HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIFD- New boat (, ....... . . r I I I I Cl!APTER ... CJ1' THE U\ WS OF 194" "II .I\CT CREA TIXO THE rlRlEU ISLA.D FERRY DISTRICT AI AMENDED BY CBAPTER 21 Of THE CAWS Or:' lH8; eRA PTER 3' OF THE LA WI OF 18S6; AND CHA PTE.R 82') CJ1' THE !." 'WS OF J IlU. AN ACT alltlld"l.lDf tu .e~lIiltltlon. enu.trl.lcttlft. equi,_ot and Qperatioll (It. pab!te t.rry fer h1l'e tromVialler. ta'au ..l'GlIa watera of tlJllf "laDd him": a.thri.i.. th. cl'..Uca of ll'1.b.... Ia'... terry lIlatriet tn the t..ft f)! Stlllttwld. Illltollc COUIIt)' _rut p..<)vl4lnf to.. tile .1.cH01I of ita "'rt't..... i!lad -........at (,I Ita .ftllt..., ..'.bort.lllll tb. ;tOt'aeU_ f'tf fe..rts,. Ill......; .Ioltllol'iatac tb. _lIallCe aad aa!. fJt obH,aU... nf .aid towa a" ,iro.idla. for tlt.tr p.y....,: ..'bol'l.... tile 1.\7 aa' .or.ed<lO of tall": ud pl'OY1dblf tor Qtu.. ...'atM !bUer. a.eam. a 'aw Aptn '1', un. .lIb: the approval ot ib.O,",.m",l'. P....d. Ut.....tlfttuJ MiD, p.....Bt Tile People of tIl. Stat. (.l' N~w Y rlil, ntP.....t.. In Sa.tn. uti A.....ly de .naet Il. fol i fl"": I I I , penD...l". ot the .tate _Qmptrol:er, .stab'lsh ,IN ..Un terrhory iltt I Flalaer. taland 1ft pili to'1!l1l, ."ella.1Ye <)( Fert "'I'I,Ilt. Il. ~blle tarry 't.trlct , I to be kl'lOwa .. u.. vi.""s talaad tury "atrlot. Such P.Utio. allal' bl i I alp" by the ewa.... ~I tadbi. reai property aU_ta Illllle ,,..,po.ed di.trlct. I ',wam, I. tile a,,"pte at le..t .I.half of tbe 118...... "luUell of all tit, I tallUle ....1 pl'....rty 01 tile pr.,"" 411iaUiet.. alaewa by ,lilt lat..t coaplet"I I ......mot 1'011 .,.... t.n; p.orided. .......1'. tIlat tile petittoa ....11 I I_had. the ....ttal'.' 01 ....id..t 01111.... eWllilll ta....l. ...., pl'Opal17 I I , I , Seetl<:>a 1. tl'poa ,,'Utica .. ur.l..ft.... Pr(1Vlde". tit, tOft board of 11M t(\'Im of S:'lItbeld. Suffolk cOliInt" may after It pub'Lo Ilea"'lllllU'ld wlib tn. ............. at ,eut ...-bail of tile ........ ftluUoll 01 a.1l ta....l. real property. All ot the pl'C"fiaJou of artic'e "'1" of tbe toW'Illaw. not ~ wttta the pl'"...... 01 tJaitl aot, .UU apply to the utUl1...... aM openUoa 01 nO .""'lot. .,. TIle object aDd PIIrp... of the diatrict ....U he to -.ir., coutnaet, .quip, opante aM ....t.... . p.u.c "1'1'f fcr the tn..portatloa tOl' JdI'e of . I i ~ it! f I I IIi I Ji Ii, I i ~ ~ . i .1' j t ! 1 t f J, t f t I <<I l It il,! jl !i: I 1 I~ I ,llllli,!li!' iilli alr-.....! a. o r I - I. ~ r J- I - i i i ~. I i I f r , - f Iii f ! I I i ~ 1 ~ , If; ~ I ~ I ~ i i I t- i J ! ! ; 1- i ~ iiI- 1. i i ~ tIt i f i I" · ~ i I I ~1!.i4ff J"iifiilifi~ i!!i~J I .. , i ~ 1 I · i ~ ~ ! i i I ! i Iii i. I I I ! i if. r ! ~. . i · ~ f I , · 1 i ~ I: ! Iii i. . f J. "I" 1 I ~ I ... J I.. I I ~! ( 51-11'-(. ':'11', =11 1 . t Iii ~ = i · I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' i I I ! e : q ~ fir. ~ : ~ i I I I I! f I i Iii' ~li.l! r Ii" ili iJfJtr r z 0 ~ .. '" . .... .lIo.. . . l , I I i I I 1IOtl... TIuI towra boa'" 01" .ue" eomml..i...... It autlaoriaed. 111&7 accept 01' r.jeet aa,y bid lad may award. cont...et to tbe bWder whoM b14 .. deem" moat favorable to tbe 'iatrict. 14. TIle eMt of aequi.iU... ceutructlora and eqlllpme.. of the terrr. fnctudllll laaa ... riPt. or ....meau III t.... .ban be paid from tile proceeda ot to.. .bt...U... to be ....... lUll! .old 1ft the ...."'.,.... prOYlde41 b7 tU tOClal f.... taw. The tOW1'l boud 0' the ton of SolltholcS m&7 borrow tbe .mollllt Deeded 'or auch purpo... and laaue town obU,.tI..... tU...ter la u ........t. prillcipat .mount aot .XCHelbag ClIle hundred theu'" dell..... Upoa tile a40ptlu of a ....elutlon by the tow. hclar4. aubJeet to a permJatn ...r.l'ftltum b7 the owDe'" of la_ble real propert)' .!tute 'ritlda tb. fa,."., distr1et .. .bcwa b7 the tat..t completed ......m.at roll of Aid towa. ..eh sa.rept. priDotpal llmOllDt which the tOWD boa... may borrow ucI for wldeb cbl".ttou m&1 be "auell may be iDe....... to aD)' ame...t lip to but I10t .XC.e41rw tbe .loUD of two buncl.... tbouaM dollara. IS. ne allalr. of the district ..n be lUIdar tbe jll....d1ctioQ. cOIltrol aDII aupe1'T1aloD of a board of ft.e co~",i..10Dl1ra. Tbe town boar4 .ball appotDt fift ....ldeat tapa,..ra of tbe district ftO ehall co_titllte the board IUltl.l their ..oe.... .... .l.ctad nel bave 'luaU,... puratWlt to tile pl'O'riai... of thllI act. Sacceeaora to tlle membe... .0 appo1ated .ball be elect.. b7 tbe .1eelora of the diatrlet as berewtter p..OY1de.. The '."r:r cOVl""I..ioaere aball ba.... power aDIIlt aball be the du.t)' of allea eommleeiolSttr.: (a) To prepa... .1' C&lUI. to be prepared aIld to allbmlt to tbe town beard ., tM t01ft of BOllthold fop approvel. ptaaa tor the aeqll..ltloa. couatrtactiGa aDII equlpmeat of tha f.rr:rl (b) To Sllp4Il"Yia. the "natrllctioD of &a7 WQrka or lmprovemema oomaeeted wltla the terr:r aad _ke report. tbareOll from time to time .. the toWD lIoard ehaU .....1...1 -1- .~,",,"---~_._~--~..---.- ~_._~........~~.. - ' -t- Pleu ....... 40 .,.o4.qe.. ',3J.q"" -'u., ...~ ,. 1t4ll(8C( tIO .....1.1. ..wqo.alld 'm' -'It NJl'Nw Anr '1.....1101 '0 ".0' '"" SO p.noq -".U -.-IS "WA0, '"" 10 p.noq .-0' eq. ..{q 1IIMU ot ,......1., eq.(wr .. b...., ..., ,0 d~-d" pn .__epqnr ..on....do 411(' o. Iay...o.. .en.. pn .....od .1lUl)lU'P. 1(lH\. "':),J". p." N.1ft( oJ. (10 flu.,,,01I. .llu.o 1IOl,~cI."'''l "0, '''"H- 8C( Ol ....."0 .1wJ,u., SO ..,... '"" JO ..........1 1(..,..... .rn UJ ,.lIIl<Id -'\IIl"lel .1"Pl"lU' . . b".'I(OIl' aodn ............ '"" SO ..fA 1IJ'8t1lf UJ 'b..., .rn ol ........."... ~ lbO'8fp. paw .,.,..,ao ...wtd .1eu...... pn HOUJdno. UJ pe," d"ll pn ....qJ. cn fAJl.a.' .... Ol .00llUl1l. U. ... peleod eq Ol,lON.... .oJlOU ....0 ..... pe,....edo .. n... lu~ .1(llll'" lay..., ..r1IIIIJq paw .."..., '"" llU oJ. cn f...I*1ftC..... pn ....u '-.00' JO ,... ".IGJttN. SO pn ...ued SO tIOn~1lUW.Il .... 401 ~nolll .. 0' ....nIt. .....,....., JO ....... '"" ......... .... ..rrpu .w" .. WJ1l1llO.t,J,.. ......to1( paoq 10'. ..nr...... 0' l"rq.. ,.. ,..... -Ol M1l JO tuNddw MQ 'ilIA ""..... pn 1lJI oJ. cro !AJl.ae} MU JOaon....do MU ......MO. non..."'" paw ..,8.1 ,...1l1.. ..n Ol ..,,_..., ..... .do,. ,... ....(1I1DO.1d.' .....", I. pnoq _0\ '"" so ,......... .... ol t.MtCllltl (J) fllO'pulLldmoo "'1i'Il .." ,... .... tJJ'Il JO lfMO<<Lm4 '"" "'. .t.uw ot -'.......... ... lna .. ~.... ,... .Mlo,_. ....... 'I". ,... ......... . tlA01IlI.., NIl"'. ,. ... 'UJ04dw 0' ...., esn ,. pnoq -Ol .1(' '0 '.....d. '"" .. ,"'qft, cn t.lu., '"" If' ....ltn4 '"" _, .....1 ..0 ..,ON".. 0'" ...... ot ...., '"" ,. p.noq "-" '"" At( lu.o..dd.. ., ,,-'cprl CO) fl.a..., ". so ilMnld. aIIfo.ad .... -,,.,... Al,d"'", .1........ "tOOl LnIJ..... ltll .....NIId oJ. CP) f..... 01(' a,...,.. ,... ........ .. ,.. LueJ .. ....0 UOJ.......... ..... Jll<q1lOa '110'"'''''''' 84l11t QJ. (0) . . . . at_teeS Oil 11'........ I>>taad. after a p.11e beaIiD& laolella the .... ...ur .... lIPOIl the ..me .oUce .. la tAe cu. of the e..'bllllhmellt 01 the ferl'7 ctllltrlet. Tho Dotice of hear'" ahall atate .......117 t!l. pul'poII. of the hearlDc. d..crllM tAe ...al prop.rty to be aeqll1re4 aU th. aat.... of neb ac....ltloa. apecUy the a.CMIIlt ot th. cOlIII1deratloD to be pal. th....'or aU the time wh.. .... plac. wHro oW ton boaJ'd will mot to coaa1der the propoalUoD and to bear aU peraOllll latenated la the aubJ.et thereot ClOllO...... I. the a.m.. After .ucit hearlDc and upoa the .videlle. adduced thenat. the to.... board ahall ..termille by reaoluUoa whetllaer or not it 1tt Ia tU publl. latereat to acqain ..e!l re.l ,rcperty la tbe maaner aDd lIPOIl tIile terma atated la tile Dotlce of bear.... It the tOWD board .hall cIet.na1ae that ..eb acqulaiUOD III lit the publle latereat. It ma, pl'Meed to aefluln audl re.t property lD the apecU"d ......~r aDd llpoll the a.-eU'" t....... S I-b. Wh.. &II)' aueb airport or lllDdl. '''14 aball ....... beea 110 aequired. tbe tow.1toard may d.l...t. ;ur"4ictloa. .outrel aDd aupe.....toa of .ub airport or laHiDI n.l. to the board 01 t.rr, dgtrict com-t..toeer.. n. 'board ef 'erl'7 41.trict commlUioDera ma7: (a) Equip. malatala. repair aDd operate auea airport or land'" neld. (b) Subject to the appro..l o.t tbe to.... board 01 the to.... adopt........ from t1DUI to tim.. rule. and n.ulatlo.. lov.nWlt the operatloa and lUte ot allch airport or laDdlDc neill. Ce) Provide aacA a.rne.. aacI taemu.. .. are oul au lacl".tal to the peration ot all airport or 1&1141. n.ld. lUIcl fix.trom t1lll. to tl... the I.... cur,.a. rOlltal. or other couW.ratloa tor the nlllderiDI 01 ..eb ..mee. d the u.. of aucla faelm.... (d) Grat Ue....... eOftC:...10Wl aad prlvU.... and ..11 .pac. &114 ....t nmge. to au.ea crat... arul Uc....... lor the carl')'iq _ ol the ka1ae.. f tu.....h1Df .nvlo... auppl1.. aad Dlatami. required for the malllteaaMe. -5- '- -~-~~~_._~ -",--~~,-_.,"",",.~~-""",_. . . I , aM .,.nUoa of aJl'cnft aDd .... other ..m.... ..,.lid Ud terlat. reuoaably aec....1'7 or bleW."tal to tile openUoa of heh airport ., ,....... n.tcl. (.) Co.tract.t tbe .xpea.. of tll. terry cl1.trict tor """"'e ~ b. f.rry "'trict, or the lewD. 0" both, .,.1ut IOU uS-... trom. tDjlU'td o ,.n.. or p...rt, ar...... out or the ...iftttllUUtC. Ud .,.ntloa of aucll Irport or 1..~.. fl.lel. (t) C..... teny clS-trlet property to be bulllJ'acl ..aiut 10.. or ...... from Ire or otMr tlaaar4. fI) L.... .IIH portleD of tM airport or laD4", field DOt r...Sreel for lrport 01' 1....... l1e14 pll~a tor lUr,11.,.1 b1a.In... plU'poa.. Tbe ....cS-. ot llD7 power allUlOrilIed by ,.........pIla (d) aad c,) of tlWI OD aball be ..bJect to tIl. .pproval of the t..... bclarcl after . public .,bIt beld by tbe board of tv"y coamS-.toaara. Notte. of .11Cb pllblte .ball atate .......U, tile pvpo.. tIlereof, ".crOMt briefly tile t..... tile tte..... COIle...tOa. p".n.,. wI.... aD4 .J*llfy tIl. tim. wlaea aad lac. wbere the board of r.,,1'7 eommlaalO8O". wll1 m..t to c..III... the oaltton aD4 to b.... aU pe".ona tntereate. .. the aabject tlaereof COIl- ....... the ..... S.ell aette. aball be pabU.bed aad poated .. the ..m. I' .. .. tb.e ea.. of tb.e ..tulS-lameat of the r.rl'7 41at..tet. All reveallea, of .._..ooftr ldad or _tv.. arS-bta CMlt or tbe maiD..... openU. of neb .lrport or tucI... tleld. Dan....... propert, of tIl. el'l'7 ellatrlct, aDd eball be treated .. tb.e aame .....uer a. preaeribed .. cUoa.... hereof.. to terry reve.u.., All coat., expo.... aaelltab1UU.., 01 wbat...r kiad or _ture, wbatller tort or eoatr.ct, .mblr out 01 tit. owaarOip, malate_aca.Dd op.nUOI1 or auch ~ or la.bIt r"'le1 allan lie chart.. ..ataat tbe '."1'7 dS-trtet aacl paid OIlt of fe1'1'7 ......Ict tucIa. The ana..I .atiJnate 1'.....1.... to be 01". by the board of farl'7 cUatrlet . -8- . . lIU'Iliaalonel'a plU"lN&IIt to uetloa tell IMI'ltGf allan IMhlli. _RUelpat" .. .1Id ..p.'lt....a aria... oat of t1ae oWDt..ab1p. malateaaDee'" eratlC'ft ot aueA alrpert or laati... tleld. 58. An moU7ll receh'ed frclm terJ>1aCe cbarC" .hall be clapealted clan7 baaka or truat compaDie. ill tlM atat. of Ne. York aDd the .tate of (lftDect1cut to be .......ted by the .lIperY1a6r ot th. to_ or Southol' ulIi to . credit ot ...cn .uperYillOl'. The auperYl.or ahall ...cate ... Wa with a town clark adcl1t1oaal .acarlt)' tor the aa'.ka.p1lll aDd lawft.ll _ppU.aU_ of llcn moneya in .lIch amount and with Bllelt aar.U.. u tha tOWll board aball ppro..... Th. .KpeUC 1Dcarred in eOllnecUGD .Ub lUly allcb tUIlIertakilll ban bc a cbar.c .,ai.Dat the diatrlot. The terry .0mmlUi_ra .ball oa 01' tore tlM tnth day of cach month. fUe with tIM towD etaI'll of the town - port of their aetlYlU.a dar... tbe preeed1DC moata in alloh datail .. the ,,1\ beard ehan require. Each neb report ehall cOIltaill _ atatament abowial amount of terria.. chare" con acted aU an obltcaU.... of the 4JIItriet d at the time of fU1n& the report. AU claim. apteat tl\e cl1.trtot aball audited moatllly b1 the teWD boal'cI aU pail by tlte allpeniaOl' from mOlla,.. ema1niDl to hi. credit and beloqiDI to the ferry dilltriot. Out of auda on.,.e the towa board -1 eetabUeh a rnolYllll petty cuh flIIlII for the ... t the board of commlealonere. Such tuad shall be in auch amouat a. the own board may deem ..c..ear,. but aball aot at any time .lrC.~ tbe aum of 1.... hundred dollar. aDd ehall contimle 1a eKilltence.frotn ""1' to year antil boUahed. 511c1\ petty cuh '-nd ...It be p....d ia all acenat in the aIDe of he commlaeiOll and 8han be IInor the control of the ma.,er and expea41- urea therefrom abaU be made 0II1y for ,.yaaat ill adnllce of au4U of operl7 it.miaed and certliled QI' verified bill. tot' material.. ..p,11.. aDd eniees ctur than employment. proYlded. ho.e.er. lbat expelUUtves ftot a eKe... of tea dollare at any one tiDle ma,. b. made for cull pll1'e...... of .,. --- - ~ ~ i ~ I Ii: i I I j I ; I~ ~ J 1 I ~ ~ J t ~ f i J I t t t : t t f P l I ~ i t I ( II t I Iii w . i - .... r r f f I f l f fit. :l i It I. t]l . 04";::...1... 1'}-srll 1 : I f I ~ I i I- I I a I , = fl. ~ ~ f ! 1 f ! i ! , ! i I.," ! I i 1 r ; : ~ I =r f ~ [ -; I. i .f::::...z i ........:1... l'il . - r .. , 1 r J · ! .- l I I · 5 It > · i ,. - R > f 0 !-li ..Sa.. ,.- - 1 f II! i ! ~l i I i ~I It ~ ; ~ ! ~ ~ t ~ i r i ( i illitr;l-! ZIDi Ili=otf..i,. ill .il ..-",,""f. 8r..ltcai' =-" · ~ 1 l i r I : 1 i f.; ill f ! If. ~. f 1~ ; - f.=J "'i · !zfi1, Z 1.1 J ; I ; ! J f ~ ~ If! I ! 5 i ! ! I I I ' ~ r f I i 1 : I. f ; ~ J Z ; I ; a f "!l i t I & I ~ f I ~ I f I. I ~ ( ! iff I i z~ .:::: I" 1 . . .. t i . l- i i a l . .. f ;- I i .. f f f ! r t Iii .~ It.. go;' · :: i f i r :::: 0 i - i ~ ! ! · I i i ! t ( I. I III a. : f i. I f' ..... t ~ 1 i I. .: I . . -6- auounaoa "n. I-till 0'0 "0' ....maAO.ztluq per. .c....do... $Ol<IltIJ, Ph 'l>>J",tIl, .... SO .o~Ulwm pn uonNwdo JO .....u. .... .... ., pe.qa1lN A.1IO\1I 10 .... lMU IuJUJUU"" JO HOlUnd OIU .JOI ,0""tIl' .It. .10' lJNtl~. po. .......... p.'lIdJ...,.. .... SO ..m.... '" ..'.1111"8 pen.... Ned.... Hwq. ...noys_JuuIlO.....z. .......N(l '0 ~ ....-u-.lt.rltQ MI, UO ,.. JlU1I .<<.a."..t JO AWP INlI ..., 110 .euaz... ttwq. 'lJ""tIJP ... 10 nN: 1""'" eru. 'otS 'P.o'O"" so _0' .... JO liI<I81D uo, .IU JO el>>JJIO MI' '" p.n, ... n.... aono... JO NOJOedHl .....(q pelftNZ8 n..." lMC. JO .,...."......, .......1..... JO Un.N.... ~I"'-. pn .~ lMCt ....... It.... .no4 .. JO HOte ... ,. ... -Ipe.. JO ."O..edHllMC' ... 11.... ...._18tlJlD1IiloO JO ...... tJtQ JO ......... 8q.t '1IOl.-\- ...... qu. In .. 0J04 o. .lculn. eq 11... 1IOll"t. ..0. ~oN4 8IU .. ......... JO .... tJtQ JO ......,,,. -OJ a, .... OJ peW'" ~ lMCt JO .......18 ........... .... ....... .t.nq. .,... llwq. IIItJH1II ...... tp.. '0 ......... eu. '&Wl1lOll-1..... JO l1III. .....'1 no UGlJlOH .(q PtJPlAOold -en-t8 A.aftl"'cI .., ...n.. OJ oct ftUI .. -'."'" .. -..,.. llwq. lIJOlttJq IfOlIS .."...,...,..0IiI.....(q PfPlANd ... .. .on.. ...... .(q oct u... ""teA .....................(q,..." oct.. ."l14li( ...., JO poy.rM" ..., ... oct n... .Ueel....1. ....0 "'..... .. .... .nod 0t0 fI'/ID ....... .... .... ......- MU SO ...r. .... .....d ........ ...... 11..... ...... ltttt ........- t.~. .tlJ JO .... tMU ....,... lIhp ... ....1 .. .ltJAltIJP IItp IIJ ....14 en..- MU '" p..nd ... .. .on_ ..... tt.. ...............0. 8t(.I. .......,...,.........(q puJJ oct.. .ntd... ....... ........... PtMl ... n.1anM1a t-.t~...... 'IS ...... .... JO p.l1I04I ...... .... .cq pe&O.adcht eq It..... .. ..,...... ... A...... -.r... 'Ill& ... JP I". .... 1IJ ...... IIA .. MIIOO .(em 1(aJ1l& ........ ... JO _,.., .(a JO ........dd.. 1.,... PO" ....,...,.. .... .to, ...,......... .. .... .... SO 11<&.'0 ...... 1IlIIl1U1& .UJ ... ......,.. ....... ".....-...1. ................... If' to.qaoo Ph ......... .... OJ ..er.... lIlIl....... ~ ...... .to .......llW .tlJ .(q .......,.... ,.. .......ax. ~ lt1ll{. A.a..... ...... "'"tIl.l JO ~ po -".... 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JO 4a4o.a4 1_" otcrawl .... n."'" ... hi ,...... lilt U.... ...1IOft ..... efD llll .....rd.. .. ........ t(Oll. JO .......-qJ. '.l.anl "'110 ...... .... ~INO. ~... JO .... MI, JO 1M JJ~ .... "0' Q8IlI .pt.AO.Id 0' ...... ....... .... Ant 110 ..wi I....' 'PH Jay...., hpn... ......., JO .... .."d,..1q,d JO ......n-..at o'1nIIllH "... .In.. ". n.... p.noq ......-qJ. '..et..... Mil JO - .- r- ~- ~" ~ ~ < ;; ..-~ .. '1*." .... 1IOJl". 11) ,..".... omn DIU 1IJ1U'" ... U_." .... 