HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/12/2000
FRIDAY, MAY 12, 2000
Via Phone:
Elby Burr, Frank Bohlen, Cbippy duPont, Louisa Evans, Luis Hom, Allie Raridon
Barry Hall, Leslie Goss
EmCl'SOl\ Hasbrouck, Cornell Cooperative Extension
Nancy Hunt, John Spofford, Stephanie Hall
Leslie opened the meeting with a quick review of comments from Bay Constsbles at the October I
meeting. Luis Horn reiterated the need fur a clearer, easier to read and repaired West Harbor instructional
float. He also repeated a request to have the white marks by Dock Beach say "No Andtoring" on them.
Leslie said she would dteek with Southold to see iftlu:re were any extra buoys we could have (no luck) to
better delineate a no anchoc zone in the Dock Beach vicinity. It was llllI'eed that the Dock Beach vicinity be
added to the no andtoring areas outlined in the printed Harbor Rcgu\ations.
In a brief review of the transient mooring discussion held October I, a member asked if Pirate's
Cove would prepare a report of expenses and income associated with transient mooring administration.
The Committee again agreed to keep the entrance channel to Hay Harbor vague to discourage
crowding and overnight andtoring.
Elby graciously agreed to reprint the annual Harbor Regulations distributed by the bey Constables
to visitors. Elby and Frank agreed to coordinate on the appropriate phone numbers to include.
Louisa agreed to ask the Town for a second "Southold Residents Only" sign for the Town Dock.
Leslie agreed to call Constable Dzenkowski or Town Allcountant Cushman to find out about requested
funding for anchors fur channel marks per Dick Hale's request of July/99.
Frank reported that the FI yadtt Club is aware of the shortage of dock space for small
motor boats. Span wires from piling to piling prohibit small motor boats with the popuJar"T" top from
using all available space. Frank said that Bill Reid might have some device in mind that would create
available space. Frank mentimed that the FI Yacht Club had talked about making dock improvements,
expanding and/or dredging the area between existing docks and the ColemanlDawson shoreline.
Leslie said that th...e were three mooring applications this year for small motor boats
because they could not find dock space. The Committee agreed to approve these mooring applications
(Edwards, Reid, Walker) in additim to renewing Van Hengel from last year. Approval was subject to not
being able to find dock space. Moorings are to be located in vicinity ofbullseyes as close to the docks as
possible. Leslie mentioned that Dick Hale had said all bullseye moorings were being redone this year, so
this was a good opportunity to cluster the bullseyes and make room fur a few small motor boats.
In other discussion about moorings, Otippy mentioned that the McGbeeny 100 would be
moved to location of other IOO's soon. The Committee approved moorings for R. Ryan (2 I' power) in
front of his house on West Harbor near existing Brainard mooring and fur T. Patterson (25' power-I 000
pound mushroom) in the east mooring field of West Harbor in view of Joanne Wall's house. The
Committee denied request from Smith Cove Yacht Club Oast request in 1997) fur a West Harbor mooring
due to space limitatims created by in=sed applicatims frOl11 Island residents. The Committee approved a
mooring for O. Patterson in frmt of his house (Three Sisters) fur a small sail boat.
The Committee tentatively set Friday evening and Saturday moming July 7 and 8 for a
boating safety course at the tire house. Elby and Nancy agreed to handle logistics.
NancyJ-b!nt reported that DollkBeac:h perk "PhIn B" would be submitted to the.Southold
Town Board for apPriiVal. She Will also seek tlmdiiig fot' ilicliCiWpu from the Town's paries and play
grOlDld ftmd. She stated that Dick Grebe had vohmtecred to pull up existing grOWld gratis, and that fill was
sought for cover. She said there would be 10 parking places plus thetum around foc overflow. A member
mentioned that there should be a light for the flag pole. Allie meoticned that saveraI IPP mothers had
requested a running water SOUI'CCl. Allie also menticned that CPctK would p-obably be able to replace
survey stakes before Dick Grebe begins any removal wOOL
Nancy Hunt also reported that the Town had final1y agreed to pay Dick Grebe to dredge
the Town boat ramp at the head of Pirate's Cove. She menticned that FIDCO and/or the FI Club had paved
drivewqys that, through stcnn/rain nm oft; had been silting in the boat ramp. Leslie -tA Hsed gratitude to
the Town, FlDCO and the Club, but expressed regret at a postponed opportunity to CllITect other road nm.
off contributions at that same site.
Nancy Hunt introduced Emerson Hasbrouck of the Cornell Cooperative Extcnsicn
Service who stated that as part of a grant application for $32,000 to the East End Institute for a non-point
source remediation strategy for West Harbor, maybe filtration devices could be placed at the boat ramp to
mitigate other pollutant loading. Mr. Hasbrouck addressed the Committee seeking support for work he
proposes to do for Fishers Ishlnd. He requested a letter of support fur a grant application proposing a two
part project that included: 1) an on-site voluntary septic Of" I.hent and 2) a fecal coliform assessment at
Hay Harbor that would include a delineation of geographic boundaries, identification of various nm-off
contributions and fecal coliform sampling providing a catalogue ofONA profiles.
The Committee and Emerscn engaged in lengthy discussion about sampling protocols,
duration and equipment to be used. Frank Cl"Ap med concern about how data was to be used and what
helpful information it might provide given other pollutant l....di.1&" at Hay Harbor. The Committee agreed
to provide a letter of support for Emerscn to the East End Institute. The thinking is that resulting
recommendations trom Emerson's project might lead to a project that would access the damage award trom
the RTC 300 oil spill.
The next meeting was set for Thursday, July 6"'. at 4:30 p.m. at the Utility Offices.
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