the east and west sides of the proposed boat basin. The ne.... configuration will accommodate approximately 170 - 180 boats, and new pump-out facilities will be provided at the marina. The project is located along the north shore of Stirling Basin (Greenport Harbor), in both the Town of Southold and the Incorporated Village of Greenport. Both the Village of Greenport and the Town of Southold govern the waterfront area and are charged with the water safety and police protection. The proposed projects have been designed to help maintain a proper level in the amount of boating facilities that are currently in demand throughout the Greenport-Southold area. The projects require regulatory approvals from the NYSDEC, the Village of Greenport, the To....n of Southold, and the Army Corps of Engineers. Attached, please find copies of our applications to these agencies. The proposed projects are consistent with the above-referenced policies of the State of i'Je.... York's Coastal Management Program as follows: The proposed projects will help revitalize what is becoming an underutilized ....aterfront area (I), and facilitate more water-dependent recreational uses(2) by increasing public access to the waterfront (9),(19),(21). The proposed maintenance-dredging project ....ill help preserve and enhance the tidal flows of the nearby tidal wetlands area (IS), (44). In addition, all maintenance-dredging activities will be undertaken during the established dredging season of September-June in order to protect the integrity of the marine environment(3S). The project will help strengthen and revitalize the local economic base by creating several positions at the marina and other jobs that are both directly and indirectly related to the increase in recreational boating activities(4). By providing pump-out facilities, the project ....ill help encourage the use of an important and sought-after sanitary waste system (32). Since the project site is located on an isolated peninsula and is not considered a vital source of fresh water supply for the area, the project will help protect and maintain the quality and quantity of ground ....ater supplies(38). It is important that this Project Consistency Certification receive a prompt revie.... in order for the project to take place in the reasonable future(6). In short, the proposed projects are fully consistent ....ith the State of :.iew York's Coastal Zone ~Ianagement Program. . . VICINITY IMP NO.7 , RocJc.Y Pi ;:;~\~-.~~1 .-;:..'1' 'I<-'_"~'" T" ~'l ;'. \ ~. ~P;;, .'=1', t\. E'" 5T ....... A ION , ~./" -"'1 . '-;' !.: ,~ ' ;:::-~ y,t .' I./,!" ...c\. .-r.-:; STIRLING A::'" )'0;::/ -f. t/ ~./ '~;Ji .f\:' . ;"/1) \ 0:)~/:: ~?;4%~:.:, BRE~~~ YACHT, YARD "~':?;' r?l1 . '""'" . . '.::-' C'" ,. ~. n -u; ~" \L)''-,.,.:J.... ,. ..<t. 11...... _ _~.. .""';.e~'I',.,'- ~ rv-- ~ '~'__ """~~:.J..f> -.......-.Y / IJ -.... ~-'-" .. - :r '" .....~ ;717 ~~ . ) ~~7':;~B'~" :-'~f .-.-'- ~ ~--------, \ ~ oe;t .::If"'''-;,.''';~,i;::,~~ -'- ,..:;;;::.. ~~ -ci1'"'. :(j' ':-":: ~"'"Ef'A: /" 0' . ""'.\' , ~r-::::::" ~~",~.,-,~,,-.,,''::~'k:. GREEN.CRT /' "'.~" ~. ':; ......--:" ~. ~,-.,~ '" : ";;"-:::: 'l' - .- \ I "'- '\;\~~3 )">/t I ~~~- ~i~'t'~~~''!1~'-(T~~'' tlt'c9-:eo1l .eIJ'. I~->' ............... /' ~ ~-~".v,~::- pt.l yip. .,4'_,-,. \ "," ~~'/ ~/ '1;-:'.'; { &: _~_. c~ ~~~. ~~4'\\ ~o:- \ :....-------..::::;:.) . ... .-..' /~ I "':C ~'. ,..-,:: '\\ / . ,~ PIPES COVE ", .fj,nn9Pt / ~~i~r ~ ::;:'''-,r._ ""2 J ~ 0 . :::;:::?(~. '.. .v..~ ~7 . _;:,' ,r ~ I" '. \cl> ,/ ~~": ~ IA: .-..... / \- '- .fo _---- ,..(; \_. "1'IDEAIHG en.... -":." ~~:.. """''''''- ~\ O~ ~. 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'}\.../I>~:-", '~:"-L: -;- ---~~E-~ .~;~:::c?\\."" \ J. . ~ "'''''''.' . _' ~ ...,_ r,.t:-~== =,...." ~. " ^'_ -r~" \'\'.~:._'_ .-~ ~r-~L '----..;; I ~--. .~~ -",,\ \1 ~!f:~'t~\~~ST' ~ nm'\ .\t~. ~~_~6~'7/~ ~~9'J.\ u 0, ~C" ~. /';'"'' .' (> '-~ i c~;i~ ..(~:~~ I~F~~3J.~i7 s '''L~~ ~,A ;.; '-~ I - . '. ..... ~', "~-'-~ . ..-....\~i.. ).. .... .......,,(' . ..,....-~..'\f.~t:::.~:. -- 'I \ -w.\" , ~ :,.,!'J., ~>~ \?: j',;",. WE.r _ECK N...OII ...... ".. --:... ":-r. .. '\,-1:::>--:>' ., 'I' ,;;.YJ /J ~~<::J r.,0 ~ 11939 ~ "\--- '-0 , ~<::J ~ \ r., \.- ~(:) \.-0 " VICINITY MAP 'IENU tACKY lUD AT CUtIlPOn, l~C. I QOOO' I nIHI~C ....511, G'U~'OlIT KAUO, """KAMStTAVINut YILLAGE 0' GUENPOn TOW~ or s.ol.'TIIO~D COUIITYOf 5lll'fOLI o I 2500' 5000' I I "'01"05[0 UC"'UTlOll, It1LI(KUD1IIC IIAlN1 LN"h~t_"~U""IN"'. ...~~ n"~L!~'''~::'~~':~-' U:.~li~A,~lN~ DANIEL .. "ATCtEZ ANO "'aOCIATES. INC. S55,uPAIOA[) II"_'OOI[CI,II(II YORK 1()Sj.j 1'1,I"""'So7b . . , VICINITY MAP NO. 2 2 2' 10 0 J1 10 . .R 0 L 13 51 -....... ....... "'- "'- "- '-. 3. BREWER YACHT YARD 26 22 3' 57 2 0' 'I'" ~~ 5 ,.. - ...... /' I I I / . . Dering 13 Harbor /" CheQult /' /I /' / I I VICINITY 0 1250' 2500' 5000' I , I .. BREWEII YACHT YARD AT CREtNPOI!T. INC. STIRLING BASlt; GR[thlPORT MAIHIQR ~A~HANSIT AV[NUt VILLAGE or GIlEEPiPORT TOWIl or SOUTHOI.D COUNTY or SUFfOLK PIOPOSED ElCAVATION, IULKH[AOING ."'INIt.PiAr;..t.-l.Il1lUl.,d"'''', A"fl) 1ft....U..tJI,,\,tRAlli,)N O. tLUAII,." rail A))t,lIILT I'M.Jlh.I:O DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. S55 "LUI. 1l0AP ~"M"'''ON(CK, NEW YOI/I( IOSLJ 1!l14l698_567t , . . . EXISTING CONDITIONS ""'" a CJ \- "" ";l;) ST AGNES CEMETERY , _...:~--<::::...~. \,M4NH4NSET ~..-~~- .......... 'h:~<..:.~ _.,_' . .AVe; "\ . .. ~ ~...~:~-:-'--' ~~~:;:::;.::.::... \ (-".~.....,,: ............... ............... ....... ::: -.... ". I ~ :, .... ............. ~ _"_. , '. .....-...... ''' '~O '" ," -.-----.-. "" ",-- 9 --- --- ~ \ \ \. '\, '..,..----- 8 -~~~~>"~-- \ "'\>"..," \\ ~m~~S \,\ t tn \ .. .. .. '.~ \ \ ..... 'to . '"' \, "' ""'" ..-------7 "" "~1; \ " ----- 'Z I .. ....: ......... \ \ "..' ~ \, .. ...... \ '\.. "" ........--... \'" :, ....... .... . .'""6., . ~, ~ -: ~ '" " .' \ \ 7 \ \ 't ," " ~ '01.: ".s.. \ " " ", \ , I , , , , I , I , , , I , I, " '. ---' " ~ "l , -"'- \ WOOD BULKHEAD ..--.. /' \ . , \ , / ;' I I " ....---........ , , , , , . , . . I , \ . , : // , , ...." ,-- , , , , , I I I I , , , .. ~ "/, : l//t .", IIIP~ I "I~ ,,',' "'1/ .." :::}1 if; ''', Q"'!'J~ OF '" ....."if --------, /1/ ~ SOUTHOLD //; ~/; .,' Ii {( "'.....-',.... ,// , .',>--:' f ~ __~ :- -- ,', .Y.(Ll ",""'-. l..W€Gc I , , I I , , I , : , , , , I , , I : I , " ........... I , , , I .. , ~ ............... . , I , , , , ! , , I , I . , , , ....... \....... , "- , 0", ", , SilRLING BASIN F~.f~ IL. 1 DoCK 4 I S' DOCK 5 1"''1'11 'AClft UII) AT c:;.u".,.~~. I~C. ,,"UDU1'ClII1U'n'.' YOU.';"'I'OUIIG ..1'.1. l.lCtllSLD LAlIt> .ul.,non 1U1'ft1 DATED JII1.J.. IN3 inUIt> st.I'T. I. 'N3.... DICtMn. 27. III) DATU,"" MI..." IU UYl" (IlG'tDI SCALE o 25' 150' 100' - nl'~III.. "Ul~ GIlI~':>ry MAliN 1U.1I1".uS[~ AH~n WIU4COl OJ CO'UII'OIT 'OWII OJ IOCTMO~D COUllTT or IlIFtOll Ptol'CatD nCIUTIOto. IUUMIAt-I.: :~~';:':~~:::~~:':::.' DAME:l. .. MATCMEZ AND AI&OClATn. INC ~~ "'1.D~ .ClAD II.tUIAlOIItCI lot' 'OII~ IC'504J ('I. "!ol>~~ ....1 l~. I,... . . ~ ...- \ , "0 ~ \ !~U ~m(") ~ ~::o , -<::r ,... , Cz ~ ~ m j;f ,qnl~t~t2~~~f: ~oS~b OISPOSAl Silt ~ -:;.'.,::.:::::...:.:.... ....~44'H44'Sc.< AVE "'" . - .... ....--.. -~"~.- '11.. "" . ._~~._-_._-~.~ ""'" ........ -"i \, ~I .) "_" .... ", ..- .... . ( .., ................., \ \ \.............. . . \ , . I \ "EXISTING '. .. \, CONTCURS \ '\.. .. ...... \ \ ...... \ \ ......, " I .. ...... \ , .... J \ 2-.' .......... \~ '\. ~ 1\,. ", '. "" ~ 'i2 ~ . ,..., ~ -- Ig:,' j OOCI{ .........,..__...... '. ' '. . , . .. " '" P~EO EXCAVATION ~d EO "" I ~ ". "Xt~o . eoA?'~IN ....... ~. ~~~:N So' -&00 0 .:it CI{, /25' 2 /251 EXISTING OOCKS To BE "'tM:VED "j AND RELOCATED OOCii . ClOCK 5 Si/RLING B4S/N SCALE . o 25'50' 100 - ~o ~~ ~5f-:";-- ~ . =--:.=2:::-'"..::E:..~ UPON SURVET ty '''SEyDOlJ''C . Y~~"iUIlVEYORS LICENSED LA'" 26 1'83 J ..".S.VEY DATED JULY ECEWIEI 27. liS SUR 1M3 and D (NGVIlI ItVISED SEPT: ~'[A.N SEA LEVEl. DATU"". PROPOSED AND DOCK EXCAVATION REMOVAL GREENPO'T, INe. YACHT YARD AT IIlEWER '" ASltl 5111LIII", ~RBOR CUElIFORi VENUE WANHAMSETC:EENPORT VILLAGE ~F SOUTHOLO to"'N~YO OF SUFFOLk eou IULKH[ADINC UCAVAT10000, AHLl PIOP~~~t.tr;AHI..t..I1I1t.~~lfl'\"~U"ll"" 1I~I..UIHI\"UIIAII:::1 1'~';It.I..I) J'/t_A))/:.t.I .. D ASSOCIATES. I, NATCHEZ AN OAHIEL S. 555 "LDA lOAO~k lOSLJ NEW 'I' WAWAIOlifilk,,\ 69&-;:J,fl U&.. '0 . . IT AGNES QlURCH ceMETERY PI'OlOSEO DISPOSAL SITE -.. ~1_~ ~-:.o.-"';::""" \M4NH...., . . -... ....., ...... -.'ScT ........ . \ ) i..... ",,:"' .-:....... 4Vi" \ ..- -' '. --"" ~--....--- ...... II f ......... ~~"" ......... ""-"---___...... I . .... ........ \ \. EXISTING .... -.... ". 1 \ ......... CONTOU~ ....--. .... .... 'b , -', . . I ....., "'.." .__.... \ \ ".. ........ .....-.....--." \, \" '\ ..'....-...8._..-_. ...... , .. \. .... '\ "-'" ... ""'WrG MID WIHTE~ \ " . T ~GE . \. \ \ , \~. I \ ....... t.------. 7... .... \ ~ . . ... \' '--'-'" 1\ :r. \, \.... .. ~"'" ..... .........- .... " , '\, ~ ~~.. ....,) .. , '.... "" ~ " .... '" ~ . - ,.. ~ ~ ....- \ . . I k.::: ll6 '-::-tJ Q:tI(;O\ i 125' U DOc/( C ..i PROPOSED RECONFIGURATION OF FlOiIT ING ~IER A$EM8~IES ~68'-tI ".. Ql()( 8 ~o, ,00 f'~ -- ---. ;;::;jr:;- If . ~.==t:.:'ii"'==- SITE PLAN MAP SCALE o 15'50' 100" ...... ItIVU YACHT 'AItD AT eIlEE"I'O';, II.:. STULl..,:; lASH. GI[[NPORT HAIlIOR MANHANSIr AVENUE .ILLAGI or 6IE[NPORT TOWN or IOUTHOLD COUWTY OF SUfFOLI. 'IOP'05ID EX'''VATlOIi. IULIHIADING ....llllll.lI...lI..t_UIU.lX,oltlh... AI'Iil; .L..\"II'j'i...L~1\110" U~ '..U,o,11"... P'lt~ A~UIIIU FII.J L~l~ I.AUD U",* IlIlVfY IT YOUIIIG . YOUIII" tI.Y.l. LlCEIIIUD LAND sunnORS iUtvU DATU JULY 116. 1983 -IVI5EtI inTo I, 1M3 ud DECEtllU %7. 1.3 DATU~: MEAN SEA LEVEL (IIIGVtll DANJEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. INC. 5SS Al.tlA IOAtI llIAW,UOfrIECI. IIIh' YOllk J05J,J 19H I 698-Si-1& ....... Hl ItoW:. . . MAINTENANCE DREDGING MAP ~~~{HV ~ "'" '0 o {"" "" ~ . --. .. - . ---..Af.4~H4Nscr 'n__. ..... ~ "l 280' ..-., , -w_ \ tESOIIJRCII ~. ~~E"ER6 ~SI~ OIS"",,' ~J. ~~~~CE t'fLL1 D~DGING ~W~D~6 fCfTHtN DAlUM: MEAN LDW WATER SCALE o 25'50' 100' - . -- ---- ;'::;jr:-- ~~;:.';'...:m:. P 600' ~OPOSED DooI( CONFIGuRATION STIRLING BASIN .A _ ~8~ Fl OO[) - fj 1$0' 11ltvu ""CKT TAU' AT GIl[EN"O.~. l~(. J G~~:~~~~ :~~I:>), 1I".HAlIISEY AVENUE YILLAGE or GlltINPOIlT TOWII OF I01,.:THOLD COUNTY OF lUFFOU 'IOtOS[D rICA'ATI~. 'UL.HE"DI~~ .1I1"'L."'''...t.'''IIUI..I,..... ""'" .t...u,., 1...;.0."'1 10,.>" '.H ~~V". I..... rill! ""lI.U..1 rl!."J'L~Il> IAStD U~ IUIVEY IT YOUNC . YOUNG II." .S. LlCEIiISUI LAIIID Mlnuots "'Ilvn DATto JULY >>. 1983 I[YIStD 51,.1. I. 1913 .". DECUIIU 27. 1"3 DANIEL So NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 ALDA IOAt' ........OWI.I:I:. 111[10 YOU 10!l43 19"1 M6-567b ..... ", lQ.<;_ . . . \ ~.o p ~/ot..os SI ~fSpOs~L IZ U> " Z o -< w. " n ::: STIRLING BASIN "" ~O \'b ~'. -" SCALE oso'lOd ~ PROPOSED EXCAVATION AND DISPOSAL SITES EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY aREWEP y,,':H1 YARD AT GJlEEJiPORT. INC. JASID UPOtI TOf'(X;RAJ>HIC WAP fIVE [ASTERN TOWNS SUTfClK COUNTY, N. Y. StlEET ti::l. Htl-LO surFOLK COUNTY OEPART"'[N! or PUblIC ""ilK!; DATUIo(: WE"N SEA Ll~EL STlRL1"'C B"'SIN GREEIOP,)/IT HARaOR ....."'HANsEr AVENUE VILLAGE or GR[ENPORT TOlo'N OF SOUTHOLO COUNTY or surrOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION, IUll(HEAD1NG ......l..lt..........t.-i)ltt.i>...lh". AMI fl...UI<OI",IJIIAlliJh U~ tI..UAII"" I' Ilk "'ll~l:..~lbLl 1'1l.JIL...lll DA.NIEL $. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. INC. SS:> ALl>A ROAD ..........1/0NlCK. WElII VallI( 10S0:J (91.1.1 69&-567f-. ....y 19. 