HomeMy WebLinkAboutNorth Fork Resources - Withdrawn . PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS RICHARD G. WARD Chairman . 1& if GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, JR. BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS .-:::: ",\\rFDl,r .; ,.....'~. t'a ~_ ,~.'.. ~ J!::3 ,- , . ~ ,} --',' ...(. .J Q :. ~ ci"'. "" \;~,_ - tr-r ~.., .~ " ~ ',:" 4~. ' "'-~O 'fi>~'t-" ?'. './. + ~__c'/ ~~:%::::::::::-c:.:---[';-~ Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-3136 Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD September 17, 1996 ..... ~~~ 181~@g .....-.. Richard J, Principi, Jr. Box 323 Amagansett, NY 11930 RE: Proposed site plan for North Fork Resources Cox Lane, Cutchogue SCTM# 1000-83-3-4.6 Dear Mr. Principi, The Planning Board reviewed your revised site plan and application materials dated August 28, 1996. Your application states that the site will be used for storage and repair of trucks/equipment, materials storage and materials screening. Town Code 81-4 G. stipulates that the moving of topsoil or other material on premises must be incidental to the approval of the site plan. The proposed six foot (6') slatted chain link fence and the double row of staggered six foot (6') evergreens should be sufficient for screening and noise retention. Therefore, it is appropriate to advise you early on that the Board does not consider the regrading and moving of 4,000 cubic yards of material to create a three foot (3') berm, which would be inside both a slatted six foot (6') chain link fence and a double row of six foot (6') staggered evergreens to be incidental to the approval of the site plan. In order for the Board to assess whether the removal of four acres of natural vegetation to create a four acre area of crushed concrete is necessary or practical for stockpiling materials, please indicate the location, type, amount, method of storage, height and bottom width of the stockpiles. . . The following changes/additions must be made to the site plan and application materials: 1. Front yard parking must be moved to create the required twenty five foot (25') front yard landscaped area. 2. Show handicapped parking space. 3. Indicate usage of area adjacent to Oregon Road entrance and exit. 4. Show location of off street loading area. 5. Specifications for screening equipment. 6. Depth of crushed concrete. 7. Location of test hole and date. 8. Long Environmental Assessment Form (LEAF). 9. Application must be notarized. 10. Different uses shown on Short Environmental Form (SEAF) and application. This should be corrected on the requested LEAF. 11. Question number ten (10) on SEAF should indicate Suffolk County Department of Health Services and New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. These agencies should be included on the requested LEAF. 12. Street trees in front of property must be within the property line. 13. Show curbing of entrance driveway and interior parking area as agreed to by the Suffolk County National Bank in conditional approval of May 18, 1995. 14. If access to undeveloped area is to be from the north east show details of ramp (road) construction. 15. Show details of leaching pool construction. 16. Copy of deed. 17. Location of any fuel storage drums, dumpsters, or other receptacles for storage of materials. 18. Sketch, in color, to scale of any possible outdoor sign. 19. Floor plans of existing building showing all proposed uses of floor area. Please amend your environmental form question # 11. The approval granted by the Board to Daval Tents on May 8, 1995, was a conditional " . . approval. The condition of installing curbing has not been met. Thus there is no approved site plan for your property. The Suffolk County Department of Health Services has indicated to this Board that they wish to review this project because of the change in use and intensity of use. When the Board receives a revised site plan and application incorporating the above requirements, the Board will proceed with its review. 'Sincerely" / \ .';,-'. / ~-,/' '~.. ~j' / '/ '.1 .",' ." \ i\-,":"'~.'" ~ /....,.. .. .A//'j ;......!.- \ Robert ,G. Kassner ~ Site Plan Reviewer cc: Edward Forrester, Town Investigator Thomas Fisher, Senior Building Inspector Laury Dowd, Town attorney Town Board ,,( . . JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P,O, Box 1179 South old, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 26, 1996 Lead Agt st The purpose of this r Ie under Environmental Quality Review I 'ironmental and 6 NYCRR Part 617, the folic ~L ~ 1. your jurisdiction in tho / /'11 ; Article 8 (State Conservation Law 2. your interest in assuming the responsibilities of lead agency; and 3. issues of concern which you believe should be evaluated.] Enclosed is a copy of the application and a complete Long Environmental Assessment Form (EAF) to assist you in your response. Project Name: North Fork Resources Inc., Richard J. Principi Jr. Requested Action: Application for a Salvaging Center SEQRA Classification: Type I Contact Person: Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk, Town of Southold. The lead agency will deter,mine the need for an environmental impact statement (EIS) on this project. If you have an interest in being lead agency, please contact this office immediately. If no response is received from you within 30 days of the date of this letter, it will be assumed that your agency has no interest in being lead agency. Page 2. . . . Agency Position: [ This agency has no objection to your agency assuming lead agency status for this action. [ X] This agency wishes to assume lead agency status for this action. Other. (See comments below) Comments: Please feel free to contact this office for further information. Very truly yours, ~~ Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Enclosures Copies of this request and all attachments to the following: Commissioner Zagata, NYS-DEC, Albany Robert Greene, NYS-DEC, Stony Brook Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Building Department Suffolk County Department of Plannining Suffolk County Department of Health Servies NYS Legislative Commission on Water Resource Needs of Long Island North Fork Resources Inc. (without attachments) Southold Town Clerk's Bulletin Board (without attachments) ~ . . 7Z3 RfCEIY8) SfP 6 1996 SouIIIaId Town ClerIc /'"'IAMi=TCN'YfATE:;:;;!IALS AHO HANCLJNG, INC. September 6, 1996 Via Fax 765-3136 MS. Judith Ter~v P'anr'<R, 8oa-~ ;f~'-e ... .. J....l...u':1 ....'-'1. v............. Town of SouChold Town Hall, 53095 Main Read Post Office Box 1179 Soucl101d, Ne'N York 1197: Re: Proposed Site ?lan for North Fork Resources Cox :an?, C~.:;.tchcgue / SCTM #1000-33-]-4.6 Dear Ms. Terry' Please be advisee that, ac thia pa=:~cular peine in time, we wish to wit~draw our current application and plans fo~ a salvage/:=a~sfe= s:aticn at ou~ C~X Lane si:e. Very truly yours, ?--\ () e "--/- (~- Richard J. Principi RJ?/ljc cc: Planning Board fc ;3; J. !., i:' 52 ~OSTi:~ 4\f!;:NUE. BRIDGEHAMPTON. NY ; 1932 :2 ! . 1 6 .JACKSON ,~VE"'H....iE. LCN~ is'...ANO '=:'Y ,',n 1 1 10: i!S 16! ~37'752S F"AX 151 61 537'~..6:J . . GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, JR. BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS ~:;:r;:L:'::::~~->-~ . / ~uHal;j" ~~~ ':-S$.~' C'~~ j,>~'" -' - ~ ~ .':::::> ~" ~ Q' ~ ,; ~ en '_ ceSi ~ 't ~ , ~ . !;! ,', " .J. . "".J '" 'Yh ~\-. ..'Y ~:"t)'./ -+ ....'l> .,./ ~ l' ./ _ _'V~ -~~J--~~ Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-3136 Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS RICHARD G. WARD Chairman PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 21, 1996 Richard J. Principi, Jr. Box 323 Amagansett, NY 11930 RE: Proposed site plan for North Fork Resources Cox Lane, Cutchogue SCTM# 1000-83-3-4.6 Dear Mr. Principi, The Planning Board received your facsimile message on August 14, 1996, requesting a waiver of site plan requirements. Your new proposal as stated in the site plan application for screening and stockpiling sand and gravel together with striping and stockpiling approximately eighteen inches (18") of topsoil and twelve inches (12") of clay, in addition to placing six inches (6") of recycled concrete blend in the proposed driveway/roadway constitutes a change of use and an intensification of use from the previously approved indoor storage and office use. As mentioned to you in the Board's letter of July 31, 1996, (copy enclosed) the Board does not have the Authority to authorize the moving of topsoil unless incidental to the approval of a site plan. The Board would need to know the quantity of material you proposed to move and stockpile in order to determine if it is incidental to the proposed site plan. Accordingly, the Board finds it cannot waive the site plan requirements and recommends that you file an amended site plan application, environmental form, and site plan showing the proposed new uses and all details of the plan such as the amount of material to be moved and/or stockpiled or removed, and the location of the proposed driveway to the rear. Your application is also incomplete as there are no site plans included with the application. In addition, your facsimile message and incomplete application does not agree with your Environmental Assessment Form (EAF) which mentions the recycling of materials. Due to the above reasons your incomplete application and check are being returned. If you have any questions, or require additional information, please con tact this office. /~\ / . -- / sinc<;k~.l / 1/"- i) ~:0~;r/v < Cl4-.:v/~L/ _ ~lJbert d. Kassner v Site Plan Reviewer cc: Thomas Fisher, Senior Building Inspector Edward Forrester, Town Investigator Laury Dowd, Town Attorney Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Jean W. Cochran, Town Supervisor Charles Voorhis, Town Environmental Consultant Town Board -~""'''''':'''''~''''''"''''''-''''"''-''-'''"~'''.......,.,~.~,,'- ~ ~'f"""-'" . . 123 GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, JR. BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-3136 Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS RICHARD G. WARD Chairman PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD RECEIVED JUL 2 3 1996 TO: Town Board Southold Town Clerk FROM: SUBJECT: Planning Board #, Request for Coordination Under SEQRA for North Fork Resources Inc. N/W/C Oregon Road & Cox Lane, Cutchogue SCTM# 1000-83-3-4.6 DATE: July 19, 1996 The Planning Board's ability to comment on your request is compromised by the inadequate and conflicting information presented by the applicant on this project. Some examples of this inconsistency are the different answers on the long environmental assessment forms (LEAF) given to the Planning Board and to the Town Board. Some examples are as follows: Slope in excess of 15%: 30% on Town Board (TB) LEAF, 20 % on Planning Board (PB) LEAF Depth to water: 60' on TB LEAF, 35' on PB LEAF Material removed from site: 25,000 cubic yds. on TB LEAF, 20,000 cubic yds. on PB LEAF Vegetation to be removed from site: 0 on TB LEAF, 4 acres on PB LEAF Period of construction: 60 months on TB LEAF, 2 years on PB LEAF . . Pumping capacity of well: 25 gal. Imin. on TB LEAF, 5 gal. lmin. on PB LEAF Water usage: 1000 gal. I day on TB LEAF: 150 gal. I day on PB LEAF Additionally, this Board is concerned about the following environmental issues: Potential traffic impacts: The applicant should indicate the projected number of daily trips from out of town and from the railroad siding between Youngs and Boisseau Avenues to the Cox Lane site. In addition, the amount of material to be stored on-site at Cox Lane as well as at LIRR siding should be shown. The applicant should also show the projected number of rail cars, number of trucks & truck size. Environmental form question # B 25 should indicate that the action will require approval or review from the Suffolk County Department of Health Services. The projected use of Long Island Railroad siding site must be detailed. Detail must include type and location of equipment that will be installed, hours of operation, potential noise level, dust control measures, amount of material to be processed and location and type of outdoor lighting. A copy of the lease agreement with the railroad should be requested as well. The Planning Board is very interested in this project and would like to be keep informed as the salvage permit application is processed. . . August 6, 1996 REaMD AUG 1 4 1996 Town of Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Tel: 516-765-1938 Fax: 516-765-3136 ScdhaId Town 0erIr , J r<l vV-U'- Ghe.JC. I Y\ Attn: Mr. Dick Ward Chairman to Planning Board Re: North Fork Resources, Inc. Richard Principi, Jr. Dear Mr. Ward: After the work session Monday night, we reviewed all our options with Ben and the other board members. At this point in time, we will resubmit our revised application and site plan reflecting the discussed changes. We would appreciate your prompt review and consideration on this application. Thank you, 7-...1 b p-- t' Jr. , President Richard J. Principi, I .-, ( ~ P6 ~K '~k~J> ~.~:=.:::..::.:;:...--.:.-.:~ '::"~Jj~-~Ilr;:al,t;~ /,,-'" <:::::'" <:'~~ ~-: ,,~ ~" ~= :-',. : ct:I . C': ~ :~' ~:': -~. -'::-.' ""-~ <:;,~./ ~ 'OJ.& ~~./ ~ "'? I _~:_- ~-----~:.'-- --- , PLANNING BOARD ME~ -:; RICHARD G. WARD . Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southald. ~ew York 11971 Fax (516! 765-3136 Telephone (516) 765-1938 New _Change cf Use Re-use ~xtenslcn _ RevIsion :1' Apprcved Site Plan Chairman . ~EORGE RITCHIE LATH..';.M. JR. BE~'"NETT ORLOWSKl. JR. WILLL-\.\! J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS ,'lame Gf Business or Site: Lccation: ",dc:ress: ,\lame Gf Applicant: Address cf .~pplicant Telephone: Owner of Lana: Agent or Perscn responsible for applicatJon: Address: Te!epnone: Site plans prepared by: Ucense 1\10.. Address: Telephcne: Dare ReC2!Vea Date Completed :=i1ing :=ee PLA1"-ii'i"ING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD APPUCATION FOR CONSIDERATION OF A SITE PlAN -....... -~~,-.~.- --">----.---...... ~ ~ ~K- ~<:Al \Y(" 0 /.):::r::v.c . f)S C\S" ~ la..~ 4- \ zg-ZD O~DY\. W 0u.t (kefu-€ I ~~ L{~ R lChcu-d Pri.-I r\L~ .~ 32.-~ ~\'\.~)\f1./ llq~ '531~ l'S'LS i(~ {V\ilxd PtU..n ('~ ~tl ~ ?~~ ~"f.- 3 L 3 ~2V1sdf.)J4 I let ~ <S3'l . 1St... -<; .. - ~~ \~yU;Y er. /~ ~ _32D i EYt'. 'lo-vLQ ! ~d I \tVLl Ilc;S ~ 2q 9-. - ~tt L-O P.Q.CdYU'0 ~U\)ve..L{ &rS .~GG ! 2 . . ?ac;e :: :::".." ullng 3cara Site Plan Aoclicanon APPUCANT'S AffiDAVIT STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOUC t: I ~~ r (C n~ b." '"" ~oco. ""~" '" ~y; ","""",, " , ~ 2;,7.7:, 1~~sdJ}v1U Iq::yu in the State of ,\lew York, and that he is the owner of the above propertY, or that he IS the yx-e St fip )I\.f (Title) ofthe_N{){\-h ~ L f2eYt\.u)O.,O J1..c (Scecify wrL2cher ?':3rtnerSniO or C::ro.) wnlch IS hereby making application; that there are no existing structures or Improvements on the land wnlcn are not shown on the Site Plan; that the title to the enore parcel, Inclucing all rightS-Of. way, nas been clearly established and IS shown on said Plan; that no part of tr',e Plan Infringes upon any duly filed plan which has not been abandoned both as to lots and as to roads; that he has examined all rules and regulations adopted by the Planning Board fOr the filing of Site Pians and will comply With same; that the pians submitted, as approved, Will not be altered or cnanged In any manner without the approval of the Planning Board; and that the actual phYSical ,mprovemencs Will be installed in Strict accordance With the plans submitted. Signed Q- Signed (Partner or Corporate Officer ana Tite) SWqfPlo me ~ ~~ayo/ 11..;:'1 19 96 /)/ , n ' / L.vl ~ A'; J. / ' /AL\J!/cC"~' (NOLar{ PUblic) HELENE D. HORNE Notary Public. State of New York No.4951364 Qualified in Suffoi', Co' .,,, 0 7 Commission Expires i\':'~.' . . . ~3ce 3 :Jt~"ilnc 30ard Site Plan AoolicatIan Tocal Land Area of Site (acres cr square feerJ ZOning DlsUlcr EXlstmg Use of Site ~ Proposed Use of Site ('t\ n~U) U s.\'""157Je.-u0J.-d / p"d.<lS<:,uLf ~ I ~ Gross ~r A'>:a ~ E~~ng Os~c~ D..d- '0:'.e-<:1 ,"" 0') ~G'\-. . 17,<;CO _ Gross Floor Area of Proposed Strucrure(s) 0:::;'1", Percent of Lot Coverage by Building(s) \ 0"1 c Percent of Lot for Parking (where applicable) f \ ~~" 2..'1- \ Percent of Lot for Landscaping (where applicable) 1 p .z.. "' ,':' Has applicant been granted a variance and/or special exception by _Nt> Board of Appeals - Case # & date . "-In Board of Trustees, Case # & date I\R) NY State Department of Environmental Conservation ' Case # & Gate t-iT) Suffolk County Department Health Services - Case # & date Case Number Name of Applicant Date of DeCision EXPiration Date Other V\O Will any toxic or hazardous matenals, as defined by the Suffolk County Board of Health, be stored or handled at the site? If so, have proper permits been obtained? Name of iSSUing agency Number and date of permit NO ACTION (EXCAVATION OR CONSTRUCT 10M MAY BE UNOE/?TAKEN UNTIL APPROVAL OF SITE PLAN BY PLANNING BOARD. VIOLA TORS ARE SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION. , c-"":': ~:~. ,~ _-3;~ ~~16..J. ,2f3Tl-7~XI12 . . SEQR ~ ~:' ?, r ?AC.;EG7 i.O. L 617.21 Appendix C Slate Environmental Quality Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Oniy PART I_PROJECT INFORMATION (To be comoleted by Applicant or P,oiec: sponsor) .'iUM6E.=! J --- 1. ),PPlIC' T :'S?~~ J. ?ROJEC7 LCCA71CN: Pn. Yl ~ 2. P. The ~0q~ /'f~ LLR- County roaa inlersec:ions. prominent lanamarl<s. ~tC_. or ~rcvlae m ~ 0-~ ~1'\J2. '* \ ~ 'L D ~\^- lOCO ~ '? ~ - 0 ~ - 4, Co -::t:1= Munic:oalitv ,. 5. IS PROPOSED ACTION: I! New i I E.'toansion 5. DESCRIBE ?R.O..:EC7 3RIEFtill- '\n C~.... . ~ "-'..... ..Q./}. -knQ. :...tt~ ..Ql\t...\S'n "-f Q "> .~., ()...,~-e.-d~ <;:Lta- ~vi...rvu::t.e..V' \ ClVlc.l S ~'-f ~ ~ ~ ~ Q-esL-fSL.. a.... be'Y'(Y\ (Q..~ y- ~ '. AMOUNT OF L.;.ND AFFSC7ED: I__ Initially acres Ultimatelv lO. Z-- 3cres 3. 'NIL!.. .~ROPCSE~7T!ON COMPI_Y WITH e:<ISTlNG ZONING OR aTHER S(lST1NG LAND IJSE ,::;ESTr:lIC";"iONS? U Yes ~ No if .~o, desc~lce cnerly 9. WHAT is ?RESENT U~E IN 'J1C:NITt OF PROJECT? CJ ResIdential U Industrial ~mmerClal Describe: C Agriculture ;....J ?arl<iFaresuOcen space LOther ;0, DOES ACTION INVOLVE A PERMIT APPROVAL OR rUNDING, ~OW OR ULT1MAT~!..':' :=qCM ANY OTHER GOVE::lNMENTAL AGENCY (F:::OE::IAL STATE OJ{ LOCAL)? li2'Yes U No It '/es. iist agencytsl and permit/acprovalS ')\)~.(:O\L. ~ ~ cJb ~ Se.Y\!\(.Q.5 11. _ ~S ANY ";~:;)I;('''':' OF THE ACTlau HAVe A CURRENTLY 'lAUD PERMIT OR APPROVAL? 0ves UNO It '1e~. list agency name and permll/aoproval ~o"5>~ .,-~ ~~.1r / N l{ 'S ~C-L\~"-f 9.:>~ ~ cla..9-v-- ~ ~ ~ CX-c. 12. AS A RESULT OF PROPOSED ACTION WILL S<ISTING ?ERMITfAPPRQVAL ~EQUIRE MODIFICATlON? UYes rNo I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED -'SavE IS TRUE TO THE 3EST CF .\.1Y KNOWL.2:JGE Acpllcanl/sponsor name: Signature: ~ ~~ Da'e'~ / If the action is in the Coastal Area, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form belore proceeding with this assessment OVER 1 ,~"':'-I;j-2 ,=,J;-~- c . . ~"""""".""" ::;c........~, r "- 5 -; 1.':1 ~ccenCix .A. State E:"Jircnmenraj Cuaiity :=iev18w FULL ENVIF.ONMENT.::..l ASSESSMENT FOR:v1 ?'Jroose: T:"le ~uil ~.:-",F :s :Jesignea ~o :~eio J.opllcJ.ncs '.l:",c:;.;e::c:es:::e~er;-:"::r:e. n lr. :)rcer"l ""7":J.nr:er. ',vne~r:er 3. :::rc!e-:: sr deicn .'":1J'I :e si~nlric':::'nc. -:-:~e Jt..:eS~lon or ',vncc:-;er 3n lc::cn ,"71av :::e ~ir;!1rfic.:n(') ,"toc 1;\',{-1'.'$ ~;!.sv :0 JnS"'/er. ::~e<::ue!:(~ [V, ci',ere ue 3.s0e(:3 'Jr 3:::rC!8(: :hdC are 5UOIC(:;ve 'Jr .1:"',r.1ea)ure:3.oie. !t iSJ,SO :..:ncers(ccc :hac ~hose wnc:eC8r:r::r:e slgnliiC3.nce mJ.'I nave !ic:!e ,]r ,;0 l:ormJ.! !<nowie.:ge 'Jr :;18 ~::'Ilronmenc. cr :rlc.'I :::e:ec:;nlciJi'/ ~.'(::ert in e!1vlrcnn"",e!'1C2.1 analysIs. [n .lociCicn, .T1anv wno have k:1owiedge ~n one ::ar:rc:.:iar 3.re3. ,...."a'l ;loc::e 3,ware or ::-:e ':Jrcader c::ncerr:s arT8-:::r:g the aueSClcn or 5is~lf:c3.nce. T;-'e ~u!J ::...:...F is incencec :0 :Jrovide J .T1e~hod '.vnerec'/.icciic:!.ncs ,:1nC agenc:es CJ.ij be ::55wrea :;,ac :he ':e'::r:-:llna~jcr: ::JrOC:SS ~J.s ae~!1 creerl':', comcrene!1sJve ~n nature. 'ie': ~!exlcie >:D3.dow :ncrocuc::cn of inrcrrr:a~:on ~c ~::: a. ~rOlec: or 3.c::cn. FuJI EAF (omoonents: The ~ujJ E,-\F is comonsed or:hre~ :ar-:3: ?:Ht 1: ?rovlces oorec::ve data and inrorrnac.rcn acouc a. g1ven :Jrorec: and ~(5 51(e,-=-'1 ide!1(Jfying :2.S,C :Jrolec: daca, It aSS1sts a re',iewer in ci1e analysis :i1ac ,:aKes:Jiace ~n ?3.n:s 2. lnc J. P].rt 2: ;=8C'...iicS on idenclivlng: che range 'Jr ~os5lble imoac:s :hat .-nav CC:::',J[ F.am a Jroiec: or ac::on. it ,:rcvlces gl.,J1(jar.ce .is :0 wne,:her an Imoac [$ :ikeiv :0 ":Je c:-:nsicered small :0 mocer3te 'Jr '.vnemer 'C ~s a :;C(~rH:2ii'l- large :moac:. T:-'ie form also Icien(Jrles wne':ner ::r. :mOde: em =e ,--nlt:t;;ate'J c:r recuce<::i. P:.Ht.... :f J.nv imoac::n ?1rt 2. is IdenClrled J.S ::ocenc;aJlv-:arge. :hen ?2.r~ 3 IS use-::-::::: e:'/aJuace ......ne':ner or lice :;-:e mcac: is aC:'.J3.il'l imoorcanr. DETERML'iATiON Of SIG,'ilfiCA,'iG-Tvpe 1 Jna Unlisted Actions [dcniiiy the Portions iJr EAF comoleted lor this proje-:::: ,- ?3.rt i ?~r: 2 C?Jr: J ! , " L:oon ,'e'/leW or:~e inrormatJOn .-ecorced on this =."F (?3r-:s a.nc 2~nc J J.ooroOrlare.', j,na ::.r:v ocner H.;..oCCrt;r::s; nrcrmJ.con. 3.nc c8r:sicer:r:g ~och :he 17l.J.q!cuce Jnci :mcor:ar:c~ or ~3.c:"l ,mcaC:. :t :5 ie3.scnJ.oiv ae':ermlnec OV :he :eJci J~o::nC'l d',H: ;-- .-\. The OrOlec: '.'IIi I not iesl.lit ~n Jnv [,j,rgo:: 3:1C :r;-;ocn:Jnc :modC:{s) .lnc. :herefcre, is one '.Vnic~ ',ViiI not have .j slg::lricJnc. ;mOJC: on ,:he en'llror.menc.::--oerefore J. negJ,iive deci.JrJtian wiil be pre:;JJ.red. L...; 3. Although :he proiec: ':-'Juld have d si(Jnlficanc effec: on ,:he enYlronment. :here wlil "ot be .! 3ignlfic3.n~ ~ffec: 70r :his ;Jniist:ed Action because the i11log::won :neasures..jeSGloea in ?.l.,RT 3 have been iequliec, :hererore J. CONDITiONED flegJtivc decL:1rJ.tion wiil be ;Jrc?~rcd." ~ c. rile _:Jroje(: mJ'I result in one or more largo:: Jnc imocr'Lanc impac:s :hac mJ.v :lave J. signIficant [moac: on the environment. chererorc J positive dccL:lr::ttion wiiI be ;Jre;:J.Hcd. . A Conditioned ,'legiJclve Occ!araClon is only valid for Unlisted I\c:ions NMh ~c... iL Sdi:\lVr 0 D The... ,'-j...lr.-:e ur AClon ~ "\~ ~~ i"-..j;tlI1C or L'~Ja "\I:'.:nc/ ~~ '\i:(';.('( Tic:e (Jr :<.cspomloit: 'Jrfic;:r \.... jlt.;.'""l,]~U(f: sr(,..:'~ucnSli::i,: "....;fiil. ,. :.':..0 ,\;';'"'lC: SI~r1,:tu(e .::;r ,'T::J.(!:~'lr ,:::I:L'~e::c .rom ,'eS{)OnSIOle 'Jfiice~) ~J~ 7~~1~~qlp -~ -- . PART 1-PROJECT INFOFiiv.iOi,J Prepared by P:-oject Sponsor .'1(:'I:C:: : ;"'::s :cC'..:r7,:::~(:S ceslgr:e-:! :0 J55is~ in c:e~e:"mlnl;:~ ..vne~:;c~ :.-:e Jc::::::n~rc-::cs~(~ "'-' ;i,}':<::: 2. );~:-:lr:CJJ1~ ~~Te(.: ::::n :;...e ~mtlrcnn~enc. ?~~3.se:::moi~~e ,::-:e~ntlre ;;crm, ?.:;.r~s :\ ::-:rClJ'...:n :. \nsw,=:"'5:C ::-:es~ :::L.:~~:!cr."i"'I,i! ::e ,::n5Ice:~ .J...S Ja.r: Jr ::-:e J,CGlIC.:Cicr: ~:::r JGcrcval JnG ,-:lav:e ~uCfec::o :u...::--:er '.'er!,ic:~:cn ':,1U ;':;U::I( -~':~ew ::.ov:ce ='::'1 2C::::Cr:.: :nrc::rmal:l0n 'lOU ::eiievc w:i! Je -:eeced ':0 camcie!e ?J.r::i 2 '::nc 2. : t is c:o:::ec:e<J :hJ.c.:-:r.~::ie~!on or .:he ~uit=,.l."F !Ndi:e ':esenc.~ncJn !nror~<:i~;cr: '::..lrre;,.::v ':'/Cl!iJ.i:ie 2.~C '.'/;ii .-:01: . ,"":'/Ci'l' ,-:e'.... 37.ucies. "ese2.rC~ !,Jr rn'/escig3.11on. if informacIon ;~c:..::r:n~ 5Uc.~ JGc:~:onJ.I,':cr:": 'S L.:nd\/.J I i.::.:: Ie. ')0 :nClc:!.ce .;.nc 5.:;e'.:;;' :::.Jc:-::nSIJnce. Norm ~L e.a <y(,~CaP :::!::tn c \2~La .'lA,';1E OF ,.:..C7jON - 3M =\\C~S L =~sS~ lc::~~ES ~ -S- '10 6G , . .....5 -rc "!All... / <:;:.' _If:b<l ~!'!..:":OI{1C I, cueMN1 (;!-cIW'A-~'^' ,VII,'" rj ,.-= I",? .--" I '''''~'lt:er-t:r~~~:b:~~ ~\I~'t_y'~ ~o~ ~ ~~Q<:R- ~ pJ- - ~ Vt~. c;r~"~ 40 r-('~ ~~ ~ M~~ ?!CJse Comolere be:' Quesl:ion- fndic::.te ;'LA. if ,10t JrJ!',iio,bie "_ME OF ^~:;~ d _00RE53 ~ \ ~ IlP ~~~~ 'lAME CF J'NNE~ If :.tr:E!~'="'1 ~ ;:;7"rp0 ..:..CCF2.sS :;T'fjPO ~, Site Oesc~iption P~ysicJj sewng ar Jverall QrOlec:. joch de.teioced and:Jnde'/eiocec dre2.S. 1. Prcse:1t. :J.na :.Jse: CC)rban C!ncusi:rlai '=Commerc:ai =~l2SIc'e:1elal 'jucur::;.::n) i=R.urul (non-';u.r:-:-. = Faresi: CAgnc...;lture CCther 7 TotJ.! acreage or :::roje-:: J.re~: :\??~OXJMA 7E /\C~E.\CE Meadew or Srushiand ::Non-,1~ric:..dturJ.[) Forested :\gricJlturJ.! Onc!udes 'Jre;'Jrcis, erooland. p;:srure. f":~C.) 'NP.tl.:lllO (Freshwaeer 'Jr ::c::d JS ;Jer :\rtic;cs :'~. :5 i)r ~C:.) Jces. 4 ?~::Sc>..7L '( .:..F-::\ C81\.\Pl_.:.:iOi'-l .:ces .lc;-es - .:ces <3.C~S ,ices a.cres <4 ,:ces J.ccs 'NJeer Surr.:::ic~ ...\rea. l;nveg:~~:HeG d\.oc~<. ~,]n~ or iiil) Roads. juildill':;s J.J1e ocher :J.l'J'ec 5urrJC2S Ot~er !.lndic:;~c :'::::c) ."ices 3Gb - .ices J.C~'~s c ::ees aces a.cc,:: ~ c ,~s 7t=~~c~1f~,~" 3. 'Nh,1t: is ;)(l~dornrr:,"i,i: ~0ri/':;1C~~) Gn 1rot~:C .;I(~; <1, Soli ~iralnuL;''':: 0.V~d:;:'::lne~J ~ % ;r ,.-:;1'}or:'.' ':::::nl".1 '~, :"e J~ or 'I~e . f ;, ~1.' o :~ :!rlV ...;~r:c.;[C~rJi !,:!lC 5;l'Jnlvl~\'JIf(~'" ~n,:n\'. -,C',''; :~.:i.nc '=:a.5::i;riC'::;Crl),,'';;i:C~:11 ~ .1(:'_''} '5...:,.: : 'Jr ';(111 lff' ,.5Sii;(" ';[[;"'.Ii~ 'ell ~cQUC 'Iern',-" , ~ -:) r ~:--: c '~':, ~ ';'/( ..~ R ~ ;-')) ~) " ,'\rc :r":er~ jec::cc;, ..-;c:COC8Ing5 ::r. -"nl~'-~ ~. (,,/ "(ci;6 {' I;::: ~. ',Vhcc IS d~::w"", ~o at..:tJrcc:,,' In :C'_!~; .J. ;\;or8.\::l1":::: :;l::'C=';:,. 'Jr :jr.se'.: yCH":C ,le2 '..', ."L .. ,;.;:::C'. -'~" " ".:Jeo, " ., .-')/ ..,,) "J " , -,.-"1/ _L.) ,) 2.....a ,r ...... R.2gls~e~s .:::r ~tswr:C ?I.:.ces? ='I~s ':":~n~:r': ~o ::L:11GI;'1t;, SiCl;, -Jr :is~nc:.. iSle-:=: ''In "~O 5ru.te 8r~::'e ,~atror:J.t S.. is ,JfOlec: Sl:CSeJl1CtJii,,' '.:::ne~:';'JCUS :0, or is ;JroI2':: 5LiD5L~nC!dtiv ,:'~ne:~tJoL.:S :':) -J. 5ice 'tS;:~C: :::n :,-:e:;Z2:..;tSCe; or ,'-L1:!onJ,j ,'-Ja,CL.:rJi ;..;..:.r.C::"T'.J.::';:;? ='f~s ~ 3. 'NhJ.t :5 :he ..:ie:Jtil ::ir :he wate, ,:3,Cle) :s~ ':in :e~n 9. is 51ce ioc2,cea ave, J pr:rnar'/. Jnnc :JdJ, Of 'iOle sourc~ aCUlre!,"l ;=':~s 2'No :0. C-o nu(".c:ng, fisnlng or sheil fishing 'Jopon:unlCie5 :"]resene!'1 -=:<isc :n ~r.e oro,eC:Jre~? '=\/=s :=;'10 Does :rOI2C: ='(es -'CO ,-."'nC'ln " -~o- any 5cec:es or piJ.nc Qf anlm,J.i iire :n2.c Ac:::rcing:o is Icenc:fied ~s ::ireacened Qr end2.n~,=,es? :cenel['J ~2.c:' 50ee:es 12. ''',re ,::1e,e In'/ unlc;ue or ~...Jnusual :anc forms ,]n ~:1e 'JfOle-:: 5lte~ (i.2.... c!iffs. ,.::unes. Jt;:e; :je<.:>ioglc:d ~ormar:ons; ='(o2s i~O OesC":ce i J.. is:he ::rOle-:: ,ice J~sendv used :y :he '='('-=5 ::i/lc :f '185. ~."{aialn community or :1e~ghborncod as an ocen soace or ~eGeac:on are::.? 1" Does :~eJrese~c 51~ inc:ude 5ce,1lC: 'news ~i10wn ~o :Je :moor:::;.nt =Yes ~o :0 ,:::e communlcy' is. Sue:1ms ','/It;-:In ~Jr ,:oncIg'JOUS:o ::;rorec: 3.rea: y\On e...- d.. ,'Jame 'Jr Scre~m ::one ,1ame or ~jve!'" :0 'NnIC:-: ~c :s :nout;:J.('! "\0. :_J.kes. Jones. we':!ana a.reas Wlcnlr. ,:]r conc!g~ous :0 :JfOP=C: J""';::. ,:i..'iame V\.on e. b. Size (In Jcesi - r , '- ii. is ,:,-:e 51~e :ie!'"'/ed JY eXls(ing ;Juoiic ~tJli(le5? ~e5 =No ='(es .=,"10 :=i~O Jl :f :e5. .::oes 5Urilcent '::J.oac(v exist: :0 eJ.ilaw ,::nnec::on1 ::i if Y-=s. 'Nill Imorovernems ::e neC:~S5arv to .jilow :onnec:;on? '='(,~s i3. r5~he Site 'ocJ.~eQ 'n an j~rlC'...J;tur2i jist::lc cc,~~ilc,j ;JursllJ.nc :0 Sec::on 203 o.na 20Ll? i=Yes ~o .\gr;c:..;iture and \.Iar;..;.e::s L.lw, ,-\.r~;c:e 25-,,,,,,,,,:,,, i? Is :hc Sice :oc.:ted in or suostiJntlJ.il'l concrg'Jous:o i (_;;t:cJ.J ~nyironrnef1caj .-\rea desig~a(ed oursuanc CO ,':"r::c:e .3 or :he EeL.. 3na 6 >JYC:ZR 61 n CYes !~O 20. Has the site ~'/e; be~n used for che disposal or solid or hazardous wd5W:::i.? Cy,~s sAo B. Project Description 1. ?hyslc~1 dimensions and 5c~Je of protect (fiil in dime!15ions as c,pprofJrtJ.tel J. Total canClg!Jou5 J,crca.qe owned or cantroJ/cd bv prOJect: soon'5~r Co. 2- b.. Pro ice: J.c:eJr.:e :0 be dC'feiooed: to. L. Jc;es inltl.-l;ly; <.0. <-- c.. p~O!cc: ,1Geaw! co remJ.Jn CJrl(lcl~!opc6 \I\~Gl.:s. d. Lcng~n or prole'::. in :THies: ~ (II Jpor()oflu~el ~. :f :hc I!rorcc: ;S In ~:<:panSICll, ;ndic:ac aC(l"i':'I( -:Ji ""::lan<;U)1l ;")rnposed tJ'/A "~J. ,'-Jumh('~ _Jr oir Hre~~ ;lurKlCH'; 'il1JC~S 1''(IS;:Ir11: ~;JrQCJ()",~d ~ ::>. ,"\J.xH11um/('i~Ir:-JiJr :L10S ~':'~lI'rti;:-::'O::J ;Jc~ ,lOllr S ':UOOll ~::Jm()i(':ion (")1 i)rCICC:~? JGes.. ,J.C'C':' 'JJtinl.:lCC!'/. :,. ,f :C';;i(;cn:iJI. >iumbcr -1nc :ViJt: :;f hnllSinl: 1111['): C'n(' :.:.mdv ,.VI) .,);T\tl': ,\.\ L II ~::) IC.: I:~ I I \' (Jr:UOflll(!:lll!1 L , !~ I t I ,"'. .1 \' '...; i(:m~ 'l'~'1 .;r;'_'" :JrODn":S'ir"c:cre ~ :1":,'" $-..",,:" ~ 'L'''e'." Jjon~ ~ ::UOII(~ ::-:crnu<.;rtrJrc ;JrOIl~':' "lIll! ,)C.. ~'I I..,) +- ~.e~~~ .~ jLJ'f-4e-~ ~~ ~ :JirT~~'1~lons 'In ",~~~: 'Jf _:nC<lr :i~e~ ,Ji .rc:nu::..;'~ -, ,! ,~c\'/ "lUC~ '1,1CU(Ji :I:,,:e"'.,::::, '\.;C":. -=Jr:~1 ~~C '.':l,I:)t' ,-erL,()Vl'C .;~.::-:e ~, ',v,il ,ji)~IJ(:Jeci Jr~l~ ::;e rec ....,1112-::) ~';'~S =>":0 -'1/,\ ., I' '/es, ior ','1r1,,1: :n~~:1G,._ ,:ur::OS2 .$ :he3i;:C ::e!nL: re~i'J.i~~ec:?~\aJ\..d,<r-(1rQ 'J, ',.1/ iJ ~oasoli ~e jl:oc:,oliea ~or ,'eC!J.mJ.ocnt '~e5 ;=.'~o .:/ -- "'i,~ ~on,/cu~:c '/JrCS :"":0',,/ ,-nanv J.Ges:Jr vege~J.L:or: I:trees. shruGs. 5rounci :-:J'I('r'5) '.'/til ;:e ~emoved .,Or.: ~,(2i ~ IsLq:.a tdWfiJ.i,~6-- 4 acres \Viil '.Jooe~ juosOli :Je 5"lCC:CJlied :or ,ec!J.m.}(Iont :~"S '=.'-10 J. 'Niif any malure rarest (over ~GO '/eE.rs oid) or 'Jcher !cc:.i!v-irr.oor::.:nc ''/~-:;etJ.t[Qn :~ ~~~o\'ec: =-v t;'jJS ,JrOlec:~ :='! es ,3:A'o 7 [f .'"71UitJ4qnased: or ccnscruc::cn ~ C71oncns, (inc!ccing ':~moiicionl. 0, " Single ~na5e pralec:: ).,ntJcoated .:Jeriod J.. T ocal numoer or ;Jnases aneicIOaeec ;L (,1umOer) j. ,,,,nCtClOacea Gare or C:JmmenC2mene Jnase 1 :ncnm \qq<..o 2-=1 '/e2.f. ,1r;CiUCIn~ ,je:.1oiie;on'l. I(I&JV c. ,~pcrOXlmare comole,:ion dace 'Jr ~inaj pnase ('V\i'\ I' 2.JSO \moneh I d. :s onase 1 func:lOnailv de~encenc on suosequenc .Jnascs? '/e3.r. eYes '=i'lo 3. 'Niil blasting OCC".Jr curing cJnstruc::on? ~=Ye5 ~Q C 0 , J.i~2r ~rclec: !S ccr;:Cler2 ~ 9. .'!<..:moer or jobs :g<:nerarec: cunng construc::on 10. .';umoer or :005 eliminaeed jv thIS JrOlec: Y'tCr\ e I L. \Viil arClec: ~eaUlre ~e!oc3.C!on or a.nv 'Jro!e-:::s or :Jc:iie;es? '=':"~5 .~ if lIes, ~xoi.1Jn 12. SUrT;JC= ::cuid waste disoosai involve.j? ="(e5 ,~ J., f '/es. indicate t'/pe or waSi:e [sewage. ;ndustrJcJ.l. ~tc.) Jne J.rnOcnc 'J. ,'lame or wacer Jodv :nco wrllC~ ~frlue:1( '.vdl Ge Jisc;,ar~~d 12. :s sL:oscrrJ.ce [iQUld waste disposal involved? ='(es ~Q I'/pe ,- \,V:il SUrr;JC2 area or 3.n existinr;: W'lcer Joey :ncre.3.:e or ,:1eGCJ5e JV ,JrooosJ.P =':'es ?<o :XGl.:lf1 1 S. [5 8rO!e-.:: or any ocr;:10n or prolec: :OCJrec :n ..] ~ IJ. '/-Iii! :he:Jro!ec:;:enerate :solid waste? J. if '(es. wnat is the amount ::Jer month I='(es :00 ':ear '~o ~iooci :Ji~-;ln! =\(~s ~o - ~ons eYes .~ j. If '/es. will In existing solid wasre rac;jjev be ~s2ci? c. : f yes. give Ilame iOC::H1Dn d. 'Niil .:i.ny wastes not ga inco a 5eWJ~~ disQosai w:Stem Dr ~nco J .,JnltJ,f'1 :Jncr:iI7 e. ! f Yes. explJ.in ='(es ~) i 7. 'NUl the project involve the disposal or solid waste? a. if 'Ies, what is the Jncic:pJccd ;atc or disposal? b. If ',ICS. what is the JOlicioatcd site lire? ':;Ycs eve tons/mollth, il3. \Viil prolCC: use nerbicides or pesticides? Cy~s '/ f ~;1 r'5. i~) .~ :9 'Niil ;JrOjcc: routineiy prr)duc~ odors (more dl..n all!' hour ;wr GJY)/ ,::Ycs 20 \Vill ;Jrclec~ ,JroJuce .:Jfle:-atim: nOlSC' ~''(c~e.JiIH~ t~c :IlC11 (lllltJierH rIOIS..: It:'11.::5,1 ;. ',~ ') :via ;' 1//;i1 ;Jr()!CC: icsuit :r: ,1n :nc;e...:')~~ :'n ~~p,'rg'l ll"('~ ~'1 '._, es ~" : f ':cs lr.cic.}U.: C'/OC!'S) 'JC:,j Jrlr:C:C~1((':.-j ','/,,(('i us,.;.;v per::.;v \ 'SO ";.1 i 1()[1 ~I,'":lll:,: :e. ;; :f "v"r,~~ jl;:lpiv ,'> :,orn '.'." ,I.'" 111l1:C."'.i,' tlU!"';~:;lrl~ CJ(),ll,I('/ " ;.1ii(J/j'.,c:.,'1 " . ="ces ;JroICC: :nvot\'e ~uc.:.j. S;,:cc sr :"de~:J.j unCH11:' '='(,~,: ~, If ";:5, '.:-"'~IJln " .j , " i Cees orooosea ac::on invoive d oianning.or zoning decision? If 'res. inciicae decision required: r '- " 5 ( 5 3 <1 ..;.~. ::;;;;ppi "V<-ll.:i :->.<...:quI1 '-", C;C.'I. Town II.':!.,;':! =',"J.~iG . ..L,s =.'\'0 =Yes ~J<J ='(~s Y::<J e<!.s ~=.'jo C:Yes ~o ,=Yes .~ eVes .~ :=Ves .~ Tvpe: J.:. ~ e (,ty. ,own. \/:i['L~':! ?!.:nnln::s 302.:0 ,-;tv. -:-cwn :.':;~ln,; 3c~:rG (:c.'1. C.Junel :~eJ.jt;--: C>:::':JJ.r':me:!c ether l...oc.Ji':'.g~!"'!c;e5 Other .~e:;!on,}i .'..~,=~.c:es Su,c.e ,":"'ge:!c:es :=ecerJi A~':!!"'!c:es C. Zoning and Planning Iniarmatian 'l~ ~ 'S-l-~'1~ ,^,"I.0...d k~ -b K.~'I.. ~crr+- ~ ::=Na i= ;1e.,'Vire'/1SI0n af maSi:er cian Cresaurce especial '.Jse GermlC CSiJcciviSlon mana~~me!1C pian '=ocher \ I~ L):. '~~ian '51~ c"~~ OOC2nt;;.dz:e;oom;:. ~'Se ,f de'/e,ooeo JS ~erm'''ec .:v '''2 :resenc :cntngl (,~ DVCJ. n 1-' ' ,-,zoning :mencmenc CJzonmg lJanance \NhJ.c is:r:e qrooose-:i :onlng '"Jr ~he 3ice? \Vh,H is :ne ,l1J.Xlmum pocerwal aevejoomenc or :he Sire ;f dC'/eicoe.j as per:T1lcea ::" :,;eJrocosea :::ning? o l~<1vtd ~ (5 [r:e JrC!::oSeG1GiOn conSiSU~!"'!C wlch ,:he ~ecommended uses :n acopcee :oCJ.i :ana use Jlans? . '. ,--" '.vow 'L(~.~~\b Jf~~~:~~r~~~~:U5~r~~:~ I _/ _ IS 'r.e ;;rQcosea Jc::on :ompJCIOle ,vIm J010lntn:;:surrounOlng .J.nc JSe5 VI chin Co ~ ,'TIlle) V-=5 - ',; s lofr::. lMI;"""', s< . 1,&,;'. If :r:e:::rcposea Jc~ion :5 the suodivlSlon or lane, ,~ow many iocs Jre :JrotJoseci? a'. 'Nhat is the minimum lot 5ize proposec? \ Y..;1.... ncHA i=':'~S ~.: \Nhac. is :ne zoning c!assdiC3.cionlsloi the slce? J. \-'/huc:s :ne :11aXlmUm lO. 'Nii! proposed Jc:ion requIre ]ny auc.horiZ3.Clon(si ror the ~orm<1(jon 'ar~~':ye: or '.Vocer '~:s~r:c:s? JOlic: ". \Ni i 1 the pro Dosed fire protcc::onj? ac:ion c.-e.Jte? demand C:Yes ~o ror Jny communicy provided 3e!'vicc~s ':,eC2:!.C1on. ::cuc,!c;cn. Cy~s eNo a. If yes. :5 existing CJDc1city sufficient co nandJe prole.cred demand? CVes :~c 12. 'Niil the procoscd action result in the gener.:tcion ot traffic sigrlific:.ntlv lbove ;Jrescnc ie'!e!s? eVes C>..Jo a. If ',Ies, is the ~.'(is::ing road network Jdequatt: to handle :hc .1ddir:onal ~r::ufic~ D. Iniarmiltianal Details t\ctJc;, ,111V JdrlitlonJ.1 Inrom1.1cion JS rTlJ.V ~)C (lee~j('d :0 c!.:r:f'l 'lour ;")((iICC:. if :~cre ].rl': or 101,"'.'1 Je ,:;,n',' .::C'/!'?rse imfJ.1C:S J.ssoc.1ced with '(our prooo",1i. pk,lse disctl55 'jUC:l imO,1C:S Jnd it1C me.1~ures \\"ilIC:': ./OU :lropOse ':0 tnl(:gacc :J," Jvold d~cm. ( '- ~. VGriiiC:Jtian I '''':c:,;:;['1 ih<1t :hc :'.(}r,ilc...n t, ')I~n,l(~"'C If ~hc ,.cion ......ith :hi.., .J.S5<...::isment. .,l.llc ..:.~t:ncY. '" ''''50 orn-, .-;n",vl"~".c. J,,;o -J-l.;}Lllq ~ T,~" ~~~ l'~. (()rllolc:~Q :he Cu..:')i.J.1 ";s')cssmc::C ,-arm hCfnr~ :1roc~'!-=in'.; .~ R;.:sponSltldit'll)[ I ~'l" ... -- '--11V.,J C,\.."T -1 Pili""'Al., !::s ~(\J U--l I"": :::11\ i.ilfJ\UJ....l i v '-'_ Gener.:d Iniorm.)(lon )\-=.)8 C.JilY) :,., ::::Jmcie~H':~ ::--:e :orm ::-:.e :-e'.'rewe~~~ouid ~e ~'..lil~cd by re3.5on.Joie? 7h~ re'/Iewer :s '-;0:: e.'<De,::~d :':J :::e J.n ,~xoert l','~a' '\""fl. -... . :-,- ::",e,:uc~~:on: :-i,~'/e '11V ';:"','/:ronrr:e~c::.J .:nw.iY'5C. ,-c~=on<;'2:i .:.;;c ,cJe~err.llnJ.C:Ons ::e~ .. icerwfvu-;g ::'<1<: J.n Imade: '.'nil be 'Jocenclall'l rar~~ ::c:::iurr,n :: ,jcP:i~OC :r.e::.n:h,ic ;') '::5':: ip.':~5S.J.rrl'l ::iignziiC:lnc. ,--\11'1 large :moac: ;nusc ::e 2\'J.l'..Jacec ;n P.-\Ri : ':0 Jc~ermlne 51grllr:c::.r.c~. cerwr'.':r.g J.n ~8a.c::n cGiGmr: : ;jirr:::: aSKs :nJt :t ::e looKed ~t fur::'er. T:,e E:':.1ffiOles arcvlcec are :0 aSSlS<: :ne ie'/lewer J'I showln!:; :','ses 'Jf imoD.C:S ,J.i1C '.',';";ere'_'e~ ;os5loie :ne '::-:....eshcic: :: magnItuCe :hat '.voLlie C:-;:5ger a. ieSOOnse :n column 2. 7he ~:'C:;.rn~ies Jre g'=!1er:}j!v .lOC:IC:::lc :~rcufjnol.J( :he SC2.::e .lr. Lor :-nost si~uatJons. Sut. fer a.nv soec:fic .::HOlec:: or sIre 81:~er eX.J.:":":cies Jncicr :ower :;::"es,~oics iTl<JV je accroor:J.:: far,) ?::cenClai La.rge :moac: ;-esoonse. :hus ;'eculnn~ ~'1aiu(1crQn :n ?a.n: 3. Tne Imoac:s or e3.ch proie,::. on e3.ch site, :n ~3.Cl ~cc:lIi('I. wli! '/arv. T:,ere:ore, :i"'.e e:'(Jr;-;cies ,He ;;lus;:r2.crve ar:: have ~een criered a.s g!..Il\:ance. Tne'l co .