HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIFD - Amendment to Establishment of District 1993S FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT ACT TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1. Authority and Procedures for Establishment of District. Section 1-a. Authority to extend District to include entire territory of Fishers Island. Section 2. Objects and Purposes of District. Section Section 3. Authorization to acquire land, boats and other property Powers and Duties of District Manager. Section for the purposes of the District. Annual District Meeting. Section 4. Authorizes issuance and sale of Town Obligations by the 11. Prohibits personal interest of District Commissioners, Officers Town of Southold for District Purposes. Section 5. Authorizes a Board of Ferry District Commissioners and Severance clause as to void or unconstitutional provisions if specifies its powers and duties. of the Act. Section 5-a. Authorizes acquisition of Airport. Section 5-b. Delegates to the District Commissioners, Jurisdiction and control over the Airport and defines their powers relative thereto. Section 6. District Finances. Section 7. Appointment & Organization of Board of Commissioners. Section 8. Powers and Duties of District Manager. Section 9. Annual District Meeting. Section 10. Preparation of Annual Estimates & Hearing thereon. Section 11. Prohibits personal interest of District Commissioners, Officers or Employees in District Contracts, Leases or Agreements. Section 12. Severance clause as to void or unconstitutional provisions if of the Act. Section 13. Requires public bidding on public works & purchase contracts, when required by the General Municipal Law. Section 14. Validation of claim of Thames Shipyard for repairs and renovations to ferry vessel Mystic Isle. Section 15. Authorizes the establishment of Reserve Fund Accounts. FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT ACT (Chapter 699 of the Laws of 1947) AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE CREATION OF THE FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT, AS AMENDED BY CHAPTER 27 OF THE LAWS OF 1948; CHAPTER 82 OF THE LAWS OF 1950; CHAPTER 620 OF THE LAWS OF 1951; CHAPTERS 132, 169 & 170 OF THE LAWS OF 1975; CHAPTER 637 OF THE LAWS OF 1962; CHAPTER 650 OF THE LAWS OF 1968; CHAPTER 968 OF THE LAWS OF 1973; CHAPTER 742 OF THE LAWS OF 1976; & CHAPTER 916 OF THE LAWS OF 1983. AN ACT authorizing the acquisition, construction, equipment and operation of a public ferry for hire from Fishers Island across the waters of Long Island sound; authorizing the creation of Fishers Island ferry district in the town of Southold, Suffolk county and providing for the election of its officers and management of its affairs; authorizing the collection of ferriage charges; authorizing the issuance and sale of obligations of said town and providing for their payment; authorizing the levy and collection of taxes; and providing for other related matters Became a law on April 7, 1947, with the approval of the Governor, Passes, three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly do enact as follows: Section 1. Upon petition as hereinafter provided, the town board of the town of Southold, Suffolk county, may, after a public hearing and with the permission of the state comptroller, establish the entire territory of Fishers Island in said town, exclusive of those portions of Fort Wright which are government owned, a public ferry district, to be known as the Fishers Island ferry district. Such petition shall be signed by the owners of taxable real property situate in the proposed district, owning in the aggregate at least one-half of the assessed valuation of all the taxable real property of the proposed district as shown by the latest completed assessment roll of said town; provided, however, that the petition shall include the signatures of resident owners owning taxable real property aggregating at least one-half of the assessed valuation of such taxable real property. All of the provisions of article twelve of the town law, not inconsistent with the provisions of this act, shall apply to the establishment and operation of such district. (Amended by Chapter 169 of the Laws of 1957] Section 1-a. The town board of the town of Southold, Suffolk county, may extend the Fishers Island ferry district to include the entire territory of Fishers Island pursuant to the applicable provisions of article twelve -a of the town law. [Added by Chapter 637 of the Laws of 1962] Section 2. The object and purpose of the district shall be to acquire, construct, equip, operate and maintain a public ferry for the transportation for hire of persons and vehicles, and goods, wares and merchandise, from convenient points on Fishers Island across the waters of: Long Island sound and other adjacent waters or tributary thereto to points within and without the state. Such ferry may be referred to as the Fishers Island ferry. A further object and purpose of the district shall be to acquire by gift, purchase or lease, an airport or landing field situated on Fishers Island, and to operate and maintain such airport. [Amended by Chapter 620 of the Laws of 1951] Section 3. The town board of the town of. Southold may construct Fishers Island ferry, and acquire all boats and other equipment and appurtenances necessary, or authorize the commissioners of the district to let the necessary contract or contracts therefor. The town board of such town may acquire all lands, rights or easements in land necessary for the purposes of such ferry, and with the approval of the superintendent of public works may erect or cause to be erected and maintained within the limits of any public highway, all braces, appendages or other equipment and structures necessary for the operation of the ferry. The town board may also authorize the commissioners to contract with a private person or persons or a corporation for the independent operation of such ferry upon such terms and conditions as may be mutually agreed upon, provided, however, that any such contract or renewal thereof shall not be for a period longer than five years. No bid for such contract shall be received as hereinafter provided unless the terms and provisions thereof shall have been approved by the town board. [Amended by Chapter 82 of the Laws of 1950; Chapter 170 of the Laws of 1957; & Chapter 650 of the Laws of 1968] Section 4. The cost of acquisition, construction and equipment of the ferry, including lands and rights or easements in lands, shall be paid from taxes levied for the fiscal year in which such expenditure is made; from surplus funds, or from the proceeds of town obligations to be issued and sold in the manner provided by the local finance law. The town board of the town of Southold may borrow the amount needed for such purposes and issue town obligations therefor in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding five hundred thousand dollars. Upon the adoption of a resolution by the town board, subject to a permissive referendum by the owners of taxable real property situate within the ferry district as shown by the latest completed assessment roll of the town, such aggregate principal amount which the town board may borrow and for which obligations may be issued may be increased to any amount up to but not exceeding the sum of nine hundred fifty thousand dollars. [Amended by Chapter 82 of the Laws of 1950; Chapter 968 of the Laws of 1973; Chapter 742 of the Laws of 1976; & Chapter 916 of the Laws of 19831 Section 5. The affairs of the district shall be under the jurisdiction, control and supervision of a board of five commissioners. The town board shall appoint five resident taxpayers of the district who shall constitute the board until their successors are elected and have qualified pursuant to the provisions of this act. Successors to the members so appointed shall be elected by the electors of the district as hereinafter provided. Every person who is an elector of the town of Southold and the owner or real property situated within the Fishers Island ferry district assessed upon the last preceding town assessment roll shall be eligible to hold the office of ferry commissioner. The ferry commissioners shall have the power and it shall be the duty of such commissioners: (a) To prepare or cause to be prepared and to submit to the town board of the town of Southold for approval, plans for the acquisition, construction and equipment of the ferry; (b) To supervise the construction of any works or improvements connected with the ferry and make reports thereon from time to time as the town board shall require; (c) To have jurisdiction, control and supervision over the ferry and to operate and maintain the same; (d) To purchase all necessary tools, materials and supplies needed for the proper upkeep of the ferry; (e) Subject to the approval of the town board, to enter into contracts or leases for the purposes of the ferry; (f) Subject to the approval of the town board, to appoint and at pleasure remove a manager and such other employees and assistants as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this act, and fix their compensation; (g) Subject to the approval of the town board, to promulgate and adopt and from time to time amend rules and regulations governing the operation of the ferry; (h) To fix and classify with the approval of: the town board and subject to agreements with bond holders, and from time to time reduce or increase the rates or ferriage charges to be collected for the transportation of persons and of vehicles, and of goods, wares and merchandise; (i) To fix the days and hours during which the ferry shall be operated and cause notice thereof to be posted at all entrances to the ferry; (j) To post and keep posted in conspicuous and accessible places outside and adjacent to each entrance to the ferry, in plain view of the passengers upon such ferry, a schedule plainly printed in the English language of rates of ferriage charges to be collected for transportation over such ferry; (k) To have and exercise such additional powers and duties relating to the operation, maintenance and up -keep of the ferry as may be delegated to them by the town board. [Amended by Chapter 637 of the Laws of 19621 -2- Section 5-a. The town board of the town of Southold may acquire by gift, purchase or lease, on behalf of the ferry district, an airport or landing field situated on Fishers Island, after a public hearing held in the same manner and upon the same notice as in the case of the establishment of the ferry district. The notice of hearing shall state generally the purpose of the hearing, describe the real property to be acquired and the nature of such acquisition, specify the amount of the consideration to be paid therefor and the time when and place where said town board will meet to consider the proposition and to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof concerning the same. After such hearing and upon the evidence adduced thereat, the town board shall determine by resolution whether or not it is in the public interest to acquire such real property in the manner and upon the terms stated in the notice of hearing. If the town board shall determine that such acquisition is in the public interest, it may proceed to acquire such real property in the specified manner and upon the specified terms. [Added by Chapter 620 of the Laws of 19511 Section 5-b. When such airport or landing field shall have been so acquired, the town board may delegate jurisdiction, control and supervision of such airport or landing field to the board of ferry district commissioners. The board of ferry commissioners may: (a) Equip, maintain, repair and operate such airport or landing field. (b) Subject to the approval of the town board of the town, adopt and amend from time to time, rules and regulations governing the operation and use of such airport or landing field. (c) Provide such services and facilities as are usual and incidental to the operation of an airport or landing field, and fix, from time to time, the fees, charges, rentals or other consideration for the rendering of such services and the use of such facilities. (d) Grant licenses, concessions and privileges and sell space and rent premises to such grantees and licensees for the carrying out of the business of furnishing services, supplies and materials required for the maintenance, repair and operation of aircraft and such other activities, supplies and materials reasonably necessary or incidental to the operation of such airport or landing field. (e) Contract at the expense of the ferry district for insurance indemnifying the ferry district, or the town, or both, against loss arising from injuries to persons or property arising out of the maintenance and operation of such airport or landing field. (f) Cause ferry district property to be insured against loss or damage from fire or other hazard. (g) Lease such portion of the airport or landing field not required for airport or landing field purposes for any legal business purpose. The exercise of any power authorized by paragraphs (d) and (g) of this section shall be subject to the approval of the town board after a public hearing held by the board of ferry commissioners. Notice of such public hearing shall state generally the purpose thereof, describe briefly the terms of the license, concession, privilege or lease and specify the time when and place where the board of ferry commissioners will meet to