HomeMy WebLinkAboutCassidy, Herbert O. , . I I i I , I I , 1 , . I ~ I I. I I I I I I r ! . I I I I . . I . , I I' r."-" - --., -.- . ""..---- '.... -..-.... , . , ~NAUTHO!UUI;l ALnllAflO'" Oil ADDl110M . .TO TIllS SURvn IS A VIOLATION Of iUCTlOl" 7209 OF THE tfiW, YORK SlAR \fDUCATlOf'l LAW, }COPlfS Of THIS SUjl;V~Y MAP N01' &fAlllNQ THE LA.: 0 SURVEYOR'S INK~D S~"'l OR '1MBOSS~D SfAL SHAll NlTf aE CQN$IDilED ~o IE A VAllO TRUE COPY. PUARANTUS INDICATED HlRW", SHALL RUN pNlY TO THE i1il..SO:" FOR W;'I",;M nu SUi'tfV', liS PlHPAIUO. A1-;D Ohl HIS a:tLAl~ IV rHi :mu COMPANY, GOV[RW,^ll"i"M ...:OtNCY AND, iUHOING INSTITUTION L1SHo H....LON. AND iTO THE AS51GNUS OJ THi t.tNOING IHSll. 'rU1ION. CUARANTEES AU NOT TltANSfiiAIU ~TO "'DOIT~"" INS,UTt,llltQW 0<<. SUlUQUUt( ioWNl... , I I J . , , t t I , I ! , I , \ ! . I ; r V \). .) 1;;0 i j . " 6-'-'"1-- " j I I \; l, ..~' i Ln' ."'; 1.'?1 ~i ii~'lfJl C-, t S '._ I.... . I y: : t; /; I "'I ' f ' - , , ' . I J,l j; ... 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',: '- ,.,() , ~. :v t; :.. ~.,--"'" '.--..~-_..",,- " t. ,J 1 - ,,}. . or'--' v "'I..,.~I , . " .~ '" " . . 1 EXCAVATION PERMIT 1977 I; Ii " Ii Ii !I RENEWAL PERMIT is hereby issued to Herbert O. Cassidy, II !1residing at Peconic Bay Boulevard, Jamesport, New York, for " II lithe excavation of sand, gravel, stone or other materials from I!premises generally described as follows, to wit: II Ii Ii Ii II I, II II Ii This renewal permit is issued pursuant and subject to the " Ilprovisions of the Southold Town Excavation Ordinance and subject I, lito the terms and conditions of a resolution of the Southold Town ,I liBoard adopted 7th day of June, 1977, a copy of which is annexed Northerly by lands of Edwin A. Smith and Long Island Produce Co.; Easterly by lands of Case and Kaplan; Southerly by lands of Newell Estate and Sepenoski; and Westerly by lands of Tisdale and Edwin A. Smith. hereto. !/~dti-/ ~ ~/i-<-r JUDITH T. TERRY (/ TOWN CLERK i' II ii 1\ , i I [THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD HELD ON JUNE 7, 1977: I i I WHEREAS , Herbert o. Cassidy has by written application applied to \ Ilthis board for a renewal of his permit to excavate sand, gravel, I I Soundv iey} I' New York, bounded generally northerly by lands; liof Edwin A. Smith and Long Island Produce Co.; easterly by lands I Ii i'Of i I:stone or other I' , I' I:Avenue, Southold, materials from premises located south of Case and Kaplan; southerly by lands of Newell Estate and Ii il i[Sepenoski; and westerly by lands of Tisdale and Edwin A. Smith, , i II II ,land I II I!\'IHEREAS a public hearing was held on the original application of ' i,Angelo G. Petrucci (property now mvned by Herbert o. Cassidy) on ;i 'I !iJuly 13, 1971 at which time all interested persons were given an , ii i,opportunity to be heard, 11 I!NOW, THEREFORE, BE-IT RESOLVED that this Board does in [[with Section V of the Excavation Ordinance of the TO\'ffi Ii I, i'find that ,. ii I' (a) The proposed operations will not interfere with the surface ['water drainage plan of the area nor endanger any street, road or accordancel: of Southol~ [highway, I: !: (b) I: - i'adapted to rehabilitation The circumstances of the location and terrain are \1 'I I reasonably to the end that the premises will not ,. '.become desert or waste land following completion of operations. ,'(c) The circumstances of the location and terrain are such that 'conditions and safeguards may feasibly be imposed to assure that the premises will not constitute an attractive nuisance or endanger the safety of children. (d) The use will not cause undue traffic hazards. (e) The use will not cause undue noise or wind-blown dust or sand. - -, o. . . I I I (f) I I neighborhood The use will not change the established character of the or deDress the value of other lands in such , I neighborhood. (g) The proposed operations are set back at least 20 feet from L I,any road, street, avenue or highway and that the excavation I I'operations were in existence at the effective date of the afore- I' " i:said excavation ordinance and that such proposed operations will' linot be extended beyond the present front, side or rear setback ! Ii lines , and it is furtheroS:i;~j li""sOLVED. thac the T=n Cle<' be and "he he<cby i" aUtho<ized""'1 land directed to issue a renewal permit to Herbert O. Cassidy for I ithe excavation of sand, gravel, stone, or other materials from 'the above described premises for a term of one year, subject, , Ii !!however, to the following terms and conditions: Ii 1. The removal of materials shall be confined to the shade Ii lareas outlined in red on the map accompanying said original i i ,lapplication, a copy of which has been signed by the Supervisor I . ['and the applicant and filed with the Tmvn Clerk. I I i I! I'extend below fifteen (15) feet above sea level. I I I i I ! 