HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/12/2000 Present: Fishers Island Harbor Committee MINUTES Thursday.-October 12, 2000 at 4:30pm at the Fishers Island Utility Offices Elby Burr, Chippy duPont, Louisa Evans, Leslie Goss, Tom Johnson, Baron Kidd, Harris Parsons, Margie Purnell, Allie Raridon and Scudder Sinclair. . Guest: Jennifer Sanger as delegate from Island People's Project for discussion regarding Dock Beach Park Observing: Nancy Hunt anc;l Mele Spofford Leslie opened the meeting by reviewing a letter from Capt. Andrew Heublein outlining his plans, his operating standards and addressing Committee concerns regarding day trippers, safety, late night noise, and overnight parking. He also verbally offered to put rub rails on the dock. . Several Committee members reiterated concern about setting a precedent for other charter captains to start day-tripper businesses to Fishers Island. Within that context, Leslie introduced a letter from Kandi Sanger to the Committee. In the letter, Kandi asked how it was that the Mystic Whaler was tying up at the Yacht Club dock and disgorging day-trippers for the previous three weekends in a row. She asked the Committee to investigate and consider this activity while discussing uses of the Town Dock at Dock Beach. One member asked if this kind of dock use (charter boat pick ups and drop offs) was permissible under the Town's Open Space funding constraints. One member suggested that either the Yacht Club or Goose Island docks be used to pick up and drop off Captain Heublein's patrons. Another member proposed charging Captain Heublein a fee for using the Town dock to cover eventual dock maintenance expenses. Other members reiterated concern about overnight parking and late night noise associated with his operations. Mele Spofford registered concern about any adverse impacts on Island People's Project programs at dock beach, such as inadequate parking for IPP moms if Captain Heublein's passengers used all the parking spaces. . A Committee member suggested a one year or temporary approval for Captain Heublein to use the dock for pick ups and drop offs of his charter patrons as long as his business was generated by islanders and island concerns, and as long as his patrons didn't leave cars overnight or otherwise adversely impact the park and its users or neighbors. Several Committee members strongly recommended that Captain Heublein seek other dock space to use when the year is up. The Committee agreed to these suggestions and Leslie agreed to write to Captain Heublein outlining conditions for approval (see attached). . Leslie asked that Elby Burr, Steve Malinowski and Jenn Sanger be available to work with Allie Raridon on the Dock Beach Park project as liaisons from the Harbor Committee representing the Committee's wide range of opinion on the project. The Committee agreed that there should be no tie ups at the town dock at Dock Beach Park between dusk and dawn and that there should be no automobile parking between midnight and 5:00am. Leslie asked for non-Committee members to depart and begin discussion to reappoint the Fishers Island Bay Constables. She mentioned that she had long talks with both Bay Constables and that they were both interested in reappointment. She reflected that there seemed to be little communication between the two and somewhat of a strained relationship. There was much discussion over the Log books, the different style of entry and whether or not entries were genuine or manufactured. Leslie reported on the condition of both books and reminded members that no specific guidance had been given to the Bay Constables about maintaining the Logs. . Several members mentioned seeing Luis out on patrols fairly frequently. Some commented that fishing gets him out on the water quite a bit. Several members mentioned concern that Mike, although on the water a lot, didn't have the flexibility that Luis did to correct situations because of his duties with BD. Leslie mentioned that Mike said he could and did use the BO vessel to correct a situation if the BD boat was empty. Several members mentioned that although land side harbor checks were good and helpful, they could not be a substitute for an "on the water law enforcement presence". Several members mentioned that Mike was hard to reach. One member suggested checking gas receipts as a way to measure which Bay Constable patrolled more. A Committee member suggested recommending to the Town Board that they reappoint Luis and not reappoint Mike as Fishers Island Bay Constables. Leslie suggested giving Mike an opportunity to address the Committee's concerns next summer and if things didn't work out not recommend him for reappointment in 2002. She also suggested preparing a duty schedule for 2001 so that it was clear to the Committee who was doing whatlwhen and would eliminate the need for Mike and Luis to talk much. Another Committee member suggested getting boat signage for the Bay Constables so that they could be a more effective presence. The Committee decided to recommend Luis for reappointment and advertise a job opening for the second Bay Constable position. Leslie agreed to write to the Town Board citing the reasons of 1) lack of law enforcement presence on the water and 2) difficult to reach as reasons not to reappoint Mike _ . n). . Leslie reported that Barry Hall, delegate from the Hay Harbor Property Owner's ,4.ssociation had retired from the Committee and that Association head Sandy Reigel . . . had provided several names for Committee consideration. The Committee agreed to invite one of the following three people to join the Committee in the following order: Bill Stengel, Peter Lawre-nceand Chriffo Sanger. Leslie mentioned that recent water quality testing in Hay Harbor had ignited concern about the club's old septic system among the Conservancy. TJ, delegate from the Hay Harbor Club and Geb, delegate from the Conservancy will report more fully on this topic and any resulting recommendations in May. Nancy reported that NY state had passed legislation allowing municipalities to ban jet skis from within 1500 feet of shore. Leslie suggested that over the winter we see if any other NY communities adopt such a regulation and for what reasons they do so. Louisa reported that a member of the community wanted the misplaced highway sign removed form the "rock piling" in West Harbor. Leslie said she would ask Luis to take care of removing it. Louisa introduced a letter from Mrs. Rosenberg about what could be done about an apparently abandoned floating dock adjacent to her property. The Committee agreed that there wasn't much to be done other than try to find out who it belonged to and ask them to remove it. If no one claims it, it could be advertised on the PO bulletin board. Leslie agreed to call Mrs. Rosenberg. Two Committee members reported that the BD boat was still noisy and that they had received calls that the boat was starting up at odd hours of the night. Leslie agreed to write Dave Beckwith to see if he knew anything about late night start ups. Louisa mentioned that there is a noise ordinance pending in Southold. Elby reported that Mooring Tackle Inspection Reminder Notices would go out to permittees again at the end of summer 2001. Chippy reported that Baron Kidd had applied for a north shore mooring in front of Sand Song for an 18 foot Whaler. The Committee approved the request upon receipt of copies of letters sent to Baron's neighbors indicating his intent to place a mooring. The next meeting will be held on Friday, November 24th at 4:30pm at the Utility Offices to review Bay Constable applicants and make a recommendation to the Town Board. The meeting adjourned at 6:45pm. Respectfully submitted, Leslie O. Goss .