HomeMy WebLinkAboutExtension of Waste Mngmt District FISHERS ISLAND GARBAGE AND KEFUSE DISTKICT PRCPCSAL To The Commissioners of the Fishers Ialalld Garbage and Refuse District: In accordance with the Notice to Bidders dated Noven.b~'r I, 1963, inviting proposals for the collection and disposal of all the garbage and refuse in tbe Fiabers Island Garbage and a",fuse District for a term cf five years, beginning January I, It64, and subject to all the conditions and requirements of the specifications, I, do propose to furniah all tbe labor and tools and conveyancea for the said work and to fully and completely perform thE' aame in accordance with such notice to bidders, specifications and form of contract and to the satisfaction of the Commi..ion<!r. of the Fishers faland Garbage and Rduse .Jistrict, for the following price, to wit: For the combined collection, removal and disposal of all tbe garbage and refuse in the Fishers Ialand Garbage and R~fuse Di8trict. tor the term of flve y~ars. from January I, 1964, for tbe sum of , .,_ '__~W.__'~_ Dollars ($ .-/ per year. If this proposal shall be accepted by tbe Commissioners of the Fishers Ialand Garbage and R"fus... District and the undersigned shall fail to execute a IUlUsfactory contract or fan to file the required bond, then the aaid Comm18sionere may, at their option, determine that the undersilned ha. abandoned the Contract, and thereupon his proposal shall be returned to the undersigned. Attached h12rewith 18 a certified check or propo.al bond for the sum of Five thousand Dollara ($5.000.00), in accordance with the conditions I I I I I I acceptance of this proposal by the said Commiesioner. of tbe Fiahers Island i I I I i I I The undersigned herewith further agrees, conditioned upon the stipulated in the specificationa, -1- FISHERS ISLAND GARBAGE AND REFUSE DISTRICT AGREEMENT AGREEMENT made and entered into this day of , 1963 between Commissioners of The Fishers Island Garbage and Refuse District, a municipal corporation located in the County of Suffolk, State of New York, party of the first part, hereinafter called the "District", and party or the second part, hereinafter called the "Contractor". ',VITNESSETH: In consideration of the covenants and agreements herein contained, the Contractor agrees to furnish all the equipment, materials, implements, and incidentals and to furnish all the ,abor to do all the work required to collect and diapos. of all the garbage and r",fuse for the Fishers Island Garbage and Refuse Dilltrict as provided in the specifications therefore on file in the offices of the FISHERS ISlAND GARBAGE AND REFUSE DISTHICT, Fishers Island, New Y rk and the office of the Justice of the Peace, Fishere Island, New York. In consideration of which, and if the Contractor shall well and completely perform said work, the District shall pay the Contractor _..._----~._. ,,-~. -_._-~- _.._-~- .-.-.--.--......- --~---"- ($_---- ) Dollars per annum in twelve (12) monthly installments each year. The amount of aach such installment shall be in proportien to the number of "pick-ups" in each month of the term and shall be determined by consultation and arreement between the Contractor and the Commiasloners. In the event that the Contractor and the Commissioners are unable to agree on the amount of each monthly in.tallment, the deci.ion of the Commis.ioners .hall be final. In no event, shall the total of the tw<,1ve ([2) in.talIment -1- " payments per year exceed the agre\>d yearly p'l"lce. The first payment or installment .hall be ,HIde on or bef()re the fifteenth (15) day of the month followltlg the first -nonth's work. .~hc succeeding f"lymenls wiU be n",ada on or about the fifteenth (15) day of each month foHowing for the duration ot the contract. The foregoing shall be upon the following terms and conditions which the parties 10 mutually covenant and agree. to wit: 1. The collection and d sposal shaH commence not later than I January 1. 198.. and shall continue tor a period of five years until the Ist day of January, 1961J, unless terminated for cause 1'1'101' thereto in accordanc. with the speciflcatlons. 2. The specifications \1erelnbefore referred to are interrled to be and are hereby made a part of this '\greement as though set forth In full herehl. 3. It is further understood and agreed that 111 case there Is a vari- ance between the terrllS of this contract and auch speCifications. the Olatrict Commiasioners shall determine which shall control and its decision shall be fina 1. 4. It is further agreed that the Contractor, at his own expense will furnish annually during the term of this agreement a band or bonds in such form as the Commissioners may preseribe in the sum of double the amount of this contract of 11 corporation authorized to guarantee the performance of this contract and to do business tn the Town of Southold. County of Suffolk 'lnd State of New York as surety covering the 8ervlces herein cO:lternplated. "-IBO. the Contractor. at his own expense. w:ll. furnlah the District a liability policy covering himself. the District and The rown of Southold. New York. against any llablllty as a result of this contract in the amount of $100,000. and $300,000. Bodily Injury and $10.000. Property Damage. S. 1\.11 the provisions of Section 220 of the Labor Law of the State of New York shall be adhered to by the Contractor as to labor under this Agreement. -2- II 6. The Contractor further agrees that it will secure and furnish compensation and disability insurance for the benefit of and keep insured dunng the life of this'greement, the employees enga,!ed in the work performed, under ,he provision of the Laws of t'1e State of New York affecting the sarr.e, and this contract shall be null and void and of no effect if the Contractor shall fail to secure and furnish compensation and disability insurance covering its employees engaged in the work provlded for' i1 I this Agreement. The Contractor shall promptly furnish to the Co,"" ""j!'!!'!loner~ , a certificate 5l'lowlng that such insurance has been secured. ~ I. l."iCil and everi provision of law and clause required by laW to be : inlJerted in ~'1l:3"0,1: r'I t; loll :)t: deen ad to lnve neE:D inserted, and Ii' through; ! mistake or otherwise such provieivr> L~ not l..,,,erted, then upon the appUcat1on: I of either p~{'ty;, Lhib ,~-Jntl'iH:t :;;h:.dl .,d: phjlitl;aUy ar,~,,:~~1:.1eu forthvnth to ::.ake su(,:h '.n~ertl.0(l. 8. It i.. further eXpressly ullderllltood arid agreed U~H no garbage coHecteu OJ ['ie (;ontl'&ctor by _irtLle Jf thl.. centract shall be <.Li5e<l for the purpose of feeding pi~s, hogs or swin.e. I IN IHl'NL,S \i.'HEREOF, the respective parties hereto have executed I thl.. Agree;c,eG' il:1d caused l:l,U1,e to be signed by the proper officer of the reapective parties and their respective seals affixed, the day and year first above wntten. COMII"l3'ilONER:3 OF fHE FISHERS L,U\ND GARB\GE :\ND R~~J:o'USE :m'fRlC: r By. (L. S.) (L. S. J (L. S. ~ (L. S. j :;r ,\ TE OF "I1E\V YORIO 8S: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On this day of , 1963, before me personalJiy -3- II came El .IZABETH McCLOSKEY, ;"{AYMOND DCYEN and JAMES PICKETT, known to me to be all the Commission~rs of THE FISHERS ISLAND GARBAGE AND REFUSE OlSTI:{ICT, who being by m~ dUly and severally sworn, did depose that each resides in Southold Town; that they are the same persons who ,-,xecut,~d the within Instrument and they severaJ'y acknowledge to me that they executed the same. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. (Notary Public) STATE CF NE.V YCRK} .... COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ': n this day of . 1963 befori.! me personally came to m(7 personally known who, being by me duly sworn did depose and aay that he resides at that he is the Corporation described in. and which exacuted. the above lntItrument, that he knows the seal of said Corporation; that the seal affixed to sald Instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said Corporation; and that he signed his name thereto by Uke order. 'I FISHERS 1St AND GARBAGE AN;) itEFUSE DISTHICT SPECIFICATICNSP'OR THE CCLLECTICN AND DISPOSAL CF GARBAGE AND REFUSE The following are the specificatiol1ll providing tor the collection and di.posal of all the garbage and refuse within the limit. of Fishers Island Garbage and Refu.e District in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, New York, including the public school., fire housu and any town buildings, for a period of five year. from January I, 1964, and are furnished to prospective bidder 8 for the contract for .uch collection and di8posal. The provisione he~E'of are to be con.idered a part of such contract upon its being awarded to the .uccessful bidder. 1. Each bidder will be required to eubmit a sealed propoaal to the I I Commiesioners of the Fishers Island Garbage and Refuae Di8trict for the col- lection and di.posal of garb..,e and refuae in accordance with the terms and conditions hereinafter .et forth. The Commissionere reserve the right to reject anyaRd all bids, or parts thereof. 2. Each proj>osal must be accompanied by the deposit of a certified check payable to the order of the Fishere Island Garbace and Refuse Dietrict in th'! sum of $5, OOG. 00, or a bond with sufficient .uretie., to be approved by the Commisswners, in a penal sum of $5,000.00, conditioned that if the proposal is accepted the succe..ful bidder will enter into a contract tor the work, and that he will. execute within fifteen day. from the date of the acceptance of the proposal a suitable security bond in double the .um of the amount of the contract, conditioned tor the faithful performance and completion of the work herein .pecified. All deposit. except that of the .uccesstul bidder will be returned. Upon acceptance of his bid, if the succes.ful bidder fails to enter into a ccntract pursuant to thd requirem'~nt. of the Commissioners, or fails i -1- 'I payments per year exceed the agrel'd yearly p-:-ice. The first payment or installment shall be trlade on or before the flfteenth (15) OOy of the month fOUOWltlg the first month'e work. "~hc succeeding paymeflts wilt be made on or about the fifteenth (15) day of each month following for the duration of the contract. The foregoing shall be upon the following terms and conditions which: the parties do mutually covenant and agree, to wit: 1. The collection and d aposal shaH commence not later than January 1, 1984, and shall continue for a period of flve years until the 1st day of January. 1961;J, unless terminated for cause prior th.reto in accordance with the speclficatlons. 2. The specificatlons l1ereinbefore referred to are interrled to be and are hereby made a part of this '\greement as though set forth in full herein. 3. It is fllrther understood and agreed that in case there is a vari- ance between. the terD'S of this contract and such speciflcations, the District , CO!!Hniasioners shall determine which shall control and its decision shaH be fio.a 1. 4. It is further agreed that the Contractor, at his own expense wlll furnish annually during the term of this agreement a band or bonds in such form as the Commissioners may prescribe ln the sum of double the amount of this contract of a corporation authorized to guarantee the performance of this contract and to do business in the Town of Southold. County of Suffolk 'lnd State of New York as surety covering the lIervices herein contemplated. <\180, the Contractor, at his own elCpenile, w,n furnl3h the District a liabUlty polley covering hlmself, the District and The fawn of Southold. New York, against any liability as a result of this contract in the amount of i $100,000. and $30Q, 000. Bodily Injury and $10,000. property Damage. 5. All the provisions of Section 220 of the Labor Law of the State ot New York ehall be adhered to by the Contractor &13 to labor under thls Agreement. -2- II work. The Contractor further agrees to provide and keep in fcrce at his own expense during the tern' of this agreement, general liability policies or insurance in standard form protecting the Contractor, the Fishers Island Garbage and Refuse District and the Town of Southold against any liability whatsoever occasioned as a result of the work perform .'d under this agreement. Such policies are to be written by good and solvent insurance injury in respect to any on'~ accident and $100,000 bodily injury in respect I I I I I I I I I i I any one accid.~nt. The Contractor shall promptly furnish to the commisSionert a c<,rtificate showing that such insurance has been secured. companies satisfactory to the commissioners in the amount $500,000 bodily to injuries to anyone person and $10,000 property damage in respect to :1. Payments for the work will b,~ made to thl' Contractor by the ::>istrict in twelve (12) monthly installments each year. The amount of each I such installmont shall be in pr,'portion to the number of "Pick-ups" in each i I month of the term and shall be determin,d by consultation and ap:reement betw,,'en the Contractor and the Commissioners. In the event that the i I Contl'actor and the Commissioners are unable to agree upon the amount of eac~ I I 1 I I I monthly installment, the decision of the Commissioners shall be tinal. In no event, shaH the total of the twelve (12) installm<i:nt payments per year exceed the agreed yearly price. The first paym ent or installment shall be made on or before the fifteenth (15) day of the month following the first I month'. work. The succeeding paymClnts will be made on or about the fifteenti I , (15) day of each month following fer the duration of the contract. 9. Any Contractor, to whom this contract shall be let or awarded, is prohibited from assigning, transferring, sub-letting or otherwise disposing of the sami! or any part of the work called for by the same to any other perso~ I company or corporation without the previous conaent in writing of the Commissioners. -5- " 10. If at any time the Commissioner. shall be of the opinion that the work i. unnece.sarily delayed or the Contractor il willfully violating any of the conditions of this contract, or if the work be not fully completed within the time named in these specifications, the said Commissioners shall have the power to notify the Contractor to discontinue all work or any part thereof, by a written notice to be lerved upon the Contractor, either personally or by leaving said notice at hil residence or with his agent in charge of work, and thereupon the Contractor shall discontinue all work, or such part thereof, and the said Commissioners shall thereupon have the power to employ such and so many persona as they may be deemed advisable, by contract or otherwise, to complete the work h~rein described or such part thereof, and tq I charge the expense of said labor to the aforesaid Contractor. The I Commilsioners may deduct such expense from payments due or to become dUEt to the Contractor under the provisions of these specifications. 