HomeMy WebLinkAboutEstablishment of FI Waste Mngmt District r STATE 0Jl' BEW YORK - DEPAR'J.'JlE2IT OF AUDIT ABD COIfl'ROL In the Matta' of the AppUoat1on of the Town Board of the Town 01' SOUtbold. Suttolk CouatJ'. .e. York. tor the pe1'll1aslQB of the state cCBllptroUer to esubUsh the nahel's IslaAd Retue an4 Garbage Dlstrlot in ssld town. WHEREAS, appUcat10D has been du1J'lI8de to the UDder- a1gned bJ' the '1'o1m Board of the '!'own 01' Soutbold, Suffolk County, Hew York, by 1ts supervisor, pursuant to seot1OJl 194 01' the !Own Law, tor the per.m1ssiOJl 01' the state Comp- troller to estabUsh the Fishers IslaAd Retuse and Garbage District 1n said town, 1n aooordance with sl10h appUoat1on and a resolution of said board adopted on April 4, 1952, and WBERXAS, notloe 01' suoh appUoatiOll to tbe State Camp- troller has beeD duly gj.... to the.Boerd of supervisors of suttolk CoutJ'. lIew York, by the suu Q(aptroller 1Il the manner prescribed by seotlon 194 of the Town Law, and WHll!JlKA,S, the undersigned has dulJ' ex8lll1ned 811021 appli- cation. ROW, TBERU'ORJl:. pursuant to 811021 eXAminEltion and upon sach appUoatlon 01' the Town Board 01' the '1'owa 01' Soutbold the ua.derslgaed does hereby find and determ1De, after due deUbera'tion: (1) That the pubUo interest will be sernd by the establishment of the Fishers Island Retuse and Gar))age Distriot in the To1llJl of Soutbold in aocordanoe with suoh applioation. (2) That the oost 01' establ.1sh1ng the propoeed distriot will not. be an undue burden upon the property of the proposed distriot. I, ;r. RADIOND lloGOVEHR, CCIIlptroller of the state of Itew York, do hereby order that such appUoation of the town . , .' - 2. board ot the Towa ot Southold tor pem1ss101l to estabUsh the :l'1shers IsJ.and aeruse and Garbage Distriot be, and the saae hereb,. ia, g1'lUlted, and I do hereb,. pe1'Jll1t the est8bl1..b..~t ot said dIstriot in aooordanoe with the tollowing desoriptlOJ1: All the real propert,. ot Fishers Island, in the Town ot southold, Count,. ot SuttolJc aad state ot Hew York, inolus1n ot the whole ot Fishers Island, with tbe ex- oeption ot oerta1a parcels which are the property ot the United states Goyerument, s81d tracts being known a8 "ll'ort H. G. Wright," "Mount Prospeot," "Wilderness Point" and "Coast GIlard Station Bo. 59," all as shown 0J1 map aooomp81171.1'lg the petitiOll, said territor,- be1llg bounded 8lld described as tollows: On the Borth by Fishers Island Sound; on the East by Block Island Sound; on the SOllth by Block Island Sound and tr. s. aoverument reserYe,1i1ona; on the West b,. Fort H. G. Wright, tr. S. Milltar,. resenations; and Block Island sound. Exeoutecl in duplioate under my hand and Vie seal ot the c~troller ot the State ot Hew York, at the CU,. ot Alban,., Raw York, thislftf d87 ot August, 1952. ~ .. RADIllIID .......... ",,': """"'"'~'=.T ., ..... ._troll~ Will Embler Deputy CoIlptroller --~ .42:~ ~~/ - FISHERS ISLA. GARBAGE & REFUSE DISTRI. MEETING OF APRIL 4, 1952. A public hearing of the Southold Town Board was held at the Fishers Island Schoolhouse on Friday, April 4, 1952, to consider the petition and to hear all persons interested in establishing a Refuse and Garbage District at Fishers ~sland. Present were Supervisor Klipp; Justices Terry, Tuthill, ~lark and Edwards; Superintendent of High- ways Price; Town Attorney Terry and Town Cleek Booth. Notice of said hearing vas duly published and posted as required by Law. Supervisor Klipp opened the hearing at 9:30 o'clock A.M. read the call of the meeting, affidavits of publication and post- ing. The Supervisor then called upon any person desiring to be heard in favor of establishing a Refuse and Garbage District. Persons speaking in favor of said district were: Mrs. hildred Andrews, A. John Gada, Harold J. Baker, Warren Maynard, Jr., Adelard LeGere, Mr. Wall, Theodore Arasimowicz, H. Lee Ferguson, Mrs. H. Lee Ferguson. Mr. Callahan representing Remington Rand Inc. sta ted .tha t while Remington Rand lnc. had not signed the petition he was authorized to state that the Company was whole heartedly in favor of it and wanted to be put on record as supporting it. Supervisor Klipp then called upon any person desiring to be heard against establishing a Refuse and Garbage District . No person spoke against establishing said district. The Supervisor called upon all persons in favor of establishing a Refuse and Garbage District to signify by raising their hand. Apparently . everyone in the room responded favorably. Discussion upon the establishment of said district having been had and all pesons desiring to be heard, having been heard, the meeting vas recessed by the Supervisor for a brief period of time for deliberations on the Resolution for the establishment of said district~ The meeting was reconvened and the Supervisor read the Resolution which was adopted by the Town Board.The hearing was duly closed at 11 o'clock A.M. Moved by tustice Edwards; seconded by Justice Clark: In the Matter of The petition for the establishment of a Refuse and Garbage District at Rishers Island in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. ******* ******* ******* RESOLUTION OF SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD APPROVING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A REFUSE AND GARBAGE DISTRICT AT FISHERS ISLAND IN THE TOwN '. OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. , ;.';~ o'-{:' WHEREAS, a petition for the creation of a refuse and garbage district bo be known as the Fishers Island Refuse and Garbage District in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, the said petition being dated August 21, 1951, was duly presented to this Town Board, and WHEREAS, an order was duly adopted by the Town Board on March 11, 1952, reciting the filing of said petition the improvements proposed, the boundaries ot the proposed liltrict, and the estimated expenses thereof and specifying lpril 4, 1952 at 9:30 o'clock A.M. as the time and the Fishers lsland Schoolhouse in said Town as the place where the said Board would meet to consider the petition and.to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof, con- cerning the same, and WHEREAS, such order was duly posted, published and served as re- quired by law, and . WHEREAS, a hearing in the matter was duly held by the Board on this . 4th day of April, 1952, commencing at 9:30 o'clock A.M., at the Fish~~s Island Schoolhouse in said Town, and considerable discussion upon the matter having been had, and all persons desiring to be heard, ._- .... 4:2_4'" . . Now, upon the evidence given such hearing, and upon motion of Justice E. ~erry Edwards and seconded by Justice ttenry A. Clark, it is RESOLVED AND DETE~I~D,_that (a) the petition aforesaid is signed and acknow1edgeq:ssPrequTred by law, it duly complies with the re- quirements of Section 191 of the Town Law as to sufficiency of signers with respect to the boundaries of the proposed district as herein approved and it is otherwise sufficient; (b) all the prop- erty and property owners within the proposed district are benefited thereby; (c) all the property and property owners benefited are in- cluded within the limits of the proposed district; and (d) it is in the public interest to grant in whole the relief sought; and it is further RESOLVED AND DETERMINED, that the establishment of a refuse and " ,,~~ garbage district as proposed in said petition be approved; that ,,,,,,,;cl; the improvement therein mentioned be constructed and the ser~ice therein mentioned be provided for upon the required funds being made a~ai1ab1e or provide~.and that such district shall be desig- nated and known as the Refuse and Garbage District at Fishers ts1and in the Town of Southo1d and shall be bounded and described as follows: All the real property of Fishers Island, in the Town of Southo1d, County of Suffolk and State of ~ew York, inc1us- , ive of the whole of Fishers Island, with the exception of certain parcels which are the property of the ttnited States Government, said tracts being known as "Fort H.G. Wright", "Mount Prospect" "Wilderness Point" and "Coast Guard Station ~o. 59", a1i as shown on map accompanying , the petition, said territory being bounded and described as follows: ~...."d.. On the North by Fishers Il1an~; on the East by Block Island Souna; on the South by Block Islan~'~d U. S. Government reservations; on the West by Fort H. G. Wright, U.,S. Military reservations; and Block Island Sound. The boundaries herein described are intended to coincide with the.L' present boundaries of FiShers Island, in the Town of Southo1d, Suffolk County, New York; and it is further RESOLVED: that the proposed improvement, including the cost of con- ..~.,.,;; struction work, acquisition of the necessary land, legal fees and all,.,..: other expenses, shall be financed by the issuance of bonds or other, ~.~.d evidence of indebtedness pursuant to the provisions of the Local." Finance Law of said Town which shall be a charge upon said District ' ,.,~4>,," in a sum not to exceed $50,000, , 1.1'."" And it is further,~' " RESOLVED: that the Town Clerk of this Town shall within ten days after'~,i.. the adoption of this resolution file certified copies thereof in dup- . 1icate in the office of the State Department of Audit and Control at Albany, New York, together with aa application by this Board in dup- licate for permission to create such district as provided for by Town Law, Section 194; and that stich application shall be executed by and in behalf of the Town Board by the supervisor of the Town. ' , ';r:i;tUJ ." ',' DULY Ly.,d;' <.'~ J.. . 1 '~I,;I,~.t .", 'f · ' ~ 'r" ' ~ ,", . ,. ':. J "I' 'j, i .. ~ f ::IJ"" .. . s' . , < ~ ", ' J. ,. ..~,,,;~;'.~~ ;l~':':.~ ';;.""., ,,:...~' " ,'. THE QUESTION OF THE ADOPTION OF THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION WAS . PUT TO A VOTE WHICH RESULTED AS FOLLOWS: AYES.............R1]p~l"v;Q~,.. Nn,.m~n ~ K1"'pp Jus~~ce Harrv H. Terrv Justice Ralph W. Tuthill , Justice Henry A. Clark ~ Justice E. Perry Edwards ABSENT...........Justice Lewter M. Albertson NAYES. . . . . . . . . . . . NONE THE SUPERVISOR THEREUPON DECLARED THAT THE RESOLUTION WAS Ralph p. Booth Town Clerk . . " 7,j,~'~;;'rl' "~"I ;.",'- ~ "",;;.; ,.... " " .~ . ':; . "'~Jr.. \~..,. .'" ;." "'To..".' , oii. ~t -:~'''4'', ""{~r ~'~'i ',: _.< l '\ - .~~~: ", ,~ ~' .p h:<"i,:! 'lft1!'iii\ '~1f~,_. ,{:~ ,-.\---..1J , , BEFORE THE TOWN BOARD (Ii' THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - In the Matter . . of . . The Establishment of the Fishers Island Refuse and Garbage District in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, New York. : ORDER ESTABLISHING Dr STRICT. . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A petition in this matter for the creation of a refuse and garbage district having been duly presented to the Town Board, and an order having been duly adopted by the Town Board on March 11th, 1952, for the hearing of all persons interested in the matter on the 4th day of 'April, 1952, at 9:30 olclock in the forenoon of that day at the Fishers Island schoolhouse at Fishers Island, New York, and a hearing by the said Board having been duly held at such time and place, IIlld it having been duly resolved and determined following such hearing that the petition herein was signed and acknowledged or proved as required by law and otherwise Sufficient. that all the property and property owners within the proposed district were benefited thereby, that all property and property OWD8rs benefited were included wi thin the limite of the proposed district. and that it was in public interest to grant in whole the relief sought, and it having been then and there further duly resolved that the establishment of such district as proposed be approved, and appli- cation having been thereafter and on April 12th, 1952, duly made in duplicate to the State Department of Audit and Control at Albany, New York, for permission to create sooh district as more fully provided for by Town Law, Section 194, and the State Comptroller having duly I118.de an order in duplicate, dated August 4th, 1952, granting permission for the creation of the district in all respects as petitioned for and approved by the Town Board as aforesaid; and one copy of such order having been duly filed in the office of the State Department of Audit and Control at Albany, New York, and the other in the office of the Town Clerk of this Town, and the Town Clerk having duly presented, such order to this Board at this meeting, being its first meeting held after the said order was filed with him; it is hereby ORIERED, thai; a refuse and garbage district be established in the said TOlin of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, as described in the order of the State Comptroller aforesaid, to be designated as the Fishers Island Refuse and Garbage District of the Town of' Southold and to be of the following description and boundaries, to wi t:.. All the real property of' Fishers Island, in 1he Town of' Southold, County of Suff'olk and State of New York. inclusive of' the whole of Fishers Island, with the ex.. ception of' certain parcels which are the property of the united States Government, said tracts being known as "Port B. G. Wright," "Mount Prospect," "Wilderness Point" and "Coaat Guard Station No. 59," all as shOlin on map accompanying the petition, said territDry being bounded and described as f'ollows: On the North by Fishers Island Sound; on the East by Block Island Sound; on the South by Block Island Sound and U. S. Government reservatione; on the West by Fort H. G. Wright, U. S. Military reservations; and Block Island Sound. Dated, ~. 7 d , 1952. ~/~&;'~. Superv so , ) ) JUSTICES ) OF THE PEACE ) 12~ f ~ .7'r~ ~ Members of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suff'olk County, N. Y. ,I '".1 '~'t~1 , - ~. \ " ...." . '**~**************** In the Hatter ot , The petition tor the .stabUshlllent I of a aetWle aa4 l)a,roag. District at "lab.... Isleu4 in th. 'fown of S.outhold, Suffolk Count7, .ev York. ******************* RBSOLU'fIOIl ~ SOUTBOLD 'f0WJl BOARD APPRO.VIIIIG '1'HE ESTABI..tSBM~'l' ~ A RJilII'USB MD GARBAGE DlftRICT A'l pIiORS ISLAlD III THE TOWB ~ SOU'fHOLD, S.UFFOLK eOUlTY. JEW YOlUt. WBBRBA5, a petition tor the creatlon of a retu.e and garbage dhtrl.t to be known .. the Flabers I.led Retu.. aad Garbage . Dhtrlot in the Town ot Soutbold, Suffolk Count7, lIew York, tho .aid petltion being dated Augwat 21, 1'1$1, was du17 presentecl to this Town Board, aad Whereas an or~r wa. du17 adoptod 07 the 'fown Board on Harch 11, 19$2, reclting tho flUng of said petition, the . 