2. The removal of materials from said areas shall not 3. All removal operations shall be set back at least ten I (10) II ,[ I operations I ! !feet from all property lines. , 4. All slopes shall be maintained during and after at one foot vertical on one foot horizontal. 5. After operations have been completed, the excavated areas, as well as all other areas where prior excavation operations have been conducted on the premises, shall be leveled, regraded, all stumps, rocks and other debris removed and the entire premises I Iseeded with grass. II i' BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD Ii JUNE 7, 1977. ...... __ -, It' . If;,' - 3 'I!\,; TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE . , tJ-1f ~:tJ->. .1/;Zf '0./ d' l' }#~)tI"Fee50 -r""J- r /f Paid (File in Duplicate) SOUTH OLD , NEW YORK APPLICA TION FOR PERMIT FOR SAND AND GRAVEL PIT OR OTHER EXCA VA TION PURPOSES 1. Name of Applicant 2. Address of Applicant 3. 4. Names and addresses of all property owners of record within 200 feet of the outside boundaries of the premises within which operations are proposed to be performed. . '~Y'~ ~a~a-J~r;/' ~~ 0 B-a.".-,-ff'T~/~~~ ?7...JUI U.L~ q~ / Pfr-'---J.(?.-/ 1A>PA'7R7 ~ 1LA}.,L ~J ~~ Co. -.f~~ 5. The followLng must accompany this application unless waived by the Town Board. If applicant requests a waiver of any of the following items, applicant should insert at the end of application subdivisions for which a waiver is requested. A. Detailed statement of the proposed operation together with a plan of the area proposed for excavation or for removal of top soil which shall show condition of the plot or premises before operations and the proposed condition of the same after operations are completed, such plan to be prepared by a duly licensed engineer or land surveyor and drawn to scale showing all adjoining streets, location and dimensions of premises, the location, size and use of any existing buildings. B. A topographic survey of the premises prepared by a duly licensed engineer or land surveyor showing contours at 10 foot intervals, using Coast and Geodetic Survey datum. C. Duly acknowledged consents of the owner of the premises and mortgagees, if any. .J. "fj'" '--~' <'* . . . . D. Receipted tax bills or photostatic copies thereof or other proof showing payment of all taxes and assessments against premises for which an application is requested. E. A proposed comprehensive plan for the rehabilitation of the premises together with a schedule of progress therefor. Such plan to set forth the ultimate contour and grade of the area upon completion of work, describing the area to be refilled, top soiled and seeded and specifying the amount and extent thereof to be performed before December 31st of the year for which permit is being applied for. F. Estimate prepared by a duly licensed engineer or land surveyor of the total number of cubic yards of material to be removed from the property during the permit period. 6. Applicant hereby requests a waiver of the requirements of paragraph 5, sub- divisions -4.... -11-' -L' -LL. L.;; . Dated: ~ )/~/f1/} qj~1illT(). ~~ Signature of App cant Corporation By Signature of Officer Sworn to before me this :3161- day of (V1 141 . 19:1.1-. ('~;r. J$l1 0/>>01-) T( n.~ l!u ~otary Public . EL\Zi\iJEtH ANN NtvlllE NOTARY PUBUC, State of New Yntk No. 52-8125850, Suffolk County Term Exp.ites March 30, a:t-l -2- , -. ~.,: ..k'" .tA~ ~~:J., -..~ .. ~.~ ... (File in Duplicate) . " . TOWN OF SOUTHOLD . TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE Fee Paid SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK APPLICA TION FOR PERMIT FOR SAND AND GRA VEL PIT OR OTHER EXCA VA TION PURPOSES 1. Name of Applicant ~o. {~0 2. Address of Applicant ;L(),d'l- /'?'t?(,ft, j(J~'lb.- '{ .A -/ , /' 3, Detailed statement of proposed operations L. f~4~ t'J_~.t~.w-./ J , ~e4~ L r () "'~ {~/ 2~~"r~ ~--'">-- 4, Names and addresses of all property owners of record within 200 feet of the outside boundaries of the premises within which operations are proposed to be performed, . ~~::;~:~;;::t7P:;t~3:~ M~1J ~,u..