HomeMy WebLinkAboutPetrucci, Angelo G. ~'-<'- ;9"1-/ EXCAVATION PERMIT RENEWAL PERMIT is hereby issued to Angelo G. Petrucci, re- siding at Bay Avenue, Cutchogue, New Yo~k, for the excavation of sand, gravel, stone or other materials from premises generally described as follows, to wit: Northerly by lands of Edwin A. Smith and Long Island Produce Co.; Easterly by lands of Case and Kaplan; Southerly by lands of Newell Estate and Sepenoski; and Westerly by lands of Tisdale and Edwin A. Smith. This renewal permit is issued pursuant and subject to the provisions of the Southold Town Excavation Ordinance and subject to the terms and conditions of a resolution of the Southold Town Board adopted the 8th day of August 1972, a copy of which is annexed hereto. ~~/ ~ ,. ALBERT W. Richmond TOWN CLERK ~ . i: ~~ WHEREAS, Angelo G. Petrucci has by written application applied to this board for a renewal of his permit to excavate sand, gravel, stone or other materials from premises located south of Soundview Avenue, Southold, New York, bounded generally northerly by lands of Edwin A. Smith and Long Island Produce Co.; easterly by lands of Case and Kaplan; southerly by lands of Newell Estate and Sepenoski; and westerly by lands of Tisdale and Edwin A. Smith, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on the original applicatio~ on July 13, 1971 at which all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Board does in accordance with Section V of the Excavation Ordinance of the Town of Southold, find that (a) The proposed operations will not interfere with the surface water drainage plan of the area nor endanger any street, road or highway. (b) The circumstances of the location and terrain are reasonably adapted to rehabilitation to the end that the premises will not become desert or waste land following completion of < operations. o(c) The circumstances of the location and the terrain are such that conditions and safeguards may feasibly be imposed to assure that the premises will not constitute an attractive nuisance or endanger the safety of children. (d) The use will not cause undue traffic hazards. (e) The use will not cause undue noise or wind-blown dust or sand. (f) The use will not change the established character of . the neighborhood or depress the value of other lands in such neighborhood. .' ~ (g) The proposed operations are set back at least 20 feet from any road, street, avenue or highway and that the excavation operations were in existence at the effective date of the afore- said excavation ordinance and that such proposed operations will not be extended beyond the present front, side or rear set back lines, and it is further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and he hereby is authorized and directed to issue a renewal permit to said Angelo G. Petrucci for the excavation of sand, gravel, stone, or other materials from the above described premises for a term of one year, subject,' however, to the following terms and conditions: 1. The removal of materials shall be confined to the shaded areas outlined in red on the map accompanying said original application, a copy of which has been signed by the Supervisor I and the applicant and filed with the Town Clerk. 2. The removal of materials from said areas shall not extend below fifteen (15) feet above sea level. 3. All removal operations shall be set back at least 10 feet from all property lines. 4. All slopes shall be maintained during and after operations at on~ foot vertical on one foot horizontal. 5. After operations have been completed, the excavation areas, as well as all other areas where prior excavation operations have been conducted on the premises, shall be leveled, regraded, all stumps, rocks and other debris removed and the entire premises seeded with grass. By Order of the Southold Town Board August 8, 1972. . ~ "-'-,j. '... lI..!>PLICJ\TION b'OR I'YcXUU'J' -~- ~~-~- ~~7 /P?r EXCAVAT!2!! ANQ }~EMOVAr. 9J~:"~~, (~~P.:Y~~, ~1~~~~~.2!}~ At~1J (YTT"; ,. I:."','" .';;R.IALn . . /l.Narne of App licant Angelo...!:t.1'9t,J:'ll.c(:lL_____________ '_ 2. Address "E App11cilflt Hal.. Avenue.Box 99. Cui:-c'haCl.l.c p. -.1,1 935 -'--'~". -~'--".- -; -.--------..>----....-....-....--...-----. -. " 3 ~ Statement of proposed t)perat tons e oval of Loom":fill' for Landscaping of Nel-l ana.. 81.d .T.ha..r lll:.__.._____.. .. -.. _""_,,.__ _.. . "__. ..u___ ----"_..._u.._____u_..__. _______ -Homo.q.lt~a --andB.ac kfi111ngPf u.f oUIl,d,at,j.Q:n.f>..L__':~ _m_:________...: The removal of Clay-fill for C.ommunity roads andP.rivat.e --:-. - ------.--- _. ~--'''-''-______ .. -"0. ,_ .__~_ _.' __~"__,, .- -----.-"--~----.---~-._".~--:-~.."";, ._~-'.......--~_._-- _~J.,!,_ewaIs '__, .__.~---_._-_._,___._..~__._m_ ,.",___ ""- ."-_._-_._-+--'-------..,-~-_._-------~,- i . 4. Set forti':: Pl.a"i of rU.-ea Ff 'p(JEC'\.,~ l' ~,~- t~xcavatlori (h' fo~ rem(yv.a,l of tvp8ui~. SIH3Win'.j the CU:lC.L1 t len the' plo.t or p.t'anU.ses before operar:.loris, arc: c'~:mmf!ncerl,\a!l(J t.he pJ'oPQsed c.'ondition' of said, pl(.Jt 0)~- pr.emises after t.b<.~ wu.r K .is C'()11'pletedoi, ,SUt;!-L plan shall DO pr2pare(~ by a dull' J trc:'n.fi~d L!1;:ri ne~erm or' land t;,~r\reyor, in' complj,an(:~ ....;~Lr), Siu~d l'i.n.d G~:aveJ O!.~d.il1cU1Ce of the ,rf(Mtl of Sr)L:trl.o 1,1, ,", , 5. Tll(~ names and a(jlh,:5S'"~' ,:1 "'II p:-(,p0rty o';".nersbfrecord "'itilih t'dU nundred (~~OO) feet (jf ,th0 ,outs..t.de, b.oundaries 'dE the 'f")rem.:Lees within \.d~ich operat.,10fl.i rGcp.'d~;;,t:,~d by trl'is", Or.,dinanC'{~ are prop~sed:,- tf.1 be FtU: fOJ;:'m2d ~ 'J _J:'!9.I:tg._~_~~Q,,~_._.. .-,.~.~_,-.,., -,.._TA~da)'-El="I?.~rr~!!..~9.nio~~gh'::!El.9 on,~_Q... N,-~D,195E\ ..__~01,1j;A':"_f) +ci~'_u_',L" ,','_ ,_,-'_ Jr;~..9~sEl..':~~.Pl?_n=~e;con1.~f..X.l,~5L_____, " " : " "'.! ' lYest-side. . .. . . . .. . . .. J .5epenoski-Neweil-Peconlc, N.Y..:I.1958 --..--, -- -~". .~.. '..-..-- . -,"--. u__ ---;--'-,-,.-..,..-.,-+.-".._.. .~, ---,--:-"-~~,";-.._-,.....,-'---_..c.- "~'_'.__"____.___ ____. -_-EaB.t"._s.1..d.e.~_._._u .~_._._...u .... L. .J:..J?_.Q.o_...~e_CtQ.n.+.c.,N. X .,lJ.9.5S.. ___..,,_____.._ {, . I te;~Hl f,oarrl ft'] c~nd {(l) nna11 b~ SUI:pLi~.:d llnl~s[:' 1),I'i1J.vcd by t1'H':- ~ro.'''r~ 'ur.d..:r :;C~~: t i on X of Lhe Or d i.na.nc~,. , , 7. The J. ," 1 . iollo;l/JnfJ IlH1fji.: ~:..cC'omL)21,t4Y 't:.h.r-: a,ppl1.~,;'~,tiO(!:, '~-'" 1-,8 t~ t.0poq'L-aphtc S~;~l.\rI2Y 9f 't.he -r)~"Gt)~;':'l:t.~~" ;.'~o~epare;c3'<0\' ' , e;.- " '", ': :", ,",' " ..1 ,duly 11.CG7Is~H'l ,~ng,fl~Oet: or ,.l,t'!llh,-:' "~'U1',\~e)'or ()f- the rit-:t.e. of 'New'" Yoi:.~k, sl:,~JJ.Jng"':-cb.nt:()!~. ':at ,tvu fC'"'~t ,',' "," ',jnter"1"~11s'.." ." ,,' ',:,.,: ',.' . , ',' ',' :.:...,~.~ A dllly '2:lckrl?~;.1,:~::di9!'Zd,' 'cor{sent 11 .1:';-.1~:j~n:::J ,of' :,t,hi3, ' <:It;.r'ne.t; ii:; Gf th:=:': ,pi-1amiDeR" f\Ji.d mor',t'g'ag"~e" Li>' ,an)~,. lncl\J'dLnc}' h.,itl. .0;- their' }'tdd.r~Sf.;~,:':::i. -,.., D :l9":e.i pt.etJt,' r'i'.:~n( P LI J 'or' ~",,:,ph..(:)t;6'~1.t'a,f)tc (~'cPY. ~J-iereor' oi'~" a. lr..'~.t("",r \'.'i'~r\l-'-'}; )1"'" ("hp ;'Recp{v->-~'"~' >':'1:1:', '1\~'xt~~G'_ <,,( i'~':lt;)' "r'~::{:,I'\, ..,:,,>,~:-:~,;", ,~,','.~','~J",~--~' l',,~,l. '>r~.':,<, ~:'\::"';"";" , d,'_ . '. , J' ,,},,_"',ltJ~("'."'~'i (11 -'-,J' t.llt;;.., SU).'.t.'_,ll, >U1:;t.:-':;-f''tuui';'YI.~;:'\- ~()I ,~"'\' Tj t- I i-" 11"~,11.1""'~'1:"'t', :-d..M'i--I'.n ~I ',1,',:;';\:- .j",', .L)~(,,', (,'t" il;_'l;.~l.