HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIFD - Establishment of District by Town Board 1947 2~ _, ~~ !;: ?,\ 1 ~ jj -{ 'i 1 .Y; ., "-', -;;. ~, ~: ~ ~I t- ~: ~. ~ ..J ~. r., 0, < i;' ~ , " ~' ~'-' , } J " ~> -~ JT, .. , t .', -~ , '" .' , }. .~. ~:. , ~: -~. .(- . \ ~.; .r".," ." ..-, ..~.~... , . ,. , II TBB MlTTiR .OF.TIIB OR.UKR IlSTABLISBIIO DISTRICT. Bstabl1shment of Pishen Island 'el'l'1 District, Town of SOllthold, Suffolk Oounty, State of Ie. York. A petl tlOD In thls matter for the establ1shment of Flshers Island Ferry DlIItrlct havlng been duly presented to the Town Board, together wlth the necesaary lIap attached thereto, and an Order havlng been duly adopted by the Tom Board Oft Sept. 26 1947, for the hearlng of ell persoDs Interll8ted In the _tt er on the 15th day of OctOber, 1Sl47, at one o'clock in ,the arternoon at lishen Island, and a hearlng by the sald Board _avilll been duly had at SUCh time and place, and it havlng been duly resolved and determined follo.1ng BUch hear1ng that the peti tiOD herein was algned and acknowledged or proved as requ1red by law and other.ise suff1cient, that all the property and property owners wlthin the proposed d1str1ct were benefited thereby, that all property and property owners bene. fited were included .ithin the Ulllts of the proposed diatrict, and that It wsa 1n public interest to grant in whole the reUef sought, and It hav1ng been then and there further duly resolved that the establishment of IlUch d1atrict as proposed be approved, and appli- catlon having been thereafter and on October 17, 1947, du.ly udc In du.,licate to the State Department of Auc11t and Control at Alba~, lIew York, for permisslon to eatablish such d1etr1ct sa more fully provlded by Chapter '99 of the laws of He. York, 1947, and Sectlon 11/4 of the TOIll Law, and the State Colllptroller havlng tilly made an order 1n dupUcate, dated - .Nov. 17 IV4." granting permlulon for the establishment of the c11str1ct In all respects 88 petitioned for and approved by the Town Board 88 afaresaid; and one copy of such order havlng been duly fned In theofr1ce of the State Department of Aud1t and Control at Albany, lIew York, and the other 1n the offlce of the Town Clerk of th1s TOWll, and the Town Clerk having duly presented suCh order to thls Board at th1a aBet1ng, belng Its flrst ..etlng held after the sald order wsa flIed wlth him; It ls hereby ORDBRBD, that the Fishers !eland Fel'l'1 District be eatabUshed In the 88id Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, 8e descrlbed in the order of the State CoaptroUer aforesald, to be dealgIlllted sa the Flshers Island Perry Diatrlct of the Town of Southold, - ---..-.--- 7 -~-- ~ , .- . . "Jl.' " ~ and ~ be of the follo.1Da deacrlptlon and bouadarlea, to .1t:- ALL the rtl81 property of Plabera Ialand, In the To.n of Southcld, Coat, of Suffolk aDd state or He. York, Inclualn or the whole of Plahere Ialand, wlth till exceptlon of oertalD parcels whlllh are till property or the Unlted statea Govel'Dllent, aald tracta belDg kDown aa "Fort H.G. Irlght-, "IIorth BlU", "IIOImt Prospeot", "IUdel'llllBB Polatll, and IlCOast Ouard Station Ro. li'. lte.ervatlona, all aa Ilhown on .p aceompanylng this petition, Ilald territory being bounded and deacribed u tollon: On thll IIorth by 'lshera bland Sound.; on the Baat by Blollk bland Souad; on the SClU.th by Blod Island SOWld and Oovenuaent ReaervatioJl.ll, on the We.t by Fort H.O. lright and Plahere I.land SoIlnd. Dated loveJlber ~ I 1" T . 7UI~~~ l~'/~ ~~ e ~/!.~. i-I~'1(:::tt ~ . lIe.be... ot the Town Board. ot the Town of Southold, Surtolk County, N.Y. '...... ~ "'-' U' - .;aaj;. ......' - .. STATE OF Nh'W YORK - DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL In the Matter ot the Applioation ot the Town Board of the Town or Southold. SuttoJ.k County, New York. tor the permission 01' the state Comptroller to establish the Fishers Island Ferry District in said town. WHEREAS, applioation hes bean duly made to the undersigned by the ToWll Board ot the Town ot Southold, Suftolk County. New York. by its Supervisor. pursuant to Article 12 of the Town Law and ohapter 699 of the laws ot 194.7. tor the permission of the State Comptroller to the establishment or the Fishers Island Ferry District in such town in accordance with suoh applioation and a resolution of such board adopted on October 16, 194.7, and WHEHEAS, notice of such application to the State Comptroller has been duly given to the Board of Super- visors ot Suffolk County, New York. by the State Comptroller in the manner presoribed by section 194 of the Town Law. and WHEREAS, the undersigned has duly examined suoh application, NON. 'l'HEHEFORE, pursuant to such examination and upon suoh applioation of the Town Board ot the Town ot Southold, the undersigned does hereby tind and determine, after due deliberation: (1) That the publio interest will be served by the establ1sbment ot the FiShers Island Ferry District in the Town of Southold in acoordance with suoh appli- cation. (2) That the oost of the proposed distriot will not be an undue burden upon the property of the proposed district. '. -2. I, FRANK C. MOORE, Comptroller of the State or New York, do hereby order that suoh a,ppllcation of the town board ot the Town ot Southold, tor permission to establish the Fishers Island Ferry District in the Town of Southold be, and the same hereby i8, granted, and I do hereby permit the establishment of suoh distriot in aooordance with the follOWing boundaries: ALL the real property of Fishers Island, in the Town or SouthoJ.d, County of SUffolk and State or New York, inclusi98 of the whole or Fishers Island. with tbe exoeption of oertain parcels Whioh are the property or the United States Govel'lUll8J1t, said traots being known as -Fort B.G. Wri~t," "Horth B1lJ.," "JIoImt Prospect." -\'imem.ss Point," and "Coast Guard Station No. 59" Reservations. all as shown on JIUq) aocom,p8D.71ng this petition, said territory being bounded and described as follows: On the North by Fishers IsJ.and Sound; on the East by Block Islalld Sound; on the South by Blook Island Sound and Gove1"Dm8nt Reservations. on the West by Fort H.G. Wright and Fishers Island SOUnd, Executed in dupJ.1cate under my hand and the seal of the Comptroller or the State at New York, at the City of ~ Albany. New York, this/7 day or November, 1947. FRANK C. MOORE State Comptroller ~ I ,J ,I -.-") , By . ? /. /. U t.chibald N. Gall~ ~ Deputy Comptroller .// . . '-.-"...,0; ;, /' All ACT t. .-,M Oiloo._ .... 1 ... .....,...... fill .... 18we fIII.tF ..... ",-Ik" aM "-~ .A..A....IM .. Aa U1 ..tIMIlIU.. .... .. tII~"" 0.11 h --,t JI'. '1 1, - -. ... ,,-_ ",U_ fill . ,_'iII ....,. IfII' .... ,... 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TM.... ..... !! <_,I . ~ ~ ,- ..-- .......-...---_.. .. . . ~ll lt~;,(.'Ul'.ft.,. rea,""" ta'Q,.ayen 01. tN 41atrlct ...1\0 anall ",,,'nautute the l1l('&l'li until tnalr 8I1ee...On .re .\ecned .Ad 1MIV. q..1I1184 I'uayan' tt, Uaa lICf.....1.10Dll ,;~ ~bi. .~t. lhloe....... tt lbe IDea.n .c. appclinte~ a Ilia I , De .1"'e<\ b, u.. .\ecton of tbe dllltrtc' .. ~_ft.r preY...... 10....., ~nOll t!!! l!,. a.! .J!.et~ 'M.-JO~.~vtb~!..... tM .~ -!" real property fbaaW .Itfttn~l_.r. "~~."!1~ ...!!":~.._. ~ 1M ta.t ~~.'!!"'. ar;.!II!!"...!- ~~~~~ ~!-,' ~~e. of!W. of fenI ~1O~loaer. TM r.....y eol'lru:nw.10lllM"8 ...11 ..... ~'owM' aD4 It .bal1 be Ute Ita'" d ._a ..m~Loaen: :'f"UeIl I. SM'U-' Q/ MIca. eba.... ill MreO)' .~ w r_d .. t~ll.,,,,.: )Cf 'I. Tba lUUI\IIll ro."'UlI .ball M helld ..tIllD u.. .urtrlc' at · pi.. lit> " fl.... lty lb. _nUfu..I(Aen. TbIt .oml.l..~r. u.ll ca.... aetje. to lie ,.<>4r1" If>; ftw publlC pl.t'.. UI 1M 41.trirt .t l..-t tetl .ja,.. bef"". tM date "U- .....\ 1D..u.... Tlte _Uce iUlall lItah tJW Ume, pl'" Rad <>b;lecL of .. m..... ... tM aa.>\lJ'a thllt the poll. ar. te> ...main 0fI81l. Ta. poll. .w i ...pea fer . perio4 of four boun to . ftsed ." the CI~....t ~.". vethtl "U M Ity paper ballot to De jlrOYWed It,.... .om~' 'i_n ..\leta "11 e_"'. .. nearly.. way M te ballota fur prlm&rJ' al"tteM fr.",ldIN ..., MCU.. 0IlII .......e4 elCk' ., 1M eleeU- law. The .... of ..eh .-1 ..,eet.. _...11 __ . elll....- _"",_t ... diIItriet. E\.c..... of Ut. dl8trkt 111.unM h, .,ote tel to_ office'" 01 tb. w_ o( '-tIaolcl .t th. ~dtIII Ul'_ el",Wi !Nl-!~!.~._;;4_",!.1 p_ro~r:tL!!t.!.,~'" .l~~ ~~ ..laIIII !~'1 ~~t uc~..!..ll ~~Ut...!..~lI!.frec..!!"C!""..!!. ~e.!!'" ",11 _1aaI' .. ellclb1e t" .,'14' .t 111.\)' suo" allftll&l eleetklrl. TI\4t 1Il_Mr1i pC tb. bG&J'd .,f G<",.ml..lonera aMI' be It,. I_pecton of .I_UOII ~ at U. 01... cI tM poll. ..-1: C'a__ the yt'te .... certiry tM r..ult..4 tlte .teeU.. )& c.nlfteate" -1- I. =-......, .,....c....;;..- -...._;_....,.:::;:;,.:.."'_.~,..:;~----_.:-.__. . .. ta.- ...."U e-..owte.1 It., the m.pecton of .I4leHoo lhaP be tuN In n,. crttee at t.. \.._ ale... ,,t 1M h>W1'l of Suutltolci. SMUon ,. :!i_tion 10 14 luen cnapter I. "Felty am"'d tt.. read .. '<>110.1: ,Hi, Th. o.klll ,.ar t4 the ~trl.ct lhall C'OllIH,....ne~ Oft t!lle hrat -:1.1 cl J__ry IUI4 eII4 _ the tllil't7-nrlt .say ~ DeflIIDMr, TIM cc.mtnl.'. ''''FI ..11 prepare RtaUed ..tlnaa... lD wrtUaf 01 tlte antietpatN rueau.. ..., .....'.dit.,... for .tlCll cUatrlet for tlu pu."... 01 .lIter.".,." Ole ana.-t 0' m~,. required It'I meet the .~ of operation &tad rnamt.-..c:. ot UIlI 4latrtet aM cUatJ'iet property ... tmpn..meata lor llII. It...l ywar ('omlllene- 1" 011 tbe tint .Y 011..''''''7 M1(t ......... 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I I I I I I I I I I 'I I, I: II ... D5=17=7$ "~B'."""";.;' _ff"~'," , '_ :\1, rtf/l' ! %~~-- (.6 .. .-',,,,'>" , . . ., 'IUJ'{ECfJVlED COgPANY . ()ITU'T 1 lel77 ~. <.", J. i. UNITED STATES FIDELITY AND GUARANTY STATUS INQUIRY OWNER, OBLIGEE OR ORIGINATING CO. & ADDRESS SOIiQl!lli01ll' 'IllWlIi ~, A I':: "j' , " ,k': ':.;. ).j FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT Town of Southhold Southold, New York "I I DATE October 17, 1977 OUR BOND NO. L --.J 53 0120 315 77 REINSURER'S NO. CONTRACTOR JAMES H. RAMBO, INC. ADDRESS Bishops Lane, Southampton, New York DESCRIPTION OF CONTRACT * repair and improvement Island Ferry District, af Ferry Landing and dredging @ Fishers Southold, New York OWNER Town of South Hold [ BONDS (51 $ 99,459.00 I EFFECTIVE DATE 4-2-77 CONTRACT PRICE · 99,459.00 WITHOUT PREJUDICING YOUR RIGHT OR AFFECTING OUR LIABILITY UNDER OUR BOND (5) DESCRlBED ABOVE, WE WOUL.D APPRECIATE SUCH OF THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION AS IS NOW AVAILABLE. VERY TRULY YOURS, BY '. *INCLUDE LOCATION AND OWNER'S CONTRACT NUMBER. in Fact 1. IF CONTRACT COMPLETED, PLEASE STA TE: APPROXIMATE DATE OF COMPLETION I APPROXIMATE ACCEPTANCE FINAL CONTRACT PRICE OF WORK (OR FINAL DELIVERY). DATE . 2. IF CONTRACT UNCOMPLETEO, PLEASE STATE: APPROXIMATE PERCENTAGE OR DOL.L.AR AMOUNT} OF CONTRACT COMPL.ETED OR DEL.IVERED 3. DO YOU KNOW OF ANY UNPAID BILLS FOR LABOR OR MATERIALS: [l YES D NO 4. REMARKS: It ;s understood that the information contained herein is furnished as a matter of courtesy for the confidential use of the surety and is merely an expression of opinion. It is also agreed that in furnishing this information, no guaranty or warranty of accuracy or correctness is made and no responsibility is assumed as a result of reliance by the surety, whether such information is furnished by the owner or by an architect or engineer as the agent of the owner. PLEASE RETURN ORIGINAL OF THIS INQUIRY IN ENCLOSED ENVELOPE TO: OWNER: I' THE USF&G COMPANIES 88 Pine Street New York, New York 10005 BY: SIGNA.TURE NAME; TITLE, ADDRESS: L DATE, CONTRACT 26.0. \ 8-76' GENERAL. FORM STATUS INQUIRY FEDERA.L CASES TO BE SUBMITTED IN DUPL.ICATE, STA.MPED, A.DDRESSED ENVELOPE TO BE ATTA.CHED. THE L.ANGUAGE OF THIS FORM IS ACCEPTA.BL.E TO THE SURETY ASSOCIA.T10N OF AMERICA. ""., :) r ~ WICOPESSET 1'0 F I s H E R s I s L A N D s o u N D East PI. N ^ NORTH DUMPLING '" (LIGHT HOUSE) PINE 15.0 D w E SOUTH .-'l DUMPLING V ~FLAT HAMMOCK Clay PI. s o o o s o tJ ~ v :'1 ',- ~ 1) ~ v ~ Fr. H. G. WRIGHT ~ ~ FISHERS ISLAND SUFFOLK COUNTY, N. Y. '" I i ! \ SCAl[OfMILES 10 l~ 20 2S Hartford CONNECTICUT o LEGEND All-weather roads Dirt roads Norwich c e s . .:: SCALE , - SOD YAROS "'''' ..~.. . Watch Hill /" . FISHERS I. GULL , d Sound ~P'IS. Block /lfla"d\ fI BLOCK I. .' I'I~.. VPlUM I. So..d ", 0 \.P Ori~nt bGARDINERS I. GreenPQrt ~ V ~ MontQul/Pt. -' tOIlNG/SlAND ATLANTIC OCEAN ~ N.Y. Race PI. ~ v ClheGKI.,tf.Cf.mCO..lnC.,In4'ln.pO!II1,lflodwll NPS46 ~ .*" ,..- Meeting of Septelaber 2G, 1917 A Special meeting of the SOlA:l~old Tow" 'joard was held nt the office of Supervisor S. Wentw.orth Eorton on ':i(;unesday, Sept. 26, 1947. The meeting was called to orCer at l:~O P.M. with the following present: ,.upervisor Horton; Justices Terry, Hawl{ins, Klipp and Tuthill; 'l'dwn Superintendent of High',':::.ys Price; TOIm Attorney, Terry and Town Clerk Bqoth. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and duly approved as reaa. The following Resolution, offered by Juc;tice Terry; seconded by Justice Hawkins, on roll c811 was unaliimously adopted: At a Mee t Lng of the 'l'own Board of 1'he Town of ,30,,~hoLd, Suffolk County, I<ew York, hell! "t the office of the Super- visor, in the Village of Greenport, in suid Town of ~outhold, County of ~uffolk Dnd State 01' New York, on the 26th day of September, 1947. PRESENT:- S. WENT"IOR'Tn HORTON SUl)erV Isor HARRY 'TERRY Justice of the Peace HERRT\RT M. HA;'fl\:INS Justice of the Peace RALPH W. TUTHILL Justice of the Peace NORMAN E. KLIPP Justice of the Peace IN THE MA TTER itOF- The petition for the establis~nent of Fishers Is land Ferry Dis tric t in the Town of Southold, SUffolk County, N.Y. Whereas, a written petition dated the 21st day of June, 1947, in due form and containing the required signatures has been presen- ted to and filed with the Tov:n Board of the 'l'own of Southold, Suffolk County, N.Y. for the establishment of the ffishers Island Ferry Dist- rict in said fown to be bounded and described as follows:- ALL the real property of fishers island. in the 'l'own of Sou thold, County of .:>uffolk and State of New York, inclusive of the whole of Fishers Island, with the exception of certain p&rcels which are the property of the Vni ted Sta tes Governmc:~t, said trac ts be ing known as "Fort H.G. Wright", "North Hill", Mount Prospect", Wilderness Point", and"Coast Guard Station No. 59" Reservutions, all as shown on map accompanying this pet i tion, sai d territory be ing bounded and des- cribed as follows: On the North by J!'ishers Island Sound; on the l':ast by Block Island Sound; on the .:>o~th by block Island Sound and Govern- mon t Reserva tions, on the '.Ves t by H. G. :;;1' igh t and Eishers Island Sound, and VrnEREAS, the proposed improvements and the object of the purpose of the District shall be to acquire, C(),-,struct, equip, operate and maintain ~ public ferry for the transportation for hire of persons and vehioles and goods, wares and merchandise from convenient points on J!"isliers Is lalld aoross the waters of LOclic: l.sland ,Sound and other ad- jaoent waters or tributary thereto to p()ints within and without the State, and for the appointment of five CO!ll!llissioners to administer the affairs of the District, and l,','HEREAS, the maximum amount proposed to be expended for the improvement as stated in the said petition, is the sum of $100,000. it is hereby ORDERED, that a meeting of the fown Board of the said Town of Sou thold, shall be held in Eishers Is Lend, in sa id Town of So:thold, Suffolk County, New York, on the sixteenth day of O\l1tober. 1947, at 1(1.1 .. .-. one o'clock in the afternoon of that day, to consider the said petition and to hear all persons interested in the subject there- of, concerning the same, and for such other action on the part of said Town Board with relation to the said petition, may be required by law or proper in the premises. Dated September 26th, 1947. s. Wentworth Horton Harry l'erry Herbert M. Hawkins Ralph W. Tuthill Norma::! E. Klipp Members of the Town Board of the ~own of Southold, Suffolk County, N.Y. Adjournment was at 3:00 P.M. Ralph P. Booth Town Clerk .1 Meeting of October 10, 1947 A. public hearing of the Southold To",,,,. 1308.rd was held at Fishers Island on October 16, 1947, in the watter of establishing a Ferry District at Fishers Island. ~resent w~ro: Supervisor B. Wentworth Horton;Justices, Terry, Hawkins, Klipp, Tuthill and Sr.anklin; Town Superintendent of Highways, Price and Town Clerl" Booth. WHEREAS, a petition for the creation of a Ferry District to be known as the "Fishers Island Ferry Dis:i;rict" in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, the said patition being dated, 21st day of June 1947, was duly presented to this Town Board, together with the neces- sary map and plans attached thereto, ~nd WHEREAS, an Order was duly adopted by the Town Board on the 26th day of September, 1947, reciting the filing of said petition, the improvements proposed, the boundaries of the proposed district, the estimated expense th~reof and specifying October 16th, 1947, at one o'clock in the after- noon as the time and Fishers Island as the place in said district and Town where the said Board would moot to consider the petition and to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof, concerning the same, and . WHEREAS, said Notice was duly posted, and published as required by law, and WHEREAS, a meeting in the matter was duly held by the Board on this 16th day of October, 19~7, at one o'clock in the afternoon, at the School House in Fishers Island ,in said Town and discussion upon the matter having been had and all persons desiring to be heard having been duly heard, and H. Lee Ferguson, Jr. representing the petitioners, and other persons speaking in favor of the establishment of the proposed district, and no one appearing in ppposition, NOW, upon the evidence given upon such hearing, and upon motion of Justice Norman Klipp and seconded by Justice Ralph Tuthill it is RESOLVED AND OETERMINED, that (a) the petition aforesaid is signed and acknowledged or proved as required by law, it duly complies with the requirements of Section 191 of the Town Law as to sufficiency of signers with respect to the boundaries of the proposed district as herein approved and it is otherwise sufficient; (b) all the property and property owners within the proposed district are benefited thereby; (c) all the property and property owners benefited are included within the limits of the proposed district, and (d) it is in the public interest to grant in whole the relief sought; and it is further RESOLVED AND DETERMINED, that the establishment of a Ferry District as proposed in said Petition be approved; that the improvement therein mentioned be constructed and the service therein mentioned be provided for upon the required funds being made available or provided for, and that such di~trict shall be known as the Fishers Island Ferry District of the lown of Southold and shall be bounded and described as follows:- ALL the real property of Eishers Island, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New Y~rk, inclusive of the whole of Fishers Island, with the exception of certain parcels where are the property of the United States Governrr,(,nt, said tracts being known as Fort H.G. ',"right", "North Hill", "Mount Prospect", "Wilderness Point", and "Coast Guard Station No. 59", Reservations, all as shown on Map accompanying this petition, said territory being bounded and described as follows: On the North by Fishers Island Sound; on the East by Block Island Sound; on the South by Block Island Sound and Government Reservations, on the West by Fort H.G. Wtight and Fishers Island Sound, and it is further RESOLVED, that the proposed improvement including costs cfi con- struction, eqUipment, operation and maintenance for a pUblic ferry for the transportation for hire of persons and vehicles and goods, wares and merchandise from convenient points on Fishers Island across the waters of Long Island Sound and other adjacent waters or tribut- aries thereto to points within and without the State, legal fees and all other expenses shall be financed by the issuance of bonds of said Town which shall be a charge upon said District in a sum not to , . exceed $100,000., and it is further REsaLVEm, that the Town Clerk of this ~own shall within five days after the adoption of this resolution file certified copies ther- of in duplicate inthe office of the State D2partment of Audit and Control at Alhany, New York, together with &n application of this Board in~uplicate for permission to create such district as pro- vided for by Chapter 699 of the Lav's of New Ynrk 1947 and as pro- vided by Sectioh 194 of the Town Law, and that such application shall be executed by and in behalf of the Town B02rd by the Supervisor of the Town. The following Fishers Island residents were present: a.F. Aust; Mrs. R. Abbondanza; Lucy Asman; A.H. Brown; Mrs. A.H. Brown; L.S. Baldwin; Mrs. Louise Bruneau; Wallace Bartlett; Mrs. W.F. Creamer; Raymond W. 