HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/13/2006 ,. '/"/; r, '/_J. /'c "/". ! //',/e.-- )', // Minutes of the meeting of the Mattituck Park District held on June 13, 2006 in the office of the Veterans Park Building on Peconic Bay Boulevard, Mattituck, New York, with Chairman Tom McCaffery being the only Commissioner present, joined by Treasurer John Cushman, Park District employees Ed Grohoski, Gail Faircloth and Barbara Droskoski, and residents Russell Williamson, Patty Schuford, and,Frank Polistina, representing the North Side Out volleyball team. Tom McCaffery called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM and noted that since no quorum was present, no business of the District could be conducted. Patty Schuford brought before the Commission a request for a permit for July 16, 2006 at the Yacht Club facility (rather than Vet's Park as that site is booked with a wedding party). Patty indicated she expected 35-40 people, as she was holding a clambake under a tent and catered by Jamesport Country Kitchen. Ed Grohoski noted that a porta-potti is on site and offered to place trashcans on site. Patty declined the offer of trashcans, indicating the caterer and she would clean up any trash. Patty suggested that perhaps the ladies could use the Veterans Park bathrooms if they were willing to travel that far. Patty was advised to contact Gail Faircloth for the appropriate permit forms and to obtain requisite insurance coverage naming the Park District as an additional insured. Tom indicated that her permit should not be a problem. Frank Polistena indicated that his game was rained out last week and was seeking to reserve Thursday's for'his "rain date." Since the facility is presently available on Thursdays, Tom indicated his approval for reserving Thursdays as the rain date for Frank's league and furthermore that Tuesdays be reserved as the rain date for Mike Ryan's league. On behalf of a third party Frank complained that Mike Ryan was denying non- league players from playing in Mike's fundraising toumaments. Tom advised Frank to have the third party appear for the Park Commissioners if there was a problem. In addition, Tom will ask Mike Ryan about the situation to get Mikes side of the story. Ed Grohoski reported that lifeguard equipment (an air horn) was missing after a Sunday volleyball game, and that Mike Ryan has replaced the missing air homo After a lengthy discussion, it was suggested that Ed look into a solution to securing the lifeguard equipment. Frank Polistena reported that the Town of Southold has removed the grass inside the volleyball court. RECEIVED AUG 1 6 2006 Southol~ Town Clerk Barbara Droskoski sought a date when beaches would open and determined that said date was June 24. The Town will be conducting swimming lessons starting on June 26 at Veterans Park, running for two weeks. Barbara indicated that signs are needed to indicate .Swimming Facilities Open" and hours of operation to include lifeguard on or off duty, swimming prohibited at all other times. Ed indicated that he though that the County's Board of Health required these signs. Tom directed Ed to have the signs made up professionally and put them up at each location on the attendant's booth. Barbara indicated that lifeguards have their own masks, but spares are needed. Ed indicated that we had them. Barbara also needs keys for each facility. Ed reported that the Veterans Park ropes are ready to go in the water and that one marker for Breakwater will be placed offshore directly in front of the lifeguard stand. Barbara will make sure that each lifeguard has the required certifications. Ed reported that Coke is willing to place a vending machine at Veterans Park and will give the District 10% if they make a profit. John Cushman advised Ed that Coke should provide the District with a release before placing the machine and Tom indicated that the machine should be properly secured. Gail reported that she has had sheets laminated and provided to the beach attendants indicated Town beaches, as some people are attempting to access Park District beaches with Town permits. Gail also reported that the Cutchogue resident obtained a Park District permit in error, so permit was removed from his vehicle and his fee refunded.' Ed suggested that motion sensor be installed on a light outside the Veterans Park building. Russ Williamson indicated that if a wire run was needed, his electrician could run it for the District. Gail reported that Chelsea Ficner was hired as a Beach Attendant but was released for age considerations. Meghan Walters has been hired as a Beach Attendant at $6.75 per hour. Ed reported that chairs for the meeting room have been prdered. Ed was seeking pricing for 10' round tables, but has learned thatthat size is too big, so is seeking pricing for 8' round tables and stackable chairs. It was noted that after the meeting of May 16, 2006 the Board of Commissioners approved the purchase of a new Toro lawn mower off state contract at a cost of $14,433. It was also noted that the Commissioners approved the installation of fencing at Veterans Park as referenced in the meeting minutes of May 16, 2006. Ed reported that the Veterans Park Building has passed final inspection by the Town. Electrical and plumbing certificates are required for the Certificate of Occupancy, as is a survey showing the building and the septic system. Ed will speak with Commissioner Goehringer to get the survey and appropriate certificates from the contractor. Payment of the $25,680 invoice of Bob Grigonis, contractor for the Veterans Park building, will ~e held until the July meeting. John Cushman presented the following bills for payment and Tom McCaffery approved them for payment: MDNY Bergo Janitorial Supply, Inc. GNS Mermaid Keyspan Energy Delivery L1PA North Fork Fence & Supply Co. Penny Lumber Verlzon Wickham, Bressler, Gordon & Gea All Island Equipment Corporatio C. Martin Automotive Ent, Ltd. Carquest Auto Parts C.F. Van Duzer Gas Service Inc. crr.Go Petroleum Corporation Cutchogue Hardware Inc. The Hartford Home Depot Credit Services Island Portables Mallituck Plumbing Supply Inc. Nexlel Communications Orlowski Hardwara Company, Inc. Suffolk County Water Authority Sound Shora Irrigation, Inc. East End Sporting Goods 5/22/06 6/8106 6/5/06 . 6/5106 6/5106 6/5106 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5106 6/8106 6/5106 6/12/06 6/12/06 6i1~06 6/12/06 6/12/06 6/12/06 6/12/06 6/12/06 6/12/06 6/12/06 6/12/06 6/12/06 1,005.59 1,033.78 122.95 84.44 n3.99 860.00 41.92 132.40 2,493.39 67.59 5.78 32.14 47.21 684.01 110.20 45.00 331.83 340.00 14.00 239.18 202.89 112.27 652.85 140.00 9,753.41 ., John Cushman presented the following Treasurers rep,ort: Cash Cash in Time Cash in MBIAICLASS Total Cash 233.51 391,969.46 114,558.29 506,761.26 John Cushman reported that no funds have been received from the Mattituck Yacht Club for using the Park District dumpster, although Gail Wickham has sent a reminder to the Yacht Club. NYMIR has repeated their request from last year for the Districts employment practices guidelines (sexual harassment, equal employmenUanti-discrimination). Tom indicated that Gail Wickham is working on these guidelines. Gail F aricloth ~ported that two boards on the easternmost jetty at Veterans Park are lose and present a dangerous condition. Tom reported that Commissioner Goehringer is looking into making the required repairs. It was reported by Ed Grohoski that Phillip Neudeck has resigned, so his employment with the District is terminated effective immediately. Jerry Goehringer has the keys assigned to Phillip. John Cushman presented a budget for Commissioner review in advance of the July meeting. Ed indicated that he would be out work on or about August 1 for several weeks due to surgery. At 8:25 PM, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, ')L~', {!~ 'Jo n Cushman ~ T asurer' ~~