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"O ADDITION QF $ v v 404.6L'4FfN OF Y1 - `y 1 SFRIOF IT-' OF THE NEW 11R, STAR t -.1..: i . ! ...r - i - - _ M - 4l~ ?S~ Yi' ~ E IIUPON LAW - J U ~ i.CA 61 t^ 61 CL. R DT"" IF i!l II 'FNOTBEAAING~ v...u J. .•.1 4~i" OF - a - lti4y.OL(. /fJS~/! . 4L~-.r F1( r4J~~ L v SEAL SHALL FIOT CON IDFgEO ~y\ fprft$C'}4 GL E V DI E'COIY ..1a 900 ~~'aJLR ~4 r1u ~ • L .A S RI A ED H N F N t / - i 1F _ ,L TO T SO fl i "'I V VI'FOM THE 3 RVfY 1 l e5` Jul, 14" `y TITLE p Y O VEF IA1- AGENCY ILL. rca z ~u~ 2 POOL 4 ~6PTtG TANK • ~DTS Ia3-174 3 F00L_4 SePTIt T61J LOTS !75= T78 I" - s una L -o H- A D To ME 11, GEES; ,LFnuING INSP. ' n _ 3_g 5L!6~;~?t~t?~.S 4 ~E~;tc,iWWi,~, - LaTS i74-j81 IT TELAIIIESTAtl l TO ADD iIONAL INSiI v', S Oi SGBSEOUEM nFU F• ,PV.n'a P.S.-ryii. pia CR JR. . September 20, 1974 Woodhollow Properties 3243 Jericho Turnpike Woodbury, NevrYork 11797 Re: Orient-by-the-Sea Section III Gentlemen: The fallowing action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held September 16, 1974. On motion made by Mr. Raynor, seconded by Mr. Moisa, it was RF.SOLV-;D that, the chairman be authorized to sign the map of the subdivision Orient-by-the-Sea, Section III upon notice of receipt,of the bond fpom the Town Clerk and upon receipt of the inspection fee. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Wickham, Moisa, Raynor, Coyle and Grebe. At a meeting held August 86, 1974 the Planning; Board voted unanimously for approval of the final map of the subdivision. Yours truly, Muriel Brush, Secretary Southold 't'own Planning Board HL, PZ1 LF EA51--o' a' a..~ SOUT11OLD "'2OWN PLANNINC BOARD r APPROVAL 0 ~U13DIV{I~SIOrd OF LAND C\O~~GV-~. ~ ~~5 e Name of owner (s) Addressy ~e=~___ 2. Name of Subdivider___..--- 3 _ Address_______- Tentative Name of Subdivision- 3. n e- _ Final Name of Subdivision_c~)CL Abe-_plots~ 2 Location Zq Number of Acres - Date 4 Pre-Application Meeting - Review ~'-~-`19?3 Informal Discussion and Sketch plan Minor Subdivision Classified - Major 3Q Disapproved Sketch Plan - Approved Plat 5, Preliminary INl3 Application and 12 copies o£ lat received from o0 3o i~~3 Town Clerk - Base Fee $ - Board Da"te of Official Submission to Planning _ Hearing - 45 days S Lapse Date of preliminary Preliminary Hearing Advertised Preliminary Public Hearing held uperintendent of Highways 6. Report of S Highway Committee ,Report of Town Board 7,` Date of Submission to County Planning Commission g, Action of Planning Board roved Preliminary Disapproved sent to Applicant _ App ro ved - 45 days after date of hearing from date of preliminary app- 9. F Final Plat Lap n (6 months/ se date for final plat applicatio Application rial i Submissionoto planning Board - - Date of Offs artment approval - - Plat endorsed with Hea~ovaleof required agencies ll// L `r plat endorsed with Final Hearing Advertised Waived 8 Final Hearing Final Hearing Held J7~ Action of Planning Board on Final Pppprovedt Approve d ? Disa to Applicant or receipt of final plat - 45 days after_ hearing 10. Performance Bond $ 0 Planning Board /,7~/7 Amount of bond set by received Bond in amount byf Town Board Bond 'accepted 11. Final Plat signed with County clerk - 30 days 1~1 Lapse date for filing Clerk of Filing _ all Notice Received from dentyof Highways Letter from Supe leted r nts under Performance $Opaanning Boa improvements to be released by Bond rd Board Bond released" by Town Board 845 Ryder Farm Lane Orient Point,N.Y. 11957 March 2nd,1989 Mr. Thomas E. Uhl Woodhollow Properties,Inc. 8243 Jericho Tpke. Woodbury, N.Y. 11797 Dear Mr. Uhl, By way of introduction,I am the owner of property located at 845 Ryder Farm Lane in the Orient-By-The-Sea development which I purchased from Woodhollow Properties in January 1984. I have recently completed construction of a one-family house on the property,which I intend to occupy on a full time basis in May of this year. In the course of arranging for postal delivery,it has come to my attention that the section of Ryder Farm Lane on which my property is located was never "dedicated" to the Town of Southold by Woodhollow Properties. Upon checking further with the Southold Highway Department j was provided with copies of correspondence which have passed between Michael Savage avage of 1265 Ryder Farm Lane,the Highway Department,and your company, the Pperiod of April 1986 to November 1988• I direct your attention to your letter of 8/29/88 to Michael Savage wherein you disclaim any responsibility for the undedicated roads in Orient-By-The-Sea lots or or for their upkeep,since Woodhollow "no longer owns any buildiggMichael buildings in Orient-By-The-Sea", Further,in his letter of 11/4/ , Savage conveyed your position to the Southold Highway Department and sub- sequently,in his letter of 11/18/88,Mr. Raymond L. Jacobs,Superinte ent of Highways for Southold,indicated that Woodhollow Properties was pa ~ng taxes on Ryder Farm Lane and therefore still owned it as of that date. Mr. Uhl,I would like to add my voice to that of Mr. Savages and urge you to reconsider your position in this matter. I1m fully aware that,in your letter of 4/21/86 to the Southold Town Planning board,you offerred to dedi- cate all the remaining roads in Orient-By-The-Sea to the town but since the assessed valuation requirement was insufficient at that time,the dedication was not possible. Houever,the assessment requirement has now been met and it only remains for Woodhollow to file the dedication papers and make any necessary repairs to the road. While I am not an engineer,my observatib of the road condition would seem to indicate that such repairs would be minor in nature.Also,I'm sure that you're much more conversant with the legal ramifications of this matter than I am,but it seems to me that the mere passage of less than three years time does not relieve you of your responsibility to see this situation through to completion . (cont'd) Mr. Thomas E. Uhl Woodhollow Properties,Inc. . . . . . . . . . .(cont'do' Frankly,I find it difficult to believe that a viable concern such as doodhollow properties would "walk away" from their responsibility) particularly when it seems apparent that the dedication of Ryder Farm Lane could be resolved with minimal expense. Therefore,I ask that you contact the Town of Southold at your earliest convenience to initiate the dedication process. In closing,would you be good enough to advise me of your decision in this matter by March 20th,1989 so that I may consider what addit- ional steps are appropriate. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and I look forward to hearing from you. I've enclosed copies of the referenced correspondence. Very truly yours, Frank J. Dirr 845 Ryder Farm Lane Orient Point,NY 11957 cc Messrs: Raymond L. Jacobs Bennett Orlowski Jr. Michael Savage r Highway Department Town of Southold Peconic Lane RAYMONDL.JAC08S Peconic, N.Y. 11958 Superintendent 765-3140 734-5211 l 1988 a ; November 18, 1988 Mr. Michael Savage 1265 Ryder Farm Lane Orient, New York 11957 Re: Ryder rm Lane Dear Mr. Savage: I have received your letter in reference to the dedication of Ryder Farm Lane. The statement by Mr. Uhl saying it is the responsibility of the town and property owners to maintain the road is incorrect. I checked with Mr. Fred Gordon of the Assessor's Office and found that Woodhollow Properties, Inc, are paying the taxes on the road. Therefore, they still own it. The assessed evaluation requirement is satisfactory at this time. (letter enclosed) When Woodhollow Properties, Inc. presents the dedication papers and has made any necessary corrections to meet town roadway specifications, there will be no problem with town acceptance of the road. Respectful Y, 6 Raym `ond L. Jacobs Superintendent of Highways cc: Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Enc. dOA ORS Q I elephone ~G 510 - 765-1937 try ) Sou 71 November 15, 1988 Mr. Ray Jacobs Superintendent of Highways Town of Southold Southold, NY 11971 Re: Ryder Farm Lane (Orient by the Sea) Dear Ray, The present assessment of improvements on the above mentioned road is $21,400 and the road is approximately 3 tenths of a mile. Therefore this would more than meet the needed assessment. Yours truly, Frederick E. Gordon Assessor FEG/cg Town of Southold November 4, 1988 Mr. Raymond L. Jacobs Superintendent of Highways Peconic Lane Peconic, N.Y. 11958 Dear Ray, Enclosed you will find all correspondence on having Ryder Farm Lane taken over by Southold Town. Please note that this has been since April 1986, and the most recent August 1988. Also note that in the letter of August of 1988 Mr. Thomas Uhl of Woodhollow Properties states that Woodhollow Properties no longer owns any building lots and therefore, the upkeep and maintenance of the roads is the responsibility of the Town. Could you please look into this matter, I have written several times, and nothing seems to be done. I also have written to Mr. Uhl asking him to send a letter of dedication to you on Ryder Farm Lane. Please let me know if you receive any such letter of dedication. I would like very much to have this resolved. I think eleven years is long enough. Don't you? - Again I would appreciate any help on this matter. I thank you in advance. Sincerely, Michael Savage 111) i r P( NI TORN O `S,O N D S [ FFOI tTLVTY Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 MEMORANDUM TO: Frank Yakaboski, Acting Town Attorney FROM: Valerie Scopaz, Town Planner yZ: Sale of Town-Owned Property DIJPE: December 23, 1987 What procedure must the Town follow in order to sell an abandoned paper street at the end of an improved publicly owned street? Must the Town obtain the endorsement of the adjoining property owners to the abandonment and sale? To be more specific, the Housing Committee of the Town Board is exploring the possibility of abandoning and selling 100' x 245' of a paper street that dead ends at Long Island Sound. The intent is that the purchaser of this parcel should be able to build a home on it. The Town would then take the proceeds from the sale of the land and use it to purchase other land which it would then be used for an affordable housing demonstration project. The enclosed subdivision map shows the property in question. Valerie Scopa Town Planner cc: Jean Cochran, Councilwoman Frank Murphy, Supervisor James McMahon, Community Development Director 8, ISLAND SDOND A s: IONG i 3 M I 1! n a\, / HPM_ i c Z' " 1 $L11.0. 2 Fe 25 y _ a_ v L04 D MDW PD11 4 _ 1 9 j I p 65 Y 1 29 / a'o Np R 21 irr; w a: „m I ~ ~ ~ 1 r eo-bh Cy Np 1 v Fp \ ,a \ ~ Chi • • ~ a6 e\ \ .b yPJ 2v . ~ t awn • _ 0. I A' "I as y'. a. .w row. ErNO a I v ° : ' / j a. .yam \ I J d µ COUNTY O SUFFOLK Neal Properly To. Se,,,,e Agency 015 _IOOOL._._ D a... -v y.o , s..e, ..„a... w. u u oaa P..,Lead,L I N-Yod PP0PE0.1Y MAP L ¦I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII 1111111¦¦V~111111111~111~1i~rr ONG 2 .22 10 i -ET P D T LD S Y 14 Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 September 30, 1986 Carol Meehan Woodhollow Properties,Inc. 8243 Jericho Turnpike Woodbury, NY 11797 RE: Roads within the subdivision of Orient - by - the - Sea Dear Ms. Meehan: In response to your correspondence of September 15, please let this confirm that the Town can not waive the assessment requirement on the remaining roads,for dedication, even if they are brought up to Town specifications. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, ( 1 BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary ~ 6 ORIENT BY THE SEA SEP 1 c, 11OFFICE 692-4343-6 HOME COLONY / Ul/oodu ow propertieJ3, Jc. 8243 JERICHO TURNPIKE WOODBURY, N. Y. 11797 September 15, 1986 Planning Board Town of Southold Southold, NY 11971 ATT: Diane M. Schultze Re: Roads at Orient-By-The-Sea Dear Diane: In reference to our phone conversation of last week, it is my understanding that even if we bring all the remaining roads up to town specifications, the town will not waive the assessment requirement in order that we may dedicate the remaining roads. We would appreciate it if you would forward us a letter confirming this at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your help in this matter. Very truly yours, WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIES, INC. I Carol Meehan cm GARY FLANNER OLSEN ' COUNSELLOR AT LAW P. O. BOX 706 • MAIN ROAD CUTCHOGUE, LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK 11935 • PHONE 516 734-7666 RE~Ei1lE' July 28, 1986 Re: Oreint by the Sea Road Dedication File # 4199 Dear Mrs. Terry: Enclosed herewith, please find the following Dedication for "UHL LANE" ORIENT-BY-THE-SEA SECTION THREE: 1. Dedication and Release. 2. Application. 3. Order Laying Out The Highways. 4. Consent. 5. Copy of Road Dedication search from Chicago Title. 6. Copy of paid Tax Bills. 7. Report of Raymond L. Jacobs, Superintendent of Highways dated June 24, 1986. Very truly yours, 'CL /,///w~/ GARY F ANN ER OLSEN GFO:Imm Enclosures Judith Terry Southold Towu Clerk Main Road Southold, New York uc~ q\ Highway Department Town of Southold Peconic Lane Peconic, N.Y. 11958 Tel. 765-3140 RAYMOND L. JACOBS 734-5211 Superintendent July 10, 1986 Mrs. Judith Terry Southold Town Clerk Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Uhl Lane at Orient by the Sea - Section 3 Dear Mrs. Terry: I have reviewed and inspected the above named subdivision. All recommended corrections were made and are acceptable as per Mr. Davis' report 11520. Res tfully, Ra and L. Jacob Superintendent of Highways RLJ/plm cc: Highway Committee Planning Board S~FFO~c2 T r1 LD S y Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 July 9, 1986 Mr. Gary Flanner Olsen Attorney at Law Main Road Cutchogue, NY 11935 RE: Orient by the Sea Section III Dear Mr. Olsen: In accordance with the request of Carol at Flower Hill Building Corp., enclosed is a copy of the final road report for Uhl Lane within the above mentioned subdivision. Please contact this office if you have any questions. Very truly yours, BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD y Diane M. kcuultze, Secretary enc. f' To: Raymond L. Jacobs, Superintendent Report No. 520 Southold Town Highway Department From: John W. Davis Date: June 24, 1986 RE: Uhl Lane at Orient by the Sea - Section 3. Corrective work to make Uhl Lane acceptable to town specifications. Comments: Corazzini and Sons completed the pavement repairs today as recommended in report no. 479 dated 9/10/85. The necessary pavement work as noted in that report was completed on 4/24/86 (report 505) with exception of the surface course which was placed today. Length of Uhl Lane 1284 L.F. at 36 ft. in width = 5136 S.Y. RC-250 oil used - 1850 gal. 1850 5136 = 0.36 gal/S.Y. (specification 0.3/S.Y.) Stone chips used, 65 C.Y. which would be at a rate of 35'- lbs/S.Y. Surface was rolled with a 5 ton roller. The repair work has been satisfactory and acceptable as to town specif- ications for the pavement type as used at this subdivision. C John W. Davis cc: Southold Town Planning Board Highway Committee L. M. Tuthill, P.E. A JUN j ~ To: Raymond L. Jacobs, Superintendent Report No. 520 Southold Town Highway Department From: John W. Davis Date: June 24, 1986 RE: Uhl Lane at Orient by the Sea - Section 3. Corrective work to make Uhl Lane acceptable to town specifications. Comments: Corazzini and Sons completed the pavement repairs today as recommended in report no. 479 dated 9/10/85. The necessary pavement work as noted in that report was completed on 4/24/86 (report 505) with exception of the surface course which was placed today. Length of Uhl Lane 1284 L.F. at 36 ft. in width = 5136 S.Y. RC-250 oil used - 1850 gal. 1850 = 5136 = 0.36 gal/S.Y. (specification 0.3/S.Y.) Stone chips used, 65 C.Y. which would be at a rate of 35± lbs/S.Y. Surface was rolled with a 5 ton roller. The repair work has been satisfactory and acceptable as to town specif- ications for the pavement type as used at this subdivision. " 12, LGlIZQi John W. Davis cc: Southold Town Planning Board Highway Committee L. M. Tuthill, P.E. G~ d~ i ~ 5~EF0(k~, r D T LD Y Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 June 13, 1986 Mr. Thomas Uhl Woodhollow Properties c/o FlowerHill Building Corp. 8243 Jericho Turnpike Woodbury, NY 11797 RE: Orient by the Sea Dear Mr. Uhl: The Planning Board has reviewed your correspondence of April 21, 1986. This matter has also been reviewed by the Highway Superintendent, enclosed is a copy of his correspondence. The Planning Board requests that all of the required work be completed prior to consideration of any future dedication. Please contact this office if you have any questions. Very truly yours, "j'j':bL O'Cat" a-L' 9X-J, , BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary enc. cc: Ray Jacobs • r Highway Department MpY 4 2 '1b86 Town of Southold Peconic Lane Peconic, N.Y. 11958 Tel. 765-3140 RAYMOND L. JACOBS 734-5211 Superintendent May 22, 1986 Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Orlowski: Reference is made to letter of April 21, 1986 to the Planning Board from Thomas E. Uhl, Woodhollow Properties, Inc. in the matter of necessary repairs at Uhl Lane in Section Three at Orient by the Sea. To date clearing shoulders and pavement at curbs, asphalt overlay where required and patching have been done. The surface application of oil and stone chips as of May 20, 1986 has not been done. Resp fully, i Ray and L. Jacobs Su erintendent of Highways RLJ/plm \ 10 q~EFi~LY,, TT' LD cn kA S Y Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 April 30, 1986 Mr. Raymond Jacobs Highway Superintendent Peconic Lane Peconic, NY 11958 Re: Orient by the Sea Uhl Lane Dear Mr. Jacobs: Enclosed, for your review, is a copy of the assessed'valuation for Uhl Lane as of June 1,1985 from the Town Assessors. As you can see, the assessed valuation is over that required for dedication. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR., CHAIRMAN S¢~ITNOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M.Schultze, Secretary enc. P RANI (YA D Tam A Sb LD Ln S, t QTY Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 April 30, 1986 Mr. Gary Flanner Olsen Attorney at Law Main Road P.O. Box 706 Cutchogue, NY 11935 Re: Orient by the Sea - Section Three "Uhl Lane" Dear Mr. Olsen: Enclosed is a copy of the Town of Southold Highway Specifications regarding the required documents for dedication of a road. Carol Meehan of Woodhollow Properties requ-sted that I forward this information to you with regard to Uhl Lane in the above mentioned subdivision. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR., CHAIRMAN PLANNING BOARD ~9UTHOLD TOW By Diane M.Schultze, Secretary enc. cc: Carol Meehan A 0 19~~ To: Raymond L. Jacobs, Staperinteudent Report No. 505 Southold Town Highway Departrn.ant From: John W. Davis Leta: Alr ii 24, 1986 RR: Orient by the Sea Section 3 Repair work Uhl Lane Comments: Repairs and miscellaneous work was started prior to 4/24/86 by Corazzini and Sons. Brush, small trees, etc. were :l-_ar.ad in shoulder areas where necessary and the areas graded. Also, vegetation was removed from pavement areas at curbs which was extensive in some places. Removing the deep rooted growth showed the pavement to be broken and would riot be corrected with only a surface application of oil. and stone chips. An overlay of plant mix would have to be used. According to R. Corrazzini, he contac.,.d the 5ubuiv siou owners re overlay at curbs and was told to go ahead did ?:akv repair work right. Plant mix overlay was placed ou both sid~ss qj the roa.1 at c~rrbs for the full length of'' Uhl Lang at :widths from ~ ft. to 10 1.t. iogellser with 36 ft. widths at lengths of 62 ft. acd 255 tt. and for potholes and small pavemnur hre,iks. 190 tons of 1,"'_ arsphatt overlay was usad to tk,, at rvr wcrk. Th`= surface applicati',n of oil and g(or clue: will. be W wed at a later date. r I, lo'nn W. Davis cc: Southold Town Planning Board Highway Committee L. M. Tuthill, F.R. APR 3*0 ,r To: Raymond L. Jacobs, Superintendent Report No. :05 Southold Town Highway Department From: John W. Davis Wrc : April 24, 1986 RE: Orient by the. Sea Section 3 Repair work Uhl Lane Comments: Repairs and miscellaneous work was started prior to 4/24/86 by Corazziai and Sons. Brush, small trees, etc. were ciearad in shoulder areas where necessary and the areas graded. k1so, vegetation was removed from pavement areas at curbs which was extensive in some places. Removing the deep rooted growth showed the pavement to be broken and would not be corrected with only a surface application of oi.l. and stone chips. An overlay of plant mix would have to be used. According to R. Corrazzini, he contaund the subdivision owners re overlay at curbs and was told to go ahead „nd maker repair work right. Plant mix overlay was pLaced on both sid"L of the road at <urhs for the full 'Leanth of Uhl Lan- at widths from 6 `t. to 16 tt.. together with 36 ft. widths at lengths of 62 ft. and 255 tit. ..nd for pothole! and small pa-cement. bre=aks. 190 tons of Q0 asphalt overlay w~_ usad for the above wcrk. The surface appiicati.,,n of and 5' or, I:,p4 . will be placed an a late, date. i -Inhn W. DaK s cc: Southold Town Planning Board Highway Committee L. M. Tuthill, F.E. RIENT BY THE SEA OFFICE 6924545-6 v HOME COLONY / / DD r 111.1 . Ir 6F'n-r UVood1hol ow Projver&3~ .Inc• 8243 JERICHO TURNPIKE WOODBURY, N. Y. 11797 April 21, 1986 Southold Town Planning Board Town of Southold Suffolk County, NY 11971 ATT: Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman Dear Mr. Orlowski, Jr.: In reference to your letter of April 16, 1986 regarding Orient By The Sea, Section Three, Uhl Lane, please be advised that we have signed a contract with completed. Corazzini & Sons, Inc. and the paving has been I would like to dedicate all the remaining roads in Section Three that have not already been dedicated. I realize that isenoughnot the assessed value on the of the roads but I feel that it may are built in order to satisfy the Town's requirements and position by that time Woodhollow Properties, Inc. may not be in a to improve the roads. At this time I would be willing to bring these roads up to Town pleted, then Towntwould accceptlthemhfor°dedication. work was comp I would appreciate hearing from you regarding this matter. Very truly yours, WOOD PROPERTIES, INC. s TEU:cm CERTIFIED - RETURN RECEIPT c,VcFfJ(;~(n P A Ni ~;UA D T 0 AM i$,O : MOLD w S4~L TY Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 April 16,1986 Woodhollow Properties c/o Flower Hill Building Corp ATTN: Carol 8243 Jericho Turnpike Woodbury, NY 11797 Re: Orient by the Sea Uhl Lane Dear Carol: Enclosed is a copy of our Inspector's report which I inadvertently omitted from our previous letter. Very truly yours, BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR.,CHAIRMAN S W~T/H~OLD~ TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary enc. T1 tiS 2LD Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 April 16, 1986 CERTIFIED MAIL Woodhollow Properties c/o Flower Hill Building Corp. ATTN: Carol 8243 Jericho Turnpike Woodbury, NY 11797 Re: Orient by the Sea Section III - Uhl Lane Dear Carol: ondence and photographs from Mr. Andrew P 523 763 the Planning Board office from the 076 .ys and the Planning Board reviewed RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL ing of April 14, 1986. NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED ame to you and ask that this be brought NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) person in charge of this matter. The nd may soon become impassable if work ^ S nt to i O~(n~ t: O St eet and No. S your review is a copy of our Inspector's .O, State and Zip Code !nt previously. 4 Postage h ? $-7 advise us, in writing, as to the intentions . Certified Fee assary improvements on Uhl Lane. Special Delivery Fee r attention to this matter. Restricted Delivery Fee ,uestions, please don't hesitate to contact Return Receipt Showing to whom and Data Dse,,ed ReturR receipt aho a wingto whom, Very truly yours, Da[e, and Addreas of Delivery LL TOTAL Postage and Fagg $ `.1\1x1 f1' ~JI wu--I~.M~ti wv yU Postmark dr Date n BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD 0 i By Diane M.Schultze, Secretary enc. cc: Highway Superintendent G~F~atrr,, P D TQ~V ' LD S F~ L Y Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 March 5, 1986 Woodhollow Properties c/o Flower Hill Building Corp. ATTN: Carol 8243 Jericho Turnpike Woodbury, NY 11797 Re: Orient-by- the- Sea Section III Dear Carol: We direct your attention to the enclosed report from Inspector John W. Davis, No. 479,which was referred to you on September 20, 1985 regarding Uhl Lane within the above mentioned subdivision. Numerous complaints have been received regarding the condition of this road and it will soon become impassable if repairs are not made. We request, therefore, compliance with the recommendations of the enclosed report in order to correct this situation. Would you please notify our office or the Highway Department prior to beginning any corrective work so an Inspector may be present. Thank you for your attention to this matter. ery truly yours, BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR,. CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary enc. cc: Raymond Jacobs, Superintendent of Highways ANDREW M. BURKARD APR 1986 40 SLOCUM AVE. PT. WASHINGTON, NEW YORK 11050 April 4, 1986 Town of Southold Highway Department Pecor.ic Lane Peconic, N.Y. 11958 Re: Uhl Lane orient By The Sea orient, N.Y. 11957 Att: Mr. Raymond L. Jacobs, Highway Superintendent Dear Sir, with reference to our phone conversation of April 2, 1986 enclosed please find two photographs of Uhl Lane looking east indicating the deteriorated condition of the existing road. over the past year I and several other residents on Uhl Lar.e have asked the developer, Woodhollow Properties, Inc. for the road to be repaired to meet the town specification, but to this date all we have is "promises". I would appreciate any assistance by you or the Town in resolving this matter. If you have any additional questions please feel free to call me at 516-938-7541 weekdays between 9 and 5. Very truly yours, J Andrew- B kard p. APR 71986 ~s)JTH010 s0 , u i ~r. P ~FFOLY D T D Ln S Y Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 September 20, 1985 Woodhollow Properties C/o Flower Hill Building Corp. ATT: Carol 8243 Jericho Turnpike Woodbury, NY 11797 Re: Orient-by-the-Sea Section III Dear Carol: Regarding your request for inspection of Uhl Lane within the above mentioned subdivision, for dedication to the Town, enclosed is a copy of the report from our Town Inspector. As you can see, some repairs which have to be made prior to dedication. Would you please notify our office prior to starting any corrective work, so the inspector can be present. Also, when you have completed the work, let us know so the Inspector can make a final inspection. Thank you. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR., CHAIRMAIQ SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary enc. To: Raymond C. Dean, Superintendent Report No. 479 Southold Town Highway Department From: John W. Davis Date: September 10, 1985 Re: Orient-By-The-Sea at Orient, Section 3. Present condition of Uhl Lane between Ryder Farm Lane and Plum Island Lane. Comments: This inspection made at request of Carol Meehan in the matter of dedication of Uhl Lane to the Town. Status of Uhl Lane as follows: This 36 ft. pulvermix road is at least 10 years old and is in need of some substantial repairs. There are 6 or more small pavement breaks and one large area 36 ft. x 220 ft. between lots 159 and 166 where the surface is completely broken up and rutted. Shoulder areas back of curbs have been graded, topsoiled and seeded at Lots 157, 158, 168 and 167. Shoulder grading also done at lot 161 and lot 165. All other shoulder areas have heavy weed and shrub growth behind curbs and in the pavement at curbs for widths of 2 ft.±. There are 6 C.B.'s on Uhl Lane. These basins were clear for from 4.5 ft. to 5 ft. below the grates. Plans show them to be connected to leaching basins - was not able to determine condition of the leaching basins. There was no evidence of flooding at the C.B.'s. Curbing appears to be in fair condition. There are houses on lots 158, 165 and 161. Lot 157 has a fenced horse corral. Recommendations for repairs, etc. prior to consideration for dedication: 1. Correct the pavement breaks, small and large with a 1~" asphalt mix cap. 2. Cover the entire length of Uhl Lane with an application of .3 gal. of RC-250 and surface with 3/8" stone chips at rate of 25 lbs. per S.Y. 3. Prior to any pavement repair, remove the overgrowth in pavement at the curbs and spray the area with a strong solution of weed killer. 4. The 6 ft. shoulders where not completed should be cleared of brush, graded, raked and seeded with a suitable grass seed mixture. vd 7l John W. Davis cc: Southold Town Planning Board Highway Committee L. M. Tuthill, P.E. P D T LD cry S o1 ~ r Y Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 July 18, 1985 Evelyn Mazzochi 35-27 209th Street Bayside, NY 11361 Re: Uhl Lane Orient-by-the-Sea Dear Ms. Mazzochi: Enclosed is a copy of correspondence sent to Woodhollow Properties regarding the dedication of Uhl Lane. When I had phoned Carol of Woodhollow Properties, she informed me that they had received the procedures, however, were waiting for the increased valuation. Therefore, I forwarded this information to them. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Diane M. Schultze, Secretary enc. P D T LD u-i S. y of 4, r Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 July 18, 1985 C/o Woodhollow Properties Attn: Carol 8243 Jericho Turnpike Woodbury, NY 11797 Re: Subdivision of Orient-by-the-Sea Road Dedication Dear Carol: Pursuant to our telephone conversation of this date, enclosed is a copy of a memorandum from the Town Assessors indicating that the assessed valuation for Uhl Lane is $12,200,which is over the assessed valuation required. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR.,<:CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD OWN PLANNING BOARD y Diane M. Schultze, Secretary enc. BOA p F ORS Cf Telephone Ln 516 - 765-1937 ~O Sou Q 971 ( 1 1 t i 1 I PL'ANNI Q 'O"RD P'~ ~Y • Td, O SOU~,#,'LD SLIFF01, v 1 a Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 April 4, 1985 Mr. Phil O'Connell 55 Grandview Circle Plandome Heights, NY 11030 Re: Orient-by-the-Sea, Section III Dear Mr. O'Connell: As per your request, enclosed are the covenants and restrictions filed for the above mentioned subdivision. ery truly yours, Diane M. Schultze, Secretary Southold Town Planning Board enc. SCV.IM D TOWN riAMIIG WAA0 40 MAJOR StaDIVISIOM Or LAND ~I Mw of OroOr -.~1!~a-fl-l~o~~e-.w J~ Wines Appointed repraseetatiet - ~~L E t c e . ~E- Addreea Mane of Subdivi•ios Q1~~ z - - - _ A, Location- Mwnbtr of acres e-l- 9 womb" of plate 9 6 copies of steteb plus received plus road profiles and topographic elewtioss at 3' contours and the proposed drainage areas x00' out side the perimeter (2 weeks prior to Swiss) v. u _3 i ~3 Affidavit of disclorare, if corporation G!1 7/7 3 Is land S00' frog any area of aoustp review - Approval of sketch plan by resolution ,,130 3 Any changes in writiag to applicant Application in duplicate for approval of preliainary plat (2 weeks prior to wooting) %02 3~ rat received (S" pl." S3 per sere or part thereof) e:1 - 12 paper prints of preliminary plat ttepart of 3nporiatemdent of 9igbrays Bisesasion of preliminary plat (subdivider attend) Preliminary beertag (within 43 days after official submission) n1)73 rreliniuary hearing advertised (3 days prior to bearing) ' u 7.3 Affidavits of publication rsceived 71~ W)73 prelimimary bearing bold 7~3 ° 7 3 Approved or disapproved (within 45 dap after bearing) Modifications, if any, seat to applicant is writing Grtified copy of approval filed is office with copy to'iwriwr (within 3 dap of approval) • INSPECTION REPORT • TO: Raymond C. Dean, Superintendent N0.-110 Town Highway Department.. ` • • DATE:'-January 12, 1980 Southold, New York 11971' FROM: John W. Davis RE; ORIENT-BY-THE-SEA SECTION III COMMENTS ; I made a final inspection on the above subdivision as requested on January 12, 1980. All work in this project, including pavement, drainage s•tr•uctures* recharge basins, etc, in the bond estimate has been completed and is satisfactory. I recommend release of the performance bond. C.C;. Southold Town Planning Board C.C. Highway Committee C.C. L. M. lhthill, P.E._ JAN 1 41980 0 SOUTHOLD TOWN' HWY. . Ji ~igl#futtg 3~e~ttr#men# Tafru of'Sout4ol3 peconic, ~d. V. 11958 RAYMOND C. DEAN Tel. 765-3140 Superintendent 734-5211 January 30, 1980 Southold Town Planning Board Southold, New York 11971 Re: Orient-By-The-Sea Section III Gentlemen: As per Inspection Report # 110 by Mr. John Davis, P.E., I recommend the release of the performance bond of this subdivision. Very "t3µly yours, J RAYMOND C. DEAN Sup't of Highways UFF Ir P•.` D . T [a4_ D (n yri r tTl S D . Y Southold, N.Y. 11971 HENRY E. RAYNOR. Jr.. Chairman TELEPHONE FREDERICK E. GORDON 765-1938 JAMES WALL BENNETT ORLOWSKI. Jr. GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM. Jr. October 9, 1979 - Southold Town Board Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a special meeting held September 28, 1979. RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board release of the bond of the subdivision known as "Orient-by-the-Sea, Section III" as recommended by the Planning Board Inspector, John W. Davis, and agreed to by letter from Raymond C. Dean, Supt. of Highways. It is to be noted that a report has been received from the Planning Board Inspector, John W. Davis, with a letter agreeing with same from Raymond C. Dean, Supt. of Highways, regarding the section known as "Orient-by-the-Sea, Section II" stating that all work has been completed. I attach copy of Mr. Davis' report and letter from the Supt. of Highways. Yours truly, Muriel Tolman, Secretary Copy to Richard Lark, Esq. • INSPECTION REPORT S T0: Raymond C. Dean, Superintendent NO. 83 Town Highway Department DATE: September 19, 1979 Southold, New York 11971 FROM: John W. Davis ORIENT-BY-THE-SEA (Section II) RE: ROAD REPAIRS COMMENTS : Road repairs for the above subdivision (Section II) were completed by Corrazzini and Sons on September 12th, 13th, 14th & 17th, 1979. Repairs as follows; In lieu-of scarafying and remixing the badly broken surface areas on Plumb Island Lane, it was thought better to resurface them with a 2" blacktop cap, agreed to by the owner. Approximately 490 L.F. (4 locations) were capped for full width. Also, repaired with blacktop were other small areas on Plumb Island Lane. A new seal coat with chips was placed on Plumb Island Lane from Ryder Farm Lane to Park View Lane, the extension of Uhl Lane to three Waters Lane and on Ryder Farm Lane from Uhl Lane to North Sea Drive. Seal coat rolled with 8 ton roller. Asphalt blacktop used on Sept. 12th & 13th - 205 Tons Lengths sealed, Plum Island Lane 2213 L.F. it Uhl Lane Extension 295 L.F. " Ryder Farm Lane 360 L.F. 296-FL.F. RC-250 (Bit. Cutback) Used. 9/13 2900 Gal. 9/14 1100 Gal. 9/17 450 Gal. 4450 Gal. 4450 (2868 x 4) = 0.38 Gal./S.Y. Stone chips used, approximately 170 Tons All road repair work on Section II has been satisfactorily completed, and I recommend release of 'the bond for that work. C.C. Southold Town Planning Board C.C. Highway Committee C.C. L. M. Tuthill, P.E. VOUTH G OdGP 2 01979 OLD TOWN HWY. • •1 INSPECTION REPORT 90: Henry E. Raynor, Jr., Chairman No. 84 Southold Town Planning Board Date: September 24, 1979 FROM: John W. Davis RE: ORIENT-BY-THE-SEA, SECTION III COMMEWM: During the recent road repairs on Section III I noticed that street name signs have not been installed for Section III as follows: 1. Main Road and Ryder Farm Lane. 2. Ryder Farm Road and Parkview Lane. 3. Ryder Farm Road and Uhl Lane. 4. Ryder Farm Road and Plumb Island Lane. 5. Uhl Lane and Plumb Island Lane. Street name signs are not in the bond estimate but according to Town requirements., the signs have to be installed. A few small pavement repairs have been made on Section III. There is minor weed growth at curbs on some of pavement in Section III that has occurred since October, 1978 when all such growth was removed. Other than the street signs all work as called for has been completed in Section III. CC: R. C. Dean, Supt. Of Highways for Southold Town CC: Southold Town Planning Board CC- Highway Committee CC: L. M. 7hthills P.E. ~OCJQitrGQ~ {9~h'ttg ~ejtttr#men# To£an of "$0n#4ola ~PLO%CTC, ~J_ 11958 RAYMOND C. DEAN Tel. 765-3140 734-5211 Superintendent September 24, 1979 Southold Town Planning Board Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: ORIENT-BY-THE-SEA at Orient, Section 2 and 3 Gentlemen: I have inspected the roads and find them in proper order. Very ~su~y Yours, RAYMOND C. DEAN Supt of Highways C1\ ~ P G- 4~in ~if~ ~ . D 1 O SOLI _ LD S ~:FjQL'1 y Southold, N.Y. 11971 TELEPHONE F7613C~ 765- 1938 HENRY E. RAYNOR. Jr. , ChM. FREDERICK E. CORDON JAMES WALL Bennett Orlowski, Jr. July 3, 1979 Mr. Walter Uhl 8243 Jericho Turnpike Woodbury, New York 11797 Dear Mr. Uhl: Section 277 of Town Law states in part. "Such performance bond shall run for a term to be fixed by the planning