HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/22/1995 . . . . a/Zl :r l ti-L..- ~V\.Y Fishers Island Harbor Committee MINUTES Friday, January 22, 1995 at 4:30pm at the Utility Offices Present: Elby Burr, Chippy duPont, Louisa Evans, Leslie Goss, Steve Malinowski, Bill Ridgway and Scudder Sinclair. Absent: Frank Bohlen, Tom Doyen, Cynthia Estabrooks, Cindy Gillan, Hanis Parsons. David Patterson, Davis Wilmerding, Tom Doherty and Bill Wall. NEXT l\1EE,J'ING: Saturday. Februarv 4, 1995 at 8:15am until noon at the Utilitv offices SUBJECT: Go through the entire Fishers Island Harbor Management document as written to date for fmal committee approval. Louisa Evans suggested the Harbor Committee coordinate with Alan 1bibodeau, Fishers Island's Emergency Response Coordinator, as he is in the process of emergency pIanuing and has concems regarding preparedness in the harbors in the event of severe weather. The entire committee agreed it would be prudent to establish a data base compiling all Fishers Island Conservancy and NYS DEC data collected about the Island's surrounding water's to date. The committee stressed what it determined ought to be included in an introduction to the Fishers Island Harbor Management Plan including a special emphasis on how Fishers Island is wlique and how goals are slightly different from mainland Southold The committee reviewed what it perceived to be the main goals of the Fishers Island Harbor Management Plan: to provide for and protect local interests in Fishers ISland harbors/waters, to provide for multiple uses of Fishers Island harbors/waters, and to restore and maintain the chemical, physical and biological integrity of Fishers Island harbors/waters and dependent habitats. The committee then deduced what significant policies had evolved in the Harbor Management Ordinance in an effort to reach the above goals. For the first goal, it was determined that new mooring permits would be granted to residents and lessees only,as ~ one on the committee could think of another location where annual mooring permits are issued to non-members of the community. In an effort to address goal one and goal three, it was determined that no anchoring in West Harbor should occur inside of a line drawn from the rock pile west to Lucy Ahman' s , . . . house. For goal two, it was determined that the Rshers Island Harbor Committee as described in the document should strive to provide a balance of existing multiple uses of the Island's harbors/waters. For goal three, it was determined that moorings that were used by live aboard vessels such as transient moorings, should be limited to the east side mooring field in West Harbor in an effort to group potential pollution from live aboard vessels in one area wilh better flushing, rather 1han spread the potential sources around the harbor. The committee determined that the Fishers Island Harbor Committee described in the document would seek to limit and control all vessel discharges. Finally, the committee determined it wanted to prevent shellfish harvesting in Island waterslharbors by non-locals. It was suggested that the Town Code be reviewed and relevant language consistent wilh the Code be included in the Fishers Island Harbor Management Ordinance. The Committee then discussed the structure (delegates from all user groups defmed in Town resolution of 3/5/94), appointment provisious (recommended by RCA, appointed by Southold Town, replacements/removals by user group), perpetuation (three year terms, no term limits, begin with staggered terms) and duties (develop all policy for haroor issues) of the Fishers Island Harbor Committee to be defmed in the Rshers Island Harbor Management Ordinance. The meeting adjourned at 6:15pm.