-:or cons;::cuce an e:-:!1(}USClve 'isc Gr :mcac:s cine :;:r25nOlCS :0 ,1n$Wer ~-=Cl Gt.:e5;:;cr Tne number or examoles per ::::Iues;::on coes not :naicace :i1e :maOrL:J.nce ',1r -=3.C:O C1U~SL:Cr.. In idencifvmg impacs, consicer long cerm, short :erm and c:JmlaClve errec5. Instruc~ians (Read c3.reruilvl J.. ,':"'nswer ea.c~ or ,:he 19 QueStIons in ,::l,J...R.T 2. ,':"'nswp.r Yes if ,:here wlil Je Jnv :mOJC:. ':i. ,"i.nee answers5houid ':ie C:Jnsicered 15 Yes .1nSWers. c. if a.n5Wenng Yes ~o a GueSl:lon ~~el1 c:-:ed: :~e J.oproan.lce ::ox Icoiumn i or 21 :0 :r:c:c::.-ce ::-:e cocen;::aJ 51:e <Jr :~t: Ima2.c:. If rrT1cac: :;,resnoid 2Guais or exc~~ds any e.'(amal€ 'JrDvloec. c:-:eck cOlumn 2. .~ :mo-:.c: ',lllil OC:::';:' Jut :;:res"clc 15 lower :,1an ~xamaie. ::.~ec:< cClumn i d. :f (e'/te'..ver ;>;a.s ,jouel: aoout 51:e or c:,e :moJ,c: :hen c:.nSluer ,:he :mGJ.C: 3.5 .::c(en~;D.!i\' iar:s,= 2.nc prcc~ed :0 .:l,";',,~-; 3 .., if a. :Jol:erlcail'l :a.rge :maae: c~ec:<ec 'n coiumn 2. can je ml~::;Jte-:: ::"/ c:-'J.n~e~s):n :he Jrc!ec: :0 J :imJ.i! ~o ,"'7iccer:::~= imoJ.C:. JiS0 c:-:ec~< ~he Yes JOX :n C:::lumn 3. ...1." :~o resaonse :nclc:.teS ':~J.:: 5UCi a, -e-::r..:c:;on is .'lOC ::ossloi2. : ,i:~ :TlUS~ ':;e -e.'-::Jialned in ?an: 3. lMPAC7 ON LAND ''Niil :he Jraocsed ac~:on reSUlC ,n J pr,vsic.:ll c:-.ang~ w L.he 'JrOi~'~: 51}.eJ =>iO Y:5 E;;..:mpies :nat 'NQuid aool'/ :0 c'Jlumn 2 Anv conS~iuc:ion on siooes or 15% or grc3.cer, \i5 ,:coc .-152 oer iOO fooe of ieng~hl. or where the g~nerJj slopes .n :he qro!e':: -J.rea. -2.'(C~-:=': iO%. Cons,ruc::on:Jn land wnere :he cic:Jl:n :0 the 'NJtcr table :5 less ,~hal1 J feeL Cons;:rueion or paved parking Jrc.l for 1,000 or more '1dllcies-. Construction 'In iJnd where bedroc:< is exposed or JenerJJ[v wlthm J feet of ~;'Cis,ing ground surface. Ccnsuuction chat will contInue for more ~hJn i '(car or invoi'.'\: ;Tlore :hJ.n onc ;Ji'<lse or stage. . :XC3,vatJon ~or rmnlng: qurnose:::i ~h.lC '.vouicJ rem()VC marl.' ~h,lll ; .:JOO '~Ons or ,1J.wr:d .i1':Hcrtal (i.(!.. ~cc~< or SOli) IH!r ',1(',lL C-JnstrUC:Jon or ~,'o:panS10f1 or a 'j"llH,Jr'.r :,.l1dfiiJ C;Jns;:r~c::on 'n J dcsign,J~cd ,;!omlwJ.'1 Other :mo,:C:S :,,',il . ;':~"(' ,'/..;: ,,1\..<': ';r :IlU5U..:' --,,, '7.1'5 ..;':C:IGL;'C':': "Jr~;l~;,:Of\~. ,.~t:.:L_.."':C :1..: li': :" rco:::: :. ;r)l:f1() ,-::n '-'-:'r': ..; :he ')iCt'!' ::!i. i i. (~ur.es. 5cr:c:il( ".nu 'orm). .-:: (2~1(i2.J 3 Cdn imcc.c: 1 Si"7i3.!1 ~e 'vlecer-are !mC2C: ,--.2..;:2 :r:;C2.C: ~ - - - 1_: ~ ~ u .'7"" .v/ 2 I ,"1itiG-:::r~rt =" I' prCl~;~C;2.~~2 . J~"'" _ CY~5 C:,'-Jc :t;i'<..res C>~O i\:.1es L..;;'-Jo eYes :""";j'JO Cy~s :-""'::'10 ~ves c:: ......0 i--":;'~S i--.:,~-JO ~ l- Yes ~,"o ,- ~;'io - ~s ._';'cs _>";0 ........ '0 .~ :MP' ON WAT::" 3 ',YiiiJrccGse-.j-lc;on J.,fe',,:: anv 'N;JC~:- ':od" ce5i~n,1(e'.J -.15 :rcceC:2S? (t.:r.ce!'" A;:::::es . j. ~..:., :S or :he ::~'/!ronme;1(J.i ::'Jn$e!"'/:,:./,Inn _J.'N~~C:"'; ~I"'O_';':S r l... :.':.1rnDi~s:.iai: '.'Joule =.oOi'l :0 c:::;!ur.,n 2 Ce'.I;~!oca:::ie Mea. ')r 51C~ c::nrains J. orocec:ed .vate: Joe" . CreC:s!ng '7':cre .:han -;00 CJCIC '(ards ,:d mJter:aj :rom ...::--:"nne' or ::. proce-::e-.: 5~reJ.m, . .::c::e;1S1cn or:Jcdic'l dis~r:OUClon facdic;es ~hrcugh a:rocec:e-j '.vater ~ocv C.:;n5trUC:icn in 3. designated freshwater or :]oai ',v~d.:ind. . Cene: :mcaC3: J.. \Niil :::rocosea aGJon affec: anY .,on-orotec:ed ~.":::51:ln9' ~ew ~c~~ or wacerf C"No'- '- y~.) :;:.~moles :hat '''ould lpciv to column I i~ "10% incease or cec;-ease [n che'surrace 3.rea or any '::oev or Water er more :~a.n 3. -: 0 aGe Incease or c::ecrea.se. CsnsCiuc::cn or J. ::JCCV or water :hat exceeds 10 3.ces or 5Urj<lCe are.!. Ct~er 'maaes: ( 5. 'Nii! ?:-ocosed ..l..C:lon a.ife,:: surface or~rouncwa~er GUJ.iic'l or ::uanc::cy) =,'10 ~':'.J.rnoje5 Cil3C 'Nauid =.cpiv :0 c:dumn 2 P:-accsea ":',C:Ion 'Hlil ;e~uire a. disc~ar;e Je~Ti1IC. Pracosea .":'.cion recuires'Jse or a 50urce or 'Haeer ~h2.c:iaes nee ~- :12.Ve ;;I.ooro'./al :0 serle ;::rooosed (Prol€C:; .:3.c::on. Nlcn P~ocased ,.'-.c::on ,'eqUlres 'oVate!' suoolv rrom weils ;pJions ;.:er mlnuce .:Jumpln~ capJCc'/, (..:nStruC:ion or GoerJoon r::::'USlnl:; any concamlncHjon or a ',vaccr ",,~p:::rpr ",' ----, :i1J.n -.. sur-piv system. . Proposed r\C:lOn '/ViiI ad'lers~iy Jffec: groundwJ.ce!'. liqUId efflue!'!C 'Ni/l be C:lnVe'/~,.; orf the site to :J.ciicies wnlc;, .Jresenc;y Co ,"lOt ~XJsc 'Jr :'J.ve inadeauace capac:tv. P:"ooosed r\c.:ion would use watC!' in excess or 20.000 :;J.iJons GC[ day. . P:"oposcd Ac:ion will likc!v cau.'~e sdtacion or other disc;,aqc' IntO an I!xisung body of w<Jt~r :0 th~ extc:nt that there wdl be )n obVIOUS '..isuai contrast :0 natural conditions. Pronosed !\ccion wdl ,-e<:"luire the 5torJ~C or pC~rOic!IJIl c:r"-:~ll:mlCZ1i produc:s sreater than i .~OO gallo(1s. Prnnosed '\cion Wlil allow reslclcntiaJ (Ises In ,lre-]S ',,vlthOtH 'oV,lte~ and/or sewer ser'l1ces. . P~o(lo<;cd ,\cion IOCJ.:e5 C0mm('ft:JI ,ilHJinr Indll')\ilJ! ~J~'-~S Wille:) m,i'l r~r;Ulre ,'leW or ':.-:!lJnSlon ,Jr e.'oo;i.ln:; W.l\(C:~('.:{mt~nL ,i1Hl::::r ,(or(1:;'_~ i <1cdi[ics. CU~C:'" ImoJC:5: "-- s r lOw ,")( :Jo"",:,,,'/or V:C ,ur~ ,le-~ 'Nlil J(r:{lc~e-: '.-v..:c:," 'wno: ii ,:J.c:on .!lei,::," :;r,:1I1':':;~ E.~";'lnlJlC's ',;JC ,'/()uic ][lpIV:O (,'liumn "J ,:J-8~()S~":: \c::cn ','Jould C;~..lng'.;' :'Inoo ',.J,~i~~ :!ows_ -..... 7 , . "oa'il :0 :-..1ccera;:e iIT.Cac: ::'Jc:;;:~,r:a! _.?-j;;e rT.: 3C: ;-'~::!es:::--:an;e ~ , - .... ~ - r; - ,- ~ ~ Can ;msac: .:=2 ,\,litica:2C 3'1 - . '/::5 '-.:,'-iO 1=>'0 ~=':'~s i--:ves j--,"JQ _'(-=5 '-'-:I'iO '_':'::5 ~:~o :_'/:=5 '_>~c ._':'~s :_,'.;0 _'7==5 '_,""'0 - - - ':'":=5 - ,"~c 0 Y~5 :'!o - - , - 'I es :'!O - - - " =S - .'io '(-='5 - ,"le Y~5 - .'~o - - y .s - ,"0 - y;::>s - I'JO - 'Yes - ,':0 I~ ':'1.:::"' i ' :'-Jo ~ - Yt.:5 or" 'I ': ~ ,': J _\l,:s , ,. ~ -"'.. . ?:--OP05cC ,':",c::on :-nav CJ.US2 ~ucs~2nc:ai ~(CSlon. ?~OCC52:C ,Ac::cn :5 ;ncomoac:bieNICil e.'os~;ng c;,".J.Jna:;~ :JJ.c~e,i:S_ ?:-cCCScd ;~,c:!on '.'lid! a.llow c2:'.'e!ccmer.c :n a. ce5l~naced :1ccc',vc.'.' Cthe :moac:s: IMPAC, ON AIR 7 '=NC ---(,~- \.L I;:.) 'Niil pr00052:0 .3.C:l0n a.fie-:: air:::;uaiic'/I E^J.ITIoies :hac '.vouic 3.pelV .~c cOlumn .2 ,:';"oposed ,.J...C:lon 'Nil! :nduce 1,CeO ,:]r .TIore '/erllc:e :n05 in :inv sl'le!1 hour. Prooosed ,..l.,c::on wiil result in :,"':e Incineration or :T10re than reruse ::::er :iour. ton or til11SS10n r2t:e or ~or.:3.j conramlnant5 wiil exceed 5 :CS. oer "":OlJ( or J. :iCJ.( source :Jrocuc:n~ more :han :0 :TlIilion 3T:";':;:Je( :lCU;" ?~occ'ie-j J.c::en wiil iJlow an InGease ~n ::~e imoum or l.::.nc c:::mmH,e..:: ,0 Ir:c'...lscilal use. ?~ocosed J.c:;cn 'Nlil ailow an ,nc:-ea.5e :n ~:1e ccnsJ('/ or ;r:c:...:s;:r:~J ce'/eicoment 'N!chln -=x,lsclng :ncuS~ilal 3.relS. Gther ,moac:S: 1i\1P."'CT ON ?LANTS AN 0 ,.\NIMALS J '/Ji1i ?rccosed .~c::on arr~c J.n'l :nrea.cene-:: ~r enc"~2'2...! soeces2 V'\..,..' c;::.;,moICS chat ',vauid aopl'l :0 ,.:~iumn : -",..- ;:(:educ:!on 'Jr one or more 5oec:~S iistec: -:n c;"',e ,~€'N 'I()r;..;. Jr "',."::e:-:'I iis;:, uSing :he site, over ':Jr ,.,e.3.r 5ite or ~oL:ncJn :he)j(~. .'~.emoval or Jny ;Jon:icn or a C:,Clc.J.i:Jr slgntficJ.nt 'Nlic'!iie :1,101(2.:. AopiicJ.tion or oestic:de or ,1erblcide more ~han ::Wlce J '{e=.r. ocher than:or ..JgrtC:.JJturaj purposes. Other imoac:s: non..:hre~tCr1L'0r \i1No 9. 'NUl Proposed i\c:ion suostanti.:dly affcc: non-'~!1dan~'.:?red spec:es? E::::.1moles :h.H wouid apply ~o column :2 ?iocosed .'\c::on wouid 5uostancl,Jily :/I(crrerc with :'.11'1 ;esl{jL::1C 1']r . mlt;f.Jeorv fisn. shcilfish or '.vddliie 5ce-.::cS. -Y""~ -' :.) Pioposed '\Gion (C~Ulre5 :he remOV,:1 or ,11.JCure :orcsi: (over 100 'l~ar5 or J~'-'! or more '!l.ln 'Jr 'Jlhc~ ioc:ilv r1lnun:ur.c ~() JC;~~ VC'C;'.:'~,ltIOn. iMP,ACT ON AGRIC:JL~UflAL L),NC ilESOUf1C~S 10 'N iJ :.-:c ~'""l;-CCOSC~l :\c:!On ,Jif,;',;: J:';!'"1("~,i'Uf3.j :,jf~d ,-('.;()urc~s/ V<c '/r .:: [,.:molcs :lJ.[....ouid .:loci'/:o :)IU:":""',~] ~ ':~l! ')rGOC~,'~ C:C:Cll1 "./t"JlJltj ~e',"~' -iG';S Ir Iml[ ~C:~<;; ~o :""';':( '.:I,~r,-;': I,::.nn inc:ucl..'S Ciot:i;,na. hJ.yr:c!cs :1J.S,l;ti' ':U11 '/Jrc:. :JrC:-:J.i'C1. ,--'~c.; ---- .~-'I .~ . 1L,<::. .'..) , ,viCC2:3.t2 irL, :2.C: o ~ =-: ~ .:;,;:i a.l _~:;:2 :~:2.C: .....en ::T:::ac: \,ii:;:;a:ec =y ,.......0:-=::: :~anc;= ,~';.o _':25 '_':25 _\(:::5 '_'/:::S _Yes _'(-=5 _'~':::s 0/2S I_Y25 1-'t':::S ='(25 :-~'2S C'(.-,s '_'r'~s _,"-Ie '_:'-io ;_,"'-0 i_NO ,=,'IC '_>jC 'f 2S '_:~G ':'25 _,~o '_>jc V-=5 :_:';0 _>.0 :---':,',Q '-": >~o '---.,;,'jo :--:"""40 :_,~G .~ . - " \.. C::nsi:;,uc:;cn JC:l\,:CI wouid -::-:(.1'1.2.[;: or ':::Jmpac: .::-:e :ioli proriie -J( agrlc'....:i~t.:r;].i :a.nd. 7:'1e ~rocos2d clc:ion wouid :rre'l€rsialv c::;r...,er'\. ,r.cr~ :han ~ 0 lGeS or 3grtc:..:iwrai fand or. :r iocJ.:ed in an ':":;nc!...litutJ.j Dismc. ,T:Qre :han 2..5 aGes or 3grtc:.:jC'...lr~i land The ::::rocose-: aCtion wouid disruo'C ,Jr ::re'/€rlt ~nSi:ajJaClon or :1C:rtC'..:itl.:r::d land (";1anagement 5VS'1:ems (e.g.. sucsiJrrac2: drain fines. oucie~ ditc~es. sene GocQ(n~); or c:-€ate :3. :1e~d ~or 5UC~ measures (e.;. C3.use a. farm :ieid:o CraJn .::oor:y due :0 inC'e~sed ;"unoif: . Other :rnoacs: iMPACT ON AESTHET1C RESOURCES /" ',Viii .::roClcsed aC:Ion afiec: 3.eSi:tletlc ,€sourc€sl ~NO (If ,leC2ssarl, uSe .:he Visual:......;: .-\cc€:!c:..:m !n Seclon ?i7"::-: Acoe::cix 3.1 E~J.moie5 chat ,......ouici .iopi'l ':0 coiumn 2 .'::~:::ccse'J lane 'Jses, or 'JrOlec: comOQnerlCSJOVfOUS!V differenc j,om or in shaf'J con(i3sc :0 C:..lrren( surrounding :and wse Jat:ems. 'Ni1e~!"',er II -v-- '- ; :.;) / , '- man-mace or ~atur3J. ?~ocoses ~J.nd uses. or prOJec: comQonencs \1151Cie co users or Je5;:he~lC :esources wnich Nlil -:iiminare or 5i'SnlricJ.nc:v ,educe .:he:r ~nrCVme~( eJr :ne :i.e5(he~!c cualicies or :na.;: "esourc=_ ?:-OlCC: comcone!1ts :~at '...nil n:'~:5uit in :he ~jimina~Jon or 5lgnrficJ.nc scc-=nln~ 'Jf 5ce:OlC ',news i:,~o.....n .:0 :Je :mcor'(;::"nt ':0 ,:;:e Mea. i: t:-:Cf :maJ.CS: Illi?AC7 ON HIS70RIC AND ARCHAEOLOGIC;\L RESOURCES '_. '-Niil ?:-ooosed ,-\Clon imcac: J,nv 3ite or 5~;-ue:Ure Of hrs~cnc. 'Jre- histone or paleoncologicai impof~ance? ~O ;=Y:S E,::::l.mpJcs ,:hat would aopiy ~o coiumn -::. P;-oposed ,.\cion acc:.Jr;,ing wnolly 'J( partlJ.!lv wr{flinJf5uo5;::;ntiaJ!v contIg:'..Jcus co any r<lci!it'l Qr site lisred on the Scatc or >./J.tJonaJ Regis;:er or :'istoric ~iJ.ces. Any :moJ.c~ to an ]rchaeolol<;icai 51ce or fossil bcd !ocJ.ccd '..vithm :he project site. ,:Jiopo5ed :\Clon wdJ occ:,.!r in arc:-;c,co1og!c::J liteS on the ,'-iYS Other rmf).1CS: ,~n JreJ. cicsigf'J<1ted S i cc [nVI,'n tOf'l as SerlSltl'Je for Ir.1PAC7 OI'J CP=:N S?,~CE: AND ::iECRE.::..Tl0N ...) ','/jil ;'.r:w()'5ed ,.\(::on ,ji~c':: :r,e.::w<,i1(I('/ ,;r 'lUJjj('1 {)i '~,'<I"'(ln\j c;r rU(lUC .Jr!L':1 SrJ,.CC:S or ,"r'c~:.'J(:()I1,lj~r!rJlJ(tLinll:l''i,l ( ',-- ~.~.lmnil."s ',:1':', 'SUUie ,::JUI'/:O ']lun~n ~iC ,;(' :JC;"."";'1,j:11~nt :a(('C~O'jufC Sf..l u(r"':~C-1 ,-,,..,~, (In,~I]IH:{)rtL.:r1I{'/ 'il-l!Cf -:'~:~:c:;on 'lr In ,~r,e~ 'nJC2 'Illrinr::n( '0 ':11.: ':::mI:iUnl(',' :.JthL':" mr.,::,:::S: (C5 ..... ..,1;,1 :0 \,lcC2:2.:e I !mc2.c: ~-"JIS:~: 2J '_2;":;2 :[i';cac: 3 Ca.n :mcaCI ::32 ,'"litigated 3',/ ?;!Jle~: :;;,ang2 ;--':>/0 ',- r .~ '_Yes '-':'es '-"::"0 ~='(es :-.::'io 1=':'e5 ! 'No _ Y~s :--"':.'10 ~ Yes !=.'io '=':e5. :-No :=Y~5 '_,'io :iYes CNo CYes rl'Jo ;=Y~s !......:No ,- :-Yes C"Jo _':'25 '_,"'Jo '_ ~'e5 '_.'Jo :=,"'Jo IM?i4.C. TRANS?ORT":'irON . 0', Niii :;:ere ::e 03.(: -=r':",:;c: :D C.,(ls;:;n~ :;-,3,nSQOr>:J.:;cn ~';SC2;:-:S: ':c' c:::.::lmoies :;'<1: '.'Joura J.O:J1v ,~o c:=iumn 2 , ::;;7[2;1 >J ,\..iCC2rCi.:2 :;7;:2C: ;:::-: :~:~':;3.! ~.2."-c;2 : (7'.:::;2.C: 2 3 Can !~82Ct _ \'/litir;a:es 3' :::::Ojec: ....-....., ......'CI'. ,'I. ,.\!cer:;crcn or presen( ,Jacterns:Jr mOVeme!lC Jr Jeocle 2r.c:'cr ';accs ,:):'80ase~ .-\c::cn wlil ~e5L:iC in ;71.3.IOr ':;-<1rtic ,"Jrooic;,"1s. ! ~)J:C~ ~EO~~ v->l 01"\~ON ENE::IGY -:5 "Niil Jrooosed ac:ion affect che c:lmmUnlc'/5 sour.:.,es or ':u-.::i 3J- energy sucplv( ,_.'.:0 '.Y":: 5 E";.J.moles ~hat "I/Quid apoiv ,~o column 2 . P:-ooosed .4,cJOn will cause a greater~han j % tnCi'e.3.se :n :he 'Jse -:ir any ,:orm cd energy in the mUnlc:paJitv. . P~coosec ...!"c-.:icr. wlil recuire :he Ge.3.l:icn or extensIon or .]n~ner~'/ trJ.nsmrSSion or sucoiv SYstem :0 serve more ~han.50 5ln~ie or :'.'.10 ~J.r:;rl\f reSlcences or W serve J malor commercia! Qr [ncuscn(j.!~se. Ocher ,mOdes: d- ~ ~~~Ol c:ANOOO~PACIS ;6 'Niil ,:~e!"e :e obiec::onabie odors. ,101se, or ,:::or ,:he :l~oocsed ,..!"cron? . E.~.:moies chat wCU10 aociv :0 coiumn 2 312.5;:jn~ .vHnln ~ .500 fee~ or 1 nosoic<J.J. SC:-:OOI 'Jr t]c;-:er 5en5lCI'.'e '/lorac:on J,5 J =.';0 (r~5U1C 1",'7-: ~- facilci. Cdcrs will :Jc::Jr ,.-ouonci'l ':mare ,:han ,'Jne hour ,Jer j.1'1). :.:l,.-r:wosec .-\Cion 'Nlii =roduce ooer<J.;:;n~ .lor5e ~xce'='~lng ~he 'CC:'l ,1mO[e~{ ;'"'.oise ie'leis for nOIse oUC:iice Jr 5;:it~c::.:res. ?~or.osed .\Clon 'il/li! remove n<Jc:...:r.1j oarrters :r.ac ..':ou:a ~c: J.S J , ,,0"2 5c:eeo, 1..& i . Other maac:s: ~~~Q..u~~J \~~ (:\~ uni, Q\~I~~CT ~d; HEALli-i 'NiiJ Proposed /\ction J,ffect public :'e~jth Jnd 5afet~ EXJ.mpJcs chac would appiy to column 2 ?rorJosed ..\ctien mJ.'1 cause a risk or 2xolasion or reieasl: or :,a.::.:::rcous SUb'i,J.nc~s (Le, ad. ;Jesl:ic:acs, c:,cmicals. r.1diatTon. ~tc.):n ~he eVent or JC:::,UCflt Qr uoset conditions, or there :"11ti'{ be J c:-:rorllC [ow !e'Jei ,- d. C'fES disc!1tirge or emISSion. P~o!1osed I\Clon rnav result in the bur:,]! or "~':'i1;.rcou~ W<l'sCC:)" :n clnv form (i.e. :OXIC. pOIsonous. hll..;ill'l reJc:lve, r,1GicJClve. irflt,"'lUn:;. inicc:ioUS, -=~C.) Sw("ge ("cdicles for one iTlliricrl r)r ""Qrt~':':J.Jll;I1S or :iqulrred ;1 ,1Cur,-,; ~JS or ':l\hl?r fl,:llnrn.laie .iqUlc.iS, ~~nnGSCC: .:C:lQr. :;1::'1 :c';>ult ~r.:i1L' ':':-,('. \/':"(Icn rJ( 'Jt!:l:r :::S,tl(~~::r!C',: '.'II(;,in ~."~ClJ ,;ee~ of ,] ';iU' :.;sea or ::-:c :1'>nOS,1l ()i 'i011(1 :J( ;'"'.,\i,:r:OClJ~ wa,;>,e. Cl~~,'~ rT1n,:c:s: :Y r '- I_'(es '_'res _;"1. I :;'-j, ='(es :-..,; Yes ;"""'"i1'"4( =Yes I--.,;,"I( _ '(es ~l'i( ;-'(es :_1'1(; :-~es '_>-1e '(es '-:.",-:; '_Yes '_,'Jo ~5 :="40 eYes ['No : ; YI':S ~I"O i_Yl.'S ~,'10 '( ~. s _,'UJ ='(!'S :_"") -..... ~o .~ ., ~ , ':)r:lc.JI:O =~l';:1ti2j 2 i 3 I Cd' I ,-~.- i I', m",c.~, ::2 I Mi(jg2t2C 3y PrCles: C:-:anC2 I' - i3 iMPACT ON ./TH AND CHARACT::::'I CF CCMMUNI,'( OR NEiGH80RHOOD ''/ViiI oraoosed J,c:on ,l;reo:::: :he cMar;-.c:er 'Jr the ~Xlsc!n~ /'r71mur.;C'/( . 0<0 =':'=5 E':::.J.mples :ha;: wOLlia Joeiv co coiumn :2 ';T;cac: ;'v10cefa~2 !rTi~2.C: '_3.r:;2 f \. The ;Jermanem OOQUiutlcn or :he C:~'I, ,:own or 'Jli1Jg:e ;n '.'.I[,IC:-: ::-:e ;JrOlec: ;5 :OC:ltCG :5 iikeiv ~o ;row JV L'TlQre :h.]n 5%. The munlcipai J:udge~ ;ar c:l:JicaJ ~xper1dir:ure5 or '::::cer'c,::ng 3cYViC~5 wli! ;nCre3.S2 by .'T1cre than 5 % ;ler ',Iear as a ~e5uit .')f :~IS ::rOjec:. . Pro cased J.c::cn wlil condie: with orric:allv Jcoatee ::ians or g'Jais. . Piocosed .:1C:l0n wdl cJ.use a change in :he densie", or :ano '.Jse. Pro cased ...I..c::on '.viil ,~e:)lace or e!imln.J.te ~:(ist;n~ fac:iitres. Si:jUC:~n~s or Jreas or "istonc impon:ance :0 che C:Jmmunlt'l Oe'/eiopmenc wdl ceate a demand for additional communic''/ ;,UVIC2S (e.g. scheols, poiic~ and fire. etc.] Prooosed AC:'lon wiil set an imoortanc pre-:e::::!enc for iuwre ::JrOlec:s. Prooosed ,-\Clon wii! create or eiimmare emoiovme~c. Other imoac:s: I '- i i ~ i :....; '(~s :_,'10 I ~......J '( es ~_i'lO , !=Yes eNo I I L:Yes :....;:'l.o L:Yes '_,'10 I ; ; Yes '_No I I ~Yes , ~-..: :'-J 0 I I I~:'JC , ~'(es I , .......: '{.es :_:'.Jo I -;9 is '~~ere. or :s ,:here :ikeiv:a Je. ouoiic iJocennai adverse envlronme:1t.:i :moac:s! ~-n(--vo~s" . ,,~:or' ',... '--' ' ,v ,_,' .'-'___.-' "..." -'IC~ v _''-... / , '- if Any Action in Part 2 Is Identified as a Potential Large impact or [f You Cannot Determine the :\ilagnitude of Impact. Proceed ,a Part 3 Pan 3-EVALUATJON OF THE iMPORTA,\JCE OF iMP.D..CTS ,q:esponsibdity or Le.J.d Agency ?Jrt 3 must be prepared jf one or more impac:(sj is considcred to be ;wlc?ittJ.iIv !arg/? ~'1en ii the imo.lc~{si ;nav b~ mitigJ.tcd. lnstruc~ions Oisc:.Jss the ~o/Jowing ~or each Impact identified in C;J/urlin .2 or r~rt ..... 1. Briefly de.scnbe the impact. 2. Oescnbe (if ;::;Polic.1biel how the imp<1c: couid be mlrlgated or ,~edllc'-:a :0,1 smail to mOGl'r.:-:re :mn.1G ~.,/ prOlecr ch.lnge(sj. 3. 8J.scd on the information .Jvad.lbie. dcc:dc if It :s reJ,soll.1cie (0 conciuue :11.,( :nls :tnoac: ~s imoor!.Jnt. To answer ~he '1ucs\:Jon or imllOrtJ.nc~, conSIder: The probJ.bdi('1 or the :rnoJC: oC::Jrnnt: .. The Jura (Jon of the Imp<lC its IrrC'/crsihditv, :f1(:udilll~ ':Jcrfll,lnenrly !osc rr""ourc,'" or '1"itH.' 'Nl1e~her the imO,lG C':n or WliI ~)C c:Jlllroiled The (e~!on.1i :on<;I'(Tucnn~ of :hc ImO,1C:: it":: ;Jorcntl.d divl'r::'-:ncc {rom ;ot.~ll '''I.'~'li\ ~:lti ~:O,~jS lNhl~~hcr :.:nown ()hfC(::~()r1" :0 '_!If':)r()I1.'~: "c~,ltl: :0 ::~I" rl"H),;('. / I '- :C8n[l(1tJt~ :)11 .lct~cillllenc;) " .~ : ''37',_~,: 'J ~ i :: ":;~--...:r', ." . _.. '--:-c::"l. ...",-l::- ,c\'ppsncix S . c:;'Jircli:1lental QU2! ~ cie'Jie1N ~ .... .. .~ I... _..... _' "j l~ ucl ,....- ., ~ r!-.i}- ~J..",.... ~ ~ ~.-::ln "';11---' 1 ..l. 'L.;. U ',- I" .i '-' ;..,...;. '. 1 .:. r '- -;115 :cr~ ,"T'tcy....."" ~.3e:C!. ",..... ;:;rcvice 3CC:(;OncJ 'r,rcr~<J.(:C:-: ~e:a[:r,g ~O GL.:.es~:::::r, :~e :=uil =-.':',[= of ?:=~:: _ ::::r : 0 Je .:::::r.1o!~~eG by i_-=-=-C ,':'ce!"',c'/) VisibiHty Dist<J.nce 3e~'.lJe~:1 Projec: J.nd ~escurce. (in iYl.i!es) L Wouid ~:1e :Jroje-:: be '/isible :rom: ,-\, oarce! of :and which is decicacea ~o ane ::vaiiacie ':0 the quoiic ,or :;,e '.Jse. ~!1ioyme:1t and aoore-::CJt:on or nac;..:rcJ or ,"nan-mace scenic quaiities? Q. ,/" :/. . !/~ :/:-3 ~.~ ,- '- J~ \2"" ,'\0 'Jve:icck or parcei or land dedica.ted to pubiic ooser'/ation. enjoyment anc aDprec~ation or nature;! or ti..J.n-mace sce:1ic quaiities? .'1;/' ,.;. .sire or 5'LrUC::Jre fisted ':In ~he l~atlonaj '.Jr. S(.=.te Re~!s;:e::s Gr :-iis;:cric P\ac=s? Scate :J:=r:,s! .,.- ;/" T1ie 5(ate ,=::::resr. Pr=se~'/e? ,~aticnai '"Vildlife qe~!.Jges .:!nc state game refuges? -bo:"'" ,'jaticnai ;~aturai i_.::!ndmar:-<'s a.no Qche: auts;:2ncing ~aturai :catures! v / \.. I~at:cnai ?3.r:.;: Se:vice ianas? ~ .;;/ :~jvers sesignated as :'lat;ona! or State '.l/iic. Sce~!c or ::::'e-:;e:=t!on<Ji? ../ "l....ny cr<JnsoorCiJ(Jon c::rr:cor of hifJl1 -:xposure. :sue=-: as part or ~he inre!"st<::te System, or .-.l..mtr;Jk? vi . ,-.l., gave!"nmentalIy estabiished or designated irHe~st.J(e or imer.<::::::unty reOt traii. or -one r-ormaily proposed :cr estaoiisnment or designation? i"\unicipaJ park. or designated aoen space? County roaa? C '- .-/ - ;-0 , L! ~ ~ - ;7' ;-.J '- .-if .~ - . , - .- - - .~, site. area. lake. reservoir or ;,ighway designated ::'5 . 1 scemc. ,- State) i_OC]] ,oad'? z 2. is :he '/iSliJliit~1 oj ,he pfoje-:: ,-:t.:;;lsOn,!l? (i.c.. :~Geent:0 by SUlr.me~ ~-ol:<JSc. :;U( '.'~:::b:e 0lJllr19 oti1~:- : ;cosonsl / ~'> <;lb.. "",II ~ ~ SPc." > N1 ~~ ~ C'fcS 2"'10 v.Jl,w, ~ ~~ ~ / ~ dW:l '(0 or'! d ..h,'~c"Q~~~C~(~P.,,~~,}+~(~ , f ~ ;ur:ns ',,,nie;; ='/~s li~","",r~'l' .;....,.,' ,"0";,,,,'.1.,:; '.. ..... :-' '.... \ . , ,~ , ,_ ~.I..:. :_,0 '- ..~ " ~. ; ~ DESCRJPT:ON OF.'Slll~G 1/1S,JAL =.~\/IRCt!j'-\,E:'l.T . '-~Q""'" :;-:C5C '.vhic:"': :::i~:.e:"c.ily cesc:-:ce :,~e sur:-cunc;ng ,=~cm ~=c:, :ce::1 C..,.:-::..;:e:~ :n cuesc:::::n e::"1'1lrcnrr'.::::1t. ESSc!1ti<::ily unc:='1eicpe'::i fsrested ,:",gr;c:":lturai SUDuroan reslde!1tiai [ncustilal CJmmerciai Urban :~j'ler, L.ake:. Pond Cliffs. Cveriooks Designated Open Spac~ Flat riilly :V\ountainous Ot:.e:- I~OlC~ add -3.ttac.:-:ments 2!S .1ee-:1eO ,. .-I...re :he:-e 'lisuaily s~ar ~ro Jec:s '.vltnm: t'h. mile i '/,:,.S i---:[~o ., i~ties ~:s :---.:i":O "2 .THies '~s :-11":0 "] ii1lies !-i '(es I " ,_:.0 'Nitnin '" !/~ rnde .0<1 '. ';/ ,... V V L ~ , i;.../ , V ~ 0" i , Iv/ - ~ U I- V V ,- ~ , - r r :~ - .. Distanc,: from prcje-::r. site are pro'llced :'cr ~ss;stanc,:_ Suostin;c:= other dis~<Jnces as J.ooropriace ~ EX?OSURE 5. The::3nnuaJ number of '/iewers iikeiy ta obsef'/e lhe prooosed ?rcje-::: :s NCTC:~ \Vhen user data ;s unavaiicble or unknown. use best eS~lmate. 250 CONTEXT 7. The situ<Jtion or ac:ivity in which ~he '/iewe!"s are engaged while viewing .:he proocsed ac~ion is Activity T(<Jvel to and from work Involved in re-::reaciona! <lc:ivitics Routine tr;Jve! by residents At J. (esidcf1c~ At ',vorksltC Other Daily [J \Vee:klv r~'" L U r ~ I . i , I....... :~ u '-' FREG.UENCY Holidaysl Weekends Se.3sonaiIy L; Ii ,... u L L...; L Ii 1- ,- , r ,- ~ c ... .~ . . {1!S J/IiIIff Po ~ '(A- laUK i f\k.DMr ,'\.'0, Submission Without a Cover Letter Sender: II m 1<e..llvl Date: 11111'1lo Subject: N F Re..SCi).((LS, ~ Y1C o~ ~ lL SCTM#: O::l- __-T G Comments: Lf-!Ib an( ;;)2.'5 iei/'; [lr-hues trem Sc01Ylin.plM Pres; .,-.~----- ~...''"--'-'~-~ ~--_.....~.,>" - "'..- - .':;::~ .-, ., ... .,.,,~-----_., 11 cc~ \..;....0 -",-"'- -->~_._.,..".. '.''';:-' -'"':>, , - -<'.... ::'::::'1==:'"'' :; '-' :'2<::; .' .'- -''''-'-' ~I/!~/!~Y~ 1 !ll~ 'e 'o,e,., r. a 1 CopyriqM: THE SOU'l'liAMnoN PRESS Issue Date: 04-18-96 April 1996 Rocxy Road for Trader in Oebris ** >>By William J. Cabir > Th@ South<llllpton Town building department has cracke<1 down on a COIllP,?lly that imports construc~ion debris to Bridt,jehalllpton for a:'~@gedly a~ratl.ng an ill~al industrial Use in a residential zone south oJ; Ml.cdle ~ine Highway and creating an illegal transfQr station near ~~e railroad tracks on Foster Avenue. , ~ilding Inspector J'<;>na<::han O. Erwin. issued a SUlIIlllons on. Friday, ~pr~l ~2 to Delores ~. Prlnclpl of,Fort P1erce, Florida, a prlnci~~l In ~he Hampton Materlals and Hanallnq corporation of Brid~ehalllptor.; alleginq Sl1e !:ad chan<;e<1 the use of a 15. 2-acre, residentl.ally-zoll:~ lot 50U1:.I1 of Middle Llne High"ay in northern Bridqehalllpton fro:. a. vacant lo~ to a processing and storage area tor crushing. stone .and concrete ~ithou~ first obtaining a certificate of occupancy. ~rs. principi is the motn.r of Richard J. Prineipi Jr., another principal in the cOlllpany. Mr. Principi ~ceived a ~ummons from ~. Erwin on January 3, 1996, for all~edly ~uilding a l5-foot-hi~h loadinq dock next to tne rail stop at hlS Foster Avenue husiness wlthout a building permit. He received a second summons on March 6 for allegedly creatin. a transfer and loading area for construction and demolition debris without first Obtaining a certificate of occupancy for ~~at use. Mr. Principi plans to apply to the Sou~~a:pton Town Board tor a zone cha.~ge ~~at would allow him to legally operate the transfer facility from his business. Hampton Xaterials takes vasta concrete, rock, dirt, ~rick and asphalt from New York City via rail to Bridge>hamptcn, wh$r~ it is loaded into trucks and taken to the 15.2-acre site, a former sand ~ine, south of Middle Line Highway. There, ~~~ines sort, sift and grind the material into toplSoil, Cnlsne<1 rock and roadbed stone. illllllpton ~teriaH: sells t.'1e recycled llIaterial to landscapers and road cont~'actors. Last summer, Hampton Material~ .as bringing 5,000 cubic yards ::If clean fill or 20 rail cars from !few YorJcs five boroughs into Bridgehampton ~ach ""..k. The firll was dso accepting wood Chips froll! the Long Island Lightinq Company and sellinq the chips as lIlulch. At t..'1e 1::1_, Qffic:ials interviewed for a story in The Southampton Press said there .as nothing illegal about the Qperation. With the SUlIlIIOns now allEl9ing the illega~ tlse at the fOrlller ;and mine, the town has shut down the Xiddle Line Highway recycling )peration. Theyre going to put ~ out of business, Mr. Principi ;aid ~esday. III have no o1:.l1er place to conduct lIlY work. The sand mine .,her. the rock and dirt '''as recycled, a pre-..xisting, ,on-conforminq industrial use, is located within a fiv..-ac~e residential :002. The ~ract is owned by Donald J. Gleason of wS-Ourham, New Halllpshi.:-e. Mr. Gleason subdivided the parcel in June 1991 into three lots )f five acre,. or IIlCre. As part or the >subdivision, !'!l:'. Gl.eason Sold :0 the town for one dollar a loo-toot-vide conserva~ion easement o~er :..'le northern part ot the lot. Also, Mr. Gleason sold to the to>m fo:r- .ne dollar a SO-foot-vide trail ea5eJllent OV<lr the sou~hern and westl3rn ~rtion of his tract. Mr. ?rincipi leased the subdivided land and 'e~ained an option to buy it. Mr. GleasoJl$ resiaential subdivision of the lot is what ..ventuall'( 'ull~ the recycling rug out fro," under Mr. ?rincipi and H<UlIpton Ma':er~als , -'~"" '=. i:t,1E'3'~E'/IC:'/1 ~:S ::::';:;8 '::,::S-:- . ~~~~ r~ ~~~}2~? r, ~L/l~":Y~~ I: ~~, P. '1)2 Covenants and ::-~st:ri~~iona i.zposed upon the lot when it was subdivided reao.l.ire<:l. that all fill material u.sed cn the site shall be clean ,:\rId free of con$truction debris. _~~rew P. Frelenq, the towns chief ,,1 ann..r , advis4d tbg TC"'n Building CepartJRent on March 25 ehat crlJ,shed stone, hrick and CQ=ent wa~ a fo~ of construction debris Danned from tbe site. To be honest Yi~~ YOu...We telt the mine was abandoned, Mr. !lo<llihan said ot the pre-existing, nonconforllling use t.'1at the ?rill,cipis had relied on to use the pro~~y for an industrial operation. Enviro~enta1i.ts in ar~dqQhampton have been vatchinq the Hampton Materi..l~ operation within the former sand mine carefUlly. Mike Bottini. ~ planner for the Brid9ehampton-based environmental or9anization Group =or the South ForX, sa~d he bad been investigating act~vity at the 15.2-acra ~iddle LL~e Highway site for about a year. AS we see it, the problem i5 a co_reial operation in a residenti"l %one, and a c01lllllercial operation in an important aquifer recnarge area, Mr. Bottini said. That may have a (negative) i~pact on qround~ater recharge...I! contaminants get 1nto the vater on that site, you would have pollution in some or tbe deepest groundwater on the South Fork. Accordinq to an en9ineer vith the state Department of ~~vironaental Conservation ana Mr. Prlneipi, the former sand mine is not located in a protected aqui~er overlay district. DEe Enviromaental Snqinee.r Stanley FarKas told The SOUtballlptOI!1 Press for an article about Hampton Materials last May that ~~e for.:er sand mine vas out~iae the deep-flow recharge area. Processing rock and dirt, ....hat the "tate called clean fill, would not have an illl!?act "n underground water quality, Mr. Farkas said. A state engineer 1n:~pected the site and issued a penait to Mr. Principi for the recycling ope:~ation !!arch 17, 1995. Mr. Bottini said that by shippin9 old roadbed material into ~~e sand mine, Hampton Mater.als was ~ntroducing petroleums (that) :an leach out bto tile saney soil ,:m a rainy day. Mr. Principi ob).~cted :0 the charge '=.'1is weex. 1'1Ie clean rock and dirt taken to the fon"~r ~and :!line -",as nev.r buried So it would not stay in place or pollutl! 3rounQwater by leachinq chemicals into t.~e ground, he said. There,. no C1:lntalllination ."hatsoever. None, Mr. Principi said. rts clean material. Its not qoin9 to ~e landfl11ed. Its not qettinH "uried. Put it in bold letters, 1n parentheses. !lot landfilled.. .I1:s 1 clean businsss. Its rQcycling. Its really recycling. Mr. Principi faces s~n$es for two other allege~ offenses cel~t;ed to the creation of a transfer station at his Foster Avenue ,u5iness. S~artin<<1 in early January, a ramp that had allegedly been built Jithout a bu~ldin9 oerlllit vas used tor trucks to dUlllp local cons~Lction ~ demOlition debrlswood, shingles, cardhoa.d, plas~ic,. window fr~~s, ~etrigeratorsinto rail cars stationed at 1:he Hampton Materials rail i1;Op, l!r. Principi said TUesday. He ~qan to export construction arId lemal i t.ion d,u,ris via ra~l t.o a fir:!> 1.n Brooklyn at the start of t1:.e (ear, he said. Mr. Principi learned, the narQ way that transferring cons~ruction lnd demolition d,u,ris trom truCKS into rail cars is prohibited in · light industrial 1;one. In fact., t..'1e S01J1:ba::apton Town zoning code ~Xes no provision for t..~e location of a construction and demoliticn ~ris transfer station. The town building inspectors office issued ;ummonses to Mr. Princ1pi after receiving complaints from residents. ~ilding Ins~ctor PaUl Houlihan $aid t..~e complaint.s intensified last love1llber, . ~r_ Principi said, r ~~ew [the transfer operation) mada certain ~ople unhappy, but it .as ~ very neat and clean system. Its right 'n t..'1e rail. Its natural. It worked out ~ell. He added ruerully, ., ....-,'c..: -=.: = =- 2~;2 :,'--'c..- -:'I~ .;;087 -" ~, ... , ".',' ~ e : -.:,t 0 tl !::::'J - ,'. p.~; I had all the carters orinqinq him deoris. Southampton Town closed the North Sea Landfill under a &tate ord..r on December lS, 1995. Since t.hen, the town has mad.e no prov!.sion for t.~e disposal o~ construction snd demolition debris. Commercial carters must dispose of it privately. Rat.~er than haYe all the construction and da301ition debri$ in sout.ha:nr;>ton trucked out of to"n, Mr. principi said he lllOVed to take it out by rail, vhi<::h he "aid was cheaper. Car'tars spent al:lo~lt Sn per ton ~o ship construction and demolition debris by truclC btlt only $lJ to $16 per ton to ship it by rail, he said. Without sD~inq the debris, ~dmpton Material and Handlin9 COIporation was snippin<;l it to Brooklyn, ....here a fil::ll ..,ould sort it and sell i.t as :-ecycled cardboard., Iiood and :net'll, he said. Also, havinq the c:onstruction and demoli ticn debris taken out by rail t'1!duced t.!le nUlllber of truc:ks on local roads, he added.. HaJlIpton Haterials "ill apply to the Southalllpton Town Board ir.: about a month tor a change at. zoning tll.at vould allow the tran,,":fez at construction and demolition debris to occur at its rail stop. 1be !i~ viII ask ~~e Town Board for a Quasi-Public Service Use District deslgnation( Mr. principi said. He hopes to discuss ~~e plan vith Town Supervlsor Vincent J. Cannuscio soon. I dont want to be a problem here, Mr. Principi said. I want ta be part ot. the solution. >WILLIAM J. CAHIR > _'.:.'0-'- :::' =- - ~ _ t -c.: _:::", ""-:':":;::' ---:'--"-' ~ ~ / ~ ~,. : ';I!d 1::1 ~ : . ~ : 'ROe '0 :.8' 0:' . El'4 :opyr igb1:. TME SOl;"THAi'<...l?I'ON PRESS :.ssue Date: 05-25-95 )!ay 1995 :ity's Dirt, Degris Follows Folks to Hampton$ ly Bill Call.ir While city folks are ~utti~g on their ~untr1 clothes and leading to ~e liamp~onG for escape ~~is holiday veek&nd, a littlQ d.t. of the city ...ill follow them in railroad cars, literally packl~d .n like so muc.~ dirt. C~led pieces of Ne... 'fork have been exported to the lamptons, of all places, ever sinc$ a Bridgenampton firm bega.~ .mport.ing rock and dirt, cr~shed concrete, brick, and other ,xcavated material that the state classifies as "clean fillff from fe... Yor~ City to 8ridgehampton via rail last year. The firm now .rings about 5,000 cu.bic yards, or two 20-car train loads, of clean "ill from Mev York's five borougns into Bridgehampton each week. The firm recycles the l1laterial and sells it to contractors and and$capers as topsoil, cr~shed rock, and roadbed material. The "ina also buys sand from two East End :nines and sends it ))ack to ~w York, whero contrac~ors mix it into concrete for buildings arKl .r ic19'e.. Hampton ~terials and Handlin9 Inc. on Foster Avenue, ~diately north of the rail stat10n in 8ridgehampton, began mporting clean fill from the city last October, aCCOrding to :i<:har:i :J. Principi Jr., the finn's president. The Principi falllilr ,as been in t.'le construction busi."less on the East Elld for 25 rearE.. Providing a tour of his facilities last Thursday, Mr. Pr1ncipi "aid h4 gets the fill from private contractors in the city, puts It "n rail cars at a station that his fir. owns on ~ackson Av.nue in onq Island City, and Ships it 94 miles to Bridgehampton. After the fill arrives here, payloaders empty the as-ton reight ears into tr.1cks, ...l1ien trans~ort the lIIatarial to a 14-acl'e ormer sand mine in the ~ooded hills 4~ediately west of the " ntarsec:tion 01: Bricx Kiln and Stony aill roads, ....here it is si:ft:e,d n<:1 separate<:1. Mr. ?rincipi said he found the sand mine site 'olhilE' lying in a friend's plane. Osing heavy equipment and a "fine scret!ner, ~ as one manager allee! it, Rupton Ma~erials sitts, separates and recycles the roc:k nd dirt into heaps of to~soil; crushes brick and concrete into tone for roa~s and drJ.vaways; and m.ixes manure irtto the soil t.o orm co~ost. The f~ also receives wood <:hips from tbe Long sland L~ghting Company-- generated by the co~ny when it trims rees-- that Ha>>pton Materials sells as mulch. Mr. Principi and a manager at the firm. John A. Hauf, said hat their customers included landscapers, contractors, and aGuar~ia Airport. ....here the soil is used as fill. The firm, :meanwhile, sends l;anQ that it bv.ys from t.....o East 2nd and mines to the city for use in state-approved concrete for '.I.11dings and l:lridges, Mr"." Principi said. He added that contract:ol:s n the city call the sand "Hampton Gold." The sand-related part ot is business will be expanded, he added, ..hen he starts importing and from Connecticu~ into Queens by barge. Yvonne Velasquez, Mr. Principi'S sister, also ....orks at Sampton aterials. Calling herself a "hardscape artist," Mrs. Velasquez aiQ ~~e uses sand, cruShed glass, and removed or qprofiled" oadbed to make ~alkVay tiles, candlesticks and oirdba~~. Showing COffin-sized casting mold in vhich she makes the tiles, she said hat no o~~er ~~sinQss vas so dependent on recycled materials as as ners. . ..' -....; "J:''::) 3CD,'.~ '--',-,>.. ,- - '...;j - =~.:E3. -'';;'~J :'$0.87 ~,,-. -~. -~::. './ .::. .c-; ~ ::3 :=::':.2 ~:':~~ \';teC ::~~~ ~<,.,. ~ .-.. '" Hampton Materials is the largest freiqht customer the ~ng Island Rail Road serves on the Eas~ End, Mr. Principi said. The city is constantly beinq torn down and rebuilt, providing ll. steady flo~ of natural, ~afe, but valuable material, h. added. Hampton Materials has to turn many contractors a~ay because it does not nave ~~e capacity to serve all of them, he said. Ah<>ut 40 ~=.nt of the material H4.lllpton Materials brin9s hElre trmn NeW York ~s roclc; and dirt, Mr. Principi 8stilllated. Another ~iO percent, he said, is broken-up concrete, coming in pieces no larcrer t..'laZl vatenlelons, he said. About 15 percent is briCk and the . balance i~ fill, such as ~ey sand from. Roosevelt Island, he sa1.:1. His company is paid to haul the stuff away for disposal. Hampton Materials even has receiVed cObblsatones, unearthed from benea~~ New York City'S s~reets, that originally came from England. Describing his firm': efficiency, Mx. Principi said that when Hampton Materials receives 20 freight cars of rock, dirt and concrete in Bridgebampton, 20 oeher rail cars are being l0a4edto go back to Lon., Island City. To Bridqehupton, the cars carry the clean fill. To Qua.lns, the cars carr.! sand. Each freight car carries the equivalent of t~o and a half tractor trailers, Kr. Principi added. Using the tong Island Rail J<oad-- which provides two lcc01llotives to haul his loads-- ke~ tractor trailers off the road, he said. Ose of the LIRR also reduces liability costs, he said, because tractor trailers are liabilities on the road. "This is a sand and stone !?ipeline," Mr. Principi said as h.e stood next to his firm's operat.ons at. the Bridqehampton rail station. Tom LAvin, director of freight marxeting for the Lonq Island Rail Road, said in ~ April interview that he helped Hampton Materials get started. Transporting freight on the railroad reduc,~s traffic on and daaaqe to hi9hway~, bridges, ar~ tunnels, he said. "We're tryi~ to 9ro~ th~t [freight) business, in fact," Mr. Lavin Said. Mr. Principi reqistered his operation with the solid waste division of the state's Depa~~ent of Environmental COnservation (DEe) on March 17. In order for Mr. Principi to legally register his processing site, a DEe engineer said, the state had to determine that he was recycling ~~e rock, d~rt and b~iCk-- not burying it. Landfillinq it would be illegal, the engineer said. An inspector from the DEe visited Hampton Materials on May 1 i' and said a day later that the operation was leqal-- that no landfillinq was ~curring and that no chemically or petroleum-treatad materials were being ~rocassed or buried at the site-- and that the necessary registrat~on pr~ess Wag being Completed. -our business is clean rock and dirt,- said John Hauf last Thursday. Mr. liauf was trying to eJllpl1asize that his fina had no interest in ~rin~inq environmentally hazardous material to Briage~ton. Mr. Principi said that all of the material processed by Ius finD were safe an<! natural "eartA products." S4iles of top~il, aged VOOdchips, fill, dark compos~, 9ravel, ava rock, crystal dust, concrete blend, "pink carnation" stone, and 1reen stone mix sit in Hampton Materials' office lobby. Mr. Princip. said that his products are tasted r~ularly for tAe DEe by a private tiE>>. DEe ...nvir';)(Dlental engineer Stanley FarJr;as said that the Hampton Materials processing operation at the tor=er sand mine was .outsiae ~~e deep-flow recharge ar~a,- meaning that processing =, :...11'3 ;.';s :::;<..:,.r- ^~~..:-... " ~ :."E:';, ::.'