HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/15/1995 ,. . . . - ., Fishers Island Harbor Committee MINUTES Saturday, July IS at 8:30am \<1 <\ q- at the Utility Offices - \. J Present: Elby Burr, Chippy duPont, Margie Purnell, Allie Raridon, Leslie Goss, Steve Malinowski, Harris Parsons, and Bill Ridgway, Absent: Frank Bohlen, Ken Edwards, Jr., David Patterson, Scudder Sinclair, David Wilmerding, Louisa Evans, Tom Doherty and Bill Wall. NEXT MEETING: None scheduled! The committee began by reviewing and completing discussion on various mooring requests and concerns, Please see attachment. Quite a bit of discussion took place over the Schone:er moorine: which inadvertently was placed before committee discussion. Some committee members felt that the size and class of the Schonger vessel warranted moving the boat further into the west mooring field in the vicinity of similar class vessels. Other members disagreed that this was necessary stating that aesthetics was not a good reason to move the vessel. All committee members agreed that because the vessel has been noted to have live aboards, the vessel should be moved to one of the two vacancies in the east mooring field created by moving the two transient moorings closer to the rock pile. Leslie Goss agreed to contact the Schongers and Pirate's Cove Marine about moving the mooring. The committee identified a location for the Coleman moorine: between the Mobil docks and Goose Isiand in the vicinity of MAGIC, GREY GULL and DELPHINIA. Leslie Goss agreed to contact Mr. Coleman and Pirate's Cove Marine about moving the mooring. In the course of these discussions it was determined that moorine:s closest to shore in the east moorine: field in West Harbor should be used Drimarilv for storae:e. Moorings that the committee knows will be used primarily for live aboard use should not be right along the shore as a courtesy to property owners in the vicinity of the east mooring field. Also in the course of discussion, Harris Parsons thought it a good idea to try and mark (with a buov of some sort) some of the rocks in the vicinity of Goose Island. It was suggested that Leslie Goss call Chandler, Palmer & King to see if it would be possible to do an overlay of moorings to coincide with the 1993 Southold aerial photos. \ .:1-.. J. .J.L CL.lkL>lClI:e.. A.WO(1"~c.ltL 'oMW (WI \r'l2."s&. ClltlO ~ Cr\ "I Elby Burr offered to iar.l~ooring tackle",'" I . . _..~ d.is winter. Comments were made that the nuns and cans in West Harbor appear to have moved, not to mention the harbor flasher is not level. One of the committee members stated that the loran , '. . . . / .' coordinates used to set the nuns and cans are not accurate due to surrounding terrain. The committee discussed manal!ement of the transient moorinl!s. It was agreed that until the Fishers Island Harbor Management Plan is approved in Southold and a separate Fishers Island Harbor Management Fund is created, fees charged for transient moorings in Summer '95 would be collected and maintained by the management agent The committee agreed to set the fee at $30 per night per transient mooring, and $50 for a raft of two vessels. The committee agreed to review and assess effective management of transient moorings on an annual basis. The meeting adjourned at 10:30am