HomeMy WebLinkAboutFelinger-Ihar, John & Olivia " ...... . JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK RU,ISTRAR 01" VITAL ST\lISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765.1801 August 23, 1982 Mr. Henry E. Raynor, Jr., Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Dear Henry: With reference to your letter of August 19, 1982 re: John & Olivia Fellinger-Ihar proposed Woodbine Manor Major Subdivision, I offer the following excerpts from the Town Board Minutes pertaining to same: February 8, 1977 - Resolution of Town Board denying request for cluster subdivision as inappropriate for the area. Various dates - correspondence relative to sale of parcel of land by Fellinger-Ihar to Town of Southold to be used for drainage purposes. August 5, 1977 - Received filing fee of $185.00 for Woodbine Manor Major Subdivision. July 25, 1978 - Resolution authorizing Supervisor to enter into contract with Fellinger-Ihar for purchase of approximately 1 acre of land, together with twenty-foot easement running from said parcel to Duck Pond Road, Cutchogue, for the consideration of $1,500.00. (Deed on file in my office.) October 4, 1978 - Received inspection fee of $2640.00 for Wood- bine Manor Major Subdivision. January 2, 1979 - Resolution setting January 23, 1979 for public hearing on application of Fellinger-Ihar for Soil Removal Permit. March 13, 1979 - Resolution granting Soil Removal Permit to Fellinger-Ihar to: remove excess material from their Woodbine Manor Subdivision, which material was removed from a one acre recharge basin, and two additional recharge basins. Permit expired September 30, 1979. The deed referred to above (July 25, 1978) does not contain any agreement relative to waiving or reducing performance bond, and I do not find anything further in the Town Board minutes relative to same. Very truly yours, cc: Town Board Members ~r Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk . . Southold,N.Y.l!97! HENRY E. RAYNOR, Jr. , Chairman JAMES WALL BENNETT ORLOWSKI, Jr. GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, Jr. WILUAM F. MULLEN, Jr. RECEIVED. TELEPHONE 765.1938 AUG 6 0 1982. Town Clerk Southold August 19, 1982 Southold Town Board Southold Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Re: John & Olivia Fellinger-Ihar Proposed Woodbine Manor Subdivision Gentlemen: Our office is in receipt of correspondence from Shepard M. Scheinberg, Esq. indicating there were certain waivers granted to this subdivision by the Town Board. We would appreciate a copy of this agreement at your earliest con- venience so that we may reply to his letter. Thank you for your cooperation. very truly yoursr H~':.Q3~J~~~,Ot Southold Town Planning Board sel cc: Shepard M. Scheinberg, Esq. . . SCHEINBERG, DE PETRIS & PRUZANSKY COUNSELORS AT LAw 220 ROANOKE AVENUE AUG 16 REC'D POST OFFICE BOX l'5Q9 ISIDORE SCHE:INSe:RG EMIL F. Oe: PETRIS SHEPARD M. SCHEINBERG JOSHUA M. PRUZANSKY RICHARD E. DE PETRIS RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK 11901 MURRAY e.SCHN~PS 15161727-5100 01'" COUNSEL August 6, 1982 Town 0 f Southol d Planning Board Main Road Cutchogue, New York 11935 Attention: Mr. Henry E. Raynor, Jr., Chairman Re: John & Olivia Fellinger-Ihar Proposed Woodbine Manor Subdivision Oear Mr. Raynor: Concurrent to the sending to you of the within letter, I have sent to you another letter relative to the overall proposed subdivision of Woodbine Manor. The purpose of this letter is to request the Planning Board's approval of the waiver of obtaining the final approval of the major subdivision of Woodbine Manor, or the necessity of obtaining a minor subdIvison of the overall property of Woondbine Manor into two parcels, one parcel being the property shown as proposed Lot No. 21 and the other par- cel being the remainder of the proposed subdIvision map. The proposed Lot No. 21 is presently improved by an old barn and the parcel is the subject of a proposed sale to one, Guy T. Parisi, whose intention is to convert the barn into a residence. Request is hereby made to the Planning Board of the Town of Southold to permit the Fellinger-Ihars to convey, by a metes and bounds description, the parcel of land shown as proposed Lot No. 21 on a proposed major subdivision map of Woodbine Manor without the necessity of finaliz- ing the major subdIvision or obtaining approval of a formal minor subdivision of the property. May I please hear from ljou at your earliest convenience. , :A Ai, ' r \ . - \ '. ~ \'~ SMS:1jc cc: Mr. & Mrs. John Fellinger-Ihar Very truly yours, S~~~~~~;:!~V) .' . . COUNSELORS AT LAw 220 ROANOKE AVENUE AUG 16 REeD SCHEINBERG, DE PETRIS & PRUZANSKY POST OFPle!!: BOX ~99 ISIDORE: SCHEINBERG EMIL F. De: PETRI$ SHEPARD M. SCHEINBERG .JOSHUA M. PRUZANSKY RICHARD E. DE PETRIS RlVERliEAD, NEW YORK 11901 MURRAY El. SCHNEPS OF COUNSJ;I.. 15161727-5100 August 6, 1982 Town of Southold Planning Board Main Road Cutchogue, New York 11935 Attention: Mr. Henry E. Raynor, Jr. Chairman Re: John ~ Olivia Fellinger-Ihar Proposed Woodbine Manor Subdivision Dear Mr. Raynor: On January 30, 1978, the Planning Board passed a resolu- tion approving the final map of the subdivision known as Woodbine Manor, subject to the following: (1) The aproval of the Suffolk County Health De- partment (which approval has been obtained). (2) The approval of the Suffolk County Oepartment of Environmental Control (Which approval has been ob- tained) . (3) Lot numbers being placed on the Suffolk County map by the Real Property Tax Agency (Which has been com- pleted) . (4) Receipt of bond by Town Clerk and receipt of inspection fee by the Town Clerk. As to item #4, there had been, after January 30, 1978, negotiations with the Town relative to the amount of the performance bond and whether there would be a necessity of obtaining same. It appears that an agreement was made by the Town and the Fellinger-Ihars that the Fellinger-Ihars would sell to the Town of Southold one acre, more or less, of property located within the pro- posed subdivision plus a drainage easement wherein the Town would pay to the Fellinger-Ihars the sum of $1,500. The parties established that the value of the one acre, more or less, and easement had a value of $13,000 so that the bal ance 0 f $11,500 woul d be a gi ft or dedica- tion to the Town by the Fellinger-Ihars. The agreement further provided that the Fellinger-Ihar's would not be required to post a performance bond but that final ap- proval of the subdivision map would be conditioned upon c-'\:'t> .'-\ , \>-z... /, J 1'...\" I',A ..( . l c' ~\", .' . . AUG 16 REC'D Town of Southol d Henry E. Ra ynor, Page 2 - Planning Board Jr., Chairman the completion of the improvements to the lots, etc., subject to the approval of the Town. The Fellinger- Ihars were required to pay a fee in the amount of $2,640 to cover the inspection fees as to be made by the Town to verify that the improvements were made satisfactory to the Town specIfications. On October 4, 1918, the Town Clerk received the $2,640. I enclose a copy of the receipt for your edification. By reason of the economic atmosphere, the real estate market covering vacant lots in the Town of Southold in the area of the location of Woodbine Manor has been poor. As a result, the Fellinger-Ihars have not com- pleted the final surfacing of the roads within the pro- posed subdIvision. I would greatly appreciate your contacting the Town En- gineer, as well as the Superintendent of HI ghways, to inspect the improvements already made as located within the proposed subdivision to ascertain an estimate of the cost of the completion of the improvements so that a bond amount may be determined, which the Fellinger-Ihars could post and obtain final approval of their subdIVi- sion map. May I please hear from you. Very truly yours, SH~~~~~~~\ SMS:ljc Enclosure cc: Mr. & Mrs. John Fellinger-Ihar --~'--~~-'-~~'-'-'.----" .. _"n,.,.-~---.r"""""-""-~~'~"~;<~. ...... ~~,~'~:;(3':R<~,~::\'T!:~;';-~~:~l~~~f.l'i':;;'~d;~~SS'~~ , ) . \. .-tL,- . . ,/\ (!. , I ~. t ,.... ---.------- $"'"~"N,~",,,,~,,_,,~'r,':"':~;~;~"',;:::'" '\ r""'o,. .{ ..."'"~ 1t:'" "I r ", '--' . L .,fw'~",",', ~,.,,'lt lJ"',,,,,,,,,~,,,...-- ''''''''''''',if'''''''. .."" vd',,;>[Je,t. l'ili OCt'''' ~ " '';4 :'\oy;rOfU,t ;. I 1- .:j..e.po/l.;:..PU:'lvL lb...nn, .:'HJ{Je1i..bdfi'f!t.J..!.n;L " I l/.l.J.'1/Ui...(;;tj.iJ -tf 'J j' eJ:.tJnic Lan;:~ . ' " II,?,".',',,' ;.'je,Cl}yu"'G, /' ~:~~ ,I./"/J..,:"~ .J' {iewt j'A,.. j.h..~[at.. (4!.12, G/-oL"1.f). ;fa t..iAl:: lOlL /teJ..u!/ j.OIt. 4l.Jl'i.f,rci.r'f/ ()i.IIl, it.;,~ .i..n..:i~/u.oji 1'...o(.lL~~ .c~~}/-))fIJxi.J.'rJ..,t.el.././ 1, \'A}') >",.~r:.~i~ J"Ji'~h CL>-6~f In:))!.e .than J;,'I.~ (XX). (0. TfIi.A lI>>uld C/~et:de :;, ;"w,c.:tLcnl, di./l.1..,~,:l:;! crW 11I'lJ1.I2,Ce,l- "j(;[)1.!J' /1.t.1./t.(J.~1hip {..oIL _l..uJ..~ju!-, JpJ..d m~ i:Jud n~~ laave ;t-:l 1)0 ,t) :JOlt <tJ/r ;'t~hL/j I~:\~ 01. OJfl/Ji.;j,'Z/I..(i.ti..iH1,. '.-:-or,,,,,,,,J>t..:tj' -"J"'- "('1m ..l~"d.~ i,f"....n'.1I'1i;.2. .J'i;;C,LJ"~~:...(.\.A;"./ ~ 'f' ,Lf~"",, .... _'J>:- .f.....l.4f.1'..-7 0/ jou:iJ1.0L:l uJiJ.).. i)'~ h.elci. 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"U (me!. /.ana on O!.(' 12" iJli.d: UJel1-6uW. , J~':' v:d A'J:)c:ru, or aef"'Wwooi:Jd!f 1, (}(;(), 1o"'}. t1cco~./.o ihe en.H..de i.n <hlA,'JO<l4e.Mi..on, :toLl i::ve .,.Ae. ;"4Jld. m pf!/l.mi.;t thi..n r14ked f.~'J:. ",.eli..e;!. ]n:th.i...tJ u~m.e.t"A!# .Jiiudi.tJn (U}f6 ':j(}nh i..n;lP..f.tJ2.,,!Ji) !,,';/i:.t!!/L4? iAt'A€, u,rJ/l,ac.i.i...caL1:!: rwde'7YJlUi ji:/l. ./;.'4 (',t? CI.)uL:i fL?;L ai/:C'u1 il) &JJ1/ace hIe /Wad" CICCOlu'J.mj it> tAt! rolJllAhi.p opecif1-cd;.Wtl. ik~fp-4L>2 (i,jked J.eu./...t {J)fJltDav.u~} con.i:A.ac:l:oltd io ~ve IUJ eAtLrJiC)..tt!.d, r~ftiJ:.A i./uey, ::O&'Le rU~\,t r."~}. .to d,~ o~cau..:ie . ,.l_' . I. .. I _,j , .lj " . II. .< ''i . J' '1' . /. If OWl, NJa,c.1 Cute?, ,.iJ,;U,.(J.JL42, ~WZVe.c... Mc.w..,d !.ifJ.lf ~N'L!} ~:~'elu2 !W..;C U,l(..M~!. ,".Iei' "'(MA!G'A' _'!J)'iu"", /lO;to"..(.A,...(.efi.....::J ;!::JmLx in aLl.. fJCfXN1.t/iJu; ib iift. 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Pltl:!.&..:1 ami: Lon; .:/~L_'/mJ aU//. -'},ion ;:Of{f'Utiu:.O. ~j, ..JinceA~; ljw.I1h-!J .'Eu .'ft... ..'Pdl to ;b)I/K~1hLD Re<:iw/t:lc'e b.' . ~ llL U .' ) ,~ 5.i.n.CPJLe.lv-I""; U1I4, i , ~' J~' e,~ .in. ~u.cj,~ C(lAe.~i i.n i - /t./!~;JI?K.m lall.. f,'!{)/.i.t ,dClii.A,[acirM.i.l ,; (: ,'4-': ;~i' ';l( ~!,..;.:;t ,~~i:f- l.,,~ J>.!:; jl!1)~?/t.~1t ..., F~' ':!'ii. .1i'b' c:i,~;~ ,J;" }#0:il. <ni~; ~,.x: .~.~ ".:~f;." _r~V'~ I" ~t' i ~;,': Fot:-' ~it;, ". ~J '!i"-'~ :!:~i ,";yr; I: ''"'''f ilti. ~. ~'~ i~ ~j", :Ji:' ~; .~" l~~> ~A ~; .~" ,',':' j,}:, :~, I\if.~ "l.' ~, ': "~:! , 'J ;<-~~ ;i~~.. 1't~.,,: ~'; M' ~t ~ lV/Vi O.ila- , F!?.lJ.i.nt~e/L-JhuA 1\' , , ~ , ., -. .... . )78) uu-CJ'< '/VtKL hond - :>>x 4-7 ~utdwjue, "'eJ.1! 1o;J( 77'JJ5 70 /Lvu.L 7978 , '.1 N ,Vi. (j'W7!v.J F. lIoman UeJidl.l SW)PAVi/Jo.R. Otr tAe 10m of' Soujiw1.d , ,1 I I /kJi.R )~oac/ So w./w iLL; NeJ.!1 10M. 77977 It if 4 ~~c I/PI?~V~~ Jj , 1.9;>8 , I , V'efl/L In. flomnn: 10 con/jj1.1n my telephone eonvelWaJwn wi..ih you on TIuuwJay, (; /{;Ul 1'17/5, .(.fl u/u.ch J a4hed 'jOU/L appwva1.w /Lent OUR. /,cuun :to i'h. li1.ex ZanLv.Jhi., /.Liih tAe exce,dwn of :tIle 4tahed out /Lech.a/L.;e !'