HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIFD - Extension of Boundaries 1966 y--- ;:~-;:-~-- --;.-- .', .. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that LAWRENCE S. BALDWIN. ALFRED R. GREBE. POLLY EDMONDS, RICHARD V. FOYLE and RAYMOND F. DOYEN, all residing at Fishers Island in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, being all of the Commissioners of the Ferry District situate at Fishers Island in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York known as the Fishers Island Ferry District, do hereby consent to and approve of the extension of the boundaries of said district to embrace the following territory in addition to the territory already contained in and embraced by the said District, to wit: ALL that certain tract, piece or parcel of land, situate on Fishers Island, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the southwesterly line of Beach Avenue with the southeasterly line of Equestrian Avenue, said point being located 618.25 feet North and 3873.92 feet West of U. S. Coast & Geodetic Triangulation Station "PROS"; from said point of beginning running along said line of Beach Avenue, 8 courses, as follows: (1) South 47 degrees 07 minutes 40 seconds East 514.09 feet; thence (2) South 84 degrees 21 minutes 15 seconds East 345.39 feet; thence (3) South 78 degrees 31 minutes 10 seconds East 281. 33 feet; thence (4) South 81 degrees 28 minutes East 447.94 feet; thence (5) South 67 degrees 38 minutes East 342.57 feet; thence (6) North 77 degrees 17 minutes East 202.32 feet; thence (7) North 26 degrees 02 minutes 30 seconds East 131. 81 feet; thence (8) North 25 degrees 36 minutes 50 seconds West 32.38 feet to land now or formerly of Hay Harbor Realty Corp. ; thence along said land of Hay Harbor Realty and across the westerly end of a 50 foot right of way leading to land now or formerly of the United States of America, South 39 degrees 45 minutes 10 seconds East 226.28 feet; thence still along said land of Hay Harbor Realty, 3 courses, as follows: (1) South 39 degrees 41 minutes 40 seconds East 64. 38 feet; thence (2) South 76 degrees 00 minutes West 386 feet; thence (3) South 13 degrees 20 minutes East 107 feet, more or less, to the shore of Block Island Sound; thence in a general ,.:li"", '':'+-'n~ /. ~--C.,. .,-.:....,.11'1 ..,..."..,.... westerly direction along the shore line of said Block Island Sound and then in a general northerly direction along the shore line of Fishers Island Sound, about 12, 200 feet to land now or formerly of the Estate of S. A. Salvage; thence along said land now or formerly of the Estate of S. A. Salvage, 2 courses, as follows: (1) South 46 degrees 58 minutes East 408 feet, more or less; thence (2) South 35 degrees 24 minutes East 424. 0 feet to land now or formerly of Wilmerding; thence along said land of Wilmerding, 3 courses, as follows: (1) South 32 degrees 36 minutes West 465.9 feet; thence (2) South 26 degrees 57 minutes East 405 feet, more or less; thence (3) North 62 degrees 26 minutes East 687.22 feet to the westerly line of said Equestrian Avenue; thence along said line of Equestrian Avenue, 9 courses, as follows: (1) South 31 degrees 18 minutes East 188.41 feet; thence (2) North 62 degrees 26 minutes East 1.61 feet; thence (3) South 27 degrees 34 minutes East 25.0 feet; thence (4) South 76 degrees 02 minutes 30 seconds East 105.07 feet; thence (5) South 49 degrees 33 minutes 15 seconds East 202.44 feet; thence (6) South 80 degrees 36 minutes 30 seconds East 127.50 feet; thence (7) South 56 degrees 10 minutes 50 seconds East 113.37 feet; thence (8) North 79 degrees 28 minutes 15 seconds East 121. 87 feet; thence (9) North 41 degrees 46 minutes East 59.7 feet to the point of beginning. All bearings refer to the true meridian. Excepting from the above any lands owned by the United States of America. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands this hi tJ day of ~~L.h. 1965. ~I~//~~ Lawrence S. Baldwin R Richard V. Foyle ~~~/7(r-e~ h~ , ymond F. Doyen / -2- ,t" 'C";'''''''':.'--:- :;';:",' -.:,:~;c 'T'':'r,,~. '~\,;.:-:",:,~.:t::::; ,}1'~".',"F,>",',' 'if r,';.r"~. , . STATE OF NEW YORK) ss. : COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On this 4- J day of \'--v-.'l_~L--~ 1965, before me, the sub- scriber, personally appeared LAWRENCE S. BALDWIN, to me personally known and known to me to be the same person described in and who executed the within Instrument, and he acknowledged to me that he executed the same. \;a;.)AJ~F~L~,,~ 'J('l"(',.lI:,RV PUBLIC. STATE OF NEV,T YCT,;' No. 52.0C2BBBO Qualified In Suf:olk COl:ntyl' 1 Term o:tpires March 30. 19 !,o STATE OF NEW YORK) ss. : COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On this '+ J day of~~j,-,v 1965, before me, the sub- scriber, .personally appeared ALFRED R. GREBE, to me personally known and known to me to be the same person described in and who executed the within Instrument, and he acknowledged to me that he executed the same. .~~~~ '~i\-l.~ Notary blic LUCY l. AHMrN NOTJI..RY PUBLIC. 3T [I.. TE SF "i:'!!:W Yo&' No. S2.0CZ88en QuaUfied in SuIi,,]k C::::;;~"~7 Term oxpires March 30. ~e 'I STATE OF NEW YORK) ss. : COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On this ~ day of ~ 1965, before me, the sub- scriber, personally appeared POLLY EDMONDS, to me personally known and known to me to be the same person described in and who executed the within Instrument, and she acknowledged to me that she executed the same. .~ I It-il~-,_ Notarv ~il:AHMrN j1fOT~P.YPUBLJC. STATE OF NE'N YOhE>. No. !:2.0C:::S880 QCla-lified In Sl.l:ffoBr c.':l'Jr_ty) Term expires March 30. 19 ~1 STATE OF NEW YORK) ss. : COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On this ;3.. (~ day of ~ 1965, before me, the sub- scriber, personally appeared RICHARD V. FOYLE, to me personally known and known to me to be the same person described in and who executed the within Instrument, and he acknowledged to me that he executed the same. 'j .~~LW~~ wc~. >A ~Public 'Tf)'l'1'IRYPUEL',C. S'l'!\TE OF PCVl 1'0:(\1 No.1''Z-ODi..:gm1 Quali~0d in 8",,":)',~ (\:.~:~~y 1 ' ," -_i_c.,. ~~ , ~', "'1 " T<;H,l.,::i.t'..".>_;.lar.........., I", ~ STATE OF NEW YORK) ss. : COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On this ~ day of~L.."" 1965, before me, the sub- scriber, personally appeared RAYMOND F. DOYEN, to me personally known and known to me to be the same person described in and who executed the within Instrument, and he acknowledged to mee e~cI: ~_ame. ~OT~'ly~tmAA~yo", No" ~.OC2JBP.O _ 3 _ Qualified fn Sufto!k COUrltr term e;p~f€t.i March 30. 19 (.,'1 . . II . . AFFIDA VIT OF POSTING STATE OF NEW YORK) ss. : COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ALBERT W. RICHMOND, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is now and at all the times hereinafter mentioned he was the duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, New York; That on the 25th day of March, 1966, he caused to be conspicuously posted and fastened up a copy of an order providing for public hearing relative to extension of the boundaries of the Fishers Island Ferry District executed by the Town Board of said Town on March 22, 1966, a copy of which is annexed hereto and made a part hereof, on the sign board of the Town maintained pursuant to Subdivision 6 of Section 30 of the Town Law. _~~9f~~~~/ own erk Sworn to before me this 25th day of March , 1966. -=rn fu. . ~ c{. J?o'~ L Notary Public MARION A. RttEil" IiOTARY PUBLIC. State of New Y'dll. No. 52-3233120 Suffolk Counly Jerm .Expires March 301 19JL.7 i ~ .. At a replar meetlDl:of tbe Town Board of the Town of Sout_Iel. lo tbe County of Suffolk. Ne. York. beld at the Supervlaor'a Office. 11 Solltb Street. Greenport" Me. York. lo ..ld Town on the ~ J ~ day of yY\ ay-c.\. 18116, PRESENT: l..e.ter M. AlbertllOD. Loula M. Demareat. Bo.ard C. Valentine. Ralph W. Tutbill. Henry A. Clark. Supervisor Councilman Councilman Justice of the Peace Justice of tbe Peace - - - - ------.- - In the MaUer I of the ORDU PROVlDDfG I'OB PUBLIC DAIUNG RELATIVE TO EXTJ:lfSION or THE DISTIUCT BOVJCDARla , ., ExteD.IOIl of tbe Piahen IaLand 1"erry District .1 at Flabera "land. In tbe TQwn of Southold, , hftolk COlIftty. Me. York. pur.uant to Ii Artlcl. 11l. 01 tb. Town Law. I! II _ - _ _ - - - - - -. - - - - - I! WHEREAS. the Board of Commlaslonera of the Plab.ra leland P.rr'f District at Vlaben Island, In tbe Town of Soutbold. Suffolk COWlty. Ne. York. , baa approved and conaented In wrlHni to the extenaloD 01 the bOWlclarlea 01 , ..ld dlatrlet to .mbrace the terrUory herelnaner deacrlbed lo addltlon to ! tbe territory alr_dy contained In Iind embraced by ..ld dlatrlct. aad WHEREAS. a map entitled. "Map of propo.ed adclltion to th. Plabera I.land Ferry Dlatrlct. Town of Southold. Suttolk COWlty. N. Y. " ebowtng I 1 the propo.ed extension of sald dl.tnct baa beretofore been fUed In &be ornee i , of tberown Clerk. and WHEREAS. the boundaries of tbe proposed extenalon of ..ld dletrlot i are a. follo.a: AU tbat certa m tract. piece or parcel of land. eituate Oil 1I'lshen bland. In the Town of Southold. COWlty of Slllfolk and State of Ne.... York. bounded and deacrtbed aa foUow.: I ---,-.-..':>. " . I " Ii " .sonuaNO at tbe 1Dt.nect1oD 01 tb. .outb...lIt.rl:r Uae 01 ...ch AV.DU. with Ul. .outbea.ter1:rll.ll. 01 z.a..rlaa Aveau.. ..ld polnt b.1.IIi lo,oated IlI.n f.et Nortb anl1 IITI. tl,.. Wellt of U. S. C.R . Geodetlc Trlanplatioo StatlOll "PBOS "l from ..111 polDt of bei\.nDln, rulUl1ni .loDi aid 11n. of Beacb Avenue. . cour.... .. foUowa: (1) Soutb 47 dear... 0' mlnut.. .0 ..cond. Ea.t 11.. 08 I.etl tb.nc. (2) Soutb'4 d.llr... al mlnut.. 15 ..cond. Eut 3U.1t f..tl tbenc. (I) South'8 d.,r... 31 mlnute. 10 ..CODda Ea.t all. II lutl tbenc. (.) Soutb 81 dear... aa mlnute. Eut .4.,." futl tbeDc. (a) Soutb 8'J d.,r... 38 mlDut.. Eut 141. IT rutl th... (I) Nortb.,., de,n.. 1 T wn,".. ".t loa. I' I~ tb... en Nortb 18 d.F... 01 mmut.. 10 .MOGda .... 111. 'I '"*1 tbenc. (I) Nortb 16 d.,r... II m1nut.. 50 HCoada WHt II. ., '"* t. land DO. or Iorm.rl1 01 Sa,. Harbor B..U, Corp. ; tbeno. .loai ..ld IaDd of Ha,. Harbor ...1.,. aad ac:..... tb. ...1It.r17 .Dd or a 60 foot rlpt of waJleadlD. ,. laad eo. 01' fol'lDer17 01 tb. UDlt.d Stat.. 01 America. IoIdIa II da._ ... .. mlnut.. 10 .ecoad. Ea.t 131. a. I..tl th_c. IItlll aa., ..Id laad 01 Hay Harbor Realty. 3 cour.... a. foUowa: (1) SolItb II d.gre.. 41 mlDut.. 40 .econda EaR 14.11 I.et. t...c. (I) Soutb T' d.iree. 00 minut.. We.t 118 leet. tbec. (I) Soutb 11 de...... ao mlDut.. Eallt 10., f.et. IlDOr. or le... to tta. .bor. of Block 1.1aad SouD" tta... la a ......1 ......1'1,. direction aloo, tb. .bore lIao or ..Id .leclll..... locuuIaad tben In a .anora1 raortb.rly 4lrecUoa ..... tu "1'. Uao 01 Pl.ber. I.land Sowacl. about la. 100 r.. to Iaad .... or fol'lD.rlJ 01 ttao I:.tat. .1 S. A. "lva,.. u......... _ld laad no. or 10rIDorl, 01 ttao :It.tat. 01 I. A. ..1ft,.. . ...ru., a. 10Uow.: (1) ...... 41 d.,r... 18 mIDut.. EaR 40. loot. aaoro 01' Lee.. Uwaa. (I) huUa II de,r... U,miDut.. Ea.. 414.0 I.M to laRd ... or lAtrlDerly 01 Wllm.nuali tbenc. aloa, _Id laad of M11D.rdlal,. I coun... .. foUo..: (1) South U degre.. 31 mlaut.. We.t 411. . t.etl thRe. (I) SoIltb ae d8",". liT mllwt.. Ea.t 4011eet. more or 10..; tllence (I) Ifortb 6a d.il"... at mlnut.. Eaet "7. II fOM to th. ..atorl,.l1n. of aald Equ..trlan AV.DII.1 tllene. a10111 _ld liD. .f J:qu..trlan Av.aue. . cour.... .. 10110...: (1) "uth U cl.,re.. 11 mlaate. Ellat 1....1 foeti ttaeaco (2) N.rth 12 de,r... 21 miDut.. J:aat 1. .11.. tll... (I) leNtil aT delre.. 34 miDut.. lEaet I'. 0 I..; tboao. (4) South TI de,r... 02 waute. SO .u" .at 10.. 0' toot. tbeca (a) Sollth 48 de,r... 13 mlellAt.. U .ecODcla "at '01." '.1 tbenc. (.) South 10 de ire.. II mlaute. 10 ..CODda ...t 117.10 I.etl thence " Ii I I' II I " ,I ,I I, :1 il :1 ;! -1- .~.'-\.~;~~_j,:;"'::":~:.1'i.~_"':&t.:_'~"'.J. ';~'J~"4~l"':~...c:' ' ",.;!C!;' 1UJI-- ----- _-.__',iJ."L'-"'. . ~ II iI I II I J !i . ' ('I) Ioatb.. dear... 10 mlaut.. 10 ..cOlla J:allt 111. n tHt; UMDce (I) North 1f1 d.iI"". as mlaute. 15 .ecooda Ent 111. IT teetJ tlaeDce (I) J(orth U degr... 41 mlaute. Eaet IfI. ., feet to tbe polat of bel1lU11na. ii , il II II II II I, II All b..rlDIS niter to the true meridian ExceptlAl from the above aD1laDd. ownecS b1 tbe Vatted leat.. 01 Amerloa. WBDBAB. no lmprovement. .... propoaeci; aacl DO alllOllat 1. ,I I propoeecl to be expended for improvement. or for 8IIPPl7la1 of atrnoe. I witbla tbe territory of lbe propo.ed eat.llOA. aDd I I WHKRBAS. ..ld map I. on file lA tbe Town Clerll'. omee. fer ,..Uo I I m.pecllOll. 80.... tberefore. OIl motioD of CJU.\'\~ ,I 1'VId'r'\. ~W\7,}YP.1-. il.ad leeOllded by ~1 ~TI c-e. \Ll.T~\\~ . it i. OJlDE!Ui:D. tbat tbe Town Board of Ute ToWll of SeNtbeW ....11 .... nd bolela pl&blle b..rlDlat tbe Flabera I.land Fire Roue. la tta. J'lalaen lalaad V.rl'7 Dlatrlot. U1 .ald Town. Oil the ~ caT 01 A ~ . 1.... at LA: 30 o'elock Z N. (E. S. T.) to c0Il81der ..h pr.p..ed at........ ot tb. __....."..n.. of tbe Vl.her. IlIland Ferry Dletrlcl IUd to ta..r .U per.... lat.r_eclla u.. nbject tbereof. cOlleerala, the ..me aDd for Rota other actlon OIl Ut. part of ..ld Town Board ...ith relatioll th.reto a. ma7 be reqlllrecl or alltborl..d b11aw. Dated:fYJarc..h .J;)" J1C t II I' Ii I' I , , " II ii (lEAL) " [I II I' ,I II II I " ![ I II il !I THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWII OV SOUTHOLD j P<...7P ( l[I. A J heri"sO">1 Sllpervlaor 1.0(/ I ~ In l):>Yl1cHe~1 COWlcllmaa Howard C ~~V1TH1e Couacllmaa Hey, yo ld ~. ClCJd:: Julle. 0 tbe Peac. Membe... 