consider the proposition and to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof concerning the same. Such notice shall be published and posted in the same manner as in the case of the establishment of the ferry district. All revenues, of whatsoever kind or nature, arising out of the maintenance and operation of such airport or landing field, shall be the property of the ferry district, and shall be treated in the same manner as prescribed in section six hereof as to ferry revenues. All costs, expenses and liabilities, of whatever kind or nature, whether tort or contract, arising out of the ownership, maintenance and operation of such airport or landing field shall be charged against the ferry district and paid out of ferry district funds. The annual estimate required to be made by the board of ferry district commissioners pursuant to section ten hereof shall include anticipated revenues and expenditures arising out of the ownership, maintenance and operation of such airport or landing field. [Added by Chapter 620 of the Laws of 19511 -3- Section 6. All moneys received from ferriage charges shall be deposited daily in banks or trust companies in the state of New York and the state of Connecticut to be designated by the supervisor of the town of Southold and to the credit of such supervisor. The supervisor shall execute and file with the town clerk additional security for the safekeeping and lawful application of such moneys in such amount and with such sureties as the town board shall approve. The expenses incurred in connection with any such undertaking shall be a charge against the district. The ferry commissioners shall on or before the tenth day of each month, file with the town clerk of the town a report of their activities during the preceding month in such detail as the town board shall require. Each such report shall contain a statement showing the amount of ferriage charges collected and all obligations of the district unpaid at the time of filing the report. All claims against the district shall be audited monthly by the town board and paid by the supervisor from moneys remaining to his credit and belonging to the ferry district. Out of such moneys the town board may establish a revolving petty cash fund for the use of the board of commissioners. Such fund shall be in such amount as the town board may deem necessary but shall not at any time exceed the sum of fifteen hundred dollars and shall continue in existence from year to year until abolished. Such petty cash fund shall be placed in an account in the name of the commission and shall be under the control of the manager and expenditures therefrom shall be made only for payment in advance of audit of properly itemized and certified or verified bills for materials, supplies and services other than employment, provided, however, that expenditures not in excess of ten dollars at any one time may be made for cash purchases of necessary materials or supplies. A statement of expenditures from such petty cash fund and their purposes together with the bills or vouchers therefor shall be a part of the monthly report to the town board. Upon audit by the town board such petty cash fund shall be reimbursed in the amount of the expenditures allowed. In the event that any such bill or expenditures are disallowed the manager shall be personally liable therefor. [Amended by Chapter 82 of the Laws of 1950; & Chapter 916 of the Laws of 1983] Section 7. The annual meeting for the election of commissioners shall be held on the second Tuesday in August. At the first annual election one ferry commissioner shall be elected for a term of one year, one for a term of two years, one for a term of three years, one for a term of four years and one ferry commissioner shall be elected for a term of five years, to commence on the date of this election. Successors to such ferry commissioners shall be elected for terms of five years each. The commissioners shall organize by the election from their number of a chairman who shall preside at all meetings of the board of commissioners. The commissioners shall meet monthly on the second Tuesday in each month for the transaction of the business of the district. Special meetings may be held at the call of the chairman. Each commissioner shall receive for his services the sum of twenty-five dollars for each meeting of the board actually attended by him, provided that the aggregate compensation which any such commissioner may receive for services rendered during any year shall not exceed the sum of five hundred dollars. In addition thereto each commissioner shall receive his expenses actually and necessarily incurred in the performance of the duties of his office. Such expenses shall be paid from the funds of the ferry district after audit and approval by the town board. [Amended by Chapter 27 of the Laws of 1948; Chapter 82 of the Laws of 1950; & Chapter 968 of the Laws of 19731 Section 8. The manager shall be the administrative head of the district and shall devote his entire time to the duties of his office. Before entering upon the duties of his office, the manager shall take the constitutional oath of office and file the same in the office of the town clerk of the town. The functions, powers and duties of the commissioners relating to the operation and maintenance of Fishers Island ferry shall be exercised and performed by the manager or under his supervision subject to the direction and control of the commissioners. The manager shall exercute and file with the town clerk of the town an undertaking for the safekeeping and lawful application of any funds of the district which may come to his hands in such amount and with such surety or sureties as shall be approved by the town board of the town. Section 9. The annual meeting shall be held within the district at a place to be fixed by the commissioners. The commissioners shall cause notice to be posted in five public places in the district at least ten days before the date of the annual meeting. The notice shall state the time, place and object of the meeting and the hours that the polls are to remain open. The polls shall be open for a period of four hours to be fixed by the commissioners. Voting shall -4- be by paper ballot to be provided by the commissioners. Such ballots shall conform as nearly as may be to ballots for primary elections provided by section one hundred eight of the election law. The expense of the annual meeting shall be a charge against the district. Electors of the district qualified to vote for town officers of the town of Southold at the preceding town election and owners of real property situate within the Fishers Island ferry district assessed upon the last preceding town assessment roll shall be eligible to vote at any such annual election. The members of the board of commissioners shall appoint a board of inspectors consisting of a chairman and two tellers, all of whom are resident taxpayers but not members of the board of commissioners and such board shall serve as the inspectors of election and at the close of the polls shall canvass the vote and certify the result of the election. A certificate of the result executed by the inspectors of election shall be filed in the office of the town clerk of the town of Southold. [Amended by Chapter 132 of the Laws of 1957; & Chapter 637 of the Laws of 19621 Section 10. The fiscal year of the district shall commence on the first day of January and end on the thirty-first day of December. The commissioners shall prepare detailed estimates in writing of the anticipated revenues and expenditures for such district for the purpose of determining the amount of money required to meet the expenses of operation and maintenance of the district and district property and improvements for the fiscal year commencing on the first day of January next succeeding. Upon the completion of such annual estimates, the commissioners shall adopt a resolution specifying the time when and place where a public hearing will be held upon such annual estimates and require the manager to give notice of such hearing. Such hearing shall be held on or about the twentieth day of August in each year. Notice of such hearing shall be published once in one newspaper having general circulation within the district at least ten days prior to the time of such hearing. At the time and place specified in such notice, the commissioners shall meet and review said annual estimates. At such hearing any person may be heard in favor of or against such annual estimates as compiled or for or against any item or items therein contained. After such hearing the commissioners may increase or reduce any item contained in such annual estimates. Thereupon the commissioners shall approve such annual estimates and submit the same to the town board of the town for its action thereon in the manner and within the time specified in section two hundred two -a of the town law. The town board shall add to any such estimate installments of principal and of interest accruing during such fiscal year on any town bonds issued to provide funds for the payment of the cost of acquisition, construction and equipment of the ferry. The amount of such estimate as approved by the town board shall be raised by tax upon all the taxable real property of the district, at the same time, in the same manner and by the same officers as town charges are raised by tax therein, and when collected shall be paid to the supervisor of the town. All of the provisions of section two hundred two -a of the town law, not inconsistent with the provisions of this act shall apply. [Amended by Chapter 637 of the Laws of 1962] Section 11. No commissioner, officer, employee or agent of the district shall have any personal interest in any contract, lease or agreement executed pursuant to this act or in furnishing labor or materials for the district. Section 12. If the courts of the state or of the United States shall adjudge any section or sections, provision or provisions of this act unconstitutional or void, then such determination shall affect only the section or sections, provision or provisions so adjudged to be unconstitutional or void, and shall not affect any other section or provision of this act. [Added by Chapter 27 of the Laws of 1948] Section 13. All contracts for public work and all purchase contracts shall be let to the lowest responsible bidder after advertisement for bids where so required by section one hundred three of the general municipal law. [Added by Chapter 650 of the Laws of 1968] Section 14. Notwithstanding the provisions of any general, special or local law inconsistent herewith, all acts done and proceedings taken by the board of ferry commissioners relating or pertaining to work performed and materials furnished by Thames Shipyard and Repair Company of New London, Connecticut, in relation to repairs and improvements to the ferry vessel Mystic Isle owned by the Fishers Island Ferry District during the period from October twenty-three, nineteen hundred sixty-seven to January thirty-one, nineteen hundred sixty-eight, are hereby legalized, validated, ratified and confirmed. -5- (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of any general, special or local law inconsistent therewith, the claim of Thames Shipyard and Repair Company of New London. Connecticut in the sum of thirty thousand five hundred eighty-nine dollars and twenty-eight cents for repairs and improvements to the ferry vessel Mystic Isle during the Period from October twenty-third, nineteen hundred sixty-seven to January thirty-one, nineteen hundred sixty-eight is hereby legalized, validated, ratified and confirmed, subject, however, to the audit thereof by the town board of the town of Southold in the manner provided by law, whereupon such claim may be paid from moneys of the Fishers Island Ferry District available therefor. [Added by Chapter 650 of the Laws of 19681 Section 15. (1.) The town board of the town of Southold on behalf of the district, may establish one or more reserve funds for the financing of all or part of the cost of a "specific object or purpose" or a "class of objects or purposes", as such terms are defined in section 2.00 of the local finance law, which may be constructed, reconstructed, acquired or provided by or on behalf of such district. The authorization of the establishment of such a fund shall be subject to a permissive referendum in the district and shall set forth the estimated maximum cost of any such specific object or purpose or class thereof. (2.) There may be paid into such fund such an amount as may be provided therefor by budgetary appropriation or such district revenues as are not required by law to be paid into any other fund or account. Any amount to be assessed, levied and collected in the district to provide money for such fund shall be assessed, levied and collected in the same manner and at the same time as the amount to provide for the costs of operation and maintenance of such district. (3.) An expenditure may be made from such a reserve fund only by the authorization of the town board and only for a specific object or purpose or class thereof, the cost of which may be financed therefrom. (4.) The town board may authorize the transfer to the credit of a reserve fund created pursuant to this section for the district, any unexpended balance remaining in another reserve fund created for the district. If the object of purpose or class thereof for which the latter fund was established has been completed, acquired