11) ..... . MIl JO ....... ""1 01Q -'41 ..... _NMll lIOn" ,.. ....,.f411. .... ,.....d lilt n... ...wmn- ,lk11I1Ie.... '...NIIO ....Lt"....r ,. .np ...." oq\ .. ~ ! ~ ,~ f= . . ! ..... -.. - , ;r ~, ^" . . EXTRACT OF MlKUTES Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, New York March 12, 1968 * * * A regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, New York, was held at the Supervisor's Office, 16 South Street, Greenport, Long Island, New York, in said Town, on March 12, 1968, at 3:00 o'clock P. M. (E. S. T.). Thcrc were present: Lester M. Albertson, Supervisor, and There were absent: Also present: Albert W. Richmond, Town Clerk Robert W. Tasker, Town Attorney * * * offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: . . HESOLUTION OF 'rHJ~ TOWN OF SODTIlOLD, NEW YOHK, ADOPTED Mi\HCn 12, 19G5, AUTHOmZING THE HEDE1\IPTI01~, IN PAnT, OF A $165,000 BOND Al\TICIPATION ]'\OTE FOH ACQUISITION OF ADDITIONAL FEHny BOAT-1967, TO THE EXTENT OF $10, 000 AND APPHOpnIATING SAID AMOUNT THEHEFOH. Recital WHEHEAS, the Town of Southold (herein called "Town"), in the County of Suffolk, New York, has heretofore duly al1thorized, sold and issued its $165,000 Bond Anticipation Note For Acqu isition of Additional Ferry Boat-19G7, and it is now desirable to redeem said Note to the extent of $10, 000 from a source other than the proceeds of the bonds in antiicipa- tion of whicl1 said Note has been issued; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED BY THE TOWN 130A11D OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, IN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ]'\EW YOnK, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The $] 65, 000 Rond "nticipation Note For Acquisition of Additional Ferry Boat-1957 of the Town, hereinabove referred to in the Redial of this resolution, is hereby authorized to be redeemed on or before Mareh 15, 1968 to the extent of $] 0,000 fcom funds of the Town now available to said purpose) said funds being a SOlll'C:C other than the proceeds of the bonds in anticipation of ',.':hich said ?\otc \':a:~ h.;sllect and the s,1icl i1JDOu-nt of $] 0) 000 is hereby G.ppropl'i:1.tcd L'hc'l'l':for. Section 2. This rcsoluti.on Sh'll] t:11:0 cL'cct irrllilCcliaLC'ly. ," .' ~:: ,,:; . . The adoption of the foregoing resolution was seconded by and duly put to a vote on roll call, which resulted as follows: AYES: NOES: The resolution was declared unanimously adopted. * * * offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: BOND ANTICIPATION NOTE RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK, ADOPTED MARCH 12, 1968, AUTHORIZING THE RENEWAL, IN PART, OF THE $165,000 BOND ANTICIPATION NOTE FOR ACQUISITION OF ADDITIONAL FERRY BOAT-1967, BY THE ISSUANCE OF A NEW NOTE IN THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF $155,000. Recital WHEREAS, the Town of Southo1d (herein called "Town"), in the County of Suffolk, New York, has heretofore duly authorized, sold and issued its $165,000 Bond Anticipation Note For Acquisition of Additional Ferry Boat-1967 and has duly authorized the redemption of the Note to the extent of $10, 000 and it is now necessary and desirable to provide for the renewal, in part, of said Note by the issuance of a new Note in the principal amount of $155, 000; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED BY TlIE TOWN BOARD OF TIm TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, IN TlIE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, NEW YORK, AS FOLLOWS: . . Section 1. The $165,000 Bond .Anticipation Note For Acquisition of Additional Ferry Boat-1967 of thc Town, dated March 15, 1967, maturing March 15, 1968, subject to prior redemption, numbered R-l, hcretofore duly authorized, sold and issued pursuant to the bond anticipation note resolution duly adopted by the Town Board of said Town on March 7, 1967, is hereby authorized to be renewed, in part, _by the issuance of a new Note in the principal amount of$155,000, said Note dated March 15, 1967, having been heretofore duly authorized to be redeemed from a source other than the proceeds of the bonds in anticipation of which said Note has been issued, to the extent of $10,000, all as hereinabove referred to in the Recital hereof, pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, con- stituting Chapter 33-0. of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York (herein called "Law"). The maturity of said renewal Note herein authorized shall not be later than one year from its date, and said Note may be further renewed pursuant to the provisions of the Law. Section 2. The terms, form and details of said renewal Note shall be as follows: Amount and Title: $155,000 Bond Anticipatioi1 Note For Acquisition of Additional Ferry Boat-1968 Dated: March 15, 1968 Matures: March 14, 1969, subject to prior redemption No. 2R-l $155,000 Interest Rate: 3.650/0 per annum, payab Ie at maturity Place of payment of principal and interest: Supervisor's Office Greenport, New York Form of Note: Substantially in accordance with form prescribed by Schedule B, 2 of the Law. . . Section 3. Said Note is hereby sold to the SECURITY NATIONAL BANK OF LONG ISLAND, Riverhead, New York, at the price of $155, 000, to bear interest at the rate of three and sixty-five hundredths per centum (3. 650/0) per annum, payable at maturity, and the Supervisor is hereby authorized to deliver said Note to said purchaser upon receipt of the purchase price, plus accr:ued interest, if any, from the date of said Note to the date of delivery. Section 4. Said Note shall contain the recital of validity prescribed by 552. 00 of the Law and shall be a general obligation of the Town, payable as to both principal and interest by a general tax upon all the taxable real property within the Town, without limitation of rate or amount. The faith and credit of the Town are hereby irrevocably pledged to the punctual payment of the princi pal of and interest on said Note and provision shall be made in the budget of the Town by appropriation for the redemption of the Note to mature in such year and for the payment of interest to be due in such year. Section 5. Said Note shall be executed in the name of the Town by its Supervisor and the corporate seal of said Town shall be affixed thereto and attested by its Town Clerk. Section 6. This resolution shall take effect immediately. * * * The adoption of the foregoing resolution was seconded by and duly put to a vote on roll call, which resulted as follows: AYES: NOES: The resolution was declared unanimously adopted. ~{,:~;.;~*~'" :~~*:{<':' **~~ . ~ . . General - No Veto 6/1/67 (3M) CERTIFICATE I, ALBERT W. RICHMOND. Town Clerk of the Town of SOut....td. ill the County of Suffolk. State of New York , HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing annexed extract from the minutes of a meeting of the TMIm Rft.Pd of said To~. duly called and held on M A llr.H 12 ,19 61' has been compared by me with the original minutes as officially recorded in my office in the Minute Book of said Town RftaPd and is a true, complete and correct copy thereof and of the whole of said original minutes so far as the same relate to the subj ect mat ters referred to in said extract. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said Tvwa this ',tb day of MARCH , 19--18. ~..~r/53r 4i?~_A'd4f'/ / (Seal) Town Clerk j I , I I I ' I I- II I I I . . At a meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County_ New York, held on the 22nd day of March, 1966, at the Office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, WHEREAS, this Board previously authorized the Commissioners of I II I I I the Fishers Island Ferry District to enter into a contract for the construc- tion of an 82-foot twin screw vehicular ferry vessel, all in accordance with the form of agreement, plans and specifications heretofore approved by this Board, and WHEREAS, Blount Marine Corporation, the successful bidder and to whom the contract was awarded, has indicated that certain changes should be made in the plans and specifications as outlined in its letters to the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District, dated February 15th and 24th, 1966, and said changes have been approved by the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District, Ii II II NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Commis- sioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District be and they hereby are authorized to make the following changes in the plans and specifications for said vessel, to wit: Item #46 Rudder stop should be 37- to agree with Item #118. Item #91 Delete reference to "starting" system. Item #95 Paint Sbhedule - delete reference to painting engine room overhead sheathing (not sheathed) and delete reference to name painted on transom in black. (Hull is to be painted black. ) Item #97 Change Oil Fired Hot Air heating boiler to hot water. Item #110 Fire Pump should read 50 G. P. M. not G. P. H. Item #120 Change "Two dual Engine Control Heads" to "One", Change "outboard" engines to main engines. II II I I' I I I I I . . Item #121 Bow Thruster - delete reference to "Bridge control Heads". An increase of at least 2" in propeller diameter. An increase in vehicle capacity limit to enable the vessel to carry a 73, OOO-lb. trailer. Morse MD-24 engine controls. i 'I I -2- ~'._""-.'-'--._-'~,~--, . '".~ " ~ ,.. -....-------- - ~~ -.--.-,'- -- --------...,,- --"..---"t'""'J""""........ "''T~' e. ;;:.!, , ..~. . . ., Blount Marine Corporation WA~~~.RHOD. '.LAND CH._., ....00 '. Nanl Architect. Builder! of Stu'l Veuel. Febraary 15, 1966 Mr. Wiltred SiAclair, Mana.er Fi~era Ialaad Ferry District BoltH Fiah.ra Ialaad, Wew York Dear Mr. Sinclair: Att.r a preli.inary check of the Speeitieati... r..ar4- i.. ~. 82-ft. Vehicular Ferry V....I, we woald ......t tho tollowin. chan.ee in the speea tor elaritieation' It_ 146 Ite. 191 It_ 195 It_ 191 It_ 1110 It_ 1120 It_ 1111 A'('I//'L (,) I, ( . .!. I~("(.,,f..; Ilt''',)(f/~~_ ., / lc1~ (1/3w-,c.r I- ,,,,, (., 1(, (r', (. Rlldder atop mould b. 37- t. -.ro. wi tJl Ite. IU8 Delete reference to "atarti.." .,at_. Paint Schedule - delete r.tor.... to paiatin<< enai.e rooa OYerh.ad ~eatkiac (not aheathed) aad delete r.'e~. '0 .... pai.ted .. trana.. i. black. (hllll ia to be painted bl>ack). ~...e Oil Fired Hot Air h.ati.. boiler to !lot ..ter. Fire Pu.p mould read 50 a.p.M. .ot a.p.R. e..... "Two dual Bacin. Contr.l Heads" to .~. Ch.... "outboard" eaci..a to ~ ---i ... Bow Th~t.r - d.lete r.tereno. to ".ri~. control H.ada". V.ry truly )'OW'a, ., BLOUlfT MAarn COaPOlATZOI ~)-~)/ d/~~f ~~ L. H. Blount, Preaid..t ,~ 0(7 LIla,ob /J /7 / '/ / ({' HI +- t. I< (f ;\~~ ~4-' k/i... ~p~ <t 'I -; /I~/t,t~d q~f---'J".J.J('~'- Jt' f ';/",",.'1/17'( /b 7 I' l, /, (t'/Ih 7'"""- .J f'd !C. b")Yj;J~''''''''.' ,..', ~, )1-(o-u "(6 r .J) ~ /.1"/' (' r'. I Ie It".,. ,', ,'" ~, ,-I.., 1 tJ~ t' #f # ~4A-<*,~ .. --"-:,... ,...---~-...............~ -~ "~~'.-"---'.-~'''--'.._----.--.-------._~----.._- ........-.-...,----.-------..- . . ~ Blount Marine Corporation WA~~~N. ~HOD~ leLAND Cl....:."y ..8800 Naval Architects BlIilljen of Stt't'J Vtueb February 2~, 1966 Board of Co.-issioners Fiahers Island Ferry District Fishers IslanG, New York Gentle.en: Plea.e find herewith our Proposal for the co..truction of an 82-ft. twin screw vehicular ferry ve..el. Attached to the Propo.al are three copies of a con.truction pIa. as required by your specification., definiac ~..tliac. and .eneral di.ensions. This plan d.pict. the v....l a. we intend to bui~ it. While our proposal i. ~ub.itted in accorda.ce witk your Kotice to Bidders, thiN letter is i.t.nded to clarify certain ite.s that we believe you lIhould be awar. of, and h.v~ been con.idered in our bid. 1. All item. ....nt looAd in aUf' I etter of February 15th. 2. An iocr...".. of Ill, I.,,,,,t 2" In prop~llflr di_eter. 3. An increa.e in vehicle capacity li.it to enable the ve..el to carry Il 7J,OOO-lh tr.ller. 4. Mor.e MD-24 nncine controls. (, , ,"1 I,. r. '. Ver1 truly your., IJ\ I~ (,H '~-Jft ( U., { ~ i ~I" c,'/.. \.v" , 'J { ~ II".( ) . ; ! h /1"\. ~~~UIB CORPORATIOJl l. H. 'I' Blount, Pr..id.~~ r . ~,(;l~Jl{( )/3,J'J~\.. "/11/1-,,,, Il',ltf~~ {" t C'-<~ k-t a.~. lJIB:eb . . ..~'D"~ . . . . EXTRACT OF MINUTES Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, in the County of Sufulk, New York. March 22, 1966 * * * A regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, New York, was held at the Supervisor's Office, 16 South Street, Greenport, Long Island, New York, in said Town, on March~, 1966, at --1--o'clock ~.M. (E.S. T.). There were present: Honorable Lester M. Albertson, and councilman Howard C. valentine councilman Louis M. Demarest Justice Ralph W. Tuthill Justice Henry A. Clark There were absent: Justice E. Perry Edwards Also present: Albert W. Richmond, Town Clerk Robert W. Tasker, Town Attorney * * * j Councilman Louis Demarest offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:- . . ----..,---."'" . . . BOND ANTICIPATION NOTE RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK, ADOPTED MARCH R' 1966, AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A $165,000 NOTE IN ANTICIPATION OF THE SALE OF SERIAL BONDS OF THE TOWN HERETOFORE AUTHORIZED TO BE ISSUED FOR ACQUISITION OF AN ADDITIONAL FERRY BOAT FOR FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT, IN SAID TOWN. RESOLVED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, IN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, NEW YORK, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. A bond anticipation note of this Town, in the principal amount of $165,000 is hereby authorized to be issued pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, constituting Chapter 33-a of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York, for the specific object or purpose, as more fully described by the resolution entitled:- "Bond Resolution of the Town of Southold, New York, adopted November 23, 1965, appropriating $165,000 for acquisition of an aiditional ferry boat for Fishers Island Ferry District, in said Town, at an estimated maximum cost of $165,000 and authorizing the issuance of $165,000 serial bonds of said Town to finance the appropriation," duly adopted by the Town Board on the date therein referred to. Said Note is to be issued in anticipation of the sale of serial bonds of the Town heretofore authorized to be issued by said resolution. No bond ant:eipation notes are outstanding in ant:eipation of the sale of said bonds and the Note hereby authorized is not a renewal Note. The period of maturity of the rote hereby authori2Cd shall not exceed one year from date, and said fute may be renewed pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law. Said Note is to be issued in anticipation of bonds for an assessable improvement. . . . . . Section 2. The terms, form and details of said Note shall be as follows: Amount and Title: $Hi5,OOO Bond Anticipation Note For Acquistion of Additional Ferry Boat-1966 Dated: March 15, 1966 Matures: March 15, 1967, subject to prior redemption No. 1 Denomination: $165,000 Interest rate: 2.90% per annum, payable at maturity Place of payment of principal and interest: Supervisor's Office Greenport, New York Form of Note: ' Substantially in accordance with form pre- scribed by Schedule B, 2 d the Local Finance Law of the State of Ne w Y_'rk. Section 3. Said Note is hereby sold to the NORTH FORK BANK AND TRUST COMPANY, Mattituck, New York, at the purchase priee of $165, ODD, to bear intercst at the rate of two and ninety hundredths per centum (2.90'}'0) per annum, payable at maturity, and the Supervisor is hereby authorized to deliver said Note to said pur chaser upon receipt of the purchase price, plus accrued interest, if any, from the date of said Note to the date of delhery. Section 4. Said Note shall contain the recital of validity pre- scribed by ~52. 00 of the Local Finance Law, and shall be a general obligation of the Town, payable as to both principal and interest by a general tax upon all the taxable real property within the Town, without limitation of rate or amount. The faith and credit of the Town are rereqy irrevocably pledged to the punctual payment of the principal of and interest on said Note and provisi:n shall be made in the budget of the Town by appropriation for the redemption of the Note to mature in such )ear and for the payment of interest to be due in such year. . . .- . Section 5. Said Note shall be executed in the name of the Town by its Supervisor and the corporate seal of said Town shall be affixed thereto and attested by its Town Clerk. Section 6. This resolution shall take effect immediately. * * * The adoption of the fore going resolution was seconded by councilman Howard valentine and duly put to a vote on roll call, which resulted as follows; A YES; supervisor Lester M. Albertson councilman Louis M. Demarest ~; councilman Howard C. valentine Justice Ralph W. Tuthill & Justice Henry A. Clark The resolution was declared unanimously adopted. ********.** . . , . . . . . General - 10 Veto 1/1/66 (3M) CIR!I1PICATB I. A L'ARRT W ~ '1I!RMOND1 Tn_" (!l....lt nl tN. Tft.... nt ILulthn.lt1. 111 the County of Suffolk. State ot New York . HEREBY CUTIn that the toregoing annexed extraot trom the minutes Town Boarcl ot a meeting ot the ot said Town March 22 66 . 19____. has been . duly oalled and held on oompared by me with the original minutes as ottioially reoorded in my Town Boarcl ottioe in the Minute Book ot said and is a true, oomplete and oorreot oopy thereot and ot the whole ot said original minutes so tar as the same relate to the subjeot matters reterred to in said extraot. II WUBBSS WBERBO:r. I have hereunto set my hand and aftued the oorporate seal ot said this 22 day ot March Town , 19...11- , ~/_Y/'_p~A<t?// (Seal) Town Clerk -. :' -,1 I . . S'lATE OP IOoW YOlUC) S81- COUN'l'Y OF 8UI'FOLJ() .. .... . r 'I ALBERT W. RICHMOND, of SOUtholCl, New York, 'I'ClIWn of SOUtholCl, be1ng dUly IIWOlm, NY. that he i. ovu the age 12th of November of twenty-one year., that on the 19~ he affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice i. a true copy, in a proper and .ub.tantial II\aDJlU, in a _at public place in the Town of IoutholCl, Suffolk county, New York, to witl- Town Clerk Bulletin, Board SWorn to before _ thi. 12th Clay of November ,1965. &outholCl, L.X., N.Y. ."