11. Commencing on the 1st day of June of each year and ending on the 30th day of September of each year, the Contractor shall collect all garbage I and refuse on Fishers Island three times a week. However, during said periqd I I I I I , I a daily collection shall be made of all garbage and refuse of all hotels and markets, clubs and premises serving food to the public. Commencing on the 30th day of September of each year and ending on the Slit day of May of each year, the Contractor lhall collect all garba,. and refuse on Fishers Island once a week. Howe-ver. during said period a twice weekly collection shall be made of all ,arba,e and refuse of all hotels and markets, clubs and premi:3~'s serving food to the public. 12. The Contractor shall collect all ,arbage and refuse according to a schedule which will accompUsh the requirements of Paragraph 11. Such schedull:! may be altered by the Commissioners within the requirements of said Paragraph 11. -4- 'I 13. Under no condition must a route be more than twenty-four (24) hours overdue from the schedule as provided in paragraph 12 of these specifications. After any such twenty-four (24) hour delay in schedule on any route, the Commissioners may direct that the overdue collection be pick~d up by any available carrier and charle the Contractor for such additional charge. The Commiuioners may deduct the amount of such additional char,~' from payments due or to become due to the Contractor under the provisions of these specifications. 14. The Contractor must exercise due care in the collection of the garbage and refuse, both in the handling of the receptacles and in the transportation to the disposal site. The Contractor will be compelled to clean up any unsightly condition caused by carelessness on the part of his employees in handling the refuse or call1iJed by falling off the vehicle during trans portation. The Contractor shaH be notified by the Commissioners of any unsi,htly conditions caused during transportation. If the Contractor falls I I to correct such conditions within twenty-four (24) hours after such notice, th~ I Commissioners may appoint a suitable party to perform such work and charg1 I the Contractor for such additional charge. The Commissioners may deduct I I I I the amount of such additional charge from payments due or to become due to I I I , I , , 15. The Contractor will be required to collect and remove all ,arba,ei i , the Contractor under the provisions of these specifications. and refuse contained in suitable receptacles located within forty (40) feet of the rear of any building. Upon emptying the receptacles, he will be required to return them where originslly found. The Contractor will not be required to go above or below the ground floor for the collection of ,arbage and refuse. 16. The Contractor must instruct his employees to be courteous at all times during the prosecution of their work. Any difference of opinion -5- I arising between the Contractor's employees and a resident of Fishers Island i must be satisfactorily settled by th':l Contractor. 17. The CClntractor must have the proper equipment for the removal of all the garbage and refuse. A packmaster type truck, or equal, must be used for all garbage and refuse collections. The Contractor will also be required to furnish a liat of the equipment and the condition thereof that he will have available to properly conduct and fulfill the terms of these specifications and of the VIIOrk provided for herein. Provided, however, that the following equipment must be available and engaged in the carryilll out of this contract during the periods indicated: ea) One truck with a packmaster type body (or equal); in excellent condition. (b) A bulldozer, or ita equivalent, for covering and compacting the garbage and refuse, shall be available at the dumping site as and when required. 18. It is understood and agreed between the parties hereto that no claim for damagel or extra work shall be made in connection with this work, except such as may be ordered in writing by the Commissioners and further evidenced by the execution of a supplemental agreement between the District and the Contractor coverilll the same. 19. In th,~ event c,f any violati0n of the above .pecificationll by the Contractor or of any provisio n of the contract entered into with the successful bidder, the Commissioner. r",serve the right to cancel the contrad , , , upon thirty (30) days' written notice to the Contractor, and in the event of the such cancellation, the said Contractor shall not have recourse to any action against the Town of Southold, the District or the Commissioners. 20. Contractor must maintain a telephone at Fishers Island, New ; York and/or through which he may be contacted. -6- 'I 21. A separate area within the: j"ased premises shall be provided by the Commissioners in addition Ie the area being used to dispose of garbage and refuse which area shall be used for dumping 8ther materials and this separate ar~a shall be ccvered by earth and maintained by the Contractor at Cummissioner's dir"cticn. 22. i The Contract,.r and each sub-contractor or other oerson defft" or I , ....&JS I , contracting to do th" whole or any part of the work contemplated by th,>se I specifications shal! pay each >lnu every of his employees engaged in such workl i or any part thereof the full and proper wage without any deduction or kickback I 1 whakver, excepting such deductions as are mldt' mandatory by law. Fayment i tc: each and every '"mp'oy.~e shall be made not less often than once in every wi:ek and shall b.' made in cash, unless paym;ont by check is authQrized by C",rtificate of the Industrial Commissioner of tbe State of New York as provided by la,,,. 23. In the p,'rformanc€ of the work c(;ntemplated by these specifica- Hons or any part thereof, preference in ,,;mployment shall be given to citiZens of the State of New Yrk who have been bona fide residents of such I State for at h,ast six consecutive months immediately prior to the commence-! , , , mant of their eUJployment. ..j;ach and eV.-ry person employed by the Contrac- : I tor, or by any sub-contractor or other persons doing or cnntracting for work contemplated by these specifications sha.ll furnish satisfactory proof of resl.... denc,,- .In accordance ""ith thu rules adopted by the Industria' C<,mm1ssloner. "'"rsons other than citizens of the State of New York may be 0mployed when citizens of such state are not available. Upon demand of the Industrial Commissioner of the! State of New Y rk. the Contractor shall furnish a list of the names and addresses of all his sub-contractors. The Contractor and each sub-contractor shall keep a list of his employees, stating whether they are citizens of the State of New York, native btlrll citizens or naturalized citizens and in case of -7- 'I naturaU..tion, the date ther"of, and the name of the Court in which granted. The for'~ioing is required by Section 222 of the Labor ',aw (~f the State of New York, and in the event such Section is not complied with in any respect, the contract attached her<>to shall be void. 24. The Contractvr agrees:- (a) That in the hiring of employees for the performance of work under these specifications or any sub-contract hereunder, no coutract,)r, sub-contractor or any person acting on behalf of such contractor of sub- contractor, shall by reason of race, creed, color or national origin discrimi- nate against any citizen of the State of New York who is qualified and available to perform the work to which the employment relates; (b) That no contractor, sub- contractor, nor any person on his behalf /lhall, in any matter, discriminate against or intimidate any employee hired for the performance of work under these specifications on account of race, creed, color or national origin; (c) That there may be deducted from the amount payable to the Contractor by the Commissioners under these sp<ilclficationa a penalty of Five Dollar. for each per. n for ,,,ach calendar day during which such person wa. discriminated apinat or Intimidated in violation of the proviltion. of these specifications; (d) That the contract forming a part hereof may be cancelled or terminated by the Commissioners Ilnd all moneys due or to bdcome due there- under may be forfeited, for a second or any /lubsequdnt violation of the terms or conditions of this paragraph 24. 25. No laborer, workman or mechanic In the employ of the contractor or in the employ of the sub-contractor or any person doing or contracting to do the whole or a part of the work contempleted by these specifications shal! be permitted or required to work more than eight hours in anyone calendar day or more than five days In anyone week except in case of fire, flood or -8- danger to lire e)r property, and oth ccr cases of extraordinary emergency within the m"aning nf and sub,ject to the previsions and conditions specifbd in Sub-division 2 of Section 220 of the r abor r a 'N of the State of New York. 26. B2fcr'J any payment is mad" by creCcO behalf of the:)istrict of any sum cr sums due cn 'iccount of the contract forming a part h~reof the C;:cmmissioners shall rc'quir, the Contractor and every sub-contractor of the Contractor to We a statem,mt in writing in full, satisfactory to such Commissioners certifying to the amounts then du" and ,:",,,ing from the Contractor or sub-contractor filing such statement to any and all laborers fori I i daily or week'y wages cn account of labor perform"d upon the work provided I ! for herein; setting forth therein the nams of the persons whos<:! wages are , unpaid and the amount du'c te each respectively, which statement so to be filed shall be verified by the oath cf the Contractor or sub-contractor as th:: case may be that h:: has read such statemmt subscribed by him and knows th" contents th,:recf, and that the' samo is tru'e to his own knowledge. Each and every provision of Jaw and clause required by law to be mserted in th.cse specifications shalJ bE: deemed to have been inserted herein, I i I and if through mlstak" or otherwise such prevision is not inserted, then upon: the: application cfcither rearty. these sfwclficatiol1s shall be physically amend+d I forthwith te make: such insertion. 27. Th,' Contractor certifies that: (al the bid has baen arrived at by I the Contractor independently and has been submitted without collusion with any other vendor of materials, suppUc:s, or 0quipment of the type described in the invitatic.n ft,r bids, and (hI the contents of the bid have not been communicated by th.; Contractor, nor, to its best knowledge and belie:, by any of its employees (Jr agents, to any person not an employee or agent cf the Contractor cr its surdy on any bend furnished h<Jrewith prior to th" official c,p"ning of th;e bid. -9- 2B. The Contractcr, in accepting the contract forming a part h'''reof fer the work specifiad herein, h'"reby agrees that upon the refusal cf a p<"rlilOn, when called b,~fere a Grand .Jur} to kstE.>' concerning any transaction nr contract had Nith th", State of New York, any political subdivision therc!cf, a public authority or with any public departmC'nt, agency or official of th..:: State (,r of any political subdivision thereof or cf a public authority, to sign a waiver I of immunity against subsequent criminal prosecution or to answer any relevallt question conc<"rning sllch transaction or contract. (a) Such ~,,'rson, or any firm, partnership or corporation of which h..; is a mcmb.:r, partner, director (Or officer shall be disqual1fi~d from thereafter selling tc or submitting bids to or receiving awards from or entering into any contracts with any municipal corporation or fire district, o~ , any public department, ag,,,ncy or official thereof for goods, work or service~ for a period of five years after such refusal, and (b) Jmy and all contracts made with any municipal i I corporation of! tho; State of New York or any public departm,>nt, agency or official thereof on or after the 1st day of July, 1959, or with any fire district or an,)' agency or official thereof on or after the 1st day of Scptemb',)r, 1960, by such person and by any firm, partnc'rship or corporation of which h~ is a member, partner, director cr officer may be cancelled or t'.:rminated by the municipal corpora- : tion or fire district without incurring any penalty or damages on account of such cancellation or termination, but any monies owning by the municipal corporation or fire district for delivery or work done prior to the cancel- lation or termination shall be paid. Datad at Fi_hers Island, New York, , 1963. THti: FISH8RS ISLAND GARBAGE AND REFUSE DlSTIUCT By Chalrman- -10- Garbage and Refuse District. to furnish annually. during the term of this agreement. a suitable security bond. in double the sum of the amount of the contract, to be an indemnity to the Commissl.on~'rs of The Fishers Island Garbage and aefus" District, in case of any default or breach in his contract. The equipment and condition thereof that I will have on hand to properly conduct and fulfill th,> terms of the specifications and of the work they cover are: Item of Equipment Condition Item of Equipment Condition There ie no p'''rson int"rested in this bid as principal except the person or persons signing this proposal. IN WITNESS Vi/HEREOF. the undersigned has heNwith set his (their) name in full, together with bis (their) resid"nc"l address. this day of , 1963. . . . ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . New York .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ne'w York . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . New York NOTICE TO BIDDERS FOR COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF GARBAGE A ND REFUSE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a..led propo..lll are 1I0ll,ht and , reqv...t.d for the collectlon and dlllpo..l af irabage IInd r.fuee In the "lllber~ I IelaDCl Garbage and Refuae District accardlnl to apeclllcatlolU of a contract to be l.t by the Commla.lonera 01 The Flahera bland Garbale and R.Illae Dlatr!et for a1lob conecllon and dlapo..l. ne aealed proposala will be reoe ved uy tbe Cammlaalonera at the Office of Perry Ed_reia, Jl.l8tlce of the Peace on Flaherli bland, New York, _t11 lrOO P. M., November a, 1913, and wlU be conaidered publlcly at I allcb time and place, Speclflcatlona, a prap<llled contract for the execllUOD1 the work aDd formJI of propoaal caR be examined at the ofllc. 