or provided, a sum sufficient to satisfy all outstanding claims arising from such completion, acquisition or provision shall be retained in such fund and not transferred. [Added by Chapter 916 of the Laws of 1983] ���dSUEFQ(��� i � HARVEY A. ARNOFF co Town Attorney MATTHEW G. KIERNAN'� Assistant Town Attorney OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 13, 1993 VIA OVERNIGHT MAIL Hon. Elizabeth D. Moore, Counsel to the Governor Executive Chamber State Capitol Albany, New York 12224 Re: Bill's Introductory Number 4902--A Amendment to Special Act providing for the establishment of the Fishers Island Ferry District (Chapter 699 of the Laws of 1947) Dear Honorable Moore: SCOTT L. HARRIS Supervisor Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 This is in response to your request for comments and recommenda- tions regarding the above -referenced legislation. The Fishers Island Ferry District is presently engaged in developing plans and seeking permits to expand and improve the District's New London, Connecticut terminal facility. These improvements will require bonding in excess of that currently allowed by the act which created the Fishers Island Ferry District (i.e., Laws of New York, 1947, Chapter 699, as amended). The Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District now wishes to amend the act for the purpose of increasing the debt limitation of the District and for the additional purpose of updating other sections (amendments to Sections 6 and 7 which relate to the maintenance and administration of the petty cash fund and the meeting schedule and compensation of the commissioners, respectively). OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 18, 1993 Mr. Philip T. Knauff Fishers Island Ferry District Fishers Island, New York 06390 Re: Fishers Island Ferry District Dear Phil: SCOTT L. HARRIS Supervisor Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 Please be advised that the annexed legislation has passed in the Senate. We were advised by Senator LaValle's office that the bill is in the Local Government Committee of the Assembly and we are awaiting action there. We will continue to keep you advised as developments occur. Very tr ly yours, tt w G. Kiernan, Assistant Town Attorney MGK:cc Enclosure cc: Supervisor Scott L. Harris Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk ✓ 4 { +v5 ' HARVEY A. ARNOFFZ r�is E r' �, Town Attorney MATTHEW G. KIERNAN Assistant Town Attorney OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 18, 1993 Mr. Philip T. Knauff Fishers Island Ferry District Fishers Island, New York 06390 Re: Fishers Island Ferry District Dear Phil: SCOTT L. HARRIS Supervisor Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 Please be advised that the annexed legislation has passed in the Senate. We were advised by Senator LaValle's office that the bill is in the Local Government Committee of the Assembly and we are awaiting action there. We will continue to keep you advised as developments occur. Very tr ly yours, tt w G. Kiernan, Assistant Town Attorney MGK:cc Enclosure cc: Supervisor Scott L. Harris Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk ✓ d NEW YORK STATE SENATE MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF LEGISLATION D Memo on original - Bill Number: Senate Assembly draft of bill S. 490VA A. 6801-A n Memo on amended bill Sponsors: Member of the Senate: Member of the Assembly: LAVALLE _ Sawicki Introduced at the request of: Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District and the Town Board of the Town of Southold. TITLE OF BILI.: AN ACT to amend chapter 699 of the laws of 1947, relating to authorizing the creation of the Fishers Island ferry district in the town of Southold:, Suffolk County, in relation to providing for an increase of the debt limitation of the district and updating various provisions thereof. PURPOSE AND SUMMARY OF BILL: To increase the debt limitation of Fishers Island Ferry diitrict from $,954,000 to $5,000,000 rind to increase the commissioner's compensation from $25 per meeting to $50 per meeting. with a yearly cap of $2500.- - JUSTIFICATION: The district is presently engaged in developing plans and seeking permits to expand and improve the District's New London tcrn3ural facility. These improvements will reA4aire bon6ig in excess of that currently allowed. PRIOR L:ECISLATIVE HISTORY: New bill. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS FOR THE STATE: None to the State. EFFECTIVE DATE: ''his act shall take effect immediately. r STATE OF NEW YORK 4902-..A 1993-1994 Regular Sessions IN SENATE May 3, 1993 Introduced by Sen. LAVALLZ -- read twice and ordered printed, and when printed to be committed to the Committee on Local GOverpment com- Jaittee discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted to said committee AN,;ACT to amend chapter 699 of the laws of 1947, relating to authorizing. Oe creation of Fishers Island ferry district in the town cf Southold, Suffolk county, in relation to providing fo: an increase Of the debt limitation of the district and updating various provisions therepf The People of tha State of New York, represented in Senate and rssem- biv, do enact as follows: 1 Section 1. Sections 4v 6 and 7 of chapter 699 of the laws of 1947, 2 relating to authorizing the creation of Fishers Island ferry district in 3 the town of Southold, Suffolk county, sections 4 and 6 axr amended by 4 chapter 916 of the laws of 1983 and section 7 as amended by chapten 968 5 of the laws of 1973, are amended to read as follows.. 6 5 4. The cost of acquisi�icn, construction and equipment o1; the ferry, 7 including lands and rights or easements in lands, shall be paid from 8 taxes levied for the fiscal year in which such expenditure is made; from.', 9 surplus funds, or from the proceeds of town obligations to bs issued and 10 sold in the manner provided by the local finance law. The t�>wn board of 11 the town 4f Southold may borrow the amount needed for such purposes and 12 issue tow: obligations therefor in an aggregate principal amount not ex - 13 reeding f�,ve hundred thoysand dollars. Upoo the Odoption of a resolution 14 by the j!owri board, subject tro f pe{R•is&tVq referepdum by the owners of 45 taxable rtial propRrty situate wit{:in the ferry district ai'NiiOVrn by .the 16 latest cinpleted assesoment rol} of said ;,Owp, such;ag9rvg4te p;incipal 17 amount wb�lc!; the town bga:d mpy borrow and fo; which oblijotiOl+s may be ;8 issued mq; be inc,eared to any amAun.t up to but not exceeding `he sym of 19 (nine hL.16-ed fifty thoµaand) five million doi.lsrs, S7inLAti TIA7�__Mattpt in, italics (underscggpd, �s newf'matter in brmcketO j is Old law to be omi�te4. SZD10097-03-3 �v!prtEG Ow pfiCYGlitr wJt, J J VII JV r/ 4 s. 49o2 --A 2 All moneys received from ferriage charges shall be deposited 2 daily in banks Or trust companies in the state of New York and the state 3 of Connecticut to be designated by the supervisor of the town Of 4 Southold and to the credit of such supervisor. The supervisor shall exe- 5 cute and file with the town clerk additional security for the safekeep- 6 ing and lawful application Of such moneys in such amount and with such 7 sureties as the town board shall approve. The expense incurred in ton- g nection with any such undertaking shall be a charge against the 9district. The ferry commissioners shall on Or before the tenth day of 10 each month, file wthe tprecedinglemonth inof ysuchndetailort of their ac - as the town board it tivitShall re during 12 shall require. Each such report shall contain a statement f:hvwing the 13 amount of ferriage charges collected and all obligations Of the district 14 unpaid at the time of filing the report. claims and againsid byththe district 15 shall be audited (monthly] by , to to the ferry district. I6 from moneys remaining to his credit and belonging cash 17 out Of such moneys the town board may establish a revolving petty 19 fund for the use of the board of commissioners. Such fund shall be In 19 such amount as the town board may deem necessary but shall not at any 2Q time exceed the sum of fifteen hundred dollars and shall Continue in ex - be 21 istence from year to year until abolished. Such petty cash fund shall under 22 placed in an account in the name of the commissioners and shill be under 23 the control of the manager and expen3iturts therefrom shall be made only itemized .and certified or 24 for payment in advance of audit of N Openly services other than' 25 verified bills for materials, supplies and 26 employment(, provided, however, that expenditures not in excess of ten 27 dollars at any ore time may be made for cash purchases of necessary 2g materials or supplies). A statement of expenditures from such petty cash together with the bills or vouchers therefor 29 fund and Chair Purposes 10 shall be a part of the monthly report to the town board. Upon audit by 31 the town board such petty cash fund shall be reimbursed in the amountor Of 32 the expenditures allowedills in the event thatQrsonalcny h biable_therefor. 33 tures are disallowed the manageroLs�Rele��ction of commissioners shall be 34 S 7. The annual "meeting 35 held on the second,Tuesday in August. At the first annual election one 36' ferry commissioner shall be elected for a term of one year, one for a 37 term of two years, one for a term of three years, one for § term Of four 3g years and one ferry commissioner shall be elected for a term of five 39 years, to commence an the date of this election. Successors t0 such 40 ferry commissioners shall be elected for terms of five years each: The 41 commissioners shall organize by the election from their number of a 42 chairman who shall preside at all meetings of the board of Ion 43 commissioners. The commissioners shall meet at least manthly meetings the 44 second :Tuesday in each month] in accordance with a schedule: of meetin s 45 to be established b them rioz to the start of the calendaEr Year for 46 the transaction of the business of the district. Special meetings may be 47 held at the call of the chairman. Each commissioner shall receive for or each mting Of 4S his services the sem of (twenty-fivefovxded 8hatathefaggregateQecOMP 49 the board actually attended by him, P receive for, services rendered 50 sacion which ' any such commissioner may 51 during any year shall not exceed the sum of two t_^ _rnousand Five hundred ex - 52 dollars." in addition thereto each ca= incurred inet ini�shall the performance s afthe 53 pensee actually and necessarily 54 duties of his office. Such expenses shall be paid from the funds of the 55 ferry district after audit and approval by the town board. 56 3 2. This act sha_1 take e////frrrffect immediately. /;1t 1 6009 AeCe 10V R I SCOTT L. HARRIS SUPERVISOR FAX (516) 765 - 1823 TELEPHONE (516) 765 - 1800 OFFICE OF.THE SUPERVISOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 14, 1993 Honorable Saul Weprin Speaker of the Assembly Room 932, LOB Albany, New York 12248 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Re: Amendment to Special Act providing for the establishment of the Fishers Island Ferry District (Chapter 699 of the Laws of 1947) Dear Honorable Weprin: The Fishers Island Ferry District is presently engaged in developing plans and seeking permits to expand and improve the District's New London, Connecticut terminal facility. These improvements will require bonding in excess of that currently allowed by the act which created Fishers Island Ferry District (i.e., Laws of New York, 1947, Chapter 699, as amended). The Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District now wishes to amend the act for the purpose of increasing the debt: limitation of the District and for the additional purposes of updating other sections. I have drafted a proposed Bill which increases the debt limitation of the district from nine hundred fifty thousand dollars ($950,000.00) to five million dollars ($5,000,000.00). The proposed Bill also contains amendments to Sections 6 and 7 which relate to the maintenance and administration of the petty cash fund and the meeting schedule and compensation of the commissioners respectively. A copy of this proposed legislation is enclosed herewith and a copy of same is also being sent to Assemblyman Joseph Sawicki. On behalf of the Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District and the Town Board of the Town of Southold, I hereby request that such legislation be introduced in the 1993 Session of the New York State Legislature. Honorable Saul Weprin June 14, 1993 Page 2 If you have any questions or wish further information concerning this matter, I would be happy to supply same. Very truly yours, Scott L. Harris, Supervisor MGK:cc Enclosure cc: Assemblyman Joseph Sawicki Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Philip Knauff AN ACT to amend chapter six hundred ninety-nine of the laws of nineteen hundred forty-seven, relating to authorizing the creation of Fishers Island ferry district in the town of Southold, Suffolk county and providing for an increase of the debt limitation of the district and updating other sections. The People of the State of New York represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: Section 1. Chapter six hundred ninety-nine of the laws of nineteen hundred forty-seven, relating to authorizing the creation of Fishers Island ferry district in the town of Southold, Suffolk county and providing for the election of its officers and management of its affairs is hereby amended as follows: Section 