?.aB~o/~ . Town Clerk, of 80l1tho .?n A A"'~A Notary PubU.c Ii k7~~ MAP-lOil A. r.=:[iH NOTARY PUBLIC, StJte c~ il:'N York .No. 52.3233120 Suffolk County J.erm "Expires March 30,. 19_ . . FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT District Creared a, Spechl Act 0/ 'The N. Y. Slate lqUlawre (LaWl of N. Y.. 1047. ChaPlet' 699) FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS LAWRENCE S. BALDWIN, CHAIRMAN RICHARD V. FOYLE ~ilLXUDiX POLLY EDMONDS ALFRED R. GREBE Havmond F. Do:c'en WILFRED C. SINOLAIR MeR. ~ SEC. Excerpt 1'1'0,0. tho Nprch 3, 1966 in 5:15 P.H. Hinutes of the aeetinr of the Board of COr11nissioners held the office of the Fishers :Leland F'errv District at oJ Pr8sent were Co:'_m:i. ss ioners - L. S. I3alrlllin, A. H. Grebe, P. Edr:1onds, R. Foyle, R. Doyen ",/11:2 ,'J../J..S the B08rd of Cor.l1'~"iS3ior;ers of the Pis!:-:'ers IsJand "ferry D:i.strict has been authorized to s8'lk bids for th!' coretructior of an E2 foot vehicular Ferry Cil'lD vn-!F::nl~JJ2, on Friday, l!le1jruRr~r 25, 1966 at 2:00 opened the only prooosal su~mitted as follows: ;') "'! ;.' ., the,'Go'T'i s sioners Blourt 'clarine Cor"orat'or, .ia""!'n, HJ'ode Islnnd Comp18te i.n every resP8ct Co~plpte in every resnect hut without the bow thruster i,;}6L~. 500.00 ;155,500.00 BE IT F:T~SGLVlill th8t th8 altern", te quota ti0n of' B1o'mt ~Jlar~_n8 Corpora U on of ,Jarren Rhode Island for the vessel coy-mlcte =,n every respect hut eliminatinp' the bOH thruster in the amount of ';:155.500:00 he accepted BB I'l'FUHL'Ei:li H2S0LV;':V that thG 130ero of Comr'issioners ho~'eb." peti tion the 'revJYl Bonrd of the Town of Southold to annrove of this acicion of the B03rd of Corrnissioner's and D.ut!'Loriz8 the corst.r'uetion or said It1erl')Y for the sum of' )155,500.00 Positive Votes: L. S. BaldHin A. H. Grebe P. :Edmonds .I.i. V. ~byle H. P. Do;:ren Eeg8tive votes: ::one I, the Secretar~ of the ~ishers LsJand Ferry Uistrict, do hprehv certify the.t the ahove e::.-cerot frorn the Hi nutes of the H""V nr' Oi' thp DOArcl of Cor^misd.Jners held MArch 3. 1966 i.s tDue and cO.c'rect in "very res]'1ect, and the opi.pinAl of ~,hj ch is a pu"l1 c record in the Fjnut ~s of' the 1'0 ard of Coy,'lni.ssioDPrs in t.be off:1.ce of the };js!-ers Is"'''nd Ferr'T J.Jjs-rr:tct. I'larch )~, 1966 ~~~etarY r llcensed naval arcltitects, as auth- I orized pursuant to said resolution SAd order adopted by the Town Board of said Town On November 23, 1965, herina.bove referred to In the Recital hereof, heretoJ!ore approved by the Board of Com- missioners of said Ferry District and hereby approved. The esti- mated maxi.mlum CQst of said spe- cIfte Object or purpose, including preliminary costs an costs inci- dental thereto and the financing thereof is' $165,000. ~he plan of financing is the issuance of serial bonds of the Town of Southold In the principal amount of $165,- 000 SAd the levy ,and ,collection of ta.. . on all taxable real property in ..d Town to pay the principal of and interest thereon as the same s.hall become due and pay- , NIOTlOE aJ' The cost of acquiring said The resolution published here- fe.,. boat shall be raised by a with haB been adopted on the tax lJIPOn all the taxa.ble real prop- 23rd day of November, 1965, and erty of the district, at the ,.ame b time in the s~me ,manner and by I an 'llJbstp.ct thereof has been pu, - the ~me officers as Town charges ' < llshed SAd, posted as required -by IK r SS: law SAd t,!1e period of thne has are raised -by a tax therein and, ' J elalPged"flll' the submission and when collected shall be paid by' . 10 f Is the tax th~rein and the amount 'l ~ <"'~ <_ filing of a petit n or a perm 'of such o'~ciala,"""ssments will '" ,............. be, Ing duly Sworn. slve referendum and a valid pe- ~" Ilmitted d ,be budgeted as an offset to the . . tltlon has not ,been su . an taxes thus to be levied. nnter and PublIsher Qf the SUFFOLK filed. The vM.ldlty C)!, the obllga- Section 2. Serial bonds of the . . tions autho_ by such resolu- T-nnof SoOlthold are hereby IIspaper publIshed at Greenport. In said tiOJ> maybe hereaofter contested un ~'v ~-~ o~I.-tlons were auth authorized to be issued In the t' f h" h th d " . ;;;';;'?;;;U a:;, '~bject or purpos; prirucipal amount of $165,000 pur- I llX. 0 W Ie e annelre IS II pnnted for whlc.h the 'l1own of Southold, suant ~o the pmvtsions of the Lo- led In the ,$aId Suffolk W kl T" In the OO\J;Djtx of Suffolk, New osl Finance Law, constItuting ee ry ImeS Yn~k IS not authorized to expend Chapter 33-a of the Consolidated ".-,. , W, m-;;;'e; or if the provi.slons of law Laws of the St"'.e of New York, to . . ........ "'.,~. . . . . . . " . ." wee.,\" whilCh should have been complied J!inanee said appropriation. ' 'g on the ~4.-A- with as to the date of publica.tion section 3. The following addi- . . ... . .. . .......... of this notice were not substan- tiona! matters are hereby deter- t-. . . . .. IS~.(,. tially cO!DiPlied with, and an ac- mined and stated; ~I ~ _ tion, suit or proceeding contest- (,a) The pe,riod of pmbable, use- : . . ~. .. . . .. . . .. ~~.. . . .. . . .. . Ing ,surch validity is commenced fulnesa of the ,specific obj ect or ' within twenty days after the date purPose Ior which the bonds is . . t,Ii: . . . . . 1 ~ of puWlcation C)! the notice, or authordzed by this resolution are / 6 f \'; such obligations were authorized to be Issued, within the Iimita- ;... IS.... .. J Y In violation of the prOVisions of tions of Section 11. a. 26 of said / ir, c ! '- r the constitution. Local Finance Law is ten (10) ,. .'-"'''\-." ~~'''''l'''''":-''' .>-;-;-..';',,,,,,~ y~. . ALBERT WL RICHMOND, (b) Ourrent funds are not re-.."".."..........,..."."....".."..." Town Clerk quired by said Law to be Piro-I BOND RIEBOLUTION OF THE vided prior to the issualliCe oJ the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEWbon<L, authorized by this resolu- YORK, ADOPTiElD NOVElMBER tlon, or any notes in anticiPation 23, 196c5, APPROPRIATING thereof, pursuant to the wovlsions $165,000 FOR ACQUISITION OF of Seclon 10~.OO d. 3 (i) of said AN ADDITIONAL FERRY BOAT Local Finamce Law. FOR FISHiERS ISLAND FERRY (c) The proposed maturity of I DJSTRICT, IN SAID TOWN, AT the bond aOlth<\rized by this reso- AN ElSTliMA'l1ElD MAXIMUM Utlon may exceed five (5) years. ! COST OF $1&,000 AND AUTH- SootIon 4. _ of the bonds ORlZINa THE ISSUANCE OF ,authqrized by this resolution and $165,000 SERIAL BONDS OF any notes In antici;pa.tion thereof sAID TOWIN TO iF1INANCE THE shall collitaln the recital of val- API1ROPRIATlON. idity prescrilbed by ~5,2.00 of said Recital ' Local F!.nance Law and said bonds WHEREAS, the Board of Com. ,and any notes Issued in antici- missioner.. of the Fishers Island pation of said bonds shall be gen- Ferry District, In the Town of eral obligations of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New Southold, payable as to both prin- York, has, pursuant to Iresolution cjpaJ. and interest by a general duly adopted November 9, 1965, tax '\J!POn all the ta"able real prop- approved and recommended that erty ",.ithin the town without the facilities of sa:ld Ferry Dls. lln1lJtation as to rate or amount. trlct be Increased and Imp,ro,ved by The faith and credit of the Town I the acqui.sltloJ> of an l>lldltlonal of Southold are hereby irrevocably ferry boat at a cost esthnated not pledged to the puructual payment to exceed $!M.ooo ,to be used on of the I1rinclpal of and Interest' the authorised routes of said Ferry' on sald bonds and provision shall District and has duly submitted to be made annually in the bUdgets and flied with the Town Board of of the Town by appropriation for said Town of Southold, a signed (al the amortization and rede!DiP- copy of such resolution and a tlon of the bonds to mature in written petition dated November ,such year and (,b) the payment 4, 1965, reque.stlng that said Town, of Interest to be due ,and payable Board hold a publiC heaftng to' in sueh year. consider such IlliCrease and Im-: Section 5: Subject to the pro-I provement C)f the !lI<;lIItl~s of said visi.wlll of this resoluoU,on au,d of Ferry District ,aM to make I said Local Finance Law, and pur- fllhds avail..ble pursuant to suant to the l1rovis!on,s of ~30.00 Chapter 699 of the Laws of relative to the authorization of 1947 as amended, and the the iSsuance of bond anticip,].,tion L~ Finance Law, to finance notes and of ~50.00 and ~56.00 to .sald ilJjCrease 'and improvement of. 60.00 of said Law, the powers and the facilities and to ta1<e other duties of the Town Boa,rd relative, action In connect.on therewith, all ' to prescribing the terms, form and as more fully deser.bed and refer- ! oontents and as to the sale and red to in said petition, and : iSosuance .of Ithe bonds hereby WHERlEAS. aftl1r .a,. publiC hear- authorized and any n.ote;s. issued ing duly oalled and held on No. In anticipation thereof are here- vember 23, L965, the Town .Board by dele!jated to the Supervis- C)! the Town of Southold, m the or as the chief fiscal offIcer of County of Suffolk, New York, duly t Town. a<Iopted a resolution and orderd~-I otion 6. The validity of the term1nlng that It Is in the publ1c, bv,A<! authorized by this resolu- Intere.t to I~ and i~rove' tion and of any bond anticipa- the faclllJttes C)! said Dlstnct of tlon no,tes i&sued in anticipation ",.d Town, by acquiring a ferry: of 'said bonds may be contested boat ,for said District, pursuant only if; to definite plans and l;'PeclflCa-! ,(,a.) suoh obligations are auth- tioD,s Iby Blount Marine, Shl~-l orized for a.n Object or pu~- builders and licensed naval, archl- I pose for whi~h the Town" teets, ,and ordering such COl1- not authorized to expend . structiol1, which r~olution a.nd money, or order has been duly recorded WIth (b) the provLsdons of law which the Clerk of the Oounty of SUf- should be comPlied with at' folk and It is now neeessary and the date of the publication ad~te to prov~de for fi,nanc- . of such resolution, are not Ing said Incr......, and improve- substantially complied with, ment of facllltlelS ata cost not and an action, suit or proceeding to exceed $165,()OO, by the Issu- contesting such validity is com- ance of bond.s, menced within twenty d:l:Ys after, now, therefore, be it th~ date of such publication, or RJElSOLViEDBY THE frOWN I (c) such obligations are auth- BOARD QF1,-~ TOW:N OF orized in violation of the SOU'l1HOlJIi IN THE COUNTY OF I provi~ions of the constitu- SUF1FOLK, NEW YIORK (by the ,tion. f..~.vn1"Jllhlp. vot.P of not less than I ,Il.NUARY 7. IS66 - STA;'LU' :: CO;nVIN NOTARy' PU"ll' , " " l.\ (> .~Dte of New York he,'lt,dll~'f i', '-I, -"'u1', l,' t .... -., ,," !.". .Dun y (; Uk" i,! D. S2.5826400 QlDmfltlion l:.xpn'esMarch3()fl~'t 1n ..0 TOwn to pay we pnnClptW \ of and inte1rest thereon as the _.- '--- same .shall become due and pay- NOTIOE a;' The 'Cost of acquiring said I The resolution published here- fe.. J boat shall be ratsed by a Ib with h31s heen adopted on the tax u/pon all t~e t~8.ible Ire-al prop- 23rd day of November, 1965, and e!ty ~f the dIstrict, at the Isame an l€libst.ract thereof has been, pub- tIme, In the same manner and by , 1 lished and posted as required by the same officers as Town ~harges K f ss: law and the period of time has are raIsed by a tax therelI~ and" I j elapsed for the submLssion and when collected shall be pa,d bY, ' fUin of a tiUon for a permis- the, tax thfjreLn and the amount l~ , g f ped d al'd of such o'~ciala,ssessments will '" .""",...... being duly Sworn. Sive re el'ien urn an a v 1 pe- '"'I1J'- tition lia" not been submitted' .and ,bte bUdthgetedt abe' aln Mdfset to the, rinter and Publisher pf the SUFFOLK filed. ~he validity of the obl1ga- axes. us 0 . eV!e . tions authorized by such ,re,solu- SectIOn 2. Senal bonds of thbe ~spaper published at Greenport. in said tiou may be hereafter contested Town ,Qf Isouthol~ are ,here y only if such obliga.tions were auth- authorIZed to be Issued m the ltia:. ,of which the anneXled is a rinted oriz.ed for an object or purpose prInCIpal amount .D,f $165,000 pur- ' P for which the 'I'own of Southold, suant ~o the prov,slOns of the Lo- led in tbesaid Suffolk Weekl Times in the Oounty of Suffolk, New cal FInance Law, constl~uting ry YO,rk is not authorized to expend Chapter 33-a 01 the Consol1dated . . .........6~........... weeM. money or if the prDvLsions of law ~aws of th~ Sta..e of ~e~ Yo!k, to A,... whiJch should have been complied flnanc~ saId a,ppropnatI?n. ,~g on the .. ~1.Jy. .. ....... with as to the date of publication SeC'tlOn 3. The follOWIng addl- of this notice were not substan- ti~nal matters are hereby deter- ~. . . . .. 19~.(:.. tially ca:mplied with, and an ac- mIned and Sit~ted: ~I r=~. . ~ tion, suit or proceeding contest- (,a) The penod of proba.ble use- . . . ~. .':-f!'~~~. , , . . . . . . . . ing ,such validity is commenced fulnes:s of the ,s.~clflC object or . 71/2. 1 within twenty days after the date pu,rpose for WhICh the . bonds IS . . "" . . . . . . . ~ of publica,tion of the notice, Gr authorl~d by thIS. resolutiGn .are . 196 Q · n such obligations were authorized t? be Issued,. WithIn the lImlt~- /~." . . ... J Y in violation of the l1rovisions of tions of Seetlon 11. a. 26 of saId \ h. C ( / ("'. the constiturtion. I Local Finance Law is ten (10)' ......... ;\-.':".. ..--'\-.--;1.-,......;.. .'}-~~.~~~ I years. ALBERT W. RICHMOND, (b) Ow:rent funds are not re-.'..."............................. Town Clerk quired by said Law to be Pjro- \ BOND RESOLUTION OF THE vided priGr to the issuance of the ST>\:".I;\ :: CO;nVIN TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW bonds; authorized by this resolu- NO..TA~i,PUGL!~, ::l~tf! vI NewYorll YORK, ADOPTLEID NOVEMBER tion, or any IlJOtes in anticipation. l'CHI~lll").~; j:! :_)Lt101~. County 23, 1965. APPROPRIATING thereof, pursuant to the P,rovisions , Cib, ;'Ie>. 52.5826400 $1'65,000 FOR ACQUISITION OF of Secion 107.00 d. 3 (i) Gf saJd {,lllllml..ioll !:;XpiresMarch30,I96i AN ADDITIONAL FERRY BOAT Local Finance Law. 0 FlOR FISHERS LSLAND FERRY (c) The proposed maturity of DISTRICT. IN SAID TOWN, AT the bond authopzed by this reso- AN &STIiMATED MAXIMUM !ltion may exceed five (5) years. COST OF $W5.000 AND AUTH- 8e<>tlon 4. iEla.ch of the bGnds' ORIZING THE ISSUANCE OFauth'1rized by this resolutiGn and $,165,000 SElRIAL BONDS OF any nGres in anticIPation thereof SAID '!10WIN '110 iF1INANCE THE shall contain the reeitai of val- APPROPRIATION. idity prescrilbed by 952.00 of said Recital Local Flinance 'Law and said bonds WHEREAS, the Board of Com- ,and ;any notes issued in anti-ci- m1s5ioner,s Gf the Fishers Island pa.tion of said bonds shall be gen- Ferry District, in the Town of eral obligations of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New SOuthGld, l>'l8able as to both prin- York, has, pursuant to ,resolution cipal and interest by a general duly adopted NGvember 9, 1965, tax lI!POn all the taxruble reai prop- · approved and recommended that e-rty within the town without the tacilities of said Ferry Dis- U:miJtation as ,,to rate or amount. trict be increa.sed and imp,roved by The faith and credit of the Town I the acqu:i.sdtLon .of an ad-ditional of Southol-d are hereby irrevoca.bly ferry boat at a cost estimated not pledged to the punctual payment to exceed $165,000 to be used Gn of the I1rinc1pal of and interest' the authorized routes of said Fe,rry I on said bonds iand provision shall District and has duly submitted to be made annually in the budgets and filed with the TGwn Board of of the 'fown by appropriation for said Town of Southold, a signed (a) the amortization and redemp- 'Copy of such resolution and a ti,on of the bonds to mature in written petition dated November !such year and (,b) the payment 4, 1965, requesting that said Town. of interest to be due ,and payable Board hold a ,public heating. to' in such ye.,r. consIder such Incre~~ and m~-: Section 5. Subject to the pro-I I pNveme!1t 9f the fac!hti~s Gf ,"'i\ld visions of this resolution an;d of I Ferry Distric.t and to make' said Local Finance Law, and pur- ! funds available pursuant to suant to the I1rovislon.s of ~30.oo Chapter 699 Gf the Laws of relative to the authorization of 1947 as amended, and the the iSsuance of bondanticipJ.tion Loc~ Finance Law, to finance not"" and Gf 950.00 and 956.00 to .said increase 'and improvement of, 60-.00 of said Law, the powers and I the fa:cilities and to take other duties of ~he Town Board relative, a'ction in connecti,on therewith, all' to prescrLbing the terms', form and as more fully described and refer- I contents a,nd as to the sale and red to in said 'petitt-on, and issuance of the honds hereby WHEREAS, afte;ra public hear- authorized and any notes issued ing duly called and heid on No- in anticipation thereof are here- ven,ber 23. 