'Doyen; Mrs. Raymond W. Doyen; Serge J. Doyen; Mrs. S.J. Doyen; Charles E. Davis; ).;:;:,s. Clarence Dixon; Mrs. A. Di Mella; E.P. Edwards; Mrs. E.P. Edwards; Mrs. Roy Eldredge; Henry Erpenbeck, H.Leo Ferguson, Jr.; Mrs. H.Lee Ferguson; Mrs. H. L. Ferguson; Henry L. Ferguson; L.C. Foylej Thomas Flanagan; L.H. Goss; Louis Grieco; Mrs. A.R. Grebe; A.J. Gada; Edmund Hedge; Mrs. Edmund Hedge; H.C. Hansen; Mrs. H.C. Hansen; Mrs. Chas. '1/1. HedgejJames Hayes; Frank W. Hunt; Mrs. E.V. Kee; E.V. Kee; A.T. LeGere; Eliz. McCloskey; A.G. Pendleton; Mrs. A.G. Pendleton; Kathleen Pqquet; A.J. Paquaette; J.P. Pickett; Mrs. J.J. Peishoff; Anthony Stefanini; Mrs. A. Stefanini; Bert Scagliottij W.A. Talmage; Leo Valentini; E.R. Wall; Kurt Zetter~ren. Chairman: Senator Horton Purpose: Establishment of a Ferry Fistrict Petition from Fishers Island to the Town Board was read by Senator Horton. Floor Discussion: Mrs. Kee: Where will the lerry Run? Senator: New LondoR. Mr. Gada: wgen we have ourown district and our own ferry, will it be possible to run the ferry to other places besides New London, if necessary? Senator: Yes. Senator: Is there any discussion against the esatblishment of the Ferry District? No Discussion. Senator: Is there any discussion for the establishment of the Ferry district? Mr. Griffin: It seems to me, there is no for or against having a I<'erry District. Fishers lslnnd needs a ferry and there- fore must have a Ferry Dist:cict. Mr. Ferguson: I motion that we make a resolution that a ferry District be established to be presented to the State. Senator: We will form a Resolution to establish a District. Resolution read by the Senator, accepted by Judge Klipp and seconded. Approved by the Civic Association. Senator: The County board will meet on October 27. All the papers necessary for the District must be in and presented at this time. The Resolution will be presented at this meeting. As soon as the District is set-up the commissioners can start working on getting the boat. Mr. Goss: You say that more Commissioners will be selected to work on the Ferry District. Will the people on Fishers Island be able to vote on this measure, that is, as to whether we want more Commissioners? Senator: Yes. It may not be in the form of a vote but if you will let me know, it will be done as you want it. ~ Mr. Goss: If any amendments are contemplated in regard to this matter, will copies be sent to us here on the Island. Senator: Yes., ' Canthe Town Board eonsider that this Civic AssociatioR officially represents the people of Fishers Island? ' Ans. Yes. Mr. Goss: Will the people have to vote on the boat issue? Senator: The Bill gives the Commissioners the right to vote on the boat without the people themselves voting on the issue. Mr. Goss: How much notice is needed before Bonds can be on the market and in shape to sell. Senator: Quite awhile but the budget can probably cover the issue until the Bonds are on the market. A formal letter should be sent to the Town proposing Bond issue. Mrs. Will the people have any say about where the boat will land, in New London and on Fishers Island:? Senator: Yes, that is to be take~ care of by the people through their commissioners. Mr. Gada: If everything is not completed by the 6th of Nov., and if' the moneys can not be raised by the end of the year, can it be borrowed? Senator: Yes. Mr..Gada: During this period when we are without moneys, the temporary commissioners are entirely responsible ,for everything, is there any way that the people can Help? Senator: It should work itself out without obligating the temporary Commissioners too much. You cannot make any legal ar- rangements until the District has been organized. The Tempor- ary Commissioners can send Bills to the District after it has been organized but there is no way to say that they will be accepted. Mr. Gada: After the District is organized and all moneys are sent to Long Island, will the emplyyees of the boat be paid regularly. Senator: Yes. Mr. Ferguson: is assuming no responsibility for life or There is no possible way of getting any That is the main reason for our wanting our Goverrunent property. insurq.nce. own Ferry. Senator: We realize that and I have been checking on it. It is true that the Government will give no insurance and there is no way ,of getting any insurance on goverrunent transportation. You can keep on trying in every possible way but by the time you may find something you will have your Ferry district and will need only the insurance on that. Mrs. Hedg~i What about a boat? I have heard everyone talk about the district but no one has mentioned the boat. Senator:' : After the District is orga:"lised and the Commissioners start to work, it will be their job to take care of a boat. Adjournment was at 2:30 P.M. Ralph P. Booth Town Clerk '., . . At a Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, held at the office of the Supervisor, in the Village of Greenport, in said Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, on the ~ b c( day of September, 19~7. PmsENT:-S$~~' Supervisor. Harry Terry Justice of the Peace Herbert M. Hawkins Justice of the Peace Ralph W. Tuthill Justice of the Peace Norman E. Klipp Justice of the Peace IN THE MATTER .OF- The petition for the establishment of Fishers Ishmd Ferry District in the TOwn of Southold, Suffolk CountJ', N.y. Yiliereas, a written petition dated the 21st day of June, 19~7, in due form and containine the required signatures has been presented to and filed with the To~n Board of the TO\ln Of SoutlXlld, Suffolk County, N.Y. for' the Establishment of the Fishers Island Ferry District in said Town to be bounded and described as follows:. ALL the real property of FiShers Island, in the Town of Sou~hclc., County of Suffolk and State of Ne~ YOI~, inclusive of the whole of Fishers Island, with the exception of certain parcEls which are the properyy of the United StaLes Government, said tracts being known as "Fort H. G. Wright", "North Hill", "Mount Prospectll, "Wilderness Point", and "Coast Guard Station No. 59" Res8rvations, all as shown on map accowpanying this petition, saiti territory being bounded and described as follows: Cn ohe North by Fishers Island Sound; on the East b, Block ISland Sound; on the South by BlOCk Island Sound and Gover'fJment Reservations, on the West by Fort H. G. Wright and FIsher:> Island Soundt a.'1d \mEREAS, the proposed improvement.s and the object of the purpose of the District shall be to acquire, construct, equip, operate and maintain a public ferry for the trunsportation for hire of persons and vehicles and gOOds, wares and merchandise from ,. " I- .. conHonient points on Fishers IsH;nd across the waters of Long Island Sound and other adjacent waters or tributary thereto to points within and without the state, and for the appointmEnt of five Commissioners to administer the affairs of the District, and V1HEriliAS, the maximum amount proposed to -be expended for the impruvement as stated in the said petition, iL the sum of ~lOO,OOO., it is hereby ORD~liED, tr~t a meeting of the To~n Board of the seio. Town of Southold, shall be held in Fishers Island, in sald Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, on tr.e da.' of (. / 1947, at o'clock in the afternoon of that day, to consider the sald petition and to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof, concerning the same, and for such other action on the part of said Town Board with relation to the said petition, may be required by law or proper in the premises. Dated September 26th, 1947. ~ ~ ;;e.-4-/-" M&mbers of the To~n Board of the Town of Soutffild, Suffolk County, IiI.Y. ,.}: .,',.'.' " Public Hearing - Establli nment of a Ferry District for F1s11ers Island (/tj,tW/t#.:/cI#Nrl5/~I./jil,iiiiJIi October 16, 1947 Chairman: Senator Horton Purpose: .6stablishment of a Ferry District Petition from Fishers Island to the Town Board was read by Senator Horton. Floor Discussion: T/~rs. }"\ee: Senator: ~here will the ferry run ? 11 ew London Senator: Hhen we have our own distr~ct and our own ferry, will it be possible to r,m the ferry to other places besides New London, if necessary1 Yes. Mr. Gada Senator: Is there any discussion ar,ainst the establishment of the Ferry District? No Discussion. Senator: Is there any discussion for the estahlishment of the ferry district1 Mr. Griffin: It seems to me, there is no for or 8'sainst having a Ferry District. Fishers Island needs a ferry and therefor must have a Ferry District. Mr. Fer~uson: I motion that we make a resolution that a ?erry District be est~blished to be oresented to the State. Senator: :ie will form a Resolution to estab] ish a District. Resolution read by the Senator, accepted hy Judge Clipp and seconded. Approved by the Civic Associ~tion. Senator: The county board willC1e6t 01 October 27. All the papers necessary for the District must be in and presented at this time. The Resolution will be presented at this meeting. As soon as the District is set-up t ',e commissioners c,m start workin,;, on ~etting the boat. Mr. Goss: You say that more Cormnissioners will be selected to work on the Ferry District. Will the people on Fishers Island be able to "ote on this measure, t'-,at is , as to whether we want more Commissioners? SenBtur: Yes. It may not be in the form of a vote but if you will let me know, it will be do~e as you w~nt it. " l'cr. Goss: If any amendme"lts are contemplated in ren;ard to this mattc'r, will copies 1)e sent to us ',ere on t e Island. Senator: Yes. Can the 'fown Goard consider that t1'lTs Civic Assoc- iation officially repres nts the people of Fishers Island? .i-:..ns. Yes. Mr. Goss: will the people have to vote on the boat issue? Senator: The Rill gives the COfi~issioners the right to vote on t"e boat without the peo,Jle themselves voting on the issue. r. Goss: How much notice is nesdect before Bonds can be on the market and in shape to sell. Senator: Quite awhile but the budget can probably cover the issue until the Bonds are 0'1 the market. A formal letter should be sent to the Town proposing Bond issue. Mrs. Will t: e people have [my say about where the boat will land, in New London and on Fishers Islnnd~ Senator: Yes, that is to be taken care of b~c the people through t-cleir co~nrl1ssicJn'3Y'3. ;-1'. ,~uda: If everything is not completed by the 6t'1 of Nov., and if t'1e 'lY1~'/' "~', "10S be raised by the end of the ye ar, can it be borrowed? Senator: Yes. I1r. Gada: During this period when we are without moneys, the temporary commissioners are entirely responsible for everything, is there any way that the people can help? Senator: It should work itself out without obligating the te'nporary Commissioners to much. You cannot make any legal arran~ements until the District has been orgnnized. The Temoorary Comm~ssioners can send Bills to the District after it has been organized but there is no way to say that they will be accepted. ~r. Gade: After the District is organized and all moneys are sent to Long Island, will the employees of the boat be caid regularly. Senator: Yes. LIr. Ferguson: Senator: Mrs. Hedr;e: Senator: Government is or property. anJ'r i':-lsurance. war1ting our own assuning no There is no That is t Ferry. responsibility for life possible way of r;etting e '~ain reason for our We realize that and I h: ve been checkingo on it. It is true that the Government will give no insurance and there is no way of "etting any insurance on government tr ansportation. You can keep on trying in eVGry possible way but by the ti~e you ~ay find something you will hRve your Ferry district and will need only the insurance on that. Nhat about a boat? I h've heard everyone talk about the district but no one has me'ltioned the boat. After the District is or~Rnized and the Coc,'lmissioners start to work, it will be their job to take cal'e of a boat. '<. , Persons present at Publio Hearing on Fishers lsland Ferry Distriot 1 li.UBt, O. ~'. 2 Ab Dondanza" Mrs. li. ;) ASman, Luop 56 37 58 38 Kee, Mrs. l!.. V. 39 Kee, E. V. liayes, James Hunt, Frank... 4 Brown, A. H. :) II, Mrs. ..u.. H. 6 Baldwin, L. S. 7 Bruneau, Mrs. Louise 8 Bartlett, ~allaoe ~ LeGere, lI. r. 41 MoCloskey, Eliz. 9 Creamer, Mrs. d. ~'. 42 rendleton, A. G. 45 " ,Mrs. lie G. 44 Paquet, Kathleen 45 Paquaette, A. J. 46 Piokett, J. P. 47 PeiBhoff, Mrs. J. J. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Doyen, HaJl!lllond W. II ,IorJrS. do II ,Serge J. II , Mrs. .::i. J. Davis, Charles J!.. Dixon, tas. Clarenoe Di ivlella, Mrs. li.. 48 Stefanini, Anthony 49 II , krs. A. 50 Soagliotti, Bert. 17 18 19 20 Edwards, E. P. do Mrs. l!;. f. Eldredge, Mrs. ttoy Erpenbeok, Henry 51 Talmage, n. lI. 52 Valentini, Leo. 21 22 21\ 24 25 26 H. Lee, Jr. , il/lrs. do , Henry L. Mrs. H. L. c. 54 Zettergren, Kurt FergUBon, II 55 Wall, E. R. II " , 1'0yle, L. Flanagan, Thomas 2.7 Goss, L. ". 2d Grieoo, Lou~s 29 Grebe, Mrs. ~. R. 50 Gada, lI. J. .:>1 Hedge, Edmund 62 II, lVlrs. tJdmtUld 33 Hansen, H. G. b4 It, Mrs. r.i.. li. 55 Hedge, ivlI's. ChaS. Wi. :os _~"'i'~Ii1IIi5..... if~.~~", -....'II"'l-.' ~~.- .- ~ ~.--- . . At a MeetlLg of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, [,eld at Fisher'l> ISland, in s",id Town of Sou';hdd, Coun:y of Suffolk and State of New york, on the 16th day of October, 1947. PRES;;;NT :- S. VIENTWORTH HORrON, ~zr;~ . 0< ~-;;o~e~ o ~ ,-, -- , I .I1A.,.-LL_ e-. t...~ :i--l. IN THE MATTER -01"- The petition for the el>tablis~~ent of Fisherl> Islarc. Ferry District in the Town of Southold, Suffolk Counti, N.Y. WHERE~~, a petition for the creation of a Ferry District to be known as the "Fishers ISland Ferry District" in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County', New York, the said petition being dated, 21st day of June, 1947, was duly presented to this Town Board, together with the neceosary map !l.'1U pIer,s attached thereto, and WHEREAS, an Or-der Wal> duly adopted by the Town Eoard on the 26th day of September, 1947, reciting the filing of said petition, the improvements proposed, the boundaries of the propos,ed district, the eotimated expense thereof and opecifying October 16th, 1947, at one o'cloc;, in the afternoon as the time and Fishers Is1end al> the place in said district and Town where the said Board would meet to consider the petition and to hear all personc interel>ted in the subject thereof, concerning the "eme. and WHEREAS, said Notice was duly posted, and published as required by law, and WHEREAS, a meeting in the matter wa~ duly held by the Board on this 16th day of October, 1947, at one o'clock in the afternoon, at thest~61House)in Fishers Island in said Town and discussion upon the matter having been had and all p~rsons destring to be heard having been duly heard, and H. Lee PerKUBon, Jr. representing the petitioners, and other persons speaking in favor of the establishment of the proposed district, lIIld no one appearing in opposition, 1\\ . ~ " - -2" NOW, upon the evidence given upon such hearing, and upon motion of Justice Nox.n lUIlP and seconded by Justice Ralph Tuthill it is RESOLVED AND DETERMINED, that (a) the petition aforesaid is signed and acknowledged or proved as required by law, it duly complies with the requirements of Section 191 of the Town Law as to sufficiency of signers with respect to the boundaries of the proposed district as herein approved and it is otherwise sufficient; (b) all the property and property owners within the proposed district are benefited thereby; (c) all ~he property and property owners benefited ere included within the limits of the proposed district, and (d) it 1s in the public interest to grant in wOole the relief sought; and it is further RESOLVED AND DK'rERMINED, that the establishment of a Ferry District as proposed in said PetitioD be approved; that the improvement therein mentioned be constructed and the service therein mentioned be provided for upon the required funds being made available or provided for, and that such district shall be known as the Fishers Island Ferry District of the Town of Soutr~ld and Shall be bounded and described as follows:- ALL the real property of FiShers Island, in the Town of Soutoold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, inclusive of the whole of F16hers Island, with the exception of certain parcels which are the property of the United States Government, said tracts being known as "Fort H.G.Wright", "North !Ull", "Mount proapect", "Wilderness Point", and "Coast Guard Station No. 59" Reaervations, all as shown on map accompanying this petition, said territory being bounded and described as followsf On the North by Fishers ISland Sound; on the East by Block Island Sound; on the South by Block Island Sound and Government Reservations, on the West by Fort H.G. Wright and Fishers ISland Sound, and it is further RESOLVED, that the proposed improvement inclUding costs of construction, equipment, operation and maintenance for a public ferry for the transportation for hire of persons and vehicles and goods, wares and merchandise from convenient points on Fishers Island across the waters of Long Island Sound and other adjacent waters or tributaries thereto to points within and without the State, legal fees and all other expenses shall be financed by the issuance of bonds of said Town which shall be a charge upon sald District in a sum not to exceed $100,000, and it is further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk of this Town shall within five days after the adoption of this resolution file certified copies thereof in duplicate in the office of the State -- ~-'-...,-- , _.