{u.JJn lffL.uL 7 Seoti?J"be/L 797'1 beCClU4e I I OJ --.., I Ite 6adlj,J neee&' 1-1:. flaviJu"i 1.04;f LIO aC/Lv.J U!i..;6~ nem.dod€/.J iJtfec:f.i.on, he liJouLd. a140 Lo4e 22 aC/Lv.J on OU/L 1'0/I.ff1. 6ecaU4e OU/L 22 lot-4libdLvL4ion AM 'seen Cl.?IJI1.0Ved I " 6y :the i'lal1J7.iJLj JoaJ1.J.i of Sou;t}w./.a; 4uh jed to CvU.aUl /L€f51tiAemen:l4. Jne /L9ui..lLemerd ILK14 :to 4U LI(' a pe/L{o/Lmance bond. JMteaJ, I1J€ /Le<iue4:ted and /LeCeLl/ed. pf'/ljii441-on //LOm tAe me",oe/L4 0/ tAe lOlln i:xJcvul 0/ Sou:tMLd o:t :the mee:tiJlij ol 27 /:oILC:A 7978 to rnahe tAe Un.'J/W vemenM iJt 'JLace of tAe Oe/LI'O/llnaJ'l.ee 60nd. j I' I I I j ,.Ie I!vuLd. Li.h.e :to he~? th. Zoni.edu. avoLd 0 /1.l~/u.p by oLLowiJt;; hi..m IJJ If.<)e OUR. ,f0/U71 on IIMeA he 4ai..d he UlOuLd. plant an emtLff cwp o( pota:toe/.!, and Ite put iJt u.vtViruJ tAaJ he lWuLd /Luum a :to U4 6ff 7 Sep:terrOe/L 7978 -- p/LOvi..ded &d tAw w a!'/teeelble :to .the 101m Bocvul. d ~I p,~oned. lh. 'j~afl1Wnd fknn, be/Me pMn1Ju; ;'1011, :to t:14k IliA opuw.m. fie 4aUi Ih.a:t he uouLd LiJ<e tJJ 4t=t :to di..g oUlt tlte /Lech.rvt~e bMi..n. and do d iJt coMecuti..ve <lecuon4. lie 4ai..d tAa;t he u.vuLd not miJtd OU/L /L~. tAe fcwn p/LOvided Ite couLd have the land and acce4/.l fO/L tAe /Le~h~Me bMin. fie a140 4aUi tAa:t he couLd out I ~~".I I up the pipe/.! iJt Septem6e/L aJzeI1. tAe halLv€-Jt. J a140 t:14ked. ,;h. /..hum about L~J :to lh. 2oni.ed~i and he 4GLd :th.a:t we UXJuLd he1.D a ,wod. f(1/IJne/L wi..ih /u.4 O/Lob1..em. I (1 '(-' J !jou menti...oned. tAaJ tAeI1.e lIKUl no ti..me L.i..mu ,tOIL doll,':;' tAe iJry.?/LOvement, but tAaJ yJJU weRe conce/lned. wi..J::h tAe 4ee.di.m;; 0/ tAe /.J/LK1le/.!. /JeiJt) a !OlUneI1. Laru:lJcape rtU/tAe/Lyman, J menti...oned tAaJ tAe 4eedi..r..J can. be done wi..ih be/.!t /L€/.JuL:l4 iJt .5eptem6e11., 40 6!f ~et.:ti..ng bad< tAe land by 7 SepterrOe/L 7978, tAw can be done. . ,- ,. . Ilk. jl7f11E4 F. 1I0fl/GJl 'l'ag.e 2 70 tipl1i..l. 1978 iv.uA ;;n. uean' /.J COfl/.Jent and ifJU/t app/W val., we leU tha:t we couLd. help ;In. Zani..e4u. :to IJX)M. out hiA p/W6.Lem -- tha:t tltw 'Je.dwLe ?wm ifJu and U/.J uouLd. CfLerde 'JOod w.J1 .in. the corrrTlllIlliil -- and rwt !tatun the .iJnplWvement ol the /.Jub- di.. v i..4i..on Land. 5ince/l.e.L.'f ilJ.)U!t/.J, /rt~J~-~S jfJ/ UI-~ (oft JOM Fe.L.Luu;;e/I.-Jhnft OM U.Li..vLa Fe/.l..i.n;r--J/w/l. COpLe/.J: tn.. 'Ro1l',.md. fJean I'n. lIelVtjf w. iJ;uun /! Iw. liiutU..e.L &.udl. i'n.. 5/tepcuuL 5c1tein6f'A9 .. . . . SCHEINBERG. WOLF, DE PETRIS, PRUZANSKY & MAHONEY COUNSELORS AT LAw 220 ROANOKE AVESUE POST OFFICE BOX aQG ISIDORE: SCHEINBERG SAUL WOLF" EMIL"'. DE PETRIS SHEPARD M. SCHEINBERG JOSHUA M. PRUZANSKY RICHARD E. DE PETRIS DONALD E MAHONEY RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK 11901 MURRAY B. SCHNEP$ or COUNSI:L (5161727-5100 January 12, 1978 Mr. Raymond C. Dean Superintendent of Highways Town of Southold Main Road Peconic, New York 11958 Re: Subdivision of John & Olivia Fellinger-Ihar Duck Pond Road, Cutchogue, New York Dear Mr. Dean: Confirming our telephone cdnversation of January 12, 1978, relative to the above matter, I enclose herewith a photocopy of a portion of the proposed Fellinger-Ihar subdivision showing in particular that area surrounding the parcel to be dedicated to the Town of Southold. The photocopy shows in particular, an area comprising 50,191 square feet entitled "Parcel to be dedicated to the Town of Southold", which parcel includes a 20-foot-wide strip of land running along the easterly line of the subdivision connecting with a cul-de-sac at the end of Ihar Lane. It is proposed that this entire parcel be conveyed to the Town of Southold of which the 20-foot-wide strip leading from the cul-de-sac would supply access for your machinery to go into the re-charge basin. In addition, the Ihars would grant a right-of-way to the Town covering a 20-foot-wide strip of land comprising the 10 most southerly feet of lot 20 and the 10 most northerly feet of lot 21 running from Duck Pond Road easterly to the parcel to be conveyed to the Town. It is desired by the Ihars that this 20-foot-wide easement not be paved, but they would restrict same under the covenants and restrictions from the owners of lots 20 and 21 making any plantings or improving the surface of the ground at the location of the easement other than the planting of grass. If this proposal meets with your approval, I would appreciate your writing a letter to the Planning Board of the Town of Southold setting forth your specific approval, as well as advising them (S:uZ;/ ..JA;ii~I<~1 - / ,/ /t' /, J'e'~. ~/ \I" ?t'all" ( . L'7 J ai c"f:jid/li> ,,7- (:'.(j / . . . . Mr. Raymond C. Dean Superintendent of Highways Town of Southo1d - 2 - that this decision supersedes your letter of August 2, 1977. Very truly yours, (1~ 1q c~utMJk ~,~ SMS:ssg Ene. Shepard M. Scheinberg cc: John & Olivia Fe11inger-Ihar c(;.~fc.fj 'V--~ .01'0 '"' ,- \.- .-,\ ~\ \v"';-,\'\. \ ~ \'" .~..7< 1\/>.~' .) ~,.v ?IS- _ so') 01 U"- .~, >tit- ytYi Zuno.ski ~5' ~ t.; . <::I "'<::1 10<::1 -<::I ':::0 in ~ 5. 40.027'25 "E. /20.0.4' VERrlCAL SAND DRA/N ,t.; . <::I 0,,<::1 10<::1 "'<::I 1<)0 -i;) <: 365.12' /6 59,757 SO. Fr. N.39 00.0. '0.0. "w. N.390o.o.'0.0."w. /50.0.0.' . /50..0.0.' I \ I I I ~I I ~ <::I . /2 ~I I , '" 140.,50.0.5OFr. I ---- ,~ .~.. ",' ~N~ASEME!!! I /50.0.0.' <::I <::I /3 cs "- 40.,50.0.S0.Fr. '" 10' I L___ /50..0.0.' /50.0.0. /4 40.,50.0. SO. n: ---- /50.0.0.' I~:l: <::1<::1 CS<::l I<::I~ -I<) <Ii 20'0IWNAGE~ E ASENENT C:o I ~ ,'lll . IO~ ~~ 390..0.0. <\j L..J 0; co 5/0.0.0.' ~ <: ~ /50..0.0. <;( I ~1 -...J CS I ",I I I I I~ I <::I gl /5 I '<"i:l: . I<) I ~<::I ~~ I 40.,365 SO. Fr. <::I "- <::I 1 I <::I....