1,005, the Town Board by delel'iated tG the Supervis- of the Town of Southold, In the or as the chief fiscal officer of County Gf Suffolk, New York. duly t TGwn. adopted a resolution and order d~- i ~tion 6. The validity of the termin.ing that it is in the publIc bl.Hlds authorized by this resolu- interest to inc,rease and improve tion and of any bond anticipa- -the facililties of said District of tion notes :i.s;sued in anticipation sa.id Town, .by acquiring a ferry o-f s,aid bonds may be contested boat f'or said District, pur~~ant only if: to -definite plans and ,speClflca- (.a,) slUch obligations are auth- tions by Blount Marine, shil?- orized for a,n object or pur- ,builde,rs and licensed naval_ archl- pose f,or whi'ch the Town is tects and ordering such con- not authorized to ex,pend ; stru~tion, which rejS1olution a.nd money, or I order h3.s been duly recorded WIth (b) the provLsrl.-ons of law which the Clerk -of the County of SU,f- should be complied with at I foJk and it jj'3 now neoessary and the date of the publication adv1sa,'t).ie to provade for fi.nanc- of such resolution, are not ing said incr-ease and improve- substantially complied with, ment of facHiti€lSl at a cost. not and an action, suit or proceeding to exceed $165;000, by the ISSU- contesting such validity is com- ance .of bonds, menced within twenty d1lYs after, now, therefore, be it the date of such publication, or RElSOLVED BY THE II'OWN (c) such obligations are auth- BOARD Q~'-THE TOW:N OF! orized in violation of the SOU'I'HOLD' IN THE comITY OF i provisions of the constitu- SlJF1F1OLK, NEW YORK (by the I .tion. ta,vor3.lble vote of not less than. Section 7. This resolution shall I tWo-thirds C>f all the members of take effect thirty da.ys after its sald Bo.,rd) AS FlOLLOWS: adGption. unless there ,hall be I Sectton I. The Town of SOuth- filed with the Town Clerk a pe_ old, in the County of Suffolk, New tition s;'5ned and acknowledged York, hereby B\Ppropriates ~he by the owners of taxal:::le real amou.nt of $!i65,OOO for the In- property ,-:;:tilJ.~;; Ylit:1.ill. slJid. crease and irn.p~ovement of the Ferry District as shown by \ facilities of Fishers Island Ferry the latest com;pleted assess- District, in the Town of SOl.~,t~old, ment roll of said Town, pro- by the acquisition of .an ,a.ddI~l~nal testing againiSlt this 1esolution ferry boat, includmg Gngmal and requesting that the matter equipment, IDaochlnery and appar- be .submItted to the owners of atus required therefor, pursua~t taxable r,eal property sit~ate in to the definite p1ans and .pecifl- saJd Ferry District at a referen- ca,tions heretofore prepared by dum in the manner provided by Blount ,Marine, shIPbuilders and: the ''!1own Law. It.J7 I , . . " . EXTRACT OF MINUTES Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, in He County of Suffolk, New York. * January 4, 1966 * * A r~l.. meetmg of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, New York, was held at the York, in said Tcw n, 16 South Street, Greenport, Long Island, New January 4, onlSlll~m< ,1966, at ----1.-0 clock _>>-.]\'1, Supe rvisor' s Office, (E.S. T.). There were present. HurL Lester' M. Albsertson, Supervisor, and CCNncilMA LGui. II. ~.,..1It hlltiae aalph .. ~U hlltiae Mazy A. Cl..1c There were absent; Also present: J\lRlae .. .....y .......... CCNnc1l11u JIGW... C. Val.DU,_ Albert W. Richmond, Town Clerk Robert W. Tasker, Town Attorney * "" * .JUftlce -_y A. Cl..1c offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: . ~ . . THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, IN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, NEW YORK, HEREBY RESOLVES, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1 The bond resolution of this Town entitled: "Bond Resolution of the Town of Southold, "'ew York. ado[Jted November 23, 1965, appropriating $165,000 for acquisition of an additional ferry boat for Fishers Island Ferry District, in said Town, at an estimated maximum cost of $165,000 and authorlzing the issuance of $165,000 serial bonds of said Town to finance the a[Jpropriation," duly adopted by the Town Bon rd of snid Tow n on the dn te tllP re.n h::iS referred to, stil]ect to permissive refprendum, w1l1 become effective on Decembpr 24, 1965, ::ind thp Tow n Cle rk is h,' rcby directed to cause said bond resolution to be pl1blisL,~d, en fuil. 'n "TIlE SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES," a newspaper published in Greenport New York, ::ind hcreby designated ns the offiCIal ncwspnper for said publication, together with n ;\lotice in substartially the form as provided by Section 81 00 ci the Loc:11 Fll:an,:e Law, cons'itutlng Chapter 33-a of the Cons:iidated Laws of the Stelte of ;\lew York. Section 2. This resolutlC>l1 shaG tcd,e effect immediately * ~ * The adoption of the foregoing resolutbn was seconded by councilJlan LOui. M. !tr......t: and duly put to a vote on roll call, which resulted as follow s: A yes: ~illO&" 1Atfte&" M. All:MN:t:IIOIl' COWlcilJlan Loui. M. Dr-...at, JU.t:ice. J\&lph '.l'IIt:hill an4 Henry C1u'k. NOES: 110M The resolution was declared unanimously adopted. .******* . ~ - . . . . . \ General - No Veto 8./1/65 (3M) CERTIlI'ICATE I ALBERT W. RICHMOND, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, . in the County of Suffolk, State ot New York , HEREBY CERTIFY that the toregoing annexed extraot trom the minutes ot a meeting ot the Town Board ot said Town , duly oalled and held on Ja.nuar~y 4, 19~, has been oompared by me with the original minutes as ottioially reoorded in my ottioe in the Minute Book ot said Town Board and is a true, oomplete and oorreot oopy thereot and ot the whole ot said original minutes so tar as the same relate to the subjeot matters reterred to in said extraot. IN WU'llESS WHEREOJ', I have hereunto set my hand and aftixed the Tom oorporate seal ot said this 4th day ot J'an\lary , 19 _:f2L /.. / CJL/..tt~ / (fa"" . ';; . "',,,;-,/,/ (Seal) Town Clerk New York . Referendum Certific~ 9/1/64 (500) CERTIFICATE OF CLERK Town of Southold, Town Clerk of the in the County of I, A L.BERT Vi. RICHIVlOND, Suffolk, State of New York, HEREBY CERTIFY as follows: That a resolution of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, in the County of Sulblk, State of New York, entitled: "Bond Resolution of the Town of Southold, New York, adopted November 23, 1965, appropriating $165,000 for acquisition of an additional ferry boat for Fishers Island Ferry District, in said Town, at an estiUlated maximum cost of $165, ;jU() and authorizing the issuance of $165,000 serial bonds of said Town to finance the appropriatio~, II was adopted November 23, 1965 ,and that the notice setting forth the date of adoption of the resolution and containing an abstract of said resolution which concisely stated the purpose and effect thereof, was duly posted and published as required by law. That no petition signed and acknowledged by electors of the Town protesting against said resolution and requesting that said resolution be submitted to the electors of the Town for their approval or disapproval has been filed with the Town Clerk within thirty days after the date of the adoption thereof, or at any other time since said adoption. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said Town this 4th 19 66 SEAL. day of January, //' , .-,'. _y'. J- / /' (///;j" if /1 /' /~;:r/~{f//r>/o/ , Town ClerK - MES. GREENPORT. N. y~ FR: ~Y. NOVEMBER 26. 1965 LEGAL NoncE tion a,re to be issued, is ten (10) I years;' current funds are not re- TOWN OF SOUTROLD, quired by said law to be 1>rovlded LR. 1 NEW YORK prior t() the issuance of the bonds ~RK. ~ SS: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on I authorized by this resolution, or' J November Z3, 1~65, the Town Board. any notes in anticipation thereof, " of the Town ()f Southold, in the pursuant to the provisions of Sec- '" ,~~1-;"';<~, " beIng duly Sworn. '. ~;~~tYa o:e~~~~~~~ ~~tI~~k, ad- ~';,~n~~7~w~' J,e(~r:os':;~;::;:~ Printer and Publisher IOf the SUFFOLK ' "Bond Resolution of the T()wn ity of the bonds authorized by this, t' 'd ,of S(mth()ld, New Y()rk, 'adopted r"solution may exceed five (5) ewspaper ,published at Greenpor . In SG1 November 23, 1~65, appropriating years,; " ' d' printed $165,000 for acquisition of an ad- FIFTH: DETERMINING that notiCE:. ,of which the annelre IS:a ' : diti()nal ferry boat f()r Fishers Is- said bonds and any n()tes issued "h' 'd S if lk Weekly Times : land Ferry District, in said Town, in anticipatiGn of said ,bonds shall shed In t esal U 0 ; at an estimated maximum cost of be general obligations of the Town ~ weekll $165,000 and autJhorizing the iSlSu- and PLEDGING to their payment ,r . . ...""" , " ",."..,. __, ance of $16,5;000 serial bonds ()f the faith and credit ,of the Town, , th . ~~ .4-:<.~, said T()wn to finance the awro- SIXTH: DElUEGATING to the .Clng on e, ,', , ., ." , . . , , , , priation," , SUiPervlsor the powers and duties 1/~ 19 b~ I an abstra'Ct of such resolutwn, as to issuance of said bonds, and ....,.... ~:..... ~, ( 'CQIW. 1~ly s.tating t~e purpose and :any bond anticipation notes. and ~~ ~.~~............. eHect_ ....;:>f, bemg as follows: SEW;JNTR, PROVIDING that ".: : . 'CL .. . FlRST: RECII,ITNG that the said bond resolution shaH take ef- this . '.A.b. ~-A ' , 1 B03.rd of CommlSSloners oI t1;e fect thirty days after its adop- . -1 FIShe"s Island Fe.rry DIstrIct, m tion, unless there shall be filed~: 19, h~. J the T()wnof SGuth()ld, New York, with the Town Cierk a petition has, pursuant to reooiution duly signed and acknowiedged by the adopted November 1, 1965, approv- owners of taxable real property ed. and recommended that the fa- situate within said Ferry Distri'Ct cilities of said Ferry District be as ,shown by the latest completed increased and improved by the assessment roll of said Town, pro- acq;uisition of an 'a,~ditional ferry testing against this resolution and boat at a C()st estImated not to requesting that the matter be sub- e"ceed $165,000, to be used O,n the mitted to the owners of taxa;ble authorized vOlUtes of said Ferry real property situate in said Ferry District and has duly submitted tc) District at a referendum. and filed with the Town Board of DATED' NOVEMBER 23 1965 said Town of Southold, a signed " ' ' copy of such resolution and a ALBERT W, RICHMOND, j written petition dated November Town Clerk ltN26 I 4, 1965, requesting that said Town : Board hold a pubHc healing to ! consider such incre,ase and im- : provement of the facilities of said Ferry District to m'a,ke funds avail- I able pursuant to Chapter 6~~ ()f the Lam's of 1947, 'as amended; and the Local Finance Law, to finance i3aid inc:r:ease 'and improvement of ! the fa:cilities and to tak.e other ,i I ~tion in connection therewith, all ' as more fUlly described and refer- red to in said petition after a pub- lic hearing duiy caIled and held on November 23, 1965, the TOWIl Board ciulY3Jdo;pted a resolution and order determining that it is in the public interest to increase and improv.e the facilities of said Dtstrict of said Town, and order- in,g suoh construction, and it is now necessal'Y and advisable to provide f,or .financing lsaid in- crease and improvements of fa- cilities at a cost not to exceed $165;000 by the issuance of b()nds; SECOND: APPROPRllATlNG $165,000 for the increase and im-' provement of the facilities of Fishers Island Ferry District, in the Town of SGuth()ld, by the ac- quisition of 'an additional ferry ooat, inclUding original equipment, ,machinery and :apparatus requir- ed therefor, pursuant to the defi- nite plans and s.pecifications here- ! tofore prepared by Blount Marine, ' shipbuilders and licensed naval architects; as authorized punsuant to said resoLu.tion and order ad- opted by the Town Board of said Town on Novemger 23, 1965; AP- PROVING said plans and speci- fications lheretofiore aiPProvedby the Board of Commis.sioners i BTA(I'lNG the estimated maximum coot of said specific object ()r pur- pose is $165,000 and the plan of financing is the issuance of $165,- 000 serial bonds ,and the levy and coHection Qlf taxes on 'all the tax- a,ble property in said 'l1own to pay the principal of a_nd interest there- on as the same shall become due and paya;ble; the cost of acquiring said ferry boat shall !be raised by a tax up-, on an the taxable real property' ,of the district, at the ,same time I in the same manner and by the same officers as TQlWn charg,es are radsed by a tax therein and when coUeeted shaU he paid by the tax therein and the amounts thereof wili he budgeted as an of1set to the taxes' thus to be levied. TRIRD: AUTHORIZING $165,- 000 serial bonds of the Town to be issued pursu.ant to the provi- sions of the Local Finance Law. Ji10UIRtrHI: DiErrERMLNING AND STATING the peri()d ()f prc>b- 'ahle u.sefuiness of the ~pecific ob- ject or ,purp()sc for which the bonds authorized by this resolu- .. . .. .. 0.' , . . . , . ()' . : . . . Q: : 'V' . . f . . . .........~...J~... C K~GIl CORNEliA' \'10" y~ lie Stote of ;iolQr'i pub '2_2093890 No. 5 Co.- S lIolk -. Qutllified in U It :10. "" 7 ,&rrr1 bpir.' Mart . r LEGAL NOTIQE At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, in the ~unty of Suffolk, New York, held at r the Supervisors Office, 16 i South Street, Greenport, Long LSland, New York, In said Town, on the 9th day of No- vember, 1965. PRElSENT: Lester M. Albertson, Supe,rvisor Louis M. Demarest, ' Councilman Howard C. Valentine, Councilman. Ralph W. Tuthill, Justice of the Peace Henry A. Clark, Justice of the Peace ----------X In the Matter of the AAPllcation of the Board of: Commissioners for the Fishers: Island Ferry District to In-: 'Crease and Improve the Facili-: ties of the Fishers Island Fer-: ry District, in the Town of: Southold, Suffolk County, New: York. ----------X ORDER CALLING PUBLIC HEARING : November 9, 1965 I WIHER:EAS, the Board of Com- missioners of the Fishers J,sland I Ferry District, in the Town of ; Southold, Suffolk, New York, has, Jpursuant to r:esolution duly ad- opted November 1, 1965, approved and recommended that the facili- tie.s of said Ferry District be in- creased and improved by the -ac- quisition of an additional ferry boat at a cost estimated not to exceed $165,000, to ,be used on the authorized routes of said ,Ferry District and has caused preliminary ,plans and specifications for the 'Construction thereof to be prepared by Blount Marine, shipbuilder,s and licensed naval architects, and has duly submitted ,to and filed with the Tawn Board of said Town of Southold, a signed 'copy of such re- solution 'and a written petition dated November 4, 1965, requesting that said Town Board hold a public hearing to consider such incre.ase and improvement of the facilities of said Ferry District and to make funds available pursuant to Chap- ter 699 of the Laws of ]947, as amended, and the Loeal Finance Law to finance said increase and improvement of the facilities and I to take other action in connection therewith, all as more fully de- I scribed and referred to in ,said pe- tition, together with such prelim- inary plans and ~pecifications, all of which have been examined by , said Town Board; : now, therefore, be it ORDERED, that a meeting of the Town Board of said Town of Southold be held at the Fisher's Is- land Fire House in the Fishers Is.. land Ferry District, in said Town, on the 23rd day of November, 1965, at 12:30 o'clock P. M. (E.S.T') to consider ,such increase and im- provement of the facilities of said Fishers Island Ferry District and to hear all persons int....,.ested in the subject thereof con ~1ing the same and for such other' action on the part of sald Town Board with relation thereto as may be re- quired by law. DATED: NO\\E!MBEffi 9, 1065 THE T.oWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Lester M. Albertson Supervisor Louis M. Demarest COWlcilman Howard C. Valentine COWlcilman Henry A. Clark Justice of the Peace Ralph W. Tuthill ,Justice of the Peaee (seal) Members of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, New York. STAjTE OF NEW' YORK ) :8S. OOUNTY OF SUFroLK ) I, AiLBElRT W. RICHMOND, Town Clerk of the Town of South- old, In the County of Suffolk, tState of New York, DO HEREBY CElRTIFY that I have compared the preceding .order Calling l>u,b- lie - He,aring with the original thereof filed in my .office, on the 9th day of November, 1965, and that tlte same is a true and cor- rect copy of .said original and of the whole thereeof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Tawn this 9th day of Novem- lber, 1.965. Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk ltN12 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. 1 STATE OF NEW YORK. j ss: 'ff, ,,z"l1''-C,;t''"H" (i~"~ UA '(~'" bel'ng duly Sworn .... ..... '....... .1....... ............. . says that .. 'l~'C.' is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES. a newspaper published at Greenport. in said county; and that thE' Dotia:. of which the annelred is a printed copy. has been published in the ,said Suffolk Weekly Times (l,nce in E'ach week, for . . ........ .L~f~. . . . . . . .. wee~ successiv~ly commencing on the ... "t.v.{.~~,,". . . . . . . day ,of .:i ~,,",,':'1:~..;-:cc.(';":'~ .. 19."~: ~.~............. S1Morn to before me this /;1.~1.'.... 1 )" . J - . day of " .I.{,~~,l;~-".,::'c. ;-;'Y. 19,('.~. J ........... 1'1........f,. ~""'Q:: 'f"'" f).. .......\..:~.......~.. CORNE:liA c. KEOGH :;lcr-, Public, Stale of He... 1'~ No. 52.2093890 Quolified in SuftolJc Co"" lerm I!lCpir,u MQ~" 30! 