=:: i :=.'/} ~,,- ...:..:':"C -''-;'~' TO 2.3:' F.B6 ~I~!u/:~ee :! :1: c:lean fill at th.. sit.. '..ould not have an i.:apact on unaergrouna ~ate~ quality. The DEe would not require Hampton Materials to double-line the site with 24 inches of clay and a plastic liner, n. Farka. said. "It'~ not that critical to the aquifer," Mr. Farkas said of the sand mine site. ~8p1te the fact that Hampton Materials has moved about 25,000 cubic yards ~t clean fill tro. New Yor~ to Brid9ehampton since Oc;:~ober, ~'\e firm'. operations re_in a mystery to lllany people in this ilrea. Asked i~ he knew anything about activity at the sand mine site, Richard 5lowes, Southampton's acting deputy supervisor. said, "No I'1Il not familiar with it.. ..I'm interested myself." "I have no idea...They just show two signs that depict a mine l:lelng ~;era." said John Irwin of the town's Building Oepartllen1:. Myron Lavine, who owns a house on Srick Kiln Road next to the entrance to the t~r sana mine, nas noticed Hampton Materials; activity ~t the site. "Whatever they do, they do it in an incredibly o~erly . fashion. It.s real orChestrated...TheY're not aaking it unsiqbtly," Mr. Levine said in an interview. Mr. Levine said that he was "not crazy about the sound of the trucks,M but added that he preferred their sound to that of aotorized bikes that had made a racket in ~~e empty sand mine in the peat. Ontll last OctoOer, Hampton Materials imported only crushed li)8estone, known as bluestone, from Albany by truck. 'I'h... finD sold it to P1:ivate contr::lctors for roadbeds and bases tor driveways, M1C. Principi said. The fi:z:::o. ~till sells bluest.one. but greater volum.!/; of it. he said. "I ~as in my infancy then," Mr. Principi said. .I'v~ just started to recoup my inveatment." Mr. principi and Mr. Hauf agreed that one of the most difficult aspeces ot expanding Hampton Materials from a small truckin9' operation to a clean fiU. rail-baaed operati.;m was ovQrcom~ng the skepticism ot contractor$ in New ~ork. Urban contractor$ didn't believe that "Kamptcn boys" Could get the jOb done, Mr. Principi and n. Hauf said. They agreed that 1::1e assistance of the Long Island Rail Road IotllS =i tical to their success. Although Hampton Katerials can process clean fill i~ported from New Yo~k City, it does not rQcycle any ma1:erial generated "ithin the Town ot Southampton itself. Mr. Principi and Mr. Haut said. "I'. not re"lly set up to take local material riqbt now," Mr. Principe said. "We're not a transfer facility, The TOwn of SOuthampton has a transfer station tor that," Kr. Haul said, referring to the North Sea LandfilL Mr. lIauf toolt pains to _phasize that H~ton Materials was a family business. His daughter worked for the f4rlll. he said. and Mr. Princ1pi's sister and her husband vcrkgd for it as well. "We try to be a good- neighbor. We don't give anyone a hard tilll.. We're from the area. Tbe Principi family has been bere 25 years. . . He went back in time. If. found the ra il road that was sitting there and withering away. Now we're bringing jobs to Long Island," Mr. HauL said. TOHH. P.~a . <ob<IlL. l,(./o--S'S,N\.!Z. · 7(,.$- 313e::, 1/[3 RK TC::, CD -,-0:: , , , OWN ~ HAMPTON MAT'5tRIAI...S ANO HA.NDLING, INC. To the Members of the Soard of the town of Southold: AS per Monday night work session of July 15th, my only request at this time is to be able to use the Cox Lane facility for our business purposes which is the manufacturing of sand and sand products, such as gravel and variouS sizes of stone. We don't intend to do any recycling or crushing at the Southold location, Nor do we wish to do any rail road business out of Southold where it comes to dropping rocks and dirt. (We lost the opportunity of doing business with the rail road at this time,) We would also like to conduce our landscaping business and as we discussed last evening, and the ability to do that a.s '.te submicced previously with arcisc renderings, bringing c.own the parking lot to grade level and creating a berm arol;.nd the property wich plants and trees. This then will help to facilitate our crucks, in maneuvering for turning and loading various materials from site. Thank you. We remain respectfully yours, ~qr~rt . ._--~------_._,.__.,. :~,) ~ ]J ;U ~ !i~ ,'J'., JUL I 61996 i-' L.--__.~..._....~."~,_ --! :U~!';': I :n . ;~ ___.__,.~,::; ._.__',._.. _c...._u._~ :;. '~'~_"~' --- Po aD~ /'1/:0 '52 ~L]STER .ol,V'ENUE, BRIOGEHAMPTQN. ,.....Y 1 ~ 9:3,2 21-' 0 ..JACKSON AVENUE.. ~CNG ,SL-"'NO Cill'. NY I 1 101 ('516) 537-75':;:5 F'AX :S15} 5~"-S463 . . . DRAFT TO: Town Board Laury Dowd, Town Attorney FROM: Robert G. Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer SUBJECT: Hampton Materials, Mr. Richard Principi DATE: July 12, 1996 At the invitation of Messrs. Andrew Freleng, Cheif Planner and Mr. Paul Houlihan, Chief Building Inspector of the town of Southampton, Richie Latham , Bill Cremers and I visited Southampton to rev-Iew the files of Hampton Materials. Hampton Materials, (Richard Principi Jr. President), has a stone and earth products sales operation adjacent to the Bridgehampton Rail Road Station. In addition, Dolores A. Principi is the owner of vacant property in the Town of Bridgehampton. On April 12, 1996, Dolores A. Principi received a notice of complaint from Southampton Justice Court of a violation of Chapter 330-177(A) of the Code of the Town of Southampton. To wit: Doloris A. Principi, did change the use of a vacant lot to a processing and storage area for crushing stone and concrete without a certificate of occupancy for that use. The property mentioned above had previously been mined, and a large crater now exists that was supposed to be filled and regraded with clean fill. The Town did not consider the crushed concrete and glass etc. as clean fill and ordered Ms. Principi to remove it from the property. To date the fill has not been removed. A new court appearance is due. . . Richard Principi Jr. received two complaints from the town, one on January 3, 1996. To wit: Richard Principi Jr. constructed a loading dock for loading railroad cars with construction debris as well as household garbage without the benefit of a building permit. A second complaint was issued on March 6, 1996. To wit: Richard Principi changed the use from storage area for bulk storage of sand, topsoil, gravel and wood chips to a storage area and a transfer and loading area for construction and demolition debris without first obtaining a certliicate of occupancy. The file also contains letters from neighbors complaining about freight cars parked adjacent to their property with earthquake like vibrations. Attachments --------- .~....;.~~~:i~...,b;.. ;: _ .'::::..~,,'4 ~',:;'.i.:L.~'::"'__ . TOWN OF SOUTHAMPTON JUSTICE COURT lM.l~~~~"~ " " .< / / / __________________________________________x People of the State of New York, Plaintiff, BD#96-061 - against - ~res A. princioi Defendant(s) ------------------------------------------x Name (Complainant): Jonathan O. Erwin Ordinance Inspector No. 116 Hampton Rd. Southampton, New York 11968 being duly sworn, says that on 4/12/96 at about ~~~~ at 12Q Middle Line Hiahwav SCTM#0900-30-l-32, Hamlet of BridaeQqmDton, Town of Southampton, County of Suffolk, State of New York, the defendant(s) Dolores A. PrinciDi. 2400 South Ocean Drive. Fort Pierce. Florida 34949 committed the offense(s) of: Violation of Chapter 330-177(A) COUNT#l in that: "It shall be unlawful to use or to permit the use of any building, structure, premises, lot or land or part thereof hereafter erected or altered, enlarged or moved or put into use, in whole or in part, after the effective date of this chapter or of any building, structure, premises, lot or land or part thereof which the use is changed until a certificate of occupancy has been obtained by the owner" to wit: "Dolores A. Principi, did change the use or allowed the use to be changed from a vacant lot to a processing and storage area for crushing stone and concrete without first obtaining a certificate of occupancy for that use as stated in Chapter 330-l77(A) of the Code of the Town of Southampton." This complaint is based on personal knowledge and a diligent search of the Building Department records anrl/Lnf0tmafL0n/arirl ~eILef'/fMe/s0~t~e/~eLn~/fMe/affa~Merl/3w0tn/rlep0sLfL0ri{sl 0f///////II/IIII/IIII/I/lllllrlaferlll/11111111111111IIII SWORN TO BEFORE THIS 12th DAY OF April 1996 False statement made therein are punishable as a Class A Misdemeanor pursuant to section 210.45 of the Penal Law. q ~oS~a:G TOWN OF SOUTHAMPTON . . HAMPTON MATERIALS AND HANDLING. INC. INITIAL PROPOSAL OF HAMPTON MATERIALS AND HANDLING, INC. FOR THE TOWN OF BAST HAMPTON AND THE TOWN OF SOUTHAMPTON Our company was incorporated in New York State on January 5, 1988. We started as a land improvement contractor. As time went on and we expanded into other areas of expertise, Mr. Richard Principi, Jr. had a vision to use the railroad to transport materials such as bluestone from upstate New York (ie: Albany). This progressive endeavor opened up a new market out here on the east end. The last time the railroad was used for freight was back in the early 1960's for the potato market. Since we now started with the rail, we developed a market in Long Island City for the removal of rock and dirt. With construction in the city there is no room for rock, dirt and cement and our method of transport was most welcomed. With the use of a crusher we then opened a new product line which is called crushed concrete or blend. In addition, all materials from the city (see photo) are recycled into many other products ie: fill and topsoil. At the same time our train hauls back sand to the city to cement plants. Environmentally, we solved a major problem of trucking. Each rail car is equivalent to three tractor trailers of materials. If twenty rail cars ran each day for four days per week, that would be the equivalent of 240 trucks per week one-way. Roundtrip would increase the figure to 480 per weey bring the total to 24,960 truckloads over the course of one year. The end result of my conservative example would remove the equivalent of 24,960 trucks from the road annually. The financial benefits to the L.I.R.R. and New York State is that it's a freight operation and realizes significant revenue from the moves. This has permitted the L.I.R.R. to turn what was once a deficit laden operation into one which turns a profit. P.O. Box 1416 52 ~OSTER AVENUE. BRIOGEHAMPTON. NY 1 1932 21 -I 6 .JACKSON AVENUE, LONG ISLAND CITY. NY 1 1 101 15161537-7525 FAX (516) 537-5463 . . HAMFTON MATERIALS AND HANDLING. INC. -2- As our operation has turned a problem into a solution for the L.I.R.R., we can be the solution to the problem of the removal of construction debris which exists in the Towns of East Hampton and Southampton. We offer to the Town, a proposal regarding the generation of construction and demolition debris and its disposal. As a joint cooperative effort with the Town, we would establish a collection and disposal program. This would be accomplished by us providing the equipment to the Town (ie: metal containers, roll-off trucks) at the Town's collection station. We would then remove the containers and dispose of the material at our facility for shipment to a New York State DEe licensed facility. To promote such a venture, the Town should announce and encourage its residents to use the collection facility for disposal of their "Spring" clean-up, house renovations, etc. Materials that we could accept for collection are: 1. wood and wood by-products 2. plastics 3 . metal 4 . gypsum 5 . rugs 6. mattress, box springs 7. cardboard We here at Hampton Materials and Handling, Inc. of Bridgehampton await the opportunity to discuss this proposal with the Town and we thank you for the opportunity of being able to assist you. Respectfully submitted, -;UdP- t- Richard J. Principi, Jr. President P.O. Box 1416 52 F"OSTER AVENUE. BRIDGEHAMPTON. NY 1 1932 21-16 JACKSON AVENUE. loONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11101 (5161 537-7525 FAX 151 51 537-5463 . . TOWN OF SOUTHAMPTON JUSTICE COURT -_________________________________________x People of the State of New York, Plaintiff, BD#96-029 - against - Richard Principi Jr. Hampton Materials Corporation Officer Defendant(s) ------------------------------------------x Name (Complainant): Jonathan O. Erwin Ordinance Inspector No. 116 Hampton Rd. Southampton, New York 11968 being duly sworn, says that on 3/5/96 at about 2:00 p.m. at 2Z Foster Avenue SCTM#0900-69-1-9, Hamlet of Bridaehamoton, Town of Southampton, County of Suffolk, State of New York, the defendant(s) Richard princioi Jr. Hamoton Materials Corooration Officer. 136 Main Street. Amaaansett. New York 11930 committed the offense(s) of: violation of Chapter 330-177(A) COUNT#1 in that: "It shall be unlawful to use or to permit the use of any building, structure, premises, lot or land or part thereof hereafter erected or altered, enlarged or moved or put into use, in whole or in part, after the effective date of this chapter or of any building, structure, premises, lot or land or part thereof which the use is changed until a certificate of occupancy has been obtained by the owner" to wit: "Richard Principi Jr. Hampton Materials Corporation Officer, did change the use or allowed the use to be changed from storage area utilized for bulk storage of sand, topsoil, gravel, wood chips, ETC. (Certificate of Occupancy # C15289 issuied 6/16/93) to a storage area utilized for bulk storage of sand, topsoil, gravel, wood chips, etc. and a transfer and loading area for construction and demolition debris without first obtaining a certificate of occupancy for that use as stated in Chapter 330-177(A) of the Code of the Town of Southampton." This complaint is based on personal knowledge and a diligent search of the Building Department records an0linf0tma~i0n/an0 beriefjltMe/50~t~e/Mein~/tMe/at~a~Ke0/gw0tn/0ep05iti0n~51 0f1111111111111111111111111110a~e0111111111111111111111 SWORN TO BEFORE THIS 6th DAY OF March 1996 False statement made therein are punishable as a Class A Misdemeanor pursuant to section 210.45 of the Penal Law. () ?'/r:-O L~1f~ / Complainant___ .JUSTICE COURT . . ------------------------------------------x People of the State of New York, Plaintiff, BD#96-001 - against - Richard princioi Jr. Hamoton Materials Corooration Officer Defendant(s) ------------------------------------------x Name (Complainant): Jonathan O. Erwin Ordinance Inspector No. 116 Hampton Rd. Southampton, New York 11968 being duly sworn, says that on 1/3/96 at about 8:30 a.m. at ~ Foster Avenue. SCTM#0900-69-l-9, Hamlet of Bridaehamoton, Town of Southampton, County of Suffolk, State of New York, the defendant(s) Richard princioi Jr. Hamoton Materials Corooration Officer. 136 Main Street. Amaaansett, New York 11930 committed the offense(s) of: Violation of Chapter 123-9A(1) COUNT#l in that: "No person, firm or corporation shall commence the erection, construction, enlargement, alteration, removal, improvement, demolition, conversion or change in the use or nature of the occupancy of any building or structure or cause the same to be done without first obtaining a building permit". to wit: "Richard Principi Jr. Hampton Materials Corporation Officer, did construct or allowed to be constructed, a loading dock approximately fifteen(15) feet high utilized for loading railroad cars with construction debris as well as household garbage at the above noted location without the benefit of a building permit as stated in Chapter l23-9A(1) of the Code of the Town of Southampton." This complaint is based on personal knowledge and a diligent search of the Building Department records ~nd/fnfdtm~tfdn/~nd ~eltefl/tHe/sdrlt~e/~ein~/tHe/~tt~~Hed/3wdtn/dep0sftfdn~sl 0f///////////////////////////d~ted///I/II////II/111111/ SWORN TO BEFORE THIS 3rd DAY OF January 1996 False statement made therein are punishable as ~ ctil,'" 1\ Misdemeanor pursuant to section 210.45 of the Penal Law. 1cdt-D L 1-' tiC; Compla1nant TOWN OF SOUTHAMPTON . . TOWN OF SOUTHAMPTON DEPARTMENT OF LAND MANAGEMENT-BUILDING DIVISION COMPLAINT FORM .:; {.("I"'- DATE . I c>-, .;) TIME I i COMPLAINANT U'\A. FJf A I" ^ )}-VI\) Name (j. COMPLAINT No. C '-10 --'f Address Phone II r - l' COMPLAINT RECEIVED BY , ~')('">-i LOCATION OF COMPLAINT bUnt;,( L ~j Street.. No. '"' N't b '; EH--f17Y' 'D'G-0 Hamlet . C TAX MAP NO.0900-~1 - 9 (If available) NATURE OF COMPLAINT [1f(.A' l\)'sfsK/ I ~ C ~, ~~ E 1D TY'Ll'TI V (. A--L 6 V \.J '-J '~c r "'"'_ \ U... , t:'r(l,l>Ly.-r ;:'\)1 , DATE II ;)...-I'1J , , DATE i /3/:::.:! I I ;"'rr-:. p (....u ~'.~),'~ " r:..,.":1'J,-""",~ ASSIGNED TO: "i 00 . F FIRST INSPECTION L l A [Ii ,j;l 1?...f'r11'1 P LC, Si~i? ilri00 ,-...J ~)) I?.TI-!-J F" Tt7 Ac { S Tf'---A- i ~J C. ~ D I'cC k-r.:; I.)<;c.,:. ~7i , T SECOND INSPECTION DATE THIRD INSPECTION DATE FINAL DISPOSITION DATE CHECK ONE UNFOUNDED____ LETTER SENT____ SUMMONS ISSUED~ CCII '':;;LP-tvl . . << ~ /' ....~ '; ~ ~~-:- ..' . . If1/! . / :'\... ..... S'jLA,v 0 ..2-336 ;]7 .,.. ~~.~ '. f-u-r* Uvv? (R 1<. ) fltl:xcrJ It 0 SACEf-/{ To Pft-c;f'ERT Y (<,-2o 1l-0f'/t:;;;' RRoLvc:?y'ZU!f/Ir?11 THI) 1:::I!JI:Foccv~tj,vc.c- ":::'~~~";"':-';"""{::~:'_~-:_.~;:\o;-;;"_;<';';~~~':'''''''':r;_''''__<;;\',;-_';;;'w";~~j..;;'.~..;,.;,'<:~;;;;~;.:f;~::':'~~};',:.'!;;,,- ,:c.: . U"'/5/(~tfILY P1<.E<;Efv<cE" 'l-Kes - .;>-." Ii VlnIUr]L.L'( lMP"HiI}LC 5EL.L ~'? A (fE5I()cvc/::: -~"Y ~EPAE<:;SiN G 10 lOOI" .. of VJI"-'PO w5 <J- SEG" THlj -;, Hr- MY O1f'Q'-'C-ST IS Tlth! PAolt//?/1 TIf~ U5c o>=: L.Oc. fJTlO tv If") 11- ? TItTlo,., M-'( 10H T 1 At<-f) IN IT (i l/tt5"' \"<I/JG 0 f m[;'IGrtr c-t"}~~ ,CEfV/ -r-r, I ~ MY fACf€P"TY ~i/./C~e:....'f wSY~ .,,-...,--_...........""'"'----~._,._-- . _m.__ . .~".,:~.- ,~ . -. ~ . ..;..... .-'......:,:.1:..,..:,. .. '1'" " 1-'1(<., {;R."'-'/oJ WI LL{ JtM S 1 LA vV 0 16Y LL.)fV\6E~ LIfW~ tb1\1 ()C~EHftv1;Jolr..J 5'")7-1-,36 RJ~, F~ElGHI YA((!? RKEr..i\L'! ES TI'r;17L.1 5 1+<=0 It{)J~T /0 r' Y fP....o'fEP....::l'l-RFS;OEIv,/IIL R ~ }-O c.o,,-,PttT'''''' li~ . 1 Movl,v<=>fv ljelW'! . of CI'I-,e S 13l'kl<: <I- P<> fZ r 1+ C f? I?~ 1') EA~Ttt ~vAI"C: L-I/<.I? VII3~Tio",.s Ir-' T/1c ;-lOUse- DI~Hes R/HTLG -PIC fuftC5 p"....... off. -'-+'-<;S _TH-v,vOE(.l.I,v(, I"'':>,SC' ~f!,-el e,tfi U'tfl.-<, L-E' FI fAR I< eo 5r\A fp, T I Ptll/'-'I~O elf\' s, Qt::5 _._..~.~->~.-......-" -,."- '-'_""""~'."'''::'_~: ;,..c. . . II i ! :1 ! :WA T~ lY'.sl) 6el. !lA T>( t(j'--O )) tja~6 i .' , I .lk eN ~ ~ #'(5 ~ ffi ft. I{c-v-.s (7/ I?-~,I':' ~,L:4 .L~ c.e~ i I o<A", ~ , / I ., - -'. -- - _"~--".--~,~'---~ ---- ......,-~_:__.~ -.-_.. - .._..'_1._. .______..--___._~~._'__~,,_~<...___._;<_............... .-'.~.,.~ .....'.__-..-.c........,......"''''-....,.. ~<->..;...-....-.;~_.. _....,' -'.. _ _ . . i~--~.~~---~.. '6.2- ',"Aiel L" ~,!_~F/BOR ~"'" '11.1 "Me! <l1.Z 3.!lA(cl "1.3 3,Ifokl ---~~ ---'---- I I I I I I, r \ J "'AIt:H"--- I l/ .''1 .' '.. ,T " 1"1" 41.4 ),.;J\(cl ,. \ '.'.1011 '., '\ " , ?Mcl " ". ., Z.6Ale1 ..,' " ~ ;; 1.2....., '., ..' ---- m \,4* HWy. 39.1 , " 39.2 , .. RO '~.. "" ' . 't!'o- ("9'$') .. '. 40.' 3.8A~ 'M l.,.ldI l.zAIol .~ '" ''''. CD .... l.....(d -'," " S...... ----. '.... -'"------ '! FOil P"ItCELf<<). Su. SlC. NO Oll. 01 - 014~3 5CH. O. 14 - -S':1i I , , . SCH. O. 9 (66"l " . '''' L/)" VR.EL f'>n-'1' 01/.1'.'7 J, . 32.A(cl " l.!lAld :1: 1 1 1 1 1 ~, N/F~n_ . ~~>~ z4tAlcl ~~ ~" ~ 45.1 'f'r,;...\ I 2.0. o'-..._'~": ........,~- 48.2. ....."f',r "._ !.II" - ~...... ~ " aOAW 19.t:I ..... \.SA ~~' ~\ .,---- 6.0Mcl " 18.1"'01 \, ----....., --.----...~ ...' "; .. 9.4" -~~ '''~----.~ 1:-, l ,.. ~ H .. l61r(d .' ~, ". 4.,Md ..., .,.. ;' 5....\C1 ~' :. r " . .' - ---z:--.-.------Ll~ ~ns,goo----=:::....... l{I!TIl4P' ~~ ~" " JI, 46.1 35. f If 'AI, I 45.2 10& ... .. , " . .F': , ~ ---- z " f 11 ~ ~ . 1,9A " \.0*1 ." ,/ " i 1 on _ - @ COUNTY OF SUFFOLk ,..."!...29\!I.HA' Real Properly Tax Service Agency'.......... .C_a~~!.l_ C.II'er n..aL'\fi_ ... ... 'iCAt.l"'(1lT ... . . HAMPTON MATERIALS AND HANDLING, INC. June 26, 1996 RECEMD JUN 2 7 1996 rawn QIerIl Southokt ~ Hand Town of Southold Town Hall P.O. Box 1179 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Tel: 516-765-1938 Fax: 516-765-1823 Attn: Mrs. Jean Cochran Supervisor Re: North Fork Resources, Inc. Recycling (Salvage) Permit Dear Mrs. Cochran: Thank you for the opportunity of having my application and renderings reviewed. I was very encouraged by our interaction at the work session on Tuesday. Now having made this presentation, I am most anxious to receive feedback from the Town Board with reference to what my next steps should be and how long you project this process will take. I am specifically interested in your position on the removal of material from the site. I acquired the Cox Lane site knowing full well that I was buying into a heavy industrial commercial area. With regard to this it is my understanding that I am working with the Town Planning Board to get the site plan amended along with a usage change. I would like to know the Board's position on my concept of the proposed locations ie: Cox Lane and the Rail Head (old Southold lumber site) . 52 FOSTER AVENUE, BRIDGEHAMPTDN, NY 1 1932 21-16 JACKSON AVENUE, LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11101 (516) 537-7525 FAX 15161537-5463 . . HAMPTON MATERIAL.S AND HANDL.ING, INC. I can assure you that once having removed the material, we will not be leaving a hole of any sort. Please refer to the site plan, topographical map and renderings which were submitted with my application. We will be grading the property for the removal of sub-soil and all topsoil and clay will remain on the site for reclamation to establish landscape burms. In addition, the Town neighborhood would benefit from me excavating the site to proposed elevation, in that stockpile elevation and location will be at same grade as existing parking area. If allowed to grade and landscape the site as proposed, there will also be dust, noise and aesthetic benefits by allowing me to proceed when my amended site plan is finally accepted. The building on Cox Lane does have a C/O, therefore no other Health Dept. approval is necessary. The only condition that warrants the attention of the Health Dept. is the contaminated ground water directly attributed to the Southold Town Landfill's practice of open pit dumping of raw sewage for many years. I am aware of the problems this presents and yet my activities can be appropriately acclimated to these conditions. It is not my wish to avail myself of any legal means regarding this contamination. Instead, it is my intent to work closely with the Town in being able to supply clean processed material for the local economy/contractors and also for possible help with the closure of the existing landfill/sand mine. Any material coming out to our facility is tested, registered and heavily regulated. We will be processing clean rock and dirt. It is our hope that we can in turn pass savings on to the Town's people and also be in a position to offer our experience and expertise with the rail system to help the Town with their solid waste problems. Another issue of great importance, which calls for immediate attention, is my posting a bond (now), of a fair agreed upon amount, with the Town while my application is under review with the Town and Planning Boards. This will enable me to start preparing my site for business so that I need not lose any further opportunities. From the onset, time has been of the essence since we have felt a tremendous negative economic impact from this delay. We have lost several large accounts and we are steadily losing our credibility with the L.I.R.R. 52 FOSTER AVENUE, BRIDGEHAMPTDN, NY 1 1932 21-16 ~ACKSDN AVENUE, LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11101 (5161537.7525 FAX (516) 537-5463 . . HAMPTON MATERIALS AND HANDLING, INC. We have been actively pursuing the resolution of this issue for four months now and it appears to me that we have made no strides forward. All we want to do is conform with the actions and activities of everyone else who is doing business on the block. Through all my experience with development and construction in the Towns of Southampton and East Hampton, my proposed process of grading and leveling the site would be deemed as an excess fill situation. It is my sincere hope that the Town Board will notify me in the very near future as to what the status of this situation is and when I can start to move ahead. Thank you for your time and consideration. Ri'h~- J~rGL~e,t, cc: Alice Hussie, Councilwoman Ruth Oliver, Councilwoman Louisa Evans, Councilwoman Joe Townsend, Councilman Bill Moore, Deputy Supervisor Laury Dowd, Town Attorney Judy Terry, Town Clerk Valerie Scopaz, Town Planner Bill Clemens, Town Planner 52 FOSTER AVENUE, BRIDGEHAMPTON. NY 1 1932 21-16 ..JACKSON AVENUE, LONG ISLAND CITY, NY , 1 101 (5161 537-7525 FAX (51 6) 537-5463 . . JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 26, 1996 Richard J. Principi Jr, North Fork Resources Inc. P.O. Box 323 Amagansett, New York 11930 Dear Mr. Principi: The Southold Town Board, at their regular meeting held on June 25, 1996, engaged the services of Charles Voorhis & Associates to review your Long Environmental Assessment Form with respect to your application for a Salvage Center Permit at Cox Lane, Cutchogue. The cost for this review is $500.00 and must be paid by you to the Town prior to Mr. Voorhis commencing his review. As soon as I receive the $500.00 for Mr. Voorhis' services, your file will be forwarded to him. At that time I will require an additional copy of the Excavation Plan, dated May 24, 1996, for Mr. Voorhis. Very truly yours, ~~ Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Enclosures .~...~ . . JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 26, 1996 Lead Agency Coordination Request The purpose of this request is Environmental Quality Review Act-SEQRA] and 6 NYCRR Part 617, the following: to determine under Article 8 (State of the Environmental Conservation Law 1. your jurisdiction in the action described below; 2. your interest in assuming the responsibilities of lead agency; and 3. issues of concern which you believe should be evaluated.] Enclosed is a copy of the application and a complete Long Environmental Assessment Form (EAF] to assist you in your response. Project Name: North Fork Resources Inc., Richard J. Principi Jr. Requested Action: Application for a Salvaging Center SEQRA Classification: Type I Contact Person: Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk, Town of Southold. The lead agency will determine the need for an environmental impact statement (EIS] on this project. If you have an interest in being lead agency, please contact this office immediately. I f no response is received from you within 30 days of the date of this letter, it will be assumed that your agency has no interest in being lead agency. ~- Page 2. . . Agency Position: This agency has no objection to your agency assuming lead agency status for th i s action. [ X] This agency wishes to assume lead agency status for this action. Other. [See comments below) Comments: Please feel free to contact this office for further information. Very truly yours, ~~ Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Enclosures Copies of this request and all attachments to the following: Commissioner Zagata, NYS-DEC, Albany Robert Greene, NYS-DEC, Stony Brook Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Building Department Suffolk County Department of Plannining Suffolk County Department of Health Servies NYS Legislative Commission on Water Resource Needs of Long Island North Fork Resources Inc. (without attachments) Southold Town Clerk's Bulletin Board (without attachments) . . JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON JUNE 25, 1996: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby commences the Lead Agency Coordination process with regard to the State Environmental Quality Review Act in the matter of the petition of North Fork Resources Inc. for a Salvage Center Permit at 8595 Cox Lane, Cutchogue, New York. '%AML- Judith T. Terry - r/ Southold Town Clerk June 26, 1996 . . JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON JUNE 25, 1996: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby engages the services of Charles J. Voorhis & Associates, Inc., at a cost not to exceed $500.00, to review the Long Environmental Assessment Form with respect to the application of North Fork Resources Inc. for a Salvage Center Permit at 8595 Cox Lane, Cutchogue, N. Y.; said review to include applicant's Part I, prepare a Part II and III, draft a proposed declaration, including a field inspection; the cost of said review to be paid by North Fork Resources I nc. prior to the commencement of the review. ~c~ Southold Town Clerk June 26, 1996 ~UG 04 '01 16:34 . ? B: . J~: q..tO a.il\, J J /! __I ~ t.p; cA:;; I Jb HAMPTON MATE:RIALSAND HANDI..INllI, INC. June 19, 1996 :IliA- Facsimi,le Town of Southold ToWn Hall Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Tel: 516-765-1938 Fax: 516-765-1823 ,.,..,..-~~_."----~-- :;:_ 0 '1 - - :..:~ ~; ,.:..: _....~~._._...-.- Attn: Mrs. Jean Cochran Supervisor Re: Nor':h Fork Resources, Inc. Rich~rd Principi, Jr. Dear Mr~. Cochran: I'd like to thank you for your time al1d att':nt,ioll yesf;erda\'; I know r.'1at I came at a v~ry busy time ie: 'Wac.ermel.:-n Day'. I I ve since completed my application w:.th the Town Clerk wi ':h reference to my recycling permit whic~ was requested so that I may start my activities at the Cox Lane facility. Thank you for SCheduling me into the Tuesday (6/25) work session with the Town Board. Please feal free to call me if y~ have any questions r~arding my request or avplication. I would very much like to be given clear and definiti'Te guidelines as to how we can resolve this issue i.n a timely fashion, without having to involve my attorney in this matter. Thank Y'l'.i. for your time and consider...tion. /2_~ I~f' ",' Richard J. ~incipi, J ., President 52' '-OSTER A,VENUE4 SAIDGEHAMPTCN. NY 1 1932 21-16 .JACKSON A.VENUE~ LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 111Cl (516) S37"7S2S FAX {S16} '5.37-5463 .' . . APPLICATION FOR A SALVAGING CENTER IN THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD khaYd Rr;nal?:L :fr-- NOr'+h H)(L ~~O\Jr-CQs::Jhc, Name of Applicant, Inaividual, Corporation or Partnership Ad~r~s~~ B~SS ~5Vi!p.ut(\.k/)rve I J\leW ,,~ \ lQ3S Exact Type of Business to be conducted r~.~~V\, ()Cf- StilL, \/Wlktids l&v\uc-&-r~ I '5~ ~). ~t:::\\e .(\'n,'shed ~ I am under 21 years of age Yes V Yes V No No I am a citizen of the United States Convicted of Felony or Misdemeanor Yes No V' Number of employees to be engaged \2- ~twud funuft--6-. ~ 3-'3 ~ ensR-"'ti:- }flIllq 30 Name and Address of owner of lands and nature of the right of occupancy of the applicant to the use of such land. Applicant must file map or plan of real property upon which business is to be conducted with the following information: ~ ~ ~e_ d ct..J~Lhe C of'f I hereby certify that all the above information is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I will conduct the business pursuant to the regulations set forth in the Ordinance Licensing and Regulating Secondhand, Junk and Auto Parts Activities and Businesses. 1. 2. 3. 4. Location Loca tion Location Location of fence required. of buildings. of streets and highways. of water and gas mains. {l4e ". Signa re of Appli nt Sworn to before me this ,q day Of~ne 19Q1o. ~/f.i ~~ No ry Pu ic UNDA J, COOPER "~~::f~,f,r!.~~~~~~~~rk ~~~~ ~ . . Answers to questions on p.l of Application for Regulating. . . 1. Location of operation - corner of Cox Lane and Oregon Rd. 2. Reference all information from site plan. A) Existing Parking - 35,000 sq. ft. B) Proposed Parking - 60,000 sq. ft. J. No containers necessary / materials need ground s~orage / pyramidal stockpiles. 4. Storage facilities as per site plan / pre-existing metal building. 3nee co <' ,~~~ i ic~.: ..N.9.~,t;.J:I... !1'.9.~.~.. R~.I!.9.~~.C;;~"'. ,.. ..lllG. ,............... ....................... ................ 2. ,<lccess 07 .';pp ::a,ot .....!'!.?~.~...~.9.;...~(:!!:I.~!....Gh1.t&J:I.9g."'~.,...~X...:U..::1.~.~........................... 2.:: 8caiied s:atene,n:JT proposed operations ....N.If.E.<...,J;!:I.c.,...W.9.~,l,.Q....:U..J\:.~...~...g~.!::l\l.:i..t...t.Q. be appeoved foe the ceushing of concrete and na'tue~~...~~.n.~.-:-.~~.~~.e",~.~..~evelpp prc'diicts"'th'atcc;iiid"'b'e"'s'';i'd''a'i{d'''di'S'tr';:b;;t~'d";;';;'''the Noeth E'oek to help \ e s t:a~.+Ji?h... !:I.~W .~Y.~J!:I.~i? .~.. ..t9.L~!1'g I.. .JOG.......................................................................... We also want the ability to sepaeate and sceeen mateeials such as stone, g e avecl," .t.o p-soi'l' '-a:nd"'crustTed" 'c'O'nc-cet"e .<.....::.................................... .~............. ........ , 2. . .,t2;led s:atem,,~: or Droeosed coerations Request peemit to geade packing aeea to .. . ................................................................................. lE!ye,l,...<:?Lg.r;,~<J.E!..~.~...h.~.l.~...~.~~.i}.i ~a.~~. eq~~p.lII<a.rl~ packing and stoeage and pGoposed operat~ons eequested by &ril., lnc. iif'ii'c'fj"'wi:l'X'''C:I:ll'\'S:i:'S't'''of''off peopeety. mateeial screening and sepaeations of geavel and sand from o~hee j c'b . 'S'{ t e s':'" ThiS'" C'E!qu'est'" wu 1"" iil'so"'ne'I p'" c 6"" p'i'"" pare'" tM'''p ~'O'p~'ct y" 'f'oe f u t ur e buildings .that will be peoposed foe NE'R, Inc. and submitted to the Town Qf' S c'\;, tho I'd.:'.... AI 1" 'wo'Ck" 'and' "s'c r e'eiiTi'i'i 'TO' "he' 'ooh'a" 'o'ii'''s'i t'e" 'i'ti"'a-c~'onran'c e wit h appe.9.11~,9....~.