4. The cost of acquisition, construction and equipment of the ferry, including lands and rights or easements in lands, shall be paid from taxes levied for the fiscal year in which such expenditure is made; from surplus funds, or from the proceeds of town obligations to be issued and sold in the manner provided by the local finance law. The town board of the town of Southold may borrow the amount needed for such purposes and issue town obligations therefor in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding five hundred thousand dollars. Upon adoption of a resolution by the town board, subject to a permissive referendum by the owners of taxable real property situate within the ferry district as shown by the latest completed assessment roll of the town, such aggregate principal amount which the town board may borrow and for which obligations may be issued may be increased to any amount up to but not exceeding the sum of [nine hundred fifty thousand] five million dollars. Section 6. All moneys received from ferriage charges shall be deposited daily in banks or trust companies in the state of New York and the state of Connecticut to be designated by the supervisor of the town of Southold and to the credit of such supervisor. The supervisor shall execute and file with the town clerk additional security for the safekeeping and lawful application of such moneys in such amount and with such sureties as the town board shall approve. The expenses incurred in connection with any such undertaking shall be a charge against the district. The ferry commissioners shall on or before the tenth day of each month, file with the town clerk of the town a report of I rY their activities during the preceding month in such detail as the town board shall require. Each such report shall contain a statement showing the amount of ferriage charges collected and all obligations of the district unpaid at the time of filing the report. All claims against the district shall be audited [monthly] by the town board and paid by the supervisor from moneys remaining to his credit and belonging to the ferry district. Out of such moneys the town board may establish a revolving petty cash fund for the use of the board of commissioners. Such fund shall be in such amount as the town board may deem necessary but shall not at any time exceed the sum of fifteen hundred dollars and shall continue in existence from year to year until abolished. Such petty cash fund shall be placed in an account in the name of the commission and shall be under the control of the manager and expenditures therefrom shall be made only for payment in advance of audit of properly itemized and certified or verified bills for materials, supplies and services other than employment. [provided, however that expenditures not in excess of ten dollars at any one time may be made for cash purchases of necessary materials or supplies.] . A statement of expenditures from such petty cash fund and their purposes together with the bills or vouchers therefor shall be a part of the monthly report to the town board. Upon audit by the town board such petty cash fund shall be reimbursed in the amount of the expenditures allowed. In the event that any such bill or expenditures are disallowed the manager shall be personally liable therefor. Section 7. The annual meeting for the election of commissioners shall be held on the second Tuesday in August. At the first annual election one ferry commissioner shall be elected for a term of one year, one for a term of two years, one for a term of three years, and one for a term of four years and one ferry commissioner shall be elected for a term of five years, to commence on the date of this election. Successors to such ferry commissioners shall be elected for terms of five years each. The commissioners shall organize by the election from their number of a chairman who shall preside at all meetings of the board of commissioners. The commissioners shall meet at least monthly [on the second Tuesday in each month] in accordance with a schedule of meetings to be established by them prior to the start of the calendar year for the transaction of the business of the district. Special meetings may be held at the call of the chairman. Each commissioner shall receive for his services the sum of [twenty-five] fifty dollars for each meeting of the board actually -2- attended by him. [provided that the aggregate compensation which any such commissioner may receive for services rendered during any year shall not exceed the sum of five hundred dollars.] In addition thereto each commissioner shall receive his expenses actually and necessarily incurred.in the performance of the duties of his office. Such expenses shall be paid from the funds of the ferry district after audit and approval by the town board. Section 2. This act shall take effect immediately. EXPLANATION --Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets [ ] is old law to be omitted. -3- HARVEY A. ARNOFF Town Attorney MATTHEW G. KIERNAN Assistant Town Attorney 0 GAJ' StfFOL A PIC, CSG CO OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 9, 1993 Senator Kenneth P. LaValle 325 Middle Country Road Selden, NY 11784 Re: Amendment to Special Act providing for the establishment of the Fishers Island Ferry District (Chapter 699 of the Laws of 1947) Dear Senator LaValle: SCOTT L. HARRIS Supervisor Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 By my letter of March 18, 1993, on behalf of the Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District and the Town Board of the Town of Southold, I requested that Legislation be introduced in the 1993 Session of the New York State Legislature. At your earliest convenience, kindly advise as to the status of this proposed legislation and forward a copy of same. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Very truly yours, Matthew C. Kiernan, Assistant Town Attorney MCK:cc cc: Assemblyman Joseph Sawicki / Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Philip Knauff HARVEY A. ARNOFF Town Attorney MATTHEW G. KIERNAN Assistant Town Attorney L OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD April 29, 1993 VIA FACSIMILE and REGULAR MAIL Philip Knauff, Manager Fishers Island Ferry District Fishers Island,- New York 06390 Dear Mr. Kn10�iiff: SCOTT L. HARRIS Supervisor Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 Enclosed herewith, please find a fax transmittal sheet from Brian Murphy, counsel to Senator LaValle, which refers to Mr. Dupont's April 16, 1993 letter to Ken LaValle. As you can see, Mr. Murphy is requesting advise as to "the estimated increase in the tax levy and a proposed cap" on the Commissioners' fees. At your earliest convenience, kindly contact Mr. Murphy with this information. Please be mindful of the May 5, 1993 deadline for the introduction of the bill to the State Senate. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Ver y ours, Matthew G. Kiernan Assistant Town Attorney MGK:mis Enclosure cc: Via Facsimile -Brian Murphy Scott L. Harris, Supervisor Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk r- r.1�1 E Y ,,. � rs�,�s�z `'`wr i�'f ,Jr,E r �f✓,S S y yyQ(l� } qn "L��f�y.+i"aiF-14 Senator Kenneth P. I;aVralj!e Room 806 Ugis;ative Office Building Albany, New York 12247. Fhotie: 518) 455-3121 FAX: 18 455-3102 �� . ll Date: To: Attn Regarding: From: V/�-J FIS X I Pages (including /cover sheen: I e. J% s s s �ilr ' Ferry s aC+APR 10 Dar.u. Cry,.! 3r Shr!.r! A.t W iM1r N..Y. Sw�r L�i.Ln,e''La+.r n7 N. Y., rp.,, Choa.+ayc! FIS -HERS ISLAND, NS'N YORK 0890 ROBERT P. KNAUFP Maxi," : Sr[amry TELEPHONE 788.1403 Ara Cr,Oe $16 • J/ Senator Kenneth P. LaValle 325 Middle County Road Selden, NY 11784 Dear Senator LaValle: F.-- ' �.+.✓�cac.nran.. H,. r, < r�r BOARD OF C0MM1SS10NERS•." REYNOLDS d.PONT, JR.. Chamx JOHN C. EVANS THOMAS F. DOH.RTY, JR, LJLLIE M. AMMAN DAVID C. BURNHAM U April 16, 1993 A copy of your letter to Supervisor Harris under dale of April 4, 1993 has been forwarded to the Ferry District for comment and reply. The request to amend the Act creating the Fishers Island Ferry District sent to you, and to Representative Sawicki, by the Town of Southold on behalf of the Ferry District does represent a substantial increase in the District's bonding limitation. The decision to request an increase in the District's bonding ].imitation is based upon the need to expand and upgrade a thoroughly inadequate and unsafe terminal in New London, CT. In addition, the increase will permit the District to construct replacement vessels as deemed necessary by the Board of Commissioners and the taxpayers of Fishers Island. In the past, timely construction of replacement vessels has been difficult to impossible due to financial limitations. As noted in section 4 of the Ferry District Act, checks and balances on any major capital expenditures in the form of permissive referenda are available to the electors of the District. The impact on ferry fees if the bonds were actually sold would be minimal. Although we anticipate petitioning the Interstate Commerce Commission for an increase in tariffs in the near future, it should be noted that there has not been a major increase in our tariffs since the spring of 1980. Additionally, the tax levy imposed by the District which was at a high of $162,553.50 in 1980 was reduced to $129,292.50 by 1983 and has varied between that amount and $150,000.00 in the ten year period since. It is anticipated that bond repayment schedules would be addressed in the percen,:.age of the budget attributable to the tax levy. Speaking as a Commissioner, the fees currently allowc;d per meeting do not approach the value of the "services" rendered. The Commissioners' fees have not been raised since 1973. The fees are being brought into line with the time and effort spent at each meeting, The removal of the Cap On Commissioners' fees was suggested without regF,rd to the possibility of abuse. The Ferry District Commissioners M Senator Kenneth P. LaValle - 4/16/93 page 2 recognize the obvious need for a reasonable cap and regret that it was not included with the original request to amend the act. In reference to proposed fees on ferry passengers entering various municipalities in the State of Connecticut, the Board of Commissioners feels that Fishers Island residents, more so than other ferry passengers, should not be subjected to these lees because of their obvious economic con ributicn to the local Connecticut economy. The Ferry District has retained the firm of Tobin, Levin, Carberry & O'Malley, P.C. to represent the District in opposition to such a proposed tax. The firm is keeping the District informed of any action pending in the Connecticut State Legislature in order that it may be opposed in the early going and hopefully laid to rest. This same tax was proposed by the City of New London some years ago and died in committee as it had no merit. The District is seeking to insure a similar fate for the current proposal. Copy to: Supervisor Harris Town of Southold Very truVYY,Eir. Reyr. lds duPo Chai man Board of Commissioners 0 0 KENNETH P. LAVALLE IST DISTRICT DEPUTY MAJORITY WHIP CHAIRMAN COMMITTEE ON HIGHER EDUCATION Honorable Scott Harris Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Scott: THE SENATE STATE OF NEW YORK April 4, 1993 y/ice � 3 MIDDLE COUNTRY ROAD SELDEW NEW YORK 11784 My office recently received a request from the Southold Town Board and the Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District to amend Chapter 699 of the Laws of 1947 which created the district. The requested increase in the district's bonding authority is quite substantial. I would request that you forward financial data that would outline the improvements sought to be constructed and the financial impact on the residents of the district. Also, I would ask that you specifically address the impact on ferry fees and the method and yearly cost of amortizing these bonds. The proposed legislation also seeks to double the fees of the commissioners and remove the existing cap of $500 per year. I would submit that although the fee increase may be warranted, a reasonable increase to the cap would better serve the residents of the district. I would ask that you comment on the need for the increase and your position on an increased cap. My understanding is that the proposed improvements will be done at the New London terminal. Although unrelated, I am quite disturbed about the City of Bridgeport's latest action with the Port Jefferson Ferry. I would caution that before improvements are done, the issue of fees imposed by Connecticut should be determined. I look forward to receipt of this requested information so that we can discuss the proposed legislation. cc: Hon. Joseph Sawicki Sincerely yours, Kenneth . alle 0 Engraved on Rn Icd Nper .j 1. 