1mprov...nts propoe.d, tho boundarlo. of the proposed 41str1ct, and the eatimated e:Jtpenae. theroof and .p.cit7ing April 4, 19$2 at 9..30 . o'clock A.H. a. the ti.. Ind the Fhhers I.llnd. Schoolhouse in said . Town a. tho place where tho said Board voulcl .et to oonelder the , petitlon and to hear all porson. interested in tho sub.1..t thereot, concerning tho .lIlIIe, and Wheroa. 81.1Gh order wa. dull posted, pub- li.hed cd se"e4 a. required 01 law, c4 Wherea. a ho..ing in the 'matter v.. dul7 hold b7 the Board on thl. 4th 4al of April, 19$2, co....nc1ng at 9..30 o'olook A.H., at tho Pi.her. bleud khoolhou.o .1n said Town, cd con8140rable UscWldoll upon tho .attor hav1ng I i been had, and all persons 4ealr1ng to 00 hoard. L -'-'-1 ,I ~ C'~:~ I ~ ~' -.. " 10"_ upon tbo ovldenco giVOD upon auob hoarlDa, IIftIi upon lIlotion ot an4 aooonde4 b1 , it 1. RESOLVU AIlD DB'l'IIRMIIlllD, tbat (a) tho pot1Uon ato~.a1d ia I , alped and acUmo"ledged or proved.. reCluil'ed b1 la", lt du17 I loapl1e. with tho reClulr..enta of Sectlon 191 ot the Town Law a. t~. auttlo1e_l of elgnera wlth relpeot to the boUDdarlel of tbe pro- poaect tinrl.t aa herelD approvod. and lt 18 otherw18e lurflolent; ( b) all the propel'ty and property ownel'1 wl thin tho propoae. tiltrl.' are benetitod. thereb" (0) all the propert., and. proport7 ownerl beneflted are iao1udod. withln tho limitl ot the propolod dlltrlot; and (d) 110 la ln tbo publlo inte",lt to l1'ant ln whole tho rlllet 10Ugb.t; and. lt 11 fUJ'tMr RJ:SOLVIm AlII> 1IIIIl".-JUaIlED, that tho o8tabl1.ahlllent ot a rotu8e and garbago dlltrlot a8 propo.ed in 8ald po1:1\lon bo approved; tha tho 111provolllant thoreln _l:I.tlonod be oon8truoted and tho ae1'1'10o thoreln _Dtioned. be prov14ed tor upon tho l'OClul"4 tunc18 boiDg made ava1laD~0 or prov1ded for; and that auoh tiatrs,ot 8hall bo dealpatod and known aa tho Rotu.. and Garbago 1>1atrlot at Pl8hera II1anct iD tho Town of SOlltholcl and ahall Do oounded. ancl doaorloed .. follovl:- A1lthe Hal propert., of "laboro 1811114, iD tho 'f0lfD of &outhold, COWlt7 or autf.1k and Itate ot .0" York, ....1Q1ve ot the "holo ot Piehoro Ialand, wlth thoe.ept1on Otil.el'taiD pal'Oele vh10h aJllt t.be propert1 ot tho UDJ.'0d. atat.. GOVOl"JlllODt, oald tr..te being mon aa "Port 11. G. Wr1g1:l.t," -XoWlt Proopeet, "Wllde...... Point" and .Coalt Guard Stat10n 10. .$9,. aU .. ahoWl on map ..0.pan7ing tho peUUon, aaid terr1tor7 boing bounclecl and. deoor111od al fo1low8: On tho Borth 07 "hhera Ialanei Sound; on tho &aat 07 Blook Uland Sound; on tho South 07 B100k Ialend Sound and U. S. Oovor...nt "aer1'at1on.; on tho Wo.t 07 Port H, G. Wrl8ht, u. S. )(111tar7 "aOr1'aUoD.; anei Blook Ialand Sound. 1 " ~ . T - I . ! ~... ... .~. -. ......... The bOUA4ul.. h.rein d..cribed q. 1.Dtoncled to 001De1.cle wit*- the pr..ont bO\U1dari.. of Jl'l.aher. I.lan.. in the Town ot Southold, i! Suftolk Count,.. W.w Y01"II, and 1. 1.8 tutth.r I ItESOLVED, that th. propo..d 1apro.....nt. 1.aolucl1.Dg th. .o.t ot .OD.truot1Oi1 work, ..q,ui.it1.on ot the n......r)' land. legal t.. and all other .xpen.... ahall be t1.Dan..cl__f~'I---",.. by the issuanoe of bonds (or other evidenoe of indebtedness pursue~t to the provisions of the Looal Finance Law) of said Town of Southold which shall be a charge upon said Distriot in a sum not to exoeed $50,000.00, Anl1 1t 1. t urth. I' R&SOLVED that the TOWD Clerk ot t)11. Town .hall w1th1.D ten da,.. att.r the a40pt1.on of thl.a r..olu1:l.0n tu. ..M1.ti.l1 oop1.8. th.reet in 4up11oato in tho otno. of tt1. State D.partm.nt of Audi and Control at Alban,.. I.w York, tog.th.r with an app11oat1on b)' th1.a Board in duplioato for pOnU8810n to create .ueh di.tr1ct .. provicled for b)' Town Law, Section 194.. Md that .Wilh appUoation .hall bo .x.out.d b)' and in behalt of tho '1'own Board b)' tho .upor'l'l.ol' of tho Town. THE QUES'1'I01Il OF THE ADOPTIOI OF THE FORJ!:GOI1llG RESOLU'fIOlI WAS reLY PUT TO A VO'l'E WHICH RESULTED AS FOLLOWSI AYES . . . . . ,ql1I?~,...'tTi Q,,"" Nn'Y"mAn -,: Kl il'P Justioe Harry H. Terry .T,]~t.inp ~A':ph w. rrn1ih Justioe Henry A. Clark _Tl1~t.inp R. PPT"T'Y RdwRT"nRIJ . , . AB&BI~ . . . . .TllRt.inp. T,P-RtP.T' M. Albertson . NA'!ES . . . . lone. THE SUPBRVISOR THIUUl:UP01Il DECLARED THAT THE RESOLUTICII WAS DULY ADOPTED. -. .l -,-,-,=>,-, -,-,,,,,,,'_v."!-.-':"-' '''''!J'_..,-r.~_;,,'..-..';;c},r~~__~...~'''~'_'''l:'-:-~''''')';'C:''_."'l~' ;~f:>',f-:..t'" __~!~.....,~t;~~'i~?.fY~-' i"1;j);;';,,~ I I I , PRESENT: I I At a meeting of the Town Board of the', Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New] York held at 16 South Street, Munici-I pal Building in the Village of Greenport, New York on the 11th day , of March, 1952. Norman E. Klipp Supervisor Harry Terry Justice of the Peace Ralph W. Tuthill Justice of the Peace Henr~ A. Clark ustice of the Peace A1Hi'tiiir 11.. Al"b"".... bo:.....n .Y'~Qti9.!!. ....1' 1..1.LV Y...a.aa i(- .... ~'" -!:~ " i:- ..~- i~. .;} " ~~ ':-'. .., >c ~:- {:. ~~ ~: " ~ .~ >c " ... ~ .. .. In the Matter of The petition for the establishment of a Refuse and Garbage District at Fishers Islanli in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. ~:. ~. " " >.- ~:. {} " .''- 1~ .". ~:~ i~ ..,. " it- .. >< .. >< "0" .. .," .. .. .. .. '#'\" ";i' WHEREAS, a written petition, dated August 21, 1951, in due fom and containing the required signature s bas been pr esent ed to and filed with the Town Board of the Town of Southold. Suffolk County, New York, for the establishment of a Refuse and Garbage District in the said Town, to be described as follows: All the real property of Fishers Island, in the Town of I Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, inclusive of I the whole of Fishers Island, with the exception of certain parcels which are the property of the United States Government, said tract being known as "Fort H. G. Wright," "jVlount Prospect," "Wilderness point" and "c~t Guard Station No. 59," all as shown on map accompanying ~petition, said territory being bounded and described as follows: On the North by Fishers Island Sound; on the East by Bloc~ Island Sound; on the South by Block Island Sound and U. S. Govern- ment reservations; on the West by Fort H. G. Wright, U. S. Militar reservations, and Block Island Sound. _",,,,.., ~~~"I'-~_""':J"""<'l; ,'lPJ'!,".,.A<\....;_,,;;:~,~;.""~,'.1..;.~;~~_...:~i.~X;;;~ ..::.~~.'''':;.o.:t::;.:~~,":._'<.;",~''-~~_~ f' '!.!-'~"""'<! -~ . I' " W~REAS, the improvements proposed consist of thc securing and' ! , furnishing such appurtenances and other facilities as may be necessary for thesani tary disposal of refuse, garbage, ashes, rubbish and other waste materials, in said district, and WHEREAS, the maximum amount proposed to be oxpended for the construction work of the district and the acquisition of the necessary land as stated in the said petition is the sum of $50,000., it is hereby ORDERED that a meeting of the Town Board of the said Town of Southold be held at the Fishers Island Schoolhouse at Fishers lSlani' ew York on the 1~ day of9l:ii. 1952 at 'll3'o...~ in the I moon of that day, to consider the said petition and to hear ' persons interested in the subject thereof, concerning the for such other action on the part of the Town Board with elation to the said petition as may be required by law or proper in the premises. ated: March 11, 1952. ?(:HaU4U' c!l..?ef'4/. Supervisor 1-<.h"-'....1 1'/; J- ~ /~"J''1 ,/), , , f .'1,.. '.L _" , I I I I ~ Members of the Town Board of the Town I of Southold, Suffolk County, New York~ "i,-;J:C'";:~''-''-.''7':<''''' '1 > .;.. :',\ ''":' ,;1nt:',~;,:.:-r .~... ., ';'--:-;;'.$'d.~,,~,t-::;.~~.,~J_~-,lii""'~~':::~' " ~ t.' a )r TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: We, the undersigned, being owners of taxable real property situate in Fishers Island, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and in the proposed district hereinafter described, and owning in the aggregate more than one-half of the assessed valuation of all the taxable real property of said proposed district, as shown upon the latest completed assessment roll of said Town, and including resident owners of said district of taxable real property aggregating at least one-half of all the taxable real property of said Town owned by resident owners, according to the latest completed assessment roll, do hereby petition your Honorable Board to create and establish a REFUSE AND GARBAGE DISTRICT, pursuant to Article 12, sub-division 191, of the Town Law and of the prasistons applicable thereto, which is to be located in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, outside of any incorporated village and wholly within the Town of Southold, within the entire area of Fishers Island in said Town, exclusive of any United States Military reservations, said District being described as follows: All the real property of Fishers Island, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, inclusive of the whole of Fishers Island, with the exception of certain par- cels which are the property of the United States Government, said tracts being known as "Fort H.G. Wright", "Mount Prospect," "Wilderness Point" and"Coast Guard Station No. 59," all as shown on map accompanying this petition, said territory being bounded and described as follows:: On North by Fishers Island Sound; on the East by Block Island Sound; on the South by Block Island Sound and U.S. GOvernment reservations; on the West by Fort H.G. Wright, ~11IM:lai!t.UrYG~eservations, and Block Island Sound. Dis rt:t The intent and purpose 6f said proposed Re~use and Garbage is to secure and furnish such appurtenances and other facilities as may be necessary for the sanitary disposal of refuse, garbage, ashes, rubbish and other waste materials in said District, as the facilities now provided were discontinued and withdrawn at ..' ~ '" tco=",,-~_"'t' ~ the close of the year 1950. It is, therefore, vitally essential that means be instituted at once with full authorization to take OVer and perform this work. The maximum amount proposed to be .-;1 _lLin the constructi n work of the District and the acquisition of is 150,000.00, according to the provisions the necessary land 202 and of Sections ~02a of the Town Law; the cos&of said constrution and maintenance shall / be assessed, levied and collected from the several lots and par- cels of land within the District in the manner and at the time as provided by Section 202, sub-division 3 of the Town Law. ---~.~,- .-".~~''2,:~'i_;,,~<_.,._~,,;:'._J:-'\~~:1i,:i)[~~u_:~': ,,,,"~-;:,.,'(c;t,';;;,;,."1~~'lW,,-;~_,2Y~;C. <;~~/.i...::;a5:~~'':;K:'1i~1:.~~;:;'c~''~'':'':~~c';~'~_' .. d ;" .. 1'1 Ei:,fi;~ ,51/diV G~i$AGf; Aim HJ:.FlJSE l:IS'fRIC'l' FROtOi:A!. ']:'0 'lb. :r(.".#tl board ot the To...n ot floUt-hold, lie'd 'lork, In ~ccol'dllnct! with the advortheHnt of Novumber 13, 1952, inv1.ing propo.~l. tor the collection and dlsrosal ot all the garbage lilnd r(l)!us8 1n tne flshars hlllnd GarhatCl and Holus. ;:;~,lltr1ct for II U!lrtl ot three ;)TElaTS, oog1nn1nr; .ranuary 1, 19'53, IUiC subjee~ to ell th. cond1tlor.s end re'l\llrenents of the 1114lcltl e.t1one, I, The N. B. King & Co., Inc. , do propo.. to lUJ1l1. all th~ labor and tools Dnd convoyano'elJ tor tM uid work and '0 1<tily l!Illd completely pertol'lll the selllCl In eecordllnce witn such spocl11cat1ons ana to the aatI.teotton of tha COIlla1a.ionera ot t n.hal'S lsbM Garb... and Refu.e D1strict, tor the following prlcltD, to witl ~OJ' the combined c,,118cUon, :rellloval 1m':! dilpoul of all the gBl'bfjG~ end 1'0[1.111. in the f'1shers ll1.l.~nd GarbagE! :md HetuI. D1a- trict, f<l1' the tel"ll of throe yelill's, troll Ja!luary 1, 1953, for the .um of Twelve Thousand Eight Hundred and 00/100 Ci12,aOO.odt per '..1'. Ii' ;.his r,roposel shell be accepted by the TO\fll Board ot tbe Dolllll'a TJwn ot Southn1a, Nuw York and the undersllned .hall fell to ~XGeut. ~ satisfactory contrRct or (s11 to tl1e the required bond, then the u1e 'I'own llI81, et ita Optiotl, cia'el'lll1ne thlllt i,be under. ll.1.gnad hall nblloclon.o thi< C~mtr.et, lInd thereupon hil i'l'opo..l shbll be rotur1l0d t.;) tll('! \~n<lers1Ilnod. i\ thchod nerflwl th 18 . cort11'ied check or rroroslll cmuS tor th~ ,"Ul!l ofhru thousan6 tellers <::;',C')O.OC), in accordanc. with thli c(,lld1t.ioDS llt1pulntf;d in thl! llj'\l;c1flcatlons. :ill.eltJ.[,derslanad herewith !',;rt'ler agreell, conditior,ed up:m the Iccer: line!> (Ji this rrop':dlf'l by tile u1d::'OHtl 'osrd of tol1a Town of C,outhold, !ill,1 'lork, to furnish 8nnufllly, tL:J'ln[ the t.rlll ot this egr~Elmenc, Il su1table !iccu:t1ty bond in 1'.',19 SUi" at the lIlllOun1; of Hi(; c,ntr~c~, to be "n irldemnity to the "mm Board elf thll 'Iowa of >co'ltilol,', Jhd fork, in OlliS. o,f ,'my dei's';::' t 01' l))"et:ch 1n hi. contr~lct.. '.he ",q;..,l,)mon~ all" conditioll tLe;o,;,f J:!11l huve on hand to " t,,\ r-- ~. proj:orly C:lncuc" Ilnc fnl! L.... tho ter.;:s 01' th0 II eclflC1s t.lonll and of t.he..nrk they coOver Dre: It6':!l of l,qulp~mt 1952 Chevrolet 12-ft. Covered Rack Dump Cond1 tlon Excellent Hum of Equiplllent Conditio 1952 Hough Front End New Loader & Bulldozer hBr~ 15 D0 ~8rS0n fctorested lr th19 t1( 0& prinelp01 except tlw :"'1'11'"10 "1' flr"GnS sii;1l1ng th.is "ropos'll. Iu ;, 1", .. ,. ~'j (the!!') ~.~am~! Jii, the umlers:l.gred hell herewith !ililt his in full, t:II:Jtber 'dth his (tlc"!") rfJsidence ~clcr$llI, this 25th d~yt November 'q. '1 , J. _ ,)1. . . ;rh~ p'. B, Pllg. &. Cp'l I!1c: . . . . . . ~-~.>>k 26 }[oore Court . pep ].oI1d.on.l p;YJd' ....... . PY. N, ]3.. ~;;'fJI~Yfn~. . . . . . "V ~': Nwo-' ~ ~~~.&.~ -1t!'l''Ih~~''~-''''-!f..;t.-"",,,...z'''T.:,;:'':~'~_~1'l~Zlfr.'N ;- -:,~. ,:'& ~.! .. H'~hF.JlS r!H..t,!.l; GARBAGE Mili REFuEl;' DI!>"1'l\ICT ::PfCIF'IC;1I,)llS f'CJI THf; CGlJ.,LC1IONIoNl' 1;1"1'05.\1. OF GARBI\G}<; UP RU'USE Th~ tollowi.are the apee1ficatl$Qs co.ering th~ collect10n IIInd d$si"oSlll ot 1I11 the gerbille end refuse within tn. limita of viahers I.land Garbe.e end Ret~. District 1n the town of 30utbold CountJ at Gut'follt, 14.,,( :Cork, inoludlng tbe f'IAbIle schools, !ire noul!IoI .n... an)' town b\,l1ld1nt;s, tor II v.rlnd or three J..rs fro. JaDUAll'Y 1, 19$3, and ...e turnbhed to prospective b1ddera lor the C~ln\r.ct tor luch c"llllcUOD .nCl eUapOlllal. The 18.. 81''' to be cona1dered . p~rt ot such contract upon \t. being ~W8rded to the auceeo.Iul bidder. 1. F.ach bidder will be reqll1nd to auba1t . aealed propos.l to tbe ':Olftl BoarG of the ';awn of Soul-hold for tbe collection and dl.po..l of g.rbag6 .nd ref us. In .caordeDc, w1th tbe t.ra. eDd condition. heretn.ner aet torth. Tbe Town Boer<t r.l th. Town of HOl.lttHlld rue".. tbe right to re~"ct 'D)' and .11 blda, or j.rt. thereof, without NUoa. 2. Eacb pJ'Opo..l mu.to 'be .ccolllp.nied by the d.ro.i t of . ..rt1tl,-,d check p.yabl. to tbe ord.l' .,! the Sltl,ervilor of '.ho 'rown of fbutbold In tM !lUll ot ti3,OOO.OO, or I tond w1th surfiel. .uret!8., to b. a proved bl the ;;upervhor, 1n a pInel lJUlIl of i3,OOO.OO. concU ti~m.d that 11' the prcponl 1ft lJCOepted t.h. .