<.:,\' -,.', ,i ' -';' ',' -', ..., ,"" ,", ~,~.,", i,., , _ ~ a"u~.hor-.i,::.:Gl,~, ,1~ ;~i"::' l~<J,~;i'iH:;~'.~:~~ .Ln L;u{:j ~.ll '.tri:(~ \)<'t,h ,:.;'ie: <:.:(;' l'''l--'' t:(f>~ (:: ':..~ "'-J nei ,;,i;l:-~ ;':"', "'..~ [l!nt'=. . ',' .." ",' ,.' " ~;~.t,: ,t: y: d(~ ,:j c r.' iJ,~~:;-,:? ,,:.,, . 'j I:. 11 <~ i1 p'p I " r: , 1': -. 'j f' C, '.:,11',. \ fee " :,,", i :- ~ :: ~, 'C !-,'f ,,;. . ;,'")!' j" . ~ ~. , >. (d. 8~ A .-,,1..: ;, I of $ ~;0 ,,'aq' nl,H'~),1:' '~" :J' ~:~ t .., "i: '. . ",,:, ,- }~:.", "," .,r,,; ; 'f, ~ ':;': ,.:~:;ij ',".';, ." ; ~ " :t' ,; f ~f(' / ... APPLICATION FOn PL"RtU'r .' EXCAVATION ~ .!lEl4OV~I: Ol'~ SAND, .9RAVE1:'_'!'9PSQII. }.I..ND ..Q-1JcEE !iYr!B!..I\I:~C; 1.N",.me of Appl.l.cant -.. .. Al16q:j...o .. (~.Ji'S'I~I'1.!2.<:q,...._.._..._.. _____...._.._~_ 7.. Address of App11canl: . ",',',: ___.._BD:.L~vell\:,':."..:.B.?JC.. ?~.~1~~.?h?:S:1<;l r!~ ~..~~~935 J. Statement. of proposed. i)perat1011B The removal of Loom-fill for Landscaping of New and.Old. ~- __.n____..._______ __'~._..,' _.._._~__. '__._._ . ___..-::--___-:---:~_:_-""':'"'--:-___~_ Homesites and Backfilling of foundations. --------~-_.-,---._-~-,--_.,.._-~_._..~---..._._..'" -..-.--....-..-----. , ~:,..- The removal of Clay-fill f9rCommuni tY:rq~da; ~hd':fr~~a.te; . -'-------------'-~---..-.-'-~~-H_;__- '..~ ~;" " Driveways. . .' '..'-: .', t.:' . f . . '. ----~.---_..- .------..______h:___....__^..___....... -:----'""'""",-'------'--,~-..,.~-_.u.:--_._____..__,_ .- 'I ' 4.. Set fort,h Plan ()f Area. pr 'JPOsed t'or excavation. or ;'01' rem':>val of topsoil Sl10Wlngthe con'.11t1.on of the plot or premises before. \)perat.tons are commenced, and the proposed Condit.ion of s'aid plot or premises after t.lle 'lark .is completed. Such plan shall be prepared by a duly licens<?d engineer or land surveyor in compliance Ylit..h Sand and Gravel Ordinance Of. the Town of Southold. :! .. . . . 5. The nam~f3 and addn'sses of all prOI-'erty ownE'rsof record v1thih two huncixed (200) feet of the olltside boundar i.esof the premises ..ithin wLich operations regulated by this Ordinance are proposed. to be performed. :: . , I' :; \- '1 '. . , ',,' ,',' -!1Tg..rt~=.~~de...~.~:.~..~~.."-"_._~~Sd<:..~~:_:~~~:a..::~~~..~~:Sm~:~.-::~~:~~~:... N . ..Y .l~ 958 South-slde.......... ..K.G.ase-Kapian_ Pecorilc N. Y.1l958 ~ ._~--_.-.- --" -," -,----__._ ___w..,._, ._.._,.__. . -'--. -.--.- ----.-,----~-----""---, _n._"._._...___, ----_'_'n West-slde...... ..... J.Sepenoskl-Newell :'Peconio,N.Y.U95<9 -""", -- ------_._._-_._.,-~_.,--._._.~._--~., ...~_._..._-._. >-, -.." ,- _..~ --- - ---_._--- -,---, '''---'' --~.._~"-_.- ...,.~ East-side... . .. u . .. ;' L; I.P.Co. .. .t'econlc. N. Y.l11V1fl . .._-~-~,._--'_._-----,----_.,---- ~~'- ---""""-"-_"C ~_. '~'___,____" _'_'.__'_",",.~_. .~., _~,..___ _._____..._... 6. :rtama (F) and (~}) >::1)2\11. be.9l1ppIiDd nnl",c!!< 'iai'Cea b, th0 To',,,, 'Jioard under Section Xof. tHe 'Onl.fndr'lCo. 7. The , -, " "" ': fol1o-t,..,i,ng, ruust,,/accompany the, appl:i,cw.t J.on':,.' I... B, A t;Opogl"aphic, sunray nf the' 1'1 upen y ;<' c' ~l du.~'y '.:,"11c~rH:;:.ed., en,'g iri~er' ~z- l~.~nt:r 8urr/c)' ~Ii' 0 f .~_~'::- ~ta1;(j,'::,o.f":New ~(O.t'};:;i'- shC'vir2q c"i.)ntD1.U: .,.' . ;"q'l, ,fe"" int.€..t'.valfJ . ..' 2-.C:"A 'dllly <1,cknOW]{f;d9<:!(.l COOllcn1: it; "T.~" c.... . :;'df .the' p.rend'se:e: t.1.nd .rilo'l';t9i1qr!":,~',. ,r;:, i:~r'" ~ ' , , , . , .', ' " ,ojt".....t}.1f~'~ir. addl'Hrij:i(~.'"; ."i', ~r-.b, ,H,e'(.'~:",[,)/':(~d "'l1rt,I D Ll'J ;:\ 'pJ);"lt;)r; (- ("i t:i. c '~.~:y '\' t.h" ~.r,;:c:;c ( \."!' 'i'.a':.. ;~,.e:~t(:~~~ $igty{~(-1'b.i'~.-.t,ht~.:.Hf,~~.;E~'i~!(~!. (,'f 'X'2:{r... c'~ i..;;'--' 'r;_",.. ' of ,f;CHJ:t.h'oJd :'or,'b,\-' ,,__t.h~;!" r;"~l'i"fL~J l--;., C "q'!-,<',r 'rre','l>~::.:Lr(:~~:: CT ",," .' '.','r:","" " ", I,. , ,~i)' ,r'~'i.t' 'l,c.> ]"l"(('l'~";':'n'''';-. ;'fb1,1'h'~" jl ,'.~r.:.;;.'..r(.:,:.". tn.; n\' . ..l'. ~ , . ": .,' '~. ...,'....., ~. "'. ..,-'..~-,...,"' '-- ~ .. ..., '''i a-r'd:Ji~)'~-:-,'i,:;~f'::(~ ::(.:i '.'"~('; ;)tir;ir,k'~jH J:-; r.~'1l!-'fu}1', ( 'ny',1.'-,: ;~~C. :-_t of' ,;., .' I ~ k ~ i" , ";(,1 2) '''- )'!--' . ,'; ;. ," \. ~,; ,. .'..,' ~: .1. ~ ~ ' " 1"':,1 1':;,-"" .~t;1S(j;H.2\t 'rfll t.d.).:t,'~; ;);'~:'~('>I~:r.;. '~'J:.tY.' (l)f.K~': .i.b;y-i :';, tJif},' .:1.pr>,~. 'ic, l " ;:.::cLJ ~i.l; I',. !..~ :~. D::: .';. C~ ,': .t~ ;~"",~ ;l .... 1(l '8. .A fn~ '-,P ~i;().I'\O J'l1"ll: -\\'J')",[ .r"', l\'" i T'i.rl). . ".'".''' A ~~ , ~ ~~ d4-- ./:P?t' ,I; ~.. ,;.; J " " ,'., " " \"". I, ,.;,:"~~,',>:,_."",:',:':' '. ,':,....._..,',...'.......;,'" ..,;...___~~s::'.~~c.:.;"'~~.~,~_:.:."..:.~:_.:.:::~~.-_:. .~:-_-====;_- _____. ,,' ,,:,,", "I':"~L'" , "ii:,.,~,~i,,\:.~:j . . , '''''F .. , '.'" .~.."''1((.~I'',~t\''It'?t~:~?r'',I, )"~:;,,:'~i.d.c~~:~~~~':,,j;~~,~j!~i: ~:';~tt.'!s.~,,'t.:l,': ',' f'. ,,, ./, t~t " ..',:.";:'".~,"A~~~ ,,,,,,,:~:,: ;,,v ~ ~'" EXCAVATION PERMIT PERMIT is hereby issued to Angelo G. Petrucci, residing at Bay '\venue, Cutchogue, New York, for the excavation of sand, gravel, stone or other materials from premises generally described as follows, to wit: Northerly by lands of Edwin A. Smith and Long Island Produce Co.; Easterly by lands of Case and Kaplan; Southerly by lands of Newell Estate and Sepenoski; and Westerly by lands of Tisdale and Edwin A. Smith. This permit is issued pursuant and subject to the provisions of the Southold Town Excavation Ordinance and subject to the terms and conditions of a resolution of the Southold Town Board adopted lOt!1:lay of August 1971, a copy of which is annexed hereto. ALBERT W. RICHMOND, TOWN CLERK ,. r- " I I I this bOllrd for a permtt to excavate sand, gravel. stone or other materials I WHEREAS, Angelo G. Petrucci has by written application applied to from premises located south 61 Soundview Avenue, Southold, New York hounded r,encmlly northerly by lands of Edwin A. Smith and Long Island Produce Co.: eacterly by lands of Case and Kaplan: southerly by lands of Nowell Esti:'.b ap.d Scpcnosk!; and westcdy by lands of Tisdale and Edwin A. ~>mith,_ Dnd - WHEREAS, a public hearing wan held on. said application on July 13, lC7l mt which all interested pCI'sono were given an opportunity to be heard, NOW, TE!':REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Board docs in 11 accm'cbnce wltn ~kction V ~f th13);;xcaVc.tiol1 Ordinance of tho Town of I I I II Ii I I 3011thold, find that (a) The proposed operations will not interfere wIth tho surface .,,'cct:n' drainage plan of tho area nor enc!2:J[Jer any street, road or highway. (b) The ci.!l'cumlJtnncolJ of ths location and tnrrain arc reasonably nd().ptcd to rehabilitatIon to the end that tho premises will not become desert crW{1C;C land fcllo~.,ing completion of opero.tions. (c) The c;,rc:umfJtances of the location and the terrain are such th2t conditions and safeguards may fcasl.bly be imposed to assure that the ~. premi.f!C9 will not consti.tute 1'1.11 attractive nuisance or endanger the safety of I .1 I children. (d~ Tho uae \VBI not cause undue traffic hazards. (e) The use will not causcundue noise or wind-blown dust or sand. (:1') The usa. will not change the established character of the neighborhood or depress the value of other lands in such neighborhood. (g) The proposed operations are ,set back at least 200 feet from llny road, street. avenue or highway and that the excavation operations were , f . ~ ..... .. inexliltencc at the effective date of the af01'esaid excavation ordinance and , I " that stich proposed oporatiorw will not be m::tcnded beyond the present front, 1! oJ.c1a or rem,' setback lines, nod it is furthe.' :i ii Ii i IlESOLVED, ttnt the Town Clm:'l~ be and he hereby 10 authorized and I II I I I I: I' I: II ,I .' eH.rc~tod te- iDIJUO n pCl.mit to tho suld Angelo G. Petrucci for the excavation i I of cenc!, I':'ro.vol, stone, or other materials from the abovo described prernisc~, , I I I foil." a tel.'m 02 one year, s\lbjcct. h01ivevor, to tho following terms and ccmdiUons: Ij Ii 1. The removal of materials shall be confined to tho shaded areas H '; outlined in rod on the mup accompanyina oaid application, a copy of which is to be signed by the SupervjBOl" and the applicant and filed with the Town i Cle!:'!,. i I 'I II Ii I! I i a. The removal of materials from said areas shall not extend below fiftoen (15') feet above [lea level. 