HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/09/1998 ~. Fishers Island Harbor Committee MINlITES Saturday, May 9, 1998 at 8:30 a.m. Utility Offices Present: Elby Burr, Tom Doherty, Chip duPont, Dick Hale, Louis Evans, Leslie Goss, Steve Malinowski, Harris Parsons, A1i Raridon, Bill Ridgway, N. Schmid Observers: Nancy Hunt, Jim Thompson Absent: Frank Bohlen, Kenneth Edwards, Jr., Tom Johnson, Barbara Macleod, Marguerite Purnell, Scudder Sinclair Next Meeting: July 24, 1998 - Utility Offices - 4:30-6:30 p.m. Agenda: Season Opening; Grid Subcommittee Report; Mooring Application Processing and Vacant Moorings; Committee Vacancies; Instructional Float, Boating Safety Course Leslie opened the meeting by thanking the Grid Subcommittee members for their work and introduced Nina Schmid as the new Town appointed secretary to the Committee . The Grid Subcommittee filed the following report: It was determined that a grid already exists and current usage does not exceed mooring limits. There is no immediate need to change current grid layout. Chip duPont indicated that there are a few crowded spots (Area #6 -Porter, Patterson, Wadsworth, Glendon) and certain spots are not deep enough for IODs. Arrangement of vessels by class/size, etc. will only become necessary under more crowded conditions. Some suggestions were indicated as to how to resolve crowded area: I. Discuss with Porter the possible removal of his mooring (always vacant except for guests, overnight use and storage) 2. Pull Wadsworth mooring (no boat, no mooring) 3. Move Glendon mooring to Foster location The recommendations of the Grid Committee were: I. No need to change grid now 2. Mooring numbers need to be connected on grid (work on this during summer) 3. Database developea using last year's applicants to be organized by any field (class, vessel size, etc.) 4. Elby reiterated that only mushroom anchors should be in use 5. Elby will match current tackle inventory against recommended minimum tackle specifications. Thanks to Ali for assistance. A discussion was begun regarding the Instructional Buoy and Channel Configuration. A new billboard style sign, 4'x6', has been designed and created (instead of purchased ) stating "no wake zone, no anchoring in mooring area". It will be anchored with two anchors and will be located near the rock pile by May 29th. Leslie asked if channel markers would be in place by May 22"" for Memorial Day. Dick Hale said propably not and the contract said May 29th. Leslie reminded Dick Hale to emphasize main charmel into MarinalYacht Club area and tighten up the Goose Island Charmel. '. Leslie reviewed current mooring applications and status for each, as follows: Porter(previously discussed); Maynard - acceptable to locate Bullfrog at that mooring; Horan, Wadsworth - No boat, so no mooring; Nelson -Drandfuthered former property owner; Salzman - Still a property owner; Cox - No check or . mooring application received,but inspection form good; Investigate Van Hengel, Sr. and Van Hengel, Jr. (two mooring applications for the same vessel, Pandion) All applications go to Tom Doherty with checks. Pirates Cove Marine will bid on transients this year. There will be no changes to the rate of$30.00 per vessel per night and $50.00 for 2 vessels rafted per night. Leslie reviewed previous discussions on the subject of mooring inspections. A discussion ensued regarding visual inspections and their importance, given the durability of different parts of the mooring tackle depending on the set up. The Committee agreed that 1998 applicants submitting inspection forms with visual inspections of 1995 or previous listed on the form should be reminded to visually inspect those components this season. It was agreed that a list of all moorings outside West Harbor should be created and they, too, should be inspected. More information is needed on vessels under cruising club permits (size oflargest boats, etc.) Also, it was reiterated that shorefront property owners will not be issued a mooring permit solely for their guests or renters. Rules for mooring applications and use should be stated and posted by the Committee, at Ali's suggestion. All Committee members agreed that clearer communication of committee policies to the boating community was necessary. . Jim Thompson sent a letter to the Committee requesting a new mooring location, changing from a live- aboard location in east field to storage. He summarized his letter at the meeting and indicated that there is a safety issue with his current mooring, as he has difficulty approaching it due to the location of transient moorings and rocks. The Committee agreed to give his request consideration. A decision was made to contact Strupp about the absence of an application or boat, possibly providing a space for Thompson in Strupp's mooring location. Hellier sent in an application and check asking for a mooring in front of his house. His 1998 application did not list a particular vessel for such a mooring. Leslie agreed to call him and find out about his plans to use the mooring during storms, for an as yet unpurchased vessel or to use for August tenants. Roberts has applied to take over Collyer mooring for the same vessel, Folley, on the mooring since 1996 (approved). Essex Yacht Club requested a mooring and will be refused based on space needs for Island vessels and advised that they will be permitted to use transient moorings. Mooring stickers will be given only to approved applicants, not to those listed on the old mooring list. Stickers are to go on mooring balls by July I, 1998. A reminder letter to pull all stakes by July I" will also go out by June 15, 1998. Ifnot pulled by July I, mooring tackle may be pulled. Tom Doherty suggested that the goal is to get the stickers on mooring balls, not pull tackle. Ultimately, the Town of Southold will become the possessor of pulled tackle, if it comes to that. A suggested process for enforcement follows: Determine why no ball or sticker on tackle by mid-July and pull tackle depending on response from permittee. It was agreed that moorings outside of mooring field will get stickers (no fee required, but paperwork required.) Harbor regulations were reviewed and accepted as is. The question of mooring applicants that do not currently own boats was considered and it was decided that this category of applicant should be advised to re-apply when they acquire a new vessel. . A new policy issue arose concerning applicants with vessels stored at docks applying for mooring space just to have the space, or have it for guests or for tenants. The issue was not thoroughly resolved except that permits are not issued for guests or renters. . Leslie began a review ofthe Draft Guidance and the following points/questions are to be reiterated in a copy provided to mooring permittees: a. b. c. d. No overnight use in west field of West Harbor Moorings are to be issued for applicants only Mooring applicants must list guests and supply list to yacht club How to enforce unauthorized guest use of moorings: I. Tom Doherty will speak to guest and note in log 2. Committee will review log, contact owner by postcard about how guest system works 3. One warning only Leslie will draft Committee policies page for boaters based on above discussion and will circulate for final review by Committee members. Nancy Hunt offered that a boating safety course could be sponsored by the Civic Association and the Harbor Committee. Several committee members indicated that they didn't feel it was either of the group's responsibility to provide a course. Tom Doherty said he is now certified to teach it and tentative dates of 7/17-7/19 were chosen for the course to be given. Chip duPont suggested we contact Spicer's Marina as they advertise a one day course. It was suggested that transportation be offered to and from the mainland for anyone interested in attending. It was resolved to call Spicer's and get more info immediately. It was agreed that Frank Bohlen continue as the delegate from the Yacht Club and Ali Raridon as the delegate from IPP. Some discussion followed regarding Ken Edwards Jr. representing the lobstermen, as lack of attendance at previous meetings was evident. However, it was agree that Ken Edwards, Jr. be the delegate from the Lobstermen's Association. . Next meeting was scheduled for Friday, July 24, 1998 at 4:30 p.m. at the Utility office. Topics will include no discharge zone, compiling a list of mooring owners outside the harbor and mid-season issues. Note: Please mark Friday, October 9 at 4:30 on you calendars for the end of season meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 10:30. .