0' tll. To... a.rel ef Ut. Town of 8outbolcl. If.... Terll " i: .lJ LEGAL NOTICE At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of SOuthold, in the County of Suffolk, New York, held at the SUpervisor's Office, 16 SOuth Street, Green- port, New York, in said Town on; on the 22nd day of March, 1966.. PRESENT: Lester M. Albertson, Supervisor Louis 'M. Demarest, Councilman Howard C. Valentine, Councilman Ralph W. Tuth!ll, Justice of the Peace Henry A. Clark, Justice of the Peace __-'-____X In the Matter of the: ORDER Extension of the Flsh- : PROVIDING crs Island Ferry : FOR PUBLIC District at FIshers : HEARING Island, In the Town of: RELATIVE Southold, Suffolk . : TO EXTEN- Co\1llty, New. y...k, : SION OF THE pursuant to ArtIcle I2A: DISTRICT of the Town Law. :BOUNDARIES _______x WHEREAS,. the.llo&r<I of Commis- sioners of the Fishers Island Ferry \'Distri. ct at Fishers Island, in the Town of SOuthold, SulfolkCounty, New York, has approv~ and consented In writing to the extension of the boundaries of I said district to embrace the territory hereinafter described In addition to the ! territory already contained in and em1:>raeed by said district, and WHEREAs. a map entitled, "Map of proposed addition to the F1sruirs Island Ferry DIstrict, Town of Southold, Suf- t~1loullty, N. Y." showing the pro- posed extension of said district has heretofore -been filed in the office of the Town Clerk, and WHEREAS, the boundaries of the proposed extension of said district are as tollows: All - that certain 'tract, piece or I. parcel of land, situate on Fishers Island, In the Town of SOuthold, County of Suffolk and State of New . YOl"k, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection ot _.the E!outhwesterly line of Beach I Avenue with the southeasterly line of. Equestrian Avenue, said point being located 618.25 feet North ano . mS.92 feet West of U. S. coast & Geodetic Trlo.IlIrnlatIon Station ::....c~ROS1';_ from Said point of begin-' .,nJng running alOng said line of Beach Avenue, 8 courses, as- follows: (ll SOuth 47 degrees 07 minutes 40 seconds East 514.09 feet; thence (2) SOuth 84 degrees 21 minutes 15 seconds East 345.39 feet: thence (3) South 78 degrees 31 minutes ~ 10 seconds East 281.33 feet; thence (4) SOuth 81 degrees 28 minutes East 447.94 feet; thence (5) SOuth 67 degrees 38 minutes East 342.57 feet: thence (6)' North 77 degrees 17 minutes East 202.32 feet; thence (7) North 26 degrees 02 minutes 30 seconds East 131.81 feet; thence (8) North 25 degrees 36 minutes 50 seconds west 32.38 feet to land now or - formerly of Hay Harbor Realty Corp.; thence along said land of Hay Harbor Realty and across the westerly end of a-50 foot right of way leading to land now or -formerly of the United states ~..........---~-- 'Of America, SOuth 39 degrees 45 minutes 10 seconds East 226.26 feet; thence IltIIl alOng said land of Hay Harbor Realty, 3 courses, as follows: (1) South 39 <iegrees 41 minutes 4G ..,conds East 64.38 f.eel; thence (2) SOuth 76 degrees 00 minutes West 3tl6 :!eel; thence (3~ south 13 degrees 29 -minutes East 107 teet, mGre ,or 1ess, to the shore Gt _ Isl_SOund; thence In a general weslerly dlreetion h B hJ b dl alOng the shOl"e line of <aid mock C. Witney oat, r., eing u y swom, soys Island Sound a.nd then In a general is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND northerly direction along the shore line of Fishers Island Sound, about ~ - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- 12,200 feet to land' now or formerly . . of the Estate of S. A. Salvage; ,ted at Southold, In Suffolk County, and that thence along said land now or torm- of which the annexed is a printed copy has been erly of the Estate of S. A. Salvage, ' 2 courses, as fOlIo"": in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- (ll SOuth 46 degrees 56 n:1lnutes {{2.!. East 408 feet, more or less; thence k f '--'1/ b (.. {I k.,l (2) SOuth 35 degrees 24 mlnateo each wee or ..... ;.....t..&r...... ..I...... wee'T East 424.0 feet to land now or form_ ? 1 ~ "7 erly of Wilmerding; thence along Iy, commencing on the ...............<.,lJ..d!ld........... said land of Wilmerding, 3 courses (; /' as follows: ... ...~ (1) South 32 degrees 36. mi.'1Utes, West 465.9 feet. th_'.' '"' (2) South 26 ~- degrees 57 minutes East 405 f~t, more or less; thence (3) North 62 degrees 26 minutes East 687.22 feet to the westerly line, of said Equestrian Avenue; . thence along said line of Equestrian Ave- dI.. nue,9 courses, as follOWB~ t (1) South 31 degrees 18 minutes Sworn to before me this ....... ........ ...... day of East 188.41 feet; thence Cftd. 6- (2) North 62 degrees 26 minutes. 19 East 1.61 feet; thence ... .. ...., ... (3) South 27 degrees 34 minutes East 25.0 feet; thence g , (4) South 76 degrees 02 minutes t2 30 seconds East 105.07 feet; thence (5) South 49 degrees 33 minutes 15 seconds East 202.44 feet; thence ...... .... ..~... ..~. ..... (6) SOuth 80 degrees 36 n:1lnutes N0iar7 PuI>1lc 30 seconds East 127.50 feet; thence (7) SOuth 86 degrees 10 n:1lnutes 50 seconds East 113.37 feet; thence (8) North 79 degrees 28 minutes 15 seconds East 121.87 feet: thence (9) North 41 degrees 46 minutes East 59.7 feet to the point of begin- ning. All bearings refer to -"....ne tzue meridan Excepting 'from the above a,py. lands owned by the United states of America. WHEREAS, no improvements are proposed; and no amount is proposed to be expended for improvements or for supplying of services within the ter... ritory of the proposed extension, and WHEREAS, sa,id map is on file in the Town Clerk's Office, for public inspection, now, therefore, on motion of Councilman Demarest, and seconded by Justice Tuthlll, it Is ORDERED, that the Town Board of the Town of 8outhold shall meet and hold a public hearing at the Fishers Island Fire House'lin the Fishers Island Ferry District, in said Town, on the 12th day of April, 1966, at 12 :30 o'clock P. M. (E.S.T.), to consider such pro- posed extension of the boundaries of the Fishers Island Ferry District. and to hear all persons interested in the subject'thereof, concerning the same and for such other action ort the part of said Town Board with relation thereto as may be requiredol" fl.utho!" ized by law. Dated: March 22, 1966 THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SQUTHOLD (SEAL) Lester M. Albertson Supervisor Louis M. Demarest, CouncUman Howard C. Valentine, CouncUman Ralph W. Tuthill, Justice of the Peace Henry A. Clark, Justice of the Peace Members of the Town Board of the Town of southold, New York OF SUFFOLK NEW YORK } 55: ADllE PAYNE Notary .Puh1ic, State of New Yorl ReSlddl!; In S:J~.rotk Cou~ty ", .. ~;o, 52-3;)41000 .....ommJSSlon Expires M~rch 3!\. 197"7 ---r--- I I I :1 II 'I 1- - - - - - - - - - - At a meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, held at the Fishers Island Fire House, Fishers Island, New York, on the 12th day of April, 198i. In the Matter of the Extension of the Fishers Island Ferry District at Fishers Island, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, pursusnt to Article UA of the Town Law. ~ - - - - - - - - WHEREAS, a map has been duly fUed in the Town Clerk's Office, and WHEREAS, an order was duly adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Southold on the 22nd day of March, 1966, reciting the filing of said map, the improvements proposed, the boundaries of the proposed extension of the Fishers Island Ferry District, the estimated expense thereof, the fact that the map is on fUe in the Town Clerk's Office for public inspection and stating all other matters required by law to be stated, and specifying the 12th day of April 1966, at 12:30 o'clock p. M. on that day, las the time, and the Fishers Island Fire House in said Town as the place I I where the said Town Board would meet to consider said map and the I proposed extension of said District, and to hear all persons interested in the subject matter thereof, concerning the same, and to take such action thereon as is required or authorized by law, and WHEREAS, such order was duly published and posted as required by , law, and WHEREAS, IBoard on the 12th a hearing on said matter was duly held by said Town day of April, 1966, at 12:30 o'clock P. M. of said : day, at the Fishers Island Fire House in said Town, and full discussion of the I , matter having been had, and all persons desiring to be heard, having been II 1-- -' , I heard, I NOW, upon the evidence given upon such hearing, and upon motion of I Justice Edwards I , it is seconded by Justice Clark RESOLVED AND DETERMINED: i I (a) That the Notice of Hearing was published and posted as required II by law, and is otherwise sufficient. II (b) That all property and property owners within the proposed extension of the Fishers Island Ferry District, are benefitted thereby. (c) That aU property and property owners benefitted are included within the limits of the proposed extension of the Fishers Island Ferry I I District. I, I! (d) That it is in the public interest to extend said Fishers Island II I Ferry District. I FURTHER RESOLVED AND DETERMINED that this Board in all I respects approves the extension of the Fishers Island Ferry District, in the I I Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to embrace the additional I territory described in and containing the following boundaries, to wit: , ., " I I I i !I I I I , ALL that certain tract, piece or parcel of land, situate on Fishers Island, in the Town of Sou.thold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: I I , I I II II II II II II BEGINNING at the intersection of the southwesterly line of Beach Avenue with the southeasterly line of Equestrian Avenue, said point being located 818.25 feet North and 3873.92 feet West of U. S. Coast. Geodetic Triangulation Station "PROS If; from said point of beginning running along said line of Beach Avenue, 8 courses, as follows: (1) South 47 degrees 07 minutes 40 seconds East 514.09 feet; thence (2) South 84 degrees 21 minutes 111 seconds East 345.39 feet: thence (3) South 78 degrees 31 minutes 10 seconds East 281.33 feet; thence -2- --~ I I" ._-~' '.__ _ 'WAIIlni1Jl'!ll,"" r~ " . i' .- (4) South 81 degrees 28 minutes East 447.94 feet; thence (5) South 67 degrees 38 minutes East 342. 57 feet; thence (6) North 77 degrees 17 minutes East 202. 32 feet; thence (7) North 26 degrees 02 minutes 30 seconds East 131.81 feet; thence (8) North 25 degrees 36 minutes 50 seconds West 32.38 feet to land now or formerly of Hay Harbor Realty Corp. ; thence along said land of Hay Harbor Realty and across the westerly end of a 50 foot right of way leading to land now or formerly of the United States of America, South 39 degrees 45 minutes 10 seconds East 226.28 feet; thence still along said land of Hay Harbor Realty, 3 courses, as follows: (1) South 39 degrees 41 minutes 40 seconds East 64.38 feet; thence (2) South 76 degrees 00 minutes West 388 feet; thence (3) South 13 degrees 20 minutes East 107 feet, more or less, to the shore of Block Island Sound; thence in a general westerly direction along the shore line of said Block Island Sound and then in a general northerly direction along the shore line of Fishers Island Sound, about 12, 200 feet to land now or formerly of the Estate of S. A. Salvage; thence along said land now or formerly of the Estate of S. A. Salvage, 2 courses as follows: (1) South 48 degrees 58 minutes East 408 feet, more or less; thence (2) South 35 degrees 24 minutes East 424. 0 feet to land now or formerly of Wllmerding; thence along said land of Wilmerding, 3 courses, as follows: (1) South 32 degrees 36 minutes West 465.9 feet; thence (2) South 26 degrees 57 minutes East 405 feet, more or less; thence (3) North 62 degrees 26 minutes East 687. 22 feet to the westerly line of said Equestrian Avenue; thence along said Une of Equestrian Avenue, 9 courses, as follows: (1) South 31 degrees 18 minutes East 188.41 feet; thence (2) North 62 degrees 26 minutes East 1.61 feet; thence (3) South 27 degrees 34 minutes East 25.0 feet; thence (4) South 76 degrees 02 minutes 30 seconds East 105.07 feet; thence (5) South 49 degrees 33 minutes 15 seconds East 202.44 feet; thence (6) South 80 degrees 36 minutes 30 seconds East 127. 50 feet; thence (7) South 56 degrees 10 minutes 50 seconds East 113.37 feet; thence (8) North 79 degrees 28 minutes 15 seconds East 121.87 feet; thence (9) North 41 degrees 46 minutes East 59. 7 feet to the point of beginning. All bearings refer to the true meridian. Excepting from the above any lands owned by the United States of America. ~3~ .