3. All removal operations Rhall be setback at least 10 feet from all property linee. 4. All slopes r.hall be maintained during and after operations at , ,: I I one foot vertIcal on one foot horizontal, 5. i\fter operat.ions have been completed, . the excavated areas, as ,I Ii I well os all other o.,reall where prior excavation opm'a.tionB have been con- I ! C:uctcd on the premineo, shall be leveled, regraded, all stumps, rocks and othen' dcbr.is !'criloved and the entire preml,ses seeded with grass. i I !By Order of the Southold Town Board. i~ugust la, 1971. \ Ii i II I: II Ii II I l___ SMITH, TASKER AND FINKELSTEIN REGINALD C. SMITH ROBERT W. TASKER HOWARD M.FINKELSTEIN FRANCIS J. YAKABOSKI PACL .J. BAISLEY ALLEN M. SMITH ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW 4215 MAIN STREET OREENPORT, N. Y. 11944 516 - 4"(1' -1400 ARTHCR H.LUNDBERG COUl-<SEL August 20, 1971 Hon. Albert W. Richmond Southold Town Clerk Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Angelo G. Petrucci - Excavation Permit Dear Albert: Enclosed is proposed permit authorized by a resolution of the Town Board to Angelo G. Petrucci. As you know, under the terms of the Town Board's resolution, the removal operations are only to be conducted on the area outlined in red on the map which is to be signed by the Supervisor and the applicant and filed in your office. This should be accomplished before the permit is issued. Yours very truly, RWT:bc Enclosures ,&/ - ROBERT W. TASKER WHEREAS, Angelo G. Petrucci has by written application applied to this board for a permit to excavate sand, gravel, stone or other materials from premises located south of Soundview Avenue, Southold, New York bounded generally northerly by lands of Edwin A. Smith and Long Island Produce Co.; easterly by lands of Case and Kaplan; southerly by lands of Newell Estate and Sepenoski; and westerly by lands of Tisdale and Edwin A. Smith, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on said application on July 13, 1971 at which all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Board does in accordance with Section V of the Excavation Ordinance of the Town of Southold, find that (a) The proposed operations will not interfere with the surface water drainage plan of the area nor endanger any street, road or highway. (b) The circumstances of the location and terrain are reasonably adapted to rehabilitation to the end that the premises will not become desert or waste land following completion of operations. (c) The circumstances of the location and the terrain are such that conditions and safeguards may feasibly be imposed to assure that the ,. premises will not constitute an attractive nuisance or endanger the safety of children . (d) The use will not cause undue traffic hazards. (e) The use will not cause undue noise or wind-blown dust or sand. (f) The use will not change the established character of the neighborhood or depress the value of other lands in such neighborhood. (g) The proposed operations are set back at least 200 feet from any road, street, avenue or highway and that the excavation operations were r _n. in existence at the effective date of the aforesaid excavation ordinance and that such proposed operations will not be extended beyond the present front, side or rear setback lines, and it is further RESOL VED, that the Town Clerk be and he hereby is authorized and directed to issue a permit to the said Angelo G. Petrucci for the excavation of sand, gravel, stone, or other materials from the above described premise for a term of one year, subject, however, to the following terms and conditions: 1. The removal of materials shall be confined to the shaded areas outlined in red on the map accompanying said application, a copy of which is to be signed by the Supervisor and the applicant and filed with the Town ~ Clerk. 2. The removal of materials from said areas shall not extend below fifteen (15 ') feet above sea level. 3. All removal operations shall be setback at least 10 feet from all property lines. 4. All slopes shall be maintained during and after operations at one foot vertical on one foot horizontal. 5. After operations have been completed, the excavated areas, as well as all other a,Feas where prior excavation operations have been con- ducted on the premises, shall be leveled, regraded, all stumps, rocks and other debris removed and the entire premises seeded with grass. By Order of the Southold Town Board. August 10, 1971. II' I I i il NOTICE OF HEARING ON APPLICATIONS FOR EXCAVATION PERMITS NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held by: the Town Board6fthe Town of Southold at the Supervisor's qffice,16 South Street, 'Gre(;npo~t,New York on the 13th day of July, 1971 at the hours hereinafter specif'led on the. following applications, to wit: , 1. At.1: 30 P. M. on the a'pplication of Angelo Petrucci for a permit to , .. ',- ,:-', , ',.. ~ .. ex~avate sand,' gr'avel, stone or other materials from premises located , i I, I I I South of Soundview Avenue, Southold, New York, bounded generally Northerly by limclsofEdwinA. Smith and Long Island Produce Company; Easterly by . ".. ' a' . .. ,"" r , ..; lands of Case and Kaplan; Southerly by lands of Newell Estate arid Sepenoski; , .j" .and 'We!'1terlYlJylands of Tisdale and Edwin A. Smith. . .. .. " :per:q1it'to excavate sand, gravel; stone or other materials from premises . 1bcat(;d~tCutchogue, New York, generally bounded Northerly by land of .,Glover;,Easterl; by lands of McBride and GiQver; Southerly by,lands of (" , 2. At 8:00 P. M. on the application of Leander Glover. 'Jr. for a 'TowIj 0:fSoutl101d and Pietrewicz; and Westerly by land of the ToWn uf ,. -'" Southold.' Ahypersorr'Interested in the above matter should appear at the time . a:ndr>ia:t:~ above specified. ., Dated: June 22. 1971'. BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BoARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ALBERT W. RICHMOND TOWN CLERK " , --'~---"~-'-- .-- , l:'I- " !!!U!!! SCXJTHOU> TOWIf BOARD Ju.~ 13, 1971 7a30 P.M. OR app1i.atioa of An&e1o Petru.cci for a permit to excaTate sUel, sraTe1. .tORe or other ..teriala from premises loeated 8ou.th of Sou,HTlew ATe1l\le, Sou.thold, New York, 'bewuied ceaera117 llorther1y 'by laJlCl8 of Edwll1 A. Salth and Long Ialaad Produce COlIPaR7; eaater17 'by laDda of Case "Kaplaa; lou.therly 'by laad8 of Newell ..tate ad SepeRolkl; &ad weater17 'by laDd8 of Tisdale and lIdwin A. Sa1th. PRESENT ------- BUFDVI8<1l AIBZRT HARTOCCliU JUST ICB HART IN Su:.!:1S.tt JUSTIOH LCXJIS M ~~ST CaJ)JCIIMN HOWARD V.lIZNTDlB CaJlIlCILHAIJ JA.HBS H. RICK, Jr. ----....