19./ 7 . LEGAL NOTIQE At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, In the eounty of Suffolk, New York, held .at the Supervisors Office, 16 South Street, Greenport, Long I..land, New York, in said Town, on the 9th day of No- vember, 1965. . M.ElSENT: Lester M. Albertson, Supe,visor Louis M. Demarest, COuncilman Howard C. Valentine, - Councilman, Ralph W. Tuthill, Justice of the Peace Henry A. Clark, JU$tice of the Peace __________X I In the Matter of the Application of '-1ibe Board of: Commissioners for the FLshers: I.s1and Ferry Distriot to In-: crease and Improve the Facill-: ties of the Fishers I..land Fer-: ry District, in the Town of: \ Southold, Suffolk County, New: York. : __________X 0RIlElR CAIJLING PfUBLIC HEARING November 9, 1965 WJHER&S, the Board of Com- missioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk, New York, has, pursuant to resolution duly ad- opted November 1, 1965, approved and recommended that the faelli- tie. of said Ferry District be in- creased and improved by theac- qulsition of an additional ferry boat at a cost estimated not to exceed $165,000, to ,be used on the authorized routes of said Ferry DIstrict and has caused weliminary plans and specifications for the 'Construction thereof to be prepared by Blount Marine, shipbuilder,s and licensed naval architects, and has duly ...))mitled ,to and filed with the I Town Board of said Town of: Southold, a signed copy of such re- . solution 'and a written petition t dated November 4, 1965, requesting, that said Town Board hold a publlc \ hearing to consider such increase. and improvement of the facilities I of said Ferry District and to make funds available pur,suant to Chap- ter 699 of the Laws of ]947, as I amended, and the Local Finance I Law to finance said increase and : improvement of the facilities and to take other a'ction in connection I therewith, all as more fully de- scribed and referred to in .said pe- tition, together with such pre]im-I ; inary plans and specifications, all of which have been examined by I said Town Board; now, therefore, be it ORJJElRE[), that a meeting of the To:wn Board of said Town of! Southo]d be held at the Fishers Is- i land Fire House in the Fishers Is- I land Ferry Distri'Ct, in said Town,! on the 23rd day of November, 1965,; at 12:30 o'clock P. M. (E.S,T.) to I consider ,such increase and im-I provement of the facilities of said Fishers Is]and Ferry District and I to hear all persons interested in I the subject thereof concerning the i same and for such other action on I the part of said Town Board with I relation thereto as may be re- quired by law. DA=: NO~EIR 9, 1065 THE '])OWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Lester M. Albertson Supervisor iLouis M. Demarest Councilman Howard C. Valentine Councilman Henry A. Clark Justice of the Peace Ralph W. Tuthill . Justice of the Peace (,seal) Members of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, New York. STA!1'E OF N.EW YORK ) :S8. COUNTY OF SUFFlOLK ) I, AiLBERT W. RICHMOND, Town Clerk of the Town of South- old, in the County of Suffolk, state of New York, DO HEREBY CI!lRTLFY that I have compared the preceding Otder Calling l'ub- lie Rearing with the original thereof mea in my office, on the 9th day of November, 1965, and that the same is a true and cor- rect ~y of ,said original and of the whole thereeof. I.N Wl'I'NESS WHEREOF, I ha.ve hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Town this 9th da.y of NoVem- lber, 1.965. Albert W. .Rlcl1mond 1+.'M11) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. I STATE OF NEW YORK. 1 ss: ... ,7!.. .f(." '1-;:-_~~1:-:. 4'1,...L.L.-r.-?~.... being duly Sworn. says that . ,f:Li.---:-'. . is Printer and Publisher ~f the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES. a newspaper published at Greenport. in said county: and ~hat thE' notice. of which the annexed is a printed copy. has been published in the ;said Suffolk Weekly Times o,nce in E'Qch week, for . . ........ (C:J:L;'-.-:. . . . . . . . .. wee~ successiv&ly oommencing on the... /.:<'i-'c~Y....... day of . ."jk,-;-,u;--;<;-'n:Lky:., 'V .. 19 h,s~ ~~~.~........... ... S t bef me th,' /;( Xli. . 1 W:Qrn 0 ore. s .......~...I day of .. 7.~.":!:-<'1:"'.-(;'!!<, 19~, ;,~: t .. .. .. .. "C' . . . . . . ~. '. . . . . . ~.... 'If/. . ''': L' . . . . ......~.......I~J..... CORNELIA C. KEOGH ><olory Public. SlaJe of .....'If' ".. No. 52.2093890 Qualified in Suffolk ConII term Expi..., Mardi 3D, 1'~ 7 . . . AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING STATE OF NEW YORK) ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ALBERT W. RICHMOND, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is now and at all the times hereinafter mentioned he was the duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, New York; That on the d 3J day of I ~~ , 1965, he caused to be conspicuously posted and fastened up a notice setting forth an abstract of the resolution duly adopted by the Town Board of said Town on November 23, 1965, a copy of which is annexed hereto and made a part hereof, on the sign board of the Town maintained pursuant to Subdivision 6 of Section 30 of the Town Law. 6kd/~-~r. ~/ Town Clerk Sworn to before me this ~ 3""/ day of //~ ~.~ Notary Public RnBfOf W f ASKER . NOTAR" P'.J81l(, State of New Yor( ~ult()l. County No 52-3933725 I.... h_ -." JO, 1961 , 1965. . . TOW!\< OF SOUTH OLD, NEW YORK PLEASE TAKE !\<OTICE that on November 23, 1965, the Town Board of the Town of S'lUthold, in the County of Suffolk, New York, adopted a resolution cntltlcd: "Bond Resolutiun of the Town ul Southold, N.wYork, adopted November 23, 1965, appLljJriatmg $165,):)0 for ClCqUISiti In of an additional ferry boat for Fis\1"rs Island Ferry Distnct, in said Town, at an estimated maximum cost of $16", UOO and authorizing the issuance of $165,000 senal bonds of said Town to financl' ttp approp ria tiun, " an abstract of such nsoluti"n, cdncisely stat:ng th..: purpose and effect thereof, being as follows: FIRST: l{iCCITING that the Board of Commissioners of the; Fishers Island FL'rry District, in the Town uf Southold, New Y,rk, has, pursuant to resolution duly adopted Novpmbcr 1, 1965, apjJroved and rec,,>mmended that the fac;ilities of said F,.'rry District be increased and im\Jrovcd by the acquisiti,)O of an additional ferry boat at a cost estimated not t, exceed $165 :JOO, to be used un the auth"rized routes r:i. said Ferry District and has duly submitted to and fil"d with thc Town Board of said Town of Southold, a Slgnc'd copy of such rpsolution and a written petition datRd No\.Cmbcr' 4, ]~J(j5, requesting that said Town Board hold a ,Jllhlic hl'anng to c:onsidlT sucl] .ncreasc and impro;ement of the facl11th's of said Fcrry Ulstnd tu makl' funds available pursuant to Cha\Jkr fj,ln of the Laws of 1:'17, as amc'nded, and the Local Fmance Law, to fm'Hlc,' .!Bid .lle reel se and lIllfirovernent of the faciliti,,'s and to take other action ltl connectiun therewith, all as more fully described and rpfe rred to in said jJdition; after a public hearing duly called and held or. NWm1l)('r 23, 1965, the Town Board duly adopted a resolution and ordf'r determming that it is in the public interest to increa,;e and impr'>ve the facilities of said District of said Town, and ordering such construction, and it is now necessary and advisable to provide for financmg said increase and improwment of facilities at a cost m t to exct,ed $165,000, by the issuance of b,mds; ';f SECOND: APPROPRlATLl\IG $165, JU'I for the> increase and improvement of the facilities of Fishers bland F" r-ry District, in the Town of Southold, by the acquisition of an additlOnal ferry boat, including original equipment, machine ry and apparatus required therefor, pursuant to the definite plans and speCifications heretofore prepared by Blount Marine, shipbuilders and licensed naval architeots, as authorized pursuant to said resolution and order adopted by the Town Board of said Town on November 23, 1965; APPROVING said plans and specifications heretofore approved by the Board of CommisslOners; STATING the estimated maximum cost of said specific object or purpose is $165,000 and the plan of financing v . . is the issuance of $165,000 senal bonds and the levy and collection of taxes on all the taxable real p roplTty in said Town to pay the principal of and interest thpreon as the same shall become dup and payable; the cost of acquiring said fe rry boat shall be raised by a tax upon all the taxablc real property' of the district, at the same time in the same lnanner and by the same officers a~ Town charges are raised by a tax therein and when colh,cted shall be paid by the tax therein and the amounts thereof will be budgeted as an offset to the taxes thus to be levied; THIRD: i\l'THORIZIC\:G $16;), OUll sl'ri,ll honds of the Town to be issued pursuant to the' prOVlf;iuns "f t1w Lucal FInance Law, FOUHTIl; DLT1~RMI!\I:-;G AI\D ST\TL'\G the: period of probable usefulness of the specIfic object or purpose for whIch the bonds authorized by this resolution are to be issued, IS kn {Ill) years; current funds are not required by s,nd Law to be provided prior to the issuance of the bonds authorized by thIS "",solution, or' any notes in anticipation thereof, pursuant to the pr )visions of Section 107.00 d. J (i) of said Local Financc Law; the proposed maturity of the bonds authorized by this resolution may exceed five (5) years; I FIFTH; DLTl::RMINI:::\G that saId bonds and any notes iosupd in anticipation of said bunds sh",l be gerkr'al obligation,,; of thc Town and PLEDGING to theIr paymeet the faith und credit of the Town. SIXTH; DELLGA T1NG to the Supervisor the powers and duties as to issuancc of said bonds, "nd uny bond anticipation notcs, and SEVENTH; PROVIDING thut said bond rcsolutiun shall take effect thirty days after its aduption, unlc,ss therl' shall be filed with the Town Clerk a petition signl~d and acknowledged by the owners of taxable real property situate within saiJ Ferry District as shown by the latest completed assessmpnt ru:l uf said Tuwn, protesting against this resolution and requesting that the mattpr by submItted to the OWners of taxable real property situutc in said Ferry District at a referendum, I ~t ~ of'; ;~ - i(;.,.- r f DATED: NOVEMBER 23, 1'966 ALBERT W. RICHMOND, Town Clerk 1 ~ I I j. t.. 1\ ., -';;31' '\I . . REGINALD C. SMITH ROBERT W. TASKER PIERRE G. LUNDBERG HOWARD M. FINKELSTEIN SMITH, TASKER, FINKELSTEIN AND LUNDBERG ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW 425 MAIN STREET GREENPORT, N. Y. GREENPORT 7-1400 ARTHUR H. LUNDBERG COUNSEL November 24, 1965 Hon. Albert W. Richmond Southold Town Clerk Southold, New York Re: Fishers Island Ferry District Acquisition of Ferry Boat Dear Albert: Relative to the Fishers Island Ferry District acquisition of boat matter, I enclose herewith a certified copy of resolution and order after hearing adopted by the Town Board on November 23, 1965. The enclosed certified copy must be recorded by you in the County Clerk's Office before Friday, December 3, 1965. As soon as-the enclosed resolution and order is returned to you by the County Clerk, please advise me and I will prepare the necessary affidavit for your signature with respect thereto. Yours very truly, /2 /;::f7 ?~C-V ;~_k ROBERT W. TASKER RWT:MY Enclosures / ~/;l /~~ ~~ ~ /</C:J "~/:"~~7 {~r0 ;, -~ ~'F . . REGINALD C. SMITII ROBERT w: TA-SKER PIERRE G. LUNDBERG HOWARD M. FINKELSTEIN SMITH, TASKER, FINKELSTEIN AND LUNDBERO ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW 425 MAIN STREET GREENPORT. N. Y. GREENPORT 7-1400 ARTHUR H. LUNDBERG COUNSEL November 23, 1965 Hon. Albert W. Richmond Southold Town Clerk Southo1d, New York Re: Fishers Island Ferry District Acquisition of Ferry Boat Dear Albert: With respect to the above matter I enclose herewith affidavit of Wilfred C. Sinclair sworn to November 23, 1965, attesting to the posting of order calling for public hearing in five public places within the Ferry District. Also enclosed is your affidavit sworn to November 12, 1965, attesting to the posting of the order calling for public hearing on the Town Clerk's bulletin board. Both of the enclosed affidavits should be filed in your office with the other documents relative to this matter. Yours very. t.ru..~, . /./) ... &j ~J~~~. ROBERT W. TASKER RWT:MY Enclosures '~ ~ 4'" . . STATE OF NEW YORK) S8. : COUNTY OF SU FFOLK) ALBERT W. RICHMOND, being duly sworn upon his oath, deposes and says: That he is and at all the times hereinafter mentioned, he was the duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, State of New York; That on the 12th day of November, 1965, he caused to be conspicuously posted and fastened up a certified copy of an Order adopted by the Town Board of said Town of Southo1d calling a public hearing on the proposed increase and improvement of the facilities of Fishers Island Ferry District of the Town of Southo1d, a true copy of which is annexed hereto and made a part hereof, on the sign-board of the Town maintained pursuant to Subdivision 6 of Section 30 of the Town Law. /~;~4%:#au/ / Town Cl k Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of November, 1965. MARiO:1 {l,. rL~:~_::[ NOTARY PUBLIC, sec'" c: ::C.! York NO,', 52-3233120 Suffolk COUl\t~..." Jerm J:..xpires March 3D" 19...Ji1 ~ . A t a regular _eting of the Town Board of the Town 0 outhold, in the County of Suffolk, New York, held at the Supervisor's Office, 16 South Street, Greenport, Long Island, New York, i1\U~~i.<!,Town, on the 9th day of ~,el.965. " ,,/ PRESENT: Lester M. Albertson, Louis 1\1. Demarest, Howard C. Valentine, Ralph W. Tuthill, Henry A. Clark, Supervisor Councilman Councilman . Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace - - - - "'; ------- - - - - - - -x In the Matte" of the ORDER CALLING PUBLIC HEARING Application of the Board of Commissioners for the Fishers Island Ferry District to Increase and Improve the Facilities of the Fishers Island Ferry District, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. November 9 ,1965 .. .. - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---X ......... WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers I8land Ferry Dbtrict, ir, thl' Tr 'W', of Sou' hr 1". Suffolk County, New York, November has, pursuant to resolution J .ly adu.\tcdx~xn_.~, 1965, approved and recoIllnwnded that the fadlitlf's of said F"~rv Dic'rif'l bi' inrri'ased and improved by the aC'Iubition of an additional ferry buat at a cost estimated not to exceed $1,j5, 000, to be uRed un 'IH' authorized routes of said Ferry District;md has caused preliminary plans and specifications for the const ruction thereof to be prepared by Blount Marine, fhipbuilders and licensed naval architects, and has duly submitted to and filed with the Town Board of said Town of Southold, a signed copy of such resolution und a November written petition dated~ 4 ,1965, re'J~esting that said Town Board hold a public hearing to consider Buch incr~ase and improvement ~f 'the - fac'ilitieB of said F"rr~ DiBtric t and to make funds available pursuant to Chapter 699 of the Law s of 1947, as amended, and the Local Rnance Law to finance said increase an d improvement of the facilities and to take other action in connection therewith, all as more fully described and referred to in said petition, together with such preliminary plans and speCifications, all of which have been examined by said Town Board; now, therefore, be it ,~ . . ORDERED, that a meeting of the Town Board of said Town of Southold be held at the Fishers Island Fire House in the Fishers Island Farry District, ,1965,at 12:30 o'clock in said Town, on the 23rd day of November P. . M. (~. S. T. ) to consider such increase and improvement of the facilities of said Fishers Island Ferry District and to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof concerning the same and for such other action on the part of said Town Board with relation thereto as may be re- quired by law. NOVEMBER 9, 1965 DATED: ~11XX~ THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Lester M. Alber~on Supervisor Louis M. Demarest Councilman Howard C. Valentine Councilman Henry A. Clark Justice of the Peace Ralph W. ruthi 11 Justice of the peace (SEAL) Members of the Town Board of the Town of Southo1d, New York. f f ,d- 1 , "! ----~"..."..,---:~ """jl>' - " . . STATE OF NEW YORK ) ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK I, ALBERT W. RICHMOND, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, State of New York, DO HEREBY CERTIFY thQt I have compared the preceding Order CQlling Public Hearing with the ori;',inal thereof filed in my office, on the ~dQY of November ,19G5, QUd that the same is a true and correct copy of said original and of the whole thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hQUd QUd affixed the seal of said Town this 9th day of November ,19G5. (SEAL) /d/~~ ,p~----~ Town Cle " l ~t~.- _~___ . . ., # STATE OF NEW YORK) ss. : COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) WILFRED C. SINCLAIR, being duly sworn upon his oath, deposes and says: That he is and at all the times hereinafter mentioned, he was the Manager and Secretary of the Fishers Island Ferry District, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York; That on the 13thdayof November , 1965, he caused to be conspicuously posted and fastened up a certified copy of an Order adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Southold calling a public hearing on the proposed increase and improvement of the facilities of Fishers Island Ferry District of the Town of Southold, a true copy of which is annexed hereto and made a part hereof, in the following places, and that the said places constitute at least five (5) of the most public places within said District. 