- ~ .. ~-r I and It Is further RESOLVED that this resolution is subject to a permtsslve referendum as provided in Section 209-e of the Town Law. The adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote, and upon roll call, the vote was as follows: Supervisor Albertson Voting Yes Voting Yes Voting Yes Voting Yes Voting Yes Councilman Demarest Councilman Valentine Justice Tuthill Jftstice Clark I I II II I, II ! I I II '[ I I I I II I Justice Edwards Yes The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted. , I i , I II, -4- II " I, , I I . ... . . " At a meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, held at the Supervisor1s Office, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, on the :""Min day of llfute, 1966. PRESENT: Lester M. Albertson, Louis M, Demarest, Howard C. Valentine, Ralph W. Tuthill, Henry A. Clark, Supervisor Councilman Councilman Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - In the Matter of the FINAL ORDER EXTENDING FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT BOUNDARIES Extension of the Fishers Island Ferry District at Fishers Island, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, pursuant to Article 12A of the Town Law. The Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, having by order duly adopted on the 22nd day of March, 196:6, determined to hold a public hearing in the matter of the extension of the existing Ferry District at Fishers Island, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, known as the Fishers Island Ferry District, by annexing thereto the territory hereinafter described; and a public hearing pursuant to due notice thereof, having been held on the day of April, 12th 196$, at the Fishers Island Fire House at Fishers Island, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, at which time and place said Town Board considered said matter and heard all persons interested therein; and said Town Board having by resolution duly adopted on the 12th day of 1966, following the said hearing and upon the April, evidence given thereat, duly determined that all of the property and property owners within the proposed extension of said District are benefitted thereby; that all the property and property owners benefitted are included It .' . " !I I within the proposed extension of said district, and that it is in the public interest to extend the boundaries of said district and duly resolved to extend such Ferry District to embrace the additional territory hereinafter described, which said resolution was subject to a permissive referendum as provided in Section 209-e of the Town Law, and no petition requesting that the matter of the extension of the boundaries of said district be submitted to a referendum of the property owners of the proposed extended district having been filed with the Town Clerk, and the time within which such petition may be so filed having expired; NOW, on motion of seconded by Councilman Demarest Councilman Valentine it is ORDERED, that the said existing Ferry District known as the Fishers Island Ferry District be and it hereby is extended to embrace the territory described in and containing the following boundaries, to wit: ALL that certain tract, piece or parcel of land, situate on Fishers Island, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the southwesterly line of Beach Avenue with the southeasterly line of Equestrian Avenue, said point being located 618.25 feet North and 3873.92 feet West of U. S. Coast & Geodetic Triangulation Station "PROS"; from said point of beginning running along said line of Beach Avenue, 8 courses, as follows: (1) South 47 degrees 07 minutes 40 seconds East 514. 09 feet; thence (2) South 84 degrees 21 minutes 15 seconds East 345.39 feet; thence (3) South 78 degrees 31 minutes 10 seconds East 281. 33 feet; thence (4) South 81 degrees 28 minutes East 447.94 feet; thence (5) South 67 degrees 38 minutes East 342.57 feet; thence (6) North 77 degrees 17 minutes East 202.32 feet; thence (7) North 26 degrees 02 minutes 30 seconds East 131. 81 feet; thence (8) North 25 degrees 36 minutes 50 seconds West 32.38 feet to land now or formerly of Hay Harbor Realty Corp. ; thence along said land of Hay Harbor Realty and across the westerly end of a 50 foot right of way leading to land now or . -2- .~ . I Ii Ii I . . ~ formerly of the United States of America, South 39 degrees 45 minutes 10 seconds East 226.28 feet; thence still along said land of Hay Harbor Realty, 3 courses, as follows: (I) South 39 degrees 41 minutes 40 seconds East 64.38 feet; thence (2) South 76 degrees 00 minutes West 386 feet; thence (3) South 13 degrees 20 minutes East 107 feet, more or less, to the shore of Block Island Sound; thence in a general westerly direction along the shore line of said Block Island Sound and then in a general northerly direction along the shore line of Fishers Island Sound, about 12,200 feet to land now or formerly of the Estate of S. A. Salvage; thence along said land now or formerly of the Estate of S. A. Salvage, 2 courses, as follows: (l) South 46 degrees 58 minutes East 408 feet, more or less; thence (2) South 35 degrees 24 minutes East 424.0 feet to land now or formerly of Wilmerding; thence along said land of Wilmerding, 3 courses, as follows: (I) South 32 degrees 36 minutes West 465.9 feet; thence (2) South 26 degrees 57 minutes East 405 feet, more or less, thence (3) North 62 degrees 26 minutes East 687.22 feet to the westerly line of said Equestrian Avenue; thence along said line of Equestrian Avenue, 9 courses, as follows: (1) South 31 degrees 18 minutes East 188.41 feet; thence (2) North 62 degrees 26 minutes East 1. 61 feet; thence (3) South 27 degrees 34 minutes East 25.0 feet; thence (4) South 76 degrees 02 minutes 30 seconds East 105.07 feet; thence (5) South 49 degrees 33 minutes 15 seconds East 202.44 feet; thence (6) South 80 degrees 36 minutes 30 seconds East 127.50 feet; thence (7) South 56 degrees 10 minutes 50 seconds East 113.37 feet; thence (8) North 79 degrees 28 minutes 15 seconds East 121. 87 feet; thence (9) North 41 degrees 46 minutes East 59.7 feet to the point of beginning. All bearings refer to the true meridian. Excepting from the above any lands owned by the United States of America. and it is FURTHER ORDERED, that the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold be and he hereby is authorized and directed within ten days after the adoption of this order to cause a certified copy thereof to be duly recorded in the Office bf the Clerk of the County of Suffolk, New York; and it is -3- .":11' .. II , . - . " FURTHER ORDERED, that the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold be and he hereby is authorized and directed within ten days after the adoption of this order, to cause a certified copy thereof to be filed in the office of the State Department of Audit and Control at Albany, New York. Dated: iTune .7;, 1966 - _su~e v~' r '~L" / ~__~~,,~: ?1 ,".. rA2/2-c'd. ~;Z?rltnifAf-;t;, nCllman 1? (}.g.f;jj. 'A I, :'15:;"1-/,/(71 . , ~ustice of the Peace ~~fr!~~ Members of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, New York -4- t.... . - At a regular me.Ung;of the Town Board of tbe Town of Soutbold, in the County of Suffolk, New York, held at the Supervieor'e O!flce. 18 South Street, Greenport" New York. in Hid Town on the al::l '" day of yY\ oY'c.h 198&.. . , , PRESE,NT: Leeter M. Alberteou, Louie M. Demareet, Ho_rd C. ValenUne, Ralph W. Tuthlll, Henry A. Clark, Supervieor Councilman CouncUman Juetlee of tbe Peace JueUce of tbe Peace 1- - - - - I ----- ------ : In the Matter ORDER PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEARING RELATIVE TO EXTENSION OF THE DISTRICT BOUNDARIES of the Exteneion of tbe Fieben Ieland Ferry Dietrict at Fiebers leland, in the Town of Soutbold, Suffolk County, New York, pureuant to Article 13A of the Town Law. . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WHEREAS, the Board of Commieeionere of the Fiehere Island Ferry Dietrict at Fiehere leland, in the Town of Soutbold, Suffolk Count,., New York, hae approved and coneented in writing to the eXleuion of the boundarl.e of Hid dietrict to embrace the territory hereiufter deecrlbed in addltlon to tbe terrltory already contained in and embraced by Hid dletrlct, and WHEREAS, a map enUtled, "Map of propoeed addition to tbe Flehere I Ieland Ferry Dietrict, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, N. Y. " ebowing tbe propoeed extenelon of .ald dletrict hae heretofore been fUed in the offlce of the Town Clerk, and WHEREAS, tbe boundariee of tbe propo.ed eXleulon of Hld (Uetrict are ae followe: I I .1 , . i All that certalll tract. piece or parcel of land, situate on Fieber. leland. in the Town of Soutbold. County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and deecribed ae followe: 1- ,"'~ l, I I BEGINNING at the int.ra.ctlon of tll. southw.sterly line of Beach Av.nue with the .outhea.t.rly lin. of Equelltrlan Avenu., ..ld polnt b.ing locat.d 618.25 teet North and 1I8Ta..a teet We.t of U. S. Coa.t .. Geodetic Triangulation Station "PROS"; trom ..Id point of be,umin, running along ..ld lin. ot Beach Avenue, 8 courae., a. follow.: (1) South 4'1 degree. 0'1 minute. 40 .econd. Ea.t 514.09 t.et; th.nce (2) South 84 d.gree. :n minute. 15 ..conde Ea.t 345. 39 te.t; tbence (3) South'8 degree. 31 minute. 10 ..cond. Ea.t 281.33 teet; tb.nce (4) South 81 d.gre.. 28 minute. Ea.t 44'.'4 f.et; thence (I) Soutb 8'1 degree. 38 minut.. Ea.t 342.1'1 f..t; thence (.) !forth" d.gre.. 11 mlnute. Ea.t 202. 3a teet; thenc. (,) !forth a8 degre.. oa minute. 30 .econde Eut 131.81 t.et; thence (8) Nortb as degr.e. 31 minute. 50 second. We.t 32. 38 feet to land now or formerly of Hay Harbor Realty Corp. ; tbence along ..Id land ot Hay Harbor"Realtyud acro.. the we.t.rly .nd of a 50 foot right of way leading to land now or form.rly ot the United State. of America, Soutb 39 degre.. 45 minut.. 10 .econd. Ea.t aas. 28 t..t; tbenc. .tlll along ..ldland ot Hay Harbor Realty, 3 cour.e., a. tollow.: (1) South 39 degree. 41 minute. 40 .econd. Eut 84.38 teet; thence (a) South '1a degree. 00 minut.. We.t 388 t..t; thence (3) South 13 degr.e. ao minute. Eallt 10'1 fe.t, more or 1.... to the .hore ot Block I.land Sound; thence in a general w..terly direction along the .hore lIDe ot ..Id Block I.land Sound and then in a general DOrtherly direction along tbe .hor. Une ot Fi.ber. I.land Sound, about 12, aoo t.et to land DOwor torm.rly of the E.tat. ot S. A. Salvage; th.nce along ..Id land now or tormerly ot the E.tat. ot S. A. Salvage, 2 course., a. tollow.: (1) South 46 d.gree. 58 minut.s Ea.t 408 teet. more or Ie..; tbence (2) South 35 degr.e. a4 minute. Eallt 424. 0 teet to land DOW or tormerly ot Wllm.rdIDg; tb.nce .long ..id land ot WUmerdln,. 1I cour.... .. follow.: (1) South 32 degree. 38 minute. We.t 485.9 teet; thence (a) Soutb 26 d.gree. 5' minute. Baet 405 t..t. more or Ie..; tbence (3) !forth 62 degree. 28 minut.. Ealt 88'. a2 feet to tb. welterly Une of ..ld Eque.trlan Avenu.; thence .long ..id line ot Eque.trlan Av.nue, 9 cOtlr.... .. follow.: (1) Sotltb 1I1 degr... 18 minutes East 118.41 teet; th.nce (2) !forth 82 degre.. 21 minute. Ea.t 1.81 teet; thence (3) South 3'1 d.gre.. 34 minute. Ea.t 25. 0 teet; tbenc. (4) South 71 degree. 02 minute. 30 .econd. Eut 105.0' teet; th.nce (5) South 49 deeree. 33 mlnut.. 15 .econd. Ea.t 202.44 feet; thence (8) Soutb 80 d.gr... 38 minute. 30 ..cond. Ea.t 121. 50 t..t; thence , i II II I -2- ,y :.\, . 4 - (7) South 18 degree. 10 mlnutes 50 seconds Eut 113.37 feet; thence (8) North 79 degreee 28 mlnutes 15 s.conds East 121.87 feet; thence (9) North 41 degrees 48 mlnutes East 59.7 feet to the point of begilUllng. All bearlngs rater to the true merldlan Exceptl.l1g from the above any lands owned by the United $tates of Amerlca. WHEREAS. no improvements are proposed; and DO amount 1. proposecito be expended for improvements or for supplying of services wlthln the territory of the proposed extension. and WJIEREAS, sald map is on file 10 the Town Clerk's Offlce, for publlc and .ecOllded by --\11 ~TI e..e_ -r LtT~\\\ . it 1. ORDERED, that the Town Board of the Town of Southold shall meet and bold. publlc hearlng at the Flshers Island Flre Hous., Island Ferry Dlstrlct, 1ft /ilald Town. on the ,I ~ TI. day of in the Fishers Aft',1 196$. at a : 30 o'clock E M. (E. S. T.) to consider such proposed extenslon . of the boIIndarle. of the Fishers Island Ferry District and to hear all persons loterestect in the subject thereof, concernlng the same and for such other acUon on the part of said Town Board wlth relation thereto aa may be requlred or autbo1]ized by law. Dated:fYip('eh ~a. J1C t THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Jp0pv m. Alherl-Str>1 Supervisor I I I ,.10 U ) So In /J':'YY1d r e ~1 Councilman ($EAL) HOWOJrd C V.;J/eVlT,ne Councllman HeY! \"!d, A. C}elv k: Jusnc. of the Peace Members of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, New York 43- _~v1J.:m~1,:w~~~cr::~''r' ~,1iil:?,h.~~o'!'.~'~.~il'ijtlWit.;J.O;:I'~~~''m'_..,...~ m>i.>;-r. ~_~.....::l'!:~.~~"",.. .1J!"""'t._ r= I I , . . I TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: SUFFOLK COUNTY 'I - - - - - - - - - - - - - I ! In the Matter ,! i[ 'I of the I i!Extension of the Fishers Island Ferry Dlstrict at Fishers Island. in the Town of Southold. Suffolk County. New York. pursuant to Article ICA_of~he_To:n ~~ _ _ _ _ _ _ jSTATE OF NEW YORK ) ICOUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) ITOWN OF SOUTHOLD ) I I, ALBERT W. RICHMOND, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, CERTIFICATE OF TOWN CLERK ss. : Suffolk County, New York. DO HEREBY CERTIFY, pursuant to Section 209-e, , Isubdivision 4(a) of the Town Law, that the time for filing a petition requesting that the matter of the extension of the boundaries of the Fishers Island Ferry District, as approved by resolution of the Town Board on the 12th day of I . II Apnl 1966, be submitted to a referendum of the property owners of II he proposed extended district has expired and that no such petition has been iled with the Town Clerk. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of '/th he Town of Southold this lIP day of May 1966. Town Clerk. Town of Southold II Ii II II I I I, I I (SEAL) 11-- ,I II I' il "1 I ,I . AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING STATE OF NEW YORK) ss. : COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ALBERT W. RICHMOND. being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is now and at all the times hereinafter mentioned he was the duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, New York. That on the /3 day of April, 1966. he caused to be conspicuously posted and fastened up a notice setting forth a copy of the resolution duly adopted by the Town Board of said Town on April 12, 1966, a copy of which is annexed hereto and made a part hereof, on the sign board of the Town maintained pursuant to Subdivision 6 of Section 30 of the Town Law. ,...' d/~R~11f~--/ Albert W. Ri hmond Sworn to before me this 11- day of April, 1966. ~~ CL.