--- TOWN CmRK - U~T W. RIOHMOJ!ID -2- SUPERVISOR MARTOCCHIA: I will oall the heariag to order at this time. 7:30 P.M. Counoilmaa Valeatine will read the legal Rotioe of aeariag and proof of publication. Couaoilllam Valentiae read the legal aotioe of hearbg. the proof ot pUblioation In the offiolal newspaper and aotloe ot postiDg at the Towa Clerk's ottioe. Counoilll8.n Valeatl.e stated that a tee ot $50 had beea reoelved wlth the applioattoa as well as oon ot tu bl1ls. a JDIlP showlag the layout of. the proposed operatio.. and a pla. ot rehabllitatloft given to the Board by Mr. Petruooi. SUPBRVlBOR HAKTOCCHIA: You have heard the legal aoUee. d.esorlptlon ot the property. the purpose of the applioatioJl. proof of publioation and proof ot publiahblg 011 the bulletb board ia tbe Town Clerk's ott1oe. Is there anyone preseat who wishes to speak tor this applioation? RICHARD J. CRON. ~.t As,.ou probably are all aware. Mr. Petruool has owaed the premises in question tor a great number ot ,.ears. and oonducted operatloas for whioh he seeks a permit long betore the zonlng ordlnance oame iato efteot. All of these operations. bastoal~. exlsted as noa-oontorabg use. A tremendous hardship has beea Il1Posed upon hlm. Be has Rot been able to operate tor a couple ot .oaths. Be is aot real~ In the sand and gravel bustaess. What he deals 11l ls loam tor ludsoaplag, al!l.d 01&7 tl11 for drlvewa,.s. There ls ao questioR that Mr. Petruocl has rum thls operatloR as a uus ot earabag a liviag. waile he has derlved belletit. there have bee. man,. people who have derlved a slmilar be.etit. All of these people tor this particular perlod or time have been deprived ot his product aad serYta... We would like to submit to the Board -3- a petltl.. .ls.e4 'by 146 people wao ar. 1. taTor of tla1s applba- tio. (petiti.. attae..d). All or ta..e people no UTe 81a_d t_ petiUoa UTe so la41ute. t...t tlMy ar. 1. taT01' ot ta. Boar. takl8& taTorabIe utlo. spedtball:y beeauBe t..y reeosat.. tlM _.. ror tlit.e type ot pr04uet Iit.e tlU'.1ahe. to the. at a r.a80aa.le prh.. Wltll. tlMs. raetor. 1. alad, alld 11.111& eog.l- ...t ot t.. tre_aclol1. Ul'48la1p .. ha. sutt.red, we wOIIld r..peettllll:y ask the BO&1'i to &raat tayorabl:y. SUPlmVI8C1t HARTOOCIiU, Does a.,.... .1.e wiala to .peak 1a ..lIlalt or tlaia app1batio.' MR. DDllIL SM1'1'Ii, SOIItll.o141 .I.. a builder, I ta1ak It 1. ..s..Ua1 tlllat we haTe the us. of the plt to &.t aterlal. 1Iltll.oat .aa4plt. blllUlag wou14 alao.t 00.. to a .t....tl11. We haye to IIlan It tor tl11 aa4 topsol1. I aa .111'. tJiaat "1'''' wbo 18 bul1418& a aOllBe wOlllll 1IIe 1. tayor b.oaus. witJaout lt t..y eouU .ot lIlay. a lawa o. tlae plao.. JIl. WTT.T.T'&I( SKIT., BoutaoU, As tlll8 Boarcl lr:a0W1l .... .....1'7- 0.. ":P. lr:aClW8, w. baft lal& lall1141118.. publio bul141118., SOUM aou..., poll.. b1111&111&s reI' nleh yea ltuy brloks aad MJ'ltl.. T.. poor people 1. V.raoat IIlaTe tre..adOll. hol... U you. lUll .0' 1Ila.... aol.. 1. th. &rou" YOll VOll14 !lot Jiaa...e bul141... sUsk- 1.. Q 1. tile all'. TlI.l. 18 a aa1010_14., wo1'14w14. problea. I talak lt 18 a .ee..aary ....11. JIl. P.A.tJL 8Tw:J:u8lJRGK, Clltolaosu.' I alll .ot 1....ol....a 1. this op.ratlo. ltut I .0 kaow Mr. Pet1'l1eol. .. lin. ..ar .. &ad I ....... ka.". lala tor about 2,$ y.ar.. I kaow t.. vay he rua. hla op.ratlo. It.e&ase I, p.r.....ll:y, ...181t.4 It. I vou14 .ot put rq aa.. oa a p.titi.. it I did .ot approTe. I tlad tal. 18 d1tt.r..t trOll a .aadplt. Bl_ty..l.. pero..t or lt 1. aboat 6 t..t d..p ..d Hr. -4- 1'8truoli a..ure. .. that tllis would be sraded to 1'otore... I tool tllta 111 o.tlroq 4Ut.r..t tl'o. s..d &ad poaTel booaQ.o ot bo _1Ierla18 lle 18 taklas oat. MR. WTT.1'.T.&1( 1OD.I1VJ11l, Orle.t. Tll1a app11oatlo. ..t. a pre.....t be..... 111.0. tll18 or41u..o :ba. beoa pas88d we UTe .ot bo.. l..u.. aJl7 p111'Ia1t.. TM outoo_ or ta18 part1oula1' op.ratlo. U. a b.ar1.. oa all or us &ad part10ularq tllose 1. tM oxoaTatlag _u.l...s. 81..e I UTO _0.. 1. bu.l...s tbe TOWIlL Board !la. b... .aklag _t.r1al aTa1lable at a rea.oubl. prloe. I tlllak tlle TOWIlL !las aTaU.d It.elt ot oar serTloes. Reo..tq tller. !la. bee. a 1l0Uup 1. .uppq at tll. TOWIlL DuIQ), &ad the pr10. 18 hlpor tlua It lIud to be. It It u8llld So hlp.r those or u. 00 do.'t !lappe. to han llole. 1. tll. 81'ClQJMI would be at a .eTero oOlllPotl- tlTe dl.a4Taatage. Aaotur taotor, a Jlullb.r ot the.o blds haTe beo. SlTO. 1.- du.trlal so.l-C ola..ltloatlo. aad 1. reoe.t 70ar8 .0.. DaTO beo. ut111al.. tlal. ola.aitloat10.. I thlak Mr. Latha. has aot beo. 1. operatloa. I do.'t DOlI wllat the :I..tentlo. 18 :I.. reapeet to .ak1.. till anllablo tr_ tlle TOWIlL DuIlP or fro. otber op.rat101Ul ot a 8111L11ar uture but tllo.8 ot u. who doa't DaTe sueh a UJl1que 1l01o 1. tlle srOllllLd oOllld be pla08d 1a a snore blad b7 the srutl.. of a .0rt&1a .8100t.d t.w ot the.e op.rat1ag pr1T1lo/li... I, per.oulq, as 1. taTor of pout1as Mr. 1'8t1'l1oo1 a p.nit but I tlalak tJae doo1doa .hClUld be _40 at tl>> .... t1_ lIDat 11' a p.1"II&1t 18 pouted to Mr. Pet1"Uoe1 &ad to Mr. OlOTe1' a.d Mr. Latllu and Mr. Boadarclauk t!lat wo haTe to 00.814er what a fow of tbe.. 18 sotas to 1... to. Tllo.o 00 ...d tllls .ort 01' t1l1.. to 1"U. their bual...... .hoal. aot b. bloekad b7 applbatlo. 01' thla or41aaaoo. What.'. tair fer 0.. 11' tair tor all. I thlak lt It'. poutod, tiller. .llOIl14 M .... olaallgo. 1. tlle Or41aaao. -5- ...r.'b7 .1tMr we ... C.t till troa 1Iu T010l DuIlP at .... pr10. tltat'. .oapet1t1Y. .. ..t up a. op.ratlo& .0 .. are .ot ba417 llart b7 tli. cr..UII6 ot the.. ..ra1ta. MR. DLlOll AXDlf, Peooaloa I aa 1& tayor of cr"UII& 11.18 appl1o.tlo& It..ea... I th1ali: tltat Mr. Petl'Uoot tUl. a Y.1"7 ltaate ...4 1& ou.r .~&1t7. MR. CROlla )fa7 I u.ke ORe o...at 1& r....ot to 1daat Mr. Soelonr .aid. I .01114 a.k tho Board to koep 1. atad tltat 7011 ar. Rot 4.a1111& .1tli .. app11.atlo& .ub.oquo&t to the .xeayatlo. ..1...... I th1ali: tho Boarli .111 ltay. to d.al .1th tlao.. appl1.atlo.. aa 1t appl1.. uader t88 Ord1aano.. MR. STDIaY WADBY, B.. 8u.tfolka I all 1. tayor of l1'a.t1ll& tIM a)t)tl1oati... S1JPIIIlVISCB MlRTOOCKD.a I. there "701l0 pr....t ..0 .18hos to speak 1. oppodt1oa to t.. l1'..tbg of th18 app11eatioJl'l JIlS. Dum CUIiNINGBA.M, B.. Suffolk: Ma7 I 11111""17 sugg.st 70U gln 80 perm1ts of ual1a1ted 4uatioa. S1JPBRVISOR MARTOOCHD.a T..,. aro ronewabl. eaoh 70ar. StJPIIIlVISCIt :MI.RTOCCHD.: I. t..re an70ne olse prosent who wishes to speak 01ther for or &&a188t thls app11catlon? (faere was DO r..pol18..) SUPBRVIBCIt KARTOCCHIA.: Tho h.ar11l8 18 DOW clo..d and tl10 Board will uke .. d.terminaUolt 18 tlao near future. * * * * STATE OF NEW YORK: SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: ALBERT W. RICHMOND, lOf Southold, TOIm of Southold, New York, being duly sworn, says that he is over the age of twenty-one years; that on the 6th day of July 19-11-, he affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit:- Notice of Hearing: 7:30 P.M., application Angelo Petrucci for permit to excavate sand, gravel, stone other materials. of or Town Clerk Bulletin Board, Town Clerk Office Main Road, Southold, L.I.,N.Y. i' , 6th day of July 4~~~~ Albert W. Richm nd, Town. lerk ! , ~ i Sworn to before me this 19 71 . ; 1 , ! I:nta/ Gq'~4// cNotary Public JU')JTH T. BOKEN Notary Public, State of New York No.52-0344963 Suffolk County /7 Cpmmis:;iQn Expires March 30, 19jt:2 i t I . , . o. r:: ~ I' , , f~: ~.' j ,~ .