board, but in no case for a longer term than three years, provided, however, that the term of such performance bond may be extended by the planning board with consent of the parties thereto." The time has expired with regard to your subdivision and as a result your bond is in jeopardy of default with the Town of Southold. Please advise the Town Clerk and the Planning Board of your disposition of this problem. Yours truly, HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD HER/mb Copies to Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Robert Tasker, Town Attorney James F. Homan , Deputy Supervisor Bonding Company i~ "1 i- t P FfQ D T D UM S Southold, N.Y. 11971 TELEPHONE 765-1936 7JWN=M0= HENRY E. RAYNOR, Jr., Chm. FREDERICK E. GORDON JAMES WALL Bennett Orlowski, Jr. George Ritchie Latham, Jr. September 13, 1979 Richard Lark, Esq. Main Road Cutchogue, New York 11935 Dear Mr. Lark: We have discussed with you the problems involved with the bonding for "Orient-by-the-Sea". On September 28th the Southold Town Planning Board will meet and reserve time for you to justify the reasoning for any consideration of extension and when the work is intended to be done. Your appointment is for 2:45 P.M. Yours truly, HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD HER/mt INSPECTION REPORT T0: Henry E. Raynorp Jr.) Chairman No. 84 Date: September 24~ 1979 Southold Town Planning Board FROM: John W. Davis RE: ORIENT-BY-THE-SEAp SECTION III COMMENTS: During the recent road repairs on Section III I noticed that street name signs have not, been installed for Section III as follows: 1. Main Road and Ryder Farm Lane. 2. Ryder Farm Road and Parkview Lane. 3. Ryder Farm Road and Uhl Lane. 14. Ryder Farm Road and Plumb Island Lane. 5. Uhl Lane and Plumb Island Lane. Street name signs are not, in the bond estimate bit according to Town req,iirementsI the signs have to be installed. A few small pavement repairs have been made on Section III. when some Section III that has There is minor weed occurred since growth Other than the street signs all work as called for has been completed in Section III. CC: R. C. Dean, Supt. Of Highways for Southold Town CC: Southold Town Planning Board CC: Highway Committee CC: L. M. 71x+.,hilh P.E. INSPECTION REPORT • TO: Raymond C. Dean, Superintendent , NO. 83 Town Highway Department DATE: September 19, 1979 Southold, New York 11971 FROM: John W. Davis ORIENT-BY-THE-SEA (Section II) RE: ROAD REPAIRS COMMENTS : Road repairs for the above subdivision (Section II) were completed by Corrazzini and Sons on September 12th, 13th, 14th & 17th, 1979. Repairs as follows: In lieu of scarafying and remixing the badly broken surface areas on Plumb Island Lane, it was thought better to resurface them with a 211 blacktop cap, agreed to by the owner. Approximately 490 L.F. (4 locations) were capped for full width. Also, repaired with blacktop were other small areas on Plumb Island Lane. A new seal coat with chips was placed on Plumb Island Lane from Ryder Farm Lane to Park View Lane, the extension of Uhl Lane to Three Waters Lane and on Ryder Farm Lane from Uhl Lane to North Sea Drive. Seal coat rolled with 8 ton roller. Asphalt blacktop used on Sept. 12th & 13th - 205 Tons Lengths sealed, Plum Island Lane 2213 L.F. it 11 Uhl Lane Extension -295 L.F. " Ryder Farm Lane 360 L.F. 222 67-L.FF. RC-250 (Bit. Cutback) Used. 9/13 2900 Gal. 9/14 1100 Gal. 9/17 450 Gal. 4450 Gal. 4450 (2868 x 4) = 0.38 Gal./S.Y. Stone chips used, approximately 170 Tons All road repair work on Section II has been satisfactorily completed, and I recommend release of the bond for that work. C.C. Southold Town Planning Board C.C. Highway Committee C.C. L. M. Tuthill, P.E. o r~ccad~ ~ SEP 2 01979 SOUTHOLD TOWN HWY. OFFICE OF Tdw CLERK TOWN OF, SOUTHOLD JUDITH T. TERRY SUFFOLK COUNTY TELEPHONE TOWN CLERK (516) 765-1801 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS ` Southold, L I N. Y. 11971 October 25, 1979 Richard Lark, Esq. Main Road Cutchogue, New York 11935 Dear Mr. Lark: At a regular meeting of the Southold Town Board held on October 23, 1979 a resolution was adopted to release the bond in the amount of $97,750.00 being held for roads and improvements in the subdivision known as "Orient-By-The-Sea, Section III". Said bond is enclosed herewith. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Town Clerk cc: Planning Board 0 RIENT BY THE SEA OFFICE 691.4345-6 HOME COLONY r, ~1/Voodho~,~ow Properuej, An ~n 8243 JERICHO TURNPIKE I WOODBURY. N. Y. 11797 July 16, 1979 Mr. Henry E. Raynor, Jr. Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Raynor: We are In receipt of your letter of July 3, 1979 with regard to our Performance Bond at Orient-By-The- Sea. Please be advised that we are turning this matter over to our attorney, Richard Lark in Cutchogue, NY. Mr. Lark will be in touch with you. Very truly yours, WOODHO OW PROPERTIES, INC. Walter Uhl WU:cm cc Richard Lark ~~-e Gl~~ ~c -~1~/'~/`-ZZ /~}.._G-. G.~paZ vr? (/y1. ~ a~ EDWARD J. BALE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER INSPECTION REPORT No..25?..... TO:„Raymond C. Dean, Supt. DATE A ril 4 .1978 . . P Town Highway Department TIME ..Southold,...N.Y WEATHER........................................... RE:,,ORIENT BY THE SEA - SECTION III COMMENTS: I inspected the roads in this subdivision and found the following conditions to exists 1. The repairs to the curbing adjacent to the recharge basin at the end of Ryder Farm Lane are unsatisfactory. The curbing was patched with mortar which will eventually peel off. The curbing must be replaced. 2.The discharge pipe in the Ryder Farm Lane recharge basin does not extend far enough into the basin, it should extend past the toe of the slope. Also, it has no head wall or splash pan. 3. There is extensive damage to Ryder Farm Lane in the vicinity of Pum Island Lane. This damage must be repaired. 4. There is still some subsidence at the catch basins on Ryder Farm Lane. This subsidence must be corrected. 5. There is no access ramp in the Ryder Farm Lane recharge basin. This ramp must be installed and at the same time the basin should be dressed to a neat configuration. KWOK DfU3MUDW 6. The discharge pipe in the Park View Lane recharge basin does not extend far enough into the basin, it should extend past the toe of the slope. 7. Neither recharge basin has been fenced in as yet, this must be done. EDWARD J. BADE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER INSPECTION REPORT No269......... To: .$aymond„ C.,,.Dean,vDATE .June 2 1978. . ..TR!.13...u glmY...~?gPartment TIME Southold,... N.Y..................... WEATHER on III RE: ,.,,Orient-by-the-Sea, ......Sect.....i..... III COMMENTS: This report records the meeting on June 2, 1978 of Mr. Raymond C. Dean, Mr. Thomas Uhl, Mr. Irving Latham, and Mr. Edward J. Bage at the above named subdivision. My Report #252 of April 4, 1978 was discussed and Mr. Uhl agreed to rectify all discrepancies noted in this report. Mr. Uhl agreed to have the two recharge basins surveyed. Upon completion of this survey I will be able to determine how the corrections of these basins can be accomplished. RECOMMENDATIONS: l ,o • INSPECTION REPORT • No. _ 'JO: Raymond O. Dean, Superintendent DATE: September25, 1978 Town Hignway Department _ Southold, New York _ FROM: John W. Davis RE: ORIENT-BY-THE-SEA, Sections 2 and 3 _h__..,. Basin Fencing Fencing and gates have been satisfactorily installed at the two recharge basins at the above subdivision. The gate posts, top rails, corner posts and line posts con- form.to diameter'sizes shown on Dwg. No. SD-764 and are set in concrete. The 6 £t.. high 2" mesh is vinal coated (green in color). The galvanizing appears to be acceptable. I recommend the fencing be approved. cc: Planning Board Highway Committee L. Tuthill 'T'win Fork Fence Co. ` t p K JUDITH T. TERRY 9~ss TELEPHONE TowN CLERK cad' 41 (516) 765-1801 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS ,p^ M Southold, L. I., N. Y. 11971 December 28, 1978 Southold Town Planning Board Southold, New York Gentlemen: At a regular meeting of the Southold Town Board held on December 26, 1978 a resolution was adopted to release the performance bond being held by the Town of Southold to insure completion of roads and improvements in the subdivision known as Orient-By-The-Sea, Section III in the amount of $97,750.00, upon the post of a performance bond in the amount of $20,000.00 to insure the repair of Plum IslaEg/in Section II of Orient-By-The-Sea. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Town Clerk INSPECTION REPORT No. 20 Raymond C. Dean, Superintendent DATE: October 16, 1501d Town Highway Department Southold, New York FROM: John w. Davis RE: uHIENT-HY-'J8E-SEA,_Sectio4 t anA 3 COjV hN TS : Roads Pavements, with exception of Plumb Island Lane, are acceptable. Minor pavement repairs have been completed. Plumb Island Lane requires extensive repairs from Ryder Farm Lane easterly for about 1000 L.F. (See report No. 13). 4he owner, Mr. Walter Uhl is in agreement with this repair and has an estimate for the work, but due to approaching cold weather and his contractors work schedule, it will have to be deferred until next year. Weed growth at curb faces has been taken care of with exception of Plumb Island Lane (no curbs - - can be done with repair work). Curbs have been repaired. Catch basins are in working order. Recharge basin fencing is in place and accepted. Top areas inside fence are seeded. Discharge pipe int.o R.B.'s with large gravel at the end sections appears to be effective after recent rain storms, Asphalt gutters to bottom of R.B.'s from end sections not necessary. Shoulders behind curbs have stand of grass and some weed growth. C. C. Southold Planning Board ? C. C. Highway Committee ~~QJ C. C. L. M. 7~ithill, P,E. RECEIVED OCT 20 1978 RY SOUTHOLD TOWN HIGHWAY DEPARTMSyj ' l «Z ~z INSPECTION REPORT N0.13 'jo: Raymond 0. Dean, Superintendent DATE: September 12, 1978 Town Hignway Department Southold, New York FROM: John W. Davis RE: ORIENT-BY-THE-SEA at Orient Sections 2 and 3 COMMENTS: Roads Ryder Farm Road pavement is acceptable from the State Rd. to intersection of Plumb Island Lai with following exceptions: Curb repairs should be made at C.B.'s both sides of road at the recha basin south side of Lot No. 65. Also, integral curb and pavement repairs (both sides of road) at intersection with Plumb Island Lane. Park View Lane has minor pavement repairs (settlement) at recharge basin C.B.'s, also some curb repairs at these C.B.'s. Otherwise pavement is acceptable. Uhl Lane pavement is acceptable. Plumb Island Lane pavement (Section 2) running east from Ryder Lace to approximately Lot No. 94 (distance of about 1000 ft.) is in very poor condition, has numerous breaks, small holes, etc. Some attempt has been made to correct the situation. A few areas might be saved but I would recommend that the entire length of 1000 ft. be remixed. The remaining length of Plum Island Lane to the State Road is acceptable. There is weed growth to be removed at curb faces on all roads and in some areas out in the paveme. Curbs With above exceptions the curb installation is generally good. Catch Basins All C.B.'s are in good condition and apparently in working order. Some have blue stone and silt the bottom but not more than 4 ft. to 5 ft. from the grates. Recharge Basins Fencing with gates has been installed at both basins. Gate posts, line posts, corner posts and top rails conform to sizes shown on Dwg. No. SD-76h., Locks should be provided for the gates. Basin south of Lot No. 65 has no access ramp. Due to its small triangular size, the ramp would take away too much of the bottom area. Maintenance work on the bottom can be done from outside V, fence. Would accept without the ramp. Grading for slopes at both R.B.'s is more like 1 on 1 tha i on 2 as called for - - may not be detrimental when top half of slope and level section to fence is seeded. Both R.B. bottoms are in sand and gravel. The discharge pipe with splash pan (both basins) was set too high and not extended far enough into the basins. The pans are 2.5 ft. above the bottom with large gravel placed in front. To prevent erosion, asphalt gutters should be plac from the splash pans to the bottom of the R.B.'s. Shoulders 4rea behind curbs apparently seeded - - now has stand of grass and weeds - - was recently cut. Polthold Plan ng Board L. "M. a~l thiTi P.E. r l~C/4 f1iU EDWARD J. BALE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER INSPECTION REPORT No....24R.... TO: ymand...C.,,peana..4uot..... DATE .......NIPMOM r....S.....7 x.7..7. Town..Hi,ghwp.y..0epprtme~t TIME ..SOuthold/...•y. WEATHER........................................... RE:........... j4AMRAJaV..OR...5A.9a J%Q,%i4n...+TII COMMENTS: I witnessed the Epplication of the stone coat to the roads. The application of this coating was performed in a satisfactory manner, the proper amount of oil and crushed stone was applied. RECOMMENDATIONS: NOV 101977 .7;7 EDWARD J. BALE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER INSPECTION REPORT No...242...... TO: ...Rapmend..{;.4...Deaf+#...Supt,.a.... DATE ...Novembar...lpr...}57~.. Fnwn••Htgt?wuy..pt-partrnaftt.. TIME ...Sa.~th01d•~...N.y. WEATHER RE:...I runt..Ja.µ..tba...Uea....;ieaU7n..111.... COMMENTS: I have inspected this subdivision to determine what work remains to be done in order to complete the roads. The following work needs to be accomplished: 1. Finish shaping recharge bdsins and install splash aprons. 2. Erect fence around recharge basins. 3. Grade and sped shoulders. 4. Perform minor repairs to curbing. I estimate a sum of i®130500 would ae adecuate to rjrcp,rly templets= this remaining work. RECOMMENDATIONS: NOV 101977, '7 EDWARD J. BALE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER INSPECTION REPORT No...PA..... TO:.. Raymond„C. Oean j„Supt...,, DATE AA?:1.1...9...... 197.7.......... Town Highway Department TIME SDuthOld)...N.Y.. WEATHER........................................... RE: ..ORIE...........NT.......SY-THE-BEA SECTION THREE COMMENTS: Wtih the assistance of Mr. Paul Corrazini I inspected the roads and have found the following: 1. The pulvermixing operation was performed in a satisfactory manner. The surface came through the severe winter in good shape. 2. There has been some settling at the various catch basins resulting in the undermining of the curbing. RECOMMENDATIONS: Repairs to the catch basins must be performed prior to the application of the seal coat. ~y~^ i 4 v • r September 22, 1977 Mr. Walter Uhl 9243 Jericho Turnpike , Woodbury, New York 11797 Dear vir.,14a: Enclosed please find inspection reports on Orient-by-the-- Wes, "ections 11 and 11, as requested by you. Yours truly, Muriel Brush, Secretary Southold Town Planning Board Enclosures 3 EDWARD J. SAGE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER INSPECTION REPORT No. 22......... TO: 9aymonO....... DATE ....September 121 1977 1PMR..H Qh.tmAV..Q.gP.q.rxmpnt..... TIME Southold.. N.V. WEATHER........................................... RE:..Drient Dy.,The„Sea..Section...III..... COMMENTS: The condition of the roads is as follows: 1. The road surface is completed to the oil and sand seal coat (the oil and stone coat has to be applied) and is in satisfactory condition. 2. The curbing is complete and is in satisfactory condition except for a auction of integral curbing adjacent to the catch basin at the corner of Plum Island Lane kind Ryder Farm Lane. It is cracked and has settled due to erosion underthe curbing. 3. The two recharge basins have not been constructed in accordance with the Highway Specification, i.e.: a. Bottom of basin is irregular in grade. b. No access ramp inti basin. c. No headwall or spill apron on inlet pipe. d. No fence around basin. 'ids yp_basin too steep. EDWARD J. SAGE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER INSPECTION REPORT No. ..225...... R-e mond G. Dean, Supt, September 12j . 1977 DATE TO: Town Highway Department TIME Southold, N.Y, WEATHER RE: Orientiy Thsa Sea S..........ection II r COMMENTS: The roads in this section are in fair condition. All holes in the center section of road surface have been repaired. The rest of the center secu"ion is showing checking and will need a seal coat in the near future. The edges of the pavement are in poor condition, Leeds have sproute=d through the rend surface so that the effective road width is 30 to 32 feet rather than 36 feet. RECOMMENDATIONS: i EDWARD J. SAGE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER INSPECTION REPORT No.....2b~.... .ust .2! 1977 . . . TO: an DATE Au9. fi..aY..moIA....C .r ...Rg.....r.. .5.U .Rt.s.... Town Highway Department TIME SoUtholdr N. Y. WEATHER RE:.Orieant„ey„The„ Sear „5ectia.... II.I...... COMMENTS: The contractor applied the oil and sand coat to Uhl Lane and Ryder Farm Lane. I witnessed the application of this coating and it was applied in a satisfactory manner. RECOMMENDATIONS: 2 EDWARD J. SAGE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER INSPECTION REPORT No..915....... TO: ReyQrjnd••Er••De&n,-.Su{dt,.- DATE ....JL~1y...3D~...1„977 .....Tawn..Hit}hway-Departmant TIME Sauthold f..NA Y., WEATHER RE:.. UF.lg!7... bSt..the„ Sea,,, Sectlon,.III„.„ COMMENTS: The contractor applied the oil nd send tout to Parkview Lane. I witnessod the application of this coating and the work was performed in a satisfactory manner. In my Inspection Report 198, dated April 9, 19770 I mentioned the fact that some setlling had occured at various catch basins Bind adjacent curbing had been undermined. I recommended that repairs be made prior to application of the seal coat but these repairs have not been accom- plished. These repairs must be performed evn if the seal coat has been applied. RECOMMENDATIONS: 15 ~g~1, EDWARD J. BALE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER INSPECTION REPORT No. ..193 TO: , Raymond C. Dean, Supt. DATE , Decemhe,{ ,,,16,,..„] 9,76,,,, Hxghwa.y...Qepastmsnt TIME Southold, ...N. y WEATHER........................................... RE:.Drient By-the-Sea COMMENTS: The condition of the roads is as follows: 1. The curbs and catch basins are installed satisfactorily. 2. The recharge basins have been shaped to approximate configuration. 3. The roads have been pulvermixed but I was not notified prior to the pulvermixing operation; therfors, I cannot certify the oil content of the raod base. RECOMMENDATIONS: EDWARD J. BADE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER INSPECTION REPORT No 193 TO: .R°Ymond C. Deans Supt. . DATE ....ecempg~..l6...... 