\,C- ee.atul bidder w111 ent.r into 8 contraot for the work, and th.t. h. will .xecut. within t1ft.-n day. from tbe d'~1 ot the accept.n of the 1'1'01'0'61 . .ut t8b1.8 le.ur1'ty tond In the lUll of the 1t!!I0unt ot the contrRct, condlt.loned for the taithful p.~oraanc. .Dd cODplaUon of tblt work herein ap.c1f1ed. All d.po.lta .xc.pt th.t of ~b. .uoe.satu1 bidder ~111 be return" . Upon eccephnoo of hi. Lld, 1! t1>> lIucc...tul b144el' fdla \0 ent.r 1Dtf) . e<;,ntrllot pursuant to the requlreunt& of tbe Town Board. or hUll to gl'1' the further llt/lQur1ty pr..cr1bec! herelD wtthw the time l1dtod hereln, then the cl:Mek depodt.4 as dore - . . " ; add and the mOM)' Iten<Unc to the cred1 t ottbe ofilia, Ihall be torteSted to tho 1"O'ltn U l1quldllted da.sas or 1t a tond haa Men presented, in Uell of . enUtled cllecis then the penaUy "haU be enforced .a liquidated d.~age.. 3. 'fh8 8,Jeeeutl.11 bidder hereInafter OIUM the Contl'aetol', IhaU Clonenee th8 WOl'k on Jllrll;18ry 1, 1953. line! shell continue the work for . rorlod of three (3) years. It. The Contractor Ihell be required to collect end (,'IeUvel' carbage and refuse to II 81te leA,ed by the Town of Soutbold end there d1spose of the" by ~hQ land 1111 lItetbod AS directed trOll t1me to time by the C~m~i8.1on"r. at the Yi.hers Island Garbeg. and Retuse Di.trIct. 5. lh. colleot1on. dallvury and d~.p08al shsll be under the d1rflctlon lInd supervill10n ot the GOIIIlft18110ner8 of the .risher. I1lEiad Oerbege end liGt1.lae District, and th~ !!len enlaced in U18 COllection, dellYery and disposal ahall be subJeo\ to 'bell' order.. 6. 'i'he Contrec\or ahaU have direct oh8rco ot .ad be rlllpon- alble for the entireworlt contemrbted under thh Cl?ntrflct.,.Jben the C,)Dtractor 1. aesent frOM tb. work. he shall .t all UlIeS he". lJ responsible penOD in charge dull 8\lthorhctd to recehe aDd exeoute orders siven by the Commissioners or their l'errewentatlve. 7. '?he C()ntrector shall indemnify and sne the Town M1'lIleu of and from any and all cla1~.. d...ge. end ch~rlft8 of ~very name and Mture llr1dnt\ frora the negligence or ""ant or cere of tM 'ontMtctor or bj,s mon 1n tt.e J.'l'olllecut1on of the work. 8. F.yaent8 for toile 'fork vd1l he _do foo the Contractor by the Town 1n twelve (1') aonthly installment. each 1..1'. The a~ount ! .ach such Installment .hall ba in proportion to the number ot 'pick-lipS" 1n e!'loh t!onth ot thlt teh 8m, .hall be dotermloed hy ~,n.'.llt.Uon ana agl'ee!'lent b9t....lum the ContJ'actor and tho COlIlnts- !onors. In no event, ahall the tot~l of tho twelve (12) lnltall. ent !)a)'lll,~nt. ,er :yt;8r exceed the a~r;!ed yearly prIce. Tbe fir.t. 8yaent 01' 1natlllllllent to 'e IlI8de on or before thfl tUttl.nth (1,;) II)' of t.M month tollowini.: thn flrat IlIOnth'/i ",,,.'rk. The auoo..c11aC paYMents w111 be lIIIId. on or about the tUtuenth (1.:) (l",y of eaoh -, , . . . I. :, . lloath f0110\ll1ft& for thfl dul'llUon ot tbe oontl'act. 9. Any Contractor, to "holl 1011111 contract b.e' let oJ' 8lotl1l1"tled, 1a proh1tlteci frolll 81I1,n1na, tranllr-nine, aub-bU.1nl 01' other... Hi.. disposing of tb. ~8.~ or any p$rt of the wo~k called for by th.. :laM to an7 other peraon, 00lll1>8n1 or corp01'$t1011 w1thou~ the pJ'evlOU8 consent In wrlt1ne of the 'tOl<<1 Board ot the Town of $outhold. 10. If at any tiMe the Co_1edoaera .hall bo ot the opinion and shall 80 eertHy In wrlt1nl; to the uld 'l"0lftl Board tut th. work 1. unneee...r11y delayed or the Contractor la ,,1111u11y Ylo1atiag any of the conditions of th1s eontract, or It the work tie not tu;'ly cOIIJ,l.ted 'dthln th. U.. naMd 1n these a!ecitioa_ tlon" the s~ld Town Foard .hal1 have the po~.r to not1f7 the Contraotor to discontinue 811 work or sny pert th.r~ot, by Q ~teD not1ce to be served upon the Contractor, e1ther t~paonelly or by le.vine ule notice at his res1dence OJ' witb bb egont 1n charge ot work, al.d tbe ('.upon the ")ntrllct,or ~hall dIa,ont1na all work, or such part thereof, 8na the .ald To~ Board shall thereupon bIlvo tbe ;'o~,er to _ploy .UGh and 80 lII.n7 per.ou a. 1t .'Y 111' dined lldll'1aabb, by c,;;ntrs<:t or otberw1ae, to cU"rlet, the \Nrk herein <lucr1becJ 01' .uch part tbereof, and t'J char,. tb, expense ot .ald labor to tbe .tor..n1o Contractor. 11. Itesl.nn1nl on th. 15tb day ot Juno of each 11111' and ending on the 15th. dllY or Septetllber or fl.eil yoer, the Contrllctor abell colleet .11 garbere and retuse on Fiahers Island tbr.. t1mea . week. Hovever, cur1nr, ,del period a oe11y collocUon shall 'be l'I~de of .11 au'bage and refuse of all hotels end IIIIIrket.. B.Binning on the 15th by ot Ser,t_ber or each year and ending on tba lit d81 of Noveaber or each 7eu', tht'J Contractor ahall collect all I(lrh~e lIna r.1'us. on "'1sher8 Island tdce a week. Howeyer, durlnij .aid period 8 t.bricf' \It,,ekly c~ll')ct1on ,hall blt utid. ot 'Ill garbege and refuse ot ell hottll. limd mar"'.t.. a"glnn1ng on the l,t dey of liovolllber ;)1: each 'lUl' end <<.mdlnt; on the 1st de)' of Na!"ch of CHICh year, t.he ContrllctOl' sball coileot all i;u'bll,c. and rofuse ot nshers Island Oll.,!!l e week. j{'jW8V.l', durin,: 1,,1d . er;\od . thrice .leekly collecUon shall be -'::1 a" j' ~ v ~j ~ ~\ ,. =F " ~t., ~:J' ~ I "2. '3' .. .J< I' -~ -= -~ -~ -". -~: ~' Zj, ""'.- ~ i -::~ ~,~ ~. = ~ .:!.J' _. 'f ~.=.;, c!t. ~. ~. .. --:.a~ '" -~j ~ ~. ~ .at' ~'; ;jff: i ~"!' ~. i -'?';: ~ ! I i ~. ~ "ii:., ~' ;j I "- -..,\ ~ ~ ~, ... ~ I !l .~ "..... ... ''It' fl. ~ j -='i. ~..., ~ ! ~'* ~ ..." .... ,. .ade of 811 l.rba~. flOC refUle ot all botels and mark.'.. 1~61nnlne on tne l.t day of March of each ,..r and sndin un th4 15th day of June of eRoh year, the Contractor shell 001180 All €arbe e end rerl~u on Fishers Island t~~o. a week. Ho~ev.rt dtU'ln~l u1a perlod .. thrice weekly collf!et.1on Shall b. ude ot all ~arba~e 6nd refuse ot ~ll hotels und merketa. .ine dny a Illonth during .ach )'1.11"1' shnll be Jet ".ide tor tnfl oClllect1or. of refu.. c:;n.s1dered too bulky 'And/or heavy t.o be 0181'0..0 or 1n the tr~ehe8 ol'aned tor gal."b!H'e. Such individual ;lei'\l a allal! not. . ,coed lflt of 8 load (20 cubic feet) or 150 lb. in ".1liht. l:!. Jhenever a leneral eleen-up ",..ek 1 a doele rltdby the COlli-I .1..10ner., ihe CQDtrector, shell, without Ifn extre ec,.p.n..tlon, put on such extra labor vnd v9h101ea AS m~1 bo required. 1.3. 7.M Cont.r!!ctor 'lIhall e(110)ct Illl f'nrblli?e end refu.e lHlCQri.lln,' to " Ilch..dul,c w010b will accoll1'11llh the requ1reHnta ot P&1'ili"npb 11. Such !lched'~l.. ..81 be altered by the COll\.>!\1ulone within tho requireMntll of I1111Cl ,'aragrar-h 11. 14. Under no condition Il!\Ult 8 route be llIOU then twenty-tov (24) hQur. OlhtMIltl from tlw lIohedllle at prov1de 1n paragraph 13 of thou !.ipec1.i'lcaUons. 1). ~hq Contractor' .1.1.1. exercise ~ue oare In the collection 01 the rube!;... &1\d retun, both 1n t.llll l'umdlint; of th. recepte.l.. Ilnc 11, the! transport-llUon t" the <liapo.llel site. 'lh. Contrllctor will be cOll1pd1ed to chan \if any unshl1tly cond.1 tion caused b7 c8releS3ntllss on 'Lh" part of ',1s '''er! 1n handlinI' the re.fu/i" 01' caused by fa 111ni~ of! the "fl111 elea {ll...:rlnr trvnllporht1on. 16. the C?ntrector will be required to collect and remove all t~\rbe Ill.a l'<lftltHI located withIn [01"1;7 (40) f...1o of the re.r ot Any bU1.dlng. Upon e~pt11ni~ '1.11'2 Nlceptncl(ls, he will be re- quir,d to return theM ;,tiler. orig1%U11ly found. ',ho C\mtrlh tor "ill not be requ1red to go down coller or eo l!loove th, ground 1'1'>01' tor the colll:lct1on of !;8rbal;;f.l nnd refust'J. 17. 'lh. C,'mtr1>ctor Ml.ll;t. j,nstru.ct h11i men tv bi'< e:Jurtou8 .t Illl tJ me; durinl ;.hEr r rOIH'Ic'.tian (}j' t'l"ir<f,:)rl<'. Any dit~.renc:e l ..: ,"- . . ~ ~ . ,.' of .':1ptnlon arlB1ng between the Contrectort. IHn end a dU&.~ of Fl.hera I.land must be s.tlsfactorl1y ..ttled by tbe COD..ctor. 18. 'rhe Contl'ector tIN'" heve the proper equipment for the retlovIl ot III the gar-beee and refuse and each Yehicle .uat be ;.rov1do-' ",I th 81l1table covor 80 III to coltlrl~ltel1 cover the vehicle. '):on loaded. The Contrllctor will 11150 be reqUired to - furnish II Iht of tbe eq\d,flIIIent ant'! the conel! UOl'l ther."t that ha Idll hl'lve on hend to provorly cf,wduot I!Ind fultill the tel'llls 01 thl!lIH\ SI'''c1t1Cllltion$ and ct the >Jc;rk t.hey cover. 19. It 18 undernto06 anri aeroed b~two.n the r~rt1e8 hereto thlt no eldlla tor damages or extrA work Shilll be IUde h con- nection with this work, except such 88 may te ordered In wrltlnc by the Ct~~lG.loner. w1th tne .~proY.l by resolution ot the Town Board 8nd tur\ber evldene.,d 'b:t the u.eution ot lJ lupplemental acreement between the Town enri the Contractor covering the .8me. '0. In the event ot eny violation of tho above sr~citlcatlon b7 the C'ntl'Ilotor or of eny ;:rov1.1on of the contract entered into with the luclleutul b1dder, the nid 'Iown Bolrd r...rvel the rltht to caneel t.n.. contr&ct upon th1rt7 (30) da)'!' written notice to the Contractor, aDd in tbe e.eat of the luch Clancella. Uon, the edd C>nt"ctor lIb1l11 not h,ve reeoUrae to any utio. .g,,~nat the 'r0Wll ot Sonthold. 21. Contl'f'ctor must tlelntltln e teler-bone at 3'!'l\f'l point at aoo/or throurb whloh he 11I87 be cont".,te4.. Dt!ted et Southold, If." York, KonuMI' 6, 195=-'. 'J:'own ot ~:outhold, lie", :ton B)':II~..I../~. oHr-orv1llor. . . . . , ~ 4 < , " .~, . . rImiER;; ISLAt,r:.1 Gl\hB,';GF-; M:!) fUO:r'lSC nrsnncT f,(JRIlliMiNT ACiRi:f'JIlIll'f lIlade Ilnd 6.'1ter4Kl 1nto ti' th1l;lt" day ot ~ 1952 between the ':tOWJl of Soutbald. a aun1dJ>1l1, cOlT'oration locate in the C~}<.a1ty tilt ,:'A1frolk. State of N41W L.:lrk, I,.rt)' of tbe Unt r8 rt. hElt'e1 net 1..1' Oil Ued the ..~ O1mfl. tuut The N. B. King & Co.,Ine. 26 Moope Coupt, New London, Conn. perty of the ,u,eond pert, hl\l'elJU1ft.er 0&11e<l the "C'::lntrllctor". ,';I'Ilt it :E~';;i I :In ocm81oerliltlon ~t the covenants And .gr.e~.~t. here1n l'lt;rfc'&S to C;.;;nhh all the .q~PlHnt. , 8lJ() InchJOl1tr.ls lUlU to turr.1I1h\ ell the eon- t!linuo, 1.11" C{.,ntrtlctor l1\lIt'!1rhlsl hpl"jl'llont.s, 18001' to do !Ill the work required to collect elld d1sl'o~e of 811 U18 garbage Mld refuse t ,:,r the 1"1Ihers lslfmci GSl'tage arid Rutu.. :,..I,::tr10t U: s':!)wn in th," spElcl!1cat1ons therefore on !11<\'tn the off tees ,[ the 'J!,,,,n Clerk ot the 'L,W1. of 3uutl101Ci, l'l"\l( to*, llmll the Justlc. or I'.?!tel., Fisners Island, aew :lark. 1n .~'msl,ae:rllt1on <>1 ,,'hieh. and If thl!l Contl'lIl1'tor lIh8~1 well I .nd e'.llllpl<!!tely 1:\>'1'to1'. .uid W';:lrk, the t"wn ahall p8y tne Contreeto Twelve Thousand Eight Hundred and 00/100 ($12,800.0~ D011ars per anm.ull 1n twelve (12) monthly 1nlltlllll1.8nh uch YfHlr. TIut allllQunt ot "'''Jell su.ch installlllent. shell bl) in T,rQPo1'Uon to tlut nlUllber or "p1ck-upo" 1n each month of tbe hr;e and shell be letert'lll1.Gd by consultatior. aud llIgreelllent ,etw.n the Contl'''<:Itor ant'! the COIIt11sdonerll. In no event, shall the t:)tal of tbe twelve (1/) inst~llment p8,ymenta per y..r exceed the .gre~d yenrly prlc.. ~'he first re.)f1ll61lt or Instl'llll!lent to be made on or hetore the fifteenth (1;) dl!l of t;,(/ l'hmth following the first n,onth's "'on. The InecGecllll,: palrlWnts Will be IllNJfiI on or ebout. the t1 fte8nth (1;) dlllY of iltileh l'1onth tollo',lin. ror tho durlltlon :')( the c'"ntrect. ry'h'3 r::rl'tg;lnt[ flhli~l 1;", upon the follOW'in~~ terru and conditions ','hich \111'1 rt1Qs do ,~utlufll'y covenant ;11,1 ag1'''., v> wltl 1. ',he' Cc.llldctl011 aT,d dll1po:;01 S;lll11 !.Nl:l!!:..I1<.''! Ilot later t ev ,;!:m;;,,':,' 1, 1953 ;;110 $1'11'\,:..1 (~nntlnue f ,'r ,', ,Elrlod of three yearll \lnt.1.~ th" };:It dt'i .Jf JtdYU,'ry, ...9.,:(, ,,1;10':13 c':T".'lnf.ic,ecl f.,r Cl!!UlJe ~rlor th.,~t~ in acc~rJnnc. w~tn ~nu spaclf1cetlflna. " , '. " ')11- . 2. ~bG apEtclt1c:atlOl.lIl here1nbet'o1'8 rder:red to lll'e int.Deled to be and 9l'e heNbl _,le (1 part of thls 4creellll,mt ,,, thO\lgh .et fortb In full h~reln. 3. It 111 fl.l.rth(!1' un,'urstooc llntl ngreed tol:ult in cas(I thel''' is ,: vS,rl enee t.twotln \he terms ,,)!. this ""..tr"ct ~rlc1 h 1ti t1 ...~..... u !I'IO &,.eo ca s, the 'Ll"''': i.\,)l~rd ahail determ1ne "I!l1eh shall control lme its decision .i,.,11 be :I.'1nal. 4. It 1a turthor fJgr~l!\d tl,$t the Contr~ctor, lilt his own expense ',;r111 turnillh annulIlly durln" tl1<1 ter~ of th1B agree.ent a bon" or bonds 1n the Ii'll!! of t4. 1l1'lO\IDt of thi8 Clon'.1'lu:t ot . eor\orllti'ln euthor1.1&od to EUl'1'antee tne ;'e:rforl!lllnee nf thl. c::Jntr;Jct IUUl tr) do busil11111S In the TaWil ot South.old,Qnmty of L,uffolk !'IDd State of ..w 'fork as aur.'7 covllIl'lna the servle.. hereIn conte.pllllted. .Al~o, the Contractor, at 111& own expense, . . \>1111 rilrn1ah the Town. 11l<bil1t.1 policy oovt'l:rlng b1l.'lult and the town ag~lft.t any liability ~. . result of th1t eontr~et 1n the alllOunt of $100,000. and $300,000. Dc;cllly InJury #!nd no,ooo. Property L~me... " 5. Hl the p'ov1s10n. of Soetlon :f20 ot the Labor La" of the State of ..~ Lork shell be .dn.r~ to by tne Contr~ctor .. to lebor unoer this Agreement.. 6. The Contrretor further .;;:re.. tbat It will secure !lOci furnlllh co.pensatlon end d1..bl1lt)' 1nsul'ftnc. tor t.he ben.tit of and keeping Insured <lurilli the Ute of thls 1;6t'"...nt, tbe ..ploye.. 8I1gased 1n tl',. work p<.lrfo:rllh,d, under the ;Jrov1alon of the Laws of the State of ~e.." YOl'y, affuct:lni the same, lInd thIS eont1'8et IIMll be null and voId end or no etfeet it the COntractor .hell tell to lGeure und turnhh cOlllJlen..Uon am: dhab1l1ty In- ,nu'.no. Clovor1ng its 8111'l01ee' enr.llged 111 the work prov1dec! tor In this Agreelll4lDt.. 7. Elich ano overy p'ovl8ion ot la./ Iud Cl~Hla8 rltquried by le./ to be inae:rted 1n this ClQnt1'H1:t shilll be d',e!lled t.o have been inserted, IlnC" ittl.l.rouih ml.t.ko OJ' otho!"',/lse such rl'o',ldi)n 1. not in$ert(1!d, '<heUl uJlon the a p11cation of e1ther :<'Irt;:l, thU contuct shall be pl'7a1call)' __nded forthwith to mak.. such in- ~Qrtlon. , '. , '. . 8. It 1. further otpr...lyund.r.\ood ~nd acreed that no &8rt'~e coll.ctea by the Contractor by v1rtu~ of tbl. eoat..et shall be used for Ut. purpo.e of hedllll pili, hogs or .wlne. IN ',iI'!'/Jii,SS, tb. reapfJlcthe per' 1.. her.to ban exoctued this Agr....nt 8nd oau.ed B.~ to be 'laned by the proper ottlee ot the respective partieD 8M thell' r6.peeUve ..~ll affixed, t_ day end y.ar tir.t .bo.e WTltten. ~'own ot f'jQuthold, HlIJ'W York . ~{~~ . . (" 1) ,^;ea Att..t. .R~.P;.