-....._.......~ ~ -'!}I.l.!!!.J:&i ~.,_,~~~;t ~~~4IiIl'ti<t' - - ,,,,,,*-. ""'.~ ....-.,Iio""_~----- "~""'~"'- . W"'""!t'<l ~ r__~J;iZ AI'llI[ ~'~..,... . f'lil__ ~.~~',T.=;.=:: ~ " -3- Departillent of Audit and Control at Albany, New york, together with an appl1cat ion of this Board in duplicate for permission to create such district as provided for by Chapter 699 of the Laws of New York l~l :cud as provided by Section 194 of the Town Law, and that such application shall be executed by and in behalf of the Town Board by the Supervisor of the Town. NOT&S OF lvJiliTING Oj~ PltOPOSED FERRY DISTRICT Fishers Island, New York June 19, 1947 Senator Horton called the meeting to order, and introduced Capt. Russell as the first speaker, since he had to leave early. CAPT. RUSSELL: 1:r. Haines asked me about 3 months ago if the Army boat could be used for civilian passengers and freight if there should be a real need for it. I suggested that the people have the State Legislature set up a Ferry District. Then the State and United States could combine agencies and not have a duplication of effort such as now exists in running two separate ferries where one would be adequate for all. The Army will cooperate with State agen- cies and a Ferry Commission, whereas they cannot deal with private individuals. The Baxter will hold 20 cars and approximately 400 passengers. lie could use the same boat for civilians and Army personnel. I suggest you get together with Col. Sackville and have him go through channels to Washington about this. Whether the Army runs the boat and takes civilians, or the townspeople run the boat and take Army personnel is a question that can be settled later. After the Ferry Commission is appointed, a meeting should be held in my office in New York, then if necessary we can go direct to Army Head- quarters. The question is, what can be done immediately for the summer trade. I think we will be able to give you full cooperation pending further word from the Army. I think we can reach a satisfactory conclusion at the meeting in New York and will report on it for the Town Board records. As to \TIlere the ferry. will dock, that can easily be settled later. In any case, the Army must come first in order to fulfill their orders from Nashington. Then too, we figure that the boat is sufficient for both Army and civilians. The Baxter ~~ll probably have to be serviced in the winter months when your season is not so busy. Ground arrangements will have to be left to the council and commission. The Army would rather not settle the actual work- ing problems, but will cooperate with you. SENATOR HORTON: The people have to vote for a Ferry District first, then ad- vertise for a public hearing. If the vote is favorable, then you will know that the district will be formed. CAFT. RUSSELL: IIhen the Army is sure that some action will be taken, they will cooperate fully. The first step is to be sure that the people want a Ferry District, and all it implies. COL. SACKVILLE: From the viewpoint of Harbor Defenses, it is a question of the requirements of the Army and civilians, but since we all live here on the Island it is really a problem of the residents. After the problem of the Ferry Distric has been arranged, the details can be worked out without too much trouble. ~e know that with the Baxter we have the means to carry everybody, and all other difficulties can be solved. SENATOR HORTON: He are here to ini'orm ourselves as fully as possible about all details and actually whether the people here want a Ferry District. As we go on, we can explain all the details of the bill. -2- till. GADA: The season is almost here and it is very important that we get it settled quickly so we can give good service for July and August. Is there anything the Civic Association can do to rush this? SENATOh HOhT01~: First, we must have the people sign the petition to prove that they really want the Ferry District. The Civic Association could see about having residents sign these. That is the first and most important step. If the petition is signed by a sufficient number of people, then the Town Board will go ahead and get the Ferry District. Capt. Russell cannot do an~thing until he has a Ferry District to work with. CAPT. RUSSELL: The Army cannot deal with a private individual, but can deal lvith a state agency. lill. GADA: ated, and iately? Can you do business with the Civic Association, which is incorpor- so is not an individual, and what will we do if we need help limned- COL. SAC KVILL j!,: It is always our policy to help out in an emergency, but we feel we should not compete with a civilian agency such as the Navigation Co. LEE FbP~USON: What about representation before commissioners can be appointed to work on this? Time's awasting. ~e could get a long way with a few members of the different interests. A great deal of the rough work could be done un- officially while we are waiting for the petition to be signed. lJ;embers of the Civic Association, Fishers Island bstates, and the Navigation Company could cover all aspects and act as an intermediary group if the Anny would recognize them in the meantime, to push the project until the Ferry District is fonned. I suggest the Civic Association meet after this discussion and name some dele- gates to do this work. SENATOH HORTON: Another thing you can do on the Island is to settle among yourselves whom you want as the 5 commissioners until the second Tuesday in August when the 5 commissioners will be elected. The Town Board will appoint as your Board of Ferry District Commissioners those whom you want to serve. You could hasten that part of it by having your selections worked out among yourselves so you would have the names ready when the petition is signed. That would give you a definite body to start with who could work with the Anny. MR. GOSS: The question of the voting is confusing to me. As I understand it, 51% or more of the property owners and 51% of the residents must sign the pe- tition. Then if a dozen or so of the property owners happen to own 51% of the taxable property, they could swing it their way. SEN~rOR HORTON: No, it must be owners of over 50% of the property in aggregate as well as over 50i~ of the resident owners of taxable property. If the Town Board grants the request for a Ferry District, then they appoint 5 commissioners If you are ready in ti..lle, the election would be held the second Tuesday in Aug- ust of this year, instead of having to wait until next year. hilt. GADA: If we do not get the Ferry District,. what is to keep us from being stranded here? Sill~ATOR HORTON: You will get the Ferry District. No use borrowing trouble. But if you didn't, the Anny would step in in an emergency. However, they ob- viously wouldn't keep running the ferry for civilian use. idS. MlDRE"S: clow should we go about giving the people the right infonnation? Sill~ATOR HORTON: We will go through the bill later and explain it all. As to the business angle, you will have to settle that among yourselves. -3- MR. GADA: Why is it called Fishers Island Ferry District, and not Southold? SENATOR HORTON: Because it is a Fishers Island District project. In other words, the interested parties pay the bill. You have your own fire and school districts. Now is your chance to get your own ferry district. Jill. GADA: It will make our taxes go up, and that will discourage new residents and businesses. SENATOR HORTON: The fer~J should practically pay for itself. j,m. GADA: Why should it? The present company has been losing money for years, and they know how to run it. i,hat chance would we have, knowing nothing about how to oper~te a ferry? Lill. HAINES: After all, the Army is not out of the picture. They 'viII be making some contribution to the expenses of running the ferry. The first thing to settle is whether the people want a Ferry District or not. The thing to do right away is to get out the petitions a'11ond the people on the Island. The year round residents controll the vote although the summer residents do own most of the property. I suggest that we have the petitions mimeographed, and I will send out copies to all the East End residents who are not here yet, if L~. Goss will circulate the petition &'11ong the year round residents in the mean- time. That way, we could possibly have the opinion of 51% of the people within a week or two. If they refuse to sign, then we won't have to go any further, but if they do want the ~'erry District, then we will have a good start. This problem is serious, and something must be done. It is absolutely vital to the welfare of the Island, and right now is the time to do something about it. ,Ie all know that the Army at Fort ""right is reduced to practically a caretaker status. It is so small that it is quite possible the Baxter will be removed. There is no justification for running such a large FerrJ' for such a small Fort, and the Big Brass is quite apt to get rid of it, thus losing us our only chance to get a good ferry. It's not as if we were getting some broken-down old wreck that would cost a fortune to put in shape. The Baxter has just been completely overhauled, including new engines, and is in perfect shape. Since we now have the Army'S cooperation, I am very much in favor of going after the Ferry Dis- trict immediately. The running problems can be worked out later, but we must start right away to get decent ferry service, and I think that "~th the Army's help and a slight increase in our taxes, we can do it. ,;e might even get some help from the County. I think if we all work together, it will really not cost us very much to have good ferry service. MR. KLIPP: The peition must b an acknowledgement by the sign executed the swne as a deed. of signatures on it, one perso appear before a notary public idual signatures, each one wil e verified. Not only the signature, but also er is necessary. These petitions have to be In the case of a petition with a large mnnber n can verify it for all of them. Then he must and acknowledge it as the witness. For indiv- 1 have to be acknowledged. Jill. dil.IlhS: Then everybody out of the County would have to have each signature notorized and have the county clerk verify the notary. In that case, I can't see how I could get the petition signed by all these people who aren't here. That's just one more piece of red tape to slow dO~TI the project. SENATOR HOnTON: Yes, it is a good deal of trouble for people outside the County but it is necessary to have this thing done legally so that nothing can go wrong at the last minute. You ask your questions and I will answer them for you. hUt. GADA: should get tion about I think the bill should explain who constitutes the signers, and swe some figures on just how much it will cost the people, and infoTIn~- docks, etc. Otherwise, the bill is fairly clear. . . hili. OOSS: Doe a clear pictur SENATOR HORTON thing is right ioners have fu collected is y profit would n You must have here. I can't LEE FERGUSON: What is the pr SENATOR HOi\T01~ that, the 'Town the State with whose names yo LEE ~~JiliGUSON : included in th Guard Station will be taxed SENATOR HORTON LE~, FERGUSON: "right, would SENATOR HORTON LEE FKHGUSOH: residents of t commissioners, local people h }i'erry. Southo here. SEHATO}( HORTON "The affairs 0 supervision of resident taxpa successors are act. Successo of the distric LEE FE.rLGUSON: up, for their Slli,ATOR HORTON Commissioners of the Town Bo Commissioners missioners. su any more than back of you in A.L. FE:RGUSON: London, will h SENATOH HORTON by law. Yes, then checks can be sent to the New York bank required -4- s this petition go into enough detail so that the people can.get e of just what is being asked of them? Yes, it really does. You can tell the people that the whole in their hands. They elect the commissioners, and the commiss- 11 charge of all the business concerning the ferry. whatever is our money, and belongs to the people of Fishers Island. Any ot go into general funds, but would come back to the people here. a ferry of some kind and have facilities to get people to come see why anyone should not want this Ferry District. This might answer some of the questions of these people here: ocedure after the petition is signed? The Town Board must advertise a public hearing, and after Board decides whether to grant the petition. Then they go to their request. Then the Town Board appoints the 5 commissioners u have submitted. According to the bill, all parts of Fishers Island are to be e Ferry District except such Government property as the Coast and ~'ort 'viright. Does that mean that no person on F'ort .iright for this? Yes, that Is right. But it would not exclude the use of the dock d01~ at Fort it? No, it wouldn't. With all due respect to the members of the Town Board, the he Island would like to feel sure that local people ,viII be and not someone chosen by the Town Board. They feel that only ave a clear idea of just what our needs are in regard to the Id is too far away for the people there to know the situation The bill specifically provides for that point, as follows: f the district shall be under the jurisdiction, control and a board of ; commissioners. The Town Board shall appoint five yers of the district who shall constitute the board until their elected and have qualified pursuant to the provisions of this rs to the members so appointed shall be elected by the electors t as hereinafter provided." Would we have to go to the Town Board with everything that comes approval? The Tov<l1 Board will only be used in case of necessity. The will have everything to do with the ferry, and need ask nothing ard except that which is specifically stated in the act. The appoint a competent manager to operate the ferry under the Com- pervision. The Town Board will not be dabling into this thing is necessary. The faith and credit of the town of Southold are this project, even if they are not putting up any cash. If the manager decides it is more convenient to bank in New e be allowed to do so, even if it is out of the State? -5- LEE FERGUSON: Do repairs have to be made in New York State? S~~ATOR HORTOK: No, they can be made anyvihere convenient. ~U1. GADA: The landing does not have to be in New London, does it? SENATOH HORTON: As far as the law goes, you can land anywhere, even San Fran- cisco, but it wouldn't be very practical. The law states: "Within and wi. thout the State of New York." MR. FOYLE: Oan we tell the people that with this Ferry District, the Baxter will be the ferry used.? CAPT. RUSSELL: I am not in a position to state anything right now. If the people of Fishers Island are enough interested in this iierry District, then it is possible that we can do business with them as a bargaining agency. Hl. GADA: Is the budget left entirely up to the commissioners? SENATOR HORTOlll: That is right. To start off the project, they can borrow up to :;ilOO,OOO.OO. CAPT. RUSSELL: I must go now, but you can be sure that the Army will cooperate as fully as regulations put on us by Congress will allow. COL. SAC KV ILLE: If I can be of .no further help, then I had better be on my way too. EVJ:,llnODY: "Goodbye." A.L. FERGUSON: It seems to me that if we are to get anywhere, then the Civic Association should know the answers to all the questions that will be asked of them when they go out for signatures. ',e should know all the figures about how much it is going to cost. "e have figures about past performances on the boat, but they will not be too much help. Somebody should find out these things. Lill. GADA: We will have to have a definite answer from the Navigation Company about what they plan to do with their docks. A.L. FEl~GUSON: When we are through with running the boats, we are quite will- ing to lease the docks. There is also the question about using the Army doc~ in which case we might get out of upkeep costs. JUR. GADA: In other words, you will lease us the docks if necessary and the Ferry District will maintain them. H. L. fERGUSON: ~e would have to put in a clause that the District could not sublet the dock for any excursion steamers and such. General sounds of agreement. A.L. fEllGUSON: It seems to me that all our wishes are identical in this matter. Both summer residents and year round residents want good ferry ser- vice as economically as possible. LEE FERGUSON: 'fie have some figures here that show how much our income and expenses were in various years. '.'Iith the Army contracts it might be run at a profit. (Mr. Phillips quotes figures for 1932, 1934, 1936, & 1938, all losses.) -6- fuR. GOSS: Just where do we get the money? SENATOR HORTON: You can borrow up to ~lOO,OOO.OO which the Town Board will get for you, then you pay it back. The Commissioners in Fishers Island must tell the Town Board what they need, then the Town Board will get it for them. hili. GOSS: I hope our credit is good over there. ",n. HAIiil!S: If we get the Baxter from the A:rrrry, they will not have a ferry of their own, so they have got to come along with us. With this contract we would not lose near as much as the estimated :w16,000 per year. No matter what part of the loss they pay, it will still be cheaper for them than running their own ferry. Besides, we might get some help from the County. To develop the Island and so maintain the welfare of the present residents, we must have good ferry service. The Baxter has just been overhauled by the Army. The Anny is willing to cooperate, and we could not have a better chance to get this Ferry District, and I think we have a very good all around deal. The last point is this: just where would anybody on the Island be without Ferry service? SENATOR HORTON: Indirectly, everybody on this Island is dependent on adequate ferry service and everybody depends on the summer trade, so you must have the ferry. Llili FERGUS 01, : The Navigation Company is not going to run a ferry after the fall of 1947. "e have not yet set a definite date, but naturally if it takes only a week or two more to get the new boat ready, we will keep going to keep the Island from being stranded. But once the district is fonned, we are not going to delay beyond a reasonable date. '"e have lost money on this ferry long enough and we cannot go on with it any longer. "e will do all we can to get good ferry service for the Island, but we will not run a ferry our- selves. hili. GOSS: Suppose that in the Army's economy program they decide to close l.'ort "right. It is not likely, but it is possible, and in that case we would have the ferry with no help from them. A.L. FEHGUSON: Do you think it would help to see capt. iiussell in New York and ask the Army for some definite fixed amount of help, even if it is ohly the use of their dock? "L~. GOSS: The use of the dock alone would help. UH. HABES: The Anny will save a tremendous amount of money by letting us run the ferry and any expense saved will be well thought of in.,ashington today. Another thing I would like to emphasize is c}lis: Although theTL are only a few people here cOlnpared to the rest of the country, the State and the United States CANNOT leave the people stranded here with no ferry at all. If a privace company refuses to run a ferry, then the State or Country has GOT to do so. You are citizens and cannot be abandoned like that. SENATOR HORTON: Yes, but you might not like the way the state runs it. a Ferry District of your O;Vll, you can run it in your own way, and with of reasonably good management, you should not lose too much money. j,ith any kind lilli. GOSS: About this business of being abandoned if we have no ferry service, I aan cite a case that created quite a stir last winter: The population of the whole peninsula of Alaska, which has considerable more population than our Island, was short of everything including food and coal, simply because they had no transportation. If there are so many more people there than here and they were left stranded, I am not so sure that they would do anything about us if we Cffine to be without ferry service. As for dealing with the Army, I think . loye would make Yiashington. ~~LI-iS . ANDhit~"~jS with the Army Business with Baxter surplu SENATOR HORTO with the Army get the petit 11liS. ANDliE-~:iS : them. ~,.;'.b.. GOSS: Th ~'ishers Islan there, but th had nothing t them to sign H.L. FERGUSON local people, to help, they ~'.