HomeMy WebLinkAboutHarbor/Waters Management . Fishers Island Harbor/Waters Management \ C;. q s- GOAL: Provide and protect Island interests in Fishers Island harbors/waters Objectives: Consider and address noise pollution, privacy and aesthetic impacts of waterside activities on shorefront property owners. -" Address waterside activities through mooring and anchoring field layouts and through special use designations. No new moorings pe11llits to off-island applicants. -- Roll vacant moorings previously designated as off-island moorings into Island resident and Island lessee pool. GOAL: Provide for multiple uses of Fishers Island harbors/waters Objectives: All constituents of Fishers Island should be represented in the dete11llination of harbor/adjacent waters uses including recreation, business, harvesting and passive uses. -- Establish a self perpetuating FI Haibor Conmrission with delegates from all user groups, -- Fl Harbor Commission seeks optimization of use, resolves all use conflicts, and handles . special use designation requests. Visitors to Island harbors/waters should have a positive experience. ~- Establish defmitive management mechanism for transients andlor guests of Islanders GOAL: Restore (where necess;uy) and maintain the chemical, physical and biological integrity of Fishers Island harbors/waters (and dependent habitats?) Objectives: Take steps to minimize discharges. -- Implement shoreside property management practises that address septic, storm water drains, commercial run off and herbicide/pesticide applications. -- Address waterside discharges through mooring and anchoring field layout and special use designations or NDZ. Allow for sustainable harvesting of natural resources. Take steps to minimize erosion. . -- Address shoreside management practices such as clear cutting. -- Address waterside activities such as wake minimization. .