~ . . tI . · ~'own Cle1'k . . . (8ul) S'r ATE (iF Nl';~1 'to RIO Coullty ot Suttolk) .... .... OA th~ i' G' 19'::.::I::':t:'::~:" Cl..rk of tha 'iown ot ~iOll1;holdt who It>1It,' "I Illl duly $worn, depo.ed thllt hI! rOlldel III 8<!uthQld 'I'own; t',1t til" 3"181 ,'fL;otl to the 1'Ol'e(olng 1n.trUllont 1s the oUlIIIl'!on ul or .n(: ,o'm of H,mtbold, and was 10 ..1'tixod by order of the 'j .:,,'}l 'o~!'d of', Id ::own ,mieb II to me ..tl.tactory .....n.. Ob' ~. .,," ""n~j_ .~.J7" ~~;;-. .... .,' r' u,,11c ,M:-} Y~A{f , IrE&lPINQ, IA) ~t'IIfF'JJ< 0'(/11/7 Y HI 01114111..; 'iI N ,!jpIIlE' HAAOH "fI, ~ an~ ~f~n~;~~~unt;,t~eC:::e o~:i~: ~:;:~:; of Record, having by law a seal hereby certify ~t:ser:11!i:~&e{.o~~ ~f."'~fP~~f; . ~d~~l;.dg;';~~.;'~' dici,;~t of the annexed instrument , and ~~~~e Iwritten, was, at the time of taking such proof ,acknowledgment . or affidavit . a Notary Public, CB . Maalill' ., ..1.~ c i1J!._~;~1 ~B .... Jnd'''''' ....f ~L e Pun, within and for said County, residing in said County, duly appointed, commissioned and sworn, and authorized by the laws of said State, to administer oaths, and take the acknowledgments and proofs of deeds or convey- ances for lands, tenements, and hereditaments, in said State, and other instruments to be recorded therein, and to certify the same; that full faith and credit are and ought to be given to his official acts; and I further certify that I have compared the signa. ture to the original certificate with that deposited in this office by such person and verily believe that the signature to the attached certificate is his genuine signature and said certificate is not required to be under seal, and the person signing such certificate is not required by law to file in this dice an im. pression of his or her official seal. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and aDWeJ, the $etll of slliJ Courl, a' Norwkh, in said Conn'y MUJ S.ale, .he l7.d'~?$.ofA,~.(.k,-,-., 19..ry 12 u. . O! . ,~. .+flerk. CONNECTICUT StAll. vi ~-RM} New Lonnon CCI\U1b of ......Yto) ..._ State of Connecticut } COUNTY OF NEW WNDON County Clerk's Office . 227 ST PAUL STREET BALTlMORE,MO. 60JOHN STREET NEW YORK A STOC K CO M PANY BID BOND AMOUNT $...~.'.9.2<J.!.9.Q........................ BOND NO......'l~4?Q.............................. Jtnoltl ~U ~tn JIll? <<:f)tSt ~rtstnts: THAT WE,..~ ......................Th~..~.....~....~g..1!P4..G.9!!!~gy~..I!l~.......................................... ..................................oL?(?...~.fJ.~...~r..fJ........Q.Q~.~...N.~....J.&tl9.9n.....Q.Q.Dn............ hereinafter called the Principal , as Principal , and the NEW AMSTERDAM CASUALTY COf1p:ANY. . .\-~" a corporation of the State of New York. hereinafter called the Surety, as Surety, are held and firm~':md unto ..................~C>lP.:...~~~.t~C>lP.:Q:f..~g~~.J:lg:!,4~..J!fJ.'-!:J.Qr.~.................................. ............................................_..................................................................hereinafter called the Obligee in the full and just sum of .....~l.l:~.)!;..:r'l:lQ~~~!l.~:N.p....()Q/1..()Q.::.::..:::' .::...:::'...::...:::'....::...:::'...::..::....::.::..::...::...::.Dollars ($..}..~9.<?Q!9.9..........................). to the payment whereof the said Principal and the said Surety bind themselves. their and each of their heirs. executors. administrators, successors and assigns. jointly and severally. firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, the said Principal has submitted or is about to submit a certain bid or proposal dated NoYe!l1ber.. 25.....1952.............................. for.... ......contr.a.c:.t.....tor.....Fishe:t's...IalaDd...G.v.b&g..and.R.fu...... Disposal .J}ol1J. Gl:btrtfort. tbt Conbilfon of tbis c8bligation is ~utb. That if the said Principal shall. upon written notice of acceptance of said bid or proposal. enter into contract with the said Obligee and give bond for the faithful performance thereof. then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise. it shall remain in full force and effect. ~{gntb anb ~taleb this.......?4~)!...... day of ........!i.c:>~.'1>.~;t"........... A.D. ......l.9.5.;L.. ATTEST ......_.-:~~~ B7 .(Seal) ~-1~ NEW AMSTERDAM C UALTY COMPANY B~~I7-'~O 2-502.1 2vm-2-52 POWER OF ATTORNEY NEW AMSTERDAM CASUALTY COMPANY A STOCK INSURANCE COMPANY 227 ST. PAUL. STREET BAL.TIMORE MD. EXECUTIVE OFFICES 60 JOHN STREET NEW YORK N. V~ anolD ror men lip ~t~t tlu~tnt5: That the NEw AMSTERDAM CASUALTY COMPANY. a corporation of the State of New York. by ................. .....................9.~.....~..VlElll~.......................... its Vice-President. and...............V{.~...~..~....~.~.~~?:.d............................ its Assistant Secretary, in pursuance of authority granted by a resolution duly passed by the Board of Directors of said Company at a meeting of that body. at which a quorum was present. held on the 27th day of January. 1949. at its office in the City of New York. State of New York. which resolution reads as follows: "WHEREAS, it frequently becomes necessary for a representative of the Company to execute bonds or undertakings on behalf of the Company. which, for lack of time or some other cause, it is impracticable to have executed by the officers of the Company; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, thatthe Chainnan of the Board or the President or any Vice-President, by and with the con~ currence of the Secretary or any Asaistant Secretary, is hereby authorized to appoint and empower any representative of the Company .. its Attomey-iD.Fact to execute on behalf of the Company, as Surety, bonds or undertakings which the Company misht execute through i bI officers." does hereby nominate. constitute and appoint Richard :So Savory, Boston, Mass. its true and lawful agent and attorney -in-fact. to make. execute. seal and deliver for and on its behalf, as surety. and as its act and deed Any and all bonds or undertakings of suretyship, no one bond or undertaking to exceed the sum of - - - FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND - - - - Dollars ($ 500,000.00 And when such bonds or undertakings shall have been duly executed pursuant hereto and the corporate seal affixed. they shall be as binding upon said Company, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if they had been duly executed and acknowledged by the duly elected officers of the Company in their own proper persons. The said Com- pany hereby reserves unto itself, however. the absolute right to revoke this Power of Attorney at any time it may desire so to do. The said Assistant Secretary does hereby certify that the foregoing copy of resolution is a true copy of the resolution passed by the Board of Directors of said Company at its meeting held on the 27th day of January. 1949, as aforesaid, and that said resolution is still in force. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Vice-President and the said Assistant Secretary have hereunto subscribed their names and affixed the corporate seal of the said NEW AMSTERDAM CASUALTY COMPANY. this 1st day of May A. D. 19 5/Il NEW AMSTERDAM CASUALTY COMPANY Attest: ..!i.~~.:I-.~gtortl. ...mmm... Assistant Secretary. (Seal) (Signed) By...... C. 5. Weech Vice-President. STATE OF MARYLAND} 55. CITY OF BALTIMORE On thill 1st day 01 May A. D. 19 50 before the oubocriber, a Notary Public of the State of Maryland. in and for the City of Baltimore, duly ccimmissioned and qualified. came the above named Vice-President and Assistant Secretary of the NEW AMSTERDAM CASUALTY CoMPANY, to 'me personally known to be the individual. and officers described in. and who executed the preceding instrument, and they each acknowledged the execution of the same, and being by me duly sworn, severally and each for himself deposeth and saith, that they are the said officers of the Company aforesaid, that they know the seal of said corporation. that the seal affixed to the preceding instrument is such corporate seal and their signatures as such officers were duly affixed and subscribed to said instrument by the authority and direction of the said Company, that each is familiar with the handwriting of the other. and that the signa. tures subscribed to the foregoing instrument are genuine. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal, at the City of Baltimore. the day and year first above written. My commiuion expire. May 7, 1951 (Seal) (Signed) m.....:.....l....R.,....~.!!.~................ .......N;;-.;;;;p;;iili;;:........ CERTIFICATE I. H. A. Sadler . Assistant Secretary of the NEW AMSTERDAM CASUALTY COMPANY. do hereby certify that the foregoing Power-of-Attorney is a true and correct copy of Power-of-Attorney issued to the above named agent and attorney ..in-fact and that said PowerRof.Attorney is still in force. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the corporate seal of the said Company this 24t.h day of Noyember . A. D~ ............_............LW~.~~m....._ Assistant Secretary. ~ - . . . .. . i" ~ , , f CONSOLIDATED LIST OF CTWNEIlS OF TAXABLE REAL PIlOPERfi ON FISHERS ISLAND liHOSE SIGlfATURFS APPEAR ())I nIE PETITIORS ATTACHED HERETO: Mrs. EdJRwId R. AMre... Walter B. Allen Romeo Abbondsnll& & wite Sylvester Arasimoll1cs IJ'dia L. Blagden Margaret M. Bogert Delaie E. Broou Harold Baker & WUe Delma E. Best Walter G. Buckner Charles S. Campbell WIll. D. Campbell Jane R. Chester Whitney B. Choate Winifred B. Clark Onol.. K. Co!!q Joseph L. Croll C. C. Da1lq Annie Daniela Lammot duPont Mary Y. ~_nd.. Doroth7 Edwarda R~nd W. Edwards H8IIl7 L. Eldredge Lily C. Elmnet A. L. Ferguson Charles B. Ferguson H. Lee Ferguson. Jr. & wi.fe 3.500. Henry L. Ferguson & wi.fe 12.000. Fishers IslaDd F&l'IU. Inc. 99.400. . "Electric Corp. 90.000. " " Telephone" 18.000. Linus Foyle 3.600. Virginia B. France 6.600. W. S. Fulton A. J. Gada A. J. Gada & WUe Wm. D. G&1llard Leland H. Goss Jessie .. Grq Alfred R. Grebe lAIu1s Grieco Harry L. Guest H. C. Hansen Irving D. Harris Hay Harbor Realty. IDe. Bertha S. Hedge Charles W. Hedge Henry W. Hobson Francis Kernan Haud T. Kernan Barron Kidd Mebal KiroS8 RapBond A. LaIIIb Adelard T. LeGere Herbert I. Lord Oswald B. Lord J. Ward Meier Wm. B. Kay Robert Middleton John M. Moore Mary S. Murphy Nazzare Oliveri Anne W. O'Shea Arthur J. Paquette Charles B. Parsons Hartha F. Pendleton Beatrice Phillips (AsaP.) James B. Pickett PROPERTY OWNER TOTALS * WEST END , RESmmT NON-RESmENT $9.000. $5.700. 1.000. 2.500. 6~100. 10,400. 900. 4.700. 1,300. 5,500. 7,000. 6,000. 3.400. 3.700. 28,800. 5,900. 8,800. 6,000. 6.900. 700. 5,600. 1,900. 2,500. 1.500. 3,000. 1.700. 1,900. 22,300. 7,600. 1,500. 22,500. 5.000. 1,500. 4,200. 6,500. 1.300. 7.000. 5,300. 28,600. 1.500. 4.200. 6,500. ~. 9,000. 19,500. 5.500. 6,900. 4.500. 4,700. 5,100. 5.000. 3,700. 2,ioo. 1,800. 10,000. 1,700. 9.000. 2,800. 4,500. 3,300. 30.000. 3,300. $385,200. $258.500. TOTAL $9,000. 5.700. 1.000. 2,500. 6.100. 10,400. 900. 4.700. 1,300. 5.500. 7,000. 6,000. 3.400. 3.700. 28.800. 5,900. 8,800. 6,000. 700. 6,900. 5,600. 1.900. 2.500. 1.500. 3.000. 1.700. 1.900. 3.500. 12,000. 99,400. 90,000. 18.000. 3,600. 6.600. 22.300. 7,600. 1.500. 22,100. 1.500. 5,000. 4,200. 6,500. 1,300. 7,000. 5,300. 28,600. 1,500. 4,200. 6,500. 10,000. 9,000. 19,500. 5,500. 6,900. 4.500. 4,700. 5,100. 5,000. 3,700. 2,400. 1.800. 10,000. 1,700. 9,0001 2,800. 4,500. 30,000. 3,300. 3,300. $643,700 ,..."-....-.-......--- -, -~--_...... ~~... -_... --_... -~~-----~~'-,-~I- -- - -...--....__......- -------...............--.-- ~ . . . , . , . Palle IJ2 (West End Cont.) Balance Fwd. Resident Non-Resident Total $.385,200. 1258,500. $64.3,700. Stellart B. Pla.ttenberger 9,900. 9,900. Katherine S. Polk 11,000. 11,000. Mary C. Pollack 1,000. 1,000. Marshall L. Posey 4,200. 4,200. Guiseppe Ripa:llli 2,500. 2,500. Wm. C. Ridgew&T 19,600. 19,600. Albert ~...". .3,400. .3,400. DorothT H. Buasell 8,600. 8,600. Theodore Russell 2,800. 2,800. G~ G. Rutherford 8,400. 8,liDO. Stanle;y ~itski 5,900. 5,900. Katherine R. Saluge .39,400. .39,400. EdwiDa C. SlIllger 5,.300. 5,.300. Bert Scagliotti 4,000. 4,000. Jean H. SIIall 4,000. 4,000. Catherine H. Smith 4,400. 4,400. Donald. W. . Sinclair 6,600. 6,600. Patricia H. Stedman 6,000. 6,000. AnthOIl1' Stetanini 6,200. 6,200. K. T. Stone .3, liDO. .3 ,liDO. Rodman K. Tilt 6,600. 6,600. David N. Torrance 4,600. 4,600. Galileo Valentini 2,800. 2,800. Robert Waddington 2,800. 2,800. Ernest R. Wall 1,100. 1,100. Arthur J. Walsh &< vite 2~00. 2,1iOO. Blair S. Wi 11 h... 2,500. 2,500. David R. Wil.uierding 6,800. 6,800. Lila Wilaerding 16,000. 16,000. Annette Zabobonski 4,400. 4,400. Henry Zabohonski &< vits 21,900. 21,900. Mario C. Zanghetti 1,000. 1,000. Riben Ziesing 7,200 . 7,200. Kathleen Paquet 2,1.00. 2,1.00. Elsie C. White 11,800. 11,800. Hadeleine A. Renaud 12,400. 12,400. TOTALS: WEST mm $461,.300. $445,400. $906,700. . . . , Pue 1/3 (Park Area) PROPERTY 0WlIER RliSIDENT NON.-ammmrt TOTAL James H. Ackel'lll8J1 $9,000. $9,000. Adolph Ahlgren 2,200. 2,200' Theodore ArUOIIIOwiClll $600. .. Lawrence S. Baldwin 1,500. 1,500. II II II 500. 500. John H. Barnes, Jr. 7,000. 7,000. Dorot~ C. Benton 22,300. 22,300. Margaret M. Bogert 2,300. 2,300. Bertha S. Brown 16,000. 16,000. Helen Glenn Bryce 2,000. 2,000. Albert Chaplaski 2,100. 2,100. Winifred J. Cooper 34,000. 34,000. Anne M. Davis 20,000. 20,000. Lammot duPont 12,000. 12,000. Lammot duPont, Jr. 25,000. 25,000. Pierre S. duPont 30,400. 30,400. Reynolds duPont 52,200. 52,200. Van Horn ElT 28,000. 28,100. Sarah E. EYua 9,900. 9,900. Alfred L. Ferguson 28,000. 28,000. Charles V. Ferguson 21,400. 21,400. Fishers Island Estates, Inc. 215,600. 215,600. Wm. S. Fulton 10,000. 10,000. Mary E. Haines 22,600. 22,600. W. F. Harrington 46,000. 46,000. F. Barton Harvey 20,000. 20.000. Lucy- S. Hockmey-er 19,700. 19,700. Ellen C. Houghton 10.000. 10,000. Wm. H. Hubbard 20,800. 20,800. H. Arnold Jackson 18,000. 18,000. Virginia K. Jones 19,000. 19,000. E. A. Matthiessen 23,100. 23,100. Mrs. A. A. McDonnell 33,200. 33,200. W. T. McIntire 20,000. 20,000. Joseph Middlebrook . 12,900. 12,900. Edward C. Page 10,000. 10,000. Maxwell S. Porter 10,000. 10,000. Wm. 1'. Reed Estate 12,000. 12,000. Richard E. Riegel 42,000. 42,000. Wm. M. liobbins 24,700. 24,700. Dorot~ M. Russell 3,000. 3,000. Grant G. Simmons 58,000. 58,000. Joseph L. Smith 1,500. 1,500. Helen T. Stanley 25,800. 25,800. J. Dean Tilford 33,700. 33,700. Katherine B. Tower 32,900. 32,900. A. B. Wallace 10,000. 10,000. J. Cheney Wells 26,600. 26,600. John H~ Whitney 95,000. 95,000. Nancy- A. Fuller 20,500. 20,500. TOTALS : PARI!: AREA .t6,200. ~219,800. 11,223,000. ~.........._-"_...,',.""",",,,. ~- . . , . ". Page 114 - SUMMARY TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION AS PER L951-1952 TAX ROLL: Resident Property OWners Non-Resident. · $6ll,2OO. 2.829.600. ~.440.8OO. PETITION TOTALS: Resident Non-Reeident ~ Page III $385,200. $258,500. $64.3,700. Page 112 76,100. 