~H.. GOSS: Yo H.L. F'JiliGUSOIi but this is h LEE FJiliGUSON: service and s SENATOre iiORTO with airplane permanent set A.L. FERGUSON that we reall out whether w project. I t see where we :,iH. HAINt.S: figures on wh Company recor great increas 1.Ji. PHILLIPS: Baxter now us crew to opera ~\Ji. HAIN t.S: Baxter and pu ferry, and wi likely to do chance to get H.L. FEriG US ON go out and ge . , -7- out better to go directly to our Senators and Congressmen in & ~ri. HAINt.S: But you must go through channels to do business , and since they are the ones who have the Ferry, we have to do them. If they don't want to, they don'" have to declare the s. I;: You must also remember that you are trying to get a contract , and you shouldn't offend them, but the first thing to do is to ion signed. ',iithout -that, you can't do anJrthing else. I think we could get it if we had some cold figures to show e small property mmers simply have no confidence in the way d is managed. They may talk nice to the Heads when they are ey really don't like the way the Island is run because they have o say about it for years. I frankly don't know if we can persuade it. ,je have tried to get some help in running the Island from the but they all say "Let George do it", and if they aren't willing shouldn't be mad at us because they don't. u have always been a sensitive family, resenting criticism. I don't think we have ever refused to listen to criticism, ardly the place to indulge in personalities. I wonder what WOuld hap,Jen if we just simply stopped ferry aw what the country would do. N: You would probably get a tremendous amount of publicity, s maybe flying over and dropping bundles of food, but not a tlelllent of your problem. '"e must convince the people right here on these committees y will be better off with this Ferry District. "e must figure e would be sticking our heads in a noose to go ahead with this hink it might turn out to be a very good thing, and I can hardly would be worse off than ~~th no ferry service at all. I think it would not be too hard to get up a reasonable set of at it would cost to run the Baxter, on the basis of Navigation ds. Of course, it would be more than in past years, due to the e in cost for labor, repairs, and running~expenses. No, I think it would average just about the same, because the es oil instead of coal, and with this new fuel it takes four less te. If the Army should decide it is too expensive for them to run the t it up for auction, we would lose our only chance to get a good th the Fort practically on a caretaker status, they are quite just that. As far as I can see, this is just about our only a good ferry at a reasonable price. I will say this; if we don't get the Baxter, we will have to t one built, and it would cost a fortune. SENATOR HORTa the Army. MR. PICKETT: superior, and and he is the l~!~~iS . ANDREiiS: these men at MR. PICKETT: with the Army MR. GOSS: Ju l:lli. PICKETT: value, but we MR. GaSS: Wh S1NATOR HOR'l'O company come 1..1.'1.. GooS: -\i'h IJJt. PHILLIPS: and jilassenger ItJi. GOSS: 'l'h and save that we would save tIR. PHILLIPS : and freight e trouble. MR. GooS: ,. any losses, 1 Major disaste H.L. FERGU;30N damages mount lI':di.. FOYLE: E sue you and g A.L. FNtGUSCN figures on ho l;~]. GOSS: ~ie question. I to have the f onomically. 1iIRS. ANDREu.S: but suppose i many people h !.IR. HAINJ::s: should turn 0 would defeat -8- N: Yes, you should go out and get a five year contract with I do know that this Col. 1,.cGonigle who is Capt. Russell's 'Yith whom we are dealing, is an authority of high position, man to do business with. But you would be making a luistake to go over the heads of Fort "right, because they might not agree to turn over the ferry. By all means, we should get the Baxter, and if we get a contract , it would be just so much gravy. st how much would the Baxter cost? Some Government boats are sold for about 12j~ of their appraised do not have any valuation on the Baxter. Y couldn't we have an outside company run ferry service here? N: After you have your Ferry District, you could have an outside in and run it if you wanted, and could find one. at is the insurance rate per day or month? It varies from year to year, depending on the amount of freight s handled, but it averages about ::$.5,000 a year. enm~ couldn't we give the Government a contract to run the boat money. They don't have to pay insurance, and right there alone $.5,000, which might mean the difference between profit and loss. That is why Government ferries won't take civilian passengers xcept in emergencies, because they don't want this insurance hy not do without insurance, and what we save there would pay for ike if Royal Scarlett lost a crate of vegetables or something. rs happen so seldom that we could save that much on the insurance. You'd be surprised how fast those little claims for loss and up. specially for personal injury. If a person broke his back, he'd et the whole boat. : As Mrs. Andrews said, the people are going to want definite w much their taxes will go up. had a meeting at the school house, and they asked me that same told them it really didn't matter how much it cost because we had erry and the best we could hope for was that it would be run ec- I L~agine that the increase in our taxes would be fairly small, t should turn out to be quite high? After all, there aren't too ere to share the burden. \'Ie still need some definite figures and you can bet that if it ut to be a very high percentage increase, the East End residents it since they pay far more than 51% of the taxes. -9- SENATOR HORTOw: with more adequate ferry service, more people will come here, which in turn will bring more money to the Island and more profit to the ferry. A.L. FERGUSON: Johnny, (Pickett) do you think that the majority of the people would sign this petition now? lilli. PICKETT: 8~; of the adult residents on the Island belong to the Civic Association, and I think we could persuade any who are doubtful that this is not only a worthwhile enterprise, but their best chance for good ferry service. ;,;llS. ANDRENS: How are we going to select the commissioners so that every body will agree? At the regular tovm meetings, anybody might get up and nominate their friends, whether they were capable or not. 1iR. PICKETT: lie could have the Civic Association nominate five men, and have all the residents vote their approval. SENATOR HORTON: I wish you all a lot of luck and know that you will try hard to get the petition signed. A.L. FERGUSON: I don't think anybody has properly thanked Senator Horton for his many efforts to help us. Yie all do appreciate it and are very glad we have him working for us. SENATOR HORTON: Thank you for those kind words. It has been a pleasure to try to help you all I can. fuR. PICKETT: Yes, do as well by us. county and state. we do appreciate your efforts and wish the county would It would be nice to feel that we are really a part of the SENATOR HORTON: The ideal way would be to have each person pay as much in taxes as he benefits from, but unfortunately, it doesn't work out that way. You do get almost all the benefits as the other parts of the state, such as mosquito control, legal service, school, fire department, coroner, etc. You have not had any benefit from county roads, but there has been no concerted demand for it. A.L. FEHGUSOI" If we had such an organization as the Ferry Commission, wouldn't we be more likely to get such help? SENATOR HORTON: Yes, everything now is done through organizations. Followed a general discussion on the possibility of getting airplane service, the con census of opinion being that it would be some time before it got ve~J popular on the Island because there was such a small de- mand for it at present. IdoSt people prefer to come by car so they can have the use of their cars while they are here, and those who don't bring cars can get excellent train service from New London. Also, the only field on the Island is Goverrunent property, and although several companies have tried, none have gotten permission to use it. One company, planning to use amphib- ious planes, did not receive enthusiastically the news that they could land in west Harbor. It was obvious to them that a plane would have little chance of landing safely among the fleet of sailboats cust~narily there. It was de- cided that there was no immediate worry about air travel superseding the need for a large ferry. Keeting adjourned at 4:00 PM. aL,~;.A'- U-i;~A~) Secretary of the Meeting Meeting of June 19, 1947 The Southold Town Board made its armual trip to Fishers Island on Thursday, June 19, 1947, leaving Preston's Dock at Greenport, at 9 A.M. on Capt Raynor Wickhacn's boat. The members of the Board were met at the Fishers Island Dock by Justice Shanklin and were taken in his automobile to the Fire House where the mee,ting was held. The purpose of the meeting was io discuss ,the possibility of forming a Fishers Island Ferry District. The meeting was called to order at 1:30 P.M. with the following Present: Supervisor Horton; Justices Shanklini Terry; Hawkins; Klipp and Tuthilli Town Attorney, Terry; Town ~lerk, Booth, and a delegation of Blshers Island residents. " Senator Horton called the meeting to order, and introduced Capt. Russell as the first speaker, since he had to leave early. CAPT. RUSSELL: Mr. Haines asked me about 3 months ago if the Army boat could be used for civilian passengers and freight if there should be a real need for it. I suggested that the people have the State Legislature set up a Ferry District. Then the State and United States could combine agencies and not have a duplication of effort such as now exists in running two separate ferries where one would be adequate for all. The Army will co- operate with State agencies and a Ferry Commission, whereas ther cannot deal with private individuals. The Baxter will hold 20 cars and approximately 400 passengers. We could use the same boat for civilians and Army personnel. I mggest you Ret together with Col. Sackville and have him go through channels to Washington about this. Whether the Army runs the boat and takex civilians, or the townspeople run the boat and take Army personnel is a question that can be settled later. After the Ferry Commission is appointed, a meeting should be held in my office in New York, then if necessary we can go direct to Army Headquarters. The question is, what can be done immediately for the summer trade. I think we will be able to give you full cooperation pending further word from the Army. I think we can reach a satisfactory conclusion at the meeting in New York and will report on it for the Town Board records. As to where the ferry will dock, that can easily be settled later. In any case, the Army must come first in order to fulfill their orders from Washington. Then too, we figure that the boat, is sufficient for both Army and civilians. The Baxter will pro- bably have to be serviced in the winter months when your season is not so busy. Ground arrangements will have to be left to the, council and co~ission. The Army would rather not seetle the actual working problems, but will cooperate with you. SENATOR HORTON: The people have to vote for a Ferry District first, then advertise for a public hearing. If the vote is favor- able, then you will know that the district will be formed. CAPT. RUSSELL: When the Army is sure that some action will be taken, they will cooperate fully. The first step is to be sure that the people want a Ferry District, and all it implies. COL. SACKVILLE: From the viewpoint of Harbor Defenses, it is a question of the requirements of the Army and civilians, but since we all live here on the Island, it is really a problem of the residents. After the problem of the Ferry District has been ar- ranged"the details can be worked out withmnt too much trouble. We know that with the Baxter we ha~e tho means to carry everybody, and all other difficulties can be solved. SENATOR HORTON: We are here to inform ourselves as fully as pos- sible about all details and actually whether the people here want a Ferry District, As we go on, we can explain all the details of the b11l. MR. GADA: The season is almost here and it is very important that we get it settled quickly so we can give good service for July and August. Is there anything the Civic Association dan do to rush this? SENATOR HORTON: First, we must have the people sign the petition to prove that they really want the Ferri District. The Civic As- sociation could see about having residents sign these. That is the first and most important step. If the petition is signed by a sufficient number of people, then the Town Board will go ahead and get the Ferry District. Srpt. Russell cannot do anything .until he has a Ferry District to work with. CAPT. RUSSELL: The Army cannot deal with a private individual, but can deal with a state agency. MR. GADA: Can you do business with the Civic Association, which is incorporated, and so is not an individual, and what will we do if we need help immediatelY1 COL. SACKVILLE: It is always our policy to help out in an emer- gency, but we fell we should not compete with a civilian agency such as the Navagation Co. LEE FERGUSON: What about representation before commissioners can be appointed to work on this? Time's awasting. We could get a long way with a few members of the &ifferent interests. A great deal of the rough work could be done unofficially while we are waiting for the petition to be signed. Members of the Civic Association, Fishers Island Estates, and the Navigation Company could cover all aspects and ~ct as an intermediary group if the Army would recognize them in the meantime, to puch the, project until the Ferry District is formed. I suggest the Civic Association meet after this discussion and name some delegates to do this work. SENATOR HORTON: Another thing you can do on the Island is to settle among yourselves whom you wnI'.t as the 5 commissioners unti1.the second Tuesday in August when 5 commissioners will be elected. The Town Board will appoint as your Board of Ferry District Commissioners those whom you want to serve. You could hasten that part of it by having your se1ectiona worked out among yourselves so you would have the names ready when the petition is signed. That would give you a definite body to start with who could work with the Army. MR. GOSS: The question of the voting is confusing to me. As I understand it, 51% or more of the property owners and 51% of the residents must sign the petition. Then if a dozen or so of the property owners happen to own 51% of the taxable property, they could swing it their way. SENATOR HORTON: No, it must be owners of over 50% of the property in aggregate as well as 0'181' 50% of the resident owners of taxable property. If the Town Board grants the request for a Ferry District then they appoint 5 commissioners. If you are ready in time, the election would be held the second Tuesday 1n August of this year, instead of ha.ving to wait until next year. :t1J.LG..