= NOTICE OF HEARING ON APPLICATIONS FOR EXCAVATION PI,RMITS NUl'I/'E IS H1m~;HY GIVEN thaI a public hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Sou/hold at the Supervisor's Office, 16 South Street, Green- port, New York on the 13th day of July, 1971 at the hours hereinafter specified on the following applications, to wit: 1. At 7:30 PM. on the ap- plication of Angelo Petrucci for a permit to excavate sand, gravel, stone or other materials from premises located' South of Soundview Avenue, Southold, New York, bounded generally Northerly hy lands of Edwin A, Smith and Long Island Produce Company; Easterly by lands of Case and Kaplan; Southerly by lands of Newell Estate and Sepenoski; and Westerly by lands of Tisdale and Edwin A, Smith, 2. At 8:00 P,M. on the ap- plication of Leander Glover, Jr. for a permit to excavate sand, gravel, stone or other materials from premises located at Cut- chogue, New York, generally bounded Northerly by land of Glover; Easterly by lands of McBride and Glover; Southerly by lands of Town of Southold and Pietrewicz; and Westerly by land of the Town of Southold, Any person interested in the above matter should appear at the time and place above 'Specified. June 22, 1971BY ORLJEROF THE TOWN BOAIW (W TOWN OF SOVi'll( )LIJ ALHEHT W. lllClIVIONIJ TOWN CLERK 1 \,141 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. STATE OF NEW YORK. J f Ss: J Stuart C.Dorman , , . , . . .. ",.",.,.,..'.. "."."""" being duly Sworn. says that ., he . , , is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES. a newspaper published at Greenport. in said county; and fhat thE" notia:. of which fhe annexed is a printed Times once in E"Qch week. for , copy. has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly one weeks successiv&ly oommencing on the "" .firs t, '" ,. .. ,...,.. day of ".", J,~~z.., '.J" '.' 19,:~. / 0- .-. -'r,. '-- u ,_~~: -c':.:.':.r......"........ ;C...,.. Sworn to beforEl me this . [".'.~.., 1 , day of " ~J'J"""".' 19.-Z/~ / / 11' J{S;!<~ /-:.-;;{'7;'. h. :~,-,,~;-;:-; ;<~ . . , , . :/ .., '.'... 0..0. .'.......0... .'... 0',0" 0....... / o"/ 7:L NOTWF: 'w HEARI~'C 0'1 APf>Ll,--:ATIONS li'(li{ EXCAVATlO\l PEBMI'n NOTICE IS HEBt;BY GIVEN that OJ public hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Soul hold at lhe Supervisor's Offi(:e, 16 South Street, Green- f)0rt, New York on the 13th day of July, 1971 at the hours hereinafter specified on the following applications, to wit: 1. At 7:30 P.M. on the ap- plication of Angelo Petrucci for a permit to excavate sand, gravel, stone or other ~r~ from premises located:jiouth of Soundview Avenue,~~Southold, New York, hounded generally Northerly by lands of Edwin A. Smith and Long Island Produce Company; Easterly by lands of Case and Kaplan; Southerly by lands of Newell Estate and Sepenoski; and Westerly by lands of Tisdale and Edwin A. Smith. 2. At 8:00 P.M. on the ap- plicalion of Leander Glover, Jr. for a permit to excavate sand, gravel, stone or other materials from premises located at Cut- chogue, New York, generally hounded Northerly by land of Glover; Easteriy by lands of McBride and Glover; Southerly by lands of Town of Southold and Pietrewicz; and Westerly by land of the Town of Southold. Any person interested in the above matter should appear at the time and place above specified. June 22, 1971BY ORDER OF THE TOWN HOARD OF TOW,'\ OJ' SOUT\lOLD ALBERT W. hlC\lillUND TOWN "LEHK 1T.'tl COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. STATE OF NEW YORK. 1 f ss: J ........ ~.~QLI'\.:r:t. .Q,P.O.I:lpaI'l............ being duly Sworn. says that . he. . . , is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES. a newspaper published at Greenpor~. in said county: and that thE' notia:. of which the annexed is a printed Times once in E'Deh week, for . copy. has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly one weeks successiv&ly oommencing on the ...... ;Eire.t .. ........... day of .... ;r~J,y ..~."".... :.' 19. !.~ : ..... ;/A'?';': -.~; ..'0. ~ ;'....:-. .";. ;-..... ./ .L.I',-, Sworn to bEtfore me this ..~........ 1 day of . ..j~Z~/"'"'''''''''' 19/.:y-.i /, , '/ I. /' ,.' , ... /' -"./ ' - .... ,/ ' '... ,'~'''''-:J' ."'~,...." ...... ............ ..;---- / v , " ~,"- . , . . . . . . , , , . . , . . . . . "', . . .. , . ." . . . . . .. , . . ; ! ,;/ ) r ,[1.n~~elo ;''}.Pet:.c'ucc~ Ba~!.:"11enu'3 Box 99 Gutcllog;ue ii.Y.1l935 l'j.ay 25,1971 Honor~,ble ;'jembGrs of' ::'outhold To.m Board. ;Ie tCle uCl1ersi:;nes believe that there is no esc2..:Jin5 the l'e.ct that Fill in all its elementB of sand, gravel, loom, and clay is a :C'equirement for our es tablished and 2ro1dnG 0 ommunity. For fillin~, gradinc, driveways landscalJing of old and New Homes i tes. There 1s nc) en:1 to the replhcem811t of the above Fills ths.t ~"lother ~~ature \,-i6'LtrS E:v-Jay Through inclement I'reather ani other contine;encifJS beyond t~e Control of j';an. Sand at present is obtainable in adequate TO'tm Owned Supply. However ALL the other essenial materials such as Heavy Loom for Landscaping, Olay -Loom combination for old and New driveways is obt&ined only from Private Sources. The availability of these :!aterials should be nea:c at hand at a Reasonable cost. We believe that the fair Control of these sources is necessary by Permit. For the past Twenty-Years ~~.An0elo Petrucci has filled the needs of these ~mterials at a reasonable cost,and for many of us he makes deliveries from year to year,as the material has a way of sinking & Wwaring Away. W~ are in favor for hi~ to continue doing so. lie Respectfully ask the 30ard to take the above into cansi,deration as ")7L~:/~~~ "oto'(>::>.d ) r:;<?:~ ) L;/ (1I~'1:{/1t~rv / ....*~/77? 'P)~~l/ if 1/ Y'H' ,/! ' '{I. (/' () " '. -, , ,,", (/ /" ../'":;2'<-)!,l1/1 /'eJ,;<u-, v v,.' -!..J ,. j' , L- ~;7 /!f ~~ - /lWdtu/~ . ~( .Ju:-K07u' (11u~~) 02e~~ 1/1.:;. 1~ b Ca~ 1:;~1) t~~ . /' //,' L' ./' '. ., /, '. < " c-.! /~, (r:/' /1 ;/ <---c....c_ -+ F~,... /, -/-,. , _<7 /~__7 //';7~~LZ4~ ~~___~ ..-<./"/;70 , .' ;",P,""i'.'~.~S"~~~ ~a /~, f#vt ~L, ~r~t d!ztcte~~ f}~ IJtLJlj Lvtt~e4 {.f ;ft, Uf? .~ :/ / ~i c~~~'f'. < ?1~iZ". ~.~7ft.-eA. l'k-L if-!,/, I . t Jz ( /d; ,d.t { ~~~2,(- '~~<~ o~~' 1(dI~,.1_ fllul77r' L3/7t~ , ~Y-L-~5j~// ~fj;;jj} ~~ ~j ~ n r. /t)-vv":~k'7( 'f.idtq: .,~iL /'t2f/ {hie (~:j(!/{e~:Jt~( Ie>; I; / "J ~--~-"-'7"} '--..", 1/1 " , ' / ,\. - I . -'. " / / , ^ !/ /-C--ct/'-~-t!'-..>-- L ~ ./\/ -:<( .,~ '. <:_-",,.,{\. . 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I ; L!;X7~ fl' . . ~~L ~ he f?coY}"e.., J1.,-, , --,,~"U4Hil ":" ;I ,~~l1 r _-~---_.'-C---- .. ~ r:, f)M~ Jo---tU4I,1t. J- \}~. S. W2,i1,~ ( f'J~ 'P-<OA:..;t a'/~.~ ' A>~' ~;:S~~~~ !JJi J- . ~:..)J ~~ ?z1 ()Olt:::JA 'cu-L ~ f!-cfjz-'r ~r---y->- Ny )~ /~ih.; <<&- Ced2L~ j . - <-;:''7tV7(.{~ ~-/(~~~ /7: '. ~~~ ~.. v .<--:; it r1JJv y~ ~~~ () (,G-, ~ "~ fj~ ~/~(d:ur:lr ~ ~ i 6l \"-~ f ~ . c( . ~ >-n~ fl~ d2 nep~ . qAK.~.~"t2 J~~ i:::; {p aa-;-;;; ~ ! kff '. J1d? if . f/~ 'I j/.ili.v ~. r}~/ CU-<.~ TZ' ~""e( ~~. u r~-#, ~ 'j < ttz/ .JLfu:J,/YrJ lil:;zuY) ~~~ ~ ~ ilt/jj ~~/v.-/ t:0~ u.~ r~~ , I ~' ,,-,,--,------- ~ " I ( r /~11 ~cY' , . ..--, \ () 'Y" .' . J .,' " '11 L-, i v~~;u.. (/~b7 . (,------. I .~C..C--~ 't;' ,:'-'..::':/ . I /7 )_ ! . '/:~~vU1 'x.l . / ~'--- /~ '1 . '2v!~~; C~, .~. ~/'_ .][ t /~ \ /(~. '/(vr-v&L~ -.': ~ // 'I' C~ ~ll!__ r~IU'" '/:/ ---+- /'V~ "j;',. / . 6. ~-#-'C-<--.~ ..' / .'., . . ?-.~ ,0.L L tH'Z-<:-c-- 8?