~!:,k...p'~ans. Please note: All - topsoil will not be ~emoved feem t premises but wilT"ce"'pij'f"i'iic'O'''f'ociiiih'g''a'''c'uriii''ac'oiiiia...t:li'e"~',n.'i'llllRees of th peopeety to be planted with trees and eveegreens and seeded. ...................................................................................... ........................................................... " " ) . . -; 14-16-2 (2/87)-7c 617.21 Appendix A State Environmental Quality Review FULL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM SEQR Purpose: The full EAF is designed to help applicants and agencies determine, in an orderly manner, whether a project or action may be significant. The question of whether an action may be significant is not always easy to answer. Frequent- ly, there are aspects of a project that are subjective or unmeasureable. It is also understood that those who determine significance may have little or no formal knowledge of the environment or may be technically expert in environmental analysis. In addition, many who have knowledge in one particular area may not be aware of the broader concerns affecting the question of significance. The full EAF is intended to provide a method whereby applicants and agencies can be assured that the determination process has been orderly, comprehensive in nature, yet flexible to allow introduction of information to fit a project or action. Full EAF Components: The full EAF is comprised of three parts: Part 1: Provides objective data and information about a given project and its site. By identifying basic project data, it assists a reviewer in the analysis that takes place in Parts 2 and 3: Part 2: Focuses on identifying the range of possible impacts that may occur from a project or action. It provides guidance as to whether an impact is likely to be considered small to moderate or whether it is a potentially- large impact. The form also identifies whether an impact can be mitigated or reduced. Part 3: If any impact in Part 2 is identified as potentially-large, then Part 3 is used to evaluate whether or not the impact is actually important. DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE- Type 1 and Unlisted Actions Identify the Portions of EAF completed for this project: 0 Part 1 0 Part 2 OPart 3 Upon review of the information recorded on this EAF (Parts 1 and 2 and 3 if appropriate), and any other supporting information, and considering both the magitude and importance of each impact, it is reasonably determined by the lead agency that: o A. The project will not result in any large and important impact(s) and, therefore, is one which will not have a significant impact on the environment, therefore a negative declaration will be prepared. o B. Although the project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect for this Unlisted Action because the mitigation measures described in PART 3 have been required, therefore a CONDITIONED negative declaration will be prepared.' o C. The project may result in one or more large and important impacts that may have a significant impact on the environment, therefore a positive declaration will be prepared. . A Conditioned Negative Declaration is only valid for Unlisted Actions N~ F6Yl ~~s. :The Name of Action 5~ott IG\AM ~ Name of Lead Agency Print or Type Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Title of Responsible Officer _~(l'llllt.L?Map I Signature of ResponSible Officer In Lead Agency Signature of Preparer (If different from responsible officer) . " ~ 2W1~LP . 1 PART i-PROJECT INFORMATION Prepared by Project Sponsor NOTICE: This document is designed to assist in determining whether the action proposed may have a significant effec: on the environment. Please complete the entire form, Parts A through E. Answers to these questions will be considered as part of the application for approval and may be subject to further verification and publiC review. Provide any additional information you believe will be needed to complete Parts 2 and 3. It is expected that completion of the full EAF will be dependent on information currently available and will not involve new studies, research or investigation. If information requiring such additional work IS unavailable, so indicate and spec if" each instance. - Or COYlQ-t'to.. ~ r :, BUSIN(:SS TELEPHONE (<~.. ) /:s <: ~\ 't l " 1 IS.:' \ : CITY/PO ilQ~o I jtftl 11'[ ff9.t c Please Complete Each Question-Indicate N.A. if not applicable A. Site Description Physical setting of overall project. both developed and undeveloped areas. 1. Present land use: DUrban ~dustrial OCommercial OResidential (suburban) OForest OAgriculture OOther (0. L. ORural (non-farm) 2. Total acreage of project area: APPROXIMATE ACREAGE Meadow or Brushland (Non-agricultural) Forested Agricultural (Includes orchards, cropland, pasture, etc.) W.etland (Freshwater or tidal as per Articles 24, 25 of ECL) Water Surface Area Unvegetated (Rock, earth or fill) Roads, buildings and other paved surfaces Other (Indicate type) acres. \. I PRESENTLY "' acres acres AFTER COMPLETION .:S __ acres -___M__ acres . acres acres acres acres ,.j acrE~5 acres acres acres L__ acres acres acres --~______M_ acres n ti~ I beL" h"--, DModerately well drained .______ % of site 3. What is predominant soil type(s) on project site' .YI a. Soil drainage: ll/lWell drained 10 D % of ,ite DPoorly drained % of site b. If any agricultural land is InvOJ~hOW many acres of soil are classified within soil group 1 through 4 ot the NYS land Classification System' acres. (See 1 NYCRR 370) 4. Are there bedrock outcropplngs on ~~olec~~!e' =:lYes 000 a. What IS depth to bedrock' ~ (in feet) 2 ",.~.~,..._-,~"-_.. _.,-,.... """~..""..,..,""'''""''',''-~~'._,--~,.",_......-''' -,~...._-,-, ... " ~. . . 6. Is project substantially contiguous to, or contain a building, Registers of Historic Places? DYes ~o 7. Is project substantially contiguous to a site listed on the Register of National Natural Landmarks? DYes ~o What is the depth of the water table? r (,,0 (in feet) N::JbL.: <3Ylnl:x:! VVa. -b.Y j ~No QOY\1ctV\'\.lncL-ttd ~ 000 ()pN 00-10% % 010-15% 015% or greater ::;:0 % site, or district, listed on the State or the National % 5. Approximate percentage of proposed project site with slopes: 8. 9. 10. 11. Is site located over a primary, principal, or sole source aquifer? DYes Do hunting, fishing or shell fishing opportunities presently exist in the project area? Does project site coptain any species of plant or animal life that is identified as DYes &!<io According to Identify each species DYes threatened or endangered? 12. Are there any unique or unusual land forms on the project site? (i.e., cliffs, dunes, other geological formations) DYes ~o Describe 14. Is the project site presently used by the community or neighborhood as an open space or recreation area? DYes 000 If yes, explain Does the present site include scenic views known to be important to the community? DYes 000 Streams within or contiguous to project area: f\O() e a. Name of Stream and name of River to which it is tributary 13. 15. 16. Lakes, ponds, wetland areas within or contiguous to project area: a. Name 17. Is the site served by existing p~blic utilities? &lYes DNo a) If Yes, does sufficient capacity exist to allow connection? b) If Yes, will improvements be necessary to allow connection? 18. Is the site located in an agricultural district certified pursuant Section 303 and 3041 DYes ~o 19. Is the site located in or substantially contiguous to a Critical Environmental Area designated pursuant to Article 8 of the ECL, and 6 NYCRR 617? DYes lid1<Jo (\()n e. b. Size (In acres) e le.c..h1 c.... llJ1'es DNo DYes 000 to Agriculture and Markets Law, Article 25-AA, 20. Has the site ever been used for the disposal of solid or hazardous wastes? DYes i:B'N 0 B. Project Description 1. Physical dimensions and scale of project (fill in dimensions as appropriat~ . a. Total contiguous acreage owned or cOfntrolled by project sponsor . 2- b. Project acreage to be developed: L acres initially; (." 2... c. Project acreage to remain undeveloped nc. 1"\ e.. acres. d. Length of project, in miles: ~ (If appropriate) e. If the project is an expansion, indicate percent of expansion proposed f. Number of off-street parking spaces existing bo ; proposed g. Maximum vehicular trips generated per hour 6" (upon completion of project)? h. If residential: Number and type of housing units: One Family Two Family acres. acres ultimately. t\/'fA %; Multiple Family Condominium Initially Ultimately i. Dimensions (in feet) of largest proposed structure -+- height; ~ width; .....1Y11i. length. J. Linear feet of frontage along a public thoroughfare project will occupy is? ft 3 2. How much natural material (i.e, rock, earth, etc.) will be removed from the Site? 3. Will disturbed areas be reclaimed? ~es DNo DN{A a. If yes, for what intend~..... purpose is the site being reclaimed? fc..y~ b. Will topsoil be stockpiled for reclamation' ~es )JNo c. Will upper subsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? &lYes DNo 2"':> 6 bG J tons/cubic yards ~v \\U I O.xtr::.1.4 Y\ W ~U ",ft, " 4. How many acres of vegetation (trees, shrubs, ground covers) will be removed tram site? c' acres 5. Will any mature terest (over 100 years old) or other locally-important vegetation be removed by thIS project! DYes 5lf.Jo Coo 6. If single phase project: 7. If multi-phased: a. Total number of phases anticipated L (number) b. Anticipated date of commencement phase 1 (\If) I ;\- month Ie, q u" c. Approximate completion date of final phase {\.Ill? month MD I d. Is phase 1 functionally dependent on subsequent phases' ~s DNo Anticipated period of construction months, (including demolillon) year, (including demolition) year 8. Will blasting occur during construction? DYes ~ 9. Number of jobs generated: during construction ~) 10. Number of jobs eliminated by this project V...../H' e- ll. Will project require relocation of any projects or facilities' ; after project is complete lsl DYes ISJN 0 If yes, explain 12. Is surface liquid waste disposal involved? DYes ~o a. If yes, indicate type of waste (sewage, industrial, etc.) and amount tvl (:." %' b. Name of water body into which effluent will be discharged, N,..... 13. Is subsurface liquid waste disposal involved? DYes [].!<io Type 14. Will surface area of an existing water body increase or decrease by proposal? DYes ~o Explain 15. Is project or any portion of project located in a 100 year flood plain? DYes rs;uqo 16. Will the project generate solid waste' DYes GPfu a. If yes, what is the amount per month tons b. If yes, will an existing solid waste facility be used? DYes DNo c. If yes, give name location d. Will any wastes not go into a sewage disposal system or into a sanitary landfill? e. If Yes, explain DYes 1J:lN'0 17. Will the project involve the disposal of solid waste? DYes ~o a. If yes, what is the anticipated rate of dispos!'1? ~ tons/month. b. Ii yes, what is the anticipated site life? S () years. 18. Will project use herbicides or pesticides? DYes ~o 19. Will project routinely produce odors (more than one hour per day)? DYes ~o 20. Will project produce operating noise exceeding the local ambient noise levels? DYes iDr<1o 21. Will project result in an increase in energy use? If yes, indicate type(s) 22. If water supply is from wells, indicate pumping capacity DYes tQf<Io 2'5 gallons/minute 23. Total anticipated water usage per day lODO gallons/day 24. Does project involve local, State or Federal funding? If Yes, explain ~ f<Y DYes ~o 4 ''''L~''''',",''''~''~ ......,_.., . "~'''''''''~'".'''''''=;''~''''''''''_'~~'~''''.'U.,;.'~_''''~ ,,,.'_'I""'__"""~""''''',_'''"'' .' . 25. Approvals Required: City. Town, Village Board City. Town, Village Planning Board City, Town Zoning Board City. County Health Department Other Local Agencies Other Regional Agencies State Agencies Federal Agencies . Submittal Date Type 2!Yes DNo DYes ll?No DYes ~o DYes LW1<i 0 DYes rD1<i 0 DYes Ql4' 0 ~es DNo DYes >)No 'l'6Wh ~ -11~'S.Jq (., AhsI4<o '-,~------r-- IRe c. Zoning and Planning Information 1. Does proposed action involve a planning or zoning decision? If Yes. indicate decision required: Dzoning amendment Dzoning variance Dspecial use permit Dsubdivision Dnew/revision of master plan Dresource management plan Dother _____ 2. What is the zoning c1assification(s)of the site? ~_Q~ ~a.....P L'L 3. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the present zoning? I" L 4. What is the proposed zoning of the site? UCAJCL1.....t\,J) (.1l.1A ~_ .~._L'I _2-QY\e.. I ' 5. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the proposed zoning? (0.7 _ D-G-e5. DYes ~ Dsite plan GlIes DN,- 6. Is the proposed action consistent with the recommended uses in adopted local land use plans? 7. What are the predominant land users) and zoning classifications ~ithin a V. mile radius of proposed action? \.:..t9\r\-r- ::H-1 & llZjv,rd L t: - w - S -l AIL {:D...j\(ITvT1, 8. Is the proposed action compatible with adjoining/surrounding land uses within a V. ';!'i!e? ~s 9. If the proposed action is the subdivision of land. how many lots are proposed? .. -fIJ!ft- . . a. What is the minimum lot size proposed? ~ , 10. Will proposed action require any authorization(s) for the formation of sewer or water districts? DYes ON, 5l!<I, Will the proposed acti9n create a demand for any community provided services (recreation, education, police fire protection)? lld'Yes 0 No a. If yes. is existing capacity sufficient to handle projected demand? ~s DNo Will the proposed action result in the generation of traffic significantly above present levels? DYes ~ . a. If yes. is the existing road network adequate to handle the additional traffic? DYes DNo - 11. 12. D. Informational Details Attach any additional information as may be needed to clarify your project. If there are or may be any advers' impacts associated with your proposal, please discuss such impacts and the measures which you propose to mitigate 0 avoid them. E. Verification ~ Applicantl Signature If the action is in the with this assessment. Date 4-LS,..q~ are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceedin: 5 , , . . ~ 74-1 SALVAGING CENTERS ~ 74-1 Chapter 74 SALVAGING CENTERS ~ 74-1. Definitions. ~ 74-2. Permit required. ~ 74-3. Application and fee. ~ 74-4. Parking and access. ~ 74-5. Permit provisions. ~ 74-6. Penalties for offenses. [HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Southold 5-3-1994 as L.L. No. 7-1994. Amendments noted where applicable.] GENEIW.. REFERENCES Garbage, rubbi.b and refuse - See Ch. 48. Junkyarda-See Ch. 54. Littering - See Ch. 57. Scavenger waste. - See Cb. 75. ~ 74-1. Definitions. As used in this chapter, the terms used herein are defined as follows: SALVAGE CENTER - Any location where a private collection of items, exclusive of municipal recyclables, is gathered, reused, recycled, reclaimed and processed for eventual disposal off site. 7401 5-25-94 . ' tt tt ~ 74-2 SOUTHOLD CODE ~ 74-5 ~ 74-2. Permit required. No person shall engage in or conduct a salvage center on real property within the Town of Southold, either for himself or for and on behalf of any other person, directly or indirectly, without first obtaining a permit therefor as hereinafter provided. ~ 74-3. Application and fee. A. The Town Board may grant a permit for a salvage center. Each applicant for a permit hereunder shall execute under oath an application therefor to be supplied to him by the Town Clerk, which shall contain the following information: (1) Location of the operation. (2) Size and location of access and parking. (3) Location and kind of containers or receptacles. (4) Storage facilities. B. The application shall be accompanied by a fee of three hundred dollars ($300.). ~ 74-4. Parking and access. Each salvage center shall provide a macadam or crushed rock base for parking and access. ~ 74.5. Permit provisions. The permit shall be granted for the period of time specified by the Town Board. The permit shall contain such conditions as may be necessary to ensure that the proposed operation will not have an s,dverse effect on the environment, the character of the area or the operations of the town. The permit shall provide that the operation shall be conducted pursuant to the terms of the permit or the Town Code, and, upon failure to do so, the permit may be revoked forthwith. Failure to obtain all state, 7402 5-25-94 . ' . . . . ~ 74-5 SALVAGING CENTERS ~ 74-6 federal or county pennits required for this application shall be a basis for immediate revocation of this permit. S 74-6. Penalties for offenses. The permittee who commits or permits the commission of any violation of the pennit or of the Town Code shall be deemed to have committed a violation and shall be liable for any such offense or the penalty therefor. Each day such offense shall continue or be permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. c 7403 5-25 -94 ~ fOP . . 125 -JT GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM. JR. BENNETT ORLOWSKI. JR. WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS -<y::.:::;:::c:::~ i~ ~~ %v~ ~~ : CI3 :z: ,~ -.-; .~~ ~." "..... ,,<,' . +. '!:)~.j ':::0./ + i-~j:/ ~z-~n:;tJJ- Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-3136 Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS RICHARD G. WARD Chainnan PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 18, 1996 REalVl:D . JUN 1 8 1996 Richard J. Principi, Jr. 52 Foster Avenue Bridgehampton, NY 11932 SouthoId Town Clerk RE: Proposed site plan for North Fork Resources Cox Lane, Cutchogue SCTM# 1000-83-3-4.6 Dear Mr. Principi, The Planning Board has received your letter of June 14, 1996, and site plan application. Before the Board can proceed with its review the following changes/additions must be made: 1. More detail is required on Phase II of this project. The LEAF refers to a Phase II four lot minor subdivision, but no details are provided. 2. An application for a recycling and salvage permit must be filed with the Town Board. As of the writing of this letter no such complete application has been received by the Town Clerk. 3. Drainage details are lacking for Phase I. 4. Landscaping details are lacking. 5. Environmental form question # B 25 should indicate that the action will require approvals from the Town Board, Suffolk County Health Department and New York D.E.C. 6. Part 2 of the LEAF was filled out. This is the responsibility of the Lead Agency. . . '0 . . When the above changes/additions/ are received, the Board will proceed with its review. UIf~7~.f: ;&questions, please ~rt:!I ~ /;~ ert G. Kassn r Site Plan Reviewer contact this office. cc: Thomas Fisher, Senior Building Inspector Edward Forrester, Town Investigator Laury Dowd, Town Attorney Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Jean W. Cochran, Town Supervisor ! . - ~ -I - -----~ T- )?-r)'i.~ / e NYSRPS ASSESSMENT INQUIRe DATE : '3 89 SOUTHOLD SCHOOL MATTI TUCK SCHOOL ROLL SEC ~ I. ' PRCLS MUCKLANDS TOTAL RES SI~ .I. 3-,4.6 TOTAL COM sn . '12820 OREGON RD ACCT NO (mJNER ~ MAILING INFO === =MISC ======== ====== ASSESSMENT DATA ===, IRiH FORK RESOURCES INC RS-SS * *CURRENT* * RES PERCENT ~,~ ~,OSTER AVENUE 1 LAND 1,850 **TAXABI lIGEH~PTON NY 11932 BANK TOTAL 7,850 COUNTY **PRIOR** TOWN ! 1 ' I LAND 1,850 SCHOOL I; TOTAL 7,850 (gj~~S~ON~.~;= ;~~;==~l~~~ESsi~~O~~I~~/;;;;~==~~~~=;;;~~=========' ~ ~ t. I PAGE 332 PR OWNER SUFFOLK COUNTY NA'I'IONAL ~=j=~=T TAL EXEMPTIONS 0 =============1== TOTAL SPECIAL DISTRICTS )D, AMOUNT PCT INIT TERM VLG HC OWN CODE UNITS PCT TYPE , FD029 PK090 WW020 \ I I SW011 ,= EXTARCEL F2=PARCEL UPDATE F3=NEXT EXEMPT/SPEC F4=PREV EXE~ .J,. 0,-' 03-013 F6=GO TO INVENTORY F9=GO TO XREF FlO'GO TO MF '1 ' i . , r' I, , ! .' j 1 ,/ , I :1 ) , i r 01-'01 , . Sl 11.2 SA MW KS 1M II ., . I' t 'I ~ , ,~ I, 2v!> /'"..} (,:2 1/ /' ,./ , I j , L/: _I . " ",I ,ill /V \ - I 110 . ! :1 ., 11; " ,L,~.;;( ,t' /,1 , " ~/l ,r, .I " \ l {I . v n ;- r / "-I ,/13/'"6 ':AJilJ-F 1 .\.* 7,350 7.1350 7/1350 410,000 -- .._- .. -- ---.- '1ALUic ~/SP;.I: r , -, . . JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK ~c;,\\ffOLK ~. ~.~,. ~ ~\\ .~ => '"" " ~;; f:;H 'Z>~. ~fJ ~Q.f + '+-~ Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 4, 1996 North Fork Resources, Inc. Richard J. Principi, Jr., President P.O. Box 323 Amagansett, New York 11930 Dear Mr. Principi: The Town Attorney has reviewed your resubmitted applications for a permit for sand and gravel pit or other excavation purposes. A copy of her memorandum is enclosed. Please supply this office with the required items, as outlined in Ms. Dowd's memorandum, in order to fulfill the filing requirements for your excavation permit. Thank you. Very truly yours, ~~ Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Enclosu re . . MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: TOWN CLERK TOWN ATTORNEY EXCAVATION PERMIT - NORTH FORK RESOURCES RE: DATE: JUNE fl, 1996 You have asked me to review the above application for completeness. The code requires the applicant to submit a detailed statement of the proposed operation together with a plan of the area proposed for excavation. The applicant appears to have submitted a survey which also contains information about the proposed contours after excavation and which indicates that 26,500 cu. yds will be excavated. This would appear to satisfy these requirements. The applicant must also submit duly acknowledged consents of the owner of the premises and mortgagees. I do not see such consents from the mortgagees. The code requires proof of payments of taxes and assessments against the premises. I see no such information with the application. The code requires the names and addresses of property owners within 200' of the outside boundaries of the premises. I do not see such information in the package submitted. A rehabilitation plan is also required by the code. I see no such rehabilitation plan, showing the area to be refilled, top soiled and seeded and specifying the amount of work to be completed by the end of this year. Please bear in mind that Chapter 58 applies to this permit because it involves a public hearing. The applicant will be required to post a notice on the property and mail notices to adjacent properties prior to any public hearing on the issue. After reviewing the applicant submitted, I suggest that the applicant take a close look at Section 81-5 which specifies the standards the project must meet in order for the Town Board to authorize the excavation. . . Specifically, the excavation must be set back at least 200 feet from the road and 150 feet from a property line. Furthermore, the property must have an area of not less than 20 acres. My review of the application suggests that it would by physically impossible for these findings to be made. Finally, the Planning Board advises me that they have received the identical excavation plan as part of a site plan application. In light of the above, it might be better for the applicant to pursue an exemption under 81-~(G) which allows removal of soil when authorized by the Planning Board incidental to approval of a site plan. . JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR Of VITAL STATISTICS LAURY: OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD May 30, 1996 . Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 FAX (516) 765-1823 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 This is the latest filing by North Fork Resources, Inc. (Principil. Please review for completeness. I am still not confident this is complete. When you are ready to review, I have one (1) engineer's survey which you may borrow. Thank you. ~r . . JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD May 3, 1996 North For Resources, Inc. Richard J. Principi, Jr., President P.O. Box 323 Amagansett, New York 11930 Dear Mr. Principi: The Town Attorney has reviewed your sand and gravel pit or other excavation memorandum is enclosed. applications for a permit for purposes. A copy of her Returned herewith are your applications, map and check for $100.00. Also enclosed is another copy of the application requirements. Until all of the items listed (1-6b) are submitted, your application will not be accepted. Very truly yours, ~~ Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Enclosures . ~ i . ~ 81-5 SOIL REMOVAL ~ 81-6 (3) The circumstances of the location and the terrain are such that conditions and safeguards may feasibly be imposed to assure that the premises will not constitute an attractive nuisance to nor endanger the safety of children. (4) The use will not cause undue traffic' hazards. (51 The use will not cause undue vibration, noise or windblown dust or sand. (6) The use will not change the established character of the neighborhood nor depress the value of other lands generally in such neighborhood. 17) The proposed operations are set back at least two hundred (200) feet from any road, street, avenue or highway and are set back at least one hundred fifty 1150) feet from any property line; provided, however, that in the case of operations in existence at the ef- fective date of this chapter, where the present front, side or rear setbacks of such operations are less than the requirements hereof, such operations shall not be extended beyond such present front, side or rear setback lines. (8) The proposed operations are to be conducted upon premises having an area of not less than twenty (201 acres; provided, however, that the provisions of this subsection shall not apply in the case of operations in existence at the effective date of this chapter upon premises having an area of less than twenty (20 I acres. ~ 81-6. Application for permit. A. Before any excavation is commenced for any purpose other than those excepted in ~ 81-4 of this chapter, or before topsoil, earth, sand, gravel, stone or other minerals are removed from the ground, the owner, lessee or agent of the premises shall obtain a written permit therefor from the Town Board. For that purpose, such applicant shall file with the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold an ap- 8105 . 9 81.6 . SOUTHOLD CODE 9 81.6 r plication in duplicate for such permit, which shall set forth and include: 11) A detailed statement of the proposed operation; a plan of the area proposed for excavation or for removal of topsoil, showing the condition of the plot or premises before operations are commenced and the proposed condition of said plot or premises after the work is completed; such plan shall be prepared by a duly licensed engineer or land surveyor of the State of New York, shall be drawn to scale and shall show all the streets adjoining the property, the location and dimensions of the premises upon which it is proposed to excavate, and the location, size and use of any existing buildings. 12) A topographic survey of the property prepared by a duly licensed engineer or land surveyor of the State of New York, showing contours at ten.foot intervals, using Coast and Geodetic Survey datum. 13) A duly acknowledged consent, in writing, of the owner of the premises and mortgagee, if any, including his or their addresses. 14) Receipted tax bills or a photostatic copy thereof, or a letter signed by the Receiver of Taxes of the Town of Southold or by the Suffolk County Treasurer or by any title insurance, abstract or searching company authorized to do business in Suffolk County, cer- tifying that all taxes and assessments against the property described in the application have been paid. 15) The names and addresses of all property owners of record within two hundred 1200) feet of the outside boundaries of the premises within which operations regulated by this chapter are proposed to be per. formed. 16) The following items shall be supplied unless waived by the Town Board under 9 81.10 of this chapter: (a) A proposed comprehensive plan for the rehabilitation of the premises, together with a c . t t 8106 t . ( . ~ 81-6 SOIL REMOVAL ~ 81-7 schedule of progress therefor. The proposed plan of rehabilitation shall set forth the ultimate contour and grade of the area upon completion thereof and shall describe the areas to be refilled, topsoiled and seeded, and shall specify the amount and extent thereof to be performed before December 31 of the year for which a permit or renewal of a permit is being applied for. (b I An estimate, prepared by a duly licensed enginee~ or land surveyor of the State of New York, of the total number of cubic yards of material to be removed from the property pursuant to such plan during the permit period or renewal thereof. B. An application for a permit for sod farming need not in- clude the information required by Subsections Ill, (21. (4) and (6) above. Such application shall set forth a detailed statement of the proposed sod farming operation; a plan of the area to be used for that purpose, showing its existing condition; and the material and information required by Subsections (3) and (5) above. ~ 81-7. Regulations. Compliance with the following regulations shall be a continuing condition for the validity and existence of any permit granted or renewed hereunder. A. When required by the Town Board as necessary for the protection of the health, safety and general welfare of the public, for the preservation of property values in the neigh- borhood or to facilitate the proper drainage of surface water or appropriate' use of land, in accordance with the standards prescribed in ~ 81-5, the premises on which operations regulated by this chapter are performed shall be rehabilitated in accordance with a plan of rehabilitation and schedule of progress therefor approved by the Town Board, which plan and schedule shall be filed in the office of the Town Clerk and are hereinafter referred to as the ap. proved plan of rehabilitation. Such plan of rehabilitation 8107 . . . . ? ~d~~ .~... ,~ ~, = -:J ~fn ;,e~ , ~ ~ ....., .;,;: , ". "'" ...+.... ~ ~(J./ + .:;.~ ' JEAN W. COCHRAN Supervisor LAURY L. DOwn TOWN ATTORNEY Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1889 Fax (516) 765-1823 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: TOWN CLERK TOWN ATTORNEY PRINCIPI EXCAVATION PERMIT REQUEST RE: DATE: MAY 2, 1996 have reviewed the application submitted by Mr, Principi. for an excavation permit, I agree with you that the application is incomplete, Although the application is purportedly for an excavation permit, nowhere does the applicant identify the location of the excavation or the amount of soil to be excavated. Instead of excavation, the applicant describes his need to create parking and to operate a concrete crushing facility, Those approvals are obtained via a site plan approval, not an excavation permit. The applicant is currently seeking site plan approval from the Planning Board and should continue those efforts. In conclusion, the applicant does not need Town Board approval of the site plan. If the applicant wishes to perform excavations on the property, approval from the Town Board can be obtained only if an application is filed that identifies the location and quantities' of material to be excavated. This information should be presented via appropriate topographic surveys and estimates from licensed engineers or surveyors, as is required by the Town Code, '. . . TOWI'J OF SOUTh;'JLD TC'.'iN CLEi:~!('S Or::f!CE SC'UTHOLD, NEV1 -YORK Pa:d.....,.... -~",;r:- 'Cat:;:: Fe2........... APPLICATION FOR P"RlvllT FOR SAlvu AND :iip,VEL PiT Ofl OTHER "XCAVATION !'URPOSES ::":-1(; Dr,' :Jpii, North Fork Resources, Inc. .......................................................... ...........".......,... .:C:"I,.;SS C ,t 8595 Cox Lane, Cutchogue, NY 11935 ................................................................................................................. J-\Pi~ ;",' , ) f ". > , ,ia;;2d ,3tefT :. of pi'Oposed operations .1<(l9.ues~...p~r.1II.i.t....t.C)..~.~~.d.~...p.~.:.~.i.n.~...~~ea to l~.ve)....c:?:f., grade to help facH itate equipment parking and storage and ; proposed o'peratIon's"',:e<iues'teo"b'y' .~t;'lr ;.. 'Trie':" . wlii'c:'ti. "win' "~(msj:'~rt"'of" of f , PJ:".oP~.r.j;y', 1111it;er.~a.~...lSc:.r.E!~.C1~n(~ ..a.l1d separations of gravel and sand from othet job sites. This request win also"'he'!p...to"'p'i'ep'cU'e"'UiEl"'pro-tJ!a'cty"f'or futur, buildings that will be I?roposed for NFR, Inc. and submitted to the Town of' Sou thoi'cf~"" 'Ai i 'wo'i:j{" 'and" 's'c're'erifrig 'to'''b'e'' don'e' 'o'ii" 'Elit'e" 'l.t!. ..a:C~.ord.an.ce with approved work plans. Please note: All topsoil will not be removed frbm ; preml ses" "b'ut. wilT 'be" 'pii't'Trito'. f'oriiiing "a 'bi:iriii' 'ar'otiM..tt\E!" t:>E!'rl'llt!at:ers o'f tl pcopE!,r.t.y to be planted with trees and evergreens and seeded. .... ............................,........,.......... ...........................,................................ ., ".............,......... .........'h........... -, :;:lil;.) o;;~-: ado' ,;S.':_~.:) of aii propel"t'f O'v'vT1(;rS of record \/\lid 'n 200 feet of tile outside boundaries - th2 )r;; ,]isE<:: in vvhich operations are proposed to LJe performed. North Fork Sanitation, 8475 Cox Lane, Cutchogue, NY 11935 Oregon' 'Road. Recy:clfiig' "inc:';'" 1'1910' 'oreg O'[l' 'Rd:';' "Ciitctibgu!a';"'NY"1'l9'35 ...... ..............,........"...-............... ,8 fDllc ./[ng que~,ts 1V3!\' _'I; ~u~../(.: iislOI '';:Laccompanv 'tilis applicotior, ""iess w,.ived bV the Tovm Board. If applicant :" ,'J'" ar:~' ?f tile following itvns, :}!iC(F;~ :.;hould insert J1 the end of applica- te './VllICil a waiver ::; reques:_cd. '~Ji:~ to:: .-, e:u ;, :lent of 'the p;-opused o:-;c;'atii O( f;~r rerT"iOVdl c.f top so!! v'/~, ~ -,~L)eral!ons 2.i-;d the proposed co :311 to be prep~!red by G d:..:ly IV'::I':;] at: adjoin s'trt'cri:s, !ocdfci , dr-,'y' cx:stin~~ iJ:Jildings. :one'::;ur \-"Jith a plan of the area proposed 1 $11(,,: sho\lv condit!'::n of the pl'Jt or pre- tior: ,-)f che same aft~,t- oper-ations are co;-n- ~~nse(, engineer or lunci surveyor and drawn a;'IC "mensions of ili'emises, the locaticil, ;or I;.\cav :,-:1:.<;,'. be;:1 ~iet(:J, suo to s: ::lie ;-;; ";;ze ;:ld L, ;;.., L-, 'og:',. _ sur\,.::?,-;;' of tile ':.<r'?rnises ~:rL;pa(: ur;; ;\I-Ji(;: ~;cntours at 10 "?oot intervals, usin: " :Juiy licensed ei,,;gineer or lane! SUi'veV- vOd~ a:ld Geodetic SL;ivev datum. ~)lji\i dckT ":\' :;.Jgec CQn~;8ni5 ::;IF tile OI.VJler oi '.1':8 pr"c n;ses and rnort~;3gees, if any. F?ec'~ IlJle( :}); bills or photostatic COpi8~ thereof O~ other proof showing payment of all ~JX( una '':'::;::.:ssments a~Jainst premises for \vhrch In ~pplication is requested. ,'-:'" c: "/-'U::-' ,J.--npr:~hcl-;si'-'.::; plan for the rehabi!ita ion of the prernises togethsr with a 0ch~_j'jie 1 ;~:'ogre~,sthe(cfor. Such pL::.'l to S8t fon)- theultimatecol~tour and grade of the are2; lipori =-11 ':pletion of work, describ::l~_) the area to 02 refilled, top ~~oiled and seeded and spec 'Viii,; ii,,-, amount and c>:tent thc;-eof 'to be pc; formed before December 31st of the yea:" :-OC '/',. ,1C:-' permit is being 8ppiied:'CJr. ;::'sti! ia:C :::ub, V:1i-'. iJY a dui'j iicensc,:! ,;~nglne8r or :-:2r1C survevor of the total number of iTlate;'"la!:tO be remolJed ",~~'rn thE: propl;rtV dL:ring the r-,ermit period. Ji_;ilca:-j _ ,er,'; ;-:_<rJ8sts a vvaiv(;r of The rt_'(;CJifUments 0': ;_~'(~(agraph 5, s'-.,Jdivisions........,........, . .1 P ~(I f ; . .) 1 ~l' i ; r.H. H~f~.....QC.'H .. .fi=.. ..1'~...... ... . .. SI2 ~t~.e of App; ,_< lit Principi (2.., .llj.e.tJ J Pr:2{!:Jc II' 1.J1L f - ---., (~J;:;:J .-:. I ------- /"--- - ... u,.. ~s, ,;~.~.~~.;~..if:c :,......... ........ ..p.~.i~cip~' -p I!t. S (2-I<I/#l.!J:J r P I ,ve, ref .J f!.- HY ~ :307:!-, North Fork Resources, Inc. ~'~/i!Jor2-lion i i ,,~! b ,,; ..3.C!..oL ""'j ,C tLfV.k-t. ,.,19.90 ....1< , /7 (/ . Jt'c/<.hc"f' _--0~!,P.;l..,,,' , LINDA J. COOPER H9tarYNo .iI~..S-ofNew"'" . ~....... Suffolk l:ouI!lY,0/ Term ElcpJrllll o-nber 31, 1s...:Ui-' '...')-]7 7<;02') . I , . . . TOIiVN OF SOUTHOLD Fee........... ii', :JUf~' :::.:atL. TOWN CLERK'S OffiCE SOUTHOLD, r'jEVIJ YORK Paid.......... AP?UCf-\T10N fOR PEH!\/H'- FOR SA:\.J ,DIoND GRAVEL PIT OR OTHER EXCAVATION :URPOSES 31"'2 OT ""Opl,,: eel ..N9.r.j;.J:l... !f.9.r..~ ..~.<;!.!'!9.\.!r..C;:;!':,$.,... J.n~.,... ....... ................ ..... .... .... ........ ....... dd,cos c. ApI: :8:::t .....!'l.?~2...G9.1<...J;..!W.~l....G~.\;!<.J:l.9g.\.!!':.<...NX.J)..9..3.5............................ . i " \ i .'tG::CO "'.ater: ..J[ of prcposed operations ....NfR.I...;I;p.~.,...W9.\.!),.c;J...),J~.e...~...P'H:ro.:i.t...tQ. be \ a p~r~~.e~.. f ~.r... th e.... ~r.~.s.~ .i.n.9...o.~... ~~n.~.r.~ ~e... ~n~... ~~.~ ~.r~~... ~.a.n.~.-:- ~.~.c>n..e... ~.c>.. dev e lp p products that could be sold and distributed on the North Fork to help I es j;.ab.;LJ~.J:l... P.~W .b.l!./?Jp.M./?. .t9.L~!f.~/.. ..:J;n.9.......................................... ... ................... ...... ... , We also want the ability to separate and screen materials such as ston~, gravel';' ..t'op-soi'l' "a:nd" 'crushed' 'conc'ret'e';' .....:.. .... .... ..... ........ . .... ... ..... ...... ......... ........ ;rn:~s ar<1 ade! '-ss~ s of a!1 pro;Jerty O'vvners of record within 200 feet of tile outside boundaries th2 P('~":llse:: /: ~;:in Vi:'lich operations are proposed to bi~ performed. No r ttt. .F()r:k.. .~.Cini. t~.t, ~ C).Il.t.... il:4.7.!S.. .<::().x... .L.a.!1~ I... .<::~.t. ,,!:i.9.g.1,1.~ .1.. .NX.. U~}?'