19b. . . .1\ ~"", Ii'" II \\ " I) I I II II II " 1/ h'7.0 l' / II II CEMETERY II " liST: II III>Ro~gS: II it cO/jrOiJf,.~ II II ~, \\ o""'-f..!. l'l 0, ........... ./ t"'" II y 3.5 ........ \~_:>s<.. YI,,~_ ......-- ~~- " . . / 9.0 . , /0 B~fl? 1>. ''''"'O$f6-4C/fr ~-4I1D Cot;TOUIfS STIRLING 5 I>J:iol>0SfD '1,- '';</ToIVt; i';/SOUO~OLD .._~. , OOcir CO/;" '" lG<J~rIOt; r '......... 160' u;~~~ GREENPOIIT. INC. eHT YARD AT .IEVU YA "stH STIlLIIIG ~AIBOR 'REENPO.T AVENUE WAHKAlISETCIEENPORT VILLAGE or SOUTHOLtl TOWN OFor SUfFOU. COUNTY IUllHEADING UCAYATION. \Nl" ""Il "OPOSED t.-UIlt.VII t ~u" II"" MAINIt.:Iil,,"'jt';.IIUN U:lol01t...I:' '''0''; ..".,,, ONe 1'1t. ASSOCIATES, TCHEZ AND DANIEL S. NA 55!> ALOA '~~l I~ RC>>!ECK, NEW_567S NAMA t.~:~.l .'!" ,QIl, SCAf-E lOCi o 50 ~ BASIN "" ,,"0 \'6 ~\.. ~ II TOPOGRAPHY PROPOSED AT/ON SITES OF RELOC lASED UPON.."p TOPCXiRAPH1NC 10....105 rIVE EASTE:TY. N. Y. surrOLk c~g HH-4:0 :~~~LK ~~:L~~. .ORK!> IlTMUIT or SEA Llvn DEPO^ATU.l.l' .l.lEAN . . CtluRCl'l ~tESEl'l" S1 ~~O ~ ~LSI OISpOS / ( i "- : 8___~__ \ """"'" ....... ~-. . SEer. - ~~1R~E~_ E ~..DJS R~ I --" .... _-..M4N""4NSC{ "- ~ "l ~ '\ 4vc -- -...__.~-----~ .......0...... '........... . 41.........., SECT. 0---- I ,\, , , ~' ............., '~) !> MHW~ ~ $~~4~ SCALE . o 25'50' 100 . - UPON SURVEY 8Y BAS;.oOUHG .. V~~"~UllV[yOIlS LICENSED LA 2t> 1983 II. Y iJSiVEY DATED Jlll. V DECEMBER 27. 5 J 1963 and (NGVOJ IEVlSEO SEPT: N't"N SEA LEVEL DATUM. STIRLING BASIN GRADING lIT lNC. ARC AT CREENPO . BREWEIl YACHT T - STIRLING :~~IBNOll CREENPOIlT VENUE WANMANSETC:[ENPOllT VILLAGE ~F SOUTHOLD TOWN Oor SuFFOLK COUNTY BULKHEADING EXCAVATION. ...,,'" '1l0~~~?LH"N\"'l-UIlt.~~I"t'-'L'U"'IIN'" IU.\,.UNt lullllA' I~T 1'1I<J1l:.'-)~ I'lell 1I.l>l>1:.11l.. ASSOCIATES. INC. NATCHEZ AND DANIEL s. 555 ALOA 1l~~~K 10'>'.3 WAMAIlONlCI(. ~;:'~7e (~~~l 19. 196~ PLAN ~o ~ -.:.-...-- j~jJ-. ~~~';'...;~===- .96' . . : "",, ==- " o 250' 500' , 7000' ~ AREA NAVIGATION MAP BASED UPON DEVELOPMENT PLAN VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SQUTHOLD, N. Y. JUNE, 1967 BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. STIRLING BASIN GREEN PORT HARBOR MANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION. BULKHEADING MAINTEN^NC~-DREDGING. AND RECONflGURATION Of fLOA1ING PIER ASSEMBLY PROJECTS DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 ALDA ROAD MAMARONECK. NEW YORK 10543 (91') 698-5678 May 19. 198' . ~ C> C> r- '" "" . --4~ES ~bm ~ ~r . M4:"H4t\1Scr - 0--. - " ~ '>i RECONFIGURATION OF DOCKS AND MOORINGS r- -'1;T10NAL : I I ~OR I-__.J OCKS 8 ~~O~<6~bO ----- EXISTING .... - - _J A...OATS . W~SERND - , -"'- \ BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREEN PO R,T, INC, t-GtE.!. C)\\lRCII Sf tE~E1~ ~p"""L !.11E Ill!."" ............. '0 ~;:.. /I IJ C"'...":.__ ,T......';}-- ,"'::'::' ::--.1 1 " ":oJ' ., f:_~~ to t:::) ,~ ~ , -;) "':::J c,;. L ...J_ ,- .:1!"-'i...-i/ ~CIlE -.......- -- --- o o II.OZ.2 o I?Es --. o o SCALE o 25'50' 100' - o o o ---- J:;j;::';-- _._~ . :...--:::.:::-.:~=- s r'RLI IVG ~o( ~() ~ 8A,SIN UEWER YACHT "'liD AT GREEtlPORT, llolC. STIltLlNG '''5U_ GIlEENPOIll HAItIOR "ANIiANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREEIrIPORT TOVN or SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF surrOLK "O"05[D EXCAVATION, IULKHEADING _AIJrlIt.N^"'{,..t._LJItt.l.lI.oI"", ^/IoV .t.(,.UIHIl"UItAII!,)N u. t~u"II"'" "It-II. A!o"'U.llILT rltr..;,~~I~ 'ASED UPON SUIVET IT YOUNG I YOONG 11I.".5. LICENSED LAND SUIlVUOIlS SURVEY DATED JULY 26. 19BJ REVISED SEPT. I, 1983 and DECUIBER 27 1983 DATUM: MEAN SEA LEVEL {NGVDI . DANIEL 8. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. IHe 555 folD... 'O"'C NAMA RONECK. HE" YO'I 1000J (91.:.1 698-S6?b . t 'It: .... i' ~ ~. .'"l , , " ~. , \ .,JI ";;:i ...... .'.~ .............. ... ~ -'. \,'" "~IO" ~', ~~ " 1'. 1 ~~ .. ' .. .-... '/ i o~f':/' "8 I,' 11 ~ ,~~ i ~ \ I~" I , ~ ~ . '- ..... -- ~ . -t...- __ ~ S-M'".r.lW6DO'--';' A w~ ~. Q...I,., ~L ~~ --J Q.~ I~ , I~ ~~ ~I ," ~ 1 ,$ ~~ I ~8S'~ . (!l <- -<- -J_ 0:"", - ~ I-.ClJ CI) . ifill."" T."~ ~ I!IU""6 6~~r< I~ -.- :; <C"~ I 4 ~ ~).. 'i; ~~~. I . lh .' r:'il .~ ~~ " ~ I .... v i.: :i.~~ . "'....he ~(J' . . ~~ .~ ~~~ o . , 125' 250 500' . . /foliE',", J( JIltE'S~ . I.tlGI1MiD 11. C~N I,,, .... _"I .'I;~.,- ~/ AREA UNDERWATER GRANT MAP LAND .. ~, \~ ,. ~ \~. . !" \.. t. Il?,~ '::.... ~~ r' .. .. w '.. ;; .:c fY./!';rOE-i'r .FOh'O"'/~/I1' ~?' ;'t.! /g~~ 41"6 ~ ~S'" ", fC;.l'~C'r/.sj 4t:''?'" ~'3t. . .:: .' 1l~. .. . .... ~~ . o.~ _ , _ '" ' ;, ..,,,,,'~ ~'"l_rs 'ItJ/fI . ,.DCIATo '~Ilcll A N. V. p.J66 IIP'I' P' ,.DIt' (, IJ C7 SA Glfll~ ,,,,, ~ 0' Z 19" tf'~ ['?J' AlIg, ... ~ or VATU GIANT lASED ~tl~[~~P 119 or SU1'f'OU: COUNn to AT Ct[ENPOIlT. INC. IUWUTACHT YA STilLING IASIN CIE[NPOIT KAI:g: IllAMKA"~:Te:::H'ORT YlLUCIor SOUTMOLt> TOWN or 5UFFOU:. COUNTY ION IUUHEA01NC 'IO'OSEO u.C"V"~U~IJt". AI.., MAIN1LJtAN..L. Ut tLUAIINl" 1ft...UIUI("UIIAII~, f'IIUIt...J~ f'ILII A~UUI EZ AND ASSOCIATES. INC. NIEL S NA TCH DA . SSS ALDA lOAD 0"3 NEW YOIlll. I.... NANAIOtf~;I~'1 69&-S616 il:&,. J9. 19& PREVIOUS ~ S~~t~ . EXISTING BERM . SECTION A P~POSED G OUND PR FILE . '. FRESH WATER POND ~IO' 5' o MANHANSET AVENUE EXISTING GROUND PROFILE SECTION B PREVIOUS SPOILS ~ AREA PROPOSED FILL EXISTING BERM MANHANSET ~IS' AVENUE 10' 5' o SCALE o 25' 50' BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. STIRLING BASIN GREENPORT HARBOR MANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GR[[NPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOlD COUNTY or SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVAllONe BULKHEADING MAINTlNANCl-ORlD lNG, AND RECQNFIGURA T ION Of' HOA liNG PIER ASSEMBLY PROJI::CTS DANIEL S, NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 ALDA ROAD M"MAROHECK. NEW YORK 1051.3 (914) 696-5676 May 19. 1984 . . . SECTION C AFl.EA TO BE FILLED ~~~~B -- BUILDING TO BE Fl.EMOVED BOTTOM EL.- 8.0' BELOW MLW st AGNES CEMETERY PR.oPERTY (r'" PROPOSED FLOATS AND PILES ~40~70' MHW +1.2' ------------------ ----u.;jLwu_iyh- ACCESS DFl.IVE PAFl.KING WALKWAY WITH PLANTlNGS j.-22'+ I g' ~ 8' 1/ o I 25' I SCALE 50' I ~~. ~ -"" 100' , ---- ;;:;jr.:.;-- _._V. =:=::?J:E:l~ IAUOUl'OIsunn IT HlUIIG. TOUIl" ..,.s. L1CUUD LAIID sunnolS SUU'U DAHOJIlLl~. I9fIJ unSED U'1. I. 1M3 .nd D((UII[II 27.1983 PArU", IlUIISt.t,UVlL IIIG'DI >r< 288' 68' 30~ 8'~30' >!< 70'-:>f--40~ BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREEHPORT. INC. STIRLING BASIN GREENPORT HARBOR MANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT tOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFfOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATIONC BULKHEADING MAINTlNANLl-DR~D INvI AND !l:ECONflGURATlON OF HOAIING t'IU ASSB1IILY PROJECTS DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. INC. 555 ALOA ROAD MAMARONECK. NEW YORK IOSL3 (91<1 698-5678 May 19. 1984 . . s6W~~~~ ST. AGNES CE METERY .. ACCESS DRIVE SECTION 0-0 PLANTERS (CURB STOPS) PARKING WALK BULKHEAD SCALE o 5' 10' 20' PILE FLOAT BOTTOM BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. STIRLING BAS1N GREENPORT HARBOR NANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN or sourHOlD COUNTY Of SUFfOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION. BULKHEADING MAINTENANCE-DREDGING, ANV neONI' IGURA liON OF FLOAllNG PII::R AS:.HIULY PHO]ECTS DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 ALDA ROAD MAMARONECK. NEW YOIo!K 105"3 19'" 698-5678 May 19. 1984 . . MANHANSET AVENUE SECTION E-E NATURAL SCREENING FENCE BOAT STORAGE SCALE o 5' 10' 20' . TRAVELlFT BOAT STORAGE BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. STIRLING BASIN GREENPORT "ARBOR NANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOlD COUNTY or SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BULKHEADING MAINTENANCE-DReDGING. AND If1:':CONt IGUR" I JON Uf FLOATING PIER ASSHltsLY rROJtCTS DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 "LOA ROAD MAMARONECK. NEW YORK 105lo3 19W 698-5678 May 19. 1984 SECTION - F TYPICAL MAINTENANCE MEDGING f)('STJNO 1'I.OoI1S AI\O PILES . EXISTING /lUlKIEAO ---------WHW+2.4' --------.MLW 0.0 EX/STlNe IOTTtIII ~'LE P~O IOT1tlAl PlHNILE -1-0' IIELOW AIlW . PllOPOaED FUl.-TS AND PILES -- --- -- - -AIHW +2.... EX.S TINO ---------IILW 0.0 BlJLICIEAD _0 SOTro.. P/fOF'lE " $CALE 0 " 10' zd "- " " , . "- " r 12" + 2" UlWl' ","CMT IUD AT G.nll'On, IlIe. SJlUlllt; 1'5111 GIUN'OU HA..(>. .,.UIIAIISH UllI\H VIllAGE Of GUlNrOIT TOWIIOf SOlI11ll'tD COIINl' Of 5UHCllt "O:~~~ ~:~;~:~ ~~~pt 1:~~I:~~D' II!> .LLUNtlt.H....IWN UI tUHlll"t. --,.,.yv-A~~LM!.l.:..!....!:.~.!:..!2 OANlEll. """CHEZ ANO ASSOCIATES. *C. 5<"...LI.....O...I' .....M....OIIHI, IItll l(l..~ IOSJ,J (~"I M"'-""7~ "Ol l~, l</Ii. , - <"--.<:::.:...-. "'.M4J\1H4J\1SE. <;:,~)':>~:~~;o:".....::.~,......~..-... '. '. "" '. ..... """'9 ----...'~ \ " .. . f'T\ " ---""'7' '\0> : \ " ( .._-~---. ", -', ~.~ , ,B-1 '. \ '. \ \ \, -'. ~;\ ". "'" . ' ;,,6 ~ "', '1\ \\ '..' \.../ ;'\\~- ~ '. / \. c., '6- 'r"'-- \~ ( \ \.--- , -""- \ ST AGNES CEMETERY " MHW -.. __.v__ J;:::';j7::';u v .. -.- --..-.--... -..-....,.........- -.-.........- a.un V~QlIj SlUV(Y t, lOUhw . Y;X'~: ".Y.5. LiCU~~D I....h~ S~IH'O., IU'VEl DATtC JLkT a, 1M, IIYIUtl SIPl. l. 1M3 .,,~ DIa...u 27. Dl,t~'61, wu. SEA LHE!. IIIC;YDJ 1)<--' \ '\.. ~.\"\. ; ">'--<(," :.'f \.\ I ! ::,' ..v~). llf'/7f\\ /;I~'; ;' \ :/i/ ~/ !.':. I ,;n; ~, ..-.-..--.---------;W /PI! TOWN OF /:'t !~/; SOUTHOLD "f ~ ., /, ~..,//~':';.~~ (( , ~:'2---;v...~\........ 1..IN#Gt . 'T\ o o r '" ");) r-.. ~ "i \ , . , , , .... .. , , \ 'S. . . , ". , , , , , , , I , , , , , . ..-' ...--..\ , , : - .. , , , , , , , , , , , , , , " " - ....--.. B-2 B-3 + , ". , , , , , \ , , , , , , , , . . - ,.' ....... B-4 '. .-' . , '., '. -. "-- " ST/~LlNG 4 __ FLOOD BASIN ~ SCALE o 25'50' - 100' . "" . + APPROXIMATE LOCAtiON OF TEST BORINGS Tlo7 B:. .~, ::'~:. s~...:,: r t:: 1>;".._ ~:-~:.'~': '- ~: ., :>:. - ,~ . ~ .', ~" - : , .- L.~. E' F i. .; _ '" , , ,. ,~: . ~ ~; .~:. , , , , , I , .' , , , , , , , , , , - , EXISTING DOCKS IU.P U':"~ H': .- (;'HH~'- I~: 511l: I ~ IA,:A C;Ut,,: ~ ~'H:, ...~~..; : . \". : VIUA"l 0 C;Ht~r2f~ TO" or !io,X~,,:~: COU~~l Of !iol'H(;~' ..O~OH' (le''''I,,_ IlLl~!:" l~:; .~l._~:~:~:;;H~:< .;~~ .l'.~~-' DANIEl .. NATCHEZ ANO ASSOcrATES, .tole 5~; .i.N I~.: ..JU,IO'i::', Ioh '0,' 10',.;.:- "" ~.~', 100,lj,I!J<, . . SLACKE TEST BORING, INC. !/~e!/~ IV g~6~ 4 MAIN STREET, P.O. BOX 64, KINGS PARK, L1., NEW YORK 11754' (516) 544-0404 I Mrs.1 Solly Ann Slacke, Pro.,donl Boring No. 1 2945-84 Date: February 21, 1984 Job No Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport. Beach Road & Manhasset Avenue, Greeport. N. Job Location Datum Ground Surface Elevation 6.0 6' 5" Water Level IS below Ground Surface 10 20 A M b bl T'd I : - ro a e I a DE'TH 30" alowl 'o".tr.tion CLASSifiCATION OF SOIL Sample .f 5pool'l CASING ILOWS from ,. Spoon In ""ch., Ground DRILLED IN CASING Surface I' FILL - Coarse to Fine brown Silty USED (HSA) Sand, some Gravel I' 2'611 Brown & gray Silt, trace Gravel 21611 9' Coarse to Fine brown Sand & Gravel trace Silt Sample #1 @ 2'6" to 4' 7-7- 8 18" WATER SAMPLES 18" Sample #1 - 10' casin Sample #2 @ 4' to 5'6" 10- 1 0- 12 in groun,- ~ 9' 20' Coarse to Fine brown Sand, trace Sample #2 - 18'6" Fine Gravel casing in Sample #3 @ 9' to 10'6" 5-1-2 18" ground Sample #4 @ 14' to 15'6" 8- 6-1 0 18" Sample #5 @ 18'6" to 20' 8-8-9 18" . . SLACKE TEST BORING, INC. .9~.9~ w ~~g~ ~. 4 MAIN STREET, P.O. BOX 64, KINGS PARK, L.I., NEW YORK 11754. (516) 544-0404 I Mrs.) Sally Ann Slacke, Pre.iden/ Boring No. 2 Job No 2945- 84 Date: February 21, 1984 Job loco"on Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Beach Road & Manhasset Avenue, Greenport, N. Datum Ground Surface Eievafion 5.8 11 :45 A.M. - probable Tidal Dfl'TH 3D" 110... 