~~ . ~/. _Pl//2 ,/ ~./ ~p ....' '~. /:-~~..-z. " '. /({:~/{~/'., /1-<'--</ &.rx~; / 'I.; /'~J(, n I,/J 0 \ '--j / , V'~ r lAA'-A. ..l1;L c.-o~ / to. (j . V .II I , . j , /);~;' , ;. .-v0v1-~~ '- /}i<Gj . / " ., ,t , '< '. rW\,)'--v'1-'-\.... /'/ ^ tJ., . ..~:a"9;rv)p 7~f.puvj/v . U/a(f~ UC!.J I" ':/J 21 / v K \ ~. ) .. v(~( <>~ d=\'-(~~<J'< ~~-,:~. . C;;;; ~~1:1. ~) c: N~' -L / : ( "';:::. );' {. ~/)u ct=c:u<<~ i If " ...-/' / ' J'T --: ;c;-v,~,( ~ ' . ~L4 // 4v; t' 1dL._.If) .J rR.....~h_ __~O ,~~, vi r--0~~ )~"Cf ,j. i<J .J2lk /);, , . /'1lf/.> /: ;/, '. ~o/'fY //1/ c2/'-'U/-o/1/ . ~~'-'?f~"t;;;..,~u ~. .(1) /~~./z (~ '~'/ / /J /-, j-' /.~',1-~L U/2-'(-i,".:;I' i; Y~',7"r-'2--L I :; ,::-, ,.. ,r"., ./~..-l.-~l .J(\, ~..'-"~/' .;..<<- [I "y{' ..' a....j fI...,J ,/, '. n. '1 ( If 70': , /;"t)/ /" . ! I . /1'. "f I ~7t/t~;1 ,C/,/. ~:;//~~r~1v;f' , . . l v [J...6~' /~ ~~ ) t'! 0.'/ , (~:,I/1, ~.It.~.~ '7,NJj~, J w?_.~) . . ' , C (i.e. (?, " .Af--<.{ ',," ,':::> "fi,<. ,',,' v- (. l-' '..-. (t~~i I ~ uz{.tt~(// Mr. 0;' Ilf <::( 7T . /((/(1 /~t '~ !~~ c ,~ Co, (~. /. <( ic<_ e1;2...~.'. .~/ , I . ~~C- ~:> )/1 dlttt:Ji- )d /-.1 tJ.-o i.-/) </i~cA. /'-<'~ .' .1 , :-v, { /Y'~-c..u~-e--/ / ) / /',) '..4' ' . j :..t.., 6t).It'{ //1/ / ./ 22:- '~ _;/_, ,BU.,:/," ~L..a . -.r;C'..c: \y:.G;. I />L 'i < I . .. ' (~/~C~"i~v,~ Q~.'" ,i yl,L L ~.- z" ~ t:.~r / ~ ~~---,.,,~ ~i '~. .. '-;7 _.. ~ -. -~. .- -~ .. '. -~" (j~J ~7t:r.... ". ' .... ~rjn.-"I ;- ',,1 _k~tL ~.- ",~<"i <- ,.~)- " ...-J - . . .T~.IY~ I I i .! < t 4- ~ /~'. .~ " ) v " _ IX-;;' ~~c<-&~ lJf' ~ . 0 ~J- ".' '., IL.L! Lz(' -1\74"'v (~ - /'7 ~A./ijj~ ' -<I '1 !), , ,-1. " ;'. /' ,1 _ c,.~ ,^, ''''''/, I / \ -I '- ....... \...- V ., _.- ~ , .' l' J ~{/7 ( Re: Sand & Gravel Ordinance requirements - Town of Southold 3. Statement of proposed operation - you must state exactly what you plan to do 4. Plan of area - showing present condition Plan of area - showing the proposed condition of the area after the work is finished. (Rehabilitation plan showing ultimate contour of land) The plan must be drawn to scale by a licensed engineer or surveyor. A topographical survey of the property, prepared by a licensed engineer or surveyor, shQWing the contours of the area at 10 foot intervals. You may ask, in writing, for a waiver of sections (f) and (g) of Article VI of the ordiTI4nce. The Board may grant waivers under certain conditions. /7 "lcI1l-7'-f\ )/{~f I-;;"'~C/l-l'- . ~~ 5/;>t;7 / J -- ----.----, Angelo G.Petrucoi Bay Avenue Box 99 Outchogua N.Y.11935 May 26,1971 !~ HonorHble Members of l;!outhold Town Board. We the undersignes believe that there is no esoaping the fact that Fill in all 1ts elements of sand,sravel,loom,and olay 1s a requirement for our established and grow1ng Oownunity. For tillin~,grading,driveways landsoap1ng ot old and New Homes1tes. There is no end to the replaoement of the above Fills that Mother Nature Wllara away ThroUgh inolement weather and other oontingenoies beyond the Oontrol of .!-Ian. Band at present 1s obta1nable 1n adequate Town Owned SuPply. However ALL the other essenial materials suoh as Heavy Loom tor Landsoaping, Olay -Loom comb1nat1on tor old and New driveways is Obtained only trom Private Souroes. The ava11abi11ty of these Materials shOUld be near at hand at a Reasonable cost. We bel1eve that the fair Control of these souroes 1s neoessary by Permit. ,.. For the past Twenty-Years 1~.Angelo Petruooi has tilled the needs ot these Materials at a reasonable cost,and tor many ot us he makes deliver1es from year to year,as the mater1&1 has a way of s1nking & Wwaring Away. d WE are 1n favor for h1m to oontinue doing so. WE Respeotfully ask the Board to take the above into oonsideration as soon as Possible in their determination. Honoruble Members of Southold Town Board. We the undersignes believe that there 1s no esoaplng the fact that Fl11 1n all its elements of sand, graVel, loom, and clay is a requlrement tor our established and growing Oommunity. For tl111ni,gradlng,drlveways 1andsoaping of old and New Homes1tes. There is no end to the replacement of the above Fl1ls that Mother Nature wears away ThrOUgh lnolement weather and other oontlngenoles beyond the Oontrol of Nan. Sand at present ls obtalnable in adequate Town Owned SUPply. However ALL the other essenial materials SUch as Heavy Loom tor Landsoaplng, 01ay -Loom oomblnatlon for old and New dr1veways ls obtalned only from. Private Sources. The availabillty of these ~1aterlals should be near at hand at a Reasonable cost. We believe that the fall' Oontrol of these souroes ls necessary by Permlt. "'Fo, the pe,t T..nty_y.." "".Ang." '.t'""1 h.. <1ll.d the n.... ,< th... ~ter1als at a reasonable cost, and for many of us he makes dellveries from year to year,as the material has a way of s1nklng & Vwarlng Away. WE are in favor for h1m to continue doing so. WE Respeotfully ask the Board to take the above into considerat10n as soon as Possible ln their determination. , ; 1-.-----..- I - ~ w-<./. '.Jl~.fj' P;~:L" J,i'Q'4 ?-e. ~. ~~j /11 tUl/4tt~~ :J/~ ~ " . " }~~ '~~- ~ .// ~ - /t/4~~ -d~ CL;uw' ~~ ,/1.7 ;1t! b c~ }1~~T'~ __ , 2jY< S~0/ - , COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK } ss NO'CI{~~E OF HEARING ON APPLICATIONS FOR EXCAVATION PEItM,TS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE'" that a. public hearing ;;n be held by "the Town Board of the Town of Southold at the Supervi~or'.s Office, 16 South' Street, Green- ;Jort. New York on the 13th day of JUly, "1971 at the hours hcrc- inafterspecified on t.he following applica'U.ons. to wit: 1. At 7:30 P. M. on 'the appli"; .cation otAngelo Petrucci tor a pl:'rmit to excavate sand. ~ra"el. .stone or other ma terials ~rom premises lC'l(1ated South 01 Sonndview Avenue. Southold, New York. ;tJounded generally Ncrtherly by':~of Edwin A. Smith and Lont: Island Pl'oduc~ C(lmpany; Easterly by lands of Case and Kaplan; Southerly by lnnds of Nev.-ell Estate and Sep- cnoski; a.nd Westerly by' lands of Tisdale and, Edwin A. Smith. 2. At.JbOO 1\'It)tl.on .tbe <lppli- cation o$~einlcllr G10Ver, Jr. lor a permit to ebivate undo gravel, stone on.' other: materials from premise5~, located .. ~.. 9utchoguc, New York. g.enel'lli}y bour.ded Nm"therly by land of Glovn; El~sterly'by lands of McBride and Glover: Southerly by lands 01 Town of Southold a-nd Pjptl'e- wicz; a,ad We!'iterly by lapd ot the Tov..'h o!Southold. Any person interested in th{' above mp.tteJ;" should appear at ~11(' tim"e and place ahove !-,pC'ci- ned. , Df1.ted: June '22, 1971 BY ORqER QF THE TOWN,'BOARD OF THE TOWNqr. SOUTHOLD ALtiER-f.W. RICHMOND TOWN _RK C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southald, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Troveler-Mattituck Watch- -'t)< (/ J man once each week for .....~'...u..(.~......;.......(... wee~ successiveIYr:-~ommencing on the .............../d-.;{i.~........... dO,O'O:UmJ'V;;z m'i!'l~m 10m to before . rJ~2.t.ko/......., /" .............(.LL~.h.......1a;(,P;,~..~.:........... Notary PubIle if vel me this ........:t............ 197L day of ."