HomeMy WebLinkAboutPolicies 2004 Fishers Island Harbor Committee Policies' 04 The goals outlined below have evolved since the early 1990's when the Fishers Island Civic Association solicited the Island community for concerns and priorities regarding the waters surrounding the Island. The Harbor Committee was an outgrowth of that exercise and has worked with state and local technical staff to shape the suggestions and concerns of the community into planning documents, policies and action items. The goals developed are as follows: . to maintain the chemical, physical and biological integrity of the Island's surrounding waters and harbors and their dependent habitats, . ensure balance among existing uses of the Island's surrounding waters and harbors, . protect and maintain the shorefront character, heritage and existing quality of life, . promote and support access to the Island's surrounding waters and other resources in the shoreline area for all Island residents, . and to provide for and regulate multiple uses of the Island's surrounding waters and harbors in a manner that assures sal'e, orderly and optimum use of the water and shorefront resources. The following list of policies were developed to meet the above goals. This is not a comprehensive list of Committee policies, but includes those we expect will impact the Fishers Island boating community at a more practical level. Please be in touch with the Committee for questions, concerns, or special circumstances you have regarding the following policies. Remember that the purpose of the Committee is to act as a forum for harbor issues and address the needs and concerns of the Island's harbor users. We like hearing from you. Thanks. All moorings at Fishers Island need permits and must display the yearly sticker. Mooring permits are issued for the vessel listed on the application only. Mooring permits are not transferable. Mooring permits arc not issued for vacant or "storm" moorings. Long periods of vacancy will impact the following year's permit application. A specific vessel must be listed on the application. Mooring permits will not be issued in "anticipation" of a vessel purchase. Mooring permits are not issued for guest vessels. Mooring permittees may lend their own mooring to guests if the mooring can sal'ely accommodate the guest vessel and if the guest vessel is registered with the Bay Constable or at the Yacht Club/Marina prior to arrival. A schedule of guest use including specific dates and vessel/owner names must be supplied. Guests may not live aboard their boats (overnight use) if they are using a mooring in the West Harbor mooring field west of Goose Island Channel (see below for more details). Staying aboard overnight on a mooring is limited to the east side of the Goose Island Channel. Shorefront property owners making application for a mooring permit adjacent to their property (or outside the West Harbor mooring fields) must include a copy of letters sent to contiguous neighbors notifying them of intent to place a mooring. The Committee will take into consideration 1) the vessel size and class, 2) safety, 3) hazards to navigation, 4) neighbor's comments, and 5) environmental protection and aesthetics of placing a shorefront mooring. Permit applicants are asked to conduct a visual examination of the surface gear and as much of the tackle as possible on an annual basis and visually examine all lower tackle every two years. Completed mooring permit applications should be submitted by March 31 of each year. Whether at anchor, at a dock, or on a mooring, vessels in Fishers Island waters require a Committce exception for living aboard or overnight use beyond 3 consecutive nights in a 14 day period. In an effort to concentrate potcntial threats to water quality into one area, vessels with people living aboard (overnight use) should be moored in the mooring field east of the Goose Island Channel while the west mooring field is to be used for vessel storage. Overnight use of vessels in the mooring field west of GCXlse Island channel is prohibited. The Committee seeks to limit and control all vessel discharges. No vessel should discharge any waste watcr that has not been properly treated by a US Coa~t Guard approved treatment system. All vessel operators are asked to minimize overboard discharge. No anchoring inside the "rock pile" in West Harbor. No overnight anchoring in Hay Harbor. Thrce vessels may raft during the day, two vessels at night. No rafting from an anchor. Mooring stakes are a safety hazard during boating sea~on and should be replaced with mcxlring balls by June 1st or they could be removed by the Bay Constable after July 1st at the owner's expense. Fishers Island Harbor Committee PO Box 176 Fishers Island, NY 06390 ph (503) 699-9047 for Leslie Goss, Chair ph (631) 788-5539 for Karla Heath, Clerk Bay Constables: 1) Mike Conroy 788-7907 2) John Evans 788-7036