7.9.7.b.... .Mgbway...Qapastment TIME Southoldr...N• Y• WEATHER RE:,OriEnt By-the-Sea COMMENTS: The condition of the roads is as follows: 1. The curbs and catch basins are installed satisfactorily, 2. The recharge basins have been shaped to approximate configuration. 3. The roads have been pulvermixed but I was not notified prior to the pulvermixing operation; therfore, I cannot certify the oil content of the rand base. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1 ARTHUR J. FELICE, CHIEF DEPUTY PHONE: 727-4700 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE LESTER M. ALBERTSON, COUNTY CLERK RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK 11901 October 28, 1974 Mr. General Lee Rainer, Deputy Treasurer Southold Planning Hoard Southold Hoard or Assessors Owner: 4oodhollow Properties, Inc. Title No. 73•S-05216 To Whom This May Concern: The Subdivision Map of: ORIENT ill THE SEA, SECTION 3 Was Filed, 10/16/ni,10:WA.M. Filed Number, 6160 Abstract Number, 7703 Township, Southold Book, 14 Page, 6 ~y Very truly yours, /?I~~ rff~fae.~%~ County Clerk Map Department ED Form No. 49 STOCKHOLDERS of WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIES, INC. 11/27/63 100 Bertil Kjellgren 366 Jericho Turnpike Mineola, NY 2/15/57 115 New Suffolk Dock Building 10/15/68 15 Corporation New Suffolk, NY 11/15/51 18 John Olson 17 Revere Lane Centerport, NY 11/29/63 100 Abraham Reiss 237 Latham Road Mineola, NY 12/20/63 54 Sadie Reiss 237 Latham Road Mineola, NY 1/8/64 20 John & Doris Rudolph 159 Ferveroft Road Mineola, NY 12/10/63 10 Frank Seaman 198 Latham Road Mineola, NY 2/6/63 60 Fred J. Schlich 409 Uniondale Avenue Hempstead, NY 9/9/66 35 Patricia Thompson 137 Seventy Avenue Sea Cliff, NY 12/31/63 100 Carol K. Tuthill Inlet Lane Extension Greenport, NY 11/15/51 485 Walter Uhl j Split Rock Road Syosset, NY 8/15/63 136 William T. Uhl P. 0. Box 11 Woodbury, NY 5/3/67 ..179 Thomas E. Uhl 40 The Place Glen Cove, NY 10/15/68 124 Gladys Uhl Round Swamp Road Huntington, NY 7/15/63 100 Wayside Homes, Inc. 290 Old Country Road Mineola, NY i 3 ICI I I I ~ STOCKHOLDERS of WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIES, INC. 5/20/55 144 Marie Wetzel j 89 Gates Road NY 12/6/55 60 Carl Werner 99 Warner Avenue Roslyn, NY 5,040 I i j i ~ i I I i i I I I I I i I I I i I I I I I 4 I STOCKHOLDERS WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIES, INC. 8243 Jericho Turnpike ` Woodbury, NY 11797 I NOVEMBER 7, 1973 Date Acquired No, of Shares Name & Address 10/15/51 160 George E. Buschman 91 Glen Keith Road Glen Cove, NY i 3/19/57 24 Catherine Broemer 43 Manhasset Avenue Manhasset, NY 7/15/53 100 J. P. Barker 288 Old Country Road Mineola, NY i 11/15/51 336 Frank H. Burton Luquer Road Port Washington, NY 7/16/63 50 Albert V. Bianco 17 Horse Hill Road Brookville, N.Y. 5/13/55 100 Joseph & Gaudiose Ceilal 23 Cypress Avenue Port Washington, NY I I 10/29/63 100 Churchill Homes, Inc. 150 Old Country Road Mineola, NY 1/13/64 25 Harry P. & Gertrude Cornwell 158 Elderberry Road Mineola, NY l ii 12/31/63 50 Yolanda Cerrone R.D. 4 ~I Landview Drive Huntington, NY 3/19/57 240 Wesley Denniston 280 Oak Street Copiague, NY 5/3/67 26 Wesley Denniston, Jr. 280 Oak Street Copiague, NY 8/9/68 100 Bruce Detwiler i Split Rock Road Syosset, NY i 11/1/64 24 Francis B. Froehlich 34 Willis Avenue f Mineola, NY ji z4/ STOCKHOLDERS of WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIES, INC. 11/15/51 450 Joseph Fucigna 146-17 Georgia Road Flushing, NY 3/5/62 32 Thomas F. Fucigna c/o Walter Thompson Co. 420 Lexington Avenue New York, NY 3/5/62 40 Joseph T. Fucigna ~ c/o Dunlap & Associates 429 Atlantic Avenue Stamford, CT I 7/2/63 50 Thomas F. Fagan 1217 East 29th Street Brooklyn, NY I 12/31/63 78 Flower Hill Building Corp. 8243 Jericho Turnpike Woodbury, NY 3/19/57 70 James Hartigan j Hicksville Road Jericho, NY 1/26/72 20 Jeffrey John Hubbard Farmstead Lane Brookville, NY 2/6/63 20 Estate of George F. Haberly 628 Community Drive i Great Neck, NY 2/6/63 100 Elaine O. Johnson 169 East 69th Street New York, NY 2/6/63 100 James F. Johnson 169 East 69th Street New York, NY 2/6/63 144 Helen Koerner 65-32 Oliver Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 11/15/51 196 Dr. Edward & Rita Kelly ~ 302 First Street Mineola, NY 12/27/63 100 Yetta S. Katz it 277 Garfield Avenue Mineola, NY 11/15/51 250 Harry Katz 277 Garfield Avenue Mineola, NY 11/15/51 200 John Karjam 30 Maple Street Malvern, NY 2 I~ REPUBLIC INSURANCE COMPANY 129 FULTON STREET NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10038 B O N D KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That We, WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIES INC of 8243 Jericho Turnpike, New York as Principal and WALTER UHL AND THOMAS E. UHL AS Co-Principals and REPUBLIC INSURANCE COMPANY a Texas corporation authorized to do business in the State of New York as Surety are held and firmly bound unto the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, Suffolk County, New York as Obligee in the SUM of NINETY SEVEN THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY AND 00/100 ($97,750.00) DOLLARS, lawful money of the United States for the payment whereon to the Obligee, the Principal andSurety bind themselves, their heirs, executors administrators, successors and assigns jointly and severally firmly by these presents. SIGNED, SEALED AND DATED THIS 27th day of September 1974. WHEREAS, the above named Principal has agreed to comply with the term regulations and conditions of the Town of Southold in connection with the completion of roads and other improvements in "Orient point By the Sea Sec. #3, situated in theTown of Southold, Suffolk County, New York and in connection therewith the Obligee desires this bond to be given WHEREAS ' THE Co-Principals have a beneficial interest in said project, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the Principal shall, in connection with the installation of roads and improvemer in Orient Point By the Sea Section #3, within one (1)Year from the date hereof, complete said improvements to be in accordance with the construction specificati of the Town of Southold , all in accordance with the plot plan approved by the Southold Town Planning Board and to the satisfaction of the Town of Southold then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. WOODHOLLOW PROPER TES INC., BY: !v Walte Co-Pral X Thomas Uhl, Co-Pr pal REPUBLI SURAN E CO NY BY: Thomas J. an, - BOND #913568 Attorney-i act Application in duplicate for Etnat bearing (within d months of preliminary approval) Report of Town Board Highway bmmitteo. 3upsrintendest of Highways report Bond amount 4t 9 7 ;/-5-0 Town Board reaolution of act;eptance of bond` Pinal bearing advertised 0 days prior) d /3 7 Affidavits of publication received ~yo/7 Pinal bearing held (within 43 days of aubmiaaion) 4 W t Resolution granting approval (within 43 days of bearing) 0/y 4-/74 gap signed Piled with County Clerk (within ?0 days of approval) ~/7 /0 7 3 Report from "as lth a'epartnent `c vv, t s4 F.r 211a )JAL .Soil a water conservation report LL •a TE Other necessary Town, County % .State agencies E•ail, e tired 7/3//7 LAW OFFICES FROEHLICH & MAHONY 34 WILLIS AVENUE FRANCIS B FROEHLICH MINEOLA,N.Y. 11501 . HAROLD A MAHONY TELEPHONE CH 6-6500 WILLIAM E. de RRUIN,JR. AREA CODE 516 November 12, 1973 Mr. Henry Raynor 320 Love Lane Mattituck, NY 11952 Re: Orient-by-the-Sea, Section 3 Our File No. 9910 Dear Mr. Raynor: In response to your telephone request of November 1, 1973, and by way of confirming our telephone conversation of November 5, 1973, I enclose a copy of an Affidavit of Walter Uhl the President of Woodhollow Properties, Inc. sworn to on November 7, 1973, along with a list of all the stockholders of Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Immediately after receiving your telephone call on the lst, I called Mr. Uhl at home. Mr. Uhl advised me that he knew Mr. and Mrs. Tuthill to be stockholders but he did not believe that Mr. Tuthill had been in any way connected with the Town of Southold during 1973 and told me he had only learned of the connection after Mr. Tuthill called him after your hearing last week. In any event, that evening Mr. Uhl told me he did not believe that Mr. and Mrs. Tuthill owned five percent of the stock. I asked Mr. Uhl to bring me a list of the stockholders as well as the stock book. I also called Mr. Tuthill who told me that he did not perform any work for the Town until September. He was also unable to characterize his profes- sional relationship with the Town. Mr. Uhl had believed him to be a consultant and that his primary occupation was in the dock building business. Upon reviewing the books of the corporation, we found that Mr. Tuthill does not own any stock, but his wife and New Suffolk Dock Building Corp. owned 240 shares. Botha through July 31, 1973. Mr. Tuthill's wife, CAROL K. TUTHILL, .is also the owner of 100 shares or approximately 2 percent of' I the outstanding shares of the corporation II iI i Mr. Henry Raynor November 12, 1973 Page 2 Mr. Uhl and Mr. Tuthill had told me that this corporation is either owned or controlled by Mr. Tuthill. As you know, Mr. Tuthill claims to have revealed to the Planning Board his connection through New Suffolk Dock Building Corp. to Woodhollow Properties, Inc. about a year ago. In fairness to Mr. Uhl, it must be urged that he has told us he was unaware that Mr. Tuthill had any connection with the Town at the time of the hearing we attended on July 30, 1973. We feel that this situation was caused simply by ignorance and inattention to detail and certainly without any malice or motive for gain. I am sending a copy of this letter along with a copy of the affidavit to the Chairman so that the Board may have an opportunity to decide if they wish to hear further from the applicant. We certainly, would be willing to appear at a hearing and present the stockholders' records for the Board's review and would most certainly make these records available for the Town Attorney. We thank you for your consideration in this matter. Very truly yours, FROEHLICH & MAHONY /William E d rul , deB/ej Encs. CC: Chairman, Southold Town Planning Board I STATE OF NEW YORK) j SS.. COUNTY OF NASSAU ) i WALTER UHL, being duly sworn, deposes and says: 1. I am the President of WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIES, INC., a domestic corporation having its office at 8243 Jericho Turnpike, Woodbury, New York, in Nassau County. 2. WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIES, INC., has applied to th Planning Board of the Town of Southold for the approval of a certain subdivision of real property at Orient Point entitled' j "Orient-by-the-Sea, Section 3." i ! 3. This affidavit is made to supplement a certain affidavit made by deponent sworn to on July 31, 1973. The prior affidavit was made in answer to the request by the lanning Board to furnish a list of the stockholders of the (corporation who owned five percent or more of the stock. Thei Southold Town Planning Board has now requested a full and II Complete list of the names, addresses, amount of shares and date of acquisition of all of the stockholders of WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIES, INC. A full and complete list has been prepared, signed by deponent, annexed hereto and made a part of this affidavit. 4. One of the stockholders, NEW SUFFOLK DOCK BUILDING CORP. which owns 130 shares or approximately 2.6 per cent of the 5,040 shares outstanding may be owned or controlled y LAWRENCE TUTHILL. Deponent had known Mr. Tuthill to have I done consulting work for the Town of Southold in the past, but I as unaware there was any connection between the Town of i jISouthold or its Planning Board and Mr. Tuthill during 1973 upi (through July 31, 1973. Mr. Tuthill's wife, CAROL K. TUTHILL, ialso the owner of 100 shares or approximately 2 percent of the outstanding shares of the corporation . I 5. This stock was transferred to CAROL K. TUTHILLi i in 1963 and to NEW SUFFOLK DOCK BUILDING CORP. in 1967 and i 1968 and was transferred for engineering services rendered by LAWRENCE TUTHILL to the corporation at a marina owned by the corporation on property other than the subject premises. 6. Deponent has been advised by Mr. Tuthill that he had informed the Planning Board of his relationship with WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIES, INC. approximately 1 year ago. 7. It is deponent's belief that no stockholder, officer or director of WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIES, INC., holds any office either elected or appointed with the Town of Southold l! or any other municipal subdivision of the State of New York. I I I Walter Uhl Sworn to before me this 17thh~ day of Novi er, 1973 I v// i II I ~I ! ~i I I i I ~ 2 1. P at of property owned by Woio'_1ew Properties, Inc., entitled "d ent-By-The-Sea, Section consisting of a parcel of land situated at orient, in the Town of Southold, Su_ful; County, New York, and bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the northerly line ci the Main Road with the easterly line of Ryder Farm Lane; from said point of beginning running along said easterly line of Ryder Farm Lane, two courses: (1) N. 27° 08' 00" 465.12 feet; thence (2) N. 1° 34' 00" W. 902.35 feet; vhwn ce on a curve to the right having a radius of 20.0 feet, a distance of 31.42 feet; thence along the southerly line of Plum Island Lane, two courses: (1) N. 88° 26' 00" E. 68.24 feet; thence (2) N. 740 29' 30" E. 619.72 feet; thence alone Orient-By-The-Sea, Section II, two courses: (1) S. 1° 02' 20" W. 153.44 feet; thence (2) S. 88° 57' 40" E. 581.70 feet; thence along the westerly line of said Plum Island Lane, four courses: (1) S. 1° 02' 20" W. 396.79 feet; thence (2) S. 280 30' 00" W. 113.09 feet; thence (3) S. 16° 22' 00" W. 132.77 feet; thence (4) S. 10 02' 20" W. 6.73 feet; thence along Orient-By-The-Sea, Section I, two courses: (1) N. 88' 57' 40" W. 200.0 feet; thence (2) S. 1° 02' 20" W. 125.0 feet; thence across Parkview Lane, S. 00 54' 00" E. 50.03 feet; thence along the southerly line of said Parkview Lane, S. 880 57' 40" E. 185.80 feet; thence along said westerly line of Plum Island Lane, S. 1° 02' 20" W. 385.76 feet; thence along said northerly line of the Main Road, S. 88` 55' 40" W. 174.95 feet; thence along the several lands of Tabor, Brissel and Proferes, three courses: (1) N. 1° 43' d 00" W. 189.48 feet; thence (2) S. 87° 09' 40" W. 545.75 feet; thence (3) S. 00 46' 20" E. 229.08 feet; thence alono. a said northerly line of the Main Road, S. 66° 31' 10" W. 1 Y 199.38 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 30.69 acres, more or less. i September 23, 1974 Tyr. Charles G. Lind uuffolk County Dept. of Planning Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge, sw York: 117B7 Re: Orient-by-the-Sea, Section III Your file: S-SD-74-04 Dear Mx. lAnd: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held September 16, 1974 regarding the above-captioned subdivision. On moti.cn made by Mr. Moisa, seconded by Mr. Grebe, it was RESOLVYTi that the Southold Town Planning Board ° unanimously restates their approval of the subdivision Orient-by-the-Sea, Section III and feels that the changes suggested by the Suffolk County Planning Commission are of a minor nature and in view of the fact that this is a replatting of this property to confirm with the forty thousand square foot zoning and present zoning requirements. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Wickham, Moi._a, Raynor, Coyle and Grebe. Yours truly, Muriel BAnsh., Secretary Southold Town Planning Board 0 COMMISSION Seth A. Hubbard Chairman 0 Lee E. Koppelman Director of Planning Suffolk County Department of Planning JOHN V.N. KLEIN, County Executive Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge, L. L, N. Y. 979-2920 September 4, 1974 Mr. John Wickham Town of Southold Planning Board Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Map of Orient-by-the-Sea, Section Three, NIS Main Road between Plum Island Lane and Ryder Farm Lane, Orient, New York Dear Mr. Wickham: The Suffolk County Planning Commission has reviewed the proposed final map of "Orient-by-the-Sea, Section Three" pursuant to Section 1333, Article XIII, Suffolk County Charter, and has rendered the following decision. The proposed map as submitted was approved subject to the meeting of the following condition: Large radium horizontal curves be fitted in at changes in direction on Uhl Road (two locations), Park View Lane (single location), and Plum Island ""Line (one location, west side of road only). Reference to accompanying map will indicate locations. Very truly yours, Lee E. Koppelman Director of Planning by ~ (f r Zll Charles G. Lind Subdivision Review Section CGL : fp c.c.: L. Albertson, County Clerk Encl: Map File: S-SD-74-04 ~ o~~FFO~~o 0 o OFF ERK 0 T D ALBERT W. RICHMOND TELEPHONE TOWN CLERK 765-37B3 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS•VVV r SOUTHOLD, L. I , N. Y. 11971 September 13, 1974 Mr. John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Wickham: The following resolution was adopted by the Southold Town Board at a regular meeting held on September 10, 1974: "On motion of Justice Demarest, seconded by Justice Suter, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Board approves the amount of $97,750.00 bond as recommended by the Southold Town Planning for roads and improvements in the subdivision known as "Orient- By-The-Sea, Section III", located at Orient, New York, and owned by Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest." Very truly yours, AJA/Zwc,~ - Z6 llc~ udith T. Boken Deputy Town Clerk i ~ EDWARD J. BADE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER Post Office Box 972 • Southold, New York 11971 516-765-1681 May 8, 1974 Ltr. #122 RE: Orient-By-The-Sea Section III Southold Town Planning Board Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: The Bond Estimate for the drainage and roads in Orient-By-The-Sea Section III is: Land Clearing None Rough Grading (already accomplished) None Fine Grading 4,500 if @ $ .50/lf $ 2.250 Surfacing 4,500 if @ $6.00/1f 279000 Curbs: Normal 6,400 if @ $3.00/lf 18,200 Integral 270 if @ $5.00/lf 1,350 Recharge Basins: Excavation 6,700 cy @ $1.00 6,700 Head wall, apron, and baffle 2 @ $500 10000 Fencing 1,055 if @ $6.00/1f 6,330 Catch Basins 12 @ $500 60000 Leaching Basins 10 @ $1,000 100000 Pipe-1811 diameter 160 if @ $5.00/lf 900 Seeding 2 acres @ $1,000 acre 2,000 Administrative Costs (4%) 3,270 Increased costs over 3 years (15%) 12,750 $97,750 Respectfully submitted, RECEIVED BY ' TOWN OF FDAT~', Edward J. B\gey P.E. LAW OFFICES FF7 OEH LICH & MAHONY 34 WILLIS AVENUE MINEOLA, N. Y. 11501 FRANCIS B-FROEHLICH HAROLD A MAMONY TELEVHONE CH B - SSOO AREA CODE 5516 WILLIAM E. de BRUIN,JR. I September 5, 1974 Robert W. Tasker, Esq. Smith, Tasker & Finkelstein 425 Main Street Greenport, NY 11944 Re: Orient-by-the Sea, Section 3 Our File #9910 D Dear Mr. Tasker: On August 26, 1974, we appeared at the Southold Town Planning Board meeting for the final approval of the above- mentioned map. At the meeting, we discussed whether or not Deeds would be required for those portions of the street which had been abandoned last year. The surveyor has used the same road beds and street names, but the abandonment described the circumference of the entire Section 3. The Planning Board cannot answer whether new Dedication Deeds for the streets shown on Section 3 which had been previously abandoned would be required and referred me to your office. We ask you to kindly take this under consideration and advise us. Very truly yours, FROEHLICH ONY i 11 m deBru Jr. deB/ej i, cc: Mr. Walter Uhl " Roderick VanTuyl, P. Southold Town Planni g Board %~l6 'Z' -77-~~ I NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 276 of the (Town Law,a public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Planning Board at the Town Office, Main Road, Southold, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. 