1. Bulletin Board, U. S. Post Office, Fishers Island, New York 2. Bulletin Board, Fishers Island Civic Association, Fishers Island, N.Y. 3. Doyen's Grocery Store, Fishers Island, New York Polly's Shop, Fishers Island, New York 4. Olga's Shop, Fishers Island, New York 5. l Sinclair, Manager and Secretary Subscribed and sworn to before me this ,)-,31.:( day of '7Ul,r; , 1965. -$l~(~~' , No" Y Public, State of New York A. JOHN GADA . Notary PubliC, State of New York -ReSiding in Suffolk Co. Olt. No. 52.6439000 oCommlnlgn Expires March 30 I ... qt./;, --,~ ~.,- . At a regular Aeting of the Town Board of the Town o~outhold, in the County of Suffolk, New York, held at the Supe-rvisor's Office, 16 South Street, Greenport, Long Island, New York, ~~~ Town, on the 9th day of ov D,ett965. PRESENT: Lester M. All;>ertsan, Louis M. Demarest, Haward C. Valentine, Ralph W. Tuthill, Henry A. Clark, Supervisor Councilman Councilman 'Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace -------------- - - - - - - - - - -X In the Matter of the ORDER CALLING PUBLIC HEARING Applicatian of the Board of Commissioners for the Fishers Island Ferry District to Increase and Improve the Facilities of the Fishers Island Ferry District, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. November 9 ,1965 .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -X -... WHEREAS, the Board of Cammissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District, in the Tr'Wl. of Sou' hr k, C;uffolh County, New York, November has, pursuant to renolution cJ"ly '1dv.)t('dx~x'lc\txiO<_,~, 1!JG5, approved and recommended that the facilihps of sairi F(>~rv DiotriC'j bf' in('rf'ased and improved by the aC'luioition of an additional fprry ouat at a cost estimated not ta exceed .$lG5, 000, to be uRed un '11(' authorized routes of said Ferry District,and has caused preliminary pl~ns and specifications for the construction thereof to be prepared by Blount Marine, ffiipbuilders and " licensed naval architects, and has duly submitted to and filed with the Town Board of said Town of Southold, a signed copY .of such resolution and a November written petition dated fixbabe.tx 4, 19G5, requestin" that said Town Board ha1d a public hearing to consider such increase and improvement Jf 'the' fa~'ilities of said Ff'rrc' District and to make funds available pursuant to Chapter G!J!J of the Laws of 1947, as amended, and the Local Bnance Law to finance said increase an d improvement of the facilities and to take other action in connection therewith, all as more fully described and referred to in said petition, together with such preliminary plans and specifications, all of which have been examined by said Town Board; naw, therefore, be it --. . , . , . ! ORDERED, that a meeting of the Town Board of said Town of Southold be held at the Fishers Island Fire House in the Fishers Island Ferry District. in said Town, on the 23rd day of November ,1965,at 12:30 o'clock P. . M. ( E . S. T.) to consider such increase and improvement of the facilities of said Fishers Island Ferry District.and to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof concerning the sar.ne and for such other action on the part of said Town Board with relation .thereto as may be re- ., quired by law. NOVEMBER 9, 1965 DA TED: OCXJXIDOO(19OC~ THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Lester M. Albertson Supervisor Louis M. Demarest Councilman Howard C. Valentine Councilman Henry A. Clark Justice of the Peace I i I I l ! Ralph W. Tuthill Justice of the Peace (SEAL) Members of the Town Board of the Town of Southo1d, New York. " , r , I . . STATE OF NEW YORK ss; COUNTY OF SUFFOLK I, ALBERT W. mCHl'vTOl\'D, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, Sta'e of ?{"w York, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that I have compared the preceding Order Calling Public Hearing with the ori~inal thereof filed in my office, on the ~day of November ,19G5, and that the same is a true and correct copy of said original and of the whole thereoL IN WIT?{ESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Town this 9th day of November ,19G5. (SEAL) _/d/~Y9fr ,~---"r' Town Cler - -.. .. LEGAL NOTIQE At a regular meeting of the Town Boa.d of the Town of Southold, in the County 0 Suffolk, New York, held at the Supervisors OffIce, 16 South Street, Greenport, Long ls1and, New York, in said Town, on the 9th day of No- . vember, 1966. . I t P\REBENT' j Lester M. Albertson, . SUP'1"visor Louis M. Demarest, Clouncilman Howard C. Valentine, COu:ncilman, Ralph W. Tuthill, Justice of the Peace Henry A. Clark, J.ustlce of the Peace ----------X In the .Matter of the AWIlcMion of the Board of: Commissioners .for the Fishers: Island Ferry District to In-: crease and Improve the Faclll-: ties of the Fishers Island Fer-: ry District, in the Town of: Southold, Suffolk County, New: York. ----------X ORDEIR CALLING PUBLIC HEARING November 9, 1965 WIHERiElAS, the Board of Com- missioners of the Fishers I,hind Ferry District, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk, New York, has, pursuant to resolution duly ad- o,pted November I, 1965, approved and recommended that the facilI- tie., of said Ferry District be in- creased and imprOVed by the 'ac- quisltion of an additional ferry boat at a cost estimated not to exceed $165,000, to ,be used on the authorized routes of , said Ferry District and has ' caused preliminary plans and specifications for the construction thereof to be prepared by Blount Marine, &hipbullder.s and Ilceftsed naval architects, and has duly ....hmitted .to and filed with the Town Board of said T"wn of Southold, a signed copy of such re- solution 'and a written petition da,ted November 4, 1965, requesting i that said Tawn Board hold a pubIlc I hearing to consider such increase and improvement of the facilities : of said Ferry District and to make . funds avallable pursuant to Chap- ter 699 of the Laws of ]947, as amended, and the Local Finance' Law to finance said increase and! improvement of the facilities and to take other action in connection therewith, all as more fully de- scribed and ,referred to in ,said pe_ ,tltion, together with such prelim- inary plans and J:ijJecifications, all of which have been examined by i said Town Board; now, therefore, be it . ORDERED, that a meeting of the Town Board of said Town of Southold be held at the Fishers Is- lang Fire House in the Fishers Is- land Ferry District, in said Town, on the 23rd day of November, 1965, at 12:30 o'clock P. M. (E.S.T.l to consider .such --increase and im- provement of the fa'Cilities of said Fi&hers Island Ferry District and to hear .all persons interested in the subject th.ereof concerning the same and. for such other action on the part of said Town Board with relation thereto as may be re- :quired by law. DA11ED: NOViElMiBER 9, 1065 THE TOWN BOARD OF THE rI'QWN QF SOU'IlHOLD Lester M. Albertson Supervi.sor ,Louis M. Demarest Councilman Howard C. Valentine Councllman Henry A. Olark Justice of the Peace Ralph W. Tuthlll Justice of the Peace '(Seal) 'Members of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, . iNew York. ST~ OF NEW' YORK ) :88. NTY OF SUF1FOLK ) ~ I, AiLBERT W. RICHiMOND, Town Clerk of the Town of South- .oId. in the County of Suffolk, te of New York. DO HEREBY TliFY that I have compared :.. 0 preceding Order Calling Pub- Hearing with the original ereof filed Iii my "mce, on the ft..... day of November, 1965, and . the same is a true and cor- '. t cqpy of .said original and of . e whole thereeof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affIXed the sea! of sa!d Town this 9th day of NoVem- lber, 1.965. Albert WI. Rich=nd Town Clerk ltN12 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. 1 STATE OF NEW YORK. j ss: <:J...,.fl t...n.. rj) - ,.' . . . ,If,. . ~.~? . . . . .. ~:-H1..,. being duly Sworn. says that .. &. . is Printer and Publisher IOf the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES. a newspaper published at GreenpOlt. in said county; and that thE' notiCE:. of which the 4III1exed is ~ printed copy. has been published in the ;said Suffolk Week~ Times once In E'Qchweek. for. . ..........~........ weeklll succesSiV~ly commencing on the ... ~~. . . . . . day of .,~~..~.9.,", , Sworn to befO:~ .~~ ~~: :~........ day of .J.~,. 19.(:..~ t ......... .o-~. ill' ''-I/' 0 0 0 of)- 0 0 o. 0 0 ....................~..~....... CORNEliA C. KEOGH '~cl(.;: y Public, Stale of New.... No. 52.2093890 Q.:,lified in Suffolk eo.... lerm ElCpires March 30. t.' 7 . 'l..'-~'I!'" '. . . MI~UTE~ SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD November 23, 1965 PRE S E N T: SUPERVISOR LESTER M. ALBERTSON COUNCILMAN LOUIS DEMAREST COUNCILMAN HOWARD VALENTINE JUSTICE RALPH TUTHILL JUSTICE HENRY CLARK JUSTICE E. PERRY EDWARD TOWN CLERK ALBEIrT W. RICHMOND TOWN ATTORNEY ROBERT W. TASKER Hearing to improve facilities of the Ferry District . .. . . -2- At 12:30 pm, November 23, 1965 at Fishers Island Fire House, Fishers Island, New York, Mr. Lester Albertson, Supervisor of the Town of Southold, opened a meeting of the Town Board to hear all persons interested in the application of the Board of Ferry Commissioners to increase and improve the facilities of the Ferry District by the acquisition of an additional ferry boat at a cost not to exceed $165,000.00. Supervisor Albertson opened the hearing by reading the legal notice of hearing as published in the official newspaper. "At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, New York, held at the Supervisor's Office, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, in said Tpwn of the 9th day of November, 1965. "PRESENT: Lester M. Albertson, Supervisor; Louis Demarest, Councilman; Howard C. Valentine, Councilman; Ralph W. Tuthill, Justice of the Peace; Henry A. Clark, Justice of the Peace. --------------------------------------------------x In the Matter : ORDER CALLING PUBLIC HEARING of the Application of the Board of Commissioners for the : Fishers Island Ferry District to Increase and Im- prove the Facilities of the Fishers Island Ferry : District, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County ~e~_yQ~t__________________________________________X November 9, 1965 "WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District, in the Town of Southold, Sufmolk County, New York, has, pursuant to resolution duly adopted November 1, 1965, approved and recommended that the facilities of said Ferry District be increased and improved by the acquisition of an additional Ferry Board at a cost estimated not to exceed $165,000, to be used on the authorized routes of said Ferry District and has caused preliminary plans and specifications for the construction thereof to be prepared by Blount Marine, shipbuilders and licensed naval architects, and has duly submitted '. . . -3- to and filed with theTown Board of said Town of Southold, a signed copy of such resolution and a written petition dated November 4, 1965, requesting that said Town Board hold a public hearing to consider such increase and improvements of the facilities of said Ferry District and to make funds available ~ursuant to Chapter 699 of the Laws of 1947, as amended, and the Local Finance Law to finance said increase and improvement of the facilities and to take other action in connection therewith, all as more fully described and xeferred to in said petition, together with such preliminary plans and specifications, all of which have been examined by said Town Board; "now therefore, be it "ORDERED, that a meeting of the Town Board of~ said Town of Southold be held at the Fishers Island Fire House in the Fishers Island Ferry District, in said Town on the 23rd day of Novembex, 1965, at 12:30 o'clock p.m. (E.S.T.), to consider such increase and improvement of the facilities of said Fishers Island Ferry District and to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof concerning the same and for such other action on thepart of said Town Board with relation thereto as may be required by law. "DATED NOVEMBER 9, 1965, THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD "Lester M. Albertson, Supervisor, Louis Demarest, Councilman; Howard C. Valentine, Councilman; Henry A. Clark, Justice. of the Peace; Ralph W. Tuthill, Justice of the Peace (Seal) Members of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, New York. "STATE OF NEW YORK) :ss COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) "I, ALBERT W. RICHMOND, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, State of New York, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that I have " . -4- . compared the preceding Order Calling Public Hearing with the original thereof filed in my office, on the 9th day of November, 1965, and that the same is a true and correct copy of said original and of the whole thereof. "IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Town this 9th day of November, 1965. "Albert W. Richmond, Town Clerk." Supervisor Albertson stated that there was a certificate of publication of the legal notice in the file. He then read the application of the Board of Commissioners of Fishers Island Ferry District. Mr. Albertson then announced thay anyone wish~ng to be heard in favor of the applicaqion or against it would have the privilege of speaking. Those in favor of the application were asked to speak first. Frederick T. Warner said he was very much in favor of having two boats serving the Island, and that the preliminary plans appear to be for a servicable boat with low operating cost and that this would be a welcome addition to the Island. Ralph Books said it would be a very smart idea to have another boat that does not need such a large crew. He said it was too bad this meeting was held now when the summer people are not here on the Island and at an hour when most working men were not able to come. He said , he had spoken of the plan to a lot of summer people and they are all in favor of the boat and that they are especially glad it does not need a large crew. Robert Waddinqton, Jr. said he was very much in favor of this boat but it was unfortunate that at this time we do not know what the runs will be and he hopes it is not to be used only for the benefit of the summer people but for the winter people so that we could have a late trip on certain evenings so that local people could take their . . -5- familes to the mainland for dinner once in a while. Serqe Doyen, Jr. said he was very much in favor of the boat and wanted to know if the plan would be explained to the people today or what is the correct method for people to learn about the proposed boat. Mr. Albertson said he did not know that the people were unfaMiliar with the plans of the boat and declared a recess for a time so that those present could look at the plans and have an explanation by the Ferry District Commissioners. After this explanation was given Mr. Albertson declared the meeting open again and thosein favor could continue. Mario Zanqhetti said he was very much in favor of the boat and the plans of the Ferry Commissioners. A. John Gada said he was in favor of improving transportation facilities in view of the increase of people add houses in the last ten or fifteen years but wanted to know how the size of the new boat was decided and how the figures were projected and how the boat was to be used, etc., so he could make up his own mind. Wilfred Sinclair, Manager of the District, explained in detail how the price was arrived at, how the boat would be used, etc. that the Mystic Isle was so expensive to operate and the new boat would come under a rule that required only a crew of three or even two, such being a Motor Boat Certificate, and that the boat would be based on the Island. Mr. Sinclair continuted to explain that the Commissioners had arrived at bo~~the cost and the plan only after much serious thought and investi- gation. He compared the needs and the facilities of Fishers Island with Nantucket and its transportation problem. The Commissioners, he said, after much study decided this boat with its small crew was tailored to the needs of the people on Fishers Island. Mr. Gada said he did not understand how the boat could come under the Motox Boat license for a boat over 65 feet has to be manned by licensed operators. . . -6- . Mr. Sinclair assured him and all present that the statement made by the Commissioners was correct and that the proposed boat would come under the Motor Boat classification. W. Gordon Ahman said he was in favor of the boat and thought the Ferry Commissioners should be commended on the time and energy that they had put into working up the plan. Rosalie Rooks said she was in favor of the boat for she rides it twice a week and it is inconvenient when it is laid up because of stormy runs. She wanted to know if the new boat, being based here on the Island would be available for hospital runs to New London and if the ambulance would fit on it, now that the Coast Guard facilities are not always suitable. Wilfred Sinclair said the boat would be used for this, if possible. Richard Jenssen was in favor of the new boat and added to Mrs. Rooks' idea about the ambulance by saying that now the ambulance has to stay in New London overnight and we sometimes have need for it so that with a boat berthed here the ambulance could come back to the Island. Stephen Morell said he was in favor of the new addition to the Ferry District facilities. Richard Baker said he was in favor of the new boat. Mary Grebe said she was in fa~or. Dorothy Edwards said she was in fa~or of the new boat. Martha Ferquson said she was in favor of the new boat. Mr. Albertson then asked all those againstthhe proposed new boat to speak. There was no opposition. Frederick Warner asked the amount spent on charter last year. Mr. Sinclair said the amount was $4799.00. Mr. Gada asked if the bill limited the figure to $165,000.00. he was told this was a fact. He then asked if a contract would be let for construction of the boat when the figure was planned before hand by . . -7- . the commissioners. Mr. Albertson said this was not uncommon. Mr. Doyen said the commissioners had not decided on the cost of the boat but that a marine architect had determined the amount necessary. Mr. Warner asked how much extra money was needed for the terminals and Mr. Albertson said the amount was between seven and ten thousand but this amount wasnow on hand to take care of this. Mr. Albertson asked if anyone else wished to be heard and when there was no response he declared the hearing adjourned at 12:55 p.m. Lucy J. Ahman Secretary for the meeting /bd >"'- "'.', _n ~. ,,--. -"'-:-:- , ;'J; t ';"'; ; -JK-~'~]:..t "~.r, ~.