~ ~<;(~ I I i;)::t i<> . <Ii h.. <: I cB' IJv I ~,:~'l' v /0.0. 0.3' .t.; ."-'"... <::I gl<) I ~'<::I 0'" O')C) tOO l,c') ~~ <: - ~ I \ \~ <\j ,t.; <::I <::I <::I <::I o i;) <: <-f>. ",~. 1 ~o$' "<";p, /7 48,850.S0.Fr. N. 3900.0.'0.0."w. /50.0.0. /8 40,365 SOFT --- /25.0.0.' '. 'ROAD <::I <::I cs "- <\j /50. DO.' <::I <::I cs "- . <\j,'" C) C) C) <::I o - I<) <: 10'-,/ I /9 40.,50.0. SO. n: 20 45,0.0.0. SO. FT t.; C) C) C) ~ i;) <: /50.0.0.' - 20' DRAINAGE EASENENr /50..0.0."- .t,\-. I '~') ~ ~I.>- 0":10. L "0. oil- u<' .y./ -'l1.y 6, (, I)os SIlt <:, I .(q, ,Q~,;f Iv P'{' ~0~ ..~ //9.59 ' C) 10 '" -- '" - , ,. . ---.- ,. Anto.ne Ho.uru: . ---- Jo.hn J. Wo./te" , ,5.39"O,o.'o0."E. II 23.85 :Anto.ne.OL ~ - /25.0.0" . ~%/ 0,,+0 /~ ~ // .Q //':,. .. ^ 2/ 40.,869 SO. Fr. - - o:i 10 - ,:l: 'c) .... ... ... o '" ... -/50.00' - <Ii 2582.67' ../ \ . . SCHEDiBERG, WOLF, DE PETRIS & PRUZANSKY COUNSELORS AT LAW 220 ROANOKE AVENUE POST OFFICE BOX ~99 ISIDORE SCHEIN8ERG SAUL WOLF EMIL F. DE PETRIS SHEPARD M. SCHEINBERG .JOSHUA M. PRUZAN$KY RICHARD E. DE PETRIS DONALD E. MAHONEY RIVERHEAD,NEW YORK 11901 MURRAY B. SCHNEPS Of COUNSEL (S16) 727-5100 l l r June 1, 1977 RECEIVED JUN 3 1977 &OIIIHJI.Ul JllWIfI Town Board of the Town of Southo1d Main Road Southo1d, New York 11971 l J Att: Supervisor Albert Martocchia Re: John & Olivia Fe11inger-Ihar Dear Mr. Martocchia: This letter is to confirm the understanding reached between yourselves and Mr. and Mrs. John Fe11inger-Ihar at the Executive Session of the Town Board held on May 24, 1977: The Fe11inger-Ihars shall donate to the Town of Southo1d approximately one acre of land lying in the rear (easterly) portion of lots 20 and 21 of their proposed subdivision located on Duck Pond Road, Southo1d, New York. In addition, the Fe11inger-Ihars shall grant a 20-foot wide drainage easement running from the easterly side of Duck Pond Road easterly to the above one-acre parcel. The 20-foot easement shall be located 10 feet on both sides of the property line dividing lots 20 and 21 on the proposed subdi~ion map. The Town of Southo1d shall, at its cost and expense, construct a drainage sump or basin and necessary pipes or culverts to make such basin operational, and that said construction shall be completed within n m~~ths from the date of the conveyance by the Fe11inger-Ihars to the Town. It is further understood and agreed between the parties, that the sand basin as shown on the proposed subdivision map, located toward the northerly end of the property, shall be eliminated, and that the recharge basin to be constructed by the Town on the donated property shall be the only drainage area necessary for the final approval of the subdivision map, and also that the sand basin shall become lot 22 on said proposed subdivision map. (. ,I . . . Supervisor Albert Martocchia Town Board of the Town of Southold June 1, 1977 - 2 - It is further understood and agreed that the above agreement is sub- ject to and contingent upon the approval of the Southold Planning Board, and any other governmental agency or body, having jurisdiction over the filing of the subdivision map. Please sign the enclosed copy of this letter and return same to me in the enclosed envelope, if this accurately sets forth your under- standing. Very truly yours, SMS:ssg Enc. Shepard M. Scheinberg cc: Mr. & Mrs. John Fellinger-Ihar .. . JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS . ~ Ij + '1-'0:;0': '<<::'2Q7pftf1V South old, L. 1., -N. Y. 11971 TELEPHONF 765.3783 February 10, 1977 Southold Town Planning Board Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: The Southold Town Board, by resolution dated February 8, 1977 resolved to deny the request for a cluster subdivision by John Fellinger-Ihar and Olivia Fellinger-Ihar as being inappropriate for the area. Very truly yours, fidca{ ~~r- Judith T. Terry Town Clerk ........,....,............... - -- .-.~ T .. .. D Southold. N.Y. 11971 JOHN WICKHAM. Chairman FRANK S. COYLE HENRY E. RAYNOR. Jr. FREDERICK E. GORDON JAMES WALL January 25, 1977 TELEPHONE 765-1313 Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York 11944 Gentlemen: The following action was taken at a regular meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board held January 24, 1977. RESOLVED to transmit to the Town Board for their findings the proposed cluster subdivision of Fellinger-Ihar. The Planning Board does not like this particular cluster layout but feels that a cluster subdivision at this location might have value for preserving agriculture. tv \\;\Y . 't~ . ( Yours truly, ~\JI'fj~l( ~~ .Af t~ Southold Town (v \ \ I\j;'- L0V t\l"v ~ t~ Planning Board \0: i ~'Iv~ . . JUDITH T. TERRY T OWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS TELEPHONE 765-3783 January 13, 1977 Southold Town Planning Board Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: J Transmitted herewith is map of John Fellinger-Ihar and Olivia Fellinger-Ihar for a cluster concept sub- division. This map is returned to you as it appears it was not presented to the.Planning Board prior to being submitted to the Town Board. Very truly yours ~~~ Judith T. Terry Town Clerk . . T D Southold, N.Y. 11971 JOHN WICKHAM, Chairman FRANK S. COYLE HENRY E. RAYNOR, Jr. FREDERICK E. GORDON JAMES WALL December 30, 1976 Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York 11944 Gentlemen: I enclose map of property owned by John Fellinger-Ihar and Olivia Fellinger-Ihar which is proposed to be developed in the cluster concept. May we have your approval or disapproval of this property being developed in this manner. Yours truly, 0}~~~ Muriel Brush, Secretary Southold Town Planning Board Enclosure TELEPHONE 765-1313 \ ".' "-",~,;:-"""",,,:,?