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Fishers Island Harbor Committee
Saturday, February 4, 1995 at 8:15am
at Fishers Island Utility Offices
Frank Bohlen, Chippy duPont, Leslie Goss, Steve Malinowski and Scudder
Elby Burr, Tom Doyen, Cynthia Estabrooks, Cindy Gillan, Harris Parsons,
David Patterson, Bill Ridgway, David Wilmerding, Louisa Evans, Tom Doherty
and Bill Wall.
NEXT MEETING: Sometime this SDrinl!:
SUBJECT: Discuss comments received in response to FlCA mailing of Fishers Island
Harbor Management Plan, and
Report from Bay Constables on Summer '94 operations and Spring '95 Mooring
Applications and Channel Marker Bids.
Leslie Goss described the proposed process for delivering the Fishers Island Harbor
Committee's Harbor Management Plan to the Town of Southold. The committee would
finalize issues at today's meeting, the document would be cleaned up to reflect today's
discussions, the document would then be circulated to all members of the Fishers Island
Harbor Committee for a fmal comment deadline of late February, the document would then
go to the printers and be mailed to the membership of the Fishers Island Civic Association as
a courtesy before official transmittal to the Town. Leslie said she would forward copies to
Bob White, the Town consultant working on the LWRP, and Laury Dowd, the Town attorney,
at the same time the document was mailed to the Civic Association membership. Leslie
proposed waiting for official transmittal to the Town Board until comments had been solicited
from the community. The committee members approved of the proposed process.
The members of the committee reviewed the need for the Plan -- to promote clear
communication and coordination of harbor management goals and policies that are developed
by user group consensus lIS growth press\!1'Cs mount.
Frank Bohlen reminded the committee that the Harbor Management Plan needed to be
defensible before the Town and the State and that exclusionary tactics are rarely supported.
He said that the tone of the document should be hospitable and civil while striving to
maintain the island's good water quality and current shoreside quality of life.
The: committee members went through the document page by page. More significant
discussions were conducted on the following issues:
There was concern that the Bay Constables on Fishers Island are not able to perform all the
duties called for as outlined in the Town Code. It was determined that although the Fishers
Island Bay Constables may not be qualified to conduct some of the duties (such as wetland
inspections) their jurisdiction and authorities should be maintained. For instance, if a Bay
Constable were requested to perform a wetlands inspection, they should indicate that they are
not qualified to conduct such an inspection and refer the request to the Southold Town
Trustees or Conservation Advisory Council.
There was some discussion about the location of the mooring fields in West Harbor and
whether shoreside moorings in West Harbor are in the West Harbor mooring fields or not.
The committee suggested including a map/chart in the Plan for reference. The east mooring
field lies to the east of the Goose Island Channel between the rock pile and a couple of
hundred feet off of Burr's beach at the peninsula. The west mooring field is a triangle shape
located between the Goose Island Channel and the main channel, extending south to a line
drawn from the southern point of Goose Island across to the Yacht Club docks. Moorings not
within these two described fields would be considered as moorings in a non-designated
mooring area, subject to application requirements as outlined in Section 22 of the Plan.
Chippy agreed to develop minimum mooring tackle specificaQ.ons to include in the Plan along
with a labeled mooring tackle diagram to be used for mooring inspections and be included
with annual mooring applications.
There was some discussion of whether prohibiting live aboard guest use of moorings in the
west field at West Harbor would provide the intended water quality benefits and/or whether it
would jeopardize the cou~ous tone of the Plan and annoy west field mooring owners. The
committee members agreed to see what comments come back from the community.
The meeting adjourned at 11:45am