HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/13/2006 Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Mattituck Park District held on July 13,2006, in the office of the Veterans Park building at 11280 Peconic Bay Boulevard, Mattituck, New York, 11952, with all Commissioners present: Chairman Tom McCaffery, Jerome Zuhoski, and Gerard Goehringer, together with John Cushman, Treasurer, Madeline Haas, Secretary, Gail Faircloth, Clerk, Edward Grohoski, Maintenance, and Mr. Williamson, volunteer worker. Chairman Tom McCaffery called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m. On motion of Jerome Zuhoski, seconded by Gerry Goehringer and carried, the minutes of the May meeting were approved as presented. On motion of Tom McCaffery, seconded by Jerome Zuhoski and carried, the minutes of the June meeting were approved as presented. On motion of Jerome Zuhoski, seconded by Tom McCaffery and carried, the Treasurer's report for July, 2006 was approved and the following bills ordered paid: Cash Cash in Time Cash in MBIAlCLASS Total Assets BILLS ORDERED PAID: MDNY $ Empire BC/BS AT&T Carquest Auto Parts crrGO Petroleum Corporation Cutchogue Hardware Inc. East End Sporting Goods Griffing Hardware Co., Inc. Bob Grigonis Contracting, LLC. Home Depot Credit Services Keyspan Energy Delivery LIPA Mattituck Plumbing Supply; Inc. Nextel Communications Northeastern Equipment Unlimit North Fork Fence, LLC North Fork Mechanical & Home North Fork Flagpole Company Orlowski Hardware Company, Inc. Penny Lumber Postmaster $ 1,071.96 346,295.85 115.013.98 $ 462,381.79 1,005.59 1,014.91 24.68 5.04 905.19 10.15 299.00 29.15 25,680.00 194.12 106.28 1,082.28 11.00 328.15 62.53 4,458.00 2,424.34 880.00 94.53 322.00 39.00 RECEIVED AUG 1 6 2006 ~outholrl Town Clerk Bills Continued Sound Shore Irrigation Inc. $ Troop #2535 Suffolk Cty Girl S. Twin Forks Fire Extinguisher Verizon Bergo Janitorial supply, Inc. C. Martin automotive Ent, Ltd Southold Town Dept. of Solid Waste North Fork Mechanic $ TOTAL BILLS PAID $ 192.20 90.00 71.50 144.13 44.91 97.89 44.90 2.150.00 41,811.47 There has been a request by National Multiple ScWerosis, Long Island Chapter, contact person is April Sabatini, for use of the Veterans Park site on September 17,2006, from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. for a rest stop of 250 cyclists and use of bathrooms. They requested one table and a couple of chairs. Permission granted. The Casey;s requested the use of the basketball courts at the Aldrich Lane site for a Memorial basketball %,ame of 3 on 3 in memory of the Casey boy who died. They want the site for July 15 ,2006. Gail to contact them and get the paper work done and they must have insurance. Commissioners also want some type of agreement in writing with the school disstrict because of the courts being on the school propertY. Gail to tell Mr. Casey to contact Gail Wickham regarding same. Life Guards: A complaint has been received about the life guards. They are not in their chairs and weren't paying attention to the kids that were at swimming lessons. Barbara Droskoski was notified. Commissioners want Barbara to get in touch with the complainant. Also last Saturday, July 8th 2006, Gail said there were no life guards at Breakwater Beach. Commissioners requested Gail to notifY the Gate Attendants that they are to be on duty two hours more on Fridays and Saturdays. Their hours are to be the same as the life guards (9:30 a..m.- 5:00 p.m.). Gerry Goehringer reported the survey is holding up the C. O. for the new building because it has to show the cesspools and they haven't been put on. Gerry is going out to pick up a sketch showing the cesspools. Mr. Foster hasn't given anything. The field work is done. The grease trap had to be removed from the original survey. Warren Sambach is going to do the work. It should be done in about three weeks. Tom McCaffery asked about the cleanup at the Bailey Beach site. Gail Wickham to be asked if she has heard from D.E.C. because people are complaining that the beach is very dirtY. Gail Wickham called. She can't be here for this meeting but will be at the next meeting. She has pictures and some informatio about the cell tower. Ed Grohoski reported the pickup has a clutch that has been adjusted as far as it can go and there is a leak in the rear drum. The mechanic said it would be wise to get rid of the pickup. Ed Grohoski reported that the new Toro machine came in 7/13/06. Kevin Romanowski has swept the parking fields at all the sites (Veterans Park, Breakwater, and Yacht Club). He will be back to put the surface on. The Commissioners informed the employees to go to the Sports Shop and order a shirt or wind breaker and have the Mattituck Park District logo put on it. Ed Grohoski said that the lock on the fence on the west side of Veterans Park was left open so he has put a chain on it. Gerry Goehringer reported that the Plaque for the Wickham's was moving along. Gail Faircloth reported that Jim Cox had a heart operation. He had 6 arteries and veins clogged. Commissioners said to get a $50.00 gift certificate and send it to him. August meeting will be the budget vote. Commissioners and John went over the draft and informed the Secretary to set the date of the meeting and vote for August 10, 2006, at the 11280 Peconic Bay Boulevard, Mattituck, NY 11952, office. Voting will be from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM. Ed Grohoski said the Yacht Club people said if there is anything they can help with in the District just ask them. Secretary to call Gail Wickham to see what is going on with the beach cleanup and has she heard from the D.E.C. The complainers are still complaining about it. Also Scott Russell could be called to see ifhe can help get D.E.C. going on beach cleanup. No further business to come before the meeting, on motion of Jerome Zuhoski, seconded by Tom McCaffery and carried, the meeting was adjourned.