.................... Oregon Road Recycling, Inco, 11910 Oregon Rd., Cutchogue, NY 11935 ......"................................ ,...,..............................."......................"................... " !-::'iLic ;:ng ~!: l Jccompany this application uniess wC::''ied by the; TO\,,\':1 Board. If applicant .:::~u(';~s~s \Ni:j I 'v' ;,- any of the -fo!!o\Ning itcrflS, appiic2i:,t should j:lsert~it the end of applica- .]il SL1bc -liSIG: il..:,i- liJhlCll a waiver i~ reques\~ed. Det~;:;eo :'; ,~:-l';;n:ent or the Pi"oposed operation toge ~Ier v"il:h a plan of the area proposed '-Jf '~;>:cav, ,::,), or -fa:' rCITlOVClI sf top soil v.:hich sh;' ' show condition of the plot' or pre- i'nis8~~ b8t( , ~ '_',;)erations and tile propo'3ed conditior. ~f the same after operations are com- U SL' ian to be prepared by a duly licensee: engineer or land surveyor and drawn -C<J ~;~'aie S v 'cO: 19 all adjoininu streets, location and ,jimensions of pr-emises, the location, sizs ;:ld L! 0, any existing buildings. . ; 'I , ; I \ , : I . $ !:\ t,_:jogr-,;-li;~ survev of th8 prerTlises prepa-red by d ~::l~!y licensed engineer or land survey~ :~i- S. .JWlil ;.::~):~'~our~ at 10 foot intervals, using Coas'- and Geodetic Survey datum. kt' )u:, Clck:" ""/,::;-dgec; consents of the O\f\lllcr of the pr:.:--ntses and morT:lagees, if any. Ree'.-, ptec ~2~( bills Ol~ photostatic copies thereof or other proof showing payment of all i:.3Xe:: and ';3e~~sments against premises for which an application is requested. /-, ;YOpo:::~,,' :xnprehensive plan Tor lhe reh8bilit<.:rion of the premises together with a ~;;che,:_;uie; 1- ;~;(ogress therefor. Such plan to set forth the ultimate contour and grade of the 3re2 upon'c,..ipletion of work, describing the area to be refilled, top soiled and seeded and specirYlnc; elk amount and extent thereof to be pei'farmed before December 31st of the /(,ai' 'or," ",. permit is being applied for. ..:~t;;":Jte \'"ared bOy a dUI'y' I!censec engineer or :~md surveyor or the total number of .:-.:..: \'3~-~' mar.eliai to be ~^en-,cv2j from "c:he prop'!rty during the ::Jerrnit period. :-:;J;;'::;'Ji-' ,'ie18,. "\~qL.:est.'; a VI/ai",iei" G-I- the i-equ;ren,'~nts o. ,u('J(agraph 5, sL;Ddi--iislons",....""......, I \ . , I , r-,-) ..~tk~v.Y/~. ::~<................... ~ Si!Fature of Applic&l"t Dolores Principi , , Cot"poraticn ) ~~/_/~/J... " BY./?!,::~;(.:~:L2U:t#...C?2<~---........... S".~2ture 0 Oft,cer 08'lores Principi 5 t c /2 t,!1t:. J.j . d:Y./-gCA/'1/;,.... North Fork Resources, Inc. )". 'il 1J:/ tlC: :-ore " .~ ,,')~Jft "' C> is ,...~. ..r-- . r.~~...... 1996 ,~?L4~.;Jf)....C:~~K..c'" H~IjNJH). HORNE Notary PubliC, Slale of New York No. 4951364 Qualified in Suffolk County C)/"7 Commission Expires May 22, 19.J:::.:.! < ~ 'J '7- 7S-,..) r _J _ #- --.' ~ - ~.--"'---~- 14-16-2 (2f87)-7c . . 617.21 Appendix A State Environmental Quality Review FULL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM SEQR Purpose: The full EAF is designed to help applicants and agencies determine, in an orderly manner, whether a project or action may be significant. The question of whether an action may be significant is not always easy to answer. Frequent- ly, there are aspects of a project that are subjective or unmeasureable. It is also understood that those who determine significance may have little or no formal knowledge of the environment or may be technically e.xpert in environmental analysis. In addition, many who have knowledge in one particular area may not be aware of the broader concerns affecting the question of significance. The full EAF is intended to provide a method whereby applicants and agencies can be assured that the determination process has been orderly, comprehensive in nature, yet flexible to allow introduction of information to fit a project or action. Full EAF Components: The full EAF is comprised of three parts: Part 1: Provides objective data and information about a given project and its site. By identifying basic project data, it assists a reviewer in the analysis that takes place in Parts 2 and J: Part 2: Focuses on identifying the range of possible impacts that may occur from a project or action. It p1"ovides guidance as to whether an impact is likely to be considered small to moderate or whether it is a potentially- large impact. The form also identifies whether an impact can be mitigated or reduced. Part 3: If any impact in Part 2 is identified as potentially-large, then Part 3 is used to evaluate whether or not the impact is actually important. DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE-Type 1 and Unlisted Actions Identify the Portions of EAF completed for this project: 0 Part 1 0 Part 2 OPart 3 Upon review of the information recorded on this EAF (Parts 1 and 2 and 3 if appropriate). and any other supporting information, and considering both the magitude and importance of each impact, it is reasonably determined by the lead agency that: o A. The project will not result in any large and important impact(s) and, therefore, is one which will not have a significant impact on the environment, therefore a negative declaration will be prepared. o B. Although the project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect for this Unlisted Action because the mitigation measures described in PART 3 have been required, therefore a CONDITIONED negative declaration will be prepared. * o C. The project may result in one or more large and important impacts that may have a significant impact on the environment, therefore a positive declaration will be prepared. * A Conditioned Negative Declaration is only valid for Unlisted Actions N~i:h.S'oe.-t i?t~ J -Xhc. , Name of Action ~~td Name of Lead Agency Print or Type Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Title of Responsible Officer Signature of Responsible Officer," Lead Agency Signature of Preparer (If different from responsible officer) Af"l J..(cI199~ Date 1 PART 1-PROJECT INFORMA "ON Prepared by Project Sponsor NOTICE: This document is designed to assist in determining whether the action proposed may have a significant effec on the environment Please complete the entire form, Parts A through E. Answers to these Questions will be considerec as part of the application for approval and may be subject to further verification and public review. Provide any additiona information you believe will be needed to complete Parts 2 and 3 It is expected that completion of the full EAF will be dependent on informatIOn currently available and will not inVOlVe new studies, research or investigation. If information requiring such additional work is unavailable, 50 indicate and specih each instance. BUSINESS TELEPHONE ('5~ '5311525 ) ^ C' 'iqO~ Please Complete Each Question-Indicate N.A. if not applicable A. Site Description Physical setting of overall project. 1. Present land use: DUrban DForest both..,eveloped and undeveloped areas. Slffndustrial DCommercial DReSldential (suburban) DAgri<y'lture DOther (O,:L acres. ORurai (non-farn~ 2. Total acreage of project area: APPROXIMATE ACREAGE Meadow or Brushland (Non-agricultural) Forested Agricultural (Includes orchards. cropland. pasture, etc.) Wetland (Freshwater or tidal as per Articles 24. 2S of ECL) Water Surface Area Unvegetated (Rock, earth or fill) Roads. buildings and other paved surfaces Other (Indicate type) 3. What IS predominant soil j,Ype(s) on project Site' SAH~ I .- - _, a. Soil drainage: IYWell drained \00 % of 5Jte DModerately well dramed OPoorly drained % of site b If any agricultural land IS InVOI~ how many acres ot soil are clasSltled wlthm ,oil group 1 land Classltlcatlon System' acres (See 1 NYCRR 370) 4. Are there bedrock Qutcroppmgs on proJect site? DYes ~o a. What IS depth to bedrock' .;:... ~n . (in feet) "t PRESENTLY acres AFTER COMPLETION !. acres acres ______________~._...___ acres acres acre~; acres acres 4 acres acres acres acres 2- acres Jcre~ acres acres % of site through ). of the ,~\' 2 ~.-.,...>...-".',....,,".""~. "'*''''''",,"T._''>.''''_'--''-~''''"~''_''"''''''''_'_''''''''''''''''''''.'-'''''' 'n' ~ '" . 5. Approximate percentage of proposed project site with slopes: . 00-10% % 010-15% 015% or greater ~ % site, or district, listed on the State or the % 6. Is project substantially contiguous to, or cojXain a building, Registers of Historic Places? DYes MNo 7. Is project substantially contiguous to a site listed on the Register of National Natural Landmarks? DYes ~o 8. What is the depth of the water table? !. (n"} (in feet) JIlJItf q_N''b ~..... r 9. Is site located over a primary, principal, or sole source aquifer? DYes lkl'No ~Aftftr~ ~.:;:, ""1PlClIl'.t5;' ~ '!::Vr "'" 10. Do hunting, fishing or shell fishing opportunities presently exist in the project area? DYes 01<10 11. Does project site c9"tain any species of plant or animal life that is identified as threatened or endangered? DYes ~o According to Identify each species 12. Are there any uniquJ or unusual land forms on the project site? (i.e., cliffs, dunes, other geological formations) DYes l1lNo Describe National 13. Is the project site W"'sently used by the community or neighborhood as an open space or recreation' area? DY'!!s ~o If yes, explain 14. Does the present s;p, include scenic views known to be important to the community? DYes ~No 15. Streams within or contiguous to project area: ...l1Ct\ e..... a. Name of Stream and name of River to which it is tributary Lakes, ponds, wetland areas within or contiguous to project area: n01'\ e. a. Name b. Size (In acres) Is the site served by existing p~blic utilities? ~s DNo G.tec-h1c.. a) If Yes, does sufficient capacity exist to allow connection? ~es DNo ,; b) If Yes. will improvements be necessary to allow connection? DYes ~o Is the site located in an agricultural"tlistrict certified pursuant to Agriculture and Markets Law, Article 25-AA, Section 303 and 304? DYes I'1No 19. Is the site located in or substantially contiguous to a Critical Environmental Area designated pursuant to Article 8 of the ECL, and 6 NYCRR 617? DYes ~o 20. Has the site ever been used for the disposal of solid or hazardous wastes? DYes ~o 16. 17. 18. B. Project Description 1. Physical dimensions and scale of project (fill in dimension~ as appropriate) a. Total contiguous acreage owned or cpntrolled by project sponsor f6. z.. acres. b. Project acreage to be developed: ~. L acres initially; _(II. Z- acres ultimately. c. Prolect acreage to remain undeve!p'ped No..- acres d. Length of project. In miles: tv /IJo (If appropriate) e. If the prolect IS an expanSion, InJicate percent of expanSion proposed --1:!/A-- %, f. Number of off-street parking spaces eXIsting 207 ; proposed g. Maximum vehicular trips generated per hour !5 (upon completion of project)? h. If residential: Number and type of housing units: One Family Two Family Multiple Family Condominium Initially Ultimately I. Dimensions (in feet) of largest proposed structure Npr height; -*- width; J. Linear feet of fro~tage along a public thoroughfare project will occupy is? ~ length. ft. 3 2. How much natural material (i.e. rock, earth etc.) will be removed from the ,ite? 2..'~OOO tons/cubic yards 3. Will disturbed areas be reclaimed? ~ DNo DN(A a If yes, for what Intend" purpose IS the Site belng~lalmed? _~ ~ WI> j ~<9""",I ~11It:ligk' b Will topsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? mes 9No c Will upper subsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? II?f.;s ON" 4. How many acres of vegetation (trees, shrubs, ground covers) will be removed from site? --0- acres 5. Will any matu~e Jl;lrest (over 100 years old) or other locally-important vegetation be removed by thIS prolecF DVes 8F-Io 6. If single phase project: Anticipated period of construction 7. (d:) months, (including demolition) If multi-phased: a. Total number of phases anticipated 2- (number). b. Anticipated date of commencement phase 1 ~ month ~ year, (including demolition) c. Approximate completion date of final phase ~ month Z-,DO I year. d. Is phase 1 functionally dependent on subsequent phases? ~ [INo' 8. Will blasting occur during construction? DVes ~ 9. Number of jobs generated: during construction ~; after prolect is complete Number of jobs eliminated by this project f'JDN€ co 10. 11. Will project require relocation of any projects or facilities? :=lYes ~ If yes, explain .____~_. ~ 12. Is surface liquid waste disposal involved? DVes a. If yes, Indicate type of waste (sewage, industrial, etc.) and amount \J IA b. Name of water body into which effluent will be discharged NJA.' Is subsurface liquid waste disposal involved? DYes ~ Type 13. 14. Will surface area f an existing water body increase or decrease by proposal? eYes ~ 15. 16. Explain Is project or any portion of project located in a 100 yearJlood plain I Will the project generate solid waste? DYes ~ a. If yes, what is the amount per month tons b. If yes, will an existing solid waste facility be used? DVes c. If yes. give name d. Will any wastes not go into a sewage disposal system or into a sanitary landfill? e. If Ves, explain DVes o DNo location CJYE'~. ~ 17. Will the project involve the disposal of solid waste? .DVes ~. a. If yes, what is the anticipated rate of disposal? ~ tons/month. b. If yes, what is the anticipated site life? liSt) years. 18. Will project use herbicides or pesticides? DVes (!;I(; 19_ Will project routinely produce odors (more than one hour per day)? DYes ~ 20. Will project produce operating noise exceeding the local ambient nOise levels? 21. Will project result in an increase in energy use? DYes ~ If yes, indicate type(s) 22. If water supply is from wells, indicate pumping capacity ."2!:::> 23 Total anticipated water usage per day ',CIiC() gallons/day eYes ~' gallons/minute. 24. Does project Involve Lr;ttate or Federal funding? If Yes, explain DVes ~ 4 '''~''''''0<'~_'_''''_~''-_''''I_____'''''..'' ~ ~ """,.,.>', --- ---- -~-_...._~- . , -, . 2S. Approvals Required: . . Submittal Type Date City, Town, Village Board ~NO _TOW,..:i ~~ o/J.~A!. City, Town, Village Planning Board DYes ~o City, Town Zoning Board DYes ~ City, County Health Department DYes ~ Other Local Agencies DYes ~ Other Regional Agencies DYes ~ State Agencies ~s DNo ~ ~fi.sIq.; ~ ~ Federal Agencies DYes C. Zoning and Planning Information 1. Does proposed action involve a planning or zoning decision? If Yes, indicate decision required: Dzoning amendment Dzoning variance Dspecial use permit Dsubdivision Dsite plan' 2 Wh~~::~:::~~go:l~s:::~a:~~S)Of ~~e:i::;cett:;~n I,",~~I~'- (L"[ J . / 3. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the present zoning? ~.2 -y~ 4. What is the proposed zoning of the site? ~~UN' €ff1'JTtfiL. - I..:J: 7.-JE 5. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the proposed zoning? DYes ~ ~.z.. IJ#/~ 6. Is the proposed action consistent with the recommended uses in adopted local land use plans? ~ DNc 7. What are the predominant land use(s) and zoning classifications within a V. mile radius of proposed action? 10. 11. 8 Is the proposed action compatible with adjoihingJsurrounding land "Lses within a V. mile? 9. If the proposed action is the subdivision of land, how m~ny lots are' proposed? ---l:4/A. a. What is the minimum lot size proposed? NJIt. . Will proposed action require any authorization(s) for the formation of sewer or water districts? DYes Ifl1:lc Will the proposed a~ti~reate a demand for any community provided services (recreation, education, police fire protection)? ~s DNo a. If yes, is existing capacity sufficient to handle projected demand? ~ DNo Will the proposed action result in the generation of traffic significantly above present levels? a. If yes, is the existing road network adequate to handle the additional traffic? DYes es DNo 12. DYes ~ DNo. D. Informational Details Attach any additional information as may be needed to clarify your project. If there are or may be any adverse impacts associated with your proposal, please discuss such impacts and the measures. which you propose to mitigate or avoid them. E. Verification Applicant/S I certify that the information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge. . .... Date J:f-~~" Signature If the action is in the with this assessment. are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding 5 14-16-2 (2/87)-7c 617.21 Appendix A State Environmental Quality Review FULL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM SEQR Purpose: The full EAF is designed to help applicants and agencies determine, in an orderly manner, whether a project or action may be significant. The question of whether an action may be significant is not always easy to answer. Frequent- ly, there are aspects of a project that are subjective or unmeasureable. It is also understood that those who determine significance may have little or no formal knowledge of the environment or may be technically expert in environmental analysis. In addition, many who have knowledge in one particular area may not be aware of the broader concerns affecting the question of significance. The full EAF is intended to provide a method whereby applicants and agencies can be assured that the determination process has been orderly, comprehensive in nature, yet flexible to allow introduction of information to fit a project or action. Full EAF Components: The full EAF is comprised of three parts: Part 1: Provides objective data and information about a given project and its .site. By identifying basic project data, it assists a reviewer in the analysis that takes place in Parts 2 and .r: Part 2: Focuses on identifying the range of possible impacts that may occur from a ptoject or action. It provides guidance as to whether an impact is likely to be considered small to moderate or whether it is a potentially- large impact. The form also identifies whether an impact can be mitigated or reduced. Part 3: If any impact in Part 2 is identified as potentially-large, then Part 3 is used to evaluate whether or not the impact is actually important. DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE-Type 1 and Unlisted Actions Identify the Portions of EAF completed for this project: 0 Part 1 0 Part 2 0 Part 3 Upon review of the information ;ecorded on this EAF (Parts 1 and 2 and 3 if appropriate), and any other supporting information, and considering both the mag.tude and importance of each impact. it is reasonably determined by the lead agency that: o A. The project will not result in any large and important impact(s) and, therefore, is one which will not have a significant impact on the environment, therefore a negative declaration will be prepared. o B. Although the project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect for this Unlisted Action because the mitigation measures described in PART 3 have been required, therefore a CONDITIONED negative declaration will be prepared.' o C. The project may result in one or more large and important impacts that may have a significant impact on the environment, therefore a positive declaration will be prepared. . A Conditioned Negative Declaration is only valid for Unlisted Actions Novth wl ~~5, ~C Name of Action ~61Li~{\O d k.\'vV1A&-ru-d Name of Lead Agency PrlOt or Type Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Signature of Responsible Officer 10 Lead Agency ~'L\ Title of ResponSible Officer ~I(~ ?MCLpl SIgnature of Preparer (It different from responsible officer) 2W rlqq 1JJ Date PART 1-PROJECT INFORMATION Prepared by Project Sponsor NOTICE: This document is designed to assist in determining whether the action proposed may have a significant effec on the environment. Please complete the entire form, Parts A through E. Answers to these questions will be considerer. as part of the application for approval and may be subject to further verification and public review. Provide any additiona. information you believe will be needed to complete Parts 2 and 3. It is expected that completion of the full EAF will be dependent on information currently available and will not involvE new studies, research or investigation. If information requiring such additional work is unavailable, so indicate and specih each instance. or C6Y\QelQ.. ~ tlJ ckd.c LOC~ION OF ACTION (~I~de. Street Address, M , c~allty fndj County) _ _ ~~S. ..~ L~, l:...ll1- ~ LLQ... NAME OF APPLICA "IS OR ' I ~d I AbDR_V12. ~ '323 [CITY/PO ~<;dt ~rq?D [ NAME~Ir~~;'~llf~UJ2L______ __ . ADDRESS ~ 4Cf (" ----v - - -- CITYfPO .~sili DESCRIPTION OF ACTlot< .. . L1Jl11J1lf~ I BUS1~~SS TELEPHONE' ... _.___L_L~li~LS~1 '1 S 2 <s- }V\tllQ :2.10. l~_JJT!r~.__ Please Complete Each Question-Indicate N.A. if not applicable A. Site Description Physical setting of overall project, both developed and undeveloped areas. 1. Present land use: DUrban Cilfndustrial OCommercial OResidential (suburban) OForest OAgriculture OOther (0 .2... ORural (non-farm 2. Total acreage of project area: APPROXIMATE ACREAGE Meadow or Brushland (Non-agricultural) Forested Agricultural (Includes orchards, cropland, pasture, etc.) Wetland (Freshwater or tidal as per Articles 24, 25 of ECL) Water Surface Area Unvegetated (Rock, earth or fill) Roads. buildings and other paved surfaces Other (Indicate type) acres. '-1 PREsENTL ~ AFTER COMPLETION ~ acres acres acres acres acres acres acres acres '-l acres acres acres acres "2- acres acres acres acres 3. What is predominant soil type(s) on project site? -S--l V\ tit-j i bc:1./Yy""\ a. Soil drainage: ~ell drained )0 0 % of s.ite OModerately well drained % of site OPoorly drained % of site b. If any agricultural land is InVOI~~hOW many acres of soil are classified within soil group 1 through 4 0; the NY' Land Classification System? acres. (See 1 NYCRR 370). 4. Are there bedrock outcropplngs on ~~olec.!..!~e? DYes ~o a. What IS depth to bedrock? ~ (in ;eet) 2 6. Is project substantially contiguous to, or contain a building, Registers of Historic Places? DYes ~o 7. Is project substantially contiguous to a site listed on the Register of National Natural landmarks? DYes Gl'Io 8. What is the depth of the water table? t ~ (in feet) J\b'ctl..: gnrv.ncJ vvaf:D.;r j. BNo Qaydct'VY\.lno...~ m~ 000 c;,.7't' 00-10% % 010-15% 015% or greater ~O % site, or district, listed on the State or the National % S. Approximate percentage of proposed project site with slopes: 9. Is site located over a primary, principal, or sole source aquifer? DYes 10. Do hunting, fishing or shell fishing opportunities presently exist in the project area? Does project site coptain any species of plant or animal life that is identified as threatened or endangered? DYes &No According to Identify each species Are there any unique or unusual land forms on the project site? (i.e., cliffs, dunes, other geological formations) DYes ~o Describe DYes 11. 12. 13. Is the project site presently used by the community or neighborhood as an "'pen space or recreation area? DYes CJi(0 If yes, explain 14. Does the present site include scenic views known to be important to the community? DYes 000 15. Streams within or contiguous to project area: (\{)() e.. a. Name of Stream and name of River to which it is tributary 16. lakes, ponds, wetland areas within or contiguous to project area: (\Qf'\ e. a. Name b. Size (In acres) 17. Is the site served by -;xisting public utilities? liiYes DNo e\e.c:..:l'Y1c... a) If Yes, does sufficient capacity exist to allow connection? ~es DNo b) If Yes, will improvements be necessary to allow connection? DYes 000 18. Is the site located in an agricultural district certified pursuant to Agriculture and Markets law, Article 25-AA, Section 303 and 304? DYes BNo 19. Is the site located in or substantially contiguous to a Critical Environmental Area designated pursuant to Article 8 of the ECl, and 6 NYCRR 617? DYes lid'No 20. Has the site ever been used for the disposal of solid or hazardous wastes? DYes rnNo B. Project Description 1. Physical dimensions and scale of project (fill in dimensions as appropriat(;, a. Total contiguous acreage owned or controlled by project sponsor . L b. Project acreage to be developed: III L acres initially; I.J>. 2- c. Project acreage to remain undeveloped f"IC) r\ e.- acres. d. length of project, in miles: rv{1f5 (If appropriate) e. If the project is an expansion, indicate percent of expansion proposed f. Number of off-street parking spaces existing '2.<:; ; proposed g. MaXImum vehicular trips generated per hour "5' (upon completion of project)? h. If reSidential: Number and type of housing units: One Family Two Family acres. acres ultimately. rv114 %; Multiple Family Condominium Initially Ultimately i. Dimens,'ons (in feet) of largest proposed structure .. height: 4- width; ~ length. J. Linear teet or tro~tage along a publiC thoroughfare project will occupy is? ft. 3 2. How much natural material (i.e., rock, earth, etc.) will be removed from the site? 2'SJ 61lO tons/cubic yards 3. Will disturbed areas be reclaimed? ~es DNo ON/A I J V1A .~.1. . a If yes, for what intend__ purpose IS the site being reclaimed? l1>Y "XlI..W QYVS-ll.'Y\ H'" -..)~l.lILl1..._ b. Will topsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? ~es jJNo c. Will upper subsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? b2lYes DNo 4. How many acres of vegetation (trees, shrubs, ground covers) will be removed from site? - 0 - acres. 5. Will any mature tvrest (over 100 years old) or other locally-important vegetation be removed by this project? DYes 5l'No - 6. If single phase project: Anticipated period of construction (00 months, (including demolition). 7. 8. 9. 10. If multi-phased: a, Total number of phases anticipated L (number). b. Anticipated date of commencement phase 1 l'V111 I ;\- month _ICj q lJ, year, (including demolition). c. Approximate completion date of final phase fUll ~ month ~_year d. ls phase 1 functionally dependent on subsequent phases? ~s DNo Will .blasting occur during construction? DYes ~ Number of jobs generated: during construction lO Number of jobs eliminated by this project V'l1'I n e. ; after project is complete G 11, Will project require relocation of any projects or facilities? DYes 000 If yes, explain 12. Is surface liquid waste disposal involved? DYes ~o . a. If yes, indicate type of waste (sewage, industrial, etc,) and amount ~/Pr Ilr,' b. Name of water body into which effluent will be discharged Nt'"' Is subsurface liquid waste disposal involved? DYes ~o Type Will surface area of an existing water body increase or decrease by proposal? Explain Is project or any portion of project located in a 100 year flood plain? DYes 13. 14. DYes @l4'0 ~o 15. 16. Will the project generate solid waste? DYes ~ a. If yes, what is the amount per month tons b. If yes, will an existing solid waste facility be used? DYes DNo c. If yes, give name location d. Will any wastes not go into a sewage disposal system or into a sanitary landfill? e. If Yes, explain DYes !D1<l0 17. WirI the project involve the disposal of solid waste? DYes ~o a. If yes, what is the anticipated rate of disposal? ~ tons/month. b. Ii yes, what is the anticipated site life? <::::, n years, Will project use herbicides or pesticides? DYes ~o Will project routinely produce odors (more than one hour per day)? DYes ~o 18. 19. 20. Will project produce operating noise exceeding the local ambient noise levels? DYes ~o 21. Will project result in an increase in energy use? If yes, indicate type(s) 22. If water supply is from wells, DYes lQ1<Io 23. Total anticipated water usage per day indicate pumping capacity )000 2'5 gallons/minute. gallons/day. DYes ~o 24. Does project involve Local, State or Federal funding? If Yes, explain ~ {d" 4 .~- " 25. Approvals Required: City. Town, Village Board 0Yes DNo City, Town, Village Planning Board DYes li?No City, Town Zoning Board DVes ~o City, County Health Department DYes Gl1<i 0 Other Local Agencies DYes [Jl1<l0 Other Regional Agencies DYes ~o State Agencies ~es DNo Federal Agencies DYes ~o Type Submittal Date 'I"'~1'"\ ~ -=H).'SJC1 (., IRe.. ~/4 <) )% C. Zoning and Planning Information 1. Does proposed action involve a planning or zoning decision? If.Ves, indicate decision required: Dioning amendment Dzoning variance Dspecial use permit Dsubdivlsion Dsite plan' Dnewlrevision of master plan Dresource management plan Dother 2. What is the zoning c1assification(s)of the site? Q ~ tUJ ~.2jivJ a......Q l I. 3. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the present zoning? DYes UlM'6 Lr 2...6l0 e.. 4. What is the proposed zoning of the site? S. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the proposed zoning? ( 0 ,7 _ 'o..c.ve<. 6. Is the proposed action consistent with the recommended uses in adopted local land use plans? ~s ON, 7. What are the predominant land use(s) and zoning classifications mile radius of proposed action? , ~ . ON, 8. Is the proposed action compatible with adjoining/surrounding land uses within a "". ~~e? 9. If the proposed action is the subdivision of land, how many lots are proposed? ~ a. What is the minimum lot size proposed? rJJtf4,- 10. Will proposed action require any authorization(s) for the formation of sewer or water districts? DYes 1Sl-i<I, 11. Will the proposed acti9n create a demand for any community provided services [recreation, education, policE fire protection)? ~es DNo a. If yes, is existing capacity sufficient to handle projected demand? [Slo1(.,s. DNo 12. Will the proposed action result in the generation of traffic significantly above present levels? . a. If yes, is the existing road network adequate to handle the additional traffic? DYes DYes IOKc: DNo. D. Informational Details Attach any additional information as may be needed to clarify your project. If there are or may be any advers impacts associated with your proposal, please discuss such impacts and the measures which you propose to mitigate c avoid them. E. Verification ~ Applicant! Signature If the action is in the with this assessment. Date 4-LS...qt+ are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceedir 5 June 26, 1996 Lead Agency Coordination Request The purpose of this request is Environmental Quality Review Act-SEQRA) and 6 NYCRR Part 617, the following: to determine under Article 8 (State of the Environmental Conservation Law 1. your jurisdiction in the action described below; 2. your interest in assuming the responsibilities of lead agency; and 3. issues of concern which you believe should be evaluated.] Enclosed is a copy of the application and a complete Long Environmental Assessment Form (EAF) to assist you in your response. Project Name: North Fork Resources Inc., Richard J. Principi Jr. Requested Action: Application for a Salvaging Center SEQRA Classification: Type I Contact Person: Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk, Town of Southold. The lead agency will determine the need for an environmental impact statement (EIS) on this project. If you have an interest in being lead agency, please contact this office immediately. I f no response is received from you within 30 days of the date of this letter, it will be assumed that your agency has no interest in being lead agency. Page 2. Agency Position: ] This agency has no objection to your agency assuming lead agency status for this action. [ X] This agency wishes to assume lead agency status for this action. Other. (See comments below) Comments: Please feel free to contact this office for further information. Very truly yours, ~~ Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Enclosures Copies of this request and all attachments to the following: Commissioner Zagata, NYS-DEC, Albany Robert Greene, NYS-DEC, Stony Brook Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Building Department Suffolk County Department of Plannining Suffolk County Department of Health Servies NYS Legislative Commission on Water Resource Needs of Long Island North Fork Resources Inc. (without attachments) Southold Town Clerk's Bulletin Board (without attachments) APPLICATION FOR A SALVAGING CENTER I N THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD q<; Address of Business Noy+h t1)(L ~~6\J rCQ~::rh:" Corporation or Partnership \\qss t<l;hafd K--;nCc~l JV- Name of Applicant, Individual, Q Exact Type of Business to be conducted cwJr., 0'" t1.\' Stta. ,^,u1<:Xj<J ~ (&",,-,<-tL r~ I '5~ ~). ~~'e f"\'(\,'shed ~ . r am under 21 years of age Yes J No - V No I am a citizen of the United States Yes Convicted of Felony or Misdemeanor Yes No /' Number of employees to be engaged \2- 'Ud~\d funo:p- y-. ~ 3.<3 A 2-~--D:=.- I~ \ ~q 30 Name and Address of owner of lands and nature of the right of occupancy of the applicant to the use of such land. Applicant must file map or plan of real property upon which business is to be conducted with the following information: ~ ~ ~e.. ct..- ?etCh ed c. Q'O'J.' T 'i hereby certify that all the above information is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I will conduct the business ?ursuant to the regulations set forth in the Ordinance Licensing and ~egulating Secondhand,' Junk and Auto Parts Activities and Businesses, 1. Location Loca tion Location Loca tion of of of of fence required. buildings. streets and highways. water and gas mains. 2. 3. 4, ) r \ /1 " V r- Signature of \\ ~ /k. Aoolic-itne ,. :; Sworn to before me this \q day of ~Lne 19Q1.o. . .;:,..-'-"":.~-,,;,_:_-{~~" c.... No"!'ary Pub'lic UNDA J, COOPER ",?tar.., P'..!blic. State of NAW York .. "H) _ ":';?::7~,;2~ :3~~C~k_~~OI~_~ry~? ~. ~~swers to quescians an p.l or Ap91icatian ~~~ Regulacing. Lccac~cn or operation - corner of Cox ~ane and OreaOL 2c. 2. Reference all A) Existing B) Proposed information :rom Parking 35,000 Parking - 50,000 s..;:-~ pla..TJ. . sq. sq:. ft. . No containers necessa~l / materia:s ~eed ground seorage pyramidal scockpiles. 4. Storage faci~ities as oe= s~~e plan buildillg. ?re-ex~s~ing meca~ ~fT'=~:- ,..,;:;:: ~lC~:-.: ..~.9.;::;.~)....???;,':5:o..~.~.?.9_~~.;~?.lo...;.nG.: "'::C.~:::S '::- ,-.~.~::::. "0 _..~ .~. ~o~...; .~.;~.. .;'.~!.lo~ .t.. ..~:-f_;~.~_99.~::;.~ _._ }l_~ l' 0-:::; .......""'...-:...",.y. = ::-:2:.2':': s::ate~:;:":: :-r:r:80ScC :::~:2-r::cns _..~_?R_~_...::;:nc ....:~~9.~;'.;....~.~):.2".;:;"h2.e.~:;n.i,::, :.::;. ':;e a99c~vec :oc :.je 2=~snlns ~: =onc=~c~ and ~~c~ca: 3an~-s~o~e '2eveo~;;:: ~rocuc':..s ::bac. -2S .~..3..q).";'~~.D: .Jl..~~. cou~c ~e 5c:d anc d~3~~:jU~2d on :.=;,2 ).ice::: ~.,~..... 'r .1e~. ::- .::0 u.-?;' ;)..~ ~.-?.. .,.? r:. J!R.~j... .~q.<;:........... Ne al5C ~anL :he ~bili~y :c se9arac2 and sc=een ~ac2r:al~ 3UC~ ~~ 3~~ne. ::: =a "7~::"-;' ""':"'O~oi'l .--a:nc...c::-::::rrrec..c-::nc-=e-cs.;......... :::2.::GC S:3te;;;;;;,: Jr:r-::ccsec ,~""'.o"~";""'n- aecues i: ::er:::ni:. :0 '~race .....u..... '- ~.u I.) ,........h..........-:................... ....-: ;Jar ~<'l. ng 3..cea c~ 2.~.l!e~...q.~...9.:;::~9.~...~.? .J.el.;J :acilit.ace ac;ui9menc. ~ar~c:':1g ane 5c~ca.<;e ane ;JL;c9osec oge.ca tic(is'''::eq'u'es'i2c'''6"y'''Sl?::<'~'''~,':''ic'~'--'',;n:':~;:":''?i'''-:.;:::::.:: "~j(r.g .i'5~"':::" 2f:: ~rooec~Y ~atecial SCreenl:1C anc seoa.cac~~n5 =; ~-avel ~~d ~and ~-~m Jt~2~ ~ Ul ~ C ~~~ ?;;~~....~t~=\~e.~~:;;~s~~~h~~.;~:?:~:~~.;.~:~~~:~.~;~~; ~.:~:~';~~9~'~~'!;;~~" : ~ =- ~ _cu'-..c_...... .~:-_ 70c-<, -;:.n: ~c_ _o:::n_ng _'" ......12. _cne '....,~ ~_ '-a...~.~~.-.~:c:.:.~t".::-a.n-C2 ".j .3..9.9c:.Jvec ...;<?;x.....?J.....;.r:~~:...?~.:.~se :1CC2: .;..:.-=. :~9SC:~ -t_";'-:" .'lee. :Je '::-2ffiC1lec: ::.:-;:::m ?C2m~.;;es ::u~ ''':..;..;.. :::e ?U~ "':'ic'S"':'Scjf~:-:'g '''i-''"ju'=:n'''2.:.c'jti~"1c'''':'~~'e''';:-e~-.:::~ne-t-2.c3 ?C89.~.-:.,?:~-_.:'::: .:Je 9.~.~?~::~...~';.~.~::....~~.2es ane -=~le=;:.-==ens 3.nd ~eecec ~ ._",.,....~_.""'""--"'..".,.-,. 