0 0 HARVEY A. ARNOFF Town Attorney 0p! r MATTHEW C. KIERNAN Assistant Town Attorney OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 18, 1993 VIA FACSIMILE and EXPRESS MAIL Assemblyman Joseph Sawicki P.O. Box 1060 206 Criffing Avenue Riverhead, New York 11901 SCOTT L. HARRIS Supervisor Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 Re: Amendment to Special Act providing for the establishment of the Fishers Island Ferry District (Chapter 699 of the Laws of 1947) Dear Assemblyman Sawicki: The Fishers Island Ferry District is presently engaged in developing plans and seeking permits to expand and improve the District's New London, Connecticut terminal facility. These improvements will require bonding in excess of that currently allowed by the act which created the Fishers Island Ferry District (i.e., Laws of New York, 1947, Chapter 699, as amended). The Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District now wishes to amend the act for the purpose of increasing the debt limitation of the District and for the additional purpose of updating other sections. I have drafted a proposed Bill which increases the debt limitation of the district from nine hundred fifty thousand dollars ($950,000.00) to five million dollars ($5,000,000.00). The proposed Bill also contains amendments to Sections 6 and 7 which relate to the maintenance and administration of the petty cash fund and the meeting schedule and compensation of the commissioners respectively. A copy of this proposed legislation is enclosed herewith and a copy of same is also being sent to Senator Kenneth Lavalle. On behalf of the Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District and the Town Board of the Town of Southold, 1 hereby request that such legislation be introduced in the 1993 Session of the New York State Legislature. Assemblyman Joseph Sawicki March 18, 1993 Page 2 If you have any questions or wish further information concerning this matter, I would be happy to supply same. V ry tr ly yours, atthew C. Kiernan ssistant Town Attorney MCK:mis Enclosure cc: Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Philip Knauff I] OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 18, 1993 VIA FACSIMILE and EXPRESS MAIL Senator Kenneth P. LaValle 325 Middle Country Road Selden, NY 11784 SCOTT L. HARRIS Supervisor Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 Re: Amendment to Special Act providing for the establishment of the Fishers Island Ferry District (Chapter 699 of the Laws of 1947) Dear Senator LaValle: The Fishers Island Ferry District is presently engaged in developing plans and seeking permits to expand and improve the District's New London, Connecticut terminal facility. These improvements will require bonding in excess of that currently allowed by the act which created the Fishers Island Ferry District (i.e., Laws of New York, 1947, Chapter 699, as amended). The Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District now wishes to amend the act for the purpose of increasing the debt limitation of HARVEY A. ARNOFF� z Town Attorney�^ .' MATTHEW G. KIERNAN `a'_ry'✓ Assistant Town Attorney OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 18, 1993 VIA FACSIMILE and EXPRESS MAIL Senator Kenneth P. LaValle 325 Middle Country Road Selden, NY 11784 SCOTT L. HARRIS Supervisor Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 Re: Amendment to Special Act providing for the establishment of the Fishers Island Ferry District (Chapter 699 of the Laws of 1947) Dear Senator LaValle: The Fishers Island Ferry District is presently engaged in developing plans and seeking permits to expand and improve the District's New London, Connecticut terminal facility. These improvements will require bonding in excess of that currently allowed by the act which created the Fishers Island Ferry District (i.e., Laws of New York, 1947, Chapter 699, as amended). The Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District now wishes to amend the act for the purpose of increasing the debt limitation of the District and for the additional purpose of updating other sections. I have drafted a proposed Bill which increases the debt limitation of the district from nine hundred fifty thousand dollars ($950,000.00) to five million dollars ($5,000,000.00). The proposed Bill also contains amendments to Sections 6 and 7 which relate to the maintenance and administration of the petty cash fund and the meeting schedule and compensation of the commissioners respectively. A copy of this proposed legislation is enclosed herewith and a copy of same is also being sent to Assemblyman Joseph Sawicki. On behalf of the Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District and the Town Board of the Town of Southold, I hereby request that such legislation be introduced in the 1993 Session of the New York State Legislature. 0 Senator Kenneth P. LaValle March 18, 1993 Page 2 If you have any questions or wish further information concerning this matter, I would be happy to supply same. Very truly yours, 4�tthew C. Kiernan Assistant Town Attorney MCK:mis Enclosure cc: Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Philip Knauff 0 STATE OF NEW YORK 679 1991-1992 Regular Sessions IN ASSEMBLY (Prefiled) January 9, 1991 Introduced by M. of A. WERTZ -- read once and referredto the Committee on Transportation _ AN ACT to amend the highway law, in relation to increasing the amount permitted to be raised by taxes for certain highway equipment in Suf- folk county 1 Section 1. Subparagraphs 1, 1-a, 1-d and of paragraph a of subdivi- 2 sion 3 of section 271 of the highway law, subparagraph 1 as emended by . 3 chapter 803 of the laws of 1986, subparagraph 1-a as amended and sub - 4 paragraph 1-d as added by chapter 523 of the laws of 1986 and subpara- 5 graph 2. as amended by chapter 610 of the laws of 1985,.are amended to 6 read as follows: 7 (1) Two hundred thousand dollars in the towns of Colonie, Bethlehem 8 and Guilderland in Albany county, in the town of Carmel in Putnam 9 county, in the town of Greenburgh in Westchester county, in the towns of 10 Orangetown, Haverstraw, Clarkstown, Ramapo and Stony Point in Rockland 11 county, [in the towns of Riverhead, Southold and Southampton in Suffolk 12 county,] in the towns of Camillus, Cicero, DeWitt, Manlius, Onondaga and 13 Salina in Onondaga county, in the'town of Poughkeepsie, Dutchess county, 14 or in any town of the first class in Erie county. 15 (1-a) [Pour] Eight hundred thousand dollars in [the towns of Babylon, 16 Huntington, Islip and Smithtown] any town in Suffolk county. 17 (1-d) [One] Notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraph one -a of 18 this paragraph, one million dollars in .the town of Brookhaven in Suffolk 19 county for replacement of equipment or replacement for comparable use. EXPLANATION --Mattes in italics (underscored) is newrmatter in brackets [ ] is old slaw to be omitted. LBD02533-01-1 rrDnsmoox mXraw aws AN ACT to amend chapter six hundred ninety-nine of the laws of nineteen hundred forty-seven, relating to authorizing the creation of Fishers Island ferry district in the town of Southold, Suffolk county and providing for an increase of the debt limitation of the district and updating other sections. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: Section 1. Chapter six hundred ninety-nine of the laws of nineteen hundred forty-seven, relating to authorizing the creation of Fishers Island ferry district in the town of Southold, Suffolk county and providing for the election of its officers and management of its affairs is hereby amended as follows: Section 4. The cost of acquisition, construction and equipment of the ferry, including lands and rights or easements in lands, shall be paid from taxes levied for the fiscal year in which such expenditure is made; from surplus funds, or from the proceeds of town obligations to be issued and sold in the manner provided by the local finance law. The town board of the town of Southold may borrow the amount needed for such purposes and issue town obligations therefor in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding five hundred thousand dollars. Upon adoption of a resolution by the town board, subject to a permissive referendum by the owners of taxable real property situate within the ferry district as shown by the latest completed assessment roll of the town, such aggregate principal amount which the town board may borrow and for which obligations may be issued may be increased to any amount up to but not exceeding the sum of [nine hundred fifty thousand] five million dollars. Section 6. All moneys received from ferriage charges shall be deposited daily in banks or trust companies in the state of New York and the state of Connecticut to be designated by the supervisor of the town of Southold and to the credit of such supervisor. The supervisor shall execute and file with the town clerk additional security for the safekeeping and lawful application of such moneys in such amount and with such sureties as the town board shall approve. The expenses incurred in connection with any such undertaking shall be a charge against the district. The ferry commissioners shall on or before the tenth day of each month, file with the town clerk of the town a report of U 0 0 their activities during the preceding month in such detail as the town board shall require. Each such report shall contain a statement showing the amount of ferriage charges collected and all obligations of the district unpaid at the time of filing the report. All claims against the district shall be audited [monthly] by the town board and paid by the supervisor from moneys remaining to his credit and belonging to the ferry district. Out of such moneys the town board may establish a revolving petty cash fund for the use of the board of commissioners. Such fund shall be in such amount as the town board may deem necessary but shall not at any time exceed the sum of fifteen hundred dollars and shall continue in existence from year to year until abolished. Such petty cash fund shall be placed in an account in the name of the commission and shall be under the control of the manager and expenditures therefrom shall be made only for payment in advance of audit of properly itemized and certified or verified bills for materials, supplies and services other than employment. [provided, however that expenditures not in excess of ten dollars at any one time may be made for cash purchases of necessary materials or supplies.] A statement of expenditures from such petty cash fund and their purposes together with the bills or vouchers therefor shall be a part of the monthly report to the town board. Upon audit by the town board such petty cash fund shall be reimbursed in the amount of the expenditures allowed. In the event that any such bill or expenditures are disallowed the manager shall be personally liable therefor. Section 7. The annual meeting for the election of commissioners shall be held on the second Tuesday in August. At the first annual election one ferry commissioner shall be elected for a term of one year, one for a term of two years, one for a term of three years, and one for a term of four years and one ferry commissioner shall be elected for a term of five years, to commence on the date of this election. Successors to such ferry commissioners shall be elected for terms of five years each. The commissioners shall organize by the election from their number of a chairman who shall preside at all meetings of the board of commissioners. The commissioners shall meet at least monthly [on the second Tuesday in each month] in accordance with a schedule of meetings to be established by them prior to the start of the calendar vear for the transaction of the business of the district. Special meetings may be held at the call of the chairman. Each commissioner shall receive for his services the sum of [twenty-five] fifty dollars for each meeting of the board actually -2- attended by him. [provided that the aggregate compensation which any such commissioner may receive for services rendered during any year shall not exceed the sum of five hundred dollars.] In addition thereto each commissioner shall receive his expenses actually and necessarily incurred in the performance of the duties of his office. Such expenses shall be paid from the funds of the ferry district after audit and approval by the town board. Section 2. This act shall take effect immediately. EXPLANATION --Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in 'brackets [ ] is old law to be omitted. -3- JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER 0 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1801 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON MARCH 9, 1993: WHEREAS, the Fishers Island Ferry District is presently engaged in developing plans and seeking permits to expand and improve the District's New London, Connecticut terminal facility, and said improvements will require bonding in excess of that currently allowed by the Act creating the Fishers Island Ferry District (Laws of New York, 1947, Chapter 699 as amended), hereinafter referred to as the Act; and WHEREAS, amendments to the Act must be approved by the Town Board of the Town of Southold and submitted to the New York State Legislature, and the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District now wishes to amend the Act for purposes of increasing the debt limitation of the District and updating other sections; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby concurs with the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District that certain amendments to the Law are necessary and proper, and hereby authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to submit the following proposed amendments to New York Senator Kenneth P. LaValle and New York State Assemblyman Joseph Sawicki, Jr. and request their assistance in enacting said amendments to the Law: Section 4. (Last sentence) "Upon adoption of a resolution by the town board, subject to a permissive referendum by the owners of taxable real property situate within the ferry district as shown by the latest completed assessment roll of the town, such aggregate principal amount which the town board may borrow and for which obligations may be issued may be increased to any amount up to but not exceeding the sum of nine hundred fifty thousand daHers, five million dollars." Section 6. (Sentence 6) "All claims against the district shall be audited mantiily by the town board and paid by the supervisor from moneys remaining to his credit and belonging to the ferry district." (Sentence 9) "Such petty cash fund shall be placed in an account in the name of the commission and shall be under the control of the manager and expenditures therefrom shall be made only for payment in advance of audit of properly itemized and certified or verified bills for materials, supplies and services other than employment." pravided; however; that expenditures not in excess of ten do#ars at any one time may be made for cash purchases of necessary materials and suppRes-° Section 7. (Sentence 4) "The commissioners shall meet at least mant" an the second Tuesday in each month in accordance with a schedule of meetings to be established by them prior to the start of the calendar year for the transaction of the business of the district." (Sentence 6) "Each commissioner shall receive for his services the sum of twenty-five dollars fifty dollars for each meeting of the board actually attended by him." provided that the aggregate compensation which any such commissioner may receive for services rendered during any year shall- not exceed the sum of five hundred do4ors.0 `AJJudith T. Terryi�7G �, Jrre� Southold Town Clerk March 10, 1993 RECEIVED MAR B 2093 Southold T,v, ,, ri.,k F. 1. Ferry District Resolution dtd 3/8/93 Moved Commissioner duPont, seconded Commissioner Ahmnn tL% WHEREAS the Fishers Island Ferry District is presently engaged in developing plans and seeking permits to expand Arid improve the District's New London, CT terminal facility; and WHEREAS said improvements will require bonding in ex.