01 the ToWll ! I Clerk, Southold, New York, and at tbe office of Perry Edwardll, Jllat,oe of I tbe Peaoe, "Iahera bland, New York. Propo_la mllat be made upon and in accordance with the form of pro~l pNlparecl by the Attorney for tbe Dletrlct, which form of propoal wlll Mye aa ac..mpalt)'ln. copy of the speclficahona for ..ld work a.d pl'opoMd ap'..m4Dt aad tbe aame may be obtala.d at the amce of tile ToWll Clerk at the ToWll Hall, Southolcl, Ne. York, aad at the offlc. of Juetlce of u.. Peace Perry Ed_rda, P',aher. Island, N.... York, up<Jn Ih. payment of a f.. of U. 00. Propo_lIIllball be made and l'eceived upon ~he following condltiona' Eacb propo_l mllat be accvd1panled by tbe depolllt of a certified otaeck payable to the order of tbe l"lahers bland Garhale and Refu.e Dllltrlet In ttae wm of $5,000. OO,or a bond with liIufflciel1t sureties, to he approyed by the Comml..ionera, In a p.nal sum of $5,000.00 conditioned that if tbe propeall. accepted the wcc...ful bldder will _tar Into a contract for the _rk, &ad tut be wlll eltacute wlthln flft.en daya from the date of the ao...... of the propo_l a .u1table ..curUy boIld la the .um of deuble UI. . il [I I , , amount of the contract, conditioned for the faithful and prompt performance and completion of tbe work specified in the contract. All deposits except that of a successful bidder wlll be returned a.d thai of .lIcceadlll bldder upon ilL. provldini the performance bond. Upon acceptanee of his bid, if the aucc...ful bidder fall. to enter iato . contract pursuant to the requirements of the Commis.lolW r., or fail. to ,iv. Ihe further security prescribed in this notll'e within the time limited therein, then the check deposited .. afore..ld and Ihe money. standi", to the credit of the same, shan be forfeited to the District aa liquidated dama,es, or if a bond hila been presented In Heu of Ii certified check, then the penalty shalt be enforced as llt{uidllted damages. 1\11 bid" must be m3rked "Bid for C0UecCon and Dispoaal of Garba,e and Refuse" and mu.t be sl,ned and It.eled in eftyelopell plainly addre..ed to the Fisher.. Island Garbaie "od Refuse Di"tr ct, PO!!!t Office BOlli 30, Flaher~ i Islaad, Suft'olk County, New York. The Commiasloners rellerve the rip! 10 reject any l!Ind en bid., or parts Ihereof. Dated: November' I, UI63 COMMISSIONERS OF THE FISHERS ISLAND GARBAGE AND RI!~FUSE DISTRIC r. -2- II At a meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, held at the Supervisor's Office, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, on the 7th day of June. 1966. Lester M. Albertson, Louis M. Demarest, Howard C. Valentine, Ralph W. Tuthill, Henry A. Clark, Supervisor Councilman Councilman Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace In the Matter of the FINAL ORDER EXTENDING FISHERS ISLAND REFUSE AND GARBAGE DISTRICT BOUNDARIES Extension of the Fishers Island Refuse and Garbage District at Fishers Island, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, pursuant to Article 12A of the Town Law. The Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, having by order duly adopted on the 22nd day of March, 1966, determined to hold a public hearing in the matter of the extension of the existing Refuse and Garbage District at Fishers Island, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, known as the Fishers Island Refuse and II II' " ;; I II i! Island, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, at which time I[ il II II I, I[ II il ,I II II I II Garbage District, by annexing thereto the territory hereinafter described; and a public hearing, pursuant to due notice thereof, having been held on the 12th day of April, 1966, at the Fishers Island Fire House at Fishers and place said Town Board considered said matter and heard all persons interested therein; and said Town Board having by resolution duly adopted on the 12th day of April, 1966, following the said hearing and upon the evidence given thereat, duly determined that all of the property and property owners within the proposed extension of said District are benefitted thereby; that all the property and property owners benefitted are included II within the proposed extension of said district, and that it is in the public interest to extend the boundaries of said district and duly resolved to extend such Refuse and Garbage District to embrace the additional territory hereinafter described, which said resolution was subject to a permissive referendum as provided in Section 209-e of the Town Law, and no petition requesting that the matter of the extension of the boundaries of said district be submitted to a referendum of the property owners of the proposed extended district having been filed with the Town Clerk, and the time within which such petition may be so filed having expired; NOW, on motion of Councilman Demarest seconded by Justic e Tuthill it is ORDERED, that the said existing Refuse and Garbage District known as the Fishers Island Refuse and Garbage District be and it hereby is extended to embrace the territory described in and containing the following boundaries, to wit: ALL that certain tract, piece or parcel of land, situate on Fishers Island, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: I Ii I' I! II il BEGINNING at the intersection of the southwesterly line of Beach Avenue with the southeasterly line of Equestrian Avenue, said point being located 618.25 feet North and 3873.92 feet West of U. S. Coast & Geodetic Triangulation Station "PROS "; from said point of beginning running along said line of Beach Avenue, 8 courses, as follows: (1) South 47 degrees 07 minutes 40 seconds East 514. 09 feet; thence (2) South 84 degrees 21 minutes 15 seconds East 345.39 feet; thence (3) South 78 degrees 31 minutes 10 seconds East 281. 33 feet; thence (4) South 81 degrees 28 minutes East 447.94 feet; thence (5) South 67 degrees 38 minutes East 342.57 feet; thence (6) North 77 degrees 17 minutes East 202.32 feet; thence (7) North 26 degrees 02 minutes 30 seconds East 131. 81 feet; thence (8) North 25 degrees 36 minutes 50 seconds West 32.38 feet to land now or formerly of Hay Harbor Realty Corp. ; thence along said land of Hay Harbor Realty and across the westerly end of a 50 foot right of way leading to land now or I 'I I I I I I !i 11 -2- formerly of the United States of America, South 39 degrees 45 minutes 10 seconds East 226.28 feet; thence still along said land of Hay Harbor Realty, 3 courses, as follows: (1) South 39 degrees 41 minutes 40 seconds East 64.38 feet; thence (2) South 76 degrees 00 minutes West 386 feet; thence (3) South 13 degrees 20 minutes East 107 feet, more or less, to the shore of Block Island Sound; thence in a general westerly direction along the shore line of said Block Island Sound and then in a general northerly direction along the shore line of Fishers Island Sound, about 12,200 feet to land now or formerly of the Estate of S. A. Salvage; thence along said land now or formerly of the Estate of S. A. Salvage, 2 courses as follows: (1) South 46 degrees 58 minutes East 408 feet, more or less; thence (2) South 35 degrees 24 minutes East 424.0 feet to land now or formerly of Wilmerding; thence along said land of Wilmerding, 3 courses, as follows: (1) South 32 degrees 36 minutes West 465.9 feet; thence (2) South 26 degrees 57 minutes East 405 feet, more or less; thence (3) North 62 degrees 26 minutes East 687. 22 feet to the westerly line of said Equestrian Avenue; thence along said line of Equestrian Avenue, 9 courses, as follows: (1) South 31 degrees 18 minutes East 188.41 feet; thence (2) North 62 degrees 26 minutes East 1. 61 feet; thence (3) South 27 degrees 34 minutes East 25. 0 feet; thence (4) South 76 degrees 02 minutes 30 seconds East 105.07 feet; thence (5) South 49 degrees 33 minutes 15 seconds East 202.44 feet; thence (6) South 80 degrees 36 minutes 30 seconds East 127.50 feet; thence (7) South 56 degrees 10 minutes 50 seconds East 113.37 feet; thence (8) North 79 degrees 28 minutes 15 seconds East 121. 87 feet; thence (9) North 41 degrees 46 minutes East 59.7 feet to the point of beginning. All bearings refer to the true meridian. Excepting from the above any lands owned by the United States of America. and it is II II II be and he hereby is authorized and directed within ten days after the 11 FURTHER ORDERED, that the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold adoption of this order to cause a certified copy thereof to be duly recorded i i I ~ I 'i I I I I -3- i , in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk, New York; and it is FURTHER ORDERED, that the Town~Clerk of the Town of Southold be and he hereby is authorized and directed within ten days after the adoption of this order, to cause a certified copy thereof to be filed in the office of the State Department of Audit and Control at Albany, New York. Dated; June 7 1966 ~ /}, c e ,/ // g' CO~7rZ~~~ ~ncilman /- ,{ " -( C;'}'L 4."', .;'t-~> _ Members of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, New York -4- REGINALD C. SMITH ROBERT W. TASKER PIERRE G. LUNDBERG HOWARD M. FINKELSTEIN SMITH, TASKER, FINKELSTEIN AND LUNDBERG ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW 425 MAIN STREET OREENPORT. N. Y. GREENPORT 7-1400 ARTHUR H. LUNDBERG COUNSEL June 8, 1966 Hon. Albert W. Richmond Southo1d Town Clerk Southold, New York Re: Fishers Island Refuse and Garbage District - Extension of Boundaries Dear Albert: As you know the Town Board at its meeting on June 7, 1966, adopted a final order extending the boundaries of the Fishers Island Refuse and Garbage District. You have on file the map with respect to this district. In order that all of the documents with respect to this matter may be on file in your office I enclose here- with the following: (1) Consent and approval of the extension of the boundaries executed and acknowledged by the District Commissioners dated November 12, 1965. (2) Copy of order providing for public hearing relative to extension of the district boundaries adopted by the Town Board on March 22, 1966. (3) Affidavit of publication in the Long Island Traveler Mattituck Watchman of order providing for public hearing relative to extension of the district boundaries sworn to the 1st day of April, 1966. (4) Affidavit of posting of the Town Clerk of the order providing for public hearing sworn to the 25th day of March, 1966. (5) Copy of resolution of the Town Board adopted April 12, 1966, approving the extension of the district boundaries. (6) The resolution mentioned in paragraph (5) was subject to a permissive refer- endum and the same was published in the Long Island Traveler Mattituck Watchman. I believe that you have in your office the affidavits of publication of this resolution. This affidavit should be made a part of the file in this matter. Re: Fishers Island Refuse and Garbage District June 8, 1966 Page 2 (7) Affidavit of posting by the Town Clerk sworn to April 13, 1966, attesting to the posting of the notice of adoption of the resolution of April 12, 1966. (8) Copy of Town Clerk's certificate stating that the time for filing a petition request- ing a referendum on the matter has expired and no such petition was filed with the Town Board dated May 16, 1966. The original of this certificate is filed in the County Clerk's Office as required by Section 209-e, subdivision 4(a) of the Town Law. (9) Original and three copies of the final order extending the district boundaries adopted by the Town Board on June 7, 1966. The original should be filed in your office. Would you please certify and return to me the three copies. I will record one copy in the County Clerk's Office and file an additional copy with the Department of Audit and Control as required by Section 209-g of the Town Law. Yours v:a c::?7 c;;:> "";;?/ ~ ;:;~// ROBERT W. TASKER R WT:MY Enclosures I! , I, !I :1 !I II Ii Ii !I KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that RAYMOND F. DOYEN, i.[ 'II JAMES B. PICKETT and ELIZABETH G. McCLOSKEY, all residing at !I,[ Fishers Island in the Town of Southold, Suffolk C.unty, New York, being all , of the Commissioners of the Garbage and Refuse District situate at Fishers Island in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, known as the I I: Fishers Island Garbage and Refuse District, do hereby consent to and approve I' il II [I ,I !I II 'I I, II II II II II Ii II I 'I II II :1 II I , I I I il II I' " ;1 Ii p I' II II :1 il II !! of the extension of the boundaries of said district to embrace the following territory in addition to the territory already contained in and embraced by the said District, to wit: ALL that certain tract, piece or parcel of land, situate on Fishers Island, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the southwesterly line of Beach Avenue with the southeasterly line of Equestrian Avenue, said point being located 618.25 feet North and 3873.92 feet West of U. S. Coast & Geodetic Triangulation Station "PROS"; from said point of beginning running along said line of Beach Avenue, 8 courses, as follows: (1) South 47 degrees 07 minutes 40 seconds East 514.09 feet; thence (2) South 84 degrees 21 minutes 15 seconds East 345.39 feet; thence (3) South 78 degrees 31 minutes 10 seconds East 281. 33 feet; thence (4) South 81 degrees 28 minutes East 447.94 feet; thence (5) South 67 degrees 38 minutes East 342.57 feet; thence (6) North 77 degrees 17 minutes East 202.32 feet; thence (7) North 26 degrees 02 minutes 30 seconds East 131. 81 feet; thence (8) North 25 degrees 36 minutes 50 seconds West 32.38 feet to land now or formerly of Hay Harbor Realty Corp.; thence along said land of Hay Harbor Realty and across the westerly end of a 50 foot right of way leading to land now or formerly of the United States of America, South 39 degrees 45 minutes 10 seconds East 226.28 feet; thence still along said land of Hay Harbor Realty, 3 courses, as follows: (1) South 39 degrees 41 minutes 40 seconds East 64.38 feet; thence (2) South 76 degrees 00 minutes West 386 feet; thence (3) South 13 degrees 20 minutes East 107 feet, more or less, to the shore of Block Island Sound; thence in a general I il :, :1 'i I' day of I I' ,I !I !i !I 'I I, II I II I, Ii !I , )1 I I II II 11 westerly direction along the shore line of said Block Island Sound and then in a general northerly direction along the shore line of Fishers Island Sound, about 12,200 feet to land now or formerly of the Estate of S. A. Salvage; thence along said land now or formerly of the Estate of S. A. Salvage, 2 courses, as follows: (1) South 46 degrees 58 minutes East 408 feet, more or less; thence (2) South 35 degrees 24 minutes East 424.0 feet to land now or formerly of 'Wilmerding; thence along said land of Wilmerding, 3 courses, as follows: (1) South 32 degrees 36 minutes West 465.9 feet; thence (2) South 26 degrees 57 minutes East 405 feet, more or less; thence (3) North 62 degrees 26 minutes East 687.22 feet to the westerly line of said Equestrian Avenue; thence along said line of Equestrian Avenue, 9 courses, as follows: (1) South 31 degrees 18 minutes East 188.41 feet; thence (2) North 62 degrees 26 minutes East 1. 61 feet; thence (3) South 27 degrees 34 minutes East 25.0 feet; thence (4) South 76 degrees 02 minutes 30 seconds East 105.07 feet; thence (5) South 49 degrees 33 minutes 15 seconds East 202.44 feet; thence (6) South 80 degrees 36 minutes 30 seconds East 127.50 feet; thence (7) South 56 degrees 10 minutes 50 seconds East 113.37 feet; thence (8) North 79 degrees 28 minutes 15 seconds East 121. 87 feet; thenc e (9) North 41 degrees 46 minutes East 59.7 feet to the point of beginning All bearings refer to the true meridian. Excepting from the above any lands owned by the United States of America. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands this /) ci '- )~~" (" . 1965. ') . '---/ I;, /':,::-f <);?/7/ Doyen /\'1/. /7/,7' '")/ Raymond F, -'([IHl),~, mes B. Pickett /'/ "~; _.---f/ ;; /,.-".. _;<.(_~-:< .