~ otary Public !IARIOIl A. REGEnT Y k . all" State of N2'N or NOJ:R~/3U233t20 .suffOlk county? Term Expires March 30, 19...Ja, - 1-.::---- . i f 1 ! NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ttw Tuwn Buar'd of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, Nt'W y,,,'k, at .1 II'glllar' rIlt't'twg tl1<'I.,.of, held on the L!th day of April, h,d;. cluJ\' adupt,'<l, ~llbl,...t tv II p('rmls~l\'t. r<.r,'n'ndum~ a resolution, a copy of ,\'hll'h 1;-; ;1~~ ful1(J\.-\o'~-;: li 'I I I: WHEREAS. an order _. duly adopted by tb. Town Board or tb. i! II Town of Solltbold on tbe ""nil day or I Ii _ld map, tbe Improvem.nt. propo.ed. the boundarle. or the propo.ed i i: eat...lon or tbe ,.I.hera I.land Ferry DI.trlct. the utlmated expen.e thereor, ., , . i. I'tbe ract that the map I. on file In the Town Clerk'. ornce ror publlc In.pectlon n 11-d .taUn, all other mattera required by law to be stated. and .peclryln, tbe 1 , 12th day or WHEREAS, a map baa been duly rued In tbe Town Clerk's ornce. and 1\1:H,'iJ, 1886. rec1Lna tbe rlUn, or! .\I'l'll, 1986. at 12:311 o'clock P. M. on that day. I' I i.. tbe tlme. and the Fisher. I.land Fire House In ..id Town a. tbe place ,I I' inere tbe _Id Town Boerd would meet to consider ..id map and tbe I I propo.ed exten.Ion or .ald Dl.trlct, and to hear an per.on. Intere"ed In tbe I. , ,.ubJect matter thered. concernln\: the aame. and to take .ueh actlon thereon re. 1. required or authorl.ed by la w. and I WHEREAS. such order ",as duly published and po.ted a. required by llaw and I . I WHEREAS. a he.rine on said malleI' was duly held by ..ld Town iBoard on tbe 12th day or Apt'll, 11l16. at 12:30 o'clock P. M. or ..Id I, I I,day. at tbe Flebers l.land Fir. Hou.e In ..Id Town. and rull discu..lon or the , " - i I_tter bavln, been bad. and aU per.ons de.lrlll, to be beard. havtA. been I II - "~,-'r"",~ I I -I ;. !! " heard, I' ,. MOW, upon tbe nld4ll1ee illven upon auch h_rln" and upon IDOtloll 01 IUlconded by It la RESOLVED AND nETll:JlMINJ;;D: I' (a) That the Notice Itf Hearlll' wa. rl.lbllabed and poated aa reqlllred I' by law, and la otberwlile Ilutflclf<at. (h) That all property and property ownen wltllln the propoaed I eldenslon ot tbe Fishers bland I'"el'ry District, are benentted thereb)'. I I' (e) That aU propert,. and property owner. benefitted are Included within tbe Ilmita ot tbe proposed elden.loil of the Fishers Ialand rerry I ~ .. '. Dlat riel. , j> I (d) That U 1. In the publlc Inter",,: to extenJ ilald F18hen laland Ferry Dllltrlct. i'URTHER RESOl.V EDANO OE:TERMlNED that this Boerd In aU ; , ti , reapecta approve. the exten.lon of the }i'I.hen IIlland Ferry Dlatrlct, In the Town of Southold. Sluttolk County. New York, to embrace lhe ac1dltiODal territory dellcrlbed In and containing the tollowlnl boun~rlee, to wU: I, i ALL tbat certain trild. piece or parcel of land, .UllIlt. on Flabera leland, In (ile Town ot SOllthold, County ot Suffolk and State 01' Ne N York, bounded and deacrlbed a. followa: BEGINNINO at the inter.ectlOr, ot the. lIouthwe.terly Une ot B..ch Avenue with the southeaBterl)' line ot Equeatrlan Avenue, ..ld ;:n;nt being located 1518.25 feet North and 387S. U teet WeBt ot U. ~. Coatlt " Oeodetlc Tl'lantulatloa Statlon "PROS "; trom said polnt of beglnnlr1i ruanln, alo., uld I1n8 of Sucb Avenue. 8 cour.U!8, a. follow.: (1) South 47 deiTee" 07 minute. 40 uCOIld. Ea"t 514. Of te.t; thence (2) South" darnell 21 minute. 15 seconda Eaat 346, II f.et; tbenc. (S) South 78 dearees 31 mlnutel 10 liecooda Eallt 281. 3J feet; ttwnCtl -2- I " -_'-='~~._,..~ci"""'.....~:~.':'..~"',:;~"t<''';'',:,,,,,,,,-,,, _ . ~ -~~':t::hg~~': . ,,,..;...,,,....,, ;fc,.t.. ~ " Ii !: !' i' j! " Ii I! Ii L 'i , !; (') IJo1ath U derre.. .1 m1l1\1t.. But .47. .. hetl t1lftc. (I) Soatl'" d..re.. II m1l1\1te. Zut IU. n f.et; th..ee (I) North '1T delt'e.. 11 minllte. Eut aoa. II f.et; th8llee (n North 28 delt'e.. 02 m1l1ute. 10 .ecOlld. Ea.t 111.11 leet; tb 'lfle. (I) IIorth III deeree. II mlollt.. 60 ...cond. Weal II. .1 I.et to land MW ;3r formerly of Hay Harbor B_Uy Corp.; thence .loag ..Id lalld of Ha,. Harbor RMlty and ae..... tb. _.t.rty end (If . 10 foot rtlht 01 ..,. I_din, to land uw or _merl)' of the United State. of America. hlltb It derr'" U mt.allt.. 10 ..conde Eaal 1211. Ja feet; ttleooe .tm .loa. _ld land of Bay Harbor R_lty. 3 cour.... .. Io&low.: (1) Sollth 3& d.,ree. 41 minut.. .0 ..coM. ...... .... II feet; thence (2) Soutb T. './lre.. 00 mt.allt.. W..t .11 leet; theec. (I) Iollth 11 degre.. ao minute. l:Ia.t 10'1 f.et. more or 1.... to th. .hor. of !Hock l.laAd 6otaod; tbllDC. t.a . ...ral w.aterly dlrectloo alol1g the .bor. 1111. of ..ld Block 1.1aA4 Sound ud tl..n In a ,enertll northerl,. dlrecUoe alolll tb. .hor. Une of P'Leh.N bland SouDd~, about la.aGO I.et to land DOwor lormerl,. 01 the E.tate of S. A. !illY.,.; tbllDC. a_I ..Id land now or formerl,. 01 tbe E.tate of S. A. Salva a.. 2 eour... .. follow.: (1) Sollth.O delt'us 118 mlout.1I J:a.t .oa f..t. mora or 1...; tbenee (I) South 3:1 def1'.ee 2'\'lIIlout.. Eut 434. 0 f.et to tau DOwor formerly 01 Wllm.r4\a1l theac. alon. ..id laDd 01 Wilm.rdln,. I COIU'.U. .. foUow.: (1) South 32 delt'll.. Ie ..inat.. W.. .... I I..t. tbeDc. (I) South II defr". If mblute. .....t .01 f.... aaor..r le..; theace (I) North ea derr.e. 28 minutu Eut 'I? as f.et to tb. ....at.rl,. line of _W Equ..trian Avenu.; tbet1c. aloo. ..lei Il1te 01 Equeetl'lllll AYeIIU.. . coon... .. lollow.: (ll Iouth 11 de,ree. 11 mlnut.. Ea.t lal... I.et; tb.... U) North U amu 28 minute. Ea.t 1.11 teet; th..e. (I) South a'7 de,r... I. mlDllte. J:a.t 21. g feet; th.ne. (4) South 11 d.fr... 01 minute. 30 ..clHld. Eut IllS. 0'1 leet; tbeac. (6) South 49 de,r... 33 minl1te. U ..cond. Eaet aOI." f.et; thene. (8) South 80 deareeli 3. minute. SO .econde Eallt 12'1. 10 f.et; thaclI (T) Soutb 16 derr..' 10 minutu 50 ..coode Eut 113. n f.et; tbet1clI (I) North.,1 delree. II minute. II .eeoou l:Iaet lal.'" ,.... th.nc. (I) North U d.lt'u. .8 mimate. lDaet III. 'I feet to tate polnt of b.flnnl.a.. ~~ ::; . , 4~1 , - l ," fi ,~ ~ ~ }-.' , " ;r :'t 'I i :: d It , " 'I I ! ii " I, " " !! Ii " " Ii " !: " Ii II !i ii ii i! 'I I " All b..rlll,. rel.r to tbe tn. m.nellan. I' Eac.pttD, frODl lb. above aDylaad. oWlled b1 th.l1D1t.. Stat.. of Am.rloa. :1 I, -1- )1 I 'i _I: and it is fu rther RESOLVED that this resolution is Bubjf'ct to a permissive referendu~ I as provided in Section 209-1' of the Towll Law. I BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD UF TilE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, St' FFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK Dated: April 12, l!Hi6 ALHERT W. RICHMOND TOWN (,L}O~RK r' NO'l'ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the ~ I30liriI of the Town of South- old, _0t1r. county, New York,. at a regular me.,t!Ilg thereof, held on the 12th day of AId, 1886, duly lldopled, subject to a. polmUss\ve referendum, a' fesolutlon. a 'Cow . of which .is as follows: WHEREAS, .. map has been duly I filed in the Town Clerk's.Oftlce, and WHEREAS, an order was ~ulYadoPt- )"4IliJ,llh .."L~'" the Town of J Bou~.,t.IIlo.J!ltl:d 'day of Mareh, ~ reciting .ttm" tIling of said map, i the Improvements ~, the boun- I daries of the_' ."II,,~~tension ot the Fishers ISlsQd:~ DIstrict, the estimated expenset1iereof, the fact that the map is on file in the Town Clerk's Olflce for publlc1nlil'"l<\l.on ""d sWing all other mattets ~.1IiY law to be stated and speCuytng the 12th day of Aprll, 1886, at 12:30o'elock P; M. on that day. as the time, and the :tlshers Island FIre Ko.... in salq Town as the place wh_ the said Town Board would lneetto CoDlll&l.er satd map and the proposed' extension of said District. and to hear all persons inter- ested in the. subject 1na~ ~. concerning the Same. and to take Such. action thereon as Is required - or auth- orized by law, and WHEREAS, such. qo;er was duly published and PGf;ti;d.... 'requlr"d by law, and. WHEREAS. a hearing on said matter was duly held by said TOwnllloard on the 12th day of April. 1966. at 12:30 o'clock P. M. of said :day. at'tl\fl ~ ersFlre Rouse in salct Town, 'and'tUU discussion of the matter' having beei1 had, lUIdai! ~.. '~tq IJI.' heard, havInt beeD'~"-" .'. "" NOW, upon the ,\~~veJlj'upOll such ~. >~t """,'ttf~~ Justice ~i'" .:~.,,"'.,"~ Cl~~....!( . ......f,1 (al That_ I published 'and' aw, and is (b) That all property and property! owners within the proposed extensiOl:. I of the Fishers Island Ferry DistricL .1' are benefitted thereby. _ (c) That all property and property owners benefitted are included within the limit'5 of the proposed extension of the Fishers Island Ferry District. (d) That it is in the public intere~,;t to extend snjd Fishers Island Fer:ry District. FURTHER RESOLVED AND DE- TERMINED that this Board in all respects approves the extension of the Fishers Island Ferry District, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to embra.ce the additional territory described in and containing" the following boundaries, to wit: ALL that certain tract, piece or. parcel of land, situate on Fishers Island, in the Town of Southokl, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the southwesterly line of Beach Avenue with the southeasterly line of Equestrian Avenue, said point being located 618.25 feet North and 3873.92 feet West of U. S. Coast & Geodetic Triangulation Station "PROS"; from said point of begin- ning running along said line of Beach Avenue, 8 courses, as follows; (1) . South 47 degrees 07 minutes 40 seconds East 514.09 feet; thence (2) South 84 degrees 21 minutes 15 seconds East 345.39 feet; thence (3) South 78 degrees 31 minutes 10 seconds East 281.33 feet; thence (4) South 81 degrees 28 minutes East 447.94 feet; thence (5) South 67 degrees 38 minutep East 342.57 feet; thence (6) North 77 llegrees 17 minutes East 202.32 feet; thence (7) North 26 degrees 02 minutes 30 seconds East 131.81 feet; thence (8) North 25 degrees 36 minutes 50 seconds West 32.38 feet to land now or formerly of Hay Harbor Realty Corp.; thence along said land of Hay Harbor Realty and across the westerly end of a 50 foot right of way leading to lanf'l now or formerly of the United states of America, South 39 degrees 45 minutes 10 seconds East 226.28 feet;' thence still along said land of Hay Harbor Realty, 3 courses, as follows: (1) Sout.h 39 degrees 41 minutes 40 seconds East 64.38 feet; thence (2) SOuth 76 degrees 00 minutes West 386 feet; thence (S) South 13 degrees 20 minutes East 107 feet, more or less, to the shore of Block Island' Sound; thence in a general westerly direction along the shore line of said Block Island Sound and then in a general north- erly direction along the. shore line of Fishers Island Sound, about 12,200 feet to land now, or formerly of the Estate of S. A. Salvage; thence along said land' now or formerly of the Estate of S. A. Sal- -vage, 2 courses as follows: (1) SOuth 46 degrees 58 minutes I East 408 feet, more or less; thence (2) South 35 degees 24 minutes East 424.0 feet to land now or form- erly of Wilmerding; thence along said land of Wilmerding, 3 courses, as follows: (1) South 32 degrees 36 minutes West 465.9 feet; thence (2) South 28 degrees 57 minutes' East 405 feet, more or less; thence (3) North 62 degrees 26 minutes; East 687.22 feet to the westerly line of said Equestrian Avenue; thence along said line - of Equestrian A ve- nue, 9 courses, as follows: (1) South 31 degrees 18 minutes East 188.41 feet; thence (2) North 62 degrees 26 minutes East 1.61 feet; thence (3) South 27 degrees 34 minutes East 25.0 feet; thence (4) SOuth 76 degrees 02 minutes 30 seconds East 105.07 feet; thence (5) South 49 degrees 33 minntes 15 seconds East 202.44 feet; thence (6) South 80 degrees 36 minutes 30 'seconds East 127.50 feet; thence (7) South 56 degrees 10 minute" 50 seconds East 113.37 feet; thence an North 79 degrees 28 minute'S 15 seconds East 121.87 feet.; thence (9) North 41 degrees 48 minutes East 59.7 feet to the point of be- ginning. Allbearmgs refer to the true being duly swoml says meridian. Excepting from the above any lands THE LONG ISLAND owned 'by the United States of America. bl' and it is further I CHMAN, a pu IC news, RESOLVED that this resolution is. ff Ik C n!y' and that subject to a. permissive'" referendum as IU a au I prOVided in Section 209-e of the Towr. S a printed copy, has been Law,. BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD raveler-Mattituck Watch- OF THE TOWN OF SOUTH OLD, /' ) SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. ~....(.i/.'j'" week"" Dated: April 12. 1966 ~. TA T ALBERT W. RICHMOND, / '-t1: TOWN CLERK I............;.:.~ .................... day of ..........(,.tp.U-f.;......, .(; ~~ Sworn to before me this ...../.~........... day af Of ", ~ .. . .).~ :. r,19. ..... ~:: () /) /)"'&"'("";"'" . ............. .......":yl;-~ ~ Notary bile ADELE PAYNE Y ... . Ct 'e of New On, Notary Pu":,C. .:0 a, R(:,s,','.::-; iil Suitolk County No, 5z.3G41000 9c,1 Commission Expires March 30. 1 , r lOEGAL ~OrrICE NOTICE IS HEl&ElBY GIVEN that the Town Boord of the Town of Southold, SuIfolk County, New Y",rk, at a regW"1r meeting there- of, held on the 12th day of April, 1966, duJy adopted, subject to a permLs-aive referendum, .a resolu- tion, a cqpyof whioh is a. follows: . WHiElREW3, a ma,p has been duJy filed in the Town Clerk's Office, and WHEREAS, an order was duly adqpted by the Town Board ;of the Town of SauthlOld on the 22nd day of Marcil, 1966, reciting the filing of said mlllp, the imwove- . ments iPrQPOSed, trul .boundaries . of the proiPOSed exteIllllon of the Fishers Island Fer,ry District, the estimated elOpense thereof, the i fillet that the map Is on I file in the Town Clerk's Of- fice for pUlblic In~ction and stating all other matter.' required by law to be stated, and specify- ing the 12th day of April, 1966, at 12:30 o'clock P. M. on that day, as the time, and the Fishers Is- land Fire House in ,said Town as the place where the said Town Boord would meet to consider said m~ and the ,prqpooed extension of said D1strict, and to hear ail pensons interested in the subject matt..