-ess of that currently allowed by the Act creating the Flahers Island Ferry District (Laws of New York, 1947, Chapter 699 as amended), herein after referred to as the Act; and WHEREAS amendments to the Act must be approved by the 'town Board of the Town of Southold and submitted to the St -ate Legislature; and WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District now wishes to amend the Act for purposes of increasing the debt limitation of the District and updating other sections, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED requests that the concurrence Poard of the Town of Southold amendments to the Act: the Board of Commissioners and assistance of the Town in submitting the following _Siction 4, (Last Sentence) "Upon adoption of a resolution by the town board, subject to a permissive referendum by the owners of taxable real property situate within the ferny district as shown by the latest completed assessment roll of the town, such aggregate principal amount which the town board may borrow and for which obligations may be issued mAy be increased to any amount up to but not exceeding the sum of none-hundred-fifty-theasand-de3lars, five million dollars." fe�_tion 6, (Sentence 6) "All claims against the district shall be audited im&rethi-r-by the town board and paid by the ;supervisor from moneys remaining to his credit and belonging to the ferry district. (Sentence 9) "Such petty cash fund shall be placed in an account in the name of the comm(taion Arid shall be under the control of the manager and expenditures therefrom shall be made only for payment. in Advance of audit of properly itemized and certified or verified bills for materials, supplies and services othor than employment, Prov{Beds-heweverT-that-expend{!urea-net-{n cxeeaa-ef-ten-dei}ars-at-any{+ne-may-be-made-for-cash pnrehl�ca-ef-necessary-rnaterfais-at,d-s�pp}{es." F. I. Ferry District Resolutions dtd 3/8/93 page 2 agc jig_ 7. (Sentence 4) "The commissioners shall meet at least in accordance with a schedule of meetings to be established by them prior to the start of the calendar year for the transaction of the business of the district." (Sentence 6) "Each commissioner shall receive for his services the sum of twenty-five-deh4ars fifty dollars for each meeting or the board actually attended by him, provided-that-the-aggr4�gnte cempcnsalien-which-any-saeh-eammissiencr-rAay-receive-far services-rtndered-daring-any-year-shall-net-exceed-lhr-atiM of-five-handred-del•i:ars." Vote of the Board of Commissioners: Ayes: Commissioner du - Font, Commissioner Doherty, Commissioner Ahman. Nays: None. Absent: Commissioner Burnham. Moved Commissioner dupont, Seconded Commissioner Eoherty 2. WHEREAS John C. Evans has submitted his resignation as a Commissioner of the Fishers Island Ferry District; and WHF,RF:AS the Board of Commissioners has accepted his resignation with regret; and WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners wishes to appoint, a person to fill the unexpired term of John C. Evans, said term expiring on the second Tuesday of August 1993. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners desires to appoint Stephen A. Cook of Fishers Island, NY to fill the unexpired term of John C. Evans and request~ the authority from the Town Board, Town of Southold, to make said appointment. Vote of the Board of Commissioners: Ayes: Commissioner du - pont, Commissioner Doherty, Commissioner Ahman. Nave: None. Absent: Commissioner Burnham. i'1vH FI � - 5 +-� •.� 1• ": ] _] _l - _o �-� �_ i-.: '-: .. � � f -i i� '_1 1- -. I_; I he (}iskers Aland fool 'SIt U,F.S 0. 14 FISHERS ISLANO, NEW YORK 06390 (516) 109.7444 Date: To: Js► /F_t'Yoyrrin�n k�wJicitr_ FAX#: _../_-_I5 /f3Z From: FAX#: Subject: RECEIVED MAR 8 1993 Southold Tou,,, rt.'4 Number of pages including this one: It trouble with transmission, contact (516) 788-7444 C<1 ROMA IW.'I ASKER Town Attorney '`:'xn ,—'ri—. 1r'ol i OFFICE OF TOWN ATTORNEY GOWN OF SOUTHOLD 425 MAIN ST. GREENPORT, L.1., NEW YORK 11944 Assemblyman Joseph Sawicki P. O. Box 1060 206 Griffing Avenue Riverhead, New York 11901 Dear Joe: November 20, 1985 Re: Amendment to Special Act providing for the establishment of the Fishers Island Ferry District (Chapter 699 of the Laws of 1947) TELF1 110NE (516) 477-1400 Under the terms of the Special Act authorizing the establishment of the Fishers Island Ferry District, all real property acquired for the use of the district is acquired in the name of the Town of Southold. The Fishers Island Ferry District Commissioners, as well as some of the residents and property owners in the ferry district, have requested that the Town Board have the act amended to prohibit the sale or conveyance of any real property within the ferry district and acquired or used, or intended to be used, for ferry district purposes unless such sale or conveyance is authorized (1) by a majority of the Board of Commissioners of the ferry district, and (2) by a majority vote of the electors and property owners in the district voting at a special or annual district meeting. 1 have drafted a proposed Bill which adds a new Section 16 to the ferry district act to provide that no such sale or conveyance shall be made by the Town Board without prior approval of a majority of the Commissioners and a majority of the residents and property owners in the district and a copy of such legislation is enclosed herewith. A copy of this proposed legislation is also being sent to Senator Kenneth La Valle. On behalf of the Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District and the Town Board of the Town of Southold, I hereby request that such legislation be introduced in the 1986 Session of the New York State Legislature. -2- OD If you have any questions or wish further information concerning this matter, I would happy to supply the same. Yours very truly, ROBERT W. TASKER RWT:aa cc: Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Mr. Phillip Knauff AN ACT to amend chapter six hundred ninety-nine of the laws of nineteen hundred forty-seven, relating to authorizing the creation of Fishers Island ferry district in the town of Southold, Suffolk county and providing for the election of its officers and management of its affairs in relation to the sale or conveyance of real property in said district The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assemblv, do enact as follows: Section 1. Chapter six hundred ninety-nine of the laws of nineteen .hundred forty-seven, relating to authorizing the creation of Fishers Island ferry district in the town of Southold, Suffolk county and providing for the election of its officers and management of its affairs is hereby amended by adding thereto a new section, to be section sixteen, to read as follows: Section 16. Notwithstanding the provisions of this chapter, or the provisions of any other general or special law, the town board of the town of Southold shall not sell or convey any of the real property or interest in real property, located within the boundaries of the Fishers Island ferry district at Fishers Island, in the town of Southold, Suffolk county, and acquired, used or intended to be used for any of the purposes of the Fishers Island ferry district unless, (1) such sale or conveyance shall have been approved in writing by a majority of the commissioners of the Fishers Island ferry district, and (2) such sale or conveyance shall have been approved by a majority vote of the electors of the ferry district and the owners of real property situate within the ferry district assessed upon the last preceding town assessment roll voting upon a proposition therefor to be submitted at a special or annual meeting of the ferry district. At least thirty days before any special or annual meeting to vote upon such a proposition, the ferry district commissioners shall adopt a resolution which shall designate the date and place of such meeting; the hours of opening and closing of the polls, which shall be not less than four (4) consecutive hours between eight o'clock in the forenoon and eight o'clock in the evening. The commissioners shall give notice of such meeting by the publication of a notice in a newspaper or newspapers having general circulation in the district, specifying the time when and the place where such meeting will be held, the hours during which the polls will remain open for the purpose of receiving ballots and setting forth in full all propositions to be voted upon. The first publication of such notice shall be at least twenty days prior to the time of such meeting. In addition, the commissioners shall post, or cause to be posted, a copy of such notice in five public places in the district at least twenty days prior to the time of such meeting. In all other respects the meeting to vote on such proposition or propositions shall be conducted in the same manner as provided herein for voting at annual district meetings. Section 2. This act shall take effect immediately. ol-I -v rilvl, o4:b!j 7F '1/ 'Id ell- I I rQ. 4/ z.. 1/ L ,. 1 , Re FW: Town of Southold L7 Grran Murphy to. Krauza, Lynne I I I �tl'f ; 05/1 51201 5 03:12 PM "bmurphyonysonate,gov'", "Duffy, Bill", Laura nifltFSs ( I ! IIIA C c:c.' Ann Eisenhut � }i I I,. Iit ( , tl �t l ,Lynne' vl/el'i ve ordered a ,copy of the entire bill Jacket and will forward as Soon we rece v� t;twhish should be t early next week. lilt it I Brie II ILyn, e i Hi Brian, It was suggested to me by y uti'M'ou 1 5/2015 02.22:30 PM !'Krauza, Lynne" <lynne.krauzaotown.southold.ny u It jj I r] j Toa ! I + bmurphy@nysenate.gov"' <bmurphy@nyaenate go�>I IC�c I DatoE , I ! �'Duffy; Bill": <billd@southoldtownny.gov> p5/15/2015 0:9. PM +11 'SubjFc t FW: Tiown of Southold if i „! ,I I ;'' i'+Ir I I; li l��ITII�: �t14+1i ,? I B lan III II I, L I II S I l was'suggesjtec� 1 11 tojme by your Mount Sinai office to email yol directly{ot(r query Si below email. We would: appreciate; any assistance you could lend us. Thank olal {. Lyn,,e Kra uza: l S6ct,etrary Towfl to,theiTowm SoY�T4{{ 9Id Attorney I! t r'( 111 1' �C�3;1I) lbf 765 -1639 I I i' � f I f l 1 III' I.I II j Fjro Krauz ,jhynr�e' ,I i. S+en �Thurs a Yr May 14 2015 11:29 AM Y i TD;�1grlffiC@;riy�enate6ov' i; I' Subject: Town Of Southold {p I I i4 I I I I 111 l t qk 1 AsJe:ldi,cus'ge'd," we' are looking for a copy of Senate Bill #5.49 2A (Ass if bly A 6gb 'A) regarding an is 1, Act;olamentl ,e�r.y Chapter District to 699 of the laws of 1947, relating to authtrii the Town of Southold in relation to providing f '� r an g tFh �� creation+'ot�t'Fe II se df Fishers Island {+ 4 th d EJt limitation of tFie;,[Istrictlar,cf updating various provisions thereof. If you req P i �;e fur IinCle ` Inforitrnl r please let us klho v I Than�yo!u for your assistance, L Kra , nn a Y II Secret 1z ry'to he! Town Attorney I + lilr ''j' T'o,wn,ofSouthold II i '.' j `I}'tj (6311.65-1939 l I I i j I Ii. R �ZM I I II I Y I 215 iii �I 'I!tt I I I i 1 I tl j t r ,I j jl I' it I I I is i it 1 fs III I.j 1ti I i I i I, II, it`(I`I` t t t III ( I � ' , (i I�` " I I• la II� , t�1�1�-r�tlf�li {t � f yl4'� 111!1 7+j9 4 til :Ill' l i.. 7. it if Ivv ! , i o- 1 v I ;V 'V t IMM1 , f i I' I , i 1 � ILII t I �' ( ! 'I i. � i I iI) I• 1 �1����ATE JOUR � NAL TI�9I{;ry,jl,lUN3 �{ .) f 4 1993 !t I SE ATE it fl,lrll '1'eena� t�j� '' ! �.I L Ite Nol��kp,ii�i. 'I i-(IVA�:LE Calendar N (I A rn Re t 'No_ j 1 �I� Ent Iei Ii !