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Fishers Island Harbor Committee
Friday, May 26,1995 at 4:30pm
at the Utility Offices
Elby Burr, Chippy duPont, Louisa Evans, Leslie Goss, Harris Parsons, Margie
Purnell, Bill Ridgway, and Scudder Sinclair
Frank Bohlen, Ken Edwards, Anuie Burnham, Steve Malinowski, David
Patterson, David Wilmerding, Tom Doherty and Bill Wall
NEXT lVWTING: Fridav. June 30. 1995. at 1JOom to 6:3Onm at U.\ilitv Offices
e 0 June 20
The Committee al!ietid to request 1hat Robert Coleman move his 31' Bertram. Double Bogie. from
the mooring south of the Yacht Club/HDCO docks to the desilmated moorine area in West Harbor.
The interim mooring assignment granted last year at the request of Mr. Coleman has since raised
concerns about the shallowness of the water and having a vessel that size moored in shoal water.
The committee also agreed 1hat in an effort to initiate its long term goal of gridding West Harbor in
the interests of vessel safety, environmental protection and optimum use of available space, this
year, vessels listed on new mooring applications would be arranged by their class and size in the
designated mooring area. Because of the interim assignment, the committee considered Mr.
Coleman's application as more or less "left over" from last year.
The Committee afP'eed to deny Jim Gaee's reauest for a moorini! in East Harbor on behalf of the
Watch Hill Yacht Qub because the applicant does not qualify as either a resident or lessee of
Fishers Island. Further, tke committee does not wish to establish any moorings at East Haroor.
Ms. Goss stated that the request was understandable given East Harbor's proximity to the Fishers
Island Qub. She suggested that Watch Hill Yacht Qub members with reciprocal privileges at the
Fishers Island Club contact the club about using the club dock. Mr. Parsons confirmed that the
Fishers Island Qub dock in East Harbor had recently been repaired.
Committee members enquired who was livill2 aboard the old sailing vessel on an on-and-offbasis
at the Mobil dock. Leslie Goss agreed to enquire and inform the committee.
Elby Burr requested that from now on at meetings, the CPK mooring maD. put together last fall.
should be available with correspondinl: numbers and perruittees. Leslie agreed to call CPK for a
duplicate map and ask Tom Doherty to put together the list of numbers and corresponding names.
The committee began addressing issues raised b~ comments received from the community on the
3/95 draft Fishers Island Harbor Management Plan.
Application requirements for moorings in Desienated and Nondesi~ed moorin~ areas: The
committee agreed that all individuals seeking moorings anywhere in Fishers Island waters should
fIle an application with the Bay Constable on an annual basis. Applicants with moorings outside of
entrance buoys to West Harbor, Hay Harbor and East Harbor would be exempt from annual fees.
Moorin~ Tackle Inspections: The committee agreed that if a very specific and clear tackle
inspection form were provided to applicants to fill out on an annual basis based on visual
inspection, that the proposed self policing system might work and negate the need for a
professional inspection every three years in addition to the annual self inspection. The committee
believes 1hat many people are qualified to check their own tackle as long as they indicate on an
annual basis the condition of the tackle based on questions and labeled parts on the form. Those
who are not qualified to inspect all parts of the tackle, for instance the mushroom stem eye, on an
annual basis would continue whatever inspection procedures they use now.
Recommended Minimum Tackle Specifications: The committee agreed that these tackle
specifications are recommended but should be adhered to. The committee also agreed that boat
- length at the waterline should be used as the basis for tackle specifications, not overall boat length.
Mooring Ap,plication attachments: The committee agreed that information necessary to gather and
attachments to annual mooring application solicitations should include a revised application form
including basic information about tackle and a tackle inspection form. As agreed at the last
meeting, a questionnaire for new mooring applications should cover eligibility and vessel
Using Vessels as AbodeslSleepinl! Aboard: The committee discussed but did not come to a
conclusion about proposed language in the 1L Parsons comments and the 3/95 draft. Leslie Gass
said she would work on the language and to pay particular attention to this section in the June 20
draft when committee members receive it.
Noise: Scudder Sinclair asked if there was a way to address noise from speed boats that
occasionally rumble into Pirate's Cove. Leslie Goss said that the Town and state lawyers indicated
1hat state law, which is pretty vague, would preempt the text on noise in the 3/95 draft. Leslie said
she'd try to work on this language with the lawyers.
Meeting adjourned at 6:30pm