- thereof, concerning the same, and to tak.e suoh action thereon as is ,required or author- ized by law, and , WIHIERElAS, sUlCh order was duly published a.114 posted a. reqw,red by law, and WHiEREAS, ,a hearing on said matter was duly held by said '11=n Board on the 12th day of A,pril, 1966, at 12:30 o'clock P. M. of said day, at the Fishers Lsland Fire House In mid Town, and full dlwussion of the matter having been had, and all p~..ons desiring to he hearo, having been heard, NOW, upon the evidence given ,UlPOn suuch hearing, and UJ>on motion of Jrustice Edwards second- ed by Justice Clark It is RESOLVED AND I:JIElI1ElRJMIN: (,alTh.at the Notice of Hearing was published and pasted as re- quired hy law, and is otherwtse .sufficient. (b) That all property and prop- ~y owner,s within the prqposed extension of the Fishers Island Ferry District are benefitted thereby. (c) TiJ@.t all prqperty and iProp- erty'~ers Ibenefitted are includ- I ed within the limits of the pro- posed el<tenslon of the Fishers Is- land Ferry Dilstrict. (d) That it is in the public in- terest to extend said Fjshers 18- land Ferry District. FUIRITHJEJR RESOLVED AND DE- TERMINED that this Board in all respects approvOO' the extension of the Fisher.. Island Ferry District, in. the Town of Southold, Suffolk I COilllty, New Yo.k, to embrlllee. the , IDAY. APRIL 15. 1966 utes 40 seconds East 514.09 feet; i thence I' (2) South 84 degrees 21 min-' utes 15 seconds Ea.t 345.39 feet; thence I (3) South 78 degrees 31 min- utes 10 second. East 281.33 feet; thence (4) South 81 degrees 28 min- utes East 447.94 feet; thence (5) South 67 degrees 38 min- utes East 342.57 feet; thence (6) North 77 degrees 17 min- utes Ea.t 202.3t2 feet; thence (7) N.orth 26 degrees 02 min- Jutes 30 seconds East 131.81 feet; thence 1 (8) North 25 degrees 36 min- I utes 50 seconds Wiest 32.38 feet! ,to l'and now or formerly of Hay i Harbor Realty Corp.; thence along said land of Hay Havbor i Realty and aC~Qss the westerly ,end of ,a 50 foot right of way! leading to land now ~r formerly of the Un.ited states of Amer- ica, South 39 degrees 45 minutes. 10 seconds East 226.28 feet. thence stm along said land 01 Hay Harbor Realty 3 cour,s.es, as follows: I (I) South 39 degrees 41 min-' utes 40 seconds East 64.38 feet; thence (2) South 76 degrees 00 min- utes We8t$6 feet; thence (3) South 13 degrees ,20 min- utes East 107 feet, more or less, to the shore !Of Block Lsland Sou,nd; thence in a general westerly direction along the shore line of said Block Island Sound and then in a general northerly d~recti.on along the shore line of Fishers Lsland Sound, aQ01ut 12,200 feet to land now or formerly of the Estate of S. A. Salvage; thence along said land now of formerly of i the Estate of S. A. Salvage, 2! Icourses, as follows: t..R. 1 (I) South 46 degrees 58 min- ~K. j sa: utes East 408 feet, mo,re or less,! thence . I, iI ' ,_ _ . (2) South 35 degrees 24 mm- 1,-. . , , '" .'". '.'. .'. '. : . . .. bemg duly Sworn. utes Ea,st 424.0 feet to land now i or foomerly of Wilmerding;Printer and Publisher lof the SUFFOLK "thence along said land of Wil- l merding, 3 coum;es, as foliows: ~wspaper published at Greenport. in said (1) South 32 degrees 36 min- utes WIest 465.9 feet; thence ~otice, ,of which the ,annexed is a printed (2) South 26 degrees 57 min- I.. . utes East 405 feet, more or less, ,hed m the saId Suffolk Weekly TImes thence !. ~ j., '"- ~ (3) North 62 degrees 26 min- 'r. . . . . . . . .". . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . .. week"! utes Elast 687.22 .reet to the " th .J ._j_I~. , H,. cic. ,westerly hne of saId Equestnan .lng on . e ... r-' .-t". :--.......". . .. . . .. . . .., Avenue; thence along said line: ' I-- of Equestrian Avenue, 9 oorurses, ~~.~.: 19.~ ~ a.~\;~I~~St~ 31 degrees 18 min- ~~ .~.~-.~.... .'::-~~............ ute. East 188.41 feet; thence this. ': :0. it', .. . . 1 (2) North 62 degrees 26 min- f utes ,East 1.61 feet; thence ,C". . . .. 19 L L. J (3) South 27 degrees 34 min- utes East 25.0 feet; thence (4) South 76 degrees 02 min- utes 30 seconds E'a.s.t 105,07 feet; thence 'I (5) So,uth 49 degrees 33 min- I utes 15 second.s East 202.44 feet; the"ce (6) South 80 de.grees 36 min- utes 30 second,. East 127.50 feet; thence (7) South 56 degrees 10 min- lutes 50 seco~d. East 113.37 feet; thence (8) North 79 degrees 28 min- utes 15 seconds East 121.87 feet; thenee (9) North 41 degree.s 46 min- utes Ea,s:t .59.7 feet to the point iOf beginning. All bearing,s refer to the true meridian. Excepting from the above any lands owned .by the United states of America. and it is further RESOLVED that this resolution is subject to a permissive refer- endwn as provided in Section 209-e of the Town Law. i BY ORDER OF THE TOWN. BOARD' OiF THE TOWN OF SOU'I:HOLD, SUFFOLK OOUNTY, NEW YORK Dated: April 12: 1966 ALBERT W. RICHMOND I TOWN CLERK ItAI!; I -" --[ .... .... '/f.... .... "~"'(?'p' ../ .......,(~....~ &.7 r LEGAL ;NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board Qf the Town of SouthQId, Suffolk County, New Y.ork, at a regulllf meeting there- Qf, held on the 12th day of April, 1966, duly adopted, subject to a permissrive t"eferendum, .a resolu- tiQn, a copy of which is a. follows: WHiElRElAS, a map has been duly filed in the Town Clerk's Office, and WHEREAS,an order was duly . adqpted by the Town Board iOf the TOIWI) of Soullbiold on the 22nd day of March, 1966, reciting the filing of said mlllp, the imwove- . ments IPrQPOSed, t:1ebOlUndarlM Qf the JlI'IOIPOSed extenmon of the . Fishers Island FerrY District, the estimated eXlpense thereof, the ! fact that the map is on ! file in the Town Clerk's Of- fice for public Ins!pcctiQn and stating all Qther matters required by law to be stated, and specify- ing the 12th day of April, 1966, at 12:30 o'ci<Jck P. M. Qn that day, as the time, and the Fishers Is- land Fire House in said Town as the place where the said Town Board would meet to consider said map and the prqposed extension Qf said DIstrict, and to hear all per.sons interested in the subject mattf\r thereof, concerning the same, and to take such action thereon as is required or author- ized by law, and WI!llEJREAS, such order was duly published and posted a. requJ,red by law, and WHiEREAS, la hearing on said matter was duly held by said l1o:wn Board on the 12th day of Ajprll, 1966, at 12:30 Q'clock P. M. of said day, at the Fishers Island Fire House in said Town, and full discussion of the matter having been had, and all pe..ons desiring to be heard, haviIlll been heard, NOW, upon the evidence given lllPon Siuuch hearing, and UJ>on motion of J!umice E'dlWiards second- ed by Justiee Clark it is RESOLVED AND DE'I'IDRlMINEID: (a)'That the Notice of Hearing was published and pa.ted a9 re- quired by law, and Is otherwise .sufficient. (b) That all property and prop- 'e"ty owner,s within the prqposed extension .of the Fishers Island Ferry District are benefitted thereby. (c), TlJiil.t all property and prQp- erty oWners Ibenefitted are includ- i ed witWn the limits of the pro- posed e~tension of the Fishers Is- land Ferry Dilstri.ct. (dJ That it is in the puhlic in- terest to extelld said Fil>hers Is- land Fe,ry District. F\mITHER RF.sOLVElD AND DE- TElRMINED that this Board In all re,spects approves the extensiQn of the Fisher.. Island Ferry District, In the Town of Southold, Suffolk CoUnty, New YQrk; to embrace the additiQnal territory described in and contaiAlng the follQwing ,boundaries, to wit: ALL that certain tract, piece or parcel of land, situate on Fishers Island, In the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk ,and state of Ne", York, bounded and described al~ follows: iBmINNlNG at the intersec- tion of the southiw.este,rly line of Beach Avenue with the south- easterly line of Equestrian A ve- nue, said point being located 618.25 fee~ North and 3873.92 feet West of U. S. Coast & Geodetic Ttda.l1gU1a.twn StatiQn "BROS"; ""rml said point of beginning - ..M line of Beach ~:; 1I0LlJ0W3: (1) South 39 degrees 41. min- utes 40 seconds East 64.38 feet; thence (2) South 76 degrees no. min- utes West $6 feet; thence (3) SOuth 13 degrees 20 min- utes East 10.7 feet, more or less, to the shore ,of Block Lsland Sound; thence in a general westerly direction along the :shore line of said Block Island Sound and then in a general northerly direction along the shore line of Fishers Lsland Sound, about 12,200 feet to land! now or formerly of the Estate! of S, A. Salvage; thence along i said land now of formerly of i the Estate Qf S. A. Salvage, 21" Icourses, as follows: ~R. 1 If ss', (I) South 46 degrees 58 min- RK. utes East 408 feet, mo,re or less, ~ J thence : ,[ (2) South 35 degrees 24 min- I ".. \- '-'c.L '. '. : '. '. , .... being duly Sworn. utes E.a.s.t 424.0 feet to land now i or formerly 0:1 Wilmerding; 'Printer and Publisher pf the SUFFOLK .thence along said land of Wil-: merding, 3 courses, as follows: ~wspaper ,published at Greenport. in said (1) South 32 degrees 36 min- . utes W<\st 465.9 feet; thence ;lotIce, ,of which the ,annex,ed is a printed (2) South 26 degrees 57 min- I.. . utes .East 4()5 feet, more or less'llhed In the s'ald. SUf. folk Weekly Times thence . ~ J.,.~' ;. (3) North 6.2 degrees 2,6 min- ,r . . ........'...,............. week.., ~~~~er~:sl~ne68Zf2;ai~eeiqu~~tr~~ :ing on the.. ,-l-.'-;f;..-,t~.::-.,,:,;~/~-,....... Avenue; thence along said line J ~ of Equestrian Avenue, 9 c.ourses, ~~.~.. 19.~_ ~ as(1f~I~~St~ 31 degrees 18 min- '-;"~ ''''.~-'~'.'. ..::-~~........... utes East 188.41 feet; thence Ithis . '. .'-'. .t",,:, .". . . 1 (2) North 62 degrees 26 min- ~ utes ,East 1.61 feet; thence .l...~_..... 19L L. J (3) South 27 degrees 34 min- utes East 25.0 feet; thence (4) South 76 degre,es 02 min- utes 30 seconds gast 105.07 feet; thence (5) South 49 degrees 33 min- ute,s 15 second.s East 202.44 feet; the,.ce (6) South 80 degrees 36 min- utes 30 second,s East 127.50 feet; thence (7) South 56 degrees 10 min- ,utes 50 seco'llus East 113.37 feet; thence (8) North 79 degrees 28 min- utes 15 seconds East 121.87 feet; thence (9) North 41 degrees 46 min- utes Ea"t 59.7 feet to the point of beginning. All bearings refer 00 the true meridian. Excepting from the above any }ands owned by the United Sta tes of America. and it is further RESOLVED that this re,solution is subject tD a permissive refer- endum as provided in Section ,209-e of the Town Law. BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD Oil" THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK Dated: April 12; 1966 ALBERT W. RICHMOND I TOWN CLERK ltAI5 , -- --,I ... ..... ~.... .... ":"'(?'y' ../ ........(~....~ ~7 :IDAY. APRIL 15. 1966 : utes 40 seconds EaSt 514.09 feet; \ th,ence \ (2) South 84 degrees 21 min- utes 15 seconds Ea.,t ,345.39 feet; ~enw ~ \ (3) South 78 degre'" 31 min-, utes 10 sec<llld' EaSt 281.33 feet; , thence. 'l (4) SoUth. 8.1 degrees 28 min- \ utes EaSt '447.94 feet; thence (5) South 67 degrees 38 min- utes East 342.57 feet; thence (6) North 77 degrees 17 min- utes East 202..32. feet; thence I '.. (7) North 26 degrees 02 min- \ l\1tes 30 seconds East 131.81 feet; ~e~e \ (8) North 25 degree' 36 min- utes 50 seconds Wiest 82.38 feet to land noW or ~ormer1y of Hay \ Harbor Realty O<\l1l. ; thence ,along said land of Hay Harbor \ Realty and ",cm'" the westerly i end of ,a 50 f.oot right of way' leading to land now or formerly', of the U)l,ited states of Amer- " ica, South 39 degrees 45 minutes'I' 10 seconds East 226.28 feet; thence st1l1 along said land of \ Hay Hal'lbor Realty 3 courses, as' \ follows: (1) South 39 de.grees 41 min- \ utes 40 seconds East 64.38 feet; :thence (2) South 76 <1egrees 00 min- ,utes We,sta86 feet; thence \ (3) South 13 degree,820 min- utes E:ast 107 feet, more or less, \ . to the Slhore ,of Block Lsland! Sound; thence in a ,general \ westerly direction along the \ 'Shore line .of said Block Island i so.und and then in a general \ northerly ,di,rection along the \ shore Hne of Fishers L'5land, Sound, a.Q(lut 12,200 feet to land \ noiW or formerly of the Estate of S. A. Salv",ge; thence along \ said land nOW of formerly of' the Estate of S. A. Sa1V,age, 2, iCouroo'5, as folloWS: I (1) South 46 degrees 58 min-l. 1 ,utes 'East 408 feet, 'more or less, ~, t SS: thence J (2) South 35 degrees 24 min- utes 'Ea,<st 424.0 feet to land nOW (~t or formerly of Wilme,rding; thence a10nll said land of Wil- mer-ding, 3 courses, as follows: (1) South 82 degrees 36 min- ;paper published at Greenport. in said utes W'l>st 465.9 feet; thence (2.) SoUth 26 degrees 57 min- iCE:. ,of which the ,annexed is a printed utes East 405 feet, more or less, thence ,d in the said Suffolk Weekly Times (3) North &2 degrees 26 min- utes East 687.22 feet to the. . ..... (~.l-.'-o ,; . . . . . . . . . . . . .' week~ westerly line of said Equestrian Avenue; thence along said line 9 on the .., {. .-~f'-.\ .c,', :~~.(,Y. . . . . . . of Equestrian Avenue, 9 (l(lUrses, ' ..' as follo""s: . .' .. 19 .~, ". (ll south 31 degrees 18 min- i'-- ~&-. 0_~ ute, East 188A1 feet; thence I' 'r .-. .-.~.. ., ...... .......... (.2) North 62 deg.rees 26 uun- \s ,-:. . , i." 1 utes ElJ;st un feet; thence . . . . . . . . . . . ~ (3) sooth 27 degrees M min- .... 