<:,,/- , ~,. "'''~'''''''',~,,~,,,,-,,~-...,. SOIL REMOVAL PERMIT PERMIT is hereby issued to John and Olivia Fellinger-Ihar, 3180 Duck Pond Road, Cutchogue, New York, for permission to remove excess material from their Woodbine Manor Subdivision, which material was removed from a one acre recharge basin, and two additional recharge basins. The property is bounded north and east by Nick and Patricia Aliano, south by Antone Harris and John Walters, and west by John Krupski. This permit is issued pursuant to and subject to the provisions of the Southold Town Code, Chapter 81, Soil Removal, and shall expire on September 30, 1979. , I DATED: I' Ii i i I I I I I I Ii I , I, ! March 13, 1979 --? c/~~ A.~dct7[ --? ---Y e?'U~.r-- JUDITH T. TERRYO' TOWN CLERK I I i ! " } ."'[r;1-,r:7.::.r::~<o: ~ ,-1Y \.~ ',. h V' :0. .. ~ c.\" "".1\ "& ot;fift ~~i'f6\i~K h _~" '._, "~:~1:~ ~:"" l'l tOj\'N OF" SOT.J'!'Hg~q \\ ~","'~, ,.,," _,/1.. '" f:; 'SUFfOLK GOwt:Y '~jJl ."'~71':t; . '<0-.. .c':' ,:'" -..,,-,,,"',i'-:"" Southold, L. I., N. Y. 11971 lELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 JUDITH T. TERRY. TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS March 16, 1979 Mr. and Mrs. John Fellinger-Ihar 3180 Duck Pond Road, Box 47 Cutchogue, New York 11935 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Fellinger-Ihar: At a regular meeting of the Southold Town Board held on March 13, 1979 your application for a soil removal permit was granted. This permit will expire September 30, 1979. Before I can issue a permit, the following fees are due: $50.00 filing fee for the application. $100.00 removal of 5,000 cu. yds. from the premises. $150.00 total due. ($10.00 for each 500 cu.yd.) It has been estimated that 10,000 cu. yds. was excavated, half of which was or will be removed from the premises; the other 5,000 cu. yds. has been or will be used on your subdivision property. Very truly yours, //'.. . . ~~ ftU?"t!c.r.1.../. c.7~A~ Judith T. Terry Town Clerk . . . MINUTES OF HEARING UPON THE APPLICATION OF JOHN AND OLIVIA FELLINGER-lHAR FOR A SOIL-REMOVAL PERMIT A public hearing was held by the Southold Town Board at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971, at 4:07 P.M. on Tuesday, January 23, 1979 upon the application of John and Olivia Fellinger-Ihar, for a permit under the Provisions of Chapter 81 of the Code of the Town of Southold, Soil Removal, for permission to remove sand, gravel, stone or other materials from premises lo- cated at Duck Pond Road, Cutchogue, New York, generally bounded north and east by Nick and Patricia Aliano, south by Antone Harris and John Walters, and west by John Krupski. PRESENT were: Supervisor Albert M. Martocchia Justice Martin L. Suter Councilman Henry W. Drum Councilman William R. Pell, III Town Clerk Judith T. Terry Town Attorney Robert W. Tasker ABSENT were: Justice Francis T. Doyen Councilman James F. Homan (left at 4:10) JUSTICE SUTER read the legal notice of hearing as follows: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Southold at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, at 4:00 o'clock P.M., Tuesday, January 23, 1979 upon the application of John and Olivia Fellinger-Ihar, for a permit under the provisions of Chapter 81 of the Code of the Town of Southold, Soil Removal, for permission to remove sand, gravel, stone or other materials from premises located at Duck Pond Road, Cutchogue, New York, generally bounded north and east by Nick and Patricia Aliano, south by Antone Harris and John Walters, and west by John Krupski. Any person desiring to be heard on the above matter should appear at the time and place above specified. DATED: January 2, 1979. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD JUDITH T. TERRY, TOWN CLERK ~~~~~~ JUSTICE SUTER (continued): There is proof of publication in the Long Island Traveler-Watchman, and proof of publication in the Suffolk Weekly Times. Also we have a sworn statement from Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk, that it was posted 1 . . on the Town Clerk's Bulletin Board, Town Clerk's Office, Main Road, Southold, New York. SUPERVISOR MARTOCCHIA: Thank you, Judge. You have heard the notice for the application of John and Olivia Fellinger-Ihar for soil removal. Is there anyone who wishes to speak in favor of this. Does anyone wish to make comment Yes, sir? JOHN WALTERS: I live directly behind it, and it is quite a sandstorm when the wind blows, and everything else. I am in favor of it. SUPERVISOR MARTOCCHIA: Is there anyone else? Is there anyone who wishes to oppose to this soil being removed? Here is a little story that goes with it. This particular problem is partially our doing. We needed a drainage area up in that section very badly. It is now that the school buses cannot bring the children home, and we had to use the police cars to get through there, so, they don't care much that our police cars have to go into the shop after going through the water, losing their brakes and so on. Mr. Ihar had agreed to, a piece of land one acre in area behind two of the subdivision lots, Oregon, with a right-of-way with a certain amount of feet projected at, to drain off that area. It will do a very, very good job. The sump still has hikes; but it will relieve a big problem. Now when we took that dirt out of that sump we agreed that Mr. Ihar could have it, and we stacked it up on his property, but now the wind is blowing a little heavy and it's causing a problem, and he wants to re- move some of it. So it comes under an ordinance where he has to have a permit to remove soil. That's what it is all about. Is there anyone who wishes to speak further on this? Any opposition? For? Comments? Hearing none, this hearing will close. The Board will make a decision very shortly. Thank you. The hearing was declared closed at 4:13 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ~:; 11. (leu...1- ~ U--Q~L ' Linda F. Kowalski Secretary 2 '" E('El"F!':l . . ll.' , ,/ J . 