HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/30/1995
Fishers Island Harbor Committee
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Friday, June 30 at 4:30pm It'!"{ '>
at the Utility Offices
Elby Burr, Chippy duPont, Margie Purnell, Allie Raridon, Leslie Goss,
Steve Malinowski, Scudder Sinclair, and Louisa Evans
Frank Bohlen, Ken Edwards, Jr., Harris Parsons, David Patterson, Bill
Ridgway, David Wilmerding, Tom Doherty and Bill Wall
NEXT MEETING: Friday, July 7 at 4:30pm at the Utility Offices
SUBJECT: Mooring application procedure, mooring locations, enforcement and general
While reviewing the proposed letter to the Town of Southold transmitting the final draft of
the Fishers Island Harbor Management Plan, the committee discussed the advantages and
disadvantages of the Town adopting the Island plan now and rolling it into the Southold
LWRP whenever the LWRP is adopted. Several changes to the transmittal letter were made.
The committee reviewed the 5/95 draft of the Plan section by section addressing comments
received from the community on the 3/95 draft.
The committee briefly addressed several mooring items as outlined below:
Musser: in response to notification of paid mooring vacancy, the committee requested that the
Musser mooring stay vacant this boating season and that Marty at the Marina be notified of
names and dates for personal guest use.
Beggs: in response to a request for a second mooring for guest purposes, the committee
determined it will not issue mooring permits for guest use in the interests of vessel safety,
environmental protection and optimal use of available space.
Strupp: the committee needs information on why the Maynard whaler "Bullfrog" is on the
Strupp mooring. Leslie Goss said she would investigate and report back to the committee.
Coleman:' "Double Bogie" is still on the mooring between the MarinalYacht Club and the
Dawson shoreline. Leslie Goss asked that this discussion be tabled until the next meeting.
Schonger: Leslie Goss mentioned that it was probably a communication glitch between Tom
Doherty and herself that contributed to the Schonger mooring being placed without committee
approval. The committee will discuss this mooring at the next meeting.
Jenssen: there was a question about duration of live aboard use of the vessel at this mooring.
It was suggested that this mooring might not be used more than three consecutive days at a
The meeting adjourned at 7:30pm