HomeMy WebLinkAboutCommittee Guidance 2001 Committee Guidance 2/01 (dates in parentheses indicate meeting date when item was discussed. see Minutes for more information) Committee Purpose: . determine location of moorings and address other harbor related policy issues. (12/8/93. 6/22/94. 9/23/94. 5/24/96) need to grid West Harbor. (5/12/95) structure of Committee. (1/22/95. 10/06/95. 5/24/96) . . Mooring Issuance ALL moorings need permits. (9/23/94. 5/26/95) . no fees for moorings outside entrance buoys to Hay Harbor and West Harbor. (5/26/95) Permitees place. or cause to have placed. new moorings after description provided from Bay Constable or Committee member. (9/23/94. 12/16/94) Mooring permit issued for Island owners. lessees or immediate family members of either owners or lessees as space conditions will allow. (9/23/94. 12/16/94.5/26/95) Mooring issued for vessel listed on application: No transferability of moorings. (10/14/94. 10/6/95) No vacant mooringsllong period of absenteeism. (10/14/94 and 9/19/97) Permits are not issued for "storm" moorings. (7/24/98) . Permit not automatically renewed from year to year based on conduct in past season(s) -- vacancy. abuse guest use. wild parties. etc... (10/28/94 and 11/18/94) Mooring permits are issued for moorings outside designated mooring fields in West Harbor and elsewhere: (9/23/94 and 2/4/95 and 4/29/96) Moorings should be granted to shorefront property owners. (4/29/96). Moorings are not approved for shorefront property owners for use by renters of that property. shorefront renters must file there own application (5/9/98 and 7/6/00) Shorefront applicants must notify adjacent neighbors in writing of intention to place a mooring and include copies of those letters with the application (may require return receipt copies in future). (8/12/94. 7/15/95. 7/6/00) The Committee may take into consideration the vessel size and class. comments of neighbors. hazards to navigation. safety. environmental protection and aesthetics of placing a shorefront mooring. (7/15/95) . No distinction for commercial moorings. (5/24/96) Maintain a waiting list (for off-Island residents as well) for mooring permits. (10/28/94) Inspection of Mooring Tackle: Permit applicants are required to conduct a visual examination of the surface gear and as much of the tackle as possible on an annual basis and visually examine all lower tackle every two years. (9/23194, 10/28/94, 5/26/95, 11/29/96) 80ecial Uses of Private Moorings Mooring owners may lend their mooring to guests if the mooring can safely accommodate the guest vessel and if the guest vessel is registered with the Bay Constable prior to arrival. (7 f7195 and 5/24/96) . Mooring permits for a "guest mooring" will not be issued (6/30/95) Transient Moorings Five moorings should be set aside for transient use for a fee. (4/17/93, 5/18/94, 6/8/94, 5/24/96 and 9/19/97) These moorings should be distinctly marked in a clustered group or line located out by the rock pile. (5/12/95) Portion of fees for transient use should be set aside for FIHC which sets fees in consultation with administrator of transient moorings. (4/29/96 and 7/15/95 at $30 for single and $50 for double) Permit fees for transient moorings will paid to 80uthold town General Fund. (11/29/96) Annual Review of Transient Mooring Management (12/16/94) . Review of bid to manage moorings annually en bloc. (7/15/95, 5/24/96) Living Aboard a Vessel Live-aboard vessels shall be moored in the mooring field east of Goose Island Channel while the West mooring field shall be used for vessel storage. (12/16/94, 2/4/95 and 7/15/95) . Moorings for live aboard use should be clustered together to minimize non- point source pollution impacts. (4/17/93 ,1/22/95) Moorings along the shoreline of the eastern mooing field should be used primarily for storage as a courtesy to shorefront property owners on the Peninsula. (7/15/95) Whether at anchor, at a dock, or on a mooring, vessels require a Committee exception for Iive-aboards beyond 3 consecutive nights in a 14 day period. (5/12/95 and 6/13/97) . Raftina/Anchoring (8/12/94) . No anchoring inside the "rock pile" in West Harbor. (Darby's Cove too?) . No overnight anchoring in Hay Harbor. . 