~: J IT--.l r Angelo G. Petrucci Bay lwe. Box Cjq Cutchogue,N.Y. 11935 _ .Tune 3, 1971 Hon. Members of Southold Town Board My premises do not yield Sand & Gravel. I remove only Loam and Clay-Pill from my Peconic, N.Y. premises. I estimate that the amount of Loam & Clay-Pill to be removed during the year to be from Pour to Pive Thousand cubic yards. My business operation from my premises is based strictly on these two materials, Loam and Clay-Pill. The Loam fill is used for landscaping lawns, shrubs,etc. for new and old homesites, and to backfill foundations. The Clay-Pill is used for new and old driveways and roads, and to repair damages done through inclement weather. As indicated in a petition presented with this application I have been using this land for many years and without it I could not continue to make my living. ~.fuen my operation is completed at TCLY prevtlSes I will lea-....-e the grounds as shown on the "Rehabilitation Map" (although due to the characteristic of this existing fill it will continue to support natural growth). At the conclusion of my operation I will sell the land at a reasonable price (either to) (1) Th~ Nature Conservancy for ecological studies; or (2) Boy Scouts of America; or (3) My immediate neighbors. For all of the foregoing reasons, I respectfully request that the Town Board Members consider waiving Item "p" under section VI, Also Section "G". Sincerely yours, ~(b ~l - - . ./ ;---. _ ~ 'Q 'An.l. i ".J ~ An 10 ~ Petrucci r' .' .. .. . <, ,f u. '. APPLICATION FOR PBRMIT EXCAVATION ~ REMCN,,~ Of:' SANJ), GRAVEL, TOPSOIL AND O'NfER MATERI~ I.Name of Applicant Angel(L\lJ~t.~Q9J.___ 2. Address of Applicant -- _Ba.LAvel'!~_e_ B~~2~,~?tchogue N.y.1l93~_ 3. Statement of proposed operations ThAl"~mQYal of Lo_~m-~~ll_ _fCir ~Ild~_~~P1Z:6._of . N~_w_~_nd Old Hnro.1I1 t BS and.-Baakt1lllng_Qf -1:Q1.l,nQ,B,.1;.1Q:llJh___ The removal of Clay-fill for C~mmun1ty roads and Pr1va~e ----_.._.._~_._.._._._~.._"_.. .-_.._---~ .-----.----------.----- Dr1veways. ---_._._-"~._---._--------~ '.. ~-_....._-- '-_._-_._._.,_..__.~--- 4. Set forth Plall of Area p' ..posed !'c.r excavation 0..- for removal of topsoil Showing the comJitHJll 0: the plot or premises before operations, are comrn.,nced,' and the proposed condition of said plot or premises after the wor k is complet..d. Such plan shall be prepar(>d by a duly J lrBn,~€'d cngi near Or land surveyor in compliaflce With Sand and Gri..1VeJ Ord.inance of theTorwn of SouthOlkJ, -' 5. The names and address20i c't ;011 prop<,rt'l o....ners of record witrlln two nundred (2GO) feet of the outsi.de boundar les of the 'premises within '.'>'ldrh Operations reg"lL1ted by t.fiis Ordinanc.. are prcposed to be per formed, ~tJ)'-l!..~de_u_.-._.!_----"-.-,.~--,_~A:~g.~.:L~.:'_f?!!:rr~tqn10_SmAth~PecE!;~c, N. ~1l958 ;, __S,ou t~~!l~A~Lt..._._._._,,--,_. _.-,--.X;..Q~~.!::::rg.j)!.~n-!,ec O!l.j,,<?6:';:.lJJ~~_.______ _~~.~t-.!l.~_d~._!.~_~._.~.~. .~-~._J.:!S.ej>.~n.~~~~.:~e.~e.l}.::P_~gOIllC. N. Y.1l958 . j , , J ~ " ~ :! ~ j .. ~r: t .~ 1; t Of or: t r if, G r, r t f I i '.jrv i': ,. ",I;. - ~- .~ .~ .~ lBAst.-s1 de. . " "-Lu...L-,,-u~,_L.1..j>...Qp-L_lecon.1Q...1J-,,-~lli12. ._______. 6. Items (F) and (G) shall bt<> sllppl1<;d unless w.,lved by the Towr. }iloard under S€ction X ot the nrdinance. 7. The follo\d.n9 must accompany t:h," application: .~ 1-8 1. tOfXJgraphic RULvel' ot the pl:Gperty >)repared 'by a duly lic<lnged enginoer or land sm'veyor of the Stace 'of New York ~ shc.,tng cont ()(lr at terl foot i ntel-V';.11 s.. ...-c A (luly acknO'''I.1Erd9~d consent ,in \-1"::: 1 ting of the owners of the praraise!l and mortgagJ1!<!, If any, includil1<) his or their C\<idre8i;!.~e~1" 3-D :.18f:eJ.pted Tax BJ11 or a photo~1taf. ic copy. ~-hereof OJ~ a l(.;'t.:.ter s tg,ned~)y th~ Rece.i Ve" e'i: 'l'i'\xea () f the 7'owq ,:.f S()llth(I.1~j ()l .by the Sulf(ll-k (',)untjO Treasurer or a;::.lY Tit,1.f;: Insura.n,:_~t1 al1lOtt.:Hct 0::' sear~~hinc; company ;)utilO~',.i~:(~t.! L(': clf. ;:')u.siness 1.n SdFto]K. CnULi.ty certify_ tnq t'\'l!. all t(cu::.~s ::1nd aSSt?BSments against the pr,'~Ii'- erty de~cri~~(J ~n tlle appli,catiofl have been pal.d. 8.. A .te~2 (,-F " $50.0U mus,: 1.i.C c: (.I,i'n~'aj~ ,,' i:.he appl.i.cat.J.fH.... ~..... ~ ~ "e .. ,,-i_ - .. ,",,~"';", " "'.~ .;~" ", ,i.j ~". :~':~~: ,:~j , '-"" - ~ ~ ':. ,. .1, \rr. ",~,....,.,,'. '. r:- ~ APPLICATION FOR PBRMIT EXCAVATION AND RBMOVA~ OF SAND, . GRAVEL, TOPSOIL AND OTHER MATERIALS 1.Name of Applicant - Anl5eloG;..;retr~pl _____Bay Av~n~__~x 99.OUtohogue N.Y.ll935 2. Address of Applicant 3. Statement of proposed operations 'l'Ihe removal of J:,oom-:f;!:!.1:''<>l'__~n~~~~p~~ of._New and Old H~mesites and BaokfillinC of foundations. ._---_.__..~------_._._-----,---"_._._------ '!'he remova~ ClaY..:!:.!ll !or ~()lIllIIunity .~d":.._~nd Private ~r!veways. -.----.-----...---.---.-.-- ----....--. ---_.---. 4. Set forth Plan of Area proposed For excavation or for removal of topsoil showlng the candit1.on of the plot or premises before. operations are commenced, and the proposed Condition of said plot or premises after the work is completed. Such plan shall be prepared by a duly licensed engineer or land surveyor in compliance with Sand and Gravel OrdinancE! of the Town of Southold. 5. The names and addresses of all property owners of record within two hundred (200) feet of the outside boundarIes of the premises within which operations regulated by this Ordinance are proposed to be per formed. llortl'!.:-s ide. _!..~..:.~...~_:.._~~Sd~~~:S~::::ant o~.~o..::.~.m~t~.-p.eo onio N. Y.1l958 .2Ql,!.1'h~!i_de ._!.~~.:.. :...~_:.:.~~~se _:~?l~::-:-~~: on:~_~~ y..1l:58 ,___ West-side........... J.Sepenoskl-Newell -~eoonio.N.y.11958 ------------_.-------_.__..~"._-----_._.__._-_.__.._-----.~'._-- East-side........... L.I.i.Co. ~eoonio.N.Y.. 11118 ----:--- . ._---_._,~.._-.._- ----_._-----~ 6. Ttems (F) and (G) shall be supplied unleB!! waived by the Town )ioard under Section X of. the ordindnc.~. 7. The following must accompany the apoLlcation: . . 1-8 A topographic survey of the property prepared by a duly licensed enginner or lal,d surveyor of the State of New York, shc"';::'ng contour at ten fOot lnte.!: val". 2-c A duly acknOWledged consent in writing of the owners of the premises and mortgagee, if any, i.ncludi.ng his or l:heir i'ldelr'Hll'ltl:l. 3-0 Rece.fpt<>d Tax nLlI '-'1 a phutostatic copy thereof or d letter signed by the Receiver o-fTaxes of the TChIr. Gf SuuthGld or by the Sut'folk C.)unty Treasurer or " aJ.1y Titl,~ In2uri'l/lci~ abBtl:act 0::: searChing company authori~:ed to dc) bt1E:iint,}ss in SllffolJ<-.. Courity certify_. ing th2't all t.";I.O[; .'Del <l82eSSl!lents against the pr.-op- erty descr iberii,jl, the appl icr:tt.ion have been paid ~ s. A fee of $50.00 must: ac":-olr~pa.ny the applicatl.on.. ,. ~ ^ ,.;- ,,;"" j-\" ,'oJ. .'. ,,,,:.-. ". ,-. (';,(:;Z:::"':1r"j - " , ~ ,i '-~ :lIf rA " _-!1,.~ I , f i' \ , , -,,, .i 1 , t~ '. '~ .~ ~, ;-A. !-i 4' ,'If:,. '1 ':I -r .. i , J; t J'j_ , .. ..s: "~' t_ ~- ,:~,.t 4~ r ~~' """, ~ABL! fc" .,l~fJl;ilVEII< OF ,," ',f; f,",.i<?'l'nW-t.j i;1.l!n". 111,1" ; lQl;lTHlll n, 11';' Ii 111 MCI"~:,'t.'l';fRI, H1,~L. iI/I,r~ if) 4P,t'. .,__.,.,.""",',,;j,W{___ S ,I~ A,;' t,t:d'f~'I' ViI,IHA'II.IlN , 200 ..\' ARREARS j ( tf"";'::f\~li.il;,.ii:" 'INOICAHO, COIH;IJl. T CiHJ~rr;!\!;:~}JJ'~~~~C n~~I~rg:F.^O ;t~.Y" ~:;E~~I-!::;-t,^t~,:::,~;~~ :~~~;~: ~ED' ','WAAO,,,~I.;~:l,~F:!O"lflE:NEW OWNER 1:1 OR "!+1l.~~'~:r0:, T'ltIS"'-or,p'ltE Will! . If AMI: 'f1w.s'_or NtW QWNI'I"l. c IN'I)-I(':,,= \ilf,;Q":,M~Vllr,,~;'. QN llF.ve:/tli' . H Or. E':':X~.,-~!tEL~A y'~G LE~:YC ^ $ H : OR M9NI;,:V~',~_~Plir,f;ts, ~S' A~ONVEN' IENCE ,~~~~~~.w:1 LL $E loCi:: ~PTEPSUB- JECTTOh('OLL!CnON FOR WHICH 'THIS 0;f...1CE A!l,SUME;SNO'RESPONSIBILITY. NO, POSr,tlA'TI::D CHECKS ACCEP1ED. l "I' ~ \TOWN OF SOUTH OLD .,hIWr,j IIAU, ~,;oult'lnllJ, N.'I. lHlll MillO AU l'IINI)'j "AYArll.l AtlD IHlll1jN IHII TO,Hf:CEIVUl 01' lAXt!; ,.,.'t,-, lA' PlSIIIIi'I fA/( SCHOOL TAX '" j,.! ~:, f'O'IN I Y DO NOT DET ACH STUB 1969 - 1970 t"llll I.... 20.34 ITEM NO. ~,~""'rtI ,~' ,"(\'J ! -_':~!8i~~.M~.