1 New York, in said Town on the 26th day of August, 1974, at 7:30 STATE OF NEW YORK. ss t o'clock in the evening of the same day on the question of the final Stuart C. Dorman j approval of the following plat: • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • being duly Sworn. Plat of property owned by Woodhollow Properties, Inc., says that . , h? is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK entitled "Orient-by-the-Sea, tang of a a parcel parcel Section 3" consisting o WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport in said of land situated at orient, in the county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and bounded and copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times f described as f)llows: j BEGINNING at the in- once in each week, for one (1) weeks tersection of it ~e northerly line of Main Roac with the easterly successively commencing on the lsth 1 -1 line of Ryder Farm Lane; from Au said point of ueginning running day of 19.... along said easterly line of Ryder Farm Lane, two courses (1) North 27 degrees 08' '00" West 465.12 feet; thence (2) North 1 Sworn to before me this ~.th.... , degree 34' 00" West 902.35 feet; day of gust... y 74.. l j thence on a curve to the right It ,j having a radius of 20.0 feet, a dZo, istance of 31.42 feet; thence - 1 along the southerly line of Plum Island Lane, two courses: (1) North 88 degrees 26' 00" East SEPH LAWRENCE TOWNSEND 08.24 feet; thence (2) North 74 NOTA,Y "rI)BLIC OF NEW YORK ldEgrees 29' 30" East 619.72 feet; Sesi o• n Suffolk County ttbence along Orient-by-the-Sea, aks. No. 529366350 l Section II, two courses: (1) South My Comm-mon FxDires March 30, t9~(,~ 1. degree 02' 20" West 153.44 feet; thence (2) South 88 degrees 57' 40" East 581.70 feet; thence along the westerly line of said Plum Island Lane, four courses: (1) South I degree 02'20" West 396.79 feet; thence (2) South 28 degrees 30' 00" West 113.09 feet; thence (3) South 16 degrees 22' O0" West 132.77 feet; thence (4) South 1 degree 02' 20" West 6.73 feet; thence along Orient-by-the-Sea, Section 1, two courses: (1) North 88 degrees 57'40" West 200.0 feet; thence (2) South 1 degree 02' 20". West 125.0 feet; thence across Parkview Lane, South 0 degrees 54' 00" East 50.03 feet; thence along the southerly line of said Parkview Lane, South 88 degrees 57' 40" East 185.80 feet; thence along said westerly line of Plum Island Lane, South 1 degree 02' j 20" West 385.76 feet; thence along said northerly line of the Main Road, South 88 degrees 55' 40" West 174.95 feet; thence along the several lands of Tabor, Brissel and Proferes, three courses: (i) North 1 degree 43" 00" West 189.48 feet; thence (2) South 87 degrees 09' 40" West 545.75 feet; thence (3) South 0 degrees 46' 20" ~I East 229.08 feet; thence along said northerly line of the Main Road, South 66 degrees 31' 10" West 199.38 feet to the point of j beginning. Containing 30.69 acres more or less. Any person desiring to be heard on the above matter should ap- pear at the time and place above specified. Dated August 9, 1974 BY THE ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD JOHN WICKHAM, CHAIRMAN 765-1313 I July 2, 1974 William E. deBruin, Jr., Esq. Froehlich & Mahony, Esqs. 3$ Willis Avenue Mineola, New York 11501 Re: Orient-by-the-Sea Section 3 Your file #9910 D Dear Mr. deBruin: I am in receipt of your letter of June 21, 1974 In re the above-mentioned map. Our engineer has given us a bond estimate in the amount of $97,750 which the Planning Board will recommend to the Town Board at their next meeting on July 9, 1974. At a regular meeting of the Planning Board held on June 24, 1974, a resolution was passed to set a date for the hearing on the final map of this subdivision. In checking the maps on file in our office, I find we will need an update on the approvals of the Department of Health and the Department of Environmental Control of the county. After same has been secured I can set a date for the hearing. I have contacted Van Tuyl's office to make a minor change in the map to show aocess to lots 175 and 131 on Ryder Farm Lane and Plum Island Lane, not on the Main State Road as per directive from the Suffolk County Depart- ment of Planning. His office will pick up the maps, make the change and return them to this office. Yours truly, Muriel Brush, Secretary Southold Town Planning Board LAW OFFICES FROEHLICH & MAHONY 34 WILLIS AVENUE FRANCIS B. FROEHLICH MINEOLA,N.Y. 11501 HAROLD A MAHONY - TELEPHONE CH 8-6500 WILLIAM E. de BRUIN,JR. AREA CODE 516 June 21, 1974 Muriel Brush, Secretary Southold Town Planning Board Southold, NY 11971 Re: Orient-by-the-Sea, Section 3 Our File No. 9910 D Dear Ms. Brush: It has been some time since we heard from you with regard to the status of the above-mentioned map. Our last communication involved the furnishing of some topographical surveys extending some 500 feet beyond the subdivision. Mr. Uhl told me some time ago that this information had been furnished to the Board by the surveyor. I wonder if the Board has been able to set a bond and whether or not the map is ready for final approval. We had submitted a Certificate of Title on September 20, 1973 and are concerned that the Board might require a follow-up on that Certificate because of the passage of time. If there has been any Resolution with regard to the approval of this map, we would appreciate it if you would send us a copy and enclose a stamped, return envelope for that purpose. Very truly yours, FROEHLICH & MAHONY deB/ej illiam E. deBruin, Jr. Enc. RECEIVED BY TOWN OF SOL" THOz D 'Z_ i:s,i: COMMISSION • Seth A. Hubbard Chairman Lee E. Koppelman Director of Planning Suffolk County Department of Planning JOHN V.N. KLEIN, County Executive Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge, L. L, N. Y. 979-2920 June 14, 1974 Mr. John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Southold, New York 11971 Re: Preliminary Map of Orient-by-the-Sea Section Three N/W/C of Main Road and Plum Island Lane, Orient, New York Dear Mr. Wickham: In accordance with your request, the staff has considered the above captioned proposed subdivision map and offer the following comments for your use: 1. The overall layout is considered to be generally satisfactory. 2. No vehicular access to and from Main Road to be permitted on Lots 175 and 181. 3. Large radius horizontal curves should be fitted in at changes in direction on Uhl Road (two locations), Park View Lane (single location), and Plum Island Lane (one location, west side of road only). Staff comments on a preliminary map do not constitute a review. When this map is in the final stage of preparation, it should be referred to the Suffolk County Planning Commission for review pursuant to Section 1333 of the Suffolk County Charter. Very truly yours, Lee E. Koppelman Director of Planning by 04eZZC& Charles G .Lind CGL:fp Subdivision Review Section Encl: Map File: 1333-SR-74-29 .'sue c .a~4:; ~+',nLR~=xma~•--oase•.+•:-.,,-..o,-..-..-.._-...__...._,.... _ a 1 May 22, 1974 i a.rr... Subdivision Review Section Suffolk County Department Of-Planning - Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge, New York 11787 Gentlemen: We are hereby submitting-the preliminary map the Sea, of Orient-•by- , Section III located in Orient to comments, you for your This proposed plat, when in final stage, will be referred to s the Suffolk County Planning Commission pursuant to Section 1333, Article XIII of the Suffolk County Charter. We fore, acknowledge that the comments made b , there- `t Planning Department are advisory onl y the staff of the y and d not a review by the Suffolk County Planning Comm ssion norsare then comments made by the stafF binding upon the Commission in their review of this proposed map. 2 Material submitted: Proposed plat - 3 copies Grading plan - 1 copy Profiles - 1 copy Drainage plan - 1 copy Topographical map - 1 copy This is a part of Orient-by-the-Sea, Section II which a was abandoned and is now being resubmitted as Section III. Yours truly, John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planting Board JW/mb Enclosures c f*ljnv Pepartntat#• Tafun of'$auf4'0Jb Ptnutt, . RAYMOND C. DEAN 11958 Superintendent Tel. 765.3140 May 14, 1974 734.5211 The Planning Board Town of Southold Southold, New York 11971 Re: Orient-by-the-Sea Gentlemen: Section III The Highway Committee and Superintendent Raymond C. Dean have reviewed the Preliminary map of Orient-by-the-Sea located at Orient, New York dated April 5, 1974 and approve of the drainage and road(s). Very truly yours, RCD/esg OND C. DEAN Supt Of Highways . ~CBY r C `L,D LAW OFFICES FROEHLICH & MAHONY FRANCIS D. FROEHLICH 34 WILLIS AVENUE HAROLD A MAHONY MINEO LA, N. Y. 11501 WILLIAM E, de BRUIN„)R. TELEPHONEC 8-6500 AREA CODE 516 April 22, 1974 Muriel Brush, Secretary Southold Town Planning Board Southold, NY 11971 Re: Orient-by-the-Sea, Section 3 Our File No. 9910 Dear Ms. Brush: Thank you for your letter of April 4, 1974. Mr. Uhl had already instructed his survey to complete the requested topographical surveys, an in the process of being submitted to thed B Iobard.elieve they are Very truly yours, FROEHLIC & MAHONY Willi am E. deB/ej deBr n, Jr. i cc: Mr. Walter Uhl 7ByY~ (`r`~s~n,e 11,1' 7lddL~.l V FtlR gl.b)St~k'~«C°.~ L Y +f 'M^ 3Y~ SA. ~>b Y.IERI}6%~~iYri~'~~ t. '11Y d' _ JF~~ 1 „ d ' A, ATTORNEY .r~ M AT LAW e ,7N.4 425 MAIN STREET s GREENPORT, ry EW YORK 1194 4 a* td frUP 516-477-1400 4 ~s~nhq i e September 12, 1p7 4444 i William F. deF ruin, Jr., Esq. gs.~. g Froehli & ~lahohy 34 iiliachAvenue Y[ineola, New Yost 11501 a ~ Re: Orientiby-the sea, Section 3 y ~ Your Ale No. 9910 D Dear UIr, deFruin« fw iel answer to your tter of September 5, 1974 co in Section 3 siof Ori nce it-by-the flea g the at opinion ncernin n reeta A that snce tie streets in ~ 1 wish to advise you that it is my to the Town of Sou, question were previously dedicated, Hold, the abandonmen did not effect the dedicated street t of a s, Accordingly, no new dedicatiin documents are requiredPortion of the map ' t cuired. It is my opinion h Yours n very truly, rl/ k R0P)ER I' L+ TASk-T,.1, ' cc: SOuthold r own Pl4knnin8 P 5e oard , CI TOWN CIS ~ ~~.s , ~iC~D ^x All T'i 7. J. J / C z > i1^_ ~ x t f Nn~ August 29, 1074 Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, r'ew York 13,944 i Re:, Orient-by Sea Section Thr Gentlemen: At a regular meeting of the Southold Tt~y }Board 'yield August 26,1974 the following acnywas taken. On motion made by Mr. Raynor, secondedit was YMr.Grebe, R~;S0LVE1) tc' a rove rnown as "Orient-by--Sea the e Se tionaThreen: ~ubdivieion '^'oodhollow Properties, Inc, ed by Vote of the Board: Ayes: 'Jickham, D:oisaw: Coy. e and Grebe. Raynor, say e b 0tl:nateer date of August 8, 1974 a copy of it ond prepared by Ed Bage was sent ythe acoln endation o_f acceptance by the planoard. «:lso, +1'at date, I sent the final map and r r T)emarest of the Highway Committee, oar oti7.es to -y Yours truly, 0 Muriel bras,,, lec ll`. Southold caryBoard k, I LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Hearing NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 276 of the Town Law, a public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Planning Board at the Town Office, Main Road, Southold, New York, in said Town on the 26th day of August, 1974, at 7:30 o'clock in the evening of the same day on the question of the final approval of the following plat: Plat of property owned by Woodhollow Properties, Inc., entitled "Orient-by-the-Sea, Section 3", consisting of a parcel of land situated at Orient, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the northerly line of the Main Road with the easterly line of Ryder Farm Lane; from said point of beginning running along said easterly line of Ryder Farm Lane, two courses: (1) North 270 08' 00" West 465.12 feet; thence (2) North 10 34' 00" West 902.35 feet; thence on a curve to the right having a radius of 20.0 feet, a distance of 31.42 feet; thence along the southerly line of Plum Island Lane, two courses: (1) North 880 26' 00" East 68.24 feet; thence (2) North 741 29' 30" East 619.72 feet; thence along Orient-by-the-Sea, Section II, two courses: (1) South 10 02' 20" West 153.44 feet; thence (2) South 880 57' 40" East 581.70 feet; thence along the westerly line of said Plum Island Lane, four courses: (1) South 10 02' 20" West 396.79 feet; thence (2) South 280 30' 00" West 113.09 feet; thence (3) South 160 22' 00" West 132.77 feet; thence (4) South 10 02' 20" West 6.73 feet; thence along Orient- by-the-Sea, Section I, two courses: (1) North 880 57' 40" West 200.0 feet; thence (2) South 10 02' 20" West 125.0 feet; thence across Parkview Lane, South 00 54' 00" East 50.03 feet; thence along the southerly line of said Parkview Lane, South 880 57' 40" East 185.80 feet; thence along said westerly line of Plum Island Lane, South 10 02' 20" West 385.76 feet; thence along said northerly line of the Main Road, South 880 55' 40" West 174.95 feet; thence along the several lands of Tabor, Brissel and roferes, three courses: (1) North 10 43' 00" West 189.48 feet; hence (2) South 87° 09' 40" West 545.75 feet; thence (3) South l0° 46' 20" East 229.08 feet; thence along said northerly line of he Main Road, South 660 31' 10" West 199.38 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 30.69 acres more or less. i Legal Notice Page 2 Any person desiring to be heard on the above matter should appear at the time and place above specified. Dated: August 9, 1974 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD JOHN WICKHAM, CHAIRMAN PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, AUGUST 15, 1974, AND FORWARD TWO (2) AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION TO THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK. Copies mailed to the following on August 9, 1974. The Long Island Traveler - Mattituck Watchman The Suffolk Weekly Times Woodhollow Properties, Inc. William E. deBruin, Jr., Esq. Supervisor Albert M. Martocchia r v, YY r R hT: 4 N August 8, 1974 Justice Louis Demarest s Southold Town Highway Dommittee Main Road Orient, New York 11957 Dear Judge Demarest: Enclosed are a copy of final map for the subdivision s "Orient-by-the-Sea, Suction III" together with road profiles. This matter if scheduled for a public hearing on the final map for August 26, 1974. I have sent today, the bond estimate from Edward Bage, P.E. in the amount of $97,750 to the Town Board. M Yours truly, Muriel Brush, Secretary Southold Town Planning Board Enclosures 2 s4 P x z ='Am'}~[,=.:'ii"9ee„'A'z"ndi5aC1~-1,#~sPAF a~„r.:,,^i9&`#~r~Y';'"f?:J.Yfl;R 1R4F"?X.:iR••,""w5 rk:"'~`n«4'."a~aN'fi~'"`iht'A'n:_'~'4t~ui'`,~'~d~~1'~C`a'~~`A'.: ak 'r,'+'^.~7C"::SP August 8, 1974 Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York 11944 Re: Orient-by-the-Sea Section III Gentlemen: Enclosed is the bond estimate of Edward J. Bage for the above-captioned subdivision. The Planning Board made a resolution to accept the bond estimate on May 15, 1974. At the regular meeting of the Planning Board on August 5, 1974 there was a resolution passed to hold a public hearing on the final map on August 26, 1974. Yours truly, Muriel Brush, Secretary Southold Town Planning Board Enclosure 1 August 8, 1974 Suffolk County Planning Commission Veterans Memorial H.gghway Hauppauge, New York'11187 Gentlemen: Pursuant to Secton'1333, Article XIII of the Suffolk County Cgarter, the Southold Town Planning Board hereby refers the following proposed final plat to the Suffolk County Planning Commission: Name of Plate- 6rienl;-by-tlie-SeaSecti6n.,III Hamlet or Locality - Orient, New York, Southold Town Material submitted: Proposed plat - 3 copies Grading plan - 1 copy Profiles - 1 copy Drainage plan - 1 copy Topographical map - I copy Very truly yours, Muriel Brush, Secretary Southold Town Planning Board Enclosures EDWARD J. BALE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER Post Office Box 972 • Southold, New York 11971 516-765-1681 March 14, 1974 Ltr. #121 RE: Orient-By-The Sea Section I11 Southold Town Planning Board Southold, New York Gentlemen: I met with Town Justice Louis Demarest to review the drainage of Orient-By-The Sea, Section III The following recommendations were mutually agreed upon: 1. The leaching areas on Farm Lane and Parkview Lane are to be Type "A" recharge basins. 2. With the installation of recharge basins, the leaching basins on Ryder Farm Lane between Uhl Lane and Parkview Lane, and the basins at the entrance to Parkview Lane from Ryder Farm Lane are not necessary. 3. Both sides of Ryder Farm Lane are to be curbed. 4. The west side of Plum Island Lane is to be curbed to prevent erosion by water coming down the road. 5. Both sides of Parkview Lane from Ryder Farm Lane and Plum Island Lane are to b? curbed. 6. Both sides of Uhl Lane are to be curbed. 7. All other leaching basins shown on Van Tuyl1s map of June 18, 1973 are to be installed. Respectfully submitted, li 3 6 4 ~'r T Edward J. Bag , E. OTTO W. VAN TUVL RODE RICK VAN TUVL Reg. Professional Engineer Licensed Land Surveyor Licensed Land Surveyor Phone 4771487 Phone 477-1608 RODERICK VAN TUYL, P. C. FRONT STREET AT MAIN GREENPORT, NEW YORK 11944 A PHONE 477-0170 April 5, 1974 'outhold LOVTn lla;:ninar Board Southold, Y. 11971 ae: Orient-by-oeza, ec. 3 Gentlemen: Pursuant to your letter of April 4 relat ve to the a_ove-ca;)i;:!.ones item, we do herewith submit 6 prints of the subdivision map, showing the general layout of lots, the -oro- posed drainage system, and the topography of the concerned area. i'ruatinp tliat this will be satisfeactorv co the com)J_etion of the map's .,)proval, we are very tru1~ yours, FRECEIVED BY F SCt`7i-l"ID Le9 c~ ~ q~ u April. 