186,900. 263,000. Page #3 6,200. 1,216,800. 1,223,000. TOTAIS $467,500. $1,662,200. $2,129,700. -a;, ~ CZrcf c?P1// ~/~~~ ~ '/~ C~~ c.U:~ ~f-d~ ~ UdCH/~ --r-~ ~~~//y. ~/~/IJ7 ~ "C'(:~~',-'''~'-:7'fC;;''1'Y.ffl""~''''T"'T'-I~7:,:"~r'-''~,,;:-,,,.l<''f':",,,.,.,lWf, =--... .,_"' _C',",__ ~.,.,,-,-,.;;@~~,-""- ""',,,.,.~---- . TO T61E 1'0':'<' BOARD OF THE TOCN OF SODrr!OWI -, - - -- ':;e, the undersigned, being owners of taxable real propercy ntuat.e in T'bl,ers IslaM, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New YON, ancl in the proposed district hereinafter described, and owning in the aggregate more than one-half of the assessed valuation of all the taxable real property of said prooosed district, as shown upon the latest completed assessment roll of said Town, and including resident owners of said district of taxable real property aggregat- ing at least one-half of all the taxable real property of said TOl'm owned by resident owners,. aCCOrding to the latest completed assessment roll, do hereby petition your Honorable Board to create and establish a REFUSE ANn GARBAGE DISTRICT, pursuant to Article 13, sub-division 191, of the Town Law and of the provisions , applicable thereto, which is to be located in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, outside of any incorporated village and wholly with- in the Town of Southold, within the entire area of Fishers Island in said Town, exclusive of any United States Military reservations, said District being described as followsl ~;: All the real property of Fishers Island, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New YOM, inclusive of the whole of Fishers Island, ,.ith the exception of certain parcels which are the property of the United States Govenment, said tracts being known as "Fort H. G. ;rightV "Mount Prospect," "Wilderness Point" and "Coast Guard Station No. 59," all as shown on map accompanying this petition, said territory being bounded and described as followSI On North by Fishers Island Sound, on the East by Block Island Sound, on the South by Block Island Sound and U. S. Gove:mment reseITationsJ on the 'l""est by Fort H. G. Wright, U. S. Military reservations, and Block Il!land Sound. The intent and purpose of said proposed Refuse and Garbage District is to secure and furnieh such appurtenances and other facilities as may be necessary far the sanitary disposal of refuse, garbage, ashes, rubbish and other waste materials in said District, as the facilities now provided were discontinued and withdrawn at the close of the year 1950. It is, therefore, vitally essential that means be instituted at once with full authorization to take over and perform this work. The maximUlll amount proposed to be expended in the constructiiHl WOM of the nistrict and the acquisition of the necessary land is $,0,000.00, according to the provisions of Sections 202 and 202& of the Town LlmJ the 'Cost of eaid construc- tion and maintenance shall be assessed, levied and collected from the several lots and parcels of land within the District in the manner and at the time as provided by Section 202, sub-division :3 of the TOI'Ift La",. ~~;'I'":"',"';"'::_:''''''''''''''''C: ,~.~-~.,.,."':,~_.-............ _~, .~'o'_~ ~_~ -" _ M:W~~""" p '" _,c )+~ . 'I" '-~-! ~. ~'.-. . " '. . ,.. -2.. NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER RESIDENCE I3UBSCRIBING 'fiITNESS ASSESSED VALUATION OF REAL PROPERTY ~~.l!tl~~ I J1rfrfJ. ;>llt~~<"~____ , , .7,000.00 7-"'." , 3,000.00, ':: " SS,~."" S ,%-00.-" 16,~:~ . 1,909AO,' 3,~.,eo " 9,9El9~ , 7,~~00, I ~-:t"t'~- (J , " I I Total nu.200.oo STATE OF NEW YORK ) TOO OF SOUTHOLD ) SSe COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On this -5tJL.day of Septlllllber , 1951, before me came .'W,""t.. '7"'"""n~' the SUBSBRIllIlfG WITNESS to the foregoing inetrument, with whom I am persona:r!Y&cquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, did depost and say that he resides in Fishers Island, Suffolk County, New YOrie, that he knowlI ~h.a. s. CAmnbA" T.ilv Cuahing _. Grant s. S-.o.. Wanl Xaier Katherine T. Stone S. B. Plattenberger RAPt.ha. SA Bratilll Chas. B. FerllWlon .1 R' _ lU1'"nAII TO BE l'HE INDIVIDUALS DESCRIBED IN, AND WHO EXECUTED the foregoing instrument; that he, the SUBSCRIBING WITNESS, was present and saw them sign the same; and that he, .... WI""",. .t tho .- tim. .........hod hl'a.::~' ;::-']1~ / ..,. ~ L.f!&o&--- No~ y lie LUC J, AHMJ\N 110TARY PUBLIC, STATE OF NEW YORK No. 52-0028880 Qualified in Suffolk County '1.m expires March 30, 1953 ~" Y';'7"''''IIK. -'<:;"::::_:Y::;;;-,~.i''.<'...-r':,:-,!:~,."",,,,'''" ~ __:''':~":~''::~'}''''''''''_''__=''~_ .~ .~",..~.,."..", "',." ._.-",,,",'~ _~_V'!,";';;,""X"',-.f"."",~"..~ r 'f '" . · . I -20- I j j .J " T.tal ,~,'~.,.",'" -..'-="""". . ASSESSED VALUATION OF REAL PROPERTY ~t:?()Jm() M ./ 6,100.00 3,000.00 " 22,300.00 22,300.00 J ~' 7.200.00 .I 5.900.00 - 6,600.00 22,600.00 ,; ./ 9,OOO.ro 6,000.00 (See R. K. Tnt) J '3.700.00 3,700.00 J 3,400.00 (See D. lV. Sinclair) IIIIIIII )141,800.00 _ STATE OF NEW YORK ) TOI'/N OF SOUTHOLD ) ss. .J. ~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On this .;llr - day of t '6Et ' 1951, before me came H. f' POse:v , the sUBSBm'tJI'o \'rIMS 0 e foregoing instrument, with whom am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, did depost and say ; that he resides in Fishers Isl~, Suffolk County, New York, that he knows F. Barton Harvey ,;"dia L Blagden Rodman K. TUt Dorothy C. Benton l~rm ~ F"l ton Fajth W~ Ziesing Ono'ee \J. Coffey Donald \'I. Sinclair Tn,; tne" Choate \'Ir. n. Fay A' herl R0",.ania Catheri,ne C. Da"e'c Jean P. Tilt A'ice )-T. Sjnc1aj,r ~':arT E. Baines Anne ':1. 0 I Shea TO BE THE INDIVIDUALS DESCRIBED IN, AND WHO EXECUTED the foregoing instrumentJ that he, the SUBSCRIBING WITNESS, was present and saw them sign the sameJ and that he, said WITNESS, at the Bame time subscribed his name#.i~ SubSCFIDlng ~ess L~ ii-~---- Not~y ub ic ~UCY J. AHMAN l'O,,'RYPUBLlC. STATE OF NEW YORK No. 52-0028880 Qualified in Suffolk County 'fIrm 3Ypire. March 30, 19Sa -",~ .;;I!!l!?::'~' '.~.'.T'"':"'::';~'<!';'_-_Z'N,.,.,//.'i\if,.';e'~!f''',,..,~~,,__.~,,-~-,_i':~~'\}!:;;1~_."':'.-';__,_" ,=.. ,_~. .i'" "',c'.h.". ...."f~:,- "'.:'~,~.""",.'~,,-,~=- . . . , .. . . I ..2>- NAME OF PROPERTY CYNNER RESIDENCE SUBSCRIBING WITNESS ASSESSED VALUATION OF REAL PROPERTY ~~~1a5'~.'" 1:J..._~~ ~ ~j- ./ IIIIIIIIII - - Tetal $244.200.00 STAn: OF NEW YORK ) TOI'IN OF SOUTHOLD ) ss. ~ ~ COUNTY ~ SUFFOLK) on this 1.4 day of J~} ~. 19$1, before me came ~ ~ ~~ , the SUB~tNG WITNE 0 e oregoing instrument, with w om am persbnally acquainted, who, being by me duly nom, did depOlt and say that he resides in Fishere Island, Suffolk County, New Yorie, that he knows Wm. B. Va.... Pres. RA;lWlAYlI K _ 'IIi 1 to, PPeJl TO BE TIlE INDIVIDUALS DESCRIBED m, AND WHO EXECUTED the foregoing instrument) that he, the SUBSCRIBING WITNESS, was present and saw them sign the sameJ and that he, said WITNESS, at the same time subscribed his name a witn s reto. V L~ ~~w. doN Notary\P lie tucy ). AHMAN NOT~.llY PUBLIC. 8T '.TE OF NEW YOU No. 52.0028880 Qua1i!ird. in S~lffolk County' Term exnires March 30, 1953 ~~''''F'.'':liT~1'I''_.~, WOJ''-_~''''..~__.~'''' ---'''",,''''''''''''',<.'''.- ........ - " . . . . . . -2- NAME OF PROPERTY cmNER RESIDENCE IlUBSCRIBING WITNESS ASSESSED VALUATION OF REAL PROPERTY 'l :.Jl2 .0!J0.9Q v' , .. ~ 15 900.00 10 400.00 ~'t ~..~..- ~~~~/~ J~"~ '{..~..._.. 90~~~...~ ~ \~ ~ ~. ~ ~S~ !1uA~4j tL l~.~~L......:-~~/~~ //////////11 . ~. \'" .., ~ ~ft,. .t~~. ..4tv....' " ~~~ llC~...cQ X'O~~-eo..... " .. . ~ G.Qp . '<t.. ~~._...J"~' . .t~()'''''''...lllr....-Q.' ,,~~~. " , . . 'l~ ..}il....700.oo STATE or NEW YORK ) TOI'/N OF SOUTHOLll )... COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On t~Il~ of ~-t .. 19S1, before - came Harold J. Baker , the S Q WITNEss to i fOl'eloing inatNllen\, with whom I 11III personall,- &eqll&inted, who, being by me duly ...om, did depoet and I.,. that he relides in Fishel'll Island, Sutfolk County, No YOde, that he knowe HenrY' L. FerllU80n Ma:rinl"l B. FtII'llWI~ R"A"~ M... 7.a'hnhn..._K TO BE 'mE INDIVIDUALS DESCRffiED IN, AND WHO EXECUTED the foregoilll wtrumentJ that he. the SUBSCRIBING WITNESS, was present and saw them sign the sameJ and that he, said WITNESS, at the same time subscribed his name as witness thereto. ~~9l'tng~ ~~~--.~. Notary ~ WCY T. AHMAN NOTARY PUBLIC. STATE OF NEW YOill' No. 52-0028880 Qualified in Suffolk County Term expires March 30, 19~ J \ ~,~'~'--'~n"'Y!-~'~:;" Y'r"l':':~"""^"',,,,,,",,",,,,!,",, "'"'~_!'-":""""'~'_-'--~' ;" ,0._', ~~_,~. """'. " ',- "",,,~~, ,'~ ~,"",.,i~___:<'1"i::c"""-'C < ... ~ . . , . " -2- NAME OF RESIDENCE SUBSCRIBING ASSESSED VALUATION PROPERTY avNER ..:J WITNESS OF REAL PROPERTY ~IIN Atx\~.)<uJt..'3~ o,~A*"~. t&,~~ _ 3~lflfn.'J- . !if~ " ;' ,-, " T~ S~ 1't}().U STATE OF NEW YORK ) TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ) 1111. cJ. ~ COUNTY OF S~OLK) On thill ~ day ot ~. 19S1, before me came 'l!:l.' ,,'Cl.t..~~ ' the S~ING 0 e foregoing inlltrument, with wliOlll I am perllO 1y acquainted, who,' being by me duly pom, did depOllt and lIay that he residell in Fishers IlIland, Suffolk County, New Yolit, that he knowlI 1(aff~A.7~ TO BE TIlE INDIVIDUALS DESCRIBED IN, AND WHO EXECUTED the foregoin! instrumentJ that he, ,the SOBSCRIBING WITNESS, was present and saw them sign the sameJ and that he, .aid WI~SS, at the same time sublleribed his ~s witnells thereto. ~~1 U Bcr g W nllk \-itt~~~ Not y 11e LUCY J. AllMAN , NOTAllY PlIBLIC. STATE OF NEW YORK No. 52.0028880 QuaDfted In Suffolk County Term expires March 30, 1 "'~a ~;~:;~7~:"""'_ ~7!,"-"'.'A'5~'~'"'"j.):>''~~'''''~'''_''''';:,_~"~_~'''-h'''."."_ ...... ~ , . ~. ~.~ ~........".;--.."-_.._-- I \ . . , " ..2.. NAME OF PROPERTY ORNER RESIDENCE SUBSCRIBING WITNESS ASSESSED VALUATION OF REAL PROPERTY j 21~400.00 /////z/Ij Total J66,400.00 STATE OF NEW YORK ) TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ) Slil. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) .' On this ....5t.iLday of~, 1951, before me came ~UIl~ T i-"w , the SllI3SBRIBING WITNESS-to-Uie1'Oregoing instrument, with wnom alD- personally acquainted, who, being by me duly nom, did depost and 887 that he resides in Fishers Island, Suffolk County, New Yom, that he knows VCl~ f'! 1)^"^~r r. VSlueJ'tn li'APD1,tm TO BE THE INDIVIDUALS DESCRIBED IN, AND WHO EXECUTED the foregoing instrument; that he, the SUBSCRIBING WITNESS, was present and saw them sign the same; and that he, said WITNESS, at the same time subscribed his name as witness thereto. ~~g~~ ~'~~ Notary ~ LUCY J. HMAN NOTAllYPUBLlC. STATE OF NEW YO!ti! No. 52-00?B880 Oualified in Suffolk County Term expires March 30. 1953 ,-- .."":":"'::~',C":f"'.::~...:~....,."'"'],~....=,=,_.,"".:_~:':~,. ,.. "'_~. ._. ...1i . ~ '~ . . . ' , . E:~ .~=IDEN~ - -i!ift]"'=. ;':=~ . . . ..e .~ ~ ..l. --flS~OOO.oo JL......,IW. CM...~,~ 66500.00 1l.800.oo v 4~ ,/ .I 1/111/111 " ,"'D., I t806800.~ i PT.-_D(J." Tetal .' STATE OF NEW YORK ) TOi'/N OF SOUTHOLD ) Sll. COUNTY, OF SUFFOLK) On this ~day ot sercember , 1951, betore /lIB came Ha.mld. .J. lblI<~ ' the sUBSBRDIR'G WITNESS 0 the toregoing instrument, with wnOm I am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly nom, did dep08t and lay that he resides in lI'1shen Island, SuUolk County, New Yorlt, that he knowl H. Arnold Jackson J. D. Croll Elaie C. White Lila W. WiJJD.erding DaTid R. W1lmerding Lucy S. HocJllleTer TO BE THE INDIVIDUALS DESCRmED IN, AND WHO EXECUTED the tore going instrument; that be, the SUBSCRIBING WITNESS, was present and saw them eign the same; and that 'he, said WITNESS, at the same time subscribed his name as witness thereto. ~4~in~ \~~~ ~~~~ Not lic LUCY J, ARMAN NOURY PUBLIC, STATE OF NEW YORK No. 52-0028880 Qualified in SuHolk County Term expire. March 30, InS3 i , ' " _;;f7'~-'-C:.-, .':>0"'-"1 i"3,.JI.,.. ~~-,.~_..,,-^,-,...-.. ~ --- .'i'<',,~"_""",,' ,.~-"".~ ,-.;;r.'."',,,'-.. I ~ . . ~ NAME OF PROPERTY ONNEn RESIDENCE IlUBSCRIBING WITNESS ASSESSED VALUATION OF REAL PROPERTY 12.500.00 , . 600 ..00 1. 'iOO..OO 1.700..00 2raoo..OO ~ 6,QOOaOO 'iI'OOO..OO It'iOO..OO ~4I-~tIc ~~1,.. AJ-.. .,/ ~/I/---- :'1:J!d -t:l.-;:;: ) ..t n . ..01 . .., ~I J4 I -/ '~"'~ J J'.. V~'- '-, \ . ~ ......1'&. ..mr--"-~, , r/;(. ;;',:;1!I.n,a{ F-~~ J ~ 6'/1"'----' . . r ~AA-..4!-_"/ ~.J:... ~/~JM. ~~Lu 4/,.- ~ ...Ia.. J.. - #--..... ~--~ .IJ.-( . 0;['" f'" 0",:, /--<", J. "2/'/, 700.00 'b.t..P ........ 'i...~i: 2.800.00 . 1.300.00 , I IIIIIIIIII \ . TMal w.,wo.oo STA TE OF NEW YORK ) TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ) sa. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On this ~dQ' of ~ej;4'"1= ' 19S1, before IIIll came ~~n J'-... , the s11IlSIlftmmG WITNESS 0 foregoing inlltrument, with w om am perllonall,. acquainted, who, being by me duly porn, did depOllt and lIay that hll resides in Fishers Island, Suffolk County, New York, that he knows \ ~ 7 _ me.c--~ A_ Thea. . ArasAmollics H8IIl'7 L. Eldredge B. Olinr1 A. J. PaQuette Ruth M. Smith R. A. LsIIIb Stanley M. Ib'bitski JOII. L. Sldth Galilea (Leo) Valentini Delma E. Best Annie DlID1els TO BE 'lm: INDIVIDUALS DESCRIBED IN, AND WHO EXECUTED the foregoing inatrument; that he, the gUBSCRIBING WITNESS, was present and saw them sign the same; and that he, said WITNESS, at the 8ame time subscribed his name &5 witness thereto. ~J,... 6"~fI S 8cr ing W tness \.....~ ~~, .. No ry c L CY r. AHMAN NOTA RY PUBI.JC, STA TE OF NEW YOU No. 52-007.8880 Qualified in Suffolk County Term. expires March 30. 11'53 r;:-~'JJL ~A." \,- ''- ~ ~ ~;.<< t:;r~;:.-:t.-:1."t ~ ::::: ~"o~. T.tal 00 '11, ~..' --,,' . -'-""'~""''I!''''."",;~~>'._V~.;>''T ,__\~. ~",,:;:_':,;"r. "~,-.~'. _""",,,-':;,.= '. ...~" ~-q- ~-'._' . . , . ~ NAME OF PROPERTY ORNER RESIDENCE SUBSCRIBING WITNESS " -J J ,"",,~-- .. ASSESSED VALUATION OF REAL PROPERTY ~12..qOOA (Not listed) (Hew owaer) (".T_Va,... li....) 4,000. ' , t;()() 7,600. 8,500. 4,400. , 5,500. 4,500. .f . 1..,DOe 14.000. ..,J/'If)0 - .. ~. (n:r 'I. .'..t) STATE OF NEW YORK ) TCN/N OF SOUTHOLD ) liS. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On thill ..5:tiLday ot~, 19S1, betore me came E. P. Ed'lards , the SUBsstmmiI'G WI~regoing inlltrument, with whom I am perIJonally aCquainted, who, being by me duly nom, did depoet and say , that he residell in Fishers Island, Suffolk County, New York, that he knows J. Middlebrook, Jr. Richard S. Baker Jean M. Small Margaret J. Gada A. John Gada Martha G. Ferguson Hadeleine A. Renaud Mar"'T Kiross Adelard T. LeGere Beatrice Phillips HHdred E. Andrews Dorothy B. Edwards Ernest R. Wall Robert Middleton ------ --------- TO BE THE INDIVIDUALS DESCRIBED IN, AND WHO EXECUTED the foregoing 1nIItrument; that he, tbe SUBSCRIBING WITNESS, was present and saw them sign the lIame; and that he, Baid WITNESS, at the same time subscribed his name as witness thereto. ~-~~ ~cr ng W nees L.