-~<--;-- !;,i",i~-:' '-:-.~. . . . At 12:30 p.m. November 23, 1965 at Fishers Island Fire House, Fishers Island, New York, Mr. Lester Albertson, Supervisor of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, opened a meeting of the said Board to hear all persons interested in the Application of the Board of Ferry Commissioners to increase and improve the the facilities of the Ferry District by the acquisition of an ar'ditional ferry boat at a cost not to exceed $165,000.00. Present were: Lester M. ~lbertson, Supervisor, Louis M.De~arest, Councilman, Howard C. Valentine, Councilman, Ralph W. Tuthill, Justice of the Peace, Henry A. Clark, Justice of the Peace, E. Perry Edvard, Justice of the Peace, members of the Town Board. Also, Albert W. Richmond, Town Clerk and Robert Tasker, Town Attorney. Mr. Albertson read the Application of the Board of Commissioners of Fishers Isla nd Ferry Dis trict, the Notice of the Public Hearing and stated that he had the Certification of Publication. He then announced that anyone wishi~g to be heardin favor Application or against it would have the privilege of speaking. in favor of the Application were asked to speak first. of the Those Frederick T. Warner said he was very much in favor of having two boats serving the Island, an" that the preliminary plans appear to be for a servicable boat with low opereting cost and that this would be a welcome addition to the Island. Ralph Rooks said it would be a very smart idea to have another boat that does not neee such a large crew. He said it was too bad this meeting was held now when the summer peonle are not here on the Island and at an hour when most working men were not able to come. He said he had spoken of the plan to a lot of summer people and they are all in favor of the boat and that they are especially glad it does not need a large crew. Robert Wad"ington. Jr. said he waa very much in favor of this boat but it was unfortunate that at this time we do not know vhat the runs will be and he hopes it is not to be used only for the benefit of the summer people but for the winter peo~'le so that we could have a late trip on certain evenings so that local people could take their families to the mainland for dinner once in a while. Serge Doyen. Jr. said he was very much in favor of the boa t and wanted to know if the plan would be explained to the people today or what is the correct method for people to learn about the proposed boat. Mr. Albertson said he did not know that the people were unfamiliar with the plans of the boat and declared a recess for a time so that those present could look a t the plans and have an explanation by the Ferry District Commissioners. After this explanati0n was given Mr. Albertson declared the meeting open again and those in favor could continue. M9rio ZanEilietti said he was very much in favor of the bO" t and the plans of the Ferry Commiasioners. A. John Gada said he was in favor of improving transportation facilities in view of the increase of people and houses in the laet ten or fifteen years but wanted to know how the size of the new boat was decided and how the figures were projected and how the boat was to be used, etc. so he could mske up his own mind. Wilfred Sinclair, ~enager of the District, explained in detail how the price was arrived at, how the boat woul" be used, etc. that the ~trstic Isle was so expensive to operate and the new boat would come under a !"ule that required only a crew of three or even two, such being a Hotor Boat Certificate, and the t the boat would be base~ on the Island. L' ~;-'J: - ~'-;;I ~ --...- W<'<,,_"""€~."- ":~~,'!,;,,^-. '~L{";.-::r-,<-;~i~:l7" --y ,'; 'v; -~:'~-.;:"t"',~"'" 7_" ~ .,,", . .. . - . "',~T,,~~_"'~~ "'r" "-l7"<'C''"';''';,' CT',"~"'-:-<,"V :"';:!;'!;~."r.I'f' n't-.- .,,-. . . Mr. Sinclair continued to explain thht the Commissioners had arrived at both the cost and the plan only after much serious thoup:ht and investi- gation. He compared the needs and the facilities of Fishers Island with Nantucket and its transportstion problem. The Commissioners, he said, after much study decided this boat with its small ere.. was tsilored to the needs of the people on Fishers Island. Mr. Gada said he did not understsnd how the boat could come under the Motor Boat license for a boa t over 65 feet has to be manned by licensed operators. Mr. Sinclair assured him and all present that the ststement made by the Commissioners was correct ano that the proposed boat would come under the Motor Boat classification. W. Gordon Ahman said he was in favor oP the boat and thought the Ferry Commissioners should be commended on the time and energy they had put into workin~ up the plan. Rosalie Rooks said she was in favor of the boat for she rides it twice a week and it is inconvenient when it is laid up because of stormy runs. She wanted to know if the new boat, being based here on the Island would be available for hospitsl runs to New London and if the ambulance would fit on it, now that the Coast Guard facilities are not always suitsble. Wilfred Sinclair said the boat would be used for this, if possible. Richard Jenssen was in favor of the new boat and added to Mrs. Rooks' idea ahout the ambulance by saying that now the ambula nee has to stay in New London overnight and we sometimes have need for it so that with a boat berthed here the ambulance could come back to the Island. Stephen Morell said he was in favor of the new addi tion to the Ferry District facilities. Richard Esker said he was in favor of' the new boa t. Mary Grebe said she WES in favor. Dorothy Edwards said she was in favor of the new boat. Martha Ferguson said she ...,s in favor of the new boat. Mr. Albertson then asked all those against the proDosed new facility to speak. There was no opposition. Frederick Warner asked the amount spent on crerter last year. Mr. Sinclair said the amount was $4799.00. Mr. Gada asked if the bill limited the figure to $165,000.00. He was told this was a fact. He then asked if a contract would be let for construction of the boa t when the figure was planned before hand by the Commissioners. Mr. Albertson said th is was not uncommon. Mr. Doyen said the Commissioners had not decided on the cost of the boat but that a marine architect had determined the amount necessary. Mr. Warner asked now much extra money was needed for the terminals and V~. Albertson said the amount was between seven arrl ten thoussnd but this amount was now on hadd t') tske care of this. v~. Albertson asked if anyone else wished to be hesrd and when there was no response he declated the meeting adjourned at 12:55 p.m. ~ ~ l~~~,~, Lucy J. ahroan Secretary for the Meeting LEGAL NIOTIOE At a ~ meeting of the Town Board of the Town.. of Southold, in the County l)t Suffolk, New York, held lot the Supervisors Office, 1, ' South street, Greenport, L= Lsland, New York, In Town, on the 9th day of N~ vember, 1965. . . '"t , PIIWSENT: .. Lester M. A1bertson, SuP<\fvisor Louis M. Delllarest, councilman' Howard C. Valentine, Coun.ciinlan, Ralph W. 'lUthlll, . Justice of the Peace Henry A. ,Clark,. Justice of the Peace' _ _,_ ___ - -- -X. In the Matter of the Awlie.tlon of the Board of~ OOIJunissloners for the F1mers: Ls1and Ferry Distriet to 111.-: crease and' IJnprove the Faclll-: ties of the Fishers J,sland Fer-: ry District, in the T.own of: Southold, Suffolk County, New: . York. __~_______X 0RnI!lR CAIJLING . PlUBLIC HEARJNG November 9, 11M15 WIHElRiElAS, the Board of Com- missioners of the Fishers I.slanli. Ferry District, in the Town of: SOuthold, Suffolk, New York, h8ll, pursuant to resolution duly 0.4- opted November I, 1965, approved and reoommended that the faCl1l- tlM of said Ferry District be Ill- creased and inlproved by ,the 'ae- qulsltlon of an' additional fcrt)' boat at a cost estimated not. to exceed $185,000, 'to ,be ,used on the authorized routes .:J7f said Ferry District and' li48 caused wellminary plans 'll" specifications for the construc. ' thereof to be prepared by BloUDt MarIne, shipbuilder" and licensed I naval architects, and has duly i submitted <to and llle<l with '*" Town Board of said Town '<of Southold, a signed copy of suchre- solution 'and a written petition dated November 4, llMl5, reques~ that said Town Board hold a p,- hearing to cOIlSider such incrtiie:. and Improvement of the facl~ of said Ferry District and to make I funds available pursuant to Ch .-. Iter 699 of the Ll!w,s Qf 1,9.4 amended, and the Local FIn. Law to finance said Increase' Ilnprovement of the fll-CilIties;liM., to take other action In connection therewith, all as more fully <le- scribed and referred to In ,sai<l,'lll"- tltlon, together with such prellln.-. inary plans and 'l\>ecUlcatlons,;.all i of which have be!ln examineq by I said Town Board; ~':r ;"-. 'now therefore, be It ';"" ' oiwERmID, that a meetins;1 fJ the Town Board of said TOWIl. of Southold be held at the Fisher" ,Is- land Fire HOuse In the Fisherll Is-I land Ferry District, In said Ta\WD" \ on the 2.:!rd day of ;N'ovember, 1\866> \ at ,1.2:30 o'clock P. M. (~.S!l);) to' consider ,such increase and Im- : provement of the facilities of .&ald ! Fishers Island Ferry Dlstrict,.aI\<I to hear all persons interested In the llubj eet thereof concerning the same and for such other a'Ct~ on the part of said Town BoarQ._.wlth .relatlon thereto as may li'f re- quired by law. DAT.ED: NOVLIDMiBER 9, 1065 ~ 'l10WN BOARD OF ~ a'QWN OF SOUTHOLD Lester M. Albertson Su;pervLs.or Louis M, Demarest Councilman Howard C. Valentine H~f~~rk .~ ..... : i JUlltlce of the Peace I Ralph W. 'lUthll1 Justice of the peace ; (Seal) . Members of the Town, of the TOWI\.jlf. soutlllilA, iNew York. '(.., ~ STAlt1E OF NEW YO{lX . ) .~ c. . ,:. 00uNTY OF SUWOLK). . I, Alo}mRT W. RICHIIONDi Town Clerk of the ToWn P utp..! old, In the county of State of New York, DO ....... ! CI!lR1:JiF'f that I have pe....., : the preceding Orller Oall* PiI>b-' : IIc aMtlng "11th the 'Pr!linaJ. thereof tiled In mY office, on the, 9th day' of NOVeJlllbe~' I...., that the same Is a true '. cor- reet ~ of ,said ori\and 0 the wbCl\t thereeof.'. . IN W;'l'NSlS ~.. , I tlave '. hereunto 1161'. . '. haJ1d. ' and .fflXed the se' '; ..' ToWn tbl8 9th day" . " em.', I~. ~" ';"'hmon:;. ..' Tt>vd.' ~-_. " 100. ,: . ,-----...- -, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. I STATE OF NEW YORK. 1 ss: ... 31.. .i:'~'~f7;t.. ~Cf0.f-:L.~... being duly Sworn. says that . ..~. , is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES. a newspaper published crt Greenport. in said cou,nty; and Nlat thE' notiCE. of which the annexed is ~ printed copy. has been published in the Said Suffolk Weekly Times once In E'Qch week. for . .. ....... .q.; .1;~. . . . . . . . .. week, successiv&ly ClOmmencln~ on the .. ~~. . . . . . day of . J~.. 19.'.>S Sworn to bef~~'m~~~""""'""" day of .. 7.Lc.!-~r.. 19h.~ t . . . .. . . . . 'C' . . . . . . " 71' "," . . "C!..,~" ~ " " " f" " " . . .......~......~~..... ~-'-)Rtlrt: 0:.. ~[~ ,C_';"') PlJblIC, SH1~ of 'f'ok,1I' 'f~ No. 51-209369Q ~uo!Hied in Suftoik CoHII lCl1Tm Expiri!!" M4rc~ !P. '9"1 . 1.ECALNQ:rICE' , ! - COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK } ss: At a 1'OIlUIat meeting of the To.1i _ Of the TawIl. of Soutbolll.' ,itl the' count)' of, _olk, N..' York, held. at. t,be $uJlenlsor's. Of- _. .16 South street. Oreenport.' . !;ODll Island. ;N.. YwJ<. 'In Sl\Id Town; on the 9th-., of November; 1966. PRE8Iilt!T: Le$ter 1J(.~llu)le1'V1sof LouIjM. ~~an . Ho.......d C. Valel1~'Gl!uncUman, Ralph W.Tothl1l,~qt the i'eace lIemy A. ~J<. JuStIctl at the Peace - -_...:.... -.".:-,~_....... ,.....:-.-:- ~ X . . .. C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ......{[)~,(..j~... wee~ successively, commencing on the ..........;.J..~............ day of .....~/..... ., 19 .S:- ..~...... rn~,~ . 'of{be -. \pllllcatk>n Of tlle,lIOo.rd' of ~'~e~ f~ tj>.e PIsiwrs : :~.~.~t to Increase : 'U4~~~tIleP'acll!tIes ~ the : ~\~' ~ DlIitol1ct. In : ~,.~cot,~"'oJd.li!ulfolk : 'JoWIt)'. ~".Yort.. ....,... ~-:-- -..-'T'"",'::..........::.....w..- - X. . ' OlU!IER CALLING , 'PmlLIo--mARINO 7.NOVBMllBB 9; 1966 w~. -1lo8tcI Of CoJlilnl8o' sloDeIB Of the IlIIbe1'Il IaI'''''kPerry QlBtrlctF In the ''l'l>wn of SouthoId; Buftolk, N.., Yat., \I8S. pursuant to- resoIUUon.du\y li40pted November 1. 1965, ,a.._.__-_..Anded that '.he facilities of SIdd Perry QlBtrlot bil Increased and 1In~ by the 'ac. qulsltiOn of an lII!dit!OnaI fCl'l'Y boat at. a cost eatlmali!lid not to 0XCl!I<i. $1ll6.~. t,o be 1llII!II on $he authorlzeil, roules of ~ ~ DlstrIc1; and baa caUBOd, W"\''I!'nw ))lana and.~: fIca~ .for thaconstructlon thereof to. be ~Jl"1l4 by ~ MarIne. ohip." m'1!~_and~.,.~ arch1lect1, anll __ ,duIY81lbinlUed to and ~, with ~"~ 1lot,rd', of sAId lrowi1 <it Sot>'~'~~. .at.. such resoli!. ttonll!i!['. 'l!Zl_~on. elated No- ......:.. 1M.i -~ saI . '. '." "'.' 'L_..... !'!I.,.............. _.tIlat.. ..41 ~.J\!llard--'."""""" ~ tal -.-~.rauch _ "~biiPro"'" . 1I1H!!t. ->,gt.,tbe~~.Qt_sald~. ~.anod .f.olilal'OUMs .$Uallle .... lo~' "-.' tbeLa" .. ...~ - '. . ,.,~.of.., . .Wll of:,........lI8_ ttie........ ~~ ~"...t,o..t\i\~""" .-I4..~.1 ~~..ep~~~j,[..'l1ft.1e8 ~I tllhWtth. an.............. .~.-.. . ..' .. .~ tu1I1 cIescrIbjiiI ~-retorrec{ . to. Ii! '~.peUtf9n. ~. g8ther Wlt,b.81lCh~!""1'7 JlIaDs and ~.'.. ,.... . 1I11.t>t.. :.'~..' ...1I....,betll. exlintIii"" -liy """~ ~B08t4; . . "",. .~/1"lt_. . . .' / q8PEJI.'ID, . ~ !h Ill.... of: """ . ~ Boanl of_~,c!{ filOutlMI1d be1lelcl,attlle. .,.... IaIa!ld ,~ Bo\llIlI..tn tile. ~ f!!\lIII4 ...., .~. ~;.__ .~ -on, tlle 21M . dlI, Of lfo... Ir' '!f., lI8II,at 1~. o'olock , P. ,M.; oe.s. .) to. COIllII<'lII" such In- I. crease and ImPl'Ofelnent of tile faotl. ,IUea of aald PIabers IaIand Perry DIs- . trIct and to bMr 811 _ Interested In tha subject_ llOIlOmIIng tile ,same and for 8IIeb other action OIl the Part of said ~ _with relation thereto .... ma, be required by law, DATJm: NO~ 9. 1966 . TJIB 'l'OWN. B()Alm 0. TJIB' 'l'OWN OP .....u .:auLD ~.II.AlbetI>oOa. .~ -t.aI* 'K,~-",_ (1N;........... ~c. V.....-.~........' ....., A. CIadc. .Jlaa$Ice of tbe ... 1Wph W.'l'ollbtII,J\uI fit .. .... . (Se81).. - t ~or~~"""<!f_ , ... 0( I!Q\~",",T~ 'e' e 8'l'A'.l'II OP NIIW T<lIlUt 'j' . --wu Sworn to before me this ......,/.2:......... day of .....~...., 19.~..O:- a~.....~...... ........ ... Notary PublIc ( ADELE PAYNE I~otary Public, State of New 'font Residing in Suffolk County No, 5n041000 r,ommission Expires March 30, 19: G r( , " - .:- ,oqmrIT:QP,DUrrvUC i;""-,_~- I I' Ii W. ~(~I Cll8!*- . '.' _I J"'-"-"" .. '..' .'.... .' , .--t= .' '-:i;" ,- '", ~~,!,!:::~,....,.- c~".~. ~. .' ''''.,-, '< _ .' _.j.,-.,J..H! '....- _.,', f' . ,.-j-_. -- -,. ..'..' . "'-' . .. - ----- I. -'!;.".:.~ .... ~,,#Ie.~.~, . " '. _ Ji..~' ciftIiii: ,011 the IlIb ,cIV:liJ~; 1966. lUld tbet tlle saiIJj' Iaa ~1lD4 ~ CClII.Y Of .alii. fOllllil!Mll...,. of . ~'tbweof./ ,; .'....... - IT ~. I haft' 'MI!~""t..:. '....llMolandal!~ ...' MI'!-. of 1 '~....h thla9th cIV _.or,...! i;:h.1.966.'.,. ' ,.~1V. . l!IODlIr- c~, Q!e!'t. .