` <I 11, I �Ii4902AI LAVALL I j414441 11 1� i �IWs 1i' I II :i#�'; adtl, to amend chapter rglating' '•to authorizing 699 of the � .lei 19471, ;I tl 4 'I�lant3 ferry district the crea;tio ! lin the town ofSo hold; j !Iljl i! if i I) f I ' j Suffo k county,* in relation iricr:ease to proq drin Et l . • j i, of the debt limitation d updating various pr of tlt� visions the eof e�dlf tract iwE`�f l i � as �;d telt}iird tirY}e ,' I I ; .. � I� �;' C ,x; , ti; ' . • f I T � eiPresid�entput�th f questionwhethertheSena I ewould agre ,t I ,I !I a allpass�gt fn tt I II. • c�f.saidbill,thesame h ving,beeil punted anclupon the desks of the me bers in its fin 1 c1.t',eI thr'e ;calendar legislative a d'iays and it+ua5ldecidd !� .:i in the affirmative, a majora ! of all the Sen tb I e tedwot�g IIF ,�1r in favor thereof and thiYee flfts ibe' rig pre a t, as (follows: I 1 1 I AYE" , 1 ;D sti 1 I ( NAY AYE Il �7is�t. t NA Al iI 79 j:';'! tile. Badbush'. D(CUSED 11251 1 Mr, ibrbho j ii I1 I rs r `" ez ; ;a EXCu '25 la. i a Mr.'Corinor 1Arfpir'ig6mery 1 !. J 40 I Mr.'Dook ` I I 1 'i 1 NOW, ,`61' I Mr.'gaiY J.!1�ozz'o110 TI,l49; i 'I Mr.'DeFrarlc(sco h� j I; ti1r Qhraristeln Mr. mol%in er ! (7f I ( I I' M dhi"ato i: i i a2, it Mr. id's ada ; : !1061 , i l i' Mrs } penheimer . Mr: "Ill' 11441 I( Ferny I' li Ujt ( it 11. Poi !cyan II 1)331 (f ;' Mr. %a/%b Br; .. bCCUSED 11,.437 {(( . Mr,: P t. k . i Mr,, Paterson kXCU ! i1 ;ii3Y,i l(, i 'lL1r C�oriz�/e?' EXCUSED 16,6 l I IIP ' r: Pi• s int M. e I,l I 1;26 II' :; :' Mr. UoodmakiiMrs SSI nib enn I I (yl P MS a',t% 90 E 611 j I Mr. Hahhon .1 ' (. I4� j ). i• i, Mr: Sia ll' I 'I48P .I' i •tits. �Hdfimann 1 !So 1 ( P + ' r: SeWa d ijl ) !;381 Mr. f holland I. I 60 1 Ntr: S�1e1fr i'I 4� 1: I a Mr: Johnson f l I',5S l i Ms. Yon osI$• .: J1h .l Mr Kuhl I I' 122 i l l ; Mri $blrarron ,I .. I 1 j' Mr. Lack11! I'35 �' 1 1Nn Sa o ;i1 1;39' i. i i Mr. Larkin H. IS$ ) . r S aet/70wsk1 !i' H :!. Mr. LW6116 ri Slat ord.. i! i 301 i •I Mr. Llelohter 1 Mr; Sr isky • Mr_ Love Mr., Tri l I '5il I 1.:1 Mr. UboUs l 41.117 I I' f Mr'Tulhi, ail i y 5,! a Mr. WAbse' I :j 34 I i Mr: V lalfa% 2411 )' I !I Mr: Maedhi ' 1' 6q 1 (1 1. r;, VQ,I Mr.� Mari Ho f1Q t r, l�1/aldgn D(CUS it II 1201 1 1 Mn Markowit 1 I 1 451 ' 111111 Mr' Wr',Igh,'( lil i :1574 11!1 Mr.; Masiello YES i q ��. � � i I I• � � I, � '�, 4�i�ljl 'llwlhvc. if 'll b � dere II , that t e: Secretary delivers d�ih to dhe Assen ably Iii u. �Jd a;� t.' I jib e u its cone r, f 15ti111I hce therein. i I 1' f l ill ' �. � r � li ' ; ! '' I I 111 •1 ' I I i�" 1 I 1 inted, and When nment -- com- as amended and to authorizing n of.Southold, se Of the debt' no thereof BY GOVL-RNOR- I' �I 114' A pr4 I �}t T BB TAKEN BY: iE1lk�F,!l.�ll1 I I II III l � PPG, I IIi 2�{¢I�'I'I! k 1! '� ' I. I , I tlt�41'! , Z7A B G M OR' S, ACTION TAMN JUL 2 6 1993 r SII,: lil ,t III'; i l l I, 1993';-],994 Re;9 ! i l i I IN SE 'At 5_I SIE I • I' t ' � I I I=ntroduced-. by Sen. AVALLE -- res4 1!!!pranted I I to be Commit'ted I to the ,C:OII Ij I i �nittee disdhnrged, bill ••amendse 1� I I 1. II recommitted to said committee 'I l AN,. ACT to amend chapt t 699 Or' the Il the creation of F16 Suffolk ccuntyi i era island ter relation to 'F II,i I' I I limitation of the d strict and upd I! INITHE t ASSEMBLY i, I Jit ,I it i I I inted, and When nment -- com- as amended and to authorizing n of.Southold, se Of the debt' no thereof BY GOVL-RNOR- I' �I 114' A pr4 I �}t T BB TAKEN BY: iE1lk�F,!l.�ll1 I I II III l � PPG, I IIi 2�{¢I�'I'I! k 1! '� ' I. I , I tlt�41'! , Z7A B G M OR' S, ACTION TAMN JUL 2 6 1993 r SII,: lil iPU 9; 4 /ANI I j II : I Il !�,tl tS�4GO4j fill; I I i I II k, -II L !li !{( j I� I i. !•'.•I III f1. SSS tl ' I !I I i I i I• I I I ! { I(� i � ; II I, li�fi1yj�l7ij III! I Ill h I ! II I I I � 'i I II. I• � I I I II1�,��IlI ! I I � � � • I � it 'I, IIS, ,�I � , I �, I ,; li l ��' ,jl I it l > � , I , • III I I � � �I I , �"t� I' I r i i I ' 'I � I • , I I ,: I' II L;' k r li !I �l.. a fl ! I I Ij � I I { I p •I•., I I ;;� �, I,i 4],�.,l f;j i�`'I�l' f• ..4! �I I ; II I I I I' I -,1� , I �. !,• { , � I I ' � ;' I i !, I • i l I , ,1 k �� - I I . I � i ( � 1I + I III J I •I I I�,��r�a` II II { kik !i i II , �il� � ' i '' i � I � I I � -( �I•.. I ' I � , ' tE II � 6� I1 i 1' I i ! i'I� �. 1'1r�{ 1��' .rl ,i If•� ' I I:I it I ,; L,. I. ',i., .I I t i4I,.11 i�'i �;.; • i Or it r I Ij II I�'�11IIIl `,1 IE I j I' N I !O�11 i RU1.1 lII J y'!{,I'Ij✓ 1?TLT. TS T1TS• '1!I P, 11 11/�TL• �� II I �. � � I �� '. ('� III ; I r '%�•1 .� 'I I�. I! II, .; , � � .' �"`1j 111 col IN'SI-.T- 1(1 11,!fP. {QAfTtNC) Ii 1B� t l 01- N' 4 4/ '18 1Ub-jl d :1 b, ij U 4, /AM; NEW YORK STATE TWO HUNDRED-SIXTEP, I IE REPRINT'S 0 DdTB:. /Ost 3 -S-4-9-.0 2.,-!A. NO.;. ......:1..0.7 4 7 11 IT n a r f c als cj�x'j d m b t I ivall t a t i o n b Z h a r Is dt t.h C i , jp,r 044 S. 1 C! n S relating to meetings b a tc !,P;jl T Y Ganovesi AJ, 11 y 1 y GI I r Y, A2es rsoln! IRR v Y GottfCk r1Ie0J d RW Y 1 .Au6,ry JL. Y Graber VJ- y fY. Gradhis A 1Bd 11 b o. A i 1,1PA I I'J'Ba rb a r 61: PJ Y Green RL Y ` Y Gr'eea1A IIi ke� Or a 07 Y Grlff.1th. E T y Gromack AT y D1eN'1nqtA LIE V�ln C n Y Harenber PE Y. n iii hi� : TW I.B6,na C i el,11.r i, y Lrealey P5 i ­ 'OV�F . i ; Y� Boy I aud y Hevesi-AG Y, ij agkl�aa MJ Y HI ckey EM jTv ;I NAYli el n.ZL a P i BOR HIkind D 1� Y, D,j�odsk . RL. EOR Hill EH LUrl b wn - LCII-t Y, I Y Hochberg AG Y 1 RU t I e rT * 1 JDT y ..Hoffman EC. C h A 11 ixi y Hoyt• WE y •0 Ili n IN! Y Jacobs RS." ll Y al n e's't r A jr I I kjr.- Y Jenkins C I e 12y, NAY John SV Casa 'i,Casale ..1 FAd, Y Johnson -1 YIit 'I r I S4: h s ja n i JX Y Ka'ufman SB , T it T IT C ark-]W!l yA i � i�:; .1 , ; EOR Keane RJ J C d h r a -n;, C r Y King JP. yj I Co G q �nan S, i i it Y Ko, p e I I Go Yj i,; i n1n el` 1: EAi, I y La -Payette I'di T C, Rb_e_r__HL krlok y Leibell YL o e�* Y11 y Lentol JR 61,;; 1. Y:� I i. 1. 1A, Lopez VJ d , d q .! !1�1 i Y aj-Ojzds�dnY Lust e:IDR�. I_ r MA' VI Y. Ma gU90 e e B I , !0 T *1, o 'b,'A Y mat w NC Y Q] e B t ILI t, to i Y MaiersoXxxx Ni Diaz 1w, I J Y Mc nen y JJ. TI! .il Y DT1 apojAii,T1P!. r McGrie-e PX tulg an - Zc i 1 McLaughlin 4 g I a br, 11' gh t Meeks GW - L y rg_ve -AO I-,: I y Miller RAX V a11! ;HD Y Morelle-JD'.al l Y! I ]3 i IF'a so �f -t Y Mwrtaugh J it'i ,..e I , chn all 'D Y Ma s c -a r a I I a i r r a r,a Nesbitt 1 t t CAr Y Ne ra I 'J..,� it "0 rl, r,Z nj D7' Y. Nicole.tti Y e xq e m P Il Y i I1P.1 an aTka -t Xf 1 Y. Ni eves jx Yr ILI e dmd n Y Nolan C,-. Y! Ga Ie Z, SR' EOR Norman -C Y Gs nit tDP: y Norrz ffR REAS: 147 q Il Ti 5 ' 6 NT]i6�- 12642iC2!5� 1I ;., I H'T! . CERTIFICATION Ll LB(3J3N-1D1_ 'Y-YESj,'NAY NO, NVrAB'STA IN, ABS -ABSENT,IIS i_'E'LB,-'IX*CTJSHD FOR LEGISLATIVE BUSINESSfA� R 000004' jj t 31811426, jY, v; y 'y ly ;Y :j Y. ;I :TYii T1 ty ry it / 18 `Z: 07/05/1993 IE: 07:02:50 PM .LLE d1&tr1ct;- 7g comp.onsatIon Oak.y. RC O'A(e i I CA Ort'loff C O'Shea CJ arment AVL 'arola FE er.r�- NN heI7 er Al Illittere JT orclum FJ rescott LW retlow JG' j-oxkin 4V., amirez R_ appleyea CD av x -t Z 1 eynolds TM` }vera PM obach JE osado D. an.ders S awicki- X chinuninger RL vabrook%L eminerlo AS i.d1kman DS ilver S inger CD traniere P-4 U11I.Van EC ullivah FT weency RE: a II on JR alomic FG` edisco 1 0 cci RC oka3z P onko PD owxx.s DC ownsend DR anu A Italiano EN arren GH . einsteln HE eise nberi H t.Z. Rc inner GH right. KL - r. Spe.aker OTHER REASONS. i jSlj GIUb (I ti Lb �;V-y�; 4 /HM; i I I . l I f I , i Alt THE SENATE jc.••. ...:S:TA,T.:.E -.O F: -.N E.W...;Y,O R I'I 1 rI III ',';� IZ 1: ENf.I,I_T,M ,P. LAVALL t� 1 W61. iTRICTI I.I, 'I 6KOUTY I�A' TY WMIPI ' r ''I I I CHAIRMAN I :. Jul ' 1, �q;�9, ; COfMMITTEE ONI HIOHER EO UCATION ' Eliza.I I I A I lj •' €� lion beth jD,. Moore j i. Counse�ljto the 1Cobernor txecuii�te1i Chiu' er I � �eaf�' lYIs i Moore,: ' I he Ei RoVe refers J' Ii over nor Ifor Is! gliaS qi]t would 12224 -Re. 6. �k902-A /A. 6801^ I a cl :e`dI bM has passed both houses of til,ejI,eE 1xisideration . G ease the debt limitation of the fiish r �7L;s]e Suffaiicounty; t�sllow itrto-pura nldon terminal facility, which is bas�.c'' ly 's ego. 'The improvements are neededv ie of freight and passenger .traffic L would increase from $25 to $50 pe me t .e! ferry district, with an annual ltm}t ' anoissioners has remained unchangeit si c favorable consideration of this bill. lI Sincerel 'I i PII.is�' I. t 1; b / '18 . LAOS OOLG COUNTRY ROAD EN, NEW MURK 11794 before the in the ird—ka-- it .was handle ion for . . The t{pgraide I its. New: 1�u-1 r tha increased:�ol %eslr �zx;addifa.Io{�, tbJe:l ISI CO Compe7ns.hon ej"S' O£, o c II resplec, ally; urj t`! 1f I III I Enelgsux �t 1 ' f' l '• e I II I LI I f; I I I )I I I l it II I I ij 'I' Z � I.Ii I 14 I IIj I I ' I I II II I I: I rj I, I 12224 -Re. 6. �k902-A /A. 6801^ I a cl :e`dI bM has passed both houses of til,ejI,eE 1xisideration . G ease the debt limitation of the fiish r �7L;s]e Suffaiicounty; t�sllow itrto-pura nldon terminal facility, which is bas�.c'' ly 's ego. 'The improvements are neededv ie of freight and passenger .traffic L would increase from $25 to $50 pe me t .e! ferry district, with an annual ltm}t ' anoissioners has remained unchangeit si c favorable consideration of this bill. lI Sincerel 'I i PII.is�' I. t 1; b / '18 . LAOS OOLG COUNTRY ROAD EN, NEW MURK 11794 before the in the ird—ka-- it .was handle ion for . . The vuol-iU!,vel.yiNlvl lit rBio d4ZI0001X�{ Tf / i ENV YORK STATE S' AT I ! ! N1EM0RA�DU 1 IN SUPPORT O E IISLi9►fi1,C �;N { 1 li [I 1� � I ; � { I SII { I q I draltio�'�ill Il,�il Mer I tin original: •I Bitli Nu nib i ir, i Senate Assembly h1 I: ,i S.49,02• -A A.6801 -A '! I cg Memos in amended , ,•i it SI?On5�O�rS: N1 IM et of the Senate: I I tileinber of the Assembly: w7 1 �� I I• �t Commissioners or skiers �S��nd - Ferry Intc;od �cd lett lei request of: (hie j I Di,{ r lci and t1 a Town Board of the Town of So ! I° Ililf TI LF_ OF B;IiL.Li AN ACT' to amend chapter 699 of the x ,I� Ie of 3{947+� 47'r fold, 'lating to i cri:atio;n of the Fishers Island ferry disaiet i for increase of the debt {ih ltrrlitat` t wl n Of of ;Soot the Suffolk ,u, and Cour�ty� , rclatto:n to Iprowiding an �p ldtPunct j u'i danng N.provisions tllcreor. I. ii 1?i�iR1 OS:1{�tA\D SUINIM CRY OF DILL: To'incr�cals �.: Ith ebt co limt,I;!, n of Fishers `''mt 5j lihcr's I f ]�Sldrid' terry district*,om $950.000 to S5,000,000 and to t 66n) nsalion i from X25 per meeting to S50 per mecling w rf I � creia��c{' I : t�h I a F I ly Ij;{of $25, 000. 1 !1 � { t I 1: ' I.) , i it il� ' it li is ! JAS1lI'It !!f I TM ' ;I I 7T►t di t_ct is ipresently engaged in developing plans and SCC the Dtstiict'sl`Ncw London terminal facility. Thcs�e r4 g T {I its meats t6 'x and and wt3 ul equine I borid3n'g� in cxtcs's of'thai currcnily alloN�•ed. I - ( I � ! I R�IOR LFG]SL4`I'1N'E HISTORY: New bill. � { �1,1'�G'�AL IV'1PLICATIO\S FOR THE STATE: No iai 1 (:.';!'the Statieiil�i{l I1 341FI F'1'IYEI IRATE: This act shall talc effect immc fy' t ' ' it J ,,ra-Ill; l� CI� I,111 I I�It, �.•. i � i t , :, � I �i I ,, i,. l F 1 I I 1 , / Ib V _'0 M !IUD- 1 0,- 1 D" V"zj 14 AM !!D : I it j NEW YORK STATE SENA! E MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT 1C f IIOF L memo III 'dr t �of IS 11 bpr. Assembly C) Mr-rno S�. 4;902—A -A. 6801—A• it EI S, r s: Memberof the Senate.- LAVAJ L j Irk ember 6f the, Assembly: Sa-wicki it �e, r,'eqnest or: Commissioners of�, e, 1 fSIS!i" . ,II:and Town Board of The Town of Sou �161 Ii I el �'stlzlic+t ANACr to amend chapter taj� s �If 194 7!. re :OF, 699 of Lb t! !of the Fishers Island ferry district S4 it '�nu OJZI th!6;�re� on,. :o6th 1i'C0UJjjLty;j Ln relation Ito 1pioviding for an increase of 0)o debt li �;Iiat on Ic ' j 'I '1 ;1 1; 1 . I I , 11 ji qat,ng _!�pd oug'pilovisl6nis thereof. II II �'!;U'A'00130AND SUMMARY OF BILL: To 1ncrca4'q,1j 1; 81 the' c6m d" f ' in $950,000 to $5.000.000 and to i , ' I ss! I.SWC1 from Inch h iinl on, fr6rhl $25jper meeting to $50 per meeting. q:1 e a r 3 )p sp it J USI it 1 CATION 1 Thd d'presently:engaged in developing plans and sec mg 1 p;s I t is � iTxj:pr6 ti Lh, e Distridt's. ew London I N erTninal facility. These J n e Is ill P C s I currently allowed. I+ ( I% , �k ILEGIIS!LATIVE HISTORY: New. bill. T10jNS* FOR THE STATE: I ng [a. T�'l P L N 0 0 1 FF.E 1vt"'O'ATE: This act shall take effect immodia el, U1 ;I j 000007 it A iI! III i J it E I 'b 0 xz R' ?F b / I b iRiilal ended Ferry g to Suffolk and if Fishers S of $2500 I ire i, r .th:, es thi fqci t I gs pc�lltl ill IV6 Ire, # 9/ 18 gold, Suffolk ments to its relating to to improve Lg in excess BILL N%EMORANDiTM k� !!i'il , II I 6801-A of A. SA" WICKI Fishers Island Feiry District .': le UP to $5,000,000 in bonds fo c lilies. The bill also upciates. : 0r P increasing compensation for -1. p on undertaking cap L t�c aminal facilities: These facimies .y ccUth6rized $950,000. I II IV6 Ire, # 9/ 18 gold, Suffolk ments to its relating to to improve Lg in excess JWD-11 67,1 tD).Uy: 4/Alm; A - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'j :1l 1 IT )'COUNsEL TO THE GOVFJ E:, sr=NATE S EMBLY ii nasmile-h. !as this bill does of: Law, I am not c i Ith re Is'at Ipprticuiar aspect of t if it Dated A la� ir I I'i .I I,I ' lI� 'i II 1 Iib 'I J/ -I d 411!9111 I'll WOR it not appear ta,i, t; 4vj1i of the ornmenting 1, �qOns therea ta i -n owever if ie bill upon whit you 0,0; r' please Il, ROSEFrrii JkTTOR it If t ii1 I if'I t!l 'flit Ivo 4902- Law-Ch#pt :1 ;i i I w a if J 1 TEN-DAY BILL •-GIET*-RIEP'OR-r"OZ4'.,BIL,L�s Introduced by: 'I-aValle xi 699 ?f 194�7; 6 Bud let recommendation on the above bill; No -Objection: X RL -is ubi t6L !I IThis lidgislation amends Chapter 699 of the Laws' If! f!)4 8.reaii6in'of th'&'Fishers Island Perry District in the, p the puipbsi of this legislation is to increase thedeti .0.