~.:, J~ftO_N5 ::RtF. OR rO'TAL :.^.~:.- ,20:314~~Ck~~~;~-~:.:.:!,~:_E~~~,~~~~-~:"c~~~::~.~ ~~~,:~,~_.:-__~~2_~A_~_~_T~_Y . ",. fEc[l,.t:~~:' DAtE PAlO 1 ;\ ., "'~', ' lOWtl-,r\ 9.70 4.91 426 1.47 NOTE: THE TOWN OF' SOUTHOLD ACTS MERt::LY ASANAGENCV F'OR THE COI~LECTION OF scHOOL TAXI'::S, CONSlJ.LT YOUH LOCAI_ SCHOOL AlJTHOF-lITlfCS REGARDING SCHOOL TAXES, ^~FILLa G rZ,Tr\0,JCI &,WF MY hVE CUTCi:OGUE N Y 1 II :5 20.1J1 70 112 rl-EDlIIN ^ nUIT:-l E-B :~':rT!J-^G;\i\Y INC ~:-C CLi\r(i< W"'I'ElIlUCCI-DIST LINE 200 VL2 '}..7 he 200 LAND VALUE EX LAND 6: 8LOGS. LESS EX AMOUNT PAlO RECEIPT NO. DATE PAID TAX MAY BE pAlO ~11~ST HA LF1S QU,F.: tHEel< () Co\SH (1 M.,O. {} BK, CHECK ( 1 ..~A'ID-~.Y A~~RES_~EE--:-~~--TII~~~ESS_E:D, PAlO 8Y OTHER . . AMOUNT flAIO of " fA YA,~L,:~ i"J. RECEIVER OF TAXES J-' .... TtwlN ,:~.ERK L<U)G. '-10UTHOlD,Nf.11971 ION. TG Hn, 1'1(;1.. 'J .\.M. TO 4 P.M. 0-+-".-. J ~l I I , i IISHSSF:D VALUATION '1,tH)I,) ARREARS "ARIHCA.R>>'" INOtCATt.;O. CON,",tH.T lJNT'f n<tA!.IIHH:R, RIVERHfAIJ,N. Y., FOR PAIlTICULAI1S. Pf'{OPERTY HAS ~E EN TRANSFERRED 'F'if:RJUJIlE: 1, 1969, PLEIISE ,011- 'A,Rl) THIS 8IL'L TO THE NEW OWNER ,~ R,ETURN ,TOT:HIS on-,JeE W ITll _ ,AMt AND ADO la:,! !;, OF NE:W OWNEII. :-:iOICAn: CHANGf OF AODRtSS LH-I ~[VERs( SIDE. :~)TE:TAXES'A'U:f>AYAlH.f: 81 CASH 'jMONEY ORDERS. AS A CONVr.N- . CE CHECKS WILL BE IICCEPT[I)~Ull. T TO COLLECTION FOil WHICH njl~. ICE A5SUME$NQ RE:5PONSI,flILIIY. POSTDAJEDCIiECIISACCF;PTFD. RECEIVtt} P^YM!:Nl -- I!'. ',Or M n I: :, f.' ~tl:1 'J Ir VI H,All ~OU11-,C),:L Y. ,1'1"1 I:'rll''''!:Jn' n ;.) 'J' .J ! r! ~J ~~ [.$ MAKE ALL fUNO", 1''''lf,~LE A:U:: IlETl'RN BilL TUIlECflVER OF TAXES f(iW~ ~\o"';I;~lt~~y '" !=-.: STATE, SPECIAl. DISTRICT lAX -SCiiOiiL-fA1 : '/ 1:1 I. 44 11 b.~~.J i t 1 NOTE, THf 10WN Oi- SOlJT~IOLD ACTS MERf:I.Y AS AN AGENCY f Of-<: fHE COL.LECTION OF SCIlOOL TAXES. CON~ULT YOUR l_oeAL SCHOOL AUTHORITlr::s n(,:CAlll)IN(~ 1CHOOl. fA>'.leS. An:,}SLO rr:T:1U2CI I'.,'(t ..~ CUTCaOGUE J.I y 1 Ii 7 28 H N-GfO 7IJDA!,~-n rF~~LL L'-J;.':;,:~I;; lno\':\~::-.nrST LInE 8-(H';ULn ,1; Kl,::j~JETrf r.!\:~s ~-J S~P~MOJKI-R NEWELL 1000 ':';fj:~6 120 II 10 9 IIC LAND VALUE EX 1800 LAND & SLOGS. LESS EX 5,377 JAN 5-'7.6.- ',('.';0'11) HAl.l ()Fl ro'rAI r,,~ 167.85 CJ( flPT NO. CATE PAID NOTICE VAI..ID ONLY ,V\rHLN' Rl:CCf;lI> rED !>Y MACHJN~ AMOUNT . . RI':Cl;IVF,D PAY!"It-Nl '0. DATE PAID ASSESSED '- DC NOT DFhCtI STUB 1\{'9 1170 rorAI lAY l.c'l.V:j ',:. ITEM NO. AMOUNT 11.., "rI l~. ..L t"., ."J < ~.' Flfl.'jT HALl' TAX' . - ..~ !~I'.'!~."'. '''"..............._...__.._.'' . . "". '.' .', '. ~, 'I" ), h ."' '. " ' "'C' ''"' .'~'..'-.~~'-:r. I' ,'",,' .- ...~ - -.........~ 'JII!"_ ._," "", """". '" """"""""~..:~.~ ' ....................~, ._._~...._...~....'n~_...__...........""._. "', .. .._. _ ___ . '" ! ~u ',.' , -',' APPLICATION Pat PDlCIT EXCAVATION ~ REMOVAL ~. SAND, GRAVEL, TOPSOIL AND OTHER MATERIALS 1.Name of Applicant 2. Address of Applicant 3.c Statel'llent of proposed operat.ions '. 4. Set forth Plan of Area proposed for excavation or for removal of topsoil showing the condition of the plot or premises pefore operations are commenced, and tpe proposed condition of said plot or premises afte]:." the work is completed. Such plan shall be prepared by a duly ,licens6d engineer or land surveyor in compliance with Sand and Gravel Ordinance of the Town of Southold. I: f '0\- ~ ~, , , ,. 5; The names and addresses of all property owners of record within two' hundred (200) feet of the outside boundaries of the premises within which operations regulated by this Ordinance are proposed to be performed. " , r f t t \ I 1 f ! G)ItemS(Fl and (G) shal~ be supplied unl~88 waived by the Town . . }ioard under Sect.ion X of the Ordinance. i , . ~, I i j I .' I ! i , I , , , , , 7. The following must accompany 1:he application: 1-8 A topographic survey of the property prepared by 'a duly licensed engineer or land surveyor of the Stateof New York, showing contour at ten foot intervals. 2-C A duly acknowledged consent in writing of the owners of the premises and mortgagee,if any, including his or their addresses. 3-D Receipted Tax Bill or a photostatic copy thereof or a letter signed by the Receiver of Taxes of the Town of Southold or by the Suffolk County Treasurer or aJ:lY Title Insurance IIb.tract or searching company authorized to do business in Suffolk County certify- ,ing that all taxes and ass~ssments against the prop- erty described in the applicat.ion have been paid. 8. A fee of $50.00 must accompany the application. " I ~-- .... ~--~>'''''''-:'-''''''''-'"--- '-_.~.__._._........_--.,'--,,--.....-,-....~-~:--...,"'-..-- _.~~.......,.",.._-_...,:.,-,.~,.---,~..",.~--~.. J.I I j 1 , . ! y. ~ ~'~; '\ I )~ ~~ ~(: f~ 1\ \ f\l N) L, I, P. 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P. ~I ~I I Smifh It> l"- - ,-------..., / .-..,-.---- , - --25 ,..~....,..- -' l 1: 11l.tll / () '" ... " / -\0 be ","::.:>""tJ!!d -+0 IS' ~~"~'v::-!itCt" / y / L ----- $'[;0-- -....." '. \D .....7__________.__ " '\ ,.v~ Ulcll \ <J to..! l;'sr, ~ PPQOX/,'v7i-4 TE /V1Ar::- MADE FOtZ ~NGELO PETI<..UCCj ^ J '- '% r--1l<..E- Ii; t 0/~ AT PF:,:ON/CJ N. Y. , ~() , ; I QI ~! ~! , i I 1 ~75 L____...____--..-__~.,.......____.._..__c.,~.__.a__,.....,._ 6 lipen 0 :;J:./ ! A. , __ ..., 0 310 ~'---"" / . ry '1,' " ., 0 " ,- .j t" ~ \} i) > .} QI ~Q., ,,' ~ Q/lJl a - ~- 0 0- -\- 1- , ,,< . '<f-, '\ \ I i i ) I ;' , ,'1 a..+' CJ l\j N1L/1- I. ed Ju rle I, f~ 71 . . VA NT.) y l. t/., $0 w , T2-. "I c,-_'l:-"'-'1-~ L..<!f'1d' $""f~'t/t!ijvl"~ .. 6;-'ee-fl/bo/-t, E IC'l(.1 f! orl $ "'<?/~r t,:, ""/i",',x. ${i;O J~v,el. .. t' I Di,n€ffSU)t15 arc a ,Pt'oj(, 011 j' FCJIZ. SA,'-'; C - PIT' PE 12,\ jlT .,.._..-..'__,__.______.._."'......~. ...ff_._...._,.__~.>"""._.~.-.-,...... 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() I~ L._ , " \"-,.. ". t;duJin A. " .\, 8/$ ~ 0.0 .....--' \ '. ~!iO " ..... \ '..... ....., '\ <J ~ Ne<J.!ell l:.'st. A PPQ.OX/,^./iATE /VJAP MADE FOiZ _~.ly G E;;-L::Q.R 1;___[RVc: (} AT PECON/C) N. Y. FOIZ. SAND -PiT PEI2M/T "'"""""-'~-~~-"'-"..--'-'''''''-",^..""-",, .....-......."..-.......-"""..-.-"""--.-...- '-. ."">~.'.~-~.. ..,.~. .~, -,. smith '7 , i i I , 1 I i I Qi 1"1' ~I ! L. /. P. Co. '" ltI - 3/0 1 I '" ... \ Ap}M)I(jHUJfe e/evcft(1I1 \ Of rehdbdifdteJ rOllPu/ , \ \ \ \ - ( . t\l ,......--.~) \ \ -to IJ.o ~'oj- \ , , /47' , -.Z5 . , - ~().- ''''<-. zz. () ;t \ \ ,~._-. " , ~.. ~..,._" -~-- /" "'"._~,,--''' ) / i , ,. , ~ to) \} \I) ~ \) Ak:.EA: IOIz ! A. Glcvaf/ot1$ (,Ii'f~r t~ "'f?;t,;,x. .sea J~v~/. D;"meH::J/OrfS are apfrox. on/f' ..__~.._.........r_"~.."...... __.._."~_. {Z/<Jhf oj ~</';;'I 'to M /dd Ie 'E:oa d , YJ ~ mile ; H --- SepenofSlt.,' ~75 $tifeno ~J:.J i , ~~- l' ' ~ i i i C} l\j M4fJ;;ed JUrle /, 1~71 \~._.::-__ VAN /i.Jyt.. L .so", Hg_..y,,:~,,!.~ lJc.l..qrld S""lIejor.s - t4reenforf. N. Y. ....-..~ -.-~~_.__...'"'' ."'.....~ --..__.......,;..............,-...~~--,~. -'-'-". ~'.'-_."---"~.-. ..- - ~,l ;\ ' \ I'\',~ ' <. \' iV' " ). ,J ~'~ ,\ N \ '/ \ '~~ ~,jJ \J \ ~ \^',\\' /, J ~~"'~ j/L ~ ~" ~. ~(~ t: ~ ...t:l... ~ ':J. \ 1 j 1 j 'j " j j I 1 1 ~ l H -- ..... \ II I 1,1,:J U j1 j "~...,--"-,,,,,,_. ,.~-~--...~--~.......-._.- .' ".;