19 L .c.. J utes East 2.5.0 feet; thence (,4) South 76 degrees 02 min- ~ utes 30 seconds Ela.st 105.07 feet;'........ .,'/......: a'~"~ (?: ~7" thence ........ ~......... (5) South 49 degrees 83 min- utes 15 seconds East 202.44 feet; th€/ ,ce (6) S:>nth 80 degrees 36 min- utes 30 seconds East 127.50 feet; thence (7) Souuh 56 degrees 10 min- lut"" 50 secOlld.s East 113.37 feet; thence (8) Noruh 79 degrees 28 min- utes 15 seconds East 121.87 feet; thenoe (9) North 41 degre'" 46 min- utes Ea"t 59.7 feet to the point of beginning. All beariPg5 refer 00 the true meridian. ' EXcePting from the above any ,ands owned bY the united states of America. and it is further ~VEJD that this re,solution is sUJbject to a permisSive refer- endUiIU as provided in section 2OO-e o.fthe Town Law. BY ORDImt OF THE TOWN BOARD 01" 'l1HE TOWN OF soiQTHOLD, SUFFOLK' \. ooUNTY, NEW YORK ' Dated: I\.pril 12: 1966 I ALBERT W. RICHMOND 1 TOWN CLERK ltA15 ~~ , :': '." . . . . .. being duly Sworn. inter and publisher of the SUFFOLK -~-- J,EG,AL ;NOIfICE NOTICE IS HEJRElBY oNEN that the Town Board .of the Town of Southold, Suffolk county, New York, at a regula,r meeting there- of, held on the 12th day of April, 1966, duly adopted, subject to a permi~Slive Iref,erendum, .a resolu- tion, a cqpy of which is a.s follOWS: ~, a ma,p has been duly filed In the Town Clerk's Office, and W1JEREAS, an order was duly \ adopted by the Town Boord ,of , the Town of Southo1d on the 22nd day of March. 1966, reciting the flllng of said mlliP, the ImWOve- men!s proposed, tt'.e ,boundarie" of the pooposed extension of the Fishers Lsland Fer,ry Dt&trict, the , estimated e",pense thereof, the ! fact that the ffill4l is o.n ! file in the Town Clerk's Of- I flee for public lnaIJCctlo.n and \ statlng all other matter,s required \ by Ia.w to be stated, and specifY- Ing the 12th daY or April, 1966, , at 12:30 o'clock P. M. o.n that daY, i as the time, and the Fishers Is- \' land Fl,re Ho.use in said To.wn as the place where the "aid 'l1own Board would meet to consider said ma,p and the pr-Olposed extension of said DiStrict, and to hear all perl':;ons interested in the subject matter therOOf, concerning the same, and to take such action thereon a;5i is required or author- \ ized by law, and wl!llElIWAS, such order was duly publiahed and posted as requi,red -by 1a.w, and 'WlflEREAS. 1& hearing on said "",tte,r was duly held by said 'l1Gwn Board on the 12th day of AiPril, 1966, at 12: 30 o'clock P. M. of said day, at the Fishers Lsland FIre _ In said TOWn, and full <1\sC1l8Sl.on of the matter having ,been had, and all Pl1liSoons .desirip.,g to ,be heard, having been heard, NOW, upon the evidence given UiPOn 'suuch hea.ring, and n,pon motion of Jitatioo EdlWWds second- ed by Justice Clark It is ~NiED AND~: (a)~at the Notice of Hearing ubJished and p""ted as re- is otherwise '7 qUire 8u111cient. (.b) That all property and prop- e~Y owners within the proposed extension or the Fishers Lsland Ferry District are benefitted therebY. (c) Tbiat all prqpe<ty and prop- erty oWners benefitted are includ- ed within the limits of the pro- p<>3ed exteI18;l<>l1 of tale Fishers 18- lailll>P'i!'rty Dj,strict" (dJ Th~t-1.t.is In the public in- tereSt. to extend said Fishers 18- ,\aI!d Ferry J;>istrlct. I ~RESOLVED AND DE. TEJffiMlNED that. t.PiS Boa,rd in all re'Peets 8il1Provei!lJit,he extension of the Fisher,s Island Ferry District, in the Town of Southo1d, Suffolk County, New York, to embrace -the ,wdltlonal territory described in (I 'I tf~_G-""".M3Y: following I ...." of t,hQ____,!"t the inter~,p_ ---- r Harbor Realty 0q11l.; thence' along .said land of Hay Harbor I Realty and aCfiOiSS the westerly end of a 50 foot right of way leading to land noW or formerly': of the United states of Amer- I' iea, South 39 degrees 45 minutes 10 seconds East 226.23 feet; I thence st1i.l along said land of \ Hay Harbor Realty 3 cour,~es, as \ follows: \ (1) South 39 degrees 41 min- \ utes 40 seconds East 64.38 feet: thence (2) South 76 degrees on min- utes We.st ~86 feet; thence \ (3) South 13 degreeS 20 min- utes East 107 feet, more or less, . to the shore ,of Block 1sland \ Sound; thence in a ,general I westerly direction along the \ shore line of said Block Island, sound and then in a general I northerly \d~rect1on ,along the \ shore line of Fishers I,sla.nd Sound. about 12.200 feet to land \ now or formerly of the Estate I LEGAL ;NO'l:ICE Qof S. A. Salvage; thence along \ NOnCE 18 HEREBY GIVEN said land nDW of formerly of' that the Town Board Qf the Town the Estate Qf S. A. Salvage. 2, of SOuthold, SuffQlk County, New courses, as follows: I Y,Qork, at a regular meeting there- (1) South 46 degrees 53 min-l. 1 Qf, held Qn tihe 12th day of Aprll.' utes East 408 feet, more or less,~. r SS: 1966, duly adOPted, subject to a thence J permt~sive t'eferendum, .a resolu~ (2) South 35 degrees 24 min- tion, a oqpy Qf whlclh is .., follows: utes Ea,st 424.0 feet to land nOW SC,<L. L~., ~': '. '7 . . . . . . wm;lRElAB, a map has been duly Qor formerly of Wllme,rdlng; filed in the Town Clerk's Office, .thence along said land of Wll- and 'merding, 3 courses, as follows: \VHERJElAB, an Qrder was duly (1) south 32 degrees 36 min- ,paper published at Greenport. in said adOlPted by the TQwn BoaXd ,Df utes WIest 465.9 feet; thence the Tmvn of SoutihlOld on the 22nd (2) South 26 degrees 57 min- .ice.o! which the ,annexed is a printed ',day of March, 1966, reciting the utes East 405 feet, more or less, ,flling of saId ma,p, the ImWQVe- thence ,d in the said Suffolk Weekly Times . ments prqpoood, trteboundarie" (3) North 62 degree, 26 min- 'Qf the pIlO[POSed exten,sJ.on of the utes East 637.22 feet to the. Fi:Slhers Island Few District, the westerly line of said Equestrian \ estimated elOpen.se ther,,?f, the Avenue; thence along said line 9 I fact that the 'm3lP 1B on of Equestrian Avenue. 9 oourses, I file in the Town Clerk's Of- as folloWS: . .' .. 19 .~. ". \fice for public iIlSlP"ction and (1) South 31 degrees 13 min- """ 'I:;;,?;.._, r">_~ stating all Qther matters required nte,s East 133.41 feet; thence :. 'r"'~':-,....J:'.......... .......... by law to be stated, and specify- (2) North 62 degrees 26 min- \s ,', j.,. 1 ing the 12tih day .of April, 1966, utes ,East 1.61 fee,t; thence . . . . . . . . . . . , I at 12:30 o'clock P. M. on that day. (3) sonth 27 degrees 34 min- .... 19/. .(,. I I as the time, and the Fishers Is- utes East 2,5.0 feet; thence \land F\re HDuse in said Town as (4) South 76 degreeS 02 min-' ~ the place where the said Town utes 30 seconds E..st 105.07 feet; . . . . . . . . . .. .......;.:... (!: k7' . Boord would meet to cou,si<ler said thence . . . . . . ., ~......... ma,p and the prOlPQosed extension (5) South 49 degrees 33 min- of said o;strict, and to hear all utes 15 seconds East 202.44 feet; per,sons interested in the subject the"ce matte,r thereof, concerning the (6) South 30 degrees 36 min- same, ,and to take such action utes 30 second,s East 127.50 feet; thereon as is required or author- thence ized by law, and (7) South 56 degrees 10 min- wlHiElREAS, such order was duly lutes 50 secolld.s East 113.37 feet; publimed and posted ..s required thence by law, and (3) North 79 degrees 23 min- WHiFiREAS, IR hearing on said utes 15 seconds East 121.87 feet; matter was duly held by said thence T"wn Board on the 12th day of (9) North 41 degrees 46 min- A;pril, 1966, at 12:30 0'c10ck P. M. utes East 59.7 feet to the point of 5aid day, at the Fishers 1s1and .of beginning. Fire House in ,said T<>Wn, and full All hearings refer to the true di..scUSSion of the matter having meridian. been had, and all per-sons desiring Excepting from the above ,any to ,be heard, havi~ been heard. lands owned by the United NOW, upon the evidence given states of America. U\pon Sluuch hea.ring, and upon and it is further \mQotion of Jilstice EdlWa.rds second- RESOLVED that this re,solution ~~d by Justice Clark it is \ is: SUbject. to a ?eI'lmi~ive ref~r- . RESOLVED AND DEJT.E)RMINED: endum as provlded m sectlOn \ I (,al'l1hat the Notice of Hearing 209-e of the TQown LaW. ~was published and pasted as re- BY ORD'ER OF THE TOWN \qUired by 1.....,. on" is otherwise BOARD Oil" THE TOWN OF sufficient. . . SO,UTHOLD, SUFFOLK I (.bl That all property and prop- OOUNTY, NEW yoRK \ \erty owners within the proposed Dated: April 12, 1966 I extension Qf the Fishers Island ALBERT W. RICHMOND 1 Ferry District are benefitted TOWN CLERK ltAlo thereby. . , (c) That all prQperty and prop- erty ~rs benefitted are includ-! ed within the limits of the pro- posed extensioll of the Fisihers Is- land'1"i!rry DLstrict.. (dl That it is in the public in- terest to extend. said Fishers 1s- !and Ferry pistrict. FUWH!ElR REflOLVED AND DE- TEJR,M1NEI> that,]hiS Boa,rd in all reSIPccts apprQve!l'lthe extension of the Fishers Island Ferry District. in the Town of SOuthold. Suffolk County, New York, to embrace the ditional territory described in 'HI . i8J!JG_ . following l ~f th~ :'t~ the intersec easteJ:ly ~~~:ue W1t~st~1: line of nue, said Of Equestr' south_ 618.25 fee PiWnt bein Jan A Ve- We,t of t Ni04"th and 3:7 lOcated ~ . S.Coast 3.92 feet frOlln tion Stat. & GeOdetic said IOn "PR rUnning . Point Qf . OS"; Avenue ";t>ng Said lin begInning (1) &, COUrses e of Be'arh uth 47 d~ as tOllows' ees 07 m' . In- --~_.- being duly Sworn. intllr and publisher lO! the SUFFOLK (:--l,-_,~ k" ......................... wee '\ on the ,< ._'t._Tc< ,~t(, - . . . l-' . " . . . . . . . . . . :-', . . . . . . ~ 7 oJ :1 I At a meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, held at the Fishers Island Fire House, Fishers Island, New York, on the 12th day of April, 1968. II II- I In the Matter of the Extension of the Fishers Island Ferry District at Fishers Island, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, pursuant to Article 12A of the Town Law. WHEREAS. a map has been duly filed in the Town Clerk's Office, and WHEREAS, an order was duly adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Southold on the 22nd day of March, 196,6, reciting the filing 0 said map, the improvements proposed, the boundaries of the proposed extension of the Fishers Island Ferry District, the estimated expense thereof, the fact that the map is on file in the Town Clerk's Office for public inspection and stating all other matters required by law to be stated, and specifying the 12th 1965, at 12:30 o'clock P. M. on that day, day of April, as the time, and the Fishers Island Fire House in said Town as the place where the said Town Board would meet to consider said map and the proposed extension of said District, and to hear all persons interested in the subject matter thereof, concerning the same, and to take such action thereon as is required or authorized by law, and WHEREAS, such order was duly published and posted as required by law, and WHEREAS, a hearing on said matter was duly held by said Town Board on the 12th day of April, 1966, at 12:30 o'clock P. M. of said day, at the Fishers Island Fire House in said Town, and full discussion of the matter having been had, and all persons desiring to be heard, having been heard, NOW, upon the evidence given upon such hearing, and upon motion of Justice Edwards seconded by Justice Clark it is RESOLVED AND DETERMINED: (a) That the Notice of Hearing was published and posted as required by law, and is otherwise sufficient. (b) That all property and property owners within the proposed extension of the Fishers Island Ferry District, are benefitted thereby. (0) That all property and property owners benefitted are included within the limits of the proposed extension of the Fishers Island Ferry District. (d) That it is in the public interest to extend said Fishers Island Ferry District. FURTHER RESOLVED AND DETERMINED that this Board in all respects approves the extension of the Fishers Island Ferry District, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to embrace the additional territory described in and containing the following boundaries, to wit: ALL that certain tract, piece or parcel of land, situate on Fishers Island, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the southwesterly line of Beach Avenue with the southeasterly line of Equestrian Avenue, said point being located 618.25 feet North and 3873.92 feet West of U. S. Coast & Geodetic Triangulation Station "PROS"; from said point of beginning running along said line of Beach Avenue, 8 courses, as follows: (1) South 47 degrees 07 minutes 40 seconds East 514.09 feet; thence (2) South 84 degrees 21 minutes 15 seconds East 345.39 feet; thence (3) South 78 degrees 31 minutes 10 seconds East 281. 33 feet; thence -2- I , \..1 il I I I (4) South 81 degrees 28 minutes East 447.94 feet; thence (5) South 67 degrees 38 minutes East 342.57 feet; thence (6) North 77 degrees 17 minutes East 202.32 feet; thence (7) North 26 degrees 02 minutes 30 seconds East 131. 81 feet; thence (8) North 25 degrees 36 minutes 50 seconds West 32. 38 feet to land now or formerly of Hay Harbor Realty Corp. ; thence along said land of Hay Harbor Realty and across the westerly end of a 50 foot right of way leading to land now or formerly of the United States of America, South 39 degrees 45 minutes 10 seconds East 226.28 feet; thence still along said land of Hay Harbor Realty, 3 courses, as follows: (1) South 39 degrees 41 minutes 40 seconds East 64. 