1.i-i6--2 (2/87}-7c 617.21 Appendix A Slate Environmental Quality Review FULL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM SEQR Purpose: The full ::,-\F is designed to help applicants and agencies determine. in an orderly manner, whether a projec: or action may be significant. The question of whether an action may be significant is not always easy to answer. Frequent- ly, there are aspects aT a project that are subjective or unmeasureable. It is also understood that those who determine significance may have littJe or no formal knowledge of the environment or may be technically e.xoert in environmental anaiysis. In addition. many who have knowledge in one particular area may not be aware or the broader concerns affecting the question or significance. The full EAf is intended to provide a method whereby apoiicants and agencies can be assured that the determination process has been orderly, comprehensive in nature. yet flexible to aJlow introduCtion of information to fit a project or action. Full EAF Components: The full EAF is comprised of three parts: Part 1: Provides objective data and information about a given project and its site. By identifying basic project data. it assists a reviewer in the analysis that takes place in Parts 2 and .r. Part 2: Focuses on identifying the range of possible impacts that may occur from a project or ac:ion. It provides guidance as to whether an impact is likely to be considered small to moderate or whether it is a potentially- large impact.. The form also identifies whether an impact can be mitigated or reduced. Part 3: If any impac: in Part 2 is identified as potentially-large. then Part 3 is used to evaluate whether or not the impac: is actually important. = DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE - Type 1 and Unlisted Actions Identiiy the Portions OT EAF compieted for this project: U Part 1 ;~ Pan: 2 (JPart 3 Upon review or che informacion recorded on this E.~F (Parts 1 and 2 and 3 if appropriate). and any other supporting information. and considering both the magieude and importance or each imoac:. it is reasonably determined by the lead agency that ;~. The projec: wiil not result in any large and important impac-:is) and. therefore. is one which win not have a si~nificant impact on the environment. therefore a negative dedaration will be prepared. 3. Although the project could have a significant effec~ on the environment. there will not be a significant effect for this Uniisted Action because the mitigation measures described in PART 3 have been required. therefore a CONDITIONED negative dedaration will be prepared.' o C. The project may result in one or more large and important impactS that may have a significant impact on the environment. therefore a positive declaration will be prepared.. .. A Conditioned i'legative Dec!aratibn is only valid ror Unlisted Actions '--, NoA'h t6(l ~~Inl( JlS Name of ,-\c:ion ..:::::.... -j \1 ...-r -../0I1--;\"i(\ 0 n I C'v\..^';\ Name or l..eac .Agenc: :l},c &..-"'~ ........ --.vc...( ?~lm ,:)r Type ;""lame or ResDonsloJe Officer in Lead .-lI.genc'l Title Of Resoonsloie Orficer 21(~~CL~ ?rlnQ'p I jlgna:::.:r~ Jr ,:Zesoonsloie 'Jfiicer in i..~3.c,genC'1 Si~nat:ure or P~eDarer I,ll different ~:-om ,esDonslOte odic~!") t:WV\..'\ 2W! )C[q Wi \ Dace PART 1-PROJECT INFORMATION Prepared by Project Sponsor ,~OTICE_ Tnl5 documem 1$ designed to assist In determining wnetner the aC:JOn :Jrooosec :Tlav :lave J. j;gnlTiclflt: C;~'c.>' on :he envIronment. Please complete the entire form, Pan:.s i~. ~hrougi1 t. .-\nswers :0 :hese questions 'Nlil 6e ,:;.:mSllJerp as part or the application ror approval and may be subjec: to further \/erific3.tlon and DubHe ~eVlew. :?~ovice a.nv .1cCltrcn,.- information you beiieve will be needed to comoie!:e Parts': anc J. It is expected that completion or the ruil EAF will 6e deoendent on miormanon c~rrentiy available and wlii ~ot :nvCI'/ new studies. iesearch or investigation. if information requinng sucn additional work IS unavaiiabie. so indicate ana soe.,:::, each instance. Ilqj S .i.Jne tZl ~- Z::i'- 3US~~S TEr.....=:?HCNE :"::ia <;,,-;-;5"- = I"\~ l(q~ ~':""')I' J '4 v 3US1NESS 7a..s::u-lONE 4'/_ ~--,,---, i<:-" .;) \0 "" ! !..J / :!~ CODE ! let..:yo C:TYIPO 4Cj<:; em II Au iYL YiSL-U DESCRIPTION OF ,),C71C~ Ivy I iq~(; 'ri' 'i J ; 'j./, Zlf S;CCE. i t y:::sc ?lease Complete Each Question-Indic:ne .'1...1.. if not appiicahie A. Site Description ?hysicaJ setting OT overail pro fee:. .., ?resent land use: =Uroan :,oth de'leiooeo ~au5tnai ana unaevelOpeo areas. =Commerc:ai = ResicientlaJ (suDurnani =RUfaJ :,non-nr':i =Forest CAgncuiture (0 .2.. =Other ') Total acreage OT project area: APPROXIMATE ACRE.-\CE "Meadow or 3rusniand (Non-agnc:.Jiturai1 acres. PRESE:--JTL ': '-.J . 1GeS '\NCR: '::::CMP1...::ilCt'j "" ac:-es :=orestea Agnc:....dturai (Inc:ucies orC:1aras. ::-oolano. :aSture. e'.:c., 'Nerianci :'Fresnwate: 'Jr :lOal 3.5 Jer ,-\mc:es 24. 25 or :'::...: 'Nater 5urrace ,-\rea I,)nve~~~ate.a ,.Roc:<. -=3.n:il Jr ";iill .'~oacs. .JuJidings J.nc:Jtner :Jave"J surrace5 ]c~e~ J.c;-e.:' ,'ice::: lc:~r:-<: lC~.:: 1ce~ lC;-2S lC'f-;''.-. ::.c;"r~~ o,r~;;,' -, :;'C;"'~::: lce. 'Jt:-:er :naicate :'1oe: _~C;"'~~ 2;';::-2' _. SOil ;:;;-alnage: ~oli :'/ce~5, :;n :rolec: jHe' SdWed :Jralne"J 'C ~ l1l =?')orlVJralne<J ...:;...-~ /... "L.'-1 " <::oc...- '("",.r-\ - I _.\....'ocer3.ce!'1 Ned:Jr3.lnec: .:; ',yhat:5 :JreaOmlnant :Jr :i.!te )~ 'r ,2 )~:Jf ,He ..... :i J.nv 19rrCJltural .ancsnvClveG, ,lOW :7':.an\' 1C;-eSJf :ell .lre ::J.S':;i;:e'.: '_Jna =:aS5Ir:cnlcr: ~vs;:eml \',i-P J.ce~. :)e-=' 'i\lC?~ ~:-JI Vl(njr'. :l~1: ,.;' .~.....- -:tt):__q:" - .~. ,,"' --',re :r"lere :Je-.:roc;..:.JutGCDDln:j5 In ::rOleC: ;lce; /-"/"'7, , _. ,V he. \: s :::e~ti: :c :::e-.:rcc<; ~ ~ ='(es ~~c . n -.::l."'~' 5. :.1"pproximate percentage of proposed projec: site with slopes: =0-10% =13 % or greater % C10-15% ~/-' % % 6. Is prolec: 5ubstantialiy contiguous to. or cOntain a buiicing, site, or distnc:, listed on the State or the ;".Jatlonai Registers or Historic Places? C::Yes :sd'No I. ls project substantially contiguous to a site listed on the RegIster or National 8. What is the depth of the water table? t lP (in reetl Natural Landmarks? ~o jV:::JQ.; S'ra-u:d '1va. Q, ~No QIl'1'<1CWY\.lY\o:t.a.d my." .~/, ~7 .iJNo eYes 9. Is site located over a primary, principal. or sole source aauifer? eYes 10. Do hunting, fishing or shell fishing opportunitie5 presently eXist In the projecr. area? DYes 11. Does projeC: site coptain any species or piant DYes ~o According to Identify each species or animai life that is identified as threatened or endangered? 12. Are there any DYes unique or ~o unusual land Describe forms on the project site? (i.e.. cfjffs, dunes, other geological formations) -- 13. Is the project site presently used by the community or neighborhood as an -operr- space or recreation- area? eYes c:f:(o If yes. explain 14. Does the present site indude scenic views known to be important to the community? CJYes ~o 15. Streams within or contiguous to pro;ec: area: (Ion e a_ ."lame oT Scream and name or River to which it is tributary 16. Lakes, ponds. wetland areas within or contiguous to pro.iec: area: (\C~"'\ e.. a. ,'Jame b. Size (In acres) 17. is the site served by existing p!:-'ciic utiiities? s;rYes '=No a) If Yes, does sUTficIent capacity exist to allow connec~ion? 0) If Yes. will improvements be necessary to ailow connec:ion? e le.c..h1 C- ures :::No :-v -_'-"'0 _,es ~ 18. is :he site iocated in an agricultural district certified .oursuant 'CO A~ncujture and Markets law, Article 25-.-\A, Sec:ion 303 and 304? :::Yes ~o i9. 15 ~he site located in or substantiallv contiguous :0 a Critical environmental Area designated pursuant to Articie 8 oT the EC:". and 6 NYCRR oi7? C:Yes QNo 20. Has the site ever ':leen used ror the disposal or 50iid or hazardous wastes? :::Yes GNo B. Project Description 1. Phv;ical dimensions and scale of projec: (fill in dimensions as aoorooriate) a. --;- oral :::mti!;uous ac:-eage owned or controlled :)V :JrOlec: sponsor &;;. 2- '0. P::ojec: ac:-eag~ :0 oe de'leiooed: (,1 L 3.cres initiallv; W. L '-. Projec:: ac:eage to remain undeveloped n c r. e... acres. a. :_engrn -:JT Jfojec:, in mdes: ;"vl~ Of aoorocnate) .3 : f :ne:rOlec :S3.n ~xcan5'on. :nciiC:He :JerC8!1t or ~xoanslon ::::rccosec !\/1/fA- , acres. acres UltimatelY. " . o. ""-lumcer or oif-stree': :larKing soaces eXisting ..,......<'~ S , :;JrODoseo (ueon ::Jmoietlon JeT proiec:)? g. ,'v\aXlmum '/enic!.JJar :nQS generateOJer nour ". : f ~esj(jentlai: ~umoer and type OT housing umtS: !:Jne .=amdv "7'wo ~amliv .'v\Ultloie .=.1miiv Condominium :nn:::allv ~'ltJmate!v Jlme!:510ns in -e,=~: -~r argesI ,JrCQost:?c 5Ljuc:ure,,/t~ . I _:near 7ee': Jf ':-oncage 3.lOng a. JUOltc :;,orcugnrare Jro,ec: '\'1P. iengtil. 1',',\1). :'e!~r.'::: \- FF Wlcm: Nlil 0C::.:OV ;s~ ;~. o How ~uci1 ,1arurai marenai (i.9., rock, earth, ~tc.J will be removed from tne Sl(e? L~, CbG , :onSiC'...lOI( 'Jares 3 l;ViJI disc:urbed areas be ,eclalmecii' ;:{'res =Nc =,~/,:..- a. if ".res, for what IntencL_ .:Juroose !S the sIte being reclaImed? ;'--~y Sc'V""f...Q b.Will ::opsoli ':Je stockpded ror reciamation? . ~es JNO \... 'Nii! upper subsoli be stockpiled for iedamatlon? ~Ye5 .:JNo ;)lrC:;ll'(\ (::'\.....i.: it 01..;:_, ! - ..!.. :-low many acres of vegetatIon (trees, snruos, ground covers) wiil be removed ,rom 51te' .,--" .__ j.c:--e~ ;i. Will :,ny matu~ j.erest (over ~OO years oid1 or other iocally-imoortant :~Yes ~o . GO ve:get3tIOn oe ~emovec ]v :nlS JrOiec:: o. If single phase project: A.nticioated period or construc:ion months. (inc:uding ::emotltlonJ. 7. :f multi-pnased: a. Total number or phases anticipated L (number]. b. AntlCipated date of commencement ~hase 1 mt1 1 j month lS q Lv Co .Aooroxlmate completion date or final phase \\l() ~ month ).-0"'D I d. Ls phase j functionally dependent on subsequent phases? :~5 =No 8. Will.blasting occur during construction? eYes ~ vear, (incuding demoiitlof1j, year, 9. ,'-lumber or jobs generated: during construction o ; after projec. 1$ compie!e ~ ____ i O. Number or ,iobs eliminated by this orojec: r.t') n e. il. INilI proleC!: require relocation or a.nv :Jrojec:s or raciiitles? ;=Yes SiNo ., '1es. --=XPI3In 12. is surface liquid waste disoosal involved? =Yes Sr40 3,. !f yes, Indicate 'cype o. :'--lame or water body or waste (sewage, industTlal, etc.) and into wilic:, ~ffluent wiil be discharged 31<f 0 amoum N/?r .114 I i" I <' . ". Is juosurrace liquid waste disposal inVOlved? =Yes -:-ype ~..1, ';Vil! surface area or an ~xisting water body inc:-ease or decrease bv 'Jrooosai? ::xDiain -y _,es ~o Is project or any portIon or projec: iocated in a -:00 year flood Cliatn~ =Yes .s;.r:lo 16, 'Niil :he proleC generate SOlid waste? '=Yes a. :f yes, what is the amount per month ::J. If '/es. will 3.0 ~xlstmg SOlid waste racilirv Je used? ~ :on5 :=Yes =No c. if yes, glVe name iocation a. 'Niil any wastes not go into a sewage disposai system or :nto a samIarl ;andfiiF e. If Yes. ~xpiain ,=':es ~o -: 7. 'Mill :he ;JrOlec: :nvoive :he disposal or soiid waste? eYes 3.. :f '/es. wnat :5 the antiClOated rate oT disposai? \//!Pr /'" .:_, I ~. :f 'Ies, what :s the antlc:catec sIte iife? :::). 'Iears. ~o ~onslmcmn. ~3. 'Ni]1 :JrOlec:.:se .1erolciaes .Jr :JeStlC~ae5? =Yes 3t<J 0 -;9, 'Nil! :Jrolec: iQUtIne!v JroaUC2' 'Joors,more :han one ~cur :er :av;7 =ve5 g~o :::0 'Nil! :JfOlec: Jrocuce 'Joeratlng ,10lse ~xceeaing :he ioe;}.1 ~mOtem: lQ1Se,e'/e!s. _'~es ~k 'Will :Jrolec: "esuit !n an 'nc:ease ;n ener~YJ5e; =YeS ~o ,j '/es ;naic::lte :voe'si < - ~ p,lion5imInl.:~2 Narer ;uDoiv :5 ~rom 'Neiis. 'nciCHe :::umCtn~ ':J.oac:-::v otal ]r:(lc:::::atea NaterJ5,),ge ::;er :::3.'1 .':t)C ;alions,ca'l :'oes JrClec: :nvQlve ,-OC31, State 'Jr =eGeral "UnClno:;; /~5 2Nc /~S. ~x::latn ;'vi i?f <.,~,'.~_'''''c.<'o''_'''''_''_''''''i''~';.~''''''.'&; ''',,,"-_._''-''-'<,, . 25. Approvals Required: Type City, Town. ViJ!age Scare: ZlYes CJNo CIYes ~o DYes ~o OYes Gi1<io DYes (l;l-No DYes QMo g<( es uNo DYes oNo -!6'NY\ (1 ....J GCGLI-d City, lown. Village P!annlng Soard City, Town Zoning Board Ct'{, Count'{ Health Department Other Local Agencies Other Regional Agencies State Agencies rederaJ Agencies IRe. c. Zoning and Planning Information 1. Does proposed action involve a planning or zoning decision? If _ Y "S, indicate decision required: Czoning amendment Dzoning variance OspeciaJ use permit OsiJbdivlsion Gnew/revision of master plan Oresource management plan Dather Q ~_V(--, raJ :Orv:Ll.z,fv1 o...J) DYes ~ Submittal Date 4i)..~ICI(" , -=:J l..l 'S 14 ( , ' Dsite plan . o 'Nhat is the zoning dassification(s}oT the site? iT.. development or the site if developed as permitted by the present zoning? i~~r l,LI\-.f (G.- iA hY potential development or the site if developed as permitted by the proposed zoning? 'CLu-e<, /. What are the oredommant land use(s) and zoning classifications Within a 1,4 msie radius or oroposea aC:lon(' \ jC}\;1-\- s:::v,& li2;.+vvd {t: - \''0 - S I AlL -17l ~ 8" Is "~he. proposea action :ompatlble wIth adjommgfsurrounding iana uses wIthin a ';' ~~el !J.>(;;5 9 If :he aroposed action is the subdivision or land. how many lotS are proposed? ~ a. What is the minimum lot size proposed? rVJ~ 10_ \NiiI proposed action reouire any authorization(sl ror the formation of sewer or water disuic:s? 3. What;s the maxImum potential [ 1/ 7 LT -+. 'Nhat !s the proposed z.oning or the site? \Nhat is the maximum (0,7_ is. ls the proposed action consistent with the recommended usas in adopted local land use plans? /~f'\ -e.. c;;ies =1'- CI'- CYes ~ 11. Wiil the proposed ac:i9n create a demand ror any community provided services (recreation. education. poiie fire protec:ion)? mes DNo a. If yes. is existing capacity sufficient to handle projected demand? ~s. DNo ~:. Will the proposed ac:ion result in the generation or traffic significantlv aeove present levels? 3.. If yes. is the existing road netw'ork adequate to handle :he adciirionai traffic? eYes D. Informational Details eYes =No. ~ ArraCl anv 3cicitionaJ inrormation as .Tlav "::::le ;,eeded :0 ,::arify your ;Jrolec:. :f there are or may ":Je anv 3aVel'"' :mcac:.s a.ssoc:ated Wltn your :lrooosai. :::de.3.se disc:!ss suc:-: ;moac:s and :he :-neasures wnlC~ ':IOU :Jrooose :0 :i1ltl!;ate 3'1010 ::-:em. E. Veriiication .:emrv ::hat :he :nrormatlOn ~rov;de-;i J.o,?ve is true:o :h~ :,esl: or ~v :,nowiedge. ..Doiic3m:~or ,\am\e if-dolQ,1 Ut. p(1J1QP""r- ..rre:..S Jare L -2- s.-CiL ~lg~ature"L .; , ~e Y"rL ~ . (\ ; jf :he J.c:ion is in the ~stai Area. and Yf, are J. state J.~encY, o.:omoiete the Coastal Assessment Form Defore ::lrocee6i with :his J.ssessmenL . \. X APPLICATION FOR A SALVAGING CENTER IN THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD R,~hQYd W;n0-~l -:JV- Name of Applicant, Individual, 0. q~ Address of la..ne or AC1:ivity Noy+h m(L ~~6\JrCQ~ J"rc Corporation or Partnership iei;\J \I \ \Q3S Business Exact Type of Business to be conducted i'yt;;.}, r;::" riff. Sn-IL 1i'Nl.1cri"'~ (C<<<.K.1LlF-/2fr I 5~- ~). ~~\e .(\'r"\,'shed 91-CCL: . Yes -./ v' :-<0 r am under 21 years of age :-<0 I am a citizen of the United States Yes Convicted of Felony or Misdemeanor Yes No /' Number of employees to be engaged \2- ~d\tL\L1 -:PrU nL~ 6-. ~ 3.1.3 A - 2-\'ISR.- ~ 1':(\/ \ ~q-30 Name and Address of owner of lands and nature of the right of occupancy of the applicant to the use of such land. Applicant must file map or plan of real property upon which business is to be conducted with the following information: 1. 2. 3. 4. Location Loca tion Location Loca tion of of of of fence required. buildings. s1:reets and highways. water and gas mains. ~ ~ ~e C\...-\-iac.11 ed c o.O'J.. 1 '1 hereby certify that all the above information is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I will conduc1: the business pursuant to the regulations set forth in the Ordinance Licensing and Regulating Secondhand,' Junk and Auto Parts Activities and Businesses. ----:> .1 r/ ~~ Signa~~re of .~ /k-. ..;oolic:t.tn-c . :; Sworn to before me this \q day of ~Lne 19Q1c. -, ::'r-<- :C;",' '_'(:;_,...f\,~ '---' )!o~ary Pul1lic UNO'" J. COOPER '4'?tarl P'..lblic. State of New York _. _':?:_~8:::2::~_~~ S:.:~r.l,~ .-:::;)l~n..r/(..<.__ " 'lI II l); ,~ ~: J ,: G (\- 'l! n l,l " " " , C " n '1 '" I, tJ' n, n 'II '11 ,j '. " 'l! 0- , I' " '() 'It 8 ") " OJ OJ '0 01 C " " I.> C 0) 0 I, ''-' c, \, '" I, " :.- () 0' .nJ (); 'n '" 'il 'I> 'il (1 r: I' ~.t " 11 n "' (\' 11 " 10 0 :111 'zj i !J' 0' '() b. II E1 r:: ,y, <V nl Lt (: rJ "' IJ C P OJ ;., " :,1 tJl CJ .-f 1/ ~~ () " I.> ~Il <II II I' U " :\! In f~ 10 Q) E'; " I, " .Y, " H Ifl i1> " ~ , :'.J) 'lJ ~ '1 0 H Ie Ci (1 p '0 " " ?Jl U, U 'lI .'11, (l) -r' tJ, 0 1>: ,1 I'> <\l '0 <:: ,() ~) (1 ~" (1 '0 10 OJ . '" In \l! 'n "' o. n C' " " 'u OJ '11 " m ,; I .c~ I 'U ~ J ,,' !), }. U J~ "' it( () I' "' " ,-j 0 .,1 (l) C '0 " 0 ;'1 ''1 f1 'tJ ,J If): C " " 'U '1.1 , .-, :1J m f'~ 'V r:1 m n; of <II 0 II '" . I (]) ;r, " :(1/ :() '0 ,II,; 1- OJ c: ;j .,f 0\: '0 . .~, " " ry.i,! 0- ;U " )-' , :c C '" '0 0 X .---f .1: LI I)' r: ::~ Irl " ;,1 I ::...1 0' ,~ q, r--!: ,-( { 'l! '0 ., ., ;(fI 8 ;fq " :0 '.1 ill tll , ., r' H 0 .~ ;r: 'n ", [J '. :~ I '" 0 q .,1 ?( 'U; " 1.' " I, :0 III) Ol :c :rl! t: 41 <tl q '0 H z: .--1: ~1 c: <II ;.:, 'w :0, '0 ;0 { 0' ,~ m QI p, Ol: IJ C OJ U OtiC: (1 :(1, ., :n "' r:1 .--1 Q) " 0: II) (1 " 'd :~ :" '() :ill 0 :t~ 11; 0 X 0,-0 " d "~, (l)1 ~l' : ,., " A " <1] :fl, c: :c 'n ,el (11; 'r! 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I :u' , ~I H " p: "' " "J 11]; ::):, I, H , , , ;r: 'V p, >, S 0 0 01 OJ tn; ~: u ., (l): U'~ <II ;(]) ;0 .< :.,1 <: p, Q) 0 0 0 U " (]J: u: cr.: "' IJ "' " ::): "' r., (1,;r. ....:1.1 :J~ '" d, e " CJ 0 I1l -r-! 0: r:r...; " 'n u: w IJ V': !7: <V; '" :1.> \1_1 Ie to ,",t: " z: U ." c' ., "' (l): (11; fI}:O r" :U1 .. :0 'n 'w 0 l{) 0 '" 111: C '0 I-I; " I' rY.: JJ ::>. :rf] !7; :r:: " !l' 01 () U q M \0 >1 0: c: 0 II) u rtj ~ (} 'U ;"1 ~.-I IJ " 0 ill "" 11): ~ lJ 'V " 0, t: '" IJ: C::f'11 u:c: 0 :0 " c ~1 .d , " p~ Or d; c (~ 0'.: 111 II () '.-I?U 111: (') :QI (~ :tJ U U ~I' tJ] rY.: 0 'II "' ~: .n 0 p ,~l : (11 ~-I '11:01 : r~ p, t: B t11 tn m OJ tJ] ~1; i~; n ;>:, '" ..!:p 0';'-1 :\, lV!., ,.,: ,V,: 0; ('1 'G ., .. 0 q r:1 tJ] ,., H' .. :'U [) " U:!j) r: ~.-, ',' :u '11: 'J: '.1, ,,: t: 'N 'd-ri m'd 1.>: U: (l 0' :.-1 " (l) lJ 1t':Q1 rl'~ (\}:II) rtl:1-l " 0 U 0 -'I. .Y, QI p, tJ] 0: " r: 0 0: .t~ " \I-I;~ t: 'lJ): rll::J ,. 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I 0 1/ ., OJ U ,,: 0 r:: {) alJ..J " 0, " III (l) " ~, 0, o;-r,..---t 1f1 "' n, n, >tl n, "' :<: IP 't) .1 ., " n ----- -- 1.l~16-2 (2!87J-7c 617.21 Appendix A Slate Environmental Quality Review FULL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM SEaR Purpose: The full EAf is designed to help applicants and agencies determine. in an orderly manner, whether a projec~ or action may be significant. The question or whether an action may be significant is not always easy to answer. Frequent- ly, there are aspects of a project that are subjective or unmeasureable. It is also understood that those who determine significance may have littJe or no formal knowledge of the environment or may be technically e.xpert in environmental analysis. In addition, many who have knowledge in one particular area may not be aware or the broader concerns affecting the question of significance. The full EAF is intended to provide a method whereby applicants and agencies can be assured that the determination process has been orderly, comprehensive in nature, yet flexible to allow introduction OT inrormation to fit a project or action. Full EAF Components: The full EAF is comprised or three parts: Part 1: Provides objective data and inrormation about a given projecr and its site. By identifying basic project data, it assists a reviewer in the analysis that takes place in Parts 2 and :r. = Part 2: Focuses on identifying the range or possible impacts that may occur from a ptOject or action. It provides guidance as to whether an impac: is likely to be considered smaJl to moderate or whether it is a potentiaily- large impact. The form also identifies whether an impact c.an be mitigated or reduced. Part 3: If any impact in Part 2 is identified as potentially~large, then Part 3 is used to evaluate whether or not the impact is actuaily important. DETERMINATION OF SlGNIFlCANCE- Type 1 and Unlisted Actions Identify the Portions of EAF completed tor this project: o Part 1 '~ Part 1 o Part 3 Uoon review or the information ~ecorded on this EAF (Parts 1 and 2 and 3 if appropriate), and any other supporting information. and considering both the magiwde and importance of each imoac!. it is reasonabiy determined by the lead agency that A. The projec:: wiil not result in any large and important imoac:t:si ana. therefore. is one which will not have a significant tmpac: on the environment. therefore a negative dedaration wiH be prepared~ 8. Although the oroject could have a significant effect on the environment. there wiil not be a significant effect for this Uniisted Action because the mitigation measures described in P.4..RT 3 have been required. therefore a CONDITIONED negative declaration will be prepared.' C C. The project may result in one or more large and important impacts that may have a significant: impact on the ~nvironment. therefore a positive dedaration will be prepared. ... A Conditioned Negative Declaration is only valid Tor Unlisted Actions NoA-0, t6(l ~S:lIJlif" JlS ~ . }...he L:.... .', I \ I ......61L-f'\(\ 0 n Name or AC:lOn - IC\J~"\\ ~.-":~ J ' ____ ,-Y'[.,~ ,'lame or '_==30 ,~.genc.. "Title .")T :~e50onslbie Officer ?~lnt or type :'lame or Resoonsibie Officer :n L~ad Agencv Signarure 'Jr ~esoonslble ",Jfiice!' :n ~~3.0 ,~ge!'lcl W/v d \ Yrl.n CL'O I Sj~nature 'JT ?~e:Jare!': i, ,:::iffere!l~ ~~om ~e5Donslble officer) :21 ( ViL1J.cI 2Qo ice. ,I t lu :ate FART 1-FROJECT INFORMATION Prepared by Project Sponsor ,'iOTiCE: Tnl5 cocument :5 aeslgned to aSSist in cer.ermmmg wnether ~he aClon :;Jroposec may .idV~~ 2 ignlrICJ.ni: on ~he envIronment:. Please complete the entire Torm. PartS A through E. Answers to these queS'i:lons w jj oe '''::JnSlce~2' as part or the aoojjcation ror aoproval ana may be suojec: to further verIfication and Dubile ~e'liew ::;~OVl e a.nv acditrcn,~ information you bejieve wlil be needed ~o comOlete Pares 2 anc 3. It is expected that completion or the full EAr wii! be dependent on inrormatlOn currently avaiiaoJe and will not ,TlVO:'".. new studies. research or investigation. If informatlon requiring suCh aoditionai work is unavaiiable, so indicate and soeer each instance. NA OF ACTION 'r', -Y " + ru'" h I err- CdYlQ-C l:i aM na.:ru" ION OF ACTlON (Include Street Adaress.. M1l1'tIe:oatlty and County, ~ ." +-1' ,\lAME OF APPUCAN,TlSPQlllSOA gd"illd ~p-t- A D~:rD. ~"L "323 iane tzl cb-d.c.' Ilq3 S f U er 3U..S~~S I :::SOHONE ':::ia <;~/-75cc : em/po \rq~ ~~Il Zlizt~ 3USINESS 72.;?HONE ! -stio ):::l,/I S 2 N ,\lAME OF O'f<.NEM {If dl tl Q 0)\~'-:, rMur- .DDRESS tk'X- 4q \ ('\... - I , nnlO.tnnS0Q aESC;:'IPT10N OF ACTlC~ C:TI/PO )'vt/ I iCt 7:10 r,"',,1 , Zl[ r....DE I q~c Please Complete Each Question- !ndic.J.te .\l.A. ii not appiicahle A. Site Description Physical setting of overaiI prOlec:. .., ~resem iand use: :=Uroan = Forest 60th deveiooed ~dusi:rial CJAgricuJture (02- ana undeve!ooeo ,::Commercrai CJOther areas. =Residentlal i,suburbanl =RuraJ'non-farr-:- ., Total acreage or project area: .APPROXIMA TE ACRE,\CE ~\.1eadow or 3rushjand (Non-agrjcujturai1 acres. PRESENTL"( '-i acres ,\FTE~ COMPL.:T1Ci"J ."" J.c:-es Forested J",grtc:..dturai {lnc:uaes arc:,aras. croOlanci. Jasture. ere.; 'NetJand (Freshwater or :iaai 3.5 ,Jer A.rtlc:es 2..:1, 25 or ::C:": 'Nater 5uriac~....rea i_.invegetare".J ;,:Rock. ~3.rtnJr ~jill ~oacs. jUlidings .]nc otner JaveD sUrJaces ether '1 nciic3.te :'1oe~ Jc:-es .lees .1c:-es lees :ices lce::: ~ 1c;<e5 :lC;'c: Jc;e~' lc;,e~ :ices }C~,:"s -"lees lces 'Nhat LS :::reaommant sod :VDe~Si 'In ::rolec: SHe' ~. Soli c:ralnage: Q"(N~!l ,~raJnec 'Ie 0 )-0 ~"l' (... ,/L~ I CC- 'r~ - I or :ute _Mcaerare!v 'Ned Jr::llnes ,,, '.J ~ =?()OrlV 'Jralnea )-0 ,'Jf :lite f anv J.grtc:.Htural anG5 ;nVOIVe~, :10W'71anV 3.c;"es Of ~Olj .1re::dS.5.if!eC _J.nc ::assJric:l.t:on ~vs~er.1( \J'A lee::. 3~~ ~ '>..jYC:Z:::: 270\ , .VI~nlf1 ,GII 4rou:; :-:;GU~:l.. ." -"',,0 ,v~a~ 5 Je~)tn :()::e-.:::rcc:<i In :JrQre<::: 5ile~ :,;.,"'1"'.' lJo(VJ -v _' €S :JNa :"re :ilere :Je-.:::roc< '.JUcC;"ooolngs 'n -~~':: ,,,;--,,,,~,"":""';~~'---,",,' " 5. Approximate ;Jercentage or ;Jroposed ;Jrojec: site with slopes: 00-10% % =10-15% % =15 % or greater ~{-, % 6. \s orojec: suostam:iallv contiguous :::0, or comain a budding, site, or disuic:, listed on the State or the National Registers or Historic P!acesi' ':;Yes ~o i. Is project substantially contiguous to a site listed on the Register or Nationall'iatural 8. 'Nhat is the depth OT the water table? t ~ [in reBtl 9. Landmarks? DYes ":;;1'<0 ls site located over a primary, principal, or sole source aauifer? CJYes r-.:o Gz..: Snl<J:x! '1va Q( ~No Qil'f';1CW'r\.lncCttd rnv-v, (3.7' 000 DYes 10. Do hunting, fishing or shell fishing opportunities presently exist in the project area? 11. Does project site coptain any species or piant DYes &No According to l dentify eacn species or animal life that is identified as threatened or endangered? 12. Are there any OYes unique or ~o unusual land forms on the project site? (i.e.. cliffs, dunes. other geologica.l formations] Describe .- 13. Is the project DYes site presently used oy the GtGo If yes, explaIn community or neighborhood as an "Open=-- space or recreation area? 14. Does the present site include scenic views known to be important to the communitY? DYes ~o 1 S. Streams within or contiguous to proleG!. area: (\(;() e.. a. Name OT Stream and name or River :0 which it is tributary 16. Lakes. ponds. wetland areas within or contiguous to ~roject area: (\Qn e.. a. Name b. Size (In acres) 1i. Is the site served bvexisting public 'Jtilities? 5iYes CNo a} if Yes. does surficient capacity exist to allow connectIon? b) If Yes, wiil improvements be necessary i:O aHow connection? e. \e.c..-m c- S4'r es =Yes !::!No :?1"l'0 18. ~s the site iocated in an agricultural distric~ certified pursuant to Agricuiture and Markets Law, Article 2SwAA, Section 303 and 304? .=Yes5'No 19. Is :he site located in or substam:iallv contiguous to a C:iticaJ Environmental Area designated pursuant to Articie 8 of the CC., and 6 NYCRR 6171 DYes ~o 20. Has the site ever ~een used ror the disposai or soiid or hazardous wastes? 'D Y es Wo B. Project Description 1. Phv;ical dimensions and scale or projec-: (fill in dimensions as aoprocriate;) 3. i otai ::)ntiguous ac:eaS;e owned or controlled bv orojec: jponsor (:). L b. ?mlec: ac:eage to oe deveiooed: (,., L ac~es initial Iv; G. L c. Piojec: acreage to remain undeveiooed (Ie ("\ e.... acres. c. length of :Jroiec:, :n rniies: I\.,~ (If aooroonate) ~. if :he :Jrojec: !S an expansion. :ndicate :Jerce!1( or ~xoansion :Jrocosed '1umcer or arf-suee'.: oarking soaces eXisting 7.....<'j ; prooosed acres. acres ultimately. 1\;'1/1A , %; g, MaXimum vehicular :rios generated :Jer ~our ::; (upon .:omole!:Jon or proiec:J? h. if ;eSiaer1tlal: :--lumoer and :ype or housing units: One ,=amdv lWQ :=amdv ."""uitloie :=amiiv Conaomimum !nmai]v ......'ltJmate!\' Jlme!1Sl0nS in ie~!:; .Jf :arges;: :::;roooscC 5i:ruc:ure ~/)~ I _:ne3.r -ee':Jr .!"o~1(a~~ ajong a Jubiic :horoughiare :Jrorec I','~ :1e!~r:t: ,j.-fP '\1~ iengm. 'Nlom: Wlil oC:::JOV :s? ft. riow ~uch :1aturai matenai,:i.e.. ~oc:<:. earth. etc.) will oe removed from :he SIte? ~<' L 2i. CbL: , _ ~onS;CJCICJ3.;C.' ~. \tliiil discurbec are3.5 :Je .ec!almed? ;JYes =."ic =i"-ii,"-. a.. !f ves, Tor what ;ntencL_ pun::ose !S the site 'Jeing reclaimed? v. Wiil coasod be stockplied ~or ~eo:::amatlOn( . ~es ?NO c. 'Niil '.JDoer subsoil be stockpileci Tor rec:amatlon? S2l'Yes ;:;'y ~ii'f..Q i r,)VC-S u.'(\ Ii , ~/~7 UIJ_ I =No ~OW many aGes or '/eget3.tJon (trees. shruDs. grounc covers) wiil6e removed from slte~' fJ _ aG'~5 .J. \Nill..:ny rnatu~ }arest (over iOO years oleO or other iocally-imoortant '---.:Yes ~o . vegetanon De removed :)V ;.nIS pro lee: 6. If single phase project: AnticIpated period or consuuction I. if multi-ohased: Go months. {inducing -Jemolitlonj. L a. total :1.umber or phases anticipated (numberj_ b. Anticipated date oT commencement phase 1 \vl11 I J month 1L1 q (P year, (inciuding demoiitionj_ Co Aoorox,mate comoletion date 01 iinai pnase ,\.Ill ~~ month 26~ I 'Iear c. Ls phase 1 runctionaJly dependent on subsequent phases.? .~s CNo- 8. 'Nill _biaS-ting occur during construction? :JYes ~ 9. .'lumber aT jobs generated: during construc::ion Y\ . 0 ; after proJec:: is compiete ~O. .'~urnber of jobs eliminated bv this Qroject '(1/') n e 'Nill prolec: require relocation of any prajec:s or raciiitles? =Yes SiNo yes. ~xplaln 12. IS suriace liquid waste disoosaJ ,"volvea? =Yes :s;4 0 J._ :t yes. :ndicate 'J. ,'l"jame or water :ype or waste (sewage, :ndustnal, etc.) and body into wnlCh effluent will be disc:,argea amount 0v/ F'r: )r,.' ;" I .. ..::. is suosuriace liquid waste disposal invoived? '=Yes 3?'i~ Type ,_. 'Nil! 3urrace area or an eXIsting water Jody me-ease or dec:"ease by :Jrooosal? .:xolam Is proJec: or any portlon or projec:: located :n a -:00 year flood piain? -'v _ .es ~~ :-'v ~; es :s;;rio ~ 6. 'Nii! ~he proiec: generate solid waste? a. if yes, ,,,,hat is the amount per month J. it 'ies, wiil an existing sOlid waste raciiirv 'Je used? =Yes ~ :ons '=Ves =No c. : f '1es. give name location C. 'NiB any wastes not go Into a sewage disposal SYstem or mtO a SaOltarv :andfill? ~ if Yes, ~xpiain .=Ye5 JJ1<io ". NiiJ :he :Jrolec: :nvoive ,he disoosal or solid waste? a. If '/es. '""nat :s the 3.ntic:oated late or disoosaJ? ~ - o. ;f '/es, what :s the antlc:oated site iife? ., ;=Yes vl/Pr I '>O-No :onSlmonrn. years. i 3. Nii! :Jfo,ec: use :,erolciaes:lf Jes!Jc:ces2 =Yes 3i<J 0 ~9. Niil JroIW:: ~outlneJv :)roauC:=.JQors more :nan one ;lour "Je!" Jay)? ='(es :;;"':'0 ::0. Nijl :;role'.:: JrocuceJpe!"J.ong ,lOlse ~xceedjng :he : OC::3. 1 3.mOlem :l.OISe ,e'Je!Si ~=Ve::o ~'" ,- 'Nill :::rOle.-.:: ~esujt :n an :nc;-ease in ~ne!"~y :.lse? =Yes '\:;i<lo " Jes ,naicJ.(e :VOe!SJ .varer jUC01V :5 -rom 'NeJis. ;nclcHe :::umomg :J.oac:::v )'5 ;g:3.JionSlmlnu::e C)[:il ,1fn)C::Ja(e~ Nater 'Jsage Je!" ,:a'l , ':;0C~ ~ai1onsiaa'i ::'ces :JrOrec: :nvotve ~DCJ.!. Scate :;r ':eceral -uncing~ , es :.trNo 1'75. ~x:JJaln \vj:(2( ...,...,~",,,.!>>_-,~,,,,,,,,,,.. C. Zoning and Planning Information 1. Does proP9sed ac::ion involve a pianning or zoning decision? .If _ Yes. indicate decision required: Czoning amendment Ozoning variance Ospeciai use pennit Osubdivlsion Cnewirevision or :naster pian Dresource management plan Oother 0. ~VQ rU 1:Jtvil.'SfucLP 25. Approvals Required: Cit"" "Town. Village Soard City. lown, Village P1anr.mg 30ard City, Town Zoning Soard Cie,!, Counrv Health Depanment Other Local Agencies Other Regional Agencies State Agencies Federal Agencies Type Submittal Date 2}Yes DNa CJ Y es ~o eYes cgNo DYes QNo DYes [lJ1<l0 C:Yes Q.l<(o Q'Yes ONo DYes Q1<l0 -1~"" &:v-rei 4i -,-'S lei (. . ~p<;)4( IRe. DYes ~ Dsite plan. o INhat is the zoning c:assification(s)oT the site? iT- 3. What 's the maxImum potential development of the site if developed as penmitted by the present zoning? LT 4.. 'Nhat !S the proposed zoning of the site? .... '~Vhat is the maximum CO, 7_ potential development of the site if developed as permitted bv the proposed zoning? 'o..cx-e<- c;;>("s CJ',I 6. Is the proposed action consistent with the recommended uses in adopted local land use plans? ,. What are the predominant [and u'lels) and zonl~g classIfications ~Ithln a \4 mde radius of proposeC aC:lonl \ j1}~t- ~,1 H~fy,t1 J (t: - \^J - S -l Ale -i7\ ~ 8. Is:he proposec aC:lon :ompatlcle with adjoining/surrounding land uses WIthin a \4 ~~e? G'fe's '3. !f the proposed action is ~he subdivision of land. how many lots are proposed? ~ a. What is the minimum lot size proposed? 0~ 10. 'Nil! proposed action reQuire any authortzation(s) for the formation at sewer or water districts? Wiil the proposed acti9n create a demand for any community provided fire protec:ion)? ~es ONo a. If yes, is existing capacity sufficient to handle projected demand? 11. .. uN DYes I~ services (recreation, education, poiic lSl'fes- DNo =Yes 1J)cr. 12. Will the proposed action result in the generation or traffic significantJv above present levels? =Yes ::No - a. If yes. is ~he existing mad network adequate to handle :he additional traffic: D. Informational Details Attach anv additional information as mav :,e needed :0 clarify your ;Jrojec:. \f ;:nere 3.re or mav 'Je any 3.0ver' :moac:s associated With your .:JrooosaL ~iease discuss 5UC~ imoac:s and the measures WnIC~ \/OU :JroOQse :0 :TlltIgate avoid :~em. I certify ;:;,at the !nior~-)c~onl~:Jrovio~~ J.b~l.~is~ru~co th\:'~ oi~;~owledge_ 'coiium:~or 'Jame~(j 1Ll-l W \"'1'-' 1Qf1 X'i. r-'r<--::, Sjg~ature L ., i/ -I. ~e h-c S . ('\'" , I f the J.c:ion is in the~stai ,-\rea. and y~ are J. state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form betore proceoeoi with this assessment. . E. Veriiication x Jare .d. -) <--L11. , - ~ APPLICATION FOR A SALVAGING CENTER IN THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD q$"" Address of RI;h(u--d K--;nCc~l 'Jy-- Name of Applicant, Individual, Q la..ne Business or Activity NG'f+h t:D( L ~~6\J ("u s :Trc Corporation or Partnership levJ \f~ \ \Q3S Exact Type of Business to be conducted C'YtJ;h. ~' df SitD< VY'Il.b'il,.h (e.wxTL jrll J;t,t+ J 5~ ~). ~~\e -t\'",'shed ~ . r am under 21 years of age Yes ;/ :';0 - Yes V :';0 I am a citizen of the United States Convicted of Felony or Misdemeanor Yes No /' Number of employees to be engaged \2- ~d~'rd '}'ri-u1CLpt 6-. ~ 3.<3 A '2YYSR.. ~ )YlI \ tq 30 Name and Address of owner of lands and nature of the right of occupancy of the applicant to the use of such land. Applicant must file map or plan of real property upon which business is to be conducted with the following information: ~ ~ ~e.. cdlt9.Lh ed c o'O'J.. T 11 hereby certify that all the above information is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I will conduct thB business pursuant to the regulations set forth in the Crdinance Licensing and Regulating Secondhand, . Junk and Auto Parts ,~ctivities and Businesses. 1. 2. 3. 4. Location Loca tion Loca tion Loca tion of fence required. of buildings. of streets and highways. of water and gas mains. ~ r .'1 .,,1 ./ j~ Signa~1;lre of .~ .I1z.. Aoolic-nnL: . ' :; Sworn to before me this \q day ....,.... of . ILlne 19Qitl. c....<- '( " _/" '_.(~r.~ )_ No,"ary Pub'lic LlNDA J. COOPER "l'?tar'l P'..!blic. State of NAW Yone '0 _ "':'::-:':::'562. ~L:fIocl.": -:':'U1"':t'/(../ -....,' '- Answers to questions on p.l of Ap91ication for Regulating. I Location of operation - corner of Cox L~~e ane Oregcc ~d, " Reference all info~tion f~om A) Existing Parking 35,000 B) Proposed Parking - 60,000 site plan. sq. sq. ;~ ft. ~ , No containers necessarj ! materials need ground seorage 9yramidal stockpiles. 4. Storage facilities as pe::- s:.c.e :;u.an / pre-ex.2..s~:.::g meca: ':Juilding. 2r;.~': i ,:c.,;:;::: IC~.-.: ..~~.~~.D..h.~.9.~.~~u~.~.~.9.~f.;.~~.I....J:.0<:.:--......... <:c:.;ss .-:~ ,~,~::: .;:::.-.: ,. ... ~~.~. ~_~...~ .:?;~.. .~~fl.~ ,t.. ..S:;~.~ ~.i)..99.~ ~.<... ~T~.. ..+.~ $).5. = 2:':='::02(; S:::Ier7::::r-::J7 ::;:;::oseo -::::8r3.T,CnS "H~.~.RLmInc ~'H:-!9.u.l.'.:: 1 i~<e a __~.r:;:.~W..l.:.. :.;.:;. :Je a.9~eGvec foe ::.he c~ushing ~f =onc=ecs and ~~t~cal 3an~-sc~ne ~:27e_.c ;'": ?c:Jduc-:..s thac:. " - . ' ~ .",' , - coU~C ~e sc~c anc c~sc=~=u~ec C~ ~~e .................. ..-.....................-............- ~Ic C'::l :G C ~'::. :1e_? ~ s .~.-=:.q ).).~ ~_D.:.. n..~~. .9 ~.9.;;)..~~.9. d'~.9. f ...~R_~ I... In.<;......... .... Ne also wane ~ne abil~~y :Q se9acate and 5c=een ~ac2c~~~~ 3UC~ 35 3~~ne ::: =a o:re-l-:. "-:-0 9"Soi'J.:' 'anc"c-::-::srrec-uc"::'rIC':'"e-ca'; ~:3.:;l?d;;:3te:r;~~;: Jr:::i:ccsea c'Ce"2-r;ons ~equesc ;:er:nic :::J q.:-ace ?acx,.:..::g :=.r:"2a. , , .~. ...............................h...__.".... ........,..._... ........... 1 ~y:e~.. .9..;... g.;:~~.~.. .S.~...~~_~.?...~.::~.~.~.i ~7.~ e equi ;;,men t ?ar ~(:'~'1g anc 5 C:.; C 2.S e 3.nc: ?C090Sec opecaeions ce<;:uesr:ac ~y...N.:E''R.~._.T..1:C:.:.....,in~.::'.:i...,;;s:::.:: "~8n's:::'S'~ ......-.- -."'- :JJ::""""oe'--v ttlat:~'-~al -c-::I.en~""c an" -e~a"":='-;'''''ns T">'= -...... -~ ~ ~ - ~ ...;; _,...':""._....':"..~_...:.......":".::.-:-...::...~...":'.-:- ~_...... "- ~ :" __'-_.... __.... 'j..3.,Je..... :::.nc .::anc _::::.m ~__4.