~ ~fi. ot y Pub c LUCY J. ARMAN ORK "OTARY PUBI.IC. STATE OF NEW Y " No. 52_0029990 QuaUfied in Suffolk County' ~.rm ..plI.' Mgroh 30. 1953 ... "l/'''-:,~,,~<~- '~""",'!!"':'C":"r'J;~~::'!'J"JT'-' -c' ,- "_;"'~'_'~';-~:'_~7!!"'-""c-~'.?"'",~~O~f.""-":",,,,,._' "";"""""";~"f.'l-"""~~!,!,::,'-"'>:;"Y"!l.;;:'~'?".nJ'~"""!""Y't,,,,,,!f',_ .___. _.,~"._~.,".".~J<'<''r' -- --"s"~=. / , . ~ ,. . ...2.. NAME OF PROPERTY CWINER RESIDENCE SUBSCRIBING WITNESS ASSESSED VALUATION OF REAL PROPERTY - ~~ J'!/-li w."~' J. R -. ~~ botAOO.OO ~'~~~~'->i" \ ^ -_~~4: .~~.~OO 'D clwa ~ ~ "- .,S"bo,.-.) l\.a~MD~~ W.~A\1\1i\6 .!l'ew)';y( N:L, ~.. 2/~.:X> ~. P#r /ld~'~f-.1t.y~~"'-I ~200.oo IIIIIIII .; - .~ . , j , , Tetal $iI.3oo.oo STA 7E OF NEW YORK ) TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ) SSe COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On this -5th day of Septlllllber , 1951, before JDe came E. P Bd1llU'U , the SUB:;w{IBING WITNESS to the foregoing inetrument, with whom f am personally acquainted, who. being by me duly sworn, did depost and say that he resides in Fishers Island. Suffolk County, New York, that he knows Doro~hv W. Hubbard HeleD T. Stanlq R. W. Edwards Adolph AhlgreD TO BE THE INDIVIDUALS DESCRIBED IN, AND WHO EXECUTED the foregOing instrument; that he, the SOBSCRIBING WITNESS, was present and saw them sign the same; and that he, ,aid WITNESS, at the lame time subscribed his name as witness thereto. ~~ S c ing W tness L;a \~- c&~ No ~y P~lic LUCY J, AHMAN NOT~RY pUBy.rc, STATE OF NEW yoIU( No. 52.(1M:l?f180 QuaHi'20 in C"..,f/r-1.... :'~'-"'v Ten" "",""'<:'1 l\TC:IC'2 :)(1 ":;3 ~'~.""':~""'''l.''Jt''''~~''','~:.'7''~'~''.,~,'''''''l'~_,~,' ,. ..'7, "'.-''-F-fI''''':~0"?"""--"",,,-, ."",.,"" .r.,>...>:,'.',"', ":,,~r.:~:.~= """__'~'~ _.,~-"..~...~ . . , . \ '\ . . . -2" NAME OF PROPERTY cmNER RESIDENCE SUBSCRIBING WITNESS ASSESSED VALUATION OF REAL PROPERTY .!l. / 11.. d"'U t2,lOO..OO' " 7"&1"",0.:7 7,000.00 ,/ .l6e'.""'" ',600.00 . 3" ell O. tn) 30 ,000.00 / , L,''''C 0.. (.; <, . 6.400.00 ,2 "1' ~ . t."" 2 I"'of.).~" 1.800.00 ,;.V""'.~ 2.800.00 I> .1-0 0 ~ ..,.....) 6.500.00 ./ .s-o o. lor\J 1.500.00 ""'.2--0" en." ~~D.~~t) 5.600.00 . " ~ t.b. '. ~'O" on' 4.700.00 /3 <' u, ..-tI 1,300.00 IIIIIIIIII T.tal; t79, 9lV' M \. STAT.E OF NEW YORK ) TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ) ss. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On this -5t.b..day of ~, 1951, before 11I8 came E. P. Edwards , the SUBSBRIBnfG WITNESS l.oUie?Oregoing instrument, with whom I am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, did depost and say that he resides in Fishers Island, Suffolk County, New Yolit, that he knows Albert Chaplaski H. C. HaIlS8l1 Linius C. Foyle Martha F. Pendleton ;RAM'. SCAD'1"ntti Arthur J.W.l.~ John M. Moore Robert W.....tli nrl.n" Louis Grieco L. H. Goss A. R. Grebe lfary Y. I'.dmoncla Gladys S. Baker Harold J. Baker Harr:y L. Guest TO BE THE INDIVIDUALS DESCRIBED IN, AND WIIO EXECUT.ED the foregoing instrument; that he, .the SI113SCRIBING WITNESS, was present and saw them sign the same; and that he, said WITNESS, at the same time subscribed his name as witness thereto. ~ 2~eu~ c~r;g Witness ~~c&~ Not y lic LUCY J. AHMAN RK NOT A RY PUBLIC. 8T'. TE OF NEW YO No. 52,0028880 Qualified in Suffolk County Term expires March 30, 1953 ";'~i":,"~'- - - - -----;- --,--,'.-, --, ~---'~- --":.,,,-"'~-\F' "-~~~""::::""'~f>~"~'~'" ~~~;:~'~:\,;';,;>7'~~>>_:,\~~~"" ~, :""''iilF",,_,~~~,~ ''':'"''-:7~_~ ( ~ "" .. , .... . NAME 0F PROPERTY CiIINER RESIDENCE I3UBSCRIBING ASSESSED VALUATION WITNESS OF REAL PROPERTY .J..~J~4~1Z~C; ~fJ4C14tfizt~~~'V. -------- ~ f~ ~ 8,600.00 - (Not listed) --- J - 19,000.00 ~ 10 400.00 ./ J j j , ..d f!n~1jftjft ,(~ , L,200.00 v ./ !l1111 IIIIIII 'r.ul .. ~13!.OOO.00 STA'IE OF NEW YORK ) TO\'IN OF SOUTHOLD ) 158. .J. ( COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On this~d.y at ~ . 19S1, before 11I8 came ~r']..rt.ba F. fend] eff,' , the stJllSBmmG WITNESS to "'he foregoing inetl'llllent, with w om I am persona y acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, did depo.t and .ey that he relides in P':I.shers Island. Suffolk County, New York, that he knowlI HJT1. c. Ridg1,-TaiT. Jr. Enibr P. Ridgwa,r Doroth" Y. Russell Virgin; a K. Jones 17A.rtTaret H. "Ragert Herbert 1. I.ord 111'3. A. A. (Ona'ee) FcDonell Dav~_d L. Torrance Jessie L. Gray E1ezabeth H. Yaier laJ1JlJ'ot duPont A~_:i ce ~ . r>ose'T " Farshal1 L Posey TO BE TIlE INDIVIDUALS DESCRIBED IN. AND WHO EXECUTED the foregoil\g inIItrwnentJ that he, the SUBSCRIBING WITNESS, was present and saw them sign the same} and that he, said WITNESS, at the Bame time Bubscribed his name as tnes8 thereto. :-J ~ L~rY~:~;ro~'^' . . , LUCY J. ARMAN NOTAriV PUBLIC. STATE OF NEWYORX No. 52-0028880 Qualified in Suffolk County Term gx?iret> March 30, 1953 ~~~" ..e...":..":"'"c._"..-..-.....,...,..:,~..,.~".:;:::':;_.-- .. -, ',\':_':":';;:-""'~\~ ":e'" ..-_i.&'..J,..~,-..~:l,:""'.W.,jiM:~;\<. ':.'1':. .r.,~~...h,:,~1?-iyJi!-~.'." '.',~ . :......."-t,,~^.;"!",..'1'-1~-,..~,_.t~,_~ .P:.Wjr:;.~~i':->f=_ " ... ,6': f " .. ~ , . -20- NAME OF PROPERTY ONNER RESIDENCE . llUBSCRIBING WITNESS ASSESSED VALUATION OF REAL PROPERTY ~.d.."., Ii frJ""~{~,, I ~~'t~!.~j"...LILC d/I--:., ...,:&;.~ /IV.!II/II r.tal &2 .800..00 STATE OF NEW YORK ) TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ) ss. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On this ..5t1Lday of ~, 1951, before me came GOrdOIl AI:ImaII , the SUBSBIlIllING WITNE~"Ui81'Oregoing instrument, with whom I am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, did depost and say that he resides in lPishers Island, Suffolk County, New York, that he knows Theo. B. Rwssell TO BE THE INDIVIDUALS DESCRIBED IN, AND WHO EXECUTED the foregoing instrument; that he, the SUBSCRIBING WITNESS, was present and saw them sign the same; and that he, said WITNESS, at the same time subscribed his name as witness thereto. .4.. J~~~ scr ing Witness ~'-4 ~~- Notary ub ic - ~ LUCY ~.~~~~W NEVI YOIUt NO'f)\1t'\' PUB:l.~C5Z_00~13f\BO "" .. , .". lk coun" Qun1\ne~ in SM:~Ch 30. 1 q5~ term exp.rea ~,"', ";f"'-' .~~:.~,.~-,. '''"':~<~.:;!'C,=~~--.;-_.- ~.",<<M---, '" ,!,!,~;.,. ':......:.':""':::'.,:)'?''''-"'r::r:.\'::'F.-":'7;.:~>-!'''-'...~~:,.-,.,~~.,.r./.;.:~.,- ""'-'''~'''''':'~''':'':}}~~..'l~,.;,{,."" .---......,"""""."".._~~_~.~~ _.. ~~v.,__ "'Co -",,-,.?~,'~"~~-"->~"r:_ .. \'\ . , .. . . :.~. . ,'t . '!" .' "..,L1j>~ RESIDENCE ~UBSCRIBING WITNESS ASSESSED VALUATION OF REAL PROPERTY iia.. 'iOO .00 'i,"<<Xl.oo 0/ 4,1&.00.00 ./ 'i,~oo.oo ./ 'i,1M_M v 6,000_00 6,000..00 , ." lQ,a;Q('LOO / 1Q,OCXLOO ./ 1,'1-C- , ' ///1/////1 - Teta1 $75.100.00 STATE OF NEW YORK ) TcmN OF SOUTHOLD ) ss. .4l... ~ COUNTY SUFFOLK) On this~ day of , 1951, before me came ~", ~,,~. u. , the SUBSBRIBING WITNE 0 e oregoing instl'lllllent, with 19 om am persbnally acquainted, who, being by me duly nom, did depost and say that he resides in Fishers Island, Suffolk County, New Yolit, that he knows Chas. B. Parsons Edwina C. Sanger Catherine H. Smith Irving D. Barril OSYllltt B. Lord W. D. Camnbe1l Patricia H. Stedma:a Barron Kidd. Francis KerDlIB Haud Kerun TO BE THE INDIVIDUALS DESCRIBED IN, AND WHO EXECUTED the foregoing instl'lllllent; that he, the SUBSCRIBING WITNESS, was present and saw them sign the same; and that he, said WITNZSS, at the Bame time subscribed his name as witness \-~.c&~ Not 1c V_TC'~ Y _~ ~:MAN NOTAR.: ?UKIS, ,n 1'T'~ (;F NEW YOU ~,,_ ';,_,~yrS8n Q>...f;:}if:--j:..." S-:~::;;k CO'l,"!fy Tonn e.pil.. =<h ;ill, l"ia ,E"""~~~'7K;c;,"" ., ".-->" ...~~ "Jo,",'r...; C':"T''''''.'~-:'T~,?~:l'7;>;'r::'~''"'''-''"''^'~_-W:~,,-,_.;~' '''~-''':'''''1:>:'F-''''1.;F "'~."'fl!i""'';:<'~'~''~'''_'m,.o,'fl'iIJ:''~~-' <~.-A~~"';~".~~ ~ . . t " - . ' , ^ .. -2.. />UBSCRIBING WITNESS Tetal ASSESSED VALUATION OF REAL PROPERTY .~22Jl)OO..OO J 5.500.00 , -------- -' 39 400.00 000.00 2 000.00 10 000.00 IIIII IIIIII IIIIII IIIIII IIIIII II!)III !l111111 IIII IIIIII ,.... . IIIIIII ~Sf),400.00 ) ) 1111, 4 r ) On thill d I day ot ~ ' 1951, before me came , the SUBStlHIBING WITNE 0 e foregoing inlltrument, with w om am persona y acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, did depollt and say that he resides in Fisherll Island, Suffolk County, New York, that he knows STATE OF NEW YORK TO\\IN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK vim. D. Gaillard Halker D. Buclmer Helen vI. Buckner Katherine R. Salvage Guv G. Rutherford Helen Glenn Bryce Ed~l8.rd C. Page TO BE THE INDIVIDUALS DESCRIBED IN, AND WHO EXECUTED the foregoing instrument; that he, the SUBSCRIBING WITNESS, was present and saw them sign the same; and that he, said WI'INESS, at the same time subscribed s name as it s/ tl'ie eto. / ~ _ Su scr ing W1tness L~~~..~ . tllcY ~T~~~W NEW yoRX NOT~R'Y PUll~~C52.002BBBO QuClUfied in Suflol~ ~~~ Te!1Tl Gxr,;ir-eS Men: ' =P",~~,. _~ .,.,..,cr,~'.=:."7",,""''''-' '" '~:'=i',;",''':~'''-~~'',IF'';''''iTJ'''''''9'J':'S~1''''','.-.7".'C""~,~,,,,,,: ~~~-"-:",,...'-'~?'~":"~t~IW"' \ ( ,~ { ~ , . J :.~. . J J J ~..J.JA..I..;~ ~nAAmt/-4 No 't'\P"~~~~~o j,..c-k__Cb.\ - (3,..,.,nn.....~~~~1.//.lAd/r~ T.tal . , 11,()()() ()() 10..L.OO..OO 2 500.00 46,000.00 5,700.00 42,000.00 2 200.00 IIIIII IIIIII IIIIII IIIII IIIIII $222,900.00 STATE OF NEW YORK ) T~~ OF SOUTHOLD ) ss. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On this 21st day of ~UtUst. , 1951, before me came Ed1<if" C. Paree , the SUBSBmmG WITNES 0 t.he foregoing instrument, with whom am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly porn, did depost and say that he resides in Fishers Island, Suffolk County, New York, that he knows Jane H.. Chester E. A.. ~fatthiessen V;~oini~ ~ ~~~n~~ K~+h~~;nn Q D^1Y Pierre S. DuPont, 1rd B]air S~ Wil1i~ms w P H~l"Mng+nn 1Aro.1+~",," n ^"9R. Katherine L. duPont Edith duPont ltie~el Rj t'!h;:l"rn li: Hi PilO1 RpJml'11 nc::! nllP^n+ TO BE THE INDIVIDUALS DESCRIBED IN, AND WHO EXECUTED the foregoing instrumentJ that he, the SUBSCRIBING WITNESS, was present and saw them sign the same; and that he, said WITNESS, at the same time subscribed his name as witness thereto. 5A-1~~j~rm:ss L~ ~('~~ ~o y Pub c LUCY I. AllMAN YOU '-Al\Y pUBLIC. 5T ^ TE OF NEW 'W' No. 52-0028880 au lUied in Suffollt County Ter: expires March 30. 1953 ,~",."."" -"--'".'1"'.- """";""",:,O"-;'~""-"'""'~-"'"'''''''7~,n,-,-,-~;>t..~.~-,,,c.- -'___"'~~:_'''''''-'''~'-~'~'.~1'.....:..,..-,~ '0 ;~ - "~"-/7J-"-'~-~,::"'I"ll5W/r~' t .... ( ... . .... ,'" . -'26- > NAME OF J ~P}WPEFq.J: ~ . . ~d. .r;;d/, .~ ~' ,,' . ~ ' . . J ;1:" -.I _ i f/i - iJ...je.l( 1> RESIDENCE ~ /' ;'1 /J i .. rLdI.uJt! r%il:bM. L-L SUBSCRIBING ASSESSED VALUATION OF REAL PROPERTY .~""'''''---''';'''''--'~~"-- M, or: t v .. 1,000.00 I J 1,000.00 f ------- 4 200.00 2 500.00 111111 IIIIII IIIII IIIIII IIIIII IIIII IIIII IIIIII Total ~f16.400.00 STA7E OF NEW YORK ) TONN OF SOUTHOLD ) ss. '" ~ COpiT! OF SUFFOLK ) , On this." .- day of .. ., 19S1, before me came ., "-- the SUBsBltmmG WITNES 0 e foregoing instrument, with w om am pe na aCquainted, who, being by me duly lIWorn, did depost and say that he resides in Fishers Island, Suffolk County, New York, that he knows Bertha S. Hedge Romeo Abbondanza Toll.'" Stefanini H. Lee Ferguson, Jr. "Tario Zanghetti ,Josenhine Abbondanza Cloarles lJ. Hedge Joseoh (Gl'isn'1e) Reranti TO BE THE INDIVIDUALS DESCRIBED IN, AND WHO EXECU7ED the foregoing instrument; that he, the SUBSCRIBING WITNESS, was present and saw them sign the same; and that he, said WIrnESS, at the same time subscribed his name as ness thereto. ~~....~ LUCY J. AHMAN NOT~nYPUBLIC. STATE OF NEW YOIll( No. 52.o02eeeO Qualified in Suffolk County Tem expires March 30. 1952 \ .,_....",-,~~.,..,-_-.,.''''..".~''''''''~<'''''''"-"_~-~,,,.,'''''<'j"",''.'C<.-~~.--.,,-;~"""'1'"...-."--."..-,.....""~.,, ,-.~~.,~ . ~:".~~._.'Il';~:""<:7'~';~.:":~n~"'"~'~-:..."'~,,,._" ~~, .".,_,^""",_c;'~~. , ~ ... , , , -. - . . ... , . . . . -2>-' " NAME OF PROPERTY OIINER RESIDENCE SUBSCRIBING Yi'ITNESS ASSESSED VALUATION OF REAL PROPERTY 1. $20,000.00 ...... 1L10,OOO.00 .' v '~l~ Pd., /J'A'. ftil 10 000.00 v 111111///// Teta1 $102.000.00 STATE OF NEW YORK ) TOiVN OF SOUTHOLD ) ss. ~ ~ COUNTY OF S1JF1!:.,OLK) On this JJ,. day of , 19S1, before me came ~ ~~ y~ ' the S~G WITNE 0 e oregoing instrument, with 1'1 om am person ly acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, did depost and say that he resides in Pishers Island, Suffolk County, New Yorie, thst he knows ADne H. Darts Va,.". R+.nArlaM 11.._ Wof"i.,,.Ad .T_ C!~~ ~llen C. Houghu,1l VADH01"r1- Rly, Jr.. TO BE THE INDIVIDUALS DESCRIBED IN, AND WHO EXECUTED the foregoing instrument) thst he, the SUBSCRIBING WITNESS, was present and saw them sign the same; and that he, said WITNESS, at the same time subscribed his 4. witness thereto. j/7A~ ~ ~~~~ Su scr :bing W e L,~~ o.Q.- ,,- Notar P ic LUCY. Jl. NOTJl.IlY PUllLlC. STATE OF NEW YOlIC No. 52-0028880 QuaUfied In Sullolk CoonI!' Tenn expiret March 30. 1953 . ";ii.~.,: ~.,,, ,"""-"''''''''''~~'~..~J'''-,>' - -(.-.-."-""::,?~-.:,~V'~:,.,:,~~_:.,.F'C..",:.,,,,,,.,,.~ T,' ;;:~f'~""'~~~J'?/~~~'t19'.\"f'~~:" '-'f,"l''J;'''ro';''r':-''''~-~''?;8,!'~~!> ~ . . . A .. , 0020. NAME OF PROPERTY CIlINER RESIDENCE IlUBSCRIBING WITNESS ASSESSED VALUATION OF REAL PROPERTY ~ IIIIIIIIII ~tal Jr;.9.700.00 STATE OF NEW YORK ) TOi'/N OF SOUTHOLD ) 55. S..:L COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On this 8thday of Se~ember ,19$1, before me came &"V~.t:.. .,.....l".hllYl.llld..-' the SUBSW{IBING WITNEss 0 the f6regoing instrument, with whom I am personsTlyacquainted, who, being by me duly nom, did depost and say that he resides in Fishers Island, Suffolk County, New York, that he knows Winii'red. B. Clark Delste E. Brooka TO BE THE INDIVIDUALS DESCRIBED IN, AND WHO EXECUTED the foregoing instrument; that he, the SUBSCRIBING WITNESS, was present and saw them sign the same; and that he, said '~~TNESS, at the same time subscribed his name as witness thereto. a.,_<B z. ~ J?~' ~~ness L~~~ '. Not io LUCY 1. ARMAN . NOTARY PUBUC. STATE OF NEW YORK No. 52.0028880 Qualified in Suffolk County Term' expires March 30, 195:1: =,CCe, -=,....,;...,~..~: a""3'I"_;;'~".'1'i,'~'~",,',':l' ">.~ ..."'S'lf:A.',~~.;;;L,,,,,,,,,,.,, ."__~,~ _ ___._."..,' ';:;1'"", . . ." c I .. - .. , . ~... -2- NAME OF PROPERTY cmNER RESIDENCE I3UBSCRIBING WITNESS ASSESSED VALUATION OF REAL PROPERTY ~\~a.:t c<<.e4',7 Ie. I ~ trH). /~~. ?