3 vessels may raft during the day, 2 vessels at night, no rafting from an anchor, moorings only. West Harbor No Wake Zone: The Committee agreed that it would be unduly burdensome for boaters to extend the no wake zone beyond its current line out to the harbor flasher. The Committee and Bay Constables agreed that better monitoring and enforcement was the way to address speeding rather than extend the zone. (5/12/95) Jetskis: The Committee agreed that jetskis should not be allowed in middle (mooring and anchoring fields) or33 inner West Harbor due to wake, speed and noise. (10/06/95) Shellfishing: The Committee is concerned about out of state harvesting of local shellfish. (11/18/94, 1/22/95) Bay Constables are permitted to ask harvesters to show their permit. Vessel Discharges and No Discharae Zone: The Committee seeks to limit and control all vessel discharges. (1/22/95) The Committee has discussed the pros (improve water quality, certify middle West Harbor for shellfishing) and cons (necessity to provide mobile pump out facility, retrofitting Island boats) of establishing an ndz in west Harbor. (12/16/94) Boating Season: The boating season at Fishers Island is recognized as Memorial Day weekend through Columbus Day weekend each year. (7f7/95) Channel and Instructional Marks: The Committee agreed that these marks should be in the water by Memorial Day weekend. (11/29/96) Winter Mooring Stakes: Stakes are a safety hazard during boating season (11/18/94) and should be replaced with mooring balls by June 1 st (10/06/95) or they can be removed by the Bay Constable (7f7/95, 7/19/96) after July 1st (9/19/97). Committee will send out reminder notices to pull stakes in mid-June. Bay Constable Enforcement of additional Town Code Chapters (26 Public Safety and 97 Wetlands); The Committee agreed that Fishers Island Bay Constables retain rather than relinquish enforcement authority regarding wetland determinations despite lack of training in this area. It was hoped that the Bay Constables would contact officials in Southold in the event a wetlands id were necessary. (2/4/95, 7f795) Recommended Duties of Management Aaent at FIYC/Marina (5/10/96 Correspondence wIFIDCO) 1) The site should be maintained as a public facility (with obvious exception of the private clubhouse), serving all constituents, and should not be restricted to the use of a private club, its members or their guests. 2) Regular hours of operation should be publicized. Traditionally, the site has been manned approximately 12 hours a day during the boating season and on weekends from Memorial Day to July 1st and from Labor Day to Columbus Day weekend. 3) Staff on site should serve all requests for launch service. Additionally, during the course of their launch duties, when launch operators note visiting vessels on private .moorings or outside of the designated anchorage, they should share observations with the Bay Constables in order to assist the Bay Constables with enforcement/patrols. 4) Staff on site should provide launch service for and coordinate with the transient mooring permitee on fee collection and record keeping for transient mooring users. In the spirit of reciprocity, the Committee has set aside 5 moorings available for a fee to any visitor to West Harbor. 5) Staff on site should maintain a list of all moorings in west Harbor being used by guests. Permit owners notify staff of names of guests, vessel information, and dates of use by guests. Staff on site should keep the relevant guest information available for review by the Bay Constables for the purposes of enforcement! patrols. 6) Staff on site should be well acquainted with relevant portions of the Town Code and with the purpose for and contents of the Fishers Island Harbor Management Plan. Staff should provide visitors with copies of Harbor regulations. Goals of the Harbor Management Plan: . ensure balance among existing uses of the Island's surrounding waters and harbors, . protect and maintain the shorefront character, heritage and existing quality of life, promote and support access to the Island's surrounding waters and other resources in the shoreline area for all Island residents, provide for and regulate multiple uses of the Island's surrounding waters and harbors in a manner that assures safe, orderly and optimum use of the water and shorefront resources, . and to maintain the chemical, physical and biological integrity of the Island's surrounding waters and harbors and their dependent habitats.