~.. j cb 5 i ': as 4 This ceques~...:ii.I1....3.1'.3c...ne.I;jm::,j...j.c.2car.e....::-:.e...:)r.~.ee.~"':.r..~.:;: c :'''::'~'':::: :::ui:cinds -jac. '.;~"i I be :Jc:::ocser; '::;,c ::iF?. ~:c ::.;c :'ucm~ _._~~..;- ~ :.:18'. :'~w',;. S~.~ t':1~~l'd'~" ...lTI....~o.c.k. ..i~2.....5"~=.~.en.i..rig.~.~.:::. ~~.e..--s~h.e....~.;:-..3.~;.; ~ .:..~.~.~.(:: ~.::'t".~c:D"C 2 ".-:: 3.9.Q.r:.oy~.~..:~.~~~c ,.?lans. ?l2ase ;1CC2: .;..:...:. ::;9sc,:,,':" '''.-'lee :;e :: ==.a:lC 'lee:': _~,,, ;; Caffi.]...3es '.JU C '.ji.::'::"':;e ..?U.~....:..~~C...:)....:SciiI:i.S ...i...:;-ui:':J...~:.::-.::i.lt:'C "'::-:"~" ;:'e~'::.::rte.t'2:- ~= ?C8~er~y. ~O oe ?~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~=aes and ~ver;=eens ~nd 3ee~ed. 1.:i-16-2 (2/87}-7c 617.21 Appendix A State Environmental Quality Review FULL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM SEQR Purpose: The full EAF is designed to help applicants and agencies determine. in an orderly manner, whether a projeG. or action may ~e significant. The question or whether an action may be significant is not always easy to answer. Frequent- ly, there are aspects of a project that are subjective or unmeasureable. It is also understood that those who determine significance may have little or no formal knowledge or the environment or may be technically e.xoert in environmental analysis. In addition. many who have knowledge in one particular area may not be aware of the broader concerns affecting the question or significance. The full E,,,F is intended to provide a method whereby applicants and agencies can be assured that the determination process has been orderiy, comprehensive in nature. yet flexible to allow introduction of inrormation to fit a project or action. Full EAF Components: The iull EAF is comprised oi three parts: Part 1: Provides objective data and information about a given project and its site. By identifying basic projec: data, it assists a reviewer in the analysis that takes place in Parts 2 and-:r. : Part 2: Focuses on identifying the range oi possible impacts that may occur irom a ptoject or action. It provides guidance as to whether an impact is likely to be considered smaJl to moderate or whether it is a potentiaJly. large impact.. The form aiso identifies whether an impact can be mitigated or reduced. Part 3: If any impac.: in Part 2 is identified as potentially-large, chen Part 3 is used to evaiuate whether or not the imoac.: is actually important. DETERMINA TlON OF SIGNIFlCANCE - Type 1 and Unlisted Actions Identify the Portions oi EAF completed for this project: w Part 1 '- Part 2 OPart 3 Uoon review or che information ~ecorded on this E.A..F (Parts 1 and 2 and 3 if appropriate), and any other supporting information. and considering both :he magitude anc impon:ance or each imoact. it is reasonably determined by 'Che lead agency that ;\. The pro jeer: wiil not result in any large and imoortant impacts) and, therefore. is one which will not have a significant impac: on the environment. therefore a llegative dedaration will De prepared. 8. Although the project could have a significant effect on the environment. there will not be a significant effect Tor this Uniisted Action because the mitigation measures described in PART 3 nave been required. thereiore a CONDITIONED oegative declaration will be prepared.' o C. The projec: may result in one or more large and important impactS that may have a significant impact on the environment. therefore a positive dedaration wiil De prepared. ~ A Conditioned Negative Dedaration is only valid ror Unlisted Actions u N. Jj) - r-:.. /" I \ I CVTVI ror t... '2;S:5'iJW cS ~C <::.., u .' I ,-,,611.'1' Y\ 0 tl Name or :.)"C:lon ,.".- 10A,";\ ~t:t..vd :'lame ':Jr_~3C ,..l".genC': ,::J"1nI: or Type :"\.jame or Re$oonsibie Officer In Le3d AgenCY Tide or KesDonsloie C:.rrlcer Signa~:..:re 'Jf ~esoonsli:):le r'.Jfric~!' in :_e3a ,;~enCI ~l.\ ~,ISqu , ij' \ ":/ <L.1(V\il'vd r rl.nCL'o I SllSnatUre or O:-eaarer '\7 diife!'e!1~ ~;-om re.soonSliJle officer: "-"are PART 1-PROJECT INFORMATION Prepared by Project Sponsor :--lOT1CE. ThIS documenr. IS desIgned to aSSist in determining wnether the ac::;cn ,Jrooosec ,lia'l :la'.:e .3. signifiCant. ~:L;::'~ on :he enVlronmenc. Please complete the entIre form, Parts A through t.. Answers to :hese ques~lons Nd! je'-=:;n51ce:'~~' as pan: of the apolication ior aoproval and may be subjec: to further verrfic3non and auntie ~e'llew D:-ovide .3.nV :lcdit:Of"':: information you beijeve will be needed to comole!:e ,::>arrs .2 anc 3. It is expected that completion or the full :AF will De deoendenr on tnrOrmaIIcn currently avaiiable and will ;lOr. ;nVOi"/ new studies. research or investigation. If iniormatlon requiring 5UC~ additional worK IS unavaiiabie, so Indicate ana 5iJeC;, each instance. or csncreLi , I ~ n.a.: i\il! La llq3 S Q0d.i' ~[:fL ,\lAME OF APPUCAN:TJSP~~~.-....... . gckQM ~ A DA:yD _ - ~"i- -=j 23 em/po 3U,S~SS L ::.L:?HQNE .~ <;:l.,;-7\<:.._ = q::2fi) ",~r;-"J I : :.'"1 CODE - , ~ '- . ,q--=:,--o NAME OF O~NER (If dl rent) .R Vi F!Yt'.S M C.bf../t.- ADDRESS ~.' 4U r rzn;c \ I ~ em I' IlQ iYln<)0t1 DESCRIPTION OF ACTlCt-J 3USINE5S 7a...E:?HONE .ell -".- .-, <::-~ JIO )~'! I~<c C:TYIPO )'v1~ I [Q 7;rc ~"'I I IJ i.-'t ~i ~DE_r i l '-1 =bL: ?1ease CompJete Each Question-Indicate :"I.A. if not appiicabie A. Site Description ?hysical setting of overail projec:. ... Presenr iand use: CUrcan =Forest ) Total acreage or project area: .~PPROXJMA TE ACRE.~GE "Meadow or 3rushiand (Non-agncuJturai) ooth Clevelopeo ~dustriai =AgricuJture (0 L. and undeveiopeci =Commerciai areas. =ReslOentl31 (suouroan; =RurJ.i 'non-i.:ir~ =Other acres. PREScNTL Y "-4 acres .~rE~ COMP1...=T1CN """ J.ce~, :=orestec .-.l...gnciJltura! i:inc:udes orchards, '::aplana, ,:JaS1:ure, etc., \Netlana I:Fresnwarer Of :Joai 3.5 Jer ,-.l...rnCleS 2.01. 25 or EC:"'; 'Nater 5urfac~ .-\rea '...}nveg~!ared,Rocx. ~arth ,Jr ~iil) Koacs. juddin~s .)nc ott1er ::lavetJ 'ices J.C;-'?~' .lees 1(;;-<':': lGeS lc:es -lc:-e.<; lC:-:~' J.C~~S _lC:-~~:- ---, 5Uf-;aces ::;c~s iC:--' Other ~ ndicate :voe: ~c>:~s .jC''::O .... 'Nhat,s :Jreaomlnanr sod ~'10e~5jJnJrOlec: sire; "S--! d. SOli drainage: s;a<N~il ::;:r3IneG \C ..-- }-Q:'JT 3Jce (: /1 ~ ! C.C- 'r(i -. '. . _tv-Iocer3te!'1 Nei! :.:lr3.ineG __ l1, ,,_c'; =?OOrTV '::;,ralnetJ JiJ ::)r :lite .... :f :inv agrrCJltural ;ancs ,nvolveq. ,10W .Tlanv J.c:eSJr SOli J.re ::as5i,'eG .vl(nlj. oCI: _J.nc::asslric:n:on ,:v5;:e~(\..jf'A :lces. S~e' 'J'rC?R::-OL ,~r-,' ." ..,' ~c...... :--:rougr: - _ ~ " .....re ~!lere Jecroc;( ;JUCC;"OOOlngs ::n :::ifo!ec: 5;te~ \/'1"\T;1 _. .v~a:5 '::eam ~:J ::e,::,ccx" ~ ~ =Yes .=!Nc ,., .~-:>':.: 5. ApproxImate percentage or .:Jroposed project site with slopes: 00-10% =15 % or greater % :=10-15% ~/-' % % 6. Is ;:>rojec: suostantially c:Jmiguous :::0. or contain a budding, site, or district. listed on the Scate or the i'laticnal Regis'Cers or Historic Places? ~Y~s2'No - Is project substantially contiguous to a site listed on the Register or National 8. 'Nhat is the depth of the water table? t ~ (in feetl l'latural landmarks? .QNo /0:J Q..: S.ra-v:d ~va. tt,. ~No Qllr<-\ctY't\.lna::ta.d m"", Q,.7' ~o DYes 9. Is site located over a primary, principal. or sole source aauifer? eYes 10. Do hunting, fishing or shell fishing opportunities presently exist in :he projec: area? 11. Does project site captain any species or plant or animal life that is identified as DYes ~o According to I dentify each species CJYes threatened or endangered? 12. Are there any DYes unique or ~o unusual land forms on the projec:. site? (Le., diffs, dunes, other geological formations) Describe -- 13. Is the project site presently usea ::IY the community or neighborhood as an -open-space or recreation- area? OYes 000 If yes, explain 14. Does the present site indude scenic views known to be important to the communitY? DYes Ql<Io 1 S. Streams within or contiguous to proje-c: area: (\C() e a. Name or Stream and name or River to which it is tributary 16. lakes. ponds, wetland areas within or contiguous to project area: (\cn e.. a. Name ~. Size (1n acres) 17. Is :he site served oyexis;:ing p~blic utilities? soNes ::No e le.c..h1 C- a) If Yes. does sufficient capacity exist to allow connection? D'res [!No 0) If Yes. will improvements be neC2ss.ary to allow connection? :::::Yes 340 18. is the site ioc:lted in an agricultural distric. certified pursuant to Agriculture and Markers Law, Article 25-AA. Sec:lon 303 and 304? DYes ~o "Q ,-- ls :he sire located in or substantiallv contiguous to a Critical EnVIronmental Area designated pursuant to Articie 8 or the EeL. and 0 NYCRR 6i7? =Yes ~o 20. Has the site ever been used ror the disoosai of soiici or hazardous wastes? ::Yes 8No 8. Pr?ject Description 1. Physical dimensions and scale of proJeC. (fill 10 dimensions as aoproonate) a. lotal contiguous ac:eage owned or controlled ':Jv proJect sponsor 0. 2.... acres. '0. Pmjec: acreage m be develooed: (,,, L acres initiallv; (.;. 2.. acres Ultimately. '-. P~ojec: acreage m remain undeveiooed n c ("\ e..... acres. c. Length OTJrojec':. in miies: :\..,V\Qr (If dcorOOnate! I 1 ~. if :heJrOleC is an ~xcan5ion, :r:aic.:ne :Jercent or ~:XoanSlon _::rocosed I"". /lA %. '1umcer or orf.-Hree!: :larKing maces ~xlsting g. .\I1axlmum I/enlcujar :;-:05 generated per ~our 7......~ '5 , ;Jrooosea (uoon ::Jmoie!:Jcn or :Jrcie!.::l? ~. : f ;eSJaentlaJ: 'lumoer and :vpe or housing Units: One =3.mtiv lWO f=am,iv ,v\uitioie .=amiiv Condominium :nn::ailv :....'itlmate!\' ,Jtme:!sJons -:in ~e-e!:;::i ,argest Jrooosec 5~r'Jc:ure ~:I)~ _:near fee':: Jr ~:'On(2ge },iong a :Juolic ::1oroughfare Jrh,ec: m. 'e!gr.-::: 1\lff' wlil 0C::JOV :S( W1C::ji; :\'1f1 iength. o How ~uc:-, narural materlat (i.e.. iOck. earth, ~tc.) wdJ be removed rrom:ne site? -'<-- ,--,--... L--"CbU , ~.c.'nsicJbl( 'I,i:. \AliiJ dis-;:uroed areas be reclaImed" ;;;^Ies ':=No = ,,<;',.l,, a.. 'f ves. ror what Intenc__ ;Jurpose :s :he sIte jeing recialmed? .:J. WiI] coosoti be 5i:ockplied for rec~amatlon? ,~es ;No \... 'Nil! upper subsoii be stockpiled for reclamatlon? ~es r;y 'S:;\il\Q i C!vC"u. 1\ I I I j;:'/lJ.: it 01" ,-, I =No .+. :-low manY aGes or vegetanon (trees. snrubs. grounc ::overs) will oe removed from site? " l.,r' aces J. \Nill any mat.Ur~e f rest (over --:00 years Old) or other iocaily-imoortant 'lege tan on ~Yes ;- 0 - I ~O De removea 0'1 cnlS orOjec:' o. If single phase projec:: Anticioatec period or constrUC:Ion months. (inCluding GemolitionJ. 7. if multi-phased: a. T oeal number OT phases anticipated l- (numoer). b. Anticipated date or' commencement phase 1 m/1 1 j month )S Cf G c. ~\oproxJmate completion date of iinal pnase \\liJ ~ month Xu I d. Is phase 1 functionally dependent on suosequent phases? :~s CJNo' 8. 'Nill .biasting OCC:Jr during construction? ::JY es ~ year, linc:uding demoiicloni. veaL g. Number or jobs generated: during construc~jon o , .liter projec :s comoiete c 'A ~ ~ O. Number or jobs eiiminated bv this project y"jt'l Y'\ e 'Niil prolec: reqUIre ~ejocatjon or any ;Jrojec-..s or facIlities? =Yes :S1No if ves. ~XDlam ._ ,~_ 5 surrace iiquid waste disoosai invoived? .1. :f yes. Indicate =Yes ~o ~. ,'..jame or water ::yoe or waste I~sewage. industnaL etc.] and body into which ~ffluent will be discharged 34~ amount ~i p.. ;"J'A I I [s suosurTace [icuid waste disposal involved? =Yes Type --:..:.. 'Nil! 3urrace area or an existing '.vater :,ody inGease or decrease av oroposai? ::YF!S ,~o exaiain is pro lee: or any portlon or projec: iocated in a 100 vear flood Jlam? =Yes :s;No ~6. 'Niil ~he project generate 50iid waste? =Yes l. If yes.. what :5 ~he amount ;Jer month :'. If '1es, will an ~xlsting soiid waste facility :,e used? _. :f 'res. give name ~ ~ons -v _,es =No location Cl. 'Niil any wastes not go into a sewage disposal svstem or :ntO a samtarr :ancifilF ., if Yes. explain ='(es :i:i1<ic .- " Wir! 1, :f :he ;xo!ec: involve :he disoosai or solia waste? C:Yes ",/;pr ~.;_, I ::::'!, vears. soNo '/es. wnat 's the anticlOated rate or disDosai? :onSlmonm. J. ;f '/es. what :5 the antlc:oated sIte iife? ~ 8. 'NUl JfOlec: ~5e :,erDlc:aeSJf :Jestlc:ces! -v ~ .es .3j.;'<Jo --:0 Niil JrOlec: ~OU!Jne!v JfOOUCe ,Joors ;more :nan one "cur :Jer :avj" =v~5 ~o :0.'Niil :]f01e':: JfOcuce "Joer3ong ,'Olse -=x:ceeaing ::-:e 'OCJ.! 3.mOlem .'Olse .e'le!s! _'/es ~o 'Niil :JrOle-::: -esuJt :n an nGease :n ~!1e!'"g'l 'Jse? =Yes s:;,,<!o ,j 'j~S ,ncicJ.te :'lO€-tS) Nater 5UOO!VS ~rom weJis, :nOlCJ.!e Jumcmg :J.oac::y ~ ~ i ___ ~ ~ ,;3.lionsimlnuc~ Ji:J.l Jnrrc:::areo::! wat2!'".Jsage Jer::':3'J :;'''"'-.1-; ,~ ~ai1or::SIGa'/ ::oe5 :Jrole(;: :nvolve ~OC3!. Scare 'J[ ,=~aeraj ~unding~ ~$ :::;;No 1'~5. ~X::::ialn 1~/!;r ., ,<,",,,,:,,,,,,,,,.,,-,.,,,",,,._-,,,,,",,,~,~~,, 25. Approvals Required: ,-itV, town. Vil!age 30arc City, town, Village P!anr.mg 30ard Cty, Town Zoning Soard City, C::Junry Health Depanment Other Local Agencies Other Regional Agencies State Agencies rederai ,~gencies Type Submittal Date ~Yes DNo CJYes ~o eYes ~o OYes QNo DYes [DNo DYes Q.!4'0 Q'Yes DNo DYes oNo --r-C'N '('0. ~k3 . u4! ,)..'s Jq t.. IRe.. --=:J l-l <; )'1( , ' C. Zoning and Planning Information 1. Does proposed action involve a planning or zoning decision? If _ Y .5, indicate decision required: Czoning amendment Ozoning variance Ospecial use permit Osubdivision Osite plan - Cnewirevision or master pian Dresource management plan wother -------------- Q~Kli!ll.'"PN:LL~a.-.Lu. LL DYes ~ , INhat is the zoning c!assification(s)of the site? 3. What;s the maxImum potential development of the site if developed as penmitted by the present zoning? LT 4.. 'Nhar is the prooosed zoning or the site? _. ''^that is ~he maximum CO,? _ potential development of the site If developed 'D.L~-e<, as permitted bv the proposed zoning? ~s Cr-. 6. !s ~he proposed action consistent with the recommended uses in adopted local land use plans? i What are the predominant land use(s) and zomng claSSificatIons wlthm a '.h miie radius or proposeo aC:lont' \ ~tjVl+- ~d 1{~tv.t1 J (t - 'v\J -- S \ A/C-- -t",7) ~ 8. ls:he proposeo aC~lon compatible wIth adjolnlngfsurrounoing land uses wIthin a y~ ~~e? ,~ 9 If the proposed action is the subdivision of land. how many lots are proposed? ~ a. What is the minimum lot size proposed? 0~ 10. Wii! proposed action require any authorization(s) ror the formation at sewer or water districts? Will the proposed ac:i9n create a demand for any community provided fire protec~jon)? ~es DNo a. If yes. is existing capacity sufficient to handle projected demand? 11, GN DYes ,SiN services (recjeation. education. poiic ~s. DNo 1:. Will the proposed action result in the generation or traffic significantly above present !eveis? CYes =Yes =No, ~ a. If yes, is the existing road network adeQuate to handle :he additional craffier D. Informational Details Attach any additional information as ,-nav :,e ;leeded to Clarify 'lour pro!ec:. if [here are or may ':e any 3dver~ :mcac:s associated wIth your JroposaJ. :Jle.ase discuss :5UC~ Impac:s and the measures wrHC:' 'Jou arapose :0 :'T1ltJgare aVOid ::-:em. E_ Verification cen::iv :hat :he :nrormarlon provide-;i a09ve is true.:o th~ ~e5t of ~y '<.nowiedge. 'ooilont:~ or "ame ~d'1L:u Ci p(U1QD1 ,no (-"'reS \ i / I. r ,\ :1.-"'~ 5lg."'1atwre . ir'- . ~e K 'f L ~ If ,he Jc:ion ;s in the Qstai .J.re a state agency, complete the Coastai Assessment Form beiore ;Jroc~~oj wi th ~his assessment. x :;are 4. -; C.-Cr.. : __ J ,....... APPLICATION FOR A SALVAGING CENTER IN THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD t<l;ha-y-d K-;n0-~L '3v:-- Name of Applicant, Individual, Q NQy+h t1)(L ~<;'6\J rCQ~ J7rc Corporation or Partnership qS- Address of La.ne Business or Activity \\Q3S Exact Type of Business to be conducted ~ r;;::" rif. SrrD. V'I)(l:Ia:i?h (C<w-tLti...1rzl.~ I "5~ ~). ~~\e .(\'r"\,'shed ~ . r am under 21 years of age Yes .,/ No Yes V No I am a citizen of the United States Convicted of Felony or Misdemeanor Yes No ./ Number of employees to be engaged \2.. ~d\tL~ -:VriA ~LLr- S. ~7,.d A: . 2Yl<~ lJ=-_ )~ \ ~q:30 Name and Address of owner of lands and nature of the right of occupancy of the applicant to the use of such land. Applicant must file map or plan of real property upon which business is to be conducted with the following information: ~ ~ ~e. Ct.JIt:lLh ed c. !:;O'J. . 1 11 hereby certify that all the above information is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I will conduct the business pursuant to the regulations set forth in the Ordinance Licensing and Regulating Secondhand,' Junk and Auto Parts Activities and Businesses. 1. 2. 3. 4. Location Location Location Loca tion of fence required. of bui ld.ings. of streets and highways. of water and gas mains. ") \ /) ,/ . ,- Signature or \ \ ~ .t. AooliC'itnt .. 1/ .j Sworn to before me this \q day of :-ILne 19Qitl. " r~........ i ; ,,_.(~-,,' ,~ No~ary Pub'lic UNDA J. COOPS ~ntar-~ .?~..!.?li~._ St..,ate of Np.\IY York_ .,J. --:.......:.5>::;.:.. :~'....:f+Cit: '-::'[~r:..w~/ ..:.: ),1 'Ll " Ut " ! 8 ~ q 'u u ,j) " " " , , I c: " " ',1 'ij " !, I 0' n, f) 'I-I '1J ., '. 'II 'D 0- ! ,J "' 'U '1-1 8 I') I () OJ 1) 'I) 01 C " () " ," OJ 'll ;1 I '" " t, " " () :> ,U 0' m , r:r: II} "' 'i, '" 'it 0 c: 0- ;1.1 ? 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"' :>: Ul '0 .--1 .1 " 0 1~-i6-2 (2/87J-7c 617.21 Appendix A State Environmental Quality Review FULL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM SEQR Purpose: The rull EAF is designed to help applicants and agencies determine. in an orderly manner, whether a project or action may be significant. The question of whether an action may be significant is not always easy to answer. Frequenr- Iy, there are aspects of a project that are subjective or unmeasureable. It is also understood that those who determine significance may have little or no rormal knowledge or the environment or may be technically exoert in environmental analysis. In addition, many who have knowledge in one particular area may not be aware of the broader concerns affecting the Question or significance. The full EAF is intended to provide a method whereby applicants and agencies can be assured that the determination process nas been orderly, comprehensive in nature. yet flexible to ailow introduction of information to fit a project or action. Full EAF Components: The full EAF is comprised of three partS: Pi<t 1: Provides objec:ive data and information about a given oroject and its site. By identifying basic project data, it assists a reviewer in the analysis that takes place in PartS 2 and 3: Part 2: Focuses on identifying the range of possible impacts that may occur from a p.cojec: or action. It provldes guidance as to whether an impact is likely to be considered smail to moderate or whether it is a potentiaJly- large impact. The form also identifies whether an impact can be mitigated or reduced. Part 3: If any impact in Part 2 is identified as potentiaily-large. then Part 3 is used to evaiuate whether or not the impact is actually important. DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE- Type 1 and Unlisted Actions Identiiy the Portions oi EAF completed ior this project: 1_ Part 1 '--- Part 2: o Part 3 Upon review of the iniormation recorded on this EAr (Pam 1 and 2 and 3 if aporopriate). and any other supporting information. and considering both the magi tude and importance or each imoac:. it is reasonably determined by the lead agency that: A. The project wiil not iesuit in any large and imoortant impac:(s) and. thererore. is one which will not have a si~nificant impact on the environment. thererore a negative dedaration will be prepared._ B. Although the project couid have a significant errec: on the environment. there wiil not be a significant: effect ror this Unlisted Action because the mitigatlOn measures described in PART 3 have been required, thereiore a CONDITIONED negative declaration will be prepared.' o C. The project may resuJt in one or more large and important impacts that may have a significant impact on the environment. therefore a positive dedaration will be prepared. :,.. A Conditioned Negative Dedaration is only vaiid ror Unlisted Actions .- .~ i\', Jj)~ Wi \~CVIV\ . r... ~~,nt( !lS i"-'ame or ;\C:lOn 4, iJ ~ I I ..-r ",611---:\ n 0 l'J I C'I/\.."i\ .-:- . l--h- . IL ~' i c--VCl Name or :"'=3.C .-=-.genc: ?~tnt or Type ,'lame of Re!;oonslbie Officer in L:ad "genc":! "Tirle 'Jr :Zesoonslole Criicer 5i!5nawre- Jr .~esconslbie ;Jfficer !n :_:ao .;genc/ ~L\ \ \J' ' -:/ <Ll(\i,Q.J.d r rLr,c:"o I Signarure 'JT ?"e~arer: Ii cirfere~~ ~rom iesDonslOle officen 2io 'eG' , I t j liJ Sate PART 1-PROJECT INFORMATION Prepared by Project Sponsor :'lOT:C=: Th!s documem :5 designed ~o assist in aetermlnlng whether the aCion ::JrOQosec may :'";,j'J"; 5IgnliiC::ln~ _ _, on the environment:. Please complete the entire form. Parts A through t. Answers to :hese questIons Ndl ':;e::mslcer' as part or the apoiication ror apofovai and may be subjec: to further '/erification and Dueiie ~eview ?;-oviae dnv ,1c:aitIC,~L information you believe wiil be needed to comoier.e Pan:s :: anc 3. It is expec:ed that completion or the full =AF wiil De dependent on information .::urrentiy avadabie ane wdl ;lOt :nVCi', new studies, research or investigation. If information requinng such additional work is unavailable, ;0 indicate ana 5ve~~':~ each Instance. r . OT c:SYlQC'li c:oailty and Countyi I I aKd fla.1u' I\jll I L q 3 S , .:iane 10 ~ ,~~L-.~ J I A D~'YD . ~"L CITY/PO f::srv. NAME OF O~NER (It dl tentl () Vi \ nyfc" fM Uf.A- ADDRESS ~~ 4q (' 3US~~S TE1_ =?HONE _"'""'; .._ ~ / -"'j- ij 2-'( : rqw , o';'>'1OF).,' , 1\ I i i " :l~ CODE llq~ 3US1NESS iEL2HONE . <jUO j::l,l ,---.,.:-.-", J)~ C:TY1Pa I J ;t! ;'v 1.-/ I iq~(; w-- . ijrtd ~p ,~""CE , i (j' ~ J. ! L -f -2:) L.' Ptease Complete Each Question-lndiGlte N.A. if not appiicable A. Site Description ?hvsical setting or QveraJl prolec:. '. Present land use: '=Uroan joth deveiaoed ~dustriai and unaeveiopea areas. c: Forest ::AgncuJture (0. L. :=Commerc:aj =Other =ResidenU31 lsuauriJanJ =Rurai 'non-'-3r7 .., T ota! acreage or project area: APPROXIMA IE ACRE.~CE ~"'eadow or 3rusnJand (Non-agnc:Jituraj) ac:'es. P~E5 cNTL ''! '-J . 3GeS \F""T~;:\ ::OiV\PI_2:-7"lCi"'- '" a.c:-e~: Forested .-\gncuJturai (Inc:udes :Jrcharas. ::'"ooland. ,Jasture. ~rc., 'Netiand (Fresnwate!'" or :Ida! 3..S Jer .-\rncies 2.4., :5 or :':~, \Nater Suriac~ .),.rea Ijnveg~!:ateri (Rock. ~a.n:n .Jr ~ii!1 ~oacs. ':uddings Jne :Jthe!' 'Javea 5ur;aC~5 ether '.! ndic.3.te :yoe: ices ice,;:; J.ces ;lc:'"es 3.Ge~ J.C',~~ '- lC;'O:c; :.C~5 lGe::: ...., :iC~'-' ~c-':::~ :ie-,:' 3.C;fc:-: __. 'Nhat,s ::::reaomlOant soli:voe~si ,]r: Jrojec: 5lte~ i. Sosi drainage: :gWe!l c:ramec 1C J )~ ...:y~ (' /"L~ ! CC-'r/"", =Mo1cer3re!V 'Ned :Jr3.lneC v o .. -,ite or 5Jce =?oorlv:::ralneG )-0 Jr,iCe r J.nv3.grrc:.Jitural ,anes ~n'lOlveo;;.:ow ,--nanv J.C=-~5 ,)r ,all J.re ::J.SS;~les .vnill:-; ",:;1 _,:InC C:aSSlrlcJ.t:on ~V5ce!Tii \}A 3.ces. See ~ '~VC?R :;(:'1. , --',Cll~:~ ,~ .:.. r~ :"ere ::le-.:roc::JUi:COOOlnlj5 In "Jro!ec: ;ite~ ~. ~. /vhJ.:s :Je~C:-1 :::: J~r::rccx,; \;J; 1....' J =Y~5 ::JNo :""",-""""."",-,.."",,,,,,,,,,~,,,,,,-- 5. Approximate ;:>ercentage of proposed projec: site with slopes: [:]0-10% C15% or greater % 010-15% =1,-, % % 6. [s oroiec: suos~antially contiguous w. or contain a building, Site, or disi:rict, lis~ed on the Scate or the i~ational Registers or Historic Places? ,::JYes '~o I. Is project substantiaJly contiguous CO a site listed on the Register or ,~ational 8. What is the depth of the water table? t ~ (in ieetl Natural landmarks? DYes ;:;-No 9. Is site located over a primary, principal, or sole source aauifer? DYes f>.b 0...: s~:d "va. ta.,. ~No QIJ'r;1c_YY\.lncd:a..d fu~ GJ.'7' ~o LJYes 10. Do hunting, fishing or shell fishing opportunities presently exist In the project area? 11. Does project site coptain any species or piant CJYes ~o According to I dentify each species or animal life that is identified as threatened or endangered? 12. Are there any CJVes unique or g:lo unusual land forms on the proiec~ site? (i.e., cliffs, dunes, other geological formations) Describe -- 13. Is the project CYes site presently used by the [31<(0 [f yes, explain community or neighborhood as an 'Operr- space or recreation- area? 14. Does the present site include scenic views known to be important to the community? CYes Di</o 1 S. Streams within or contiguous to project area: (\{)(] e a. ,~ame or Scream and name or River to which it is tributary 16. Lakes. ponds, wetland areas within or contiguous to project area: (\CH" e.. a. Name ~. Size (1" acres) 17. Is the site served bvexisting p~blic utilities? Sd'Yes eNo a) If Yes, does sufficient capacity exist to allow connec:ion? 0) If Yes, will improvements be necessary to aJIow connection? e le.c..h1 c.. ~es ONo eYes 3<10 18. ls the site :oc:ued in an agricuJturai district c::!rtified pursuant :::0 Agriculture and Markets L.aw, Article 15-.A.A, SeC:JOn 303 and 304?CYes :?No 19. 15 the site located in or substantiailv contiguous :0 a C:itical Environmentai Area designated pursuant to Articie 8 or the EeL. and 6 NYC~R oi 7? ':Jy es ~o 20. Has the site ever been used ror the disoosai or SOlid or hazardous wastes? ~Ye5 8N~ B. Project Description 1. Phy;!cai dimensions and scale or projec~ (fill in dimensions as aoprooriate) a. I" otai :::ontiguous ac:"eage owned or c:oncroJled bv prolec": sponsor (.:) b. Pmie-:: aGeage ::0 be developed: : (..., L acres initial Iv; c. ,::lroje-:: ac:-eage to ~emain undeveloped n c r'\ e..... ac:-es. c. Length of projec:. :n miies: I\.."M (If aporooriatel I "" if ~:1e ::rOle,:: !s an exoanslon. indicate oercent OT e~oanSlon ::rocosed >~umcer or off-Hreet :larking soaces 'eXisting ).....<'.,; , orooosea 2- GL acres. acres ultimately. 'v1'Pr ~-b . g. ,'vIaxlmum '/enicular :nos Jenerated oer :,our :; (uoen :omOietlOn or proiec:l? ". if ;eSlaentlal: ,'lumoer and type or hOUSing units: One ,=amliv IWO ~amtiv ,\r\uitloie .=3.mliv Condominium [nlcaliv :"';ltjrTiace!\, :'lmer!Slons '"in ;ee~rJr .argest ::rooosec 5~i"JC:".He \./ J~ I _:near fee':: Jr ':-ontage llong a DUQlle :horougnrareJro!ec: l'I',in :'e!gr:~: \-fF ,\;JI.). :engtn. Wlcm: Wli! OC:::":OV :s{ c f-iow ,-nuch natural :naterlai (i.e., rOCK. earth. ~tc.; will be removed from :he Sl'ce? ~<~- L ~. C b L , ~onSiC'.JCiC ;;}.- 'Nil! disturbed areas :::!e ieC!almeat ~es =Nc _Ni,-i. ,1. :f 'les. for what intenc__ ;Juroose ~s :he :5lte oe!ng redalmea? / '"' 'Nill mosoil be stockpded for reClamatlOn? _ ~es ~I~O '-. 'NiiJ '..Jpper sUDsoii be stockpilea for redamatlon? S1'fes ;:;'y SS\i',\Q I OVC"S'u..'(\ i , I t~l..t LL:. 'Jl" '_. I '=No , ,'-iow ,-nany acres or vegeution (trees. 5nruDs. grounc :oversl wiil .Je removea from 5Jte? .---.:.~_~_ ac<;,': ~. Will a,nv mature Jerest (over iOO years oid1 or other !ocailv-imoor.:ant DYes ~o . Go vegecatlon De removed :)v chis :JrOlec::::' 6. If single phase project: Antic:pated period or construClon months, nnc:uaing ciemoiitlcnj. i. if muiti-phased: a. Total <"lumber or phases anticioated L (number). ,Vi" i j l\lQ '1 \ phases.? lL1ctG month Xu I ~s year D. Anticipated date or commencement phase i c. !-DproXlmate comoietion date OT final phase d. Ls phase 1 runctionaily de?endent on suosequent month "'ear, (including demolitJon;. ::::;No 8. 'NilI.biasting OCC:Jr during construction? :JYes ~ 9. ,~umber :JT joos generated: during construction o , after prOlec: is complete ~ __ i O. >~umoer or joos ~iiminateri by this projec 'f\{') n e. 'Nill ;::>rolec: reqUIre .-eiocation or any projec:s or raciiines? =Yes ~o r !es. ,:XDlam 12. Is surrace liquid waste disposal inVOlved? C::Yes sn<i'o 1. :f yes. indicate :vpe aT waste (sewage, industrIaL etc.) and :J. >-iarne or water body into which ~ffluent will be disc:,arged CJ..<io =Yes 1mount i'v / Pr ,,,,ItA I I Type :5 suosuriace iiauid waste disposal invoived? i~ 'Nil! 3urrace area or an ~xlstJng water 60civ inc:"ease or decrease ::JV 'Jrooosal? ,:xDlam '=Yes :1li<I>o is :Jrojec: Qr any portion OT projec: locatec ;n a ~OO year flood :liain? -v .~ L es S1<i 0 i6. 'Nii! ~he proiec: generate sOlia waste? a. If yes. what is the :amount per month j. If '1es, will an ~xisting soiic waste ~aciiitv 'Je '..Jsea? =Yes ~ tons ;=Yes =No c. :f ves, .;ive name location c. 'NiB anv wastes llot go IOto a sewage disposal system or :ntO a santtarv ;andfiil? e. If Yes. explain _=Yes ~o ,~ Wiil :he Jrolec: :nvolve the disoosaJ or solid waste? " ,> ,; '/es. wnat :s the am:ic:oated rate or disoosai? /" - ',. if '/es. what s the antlc:oated Site :ife? -., ; :~y '_' es ,'v1lr< I Sd~o --:ons/montn. 'lears. ~3. ;ViiI :lrOlec: 'Jse :,erDlcaes ,')r Jestlcaes2 =Yes 3No i9. Nill :JrOleC ~ou'(jnej'l :Jroa:uc~ ')oors J110re :nan ,Jne ,lour :)er :avJ? ='(es :;,~o ::0. Niil ::;ro\ec: ::;rQCUCe ~oe!"atlOg ,101se ~xc~e6ing :he OC:l1 .lmCler1t _,Olse ,e'le!s' e~ ':;;'<10 'Nii! ::ro\ec: 'esult :n 3.n ncease .n e!1e[~y '...ise" =Yes Q<lo ,. 'Jes ndicJ.re :vpe5i .vater jUOOIV$ ~rom weds. :nciC:He JUmolOf5 ':3.Dac:t:Y ;<) p.!iOnSimIOU~2 Jt3.:1r.1::C::;J.(e~Na:er 'J5.J.f5e:Jer .:::3.'1 ,.:;,){; pJlonSiC2.V '-1 ::::'ces JrOlec: :nvQlve _,':;CJ.l. Scate -:Jr =,=oeral :unclng~ ~ ~~ :1NC /'~5 ~."::::lJln \\/J i;r "";.",..,,,,,,,.,_,,,~.,.,~,",,,,,,.,<i.w' Type Submittal Date 25. Approvals Required: Other Local Agencies Other Regional Agencies ~Yes :JNo C:Yes MNo DYes ~o DYes QNo :JVes !DNo DYes Ql4'0 gyes DNo DVes QNo -!6'N1'"'- Bco-~ 'iJ J..:S jq (.. -.---------.... ~ . Ci;:v. lown, Village 30arc Cicy. lown. Village P!anning 30ard City, Town Zoning Soard CitY. CountY Health Depa"ment State Agencies rederaJ Agencies IRG _~h5j'1 ( '/ ' C. Zoning and Planning Information 1 _ Does proposed action involve a planning or zoning decision? If_Yes. indicate decision required: Czoning amendment Ozoning variance Ospedal use permit OsiJbdivision Cnew;revision of master plan Oresource management plan Oother Q~K.I (ll) 1:4vil,~CL.P DVes ~ Dsite plan' 2 _ 'Nhat is the zoning dassification(s}or the site? il 3. What's the maximum ( [~ ? potential development of the site if developed as penmitted by the present zoning? the maximum (1),7_ 7 ~ui( 1-U\...f (0.... iA h..v ootential development of the site if develooed as permitted t:U:..\--e<, Lr /~C ~. \Nhat: 15 the proposed zoning of the site? _. 'Nhar. is by the proposed zoning? o. 15 the proposed action consistent with the recommended uses in adopted local land use plans? Q;(.,s Cl'< 'Nnar are the predominant land use(s) and z:omng dasslficatJons wlthm a T4 mlie radius of proposeo aC:lon1 \ ~tj\i1t- j;y,ti .li~~1i J (t-.. - \1\J - S ) A/_ 17\ ~ 3 ~ Is one oroposea action :ompat,ble With adjOining/surrounding land uses WIthin a "~ ~~e? 1:J.>fe", g. I f the ;Jroposed action is the subdivision or land. how many lots are proposed? Dl.f1I a. What 15 the minimum loc size proposed? (\;1* 10. 'NiiI proposed action require any authortzation(s) for the formatjon of sewer or water districts? CN DYes ~ i1. Will the proposed acti9n create a demand for any community provided fire protection)? 2'fes DNo a. If yes. is existing capacity sufficient to handle projected demand? services (recreation, education, polk (Sl>(.s . I:J No i:. Will the prooosed acion ,esult in the generation of traffic signiiicantiy above present levelS? eYes ~ a. If ves. is the existing road network adequate to handle the additionai traffic? =Ves =No ~ D. Informational Details A~ac:' anv 3.ciCitional information as ;nay ~e ne~ded :0 clarify your proiec:. if there a.re or mav ':Ie any .laver' :mcac:s associatec With vour ~rooosaJ. :liease discuss 5UC:' :moac:s and the measures wnic:, 'IOU :Jrooose co :11itigare aVOId ::-:em. \. X E. Veriiication i :ert:rv chat :he InformaCIon orovloed above is true :0 :h~ :,esr or -nv '<nowiedgQ 'co"o,", or "ame~L11QJ f} P{LY]Q..C1A't. PK..s - Jare 4 -2,. <;.-4c \ ,I [J ./. r- ,) "....-' ~ Slgr-.awre \ 'r~ ~e ~fL"':) '(I- , Jf the ~c:ion is in the0stai Area. a.nd 'If, are a state agency, compiete the Coastal Assessment Form betore ;Jroc~-e<::ii wi th this Jssessmenr. . APPLICATION FOR A SALVAGING CENTER IN THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD J<t;hayd ~hnG-~l JY:- Name of Applicant, Individual, Q qS- Address of lAne or Activi Noy+h ~(L e.e<;6\JrCQ<; ~ Corporation or Partnership \\'t3S Business Exact Type of Business to be conducted ~'pn, off srt~ WfrkiJlJ~lc.wxtLr/J't" I '5~. ~). ~~\e .(\'r\,'shed ~ . Yes i/ Yes V No r am under 21 years of age No I am a citizen of the United States Convicted of Felony or Misdemeanor Yes No v' Number of employees to be engaged \2... Dd\t\-\C1 ~rLuiLGpl ~, ~ '$.>3 f; 2-~~)~ \ tq:30 Name and Address of owner of lands and nature of the right of occupancy of the applicant to the use of such land. Applicant must file map or plan of real property upon which business is to be conducted with the following information: ~ ~ ~e.. CL}IAc.hed L. Q'O'J. T 'i hereby certify that all the above information is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I will conduct the business pursuant to the regulations set forth in the Ordinance Licensing and Regulating Secondhand, Junk and Auto Parts Activities and Businesses. 1. 2. 3, 4. Location Loca tion Location Location of fence required, of buildings. of streets and highways. of water and gas mains. f- (I~ Q .Jh. Signa\ re of APpli'(J-nt Sworn to before me this \q day Of~ne 19Q1o. , .'"; /' '''Y-- 'Le'; r; .' '~' . " . 'No1>ia;y '-p~ i~ ~ UNDA J. COOPER Notary Public. State of N..., York "_. _ 1\!.0 _ .!822SB3. Suffolk Countyq<. . ~"1 ,'- Answers to questions on p.l of Application for Regulating... 1. Location of operation - corner of Cox Lane and Oregon Rd. 2. Reference all information from site plan. A) Existing Parking - 35,000 sq. ft. B) Proposed Parking - 60,000 sq. ft. }. No containers necessary / materials need ground s~orage / pyramidal stockpiles. 4. Storage facilities as per site plan / pre-existing metal building. 2rr~ ,J f ,",~;:: I icc:~: ..N9.~!;.l:<.. g.9. ~.l5,.. Ro;!.~9.\1~.<;;~.s.I... J.nG. ,............. .......................... ............... ," "cec,s oJf .;pp, :;2,',: ......~.?~.~...s::.0.;...I;..~!1.~/....s::~.\;,,):1.9g.1,\<;.(...WLJJ~.3.S............................ :. = 6t2iiec s:::!er.-:::;::: .:JT r:rcoosed o::erations ....~.lf.R.!mJfl.~.':...:"!9.\.l)..g...lJ.~.c;.e...~...g~.~ro..it;...t.Q. be appeoved foe the crushing of concrete and natural sand-stone to develpp "r o'd iic t s'" th'at'" C o'':;i'd'' 'be" s'oi'd" '~nd"'d i ~.;:;::;: b',:{;: ~'d" ~.;;. "th~'" N~' ~t.h...F.~~.k. "t'~ "'h e l? \ e s t:a,q .US.fl. .!1.~l'!'.q 11.s)!1.~~.s... {9.~ ...NfR I...J0.9................................. .................... ..................... We also want the ability to separate and screen materials such as stone, g r a ve-!,'" to p-soi-.!:' 'and" crusned" 'co-ncTate';",::.: .::............................. ........~..................... .... ~.=:2;led ~:3te:r.::;:: -:JT prcpcsed cper2tions Request permit to grade parking area to ................................................................................. leveJ,....~.LgF~<:l.~...t.::'...~~.~.~...~<l~.i.~.~~~.~e equi?ment parking and storage and ?t'oposed operations eequestea cy..'N'F!l..;...Tiic.:...;~nI.c.li...iJil'r...<:::ln.s:t.S't:...of.. off ?J:'.Cl2<=.<::1:.Y..In.'?:.;.e::.ia.~...~<:.r.e:~.r:.~n.<:! .~nd se>larations of gravel and sand from oi:her o " )ob si tes. This eequest '.in' also...iiE,.Ii;i...to...?re?aj;'.e...t1'l:e...f:it'Q'9~.Ct:'r.f.oe fUiCure ou~_a~!l9s.,t:11.~S,..\i~.1~..tJ~..J)r090Sed foe NFR, Inc. and submicted ~o ~he Town af' Southold. .'1.11 '.ork ..and...scie.eii.riig...::.o...D.e..cohe..o.ii...S'rt.e..'i.!~:..ac'C.ord'an'ce '.i ~h apcroved work olans. Please note: All -toosoil will not be removed from c 9cemi :S"es" "'b'ut' '~iTl"oe"'9iit'''i'n t'S" f'ocIiifii:si "'a:"~'u'r:il"ar'olinc'''t::fe ""j'e'~'i'm~.t'er: s 01: c:: pco~~~~y to be planted with trees and evergreens and seed~d_ ............ ...........................................................................................