~ \ . . . Robert W. Tasker, Esq., presented to the Board a signed copy of a resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District adopted at a special meeting of the Commissioners on November 1, 1965, entitled "Resolution Recommending and Approving an Increase and Improvement of the Facilities of the Fishers Island Ferry District of the Town of Southold, New York" together with a petition of the Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District, dated November 4, 1965, requesting that the Town Board adopt an order calling a meeting of said Board for the purpose of holding a public hearing, upon due notice, to consider acquiring an additional ferry boat for use on the authorized routes of said ferry district at an estimated cost of $165,000., and approving the retainer of Blount Marine, Licensed Naval Architects, and Robert W. Tasker, Esq., as counsel to said district for said increase and improvement of facilities. Mr. Tasker also presented to the Board the plans and specifications with respect to said ferry boat, which were examined by the Town Board and turned over to the Town Clerk for filing in the Town Clerk's office. >-;'"..,~- -----:."!%"WIf.., . . TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY ST A TE OF NEW YORK In the Matter of the Application of the Board of Commissioners for the Fishers Island Ferry District to Increase and Improve the Facilities of the Fishers Island Ferry District, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. PETITION TO: THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, STATE OF NEW YORK THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT RESPECTFULLY SHOW TO THIS BOARD: 1. That the undersigned are the duly qualified Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. 2. That your petitioners have been concerned for some time with the need of acquiring an additional ferry boat for use on the authorized routes of said Fishers Island Ferry District, being an increase and improvement of the facilities of the said Ferry District, and have retained Blount Marine, of Warren, Rhode Island, licensed naval architects, to prepare preliminary plans and specifications for constructing such ferry boat and Robert W. Tasker, Esq., maintaining offices at 425 Main Street, Greenport, New York, as attorney in connection therewith. 3. That said architects, Blount Marine, have prepared preliminary plans and specifications annexed hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof for constructing such a ferry boat. "'-"'--(<~. .d~q:::; . . 4. That pursuant to resolution duly adopted November 1, 1965, annexed hereto as Exhibit "B" and made a part hereof, your petitioners have approved said preliminary plans and specifications and have recom- mended that such a ferry boat be acquired at a cost estimated not to exceed $165,000., all as more particularly described and referred to in said re solution. 5. That as a result of said preliminary plans and specifications and petitioners' own knowledge of the future needs of the District your petitioners believe that it is imperative that proceedings be instituted immediately to obtain the approval of this Board for the said increase and improvement of facilities and the financing thereof. 6. That the Town Board of the Town of Southold is empowered to call a public hearing after due notice, to hear all persons interested in and to consider the said increase and improvement of facilities of the Fishers Island Ferry District and after determination that it is in the public interest, to approve and order such acquisition. WHEREFORE, your petitioners pray that the Town Board of the Town of Southold adopt an order calling a meeting of said Town Board for the purpose of holding a public hearing after due notice to consider acquiring an additional ferry boat for use on the authorized routes of said Ferry District, at an estimated maximum cost of $165,000., being an increase and improve- ment of the facilities of said District, and further that the Town Board approve the retainer of Blount Marine, licensed naval architects, and Robert W. Tasker, Esq., as counsel to said Ferry District, for said increase and improvement of facilities, and WHEREFORE, your petitioners further pray that, should your Honorable Body find, after a public hearing, that it is in the public interest to so increase and improve the facilities of said District, that you adopt -2- ,~:..--- '~. ;-j: ~ j~";:"'-\;:.yr~>;':,";!.::'r':;' '-;"\"'~'i);..-I;' kk.>:" . . . an order approving the acquisition of such a ferry boat, and authorize the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of said District to enter into a contract for the acquisition of such a ferry boat, pursuant to the provisions of said Chapter 699 of the Laws of 1947, as amended, and WHEREFORE, your petitioners further pray that in order to finance said increase and improvement of facilities of said Fishers Island Ferry District funds be made available by the issuance of obligations of the Town of Southold in the principal amount of not to exceed $165, 000., pursuant to Chapter 699 of the Laws of 1947, as amended, and the Local Finance Law and that a sum sufficient to pay the interest and the principal of such obligations as the same shall become due and payable shall be assessed, levied and collected from the several lots and parcels of land within said Ferry District, in the same manner and at the same time as other Town charges. Dated: 'h.o--~'-- '-I- , 1965. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT ~afl?n<< J~$F~/f'_ ~"n~ . commis~er ,,~ SP~~ fJJO\~l!)" Commissioner Ct~~m~~ /..~~4n,~~ '. .. CommlsslOner -3- , ..,:~,~:t.<~~, 'J...,..; . . STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ss: Lawrence S. Baldwin Alfred R. Grebe Polly Edmonds Richard V. Foyle and Raymond F. Doyen , being duly sworn, depose and say that they are the duly elected and appointed Commissioners for the Fishers Island Ferry District and the Petitioners herein; that they have read the foregoing petition and know the contents thereof; that the same is true to their own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matters, they believe it to be true. c. .~ jiU2 ~ ~dw--~.1\.., #?~g~k~ ,1" v Sworn to before me this '>-1: U day of )~_h,---- ~~_-. \~Alch~ NW~a.'J,JI{_~ NOT]J,:RYP~~~TATE OF NEW l:;,~:t No. 1;.2-0022880 Qualifie~ In Sufolk County, 1 Teem DXpJrC$ March 30, 19 \D , 1965. -4- ~ ~ T" . . . . :1 I! !i MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT, IN THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. I' " Ii ii II II I' '! I Island Ferry District, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, I I: 'I I: I ~ II 'I I I N~,t 1. ,1965. A special meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers was held at the Commi88ioners' Office, Terminal Building, Fishers Island, in said Town, New York, at 12:30 o'clock P . M. (E. S. T. ) There were present: Lawrence Baldwin, Chairman and Commiuioner Alfred H. Grebe , Commis.ioner Polly Edmonds Richard V. Foyle , Commissioner , Commi.sioner Raymond F. Doyen , Commissioner There were absent: (none) Cemmissioner Alfred R. Grebe offered the follow- i , III ing resolution and moved its adoption: I I, I' I I I! RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING AND APPROVING AN INCREASE AND IMPROVEMENT OF FACILITIES OF THE FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT, IN THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK. I i I I II Ferry District, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, has been I I I (Adopted November 1, , 1965.) WHEREAS, the Board of Commissionere of the Fishers Island concerned for some time with the need of acquiring an additional ferry boat for use on the authorized routes of said Ferry District and in furtherance Ii thereof, has retained Blount Marine, of Warren, Rhode Island, shipbuilders II ,I II . . ' . . . . ' . .. and licensed naval architects. to prepare preliminary plans and specifica- tions for constructing such ferry boat, and Robert W. Tasker. Esq.. as counsel to said Board. in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, said Board estimates that the maximum cost of so increasing and improving the facilities of said District is $165.000.. and considers that it is now appropriate to proceed therewith; now. therefore, be it, RESOL VED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT, IN THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Board of Commi..ioners of FiBhers Island Ferry District, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. hereby approves the preliminary plans and specifications, dated 5e pfem b~/Z. / {,J ~ ! I 1985. prepared by Blount Marine. shipbuilders and licensed naval architects'l for construction of an additional ferry boat proposed to be acquired at a cost i i I , estimated not to exceed $165. 000. by said Fishers Island Ferry District and used on its authorized routes and hereby recommends that such ferry boat be acquired. Section 2. Said Board hereby requests that the Town Board of said Town of Southold, call a public heating and take all other necessary steps in connection with suet.. proposed acquisition, being an increase and improvement of the facilities of said Ferry District, and make funds available I , therefor in the amount of not to exceed $165.000. by the i..uance of obllga- ! . I I , tions pursuant to Chapter 699 of the Laws of 1947. as amended. and the Local Finance Law, to finance the costs of such acquisition and to approve the retainer of Blount Ma:dne. shipbuilders and licensed naval architects, and Robert W. Tasker, Esq., as counsel for said District in connection therewith. -2- ~ I ^............~ ,.- I~ . . . . w, , . Section 3, Robert W. Tasker. Esq.. is hereby authorized and directed to present a signed copy of this resolution together with a petition requesting such increase and improvement of facilities and the financing thereof to said Town Board within ten days of the adoption of this resolution. Section 4. Such petition for the increase and improvement of facilities of said District shall be executed by the Board of Commissioners of said District. Section 5. This resolution shall take effect immediately. I ! BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DIsTRICT i I Ii :! " II , , I' :1 " II I, :i I' ,! I II II I! II I I I , , -I I 11 ygA~e~f1J3bltJ~ ' Chairman ~"1<4~ COmmi"io~r - /7 . -' c4\'x ('XfP;;m- //~v U?yW>-. (/ CommJ'.ioner v II '! II II -3- ~~',J,""" ---"-'~~- "",' '--~--1. .-"P'Tii7,," ,,_\;/'~~~'J;;'":'"'7]:W':',0'~~~,= '_ .. ~ I' ~. .;, . . . . EXTRACT OF J\TINUTES Town Board d the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, New York, November 9, 1965 ~KiXX~mcK * " " A regubr meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, ;';ew York, was held at the Supervisor's Office, 1G South Street, Greenport, Long Island, New November 9, York, in said Town, on ,"""'..........""',g, 19G5, at 3:00 o'clock E.S.T. P.1\L (lOX3C~X). There wcre present. Honorable Lester 1\1. Albe rtson, Supervisor, and councilman Howard C. Valentine councilman Louis M. Demarest Justice Henry A. Clark Justice Ralph W. Tuthill There were absent: Justice E. Perry Edwards Also present: !llbe1'\ \\". nobert \\ . Richmond, Tov:n Clerk Tasker, Town clttoI'ney " " " Justice Henry A. Clark offered the followinz resolution and moved its adoption: ,"- ''--'T~~""",.~~~77,,~= ,\ , . . . RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NOVEMBER 9, NEW YORK, ADOPTED 1:!l(:!K"""'_~ 181i5, CALLING i\ PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AN INCREASE AND IMPROVEMENT OF THE FACILITIES OF FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTHICT. Recitals WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Fishers Island Ferry District, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, 2'<ew York, November pursuant to resolution duly adopted ~~ 1, 18G5, has approved and reconullended that the facilities of said Ferry District Ge increased and improved by the acquisition of an additional ferry boat at 0. cost estimated not to exceed $165,000, to Ge used on the authorized routes of said Disl1'id, and has requested that the Town Board of said Town of Southold call a public hearin.~' and take all other necessary steps in connection therewith and has further requested that flmds be made available by the iss'.lanCe of obligations of eaid To\':n of Southold in the principal amount of not to exceed $IG5, 000 pursuant to Chapter G08 of the Laws of 1047, as amended, and the Local Finance Law, in order to finance the coste uf such acquisition and in furtherance thereof h:.ts, within t('n (10) days after adoption of such resolution, presented to said Town Board a si,c;ned copy of such resolution together with a written petitio~eqUestin.; such in- crease and improvement of facilities and the financing thereof, and has caused preliminary plans and specifications for the construction thereof to be prepared by Blount Marine, shipbuilders and licensed naval architects; and WHEREAS, said Town Board has examined said resolution and petition and said preliminary plans and specifications; now, therefore, be it, ,.._,;'.-,-..,....'.,.,..--...."''''''~ ,c,-_~,,,,,,, ~ "I" . . RESOLVED BY THE TOWN BOA RD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, IN THE COUNTY OF SUFJ?OLK, NEW YORK, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Town Boarrl or the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, New York, hereby ratifies, confirms :J1ld approves the retainer by the Board of Commissioners of Fishers Island Ferry District in the Town of Southold, of Blount l\larine, shipbuilders and licensed n'-lval architects, ,:md Hobert \V _ Tasker, Esq., in connection with the increase and improvement of the facilities of said Ferry District as hereinabove described in the rpcitals hereof. Section 2. That for the purpose of holdin~; a public hearing to consider said increase and improvement of the facilities of said Ferry Distrlet and to hear alll'ersons interested therein, the folloll'in;_; oruer is hereby adopterl: -''''',"' ....,,"'t,.,..,.."'-~ " ': , . . . PRESENT: Lester M. Albertson, Louis M. Demarest, Howard C. Valentine, Halph W. Tuthill, Henry A. Clark, A t a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, New York, held at the Supervisor's Office, 16 South Street, Greenport, Long Island, New York, in said Town, on theOth day of ~~~, 1965. November, Supervisor Councilman Councilman Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x In the Matter of the OHDER CALLING PUBLIC HEARING Application of the Board of Commissioners for the Fishers Island 1""'rry District to Increase and Improve the Facilities of the Fishers Island Ferry District, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. November 9 ,1965 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District, in the Tc,wn of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, November has, pursuant to resolution duly adopted ~~IU~X 1,1065, approved and recommended that the facilities of said Ferry District be increased and improved by the acquisition of an additional ferry boat at a cost estimated not to exceed $165,000, to be used on the authorized routes of said Ferry District,and has caused preliminary plans and specifications for the construction thereof to be prepared by Blount Marine, ffiipbuilders and licensed naval architects, and has duly submitted to and filed with the Town Board of said Town of Southold, a signed copy of such resolution and a November \\Tittcn petition datr'd lUJct&1xlitx 4,1965, requesting that said Town Hoard hold a puhLc hearing to consider such increase and improvement c"f tj,.. fwi1i+;pc ,f ~aid Fprr) DiotJicc .md to make funds available pursuant to CllO.pter uClO of ti,e Laws of IJet." ~~ ..ul1cnded, and the Local Rnance Law to finance said increase an d improvement of the fadlitiea ~.nr! to take other action in connection therewith, all as more fully describ.,d ard r'C ferrpd to in said petition, together with such preliminary pbns and Ep".1i a'ions, all of which have been examined by said Town Board; now, therefore, "it . -'.' ":""'~'::~'''",i~~"''''''T-?':",,",,;'1.~''i":'~ ~,. "", ~. 'f'.. . . ORDERED, that a meeting of the Town Board of said Town of Southold be held at the Fishers Island Fire House in the Fishers Island F~rry District, in said Town, on the 23rd day of Novembe:ro ,19G5, at 1 ?tJn o'clock p . M. (~. S. T.) to consider such increase and improvement of the facilities of said Fishers Island Ferry District and to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof concerning the same and for such other action on the part of said Town Board with relation thereto as may be re- quired by law. NOVEMBER 9, 1965. DATED: m':E:~~ID{P:X\m6 J stice of the Peace (tO~ W.~ ustice of the Peace (SEAL) Members of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, New York. -~~-, '-"7.-_;,',:~ - ,,--c_.-- .~,- '1~~':-::-r..../,. " . ", ";. -...... . General - 10 Veto 8/1/65 (3M) C:nU1ICATI I. Southold. in the County of Suffolk. ALBERT W~ RICHMOND. Town Clerk of the Town of State of New York . HEREBY cmun that the foregoing aDDexed extraot from the minutes of a meeting of the Town Board ot said NOVEMBER 9 Town . duly oalled and held on 1 65 . 9_. has been oompared by me with the original minutes as offioially reoorded in my office in the Minute Book of said Town Board and is a true. oomplete and correot copy thereof and of the whole of said original minutes so far as the same relate to the subjeot matters referred to in said extraot. IN WUDSS WHEllEOJ'. I have hereunto set my hand and aftixed the oorporate seal ot said Town this :~1\' day ot NOVEMB""ER . 19--22. (Seal) (/i:?/7?,p:~-~/ Town Clerk