HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/05/1993 nSHERS ISLAND CIVIC ASSOClA nON HARBOR COMMITTEE MINUTES Saturday, June 5th, 1993 4:00pm at the Fishers Island School D~'(AfT Present: Frank Bohlen, Cindy Gillan, Leslie Goss, Steve Malinowski, Harris Parsons, Bill Ridgway, Scudder Sinclair, Ray Edwards, John Clavin, Tom Doherty. Carol Ridgway, President, Civic Association. Tom Doyen, Chippy duPont, Cynthia Estabrooks, David Patterson, David Wilmerding. Guest: Absent: After the members and ex-officio members of the Fishers Island Civic Association's Harbor Committee introduced thelTlselve~ to one another, Chairwoman Goss called the meeting to order. A slight departure from the agenda occurred when Judge Edwards presented a letter (attached) from Southold Town Supervisor Scott Harris responding to Carol Ridgway's May 24th letter re- acquainting the Town with the Civic Association's Harbor Committee. Upon committee review of the letter, Goss questioned Judge Edwards about the intent of the letter. She queried as to why it would be necessary for the Town Board to communicate committee recommendations to/through the Harbormaster when the Harbormaster is an ex-officio member of the committee. He stated that as the Harbormaster is under contract with the Town, the Town would act expressly on the Harbormaster's recommendations and good judgement. Judge Edwards gave a lengthy review of the history of the position of the Fishers Island Harbormaster and commended Harbormaster Clavin for his efforts over the years. Harbormaster Clavin expressed serious concern about the Carol Ridgway letter to the Town Board and the unapproved minutes of a recent Civic Association Board of Directors meeting that touched on the purpose of the Harbor Committee, strategies to pursue to ensure Town Board cooperation and the Harbormaster position. He said that statements in the letter and the minutes were threatening to his tenure as Harbormaster. Goss responded that the Ridgway letter was merely an attempt to re-acquaint the Town with the existence of the committee and to communicate that the President would rely on the committee for recommendations on harbor management policy. Goss also stated that it was an unfortunate coincidence that the Civic Board of Directors is currently discussing Town appointed positions, including that of the Harbormaster (with regard to the Growth Plan Update) while the Harbor Committee attempts to establish a working relationship with the Harbormaster. Goss expressed the thanks of the committee to the Harbormaster for his commitment to the job and requested that the Harbormaster not take offense by recent discussions and actions of various committees he perceived as threatening. HarbonnasteL'1; '<):;l Harbor RegulatiQllli DRAFT Rl'lurning to the agenda, Ilarbormastcr Clavin then provided committee members with the attached Harbor Regulations -- 1993. Goss enquired about the minimum 18 years of age for boat operators. Clavin responded that 18 years is state law and that he would conduct two seminars this summer at the Yacht Club to licence operators between the ages of 11 and 18. I-Ianis Parsons asked if breakaway floating docks fell under the purview of the Harbormaster or Bay Constables as he saw nothing to indicate such in the Harbor Regulations. He stated that these docks can cause significant damage to boats, other docks and shoreline property. Both Doherty and Clavin stated that they haven't had the occasion to respond to any incidents involving breakaway floating docks. Bohlen and Sinclair suggested somehow branding floating docks so to notify owners when they have broken free. A committee member stated that there has been high incidence of anchored boats inside clearly marked channels (whether or not unintentional). Doherty and Clavin urged anyone to call them in their capacity as Bay Constables anytime to clear channels. Bill Ridgway asked how visitors to West Harbor are accommodated with moorings whether they are guests/friends of islanders or transients. Clavin responded that there is a courtesy mooring program (27 moorings) for guests/friends of islanders that communicate with the Harbormaster or the marina several days in advance. He stated that Pirate's Cove has two moorings available to anyone. Goss queried as to whether the two Pirate's Cove moorings were enough to accommodate transients who mayor may not have loose affiliation with Fishers Island. She suggested that six moorings represented a more credible effort to demonstrate hospitality and honor reciprocal agreements with cruising clubs. Bill Ridgway stated that two years ago there were no transient moorings and that the two we have now represent progress and improvement in this area. Malinowski queried as two whether the area east of the Pirate's Cove channel inside of the rock pile off of Burr's beach should be designated for any number of transient moorings (two to six, for instance) with no anchoring allowed. He suggested that this may be a way to track and manage Iive-aboard-boat pollution in West Harbor if there is a known, not-to-exceed number of live aboards inside that rock pile. Transients unable to use a mooring designated as such would anchor outside the rock pile where currents and better flushing would diminish impacts of live aboard pollution. Bohlen interjected at this point and expressed frustration that details were being discussed absent a larger plan for West Harbor. He suggested there were several larger questions that needed asking, for instance, does the committee want cruisers to stay away from the harbor? How can the pollution from live aboards be better managed? How does the committee protect Fishers Island interests? Etc.... Parsons agreed that it is pointless to discuss what areas of the harbor are designated . ., ... DRAFT [or \'\!hlCh Llctivilil'S unlil lht' C01l1111iucl' decides \vhal il "wants' lor the harbor to begin with. Bohlen suggested that information be gathered concerning "zero discharge zone" requirements from federal, state and local authorities to aide the committee in determining whether or not to become a "closed" harbor (no boats in the harbor unless equipped for zero discharge areas, providing pump out facilities etc..). There are several other harbors in the area being considered for such a designation by their local communities Other information (legal cite) regarding authority of the Bay Constables to conduct random dye testing will also be investigated. Judge Edwards and Harbormaster Clavin agreed to report back to the committee with the above information and asked that Coss investigate the above specifically with EPA Region II in New York. Open Discussion With the discussion on West Harbor planning tabled until further research has been conducted, the committee moved into open discussion. Parsons asked Clavin and Doherty about their jurisdiction over and protection for East Harbor. Both responded that they occasionally cruise East Harbor to "make their presence known". Coss expressed concern about specifically listing East Harbor in the Town Code as a measure of further protection because the harbor would then become subject to all Town Code restrictions and requirements. Malinowski reminded the committee that the Bay Constables have jurisdiction of all the waters around Fishers Island to 1500 feet. Bohlen asked Judge Edwards and Harbormaster Clavin how much money collected from the Fishers Island mooring application fees came back to Fishers Island for harbor management. Judge Edwards replied that money came back in the form of goods and services. Committee members suggested that the total allotted to goods and services fell far short of the amount collected. Bohlen became fairly adamant about correcting this discrepancy and urged Judge Edwards to look into the situation. Harbormaster Clavin requested assistance from the committee to contact John Thatcher of the Fishers Island Conservancy to conduct more frequent and regularized water quality testing of island harbors. Goss mentioned that at its April 17th meeting, the committee had determined to contact Thatcher with a similar request and that a joint letter of request might be a good idea. The committee adjourned at 5:45pm without setting another meeting date. Respectfully Submitted, Leslie O. Goss