-............................. ~ 74-1 SALVAGING CENTERS Ii 74-1 Chapter 74 SALVAGING CENTERS !i 74-1. Definitions. !i 74-2. Permit required. !i 74-3. Application and fee. !i 74-4. Parking and access. !i 74-5. Permit provisions. !i 74-6. Penalties for offenses. [HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Southold 5-3-1994 as L.L. No. 7-1994. Amendments noted where applicable.] GENERAL REFERENCES Garbage, rubbt.h and reflue-See Ch. 48- Junkyarda-See Cb. 54. Littering_See Cb. 57. Scavenger waate. - See Cb. 75. !i 74-1. Definitions. As used in this chapter, the terms used herein are defined as follows: SALVAGE CENTER - Any location where a private collection of items, exclusive of mWlicipal recyclables, is gathered, reused, recycled, reclaimed and processed for eventual disposal off site. 7401 5-25-94 9 74-2 SOUTHOLD CODE ,)74-5 'l74-2. Permit required. No person shall engage in or conduct a salvage center on real property within the Town of Southold, either for himself or for and on behalf of any other person, directly or indirectly, without first obtaining a permit therefor as hereinafter provided. 'l 74-3. Application and fee. A The Town Board may grant a permit for a salvage center. Each applicant for a permit hereunder shall execute under oath an application therefor to be supplied to him by the Town Clerk, which shall contain the following information: (1) Location of the operation. (2) Size and location of access and parking. (3) Location and kind of containers or receptacles. (4) Storage facilities. B. The application shall be accompanied by a fee of three hundred dollars ($300.). 'l 74-4. Parking and access. Each salvage center shall provide a macadam or crushed rock base for parking and access. 'l74-5. Permit provisions. The permit shall be granted for the period of time specified by the Town Board. The permit shall contain such conditions as may be necessary to ensure that the proposed operation will not have an ,adverse effect on the environment, the character of the area or the operations of the town. The permit shall provide that the operation shall be conducted pursuant to the terms of the permit or the Town Code, and, upon failure to do so, the permit may be revoked forthwith. Failure to obtain all state, 7402 5-25 -94 ~ 74-5 SALVAGING CENTERS \l74-6 federal or county permits required for this application shall be a basis for immediate revocation of this permit. ~ 74-6. Penalties for offenses. The permittee who commits or permits the commission of any violation of the permit or of the Town Code shall be deemed to have committed a violation and shall be liable for any such offense or the penalty therefor. Each day such offense shall continue or be permitted to eust shall constitute a separate offense. 7403 5-25-94 H-16-2 (2/87)-7c 617.21 Appendix A State Environmental Quality Review FULL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM SEQR Purpose: The full EAF is designed to help applicants and agencies determine, in an orderly manner, whether a project or action may be significant. The question of whether an action may be significant is not always easy to answer. Frequent- ly, there are aspects of a project that are subjective or unmeasureable. It is also understood that those who determine significance may have little or no formal knowledge of the environment or may be technically e.xpert in environmental analysis. In addition, many who have knowledge in one particular area may not be aware of the broader concerns affecting the question of significance. The full EAF is Intended to provide a method whereby applicants and agencies can be assured that the determination process has been orderly. comprehensive in nature. yet flexible to allow introduction of information to fit a project or action. Full EAF Components: The full EAF is comprised of three parts: Part 1: Provides objective data and information about a given project and its site. By identifying basic project data. it assists a reviewer in the analysis that takes place in Parts 2 and 3: Part 2: Focuses on identifying the range of possible impacts that may occur from a ptoject or action. It provides guidance as to whether an impact is likely to be considered small to moderate or whether it is a potentially- large impact. The form also identifies whether an impact can be mitigated or reduced. Part 3: If any impact in Part 2 is identified as potentially-large, then Part 3 is used to evaluate whether or not the impact is actually important. DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFlCANCE- Type 1 and Unlisted Actions Identify the Portions of EAF completed for this project: 0 Part 1 U Part 2 OPart 3 Upon review of the information ;ecorded on this EAF (PartS 1 and 2 and 3 if appropriate). and any other supporting information, and considering both the magitude and importance or each impact. it is reasonably determined by the lead agency that o A. The project will not result in any large and important impact(s) and. therefore, is one which will not have a significant impact on the environment. therefore a negative declaration will be prepared. o B. Although the project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect for this Unlisted Action because the mitigation measures described in PART 3 have been required, therefore a CONDITIONED negative declaration will be prepared.' o C. The project may result in one or more large and important impacts that may have a significant impact on the environment. therefore a positive declaration will be prepared. . A Conditioned Negative Declaration is only valid for Unlisted Actions Ncv+h f6rl ~~IIvr as :The Name or Action 56LLfuo ti Name or Lead Agencv ~ 1 cJv\./V\ ~.e,-vd Print or iype :'4ame or Re5ponsibJe Officer m Lead Agency Signature of Responsibie Officer In Lead .\gency ~' 1-\ Title or ResponSIble Officer 4?' ~ h " _ I ( VtcLVCl (Ln CLp I jlgnature or Preoarer (IT different from responsibJe officer) 2W ,IQckp Date PART 1-PROJECT INFORMATION Prepared by Project Sponsor NOTICE: This document is designed to assist in determining whether the action proposed may have a significant eTfec on the environment. Please complete the entire form. Parts A through E. Answers to these questions will be considere( as part of the application for approval and may be subject to further verification and public review. Provide any addiliona information you believe will be needed to complete Parts 2 and 3. It is expected that completion of the full EAF will be dependent on information currently available and will not involv' new studies. research or investigation. If information requiring such additional work is unavailable, so indicate and specif\ each instance. 17J ck<J.c IIQ:to rtll i[4~ Please Complete Each Question-Indicate A. Site Description Physical setting oT overall project, 1. Present land use: DUrban N.A. if not applicable OForest both developed ~dustrial DAgriculture (0.2.- and undeveloped DCommercial DOther areas. DResidential (suburban) DRural (non-farm 2. Total acreage of project area: APPROXIMA TE ACREAGE 'Meadow or Brushland (Non-agricultural) Forested Agricultural (Includes orchards. cropland. pasture. etc.) Wetland (Freshwater or tidal as per Articles 24, 25 of ECL) Water Surface Area Unvegetated (Rock. earth or fill) Roads. buildings and other paved surfaces Other (Indicate type) acres. '-1 PRESENTl ~ AFTER COMPLETION acres ~ acres acres acres acres acres acres acres '-I acres acres acres acres "2- acres acres acres acres 3. What IS predominant soil type(sj on prolec: SIte' "S--l" ti.~ I bCl..'~ a. Soil drainage: g\ve!l drained )e 0 % of SJte ~ModeratefY well drained =Pooriv drained % of site b. If anv agricultural land IS ,"VOI~;rhOW manv acres of sod are claSSified Within soil group 1 Land Ciassdicatlon System? 3Ges. (See "1 .'lYCRR 3(0). 4. Are there oed rock outcrooplngs on prolec:. site? =Yes ::;.No a. What ~s deoth::o oedrocJ<? 1'- \Jl<J<1J/ (in feet) % or site through 4 or the :"iY 2 5. ApproxImate percentage or proposed project site with slopes: 00-10% =15% or greater % CJ10-15% % ~,....., % 6. Is project substantially contiguous to, or contain a budding, site, or district listed on the State or the National Registers of Historic Places? i:JYes ~o 7. Is project substantially contiguous to a site listed on the Register or National Natural landmarks? DYes aNo r . 8. What is the depth of the water table? - (.p (in feet) jV;)CJ..: '3l'O"V~ VVa. t:JLr- 9. Is site located over a primary, principal, or sole source aquifer? DYes ~No QoydctY'r\.lncetd rn&, 10 0 h f ' h II h rt t tl t the pro,'ect area? "Yes .,..,.1'0 :r . 0 unting, isning or s e fis jng oppo uni ies presen y exis in '-' liJ1"I 11. Does project site coptain any species of plant or animal life that is identified as threatened or endangered? DYes 000 According to Identify each species 12. Are there any DYes unique or unusual land ~o Describe forms on the project site? (i.e.. cliffs, dunes, other geological formations) 13. Is the project site presently used by the community or neighborhood as an <:>pen- space or recreation area? DYes C314'0 If yes, explain 14. Does the present site include scenic views known to be important to the community? DYes 000 15. Streams within or contiguous to project area: (Ion e.. a. Name aT Stream and name of River to which it is tributary 16. lakes, ponds, wetland areas within or contiguous to project area: a. Name 17. Is the SIte served by existing public utilities? '5J!yes DNo a) If Yes, does sufficient capacity exist to allow connection? bJ If Yes, will improvements be necessary to allow connection? (\cn e. b. Size (In acres) e \e.c..m c.... iiJ"res uYes ONo 31<10 18. Is the site located in an agricultural district certified pursuant to Agriculture and Markets Law, Article 25-AA. SectIOn 303 and 304? DYes a-No 19. ls the site located in or substantially contiguous to a Critical Environmental Area designated pursuant to Article 8 of the ECl, and 6 NYCRR 6171 DYes QNo 20. Has the site ever been used for the disposal of soiid or hazardous wastes? DYes GNo B. Pr?ject Description 1. Physical dimenSions and scale of project (fill in dimensions as appropriat% a. T ctal contIguous acreage owned or controlled by prolect sponsor . L b. Project acreage to be develooed: C., L acres initially; 1,.,. ~ c. Project acreage to remain undeveloped no ('\ e.... acres. d. Length of pro,ect. in miles: r-..,;~ (If approqrlate) o If the project is an expansion. indicate percent or exoanslon proposed f\.J1tJ::t acres. acres ultimately. %, r. :'Jumber OT off-street parking spaces eXisting g. MaXimum vehicular en.os generated per hour 7.--c :; ; proposed (upon completion or project)? h. If ~esldential: Number and type OT housing units: One Familv Two Famiiv Multiple Family Condominium Inltiallv Ultlmateiv DlmenS.lons ii,". fee!) or largest iJrooosed 5truc:ure .. nelgm: ~ Width: ^'1fJ. length. Lmear reet or rrontage along a iJuoi1c :horoughrare prOlect wjj] OCCUQV 1St ft. 3 2. How much natural material (i.e., rock, earth, etc.) will be removed from the site? 2'SJ 61)0 tons/cubic yards 3. Will disturbed areas be reclaimed? ~e5 DNa ON/A . '"' a. If ves, for what intenc__ purpose is the site being reclaimed? hoY s..","f,(j ) Ov6'u';\ !_pA.c1idw't.._ b. Will topsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? ~es ...DNo c. Will upper subsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? IDes DNa 4. How many acres of vegetation (trees, shrubs. ground covers) will be removed from site? - 0- acres. 5. Will any mature terest (over 100 years old) or other locally-important vegetation be removed by this project' DYB ~o - 6. If single phase project Anticipated period of construction C.o 0 months. (including demolition), 7. If multi-phased: a. Total number of phases anticipated L (number). b. Anticipated date of commencement phase 1 (\1/1 I ;\-- month 1<1 q L::> year, (including demolitIOn). c. :,-pproximate completion date of final phase \\Il:l ~ month MID) year d. ls phase 1 functionally dependent on subsequent phases? ~s DNa' 8. Will .blasting occur during construction? DYes IJ!<l'6" 9. Number oi jobs generated: during construction 9l Number oi jobs eliminated by this project V"\/'I n e. Will project require relocation of any projects or facilities? ; after project is complete G 10. 11. DYes !S<No If yes. explain 12. Is surface liquid waste disposal involved? DYes &40 a. If yes, indicate type of waste (sewage, industrial, etc.) and amount t-J/ Pr 1r\' b. Name of water body into which effluent will be discharged Nf.... 13. Is subsurface liquid waste disposal involved? DYes 00'0 Type 14. Will surface area of an existing water body increase or decrease by proposal? DYes ~o Explain 15. Is project or any portion of project located in a 100 year flood plain? DYes &l<l'o 16. Will the project generate solid waste' DYes ~ a. If yes, what is the amount per month tons b. If yes, will an existing solid waste facility be used? DYes DNo c. If yes, give name location d. Will any wastes not go into a sewage disposal system or into a sanitary landfill? DYes L01<i'o e. If Yes, explain WirI the project involve the disposal oi sol id waste? DYes a. If yes, what is the anticipated rate oi disposal? ~f"Pr b. If yes, what is the anticipated site Iiie? .c, n years. 18. Will proJect use herbicides or pesticides? DYes wio 19. Will project routinely produce odors (more than one hour per day)? DYes ~o 5aNo 17. tons/month. 20. Will project produce operating noise exceeding the local ambient noise leveis? :JYes [jJj<fo 21. Will project result in an increase in energy use? If '{es indicate type{s) DYes 1Q!<l0 22. If water sucpiy is from weJls, indicate pumping capacity 2 "S Tota! anticipated water usage per day ) ceO gallons/day. gallons/minute. " -~. 24. Does project involve Local. State or Federai funding? If Yes. eXDlain "" (d" I DYes ~o 4 25. Approvals Required: City, Town, ViI !age Board City, Town, Village Planning Board City. Town Zoning Board City. County Health Department Other Local Agencies Other Regional Agencies State Agencies Federal Agencies Type Submittal Date 0Ves DNo DYes ~o DVes 19No DVes Qr(i 0 DVes 1DN0 DYes Q.l<( 0 Glf es DNo DVes oNo '16'NY'- brei 4/ .1-<; lei <..: . 'IRe.. ~ b <;14C: I ' C. Zoning and Planning Information 1. Does proposed action involve a pJanning or zoning decision? IT-V"s, indicate decision required: Dzoning amendment Dzoning variance Dspecial use permit Dsubdivision Onew/revision or master plan Dresource management plan Oother Q~VQroJ 'PtVLt.ztv,CLP DVes ~ Osite plan' iI. 2. What is the zoning classification(s)of the site? 3. What is the maximum potential development oi the site ii developed as permitted 4. What is the proposed zoning oi the site? by the present zoning? LT 5. \Vhat is the maximum (0,7_ potential development oi the site ii developed as permitted by the proposed zoning? 'D.L\'-e<,. wles ON 6. Is the proposed action consistent with the recommended uses in adopted local land use pians? 7. What are the predommant land use(s) and zoOlryg clasSliications ~'thm a ',4 mile radius oi proposed actlonl \ ~QV1 t- ::r::v, & 1{:z;,fvv1 J L t: - \/'J - 'S -1 AlL ~ ~ 8. Is the proposed actIon compatible With adjoinmgfsurrounding land uses Within a ',4 ~~e? !3'fe's 9. Ii the proposed actIon IS the subdiviSIon of land. how many lots are proposed? ~ a. What is the minimum lot size proposed? 01J<' 10. Will proposed action require any authorization(s) ior the formation oi sewer or water districts? DVes !Sl-/<I 11. Will the proposed acti9n create a demand for any community provided services (recreation. education. polic, fire protection)? I2'f es DNo a. If yes. is existing capacity sufficient to handle projected demand? ON. ~s. ONo 12. Will the proposed action result in the generation of traffic significantly above present levels? DYes [JJ<( a. If yes. is the existing road network adequate to handle the additional traffic? DVes CJNo. D. Informational Details Attach any additional information as may be needed to clarify your project. If there are or may be any adver5 imoac::s associated with your proposal, please discuss such impacts and the measures which VQU prooose to mitigate avoid ::nem. E. Verification j certjfy that the ~ Aoolicant,' Date 4-2..<;.40: are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form beiore proceeriir 5 ~ (.4 () ~ (.~ l,... fn ~ I~ 'L~ (_, ! lJ --..J , , , ~ o ~ EXCA VA TION PLAN OF PROPERTY FOR HAMPTON MA TERIALS ANQ HANDLING, INC. A T CUTCHOGUE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, N Y 1000 - 83 - 03 - 4.6 ~ C~cale: 1" = 30' " 0 10)5. ~ . 100' ~---~- r ~ - -1 May 24, 1996 8np~re~ . . 26,500 cu. yds material to be JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 SouthoJd, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Charles J. Voorhis, CEP, AICP Charles Voorhis & Associastes 54-2 North Country Road Miller Place, New York 11764 Jdi Dear Mr. Voorhis: The Southold town Board, at a regular meeting held on June 25, 1996, adopted a resolution requesting you to conduct a SEQRA review of the Long Environmental Assessment Form with respect to the application of North Fork Resources Inc. for a Salvage Center Permit at 8595 Cox Lane, Cutchogue, New York, at the agreed cost not to exceed $500.00. Application, LEAF, and pertinent information are enclosed herewith. Very truly yours, ~~ Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Enclosures cc: North Fork Resources Inc. Planning Board JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Charles J. Voorhis, CEP, AICP Charles Voorhis & Associastes 54-2 North Country Road Miller Place, New York 11764 Dear Mr. Voorhis: The Southold town Board, at a regular meeting held on June 25, 1996, adopted a resolution requesting you to conduct a SEQRA review of the Long Environmental Assessment Form with respect to the application of North Fork Resources Inc. for a Salvage Center Permit at 8595 Cox Lane, Cutchogue, New York, at the agreed cost not to exceed $500.00. Application, LEAF, and pertinent information are enclosed herewith. Very truly yours, ~~ Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Enclosures cc: North Fork Resources Inc. Planning Board JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS I.S TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON JUNE 25, 1996: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby engages the services of Charles J. Voorhis & Associates, Inc., at a cost not to exceed $500.00, to review the Long Environmental Assessment Form with respect to the application of North Fork Resources Inc. for a Salvage Center Permit at 8595 Cox Lane, Cutchogue, N. Y.; said review to include applicant's Part I, prepare a Part II and III, draft a proposed declaration, including a field inspection; the cost of said review to be paid by North Fork Resources Inc. prior to the commencement of the review. ~~~r / Southold Town Clerk June 26, 1996 APPLICATION FOR A SALVAGING CENTER IN THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD J< l~ ha.rd 11-; na~l J"y-- Name of Applicant, Individual, Q lane or Activi Noy+h tD{L e.e<;:6\J rCQ~ ~ Corporation or Partnership 11'13S Cl$"" Address of Business Exact Type of Business to be conducted O~. r~n, oCf - S1-t1L ,V\tU~S (&'W-K.-& Jrz1-IJQ+ I '5J.V\O ~). ~iJ\e f"lrwc,hed ~ . I am under 21 years of age Yes ../ Yes V No No I am a citizen of the United States No V" Convicted of Felony or Misdemeanor Yes Number of employees to be engaged \2- ~thtL\d fur1L~ 6-. ~ 32-3 A 2Yl~~ j"0lllQ 30 Name and Address of owner of lands and nature of the right of occupancy of the applicant to the use of such land. Applicant must file map or plan of real property upon which business is to be conducted with the following information: L::: Ptea.se ~e CL-~ched c. ()f'fI hereby certify that all the above information is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I will conduct the business pursuant to the regulations set forth in the Ordinance Licensing and Regulating Secondhand, Junk and Auto Parts Activities and Businesses. 1. 2. 3. 4. Location Loca tion Location Location of fence required. of buildings. of streets and highways. of water and gas mains. Sworn to before me this \q day of-.:ILne_ 19Q1.o. w. ,~/:~', ;U<--'JG'~""o~~y L~'ub'l :~L UNDA J, COOPER ~otary Public. State of Np.\llf York _ ~'ir)_~:-?::25r33. S~f+oik C:)unt'.,.O~. .. __. :-, .,-, i....<-- Answers to questions on p.l of Application for Regulating... 1. Location of operation - corner of Cox Lane and Oregon Rd. 2. Reference all information from site plan. A) Existing Parking 35,000 sq. ft. B) Proposed Parking - 60,000 sq. ft. 5. No containers necessary / materials need ground s~orage / pyramidal stockpiles. 4. Storage facilities as per site plan / pre-existing metal building. JrT~ .~ fcep 1 ic :;c.: ..~.9. !=;!;.J:l... .If.9.f.~.. g.~~.9.\<f.<;:.!ls.,...J.llC. ,.. ..... ...... .................. .............. ......... . . :::<:.2,s:f .';p f: . :02.0: ..... !??}.~.. .~.9." ..J..!W.~ /.. ..\;!,l.1:.::;.J:l.9.g.\l,~.,-.. ~X...ll ~.:,J.~ ......... ........ .......... :: 6:21 :ec s:ater;-:,n: JT ,reposed oserations ....~g.R.<...);!:l.~.,...jo1.9.\l,,l,-';'(...U.J\:."'...;j....p.!O.~ro.i.t...t:.Q. be aggeoved foe the crushing of concrete and natural sand-stone to develpg !? r ad uc:ts'" Ch'at.c 0'':; i d" 'b~'" s'old' ";;"nct"'d is';:;::;': b;:{;: e'd" ~'n' "the'" N;;'~th "'?';;~'k" 'e'-;;"'h e 1 p \ e s .tal:?.+.j, s.J:l.. .n..~jo1. .l:?Il.s.i,P.~s..;;.. ..~.9.LNf..!.\ I.. .JI1.<;:.................. ...... '" ...... .......... .... ........................... We also want the ability to segarate and screen materials such as stone, 9 r a vei-,.. '-'::-0 g-soi'j;' '-a:nd"crtlstrec-"c-on=ete .;...:.".:::::....... ....................... ......~.... ............. .... , '2. - ~:2;I~d s:::terr.;~::: .JT prcccsed cperatians Request permi t to grade .parking area to ................................................................................. l'=ve.1...~.t.g.;::~cj.E!...t.Cl...~~.l.P....f.<:<;:.~}.~~~.~e equigment parking and stoeage and gr.oposed operations eequestea oy..N't;'!l.;...Tiic.:...wni.C"li'..i.iilT...t'~lrs:t:s-t...Cf.. off ?.J;".9Q.~.;:~y..~.?:.~.~_;:.~.~~...~~.~~~.~~f;.~ .~~d. se9arations oi gravel and sand from of;her . ., )ob si tes. This eequese nIl al.so...n.ilfi...t:6...9.celya:r.e...t1re...91:'O.P~.1:e7..f.or fut;:ure OU~-o.~.~9.~._~;h-.~~.__~.~.~)...~~ f)roposec for NFR lIne.. and submi tted to c.he Town af' Southold. .Hl '.o'cj{"'ariCi"'s'c:ie'eiil"rig...t'o"'o'e"coii."e'''C'ii'''s.tt'E!'''L'}-""a:cr;'crdcln"ce '.i th apP'r.o.1le.<:l...'-:o;C.k...p~ans. Please note: All 'topsoil '.ill not be ::-emoved from: f)cemises but 'Will' oe...9iif..Tiic.c;..f.ocmfii:g:...a....o.u.rrrC.a.:t.OtiiiC...:::re....~.e.t.'..:!:lt1EH:.ers 01: c:: ?coperty Co be 9lanted with trees and evergreens and seed~d. ................................................................................................................................................. .~ 14.16.2 (2J87l-7e 617.21 Appendix A Slate Environmental Quality Review FULL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM SEQR Purpose: The full EAF is designed to help applicants and agencies determine. in an orderly manner, whether a project or action may be significant. The question of whether an action may be significant is not always easy to answer. Frequent. Iy, there are aspects of a project that are subjective or unmeasureable. It is also understood that those who determine significance may have little or no formal knowledge of the environment or may be technically e.xpert in environmental analysis. In addition, many who have knowledge in one particular area may not be aware of the broader concerns affecting the question of significance. The full EAF is intended to provide a method whereby applicants and agencies can be assured that the determination process has been orderly, comprehensive in nature, yet flexible to allow introduction of information to fit a project or action. Full EAF Components: The full EAF is comprised of three parts: Part 1: Provides objective data and information about a given project and its site. By identifying basic project '. data, it assists a reviewer in the analysis that takes place in Parts 2 and .r Part 2: Focuses on identifying the range of possible impacts that may occur from a ptoject or action. It provides guidance as to whether an impact is likely to be considered small to moderate or whether it is a potentially- large impact. The form also identifies whether an impact can be mitigated or reduced. Part 3: If any impact in Part 2 is identified as potentially-large, then Part 3 is used to evaluate whether or not the impact is actually important. DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE - Type 1 and Unlisted Actions Identify the Portions oi EAF completed for this project: 0 Part 1 _ Part 2 OPart 3 Upon review of the iniormation recorded on this EAF (Parts 1 and 2 and 3 if appropriate), and any other supporting information, and considering both the magltude and importance of each impact, it is reasonably determined by the lead agency that: o A. The project will not result in any large and important impactis) and. thereiore, is one which will not have a significant impact on the environment, therefore a negative declaration will be prepared. o B. Although the project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect for this Unlisted Action because the mitigation measures described in PART 3 have been required, therefore a CONDITIONED negative declaration will be prepared.' o C. The project may result in one or more large and important impacts that may ~ave a significant impact on the environment, therefore a positive declaration will be prepared. ,. A Conditioned Negative Declaration is only valid for Uniisted Actions Ncv+h f6rl ~Sd)n(r JIS Name of Action ::>6LL+ho ti :-The /."""' lGV\.:v\ Name or Lead Agencv +1r-tU-d Pnnt or Type Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Signature of R.esponsible Officer 10 Lead Agencv ~' )\.\..\ \ Title of Responslbie Otiicer _21d111Irti?r"LnCL'p I ;)lgnature or Preoarer (It different rrom resDonSlble officer) ~ilqq0 Date PART 1-PROJECT INFORMATION Prepared by Project Sponsor NOTICE: This document is designed to assist in determining whether the action proposed may have a significant erfec on the environment. Please complete the entire form, Parts A through E. Answers to these questions will be considere' as part or the application for approval and may be subject to further verification and public review. Provide any additionc information you believe will be needed to complete Parts 2 and 3. It is expected that completion of the full EAF will be dependent on information currently available and will not involv new studies. research or investigation. If information requiring such additional work is unavailable, so indicate and specif each instance. fA! \ IQ~o IT 4~O Please Complete Each Question-Indicate N.A. if not applicable A. Site Description Physical setting of overall project. 1. Present land use: DUrban o Forest both developed and undeveloped Q(.;dustrial OCommercial OAgriculture OOther (0.2... areas. o Residential (suburban) ORural (non-farrr 2. Total acreage of project area: -APPROXIMATE ACRE.A.GE Meadow or Brushland (Non-agricultural) Forested Agricultural (Includes orchards. cropland. pasture. etc.) W'etland (Freshwater or tidal as per Articles 24. 25 of ECL) Water Surface Area Unvegetated (Rock. earth or iill) Roads. buildings and other paved surraces Other [Indicate type) acres. , I PRESENTL ~ "'1 acres acres acres acres acres AFTER COMPLETION ~ acres acres acres acres acres '-j L..... acres acres acres acres acres acres "Yl VI ti.~ I bcv"YY"\ or ~te OModerateiy well drained 3. 'Nhat is Dredominant soil type(s) on projec~ site? a. Sod drainage: ~ell drained Ie 0 % % or site C:Pooriv drained % or site b. If any agncultural land is Invoive,1. how many acres of soil are classified wIthin soil grouQ "1 Land ClaSSification Systeml I\JfPt acres. 'See 1 .'iYCRR 370). I . J. Are there beorock outcroppings on prorec:. site? '_ ',,-,<;"i a. \I'lhat is death -to bedrock? ~'v through .1 of the >~y =Yes c:iNo (in feet) 2 5. Approximate percentage of proposed project site with slopes: :=0-10% 015 % or greater % 010-15% ~r"\ % % 6. Is project substantially contiguous to, or contain a building, site, or district. listed on the State or the National Registers of Historic Places? DYes !2'No 7. Is project substantially contiguous to a site listed on the Register or National Natural Landmarks? DYes ~o /V::)i::..a..: S~.'xJ vva -f2,- ; ISNo QordCl,Y'f\.lncCta.d fu~ ~,/, Qt.']', ~o 8. What is the depth or the water table? 9. t ("p (in feet) Is site located over a primary, principal, or sole source aquifer? DVes 10. Do hunting, fishing or shell fishing opportunities presently exist in the project area? 11. Does project site cOj1tain any species of plant or animal life that is identified as DVes lSl1<io According to identify each species DVes threatened or endangered? 12. Are there any DVes unique or g:lo unusual land Describe forms on the project site? (i.e.. cliffs, dunes, other geological formations) 13. is tbe project site presently used by the community or neighborhood as an upen space or recreatiol'> area? DVes c:lf:ro If yes, explain 14. Does .the present site indude scenic views known to be important to the community? DVes 000 15. Streams within or contIguous to project area: (\Dn e. a. Name or Stream and name of River to which it is tributary 16. Lakes, ponds, wetland areas within or contiguous to projec~ area: (\01'\ e. a. Name b. Size (In acres) 17. Is the site served by existing public utilities? stYes ONo a) if Yes, does sufficient capacity exist to allow connection? b) If Yes, will improvements be necessary to aJlow connection? e le.c..-m c... ~es eVes !JNo r"" .::rN 0 18. is the site located in an agricultural district certified pursuant to Agriculture and Markets Law, Article 25-AA, Sec~ion 303 and 3041 !JVes BNo 19. Is the site located in or substantially contiguous to a Critical Environmental Area designated pursuant to Article 8 of ~he EeL, and 6 NVCRR 6171 !JVes ~o 20. Has the site ever been used for the disposal or solid or hazardous wastes? !JVes ~o 8. Project Description 1. Phvsical dimensions and scale of project (fill in dimensions as appropriatt a. T otaJ contiguous acreage owned or controlled by project sponsor - L b. Prroject acreage to be develooed: if) L acres initially; V. 2.- c. Project acreage to remain undeveloped no ("'\ e.... acres. d. Length or :Jro.iect, in miies: r-v~ (If appropriate) c if the :Jrorec: is an expanSion, indicate oercent or exoansion prooosed acres. acres ultimately. 1'v1~ %: ;'\Jumoer or orr-:5tree! ;Jarking spaces existing g. ,\.1axlmum venicuiar tnps generated per hour 7.--c :; , proposed (upon completion or project)? h. if ~e5ldential: Number and type or housing units: One Famllv Two Familv Multiple ramdv Condominium !ninajjv L'ltimareiv JimenSlons (in ieetl of largest ~roposed mucture tJ~ helgnt: ~ Width: 1v1{j length. L.lnear feet or rrontage 3.1ong a ;:JueJic :horoughrare prOJect wdl OCCUPY :s? tt. ^ " 2. How much natural material (i,e., rock, earth, etc.) will be removed from the site? Z'SJ 6'1}l.:) tons/cubic yards 3. Will disturbed areas be reclaimed' ~es DNa DN/A I I ~.-L . a. If yes, for what intend_~ purpose is the site being reclaimed' ~y S..'\il\Q OvCS(J.y\ I P'~lC:'GlW'-. b. Will topsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? 13Yes .-DNa c. Will upper subsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? IDes DNa 4. How many acres of vegetation (trees. shrubs. ground covers) will be removed from site? - 0- acres. 5. Will any mature terest (over 100 years old) or other [ocally-important vegetation be removed by this project? DY~ ~o . 6. [f single phase project Anticipated period of construction ~ 0 months. (including demolition). 7. If multi-phased: a. Total number 01 phases anticipated Z- (number). b. Anticipated date 01 commencement phase 1 (\{Ill ( ;\-- month _J'1 q IJ7 year, (including demolition). c. -Approximate completion date 01 final phase \\JIl ~ month MD I year. d. .15 phase 1 functionally dependent on subsequent phases? ~s DNo Will .blasting occur during construction? DYes ~ Number 01 jobs generated: during construction 91 Number of jobs eliminated by this project Y"'\IW"I e.. ; aiter project is complete Co 8. 9. 10. 11. Will project require relocation of any projects or facilities? DYes ~o If yes. explain 12. Is surlace liquid waste disposal involved? DYes 000 a. If yes, indicate type 01 waste (sewage, industrial, etc.) and amount ~/Pr %' b, Name of water body into which elfluent will be discharged Nf ~ Is subsurface liquid waste disposal involved? DYes 00'0 Type 13. 14. Will surface area 01 an existing water body increase or decrease by proposal? DYes ~o Explain 15. Is project or any portion 01 project located in a 100 year Ilood plain? DYes ~o 16. Will the project generate solid waste? DYes ~ a. II yes. what is the amount per month tons b. II yes, will an existing solid waste facility be used? DYes DNo c. If yes, give name location d. Will any wastes not go into a sewage disposal system or into a sanitary [andfill? DYes ~o e. If Yes, explain 17. Wit! the project involve the disposal 01 solid waste? DYes ~o a. II yes, what is the anticioated rate 01 disposal? 1v'fPr tons/month. b. If yes, what is the anticIpated site lile? C, () years. 18. Wii! project use herbicides or pesticides? DYes llil<io 19. Will project routinely produce odofs (more than one hour per day)? DYes ~o 20. Will project produce operating noise exceeding the local ambient noise leveis? DYes ~o 21. Will prOlect result In an increase in energy use? if ves , indicate type(s} ..,.., I f water SUPOIV is from wells. indicate pumpmg capacity 2 "S 1 '-."i) 13. Total antIcipated water usage per day ...... l,;{,.... gallonsidav. DYes ~o gallons/minute. 24. Does pro!ect mvoive Local. State or Federal funding? If Yes. ,=xoiain 1Vf (d' ~Yes ~o .j '. 25. Approvals Required: City, Town, Vil!age Soard City, Town, Village Planning Soard City, Town Zoning Board City, County Health Department Other Local Agencies Other Regional Agencies State Agencies Federal Agencies Type Submittal Date 2lYes DNo CjYes ~o DYes ~o DYes GfNo DYes [J;H(io DVes QI<( 0 Gi'Yes DNo DVes oNo --rO"'N )'""\ ~rei -=tJ ). s lei <.: , IRe... ~ p <; }'9 r.: C. Zoning and Planning Information 1. Does proposed action involve a planning or zoning decision? Ii. Yes, indicate decision required: Dzoning amendment Dzoning variance Dspecial use permit Dsubdivision Dnewlrevision of master plan Dresource management plan Dother 2. What is the zoning classification(s)of the site? Q a\VY\J\'lQ\.tCJ (!l) ~z;tvla-P I T. 3. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the present zoning? 4. What is the proposed zoning of the site? 5. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the proposed zoning? Co .7_ '(l0-e<' DVes ~ Dsite plan' LT ~s 6. 15 the proposed action consistent with the recommended uses in adopted local land use plans? 7. What are the predominant land use(s) and zoning clasSifications ~'thin a V. mile radius of proposed actIon? \~tj\rlt- ~l.h'2;>tV\fd U:- \,^J- 'S j AlL 1n ~ 8 15 the proposed actIon compatible wIth adjOining/surrounding land uses wIthin a V. T~el ~s 9. If the proposed actIon 15 the subdiviSion of land, how many lots are proposed? ~ a. What is the minimum lot size proposed? 01K 10. Will proposed action require any authorization(s) for the formation of sewer or water districts? Will the proposed acti9n create a demand for any community provided fire protectionl? l\d'Yes DNo a. If yes, is existing capacity sufficient to handle projected demand? 11. ON, ON DYes &ri services (recreation, education, policf ~s. DNo 12. Will the proposed action result in the generation of traffic significantly above present levels? DVes ~ a. If yes, is the existing road network adequate to handle the additional traffic? DVes ~No- D. Informational Details Attach any additional iniormation as mav be needed to clarify your projec:. If there are or may be any advers impacts associated with your proposal. please discuss such impacts and the measures which you propose to mitigate avoid them. E. Verification I certify ~ Date 4-2..<;4<+ are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form beiore proceeciir