~lizabeth G. t /,,' //) ,.5 ,/)", I", McCloskey ,/ -2- II :! STATE OF NEW YORK) ss. : COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On this )1 d day of ~~~iJ-,,- 1965, before me, the subscriber, personally appeared RAYMOND F. DOYEN, to me known and known to me to be the same person described in and who executed the within Instrument, STATE OF NEW YORK) and he acknowledged to me that he executed the same. \ ~ ~'-..r ' ---"-'--~; "";..--,-~ Not ~~l:AAtM~N 'tOT ,lI,R...... PUBLIC. ST JI.TE OF NEW \"Ci<...:' No. 52-I)02SgBO Qualified in SuffoH: County Term "':lI:pires March 30. 19 '1 ss. : COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On this /) j day of I, c,., '- 1965, before me, the sub- scriber, personally appeared JAMES B. PICKETT, to me known and known to. i me to be the same person described in and who executed the within Instrument'I' and he acknowledged to me that he executed the same. , I I STATE OF NEW YORK) ,J" '" ^ ell"~. .~\ N otJr,x,.J?1!blic )fT'>V1"~~!:'-- 1. ""'!Mf.'" N'Q'l".. --~-, ,; ~-.TE CF :~V\--~-_~;~-.. ss. : ( .~. Tw.,U :~":; I, '-"'4. " COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) O' ,,~. '7/'7 _~,::m::_: ;;0. lJ \,; On this I.) L 1 day of l.'-'...... (, ~ 1965, before me, the sub- scriber, personally appeared ELIZABETH G. McCLOSKEY, to me known and known to me to be the same person described in and who executed the within Instrument, and she acknowledged to me that she executed the same. 1 , ", ...." ~, ,+. I ~'. ,~ 1 NotaJy ffublic t1y........ ~'1.~Vr"'i --,:_.;':~iI';_ ;",. !>J/"Y" ~ c. 7 '-, .",. 1 ;,;..:;:rCi_JO,l'" v -3- At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, New York. held at the Supervisor's Office. 16 South Street, Greenport. New York. in said Town on the .).2>-<1 Day of D'1 a l"c..Q 196a.. PRESENT: Lester M. Albertson. Louis M. Demarest, Howard C. Valentine. Ralph W. Tuthlll, Henry A. Clark, Supervisor Councilman Councilman Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace - - - ~- - -- -- ----- I... t:Je ~tter of the ORDER PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEARING RELATIVE TO EXTENSION OF THE DISTRICT BOUNDARIES Extension of the l"ishers Island Refuse and Garbage Dlstrict at Fishers Island. in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County. New York. pursuant to Articie l2A of the Town Law. - - - - - - - - - - - - WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Refuse and Garbage District at Fishers Island. in the Town of Southoid. Suffolk County. New York, has approved and consented in writing to the extension of the boundaries of said district to embrace the territory hereinafter described in addition to the territory already contained in and embraced by said district, and WHEREAS, a map entitled "Map of proposed addition to the Fishers Island Refuse and Garbage District, Town of Southold. Suffolk County, N. Y. " showIng the proposed extension of said district has heretofore been filed in the office of the Town Clerk. and WHEREAS, the boundaries of the proposed extension of said district are as follows: ALL that certain tract, piece or parcel of land, situate on Fishers Island, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York. bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the southwesterly Une of Beach Avenue with the southeasterly Une of EIluestrian Ii Avenue, said point being located 618.25 feet North and 3873.92 feet West of U. S. Coast a. Geodetic Triangulation Station "PROS"; from said point of beginning running along said line of Beach Avenue, 8 courses, as follows: (1) South 47 degrees 07 minutes 40 seconds East 514.09 feet; thence (2) South 84 degrees 21 minutes 15 seconds East 345.39 feet; thence (3) South 78 degrees 31 minutes 10 seconds East 281. 33 feet; thence (4) South 81 degrees 28 minutes East 447.94 feet; thence (5) South 67 degrees 38 minutes East 342. 57 feet; thence (6) North 77 degrees 17 minutes East 202. 32 feet; thence (7) North 26 degrees 02 minutes 30 seconds East 131.81 feet;thence (8) North 25 degrees 36 minutes 50 seconds West 32.38 feet to land now or formerly of Hay Harbor Realty Corp. ; thence along said land of Hay Harbor Realty and across the westerly end of a 50 foot right of way leading to land now or formerly of the United States of America, South 39 degrees 45 mInutes 10 seconds East 226.28 feet; thence still along said land of Hay Harbor Realty, 3 courses, as follows: (1) South 39 degrees 41 minutes 40 seconds East 64. 38 feet; thence (2) South 76 degrees 00 minutes West 386 feet; thence (3) South 13 degrees 20 minutes East 107 feet, more or less, to the shore of Block Island Sound; thence in a general westerly direction along the shore Une of said Block Island Sound and then in a general northerly direction along the shore line of Fishers Island Sound, about 12,200 feet to land now or formerly of the Estate of S. A. Salvage; thence along said land now or formerly of the Estate of S. A. Salvage, 2 courses, as follows: (1) South 46 degrees 58 minutes East 408 feet, more or lesll; thence (2) South 35 degrees 24 minutes Eaat 424. 0 feet to land now or formerly of Wilmerdlng; thence along said land of Wilmerding, 3 courses, as follows: (1) South 32 degrees 38 minutes West 465. 9 feet; thence (2) South 26 degrees 57 minutes East 405 feet. more or less; thence (3) North 62 degrees 26 minutes East 687. 22 feet to the westerly Une of said Equestrian Avenue; thence along said Hne of Equestrian Avenue, 9 courses, as follows: (1) South 31 degrees 18 minutes East 188.41 feet; thence (2) North 62 degrees 26 minutes East 1. 61 feet; thence (3) South 27 degrees 34 minutes East 25. 0 feet; thence (4) South 76 degrees 02 minutes 30 seconds East 105.07 feet; thence (5) South 49 degrees 33 minutes 15 seconds East 202.44 feet; thence (6) South 80 degrees 36 minutes 30 seconds East 127.50 feet; thence (7) South 56 degrees 10 minutes 50 seconds East 113.37 feet; thence (8) North 79 degrees :.is minutes 15 seconds East 121. 87 feet; thence -2- 'I (9) North 41 degrees 46 minutes East 59.7 feet to the point of beginning. AU bearings refer to the true meridian. Excepting from the above any lands owned by the United States of America. WHEREAS, no improvements are proposed; and no amount is proposed to be expended for improvements or for supplying of services within the territory of the proposed extension, and \VHEREAS, said map is on file in the Town Clerk's Office, for public inspection, now, therefore, on motion Ofr()u.V\(',lm;)\tl l>PYY1<.~V"e'i-l_, and seconded by -G1. 0"1e.e-C.-I.::l h I \ I , it is OHDERED, that the Town Board of the Town of Southold shall meet " I and hold a public hearing at the Fishers Island .Fire House, in the Fishers Island Refuiie and Garbage District, in said Town, on the I d.. rt.. day of :' ApW , 196h, at J::J: ~(J o'clock E. M. (E. S. T.) to con- sider slIch proposed extension of the boundaries of the Fishers Island Refuse and Garbage District and to hear all rersons interested in the subject thereof, concerning the same and for such other action on the part of said Town Board with relation thereto as may be required or authorized by law. Dated:jY)cHC.h J.J, /96b THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LeSley- rn. (4] bev-Is'V'Vf Supervisor ).()u/\ m Demcwest Councilman (SEAL) f/owr7"d C. VA/Pnll VI e Councilman " , I ?C).ltG~ LJ-J <-crh( 1/ J stice of the Peace H [? Yl '( '1 /i. (~/,,7Y K JusUc of the Peace ii I Members of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, New York -3- LEGAL NOTICE At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Bout-hold, in the County of Suffolk, New York, held at the Supervisor's Office, 16 South Street, Green- port, New York, in ,said Town' on the 22nd Day of March, 1966, PRESENT: Lester M. Albertson, Supervisor Louis M. Demarest, Councilman Howm'd C. Valentine, Councilman Ralph W. Tuthill, Justice of the Peace Henry A. Clark, Justice of the Pe8.ce -------X I In the Matter of the: ORDER Extension of the Fish-: PROVIDING ers Island Refuse and : FOR PUBLIC I Garbage District at HEARING , Fishers Island, in thp. RELATIVE I Town of Southold, TO EXTEN - I Suffolk County, New : SION OF THE j. York, pursuant to : DISTRICT Article 12A of the BOUNDARIES ~~ ~\~ - - -- X I I WHEREAS, the Board of Commis- ! sioners of the Fishers Island Refu:" I and Garbage District at Fishers Islar!, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk C011\' iy, New York, has approved and co sent-ed in writing to the extension ( the boundaries of said district to e]~ brace the territory hereinafter descrfo- ed in addition to the territory alre:ldY contained in and embraced by :=;::;id district, and WHEREAS. a map entitled "Map of I proposed addition t.o the Fishcr,"; Isl:1nd Refuse and Garbag'c District, TO\\'i1 of Southald, Suffolk County, N. Y." show- ing the proposed extension of said district h8.s heretofore been filcd in the office of the Town Clerk, R.lld WHEREAS, the boundaries of the proposed extension of said district are as follows: ALL that certain tract, piece 01' parcel of land, situate on FiSl,;;;- Islall(~, in the Town of south~ld, County of Suffolk. and state of Nev. York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the southwesterly line of Beach Avenue with the southeasterly line of Equestrian Avenue, said point being located 618.25 feet North and 3873.92 feet West of U. S. Coast & Geodetic Triangulation Station "PROS"; from said point of beginning running along said line of Beach Avenue, 8 courses, as; follow.s: (1) South 47 degrees 07 minutes 40 second.s East 514.09 feet; thence (2) South 84 degrees 21 minutes 15 seconds East 345.39 feet, thence (3) SOuth 78 degrees 31 minutes 10 seconds East 281.33 feet; thence (4) South 81 degrees 28 minute~ East 447.94 feet; thence (5) South 67 degrees 38 minutes East 342.57 feet; thence (6) North 77 degrees 17 minutei' East 202.32 feet; thence (7) North 26 degrees 02 minutes' 30 seconds East 131.81 feet; thence (8) North 25 degrees 36 rninutes 50 seconds West 32.38 feet to land now or formerlv of Hay Harbor.. Realty Corp.; the-nee along said land 1 of Hay Harbor Realty and across the westerly end of a 50 foot right of; way leading to land now or formerly I of the United States of America, I South 39 degrees 45 minutes 10 seconds East 226.28 feet; thence still alOng' said land of Hay Harbor Realty,3 courses, as follows: 11) South 3.Q degrees 41 minutes 40 I seconds Ea1't ~~ ')0 ... (3) South 13 degrees 20 minutes East 107 feet, more or less, to the shore of BlOCk Island SOund; thence in a general westerly direction along the shore line of said Block Island Sound and then in a general northerly direction along the shore Hue of Fishers Island Sound, about 12,200 feet to land now or formerly of the Estate of S. A. Balvage; I Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says thence along said landnow or form- S the Ed't f THE LONG ISLAND erly of the Estate of S. A. Salvage, i lor, 0 2 courses, as follows: , MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- (1) South 46 degrees 58 minutes: East 408 feet. more or less; thence d at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that (2) South 35 degress 24 minutes h' h h d . . d h b East 424.0 feet to land now, or form- W IC t e o:nnexe IS a pnnte copy,. os een erly of Wilmerding; thence along said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- said land of Wilmerding, 3 courses, {Q as~~: 'A (II (1) South 32 degrees 36 minutes ch week for ....... ../....LL.. .../.;/.... weey West 465.9 feet; thence 0j' J-.r- (2) South 26 degrees 57 minutes commencing on the ................;1. ..<:"x..-d........... East 405 feet, more or less; thence ~ ~ (3) North 62 degrees 26 minutes ...... ~ !l1.19 East 687.22 feet to the westerly line ($ of said Equestrian Avenue; thence ?#0 along said line of Equestrian Ave- L . . . nuti) 9 s~~~se;i ~~g~~~Z~~: minutes ...,..................... . ......... ........ . . ...... East 188.41 feet; thence (2) North 62 degrees 26 minutes East 1.61 feet; thence (3) South 27 degrees 34 minutes East 25.0 feet; thence (4) South 76 degrees 02 minutes 30 seconds East 105.07 feet; thence (5) South 49 degrees 33 minutes 15 seconds East 202.44 feet; thence (6) South 80 degrees 36 minutes 30 seconds East 127.50 feet;. thence (7) South 56 degrees 10 minutes 50 seconds East 113.37 feet; thence (8) North 79 degrees 28 minutes 15 seconds East 121.87 feet; thence (9) North 41 degrees 46 minutes East 59. 7 feet to the point of be- ginning. All bearings refer to the true meridan. Excepting f~om the above any lands owned by the United Statei of America. WHEREAS, no improvements are proposed; and no amount is proposed to be expended for improvements or for supplying of services witWn the territory of the proposed extension. and WHEREAS, said map is on file in the Town Clerk's Office, for public in- spection, now, therefore, on motion of Councilman Demarest, and seconded by Justice Tuthill, it is ORDERED, that the Town Board of the Town of Southold shall meet and hold a public hearing at the Fishers Island Fire House, in the Fishers Island Refuse and Garbage District, in said Town, on the 12th day of April, 1966, at 12:'lO o'clock P. M, (E.S.TJ to consider such proposed. extension of the boundaries of the Fishers Island Refuse and Garbage District and to hear all persons interested in 'the sub- ject thereof, concerning the same and for such other action on the part of said Town Board wi th relations thereto as may be required or authorized by law. Dated: March 22. 1966 THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (SEAL) Lester M. Albertson, Supervisor Louis M. Demarest. Councilman Howard C. Valentine, Councilman Ralph W. Tuthill, Justice of the Peace Henry A. Clark, Justice of the Peace Members of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, New York SUFFOLK EW YORK } S5: orn to before me this .......;g. day of ~. 19.~.k. .........Cd~.....gp:bL- Notary Publlc / '~ota r/ ADeLE PAYNE r:J:';:~'. ,~~~'? Df New YorR CUU,lty f.,..;. :(CJ t,;arc" So, 19(j 7 ~nj, 1l;~;Sion (X;';lrcB I II 'I Ii I I II STATE OF NEW YORK} , I COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ALBERT W. RICHMOND, being duly sworn, deposes and says: AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING ss. : That he is now and at all the times hereinafter mentioned he was the duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, New York; That on the 25th day of March, 1966, he caused to be conspicuously posted and fastened up a copy of an order providing for public hearing relative to extension of the Fishers Island Refuse and Garbage District boundaries executed by the Town Board of said Town on March 22, 1966, a copy of which is annexed hereto and made a part hereof, on the sign board of the Town maintained pursuant to Subdivision 6 of Section 30 of the Town Law. .4~$HU/./ Town . erk Sworn to before me this 25th day of March , 1966. ~~a.~ Notary Public MARION A. REGENT ". NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New york No. 52-3233120 Suffolk County '1 Term Expires M.arch 30, 19~ Ii I: j, At a re",lar meetlnll of the ToWll BOIl rd of tbe Town of Southold. In the Count)' of Suffolk. New York. held at the SupervlllOr'a Office. 