'en"lr.tion CLASSIFICATION Of SOil S.mpl. .f 5poo" CASING BLOWS fro", To Spoon In Inch., Ground FI LL - Dark brown Silt, trace Gravel DRILLED IN CASING Sud.ce 3" USED (HSA) 3" 2' Brown Silt, some Medium to Fine Gravel, trace Medium to Fine brown Sand WATER SAMPLES 2' 4' Medium to Fine brown Sand, trace Sample #1 10' casir Fine Gravel - in groun Sample #1 @ 2'6" to 4' 4- 5-6 18" Sample #2 18'6" - 4' 9' Coarse to Fine brown Sand & Gravel casing it trace Silt ground Sample #2 @ 4' to 5'6" 8- 9-1 2 18" Sample #3 @ 5'6" to 7' 12-13- 1 3 18" 9' 14' Coarse to Fine brown Sand, trace Fine Gravel Sample #4 @ 9' to 10'6" 3-4-4 18" 14' 20' Medium to Fine brown Sand Sample #5 @ 14' to 15'6" 6- 7- 7 18" Sample #6 @ 18'6" to 20' 8- 8-8 18" - Water level IS 5' 1" below Ground Surface . . SLACKE TEST BORING, INC. y~y~ ~31~.G~ 4 MAIN STREET, PO. BOX 64, KINGS PARK, LL, NEW YORK 11754. (516) 544-0404 I Mrs.' Sally Ann Slack., Presidenl * Boring No. 3 Job No. 2945- 84 Date: February 22, 1984 Job Location Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Beach Road & Manhasset Avenue, Greenport, ~ Datum Ground Surface Elevation 4.5 Water level IS 10:00 A M 3' 8" DE'TH robabl.. Ti -lal below Ground Surface From To CLASSIFICATION Of SOil 30" IlowI bmpl. Sp_n 'e"lttr.tion of Spoon In Inch.. CASING BLOWS GrOl,lnd Surhce 216" PROBABLE FILL - Medium to Fine brown Sand, some Gravel, some Silt *boring was relocate as indicated on prin 2'611 4' Dark gray Organic Silt Sample #1 @ 2'6" to 4' 2- 2- 3 18" DRILLED IN CASINC USED (HSAI 4' 516" Brown & gray Silt Sample #2 @ 4' to 5'6" 4- 4- 5 18" WATER SAMPLES 516" 9' Brown Silt, some Gravel, some Medium to Fine brown Sand Sample #1 - 10' cash in ground Sample #3 @ 5'6" to 7' 7- 8- 8 18" Sample #2 - 18'6" casing in ground 9' 14' Coarse to Fine brown Sand, trace Fine Gravel Sample #4 @ 9' to 10'6" 7-7-8 18" 14' 20' Coarse to Fine brown Sand, some Fine Gravel Sample #5 @ 14' to 15'6" 13-11-13 18" Sample #6 @ 18'6" to 20' 9-11-13 18" . . SLACKE TEST BORING, INC. Y~Yatk Wjl~6~ 4 MAIN STREET, P.O. BOX 64, KINGS PARK, L.I., NEW YORK 11754. (516) 544-0404 IMrs.l Solly Ann Slacke, Pre.ident * Boring No. II Job No. 29115-811 Date: February 21, 19811 Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Beach Road & Manhasset Avenue, Greenport, N. Job location Datum Ground Surface Elevation 11.6 4' 8" Water Level IS below Ground Surface 2: 00 P.M. - probable Tidal DE'TH 20" 110.. 'o"et,.ti." CLASSIFICATION OF SOIL hili'!. .f Speo" 'ASING ILOWS fro," To Spoon h. Inch.. Grovnd *relocated 1 3 feet S...,rf.ce l'6li FILL - Coarse to Fine brown Silty west (as indicated Sand, some Gravel on Print) 1'6" 5'6" Coarse to Fine brown Sand, some DRILLED IN CASING Medium to Fine Gravel, trace Silt USED (HSA) Sample #1 @ 2'6" to II' 11- 2-2 18" Sample #2 @ II' to 5'6" 2- 2- 2 18" WATER SAMPLE 516" 19' Dark gray Organic Silt Sample #1 - 211 feet of casing in groun Sample #3 @ 5'6" to 7' 1-1-1 18" No other sample tak Sample #11 @ 9' to 111' pushed 5 feet with due to Silty soil. weight 0 rods Sample #5 @ 111' to 18' pushed II feet with weight 0 rods 19' 30' Coarse to Fine brown Sand, trace Fine Gravel Sample #6 @ 19' to 20'6" 11-12-16 18" Sample #7 @ 211' to 25'6" 8-10-11 18" Sample #8 @ 28'6" to 30' 9-9-10 18" - ( e iii "')1'10' t, ''''0.''''''' ~11lj1 ! ~ 1.1101'" ~ .,(1'0'" ..'.. ~ , , . " "" > ~~~~ ,~ . o. !"I3 " ....1. . t. ;: "ii ill .:".~ i .1 . ~ ..Jl.~o~_t!!.!.r;..>._ if .~.lo '. ~: J L: 0,1 ". .iI' 5 z. ""~'.L.lo.o ...~.. .. 011 ~ i i < ~. J ,. . >( , n . . .! , r .:. ~ .1. ~ 6, ~:'! <', ., ~I~ ',I; " . ~,~ ti; 0> 8 0' ~I~ ii .' . 0 , ~. ~ .. I' ~.! . ~~ ''; ,. . ; . ; O~: : .: .J:I~ ; ~ ~ . ,.. 0'" Q I'- ,. "r': r' J'- 0... III ~);~~~i;..i~ ,. ~...", !; 0" Z:',II: .. ;:;,,:' "'; b 1 JJ J.~~l~..', ~ ... . .. ,...; ,I I $; . J U. r' . ~ .;... I 1; ni sii o :i=~~~:g ~ .....;a. -j:'" ~ ~ 0 0 .. s -o~ f . t ! ,.,! A ~ i ~ t. t ~ .... :. :" i! "I ' 'i 'CI g I: ... "0 ~- : g~ '!:.i1 .. ~ ) ... r. :!!: .... r 'f;'" "i!! = ~!~t~ ~i ':" ,i 80 lIr t';. ," ,0. ~ = ~~ ~~ ~~ '. ,i '. ". ." .n '. " ;~ .. ;~ .' :::: ~~ ;:;i: "" i; ~~ 2~ 0 . Z ~ ,.J~ . . ~ z :ii1~~ . . i:~ ~ ! n . % . -1:::~~ , , . '~jt z iif . 0 " ~ . . ~ n !:;:tj .; t ;: ,. :~r ; n ." n Z " ~ . ~ ~ r,~ T tlJ ;11 c: 'II r- I~ I~ " .. :r: rl~ '! Ii 'll . .. = - - ),. LJI': 0 C:l ' z --;. . [;.; ~ o' C:l '" .. ~ ~ ,> 'll ~ ~ I~ en I ~ i - OJ ~ Gl ~ v ~ ,'I ~J fJ l' ~ [ . ,. ! . ~ ! 1 ~ ! ~ ~D~15 ~ - _" 0 .- z ." N' ,"lJ , . .~ ,d: ~~ I ~ ; = DIE" , r- " -, ,r . r. '-'"'' . l: WCflOOll '"' ., '''~o. . ~ . 5 - = , I ~ ~:f '"..i< ....'I:r ::$' ~"t t.: ~I; >. :$ ....0" '\0' I'... ii, .__ 0> 1-. r P ., ~I~ :I~ - , I I J.--. \ >. I.IMlf, O. .ICT....."-, \ j \ \ j' C--~ c.-- . ", '. ,lA'.J 11,',0. OW_, I" , , I" "I " . ,~ . 8:... i. .lm ~" ~ , rt/"Il/l ~ ~ ~Ig _ ] 00 f'; ~zz D~ Z:: I ."! . . > . l ~ . ", .' ~: . i . ': o -- ~!"'.i :-JOn '.1 ~: :G'2 , . r . q: , " ::J ~1' - . ~,. r ~ ". ,',0' r G.." r'~l l " . n :. ji , . ~IG --'I~; ~ , -. ! ,50 f'I. ...... ... ~~ r n :i INE ".. . ~~. ~ o.:~. i ;~ I ~" .- . 61 ~ " .. i~:~ L. ~ . I 5 . j >> . ~ " ~ '. . ~: >> . " ~ . . ~ :; < . . z t II! .' .. . . 0 ~ " " 0 ~ 1 ~ ~ n . ,.. ~ ~ .. ;; .. , ~ . . G , J ~II ~I~I~ ~1~t ~"",'~..r, ii, ~io~ u ;1 "it nl I ~'ElO c- . -. -I In:i ,,~ . :. .,,;. ': '1 ;1 '-I,r ;: ~g ~ -~ ~ ~ "1 ~~ .-'~{ - 1', -~( ::: ; ~~:; -: J.). ;; j -i . i . . CAVle CARSEN, P.C. C0'1:.ui.U'15 EI'15if1~n '713 MUNRO AVENUE" ""'....""'ARONECK, N. Y. 1C5"'3 "4 - QWr..... .-C138 DESIGN CRITERIA The bulkhead for this project was designed on subsoil infor~ation taken from Borings Bl thru B4 Incl, taken by Slacke ~est Boring Inc. Because of the extremely wet and poor surface condi tions, no borings ":ere taken along the west edge of the proposed bulkhead. However, a sounding was made to determine the depth of the soft material. The underlayment below this level was arrived at by interpolation from known subsoil data. It should be noted that portions of the existing bulkhead at the southeast and southwest extremities are not to be replaced. Should it be desired to increase the water depth at these areas, the bulkhead should be carefully checked and any changes that involve an increase of water depth of more than two feet will probably req~ire additional strengthening. . p::'n,?wP'"r Ycu'--f Yo,-d (0) Gre2" D o,.f I Re ( CQ"lrocl /:;0 N"'; 9.r . ! slack" ~sl- ~O"""':9 ~ c .3..... '?~ 7" ({" 1101 c /' if' "'- (; 0 ~ c. ~ kq = Iq^~ (4':>-- ~~) ::. Des <9" A> Qs ,'..r G""acle t/rGv; I,;.j cd-r2...- c / (l. v .' ..f"v6gra c/rc e/(2y, ,i),/e '7i jJ t3/rzv ~ Pt'/e /<:>;> C:/(Zv .Jo/I ab ove ~6-~rQc/e ;.- So'-! 5'0 0'0 - 9. 7 70 6e G.o ...G,- des1j'l. O"efer.....,,':'eQl' 0' 2a be/oJ--..! 1u6 -~rac/e f'- .3'1-. S. 'j^: ~~/cl' ~/f:. - 0, 4- ~ _~ G.es, ~lf ~ -0.40 k q'", .. 0 . ':16 *1/ '''q' ~ (~. G:3 - t). ~,): '3? Hort'z. r;:"",i.J (2,... fl-.e~ 1-1"':', : ,/0 .r~r~/...a.f''1Q /O&tJ /,oV,1/ -6~ v/Q ct ~ r c/ a.;-'y" , . . 2, t"L: "0 ~1'S, A, ~NI.4"///~// ~"" . ". -? c '" , '-? . T " y'W,L _0 ~ lto ..:. ~ 8 0 110 IeI' - ~: ~ -, '\:!- I~ , ~ 0 'pc i' I r~ i '<) ;<V .' 3~. ., 0' " ?= I H 'I ' :::t 0-- ~. o' " J(Qa o '2& ::t € L, - ,9, 0 -I ///.3/11":///'= I/E///: :: G5i~c kp'= ;;;, G3 r: 34 S b ,~. -0 A /.,-- T ;r;._ O'2~ ;0' ):g'; (;G3- 0, '2~), '"37 ~ I , ,~ ! 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U/'e <7"x/2" #a/a I /.; 20 7~ ~r/ , Ok " . . , COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PETER F. COHALAN SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES DAVID HARRIS. M,O.. M.P.H COMMISSIONER March 12, 1984 Mr. Daniel S. ~atchez Daniel S. Katchez and Associates, Inc. Suite 11 0 555 AIda Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543 Dear Mr. Natchez: Dr. David Harris, Commissioner of the Department of Health Services, has asked me to reply to your letter of January 24, 1984. I apologize for the delay in answering your letter. However, there were certain aspects of the proposal that had to be checked and verified. A field inspection of the site by members of the staff, plus a review of site data by the department's hydrogeologist, indicate that, with certain precautions, the effect on the freshwater-saltwater interface will be minimal. The use of proper sheet piling or bulkheading, as proposed, should mlnlmize the impact to the freshwater supply in the area. Since the peninsula where the project is located is not really a source of the village water supply, we have no objections to the proposal as outlined in your letter. Very truly yours, //p(~ {j oft Robert A. Villa, P.E. Chief Engineer Division of Environmental Health RAV/lst cc David Harris, M.D., M.P.H. 225 RA8RO C"'IVE EAST HAU,,"PAUGE. ....Y. 11788 f!51 IS} 3Ae-2e' 7 .. . --- e- -- /- Il~ HOLZMACHER, MCLENDON and MURRELL. PC . CONSULTING ENGINEERS. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS and PLANNERS 125 BAYLIS ROAD, SUITE 1.0, MELVILLE. N.Y. 117H. 516.752.9060 January 31, 1984 Mayor George Hubbard Inc. Village of Greenport 236 Third Street Greenport, New York 11944 Re: Inc. Village of Greenport Proposed Marina Brewer Yacht Yard GRPT 84-50 Dear M~or Hubbard: In accordance with your request, we have reviewed the proposed Brewer Yacht Yard Marina as shown on Young & Young Drawing No. 83-549 (December 1982). An excavation for a marina such as that proposed by Brewer Yacht Yard can have a substantial impact on the fresh groundwater in an area. It removes fresh water from storage which lies in the ground within the area of the excavation. More importantly, it increases the area from which fresh water can flow into salt water, causing a continuous drain on the fresh water in the area. This permanently reduces the thick- ness of the fresh water layer in the vicinity of the excavation, making effective use of this resource difficult. Since the proposed excavation is on a peninsula and for most purposes can be considered to be hydraulically isolated from the Greenport Water Supply's existing wells, the develop- ment of the marina does not threaten these wells or any that might be conceived in the future. As a matter of good planning, it is always desirable to maintain and protect whatever fresh water resource that is available. To reduce the fresh water underflow caused by the excavation, we recommend that the Village require that tight sheathing be used as bulkheading material. This should be used around the perimeter of the basin and, if properly installed, should maintain the fresh water layer very close to its existing condition. Depending on /'14 t tJ ft. J.I. U I) 103 A- (I. t;) . "'ALL. r/2vsr~,;s ;J./2/ f '( 1111 . . Mayor George Hubbard Inc. Village of Greenport -2- January 31, 1984 existing soil/water interface permeability, the sheathing may even increase slightly the water elevation in the immediate vicinity. We return your folder with the letter and plan. Please send us a copy of the plan when beyond "preliminary. stage. If you need.us further in this matter, please advise. Very truly yours, SCM/' . ,J J " Enclosure & MURRELL, P.C. cc: James I. Honsell Supt. of Utilities . . . ST. AGNES R. C. CHURCH . FRONT STREET GREENPORT, NEW YORK 11944 (516) 477-0048 June 15, 1984 Mr. Ed Vianney, Manager BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. Manhanset Ave. & Beach Rd., Greenport, NY 11944 RE: Proposed Redevelopment of Marina and Relocation of Excavated and Dredged Materials Dear Mr. Vianney: On behalf of St. Agnes Church, we are confirming the Church's desire and need for approximately 63,000 cu. yds. of fill mat- erial from your property which will be used to help