4, 1974 William E. deBruin, Jr.,.Esq. Froehlich g, Mahony, Esos. :34 Willis Avenue Mineola, New Pork 11501 Re: Orient-by-the-Sea, Section .1 Your file No. 9910 Dear Mr. deBruin: At a regular meeting of the Southold 'ro,m Planning Board held. April 1, 1974, the Board reviewed the above-captioned sub- division. We find we do not have a letter of approval from the Superintendent of Highways and, for some reason, we do not have any topos on this. As soon as we can obtain the topos we will instruct our engineer to prepare a bond estimate and feel that we can process this in the very near future. Also, the County Planning Department requires that the contours be shown 500 feet beyond the limits of the subdivision. Yours truly, Muriel Brush, secretary Southold Town Planning Board LGeJ C. C.. 0 LAW OFFICES FROEHLICH & MAHONY 34 WILLIS AVENUE FRANCIS S. FROEHLICH MINEOLA,N. Y. 11501 HAROLD A MAHONY TELEPHONE CH 6-6500 WILLIAM E.de BRUIN,JR. AREA CODE 516 November 12, 1973 Mr. Henry Raynor 320 Love Lane Mattituck, NY 11952 Re: Orient-by-the-Sea, Section 3, Our File No. 9910 y. Dear Mr. Raynor: In response to your telephone request of November 1, 1973, and by way of confirming our telephone conversation of November 5, 1973, I enclose a copy of an Affidavit of Walter Uhl the President of Woodhollow Properties, Inc. sworn to on November 7, 1973, along with a list of all the stockholders of Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Immediately after receiving your telephone call on the lst, I called Mr. Uhl at home. Mr. Uhl advised me that he knew Mr. and Mrs. Tuthill to be stockholders but he did not believe that Mr. Tuthill had been in any way connected with the Town of Southold during 1973 and told me he had only learned of the connection after Mr. Tuthill called him after your hearing last week. In any event, that evening Mr. Uhl told me he did not believe that Mr. and Mrs. Tuthill owned five percent of the stock. I asked Mr. Uhl to bring me a list of the stockholders as well as the stock book. I also called Mr. Tuthill who told me that he did not perform any work for the Town until September. He was also unable to characterize his profes- sional relationship with the Town. Mr. Uhl had believed him to be a consultant and that his primary occupation was in the dock building business. Upon reviewing the books of the corporation, we found that Mr. Tuthill does not own any stock, but his wife and New Suffolk Dock Building Corp. owned 240 shares. Both. ` Mr. Henry Raynor November 12, 1973 Page 2 Mr. Uhl and Mr. Tuthill had told me that this corporation is either owned or controlled by Mr. Tuthill. As you know, Mr. Tuthill claims to have revealed to the Planning Board his connection through New Suffolk Dock Building Corp. to Woodhollow Properties, Inc. about a year ago. In fairness to Mr. Uhl, it must be urged that he has told us he was unaware that Mr. Tuthill had any connection with the Town at the time of the hearing we attended on July 30, 1973. We feel that this situation was caused simply by ignorance and inattention to detail and certainly without any malice or motive for gain. I am sending a copy of this letter along with a copy of the affidavit to the Chairman so that the Board may have an opportunity to decide if they wish to hear further from the applicant. We certainly would be willing to appear at a hearing and present the stockholders' records for the Board's review and would most certainly make these records available for the Town Attorney. We thank you for your consideration in this matter. Very truly yours, FROEHLICH & MAHONY W'llialm E. ed" Bruin, deB/ej Encs. cc: Chairman, Southold Town Planning Board TATE OF NEW YORK) SS.. COUNTY OF NASSAU ) WALTER UHL, being duly sworn, deposes and says: 1. I am the President of WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIES, INC., a domestic corporation having its office at 8243 Jericho Turnpike, Woodbury, New York, in Nassau County. 2. WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIES, INC., has applied to the Planning Board of the Town of Southold for the approval of a certain subdivision of real property at Orient Point entitled' "Orient-by-the-Sea, Section 3." 3. This affidavit is made to supplement a certain) affidavit made by deponent sworn to on July 31, 1973. The prior affidavit was made in answer to the request by the Tanning Board to furnish a list of the stockholders of the corporation who owned five percent or more of the stock. The outhold Town Planning Board has now requested a full and i complete list of the names, addresses, amount of shares and ate of acquisition of all of the stockholders of WOODHOLLOW ROPERTIES, INC. A full and complete list has been prepared,• signed by deponent, annexed hereto and made a part of this affidavit. 4. One of the stockholders, NEW SUFFOLK DOCK BUILDING CORP. which owns 130 shares or approximately 2.6 perk cent of the 5,040 shares outstanding may be owned or controlld by LAWRENCE TUTHILL. Deponent had known Mr. Tuthill to have I done consulting work for the Town of Southold in the past, bu as unaware there was any connection between the Town of Southold or its Planning Board and Mr. Tuthill during 1973 up ~ I through July 31, 1973. Mr. Tuthill's wife, CAROL K. TUTHILL,' is also the owner of 100 shares or approximately 2 percent of the outstanding shares of the corporation _ I Ij l 5. This stock was transferred to CAROL K. TUTHILLI in 1963 and to NEW SUFFOLK DOCK BUILDING CORP. in 1967 and 1968 and was transferred for engineering services rendered by LAWRENCE TUTHILL to the corporation at a marina owned by the corporation on property other than the subject premises. 6. Deponent has been advised by Mr. Tuthill that he had informed the Planning Board of his relationship with WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIES, INC. approximately 1 year ago. 7. It is deponent's belief that no stockholder, officer or director of WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIES, INC., holds any! office either elected or appointed with the Town of Southold or any other municipal subdivision of the State of New York. I ^ Walter Uhl (Sworn to before me this 7th d y of Novi ber, 19 I it I) i I I I f - 2 i r, • ~fIg4f)aV Department • Zofnn of ~*nufllnlb Veconir, 'v- 119y8 RAYMOND C. DEAN Superintendent Tel, 765-3140 734-5211 October 11, 1973 The Planning Hoard Town of Southold Southold, New York 11971 Res woodbollow Properties, Inc• Orient-by-the-Seas Section Z _-7 Gentlemen: The Highway Cosmittee and myself have agreed that we will except the leaching area set aside for a recharge basin, located south of Lot #63, instead of our suggestion of lot N64 as recommended in our letter of August 8, 1973• Very truly yours - RCDseag 'ftATWND C. DUN Sup't of Highways October 9, 1973 Mr. Raymond C. Dean Superintendent of Highways Highway Department Peconic, New York 11958 Dear Mr. Dean: Enclosed is a copy of letter received from Mr. William E. De Bruin, Jr., regarding Woodhollow Properties, Inc., Orient-by-the-Sea, Section 2. In your letter to the Planning Board dated October 1, 1973, regarding Woodhollow Properties, Orient-by-the-sea, you state that"the Southold Town Highway Committee and you have agreed to the area set aside for a recharge basin, instead of our suggestion of lot #64 as recommended in our letter of August 8, 1973." For my information, does Mr. De. Bruin's letter and your letter refer to the same thing? At our last meeting the Board questioned what the area is that has been set aside for a recharge basin. Very truly yours, Marjorie McDermott, Sec. :mm Enclosure ~t~I~fuM~ ~E~ttrtmElTt • Tafnn of '*v"t4nla ~ecunic, 11958 RAYMOND C. DEAN Superintendent Tel. 765-3140 734-5211 October 19 1973 The Planning Hoard Tows of Southold Seutbsld, New York Res Woodhollow Properties Orient-by-the-sea Gentlemen: The Southold Tam Highway Committee and myself have agreed to the area set aside for a recharge basin, instead of our suggestion of lot #64 as rued in our letter of August hi, 1973. Yery'Iruly yours ACDsesg Raymond Co Dean enclosures Supt of Highways ~ r • LAW OFFICES FROEHLICH & MAHONY 34 WILLIS AVENUE FRANCIS e. FROEHLICH MINEOLA,N.Y 11501 HAROLD A MAHONY TELEPHONE CH 8-6500 AREA CODE 516 WILLIAM E. de BRUIN, JR. September 24, 1973 John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Southold, NY 11971 Re: Woodhollow Properties, Orient the-Sean Section 2 Our File No. 9910 A Dear Mr. Wickham: We gratefully thank you for forwarding our letter of September 14, 1973 to the proper parties and for providing us with copies of your letters addressed to Justice Suter and Justice Demarest. We thank you again for your usual consideration. Very truly yours, FROEHLICH & MAH William, eBruin, Jr deB/ej cc: Mr. Walter Uhl September 21, 1973 William E. deBruin, Esq. Froehlich & Mahony 34 Willis Avenue Mineola, New York 11501 Dear Mr. deBruin: In response to your letter of September 14th, I am enclosing copy of letter and statement sent this date to Justices Demarest and Suter, the Town Highway Committee; Mr. Raymond Dean, Superintendent of Highways; and Supervisor Martocchia. Very sincerely, John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board JW:mm Enclosures Sent to Supervisor Martocchia Town Highway Committee Superintendent of Highways cc to William E. deBruin, Esq. Orient-by-the-Sea,, September 21, 1973 The proposed dedication of 10,000 s side of q• ft. on the west Rider Farm Lane # south of Lot 65, for a leaching area is acceptable for drainage s purposes, in connection with Orient-by-the-Sea Section III, It is understood that this drainage addition to drainage requirement is in requirements shown on the map of Orient-by-the-Sea Section III which was approval subject to given preliminary public hearing on July 30, 1973, Very sincerely, ' John Wickham, chairman JW:mm Southold Town Planning Board September 21, 1973 Supervisor Albert M. Martocchia Town of Southold 16 South Street Greenport, New York 11944 Dear Supervisor Martocchia: I am enclosing copy of letter received from William E. deBruin, Jr., attorney for orient-by-the-Sea. The Planning Board would like very much to conclude this matter in view of the fact that we are holding up final approval of Orient-by-the-Sea Section III until such time as the complete drainage plans are approved. If this meets with your approval, we would appreciate an early response. I am enclosing a simple statement to that effect. We would like very much to set a date for a Pinal Hearing of Orient.-by-the-Sea Section III early in October. Very sincerely, John Wickham, Chairman Southold T own Planning Board JW:mm Enclosures cc William E. deBruin, Jr. Town Highway Cmmmittee Superintendent of Highways Raymond Dean i ~ September 21, 1973 Mr. Raymond C. Dean Superintendent of Highways Peconic Lane Peconic, New York 11958 Dear Mr. Dean: I am enclosing copy of letter received from William E. deBruin, Esq., attorney for Orient-by-the-Sea. The Planning Board would like very much to conclude this matter in view of the fact that we are holding up final approval of Orient-by-the-Sea Section III lentil such time as the complete drainage plans are approved. If this meets with your approval, we would appreciate an early response. I am enclosing a simple statement to that effect. We would like very much to set a date for a Final Hearing of Orient-by-the-Sea Section III early in October. Very sincerely, John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board JW:mm Enclosures cc William E. deBruin, Jr., Esq. Town Highway Committee Supervisor Martocchia i i September 21, 1973 i ' Justice Louis Demarest Justice Martin Suter Town Highway Committee Town of Southold 16 South Street Greenport, New York 11944 i Gentlemen: I am enclosing copy of letter received from William E. deBruin, Esq., attorney for Orient-by-the-Sea. The Planning Board would like very much to conclude this mhtter in view of the fact that we are holding up final approval of Orient-by-the-Sea Section III until such time as the complete drainage plans are approved. If this meets with your approval, we would appreciate an early response. I am enclosing a simple statement to that effect. We would like very much to set a date for a Final Hearing of Orient-by-the-Sea Section III early in October. Very sincerely, John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board JW:mm Enclosures cc William E. deBruin, Jr., Esq. Supervisor Martocchia Superintendent of Highways i I LAW OFFICES FROEHLICH & MAHONY 34 WILLIS AVENUE M I N EOLA,N. Y. 11501 FRANCIS B. FROEHLICH - HAROLD A MAHONY TELEPHONE CH 8-6500 AREA CODE 516 WILLIAM E. de BRUIN,JR. September 20, 1973 John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Southold, NY 11971 Re: Woodhollow Properties, Orient-by-the-Sea, Section 3 Our File No. 9910 Dear Mr. Wickham: In connection with the above-mentioned application, we herewith enclose a photostat of the Certificate of Map Regis- tration issued by Chicago Title Insurance Company under date of September 18, 1973. The Certificate also contains a tax search. We have kept the original Certificate in our office because the title company has only sent us one copy so that the original may be delivered to the County Clerk when the map is filed. If the Planning Board requires, we will retain a duplicate original from the title company. Very truly yours, FROEHLICH & MAHONY William E. deBruiJr. deB/e j i~ Enc. cc: Mr. Walter Uhl Otto W. VanTuyl & Son ~to IBOB (Standard Form aloved by the New YORK BOARD of TITLE UNOERVAs, JuNE 1, 1948) CSICA(GO TIWIA10 INl01VAANCE COMPANY CERTIFICATE OF MAP REGISTRATION CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, hereby certifies to the County of Suffolk that it has searched the title to the premises hereto annexed which constitute all of the land covered by PROPOSED MAP OF ORIENT BY THE SEA, SECTION I and about to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk from a date 20 years prior to the date hereof, and finds the title thereto is vested in and can be conveyed by:- WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIES, INC. subject to such mortgages, liens, taxes and assessments as appear in the annexed schedules, all of which are part of this certificate. This certificate is made and accepted with the understanding that the Company's liability hereunder is limited to such interests in fee or easement as may be acquired by the County or its Subdivisions for street purposes and for any unpaid taxes and assessments during the period covered above and in no event is the liability to exceed the sum of One Thou- sand ($1,000.00) Dollars. Date: 9/18/1973 ,~uANC OMPANY CHIQ~A O Al y thorized Signat r 0 CHAIN OF TITLE Mulford Beebe Deed ' Alene Beebe, his wife Dated: 12/27/1943 Orrin P. Beebe Recd: 1/17/1944 Edna May Beebe, his wife Liber 2337 cp 52 Andrew J. Beebe Bessie Beebe Elisabeth Beebe Vail to Charles E. Ryder Charles E. Ryder Deed to Dated: 6/9/1958 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Recd: 6/16/1958 Liber 4472 cp 413 The Suffolk County National Bank Deed to Dated: 2/24/1934 Edwin H. King Rec'd: 3/5/1934 Frances C. King, his wife Liber 1755 cp 271 Edwin H. Ling Deed Frances C. King, his wife Dated: 4/15/1957 to Recd: 4/22/1957 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Liber 4289 cp 577 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Mortgage to Dated: 6/19/1964 The North Fork Bank and Rec'd: 6/26/1964 Trust Company Liber 4403 mp 260 Amt: $60,000.00 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Deed to Dated: 1971 Bertil Kjellgren Rec'd: 9/27/1971 Liber 7014 cp 277 Bertil Kjellgren Mortgage to Dated: 9/24/1971 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Recd: 9/29/1971 Liber 6185 mp 73 Amt: $6,230.00 Bertil Kjellgren Deed to Dated: 1972 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Rec'd: 4/25/1972 Liber 7385 cp 540 (1) Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Deed to Dated: 9/24/1971 Frederick Schneider Recd: 9/27/1971 Liber 7013 cp 577 . grederick Schneider Mortgage to Dated: 10/21/1971 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Rec'd: 11/26/1971 Liber 6211 mp 24 Amt: $5,940.00 Frederick Schneider Deed to Dated: 1/30/1973 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Recd: 5/2/1973 Liber 7389 cp 540 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Deed to Dated: 9/24/1971 Edward E. Manser Recd: 9/27/1971 Liber 7013 cp 580 Edward E. Manser Mortgage to Dated: 9/24/1971 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Recd: 10/7/1971 Liber 6164 mp 192 Amt: $6,090.00 Edward E. Manser Deed to Dated: 1973 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Recd: 4/25/1973 Liber 7385 cp 542 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Deed to Dated: 9/24/1971 Joseph Fucigna Recd: 9/27/1971 Liber 7014 cp 87 Joseph Fucigna Mortgage to Dated: 9/29/1971 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Recd: 10/29/1971 Liber 6185 mp 25 Amt: $5,360.00 Joseph Fucigna Deed to Dated: 1973 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Rec'd: 4/25/1973 Liber 7385 cp 572 (2) Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Deed Dated: 9/24/1971 to Rec'd:'9/27/1971 Anthony Cerrone Liber 7014 cp 16 Mortqa Anthony Cerrone Dated: Dated: 11/8/1971 to Recd: 11/26/1971 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Liber 6211 mp 28 Amt: $5,360.00 Anthony Cerrone Deed Dated: 3/12/1973 to Rec'd: 4/25/1973 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Liber 7385 cp 568 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Deed Dated: 1971 to Recd: 9/24/1971 Stephen Hilkoff Liber 7013 cp 160 Stephen Hilkoff mortgage to Dated: 10/4/1971 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Rec'd: 11/22/1971 Liber 6206 mp 306 Amt: $6,090.00 Stephen Hilkoff Deed to Dated: 3/13/1973 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Recd: 4/25/1973 Liber 7385 cp 564 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Deed Dated: 1971 to Rec'd: 9/24/1971 Jonathan Duker Liber 7013 cp 163 Jonathan Duker Mortgage to Dated: 9/24/1971 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Recd: 10/29/1971 Liber 6185 mp 61 Amt: $6,520.00 Jonathan Duker Deed Dated: 1973 to Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Recd: 4/25/1973 Liber 7385 cP 526 (3) Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Deed to Dated:.1971 A.A. Forman Recd: 9/27/1971 Liber 7013 ap 568 A.A. Forman