38 feet; thence (2) South 76 degrees 00 minutes West 386 feet; thence (3) South 13 degrees 20 minutes East 107 feet, more or less, to the shore of Block Island Sound; thence in a general westerly direction along the shore line of said Block Island Sound and then in a general northerly direction along the shore line of Fishers Island Sound, about 12,200 feet to land now or formerly of the Estate of S. A. Salvage; thence along said land now or formerly of the Estate of S. A. Salvage, 2 courses as follows: (1) South 46 degrees 58 minutes East 408 feet, more or less; thence (2) South 35 degrees 24 minutes East 424.0 feet to land now or formerly of Wilmerding; thence along said land of Wilmerding, 3 courses, as follows: (1) South 32 degrees 36 minutes West 465.9 feet; thence (2) South 26 degrees 57 minutes East 405 feet, more or less; thence (3) North 62 degrees 26 minutes East 687. 22 feet to the westerly line of said Equestrian Avenue; thence along said line of Equestrian Avenue, 9 courses, as follows: (1) South 31 degrees 18 minutes East 188.41 feet; thence (2) North 62 degrees 26 minutes East 1. 61 feet; thence (3) South 27 degrees 34 minutes East 25.0 feet; thence (4) South 76 degrees 02 minutes 30 seconds East 105.07 feet; thence (5) South 49 degrees 33 minutes 15 seconds East 202.44 feet; thence (6) South 80 degrees 36 minutes 30 seconds East 127.50 feet; thence (7) South 56 degrees 10 minutes 50 seconds East 113.37 feet; thence (8) North 79 degrees 28 minutes 15 seconds East 121. 87 feet; thence (9) North 41 degrees 46 minutes East 59. 7 feet to the point of beginning. All bearings refer to the true meridian. Excepting from the above any lands owned by the United States of America. -3- I . I ! and it is further I RESOLVED that this resolution is subject to a permissive referendum '. as provided in Section 209-e of the Town Law. The adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote, and upon roll call, the vote was as follows: Supervisor Albertson Voting Yes Councilman Demarest Yes Voting "ouncilman ValenlJine Voting Yes oJ ustice Tuthill Yes Voting Justive Clark Voting Yes Justice Edwards Yes The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted. I I I -4- . AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING :iTA"!'E OJ: NEW YORK} ;-;is COI'NTY OF SLFFOLK) ,\ r ,BERT W. rUCHM01\[). being rhly s\\,,"r;. "('~'" ",' >l'I<J says: That IH' is tl<),\ ;-tnci a- a111he timt-'s hel'/'inaftt,t' InPI!ti()fH.>r! tH' \\/;1:-' ~hl duly elE-'cted, qualified ~Hld acting Town Clt:'!'K of :hl' Tuwn of Southulci, in the County uf SuflOlk, New York; p " ji , 'I ,. ! That on the 25th day of March, 1866, he ,'aused to be conspicuously posted and fastened up a copy of an or'der providmg for I, public hearing relative to extension of the Fishers Island Refuse and Garbage District boundaries executed by the Town Board of said Town on March 22, 1866. a copy of which :3 ann,'xed her'etu and made a pal'! hernd', on the sign boar'd of the TowlJ maintamed pursuant to Subdi\lSllln 6 of Sf','llOn 30 of the I, ii " :1 Town Law. ~~,-T?# / L .{. t\I!/~/ ~ r..'AIL C Town erk Ii " i! ii I , ., ',25th I' Sworn to before me this , 1866 ;!~~a,~ ii Nota ry Public 'I 'I I, I, II day of March MARION ^ rJ:-:.r:H NOTP.RY PUl3~(C. S'.<I',(> : 1.; ';'c~ YM~ No 52 3233120 .Su1o.::~ C"I,(I\Y r1 lerm E~plres Marrh JU, 19k I 11 I, 'I I' II " ., Ii " II il . " ~ Ii Ii II ..... \ I a retlular meetlnll of th" rown BOll I'd of Ihe fown of Southold, In Ihe County of ~uffOlk, N..w York, held al Ih.. Superv'.or'. Uffke, 16 -;outh 31r-.et, GreenllO.-t, Nrw \ ork, In ..aid Town on Ih.. j)'" lid)' or \l1.l!'-C 11l6~ PRE!:if:N r: L..ter' M '\lb..nnilH, Loula M LJema I."..t. Howard C Valentine. Ralph \N. /'ulhlll_ Henry ^ l'IIHk, ""lupe-r"\!""or t.~oun(' dill.n Councilman JU8t1f'. of ttUl l'Udl \" JlIliItL..'c ur the Ii......". I... I.... !\....tttlr 01 th.. OIWb:R PROVIDING I"OR PUBUC HKARING RELA TIV L TO EXTENSION 010 THlc DISTRICT BOUNDARIil:S lllIa.."alon of the naher. I.land Heru... an<.l <Jarba.. Ol.trlct at Ylahera leland, III Ill" Town ollouthold. Suffolk COllnty, N... York purellllat to Article I:'A of the To",n La"" WHER.E.AS, the Board of l..}mmlll..olltll'.. 01 It.. Flahe.'a I.land Refu.. and Garbeae Diatrtcl al Flshera lo>land, in th.. rown of So.lthold, Suffolk COllnty, New York, haa approved J.nd con~t!lIt.'d In writlni to tne ."t.n.lon of the boundarlel of .aid dl.trlc:1 lu '''If,brace the territory hereinafter d.acrlbed In addition 10 the ternt'-I:; &Ir"a(jy contaIned In and embraced by said dlatrlct, and NHEREAS. a map entitled "r.lap 01 proposed addition to IIle Fisher. bland Relua. and Gal-ba,c. Ulatn<t, fown of -';ouloold, :>uffoli< l~ounty. N. Y. " IIbowlna the propoaed extenalon of "..Iu ..l'~lrlc't h.a heretofore be..n flied In the offlc. of the Town Cierk, an,j NHEREAS, the boundarl"" of tll.. [ll'Opo....d ."tenalon o[ said district are aa {ollowll: ALL that cenatn tra~t, riece Ot- {,,".'ctd of land, Iltuat. on r'llbera leland. In the Town of Southold. COllaty of Suffolk and State of New York, bo..nded and deacrlbed aa followa: BEGINNING at the lntorrltection of the ..outhweaterly Un. of B.acb Avenue with the south...aterly line of ~1l.lJtrlan . , . Av_.. ..Id point b.lnalocat.d U8. :llll.et Nortb and 1111. U leet We.t 01 U. SCout" GeodeUc TrlaDflllatlon StatlOll "PROS"; Irom _Id point 01 b.llnDlDlI rWUlUa' alODa _Id lia. 01 Beach Av.nu.. 8 cour.... a. 10110...: (1) South 47 d.aree. 07 mlnut.. 40 ..cond. l:aet 114. 08 I.et; tbenc. (2) South 84 d."r... .t I mln..t.. III .ec-ond. Ea.t ua. II I..t; tb.DC. (I) South 711 d.l/r... 31 mlnut.. 10 .econd. JLa.. ill. II I..t; thence (.) South III d.l/r.e. .411 mlnut.e ll.a.t 447.11. le.t; thence (a) South 1I7 delr... all minute. w.t 34.. aT I.et; th.nc. (I) !forth 17 d.ane. 17 mlnut.. !La.t aoa. U feet; tb.ace (7) North a8 d.ane. 0..: mlnut.. lIO .eocond. I!:a.t 131. U f.et;thenc. (I) North.ll dellr... 36 mlnut". lIu ..cond. W..t 1I:t. JII I..t to land now or lormerly ot Hay Harbor Realty Corp.; tb.nc. a10Di _IJ land 01 Hay Harbor Realty and acroa. the ......rly .nd 01. &0 loot rl,hI ot _y I_din, to land now or lormerly 01 the Unlt.d Stat.. 01 America. Soutb III delr... .1 minute. 10 .econd. Ea.t 2.8.28 te.t; tb.ne. .tlll .lonl ..Id laAd 01 Hay Harbor Realty. II coure... a. tollo...: (1) Soutb III de,r... U mlnut.. 40 ..cond. Ea.t ... 118 t.et; tbenc. (2) South 78 d..r... 00 mlnutu Wut 38S I..t; thence (I) Soutb 11 d.,r... ao mlnut.. t;a.t 107 I.et. more or 1.... to tb. .bor. 01 Block bland Sound; thence In a g.n.ral _.t.rly direction alona the .hore Un. 01 .ald Block leland Sound and th.n In a leneral northerly direction aloni tbe elaor. Un. 01 F1.b.r. bland Sound. about la. liDO I.et to land ao.. or lormerly 01 tbe Estate ot S. A. Salva i.; th.nc. alona ..Id land now or lormerly ot the Eatat. 01 S. A. Salvaa.. " cour.... a. tollow.: (1) South 46 dear... liS mlnut.. Ea.t 408 t.et. more or l..a; thence (I) South 311 dean.. .44 mlnut.. Ea.t 4;,\4.0 t.et to land aow or lorm.rly 01 Wllmerdlni' thence aloDl ..Id land ot Wllm.rdUaI. :I cour.... a. lollow.: (1) Soutb U d.are.. 38 mlout.. Wut 486. 8 I.et; tbenc. (I) South "6 d.,r... 67 minut.. Ea.t .oa t.et. more or 1...; tbenc. (I) North sa d.aree" .16 mlnut.. Ea.t 887. :l2 t.et to the "...rly11ne 01 _Id Eque.trlan Avenue; tb.nc. alOl1i ..Id IlDe ot Equ..trlan Avenue. 9 cOllr.ed. a. tollow.: (1) SO\Ith 31 de,n.. 18 mlnutu Ea.t 138. U t..t; tbenc. (2) North S2 d.,r... .46 minute. Ea.t 1. U I.et; th.nce (I) South:iT d.,r... 34 mlnut.. Ea.t :n. 0 leet; thence (.) South 78 dellr... OJ minute. 30 .econd. ".t 11)1. 07 t.et; thenc. (I) South.ll deire.. 33 minute. 15 ..cond. Ea.t 410".44 teet; tbenc. (lS) South 80 de,re.. 36 minute. 30 ..cond. Ea.t 127. SO teet; tbenc. (7) Soutb S8 deare.. 10 minute. &0 .econd. Ea.t 1 U. 3T I..t; thence (I) Nortb 78 d.ar... .48 minut.. 1lI ..cond. Ea.t 121. IT I..t; tb.ne. -;1- ~ , 11 .. il (.) lIorth.l deere.. U minute. East Ill. ., leet to t.e polat 01 be tiwnl. . AU lI.rln,. refer to the true mel'ldlen J:lWeptlnll from tho abov" allY Ulnde owned by the Unlted Statee of Amedca. WHEREAS, no Improvemente are prol'oeed; and DO amount Ie propoeed to be ellp_ded for Impl'o"emenl. 0" for .upptylna ot eervlce. wilMa tbe territory ot the propo.ed ...tell.locl, and WHJl:REAS, ..141 map Ie on !lIe In lhe fown Clerk'e \)fllce. for pubUc In.peotlon. GOw. therefore, on lrJotIOnof(~l1u.VIL.,lt....IVl 1){'k~"~lt'..L, aDd .eo_d.d by ~IQ.(, \, LlJll II . It Ie OBDERED, that the Towll Board of the fown of Southold .ball meet and bold a plAbUc h_rln, at tlla }o'I.lle,'. I. land 1"Ire Houee, In the n.han I.land Belu.. aDd OIlrbaaa DI.ll'1ct. ln ..Id Town. on tbe / J.. r4 day of AfW , 111860. at J.:J <{l o'clock E. M. (E. S. T.) to con- .lder ."eh propo.ed e",ten.IOIl of the boundarle. of the nahen I.land Refuee aDd 0....... District and ta h.,. aU pereone Intereeted 111 the .ubJect thereof, CODOerllla, tb. ..me and for .uch other acUan on lhe part of ..Id ToWII i ~ Board with relatlOD th.reto a. may IN required or al.lthorl.ed bylaw. Date4:Jr]N(C;" J.i. I Y 6 b THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Ie'.:> 71.:: ( pL..illht'V"J~",'>1 SupenLeor )l'I('1 ~ Tn Dbn":'He~f CCMmc I lmaD (SEAL) t!OLOclrJ e, Va It-' nTJ kJ e COIUlcllman '~(:Jl~ u) --r yeT h I II J .Iee of tb. P.e. Hf),~l {M {~/r7yK J".lo tbe P.o. Membere of tll. To... IIoanl of tile ToWll of Solltao14. 11_ Y.rIl ; ,I I! 'i I , I' -1- / / _._tV II r I I I I II Ii il I. i! 11 il STATE OF NEW YORK) //;. t;;;::~ ,-.. -_ AFFIDA VIT OF POSTING , I COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) II II I ss, : ALBERT W. RICHMOND, being duly sworn. depose,; and Bilyr", That he is now and at all the times hereinafter mentioned he Wi<<', the duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, I 'I in the County of Suffolk. New York. That on the 13 day of April. 1966, he caused to be conspicuously posted and fastened up a notice setting forth a copy of the resolution duly adopted by the Town Board of said Town on April 12, 1966, a copy of which is annexed hereto and made a part hereof, on the sign board of the Town maintained pursuant to Subdivision 6 of Section 30 of the Town Law, /~~D~~_ _/ , Albert W. R' hmond Sworn to before me this D-. day of April, 1966, ~~ a.,~U~ otary Public M~RION A. REGENT ARY PUBLIC, State ot New York ~ 52-3233120 Suflolk counq? Term Expi,es ....rch 30. lU :1 II Ii Southolo, Suffolk Count \, New \," k, ", " ".,,',],11 Ii I II \i Ii I' I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV r:N that the' L.,wn I',,;,' I,.;! ',:';1: TI...:';-",.. (, n:I'l".i.n~'. tt;t.' ~'llf, !"1i";,d "_\,'; the 12th day of Apn 1, llpifi dIJ 1 \' ;tdupt..1 1, :;lJbl,..t U.' ,t p~ I-IT.] >; 1\'i-; r2'f~,~-.t"nd\.in~.ol. I , " J 1 I t I ~ ~ i a ri'riOlutlon. a \'opy uf .-\'hl,'h ~~, ,l~' tull"............. I !i It I' I: _KRSAI, aD order _a duly adoptecl bJ tu To.. "rei of tb* ,I I! To_ oI1olatbol4 011 the 22n<l ., of I i _ld IIIl&p. tbe lmpl'O"eme.ta propoaeel. tbe boIuuSariea of tbe propcHlM ! \: .ld..aloft of tho Flob.n 1.IaL'lcl F.rry Diatrlct, tb. aaUmated allp<<l.e tbor"'. ! . , .~ Jaat Uat tb. IDAp la 011 ftl. la tba Towa Clark'o Ofllea for public laopeoUoa i !..u lItatla. an otber matton requlreel by law to be otated, and .-clf1la1 tM . ......Ul. a IDAp baa bean duly nlad ia tha TOWIl Clark'. ornl~II!, allli'#' Mar, h, 1'16, roc It lA' t1\. !'I Un, ., i llth .y of .\I'!'il, lilia, at 12 :IU o'clock P. y, 011 t_t .y. .. lb. U... aDd tbe noll.ra laland Fire Houa. in _Id To_ aa lb. ,... noro tH ..ld To_ Board _1I1d m.et to conalcier ..ld map oed tla. propoHd .ld_aion of ..ld DIMrlct, and to boor aU pen..a lat.r..... III '1M "-Ject _U.r th.rod. cODC.nID~ tbe ..me, and to take .110" actl. u.e..... la. la relllllr" or allthorl.ecI by law, aDd WIIKRUlI. ollcb order _a <2IIly pubUabed _d poMed .. r....r.. ~ \:laW. aDd WllDUI. a bar.... OIl oald matter _a duly belli Ity ..W To.. :"r4 .. tlao 12th .yof Apt'iI, 1'''. at 12:30 .'dock P.II. oI.W I ia,. at tH P'III.ra l.laDd J'lr. HOlla. lA ..ld To... a" flaU 41....'..., lM . - I 1 . I r I . i:--uor -YlaC It.. ba4. a" aU per__ d..lrlac to 1M ,..reS. -rial..... ~ II " MaN. I, 1I0W, llpGa tbe e.i~ce i1v~ Upon .uch h.rbal, aad qpaa __. fit Ii I' .ecoad.d by it I. RESOLVED AHD I)JI.'TDMlHJi:D: I' Ca) "that the lIotlc. .r 8..rla,,__ pUbUAed aad po.a_.. ....'"1'.. l' l' .., Ia.., aad I. oU,.r.I.. .lIfflcl.ot. ,I I' I, j' I' elrt.lUIl. or tM ""'1" I....d f'errr DtatMct. are beD.flUlId tb....,. I II , ~. Tlaat aU ,ropert7 aad property owner. ..Ub1la the prope.'d C.) Tbat aU ,. ~t'~ alld property oWb.r. ".!Mfltted ar. lUllIdecI wtth.. tbe llllLlt. of tJae propoa.d ut.nalon of the ".h.u l'IaGd rer,., Dlatrlet. (d) That U I. In the public let9rut to .xtend _id nab.r. .~Iaad , I' r"'rr Dletrict. ru.1'HDaESOLVEDAND DETI:.MUU:O that U"....rcIla all :, ""'8Ot. .pprov.. tb. .xt.ulon of the P'i~.1'8 ,._land r."rJ Dletrict, III UM " .1 1'.- of IcMathold. hlfeUl Coullty. N.. YOI'll. to .._rao." '-11_1 " " , " ternto.., __eMbed in aad cCllltalnl1lC Ut. toUoWia,ltOlllldllrl.., '0 "I ALL tM' C41rt.ln tnlet. pl.ceo,. ~re.1 or Ia.... at,...e oa 11....1'. ~.IaJl4. ,ID lh. Town 0' SolltboW,Ca ~.., h.troUr UUI Stat. .t .... York, bOllAdlld ..d eM_rib" .. feU....: I, , I , h alDClUlllDfOa' ,lie lnt.r"choCl or lh. ~"tbW.""'I, 11M or -.<:1'1 Av...e ..itb lb. ~th..llt.1'1111a. of &qll."rlaal A...ge. a,aldpo!DI belna I~ated'I..II~ "'rtbaDd 'nl." c... Weft'" U. S. Cout, "<I~"lo T....paa'. ..t......~";r...... ..Id polot oft;..............,.... ..Id 1l.IM~t .~..c;.. .....ue.e ClOlU...... ... COUonl (1) ~Iltb ..7 ...".... O'an""". .0 *eol.48 .... 11.. II reet. ah..~ . .... (I) ~... ........ II a.lllut~ II ..0.... ... IU.. teet; ........ Cat 10 1'11" ..,..... ,. .l.aut.. 10 ...,... ... all. II '.......... . i " , I: .Ii Ii I i, I: 11 I II -1- ;. I~ ' = I I ! - . !II . - . I :; " ;;; ; J ~ ~ I .~. ~~ \~~ .,J,i'1-~''':''''')-'lf ''': " (4) """'1 dtr.,... J' ~.. "MY." ~ ~'li, .. ...... n lM,"..n rnlOate.1lut 141....' INt; ~It (-. "nil 'n ........ l'f _1RutH .... SOl.. U Mttitl llli;llMt~~ en Korth 2& eMcn" n mUllJlOtil 10 __""' nut U~, in '-el; Ua_. . flt"'r1ta II d.Il..... lit mioYI" 60 .ecOllcb W.. 1:1. a. . 'eet .to 1&_ DOW or lormer.lf of ., HarM!" ....11;7 C.t'~ : tb.... aloCliR. ..14 lalM! or Ba, a.rbor 1I_1t, alliS .(;~ Uoo wuterl,_d of Il, "'oot rlpt of _" l_dta, ,. laM MY ..~' IIrmerl, of tlM Vll1te4 ltat.. ., A_rica, lScMsiSs .. ci4..,..... .. .&all'" 10. .IOOa48Ea.. IU. 10 IHI; '.....0 .UU 111-. _ld laad 01 &1 flarbor ..lt1. I 0011...... .. teUe.." (I) Sold.. II Mf1'"' 41 l'lllallt.. 40 Me'M' ... M. II (eetJtbeno. . (II ....tb,. _,..... 00 ...... Weet ,....... ....-11 -- (I) .1olatII 11 ....... at.e.._t.. .... lOT leM, ........ I... to Ua.ebon ef BloClllt'-..n SoQa4I; .....,. La a .......1 .....rb' directt. aloll, tb. .bor. Ha. ., ...el ...._ I..... ~ ud t!~_ \.all ton....1_rtUrl7ltlr..u. a.... 1M '-'01'0 lla. 01 i'l~" lalad 1oI.ID4~, abeNt U. alO ,... to ..... 1lOW... tormu17 of~. Ketat. of'. A.. lat_,.. ....... a.... _lel "DeI_. orform.r11 01 the &etat. of S. A. lat..... I ecMIr... .. 1011Anni1 Ullollth .. "pee. II mIDllt.. ... .01.1.., ..ore 01' t...; Ua.... (n South U ....... "'.law.. .... 4U.' IHI to ~ .. ... 10. ~r17 ., ..11......... t...... aloq ..w .... ., ............ I: e_r.... .. touo..: (l) ...... 11 def1'"' I.' ....... ... ... . '-" .-.... (I) IcNtb II .P'" tfmiDe'.. ....401 feet. IU"'" LeotIJ. ..... (.) IIOI'tIt II de...... a. alallt.. ... II'. II ,... to .... .'''-17 u..., .........-cl....... A...Il.; tM.cI........ 11.. .. '..AIt-'~ ........ .C*r.... a. 'oUD"l . m Ii, 1" .I'....~.. .1 mi.'.. Eall 111..1'..., ''''''.nl ca .."'ta" ....... II mlml'... .....t 1. '1 'eIItJ tta... .(.) IcNtIa IT 4."..... '.iaut...... al. 't I..; t~. (4)Io_h .,. ........ 01 .lallt.. I' ..c.,~ .... 10'; Of IMts t...... (,) ""tb 4. de,..... 31 llDio\lt.. 11 8eeOftde .... .11.... ,.... tM8c. (I) lIoutb'O d.,r... JI mlout.. 10 .eeoade ..et ta,. II f...; tla_. . (T) ...... I. de...... 10 mlallt.. 10 .00..... ... Ill. If 'Ht. ...... (I)...... " d..r... fI aa4.Il'.' 11 He'" .... III." ,..., ..... (I) IIotQ 41 de",... U alallt.. .... U. , I.... eM ......., "e. .~,. ,: " " , , , i' !I t ) I t I: " I' I' d. It Ii ., j :i Ii I: " 'i I' 'I: ,I 11 ;. .i. 11 !i I: Ii 11 p II I " I' I. " Ii Ii II I, Ii I' I' I: I! 11 'I II , 'I ~ AU ......... r "14 to t'" t.... ..rWIaa. · lr1'-',..............,........., ....1IfTl.. 11411. .. A....1.. -.- If . i I . At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, New York, held at I the Supervisor's Office, 16 South Street'l Greenport:r New York, in sJlid Town on the ;?~"'" day of ?17~ 1966. PRESENT: Lester M. Albertson, Louis M. Demarest, Howard C. Valentine, Ralph W. Tuthill, Henry A. Clark, !!II . J all Supervisor Councilman Councilman Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace J~_l' filL l?__se In the Matter of the ORDER PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEARING RELATIVE TO EXTENSION OF THE DISTRICT BOUNDARIES Extension of the Fishers Island Ferry District at Fishers Island, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, pursuant to Article l2A of the Town Law. - - - - - - - - - - - - - WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District at Fishers Island, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York has approved and consented in writing to the extension of the boundaries of said district to embrace the territory hereinafter described in addition to the territory already contained in and embraced by said district, and WHEREAS, a map entitled, "Map of proposed addition to the Fishers Island Ferry District, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, N. Y. " showing the proposed extension of said district has heretofore been filed in the office of the Town Clerk, and WHEREAS, the boundaries of the proposed extension of said district are as follows: All that certain tract, piece or parcel of land, situate on Fishers Island, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: II i I I I I I I I I , I I , BEGINNING at the intersection of the southwesterly line of Beach Avenue with the southeasterly line of Equestrian Avenue, said point being located 618.25 feet North and 3873.92 feet West of U. S. Coast & Geodetic Triangulation Station "PROS"; from said point of beginning running along said line of Beach Avenue, 8 courses, as follows: (I) South 47.degrees 07 minutes 40 seconds East 514.09 feet; thence (2) South 84 degrees 21 minutes 15 seconds East 345.39 feet; thence (3) South 78 degrees 31 minutes 10 seconds East 281. 33 feet; thence (4) South 81 degrees 28 minutes East 447.94 feet; thence (5) . South 67 degrees 38 minutes East 342.57 feet; thence (6) North 77 degrees 17 minutes East 202.32 feet; thence (7) North 26 degrees 02 minutes 30 seconds East 131. 81 feet; thence (8) North 25 degrees 36 minutes 50 seconds West 32. 38 feet to land now or formerly of Hay Harbor Realty Corp. ; thence along said land of Hay Harbor Realty and across the westerly end of a 50 foot right of way leading to land now or formerly of the United States of America, South 39 degrees 45.minutes 10 seconds East 226.28 feet; thence still along said land of Hay Harbor Realty, 3 courses, as follows: (1) South 39 degrees 41 minutes 40 seconds East 64. 38 feet; thence (2) South 76 degrees 00 minutes West 386 feet; thence (3) South 13 degrees 20 minutes East 107 feet, more or less, to the shore of Block Island Sound; thence in a general westerly direction along the shore line of said Block Island Sound and then in a general northerly direction along the shore line of Fishers Island Sound, about 12,200 feet to land now or formerly of the Estate of S. A. Salvage; thence along said land now or formerly of the Estate of S. A. Salvage, 2 courses, as follows: (1) South 46 degrees 58 minutes East 408 feet, more or less; thence (2) South 35 degrees 24 minutes East 424.0 feet to land now or formerly of Wilmerding; thence along said land of Wilmerding, 3 courses, as follows: (I) South 32 degrees 36 minutes West 465.9 feet; thence (2) South 26 degrees 57 minutes East 405 feet, more or less; thence (3) North 62 degrees 26 minutes East 687. 22 feet to the westerly line of said Equestrian Avenue; thence along said line of Equestrian Avenue, 9 courses, as follows: (l) South 31 degrees 18 minutes East 188.41 feet; thence (2) North 62 degrees 26 minutes East 1. 61 feet; thence (3) South 27 degrees 34 minutes East 25.0 feet; thence (4) South 76 degrees 02 minutes 30 seconds East 105.07 feet; thence (5) South 49 degrees 33 minutes 15 seconds East 202.44 feet; thence (6) South 80 degrees 36 minutes 30 seconds East 127.50 feet; thenc e -2- I I I II II 'I II II II I I I I, II I' 'I proposed to be expended for improvements or for supplying of services II I I I I I ! (7) South 56 degrees 10 minutes 50 seconds East 113. 37 feet; thence (8) North 79 degrees 28 minutes 15 seconds East 121. 87 feet; thence ' (9) North 41 degrees 46 minutes East 59.7 feet to the point of beginning. All bearings refer to the true meridian Excepting from the above any lands owned by the United States of America. WHEREAS, no improvements are proposed; and no amount is within the territory of the proposed extension, and WHEREAS, said map is on file in the Town Clerk's Office, for public inspection, now, therefore, ~n ~n Of. 4, #.;--. ~~-;~ i and seconded by O. ~~ f~ ' it is 'I ~ II ORDERE ; ;hat the To= Bo,cd of the To= of Sou,"old ,haD meet 'I II I I I i I I I I I i I I and hold a public hearing at the Fishers Island Fire House, in the Fishers Island Ferry District, in said Town, on the /2 II:' day of ~ ' /;/:'0 / 196', at : I ~ o'clock'p. M. (E. S. T.) to consider such proposed extension of the boundaries of the Fishers Island Ferry District and to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof, concerning the same and for such other action on the part of said Town Board with relation thereto as may be required or authorized by law. Dated: ~~ ~~/?,,(, (SEAL) u ice of the Peace ~ Members of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, New York -3- ". II 11 II II AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING I Ii Ii II I STATE OF NEW YORK) ss. : COUNTY OF SU FFOLK) ALBERT W. RICHMOND, being July sworn, deposes and says; That he is now and at all the times hereinafter mentioned he was the duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, New York; That on the 25th day of March, 1966, he caused to be conspicuously posted and fastened up a copy of an order providing for public hearing relative to extension of the boundaries of the Fishers Island Ferry District executed by the Town Board of said Town on March 22, I' Ii I' I j 1966, a copy of which is annexed hereto and made a part hereof. on the sign board of the Town mainta med pursuant to Subdivision 6 of Section 30 of the Town Law. ~ 7J .7. 4- _/ ,.;~ ~;~ ...~ own erk :1 II I I I Sworn to before me this 25th day of March , 1966. MARION A. Rrctlit IIOTARY PUBLIC. Stat, 01 N." mil No. 52-3233120 Sultolk Co~n,._ Jerm ppires M.arch 30j lV4Lf . < - ' . , '~ ~ r (! I r r : ili' I J " _. . I 3 c ft lilt ," I , i J ! I It ,if ~ , - , r I r. i i If. : iif i t ! I . 111(( .. (- · 1;'&"" i f I ..z.p:. ';o- f I I ~ i I i (i' if; fl' . ~ . · ni~r. .li I ...... - r. "';0 = I I. f i i Ii! . ~ z. I !tIll ' i I . F(ll ,.- at- · _" , _iI :< IOli..3.~ r", t~ I J. J .., : . . ;:;... oC · . t i i I -1 ~ i (I r I~ , f~iJr; Jft I Hllf f r ~ .. if: l I I Fi 3.~ r~ I "1"3 trrll ~ I I,) ,.., r "0 .. _ I ., 3lllla, .... I t-t "i II! I n 1 .: ~ I ,. .. 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _I if ,a. I I ;! l l I ~ I ~ IIE1i II ~Jfr'{ III I ! ~ j J ! f j f I!il .. ~":'Jlf t~1 ~ (d".1 ;' I ~ 1'1 · ral .. I f I ! i f :< ~ ( ~3! .. 1.1 J . f r ~ ~ J ei I .If!i a. .. :: S I . . --~ - . . .. . ... .'. I' ...."'-4111_ at ... lat.r....lea fII Ib.., ..........17 &1M ., ..... A.... wltIt .... "1I'~-".r9 Ua.., -..'1."'" At' .. _11I,.lId ....~. ....... .1.. II,... RL..... an.. I' feet W." II U..o c.... a....1I T.b......tlea ...... ....c..., tre. _Ill ,.lIt ., M"-I~ - '" .... .w 11M ., ...Il A....... . ....r.... .. reu..., (I) 'n'Il.' ........ " .a..... .. ."-N ... II.. II ...., ....... (I) ...... If de..... II _1-.... II IIn,,". ... .... II ....., ....... (.) ....Il" ........ II ..... .. .'OTn". ... .... I' '"" ...... (t) ...... IllIqr... I' .aa.... ... ..,...,..., ,...... Cl) '1 " " ...... .. ""IL'" ... ....If,..., ""'"<:III c.' ..... " ...... It _I 1..... 101. II '"" ...... Cft ........ ..,..... II ....... II ....nf. ... .....1 ...., .... ''''1 c. ........ ~...... .. -'-.... II ..n'l\1. W... '1." .... .. .... ... .. ......r9 ., _ ....... ... c.r,. I .... .'1l1li .... .... II ..,..........lt7........... lb. ..........,. II.... ..... II .'1....'..'....... ...... ItJ -rt,r II eM v..... ...... II ........ ...... II ......... .. _I....... .0 ........ ... .... .1 t..., .........m._ ........ II ..,..... ll.ltJ. . ......... .. feUen, (1) '1 t\ II ........ .. .la..... .. ...... .... If... ...., .k TI.. (I) ......" ......... 01 ..I..,.. w... ...,..., .Ir.n (I) . It II ..,u.. II _I....... .... Iff ,.... - 11'_ ... ..... .. eM ....... II ...., &...... .... '~nlf. a.. ...... --V Ill........ ._ tll. ....... U.. II ..ad .... ....... II ~ 11 aM tIt_ a. . .-eral _rtb"'17 111...."_ ..... eM '-11... .... .. n_ar. &...... .. 111". .h~' ...... .... .. ..... ..... ..,.....17.,.... ...... II'. A. ...... .......... .... ....... or". IrlJ II.... ...... II.. A. ....... . ........ .. Wlewa, (1) ................ II aa1nt.. ... ........ -If... ...., ...... C. I. Jill II ........ .. _1-... ... .... I ,... .. .... ... .. ......r17 II ..n...... aMM.......IlI....... ~ . __reM. .. taUI..: (I) ...... II de,.. I.. II _I"",.. W." .... I'~ ...... (I) " J'1l II ..~ Mol " _I....... .... fll,.... _... or ..... ...... (I) "nil II ........ I' aID... ... 'If. .. .... .. .... ..... llao of _llIl1qu...raaa A....; ........_.111 .... II ........... A..... I.......... ........., (I) ....... II ....... II .laat.. ... 111..1 ~ t-. FA .. eI>> ...... II ...... ... II _1-_. ... I.'I'~ ,...... CI) 1:1 .".f ........ H -,..... ... II. I ~ tll,n (~ ....Il" ........01..... II ..llnllT .... III." ...., ...... caa " 1\" ........ II -..... ., ........ .... ...... ,~ ~..... c. I. 1\ II ",reM II atM.. II ...... .... 11'. II ,..., tll~.. -1- . . " ,,-,{ . .1... -. .... II ~ I I m 'IJ~" .... lI. 10 _I ... II ...-..0- .... UI. It lIeU ...... . CI) 1IertIa'" ........ II.' ,.. II ..._~ .... II'. It ..., AL-n .. ....... 41 ...~. ... 4'.1 -.. Ira.. II. , ,... .. .... ..... ., ..,,-..... AU Mula....,........ 'N' ..r.... . . LJI~, ,.... 'u "HI U7 ..... ....-. ~ tU U..... ~ ,.., AV'T1rIMl. ._.... _ I-If .~.- ft.... po .,..M; ... _ ,,-......., &e . po rill.... I In........ "".1&~111 ."tl or for ~., If....... ""1"''' ............,., ..1Ii4I.,.... .....La. a" __.~.. .w ..,1. _ ftle......,.... elea1l'. QJfteo. ,...,.11I .. III"~. ... tMrl..... ........, ClU.II\.~II_~ ~W\AYPlL. .......~..~ ~J."..{..l'.te~\ . 1& &e ~r __. UIat .... ,... ....... ., .... T... ., I. '''11'' au .... ........... Lit. ...... at tM fteIMW....... ".. ...... ...... ".... · w ~_... ...."........ la.W Tewa. _ tU ~ *7 ., ~ ,.... .. 4:..JL. .'.... Ell. ca... T.) .. G'"'<:l-wr ... ,41'"'' J Jl-..... ., 1M .. .......... ., 'M 1'\11111'. bill'" WOI'I7 DtIItrlGt ..... ...... aU,..... I I "'11' r ~.. .. .. _ 1 j.' ,tie.. nt. ...,... ..,.... ._1 aM.... .... .... I .... _ .. ,." ., ea14 ...... "rd ~ ..1Il'a. '1I1J ... .. .., Ill. J', '."'1 .r 11 J'L 'ill". Ia.. I I , Dill ~ ft- 'IOn ~_ ow ft_ 'IOn ow _. JIiII. .ft j~.~ .-&~ .lou~~rt'''1 H01:~~ ~Tl Me .... II. L....,................,.. ...... ., I .. -No ....,... -1- , .,...'4. .. '. . -, . ".' ...... : ...~~d_-.t. . . .>