~AI If we do not get tho Ferry D:tstrict, what is to keop us from bOTng stranded here? SElJA.TOR HORTON: You will get the Ferry District. No use bor- rowjng trouble. But if you didn't, the Army would step in in an emergency. However, they obviously wouldn't keep running the ferry for civilian use. giving MRS.ANDREWS: How should we go about/the people the right in- formation? SENATOR HORTON: We will go through the bill later and explain it all. As to the business angle, you will have to settle that among yourselves. MR. GADA: Why is it called Fishers Island Ferry Distr:lct, and not Southo1d? SENATOR HORTON: Because it is a Fishers Island District project. In otHer words, the interested parties pay the bill. You have your own fire and school districts. ' Now is your chance to get your own . ferry district. '" / MR. GADA: It will make our taxes go up, and that will discourage new residents and businesses. SENATOR HORTON: The ferry should practically pay for itself. MR. GADA: Why should it? The presret company money for years, and they know how to run it. we have, Imowing nothing about how to operate ) MR. HAINES: After all, the Army is not out of the picture. They will be making some contribution to the expenses of running the ferry. The first thing to settle is whether the people want a Ferry District or Qot. The thing to do right away is to get out the petitions among the people on the island. The year round residents controll the vote although the summer residents do own most of the property. I s~ggest that we hafe the petitions mimeographed, and I will send out copies to all the East End residents who are not here yet, if Mr. Goss wil circulate the petition among the year round residents in the meantime. That way, we could possibly have the opinion of 51% of the people' within a week or two. If they refuse to sign, then we won't have to go any further, but if they do want the Ferry District, then we will have a good start. This proble~ is serious, and some- thing must be done. It is absolutely vital to the welfare of the Island, and right now is the time to do something about it. We all know that the Army at Fort Wright is reduced to practically a caretaker status. It is so small that it is quite possible the Baxter will be removed. There is no justification for running such a large Ferry for such a small Fort, and the Big Brass is quite apt to get rid of it, thus losing us our only chance to get a good ferry. It's not as if we were getting some broken-down old wreck that woulc ost a fortune to put in shape. The Baxter has just been completely overhauled, including new engines, and is in perfect shape. Since we now have the Army's cooperation, I am very much in favor of going after the Ferry District im- mediately. The running problems can be worked out later, but we must start right a'NaY to get decent ferry service, and I think that the Army's help and a slight increase in our taxes, we can do it. We might even get some help from the County. I think if we all work together, it will really not cost us very much to have good ferry service. has been losing Wha t chance would a ferry? MR. KLIEEL The petition must ~e verified. Not only the signature, but also an acknowledgement by the signer is necessary. These petitions have to be executed the same as a deed. In the case of a petition with a large number of signatures on it, one person can verify it xiX for all of them. Then he must appear before a notary public and acknowledge it as the witness. For individual signatures, each one will have to be acknowledged. ' MR. HAINES: Then overybody out of the County would have to have wach signature notarized and have the county clerk verify the notary. In that case, I can't see how I could get the petition signed by all these people who aren't here. That's just one more piece of red tape to slow down the project. SENATOR HORTON: Yes, it is a good deal of trouble for people outside the County, but it is necessary to have this thing done legally so that nothing can go wrong at the last minute. You ask your questions and I will answer them for you. MR. GADA: I think the bill should explain who constitutes the signers, and we should get some figures on just how much it will cost the people, and information about docks, etc. Otherwise, the bill is fairly clear. MR. GOSS: Does this petition go into enough detail so that the people can get a clear picture of just what is being asked of them? SElfATOR HORTON: Yes, it really does You that the whole thing is right in their hand~~n ;~;; :~:c~eoP1e commissioners, and the commissioners have Xkx full charge t~; all' th~ business concerning the ferry. Whatever is collected is our e~~r~'na~d beto~gs to the people of Bishers Island. Any prOfit here. ~oug~us~ 0 general funds but would come back to the people get ppop1e to co~:v~e~eteriYc~~,~ome kihnd and have facilities to . see ~.y anyone should not want this Ferry District. LEE FERGUSON: people here: This might answer some of the questions of these What 1s the procedure after the petition is signed? SENATOR HORTON: The Town Board must advertise a public hearing and after that, the Town Board decides whether to grant the petItion. Then they go to the State with their request. Then the Town Board appoints the 5 commissioners whose names you have submitted. LEE FERGUSON: According to the bill, all parts of Fishers Island are to be included in the Ferry District except such Government prop- erty as the Coast Guard Station and Fort Wright. Does that mean that no person on Fort Wright will be taxed? SENATOR HORTON: Yes, that is right. LF.E FRRGUSON; But it would not exclnde the use of the dock down at v'ort Wright, would it? SENATOR HORTON: No, it wouldn't. LEE FERGUSON: ~ith all due respect to the members of the Town ~oard, the residents of the Island would like to feel sure that local people will be commissioners, and not someone chosen by the Town Board. They feel that only local people have a clear , idea of just what our needs are in regard to the Ferry. Southold is too far away for the people there to know the situation here. SENATOR HORTON: The bill specifically provides for that point, as follows: "The affairs of the district shall be under the jurisdiction, control and supervision of a board of 5 commis~ sioners. The Town Board shall appoint five resident taxpayers of the district who shall constitute the board until their suc-~ cessors are elected and have qualified pursuant to the provisions of this act. Successors to the members so appointed shall be elected by the electors of the district as hereinafter provided." LEE FERGUSON: Would we have to go to the Town Bard with every- thing that comes up, for their approval? SENATOR HORTON: The Town Board will only be used in case of necessity. The Commissioners will have everything to do with the ferry, and need ask nothing of the Town Board except that which is specificelly stated in the act. The Commissioners appoint a competent manager to operate the ferry under the Commissioners' ~upervision. The Town Board will not be dabling into this thing any more than is necessary. The faith and credit of the Town of Southold are back of you in tn~3 project, even,if they are not putting up any cash. AL.FERGUSO~~ If the manager decides it is mOre convenient to bank in New London, will be allowed to do so, even if it is out of the state? SENATOR HORTON: Yes, then checks can be sent to the New York bank required by law. LEE FERGUSON: Do repairs have to be made in New York State? SENATOR HORTON: No, they can be made anywhere convenient. MR. GADA: The landing does not have to be in New London, does it? SENATOR HORTON: As far as the law goes, you can land anywhere, even San Francisco, but it wouldn't be very practieal. The law states: "Within and without the State of New York." MR. FOYLE: Can we tell the people that with this Ferry District, the Baxter will be the ferry used? CAPT. RUSSELL: I am not in a position to state anything right now. If the people of Fishers Island are enough interested in ,this Ferry District, then it is possible that we can do business ".i th them as a bargaining agency. MR. GADA: Is the budget left entirely up to the commissioners? ~ENATOR HORTON: That is right. To start off the project, they can borrow up to floo,ooo.OO. CAPT. RUSSELL: I must go now, but you can be sure that the Army will cooperate as fully as regulations put on us by Congress will allow. COL. SACKVILLE: If I can be of no further help, than I had better be on my way too. EVERYBODY: n@oodbye. " . A. L. FERGUSON: It seems to me that if we are to get anywhere, then the Civic Association should know the answers to all the questions that will be asked of them when they go out for signatures. We should know all the figures about how much it is going to cost. We have figures about past performances on the boat, but they will not be too much help. Somebody should find out these things. MR. GADA: We will have to have a definite ~nswer from the Navigation Company about what they plan to do with their docks. iLL. FERGUSON: When we are th;r.ough with running the boats, we are quite willing to lease the docks. lhere is aleo the question about using the Army dock, in which case we might get out of upkeep costs. MR. GADA: In other words, you will lease us the docks if necessary and the Ferry District wlll maintain them. H.L. FERSUSON: We would have to put in a clause that the District could. not sublet the dock for any excursion steamers and such. General sounds of agreement. A.L. FERGUSON: It seems to me that. all our wishes are identical in this matter. Both summer residents and year round residents want good ferry service as economically as possible. LEE FERGUSON: We have some figures and expenses were in various years. might be run at a profit. (Mr. Phillips quotes figures for 1932, 1934, 1936 & 1938, all losses.) here that show how much our income With the Army contracts it MR. GOSS: Just where do we get the money? ~NATOR HORTON: You can borrow up to $100,000.00 which the TWwn ~oard will get for you, then you pay it back. The Commissioners in Fishers Island must tell the Town Board what they need, then the Town Board will get it for them. MR. GOSS: I hope our credit is good over there. MR HAINES: If we get the Baxter from the ArmYi they will not have a ferry of their own, so they have got to come a ong with us. With this contract we would not lose near as much as the estimated $16,000. per year. No matter what part of the loss they pay, it will still be cheap- er for them than running their o~n ferry. Besides, we might get some help from the County. To develop the Island and so maintain the Welfare of the present residents, we must have good ferry service. The Baxter has just been overh!l.uled by the Army. The Army is willing to cooperate, and we ~ould not have a better chance to get this Ferry District, and I think He have a very good all a-ound deal. The last point is this: just where would anybody on .the island be without Ferry service? SENATOR HORTON: Indirectly, everydoby on this Island is dependent on adequate ferry.service and everybody depends on the summer trade, so you must have the ferry. LEE FERGUSON: The Navigation Company is not going tomn a ferry after the fall of 1947. We have not yet set a definite date, but naturally if it takes only a week or two more to get the new boat ready, we will keep going to keep the island from being stranded. But once the dis- trict is. formed, we are not going to delay beyond a reasonable date. We have lost money on this ferry long enough and we cannot go on with it any longer. We will doo all we can to get good ferry service for the Island, but we will not run a ferry ourselves. MR. GOSS: Suppose that ir, the Army I s economy program they decide to closo Fort Wright. It is not likely, but it is possible, and in that case we would have the ferry with no help from them. A.L. FERGUSON: Do you think it would help to see Capt. Russell in New York and ask the Army for some definite fixed amount of .help, even if it is only the use of their dock? MR. GOSS: The use of the dock along would help. MR. HAINES: The Army will save a tremendous amount of money by letting us run the ferry and any expense saved will be well thought of in Washington today. Another thing I would like to emphasize is this: Although there are only a few People here compared to the re:;t of the country, the State vnd the United States CANNOT leave the people stranded here with no ferry at all. If a private company reguses to run a ferrYt then the State or County has GOT to do so. You are citizens and camlot be abondoned like that. SENATOR HORTON: Yes, but you might not like the way the State runs it. With a Ferry District of your own you can run it in your own way, and with any kind of reasonably good management you should not lose too much money. MR. GOSS: About this business of being abondoned if we have no ferry service, I can cite a case that created quite a stir last winter: The population of the ,mole peninsula of Alaska, which has considerable more population than our Island, .'I1S short of everything including food and coal, simply because they has no transportation. If there are so many more people there than here and they were left s'cranded, I am not so sure that they would do anything about us if we came to be without ferry ser- vice. As for dealing with the Army, I think we would make out better to go directly to our Senators and Congressmen in Wash- ington. MRS. ANDREWS & MR. HAINES: nut you must go through channels to do business with the Army, and since they are the ones who have the FerrYt we have to do businoss with them. If they don't want to, they don't have to declare the Baxter surplus. SENATOR HORTON: You must also remember that you are trying to get a contract with the Army, and you shouldn't offend them, but the ~irst thing to do is to get the petition signE'd. Without that, you can't do anything else. ' MRS. ANDREWS: I think we could get it if we had some cold fiGures to show them. MR. GOSS: The small property owners simply have no confidence in the way Fishers Island is managed. They may talk nice to the Heads when they are there, but they really don't like the way the Island is run because they have hadno~hing to say about it for years. I frankly don't know if we can persuade them to sign it. H. L. FERGUSON: We have tried to get some help in running the lsland from the local people, but they all say "Let George do it~, and if they aren't willing to help, they shouldn't be made at us because they don't. MR. GOSS: You have always ben a sensitive family, resenting cri tisism. I H.L. FERGUSON:' I don't thiruc we have ever refused to listen to criticism, but this is hardly the place to indulge in personalities. LEE FERGUSON: I wonder ,,'hat would happen if we just simply stopped ferry service and saw what the country would do. SENATOR HORTON: You would probably get a tremendous amount of publicity, with airplanes maybe flying over and dropping bundles of food, but not a permanent settlement of your problem. A.L. FERGUSON: We must convince the people right here on these committees that we really will be better off with this Ferry Dis- trict. We must figure out whether we would be sticking our heads .. in a noose to go ahead \lith ~his project. r think it might turn out to be a very good thing, and I can hardly see where we would be worse off than with no ferry service at all. MR. HAINES: I think it would not be too hard to get up a reasonable set of figures on what it would cost to run the Baxter, on the basis of Navigation Company records. Of course, it would be more than in past years, due to the great increase in cost for labor, repairs, and running expenses. ~ffi. PHILLIPS: No, I think it would average just about the same, because the Baxter now uses oil instead of coal, and with this new fuel it takes four less crew to operate. MR. HAINES: If the Army should decide it is too expensmve for them to run the Baxter and put it up for auction, we would lose our only chance to get a good ferry, and with the Fort practically on a caretaker status, they are quite likely to do just that. As far as I can see, this is just about our only chance to get a good ferry at a reasonable price. H.L. FERGUSON: I will say this; if we don't get the Baxter, we will have to go out and get one built, and it would cost a fortune. SENATOR HORTON: Yes, you should go out and get a five year contract with the Army. MR. PICKETT: I do know that this Col. McGonigle who is Capt. Russell's superior, and with whom we are dealing, is an authority of high position, and he is the man to do business with. MRS. ANDREWS: But you would be making a mistake to go over the heads of these men at Fort Wright, because they might not agree to turn over the ferry. MR. PICKETT: By all means, we should get the Baxter, and if we get a contract with the Army, it would be just so much gravy. MR. GOSS: Just how much would the Baxter cost? MR. PICKETT: Some Government boats are sold for about l2t% of their appraised value, but we do not have any valuation on the Baxter. MR. GOSS: Why couldn't we have an outside company run ferry service here? SENATOR HORTON: After you have your Ferry District, you could have an outside company come in and rill. it if you wanted, and could find one. . MR. GOSS: ~Vhat is the insurance rate per day or month? MR. PHILLIPS:. It varies from year to year, depending on the amount of greight and passengers handled, but it averages about $5,000. a year. . l~~. GOSS: Then why couldn't we give the Government a contract to run the boat and save that money. They don't have to pay insurance, and right there alone we would savo$5',OOO. which might mean the difference between profit and loss. MR. PHILLIPS: That is why Government ferries won't take civilian passengers and freight except in emergencies, because they don't want this insurance trouble. MR. GOSS: Why not do wi thout insurance., and wha t we save there would pay for any losses, like if Royal Scarlett lost a crate of vegetables or something. Major disasters happen so seldom that we could save that much on the insurance. H. L. FERGUSON: You'd be surprised how fast those little claims for loss and damages mount up. HR. FOYLE: EspeCially for personal injury. If a person broke his back, he'd sue you and get the whole boat. A.t. F8RGUSON: As Mrs. Andrews said, the people are going to want definite figures on how much their taxes will go up. MR. GOSS: we had a meeting at the school house, and they asked me that same question. I told them it really didn't matter how much it cost because we had to have the ferry and the best we could hope for was that it would be run economically. MRS. ANDREWS: I imagine that the increase in our taxes would be fairly small, but suppose it should turn out to be quite high? After all, there aren't too many people here to share the burden. MR. HftINES: 'We still need some definite figures and you can bet that if it should turn out to be very high percentage increase, the East End residents would defeat it since they pay far more than 51% of the taxes. SENATOR HORTON: will come here, Island and more With more adequate farry service, more people which in turn will bring more money to the profit to the ferry. A.L. FERGUSON: JOhnny, (Pickett) do you think that the majority of the people would sign this petition now? MR. PICKETT: 80% of the adult residents on the Island belong to the Civic Association, and I thirL~ we could persuade any who are doubtful that tM5 is not only a worthwhile enterprise, but their best chance for good ferry service. MRS. ANDREWS: How are we going to select the commissioners so that every body will agree? At the regular town meetings, anybody might get up and nominate their friends, whether they were capable or not. MR. PICKETT: We could have the Civic Association nominate five men, and have all the residents vote their approval. SENATOR HORTON: I wish you all a lot of luck and know that you will try hard to get the petition signed. A.t. FERGUSON: I don't think anybody has properly thanked Senator Horton for his many efforts to help US. We all do ap- preciate it and are very glad we have him working for us. SENATOR HORTON: thank fon for those kind words. It has been a pleasure to try to help you all I can. MR. PICKETT: Yes we do appreciate yo~r efforts and wich the county would do as well by us. It would be nice to feel that we really are a part of the county and state. have SENATOR HORTO~: The ideal way would be to XexXR each person pay as much in taxes as he benefits from, but unfortunately, it doesn't work out that way. You do get almost all the benefits as th'3 other parts of the state, such as mosquito control, legal service, SChool, fire department, coroner, etc. You have not had any benifit from county roads, but there has been no con- certed demand for it. A.L. FERGUSON: If we had snch an organization as the Ferry ~ommission wouldn't we be more likely to get such help? SENATOR HORTON: Yes, everything now is done through or- ganizations. Followed a general discussion on the possibility of get- ting airplane service, the concensus of opinion being that it would be some time before it got very popular on the Island because there was such a small demand for it at present.Most people prefer to come by car so they can have the use of their cars while they are here, and those who don't bring cars can get excellent train service from New London. Also, the only field on the Island is Goverr&ent property, and although several companies have tried, none have gotten permission to use it. One company, plan'ling to use amphjMous planes did not receive enthusjas ti c2J.ly the ne-.'s that they could iand in West Harbor. It was obvious to them that a plan would have little chance of landing safely amonS the fleet of sailboats customarily ther8. It was declded that there was no immediate worry about air travel superseding the need for a large ferry. Meeting adjourned at 4:00 P.M. Alice B. Whiticar Secretary of theMeet~ng_-, "'"" i I . . 