16 South Street. Greenport. New York. In Mid Town on the J..l>-<l Day of mafe.Q 19S.. i ., i PRESENT: Le.ter M ALbertson. Louis M. DelDlirest, Howard C, Valentine. Ralph W. Tuthill. B_ry A. CLark. . Supervleor Counc Ilman Councilman Juatice of the Peace Justice of the P.ce I: ii il- I II i ----- I~ the l'>.atler of the ORDER PROVIDING FOR PUBUC HEARING RELATIVE TO EXTENSION OF THE DISTRICT BOUNDARIES E.enalon of tbe Fleher. Island Refulle and Garball. Dlatrlct at Fllllhers IlJland. In the Town of Southold. Suffolk County, New York. punuant to Article l:tA of the Town Law. - - - - ~~ - - - - - WHEREAS. the Board of Commluionen of the Flahen laland RefulJe and Garballe DIlJtrlct at FIsherll leland. Ie. the Town of Southold. Suffolk County. New York. hae IlpproveJ and conllented In wrllln, to the extenalon of the bowldarles of said dletrlct to ernbrace the territory hereinafter described In addition to the territory already contained In and embraced by Mid diatrlct. and WHEREAS. a map entltied "Map of propo.ed addition to the Fiabera bland Refuae and Oarbaie Dletrict. Town of Soutbold. Suffolk County. N. Y. " abowlnll tbe propoeed extenaion of aaid district halJ heretofore be. tiled In the office of the Town Clerk. and . WHEREAS. the boundaries of the propoaed extenaIon of Mid dIatrict are aa followa: ALL that certain tract. piece or parcel of land. eltuate on nahen leland, In the Town of 50utOOld. Count)' of Suttolk and State of New York. bounded and deacrIbed aa follow.: BEGINNING at the Intersection of tbe southwesterly Une of Beach Allenue with the 80utheallterly line of li'.4ue.trl.n 1 '_'_",_tJ:':,~, !'...rJ~~__ ..,......"'-,.1.' ,~"" ---""I:- .., _.L _,_', _......~_..U.,~..._,...h_. _~.~_ , ' Avenue, oid point oeinlllocat.d 118.25 feet North and 38'73, 9" f..t INdl of U S Coa.t" Geodetic Trianilllation Station "PROS"; !i'orn Aid point of beltinning rllnninJl along aald Un. of &~d, Avenlle. a courstllol. ... tollowa: (1) SOllth 47 del/reu 07 minllte. 40 aecond. Ealt 514. Oil f..t; thence (2) SOlltb 1f4 degl"l!.. ~ 1 minlol!e.. 15 i1econdIJ Ea.t 345,39 fe.t; tbence (3) Sollth 7d degre.iI 31 minlltu III a.conda .I:;a.t 281,33 (float; thence (4) SOlltn III degreea :i8 mlnutes Ell.t 447.94 f..t; thence (5) South 67 degre.. 38 mlnute. Eaal 34;,1.57 f..t; th.nce (8) North 77 degre.a 17 minlltea Ea.t 202,32 f.et; th.nce (7) North 26 deil.... 0" mlnute. 30 sl:tcond. Eaat 131,81 f..t;thenc. (8) NOrth 415 degl'ees 30 mlnllted ~\.l aeconda Weat 32,311 te.t to land now or formerly of Hay HarbOr Realty Corp,; then<.:e aloni uid h,w..! of Hay Hartlor Realty and acroa. tht: weaterly end of Ii 511 toot rl"hl ot way leadlnli to land now or formerly ot the United Statea oi America. Soutb 3" degreea 45 mlnlltelil 10 a.conda Ea.t 2,,8. -ell feet; thence aUll along Mld land of tiay Harbor Realt)'. :; coursell, aa followa: . (1) South 39 degl'eell 41 min..te", 40 seconds Ealilt 64. 38 fe.t; th.nce .il (2) South 76 dlll.ree. liu minut.s wut 3116 feet, th.nce (3) Sollth 13 dellrees ;,IU mh,,,telll 1:;....t 107 teet, more or 1.... to tbe IIbol'_ of Block J&land Sound; thence in a pn.ral weat.rly dirlilction doni thlC .hore line of ..aid Block bland Sound and tnen in a ._neraluorthlidy dir.ction aloni: the .hore Une of r'i..hllr61 IliIla"d 3011..,1. aho..t 1~. ~OO f.et to land. DOW or formerly of the E:lit..tt! 01.'; '\ Salva"e, lhlilnce along ..id land now 01' fOl'merly of tntl r_~t..t~ v1 S 1\. Salvalle. A cOllr..... as followlO. (1) South 46 ""iF".. all """..tll", !.~". "\.lIS feel. r.wre or Ie..; thence (al South;io Je;,:n,eiil .:4 mlnut.." ""llill ",,4.0 feet to ~nd nalil Ol" lonuedi of '."il."eC<.iln.. lh.m~e .lon.. iirald land ot WUa,erJin~. ;:l ,:1.)...,.."'15 al> tollows. 0) ':W..th~' oJe>i,'"elil .16 ,r.inule.. '.~tc..l 465 1/ felllt; thenc., (2) SOulll;,l6 Jt:,,;,celi ;)1 ,r.lnute. .t-,ht 411tl felilt. more or le..; them;" Oil Nunh 0"; ,j.' ',' ,,,,,, _ tl .,.(h..t".. .I:...,;t 6il'/. AA feet to the IWelllter1y Hue vf ",ai" i:.qull,;(rl.." ',,,,n..e; th",nce alon" ..ald 1\118 (Jof Equeatrhua \\'~.itu.:- :~ ~.;J".a'aE.:lS. .. follows: (1) ';)Outl\ 3j .(._,..."",,, :" .i.lilule.. t:;ailt Ida. 41 fe..t. tb",nce ia) North 6..1<:""'(0..,, HJ ...I,...tli" t;lilliit 1. lH feet, thence (J) South" ,""~Fd'" .H ",iuut.:'-i t..."t .<Iii U fe.t; thence (4) SO,.d'l Hi J'''>i'''ll'' v~ minul"" au ...."ond.. i!4I..t 105.'>7 ielitt~ Ui.chi(. '? (l)) S<i.;tr. le"t. tt,uz.;." (0) .;vLtr, ...~.. '\;..'ftJ;'~~. .,... .l.iJ.1CJu.\.~~ Ii) ::i1d:t::uuiJ.. !:.ast ..ll.<l, 44 "l. L~ " ;.;:.~';;,) :n. ,J.;.la"':~"" JU l'Oiih..:oudo ~..t 1,,1. ~v a~~t., \~.iI:H..~ I.;; CI,;;c...U.i...)o ....\..p.j,~...~..:Ql 1.; ,..A.i.l.......'.,.;~ :10 citC(,;un...s Mitt It::L 37 It.{;L, LU~ut.:l:: {,Ii) Nc);tl. ~t:t:L" thc:ucl:.. ,", I~ _. .~. ~:",\..'v !.....iuu.4.~o:1 1.) 4~\.:<'hh1.. c..ast 11.1. :i7 . . I' I I, " 'I . . (.) Nortb.l cle,re.. .. minute. Eut II. ., leet to the poW 01 bei1nnlni. . All bearlne. refo~ to the true meridian. I I ! I propo.ed to be e:q>ended for Improvement. or for .Ilpplyln, 01 .ervlce. Excepting from the above any landll owaed by tbe United Statea 01 America. WHEREAS, no Improvementa are propolled; and no amount I. II II wlthln the territory of the plopo.ed extension, and :! j' i: WHEREAS, aald map I.. on fUe In the Town Clerk's Oftlce, for pIlbl1c !i InapecHon, now, therefore. on moUon of('()UI''\(_"lm,''IvliJPyYlche'l.I_, " I and ..conded by --rel ~TIQ.e- C...-r ~\ I U I I Ii 'I ii il Ii Ii I:,' \ 'I I: 'I Ii , it I. ORDEHED, that the Town Board of the Town of Southold sball meet and hold a pllbUc hearln, at the Fiehers bland Fire HOIlS., In tbe Flebera Island Refuae and Garbllie District. In said Town. on the I J. n day 01 .Lip'll { alder .uch proposed eJetenelon of the bollndarles 01 the Flebers Island R.lue. , 196h, at J~. .~() o'clock E. M. (E. S. T.) to con- and GIlrba,e District and to hear aU penons lnt.re.teclln the sllbJect thereol, concerlllla, the ..me and for 81lCn other action on the part 01 ..ld Town Board with relaUon thereto as may be required or authorl.ed by law. Datecl:jlJclfC-h) J. I 9 b {, . THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD I I I (SEAL) le57e. rI. R.J berl"\'C'vt Supervl.or Jue I ~ rn Devncwe~t Cewacllman tlo,/)(}>{'(j (.1 Vn/pnTi Vi e Councilman [:('~J I { h L(: -r en h I 1/ J stice of the Pace flt'y)(t /} {~/ayK Juetlc 01 the Pace Member. of the ToWll Board of the l'own 01 Southold, New York -I :ffl~___ . ---r~ I ~ i, Ii' I I, :, " " " '. """"",,,--- ~'~.,.. -- "W-,~~n ~~ ~"v.:r~~P ---~T .;. At a meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, held at the Fishers Island Fire House, Fishers Island, New YorI<- . on the 12th e1iyof Apnl, 1969. i '. il I' I; i: " II Ii -------------- - In the Matter of the " !i II " II ,I il Ii :1 ExUnsion of the Fishers Island Refuse and Garbage District at Fishers Island, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, pursuant to Artiele IliA of the Town Law. - - - - - - - - - - - - WHEREAS,a map has been duly filed in the Town Clerk's Office, and : .. " " ,. WHEREAS, an order was duly adopted by the Town Board of the !I I: :1 :, II " I: :1 " 1: " I: Town of Southold on the 22nd day of March, 1966, reciting the fiUng of said map, the improvements proposed, the boundaries of the proposed extension of the Flshers Island Refuse and Garbage District, the estimated ,: i: , " expense thereof, the fact that the map is on file in the Town Clerk's Office for pubUc inspection and stating all other matters required by law to be i: I stated, and specifying the 12th day of April, 1961$, at 12:30 o'clock " I: i: 'I Ii Ii !i ,. I' ,I ,: P. M. on that day, as the time, and the Fishers Island Fire House in said Town as the place where the said Town Board would meet to consider said map and the proposed extension of said District, and to hear all persons interested in the subject matter thereof, concerning the same, and to take , I; such action thereon as is required or authorized by law, and , " i: , I' II I: I, 'I i: " WHEREAS, such order was duly published and posted as required by , law, and WHEREAS, a hearing on said matter was duly held by said Town , Board on the 12tJ1:layof April, 'I ! day, at the Flshers Island Fire House in said Town, and full discussion of the' 1966, at 12:30 o'clock P . M. of said '. matter having been had, and all persons desiring to be heard, having been I , II ;'!~~lll'" If I , ! . ...""-"~~~ ,."--_.- if.._ 'HIMJ"~i~ .. ;' Ii ! I I' heard, I Ii I: I NOW, upon the evidence given upon such hearing, and upon motion of JustiGJe Edwards seconded by Justice Clark it is RESOLVED AND DETERMINED: (a) That the Notice of Hearing was pubUshed and posted as required by law, and is otherwise sufficient. (b) That all property and property owners within the proposed extension of the Fishers Island Refuse and Clarbage District, are benefitted I thereby. II (c) That all property and property owners benefitted are included I within the limits of the proposed extension of the Fishers Island Refuse and , 'arbage District. i i (d) That it is in the public interest to extend said Fishers Island II Refuse and Clarbage District. FURTHER RESOLVED AND DETERMINED that this Board in all respects approves the extension of the Fishers Island Refuse and Clarbsge District, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to embrace the additional territory described in and containing the following boundaries, to wit: II ALL that certain tract, piece or parcel of land, situate i on Fishers Island, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the southwesterly Une of Beach Avenue with the southeasterly line of Equestrian Avenue, said point being 10cated6l8. 25 feet North and 3873.92 feet West of U. S. Coast. Geodetic Triangulation Station "PROS "; from said point of beginning running along said Une of Beach Avenue, 8 courses, as tollows: (1) South 47 degrees 07 minutes 40 seconds East 514. 09 feet; thence (2) South 84 degrees 21 minutes 15 seconds East 345.39 feet; thence -3- ~;"~J~i'{j:~'<<"'!rl~"""'''''''''''''''~__' _ U{."'T - .-,.'-. ~_..2~ftl~~~lI7.~,:!o!;;;;l~~.1:~lt.~ .~ ~ . I I II I, , (3) South 78 degrees 31 minutes 10 seconds East 281.33 feet; thence (4) South 81 degrees 28 minutes East 447.94 feet; thence (5) South 67 degrees 38 minutes East 342. 57 feet; thence (6) North 77 degrees 17 minutes East 202. 32 feet; thence (7) North 26 degrees 02 minutes 30 seconds East 131.81 feet; thence (8) North 26 degrees 36 minutes 60 seconds West 32. 38 feet to land now or formeriy of Hay Harbor Realty Corp. ; thence along said land of Hay HartiCIIIl Realty and across the westerly end of a 60 foot right of way leading to land now or formerly of the United States of America, South 39 degrees 45 minutes 10 seconds East 226.28 feet; thence still along said land of Hay Harbor Realty, 3 courses, as follows: (1) South 39 degrees 41 minutes 40 seconds East 64. 38 feet; thence (2) South 76 degrees 00 minutes West 386 feet; thence (3) South 13 degrees 20 minutes East 107 feet, more or less, to the shore of Block Island Sound; thence in a general westerly direction along the shore Une of said Block Island Sound and then in a general northerly direction along the shore Une of Fishers Island Sound, about 12, 200 feet to land now or formerly of the Estate of S. A. Salvage; thence along said land now or formerly of the Estate of S. A. Salvage, 2 courses, as follows: (1) South 48 degrees 58 minutes East 408 feet, more or less; thence (3) South 35 degrees 24 minutes East 424. 0 feet to land now or formerly of Wilmerding; thence along said land of Wilmer'dlng, 3 courses, as follows: (1) South 32 degrees 36 minutes West 465.9 feet; thence (2) South 36 degrees 67 minutes East 406 feet, more or less; thence (3) North 62 degrees 26 minutes East 687.22 feet to the westerly line of said Equestrian Avenue; thence along said Une of Equestrian Avenue, 9 courses, as follows: (1) South 31 degrees 18 minutes East 188.41 feet; thence (2) North 62 degrees 26 minutes East 1. 81 feet; thence (3) South 27 degrees 34 minutes East 25.0 feet; thence (4) South 78 degrees 02 minutes 30 seconds East 105. 07 feet; thence (5) South 49 degrees 33 minutes 15 seconds East 202.44 feet; thence (8) South 80 degrees 38 minutes 30 seconds East 127.50 feet; thence (7) South 58 degrees 10 minutes 50 seconds East 113.37 feet; thence (8) North 79 degrees 28 minutes 15 seconds East 121.87 reet; thence (II) North 41 degrees 48 minutes East 59. 7 feet to the point of beginning. II , All bearings refer to the true meridian. Excepting from the above any lands owned by the United States of America. -3- ,I ~._,--..< ., II I~ ---, ~. ~ .,.,.........-&!'11,\111111i~ _ I___.~~_~-'\.I~ ~~ . -----, . , land it is further , I 1 RESOLVED that this resolution is subject to a permissive referendum as provided in Section 209-e of the Town Law. upon roll call. the vote was as follows: i I I II I 11 , II I 1 I The adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote. and Supervisor Albertson Voting Yes Councilman Demarest Voting Yes Councilman Valentine Yes Voting Justice Tuthill Yes Voting Justice Clark Voting Yes Justice Edwards Yes The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted. -4- . . . . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, at a regular meeting thereof, held on the 12th day of April, 1966, duly adopted, subject to a permissive referendum, a resolution, a copy of which is as follows: I !i nn8U.. .., 11.. _.. ftlJ ftl~ ill the To.. Ct.'. Offte.. ... , , waq"...,. .. .r~ '7- ..)1.....d by'M 1'oW"'''' 01 Ul. Towa" IOIatboldoath. :l<lnd.,. M""'il, 1....1".........111'-'., al' ..p, u.. lap1".Yemen'. propo.... the bOllft.rt.. 01 taw fl.il &. ..... ....lOB 01 tbe Pl.Ja.... I.lad ..f\l.. aad OlIrbap metrict. u.. Mttmat.. Ii !I Ii Ii il I' t! , ., i' " !I apell" u..not. tll4t faet tM' UUI ..p l8 on lUe ia the To.. cn.n'. omco t' I 101' ptdtUc 'UpectlOD alld etaUng aU other matter. reqo.ll'OCl a.,la..... IHI j' i' ""ed. aa4 .peolf;y1q tu 12th uyof .\1"'1 1118. at ....... ' . M. OIl tbat da,. .. tb. time. &nd tbe Flaher8 leland ll'l1"o .~.. la _I. To.... tbe place where tbe said To1t'll Board wovld me" '0 cOIl.War aid " ~ I map aM the prope.ee1 eatea_loa of aid Dtatrlct. ud to h..r .U per... I, I' latera'" m tile .lIbjac:. tnatter thare,,(. conceralni the _me, and to take :; euell Mttoa t1IaeNOll .. I. reqlllre4 or autbori.ad by la.... aDd " 'I !i II ,. Ii ,. W.I01~'lt... .." o1"4er ... dill, _U..~ aa4 lINt.,.. r.. t.... '" ......aM lI'lbl;aJ:AI. . Ia_rm, _ Did mattaI' ... dulyll4tld bJ ..14 T4nna -... -... I "h do, of A "U, 1If." .. "., 0 ....... P. II, "1 I', .,. lit... fteu1".l....d J'tra ..... in Did To..... a. flall .M..loa." . -..- ...... boeD...... and aU pereonll d"'na, to be 1l_1'd. ........... L I; II I! II Ii !l_N. " , .OW, lIpOI1lJae evldeDCe JiV.D IIpon such hearlAIl. aDd upon mot I.. 01 second.d by , It I. I RESOLVED AND DETElUoUNJ:D; (a) That the Notlc. of H..rln. _. pubUeh.d .11d poat.d .. relI'Ilred , by Ia.. .Dd I. otberwl.. lI1Itflcl.nt. I, I' (b) That.U prop.rty and property Often .UblD tbe pr~ed !' at...1oa ot tb. n.b.r. I.laDd aelu.e .ad Garbe,. Dl.rlet. are b..ell.ed I. i thereby. '(e) Tbat aU property Ud propert,. own.rs b.aethted .... laol_cIecI , wllJala th. limit. ot tb. prep ..ad eateaael_ ot tb. n.h.... la".4 "fIa.. .. I ii !: "I'M,. Dlatrlot. Ii , , , , (d) That It I. lD tb. ,.Ue inter..t to .at.nd ..ld ".b.r. I.1atMI i: ..,... Ud o.rba,. DlMrlot. iI { J'URTIIU a-.oLVD Al'fD DETERMINED that thl. -'rd la .U i " ....p.... .ppro... the ......1.. 