Mortgage to Dated: 10/4/1971 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Recd: 10/29/1971 Liber 6185 mp 33 Amt: $6,090.00 A.A. Forman Deed to Dated: 3/9/1973 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Recd: 4/25/1973 Liber 7385 cp 554 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Deed to Dated: 1971 David Rubin Rec'd: 9/27/1971 Liber 7013 cp 583 David Rubin Mortgage to Dated: 9/28/1971 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Recd: 10/29/1+571 Liber 6185 mp 81 Amt: $6,230.00 David Rubin Deed to Dated: 3/20/1973 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Recd: 4/25/1973 Liber 7385 mp 546 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Deed to Dated: 1971 A.H. Reiss, M.D. Recd: 9/27/1971 Liber 7013 cp 589 A.H. Reiss, M.D. Mortgage to Dated: 10/4/1971 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Recd: 10/29/1971 Liber 6185 mp 45 Amt: $6,090.00 A.H. Reiss, M.D. Deed to Dated: 1973 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Recd: 4/25/1973 Liber 7385 cp 552 (4) WOOdh01;OW Properties, Inc. Deed to Dated: 9/4/1971 S. Dixon Hunter Rec'd:09/27/1971 Liber 7013 cp 592 S. Dixon Hunter Mortgage to Dated: 9/27/1971 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Recd: 10/7/1971 Liber 6164 mp 196 Amt: $6,090.00 S. Dixon Hunter Deed to Dated: 1973 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Recd: 4/25/1973 Liber 7385 cp 550 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Deed to Dated: 9/24/1971 Virginia Uhl Recd: 9/27/1971 Liber 7014 cp 19 Virginia Uhl Mortgage to Dated: 9/29/1971 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Recd: 10/7/1971 Liber 6164 mp 212 Amt: $5,360.00 Virginia Uhl Deed to Dated: 1973 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Recd: 4/25/1973 Liber 7385 cp 576 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Deed to Dated: 9/24/1971 Nicholas Wahrer Recd: 9/27/1971 Liber 7014 cp 22 Nicholas Wahrer Mortgage to Dated: 11/12/1971 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Rec'd: 11/26/1971 Liber 6211 mp 36 Amt: $5,940.00 Nicholas Wahrer Deed to Dated: 1973 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Rec'd: 4/25/1973 Liber 7385 cp 582 (5) Woodhold:*w Properties, Inc. Deed to Dated: 9/24/1971 Barry Andreson Rec'd:•9/27/1971 Liber 7014 cp 1 Barry Anderson Mortgage to Dated: 9/30/1971 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Recd: 10/29/1971 Liber 6185 mo 29 Amt: $5,940.00 Barry Anderson Deed to Dated: 1973 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Recd: 4/25/1973 Liber 7385 cp 560 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Deed to Dated: 9/24/1971 August Schneider Recd: 9/27/1971 Liber 7014 cp 4 August Schneider Deed to Dated: 10/8/1971 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Recd: 10/29/1971 Liber 6185 mp 21 Amt: $5,360.00 August Schneider Deed to Dated: 3/15/1973 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Recd: 4/25/1973 Liber 7385 cp 580 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Deed to Dated: 9/24/1971 John Detwiler Rec'd: 9/27/1971 Liber 7013 cp 571 John Detwiler Mortgage to Dated: 10/1/1971 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Recd: 10/7/1971 Liber 6164 mp 208 Amt: $5,360.00 John Detwiler Deed to Dated: 1973 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Recd: 4/25/1973 Liber 7385 cp 574 (6) Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Deed to Dated: 9/24/1971 Elias Bobbe Rec'd: 9/27/1971 Liber 7014 cp 40 Elias Bobbe Mortgage to Dated: 9/24/1971 woodhollow Properties, Inc. Recd: 10/29/1971 Liber 6185 mp 65 Amt: $5,650.00 Elias Bobbe Deed to Dated: 1973 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Rec'd: 4/25/1973 Liber 7385 cp 570 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Deed to Dated: 9/24/1971 Charles Andromidas Rec'd: 9/27/1971 Liber 7014 cp 43 Charles Andromidas Mortgage to Dated: 10/4/1971 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Rec'd: 10/29/1971 Liber 6185 mp 41 Amt: $6,090.00 Charles Andromidas Deed to Dated: 3/10/1973 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Recd: 4/25/1973 Liber 7385 cp 536 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Deed to Dated: 9/24/1971 Charles Seltman Rec'd: 9/27/1971 Liber 7014 cp 34 Charles Seltman Mortgage to Dated: 10/4/1971 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Rec'd: 10/29/1971 Liber 6185 mp 13 Amt: $5,940.00 Charles Seltman Deed to Dated: 1973 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Recd: 4/25/1973 Liber 7385 cp 562 (7) -cvua.iuuw- Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Deed Dated: 9/24/1971 Stanley Byczek Rec'd: 9/27/1971 St Liber 7014 cP 37 Stanley Byczek Mortgage Dated: 9/24/1971 to Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Rec'd: 10/29/1971 Liber 6185 mp 77 Amt: $5,940.00 Stanley Byczek Deed to Dated: 1973 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Recd: 4/25/1973 Liber 7385 cp 556 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Deed to Dated: 9/24/1971 Wesley Denniston, Jr. Rec'd: 9/27/1971 Liber 7014 cp 28 Wesley Denniston, Jr. Mortgaae to Dated: 9/23/1971 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Rec'd: 10/7/1971 Liber 6164 mp 184 Amt: $5,940.00 Wesley Denniston, Jr. Deed to Dated: 3/20/1973 Woodhollow Properties, inc. Rec'd: 4/25/1973 Liber 7385 cp 534 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Deed to Dated: 9/24/1971 Frances Cross Rec'd: 9/27/1971 Liber 7014 cp 31 Frances Cross mortgage to Dated: 9/27/1971 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Recd: 10/7/1971 Liber 6164 mp 200 Amt: $6,230.00 Frances Cross Deed to Dated: 1973 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Recd: 4/25/1973 Liber 7385 cp 556 (8) Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Deed to Dated: 9/24/1971 William J. Asparro Rec'd: 9/27/1971 Liber 7013 cp 598 William J. Asparro Mortqaqe to Dated: 9/28/1971 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Rec'd: 10/7/1971 Liber 6164 mp 188 Amt: $5,940.00 William J. Asparro Deed to Dated: 1973 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Recd: 4/25/1973 Liber 7385 cp 558 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Deed to Dated: 9/24/1971 Ray Polley, Sr. Rec'd: 9/27/1971 Liber 7014 cp 46 Ray Polley, Sr. Mortgage to Dated: 9/24/1971 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Rec'd: 10/29/1971 Liber 6185 mp 69 Amt: $6,090.00 Ray Polley, Sr. Deed to Dated: 1973 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Rec'd: 4/25/1973 Liber 7385 cp 548 (9) x Suffolk y Charles E. Ryder 12/27/1943 6/16/1958 Edwin H. Ring Frances C. King 2/24/1934 4/22/1957 Bertil K)ellgren 1/1/1971 4/25/1973 ,Frederick Schneider 9/24/1971 5/2/1973 Edward E. Manser 9/24/1971 4/25/1973 Joseph Fucigna 9/24/1971 4/25/1973 Anthony Cerrone 9/24/1971 4/25/1973 Stephen Hilkoff 1/1/1971 4/25/1973 Jonathan Duker 1/1/1971 4/25/1973 A.A. Forman 1/1/1971 4/25/1973 David Rubin 1/1/1971 4/25/1973 A.H. Reiss 1/1/1971 4/25/1973 S. Dixon Hunter 9/4/1971 4/25/1973 Virginia Ohl 9/24/1971 4/25/1973 Nicholas Wahrer 9/24/1971 4/25/1973 Barry Anderson 9/24/1971 4/25/1973 August Schneider 9/24/1971 4/25/1973 John Detwiler 9/24/1971 4/25/1973 Bliss Bobbe 9/24/1971 4/25/1973 -continued- ~_Yf~~_S.y ? ...°i.~~.~~„fin ~ .V .n..~... ,ly t~ i~T iS q~.: T/~ y rr,titl~t~~ sRn- tlir alt.. ~ ..I th«• iaert' ^t tho <wlr!~ Suffolk r:~ p,-i 'tq 1•,. ~-ei r.•f te'r . a.iniod for --it,. per;(-, rt ta. nr`: for all Y r _ ip ( '),inc,- I _ ~ of ( i.1 ( tits 0j Ur +sg + s_tt fccd urt ,h n, .r..t, it 'r;?C Ur d, ll~ ?'ndil '(t L ,t,9 in;. u, i,10 !V, kt R' la si l!nrtt rr' rII: n t t, o:)In1- of recei ,c: .r'.<< rt. St ec5 \ ..i .0 .!t(;( ~•ti e~ id aLt• .V" Cr~11CC Lt•T .i X11=!19~ wt .i glrinil.: 11 11., r., - fur l.. it -i .i. ',•3 :(11(~ Charies(Aadromidas 9/24/1971 4/25/1973 Charles Seltrean 9/24/1971 4/25/1973 $tanley Bycsek 9/24/1971 4/25/1973 1tslsy.Detiniston Jr. 9/24/1971 4/25/1973 tr Prances `cross 9/24/1971 4/25/1973 William J. Asparro 9/24/1971 4/25/1973 P#y Polley Sr. 9/24/1971 4/25/1973 Noodhollow Properties, 4/15/1957 To Date Inc. CHICAGO TITLE IliSUMCE COMPANY DhTBnt 5/23/1973 BY: 2 Authorised Signat S" } n s V-517? a w. tz. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY hereby certifies that we have caused a Tax Search to be made of the records of the County Treasurer's office and find no unpaid taxes or unredeemed tax sales covering years 1950 to 1972/73 inclusive against property described for assessment purposes for such years as follows: Town of Southold Map of Orient by the Sea, Section 2 filed: 10/26/1961 Map #3444 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY DATED: 5/23/1973 f / BY:~ Au or zed Siqnatu LAW OFFICES FROEHLICH & MAHONY 34 WILLIS AVENUE FRANCIS B. FROEHLICH MINEOLA,N.Y. 11501 HAROLD A MAHONY TELEPHONE CH 8-6500 WILLIAM E.de BRUIN,JR. AREACOOE 516 September 14, 1973 Southold Town Planning Board 16 South Street Greenport, NY 11944 RE: Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Orient-by-the-Sea, Section 2 Our File No.9910 A Gentlemen: We understand that Mr. Uhl's suggestion of placing a Sump which the Town Highway Committee requested in escrow, has been rejected. Mr. Uhl has advised us, however, that the Board would be willing to accept a dedication of a 10,000 sq. ft. parcel on the west side of Ryder Farm Lane, south of Lot 65, which could be used as a leaching area. Would you kindly advise us as to the Board's feelings on this further alternate suggestion by Mr. Uhl to solve the drainage problem on this map. Very truly yours, FROEHLICH & MAHONY '6r! deB:es William E. deBrui/Jr., cc: Mr. Walter Uhl Form San. RS-2 • SCDH S6ffolk County Department of Health Riverhead, New York Division of Environmental Health Services CERTIFICATION OF APPROVAL OF REALTY SUBDIVISION PLANS Woodhollow Properties, Inc. TO: 3 Glen Lane Glenwood Landing,.New York This certificate is issued under the provisions of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code in connee- tion with the approval of plans on .August. 1.6.1973• for your realty subdivision known as . ORIENT-BY-THE-SEA.•SECTION. _ THREE The following data was furnished in connection with the submission of the plans. Location ..Orient,. Town. of. SoutboId.,..SuffQlk. CQgq New York Acres (approx.) ...x.69 No. of Lots R29 Size (approx.) .41,000. S.quare.feet Owner intends to ...build. houses. only.. . Topography ..rolling Depth to Ground Water - Max: 2.r r lm: 'f~. • 8 -ft. When ...1973 . Soil ...3. to. 6 -feet. top .soil,. loam,.and. c.l.ay. ; • 2;1. feet sand, and gravel, . Grading (cut or fill) ' Not -to -affect design of sewage. .disposal..faciIIties Drainage As. Spofbved'by-the"Tbwn-of-Southold; Water Supply ...On. each ,lot- individual- wells • constructed. In manner. the Suffol County Department of Health and minimum of 100 feet horizontal distance from nearest sewagek disposal sy'aterli Sewage :On-each.lot, .one. ?Oil,galIon. mi.ntrmn.li.quid.capacity approved type septic tank connected to two approved type precast or block cesspools each developfrig a m1himum of 150 square-feet of -leaching•area.below-the. -inlet. pipe An.natural..or..undisturbed,medilml-coarse sand and/or gravel, or in the case of unusual soil, the excavation 1s to be carried to a depth -Uhtil''a-6-foot'strata-of -virgin'Long -Island sand-and-gravel..is.encountered. for a one- familyhouse as specified on approved plans. Approval of this subdivision is 1. That the granted on condition: formity with saidppld facilities for water supply and sewage disposal are installed in con- ans. 2. That private sewage disposal systems shall no longer be constructed or used after puhiw sewerage facilities become available. cc Xderick Van Tuyl, P.C. j Bldg; Dept. Southold (T) AvG ~,J,_ Dept, of State - Subdivided Land Unit " Federal Housing Administration Riverhead Ofc. - General Engineering Div s ~1: ids, P. E. Ditector, onVofDEnvironmentall Sanitation I I i • WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIES, INC. 8243 Jericho Turnpike Woodbury, NY 11797 I WALTER UHL BEING DULY SWORN DEPOSES E SAYS: I That he is the President of Woodhollow Properties, Inc., the owner of certain real property at Orient Point, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk' County, N. Y. which is the subject of an application to the Southold Town Planni g Board for subdivision as the map of Orient-By-The-Sea, Section 3. i This affidavit is made in order to disclose those persons having an interest in Woodhollow Properties, Inc. The officers consist of Deponent and members of Deponent's imme- diate family. These persons own approximately 30% of the stock of the corpora- tion. The directors are John Karjam and Wesley Denniston of Floral Park and Harry Katz of Mineola. The directors own about 25% of the stock of the corpora- tion. The balance of the stock of the corporation is owned by thirty (30) shareholders, none of which owns more than 5% of the stock. No stockholder, officer, or director of Woodhollow Properties, Inc holds any office, either elective or appointive, with the Town of Southold or any other municipal subdivision of the State of New York. LWAL ER UHL, PRES i I Sworn to before me this 31st day of July, 1973 N TARY WILLIAM W. McGUIRK NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York No. 30-2622700 Qualified in Nassau County Term Expires March 30, 1975 i • • LEGAL CE Notice of Hearing NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 276 of the Town Law, public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Planning Board at the Town Office, Main Road, Southold, New York, in said Town on the 30th day of July, 1973, at 7:30 o'clock in the evening of said day, on the question of the preliminary approval of the following plat: 1. Plat of property owned by Woodhollow Properties, Inc., entitled "Orient-By-The-Sea, Section 3", consisting of a parcel of land situated at Orient, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the northerly line of the Main Road with the easterly line of Ryder Farm Lane; from said point of beginning running along said easterly line of Ryder Farm Lane, two courses: (1) N. 27° 08' 00" W. 465.12 feet; thence (2) N. 11 34' 00" W. 902.35 feet; thence on a curve to the right having a radius of 20.0 feet, a distance of 31.42 feet; thence along the southerly line of Plum Island Lane, two courses: (1) N. 880 26' 00" E. 68.24 feet; thence (2) N. 74° 29' 30" E. 619.72 feet; thence along Orient-By-The-Sea, Section II, two courses: (1) S. 10 02' 20" W. 153.44 feet; thence (2) S. 88° 57' 40" E. 581.70 feet; thence along the westerly line of said Plum Island Lane, four courses: (1) S. 1° 02' 20" W. 396.79 feet; thence (2) S. 280 30' 00" W. 113.09 feet; thence (3) S. 16° 22' 00" W. 132.77 feet; thence (4) S. 1° 02' 20" W. 6.73 feet; thence along Orient-By-The-Sea, Section I, two courses: (1) N. 88° 57' 40" W. 200.0 feet; thence (2) S. 1° 02' 20" W. 125.0 feet thence across Parkview Lane, S. 00 54' 00" E. 50.03 feet; thence along the southerly line of said Parkview Lane, it ~ r Legal Notice Page 2 S. 880 57' 40" E. 185.80 feet; thence along said westerly line of Plum Island Lane, S. 10 02' 20" W. 385.76 feet; thence along said northerly line of the Main Road, S. 880 55' 40" W. 174.95 feet; thence along the several lands of Tabor, Brissel and Proferes, three courses: (1) N. 1° 43' 00" W. 189.48 feet; thence (2) S. 87" 09' 40" W. 545.75 feet; thence (3) S. 0° 46' 20" E. 229.08 feet; thence along said northerly line of the Main Road, S. 66° 31' 10" W. 199.38 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 30.69 acres, more or less. Any person desiring to be heard on the above matter should appear at the time and place above specified. Dated: July 19, 1973 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD JOHN WICKHAM, CHAIRMAN PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, JULY 26, 1973, AND FORWARD TWO (2) AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION TO THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK. Copies mailed to the following on July 19, 1973: The Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watchman The Suffolk Weekly Times Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Supervisor Albert Martocchia NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 276 of the Town Law, public hearing will be held by the Southold COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ss: Town Planning Board at the STATE OF NEW YORK Town Office, Main Road, South- old, New York, in said Town on the 30th day of July, 1973, at 7:39 o'clock in the evening of said day. on the question of the pre- C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says liminary approval of the follow- ' ing plat: that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND 1. Plat of property owned by TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- Woodhollow Properties, Inc., en- titled "Orient-By-The-sea. Sec.- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that tlon 3", consisting of a parcel of land situated at Orient, in the the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been Town of Southold, Suffolk Coun- ty, New York, and bounded and ' published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- described as follows: •i BEGINNING at the inter- man once each week for Week~4 section of the northerly line of the Main Road with the successively, commencing on the .................'D..6.'•••'•"'•••' easterly line of Ryder Farm Lane; from said point of be-f/~3 ginning running along said day of ••••••••v` easterly line of Ryder. Farm _ Lane, two courses: (1) N. 27° 08' 00" W. 465.12 feet; thence (2) N. 1° 34' 00" W. 802.35 feet; thence on a curve to the right having a radius of 20.0 feet, a distance of 31.42 feet; thence along the southerly line of Plum Island Lane, two C~ courses: (1) N. 88° 26' 00" E. Sworn to before me this .......Q day of 68.24 feet; thence (2) N. 74° 29' 30" E. g 619.72 feet; thence 19. along Orient t - By -The-Sea, Section II, two courses: (1) S. 88° 57' 40" E. 581.70 feet; thence along the westerly line of said Plum Island Lane, four courses: (1) 1 1* ° 02 OZ' 20 20" W. r • 396.79 feet; thence '(2) S. 28° Natwy Pubbe 30' Do" W. 11309 feet; thence (3) S. 16° 22' 00" W. 132.77 feet; thence, (4) S. 1° 02' 20" W. 6.73 feet; thence along , OrienlIThe-Sea, Section I, Notary pa AIDELE PAY NE two courses: UY N. 88° 57' New York 40" W. 200.0 feet; thence (2) Residing in Sulfclk County S. 1° 02' 20" W. 125,0 feet; No. 52-3041000 Commission Expires M4rch 30, 197 c7 / thence across Parkviea Laiie, S. 0° 54' 00" E. 50.03 feet; thence along the southerly line of said Parkview Lane. S. 88° 57' 40" E. 185.80 feek;,.