improve the two cemetery properties located along Manhanset Avenue. Our proposes, including; enhancing the overall scenic ~uality of both our waterfront and upland areas, insuring adequate space for future cemetery needs, and increasing public access to the waterfront for recreational purposes. For quite some time now, St. Agnes has been looking for a large quantity of fill to be used for increasing the elevations of several low spots on both properties. As you know, the Church property located on the south side of Manhanset Avenue and ad- jacent to your marina, is currently being used as a cemetery. There is however, a substantial portion of this site that cannot be used as a cemetery, unless and until the area is built up to an elevation that is at least equal to the remainder of the cemetery. On the other hand, the Church property located on the north side of Manhanset Avenue is not yet being used as a cemetery. This site however, has been reserved for use as a future cemetery. Unfortunately, this property has been illegally used by others as a dump site, which we have been unable to prevent. St. Agnes would like to upgrade and improve this area by cleaning up the refuse and increasing the overall elevation of the site. The site would then be landscaped with "rolling hills" and the nat- ural pond and marsh areas would be enhanced as major focal points. To preserve as much open space as possible, St. Agnes would like to develop mausoleum structures on this property rather than using the standard cemetery plots which require a much larger amount of space. We have specifically reviewed the proposed projects at BREWER YACHT YARD, including the proposed Site Plan and Topographic Maps for both of the Church sites -- . . . . ST. AGNES R. C. CHURCH . ~ FRONT STREET GREENPORT. NEW YORK 11944 (516) 477-0048 and for the relocation of the fill. We feel these maps accur- ately depict the Church's future plans for these areas. In addition, we have reviewed the plans for the excavation of the boat basin adjacent to St. Agnes Cemetery, and have no objections with the propoesed 55' setback from our property which will be used for an access drive and one row of 900 parking. In fact, we believe that your proposed development will be a positive addition to the area and we strongly support it. We fully endorse the proposed plan of BREWER YACHT YARD and by this letter, formally request the use of the excavated and dredged materials. Reverend Rocco Gallitelli <Slu.-. ~-c-c- /8..a.iu.. ~ .---"r . 1 fLEPH 0:\[ (516) 765'1892 BOARD OF TOW' TRl ~TEE~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 7:8 Soulhold. New York 11971 December 20, 1983 Mr. Daniel S. Natchez and Associates Suite 1100 555 Alda Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543 Dear Mr. Natchez: At our monthly meeting the Southold Board of Trustees again reviewed your proposal and look forward to seeing your finalized plan, in the near future. We are glad you are open to comments and recommendations from this board. We hope you will incorporate the suggested pump out facilities we spoke about at our first meeting. This will be a major asset to the area and will go a long way in correcting some of the problems caused by heavy boating in Sterling Creek. Looking forward to hearing from you in the near future. Very truly yours, Board of Town Trustees Rlul ~1L~aLz,nl~c-~- ,-,I' Paul Stoutenburgh President PS:ip cc: Planning Board/ Building Dept./ Town Board / Trustees ./ .' . . I DAN I E L S. N ATe H E Z and ASS 0 C I ATE S, Inc. RECEiVED Suite 1100 555 Aida Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543.4002 (914) 698.5678 Office of the President JUN 201984 Town Clerk Southold June 18, 198L :,Ir. Daniel Larkin Regional Permit Administrator Region I ". Y. S. Dept. of Environmental C:onservatlOn Budding LO Stony Brook, New York l179L Attn: Chuck Hamilton RE: BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. PROPOSED EXCA VA TlON, RELOCA TlON OF A TRAVELlFT WELL, BlJLKHEADlNG, MAINTENANCE-DREDGING & RECONFlGURATlON OF FLOATING PIER ASSEMBLY PROJECTS. Stirling Basin Greenport Harbor Village of Greenport Town of Southold County of Suffolk State of New York Gentle:T,en: We have been asked by BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC., to a ssist them in theIr desire to undertake the above-referenced projects. Attached is a copy of the Application for Permit covering BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. 's request for the above-referenced projects as required under Article 15, Title 5. The applicant is requesting a five(5) year Permit, expiring 5/30/89. The projects represent a five\5J-year Master Plan with different phases of construction beIng undertaken every winter. . . ~ BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC.-6/18/8L.-Page 2 We would welcome the opportunity to discuss this application at your convenience. For your further information, we are enclosing a copy of BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC.'s applications for these projects to the Army Corps of Engineers, N.Y.S.D.O.S., the Village of Greenport, and the Town of Southold. Sincerely, DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. BY: / // ,/' f ' /~ / :,'''~~ / i~ c2/Z7/ "'v ,.,' reslent I ; DS:\/dst v Enclosures cc: Army Corps of Engineers N.Y.S.D.O.S. Town of Southold Village of Greenport BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. ~E\V YORk STATE DEPARTMENT Of ENVIRON,I\,IENTAL.SERVATION APPLICATION FOR 'Mil APPLlCATIO:-'; ~O. R~,d instructions on back before completing this application. please type or print clt'arly in ink. Use separate addenda and exhibits to provide all required data and explanations for which space on Ihe form is inadequate. ARTICLE 15. TITlE 3 (CONTROL Of AQUATIC INSECTS, WEED~, OR UNDESIRABLE FISH) ARTlCU 15, TITlE 5 (PROTECTIO~ OF WATERS) ~ For the construction, reconstruction, or repair of a DAM or other impoundment structure, =:' For the construction, reconstruction, or repair of any permanent DOCI\, pier, or wharf; and any dock, pier, or wharf, buill on openwork supports. which has a top surface area of more than 200 square feet. ;=i For the disturbance of a STREAM BED or excavation in or fill of navigable waters. - ARTICLE 15. TITLE 15 ~- \VATER SUPPLY -, lOi'.iG ISLAND \'wELL - ARTICLE 24 (FRESHWATER WETlAND~) = Permil Letter of Permission =. ARTICLE 25 (TIDAL WETLANDS) 1. NAME OF APPLICANT: BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, N. Y. 2. APPLlCA\JT IS AlAN ,..., !ndividual ~ Partnership '=l Association ex Corporation '--:: Municipality ~ Governmental AgE'ncy J. "A,\lE & TITLE OF Edward Vianney - Manager (516) 477-9594 OFFICIAL SIGNING APPLICATION PHONE STREET ADDRESS Manhanset Avenue Greenport N.Y. 11944 OR P. O. BOX POST OFFICF STATE ZIP CODE ~~t 4. '.'ME & ADDRESS OF DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. (914) 698-5678 (If not applicant) PHO"JE STREET ADDRESS 555 Alda Road Mamaroneck N.Y. 10543 DR p, o. BOX POST OFFICE ST,-\TE liP CODE ~ 6. WILL PROJECT UTIliZE 5. r>R1lJECT LO(-\TIO'\,; STATE OW~ED LA,~D? ,1) City or Village of Greenport \A\1E OF STREAM OR OTHER \\ATER 130DY; - Yes - ;"';0 (If appropriate; if un-named, ~how on ~ - Town of Southold map - See Item 5b) County of Suffolk Stirling Basin b) Specific prOJecl sitp or area is marked on u.S.G.S. or pquivalent map. attached as Exhibit ~o. ,. I'RnpoSED l. SE: ;rrivale B. PROPOSED STARTI\C D..HE; 9. APPROX],\\ATE CO,\\PLETIOr-.i DATE 10. FEE OF $2Q. E\CLOSED i'ubllc ~ ~C(]mmer(IJI October, 1984 May, 1989 11. rRUJECT DESCRIPTIO:\: (Fpet of rip-rJp new channel; cubic yards of maleriallo be removed; drainin!,:. dredgin!?, iillin,o(, and loulion of disposal sites, trpe of structurt' 10 be instdllE'd; heit(ht oi dam; Sill' of Impoundment; capacities oi proposed water sources; extent of distribution system; etc.) SEE ATTACHED SUPPLEMENT 1 ~, ~ .,'''prUlttt '>\ i 11 rt'Ciuire the follOWing additional permits, dpplications for which are the responsihi lity of otht'rs: _~ D,\.\\ =-_ DOCk = STREAM DISTURBANCE =:J SPDES/NPDES = WATER SUPPLY ~ l. l. WELLS =: FRESHWATER WETLANDS ;:] TIDAL WETLA~DS 13. ",\,\\E ,-\'\,O ADDRESS OF OFFICIAL ~EWSPAPER Of LOCALITY WHERE PROPOSED WORI\S ARE LOCATED: "SUFFOLK TIMES" 1nin,~~reetNY reen ort 14. " "" rORTIO" OF THE ACTIVITY FOR WHICH A PERMIT IS SOLGHT \r)\\ GEGL" OR lo\\PLETE? Yes lL '0 It "YES", explain in addenda, giving reasons and dates, and show existing work on drawings or map. L, CERTIFIC.\ TIO"-j: I her~by affirm under penalty of perjury that information provided on this form and all attachments submitted here- 'Aith is trut' 10 the best of my knowledge and belief. False statements mildp herein ilre punishable as a Class A misdemeanor pursuant to Section 210.45 of the Penal Law. As a condition to the issuance of a permit, the applicant Mcepts full lega! responsibility for all damage, direct or indirect, of whatever nafurr, and by whomever suffered, arising out of Ihe project described herein and agrees to indemnify and save harmless Ihe State from suits, actions, dM!1ageS ilnd costs of ('very name and description resulting frOm the said project. b - l'i-v.-i FE VlA,'~' D,-\TE fiIG" TL RE , CJJ.l')~:': i 4,30) -SEE REVER~E ~JDE- . . CaMPLETE APPLICATION CHECKLIST · SlJEmT l/J:7!t-l'ltES1l1lA'reR t1ETLA'lDS, TIDAL 'lETLAlmS & P==!l OP tJA'reRS APPLICATImJ. To avoid delay be sure all information indicated below ~le) vith your submittal. If you have questions call 1. included (where appl1c- (516) 751-7900. StmHI'!"ttD: ~8t include pro- specific ti1menB1on8~. x 1. "APPLICATIOn FOR;lSll (in triplicate) Instructions on reverse; ject descrlptlon--state type of structure(s) or work proposed & areas, amounts, etc. involved. It a190 oust ~e signed. 2. "NAl1E OJ<" PREVIOUS LA.'fD 01~R" N/A 3. "PROJECT PER.'lIT RF.OUIREMEIIT OlTESTIONAIRE" 4. IIAUTHORIZATION LETl'ER" (if applicant is other than owner) S. IILOCATION :'iAP" (in triplicate) ma~ of general location of project site suffic- ient to locate the 8ite; name roads, bodies of water. landmarks, telephone pole ft. street addres.. etc. Copy of tax section map 1s usually clearest. x 6. "LONt; ENVIRONlmNTAL ASSESSlIENT FORM" If you're aware your pro.1ect is a Typ--e! action 8S defined in SRQR, Art. 8, Part 617 re~uest this form, complete Part I & subMit With application. This may be required on such unlisted actions &s Subdiv- isions, Condominiwu, Couaercial Development, Uajor Beach Control llork, "rajor Dred- ging, Roads, Bridges. N/A 7. "PLANS" (in triplicate) (five sets for pro.1ects listed in #6 above). Plana need to show area of wetland/waterway directly affected. Attach a statement as to feas- able alternatives. Provide as much data as possible to clearly delineate project. Show: dimensions, distances from fixed objects (nanuments, adjOining structures, centerline of road, etc.) Rlevations (existing & proposed); distances from re~lat- ed wetlands & watercourses, mean high water (:nnN). Additional data needed accord- ing to tyre of structure(s), work or action proposed as listed below: SEE ATTACHED. A. O1NSTRUCTIOli!llORK in adjacent area e.R. building., accessory structures such as pools, decks, tennis courts, etc., fillinu, excavation (for excavation below MFr.~ see dredging below) grading, clearcutting, roads, subdivisions, condominiums. On a recent plan you must show: (1) ~nnr line andlor wetland line. state how this was determined. **(2) Specific location in outline of proposed structure(s), work area(s) subdivisions line, etc. **(3) Show on plan: sanitary system(s) & dry well location with recent test & distance to l-fIm or ,"let land edge; data to show groundto.