01 tb. Wieber. blaad Rella.. .Dd a...... ,- Dlatrlc1, la tbe Toft ., Soutbold. Sutfolll County. New York. to ........lJae , :1 addl&loMl '.M1tol7 deacrlbed 18 .ad coatalDiA. tb. tOllowlD, boIIa_rl.., to ~ " wit: I, , I- I' ., " I, i , I, I, ,I i I i. '. I ,I I I [I I I t: I L I: i: I! ALL tMt ee.-tala traot. plec. or paro.1 ot 1aM. alt..t. · ftAer. 1.Iaa4, Ia tbe Toft ot IOIltbeld, C....17 of hlrolllhllltat. ot ... York. botuaded aad de..rIIHt4.. toUo.a: BBOt1lJlQfQ ., ,be lal&er.ectloa 01 the IIO\Itln'''er17 u.. ., "eb A..... wllJa the eouth..at.r17 1Ia. of -......... A...... _14 polm bel., Ioca'ed nl. .. feet Jf~ lUld '''1. .. 'Me _Nt of U. I C..et . OeoUtlc Trl4aplatlClll ItatlOft ''PaClHI trom ...4 polat ot b.....~ r -1.,...._teI lIa. of B_eb AY8QII., . eOlU'.... .. foU....: m "HI f7 d.p'''' IT mlnll'.. 40 .ecocada .lIt '14. . f..t) tlleac. (I) Soutb.. d.,..... 21 IIllnl.lt.. 16 .ecOllda );aM .ta... tNt; tb.eac. -2. -.~_", -.',-. ~,.- "~4."._.~'~....,.-:::-~-,;....~'-n:-_'%~~''''-';~'''''''~'~t'''''-:.l:' , . :: (I) South TI dear... 11 mlnut.. 10 .ecooda Rut a'l. II feet; thence (~) Soutb 81 dear... 28 minute. East .".84 f.et; thence (In South IT de are.. .. mlnut.. E..t 3U. &T feet; taeac. (t) North n d.at.... n minute. Ea., 202. 3a feet; tbeac:. (T) North 28 degues 02 minutes 30 ..concia Eaat 111.'1 feet; thence (.) North as deareeli 16 minute. &0 .econd. W..t U. 31 feet to land aow or form.rly of Hay Harbor Realty Corp. ; tlleac. alona Aid land of Hay Hat1lir:K> Realty and acro.. tb. w.at.rty end ot II &0 toot right of way t_dlnot to land DOW or tormerly of tbe Unlted State. of Am.rica. 60uth 18 d.,r... ~6 mlallte. lD .econd. Ea.t 226. at f.et; thence .tUl aloa, Midland of Hay Harbor Realty. 3 cour.... .. follOW.: (1) South S8 d.gne. 41 minut.. 40 .econd. Ea.t 84.31 teet; tbeac. (2) South Te deare.. 00 minute. West 388 teet; tbece (I) South 11 degre.. 20 mlnllt.. Ea.t lOT f.et. more or 1.... to tb. .bore ot Bloc:ll Jetand SoWlP; thence in a reo.ral ftttt.rly directlon alOOl the .bon lla. of ..Id Block 1.1&Dd Sound and tben In a genere.l Dorther1, dIrection .long the .bore llae of Fleb.u I.land Bound. about U. 200 feet to land Ilowor form.rly of tbe Ketate of 8. A. Salvage; tbenee alan, _ld laDd IIOW or formerly ot tbe Z.tate of S. A. lalva,.. I Clour.... a. foUow.: (1) SOut.... delr... 61 mitSut.. Eut 40. f.et. mol'. or Ie..; t1UIDC. (I) Ioutllll d.IT". H mlaat.. Ea.t 414.0 feet to 1aDcl BOW or tormerly of Wllmerdla'i tlaeDc. .10ll, _ld la..:l of WUmer4l.,. I cour.... .. fOllow.: (1) ....tb II degrees II minute. Wut 416.' fNto tb.... (I) South II de"re.. IT waltte. J:ast ~06 feet. mor. or lal; tbeoc. (I) Nortb U delree. a. minut.. Kut laT. U fe. to 1M w..terl,lla. of _ld Bc(u..trlan Aveaue; tbtlllc. aleAf _14 llae ot aqu..trian Av.nue. "cour.... .. follOw.: (1) South U de are.. II minute. gut 118...1 f.et; th... (I) Rorth 13 Ii.aree. at mlnut.. East 1. 111 f.et; tb..u,. (3) South aT decrees S6 mlnutea ..t 21.0 f..; t~e (~) Soutb 11 4.,re.. 01 minute. SO .econda Eaat 101. 07 ~ theoc. (I) South.1 delrees U minut.. 11 .eeoacia Ea.t loa. ~4 f.et; thenc. (I. South'8 decr". Sf minute. 30 .econ.. Ea.t UT.IO feet; thence (7) South'l clefT8I' 10 mlaute. 60 .econd. i:aat 1 U. IT feet; thenc. (8) North 11 de.r... U minute. 16 second. Ea.t 121. IT r.et; theoee (II) Nort.. U el"r... t8 mlnut.. Eut $8. T t.et to the polat of b.atlUllu,. i' :1 AU bearlnp ref.r to the true meridian. i:xc.ptln, from the abcve any land. owned by the UnUed Stat.. of Am.rlc.. -3- ; I and it i.'further RESOLVED that this resolution is subject to a permissive referendu as provided in Section 209-e of the Town Law, BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK Dated: April 12, 1966 ALBERT W, RICHMOND TOWN CLERK ., I :' - I. I , :e- II II II II TATE OF NEW YORK) I COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ,.. * AFFIDA VIT OF POSTING ss. : ALBERT W. RICHMOND, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is now and at all the times hereinafter mentioned he was the duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, I in the County of Suffolk, New York. That on the 13 day of April, 1966, he caused to be conspicuously posted and fastened up a notice setting forth a copy of the resolution duly adopted by the Town Board of said Town on April 12, 1966, a copy of which is annexed hereto and made a part hereof, on the sign board of the Town maintained pursuant to Subdivision 6 of Section 30 of the Town Law. ~~~JU/ " Albert.' hmond Sworn to before me this 13 day of April, 1966. =n:t11^J~ o..~ Notary Public MARION A. REGENT NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York No. 52-3233120 Suffolk County_ Term Expires March 30L 19.1C.J , .....1<. SOUTHOLD: SUFFOLK COUNTY - - - - - - - - - - - - In the Matter of the CERTl' TOWN asion of the Fishers Island Refuse and lage District at Fishers Island. in the (l of Southold. Suffolk County. New York. suant to Article 12A of the Town Law. rATE OF NEW YORK ) ,OUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) ss. : .'OWN OF SOUTHOLD ) I. ALBERT W. RICHMOND. Town Clerk of the Town of SL Suffolk County. New York. DO HEREBY CERTIFY. pursuant to Se. II subdivision 4(a) of the Town Law. that the time for filing a petition Ii Ii that the matter of the extension of the boundaries of the Fishers Isla Ii and Garbage District. as approved by resolution of the Town Board 01 I: 12th day of April, f966. be submitted to a referendum 0 'I i property owners of the proposed extended district has expired and tha I , Ii , I such petition has been filed with the Town Clerk. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and the St.. _ Jf It. ct the Town of Southold this / day of May. 1966. Town Clerk, Town of Southold I, I' 'I Ii Ii I' I, (SEAL) " Ii I' 'I THE SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES. GREENPORT. N. Yw FRIDAY. APRIL 15. 1966 LEGAL NOTICE I NOTICE IS HERElBY GIVEN i that 1ihe 'I1own Board of 1ihe Town i I I of Southold, Suffolk County, New y,ork, at a r,egular meeting there- : of, held on the 12th day of April, 11966, duly adopted, subject to a . permisSlive ireferendum, a resolu-I tion, a copy.of which is as follows: WHElRElAS, a map has been duly! filed in the Town Clerk's Office, I and I WHEREA.S, an order was duly I adqpted by the Town Board ,of I the Town of SOUtllOId on the 22nd ' day of ,March, 1966, reciting the filing of .said ma.p. the lmPil'iQve- I ments proposed, the ibQlundarie,s of the PDo/posed extension Df the Fishers Island Refu.se and Gar- bage District, the estimated ex- pense thereof, the fact that the map is on fHe in the Town Clerk's Office fQr public iropection and sta ting all other matter:s required by law to be stated, and "IPecify- I ing the 12th day of April, 1966, at 12:30 o'clock P. M. on that day, as the time, and the Fishers Is- land F~re House in ,said Town as the place where the said 'I1own Board would meet to con.sider said ma;p and the PI'!Qposed extension I of said District, and to hear all iPer,sons interested in the subject matter thereof, concerning the same, .and to take such ,action thereon as is required or author- i ized by law, and I WIHEREAS, such order w-a;s duly i publtshed and posted as required by law, and WHEREAS, ,a hearing on said matter 'Mas duly held by said I 'Down Board on the 12th day of: AaJril. 1966,. at 12:30 o'clock P. M. ~ of said day, at the Fishers Island, Fire House in said "Down, and full! tliscussion of the matter having' : been had, and all per:scms desiring I ,to be he.ard, having been heard, ~ I NOW, upon the evidence given' I ,upon .suuch hearing, and u,pon I motion of JIUlSltice EdJw,ards second- i ed by JustIce Clark it is I 'I RESOL= AND DETERMINED: (a).'I1hat the NotIce of Hearing, I was published and pClsted as re-' ! quired. by law, and is otherwise i sufficient. I (b) 'That ,all prCIperty and prop- I erty owners within the proposed extension of the Fishers Island I i Re.fuse and Garba,ge District, are! ! 'benefitted thereby. I I (c) That aU ,prQperty and prop- , erty owners benefitted are indud_ i ed within the limits of the pr:o-; posed extension ,nf the Fisher,s 15- I land Refuse and Galibage District. I (d) 'Dhat it is in the public in-, terest to extend said Fi.shers 1s- I : land Refuse and GaDbage District. ,I FURlnIER RESOLVED AND DE- TERiMINED that this Boa.rd in aU r,E'iSpects aPlProves: the extension of the fuhers Island Refuse,' and ~ Ganbage District, in the Town of I Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to emhrace the additional territQry described in and contain-I iug the following boundaries, to I ~ wit: I ALL that certain tract, piece I lOr parcel of land, situate on ,Fisher,s: Island, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and 'State of New York, bounded and described 31'3. follOlWs: BEGIN~G",.at. the inters,ec- tion. of th\,.jbjtt;hwes\erly line of Beach Avenue,~ wlthbhe south- easterly line of Eq~trian A ve- nue, said point oe"ln.g located 618.25 feet North and 3873.92 feet We,t of U. S. Coast. & Geodetic TNangulatton Station "PROS"; from said point lYfbeginnin,g running along said line of Beach Avepue, 8 courses, as follows: ..1 (1) South 47 degree, 07 min- I and it is further utes 4l) seconds East 514.09 feet; RESOLVED that this resolution th;ence j is suba ect to a permissive refer- (2) South 84 degrees 21 min-' enduro as provided in Section utes 15 seconds Ea.,t 345,39 feet; '209-e of the 'I1own Law. thence ' BY ORIliER OF THE TOWN Y Sworn. (3) South 78 degrees 31 min-! BOARD OF THE TOWN OF utes 10 second, East 281.33 feet; ] SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK thence i OOUNTY, NEW YORK (4) South 81 degrees 28 min- Dated: Apnl 12, 1966 utes East 447.94 feet; thence ALBEE:T W. RICHMOND (5) South 67 degrees 38 min- TOWN CLERK ltA15 utes East 342$7 feet; thence (6) Nqrth 77 degrees 17 min-..shed III tne sala ;SUIlOIK wee Iy Times utes Ea.st 202_32 feet; thence (7) NlOrth 26 degrees 02 min- for . . .".......,..,........... week, utes 30 seconds East 131.81 feet: thence mcing on the ". J, r.. :o'. ': ~,~:~~;". . . . . (8) North 25 degree,s. 36 min- L. 19 (, {_ utes 50 seconds Wiest 32.38 feet.. . . . . . , . . . ~ . . _ ;? labnd nRow 10tr focrmerlY othf Hay "Ii.' ~~:7. ~. . . . . . . . . . . . . .nJar or ea y 'Qrp.; ence~~~' .7~.. along said Land of Hay Harbor.e this . ./. ._'. ~"I, j . . ~ Realty and across the westerly , _. end of a 5{) Loot right of waY'-, .L,. , . . .. 19L.',.. J leading to land now qr formerly 4) of the Unlted States I} f Amer-.......... C. .. . . ..~. ...... '/J . . .. . ica, South 39 degrees 45 minutes ' LP 10 seconds East 22628 feet............ . ~ .... .. .. thence still along said' land 01 Hay Harbor Realty 3 cour,ses, as .follows: (1) South 39 degrees 41 min- utes 40 secQII,ds Elast 64.38 feet; thence (2) South 76 degree.s- 00 min- utes 386 feet; thence (3) South 13 degrees 20 min- utes East 107 feet, more or less, to the .siholie IOf Block I,sland Sounld; thence in a genefla1 ':westerly direction along the -shore 'line of said Block Island Sound 'Ml,d then in a general novtherly . 'd~rectiQln along the shore line of Fishers I,sland Sound, about 1.2,200 feet to land now or fmmerly of the Estate of S. A. Salvage; thence along said land now of forme,rly .of the Estate of S. A. Salvage, 2 . 'courses., as follows: (1) South 46 deg,ee.s- 58 min- utes East 408 feet, more or less, thence (2) South 35 degrees 24 min- utes East 424.0 feet to iand now I or formerly of Wilmerding; thence along said land of Wil-I ,merding, 3 courses, as follows: . (1) South 32 degrees 36 min-] utes 'W1est 465.9 feet; thence I (2) South 26 degrees 57 min- utes East 405 feet, m.o.re or le,ss, thence ' (3) North 62 degrees 26 min- utes East 687.22 feet to the westerly line of .said Equestrian Avenue; thence along said line of Equestrian Avenue, 9 courses, as follows: (1) South 31 deg,rees 18 min- utes East 188.41. feet; thence (2) North 62 degrees 26 min- ]ltes East 1.61 feet; thence ' (3) South 27 degree.. 34 min- utes E:i:st 25,0 feet; thence (4) South 76 degrees 02 min- utes 30 seconds Ea.st 105.07 feet; ,thence (5) South 49 degrees 33 min- utes 15 seconds East 202.44 feet; thence (6) S;mth 80 degrees 36 min- utes 30 second.. East 127.5{) feet; thence (7) South 56 degrees 10 min- 'utes 50 second, East 113.37 feet; thence (8) North 79 degrees 28 min-: ut"" 15 seconds East 121.87 feet; , thence (9) North 41 degrees 46 min-: utes Ea.st 59.7 feet to the point of beginning.' i All bearings refer' to the true meridian. I Excepting from the above any I lands ()Wl1ed ,by the United States of America. I UFFOLK t. in said printed ,<-)'--:,-~ .t ,;.~_ ,'" ( G7 <} "~,,, 1': r THE SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES. GREENPORT. N. Y. FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1966 J.:l<JGAL NIOTICE \ NOTWE IS HElRElBY GIVEN that the '11own Board of the 'l1own ! of Southold, Suffolk County, New I York, at a regula; meeting there-I : of, held on the 12th day of April, , 1966, duly a,dopted, subject to a 'permisSlive ~eferendum, a resolu-I ti.on, a cqpy of which is a.s follows: WHEREAS, a map has been duly I filed in the Town Clerk's Office, I and ' WHEREAS, an order was duly \ adopted by the Town Board of I , the Tawn of SOuthold on the 22nd ,day of March, 1966, reciting the filing of said map, the lmwove- menta proposed, the :boundaries of the prqposed extension of the Fishers Island Ref,u.se and Gar- I bage Di.'5Itrict, the estimated ex-! pense tnereof, the fact that the I ma,p is on file in the Town Clerk's Office for public inspection and stating all other matteis required by I_ to be stated, and ,slpecify- ing the 12th day ,c>f April, 1966, at 12:30 o'clock P. M, on that clay, as the time, and the Fishers Is- land Fi;re House in .said Town as bhe pia-De' where the said 'Down Board would meet to consider said map and the ,pI:Qposed extension, Df saLd District, and to hear all i !persons interesrted in the subject i I matte,r thereof, concerning the i \ same, and to take suchacti.on, 'I thereon as is required or author- \ . ized by law, and i I WIHERElAS, such order wa;s duly' publLSlhed and posted a,s requ~red: '\ by I",w, and . I I WHEREAS, ,a hearing on said i : matter was duly held by said i I 'I1own Board on the 12th day of '\ Jl,pril, 1966, at 12:30 o'clock P. M.I \ of said day, at the Fishers lsland I I Fire House in ,said ~own, and full i ,\ discussion .of the matter having 1; been had, and all ,per,soills desiring I : to be heard, having been heard, i 1 NOW, upon the evidence given 'upon suuch hearing, and Ujpon' motion of Jiustice Ed/wiards second- ! ed by Justice Clark it is I RESQLvro AND DET,ERMLNED: (a) That the Notice of Hearing was published and posted a;s re- quired by law, and is otherwise ,S11lfficient. (b)- That 'aU property and prop- erty owners within the ,proposed extension of the Fi.shers Island I Refuse and Garbage District, are' benefitted thereby. I (c) That all property and prop- : erty owners benefitted are includ- i ed within the limits of the pro-! posed extension of the Fishe,r.s. 19- I land Refuse and Oar:bage District. (d) 'I1hat it Is in the publiC in- terest to. extend :s.aid Fishers Is- land Refuse and Garbage District. FUlRiTHER RESOLVED AND DE- TERMINED that this Board in all rfls.pec,ts rupproves the extenSion of the Fishers Island Refuse and Gal'\bage District, in the Town of SOuthOlid, Suffolk County, New, Y;ork, toO embrace the additional] territory descrihed in and contain- i ing the following boundaries, to I wit: \ ,ALL that certain tract, piece \ I lOr parcel of land, situate on Fisher,s Island, in the Town of SOUthold, County of Suff.olk and state of New York, bounded and described a...~ follows: BEGINNING at the intersec- tic!Il of the oouthw,esterly line .of Beach Avenue with the south- easterly line .of E'questrian A ve- nue, said point being located 618.25 feet North and 3873.92 feet West of U. S. Coast. & Geodetic Triangulation station "PROS"; from said point ,of beginning -,~ng along said line of Bca,W .. -\ 8 courses, as follOViS:. -- ',' (1) SOuth 47 de;g;rees 07 min-' and it is further utes 40 seconds East 514.09 feet; ,RESQ[.,VEJ) that this resolution thence : is subdect to a p.ef'missive refer- (2) SOuth 84 degrees 21 min-' enduro as provided in Section uUes.15 seconds East 345,39 feet; 2,09-e of the'I1own Law. thence ' BY ORlJU'lR OF THE TOWN (3) south 78 degrees 3i min- BOARD OF 'I'HE TOWN OF utes 10 seconds East 281.33 feet; SQU'EHOLD, SUF'FOLK thence OOUNTY, NEW YORK (4) South 81 degrees 28 min- Dated: April 12, 1966 utes East 447.94 feet; thence ALBERT W, RICHMOND (5) SOuth 67 degrees 38 min- TOWN CLERK ltA15 utes East 342,57 feet; thence Iy Times (6) NQrth 77 degrees 17 min- >r. . . . .. .'. .-i ._- utes East 202,32 feet; thence . . ~ . . . . . . , . . . (7) Nle>rth 26 degrees 02 min-, cing on the ... ""tes 30 seconds East 131.81 feet; i thence 1-.', . , ,. .. 19/, .,. (8) North 25 deg"ees 36 min- '0..."'- ~ ~ - utes 50 seconds Wiest 32.38 feet'....,,~.,.-;~...~......,... to land now or formerly of Hay h" . .. . Harbor Realty Corp. . thence' t IS . /. .;"'. .~ ~ .'. . 1 , , I along said land of Hay Ha"borl.. 19' ( r Reaity and across the westerlY"'" . . . .I" .~, J end. ofa 50 foot right of waY' ~ #. leading to !and noW Dr formerly . . . . . . .. . ....... ..,.... '?d' .. .... . of the Umted States Of Amer- . . . . . . . . 1..;. - ica, South 39 degrees 45 minutes . . .... . . 10 seconds East 226.28 feet; i thence stili along said land of Hay Harbor Realty 3 cour,ses, as f.ollows: (1) South 39 degrees 41 min- utes 40 sewnds Elast 64.38 feet; thence (2) South 76 degrees 00 min- utes 386 feet; thence (3) SOuth 13 degre~s 20 min- utes East 107 feet, more or less, to the shore ,of Block Island Sound; thence in a genel'1al westerlY direction along the :shore line of said Block Island Sound and then in a general northerly direction along the Slhore line of Fishers Jsland Sound, ",bout 12,200 feet to land now or forme.r1y of the Estate .of S. A. Salvage; thence along said land now .of forme,rly of the Estate of S, A, salvage, 2 'coutse,s, as follows: (1) South 46 degrees 68 min- utes East 408 feet, more or less, thence (2) SOuth 35 degrees 24 min- utes Ea.,t 424.0 feet to land now or fOJ'lmerly of Wilme;rding; thence along said land of Wil- merding, 3 courses, as follows: (1) South 32 de.grees 36 min- utes Vilest 465.9 feet; thence (2) South 26 degrees 57 min- utes East 405 f,eet, more or less, thence ' (3) North 62 degrees 26 min- utes Elast 687.22 feet to the westerly line of said Equestrian i Avenue; thence along said line of Equestrian Avenue, 9 courses, as f.ollows: (1) South 31 degrees 18 min- ute,s East 188.41 feet; thence (2) North 62 degrees 26 min- ute" East 1.61 feet; thence (3) South 27 degrees 34 min- utes East 25.0 feet; thence (4) SOuth 76 degrees 02 min- utes 30 seconds Ea.st 105,07 feet; ,thence (5) SOuth 49 degrees 33 min- utes 15 second.s East 202.44 feet; thence (6) &outh 80 degrees 36 min- utes 30 seconds East 127,50 feet; thence (7) SOuth 56 degrees 10 min- utes 50 seconds East 113.37 feet; thence (8) North 79 degrees 28 min-I ut", 15 seconds East 121.87 feet; . thence (9) North 41 degrees 46 min- utes East 59,7 feet to the point: of beginning. I All bearings refer .to the true' meridian. . ! Excepting from the above any I lands owned by the United States of america. I . l Sworn. tFFOLK :. in said printed week+ . -: .-, ".', ~:~ t;.-:-. . . . . CORNElIA C. kEOGH '~..' Publk. :::t=te of N41U 'tClft No. 52.209.3890 ..h,,"iIied in Suffolk C .. J::,>'1)l "n: Exoire" M.:a1'C'b 30. a' ~ 7 r NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of SOuth- old, Suffolk County, New York, at a regular meeting thereof, held on the 12th day of April, 1966, duly adopted, subject to a permissive referendum. a resolution, a copy of which is as follows:- WHEREAS, a map has been duly filed in the Town Clerk's Office, and WHEREAS, an order was duly adopt- ed by the Town Board of the Town of .Southold on the 22nd day of MarclJ 1966. reciting the filing of said map, the improvements proposed, the boun- I daries of the proposed exten- I sian of the Fishers Island Refuse and Garbage District, the estimated expense thereof, the fact that the map is on file in' the Town Clerk's Office for public inspection and stating all other matters required by law to be stated and specifying the 12th day of April, 1966, at ,12 :30 o'clock P. M. on that day, as the time, and the Fishers Island Fire House in said Town as the place where the said Town Board would meet to consider said map and the proposed extension of said District and to hear all persons interested i~ the...subject matter thereof, concerning the 'aame, _and to take such action thereon as is required or authorized by law, and WHEREAS, such prder ,was duly published and posted' as required by law, and WHEREAS, a hearing on Said matter was duly held by sald Town Board on the 12th day of April, 1966. at 12:30 o'clock P. M. of said nay, at the Ffsh- ; ers Island Fire House in said, Town and full discussion of the matter hav~ ing been had, and all persons desiring to be heard, having been heard. NOW, upon the evidence given upon such hearing, and upon motion of Justice Edwards seconded by', Justice Clark it is RESOLVED AND DETERMINED: (a) That the Notioe of Hearing was published and posted as required by law, and is otherwise sufIicient. (b) That all property and property owners within the propose<'! extension of the Fishers Island Refuse and Gar- bage District, are benefitted thereby. (c) That all property and property owners benefitted are included within the limits of, the proposed extension of the Fishers Island Refuse and Gar- bage District. (in That it is in the 'public interest to extend said Fishers Island Refuf:.e and Garbage District. FURTHER ItESOLVED AND DE- TERMINED that this Board in all respects approves the extension of the Fishers Island Refuse and Garbage District, in the Town of Southold, Suf- i folk County, New York, to embrace the additional. territory described in and containing the following. boundaries, to wit: ALL that certain tract, piece m parcel of land, situate on Fishers Io\aJ\d, in the Town of Southeld, County of Suffolk, and state of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the southwesterly line of Beach Avenue with the southeasterly line of Equestrian A venue. said point being located 618.25 feet North and 3873.92 feet West of U. S. Coast & Geodetic Triangulation Station "PROS", from said point of begin- ning. running along said line of Beach Avenue, 8 courses, as follows: (1) South 47 degrees 07 minutes 40 seconds East 514.09 feet; thence (2) South 84 degrees 21 minutes 15 seconds East 345.39 feet; thence (3) South 78 degrees 31 minutes 10 seconds East 281.33 feet; thence (4) South 81 degrees 28 minutes East 447.94 feet; thence (5) South 87 degrees 38 minutes East 342.57 feet; thence (6) North 77 degrees 17 minutes East 202.32 feet; thence (7) North 26 degrees 02 minutes 30 seconds East 131.81 feet; thence (8) :Nor'fh 25 degrees ~ mmutes 50 seconds West 32.38 feet to land now or formerly of Hay Harbor Realty corp.; thence along said land of Hay Harbor Realty and across the westerly end of a 50 foot right of way leading to land now or formerly of the United States of America, South 39 degrees 45 minutes 10 seconds East 226.28 feet thence still along said land of Hay HarbQr Realty, 3 courses, as follows: (1) South 39 degrees 41 minutes 40 seconds East 64.38 feet; thence (2) South 76 degrees 00 minutes West 386 feet; thence (3) South 13 degrees 20 minutes East 107 feet, more or less, to the shore of Block Island Sound; thence in a general westerly direction along the shore line of said Block Island Sound and then in a general northerly direction along the shore line of Fishers Island Sound, about 12,200 feet to land now 'or formerly of the Estate of S. A. Salvage; thence along said land now or form- erly of the Estate of S. A. Salvage, 2 courses, as follows: (1) South 48 degrees 58 minutes East 408 feet, more or less; thence (2) SOuth 35 degrees 24 minutes East 424.0 feet to land now or form- erly of Wilmerding; thence along said land of Wilmerding, 3 courses, as follows: (1) SOuth 32 degrees 36 minutes West 465.9 feet; thence (2) South 26 degrees 57 minutes East 405 feet, more or less; thence (3) North 62 degrees 26 minutes East 687.22 feet to the westerly line of said Equestrian Avenue; thence along said line of Equestrian A ve- nue, 9 courses, as follows: (1) South 31 degrees 18 minutes East 188.41 feet; thence (2) North 62 degrees 26 minutes East 1.61 feet; thence (3) South 27 degrees 34 minutes East 25.0 feet; thence (4) SOuth 76 degrees 02 minutes 30 seconds East 105.07 feet; thence (5) SOuth 49' degrees 33 minutes 15 seconds East 202.44 feet; thence (6) South 80 degrees 36 minutes 30 seconds East 127.50 feet; thence (7) South 56 de'grees 10 minutes 50 seconds East 113.37 feet; thence (8) North 79 degrees 28 minutes 15 seconds East 121.87 feet; thence (9) North 41 degrees 46 minutes East 59.7 feet to the point of be- ginning. All bearings refer to the true meridian'. Excepting from the above any lands owned by the United States of America. and it is further RESOLVED that this resolution is subject to permissive referendum as provided in Section 209-e of the Town Law. BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YRK Dated: April 12. 1966 ALBERT W. RICHMOND TOWN CLERK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK l ss: I C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER _ MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Troveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ....cDAa.....ll/z;t; wee~ successively, commencing on the ........../.1./"......"."........ day of "".o/.<<U.Z"..., ...~f ......................................... 'Ut ~ Sworn to before me this ....".j,,:?........ day of ......af~~(/.".., 19b.b t2dt-,!&..!leiLm ADElE PAYNE . Notary Pu" .r:.. State of New Yor~ Res:'.:':;; li1 S\JtfQ:k County NJ. ~2,:),AlOOO / '1 Commission Expires March 30, 19~t:' . ^ > . . r ~ il I i , I II II , . .:---- . ~/'/ (7~ '-1.___ y AFFIDA VIT OF POSTING TATE OF NEW YORK I I COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) I II II That he is now and at all the times hereinafter mentioned he was II the duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, I i in the County of Suffolk, New York. I i That on the 13 day of April, 1966, he caused to be conspicuously I posted and fastened up a notice setting forth a copy of the resolution duly i I adopted by the Town Board of said Town on April 12, 1966, a copy of which ss. : ALBERT W. RICHMOND, being duly sworn, deposes and says: is annexed hereto and made a part hereof, on the sign board of the Town maintained pursuant to Subdivision 6 of Section 30 of the Town Law. ~~~.~ /' Albert. hmond Sworn to before me this /3 d'lY of April, 1966. -=n:tll ^ u~'"" (J.~ Notary Public MARION A. REGENT NOTARY PUBLIC, Stale of New York No: 52.3233120 Suffolk County Term Expires "'arch 30. l~ ~ ~ . ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that thc, Town Boa ,'d of the '1'''''.'1:1 of Southald, Suffolk County, New York, at a regular medi!lV ther'h)!', held on th-.' 121h day of April, 1966, duly adopted, subject to a perml,;sive referendum" . , ! a resolution, a cupy of which is as follows: Ii ..r'lll"-U.. .., baa Mea *II II.... lit tlte ,.... C~I. Of ~r.. _I. ..~..,.U. .. .... ... tII1ratt,l.lad ~ u..... ........... ' J , . ~ ......., '...11...... :l:.tn.1.T.....' Mltrl,h, IN'. ..........1:UIf"... -W IMP. \Ilia .,u.... It 'u,...... the bO.-~rt.. et... ~ ,U" ," '> ,. T ~-mf'.. .... .,~~". I~..... aa4 OiaMlep Dl..dl.~~ ... rll~ 11"'.::';* , ; i: " " !: i' d i' Ii " I: I " L . .-. U. ut, u............., la Otl IUe 1a the "'1_ ~1 t1"'~I. . , .. i' ........... .,..u"t... \U 1:lth .7 of .\1'1', I M ..-lie ''lI' .t_ aM ....ta, aU etlaer ..tlera ~.. .... .._ 1.... at ji Ii '.. ."'t .7. .. tile tlme. &Dd tbe ".Mr. lalluul ".. ...~ tit ~ ' o -rn. .. .... ,aoe ........ U.. aid Towa "'rc1 wwW .... .. - fA If 01 r ... . '. ", I, 11 ~j' f; .... l'lI ,I ,. ji ! II " , ... ... .... 'n..... ...._ of _14 Dtatrlc:t. aM......,.U ". I I T '*.............. lJ ,It ....... t"--f. CClMeralaf tM --'. aM .. ..... ~. )," .. 'MIl{ _II&. .. .. r..-t.... er aatlloltsM b7 "Jr. ... . . ,a... ".." ...........q...t'_-...yr...~. ., "t~."f" ,'" .... .... '.'Zrr..,.. r;. ",_~11!~~ . ~Iiq" _14"""'''.!J __~~......;. :~~: 4 , ~.~. . . ~ - '" ,'" ""'" ....~..l1th.'., AllI"t&. lItD... lZ:30 . - ~ .."p}.......... '.' ~ il Ii ;. "'1'4. I' .ow. ........ m4eec. fiv. .pon lueh ....rl... .. \1" '""IM_ '" . lecoactelf b, It I. ItJllOLVm AJII) DETDMlHJW; I :. Ca) That t... .otlce 01 _.rla. ... paU_elf ... ..... .. . T1 .... .. , , ~ .... ...,. ~.. ftftIol.at, Ii ! !' ......01 tll. "'....ra llliaM a.lIa.. aa4 Qarta,. DlMrtet. .... It I. .. Ot. TW aU prap.", ... properl, .-..r. wttbla tM 1111.". ~-11" I I I I I I I. .-.u.,. . , I: t Ce) Tllat all pl"&~.i7 .... pr.,.rt, ....rs br. ~IIM aN "'--r-. . , :. ........ llalt. ., tIl. ,..., fir" .1It.... 01 tb. "-".... ........ ........ 11 Ii " I! Ii f' ,. ...... DlaItl'hl'. '. W>> 1'bat h I. la .... J I"" tat.r-.t to ....d .Id "'...... ,........ J! . r .. eM Qu-'.. DlaNt. ~ .1 __... .-r e'L" ARD DIITUMDfJ:D ,_, ..... !leaN .. .. I, ....,.... -.,ra'M eM -"nit.." tb. WiMer. 1.1Iua4 ~1tJl...... Ck.- ". , I I, DlItricS. la CM -r... ell 'I ~"d. "~III Coaat,. .... Yen. ... "J D II .. :' ...~1. r 1 'et'1'Ue17 duer" la ad .....taIa. 'M lei......... T ~........ i' I, ...; ,. Ii I, /! I' II .u.&. &aIM ...... ,net. pleo.... ....el fIl..... .-- III .. .....1........ Ia 1M To.." 1111" -.... C "., .....111... .... .,.... Yel'll. ..1~J.J aM .....a.... ......1 'I '. . II at ,... .......eot&ea of ttal ...u.......~~~ .... ., ... A. . wWa.... ..........." u.. .,,. ~ 1 "-- At' ...111..... ....... ....tM .1.. II ....II__IL... 1I'n.1I.... .... ell V. .. c.. .1111 lit.. T~", ........ aUI_ ....