'e ,. / , ------ - ~.~._---,---- 1, TO THE To-.iN BOARD IF THE TC,;N OF SOUTHom, NEIl YORK: \E, the undersigned, owners of taxable property in lis hers Is- land, and owning in the aggregate of more than one-half of property of said proposed District, as shown upon the latest completed Assessment Roll of said Town, do hereqy petition your Honorable Board to establish a public Ferry District, pursuant to Chapter 699 of the Laws of 1947, and the pro- visions of the Town taw applicable thereto, which is located in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and state of New York, outside of any in- corporated village and wholly within the Town of Southdld, the entire ter- ritory of Fishers Island in said Town, exclusive of Fort H. G. '.:right, said District is described as follows: ALL the real property of Fishers Island, in the Town of South- old, County of Suffolk and State of New York, inclusive of the whole of Fishers Island, with the exception of certain parcels which are the proper- ty of the United States Government, said tracts being known as "Fort H. G. Wright", "North Hill", "1'lOtll;lt Prospect", "\':ildemess Point", and "Coast Guard Statioll NG. 59" Reservations, all as shown <iin map accompanying this petition, said territory being bounded and described as follows: On the North by Fishers Island Sound; on the East by Block Island Sound: on the Souoh by BlAck Island Sound and Government Reservations: on the \Iest by Fort H. G. Wright and Fishers Island Sound. The intent and purpose of said Ferry is to authorize the set- ting up of a suitable Co~r.rsion consisting of five (5) members, in accor- dance with the aboye8ection' of the Town Law of the state of New York; said Corrmission's'powers and duties being to purchase, or charter, a suit- able vessel, or vessels, together with necessary wharves and docking fa- cilitil!"s, in order to supply ample and comfortable water transportation the year round for residents of Fishers Island between said Fishers Island and the mainland of the State of Connecticut. The territory embraced withinl the proposed Ferry District is without suitable and necessaB)".teansportation for its inhabitants, except- ing that which is now provided and maintained at the expense of a private property o~mer, who is unable and unwilling to continue this service. The assessed valuation of all of the taxable property embrac- ed within the proposed Ferry District, as such valuations appear upon the 1946-47 Assessment Roll of the Town of Southold, is the sum of - - $3,214,740.00. The object and purpose of the Ferry District shall be to ac- quire, construct, equip, operate and maintain a public ferry for the trans-. porting for hire of persons and vehicles, and goods, wares and mcrchand- dise from convenient points on Fishers Island across the waters of Long Island Sound and other adjacent waters, or tributaries thereto, to points within and without the State. Such Ferry District may be referred to as the FisherS Island Ferry. The maximum amount proposed to be expended for the acqul.sl.- tion of boats and other equipment and appurtenances necessary for the opsration of such a Ferry, including lands and riGhts or easements of lands, docks and other necessary equipment, shall not exceed the sum of One Hundred Thousand (,<100,000.00) Dollars: - - Witness: /JP,~; fl.w.L17p,,'., ~LrLl +.JA T~ Taxable valuation of property I ."A nnn.m . Stats of N... V""k ) Town of S',,~a .1--( ) ss. County of Sf.. ff"~ ) . On this -;. Y of ,'[ t,A t:!c e- , 1947, bsfore me personally came 17/frr,'" L.r:::' ..~..., to IlIf> own and knOwn to me to be thq' per- son desc ibed in and 0 executed the foregoing instrument and h~ duly acknowledS"'d to me th~t hl!' executed ths same. ~~ cOF~i8sion expires rn~~, ~n rt ~~M~4;~ 1....,t.., J,. h ",,," i ,'-J'-"'''Ya ."'-1.17 3..11,,;1), ~_'! . .;, T$lfl: EFT;r",,; ;,.v.,;'. 1; " . .. . ' ___.._ __~____.____. - ---..,'._.____0' .__"__,_.._ _,,_ '., ---- -.--.- / /v y -- ~~---" . . ~E TOV,iN BOf.RD GlF THE TO,;N OF SOUTHOLD, NEh YORK: IE, the undersigned, owners of ta:xable property in fishers Is- land, and owning in the aggregate of more than one-half of property of said proposed District, as shown upon the latest completed Assessment Roll of said Town, do hereqy petition your Honorable Board to establish a public Ferry District, pursuant to Chapter 699 of the Laws of 1947, and the pro- visions of the Town Law applicable thereto, which is located in the Town of Southold, County ,of Suffolk and State of New York, outside of any in- corporated village and wholly within the town of Southdld, the entire ter- ritory of Fishers Island in said Town, exclusive of Fort H. G. ',;right, said District is described as follows: ALL the real property of Fishers Island, in the Town of South- old, County of Suffolk and State ot New York, inclusive of the whole of Fishers Island, with the ~xception of certain parcels which are the proper- ty of the United States Government, said tracts being known as "Fort H. G. Wright", "North Hill" j "I'lOunt Prospect", "'dldemess Point", and "Coast Guard StatiOll Nill. 59" Reservations, all as shown <iin map accompanying this petition, said territory being bbunded and described as follows: On the North by Fishers Island Sound; on the East bJ' Block Island Sound: on the South by B~ck I$land Sound and Government Reservations: on the \!est by Fort H. G, Wright and Fishers Island Sound, The intent and purpose of said Ferry is to authorize the set- ting up of a suitable Comnission consisting of five (5) members, in accor- dance with the above Section of the Town Law of the State of New York; said Commission's powers and duties being to purchase, or charter, a suit- able vessel, or vessels, together with necessary wharves and docking fa- cilities, in order to supply ample and comfortable water transportation the year round for residents of Fishers Island between said Fishers Island and the mainland of the State of Connecticut, The territory embraced withint the proposed Ferry District is without suitable and necessary teansportation for its inhabitants, except- ing that which is now provided and maintained at the expense of a private property owner, who is unable and unwilling to continue this service. The assessed valuation of all of the taxable property embrac- ed within the proposed Ferry District, as such valuations appear upon the 1946-47 Assessment Roll of the Town of Southold, is the sum of - - - $3,214,740.00. The object and purpose of the Ferry District shall be to ac- qUire, construct, equip, operate and maintain a public ferry for the trans- porting for hire of persons and vehicles, and goods, war~s and merchand- dise from conv0nient points on Fishers Island across the waters of Long Island Sound and other adjacent waters, or tributaries thereto, to points within and without the State. Such Ferry District may be referred to as the Fishers Island Ferry. The maximum amount proposed to be expended for the acquisi- tion of boats and other equipment and appurtenances necessary for the operation of such a Ferry, including lands and riGhts or easElIlents of lands, docks and other necessary equipment, shall not exceed the sum of One Hundred Thousand ClOO,OOO.OO) Dollars: - - Witness: ~ 1-: )~ c2..u -r?~ Taxable valuation of property --1J.300.00 State of *) Town of ) ss, County of ) On this came son descr bed 1ri and 0 aci'.nowledgcd to me thet of '\I" LA. n ('. , 1947, before me personally .., to me known' and knO~1I1 to me to be ther per- executed the foregoing instrument and he. duly h~ executed the same, ~~ corrwission expires ~ ~ --1..~r~rJ-4;-:;~.~~~1 l';ut.o:,-" ,{! .. ;"'(#\:,L . .r. "-, ; 'c, ,""i. I 1""1:1"" i'lCe 1"'''' ,t.1:.:UC:~'C, j '-'48 /f/ \ /. . TO THE TOi;"N 'BOARD PF THLTO"N OF SOUTHOLD, NEll YORK: ;,E, the undersigned, owners of taxable property in rishe~s Is- land, and owning in the aggregate of more than one-half of property of said proposed District, as shown upon the latest completed Assessment Roll of said Town, do hereqy petition your Honorable Board to establish a public Ferry D'istl:"ict, p~rsuant to Chapter 699 of the Laws of 1947, and the pro"- visions of the Town Law applicable thereto, which is located in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, outside of any in- corporated village and wholly within the Town of southdld, the entire ter- t'itory of Fishers Island in said Town, exclusive of Fort H. G. '"right, said District is described as follows: ALL the real property of ,Fishers I~land, in the Town of South- old, County of Suffolk and State of New York, inclusive of the whole of Fishers Island, with the eiception of certain parcels which are the proper- ty of the United States Government, said tracts being known as "Fort H. G. Wright") "North Hill", "}lOunt Prospect", "Fildemess Point", and "Coast Guard Statioll NiH 59" Reservations, ,all as shown an map accompanying this petition, said territory being bounded and described as follows: On the North by Fishers Island Sound; on the East by Block Island Sound: on the South by Block Island Sound and Government Reservations: on the ;Jest bY Fort H. G. Wright and Fishers Island Sound. The intent and purpose of said Ferry is to authorize the set- ting up of a suitable Commission consisting of five (5) members, in accor- dance with the above Section of the Town Law of the State of New York; said Commission's powers and duties being to purchase, or charter, a suit- able vessel, or vessels, together with necessary wharves and docking fa- cilities, in order to supply ample and comfortable water transportation the year rqund for residents of Fishers Island between said Fishers Island and the mainland of the State of Connecticut. The territory embraced withine the proposed Ferry District is without suitable and necessary teansportation for its inhabitants, except- ing that which is now provided and maintained at the expense of a private property owner, who is unable and unwilling to continue this service. The assessed valuation of all of the taxable property embrac- ed within the proposed Ferry District, as such valuations appear upon the 1946-47 Assessment Roll of the Town of Southold, is the sum of - - - - - $3,214,740.00. The object and purpose of the F~rry District shall be to ac- quire, construct, equip, operate and maintain a public ferry for the trans- porting for hire of persons and vehicles, and goods, wares and m~rchand- dise from convenient points on Fishers Island across the waters of Long Island Sound and other adjacent waters, or tributaries thereto, to points within and without the State. Such Ferry Distriot may be referred to as the Fisher" Island Ferry~ The maximum amount proposed to be expended for the acquisi- tion of boats and other equipment and appurtenances neoessary for the operation of such a Ferry, inCluding lands and rights or easements of lands, docks and other necessary equipment', shall not exceed the sum of One Hundred Thousand (;,,100,000.00) Dollars: _ _ Witntss: ~ J?'~'9-"'tv Taxable f~ ~ ,$. valuation of property~ I S,4("J(' }~ co~~ssion expires State o~~) Town of . ,. 0 ) ss. County of-' ;;:') On this / /. 7~ of , l ~1 J 1947, before me personally came /01l!t... 1:\ ca.~ _, to me knoWn and kno~1l1 to me to be ther per- son described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and h duly acknoWledged to me that h executed the same. It /' f ~/' r:;',~Jt~;A~". N~t~ry ~ublic, State of New York teSldlng, '" Suffolk Co. Off. No. 692 ,omml...~~ UjlirOll Milch .0. J9~ ~ ~)~ /\~ -' -v , .''"""... a TO THE TO>,l1 BOARD 'F THJ:, TC'"N OF SOUTHOLD t NEil YORK: ;Ji" the uhdersigned, owners of taxable property in Fishers Is- land, and owning in the aggregate of more than one-half of property of said proposed District, as shown upon the latest completed Assessment Roll of said Town, do hereqy petition your Honorable Board to establish a fublic Ferry District, pursuant to Chapter 699 of the Laws of 1947, and the pro- visions of the Town Law applicable thereto, which is located in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, outside of any in- corporated village and wholly within the Town of Southdld, the entire ter- ritory of Fishers Island in said Town, exclusive of Fort H. G. ,-,right, said District is described as follows: ALL the real property of Fishers Island, in the Town of South- old, County of Suffolk and State of New York, inclusive of the whole of Fishers Island, with the exception of certain parcels which are the proper- ty of the United States Government, said tracts being known as "Fort H. G. Wright", "North Hill", "i'Jount Prospect", "\'~ilderness Point", and "Coast Guard Statiol\'l ~Cl, 59" Reservations, all as shown On map accompanying this petition, said territory being bounded and described as follows: On the North by Fisaers Island Sound; on the East bJ' Block Island Sound: on the South by Blo~k Island Sound and Government Reservations: on the ;iest by Fort H. G. ~right and Fishers Island Sound. The intent and purpose of said Ferry is to authorize the set- ting up of a suitable Corrmission consisting of five (5) members, in accor- dance with the above Section of the Town Law of the State of New York; said Corrmiss:ion's powers and duties bein~ to purchase.> or charter, a suit- able 'resselj or vessels, together with necessary wharves and docking fa- cilities,. in ordE.r to supply ample and comfortable water transportation the year round for residents of Fishers Island between said Fishers Island and the mainland of the State of Conn6cticut. The territory embraced wit hint the proposed Ferry District is without suitable and necessary teansportation for its inhabitants, except- ing that which is now provided and maintained at the expense of a private property ovmer, who is unable and unwilling to continue this service. The assessed valuation of all of the taxable property embrac- ed within the proposed Ferry District, as such valuations appear upon the 1946-47 Assessment Roll of thE; Town of Southold, is the sum of - - - - _ $>3,214,740.00. I ThE; object and purpose of the Ferry District, shall be to ac- quire, construct, equip, operate and maintain a public ferry for the trans- portingE! hire of persons and vehicles, and goods, wares and mcrchand- dise from cOtly,;nient points "n Fishers Island across the waters 0: Long Island SounJ e~d other adjacent waters, or tributaries thereto, to points within and without the State. Such Ferry District may be referred to as the Fish0r$ Island Ferry. The maximum amount proposed to be expended for the acquisi- tion of boats and other equipment and appurtenances necessary for the operation of such a Ferry, including lands and rights or easements of lands, docks and other necessary equipment, shall not exceed the sum of One Hundred Thousand LlOO,OOO.OO) Dollars: - - Witness: ~,.gsA-.-{. ..~- ~f~~ Taxable valu~ion of ropertif' j'-.-Pr l:~DDO.. oC' State of 1\/..... V..r.( ) ~~:t;fof-~~:;;'~ j ss. On this / r tiOf '- /'VI 4. ' 1947, before me personally came f;'~" ~ Q .5",- '" .... t ,to 100 wn and kno~m to me to be ther per- son descri ed in and who executed the foregoing instrument and h (!, duly acy.nowledgcd to me thet h'L executed the same. ~~ commission expires (p~tf;:: ~~ b 1V'\DFOllD'~" "Diazy Publ. . (..;, ~HANKUN ~c Hi thlitS aeaiding in S it tatli 01 New Yed: Suffolk C U olk County ren;a Ex: . OUnty No. 1841 l Pu.. b4a:c.h 30, 1948 ..;:o:-~-- -~-,-:--~:,-\-..',.,...,,;--.--..-.~.~~--~.~-.- .~~~.....,~,~~ --~- ...\--,-- ---;-~- ..... --.--~ ;-'~' III ., 1.\ .~ .,~' . . " . ':.~ ' TO THE TmiN BOARD er THE TO",N OF SOUTHOLD. NUl YORK: \,E, the undersigned, oWl'lers of taxable property inrishers Is- land, and owning in 'the aggregate tlfumore ,than qne-halfof property of said proposed District, as shown upon the latest completiid Assessment Roll of said Town, do hereb.y petition your Honorable Board to establish a Eublic Ferry District, pursuant to Chapter 699 of the Laws of 1947, and the pro- visions of the Town Law applicable thereto, which is located in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, outside of any in- corporated village and wholly within the Town of S01/.th61d~;tI\'e"emtire ter- ritory of Fishers Island in said Town) exclus~1I'e 'of For'( if:' G. ',':right, said Distriyt is, described as follows: -" , . . .. . , ,ALL the real property of Fishers Island, in the Town of South- ,old, Qoun~y of Suffolk and State o'f New York, inclusive of the whole of ,\ Fishers ISland, with the exception,o,E certain parcels which are the proper- '" ty, of the United States Gover:nmenf; s'aid tracts being known as "Fort H. G. Wright", "Nqrth Hill", "~lOunt Prospect", "\':ilderness Point", and "Coast Guard Statioll NG. 59" Reservations, all as shown <iin map accompanying this petition, said territory being bounded and described as follows: On the North by Fishers Island Sound; on the East bJ' Block Island Sound: on the South by Block Island Sound and Government Reservations~ on the \!est by Fort H. G. Wright and Fishers Island Sound. The intent and purpose of said Ferry is to authorize the set- ting up of a suitable Commission consisting of five (5) members, in accor- dance with the above Section of the Town Law of the State of New York; said Commission's powers and duties bein~ to purchase, or charter, a suit- able vessel, or vessels, together with necessary wharves and docking fa- cilities, in order to supply ample and comfortable water transportation the year round for residents of Fishers Island between said Fishers Island and the mainland of the State ot:, CQnnltct1C1it. , . .1:", TIW t~rritoi:y embraced 'witiliril the proposed Ferry Distdct is without suitabl~ and mices'sary t't'ansportahon for its inhabitants', except- ing that which' is' now provided "and maintained at the expense of a private property owner, who iS'unable and 1il1willing ~o continue :;tli.is service,- The assessed va11olation"'of all of the taxable property embrac- ed within the proposed Ferry Distri~~i as such valuations appear upon the 1946-47 Assessment Roll of thE: Town a'f Southold, is the sum of - - - $3,214,740..00. The object and purpose of the Ferry District shall be to ac- .quire, construct, equip, operate and maintain a public ferry for the trans- porting for hire of persons and vehicles, and goods, warcsaild' merchand- dise from convenient points on Fishers Island across the waters of Long Island Sound and other adjacent waters, Or tributaries thereto, to points within and without the Statej Such Ferry District may be referred to as the Fish6r4 Island F'erry. The maximum amount proposed to be expended for the, adqv:isi- tion of boats and other equipment and appurtenances necessary for the operation of such a Ferry, including lands and riGhts or easements of lands, docks and other necessary equipment, shall not exceed the Bum of One HundrEd Thousand (,.,100,000,00) Dollars: - - Witness: O'L . .PI A-t. -. J.tJ Taxable ~~!