-ster level. **(4) If filling (a) amOunt in cubic yards; type of material & source. (b) existinR & proposed elevation must be shown on plan. (5) The lot on plans lW8 been in sin~le & separate ownership since: (DATE) (6) Submit flood zone desi~nation; name, number and date of map. B. BULKHEAD. REVET:"m:rr. ItETArnUG HALL OR CABIO!>! show on a recent survey: **(1) Location of proposed structure(s), }~: or wetland edRe; state distances to existinr structure(s) e.R_ house, road, property line, monument. ~ (2) Cross-sect. & Plan view of structure(s); type of material; MHW, existing & proposed elevations seaward & landward of proposed structure according to USGVD. Show construction detail. state specific dimensions. x (3) Outline of excavation 'lor fill. State amt" type & source of fill. ~ C. DOC~. CA'I'HALK. PIER, SnIOGE. ROAD STRUCTURES on site plan or survey: **(1) Location of proposed structure(s) in relation to ~~r wetland ed~e, dis- tances to ex1st1n~ 9tructure(s) i.e. house, road, property line. ~ (2) Cross-sect. & plarrview, show dimensions & elev. above ffln.l & wetland. --!.-. D. DREDGIiiG (rCl:lOval of material ;.81ov MHW to establish or increase water depth) (1) On plan: lfaits of dredging referenced to lands adjacent to waterway. ~ **(2) On plan: outline limits of proposed spoil site. --A--- (3) Spoil site owner' 8 authorization if different froll applicant. --I.- (4) Cross-sect. view of area to be dred~ed & spoil area with dimens10ns & elev- ations of exist1nr, & proposed depths referenced to USGVD. --X--- (5) Amount in cu. yds. type of nater1al to be dredRed (sand, slIt, MUck) ~ (6) :leans of dredginq (bydraulic, bUCket, etc.) ~ E. JETTIES, GROI~IS. BlUW<!/ATE~", PILLED !lOCR" N/A (1) Plan Vi~T show1ne location of structure(s), diDenaiona & distances to ~! ad- jacent land areas & existing structures within lOn' of mean high l<fater__ (2) Cross-sect. vieu of structure: dirnenaioDs, elev., mnT, MLW,material. _ (3) Profile elev. of structure relative to exlstiny, landforms usinK USGYD ~. "REC~n PHOTOS OF PROJECT Jo.REAn are required (label with ovn.er's na.,e) x -"- x proposed x hole, x x ~ **~lOTE: LL'fITS OF PO;UC !iUS'I' HE ST.\I:J:D, LABEL SEAtTAAD STAKES AT SrIT: rRloR TO Dv.?T's FIELD INSPECTION: I!roICATE HELOl! TIlAT SITE HAS :PoEEN OR NOT BEE"J ~TAY-,~_ A FIELn IHSPECTImr T-lILL NOT EE ~E UNTIL T~ITTID! NOTICE IS RECEIVIID. SUO~! STAKE LOCATION ON PWTS. ~T~n i:l0T STAKED, ~:'RI'l'TEN nOTICE SEnT AT LATE::l DATE APPLlCATIO'/ IS IllC'l!lPL;'!'E ~l'l'IL~~)I'I: I~ lJO;m & ImITTE:. !!OTICE RECEIVED. PR;:PARr.:tS SIGnATURE (/ ~ " . . /. . ~~ r r'-' TI'T'LE ~s~l\t1A~h D4l!~EL~. ,ii'l-T.'Nl,flnd rtEPRESEIITING~ BREWER fAdil iA1ill( mNPU!{.v~UH;. DAn June 18. 1984 llI!II yon STATIl DBPAR4 OF I!lIVIRONIl!IlTAL CONSl!RVATION PROJl!CT PJ!llIIIT RBOl1IREIlIlIlT Qtl!STIllNIlAnJ! . . The purpose of this queat10tmaire 18 to ...tat the appl1eant in detendning what. if any t DepartMllt Pendt or approval. ..t be obta.1.D.ed before etartiDs: work on . proposed project. If you are not sure if the action proposed 1. a regulated ac- tivity or 1. within au area subject to Depar1:Mnt regulatloue (tidal wetland., freshwater wetlands, ate.) contact our regloul office for clarification. A pre- application confereaee with our Btaff to obtain guidance in the Department t. permit application review proeess can be arranged. Stirling Basin Manhanset Avenue ~~SWER ALL QUESTIONS Village of Greenport Town of Southold NAME OF APPLICANT: BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT 1 INC. County of Suffolk State of New York DETAILED PlIO.IECT DESCRIPTION & LOCATION: SEE ATTACHED SUPPLEMENT 1. Realty Subdivioion Approvals in Nas..u CouDty ~ !!Q Does project involve subdivision of laod into 5 or more residential lots that will be 8e1"Ved by a public or eODlllUl1ity sewage dlapoaal .ystem? ....lS... 2. Minin2 Permi ts Does project involve the mtninp; and commercial sale or off-alte use of 1,000 taus of saterial within 12 calendar mouths (excepting excavation or grading in connection with on site coustruction or farming)? x 3. Air Contllllination Pe1'lllits a) New or !fodified aources: Does project involve the coutruetlon, modification or operation of a boiler greater than 1 million BTU/hr rated heat input, an incinerator or an in- dustrial process. -!- b) Indirect Source: Ooes project involve coustruction or modification of a highway. airport or a parkiDg faellitF vith 250 or more spaces? x 4. Solid Waste ManaKement Permit Does project involve the storage, transfer, processing or disposal of solid waatea? x S. Wild. Scenic & Recreational livera Pem.1t Only applies to certain lands within a ~ mile of the Carman. River. Conault D.E.C. Regional Office for exact determination. x 6. Water Suppl v Perm1t Does project involve the acquisition of land or con- struction of facilities for water supply or distri- bution purposes? x 7. LoDJI Island I/ell Penlit a) Does project involve the coUlltruetlon of . new well or deepening or increasing the capacity of an existing well to withdraw water at a rate greater than 45 galloUII a II1D.uteT x b) Will project require the temporary lowering of groundwater level. for construction purposes? x 8. Protection of Waten Pendt a) Will project chanHe, ~ or otherwise disturb the course, channel or bed of any stream class- 1f1ed C(T) or h1gher? (Conoult the Ragional Office for Classifications). b) Does project involve the temporary or per- manent artlf1c1al obstruction of a natural stream or vatercourse? x c) Does project involve the eonatruct1ou or re- pair of a permanent dock, pier or wharf ban. a top surface area ~re than 2OG-equare feet? x d) Doee project involve auy excavation at' placinR; of fill in the navigable water. of tbe State and adjacent wetlands? x NOT B!.2!!!!. . -2- . . d) Does project involve any excavation or placing of fill 1n the navigable waters of the State and adjacent wetlands? 9. Tidal ~etlands Permit I. Will project be located: a) in tidal waters? b) within 300 feet of either the land- ward edge of a tidal wetland boundary or a tidal body of water? II. Will there be any subdivision of land or physical alterations of land or water? Exemptions to the above regulation location if: 1) Project will be located at a ground elevation of 10 feet or higher above mean sea level (excepting on the face of a bluff or cliff). 2) A substantial, man-made structure (such 88 a paved street or bulkhead) 100 feet or longer exists between the project site and tidal wetlands or tidal water. (Cotlsult D.E.C. Regioral Office if unsure). 10. Freshwater Wetlands Per~t a) Will pr=ject area be within, or within 100 teet of a fre8hwater wetland or freshwater body of 12.4 acres or larger? b) Will project involve draining, dredRing, filling, excavating, erecting structures, roads, utilities or other alterations or placing any form of pollution in a wetland? (Consult D.E.C. Regional Office if unaure). 11. Section 40I--Water Ouality Certification Letter Does project or activity require a Federal Permit or License? If so, this State certification may be required prior to Federal approval. 12. State Pollutant DischerRe.oEl1m.1nation System-- (SPDES) Pemit Does Project involve: .) A proposed subdivision of five or more units? b) A proposed or existing discharge of 1,000 gallons per day of sewage or any discharge of industrial or other wastes to ground waters? c) Any discharge of sewage, industrial or other wastes to aurface water? d) Any disposal of stormwater containing sewage industrial or other wastes? e) Any storage and disposal of potentially toxic or hazardous wastes? 13. The following additional required ~.permits have been applied for: Type of ~ication Permi t Number Application FilinR Date YES NOT KNOPN ~O x x x x x x 2L 2L x x x x x x Applicant's Name (if different on application now being submitted) 14. List all other government: Type of Permit or approval Permit Certification Permit i~r;filan APproval t certify that the permits, licenses or approvals required by ~ agencies of Governmental Status Altencv A~ps Pending N.Y.S.D.D.S. :: Village of Greenp,ort 11 Town ot SO:fth~IIil/To~ Board It :~~~nigg 8~~~dees " information 1. eorrect to the beet of my knowledge. // ?//// ~~{{~~i~+ ::;:;:=AT- DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOC~S, Inc., on behalf of BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPDRT, Inc. above June 18, 1984 DATE BREW PROPOSED EXCA A AND RECONFIGURATION DREDGING P ROj ECTS SUPPLEMENT TO THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION APPLICATION FOR PERMIT AND PROJECT PERMIT REQUIREMENT QUESTIONNAIRE DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION The projects covered by this application, include: 1) Excavation of a "U" shaped boat basin down to a depth of 8' below Mean Low Water, with the removal of approximately 55.250 cu. yds. from an overall area of approximately 115,825 sq. ft.; 2) Removal of approximately 405 lineal feet of existing timber pile bulkhead; 3) Relocation of a tra velift well; 4) Construction of approximately 1,195 lineal feet of interlocking wood sheeting bulkhead around the perimeter of the proposed boat basin and travelift well; 5) Removal of the eXlsting docking facility consisting of approximately 655 lineal feet of main dock. 51 finger piers. and 42 piles; 6) Construction of new floating pier (dock) assemblies consisting of a total of 1.450 lineal feet of main dock, 90 finger piers, and 95 piles; 7) Maintenance-dredging by clamshell and barge and/or drag line of an irregularly-shaped area of approximately 120,800 sq. ft. and the removal of approximately 10,500 cu. yds. of material. 8) Upland relocation of approximately 65,750 cu. yds. of dredged and excavated material at three locations - a) Approximately 10,000 _ 11,500 cu. yds. on St. Agnes Cemetery located immediately west of the applicant's property; b) Approximately 52,000 cu. yds. on St. Agnes Cemetery located along the north side of Manhanset Ave., directly across from the applicant's property; and c) On-site disposal of approximately 2,500 _ 3,500 cu. yds. . '-,N,TY ~p NO, 1 . RocJc.vPt ~~ ~~ O~ '=> ..~.\~~ "::.~ 1( "\' ."',,;; ,-;:: "1107,9 ~. ~ ~-' \\~ .. 5T ~,~ ~ ~ " , " STIll LIH G '--r \ ~ ,~~~; \~?,1\,t :. ....! "'I"'!:~:.. BREWER YACH,~., "r?\- ~~'''! ..;,.,\'i;\,,- '0~ l~ 'I U; _.~-;. t)), ,.....,,_ J , 'I .-". ,.,-. n' ......-..Q~:="'.J.::JJ /~~ /1i~}~~:rf.. >'" . ;;'1 '/'J ) @LJ....~t.~.,:5'';'.-,~.;~ /' "':-J.!..o.." =--~< \ ,r--' - '.''1 ':/1!-. ~:~= ~'~'([GREE".ORT / A'0 ~ ~ ~~~'!':'c.::$'~' :elk, .~.....--. \ ' ~'~, 2'~..pc".",_ '. .' o' ) I ''''':::;;2,_., =--:;-, , 0-; .<. ,_.", .0",," ,0.. , "'. _ .""<.' \ '-, '" ',0' /l',V' ',~, ..'.. '~" *" ~!, ~--!,/ 1 " ';W. <'i!I;f.~ '-'_. / K L. .;j~"..:o',,-,;- ' '97' "'. "'" / """'; "', ," <:\')~' I. ~'-t / ';:::;> .r-" lJ ,"gP~ ~'."~,~..;"",";"r . ~'." . /~ c' / '.. ,',:'/'" <<S...~;~;:..,,~ ":. "::-"'" "'" "'m "" ", Ie., ~ "" , " I,~, ~"'"" ~ " , ,~.'~ ,,. , ,'", -: \\\ ~'j, ;~~G'?/ --- --''''d Pt 0<::.0'\1'(: ,~":OR J. I;; '.. 7' " '" " ,~~ _ , , ~, _ " '! ~~'" - ( ~;, .".'", .... "', 1.'::0 ". '''''~''/'''''''" . -,.T;..) \~. . ''-__ r--..' -~"'" ""'""", ~ "-"'''''","- I ~ ~... =f ,,', :--1 Q'~;~ I 'i/.r:;",;, ,.::;~~ -=-_".. ""~: ~",,-, :""~"';/ -'-'-f}"'" ~1965 =- ~ ')1 Co ... '",.",t.,) ~ , 1 '\ I '- ,",00) / :C' '-'-<-, ;;;'~f&; i~ !, " ~/ "-. Co~lm...,Pt. ) ,/ ."/s-..n~u ';:;r. .l(~ / "'./'.' '.'l ISLA.O'~ , \, ':'"....,., ~.. .~ ""G"TS, " ''''''_,-:-,~ /' J'T1lll'n(J$ Pt.~~~ '",'0 ~ "" '~'=., ',C '",' '""" '~~~'" '"~-;:" ~ , (, I "'Ni "",,' "'\" I '" c." ,. ' '(,;,~"~ "'" 2A< "'. "'" i' '. '" ~ OJTHOLD ~/\.'\'\\ ~: ":'Hc~ ,;~" h.;, ~'s-,~'~ '~;~:',_,;;,:.:... \ ";;'N"'~~' I..;~" /ii~':{0/..,,, ''"*' -'c~ ,,' , , ',:.