{ ~41J. -' ~1.tJo-tJ-tJ. Ie 3.Y Tetal ;..tf t~ /I"H . STA TE OF NEW YORK ) TOiVN OF SOUTllOLD ) ss. __ ~ COUNTY OF SU!tPLK) On this r day ot r. , 19S1, betore me came L,M"" C.~/1l. , the SUB:;WUBING WITNE 0 the toregoing instrument, with Whom I am peMSly acquainted, who, being by me duly nom, did depost and say that he resides in Fishers Island, Suffolk County, New York, that he knows Lammot duPont, Jr. WIll. M. Robbins WIll. T. Reed Estate Apnt J.. B.. W."Aft8 J. C. Wella .u:ant James H. AckeNlAn Sarah Ea F.. 1r.YJIn_ Henrv J. li'ullAr 'A'YWAll Sa Porter JAma. R PiP..lr....t .T^'h'ri U' Wh-l+...V NaneT Aa "'n1 1 8r TO BE THE INDIVIDUALS DESCRIBED IN, AND WHO EXECUTED the tore going instrumentj that he, the SUBSCRIBING WITNESS, was present and saw them sign the same; and that he, said WITNESS, at the same time subscribed I)1s nalne as witness thereto. Z . ~~ \'). ~ing w~n s ~~ ~-~~ . Motatv ic f LUCY y. AHMAN "I'" "RV PUBL.IC, 8T A TE OF NEW yom: No. 52,0028R8O Quol:fied in g",f-!"l', r-;"'''T>!v T"" ~.:--,'. '": 't1~r:l-J :12.,' "-1 - ---,--"~~""--,_~",~"""-~"""""",~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,=,,",,,,..., --~'-".'."~"'- ~.,...,. .-.~,~,,~;'.' ''''.'~' .""",>e. ,'"""=.'-T7"'":=,.....-"...~,_~!W'.~~:-:- '/ ....,'-.=,,,-'l-..,__~ _ "',......,.,..,_,_,...,i>'(;4._'1""'-"'.'w:J,';r:.,'!"Z-.".'(,.,.~,~"', . . .. . " ... .. , .. '1'---. tI ..t.. ,. NAME OF PROPERTY CWVNER RESIDENCE SUBSCRIBING WITNESS ASSESSED VALUATION OF REAL, PROPERTY l~=~"~~" ~.tal 33J7(Jd.~~ STATE OF NEW YORK ) TcmN OF SOUTHOLD ) 1111. tIr ~ COUNTY OF S~) On this , day 0 , 1951, before me came ~ f. If,.", , the SUB~G WI 0 e oregoing inlltrument, with ~ am perllo ly acquainted, who, being by me duly nom, did depost and say that he resides in Fishers Island, Suffolk County, New Yorit, that he knows U. t:JAI (f TO BE THE INDIVIDUALS DESCRIBED IN, AND WHO EXECUTED the foregoing instrument; that he, the SUBSCRIBING WITNESS, wall present and saw them ei the same; and that he, said WITNESS, at the lame time subscribed his naJll8 a lilt liS thereto. ... <", 1 \,.-~ \ ~ c&~ Not'ary ublic LUCY J, AHMAN NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF NEW YORK No. 52-0028880 Qualified in Suffolk County Term eX!Jirea Mor~h 30. 1953- .. . . ~ ..w ,. . -' ~~- i"JTnES ~'A"iE OF PRlPERTY OY'lER HBSIDE~JCE ASSESSED VALlJATI0i'1 lJF REAL PR0PEJ:i3' TY ON LAS]]) ASSES i.G:1T ROLL ~/p()./I(j -c:Q . . ;:J.OfJQ;t> /// ~~~1:i 1/ , ?,,,LAJa ~~/2 / / STATE OF 'lEV; YC'RK Total t(; / tJ If. () () .. ) TON C'F 1'Q"THOLD ) ss. CO~'''TY CF SFFCLK ) On this 1,1" day of. D.fc"~ ~"'?c ' 1951, before mecame r:n~Ed"".RtI.s . the sl3SCRIBING 'i.IT:~ 0 he oregoin instrument, dth m I am personally acquointed, who, being by me duly sworn, did depos12- and say that he resides in Fishers Island, Suffolk Comty, New York, that heknows ~~ TO BE THE INDIVIDUALS DESCRIBED pT, AIJD ,.HO EXECUTED that he, the SUBSCRIBING UTNES: , was present and saw that he, said WITNES,', at the same time subscribed the foregoing inetrument; them sign the same; and ame as wttness thereto. _.-.~~ "'~""'-~ -~ nib c LUCY J. AHM,~N "OTA~Y PUBLIC, STATE OF NEW YOU No. 52_0028880 Qualified in Suffolk County Term expirea Match 30. 1953 . ng Wi.tne~ ,,- . ,-._.~-~ 1i ." """"Ji~::'1;J~.",;'ciOl~'-'I>""~"'" -' r ~11P.AVIT OF .I'OSTDiG 0F HenCE ----- > STATE OF I\JEI'I YCl7W J..u...., ) ) ss:- ISLAND TRAVELER-MATTITUCt COLNTY OF SUFFOLK , LEGAL NOTICE &"'rJLD ..J-' 7J11#('J:~, being duly sworn, deposes cmd says ' that he re- s:'des at Fishers Island, New York, and is over the -oe of 21 doC, _ years; that on the -tL~r day of Earch, 1952, he ,',lostea' copies of the attached notice conspicuoubly in the follow- ing ~ublic places on Fishers ~ 1 ~ .is~at1d, Nevi York,1 I as follows: Cne on Lbe 3ulletin Board of the united States Post Office, Fishers Is- land, l"e1! York. uno at, FolJvTs ~hOD .u....lu:tul..l.,LcUl Ave j<" h ., lS ers J s'! and l' ~r .- : ;'J. 'r. CJn8 J-(C, iVaJ ,~~C" r1 et 't ,.'/ ....., C1.",- Q ores .:oquestrian Ave -' h ", tlS ers Island IT v , ". One Harbor Fooo"s " , "uner /:'arket Crescent Ave . ~,. ., l'lshers Island P , '. Y. One J: I. Ferry District Dock lShers Is land "'1 ,t , l~. vUD' cY>l'b ' ,..:J... eo cJ.DC sv,,"orn to belol'e ~," this :l1,J. da1:'" of I-larch JC;--5~ , . ~ ..... ~/d1~ / ' iJot;)~U~~ ~~ J ~ . Co., N.Y. LnCy J. AHNFN NOTARY PUBUC, 81''' rOE 'OF NEW YOuK No. 52.0828880 Qua]ili9~ in S'_lHol'k" County term expues March 30, 1053 .. . t ... . It' It. I " . I . t.I . , . , . ~ At a meeting of the Town Board of the Town of SoUiflOld, SufIolk County New York held at 16 South Street, MlU1icipal Building in the Village of I Greenport, New York, on the 11th day of March, 1952. PRESENT: Norman E. Klipp Supervisor Harry Terry Justice of the Peace Ralph W. Tuthill Justice of the Pea.ee Henry A. Clark Justice of the Peace COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK ss. WHEREAS, a written petition, dated August 21, 1951, in due form and con- taining the required signatures has been presented to and filed \1iith ths Town Board. of the Town of Southold Suffolk County, New York, for the I establishment of a Refuse and Gar- I bage District in the said Town. to be I described as follows: I All the real property of Fishers I Island, in the Town of SouthoJd, County of Suffolk and State of New York, inclusive of the whole of I Fishers Island, with the exception of certain parcels which are the j property of the United States Gov- , ernment, said tracts being kno'\\"Il as . "Fort H. O. Wl1ght," "MoWlt \ Prospect," "Wilderness Point" and I "Coast Guard StaMon No. 59," all, as shov;n on map accompanying the I petition, said territory being I bounded and described as follows: ~ On the North by Fishers Island. Sound; on the East by Block Island I Sound; on the South by Block Island Sound and U. S. Government reservations; on the West by Fort I H. G. Wright, U. S. MIIltary reser-J vations; and Block Island Sound. I VltHEREAS, the improvements pro- posed consist of the securing and furn- ishing such appurtf':nances and other facilities as may be necessary for the sanitary disposal of refuse. garbage, ashes, "rubbish and other waste ma- terials, in said district, and WHEREAS, the maximum amount proposed to be expended for the con. truction work of the diStrict and the acquisition - of the necessary land as stated in the said petition is the sum i of $50,000., it is hereby I I ORDERED that a meeting of the 1 Town Board of the said Town of II I Southold be held at the Fishers Island SCho,olhouse at F'ishers Island, New I I York on the 4th day of April, 1952 i at 9:3(). A. M. in the forenoon of that day, to cOnslder the said petition and I to hear all persons interested in the I subject thereof, concerning the same. 1 and for such other action on the part of the Town Board with relation to! the said petition as may be required I by law or proper in the premises. Dated: March 11, 1952. I NORMAN E. KLIPP Supervisor I' HARRY TERRY RAlJPH W. TUTHILL ! HENRY A. CLARK Members of the Town Board of the Town of SOuthold. Suffolk County, New York. STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK )",: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ) I, RAlJPH P. llOO'nI, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, N. Y., do hereby certify that I have compared the preceding order with the original thereof fUed in my office at Southold, Suffolk County, New York, on the 11th day of March, 1952, and that the same is III true and correct copy of said original and i of the whole thereof. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I haV!! hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Town, this 11th day of March, 1952. I Town Clerk old, Suffolk Frederick C. Hawkins, being duly sworn, says thot he is the owner ond publisher of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, 0 public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk Counry; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch. man once each week for .....~.......(I.j.... weeks successively, commencing on the .........:2..0..~.............. In the :Matter of The petition :for the establishment of a Refuse and Garbage District at Fishers Island in the Tewn of Southold, Suffolk County, New: York. day of ..~/J~ M' - /) 19 J:<J .~........ . .~. ~ ~....;/; r:/~,L. . ...............................................................:...~.;;.-::- ~ Sworn to before me this ........::1..1......... day of : ,! /J, - /J ~::L.- ../f.(~...,... 19.!?.... /) /) (J ;,) ..................\:;..fv.~ t ~ . Notary p~.bii;.... .(,;...... ...... AD~L Notary Pub,' ~ P'A, YN- R Ie, Stat ... eslding In e of New Yorlc 5 SUffr,rk C COl11miss;:" ~-3.04 1000 OlJnty )(prres Marc'l 30 . ,195.1 !talph P. Booth of the Town of South~ County, New York. PUBLISHERS' CERTIFICATE thAt. a meeting or the Town Board ot e Town or Southald, Suffolk County' N. Y., held at 16 South street, -hriunicipal Building In the VB- lage of Greenportz. N. Y., on the 11th day of Mar~h, 19:;,2. Present: Norman E. Klipp, Super- Visor; Harry Terry. Justice ot the Peace; Ralph W. Tuthlll, Justice at the Peace; Henry A. Clark, Justice of the Peace. . In the matter ot the petitIon for- the establishinent ota Refuse and Garbage District at Fishers Island In the Town ot Southold, Su!.tolk Countv;.,;N. Y. ~WHt' :r \'O!_I!'. "17J.t.tgn..,...c.Mtltlon datelr'A~1i. i'9S1,tl1tlduet'Or-m and' contaIning the required signatures has been presented to and filed with I the Town Board or the Town or Southold~ Suffolk County......N. Y., tor the estaolishment ot a .Kefuse and Garbage District in the said Town, to be described as follows: All the real property of FIshers Island, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, inclusive of the whole of Fishers Island, with the exception ot certain parcels which are the prop- erty ot the United States Govern- ment, saId tracts being known as "Fort H. G. Wright," "Mount Pros- pect," "WIlderness Point" and "Coast' Guard Station No. 59," all as shown on map accompanyIng the petition, laid territory beIng bounded and de. Icrlbed as tollows: On the North by Fisher!!! Island Soundj on the East by Block Island Sound; on the South by Block Island Sound and U, S. Government reserva-. tlons; on the West by Fort H, G. Wright, U. S, Military reservations; and Block Island Sound. WHEREAS, the improvements pro- posed consIst ot the securing and furnIshin~ such appurtenances and other faCIlities as may be neCe$flary for the, sanitary disposal at retuse, garbage, ashes, rubbish and other waste materials, In said district, and, WHEREAS, the maximum' amount proposed to be expended for the constructIon work of the district and the acquIsition ot the necessary land as stated in the said petltion is the sum ot $50,000, it is hereby ORDERED that a meeting ot the Town Board ot the said Town at Southold be held at the FIshers 1$- t land Schoolhouse at Fishers Island ' N. Y., on the 4th day at April, 1952; at 9:30 A. M. in the forenoon at that day, to consider the said petitIon and to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof, concerning the same, and for such other action on the part of the Town Board with relation to the said petitloQ as may be required by law or proper in the premIses. Dated: March 11 1952 NORMAN E. 'KLIPP Sup'ervlsor. HARRY TERRY. . , RALPH W. TUTHILL, , HENRY A. CLARK . Members at the TOwn Board of the' Town at Southold, Suffolk County New York. ' STATE OF NEW YORK, County at SUffolk, Town, at Southold, ss.: I, Ralph P. Booth, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, N, Y., do hereby certify that I have compared the preceding order with the origInal thereat filed In my at. nce at Southold, Suffolk County, N. Y., on the 11th day at March 1952 , and that the s8:Il1e is a true and cor~ f rect COf'Y 01 'a>d orIgInal and 01 the I whole hereof. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affIxed the seal at said Town, this 11th day ! at Marcht,..1952. I .ttALPH P. BOOTH, Town Clerk at the Town ot Southold Suffolk County, N. Y. ' County of New London, } ss. New London. State of Connecticut, On this__2..Z_l1d__day of.__MaA'i:ILl--9.52____m_____m__ A. D. 193 , personalJy appeared before the undersigned, a Notary Public, within and for said County and State, X:a_I'.J::l!l.!'_g.__~__9_()_J,!2~J__lLl?_l?t<3_1;;.8.:!"LLQ~rr!__1'1gr_._______ ________________nn__n_n_n______.of THE DAY, a daily evening newspaper published at New London, County of New London, State of Connecticut, who being duly sworn, states on oath, that tbe Order of Notice in the case of _1Jg~t()_~__f()}'__~~~~_:t~.J::lg__L1'_C>~rr_._()L_~_()_~_~~()J_?_L__ Suffolk County, N. Y)to estAblish refuse -E'f\-I'l:l.8.:g~n.J:l.i-"'-~:r'lSl.~-'--!'H-i_~~~-.a true copy of which · is hereunto annexed, was published in said newspaper in its issues of the_mZ?rrgnm_mm___________mn__.____________ days OL_~:':~_c~1:----~-92~----A. D.}93 . , ;J r V/- ___ \ __m nn~.Lc..'nm~~-c'nm--------- Subscribed and sworn t~ before me this___?_?nsL._____. (y oL~"ar ' D) ~:.~..:-"~--~.--~~.~~~~ ---- ------ .----- Notary Public. / / ----- r I' It At a meeting of the Town Board of i I the Town of Southold. Suffolk County I ~ New York held at 16 South Street, Municipal Building in the Village of ~ I . Greenport. New York, on the 11th \ [ day of March, 1962. I PRmBENT: J ! Norman E. Klipp [ ; SUperyisor j Harry Terry I.; Justice of the Peace Ralph W. Tuthlll Justice of the Peace Henry A. Clark Justice of the Peace ) In the Matter ~I' I of. : The petition for. the establishment: I of a Refuse a.nd Garbage DlBtrict : at Fishers Island in the Town of : Southold, S.uffolk. County, New: ~ York. . -WHEREAS, a writte~ petition, dated) I August 21, 1951, In due form and con-I '[ mining the reqnired slgnatures has been presented to and filed with the [ J Town Board of the Town of SOUthOld'I'. I Suffolk. County, New York, for the , I establishment of a Refuse _ and Gar-l :: bage District in the said 'I'own, to be [ I described as follows: 1 i I All the real property of Fishers I I Island, in the Town of Southald, i i a i County of Suffolk and State of New j L I York, inclusive. of the whole of I . 