^ thence along said westerly line of Plum Island Lane$ f 1° 02' 20" W. 385.76 Aq thence along said nort l>x " I line of the Main Road, B. 88 i 55' 40" W. 174.95 feet; thence along several lands of Tabor, Brissel and Proferes, three courses: (1) N. 1° 43' 00" W. t 189.48 feet; thence (2) S. 87° 09' 40" W. 545. 75 feet: thence (3) S. 0° 46'20" E. 229.08 feet; thence along said northerly line of Main Road, S. 66° 31' 30" W. 199.38 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 30.69 acres, more ` or less. Any person desiring to be heard on the above matter should ap- pear at the time and place above specified. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN ntL. TEL. 765-2660 r- c TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR 01 ~vO~ S ToWN OUTHOLDRN. Y~ 1971 July ^5 1973 iir. Edward T. Brown Attorney 21 xedwnod Lane Smithtovrn t; .Y. 11787 Dear ir; Your letter of July 24th enclosed survey of lot 115 Orient by Sea sec II received. Please be advised: The Planning hoard is holdin; a public hearing on Section III of Orient by the Sea, Monday July 30th, I assume that they will. give approval shortly thereafter. Section II has been recozamended to the Toi-m Board to be included in the ap-roved section of the Zoning ordinance - this is in rrocess now so I expect it will be accomplished in very near future. I would advise that this will be an accepted lot within a month or so. v Yours truly 4aw o.-. L C QJt Building Inspector lie 0 / ry v FOtk~o 0 ?FF ERK C= T p ALBERT W. RICHMOND Q TOWN CLERK TELEPHONE REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS 765-3783 C SOUTHOLD, L. 1, N. Y. 11971 July 23, 1973 Southold Town Planning Board Town Clerk's office Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: Transmitted herewith is Application For Approval of Plat - "Orient By The Sea, Section Three", along with copies of the maps and check covering filing fee in the amount of $206.00. Very truly yours, Albert W. Richrylond Town Clerk in original amount (c) Mortgage recorded in Liber Page held by of $ unpaid amount address 8. There are no other encumbrances or liens against the land except Nona 9. The land lies in the following zoning use districts Ilas1..4"041. ;mra!cirs . • , . . . . . . 10. No part of the land lies under water whether tide water, stream, pond water or otherwise, ex- Nons cept 11. The applicant shall at his expense install all required public improvements. 12. The land ( (does not) lie in a Water District or Water Supply District. Name of Dis- trict, if within a District, is 13. Water mains will be laid by WOW"). Ke14 . and (a) (no) charge will be made for installing said mains. loeyl• Isiand (ny. to. 14. Electric lines and standards will be installed by L!Jh . , and (a) (no) charge will be made for installing said lines. li. Gas mains will be installed by No gas and (a) (no) charge will be made for installing said mains. 16. If streets shown on the plat are claimed by the applicant to be existing public stre t@-s in the Suffolk County Highway system, annex Schedule "I3" hereto, to show same. None 17. If streets shown on the plat are claimed by the applicant to be existing public streets in the Town of Southold Highway system, annex Schedule "C" hereto to show same. Nona 18. There are no existing buildings or structures on the land which are not located and shown on the plat. 19. Where the plat shows proposed streets which are extensions of streets on adjoining sub- division maps heretofore filed, there are no reserve strips at the end of the streets on said existing maps at their conjunctions with the proposed streets. 20. In the course of these proceedings, the applicant will offer proof of title as required by Sec. 335 of the Real Property Law. 21. Submit a copy of proposed deed for lots showing all restrictions, covenants, etc. Annex Schedule "D". ~ttt $6,500.00 has been aid for grading and sand base road 22. The applicant estimates that the cost of grading and required public improvements will lie $Pr ~f1Ur as itemized in Schedule "E" hereto annexed and requests that the maturity of the Performance Bond be fixed at years. The Performance Bond will be written by a licensed surety company unless otherwise shown on Schedule "F". Woo4!+~l,4QM. M!0l~RTI ES..tNC DATE ...i C 19.... Game of A plican rItES....... (Signature and Title) ....82k}.JERICMO TUIlM?~ItE,,, 1pODB11R~,, N.. r. (Address) STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ss: On the day of 19......, before me personally came . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that executed the same. Notary Public STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY, OF !.1~ SJU • . ss: On the /1 day of 19.73..., before me personally came Mi.!•ter. Uhl • • to me known, who being by me duly sworn did de- 7S.So~.lt.Rook.R". d..... pose and say that .....he..... resides at No. . 4 SYQ4~~E . Naul ,YOrlf , is the ................................................that M• /resident..... of Msedheita6 /IOp~?tis , Ine. the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that h}..... know the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed by order of the board of directors of said corpor- ation, and that signed h~S...name thereto by like order. Notary Public WILLIAM W. M,GUIRK NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York No. 30-2622700 9ualifled in Nassau County Terre Ezpiraa March 30, 1976 • 0 LAW OFFICES FROEHLICH & MAHONY 34 WILLIS AVENUE MINEOLA,N. Y. 11501 FRANCIS BFROEHLICH TELEPHONE GH B-6500 HAROLD A MAHONY AREA COOS 516 WILLIAM E. de BRUIN.JR. July 18th, 1973 Mr. John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Southold, New York 11971 Re: Woodhollow Properties - Orient-By-The-Sea our File #9910 Dear Mr. Wickham: I had a meeting this morning with Mr. Uhl in which he expressed concern over the fact that we have received no word from the Town Board with respect to the question of drainage on the old Section 3. He was advised, informally, that the Board considered our proposed drainage plan, but made no decision. I feel, therefore, that we can do nothing further until we hear some final word from the Town Board. In the meantime, I would appreciate it very much if the approval of the new Section 3 could be expedited. I have in mind that the Summer is almost half over and Mr. Uhl wants to complete the installation of the road before the setting in of Winter weather. He wants to be in a position to offer his lots for sale on the new Section 3, at the first available opportunity but he cannot do so unless the roads are installed and we have received the required approval of your Board. Any help you can give us therefore in this situation would be sincerely appreciated. Ja y tr uly yours, EHLICH & MAHONY A. Mahony HAM:EF x July 18, 1973 Nilliam E. deBruin, Ssge 88q. prpaS;l ch i MahonY0 31, Willis Avenue Minp'Las New York 11501 woodhollow Properties Orient-Sy-The-Sear Section 3 Dear Mr• deBruin: The Southold Town Planning Board has set July en Hearing on Orient- 19T3. at 7:30 p•m• for a prellminarYwill be held ate By-T"-Sea, Section 3. The adt Southold, N•Y• Town clerk's Office, Main Road, The Board has waived the time limitation for f60- application for approval and base scission of the shouldtogether application is enclosed herewith and Boards Theplated and submitted to the Plannincre, as soon as base fee of $50 plus closure $s per the names the Stith An affidavit of disnsinterest in orient nsibie. AS, of all persons having submitted for the -ac, Section 3 must also be ared A Legal Notlceeing prep 8rslieinary gearing;s S to you July 20th- a a copy will be nt very sincerely, John Wickham. Chairman Southold Town planning Board d11t tla Uhl Walter cas Mr. P 0 RICK OTTO W. VAN TUYL • ROD VAN TUYL Reg. gi,-ss;~nal Engineer Licensed ed Land Surveyor Licensed Lan Mrveyor Phone 4771608 Phone 477-1487 RODERICK VAN TUYL, P. C. FRONT STREET AT MAIN GREENPORT, NEW YORK 11944 A PHONE 477-0170 July 18, 1973 DESCRIPTION: Orient by the Sea, Section III Beginning at the intersection of the northerly line of the Main Road with the easterly line of Ryder Farm Lane; from said point of beginning running along said easterly line of Ryder Farm Lane, two courses: (1) N. 270 08' 0011 W. - 465.12 feet; thence 9oz .'3 S (2) N. 1° 342 0011 W. - 3 feet; thence on a curve to the right having a radius of 20.0 feet, a distance of 31.42 feet; thence along the southerly line of Plum Island Lane, two courses: (1) N. 88° 261 00't E. - 68.24 feet; thence (2) N. 740 29' 30" E. -619.72 feet; thence along Orient by the Sea, Section II, two courses: (1) S. 10 02t 20" W. - 153.44 feet; thence (2) S. 880 571 40" E. - 581.70 feet; thence along the west- erly line of said Plum Island Lane, four courses: (1) S. 1° 021 2011 W. - 396.79 feet; thence (2) S. 28° 30' 00" W. - 113.09 feet; thence (3) S. 160 221 0011 W. - 132.77 feet; thence (4) S. 1° 021 20" W. - 6.73 feet; thence along Orient by the Sea, Section I. two courses: (1) N. 88° 57t 4011 W. - 200.0 feet; thence (2) 0. 10 02t 20" W. - 125.0 feet; thence across Parkview Lane, S. 0 541 00" E. - 50.03 fegt; thence along the southerly line of said Parkview Lane, S. 88 57' 40" E. - 185.80 fe9t; thence along said westerly line of Plum Island Lane, S. 1 021 2011 W. - 385.76 ;set; thence along said northerly line of the Main road, S. 88 55t 4011 W. - 174.95 feet; thence along the OTTO W. VAN TUYL • RODE RICK VAN TUYL Reg. Rrofe,i2ral Engineer Licensed Land Surveyor Licensed Land Surveyor Phone 477-1608 Phone 477-1487 RODERICK VAN TUYL, P. C. FRONT STREET AT MAIN GREENPORT, NEW YORK 11944 A PHONE 477-0170 Page 2 several lands of Tabor, Brissel and Proferes, three courses: W. (1) N. 10 43' 00" - 189.48 feet; thence (2) S. 870 09' 40" W. - 545.75 feet; thence (3) S. 00 46' 20 11 E. - 229.08 f8et; thence along said northerly line of the Main Road, S. 66 31' 10" W. - 199.38 feet to the point of beginning. Containing RODERICK VAN TUYL, P.C. JSS/mg To: Mr. Howard Terry _ -.._..._-._,m.,.-.....wv.,•ex'"ea;"_"''~,#'~'~F 3"` .e r;.:' r'~t.: ~sd~X'PrG,y.: j b4w:.-, 4 1973 June 5 i Walter Uhl Woodhollow Properties, Inc. 8243`Jericho Woodbury, New Yorkike11797 Re: Orient-By-The-Sea, section III s° Dear Mr. Uhl: -i At its regular meeting on May 30, 1973, the ranted tentative approval of your Section III. Planning Board g Sea, subdivision map of orient By The The Planning Board will send a copy of this map to the Suffolk County Planning Commission for their comments. You should submit the map to the Town Superintendent of Highways and the Sr ovals. County Department of Health for their app K The Board is prepared to holOBSibleeliAilet er t hearing on this map as soon as P they has been sent to the Town Board prooved list put the remaining Section II on the the ap app of subdivisions. Very sincerely, John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Jw:tle fi i i i June 1973 i Southold Town Board .i 16 South Street Greenport, New York 11944 Re: Orient By The Sea, Section III Gentlemen: At a regular meeting of the Planning Board on May 30, 1973, tentative approval was granted for the subdivision map of Orient By The Sea, Section III. The Planning Board has in its files a copy of the Certificate of Abandonment for part of Section II, and notification from the County Clerk that said certificate was filed in his office on May 29, 1973. The Planning Board recommends that the Town Board place the map of the remaining Section II, Orient By The Sea on the list of approved subdivisions. Very sincerely, John Wickham, Chairman I Southold Town Planning Board JW:tle i { { APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF PLAT To the Planning Board of the Town of Southold: The undersigned applicant hereby applies for (tentative) (final) approval of a subdivision plat in accordance with Article 16 of the Town Law and the Rules and Regulations of the Southold Town Planning Board, and represents and states as foilows: i j 1. The applicant is the owner of record of the land under application. (If the applicant is not the owner of record of the land under application, the applicant shall state his interest in said land under application.) Orient The Sea Section Three j 2. The name of the subdivision is to be ...........B .Y..........t vj 3. The entire land under application is described in Schedule "A" hereto annexed. (Copy of deed suggested.) i 4. The land is held by the applicant under deeds recorded in Suffolk County Clerk's office as follows: (See Rider) 1 Liber Page On Liber Page On Liber Page On Liber Page On T :t- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR Town Clerks Office Southold, N. Y. 3 Date( . eceipt jell: 7652 . Q J Received of . • • ../100 Dollars Tt ~ , ' P ~ ~'t-`;:: ~ `sue.`."............ . For . Fee for Fee for Fee for Fee for Fee for multiple Fee for zoning Application Zoning Change Appeal to To Ordinance planning Bd. ? Misc. El Of Zone Bd. of Appeals Residence Permit Building Permit ::nntt ~Ke Cash j $..!T.~.'.. n. ....?I Check Cka~.. .Rll.' Building In ector nem by .mrrsn.x9rk.Q*ok.4!0.... ..Trust. Ca. address ftttltuok,• •L. • II.., Was .York ~I igC~fntt~ ~e~ttr#mell# Zvfan of aufhal;l Peconie, W. 1195$ RAYMOND C. DEAN Tel. 765-3140 Superintendent 734-5211 February 9, 1973 The Planning Board Town of Southold Southold, New York Gentlemen: I have inspected the map of Uction 39 Orient-By-The-Seas and approve the lay-out of the roads of the above, y truly yonra ? L DND C. DEAN, RCD:a / Superintendent of Highways Standard N Y B T U, *2- Ll~tal xt6 b.4i V -Bargain and Sale Dead• with Covenants against Grantn, s Act,individual of Cop rat on, (single shctt) ~ r Pt CONSULT YOUR LAWYER EEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT -THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD AN USED EY LAtiTC S&'"Lp THIS INDENTURE, made the Q 1 day of May nineteen hundred and Seventy-Thr BETWEEN I WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIES, INC., a domestic corporation having its principal Place of business at 8243 Jericho Turnpike, Woodbury, Nassau County, New York It I~ party of *the first part, and iI - PAUL E. WEYMOUTH AND FAITH WEYMOUTH, his wife, both residing at 20 Saxon Street, Huntington Station, Suffolk County, New York ~I party of the second part, - II WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of ten dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, tacitlastacktriidiRBstand>;xipeaveiffiatxadtx te, lying and being iodht at Orient, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, a dSState of New York, known and designated as Plot No. 99, on a certain map entitled "Map of Orient-By-The-Sea, Section Two situate at Orient_ Point, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, owned and developed by WoodhollOw Properties, lne;, N3 Glen Lane, Glenwood Landing, New York, Otto W. Van Tuyl and Son, Licensed Land Surveyors, Greenport, New York" and filed in the office of the clerk of the County of Suffolk on October 26, 1961, as Map No, 3444 and ASS No. 3840. TOGETHER with a right of way over ell'streets as shoran on maps of Orient-By-The Sea, Sections One and Two, Maps Nos, 2777 and 3444 as filed in the office of the ~.Suffolk .County Clerk: x a Said premises are sold subject to; r. 1. Any state of farts an accurate survey may show provided same does not render the title unmarketable. t 2, Zoning regulations and ordinances of the Town of Southold, (t'3. Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions dated November 15, 1961, under LL Liber No. 5083, Page No, 219, filed in the office of the County Clerk, Suffolk County on November 17, 1961. The party of the second part is informed and hereby acknowledges notice that the party of the first part contemplates developing premises retained by the party of the first part and fronting on and along Main Road to a depth of not less than 1,200 feet nor more than 400 feet for business uses and purposes, and the party of j the second part, by the acceptance of the deed hereunder covenants and agrees for themselves, their successors and assigns, that, they have no objection thereto, and waive any right of objection that may hereafter accrue by reason thereof, and further covenants and agrees to execute and acknowledge any and all instruments I' deemed necessary by the party of the first part in.furtherance of and to effectuat- such development. The conveyance is made in the regular course of business ordinarily and actually conducted by the grantor corporation. $lxR)1lE~tw+kxigiGatxadciraneaslt>a#xtn~cxakxtirotyxot}ttatx66x>axfxat~aR~acec6cECac a°xgtttffiX~rtetx0)eettfi9etsktfxttatprMXafttttts+cldteta~fX~OGETHEf: with the appurtenancedsx and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and`to~said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of ! the party of the second part forever. !L AND the party of the first ~t whereby the sid premises have be nv n encumbered i anyrwayfwthe first has not done hatcver, except as afo esaidr suffered anything AND the party of the first part, in romphanc with Seste. 13 of the j t ,Yirnanis that _the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will h he right to receive such consid- eration as a trust fund to be applied' fir"sf'for the purpose of paying the coo the improvement and will apply ` the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using ady part of the total of the same for ~i any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and yeap fi sfaitove written. i IN PRESENCE OF: WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIESi 4NC:1, m REAL ESTATE ~f STATE Of` k 4 s TRANSFER TAY.)rc",-NEW YORK - • :r 4= ~ ag' Dept, pl r rt ry.W a. M lazatl;i1.,4(3i'73~ ~ U 7. ~ ~N _ K 65. E Finance ee icces : * 5/ ~(~72 L~ 2 L~fjL • i ABANDONED LOTS LOT NO. LIBER RECORDED PAGE ON 103 7385 554 4/25/73 113 7385 546 105 7385 564 ill 7385 540 107 7385 552 109 7385 526 151 7385 568 44 7385 580 85 7385 576 „ 63 7385 574 73 7385 556 124 7385 542 122 7385 566 126 7385 558 128 130 7385 562 136 7385 536 134 7385 548 132 7385 582 138 7385 560 140 7385 534 145 7385 572 143 7385 550 120 7385 570 7389 540 5/2/73 Total 24 Lots LASER FICHE FORM SUBDIVISIONS Project Type: Major Status: Final Approval SCTM 1000 - 15.-5-24.2 Project Name: Orient by the Sea, Section III Location: located between LI Sound & NYS Route 25 in Orient Hamlet: Orient Applicant Name: Walter Uhl, Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Owner Name: Woodhollow Properties Zone 1: Approval Date: 8/26/1974 PLAT Signed Date: gya(Q17~1 OPTIONAL ADDITIONAL INFORMATION A date indicates that we have received the related information Zone 2: Zone 3: C and R's: Homeowners Association : R and M Agreement: Address: County Filinq Date: 10/16/1974 SCANNED SCAN Date: