HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-62.-3-37 (2) . i~?~ PP."~.;!SN.IJN.<P. B...~jRD fJ ~tiJt:rI'f;<;\ ~ ~ TOr!~t}QP ~~LD SUF~2L.*~. 'I:}, . Y ~ ;]& 11'() ,= . Southold, N.Y. 11971 HENRY E. RAYNOR, Jr.. Chairman TELEPHONE FREI?~RI~I( @. 9QRB~n 765-1938 JAMES WALL BENNETT ORLOWSKI. Jr. GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, Jr. William F. Mullen, Jr. June 18, 1982 Mr. Charles R. Cuddy Esseks, Hefter, Cuddy & Angel 108 East Main Street Riverhead, New York 11901 Re: Southland Corp. Dear Mr. Cuddy: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board, Tuesday, June 15, 1981. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board approve the parkin~ on the map of Southland Corp. which was certified by the Building Inspector June 5, 1982 for the proposed 7-El~ store to be located at Southold. If you require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Susan E. Long, Secretary cc: Building Dept. ~C~O\rIIb.>f~~\)I ?M~G . Southold. N.Y. 11971 HENRY E. RAYNOR. Jr" Chairman FREBERISn E. 88RBEHI JAMES WALL BENNETT ORLOWSKI. Jr. GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM. Jr. William F. Mullen, Jr. TELEPHONE 765 - 1938 March 25, 1982 Mr. George Fisher Senior Building Inspector Southold Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Fisher: Attached herewith is a site plan for the proposed develop- ment of a 7-11 to be located at Southold. During our reg- ular meeting of March 22, 1982, the board instructed the secretary to refer said plans to the Building Inspector for certification. If you have any questions concerning the above, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Yours very truly, HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TONW PLANNING BOARD By Susan E. Long, Secretary Attch. (3) . Southold, N.Y. 11971 HENRY E. RAYNOR. Jr.. Chairman f'RE9EA.ISK E, ~gA.ggtl JAMES WALL BENNETT ORLOWSKI. Jr. GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM. Jr. William F. Mullen, Jr. TELEPHONE 765 - 1938 May 13, 1982 Mr. Charles Cuddy Esseks, Hefter, Cuddy & Angel 108 E. Main Street Riverhead, New York 11901 Re: Southland Corp. (7-Eleven) At our regular meeting, May 10, the Southold Town Planning Board took the following action: RESOLVED that the site plan "Southland Corp." (7-Eleven) be referred to the Building Inspector along with a copy to the Town Attorney's legal opinion, dated April 26, 1982. For your information, I have enclosed a copy of the above mentioned correspondence. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact this office. Yours very truly, HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTH OLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Susan E. Lonq, Secretary Ene. i....'.... . .' If. ~~17!~:'" . Il~j~'\ ~J~ ."~t'~ . I~",\!\""',....,..l, .,'", .'"'.~..;'..... ,. t.,~ ....~_"'.. ,.," ',ro, '.'. ,~,,,,,, '"' " ..' ~~ ' ~~~~:?::. d t APR 9 1998 '.., f8 ttK jVl5 Ed Forrester, Bob Kassner. Town Board Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, New York 11971 To: Mr. Forrester--Code Enforcer Mr. Kassner--Site Plan Reviewer Southold Town Board Members Southold TOMfil 7, 1998 Planning Board Several of us have contacted you regarding removal of 7-Eleven's lights and other 7- Eleven problems. We feel their most recent activities are adversely affecting the character of our neighborhood and we request that these activities be redressed. #1. High wattage lights, halogens or otherwise are intrusive and unnecessary. We ask that the halogen lights that shine into our windows all night be turned off. At the very least, be restored to their original fixtures and wattage in compliance with the site plan. Not only have the flood lights on the back and side of this facility increased in wattage, but the overall lighting in every fixture has too. All the lights need to be reduced. We should not have to live with our blinds down, especially with summer coming. #2. We ask that the 7-Eleven side exit which accesses traffic dangerously into our neighborhood be closed. The recent intrusion of 18-wheeler trucks coming down our residential streets and into our neighborhood, tottering around corners and up onto properties must be stopped. No one in the neighborhood is ordering Snapple, Coors Lite, or McLane frozen food to be delivered to their homes. These delivery trucks literally have "no business" down here. These are town roads, but they are residential town roads, not commercial town roads. Even on the expressway, for satety reasons, heavy commercial trucksare restricted to certain lanes. Heavy commercial trucks are not even allowed on parkways which are state roads. Why should 18-wheelers be allowed on residential streets? 18-wheelers do not belong in a residential setting. In all the years 7-Eleven has operated, we have never had 18-wheelers coming into the neighborhood! This is something new. Whenlfllrst happened this past fall, on October 7, 1997, we were horrified. 7-Eleven assured us they would take care of the problem, and they did. Fd a few weeks all was well and quiet. Unfortunately, this problem has started up again. " ..:0. ,..----.... ....- '- When Southland comes within the next few days to reduce the lights, please make '<- . ! them aware o.f this equally intrusive problem regarding delivery trucks. This matter ~~ needs Immediate attention. We need to feel that our neighborhood IS being kept "'''''. safe, protected and private, as outlined in <WI zon~~<!..~~(Article 1, General \ Provisions 100-10.) ..J ~~~~'~II '. e;J--J- '~ ~..1 :;:::~'"" ffli~~.". j b{j.,/J:zt:::;: ys:y=.~ ,~ O/lAJ./r/--UI1J . .~,-;~~" ~0'i!-' J..(" )/ aiJJV7(lJL-~' - ~~ '-. .<:' ...J.J:.. ~ ----: ~.'" CJJ :. d 6 . \ AJ :-1:. ~~ 'r'V'--'.I" ... "..-- 1'Vb!:1._(;,;, .}anning DljlPt., Y J~CObS-Hig.hWay Dept.... I.) <VI ,-41H"~ J ;Jp: CA:.- vi J;j;~~~'/ r; .,? \ oU~e~ ,~ -1i4~~~:,f:1~d~tr,'. //c""f;:!!j;f ~~ 0- ~ , 'r. ~S~'.. ~~~ ~L~ , ! / .. . . Zoning Code, Article I, General Provisions Our concern is entirely with our rights as citizens and property owners. The General Provisions of our Zoning Ordinance protects these rights. It's fundamental purpose is to protect and promote "the public health, safety and welfare" and includes the following: 100-10 Purposes c...privacy for families d...prevention and reduction of traffic congestion e...maximum protection of residential areas g...enhancement for the appearance of the Town of Southold 100-11 Conflicts A. "Where a provision ...conflicts with...any other provision...the provision or requirement which is more restrictive or which establishes the higher standard shall govern. " The higher standard of a residential neighborhood should come before that of a convenience store. .' . ." . . :;;u...6P ~ 550 Locust Lane Southold, NY 11971 April 2, 1998 Mr. Edward Forrester/Code Enforcer Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, NY 11971 To Mr. Forrester: My husband pointed out to you, in his letter, how dangerous the side exit of 7-11 onto Locust Lane is. They have cut the bush, but it doesn't make any difference. Cars backing out still cause traffic problems. I am always afraid of being hit on my way to work. I don't need an accident. I guess that side exit should be closed if you don't want anyone to get hurt. Our street is dangerous because of 7-11 trucks and speeding teenagers. Three weeks ago, a house on Hobart Road was hit by a car. Our homes are very close to the road and we don't want this to happen to us on Locust Lane. Another thing, we are still waiting for those lights to be turned off. They still shine into our homes. It is not fair to us. We want them turned off right away. We have all been putting up with 7-11 problems for years and years and things keep getting worse. I think it's time that something be done about it. The Town should find 7-11 a better location so none of us have to complain to you anymore. Sincerely, (g;J7~~JA/'7?Jd~ Frances Mitchell Cc: Town Board, Town Planner, ZBA, Code Committee rwq APR a 1998 Southold Town Planning Board . . to:Y"._i...(~ 1-11 (', '-".<<.&-~ {/~~ 550 Locust Lane Southold, NY 11971 March 23,1998 Mr. Edward Forrester/Code Enforcer Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, NY 11971 To Mr. Forrester: Thank you for speaking with me today about the 7-11 lighting problem. As I mentioned to you, my front door faces north on Locust Lane and the floods light on 7-11 shine into my living room. I spend most of my evenings in this room and the lights are very unpleasant. I also brought up the dangerous side entrance - which is hidden by a bush. On more than one occasion, I have almost had an accident. This is a constant danger to everyone and for safety reasons alone, this side entrance should be closed. If it weren't for the presence of7-11, our street would be relatively quiet. 7-11's customers should not be accessed into a neighborhood. A better place for 7-11 would be the Feather Hill Shopping Complex. Business would be contained in the Business District. There is plenty of parking and good truck access from behind. This location would be convenient for everyone - business people, shoppers, students and especially people coming on and off the Sunrise Bus and Railroad. It would be a welcoming terminal for visitors. Early morning or late night, travelers would be accommodated by a convenience store where newspapers, coffee, and telephone service are always available. Feather Hill is already well lit, architecturally cohesive and bordered by Route 25 and the railroad tracks. There are a lot of vacancies here that would benefit from this move. This is the very district we want to encourage business in. Here, there is no danger of disturbing a neighborhood, like they've been doing in Founder's Estates. While I think this is the best solution, I'm sure anyplace is better than where it is now. Some serious action should be taken at this time. Yours truly, JI~.~ Harry Mitchell STOP-Watch ~~!lWq MAR 2 5 1998 Cc: Town Board, Town Planner, ZBA, Code Committee South old Town Planning Board . . Sv\'\ \JS- Locust Lane Southold, NY 11971 r1arch 16, 1998 Mr. Ed Forrester/Code Enforcer Southold Town Hall Southold, NY 11971 Dear Mr. Forreeter, We were glad that you epoke immediately with 7-Eleven about their ehrill lighting. It is terrible that they could even have lighting like that in a re~idential area. What'~ worse is that after you spoke with them this past week, they proceeded on Friday (March 13 at 12:30 pm) to install bulbe of even higher intensity. imat's going on? The lights do not deter the "rowdies", but attract them all the more; Area resIaente will confirm thie. Southold Town is a rural community and this lighting is totally out of keeping. Our neighborhood hae had to tolerate this nuisance since 1982. Now, there is twice as much noise, garbage, people, traffic and lights so that the location is even more unfeasible. They have outgrown their location which was inaa~quate to begin with. I don't think it is asking too much to explore some alternative location at this time. Better late than never. In the meantime it would be nice, if just out of respect and consideration for other people, 7-Eleven would comply with the lighting ordinance--by reducing the wattage in the front and removing the newly installed rear and side flood lights that shine on our homes and into tne-eyes o~otorists. We're not asking any more than is asked of us. Thank you. Sincerely, /1iVf!-aW_L S~<<ooc<,f 1.1elanie Sanford c.c.: Southold Town Board, Town Flanner m.'......,....-- 0l..~.......".">.".1Jrn~..... ~1Ii\ r::':" "";,\:~.;;,;~',<",~<, \~i '~~ f~:1:" ,'x"''.~~9'~- llII' i:L ;::i ti,:{~, ' ;,i:~~). .:... MAR 17 1998 '. SouthGid Town Planning Board . . PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman George Ritchie Latham. Jr. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDunald Kenneth L. Edwards SCOTT L. HARRIS Supervisor Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Soulhold. New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (516) 765-1823 ;"ebruary 14, 1992 Jeffrey S. DiLandro 66 Old Country Road Quogue, NY 11959 RE: Security Lighting for 7-Eleven stores Main Road Greenport and Southold SCTM# 1000-46-1-2 SCTM~ 1000-62-3-37 Dear Mr. DiLandro: The Planning Board has received your letter of February 10, 1992, requesting the Board's approval to install fourteen foot (14') light poles at the 7-Eleven Stores in Greenport and Southo1d. The Board's policy is that all such light poles be no more than twelve feet (12') in height. Please submit a sketch of the lighting for our review before you install them. If you wish to discuss this matter further, the Board will be happy to meet with you at its next scheduled public meeting on February 24, 1992. Please call my secretary on the morning of February 24th, to find out by what time you should be there. If you have any questions, or require further assistance, please contact this office. Very truly yours, Zbn'JU~ ~<-;'7./?:s Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman cc: Victor Lessard, Principal Building Inspector , . SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNIt~OARD 30 FEBRUARY ~ 1992 ( You are talking about a bare field right now. You are not talking farmland, you are talking a bare field. Unknown person: It was farmed once in the last five years. Mr. Flatter: It has been farmed once since then, one year since then, Marty Sidor farmed it. The few times I have looked through your file there are lots of comments from us asking to be taken into account on this. The only thing that I have seen talking about moving it to the north is a letter from Henry Drumm, a letter from Joe Gergela and I was in here one day when Marty Sidor verbally said let's move it to the north. Why don't you respond to the official documents in the file on this job? People talk to you on the street or whatever. What is more important? All these people here or a bunch of farmers or whoever it may be. Joe Gergela called you up and said, listen Benny, we have got to get this thing moved to the north. What is more important? We are the people who have to live with this crap. Sorry. Mr. Orlowski: Any other comments? Hearing none, I'll entertain a motion to adjourn. Unknown person: Are you going to respond to these people or what? c: Mr. Orlowski: I don't have an application to respond to. Unknown: They made some very good points. Mr. Orlowski: You already know how I feel but I'm only one person but I don't have an application to respond to. **************************************** Mr. Jeff DeAndro: I am here in reference to the outdoor lighting for the Southold and Greenport Seven Eleven. Ms. Scopaz: Are you protesting the twelve foot poles? Mr. DeAndro: Yes, exactly. Ms. Scopaz: Apparently Sky Electric has asked that they be allowed to put fourteen foot poles and they have been sent a letter saying that the light and pole be twelve feet in height. Mr. DeAndro: I'm from Sky Electric one of the contractors doing the Suffolk County Pole length for Southland Corporation Mr. Orlowski: We are going to go with the twelve foot. l Mr. DeAndro: Was there a reason, only because I noticed, we have been out here a few different nights to layout the lighting , , ( ( c SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNIN~OARD 31 FEBRUARY . 1992 and there were numerous other locations with poles quite a bit higher then twelve feet and I did come here ........ Mr. Ward: Now you know why we want twelve foot. Mr. McDonald: You didn't have the advantage of being here earlier but one of the decisions we did today was to tell all of the people to take down their thirty foot and put up a short one. We don't have control of the pre-existed rights, but our policy is to try and bring the lighting down to a scale that is more in keeping with the rural character of the Town. Mr. DeAndro: I fully understand that, but what happens is, in this case bringing down the level to a twelve foot pole you are forced to put maybe a power flood type fixture in pushing the light to cover a parking lot area. Where the architectural design throughout the country is a shoe box type fixture which contains a light almost like a flashlight coming down directly on the parking area or the site area. It is not a power flood whereas the higher you go up to put a power flood it would be a nuisance, almost a eye sore. Mr. Ward: Obviously, going with twelve foot poles, it may be an extra pole or two and it may mean lower wattage to make your even distribution. Mr. DeAndro: My main concern is that would be fine in some cases, but where you have a parking area where you can't cover the total gap unless you mount a power type flood to push the light across the parking lot area was our concern. Obviously, the higher level in which we bring the light up, we are not creating more light, we are using the same type of fixture, but we get more of a overall light over the parking area and I think that was our concern. I have some photographs. Mr. Orlowski: Are you saying twelve foot won't do it? Mr. DeAndro: Actually, the original sketch was a three foot concrete base with a seventeen foot pole. They do make a fourteen foot pole which is available which would take about four weeks to get. We have used seventeen foot poles throughout and I understand that Southold is a little bit more concerned about making it look like a commercial type area. Fourteen foot poles are available. Mr. McDonald: For installation on a three foot high concrete pad? Mr. Ward: We're talking mounting heights, not higher poles. We're talking twelve foot mounting heights. Mr. DeAndro: I understand that and actually I am not even sure those poles are available for that mounting height. SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNIN9IIPARD 32 FEBRUARY 2~1992 ( This renovation is taking place across the County, I guess. Basically, what it is is a lighting upgrade mostly for safety and security purposes. Mr. McDonald: But it is taking place on a wider scale except with Southold so Southold wasn't evaluated on its own merits, it was the fact that it was designed with the fact that it would be adequate for the average site. Mr. DeAndro: It was a twenty foot pole mounting height. What I am looking to do is try and find a happy medium. Smithtown has a height requirement of eighteen foot and we were able to meet that. Other areas do not achieve building height and our concern is to keep the lighting contained to the parking area. Mr. McDonald: Is the lighting insufficient on these sites already? Mr. DeAndro: Well, out in Greenport there was one incident where someone was mugged or assaulted in the parking lot area. Mr. McDonald: The security is not the question, I mean the in store security. ( Mr. DeAndro: No, inside the store is not a problem. I think what is happening is the total program with southland Corporation is that they are finding that there is more and more working women in the field today so what is happening is that they want to light up the parking lot area. Not necessarily brighter because a lot of them have 1000 watt metal floods type of situation which has a low wattage type of lamp but getting more of an even lighting throughout the parking lot areas. This way working women on their way back from work want to stop and feel a little bit more secure in the parking lot areas, I think that was one of the main concerns and also they are just trying to improve the overall look. Mr. Latham: Southold store has a small parking lot, smaller than most and it seems to me that when I have gone by their at night or stopped, the sign that is there does a pretty good jOb with the interior lighting and the sign itself lights up a lot of the parking lot~ Mr. DeAndro: Actually Southold is probably much better lit than the Greenport store and I don't think we are looking to actually increase the lighting but I think we are just trying to make it more of an even spread. Mr. Latham: There are houses behind and also at Greenport, Driftwood Cove apartments are right next to it and we hate to see a lot of light going over there. <- Mr. DeAndro: The type of lighting that they are dealing with is not a glare type of lighting. The light won't be leaving SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNIN~ARD 33 FEBRUARY 2.1992 ( the premises. Actually, looking at it from the outside, I have got some photographs and you actually can't even see where it is coming from it is basically an overall, you know illuminates the parking area. Mr. McDonald: What about Cutchogue? Mr. DeAndro: Cutchogue is on the next step, now that you mentioned, I figured whatever evaluation ......... Mr. McDonald: I see, it is to come. Mr. DeAndro: Right, in other words, I would do it as soon as I could. Mr. orlowski: Maybe, we can just order a bunch of twelve foot poles and forget about it. ( Mr. DeAndro: Well, the twelve foot pole would be alright except for the fact that in Southold and Greenport we have three foot bases already installed there. My concern is that we would have to go for a nine foot pole. You are probably wondering why do we install the basis to begin with? I did come by and we had a tight schedule. They had appropriationsby the end of December and they have the installations in and they did come by and at that time there were no restrictions in Southold Town and there was no building permit required for installation of outside . lighting. I was advised that there wasn't a perceivable problem to request a site plan waiver and proceed. Generally, it probably wouldn't have been a problem if there was something in writing at the time stipulating that there was a twelve foot limit on the poles. At the time, there wasn't anything available. Mr. McDonald: What are the stock sizes made? Are they available essentially in any length? Mr. DeAndro: Right now, there is fourteen foot and seventeen foot pole available. The two sizes. They did send someone out to inspect the sites. Mr. McDonald: So a fourteen foot would have a seventeen foot total height and the seventeen foot would have a twenty foot total height. Mr. DeAndro: Well, I have got about six inches of the base actually buried into the ground. Everyone talking. ( Mr. McDonald: I don't think the building is higher than twelve feet, is it? Mr. Latham: Well, maybe fourteen. I'm guessing. SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNIN~ARD 34 FEBRUARY 2t1tl992 ( Mr. McDonald: I mean, it is hard to understand putting the lighting higher than the building. (inaudible) Mr. DeAndro: I can give you a couple of ideas to see what type of lighting we are talking about. It's a shoe box type fixture. Everyone talking. Mr. Orlowski: The Planning Board would like to stay with the twelve foot poles. Unknown person: Mr. Orlowski, as a point of order, we weren't finished with what we were speaking about and these people want to be able to go home. Mr. Orlowski: Well, I didn't realize that and this is just a open discussion and there is no agenda so I am letting him speak. Unknown person: As a point of order, you should have finished with this discussion first. Everyone talking. **************************************** ( Mr. Orlowski: Any other questions or comments for the Board? Mr. Rich Artmar - Mattituck Saltaire - I live on the northern dead end of Wavecrest so I certainly have an interest in this whole project. I haven't been opposed to the development of that property from the beginning because when I moved in there I felt that it was going to eventually be developed, especially the way things were booming back in the late 70's and early 80's and I followed this along the last few years and I was pleased to see that the Board indicated to Mr. Matthews to shift it and cluster it to the south and I saw those site plans in the file and thought that things were going to proceed along those lines. I believe that was last summer that I looked at those. Then, I was surprised to see that that wasn't proceeding as planned and I guess it comes back to the question that was asked before. Why have things been reversed now, flipped and is Mr. Matthew's previous application, does he have to file an application when he files those site plans? Is that present application in effect at this point? The southerly clustered site plans because you said before he hasn't revised anything, just looked at it. Mr. Orlowski: Actually, it is stuck in preliminary. Mr. Artmar: What does that mean? l Mr. Orlowski: There is no preliminary approval granted. y \ J ,.. Southold Town Board of Appeals ";. " MAIN ROAD - STATE ROAD 25 SOUTHOLD. L.I.. N.Y. 11971 TELEPHONE 15161 765-1809 ACTION OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Appeal No. Application TO: 3374 Dated June 11, 1985 (Public Hearin9 July 18, 1985) [Appellant (s) I Esseks, Hefter, Cuddy & Angel, Esqs. as Attorneys for SOUTHLAND CORP. 108 East Main Street, P.O. Box~279~ Riverhead, NY 11901 At a Meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals held on ~~ust 8, 1985, the above appeal was considered, and the action indicated below was taken on your I Request for Variance Due to Lack of Access to Property New York Town Law, Section 280-a Request for Special Exception under the Zoning Ordinance Article , Section [XI Request for Variance to the Zoning Ordinance Article XI, Section 100-119.1 (a) , '. [I Request for Application of SOUTHLAND CORP. (7-11l - Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article XI, SectIon IOO-T19.1(a for permission to construct fence in excess of height limitations in front yard area at premises identified as 56480 Main Road, Southold, NY: County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-62-03-37. (B-1 Business Zoning Di~trict). ---- --- --~---- - -- ~ ~----- -~-- ~--- --- WHEREAS, a public hearing was held and concluded on July 18, 1985, in the Matter of the Application of .?.QJ!T_~LAN.Q.J:QB..!'..:.' Appeal No. 3374; and WHEREAS, the board members have considered all testimony and documentation entered into the record in this matter, and it is noted for the record that there has been no opposition entered concerning this appeal application; and WHEREAS, the board members are personally familiar with the ~r0mises in question and the surrounding properties; and WHEREAS, the board made the following findings of fact: 1. By this application, appellant requests a variance from the requirements of Article XI, Section 100-119.1(a) for approval of a six-foot high chainlink fence, with redwood slats through the links, 10' by 10' enclosure for the purposes of storage within the front yard a re a. 2. The 10' by 10' fence enclosure is shown at six feet. from the westerly front property line, set approximately 12 feet from the west side of the principal building. 3. The parcel in question is locat.ed in the "B-1" General Business Zoning District, contains an area of 17,954 sq. ft., with 150' frontage along the Main (State) Road and 125' frontage along Locust Lane, a town road. 4. The premises is improved with a one-story masonry building of a size 67' by 35' set back from the northerly front propert.y line LCONIl!!!LED ON PAGE TWO) DATED: August 13, 1985. CHAIRMAN, SOUTHOLD TOWN ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Form ZB4 (rev. 12/81) . , '1 J . , . Page 2 - Appeal No. 3374 Matter of SOUTHLAND CORP. Decision Rendered August 8, 1985 52 feet and from the westerly front property line 35 feet,and the existing 10' by 10' fence enclosure in question. 5. The board members are in agreement with the appellant and find that the height of the subject fence enclosure is necessary for storage of garbage in portable garbage containers, provided that the fence enclosure not be roofed, that the contents to be stored not exceed the height of the fence at six feet, and there be no storage of flam- mable or combustible materials. In considering this appeal, the board has found that this proposal should be granted as conditionally noted below since: (1) the relief requested will not be detrimental to adjoining properties; (2) there will be no substantial change in the character of this district; (3) the relief requested will not cause a substantial effect of any increased population density. (4) the circumstances are unique; (5) the difficulty cannot be obviated by some method feasible to appellant to pursue other than variance. Accordingly, on motion by Mr. Sawicki, seconded by Mr. Goehringer, it was RESOLVED, to GRANT the relief requested for a fence enclosure within the front yard area at a maximum height of six feet, as applied under Appeal No. 3374 in the Matter of the Application of ~OUTHLAND CORP., SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: I. The fence enclosure never be roofed; 2. The fence enclosure be maintained at all times in good condit ion; 3. When necessary, redwood slats be replaced. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Messrs. Goehringer, Grigonis, Doyen, Douglass and Sawickt. This resolution was adopted by unanimous vote of all the members. * * * ~~A-N---- August 13, 1985 1 k __..J.. "" . Southold. N. Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 May 3, 1984 Ms. Jody Adams P.O. Box 68 Peconic, NY 11958 Dear Ms. Adams: AS per your request enclosed is the traffic count from the file for the site plan of the 7-11 store located at Southold. ~ery truly yours, :%110--'--<:- tv. .~~ lDi~ne M. Schutlze,Secretary Southold Town Planning Board enc. '" ,] I":! .. 'I, '10, ':,1 Y{~,;,:K .";" I : l/ l/ Iv I'll x 1'1 ) 1 x , I / I 3/82 x x Y l 1 3 9 IV :3 ' X n MORr<lNG FlUSH HOUR 8 : 1 5 8: 30 2 I 1 2 J J OUR CO"!vER 3 y Iv XY Y IV IvZ Y Iv I _ --- J x I / U/82 X X ED Y 1 I \'1 l 4 NOON 6 X :00 - 12: I 5 8 I --~-------- 1 2 3 2 2~\~I -~y T~___= _ YOUR C'ORNER 1'1 Y 1'12 Iv =~___-_]==- -X X X 0 1/13/82 -------~--_._---~-- 1 EVENING 1 ~:iS- Y 6 4 W ~:3'~ - Z 6 RUSH HOUR ? X ----------~ Z 8 4 Z z_-=~[~T-~ . Y W XY Y IV WZ Y OUR CORtJER _;r~~:_I==:~I__ -:J- X X X o I / 1 3/82 Y 3 0:45 PM - 10:00 7 8 2 W 7 X r<lGHT 1 z 3 1 3 r-~~-, y ~I Y:'( Y OUR COf~~JER , ' '-..; ,/;" . '" - ,r '" /C rf: o U JJ.:t..f I Ie C OUtH J ., ,- o ,- ,- :x: a: " z Z a: o '" 1'1 =. r - I 30 } U x lY) I . 0 ,/-- Y - 3, ~'~'F : .....,,1," ~ ";;;, Y 1 J4~ 150 l 3 '~'~48 153 1'1 ~== ___ -14214_ I 46 z o a z x a: " z z UJ > UJ X 14 142 16e 168 : Y ,2 Iv X y. 1 2 - .4 27 3 8 16t 27 r l- I " Z ,,8. 38 3 I- -' z z Z I "" a: a UJ " I- a a > a '" z UJ Z I- W 132 ~~1~6 30 X 130 161 142 27 Y 142 150 168 39 Z 140 153 178 42 -------- __u__ ---------- -----.--- ..~r~r ~ -' ,- "" I ,- " a ,- :E z.. w z ---------,- 'WRTH 5 9 6 4 24 - ------- SOUTH 5 12 4 22 ...~.~'\ ~> -> EAST I t./:J I )C, I 74 . c cO2 J. WEST 130 161 142 27 ~60 :',OT A~- .276 ~?5. C334 _ 75 100 4,,1008 = L4,I'iL X .~5 = \),305 1-:" ~nc. = AP2;"'tIYII.'.ATl=-"?lI. ~-l.R .f'.J:lIINT . . II, I I":' ~ !::j: "t D, lll;\1 . I j (~ f, -' (..I \ " I ,,' , ('.' '" " Y\,::K '.'IZ x \1 1,',' 1/13/82 X ) - ------- f y 3 Z 9 8: 15 - 8:30 I I >: x tliO r:n~ I NG liUSH HOUR \1 3 . X n z L z z] ___ I 3 Y W XY Y W WZ Y urr~-- -; OUR CCm~ER ',\' I / I 3/82 X X 'ED Y I \v L " NOON 6 X ':00 - 12: 1 5 8 1 Z 2 3 Z . z' '~'I~r~y.I~~- Y OUR CORNER w WZ Y --~'-J"--I __u", W - - .. --- .----- ---- ------ ----.---- x x X 0 1/13/82 -- ~----- --.---- I EVENING I - !;':'is- Y 6 ~ VI -:3,' Z 6 RUSH HOUR ? X Z 8 ~ Z .....-L--... 'L' -----. Z ~ - ZY -- -- ---- W XY Y \1 WZ Y OUR CORrJER _\~T_~~.I:..~-I- -= X X X o 1/13/82 Y 3 9:45 PM - 10:00 I 8 2 \v 7 X r<lGHT Z 3 Z z -~--~~-- ,1 ~I XY Y OUR CO,,'~ER . If 'U t:J , <. -. If ,. () U X hi a: Cl X z z Y cr 0 '" ! \',' z X a a z Y Z hi x a: X Cl Z Z , Y UJ ----- > ,2 UJ If.::.1 fIe courn , '" ,. a 1- I" -"j" .. . "3~30"._"_~~_0 2 ~Q 13? '1:t? ~_Ji~~39 .::: ) ; I ; "],J~, ~; "--I~- 1~6 ;;-j~: ::: \1 27 .2. l- X 27 - x 'n' ----- Cl Y, r ..38.. z 2 3 38 .- -- I- ..J Z Z Z x '" a: a lU Cl I- a 0 > 0 '" z UJ Z I- W 132 168 1~6 30 ~----- X 130 161 I~Z 27 Y 1~2 150 168 39 ------ 2 140 153 178 42 --.---- Cl Cl ..J Z '= - z ,- '" z z X I- a: a UJ Cl a 0 a > I- '" Z UJ Z -~--- iJORTH 5 9 6 ~ 2~ SOUTH I 5 12 ~ 22 ------------ ..:) -~.)- =-> Et..ST 140 150 1 7~ '0 "02 ,~ , 'Ii WEST 130 161 1~2 27 ~60 -- . . lOTAL 276 325 33~ h 108 it-xl00S'o-L4-;Fi[X .~5 0 )),305 l'::t <.nl; - n.DD;:Y-)YII_~.o.TC ')11 I-JR rnll\lT LUC!I~ ~ L/\~~[ "I.ni ie'll D, N J'J YO!\K W \'IZ . i j\ i i C LJ) iJ;~ I . x .'- =J=~~I~~_~ .>0 I.'} o 1/13/82 x x 1 MORr~ING y 3 1 W Z 9 I~USH HOUR 3. x 8: 15 - 8:30 -"-~"-~---~-'-- Z Z Z ~-;]-~-] ---;-- y OUR CORNER -- .-_.~- W Xy Y W WZ Y W ~_- T ~~-L-- x 1/13/82 X X !'IED _________._n_.._ Y I 1 W Z 4 NOON 6 X 2:00 - 12: I 5 8 I Z 2 3 Z Z Y OUR CORNER W WZ Y W x x X 'ED 1/13/82 1 EVENING I - .!:': 'IS- y 6 4 W ~:3" Z 6 RUSH HOUR x Z 8 4 Z . ~ ~ W <l Z .- ~ lRAi.FIC COUNT ~ X_n~ ~-=T~=F~O-;--O ~ =: :f.?l=- 139: :: ~; (r:~~;c. :;,; 2';'- x - - I~] - - ~I ~ -~-~t~l~ ~ 48 ~~~ ~:: W 1424146 eeJ ~ i= x e: " z z W > W X 14 142 ~-- ~y 2~ 166 168 --.-'- - .Z - .4 8 W 27 X 27 y. f Z 3 38 42 l- X " Z I- --' ~ Z Z Z x "" '91< e: 0 UJ " I- 0 0 > 0 "''9 ::; z UJ Z I- vi 132 168 146 30 47 X 130 161 142 27 46 Y 142 150 168 .~ .~ . Z 140 153 178 42 '< ) ....;;.c. :.Z 4 2 ,y OUR CORNER W Xy Y " " --' \~ WZ Y z Z I- "" Z Z Z X l- e: 0 W <.:J 0 \~. X 0 0 > I- ::; Z W Z X X NORTH 5 9 6 4 24 'ED 1/13/82 SOUTH I 5 12 4 22 y 3 2 W i;t -, 4 9:45 PM - 10:00 Z 8 NIGHT 7 x EAST 150 174 36 502 _._._----~ . Z 3 Z WEST 130 161 142 27 -160 .y TOTAL 276 325 334 73 100 Z 3 1 OUR CORNER ~._._- 14,19 X . ~5 J,305 4 x 1008 - 'II XY Y . 13,305 = APPRO X 11'1A TE 24 HR. COUNT . . WI LLJAM W. ESSEKS MARCIA Z. HEFTER CHARLES R. CUDDY STEPHEN R. ANGEL ESSEKS, HEFTER, CUDDY & ANGEL COUNSELORS AT LAW 108 EAST MAIN STREET P. O. Box 279 RIVERHEAD, N. Y. 11901 (516) 369-1700 WATER MILL OFFICE MONTAUK HIGHWAY P. O. Box 570 WATER MILL, N. Y. 11976 1516) 726-6633 June 10, 1982 .JAMES HEFFRON Mr. Henry Raynor, Jr. Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Southold, New York Re: Southland Corp. Dear Mr. Raynor: We understand that the approval of the parking requirements in connection with the plan of the Southland Corp. for construction of a 7-11 Store will be on the Planning Board's agenda at its next meeting. We further understand that this matter will probably be held at Fishers Island. If any questions arise which prevent the Board from approving the plan, as submitted, we ask that you withhold taking any action on the plan until the next meeting in Southold so that we may have an opportunity to appear with representatives of Southland Corp. to respond to the Board's questions. We believe the plan, as submitted, meets all of the requirements and since this matter has been pending for some time we would appreciate the Board approving this matter provided that, as above stated, there are no outstanding considerations. Thank you. Very truly yours, (-~>L ...( ,. r C:~UV) CharlesR. Cuddy! CRC/ec ~~ brJ\ / . . JUN 14 REC'O Southold, New York June 9, 1982 Supervisor william ~. Pell II Southold Town Board Southold, NY Dear Supervisor Pell, ~e want to express again our objections to the proposal of a 7-Eleven store in Southold village. As you know, we are whole-heartedly against such an enterprise whose "track record" and history threaten to jeopardize the "health, saf'ety, and general welfare" guaranteeed by the governing statutes of the Town. We remind you that the general purposes of any ordinance are as much in need of enforcement as the specific requirements of a code. The general purposes of the Town Zoning Ordinance provide protection for: 1. privacy for families 2. prevention and reduction of traffic congestion J. maximum protection of residential areas 4. the enhancement of the appearance of the Town Despite the revised site plan recently submitted by the Southland Corporation to comply with sufficient rear yard areas, we still believe that the important general statutes of the Zoning Ordinance are left unaddressed. We are enclosing a copy of a news article indicating the serious problems 7-Eleven stores are creating in other communities. To date, approximately 700 residents have signed a peti tion voicing strong public objection to the location of another 7-Eleven store in Southold Township. Sincerely, ~~ (UrU;~ d. ClLf.x/LfsDn lJ 0lLCO:,fy.%~- Jj:t ;llI:,f~ i' <<'A~,z.~a.. V/~:t I.<./v ,'::::1'..1 / M!ht f /;1~ ,/; L~~/, ~ ~~,/ //-- -Ii-r ?l/~ ~ c.."'1>tJ\ "." ...... All-Night Hours a Probleln - Neighbors Angry at 7 -Eleven By Harry Jupiter Residents In the Parkside Dlstrkt who say they are fed .lth screeching tires, bra- bottles and spray paint on their cars and homes, are demanding that a '.Ele\'en store In the neighborhood stop staying open 24 hours a "ay, Some 75 residents have signed a petition to the San Francisco police calling for the convenience store at Taraval Street and 32nd Avenue to close at 11 p,m, every night. They say they are beset by "brawling, drunken troublemakers who loiter around it until the wee hours." Gene Janssen, owner of the st~" aid yesterday it was news to hi at his neighbors were unhap- py. wish someone would come and talk to me," he said. "He's hardly ever there," said Janet Cochrane, one of the irate residents of 32nd Avenue. "It's a mess out here most nights, especial- ly Thursday through Sunday nights, and I hate to think what it's going to be like, with summer coming on." Irene and Patrick Casserly, IRENE CASSERLY She circulated a petition who live a few doors away from Cochrane, collected the signatures on a petition they sent to Captain Edmund Cassidy of Taraval police station. "This '.Eleven store is causing serious problems to the community by remaining open all night," the Casserlys said in their petition. "Despite an occasional patrol car from your station, this store Is and will continue to be an attrac. tion for these brawling, drunken troublemakers, , i . , "They have' damaged autnmo- biles parked on .,tbe street, have driven up on th~ sidewalks with their cars and' have used the entrances to our' homes as bath- rooms. t "Enough is hough! We im- plore you to gi\"e ~s some assistance in this matter, or to advise us where we can appeal for remedial action," Patrolman George Grant, who deals ",ith permits, was trying to work out a reasonable response to the neigbborhood complaint. , "No question there are prob- lems out there," Grant said, "Most of the trouble is'between 11 p.m. and 3 a.m. But we can't point our finger at the 7-Eleven exactly be- cause all of the incidents reported are outside the store. "So we're kind of caught in a bind there. But we don't have enough people to keep cars there all night long." ! An auditor in the business and payroll tax department of the Tax Collector's Office said all businesses in the city have to register, but ! "they can open the doors and ne\'er . f t .! -~ - 1" J t < ~., ~ r~ ,~:_:x.\,),- 'uxij ',;." {+ ,r .,; ~i ',' ..~. ,.,. .'.', 1 " "' I ~~"; ; 1"'~:4 .,1' ;~. --".-..-d:;J. PIwt(H "1 MiJce Malone) Parkside I'esidents claim the 7-Eleven at 32nd Avenue ane Taraval is a magnet for 'brawling, drunken troublemakers: close them again once they've got their registration and pay their taxes." "The people we seem to haVE trouble with aren't juveniles, they're people in their mid-20s. people who hold jobs and get a little drunk and raise a little. hell on Friday and Saturday nights, ''They're mostly guys who have been hanging around since they were kids, except they're not little boys anymore." "I've talked to the captain at Taraval Station myself," store own- er Janssen said, "and he told me to call whenel'er there's trouble. We do, and the police come as quickly as they can. . . JUN 14 REC'D Southold, New York June 9, 1982 Supervisor William R. Pell II Southold Town Board Southold, NY Dear Supervisor Pell, We want to express again our objections to the proposal of a 7-Eleven store in Southold village. As you know, we are whole-heartedly against such an enterprise whose "track record" and history threaten to jeopardize the "health, safety, and general welfare" guaranteeed by the governing statutes of the Town. We remind you that the general purposes of any ordinance are as much in need of enforcement as the specific requirements of a code. The general purposes of the Town Zoning Ordinance provide protection for: 1. privacy for families 2. prevention and reduction of traffic congestion J. maximum protection of residential areas 4. the enhancement of the appearance of the Town Despite the revised site plan recently submitted by the Southland Corporation to comply with sufficient rear yard areas, we still believe that the important general statutes of the Zoning Ordinance are left unaddressed. We are enclosing a copy of a news article indicating the serious problems 7-Eleven stores are creating in other communities. To date, approximately 700 residents have sig;.-.ed a petition voicing strong public obj~ctiol1 to the location of another 7-Eleven store in Southold Township. Sincerely, ~ ()..a!J.~/ ,""'; (Ur~ d. ()J.>>vl:fH)n \- 1 i -. ((eel-<- ~ ry-- ~'"' ~'-~~ r:\Jddk ~ff {/ ~~^v'J f ~ \//VnA-"'- /t?.J-.;lL~rv ~~t f /;7f~ ,Y;L~~ /~ ~ -71 /:4:~ C:,'f,tI\ "'M' '..... ..,.. II ....'... I.....' ...; '..14 All-Night Hours 0 Problem - Neighbors Angry at 7 -Eleven By Harry Jupiter Residents In the Parkslde iFrict who say they are fed ith screeching tires, hrG- Ii bottles and spray paint on their cars and homes, are 'demanding that a '.Eleven store In the neighhorhood stop staying open 24 hours a da~', Some 75 residents have signed a petition to the San Francisco police calling for the con venience store at Tara,'al Street and 32nd Avenue to close at 11 p.m. every night. They say they are beset by "brawling, drunken troublemakers who loitp-. around it until the wee hours. Gene Janssen, owner of the S.said yesterday it was news to h at his neighbors were unhap- py, "I wish someone would come and talk to me," he said. "He's hardly ever there," said Janet Cochrane, one of the irate residents of 32nd A venue. "Jt's a mess out here most nights, especial. Iy Thursday through Sunday nights, and I hate to think what it's gOing to be like. with summer coming on." Irene and Patrick Casserly, . IRENE CASSERLY She circulated a petition who live a few doors away from Cochrane, collected the signatures on a petition they sent to Captain Edmund Cassidy of Taraval police station. ''This '.Eleven store is causing serious problems to the community by remaining open all night," the Casserlys said in their petition, "Despite an occasional patrol , car from your station, this slore is and will continue to he an attrac. tion for these brawling, drunken troublemakers. , , , ''They have 4amaged automo- biles parked on ithe street, have driven up on the sidewalks with their cars and 'bave used the entrances to oui homes as hath. rooms. l "Enough is ~nough! We im. plore you to give ts some assistance In this malter, or fo advise us where we can appeal for remedial action." Patrolman George Grant, who deals with permits, was trying to work out a reasonable response to the neighborhood complaint. "No question there are prob- lems out there," Grant said. "Most of the trouble is'between 11 p.m. and 3 a.m. But we can't point Our finger at the 7.EJeven exactly be- cause all of the iBcidents reported are outside tbe store. "So we're kind of caught in a bind there. But we don't have enough people tQ keep cars there all night long." t An auditor in the husiness and payroll tax department Qf the Tax Collector's Office said all businesses in the city have to register, but , "they can open the doors and never F ",. '1 ~:7-~'-':'::~' -::: " ':_,,-: ~.'-:- ' .,.,.....,-....;.. <. ',,"- ~ 'hi ""''- ,-.-, ; ~... :;l? ~'.":~_ ..' ,..~ '.>>-.. ~ f: -j ~,. ....,-- . ,,' ,., , .:.,;:,-...,......:...,-._~,~.....:.::: ~"_.---~-,- '-'-,..''''- PIwM... .,. 1Ia. MoloA.y Parkside I'esident. claim the 7-Eleven at 32nd Avenue and Taraval is a magnet for 'brawling, drunken troublemakers.' close them again once they've got their registration and pay their taxes. .. ''The people we seem to have trouble with aren't juveniles, they're people in their mid,20s, people who hold jobo and get a little drunk and raise a little hell on Friday and Saturday nights. ''They're mostly guys who have been hanging around since they were kids, except they're not little boys anymore." "I've talked to the captain at Taraval Station myself," store own. er Janssen said, "and he told me to Call whenever there's trouble. We do, and tbe pollee come as quickly as they can. Me.rnorandQ.ro.rn . . . . BUILDING INSPEcrORS OFFICE ToWN OF SOUTl{OLD TOWN lfA-Lt, SOUTl{OLD, N. y. 11971 ::------..:: 765-1802 . &'-'7'<-"',/ ~V\ d' tfL>'l< j~ (<7 ;g- ~ ;q 7-1/ t-:/ /'Le~V'-<'c( ;:z;( tJ4f ~>l-~ Ch,d mCb1 ~ q dc?H1 /u~-> c/ d;) :3 ~ ~. ~ c7i4 , - ~~. . .L. 765-1802 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N. Y. 11971 ~ a/wnt"v; 3tlA r! . h:/A'Y1 fkl/ I PO. 80 x 7 ~ f5 ft/i-td Nj. (,Q7/- V7.?.1f ~th/>-.,~ . kl :4rliuVlcl ~ (7- ~&n) Lj{)J.1.hf/;;;, 1 m~/~j(q?2-- . ap- /fjm/~ AX Vnnur' d~ t:~ /wrn /;{ /dWl') ~ "Yh.<t Acu~ ,;M g- ~ a pkr~ . ~ /l-I~ J ~ #1~C~y.. /UCl/\ !/&ld ~ ;th YnClw, /IAJ"'C( ~. ~7'.i ~ h1; ,rr; cf-. ~ f/'MCWl ~ /11-- ~ !XL ~r=d /0 ;(i1;;{)/Oci<- m~,,' /1AJtAcI. ~ wP ~ ~av-e LfO ( P (;~d. 35( ~ (h }nvV\~ ~ 4 "B-/ ~cI ~c~, )J;thl cJ! ) /"1 g;-- J- ~ ce/U4' ~v)/~ . . ",~ (I. \) l:\\-\J (~\ " \~~~i ESSEKS, HEFTER, CUDDY & ANGEL COUNSE:LORS AT LAW 108 EAST MAIN STREET P_ 0_ Box 279 RIVERHEAD, N. Y. 11901 WIL.LIAM W. ESSEKS MARCIA Z_ HEFTER CHARLES R CUDDY STEPHEN R. ANGEL (516) 369-1700 WATER MILL OFFICE MONTAUK HIGHWAY P. Q. Box 570 WATER MILL, N. Y. 11976 1516) 726-6633 May lO, 1982 ..JAMES HEFFRON Mr. Henry Raynor, Jr. Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Southold, New York Re: Southland Corp. Dear Mr. Raynor: This will confirm that the Southland Corp. will submit a plan showing its building conforming to the set-back now required of thirty-five feet (35') for each rear yard. This will not change the parking as shown on the existing plan and we ask that the board consider the parking in accordance with Mr. Tasker's letter, as amended, and advise if this meets with the board's ap- proval. We would appreciate the Planning Board's acting as expeditiously as possible so that the building permit may be applied for. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, " . / j , (/U"I /\ / ':; " ~~,,- . . -.--' 'r . -~, - / Charles R. Cuddy) CRC(ec c.:'\ ~ ('1\ . . WILLIAM W. ESSEKS MARCIA Z. HEFTER CHARLES R. CUDDY STEPH EN R. ANGEL ESSEKS, HEFTER, CUDDY &. ANGEL COUNSELORS AT LAW 108 EAST MAIN STREET P. O. Box 279 R1VERHEAD, N. Y. 11901 MAY 1 9 REG'~ (516) 369-1700 WATER MILL OFFICE MONTAUK HIGHWAY P. O. Box 570 WATER MILL, N. Y. 11976 1516) 726-6633 May 17, 1982 JAMES HEFFRON Mr. Henry Raynor, Jr. Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Southold, New York Re: Southland Corp. Dear Mr. Raynor: I have been made aware of a typographical error in Mr. Tasker's letter in connection with the site plan review of the parking of the proposed 7-11 Store in Southold. Since this will cause a delay in the processing of a building permit application we would be most appreciative if the board, on behalf of the applicant, the Southland Corporation, would expeditiously pass upon the parking as shown on the site plan. In particular we would ask that you place this item on your agenda for your next meeting so that it can be considered at that time. Thank you. CRC/ec Very truly yours, (-::. II " f' (J, . ~J4,-- ,,- ~-X!t- Charles'~R. .. Cuddy' .tl\. c,,'b ROBERT W. TASKER Town Attorney OFFIC T . RNEY TELEPHONE (516) 477-1400 425 MAIN ST. GREENPORT, L.I., NEW YORK 11944 MAY 14 REC'O May 13, 1982 Mr. Henry Raynor, Jr. Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Southold, New York 11971 Re: Southland Corp. Dear Henry: On April 26, 1982, I wrote you a letter with respect to the above. In reviewing this letter I find that there is a typographical error on the first line of the last paragraph. It states that "It would appear to me, however, that the Planning Board does not have jurisdiction. . . . . ". This should read "It would appear to me, however, that the Planning Board does have juris- diction. . . . ". In other words, the word not should be deleted. Yours very truly, & ROBERT W. TASKER RWT:aa . .J ""''' ".. ,,",- """""" " "''''' .,. '''' Southold. N. Y. 11971 RLOWSKI. Jr. 'CHIE LATHAM. Jr. , F. MUllen, Jr. May 14, 1982 Mr. George H. Fisher Senior BUilding Inspector 3outhold Town Hall ;outhold, New York 11971 ear Mr. Fisher: e: Southland Corp. (7-Eleven) 1closed Please find ,ted May 13, 1982, .tter to this board correspondence from the Town Attorney, regarding a typographical error in his dated April 26, 1982. would appreciate Your determination on the rear yard and JntYard set back reqUirements regarding this site Plan With 1sideration to the above mentioned letter dated April 26. 'nk you for Your cooperation. Yours very truly, HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD :harles CUddy, Esq. By SUsan E. Long, Secretary f; . .,.~./;>;^~ "Y . ~ ~ 0" ,- ,1- C.\J\ I vi'1' "'- pr~W:i:~~~D TcLW'J\' ~f:IS" OU,.' ;J!qLD .~ -:;, ,~li:, :$P f! SGFF.Q~i1t", ,',' y ~'l!}/ ,'~ ';"'0 ~'l'~1 . Southold, N,Y, 11971 HENRY E. RAYNOR. Jr.. Chairman rA~2ERIgr[ J;: ~9RI?QjJ JAME:S WALL BENNETT ORLOWSKI. Jr, GEORGE: RITCHIE LATHAM. Jr, William F. MUllen, Jr. TELEPHONE 765 - 1938 May 13, 1982 Mr. George H. Fisher Senior Building Inspector Southold Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Re: Southland Corp. (7-Eleven) Dear Mr. Fisher: The enclosed legal opinion and letter from the Town Attorney appears to be self evident. Please note his opinion on rear yard and front yard as they appear to indicate the difference in interpretation of the ordinance. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. Yours very truly, !~'"Y\ ~~~.~" ~ ~ Henry~. Raynor, Jr:, Cna~rman Southold Town Planning Board sel Enc Is. (3) .r . "'"'" ,... ..' ROBERT W. TASKER Town Attorney ORNEY D TELEPHONE (516) 477-1400 425 MAIN ST. GREENPORT, L.l., NEW YORK 11944 April 26, 1982 Mr. Henry Raynor, Jr. Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Southold, New York 11971 Re: Southland Corp. Dear Henry: By your letter dated April 21, 1982, you have asked for my opinion as to the code requirements for front and rear yards and the method to be used in measuring such yards. The Southland Corp. premises are located at the southeasterly corner of New York State Route 25 and Laurel Lane at Southold and the premises and lands adjoining the same are in the"S-l" Business District. The Zoning Code defines "front yards" as "an unoccupied ground area opened to the sky between the street line... and a line drawn parallel thereto." The "street line" is "the dividing line between a lot and a street". The "rear yard" is "an unoccupied ground area fully opened to the sky between the rear lot line and a line drawn parallel thereto." A "rear lot line" is defined as "the lot line generally opposite to the street line;" A "corner lot" is defined as "a lot with the junction of and abutting on two or more intersecting streets where the interior angle of the intersection does not exceed 135 degrees". In the "A" Residential Zone, a special provision is contained in the Zoning Code (100-34) for corner lots. This section provides that front yards are required on both streets and one yard other than the front yard shall be determined to be a rear yard and the other a side yard. There is, however, no such provision in the Zoning Code for corner lots in the "B-1" General Business Zone. Accordingly, it is my opinion that yard areas adjacent to both New York State Route 25 and Laurel Lane are "front yards" and the building must be set back 35' from each street. "" . . ;;, , Mr. Henry Raynor, Jr. -2- April 26, 1982 It is also my opinion, since the code defines "rear lot lines" as "the lot line opposite the street line", that there must be two rear yards provided which must be not less than 35 feet each. There is one aspect of this matter that confuses me. You indicate that the Planning Board is reviewing this plan as a site plan pursuant to Article 13 of the Zoning Code. However, the code requires site plan approval only in those cases where the code so specifically provides. In the B-1 General Business Zone, only uses permitted by Section 110-70 B requires site plan approval. The use contemplated in this case is a retail store which is a use permitted under Section 100-70A(1)(c) without site plan approval by the Planning Board. It would appear to me, however, that the Planning Board does not have jurisdiction to determine the off-street parking requirements for the proposed use pursuant to Section 100-112 of the code. The off-street parking schedule does not specify the parking requirements for a retail store. Section 100-112 provides that uses that do not fall within the categories listed in the schedule shall be determined by the Planning Board Yours very truly, /~ ..::;:::/ ert:r ROBERT W. TASKER RWT:aa C1BI"\ . . Southold, N.Y. 11971 HENRY E. RAYNOR. Jr.. Chairman FREBGRI9t: B. C9RB9tl JAMES WALL BENNETT ORLOWSKI. Jr. GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM. Jr. William F. Mullen, Jr. TELEPHONE 765 - 1938 April 21, 1982 Mr. Robert Tasker Town Attorney 425 Main Street Greenport, New York 11944 Re: Survey and Sitp. Plan for Southland Corp. (map enclosed) Dear Bob: Under Article 13 the Planning Board is reviewing this parcel. Under Section 100-130, 131, etc., compliance of this Site Plan has been given by George Fisher, Senior Building Inspector, with regard to no existing violation of zoning, dated April 11, 1982. On a field inspection by this Board on April 20, 1982, the question of definition on front yard and rear yard on the proposed building was discussed. Under Section 100-131 A (traffic access) and Section 100-131 B (circulation and parking) it is apparent the curb cut pro- posed on New York State Route 25 will be the major ingress. The question arises that as traffic flow will be primarily from this lo- cation, and this is a front yard by definition, the rear yard then becomes deficient by 10 feet; present plan shows 25 feet. Bulk and Parking Schedule indicates rear yard to be 35 feet. Please advise where our Board's jurisdiction for a definition of front yard begins and ends or is it solely within the province of the Building Inspector. On discussion with George Fisher there seems to be considerable question pertaining to the definition of a rear yard and alternate interpetations have been indicated. Please advise as soon as possible. Yours very truly, Henry E. Raynor, Jr., Chairman Southold Town Planning Board sel Enc. . '1J_~ LA.X.'\L J~ Q1.._~I_ (:)\'\..c ~~V~<lL.vk.. \l. ~ 'm.t~"J '"'l- I ~ /'1"'-'Jyv,--kJ-A Southold, March 30, New~rk 1982 .. ;1" Henry Raynor, Chairm~1 south old Town Planning Board Dear l',ir. 2aynor, Enclosed is a copy of our letter sent to Mr. J. P. Thompson, President, The Southland Corporation, owners of the 7-Eleven (7-11) stores. As a steering committee of concerned citizens representing the 650 Township residents who sifl1ed a petition opposing the 7-11 store in Southold, we wish to emphasize the following points for consideration when the 7-11 question comes to your attention: 1. General compliance. Does the proposed 7-11 store comply with the stated purpose and general provisions of the Zoninv Ordinance? Its fundamental purpose is to protect and promote "the public health, safety and welfare" and includes the following: 100-10 rurr>oses C. ...privacy for families D. ...prevention and reduction of traffic congestion E. ...maximum protection of residential areas G. ...enhancement of the appearance of the Town of Southold 100-11 Conflicts A. ",vhere a provi sion. . . conflicts with... any other provi sion ...,the provision or requirement which is more restrictive or which establishes the higher standard shall govern." ~-(ZONING, Article I, General Provisions, p. 10005) 2. Traffic cOTlvestion. Will increa$ed traffic on the state high- way from the entrance and exit of the proposed site, when com- bined with the traffic flow from ColoniAl Corners, result in traffic congestion and a safety problem? The approximately 22 feet width of locust Lane could elminate that road as a viable entry and exit. A traffic count should be much more extensive than applicant's study and include traffic in and out of the side streets. J. Taxes. The suggestion that this business would generate $5000 to $6000 in pronerty taxes may not be the case. How much tax is presently paid and is the difference, if any, going to cover the cost of police vigilance? 4. Revenue nrojections. In a locality where the majority of residents are Senior Citizens, who lead lives with more regular hours, are revenue projections for a third all-night store realistic? There are already two 7-11 stores about three miles to the east and west of this proposed location. 1 " ...- . - . . T~is type of retail store tends to take revenue out of town. Chain stores benefit the town only when price levels are generally lower than competitors. . A professional office at this site might employ more than the s~x employees projected by 7-11 and at higher salaries. , . 5. police investi~ations. In other instances where 7-11s :x~st, there have been a considerable number of disturbances caus~ng investigations by the police. Southold police report 41 calls foraisturbances at the Greenport store and 17 calls at the Cutchogue store in 1981. A 7-11 'in Southampton villave is requesting a. change of its location because of similar complaints by res~dents and businesses. 6. Potential problems. All night establishments where. beer is sold can become an undesirable gathering place. A nat~onal report cites an increase in drug use where electronic games are on the premises. The sale of porilOgraphic Ii terature and "und~r the counter" drug sales could occur, increasing the potent~al for lawlessness and vandalism in U,e area. 7. litter. The premises themselves are often litter-strewn, as are the surrounding areas where paper, cans and bottles are often discarded. 8. General atmosphere. The commerciali zing archi tecture and bright neon light si{~s do not enhance the general atmosphere of the first English settlement of ~ew York State. Tourism has a value to all businesses in the town. I;hat effect would a "Coney Islmld" atmosphere have on it~ ~hat effect would this eventually have on land values if the rural quality and historic environ- ment are diminished? 9. Transitional districts. Area inteuation would be preferrable at boundaries where a business zone adjoins the residential dis- trict. Transitional businesses and structures (such as a 9:00 - 5:00 business) bordering the residential sector would orovide a more harmonious re la tionshi P. In thi sease, can a 24 hour drive-in store be considered up-gradillF the district (from B-1 to B),given the transitional context of the area? 10. Building requirements. will the proposed building conform exactly to the set back requirements on all four sides? Will 2S;~ of the area be landscaped? We urge you to consider these points standards of the Town of Southold in health, safety and welfare, which is in preserving the highest the interest of the public a defensible public purpose. l\eSpectful~ /> A ~ pcvJ.u<L~ Barbara Albertson, for the Concerned Citizens Group 2 .' , . . . .r,- Southold, New York March 30, 1982 Mr. J. P. ~hompson, President The Southland Corporation 2828 Haskell Ave. Dallas, Texas 75204 , Dear Mr. Thompson, We have recently learned that The Southland Corporation is negotiating the purchase of a parcel of land in the town of Southold, Lonl' Island, Hew York, with the intention of locat- ing a 7-Eleven outlet there on a franchise basis. The proposed location is situated among old historic homes and a series of Colonial-type business structures, which gives this section of town a gracious, quiet, and rural charm. The addition of a 7-Eleven store to this area of our town is cer- tainly not characteristic of this atmosphere. At the March 22 meeting of the Town Planninf Board, a number of local residents protested the placin!, of another 7-Eleven store in Sou thold Township. 'rhere are already two 7-Eleven stores three to four miles away, one in Cutchogue and another in Greenport. Both these stores are controversal and pose a number of problems for the police. The majority of residents in Southold are retired senior citizens and school enrollment has declined in recent years. A petition signed by several hundred Southold Township residents expressed disapproval for your type of store. (See attached copy of newspaper clipping covering this meeting). From a business standpoint, it seems highly improbable that a store in this location would generate enough sales to stay in business very long without community support. For eight or nine months of the year the pODulation decreases almost three- fold. Off-season traffic is very light, requiring your two existin~ stores to share their sales' with the new store during this period. In addition, the history of chain stores in Southold Townshin has been rather unsuccessful in recent years and some have closed. ~e are bringiDfthese facts to your attention in the hope that you will reconsider placing a store on the corner of Main Road and Locust lane. Ive sugfest that you would no doubt receive a much hifher return per dollar of sales and per dollar invested elsewhere. . Very truly Yo~rs ?/~t~< f/.. ... Albert H. S one ('tor the Concerned Ci tizens Group) Town Harbor Lane Southold, New York 11971 . Southold, N.Y. 11971 HENRY E. RAYNOR. Jr.. Chairman rIU1QBRIf'K E. Q9RQQtJ JAMES WALL BENNETT ORLOWSKI, Jr. GEORGE RITCfllE LATHAM. Jr. William F. Mullen, Jr. TELEPHONE 765 -1938 March 23, 1982 Mr. William R. Pell, III Town Supervisor Southold Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Re: 7-11 site plan Dear Mr. Pell: At a regular meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board, March 22, 1982, this board reviewed the proposed site plan for a 7-11 to be located at Southold. During such discussion the board opened the floor to the public for their comments. Mr. William Albertson addressed the board regarding this proposal and submitted a petition with approximately 655 signatures opposing it. It was the concensus of the board to forward the original copy to the Town Board for their review. A copy of these minutes will be forthcoming. Yours very truly, HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Susan E. Long, Secretary Ene. cc: Town Board .. , ...--" ., . Southold, New York March 22, 1982 1 , Henry Raynor, Chairman Southold Town Flanninf Board Southold, New York Dear Mr. Raynor, E~closed are 655 signatures gathered this week of people in the Town of Southold who have voiced opposition to a "7-Eleven" store in Southold. Enclosed,too, is the police report of disturbances occuring on the premises of the Greenport and Cutchogue stores. ",'Ie call your attention to Article 1) - Site Plan Approval. Section 100-1)1 "Objectives": The Flanning Board shall take into consideration the public health, safety and welfare, confort and convenience of the public in general and the residents of the immediate neighborhood in particular. Your office has advised us that tonifht's Fresubmission Meetinf" is an appropriate time to submit these petitions. ~e welcome your suggestions as to what further proc~dures are necessary to express our objections. Please keep us informed about discussions on this matter. Respectfully, ._ t9~~ O~, ~*'-" ~J ~~ c'~I.'V---' Barbara and William Albertson i '- --.,..,..,." >,',- ,~.. - L---' -=-. . . ,~1 pOLICE DEPARTMENT, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD I I . JjI.~aJl'.J..\l,~~rs PECONIC. NEW YORK. 11958 TCLC~HO"'C 1[.... IItU.",CYI D....... 911 .O...IHI.r....TlV~1 ..,. "."-2.00 al. .,:I..-.oa:l March 18,1982 Supervisor William Pell Town Hall Southold,New York 11971 Dear Supervisor Pell: The following is a listing of the incidents investigated by this Department at the two (2) Seven-Eleven (7-11) Stores in the Town of Southold during 1981. . 7-11 GREENPORT DATE INCIDENT CENTRAL COMPLAINT NO. - - 1-24-81 Disturbance-Youth 0326-81 , . 1-29-81 Disturbance-Youth 0362-81 2-14-81 Disturbance-Youth 0649-81 2-18-81 Disturbance-Youth 0708-81 2-19-81 Disturbance- Person 0710-81 2-20-81 Trespass 0882-81 3-08-81 Pet! t Larceny 1022-81 3-18-81 Disturbance-Youths 1142-81 3-21-81 Disturbance-Youths 1178-81 4-10-81 Truant - Youths 1462-81 4-17-81 Disturbance-Vehicle 1573-81 5-02-81 Disturbance-Youths 1813-81 5- 30-81 Disturbance-Patron 2371-81 5-30-81 Disturbance-Patron 2374-81 6-12-81 Motor Vehicle Accident 2604-81 6-12-81 Police Info.-MVA 2623-81 6-19-81 Disturbance-Youths 2758-81 7-04-81 Disturbance-Youths 2928-81 7-05-81 Motor Vehicle Accident 3261-81 7-10-81 Di8turbance~Youths 3383-81 7-12-81 Disturbance-Youths 3424-81 7-15-81 Police Info.-MVA 3528-81 7-21-81 Police Info.-Patron 3663-81 7-21-81 Police Info.-MVA 3677-81 7-25-81 Petit Larceny 3748-81 7-26-81 Police Info.-MVA 3796-81 ------ /' . , _~e No . . DA1'E - 8-14-81 8-27-81 8-30-81 9-03-81 9-06-81 9-13-81 9-16-81 9-23-81 9-25-81 10-07-81 11-10-81 11-26-81 11-28-81 i 12-01-81 I 12-13-81 ../ I 1-13-81 3-12-81 4-05-81 4-11-81 6-07-81 7-21-81 8-02-81 8-08-81 9-08-'81 9-26-81 9-26-81 10-03-81 10-03-81 10-04-81 10-16-81 10-26-81 7.' 11-14-81 1-/ HDW:tb 7 -. Greenport INCIDENT Petit Larceny Disturbance_Person Disturbance_Youths Motor Vehicle Accident Disturbance_Youths Motor Vehicle Accident POlice Investigation Police Info.-Youths Police Info.-MVA Motor Vehicle Accident Police Info. MVA Disturbance-Youths Police Info.-MVA Police Info.-MVA POlice Investigation 7 - 11 CU'rCHOGUE DiSturbance-Patron Police Info._ MVA Disturbance-Patron Criminal Mischief 3rd. PeU t Larceny Motor Vehicle Accident Motor Vehicle Accident Disturbance-Person Police Information Disturbance-Person Disturbance-Person Disturbance-Person Disturbance_Person D~sturbance-Patron POlice Information Disturbance-Persons Police Investigation 1981 e- CENTRAl, COMPtAINT NO. 4237-81 4591-81 4649-81 4704-81 4785-81 4905-81 4948-81 5045-81 5073-81 5270-81 5850-81 6117-81 6148-81 6188-81 6380-81 0247-81 1055-81 1395-81 1477-81 2516-81 3677-81 3945-81 4126-81 4822_81 5078-81 5091-81 5204-81 5207-81 5229-81 5418-81 5596-81 5931-81 I Respectfully submitted, fP i2~~~ H.Daniel Winters Chief of Police [' E TIT I 0 I: ~e the undersigned residents of Southold Township strongly oppose the proposal to permit a "7 Eleven" store to be erected on the corner of Locust .lane and :,oute 25 in the h~storic hamlet of Southold. ~e consider this tyne of busi- ness out of character with the adjacent setting of colonial homes and shons, and not tending to promote the quiet, peace, beauty, health and safety of the surrounding neighborhood nor the general welfare of the Town of Southold. SIGNATU.1E '- :to/..-{ i<?(- K~dA,~6" (0 c= l) 'I!\f <;2c ~ 11 s' TSld? {p. ~ S cf(R E iF> ~J:< Jsl(CJ 1:;;-0 (S :?". '--/<:J 13. Po c/ L. S 0 ~ RuTH Car ! vIJIY]E5 ../f'.sle I' ADDRESS & ZIr CODE /Ie~4"T ?o~) 111/i1<r I2d. <?CE"0 (Zv'I~'V Ave. C Cf;f1pfl/ib1/ /f J~ C L E /?-~ V 1 IS t..../ Jh/.E.. Scathc(d (/'17 ( - '<. 0 'f D br' S. \ (7/c!rL( t(.rkv-Y 4, it, {/ SCS'"~6 vli/1;'" f.!p ,( /) , f- j.!;~'-f'" /"" <,L-")?l.-t--ZZ<- HL-,', f? S)",' h (5.~'1?)1't.. N,~, I-< f..?i . I / I ,./ ,j Ii. ., __ /'.... 1 i {c"" "-....:...~. .fVL- 5, /1...",', i, ",tV "f(n{'/J(;/ LIT r'r(L (1!.....- B~) J,->;j1 h A '(3,~l:;' <;k~.- (,.s::X---Z:;u--,v!iu"!C>i"' k, , .ii? Q~~, (i'y1 G.c:.c. I I ---- !Jf'&.s~r -i.. 7 i-I. tc L(l~" ; /':"1r/...1,'~ /!/.<-_M:':''1.. /1J.ltE /...~UI5e. tn/ller.?.. Y"E.j c;:) ]-t4.-_ / h",...lr'"1. l~ "'\\C~J~i "^-" ~ .JL(~A jv\I)A e\ ~ 1"\ i2 Mob'j(J(\ L,l,bl ~\l; Y\~C<\' ~()\' LY\ 'ro be submitted to Hie ':;outhold Town l'lanning CioaI'd, 30uthold Tovm SaIL, ':;outhold at the nresubmission meeting on f;;arch 22, 1982. - 1-1. PC'ULS,,"'/ b<>,r-hu-v 76'"u "s.;L(;'bf ., ... - CL E;9 VIEt.J ~e.. Scu.tl..dL i. S-o U ;- (f 0'" r) SdCLTf(tJ~'r'> ..-- Iii. $ e (..IT/'f-dJ LJ? 1 S", (./ T /,Ld L:f) (f'7' ;; ~",...77!?", '/ //~) '" o~T\'0(D \ 117) .<:':~I'"f}t~i...O //9') St', '/1/_ Ir/. , ten ::,( 'v ,"'no 1/'1 7/ ~i/ the.J} /lf7 i 'tn t/9 ?/ ,,,In:u;,,-&t II? 7/ C; c ~ (,0. IVJ-JL(l1 f E '1' I '1' I 0 ;: We the undersigned residents of Southold Township strongly oppose the proposal to oermit a "7 Eleven" store to be erected on the corner of locust lane and :~oute 25 in the hlstoric hamlet of Southold. ~e consider this type of busi- ness out of character with the adjacent setting of colonial homes and shops, and not tending to promote the quiet, peace, beauty, health and safety of the surrounding neighborhood nor the general welfare of the Town of Southold. ADDRESS & ZIP CODE (Print) ~ J' '-p; 7 c<- .a-e. / .5'10 Ir)~~', 9.;o-t-.. If. 'l<eve /4..u.{>, fY1 ~'Lu. cIt. ~if ~C-U.~ . SIGNATU1E -) )U:~..t:..e e.~u/~ ' i C~/~f10~ . / ( " ,)~ . /~.c ,.{",.<- )>:>.:t tv <./ <' .... NA~lE (Print) --- /uL'Ale.e (lA-A?/J( )).q(;V rn a.r ,ffCU"€-f C " Lvc.s ~L-Y~ FI)1/E7L- ~ ,A-,t ~' '" 0E~T p. LoN (;... Lfi.fS-GLEJ cr, C'.l1TliuGuG tJy l<",-..,..Ill-e..-, 1/,1 So c> -j-i, 6 (d /f. \ / I?', ('" 01<0\/ ,':: '/5 I'> rt\-..l.LI'\ \(U"....L'("},,C: \ . 7 ' .' ") r, ( 'iT 1 ,., L.. ~4" su \;'V'-}.,. ,.-"" \C.......:"X ._' (.............J! .~{>--yc' N'1 II {i rJ-- L / n c('c, B ',J ,. f'~ -CC /' /7 Ii' Br.''! /C;SB f'vltJIT,I-'lcl::- d2t, h ;101 ;c r C,dC'i1-6 ,(',,"~1/. 'IF)', ~r,\ L) (1....//"" (1'././......'6 ..1 ,I, /"r ", II \" " ,il')', \ l /,"r (-; 11 J' I r' ,1,' I " h-:z.-Th,.~ I...;,' \='""\-,,--.z f-',:l" \. -:.( I C I / J/'/ / ,-','/".-' /,. ~ ~- )[) )./A ,..',' '. " , L, /,'- I d 'Y /. /) ;.: - {.' /,',: 1(' . , ..- . '.~ ~ LJ fN C w, . i .:;,( 'If (r I , r:, sY:. 0 ,:: 1..; / I , R-r . To be submitted to the 3outhold Town ?lanning Board, 30uthold Town Hall, 3outhold at the presubmission meeting on March 22, 1982. . ~., .~:.'."':""- ~ ..> r E TIT 1 0 II ~e the undersigned residents of Southold Township strongly oppose the proposal to permit a "7 Eleven" store to be ef~cted on the' corner of locust lane and .tOU te 25 in the h~storic hamlet of Southold. Je consider this tyne of busi- ness out of character with the adjacent setting of colonial homes and shops, and not tending to promote the quiet, peace, beauty, health and safety of the surrounding neighborhood nor the general welfare of the Town of Southold. ~\;Ail;E ADD~ESS & ZIP CODE J., /1 IV L, Ii i Ie i l- E, !:61:>KE-- /. -', / 1""'-':" /- ",C:'-.\,.".~ /,'1.'" :::"""'I'."i'//',~lr"..J,' i'" '., / . i.'" 'Ii" I . _ _ -' '_ / ri ~., / < J~/II%P J' (/: ;3') Fi/i F w ~~ lJ L'kt...,/1 ~ F Sw"rH G- IVJ./flN ~ ?~'E L.L 1 /...oc.us It II 1J -r HOK.q.~ - (/ ~\. ell 13.l'.ArRICE; <5 T 'f<1 N l-al./ E-J-IL.~ c..4-L.V&:S N~W PD, ~'o ",,"'o/c:/ YI1''P1 L. /~lf./;"; S LAo/lOr t, ~ Ho <T ;<j) f/(J ha..f----+--- f?d, ncOit/O 1(9JL &JecT'IfO,"D JC171 -0ou1-holr.l. WI71 eA f It '/ (! (': eOYtJ 0 1- e./ GL j- K a,.. :0 be submitted to the 30uthold Town ?la~nin~ Joard, nresubmission meeting on ~arch 22, 1982. - Southold Town Eall. :':;outhold at the , t r ~: TIT I 0 J: ,'Ie the undersigned residents of Southold Township strongly oppose the proposal to permit a "7 Eleven" store to be erected on the corner of locust lane and\oute 25 in the h~storic hamlet of Southold. ~e consider this type of busi- ness out of character with the adjacent setting of colonial homes and shops, and not tending to promote the quiet, peace, beauty, health and safety of the surrounding neighborhood nor the general welfare of the Town of Southold. SIGNATU1E NAi\lE (Print) ADDRESS_&~!P GOj)E (Print) c'77t Lct; L '0- /6LU/T;;)-v~ 7 /-1 /~ c /J [J )/ / =' /3 () I~J7/Y / ~2 ..:/> 7 /" ~J/ ~ c..\ / L.A , Fj(~N' ~c,-<; 1"\; -r('~h ~ L/cCi5tvr~ ~~kL/-----,766-=;;L-v is :T €-4.N S A--AJFo V- A 7 C. 5- -:- SIf OL~ ,__._nc..__ ._._ ., ( _c ' R- Y IS lJ b A IV V rf t. j 5 if / P 'fA .R d' L-/L"/ C ( ~ [:R..}J If 0 MI C -?)~5 - 5fl /i If kr?J) /~;J/( /' ~-~JT "( ICC' ;j) 6 ) r It 1--..1) Cr rl 0 5~ ~':MJL~1L -r' k4l G J2 co :5 ~, (JI...p ;Sf./I fYM!J tA. II v .-s Uc ( ~ ,Ll_' W l'T-) I.. ~ 7 ~ f4-c..<. -.--,-------- .-.-7-~.'.- LAURA'M MIlQR.'IS ()lcI ShitJ\/nrrlLa, 3oa-rho}d, ,tj,y ;r-r-' -~--7.n ., ~..____~__ Rohe i-+~ C. J'r.o rJ...i5_..!2ji ~~Y~hi tvf. J'ou ffl<fJj(.iI y:' ~,......, C.Hp.'KL"'t1FO';-J,q.Al1<O OLOSH;1")jI7R./)Z~, n..C______--.n _ I .-' nn. :J 1 " r< I. II (f (/ .s L-.A-1/.1 f..I d( f) t--.D S'I, if] v' /+k D J..-../+!V-f: .; [) uJil .....t\. IV ~ ---b"'J~--'-~'-- ,:;:----- 1/("- Jli/,..',~T/J- 'n -; /' ..J L{ ~" '" L,\ 1 "'; ,- i ; ,-ti' {}, /' /. ~"..":': .__~~-... ~===.~-~ :.~tj~~;..~~TC~~~~_:~--j~~l..2L~(;^ (' (i,(~.dJ5()eJ, ~)L/( To be bmitted to the Southold Town Planning Board, 3outhold Town Hal~uthold at the -:1 presubmission meeting on March 22, 1982. / ?ETITIO;; :s ','/e the undersigned residents of Southold:::ownship strongly oppose the proposal to permit a "7 Eleven" store to be efecte~ on the corn~r of locust lane ~nd :,ou:te 25 in the . hlstorlc hamlet of ~outhold. de conslder thls tyne of bUSl- ness out of character with the adjacent setting of colonial homes and shops, and not tending to promote the quiet, peace, beauty, health and safety of the surrounding neighborhood nor the general welfare of the Town of Southold. SIGNATU.\E i\~AllTE f ,', ADD~ESS & ZIr CODE dJ/?; Ice 7 ., ,'l~' Ix)"". T'< . ,/ if I. .' Ie f /)11'1,1[ f! Ct.~ "LL., ~ .~~,. 'cJ'.. l"--.:,--~~ .1" 1,-,/ /J} /) /,_: '..j -1' /) I.) \J (, II 1 (,,,~_. ,/ 'A.-.i. i:(,i'. J /),,-:. /J)/l r 7.1 I'"~ .: Ie If ~i~-~ :' _ T i(<,;,' 7 ,e '-I I. , . iv, _ . ;, i ~ I) t . j ~"'. ._ ""'--.--7"\ \" i" .'_" Yo ,. .~ '.' ,-L.. ~ '~__~ eL, ~.!- ( '(~ .r) Ji I ,-'" .S . l /) ,I I' -- :') ( ) /J/I /\ c' /) fi,~. .';,/~ L t/t ("It { ('/(: . lllV , > , I ril}:'; , " ; { . ., / .j 'j ( }\ .1 (, , II, 'i..j: ~ , . /.- ) I) ,.. " ' ;_v <. / .' '.. Iei'I I,' i / !)/'j 1'/ ,,'" ~/ '~.../ "'. -'( .;/ /) .J '.-'t.. ,. / }/ ' (.J /'Wl' /~. " ,r /- j I r i....-- , -'~ \- '1r ,) (J. ~ , ' , l '7, !/r' I I. ,', ;' ,Ii, / ...^' . , 'J I ') ,,'I dAuI \ . ( ,/1,',J:.1'_-'):1:'~ '" j';l( :;;,'c' Itll ( , \1;' ~-- .0/7/.. /) ,e t, '7 i' flJ'/ 7-1 .\ V\ C I' ()ee:" 1/.)('J((1 tl/q,\./ /,'\ -( ,.i f i / , /(' . . I '''.... ~.; .. '-, ,,- . \.1 i l".....____.., Ii ~ .~------' ') \, ,I.;' ,(,~) '\, - ..' I'" ( ',"/ I I~ ,-I ()i/Tr'/t I FIe",!' ~/- ,c::,.,,ll>/)/=/- . r" 'f (Jr'iI\ ))'- I . - \, 'J' . .~\ c.:....' I t' . :"".i .', "1._, I,' , , "I.' I',. " ,1 " t \ '-'\ 1\ ,- J, { \( cf ' 'r', , " . ~ , . 70 be sub:nitted to the 30uthold Town ?lanning Doard, 30uthold Town :-;all, 30uthold at the presubmission meeting on March 22, 1982. / ::' ,., "., ~ (' , ----- ~ ,J'e the und.ersigr:ed residents 0=' ..)outhold~ownshir} strong'.lY onpase theC'roDosal to :!er:-ni t a q '?~~:leven" store to 'ce erecte? on the corn~r of Iocus~ Lane ~nd ~ou~e 25 in the . hlstorlc hamlet of ~outhold. ~e conslder thlS tyne of busl- ness out of character with the adjacent setting- ~f colonial homes arid shons, and not tendiLi~~ to Dromote the quiet, peace I beauty }'ea.i' "['h' ar~"~ ('afe~" o+' ,"hE' ql1rrou~dl'ng n~]' -hJ-.o""";'-'oo'.r"; ""',or " ~l 1 1'",~) _ L-,j ',.I. _.LJ.. '-',.... ~ ... ~_~, -'~,~. .~,,!;o ...'---' .L'1 "'...1 '" '-.. the general welfare of the Town of 30uthold. J. -/.;;; ;j' iJ' /7 u),-:", ;<: ! /.n / t<t,. / -,'/I/.!r,,;h;<- . k~~"'J!i4P~' . f:' ' 1" -----= I .:7'/ ' ,~, ,; L 'IUU:'lc.)Z) l/\ !/ G (( f~1f . T;-/T-n-~-;;-' I ~L CJ\ / ( r, / ",,-'lAQ ik...., x:;-- -- -l/ 'I /) \j ;(fl/' '1 It', \ ____ ' , I/! '-- 1.<v'~ ,> ~ U \- ,( t ( f, I ,-1A--\ . ~/J --'/7 ''7 / . ! "<Y...--.:L '.......-!..v __"~~l, /-th_~ll,- ,.- -- ,/j / /-'~ . ) /74'G . ~)! aAA -,- JL--" .... 'I r~"-- I, .., d)'" ;) I i....1C'tJ4,f I! liJ- /"t };-~'1"'~ , - -Yl-,,' Oar > i\, C -<. ((.!t:..' ~~ \._ " "-.,,(; ::~~ L~HCtt" ';--t).Z,.;., ,~./L ;/. : //fff!it1t1~1-- "/r U"",NPU<C '111 A LO be submitted to the Southold Town ?lanning Doard, uresubmission meeting on rf.arch 22, 1982. !.'urJ- f'- 1M, :3IG;;ATl r~ , c/ / _.{Ai:;:::: _J irint) .__ ~,l_"<:: - ,,0 fl171 ~)--r- /- I,..;'''''n ., ) ./ ---.'-.--. I' ~ c, ,- d; i , ~ ,-. I' I . t. ~r--;- .-' .,.',1-. J ' f-- .,i ,,/ '. .- ' .,.-.-- Y'{, .. ,'.It ()u {V tv /1/ hr, rr' J? /i.- -- .-,..,----------- f., Lo.,J 4 w! ',,, JuJ_____ , I~!J-l Q V T C-rt4("TF1\! o (- /' I I~^I"VOI ,). C(}IJEEIEif( J1'( 4tJ/i1~;(.". ,j' IhJ;+TC ! Ir~RF:cSf\ P\. S\b,\r.?c r/. I 7'7 / /). ,; "-00",,,(,,,,,/1, //,15('0/, 2 ~ __ ~)L- t.~/,>".( ;{-. )V!fIPP,-C E I}' ./ ) ~, I)A' PI:!-, ,,>,JT!:: (llJ/ct2 IJrd>n-rJ./1I mp770FF~(?c ! . {:i~J(l1 L:~ ~~~t-\- \"1Cluv-pe V\ }l~o ~ AJD,ZiSS }, 'a ; 2:L... /?~ 7 I 1_ rd' :~ /- , 7 ( -- J IIf176'-rl ;<rJ 1/01"'/';"'" LfA.. 7, a Ivr;t)-c~..Led~a/ . -...e_ . / 16 o.0'?.1 CC..C av.e. J/l .. ') {(f7e(;J".u1.itu~ ~ 1;:)'00' IA 'U . 'j IIA k {.I. ,{. 7(:) a/.;JJ.L~x.. ~ . /P.OfJ:Ar'vi? hiP No 1;0_-' Rri. Yo\.m~'" ~ lf~{:J$ ~Ie y~ ~~: ZIr CODE J~~rint) (.,'1 'f(j~(cf f , I ( ! 1 // ~ L.. /) 4. ,I '( 7.1____.____________ I ~ '-I / ;/ (;I . 'e.d /> .- f 11/ .; 11'/ 7/ f:,1/-HwW, W-'1. {f1l11 ~",,-,t/n[~ ^/ y' (1'171 S~ ,11(. 119'7/ ,~&/ N( 1197/ \ 9 'II <:: (04 dr.1) -- (' .-- " ) ------ . , ....... "'" Ii~ ~ f,.J - - !../'/ li17r / ~ .-\-\-0\-.1 No. 'f.' Wi '1 J ~I NQLI)~Cf71 O~1S' 3outhold Town ~all, 30uthold at the r E TIT I 0 ;: ~e the undersigned residents of Southold Township strongly oppose the proposal to nermit a "7 Eleven" store to be erected on the corner of locust lane and ~oute 25 in the hlstoric hamlet of Southold. ~e consider this tyee of busi- ness out of character with the adjacent setting of colonial homes and shops, and not tending to promote the quiet, peace, beauty, health and safety of the surrounding neighborhood nor the general welfare of the 'Town of Southold. _ : ~J' '/.__ , 7 :1 /' / Z''// / / ,Ai 't,/ ,f t.....t. /'7/ Irv' ~///, <, ,'/ !~'1 /. i I V I t~o i-IwWt~ '- ' ~'}~ 0<' '. " a " a / I S'cJ/1/tL--J N" Ilt'l/ SIGNATU.1E ~\:Ar\1E ADD~ESS & ZIr CODE " / C,,~jV ". ~~ Ill. ( " J7 -,"- /v,o., d /:.. v /~f) XI1I{ 1 L /1' fLl( lL PI\ (CII-!2! H AfGrJ/t tV C?;.\.J0F ,~,E~~~\.<- .(? ,~ r<. E1TIl- fur0 f) f7- i'U' (to .'( /. i/-rrri.11, '.0 't I, I I f \ II 1{ I r Pr ~'J~;cQ _ ~:~\\(':~~ ' ( 0 f\.X9l:; :s -IT ,CD '/ ) I~ ' .~ ?;2~ /c /' \.0 )J't---y; '1_ v\i-P--71---vt.,,/ o;.-is P[Tcil -,-Zs,lcq flill\fi-t /1 E NN 7'70 le.,';;/ /i4iL;>'cJl -'4 y::;ocJIf1c/.SJ -1/ ^-ej, ;, ~_ ~ l~~ ~/'" . 0 M (=, Ii." ,I IV '~:-5 r' L.L: .L-- l//l ;;C:/Y'I../ !3e.S'\ h' Gay ~ tV To be submitted to the Southold Town ?lanning Doard, nresubmission meeting on March 22, 1982. ~ ~ JJvJ~ ~. ~dhd.. 1:~J" l~nRI3(,i1. LI\/JI~ S (! ,-iii" 1-1) I' I. I, IJ Southold Town naIl, Southold at the , " () 1 1....' /v'e the undersi:91ed residents of' ,3outhold ;oWYlshi';) stron ~,' oppose the -oronosa1 to Dermi t a ,.? ~leven" store to be efecte? on the corn~r of Locust 13o"1e ~nd~ou~e 25 in the hlstorlc hamlet of ~outhold. ~e conslder thlS tyre of DUS ness out of character with the ad,jar:pnt settinF" of .::olonia homes and shops, and not tendinic' to ::::romote the quiet, ;:,.eacc, beauty f heal th and safe ty of the su.rrounding nei ghborr-:oodnor tr,e general welfare of the Town of,;outhold. -j I,::;~;AJEj.;S ,;Ai.::': (rrint) AOD~~SS & ZIr CODE (~rint) '-"", /;;J i ,.t;;>;_ Fl./, //i /f ,.. ( WI)', ~;. 'c ><' (c!c l t' 11~J ;Zli;;;;; ,__--...-___..'.. .. ......... _""'U" _ un Q/UQ. (O/i1..1 .lUj){ ; , . q LA.-1;f_~/> .::tn . " JL." . /. ., J~ i :-r ' /1/)7.' /, ,0' L-~"--. L "'-f ,::: ,,~?")p ,;-~;J / '/ /~/ :/ , -:-'-<' '. /'" ~. ~-_._.-._~._,_.._'" /:\ ctl'-! e i/lj/'Jr?.... L () e,() eA.- _:;;D 0 I3re, tSCcZ_(lt:- Ci--, 'r !, i/ ,~"" C,' :-t 7--- '7 .;~ c. L / "_' _, _ / i '/ "I K.d1f"'rT r V'0l- 1.-.1- _____f'nar/'c Cas..., , by I-)~Nr:: c,. Fl'; E D/J.7/,),N n.ft "~ f,/ r-:-- 1/ J) C~TI1 i L 1-1 (J.D. I?'O'f 'iS1J.;L , CV~I'I:::.NI 1'j.,~1 ./ J I PO~il)<'" \'U GIVi"dliPDr--T tv,,1 q- 'J Elkl /1.14/21 eN Iv V /{,. / {Lf' L--j I/'? ,r; '7 1 i9 'f1I //1 ~ J / ,.("/JJ /l '/: " " ,r, I' 1'1;A!'1 ) '/i~( R t, [/~~~.( !:.~/' '. ,~'r' ~ ;,}-. . L /C-,\ ! . . / - 'V/t{,"i.Jel Iv I". 0... / t ;lee, .' / '_/fCi./ )Jr/c a "C /j / . fie '/' ,i I (...,~...::.,((;: L<i'lL/ I uk.:L1 -'7 _A~~ . /1-;;z,-.. I" II ,_ I ;/ "" r tj U4..( iLl fO ct..e.(!.,.."v , ,j~"'~U ,...-" /0::) ')2c7'--C'IA. ......~Ll./) ~ i;r:.~- . /),P.f I )/z..~'-"t~ ~ '<fAp 'B ~ ~7 7,(//'/) ~~/f..<t'nut.- /C, ,rkL-/~ ;t; 4. I) 1> / z=: (1 I R i/T "J!< ': ;4 /7 ? ('CJ r3c:.)( u7 c, ~ (1//1 I, / E c-:/ X ;::Y!..c 'YfR:7 ! ::.rl e~ VJ FI/o/( q .5/1 AIL/CO> ~ :? '-'C 7/) I Y R /-, 73 \' 1;~hZl-- ITC"eJ/J -;.L/,(:' /i},r} 1/ KICIITl.:or.:. (:,8, 230 '-/ I( , 11./krotG ... , //7;' C ere lie 6c/= (/ ~ ,; 'J! /J.;!) 1/ 9 ~ jJ - //7.5:; /002"3-:;- ,0 be submitted to the .3outhold Town ?lannin!': Doard, ':;outholdl'own Eall. ":;outhold at the Dresubmission meeting on ~arch 22, 1982. f E rr I T I 0 I: ;Ie the underdgned residents of Southold Township strongly oppose the Dronosal to nermit a "7 Eleven" store to be erected on the corner of locust lane and ~oute 25 in the h~storic hamlet of Southold. ~e consider this type of busi- ness out of character with the adjacent setting of colonial homes and shops, and not tending to nromote the quiet, peace, beauty, health and safety of the surrounding neighborhood nor the general welfare of the Town of Southold. ~';AI..IE :t //70> -- .", ~ /6''''''''''-17, ,J fYI, ,c611 co C W --tiC hAle.:: 't;o..A::.f:;-J?PrL '5 oUldo Li:) 11'17/ e.l, ;' f5' /7'/105 ;l LM S6-/t '<::./9 Cl:CG0,''C/<'- Iv f I ('7" <f ~/CltA1L1(J \J,'/G-IL14TtfU-10tfL. _ ~r-:- /f-tf74:~ C1Y;J~ 1'll/7J ( I ( 7 () , . 'f , ' iF - " :z.. S ~/ -Ii '/:;,!? l'r,l oJ,)" 1-Z; ,;J,i:< ~ -;(--r:" " "y Y 1/';' 7 / G Z~&J &... ~~ j0~' /17'7/ ( ,;.; 7;) 0 tJ.[ /-jr2 /)1/[ $0 U THo'-O /'I II /I if 7/ GEDRo-P- ;l.{ cllr1aJ'YL $ - l-f/5 ,p~JZ U I ,Cj Q'I,ul r~R, ~.. CVt(l.\I''''~ (~'<'~a\1c'- _ IlloLQ vV'l\It\l (si4'1\..)/\CG;:,RPi,SCl,jJI-IDL.b, tAt!, 10[,1<;~, )ef(>P5!:>~. '(\',Pbr-fL RUlirl p{,-op;,,-)~N'11 ~~,:"b\(-ct ~1~ Cl ""0 7/ ,(1.1' / , (I V 0 ( ~~N:j? ~'::, Lev.-.. d>? 1( Jv1; VI CVt It. ,.( (G i( 8cJ~ 71,,-</ \-J (') u~~~ L 71, y. ~o S '>) ~ -J7p-, CV~L~ / ~ 7:- ~ j ~ (A iA ( ~)J {<JcA S~.;- (Lvr c.{ If' 1. Il ~ '7/ To be submitted to the Southold Town ?lanning foard, Southold Town ~all. Southold at the nresubmission meeting on I,:arch 22, 1982. dH '10 <D Ulet C ro et S Ul .....C Ulet Ul 8 1-"1-" o c+ :Jc+ <D S P. <D ro c+ c+o ..... :Jc+ ')q 'J' ro o :J 0, o ?: C Illc+ '1:0- () 0 :0-1-' O. N NH - 0 " .....:J '-D m h~ NI-' P> :::; ~ ~ >.. 'J ir4 U o III '1 P, '>" ':>~ , .'" ,"'--' -....1 J"~ .".........' ~ """-~ ~?, ~t0 ,v-f~, ~ '~_co, " It '-,I; (y1j i'-- ",\ ~. '-. ~ I I~( ~ ~ "-~. , II ," I~""I r' _~ ;" \ ~ I I \. r"'\~,- VJ '1 'IF:) i( ,I~: (/ ~ ?~l- ;;-~~;~~ :~ ~' I(=:\~ ~,("~~ ~ "'\~ r~> '\, :-~ ~Q,q~'lr'~~~~, ~ :\::~~ h j? ]s'f; 1 I ,N:'-{,: ~ ." y:~' '.~. ,'-~' ~,\ '" '" / , j::'-. "-) S I I ',' i\ I. I i. ^ j\ t,~~ f , I I":'r::-.. \-- r---." ,7< ' : x:>\),~ I~,';~: ',j . , ~ 0 '- 1:0' Ie " f ,,', \.; \-S ',-, ~ I\::. ~ " ~\~1) "1, f' ~ T. . 1\ >,. -\'- .:::..... ~ , --..., ~ - i "'~~ )- ~ $ . ~, t 0, ,'\) Ci 'I f\J '\} ,-' "l ~ ~ >- "C-.J 0-.. :c -- ,'0 , " :) I' p ''---. ',Ji c 1. 1 (l1 N 'II' 'J :7J ..): ~ ..us 'O'j -I C) o " '" ~" 01 o C c+ :0- o I-' P. /\ 1.--\ I--.j o ~ \' '" 0J Pi____ r ~:r: III I-' I-' r - ~ 0- o C c+ ;Y o I-' P. III c+ c+ ;Y ro ,/ ~ (> " !\ 1 I , N 10 ,\ / ,'-, o,V \ lr~ :. " ' --.f':; ~ ", '- n. .j, " \' .~ ~ \ o '4 , "\ "" t ~ " ~(" i.> ~ ~ f) 1: ~+ l 1 I~I~ oj' I~ t"r '~ ;~ ~ I'~ I~ -r.... "v \ I'" ..:oJ 1"" "- I ; I~ II~ k ? ~ ,.: i"1 s: ') i \.::, I 'c ~ Jf~~' t: I f\'-. i' <! I " . I'" I i I k\ !.~ Wt-..:' * (;~ \ '0 ~ \ "\ '\ .::::. ~ \" -\:' 'i' IJ), I' \:: . '.. , , L, "" ~ 1\ ',- ,,~ \ '- ..:-.." \J..J VI V,J i I~ G If:: IG. C/1 1:-,;' I~ ~ 1--1 d- lJ [". , b r '" "-. c \l '-. , I~ ~ ~~. :J !:J r'" , I , ,~ '. (' c/ ~ ,~ ---r> V I' ~ "" " ,~. 'J " \, " ~ .'\-, ) -- -- ~ -\ y l., ", ,. r+a'::y;J ::T\D 0 ;' () 0 (0 I-"'~:j \D (D PJ ;::i Ul (IJ \D ,--:1 c:rur.n'+OO'T iJqC+ffi O<:-tm~_)- rev 0 l-1 ill CD CD ~ .. ~ ~ ~ ~. 0, (-t J::: '1;J';:o. 0~5':::; PJ () O::-T' '"i (D ;::L f-J ~u U} f-l; ~ ,- (l) .i-......;T 8r+':Jf1 ~(-+OOf---J~I)UJ ro ~:j ;::rm m 0 f"' 1--' Ul III <:+ 'j ,'j,! f--l:l1U'" r, 0 0 ~j III 5 III 0 0 Ul m '1 1-" III () H, '1 ~1 0 m ~.:J ct :.-J en p-, m (;1 (D :-:; o PJ '10 r-J ,-I- (!) H:J1-1J;:\ C 0 U) m 0' ~ rt 0 1-'- c+ <+ ,--t- 1-" ::J' f--1:l:j ~2.. [;: :::r~ d'C (D ro m r+- ::-rl--l H 1"1::5 '-1 OlD 0..0::30- 1-:Il-t:J ~J rl-" 0 1-'" Ul H o (J..;T s::,~ :< ,+ 1-" (() U) 0 ::::s ~_)' :) :.:.: ct?J ;.-h 11) I:) n) (D- ~ )---! o ~-L 1-0 (/, \-':1 Ul c+ c.._., 0 flJ ~\ 0 I c:' (,.;; 0 ~~ g ~ L ~+ 0'"1 rj ,D (j] ;--'~- s::: 0 t1 ':1 I-"\U (1) 0 C+"-'O(+p..::::;~,~1-' ::::r::::'S;3 ro p. (D }J._ o p., 0 Cfl 1-) ~:_~ I-' "...... c+ ro _~ j p., (D c+ rt- (; 0 d"-:;'J:: C/l -s: c+ I-~'I-" ,"""t' d :3 ;-,'-:::.1 Cf1 mOm (I) mTq 'i ~J' f_J. c+ h) to r'. uq .0 0 (.._~ U1rj ~(~~.) -j- rr I-~o ,1) I~'" 0 ill o (to 0 0-< c~ >---j ,+ 0 0 .--,-' '1 :,"-.. 1--' r---ry ,+ rOD 0 C) 0 ::." :.J O~j::::;CJ'(D li~ ~L (D )_-lo c: f-' j:D PJ rn t.,-.:; ;s 0 f--J 1--'. o m- ! I-~ .. '-,"j '1 ..... ;::l c+ {c-, F E TIT I 0 ;: ',Ie the undersigned residents of Southold Township strongly oppose the proposal to permit a "7 Eleven" store to be erected on the corner of Locust Lane and .,ou te 25 in the h~storic hamlet of Southold. ~e consider this tYDe of busi- ness out of character with the adjacent setting of colonial homes and shops, and not tending to promote the quiet, peace, beauty, health and safety of the surrounding neighborhood nor the general welfare of the Town of Southold. . ~,~ \~.;L.r. . ('::1 SIGNATU{E Q . :~C).\L O' , (~ r9 ~ ~ " 4(' JI. MiI'E (Print) ~'(."' ~ ~O ~w Q ...{" f'/ s cfIY C; C (( I .y" /;./ iLi"l!1fO-H:\ ;Bvs,sn T l' ::, ~- ? 1'1 i3 (,t ~ S G 1\ \A Ii? 0 E. w/ ,,/, ;-~ E,2,,))fiIC ,-] I) 711(''1// IV 15 Bo/lmc<-/I VJ JvtlAJ . f.<;c 0'//1 2- /?Lk~ ).. SCoTH Z ^ A t>A/'A.<;P t/ rr / L- ADDRESS & ZIP CODE ~lI(t~u) ~A .r-;z.lo - V 5(- Qi I!eih~ DR. (~ I lie ff~ UP_ , 1\\ ~ Lrt/l./:- S - tl~<-e ~a.- ~\,. /l C..L~ LL j,,~ .~'v rikPj" IfI CA-aPbN"\4 y, ,;('~, "'. {dk ,{!z-( t:V?/ 1/a.~vJ /{,-7<"1' (Frint) - S;(\< -=4: l. 0 t4U l) 'I' ~,.~ l<.(J''--- (1). i ,f J+s~llj tle'ION, N .~ f":: ;J S r /! ;1 K / tyV,f , -. I , -L- A I - . N -' II ._.1 IV. ' ~;:v /!.L<.u ~L.i(,',LC( 2~ ~(j/Jo /if 1f/1 GYc t. .~.. - l'-y' Uc . tel fk1f,h'G'/c l/iS:;L J'z,<~~j; ,E/l5T /'-/I9/H c/9f) _Sc' U7Hc'tv &>J>/i~/ IV,y I Io be submitted to the 3outhold Town ?lanning 2oard, 30uthold Town Eall, 30uthold at the Dresubmission meeting on ~arch 22, 1982. !I r:~Tl;TIC ';Ie the undersigned residents of SoutholdcownshiD strongly oppose the DroDosal to Der:nit a "'7 Sleven" store to be erected on the corner of locust l~~e ~ld ~oute 25 in the hIstoric hamlet of Southold. Je consider this tyne of busi- ness out of character with the adjacent setting of colonial homes and ShODS, and not tendinf to Dromote the quiet, peace, beauty, health and safety of the surrounding neighborr,ood 'ior the general welfare of the Town of Southold. S I Gl,;A TtJ ,-t:>:: y-- /--:1', . ' . l_/l_, , < - ::--',,_~' , i, "J...A i ........__J,...< ,_ '.- ... C i::-,---ir----- "\ L_. '([.J.1 .i.",,------'/ --r----..-.--------.------ (J 1L\.M n d".,,,. " () f q. ~~1'~d~~' . (/ . 'J'" /1 ,1 ! ~./, Xh ,e () 2Vf,l.--(/y, . . I~'-.: c-1 1/ nn \ ^ , ,-x r ~"-l lAY ,- ~~I /'UP "Fl" . 1/:0' 'Gr f)'-((u 't:C --f c~C'.'- ;,;..... ~l/~t~ <~~~r:.~ \~~ .~..'1.' ", '/.~'('. -lj?/~..'((t(~ ;.~~-,/ )). '.--- /I(:ta~ c' (r'l-yq,.t't(( h~-1~/ I/.)/{.c' I>>' - fF~?A--l ;'Yr.~.v pt/ 0/, , __._:..:AiC, lrril'l-tL.____,_,__~. ADUilESS & ZIF CODE (Crint) /,) . ..- ;//l'- . I I /' / ..-t! c' 1 /' -- .. , --r'1 f , .'~" ." . ,'_ /- /1/ I ,..., -1/.~---7-7;;:: / ___ ,/ ,,,/ ,,;--:-.;; ;-/,: 'c_ It/C,- 'L--.[_)/t c'''c'/~) ,-1l_- , (-::)/i:~E.y ~/.:/ ~'Y 1/ 'lY'. . 'J ^ e f.5'tI+"';/::I~ /7/1'f--/'F/ /:-/c./::: /-( ___ I, ,:.) ( --;:-.fi n) rI " . F k) \..-':'1\.'"'t' ,,", V"J .. 'j ~') ,"" (/-1-...i r ( (' / / // < / " /' __.._(-\(/~_"'.-":7/:;"- '--, ') ,,,,,,~....('/,~_(' ''PfI.'/l..<..: S 'J CA- LL tfA---IJ,{/ i(..:(, Ii (:: fA tl,~ ( Ik 1'1, " -' , - )...- ,.'" (. - ',<,.Ic/ ,7 _,I " {JeU Ii' (I L I " 1{;2 S I\v .--- --- .2 /:::P/i/LJh'/) ,_;: //;":>4G 7)--~ ::>:3) .J<' .' k.', t'/~/' b 5'/7.{/.'/' Q "..../ ((7- '7 ( ~'v./~ ~~1~ LV.,l~.,A',/-"A-_- f ! . ". '7 , ;/ /:.,~//7// , --tA' . ,If t. -fC'(;'".J-: I /t.. L Ix d L~"l. ./ J L. /"1: F /' rc c,~ ,..I) ,.I ,_, ( I;"~ /"'f /( ~/ \" !, ( /~ G L () ,/vut/Lr (/ Ii- r II Cj 7/ ;'j-?--cc:.bJ? /11% //P7/ 5v v/lnJL-V IV{/ ZL1[Jv<"CL"( l~"... ! ~ I . ( . H 41-- rEf? J /l11.f c."'.:> ~.[ E;J II .. " c E /y'c/~jlJ /'::/ T /I'/C/~4 JR.- , "Ii / ~L If . { ,1\ , ( i ! __~__d'H''''1 ( /e ( ~o be sub, itted to the 3outhold Town flanning Board, 3outhold Town naIl, Southold at the Dresubmission meeting on ~arch 22, 1982. '~ r E TIT I 0 ;: ;'Ie the undersigned residents of Southold Township strongly oppose the pro'Oosal to oer:nit a "7 Eleven" store to be erecte~ on the corn~r of locust lane ~d ~ou~e 25 in the . h~stor~c hamlet of ~outhold. ~e cons~der th~s ty~e of bus~- ness out of character .wi th the adjacent setting of colonial homes and shops, and not tending to oromote the quiet, peace, beauty, health and safety of the surrounding neighborhood nor the general welfare of the Town of Southold. c. . ~"D( Cr\\ A 12 d...D 0 L!; e tV f'RtlPf r Ct) /-./-1 SO IY . 51k1'L It elM -CU.a ~/~ /f'A '7 c5 r-r" J- .z ~ (FJ L1/.2-rv1 ... i'iAKE ADDrtESS & ZIP CODE b 30 , L:: /-.LEL/ Fh Po,) (fn1f' p v (' 1'e ~K L"" 0ou,Lhr, L d I ~ O(Qe/t... (),_ v c9v /6,,<..// /17( // 7 '7 ) II?, /7) l A' ."'--"-f~~<~ S+ ci " ;-:;0<" /r) ... / q 7 I t:/v'>>...,.., ,P~ '"7 ?<./., ':I. b(, ~ oos.e ., {/j ,&(j",p:;:-ulZd !?u;i/~~-<jI9~ \...0co <...-0.\,,\<:, 7QCOY\~c::. q- ( '" \,}, " ", \. f'<. I '<. .\. '- ._.,' . cl....1____f..__ ~ 1501'\ 05' oS ')<1\' ~.uzL, ~ )~t!/a~J:'- J c:. ,~ -,:( 7'~ c {/ 5:lS- cA ~ 04., ~u.;Lu . ~ PJ~,.("rJJ(//A/A~ - (C;rf{ILu/~ .:2,-j-S-O '30lS- c 1-1<; <<1ft: . OE'Ok?C ~/1 r/2o/(J..)),'oeFFIZ- To be sub~itted to the 30uthold Town rlannin~ Board, 30uthold Town Eall, 30uthold at the Dresubmission meeting on !:;arch 22, 1982. - C ,'\11 .'._, ' '.J\ '. \\. ,<, \/, /~~/ )/d / /Y't1; 7J/:- If f~ ~ ('I ".'~ r 'J', r'" ,.I...CZ-r~u J c~"-( i~~ti;) JJ~~~~~- _~-r f~; ,f/:-< ' l'r , ,J /1 I. ,\.il:~,~~//, '" ( l ;-<-1. t,~:"",'_, ,It);) ,: ,~I (I /-l~,Lrf~ ~--- ,. ..._--.--_.-----~------- /~' ," ,I' . / !/IN--itvk.I//1 ,;// cc,'!...- / ((:-;i:-c:~~~~~_, ?:" , CL' " ,~ '" /:' /~~;;~:1;;~~~ < < (~tt=2') ;: ( ~~ il J/Jjl /~ ,.!' -;~LJJ~--j;),2~ ~.1 (tc Icc.u( 7GAvs(,,; ~j (Loo~x --~ '.- ..... 2I!;!.~_;_MJlJ:;;_,. ''1 ? G 1 I ('"' T ~ C ;Ie the undErsigned residents of Southold ;'ownshi" strongly onpose the uronosal to ner~it a "7 ~leven" store to be efecte?- on the corn~r of locus~ lane ~d~ou~e 25 in the . hlstorlc hemlet of ~outhold. ~e conslder thlS tyne of bUSI- ness out of character wi th the adjacert setting 'Jf colonial homes and "hops, and not tendine- to "romote the quiet, peace, beauty, heslth and safety of the surrounding neighborhood nor the general welfare of the Town of Southold. :';Ai;:: (Tri n t) AOQ:ESS Be r ' \\:/ II" .\' A v \ '-. _ -_~' ~ Zlr CODE ( ['r in t) ._.,_..__________ I 'r. ' I' ,( [\., C,.' ~h-,',;.-1 F m~____"~\.. ' " , -". \- \1 r h Ii ' 'If J i I \ , I _,'__ /__ _/, . -,~A!l1/ i {'/> ,.:0 /--;/" I, - ' t\ " \ le;\\ \ 1\ r' 1\ /~,'I'> , L-/'1. '1/. ~l (i J , _ , /, =",.L.__ ) C' f\ \/ {" \'/ \(\ \ "'I, (" k ~.rIU It!) \LJt IJl A 1/[: --Pc U'fl! r~ M ,/ I . " / / .., ,~l41111=:L, f /~I\.)f)t::R:'x:.,i\.\ J~6Jljl~ l~' l-\C:L.bE~ MI1K 6/UicI 1I. II C. 0) &f , , I ') , Hc/,'-s(~~ L !?,\)( C,lFtl, JlAMlrJR._~. Dc- . ',\lIe _ !JdJv.1b /0 4('<1,(,/ C . r fc) f';" LL<;" /2/) ?;=CC{//'-- N r ((!; / t, f2( ,[.,,"":-d, /\/~/ ".4'/1 &~s .A r7 CL'" 76/,/CY;:(/C, /-J'/- ;nflTT7.3WS L...fj, ('i.,TCHL'zvE/V,'-/ rn~~~ Qfl n~ rn'~~c k _~iy Ylr0\ ~~ ,SH"1:-L~cC /.](/ /)(), Be _,_ <6. I( If ( ;iI, V. ~ . C,).' ", T 17 ,,,' c Ct' ~;.f)~'1 7'/' r /f J t;;~/h,/)I/9 7''/i.sc. ('""";-'" .:.>:', "(~b..LL"",,=.j ~~:.., 5'/<./,44-1' ;1' :5C././/LIL~ ;t 0 /11,/ t s;: C'.. 1-1 J I 116 111 ,ch ,j-e.1 C I~AI \ ~ J (It Oue..\ \ I\e..., 2eht'-.s,k~ r fL 1;;1) It OLt= f.- Io be sub:ni tted to the .3out~old Town flaJl.ning Board, 3outhold Town naIl, 3outhold at the nresubmission meeting on ~a~ch 22, 1982. fETITIOr.: ,Ie the undersigned residents of Southold Township strongly oppose the proposal to Dermit a "7 Eleven" store to be er~cted on the corner of locust lane and .~ou te 25 in the h~storic hamlet of Southold. We consider this type of busi- nessout of character with the adjacent setting of colonial homes and ShODS, and not tending to promote the quiet, peace, beauty, health and safety of the surrounding neighborhood nor the general welfare of the Town of Southold. (r , , ( '}.co ..,~?;' ) A.) r ~;AI~1E ADDRESS & ZIP CODE ~ L> ~Cjc>'-j~o i ^uJ3 /:c I", i. 3/~gL II c.. e.... .s. 'J IV JI')CC U ..- I --;,d,l{/ (J u....(1f<1 tJ) . 7A.J.LL. i') -:;-./ /. .', '/" (11J , . .r-- ~"I ' '. _,' ,~ ~.'''' , ~'lC/i. "A"'-;": ..':.... _,~ ;;, v...... .li...G( ......-, " ,l. , L/ II/vIII ,; 1~/J . ...-;J(,\.,; ~ :l ~/ ,. /;{ - '/'" ' , './ {I ;/ ~,~ '/t'l t' ..... _'" (.\.' / $:. / . ~ I. ..' /~.~ J { . d':/ ;/l,.. Gt:. . 0 .slltt:i~ //t ~j ::J ,-tV]} , / )/----J'7 2-.. ,c /;1 .~:_.;., ~-~ --I / / / (h I , -r /. 1-. /- / /';0 L' b ,~' 0~ /1' -.'J . J A ,/'/./'0 ......~ .'.~ i -- l. 1,/ /' / <.-'/ .: .I' --... "- " ';.,>:-/ (,- ,;' (;7~"oi /-. ) To be submitted to the 3outhold Town ?lanning Soard, 3outhold Town Eall, 3outhold at the Dresubmission meeting on ~arch 22, 1982. i \ Iv ~'{~TI 1U ,-Je the undersigned resi.dents ofSouthold~~o\Vl1Shi;:, stron,c!ly oppose the pronosal to rer~it a "7 jleverl'- store to be erected on the corner of Iocust Ia:le and <oute .25 in the hlstoric ramlet of SouthoJd. ,;e consider this tyne of busi. ness out of character wi th the ad,jacent setti,n2"" of colonial bomes and shans J and no t tendi nc' to 7":',romo te the quie t, ;)eace, beau ty. heal th arid saf'e t~v~ of' the surrounding (lei. ?:'hborLood~:or tLe general wel fare of tr"e town of Sou thold. 31 -,;l'iATt' .ci.. (?' ... // ~ )C'~:;~i~ ;<:- . ,tf" 0-' ~A . . 41/' (L""t",Jw 1J, ~1J.,.14 . A;/ i/~-fr~~~t'J) " f. . ',- ,;,.. "5-\~7_ . . ....\~. ",. (1" ~__~,-_'-(_-L,~' ,->'~-<--" 7 - -'-~ ~-,- /:J- I e.,7;-. J / _ ________'__"'~m_ Wj_" (,-1 "L.-r'.b';,.~_.......-t k'C,(."~-<-' (,~ . f \\ . rt:"; \ l' ,.J.. ,V':!:~"'(A'L ><~~& ~/44;~' . ;/ / I "V ...-. . );t~ ,~V Z~A Jf~'~. 'c~/,iK~ . \ ':~L~l~Tfy)A:I-~ :/ ~~-'T' ',.. h3<1!' 'v'~ ~.~ -~'9-'r.... - ~ 7~~~ . r . 1'0 be sub:nit nresubmissi :.:AI.';;:._ (iriJl t 1M...... AJD]~S3 Z ZIr' CODE iFrint) Q.-;/t/.. Zk...__. _._...2 vs- LoCf(V /0. 1;;[1 77f~( IJ Y / / O'i,:}'/..; hf'f.I].:l... 71+ /1<;-10.___ 3/5' iJ )-I~ A,)e. G ,e'€?t<./flI'T N 1_._.. ~a~.]J/)H/f/"./P__. ,~I-j-CJ#-1 /...h C::/">u'f-hl:Jlr/, N/y. C,.,..~ ,L.." ::i~hp,,-- --fto\a~r-T Re. "'S"'.....tQ"lA -N.V, .~;//ljN FIN d/;' 1..41-( 7111'':' f ttJ~ .s~ / "/E/1,V J?/Tr~~ gt!)v~hc/D'v. Y. ",/ , Ah~AlA F/~/,(// ..j<~).e~r'..~\\1..~ ~Il:{\{.,\l .. fi l> ""- C F:. ;Z 15 t./N s ~ /' FIf/JJ/6&S f;tvN'c V~ll/:J G WJrIS.5 Cl\Tnf f\OWAtf (' 11-1 If L.J;. V BIf'I7-ILC ~/tLf It. CALt..A #A;V 1..,-I/;?l~ ~l //'171 '/ ~.t( ./utdaL../. //'17/ c;nf6f'Y C.R€'Ei:" LANE ~~= .r;,pr#,~ I { t", to the Southold Town ilanning Board, Southold Tovm naIl. ~outhold at the meeting on ~arch 22, 1982. . [' E TIT I 0 I: '"e the undersigned residents of Southold Township strongly oppose the proposal to permit a "7 Eleven" store to be er~cted on the corner of locust lane and "oute 25 in the h~storic hamlet of Southold. Ne consider this tyne of busi- ness out of character with the adjacent setting of colonial homes and shops, and not tending to promote the quiet, peace, beauty, health and safety of the surrounding neighborhood nor the general welfare of the Town of Southold. SIGNATU.1E -' a'"---~b/ ;/ ~)~ .:J( LrJ ("-<-r~ SAr.1E ADDRESS & ZIP CODE 'co? ,!-l,- q(6 ~ 07,,--, 3~~~. ). 9~L t:> ~.....-fL f!>\ \.l ~ 9 f) 1-.0 +- SO<.-<. ~o t OJ SO'-1.~/J 'ilQ5 l/JwM !l4i(;3:Ji( /....N 00U71fClLD S~ Ii/, 1. 1/'171 //v?;J&J(/JM': S;;u74v'L~ .A/., II . 7:.t./1I) II 1"'J/(13 CJ /1 .Lfl/VE Sou7hd-j) tt; _ J'/ ;7/ / 'fS-c ;;, IN'IV IIfJjf !3C'f( hRN,E <; oV;/!Cl-l)/'Ir: !I f 7/ ..,j /.-.4/1/<: /U c 11'7 ..,6. /.1 jI:? I //9:-;>/ ) Ojph',r//= ~, qJ'c}fE.L/iv S'u 1/1..= J ;';11 o L Eft< tl '/ '7 // N /'1 /j IV D -J~5y:, H .A ,KJ? u s1\)' ..,5'f.lI1.1,{>RrI 11 IV IY fJ ' 1.' }if E ~/)/ E'1f otv'L//lJ I~ w ,) J j)c'rvLl/v A L 13 E ;< ( ;j. 3' T v ,v' ,-=- Fa...A t-./,- ;;', c_. ...:J(~, N'~ ;Ic c./ Aei. fJ r /~ 12. 61/ (J <?if C-. To ce submitted to the 3outhold Town ?lannin~ Loard, uresubmission meeting: on [,;arch 22, 1982. - J) i ~ 1. 0 .ie the undersigned residents o~' Southold 'o\'r:1shi D 3trongly onpcse the l")ronosal to ner11i t a "'-/..~leven" store to be erecte:t on the corn~r of locus~ Lane ~nd ~ou:e 2S in th~; . hIstorIC hamlet of ~outho]d. ~e consIder thIS tyoe of bUSI- ness out of character 'sith the ajjac'?r't sett.in{~ of coJonial h_omes and. ShOp~3, and riot tendin~ to Dromote the quiet, ,-'eacej beau\y, teal th and safety of the surroundinr: :1eigh:Jortood nor the general welfare of the Town of Southold. A 3I;:,~:;Mt;(~~ ~ ii~~~~4~. ~. i~-/ / -- O,r~~,",'Cb. 1f;~4/1-~A,4- (7... ,k);(~ '7< ./ ~,\,/ '-.......__' f//~_.~ I ., i; {/ tV i/;.I '_ (,>-~~____ ,,-,,/>_,'l~,~_,L?'; ,'I _.~_".~___ (/l... t:. ,<e. -::;-u-&~1 M -r -'-'T "M' ._M_.'M . 'k e~"o~')T~'" ~~. "...:.:...__.___ :[f(EIVE flJ}GJ;R/HRN .~.'.~ '-:,il{!7~P~, -.(' LOUI5~ J-/EftB~oc..,< )i" ~ __ Q 7 f,n..fl..1? -it G- I< ~ c. E j). c:, R E: E I _J\1~ d-yc0~ V. ~ Lr I't-~c. f'rI( Ef if,~' IVtr';S (JZvj~'-J/ ]~" IA 'A ~;J? flit> f: ~.~.t.. .-_t"f!..--.m~~" .'(1./~'u~:"py'; Z1//-~~ '~fq~.K,(~ . --1. - ~:....;;'\, ..,t~l:.~..:--t-';"_-<u:_-",.:,,, ,AJ.'2 rFrintl AJD'~2 1, ZH CODE x:~,;r;~~7lt::--;L::;l'-dO "' i/!. uA . E;WR ~~r#r~ u) .m_____.._____ a,I $; Co. .........u J. 9,,-"dt:<Cc \~/,j;'fl n,~L uu_ ~ otfl.. . ~ Vo.);til-"1 y~~/t[Atf ....!.~ ~" '1_ ft..!"./{ E:IV'<!-.F.:. L. rH-oIYJSo,v ~rl... it:r-v ~. II L _ ~t/ rP7,4r./ ~ A ,A::. ) ~t!L<~~ ..fl,_~ i11. y~~ .L.CL. ...g~ nh. N. s.~h. C tJl1d //" ~ EsrELLE AfLlllc I( rot..8y ,., II J I 11 ~ /II S IXtlJ, If~ 1?d. s ~.f fi? jj( tf-~<i.. ~6Itfho) If ,JIt{. 1;Jllt} FR F:,., ~ I f-n'-1 f:-1( [!)l1~ct(* K t3 Jl \ t' ~o ce sub~itted to the Southold Town flanning Loard, Southold Tovm naIl. Southold at the uresubmission meeting on ~arch 22, 1982. - F E TIT I 0 I: ;1e the undersigned residents of Southold ';;ownship strongly oppose the proposal to permit a "7 Eleven" store to be er~cted on the'corner of locust lane and ~oute 25 in the h~storic hamlet of Southold. ~e consider this type of busi- ness out of character with the adjacent setting of colonial homes and shops, and not tending to promote the quiet, peace, beauty, health and safety of the surrounding neighborhood nor the general welfare of the Town of Southold. i';AliiE {A I ( I( L( j) U( ;<fE' (,3 i <0LE .,TZ'LLs C4vu ,({,qm':';d.: 0 /1'1j1- 'A~ Co ttLee'V C(J """ ( ( f / " (" ...) t:<" /::L ..., <;l I ( ( J- u -t! / ,/ ( L, Ul~_'\ \'Y\ P<tL,' A !~J~-/'- L' UC"'\e+ , c ,~ '-- / / j-8 G'I:: 01 ' :bc"(~ (~,' Io be submitted to the 30uthold Town ?lanning Board, 30uthold Town Hall, 30uthold at the Dresubmission meeting on ~arch 22, 1982. c.. !. J.. l C 2-L ,Je the undersigned residents of Southold '-()..vrlshi~) strongl::1 oc':_'ose the -croDosal to Der:nit a "'7 Eleven" store to be efec~ed on the corner of locust Lar12 and ;;oute 25 in the hlstoric hamlet of Southold. ~e consider this tyne of busi ness 01J.t of character '.'lith the adjac~;t settirL7 1:,1' r:-olonial homes and ShODS, and llot tendinS" to :~,romote the quiet, ~'eace, beauty, hea.l th and safety of the surrou~cinp:: nei~hborr.ood_ nor the general welfare of the Town of Jouthold. 31G7-, jilL:;: (!_E~tJ~ ~_~~ ~- '?::j{~ 7J I-JI (.' ~ _ _ ___ , j II" Ii f \,\ r;:~!. j( Ii /i';'/II t.' r:' ~.'>/~c);'.---' ~~~'\1~~0:~C(~J 1\ !\' c,' /' (' I t- (' I? _d L") I) ,)J~l '- C" 11/ ~~ C-'L I . -) / I~:: /5;r? ;"~- /!Plr- } I ~ l/r' // .. );-:;-7'" 1/ - r~/. ~ .. ! (c' f-/L., _ ). G i C t" '; / '-___)._,/ I' J I (7 , I tu j 7- al (;Ii"_ C i U, j,- i /') - _, -1 I I (.'c""';VlJ;...1" l. '- ( ~ t)l, L;'- f.,j ',--- -.--'-~7~T ....."/,-:. (' )/ (,; . I / t::kL.1""....._ '.,7 '--: b..'h,./Ll'-1. e i) .. 7~~/)u " ,...----r . -.-------- L CALc-t;_ /' t ~. err J71 lL.\',"\\L .1 ~tl~~ /) If h I-Id/L'/) \': '1 - ! " , ,f!. 'I' /i\l,r. t-,' i" I . Ll"" ! A:JD,~ES:] I' 21" C:~DE: (cri n t ) _ :.;;-; /2r(2 71,v TIC:' / t._.(f:{i~-6:;:--_-:TjIT;~-wL /~ eel- //;; '1 \C / 7/-/{/;j /~ f.lN~ t i . 1.5 d i.' ;' J (,'{J j, T;'/; '/, /) 1\, \f //9; , I (j kit Ht l' lll:! I I ,'i..B.,,{< ) ('/.,"^- s~_,)t ! 19 '..Jc/'-. f') ~c( ( I: /.'C( , ,I',. ''>}ci-: t: I /tt-L (t (J-,"A.0u/.::' //y')s 119(,/1,1 1/ '1 }LV , - :,--c;+ / I /./ r '--, " .-./ "7 1/ )' -; ,/ I :~" I,,/,,/) l C r , ! 1 '., 'I ,/ /1/ I'. i i " , , Ii' , t / / J ""-'- f / ; ---I \/ i ) {,.; (; :/ 119 ::. / . II '7 ::' !? {, "/ , .-' ( ) ,,-/ (--c' f. (. ,', . ,- i ~ / ~ f " ; J..' l ' -l I.)-r, II r " -~\ \ o , )CtC :0 be submitted to the .3outl1old To',vn llanning Doard, Southold 'Town Ciall, .3outhold at the uresubmission meeting on ~arch 22, 1982. PET I T I 0 ;: ~e the undersigned residents of Southold Township strongly oppose the proposal to permit a "7 Eleven" store to be erected on the corner of lqcust lane and ~oute 25 in the h~storic hamlet of Southold. Ae consider this tyne of busi- ness out of character with the adjacent setting of colonial homes and shops, and not tending to promote the quiet, peace, beauty, health and safety of the surrounding neighborhood nor the general welfare of the Town of Southold. ~c \/, ,V(/1.,J0-- ')L~J~ Ik!&/'L ?:ftJ/ii Oh, ----/'<8 ' _" , r:-e,U;l ,~' ~e /( {"'J-t { v.= ',_ I ,! 11./1'\........L0..... !\..J/,.~ Gf.(___"..-} '/~ 1 f)./,.. . je <Q ,_of v" . "',"_ i\;AI\~E (} +I {J IZI" _~ 0..) 61:-nv I) \ d-cdL<d,[ 1// V / '7. (' ~JL-d )L " ,\ /,0,:-. /(,.;. c,' /",- J;Lc 0 Ie ~ C7 '~d- f d->t( 7EIz~y LV, // ,/ ;1/ c v+7",,- If-, jJ,p-u!fj./C! /I'i-' 7/ )oVT/-:/OL.z:; / J "77 / 71 - '"b '" " S 'u\ -;7 ~11,.cttL.--- )':;~ l~J/~~~~O(- /if( (I.. f)RE D 0 DR E (:70 ~ '-7 ,1 / '-:' 'y ~""- K,l VI. IVel t"rr ;', ., P~tl I ,3 ..::...: ." , )21' 70 te submitted to the 30uthold Town rla~ning Board, 30uthold nresubmission meeting on r.:arch 22, 1982. ~all, 30uthold at the , .-L -'. --~------ :..-,. ,}e the unders':{:-r1ed residents o[ ,)outhold -owTlsni :") strongly- OTy!:ose the nrcynosal to "'er'nit a "~7 leven:' sto!'e to c'? erected on trie corner of Locust lar~e and~'oute 25 in the historic hamlet of 3outhoJd4 ,Ve consider this t~De l)f busi- ness O'c.lt 0:[" character with thE' 8.d,~acer:t settini~' of cclon2.al homes and ShOD:), and not tendinpc to ""romote the quiet" :',eace~ beauty, health all:j safety of the surroundin{:: nei hcr'~ooj "'1or tLe general welfare of the Town ofcouthold. ~ _:AL;: (' j:):int) _ ._~" _ ___ ,_ A0lJ.~E;;;-:; ,~: 21 ~ CCU2_J.lrin.1l, ,,_...__..''''__._ __L-~ IT( ~_~/-UL~_~'I__<_ ___,I )~--.=L~')./'~J <. '--r.._<_____._~~~_~~_.__ 'T ~l. '~ _ < '1(( :J.., (v&/( ;~AjV (j~\:/ti\_ -r--:'.) .-------=-----. -,.- >")i/; 11 " / /H L 1\ IV( /.\ I' 1::-. I~ V:: ;:,~'.- ~jjc~-,:;;/ <-, );;-- C)e/,/w7=~-;h/Y . .----;----- J _~.. // (l (' /, j- c~ 0-u-., ~~.. ') __. '. '-a- '& "JJfl!!i- CHAT</..e3 /I. L~WI S (/~~-;;:=, // / /. oD ~ ~ ~ \ ;'(/:'U" /-~..../ --"14 / ~ J '-- \ - ,~-;/ ~~, _,'~-:".:;-__~ -':/-7[/..1'...-1'.#0//1 ~ " :!.l.L!r 't/r- ,,(.::l , \.J1-t~(2.(,U~\ / 1/I~yY"2,1 ?:h Sf!? P /lIlp), ,"- ;Z UST~! r..",. II 't~ fYh' \~qc\9-{J/ B ~ r--Wc': I \\J HIs '/ ~i'. M ffJu--;; >11 C (l~2-a. ( ~ /h). 1'1/1 11. s Iv. 1.AJ l::t '- ::, ,~~ '-'/~~-;;-:t,--~ ~ . .. +-)ffl A //1 ~ . . t I , . - '-~E\.T-~-' v I . . 7 I u.Z;t./ t~" r '~', . /' . l2eT/".7. (~t?aAzd!A. '/J7~'Clef!l~, i(JtlU,,- %~~~\,QI~n"9-Q.f /' \ !--i / L / (\ /jlf-/ L./?l J~ -:L 1'>', ? qJ;- \:\ T\ 'fe"...- I^_ I ~II--r;' / .." ).-, l- 1J[iT t L. F fTzeATRIC Ie , rYl0-1cd{p.T W4Q () I <:. ~o~fh-( c, l,----.J ,\'{\<?'0ev , 7.;<;-- r~~I< ,e.. y' / i . ,.- .), ,1--/.., J V'\., /\ j i' <>'1 1-1-:-1 /J i :1./;:; ; /~ 1/Z{o/01'{UAC- , ~ ,Y/f I~.fz.f--H" j r 0 Q J'---f ) L, L L-( ~ (' ~-==C k---~,-\ 1- tl6If111D(JSE R~DAf), SOiJT1{OLJVvY: 1197J T,()K Ll z,? ~ ~1A#'P if) ^/ Y ) l17, Bo/ 80:J... SCtJ 1h-t~l2 hv1 /1"17; I j J ~:l)~ 1\J,0v I;r~ ~ II '7 () ,h PCu,? ,~({ D{~1)'': ~c,-<\-1,"-Icl.'1Iq 1 c:. ,/", I),. - c::,~< /f-,.:; /~ I (/ C; 7/ '--- '1- 4 "::> C';;Jt..~i ~ru({d C) '{Jv\-\ j/'1~-7 ( /< -:-,' /. L /J (",: / r K,;( IO<-\.c.:;. ~A e><- 7 7 S;;. 1-1 (u-/l~ RQ , ,~J:;l1 's f f, ~'v \ )-~ qiY, llA PI) I( 9,' To be submitted to the 30utho]d Town ~lanninz ~oard, 30uthold~own ~all. 30uthold at the oresubmission meeting on ~arch 22, 1982. ~ f c TIT lOr: '.Je the undersigned residents of Southold Township strongly oppose the Dronosal to nermit a "7 Eleven" store to be efecte?- on the corn~r of locust lane ::nd _~ou:te 25 in the . hlstorlc hamlet of ~outhold. Ne conslder thls tyne of busl- ness out of character with the adjacent setting of colonial homes and shops, and not tending to promote the quiet, peace, beauty, health and safety of the surrounding neighborhood nor the general welfare of the Town of Southold. p)--1 /Jr::. ld ADD~ESS & ZIr CODE if<:tcrc')O !J.A,I\ Bo SIGNATU1E ,--- 1 -.4i"",- / i.';Ai'rlE 'I I < 1. u.f-hofr1 ,.- I 7\ //< ~7_, ( ~~ , v-- " /]x [Me S'oum,jL0 IV ) 1177f Io be submitted to the Southold Town ?lanning 0oard, Southold Town Eall, Southold at the Dresubmission meeting on ~arch 22, 1982. ),4 c E TIT I 0 ,Ie the undersigned residents of Southold ~o\'/Ylship strongly oepose the DroDosal to ner:nit a "7 C<:leven" store to be erecte? on the corn~r of locust Lane ~d~ou~e 25 in the . hlstorlc hamlet of 0outhold. ~e conslder thlS tyee of DUSl- ness out of character wi th the adjacent setting of colonial homes and shops, and not tending to promote the quiet, Deace, beauty, health and safety of the surrounding neighborhood nor the general welfare of the Town of Southold. SIGj\ATl1 \E i:A[I'E . (friniL. ADDLtESS .8,:: ZI F CODE ( 1C r i n.:U._........._ f' ( , , L ," 4:.' c Lz~ C,- :",' , C 1 \ \', ~ , ! . I . ~i (.: 1: !',f'! I' !( : I, ,. .\ , , ,I , I r'( II (! \' r:/ '-- i .".---:;~---'_.,--- "'. If A , J " ('.' -,' \ 1\.' ( ~ r/ (/ ) )~'r'-'--- I I !)(o\Ij,":( ! I f I '\, () /'1, " I ;J - ,/ ; ,'," -. J I .{ f ( I )/1-' ( '-.-- . / f,' J: 1\ ! / ! ,- 'f . /',' I' ,. I I) '1''11 } , To be sub~itted to the Southold Town ,lanning presubmission meeting on ~arch 22, 1982. r E TIT I 0 r: ~e the undersigned residents of Southold Township strongly oppose the proposal to nermit a "7 Eleven" store to be erected on the corner of locust lane and ~oute 25 in the h~storic hamlet of Southold. we consider this tyne of busi- ness out of character with the adjacent setting of colonial homes and shops, and hot tending to promote the quiet, peace, beauty, health and safety of the surrounding neighborhood nor the general welfare of the Town of Southold. ( ,) " ..... /' /< (~/" " ./. ~. #0 .,~, ,..'''' " ,", "', 'II ' , /' . , //1 ''''-{t.-l' f .~ ,>/~, ~ ~~ ;2, '~~ ;/; /,' , ' /i /',. '/", .,: . i ' . , f / ..... ....- ~ ' , .i C1 I , . , ! (\ ! \." " ../.: , ; f) ((/,. /' ///(/ (); 4 ,I 1/ ' / I', ./ lJ .;.! "J . f- , , " . I ; ll: /., , t / (/ ') , \ .\ , i /.'~ ' " 'c, IJ " .' ( / '. /, ,/,- <' . /1 /",/ I ~\;Al~lE ADDRESS 'II. ) , . fi ;v' & ZIP CODE 1 " ',,-"J /J " ,_,, j /.....!<~ '; -::[; :/1' . ;1- , , rr//", .! ,,' '7 ' ,.-" f i /I! (: " f " I. .1, 1 \ ", "" / ,)"./ ,:it,':, j" / /~- , / / , " / " /1 //y Ii \ ill/) ".... , '.',' -1-" . . '1 , .", /' i' ~ ., Y 7 0 h:Jc/N))"2~s" , P/) .. .J p'!" 11;; \~6if'-1(J",U, Iv [I .. - . i} ~ I ~ "'.' ~' / ,""r ." I .'( 1/: :-" r :. F (;, 0"1 1>, ~ p/ I -ro< I /j' ,J ('r 1;.'- ( /.J ., ,... I (;.,- ~~'/, /". I ., . /,:'/!'~ 7:~-: j/ Ii. I / . ., l (, (' I) ; 1., /\ /,>1 I .. 1.1' I / ) ; ( / , >'!)}. f ; ......~ ') , /--'1 I ( /1/("'/ (/ II C) I ,.? })/;I.:.(;I' f, /1, 1"',1' ! .,1, f I ,',_,' > / (" ~,,) ,.... - .1- ,~.I '.' '~7 / .'...1. ,,.. ',- I .' (! I) . ,'.-' ,,\ fL ,',,"! J' , i I /: .. ...~ (' "...... ;;' "'._)0, J _', "" '.,'.'.' j A' I 'I. ;' . ll/) " ? c/' r ,.-J" .1 ", , i~/' ) r.. /, ! ")) " , ~ -' !". ,- ('/ '.' ' / ,I ,//'/ I,,' . . 'I' 1/ /! { '~,/;' / / I I ... I) Gt (' II' / \,i t ! ) t,l 5- /r' /' ~ " I . . ~. . ;. " " ~~'. I; I ('PI / !I , (" ,t- To be sub~itted to the Southold Town ?lanning Board, 30uthold Town nall, Southold at the presubmission meeting on ~arch 22, 1982. .t;,t; FS-rI iU -I~:e the undersigned residents of Southold I'o'.....nshic strongly onpose the -croDosal to f'lermit a 117 Jle?en" store to be erecte~ on the corn~r of locust lane ~nd~au~e 25 in the . hlstarlc hamlet af 0authold. ~e canslder thls tyne af bUSl- ness out of character ':lith the ad:acent setting- of colonial r:ornes and shops, and not tendin,::.... to nromote the quiet, ~eaC,2, beauty~ health and safety of the surrounding neighborhood >'jor the general welfare af the Town af Southald. 3IG,:AT1J __i:.A II::': (r r i n t) ._....~. ... ALJ!),~:~SS t ZIT' r~_~ODE .i1:-rintJ.__.,_____ 1 I, , (--' / . 7 r' " l / I; " /1 . 1 1 J . f I . ;: / / , ' i -~ ) )\ '1 , I , ) /'. 'r / '- \,. . i i , , ~/, it I . I . , \<:'.'~<,-<,,-- _.----,,__nn_____._. W,y,jj)" XO'U Ltlz--re 0{ \1. i '.J .: 'J. " .d. ."~ t,c ./c ,.jJ ')1, 1/ '", Ii II y? / ;~,., ,.. )j. (( i (:Z-o<7Ld' ;t;,~~ llLL &C~. ~/,-) ~.o< >X-.i! ' (7 i,,(~~. a~ &12 . ----1:--- j~ /lmrJ / /~ ./. ~~7 "r; (' ",\"s. ,,{. ' ~ ) " . ' , " . , , I i' t I ! r .- '7 I / 'jh ~ flu 1., ~ I 7a be sub~itted to the ~authold Town rlanning presubmission meeting on ~arch 22, 1982. Board, 20uthold Town hall, 30uthold at the r E TIT lOr 'ile the undersigned residents of Southold Township strongly oppose the uroposal to uermit a "7 Eleven" store to be erected on the corner of locust Lane and ~oute 25 in the h~storic hamlet of Southold. ~e consider this tyne of busi- ness out of character with the adjacent setting of colonial homes and shops, and not tending to promote the quiet, peace, beauty, health and safety of the surrounding neighborhood nor the general welfare of the Town of Southold. S GNATU:1E r .,/ fJAr~lE ADDi\ESS & ZIF CODE (Frint) ""').. \" ) I ;..:0/ , .' f ,/ ,I ( '_C"~ i.' i ~' /. fI - L I~;'/ y /' ! /;</1 ! i ( (l" I I // '-. .-.f.- ,-( i [ /)1. I I /' . ) :C',,'" /l / I~I' \. ,I' , / /I~J'( IICJ 3,( II CI5~' " ......' [' ; "-. ( ) ~7(1 , .,( 'r' , r J / ,/: / - / ~ . t, / .- /. , . , l,'- ,'r'._ r;,\ r'v i ./', (.~' ~~" \ 'v I' "i',: G, " I' \.1 / N 11.1 , c t' , I ., ~ ' .1 ' " -, ., ....- I, / '. ,. )/.::--:' e-;- /: dn , J ." , .r- /" ''''' r {: (.- ',/" f .f .7 ' . j) { ( 1/ / / " , , /( /~~' ) ! i." .( / I .I~", /'/', f/-/' t1l1\ I,j , , , , ,1'/ \ ,] ,_n, .// ,'-""~'r;' / / I 1.-'-"- i :._ l ) / " ) , . , (" . " " i ~ ,_ .' -:</' "r .-{" I I r' I. (', .i~ '-. (' II/(' (Q, r",,(: " Ii .1 '. c/ " i -' " j I )' , , if ( ~ V,I 1//1 rl , ., I ;11' ,if iJ I 1 / / . , / / ~ .'; . t' / /' / I , /./ (, " , ;..-.- /<?' ?/ ( , / \ , .:'J /1',( i) \ , ,... (' ;;/1. ('/ .3outhold /'/ .-..., " .i' / To be submitted to the Southold Town ?lanning Board, 30uthold Town hall, presubmission meeting on ~arch 22, 1982. at the r E TIT lOr: ~e the undersigned residents of Southold Township strongly oppose the DrotJosal to tJermit a "7 Eleven" store to be erected on the corner of locust lane and ~oute 25 in the h~storic hamlet of Southold. We consider this type of busi- ness out of character with the adjacent setting of colonial homes and shops, and not tending to promote the quiet, peace, beauty, health and safety of the surrounding neighborhood nor the general welfare of the Town of Southold. GNATU:1E i / i':A~lE / II i //,,- ~ \' i( / ! I / \... : (.t.( f I ) ,.-: -./..- ,L) (-( (-t.', /)1" ' , F I ! ' ,', ~\C0 G :e (? , - (. , " ~ ' (, :'.- ),'.-',' ,lIe '/"'. ~ () ( ( . '-,1 .'..... ADDRESS & ZIr CODE (Frint) 1,-:0 F I / ) / ,.' J <: / I ~J~ ,,' /Ie; 3d' II q s..) '-r II ,1: / ", .j; ,(-,i I I' . ,"""-, I) ,. , ,.. r", " ,< , , 1"'1 , , 'j fl., ;'1(. ," ,. ;;z " " (' ,I , / FII/!/ , /1, G',/. '" &v " I. , , .' I II; 'vII' r /t I / ~ f j'i .~..1 ;..-:) ( j, I' ,1. ,J .... ~ / ,.: J> "fl''''l} , ~',!>' 1,.1 <. ~ cl , 'lll,\\) It ') -) 1.-," :' /,~ ' r , , ~/ , /) -,11- ( ,'" "'(~/ it,~ , -, : / ( ,/ l (, ~ .f"', 1" (' (. . iI, ,c' I I) . " /)1, I ;.; ,'-'" " ." j / :''': , , ; ,/ ?~. () " /-1' , , 7 ! , , / <"~j~ / / , , , ,/( , I / ",. >..1 , ,,_._' .,.1 - r- /'- :/' F'-/ ,- (.,,- L~~' "... - f/ ../' ; I ,/i / I 'j I .' ,c'J./ ,J' , ) , ' c > / ""1,1 ),' I ' '.' ,1 ) '.I (-<. (;,.,~ (1 \ " .; " ( 1-;",'1" 'f' [J' .d.)/ I. _ V,I II , I '( 1/ / 'l 7 / , /;1/ /' /.. " /-,.,' ',' / I, , . ... /,)(1<(. ( ~ r~ I ' '/ /) , . 1/' /" " /1 ).., ( 1;", ' // .3outhold /,., ':'7 / To be submitted to the .3outhold Town Planning Board, 3outhold Town naIL, presubmission meeting on ~arch 22, 1982. at the t-J rE.'j~ITIO ,ie the undersilo71ed residents of Southold :'ownshir strongly oppose the Droposal to Der:ni t a "7 'neven" store to be erected on the corner of Locust Lane and ,oute 25 in the hlstoric hamlet of Southold. We consider this type of busi- ness out of character wi th the adjacent settini'" of colonial homes and shops, and not tendinp.: to oromote the quiet, :Jeace, beauty, health and safety of the surrounding neighborhood nor the general welfare of the Town of 30uthold. 3IG7JAT1T.~E _,:A~:E _( [rin t) ADD2ESS_~ ZIr CODE (Frint) J~{u.L, ((,i I livJ)~1 J:f('. ~/( E /.. Fe C'. c:~J? (!.=~!ll' t ____.... fr , Dr? e 't./ c: .1 v "- ,C \(/ (\-\fr-,~-'- i. I I [ !. , i. I, i! ;~\ /f ,/ ~~"--r------------"-"----"-----:--'~~----~(-~-; ~~----^- j, -~ - L !' ) " ____l....._________ ___.i..L......___::.....~_--- : "r ,", le,'ll II ;' 7 i. 1'( 1ft ([ !-f. c (/ t. .'~yC~ '1/('LL I .bh;'i!,M" A 0A'~~ d,~ -,j;,~;-,,?;;:Jz ;- ~w,l'{il- ,1;,,~~," Ytt"'" , if/if p;~;': Mh~ )~J~)~: ~"' (J ./ / A--f 1/ J !l/7 / La/J 11./J..<_G-~ tVf!? L ,JJ# ( Af/ - :l:,.~ L A ~_ ll, I i . , ,I! , , j f' ! I Ge\.) Iud", 1/. (7 I't'/(2i? . fA)1 L I_I /It-/I G u), L (1/;:-"1''1 N ~_: tt; 1'7; '2 J 1/95 7 ~ ;,-,,sl/!- ;?( (;'VICUOC;</E. Ny, 1175'':1 FtfffJ!:lflcK Ii' IIlJ-frJ8LC- '/ ~CJ" I'" ~"A t~" I I 'j" ;Ii ;UJ, ,! , , ~ ~ ~ I5fit?ell;: 1('1'1102---. lilt ~ [,( ') <) d~~-p~ 1 30/2-C SO{/ll!jJ~/i$t:f/ fJr/rj ')'OI/77tOL-r;r/v'}'fI'!7( ';L~;,t /~;0c{ 1I17 t( '( ( 01 1 h,c);;{zt-;;Ji. ~ ' 8--3 I 0 S;~JJ/.e~ ~clj 117 '/,1 S;;~ () tlt.-f Ii" q ) If ~ ~t/{ thu;v{/~/ ~. O-v< //< C-r /tie v I fJ e 20 h<~ ;t . -/ kG" cell L ~-1.-,<~ To be sub~itted to the Southold Town ?lanning Doard, 30uthold Town Hall, 3outhold at the presubmission meeting on Rareh 22, 1982. - -;"1 r E TIT I 0 I: ~'Je the undersigned residents of ~outhold ~ownshi p strongly oppose the DroDosal to Dermi t a "7 Eleven" store .to be erecte? on the corn~r of locust lane ~d,ou~e 25 in the .' h~stor~c hamlet of ~outhold. ~e cons~der th~s tyne of bUS1- ness out of character with the adjacent setting of colonial homes and shops, and not tending to promote the quiet, peace, beauty, health and safety of the surrounding neighborhood nor the general welfare of the Town of Southold. y \~ I':A[,'S (Print) ADDRESS & ZIP h BUI rv f: C[: \. ~nc IVe(~' CODE (Print) c ,:::)" LI.. -1 j., u I Q ~ ..-_I , I . )U/(J cf } /~ /. > P, . '/./?~..""" :"",?<' ..._:..4' .,(", }' ...1'// ~~. Cl_l-U{dl/ r f'J. . ... f~-- , "":' '/""__';/.11'.;- ,:,,("" // Qj,-c. Sc (~(1 )Vt'') t/ ..'_A (....... /. . .---) ': or- \3.J.,'\ Cr::: _):'7t:'7'~c ',,- i/ r.I....~_.. .. ( .~ '."--.'fl'~ i'.,' >~/_ .."..~ _ I/", J _ ) ./ ,^-,m672- /3,&,0 N.B A V,EW RD I.,),?:',two<"',,[ lO.n,. S' C \...' -:t-h:J L D :--""/;;e f,C '~LHr -V/'7PC./C ~fE. ",-",-K"A~ ~ I ~ I~ /T5 -r /-l0r ('_T L..L" ..f7L/J'-e./ I /,~L,rhLL <C. A/ Io be submitted to the Southold Town Plannin~ Doard, Southold Town naIL, Southold at the Dresubmission meeting on [;;arch 22, 1982. . c t: TIT I (1 ;: jt)- ,Je the undersigned re sidents of Southold l'ownshi p strongly omJose the nroposal to nermi t a "7 ;'<;leven" store to be , ,- - , efecte? on the corn~r of locust Lane ~nd .'ou~e 25 in the . hlstorlc hamlet of 0outhold. Je conslder thlS tYPe of bUS1- ness out of character with the adjacent setting of colonial homes and shops, and riot tending to promote the quiet, peace I beauty, health and safety of the surrounding neighborhood nor tLe general welfare of the Town of Southold. )~7~~~:cl~ n~~~,~,~'~ H/~~~'~ _._ (/A!!t:.( (l-C~'J (2c~;-,t,~~ }f-" :n:;:.~-,,~ ,/ /(~ / _. / .C1.!.-u.(r<....') );,."? j-::) /. Ie /1 / Jd-)(o/3,5 ... l..-c )"---0,' ~.~___ (;~. \'v, c'Hi~~s-,,-~:s.:~. Ll~c)I cJ( (~.cACvJ)/bc,(o.~, _\'{ 'c \c~cdl.-=-~~_.___-1 )~-'-LQ<.L ",_..~..;(~" (.t':'1 __~<:' ;}?(/f ~/ )( .".."_m"__'"__'~'_.i.J)ijA-:/~~,~:::-l~_^",,,~~./':i'fi.i'I", __ :71' _./ Jh - j / ~' , /' '.. . 'i ,-:I, (' ';!r', " .,LL.!.::2.Li.4-~yj.",-_ ..,.,_.~QSLc--...J,;.&...lL1..e.__::~, o .-s 3:~b~ tte~tc t'<Aii:S ~ ::.r 0 f1tU ,r::; f,{, ~ YVRh.6('!(!c;e/\ / U. ~ RJ\-<!. t\; 0 ,K ~' O'L 5J/ t: e ,,~ou t~lO.lj 'Iawn ~~la!' 'o:,:.r:] i ss on ~;eetin~' on ::arch 22, 1932~ f':resu -liP! I -.,L./, '7: 1-, .//92/ j::e /F '7 leu. d) Q'-<. 7A' d /.:t f/y I ( 'j ') I tCL..v.../~ tL"a lJ tf2ris.- II q ? I f(~Vi R~_.....,~dLIJq71 , Sfk~~ Ilq1( fI1 kit;;:;;;; -t11~~ '&!uh~,f k"? 7'; C~D/b5' J;JEACi-i f2-1B.I< SO IA..{~ >:"€/ '! /lAC"..{ k",-- {Iti ,.c/[(:lid5fL l?,;/ , -- . , --p 0.:('0 I Ln ' .. (" ,~, +.d cJ '.(.. ti.&j , ... ~~1 e.,', \21. (2~:~\ '"\(~ Ii / /' ___'."__'__'_~'__'''~ C.{!- t;'_:~~~~~_d~_:.r:. .. 11-r-t'--r ! '7 J J :1 }y ,.., 1A- "''';'v' I ~. \,.-~ t ! (r "7 I \,~ i \ .-:; -) j I. ,., '.!._C,./j~/ 1,/, ,', J-- ~ "1.-' rJ /~' .< r" , -r '.' '.,i C ( K.e '-' ,^.m'__~__~~..,_.__...,-L. ('''J 't ,\.~:::.l~~ .0 ~2 ,~ ,',Oti rLo 1. d owr, :-:al1, J) -;:;:013 ~ ,I [' E TIT I 0 i: ,Ie the undersigned residents of' Southold Township strongly oppose the uroposal to nermit a "7 Eleven" store to be erecte~ on the corn~r of Locust Lane ~nd :~ou ~e 25 in the . h~stor~c hamlet of 0outhold. He conslder th~s type of bus~- ness out of character with the adjacent setting of colonial homes and shops, and not tending to promote the quiet, peace, beauty, health and safety of the surrounding neighborhood nor the general welfare of the Town of Southold. .r- i';Al:E ADD2ESS & ZIP CODE (Vi' 'fl~tV.1 ,(1'1A/E -SQUrWL'l:> N. . ((YI{ .10NM--.J> o ~ <) Ie I'~ lA), Sce 77 C Ie' ,:J..,- r:rJ S O/'J.. .%"L 1.J-tL..i:> <:6 .4 (-I A, \e.. \'" I<?\ l~1I7r t; j) /J/ H (7 7? u / j) ;4 /-1 ~J/-Tr{T {2t.Z h-t..l~PY L/H?L-<- ~7n /YJ/T- ,Ig 1..I:=:E1\.'l ~QYl,"-' .8/?~e4 ,4. .8.4 L-TZ- S_lt} L v( G /f? G-E',. ,,-e '7;- :0 be submitted to the Southold Town ?lanning Doard, Southold Town hall, Southold at the nresubmission meeting on ~arch 22, 1982. f2=TI~'I01: ) , ,Je the undersigned residents of Southold Township strongly oppose the ,:,roposal to ner:nit a "7 Eleven" store to be erecte~ on the corn~r of Iocus~ Lane ~nd ~ou~e 25 in the . hlstorlc hamlet of 0outhold. ~e conslder thls tyne of bUS1- ness out of character with the adjacent setting of colonial ['omes and shops, and not tending to nromote the quiet, peace, beauty, health and safety of the surrounding neighborhood nor the general welfare of the Town of Southold. / C<', ,-\ t i fl <)', ct ~- C /0' I ~ ,.~(f.. . ,l ',};',I , . __, . I '. .' .' .' , /~-~ ~t/.7/;.'~"(~,,-//c~' 'e.j L JJtn jc;&JdL~v:..rj. ~()/M,'S ~. _~~)/..... / 13":H\ I "'- ~ ~C\.,\ e. too ---.-.--.--.- 10>>< () . IV; l-' /1 r b.rJ-f-. U).1.v?(' 4~ Q/C(H,j..s;..~ -'-'---'-'-"---'--""._--~---~._._.... _.___....__ r11~ !!.____~!'!_::.!.':.:'::. ;:Al'~:E mllll 'S Q ^- <!)SG--n-7 ))."",( iii ~\ b ,.( ~ . __ f/'J c( (I f /2 ii/l'i 1"~ ') . ' .) ) ( 0 /VJ .,L "'__ . roo ..... ./ /:::> ,., /' ~., I'f _ __~~~_._l /~/<-.L._..~,-.::'~::::~_~:~'~=-~~,__.. ." "----~-,,--~.~,~-.4_~,- ':'--. - __~'~~LL~.i:__ ...--:'" <_)':-:''"L' ___ I.' '-J L) ..L(~) /'y' ''''-....-------.-,,<.--..,- ,- /-':"-:, '.. , '1 ,-. " __:_1/, :i~ r" _' ~',)" . 1 i' ;-1-..:" {! '." "'7.,. I", . ',_ ,___.... .' ,: < .~-'_ -.c~_~,......:~,~/(-i::~!:::...!.:.:...<!!::,._~.l,_":.~J( ~_~~Cc-L~: , -", /\/ f_/ ! i\ /' /i1c l._L l.- I'J I'./)Mc' ....._.._._._--"_.~. "c, :'p ~:; ~ ".. ~~' ~ ~(: t.1J? ~,Ou. Thol....: :'ov;n. . .1.0.; 'res';t~':-r;i sion ;:jeeti:l& on ;:arch 22, 1932. __o::::.r,_' 'I<./lJ AOD~~SS e ZI; CDDc t\ue , tc.. TOKHf 1J I J(C\ l( c-- . ~(j;:> ;";'\""1(0 ,-! ~ ( ~.' L( /."LI -, L iJ ...J~ I~" .Ai ,,////'-( -/ (. /j ,,I \ ;' Ii, -, - ' <; .' . ),c.1/("1,_ f\, -- ------+-~-- (; c: ; I d :' {-~f J.} / i (' \ "-( (- ~'-1./ I I I /'.... I . /?{.~ -;:/ \'-~ ~") t:' c( 7~\}l'J_~ (m________..__.,~-~______ {/,~_/ J:J.j<.Lh~ltl 5.-_4/1< /} J/J '/13- .--:~1.-U_I::L.ffl.1.^ [c'" .i:-,'--H ~ ..$;y lj~/~ { If?' ;Ie e L, "..,,- i Ii Ph lLCh~i l '0\ L!_ - ..-- ... --, I ......I:'.3//{. ICd. 'Icl.-/"eld<:::! /V Y, .. be?_ t'f":2,-,.:,)<::~:.L.ljicI6'.._" k-j ,/"')/ ~. I.' )' ,f:J!..~.,_,. X4-::~.~:-:?,_'~' ,"",.,-~,ce+:"'-(7 ,~J; t<. -I ~~,i-~ '<'7 (..../ 'J 1 (I '1" /1 _/,/,., .j'; 7/ 'C' j {:-:~ n} I 'r---/-..",---,' ",!Jc-fj__/,-,,--.J!J:' "..j ?ATIi , ) f ~. p (' / ~;0uth(Jld " a1.1 > '. (, '; ~~-- n j n t)--- c 0-":)" .ss r 1': TIT I 0 ;: ,Je the undersigned re siden ts of Southold Townshi p strongly oppose the uroposal to nermit a "7 Sleven" store to be erecte~ on the corn~r of locust Lane ~d ,\ou~e 25 in the . hlstorlc hamlet of 00uthold. fie conslder thlS type of bUS1- ness out of character with the adjacent setting of colonial homes and shops, and nbt tending to promote the quiet, peace, beauty, health and safety of the surrounding neighborhood nor the general welfare of the Town of Southold. ~\:AI..':E ( t? C.A7pY- j) // r> ' / .<-.t-<l ~ /' , . I ,ny~ 7-\l,:::N' ~ 4- )fI'fOi'5R5t>A../ o ~. -' j ti", /, If Ii It 7~/; j~ i<' f)CiD /;[' / " .. ,-- '...j'! ,_, ~ _ [...... .Ie.' , ._L- /': (! " [..( - "" I c_/L,--,,:L _/" " II /, ,,/ L J / / - .;: ,. T / s? I / -' 1/ f'} ^ / r_ /1 _ r-r.[../";:';t;- i'l' ~ ;' /.I{,_:> flv(/L /(it";'1 J }L~!-:<: "TI1{/~- 1\ ADD~ESS & ZlF CODE (Frint) SOv..\\"\.6 "'\\. G"i"t;;;E""'IoO~'1 /v. y: I ----.- . 0.1 .5'0 u T j;Jd L- 0 / ,V, '{ 3' o~ ,1-fC{-i)'-.~: '1, II(Cf-/, , 130 y. J 15 '( /LL-L :1l.,-&1 /)1 vi ,'ID c- o..! /.'" t-//O/"-"?' To be sub:nitted to the Southold Town =-Ianning ;Coard, Southold ':own Eall, Jouthold at the uresubrnission :neeting on ~arch 22, 1932. r E TIT I 0 ;; ~,./, ,Ie the undersigned residents of Southold Township strongly oppose the proposal to permit a "7 Eleven" store to be erected on the corner of locust lane and ~oute 25 in the hlstoric hamlet of Southold. ~e consider this tyue of busi- ness out of character with the adjacent setting of colonial homes and shops, and not tending to promote the quiet, peace, beauty, health and safety of the surrounding neighborhood nor the general welfare of the 'Town of Sou thold. ;V ~':Af.'E (Frint) p):lrt)O 1'0, e. Ja,r-I tf~ flj(j'.. mJr e Lu el/6, . I / ( r' d , ) f (:1 c. ;.:.; . C:L m uip, 'AOVVJ' J I ' c~"'i.'.1W~ /) Y"6'C> 6I''f? 'LlC E !-I US);[; . C L r:.=e- ",vi G l--/~ ;f<e A r F G \1'[ \1' \Jo ~. D.. . ..., .. \ 7A fJ} E sA. /V/~.IL^.L ... ". ...Ji.:!i10J:i....il.&L: 7':,.c-f._~ZS:. . IJ1 ".1-:~7J-,1 UJ~<._-_....._...i~L~=_._ '':12 :-:. ,,+- .' I I -) I~:~ G the - 0'1 -+::\t] 1 ~'() :ie' . 13." ,,~ 03C':1, "!O~J':: r:Cl G ()u U'lol.-: '-'. nl-'~S'--lbmission :-neetin~7 on ~<arcri 22, 19::2. ADD~ESS & ZIF CODE (~rint) , ~!3 .sJ v '1-;( 0 I ;1, cl ~) ../' n .L /' ~;1 L/f';!.~J.'" .tld k. J..(.L( '/./-:'clL./ ~ 1- 1 7- (Pz~~i--c __j /5 ..(----r- C.? C q~ I' q --rc;?, \ # J i/(7"C' li).c..__.S':..J.;'j(,~. (7.,:; v,.. '::'~1 /-'''": " '_l \, / ..0.A..0#-,II-1.P" ~vt--'1 . ___>o~'0.~ y" 0 "\ II ,~. ()! .._...~ 0, :.boy-" <>< 7 i , " )Y5,t~J0.i'J2_'flf\!(__ ere (:/".<1",/-( fi c~(l. 5;:: L; L/ uj_{I l' _....__. ..........., 6u NYI ~t!i1L[r::uJ.iT..11 J:' .. 'r. 1'1 ( F./J/).J}C_~/ ,.,-c-,{r;,'.\ _.A;'y ^'vLL::J::15:..L:::'1-LL_~.!::.-.~,::;;:_^1...,LQ_ f<:'- c:::-:~ \? _ "\. J v C/ / '-1 (./ -- /' '" //',:[7/ 7/ " . 't./ 1/ ~ , )i'</+',rJT !' 7")" . , " I' c:/ ~I / ('0 _J" / 1" ~ t: --CL. t /.... ~'t L If .~,,~,.____.,w _~.,/: ~,~ ('i<:_::.::i~",,__!;'t::::_~~~j, I / \ \ I ~lh 1.>s-1. ..~lJ'\<c\ ~-rx~)d l/" ^ 1~~2L\(JALJ/ file eel (iT i/() /.. ci . ...L~~L>id1-z?:'ZK~.q:::~; p;/~&./ \.. / /. f' --/ }j,'.i.~" /t,:(, /::~I,.li^f< ."''''Y' C,,, '1 '1 "--" n" ,aJ. _l_ t :S.I r E: TIT I 0 II ,Ie the undersigned residents of Southold Township strongly oppose the oroposal to permit a "7 2leven" store to be er~cte~ on t'he. corner of locust lane ~nd :,ou ~e 25 in the . hlstorlc hamlet of Southold. Ae conslder thlS type of busl- ness out of character with the adjacent setting of colonial homes and shops, and not tending to promote the quiet, peace, beauty, health and safety of the surrounding neighborhood nor the general welfare of the Town of Southold. !::f:/_____ ~~ ;':Ail'E ( [rin t ) 5AN~ 'vJ A 1; ~ 12fiLP!-/ C C'olvuiT ADDRESS & ZIP CODE (Print) '?c:<..ho<,Lvv'P;t J - /, ,.....e....u '/,1 .c:?D g d Ic.~r tJ~c..s I!J. r:?=c O^/I c.. Ii ff f? / 1/~5~ a on C. j} . e-~I S. i? I--leLl"-lStC\ 435 jIJ' t8 J 1,1 ~~ --r:;.( .<<-, ~~/tJ ~-;btA<.. ~ S~ I /;"1')/ J<PI/I'/ L'/\I<J A W;y,7L<<Oe- CP..I1 ~I'+ tv'- To be submitted to the Southold Town ?l~~ning Doard, Southold Town naIL, Southold at the oresubmission meeting on ~arch 22, 1982. - )oJ F E 'f I T J 0 I: '.Je the undersigned residents of Southold Township strongly oppose the proposal to permit a "7 Eleven" store to be ef~cted on the corner of locust lane and ~oute 25 in the h~storic hamlet of Southold. We consider this type of busi- ness out of character wi th the 2.djacent setting of colonial [,omes and shops, and not tending to promote the quiet, peace, beauty, health and safety of the surrounding neighborhood nor the general welfare of the Town of Southold. . C/I/?'/2/cJ F~J~j<f....,_.._.__'_~_.__...... 'r __ i .) ( "J.. L- v b ( ~/ .....__. ...1:.:2. s-:. It J1/~~',-! ' ) ."__,. Lild~ L if"",_ ..... ..".._ t/;; L tc/2 / t. -;::! _ (~J 12 .Q.~..::" A 1 C Le .",,- ~I---l...,." tted t() the :3outhold Town ?lann~.rlR on meeting on Karch 22, 1982. .. ,--- , ;JearU1 rresubmiss H,,'/J/lJc ~<o:+tri '" Mcuz..c,i'erro. --J..a.'1ce. IJ'fY'c/(; iY\AYt:\\-\A c:::- \-\F\'\'f"IZ.O '/:!. <'('j r}:.v veaH ELc,/l b ;!PLU&-E 12. (IIi 1'.1 ; /':: ?.e '.j /r' , Ie I, e (L.. '.. ~\.. S~ e Lt' W~ lC ~,_<<' ~'-....__ &''/'/.2-46''-:7>-/ /; /-t';;72"""t: ADDRESS & ZIF CODE j Frin t )_._ ... J~J2:1 rOoY. lvlL'-4l L-r/{.('.l2z .21 .//9 7 / ro. /' J' ' /JJtJ (If.) /!o F1 0 ~jo u T;' cJ /d /1/2'. //97/ --p,,, 'e N e.cj.(--R~ (ArC .. S ,."ii-~\ C I cCLJvIj . .11'1 '7-' (1LvlC\..-J. SJ. ,(D ..h--,_~J:-~ Iv '{ Ii }. . / v \",'le; .tJ()~ kA. G.\C\,,\'\'1hrCU::CI,Li\1'-i\ l.Gl'lCf , I,:..' / ~! (/,~t~t.f,~,/jf;' rl',~~ -I" . /~ ~~_ i_,,; '~_~._.i.!_' /} ~L / :<1.00 Gr~{';e-N'C4v1 (1)\(le"L~...Ui.S'7 , I . ....) I f)} ;lD IS c I\' 5 t (; ^ '[ .lc.Llu2s..'.L1..'&: i lQic. .....57i //,'l!.:':/~; ~(2:zf~:, ,~~ __,...S (,'c'~ ly/ {It '1',/ ,> // ;J. \3>0 y $S- ( L( ....1u lu~:-; jl" /) U .. './ ''7 AY' ( /,'97/ ~ ~ .) C'..:LIf.~.o-.i2 (C/./ I " fc'o.} / /. .' >'c" ,'t/ /-'. r. 2outhold OVlY\ ;,an, :'C:flTlON 31 . .;e tr.e undersigned residents of Southold Yownshi p stron;!ly o'):cose tJ-.e ~roposal to permit a "7 ~leve!1" store to be erect~d on the corner of locust La~e and ~oute 25 i~ t~e hlstnric ramlet of Southold. ~e consider this type of busi- r,ess J'lt of character 'wi th the adjace~t settin", ~f colonial Lo:r,es and shoDs, and not' tendin!," to Dromote the quiet, r.eace, beauty, health and safety of the surrounding neighborhood ror tr.e ,~eneral welfare of the Town of ..3ou thold. 3IG?:A.Tt _~3 ::Ai,,:O (irint) ~. /" A"D.O.c'C:C: ',.' 71" "'0"" 'P , t) :..J '\_......... c.... 4.1 L 'u':' I, ~- rlrl 055 F (I to. 4;,' ~ m ~ aA- , \';i.:~,~~;(:}~"-,--:",,,-_. ':' \~':'?lk~~~~',;~::,~f c:.. J-- ~ y>1Jl-dd.,,v,,- /-1-L1",,<, f :;~ft ..,' <;.~;--', - ,'- ,. ,,:,:; '~-" - ..... ':it;;~~i.~;}~_i';;~~;.tt.~;;~< ,iS~~;,):,','i,j~::~;i\., ' I,! . f' -1-, +"~ - -~,.i;;;~,,'-.,;_,~~~_-) Gear e C L-IA JoHN 0 f f\ /-l3,Ct\~ c~z )) . j t'rIV c- ('n u .3 fE-/t-u 1) q " ;..' / " i. gC'_~ Y /C.~-<. p , 5' 0 v 1- L Lei 'ie:-.,--', st.:" I I C) { I / I 'i { I -- .~-;p,~ii?"---'-' -~1 ~_.' ...~ :c:. ~ Cr- I I-krlS L v-.rI Crl rt";,, La,.,€. S 0(/ {J,,,, fei / f 9 7 I ~ , I- 0 /C:!. -I-h~ / .~~~~. ,/ '1 ~ fo be sub~itted to the Southold'Iown :lanning ~oard, :outhold Town ~all, ..3outhold at the rresu~mission rneetin~ on ~arch 22, 1932. '. "--::::. ~( [' E TIT I 0 ;: "Ie the undersigned residents of Southold Township strongly oppose the proposal to uermit a "7 Eleven" store to be erected on the corner of Locust Lane and .,oute 25 in the hlstoric hamlet of Southold. ~e consider this tyue of busi- ness out of character with the adjacent setting of colonial homes and shops, and not tending to promote the quiet, peace, beauty, health and safety of the surrounding neighborhood nor the general welfare of the Town of Sou thold, _--,' )- fJ0-,-> (O&),h,' / v J ';j: 7 r, I) ./) .J '1i.rl}, If fI (i. l'pJ!..-- ~ H a'-wV'-' -}p/J~ ((2Il.l7nA~"1~~ (I I ... /, " " , W / /( LL.y 7..-Lt.. I..!.t l "~..,.~l{J' LA -._ )J~~~ ~~ ~'jc ~I-"-Z~"{'':- ( ,)r: _ c I~i~!:_--;____. _J(~" ll.~t ~. 'H....., O/~_..~A~r _ 3.570,J..4:ZrV;,,,; .~ _~._ .. ,- _c?l.-..L--.[~l..c{ .."0 ," ,f c 1 ,~j f),/\ ;' 'l . _,.,L_~." ........" _______.___.._.___..._______.._______._____. .::'.-.-'--__.-+ 0"t:;" tl{~._:'.._ /JET I J...E 1\;-7 eL, /)____ ....~!.i!:!...~:.:...)l=._. !f;a . I SIGNATU.1E (1" ~(l 1 , I s;-c'-?'~'b.';- ~r^\ - i " /1 . ~ V..I I j .. Il:,ul~'f<:!A'~L/ ?~ L:- ('':::i'Zf(~ ,(.1 / / '-" , .-, I. ADD~ESS & ZIP CODE (Print) CC 7 / ~ -,-J./ . r ",' //C'7/ ,."-,,,1/{, ,Yc/ .vl //7/( ,f! _/ / 'ij I ,>_~Z_(___~ \; " J1!111 ~, u (' ''7'- 1(' ,.- ~ (: I 1/ ) t: jJe 17.,('(> .J /('0 .? /' (' -Tv' "':,F C ~7! '-- /il. (' L- (- ~ ,1, r.!.,u. T =-tr <?/,j ,~L(.,/7 7/. "") , r, \, /')0 ."" \ I, \' \ .. >~ '\/' · (s:. "_\0-..)0,),...:.,/ I{ )'; ~b- _> 1',",-'" L -'( "\.. " tt... J t'j ,I . . (J.' -;-, I ", I I \.J I __..Li(_~;;?d.C- '/-;;:L1-.. . (rcri;v~t.-r:.1__..l::.':i//.i2/ , ,'\'/ AR.-rti f\ c' H 1- j'vlA,v,',,: four-:~) f:-R'; ti.~ 'I ti il Jc H,0 , , i~ t--f ( f'-1 .\ tJ 1J ., , , " r:,.~ \.... i .7' i'A.. () r ?!f S i t/~ L ( 1-<' . , " rffiy/ ~ .,'-7:< /~ 'r"J ~ ,/"/1! ~,---(i;"" ....._.1....L,..k:.c,./'/_'- ~ ^ " J~(/(llcU ^!i( /If?/ ~resuc~iss on ~eeti "-e ::J b::: ttc:d -'--c tLc; ,':o,.-<tj'~<)l~: ~O.yil. :-la>'..~.;i~.~.7 ~,()arif >out~lold en -_arch :::2. 1(:<:32. '.' l' C:/,'[; _Ca-L..L l . OU~. :-. 0 1 a.~ + 1"' r E TIT I 0 ;; ','Ie the undersigned residents of Southold ::'ownship strongly oppose the pronosal to nermit a "7 Eleven" store to be erected on the corner of Locust Lane and ,~oute 25 in the hlstoric hamlet of Southold, ~e consider this type of busi- ness out of character with the adjacent setting of colonial homes and shops, and not tending to nromote the quiet, peace, beauty, health and safety of the surrounding neighborhood nor the general welfare of the Town of Southold. :5; I , SIGNATU.1E ;'lAKE (Frint) ADD~ESS & ZIP CODE (Frint) /l., ~ ..I" "'~ f;; E/tV j/A R f7I c e- fS -0 J t' V :Ac~ w.>] 5a iJ 11IO/..D 7. -S ~v-r 10// ;Y I ~ '7{J J .,/ f / ., -.:> /-(/ L I"~ ',2.1'::" ~'1) <:';'1':/7/'r' / ~ r.: ,', (Ii,";) IV' ~' " , (,/(v,l1v~ , ,-) .) :' ''"A/!/:Y \ 1< '" 1"r1 n, Y rll ,'Vi- 11';;(1- .) :'" C,' t 't,,~'( "- - {lc.,c ~ " '/ ~o be submitted to the Southold Town ~lannin~ ~oard. Southold Town Eall, Southold at the oresubmission meeting on ~arch 22, 1982,' ;,",:}" ,~, (,.f' / 'f.~ r E TIT I 0 j: je the undersigned residents of Southold Yownship strongly oppose the nronosal to ner:nit a "7 Eleven" store to be erected on the corner of locust lane and ~oute 25 in the hlstoric hamlet of Southold. je consider this tyne of busi- ness out of character with the adjacent setting of colonial homes and shops, and not tending to nromote the quiet, peace, beauty, health and safety of the surrounding neighborhood nor the general welfare of the Town of Southold. , . Q/x..., '1J1~ j~,,-- G! ' 247) , -_....-.., ,,-/ / ' \' ./, , '7v ~:Ail:E s STkfJf~IV \..,C; U. SIT rJ rc e /; fY\ A P-~ '=' c 1-1 A rJ d ,7) ---1 /J 0 1'\ all, r '- J_I-~{2rC ,l::~,~v 'r~<. I "c.z7c"),.v;;~~).~ -G/C 1;/1/;1 /f. ' 7' . I ; ~,,~ rE-(' /"-~ e ,e T;(! v' 9 e u// f"! /l- . ,vL'71J7r~ /(1 kJ~[h ~1] L/~m bor0a roJ~F( b~_ ". ~_~___!=~_ ,.5 L- ~___.L!-1//!___.<-__~: ~f~'~":_':~~~~A"~>", '~"'--'-"''''^-'--'''''''--_._---------~--->--------_._.._--.~----_._--~-_.- h/~ C~J . J.ct.d. fJ-<.-cl-t;-/cl 'I / / 97/ P '-'-V'.'~'h"-X 0-, <. ,4,c.U-" l._:; . Y II I)! / ~ @ f;-~ ~-t' ~ I) A'[€fJ."-9-, -~:;i~u.--c /J ~r _-.oj" ./. U ~---.:.--t,L---... 1.---__.__.'__. ,I ~4-~.iL,' / '7-:--/, )<1 '7 ?! . /'__ __ /" / ( I ////;'/j ,I! :~--,j6:.-<-A----r(~.cc~_4f' ,,~~--<:-~~~r;.::-g::<./ /t./ ; U c::r- A ,',u 'J~ t' /-( /'7t<c:-::", u. -f,~ 1.1 rI f;, 1~) A.U A!'-d (\-p- :.u~; __. L~L-c~ iULf_/_Jj ::. . !/.__._LC /) - , ~ .... ... r::- cJ--t:."-€c77/1~~&-, /~;>,. _-L-:(--lc:.!:~- ~" !!:::d.:2~(~_ f ~ ~? /1; / 1"'-7 1ft] r . 1/'.. ?'"' __ >l~-:..'~e:-.. / /.! >"-('<(-{ '1' /;/ .. /- '.. .'>./J (-~..g<--a' :-c t'!;; s'J.b7T....t-ted~o the3outhold Town ?1a.:C1Li:-,g ~:cardf ::Jouthold '':OWYl Eall~ ...3out.hold at the r'resubmission meehnf on I-:arch 22, 1982. f E TIT lOr; if! ;,Ie the undersigned residents of _Southold 'cownship strongly oppose the proposal to per~it a "7 Eleven" store ~o be erected on the corner of locust lane and :,oute 25 in the hlstoric hamlet of Southold. ~e consider this type of busi- ness out of character with the adjacent setting of colonial homes and shops, and rtot tending to promote the quiet, peace, beauty, health and safety of the surrounding neighborhood nor the general welfare of the Town of Southold. . SIGNATLT:l.c ;':Aj,:E ( [rin t) '---k, 1> E" 0) L) ADDRESS & ZIT' CODE (Print) {I(... ,~Jk. ClVlL hJ~ <'1-1-'--'- - -e ~~ Soudo/~ U /77/ " , ( ,- A/JJ !50>-' /01 1110.."1 f(}:, ( OLL\)Ai)Id. IJ () o-/:.-c.u-o-,; cL /)/? ,j CJ~-R d 1 J ' I r:'{ , R uSc_ : ir' I - ' itJ' Hq,. [ II '1'1 ( ~ c:u.(j-f f/ .- ~o 1:;e submitted to the ':;outhold ,own :-lanning Doarci, ':;outhold Town :iall, ":outhold at the cresubmission meeting on ~arch 22, 1982. . ~ ~ E TIT I 0 ;: .,le the undersigned residents of Southold Yownshi D strongly oppose the DroDosal to Dermit a "7 "leven" store to be erecte~ on the corn~r of locust Lane ~ndlou ~e 25 in the . hlstorlc hamlet of ~outhold. Ae conslder thlS tyne of bUS1- ness out of character with the adjacent setting of colonial homes and shops, and not tending to Dromote the quiet, peace, beauty, health and safety of the surrounding neighborhood nor the general welfare of the Town of Southold. <(1/ ,4d~~"UA:/?<- f4'Vn -3't:2!~ Ii AI AU ~ 4 "fH-'K f;{ ~~'-'^ 'r.vfi!l-/lVaU,()I)(),J,<?,J ~ ( S~2 ~~ \~E'A""'N\Nr- G-I'<\-:NH;;R. , / ,':AiG<: (t'rint) ADDAESS & Zlr CODE (~rint) '? 6.e/r/"/,{J r<( Ji ~ ,/ ,,//-, \ ) 'l,.", f ~ ! (.~. \ / I C: ../ / .. ,~ , '.-! ," , (, /~" ,,' / - , , / /'/ . - I L ''-" ) \ " , " ,. .. \' . c ,,\e' \. ,,-\ l' ~ '\ " \~. ,L' \ < t ! I L, ' L - i.\ J "'/ d It"') ( ) - '" (if h J.J:r:J_A ....J;-;'1't../ ,Ik;,f/i c; r eN/viS T I AN' 'i D ,J 5,)u //-1 <' '-.1:> ---___.____...._..'._____.._._____..._._ ___..O',__~..____._.__,._". _~~.__ ---"----~.-"'..-.---~,.-,-.,,-.-.^..- -~---,--_._-- ---.~~_._______._ ..' .__,,_.____"_~_'.m.__..._____..._ ._.... ___~___________..., ___"_ .. -',--' -..",-.- .. .....--.--- ,-~---_._,._..>..,..~.._.__ ___., __.~......_____...._ _,___.__,_~_._.~.~m_"..___.___.._ ,.., .._...._ .. (': .'~ -:0 81..1 l' ~: e-~ tot rJ;; .~ ';):.1 t ~-l:J 1 '._: u'dn :~la:;:,_~j,; ..G:::1r ;O'~'~'''-'iol j :.'),;,;r' . '"" .. oie).)...!.., ':--;): !'i') '1 ..::.. ;~r~s1,lo;nissi.on ;:leetinf' on I.:arcL 22; 19E32, F E TIT I 0 i: ',Je the undersigned residents of Southold Township strongly oppose the proposal to per:nit a "7 Sleven" store to be erected on the corner of locust Lane and .{oute 25 in the hlstoric hamlet of Southold. He consider this type of busi- ness out of character with the adjacent setting of colonial homes and shops, and not tending to promote the quiet, peace, beauty, health and safety of the surrounding neighborhood nor the general welfare of the Town of Southold. -13 ~ IS ,1-orq /{\,-- '.iL'-;1 11 I' C. ('.-- }Jiy. -::;. i~"1 - ]J.,...p~ f[.i. tfe,{e-'l S YOUNG .- To be submitted to the Southold Town ,lanning :oard, Southold Town Eall, Southold at the oresubmission meeting on ~arch 22, 1982. {. ~ G T I If I 0 L: '/'1 ,Je the undersigned residents of Southold :::ownshin strongly onDose the DroDosal to ner:nit a "7 :Eleven" store to be erecte~ on the corn~r of Locust Lane ~nd,ou~e 25 in the . hlstorlc hamlet of ~outhold. ~e conslder thls tyne of bUS1- ness out of character with the adjacent setting of colonial ),omes and ShODS, and not tending to promote the quiet, peace, beauty, health and safety of the surrounding neighborhood nor the general welfare of the Town of Southold. (', D,I~ C' \ i':Al,,~E .~ .,' ! -. I . /1/ I i t__ ( ,{ I S (" 13 OG6/C /\1,- I II ADD~ESS & ZIr CODE (", I t)C' r,.,.~, l ,-:" lh let ~I# Mltow ff b- , 'J '__ ,11.( / (J .__",-L~.-'-- __, L- ~ '_ " / /",.' .', It C('i I I,,--,-,c '.' ,_ /V .//y?/ (/, , . W1:.//1'J/ -II . . , I //- -/ ; .. J / - _':" /-t (-:.' 'L ,/. ~'jl\"n {'vI , I ~//i, l,_/ .~'{:,. F)~;;, 1,'-;" kl I - '/ / ~ 7. ///.. /l/.-/,-/S,_ 1/(1 ,Ie" " 1 U l/f-- l' (' . (. !",j /'. lei N. i'LnlL'J}j P ," . ,r(}A c..<J...c ,d " )-V),~ l~ ..'; /\ tJ ,') ~,)-<, I ./ c 'tl,,;t,',' . T). /"'~ /~_>~,,{/!'~J/ '\' .,/ - ,- .' ;' ~ !..- . I /I;';,.~ _....i.-....-t~. ,,//:71 f\ '\h~l)l(\ 1'\ q;:;(u i'e;;,.i. v:,~ C\0, ,:''c;\~,-".'_A, 11'17.1 m /I A y _ /9 ;u.u FE/I? c? __.__' )Z~'C 12-</ {"'~/ }j(.// f' ;; / / / t/ -----,,--...-..-.----,---- .. ..._.__..,--_.._,~------.._.._...._-_..__..-.._--,---_._-, ""-~.._--...._----_."'_.._~ ,-~.-.-_._.'" -~....._.~-----_._.._,_._-_... ..- _.---"_._~--------_._~---_._-_."._-- ...._--_..._._...._.__."~.."...._,,...-_..__..._-,,------_.._-_._-'~--'~--"". ~_,. __"._'_'''M.____ '._"_'_'_'_',._~"."'''_'__'__~_"_____._,,._______,,_____'__"._._~'_...._ l.+." ','..( '-- c...C tc tr.~~ "=;ol;th..i} j 0'.,';,:-1 1(L:_1 ;':leetin,[:' on :.:arch 22t 1')32. ~.r.: , .=cn..,;, .01 d ,',.:,' V,-", ::all, , ()U ",GJ a-!- ,... ;..' ,'Te ::'~'_~ br:li S 8i on r c TIT I 0 j: ~e the undersigned residents of Southold Township strongly oppose the proposal to permit a "7 cleven" store to be erected on the corner of locust lane and ~oute 25 in the h1storic hamlet of Southold. Ne consider this tYDe of busi- ness out of character.with the adjacent setting of colonial homes and shops, and not tending to promote the quiet, peace, beauty, health and safety of the surrounding neighborhood nor the general welfare of the Town of Southold. t- n , (!;U'ft.~ V <UU.- ;)f /J - 0c: ! ..J1.cuu e-l< , ifr '. , ADDRESS & ZIP CODE I fy.! i} ~ Sou i!Ollfle...[/ /7 . Ii LClLc,1111L" , A I - c. l>_ i? IV "t-i (',. f- D hee 01 ]);- ~O IJrl1:JetJ tan _ .,4 c- G &r-ase cf( ---- JOAA.) /L1RTillt:-- e- To be submitted to the 3outhold Town Flanning Board, 3outhold Town naIL, 3outhold at the presubmission meeting on I,:arch 22. 1982. - 1 " E TIT I 0 ;: ;ie the undersigned residents of Southold Township strongly oppose the proposal to Der:nit a "7 ':Oleven" store to be erecte~ on the corn~r of locust Lane ~nd,ou~e 25 in the . hlstorlc hamlet of 00uthold. Ae conslder thlS type of bUS1- ness out of character with the adjacent setting of colonial homes and ShODS, and dot tending to promote the quiet, peace, beauty, health and safety of the surrounding neighborhood nor the general welfare of the Town of Sou thold. 'fG, SIGNATV.,E _ ".^j;~IC2 (Frint) 0 ADD"ESS tZLT CODE (Crint) fle~4'!!JJ~J;-i?1\ ~ 13o~vlch 1)0 fOU!V1)C'<$',fa1J1 ,uuTf(Ok2 '0 \ L\..-IL., ~ ~''':)i . 1:-:<-<.'-\\, ~u Vt t S I j./., i' Fe, Lc .< (.1 e V'7 -PAl' if ';/1.<. 'Ie. () I j I }1 ' {j, " ' - I ~ !Ul:1 r !,liMi/lj/,) 1\11 A i? ti C (I vI.-1 , e s I [;;3 S 1 0 lLVlC1 t ('3 rn \' \-'-,l {\10 \,J~fi l,t . / [' I, /C~/G../~u if.. &.,:-t)( [LL{/ /-1. / l/v D/; (.f ""3.5 ,r:::~:, /-I/It j) /~. fiJ ( (1 ,r /; c ~~) /\ ,/,1 l/ .k<Afl'?u I() p (). ;f7;r' :3 '/J ~ ("07LLC,lJt;- V -~----~----'--'_.'-'-"--~--"--->~"--'-'+----"-----~-, ..----.,.----" _.~---',"-,...-..._.~."-_.,._.,-_.,---,---~_.__...~-,-----------_._--_.,._.._._.....,-,.~..._~"._- - _.,,-_._.,,--.._...-,.,._.~._...._._-~"_.. .._._._~--_._-'"._,-_.__._-_..._-'"--- --,-"------.~,~--.._._-'.,_....~--.-,--_... --._,,-_..._----------~ ,\.,' ...'~ ',lt~;, +-j--p'-~ 0 L.e .;out:;ol~l :O'.(i':. ~-la.;jni;-,:.-: ;'oar'l, 'C)~j:~ht)ld .0"'/:([ . all~ c:"'es'.) ~;:l on ;:'iee'tinL' on ':a.ccf; 22, 1(1.32. OU \'r~-; 1 :. ~~ ?ETITIO;: · '17 ' ~ '/Ie the undersigned residents of Southold Township strongly oppose the proposal to uermit a "7 2leven" store to be erected on the corner of locust lane and ~oute 25 in the hlstoric hamlet of Southold. ile consider this tyne of busi- ness out of character with the adjacent setting of colonial homes and shous, and not tending to promote the quiet, peace, beauty, health and safety of the surrounding neighborhood nor the general welfare of the Town of Southold. J -p u ~d "- ~(-l{ vI er- ADD~ESS & ZIr CODE 150. u, eo.) Rei ~n /J f'vJ (Zd. .1-~A/~7"j, h:L (Frint) S.JL(.iho!c/ 111 . //77/ .Sc Lt +-kQ {d~} Wi 71 JOC/~<< /ff..y I./C?J,/ SIGNATU1E i':AI,'E (Frint) eClnne_ Ilu'lfer- .- :0 be submitted to the Southold Town ?1~1ning :oard, Southold Town Eall, Southold at the presubmission meeting on Karch 22, 1982. . l r E TIT La:: ',Ie the undersigned residents of Southold Township strongly on1)ose the DroDosal to ner:nit a "7 Eleven" store to be erected on the corner of locust Lane and~oute 25 in the h1storic hamlet of Southold. ~e consider this type of busi- ness out of character with the adjacent setting of colonial homes and shons, and not tending to nromote the quiet, peace, beauty, health and safety of the surrounding neighborhood nor the general welfare of the Town of Southold. SIG:';ATt_~:~ C "n }- ),/, ----;L-.::!- '- / A .: ,/~ ( f/ /~ ,j fl'l r;; j ! ' ' _~..c,,,,,,<,~~ 76'~', I ,/ ADD~ESS & ZIr CODE (Frint) ~, /...) // .. /" / ' /' ,/'c?) 'J / (c// /) /) I ...- I / //7) '/ /U--.j- I I , I _ /' /,'?7::;(:,,-,.'~ /' -;// t- iA. I(~ >-ej/ V I DO N G- S>L- )5/1 ..J ,;;.. d ~'/I:J]') C'~ ,-",' - I P .-._-~-_.._"---_.._.._..._~--_._,,------_._--,-,."---~- ~..._'-------~-_._,-----------,-_.~_.._.,,_._---- . -~-~'-"'-'--~"" '-'-~""--"-"'---'-"-~-"-------"---"-"--'----''~""-""-.-..__._..-.-- ---_._'-"--'.'-"-_._---.._._.._.._.,-,-~._~-----,,------ --..... ----~-_._- ._"._.'.'.-_._"....--_._~.._~_._._.-^'." ..-,--._.,-- .,'----_.~ ~'_._M_~.__..._~_..___..~.. '"'.~_.__ __ _ _'m___.._..~__.^._.""~_.. _ ...__. ____,..... _."_.---~--_.._...._..__._---....- _.._----_..._.__..~.~-_._-_.......~..~..~_.._~_._._-~.._..------_..~~~.__._-_...,.'_.._-''''_.-- ." .::; I' ->:+,~j ..", tt';t; ~':out:-:o= ;)''''i; , , C"N:"~ .' ')" '1,) ~.. '-.' ,all, ()i) -:: (-\ () l~.::l '''' . . , .- r"::]1) :::'S11 s::; l()~': >Y>C>c> +~ Y'; (.. ,,'c~ '--' "'.... -' ~ f.- on :.:arcr. ,-t:.-, 1982. tff I ,/" -, / /. / /," /r- ) /~ (j ! . ~*1 f r ;<; r I ~' I 0 :: "- ,Ie .the undersigned residents of Southold Townshi n strongly oopose the oroDosal to ner~it a "7 3leven" store to be erect~d on the corner of locust Lane and'loute 25 in the hlstoric hamlet of Southold. ~e consider this type of busi- fless out of character ;.vi th the adjacent setting of colonial Lo:r,es and ShODS, and not tending to nromote the quiet, ::>eace, beauty, health and safety of the surrounding neighborhood nor "ti.e general welfare of the Town of 30u thold. ADD~2SS & ZI, CODe / :..s"3c1 & F- Plt-u L J'ovT7-, f, 11~-r/./V'A I.Coop/l'c// .1f"l"~'PdKr:11 ('i~~~Q .ytd~,' F/I~c;(lPfhN-.' (re(J01,;Y-0 .. Cf7(;0/1 C;h.,YJ'/adLc;.. ~;~:' - ~. ~:.t.;3 -~:_~_~~,.~ :-:-/~}t:1~'1-_~_,::~i~r21=-;L~~--,;:;_-_.,: _:'::'-,_-_{:,;~"):~:1~~-~:~itC"~-~--_:-' ;:/t~;J::I::;_'-.~::::~~: 5 1] 5'", ,-, '{l-z cJ C P a~e.-y?~ (;1' I'.~ So (./ 'I j, r:/ lc-~/ . , . ::tL~~~{J/ i:~n::< .;~~~~ffjjl 2 -- . 1 {~ 'I ~o be sub~itted to the Southold'Town rl~~ning ~oard, Southold Town ~all. Southold at the rresub~ission meetinf on ~arch 22, 1932. - , 'f , c..... r E TIT 1 0 ;: ,Ie the undersigned residents of Southold ::'ownship strongl~r oppose the DrotlosaI to nermit a "7 ",leven" store to be erecT~d on the corner of locust lane and ~oute 25 in the h~storic hamlet of Southold. ~e consider this type of busi- ness out of character wi th the <,djacent setting of colonia.l homes and shons, and not tendinr to promote the quiet, peace, beauty, health and safety of thE' surrounding neighborhood nor the seneral welfare of the Town of Southold. (0 ,';A!,;E (?rint) (5eAtJ Kp Uld .. (t le.e'1 1V.1& -:l, . ,~bA,hf) .(:'). ,-4,,,-, 'S.~C.V\ [JOY/VI c_ t) fa:f(; , ADTJ,ESS ?,; zn COG" (Crint) ___ 0)/A.nje(~ ~~c,,~\-lC)\ch. Jl171 f~ 'trJ~ f?Jj{~~ ~,:~1__, ~ (.l\.."\Qv\. ~ \0 ,:\.\ ->c U-'~l.J.\))\._.\ \')J . I ~ FOd0c1e/:o jJ".NL ) ,,' ,-,(h i' I ;-).._ _1/ C; 7 I ----,-_.~.._"--. "~_._-~-,.._~."-,._._,._-,- .,-"--"---.,._.....--.,~.--- -"._- ..,-,.._-~----_..__.._- ._-,-,."._.~_.__._--~.._~~_.,,-. '.____.__._.__'.~~~M.~_.___.. .____._.._.,_,.~__.___.______.______.".__._._.__,._ ,::>.~ t"'--c!dt-o t ;(-';' _;out;ro_l CI'e S..-'. :'::;810L rneeti O.n [.,areD :G'ti!"' "~l;:L-;: 22, 19(:;2. -, ,~ ,...,. , , ~', '"';-1"'.-. ;O~.jt olcl _ '):1'/1" ,: ,:~1 T ! "I-- - . . SOU'lHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD March 22, 1982 7:30 Frank Murphy Garden Center: I believe that there was discussion at a meeting of this Boar<< some years ago regarding drainage patterns in the area of the Garden Center. As I recall, draina<<e now in that location canes from the north side of the Main Road and eventually feeds into the pond called Horton Creek, traversing at least some of the area eDcanpassed by this proposed development. How has this problem been resolve.? /7-11 t.<>'" Store: As a resident of the Founders Estate area, 4: would recoDDDend that the parcel at the corner of Locust Lane and Route 25 be cllnsidereli for use as a small professional or business office, much more in character With the nearby mostly residential area. The traffic problem is a main concern. 1) Hobart Road is a one-way streEt south from the Main Road for one block, so residents and sumaer traffic must use other streets to get out to the Main Road. 2) The alternatives for egress to the Main Road are: Cottage Place ie a narrow street anGl a dangerous corner With the Main Rosd, Sue to the presence of Mullen Motors Locust Lane :Is another narrow street. The presence of a 7-11 store at the comer opposite Colonial Corners Will lead to congestion at that comer also. Town Harbor Road is the only other exit from Founders Estates. At present, both Hobart Road and Town Harbor Road are BpeeGiways for visitors at Founders Landing park. If the 7-11 store is constructed on the Main Road, we foresee a greatly increased amount of traffic in this area, as well as an increase in debris thrown fran cars. We oppose the use of this property for a 7-11 store. ~~-'~ /~35 {Ja4.... t:/~ " . . Hn Win+prs CHrlt""i!.y PDLI~E POLICE DEPARTMENT, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PECONIC, NEW YORK. 11958 The following is a listing of the incidents investigated by this Department at the two (2) Seven-Eleven (7-11) Stores in the Town of Southold during 1981.0 ' " t I 7-11 GREENPORT ~ DATE 1-24-81 1-29-81 2-14-81 2-18-81 2-19-81 2-20-81 3-08-81 3-18-81 3-21-81 4-10-81 4-17-81 5-02-81 5-30-81 5-30-81 6-12-81 6-12-81 6-19-81 7-04-81 7-05-81 7-10-81 7-12-81 7-15-81 7-21-81 7-21-81 7-25-81 7-26-81 TELEPHONE EMERGENCY: DIAL 911 ADMINISTRATIVE: 516 765-2600 516 734-6022 Supervisor William Town Hall Southold,New York Pell 11971 Dear Supervisor Pell: 'JD INCIDENT Disturbance-Youth Disturbance-Youth Disturbance-Youth Disturbance-Youth Disturbance- Person Trespass Petit Larceny Disturbance-Youths Disturbance-Youths Truant - Youths Disturbance-Vehicle Disturbance-Youths Disturbance-Patron Disturbance-Patron Motor Vehicle Accident Police Info.-MVA Disturbance-Youths Disturbance-Youths Motor Vehicle Accident Disturbance-Youths Disturbance-Youths Police Info.-MVA Police Info.-Patron Police Info.-MVA Petit Larceny Police Info.-MVA March 18,1982 CENTRAL COMPLAINT NO. 0326-81 0362-81 0649-81 0708-81 0710-81 0882-81 .1022-81 1142-81 1178-81 1462-81 1573-81 1813-81 2371-81 2374-81 2604-81 2623-81 2758-81 2928-81 3261-81 3383-81 3424-81 3528-81 3663-81 3677-81 3748-81 3796-81 , , . Page Two 7 - 11 Greenport DATE 8-14-81 8-27-81 8-30-81 9-03-81 9-06-81 9-13-81 9-16-81 9-23-81 9-25-81 10-07-81 11-10-81 11-26-81 11-28-81 12-01-81 12-13-81 INCIDENT Petit Larceny Disturbance-Person Disturbance-Youths Motor Vehicle Accident Disturbance-Youths Motor Vehicle Accident Police Investigation Police Info.-Youths Police Info.-MVA Motor Vehicle Accident Police Info. MVA Disturbance-Youths Police Info.-MVA Police Info.-MVA Police Investigation @) 1-13-81 3-12-81 4-05-81 4-11-81 6-07-81 7-21-81 8-02-81 8-08-81 9-08-81 9-26-81 9-26-81 10-03-81 10-03-81 10-04-81 10-16-81 10-26-81 11-14-81 7 - 11 CUTCHOGUE Disturbance-Patron Police Info.- MVA Disturbance-Patron Criminal Mischief 3rd. Petit Larceny Motor Vehicle Accident Motor Vehicle Accident Disturbance-Person Police Information Disturbance-Person Disturbance-Person Disturbance-Person Disturbance-Person Disturbance-Patron Police Information Disturbance-Persons Police Investigation HDW:tb . 1981 CENTRAL COMPLAINT NO. 4237-81 4591-81 4649-81 4704-81 4785-81 4905-81 4948-81 5045-81 5073-81 5270-81 5850-81 6117-81 6148-81 6188-81 6380-81 0247-81 1055-81 1395-81 1477-81 2516-81 3677-81 3945-81 4126-81 4822-81 5078-81 5091-81 5204-81 5207-81 5229-81 5418-81 5596-81 5931-81 Respectfully submitted, (//0-/2 - /;: ~ le-f'2(~-<-"-<- ~<L/ H.Danie1 Winters Chief of Police ~ . . JjrEJ;l~l',;i"lt,"t~rs POLICE DEPARTMENT. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PECONIC. NEW YORK. 11958 TELEPHONE EMERGENCY: DIAL 911 ADMINISTRATIVE: 516 765-2600 516 734-6022 Supervisor William Town Hall Southold,New York Pell 11971 Dear Supervisor Pell: March 18,1982 The following is a listing of the incidents investigated by this Department at the two (2) Seven-Eleven (7-11) Stores in the Town of Southold during 1981. ~ ~!:J 7-11 GREENPORT DATE 1-24-81 1-29-81 2-14-81 2-18-81 2-19-81 2-20-81 3-08-81 3-18-81 3-21-81 4-10-81 4-17-81 5-02-81 5-30-81 5-30-81 6-12-81 6-12-81 6-19-81 7-04-81 7-05-81 7-10-81 7-12-81 7-15-81 7-21-81 7-21-81 7-25-81 7-26-81 INCIDENT -- Disturbance-Youth Disturbance-Youth Disturbance-Youth Disturbance-Youth Disturbance- Person Trespass Petit Larceny Disturbance-Youths Disturbance-Youths Truant - Youths Disturbance-Vehicle Disturbance-Youths Disturbance-Patron Disturbance-Patron Motor Vehicle Accident Police Info.-MVA Disturbance-Youths Disturbance-Youths Motor Vehicle Accident Disturbance-Youths Disturbance-Youths Police Info.-MVA Police Info.-Patron Police Info.-MVA Petit Larceny Police Info.-MVA CENTRAL COMPLAINT NO. 0326-81 0362-81 0649-81 0708-81 0710-81 0882-81 .1022-81 1142-81 1178-81 1462-81 1573-81 1813-81 2371-81 2374-81 2604-81 2623-81 2758-81 2928-81 3261-81 3383-81 3424-81 3528-81 3663-81 3677-81 3748-81 3796-81 . Page Two DATE 8-14-81 8-27-81 8-30-81 9-03-81 9-06-81 9-13-81 9-16-81 9-23-81 9-25-81 10-07-81 11-10-81 11-26-81 11-28-81 12-01-81 12-13-81 ~-~ .,/ ., / )- \ I~ 1-13J, ~~yr ,/_ 3-12-~ 4-05-81 4-11-81 6-07-81 7-21-81 8-02-81 8-08-81 9-08-81 9-26-81 9-26-81 10-03-81 10-03-81 10-04-81 10-16-81 10-26-81 11-14-81 HDW: tb . 7 - 11 Greenport INCIDENT Petit Larceny Disturbance-Person Disturbance-Youths Motor Vehicle Accident Disturbance-Youths Motor Vehicle Accident Police Investigation Police Info.-Youths Police Info.-MVA Motor Vehicle Accident Police Info. MVA Disturbance-Youths Police Info.-MVA Police Info.-MVA Police Investigation 1981 . CENTRAL COMPLAINT NO. 4237-81 4591-81 4649-81 4704-81 4785-81 4905-81 4948-81 5045-81 5073-81 5270-81 5850-81 6117-81 6148-81 6188-81 6380-81 7 - 11 CUTCHOGUE Disturbance-Patron Police Info.- MVA Disturbance-Patron Criminal Mischief 3rd. Petit Larceny Motor Vehicle Accident Motor Vehicle Accident Disturbance-Person Police Information Disturbance-Person Disturbance-Person Disturbance-Person Disturbance-Person Disturbance-Patron Police Information Disturbance-Persons Police Investigation 0247-81 1055-81 1395-81 1477-81 2516-81 3677-81 3945-81 4126-81 4822-81 5078-81 5091-81 5204-81 5207-81 5229-81 5418-81 5596-81 5931-81 Respectfully submitted, 0/ 12 ~'2e/~Ie;~ H.Daniel Winters Chief of Police ~ r E TIT I 0 i: ~'Ie the undersigned residents of Southold Township strongly oppose the proposal to oermit a "7 Eleven" store to be erected on the corner of locust lane and :\oute 25 in the h~storic hamlet of Southold. We consider this type of busi- ness out of character with the adjacent setting of colonial homes and shops, and not tending to promote the quiet, peace, beauty, health and safety of the surrounding neighborhood nor the general welfare of the Town of Southold. NAME ADDRESS & ZIP L//!/4 6~oJlLj/ ~ ??- 7/2~J7f4<JJ -o/'/dl/, ..,~WL4 /C-1 L3 ~~ " I . , To be submitted to the Southold Town Planning Board, Southold Town Hall, Southold at the presubmission meeting on March 22, 1982. . I l r I