22 'J(IfI.lJ4/Uj 1979 FaciA Qf}IIi.Mi:. :th w/W"'F",.rI.'t&I.WYiJ'if.1UfI {.LlJ..wl. _ui:. :II MJIW~ ~xa.64 UJtih. pr.m 4ulxii.vL4iAn. ,l.cf.. Iny. cIJ..ud" IuLve M.CI!i...,wl. :th W/WTU} ."p1i.crd.i6n. pr.m ~ :II MJIW~ OC~ UJtih. f-m ikiA 4ubd.iVi..4.i.ln. e&li.wl. "f),I,mll1i.n.e /lkuwA./~ Tlte f.1IDI .u A~~e&tUn. f.A. ~ f.1l. S~ ~ (jlUlvd 'Pu TMy.luLve n. iJt.Un.ti.An. :II _~ a ~wJ.. f'Li:. _no ih.Wr. 4ulxii..Vi..4.i.l~ TAu .,,Ji.e&tUn 8/-5f/ .,~ f.A. _v..L ~! ~ ~~ 4:11~ _A. f.A. & 4i:11i.f~ u -.".). -t :II,_U wi.:IA MA.biJJUL:tJr.tu,n. In Bu..4 CfL<I~ MJIW.".)..t e10CUlJ :II,-U _Il. _ilwt UA.th. cJ~~~i..f.v. i:.Ite ~ 81/4_ uiwu :th VCCl'~4 IWMwd i..d au.iJwAi..~ 1Iy. an. .JUi.eIl. .in. w~ L44ua!. by. <<J.LiIu,1Ii.h; -t :th T_1lKI. &fLIlJi, Iny. cl.i.6tiA .in. 'July. 178 I<<A.t!. <<J.LiIu,Ai..p:4. :II <<. & iJn~ ~ _no i:.ItWi. ",ub<<i.vi..4iln .in. li..eu -t ~ a !e4-JU/Wl.CI! 1Hnd. ~ aM OIfIl!le.~ .L1-t i:.Ite ~~ Iny. cl.i.erd4 n.- ~ c>>nve~ _veIt an. aClte f..1l. a Il.e.~ /'uitt. :II & T_1lKI. -t S-u:l-.h.--U TM .,~v~ f..in..1 "juJ,.ftvuan ~ -t w,,_dbi.n.e fiwll. .u UflJJ.<Ju.&!.. Ji:. e&li.4 f..1I. M.WJlio i.n9- & ~"j~ ~ TM wc:iut.1l&IJ :II 1UJ1I&i.JI..in. i:.Ite ",ubtli..vuan !/tII~ TM ~/W eM fII1~-I(",j 4u.ill9- & VI1CCl'fl.:WL and ~ UJtih. pr.m :th ~ .m!.U. iuJi 1tII~. iJLv 1l'elttLc.L ",and. b~ 6, 700 .rut ~ 600 "'CJl'> ~ cui. JauJ..y. & M.dr..m;~ I.uitt. 0CCfLV..ud. by. :th fk~ _! fI~ Alex Zan.Luki.. S/lo ",WL J W&6 bui:.dwtf.ru; up :th {..Am. t?i..~y. /lie &i.J:k aLI.~ me CIUl~ J~ M "lID i:.It~ OCCfLvtt1:iAn -t :th M.~ bflAi..n. TMy. bl.me my. eli..ur.:td f.1I. ihi..d WIIM. <<.~ I.ui:. uJu..ch. i..d MCI!<l.4VUJ :II ~cui:.~ :th ~!eIl. ~ b~f..- fLn.IJ b~ aci:.ivi.i:.y. CAI/l. :t.k.e ,la~o Y.u fM1J uk.: "J4 th.ci:. i:.It~ !/tllfeIl. UM1J :II J. J..i?1I Bui:. J. /Vi:. .l.me nIf cl.i.6tiA beC<<Ude. &y. f.J.J...UMd :th <JUi.d.~ -t .,.U OIfIJIMv.ii.Jln .dell.v.i.CI! by. aM.{..uJly. MJlWvi.n9- << "j:ll~ ilte ..,.U pr.m ilte OCCfLVai:.UlM. lhe..,.U OIMMv.ii.Jlfi "'MV.i.ce M.0l1~wl. th.ci:. :th :II! ..,.U ~ Ad UlUl.l!.Cl!4dVUJ 4tM .i.M~ci:.u.n be. ~lrl. :II _ilwt .L.mL ~e.M .in. M~ 4 :II! MU ~ lhu i..d u.h..:t. my. cl.i.6tiA ~UkL 1ift.e. :II J. .in. iltWi. ",ulxii.vuun - f.J.J...~ :th [JUisi~ /IIy. cl.i.en:iA 1uLve. ""'-un. ih.Wr. ~.d. w.i.ll. by. rl.rudiJu; SO. 19/ 4CJl'> ~ (/4]. SO I x 269.591) 1-11. a flllmi.n&l tu. -I $1.500. Wi.i!IIui:. ih.Wr. 9"-<< w.i.l.4 i:.Ite T.1lKI. Quid. have hw!. :II Olfldt!lflTt :th fLIl.e.a f.1I. a M.~ /,~ bui:. wi.:IA judi:. 0I~aJ:.u,n. /I1y. ~ :IIid me th.ci:. :thy. WIIulrl. rwi:. IuLve btlw;h.i: ilte .a!f a~~ Iu.tI. &.!J krwun. ih.at i:.ItMe IIJtI.d a tka1.. /'eiween :th I-IUfIM .UKI.eIl. "fii :th :II1lKI. .f. S-~~ #IJ'/ff th.ci:. :th . ~ y)~ 2 .JjA.cod. 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Oe.,IVtime.n.i ~t H.i..tjuu<<J; Ld cl.i.Ju;. ~ urrhn.~ iIud iAe .un,M~ CIlL .i.n. ';""ce .t iAe. ~II/'Mflce b.nd. s" iAe. .v~ "V- .JmiJLiAi:A.di.VI!. OI.4iA: I}, 4,P.OO, 1M. J.n.cAut.,41!d. OI-di "ve-t. J-JIUM ,w.-J. J8,(J(X)oOO ""ed ",i .,,Lv- iI ~ 115, (J(X)0 00 7?uh.tIl19J! {,<<-dLn. }, 4,P. 00 ~n. 0I4M 8, (J(X).OO In.i1!.ltt!4i 1-11. J-V-e.&It ~d $3), 4,P.00 en i:h.Ld _un:/. iAe. .Ln..o~d.Un. tl!.e. 4% (fI?640,P x 4,. 11,05703)) 0. we gd i:h.Ld Mj.und, beck? We wiJ11JMM wi.i:h. iAe. Oe.~11OLi ./ H~ iI 4tl1Vt!. iAe. "",blem CM..uJ. bV- exaM mcil!.lti.&L bid we n.e~ 9".d wW rww {A.m iAl!. atij..cod. ~ &d we f}CVt!. iI iA_ uMn. 1M.V- -d'~ iAe.i..tt CM~ bV- h.e1L0I~ cui CILtI.d~ d.u.di bV- iAe.i..tt /--n "~M. r _.._....~- LEGAL NOTICE NoticeofHearing NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- EN that a public hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Southold at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road. Southold, New York, at 4:00 o'c1ock P.M., Tuesday, January 23. 1979. upon the application of John and Olivia Fellinger-Ihar, for a permit under the provisions of Chapter 81 of the Code of the Town of Southold, Soil Removal, for permission to remove sand, gravel. stone or other materials from premises located at Duck Pond Road, Cutchogue. New York. generally bounded north and east by Nick and Patricia Aliano. south by Antone Harris and John Walters. and west by John Krupski. Any person desiring to be heard on the above matter should appear at the time and place above specified. DATED: January 2. 1979 BY ORDER OFTHE SOUTHOLDTOWNBOARD JUDITHT. TERRY Town Clerk IT. 1/11/79(749) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK ss: Patricia Wood, being duly sworn, says that she is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is 0 printed copy, has been published in soid Long Island Traveler-Watch- man once each week for ...........1............................ weeks successivelYI commencing on the ...11................................. r-6f~ri.................. 19..!L ................................................................................ Sworn to before me this ....!~~............ day or ..h...............19..T1 ... ..........G:P.!.~t~~[../2iJ.4.~.~f.f.:v. ~:~.......- ,"" LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENlhat a public hearing will be held by the Town Board ..,', dl'I'Ni'l't'X'8'1'/{/J.~e,Vj{!) .. , ~~ ~".,.... t.. '".,.. ~.