=. '~:,~, '" ' , \, "'",,,.. "'" "=~ -~'" . '-., "'~"'" r~l ~ ""V~,.... ,_ BAY."" \ ,. ""-,."" ,c/" ~ ~, H . 1;19"64'~_ ' t...;c;", = '-' ,'~; ~'h i ~ \ ~c~'\~.",~,.\, -c. \ ~i@~": ~;~L <5 ,,"'~ \' . , "" · -, 4. ., ! c-., ~. ;~.'1 N'.C ., K<i!fJi-.d'." S -='~~ >, I ._^ ~ "'3 ". ')'W, ~.~'::: k,'", '''. " ',,\,' J, " " . -.. ,,' ~. \. .- ., I , ' _ _ , ,,, ,. ' \, , '. " "'""... \~-. - --- . '\ ~~ ~~~ "AP GI[U:~~ AVUUI VICINITY M "~:;:O'~:\~i:" ~~,Of"OfSUrFOLI IUUNu'V1IIC I QOOO' "'''''If .:::::':l1"";'".'io:,','," . ;':~".o... '~. 0"0"'" 2500' 5000 I .... .>>.... ,,,oo"T", ONe, I I. JiIIATQEZ ANtI I ....... '" "~:. ';-::. ''''' I .....,,~;,~., ....,." ~~ \,..~ \'=> ----'.- ~(:) ,,0 .~ - " o I . . VICINITY MAP NO. 2 , ,- 10 0 " 10 . .H 0 L " " 57 -....... ....... "- "- " '-. 3. 8Y~1-R YARD 26 22 3. 07 , 5 x . . Dering Harbor CheQuit t /I ./ ./ /' / I I VICINITY o I 1250' 2500' I I 5000' I "[WEll YACHT Y"":D AT GREEHPORT. !Jrrjl:. STI1LIlIG lASH. G1EEM'Oll HAllOl WANHAM$tT AVIIlUE VILLA..E or GR[[HPORT TOWN Of SOUTHOLD COUNTY Of surrOLI 'ROPOSED EXCAVATION, IULXHEAD1HG lII"IJiIUi""'...t._IlItt.ll(,oIN.., "'*Ll .t....VfHI..U....lli;:lH Of ~LOA1INC; I'1t.l< AllllHllILT I'lh.lI!:...lll DA.NIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 ALllA ROAD IIIAMAIlON[CI(, N['" YOI!K 10$.l.J (!ilL! 698-~n . . EXISTING CONDITIONS "'" '" '" ,- "" "" ST AGNES CEMETERY . - ":=""'::':'::"'" ....M.4NH.4NSE.T <~~ .?.......:.~:...::.::.~~~.<:~::::::...~~.~:..:::.;. , ....... ........ \ ................ .....h.....,.. ..... /,0 .____.. \ \ \ ....-:::1-.-._ ~''''' \ \. ............ \ \, \ -.... 8 ....--..... \\.......... \... m't~ \\...... 'I '. ...... \ \ ............ ...---.. 7 : \ ..............:' ----...".. \ '\ \ ..,\, \ \ .. \ ...., .... ........ .. . .. ............ ...-- ......JC"l \.....: f.... 6.~ ...... .... .. '\ .. \,7 \ \ ". .... \. I '" ..~.. \ . . , ..... '. . . , , . . . , , . , . '. " . , " ---' " ~ "l ---. " WOOD BULKHEAD ..--.. . , / '. \ ) .- , ; . , '. '. ..-......... \... . . . , , , , I , .... : , , \ , , , . , , I \ . , , \ , " : . , , ,- : " , , . , ..' .-- , , , , . . . . i : ,{,."..\.. I I I, '\ 1'" . '1 ," .. 1"1, ::/:, , ":; I'" ~ II', .,',' '/III i"'1 :/:v~;t- ",t ~ OF '" ....". --------. ,-;:f ~ SOUTHOLD /; ~h /" " n' {( ..... ,. _. -' ,.17.1lJ , ';"',;l. 2v~ ~ -..- \ \ . . I I . , '. ......... . , . . . , \ '. ~ ............. ". . . \ , . , , , ! , , , . I . , . , ....... ...,.... , .. .. 0....". '. "" ........... STIRLING 46....... BASIN F~.f~ ,Is. 1 DoCK 4 DOCK 5 .IEVU TACIl'T ''''0 U GU[tl'cr~. tile nU~III~ "'~11i Gurvcn IIA"'" "'!I''''''H~ ,V[H'( 1'1L.LACIOfCi'UII'cn TOW. or IOl'T""'~tl c.cIUIIH Of wnOLI "'OPOStD UC.VHlo... I~LlNUt,l~~ :~:~,&,:1~.il~,~~. ~r ~~w...,:~:~_ --!.!....2?.-.' .wthl. DoUIEl .. "ATCMU MD .uaoCIATU. tHe 5!l5ALD.'0At' 1LUIA.0II1Cl. ,,(0 lO.~ 1O'.>4J r'I.' ""'501>~~ Il.~ b, l~ IbUDuPC*sunn11 ,.ou~.. . '0\111(; ..Y.S. LitElliLD I.lUItl ",.vnon .utvlY IlUtc JUL'Jli. 1'13 1IP1ltll un. I. 1_3 Uld IltCEIlIU n. 1113 DATUM, IlU... II. LEVU IIlGVDI SCALE o 25'SO' 100' . . .., % r- ~ . ~ -\ I 'V ~ , !~U ~m(') ~ r~~r' ;;l ,qn.lif~E~~~~~ PllOPoSEO OISPOSA~ SfTr \ '" - "':-'" ........... \'!"'4NH4I\1Sc.r 4Vr --.: ~ "''-.. -........ '. c: ---" "11 ". . ....-.. --,.~~._-_. -;:-.~ < ') .::>.... .... .................... ,....... "'~,. '" ' : ".---'" ...........--.... ". 0....... _". ~ \ "'. "" '.....-...-..... I . .... I \ '. ...--.._....... ................................._..." \\ \ \ \ \ EXIST01NGONTClJRS \ ~. ' " \ ~ ' ". '. . . ~ ". ... \ 'l:o \ '.... '. .... , " ' . ". '.------.7_________.., ~\..,.. ! \ "", ! ...... ' \~ ' .. 2U' ". I.... '. ". " ~ 12S' 2 00QI( 125' I EXISTING OOCKS TO BE IlEI.t:VEO j 1 ANO IlELOCATEO OOC/( . CI( s " SiJRLlNG BASIN ~o i'~ . ""0 PROPOSED EXCAVATION PRa"OSED .... ~t~~i:P BOATBASIN ....... ~. ~~~:N 10' _600 0 ~ C/r1 , IlJS' j o06/r ~~:-- v . =.;:~"".J:m.::- SCALE o 25'50' 100" - PROPOSEDK AND DOC EXCAVATION REMOVAL ORT 1~C:. AT CRUMP . YACHT YUD UEVEI HI STIRLING ~~'OJ: GREEHPORT AVENUE WANHAHSETCIEINPORT VILLAGE :,r IOUTHOLD lO~~y OF IUrrOLl tOU IULKH[ADINC EXCAVATION, (" AND PROPOSED t.N""~l,.t-P.t.~I", ~U~IIN('" :t.~~Hlt I(;UIlA~I~~, U"IIU1t.\.I:> FIl.II "':':'1. ASSOCIATES. IN( ATCHEZ AND DANIEL B. N 55S ALD:'Ii' .~:K J0S/.3 "''''tu.IONf;IIt''1 ~9&-S67: w.}' 19. J98 UPOII SURVEY IY .AS~OUH(i . LY:N~U.VEYO.S III.T,SiviiC:::g J~LYD~E~::i 27. 1983 sv I 1983 Ind L INl:iVDI 'EVISED SEPT: WEAN SEA LEVE DATUW. .i . ~}-~ --::--='-"';::"'-' \..,41\11,'..... '. . -, . -' ...... ""'-ScT "', '\ .',' \....~.. -~. AVr \.' .. ...... ~ ~..... \.- .... "-. ...~...f/ [C......E.ISTING......... .......... ", --~-.. ' ................. .... -,\ ~...... , .... CONTOU~ ..-.... .... ... ~ \ ................. '\IiI' ....,........... v.. ....._.... \ ' "...... ........ ..........----..-. ~,.. , \ \ '. "'.. ...... ..... , " '\.. '"-...8._..--..... .. 1 \ .. '.. .... '\ ...... \ "'WG Me! "'INTE~ \ '\ \ T~GE , \ \ .... \ . '. I \ ........ '.. \ .. ,....................., ......... . . ......, ...-..... \ \. "" \ ......... \ "'"'' .. .. "\ ...... ......... .. , "", ....... " .. ... ~.. '-' .... . , " ~ - ~ ....- \ k-:: P6 '::-tI ctEl("1 k.:.~'-II/ 10- ctQ[ 8 ~q ,00 (<'~ , 1 \ --\' ,- , i \ , : .--- ~ ' ' I : ..-. , , - . : : ,'1"~ I II, I I" 1". \/,',', ''',' ,", ",,'/ IIII{ II', !,','; ,.., ,'."1 I'" .. ,,/,'/, .):oj) ........_ R ;..' "~ JI'j " _n___ '" q- "f ~ " . "'11 I'" ... u, "/1 ,," II ~, . n.' f( \. ....""l ) .......... .'. : -"':-:';.i I ~ .-...~" 10", "('l,.._,~ ----- ~ ~r ."tt,. ~ · - -"'..1. ..~ IS' , , , , , . , , . . . '\ EQ.'U ct f . s "W:-" , '" , , , \ , . , \ : : , . , . .' . , '." / ~':I;) .,::.. ,0 ", ..~-.. , , \ IT ~NES CIlURCH CE"E~ l'RoIlOSEo DISPOSAL SITE TOWN CF SOUTHOLD " -- ---. j:;jj:.-;- ._*' . ...----. -.-.-.......- -.-,-...-.- SITE PLAN MAP SCALE o t5'5C)' IOCt - 'IIVEI YACHT YAID AT '1IE"'Olr, lN~ STlllIN; 'ASH~ GI[[N'Olr MAIIOI MANKA.SET AVENUE YILLAGE Of GI[[N'OIT TOWN or IOUTI'tOLD COUWTT Of SUFFOLI 'lorOSED IICAVATI~. IULIM[AD1NC .AI.IL.AN~L.P.L~I~v, AN~ .t~UfO~I,,!,.I~AIIV" ,n ~LVAll"'" rlt;~ A>>t.IIlU I'Il;,JJt...I:' lASED U"OIl JUIVI\' IY 'OUNe; . YOUN" It.Y.,. LICUUD LAND SURVI\'OIS IlI....U DAnD JULY 16. 1M3 [VISED SE'!. I, 2M3 and DECE.,IEI! 27. 1M3 DATU." K[AN SU LEVEL (IfCOV!)) DANIEL I. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. INC. 55S ALDA lOAD MAMA.ONEC.. NElo' 'tOIlI( 105.l.3 Ita I 69&-Sot?b "..._'<l.""', . MA.ENANCE DREDGING MAP --4~~M~HU ~ ~ " " , ..... ';I;) --., '- "'-. "'4NH. '" . 14NS.:r ""~. ,... ~ "l .'-. _ 4VF -.. '---~ --- ~ ~ fWJ. P.~~~~CE rlLt1 DREDGING ~W~D~r5 f~THkN DATUM: MEAN ISJW WATER ~ "'- \ 280' SCALE o 25'50' 100' - . IES OI~ S'f. :~E~~ ~S,~ 0'..""'. 600' P'?OPOSED DocI( ---. j~jr::- ~.;:..;.-.:m:. CoNF=lGulYAiION STIRLING BASIN 4Il ~ ....E8~ FlOOD '10'05[0 E1CAVATI~. 'UlrMIAOI~~ MAlt;ILIII"'''...L_Plll.!l...I''... "".... .Ll.Ufot ",VilA L l~l'" 1:" ~ ~u", I"", ..nil Alo.lIllollo.1 1'1i" .~,) &ASED Uf'CW IU'VET U YOUN" . TOI,l/rlC M.T.S. L1Ct/rl$ED LAND $WIVEYOtS ""Ivn DAtED JULY .. 1M3 I[YISEO 5EI"T. J. I911J .nll OICEIlIIU n. 1"3 04NIEL I. HATCHEZ AND ....SSOCI...TES INc. 5~5 ALOA tOAt' kAMAIONlC,;, NUl YOlll I~J 19a1 M6-~'~ ".~ 19. IM~ . \ 4D I> 'Ev'''<!s s, ri'ISpOS~( 12 ~ 9D ,,:0 ~~.?'~/ft ~ Ot:~O ""'O<ir. i~o SClir ~~~~Ar,O -'SI1/ 1/ 5 en .. Z C -< 'ill " (> :%: STIRLING BASIN ... \\ \'.. 1 110' --~--..... UPLAND "-----. PROPOSED EXCAVATION AND DISPOSAL SI TES EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY "1 SCALE o so' od ~ alEWER lACH! YARD AT ,,'[[tiPOff. INC. lASED UPON TOPOGRAPHIC W"P FIVE EASTEIN TOWNS SUfFCLk COUNTY. H. Y. SHEET "0. ""-LO surroLl( COUNTY DEPAUW['.:T OF PUI>LIC "':IUS DATUW, WEAN SEA Ll~EL STilLING IIr.S\lri CREEHPORT HARaOR "'''NHANSEl AVENUE VILLAGE or GREEHI'ORT TOWN Of' SOUTMOLD COUNTY OF surrOLl 'ROPOSED EKCAVATION. IULkHEADIHG ."IHIl:.H"'N\..t.-III1t.~IN". "lOll ftl..UNtl"UIiI<II\)IIIi U~ tLUI\IING "Ilk A~~t.~11Il T 1'1l;.l1t.,-I:' DANIEL S. HATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. IHC. 555 AUlA lOAD WAWARO"'lCI[. NEill' TOIII I~J (91')09&-5076 W.)' 19. 190':' . . ~ .J(c JI:./' -'t" ~\.\"c; '"'_ 0,' _ 4: S'\~ ~I\~ -. ~I. ~ - ~ CE.\A~' ____-"' '9 ,---- --- ~.....~ ~/ 4.0 Cb I ... I ~ /1 ...... .1\ ~ I ,'""'.... II " I '\ " '\ 1/ Ii 1/ II 1/ /,1 h'r.o II 1/ II / II CENETERY /,1 II liST II II II PRe "G,,<s . II q.; ,~/II II co~~<~' \\ II ""1/$ ~'5'''' / II C, ......... \ . II , ,-.>s(. "1, -- ~~ --... S " ~oo' ...IIL" . . 2.0/~". '..11./ Y . . ~.o ... --- , , / , , 9.0 ':,q~E: ~O ~~d'4CHr " eo"r&/g Vl .. Z ~ \~ ~ OJ [ STIRLING BASIN '" \% ~ II SCALE 05000 = PROPOSED TOPOGRAPHY OF RELOCATION SITES "EVEI YACKT TAlP AT C.tEMPORT. tNC. STIlL1MC IASIN GIEENPO.T "AI'OI M"NltANstt AVENUE YILLACE OF CREENPO.l TOVti or SOUTMOLD COUNTY or surrOLI "0'05010 ElCU'AlIOH. IULlll[ADHIC MAINltNAliilo.t..IlItt.U\.IINl.o. ""II J:t.I..UNtII.oUII."'IQN Ut tLV"llhG rail AltltUolIlLT I'IIUll\".llt lASED UPON TOPOGRAPHIC WAP rIVE ["STUN 10,,""5 surFOlk COUNTY. N. Y. SHEET NO. HH-LO SUFFOLK COU!in DEPAITMlNT or PU~LIC ~O'KS DATUW: WEAN SEA LlVEL DANiEl S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INe 55S ALDA lOAD WAW.IOH[CK. MEW TOl/l 10S43 t91.o69S--5678 .....IQ.11Il&i. . ~ o o <- '" ";IJ . SeCr. ----4_~ I --. -_....M4NH4NSCr / ( (\ . \ .,-~,. :.::..~- ~ \ QluRC\I tES 51 t.GIAE1~ ~SI1E Ol5\'OS SECT. D---- - - --D , , i' ................. s MHW.-J. -...-- - ~jf,:;- ~::..';'..,:~::..~ lASED UPOH SUllY;; BY YOUNG ILY'~ SURVEYORS LICENSED 26 1983 N.y.~.VEY DATED JULY ECEWBER n. 1913 su 1983 and 0 (HGVDI I[VISED SEPT:. lEAN SEA LEVEl.. DATuM. "- ~ "1 4VC -- -....-- -- _. ._-._~ '........0..... _ ............. g............ -. / ~'";IJ , .0 /~-- ) r \ , I 'S ,4-- \. {I: J;:. \ I : 1/1' ~ '~" ~ J", '\" , /,','! ~ \ ",1 I :_-, } ':::1' .f. --" J : :~; =:!Jj "J " --(..............-' A~:) $j , "'/ ~ '///" ~h -. //// ",II " ,,~ f()-r, " ",. " , (."v, \ ' -""""1(".. ............. . ':.-':.,",-=; 1'/{1 A. '~.L "~~ 'l'iI-- ...~ PLAN $~~Iv q.. IfO(o SCALE: , o 25'50' 100 . - ~o ~ GRADING GRE[NPOIlT. INC. YACHT VAllO AT IIIEWER ASIN STlILINCi ~"RBOIl GREENPORT AVENUE W"HHANSETGIlEENPORT VILLAGE Of'SOUTHOlD TOWN yO~r SUFFOLK COUNT 8ULKHEAOING nC"VATION, ANIJ '101"05[0. HAIiI,.t.-l)Nt.I)"'IN'''~VI\ II'".... ......IN I.. U'" O~ U.\,.<JPjrl"'~:~:~lIIlLY !'lIuILI.I:' !'It.!< tHC ND ASSOCIATES. . NATCHEZ A DANIEL s. "5 ...LOA aOA[\ IO>LJ NE'" YOI/K .....MAIlONlCK. 696-567e (Z~~J 19. I90L STIRLING BASIN : ..., ~" J, .... o 250' 500' 1000' o ~ AREA NAVIGATION MAP BASED UPON DEVELOPMENT PLAN VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. N. Y. JUNE. 1967 BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. STIRLING BASIN GREENPORT HARBOR MANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION. BULKHEADING MAINTENANCE-DREDGING. AND RECONflGURATION Of fLOATING PieR ASSEMBLY PROJECTS DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. INC. 555 ALDA ROAD MAMARONECK. NEW YORK 10543 (914) 698-5678 May 19. 1994 . ..., <:, Cl r '" '" . RECONFIGURATlON OF DOCKS AND MOORINGS r--l RTlON,6L l I I OR L..__.J KS 8 ~~O~'b~tP ::::-:'j ~&l~G . ~~SERND ~~2s_y 0--. -M4:VH4t\'SCT q---. " ~ "i -.- _ .eVE -.."- ~ -..- \ BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPOR,TI INC. C\lUl'lC~ s't tl::'~El'l.'i ~~\'tE OISyw '-- -. t, t:::;:, ~~ :.1-r:..., " , :J I I I I I L"t.__ ~~ $0iJl;~ Q:.- -'foQ) r:;:~'t-_~~ " / $ / ~/; # ...... / (;J ...........1 ~ \. , .~~/(( ........, "':=I~~:J .6 "'C" ._~E" l " "E: ...~ , , I t::::.~' .;:, c,;"'L 4J ' "'- ~C~-'i...-u ~'::-"~I'::':' , ~~.:t' ,r. " r::-..J,l ", C'.:.. :: -- ---- ---- --- o :::.J Z"z IlCllfS o '-1 ').!! o SCAlE o 25'50' lod - --~ o o o o o ,.EVU YACHT YAlD "T GRIllo/PORT, INC. STULING BASlti GUE"PORT tur.UOR MANMANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREINPORT TOWN Of 5OO1HOl.0 COUNTY or SUFFOLK -- ---- 'j::;:/;::.;-- =- :....:...;.~~.:==- S /1 RO IVG "LO ~O ~ DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. IN( 5SS ALbA 10,.0 ../OWAROHfCI(, Nh 'YORK lOSLJ 19141 696-S67b w.Y 19. 1964 8481N PROPOSED EXCAVATION, IULKHEAOINC ......I/'IIIl:.JrI".....l:.-LJIlt.lJ1.ol"'". ANIl .t\,.Uf'II~ l'-'UIIAIION Of 'LOA liNG rlt.kA:':.t.IolI:lLT rIlUIt....I:> lASED UPC* SU'V[Y BY YOUNG' YOUNG tl,Y.S. LICENSED LAtlD SURVEYORS SURVEY Ol.TED JULY 26. 1963 IEVlSED SEPT. 1. 1983 and DECEMBER 27, DATUM: WEAN SEA LEVEL (NOVOI 19" t .It .... ;'J.... ""... ~ .'"1 , I ..J ~. ___ JC .... ~ ..... .r.... ~J.': tp~..~ ....#;. fI",.. "~.L' J ~ . . :.....~~ . s . ~....... 1" \ ~}3; ,; ........ ' t", ~ .' .. " \ ~~ f"...-/ . t.lf :: tI \.l I, t. \ ~~ ( ~ I /~.. I " '- . (!) ~ ....~ -.I.... Q:"Cf) .... 'q' '-tlJ Cf) (;~~ S~..~~~ c€'" . ifill.", r. 'AErnw ~ 1!J~"'I{f" tU7P~r< I~ -.- :; <<.v-' I 4 ~ ~)~ '<i; ~~~. I · lh I' /,'l ~ \1l ~ 'II t I <:.. ~ '1.'t. :ir~ . AREA .. ~ ... \;;. \. ~ \~, .. \~ t. ~.~ .::.... ,,~ r I H~Q.!"-9'r FdJ9. A~/8./9U t!1~" ..,""/"I/I? ~~..,.c,/.s ' _,. ~s." ~J :,; ~t!'" E?;. o . 500' . HoIJFIn" I( ~F$~ . t'G,!~;!; ~~N ~/ UNDERWATER GRANT MAP LAND copy Of VATEll GIANT lASED ~N~tl MAP II' or surroll. COUNTY C:HT TARO AT CIlEINPORT, INC. U[WEt YA STlIL1NG '''SIN GIEIWPOIT KAtl::~: .."NHANSET A'I viLLAGE OF ~~:t~RT i~~Tor or surrOLl "YATlON,IULItHUDING PROPOSED [XC UN~~IN~. Ah~ MAI"ltNAN~t_ U~ tLUAIIN~ 1lt.I..U'HlbUll"ll~l rJlUJt.I..I~ PIt-II A~ul . EZ AND ASSOCIATES. INC. EL S HATCH DANI . 5SS "LOA lOAD 1O!>L3 tONICK. NEW TO~k MANA 191'1 698-5676 Way 19. 1964 PREVIOUS ~ S~~l:~ EXISTING BERM P~POSED G OUND PR FILE SECTION A MANHANSET AVENUE ~IO. 5' o . . FRESH WATER POND I"":. EXISTING GROUND PROFILE ~ .'~ .. SECTION B PROPOSED FILL PREVIOUS SPOILS ~ AREA . EXISTING BERM SCALE o 25' 50' MANHANSET ~15. AVENUE 10. S' o BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. STIRLING BASIN CUEHPORT HARBOR MANHANSET AVENUE ViLLAGE OF GREENPORT tOWN or SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATIONe BULKHEADING W^INT~HANCE-DHED ING. AND RECQNFIGURA1ION OF FlOAT1NG PIER ASSEMBLY PROJECTS DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES. INC. 555 ALDA ROAD MAMARONI::CK. NEW YORK )0543 1914l 696-5676 May 19. 1984 . . SECTION C AREA TO BE FILLED Gl1ff~AB -- BUILDING TO BE REMOVED BOTTOM EL.- 8.0' BELOW MLW ST. AGNES CEMETERY p(r" PROPOSED FLOATS AND PILE~ ~40~70' MHW +1.2' ------- --- --~ - ---- ---mMLW--.U'---- ACCESS DRIVE PARKING WALKWAY WITH PLANTlNGS j.-22'+'9'~8' II o I SCALE 50' ~ 100' I 25' I -. ----- ;;::;jr::.;-- ___v. =~=E:"".f:E:Z- .'ltDUPClItSUUUIY 'fOUIIG. 'OUIIG II.'.S. LlCE.Sn UNO suJ'lnolS sunn DAnD JUU 26. I'U n'IUD un. I. 1911..... O[(t"'[l21, 1')(1] DATUM, MUll ilA LlYn IIlCVIlI >t< 288' 68" 30~8'~30' 70'-:r-40~ >j< BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. STIRLING BASIN GREENPORT HARBOR NANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT tOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOL' PROPOSED EXCAVATIONC BUL'HEADING M^INllN^NC~-DReO INv, AND RECONFlGURATlON Of FLOATING t'1t:N ASSHIHLY t'ROJECTS DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 AlDA ROAD MAMA HONECK . NEW YOltK 105'3 19141 698-5678 May 19. 1984 s6WiP~~'c; . ST. AGNES CEMETERY . ACCESS DRIVE SECTION D-D PLANTERS (CURB STOPS) PARKING o BULKHEAD 2d . PILE FLOAT BOT TOM BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. STIRLING BASIN GREEN PORT HARBOR NANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN or SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION. BULKHEADING M^INr~NANCE-DRlD~ING. AND RtCONFIGURATION Ot tLOA1ING Pin AS::lUI9LY PROJeCTS DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 ALOA ROAD M....MARONECK. NEW YORK 105"3 (91<1 698-5678 May 19. 198k . MANHANSET AVENUE . SECTION E-E NATURAL SCREENING FENCE BOAT STORAGE SCALE o 5' 10' 20' . TRAVELlFT BOAT STORAGE BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. tNe. STIRLING BASIN GREENPORT HARBOR WANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN or SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PROPOSED EXCAVATION, BULKHEADING MAINTEN^NCE-OH~UGING. AND neON.IGURATlUN OF HOATlNG ..IEM A~5Et.l8LY f"RO)ECTS DANIEL S. NATCHEZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 555 ALDA ROAD MAMARONECK, NEW YORK 10543 (914) 698-5676 NIY 19. 1984 SECTION - F TYPICAL MAINTENANCE DREDGING . E - - - - - -- - -"'HW.ZA' OtIS nNG ---------"LW 0.0 flU.KHEAD ~ ~rlClaTl"" MlTTOIlI ~ U/iJ '/ '/7 ~_/lr r///////// '/ 10 lIE ~1IOP08E0 aDTroM/ ~_o P_'lE " -t.O' BELOW ...,.. ... '..... ... ... , .....' ... .... ... EX/STING 1'l.QIl13 AM> Pll S . PROPOSED FlQ4TS ANO PILES EX/S T'NG ----- ----..,. +2."" IlUl.KHEAO ---------MlW 0.0 _0 8OTl"O'" PIlOF'lE . ... ~ 0 5' 10. m " ... ... , . ... " r IZS' + ZS' .UWUTo\CNT TAlDAT GUEllrOl'T. 11tC. 5TIILIIIGI.Il$IN CUU'O'l "IIUO' IfAN~NSfTAVnUE 1'ILUGl or (;U(lIron TOllfOOfSOUlllOLO COOIITJ Of SUFfOLK '":~~? ~~~~~:~ ~~~dl.I~~'::~OlI1G _tLUOItH..UUlltJfl UP t1.I)III\N(, "It' A~~~ll~ll ".I"JlLl~ DANIEL I. NATCHEl AND ASSOCIATES, Me. s',s IIU'1l 'O~l' WllllUONICI. NI". 'on 10')4;) I~I. I 6Q1l-Y.l~ II., I", 1~1. -----::-;:..:...,:::.:.::....' ....(:"4NH4NSFT ,.-,.-.~..... L.~'" . ,- . -.... '" ....LIve .: ". -'--'-:-::~-::---:~~::::':.::..' -', .... -.,~, ............... ...... ~\ " "/'O ,...... "'" 9 '..- --. ~ -----.-.. .' '........8 .-", :'" ~ \, \" .... ,\ m .. ", tT\ \..\ "i; ~\.:x , -...... \ ST AGNES CEMETERY .............., MHW -. --....-. ;;~':/J:.::;., - j,l ~ -'- ~'!"'.-=:=.~~~- -.-.,.......-- ...sn U'':'SUHH Il 'OII.~ . ,;)\.'..~ II.'.S. L1CUSH LA.. SU'HlO'~ ,ulvn D~TIt JUT Jl>. 196J IrVIUll n,T. I. ItlIJ .... DECUIIE' 27. DA':"\;'II. MU.. StA LHH (IIGVP, . . "' Cl Cl ,.. '" '" " ff I'>) \, ; .,) ,'.- , , , , , , , ' , , , ' \ \ , " \ ...... \ ...... , . , '. , . , ' , . , '. , , , 'B \ ...-1 , . , . , , ............ .... .. , , , , , , , , , , , <5' ", '. ". '" ". '. ....... " \ , , , \ , , , , , , , '...... " '. , '. ~ \ 'S, , , , , ......... " ........ '. " , , , , , , , I , I , , , , ---' ....--..\ , \ , , , , , , , , , , , , , '. ... , '. . ....--" B-3 + "'\ , '. , , , , , , , , , . . , . h' B-4 ", ,/ ,,/ , , , " '. ..._-....... -- .............. EXISTING DOCKS STIRLING ~ -- FLOOD BASIN ~ SCALE o 25'50' - 100' . "" -+ APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF TEST BORINGS T1;:, 1:.;,_ ::..; p SL...: ~: '" i:.: b:" .. _ .. ro~\:::'.-:.'_',:\;~:. -~.~:'_" ",,':.: u ..:. ,U~p U,W' TAt; .' GHr,'."- I'~ snltl"':; U;;' Gtrl"~~'; "Hl~r II~~~"": ~H'.' 'l~l~~l OF 'UE'P:-F~ TO., or !.X~..;.: tOU'~l Of '\'f<~~. ''')''~r~ (lC~U':"li)I;, 1~'Lk"E~r"; :~'-~:~ :,:::~.::';:': ..:.~'.::~:". DANIEL I. NATCHEZ AND AIIOCIATES, INC. S~O UN .:-.; ....Ju,.OIH;l. lito 1N. 10'50.:; l~;., ~.!I<c~' 110) 19. J~. . . SlACKE TEST BORING, INC. Y~y~~g~e:~ 4 MAIN STREET. PO. BOX 64, KINGS PARK, L.I., NEW YORK 11754. (516) 544-0404 I Mrs. I Sally Ann Slacka. Presidenl Boring No. 1 Job No 2945- 84 Date: February 21, 1984 Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Beach Road & Manhasset Avenue, Greeport, N Job Locafion Datum 6.0 6' 5" Ground Surface Elevation Water level IS below Ground Surface 10:20 A.M. - probable Tidal DE'TH 30" Blow. '_"_tultion CLASSifICATION OF SOil Sa"'PM .f Spoon CASING IlOWS fr.", T. Sp"" In Inch.. GrOv.,d FILL - Coarse to Fine brown Silty DRILLED IN CASIN Slo.lrf.c~ l' USED (HSA) Sand, some Gravel l' 2'6" Brown & gray Silt, trace Gravel 2'6" 9' Coarse to Fine brown Sand & Gravel trace Silt Sample #1 @ 2'6" to 4' 7-7- 8 18" WA TER SAMPLES Sample #1 - 10' casi Sample #2 @ 4' to 5'6" 10-10-12 18" in grou 9' 20' Coarse to Fine brown Sand, trace Sample #2 - 18'6" Fine Gravel casing i Sample #3 @ 9' to 10'6" 5-1-2 18" ground Sample #4 @ 14' to 15'6" 8- 6-1 0 18" Sample #5 @ 18'6" to 20' 8-8-9 18" . G n. n( n . . SLACKE TEST BORING, INC. g~g~W"g~6~ 4 MAIN STREET, PO. BOX 64, KINGS PARK, L.I., NEW YORK 11754. (516) 544-0404 IMrs.) Solly Ann SI.cke, President Boring No. 2 Job No. 2945- 84 Date: February 21, 1984 Job loc.hon Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Beach Road & Manhasset Avenue, Greenport, N. Datum Ground Surface Elevation 5.8 11 :45 A.M. - ;)robable Tidal Df'TH 30" 110., 'o"otr.tion CLASSIFICATION Of SOil Se",p" of SpOOPl CASING SLOWS Fto", T. Spoon I" IlIch.. Groul'1d FILL - Dark brown Silt, trace Gravel DRILLED IN CASI NG SUffice 3" USED (HSA) 3" 2' Brown Silt, some Medium to Fine Gravel, trace Medium to Fine brown Sand WATER SAMPLES 2' 4' Medium to Fine brown Sand, trace Sample #1 10' casir Fine Gravel - in groun Sample #1 @ 2'6" to 4' 4- 5-6 18" Sample #2 18'6" - 4' 9' Coarse to Fine brown Sand & Gravel casing i, trace Si It ground Sample #2 @ 4' to 5'6" 8-9-12 18" Sample #3 @ 5'6" to 7' 12- 1 3- 1 3 18" 9' 14' Coo rse to Fi ne brown Sand, trace Fine Gravel Sample #4 @ 9' to 10'6" 3-4-4 18" 14' 20' Medium to Fine brown Sand Sample #5 @ 14' to 15'6" 6- 7- 7 18" Sample #6 @ 18'6" to 20' 8-8-8 18" Water level ;s 51 111 below Ground Surface . . SLACKE TEST BORING, INC. .9~.9~ w !#o.unda&vz, g~ 4 MAIN STREET, PO, BOX 64, KINGS PARK, L.I., NEW YORK 11754. (516) 544-0404 I Mrs. I Sally Ann Slacke, President * Boring No. 3 Job No. 2945-84 Date: February 22, 1984 Job location Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Beach Road & Manhasset Avenue, Greenport, N Datum Ground Surface Elevation 4.5 Water Level 15 1 n. nn A M 3' 8" _L _L,I.. Tin'" below Ground Surface DEP'YH fro", To CLASSifICATION Of SOil 30" II0wI Semp. Spoon .......It.lion of Spoon In Inch.. CASING BLOWS Ground Svd.ce 2'611 PROBABLE FILL - Medium to Fine brown Sand, some Gravel, some Silt *boring was relocate( as indicated on print 2'6" 4' Dark gray Organic Silt Sample #1 @ 2'6" to 4' 2- 2- 3 18" DRILLED IN CASING USED (HSA) 4' 5'6" Brown & gray Silt Sample #2 @ 4' to 5'6" 4- 4- 5 18" WA TER SAMPLES 5'6" 9' Brown Silt, some Gravel, some Medium to Fine brown Sand Sample #1 - 10' casin, in ground Sample #3 @ 5'6" to 7' 7-8-8 18" Sample #2 - 18'6" casing in ground 9' 14' Coarse to Fine brown Sand, trace Fine Gravel Sample #4 @ 9' to 10'6" 7-7- 8 18" 14' 20' Coarse to Fine brown Sand, some Fine Gravel Sample #5 @ 14' to 15'6" 13-11-13 18" Sample #6 @ 18'6" to 20' 9-11-13 18" . . SLACKE TEST BORING, INC. Y~y~W"g~g~ 4 MAIN STREET, PO. BOX 64, KINGS PARK. L.I., NEW YORK 11754. (516) 544-0404 (Mrs.) S.lIy Ann SI.ck., Pr..iden! * Boring No. 4 Job No. 2945-84 Date: February 21, 1984 Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Beach Road & Manhasset Avenue, Greenport, N Job location Datum Ground Surface Elevation 4.6 41 811 Water level is below Ground SurfacE' 2: 00 P.M. - probable Tidal DEI'lTH ~O" 110"" "Oft.'r.tion CLASSifiCATION OF SOIL .18"". .f SPOOft CASING BLOWS fr.", r. 5PM" In hllCh., Ground *relocated 13 feet Sl,Irf.ce 1'6" FILL - Coarse to Fine brown Silty west (as indicated Sand, some Gravel on Print) 1'6" 5'6" Coarse to Fine brown Sand, some DRILLED IN CASIN Medium to Fine Gravel, trace Silt USED (HSA) Sample #1 @ 2'6" to 4' 4- 2- 2 18" Sample #2 @ 4' to 5'6" 2- 2- 2 18" WA TER SAMPLE 5'6" 19' Dark gray Organic Silt Sample #1 - 24 feet of casing in grou Sample #3 @ 5'6" to 7' 1-1-1 18" No other sample tak Sample #4 @ 9' to 14' pushed 5 feet with due to Silty soil. weight 0 rods Sample #5 @ 14' to 18' pushed 4 feet with weight 01 rods 19' 30' Coarse to Fine brown Sand, trace Fine Gravel Sample #6 @ 19' to 20'6" 11-12-16 18" Sample #7 @ 24' to 25'6" 8-10-11 18" Sample #8 @ 28'6" to 30' 9-9-10 18" ( n III 1"11"0". .. ~ ~I .'0.1"~1' ~,... ~13 .. ~~;~~ .. ~l"lIIf' 0' .'