$�,.$5,000,000 in order to expand and * d Ill 9:5o,666 it improve terminal facility. Additionally, this proposal would OPT t,y--eac)-�:-j�ember-of-t.hc--Boar-d-of-Com- m -issioners-fro in'! annual!! iCap of $2,500. !i if II 2 If Under cu amount n equipmFn Comm ."slsi for every' y ul ;IJ j! a!, services. ffect►ve' in( '6b: ji i ' i �i � col Ar 1170 iprc ;i i I r, ' I' I 1W '� ' li i I j 01. rent Ilaw, the Town of Southold may .'borrow4 lit to; exceed $950,000 to finance'the colt Iid of !-the Fishers Island Ferry- Addid n niers now meets on the second Tuesday of Ch , rr meeting they attend and cannot receive or !I I II mmitidiattly this bill: .cases the maximum amount that can betiiorr,6, gatilions by the -Town of Southold fil' struction , acquisition and equipment needsfithe 7 amount exceeding $500,000 requires f at,' al i vni Board subject to a permissive rcferenum; b, perty within the Perry District; e Corr $5 : 7 1 issue I. ll ! • VA? Yehr:'1993 NO 4, 6,7 orizing the Plk County. strict from -w London )n received '.tions for an ;truction and s Board of i receive $25 My for their issuance of 100,000 for rry District. pted by the taxable real J5-�1a-I.0'vyl.4/AIVI,;1 I� I;:b]642b i- -- " amends the existing I . I .; . • ,1 g guidelines with respect ,Lo !the h ag�me .`.i ,'� �•• ! ! I 1�femage�cli�arges"collec[ed �by`piovidir►g�grea er tie='= "'--'�'•= 1 claims] against the District. This section. al :Of C 1 purchase made from the petty cash fund; requires that the Board of Commissioners 4166t g !� I - 1 I I j wth a ;schedule established by the Board pribrito i L I year, and that all members receive $50.00 fo•ea:Y it L, I attended provided that the total annual compensate I $2,,500.. If Prior f -le islative FTistorx: jl 1 I Ll III I' ..ghapter ; 968- of the Laws of 1973 amended the s ctio l l 1 1 compensation by raising the amount from $10 per 11= j 1916 of the Laws of 1983 amended the section relatedjto 1 1 p Island:Ferry'District by increasing it from $750,006,tq S 4 i rgurnlents in Sugport: ; a) (Under current law, the Southold Town B axcE lr. 1$950,000 for acquisition, construction and eI ip rie Fe Distr-ict—T-he--T-own is-Gur-rend develb' rn• ;the 14ew London Terminal Facility which is cot►si Although the actual cost of this plan is not yeti! ,c (more than what the District is currently autho iz, t ]limit will permit the.District to proceed with Rths:p; j j I jvessels'as necessary. Replacement has j� been di'ffic� I i limitations. li 1 I i i I I I I 'The Town Board may not issue obligations ibi Ian II I' Iwifhout adopting a resolution that is subject !too! p i ! 1 prop"eity owners within the ferry district. Tlisp*c I l ) any rnajor expenditure decision, there will be,peal i r 1, will ultimately be -responsible for the debt is ued. i Outside] of reimbursement for any actual an ne.e meeting fee is the sole compensation receiv d ;by I •I services. These fees have not been raised sine' 1i ;I s II I 5 I ssibie • Obi ection I j j a) this legislation would raise the debt limita ionl 400%. Although this is a sizable increase, thou I ! rII I h I it I i 'I It if ii iii I� I �.I It it it # '12/ '18 reporting of ing audits •of nit per cash la I I I X11"E9'iI�R monthLylljin accordance egi nin' 'i6fjthe�ir calendar 'Itin1 of � Rf j;board actually r;7mb to oes not exceed jiIIIIf III • lh,�Ijf4 Ltin toll�c d members' ;25 per' Chapter limitation j 'or the Fishers iitlSF, it I j F IIIIi l+„i�l;lll boriowil,anci issue up to ..eds: ofIt,4, Fishers Island �n to=expand-and improve–• i.m i inadegµate and unsafe. i; it; w 1'i;iC significantly xo�v hD hcreased debt nd lconsltruct replacement the' past Aline to financial )u t exl' ng $500,000 rn�y ; .ss iLe re erendum by the )n, d;sPthat, prior to j It by tb, os 1 ividuals who if l I p ' Ij 3r 1 I i;l Y; xper�V s6i the $25 per CM, mBffoiiers for their of tIthon= I r I Ill I pRll � , 1 I 1I'ri1 I the Districts' J. 1 4. JI I I I'lh.it. 1 I I j I l 14.3 I,I; IFB I ilea, if I ti , i:i kj lRr1 I i t 'Mlli I q1 I I ,- !Ril Ills, i L;1 „ , II!I,7`�l jh I h �111ji6�? more than the WO-167in''J 4 AM; necessary enhancements of the New London ac I ."construction -oTf`hev�r vessels w.bu'ld­bd` further; cle ! t eased in ten yB I i ;limitation has not been increased �S. b Authorizing an increase in the Fishers Islan d el may require an increase in the District tax levy. -in S f ancial impact on the. local. taxpayers. It h Duld t levy currently imposed by the District is -actually, remained considerably below that level durin the II I l. District is planning to petition the Interstate I Cc increase in tariffs- Although they anticipate!that addressed by by the tax levy, raising the tariffs'11 1 Oo co�sts!if necessary. I l It has not been demonstrated that, a per die ft lindividuals to serve on this commission.' 6I. ' I Other:State Agencies Interested: Ij The 0ificib of the State Comptroller would have an interssti jf�11 itt yet'de,�61oped a formal position, i no-w-iiLP-6si.tic;n-of—Others.:--.-- Th W,n of Southold has requested this legislation i& 'I' 1.BudL7e:..implications: H There ;would' b,'o no budgetary implications for the 1 Since the Town of Southold will have the ability to i4s. enactment i of,;this legislation is likely to result in incr I5 fl j annuali Idebt service payments for longer periods of iit n i anciil liability on local taxpayers within the District ,,(Recommendation: This legislation -would increase the debt limitation wi.J consction an. Of .: d equipment for the Fishers Island Ferryil' Although it has not been demonstrated that the'! Commissioners is necessary; this proposal would pei -mil 11onclonterminal facility while providing for local; Jnp necessary !exceeds $500,000, with no budgetary. im ac Pudget Divisioh has no objection to its approval. ll l� ,; I ,I �,, ( I i, -2 41 ��j i � i I I � i i ' I ii I lk'' If f :Ibl 842b Is tot It 4'in t e J � t; U: # '13/ 18 ce and the , the -debt ing limitation ve a negativ e r, that the tax 1980 and has addition, the .ssion for an meet will be ; debt service attracting but has not s legislation. of debt, the - tiring greater LCe a greater 'acquisition, of Southold.. ided to the ice the New t of funding ierefore, the IVb-Itl IbryV/AM;'•I I�I 1 • �i i It j t STATE OF NEW YORK I DEPARTMENT OF STA!✓I , ,I I' I ALBANY. N.Y. 1223 1 -00 1II! l IGAfL 5. SNAPPER SECRETARY OF STATE E X O R A N D V I I �IHon: %Elizabeth b. Moore II !1'Counsel to .the Governor , � ,I ! t ;I I FROM- ,i Ic James� N. Baldwin ! 1Exeutive Deputy secretary o S to ISIISS Te,' S'.4 4.902-A (Sen. Laval le) II, fit. 'comttlendation : No Obi ectipn .� I _ A I -, �uily . 14, 1.993. I .'I You `x-:�cSl�este'd our comments and reco el $� If num er ( 4' di4 r q. ,I I s;cnec3 II comm i I 1 excee ai .j I ii I i:nr,n td' bill. I I �lyd iis- bi--]-tiiou3d-amend s-ndtioris 4,—� an rs of; nineteen hundred forty-seven ,Yetis ageii►ent `,of the Fishers Island Ferryl DMS d', 'Suffolk County, to increase the' c- t 1 t..f�6m $9t0, 000 to $5,000,000, to al dw t e the ; date of their monthly meetings I �n, loner, i s , Gompens•ation from $25 to 5,01 an aggregate amount of $2,500 in a ; ;i•ylea e f'I xy district is engaged in a i IjgF:f�. th� , IdistrictI's facility in New ondo3i, s 'to enlarge . its terminal buildin , j I4el increase. the size and improve th °'' safe; area; landj;bulkhead the ferry slips.; { ' I' t 'to; construct replacement vessels, ,as n',J ments -Ito, Ithe ferry site are expec e3• .t,� 000 ; I• { '• hiu�h is in excess of the r, ser ion.1,T lsillegislation resolves that p bb jl ; i I cant; to the original act, (T,.1947, c ; Fishers Island' Ferry Disti •ict Is Id 1, iA;cluding land acquired in Connec44!c t Ards the ,.electors of the fer7ry dist I� through permissive •rererenda .whethe I'It�pp expenditures. The Southbld town skpat•v: ad the ' town's support of the above- ef' Ire x that : foregoxng reasons, this o g1 c hl s I I` Con f E. ''I- * 14/ Ib e above - r 699 of creation Town of '3 of the oners to ase each not to and. and zut. ' It rreight vehicle 11 also capital %rds of 'Y debt roperty•. ['own of of the pity to Y major Loa has lation. ions to I MIVI, 1.0--il 4ZO 04Q fF In/ Its i H it i ff I ji I fff i fli 1-1on1- �Elizabekh .:D, ...Moore . ,... Li.1 i� Ii J` �{ �irtf` flF ju y! 13, 19931 if i � I III '0 � I i behalf of the Commissioners of th '� i I I� s if f+� �IIIi(i( a nn, Mario it, e Tow Board of the Town of Southold, Cuomo h e, yi� re Ue, District a Governor 119'rill the legislation into law. A.: Very Tr -Scott L., Ha -IT GK:cc Supervis r). ri 46 UditT Terry, Town Clerk Hill ip! Knauff if norlible Raymond L. Edwards I t if it :j if j 0000-15 R � l ! ; � I I �I. �; I ' I + it ) f�l,� i�h ;j it II if Ii 04. M I HARVEY A.:'ARN Tower xtioi-iIiey AATTtHF_ Assistant ro%'l It I li If . ',VIA ~�o�Og�►FFOZ,�coG� LN y OFFICE OF THE TOWN AT cN1 TOWN OF SOUTHOU) July -1.3, !9 ERN IGH Th PI. i` Lilos rL a r J. plan and' se it nec ic t, C as's ,I of thi iFeF77Y, Distric P ,I wls14 to. rh the ct!.6 II "(amenrpent eom ensatiein it :J J ii I I� I � ! I 't 'k, I ;� � �' I I' I t I Is Is IIn response to your request for Icoi 'I, - the I , above -referenced legislation., e Fishers Island Ferry District is preset ca ing; . I permits to expand and impr P!. ; 1 � terminal facility. These improvem' .,rits itl currently allowed by the act wh'i_,�! t (i.el'., . ­., t: ., Laws of New York, 1947, C apt4 BOaLi-d Of 'Commissioners of the Fisl;64rlili ehd: the act for the purpose of incas n6 for the additional purpose of upda"ill-I to :1 Sections 6 and 7 which rel d e' of I the Petty cash' fund and; ltkik the commissioners, respectively) J IiI ed I the nd Fer the 'de r -sej the iim t i n SCOTT L. HARRIS Supervisor n Hall. 53095 Main Roa P.O. Box 1179 , ahold. New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 lephone (516) 765-1800 nda- - i developing few London, bonding in hers island ided). )istrict now imitation of s mance and %edule and Corns zjliab'14� 'I to the D.11 Moore, boiVernor ;i ecutive. dhambei- it apitiol Albar NeW' Yok . . r 12224 e. - B-4-1-PLs-Untroduc ftw-y-Number r-4-902 - Amendment to Special Act providi §Ilftr establishment (Chapter 699 of the Fishers Island of the Laws of 47) 19 jij A!De z rMoore: onorable h Th PI. i` Lilos rL a r J. plan and' se it nec ic t, C as's ,I of thi iFeF77Y, Distric P ,I wls14 to. rh the ct!.6 II "(amenrpent eom ensatiein it :J J ii I I� I � ! I 't 'k, I ;� � �' I I' I t I Is Is IIn response to your request for Icoi 'I, - the I , above -referenced legislation., e Fishers Island Ferry District is preset ca ing; . I permits to expand and impr P!. ; 1 � terminal facility. These improvem' .,rits itl currently allowed by the act wh'i_,�! t (i.el'., . ­., t: ., Laws of New York, 1947, C apt4 BOaLi-d Of 'Commissioners of the Fisl;64rlili ehd: the act for the purpose of incas n6 for the additional purpose of upda"ill-I to :1 Sections 6 and 7 which rel d e' of I the Petty cash' fund and; ltkik the commissioners, respectively) J IiI ed I the nd Fer the 'de r -sej the iim t i n SCOTT L. HARRIS Supervisor n Hall. 53095 Main Roa P.O. Box 1179 , ahold. New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 lephone (516) 765-1800 nda- - i developing few London, bonding in hers island ided). )istrict now imitation of s mance and %edule and I :I a 1. i i .•j'' .�; ,'': tz jay �I .I. 1. i1 I I. 1 ; A''}:i :'r.y ` nl Jt• 'yy` I i I I .rr I 5991 _ •r'. ,'moi:, 'r �,�,' -p',•::. ^.:� . s? 1 I' 1 1'n �'iri.'., �`1�9,93=�'9: 4 "1'"st'�6e's• 9 :.R'•� a s :.�•'� , r• - I •.1Ir :•i r. - '4r NT:E-:: ,i. !I � � �,�'c• liy$���it� �:`..f.�:�.:p�'�.'-�..�Ir•:�(1.;.' ,�;,'� ,,i��;.•����"'�r.'.r":�' ii :! v l{ N 0.��1-' 1 �l'1'!1,'� J'�j, r)t • Mayt �i,y .l•�.93'! lh i 'i'.7`:'ii' ;:,ti 'CG'sFi'i%: G:-'' 7}: ';'n �;�'-.�,,:)'.:�),: ':,�:: ~.J,-',=:.•.:, aL It r 1.: ','1"'.%.,.,,t .:lii:i:!.:' M�•:i . •t . it I }. P '�Tntr,o••u .•'li' •Se AV• - •w�� d. ,.4Yd': $ar;,�.. n,;i•',L„ AT:hL°•>S'°-�;i:roaa, t, i'ce. an ori ,';y •• ate'dr'ko' be :xcomipaatedt':to'''.the Committee:: on`'L'oc ,I I ��' i;v ''i':�ilY�tC;e@,l: �i%iachtirged(�;:':'`.tiY]:�1:��:am ia6e�:;�.'•or,d•exe �•;z :i I, l { I 1.�',=1:•� F''�.Comgi�'CtOd'°'t.o'1�sh1�'6';comm3,tteeri•::_.r,:?t', - :;;:'��, � I r•i,. � J , ;.,j• :N :;': eMc, 1�ir;,`(' ,•'�'' :•.i ik,:'i:, �;. v:1 1, - - I, �'� ':ice: •'v'' :1U. N -rra'e!I ch m a• "e' •'':6.9+ .•'oEi:.tH'' ac .i .1 }:. ,..o',;,J;,!`c 'r'c' .e$' , rs ,,y,..r,Z.B,..'rid3'r:' ;-d'• •6.' I ;I 'I ,.; ,�,��he: F �::Uv?1�:c?'��r;�:�.,.i�,�. ?tl �A .,r�=FY`� �1„Czi�C�i•I .'. .. r'r,!''•"••!'f7 imS; qt o f' t e ;s���p;tX�kct`i;anc) 'up' clak�r� rYar °oua V. ....... ?•' '4:: ':J}" .:a e,- c,. •:7, r., k,_ _ y.:. .i. o,.: - �. .Inr._ .t. +r4 i V ,II ` •J Y. F• 1 u I y:'1{; �;i„-'r,`%f ;, `t' iTh' ':.+'•Paov'1'e:;'p'E�S II S{Iateva,o •'.4;b '�I ''r�': d'v n •t:a:': to C'.r'. e •N. a 'f ,: ;,,},�:[ 4 '•Sect:3'oT�sCz.4'.,:..6<?rd<.+7;�,'o�'f"& `a r•r ,t: 'I: ,!"i' :I:' +'� : i�.•.,5_. _ , t�i i:.•,'_':4a1 .:_.,.., J.,,.. ;I ;a%s`�'),��, .�, 2i"'.r.erl a,{:!'ir '''t u.L�ho ••zi'7j.. '�Yt`he'!': c`,'ea'bS:oY�'o virE."'6'heli''6�`,Y•I I i; ' �' . j . taxa': ,�;; ,rigr.•::9r':a .,..r" 1�'. g.. � ,�a.:. •� . �' 'il 'tl+"�!:' 11a I,•,,I }, I( .., „ . , .fir.-; :'-?,.;., -;`.��:• a4;�'�•; �;;ti~He7;::T:�'owitt'i'o��:�So 'Ch'Ol'dt;'r,,'%,t,$,u'££Olk's:co'yn£' i:. •9ecr�"orii sh. ;°gf,i'.rCtj'a t'e'i�<:9'1'`6'ir'gr�:t• e�'%{l A'` v.o' '_l9'8�9....2i' ;`6ectli'o r" '!:, .r.' 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