--~ "-.a. peIat"~ ~ "I......... ..... of .'PI." A. 11.....................1 (I) .~ .. 4J .1"'" If .'-'11. .. ....d. ... .W.. ...., ...... W ...... M datr... II ...... 1. ._~tt ... MI.. ,.... elrr I I' ,1 I: I II !, I I; i I; I: ., .1- " -~'. '. 1) I' Ii " I: " fl) IMUa 'I delfree. 11 lDinut.. 10 .ee.... ..... II'. .. rut; tbeec. f.) Boutb 11 de,ree. I' mlrllate. Eaat ..,. .. tMt; tbeDe. fl) IolItb IT lIe,ua. I' 1D1n1at.. .~ SU." tNt; ....... (I) Mortb n de,r... l'f mlnut.. Ea.t 202. II r.etJ tlnnt. m IIortll II daJf'''. O' mlout.. .0 _oaa. ... 111. II ~ Uleoe. (I) Korth II dep-ee. .. mlnut.. 10 .eeood8 W.. II. .. te.. tel Ialld ._ or forlD.rly of Hay BarbOI' a.ll)' Corp. : u..o. ...... _id land .t ., HartlMo ft.", and .c..... tb. weatarly ..... of. 10 root 1'1,," of _1IMdiDI to laDd eo. or form.rly of lb. Ull1tad ltat.. of Am.rlea. South II lie".... U mLAl&ta. lG .ecOllda Eaat IU. II teet; tb_. elm ...., _1d laDeS of ., BarboI' aMlly. . 00111'8.., .. foUowe: (1) SolIta" lie",... U mlnuta. .0 ..coad. J:aat N. .. feet; Ul-.c. (I) lIol.lt"" de",... 00 mIDot.. W..t UI fe<<; 01..,. (I) Iolltll 11 d.",... 10 1Il1.llt.. Ea.t 10., fNt. ...n or lea., to tb ....1'. 01 810011 1.laA4 SoIllUi; tbeDC. la . ......1 ........1' dtrectloa alOlal ,... allor. 11M of ..14 aa.u 1.1Ud Ioaad ... da_ I.JI . .......1 .rtbar~ dlracUOlI ...., tile n." llae of Pl.a..,.. lalluld l0UD4. ......t U. Joe feet to laM &OW ... for...rl, 01 till. lE..t. of'. A. llahap; u..o...... _i4 Ia.. IIOW ... tor..rl)' 01 tll. "'t. ., B. A. ...... I ..1'.... .. flIUD..: (1) ....... _,.... .. IDtm_ ... .01 foat. 1DM'e'" I..., Uleaa. (Il ...... II _'I." If aiM... .... .... . teet .. .... IIOW or ,......~ 01 WI......... ................., wu..~ I a.r.... .. ioU....: (1) II III II d.,r... II almat.. W... Ut. I I.... .~r. (I) ...... I' 4.,"" " 1DlDlIt.. aua ........ ,-... _ ..... till... CI. JIorUt II _...... .. IIllallt.. .... 111. II I.. .. 1M ...tor~ tI.. of _i4 -"Mtrlall Av...; tboM........ Uae of ........... A.....e. . coura... .. rou....l (1) Ioutb 11 _"'... I' _IDlIte. ".t III. fllM&J Ul""'l-. (J) "nil II do,ren I' alaut.. "at 1.11 ,"" *_.. (I) Iowtb 17 -11"". .. lIliaat.. .at II..,.... - ,,. (f) Iolltb" -tre.. 01 ..laat.. II .oc~_ .at 1".01 ....., ~. (I) IoIItll.. _...... II __ut.. 11 ..na. "lit 101." loat; ta_. C. Iouu... _"'... .. _laut.. J8 aocOD4o "'11'." I...; ta.Ic. (n IIoutIl II _p-ee. 10 mUtua.. 10 He_d. ... Ill. If r.ot; tMec. CI) JIortb'" do,r... a. mlaut.. 11 .oe'" .... 111.'" tOOl; t1Mac. (It ..rill 61 lIe.r... .. mla.t.. J:aat N. , I... t. .... poW ot ".__... , . , , I. :' " I: i, I, ,. , ,I " ;1 !, 1 [I All b_rlap r.f.r to tho tN. m.riclUa. a.&C.pllq r!'OlD tb. abov. aD1 IaDde owaoct ..,. tU 0...... "'t.. ., A..erica. 't,~ .a. .. " .. . , , RESOLVED that this r",wlution is subject TO a p~ r mUHil lie rp.tt''''~MJ I i I I , I i i I and it i,'further I, II II II I' il Ii I' t/ as provided to Section 209-e of the Town Law. BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OJ<' SOUTHOLD, ~UFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK Dated: April 12, 1966 ALBERT w. RICHMOND TOWN CLERK II I I, 1 i I , f .- ~II At a meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, held at the Fishers Island Fire House, Fishers Isla.od, New York A' on the T~thQay of prtl, 1966. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - In the Matter of the Extension of the Fishers Island Refuse and Garbage District at Fishers Island, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, pursuant to Article 12A of the Town Law. - - - - - - - - - - - WHEREAS,a map has been duly filed in the Town Clerk's Office, and WHEREAS, an order was duly adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Southold on the 22nd day of March, 1966, reciting the filing of said map, the improvements proposed, the boundaries of the proposed extension of the Fishers Island Refuse and Garbage District, the estimated expense thereof, the fact that the map is on file in the Town Clerk's Office for public inspection and stating all other matters required by law to be stated, and specifying the 12th day of April, 1966, at 12:30 o'clock P. M. on that day, as the time, and the Fishers Island Fire House in said Town as the place where the said Town Board would meet to consider said map and the proposed extension of said District, and to hear all persons interested in the subject matter thereof, concerning the same, and to take such action thereon as is required or authorized by law, and WHEREAS, such order was duly published and posted as required by law, and WHEREAS, a hearing on said matter was duly held by said Town Board on the 12th day of April, 1966, at 12:30 o'clock P. M. of said day, at the Fishers Island Fire House in said Town, and full discussion of the matter having been had, and all persons desiring to be heard, having been heard, ii 11 II II it is II " II II I I NOW. upon the evidence given upon such hearing, and upon motion of Justice Edwards seconded by Justice Clark RESOLVED AND DETERMINED: (a) That the Notice of Hearing was published and posted as required by law, and is otherwise sufficient. (b) That all property and property owners within the proposed extension of the Fishers Island Refuse and Garbage District, are benefitted thereby. (c) That all property and property owners benefitted are included within the limits of the proposed extension of the Fishers Island Refuse and Garbage District. (d) That it is in the public interest to extend said Fishers Island Refuse and Garbage District. FURTHER RESOLVED AND DETERMINED that this Board in all respects approves the extension of the Fishers Island Refuse and Garbage District, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to embrace the additional territory described in and containing the following boundaries, to wit: ALL that certain tract, piece or parcel of land. situate on Fishers Island, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the southwesterly line of Beach Avenue with the southeasterly line of Equestrian Avenue, said point being located 618.25 feet North and 3873.92 feet West of U. S. Coast & Geodetic Triangulation Station "PROS"; from said point of beginning running along said line of Beach Avenue, 8 courses, as follows: (I) South 47 degrees 07 minutes 40 seconds East 514.09 feet; thenc e (2) South 84 degrees 21 minutes 15 seconds East 345.39 feet; thence I I II .~. -2- - II , i I I I I I (3) South 78 degrees 31 minutes 10 seconds East 281. 33 feet; thence (4) South 81 degrees 28 minutes East 447.94 feet; thence (5) South 67 degrees 38 minutes East 342.57 feet; thence (6) North 77 degrees 17 minutes East 202.32 feet; thence (7) North 26 degrees 02 minutes 30 seconds East 131. 81 feet; thence (8) North 25 degrees 36 minutes 50 seconds West 32.38 feet to land now or formerly of Hay Harbor Realty Corp. ; thence along said land of Hay Harbor Realty and across the westerly end of a 50 foot right of way leading to land now or formerly of the United States of America, South 39 degrees 45 minutes 10 seconds East 226.28 feet; thence still along said land of Hay Harbor Realty, 3 courses, as follows: (1) South 39 degrees 41 minutes 40 seconds East 64. 38 feet; thence (2) South 76 degrees 00 minutes West 386 feet; thence (3) South 13 degrees 20 minutes East 107 feet, more or less, to the shore of Block Island Sound; thence in a general westerly direction along the shore line of said Block Island Sound and then in a general northerly direction along the shore line of Fishers Island Sound, about 12,200 feet to land now or formerly of the Estate of S. A. Salvage; thence along said land now or formerly of the Estate of S. A. Salvage, 2 courses, as follows: (1) South 46 degrees 58 minutes East 408 feet, more or less; thence (2) South 35 degrees 24 minutes East 424.0 feet to land now or formerly of Wilmerding; thence along said land of Wilmerding, 3 courses, as follows: (1) South 32 degrees 36 minutes West 465.9 feet; thence (2) South 26 degrees 57 minutes East 405 feet, more or less; thence (3) North 62 degrees 26 minutes East 687.22 feet to the westerly line of said Equestrian Avenue; thence along said line of Equestrian Avenue, 9 courses, as follows: (1) South 31 degrees 18 minutes East 188.41 feet; thence (2) North 62 degrees 26 minutes East 1. 61 feet; thence (3) South 27 degrees 34 minutes East 25. 0 feet; thence (4) South 76 degrees 02 minutes 30 seconds East 105.07 feet; thence (5) South 49 degrees 33 minutes 15 seconds East 202.44 feet; thence (6) South 80 degrees 36 minutes 30 seconds East 127.50 feet; thence (7) South 56 degrees 10 minutes 50 seconds East 113.37 feet; thence (8) North 79 degrees 28 minutes 15 seconds East 121. 87 feet; thence (9) North 41 degrees 46 minutes East 59.7 feet to the point of beginning. II I I I II II I, " II II I I, I' II II I I II I' II I , II I I I I, II !I i All bearings refer to the true meridian. Excepting from the above any lands owned by the United States of America. -3- - . , and it is further RESOLVED that this resolution is subject to a permissive referendum as provided in Section 209-e of the Town Law. The adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote, and upon roll call, the vote was as follows: Supervisor Albertson Voting Yes Councilman Demarest Voting Yes Councilman Valentine Voting Yes Justice Tuthill Voting Yes Justice Clark Voting Yes Justice Edwards Yes The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted. I' II " II II II II -4- I I I I I ii' ii " !' i , I I .... At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, New York, held at the Supervisor's Office, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, in said Town on the ~:lJ Day of?'t'o-d 1966. I i :i Ii PRESENT: I , ,I I! 11 II 'i II i' , I I Lester M. Albertson, Louis M. Demarest, Howard C. Valentine, Ralph W. TuthiH, Henry A. Clark, 1'1-_.- L] Supervisor Councilman Councilman Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace "!lHI u A iLL ~ e In the Matter ORDER PROVIDING FO PUBLIC HEARING RELA TIVE TO EXTENSION OF THE DISTRICT BOUNDARIES I I I Extension of the Fishers Island Refuse and ' Garbage District at Fishers Island, in the II Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, II pursuant to Article l2A of the Town Law. II I , I I of the WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Refuse and Garbage District at Fishers Island, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, has approved and consented in writing to the extension I I I I I II described in addition to the territory already contained in and embraced by II II " !I II II I of the boundaries of said district to embrace the territory hereinafter said district, and WHEREAS, a map entitled "Map of proposed addition to the Fishers Island Refuse and Garbage District, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, N. Y. " showing the proposed extension of said district has heretofore been filed in the office of the Town Clerk, and WHEREAS, the boundaries of the proposed extension of said district are as foHows: ALL that certain tract, piece or parcel of land, situate on Fishers Island, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as foHows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the southwesterly Hne of Beach Avenue with the southeasterly line of Equestrian I __lL__ L - ". i[. : . Avenue, said point being located 618.25 feet North and 3873.92 feet West of U. S. Coast & Geodetic Triangulation Station "PROS"; from said point of beginning running along said line of Beach Avenue, 8 courses, as follows: (1) South 47 degrees 07 minutes 40 seconds East 514.09 feet; thence (2) South 84 degrees 21 minutes 15 seconds East 345. 39 feet; thence (3) South 78 degrees 31 minutes 10 seconds East 281. 33 feet; thence (4) South 81 degrees 28 minutes East 447.94 feet; thence (5) South 67 degrees 38 minutes East 342.57 feet; thence (6) North 77 degrees 17 minutes East 202.32 feet; thence (7) North 26 degrees 02 minutes 30 seconds East 131. 81 feet;thence (8) North 25 degrees 36 minutes 50 seconds West 32.38 feet to land now or formerly of Hay Harbor Realty Corp. ; thence along said land of Hay Harbor Realty and across the westerly end of a 50 foot right of way leading to land now or formerly of the United States of America, South 39 degrees 45 minutes 10 seconds East 226.28 feet; thence still along said land of Hay Harbor Realty, 3 courses, as follows: (1) South 39 degrees 41 minutes 40 seconds East 64.38 feet; thence (2) South 76 degrees 00 minutes West 386 feet; thence (3) South 13 degrees 20 minutes East 107 feet, more or less, to the shore of Block Island Sound; thence in a general westerly direction along the shore line of said Block Island Sound and then in a general northerly direction along the shore line of Fishers Island Sound, about 12,200 feet to land now or formerly of the Estate of S. A. Salvage; thence along said land now or formerly of the Estate of S. A. Salvage, 2 courses, as follows: (1) South 46 degrees 58 minutes East 408 feet, more or less; thence (2) South 35 degrees 24 minutes East 424. 0 feet to land now or formerly of Wilmerding; thence along said land of Wilmerding, 3 courses, as follows: (1) South 32 degrees 36 minutes West 465. 9 feet; thence (2) South 26 degrees 57 minutes East 405 feet, more or less; thence (3) North 62 degrees 26 minutes East 687.22 feet to the westerly line of said Equestrian Avenue; thence along said line of Equestrian Avenue, 9 courses, as follows: (1) South 31 degrees 18 minutes East 188.41 feet; thence (2) North 62 degrees 26 minutes East 1.61 feet; thence (3) South 27 degrees 34 minutes East 25.0 feet; thence (4) South 76 degrees 02 minutes 30 seconds East 105.07 feet; thence (5) South 49 degrees 33 minutes 15 seconds East 202.44 feet; thence (6) South 80 degrees 36 minutes 30 seconds East 127.50 feet; thence (7) South 56 degrees 10 minutes 50 seconds East 113.37 feet; thence (8) North 79 degrees 28 minutes 15 seconds East 121. 87 feet; thence -2- II !i Ii II :1 ... Ii' " I I II II " 'i I I I - (9) North 41 degrees 46 minutes East 59.7 feet to the point of beginning. All bearings refer to the true meridian. Excepting from the above any lands owned by the United States of America. WHEREAS, no improvements are proposed; and no amount is proposed to be expended for improvements or for supplying of services within the territory of the proposed extension, and WHEREAS, said map is on file in the Town Clerk's Office, for public ~ ._~.~.~~J, inspection, now, therefore, on motion of p::// , it is and seconded by ORDERE , that the Town Board of the Town of Southold shall meet and hold a public hearing at the Fishers Island Fire House, in the Fishers Island Refuse and Garbage District, in said Town, on the /:;e/ day of ~ ' 19~ at/~:'''otclock'p.M. (E.S.T.) to con- sider such proposed extension of the boundaries of the Fishers Island Refuse and Garbage District and to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof, concerning the same and for such other action on the part of said Town Board with relation thereto as may be required or authorized by law. Dated: ~~,7~./9~~ ( (SEAL) Members of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, New York -3-