-~, ~-' fi1.,~. tt.J~ 5. The following must accompany this application unless waived by the Town Board. If applicant requests a waiver of any of the following items, applicant should insert at the end of application subdivisions for which a waiver is requested. A. Detailed statement of the proposed operation together with a plan of the area proposed for excavation or for removal of top soil which shall show condition of the plot or premises before operations and the proposed condition of the same after operations are completed, such plan to be prepared by a duly licensed engineer or land surveyor and drawn to scale showing all adjoining streets. location and dimensions of premises. the location. size and use of any existing buildings. B. A topographic survey of the premises prepared by a duly licensed engineer or land surveyor showing contours at 10 foot intervals, using Coast and Geodetic Survey dat\lm. C. Duly acknowledged consents of the owner of the premises and mortgagees, if any. .,k . . , ., ;', D. Receipted tax bills or photostatic copies thereof or other proof showing payment of all taxes and assessments against premises for which an application is requested. E. A proposed comprehensive plan for the rehabilitation of the premises together with a schedule of progress therefor. Such plan to set forth the ultimate contour and grade of the area upon completion of work, describing the area to be refilled, top soiled and seeded and specifying the amount and extent thereof to be performed before December 31st of the year for which permit is being applied for. F. Estimate prepared by a duly licensed engineer or land surveyor of the total number of cubic yards of material to be removed from the property during the permit period. 6. Applicant hereby requBsts a waiver of the requirements of paragraph 5, sub- divisions~. ~. !::..-. -'L-. IE.. tt:-- . Dated: ~ "3/ /911 :Jj~/~ ~, Signature of Applicant Corporation By Signature of Officer Sworn to before me this (3)s+- day of (VlA-1 . 19U' C ~ l;lh-(]/YlA..Il)OJ>:' J~) otary Public . WZABETH ANN NEVILLB NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York No. 52-8125850. Suffolk COU~ Term Expires March 3D, 19+.1 -2- ... . ..,.,.: ....., -...'.oI)...~ - -.. EXCAVATION PERMIT 1975 RENEWAL PERMIT is hereby issued to Herbert O. Cassidy, residing at Peconic Bay Boulevard, Jamesport, New York, for the excavation of sand, gravel, stone or other materials from premises generally described as follows, to wit: i I II I. I Northerly by lands of Edwin A. Smith and Long Island Produce Co.; Easterly by lands of Case and Kaplan; Southerly by lands of Newell Estate and Sepenoski; and Westerly by lands of Tisdale and Edwin A. Smith. This renewal permit is issued pursuant and subject to the provisions of the Southold Town Excavation Ordinance and I subject to the terms and conditions of a resolution of the I II Southold Town Board adopted the 12th day of August, 1975, at copy of which is annexed hereto. I, I f4t,:L.r;( ~6~J ~ JUDITH T. BOKEN TOWN CLERK " - ----.. THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON AUGUST 12, 1975: WiEREAS Herbert o. Cassidy has by written application applied to I this board for a renewal of his permit to excavate sand, gravel, I stone or other materials from premises located south of Soundview , Avenue, Southold, New York, bounded generally northerly by lands II of Edwin A. I I of Case and Kaplan; southerly by lands of Newell Estate and I Sepenoski; and westerly by lands of Tisdale and Edwin A. Smith, I and , ~BEREAS a public hearing was held on the original application of Smith and Long Island Produce Co.; easterly by lands Angelo G. Petrucci (property now mvned by Herbert o. Cassidy) on July 13, 1971 at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, NOW, 1'HEREFORE, BE rr RESOLVED that this Board does in accordance with Section V of thE" Excavation Ordinance of the Town of Southold find that (a) The proposed operations will not interfere with the surface water drainage plan of the area nor endanger any street, road or highway, (b) The circumstances of the location and terrain are reasonably adapted to rehabilitation to the end that the premises will not become desert or waste land following completion of operations. (c) The circumstances of the location and terrain are such that conditions and safeguards may feasibly be imposed to assure that the premises will not constitute an attractive nuisance or endanger the safety of children. (d) The use will not cause undue traffic hazards. (e) The use will not cause undue noise or wind-blown dust or sand. - ------.. Page 2 I: il (f) The use will not change the established character of the neighborhood or depress the value of other lands in such neighborhood. I, (g) The proposed operations are set back at least 20 feet from I' road, street, highway and that the excavation , any av(~nue or operations were in existence at the effective date of the afore- said excavation ordinance and that such proposed operations will not be extended beyond the present front, side or rear setback I I 1 ines, and it is further ,I "'OWeD, '",' 'be "0'" C; e,k "e dod "he "mby i, ",,'dcoc<wd and directed to issue a renewal permit to Herbert o. Cassidy for the excavation of sand, gravel, stone, or other materials from the above described premises for a term of one year, subject, however, to the following terms and conditions: 1. The removal of materials shall be confined to the shaded areas outlined in red on the map accompanying said original application, a copy of Mlich has been signed by the Supervisor 'I and the applicant and filed with the Town Clerk. 2. The removal of materials from said areas shall not extend below fifteen (15) feet above sea level. 3. All removal operations shall be set back at least ten (10 feet from all property lines. 4. All slopes shall be maintained during and after operation at one foot vertical on one foot horizontal. 5. After operations have been completed, the excavated areas, as well as all other areas where prior excavation operations have been conducted on the premises, shall be leveled, regraded, all stumps, rocks and other debris removGd and the entire premises seeded with grass. BY ORDER OF THE SOU1'HOLD 'rDWN BOARD AUGUST 12, 1975. T ~ . OFFI ERK o JUDITH T. BOKEN TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF" VITAl. STATISTICS TELEPHONE 755-3783 SDUTHDLD, L. I., N. Y. 11971 June 17, 1975 Herbert O. Cassidy RD #2 Box 656 Riverheao, N.Y. 11901 Dear Sir: P1e~se be advised that the South01d TOlm Board examined your application on June 10, 1975. However, no action can be taken by them until you submit an up-to-date survey by a licensed surveyor, giving complete details and contours. Very truly yours, fl.Mr ~L/ Judith T. Boken TNm C1 erk JTB/bn cc :file (File in DUPlicate' TOWN OF SOUTHO. TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE Fee Paid SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK APPUCA TION FOR PERMIT FOR SAND AND GRA VEL PIT OR OTHER EXCA VA TION PURPOSES 1. Name of Applicant I--l e r be r-t 0, C(\.ss I If '('Iv.A:.-'\I~ # '" -PeC<.~nTCB,,-y AIJd~ 2. Address of ApplicantU\D J BOl( ~.slo giver heetd, u.:iJ\ 101) ~Q..me.'lf'(Jrt) O. 3. Detailed statement of proposed operations te a.u,~ (J.A;..)L .~ t~ (~ ~1'Y'. 'fv fu ~(~ ~ IAt~ ~;,fu4-> (U~d, Cta;: Q'"CLt~Q; ~v. t-(.JL~ ) (~~~_ Q r:7L'I'Y\ ~ -b.m/VI 1--") e.n.t.& ~ f-\.,lA)~ t'..rnt....rnJ L'7U..ttt~4J ~ ~~ r Q i1.1.tv\./.L- ~ ~.~ b;lA.;f~-rJ~ F~ 4. Names and addresses of all property owners of record within 200 feet of the outside boundaries of the premises within which operatiOns are proposed to be performed. j\. lA-tlu.,-~ ~< jLetA~ o.e Uu ll~ G . ~tlu fu.vU ~44i Pi\..t~L~_ ~'j ~~, ~ O~~ e~ U.LA-L C4~Q, ~N; k~~J 1j Qa.,ut<l-, ot Y\Ojl~ c....hck ~~.~~~' cuJ LU.wh" ~t . ~ Q.a~~ og ~do, cW u.tu:twu n /;.~tit) 5. The following must accompany this application unless waived by the Town Board. If applicant requests a waiver of any of the following items, applicant should insert at the end of application subdivisions for which a waiver is requested. A. Detailed statement of the proposed operation together with a plan of the area proposed for excavation or for removal of 1 . c/ top soil which shall show condition of the plot or premises 0{l)Ct.l.l ' before operations and the proposed condition of the same ('eorose d. after operations are completed, such plan to be prepared b a duly licensed engineer or land surveyor and drawn to scale showing all adjoining streets, location and dimensions of premises, the location, size and use of any existing buildings. B. A topographic survey of the premises prepared by a duly licensed engineer or land surveyor showing contours at 10 foot intervals, using Coast and Geodetic Survey datum. C. Duly acknowledged consents of the owner of the premises and mortgagees, if any. ..1ii; (File in DUPlicate~ TOWN O~ SOUTH~ ~... Fe ., paijlt?~ TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTH OLD , NEW YORK APPLlCA TION FOR PERMIT FOR SAND AND GRA VEL PIT OR OTHER EXCA V A TION PURPOSES 1. Name of Applicant I~ e.rbc.r+ r'J. C,,-SS j'd'l 2. Address of Applicant-Ye.C('i'lj(" ~~\vJ. J (\a\rleS ~AJ ~~, 3. Detailed statement of propo,;ed operations-t~ excavate (l~d remove. ',I and ~ erti es ~(')r -Tello ."> I CHI. rn -.ru:J 5Vc-h <1.<;; bClc..k-9;\1 +tlr bv\.Khe~dSJriayt~pt'. IOQm C,OLH+S (lhd prlva.te. <2.MIIl'honi-l-y \'"()u.ds for I<'LlL'f'\S al\~(LndS((10 nj pUrpose<. 101-...0) 4. Names and addresses of all property owners of record within 200 feet of the outside boundaries of the premises within which operations are proposed to be performed. .Northerly bf-k.nJ.<; (f Edw,'h ASm'-+M al1d Lonj lslCtlJd Yr-dduce Co j E oder It ~lo.Jds o-f CQse. (HId. I<c:\..fkth: S("i~h€ri.1 k, Ia.nds c,~ \\Jewell E :;ide. C'J..l\d SePI!. h"sk. ,'. ~ W J ~f'r\y kf--IO;,nds ~t' Ttsda../e_ Ql1cl EdvJi'h 4.Smifh 5. The following must accompany this application unless waived by the Town Board. If applicant requests a waiver of any of the following items, applicant should insert at the end of application subdivisions for which a waiver is requested, A. Detailed statement of the proposed operation together with a .,sZ:t/ e.u .cr, plan of the area proposed for excavation or for removal of f/eoposecL. top soil which shall show condition of the plot or premises , before operations and the proposed condition of the same after operations are completed, such plan to be prepared by a duly licensed engineer or land surveyor and drawn to Bcale showing all adjoining streets, location and dimensions of premises, the location. size and use of any existing buildings. B. A topographic survey of the premises prepo.red by a duly licensed engineer or land surveyor showing contours at 10 foot intervals, using Coast and Geodetic Survey datum. C. Duly acknowledged consents of the owner of the premises and mortgagees, if any. ~t " ,_......-...:...-"" 'C :"-;.;, ";/1:'1 l':~" , , EXCAVATION PERMIT ! 7rJ /f--'~ RENEWAL PERMIT is hereby issued to Herbert O. Cassldy, residing at Peconic Bay Boulevard, Jamespor:, New York, for the excavation ,of sand, gravel, stone or other materials from premises generally described as follows, to wit: Northerly by lands of Edwin A. Smith and Long Island Produce Cn.; Easterly by lands of Case and Kaplan; Southerly by lands of Newell Estate and Sepenoski; and Westerly by lands of Tisdale and Edwin A. Smith. This renewal permit is issued pursuant and subject to the provisions of the Southold Town Excavation Ordinance and subject to the terms and conditions of a resolution of the Southold Town Board adopted the 8th day of February, 1974, a copy of which is annexed hereto. ii ALBERT W. RICHMOND TOWN CLERK 'I I; " , I; II I' I: I: i :. .-'" 1.. .' : ,~, t ... I " .- \ ..... APPUCA TION FOR PERMIT FOR SAND AND GRA VEL PIT OR OTHER EXCA VA TION PURPOSES 7dc;)- 1f3o 2> 1. Name of Applicant Herbert O. Cassidy 2. Address of Applicant Peconic Bay Blvd., .d / , ~r Jarnesport, New York , 3. Detailed statement of proposed operations to excavate and remove fill and loam fer 'the purposes of improving other properties sucnas: back fill for bulkheads, clay type loam ter tennis courts and private community roads and loam for lawns and lanascaping purposes 4. Names and addresses of all property owners of record within 200 feet of the outside boundaries of the premises within which operations are proposed to be performed. . 5. i&J. v' 4 .. ";'J v'J '? n . /) " ' . Il - t7 00, iJ "() ~- 0 ~- a. ~'-1-11A..7IJ, ~cNYG ~v..MA(. ~ f'/J1-1J'1i ~ Ld/1 1UL10 ~,~ ~ . 0 -1/ /J J /J .. A J ...,/1 /> . " - () 11 .r ~/'l-'(A.A-rMr./~ ,AL.-i.4 -'v. 4A.-tJ.F1... If flPAAJjljI rxlt:.d-J;, t2-Ari/ ~.J-Jf4'f~.J j d . v a-1A-,l ()J~.J.fAtJ ? IA~ cf kAJO CWA--f) &M~) c. S:"uf-i, The following must accompany this application unless waived by the Town Board. If applicant requests a waiver of any of the following items, applicant should insert at the end of application subdivisions for which a waiver is requested. . //~~~ GJ~& A. Detailed statement of the proposed operation together with a pla" of the area proposed for excavation or for remoVllI of top soil which sh<lll show condition of the plot or premises befor -; operations and the proposed condition of the same after operations are completed, such plan to be prepared by a duly licensed engineer or land surveyor and drawn to scale showing all adjoining streets, location and dimensions of premises, the location. size and use of any existing buildings. B. A topographic survey of the premises prepared by a duly licensed engineer or land surveyor showing contours at 10 foot intervals, using Coast and Geodetic Survey datum, C. Duly acknowledged consents of the owner of the pr"emises and mortgag:ees. if any. '..... ...: . . . . APPI.JCATION FOR PERMIT FOR SAND AND GRA VEL PIT OR OTHER EXCA VA TION PURPOSES 1. Name of Applicant Afr~K~~o~e' S~~~:~(TJ,t'6-- 1.\1(, 2. AddressofApplicant~ .\omesl(('),--t IT. ^)eu)'>/6rk I ,Ii e\Crlllla1e.. uncl rem{)Ve. '. 3, Detailed statement of proposed operationsj-o 4. Names and addresses of all property owners of record within 200 feet of the outside boundaries of the premises within which operations are proposed to be performed. . J\~Vine\-L La:-,,,, (c~hJ",) f\:cv"'''J t'J\!. ) ,John Sepehrl1'>k, (e~-te) PecohlC, (\.),\~. ~ t:rrco A-~":9--],I2;~~'~It:GJI1J.\j. ; Mr.r-d,,,;'-f') A. Srnl~) j j\j@LL'cl\ Ec;1=.--- 5. The following must accompany this application unless waived by the Town Board. If applicant requests a waiver of any of the following items, applicant should insert at the end of application subdivisions for whieh a waiver is requested. . A. Detailed statement of the proposed operation together with a plan of the area .,roposed for excavatiOll or for removal of top soil which shall show condition of the plot or premises before operations and the proposed conditicn of the sam" after operations are completed, such plan to be prepared by a duly licensed engineer or land surveyor and drawn to scale showing all adjoining streets, location and dimensions of premises, the location, size and use of any existing buildings. "[., B. A topographic survey of the premises prepared by a duly licensed engineer or land surveyor showing contours at 10 foot intervals, using Coast and Geodetic Survey datum. C. Duly acknowledged consents of the owner of the premises and mortga~ee~. r ~ (2 ~ ~ ~~~ f~ ~;!.:{ -t ~ ~~) J~~~{~~~~'J'. ()J4~~~~~~{('~ .j,;,; . .,1'r;:jJ7'r...~_ A"" '-.<0 . ~ ;,......~'-"~;~(./,' ,-- OFF<<~. :;.\f.~..~~ ERK T. W"N\~~\"I:lU~8J;l~ ~\l..i~-:>,t:.;,"',_' .-)) ~ "l "'1 (;. ,'t._~"" ",-&",'~'l ~~,~/~~;'l/'"""'" i\()>~~{'.l .-:::-:,~.:~~~>;_~ 'J,'J) 1.' TElTPHON~ 765~37H3 ALBERT W. RICHMOND TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF' VITAL STATISTICS SOUTHOLD. L. I, N. Y. 11971 September 14, 1973 Mr. Herbert O. Cassidy Peconic Bay Boulevard Jamesport, New York 11947 Dear Mr. Cassidy: We are ret1.lrning herewith your application for permit for sand and gravel pit or other excavation purposes, along with attached maps, etc. The Town Board examined your application on September 11th, and cannot consider it until you submit and up-to-date survey by a licensed surveyor, giving complete details and contours and estimated amount of fill removed and to be removed. Very truly yours, /) " L .///~' / ,/ U.Ctf!/!? (C/. ~C/"""C,4""ct'J Albert W. Ric mond y;;.!), Town Clerk , "r':"":j.>'.~ "1 .'" .""'" ) . . APPLICATION FOR PERMIT FOR SAND AND 7dd." '-I a 0 :3 GRA VEL PIT OR OTHER EXCA VA TION PURPOSES 1. Name of Applicant /.LuJd d}. ~ 2. Address of Applicant (}.R.t~ ~~,.~; ne(jJ~_ 3, Detailed statement of proposed operations h, yA/..cc,A r71To , Ubvu.Q (/J)/Vtln...ieYiJ " p ~ fl~)fv~ ,~v '1 J~tA'--W'''1'' ~) If'..J)~7ild) L1.u.Au2.A.>: ~J. p.0 f" Jf?.JfJj,fYf,f/.J~, rP-"'J' .:111'0. .P.IJ7t...1.-n, fnJ f P/J1 /M.(;U (' ~ r1AA.rf) :vu.;,..Jg, CFnUY>1 }.&1/f; ft .Ji ~.11. ~ J ~ ~/ .l!.eu.JJn..<J -' O--t" _p ~.d .1.1'" h :_.,~ ,:;:) 'M h . d ruv v. i/ ! 4. Names and addresses of all property owners of record within 200 feet of the outside boundaries of the premises within which operations are proposed to be performed. ~'1t /'1 flAM~.L '1 ,ch.u.{;',u (j! .fm"'J-J,, ~ ~J4.cLM~ f?flNj~ G. J !'"..ApJ;. ~ JlPl~, 1 enA.-Q..; ~. ~}j ,i.u-JL/l1! --7! PAaA.rh/ -t mwdf_ !:tJ-Jh. ~, JJ~o~;:~ . if j fJ.h~ ~ ~A;/J.L '1 ZJn}o) ~. g;AA~ a. S-rn.dIr) 5. The following must accompany this application unless waived by the Town Board. If applicant requests a waiver of any of the following items, applicant should insert at the end of application subdivisions for which a waiver is requested. A. Detailed statement of the proposed operation together with a plan of the area proposed for excavation or for removal of top soil which shall show condition of the plot or premises before operations and the proposed condition of the same after operations are completed, such plan to be prepared by a duly licensed engineer or land surveyor and drawn to scale showing all adjoining streets, location and dimensions of premises, the location, size and use of any existing buildings. B. A topographic survey of the premises prepared by a duty licensed engineer or land surveyor showing contours at 10 foot intervals, using Coast and Geodetic Survey daham. C. Duly acknowledged consents of the owner of the premises and mortgagees, if any. ,j,;.> ,~ ... ..-- ., . . D. Receipted tax bills or photostatic copies thereof or other proof showing payment of all taxes and assessments against premises for which an application is requested. E. A proposed comprehensive plan for the rehabilitation of the premises together with a schedule of progress therefor. Such plan to set forth the ultimate contour and grade of the area upon completion of work, describing the area to be refilled, top soiled and seeded and specifying the amount and extent thereof to be performed before December 31st of the year for which permit is being applied for. F. Estimate prepared by a duly licensed engineer or land surveyor of the total number df cubic yards of material to be removed from the property during the permit period. 6. Applicant hereby requests a waiver of the requirements of paragraph 5, sub- divisions L. L-. A-. _' _' _ Dated: ~f /7;73 ~q~ /lAdJ ~ ~cnA'~' Corporation By ~, Q" GN'~ CPw) S gnature of Officer Sworn to before me this I;(/- day of Notary Public JUDITH f. BOKI;\\! NOlory i"ublic, Slate of ~,1ew YOlk Nu 5'2. 0344963 . s~LrL::: (-cun11f.5 Commls~ion Expires March Jll, 19r -2- - io._~. . .~- - :o:'~~ "~:==~~_'~_,'V:~_~____ ~ ',;)"1\" T.-,::),'I,'. -J, ';'-)Ul-,jC~-~'~' ." ; :\,-~ l,G;__:hCY f~0d i,: C')\_~.i:'CTi':'~; Oi- I ,,;,".le' L'C~J:~U,_-i y 'J--'; I- .....O(:"L "Cd':):J~ 11" YHi-:WCI10 "ARE,_Afl5" IS nAMPEO i--':~~_~~2~~~;...~_::..::~~~~:.r-I.2:....:,:,;:.:IOOl- 'fA /. L:; TYPE:OORPRII>TE:OINTHISElOX CO.... 'I "'..... ~~~;~I~~NF.;I~:~~:.\,~;~:.p~.:;~~~~G~i:;1 A:lJuLO PET~:J::CI IiiC g~~~~~~~~~~~~i;i.ASURER'5 NOTICE: CU'ICllOG UE ll': PROPERTY HAS BEEN TRANSFERREO: N Y ....FTER JUNE I, \ 972., PLEASE FOR- : WARD,THIS BIJ..~L TO THE NEW OWNER'.! OR RETURN TO THIS OFFlCE WITH : l'_C't';"O NAME AND ADDRESS OF NEW OWNER. t ~ ~ INDICATE CHANGE ,OF ADDRESS ON ! E_JESSIE THOi,tAS-DIST LINE _~E_~~;:.Ed~~I~~~,_____.".___._,__ .,J S-GERALD & KE~~:'1ETH CASE NOTt:,1 Taxes are payable by CASH; ~\tI_J C" r;'n'-"!O'~'fI_P , l':'111rLL 01 MONEY ORDER. As a conven- t" ~....~ r...,...,0\ H d:".j~ iet'lce checks will be accepted sub-I 1400 ject to colleC'fion for whicn this .i_. of/ice 05Sl.lme~ no lesponsibility. I _~pos~~~ted checks accepted. 1 ,~,;c,.,'Ii;; ""-rl.<il'<T _ '.,LI;()l'<[, t"A~F u;; ToTAL 'IA~ v..,,_t, 01"'-' "'tiEl; Ri:C[ 'lLr, bY ~----5,6f6------ J~N 2'73H----~-179.16. Cl<-~--- - ~ . ,'liABLE TO: GEORGE MEI...I...AS RECEIVER OF TAXES TOWN CI.ERK &L.OG. SOUTHOL.D, N.V. It~7t MON; TO FRI. IloIeL.. ~...,M, TO 4 P.M, ",:,.;'1..,,';,'.) 'fJ\.LUATIUti 11400 k(CCiPf t.v. ;:>,00<:: PAID o:-:;"'''',.~.~r~.,,",,''''''o/'' T [] t'J~" J~ Svi.JHflLD DO i,OT DETACH STU3 1972.1973 TOWN HALL. SOUTHOLO, N. y, 11971 M...KE ...L.l.. fUNDS PAV.ulEANDRETIJRilll'IL.L TO RECEIVER 01" TUES AL~~~_I~~~~j:,!. Ci,i':CI,S 1,\I)j'" \j.; l;J ,ilE EXACT AMOUNT S,'[lIAl uIS'iKICT TAX ro~~:/,-, HIG"W...V tOUt;TY t. ./ 1" I A' .. ,,~ .~'..,.. '0"';'; ~ ~,,,. 9.18 105)38 36.85 27.25 17~} .1,G ,I H"e L Y SCHOOL I . ._____._~__ --L_..~____ ___ I 111.:..t,"' hU 1 1I 5 28 44 120 36J5 TISDnLE-R NE~ELL IHD 7 AC 1400 ,_1,,'1,] VALUE '-- i,~; iJ /.;,; 8LOGS. eX LESS ex M "c~__,_~:.:-,:~i:..._~~?-~~~~-~+::-r-.:-:'-;-' / A,.<(J'.:~, hI_I f./"/ ,~,:.CIf'T ..0. "','C ,"'" "/; ... ,_., ,,,.',);,',1 ~;~;~~~,~:;:;:~K~"~~~_~~_~~~~3~=J;J;~~~;,~~,~~-~. i I-~ ",;1 / NOTICE SECOND HAI...FTAX MAY BE pAlO AT THE SAME TIME FIRST HAI...F IS DuE I . ,t~OT<::' rHL T()W;~ uF' SuUT"Ol_D AC'[S 'AI- ~ . .' . i A5 I\N /lGr:N,CY IC()I.-;H;': COLl.l:CTiOI.. ';J." , \ TAX;'::;. C<.):.SU.,T 'I(JI,jH I_OCAL :;CHOO',. j , AUTI'.Qfi:I-,.,t:<, ,H,:G/d..,2::<G SCI,QOI. i); ~'- :'c' \If 'TH"; VlORt>"Ai'HiEAR5" 15STAMPED, __4___ . "r""I:;)OR;>RINTEDIHT,HSE>OX,CONO ^",''''.7T 0 G P"':""''"''''''''''I (\. ~"';" :.:.':ULTCOUN'TVTRE....~U,H:l't.COUHTVCENM nd....l,..i-J . ..................