~f"C)fII .... ~ " : -. ...... . :: 'II '. ':n;i Do g:V if .1 . .. -. ~W5 :. ~: . .J La:,:-: '/e tn-) . I~ ; I . , .- f ...~.;;i.i..j.;\ii t; ~ ;; ~l G . > 11 ~ r ~ .- ,I. ." , c r rl; "'I 't"l r-;. ~ I. ;I'~' .X ':'10 !-o [I~ ~ . ~i'. 0'; ,. . . .l: 0 ." , ' 1.( . or .e.'t Illr 0 8 'x I' , ;1 . . . ~ 0 I! -:;& : F . F . ~ .. ...! "- ~:; ''; . . ~. ; . . ... III . H In '~ ;! ;:~I~ <( 'Or"" J~ 0...,. ,. ;l),".Jl~o.~Ut ;.-;~=2::r~Pl-- S"i\"I:,"'3;,i . J .:;0 f l'l U 11 ~~.;:t"t..r .,. JU.. ,. ~ e J!,. ~'!;I:~l;i, 6 1_ 'II 0 <( rC ~ ~!~~:::g . "io.J1:.~~ l LI~~JH ~ =,.i~~.z;! ~ 0 g I ... It. ~ t'); g = ~ j ,. ::;: r i~ : p ~ i~i'! ~~ ~ r .. .~.. j .% .,:;~l! S~;~! n "=i.i:::,i~ ;::;::..S~~~~ ;~a~~!~~ :~",,,,;o"::l ~~~:o~~; :'~~::!$~ ~'Q,- - iO:::~~ :"'~=... o > Z . . ! ; ,J~J~ _!.. ~ I~~~: 8o~z" 2 HH ~i~i~j'i mm ; :;~?; ~, ~ ~~;~;; "':".- 8 1'-"; :;:;~:;:~'" ~ .. 1 ~ .... - ~ ~~; ~ . i i" ~ o .' " OJ ~I II ?I = i ",ll' ,. MCflO1o .,'l: ,.,~o. . . ~ l ; . . ~ . S . . - . I > I ~ ~ ~C.~ " .. ~ - _" 0 o. Z ." N!' ."01 , . 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Cons.ulting E f'l.5il1cn '713 MUNIIO AVENUE "''''''''AIICN[CIC., N. Y. 105.3 '14. OWe..,. ..0138 DESIGN CRITERIA The bulkhead for this project was designed on subsoil infor~ation taken from Borings Bl thru B4 Incl. taken by Slacke Test Boring Inc. Because of the extremely wet and poor surface condi tions, no borings ',':ere taken along the west edge of the proposed bulkhead. However, a sounding was made to determine the depth of the soft material. The underlayment below this level was arrived at by interpolation from known subsoil data. It should be noted that portions of the existing bulkhead at the southeast and southwest extremities are not to be replaced. Should it be desired to increase the water depth at these areas, the bulkhead should be carefully checked and any changes that involve an increase of water depth of more than two feet will probably req~ire additional strengthening. . . I P:Jrewe-r Yo,./-.. f Yard (Q) G,-ee" D o..-f / Rei CO"lroc/ !30N"':9s 5"/aCki2 ~sr /.60r/":9 z-, c. Of2S<9'"' ;0:, Os 'J- Gracie t/<<;v' Wc,f<<;". C/r:av " ..rv6~ro c/rc e/f2Y' PIle Tt /J E/,zv ; j)//e 70; (3/<zv : 5'0 0'0 - 9,7 70 6e G.o .,b r d e..r /7 " cie Ie...,.., I;" e a/ J'o// ab ove ..!?- 6 - fj ,-Q c/ e ~ .:0",6 '1''' ~7 ({ ~ 110; c /' ~'.,.. (;0 I c ,c kq : IQ"s (4':'-- ~tf.) :. 0.21) So'-/ 6C?/oJ--.J fu6 -c:Jroc/e. f" .3 <1-.5. O^: (;;~- i c,c ;;/f =- - o. 4- ~ ," G,~3. ~lf ~ -0.40 k q' '0. .... 0, '26 k,tJ' 'irQ' ~ (~, ~3 - t). ~,): '3? Hor; z-- T;':""/.J er f/...e~ .ft,.:,~ : ;/0 .r~rc../...ar,~ IOt:<d w,~ 6~ t//Q c7 h, r c/ ~.I'Y" . . . el.:'.o y W. L II , 0 -0 ... ~Nl-///~// ~ -? '" e I Icv i c- €L. -~.o //&j//.?/I/:;'//.:/I/: :' ';;Srd kp'= r;. GB 1: 34S~ ,,:.... -0 A /r'- -r ;.; c 0'2(; /6: '=I'; ~G3- O. "2~); ~'-37 i =- 0' H, k:q ;0 110)( 5"",0''28 " IS<;- psi Pc = I 1 -t f ~ flw kq: /S't1 + (00)< 9)( (). 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(V~r,L,'ca~) 8 .. lJes '3^ of 77;""6 e.r /X.. eet,,,', ..r eQ: .J' /, ,:2 fo r U.' e d;"....(.Z ""0 /'0 " j__ ()'cPP.J c L, EL, So ~ ///~III=- EL-,.,., 0 ~"'L ,0 , .-----p, -1./, 'J" ii".,. \0, --=...,., IS4 -- .//Y) .. /0 a qI;^j ef, 'q':JrQh'o, ~"'f\ vied h- 77';"0 ~r 4e~I,') (~"'''V Uf'Q ..t/"'f/e ,?Q", O~Nee,.. lONer ..,c,'~l~ )Ol":;'~ Q^e:I l':'frrh\Cc/"o~ a"cj..,O~J ~ ~/QV .. r- /'0 y= o'GJ13' IJe.S/9" .1)60"'= 9~/-I-()"!.3.. /O"~d'. p: IS~x 5.. /29 jJ.r,c S LI.r~ Unl.{ IOQrI.. 1St/. ~ 1..:2./ '- :~o fsl 2. .. 10 ~ Q ~.m: it- 23ox/o"~3 8 328;1 N.j,cl. U f~ (;/ ")( /~ 'I r;,;., 6~,. .fJ.ee,L'''J Qi~r:) I~ l( <9:; ... C; .:1 2. 7 I;" J. ~.ff)~ 32fTI )( 1..; :. ~ 3 75 ;J /~I- /Jer n":'6er. /2 ..ft ~ 137~x. /2 : /230 1.$) '12'7 1.6 0110 ov =- .2000 }"'''t' O.k . fJ€s"5'" 0/ WOI/e. Rea~ I.'or @ "'-10/'2 . q :2 30)( /0. 64j... <' .s:. 122~'" ?~ P,leI' @ , H C;; -0 ~. r:,. N) , ,,, W o/a:. = Life q /1)( /2" ;; Q /(2 . r-ecl /YJoQ'. I b 12x ~2. . ~ - SJ:3/"I12 =: 32 /22!J.Il c; z- _ S-S3/ ~ ,cr_ - - 8 G" Ve,-/) .3:2 ,;... 9. 20 7~ ~J",' , Ok. . . COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PETER F. COHALAN SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF" HEALTH SERVICES DAVID HARRIS. M.D., M.P.H, cO,",""ISSIOJ'loER March 12, 1984 Mr. Daniel S. Natchez Daniel S. Natchez and Associates, Inc. Suite 110 555 AIda Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543 Dear Mr. Natchez: Dr. David Harris, Commissioner of the Department of Health Services, has asked me to reply to your letter of January 24, 1984. I apologize for the delay in answering your letter. However, there were certain aspects of the proposal that had to be checked and verified. A field inspection of the site by members of the staff, plus a review of site data by the department's hydrogeologist, indicate that, with certain precautions, the effect on the freshwater-saltwater interface will be minimal. The use of proper sheet piling or bulkheading, as proposed, should m1n1m1ze the impact to the freshwater supply in the area. Since the peninsula where the project is located is not really a source of the village water supply, we have no objections to the proposal as outlined in your letter. Very truly yours, "~??~ C\ ol/L Robert A. Villa, P.E. Chief Engineer Division of Environmental Health RAV/lst cc David Harris, M.D., M.P.H. 22~ "'''!lRO ORIVE EAST HAUPPAUGE. N.Y. 11 7ee 1!51 el 3A8.ze 17 -. -e '..~- "/ . ti:>>t HOLZMACHER, McLENDON and MURRELL. P.C.' CONSULTING ENGINEERS, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS Ind PLANNERS 125 BAYLIS ROAD. SUITE 140, MELVILLE. N.Y. 11747. 516.752.llO6O January 31, 1984 Mayor George Hubbard Inc. Village of Greenport 236 Third Street Greenport, New York 11944 Re: Inc. Village of Greenport Proposed Marina Brewer Yacht Yard GRPT 84-50 Dear M~or Hubbard: In accordance with your request, we have reviewed the proposed Brewer Yacht Yard Marina as shown on Young , Young Drawing No. 83-549 (December 1982). An excavation for a marina such as that proposed by Brewer Yacht Yard can have a substantial impact on the fresh groundwater in an area. It removes fresh water from storage which lies in the ground within the area of the excavation. More importantly, it increases the area from which fresh water can flow into salt water, causing a continuous drain on the fresh water in the area. This permanently reduces the thick- ness of the fresh water layer in the vicinity of the excavation, making effective use of this resource difficult. Since the proposed excavation is on a peninsula and for most purposes can be considered to be hydraulically isolated from the Greenport Water Supply's existing wells, the develop- ment of the marina does not threaten these wells or any that might be conceived in the future. As a matter of good planning, it is always desirable to maintain and protect whatever fresh water resource that is available. To reduce the fresh water underflow caused by the excavation, we recommend that the Village require that tight sheathing be used as bulkheading material. This should be used around the perimeter of the basin and, if properly installed, should maintain the fresh water layer very close to its existing condition. Depending on 1'14 t~ It. J+ U 0 /,J,4 (1 t;) . ....(.l. rllvsret:5 J../2/ i I( c;l'lf . . Mayor George Hubbard Inc. Village of Greenport -2- January 31, 1984 existing soil/water interface permeability, the sheathing may even increase slightly the water elevation in the immediate vicinity. We return your folder with the letter and plan. Please send us a copy of the plan when beyond "preliminary" stage. If you need.us further in this matter, please advise. Very truly yours, SCM/. . ,)) fj Enclosure & HURRELL, P.C. cc: James I. Honsell Supt. of Utilities : . . ST. AGNES R. C. CHURCH . FRONT STREET GREENPORT, NEW YORK 11944 15161477.0048 June 15, 1984 Mr. Ed Vianney, Manager BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. Manhanset Ave. & Beach Rd., Greenport, NY 11944 RE: Proposed Redevelopment of Marina and Relocation of Excavated and Dredged Materials Dear Mr. Vianney: On behalf of St. Agnes Church, we are confirming the Church's desire and need for approximately 63,000 cu. yds. of fill mat- erial from your property which will be used to help improve the two cemetery properties located along Manhanset Avenue. Our proposes, including; enhancing the overall scenic ~uality of both our waterfront and upland areas, insuring adequate space for future cemetery needs, and increasing public access to the waterfront for recreational purposes. For quite some time now, St. Agnes has been looking for a large quantity of fill to be used for increasing the elevations of several low spots on both properties. As you know, the Church property located on the south side of Manhanset Avenue and ad- jacent to your marina, is currently being used as a cemetery. There is however, a substantial portion of this site that cannot be used as a cemetery, unless and until the area is built up to an elevation that is at least equal to the remainder of the cemetery. On the other hand, the Church property located on the north side of Manhanset Avenue is not yet being used as a cemetery. This site however, has been reserved for use as a future cemetery. Unfortunately, this property has been illegally used by others as a dump site, which we have been unable to prevent. St. Agnes would like to upgrade and improve this area by cleaning up the refuse and increasing the overall elevation of the site. The site would then be landscaped with "rolling hills" and the nat- ural pond and marsh areas would be enhanced as major focal points. To preserve as much open space as possible, St. Agnes would like to develop mausoleum structures on this property rather than using the standard cemetery plots which require a much larger amount of space. We have specifically reviewed the proposed projects at BREWER YACHT YARD, including the proposed Site Plan and Topographic Maps for both of the Church sites . . . ST. AGNES R. C. CHURCH '1/1 FRONT STREET GREENPORT. NEW YORK 11944 15161 477-0048 and for the relocation of the fill. We feel these maps accur- ately depict the Church's future plans for these areas. In addition, we have reviewed the plans for the excavation of the boat basin adjacent to St. Agnes Cemetery, and have no objections with the propoesed 55' setback from our property which ~ill be used for an access drive and one row of 90D parking. In fact, we believe that your proposed development will be a positive addition to the area and we strongly support it. We fully endorse the proposed plan of BREWER YACHT YARD and by this letter, formally request the use of the excavated and dredged materials. Reverend Rocco Gallitelli ~-- ~~ knt..- . . . . . . TElEPHO'OE 15161765-1892 BOARD OF TOW:\ TRtSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold. New York 11971 December 20, 1983 Mr. Daniel S. Natchez and Associates Sui te 11 00 555 AIda Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543 Dear Mr. Natchez: At our monthly meeting the Southold Board of Trustees again reviewed your proposal and look forward to seeing your finalized plan, in the near future. We are glad you are open to comments and recommendations from this board. We hope you will incorporate the suggested pump out facilities we spoke about at our first meeting. This will be a major asset to the area and will go a long way in correcting some of the problems caused by heavy boating in Sterling Creek. Looking forward to hearing from you in the near future. Very truly yours, Board of Town Trustees /) " . J . (--{Zvi AJ1~-aLiYU;-L~~'-'I" Paul Stoutenburgh President PS:ip cc: Planning Board/ Building Dept./ Town Board./ Trustees ./