- ,,'~ t f,._ . ~ ~ ,', of the TII~tof Seuthold at the Soulhoiot Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, at 4:00 o'clock P.M., Tuesday, JanWU'Y 23, 1979, upon the application of John and Olivia Fellinger-lhar, for a permit under the provisions of Chapter 81 of the Code of the Town of Southold, Soil Rem9Val, for permission to remove sand, gravel, stone or other materials from jlremises located at Duck COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. STATE OF NEW YORK. 1 } ss: J . .. . ..~~o.~ G~~ t.~~~.~n.... '" .. ..... being duly Sworn. says that .. he. . , is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WE'EKL Y TIMF.!':. D n"w.""np. nnhUolted at Greenport. in said Pond Road, Cutchogue, New TOWN BOARD the annexed is a printed York, generally bounded JUDITH T. TERRY north and east by Nick and TOWN CLERK I Suffolk Weeklry Times Patricia Aliano, south by ITJl1-3I33 Antone Harris and John Walters, and west by John Krupski. Any person desiring to be heard on the above matter should appear at the time and place above specified. DATED: January 2, 1979 BY ORDER OF 0 THE SOUTHOLD weeks . . . .-..~T.... .... ..... .... .. . e,ly oommencing on the .. e'lev-en th . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jan1,l!\~1. ..... -{ l~ t.~ '~~'~;;~r1':;q::: j"' .'................... . . . : .':[.J.~/.l ~y 19. .1.. J ........'"'--."./........../.'/'............. ..... ././..I.l;~~:7"1.! :./"I!~j.1,;1-;-;--. j<,~-:: I.,.!: (, ! c~-.:,:,.l:i~,:.~,_" :,...;;;";:::k" 19,9> . . STATE OF NEW YORK: SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: JUDITH T. TERRY, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, New York, being duly sworn, s,ays that she is over the age of twenty-one years; that on the 3rd day of January 19 79 she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and subs.tantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit:- Town Clerk Bulletin Board, Town Clerk Office Main Road, Southold, N.Y. 11971 NOTICE OF HEARING ON APPLICATnON APPLICATION OF JOHN AND OLIVIA FELLINGER-IHAR FOR PERMIT TO REMOVE SAND, GRAVEL. 4:00 P.M., January 23. 1979. h d~~. "..:fA- /'-,.7 Judith T. Terry.~:t/~::rk Sworn to before me this 3rd day of January 1979 (V) ~~fd-/J; 0 ~Hp ;.;" fJPrJ otary Public ELIZABETH ANN NEVIllE NOT."~lY PUEllC, State of Nt?w Yor~ Nil, 5?E:i::535J, SUffolk COIJf).1y Tr.rrn EXDircs March 30. 19jiU LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Southold at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, at 4:00 o'clock P.M., Tuesday, January 23, 1978, upon the application of John and Olivia Fellinger-Ihar, for a permit under the provisions of Chapter 81 of the Code of the 'fown of Southold, Soil Removal, for permission to remove sand, gravel, stone or other materials from premises located at Duck Pond Road, Cutchogue, New York, generall~ bounded north and east by Nick and Patricia Alia~o, south by Antone Harris and John Walters, and west by John Krupski. Any person desiring to be heard on the above matter should appear at the time and place above specified. DATED: January 2, 1979 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK * * * * ., PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, JANUARY 11, 1979, AND FORWARD ONE AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO JUDITH T. TERRY, TOWN CLERK, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLDi NEW YORK 11971. Copies to the following on January 3, 1979: The Long Island Traveler-Watchman The Suffolk Times John & Olivia Fellinger-Ihar . ~O.lC +- ctJ.....U'_ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD . ~ (File in Duplicate) TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE Fee Paid SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK APPLICA TION FOR PERMIT FOR SAND AND GRAVEL PIT OR OTHER EXCA VA TION PURPOSES 1. Name of Applicant !t'"1fIV 0.' ,p)iul/I FF-LLiN4EI'-'--'/~ - 2. Address of Applicant 3/;/0 DilL{:. tH!O i<wfD i fO.&ff7, li-fTClfot;"c, /)(,(r'J/9~lr 3. Detailed statement of proposed operations .tt- , C<7'j'-''-([t!<-u /!GI.,r-/u ;to tt;- , 77~ 0 :''C .- t;f Cc.tj ':'t- t~tit:.1. ;:-/~ ';'v dult. tel:?,):) il,/IV E ft,fNo;Z J C/ . . (1/6-0 .'-C (L A'~ " ,,/ Olrr. 1;' ~ _..-t~,I..t-J- r.-t.<;:- cI ''to"1-I..d'&;' Tocvv IJ, '!'~!JTII~!..tJ . aL.}tJ f!. t..i.:t&~-<:[<--(..: '-?l7~ z.;,..- lOn-v' ;tux> (.2-) It,. c1va-"..; Al.'f.J.<~ , I .Ji /1i/iJ.u..fd c/'!.e.:~:6/,[1/ ~a'2d;;." J"I--c/t~/{~ ,j:r;. ;c& /umen i.fctJ4 ru:diuc/ . 4. Names and addresses of all property owners of record within 200 feet of the outside boundaries of the premises within which operations are proposed to be performed. . No-m ,~ ~IIST .. IV; a .f. fA rair'/A ;1L i )/NO , bC'UT1f; ;4---rVTONE /fA/Z,R,d MlP ./O'7tN {,VALTt!(' WHT' j P'1I-N j::eups,:; 5. The following must accompany this application unless waived by the Town Board. If applicant requests a waiver of any of the following items, applicant should insert at the end of application subdivisions for which a waiver is requested. A. Detailed statement of the proposed operation together with a plan of the area proposed for excavation or for removal of top soil which shall show condition of the plot or premises before operations and the proposed condition of the same after operations are completed, such plan to be prepared by a duly licensed engineer or land surveyor and drawn to scale showing all adjoining streets. location and dimensions of premises, the location. size and use of any existing buildings. B. A topographic survey of the premises prepared by a duly licensed engineer or land surveyor showing contours at 10 foot intervals, using Coast and Geodetic Survey datum. C. Duly acknowledged consents of the owner of the premises and mortgagees. if any. D. Receipted tax bills or photostatic copies thereof or other proof showing payment of all taxes and assessments against premises for which an application is requested. E. A proposed comprehensive plan for the rehabilitation of the premises together with a schedule of progress therefor. Such plan to set forth the ultimate contour and grade of the area upon completion of work, describing the area to be refilled, top soiled and seeded and specifying the amount and extent thereof to be performed before December 31st of the year for which permit is being applied for. F. Estimate prepared by a duly licensed engineer or land surveyor of the total number of cubic yards of material to be removed from the property during the permit period. 