~.,' valuation o property ~ 00 .;1 00 -.- State of N.w Yft ...-L ) Town of .<;'l...~.."") ss. County of ~) On this 1.-i-L O,f IT u I '1 , 1947. before me personally came 'R-",..,J,.(J. ~ n~LL " to Iile known and kno~1Il to me to be th<:;r per- son described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and h duly acknowledged to me that h executed the same. }~ co~~ssion ey~ires .a:?_A~d/ fZ, -'-'-...1. &4. RP~ eHD C. SHANKLIN .Notary Public in the SI"to oi New Yorlr Residing in Sull.:)lk CQunty Suffolk County No. 1841 term ExpiIell Maxch 30, 19"'8 " '-"1:,';----- --.- "~~'V-~ - ',.-' ::~--'~ --- ,--- <.~.,-,:..;--.-..-- . TO THE TmJN BOARD PF THE Tm,N OF SOUTHOUl, Nfll YORK: \E, the undersigned owners of: taxable property in fishers Is- land, and owning in the aggregate of more:~than one-half of property of said proposed District, as shown upon the latest completed Assessment Roll of said Town, do hereqy petitioh your Honorable Board to establish a Eublic Ferry District, pursuant to Chapter 699 of the Laws of 1947, and the pro- visions of the Town Law applicable thereto, which is located in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, outside of any in- corporated,village and wholly within the Town of Southdld, the entire ter- ritory', ot'Fishers Island in said Town, exclusive of Fort H. G. ':!right, said District is described as f6l10ws: ALL the real property of Fishers Island, in the Town of South- old, County of Suffolk and State of New York, inclusive of the whole of Fishers Island, with the exception of certain parcels whieh are the proper- ty of the United States Government, said tracts being known as "Fort H. G. Wright", "North Hill", "hount Prospect", "\':ilderness Point", and "Coast Guard Statioll Nil. 59" Reservations, all as shown Cin map accompanying this petition, said territory being bounded and described as follows; ,On,the North by Fishers Island Sound; on the East by Block Island Sound: on the South by Block Island Sound and Government ReMervations: on the \Iest by Fort H. G. Wright and Fishers Island Sound. The intent and purpose of said Ferry is to authorize the set- ting up of a suitable Commission consisting of five (5) members, in accor- dance with the above Section of the Town Law of the State of New York; said Commission's powers and duties bein~ to purchase, or charter, a suit_ able vessel, or vessels, together with necessary wharves and docking fa- ' cilities;'in, orclel;, to'~upp~ ~pl~an4.CQmfortabl:e,w~t.~r YJ:'ansp~r.~ati~n. ". the year rourldfo:r'teS;Ldents or.Ft~ser8:Isla1\d between.,sa:id ,Fisilers,Isl(ll.ld and the mainlana of the 'st~t.. o.f,'qormecti.cut ,,';:' ":G~. ::' . ::",;.,';';':.," .:. ' , ;', , 'o" 1 ". ~ . . Ie .;.. .. f . ( r " . 'tHe .t-ei'r:i-toii..eml;lraced witlrlm'.\tli,,' proposed F.e:rn'D~st;tict is . r . without suitable and nec,essary ti'ansportationfor its irihl1bitant.s,: :except-. \. ing thatwhi<lh is no-wp:rovided .and maintained ,at ,the e:xpense of a private, property:owne'i'j; who ;:i:~' ~c~b~e an~'~;Ll:i..I1g.Ji9c,ont,i,nuethis sewice. The assesse~ valuation of ,all of the taxable property embrac- ed within the propos6d Ferry District, as such valuations appear upon the 1946-47 Assessment Roll of thE Town of Southold, is the sum of - - - - - $3,214,740.00. The object and purpose of the Ferry District shall be to ac- quire, construct, equip, operate and maintain a public ferry for the trans- porting for hire of persons and vehicles, and goods, wares and merchand- dise from convenient points on Fishers IslalM,across the waters of Long Island Sound and other adjacent waters, or tributaries thereto, to points within and without the State. Such Ferry District may be referred to as the FisherS Island Ferry. The maximum amount proposed to be expended for the acquisi- tion of boats and other equipment and appurtenances necessary for the opsration of such a Ferry, inCluding lands and riGhts or easemsnts of lands, docks and other necessary equipment." shall not exceed the sum of One Hundred Thousand (~lOO,OOO.OO) Dollars: - - Witness: "" ""~~ 2../J llnult) ~(MM TI~ ( Taxable valuation of property a 0 0 O. 0 C? Ji>~CJa.Oo Stats of tJI.w Y~f.. ) / I G tJ' 0.00 Town of _\,.._~l.J,+-_J ss. County of ,')I u f f....J l ) On this / &+f, of \7 fA. -111 ' 1947. bsfore me personally came lJ^~.U Mb"", fl.u*~. Jr. to JOO own and kno~m to me to be ther per- son desc:rlbtd in and who executed the foregoing inst:rument and .5 h~ duly acknowledged to me that :rh.. executed the same. ~~ oo"~~esion expires , IlADFORD C, SHANKLIN Notary Public io the State ot NewY.rlt Residing in SuHolk County :~ SuHolk County No. 1841 T T."" ExpiI.. l>4al:ob :>0, 1941 , , (J:},.~ I ./ ~ ~ _..L "'-q I ----- :> . ,/ . . TO THE To-.,lI BOARD IPF THE, TO"N OF SOUTHOm, NEll YORK: Ui, the undersigned, owners of taxable property in fishers Is- land, and owning in the aggregate of more than one-half of property of said proposed District, as shown upon the latest completed Assessment Roll of said Town, do hereqy petition your Honorable Board to establish a public Ferry District, .pursuant to Chapter 699 of the Laws of 1947, and the pro- visions of the Town taw applicable thereto, which is located in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, outside of any in- corporated village and wholly within the Town of Southdld, the entire terM ritory of Fishers Island in said Town, exclusive of Fort H. G. '::right} said District is described as follows: ALL the real property of Fishers Island, in the Town of south- old, County of. Suffolk and State of New York, inclusive of the whole of Fishers Island, with the exception of certain parcels which are the proper- ty of the United States Governmeht, said tracts being known as "Fort H. G\ Wright", "North Hill", "}Jount Prospect", "\.:ilderness Point", and "Coast Guard Statioll NCb. 59" Reservations, all as shown an map accompanying this petition, said territory being hounded and described as follows: On the North by Fishers Island Sound; on the East bJ' Block Island Sound: on the South by Block Island Sound and Government Reservations: on the ;!est by Fort H. G. Wright and Fishers Island Sound\ The intent and purpose of said Ferry is to authorize the set- ting up of a suitable Commission consisting of five (5) members, in accor- dance with the above Section of the Town Law of the State of New York; said Commission's powers and duties bein~ to purchase, or charter, a suit- able vessel, or vessels, together with necessary wharves and docking fa- cilities, in order to supply ample and comfortable water transportation the year round for residents of Fishers Island between said Fishers Island and the mainland of the State of Connecticut. The territory embraced within. the proposed Ferry District is without suitable and necessary t~ansportation for its inhabitants, except- ing that which is now provided and lJI9.intained at the expense of a private property owner, who is unable and unwilling to continue this service. The assessed valuation of all of the taxable property embrac- ed within the proposed Ferry District, as such valuations appear upon the 1946-47 Assessment Roll of the Town of Southold, is the sum of - - - - - $3,214,740,00, The object and purpose of the Ferry District shall be to ac- quire, construct, equip, operate and maintain a public ferry for the trans- porting for hire of persons and vehicles, and goods, war~s and merchand- dise from convenient points on Fishers Island across the waters of Long Island Sound and other adjacent waters, or tributaries thereto, to points within and without the state. Such Ferry District may be referred to as the Fishers Island Ferry. The maximum amount proposed to be expended for the acquisi- tion of boats and other equipment and appurtenances necessary for the operation of such a Ferry, including lands and riGhts or eas"ments of lands, docks and other necessary equipment, shall not exceed the sum of One Hundred ThO/ ('"lOO,Or~) Dollars: - -, Witness: dfi:. Taxable valuation of property!J ~ ~ '7 co>. ~.~~ ~. stat" of ~) Town of .~.~H.lf/) ss. County of ~.w - (i ) On this came son described i and who acknowledged to me that ~ . of U-'1a{t, , 1947: befOre me persohallY ., to me wn and kno~lIl to me to be thd' per'" executed the foregoing instrument and h. duly h~ executed the same. (7?~J'- .(jl'~J~~: '.~ IIAl>rOllp C, ~i~frf ~;_I_l__;,F~bltc in theStalctof NewT_II \ ('.~_<Ong in SuJfolk County Suff..lk County No. 1841 . renn v_ ' .&lo.KpUes Ma.rch 30, 19;Ca ~~ comw~ssion expires ,- ...-..:....'r. ~..r'T"J~..,. ,.,.~ . .. /-. . ..'< . /1 v . :.:::c.,,--'''c~,,_, ~ ,,~ .:"l~~..J!'ii',Q,. .<.~'.,..~' "C?~~. ,"~~.,~ " ~',,>., 'i.flllllllll'" ..'. ""J,' ~'- . 1:Q...1liE TQ;,jN BOARD (JF THl:, TG,,,N OF SOUTHOrD. NE'.J YORK: ;,E., the undersigned, owners of taxable property in lis hers Is- land, and owning in the aggregate of more than one-half of property of said proposed District, as shown upon the latest completed Assessment Roll of said Town, do hereqy petition Tour Honorable Board to establish a public Ferry District, pursuant to Chapter 699 of the Laws of 1947, and the pro- visions of the Town Law applicable thereto, which is located in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, outside of any in- corporated village and wholly within the Town of SouthOld, the entire ter- ritor,y' of Fishers Island in said 'Town, exclusive of Fort H. G. ":right, said District is described as follows: ALL the real property of Fishers Island, in the Town of South- old, County of Suffolk and State of New York, inclusive of the whole of Fishers Island, with the exception of certain parcels which are the proper~ ty of t.he United States Government, said tracts being known as "Fort II. ~. Wright". "North Hill", "[';ount Prospect", ":.:ilderness Point", and "Coast Guard StatiolIl N<1>. 59" Reservations, all as shown drI map accompanying this petition, said territory being bounded and described as follows: On the North by Fishers Island Sound; on the East b3' Block Island Sound: on the South by Block Island Sound and Government Reservations ~ on the ;Cest by Fort H. G, Wright and Fishers Island Sound. The intent and purpose of said FerrY' is to authorize the set- ting up of a suitable Comniss10n consisting of five (5) members, in accor- dance with the above Section o~.the Town Law of the state of New York; said Comnission's powers ,and duties bein~ to purchase, or charter, a suit- able vessel, or vessels, together with necessary wharves and docking fa- cilities, in order to supply ample and comfortable water transportation the year round for r8sidents of Fishers Island between said Fishers Island and the mainland of the State of Connecticut, The territory embraced within' the proposed F8rry District is without suitable and necessar,y' t~sportation for its inhabitants, except- ing that which is now provided and maintained at the expense of a private property owner, who is unable and unwilling to continue this service. The assessed valuation of all ef the taxable property embrac- ed within the proposed Ferry District, as such valuations appear upon the 1946-47 Assessment Roll of the Town of Southold, is the sum of - - - - _ $3,214,740.00. The object and purpose of the Ferry District shall be to ac- quire, construct, equip, operate and maintain a public ferry for the trans- porting-I2r hire of persons and vehicles, and goods, wares and merchand- dise from convenient points on Fishers Island across the waters of Long Island Sound and other adjacent waters, or tributaries thereto, to points within and without th0 State, Such Ferry District may be referr8d to as the Fish~r~ Island Ferry. The maximum amount proposed to be expended for the acquisi- tion of boats and other equipment and appurtenances necessary for the operation of such a Ferry, inCluding lands and rishts or easements of lands, docks and other necessary equipment, shall not exceed the sum of One Hundr8d Thousand (.,,100,000.00) Dollars: - - -2- WITNESS NAME OF PROPERTY OViNER RESIDENCE [ i.... ~ STATE OF m;-;i YORK ) . 1:own of Southold ~ ss. DOUNTY OF SUFFOLK ).-- On this ftNl day of ]u~ ' 1947, before me came H.. I -. t=:"'';if.L~'" T'..--, the SUBSCRIBING WIT S 'Co the foregoing instru- ment, w:Lth whom I persortk11y acquainted. who. h"i..." 1w MO An"_ ~ft_:'_ -li.d de:'" , he STATE OF NI;.ii YORK ) COUNTY OF SUF?OLK ) ss. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ) On the 18th day of July, 1947, before tr.O ,-,ame Henry 1. Ferguson, to IllE' known, mo by me bei.'1g duly s>'Dm, did depose and say tm.t he resides in Fishers Island, that he is the President of FISHERS ISLAND FARMS, INC., the eOlporation described in, and which executed the foregoing instrument; thD.t he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal -'l.ffixed to said instrument is such corpor.'lte seal; it was so affixed by order of the Board of Direct,)rs of said Corporation, an1 that he signed his name tmreto by like order. . RA " "0 hD C, S)-; Ai.'l1:LIN . r;;r::;? rI , ~ ::::e..~.~.,/t-JState 0\ No", Y.i!< 't57 - -- ~ing~lk Count1 ( SuHolk c.;:ountv _ Ne la~~4f; _ .1 eI'.Il KI;:?i;t:ell Ma.;:cb. 30, (J)",~~f .PI? . ~ l ~ Subscriblrig Wi~e.S8 Notary Public . . RADFORDC;'SHANll:LlN Notary Public in the State of New York Residing in SuJiolk County Suffolk County No, 1841 f Tenn Expire. Much 30, 194-1 " --~',~-- ... / YTO TH~TO,"OO"D OF TIle TO'" OF SOUTHam. '~i YORK, ;,,1, the undersigned, owners of taxable property in Fishers Is- land, and owning in the aggregate of more than one-half of property of said proposed District, as shown upon the latest completed Assessment Roll of said Town, do hereb,r petition your Honorable Board to establish a Eublic Ferry District, pursuant to Chapter 699 of the Laws of 1947, and the pro- visions of the Town Law applicable thereto, which is located in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, outside of any in- corporated village and wholly within the Town of Southdld, the entire ter- ritory of Fishers Islahd in said Town, exclusive of Fort H. G. '..iright, said District is described as follows: . -.. , ALL the real property of Fishers Island, in the Town of South- old, County of Suffolk and State of New York, inclusive of the whole of Fishers Island, with the exception of certain parcels which are the proper- ty of the United States Government, said tracts being known as "Fort H. G. Wright", "North Hill", "}lOunt Prospect", "~':ildeI'lfess Point", and "Coast Guard Station NCl. 59" Reservations, all as shown 6':n map accompanying this petition, said territory being bounded and described as follows: On the North by Fishers Island Sound; on the East bj' Block Island Sound: on the South bj' Block Island Sound and Government Reservations: on the ;!est by Fort H. G. Wright and Fishers Island Sound. The intent and purpose of said Ferry is to authorize the set- ting up of a suitable Commission consisting of five (5) members, in accor- dance with the above Section of the Town Law of tho State of New York; said Commission's powers and duties bein~ to purchase, or charter, a suit- able vessel, or vessels, together with necessary wharves and docking fa- cilities, in order to supply ample and comfortable water transportation the year round for residents of Fishers Island between said Fishers Island and the mainland of the State of Connecticut. The territory embraced withint the proposed Ferry District is without suitable and necessary teansportation for its inhabitants, except- ing that which is now provided and maintained at the expense of a private property o~mer, who is unable and unwilling to continue this service. The assessod valuation of all of the taxable property embrac- ed within the proposed Forry District, as such valuations appear upon the 1946-47 Assessment Roll of thE) Town of Southold, is the sum of - - - - - ~,J ,214,740.00. The object and purpose of the Ferry District shall be to ac- quire, construct, equip, operate and maintain a public ferry for the trans- porting for hire of persons and vehicles, and goods., war~s and mEcrchand- dise from conv~nient points on Fishers Island across the waters of Long Island Sound and other adjacent waters, or tributaries thereto, to points within and without the state. Such Ferry District may be referred to as the Fish6rS Island Ferry. The maximum amount proposed to be expended for the acquisi- tion of boats and other equipment and appurtenances necessary for the operation of such a Ferry, inCluding lands and rights or easements of lands, docks and other necessary equipment, shall not exceed the sum of One Hundred Thousand ClOO,OOO.OO) Dollars: -- ! ; I . . t ~ I I ~ I i ~. -+-t Tot;1/7~ ;:tt 'fown of Southold ~ ss. I, I q DO - DOUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On this / tf1J. day of ,? l<- tts ' 1947, before me came 1-,' 11/4 iT f1 ~:tt /('. , the SUBSCRIBING WIT S 1:0 the foregoing instru- ment, with whom I am sonally acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, did de- pose and say that he resides in Fishers Island, Suffolk County, New York, that he knows ......"""'" " 1"',.1/ 'qrM 1. Mhr''''''~ ffrJl?{<<JJ;,:4d~w YA",,,~jq l- S'hq-.l-t) ..w j..A/ID;'f"lntI,flv RIJ fit M f;Ymif-tl INq..."p" A/la1....~7Y . ~ . . WITNESS STATE OF NEii YOm; _.~.._-._-_.~~._-~. .. -2- '-.-'::"~':""::.~T~.' ~._7~._~~.~- --,.----~- . ..... . NAME OF PROPEFITY OWNER RESIDENCE ASSESSED . VALUATION OF REAL ,ROPER* TY ON lAST AS;~ SESSlllENT ro 11 :L~ ,~ I S I) D I 00 I I J I ' 4-~ , . oS .; I '-I ~-, .~,~..tQ... . y.. / I .! --t--+ I . I I I ! ,~ ~. ... 7;,"'1 ~<;'./-I!Ln.}JI' n,- 1 7~ld I-<r- (}.,re TO BE T~ ;nmIVIPUALS PESCRIBED IN, AND'iiEO EXECUTED, the fo:ree~ing instrument; that he, the SUBSCEIBING WITNESS, was preaent and saw them s1.gttt.he same; and that he, saiQ WITi~S, at the same time subsc~ibeq his name as witness thereto ) ..- , ~ (<?~ .' . .... . ribl.ng I . S8 r;:n,Pr -,/,..(A ~~~ .., Notary Pu 110 . . RADFORD C. SHANKLIN <' <- Notary Public in the State of New Y..ds: REH;lr1lng in SuHolk County J SuUolL County No. 1841 'T Term Expires Match 301' 194&' ~\ /\0 ~ """"" "--" --"-----".,,,.,,'"'J".