HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/23/2004 ,- '- Harbor Committee Meeting 23rd July, 2004 4:30 pm at Utility Board room Present: Harris Parsons; Leslie Goss-Gruner; Elby Burr; Chippy dupont; Louisa Evans; Steve Malinowski; Arthur Kjuipers; Mike Conroy; Karla Heath By Phone: Bill Stengel ,--. '- Leslie opened the meeting by asking all present to verify their contact information to update the membership list. Leslie then reported: . On the FY 2005 proposed budget of $2,040, which is the same as the FY 2003 request. She noted that the $7,000 request for 2004 was approved to cover the proposed bathymetry study and mooring grid overlay project. . That John Evans was doing a lot of rescue/tow type work and was also busy relocating people improperly anchored. After some committee discussion, Leslie said she will reiterate with the Bay Constables that overnight mooring is permitted only on east side, not west side, of Goose Island Channel. John's wife is keeping a log of his Bay Constable activities. Mooring Applications were reviewed as follows: /'- '-- o Bill Reed requested a mooring off of his new house for the IOD "Golf" and a "Bahamian mooring" off of his shoreline for his dinghy. It was determined that his IOD should remain on its current mooring (was R. Kennedy's) due to congestion in the requested location. He must notify his neighbors before mooring the dinghy in front of his property. The Bahamian moor must also be arranged in such a way as not to interfere with navigation in Goose Island Channel. Some members thought this might be a difficult situation at low tide. o Frank Bohlen asked that the Committee review the prior decision to change Bob Doyen to an off island resident status. Because of all the years he and his family had been on island, perhaps he could continue to pay the islander fee. It was determined that exceptions to this rule would set a bad precedent, thus Mr. Doyen would be asked to pay the off island fee. It was noted that he had not paid last year or this year. r- L o Question raised if Dick Miller had paid last year for the mooring off of Clay Point for "Sleighride" as no fee is collected outside the flasher. (the answer is no, he did not pay) o Sarah Tremaine requested a mooring in Crab Cove (Chocomount) next to Calhoun and Rand. The committee approved the request asking Karla to return check for this year and request that she notify neighbors of her intention to place a mooring. o 100 "Jester" syndicate's request to take over Michael Wray's 100 mooring was approved. o Alex Stanley on Avenue B was approved for a mooring. It is a pre-existing mooring therefore no neighbor notification required and no fee as outside flasher. o It was noted that Doyen mooring for "L'i1 Brotha" was in the water without application/permit. Leslie said she'd ask Tom about it. c Mike Conroy reported: Boaters had been obeying speed limits well, he hadn't had to move too many boats off of private moorings, and that the 4th of July weekend was a safe one. Mike reported that Leslie had called asking him to remove an illegal mooring at Kean's. The Troopers will try to identify the boat owner to arrange return of the tackle being stored at PCM. Mike mentioned that he only goes to Hay Harbor and East Harbor if called. Several members noted that they had observed people staying overnight on "friends" moorings located in the west field in West Harbor. Mike said he would be will be more vigilant. Leslie will mention this to John Evans. Leslie mentioned congestion in East Harbor, particularly on weekends. She mentioned that it appeared that no rules were being broken other than trespassing. There was discussion of signage to post on the beach. Harris will talk to Pat Schiestl of the F. I. Club about posting a "No Trespassing" sign or perhaps a "Residents Only" sign at high tide mark along the beach on 15th fairway. Leslie briefly touched on FI Yacht Club marina issues. Trash and dinghy space (transient and local) are problems. Committee members gratefully noted that there is no longer a "Transients Welcome" sign at the site. The question was raised if there was need for another dingy float. It was generally agreed that creating more space for transients was not a good idea when local boaters weren't yet accommodated. c It was reported that offshore fishing vessels docked in the Pirate's Cove area had been improperly disposing of fish carcasses. Leslie mentioned that she would ,- '- check the Southold Town Code, which is specific on such matters, and speak to the offenders. The Constables can enforce this provision of the code. It was suggested that there should be signs posted at the P.O. and Silver Eel Cove about proper disposal of fish cleaning waste. With regard to foreign moorings (moorings set by unknown off islanders) it was determined that it is the Bay Constable's job to pull non-permitted moorings and take them to be stored for up to a year (length of storage time to be reviewed by Town attorney) at PCM at which time the components could be used for Town channel marks at Fishers Island. Leslie reported that Captain Heublein has requested permission to dock a larger boat (48') that he purchased to run a single trip in the morning and a single trip in the afternoon in the winter, roughly October through April. Captain said this change was generated largely by safety. He feels a bigger boat is safer in bad winter weather. Discussion determined that more information was necessary regarding boat specifications and crew requirements. A committee member registered disappointment over losing extra trips back and forth during the winter. Leslie said she would pass that along to the Civic Association. ,- Leslie reported that the bathymetry study and mooring grid overlay project would begin in late September. Scope of study was redefined due to increased congestion in outer harbor out to Clay Point. Parameter includes flasher off Hawk's Nest Point on a line to Rafferty's dock on Clay Point Road and into the harbor excluding Darby's Cove to a point ending at BD barn. Elby asked about the grid square size to be used. Leslie mentioned that it would be necessary to provide fleet information to assist with grid overlay. ....... The next meeting will be on Friday, 8th October at 4:30 pm Respectfully submitted; Karla S. Heath, Committee Clerk -- ........