1 Fishers Island, with the exception ' I of certain. parcels which are the I I property of the United States Gov- ernment, said tracts being kno'\\"Il as "Fort H. G. Wright," "Mount' Prospect," "Wilderness Point" and "Coast Guard Station No. 59," all ,as shown on map accompanying the " petition, said territory being bounded arid described as follows: On the North by Fishers Island i Sound: on the Ea.st by Block Island t Sound; on the South by Block ,; Island Sound and U. S. Government . i reservations; on the West by Fort . i H. G. Wright, U. S. Military reser- - II vations; and Block Island Sound. - j WHEREAS, the improvements pro- e ! r; .:ed consist of the securing and furn- t ; ishing such appurtp.nances and other r. ; facilities as may be necessary for the. ! sanitary disposal of refuse, garbage, : ashes, rubbish and other waste ma- y ! terials, in said district, and I), 'W'HEREAS, the maximum amount" r I proposed to be expended for the con- i - ! truction work of the district and the i ~; acquisition of the necessary land as 1 i stated in the said petition is the sum, i : i of $50,000., it is hereby i _I ORDERED that a meeting of the I . I Town Board of the said Town of I ! Southoldbe held at the Fishers Island j ! Schoolhouse at Fishers Island, New,. I York on the 4th day of April, 1952 ( i at 9:30 A. M. in the- forenoon of that if ! I day, to consider the said petition and ~ . I to hear all persons interested in the' f "/ SUbject thereo!... concerning the same, _ - ,and for such other action on the part ; l i of the TOWIl Board with relation to J II the said petition :as may be required 1 by law or proper in the premises. I ! Dated; March 11, 1952. : : I[ NORMAN E. KLIPP I Supervisor ~ -; I 11 HARRY TERRY ! - I[ RALPH W. TUTHILL HENRY A. CLARK I Members of the Town Board of the 11 Town of Southold, Sutfolk County" I New York. , ISTATE OF NEW YORK) , . COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) ss,: , 'TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ) -1 I, RALPH P. BOOTH, Town Clerk -I of the Town of Southold, Sutfolk ,I, ) County, N. Y., do hereby certify that :f J I have compared the preceding order i! with the original thereof filed in my J otfice at Southold, Suffolk. County,. ,., New York, on the 11th day of March, 1952, and that the same is a true I' and correct copy of said original a.. nd .' . of the. whole thereof. . . IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have . ! hereunto set my hand and affixed the : I 'seal of said Town, this 11 th day (>f , i March, 1952. ./ '1 I , Town Clerk old,. Suffolk Ralph P. Booth of the Town of South~ Couoty, New York. 1 STATE OF NEW YORK, f ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, J ...a~'..~~~:::::~;:~~:~:rb:~n:h:~:;;: says that ..m............ 1 TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport, in said county; aud that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Times once in ea,ch ..T;-.J!....- weeks week, for ..........'....mm...........m........... ............m.m......... successively commencing on the mmm.~.....~.. day of ..mm.rn..~~'.mm 19.-:'..1:::.. <. ...:l..~.~:"~..~..'.~~,-, ;; J"'-f{, Swcrn to before me this ....mm........m........ I day Ofm~.n..m..n~9n~?:::J ~/ . n...v.~rz.....~.?.~. ..... ~..n RACHEL o. VAUlNTIN8 Notary Public Suffulk Co., N.Y. #2111 My cow.-nission expires March 30, 190 6;z; . r NOTICE TO BIDDERS FOR COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL I OF GARBAGE AND REFUSE \ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed proposals are sought and re~ I quested for the collection and disposal of garbage and refuse in the Fishers r Island Garbage and Refuse District, according to specifier tians of 13. con- \ tract to be let by the Tov.'1l of South- old for such collection and disposal. \ The sealed proposals will be received i by the Town Board at the Supervisor's I office on South Street, Greenpol't, NeW\ York, at ,anytime prior to 2:00 o'clock P. M. :Nov€mber 25, 1952, n:d \vill be considered publicly at mch time and \ place, Specifications, an estimate of\ the expense, and a proposed contract! for the execution of the work and forms of proposal, can be examined both at the office of the Tovi'll Clerk, Southold, New York, between the hours I of 9:00 A. M. and 12:00 noon and 1:001' P. M. to 4:00 P. M. and-at the office of Justice of the Peace Perry Ed,\l,'ards, 'Fishers Island upon appointment from November 13, 1952 to November 25, 1952. Proposals must be mE'de upon and in accordance with the form of pro- posal prepared by the Town Attorney, which form of proposal will have an accompanying copy of the specifica- tions for said work and proposed agree- ment and the same may be obtained i at the office of the Town Clerk at i i the Town Hall, Southold, New York! and at the office of Justice of the I 'Peace Perry Edwards, Fishers Island, on or after November 13, 1952. Proposals shall be made and received upon the following conditions: \ l Each proposal must be accompanied I by the deposit of a certified check pay~ I : able to the order of the Supervisor of i ! the Town of Southold in the sum of i $3,000.00, or a bond with sufficient I sureties, to be approved by the Super- : i \'iso1', in a penal- sum conditioned that', , if the proposal is accepted the 5uccess- \ ful bidder will enter into a contract i i for the work, and that he will execute! : '''within fifteen days from the date of i : the acceptance of the proposal a suit-I able security bond in the sum of the \ I, amount of the contract, conditioned \ for the faithful and prompt perform~ ance and completion of the work speci- fied in the contract. AU deposits except that of a suc- \ cessful bidder will 'be returned and I that of successful bidder upon his pro~ I \ viding the performance bond. i I Upon acceptance of his bid, if the i successful bidder fails to enter into a I contract pursuant to the requirements \ of the Board, or fails to give the further security prescribed in this no.. I tiee v.ithin the time limited therein, then I the cheek deposited as aforesaid and I the moneys standing to the credit of 'the same, shall be forfeited to the : Town as Uquidated damages, or if AI bond has been presented in lieu of a certified check. then the penalty Shall} 'be enforced as liquidated damages. . The Town Board reserves the right ,to reject any and, all bids, or parts : ,thereof, without reason. ISI NORMAN E. KLIPP COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK 55, Frederick C. Hawkins, being duly sworn, says that he is the owner and publisher of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice af which the annexed is a printed copy, hos been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch. mon once each week for ......CT.:;?6:;::........lll..... weeks '72- successively, commencing on the ......../J........................ day of .7/~.. 19..02 a:;---h.;t: C'~~_' .................................................................................. {a;, Sworn to before me this ......../..;!.:....... day of '-....,A .-'..fA. - ../~... 19.Q.~ /} /J1 ',,'/ ..........",L~....../.~~..... Notary Public ./. i I- I,FLr: P;:' . -,,... N':""f\- f'~blic. Stote ot ~;e"" Y.);,~ "c,:; ling in SutL};k C::J,. ~./ ~52-3().<1 ;eoo C.ommis~io" Expires Mann 30, 1953 r I NOTICE TO BIDDERS FOR II I COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF GARBAGE AND REFUSE I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed proposals are sought and re- I quested for the collection and dis- 'I pasal of garbage and refuse in the ,Fishers Island Garbage and Refuse District according to specifiea tions , of a contract to be let by the Town i of SQuthold for such collection and I disposal, . The sealed proposals will be re- I: ceived by the Town Board at the I' Supervisor's Office on South street, i Greenport, New York, at anytime I prior to 2 :00 o'clock P. M. Novem-l . bel' 25, 1952, and will be considered I : publicly at such time and place. I Specifications, an estimate of" the expense, and a proposed contract I r for execution of the work and forms of proposal, can be examined both at the office of the Town Clerk, SouthoJd, New York, between the hours of 9:00 A. M, and 12:00 uoon and 1:00 p, M, to 4:00 P. M'I and at the office of Justice of the I' Peace Perry Edwards, Fishers Is- land upon appointment from NO-j vember 13, 1952 to November 25, 1952. Proposals must be made upon 'I and in accordance with the form of proposal prepared by the Town Attorney. which form of proposall will have an accompanying copy of I the specifications for saId work and proposed agreement and the same may be obtained at th{~ oft:lce of I the Town Clerk at the Town Hall, I Southold, New York and at the of-I : fice of Justice of the PeaC2 Perry I Edwards, Fishers Island, on or af- ter November 13, 1952. i Proposals shall be made and re- ceived upon the followin~ condi-I tions: Each proposal must be accompa-I nied by a deposit of a certified check payable to the order cf the I Supervisor of the Town of South- old in the sum of $3,000.00, or a bond with sufficient sureties. to be I approved by the Supervisor, in a I penal sum conditioned that if the proposal is accepted the successful bidder will enter into a contract for the work, and that he will exe- cute within fifteen days from the date of the acceptance of the pro- posal a suitable security bond in the sum of the amount of the con-, tract, conditioned for the faithful! and prompt performanc~ and COll1- i pletion of the work specified in the contract. . I All deposits except that of a suc- I cessful bidder will be returned and i that of successful bidder upon his II I providing the performance bond. I Upon acceptance of his bid, if the successfcl bidder fails to enter! I into a contract. pursuant to the re-\ i quirements of the Board, or fails 1 to give the further security pre- I scribed in this notice within the I time limited therein, thEn the I check deposited as aforesaid and I the moneys standing to the credit I of the same, shall be forfeited to the Town as liquidated damages, cr if a bond has been presented in: lieu of a certified check, then the i penalty shall be enforced as liqUld-, at,ed c.arnages. The Town Board reserves the I right to reject any and all bids, or parts thereof, without reason. I /s/ NORMAN E. KLIPP Supervisor j /s/ HENRY A, CLARK ' /s/ LESTER M. ALBESTSON I /s/ HARRY TERRY /s/ RALPH W. TUTHILS I ltN14 ,.rustlees of the Peace! I , STATE OF NE,W YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, I f ss: j ..._..._':~l.l. ...:~.~:ii.;~~~.T..~::-..'..\... --.-~;~-~~.~.~.~'.:-::n~.~'J being dilly Sworn, says that .....~. ..... is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK TIMES, a newspa.per published at Greenport, in said county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Times once in each week, for C--"-L...o weeM successively commencing on the . ....:-;{....', '._u_~'.:"-:-.:";~-!;.'!-.'.'l<.-. .~.:..,..; day of .........?.,,:': ' ~ -< 19 ......1~7t~~~~~~~~~~.~. Sworn to before me this ...........1 ,! 19..~....:..J. L ~. " /L-l. '," ..... .....~~.~~.::-:.{ ...~ . j do. ~.', ,_, day of . _:..l...........':;';:...... ;;'-1, -.r'.. ;,;.0 ""',,c'.- I,,,: . ",t:;. . PUBLISHERS' CERTIFICATE :NOTICE TO BIDDERS FOR COL- LECTION AND DISPOSAL 0.1' GARBAGE AND REI"liSE NOnCE IS HEREBY GIVE:\" that ,ealed proposals are sought and l'e- quested for the collection and dig. posal ot garbage and refuse m the Fishers Island Garbage and Refuse Distr-jet according to specifications (If a contract to be let by the Town (If Southold for such coilection and disposal. The sealed proposals will he rc- cc:H'd by the To\\'n Board at the Supervisor's Office on South Street, Gl'ecnport, New York, at anytime prior to 2:00 o'clock P. M. Nov. 25, 1~52. and will be consider...ct publidy at such time and place. SpeclfIea. lions an estimate of the expense, e.nd a pro'l'Ollled contract for the ex- ('cution 0 the work and forms of )'Jropo.l!al, can be examined both at' the office at the Town Clerk, South~ old, New York, between the hours or 9:00 A, M, and 12:00 :-loon and 1:00: P. M. to 4:00 P. M, and at the office' of Justice of the Peace Perry Ed- Wards, Fishers Island upon appoint~ ment from Nov. 13, 1952 to Nov. 25, 1952. Proposals must be made upon and 1n accordance with the form of pro. posal prepared by the Town Attor. ney, which form of proposal will have an accompanyIng copy of the .pec1fications for said work and pro- posed agreement and the same may be obtained 'at the office of the Town Clerk at the Town Hal1 Southold, New York and at the Office of Jus~ tlce of the Peace Perry Edwards, Fishers Island, on or after Nov. 13, 1952. . Proposals shall be made and re~ eeIved upon the followIng conditions: Each proposal must be accom- ~anled by the deposit of a cerUfted check payable to the order of the Supervisor of the Town of Southolli In the sum of 53,000.00 or a bond with sufflcJent :mreties, to be ap- proved by t.h!.' Superiol', In a penal .um conditioned that if the proposal III accepted the successful bldcter will enter Inlo ll. ('on tract for the work, and that. he wlll ex~cute with- In fifteen days from the dale of the Acceptance of the proposal a suit- able security bond in the sum of the amount of the ('ontrae'l, ('ono1- tinned for the faithful anrt prompt. performance and (~ornpletlon of the ...nrk 8peciffed in the ('ontrae!. All deposits except that of a suc- e~sa!ul bidder will be returned and that of a successful bidder will be returned and that of successful bidder upon hI. providing the per. tormance bond. Upon acceptance or hIs bid, if the luccesstul bidder fails to enter Into a contract pursuant to the requIre- ments of the Board, or fails to give the further security prescribed in this notice within the time limited therein, then the check deposited as aforesaid and the moneys standIng to the credU or the same, shall be forfeited to the Town as liqUidated damaRes, or If a bond has been pre- .ented tn lieu ot a certified check, then the penalty shall be enforced as liquidated damages. The Town Board reserves the right tG reject any and all bids, or parts thereof, without reason. NORMAN E. KLIPP, Supervisor HENRY A. CLARK, LESTER M. ALBERTSON, HARRY TERRY, RALPH W. TUTHILL. Justices of the Pf'ace State of Connecticut, } ss. New London. County of New London, On this__..!lJ,tJ)..day oLl'!.~:'I:~.'.':J:>.~!:__~.?2~m........_ A. D. 193 , personally appeared before the undersigned, a Notary Public, within and for said County and State, .-~~~~.~-I'~--~.~__~?_~.~!!m~_~_~~_~.~_~_~_~__~~~~mt-l~_____ --------------_______________________of THE DAY, a daily evening newspaper published at New London, County of New London, State of Connecticut, who being duly sworn, states on oath, that the Order of Notice in the case of -'!-'.()-~--~f--~~':l_~E~;L,?:L!?cQ__~_~_!:>_~_<J__~!'l.!'.13_.__QQJJ_~Q.t- _~~Z.lS,__~_~_~.I:~~_~_~__~='-::_~_~~~_!__:.:~_~..W~ copy of which is hereunto annexed, was published in said newspaper in its issues of the..__~~:t:~__m_m___mmm__.m__________m___ days oL--_~I?.'!:~l1!~~l'--:J,,92A. D. 193h .-<.-r? ~ () --"-~.!~~l-----~--.~-------- Subscribed and sworn to before me thisl.4.th.__n__nn_ , November 1952 day oL___mmm.m____m__A. D. 193 ~~~n:iLJL~~ Notary Pnblic.