-- ~ , TO THE Tm,iN BOAFJJ IF THE, TO,;N OF SOUTHOW, NEh YORK: \E, the undersigned, owners of taxable property in Fishers Is- land, and owning in the aggregate of more than one-half Of property of said proposed District, as shown upon the latest completed Assessment Roll of said Town, do hereb,r petition your Honorable Board to establish a public Ferry District, pursuant to Chapter 699 of the Laws of 1947, and the pro- visions of the Town taw applicable thereto, which is located in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and state of New York, outside of any in- corporated village and wholly within the Town of Southdld, the entire ter- ritory of Fishers Island in said Town, exclusive of Fort H. G. ~':right, said District is described as follows: ALL the real property of Fishers Island, in the Town of South- old, County of Suffolk and state of New York, inclusive of the whole of Fishers Island, with the exception of certain parcels which are the proper- ty of the United States Government, said tracts being known as "Fort H. G. Wright", "North Hill", II};ount Prospect", "\':ildemess Point", and "Coast Guard StatiOD NG. 59" Reservations, all as shown an map accompanying this petition, said territory being bounded and described as follows: On the North by FisherS Island Sound; on the East by Block Island Sound: on the South by Block Island Sound and Government Reservations1 on the ;:est by Fort H. G. Wright,a.n4' Fishers Island Sound. The intent and purpose of said Ferry is to authorize the set. ting up of a suitable Comnission consisting of five (5) members, in accor- dance tdth' the above Section of the Town Law of the State of New York; said Comnission's powers and duties beins to purchase, or charter, a suit- able )(es~el, ori..ess€ls, together with necessary wharves and docking fa- cilitie$, in o.rcler to supply ample and comfortable water transportation the year round'for residents of FisherS Island between said Fishers Island and the mainland of the State of Connecticut. The territory embraced within. the proposed Ferry District is without suitable and necessary teansportation for its inhabitants, except- ing that which is now provided and maintained at the expense of a private property owner, who is unable and unwilling to continue this service. The assessed valuation of all of the taxable property embrac- ed within the proposed Ferry District, as such valuations appear upon the 1946-47 Assessment Roll of the Town of Southold, is the sum of - - - - - $3,214,740.00. The object and purpose of the Ferry District shall be to ac- quire, construct, equip, operate and aaintain a public ferry for the trans,. porting for hire of persons and vehicles, and goods, wares and merchand- dise from convenient points on Fishers Island across the waters of Long Island Sound and other ?djacent waters, or tributaries thereto, to points within and without the state. Such Ferry District may be referred to as the Fishers Island Ferry. The maximum amount proposed to be expended for the acquJ.sJ.- tion of boats and other equipment and appurtenances necessary for the opE-ration of such a Ferry, including lands and rights or easemmts of lands, docks and other necessary equipment, shall not exceed the sum of One Hundred Thousand (:,,100,000.00) Dollars: - - Witness: c:fh--fdcd--t-~L., ~---'... p-~ Taxable valuation of propbrty ; '-- ':: 0 .~ /.. 00 "" Stat", of 11/...... }IN ...J... ) ~~:t~fOf-;;,;t;-:~1 ~ ss. On this '~rt:t of ,fu 6ttc ' 1947, bdore me personally came / ,\" U ..I". t::.; I , to me own and kno~1O to me to be ther per- son described in ~d who executed the foregoing instrument and he duly acknowledged to me that h~ executed tli<."se.me. }w commission expires (Jia~t~.r.( L.d-~ - ~~'-'-' DFOHD c. Sh.i\NKLIN Motuy Public in the $tatB of New Y81'l. Residing in SuHolk Cou:uty '\ Suffolk County No, 1841 I... Expirea M.ucb 30, 1944 / . . /~ ~j u \: t, ,f- r ~ '-''''--'--'' '-~--.-' \ -----~_..-._;._;..,~._---------.--~,- ~- '---"'-'->';~"'''~'---~''''~-----''''-~-'''''F-_ . . TO THE TO',,}) BOARD .F THE TV,.N OF SOUTHOW. NE.! YORK, ~E, the Uhdersigned, owners of taxable property in Fishers Is- land, and owning in the aggregate of more than one-half of property of said proposed District, as shown upon the latest completed Assessment Roll of said Town, do hereqy petition your Honorable Board to establish a public FerIj' mscrict.. pt'rsuant to Chapter 699 of the Laws of 1947, anel the pro- visions of the To,.7\ taw applicable thereto, which is located in the Town of Southoll, County of Suffolk and state of New York, outside of any in- corpor'l.ted village and wholly within the Town of Southdld, the entire ter- ritory cf Fishers Island ir said Town, exclusive of Fort H. G. ';right, said District is des~ribed as follows: ALL the real property of Fishers Island, in the Town of South- old, County of Suffolk and State of New York, inclusive of the whole of Fishers Is:'.anci, with t;18 exception of certain parcels which are the proper- ty of the Ul",i~ed States Government, said tracts being known as "Fort H. G. Wright". "Horth Hill", "h:n;nt, Prospect", "~':ilderness Point", and "Coast Guaf'J. 8,.8 cj on;./6 5'1" Reservations. all as shown On map accompanying this p8tihon" c,aid ter:-itory bebg 'oounded and described as follcws, On the North by FlsDers Is~and Sound; on the East be' Block Island Sound: on the South "3' B:Lc~k Island Sound and Government Reservations ~ on the ;!est by Fort H. G, Wright and Fishers Island Sound. The intent and purpose of said Ferry is to authorize the set- ting up of a suitable Corrmission consisting of five (5) members, in accor- dance with the 1\bove Section of the Town Law of the state of New York; said CGmni~sion's powers and duties bdn3 to purchase, or charter, a suit- able "essel, or vessels, together with necessary whar'Tes and docking fa- cilities, in order to supply ample and comfortable water trrolsportation the year ro~nd for residents of Fishers Island between said Fishers Island and the 'lLinland of the State of Connecticut. The; territory embraced wit hint the proposed Ferry DIstrict is without suitable and necessary teansportafion for its inhabitants, except- ing that which is now provided and mintained at the e:xpense of a private property ovmer, who is unable and unwilling to continue this service. The assessed valuation of all of the taxable property embrac- ed ,<ithin the proposed Ferry District, as such valuations appear upon the 194 ~47 Assessm"nt Roll of thE; Town of Southold, is the sum of _ _ _ _ _ $3,214,740.00. The object and purpose of the Ferry District shall be to ac- quire, construct, equip, operate and maintain e. public ferry- for the trans.. portinc-191:Jlire of persons and vehicles, and goods, war"s end mcrchand- disE fJ'O,Ci COllVw!,ent points on FishGrs Island across the waters 0.. Long Island Sound !.nel ooher adjacent waters, or tributi1ries thErEto, to points withen and withouo the 3t~te. Such Ferry District may be referred to as the Fish6!'$ Islwd Ferry. The maxi,mum a'1lount proposed to be expended for the acquJ.sJ.- tion of boats and other equipment flI1d appurtenances necessary for the operation of such a Ferry, including lands and rir.:hts or easEments of lands, do~ks and othe;r necessary equipment. shall not exceed the sum of One Hundred Thousand (..,100,000.00) Dollars: _ _ Witness: ~ ~~~~ Taxable va~ation of property State of .1J .'" l-)~OVz:l - ) Town of ) ss. County of , 0r' 9n, 'l~ i:bi of ~ ,,1947, before me personally carn" ~ CJ. o-r..<.<. '>A I to., kriown and kriOVItl to me to be ther per- son described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and h~ duly aclr.Eowlcdgcd to me thet he- executed th<: same. ~ ~'~ corr~mission expires In, :J~ JIOIW"." Pt~nI..1C. ...... C.uMiJ'. Me. 11 ..':"'<:1":.1:'$ .(t, 1"11I ~ ... :.. New York c.e. No. I,M a:. . KR"! No. 117_ . .... .... .. - 0, r ro m' -. . I TmiN BOAFJJ ~ THL TO;;N OF SOUTHOLD, NEd YORK: 11, the undersigned, owners of taxable property in rishers Is- land, and owning in the aggregate of more than one-half of property of said proposed District, as shown upon the latest completed Assessment Roll of said Town, do hereqy petition your Honorable Board to establish a fublic Ferry District, pursuant to Chapter 699 of the Laws of 1947, and the pro- visions of the Town Law applicable thereto, which is located in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, outside of any in- corporated village and wholly within the Town of Southdld, the entire ter- ritory of Fishers Island in said Town, exclusive of Fort H. G. '-;right, said District is described as follows: ALL the real property of Fishers Island, in the Town of South- old, County of Suffolk and State of New York, inclusive of the whole of Fishers Island, with the exception of certain parcels which are the proper- ty of the United States Government, said tracts being known as "Fort H. G. Wright", "North Hill", "i>;ount Prospect", "1':ildemess Point", and "Coast Guard Statiolll N&, 59" Reservations, all as shown On map accompanying this petition, said territory being bounded and described as follows: On the North by Fishers Island Sound; on the East b3' Block Island Sound: on the South by Block Island Sound and Government Reservations: on the 1Fest by fort H. G. Wright and Fishers Island Sound. The intent and purpose of said Ferry is to authorize the set- ting up of a suitable Comnission consisting of five (5) members, in accor- dance with the above Section of the Town Law of the State of New York; said Comnission's powers and duties beinG to purchase, or charter, a suit_ able vessel, or vessels, together with necessary wharves and docking fa- cilities, in order to supply ample and comfortable water transportation the year round for residents of Fishers Island between said Fishers Island and the mainland of the State of Connecticut. The territory embraced within~ the proposed Ferry District is without suitable and necessary teansportation for its inhabitants, except- ing that which is now provided and maintained at the expense of a private property owner, who is unable and unwilling to continue this service. / i The assessed valuation of all of the taxable property embrac- ed within the proposed Ferry District, as such valuations appear upon the 1946-47 Assessment Roll 01' the Town of Southold, is the sum of - - - - - $3,214,740.00. The object and purpose of the Ferry District shall be to ac- quire, construct, equip, operate and maintain a public ferry for the trans- porting for hire of persons and vehicles, and goods, wares and m~rchand- dise from convt:nient points on Fishers Island across the waters of Long Island Sound and other adjacent waters, or tributaries thereto, to points within and without the State. Such Ferry District may be referred to as the Fish6~ Island Ferry. The maximum amount proposed to be expended for the acquisi- tion of boats and other equipment and appurtenances necessary for the op~ration of such a Ferry, inCluding lands and riGhts or easements of lands, docks and other necessary equipment, shall not exceed the sum of One HundrE:d Thousand (....100,000.00) Dollars: - - Witness: rJ< ....e oI-t -.(.(, Taxable ~~ 5!btJt!..- property Stat~ of 11.1".., 'I.vI.. ) Town of S... "L.l.l ) ss. County of ~#il. ) On this *' r;;; of ..J ,,~ ., 1947, bdore me personally came V'nl"" P. RiP i/ ., to me wn and kno~1ll .to me to be ther per- son descnbed in rmd who executed the foregoing instrument and hI!.- duly acy.nowledgc;d to me thet h.. executed the same. }'y comd.ssion expires r:T:L "~~5: .;oR, p- d--.R_ - LV , J::", ',"<.<d.' I. ':"'" ' ....ot.l.ry p'O,' _ .. ....-,/~a}ALlN ....L.jl..: li: lb'_. ',,>_, Residing it: S:U;~7,''':1 NGw Yea. Suffolk C It. ...uuuty Tex.Ql Ex . OUtlty No, 1842 ., PIlei/<! Muc.k:. 30, lSQ L '~"T; .,""~'''~'",' -. """',""""_"'~'c" /-.. ;' \v ..-.. .. "'-~ . . TO THE TO.iN BOARD (IF THiC TC,;N OF SOtJTHOLDI NE.J YORK: ;E, the undersigned, owners of taxable property in fishers Is- land, and owning in the aggregate of more than one-half of property of said proposed District, as shown upon the latest completed Assessment Roll of said Town, do herecw petition your Honorable Board to establish a Eublic Ferry District, pursuant to Chapter 699 of the Laws of 1947, and the pro- visions of the Town taw applicable thereto, which is located in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, outside of any in- corporated village and wholly within the Town of Southald, the entire ter- ritory of Fishers Island in said Town, exclusive of Fort H. G. ";right, said District is described as follows: ALL the real property of Fishers Island, in the Town of South- old, County of Suffolk and State of New York, inclusive of the whole of Fishers Island, with the e~ception of certain parcels which are the proper- ty of the United States Government, said tracts being known as "Fort H. G. Wright", "North Hill", "l'lount Prospect", "\.:ildemess Point", and "Coast Guard Station NOl. 59" Reservations, all as shown an map accompanying this petition, said territory being bounded and described as follows: On the North by Fishers Island Sound; on the East bo' Block Island Sound: on the South b;r Block Island Sound and Government Reservations ~ on the ;iest by Fort H. G. Hright and Fishers Island Sound. The intent and purpose of said Ferry is to authorize the set- ting up of a suitable Comnission consisting of five (5) members, in accor- dance with the above Section of the Town Law of the State of New York; said Comnission's powers and duties bein~ to purchase, or charter, a suit- able vessel, or vessels, together with necessary wharves and docking fa- cilities, in order to supply ample and comfortable water transportation the year round for residents of Fishers Island between said Fishers Island and the mainland of the State of Connecticut. The territory embraced wit hint the proposed Ferry District is without suitable and necessary teansportation for its inhabitants, except- ing that which is now provided and maintained at the expense of a private property ovmer, who is unable and unwilling to continue this service. The assessed valuation of all of the taxable property embrac- ed within the proposed Ferry District, as such valuations appear upon the 1946-47 Assessment Roll of the Town of Southold, is the sum of - - - - - $3,214,740.00. The object and purpose of the Ferry District shall be to ac- quire, construct, equip, operate and maintain a public ferry for the trans- porting for hire of persons and vehicles, and goods, war~s and merchand- dise from convecnient points on Fishers Island across the waters of Long Island Sound and other adjacent waters, or tributaries thereto, to points within and without the State. Such Ferry District may be referred to as the Fish6rS Island Ferry. The maximum amount proposed to be expended for the acquisi- tion of boats and other equipment and appurtenances necessary for the operation of such a Ferry, including lands and rishts or easements of lands, docks and other necessary equipment, shall not exceed the sum of One Hundnd Thousand klOO,OOO.OO) Dollars: - - 4 - 4 , , TO THE TmiN BOAFJl 9F THE TO,iN OF SOUTHOm" ~,f].i YORK, ;".8, the undersigned, owners of taxable property in Fishers Is- land, and owning in the aggregate of more than one-half of property of said proposed District, as shown upon the lat'est completed Assessment Roll of said Town, do hereqy petition your Honorable Board to establish a public Ferry District, pursuant to Chapter 699 of the Laws of 1947, and the pro- visions of the Town Law applicable thereto, which is located in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and state of New York, outside of any in- corporated village and wholly within the Town of Southdld,the entire ter- ritory of Fishers !sland in said Town, exclusive of Fort H. G. ')right, said District is described as follows: ALL the real property of Fishers Island, in the Town of South- old, County of Suffolk and State of New York, inclusive of the whole of Fishers Island, with the exception of certain parcels which are the proper- ty of the United States Government, said tracts being known as "Fort H. G. Wright", "North Hill", "Hount Prospect", "\.,ilderness Point", and "Coast Guard Station NCh. 59" Reservations, all as shown an map accompanying this petition, said territory being bounded and described as follows: On the North by Fishers Island Sound; on the East by Block Island Sound: on the South by Block Island Sound and Government Reservations: on the ,lest by Fort H. G. Wright and Fishers Island Sound. The intent and purpose of said Ferry is to authorize the set- ting up of a suitable Commission consisting of five (5) members, in accor- dance with the above Section of the Town Law of the State of New York; said Commission's powers and duties being to purchase, or charter, a suit- able vessel, or vessels, together with necessary wharves and docking fa- cilities, in order to supply ample and comfortable water transportation the year round for residents of Fishers Island between said Fishers Island and the mainland of the State of Connecticut. The territory embraced withint the proposed Ferry District is without suitable and necessary teansportation for its inhabitants, except- ing that which is now provided and maintained at the expense of a private property owner, who is unable and unwilling to continue this service. The assessed valuation of all of the taxable property embrac- ed within the proposed Ferry District, as such valuations appear upon the 1946-47 Assessment Roll of thE: Town of Southold, is the sum of - - - - - $3,214,740.00. The object and purpose of the Ferry District shall be to ac- quire, construct, equip, operate and maintain a public ferry for the trans- porting for hire of persons and vehicles, and goods, wares and merchand- dise from convenient points on Fishers Island across the waters of Long Island Sound and other adjacent waters, or tributaries thereto, to points within and without the State. Such Ferry District may be referred to as the Fishers Island FE:rry. The maximum amount proposed to be expended for the acquisi- tion of boats and other equipment and appurtenances necessary for the operation of such a Ferry, inCluding lands and rights or easements of lands, docks and other neceS$ary equipment, shall not exceed the sum of One Hundred Thousand (:<100,000.00) ~lars: - - >f C'IT; Witn..ss: cJ2 ~ I~ ~ Wrlf Taxable valuation of prop y4r. '366..0. 00 State of At".. Y"v-/. ) Town of . <)I" u f-;II..{) ss/~. County of c5"")/..i~ It ) .;r,1.' Vlh.Wi~2/~1- of ,//4 ft; , 1947, before me personally came He- ..: i;;L 1.1/:'$.' _, to me own and kno~m to me to be thet per- sons-described in and who executed tne foregoing instrument and -{h,,Y duly acknowledged to me that +n.., executed the same. }~ co~ission expires (~r.-//._.( ~ J-I.- J..v~ t/ RADFORD C. SHANKLIN Notary Public in the Stale of New YlnJc: Residing in SuHolk County Suffolk County No. 1641 i'e.rm. EzpiIea Much 30, 19.. , ,