6. Applicant hereby requests a waiver of the requirements of paragraph 5, sub- divisions --=~:-I(Jt)t'i!lr; 1:>}"N6~; _' _, _ Dated: :.li,!:"C ,H,.;",,,: ~, , ~/7t'1J.;1..:c(.. r,>.:.: //,-.-,' Signature of Applicant j{i,'j~:"':cr ,,;c/'.;" /1 -::'~" '.') Corporation By T , -:'1 /.:'-j_"~.~ J \'/ (,.; .. ~~. ~ Signature of Officer Sworn to before me this c,;C ~l -CA day of ") . /Mcc J-rt. lLic . 19 7;y. ), " ~ /.,...-/. /(,,, d! [77< ~ ,")1 '-..Y.e /!/z/"; ___ ' Notary Public ,f _".::",";-0 r TCh<Y , ," '.. c. .'!~ C:,Y-:li;-' ".,'~.'Hq ..:. J'-', 19," / -2- ... ., <Jt;'I-,' ........I"l'lt.4\+'f;a;.~ '";1 CO , /23806 ' 5032 : .:;33 ?30 G'3.1 y-ST-;---- .- 2 . ,,--." , "- '" , '\J / <::l I ""l I I I I , I / SlA .,14 &00 \'\/ V'i Ll r: ~ / .;,/ ------------- --- 5? 52- 2. 52 2. . Se (? VERT SAND DRAltl _ ~0~ _-:-:._5>9_YT _______~_~ 16 58,000 SQ. FT I 1 I L ,,'6 .1 ,.. . ,.\,', . 5:7 I ~~ J/jOOSQFT. ;1 r.<)'" 1 \ c _ .;."7.! I -- ~. -::';-~::.::..:-J 4'"' e A08 50 \ <:;01 ','T 52 --_.~-- 517 SI,7 -\ ;~~ '-:'.1. _,\. ,:.,." .,( ','1'" ..W'N ElL.S!A 521 ? 6 ''''--.- 52.7 ?27 ?'''' I'" SIB I c, \ /5 .1 40,500S0r'i. 41 \ Sl \ i "2 " ~ 523'~,'),,, 1 . . - \~/"~.. ~~_:/---------;;-------- I _ 53,80050 n: -----. I'') / PARCEL PROPOSED TO BE DEDICA TED TO THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLO-/ ACRE! ----------------~ ",0 /4 40,500 SO. n: "10 'I (! k " - 4~~ -. 2 ... '3o.Z 40t', 4"> 6 ,~~.0 500 500 1;0 'jO.1 SO 2 ~";o\ 50,2. ~ (,.. 51 4 '313 5' .' .' : ~ "- \ ,- 5l.0 ." 50,1 50.' ~??i. <::l -"" "" "" . 0., "" <r;503 '---] S39"00'o0''E 2385' Cl:l I: ~ c'.' , I~ .t tj~ ~ : I" _~l_!~ ,\ ~ \1:, J" t; ~,.1 \ \ Q. I, ~ ( :'1 , 2/ 40,600 SO.FT. c , ~ I' 45,OO~OSOFT. I, Gif 507 I- I ~;;~;/,"'r/c'~"~"" '" , //'SO'.ll''': '''~ _..,!..-.SO.CO O,:-~ t:::"-:ot9/.o 5 '3 I ------t"'<- 4~,4 l' :1...4-- 46.B """) ~o'7 ,::,>00 I ':)0.2. : 408 4'),4 2 ;Q2,67' so" ,::>010 I '3>0,3/ 49./3 4"',4 4~ 3""'\\ 4"'),1 I SIG t ACCESS TO vCRr-ORA!N- - '-----r-- l~ I:-~~~-'----- "'('N I \ \ ) ';' /9 40,500S0.FT. /8 '\ 40,500S0.FT " c;t.2. 512. S02 .' ", '-, .' ,.' '1 ~1304 '304 so5 49."3 4"",0 50S 0;,0,(.(, 50.\ SO.'? I~I j 503 '0 , ROAD '503 '='0,4 e- 0.0 fTop SOIL ~ 0' t -L-OAM - -- 2.0 " - - . '-1 I cUY 'Ofl - ~A. ~o_ _._ . SANO 1 50 1-' - - ~ - - . -, I i i ,~ ,.! rr, now or Antone formerly HouruS - - ~ ~ 50,3 -~ ~ '<t :it ~ CJ) 4"'.1 4"'.1 4~1 N39'OO W"w. 238.00' CATCr-l B^C~IN w/el. fRAI'M:. F~ GRATE In';',J C..;R..:.\TE. EL" .47,i 10 F_NTLR STOR~5EWER TO 8=- iNSTAl_LED BY THE.. -:OV\-J N ()F- ~~,( ;.JTHOLL:J ( 20')( '2.0' /...Sr-;)H. r"\',~O:.,~~"-JD if''''': LEASEMENT LINE 'I 'Olr:n~t:' to.WLlNE , 50' r'r\ ,.-. f ....iR.O.W LINE VARIES ~ ~ Ct. ~ CJ ~ ~ i I I i "----~......; Oi='PI' ...., .." , rE.<1SEME'/r "" , ~._- SCHE!XBEHG. W01.F, DE PETHIS. PRUZAXSID' & MAHONEY COU""SLLO!~~'; AT LA\\<- 2:20 RU,\':-';Ohf: ^"VL~1 L PO~T or""I--l, -1-. Il'-'X ~\JH 'SIDGRE SC..I<O:iNUCRG SAUr_ WCi...F E"-IIL F_ D~ Pi::TR:S SHEPARD M_ C.CHE'N8E:'iG .JO'3clll/, 1'-1_ F-;-~L_'Z}\N~,,'" RICf-IAr~D c.. 8C P"TRIS DC~:t..LO E. MAC10NEo:Y RIVEHHEAD, ~";-EW Yaru, 11001 M'jRRAY B. SC1.HlO:P5 o~ COV"'"EL (51;::') 127 5100 July 21, 1978 Richard J. Cron, Esq. Hain Road Cutchogue, New York 11935 Re: Fellinger-Ihar with Antone " naurus Dear Dick: I am sure you will recall the transaction wherein Antone Baurus sold to John and Olivia Fellinger-Ihar certain property located on Duck Pond Road, Cutchogue, New York. Under the mortgage re- lease clauses in the purchase money mortgage, the Fellinger-Ihars, in ;)articular (1+), the fee mmers, without payment in reduction of the unpaid mortgage principal balance, can obtain a release from the lien of the mortgage covering the bed of the mapped streets in any drainage sump or any other area requisite to be donated to the local municipality. The Fellincer-Ihars have made an agreement with the Town of Southold to convey to the!i] a sump area and right-of-\vay leading to Duck Pond Road. This is being done prior to the final approval and filing of the subdivision map in the office of the Suffolk County Clerk. The Fellinger-Ihars, in lieu of signing a perfor- mance bond, are completing all of the improvements and upon com- pletion of same, the final map will be signed and filed. The Town, however, is anxious to have the sum,built and as such, has required the Fellinger-lhars to convey to them the sum area now. I enclose herewith a release from mortgage covering the sump area and right-ot-way. I have had Alden Young prepare the metes and bounds description. I would appreciate your having Mr. Haurus execute this release and return same to me. You should also en- close your statement" tor your fee relative to contacting :Ir. Haurus and having him execute this release. ::&1' yours, Scheinberg Slt3:1c E~closure c'" Mr. & Mrs. J. Fellinger-Ihar