\..0 ..... "" ::1 I >l, R1Vl::RHEAD,ti.Y.FOR PARTICULARS] D \Y A'l~ !"'cE ALSO COV~TY TREASURER'S ~OTlCE j U Ol<Tllr: REVERSE SlOE. CU'IC~:OG0Z N Y II' PROPERTY HAS aEEN TRANSFERRED! AFTEFlJUNE 1 ,.t 972, PL.EASE FOR- WAHD THIS Bi),j.. TO THE NEW OWNER OR RETURN TO THIS OFI"ICE WITH \ NA.ME "'ND ADDRESS 01" NEW OWNER; ; INDICATE CHA.t.iIiE :01" AODFlES!I ON , R,EVERSE $IOE. ! -NO 1" E-;T~. ~~;-~;e-p;;;~.~- by- C ASH'"'\ or MONEY ORDER. As 0 conven- ience chncks will be accepted sub- j iect to cuilection for which this I office olisumelf no responsibility. I No post Jated cheek. accepted. PAYABLE TO: GEORGE MELLAS RECEIVER OF TAXES TOWN CLERk 61.0G, SOUTItOl.D, N.Y. 11971 MON. TO FRI. INCl.. ~.......... TD 4-P.M. /I,s,>Es~nJ ,/.\tlll\TION 200 -- ...--........-. -.- .", -,--.. ---"'-'.' TOW\\\ Of SOUTI-lOlD DO NOT DET ACH STUB 1972.1973 TOWN HALL.. SOUTHOL.D, N. Y. 11971 ........KE ...LL 'UNOS PAYA8L.E ANa RETURN 81lL. TO RE'CEIVER OF TAXES PE1<S'::!f~"t. c;,;::.; ~ ,".'.J ijC iN ::;:,\CT AMOuNT T':>,IIL r._' S r...T.:, c OliNT ~ SI'e:ClIo-L o IS T Hie" TA~ ,. ';.; .:......v'v.. .1,.... T(i'IIN r, tll(il,'o'o',I,Y' 1.96 15,1'3 5.26 3.89 ,.,,- ." (,.,).1--1. '. - ,------ --- i 'I ~_,-'-----:-.-__.~.L I I ." i<l: LY 5CHOOL !T1:.- M ~,j'.)' 1 H ;) ~n "'OJ 41 70 112 l~-ED\:II~~ A S:,:IT:I E-B S:y~ITH-AG':JAY S-R KAPLAiJ VI_pETRUCCI-DIST r ,,-. ,~.. "-1 ~, ~..-; .~.,I ~ INC VL2 ';1.7 AC LINE 200 ~OO_ LAND VAi...UE LAND 8: SLOGS. L8:SS E:X c:x 2,6.24 Cl< ,l,M'JUlr,- PAW RECILIVED P...V....""T - "II<ST HALF .1'.... 5, 615 J~N 2 '73 RF.:CE,"'E[l PAvMr.NT _ S"-CO"I) HAI.,.F OR TOT"'L TA~ V"'LIO a';LV WHEN REC[lPTit.J aY MACrllNE -,~----_._.-~~---- _._~_._,.-------" / R[:C':'P, NO, OAT': PAiD \ NOTICE ~ AMOJ~T ?A~' RECEIPT NO. 1 CHECK (i CASH , PAlO Bf.4DDRESSEt. e~~_~~,,"_:----. ----- _._...._-_._---~_._- . OATE PAID ---_._---~-_.- BK. cHEeK \ I -I.: M. O. o PEilSON ASSESSED SECOND HAI...F TAX MAY BE pAID AT THE SAME TIME FIRST HAL.F IS DUE J '0, THI5 SURVEY MAP NOT IlfARING NO 5U\iVEYOR'S INK~D SEAL OR Site SEAL SHAll NOT BE CONSIDERED A VAliD TRUE COPY. RANTUS INDICATED H~REON SHALL RUN To-tHE "E~SON FOR WHOM THE SURYf.!. ED, AND ON HiS B.:HALf TO THE COMPANY, GOV~RNMENTAL AGENCY AI'iQ INSTITlITJoN USTEO HEREON, AND E ^~.G:lill Of THE UNDING INSTI~ N. GUAJU;L;oS A.:;~ NOT TRANSfERA8l.E ODITIOt-iAl ~H.UUONS Oil. WlS-EQUEI'fT . ~<J ,) t:JO s-- ________J L--____.__,_.~.._"_~__._...,~ ~ . ,')0 </' -~ po / . fQ~ -,\\ ~" ~, '-. X ~ "'\. ~ € du.dn , / . ,. 05' tI""~N,t9'" /0 :If t I , , .'., 1- [. t \: I I '(1l " II fID . ~- ." '-Z rl .'~ 0 "1 1 j: 'ii au III .. tJJ ~. ! V). . . ~ ~ '.cn-i ~ .-: .It t: /': .~ ~.'<< // / ' ./ / / ~/ >>/ /:/., /'// . / " ' "'--"7"....-....- / lc be E"(COVQ~ ,- // -to t5' e'€IJa,,!ioK / ",//,,/////\ . / " ." .? . / '/" / \ 1'5"0 " 'Il) '",- o ~ .... N~ <J.Je/1 t'$'f. APPQOX/lv1ATE /'VJAP /V1~OE FOR.. I-IEI?8ERT O. CASSIDY AR.:EA: /O/z ! A. AT PECON/C, FOt4. A. ItS '-, " \ <> t'.\ _"~_~~_"..;..,..._..."- "_'~~'~'.'_____-"' h Smith 1 I i I I l , :1 t . 1...- L. I. P. '" '" '" I'- '\ I I - , \ -~~--- ._-~ ."'i'. ) , ". .-.........-.-.--. 'q .. - '"--,,, ......, -,--_._-------......,_....-._,..----.~_._.._' ~75 Efc:vaf,'c,1$ r~l::f' to "'f'i"OK, :S(:(J INd. D/mef1:;/OH$. are ap/:Jro:x.o,.,11- .._--.<<........,.~..~,.,.._,_.-__~____...."_.......,..,_....,-.._...._.,_~...............'__~_ .......__.."'___.,. ...,' _ _'''''_,- "__"_'~'. _~.__,..~. ..^,",,_. .._. _A..._ '''__'._ ._. , N. Y. <: A N....., T' "r' v!;, U-r'l P E 12,\-'1/ T 6fiF~t10"J:." Co. 310 ~.---'"' / ..... / <i~ 0 iNl t "-~ 1J ~ .... ... ,) ~" ,- \ t) ~ IJ ~ j(~ V.l. ~~ -', .0 .....- () . <r- .. + . ,'- """ '-,,' .. , .. 'i: ~ ..l:l.. " ~ ..... - -.25 } " \n Ool \. \ , ....., , '" '4J ,>- '\ \ ! I ) I 1 . , \ , \ .1 .\ "..... I ~ J' I -- -- -- - -.- . iZ/yld of W"'f __1:*7 _.?-~It /"_ of ."".-'f. '- i" M,.JtJJe TZa 4 a' ~ ....,,-~. , .... ( ; -.j,.. \ ---1~ !\~ IN'; \0 ,....... , I 1 , .- ~ IS' ~.: el(CAVqf/Of/ .j;'rTc<! " "Pp.::~~"'So.."(." '1.1.$. J I! Hr.r.:; /971 \~ I i \ I ~ <:> l\j ~ 'J) or: 'lj ~ \.J l) \J \) ~ ~ --. ~ ... .. to ~ .-S ,,"""- .? 1Z/1hf 'J ' MI' tire TO I .' /3 !' 1't1t!~ ();. 11'I';;.1 , I 'Eoa d ) ) --'-7+'''- -~-- Sep"tJc:;It.,' i N1c,f"ied D./:.", 1~73 ' ~.-..- L ___ RoJctYj:k.. 1/4" 7f.llif1, P. C. iG., V<,~~;-.I~~ l../c. 1..<1""(::' 6"'f'VlI?jort - ",,"C'ErI/">I't, N. Y. . ,...,_ e....' ,." -.~" ""_" -"~'" ','-".. ~~"" . ._...~. ._... -..._........~,._,,___._,...~... ._--,. ._'.. ~ t \k \ -" , ~. I ,. ~'. ( ':"> )> . ""' ~ l"< ~'IJ' I ' . I II ~J 'J' . I .. ) ~ " a-, I ~ L.' ..' i.>> (',. :; I 0 ::11.; ~ !" t "i. \ tl U-I.0---.1 I;J .. ~ '"' t t i -- 5' -I I I I l '. , I ! -- -----4